Re: [newbie-it] beepfetch

2003-06-12 Per discussione syd
* Arwan wrote:
 Ma come ca22o si toglie il beep qaundo scarico la posta con fetchmail? E' 
 tutto ieri sera che provo senza risultati... e mettere unset beep_new o 
 commentare set beep_new in .muttrc non e' sufficiente (funzia solo sul primo 

La faccio volutamente lunga cosi' da farti gironzolare in diversi
file interessanti :

Quando commenti in .muttrc non disabiliti ma semplicemente fai in
modo che venga accettato il valore di default.
Per il comando set beep_new il default e' _no_ mentre per set beep e'
_yes_. Dovresti quindi scrivere set beep = no ma la cosa non ti
risolve nulla visto che il beep di cui tu parli non ha nulla a che
vedere con mutt. 
Il fatto e' che il beep di notifica di nuove mail non riguarda nemmeno
fetchmail ma e' un'impostazione generale del sistema.
Il servizio di notifica e' gestito da comsat la cui stringa si trova
in /etc/inetd.conf

$ grep comsat /etc/inetd.conf

# The comsat daemon notifies the user of new mail when biff is set to y:
comsatdgram   udp waitroot/usr/sbin/tcpd  in.comsat

Ti dice quindi che la cosa funge quando biff e' su y e tu in
/etc/profile avrai sicuramente

$ grep biff /etc/profile

if [ -x /usr/bin/biff ]; then
 biff y

Quindi o intervieni su biff trasformando la y in n oppure intervieni
su comsat commentando la relativa riga in /etc/inetd.conf.
Io non ho il beep ma comsat e biff non li ho toccati e ho invece
commentato la stringa degli avvisi di sistema in /etc/inputrc

$ grep bell /etc/inputrc
# Configure the system bell.  Options are none, visible, and audible.
#set bell-style none

Ho preferito questa via perche' non volevo comunque perdere
l'avvertimento a video delle nuove mail (you have mail) gestito sempre 
da biff che anche da te dovrebbe gia' funzionare se hai lasciato come 
MAIL_DIR di default quella canonica (/var/spool/mail) oppure se gestendo 
le mail da un'altra parte hai comunque avvertito il sistema.
Se ho capito bene la tua MAIL_DIR non e' quella canonica quindi se vuoi
la notifica a video devi editare /etc/login.defs trasformando la

MAIL_DIR /var/spool/mail


MAIL_DIR pathtuamaildir

e naturalmente devi fare in modo che lo spoolfile (contenuto nella
maildir) abbia il nome coincidente con quello dell'utente e che le
mail vengano scaricate realmente in quel file (e non vengano subito 
smistate dalle regole di procmail). 

Quindi Arwan a te la scelta delle possibili soluzioni sperando che
almeno una di quelle che ti ho indicato funzioni sul tuo sistema.

Madonnina.. di prima mattina l'ho fatta decisamente troppo lunga..
vabbe'.. buona giornata!

LU 285930 * LM 167646

Re: [newbie-it] update

2003-06-12 Per discussione Andrea Celli
Alle 23:22, mercoledì 11 giugno 2003, piter ha scritto:
 Cosa ti dice se provi a dare
 $ rpm --checksig foomatic-db.quello-che-cè.rpm

 $ rpm --checksig foomatic-db-3.0-0.beta2.20030403.2.2mdk.i586.rpm
 foomatic-db-3.0-0.beta2.20030403.2.2mdk.i586.rpm: md5 GPG NOT OK

ci sono due tipi di firme, Mandrake usa l'altro. Prova con 
$ rpm --checksig --nogpg 
ti dovrebbe rispondere MD5 OK

 ti dovrebbe dire che il pacchetto è firmato da Mandrake e che md5sum è
 Se md5sum non è OK, significa che il file è corrotto.
 prova a vedere cosa succede a rimuoverlo a mano, magari con l'opzione test
 # rpm -e --test foomatic-db
 se ti dice che non riesce a rimuovere un file, siamo a cavallo

 # rpm -e --test foomatic-db
 foomatic-db-3.0-0.beta2.20030403.2.2mdk.i586.rpm error: package
 foomatic-db-3.0-0.beta2.20030403.2.2mdk.i586.rpm is not installed

 questo è quello che ho ottenuto, spero tramite i vostri consigli di
 riuscire a risolvere.

Però, seguili più attentamente :-)

Quando installi o usi -qp devi usare il nome completo del FILE con rpm finale.
 Quando lavori su pacchetti già installati (per rimuoverli o chiedere
informazioni) devi dare solo il nome del PACCHETTO, al massimo con la versione

$ rpm -q opera-7.11-20030515.4
$ rpm -q opera
$ rpm -q opera-7.11-20030515.4.rpm
package opera-7.11-20030515.4.rpm is not installed

ciao, Andrea

[newbie-it] 3 Schede di rete

2003-06-12 Per discussione Luciano
Salve a tutti

qualcuno mi sà dire come posso fare con la Mandrake 9.1 a fare questo?

1 Eth0 che va direttamente su Internet con indirizzo ip
2 Eth1 che controlla una rete in classe A ip:
3 Eth2 che controlla una rete in classe C ip:
Logicamente Eth1 e Eth2 devono andare su internet con possibilità di 
scaricare la posta e navigare.

Eth0 dovrebbe controllare tutto i che fanno la classe  A, e C con la 
possibilità di nascondere
la rete mia interna per sicurezza.
Fare da Firewall e magari se possibile vedere dove và la gente e caso mai 
bloccare la macchina
in quel momento che stà navigando per i fatti suoi.

Haa... logicamente tutti i PC che sono in classe A e C sono Windows.

Salutoni a tutti


Re: [newbie-it] update

2003-06-12 Per discussione piter

-- Messaggio originale --
From: Andrea Celli [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] update
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2003 13:34:26 +0200

ci sono due tipi di firme, Mandrake usa l'altro. Prova con
$ rpm --checksig --nogpg 
ti dovrebbe rispondere MD5 OK

$ rpm --checksig --nogpg foomatic-db-3.0-0.beta2.20030403.2.2mdk.i586.rpm
foomatic-db-3.0-0.beta2.20030403.2.2mdk.i586.rpm: md5 OK

qui ci siamo, infatti md5 è ok

Però, seguili più attentamente :-)

Quando installi o usi -qp devi usare il nome completo del FILE con rpm
 Quando lavori su pacchetti già installati (per rimuoverli o chiedere
informazioni) devi dare solo il nome del PACCHETTO, al massimo con la versione

$ rpm -q opera-7.11-20030515.4
$ rpm -q opera
$ rpm -q opera-7.11-20030515.4.rpm
package opera-7.11-20030515.4.rpm is not installed

$ rpm -q foomatic-db-3.0-0.beta2.20030403.2.2
package foomatic-db-3.0-0.beta2.20030403.2.2 is not installed

$ rpm -q foomatic-db-3.0-0.beta2.20030403.2.2mdk.i586.rpm
package foomatic-db-3.0-0.beta2.20030403.2.2mdk.i586.rpm is not installed

qui no, come la metto la metto, sempre la stessa risposta ricevo.
grazie comunque per le risposte.

[newbie-it] Notizie sul Net MD della sony.

2003-06-12 Per discussione Michele
Vorrei sapere se è possibile in qualche maniera gestire il mio lettore 
registartore MD sony MZ-N710 usb/mp3 per non usare winzozz...

Re: [newbie-it] 3 Schede di rete

2003-06-12 Per discussione Luigi Pinna
Hash: SHA1

Alle 13:58, giovedì 12 giugno 2003, Luciano ha scritto:
 Salve a tutti

 qualcuno mi sà dire come posso fare con la Mandrake 9.1 a fare

 1 Eth0 che va direttamente su Internet con indirizzo ip 2 Eth1 che controlla una rete in classe A ip:
 3 Eth2 che controlla una rete in classe C ip:

 Logicamente Eth1 e Eth2 devono andare su internet con possibilità di
 scaricare la posta e navigare

 Eth0 dovrebbe controllare tutto i che fanno la classe  A, e C con la
 possibilità di nascondere
 la rete mia interna per sicurezza
 Fare da Firewall e magari se possibile vedere dove và la gente e caso
 mai bloccare la macchina
 in quel momento che stà navigando per i fatti suoi

 Haa... logicamente tutti i PC che sono in classe A e C sono Windows

 Salutoni a tutti


Hai provato a trasformare la macchina Linux in proxy server? Gli altri 
computer possono andare in rete usando la macchina linux come getaway e 
tu puoi proteggere la rete applicando firewall e masquering tutto su 
una macchina.
Per configurare questi servizi io non ti posso aiutare ma ci sono degli 
howto (penso anche nella mandrake 9.1); se sei fortunato li trovi in 

Ciao Luigi
- -- 
Micro Credo:
Non fidarti mai di un computer piu' grande di quello che tu puoi
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] update

2003-06-12 Per discussione piter
nell'intento di installare questo benedetto aggiornamento di foomatic ho
tentato di disinstallare quello vecchio, ma quando ci provo il portatile,
un celeron a 700mhz, va letterelamente in tilt. ho provato più volte, ma
ho sempre dovuto riavviare.

un'altra cosa strana è che la mdk security mi segnala che cè un'aggiornamento
sulla sicurezza riguardate la kernel della mdk 9.1, ma l'update continua
a segnalarmi solo foomatic, che sia andato tutto a p...agnotte?


Re: [newbie-it] update

2003-06-12 Per discussione Germano
No, è giusto così.
Mandrake non controlla i pacchetti di aggiornamento del kernel a meno che non 
siano dati esplicitamente (infatti in un file di configurazione di urpmi c'è 
una lista nera di pacchetti che non devono essere controllati automaticamente 
per motivi di sicurezza).
Se sai che devi aggiornare il kernel richiedilo esplicitamente e, per quanto 
di solito non vengano combinati pasticci, leggiti comunque le note di 
mandrake alla pagine

Ciao, Germano

il 16:43, giovedì 12 giugno 2003, si è scritto riguardo a Re: [newbie-it] 
nell'intento di installare questo benedetto aggiornamento di foomatic ho
tentato di disinstallare quello vecchio, ma quando ci provo il portatile,
un celeron a 700mhz, va letterelamente in tilt. ho provato più volte, ma
ho sempre dovuto riavviare.

un'altra cosa strana è che la mdk security mi segnala che cè
 un'aggiornamento sulla sicurezza riguardate la kernel della mdk 9.1, ma
 l'update continua a segnalarmi solo foomatic, che sia andato tutto a


Re: [newbie-it] update

2003-06-12 Per discussione Andrea Celli
Alle 14:52, giovedì 12 giugno 2003, piter ha scritto:
 -- Messaggio originale --

  Quando lavori su pacchetti già installati (per rimuoverli o chiedere
 informazioni) devi dare solo il nome del PACCHETTO, al massimo con la
 $ rpm -q opera-7.11-20030515.4
 $ rpm -q opera

 $ rpm -q foomatic-db-3.0-0.beta2.20030403.2.2mdk.i586.rpm
 package foomatic-db-3.0-0.beta2.20030403.2.2mdk.i586.rpm is not installed

 qui no, come la metto la metto, sempre la stessa risposta ricevo.

Allora, tu vuoi installare foomatic-db-3.0-0.beta2.20030403.2.2 e non ci
riesci. È abbastanza logico che non sia installato.

Quello che ti avevo suggerito era di controllare se c'era una versione
precedente già installata. Quindi :

rpm -q foomatic-db

senza versione ne altro.

