Re: [Samba] Samba 4 Packages Available for Download

2013-05-15 Thread Miguel Medalha
There seems to be a problem with the sernet-samba-ad init script, at 
least on CentOS.

Samba fails to start. The log file shows the following:

[2013/05/15 20:48:37,  0] ../source4/smbd/server.c:369(binary_smbd_main)
  samba version 4.0.5-SerNet-RedHat-1.el6 started.
  Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1992-2012
[2013/05/15 20:48:38,  0] ../source4/smbd/server.c:475(binary_smbd_main)
  samba: using 'standard' process model
[2013/05/15 20:48:38,  0] 

  file_server smbd daemon exited normally
[2013/05/15 20:48:38,  0] 

  task_server_terminate: [smbd child process exited]
[2013/05/15 20:48:38,  0] ../source4/smbd/server.c:210(samba_terminate)
  samba_terminate: smbd child process exited

It looks like smbd starts and immediately exits.

Under /var/run/samba, a process file remains but not a file.

Although samba is not running, the pidfile is left there. As a 
consequence, on further attempts to start samba using the script, it 
complains that a pidfile already exists.

When samba is called by other means (/usr/sbin/samba or alternative init 
scripts) it starts and runs correctly.

I am running 64bit CentOS 6.4.

Thank you for your work.

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Re: [Samba] RPM building tools for Samba 4.0.3 on RHEL 6 published bye me on Github

2013-03-22 Thread Miguel Medalha

Regarding your latest samba.spec for version 4.0.4-0.1

If with_dc is activated, the build still fails with:

RPM build errors:
Installed (but unpackaged) file(s) found:

As I reported before, there is an entry for 
under # ldb libraries built with DC activated but not for

The file gets built but not packaged.

Also, the installation of the samba-libs package fails with:

error: Failed dependencies: is needed by 
samba-libs-0:4.0.4-0.1.el6.x86_64 is needed by 

The query rpm --query --requires -p 
samba-libs-4.0.4-0.1.el6.x86_64.rpm gives as a 

Is there any reason why my previous suggestion to package in samba-libs instead of samba-dc-libs was not 
If you do that, under the condition %if %with_dc, the error 
disappears. Please note that samba-libs must always be installed 
before samba-dc-libs, so that the samba-dc-libs requirement at 
install has already been satisfied by samba-libs.

As also reported before, the same happens with It is 
required by samba. I suggested that it be moved to the same section as, i.e. in samba-libs under %if %with_dc.

If these two steps are taken, both build and install complete flawlessly 
and you get a working AD DC installation.

If this is accepted, as a final touch and for the sake of consistency, 
the %exclude for / should go into LIBS, under 
%if %with_dc:

# formerly excluded in files dc
%exclude %{_libdir}/samba/
%endif # with_dc

and the %exclude for / and should 
go into DC-LIBS, also under %if %with_dc

%doc packaging/RHEL-rpms/README.dc-libs
# formerly excluded in files dc
%exclude %{_libdir}/samba/ldb/
%exclude %{_libdir}/samba/ldb/
%endif # with_dc

Best regards

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Re: [Samba] RPM building tools for Samba 4.0.3 on RHEL 6 published bye me on Github

2013-03-20 Thread Miguel Medalha

I tested the .spec file you posted today. There's still a glitch remaining.

If built with the file as it is (%global with_dc 0) the packages build 

However, if %global with_dc 1 is used, the build fails with the 
following error:

RPM build errors:
Installed (but unpackaged) file(s) found:

I can see that this file is excluded in the packging list pertaining to 
DC-LIBS, if with_dc is disabled but it is not one of the # ldb 
libraries built with DC activated, contrary to the other file always 
excluded in the Fedora .spec (, which is listed 
in your file.

When I do a rpm query for --whatrequires both files, the answer is that 
no package requires either file. As such, they should probably be always 
excluded, as happens with the Fedora .spec file.

One more thing: since Samba 4.0.4 is out now, maybe you should update 
your files to match? This is just a security release that presents no 
problem whatsoever when built with the same specs as 4.0.3. I did it and 
all went well. I have an experimental AD domain controller working 
correctly it it.

Thank you again

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Re: [Samba] RPM building tools for Samba 4.0.3 on RHEL 6 published bye me on Github

2013-03-20 Thread Miguel Medalha

I forgot something.


As I said before, those two entries MUST be within ### LIBS, under 
%if %with_dc. Otherwise, the build completes cleanly but the install 
process of samba-libs and samba fails with the following:

error: Failed dependencies: is needed by 
samba-libs-0:4.0.4-1.el6.x86_64 is needed by 

error: Failed dependencies: is needed by samba-0:4.0.3-0.6.el6.x86_64 is needed by 

I suggest doing the described inclusions and, for the sake of 
consistency, moving the correspondent exclusion to the same section:

### LIBS
%if %with_dc
# formerly excluded in files dc
%exclude %{_libdir}/samba/
%endif # with_dc

If these steps are taken, everything builds and installs correctly, 
whether AD DC is activated or not.

The Fedora .spec file excludes samba/ from the 
build process altogether because Fedora is not using the AD DC component 
of Samba 4 due to lack of support with MIT Kerberos.


On the matter of the release of Samba 4.0.4, shouldn't the Obsoletes 
statement now include the form Obsoletes: samba  %{samba_depver} 
instead of only Obsoletes: samba4  %{samba_depver}? You now need to 
Obsolete all versions of Samba 4 prior to 4.0.4, both release and 

Also, I think that the form you are still using for Provides (for 
example Provides: samba4-common = %{samba_depver}) is no longer 
correct. According to the Samba team conventions, after the release of 
Samba 4 the form should now be Provides: samba-common = %{samba_depver}.

