Re: [newbie-it] Cos che sfrutta tanta memoria (lunghetto)?

2002-05-30 Per discussione ku68

Ciao LukenShiro alle 21:06, mercoledì 29 maggio 2002, hai scritto:

 Ti consiglio di lasciarlo andare per ben piu' di un'ora (consiglierei
 una notte intera e anche qualcosa di piu' ... e' meglio fargli fare
 tutti i test analizzando tutta la memoria, per escludere problemi)
L'ho fatto dalle 19,20 al mattino dopo 13ore e 46 minuti ho dovuto 
interrompere per lavoro continuava a testare. possibile che ci voglia 
così tanto?
A video avevo:
L1 cache 32k 4912MB/s  Pass 89%
L2 cache 512k 644MB/s  Test 60% (in progressione)
Memory 256 m  201MB/s Test#7[moving inv,one  zeros,no cache]
cacheable 256 MTesting 76k - 256M

 Cache   PatternTest PassErrors  
 of    stf   15  0

ho aspettato ancora un po' ma quando il pass è arrivato a 17 e continuava ho 
abbandonato la procedura.  Non c'è un sistema + veloce?
Non so se può essere utile, ho notato che spesso il sistema s'impianta quando 
per esempio, durante la lettura degli articoli dei news group passo da un 
articolo di un gruppo a quello di un altro gruppo (sempre on line). Ecco le 
probabilità che s'impianti crescono notevolmente.. :-(
Inoltre ieri sempre un msg durante la fase di boot mi ha segnalato che: 
/dev/hdc6 inode2 ref count is 18 should be 19 fixed
Che vuol dire? Capisco che dovrei avere 19 invece ho 18 ma di cosa?

 dai un ps -waxuf e vedi tutti i processi attivi
Copio e incollo i processi attivi in questo momento (ho solo indicato utente 
al posto del login):
root 7  0.0  0.0 00 ?SW   12:08   0:00 [kupdated]
root 6  0.0  0.0 00 ?SW   12:08   0:00 [bdflush]
root 5  0.0  0.0 00 ?SW   12:08   0:00 [kswapd]
root 4  0.0  0.0 00 ?SWN  12:08   0:00 
root 1  0.4  0.1  1412  504 ?S12:08   0:04 init
root 2  0.0  0.0 00 ?SW   12:08   0:00 [keventd]
root 3  0.0  0.0 00 ?SW   12:08   0:00 [kapmd]
root 8  0.0  0.0 00 ?SW  12:08   0:00 [mdrecoveryd]
root12  0.0  0.0 00 ?SW   12:08   0:00 [kjournald]
root66  0.0  0.3  1748  892 ?S12:08   0:00 devfsd /dev
root   237  0.0  0.0 00 ?SW   12:08   0:00 [kjournald]
root   498  0.0  0.0 00 ?SW   12:09   0:00 [khubd]
rpc822  0.0  0.2  1544  532 ?S12:09   0:00 portmap
root   847  0.0  0.2  1484  592 ?S12:09   0:00 syslogd -m 0
root   856  0.0  0.4  2028 1124 ?S12:09   0:00 klogd -2
root   910  0.0  0.1  1396  496 ?S12:09   0:00 /usr/sbin/apmd 
 10 -w 5 -W -P /etc/sysconfig/apm-scripts/apmd_proxy
daemon 939  0.0  0.1  1436  496 ?S12:09   0:00 /usr/sbin/atd
root   979  0.0  0.3  2292 1008 ?S12:09   0:00 xinetd 
 -reuse -pidfile /var/run/
root  1052  0.0  0.7  4948 1984 ?S12:09   0:00 cupsd
root  1274  0.0  0.1  1440  468 ?S12:09   0:00 gpm -t ps/2 -m 
root  1381  0.0  0.2  1620  664 ?S12:09   0:00 crond
xfs   1430  0.0  1.8  6036 4744 ?S12:09   0:00 xfs -port -1 
mon -droppriv -user xfs
root  1640  0.0  0.1  1380  408 tty1 S12:09   0:00 /sbin/mingetty 
root  1641  0.0  0.1  1380  408 tty2 S12:09   0:00 /sbin/mingetty 
root  1642  0.0  0.1  1380  408 tty3 S12:09   0:00 /sbin/mingetty 
root  1643  0.0  0.1  1380  408 tty4 S12:09   0:00 /sbin/mingetty 
root  1644  0.0  0.1  1380  408 tty5 S12:09   0:00 /sbin/mingetty 
root  1645  0.0  0.1  1380  408 tty6 S12:09   0:00 /sbin/mingetty 
root  1646  0.0  0.2  2404  692 ?S12:09   0:00 /usr/bin/kdm 
root  1657  0.9  4.1 55572 10500 ?   SL  12:09   0:08  \_ /etc/X11/X 
eferglyphs 16 -auth /var/lib/kdm/authfiles/A:0-qZwqz
root  1698  0.0  0.5  3328 1412 ?S12:09   0:00  \_ -:0

utente1769  0.0  0.4  2436 1204 ?S12:11   0:00  \_ 
/bin/sh /
utente1926  0.0  2.4 13864 6188 ?S12:12   0:00  \_ 
rver --restore
utente1786  0.0  0.9  7444 2452 ?S12:11   0:00 
utente1859  0.0  2.3 18624 5920 ?S12:11   0:00 kdeinit: 
utente   1874  0.0  1.4  5744 3632 ?  S12:12   0:00  \_ /usr/bin/arts
d -F 10 -S 4096 -s 1 -m artsmessage -l 3 -f
utente1944  0.2  4.3 21652 11080 ? S12:12   0:01  \_ kdeinit: kwin

utente 1982  5.4  3.6 19400 9260 ? S12:24 0:00  \_ konsole --nox

Re: [newbie-it] Cos che sfrutta tanta memoria(lunghetto)?

2002-05-30 Per discussione LukenShiro

Il 30.05.02 alle 12:41, il notabile ku68 proferi' codeste parole:
 L'ho fatto dalle 19,20 al mattino dopo 13ore e 46 minuti ho dovuto
 interrompere per lavoro continuava a testare. possibile che ci voglia
 così tanto?

Quasi 14 ore non sono poche, ma non vorrei che da qualche parte fosse
impostato un loop senza fine (che quindi continua a ripetere i test a
manetta): dai casomai uno sguardo nelle impostazioni.
Comunque non appaiono errori, quindi il problema di inchiodamento non
pare dovuto a defaillances nella memoria.

 ho aspettato ancora un po' ma quando il pass è arrivato a 17 e continuava ho
 abbandonato la procedura.  Non c'è un sistema + veloce?

I test seri (come appunto memtest) sono costruiti in modo da analizzare
tutta la memoria con diversi pattern e vedere la reazione del sistema:
sottoponendola a stress, ove avesse qualche debolezza o funzionasse
eccessivamente oltre i limiti di specifica, il problema 'dovrebbe'
essere rilevato.
Un test condotto diversamente sarebbe solo un palliativo di grande
perdita di tempo e nessuna utilita' pratica.

 Non so se può essere utile, ho notato che spesso il sistema s'impianta quando
 per esempio, durante la lettura degli articoli dei news group passo da un
 articolo di un gruppo a quello di un altro gruppo (sempre on line). Ecco le
 probabilità che s'impianti crescono notevolmente.. :-(

Per caso a volte, quando il disco frulla molto, noti dei rumori strani
provenire dal disco fisso? come dei grattamenti? in caso affermativo
potrebbe trattarsi di settori dell'HD danneggiati.
In init 1 e a partizioni smontate (tranne ovviamente /, che
controllerai separatamente in un secondo tempo, avviando da cd-rom -
rescue), dai una controllata con 'badblocks': attenzione a NON usare
l'opzione '-w', altrimenti perdi _tutto_ il contenuto della partizione.

 /dev/hdc6 inode2 ref count is 18 should be 19 fixed
 Che vuol dire? Capisco che dovrei avere 19 invece ho 18 ma di cosa?

E' un errore del filesystem (perlopiu' proprio perche' il sistema non
e' stato chiuso correttamente con lo smontaggio delle partizioni), che
dovresti risolvere con un 'fsck /dev/hdc6'

  dai un ps -waxuf e vedi tutti i processi attivi
 Copio e incollo i processi attivi in questo momento (ho solo indicato utente
 al posto del login):
 C'è qualcosa di strano secondo voi?

A me sembra nella normalita' (almeno .. a parte le ultime righe che sono
arrivate tagliate). Prendi magari in considerazione un window-manager
alternativo a kde (pur continuando ad usare alcuni suoi programmi).

   Per esempio vorrei togliere tutto quello che riguarda il controllo delle
   batterie dei portatili si può fare?
  Se c'e' un'applet che si occupa di questo, basta rimuoverla.
 No da applicazioni - kde - controllo energia ci sono alcuni prg come faccio a
 sapere il nome per levarli da software manager?

Mi pare che sia 'klaptopdaemon', comunque dovrebbe esserci un
riferimento nel centro di controllo KDE. Non e' necessario
disinstallarli basta disattivarli.

  rpc AFAIK serve a portmap per la condivisione di dischi in NFS tra due
  sistemi *nix: se non ti serve basta disattivare nfsd con drakxservices.
 Boh, ho un pc con due hd linux mdk 8.2 e win98se. Serve?

No (e lo stesso per portmap). Poi se non hai esigenze particolari
per offrire servizi di rete all'esterno su richiesta (vedi server telnet, posta, web 
puoi disattivare anche xinetd.

 Riuscirò a risolvere il problema del crash improvviso? Se dipendesse dalla
 memoria non avrei dovuto avere il solito guaio anche con la mdk 8.1?

Spesso guasti hadware sono provocati o aggravati da oscillazioni
anormali di tensione elettrica a volte impercettibili (per noi), ma fatali per
l'impiantistica microelettronica. Pensa all'opportunita' di mettere
delle prese elettriche a ciabatta protettive ed eventualmente (se hai
blackout frequenti) dei gruppi di continuita'.
Non escluderei comunque, per ragioni di sicurezza, un controllo
dell'impianto elettrico, per verificare che sia a norma e in perfetto stato.

LU #210970 LM #98222 SU #12583
K 2.4.18-puro * Slackware 8.1-rc1 ;-)

Re: [newbie-it] Cos che sfrutta tanta memoria (lunghetto)?

2002-05-30 Per discussione ku68

Ciao LukenShiro alle 15:54, giovedì 30 maggio 2002, hai scritto:

 Quasi 14 ore non sono poche, ma non vorrei che da qualche parte fosse
 impostato un loop senza fine (che quindi continua a ripetere i test a
 manetta): dai casomai uno sguardo nelle impostazioni.
eh eh dove?

 Per caso a volte, quando il disco frulla molto, noti dei rumori strani
 provenire dal disco fisso? come dei grattamenti? 
No a volte (anche in win) una specie di sottilissimo fischio che poi smette
non saprei è come quando parte la ventola della macchina.

 Pensa all'opportunita' di mettere
 delle prese elettriche a ciabatta protettive ed eventualmente (se hai
 blackout frequenti) dei gruppi di continuita'.
Ho sia la ciabatta che il gruppo di continuità... :-)
Ciao ku68
Ho visto questo file .xsession - error copio e incollo magari potrebbe essere 

kdeinit: Launched DCOPServer, pid = 1874 result = 0
DCOP: register 'anonymous-1871' - number of clients is now 1
DCOP: register 'anonymous-1874' - number of clients is now 2
DCOPServer up and running.
DCOP: unregister 'anonymous-1871'
DCOP: unregister 'anonymous-1874'
DCOP: register 'ksplash' - number of clients is now 1
kdeinit: Launched KLauncher, pid = 1878 result = 0
DCOP: register 'klauncher' - number of clients is now 2
DCOP: unregister 'klauncher'
DCOP: register 'klauncher' - number of clients is now 2
DCOP: register 'anonymous-1878' - number of clients is now 3
DCOP: new daemon klauncher
DCOP: unregister 'anonymous-1878'
kdeinit: Launched KDED, pid = 1881 result = 0
DCOP: register 'kded' - number of clients is now 2
DCOP: unregister 'kded'
DCOP: register 'kded' - number of clients is now 2
DCOP: register 'anonymous-1881' - number of clients is now 3
DCOP: register 'anonymous-1882' - number of clients is now 4
kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'kbuildsycoca' from launcher.
DCOP: register 'kbuildsycoca' - number of clients is now 5
kdeinit: PID 1883 terminated.
DCOP: unregister 'kbuildsycoca'
DCOP: unregister 'anonymous-1882'
kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'kconf_update' from launcher.
kdeinit: PID 1884 terminated.
DCOP: new daemon kded
DCOP: unregister 'anonymous-1881'
kdeinit: PID 1881 terminated.
kdeinit: opened connection to :0.0
kdeinit: Launched 'kcminit', pid = 1885 result = 0
DCOP: register 'anonymous-1885' - number of clients is now 2
kdeinit: Got SETENV 'GTK_RC_FILES=/etc/gtk/gtkrc:/home/curzio/.gtkrc' from 
kdeinit: Got SETENV 'KDE_MULTIHEAD=false' from klauncher.
kdeinit: Got SETENV 'QT_XFT=1' from klauncher.
kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'kmixctrl' from launcher.
kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'artswrapper' from launcher. No file names found in paths.
Could not load library! Trying exec
DCOP: unregister 'anonymous-1885'
kdeinit: PID 1885 terminated.
kdeinit: Launched 'knotify', pid = 1889 result = 0
DCOP: register 'knotify' - number of clients is now 2
DCOP: register 'anonymous-1889' - number of clients is now 3
DCOP: new daemon knotify
kdeinit: PID 1889 terminated.
DCOP: unregister 'anonymous-1889'
There are already artsd objects registered, looking if they are active...
... cleaned 5 unused mcop global references.

DCOP: register 'ksmserver' - number of clients is now 2
kdeinit: Got SETENV 
'SESSION_MANAGER=local/localhost.localdomain:/tmp/.ICE-unix/1941' from 
kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'kwin' from launcher.
kdeinit: PID 1887 terminated.
DCOP: unregister 'ksplash'
DCOP: register 'anonymous-1961' - number of clients is now 2
DCOP: unregister 'anonymous-1961'
DCOP: register 'anonymous-1961' - number of clients is now 2
DCOP: unregister 'anonymous-1961'
DCOP: register 'kwin' - number of clients is now 2
kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'kdesktop' from launcher.
DCOP: register 'kdesktop' - number of clients is now 3
DCOP: register 'anonymous-1975' - number of clients is now 4
kdeinit: PID 1975 terminated.
DCOP: unregister 'anonymous-1975'
kdeinit: Got EXT_EXEC 'krootwarning' from launcher. No file names found in paths.
Could not load library! Trying exec
kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'kicker' from launcher.
kdeinit: PID 1977 terminated.
DCOP: register 'kicker' - number of clients is now 4
DCOP: register 'anonymous-1978' - number of clients is now 5
kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'kio_file' from launcher.
kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'kio_file' from launcher.
kdeinit: PID 1978 terminated.
DCOP: unregister 'anonymous-1978'
kdeinit: Got EXT_EXEC 'klipper' from launcher.
kdeinit: Got EXT_EXEC 'alarmd' from launcher. No file names found in paths.
DCOP: register 'klipper' - number of clients is now 5
DCOP: register 'anonymous-1986' - number of clients is now 6
Could not load library! Trying exec
kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'kwrited' from launcher.
DCOP: register 'kwrited' - number of clients is now 7
DCOP: register 'anonymous-1989' - number of clients is now 8
DCOP: register 'alarmd' - number of clients is now 9
DCOP: register 'anonymous-1988' - number of clients is now 10
kdeinit: PID 1986 terminated.