Se c'è, allora puoi vedere se qualcuno dei file che compongono il pacchetto
ha delle protezioni tali da impedirne la rimozione o la sostituzione da parte
di cpio (il meccanismo di copia di rpm). Per far questo, si può provare
a dare un brutale
 rpm -e foomatic-db  (che rimuove il pacchetto)
o un più  prudente 
 rpm -e --test foomatic-db
che ti dice cosa succederebbe rimuovendolo

ciao, andrea

[newbie-it] scheda audio trident

2003-06-12 Per discussione Giovanni Coan
La mdk 9.0 mi riconosce perfettamente la scheda audio
del portatile (Acer TravelMate 201T) e
9.1 ha problemi con il modulo trident,
necessario...Così non funziona. Mi dite, per favore,
se sapete come posso fare per farla funzionare?
Grazie mille.

Giovanni Coan

Yahoo! Mail: 6MB di spazio gratuito, 30MB per i tuoi allegati, l'antivirus, il filtro 

Re: [newbie-it] mutt + mailcap e msg in HTML

2003-06-12 Per discussione syd
* syd wrote:
 Se poi qualcuno e' riuscito a far scomparire quell'avvertimento..
 faccia un fischio ;))

Aggiornamento: le informazioni che ti ho passato nel precedente post
si riferivano ad una mia vecchia configurazione che usavo quando
convertivo html in txt ma e' ormai un bel po' che non facevo piu'
il giochetto (dalla slack8.1)
Mi hai fatto venire lo schiribizzo e oggi mi sono installato
l'ultima release di links (2.1pre11) che.. non supporta piu' il dump!
Allora ho installato lynx (2.8.4) che invece gestisce il dump ma ho
dovuto infilare questa stringa in ~/.mailcap

$ grep html ~/.mailcap

text/html; /usr/local/bin/lynx -dump %s; copiousoutput; nametemplate=%s.html
#text/html; /usr/local/bin/links -dump -T text/html '%s'; copiousoutput; 
description=HTML Text; nametemplate=%s.html 

Funge tutto.

ps Nota la stringa commentata: ho fatto a pugni per un intero
pomeriggio con links. Magari prendila come spunto e se riesci
nell'impresa ti sarei grato se me lo facessi sapere.Thanks.

ps2 Comunque links e' uno spettacolo.   

Slackware 9.0 * K 2.4.20

Re: [newbie-it] scheda audio trident

2003-06-12 Per discussione Emiliano La Licata
Alle 18:30, giovedì 12 giugno 2003, Giovanni Coan ha scritto:

 La mdk 9.0 mi riconosce perfettamente la scheda audio
 del portatile (Acer TravelMate 201T) e
 9.1 ha problemi con il modulo trident,
 necessario...Così non funziona. Mi dite, per favore,
 se sapete come posso fare per farla funzionare?

Di nuovo l'audio con mdk 9.1!!! grrr...

prova a dare # draksound e cambiare driver da ALSA a OSS


Re: [newbie-it] beepfetch

2003-06-12 Per discussione Arwan
Alle Thursday 12 June 2003 07:50, a proposito di Re: [newbie-it] beepfetch (e 
chissa' a cosa pensava veramente), syd ha scritto: 

 Ti dice quindi che la cosa funge quando biff e' su y e tu in
 /etc/profile avrai sicuramente

 $ grep biff /etc/profile

 if [ -x /usr/bin/biff ]; then
  biff y

OK, ho preso questa strada perche' il set bell non funziava... e ho comunque 
dovuto riavviare perche' andasse. (Ma6 mi aveva detto di ricaricare qualcosa 
dopo le modifiche, ma non avendo capito cosa... ho dato reboot, cosi' s'e' 
arrangiato da solo ;-) )


[newbie-it] a proposito di gcc...

2003-06-12 Per discussione Luigi Pinna
Hash: SHA1

Ciao a tutti oggi ho dei quesiti un tecnici (spero di essere fortunato 
;-) ):
Il primo si tratta nel trovare una funzione che mi converta un int in un 
char: il C implementa il contrario con la funzione atoi ma non da int a 
Il secondo è come leggere da una porta seriale: ho trovato un programma 
su un manuale che mi fa leggere ma usandolo mi trovo a generare tante 
porte aperte e non a leggere da esse!  In pratica riesco a leggere il 
file descrittore che mi dice il numero di porta non i bit contenuti.
Qualcuno di voi mi può aiutare??? Possibilmente che girino sul 2.95
Grazie e intanto incrocio le dita!
- -- 
Le ragazze sono come l'aspirina: una ogni 4 ore e passa il mal di 
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie] NTP Server

2003-06-12 Per discussione Richard Urwin
On Thursday 12 Jun 2003 2:03 am, Cody Harris wrote:
 At 03:01 AM 6/12/2003 +0200, you wrote:
 On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 02:42, Cody Harris wrote:
   As a second comment, this is over my head and i'm going to drop it. How
   do you uninstall?
 That's not the way... You don't want to learn things ?

 Is it worth is though?

If you're not doing version control (RCS, CVS) between your machines, and you 
don't have a time fixation, and you don't mind reseting the clock every week, 
then probably no.

It's a good thing to learn though, and ISTR there is a good HOWTO on it.

Richard Urwin

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Re: [newbie] 1st Linux Email!

2003-06-12 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 12 Jun 2003 12:17 am, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 04:00, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Wednesday 11 Jun 2003 5:43 pm, Keith wrote:
   WOW, Webmin is incredible!
   Stephen  Anne, I tried both current suggestions, both worked,
   and found another old e-mail, and clicking on the SECOND one
   below worked. Thanks Much..Linux is a whole new world
  The second and fourth ones should both work - the other two
  definitely not.

 Umy'all know what webmin actually places a binary in /usr/bin -
 so you can literally just open a terminal and type webmin and it
 will FIND it's proper URL, ya?

Actually, I always do it that way.  Linux is about choice g


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Re: [newbie] Start up

2003-06-12 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 12 Jun 2003 4:47 am, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 On Wednesday 11 June 2003 02:05 am, Aron Smith wrote:

 To compound the felony, the second poster entered his message below
 his signature, the result being that his reply has disappeared.
 This is because KMail automatically deletes signatures and
 _everything_ below them.

Which brings up another point.  We often tell newbies about html, but 
rarely do I see any mention of how to handle sigs.  If someone leaves 
a sig in place and replies below, it is impossible to reply 
correctly, as Carroll said, because everything below the '--' line 

Question is, if we are going to point newbies to some explanation of 
why we don't use html, how and where do we tell them about this one?


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Re: [newbie] D4X Compile

2003-06-12 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Charles A Edwards wrote:

On Wed, 11 Jun 2003 18:29:51 +0100
John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

can you help me once more and give me the precise url for


or you ca use another mirror of your choice.



OK done that , but,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# cd /pk
=   d4x-2.4.0-1mdk.src.rpm  nt-2.0-5.src.rpm
d4x-2.03-1mdk.src.rpm   d4x-2.4.1-2mdk.src.rpm
d4x-2.4-0.1mdk.src.rpm  d4x-2.4.1-fr1.src.rpm
[EMAIL PROTECTED] pk]# rpm --rebuild d4x-2.4.1-2mdk.src.rpm
Installing d4x-2.4.1-2mdk.src.rpm
error: failed build dependencies:
   libesound-devel is needed by d4x-2.4.1-2mdk
   libatk-devel is needed by d4x-2.4.1-2mdk
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]#  urpmi  libesound-devel
To satisfy dependencies, the following packages are going to be 
installed (0 MB):
Is this OK? (Y/n) y
eject: unable to eject, last error: Invalid argument
Please insert the medium named Installation CD 2 (x86) (cdrom2) on 
device [/dev/scsi/host1/bus0/target0/lun0/cd]
Press Enter when ready...

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# urpmi  libatk-devel
installing /var/cache/urpmi/rpms/libatk1.0_0-devel-1.2.2-1mdk.i586.rpm

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]#  urpmi  libesound-devel
Everything already installed
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# urpmi  libatk-devel
Everything already installed
[EMAIL PROTECTED] pk]# rpm --rebuild d4x-2.4.1-2mdk.src.rpm
Installing d4x-2.4.1-2mdk.src.rpm
Executing(%prep): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.8347
+ umask 022
+ cd /usr/src/RPM/BUILD
+ rm -rf /var/tmp/d4x-2.4.1-2mdk-buildroot
+ cd /usr/src/RPM/BUILD


checking for rpm... /bin/rpm
checking for dot... no
checking whether ln -s works... yes
checking for esd-config... /usr/bin/esd-config
checking for ESD - version = 0.2.7... yes
checking for pkg-config... /usr/bin/pkg-config
checking for GLIB - version = 2.0.6... yes (version 2.2.1)
checking for pkg-config... (cached) /usr/bin/pkg-config
checking for GTK+ - version = 2.0.6... no
*** Could not run GTK+ test program, checking why...
*** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file config.log 
for the
*** exact error that occured. This usually means GTK+ is incorrectly 
configure: error: *** GTK = 2.0.6 not installed! ***
error: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.71141 (%build)

RPM build errors:
   Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.71141 (%build)
So it looks to me as though my version of the gtk libraries is going to 
have to be updated somehow ?


John Richard Smith

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] great tool for dual-booters

2003-06-12 Per discussione edoardo

We all know Mandrake is great in setting itself up for accessing existing
windows partitions.
Windows instaed, is not good at the reverse.
While there exist a commercial windows driver for ext2fs/ext3fs,
I found an excellent free ext2fs/ext3fs explorer (as long as a driver) at :

many congrats to its author, John Newbigin!


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Galeon Flash Plug-in

2003-06-12 Per discussione Chris Blake

With MDK 9 I installed a flash-player plug-in for Galeon, however, since
moving to 9.1 (clean install) I cannot find the appropriate plug-in.

I tried installing the plug-in I downloaded for when I was using MDK 9,
but it don`t do anything.

I`m trying to access and
there it has a link to download the flash plug-in, but Flash site
responds by saying I don`t have a compatible browser...

Any ideas ?
Chris Blake
Office : (011) 782-0840
Cell : 083 985 0379

Ad astra per aspera.
[To the stars by aspiration.]

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Re: [newbie] Galeon Flash Plug-in

2003-06-12 Per discussione Steven Broos
I don't think that's flash, but a Java Applet.
Didn't get that working in galeon yet... but didn't try much :-)


On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 12:52, Chris Blake wrote:
 With MDK 9 I installed a flash-player plug-in for Galeon, however, since
 moving to 9.1 (clean install) I cannot find the appropriate plug-in.
 I tried installing the plug-in I downloaded for when I was using MDK 9,
 but it don`t do anything.
 I`m trying to access and
 there it has a link to download the flash plug-in, but Flash site
 responds by saying I don`t have a compatible browser...
 Any ideas ?

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Re: [newbie] Galeon Flash Plug-in

2003-06-12 Per discussione Chris Blake
Thanks Steven, 

I`ll try the link you`ve supplied

Thanks for your time in responding...


On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 12:46, Steven Broos wrote:
 I don't think that's flash, but a Java Applet.
 Didn't get that working in galeon yet... but didn't try much :-)
 On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 12:52, Chris Blake wrote:
  With MDK 9 I installed a flash-player plug-in for Galeon, however, since
  moving to 9.1 (clean install) I cannot find the appropriate plug-in.
  I tried installing the plug-in I downloaded for when I was using MDK 9,
  but it don`t do anything.
  I`m trying to access and
  there it has a link to download the flash plug-in, but Flash site
  responds by saying I don`t have a compatible browser...
  Any ideas ?
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to
Chris Blake
Office : (011) 782-0840
Cell : 083 985 0379

After one week [visiting Austria] I couldn't wait to go back to the
States.  Everything was much more pleasant in the United States, because
the mentality of being open-minded, always positive.  Everything you
want to
do in Europe is just, 'No way.  No one has ever done it.'  They haven't
more the desire to go out to conquer and achieve -- I realized that I
had much
more the American spirit.
-- Arnold Schwarzenegger

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Re: [newbie] xfishtank

2003-06-12 Per discussione drake
Thanks!   Is there anything else out there like xfish that will work with KDE?

