Re: up2date

2003-04-05 Thread Ted Gervais
At 07:04 PM 4/4/2003 -0600, you wrote:
On Fri, Apr 04, 2003 at 07:56:50PM -0500, fred smith wrote:
> I've been trying since Monday to get into up2date and get nothing but
> "Demo service currently disabled due to high load." I've even written
> a shellscript that retries every 10 minutes. it has been running
> continuously since Monday and has yet to get in.
It has been busy this week because
1) Red Hat Linux 9 was released to RHN members on Monday

Wondering when the RH9 iso release will be available to everyone else??
Is it a month after the release to the RHN members??

2) A bunch of new patches were recently released

> Is it really that busy, or are they just
> trying to get us so frustrated that we'll pay for the service?
> Has anyone been able to connect at all this week?
I have successfully connected using my demo RHN account to update my RHL
9 system.  I have both demo and paid RHN accounts.
Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
Member #1, Red Hat Community Ambassador Program

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Ted Gervais,
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Re: redhat 8.0->8.1 upgrade

2003-03-18 Thread Ted Gervais
On Tuesday 18 March 2003 11:16 am, Ed Wilts wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 18, 2003 at 11:07:38AM -0400, Ted Gervais wrote:
> > Is 8.1 out yet?   I have been away so I probably missed the anouncement..
> No, it's not out yet.  Ya know, this would have been *really* easy to
> verify without posting to thousands of users.

Yes.  Especially if I knew about that location!

Coldbrook, NS

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Re: redhat 8.0->8.1 upgrade

2003-03-18 Thread Ted Gervais
On Monday 17 March 2003 09:42 pm, Ed Wilts wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 17, 2003 at 02:27:02PM -0800, Jim Wilferling wrote:
> >   Does anyone know the easiest way to upgrade my system to rh 8.1 (or
> >   8.0.94) from rh 8.0?
> The easiest and most supported method is to put in the CD and go through
> the upgrade process.  Note that this is *only* for 8.0 to 8.1 - not from
> 8.0 to 8.0.94 nor an upgrade from 8.0.94 to 8.1 - neither one is
> guaranteed or supported.

Is 8.1 out yet?   I have been away so I probably missed the anouncement..

Coldbrook, NS

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Re: anyone using port forwarding?

2003-03-05 Thread Ted Gervais

Try SHOREWALL.  It does port forwarding beautifully, among other things.
For example - I have all my FTP requests going through the Linux machine,
which is where the firewall is at,  on over to a WindowsXP machine. As you
can imagine this could be any other type of request as well.

Works like a charm..

 On Tue, 4 Mar
2003, Todd A. Jacobs wrote:

> On Tue, 4 Mar 2003, Chuck Dutrow wrote:
> > Anyone using port forwarding successfully with one real address at the
> > router and int addresses for mail server, DNS server and RADIUS? Have a
> Firestarter supports port forwarding. Download it from Sourceforge.
> --
> "Of course I'm in shape! Round's a shape, isn't it?"
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Ted Gervais
Coldbrook Nova Scotia
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Re: samba - Win XP

2003-02-21 Thread Ted Gervais
At 12:26 PM 2/21/2003 -0500, you wrote:

Tim Rombauts wrote:

However, when I try to map the share via Windows XP , I get "The user is 
not authorized" , although I use the correct name and password ( same as 
I use with smbclient and that works fine ) .

Did you setup encrypted passwords in Samba?

I would like to hear more on this, as I have the same problem..

And I have the user(s) activated in Samba using the encrupted process etc..

Anthony E. Greene <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]%3E>
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netbios broadcasts

2003-02-19 Thread Ted Gervais

I notice that my samba setup is broadcasting lines of data which unfortunately 
is going out over my axip network.  I and others on the nodebroadcasts are 
seeing things like " \mailslot\browse  and udp len 214 
netbios-dgm->netmios-dgm Data 206.  etcc.

This is going out with my routes/node broadcasts and is not helpful to others 
using my nodes lists.My question here is how do I stop that.  At least, 
how can I stop these broadcast  from others seeing them.  I believe there is 
a port I can turn off that will stop that?  Have no idea about that, but was 
told that maybe that could be the approach.  Or is there a switch I can use 
in the /etc/samba/smb.conf file??

Coldbrook, NS

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iptables - examples

2003-02-17 Thread Ted Gervais

I am wondering about whether there are any good examples of various 
configurations for iptables.
In particular the use of NAT and port forwarding etc.

Actually any good examples of general useage of iptables would be 
helpful.  I am changing over (again) from ipchains and while there are good 
tutorials out there, a few good examples now and then sure makes things a 
lot clearer..


Ted Gervais,
Coldbrook, Nova Scotia, Canada

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2003-02-16 Thread Ted Gervais

I wonder if this is possible.  I have three computers which are networked 
together using a switch.  I want to be able to telnet/ssh or ftp to anyone of 
them remotely. I also want others to be able to do the same.

For the first machine this would be possible because it has an ip address. But 
the others have 192.* addresses.  Is it possible to be able to reach these 
OTHER machines using telnet,ssh,ftp etc  directly without going into the main 
machine first.

I was thinking that possibly this could be done through the use of ports.  
Something like,  telnetting to  the main  machines' IP address plus a port 
number.  (  Each machine with their own port number.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this.  Anyone please..

Coldbrook, NS

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Re: How to load modules in RH 8.0?

2003-02-16 Thread Ted Gervais
On Sunday 16 February 2003 12:32 am, CM Miller wrote:
> What happened to /etc/conf.modules?

Its been /etc/modules.conf for quite a while now..

> I want to automatically load parport and imm for scsi
> support for my zip 250 drive.  I don't want to do this
> manually each time.
> How can I get this modules to load automatically?
> thanks
> =
> Winning an argument on the internet is like getting 1st place at the
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Re: Forced File System Check on Linux

2003-02-15 Thread Ted Gervais
On Saturday 15 February 2003 06:27 pm, John P Verel wrote:
> On 02/15/03 16:39 +1000, Matthew Melvin wrote:
> > On Fri, 14 Feb 2003 at 10:09pm (-0800), Jiahan Chen wrote:
> > > I need to switch between Windows/Linux on PC
> > > often because of Dual-Boot sysyems.
> > >
> > > Recently, I found every 20 times, Linux boot procedure forced
> > > to check all the Linux file system partitions,
> > > which took a long time.
> > >
> > > I wondering if there is any way to change this number
> > > (e.g to 200), or to turn off this feature.
> >
> > tune2fs sounds like the command you want.  As always the details are in
> > the man page but you probably want to look at the max-mount-counts and
> > interval-between-checks options in particular.

> or convert to ext3

Does ext3 eliminate the forced check of the filesy systems??

> John

Coldbrook, NS

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Re: CD Burn sw

2003-02-14 Thread Ted Gervais

On Fri, 14 Feb 2003, jdaues wrote:

> Hello,
> Can anyone recommend a good CD Burning app?
> I've tried KOnCD, which gives numerous errors and X-CD-Roast, which I
> can't even figure out how to use, the GUI is designed so poorly.
> Thanks.

XCDRoast is by far the best out there.  And really, it is very easy to
set up.  Just give it another try.

> --
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Re: ftp'ing directories

2003-02-11 Thread Ted Gervais
On Tuesday 11 February 2003 07:17 pm, Samuel Flory wrote:

Thanks Samuel and others who responded. I brought up NcFTP and it did the job. 
I already had that application installed and in the wings but I normally just 
use 'ftp'  that comes with the operatiing system.  I know it is plain and 
simple but it works.  But I also agree that some of these other applications 
mentioned will do a better job.

Thanks again for all who responded.  Always something to learn, eh?

> gabriel wrote:
> >i highly reccomend installing ncftp.  it's a commandline ftp program that
> >supports stuff like this and it's far easier to use.  it even comes with
> > two other little programs that you can use to automate ftp puts and gets.
> There is also ncftp-get, ftpcopy, and lftp.  I believe that new rev of
> redhat installs lftp by default.  (Which pisses off me as a ncftp user.)

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ftp'ing directories

2003-02-11 Thread Ted Gervais

I normally do ftp'ing  from the command line and today I sturggled to find a 
way to ftp a directory and all its subdirectories.

Is that possible?   I even thought that if I entered something like:

mget -R directory *would work.

That just gets the files that are in the first directory.  There must be a way 
to pick up all the subdirectories that are under the main directory, rather 
than having to do each of all those directories ONE at a TIME??


Anyone please..

Coldbrook, NS

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Deleting a file

2003-02-10 Thread Ted Gervais

Was wondering something here.  Now and than I end up with a file that has '#' 
in front and back of it.  ie: #filename#.

No doubt that is caused by using MC and while MC can delete these files how 
does one do it from the command line?I have often tried to try a few 
approaches to removing them  'rm #*  or rm *#   and can't seem to delete 

How is this done from the commmand line without resorting to using MC.??
Coldbrook, NS

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2003-02-10 Thread Ted Gervais
On Monday 10 February 2003 10:03 am, Rechenberg, Andrew wrote:
> I would have to agree with Robert here.  The best way to study for the
> RHCE is just work with Red Hat Linux everyday and think of things to
> break and then fix them.
> I've been using Red Hat since 1998 and took my RHCE in late 2001 on
> RH7.2 and I found that my everyday use of Linux helped more than any
> written material that I looked through before the exam.  If you have
> been working with Red Hat and/or Linux for a while, the RH300 Rapid
> Track course is excellent and is good exam preparation if you or your
> employer can afford it (no I don't work for Red Hat ... yet ;) ).

Thanks Andy for offering your thoughts on getting ready for the RHCE. And if 
particular mentioning the RH300 Rapid Trace course.

I think that most of us here on the RH list work daily with our systems but 
don't try and break and solve things. That is a good point, and something I 
am going to try and do more.  Mind you, I normally break a lot of things 
without meaning to break them, and than I sit in grief for about a week 
trying to fix it.  But, your point is well taken.  If you can fix it, than I 
bet that RHCE exam will seem a bit easier..

> Practice, Practice, Practice.
> That's my advice :)
> Regards,
> Andy.
> -Original Message-
> From: Robert P. J. Day [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 6:08 AM
> Subject: Re: RHCE
> On 10 Feb 2003, carsten wrote:
> > Hi everybody:
> >
> > I am considering to get certified. Could somebody tell me the basic
> > steps or give me some recomendation where to start?
> (man, this really should be in an FAQ somewhere.)
> don't just read.  do.  *work* with the system.  invent projects
> for yourself, then carry them out.  as in, "today, i am going to
> create an additional filesystem and format it so i can store
> my MP3 files on it."
> or "today, i'm going to pretend i forgot the root password,
> and i will do what it takes to recover from that."
> or "today, i will deliberately trash my MBR with the 'dd' command,
> then restore it to recover my system."
> and so on.
> rday

Coldbrook, NS

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2003-02-08 Thread Ted Gervais
On Friday 07 February 2003 08:48 pm, Terry Hobart wrote:

Terry -  

Was that fundamental class really needed, or could it be missed and one just 
jumps over it to the next level??

Wonder your thoughts..