In a previous mail to you, I suggested:

Provides: samba = %{samba_depver}
Conflicts: samba4  %{samba_depver}
Obsoletes: samba  %{samba_depver}

I used Conflicts for samba4 because there are significant 
differences between the pre-release and the release versions.

Or maybe we could use two Obsoletes statements instead...

Best regards

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Re: [Samba] Samba4 Compile Error

2013-03-18 Thread Miguel Medalha

Definitely update to RHEL 6.4, if possible, and consider working from 
my samba-4.0.3 backports at: This 
is designed to check out all the other needed dependencies, and work 
from there to build up a local yum repository with all the necessary 
libtdb, libldb, iniparser, and other dependencies. 

I just had a look at the latest changes you did. I am glad that you 
included a samba.init file.

It was a nice touch.

I used your latest samba.spec to build the packages and I found that 
there are still a few  issues to be solved:

If %global with_dc 0 is used, the build fails with the following result:

RPM build errors:
Installed (but unpackaged) file(s) found:

I used the following additions:

%if %with_dc
# ldb libraries built with DC activated
%exclude %{_libdir}/samba/ldb/
%exclude %{_libdir}/samba/ldb/

If %global with_dc 1 is used, the installation of the RPMS in the 
required order gives the following errors:

rpm -Uvh samba-libs-4.0.3-0.6.el6.x86_64.rp
error: Failed dependencies: is needed by 
samba-libs-0:4.0.3-0.6.el6.x86_64 is needed by 

rpm -Uvh samba-4.0.3-0.6.el6.x86_64.rpm
error: Failed dependencies: is needed by samba-0:4.0.3-0.6.el6.x86_64 is needed by 

To avoid a dependence nightmare, samba-libsand samba must be 
installed before samba-dc-libs and samba-dc.
As such, the former two cannot depend on the later to satisfy their 
requirements. Maybe the following should be included

under LIBS?

### LIBS
%if %with_dc
%exclude %{_libdir}/samba/
%endif # with_dc

I don't really know if some the above files are in fact needed even when 
DC is off, so I did the above configuration experimentally for my own 
use and everything built and installed correctly.

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Re: [Samba] permission problems (ACL)

2012-06-28 Thread Miguel Medalha

if i move a file from the first folder to the second folder by cutting it
out in windows (the share is mounted there) and inserting it in the 2nd
folder the 2nd group (sharepub) has no access to it. So basicly the first folder
keeps it's permissions.

i thought that the parent dir permissions are set to sub folders/files.

oh and i enabled honor existing acls and enable permission inheritence,
which i think should be correct.

anyone got an idea whats wrong?

Nothing is wrong. This is the default behavior of Windows itself.

When you move a file, it keeps its permissions, as it should. When you 
copy a file, it acquires the permissions of the destination folder.

With Windows 7 there has been some modification to this default 
behavior. Please consult the Microsoft technical pages about this.

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Re: [Samba] permission problems (ACL)

2012-06-28 Thread Miguel Medalha

Good to know that it's a OS problem and not a samba problem.
I finnally know what to look for.

It is not a problem, it's a feature! If you think about it carefully, 
you will see that this is a correct way to behave.

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Re: [Samba] Two attempts required to join domain (SOLVED)

2012-06-18 Thread Miguel Medalha

add machine script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-useradd -t 0 -w %u

Shouldn't that be -W (uppercase W)?

From smbldap-useradd:

-wis a Windows Workstation (otherwise, Posix stuff only)
-Wis a Windows Workstation, with Samba atributes (otherwise, Posix 
stuff only)

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[Samba] Need secure version of samba for RHEL5 server.

2012-05-15 Thread Miguel Medalha

 But now I can't locate one that is a 3.6 with the security issue
 fixed. I want to do a clean install, not a patch.

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Re: [Samba] windows 7 roaming profiles

2012-03-29 Thread Miguel Medalha

Folder Redirection will always (I think - or maybe Samba has a way to
disable this, but I don't think it would be a good idea at all) store
local cached copy of those folders on the local computer... what it
accomplishes is it saves all of the copying back and forth when
logging in/out.

NO, IT DOESN'T! What you describe is the behavior of normal *roaming 
profiles*. Folder redirection *does not* move files back and forth. The 
files in redirected folders will always reside on the server. I know 
this not only from theory but *from experience*.

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Re: [Samba] windows 7 roaming profiles

2012-03-29 Thread Miguel Medalha

Isn't there a way with group policies to have the client delete the
roaming profile after the user logs out. I think that would solve the
OP''s problem.

Yes, there's a way to do that. But it doesn't solve the problem of 
having to transfer maybe hundreds of megabytes or even worse each time 
you log in to the domain. Back when the idea of roaming profiles was 
first put to practice (Windows 2000), user profiles were MUCH smaller 
than they are today.

So, the use of roaming profiles with folder redirection seems to me the 
most appropriate way to deal with this.

Please note that the Local Settings component of the profile should 
not be redirected.

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Re: [Samba] windows 7 roaming profiles

2012-03-29 Thread Miguel Medalha


Microsoft disagrees - see below.

You are introducing a new theme altogether: Offline Files. On a local 
and *reliable* network, you can use folder redirection *without* Offline 
Files. I did it and it works.

What you describe is the behavior of normal *roaming profiles*.

No... you can use a combination of roaming profiles and redirected 
folders for the best result, which is what I do.

That's precisely what I was advocating. Please read my posts.

The stuff in t he roaming profiles (very little) is copied back/forth 
at login/out, the stuff in t he redirected folders is *synchronized* 
at all times using the Offline Files technology that has long existed 
in Microsofts products.