On Wednesday 11 June 2003 06:21 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 05:14, drake wrote:
  Does this program do anything?  I'm using KDE with Mandrake 9.0.  I
  opened up a terminal and typed in xfishtank -b 50 -f 15 -r .1 -d . 
  Nothing happened. What else do I need to do?

 XFishtank paints the root window - KDE doesn't like programs painting
 the root window, so it's not going to work properly under KDE, but
 will work under something like WindowMaker, Enlightenment, AfterStep,
 XFCE - and similar window managers. I didn't mention PekWM because it

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Re: [newbie] xfishtank

2003-06-12 Per discussione Chris Blake

I tried on Gnome and that don`t work

[EMAIL PROTECTED] logs]# xfishtank -b 50 -f 15 -r .1 -d 
[1] 3108
[EMAIL PROTECTED] logs]# xfishtank

after the last command it just hangsno fish, no tank

On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 14:15, drake wrote:
 Thanks!   Is there anything else out there like xfish that will work with KDE?
 On Wednesday 11 June 2003 06:21 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 05:14, drake wrote:
   Does this program do anything?  I'm using KDE with Mandrake 9.0.  I
   opened up a terminal and typed in xfishtank -b 50 -f 15 -r .1 -d . 
   Nothing happened. What else do I need to do?
  XFishtank paints the root window - KDE doesn't like programs painting
  the root window, so it's not going to work properly under KDE, but
  will work under something like WindowMaker, Enlightenment, AfterStep,
  XFCE - and similar window managers. I didn't mention PekWM because it
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Chris Blake
Office : (011) 782-0840
Cell : 083 985 0379

It is impossible to enjoy idling thoroughly unless one has plenty of
work to do.
-- Jerome Klapka Jerome

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[newbie] Savage drivers

2003-06-12 Per discussione Hutton Daniel

I'm installing 
Mandrake for an association that I'm part of and I'm having trouble getting x 
configured on a dual boot pc with a newly installed Madrake 9.1. I got all the 
graphics card info from windows which tells me thatthe graphic card 
S3 Grphics ProSavage 
DDR with 32Mb memory and a "S3 P4M266" chip set.
I didn't open the 
box to check it and the documentation doesn't say what the card actually is. 
>From the position of the video port it looks like the grafics card might be 
inetgrated into the motherboard.
X just won't start. 
I've tried all the savage drivers but none of them pass the test during 
installation. I skipped the X set up during installation and then went and tried 
again with XFdrake but still no luck. I've tried both the versions of XFree86 
offered to me during installation. Using XFdrake I checked that the monitor is 
set up ok and it has used values which exactly match the values in the 
manual so I'm pretty sure the autodetect has worked well for the 
Sorry if this is a 
tough one but I'm reallystuck. Many thanks in advance to anyone who can 


P.S I love 9.1, it's 
first time I've tried Mandrake and I've already put it on 3 

Re: [newbie] Start up

2003-06-12 Per discussione Todd Slater
On Thu, Jun 12, 2003 at 08:56:03AM +0100, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Thursday 12 Jun 2003 4:47 am, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
  On Wednesday 11 June 2003 02:05 am, Aron Smith wrote:
  To compound the felony, the second poster entered his message below
  his signature, the result being that his reply has disappeared.
  This is because KMail automatically deletes signatures and
  _everything_ below them.
 Which brings up another point.  We often tell newbies about html, but 
 rarely do I see any mention of how to handle sigs.  If someone leaves 
 a sig in place and replies below, it is impossible to reply 
 correctly, as Carroll said, because everything below the '--' line 

Hmm, this sounds like bad design in kmail rather than a breach of
etiquette. It is not difficult to imagine times when you would want to
reply and include the original writer's sig. If anything, kmail should
offer the option of turning off automatic deletion of the sig, or allow
the user to select the text from the original to be included in the
reply (select text, click Reply). Sylpheed offers both options.

How do other MUA's handle sigs in a reply? What else are people
using--kmail, sylpheed, evolution . . .?


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Re: [newbie] Savage drivers

2003-06-12 Per discussione Technoslick
On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 08:09, Hutton Daniel wrote:
 I'm installing Mandrake for an association that I'm part of and I'm
 having trouble getting x configured on a dual boot pc with a newly
 installed Madrake 9.1. I got all the graphics card info from windows
 which tells me that the graphic card is;
 S3 Grphics ProSavage DDR with 32Mb memory and a S3 P4M266 chip set.

S3 video chipsets have become a sore subject for me with Mandrake Linux.
I have a little less trouble in RedHat, so it's not just a
Mandrake-related problem in my mind. If you do a search through the
archives (I'm guessing...mmm...maybe April/May) for S3 Savage 2000,
you'll find my previous posts on my own problem.

 I didn't open the box to check it and the documentation doesn't say
 what the card actually is. From the position of the video port it
 looks like the grafics card might be inetgrated into the motherboard.

You are going to have to open the box and take a look. If it's
integrated, you'll find that a search of the larger square chips on your
motherboard will reveal the exact make and model. If you don't see
anything specifically stenciled, it's probably that one with the
heat-sink on it. Don't try to remove, that of course. Instead, boot into
Windows and see what's listed in Display | Settings or Device Manager.
In most cases, the description Windows gives is enough.

 X just won't start. I've tried all the savage drivers but none of them
 pass the test during installation. I skipped the X set up during
 installation and then went and tried again with XFdrake but still no
 luck. I've tried both the versions of XFree86 offered to me during
 installation. Using XFdrake I checked that the monitor is set up ok
 and it has used  values which exactly match the values in the manual
 so I'm pretty sure the autodetect has worked well for the monitor.

You never mentioned what Desktop environment you are booting into or
start with 'startx' from the console's shell prompt. Would I be right in
guessing KDE? You mentioned no relief in using either XFree86 server.
That may not be totally correct. KDE 3.1.0 won't work with the S3 Savage
series chipsets regardless of which of the two Xservers you choose. This
is not necessarily true of the Gnome Desktop environment or other
Windows Managers (WM). 

Try this:

1) Go into XFdrake and allow the applet to designate the driver.
However, you must use the 3.3.6 Xserver. If you are already assigned to
the the driver that was originally chosen, XFdrake will not give you a
choice, defaulting to whatever you chose last. I found the only way I
could change the Xserver was to purposely pick ANY other driver, right
or wrong, save and then enter back into XFdrake to pick the correct one.
At that point, choosing a new driver responds with a choice of Xservers.
Make sure to pick 3.3.6 for this test. Save and exit.

2) Type in 'Xtart', without the single quotes, and press ENTER. See if
a menu comes up. If not, use 'urpmi' to retrieve and install Civileme's
applet from your 9.1 distro CD's (don't know off hand which one it's on,
but doesn't matter...'urpmi' will tell you.)

# urpmi Xtart

3) Assuming that you chose some or all of the available WM's when you
installed 9.1, starting the app at the shell prompt should bring up
other choices than just KDE and/or Gnome. Pick any of the WM's. I would
suggest IceWM this first time around as that is pretty much like Windows
and an easy try.

If you find X starting up, your video card is supported. If you still

Consider buying a new video card that is better supported, but only
after checking to see if the BIOS allows you to turn off/disable the
on-board video.

 Sorry if this is a tough one but I'm really stuck. Many thanks in
 advance to anyone who can help.

Tough one? sigh For those of us who have to deal with the
problem...yeah. Unfixable? No. Depends on whether you want to run KDE
and if your wallet is feeling generous.  :0]  

Feel free to contact me off-list, as well. Don't know if I can be of any
more help, but I wouldn't mind sharing my notes.



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Re: [newbie] Start up

2003-06-12 Per discussione Technoslick
On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 08:31, Todd Slater wrote:

 Hmm, this sounds like bad design in kmail rather than a breach of
 etiquette. It is not difficult to imagine times when you would want to
 reply and include the original writer's sig. If anything, kmail should
 offer the option of turning off automatic deletion of the sig, or allow
 the user to select the text from the original to be included in the
 reply (select text, click Reply). Sylpheed offers both options.
 How do other MUA's handle sigs in a reply? What else are people
 using--kmail, sylpheed, evolution . . .?

I usually snip away the sig when replying. Now, anyway. I can't remember
if I have always done so or for how long this has been true. I never
noticed this problem before. 

I switched from KMail to Evolution a few weeks ago, once I was able to
covert most of my O.E. mail from my laptop. I wanted/needed a PIM as
much as an email client, and Evolution does have some nifty features I
wanted that were not found in KMail. Of the complaints I have with Evo,
yours is not one on my list.



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Re: [newbie] D4X Compile

2003-06-12 Per discussione Charles A Edwards
On Thu, 12 Jun 2003 11:03:13 +0100
John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So it looks to me as though my version of the gtk libraries is going
 to have to be updated somehow ?

John I am running the same versions as you on my 9.1 system.
It is more apt that 1 are all of your gtk+2 rpms did not get properly
Make a directory in /home and copy and to it the rpms for  gtk+2.0,
libgtk+2.0_0, and libgtk+2.0_0-devel.
cd to that directory and do
# rpm -ivh --force *rpm
then try the d4x build again.


[...] Vimes's grin was as funny as the one that moves very fast towards
drowning men. And has a fin on top.
Mandrake Linux 9.2 on PurpleDragon
Kernel- 2.4.21-0.1mdk

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] Start up

2003-06-12 Per discussione JoeHill
On Thu, 12 Jun 2003 08:31:16 -0400
Todd Slater [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 How do other MUA's handle sigs in a reply? What else are people
 using--kmail, sylpheed, evolution . . .?

Sylpheed seems to leave the sig intact by default, but one cool feature
is that before I hit reply, it allows me to select the text to which I
wish to reply, ie. it crops the original post automatically by me
dragging the relevant text.

-- Joehill Registered Linux user #282046
 08:52:46 up 9 days,  6:56,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] Start up

2003-06-12 Per discussione JoeHill
On 11 Jun 2003 21:51:11 -0700
Aron Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Point taken when you mentioned green text I realized that somehow I
 had lost part of the settings for Evolution and it had reverted to
 default behavior BTW is this in  HTML (EVO says its plaintext)

Plain ol' text, pardner!
 Registered Linux user #282046
 08:54:45 up 9 days,  6:58,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] Galeon Flash Plug-in

2003-06-12 Per discussione RichardA
On 12 Jun 2003 13:11:00 +0200
Chris Blake [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks Steven, 
 I`ll try the link you`ve supplied
 Thanks for your time in responding...
 On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 12:46, Steven Broos wrote:
  I don't think that's flash, but a Java Applet.
  Didn't get that working in galeon yet... but didn't try much :-)

Actually, that's not a java applet, it is flash - click on the jigsaw
icon and see what it says it can't find the plugin for.

I'm still on 9.0, but the rpm I have is just an i386 one -

Registered Linux user 246658 at

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Re: [newbie] D4X Compile

2003-06-12 Per discussione JoeHill
On Thu, 12 Jun 2003 11:03:13 +0100
John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 So it looks to me as though my version of the gtk libraries is going
 to have to be updated somehow ?

Nah, could be that the D4X package is looking in the wrong place for
your GTK libs. It shouldn't be doing this since it is an MDK src.rpm...

now that you do have everything installed, if you haven't already, run
ldconfig, which hopefully make sure all library paths are properly

 Registered Linux user #282046
 08:56:33 up 9 days,  7:00,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] Wireledd PCCard that works in 9.1

2003-06-12 Per discussione Terry Sheltra
I use a Cisco Aironet 350 Series wireless card, and it works wonderfully 
right out of the box.  No configuration needed.  I just plugged it in 
and I was off and surfing.  They definitely are expensive though (my 
work bought mine, so I don't mind so much .. *smile*).


