lauderdale ?

1999-04-29 Thread Marie Arsenault

Here's the individual songs and artists 

on the tapes that Jerald Cordermade up, 
in case you're interested.

Jim does a song live that has a woman's name in 
the chorus.
He's done this song every time I've seen him 
live. It's always the
last song of his set. It's very emotional and he 
just belts it out.
It's just breathtaking. Trust me. Anyone know 
the name of the song?
Is it on this comp tape? I think someone told me 
that it's not on any
of Jim's cds.

Anyway, thanks Jerald and Bill for pulling this 
together. I can't
wait to listen to it.


re: McMurty

1999-04-29 Thread Marie Arsenault

Anyone have any strong opinions about James McMurty live? 
Jennifer H has seen him a number of times, but says he was such 
a jerk the past couple shows that she'll never see him again. 
I saw McMurty once. Eaglesmith opened for him 
(which is why I went).
I thought McMurty was boring, lifeless, ehh. I 
didn't like the songs, too 
*singer/songwriter*-ish, absolutely nothing coming from the 
Take it with a grain of salt. I like Marah.


Twangfest airfares

1999-04-27 Thread Marie Arsenault

Six weeks to go, people! Make those 

More cheap airfares to St. Louis. I 
urge you all to check with 
Jo Wendland (official
Twangfest travel agent) before making any 
ontact Jo at 1-800-208-4158. She found me 
a few fares 
cheaper than anything I found on the 

Southwest Airlines Click 'n SaveSM E-mail Update forApril 27, 
1999Southwest Airlines Click 'n Save Internet Specials at** 
These fares are valid for travel May 18, 1999through September 6, 1999 and 
must be purchased by midnightPacific Daylight Time April 29, 1999. ** Please 
seeOther Terms and Conditions of these fares at the end ofthis 
St. Louis:$93 each way to/from Corpus Christi$85 each way to/from 
Ft. Lauderdale$76 each way to/from New Orleans$30 each way to/from 

Joe, Marc'sBrother

1999-04-26 Thread Marie Arsenault

Jim, kinda smilin'
Any of the Nashville folks have an opinion on a
band called Joe, Marc'sBrother?

I haven't seen them yet, but have heard rave reviews. I guess
they're poppy, no alt-country leanings at all. A few people who don't
usually like pop told me that they love this band. I actually met one 
the members at a bbq a few weekends ago (look at me name-droppin'
like a pro). I can't remember his name, of course. Maybe Ronni does.
Anyway, he was a really nice guy, fwiw. Had some interesting comments
on being a pop band from Nashville. 

There's a big Kinks tribute show here this Thursday night. 
Joe Marc's Brother is on the bill. I'll give you a report on Friday. 


Hatch Show Prints Twangfest

1999-04-26 Thread Marie Arsenault

We are selling Twangfest 3 Hatch Show Prints 

this year. They will be available at Twangfest 
from the Twang Gang after Twangfest.

Also, we'll have several autographed Hatch Show
Prints (from various artists) available at the Twangfest 
on-line auction.
We'll be posting more details about the auction 
the week. 


Goose Creek Symphony

1999-04-25 Thread marie arsenault

Any of you people familiar with these guys?
I saw them last night. I knew nothing about them, but
went on the recommendation of a friend. The first sign of trouble 
was the proliferation of aging deadheads and 20-something-"I wasn't 
even alive in the 60s, but all that free love and dope seems cool,
so I'll borrow my parents Lexus SUV to drive over to the mall, buy
a $75 designer tied-dye shirt and $120 pair of Calvin Klein 
*weathered* cut-offs, and relive the summer of love while I'm 
on spring break"-hippie-wannabes.

I'm not sure how to describe them.
Parts bluegrass, parts country, parts that Dead/Phish thing.
Lots of noodling, bongos, noodling, long solos, more noodling,
noodling, noodling. We stayed for about 30 - 45 minutes -
just long enough for the first song. g The band has an enthusiastic 
and rabid following. Maybe I'm just missing something here. 
They did have great harmonies. And they seemed like talented 
players. The songs were just so long and, I don't know, boring, 

What have I learned from this?
Well, when a friend with dormant hippie tendencies
recommends a band, carefully consider whether the band appeals to their
cool, country/roots rock tendencies or those aforementioned hippie
tendencies. g

I tried to be open-minded about it. But, hippies and me - 
we're like oil and water. We just don't mix. I blame
the Sex Pistols.


Re: Goose Creek Symphony

1999-04-25 Thread marie arsenault

I'm sure if we had stayed any longer we would've started smelling that "I'm
a deadhead and I've been so stoned I forgot to take a bath" body odor. g

or patchouli!

Today when at a record store
I saw one of their cds.  I made a mental note to buy a copy of it for your
birthday, Marie.

I have such thoughtful friends. I would much prefer a Goose Creek cd than,
say, a Haggard box set. Gotta run. I'm feeling the urge to spin my Dave
Matthews and Beefheart cds. g Right after I gouge my eyes out with a spoon.


Re: Attention Marie: How to Go Haute Hippie

1999-04-25 Thread marie arsenault

From Barry:
 Feeling Groovy Doesn't Come Cheap
 I  like a a guy who says "nice to meet you" while he's kissing both your
 cheeks. A guy who inventories his outfit -- "Karan pants and top, Gucci
belt, Prada shoes and overcoat" -- and answers the question "How much
 do you cost?" with a hoot, declaring: "It's a fortune, darling. But after you
 wear good clothing, it's so hard to go back."

Sometimes people just scare the shit out of me. Thanks for this horror 
story, Barry! g


Re: Goose Creek Symphony

1999-04-25 Thread marie arsenault

Terry Smith:
assume consensus
on this notion that any guitar solo over 30 seconds is self-indulgent. 

30 seconds, no. Over 5 minutes, perhaps.

But personally I'd rather see folks stick with critiquing the music, than
taking on such god-awfully easy targets. 

Now that's a very hippie-ish thing to say. g But, your point is taken.
You're right. Hippies are god-awful easy targets. Now folk-singers

Hey, I may not have dated a hippie, but some of my best friends
certainly *look* like hippies. 

marie (disclaimer: no hippies or hippie-wannabes were harmed in
the making of this post)

Re: pumpskully

1999-04-24 Thread marie arsenault

 Roy "The River" Kasten:
Why do you think I've been gone so long?  I've been assembling 
an immense catalog of evidence and logic, organized 
cross-referenced to wipe out Weisberger's posts with but a 
click of the mouse.  If that doesn't work I'll just start calling names.

Holy shit! What a strange week. A Beefheart thread on P2,
the Gap is selling *cowboy shirts*!, and Roy's back on P2.
This must be some kind of sign. sniff, that the smell
of Twangfest in the air?