> The instructor did not go into that. He said if he told us he would have to
> kill us. :)
> The only class I have attended so far is the 033 fundamentals class. It
> focused purely on the command line and so was less RedHat specific. They
> touched on the Xwindow but spent no real time on it. I take the 133 class
> toward the end of next month, so maybe I will have more perspective then.
> Our demos of course were on RedHat machines so those were specific (ie root
> logs into /root ) but no big deal was made of it.
> Terry
> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Caleb Chaplin
> Sent: Friday, February 07, 2003 4:15 PM
> Subject: RE: RHCE
> I'm curious as to how redhat-specific the certification is geared
> towards.  Like, for the instruction and testing is it *solely* based on
> redhat's differences or should one expect other more "universal" linux
> and unix material?  I can understand the importance of cross-platform
> experience of course, I'm really just curious how redhat-centric the
> material is.  Some kind of more general unix certification would be nice
> too but I havn't heard of anything in that regard.
> Caleb
> On Fri, 2003-02-07 at 16:08, Terry Hobart wrote:
> > That was asked at the 033 class I attended last month and the instructor
> > said - not really.
> >
> > The written part of the test is only an hour. The other five hours are to
> be
> > hands on, split between installation &
> > configuration, and then fixing problems. He said they break boxes
> subtlety,
> > and you have to trouble shoot & fix them
> >
> > He said that unless you have a fair amount of maintenance experience on
> many
> > systems that the test would be pretty hard.
> >
> > I have pulled in my horns and am planning to take the test as a learning
> > experience (I already signed up for the whole class series).
> >
> > Terry
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Periyasamy, Raj
> > Sent: Friday, February 07, 2003 11:11 AM
> > Subject: RHCE
> >
> > Hello List,
> >
> > Any suggestions on a good book that I can refer to as a study guide
> > before attending my RHCE tests ?
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Raj

Coldbrook, NS

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Re: SymLinks..

2003-02-06 Thread Ted Gervais
On Thursday 06 February 2003 03:08 pm, Rick Carroll wrote:
> Would:
> find / -type l -print | grep ax25
> Work?

I just ran it. It never found what I was looking fer.
> I can't believe you have /etc linked...  I Think that could cause trouble
> low numbered run levels. 

Right.  But I linked not the /etc directory but the /etc/ax25 directory.  Or 
at least I thought I did.  I believe it was to be a temporary thing but as 
usual I forgot I did it.  At least I think I did all this. But maybe not.??

> You could do a ls -l on /etc and grep for ax25.
> Another possibility is some kind of environment variable that's being
> prefixed on your /etc/ax25 path. Try:
> env | grep -i ax25
> and set, and alias, others?
> If it's an environment variable you can:
> unset AX25_HOME
> or whatever the variable name is...

Alright.  Well I just tried all that and no sir, I can't find any links set up  
to /etc/ax25 directory.  Maybe I already got rid of the link and missed that.

Anways - Rick, I am very grateful to u for the time you took to help me 
through this search.  I have learned a bit more about 'find' and was also 
reminded by you not to forget to use 'grep' more than I was.  So, all in all, 
while I never found the link that I thought was in place, I had my memory 
refreshed a bit on how to do searches.

Thanks Again Rick for your personal help and attention..

> as someone else always says...
> My $.02
> Rick
> -Original Message-
> From: Ted Gervais [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 1:52 PM
> Subject: Re: SymLinks..
> On Thursday 06 February 2003 12:12 pm, Bret Hughes wrote:
> Hi Rick and Brett and others on the list.  Thanks for your assistance.  I
> tried some of your examples here and while it works I can't quite get my
> head around how I would find the following link.
> Here is what is happening. I installed an application that looks for it
> config files in /etc/ax25 directory.  However when I run the application
> after its installed - it is looking for these application in
> /usr/local/etc/ax25.
> Somehow, I believe I set up a symlink a long time ago and now I would like
> to find out where in hell it is.  I know my compilation of the
> application(s) is/are not wrong as the installation of the sample files all
> went to  the /etc/ax25 directory. But when I run the application it again
> says - NOPE, can't find those config files in /usr/local/etc/ax25???
> So - is there a way to find out where I have that link set?  What would be
> the strategic commands and switches to locate this rascal..
> Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me on this..
> > On Thu, 2003-02-06 at 09:51, Rick Carroll wrote:
> > > The man page for find says to use -type l
> > > (that's the letter L in lower case.)
> > > as in
> > > find / -type l -print
> >
> > There is also the symlinks command that will identify problem symlinks
> > and show whether they are relative or absolute.
> >
> > try man symlinks
> >
> > Bret

Coldbrook, NS

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Re: SymLinks..

2003-02-06 Thread Ted Gervais
On Thursday 06 February 2003 12:12 pm, Bret Hughes wrote:

Hi Rick and Brett and others on the list.  Thanks for your assistance.  I 
tried some of your examples here and while it works I can't quite get my head 
around how I would find the following link.

Here is what is happening. I installed an application that looks for it config 
files in /etc/ax25 directory.  However when I run the application after its 
installed - it is looking for these application in /usr/local/etc/ax25.

Somehow, I believe I set up a symlink a long time ago and now I would like to 
find out where in hell it is.  I know my compilation of the application(s) 
is/are not wrong as the installation of the sample files all went to  the 
/etc/ax25 directory. But when I run the application it again says - NOPE, 
can't find those config files in /usr/local/etc/ax25???

So - is there a way to find out where I have that link set?  What would be the 
strategic commands and switches to locate this rascal..

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me on this..

> On Thu, 2003-02-06 at 09:51, Rick Carroll wrote:
> > The man page for find says to use -type l
> > (that's the letter L in lower case.)
> > as in
> > find / -type l -print
> There is also the symlinks command that will identify problem symlinks
> and show whether they are relative or absolute.
> try man symlinks
> Bret

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2003-02-06 Thread Ted Gervais

I wonder if there is a way in RH8 to find out where all the symlinks are?

I was thinking there might be a command somehow, through one of the utilities 
such as 'find' or 'whereis', or 'locate' etc..  that might just be able to 
list all the symlinks one might have on their system.  Maybe through a 
manipulation of the command options etc., this could be achieved.

Anyone know if this is possible..

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The use of FIND search tool

2003-02-04 Thread Ted Gervais

Wondering something here.  If a persons database is not quite up to date, and 
you run 'find' to search for files - will the search be successful?  

Or to me sure - should you run updatedb first before running 'find'.

I am hoping the 'find' utiltiy works independant of whether the computers 
database is up to date or not..

Anyone please?
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2003-02-04 Thread Ted Gervais

Wondering if I am typing something wrong here.

When I enter ' export DISPLAY= '  followed by /usr/sbin/netscape 
(on the next line), all I get is:

Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:

Will this not work in RH8. That is what I am using and this used to work 
before (not RH8) and was wondering if maybe I need to change the numbers.

What I am tryiing to do is 'remotely'  open up netscape in another system.
This means that I go in using telnet or ssh and than (as root) enter the above 
two lines.  I should see Netscape but I don't ..

Any thoughts??
Coldbrook, NS

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Re: Help a newbie to install Sun Java IDE... please!

2003-01-30 Thread Ted Gervais
On Wednesday 29 January 2003 10:42 pm, John P Verel wrote:

I don't want to be critical here, but was just wondering if it is correct to 
put this path statement in the /etc/profile file?  Isn't the /home and /root 
.bashrc and .bash_profile files used for that?

Just wondering???

> I have this in /etc/profile:
> if ! echo $PATH | /bin/grep -q "/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/java/jdk1.3.1/bin";
> then PATH="$PATH:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/java/jdk1.3.1/bin"
> This makes the jdk available to all users.  It also eliminates the
> potential for appending the java sub-path more than once, which can
> easily happen with an out of the box Red Hat install.
> John
> On 01/29/03 09:25 +, Stephen Cox wrote:
> > Thanks for your help that did it.
> >
> > >Edit .bashrc in your home directory and add this line:
> > >
> > >PATH=$PATH:/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.0/bin
> > >
> > >(assuming you have version 1.4.0--change the path to wherever the java
> > > SDK was installed.) Then restart your desktop GUI.
> >
> > When I asked this at a forum I got told to put that line in
> > .bash_profile, should I remove the line from there (because it didn't
> > work)? Also I was told to make a link of java and javac and but them in
> > /usr/local/bin. Are they still needed?
> >
> > Lastly, when I tried to install the Studio ONE IDE it wanted to install
> > it inside /root. Where should I put it if I want all users to be able to
> > access it?
> >
> > _
> > Worried what your kids see online? Protect them better with MSN 8
> >
> >059
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > redhat-list mailing list
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> >

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Re: Scanner Software

2003-01-29 Thread Ted Gervais
At 07:43 PM 1/18/2003 -0800, you wrote:

j_post wrote:

On Saturday 18 January 2003 05:46 pm, you wrote:

Is there any scanner software for RH8.

I see that my system sees my scanner so maybe there is a chance I can
install something to get that to work.  Maybe RH8 already has something in

Do a Google search on the net for "xsane".

I prefer VueScan  If VueScan supports your 
scanner, it'll be the best $40 you ever spent.  Good luck,

Thanks guys for the tips on the scanners.  It is very much appreciated.  I 
already found xsane but I can't get that to work. No notes on it either.  I 
looked in the DOCUMENTS area and while there are a few things there, 
nothing is said on how to run xsane.

However, I am looking at VUESCAN right now, and that looks really 
nice.  Thanks in particular to Kim for throughing out this tip..


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Ted Gervais,
Coldbrook, Nova Scotia, Canada

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/dev/tty mount problems

2003-01-28 Thread Ted Gervais
I am trying to bring up and install an application on one of the terminals on 
my system.  I used to do this just fine when I ran Slackware.  But now with 
RH8  I get Permission denied.  The following is how I entered the commands:

# echo "clx -r > /dev/tty3 2>&1 &"  | su - clx_us
# -bash: line 1: /dev/tty3: Permission denied

How is this done in RH?   

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Re: Mounting HPFS/NTFS Drives

2003-01-21 Thread Ted Gervais
On Tuesday 21 January 2003 05:38 pm, Richard S. Crawford wrote:
> You said that you were trying to mount two separate NTFS partitions, and
> that you could mount either one or the other but not both.
> I'm not aware of any restrictions on the number of NTFS file systems
> that you can mount at once, but I know that you're allowed to mount up
> to four primary partitions at once before you have to start using
> logical partitions inside an extended partition (something I found out
> the long, hard way).
> So, I can't help but wonder if you're already mounting three primary
> partitions (which seems to make sense -- root, swap, and boot), and then
> trying to mount yet another two partitions, both of which happen to be
> NTFS.  In which case, the error message "...too many mounted file
> systems" would certainly apply.
> It's just a guess.  But it would be instructive to see the entire
> contents of your /etc/fstab.