Maybe you were not very clear in your first post. You said the following:

Folder Redirection will always (...) store local cached copy of those 
folders on the local computer... what it accomplishes is it saves all of 
the copying back and forth when logging in/out.

which is not true. Even with Offline Files, only the files you are 
working with will be synchronized back and forth. The redirected folders 
themselves and the files previously stored therein will not be 
transferred to the client machine. This makes a big difference because 
we may be talking about Gigabytes of data. A roaming profile without 
folder redirection does transfer the whole profile, which might have 
been a good idea a decade ago but is not feasible with the amounts of 
data we work with today.

Yes, but they will *also* reside on the *local computer*.

As I said before, only the files you are modifying will have a local 
instance, which will be synchronized to the server at logout.

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Re: [Samba] windows 7 roaming profiles

2012-03-29 Thread Miguel Medalha

This is also worth reading:

This is important:

Exclusion List

The Exclusion List feature reduces synchronization overhead and disk 
space usage on the server, and speeds up backup and restore operations, 
by excluding files of certain types from replication across all Folder 
Redirection clients. Prior to Windows 7, all files in an Offline Files 
folder were replicated to the server. This often meant that a users’ 
personal files or large files not relevant to the enterprise were 
replicated to one or more servers, thereby consuming disk space and 
slowing backup and restore times. On Windows 7, administrators can use 
the Offline Files Exclusion List feature to prevent files of certain 
types (for example, MP3 files) from being synchronized. The list of file 
types is configured by the IT administrator by using Group Policy.

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Re: [Samba] windows 7 roaming profiles

2012-03-27 Thread Miguel Medalha

2. Is it correct that the profile files are not synced until the user
logs off?

That is the correct working of roaming profiles. If you want the files 
only on the server, you should look into Folder redirection. The Samba 
docs contain good info on that.

You can use roaming profiles only, folder redirection only, or a 
combination of both, which I usually consider the more appropriate option.

Samba-3 by Example -- Configuration of Default Profile with Folder 

There's another good web page about this issue (Windows System 
Management: Real Men Don't Click) but it seems unavailable now. I have 
it in my archives and I will send it to your email address as a .mht file.

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Re: [Samba] samba+ldap

2012-03-21 Thread Miguel Medalha

I'm trying to combine samba + ldap, I was successful in another
attempt what motivated me to create one. deb package that would make
the whole process, I installed this package, the ldap dit was created
successfully but when I try to insert a Windows machine in the Domain
I get the message that the Referred Domain does not exist or can not
be contacted. The system log does not log connections slapd in
compensation log.nmbd the reports that my domain is ok, since I
thought that might be the fact that before I used samba compiladod
manually - with-ldap, now thank you.

Are you trying to join a Windows 7 machine to the domain?

If so, please see this page:

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Re: [Samba] LDAP issues

2012-02-15 Thread Miguel Medalha @ AMBAAL

To follow up and finalize, this is now SOLVED.

Thank you for your feedback on how you solved your issue. Without 
feedback, we wouldn't be able to learn all that we can learn and we 
wouldn't fully benefit from the experience of others.

First of all, I am using the IDEALX scripts (renamed now to
smbldap-tools, but the IDEALX names sticks for backwards
compatibility, apparently; they're located at

As indicated on the page you just quoted, the new home of the 
smbldap-tools project is now:

The most recent packages, smbldap-tools-0.9.7-1, date from  26-Sep-2011.

Thank you

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Re: [Samba] Samba 3.6.1 losing browser elections to WinXP

2012-02-14 Thread Miguel Medalha

2)  How can I force a browser election without
restarting the daemons?  smbd doesn't seem
to respond to a SIGHUP.  A command line would
be nice.

Look at the smbcontrol command.

os level = 65

Did you try to increase os level ?

Also, read the man page for the domain master parameter.

From smb.conf  man page:

preferred master (G)

This boolean parameter controls if nmbd(8) is a preferred master 
browser for its workgroup.

If this is set to yes, on startup, nmbd will force an election, and 
it will have a slight advantage in winning the election. *It is 
recommended that this parameter is used in conjunction with domain 
master = yes, so that nmbd can guarantee becoming a domain master.*

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Re: [Samba] Incorrect domain SID when creating new users

2012-02-08 Thread Miguel Medalha

I created a new user on our Samba domain master yesterday but the user
was unable to login from WinXP to the domain. I think they got an
error that a device connected to the system wasn't working. The user
was created using smbldap-useradd.

(...) The question is
where do I set the domain SID? I remember doing it at some stage when
I set-up the samba domain but I have forgotten.

The SID number is configured in /etc/smbldap-tools/smbldap.conf

smbldap-tools comes with a script to assist in the basic configuration 
of the tools. It's called in most versions but the name 
was recently changed to

At least in RedHat-alike distros, the script resides in 
/usr/share/doc/smbldap-tools-x.x.x, where x.x.x is your particular 
version. Current version is 0.9.7-1.

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Re: [Samba] LDAP issues

2012-01-26 Thread Miguel Medalha
I didn't go too deeply on your issue, but it seems to me that since you 

ldap user suffix = ou=People

You cannot simply have:


But should have instead:


Am I wrong?

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Re: [Samba] LDAP issues

2012-01-26 Thread Miguel Medalha

I didn't go too deeply on your issue, but it seems to me that since 
you have:

ldap user suffix = ou=People

You cannot simply have:


But should have instead:


Am I wrong?

Nope.  You're right.  I have removed the ou=People line.  Still no joy.

I suppose that you cannot simply remove it. You have to tell Samba where 
the user's container resides.
Judging from your LDIF, your users seem to reside directly on 
ou=mydomain? Maybe you should look at the whole ldap arrangement...