Let the talk of long, long songs about long, long rivers begin.



Re: Dixie Chicks Article in Dallas Observer

1999-04-24 Thread marie arsenault

geez, but how do you really feelwhat's up with such completely 
"mean-spirited" attacks on critics that for some reason are not likedwhat 
a waste of time...

That was nothing. If you really want to see insults and venom
hurled about, bring up the 'M' word. in Greil.


RE: Updates

1999-04-23 Thread Marie Arsenault

MATT!:Well, I'll stand in front of Rob Miller's fantastic jukebox 
there in his living room, in my best pair of overalls, with a haybale, 
and a featherboa drinking RC Cola, munching on a moon pie, and 
tell him Jr's right,

Matt wins Friday's The Dave Purcell Rant of the Day Award. 

and what the hell are you doing a Knitter's tribute album 
for anyway? 

Yeah, what the hell? This bothers me. Poor Little Critter on the 
Road was
a tribute album of sorts. It's redundant. 

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that 
the world does not need anymore
tribute albums. g It's one of those 
ideas that are better in theory. The only really good one
is *Tulare Dust*, imo. 
And the Tom T. Hall tribute is pretty good. 


Southern Rock Lives

1999-04-22 Thread Marie Arsenault

Jon Johnson wrote:
keep expecting to see a southern rock revival at some point, 
though despite noble attempts by the likes of 
Raging Slab and Pride and Glory, I don't think it's 
gonna happen. 

Pumpskully is proudly and nobly carrying the torch. 
I think they're based in KY, but they play Nashville often.
The Slobberbone/Pumpskully bill at SXSW was my favorite.
Actually, Tip, a Pumpskully side project, is playing in town tonight.
Twangfest alumni, Blue Tick, are headlining the 

marie (Pumpskully, the future of 
Southern.ah, forget it.)

Re: Captain Beefheart (re:Welfare Music)

1999-04-22 Thread Marie Arsenault

My husband loves Trout Mask Replica to this
day; still goes over my head though.

William Cocke wrote:
I just put Moonlight on Vermont on a mixed tape and damn if 
it didn't work perfectly. Some of the most whacked out skronky shit ever 
recorded. I still can't listen to all of TMR in one sitting, though. Too 
whacked out skronky for too long.

A Captain Beefheart subject heading on P2. I've been hoping that this day 
arrive. It must be some kind of sign. And not a good one.

Man, I can't even find the words to express how much I hate Beefheart. 

I know hate is a strong word, but it's really not strong enough. I'd rather 
forced to listen to Dave Matthews for all eternity through earphones 
to my head then listen to 3 more minutes of Beefheart in my lifetime. And I've *really*
listened to Beefheart. All of his lps (oh yeah, on scratchy vinyl) over and 
over again 
until my head was about to explode. 

I'm aware that the man is supposed to be a musical genius 
(and we know this because he stopped making music years ago and 
he dropped out of society to live in the desert in a trailer). I've 
been told 
repeatedly that I just don't 'get Beefheart'. Well, I maintain that there 
nothing to get. He's had some interesting things to say over the 
(Arguably, there might be more to *get* in his 
writings and paintings.)
But, just because he might have something 
interesting to say, doesn't 
necessarily mean that he's capable of making music. There is a 
difference between noise and music, right? Maybe the wailing 
detector is actually music. I just need to understand the 
subtext of pain, danger,
and fear in its plaintive, insistent cry. 


software help

1999-04-22 Thread Marie Arsenault

Sorry for the off-topic post, but

I need to decode some email attachments. I know there's 
FreeWare out there
for this purpose. Anyone know where I can 
find it? I use a PC.

Off-list replies, please! 


RE: Captain Beefheart (re:Welfare Music)

1999-04-22 Thread Marie Arsenault

 A Captain Beefheart subject heading on P2. I've been hoping that 
this day wouldn't arrive. It must be some kind of sign. And not a 
good one. 
[Matt Benz] 
tho we could've used a few more profanities, ma'am.

Well, I'm a lady, damnit. Cut me some slack. g


Re: Southern Rock Lives

1999-04-22 Thread marie arsenault

  Has Pumpskully released a cd?

Never mind  a cd. I want a damn T-shirt!
Unfortunately, Pumpskully has no recorded material. 
I believe they are working
on one, though. CK talked to them at SXSW,
but his memory is probably a bit foggy. 

CK - asking the evocotive quesitons -
How does a 3 man bar band have a 'side project'? 
And what are they like?

Well, I guess in Pumpskully's world side project means
that a member of the band is sitting in the audience.
Didn't appear to be a member of Pumpskully in *Tip*
(maybe the drummer - I can't remember what he looks like).
Tip was cool, though. The drummer just played a bongo set-up.
They had a male and female singer that sang great harmonies.
I'd characterize it as stoner Southern Rock. Much mellower than
Pumpskully. No devil horns. 



Re: Captain Beefheart (re:Welfare Music)

1999-04-22 Thread marie arsenault

Marie on Beefheart...
There is a difference between noise and music, right?

Actually, according to Zappa when recording those LPs, the point was to
answer that question, "No."

Well, I think they answered that question with a *yes*. There is a difference
between noise and music. Beefheart falls on the noise side to these ears.


advance Twangfest tickets/URL

1999-04-21 Thread Marie Arsenault

Seems to be a slight problem with Village 
Records URL posted yesterday.
Use this URL to buy Twangfest 3 tickets via the web at Village 
Records' website.
Let me know if you have any problems.

Re: Doo Rag

1999-04-21 Thread Marie Arsenault

Does anyone on the list know anything about about a cd called Chuncked and 
Muddled by Doo Rag, on Bloat Records? The somewhat self-consciously retro 
packaging has a 1994 copyright. It sounds a little like Beck playing the blues. Very lo fi 
production. It's curiously hypnotic. I can't stop listening to it.
What a great band. I haven't thought about 
them in a while. I believe that they've
broken up. I saw them live a few times. 
They were definitely lo-fi live as well.
I think they 
were fairly innovative and doing some interesting stuff. I think they 
done some work with Jon Spencer. 

I think the Beck comparison is fair, but I think they both 
released their first material
around the same time. 

They have another cd released in '96 titled What We 
Do. I listened
to that one a lot back in the day. (Why does '96 seem so long 


The future of alt-country......

1999-04-20 Thread Marie Arsenault


Since so many of you asked for it, we have 
extended the deadline
for donations for 
the Twangfest on line auction. 
If you are planning on sending us 
drop us an email with the 

Remember, your donation is tax-deductible. We'll even 
send you
a receipt.