OK.  I see what you mean.  Here is a copy of my fstab file:

LABEL=/1/   ext3defaults1 1
LABEL=/boot /boot   ext3defaults1 2
none/dev/ptsdevpts  gid=5,mode=620  0 0
none/proc   procdefaults0 0
none/dev/shmtmpfs   defaults0 0
/dev/hdb3   swapswapdefaults0 0
#/dev/hda1  /dos_c  ntfsdefaults1 1
/dev/hda5   /dos_d  ntfsdefaults1 1
/swap   noneswapsw
/dev/fd0/mnt/floppy autonoauto,owner,kudzu 0 0
/dev/cdrom1 /mnt/cdrom1 iso9660 noauto,owner,kudzu,ro 
0 0
/dev/cdrom  /mnt/cdrom      iso9660 noauto,owner,kudzu,ro 
0 0

> On Tue, 2003-01-21 at 13:22, Ted Gervais wrote:
> > At 12:36 PM 1/21/2003 -0800, you wrote:
> > >Just out of curiosity, how many filesystems do you have mounted?
> >
> > Just trying to mount two ntfs file systems.  Would that be two too many??
> >
> > >On Tue, 2003-01-21 at 12:20, Ted Gervais wrote:
> > > > On Tuesday 21 January 2003 03:00 pm, Mike Burger wrote:
> > > > > On Tue, 21 Jan 2003, Ted Gervais wrote:
> > > > > > John..
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Thanks for your note.  And you were right!!  It sure does work
> > > > > > once you have the module installed.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > But I have another question.   I have two partitions that I would
> > >
> > > like to
> > >
> > > > > > mount.
> > >
> > > /dev/hda1  /dos_c  ntfsdefaults   
> > > 1
> > >
> > > > > > 1
> > >
> > > /dev/hda5   /dos_d  ntfsdefaults
> > >
> > > > > > 1 1
> > > > > >
> > > > > > The first one mounts just fine, but not the second one.  Here is
> > > > > > what I see when I try and mount the second one manually:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > # mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /dos_c
> > > > > > mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda1,
> > > > > >or too many mounted file systems
> > > > > >
> > > > > > So something is wrong there.  We know that /dev/hda5 mounted just
> > > > > > fine but not hda1.  And if I reverse things and mount /hda1 first
> > > > > > than /dev/hda5 won't mount.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Funny thing - if I type  " mount /dev/hda1 /dos_c "   it will
> > > > > > mount
> > >
> > > just
> > >
> > > > > > fine??
> > > > > >
> > > > > > I wonder why?  This time I just didn't enter the  " -t ntfs", 
> > > > > > and it worked??
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Any thoughts on this one fellows??
> > > > >
> > > > > Maybe your C drive is FAT instead of NTFS?
> > > >
> > > > Nope.  Drive C has to be NTFS if I can mount either partition using
> > > > NTFS. Its just that I can't mount BOTH of them using the NTFS
> > > > statement, in my /etc/fstab file.  But I can mount one of them and
> > > > than the other only manually when I DON'T use 'NTFS ("mount /dev/hda1
> > > > /dos_d")..
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > T.L.Gervais
> > > > Coldbrook, NS
> > > > Canada.
> > >
> > >--
> > >--
> > >Slainte,
> > >Richard S. Crawford
> > >AIM: Buffalo2K / Y!: rscrawford / ICQ: 11640404
> > >
> > >"It is only with our heart that we can see clearly.  What is essential
> > >is
> > >invisible to the eye."  --Antoine de Saint Exupery
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >--
> > >redhat-list mailing list
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> > >

Coldbrook, NS

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Re: Mounting HPFS/NTFS Drives

2003-01-21 Thread Ted Gervais
At 12:36 PM 1/21/2003 -0800, you wrote:

Just out of curiosity, how many filesystems do you have mounted?

Just trying to mount two ntfs file systems.  Would that be two too many??

On Tue, 2003-01-21 at 12:20, Ted Gervais wrote:
> On Tuesday 21 January 2003 03:00 pm, Mike Burger wrote:
> > On Tue, 21 Jan 2003, Ted Gervais wrote:
> > > John..
> > >
> > > Thanks for your note.  And you were right!!  It sure does work once you
> > > have the module installed.
> > >
> > > But I have another question.   I have two partitions that I would 
like to
> > > mount.
> > >
> > > 
/dev/hda1  /dos_c  ntfsdefaults1
> > > 1 
/dev/hda5   /dos_d  ntfsdefaults
> > > 1 1
> > >
> > > The first one mounts just fine, but not the second one.  Here is what I
> > > see when I try and mount the second one manually:
> > >
> > > # mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /dos_c
> > > mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda1,
> > >or too many mounted file systems
> > >
> > > So something is wrong there.  We know that /dev/hda5 mounted just fine
> > > but not hda1.  And if I reverse things and mount /hda1 first than
> > > /dev/hda5 won't mount.
> > >
> > > Funny thing - if I type  " mount /dev/hda1 /dos_c "   it will mount 
> > > fine??
> > >
> > > I wonder why?  This time I just didn't enter the  " -t ntfs",  and it
> > > worked??
> > >
> > > Any thoughts on this one fellows??
> >
> > Maybe your C drive is FAT instead of NTFS?
> Nope.  Drive C has to be NTFS if I can mount either partition using NTFS.
> Its just that I can't mount BOTH of them using the NTFS statement, in my
> /etc/fstab file.  But I can mount one of them and than the other only
> manually when I DON'T use 'NTFS ("mount /dev/hda1 /dos_d")..
> --
> T.L.Gervais
> Coldbrook, NS
> Canada.
Richard S. Crawford
AIM: Buffalo2K / Y!: rscrawford / ICQ: 11640404
"It is only with our heart that we can see clearly.  What is essential
invisible to the eye."  --Antoine de Saint Exupery

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Re: Mounting HPFS/NTFS Drives

2003-01-21 Thread Ted Gervais
On Tuesday 21 January 2003 03:00 pm, Mike Burger wrote:
> On Tue, 21 Jan 2003, Ted Gervais wrote:
> > John..
> >
> > Thanks for your note.  And you were right!!  It sure does work once you
> > have the module installed.
> >
> > But I have another question.   I have two partitions that I would like to
> > mount.
> >
> > /dev/hda1  /dos_c  ntfsdefaults1
> > 1 /dev/hda5   /dos_d  ntfsdefaults   
> > 1 1
> >
> > The first one mounts just fine, but not the second one.  Here is what I
> > see when I try and mount the second one manually:
> >
> > # mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /dos_c
> > mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda1,
> >or too many mounted file systems
> >
> > So something is wrong there.  We know that /dev/hda5 mounted just fine
> > but not hda1.  And if I reverse things and mount /hda1 first than
> > /dev/hda5 won't mount.
> >
> > Funny thing - if I type  " mount /dev/hda1 /dos_c "   it will mount just
> > fine??
> >
> > I wonder why?  This time I just didn't enter the  " -t ntfs",  and it
> > worked??
> >
> > Any thoughts on this one fellows??
> Maybe your C drive is FAT instead of NTFS?

Nope.  Drive C has to be NTFS if I can mount either partition using NTFS.
Its just that I can't mount BOTH of them using the NTFS statement, in my 
/etc/fstab file.  But I can mount one of them and than the other only 
manually when I DON'T use 'NTFS ("mount /dev/hda1 /dos_d")..

Coldbrook, NS

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Re: Mounting HPFS/NTFS Drives

2003-01-21 Thread Ted Gervais
On Tuesday 21 January 2003 08:18 am, John Windsor wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-01-16 at 16:55, Ted Gervais wrote:
> > I am trying to mount some WindowsXP drives which happen to be HPFS/NTFS
> > drives and I can't seem to be able to do it.
> >
> > Is it in fact possible for Linux 8.0 to SEE such drives?  Can they be
> > mounted??
> Well yes to all, go here
> and download the
> appropriate kernel driver, install as required.
> Works like a charm for me.


Thanks for your note.  And you were right!!  It sure does work once you have 
the module installed.

But I have another question.   I have two partitions that I would like to 

/dev/hda1  /dos_c  ntfsdefaults1 1
/dev/hda5   /dos_d  ntfsdefaults1 1

The first one mounts just fine, but not the second one.  Here is what I see 
when I try and mount the second one manually:

# mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /dos_c
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda1,
   or too many mounted file systems

So something is wrong there.  We know that /dev/hda5 mounted just fine but not 
hda1.  And if I reverse things and mount /hda1 first than /dev/hda5 won't 

Funny thing - if I type  " mount /dev/hda1 /dos_c "   it will mount just 

I wonder why?  This time I just didn't enter the  " -t ntfs",  and it worked??

Any thoughts on this one fellows??

> John W.

Coldbrook, NS

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Re: Scanner Software

2003-01-21 Thread Ted Gervais
On Monday 20 January 2003 10:13 pm, Cliff Wells wrote:
> On Sat, 2003-01-18 at 17:46, Ted Gervais wrote:
> > Is there any scanner software for RH8.
> >
> > I see that my system sees my scanner so maybe there is a chance I can
> > install something to get that to work.  Maybe RH8 already has something
> > in place???
> As others have mentioned, xsane should do the job.  However, I
> personally had a problem running xsane by itself, but using the xsane
> plugin for the Gimp worked perfectly.  Go figure.

Hi and thanks for the note.

Well I can't get xsane to work.  Might be that I have the scanner on a USB 
connection. Or that my scanner (hp3570c) is not supported by xsane.  

Funny thing is, RH8 sees the scanner and of course the appropriate modules is 

I tried vueScan and it doesn't support my scanner so that is out. Although I 
did try and find some combination of loading and reloading the module. No 
luck.  It would never go.

So - I am left without any supporting software. But ,  as you mentioned - get 
the xsane plugin for Gimp and see if that works?  I will have to check into 

I presume the plugin is available at the Gimp site?  Or is there another spot?

Coldbrook, NS

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Mounting HPFS/NTFS Drives

2003-01-21 Thread Ted Gervais

I am trying to mount some WindowsXP drives which happen to be HPFS/NTFS drives 
and I can't seem to be able to do it.  

Is it in fact possible for Linux 8.0 to SEE such drives?  Can they be 

Here is what FDISK shows when I look at /dev/hda:

   Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
/dev/hda1   * 1  1275  10241406c  Win95 FAT32 (LBA)
/dev/hda2  1276  1278 24097+   7  HPFS/NTFS
/dev/hda3  1279  2482   9671130f  Win95 Ext'd (LBA)
/dev/hda5  1279  2482   9671098+   7  HPFS/NTFS

It is /dev/hda5 that I want to mount. And what I have been doing is entering 
something like:

mount -t ext3 /dev/hda5  /dosc and that is rejected..  Here is what I see:

[root@mach3 root]# mount -t ext3 /dev/hda5 /dosc
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda5,
   or too many mounted file systems

I tried using ext2 and it made no difference.

I also tried trying to mount things more simply. I just entered :

[root@mach3 root]# mount /dev/hda5 /dosc
mount: fs type ntfs not supported by kernel

...and again the bottom line is,  'fs type ntfs'  not supported by kernel.

Does this mean I have to recompile the kernel to tell it to accept this file 
type? ??

And if so will it work then?

Coldbrook, NS

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RH8 and Routing

2003-01-20 Thread Ted Gervais

When I enter 'route -n' , will the result of that be representative of what I 
find in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-eth0?? Or at least should any 
route statements found in that file be in the ' route-n ' query??

If so, that is not what is happening here.

Coldbrook, NS

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Re: What is rawhide?

2003-01-20 Thread Ted Gervais
On Monday 20 January 2003 07:27 pm, Kent Perrier wrote:
> On Fri, 2003-01-17 at 14:13, Lau wrote:
> > Can anyone tell me something about "rawhide"?
> Rawhide is the untanned skin of a bovine creature.  Once the skin is
> tanned, it is considered leather.
> Kent

You rascal!!

Coldbrook, NS

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Re: How do I unsuscribe

2003-01-20 Thread Ted Gervais
On Saturday 18 January 2003 02:55 pm, Pepo RH wrote:
> Hi...
>   This list is so large... How do I unsuscribe of this list??

Read the bottom of any message...  your answer is there.

> thanks

Coldbrook, NS

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Scanner Software

2003-01-18 Thread Ted Gervais
Is there any scanner software for RH8.

I see that my system sees my scanner so maybe there is a chance I can install 
something to get that to work.  Maybe RH8 already has something in place???

Coldbrook, NS

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Fax programs for Redhat 8.0

2003-01-18 Thread Ted Gervais

Wondering what might be available for RH8 as far as fax is concerned.  I see 
that EFAX is installed in RH8  but I can't find how to run it.  Seems pretty 
simple but not sure it will RECEIVE faxes..

Does anyone know anything about this program or others that might be available 
for RH8??

Coldbrook, NS

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Re: static-routes with RH8.0

2003-01-17 Thread Ted Gervais
On Friday 17 January 2003 07:46 pm, Toshi Esumi wrote:

I seem to have the same problem.

My /etc/sysconfig/static-routes file has 4 lines of routes in it but none of 
them show up when I run 'route -n '.

I need to enter them manually for them to 'take'  or show.

Anyone have any ideas as to why this is happening, or at least how to get the 
routes to be installed when I reboot the machine??