Greg Meyer wrote:
Can anybody give me a testimonial on a Wireless PC Card that works well in 
Mandrake 9.1.  I'm gonna buy one, I just don't want to waste my money.

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Terry Sheltra
PC Technician/Asst. Network Administrator
University of Virginia
School of Architecture
Available via instant messenger
Registered Linux User #218330
Composed on a 100% M$-Free PC

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Re: [newbie] Start up

2003-06-12 Per discussione Charles A Edwards
On Thu, 12 Jun 2003 08:54:14 -0400
JoeHill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sylpheed seems to leave the sig intact by default

I am using claws, but for this I believe the settings are the same.

Go into Configuration/Common Preferences/Quote 
At the bottom of the top window you should see %Q
Change this to %q  
As long as the sender uses the dash dash space (-- ) separator the sigs
will now be removed when you hit reply.


I do not find in orthodox Christianity one redeeming feature.
- Thomas Jefferson
Mandrake Linux 9.2 on PurpleDragon
Kernel- 2.4.21-0.1mdk

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] Savage drivers

2003-06-12 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 22:09, Hutton Daniel wrote:
 I'm installing Mandrake for an association that I'm part of and I'm
 having trouble getting x configured on a dual boot pc with a newly
 installed Madrake 9.1. I got all the graphics card info from windows
 which tells me that the graphic card is;
 S3 Grphics ProSavage DDR with 32Mb memory and a S3 P4M266 chip set.
 I didn't open the box to check it and the documentation doesn't say
 what the card actually is. From the position of the video port it
 looks like the grafics card might be inetgrated into the motherboard.
 X just won't start. I've tried all the savage drivers but none of them
 pass the test during installation. I skipped the X set up during
 installation and then went and tried again with XFdrake but still no
 luck. I've tried both the versions of XFree86 offered to me during
 installation. Using XFdrake I checked that the monitor is set up ok
 and it has used  values which exactly match the values in the manual
 so I'm pretty sure the autodetect has worked well for the monitor.
 Sorry if this is a tough one but I'm really stuck. Many thanks in
 advance to anyone who can help.
 Daniel Hutton

You might want to check the true specs on the motherboard so that you
can get the real video card information prior to mucking around any
further. You should be able to get the model number off the motherboard
just from opening the case without actually having to remove anything.

Thu Jun 12 23:10:00 EST 2003
 23:10:00 up 23:08,  4 users,  load average: 0.16, 0.14, 0.07
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

You know you have a small apartment when Rice Krispies echo.
-- S. Rickly Christian

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Re: [newbie] Galeon Flash Plug-in

2003-06-12 Per discussione Technoslick
On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 09:00, RichardA wrote:
 On 12 Jun 2003 13:11:00 +0200
 Chris Blake [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thanks Steven, 
  I`ll try the link you`ve supplied
  Thanks for your time in responding...
  On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 12:46, Steven Broos wrote:
   I don't think that's flash, but a Java Applet.
   Didn't get that working in galeon yet... but didn't try much :-)
 Actually, that's not a java applet, it is flash - click on the jigsaw
 icon and see what it says it can't find the plugin for.
 I'm still on 9.0, but the rpm I have is just an i386 one -

No help, I know, but I never could get Flash to work in Galeon under
9.0...even after installing the plug-in. My bad, or just the way it was?
Don't know. Haven't bumped into a Flash-rich site to see how it is in
Galeon under 9.1, either. I don't even see where to add a plug-in, or
what plug-ins I have, under Galeon 1.3.3. 

Sorry I couldn't offer more.


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Re: [newbie] Savage drivers

2003-06-12 Per discussione Charles A Edwards
On Thu, 12 Jun 2003 14:09:53 +0200
Hutton Daniel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sorry if this is a tough one but I'm really stuck. Many thanks in
 advance to anyone who can help.

Regardless of what card you have you should always be able to use the
vesa server.
Run XFdrake and choose custom/vesa

Check you lilo.conf and set 'vga=normal', the default is to run with fb
and you do not want that.
You can also achieve the same results at boot by pressing Esc and
entering linux vga=normal


In Mexico we have a word for sushi: bait.
-- Josi Simon
Mandrake Linux 9.2 on PurpleDragon
Kernel- 2.4.21-0.1mdk

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] Galeon Flash Plug-in

2003-06-12 Per discussione Chris Blake
On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 15:13, Technoslick wrote:
 On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 09:00, RichardA wrote:
  On 12 Jun 2003 13:11:00 +0200
  Chris Blake [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Thanks Steven, 
   I`ll try the link you`ve supplied
   Thanks for your time in responding...
   On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 12:46, Steven Broos wrote:
I don't think that's flash, but a Java Applet.
Didn't get that working in galeon yet... but didn't try much :-)


  Actually, that's not a java applet, it is flash - click on the jigsaw
  icon and see what it says it can't find the plugin for.
  I'm still on 9.0, but the rpm I have is just an i386 one -
 No help, I know, but I never could get Flash to work in Galeon under
 9.0...even after installing the plug-in. My bad, or just the way it was?
 Don't know. Haven't bumped into a Flash-rich site to see how it is in
 Galeon under 9.1, either. I don't even see where to add a plug-in, or
 what plug-ins I have, under Galeon 1.3.3. 
 Sorry I couldn't offer more.
Heh, anything is better than nothing.thanks. I`m gonna keep trying
at it, being a newb that could take a few months :)it`s just that I
don`t like Mozilla
Chris Blake
Office : (011) 782-0840
Cell : 083 985 0379

In Oz, never say krizzle kroo to a Woozy.

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Re: [newbie] Savage drivers

2003-06-12 Per discussione Technoslick
On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 09:17, Charles A Edwards wrote:
 On Thu, 12 Jun 2003 14:09:53 +0200
 Hutton Daniel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Sorry if this is a tough one but I'm really stuck. Many thanks in
  advance to anyone who can help.
 Regardless of what card you have you should always be able to use the
 vesa server.
 Run XFdrake and choose custom/vesa
 Check you lilo.conf and set 'vga=normal', the default is to run with fb
 and you do not want that.
 You can also achieve the same results at boot by pressing Esc and
 entering linux vga=normal

I tried that, worked to a point. I couldn't recover after leaving X.
System locked up after receiving a black screen. Turning the computer
off/hitting reset was my only recourse.


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Re: [newbie] Galeon Flash Plug-in

2003-06-12 Per discussione Steven Broos
On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 15:00, RichardA wrote:

 Actually, that's not a java applet, it is flash - click on the jigsaw
 icon and see what it says it can't find the plugin for.

embed src=selector.dcr
pluginspage=; width=650
height=650 sw1=

Couldn't be flash, because flash in galeon is working for me.

Anyway, I had to check it out before replying. Sorry for the wrong


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Re: [newbie] OT - M$ dumping XP to combat Lindows?

2003-06-12 Per discussione ed tharp
On Tue, 2003-06-10 at 12:00, Miark wrote:
 On 10 Jun 2003 18:29:04 -0400
 ed tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  TigerDirect is such a bunch of liars to start with, I don't know which
  part to think is a lie Tiger Direct would be under investigation by
  the Better Business Bureau, if there was a Better Business Bureau for
  Miami-Dade County (where they are headquartered), but it was also so
  crooked the National Better Business Bureau Closed them down too. I
  would not believe tiger direct if they told me the sky was blue, without
  2 or 3 more opinions. Just my opinion.
 I share that opinion. Like a dumb ass, I gave then a lot of business for
 about a year. I finally realized that despite decent prices, just dealing
 with them was an _excruciating_ experience. I stopped even looking at their
 site or catalogs about three years ago. 

me too, and heck in those three years, they could have had a real turn
around and have gotten honest,,, but I doubt it, and it will take
someone else's money and opinion to change my mind, cause they ain't
getting no more of mine
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Re: [newbie] Start up

2003-06-12 Per discussione Tom Brinkman
On Thursday June 12 2003 07:31 am, Todd Slater wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 12, 2003 at 08:56:03AM +0100, Anne Wilson wrote:
  Which brings up another point.  We often tell newbies about
  html, but rarely do I see any mention of how to handle sigs. 
  If someone leaves a sig in place and replies below, it is
  impossible to reply correctly, as Carroll said, because
  everything below the '--' line disappears.

 Hmm, this sounds like bad design in kmail rather than a breach of
 etiquette. It is not difficult to imagine times when you would
 want to reply and include the original writer's sig. If anything,
 kmail should offer the option of turning off automatic deletion
 of the sig, or allow the user to select the text from the
 original to be included in the reply (select text, click Reply).
 Sylpheed offers both options.

 How do other MUA's handle sigs in a reply? What else are people
 using--kmail, sylpheed, evolution . . .?


Notice before my sig the two hyphens.  This is not bad design, 
it's a long time internet standard, that the sig is proceeded by 
the hyphens so that sig's are ignored by servers.  If your mail 
reader includes sigs in replys, that are properly separated from 
the mesg body by the hyphens, then it's your email client that has 
a bad design.  Kmail properly and automatically adds the hyphens 
before the sig.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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[newbie] Still No SCSI Emulation ??

2003-06-12 Per discussione Langsley T Russell
On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 16:39, John Drouhard wrote:
 as root, try chmod a-rwx /etc/modules.conf, and then
 chmod +rw /etc/modules.conf
 That should allow you to modify it as root. 

I typed- chmod a-rwx /etc/modules.conf and hit enter. That returned me
to my root login.
Then I typed- chmod +rw /etc/modules.conf  and hit enter. once again it
simply took me back to where I started, back to my root login.

 And to get scsi emulation,
 find which cd you want to be emulated (ie hdb or hdc), then edit
 lilo.conf to say something like this: ...

I'm using grub not lilo. 

 Then, edit /etc/fstab and make it look like this (only the cdrom
 lines, there are many more lines):

I find no lines identified as cdrom lines. The device I'm trying to set
up is currently listed as hdb. would that be the line/s. Or will that
change if I once get my boot loader setup?

On Tue, 2003-06-10 at 04:18, John Richard Smith wrote: 
 Two things,
 add to the append line in/etc/lilo.conf  like this
 append= hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi 
 then run in terminal.
 /sbin/lilo to check new lilo script is OK
 this will scsi-em's both dvd and writer.

As I mentioned above I'm using grub not lilo. Can I accomplish a similar
result using grub?

 change in /etc/fstab like this
 /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom auto 
 user,iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
 /dev/scd1 /mnt/cdrom2 auto 
 user,iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
 this enables the new scsi-em'd devices to be mounted.

I have a stone-age SCSI 1X CD ROM drive in my system now. Would this
affect the ID as (scd0) The device I'm currently trying to get to work
under the emulation is a Samsung 48X CDRW-DVD ROM drive currently
identified as hdb, and mounted as CDRW.

Thanks for all the help. I'm determined to get this thing worked out.

LTR  }}:{(

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Re: Re[5]: [newbie] Backdoor for crashes?

2003-06-12 Per discussione Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday June 11 2003 01:41 pm, rikona wrote:
 SK Ain't it all the more easy to login via telnet or ssh from
 another SK machine and just kill the offending process(es)? Or
 is that too easy?

 That's exactly what I did, but it didn't kill it. I'd run top,
 get the PID, exit top, kill it, go back to top, and it's still
 there. Any idea why?