The structure just doesn't seem right...
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Re: [Samba] Advantages to using CUPS printing on a PDC

2011-10-28 Thread Miguel Medalha

I'd like to know the advantages out there in the field, using CUPS to print
from the PDC. To me it sounds like just adding another single point of
failure in the network, perhaps I am being blinded by windows printing
issues to see the advantage in running all the prints via a PDC box?

Centralized management of printers? Print job accounting? Network 
printing to printers without a network interface?

These examples can be important in some environments.

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Re: [Samba] Samba 3.4.7 with LDAP authentication

2011-10-07 Thread Miguel Medalha

User Search failed!

There's something seriously wrong with your LDAP configuration. Are you 
sure that the OUs exist and are in the proper place?

Can you use some LDAP client (LAM,phpldapadmin, LDAPAdmin, Apache 
Directory Studio, etc) ro inspect the LDAP database?

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Re: [Samba] Samba 3.4.7 with LDAP authentication

2011-10-07 Thread Miguel Medalha

objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: hostObject
objectClass: top

Your user entries do not contain Samba attributes. They MUST include the 

objectClass: sambaSamAccount

Are you sure that you enabled the samba.schema in /etc/openldap/slapd.conf?


(In some systems it will be samba.schema instead of samba3.schema)

How did you create your users in the LDAP database? Did you use 

It seems to me that you would benefit greatly by reading this:

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Re: [Samba] Samba 3.4.7 with LDAP authentication

2011-10-06 Thread Miguel Medalha

passdb backend = ldapsam:ldaps://
ldap ssl = no

You have ldap ssl = no and yet you are trying to connect to ldaps?

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Re: [Samba] Samba 3.4.7 with LDAP authentication

2011-10-06 Thread Miguel Medalha

ldap user suffix = ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
ldap group suffix = ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com
ldap suffix = dc=example,dc=com

Since your suffix is already in ldap suffix, the other entries should be:

ldap user suffix = ou=people
ldap group suffix = ou=groups

Don't you need the entry ldap machine suffix?

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Re: [Samba] Samba 3.4.7 with LDAP authentication

2011-10-06 Thread Miguel Medalha

[2011/10/06 13:48:38,  4] passdb/pdb_ldap.c:1600(ldapsam_getsampwnam)
   ldapsam_getsampwnam: Unable to locate user [amore] count=0
[2011/10/06 13:48:38,  3] auth/auth_sam.c:282(check_sam_security)
   check_sam_security: Couldn't find user 'amore' in passdb.
[2011/10/06 13:48:38,  2] auth/auth.c:320(check_ntlm_password)
   check_ntlm_password:  Authentication for user [amore] -  [amore] FAILED 
[2011/10/06 13:48:38,  3] smbd/sesssetup.c:42(do_map_to_guest)
   No such user amore [FILESERVER] - using guest account
[2011/10/06 13:48:38,  4] passdb/pdb_ldap.c:2550(ldapsam_getgroup)
   ldapsam_getgroup: Did not find group, filter was 

Are you sure that the LDAP database is correct? Are the user and group 
names in the correct places?

What is the output of pdbedit -L ?
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Re: [Samba] Samba/LDAP/Win7 Domain Admins could not log in

2011-09-15 Thread Miguel Medalha
The Samba wiki page related to the use of Windows 7 with Samba contains 
the following statements:

There are currently two registry settings required to be added on the 
Windows 7 client prior to joining a Samba Domain. These are:

DWORD  DomainCompatibilityMode = 1
DWORD  DNSNameResolutionRequired = 0


Do *not* edit any other registry parameters (NETLOGON) that have been 
seen in the wild. If you have already modified your Windows 7 registry, 
please make sure to reset the keys to their default values.

If you have changed the NETLOGON Parameters, make sure and turn them 
back to '1' as shown below:


The quoted page resides here:

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Re: [Samba] Windows 7 client not mounting 'HOME' share.

2011-07-26 Thread Miguel Medalha

Workstations successfully registered with the PDC, users can login, 
profiles are found and updated, network shares are all mounted during 
login (logon script = %G.bat) except for the home directory of the user.

I met the same problem more than once and I found that I have to remove 
the corresponding entries from the LDAP database (sambaHomePath and 
sambaHomeDrive attributes). If these attributes are set, the user does 
not connect to his home service. The homedir needs to be only in smb.conf.

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Re: [Samba] Windows 7 client not mounting 'HOME' share.

2011-07-26 Thread Miguel Medalha

On 2011-07-26 19:31, Miguel Medalha wrote:

Workstations successfully registered with the PDC, users can login, 
profiles are found and updated, network shares are all mounted during 
login (logon script = %G.bat) except for the home directory of the user.

I met the same problem more than once and I found that I have to 
remove the corresponding entries from the LDAP database 
(sambaHomePath and sambaHomeDrive attributes). If these attributes 
are set, the user does not connect to his home service. The homedir 
needs to be only in smb.conf.

I must add that, according to documentation, the home directory LDAP 
attributes need only to be set for a particular user if they differ from 
the general setting. Quoting from The Official Samba 3.5 HOWTO:

« LDAP Special Attributes for sambaSamAccounts
The sambaSamAccount ObjectClass is composed of the attributes shown in 
next tables: Part A, and Part B.
The majority of these parameters are only used when Samba is acting as a 
PDC of a domain (refer to Domain Control, for details
on how to configure Samba as a PDC). The following four attributes are 
only stored with the sambaSamAccount entry if the values are non-default 

• sambaHomePath
• sambaLogonScript
• sambaProfilePath
• sambaHomeDrive

These attributes are only stored with the sambaSamAccount entry if the 
values are non-default values. For example, assume
MORIA has now been configured as a PDC and that logon home = \\%L\%u was 
defined in its smb.conf file. When a user
named ‘becky’ logs on to the domain, the logon home string is expanded 
to \\MORIA\becky. If the smbHome attribute exists in
the entry ‘uid=becky,ou=People,dc=samba,dc=org’, this value is used. 
However, if this attribute does not exist, then the value
of the logon home parameter is used in its place. Samba will only write 
the attribute value to the directory entry if the value is

something other than the default (e.g., \\MOBY\becky).
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Re: [Samba] MDB Files

2011-07-25 Thread Miguel Medalha

I have a problem with Ms Access *.MDB files.