> Does someone have the same experience with RH8.0? I put a static router
> statement in /etc/sysconfig/static-routes file as I did with RH7.0. But it
> doesn't seem to work when I reboot the PC. It takes the same static route
> when I put it manualy using "route" command when it's running. The route I
> wanted to put is 
> Kernel IP routing table
> Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
> Iface
>* U 0  00
> eth0   *   U 0  0   
> 0 lo default UG0  0   
> 0 eth0
> route add -net gw netmask
> Kernel IP routing table
> Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
> Iface
> UG0  00
> eth0* U 0  0   
> 0 eth0   *   U 0  0  
>  0 lo default UG0  0   
> 0 eth0
> eth0 net netmask gw
>This didn't work
> when I rebooted.
> Toshi

Coldbrook, NS

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Re: Domain Names Again..

2003-01-13 Thread Ted Gervais
At 12:46 AM 1/14/2003 +0800, you wrote:


The diagram may some mistakes, it designed for User of Cisco 827 Router /
Cisco System to help our network system !


I  looked over your drawing and just to keep it simple, here is the way 
things are with my system/network now:

| ---|
My Machine: | IP :24.224.xx.xx   |  >  Router Gateway  | 
IP:  | >Outside.
24.224.xx.1  |   >   ||

What I need to do is get back to my machine.  How can I tell the router or 
the network to let me  in to 24.224.xx.xx ??

By the way, the router is a D-LINK DI-704P.  It needs that 
address to work. That is the link to the outside.
And I CAN GET to anyone in the world from my machine, but NO ONE can get to 
me.  Telnetting and FTP are the services  I would like to use when I am 
away.  As well, I would like others to use these same services on my system.

Mark Neidorff wrote:

> On your diagram you have private ip addresses (192.168.1.x) mapped to
> a public ip address.  How do you do that?
> Thanks,
> Mark

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Ted Gervais,
Coldbrook, Nova Scotia, Canada

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Re: Domain Names Again..

2003-01-13 Thread Ted Gervais
At 12:46 AM 1/14/2003 +0800, you wrote:


The diagram may some mistakes, it designed for User of Cisco 827 Router /
Cisco System to help our network system !


I  looked over your drawing and just to keep it simple here is the way 
things are with my system/network now:
| ---|
My Machine: | IP :24.224.xx.xx   |  >  Router Gateway  | 
IP:  | >Outside.
24.224.xx.1  |   >   ||

Mark Neidorff wrote:

> On your diagram you have private ip addresses (192.168.1.x) mapped to
> a public ip address.  How do you do that?
> Thanks,
> Mark

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Ted Gervais,
Coldbrook, Nova Scotia, Canada

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Re: Domain Names Again..

2003-01-12 Thread Ted Gervais

Hi and thanks for dropping by.

My is with the alias of 'mach3'.

My configuration is through a mechanical router (DI-704p) which is the 
gateway for my machines. is just one of them. The 
gateway address is and should not be seen from the outside 
world.  The ip address assigned to 'mach3' by this router is  but the address assigned to it by the internet world is  Its' gateway is

Now, I am not sure if any of this info is helpful  but since you asked - 
there it is.

I need to configure things yet though,  such that my internet IP address 
( is seen out in the real world. Haven't figured how to do 
this yet, ever since I stuck that mechanical router in place.  Maybe in 
addition to me losing my hostname  you might suggest how I can make the 
world see my cable address?

At 03:52 AM 1/13/2003 +0800, you wrote:
Result of my PC :


Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:

Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum =  0ms, Average =  0ms


What result do you want ?
So, Would you mind to post your config files of your DNS to my mail box for
check ?

Ted Gervais wrote:

> Yesterday, with the help of you good guys - I changed my hostname from
> localhost.localdomain to  I changed it in the
> /etc/sysconfig/network file.
> Now today, being that it is a new day and the computer had been rebooted -
> that file changed back to what it had been. Here is what it shows today:
> HOSTNAME=localhost.localdomain
> What caused that to happen?
> My entries in the /etc/hosts file are:
>   localhost.localdomain localhost
> mach3
> ve1att
>   buffy
> What did I forget to do.  My network is DHCP and I am running RH8.0
> --
> T.L.Gervais
> Coldbrook, NS
> Canada.
> --
> redhat-list mailing list
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Ted Gervais,
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Domain Names Again..

2003-01-12 Thread Ted Gervais

Yesterday, with the help of you good guys - I changed my hostname from  
localhost.localdomain to  I changed it in the 
/etc/sysconfig/network file.  

Now today, being that it is a new day and the computer had been rebooted - 
that file changed back to what it had been. Here is what it shows today:


What caused that to happen? 

My entries in the /etc/hosts file are:   localhost.localdomain localhost mach3 ve1att   buffy

What did I forget to do.  My network is DHCP and I am running RH8.0

Coldbrook, NS

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Re: Domain Name

2003-01-11 Thread Ted Gervais

So, your hostname is :   What does this show 
you at a users prompt?  Is it 'WWW' ?
Just curious. Because if I make my hostname   I am sure 
the prompt will have it shortened up to just 'able'??

Maybe I am wrong but it seems that this is what happened to me before..

At 05:33 PM 1/11/2003 -0600, you wrote:

-- Original Message ---
From: Jeffrey Tadlock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sat, 11 Jan 2003 18:35:01 -0500
Subject: Re: Domain Name

> On Sun, Jan 12, 2003 at 10:05:45AM +1100, george wrote:
> > should this be the fully qualified domain name or just hostname?
> >
> > I have read two differing accounts on this
> The /etc/sysconfig/network entry should be the fully qualified
> domain name per the Reference Guide on Red Hat's site.


Here is what I have in mine

[root@www root]# cat /etc/hosts
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail.   www localhost   localhost.localdomain

[root@www root]# cat /etc/sysconfig/network

I think everything works (except my functions).

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Ted Gervais,
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Re: Domain Name

2003-01-11 Thread Ted Gervais
At 12:35 AM 1/12/2003 +0100, you wrote:

george wrote:

should this be the fully qualified domain name or just hostname?
I have read two differing accounts on this

In general, it should be the fully qualified domain name. If you don't 
have a domain name to use, you can even just 'invent' one and use it, eg. 
hostname.mydomain. However, in case you do set your hostname to just a 
name, without a domain, it won't do any harm.

Thnks.. That last part of your note was what I was looking for too.  I know 
that if you mess up your domain name Sendmail takes forever to 
come  up.   So just wanted to be sure about things before I made the change..

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Anand Buddhdev
Sent: Sunday, 12 January 2003 9:25 AM
Subject: Re: Domain Name

Ted Gervais wrote:

I feel a little sheepish in asking this question on the list but what 
the heck. Here it goes.

I have RH8 running very well. Everything seems to be fine.  But I notice 
that somehow I never set my hostname. Or at least, the hostname that 
keeps appearing is 'localhost'.  Of course that appears in my /etc/hosts file.

I am sure everyone has a better host name than 'localhost'  and was 
wondering about making a change here.  If I do make a change though, 
will that screwup sendmail or the network etc..??

Also, how does one make a change to another hostname?   And how is this 
done permanently.

Edit /etc/sysconfig/network, and set your hostname there. It will be set 
correctly at every bootup then. For completenesses sake, also edit 
/etc/hosts, and change localhost.localdomain to your new hostname.

Anand Buddhdev

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Ted Gervais,
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Re: Installing Samba by rpm without GUI

2003-01-11 Thread Ted Gervais

Here is how I did what you are trying to do:

Whhile connected to the internet and while a registered user of the REdHat 
Network - I entered the followiing at a prompt:

up2date samba-swat  samba-client  samba common samba.

And away it went.  All the latest samba software from REDHAT was installed 
on my system. All from a prompt.
Worked like a charm..

And if it so happens that you want samba removed from your system first 
just enter - rpm -qa | grep samba, to first find out what packages are 
installed, and than run   rpm -e samba-packages-whatever -they-are-called..

At 02:48 PM 1/11/2003 +0100, you wrote:
Hi list,

I recently installed a firewall/router file server computer. I now want
to install SAMBA so the 2 windows machines in my network can access the
printer. But, I did not install in on installation and do not have a GUI
installed in that machine.
If I try to rpm samba I receive warnings of other packages that must be
installed. And they too rely on other packages. Is there a text oriented
tool I can use that does the same as the redhat-config-packages

Thanx in advance,


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Re: up2date

2003-01-10 Thread Ted Gervais
On Friday 10 January 2003 03:12 pm, Mike Burger wrote:
> up2date -l will list the updates available for your system (according to
> what you have installed on your system) that have not yet been
> updated/installed.
> up2date -u will download and install everything available, without your
> having to list the packages, individually.

Thanks Mike.  I had read the --help file that 'up2date' provides and was 
trying to remember how someone else did it.  It was on the 'list' a number of 
months ago and was more compliated than just 'up2date -u'.  I remmeber seeing 
it and tried it.  I believe it did more than just the update. Or maybe it 
just did the update but was tellling you a bunch more things??

I thought my question might bring that person back to the list so he could 
write out that line again.  I just wished I could remember alll that that 
line did??

Thanks again..

> On Fri, 10 Jan 2003, Ted Gervais wrote:
> > I occasionally do updates from the command line where I enter 'up2date'
> > and the package to be updated.  I believe I can do the same but ask the
> > update system to give me any and all updates that might be available. 
> > All from the command line.  If so, what would that line say??

Coldbrook, NS

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2003-01-10 Thread Ted Gervais

I occasionally do updates from the command line where I enter 'up2date' and 
the package to be updated.  I believe I can do the same but ask the update 
system to give me any and all updates that might be available.  All from the 
command line.  If so, what would that line say?? 
Coldbrook, NS

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RE: Samba

2003-01-09 Thread Ted Gervais
At 08:37 AM 1/9/2003 -0400, you wrote:

I would suggest Webmin over SWAT. Since I've been using Webmin, I've had no
need for SWAT, though I do occassionally edit smb.conf by hand (which can
even be done via Webmin).


OK.. I just installed Webmin.  Thought it might be a good alternative to 
Swat.  I will give that a try today.

Thanks ..

-- Original Message -------
From: Ted Gervais <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thu, 09 Jan 2003 08:37:16 -0400
Subject: RE: Samba

> At 02:21 PM 1/9/2003 +1000, you wrote:
> > >
> > > I have that [SWAT] installed.  It came with the RH8.0 files.
> > > However, it is a
> > > limited version of swat, in that in only allows you to see a
> > > few things and
> > > change the passwd but not able to edit the smb.conf file
> > > etc..  Maybe I
> > > need a new/annother version of swat??
> > >
> >
> >I didn't know there was a limited version? Did you connect with
> >the root account and password?
> >
> >Cameron.
> Hi Cameron..
> Well mine was.  I went and got a new version and swat finally gave
> me all the things it should. The main thing I was missing was the
> 'globabl' icon.  We need that to do things..
> >--
> >redhat-list mailing list
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> ---
> Ted Gervais,
> Coldbrook, Nova Scotia, Canada
> --
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Ted Gervais,
Coldbrook, Nova Scotia, Canada

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Re: Samba

2003-01-09 Thread Ted Gervais
At 07:44 AM 1/8/2003 +, you wrote:

There is a web based tool called swat which will help setup samba. You can
find the RPM for swat on the redhat distribution CD's

Will an installation from the CD's give you all that you need. I mean, if 
somehow I was able to load the CD's back in and find Samba somehow - would 
it give me the WHOLE samba installation - or only part..

And by the way - how do we do that.  I mean install from the CD after the fact?