Re: [newbie-it] Cos che sfrutta tanta memoria(lunghetto)?

2002-05-30 Per discussione LukenShiro

Il 30.05.02 alle 18:47, il notabile ku68 proferi' codeste parole:
  non vorrei che da qualche parte fosse
  impostato un loop senza fine (che quindi continua a ripetere i test a
  manetta): dai casomai uno sguardo nelle impostazioni.
 eh eh dove?

Azz, e' da un bel po' che non lo uso ed ora non ce l'ho installato. Ci
dovrebbe essere un tasto che richiama le opzioni ( se usare o
meno la cache nel test, quali test avviare ecc...)

 Ho visto questo file .xsession - error copio e incollo magari potrebbe essere
 kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'artswrapper' from launcher. No file names found in paths.
 Could not load library! Trying exec

Gli errori come questo AFAIK non mi sembrano molto significativi, ne'
direi che possano contribuire ad instabilita' generali e blocchi.

Ma, dato che finche' non si riducono le variabili in gioco avrai una
bassissima probabilita' di individuare qual e' il problema, prova ad
andare per esclusione: inizia a non utilizzare kde come w.m., ma
magari gnome, e cosi' via.

Altra possibilita' e' utilizzare un programma tipo 'cpuburn' per
mandare a pieno regime (meglio ancora avviando piu' istanze
contemporaneamente) la cpu, farla surriscaldare [attenzione che la
temperatura non salga troppo, pero' .. dovresti tenerla sotto controllo
tramite lmsensors, che monitorizza i sensori termici della scheda madre]
e verificare il comportamento del sistema in caso di iperattivita'
O in alternativa potresti svolgere un'attivita' impegnativa come un
ciclo lungo e ripetuto di compilazione del kernel (non importa il
prodotto finale, quello che interessa e' l'attivita'). Se si inchioda in
questa fase, senza tanti altri processi attivi, forse abbiamo
individuato il problema, e non e' il software ... altrimenti e'
qualcos'altro ;-PP

LU #210970 LM #98222 SU #12583
K 2.4.18-puro * Slackware 8.1-rc1 ;-)

Re: [newbie-it] lilo.conf

2002-05-30 Per discussione Giuseppe Ferruzzi

  freefred wrote:

ma ora che mi ci fai pensare anche la mdk
scrive le label come mdk_kernel, insomma comprimendo.
Deve anche forse esserci una spiegazione
che sarei curioso di conoscere.



Bravo frefred adesso cominciamo a capirci ... ;-)
Per quanto riguarda i normali nomi alle directory mi sono accorto che 
se  crei per esempio la directory prova due con spazio nel mezzo, poi 
per entrare in questa directory devi scrivere sulla riga di comando cd 
prova\due se scrivi invece cd prova due dice che la directory non 
esiste. Per ovviare a questo bisogna utilizzare al loro posto degli 
spazi i segni  -  oppure  _  cosi da scrivere prova_due o  
prova-due .
Saluti da Giuseppe.

miKe wrote:

ma puoi sempre dettagliare in 

dove non hai limitazioni ed alle label associ una bella spiegazione



E' da una settimana che cerco  la soluzione che tu ora mi hai dato, non 
immagini che sollievo :-)
Ti ringrazio miKe, mi puoi fare però un esempio di come dovrei associare 
una label su lilo.conf
con la directory /boot/boot_message.txt ?   

Saluti da Giuseppe.

Re: [newbie] Change rw permissions on folder of files

2002-05-30 Per discussione Michael Adams

On Thu, 30 May 2002 16:00, db wrote:
 Working with Redhat 5.2  Fvfm, I have a ton of files in a folder that I
 copied (as root) from a CD.

 I need to reset the rw and perhaps ownership attributes en mass so that the
 files can be written to and worked with by other users.

 I know this is basic but could anyone clue this newbie in?

first off, open a terminal window.

type man chmod

Have a read of that.

if you are not the owner of the files you may want man chown and man 
chgrp as well. If root (or someone else) is the owner then su is your 
friend also.

Then you want a command set something like:

# cd /home/your_name/your_directory/where_the_files_are
# chmod -R 0640 *

or 0740 for executables

This is a common import from fat32 problem.

Hope this makes sense.

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Re: [newbie] Possibly OT? MDK Partitioning

2002-05-30 Per discussione Michael Adams

On Thu, 30 May 2002 11:18, Dale Huckeby wrote:
 On Wed, 29 May 2002, Michael Adams wrote:
  On Wed, 29 May 2002 13:58, FemmeFatale wrote:
   I've run 8.0, 8.1  now 8.2.  Always I've accepted the default install
   partitions of root (/), swap  home.
   the one time I tried on 8.0 to make a boot, root, swap, var  other
   partitions, the boot partition was blank.  As a result the root
   directory had a  boot directory beneath it holding the boot files.  I
   was stumped.
   Is this standard behaviour or did I screw something up? *not that
   that'd be the first time I manage to FUBAR a system.*
  Not sure Femme. If you told it /boot is a partition, the directory
  should have been effectively a hard link to your /boot partition. In my
  understanding, often error prone, in up to 8.1 /boot and / both needed to
  be ext2 but not under 8.2. Without knowing exactly what you tried and how
  you went about it, it is hard to tell more.

   I've been using /, swap, /home, and /usr, all primary partitions, and
 all but swap ReiserFS, since 7.2.  Hasn't been any trouble.

 Dale Huckeby

There you go, i was error prone... dang. Perhaps it was a reccomend that the 
/ and /boot be ext2. I dunno why, but i am pretty sure i heard it somewhere.


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Re: [newbie] OT Journaling, gotta love it

2002-05-30 Per discussione Michael Adams

On Thu, 30 May 2002 05:23, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Wednesday 29 May 2002 09:17 am, daRcmaTTeR wrote:
  On Wed, 29 May 2002, Tom Brinkman wrote:
Which file system?  Anyhow, you really should have your
   system on an UPS if power outages are any more than a very rare
   occurrence. An UPS will also keep power steady and protect your
   hardware from spikes and brownouts. While the FS can escape
   damage, your hardware sometimes can't.
  Just out of curiosity, how many systems can you safely run on one

  I've got a Tbird oc'd to 1.55 gig, Cdrom, CD-RW, 2 HDD's, 17
 monitor, and a Altec Lansing subwoofer sound system IOW's a real
 power hog.  I've got an old APC BackUPS 500 that'll keep it all
 runnin for ~15 minutes when the power goes south.  The batteries are
 original, and I've not needed to replace 'em, or seen a drop in their
 performance.  Just as important, maybe more so tho, an UPS feeds
 clean power to the system, no spikes or drops. Very important for
 sensitive electronics reliability and performance.

 It's only a 500VA UPS, but plenty for a single desk top system.
 Price was $123 some 5 years ago.  They make other UPS systems that
 can handle multiple systems, even up to multiple rack servers.
 'Course they cost more $$'s.  APC is the preferred brand, but there's
 other good ones.  They're heavy, so buyin one locally (I got mine at
 Wall*Mart) is probly a better option than buyin online and payin
 lot'sa shipping.

 FWIW, since I asked, after 3 experiences with XFS, I'm back to
 good 'ol tried'n true ReiserFS for all my Linux partitions. Sort'a
 way OT, I got a 350W inverter for $47 from Wally World a few months
 ago. It'll run a 19 TV for 5 to 6 hours off the battery in my Chevy
 ... and then the truck still starts like nothin was drainin it. It's
 magic!! So after I have to shut down the computer when the power goes
 out  at least I can still watch TV by candle light  ;)

Ah, re your earlier question. it was XFS. First power cut this year. 
I pull the plug when lightnings around. That many volts can jump a switchgap 
anyway if it feels like it. I have a zapguard multiway power box with all 
'puter sockets plugged into it to get in the way of small spikes.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Slightly OT Mandrake stock

2002-05-30 Per discussione Michael Adams

On Thu, 30 May 2002 15:41, Brian Parish wrote:
 On Thu, 2002-05-30 at 07:44, FemmeFatale wrote:
  Tom Brinkman wrote:
   On Wednesday 29 May 2002 11:13 am, Dave Conroy wrote:
   It's only a matter of time before lot'sa people will need to
   unlearn Windows, and learn somethin else.  Specially with M$'s new
   fangled SA programs (price gouging scams), and the horrific security
   holes that all M$ OS's and software feature.
   Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas
  a) won't happen soon enough
  b) won't happen.
  Why? Because linux will never be a desktop OS for the masses IMO.
  Requires too much tech knowledge and most just want their machine to
  work.  Shrugs, My opinion.  I know its come a long way but its still got
  a longer way to go yet.

 I agree if you are talking DIY installs, but having just set up my 83
 year old father-in-law on 8.2, I don't agree on the usability side.
 Anyone who doesn't know about computers either has a friend who
 installs it, or buys the machine with the OS (W$) preinstalled.  Ask the
 average user to install W$ from scratch and the gotchas would come just
 as fast as they do with Mandrake.

 So this is the real difference from my viewpoint.  The guy next door
 knows about W$, but not about linux.  Given someone like me to set it up
 and provide an icon for each thing you want to do, Mandrake is not a
 problem for the novice.

 It's a telling point that having changed the 83 year old over to linux
 from W98, the number of support calls I have received is so far zero -
 used to average several per week.


Yep, this is the way that i see things too.

Give em a configured Linux computer with a user login and they are less 
likely to roast it, it is less likely to hiccup, and they can learn the 
operating system if they choose.

If they find something else they want installed and configured, why can't we 
do that for them too. I have seen more balls up computers of people that have 
indiscriminately loaded than any other damage excepting virus.

When they feel they are ready to start using the root password, then give it 
to them. Most USERS would never ask for it. Remember most that come to Linux 
at present are at least semi computer literate and are used to playing under 
the hood.

Time we started touting the invulnerability of this idea. Thus:

* Linux is virtually virus free
* A well set up box is more idiot proof by far
* what you break in your own directory is often easily fixed. i.e. delete the 
.kde directory and log out, then log back in again.
* Linux is far more standards compliant
* Low cost, even pre-installed

I'm sure there are others. Now where is that MySQL front end to complete the 

Others have already said how it is not a problem to migrate USERs to Linux 
from windows. How many businesses happily migrated staff from Wordperfect to 
Word because a boss decided it looked better.


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[newbie] OT=to Damian!

2002-05-30 Per discussione Dimitris Ioannou

{simply put, my guess is a lot of people have billions
of green reasons
not to
let Linux grow.

Hello Damian

Can you please define that last point of yours? What
exactly do you mean by that. I thought of the opposite
so far.


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Re: [newbie] Slightly OT Mandrake stock

2002-05-30 Per discussione Dimitris Ioannou

 --- Henry B. Wangle Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED] :
 On Wednesday 29 May 2002 18:20, you wrote:
 Well not wanting to beat my own drum but anyone who
 say's that Linux is not 
 ready for the desktop needs to relook at it . Case
 in point my wife of 22 
 years now age 44 had 2 strokes that paralyzed her
 left side and hurt her 
 mental capabilities as well . I have been gradually
 weaning her away from 
 windows for about 6 months now and she has very
 little problems with Linux . 
 Now considering that she has some short term memory
 loss and some long term 
 memory loss I think that say's bundles for the ease
 of use of Mandrake. 
 Balance that against that against the fact that she
 had used windows for 
 about 6 years prior to this with numerous problems
 with it both pre stroke 
 and post stroke (2 Strokes back to back in Dec of
 1998 ) She love it and its 
 ease of use. I on the otherhand am still learning
 everyday and get myself 
 into more trouble than if I'd just stick with the
 basic Mandrake setup, Being 
 a tinkerer of sorts I'm inclined to play to my
 deteriment on occassion and 
 Thanks to the many willing and Knowledgeable
 Penguins out here in Newbie land 
 ( Civilme, Sridhar, Tom, and yes even Femme, as well
 as many more of you ) 
 I'm able to fix most of my Foulups and bloopers. By
 the way I'm also a lurker 
 and 9 times out of 10 someone must be psychic as one
 of you usually address 
 the problem with a solution before I get to ask for
 help. Try that with 
 windows and see if you get the same results. On the
 unfortunate side there 
 are still a few programs that we still have to
 depend on before I can be 
 totally windows free ( please hurry Quicken, So Now
 Your Cooking, Family tree 
 , and Vehicle Records Systems.) . With that said I
 agree with Miark as to the 
 fact it is ready now .Now off my Stump and back into
 the quiet existence 
 again I go.
 Hank Wangle 
 SSGT Usmc(retired) 
Because linux will never be a desktop OS for
 the masses IMO.
   Requires too much tech knowledge and most just
 want their machine to
   work.  Shrugs, My opinion.  I know its come a
 long way but its still got
   a longer way to go yet.
  I couldn't disagree more. Gnome and KDE are every
 bit as powerful as
  Winsux (more, really), and just as easy (well,
 KDE, anyway). This
  was true of my own conversion (a computer-literate
 chap), and for my
  wife (a computer-illiterate lass).
  I'd say Linux is ready for the desktop right now!
   Well said both of you!

As for me I couldn't agree more with you Miark (You
really rock when you want to!). Two days ago I
installed LM 8.2 to vet-doctor friend of mine. I even
managed to get FreeVet to work and I got a 2 months
free visit and vaccination for my 3 dog's.He's a happy
man. He couldn't afford to pay M$Office or Antivirus
things but after seing his old DELL Latidude 300Mhz PC
to work and doing so many things he happily went in
Mandrake Store and order via their web-page the
Pro-Suite edition. He's even convinced to be a Silver
Member. I don't know though if he has done it yet.

Cheers to both of you


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Re: [newbie] Greetings everyone

2002-05-30 Per discussione Raffaele Belardi

make sure you connected the audio cable (4-lead with flat heads) from 
the CD to the sound card.


 Hi , My name is Igor Scerbina, I recently installed Mandrake linux OS
 and am interested in learning as much as i can.
 I am currently having trouble setting up my cmi8338 sound card. It plays
 the error sounds but doesn't want to play any of my audio Cd's.
 I would greatly appreciate any help.
 Thanks Igor Scerbina 

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Re: [newbie] Slightly OT Mandrake stock

2002-05-30 Per discussione FemmeFatale

Brian Parish wrote:
 On Thu, 2002-05-30 at 07:44, FemmeFatale wrote:

 I agree if you are talking DIY installs, but having just set up my 83
 year old father-in-law on 8.2, I don't agree on the usability side.
 Anyone who doesn't know about computers either has a friend who
 installs it, or buys the machine with the OS (W$) preinstalled.  Ask the
 average user to install W$ from scratch and the gotchas would come just
 as fast as they do with Mandrake.
 So this is the real difference from my viewpoint.  The guy next door
 knows about W$, but not about linux.  Given someone like me to set it up
 and provide an icon for each thing you want to do, Mandrake is not a
 problem for the novice.
 It's a telling point that having changed the 83 year old over to linux
 from W98, the number of support calls I have received is so far zero -
 used to average several per week.

OK Brian wins.  He got my point across better than I did.  I bow humbly
to his usage of english.  

Ty Brian.


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] Greetings everyone

2002-05-30 Per discussione Dimitris Ioannou

Press Alt+F2 and type aumix. A mixer thing will come
up. Check if the volumes are on. If they are on 0 put
them up with your mouse. Afraid you have to do it all
the time. I had it too on KDE 2.2.2 but not anymore
since I'm using KDE 3.