Are you using Access 2007? Of course you are aware that Access 2007 
files have the .accdb extension?

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Re: [Samba] Different permissions displayed in security tab andadvanced tab

2011-06-25 Thread Miguel Medalha

As for diffs on Security and Advanced tab -- see MS.
(It's a feature...they don't show the exact same info...but close)...

Yes. They are often referred to as molecular and atomic permissions.

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Re: [Samba] Different permissions displayed in security tab andadvanced tab

2011-06-25 Thread Miguel Medalha

As for diffs on Security and Advanced tab -- see MS.
(It's a feature...they don't show the exact same info...but close)...

Atomic vs Molecular permissions
Quoting from


(...) Although the exact permissions available depend on the particular 
version of Windows, these systems have two types of permissions, 
Molecular and Atomic. Molecular permissions, which are more high-level 
in nature, generally include ones such as the following:

- Full Control
- Modify
- Read-Execute
- Read
- Write
- Special Permissions (e.g., Take Ownership)

In contrast, Atomic (or Advanced) permissions are very granular in 
nature. They generally include the following types of access rights:

- Full Control
- Traverse Folder / Execute File
- List Folder / Read Data
- Read Attributes
- Read Extended Attributes
- Create Files/ Write Data
- Create Folders / Append Data
- Write Attributes
- Delete
- Read Permissions
- Change Permissions
- Take Ownership

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Re: [Samba] Strange problem with my new PDC

2011-05-24 Thread Miguel Medalha

We currently run an older version (3.0.26a) of samba as PDC .

You version of Samba does not support Windows 7. You must use version 
3.2.15 at least.

Look at this page:

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Re: [Samba] Strange problem with my new PDC

2011-05-24 Thread Miguel Medalha

You version of Samba does not support Windows 7. You must use version 
3.2.15 at least.

Ooops! The minimum version is in fact 3.2.12. Sorry.

To be precise, I quote from

Support for Windows 7 and Windows 2008 using Samba Domain Controllers 
has been added to the following versions:

   * Samba 3.4 or later
   * Samba 3.3.5 or later
   * Samba 3.3.2, 3.3.3 and 3.3.4 (with NOTES)
   * Samba 3.2.12 or later

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[Samba] Samba with SSSD+LDAP

2011-05-06 Thread Miguel Medalha

I recently became interested in SSSD (System Security Services Daemon). 
I am thinking about doing some experiments with it before going into 
production servers.

Does anyone here have some experience with that combination and have 
some comments about it?

Any information would be much appreciated. Thank you.

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Re: [Samba] Inherit ACL does not work properly

2011-04-15 Thread Miguel Medalha

we are using ACLs (GPFS filesystem) - configured by default ACLs. When 
a file is copied from another share, ACLs are set correct. When a file 
is moved(!) from another folder / share the file keeps the ACLs from 
the source location. But we want to set the ACLs as needed on the 
destination share. How can we do that?

That is the behavior of Windows and as such it is the correct behavior 
of Samba.
ACLs are kept and a file is moved, ACLs are set to those of the 
destination when a file is copied.

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Re: [Samba] Inherit ACL does not work properly

2011-04-15 Thread Miguel Medalha

really? when I try this on a windows system (on local drives) the 
permissions are set / inherited correct.

You can confirm this anywhere on the net: when a file is moved, it keeps 
the original permissions; when  a file is copied, it acquires the 
permissions of the destination.

It seems to me that you are mixing different issues. You say you 
observed a different behavior. Can you give me an example of what you 
observed? Thank you.

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Re: [Samba] Inherit ACL does not work properly

2011-04-15 Thread Miguel Medalha

really? when I try this on a windows system (on local drives) the 
permissions are set / inherited correct.

Well, I just did that on a Windows XP system, local drive, and the 
behavior is the one I described.

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Re: [Samba] Inherit ACL does not work properly

2011-04-15 Thread Miguel Medalha

This is an article by Microsoft:

How permissions are handled when you copy and move files and folders

It seems that this behavior was modified in Vista, though.

The default behavior used to be modifiable by a registry setting.

With Windows 7, I recently saw what seemed aberrant permissions 
behavior. I am not too familiar with the system to be sure, though. And, 
to be honest, I don't have a strong will to be familiar with it... That 
smashing amount of eye candy  and intended friendliness confuses me 

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Re: [Samba] Inherit ACL does not work properly

2011-04-15 Thread Miguel Medalha

Did you investigate the map acl inherit parameter?
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Re: [Samba] Inherit ACL does not work properly

2011-04-15 Thread Miguel Medalha
Something indeed changed with Windows 7. Look at this discussion on a 
Microsoft site:
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Re: [Samba] MSDFS - Can you hide folders with no access

2011-04-06 Thread Miguel Medalha

i got a msdfs share running and now i want to hide folders from users who
got no access to them anyway

In smb.conf:

hide unreadable =yes

Maybe this does what you need. Consult the man page for smb.conf.

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[Samba] Samba 3.5.7 release date is...