   Usually I start with a 'killall app-name'  If that doesn't get 
it done I run 'wpid app-name' to get the pid(s) and then 
'kill -9' all the relevant pid's.   (alias wpid='ps aux | grep')
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Start up

2003-06-12 Per discussione Charles A Edwards
On Thu, 12 Jun 2003 12:41:15 -0500
Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Notice before my sig the two hyphens

Do not forget the space or it will not work if you manually enter the
-- hyphenhyphenspace

Course I'm ornery and would prefer to call then dashes


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Kernel- 2.4.21-0.1mdk

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] Start up

2003-06-12 Per discussione Todd Slater
On Thu, Jun 12, 2003 at 12:41:15PM -0500, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Thursday June 12 2003 07:31 am, Todd Slater wrote:
  On Thu, Jun 12, 2003 at 08:56:03AM +0100, Anne Wilson wrote:
   Which brings up another point.  We often tell newbies about
   html, but rarely do I see any mention of how to handle sigs. 
   If someone leaves a sig in place and replies below, it is
   impossible to reply correctly, as Carroll said, because
   everything below the '--' line disappears.
  Hmm, this sounds like bad design in kmail rather than a breach of
  etiquette. It is not difficult to imagine times when you would
  want to reply and include the original writer's sig. If anything,
  kmail should offer the option of turning off automatic deletion
  of the sig, or allow the user to select the text from the
  original to be included in the reply (select text, click Reply).
  Sylpheed offers both options.
  How do other MUA's handle sigs in a reply? What else are people
  using--kmail, sylpheed, evolution . . .?
 Notice before my sig the two hyphens.  This is not bad design, 
 it's a long time internet standard, that the sig is proceeded by 
 the hyphens so that sig's are ignored by servers.  If your mail 
 reader includes sigs in replys, that are properly separated from 
 the mesg body by the hyphens, then it's your email client that has 
 a bad design.  Kmail properly and automatically adds the hyphens 
 before the sig.
 Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

I'm not saying that the two hypens + space + carriage return standard
for setting off a sig is bad design, I'm saying that not giving the user
a choice of whether to include the OP's sig is bad design. I simply
cannot accept that automatically stripping everything including and
below two hypens + space + carriage return is desirable in a MUA. It is
nice to have the option to do that, but the user should be able to turn
it off or bypass it when needed.


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Re: [newbie] D4X Compile

2003-06-12 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Charles A Edwards wrote:

On Thu, 12 Jun 2003 11:03:13 +0100
John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

So it looks to me as though my version of the gtk libraries is going
to have to be updated somehow ?

John I am running the same versions as you on my 9.1 system.
It is more apt that 1 are all of your gtk+2 rpms did not get properly
Make a directory in /home and copy and to it the rpms for  gtk+2.0,
libgtk+2.0_0, and libgtk+2.0_0-devel.
cd to that directory and do
# rpm -ivh --force *rpm
then try the d4x build again.


Charles, you right, my dear sir,
so, copied of CD1+CD2 , :libgtk+2.0_0,  gtk+2.0   ,  and libgtk+2.0_0-devel,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# cd /root/Desktop/test1
[EMAIL PROTECTED] test1]#  rpm -ivh --force *rpm
  1:libgtk+2.0_0   ### 
[ 33%]
[ 66%]
  3:libgtk+2.0_0-devel ### 

So it looks like libgtk+2.0_0  and gtk+2.0  are knackered.

what should I do then,
a urpmi , or better still where can I download pucka version with my d4x 
on M9.0


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] D4X Compile

2003-06-12 Per discussione John Richard Smith
JoeHill wrote:

On Thu, 12 Jun 2003 11:03:13 +0100
John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

So it looks to me as though my version of the gtk libraries is going
to have to be updated somehow ?

Nah, could be that the D4X package is looking in the wrong place for
your GTK libs. It shouldn't be doing this since it is an MDK src.rpm...
now that you do have everything installed, if you haven't already, run
ldconfig, which hopefully make sure all library paths are properly

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# ldconfig
ldconfig: /usr is not a known library type


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Still No SCSI Emulation ??

2003-06-12 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Langsley T Russell wrote:

On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 16:39, John Drouhard wrote:

as root, try chmod a-rwx /etc/modules.conf, and then
chmod +rw /etc/modules.conf
That should allow you to modify it as root. 

I typed- chmod a-rwx /etc/modules.conf and hit enter. That returned me
to my root login.
Then I typed- chmod +rw /etc/modules.conf  and hit enter. once again it
simply took me back to where I started, back to my root login.

And to get scsi emulation,
find which cd you want to be emulated (ie hdb or hdc), then edit
lilo.conf to say something like this: ...

I'm using grub not lilo. 


Then, edit /etc/fstab and make it look like this (only the cdrom
lines, there are many more lines):

I find no lines identified as cdrom lines. The device I'm trying to set
up is currently listed as hdb. would that be the line/s. Or will that
change if I once get my boot loader setup?
On Tue, 2003-06-10 at 04:18, John Richard Smith wrote: 

Two things,

add to the append line in/etc/lilo.conf  like this
append= hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi 
then run in terminal.
/sbin/lilo to check new lilo script is OK
this will scsi-em's both dvd and writer.

As I mentioned above I'm using grub not lilo. Can I accomplish a similar
result using grub?
I don't use grub, but suerly that must be so, I expect there will be a 
/etc/grub.conf or something when using grub instead of lilo. But I don't 
know since I've given up using grub years ago.
If I were you I'd go to MCC and alter grub to lilo graphical and do as 
listed here(as root)


change in /etc/fstab like this
/dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom auto 
user,iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
/dev/scd1 /mnt/cdrom2 auto 
user,iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
this enables the new scsi-em'd devices to be mounted.

I have a stone-age SCSI 1X CD ROM drive in my system now. Would this
affect the ID as (scd0) The device I'm currently trying to get to work
under the emulation is a Samsung 48X CDRW-DVD ROM drive currently
identified as hdb, and mounted as CDRW.
I wouldn't of though either of the drives would matter much.

Thanks for all the help. I'm determined to get this thing worked out.


John Richard Smith

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Re: Re[5]: [newbie] Backdoor for crashes?

2003-06-12 Per discussione JoeHill
On Thu, 12 Jun 2003 12:54:10 -0500
Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 'kill -9' all the relevant pid's.   (alias wpid='ps aux | grep')

or my favourite, kill `pidof appname`... you gotta do it as root, but
it will kill all instances of the app without you having to do all the
PIDs. the backticks are the non-shift ~.

-- Joehill
 Registered Linux user #282046
 14:25:48 up 9 days, 12:29,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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[newbie] after NVidia drivers install, how to edit xf86config file

2003-06-12 Per discussione Maxim

Am a bit stuck on x86config file editing, i.e. 
don't have a clue.
I successfully installed the Nvidia driver pack, 
but now need to edit the x86config to run it so that I can finally boot into X 
rather than just the console.


p.s. thanks ed tharp and stephen 
kuhnforlast advice.
Will do you the honour of reading some manulas this 
summer so I can move forward a little more 

[newbie] after Nvidia driver install, how do to edit X86config?

2003-06-12 Per discussione maxim j NARBROUGH

Am a bit stuck on x86config file editing, i.e. 
don't have a clue.
I successfully installed the Nvidia driver pack, 
but now need to edit the x86config to run it so that I can finally boot into X 
rather than just the console.


p.s. thanks ed tharp and stephen 
kuhnforlast advice.
Will do you the honour of reading some manulas this 
summer so I can move forward a little more 

Re: [newbie] D4X Compile

2003-06-12 Per discussione Charles A Edwards
On Thu, 12 Jun 2003 19:07:25 +0100
John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 what should I do then,
 a urpmi , or better still where can I download pucka version with my
 d4x on M9.0

Have you tried rebuilding d4x Since you did the --force install of gtk?

Hell, if it comes to it I can send you the rpm I built.
It's only 1MB.


Stay the curse.
Mandrake Linux 9.2 on PurpleDragon
Kernel- 2.4.21-0.1mdk

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] NTP Server

2003-06-12 Per discussione Cody Harris
At 07:51 AM 6/12/2003 +0100, you wrote:
On Thursday 12 Jun 2003 2:03 am, Cody Harris wrote:
 At 03:01 AM 6/12/2003 +0200, you wrote:
 On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 02:42, Cody Harris wrote:
   As a second comment, this is over my head and i'm going to drop it. How
   do you uninstall?
 That's not the way... You don't want to learn things ?

 Is it worth is though?
If you're not doing version control (RCS, CVS) between your machines, and you
don't have a time fixation, and you don't mind reseting the clock every week,
then probably no.
What's RCS and CVS?

It's a good thing to learn though, and ISTR there is a good HOWTO on it.

Richard Urwin
Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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-Cody Harris

 | This Signature is best in plain text!  |
| Linux Rox My Sox!  |
| Check out HCHS!|
|  |
| Proud to use Mandrake Linux 8.1 as a server.  |
| Not proud to use Windows as a primary server. |
| Registered Linux user #315598  |
| Registered Linux Computer #200951  |
| Wrote on a Windoze Computer :( |

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Re: [newbie] great tool for dual-booters

2003-06-12 Per discussione Graham Watkins
We all know Mandrake is great in setting itself up for accessing existing
windows partitions.
Windows instaed, is not good at the reverse.
While there exist a commercial windows driver for ext2fs/ext3fs,
I found an excellent free ext2fs/ext3fs explorer (as long as a driver) at :

many congrats to its author, John Newbigin!


Tried the trial version a while back.  All it did was cause Windoze to 
crash - not that it takes much.

Also it doesn't appear to read reiserfs filesystems and that's what my 
home partition is.

Graham Watkins
For me, morning begins when I realize that the soft warm body curled up 
next to me is a cat. (Kinky Friedman - Frequent Flyer)

Registered Linux user number 265254

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Re: [newbie] NTP Server

2003-06-12 Per discussione Richard Urwin
 If you're not doing version control (RCS, CVS) between your machines, and
  you don't have a time fixation, and you don't mind resetting the clock
  every week, then probably no.

 What's RCS and CVS?

If you don't know then you probably don't want to.
When you have a (large number of) file(s), and you want to keep track of all 
the changes to it/them, version control systems keep track of things in a 
muli-user, auditable manner. So you can back-out changes and find out who was 
responsible for breaking things.

sccs was the Unix original, RCS is the Linux rewrite, CVS is the new 
Internet-aware implementation. They use file modify times, so two machines 
with different clock times can break them.

 It's a good thing to learn though, and ISTR there is a good HOWTO on it.


I Seem To Remember. You may also see IIUC: If I Understand Correctly.

Richard Urwin

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Re: [newbie] after Nvidia driver install, how do to edit X86config?

2003-06-12 Per discussione Paul
On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 20:52, maxim j NARBROUGH wrote:
 Am a bit stuck on x86config file editing, i.e. don't have a clue.
 I successfully installed the Nvidia driver pack, but now need to edit
 the x86config to run it so that I can finally boot into X rather than
 just the console.

You need to become root (either log in as root or run the su command).
Then you need to edit /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 and make the changes
prescribed by NVidia.

Note that you need to edit /etc/inittab (or run MCC and go through the
boot section) to make X load at boottime.

Good luck
I am not a politician and my other habits are also good. 
-A. Ward - Linux Mandrake - Ximian Evolution

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Re: [newbie] Savage drivers

2003-06-12 Per discussione Technoslick
On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 13:23, Charles A Edwards wrote:
 On 12 Jun 2003 10:28:47 -0400
 Technoslick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  For me, this is a dead issue since the card has been
  relegated to Windows duty
 My 1 foray into the realm of the S3/Savage has made its appropriate
 home in my 'piece-of-shit' junkbox.
 It never even performed marginally even in windblows.
 Charles're right. :0[  When I bought it there wasn't any
thought of using it in Linux, and no idea that it would perform
marginally in Windows. The price was right at the time. I'm pack-rat, by
genetics, so I feel obligated to still give it life. But, your right. It
should be guillotined, instead!


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Re: [newbie] after NVidia drivers install, how to edit xf86config file

2003-06-12 Per discussione manolis
login as normal user:
then write

su - 
enter your root password
vi cd /etc/X11/XF86Config-4   
the path may be /etc/X11R6/XF86Config-4

this editor is kind of tricky (for a win user like me)
go to the line Driver nv
press insert on nv.
correct it to nvidia
press Escape.
press :
press wq
press Enter
now you are in prompt again
you can test if the correction is saved with 
more /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
restart your machine.