 --- Rodrigo [EMAIL PROTECTED] :  On
Wednesday 29 May 2002 22:04, you wrote:
 Hello Igor,
 Is your sound card an onboard sound card ?
 Which application do you use to play your audio cds
 Can you play mp3 or wav files ?
  Hi , My name is Igor Scerbina, I recently
 installed Mandrake linux OS
  and am interested in learning as much as i can.
  I am currently having trouble setting up my
 cmi8338 sound card. It plays
  the error sounds but doesn't want to play any of
 my audio Cd's.
  I would greatly appreciate any help.
  Thanks Igor Scerbina
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from
 Go to

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Re: [newbie] Samba - Half there?

2002-05-30 Per discussione FemmeFatale

Brian Parish wrote:

 First step has got to be to get rid of netbui.  I have set up many
 windows and windows/linux networks and have always used TCP/IP
 exclusively. If your W$ machines can't see each other without netbui,
 then tcp/ip is not correctly installed or configured.

OK Brian if thats the case then mines not installed correctly either.  I
have to use Netbeui myself because my computer is 2k/linux, g/f's is
win98.  I tried in vain several times to use just TCP/IP.

Email me offlist if you wish to help me get this crap sorted?

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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[newbie] Install on Powerbook G4

2002-05-30 Per discussione Joaquin Menchaca
Title: Install on Powerbook G4

I just got a Titanium with the Mobility Radeon 7500 ( and the install freezes during the part when it loads the graphical environment. 

What gives?

Re: [newbie] How Do i uninstall stuff,

2002-05-30 Per discussione Dimitris Ioannou

 --- ben [EMAIL PROTECTED] :  Hello,
 Im a New Linux user, yes i've been using
 win2k/server for years.  I just install Kvirc and
 want to uninstall and reinstall a different verson
 is there any documention that could help me or you
 could send me. 
 Thanks for you time.

Hello Ben 

From a console su to root and type urpme the name of
the package you want uninstalled and everything
should be done. Otherwise you go from the package
manager and check from the installed section you click
on the package you want out and thats it. 



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RE: [newbie] Slightly OT Mandrake stock

2002-05-30 Per discussione Franki

another case in point...

my girlfriend has used only windows at work...

I gave her a windows PC at home for a present.. (the kind that keeps on
giving, virus's defrag etc.. :-)

two months ago, I told her I was going to swap her to linux.. she said  can
I still read email and browse web and write documents and make
spreadsheets...  I said yes.. she said OK... and hasn't had a problem.

its not that hard anymore,, only the install and config are hard...

I am not a fan of microshaft, but I have to admit that their config and
add/remove stuff is still better then Mandrake's.. or any other *nix..
fortunatly thats the only area where they are ahead...



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Henry B. Wangle Jr.
Sent: Thursday, 30 May 2002 1:34 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Slightly OT Mandrake stock

On Wednesday 29 May 2002 18:20, you wrote:
Well not wanting to beat my own drum but anyone who say's that Linux is not
ready for the desktop needs to relook at it . Case in point my wife of 22
years now age 44 had 2 strokes that paralyzed her left side and hurt her
mental capabilities as well . I have been gradually weaning her away from
windows for about 6 months now and she has very little problems with Linux .
Now considering that she has some short term memory loss and some long term
memory loss I think that say's bundles for the ease of use of Mandrake.
Balance that against that against the fact that she had used windows for
about 6 years prior to this with numerous problems with it both pre stroke
and post stroke (2 Strokes back to back in Dec of 1998 ) She love it and its
ease of use. I on the otherhand am still learning everyday and get myself
into more trouble than if I'd just stick with the basic Mandrake setup,
a tinkerer of sorts I'm inclined to play to my deteriment on occassion and
Thanks to the many willing and Knowledgeable Penguins out here in Newbie
( Civilme, Sridhar, Tom, and yes even Femme, as well as many more of you )
I'm able to fix most of my Foulups and bloopers. By the way I'm also a
and 9 times out of 10 someone must be psychic as one of you usually address
the problem with a solution before I get to ask for help. Try that with
windows and see if you get the same results. On the unfortunate side there
are still a few programs that we still have to depend on before I can be
totally windows free ( please hurry Quicken, So Now Your Cooking, Family
, and Vehicle Records Systems.) . With that said I agree with Miark as to
fact it is ready now .Now off my Stump and back into the quiet existence
again I go.

Hank Wangle
SSGT Usmc(retired)
   Because linux will never be a desktop OS for the masses IMO.
  Requires too much tech knowledge and most just want their machine to
  work.  Shrugs, My opinion.  I know its come a long way but its still got
  a longer way to go yet.

 I couldn't disagree more. Gnome and KDE are every bit as powerful as
 Winsux (more, really), and just as easy (well, KDE, anyway). This
 was true of my own conversion (a computer-literate chap), and for my
 wife (a computer-illiterate lass).

 I'd say Linux is ready for the desktop right now!


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RE: [newbie] Slightly OT Mandrake stock

2002-05-30 Per discussione Franki

I agree,

but mandrake has not dumbed down the newbie install enough...

things to get rid off..
1. Choise of print server setup.. default to cups or whatever unless they
click advanced and change it..
2. Ditto sound server..
3. autodetect windows machines on network and presetup Komba2 and put
network neighbourhood similiar link on desktop.
4. Improve Java and flash integration/installation in browsers.
5. revert back to 7.2 type rpmdrake and add the 8.2+ functionality to it..
they fixed something that wasn't broken.. (the interface)
6. diskdrake in newbie install should have only a couple of options and an
advanced button.. the two options should be install mandrake alongside
windows and install mandrake instead of windows  the advanced button can
have everything else.

I design and write apps for newbies.. (mostly CGI stuff.) and I apparently
have talent designin stuff that anyone can use.. (if they can read)  and
thats what windows did.. they dumbed the whole thing down.. (they did it to
the whole XP os.. but luckily you can undo it.)

just some thoughts...



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Marc
Sent: Wednesday, 29 May 2002 8:46 PM
Subject: [newbie] Slightly OT Mandrake stock

   This may be a bit off topic but most likley of intrist to a few folks
here.  The other
day I pulled the last of the money that I had in the stock market out. Lucky
for me
that everything else I had in the market I had pulled out several years ago
the whole market went way down. I really know next to nothing about the
market and have very little intrest in it.
In spite of this I got to thinking about all the stuff that I had read
in the past year
or so here and a number of other places about all the people , goverment
school districts, colleges and corperations that have been dropping
microsoft like a
hot rock and all the bad press that microsoft has had a number of places
the world.
  It seemed to me that this was a trend that was going to continue. Also it
to me that it would start to catch on more in the home pc user market also.
What if all this diccontent with microshaft continues to grow, it seems
like it will.
Where will all these unhappy computer users do for there next OS.
It seemed to me that they have little to choose from but Linux and Mac but
machines seem overpriced and not very avalable. That leaves very little in
the way
of options except linux.
 I thought this over a little bit more, most of these people are not
computer ginuses
and know just enough to do basic stuff in windows, they are going to need
something user friendly with a desktop similar to windows and they are going
need some good customer support to get started.
  It seems to me that Mandrake Linux fills these needs better than any other
  Is Mandrake destined for great success in the next couple of years, it
seems to
me like they should be.  I looked at what Mandrake stock has done in the
year. It has really dropped, I have trouble understanding why. As best as I
can tell
from all this stock market gibberish mandrake seems VERY undervalued. It
seems to me that it has nowhere to go but up and maybe way way up.
  What do all you folks think? do all of us have a inside track on something
that is
destined to really go places? Maybe we all should be buying into Mandrake. I
not base any of this on stock market knowlage but just what seems like
sense to me.

  Sorry for something that is such a long post on something that is somewhat

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[newbie] Titanium Video broken in Mandrake 8.2

2002-05-30 Per discussione Joaquin Menchaca
Title: Titanium Video broken in Mandrake 8.2

The video mode is whacked. I tried GUI installs. NOT!!!
I tried text install and then 1024x768 mode, NOT

It's seems that the ATI Mobility Radeon 7500 has problems. :-(

No Linux for me.

[newbie] Desktop Linux

2002-05-30 Per discussione Bryan Tyson

On Wednesday 29 May 2002 22:30, Michael wrote:

 As you said Linux has come a long way, but I do not think that it is
 that far away from being an option for the desktop.

I would go further and say not only is it not far away from being an 
option, it *is* an option, and it is the *best* option. In my opinion, 
the days of Linux trying to catch up to or equal Windows are over. 
I have WinXP installed on one machine, and for me Linux is the easy 
winner. Linux is actually nicer for desktop use than Windows.

I am still hoping Microsoft's ridiculous activation scheme will wake up 
some of the general public to stop automatically taking whatever MS 
dishes out as though there were no alternative.

Powered by SuSE Linux 7.3 Professional
KDE 2.2.1 KMail 1.3.1
This is a Microsoft-free computer

Bryan S. Tyson

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RE: [newbie] Titanium Video broken in Mandrake 8.2

2002-05-30 Per discussione MELEAN Yasmin
Title: Titanium Video broken in Mandrake 8.2


I just 
installed Mandrake 8.2 in my laptop. I'm anew userof 
andI'm not sure if I can helpyou.I 
have also an ATI Mobility Radeon
andwhenI installed by default Mandrake 8.2, the 
work. I searched by myself another conf. till I 
found the correct.


-Message d'origine-De: Joaquin Menchaca 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Envoyé: jeudi 30 mai 2002 
10:01À: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Objet: 
[newbie] Titanium Video broken in Mandrake 8.2
The video mode is whacked. I tried GUI 
installs. NOT!!! I tried text install and 
then 1024x768 mode, NOT 
It's seems that the ATI Mobility Radeon 7500 has 
problems. :-( 
No Linux for me. 

RE: [newbie] Titanium Video broken in Mandrake 8.2

2002-05-30 Per discussione Joaquin Menchaca
Title: Titanium Video broken in Mandrake 8.2

config did you use.

How do 
I stop xwindows from starting (or at least escape out of it) and 

a different configuration?

  -Original Message-From: MELEAN Yasmin 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2002 1:16 
  AMTo: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'Subject: RE: [newbie] 
  Titanium Video broken in Mandrake 8.2
  just installed Mandrake 8.2 in my laptop. I'm anew userof 
  andI'm not sure if I can helpyou.I 
  have also an ATI Mobility Radeon
  andwhenI installed by default Mandrake 8.2, the 
  work. I searched by myself another conf. 
  till I found the correct.
  -Message d'origine-De: Joaquin Menchaca 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Envoyé: jeudi 30 mai 2002 
  10:01À: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Objet: 
  [newbie] Titanium Video broken in Mandrake 8.2
  The video mode is whacked. I tried GUI 
  installs. NOT!!! I tried text install and 
  then 1024x768 mode, NOT 
  It's seems that the ATI Mobility Radeon 7500 has 
  problems. :-( 
  No Linux for me. 

RE: [newbie] Titanium Video broken in Mandrake 8.2

2002-05-30 Per discussione MELEAN Yasmin
Title: Titanium Video broken in Mandrake 8.2

Do you 
have installed Mandrake? what kind of pc do you have?

-Message d'origine-De: Joaquin Menchaca 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Envoyé: jeudi 30 mai 2002 
10:16À: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'Objet: RE: 
[newbie] Titanium Video broken in Mandrake 8.2
config did you use.

How do 
I stop xwindows from starting (or at least escape out of it) and 

a different configuration?

  -Original Message-From: MELEAN Yasmin 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2002 1:16 
  AMTo: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'Subject: RE: [newbie] 
  Titanium Video broken in Mandrake 8.2
  just installed Mandrake 8.2 in my laptop. I'm anew userof 
  andI'm not sure if I can helpyou.I 
  have also an ATI Mobility Radeon
  andwhenI installed by default Mandrake 8.2, the 
  work. I searched by myself 
  another conf. till I found the correct.
  -Message d'origine-De: Joaquin Menchaca 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Envoyé: jeudi 30 mai 2002 
  10:01À: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Objet: 
  [newbie] Titanium Video broken in Mandrake 8.2
  The video mode is whacked. I tried GUI 
  installs. NOT!!! I tried text install and 
  then 1024x768 mode, NOT 
  It's seems that the ATI Mobility Radeon 7500 has 
  problems. :-( 
  No Linux for me. 

Re: [newbie] How Do i uninstall stuff,

2002-05-30 Per discussione Derek Jennings

On Thursday 30 May 2002 6:56 am, ben wrote:

 Im a New Linux user, yes i've been using win2k/server for years.  I just
 install Kvirc and want to uninstall and reinstall a different verson is
 there any documention that could help me or you could send me.

 Thanks for you time.


If you are installing/removing RPM's all you have to do is click on the new 
RPM in your konqueror file manager and select 'Open' when prompted, and the 
old version will be removed and the new one installed.

Done-  It does not get much easier than that does it?

If you just want to remove an rpm Open  Mandrake software manager. search for 
the installed rpm, highlight it, and press the install/remove button.


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Re: [newbie] Is this my ISP's (DNS?) problem? (long)

2002-05-30 Per discussione Mark D. Weaver

Charlie wrote:
 I'm not certain whether I have a problem; Shaw FibreLink (my cable/broadband 
 ISP) has a problem, or if we both do. I apologize for the length of this 
 message but I don't know how else to show the information that may let some 
 one help me figure this out.
 Starting some time last night the two DNS servers that have always been used 
 started attempting to connect to my box. Lease is up? Whatever, the firewall 
 blocked it and I didn't think anything of it. But now when I try to surf to 
 some web sites I get a time out connecting or unknown host message, as though 
 there was no DNS server to query for the address to connect to. Also repeated 
 blocks of the two IPs that are the DNS server addresses.
 First 3 untoward entries (time is MDT AM): 
 May 26 12:10:37 h24-68-xxx-xx kernel: auditIN=eth0 OUT= 
 MAC=00:a0:0c:c1:d1:b6:00:00:77:8f:32:bc:08:00 SRC= LEN=32 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=253 ID=18609 DF PROTO=ICMP 
 TYPE=8 CODE=0 ID=282 SEQ=56796
 May 26 12:10:37 h24-68-xxx-xx kernel: PUB_IN DROP 2IN=eth0 OUT= 
 MAC=00:a0:0c:c1:d1:b6:00:00:77:8f:32:bc:08:00 SRC= LEN=32 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=253 ID=18609 DF PROTO=ICMP 
 TYPE=8 CODE=0 ID=282 SEQ=56796
 May 26 12:10:38 h24-68-xxx-xx kernel: PUB_IN DROP 4 IN=eth0 OUT= 
 MAC=00:a0:0c:c1:d1:b6:00:00:77:8f:32:bc:08:00 SRC= LEN=351 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=253 ID=18610 DF PROTO=UDP 
 SPT=67 DPT=68 LEN=331
 Also the most recent two log entries from today when I had difficulty 
 reaching web sites (time is MDT PM):
 May 26 12:24:17 h24-68-xxx-xx kernel: PUB_IN DROP 4 IN=eth0 OUT= 
 MAC=00:a0:0c:c1:d1:b6:00:00:77:8f:32:bc:08:00 SRC= LEN=61 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=253 ID=12133 DF PROTO=UDP 
 SPT=53 DPT=32770 LEN=41
 May 26 12:24:27 h24-68-xxx-xx kernel: PUB_IN DROP 4 IN=eth0 OUT= 
 MAC=00:a0:0c:c1:d1:b6:00:00:77:8f:32:bc:08:00 SRC= LEN=91 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=253 ID=12134 DF PROTO=UDP 
 SPT=53 DPT=32770 LEN=71
 Strangest part of this is that while I was running InteractiveBastille to set 
 the firewall those two IPs were the DNS server entries that I entered. I mean 
 the and 
 Have I broken something unbeknownst to me by accident, or is the whole 
 bleedin' system going insane because of vulnerabilities in MS bug-ware?
 Thanks for any suggestions and once again sorry for the length of this 


Try setting up a rule on the INPUT chain to allow your ISP to 
communicate with your named server and see if this clears up. I had the 
same situation before, however my log entries differed somewhat from 
yours. I'm not completely sure that this is the case for you. I don't 
recall seeing that the packets were showing up on the PUB_IN chain, 
unless thats the way you've got it setup on purpose.

iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 53 -s -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 53 -s -j ACCEPT

You can add these two rules from the command line as root and then watch 
your syslog to see if the kernel continues to log or not.