Contact us with any questions, ideas, concerns, suggestions,whatever. 
Again, we'd like to thank all the P2ers and P2 friends who have already made 
generous donations.marie [EMAIL PROTECTED]meshel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: criminally underappreciated albums of the '90s

1999-04-16 Thread Marie Arsenault

Morgan wrote:
 Indeed!  What an amazing album!  Every damn song on it knocks me out...
Ok, so there's two of the ten copies that sold (Neal got his free). 
Anytime you're in a dark mood, strap a capo on your first fret and 
scream your lungs out on Guilty. It does wonders for my mood.Make that three. And I've twice seen Ryan live. He's was fantastic.Totally lived up to all my expectations. And Morgan and I had a very nicechat with Mr. Ryan during NEA. Remember that Morgan? Kind of fuzzy, huh? g

np: Mandy, Mandy, MandyAnd about that cd cover. From what I hear it's all airbrushing, airbrushing, airbrushing.marie

Re: criminally underappreciated albums of the '90s

1999-04-16 Thread marie arsenault

My vote for this category is Lonesome Bob's release. Easily one of my
favorite records of all time. I've bought the cd or taped if for many of my
friends. Even those not into any of this crazy alt-country/roots stuff
really dig it. What's not to like? Some people around these parts claim
there are no good songwriters anymore. Well, I think ole' Lonesome is
a great songwriter.

Speaking of ole' Lonesome, I caught him, Kevin Gordon (that should get the
Smilin' one frowning. g), and Phil Lee do a writers in the round thing at a
little cafe tonight.  The first part of the set was acoustic. Both Lonesome and
Kevin did
all new songs. Lonesome's new songs are stellar. Kevin's songs were damn fine as
Lee might have had some good songs, but I couldn't get past his obnoxious and
irritating manner
to notice.

All three did about 4 or 5 older songs with a full band. Luckily, Lonesome and
Kevin went on first,
so we didn't have to sit through Lee. I think Gordon has one of the most soulful
voices going.
I could listen to him for days. And Lonesome just plain rips it up live. What a
great night of music.
One of the reasons I love living in Nashville.

Look at me agreeing with a folkie! Strange, but true.
John Kinnamon mentioned:
 Slaid Cleaves, No Angel Knows
Lori Carson, Where It Goes

I listened to both these artists a lot last summer/early fall.
I haven't run into many people who own these cds (even
on these lists). They are definately worth seeking out.


Re: Kiss Kiss Hug Hug

1999-04-14 Thread marie arsenault

Unfortunately, this Weiss traveling to St. Louis is not looking bloody 
likely. Was just forced to buy a car (ah the joys of some fucking idiot 
making an illegal left and destroying me beloved, *paid off* Subaru wagon) 
and am about to plunk down several hundred bucks, maybe even four figures to 
get trees trimmed on the north 40 of the compound. (Ah, The joys of 
homeownership.) Plus, the big trip for me and my better half is to the UK 
later this year, and I ain't talking about a plce where Wildcats play round 
ball. In other words, there's only so much buckage to go around.

Geez, Neal, that's about three excuses.  You better save one for
next year! g



1999-04-13 Thread Marie Arsenault

was checking out the new releases on Twangfest sponsors 
Miles of Music's and Village Record's websites 
(while drinking a 
Miller Lite, listening to Hayden's Ferry's 
releases on KDHX's webcast
via Telelink, and reading No Depression! 
). I see that Mike Ness 
has a new cd out called Cheating at Solitaire. MOM describes it as
Hard edge roots rock from a 
southern California Punk Rock Icon. 
I'm intrigued. Billy Zoom, Brian Setzer, and members of Cisco 
guest on it. 

So, have we discussed this already in 
P2 land. Perhaps I missed it. 
Has anyone heard it? Let me know your thoughts.


Re: X in L.A.

1999-04-10 Thread marie arsenault

I, for one, would really like to know how and why my younger bro
came to be chatting with The Handsomest Man in Punk Rock on the telephone
(and why he didn't put me on conference-call when this was happening).

I don't think the conference call option has been invented yet in Dave's special
dream world.  I think they are still using rotary phones actually.

s. We might wake Dave.


Fw: [hillbilly] New music site dedicated to vintage sound

1999-04-10 Thread marie arsenault

From the Hillbilly list.


-Original Message-


Hi all,

I've been lurking on the list for a while and have never posted to it.  I'm a
upright slap player in Austin.  But I have just launched a new web site,,  offering vintage and regional music for download.  We will
also be serving as a distribution site for independent labels that are looking
for a web presence.

I just opened the site on Wednesday and our current selection is limited but
our store is open and currently has selections from Austin's High Noon adn Marti
Brom, Johnny Gimble (the master of Texas swing fiddle, and Lester Peabody (the
Finnish Travis picking virtuoso).   We will be adding to our selection on a
daily basis from here on out because I have a huge backlog of material to put on
the site.

My partner is the great session bassist, Bob Moore.  He was the definition of
country bass in the 60's and 70's and was also Elvis' session bassist from about
'61 on.  Unknown to many people, he was the bassist on many of Johnny Burnettes
songs as well.  He has been on about 18,000 songs and performed with too many
stars to even begin to list them all.

Our goal is to distribute quality vintage or vintage sounding music
(rockabilly, western swing, and what is now called alternative country but is
actually the original hillbilly sound) which is not distributed by many sites on
the web.  In the near future, we will be posting some unreleased material from
some well known stars.

Just thought I would let you all know the site existed.  I welcome any and all

Roy McBrayer

Share the wealth!
Tell a friend about ONElist's 115,000 free e-mail communities!

Fw: Welfare Music Weekly

1999-04-09 Thread Marie Arsenault

This might be of interest to some of you.


-Original Message-

Welfare Music Weekly

New this week on WelfareMusic:
Veterans of the New York City music scene, this
band has a solid album, East of Yesterday, behind
them, and a good fan base. Their live shows are
energetic and tight, and they can pound the beers
onstage, never losing a beat while playing.

Just what is an alt-country wife? by Jennifer Dowling
SXSW 1999 by Chuck McCutcheon

Essential Albums:
Saddle Up! The Cowboy Renaissance--Various
Cowboy Nation--Cowboy Nation
Too Far to Care--Old 97s

Concert Reviews:
Gillian Welch/David Rawlings in
Bloomington, IN

About WelfareMusic:
Its meet the staff week


Roughstock has named us site of the week:

Definitely a site worth checking out.


Help keep WelfareMusic in business. Buy our compilation CD:


Angelo Kontarinis
music with a twang.