2011-02-04 Thread Miguel Medalha

On the Samba wiki page Samba3 Release Planning, the following is stated:

Thursday, February 2011 - Planned release date for Samba 3.5.7

Which of the February Thursdays will it be? 10, 17 or 24?

The quoted page resides here:

Thank you!

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Re: [Samba] Root Access forWindows Domain Admins

2010-12-11 Thread Miguel Medalha

To put it simple id like to give our Domain Admins the same access to 
Samba shares that the root user has and havent had much luck doing 
this. Whenever I look this up I find that people are doing this 
different ways but none seem to work. The only other thing that ive 
seen people doing is adding a domain user to the sudoers list but that 
means the domain user has to be logged into the linux server and then 
elevate their privileges.

You may in fact be talking about different things, but the main ones I 
can remember now are:

Admin rights at share level (can also be used as a global parameter)

In smb.conf:

admin users = @[yourdoamin]\Domain Admins

If you are talking about privileges:

net rpc rights list
net rpc rights grant

The possible privileges are:

SeMachineAccountPrivilegeAdd machines to domain
SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege Take ownership of files or other objects
SeBackupPrivilege  Back up files and directories
SeRestorePrivilege  Restore files and directories
SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege  Force shutdown from a remote system
SePrintOperatorPrivilege  Manage printers
SeAddUsersPrivilege  Add users and groups to the domain
SeDiskOperatorPrivilege  Manage disk shares
SeSecurityPrivilege  Manage auditing and security log

For example:

net rpc rights grant Domain Admins SeMachineAccountPrivilege

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Re: [Samba] smbldap-tools-0.9.6 released

2010-11-29 Thread Miguel Medalha

I was not looking for the rpm and did not check all links.

It is possible to download the same tar.gz file from the sources 

Anyway, I already notified the developers.


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[Samba] smbldap-tools-0.9.6 released

2010-11-26 Thread Miguel Medalha
Version 0.9.6 of the very useful smbldap-tools is now available from the 
project's page:

A big thanks to the developer, Jerome Tournier.

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Re: [Samba] Samba doesn't create user profiles on the fly

2010-11-20 Thread Miguel Medalha

comment = Home Directory of '%u'
valid users = @Domain Group
browseable = no
writable = yes
create mask = 0600
directory mask = 0700

I suppose it should be:

valid users = %S

Otherwise, you will be granting access to a whole group instead of only 
to the directory owner.

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Re: [Samba] NMDB ports 137 and 138

2010-11-20 Thread Miguel Medalha

Entering port 138 on Google immediately gave me the following:

Port 138

NETBIOS Datagram Service
UDP NetBIOS datagrams packets are exchanged over this port, usually with 
Windows machines but also with any other system running Samba (SMB). 
These UDP NetBIOS datagrams support non-connection oriented file sharing 

Related Ports:
137, 139, 445

Try it for yourself. It works and you will get plenty of information :-)
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Re: [Samba] samba as PDC, win 2003 as bdc

2010-11-13 Thread Miguel Medalha

is it possible to add a wind 2003 machine as BDC to a samba domain.

The Samba3-HOWTO, Chapter 5, contains the following:

Samba-3 cannot participate in true SAM replication and is therefore not 
able to employ precisely the same protocols used by MS Windows NT4. A 
Samba-3 BDC will not create SAM update delta files. It will not 
interoperate with a PDC (NT4 or Samba) to synchronize the SAM from delta 
files that are held by BDCs.
Samba-3 cannot function as a BDC to an MS Windows NT4 PDC, and Samba-3 
cannot function correctly as a PDC to an MS Windows NT4 BDC. Both 
Samba-3 and MS Windows NT4 can function as a BDC to its own type of PDC.


Is documentation documentation available ?

Yes. You can start with:

The Official Samba 3.5.x HOWTO and Reference Guide
Samba3 By Example

Both come with the Samba packages, in HTML and PDF formats, or can be 
viewed online at

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Re: [Samba] Samba Server Configuration GUI

2010-11-12 Thread Miguel Medalha

Did you try Webmin?

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Re: [Samba] Samba Server Configuration GUI

2010-11-12 Thread Miguel Medalha

it's a text file, even a text editor rewrites the file when you save
it.  it's how it has to be done.
if you care what the file looks like, why are you using a gui?  or are
you saying it rewrites part of it wrong?  file a bug report?

You didn't understand what the OP meant. SWAT rewrites the file in the 
sense that it reorders entries and discards all custom comments the file 
may have. Often sysadmins need the comments to later understand why some 
entries are there or why they are configured in that particular way.

So, if you have a carefully customized smb.conf and you use SWAT to 
change some optiin from yes to no, all of the file entries are 
reordered and all comments discarded. Not very nice, is it?

The problem is acknowledged by the Samba team and they are talking about 
the need for a SWAT2.

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Re: [Samba] Samba Server Configuration GUI

2010-11-12 Thread Miguel Medalha

I personally don't like swat either, and I don't run graphical
desktops on my servers, so gave up on a gui editor long, long ago.
For adhoc workstation shares, the user share stuff in nautilus (or
is it just ubuntu?) seems to work well enough.  For hand it off to a
non-techie, I use a NAS appliance like openfiler or freenas.

You don't need to run a graphical desktop on your server in order to use 
a graphical interface to Samba. You can use a web service such as Webmin.

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Re: [Samba] vfs_acl_xattr issue

2010-11-10 Thread Miguel Medalha
I am also under the impression that inheritance still does not work 
properly, even after applying the acl jumbo patch to samba 3.5.6. I 
don't want to be alarmist, though, so I am still testing.

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Re: [Samba] Problems with ACL jumbo patch

2010-11-08 Thread Miguel Medalha

I have been able to get the unpatched versions to compile from git
successfully, though not with the patch implemented.