(a newbie but still fanatic linux user)

  12  2003 20:13, / Maxim :
 Am a bit stuck on x86config file editing, i.e. don't have a clue.
 I successfully installed the Nvidia driver pack, but now need to edit the
 x86config to run it so that I can finally boot into X rather than just the


 p.s. thanks ed tharp and stephen kuhn for last advice.
 Will do you the honour of reading some manulas this summer so I can move
 forward a little more quickly.

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Re: [newbie] Start up

2003-06-12 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 12 Jun 2003 1:31 pm, Todd Slater wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 12, 2003 at 08:56:03AM +0100, Anne Wilson wrote:
  Which brings up another point.  We often tell newbies about html,
  but rarely do I see any mention of how to handle sigs.  If
  someone leaves a sig in place and replies below, it is impossible
  to reply correctly, as Carroll said, because everything below the
  '--' line disappears.

 Hmm, this sounds like bad design in kmail rather than a breach of
 etiquette. It is not difficult to imagine times when you would want
 to reply and include the original writer's sig. If anything, kmail
 should offer the option of turning off automatic deletion of the
 sig, or allow the user to select the text from the original to be
 included in the reply (select text, click Reply). Sylpheed offers
 both options.

The 'select text and reply' does work in kmail.  Perhaps that's the 
way round the problem.


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Re: [newbie] Start up

2003-06-12 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 12 Jun 2003 6:56 pm, Todd Slater wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 12, 2003 at 12:41:15PM -0500, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 I'm not saying that the two hypens + space + carriage return
 standard for setting off a sig is bad design, I'm saying that not
 giving the user a choice of whether to include the OP's sig is bad
 design. I simply cannot accept that automatically stripping
 everything including and below two hypens + space + carriage return
 is desirable in a MUA. It is nice to have the option to do that,
 but the user should be able to turn it off or bypass it when


OTOH, Todd, it's not very often that it's a problem - no more than 3 
or 4 out of all the replies I've ever made.  Since there is probably 
a workaround, it's better, I think, for the default to be to crop the 
sig.  I've never seen a setting to change it, but I simply hadn't 
thought of using the select-text to get round it.


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[newbie] How to create a symbolic link?

2003-06-12 Per discussione Marco Verheul

Does anybody know how to create a symbolic link?

Registered Linux user #268279

* This message is composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

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Re: [newbie] Galeon Flash Plug-in

2003-06-12 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 12 Jun 2003 6:01 pm, RichardA wrote:
 On 12 Jun 2003 15:44:04 +0200

 Steven Broos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 15:00, RichardA wrote:
 Aren't shockwave and flash almost the same thing? The about:plugins
 page on my Help menu (Galeon 1.2.5) says Shockwave Flash from


Not sure - is there Shockwave Flash and Macromedia Flash?  I'm sure 
that I was reading a changelog recently that said something about 
removing one of these and replacing it with the other.

Not much help, other than it suggests that there may be an 
incompatibility problem if a developer found the need to change.


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Re: [newbie] Still No SCSI Emulation ??

2003-06-12 Per discussione Langsley T Russell

On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 13:18, John Richard Smith wrote:

If I were you I'd go to MCC and alter grub to lilo graphical and do as 
listed here(as root)

Well I did as you recommended and switched to lilo graphical as my boot loader. I rebooted to make sure the changes I made took effect and that it works, which it does. 

Now when I open a terminal as root, and type in /etc/lilo.conf permission is denied to /etc/lilo.conf. If root doesn't have permission how can I do anything with the file? What must I do to get permission to edit this file?

LTR }}:{(

RE: [newbie] How to create a symbolic link?

2003-06-12 Per discussione Derick Schmidt

Use ln -s path to the file or folder you want to link

for example

ln -s /mnt/win_d

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Marco Verheul
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2003 12:36 AM
Subject: [newbie] How to create a symbolic link?


Does anybody know how to create a symbolic link?

Registered Linux user #268279

* This message is composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

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Re: [newbie] How to create a symbolic link?

2003-06-12 Per discussione g

Marco Verheul wrote:

Does anybody know how to create a symbolic link?

linux and unix have a program know as 'man', which is
terse for 'manual'.
definition for most all command line commands can be
viewed by entering, in command line mode, either outside
of x-windows, or in an x terminal window.
so, any time you are wondering about a command, simply
enter 'man progname'. in this case, 'man ln'.
you can even enter 'man man' to get a description
of how to use 'man'.
peace out.


think green...
  save a tree, save a life, save time, save bandwidth, save storage.
  send email:  text/plain - disable pgp/gpg/geek code attachments.
 if you are proud to be an american, then buy made in america.

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[newbie] cat of /proc/interrupts doesn't show video card use

2003-06-12 Per discussione Technoslick
I've had some issues with interrupt conflicts on one my workstations,
but I believe I have resolved the problem. When I do a:

# cat /proc/interrupts

I get this:

  0:2512461  XT-PIC  timer
  1:  36282  XT-PIC  keyboard
  2:  0  XT-PIC  cascade
  5:  29033  XT-PIC  eth0
  8:  1  XT-PIC  rtc
  9:   3412  XT-PIC  soundblaster
 10:  0  XT-PIC  usb-uhci
 12: 550645  XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse
 14:  41990  XT-PIC  ide0
 15:103  XT-PIC  ide1
NMI:  0
LOC:  0
ERR:  0
MIS:  0

I see no reference to my video card. I asked another list pal how theirs
looked and it was the same situation. 

Is it normal for Mandrake 9.1 not to assign an IRQ to video, even if the
motherboard's BIOS is set to do so? 

Do I any concerns with this, in anyone's opinion? 

And lastly, if Mandrake 9.1 is not using an IRQ for video, would it be
safe to to tell the BIOS not to assign one?



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Re: [newbie] Galeon Flash Plug-in

2003-06-12 Per discussione RichardA
On Thu, 12 Jun 2003 21:39:02 +0100
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thursday 12 Jun 2003 6:01 pm, RichardA wrote:
  On 12 Jun 2003 15:44:04 +0200
  Steven Broos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 15:00, RichardA wrote:
  Aren't shockwave and flash almost the same thing? The about:plugins
  page on my Help menu (Galeon 1.2.5) says Shockwave Flash from
 Not sure - is there Shockwave Flash and Macromedia Flash?  I'm sure 
 that I was reading a changelog recently that said something about 
 removing one of these and replacing it with the other.
 Not much help, other than it suggests that there may be an 
 incompatibility problem if a developer found the need to change.

I don't know. I can do java, flash, shockwave, whatever, but the Epson
URL mentioned earlier doesn't work for me.

Registered Linux user 246658 at

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Re: [newbie] How to create a symbolic link?

2003-06-12 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 12 Jun 2003 8:52 pm, g wrote:
 Marco Verheul wrote:
  Does anybody know how to create a symbolic link?


 linux and unix have a program know as 'man', which is
 terse for 'manual'.

 definition for most all command line commands can be
 viewed by entering, in command line mode, either outside
 of x-windows, or in an x terminal window.

 so, any time you are wondering about a command, simply
 enter 'man progname'. in this case, 'man ln'.

 you can even enter 'man man' to get a description
 of how to use 'man'.

Of course, the snag is that you have to know that 'ln' is the progname 
for making a symbolic link g


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Re: [newbie] licq error

2003-06-12 Per discussione C Tresenriter
Oooh, an easy onmust be for me!
If you R click on the right area of the taskbar you'll see a list that 
includes add from that choose application (I think) and find Licq and 
click it.

On Thu, 12 Jun 2003 17:28:38 +0200, David Hlik [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

How can i put Licq flower icon into KDE taskbar?


If you resist reading what you disagree with, how will you ever acquire 
deeper insights into what you believe? The things most worth  reading are 
precisely those that challenge our convictions. ~ author unknown

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Re: [newbie] Galeon Flash Plug-in

2003-06-12 Per discussione Technoslick
On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 17:25, RichardA wrote:
 On Thu, 12 Jun 2003 21:39:02 +0100
 Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Thursday 12 Jun 2003 6:01 pm, RichardA wrote:
   On 12 Jun 2003 15:44:04 +0200
   Steven Broos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 15:00, RichardA wrote:
   Aren't shockwave and flash almost the same thing? The about:plugins
   page on my Help menu (Galeon 1.2.5) says Shockwave Flash from
  Not sure - is there Shockwave Flash and Macromedia Flash?  I'm sure 
  that I was reading a changelog recently that said something about 
  removing one of these and replacing it with the other.
  Not much help, other than it suggests that there may be an 
  incompatibility problem if a developer found the need to change.
 I don't know. I can do java, flash, shockwave, whatever, but the Epson
 URL mentioned earlier doesn't work for me.

I have to wonder if the Epson site is using a newer version than your
plugin supports. 


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RE: [newbie] How to create a symbolic link?

2003-06-12 Per discussione Technoslick
On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 22:44, Derick Schmidt wrote:
 Use ln -s path to the file or folder you want to link
 for example
 ln -s /mnt/win_d

Aren't you missing the name of the link in your syntax?


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Re: [newbie] D4X Compile

2003-06-12 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Charles A Edwards wrote:

On Thu, 12 Jun 2003 19:07:25 +0100
John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

what should I do then,
a urpmi , or better still where can I download pucka version with my
d4x on M9.0

Have you tried rebuilding d4x Since you did the --force install of gtk?

Hell, if it comes to it I can send you the rpm I built.
It's only 1MB.


Indeed I have Charles, same gtk error.

but it's those gkt libraries  libgtk+2.0_0and  2:gtk+2.0  

that are the problem here ?
I just need a good copy of these I think , that is what those low % 
figures were saying ?
How big are they ?


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Galeon Flash Plug-in

2003-06-12 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 12 Jun 2003 10:25 pm, RichardA wrote:
 On Thu, 12 Jun 2003 21:39:02 +0100

 Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Thursday 12 Jun 2003 6:01 pm, RichardA wrote:
   On 12 Jun 2003 15:44:04 +0200
   Steven Broos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 15:00, RichardA wrote:
   Aren't shockwave and flash almost the same thing? The
   about:plugins page on my Help menu (Galeon 1.2.5) says
   Shockwave Flash from
  Not sure - is there Shockwave Flash and Macromedia Flash?  I'm
  sure that I was reading a changelog recently that said something
  about removing one of these and replacing it with the other.
  Not much help, other than it suggests that there may be an
  incompatibility problem if a developer found the need to change.

 I don't know. I can do java, flash, shockwave, whatever, but the
 Epson URL mentioned earlier doesn't work for me.


I see it says x-director.  I googled, and came up with this somewhat 
outdated quote

 After enabling plugins in opera and going to the test
 I've found the only half of the Flash plugin works.
 Flash Player is ok (the bottom test), but Shockwave
 Flash is not ok (the top test).

which suggests that there are in fact two versions.  If you want to 
read the whole post and reply, it is at


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[newbie] DNS with bind.

2003-06-12 Per discussione manolis

I fought the last week with linux options to setup my network with samba. Now 
it is working fine.
I managed to connect my linuxpc, my winXP  and two vmware machines fine
the network is setuped with dhcp.
the linux pc has an internet connection that I want to share.
It was working fine (the ICS) one week ago, but with my efforts to setup the 
local connectivity, the other systems cannot use the internet anymore.

-I know that I must setup bind correctly.
-I don't know how.
-I don't want to use Mandrake Control Center (it meshed up all the conf files 
when I used it the last days).
-I don't want to use proxy server
-I don't want to drop dhcp and return to static IPs.
-In general : I don't want a non working windows network again.
- I am pretty newbie in linux.