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Re: [newbie] Hello Help with Joystick ?

2002-05-30 Per discussione s

On Thursday 30 May 2002 05:47 am, Rodney wrote:
 Could someone tell me how to add/use my Gravis blackhawk digital
 joystick in Mandrake 8.2 , it is connected through my Creative Vibra 128

[root@tuxmachine]:root$ cat /usr/src/linux/Documentation/input/joystick.txt | 
grep Gravis
3.4 Gravis GrIP
  Gravis GrIP protocol is supported by the grip.c module. It currently
* Gravis GamePad Pro
* Gravis BlackHawk Digital
* Gravis Xterminator
* Gravis Xterminator DualControl

[root@tuxmachine]:root$ cat /usr/src/linux/Documentation/input/joystick.txt | 
grep 128
3.15 SoundBlaster 64 and 128 - ES1370 and ES1371, ESS Solo1 and S3 SonicVibes
  These PCI soundcards have specific gameports. They are handled by the
sound drivers themselves. Make sure you select gameport support in the
joystick menu and sound card support in the sound menu for your appropriate

I would start with something like alias char-major-13 input joydev gameport 
grip in /etc/modules.conf.   If still no luck, put the module names in 
/etc/modules.  But you'll probably have to play around with it and the 
modules, but maybe this'll get you started.

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Re: [newbie] trying to connect

2002-05-30 Per discussione s

On Thursday 30 May 2002 07:32 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I tryed to connect direct to my cable modem with no luck then everone is
 suggesting just connect to the windows 2000 system(which I have in the same
 room) O.K with that I tryed but with about the same luck but I didn,t
 install samba I need to go back and install it for that to work wouldn,t

No, you won't need samba just for internet access.  You'll need to set up 
internet connection sharing in w2k and config your nic in mandrake.  But man, 
is that backwards or what?  I haven't been following your problem, but I 
would try harder on the linux side first. 

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RE: [newbie] Slightly OT Mandrake stock

2002-05-30 Per discussione Robin

On Thu, 2002-05-30 at 10:25, Franki wrote:
 another case in point...
 my girlfriend has used only windows at work...
 I gave her a windows PC at home for a present.. (the kind that keeps on
 giving, virus's defrag etc.. :-)
 two months ago, I told her I was going to swap her to linux.. she said  can
 I still read email and browse web and write documents and make
 spreadsheets...  I said yes.. she said OK... and hasn't had a problem.
 its not that hard anymore,, only the install and config are hard...

In most cases, no harder than Windows (admittedly, I'm thinking Windows
9* here, since I haven't ried more recent versions).  The one thing in
Windows' favour from the install point of view is that if your hardware
isn't supported on the installation CDs, it will almost certainly be on
a CD that came with the device, or be easily downloadable, whereas this
tends not to be the case with Linux. A few companies produce their own
Linux drivers (NVIDIA, HP etc.) but for most of them, if the driver (or
something vaguely compatible) isn't in your distro, you're pretty much
 I am not a fan of microshaft, but I have to admit that their config and
 add/remove stuff is still better then Mandrake's.. or any other *nix..
 fortunatly thats the only area where they are ahead...

Again, I'm comparing Mandrake 8.2 with Windows 98, which is unfair, but
I find Mandrake somewhat easier to configure, and
installing/uninstalling software in Windows now makes me extremely
frustrated.  Not only can you not do anything else while your software
is being (un)installed, you frequently have to reboot.  Reboot, for
God's sake!

Sir Robin

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RE: [newbie] trying to connect

2002-05-30 Per discussione Franki

S is right, you have it around the wrong way.. but its not hard to do what
you want either..

setup your connection in win2000, set it up for sharing (ICS)
give your win2000 netowrk card (that will link to the linux box) a private
IP address, ( is required for win)
make your linux box (in
then edit /etc/resolv.conf to reflect your ISP's DNS servers.

then open /etc/sysconfig/network

it should look something like this:


(you can remove GATEWAYDEV if you like, and set IPV4 to no.. since you are
not using NAT..
but you may as well leave them there for when you come to your senses and
connect using the linux box and share with everything from there..)

end by opening up a console and typing:
service network restart

Then make sure your browsers are configured for any proxy server your ISP
has.. and you should be able to browse..

if you have done that properly.. it will work.. if it doesn't, the chances
are you flubbed something on the win2000 side.

Incidenly, if you leave IPV4 as yes in /etc/network, you can use the linux
box's nat to share the win2000's net connection with the rest of your
network.. nat over nat.. kinda funny really..



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of s
Sent: Thursday, 30 May 2002 7:26 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] trying to connect

On Thursday 30 May 2002 07:32 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I tryed to connect direct to my cable modem with no luck then everone is
 suggesting just connect to the windows 2000 system(which I have in the
 room) O.K with that I tryed but with about the same luck but I didn,t
 install samba I need to go back and install it for that to work wouldn,t

No, you won't need samba just for internet access.  You'll need to set up
internet connection sharing in w2k and config your nic in mandrake.  But
is that backwards or what?  I haven't been following your problem, but I
would try harder on the linux side first.

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Re: [newbie] trying to connect

2002-05-30 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Wed, 29 May 2002, s wrote:

 On Thursday 30 May 2002 07:32 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I tryed to connect direct to my cable modem with no luck then everone is
  suggesting just connect to the windows 2000 system(which I have in the same
  room) O.K with that I tryed but with about the same luck but I didn,t
  install samba I need to go back and install it for that to work wouldn,t
 No, you won't need samba just for internet access.  You'll need to set up 
 internet connection sharing in w2k and config your nic in mandrake.  But man, 
 is that backwards or what?  I haven't been following your problem, but I 
 would try harder on the linux side first. 

amen to that! its far easier to setup connection sharing on Mandrake then 
on Win2K. the only problem here would be that you'd need to have the win2k 
box and anything else behind the mandrake box that is sharing the 
connection with the others acting as a gateway.


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Re: [newbie] trying to connect

2002-05-30 Per discussione jbarron201

I,d rather have it the otherway round but ATT want support it at all I
tryed the other night for the longest time I,m so nw to linux couldn,t get
it working even no help local just what I,ve got here ,then a couple of guys
suggested I try it the other way rould thats the way they had there,s I
tryed that with the same luck.I,ve never shared connection before but can
sign either card to my cable modem and they work fine but there,s something
I,m missing in the mandrake config shows up but want connect either way.
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2002 4:58 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] trying to connect

 On Wed, 29 May 2002, s wrote:

  On Thursday 30 May 2002 07:32 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I tryed to connect direct to my cable modem with no luck then everone
   suggesting just connect to the windows 2000 system(which I have in the
   room) O.K with that I tryed but with about the same luck but I didn,t
   install samba I need to go back and install it for that to work
  No, you won't need samba just for internet access.  You'll need to set
  internet connection sharing in w2k and config your nic in mandrake.  But
  is that backwards or what?  I haven't been following your problem, but I
  would try harder on the linux side first.

 amen to that! its far easier to setup connection sharing on Mandrake then
 on Win2K. the only problem here would be that you'd need to have the win2k
 box and anything else behind the mandrake box that is sharing the
 connection with the others acting as a gateway.


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Re: [newbie] OS BACKUPS

2002-05-30 Per discussione John Richard Smith

On Wednesday 29 May 2002 17:30, you wrote:

  Thanks Derek,
  I've found drakbackup and I am downloading right now Mondo.
  One thing puzzles me though. I can see how these programmes can
  from the desktop so to speak create backup files , and I can see
  how they might write to disc from desktop, but I cannot see how
  one restores from CD still in the desktop. You are asking the
  system to write over it's own existance, so to speak. All other
  restore backup programmes I have ever worked with create a mini
  OS in memory of the basic hardware and load a small graphical
  programme into memory as well, to do the restore.
  Can someone please explain this to me.

 Well in the case of Mondo the first CD in the set it creates is a
 bootable CD with its own mini Linux distro on it.  You just boot
 from that CD and then you can restore partions,directories or the
 entire installation.  Trouble with Mondo is it needs 7 CD's for my
 system so I cannot be bothered running it very often.

Now that explains it. 
I've downloaded and installed Mondo and Mini, (I though this was a 
Robbin Williams joke , at first)  Have yet to create the bootdisks, I 
assume like the others backup programmes of this type you can do the 
whole lot in this mode, if you want, which would mean that once you 
have created the CD then you could remove the programme from desktop 
if you so wish. However from my point of view this seems to have the 
two obvious poor points that it is both commandline only,and more 
importantly ,has poor compression, but it's not to be ruled out.

 Your post reminded me to take a closer look at drakbackup which I
 had not looked at since the 8.2beta2.  Drakbackup makes an
 incremental backup to ftp, or a Directory (local or NFS) at
 present. It does not backup to CD, and it only backs up home
 directories, the /etc directory and other directories you specify. 
 The thinking there is you can restore the other folders by
 installing again from your install CD's so you only need to backup
 the 'volatile' data.
 Drakbackup can be run from the GUI or the terminal, although I have
 not been able to get it to run in a cron job yet.

Now I like the gui , seems simple enough, and I got it doing 
something, but as a system backup it hardly equates. The whole point 
of creating an OS backup is to do away with all those hours of 
install and configuration. The aim is to create a pristine new 
install with everything in apple pie order, and back it up to discs 
so that you can replace it anytime you want in a few minutes, 
PQ drive image would take about half an hour to do an OS of about 
2.5gigs and I suppose I am looking for a replacement in the linux 
world in this manner. I guess one does not exist ?
Another problem with drakbackup appears that it is unable to create 
multiple disk files for writing to CD discs. I mean 2.5 to 3.0gigs of 
OS even with full compression is at least 2 discs worth in any backup 

To date no one has mentioned dump. Anyone know anything about this 
programme. Is it any use for OS backups.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] OS BACKUPS

2002-05-30 Per discussione Alastair Scott

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 29 May 2002 1:18 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:

 I have never managed to get to grips with the linux method of OS

 It goes without saying they are big files, with the need to create
 compressed multi CD writes.

 So how do you backup Linux OS's , write them to CD, and restore.

I don't bother (but your needs may be different from mine) :)

What I do is:

- - make sure I save the list of packages chosen to floppy when installing 

- - copy all .rpm and .tar.gz files not into the Mandrake 8.2 baseline to 
CD-R every week;

- - write a script which .tar.bz2s and encrypts settings I want to keep in 
/home, Mail directory etcetera then copies it to my FTP site (every 
day) and CD-R (every week);

- - copy my ADSL modem drivers to CD-R as well.

Then, when it comes to a reinstall, I:

- - reformat and install Mandrake using the floppy to restore the package 

- - copy the ADSL modem drivers from CD-R;

- - ftp the kept settings, decrypt and decompress then run another script 
to put them back;

- - do a few urpmi and configure/make/make install to install from the 
.rpm and .tar.gz files on CD-R.

The whole reinstall from scratch takes about 45 minutes. I'm not clear 
why you need to have a byte-by-byte copy of the existing setup (which, 
in my case, would be a dreadful idea as my various experiments would 
probably have half-wrecked the configuration it was keeping :)

- -- 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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[newbie] StarOffice

2002-05-30 Per discussione MELEAN Yasmin


anybody knows where I can download Staroffice?
Or now I can get only if I pay?


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[newbie] Mount file system failure

2002-05-30 Per discussione Charles Muller

Today I reinstalled Mandrake 8.2 (I have been running it without
problems since the first release), and now during boot process, at the
stage of mounting file systems I always get a red-letter [FAILURE].

I reinstalled again (with a clean reformat), but I still get this
message on boot up. LM 8.2 subsequently starts up OK, and I haven't
noticed any problems, but this still makes me nervous.

Any suggestions?


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RE: [newbie] Titanium Video broken in Mandrake 8.2

2002-05-30 Per discussione Roberto Armenteros

I dont know if you have already solved your problem,
but I have a suggestion that may help. WHen you load
linux, if X starts automatically you can change
runlevels from console. First press ctr-alt-f1 or any
f, then as root type telinit 3 to move to run level
three. From there go to the X11 folder in /etc and run
a configuration script named XF86Config or something
like that. This has always worked for me, even in
other OS's like FreeBSD. It will prompt you for your
monitor, card information etc, just make sure you have
a good documentation of your hardware like monitor
vertical refresh rate, make-model-memory of video card
etc. For the keyboard and mouse configurations the
default options usually work. To start X again and
test if your new configuration is correct type
startx or telinit 5 Sometimes after running the
script you may want to edit it by had to choose
default resolution and things like that...

--- Joaquin Menchaca [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What config did you use.
 How do I stop xwindows from starting (or at least
 escape out of it) and 
 setup a different configuration?
 -Original Message-
 From: MELEAN Yasmin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2002 1:16 AM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] Titanium Video broken in
 Mandrake 8.2
 I just installed Mandrake 8.2 in my laptop. I'm a
 new user of linux
 and I'm not sure if I can help you. I have also an
 ATI Mobility Radeon
 card and when I installed by default Mandrake 8.2,
 the Xconf didn't
  work. I searched by myself another conf. till I
 found the correct.
 -Message d'origine-
 De : Joaquin Menchaca [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Envoyé : jeudi 30 mai 2002 10:01
 Objet : [newbie] Titanium Video broken in Mandrake
 The video mode is whacked.  I tried GUI installs.
 I tried text install and then 1024x768 mode, NOT
 It's seems that the ATI Mobility Radeon 7500 has
 problems. :-( 
 No Linux for me. 

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Re: [newbie] Mount file system failure

2002-05-30 Per discussione Brian Parish

On Thu, 2002-05-30 at 22:50, Charles Muller wrote:
 Today I reinstalled Mandrake 8.2 (I have been running it without
 problems since the first release), and now during boot process, at the
 stage of mounting file systems I always get a red-letter [FAILURE].
 I reinstalled again (with a clean reformat), but I still get this
 message on boot up. LM 8.2 subsequently starts up OK, and I haven't
 noticed any problems, but this still makes me nervous.
 Any suggestions?
It's probably trying to mount a foreign (windows) file system that was
incorrectly set up for mounting during the install.  As root, in a
console, type: 

mount -a

and see what error you get.  This command tries to mount all unmounted
filesystems that are listed in /etc/fstab

That should show you where the error lies.  If you just want to get rid
of the message (i.e. you don't want this filesystem mounted)  edit
/etc/fstab as root and remove the offending line.

If you want this fs mounted, tell us what it is, post your fstab and we
can help work out why it's complaining.


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[newbie] Digital cameras and Linux

2002-05-30 Per discussione Terry S.

I thought I had remembered seeing this in a few previous posts, but
can't quite remember.  Is there a website that lists what digital
cameras will work with Linux fairly well?  I just bought my wife a Fuji
Finepix A101 camera, and would like to know if it works with Linux in
case I decided to borrow it and play with it .. :)

Much appreciated!


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Re: [newbie] StarOffice

2002-05-30 Per discussione Terry Sheltra


You can go to

or you can visit

and download OpenOffice 6.0 for free.  From what I've seen and heard,
OpenOffice is no different than StarOffice, just that it's free.



On Thu, 2002-05-30 at 08:41, MELEAN Yasmin wrote:
 anybody knows where I can download Staroffice?
 Or now I can get only if I pay?