Re: Steve Earle/Pogues connection

1999-04-08 Thread marie arsenault

Listening to "Dixieland" from the Earl/McCoury CD, I am reminded of
Steve's collaboration with the Pogues on "Copperhead Road". Steve almost
sounds like Shane "Why're My Teeth So Rotten" MacGowan. Does anyone know
how Steve ended up working with those guys? I have heard him do some
other Celtic influenced music. Also, Dan Gillis plays on this one and I
have seen him on pennywhistle in a couple of live shows. I guess he is
Steve's manager, but does he only play spots with Steve, or has  he
played with others?

well, I do know that Steve has a real love for Ireland. He spends many months of
year there. I think that Purcell posted something where Earle said that he would
permanently move to Ireland if it weren't for his (Earle's) kids.
The Celtic influence on Steve's song writing
really comes through loud and clear during the live shows.
He also talks about Ireland quite a bit
during the live performances.

Didn't really answer your question, but, oh well..


RE: Japanese hipsterism....

1999-04-08 Thread Marie Arsenault

NW wrote:
Got me thinking, anyone know who the most popular Japanese artist in US 
history might be? I can't think of anyone beyond Cibo Matto, who, by virtue
of being on a major label, might win this pony race.

Well, I'll tell you who the most popular Japanese artist in US history *should* be?Guitar WolfHaven't heard a peep from them in ages. Are they even still together? marie

Re: Japanese hipsterism....

1999-04-08 Thread Marie Arsenault

morgan:Guitar Wolf? I'm afraid I missed this act...but am 
interested... Weplayed with this metal act once from Japan, but I 
can't remember the nameto save my life...  They came out right 
around the same time as Loudnessgive or take a year... They had 
the double kick, tremendously cool bighair, loaded with Ibenez 
gee-tars! I'll have to take a poke at the oldgrey matter to get at 
this one...or perhaps I'll just let it stay rightwhere it is. 

Not the same band. Guitar Wolf are a garage punk trio. They wear all 
and have cool DAs. It's evident that these guys listened to the Ramones - a 
They also have really bad attitudes. They won me over immediately. 
I saw them open up for the Cramps in late '97. Haven't heard much
from them since. Here's their website:
It hasn't been updated in a while.


More Twangfest Auction

1999-04-07 Thread Marie Arsenault

Just a reminder. We are still accepting donations for the
Twangfest Auction. We have some fabulous items 
ready for the auction block. We want more.

Use your imagination. I'm sure each and every one of you can 
come up with something. People are donating everything from 
cherished items from their personal music collections
to goods and services from their day jobs to magical coolers full
of beer. 

We are open to *suggestions* or *requests* for donations as well.
Now, if somebody is just dying to bid on a lock of Super-Ranger
Mark Wyatt's hair, well, that can probably be arranged.

Please send auction item(s ) by 4/16/99 to:
Meshel Watkins or
Marie Arsenault 
Twangfest  Auction
1306 Shelton Ave
Nashville, TN  37216

Please email us when the item is in the mail.
Please include with the item, or in the email, 
info associated with it like
1) how much it is worth in dollar terms, if that applies
 you can deduct this as a donation on your taxes, 
we'll send you a receipt
2) what information you'd like listed on the web site at the auction
-details, descriptions, etc
3) contact info - email, phone, address, etc.
4) suggestion for an opening bid, etc.

Contact us with any questions, ideas, concerns, suggestions,
whatever. Again, we'd like to thank all the P2ers and P2 friends 
who have already made generous donations.

Cheap airfares for Twangfest

1999-04-06 Thread Marie Arsenault

Please pass this great news on to your friends! To subscribeto 
Southwest Airlines Click 'n Save E-mail Updates,visit 
Airlines Click 'n Save Internet Specials at** 
These fares are valid for travel April 27, 1999through September 6, 1999 and 
must be purchased by midnightPacific Daylight Time April 8, 1999. 
Fares shown are each way based on roundtrip purchase

St. Louis:$41 each way to/from Cleveland$33 each way to/from 
Indianapolis$30 each way to/from Omaha

Calling all P2 bands

1999-04-05 Thread Marie Arsenault

RE: Twangfest Auction

We are asking all P2 bands to donate *something* 
to the Twangfest online
auction - a cd, t-shirt, hat, poster, etc. We'd 
like to have as many P2 bands
represented in the auction as 

We would like to receive all donations by April 
16th. Please contact us for more details.

The auction will be held May 3 - May 9, 1999. 
Will have more details about those
particulars later. 

We'd also like to thank all the P2ers and P2 
friends who have already made generous donations.
We've got some great stuff. Stay 


Welfare Music

1999-04-01 Thread Marie Arsenault

I just received this. It might interest some of you.

Well, our painstaking work has come to an end, for now. WelfareMusic has
officially launched.
The response so far has been great. Stop by and sign up for our mailings.

Our launch issue has interviews with the Bottle Rockets, Hayseed, and The
Handsome Family.

We have built a very cool community section named The Back Porch. It has
much better message threads than
the Yahoo site. They are threaded and it is much easier to follow

I hope you like our site and keep coming back. WelfareMusic's success
depends on all of us.

Upcoming interviews: Jay Farrar, The Ex-Husbands, The Hangdogs.


1999-03-28 Thread marie arsenault

At 07:43 PM 3/28/99 -0500, you wrote:
- Need to be relaxed?
- Call 1-800-996-CHAT !
We will make you cum baby!  
Talk with sexy women that turn your rock hard!

Jeff Wall:
Damn, the Twangfest commitee is really working overtime to try and raise
money now.

We sure are. And remember your *contribution* is tax deductible!


Re: Extra recommendations from SXSW

1999-03-27 Thread marie arsenault

SOMEBODY from P2 told me they'd just seen Bare Jr. someplace in
Austin...They may now speak up!

That may have been me, Barry. I saw Bobby Jr. hanging out in some club (I think
was Thursday night) with a waifish model type hanging on his arm. I did not
see him perform in Austin. He does play here in Nashville on a fairly regular


More cheap fares to St Louis

1999-03-25 Thread Marie Arsenault

These fares are valid until 12am tonight!

I also noticed many cheap fares from the west coast
to St. Louis (rt about $200) at Southwest's web site.
Southwest Airlines Click 'n Save Internet Specials at** 
These fares are valid for travel April 13, 1999through August 4, 1999 and 
must be purchased by midnightPacific Standard Time March 25, 1999. ** Please 
seeOther Terms and Conditions of these fares at the end ofthis 

St. Louis:$94 each way to/from Albuquerque$33 each way to/from 
Columbus$77 each way to/from Orlando

Erin Snyder

1999-03-25 Thread Marie Arsenault

Can one of you Pittsburgh folks have Erin get in 
touch with me?
Everything keeps bouncing back from her email 


Twangfest Auction

1999-03-24 Thread marie arsenault

The next Ebay?

To raise money for Twangfest (in the spirit of
all those PBS fundraisers), we're
pulling together an internet auction. 

We plan to hold the auction during the first
week of May. It will be run off the Twangfest
web site. Details for that will follow.