I just reproduced all your steps and it went well, without any glitch. I 
am on CentOS 5.5. All the patches were applied correctly. Maybe you have 
a path problem here?

6. sudo git am -3 ../samba_patches/samba-3-5-x-acl-jumbo-patch/*.patch

I adapted your line to my own path (without the /samba_patches part) 
and all went well...

10. sudo make [The build failed on the error 'cli_krb5_get_ticket', in the
function 'spnego_gen_negTokenTarg'. Make: *** [libsmb/clispnego.o] Error 1]

Maybe you have some missing dependency here, related to kerberos...

rpm -qa | grep krb5 gives me the following:


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Re: [Samba] Problems with ACL jumbo patch

2010-11-05 Thread Miguel Medalha

I still cannot get a successful build with either the original set of patch
files or the diff file.  Although I can compile samba without the patch,
could I this be dependency problem or an out of date git version?

It worked for me in both cases. I did it from the sources for 3.5.6 
available from the Samba site:

The only problems I found were some glitches in the RPM spec file when 
building RPMs for RHEL/CentOS, but those were easily corrected.

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Re: [Samba] getting error with setfacl

2010-11-03 Thread Miguel Medalha

I have joined the Linux server (Suse 11.2) to the Windows domain (win2003) and 
users can login to the server using their window's domain credentials. Also can 
view all of the domain groups using 'wbinfo -g', however when I try to set the 
acls on a local dir' I get the follow error;

#setfacl -m g:DOMAIN\\groupname:r /tmp/testacl
setfacl: Option -m: Invalid argument near character 3

The setfacl tool knows nothing about Windos domains, hence the error you 
You can also use the user or group number as given by getent passwd 
and getent group. In this case, setfacl does work.

You can also try smbcacls which comes with Samba or set the ACLs from a 
Windows client.

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Re: [Samba] getting error with setfacl

2010-11-03 Thread Miguel Medalha

The setfacl tool knows nothing about Windos domains, hence the error
you see.

Well it does if you're using winbindd to map DOMAIN\\groupname
to a group on the box :-).

I never used Samba with AD authentication, so I don't have direct 
experience with that. But immediately *after* I pressed the Send 
button I thought Well, maybe it does through winbind...

My bad. Please excuse me, all who read that.
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Re: [Samba] getting error with setfacl

2010-11-03 Thread Miguel Medalha
By the way, does the Samba team have the intention to produce a command 
line tool that can use the acl_xattr module to manipulate ACLs, 
providing them to the OS? That would be very nice! Maybe I'm wrong, but 
I see a big future there.

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Re: [Samba] getting error with setfacl

2010-11-03 Thread Miguel Medalha

Not sure what you mean by providing them to the OS ? The store
in acl_xattr is a Samba-specific one. If you want the OS to use
them that means kernel changes.

Yes. A kernel module maybe, and a utility to manipulate the ACLs on xattr.
I really like your vfs_acl_xattr idea. Often I need to set ACLs on the 
server side for Windows clients, for example when connected to the 
servers via a SSH shell. I have been doing this with the Linux ACLs 
together with getfacl/setfacl. I would like to increasingly use the vfs 
module from now on, but then I can only set the ACLs from Windows, and I 
dislike the idea.

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Re: [Samba] getting error with setfacl

2010-11-03 Thread Miguel Medalha

I just noticed that my question has two aspects to it.

Leaving aside, for now, the kernel connection, it would be very nice to 
have a command line tool to manipulate the ACLs stored by the 
vfs_acl_xattr module, even if it's only for Samba. There must be a way, 
some utility to read and write the information stored on the 
security.NTACL Extended Attribute in a form that humans can understand.

Maybe I am not expressing myself in the best of ways...
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Re: [Samba] getting error with setfacl

2010-11-03 Thread Miguel Medalha
What I meant was: the vfs_acl_xattr is a very good idea. Is there some 
other way to get/set the ACLs it stores other than using the Windows 
graphic interface on a Windows client machine? If not, that's what I 
find uncomfortable with this solution. That's why I asked for a command 
line tool to get/set the ACLs from the *nix server side.

There is the smbcacls tool that already ships with Samba.
It works via smbd, not directly on the xattr's, but I think
that's probably the right way to do it.

Ok, we're on the right track now. Do you mean that smbcacls is 
compatible with the use of the vfs_acl_xattr module? Will the ACLs set 
with that tool be passed to the module and stored in Extended Attributes?

I find smbcacls a very unfriendly utility... I couldn't find a way to 
read the ACLs when using the vfs module. My fault probably, I never 
really tried hard...

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Re: [Samba] getting error with setfacl

2010-11-03 Thread Miguel Medalha

Ok, we're on the right track now. Do you mean that smbcacls is 
compatible with the use of the vfs_acl_xattr module? Will the ACLs set 
with that tool be passed to the module and stored in Extended Attributes?

I just made some quick tests and indeed smbcacls does show the ACLs 
stored by the vfs module. I suppose the problem here was the lack of 
documentation. There's always this gap between programmers and end users...

Still, I think that both pdbedit and smbcacls need some attention from 

Thank you for your answers and your work in general. I applied the ACL 
jumbo patch to Samba 3.5.6 and will be testing the coming days.

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[Samba] Building Samba RPM packages for RHEL/CentOS 5 - Needed corrections to the .spec file

2010-11-02 Thread Miguel Medalha
I just built from source the Samba 3.5.6 RPM packages for CentOS 

I found some glitches in the included samba.spec file and I thought 
someone else might benefit from my recent experience. The spec file for 
RHEL/CentOS resides, on the sources tree, under 

1 - The process initially fails due to a dependency problem: missing 
keyutils-devel. Change the respective entry on line 31 
(BuildRequires:) to keyutils-libs-devel (yum install this file from 
the repositories if needed).