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Terry Sheltra
PC Technician/Asst. Network Administrator
University of Virginia
School of Architecture

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Re: [newbie] StarOffice

2002-05-30 Per discussione Raffaele Belardi

...but from the sun site you can only donwload version 5.2, and only 
till some time in the near future when they will remove it from the 
online site. 6.0 not for free, and thus cannot be downloaded from sun's 
(or any other ) site.

staroffice 6.0 is based on openoffice 6.0, which is free.


 You can go to
 or you can visit
 and download OpenOffice 6.0 for free.  From what I've seen and heard,
 OpenOffice is no different than StarOffice, just that it's free.
 On Thu, 2002-05-30 at 08:41, MELEAN Yasmin wrote:

anybody knows where I can download Staroffice?
Or now I can get only if I pay?


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Re: [newbie] Greetings everyone

2002-05-30 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 29 May 2002 08:04 pm, Igor Scerbina wrote:
 Hi , My name is Igor Scerbina, I recently installed Mandrake linux
 OS and am interested in learning as much as i can.

  Good for you Igor, and welcome ;)

 I am currently having trouble setting up my cmi8338 sound card. It
 plays the error sounds but doesn't want to play any of my audio

 I'll assume you mean audio CD's in your Cdrom ?  You need a 3 
wire cable running from the CDrom drive to either a connector on the 
sound card, or a header on the motherboard (if your sound chip is 
integrated into the mobo).  The connection on the Cdrom (pins) are on 
the far left side looking at it from the back.  The connector on a 
sound card is fairly obvious, sometimes there's two. You can use 
either. If you have onboard sound, you can find which is the correct 
header (pins) by refering to the mobo's manual, or it might be 
labeled on the mobo. Polarity (which way you plug the connectors in) 
only makes a difference for which speaker gets which channel. So 
before you put the case cover back on, test to make sure left is 
going to left, right to right.  If it's backwards, just reverse a 
connector on one end of the cable.

If you have any problems, holler back and tell us what computer 
you have.  If you don't have the Cdrom cable, any computer parts 
outlet will sell (maybe give) you one.
Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] OS BACKUPS

2002-05-30 Per discussione Derek Jennings

  Well in the case of Mondo the first CD in the set it creates is a
  bootable CD with its own mini Linux distro on it.  You just boot
  from that CD and then you can restore partions,directories or the
  entire installation.  Trouble with Mondo is it needs 7 CD's for my
  system so I cannot be bothered running it very often.

 Now that explains it.
 I've downloaded and installed Mondo and Mini, (I though this was a
 Robbin Williams joke , at first)  Have yet to create the bootdisks, I
 assume like the others backup programmes of this type you can do the
 whole lot in this mode, if you want, which would mean that once you
 have created the CD then you could remove the programme from desktop
 if you so wish. However from my point of view this seems to have the
 two obvious poor points that it is both commandline only,and more
 importantly ,has poor compression, but it's not to be ruled out.


Mondo actually does quite good compression. You can set it for up to 7 levels 
of compression. I think my problem is in defining the partitions to back up. 
I think it tries to back up my Windows partition as well which in turn has a 
backup image of my sons computer. (He is still in 'transit' from Windows to 
Linux)  Its hard to know with Mondo what it is going to backup until it 
actually does it. I am clearly doing something wrong since even by excluding 
almost every directory in sight it still makes a backup of 5 CDs


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Re: [newbie] StarOffice

2002-05-30 Per discussione Chris Spackman

On Thu, 2002-05-30 at 22:01, Terry Sheltra wrote:

 and download OpenOffice 6.0 for free.  From what I've seen and heard,
 OpenOffice is no different than StarOffice, just that it's free.

There are some differences. Star Office contains some proprietary stuff
like clip art, fonts, and some code that sun didn't own and didn't have
permission to open source (i think this in stuff like spell check or
thesaurus, but am not sure). Otherwise, yeah they are almost exactly the

Chris Spackman

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Re: [newbie] Mount file system failure

2002-05-30 Per discussione Charles Muller

On Thu, 2002-05-30 at 22:02, Brian Parish [in response to my query about
non-mounting file systems] wrote:

 mount -a
 and see what error you get.  

No error message, and I do have access to all my file systems.
Apparently this message is being erroneously generated?


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Re: [newbie] XFS vs. ReiserFS (OT resurrected)

2002-05-30 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 29 May 2002 05:37 pm, Franki wrote:
 I too am a proponent of reiserfs...

 I tried XFS with 8.2 but the inability of a boot disk really caused
 me problems, (my existing IBM300PL home server won't boot from the
 40 gig IBM hard disk by itself (only see's it as a 8.4gig.) so the
 only way to get linux up and running is via boot disk.. (linux then
 see's the full 40gig also.)
 XFS driver is too big to fit on a floppy.

  I'll not argue that that is the current wisdom, but  .
While I was usin XFS I was able to make boot disks every time i tried 
(5 or 6 different kernels, 3 different XFS installs).  Two things,
I changed floppy's fstab line to use 'auto' rather than 'fs=vfat'.
I recompiled the kernel using Mandrake's default config (editing only 
to enable  CONFIG_MK7=y  and comment out i586). 

That was to optimize for athlon, but I don't believe arch type 
makes the difference.  I did one kernel usin i686 (actually by 
mistake ;) and was able to make a boot disk for that kernel also.

   Then 'mkbootdisk $(uname -r)' (as root) always successfully made 
an XFS boot disk.   Dunno why, just lucky I guess ;)
Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Slightly OT Mandrake stock

2002-05-30 Per discussione shane

On Thursday 30 May 2002 04:45 am, Robin did speak unto the huddled masses, 

 Again, I'm comparing Mandrake 8.2 with Windows 98, which is unfair, but

it is unfair.  from all reports i have heard (by reliable sources) XP is a 
pig that eats its own drivers for no good reason and demands you reinstall 
them.  :)

Spam not unto me! I shall decode thy email headers and trace thy routes, and 
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link. Yea, unto the seventh generation shall I pursue thy links, and thou 
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Re: [newbie] x config

2002-05-30 Per discussione shane

On Wednesday 29 May 2002 11:06 am, Pupeno did speak unto the huddled masses, 

 Well, I removed some kde 2 packages and I ended up installing them again,
 but now I also have the kde 3 packages and I'm using kdm from kde 3, but
 kdm from kde 2 is there, didn't remove any font, but I had some problems
 with the font, some day, they were all screwed up.

if you have both kdms it might be confusing the system.  is it the kdm from 
kde 3.0.1?  3.0.1 is an overwrite of kde2.

 That error I get it to the console every 5 minutes or so, I'm running in
 runlevel 5, X is working but it crashes from time to time (in fact, as
 the uptime increases for more than 18 hs the crash posibilities get real

you might change to runlvl 3 and start x on your own however you prefer.  
that might (or might not) help with crashing until you solve the trouble.

 I don't have almost any gnome packages, just some libs, but this
 was this way for a long time ago (before upgrading from 8.1 to 8.2.
 So, how can I track what's going on ? Is there any log I can read to get
 more information about this ?

if you mean that x was crashing before you upgraded from 8.1, you may have 
an entirely different problem.  look in /var/log at the xsession logs 
(Xfree86.log?) and the kdm log.  that may help.

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Re: [newbie] Slightly OT Mandrake stock

2002-05-30 Per discussione shane

On Wednesday 29 May 2002 09:44 pm, Damian G did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

 this difference can and will be worked out in time.
 but for this to happen, a difference must exist between the linux user
 community and the linux developers bunch of anti-social, cofee-maniac,
 manual reading geeks ;oP

and thanks for not bring your preconcieved notions to the list.  ;)

the problem with your statement, is the difference between user and 
developer is why windows is 90% useless fluff.  that difference encourages 
creating dancing paper clips rather than functions that people want.  yes, 
many members could be more understanding, but some users could realize that 
statements like why doesn't this just work?  linux is crap cause i can't 
install this brand new alpha software that i was already warned doesn't 
work with my video card! will not get a lot of (positive) responce.  ;)

another part of the problem is that since the sooftware can be obtained 
free, the support by those who (usually) know it best is what should be 
charged for.  yes, there is still great user support, but sometimes you 
need more.  look at it as the evolution of free trade on the net.

 has anyone considered the possibility of a pressure element? kinda
 like some very dark forces secretly pushing within the software market
 in order to make it harder for them?

more than you know

Psychic Convention. If you belong there, you will KNOW when and where.

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Re: [newbie] Mount file system failure

2002-05-30 Per discussione Brian Parish

On Thu, 2002-05-30 at 23:50, Charles Muller wrote:
 On Thu, 2002-05-30 at 22:02, Brian Parish [in response to my query about
 non-mounting file systems] wrote:
  mount -a
  and see what error you get.  
 No error message, and I do have access to all my file systems.
 Apparently this message is being erroneously generated?

Hmmm.  Maybe another way to track it easily:

cat /etc/fstab

Compare the output from each.  If you find a line in fstab (apart from
CD drives and floppies) that doesn't have a corresponding mounted fs,
that will probably be the culprit.


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Re: [newbie] Mount file system failure

2002-05-30 Per discussione shane

On Thursday 30 May 2002 06:50 am, Charles Muller did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

 On Thu, 2002-05-30 at 22:02, Brian Parish [in response to my query about

 non-mounting file systems] wrote:
  mount -a
  and see what error you get.

 No error message, and I do have access to all my file systems.
 Apparently this message is being erroneously generated?

do you have an external drive of any kind?  i have a MMC reader for getting 
digital photos off my camcorder that mandrake found and setup, but it fails 
the first mount as USB is not running yet when it trys to mount it.  thus 
it reports a failure.  after USB is loaded it mounts it, again automatic, 
before the boot finishes.

The linux philosophy is laugh in the face of danger. Oops. Wrong one. 'Do 
it yourself.' That's it.  -L. Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] trying to connect

2002-05-30 Per discussione Seraph

That is the problem I was having, and this is what ended up working for me
since I had the same type of cable co. eyes watching me...
Server configuration:
NIC 1 = WAN = Server assigned and setup this NIC to share (ICS and this also
uses NAT so your LAN workstations will communicate) When checking ipconfig
you will see the IP assigned by your cable company and a class C subnet of

NIC 2 = LAN = and subnet of
no sharing, as  it is the one used to share the internet From NIC 1, and
communicate with the LAN.

Workstation (each IP on the LAN goes in sequential order):

NIC = Subnet with the Gateway and DNS of

That was it... Putting them on a seperate subnet is what fixed it for me...
(This was using my win 2K as the server)



 I,d rather have it the otherway round but ATT want support it at all I
 tryed the other night for the longest time I,m so nw to linux couldn,t get
 it working even no help local just what I,ve got here ,then a couple of
 suggested I try it the other way rould thats the way they had there,s I
 tryed that with the same luck.I,ve never shared connection before but can
 sign either card to my cable modem and they work fine but there,s
 I,m missing in the mandrake config shows up but want connect either way.
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2002 4:58 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] trying to connect

  On Wed, 29 May 2002, s wrote:
   On Thursday 30 May 2002 07:32 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I tryed to connect direct to my cable modem with no luck then
suggesting just connect to the windows 2000 system(which I have in
room) O.K with that I tryed but with about the same luck but I
install samba I need to go back and install it for that to work
   No, you won't need samba just for internet access.  You'll need to set
   internet connection sharing in w2k and config your nic in mandrake.
   is that backwards or what?  I haven't been following your problem, but
   would try harder on the linux side first.
  amen to that! its far easier to setup connection sharing on Mandrake
  on Win2K. the only problem here would be that you'd need to have the
  box and anything else behind the mandrake box that is sharing the
  connection with the others acting as a gateway.


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Re: [newbie] How to create a cd from ISO file

2002-05-30 Per discussione Anne Wilson

Jim Turner wrote:

 With Nero (at least the version I have, which I don't know offhand and I'm
 not booting into windows to find out), you first have to rename the file
 image.iso to image.nrg.  I have no idea why.  But, once you've done that,
 click File-Burn Image (this might be Create Image, or even just Image,
 but it's something like that).  Then it opens a find file dialog and you
 just select your image.nrg.  It then gives you some options that don't
 mean anything to me, and I've always found that if I just leave them set
 as they are, it works fine.

I'm a little surprised at this - certainly you don't have to in Nero 5. 
  What seems to cause most problems, though, is that it seems 'common 
sense' to choose the option to create a bootable drive.  It's the wrong 
choice.  The 'Burn an image' choice is the right one, as you said.  The 
files are re-created including those needed to  boot.


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Re: [newbie] Samba - Half there?

2002-05-30 Per discussione Anne Wilson

daRcmaTTeR wrote:

 I've been loosely following this and I'm curious why you haven't tried 
 setting up a Mandrake box to do the gateway/firewall/file serving duties 
 for the other machines on your LAN. 

I started doing this - and still want to eventually - but ran into 
difficulties.  Specifically, first hardware - I found that my floppy 
drive on the old box could not be accessed.  I concluded that it was 
dead and bought a new one, but that couldn't be accessed either, so I 
presume it is a mobo fault.  I am to upgrade two computers this summer, 
so another mobo will be available then.

Secondly - a Cat5 cable running across a room, down a staircase, across 
the entrance hall and into this room is perilous, to say the least.  It 
won't be necessary when I've done, but I need to be in here while I'm 
setting it up.

Thirdly - I set up Mdk 8.1, and tried to set up mail and file serving, 
but this meant that I had to constantly change IP addresses so that the 
Win PCs looked to the Linux box, and back again when I had to leave it. 
  Not surprisingly, neither Linux nor Wins were happy with these 
frequent changes.

 It took about a month to get everything squared away, but once it was all 
 setup and working it was well worth the effort. I should mention that 
 there are many here now that helped me a lot to get things up and working. 
 couldn't have done it without them.

I have been reading here for a week or two now, and am impressed both by 
the quality of replies, even when we ask the most stupid questions, and 
the speed of response.  To be able to try again before losing heart is a 
great help.


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[newbie] chroot problem on 8.1

2002-05-30 Per discussione A A
Hi all,
I am using mandrake 8.1 and need ( I have problem with starting linux and found the instrucion on mandrake site)
to execute chroot /mnt command.
I receive the message : chroot: cannot execute /bin/bash : permission denied.
I am logged as root!
where is the problem?Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup

[newbie] Unreal

2002-05-30 Per discussione D. Olson

Did anyone try this yet? I was considering buying it tomorrow, but I hear 
that it is pretty hacked together...

If it is good, then I will get it. Hey, what's another Native Linux game to 
add to my collection? Unreal is like $10 here or something.

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Re: [newbie] StarOffice

2002-05-30 Per discussione D. Olson

On Thursday 30 May 2002 09:29 am, you wrote:
 On Thu, 2002-05-30 at 22:01, Terry Sheltra wrote:
  and download OpenOffice 6.0 for free.  From what I've seen and heard,
  OpenOffice is no different than StarOffice, just that it's free.

OpenOffice 6 is out? When did that happen? I just downloaded 1.0 like a 
couple weeks ago... I guess they still haven't updated their site yet, 
because it still says 1.0.


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Re: [newbie] StarOffice

2002-05-30 Per discussione shane

On Thursday 30 May 2002 08:23 am, D. Olson did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

 On Thursday 30 May 2002 09:29 am, you wrote:
  On Thu, 2002-05-30 at 22:01, Terry Sheltra wrote:
   and download OpenOffice 6.0 for free.  From what I've seen and heard,
   OpenOffice is no different than StarOffice, just that it's free.