Right now we are trolling for donations.
We already have a few very impressive
items in the vault (items autographed
by some pretty well-known artists, who
also happen to be fictional future ex-husbands
to a few P2 gals. g). 

For example, the Sovines are donating
one of their snazzy tuxedo jackets (worn
on the cover of their soon to be released
cd) and a canned ham. Fear and Whiskey
are donating a limited edition FW baseball
cap designed by Kinky Friedman. Jerry Curry
is donating that hideously ugly shirt
that's been talked about so much on the
Fluff list. Bill "The Sliver" Silvers is donating one
of his purses. CK promises to give us a sweatpant
leg hat. Maybe Shane will donate a case of fluff.
Twangfest will donate one all access backstage
pass and badge (Neal?). Alex promises to buy
a round of shots for the highest bidder's favorite band.
Get the picture? We need stuff.
No item is too trivial or, well, stupid. 

We'd like to auction off P2 band cd/tapes,
t-shirts, bumper stickers, general swag, etc. 
We'll probably auction them off in lots of 5 or so.
If every P2 band could
donate a cd and t-shirt or whatever, it would be
a beautiful thing. The Twang Gods and Goddesses
would surely smile down upon you. 

All you record labels, music stores, publications,
etc. out there, I'm sure you can find something to give us.
How about a gift certificate?

So, if anyone has anything to offer, please contact
us. Remember, we know your email addresses.
If we don't hear from you, we'll come a callin'.

This is going to be a lot of fun. We promise.
Keep an eye open for updates.

Thanks for your time and thanks for the help!

Meshel and Marie

Re: Tom Waits at SXSW

1999-03-22 Thread marie arsenault

For anybody jealous of the P2 SXSW types, this was the event of the event,
and I didn't hear about any of us getting in for it. Step up and testify if
you did...

Barry Mazor and Slim both had tickets, I believe. I'm sure they'll testify
as soon as they recover. Didn't John Reide catch some of the Waits show
as well?


Re: Twangfest/Fluff list

1999-03-09 Thread marie arsenault

To subscribe got to

It's very easy to subscribe. Note that on many days
traffic is very slow. Then on other days, like today,
you might get about 90 messages. 

And they are talking about sports over there
again. Just so you know.


Re: Beantown Bound/Spurs

1999-03-05 Thread marie arsenault

John Magee:

The Spurs are my pick for best band in the Boston area. Bostonians -
don't miss 'em. Last time they played the Midway,

The Spurs are wonderful. Not only are they great musicians, the band is
great fun. They don't play out that often, it's definately worth the trip.

Just so you know, you need a car to get to the Midway. Or take a taxi.
It's not in the best part of town.

people were dancing
that I'd never seen move a muscle before. It was a strange roadhouse

I think John was actually one of those non-dancers dancing at my last Spurs'
show.  I always complained that the men in Boston never danced. Well, they don't
appear to dance in Nashville either.


Re: Tweedy quote/ (LONG and IRRITATED)

1999-03-05 Thread marie arsenault

Who's are the Scorchers?

Some overrated roots band from the 80s. 
The future of nothing, as far as I can tell.


Fw: SXSW '99 Free Outdoor Stage Info

1999-03-05 Thread marie arsenault

VH-1, Entertainment Weekly, Musicland and KLBJ-FM present the 1999 SXSW 
Free Outdoor Stage located in Waterloo Park at 12th and Red River.

+++ Friday, March 19 - gates open at 5:00pm
6:00pm -  Fastball (Hollywood Records)
7:00pm - Joe Ely and friends

+++ Saturday, March 20 - gates open at 3:30pm
4:30pm - The Damnations TX (Sire Records)
5:30pm - Spoon (Vapor Records)
6:30pm - The Gourds (Munich Records)
7:30pm - Guided By Voices (Matador Records) a new release is expected 
soon, recorded with producer Ric Ocasek

In association with B.E.A.M., proceeds from the sale of Jim Beam canned 
drinks go to benefit H.E.A.R. There will be plenty of food and beverage 
sold on-site so leave your coolers at home. (Sorry, no outside food or 
beverage is permitted in the park.)

H.E.A.R. (Hearing Education and Awareness for Rockers) is a nonprofit 
dedicated to raising awareness of the real dangers of repeated exposure 
to excessive noise levels which can lead to permanent, and sometimes 
debilitating, hearing loss. (Known spokesperson for H.E.A.R. is Pete 

B.E.A.M Foundation (Benefiting Emerging Artists in Music) is a valuable 
resource supported by Jim Beam Bourbon providing emerging artists with 
grants, rehearsal space and more. Known spokesperson for B.E.A.M. is Pat 
Dinisio of The Smithereens (who will be at the B.E.A.M. stand in the SXSW 
Trade Show).

To learn more about H.E.A.R. and B.E.A.M. visit their on-site kiosks at 
Waterloo Park during the free outdoor shows.

SXSW Music runs March 17-21, 1999 in Austin, Texas. Stop by our website 
( for more information on our events, to register online, or 
to drop us a line.

##Register early to get the discounted rate at the SXSW host hotels.##

Persons with e-mail addresses who have requested materials about events 
or have registered are automatically added to the general listserv(s) for 
the conference(s) in which they are interested.

If you ever want to remove yourself from a listserv mailing list,
you can send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the following
command in the body of your email message:

unsubscribe nameoflistserv

or from another account, besides the one which is subscribed:

unsubscribe nameoflistserv accountaddress

Send an e-mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" if you have specific conference 
questions you cannot find answers to at our website (

Re: Damnations TX vs tired UT sounds

1999-03-03 Thread marie arsenault

 [Matt Benz]  
 Now, I need to get back to the Kelly Willis disc.

Do you mean listening to the disc or drooling over
the cd booklet?


Re: Robbie Fulks and covers

1999-03-02 Thread marie arsenault

Aw, Dave's back. 

Hi everyone. Did I miss anything good?

Actually, you didn't. Marah is still the future of alt-country. g


Phil rawks! (was Mr. Earle Strikes Yet Again)

1999-02-28 Thread marie arsenault

No offense dude, but if you plan on sending a butload of mail to the lists
could you do it at once? I stopped reading them after number five.

No offense, Mr. Dude, but Phil's postings of the key ongoing
news have been a much-loved part of this list for years--and it's only
lately he's resoreted to doing them once a week instead of every day.
here's an idea--live with it.
Barry M.

I agree with Barry - and I know that most everyone on the list feels the same.
Phil puts a lot of time and energy into sending these clips to the list. I for
appreciate his effort and look forward to reading these clips. Please don't


Re: Re[2]: The Eradication Game (Re: Grammyszzzzzzzzz....)

1999-02-27 Thread marie arsenault

Let's see, hose...Meat Loaf, David Soul, Ambrosia, Leif Garrett,

Meat Loaf stays. If he goes, we lose "Rocky Horror Picture Show".
No way are we losing that. 