>-- Original Message --
>From: "Michael S. Dunsavage" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Samba
>Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2003 23:07:15 -0500
>Michael S. Dunsavage
>- Original Message -
>From: "Ted Gervais" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "redhat-list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2003 2:13 PM
>Subject: Samba
>> I am running RH8.0  and have found a need to install/setup Samba.
>> Does RH8.0 have an installation/config program that would help get things
>> going??  Or do I have to make all the files up by hand?
>> --
>> T.L.Gervais
>> Coldbrook, NS
>> Canada.
>> --
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Ted Gervais,
Coldbrook, Nova Scotia, Canada

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RE: Samba

2003-01-09 Thread Ted Gervais
At 02:21 PM 1/9/2003 +1000, you wrote:

> I have that [SWAT] installed.  It came with the RH8.0 files.
> However, it is a
> limited version of swat, in that in only allows you to see a
> few things and
> change the passwd but not able to edit the smb.conf file
> etc..  Maybe I
> need a new/annother version of swat??

I didn't know there was a limited version? Did you connect with
the root account and password?


Hi Cameron..

Well mine was.  I went and got a new version and swat finally gave me all 
the things it should. The main thing I was missing was the 'globabl' 
icon.  We need that to do things..

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Ted Gervais,
Coldbrook, Nova Scotia, Canada

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Re: removing samba

2003-01-08 Thread Ted Gervais
On Wednesday 08 January 2003 04:03 pm, Will Mc Donald wrote:

Hi Will..

Thnks for the information.  Well here is what I see when I run that command 
(as root):

[root@localhost root]# rpm -qa | grep samba

Nothing more.

And this is what I see when I try to reinstall Samba:

[root@localhost root]# rpm -e samba-2.2.7a-1
error reading information on service smb: No such file or directory
error reading information on service smb: No such file or directory
error: %trigger(samba-2.2.7a-1) scriptlet failed, exit status 1

By the way - I am using the latest RH8.0 distribution and the latest Samba 
files.  Just in case this means anything. Maybe I should go back to the 
distribution on the CDrom??

> "rpm -qa" will show which RPMs are installed.
> [wmcdonald@home wmcdonald]$ rpm -qa | grep samba
> samba-client-2.0.10-2
> samba-common-2.0.10-2
> samba-2.0.10-2
> samba-swat-2.0.10-2
> And "rpm -e" as root will uninstall them. i.e.
> [wmcdonald@fw wmcdonald]$ su -
> Password:
> [root@home /root]# rpm -e samba-client-2.0.10-2 samba-common-2.0.10-2
> samba-2.0.10-2 samba-swat-2.0.10-2
> Will.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Ted Gervais" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "redhat-list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 7:10 PM
> Subject: removing samba
> > Can anyone tell me the proper way of using RPM to uninstall Samba.
> >
> > I have looked at the help screen that comes up with RPM and have tried
> > all choices.  No luck so far.  Maybe I am not using the correct name for
> > Samba??
> >
> > Anyone help here please.

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removing samba

2003-01-08 Thread Ted Gervais

Can anyone tell me the proper way of using RPM to uninstall Samba.

I have looked at the help screen that comes up with RPM and have tried all 
choices.  No luck so far.  Maybe I am not using the correct name for Samba??

Anyone help here please.

Coldbrook, NS

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Re: Samba

2003-01-08 Thread Ted Gervais


I have that installed.  It came with the RH8.0 files. However, it is a 
limited version of swat, in that in only allows you to see a few things and 
change the passwd but not able to edit the smb.conf file etc..  Maybe I 
need a new/annother version of swat??

Apart from that - this utility sure seems to be the right way to go..

At 07:44 AM 1/8/2003 +, you wrote:
There is a web based tool called swat which will help setup samba. You can
find the RPM for swat on the redhat distribution CD's


>-- Original Message --
>From: "Michael S. Dunsavage" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Samba
>Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2003 23:07:15 -0500
>Michael S. Dunsavage
>- Original Message -
>From: "Ted Gervais" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "redhat-list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2003 2:13 PM
>Subject: Samba
>> I am running RH8.0  and have found a need to install/setup Samba.
>> Does RH8.0 have an installation/config program that would help get things
>> going??  Or do I have to make all the files up by hand?
>> --
>> T.L.Gervais
>> Coldbrook, NS
>> Canada.
>> --
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Ted Gervais,
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2003-01-07 Thread Ted Gervais

I am running RH8.0  and have found a need to install/setup Samba.

Does RH8.0 have an installation/config program that would help get things 
going??  Or do I have to make all the files up by hand?
Coldbrook, NS

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Re: How to configure a new neteork card.

2003-01-07 Thread Ted Gervais

OK Thanks.  I  will have a look at that file.  And update mine to get 
things going.
So far, this new router is working great with WindowsXP (heavens!!),  so 
now its time to boot back to Linux and return to the real world..

Thanks again for your thoughts..

At 11:40 AM 1/7/03 -0600, you wrote:
On Tue, Jan 07, 2003 at 12:23:09AM -0400, Ted Gervais wrote:
> Wondering about finding a router (hardware) installed between the linux 
> and the internet interface?
> Right now I have my Linux machine looking at sending everything out my 
> port. Will that change with one of these hardware routers??

Yup.  The Linux system probably thinks it has direct access to the
Internet.  You'll need to change this so that its default gateway is the
router.  The default gateway is defined in /etc/sysconfig/network.
# cat /etc/sysconfig/network

Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
Member #1, Red Hat Community Ambassador Program

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Re: How to configure a new neteork card.

2003-01-07 Thread Ted Gervais

Wondering about finding a router (hardware) installed between the linux box 
and the internet interface?

Right now I have my Linux machine looking at sending everything out my eth0 
port. Will that change with one of these hardware routers??

At 10:52 AM 1/7/03 -0500, you wrote:
On Mon, 2003-01-06 at 08:52, gihas wrote:
> Hai,
> I install linux in a p1 system.In that there is know network card
> while installing time.At present i put new network card, how I can
> install the driver and configure that network card.
> Regards gihas

At the command prompt, do

dmesg | more

and see if you can't find your network card listed among the many other
devices that will show up.  What type of card is it?  Some will show up
listed by chipset, rather then by card name.  Also, if only one network
card is installed on the machine,

ifconfig -a

should show it listed as eth0.

Ian P. Thomas

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Problems reading hyperlinks

2003-01-05 Thread Ted Gervais

I have been noticeing that when I click on a hyperlink (url address) that 
while it does bring up the site I can't go anywhere else once I am there.

For example, while I was reading a message I clicked on 
'' and up came that site. 
Than I clicked on an archive message to read and I got this:

' The file /home/ve1drg/.kde/share/apps/kfmexec/tmp/2002-December/subject.html 
cannot be found. Please check the location and try again'

I was using Kmail to read the message and from that I clicked on the 
hyperlinks.  I am running RH8.0.  Should I be looking at my PATH statements 
somewhere, or is there a problem with KDE?  Funny thing, I can type in a URL 
in the same browser (mozilla or netscape) and it will go through all the 
additional links that I run across. But not starting from an email/news 

Anyone Please..

Coldbrook, NS

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Re: JAVA Plug-in for Mozilla

2003-01-04 Thread Ted Gervais

Hang in there guy, I think you are close.

At 10:45 PM 1/3/2003 -0500, you wrote:

On Fri, 2003-01-03 at 22:37, Thomas E. Dukes wrote:
OK guys, I'm tired.  Will tackle this again in the morning.  Been
looking at this too long.  It was a ruff day.

Thanks and ya'll have a good evening!!
Palmetto Shopper
Serving all of South Carolina and beyond!

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Ted Gervais,
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2003-01-04 Thread Ted Gervais

I have been reading a lot lately about Java working and not working etc., 
and it got me to thinking - is there a way to test one's system to see if 
Java is really working on mine?  Some way to tell me that I am ok??

Just wondering fellas .  Any thoughts??

Ted Gervais,
Coldbrook, Nova Scotia, Canada

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Re: modprobe

2002-12-30 Thread Ted Gervais
On Monday 30 December 2002 08:03 am, Ted Gervais wrote:

I just fixed the problem.  I must have been a bit sleepy here.
What I did was to simply add the modprobe statements to the top of my script 
in /etc/init.d  and now when that script is called it first runs modprobe for 
those modules.  

Works real slick.  Possibly this might help others doing similar things..

> On Monday 30 December 2002 02:23 am, Yoink! wrote:
> > On Sun, 29 Dec 2002, Ted Gervais wrote:
> > > I have found that I need to run modprobe to get a couple of modules to
> > > come up and I have put these statements in my /etc/rc.d/rc.local file.
> > >
> > > While that works just fine in bringing up those modules the application
> > > that uses them, is brought up before these modules are called.
> > >
> > > My question is - how can I have those modules called earlier than
> > > through the ./rc.local file??
> >
> > Is modifying the application startup possible?
> Yes.  The start up of that application can be anywhere but right now I have
> it set up in a script in /etc/init.d  and I am able to start/stop it using
> chkconfig etc..  I would like to keep it that way.  But a way around the
> problem would be to stick the 'call' for the application, in the bottom of
> the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file.  Not very professional, but that will fix my
> problem.  However, I would like to stick  with the script if I can..
> > How about editing /etc/modules.conf? Look at the modules.conf manpage for
> > syntax.
> That was a thought too.  Can't find the syntax for these modules.  The two
> modules called are 'netrom and mkiss'.  Maybe someone out there might have
> a tip or two on the correct syntax for these modules..??

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Re: modprobe

2002-12-30 Thread Ted Gervais
On Monday 30 December 2002 02:23 am, Yoink! wrote:
> On Sun, 29 Dec 2002, Ted Gervais wrote:
> > I have found that I need to run modprobe to get a couple of modules to
> > come up and I have put these statements in my /etc/rc.d/rc.local file.
> >
> > While that works just fine in bringing up those modules the application
> > that uses them, is brought up before these modules are called.
> >
> > My question is - how can I have those modules called earlier than through
> > the ./rc.local file??
> Is modifying the application startup possible?

Yes.  The start up of that application can be anywhere but right now I have it 
set up in a script in /etc/init.d  and I am able to start/stop it using 
chkconfig etc..  I would like to keep it that way.  But a way around the 
problem would be to stick the 'call' for the application, in the bottom of 
the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file.  Not very professional, but that will fix my 
problem.  However, I would like to stick  with the script if I can..
> How about editing /etc/modules.conf? Look at the modules.conf manpage for
> syntax.

That was a thought too.  Can't find the syntax for these modules.  The two 
modules called are 'netrom and mkiss'.  Maybe someone out there might have a 
tip or two on the correct syntax for these modules..??

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2002-12-29 Thread Ted Gervais

I have found that I need to run modprobe to get a couple of modules to come up 
and I have put these statements in my /etc/rc.d/rc.local file.

While that works just fine in bringing up those modules the application that 
uses them, is brought up before these modules are called.

My question is - how can I have those modules called earlier than through the 
./rc.local file??
Coldbrook, NS

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Re: [cups.general] Re: Blank pages when printing with lpr command

2002-12-29 Thread Ted Gervais
On Sunday 29 December 2002 03:03 am, John Zoetebier wrote:

Just read your note about the 'accounting' problem and I made the change here. 
It works great. 

Here is what the web site showed:

Since CUPS' accounting information is usually not necessary, the accounting 
functionality can be disabled in the cupsomatic filter by changing the line

my $ps_accounting = 1;


my $ps_accounting = 0;

as "root" user in the filter script /usr/lib/cups/filter/cupsomatic.
If you use /etc/foomatic/filter.conf, you have to disable ps_accounting there.


> John Zoetebier wrote:
> > When I print a text file I always egt 16 blank pages before the actual
> > print.
> > The command I use is: lpr -P color 
> >
> > This also affects printing from Mozilla, provbaly due to the same reason.
> > Most programs however can print correctly.
> > What can cause this blank page problem ?
> I found a workaround for this problem at
> You need to switch off accounting in cupsomatic, like:
> my $ps_accounting = 0;

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Re: No CD-WRITER or CD-ROM device

2002-12-28 Thread Ted Gervais
On Saturday 28 December 2002 12:57 pm, Dale Kosan wrote:

Dale - Thanks very much for your response. You are right on the number!! 
I just needed another way of telling the system where and what my CDROM driver 

I added '/ hdd=ide-scsi'  to the end of my "kernel' line in Grub.conf and that 
did it!!  