 OpenOffice 6 is out? When did that happen? I just downloaded 1.0 like a
 couple weeks ago... I guess they still haven't updated their site yet,
 because it still says 1.0.

i tjink that is a typo.  open 1.0 is relative to star 6.0

-- a world without walls or fences, we wouldn't need windows or 

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Re: [newbie] Unwanted extended partition

2002-05-30 Per discussione poogle

On Wednesday 29 May 2002 03:43 am, dfox wrote:
  I've tried Linux fdisk, cfdisk and parted, fdisk appears to work in
  deleting the type 5 partition but when I try to reinstall it appears
  again, i.e. I format select /hda1-5 for example but in the next stage it
  will show that it is formatting /hda6.

 An extended partition is jut a container for other partitions, and is
 in itself not directly addressable/formattable. You can create partitions
 inside the extended partition and format them, like hda6. But in order to
 have a /dev/hda5, you'd first need to have /dev/hda1 through /dev/hda4,
 in other words, four other (primary) partitions. As an IDE drive cah only
 do four primary partitions, the usual scheme (for those who need more)
 would be to format/partition /dev/hda1 through /dev/hda3, make /dev/hda4
 an extended partitino for the remainder of the disk, and then parition
 additional partitions inside /dev/hda4.

 I'm not sure why it reappears. If you use linux fdisk and delete the
 partition, you should be able to create primary partitions on that drive,
 format, and continue.

fdisk has indeed cleared all partitions, my problem is apparently with a 
corrupt MBR, I get LILO Descriptor checksum error post install, looks like 
I've got some  research to do to find out what is wrong and how to fix it, so 
I guess I've got some serious RTFM ahead of me :-) 

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Re: [newbie] Slightly OT Mandrake stock

2002-05-30 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Thursday 30 May 2002 09:27 am, shane wrote:

 the problem with your statement, is the difference between user and
 developer is why windows is 90% useless fluff.  that difference
 encourages creating dancing paper clips rather than functions that
 people want.  yes, many members could be more understanding, but
 some users could realize that statements like why doesn't this
 just work?  linux is crap cause i can't install this brand new
 alpha software that i was already warned doesn't work with my video
 card! will not get a lot of (positive) responce.  ;)

 Harware is becoming more'n more a stumbling block to wean users 
off Windoze and to any other alernatives.  Yes, a lot of the latest 
and greatest high end hardware has poor to no Linux support.  M$ 
enforces this situation thru licensing agreements, and just plain 
illegal arm twisting and bullying of the vendors.  

OTOH, low end hardware is also becoming a much greater problem as 
more'n and more win-hardware is used in ready made (Dell, Gateway, 
Compact, etc) systems that all come with Winblows pre-installed.  
This junk also has poor to no Linux support also because it can't be 
supported, and most people buy these kinds of systems.

  For these hardware reasons alone, most existing Windoze users 
are fixin to stay put and pay any price M$ extorts from 'em.  Still I 
think for financial reasons and security, there's some hope, and I 
still believe more, even a lot of M$ users will jump ship no matter 
how difficult M$ tries to make doin so feasible.  I believe that's 
already begun, tho it's gonna take years. As it happens tho, M$ is 
gonna havt'a to use even greater extortions like it's current SA 
licenses to support their corporate bloat, and hopefully that'll 
eventually get the ball rollin faster as more M$'rs bail out.

 Then there's the younguns comin up.  Mostly the current college 
crowd and a lot already use Linux, or at least are aware of it, or 
somethin other than Winblows.  As M$'s existing user base dies off, 
there's gonna be a lower an lower percentage of new M$ users.  This 
is also gonna cause M$ into more drastic, user alienating tactics. 
This'll provide the incentive for hardware vendors to worry less 
about M$ wrath, and more about supporting non-M$ users. Microsoft is 
a slowly sinkin ship (take a look at MSFT stock prices over the last 
coupl'a years), Linux stock will do better. 
Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] OT=to Damian!

2002-05-30 Per discussione Damian G

 Hello Damian
 Can you please define that last point of yours? What
 exactly do you mean by that. I thought of the opposite
 so far.

well, all situations in life have at least two sides...

yes, of course most companies/people can be favoured
with Linux getting more popular. after all, this would
give it a lot more strength and it would surely show.

and this is what we all want here. it's best for the majority
of the people. 

the problem i have with this idea is that i'm possitive 
that the software world, much like many other money-making worlds,
are not a democracy. the choices are not made by listening to
the majority. people don't seem to matter much. only marketing.

this is what i feel when i read an article in a local magazine,
when they did an interview with Bill Gates and on the cover
of that magazine there was his face and in big white letters:
We built the PC ecosystem ( ecosystem? looks more like a food chain to me.
And the user is not exactly the shark here.. )

... this fact that the software market is ruled by a few,
huge corporations making several times more money than an 
average country, lead me to a very simple idea. they are not
keeping that money under the pillow. they can be a very strong
influence in many ways, they can keep things the way they want it.

to put a very clear example, have you ever heard the rumor going around
about electric cars? that one about electric cars being still very rare
and expensive because of all the ward work it takes to get over
the oil companies' pressure? 
this one is a real cutie, don't you think? if we keep messing
with our environment like we are today, mankind and the whole planet will
be in serious trouble in just a couple of centuries. Oh but the oil company's
president is not going to live 200 years so he doesn't care about that. 
only making his money. 

** and they would lose all that if suddenly that company is NOT
   the absolute undisputable number one.. **

so when i said they have billions of green reasons not to let that
happen , what i meant was billions of dollars to lose if that happens.


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Re: [newbie] Mount file system failure

2002-05-30 Per discussione Charles Muller

On Thu, 2002-05-30 at 23:37, shane wrote:

 do you have an external drive of any kind?  i have a MMC reader for getting 
 digital photos off my camcorder that mandrake found and setup, but it fails 
 the first mount as USB is not running yet when it trys to mount it.  thus 
 it reports a failure.  after USB is loaded it mounts it, again automatic, 
 before the boot finishes.

Yes, I have an external USB hard drive. It is listed during the
installation process, but does not seem to be registered after boot up.

I have followed Brian's advice with fstab and mount, but I am not very
well able to decipher the results. It's a lot to ask anyone to look
through, but here is what comes out:

[chuck@localhost chuck]$ cat /etc/fstab

/dev/hda8 / ext2 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hda11 /home ext2 defaults 1 2
/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount
dev=/dev/hdc,fs=iso9660,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
/mnt/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 supermount
dev=/dev/scd0,fs=iso9660,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount
dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,codepage=850 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/sda5 /mnt/win_c2 vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda6 /mnt/win_d vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda7 /mnt/win_e vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda5 /opt ext2 defaults 1 2
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda9 /usr ext2 defaults 1 2
/dev/hda10 /var ext2 defaults 1 2
/dev/hda12 swap swap defaults 0 0

[chuck@localhost chuck]$ mount

/dev/hda8 on / type ext2 (rw)
none on /proc type proc (rw)
none on /dev type devfs (rw)
none on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,mode=0620)
none on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw)
/dev/hda11 on /home type ext2 (rw)
/mnt/cdrom on /mnt/cdrom type supermount
/mnt/cdrom2 on /mnt/cdrom2 type supermount
/mnt/floppy on /mnt/floppy type supermount
/dev/hda1 on /mnt/win_c type vfat
/dev/hda6 on /mnt/win_d type vfat
/dev/hda7 on /mnt/win_e type vfat
/dev/hda5 on /opt type ext2 (rw)
/dev/hda9 on /usr type ext2 (rw)
/dev/hda10 on /var type ext2 (rw)
none on /proc/bus/usb type usbdevfs (rw,devmode=0664,devgid=43)
/dev/sda5 on /mnt/win_c2 type vfat

Once again, thanks.


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Re: [newbie] Unreal

2002-05-30 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Thu, 30 May 2002, D. Olson wrote:

 Did anyone try this yet? I was considering buying it tomorrow, but I hear 
 that it is pretty hacked together...
 If it is good, then I will get it. Hey, what's another Native Linux game to 
 add to my collection? Unreal is like $10 here or something.
:) believe me when I tell you it is the best $10 dollars you will have 
ever spent on a game to run in Linux. Provided you're not going to try and 
run on a machine less then a PII with at least 128MB of RAM and a vid card 
with less then 16MB of memory on it. 

as for Unreal itself you will have to get the version that installs in 
windows and then download the Linux binary to install what's on the CD's 
to your Linux system. It looks and plays exactly the same in Linux as 
it does in windows thanks to OpenGL. Loki has done a spectacular job on 
this game.

if you get the CD's labeled UT_GOTY let me know. there is a specific 
binary that you'll need to run to install the game correctly. I have it 
here at home and can stick on the FTP server for you no trouble at all. 

a.k.a. daRcmaTTeR
If your wife told you NOT to do it there's probably a real good reason!
Penguinized since 1997

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Re: [newbie] Unreal

2002-05-30 Per discussione D. Olson

Let me clarify:

I already have UT GOTY edition... I have a tutorial for installing it on my 
site (

What I was asking about was the original Unreal, the one that someone just 
released a Loki installer for.

I think I may buy it anyhow. Someone else told me that it works well.


On Thursday 30 May 2002 11:46 am, you wrote:
 On Thu, 30 May 2002, D. Olson wrote:
  Did anyone try this yet? I was considering buying it tomorrow, but I hear
  that it is pretty hacked together...
  If it is good, then I will get it. Hey, what's another Native Linux game
  to add to my collection? Unreal is like $10 here or something.
 :) believe me when I tell you it is the best $10 dollars you will have

 ever spent on a game to run in Linux. Provided you're not going to try and
 run on a machine less then a PII with at least 128MB of RAM and a vid card
 with less then 16MB of memory on it.

 as for Unreal itself you will have to get the version that installs in
 windows and then download the Linux binary to install what's on the CD's
 to your Linux system. It looks and plays exactly the same in Linux as
 it does in windows thanks to OpenGL. Loki has done a spectacular job on
 this game.

 if you get the CD's labeled UT_GOTY let me know. there is a specific
 binary that you'll need to run to install the game correctly. I have it
 here at home and can stick on the FTP server for you no trouble at all.

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Re: [newbie] StarOffice

2002-05-30 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Thursday 30 May 2002 10:23 am, D. Olson wrote:
 On Thursday 30 May 2002 09:29 am, you wrote:
  On Thu, 2002-05-30 at 22:01, Terry Sheltra wrote:
   and download OpenOffice 6.0 for free.  From what I've seen and
   heard, OpenOffice is no different than StarOffice, just that
   it's free.

 OpenOffice 6 is out? When did that happen? I just downloaded 1.0
 like a couple weeks ago... I guess they still haven't updated their
 site yet, because it still says 1.0.

   and for better fonts on your 8.2 system, also get

Openoffice uses almost entirely different code than SO 6, and 
many report it's better than SO 6.  OO had to be rewritten in it's 
beginning to rid itself of SO's proprietary code. SO is now aimed 
mostly at Windoze Office users. 
Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Mount file system failure

2002-05-30 Per discussione shane

On Thursday 30 May 2002 09:13 am, Charles Muller did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

 On Thu, 2002-05-30 at 23:37, shane wrote:
  do you have an external drive of any kind?  i have a MMC reader for
  getting digital photos off my camcorder that mandrake found and setup,
  but it fails the first mount as USB is not running yet when it trys to
  mount it.  thus it reports a failure.  after USB is loaded it mounts
  it, again automatic, before the boot finishes.

 Yes, I have an external USB hard drive. It is listed during the
 installation process, but does not seem to be registered after boot up.

my first bet is that the USB harddrive is the failure you see.  are you not 
able to access it all after boot?  try running KwikDisk from configuration 
 hardware and see if that shows the drive.  also have a look in /mnt and 
see if there seems to be a coresponding folder.

Computers are like air conditioners they stop working properly if you open 

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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Re: [newbie] StarOffice

2002-05-30 Per discussione D. Olson

6.rpm and for better fonts on your 8.2 system, also get

 Openoffice uses almost entirely different code than SO 6, and
 many report it's better than SO 6.  OO had to be rewritten in it's
 beginning to rid itself of SO's proprietary code. SO is now aimed
 mostly at Windoze Office users.

That's what I have... It's 1.0, not 6.0.

I think shane was right. There is not OOo 6.0 yet. And most likely won't be 
for a lng time.

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[newbie] Greetings

2002-05-30 Per discussione Seraph

Hi, my name is Seraph. 

I've been watching the list for 
almost a week now, and I've been attempting to search for docs. So I could try 
to find some sort of info to answer what seems like it should be a simple 
Now for the 
I am running Mandrake 8.2 (My first 
real run at Linux... I tried redhat for about 2 days and couldn’t stand it, 
butknew I wanted something other than Winblowsas a 
workstation/server, onlyfor the time being till I get more proficient with 
it. It's sitting behind my trendnet router along w/ the rest of my network. I 
have been able to fumble my way though so that it now is able to see the 
Internet, and see the rest of my network. I am however, unseen by my windows 
network. I can get into the win 98 machine and browse it like I was right there, 
and even alter files... I can see my win 2k server, but cannot log into it 
(separate issue). I am completely invisible to the win 
I have tried configuring and 
reconfiguring netconf, I choose Winbrowsing and can see them... but they can't 
see me. I have checked smb://my_winbox_ip and can get in that way also, so I 
know Sambais running. I have gone through and setup my workgroup, and even 
have found where to log into the workgroup. So, now I know that I'm not just 
spying on the workgroup, but have actually taken steps to try to join it. I am 
stumped as to why I am invisible. I would be proud if that was my intent, but I 
wantquite the opposite in this instance.
Any help, and/or questions to the 
effect of... well you didn't mention anything about this. Did you check there? 
Would be highly helpful. The more pointed out, the more I know to look at and 
for. I just ask that along with the question, perhaps some sort of idea of 
how/what to and not to actually configure would also be nice. Oreven a 
source for instructions. I am not fluent w/ the man pages by any stretch of the 

Thanks in 

Re: [newbie] XFS vs. ReiserFS (OT resurrected)

2002-05-30 Per discussione Miark

 I tried XFS with 8.2 but the inability of a boot disk really caused me
 problems, (my existing IBM300PL home server won't boot from the 40 gig IBM
 hard disk by itself (only see's it as a 8.4gig.) so the only way to get
 linux up and running is via boot disk.. (linux then see's the full 40gig
 XFS driver is too big to fit on a floppy.

I've installed XFS on two desktops and a laptop, using XFS on all three.
It successfully made a boot disk for me every time.


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[newbie] can I use mandrake 8.2 on two processor board

2002-05-30 Per discussione A A
Hi all,
is it possible to run 8.2 on two processor board.
Pls. point me to any info about the system configuration.

Many thanks in advance.Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup

[newbie] Terry S

2002-05-30 Per discussione adrian


i cant go into redhat so something is definately wrong,
here is the /etc/fstab file from my RH partition:

LABEL=/ /   ext3defaults1 1
none/dev/ptsdevpts  gid=5,mode=620  0 0
/dev/hde6   /md ext3defaults1 2
none/proc   procdefaults0 0
none/dev/shmtmpfs   defaults0 0
/dev/hde7   swapswapdefaults0 0

here is my /etc/fstab file from my MD partition

/dev/hde6 / ext3 defaults 1 1
/dev/hde8 /boot ext3 defaults 1 2
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hde9 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount 
dev=/dev/hdb,fs=iso9660,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
/mnt/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 supermount 
dev=/dev/scd0,fs=iso9660,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
/dev/hde1 /mnt/win_c vfat defaults 0 0
/dev/hde5 /mnt/win_d vfat defaults 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hde10 /rh ext3 defaults 1 2
/dev/hde7 swap swap defaults 0 0

Is there anything else u need?  