Re: Bourbonaires (Gravel Train mini-tour)

1999-02-25 Thread marie arsenault

 And as some kind of evidence of just how small a world it really is,
my band the Bourbonaires will be on the bill with Gravel Train tomorrow
night at the Kendall Cafe in Cambridge, Mass.  Lancaster County Prison
and Joe Harvard are also on the bill.  The festivities start at 9 with
Joe H.'s set.
 --Jon Johnson

Let me chime in here. I urge all of you New England folks to check this band
The Bourbanaires are my favorite rockabilly band in the Boston area.
I wish that I could be there. I'm jealous.


Twangfest airfares

1999-02-23 Thread marie arsenault

Time to start  making those plane reservations for
Twangfest - June 11-13, 1999!

Southwest Airlines Click 'n Save Internet Specials at

** These fares are valid for travel March 16, 1999 
through August 4, 1999 and must be purchased by midnight 
Pacific Standard Time February 25, 1999. Florida markets are
available for travel April 13, 1999 through August 4, 1999 
and must be purchased by midnight Pacific Standard Time 
February 25, 1999. 

Fares shown are each way based on roundtrip purchase

Chicago Midway:
$32 each way to/from St. Louis

Houston Hobby:
  $63 each way to/from St. Louis

Los Angeles:
  $98 each way to/from St. Louis

Re: Bookstore Gig -- thanks

1999-02-21 Thread marie arsenault

Which reminds me. We do not as yet *have* any kind of P.A. What should we get?

I am very interested in the answer to this question as well. 
If you can, please cc: me on any offlist responses to Cheryl.
I'm actually wondering what would be good for small outdoor
shows too. Like a backyard or something.



1999-02-21 Thread marie arsenault

I saw Hadacol last night here in Nashville. It was a sadly
unattended show. I have no doubt in my mind that Ronni
and I were the only ones there to see Hadacol. 

I was really impressed. It's kind of refreshing to hear
a little keyboard mixed with your alt-country.
They are good players who write good songs. My initial
impression of the disc was that it was just a rung
above standard generic alt-country with a few stand-out
tracks. But, the more I listened to it, the more I dug it.
I liked them even better live. They put a bit of a twist 
on things (a song about a recently deceased father done
as a polka. It really was touching.). I'm guessing they 
have some punk rock roots. Does anyone else hear
strains of the Minutemen in Hadacol? There was something
vaguely familiar about the vocals. I thought that it might be X, 
but then it hit me - D Boone. Am I crazy? Does anyone else
hear it?

Anyway, I recommend seeing them. I had a great time at their show.


re: Jason White/Hadacol

1999-02-18 Thread marie arsenault

Mr. Curry says:
Oh...lastly, a "You HEard It Here First".be on the lookout for an
incredibly talented young singer-songwriter, Jason White.  He sung two
songs at the Donald Lindley benefit and he basically left the audience
floored.  I'm talking about an audience full of Nashville cats.  

How timely. Jason White and Hadacol are playing the Sutler in Nashville
this Saturday night. I'd recommend seeing both. If anyone from the area is
planning on being there, give me a holler. It would be nice to say hi!


np: psychotic herd of small dogs barking incessantly.

Re: NEA (was sxsw criticisms)

1999-02-17 Thread marie arsenault

. But when all is said and done, it's the music that matters.
And that is not the message these mega-festivals send to the bands.
The bands are sent a very different message.

I thought that NEA came off pretty well, which totally shocked the
hell out of me. Up until the event started, I was complaining loudly how
unorganized it was. I couldn't get anyone on the phone. It was nearly impossible
to find out essential information like show, load-in, and sound check times.

I recently read an interview with the director of NEA. It appears that he only
over the event in September. The previous director and event coordinator quit
the summer. Now, I've planned big events. Five months is not nearly enough time
to prepare for something like NEA. I can't believe he even pulled it off.

The event went very smoothly. Bands started on time. Sound checks and the like
seemed to go smoothly. Great networking opportunities. All the bands that
I spoke to said that they had very positive experience. Sponsor presence was
NEA really seemed to be about the bands and the music.


np: Hadacol

Re: Bathroom Grafitti Philosophy

1999-02-16 Thread marie arsenault

on the bathroom wall of the Exit/In Nashville -

"glitter and bubbles make you feel good"


Thank you

1999-02-11 Thread marie arsenault

to all the P2ers who sent questions for the
Nashville Music awards web site.

I knew you'd come through for us.
We really appreciate it.

Thanks again.
marie (who's sorry for gloating!)

Nashville Music Awards

1999-02-10 Thread marie arsenault

o. Viince Gill is picking right outside our room.
He's very tan. Cool. 

Sorry. I'm name dropping.


Re: Nashville Music Awards

1999-02-10 Thread marie arsenault

Backstage at the NMA - just listened to Steve Earle and
the Del McCoury Band do a couple of numbers in the hallway.

Hey, Buddy Miller's here now (he won best guitarist). We are going
to ask him a few questions now.

I love Nashville.


Re: Nashville Music Awards

1999-02-10 Thread marie arsenault

We just interviewed Steve Earle. We'll post the text
of the interview soon. Pretty amazing. He loves the
new Back album. 

that should be Beck.

Re: Damnations TX (was Re: best so far

1999-02-06 Thread marie arsenault


I've been raving about this band for two years now. Glad to see there's
finally a band we can ALL agree on. g

Let me throw my two cents in here. 'Half Mad Moon' has been my favorite
record of 1999 since last November. (Thanks Stacey!) I can't wait to get the
cd, so I can play it in my car at deafening decibels. The songwriting is
My favorite song on the cd is dedicated to the memory of a beloved amp. Oh,
and there is banjo! As good as the cd is, they are even better live. Their
show last year was one of my favorites. Yes, buy the cd. This band should be
rich and famous.

If you see a copy of "Live Sets" used, pick it up. It's out of print. And a
great cd as well.

OK. I've changed my mind. The Damnations are the future of alt-country

(back off people. It's just a joke.)


Re: Heather Myles Injustice

1999-02-05 Thread marie arsenault

I'm not wanting to play contrarian again, but I have to jump in on this. I
think Heather Myles' problem is that she's only a fair to middlin' singer
with a taste for just ok songs and the good songs she chooses have been
done better by others (I mean Kiss An Angel Good Morning?-puh-leese). I
don't think she's sexy (my dog would look good on a Harley g) and the
couple of live performances that I've seen of hers lacked any kind of
respectable energy. I know that some folks on this list think her record
from last year was great, but I thought it was a yawner.