Bingo!   Boy, isn't life great..

Thanks a million.

> Well, if it is IDE you need to have scsi emulation set up in grub. Here
> is an example for my burner:
> #boot=/dev/hde
> default=0
> timeout=10
> splashimage=(hd0,0)/grub/splash.xpm.gz
> title Red Hat Linux (2.4.20-2.2)
> root (hd0,0)
> kernel /vmlinuz-2.4.20-2.2 ro root=LABEL=/ hda=ide-scsi vga=791
> initrd /initrd-2.4.20-2.2.img
> The line you need to add is hdX=ide-scsi
> Where x is your drive...
> On Sat, 2002-12-28 at 11:19, nate wrote:
> > Ted Gervais said:
> > > This leaves me with the question  -  where else do I look?  Or does
> > > anyone have a  suggestion as to how to get this CD-WRITER to work?
> >
> > what kind of CD-R ? I have only used X-CD roast on SCSI CDRs. If it is
> > a SCSI CD-R be sure that the driver for the controller is loaded. If it
> > is an IDE burner, look into documentation for ide-scsi. I've never used
> > this myself so can't offer much insight.  With SCSI though it should just
> > work provided the driver for the controller is used.
> >
> > it would be helpful if you provided the brand/model of the drive(s), the
> > brand/model of the controller card(s) that they are connected to, and
> > whether or not any other devices are on these controller card(s) that you
> > can access (easy way to determine if the driver is loaded or not).
> >
> > nate

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No CD-WRITER or CD-ROM device

2002-12-28 Thread Ted Gervais

I just noticed that my CD-WRITER is not working in RH-8.0,  and yet it worked 
fine  in previous versions. My CD-ROM reader works fine.  But not the Writer 
and yet it is mounted in the /etc/fstab file ok.
( /dev/cdrom1  /mnt/cdrom1  iso9660 noauto,owner,kudzu,ro 0 0 )

When I bring up XCDroast, I see this message :

"No CD-WRITER or CD-ROM device detected. For ATAP/IDE devices
under Linux you have to enable SCSI-Emulation in the kernel in order to
activate them. Please see the X-CDroast howto to do that."

Well - with all that being said, I first checked my kernel configuration and I 
see that a module for 'ISO 9660 CD-ROM file system Support" has been compiled 
in the kernel, as well as full SCSI support. So unless there is something 
else in the Kernel, I have to look else where.

So, I went to the HOWTO docs for XCDroast and I see reference to the kernel 
support and also a suggestion to run /sbin/insmode ide-scsi.  Well that did 
nothing for me although it did load the 'kernel drivers for ide-scsi.0"

This leaves me with the question  -  where else do I look?  Or does anyone 
have a  suggestion as to how to get this CD-WRITER to work?  

Coldbrook, NS

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Re: JPG files etc..

2002-12-24 Thread Ted Gervais
On Tuesday 24 December 2002 10:49 am, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Dec 2002, Ted Gervais wrote:
> > RH8.0 installed out of the box can't seem to read jpg, jpeg, or tiff
> > files. In fact any of those type of files can't be viewed.  What is the
> > proper way of adjusting/upgrading RH8.0 to make it possible to see such
> > files??
> not sure what you mean, but i've been able to view jpeg files
> right from the start.  "eog" or "gqview".
> rday

OK.  Well it seems that I have problems with Tiff files, and maybe the jpg 
files were actually tiff productions??  

Along with not being able to see jpeg or jpg or tiff files I see pop up 
messages that I need Java installed.  I guess that is part of what needs to 
be added??

Am I on the right track now?RH8.0 simply needs a little graphic support to 
make it work like other systems??

Coldbrook, NS

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JPG files etc..

2002-12-24 Thread Ted Gervais

RH8.0 installed out of the box can't seem to read jpg, jpeg, or tiff files. In 
fact any of those type of files can't be viewed.  What is the proper way of 
adjusting/upgrading RH8.0 to make it possible to see such files??

And what might the names of these files be??
Coldbrook, NS

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2002-12-24 Thread Ted Gervais
On Monday 23 December 2002 08:56 pm, Andrew Hadinyoto wrote:

Thanks for the explanation.  I was certainly confused.  Much clearer now.  
Just hope I don't forget.  I will have to start over though, as I have SDK 
installed.  Seems to conflict with me putting in JRE but I think you said 
everything is in the SDK version so that should do it??

Thanks again..

> JRE is the run time environment. You'll need this if you just want to run
> compiled Java program (Java application). No compiler.
> SDK is needed if you would like to write your own Java program. So it comes
> with the compiler.
> Which to download? The SDK includes JRE, but the download size is huge.
> If you plan just to run Java application only, download JRE.
> Hope it helps,
> Andrew...
> > Do I need to install both JRE.x.x. and SDK.x.x. files to get Java work?
> > What is the difference between these two files??
> > --
> > T.L.Gervais
> > Coldbrook, NS
> > Canada.
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > redhat-list mailing list
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> >

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Re: Kernel Paramater changes..

2002-12-23 Thread Ted Gervais
On Monday 23 December 2002 02:39 pm, Samuel Flory wrote:
> Ted Gervais wrote:
> >Just wondering something. I just had 'up2date' install the latest kernel
> > for me (RH8.0) but it leaves me without the options that I had been
> > using.
> >
> >It is my plan to go and find that .config file used to create this new
> > kernel and amend it (make menuconfig) and recompile the kernel to include
> > the options I had been using.
> >
> >My question is - should I simply compile up this new kernel and copy it
> > over to the /boot directory - thereby overwriting the vmlinuz-x-x and
> > System files that are there now??
> >
> >Or should I amend the Makefile changing the "version release" to something
> >different and than compile up the kernel with the new kernel name??
>   You should use the extraversion to add some additional string.

Oooops!   Your are telling me something new.  What do you mean by 
'extraversion'  ??

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2002-12-23 Thread Ted Gervais

Do I need to install both JRE.x.x. and SDK.x.x. files to get Java work?
What is the difference between these two files??
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Kernel Paramater changes..

2002-12-23 Thread Ted Gervais

Just wondering something. I just had 'up2date' install the latest kernel for 
me (RH8.0) but it leaves me without the options that I had been using.

It is my plan to go and find that .config file used to create this new kernel 
and amend it (make menuconfig) and recompile the kernel to include the 
options I had been using.

My question is - should I simply compile up this new kernel and copy it over 
to the /boot directory - thereby overwriting the vmlinuz-x-x and System files  
that are there now??

Or should I amend the Makefile changing the "version release" to something 
different and than compile up the kernel with the new kernel name??

Coldbrook, NS

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Can't find 'netscape' executable.

2002-12-19 Thread Ted Gervais

I recently installed netscape on a new RH8.0 installation and I that the 
system pops up the following message:

KDEInit could not launch Netscape
Could not find 'Netscape' executable.

I guess somehow netscape is buried in directories where there is no path?

What would be the proper was to fix this?  Re-install it and put it where it 
would better be found, or somehow tell the system where it is at?

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Re: start an application from desktop

2002-12-18 Thread Ted Gervais
On Tuesday 17 December 2002 19:38, Bret Hughes wrote:
> On Tue, 2002-12-17 at 14:07, Manuel Tejada wrote:
> > I've just installed Netscape 7 in RedHat 7.2.
> > To start the Netscape 7,  I have to open a terminal and cd to
> > /usr/local/netscape/ and issue ./netscape.
> > What must I do to  start Netscape from Start -->Application ?
> >
> > Thank in advance
> if you are using gnome type gmenu in a terminal and do what you will.
> You will need to be root to add it to system menus like applications
> Bret

Silly question Bret but what does IIRC standfor??  I hope nothing like RTFM.

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Re: xchat

2002-12-16 Thread Ted Gervais
On Monday 16 December 2002 12:44, Nathan G. Grennan wrote:
> On Mon, 2002-12-16 at 10:38, Ted Gervais wrote:
> > Wondering about what channels I can find redhat-list on xchat or whatever
> > irc application one is using?
> > --
> > T.L.Gervais
> > Coldbrook, NS
> > Canada.
> You questions seem a little unclear, but I will try. The main redhat irc
> channel is #redhat on As for irc programs, I
> prefer xchat myself, but there are also others. epic, ircii,
> mozilla irc, bitchx, kvirc, etc.

Sorry for not being clearer with my question, but you have more than answered 
it anyways.

I was just trying to find the correct server where #redhat could be found. I 
thought I had the correct one yesterday but somehow lost it and now could no 
longer find it.  I just plugged in the address you gave me and YES SIR this 
looks like the correct one. Lots of people there.

Thanks again,  and by the way xchat appears to be a pretty good application to 
use to join these sessions.  However, I will consider looking at the others 
you mentioned..

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2002-12-16 Thread Ted Gervais
Wondering about what channels I can find redhat-list on xchat or whatever irc 
application one is using?
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2002-12-16 Thread Ted Gervais

I have just finished installing my printer with the new installation of RH8.0 
(HP895Cxi-Deskjet)   and it works beautifully.

I am posting this message not because I have a problem but rather success with 
something that I thought would be a problem.  Initially I couldn't get my 
printer to work, or at least work properly so I switched to 'CUPS'.  That 
took a bit of 'figuring' and setting up but once I saw the 'test' sheets come 
back so perfectly I knew I was on the right path.

Since then,  my printing tasks and jobs have been working perfectly and while 
this may just be the first day of my success,  I feel confident that things 
will go well to the future.  

My thoughts for others are that if they are having printing problems, simply 
go to CUPS and let that process do all the work for you.

I hope these thoughts help others..


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2002-12-15 Thread Ted Gervais
I just installed a new copy of RH8.0 over the last few days and since there 
was no Netscape in the package I installed it separately.

My question is,  how do I get it to show in the various boxes that I go 
through when I am looking fer a browser?  How is it installed in the menu 
system of RedHat??
Coldbrook, NS

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2002-12-13 Thread Ted Gervais

I want to use Netscape as my default browser and wonder where I tell RH8.0 
to make the change.
I have been snooping around through Netscape and of course there is nothing 

Any thoughts fellows..??

Ted Gervais,
Coldbrook, Nova Scotia, Canada

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Re: Linux Kernel Configurator

2002-12-13 Thread Ted Gervais
On Thursday 12 December 2002 20:21, Adam H. Pendleton wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> No, there is no other way.  Consider the Linux Kernel Configurator a pretty
> replacement for the "make xconfig" command.
> ahp

Yup!!  I figured life was going to be too good if it was going to be simple. 

Thanks again..

> > -Original Message-
> > On Behalf Of Ted Gervais
> > Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 20:09
> > To: redhat-list
> > Subject: Linux Kernel Configurator
> >
> >
> > I just found this 'Linux Kernel Configurator' in
> >   Kcontrol>System of KDE and I am running just how to use it?
> >
> > I already went through the various paramaters of the Kernel and made the
> > changes needed, and than saved the file to the Kernels directory as
> > .config.
> >
> > Now that I did all that, how are these changes brought into the actual
> > Kernel?
> > The only way I found to do this was to run ' make menuconfig' (first) and
> > than
> > saved it, before I compiled these changes into the Kernel. I assume one
> > must
> > still run the old manual commands to incorporate the changes needed in
> > the kernel.  As such I ran ' make dep clean bzImage && make modules
> > modules_install'.
> >
> > This gave me the changes needed but is there another way. I ask this
> > question
> > simply because of this NEW feature (to me) of the 'Linux Kernel
> > configurator'
> > existing in the Kcontrol area of KDE??
> >
> > Sure would be nice NOT to have to compile all these changes but I can't
> > see
> > any other way..
> >
> > Any thoughts guys??
> > --
> > T.L.Gervais
> > 2381 Loretta Ave ., Coldbrook, NS
> > Canada.
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > redhat-list mailing list
> > unsubscribe mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=unsubscribe
> >
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> =jZ6N

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Re: boot error with grub..