Best Regards


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Re: [newbie] XFS vs. ReiserFS (OT resurrected)

2002-05-30 Per discussione Miark

Oops! I mean I put -8.2- on two desktops and a laptop using XFS on 
all three. No problems with boot disks.


 I've installed XFS on two desktops and a laptop, using XFS on all three.
 It successfully made a boot disk for me every time.

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Re: [newbie] can I use mandrake 8.2 on two processor board

2002-05-30 Per discussione A A
many thank the answer.
where I find more info about where to get this "SMP" and how to install it.
 Miark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
Sure. You'll need to install the "SMP" kernel.MiarkA A <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>saith:  Hi all,  is it possible to run 8.2 on two processor board.  Pls. point me to any info about the system configuration.   Many thanks in advance.Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to http://www.mandrakestore.comDo You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup

RE: [newbie] StarOffice

2002-05-30 Per discussione Franki

how big are those RPMs...???

I was thinking about downloading then,  but I am near the months bandwidth
cap, and if I go over, I have to pay.. (Australian ISP's suck.)

If its under 40mb, I guess I can go for it..



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of D. Olson
Sent: Friday, 31 May 2002 12:47 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] StarOffice

6.rpm and for better fonts on your 8.2 system, also get

 Openoffice uses almost entirely different code than SO 6, and
 many report it's better than SO 6.  OO had to be rewritten in it's
 beginning to rid itself of SO's proprietary code. SO is now aimed
 mostly at Windoze Office users.

That's what I have... It's 1.0, not 6.0.

I think shane was right. There is not OOo 6.0 yet. And most likely won't be
for a lng time.

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Re: [newbie] can I use mandrake 8.2 on two processor board

2002-05-30 Per discussione Miark

Sure. You'll need to install the SMP kernel.



 Hi all,
 is it possible to run 8.2 on two processor board.
 Pls. point me to any info about the system configuration.
 Many thanks in advance.

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RE: [newbie] Greetings

2002-05-30 Per discussione Franki

start with the basics...

if you 
do a "service samba status" whats it say?

Inthe below lines in 
workgroup = MYWORKGROUP

the workgroup of your winblows machine?
might also check "encrypt passwords = yes"
set, it might help your win2000 problem.

do you 
have a firewall blocking ports 135-139

some stuff to start with.



  -Original Message-From: 
  Behalf Of SeraphSent: Friday, 31 May 2002 1:16 AMTo: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [newbie] 
  Hi, my name is Seraph. 
  I've been watching the list for 
  almost a week now, and I've been attempting to search for docs. So I could try 
  to find some sort of info to answer what seems like it should be a simple 
  Now for the 
  I am running Mandrake 8.2 (My 
  first real run at Linux... I tried redhat for about 2 days and couldn’t stand 
  it, butknew I wanted something other than Winblowsas a 
  workstation/server, onlyfor the time being till I get more proficient 
  with it. It's sitting behind my trendnet router along w/ the rest of my 
  network. I have been able to fumble my way though so that it now is able to 
  see the Internet, and see the rest of my network. I am however, unseen by my 
  windows network. I can get into the win 98 machine and browse it like I was 
  right there, and even alter files... I can see my win 2k server, but cannot 
  log into it (separate issue). I am completely invisible to the win 
  I have tried configuring and 
  reconfiguring netconf, I choose Winbrowsing and can see them... but they can't 
  see me. I have checked smb://my_winbox_ip and can get in that way also, so I 
  know Sambais running. I have gone through and setup my workgroup, and 
  even have found where to log into the workgroup. So, now I know that I'm not 
  just spying on the workgroup, but have actually taken steps to try to join it. 
  I am stumped as to why I am invisible. I would be proud if that was my intent, 
  but I actually 
  wantquite the opposite in this instance.
  Any help, and/or questions to the 
  effect of... well you didn't mention anything about this. Did you check there? 
  Would be highly helpful. The more pointed out, the more I know to look at and 
  for. I just ask that along with the question, perhaps some sort of idea of 
  how/what to and not to actually configure would also be nice. Oreven a 
  source for instructions. I am not fluent w/ the man pages by any stretch of 
  the imagination.
  Thanks in 

Re: [newbie] Slightly OT Mandrake stock

2002-05-30 Per discussione Alastair Scott

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 30 May 2002 4:56 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:

  Harware is becoming more'n more a stumbling block to wean users
 off Windoze and to any other alernatives.  Yes, a lot of the latest
 and greatest high end hardware has poor to no Linux support.  M$
 enforces this situation thru licensing agreements, and just plain
 illegal arm twisting and bullying of the vendors.

 OTOH, low end hardware is also becoming a much greater problem as
 more'n and more win-hardware is used in ready made (Dell, Gateway,
 Compact, etc) systems that all come with Winblows pre-installed.
 This junk also has poor to no Linux support also because it can't be
 supported, and most people buy these kinds of systems.

An even bigger problem is Windows-only hardware that doesn't say it's 

My Lexmark printer is a case in point; from my reading of newsgroups and 
sites like it seems to be very hard to write drivers 
for it because Lexmark won't fully disclose what the printer does 
(there's a suspicion that some functionality, which would normally have 
been perfomed by the printer, has been hived off to Windows).

Fortunately the Z42 drivers print out OK in black. Next time the ink 
cartridges run out (£36 for a pair) the printer is going in the bin and 
I'm buying an HP; it understands Open Source and even has a supported 
Sourceforge project for drivers.

Quite often, that Linux works at all with J. Random Hardware is often a 
miracle ...

- -- 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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Re: [newbie] Samba - Half there?

2002-05-30 Per discussione Anne Wilson

Derek Jennings wrote:

  You are best off however just defining
  your Linux computer to use DHCP and let your Win2k machine serve an IP
  address to it. You should also define the win2k machine to be the
  gateway' for the Linux computer, and set your ISP's DNS server
addresses so
  that the Linux computer can resolve names on the Internet.

W2K and Mdk are on separate partitions on this one machine, so only one
at a time is running.  I intend having a separate box when I can get to
it, as I told daRc.

  You did not select Internet Connection Sharing did you?
  You select that if the Linux machine is the gateway. You are using
Win2k as
  the gateway aren't you?

Yes, I did.  W2K is the gate way when running, and Mdk is to be the
gateway otherwise.

Currently, we run a MS peer-to-peer network, with my W2K box acting as
gateway.  I have read that it is notoriously difficult to set up Samba
if NETBUI is installed (which it is on the W98 m/cs), and one should get
rid of it if at all possible.

 True: Samba does not work over NETBEUI  The Windows computers must have the
 TCP stack installed, and there should be a binding between TCP/IP and 'Client
 for Microsoft Networks' service  in the Windows Network Control Panel. It
 does not matter if you remove Netbeui or not.(Right click on the TCP/IP
 protocol in the Windows Networking control panel, and select

This was set, but perhaps our old problem stemmed from the fact that
NETBEUI had the same binding.  I have removed Netbeui and confirmed that
as long as W2K is up the W98 PCs can ping each other and me and share files.

 BTW: Did you see this

I'll look at that this evening, thanks.

 It should help you access Windows shares from Linux which is a lot easier
 than the other way round. Note komba2 is recommended.


Ping - the situation is complicated, when Mdk is running.  Under W2K serving ping is 
OK and reasonable speed.  Under Mdk, however -

From W98 m/cs - ping by number is fast and returns 1 ms round trip.
Ping by name gives similar statistics, but there is a delay of 1 3/4 minutes before 
anything appears on screen!

From my m/c, ping by number is no problem.  Ping by name does not work at all - 
'unknown host Andy'.

Does this suggest anything?


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Re: [newbie] Is this my ISP's (DNS?) problem? (long)

2002-05-30 Per discussione Charlie

May 30, 2002 04:57 am,Mark D. Weaver wrote:

 Try setting up a rule on the INPUT chain to allow your ISP to
 communicate with your named server and see if this clears up. I had the
 same situation before, however my log entries differed somewhat from
 yours. I'm not completely sure that this is the case for you. I don't
 recall seeing that the packets were showing up on the PUB_IN chain,
 unless thats the way you've got it setup on purpose.

 iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 53 -s -j ACCEPT
 iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 53 -s -j ACCEPT

 You can add these two rules from the command line as root and then watch
 your syslog to see if the kernel continues to log or not.

Thanks Mark, I'll try it at once. As to this being setup this way on purpose 
no, it isn't... I don't think. :-) All I did was run InteractiveBastille from 
the console and what I chose was mostly defaults. I didn't even go through 
the advanced networking section when I ran it since there's no network 
running here other than the cable modem. 

I appreciate an answer that made an effort to analyze what was happening 
rather than the RTFM that I basically got from one person on my local LUG. 
I've been reading the fscking manual since I saw this first in my logs and 
couldn't figure out why it was suddenly happening. I haven't done anything 
differently than I had done in the past.

From what I can tell there is something weird happening with my ISP since the 
primary DNS server actually got blocked twice yesterday. When I called they 
said no problems here, are you sure about those log entries? Whatever was 
going on there is no longer a concern since the entries stopped and I have no 
connection problems.

See why I said it was confusing? Maybe a result of the MS-SQL Snake? 

Thank you again;
Registered user 244963 at

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Re: [newbie] Samba - Half there?

2002-05-30 Per discussione Anne Wilson

Derek Jennings wrote:

   Hmm... Looks OK just like mine...
   Here is my /etc/samba/smb.conf file for you to compare.
   #=== Global Settings
   smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
   printing = cups
   dns proxy = no
   security = user
   encrypt passwords = yes
   workgroup = WORKGROUP
   server string = Samba Server %v
   socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
   log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
   load printers = yes
   max log size = 50
   writable = yes
   comment = Home Directories
  comment = All Printers
  path = /var/spool/samba
  browseable = no
   # to allow user 'guest account' to print.
  guest ok = yes
  writable = no
  printable = yes
  create mode = 0700
   # =
   # print command: see above for details.
   # =
  print command = lpr-cups -P %p -o raw %s -r   # using client side
  path = /var/lib/samba/printers
  browseable = yes
  read only = yes
  write list = adm root
   path = /mnt/windows

Here is mine:

smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
path = /mnt/win_d2/Public
auto services = Anne_Public
printing = cups
dns proxy = no
encrypt passwords = yes
valid users = Andy,Gillian,Micky,nigel
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
printcap name = lpstat
max log size = 50
preferred master = no
writable = yes
security = user
server string = Samba Server %v
workgroup = WORKGROUP
comment = Anne_Public
netbios name = Anne_Linux
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
load printers = yes
default = Anne_Public
write list = Andy,Gillian,Micky,nigel
path =
comment = Home Directories

  comment = All Printers
  path = /var/spool/samba
  browseable = no

  path = /var/lib/samba/printers
  browseable = yes
  read only = yes
  write list = adm root

user = Andy,Gillian,Micky,nigel,users
write list = Andy,Gillian,Micky,nigel,users

What about the [homes] line that has no path?  Should it have?

I do wonder about the Netbios name, too.  It shows up on Neetwork
Neighbourhood as Anne_linux, and Andy got a return ping from Anne_linux,
but my Mdk shell prompt is anne-linux.

Any comments, please?


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Re: [newbie] Unreal

2002-05-30 Per discussione Brian Koppe

Are we talking about Unreal or Unreal Tournament here??

:) believe me when I tell you it is the best $10 dollars you will have 
ever spent on a game to run in Linux. Provided you're not going to try and 
run on a machine less then a PII with at least 128MB of RAM and a vid card 
with less then 16MB of memory on it. 

as for Unreal itself you will have to get the version that installs in 
windows and then download the Linux binary to install what's on the CD's 
to your Linux system. It looks and plays exactly the same in Linux as 
it does in windows thanks to OpenGL. Loki has done a spectacular job on 
this game.

if you get the CD's labeled UT_GOTY let me know. there is a specific 
binary that you'll need to run to install the game correctly. I have it 
here at home and can stick on the FTP server for you no trouble at all. 

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[newbie] Announcement: UnitedLinux

2002-05-30 Per discussione Miark

Here's the announcement for UnitedLinux. I don't know the
Mandrake perspective, but it looks cool to me. I think it
probably will go a long way to kick M$'s ass.

UnitedLinux is clearly geared towards business applications,
which I'm guessing is why Mandrake didn't jump on the wagon.


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[newbie] Dual mdk install (was OS BACKUPS)

2002-05-30 Per discussione Jerry

I seem to have broken my mondo.  i got it to work once, now it keeps
telling me my setup isn't sane, i need to install buffer, and my cdrw is
mounted.  (well... buffer's installed, my cdrw is not mounted... sanity
is questionable though.  ROFL) all just another interesting chapter to
add.  drakbackup doesn't seem to be any kind of backup that i want.. and
backuponcd just plain doesn't work.  hahahaha... impossible if you ask
me, to get any kind of backup like you'd get on a MS system though it'd
sure be nice to get mondo to work again.. closest i could get.  As often
as i'm messing up my system it'd be good to have some kind of regular
setup backed up i could just pop in the cd and it copies it all
automatically since i'm still learning how to do things and breaking my
system so often.  

SO... my new question is this... is it possible to install 2 instances
of mandrake on a single hard drive?  one that i can use as my regular OS
and only add the things i need and have tested and work, and one to mess
around with?  i'm just not sure how i'd make the mount point / twice?

or would i have to have it installed on two hard drives? (and would that
even work?)  I'd really like to have 3-4 to be able to try out other
distros (even though i keep coming back to mandrake) 

any help appreciated.


On Thu, 2002-05-30 at 07:25, Derek Jennings wrote:
   Well in the case of Mondo the first CD in the set it creates is a
   bootable CD with its own mini Linux distro on it.  You just boot
   from that CD and then you can restore partions,directories or the
   entire installation.  Trouble with Mondo is it needs 7 CD's for my
   system so I cannot be bothered running it very often.
  Now that explains it.
  I've downloaded and installed Mondo and Mini, (I though this was a
  Robbin Williams joke , at first)  Have yet to create the bootdisks, I
  assume like the others backup programmes of this type you can do the
  whole lot in this mode, if you want, which would mean that once you
  have created the CD then you could remove the programme from desktop
  if you so wish. However from my point of view this seems to have the
  two obvious poor points that it is both commandline only,and more
  importantly ,has poor compression, but it's not to be ruled out.
 Mondo actually does quite good compression. You can set it for up to 7 levels 
 of compression. I think my problem is in defining the partitions to back up. 
 I think it tries to back up my Windows partition as well which in turn has a 
 backup image of my sons computer. (He is still in 'transit' from Windows to 
 Linux)  Its hard to know with Mondo what it is going to backup until it 
 actually does it. I am clearly doing something wrong since even by excluding 
 almost every directory in sight it still makes a backup of 5 CDs

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[newbie] How to fax a document?

2002-05-30 Per discussione Josef Lowder

What are the quickest, easiest, and/or best ways to send a fax from Mandrake 
Linux 8.1? 

1. Is it possible to fax a text file directly from the command line? How? 

2. How does one setup the system to fax a document as a print output from 
the K text editor (or from KWord or from any other text/word processor)? 

3. I just installed Win4Lin (terrific program! for only $49) so I can use 
Pagemaker 6.0 until I can find and figure out how to use something Linux 
based that would be equivalent to Pagemaker.  So, how do I configure a 
printer so that I can send a Pagemaker document as a fax? 

Any help anyone can provide on any or all of the above variants of this same 
question would be very much appreciated. 

Joe Lowder
Mesa, Arizona 

PS: I hope to get as completely converted to Linux as possible, but until I 
can achieve that goal, Win4Lin is a fantastic transitional product!  Anybody 
else out there using it? 