Jim hits the nail on the head. I too was disappointed with Myle's cd.
I listened to it a few times when I first bought it last Fall. Did nothing for
When it started showing up on everyone's top 10 lists, I dragged it out again.
I listened to it a lot during one of my drives from Boston to Nashville. Like
the drive
wasn't boring enough. g
the songwriting is cliched at best. Myles has a good voice, but I don't think
it's anything that special. I'll say the same thing about the songwriting on
Moorer's cd. They both have good voices and they are good looking.
And that's pretty much a dime a dozen here in Nashville. Not Kelly Willis.
another story. Excellent songwriting and inspired cover choices. I've been
to her new cd pretty much non-stop for about 3 months now. I'd even hand over my
to sing like Kelly Willis for just one day. g


Re: neil's steel

1999-02-02 Thread marie arsenault

Jerry - regarding Neil:
Also, hoping to come back with a framed copy of the (in)famous
tallywacker  list.

Is this subject heading a new addition to that list?


Re: Night Flight (was: Re: I can't help it...McHale's Navy TV-Rock Fluff)

1999-01-27 Thread marie arsenault

-My first viewing of "Ladies and gentlemen, The Fabulous Stains."  

Someone else has actually seen that movie. In fact, I also saw it on
Night Flight (when they weren't doing their 'humor in video' or 'sex in
video' montages) Great flick, very punk, Is it even available on video?
Is there a soundtrack?

We're The Stains. And we dont put out.

Spent many a drunken night in college watching Night Flight on the USA
Network. 'The Fabulous Stains' was on at least twice a month. Diane Lane
and Laura Dern were in it. 

"Rude Boy" is another great punk movie. I think it might have aired on 
Night Flight, but I'm not sure. I saw it
somewhere. And more than once. It's about a fictional Clash fan.
Lots of Clash footage in it. 


Re: Question about TV bands

1999-01-27 Thread marie arsenault

Paul reprimands:
Are all you GH fans forgetting about Jack Wagner
(we *was* on GH, wasn't he?  I just recall spinnin' that one hit of his at
this Adult Contemporary radio station I used to work at)

How could I forget Frisco? Damn. He doesn't sing on Melrose Place, because
he's serious about his *craft* now. Though, his TV wife on MP is in a band.

Regarding Rick Springfield:  Who *didn't* catch his "Behind the Music" segment
on VH1?? (or Leif's, or David Cassidy' god it was a whole "teen
idol" week!)

I saw them all back when I had cable. I love that shit. Leif hasn't aged so
I'm afraid.


Re: Question about TV bands

1999-01-26 Thread marie arsenault

Junior here, with a query for all of you:
I got a call this morning from someone who's looking to do some short 
interviews with people who know (or think they know, or are just 
interested in, fascinated by, etc.) "TV rock bands."  That is, bands 
like the Monkees, Partridge Family, Josie and the Pussycats (or 
whatever their name was) 

I knew a lot about the Partridge Family in the day. I had all their lps. 
"I think I Love You" was my first 45. I actually wore it out. 
And David Cassiday was my first
concert. I can still see that white, fringe jumpsuit. I think I was about 8.

Hey, I noticed that they put the Partridge Family Christmas album
on cd. I should buy it.

marie (fluffing on the *big* list)

Re: Western duds

1999-01-22 Thread marie arsenault


Can anyone on list recommend a place for coats, in particular the nudie style?
(short cut) with some nice piping and or stage flash.  Not too gaudy but
tastefully screaming shut the folk up and pay attention to the band.

Have you tried Ebay?

i'm serious.



1999-01-20 Thread marie arsenault


If so, better get your asses moving. The deadline is
January 25th.

A clarification: If you sent us a submission for the Edges
cd, that doesn't necessarily mean that you submitted to
play Twangfest as well.  If you would like to play Twangfest,
you have to let us know directly.  Contact me offlist if you
have any questions.



Subject: Twangfest 3: Calling All P2 Bands!

Mere months after the hangovers have ceased and the motel rooms have been
repaired, we're already makin' plans for Twangfest3, once again taking place
at Off Broadway in faboo St. Louis, MO on June 11-13.  There'll be lots of
cool stuff to announce about this event, but right now we want to get things
moving on one of the most important things about the whole shootin'

While we want the whole damn world to attend, Twangfest is first and foremost
a P2-centered event, and that's why we're putting out the call here for your
band submissions.  You can ask anyone who's played at previous T'fests just
how well bands get treated, and we're working hard to make that treatment
better--after all, lots of us on your Twang Gang are IN bands.  That means
*will* get paid and have accommodations provided, and we're doing our
damnedest to make both of those more attractive every year.

Like last year, the Twang Gang will be selecting a headliner for each of the
three nights (and we think the folks we've been talking to are gonna knock
your socks off), but there's been a bit of a change this year in how we're
going to pick the rest of the combos.  Because we wanted to tap into the
wealth of knowledge out there in P2-land and because we want to spread out
payola, this time around we've got a band submission subcommittee to make the
tough decisions on who plays and who doesn't.  Chris Knaus, Jamie DePolo, and
Bill Silvers have graciously accepted the task, along with Twang Gang members
Amy Haugesag and Marie Arsenault.  They have no idea what they're getting
into...  You may or may not be aware that not a one of these folks is in a
band, and that's by design.  While we think that the lineups at T'fest for
past two years have been excruciatingly excellent, we felt that a panel made
up of non-players would help to keep the selection process fair as this event

What do we need from you?  It's pretty simple right now.  We need three
of a CD or tape, info on the band that you think will fill us in on who you
are and what you're about, and contact info (*especially* your e-mail
address--this is an internet-centered event, after all).  And while your band
will be judged on its merits, your participation in this mailing list will
definitely figure into the equation; like we said, this is first and foremost
a celebration of all things P2.  Don't get us wrong, though; lurkers are not
only welcome but are encouraged to submit.

Send your packages to the following address:

Marie Arsenault
1306 Shelton Ave.
Nashville, TN  37216

Get those submissions in with a postmark of NO LATER THAN JANUARY 25, as
got a big job to do and we want to able to announce all the band names in
plenty of time to include them in ads, press releases, etc.  We'll send out
reminders of this deadline on a regular basis on P2 for those of you with
substance-abuse-related short-term-memory loss.

If you have questions about this process or any other thing about Twangfest,
send 'em along to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and we'll answer 'em or at least make you
think that we have.  And in the very soonish future, we'll have the swanky
Twangfest web site (, natch) updated frequently to keep you
up to date on all our doin's.

So what are you waiting for?  Whether you be coffeehouse f*lkies or roadhouse
rockers, we want YOUR submissions.  Step on it!  January 25th will be here
before you even blink!

SIDE NOTE:  We haven't forgotten about the  new "Edges From The Postcard2"
and we thank all of you who have sent us material so far.  We've run into a
slight delay with the project, since there have been some changes in how the
project will be handled, so we need to hold off just for a bit.  We'll keep
you posted on what's going on, never fear.