2002-12-13 Thread Ted Gervais
On Thursday 12 December 2002 20:05, Rick Johnson wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Ted Gervais wrote:
> | I am trying to install a new kernel in grub and this is what I have
> | added:
> |
> | title Red Hat Linux (2.4.18-18.8.0ax25)
> | root (hd1,0)
> | kernel /vmlinuz-2.4.18-18.8.0ax25 ro root=LABEL=/1 hdd=ide-scsi
> | initrd /initrd-2.4.18-18.8.0ax25.img
> | What does this mean. Why is the ' root=LABEL=/1 hdd=ide-scsi'  line wrong
> | in this 'block'.  All the other blocks in grub use this same 'root'
> | option??
> Not sure what the hdd=ide-scsi part means, but root=LABEL=/1 looks kinda
> funny. Perhaps it's just LABEL=/
> To be sure - boot into the other kernel and run e2fslabel to verify (or cat
> your fstab).

Thanks Rick for getting back to me.

Here is what my /etc/fstab file shows (in part):

LABEL=/1/   ext3defaults1 1
LABEL=/boot /boot   ext3defaults1 2
none/dev/ptsdevpts  gid=5,mode=620  0 0
none/proc   procdefaults0 0
none/dev/shmtmpfs   defaults0 0

Grub is using ' root=LABEL=/1'  because that is the partition/drive that it is 
boot from.  Maybe the boot process simply doesn't like the hdd=ide=scsi 

> - -Rick
> - --
> Rick Johnson, RHCE - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Linux/WAN Administrator - Medata, Inc.
> PGP Public Key:
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (MingW32)
> Comment: Signed and/or encpryted for everyone's protection.
> GMoAoId7JjcxYNkf6B1nbWX3rQNT+DXA
> =iJUl

2381 Loretta Ave ., Coldbrook, NS

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boot error with grub..

2002-12-12 Thread Ted Gervais

I am trying to install a new kernel in grub and this is what I have added:

title Red Hat Linux (2.4.18-18.8.0ax25)
root (hd1,0)
kernel /vmlinuz-2.4.18-18.8.0ax25 ro root=LABEL=/1 hdd=ide-scsi
initrd /initrd-2.4.18-18.8.0ax25.img

It is identical to the 'block' before it, except this one is compiled with a 
different name (2.4.18-18.8.0ax25)..

Now, when I try to boot the system up using this new kernel here is what I 

ds:no socket drivers loaded!
VFS: Cannot open root device "LABEL=/1" or 00:00
Please append a correct "root=" boot option
Kernel panic : VFS Unable to mount root fs on 00:00

What does this mean. Why is the ' root=LABEL=/1 hdd=ide-scsi'  line wrong in 
this 'block'.  All the other blocks in grub use this same 'root' option??

2381 Loretta Ave ., Coldbrook, NS

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Linux Kernel Configurator

2002-12-12 Thread Ted Gervais

I just found this 'Linux Kernel Configurator' in
  Kcontrol>System of KDE and I am running just how to use it?

I already went through the various paramaters of the Kernel and made the 
changes needed, and than saved the file to the Kernels directory as .config.

Now that I did all that, how are these changes brought into the actual Kernel?
The only way I found to do this was to run ' make menuconfig' (first) and than 
saved it, before I compiled these changes into the Kernel. I assume one must 
still run the old manual commands to incorporate the changes needed in the 
kernel.  As such I ran ' make dep clean bzImage && make modules 

This gave me the changes needed but is there another way. I ask this question 
simply because of this NEW feature (to me) of the 'Linux Kernel configurator' 
existing in the Kcontrol area of KDE??

Sure would be nice NOT to have to compile all these changes but I can't see 
any other way..

Any thoughts guys??
2381 Loretta Ave ., Coldbrook, NS

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grub and .img files

2002-12-12 Thread Ted Gervais

Here is a portion of my grub.conf file and I am wondering how to make the 
*.img files? (ie: /initrd-2.4.18-18.8.0.img)

title Red Hat Linux (2.4.18-18.8.0)
root (hd1,0)
kernel /vmlinuz-2.4.18-18.8.0 ro root=LABEL=/1 hdd=ide-scsi
initrd /initrd-2.4.18-18.8.0.img

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2002-12-12 Thread Ted Gervais

I am new to GRUB but am willing to learn it.  Lilo was becoming 'old hat' so I 
did an 'install' of Redhat8.0 and allowed GRUB to become the Linux loader.

Now with that said -  how do I amend the grub config file found in /boot/grub.
Do I just edit it as I would lilo.conf?  Or is there a more sophisticated way 
of doing it?
2381 Loretta Ave ., Coldbrook, NS

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Re: FTP server

2002-09-12 Thread Ted Gervais

On Thursday 12 September 2002 17:58, Brian Lucas wrote:
> I have a linux FTP server running the latest wu-ftpd.  Other linux machines
> ftp right in without any problem.  Windows machines say "Connected to..."
> but never bring open the login prompt and eventually (after a few minutes)
> close the connection.  Programs like FTP-PRO act the same way.
> Thoughts?

Turn off PASSIVE and it will work.

Ted Gervais
Coldbrook, Nova Scotia Canada.

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Re: From LILO to GRUB

2002-09-12 Thread Ted Gervais

Do you have to remove LILO now that grub is installed?  Will there be a 
And I presume you will have to input all your LILO data in GRUB to get 
things going?  Or does the installtion process pick up all the LILO 
information in the transfer process.

At 05:31 PM 9/10/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>Arthur Chan,
>On Tuesday September 10, 2002 02:43, Arthur Chan wrote:
> > Hi All .
> > Hi Aly.
> > Is there any painless and easy way to move from lilo to grub ???
>Step 1 : Verify grub is installed.
> # rpm -q grub
>Step 1a : If not install it from the CDs
>Step 2 : Make it work.
> # grub-install /dev/hda
>Brian Ashe CTO
>Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Ted Gervais,
Coldbrook, Nova Scotia, Canada

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Re: FTP server installation

2002-09-10 Thread Ted Gervais

At 08:20 PM 9/9/2002 -0600, you wrote:
>No shell for the user ftp, ftp cannot log-in, there should be a file 
>called /etc/shells that is required when the shell mentioned in 
>/etc/passwd for a user to get logged in via ftp

I am not too sure what you are saying.  You say FTP can't log in.  But 
users can. It works. And this is the way it was set up when RH7.3 was 
installed.  I know it looks wrong so what should be there?  And how is that 
line changed in /etc/passwd?? Also, will it make any difference if things 
are not changed??

>Ted Gervais wrote:
>>Just looking this file over too, and I see under ' ftp:x:14.50:FTP 
>>User/var/ftp:   that I have all that but it ends with :/sbin/nologin
>>Should that be changed?  Why the 'nologin' ??
>>Seems strange..
>>At 06:03 PM 9/9/2002 +0100, you wrote:
>>>do u have a user ftp  in  your   /etc/passwd   for  anonymous ftp
>>>server  to  work ??
>>>i  hope u are not  trying to login  as  root !!
>>>i  am  attaching a working ftp  server conf !! even for  anonymous
>>>ftp !!! compare  and  seee  where  u have  problems!!
>>>ftp:x:14:50:FTP User:/var/ftp:
>>>class   all   real,guest,anonymous  *
>>>email root@localhost
>>>loginfails 5
>>>readme  README*login
>>>readme  README*cwd=*
>>>message /welcome.msglogin
>>>message .messagecwd=*
>>>compressyes all
>>>tar yes all
>>>chmod   no  guest,anonymous
>>>delete  no  guest,anonymous
>>>overwrite   no  guest,anonymous
>>>rename  no  guest,anonymous
>>>log transfers anonymous,real inbound,outbound
>>>shutdown /etc/shutmsg
>>>passwd-check rfc822 warn
>>>>- Original Message -
>>>>*From:* Skuse, Phil <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>*To:* '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' 
>>>>*Sent:* Monday, September 09, 2002 10:19 AM
>>>>*Subject:* RE: FTP server installation
>>>>Check if there are any clues in /var/log/messages. Also check the 
>>>>allow-uid and allow-gid settings in ftpaccess.
>>>>-Original Message-
>>>>*From:* Mathur, Sachin (UMKC-Student) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>>>*Sent:* 07 September 2002 19:12
>>>>*Subject:* FTP server installation
>>>>Hi folks,
>>>>  I have installed wu-ftpd and anonymous ftp server on 
>>>> my redhat 7.3 system. When I try to ftp to the localhost, after 
>>>> entering my login and password, it gives me a message " login 
>>>> incorrect " . I am facing the same problem with anonymous ftp server. 
>>>> I tried to toggle with ftpaccess, n ftpusers files, but it dint work.
>>>>Thanks in advance,
>>>>Best Regards
>>>Ted Gervais,
>>>Coldbrook, Nova Scotia, Canada
>Aly Dharshi
>System Administrator ORS Servers
> "A good speech is like a good dress
> that's short enough to be interesting
> and long enough to cover the subject"
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Ted Gervais,
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Re: FTP server installation

2002-09-09 Thread Ted Gervais

Just looking this file over too, and I see under ' ftp:x:14.50:FTP
User/var/ftp:   that I have all that but it ends with
Should that be changed?  Why the 'nologin' ??
Seems strange..

At 06:03 PM 9/9/2002 +0100, you wrote:
do u
have a user ftp  in  your   /etc/passwd  
for  anonymous ftp   server  to  work
i  hope u are not  trying to
login  as  root !!
i  am  attaching a working
ftp  server conf !! even for  anonymous  ftp !!!
compare  and  seee  where  u have 
ftp:x:14:50:FTP User:/var/ftp:
class   all  
real,guest,anonymous  *
email root@localhost
loginfails 5
readme  README*   
readme  README*    cwd=*
log transfers anonymous,real
shutdown /etc/shutmsg
passwd-check rfc822 warn

- Original Message - 
From: Skuse, Phil 

Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 10:19 AM
Subject: RE: FTP server installation
Check if there are any clues in /var/log/messages. Also check the allow-uid and allow-gid settings in ftpaccess.
-Original Message-
From: Mathur, Sachin (UMKC-Student) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 07 September 2002 19:12
Subject: FTP server installation
Hi folks,
 I have installed wu-ftpd and anonymous ftp server on my redhat 7.3 system. When I try to ftp to the localhost, after entering my login and password, it gives me a message " login incorrect " . I am facing the same problem with anonymous ftp server. I tried to toggle with ftpaccess, n ftpusers files, but it dint work.
Thanks in advance,
Best Regards 

Ted Gervais,
Coldbrook, Nova Scotia, Canada


2002-08-30 Thread Ted Gervais

What are people using for Scanner Software. 
I am using RH7.3 and just installed a Scanner.  Was wondering the best way to 
go with this, as I am sure there is lots of software for this item out 

Ted Gervais
Coldbrook, Nova Scotia Canada.

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2002-08-26 Thread Ted Gervais

Running RH7.3.  I notice that on a reboot , or in the log files, that it  
shows a ' failure with CANNASERVER.'

Anybody know what that is?
Ted Gervais
Coldbrook, Nova Scotia Canada.

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Re: ftp and passive mode.

2002-08-14 Thread Ted Gervais

On Wednesday 14 August 2002 09:54, Mike Burger wrote:
> Make sure that you have port 20 open, as well as port 21...port 20 is the
> ftp-data port...necessary for passive ftp.

How can I be sure ports 20 and 21 are open?  
What would be using them?

Also - is there a way to get ftp to not use passive mode?