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Re: [newbie] Digital cameras and Linux

2002-05-30 Per discussione Bryan S.Tyson

On Thursday 30 May 2002 03:46 pm, Charlie wrote:

 I don't see that specific model on either list (scroll down the pages
 to find cameras) but that doesn't mean you won't find a link (or a
 link to a link; wheels within wheels ya know?) with an answer at one
 of them, does it? :-)

Or get a card reader. Then you can use any camera you want. In my case 
I use the SanDisk Compact Flash reader (I think Fuji uses smart media). 
All I have to do is 

modprobe usb-storage
mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/compactflash

and I can bring my pictures right into Linux. The compact flash looks 
like a drive.

Powered by Mandrake Linux 8.1
KDE 2.2.1KMail 1.3.1

Bryan S. Tyson

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Re: [newbie] Announcement: UnitedLinux

2002-05-30 Per discussione Miark

shane [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:

 the more i look at it the more it appears to be 4 companies with 
 questionable futures trying to hold each other up, but i will hope you are 

I think this is probably accurate, too, but I don't find that bothersome
because these are technically strong companies with significant 
contributions to make.

And they have the blessing of most/all the companies that matter.

 it isn't yet clear mandrake was invited to the party, but if they were you 
 may be right.  

From their FAQ: We want as many Linux distributors to join this effort as 
possible. That means not just Red Hat but also Mandrake, Red Flag and all 
the others around the globe. Each and every one of them is invited to join 
this initiative and Red Hat has been called by this group and invited 
personally already.

It doesn't say if MDK was personally invited, but I think I read somewhere
else that all distros were contacted.

 still, if this is simply a full standard set, joining may 
 help get them on the corp desktop..unless it is simply the last act of 
 desperate companies.

Like I said, I'm sure it's both. They have good financial reason to rub their 
heads together, but it's also a logical one that, if they play their cards
well, should make some inroads for Linux.


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[newbie] abit i845 boards

2002-05-30 Per discussione Mark Stewart

Hey all,

I'm starting to get the itch again...time to build a new beast.

I'm wondering if anyone has any experience or knowledge of how well (or
poorly) Mandrake (or any distro) has fared installed onto the new Intel i845
series of motherboards? I expect the usual nightmares over RAID controllers
but otherwise I'm hoping it will be okay. Am I just dreaming?


p.s. in case you're wondering why Intel rather than AMD it's because I've
been reading report after report of folks overclocking the Northwood 1.6a to
well over 2GHz. I'm also somewhat sick of hearing about VIA pci bugs...

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[newbie] Instant Messengers

2002-05-30 Per discussione Matt Blake

Does anybody know which (if any) instant messengers are compatible with
MSM Messenger on Linux?  Seeing as most people still use windows, it
would be useful to have something that is.


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Re: [newbie] Instant Messengers

2002-05-30 Per discussione Xecut1on
everybuddy is the same thing as msn messanger..a friend uses it on freebsd and me and him talk i have msn and he has everybuddy

Re: [newbie] Instant Messengers

2002-05-30 Per discussione David

Gaim is compatible with both msm and aim.  And Yahoo actually makes a Linux IM client 
that you can download from them.  

David L. Steiner   Registered Linux User   #262493
Mandrake  8.2  Enlightenment  0.16.5   Sylpheed  0.7.5claws
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Homepage:

Matt Blake said onto me:  
 |Does anybody know which (if any) instant messengers are compatible with
 |MSM Messenger on Linux?  Seeing as most people still use windows, it
 |would be useful to have something that is.


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Re: [newbie] Instant Messengers

2002-05-30 Per discussione Mark Evans

On Friday 31 May 2002 12:37 am, you wrote:
 Does anybody know which (if any) instant messengers are compatible with
 MSM Messenger on Linux?  Seeing as most people still use windows, it
 would be useful to have something that is.


Hi Matt

I use Gaim for MSN.  One thing about Gaim that I found, was that others arn't
aware you are on-line

Mark Evans

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Re: [newbie] Slightly OT Mandrake stock

2002-05-30 Per discussione Robin

On Wed, 2002-05-29 at 23:22, shane wrote:
 friendly flames?  like friendly fire?  :)
 the very few groups i know that have made the change found it is more 
 difficult (by far) to teach a person from scratch than to teach them to use 
 a different OS.  one person actually commented that his biggest problem was 
 teaching ppl to click once rather than double click to start things from 
 the desktop.  if that is your biggest problem.

I've had the same problem.  We have one Linux box in our office; the
rest are Windows. The biggest problem, apart from Where is Word?, is
people clicking on Netscape twice, opening two windows, then maybe
clicking a few more times when it's slow to load 
/start{gripe} and boy is Netscape 6.2 slow - I know people say you
should get more RAM, but there's 64MB on that box, and 15 years ago I
wrote perfectly functional programs for a BBC Micro that fitted on a
floppy disk and used 32 KILObytes of RAM. As for Open Office ... Jeez,
just listen to your swap space going ungngngngung! /end{gripe}
 also remember, with the new MS forced upgrade system, you buy everything, 
 every release, use it or not.  the (very) long term cost of using windows 
 is a lack of innovative products and a monopoly that wants to bleed you 
 dry.  i would rather retrain people, but like you said, just an opinion.  

And a good one too.
  Just 2c's worth and I await friendly flames ;-)

Join the US army, or better still, any army allied to it.

Sir Robin

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RE: [newbie] Titanium Video broken in Mandrake 8.2

2002-05-30 Per discussione Franki
Title: Titanium Video broken in Mandrake 8.2

from the CD.. at the prompt...type in "rescue" (without the inverted 

when its finished booting type:

you go, booted to console in your linux install.

type "drakxconf" at the prompt. (again without the inverted 

the default run level to 3.

will boot linux without the GUI and you can then reboot without the CD and play 
with your X11 settings to your hearts content.



  -Original Message-From: 
  Behalf Of Joaquin MenchacaSent: Thursday, 30 May 2002 4:16 
  PMTo: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'Subject: RE: [newbie] 
  Titanium Video broken in Mandrake 8.2
  config did you use.
  do I stop xwindows from starting (or at least escape out of it) and 
  setup a different configuration?
-Original Message-From: MELEAN Yasmin 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2002 1:16 
AMTo: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'Subject: RE: [newbie] 
Titanium Video broken in Mandrake 8.2

just installed Mandrake 8.2 in my laptop. I'm anew userof 
andI'm not sure if I can 
helpyou.I have also an ATI Mobility Radeon
card andwhenI installed by default 
Mandrake 8.2, the Xconfdidn't
work. I searched by myself 
another conf. till I found the correct.


-Message d'origine-De: Joaquin Menchaca 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Envoyé: jeudi 30 mai 2002 
10:01À: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Objet: 
[newbie] Titanium Video broken in Mandrake 8.2
The video mode is whacked. I tried GUI 
installs. NOT!!! I tried text install and 
then 1024x768 mode, NOT 
It's seems that the ATI Mobility Radeon 7500 has 
problems. :-( 
No Linux for me. 

Re: [newbie] Slightly OT Mandrake stock

2002-05-30 Per discussione Robin

.iecai [I couldn't agree more]. Given a pre-installed system , I don't
understand how any Windows user could find Mandrake/KDE more difficult
than Windows.

Sir Robin

On Thu, 2002-05-30 at 05:30, Michael Viron wrote:
 As you said Linux has come a long way, but I do not think that it is that
 far away from being an option for the desktop.  Keep in mind that Corel
 Linux OS (before Corel spun it off as Xandros (,
 hid virtually all configuration behind the scenes (including partitioning)
 and featured a desktop that looked very close to MS.
 Mandrake also is very close.  Just about everything you could possibly want
 to configure can be done via GUI programs.  Want to install something?
 There is rpmdrake (specifically created by Mandrake), as well as Gnome and
 KDE equivalents.  Want to browse the web?  You can choose from Netscape,
 Mozilla, Konquerer, etc.  Want to configure your system?  You can do it via
 Mandrake Control Center, Linuxconf, or any one of a number of GUI based
 configuration tools.  Want to read e-mail?  Try K-Mail, Evolution, or any
 of the other GUI items out there.
 This is a far cry from Slackware 2.x and 3.x, which pretty much required
 you to hand-compile everything, and which had no way of knowing whether a
 dependency was installed or compiled without running a configure from the
 command line.  Heck, the default kernel in Slackware 2.x and 3.x did not
 include networking by default, so if you even wanted to access the internet
 you had to recompile from scratch -- configuring it via a text based
 question / answer.
 In mandrake (as well as several other distros), the dependencies (for the
 most part) are take care of automatically.
 You are, of course, entitled to your opinion.
 But, believe me, things could be a lot more tech oriented then they are now.
 Michael Viron
 Project Manager / Primary Developer, General Education Online
 Core System Administration Team, Simple End User Linux
 At 03:44 PM 5/29/2002 -0600, you wrote:
 Tom Brinkman wrote:
  On Wednesday 29 May 2002 11:13 am, Dave Conroy wrote:
  It's only a matter of time before lot'sa people will need to
  unlearn Windows, and learn somethin else.  Specially with M$'s new
  fangled SA programs (price gouging scams), and the horrific security
  holes that all M$ OS's and software feature.
  Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas
 a) won't happen soon enough
 b) won't happen.
 Why? Because linux will never be a desktop OS for the masses IMO. 
 Requires too much tech knowledge and most just want their machine to
 work.  Shrugs, My opinion.  I know its come a long way but its still got
 a longer way to go yet.
 Good Decisions You boss Made:
 We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
 character from Peanuts.
 - Source: Dilbert
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Re: [newbie] Instant Messengers

2002-05-30 Per discussione Matt Blake

Thanks for those answers - have just picked up CCMSM and am just getting
everybuddy - so i'll give them a go. Cheers. 

Another question: For downloading in windows i was using Get Right which
was able to queue up and pause downloads etc and would reconnect
automatically when my ISP cuts me off after 2 hours - is there anything
similar that is available for linux?

Thanks again!


On Wed, 2002-05-29 at 21:22, Mark Evans wrote:
 On Friday 31 May 2002 12:37 am, you wrote:
  Does anybody know which (if any) instant messengers are compatible with
  MSM Messenger on Linux?  Seeing as most people still use windows, it
  would be useful to have something that is.
 Hi Matt
 I use Gaim for MSN.  One thing about Gaim that I found, was that others arn't
 aware you are on-line
 Mark Evans

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Re: [newbie] (Most) Linuxes unite

2002-05-30 Per discussione Robin

I'm all in favour of distros uniting if they're offering basically the
same thing, but the diversity of distros is one of the strengths of
Linux.  The average First World home user doesn't want the same distro
as the impoverished hacker trying to set up a server on an i386, and
neither of them need the NSA's Crack me and I blow off your balls
distro (sorry, I forget the actual name).

/start{flamebait} OTOH, what I would realy like to see is the GNOME
people finally accepting that the Qt widgetsa are better./end{flamebait}

Sir Robin

On Thu, 2002-05-30 at 02:18, shane wrote:
 On Wednesday 29 May 2002 03:52 pm, Miark opened a general hailing frequency 
 and transmitted to all open stations:
  Linux distributors including Caldera, SuSE and TurboLinux
  are expected to join forces tomorrow to unite on a common
  distribution... The US CEO for Mandrake - the most popular
 i noticed this too.  an interesting thought, one of the things i like about 
 linux, and indeed all OSS, is the evolution of it.  with so many active 
 programers, and users who actively contribute to the community, you get 
 features in your software that users ask for, rather than features that 
 managers think look cool.
 in turn, the best of breed have a chance to win out.  mandrake is _not_ 
 mentioned in the group.  could it be they are not fighting redhat only?  
 mandrake does have the desktop lead.  do these other companies see it as a 
 redhat/mandrake world they are fighting?
 if so, will this be a matter of standards only, or will theses companies 
 effectivly merge?  and how does this reflect the stock question that has 
 come up in another thread?  if everyone sees you as the competition does 
 that mean you are succeeding?  or about to be cut out?
 can't wait for the announce. and mandrakes reply.
 If Microsoft is innovative in any area, it is in creating new forms of 
 intimidation.  - Ralph Nader
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Re: [newbie] Instant Messengers

2002-05-30 Per discussione Paul Rodriguez

You can try gtm (Gnome Transfer Manager)

- paul

On Thu, 2002-05-30 at 20:20, Matt Blake wrote:
 Thanks for those answers - have just picked up CCMSM and am just getting
 everybuddy - so i'll give them a go. Cheers. 
 Another question: For downloading in windows i was using Get Right which
 was able to queue up and pause downloads etc and would reconnect
 automatically when my ISP cuts me off after 2 hours - is there anything
 similar that is available for linux?
 Thanks again!
 On Wed, 2002-05-29 at 21:22, Mark Evans wrote:
  On Friday 31 May 2002 12:37 am, you wrote:
   Does anybody know which (if any) instant messengers are compatible with
   MSM Messenger on Linux?  Seeing as most people still use windows, it
   would be useful to have something that is.
  Hi Matt
  I use Gaim for MSN.  One thing about Gaim that I found, was that others arn't
  aware you are on-line
  Mark Evans
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Re: [newbie] ATI vs. Nvidia drivers [OT]

2002-05-30 Per discussione Paul Rodriguez

I forgot to mention that I frame this discussion in light of the
currently available ATI (open source drivers) and Nvidia (closed sourced
drivers).  I myself have one Nvidia card.  It works very well using the
binary-only drivers.  The only issue that I have is that on my
particular system, it takes 1 minute to load X when I load it with the
Nvidia supplied driver.  Just a quirk.  Small but annoying.  I would
love to be able to fix it by helping debug the issue.  Needless to say
Nvidia is not exactly very interested or polite about trying to resolve
the issue.

- Paul Rodriguez

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Power Pack 8.2 question

2002-05-30 Per discussione Brian Parish

On Fri, 2002-05-31 at 07:01, mike wrote:
 I just purchased the Mandrake Power Pack Edition 8.2 yesterday and finished 
 the install. 
 It seems that there are some things missing from the install I had 
 previously used the download edition of 8.2. I noticed that Kpackage is not 
 installed with the power pack edition. There are also other programs that 
 were included with the download edition that I can't find on the power pack 
 edition, like qcad. 
 What's going on here! Am I missing something? I thought that the power pack 
 edition that I PAID $69.00 us for would have everything the download edition 
 has and then some... 
 Has anyone else had this problem or are my 7 cd's defective? How do I get 
 Kpackage onto my box, I searched the cd's and can't find it anywhere I am 
 new to this mailing list so I may have missed prior discussions (if there 
 were any) regarding this problem.
 Did I get ripped off? I sure hope not. 

Yes, there were lots of prior discussions and yes, it seems that there
are 300+ RPMs missing.  A couple of other examples:  hdparm and

Someone did a complete inventory by generating full listings of both and
writing a script to spot list entries in the download set that were not
in the powerpack set.  As said above, the number was  300.

Now PLEASE guys - let's not start another round of Are you sure it's
not just the software manager not providing the full list?.  Before you
write such a reply, check the archives and save some bandwidth.


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Power Pack 8.2 question

2002-05-30 Per discussione shane

On Thursday 30 May 2002 02:01 pm, mike did speak unto the huddled masses, 

 It seems that there are some things missing from the install I had

there have been posts about that in some places, i myself have a 
download/club membership so i can't say, but it does appear at least some 
cd's shipped under the quality control radar...

 Has anyone else had this problem or are my 7 cd's defective? How do I get
 Kpackage onto my box, I searched the cd's and can't find it anywhere
 I am new to this mailing list so I may have missed prior discussions (if
 there were any) regarding this problem.

if you still have the download cd's ou can simply browse them and add 
packages at will.  you can also likely find them on  failing 
that they will be on the mandrake ftp mirrors.

True friendship is like pain, explaining it is impossible.

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