Your Twang Gang (Marie Arsenault, Junior Barnard, Matt Benz, Amy Haugesag,
Loui, Dave Purcell, John Wendland, Mark Wyatt)

Re: Split Enz - True Colours

1999-01-18 Thread marie arsenault

Split Enz thread on P2 - cool.

Jerry says;
You are recalling an album by the Split Enz entitled _True Colors_.
Contained one of their earliest hits, "I Got You".  The origianl US
release was laser etched.  That is, if you held it to the light it would
reflect light in a fashion similar to a CD.

Trip down memory lane here. The radio station I worked at in college
had that same album. I forgot all about that cool etching. I believe
that album also contained my favorite Split Enz song of all - "Iris".
Am I right, Jerry? And do you have that album? The Split Enz
greatest hits cd does not include "Iris", unfortunately.


Re: Jim Lauderdale and Ralph Stanley

1999-01-18 Thread marie arsenault

A friend of mine is going down to Bristol, TN today to take pictures of Jim
Lauderdale and Ralph Stanley, apparently they're down there recording a record
together. Should be pretty cool.

I saw Lauderdale the weekend before last at a Nammy showcase. (He was
as usual.) He mentioned that he was recording an entire album with Stanley. He
pretty excited about it.  And if  the song he did with Stanley on *Whisper* is
any indication,
it should be a good one.

Wish I were going with her.
me too. me too.



1999-01-15 Thread marie arsenault

A clarification: If you sent us a submission for the Edges
cd, that doesn't necessarily mean that you submitted to
play Twangfest as well.  If you would like to play Twangfest,
you have to let us know directly.  Contact me offlist if you
have any questions.



Subject: Twangfest 3: Calling All P2 Bands!

Mere months after the hangovers have ceased and the motel rooms have been
repaired, we're already makin' plans for Twangfest3, once again taking place
at Off Broadway in faboo St. Louis, MO on June 11-13.  There'll be lots of
cool stuff to announce about this event, but right now we want to get things
moving on one of the most important things about the whole shootin' match--the

While we want the whole damn world to attend, Twangfest is first and foremost
a P2-centered event, and that's why we're putting out the call here for your
band submissions.  You can ask anyone who's played at previous T'fests just
how well bands get treated, and we're working hard to make that treatment even
better--after all, lots of us on your Twang Gang are IN bands.  That means you
*will* get paid and have accommodations provided, and we're doing our
damnedest to make both of those more attractive every year.

Like last year, the Twang Gang will be selecting a headliner for each of the
three nights (and we think the folks we've been talking to are gonna knock
your socks off), but there's been a bit of a change this year in how we're
going to pick the rest of the combos.  Because we wanted to tap into the great
wealth of knowledge out there in P2-land and because we want to spread out the
payola, this time around we've got a band submission subcommittee to make the
tough decisions on who plays and who doesn't.  Chris Knaus, Jamie DePolo, and
Bill Silvers have graciously accepted the task, along with Twang Gang members
Amy Haugesag and Marie Arsenault.  They have no idea what they're getting
into...  You may or may not be aware that not a one of these folks is in a
band, and that's by design.  While we think that the lineups at T'fest for the
past two years have been excruciatingly excellent, we felt that a panel made
up of non-players would help to keep the selection process fair as this event

What do we need from you?  It's pretty simple right now.  We need three copies
of a CD or tape, info on the band that you think will fill us in on who you
are and what you're about, and contact info (*especially* your e-mail
address--this is an internet-centered event, after all).  And while your band
will be judged on its merits, your participation in this mailing list will
definitely figure into the equation; like we said, this is first and foremost
a celebration of all things P2.  Don't get us wrong, though; lurkers are not
only welcome but are encouraged to submit.

Send your packages to the following address:

Marie Arsenault
1306 Shelton Ave.
Nashville, TN  37216

Get those submissions in with a postmark of NO LATER THAN JANUARY 25, as we've
got a big job to do and we want to able to announce all the band names in
plenty of time to include them in ads, press releases, etc.  We'll send out
reminders of this deadline on a regular basis on P2 for those of you with
substance-abuse-related short-term-memory loss.

If you have questions about this process or any other thing about Twangfest,
send 'em along to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and we'll answer 'em or at least make you
think that we have.  And in the very soonish future, we'll have the swanky
Twangfest web site (, natch) updated frequently to keep you
up to date on all our doin's.

So what are you waiting for?  Whether you be coffeehouse f*lkies or roadhouse
rockers, we want YOUR submissions.  Step on it!  January 25th will be here
before you even blink!

SIDE NOTE:  We haven't forgotten about the  new "Edges From The Postcard2" CD,
and we thank all of you who have sent us material so far.  We've run into a
slight delay with the project, since there have been some changes in how the
project will be handled, so we need to hold off just for a bit.  We'll keep
you posted on what's going on, never fear.


Your Twang Gang (Marie Arsenault, Junior Barnard, Matt Benz, Amy Haugesag, Kip
Loui, Dave Purcell, John Wendland, Mark Wyatt)

River of Song

1999-01-14 Thread marie arsenault

Have we discussed the PBS series The Mississippi: River of Song yet?
I caught the second installment of the series tonight. It was wonderful.

From the web site: The series explores the richness and vitality of American
music at the close of the twentieth century. Through live performances and
intimate discussions with musicians along the course of the Mississippi River,
the series discovers the music that has flourished in the heart of the nation.
Traveling from an Ojibwe powwow in northern Minnesota to the bandstands of New
Orleans, the series builds a dynamic and complex portrait of music and the
American community.

They did a very interesting segment on bluegrass focusing on the Bob
Lewis Family and bluegrass festivals.  The kicker was the St. Louis
segment featuring the Bottle Rockets! I had no idea that they were
featured on tonight's episode. It was nice surprise.
At first I wasn't sure if it was actually the Bottle Rockets. But, then I
realized that
there was only one band that *ugly*. Yup. It was them alright. It was
a nice segment.  Brian Henneman talked about the importance of the
river on their lives and their music.  (accompanied by a heartwarming
shot of the BoRox strolling along the river while drinking cans of beer. g)
Henneman also said that audiences on the coasts seem to be more intrigued with
the BoRox because they are from the Midwest. He described the band as
"little reporters from the heartland".  It made me laugh.

Next weeks episode features Southern Fusion: La Center, KY to Jackson,
Mississippi.  Featured artists include Sonny Burgess, Levon Helm, 
Jack Johnson, Rufus Thomas, Johnnie Billington, Robert Lockwood, Jr., 
Little Milton.


"I want my music to be about...emotion.
Three Chords and the Truth.
Take a chance, and please God, let it Twang."
Jeff Wall