> On Wed, 14 Aug 2002, Ted Gervais wrote:
> > Can someone help me here.  I have RH7.3 setup and working well.
> > The FTP service however seems to be acting up.  If someone telnets to me,
> > and asks for a file - it shows that it is entering passive mode and
> > than goes no further. It just sits there.  Also, the same thing happens
> > if you try and list files.  Like, if you do ' ls -al'   ,  it drops to
> > the next line and that is it.  Nothing.
> >
> > Any thoughts fellows?

Ted Gervais
Coldbrook, Nova Scotia Canada.

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ftp and passive mode.

2002-08-14 Thread Ted Gervais

Can someone help me here.  I have RH7.3 setup and working well.
The FTP service however seems to be acting up.  If someone telnets to me, and 
asks for a file - it shows that it is entering passive mode and than goes 
no further. It just sits there.  Also, the same thing happens if you try and 
list files.  Like, if you do ' ls -al'   ,  it drops to the next line and 
that is it.  Nothing. 

Any thoughts fellows?
Ted Gervais
Coldbrook, Nova Scotia Canada.

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Re: compiling a new kernel

2002-08-11 Thread Ted Gervais

At 12:50 PM 8/10/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>On Sat, 10 Aug 2002, Ted Gervais wrote:
> >
> > Thanks Bob,  and the others responding.
> >
> > I tried 'make mrproper' as well.  I guess I am getting desperate.
> >
> > Somehow I am thinking that maybe there is a hardware problem? Could 
> that be
> > the reason for things not working??
>Ted, where exactly is the compile failing?  Can you post the error

That is a bit tricky to answer..  When it fails and I rerun the compile 
process it stops on a different error. And that error could be earlier or 
later than the last one.So each time it stops, it is on a different 
error and not related to the first.  Sometime it is a segmentation fault. 
Like the following:

misc.c: In function 'misc_open' :
misc.c:147; Internal error : Segmentation fault.
Prior to the Error indication it looked like this:
gcc: Internal error: Illegal Instruction (program as)

I have never seen this type of refusal to work before.  I am stumped..

>You might want to start from scratch by going into
>/usr/src/linux-2.4/configs and copying the config of you choice back to
>the linux-2.4 directory as .config.

That is what I eventually did.  I had started by making my own but than 
felt - I better leave well  enough alone and take what is already in place 
and just amend that file  for the various options I need to add.

>Once that's done then do a "make mrproper", then "make oldconfig" and do

That was what I did next.  Or rather,  I backed up my .config file and than 
ran "make mrproper"  and than copied that backup file back to 
".config"  and than began the compile process.

>"make dep clean modules modules_install bzImage"

Yes.  But because I was apprehensive about it working properly, I just ran 
"make dep clean bzImage"  ; leaving the modules to compile at a later time.

And all that still didn't work..

>"The lyfe so short, the craft so long to learne"  Chaucer
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Ted Gervais,
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Re: compiling a new kernel

2002-08-10 Thread Ted Gervais

Thanks Bob,  and the others responding.

I tried 'make mrproper' as well.  I guess I am getting desperate.

Somehow I am thinking that maybe there is a hardware problem? Could that be 
the reason for things not working??

At 10:01 AM 8/10/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>Try running
>'make mrproper' before make dep clean bzImage this will clean up from 
> any previous compile.
>Knut Ove Hauge wrote:
>>Do you make xconfig
>>make dep
>>make clean
>>make bzImage
>>make modules
>>make install
>>make modules_install
>>The failure could also be in the downloaded source
>>code. Try to download it again from another source.
>>--- Ted Gervais <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev: >
>>>I have a problem here and I have no idea how to get
>>>around it.
>>>I am trying to compile a new kernel with RH7.3 (2.4.19) and not matter 
>>>what I do the compile never finishes but stops at some
>>>error.  What I have been doing is making a note of what is stopping it and
>>>than going into the '.config' file and commenting out that item.
>>>Then I found that if I didn't comment it out but
>>>just re started the compile process , that it would go by that error and 
>>>somewhere else.
>>>The bottom line is, I can't compile up a new kernel
>>>and I need to in order to change some of the options.
>>>How do I do it with all these errors and
>>>-- Ted Gervais
>>>Coldbrook, Nova Scotia Canada.
>>>-- redhat-list mailing list
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>>Investigating the Norwegain Secret Service
>>The multiheaded beast.
>>Få den nye Yahoo! Messenger på
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>Bob Hartung, Bettendorf, IA
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Ted Gervais,
Coldbrook, Nova Scotia, Canada

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Re: compiling a new kernel

2002-08-10 Thread Ted Gervais

On Saturday 10 August 2002 10:03, Knut Ove Hauge wrote:
> Do you make xconfig
> make dep
> make clean
> make bzImage
> make modules
> make install
> make modules_install
> The failure could also be in the downloaded source
> code. Try to download it again from another source.

That is exactly how I did it.  Or rather I used those commands.
What I did was run 'make dep clean bzImage && make modules modules_install'.
That has always worked for me.  But in this case I never get to the modules 
stage. ??

I also tried many different kernels, copies etc.,  No luck.

There must be a way to get around this. But how??

> --- Ted Gervais <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev: >
> > I have a problem here and I have no idea how to get
> > around it.
> >
> > I am trying to compile a new kernel with RH7.3
> > (2.4.19) and not matter what I
> > do the compile never finishes but stops at some
> > error.  What I have been
> > doing is making a note of what is stopping it and
> > than going into the
> > '.config' file and commenting out that item.
> >
> > Then I found that if I didn't comment it out but
> > just re started the compile
> > process , that it would go by that error and stop
> > somewhere else.
> >
> > The bottom line is, I can't compile up a new kernel
> > and I need to in order to
> > change some of the options.
> >
> > How do I do it with all these errors and
> > stoppages..
> >
> > --
> > Ted Gervais
> > Coldbrook, Nova Scotia Canada.
> > 1-902-679-2253
> >
> >
> >
> > --
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Ted Gervais
Coldbrook, Nova Scotia Canada.

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compiling a new kernel

2002-08-09 Thread Ted Gervais

I have a problem here and I have no idea how to get around it.

I am trying to compile a new kernel with RH7.3  (2.4.19) and not matter what I 
do the compile never finishes but stops at some error.  What I have been 
doing is making a note of what is stopping it and than going into the 
'.config' file and commenting out that item.  

Then I found that if I didn't comment it out but just re started the compile 
process , that it would go by that error and stop somewhere else.  

The bottom line is, I can't compile up a new kernel and I need to in order to 
change some of the options.

How do I do it with all these errors and stoppages..????

Ted Gervais
Coldbrook, Nova Scotia Canada.

redhat-list mailing list
unsubscribe mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=unsubscribe

Users and their file/directory Permissions.

2002-07-05 Thread Ted Gervais

What does one have to do, to keep users that enter your system, to stay in 
their own directories.  People telnet in or ssh in and look around and was 
wondering if there is a way to stop that. Maybe set the permissions or 
something so they have to remain in  their own home directory??

Is that possible?

Ted Gervais
Coldbrook, Nova Scotia Canada.

Redhat-list mailing list

File/Directory Ownership..

2002-06-24 Thread Ted Gervais

I am wondering about how I can set up good control over the use of 'root' 
and file/directory ownership without hurting too many people.

The situation is ,  our Club has a Computer that is maintained  remotely 
through a dedicated internet link and it seems everyone that has to do 
things on that computer wants ROOT access.  For example, the person that 
maintains the WEB page says he cannot do his amendment work etc., without 
root access.
It was my feeling that only ONE person should have ROOT access and the 
other (sub/administrators)) should have something less than ROOT 
access.  Maybe I am getting paranoid here but it seems too many funny 
little things are happening such that is done only by a person with root 
access that there is now a need for better control.

So, if we were going to take away root access from the WEB page 
administrator (for example) could he not still do all his work (remotely) 
with ROOT access?
In other words assign him a user name and password and maybe attach certain 
group permissions to that user name and have all his web page activities 
run off his user directory?  Something like that?? Or should we live with 
the confusion and political unrest that we are having now??  Too many cooks 
in the kitchen right now..

Ted Gervais,
Coldbrook, Nova Scotia, Canada

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: ext2 <-> ext3 filesystems

2002-06-14 Thread Ted Gervais

OK.. I understand. And I appreciate your feedback.  I will have to do it 
manually at the site, rather than try something from 'afar'.
That could lead to troubles so I will wait until I can have someone at the 
site and we should all be a lot happier.

Thanks again for your thoughts. They were appreciated.

At 09:50 AM 6/14/2002 -0400, you wrote:

>   sorry, i couldn't reply directly to the earlier
>postings on ext{2,3} conversion, so i'm doing this
>thru webmail.
>   from tests i've run, once you convert from one
>filesystem type to the other (using "tune2fs" in
>both cases), you obviously have to remount as
>the new type to have that change take effect.
>   this causes a problem since, while the system
>is running, you can't just unmount and remount
>filesystems like /, /usr and so on.  and using
>the "-o remount" option of the mount command will
>not work -- remounting is used primarily for changing mount flags, like RW 
><-> RO -- you
>can't use the remount option to change the
>mount *type*.
>   because of that, as i see it, you really have to
>reboot to change the mount types on all of the
>   comments?
>Redhat-list mailing list

Ted Gervais,
Coldbrook, Nova Scotia, Canada

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: ext3

2002-06-14 Thread Ted Gervais

At 07:40 AM 6/14/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>On Fri, 14 Jun 2002, Ted Gervais wrote:
> >
> > OK.  Thanks for the info.  Now for another question.  If I was going to
> > change a system over from ext2 to ext3
>careful with the terminology here -- what you should be asking is if
>you want to change a *filesystem* over from ext2 to ext3.

No.. I want to go back to ext2..  Sorry for the misunderstanding..

> > and wanted to do it remotely, could I just run "man tune2fs"
>you could do that on a filesystem-by-filesystem basis, yes.

And this would apply too..??

> > and than amend the /etc/fstab file to show ext2 rather than ext3
>you have that backwards, right?  you'd really want to show ext3
>as opposed to ext2, based on what you've written above.  or are
>you really asking about going back to ext2 from ext3?

Nope.  Want to go back to ext2..

> > and then unmount fstab and remount it??
>again, careful with the terminology.  you don't unmount the fstab file,

Just wanted to keep it simple. Do a umount -a  and mount everything??
Would that not do the same thing??

>you'd unmount the filesystems and remount them under the new type.
>and, yes, you can do it remotely if you make all the changes and
>just reboot.

Thanks for the tips..

>Redhat-list mailing list

Ted Gervais,
Coldbrook, Nova Scotia, Canada

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: ext3

2002-06-14 Thread Ted Gervais

At 09:10 PM 6/13/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, Ted Gervais wrote:
> > I am running RH7.3.  Was wondering about changing /etc/fstab from using
> > ext3 to ext2. Can I just amend that file to read ext2 rather than 
> ext3.  Is
> > it that simple?
>that will work if you just want to mount an ext3 FS as ext2, but it will
>still contain the journal file.  if you truly want to revert it back
>to ext2, "man tune2fs".

OK.  Thanks for the info.  Now for another question.  If I was going to 
change a system over from ext2 to ext3, and wanted to do it remotely, could 
I just run
"man tune2fs"  and than amend the /etc/fstab file to show ext2 rather than 
ext3 and then unmount fstab and remount it??

Does this sound about right?  And will all this work ok remotely over an 
internet link?

>Redhat-list mailing list

Ted Gervais,
Coldbrook, Nova Scotia, Canada

Redhat-list mailing list


2002-06-13 Thread Ted Gervais

I am running RH7.3.  Was wondering about changing /etc/fstab from using 
ext3 to ext2. Can I just amend that file to read ext2 rather than ext3.  Is 
it that simple?

Ted Gervais,
Coldbrook, Nova Scotia, Canada

Redhat-list mailing list

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