Any help? Or step by step method? Or idiots guide?

thanks in advance

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Re: [newbie] how to install Nvidia unified drivers

2003-06-12 Per discussione ed tharp
On Wed, 2003-06-11 at 09:05, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Wed, 2003-06-11 at 22:26, JoeHill wrote:
  On 11 Jun 2003 06:56:25 -0400
  ed tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  might help if he was into the directory that had the program
   you should be able to
just open a terminal in the directory that contains the file
  ya, it would help wouldn't it?
 Hmmm...and here I thought that was rather clear in the first
 place...maybe I'm wrong...

so call me Homer Simpson, Duh,, I was wondering,,,wheres the beer 

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Re: [newbie] cat of /proc/interrupts doesn't show video card use

2003-06-12 Per discussione ed tharp
On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 17:19, Technoslick wrote:
 I've had some issues with interrupt conflicts on one my workstations,
 but I believe I have resolved the problem. When I do a:
 # cat /proc/interrupts
 I get this:
   0:2512461  XT-PIC  timer
   1:  36282  XT-PIC  keyboard
   2:  0  XT-PIC  cascade
   5:  29033  XT-PIC  eth0
   8:  1  XT-PIC  rtc
   9:   3412  XT-PIC  soundblaster
  10:  0  XT-PIC  usb-uhci
  12: 550645  XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse
  14:  41990  XT-PIC  ide0
  15:103  XT-PIC  ide1
 NMI:  0
 LOC:  0
 ERR:  0
 MIS:  0
 I see no reference to my video card. I asked another list pal how theirs
 looked and it was the same situation. 
 Is it normal for Mandrake 9.1 not to assign an IRQ to video, even if the
 motherboard's BIOS is set to do so? 
 Do I any concerns with this, in anyone's opinion? 
 And lastly, if Mandrake 9.1 is not using an IRQ for video, would it be
 safe to to tell the BIOS not to assign one?
 I got one for nvidia

0:   15541109  0IO-APIC-edge  timer
  1:   5099  0IO-APIC-edge  keyboard
  2:  0  0  XT-PIC  cascade
  5:  2  0   IO-APIC-level  bttv
  8:  1  0IO-APIC-edge  rtc
  9:7280104  0   IO-APIC-level  Audigy
 10:   13254293  0   IO-APIC-level  nvidia
 11: 103167  0   IO-APIC-level  usb-uhci, usb-uhci,
ohci1394, eth0
 12: 170730  0IO-APIC-edge  PS/2 Mouse
 14: 196167  0IO-APIC-edge  ide0
 15:  96313  0IO-APIC-edge  ide1
NMI:  0  0
LOC:   15541351   15541349
ERR:  0

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Re: [newbie] how to install Nvidia unified drivers

2003-06-12 Per discussione JoeHill
On 12 Jun 2003 18:05:46 -0400
ed tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 so call me Homer Simpson, Duh,, I was wondering,,,wheres the beer 

sorry, taken, if anybody is a Homer around here it's me...ask my wife!

 Registered Linux user #282046
 18:07:35 up 9 days, 16:11,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] Galeon Flash Plug-in

2003-06-12 Per discussione RichardA
On Thu, 12 Jun 2003 22:43:24 +0100
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thursday 12 Jun 2003 10:25 pm, RichardA wrote:
  On Thu, 12 Jun 2003 21:39:02 +0100
  Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Thursday 12 Jun 2003 6:01 pm, RichardA wrote:
On 12 Jun 2003 15:44:04 +0200
Steven Broos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 15:00, RichardA wrote:
Aren't shockwave and flash almost the same thing? The
about:plugins page on my Help menu (Galeon 1.2.5) says
Shockwave Flash from
   Not sure - is there Shockwave Flash and Macromedia Flash?  I'm
   sure that I was reading a changelog recently that said something
   about removing one of these and replacing it with the other.
   Not much help, other than it suggests that there may be an
   incompatibility problem if a developer found the need to change.
  I don't know. I can do java, flash, shockwave, whatever, but the
  Epson URL mentioned earlier doesn't work for me.
 I see it says x-director.  I googled, and came up with this somewhat 
 outdated quote
  After enabling plugins in opera and going to the test
  I've found the only half of the Flash plugin works.
  Flash Player is ok (the bottom test), but Shockwave
  Flash is not ok (the top test).
 which suggests that there are in fact two versions.  If you want to 
 read the whole post and reply, it is at

Anne, thanks for putting me right. There must not be much Shockwave
stuff around, since I hadn't noticed I couldn't see it.

Registered Linux user 246658 at

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Re: [newbie] Galeon Flash Plug-in

2003-06-12 Per discussione RichardA
On 12 Jun 2003 17:38:12 -0400
Technoslick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 17:25, RichardA wrote:
  On Thu, 12 Jun 2003 21:39:02 +0100
  Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Thursday 12 Jun 2003 6:01 pm, RichardA wrote:
On 12 Jun 2003 15:44:04 +0200
Steven Broos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 15:00, RichardA wrote:
Aren't shockwave and flash almost the same thing? The
about:plugins page on my Help menu (Galeon 1.2.5) says
Shockwave Flash from
   Not sure - is there Shockwave Flash and Macromedia Flash?  I'm
   sure that I was reading a changelog recently that said something
   about removing one of these and replacing it with the other.
   Not much help, other than it suggests that there may be an 
   incompatibility problem if a developer found the need to change.
  I don't know. I can do java, flash, shockwave, whatever, but the
  Epson URL mentioned earlier doesn't work for me.
 I have to wonder if the Epson site is using a newer version than your
 plugin supports. 

It's worse than that, T. As Linux users, we're barred from experiencing
the wonderful world of Shockwave. We'll just have to make do with the
useful part of the web.

And yes, my plugin is out of date. It goes with my computer, clothes,

Registered Linux user 246658 at

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[newbie] VPN client

2003-06-12 Per discussione Adolf, Michael F
Does anyone know if the MDK 9.1 kernel contains FreeS/WAN?  I read somewhere
on the FreeS/WAN site that it did, but could not find any other information.
I need my machine to be VPN client.


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Re: [newbie] how to install Nvidia unified drivers

2003-06-12 Per discussione Jason Guidry
JoeHill wrote:
sorry, taken, if anybody is a Homer around here it's me...ask my wife!
great, now you two can go vote for yourselves:

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Re: [newbie] how to install Nvidia unified drivers

2003-06-12 Per discussione JoeHill
On Thu, 12 Jun 2003 12:25:54 -0500
Jason Guidry [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 great, now you two can go vote for yourselves:

Done sir, thank you!
 Registered Linux user #282046
 18:34:08 up 9 days, 16:37,  4 users,  load average: 0.07, 0.03, 0.05

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Re: [newbie] Gonna pull a Stephen

2003-06-12 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 23:57, JoeHill wrote:
 This is where I strongly believe is going to be one of the
 places/ways that Linux is going to be part of a revolution. Linux
 people are by far some of the most generous and helpful people I have
 ever encountered. This needs to be done more and more often, I am
 seriously considering hooking up with my local LUG and starting to
 gather up all those old Pentiums sitting in people's basements
 collecting dust. Course all the little kiddies will be forced to use
 Pekwm, but hey... :D

Hey, that's how Macintosh made inroads into schools - Apple gaves away
heaps and heaps of stuff from the mid-80's and onward - so the way to
ingrain linux into the hearts of the youngsters is to do exactly that -
and Microsoft won't/don't DONATE anything - they've always got a catch
or a stipulation about what they do and what can happen with it or
around it...

Meanwhile, it might be nicer to lay ROX Desktop on them or XFCE4 aren't window manager savvy...

Fri Jun 13 08:40:01 EST 2003
 08:40:01 up 1 day,  8:38,  3 users,  load average: 1.62, 1.23, 1.07
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

What nonsense people talk about happy marriages!  A man can be happy with
any woman so long as he doesn't love her.
-- Oscar Wilde

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Re: [newbie] licq error

2003-06-12 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2003-06-13 at 01:28, David Hlik wrote:
 How can i put Licq flower icon into KDE taskbar?

RIGHT-CLICK the taskbar, choose ADD, then LAUNCHER = you should be able
to locate the LICQ program in the available programs and then voila!
It's now added to your taskbar/kicker.

Fri Jun 13 08:45:01 EST 2003
 08:45:01 up 1 day,  8:43,  3 users,  load average: 0.85, 0.97, 0.99
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Marge:  You don't have to join a freak show just because the
opportunity came along.

Homer:  You know, Marge, in some ways you and I are very different


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Re: [newbie] after NVidia drivers install, how to edit xf86configfile

2003-06-12 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2003-06-13 at 03:13, Maxim wrote:
 Am a bit stuck on x86config file editing, i.e. don't have a clue.
 I successfully installed the Nvidia driver pack, but now need to edit
 the x86config to run it so that I can finally boot into X rather than
 just the console.

Edit the /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file - locate the part where the driver
is listed as nv and change it to nvidia - then try to fire up

 p.s. thanks ed tharp and stephen kuhn for last advice.
 Will do you the honour of reading some manulas this summer so I can
 move forward a little more quickly.   
(I'll try - but reading is something I try  to force on my kids, not on
Fri Jun 13 08:45:01 EST 2003
 08:45:01 up 1 day,  8:43,  3 users,  load average: 0.85, 0.97, 0.99
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Marge:  You don't have to join a freak show just because the
opportunity came along.

Homer:  You know, Marge, in some ways you and I are very different


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Re: [newbie] how to install Nvidia unified drivers

2003-06-12 Per discussione ed tharp
On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 18:34, JoeHill wrote:
 On Thu, 12 Jun 2003 12:25:54 -0500
 Jason Guidry [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  great, now you two can go vote for yourselves:
 Done sir, thank you!

done and winning by a landslide

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Re: [newbie] how to install Nvidia unified drivers

2003-06-12 Per discussione JoeHill
On Thu, 12 Jun 2003 21:29:29 -0400
Carroll Grigsby [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Just voted. Homer has almost 32% of the votes, leading the next
 highest guy by 20%! Does this mean that Mt. Rushmore is in for a

Let's keep this up! Subvert the normal! Undermine authority!

Waste a whole bunch of time!

 Registered Linux user #282046
 21:33:29 up 9 days, 19:37,  4 users,  load average: 0.06, 0.07, 0.04

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Re: [newbie] and a hearty FSCK YOU!

2003-06-12 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2003-06-13 at 11:19, JoeHill wrote:
 On 12 Jun 2003 17:27:14 -0700
 Aron Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  O.K. gonna put on my tinfoil hat now.
 You might wanna double up the layers:

It's rather obvious that IBM is treating this as though it's nothing
more than a fleabite.

As I stated before, whatever COMPANIES that want to start changing laws
to make what I and you do illegal, then I'll happily be a criminal.

Everyone that's been involved with any form of *nix all the way through
to linux has added/changed/modified the code in some way or another.
UNIX contains linux code. LINUX contains (very little) unix code. Same
goes for all of 'em. It's going to be a tough prove - and with the SCO
version of an NDA that's even more impossible as the NDA itself
doesn't allow for truth in the matter.

Fri Jun 13 12:05:00 EST 2003
 12:05:00 up 1 day, 12:03,  3 users,  load average: 0.89, 0.96, 0.94
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

We've analyzed their attack, sir, and there is a danger.
Should I have your ship standing by?
Governor Tarkin:
Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? I think you
overestimate their chances.

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Re: [newbie] Galeon Flash Plug-in

2003-06-12 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby
On Thursday 12 June 2003 08:43 pm, Aron Smith wrote:
 On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 16:35, Technoslick wrote:
  On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 18:20, RichardA wrote:
   On 12 Jun 2003 17:38:12 -0400
   Technoslick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 17:25, RichardA wrote:
 On Thu, 12 Jun 2003 21:39:02 +0100

 Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Thursday 12 Jun 2003 6:01 pm, RichardA wrote:

big snip
   It's worse than that, T. As Linux users, we're barred from experiencing
   the wonderful world of Shockwave. We'll just have to make do with the
   useful part of the web.
   And yes, my plugin is out of date. It goes with my computer, clothes,
  Right awn, Brother!

 who needs ads in Shockwave? usually I find sites that insist on
 Shockwave are not worth watching.


It is a minor problem here. I do some surfing with 3 year old grandson at 
various kiddie sites that intermingle Flash and Shockwave stuff (mostly Will doesn't want to hear about OSS vs proprietary, nor the 
evilness of all things Microsoft; he just wants to play the game.
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] Galeon Flash Plug-in

2003-06-12 Per discussione Jason Guidry
Carroll Grigsby wrote:
  It is a minor problem here. I do some surfing with 3 year old 
grandson at
various kiddie sites that intermingle Flash and Shockwave stuff (mostly Will doesn't want to hear about OSS vs proprietary, nor the 
evilness of all things Microsoft; he just wants to play the game.

Where?  my kid visits that site all the time, and all I have installed 
is java and flash.

and shockwave can be had with the crossover plugin.

or maybe I'm way too far behind on this thread.

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Re: [newbie] Start up

2003-06-12 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby
On Thursday 12 June 2003 09:00 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Thursday 12 June 2003 12:41 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:
  On Thursday June 12 2003 07:31 am, Todd Slater wrote:
   On Thu, Jun 12, 2003 at 08:56:03AM +0100, Anne Wilson wrote:
Which brings up another point.  We often tell newbies about
html, but rarely do I see any mention of how to handle sigs.
If someone leaves a sig in place and replies below, it is
impossible to reply correctly, as Carroll said, because
everything below the '--' line disappears.
   Hmm, this sounds like bad design in kmail rather than a breach of
   etiquette. It is not difficult to imagine times when you would
   want to reply and include the original writer's sig. If anything,
   kmail should offer the option of turning off automatic deletion
   of the sig, or allow the user to select the text from


   original to be included in the reply (select text, click Reply).
   Sylpheed offers both options.
   How do other MUA's handle sigs in a reply? What else are people
   using--kmail, sylpheed, evolution . . .?
  Notice before my sig the two hyphens.  This is not bad design,
  it's a long time internet standard, that the sig is proceeded by
  the hyphens so that sig's are ignored by servers.  If your mail
  reader includes sigs in replys, that are properly separated from
  the mesg body by the hyphens, then it's your email client that has
  a bad design.  Kmail properly and automatically adds the hyphens
  before the sig.

 Right, this is the first I've seen or heard of a problem with sig lines. 
 My kmail seems to read it all without a problem.  Am I missing something?
 Nothing appears to be amiss.

They show up fine when I'm reading my mail, but KMail chops them off when I 
enter a reply. I don't see that as a problem -- in fact, I like it, as it 
saves me the chore of deleting any stuff that may get appended to the 
message. (After all, how many times do we need to read about the services of 
the Mandrake Store -- in one message?)
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] and a hearty FSCK YOU!

2003-06-12 Per discussione Aron Smith
On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 19:10, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Fri, 2003-06-13 at 11:19, JoeHill wrote:
  On 12 Jun 2003 17:27:14 -0700
  Aron Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
   O.K. gonna put on my tinfoil hat now.
  You might wanna double up the layers:
 It's rather obvious that IBM is treating this as though it's nothing
 more than a fleabite.
 As I stated before, whatever COMPANIES that want to start changing laws
 to make what I and you do illegal, then I'll happily be a criminal.
 Everyone that's been involved with any form of *nix all the way through
 to linux has added/changed/modified the code in some way or another.
 UNIX contains linux code. LINUX contains (very little) unix code. Same
 goes for all of 'em. It's going to be a tough prove - and with the SCO
 version of an NDA that's even more impossible as the NDA itself
 doesn't allow for truth in the matter.
True but to the Lawyers if it has 1's and 0's in it then they are gonna
claim it. and can the jury selected for technical incompatence  know the
bet you a buck that if it comes to a jury trial there will be a
winnowing out of any one who even knows what 'nix is

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Re: [newbie] Galeon Flash Plug-in

2003-06-12 Per discussione Aron Smith
On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 19:10, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 On Thursday 12 June 2003 08:43 pm, Aron Smith wrote:
  On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 16:35, Technoslick wrote:
   On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 18:20, RichardA wrote:
On 12 Jun 2003 17:38:12 -0400
Technoslick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 17:25, RichardA wrote:
  On Thu, 12 Jun 2003 21:39:02 +0100
  Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Thursday 12 Jun 2003 6:01 pm, RichardA wrote:
 big snip
another big snip
It's worse than that, T. As Linux users, we're barred from experiencing
the wonderful world of Shockwave. We'll just have to make do with the
useful part of the web.
And yes, my plugin is out of date. It goes with my computer, clothes,
   Right awn, Brother!
  who needs ads in Shockwave? usually I find sites that insist on
  Shockwave are not worth watching.
 It is a minor problem here. I do some surfing with 3 year old grandson at 
 various kiddie sites that intermingle Flash and Shockwave stuff (mostly Will doesn't want to hear about OSS vs proprietary, nor the 
 evilness of all things Microsoft; he just wants to play the game.
 -- cmg
I see your problem luckily mine aka rotten kid is now 25 and is mostly
into appropriating my cameras BTW I Love/hate evolution hate it because
it's always losing settings ,love it because of the spell checker.
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] How to create a symbolic link?

2003-06-12 Per discussione stormjumper

- Original Message - 
From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2003 05:36
Subject: Re: [newbie] How to create a symbolic link?

 On Thursday 12 Jun 2003 8:52 pm, g wrote:
  Marco Verheul wrote:
   Does anybody know how to create a symbolic link?
  linux and unix have a program know as 'man', which is
  terse for 'manual'.
  definition for most all command line commands can be
  viewed by entering, in command line mode, either outside
  of x-windows, or in an x terminal window.
  so, any time you are wondering about a command, simply
  enter 'man progname'. in this case, 'man ln'.
  you can even enter 'man man' to get a description
  of how to use 'man'.
 Of course, the snag is that you have to know that 'ln' is the progname
 for making a symbolic link g


and that's probably where apropos comes in
(see last line of included output)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] sj]# apropos link
cleanlinks   (1x)  - remove dangling symbolic links and empty
ifplugd  (8)  - A link detection daemon for ethernet devices
ifstatus (8)  - A link beat detection tool
ld   (1)  - Using LD, the GNU linker [ld](8)  - - dynamic linker/loader
ldconfig (8)  - determine run-time link bindings
link (1)  - call the link function to create a link to a
ln   (1)  - make links between files
*remainder of apropos output snipped*

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Re: [newbie] Start up

2003-06-12 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Thursday 12 June 2003 09:32 pm, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 On Thursday 12 June 2003 09:00 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
  On Thursday 12 June 2003 12:41 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:
   On Thursday June 12 2003 07:31 am, Todd Slater wrote:
On Thu, Jun 12, 2003 at 08:56:03AM +0100, Anne Wilson wrote:
 Which brings up another point.  We often tell newbies about
 html, but rarely do I see any mention of how to handle sigs.
 If someone leaves a sig in place and replies below, it is
 impossible to reply correctly, as Carroll said, because
 everything below the '--' line disappears.
How do other MUA's handle sigs in a reply? What else are people
using--kmail, sylpheed, evolution . . .?
   Notice before my sig the two hyphens.  This is not bad design,
   it's a long time internet standard, that the sig is proceeded by
   the hyphens so that sig's are ignored by servers.  If your mail
   reader includes sigs in replys, that are properly separated from
   the mesg body by the hyphens, then it's your email client that has
   a bad design.  Kmail properly and automatically adds the hyphens
   before the sig.
  Right, this is the first I've seen or heard of a problem with sig lines.
  My kmail seems to read it all without a problem.  Am I missing something?
  Nothing appears to be amiss.

 They show up fine when I'm reading my mail, but KMail chops them off when I
 enter a reply. I don't see that as a problem -- in fact, I like it, as it
 saves me the chore of deleting any stuff that may get appended to the
 message. (After all, how many times do we need to read about the services
 of the Mandrake Store -- in one message?)
 -- cmg
Yes, I see now, and I still don't see it as a problem. But then that's just my 
feel for the way things work.  I'm ok with the way this works.  :  )
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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[newbie] alphabetizing / sorting seems screwy

2003-06-12 Per discussione eric huff
Is there any way to set the default linux alphanumeric order?

I can't remember from my unix days anymore, but the last several years i 
have happily placed _ at the beginning of filenames and directories i 
wanted to show up first.
But that doesn't work.  I have noticed it even ignores _'s in the middle of 
a word.  And didn't files that started with . show up first, too?

I have this problem with lots of apps (galeon, rox, xterms, etc).

Is there any way around it?


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RE: [newbie] DNS with bind.

2003-06-12 Per discussione Frankie
well, you have done pretty well.

If I were in your boat, I'd get on google and search for gShield

download it untar it and put the files in a directory called 'firewall' in

go in there, open the .conf file and say 'YES' to all the relevant questions
(like NAT (ICS))

save the file.. and run it..

bingo.. ICS up and running...

so tell me, why do you need Bind?



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of manolis
Sent: Friday, 13 June 2003 5:46 AM
Subject: [newbie] DNS with bind.


I fought the last week with linux options to setup my network with samba.
it is working fine.
I managed to connect my linuxpc, my winXP  and two vmware machines fine
the network is setuped with dhcp.
the linux pc has an internet connection that I want to share.
It was working fine (the ICS) one week ago, but with my efforts to setup the
local connectivity, the other systems cannot use the internet anymore.

-I know that I must setup bind correctly.
-I don't know how.
-I don't want to use Mandrake Control Center (it meshed up all the conf
when I used it the last days).
-I don't want to use proxy server
-I don't want to drop dhcp and return to static IPs.
-In general : I don't want a non working windows network again.
- I am pretty newbie in linux.

Any help? Or step by step method? Or idiots guide?

thanks in advance

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[newbie] Tip of the Day

2003-06-12 Per discussione JoeHill
Thought I would pass this on from my Lockergnome Penguin Shell

Background Commands

As you probably know, running commands in the console is my preferred
method. I love the flexibility the console provides in executing these
commands, allowing exactly the options I need to get the job done -
nothing more, nothing less. I keep very few icons on the desktop for
that reason; most of the programs I run, I run from the terminal.

Which all raises an issue in my daily Linux use. When I'm running
several applications, all launched from the command line, I'm often left
with several open terminal windows. I can minimize them while the
program is running, but it's still more clutter than I like. I can jump
off to another desktop, but I know the windows are still open and still
there. It just disrupts my sense of order.

We've talked before about one quick way to solve this problem. Using the
 sign at the end of a command:


will free up the window to use for another program. When you execute the
command with this operator, you'll see

[1] 3000

This designates the first [1] program, running in process ID 3000. With
this tweak, it's likely that you can run more programs from a single
window than you CPU or system can handle. I've never run that many but,
theoretically, it's possible.

Even this method has its drawbacks. When you log out of the console
window, the program goes with it. In other words, closing the terminal
also closes the program. That's probably not what you want when you've
pushed a command to the background.

There is, however, a way to truly push a program into the background
from the terminal. Using this method, you can close the window while
keeping the program running:

nohup gkrellm 

This simple addition of six keystrokes (space included) signals the
system that you'd like to run the program without a hangup option -
[no][h]ang[up]. In effect, it frees the command from the terminal,
allowing you to close the console without killing the program.

If you love the power of the console and happen to be a desktop
neat-freak like myself, you'll soon learn to love the nohup command.


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