2 - Although it is called by the packaging process, the umount.cifs 
file is not compiled and therefore cannot be found in sources3/bin at 
the moment of packaging. Therefore, the RPM build process fails. Either 
comment the references to the file from lines 237, 396 and 414, if you 
don't need this function, or add the following to the ./configure 
command, starting on line 137:


The default for this parameter is no, and therefore it is not included 
in the configure process as is.

3 - The RPM build process finally fails because some files, which were 
compiled and copied to the temporary tree, are not called by the 
packaging process. The following lines must be included on the spec 
file, under Files section:




I suggest you include them close to related lines (same paths) for the 
sake of clarity.

After these corrections the build of the RPM packages went on with no 
errors and was successful. All the packages installed correctly afterward.

I hope these tips will be useful to someone.

PS - The sources for Samba 3.5.6 are here:

Before building, you might be interested in patching the sources with 
the patch provided by Volker Lendecke to improve compliance with Windows 
ACLs. The patch is here, thanks to Volker:

patch -b -p1  jumbo-patch-3-5-6.diff

After applying the patch and modifying the .spec file you can proceed to 
the building process. cd to 
/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/samba-3.5.6/packaging/RHEL and execute the script there.

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Re: [Samba] Samba 3.6 directory ACLs

2010-10-26 Thread Miguel Medalha

Dear Jeremy

Here you go :-). Download the jumbo patch for 3.5.6 here:

Please test and give me feedback !

Thank you for caring about this.

I successfully patched the source code. Unfortunately, when I tried to 
compile it, I hit some obstacles. I solved some of them until one came 
that I am unable to surmount, because my skills are not up to what's 
needed. I am a sysadmin, not a programmer...

A former compilation succeeded but it had no LDAP and no Kerberos. After 
installing some packages, LDAP passed but compilation failed with this 

cifs.upcall.c:(.text+0x360): undefined reference to 

cifs.upcall.c:(.text+0x3d3): undefined reference to `smb_krb5_unparse_name'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [bin/cifs.upcall] Error 1

So, for me the best bet is this: are you willing to include these 
patches in the next release of Samba (3.5.7 ?)?

Nevertheless, I thank you for your commitment. I am sure that others 
will greatly benefit from this work right now.

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Re: [Samba] Samba 3.6 directory ACLs

2010-10-26 Thread Miguel Medalha

So, for me the best bet is this: are you willing to include these
patches in the next release of Samba (3.5.7 ?)?

Yes, so long as all testing passes.

Ok, I managed to compile everything. I will start testing soon.

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[Samba] Bug in pdbedit?

2010-10-25 Thread Miguel Medalha

I came across this some time ago and I finally decided to report it:

When I input pdbedit -Lv root I get:

Primary Group SID:S-1-5-21-XX-XX-XX-513

But if I use smbldap-usershow root i get:

Primary Group SID:S-1-5-21-XX-XX-XX-512

If I inspect the LDAP database with any other tool, the stored value is 
512 (Domain Admins).

So, where is pdbedit reading the 513 (Domain Users) from? I thought 
that, since I have a LDAP backend, it should be reading it from the LDAP 

This has happened both in Samba 3.2.x and all of the 3.5.x releases. I 
didn't try 3.3.x and 3.4.x.

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Re: [Samba] Windows seven

2010-10-21 Thread Miguel Medalha

Is there really no way to make work samba 3.2.5 (as domain controller)with
windows 7.


If not, what is the best way?
use backport, compile the last samba version (wich version) or wait for the next
debian version

Very good quality, pre-compiled Enterprise Samba versions for several 
OSs, including Debian:

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Re: [Samba] Samba Move preserve ACL

2010-10-21 Thread Miguel Medalha

I as a network administrator know that this is a normal behavior but our
users don't get it :(

So i need a solution.

I heard that there is the possibility to bypass this with a VFS module

As a network administrator, your best solution is to inform your users 
instead of going along with bad practices and laziness.

It's not difficult, just plain binary alternative:

move - keep permissions
copy - acquire permissions of destination

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Re: [Samba] Samba 3.6 directory ACLs

2010-10-18 Thread Miguel Medalha

I had not realized that the ACL module would store both sets of information.

Please note that I *didn't* state that. What I said is that you can use 
Extended Attributes to *also* store ACL information. ACL information 
will be stored under a different attribute, which in this case is called 

Most Samba VFS modules are stackable.

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Re: [Samba] Samba 3.6 directory ACLs

2010-10-18 Thread Miguel Medalha

While testing my Samba configuration, I found that permissions are being set
to 'special' for directories being copied from Windows instead of the ACL
being fully populated.  Does Samba 3.6 fully implement ACLS, or are there
further configuration steps for storing the ACL information for directories

Of course you are aware that the normal Windows behavior, which Samba 
emulates, is to keep ACLs when files are *moved* and modify them 
according to those of the destination when files are *copied*?

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Re: [Samba] Samba 3.6 directory ACLs

2010-10-18 Thread Miguel Medalha

FYI. I've just committed a jumbo ACL patch for v3-6-test (and am currently
looking at backporting this to 3.5.x) which I hope will fix several issues
with storing ACLs in xattrs and getting full Windows ACL compatibility.

That would be *very* nice, especially the backporting to 3.5.x part!

Thank you!

(By the way: is there some tool that can manage the ACLs stored in 
Extended Attributes from the Linux command line? That would give us the 
best of both worlds: Windows compatibility and ACL setting from the 
server side. I know it is possible to use getfattr/setfattr but this 
is not very friendly, is it?  Also, a module providing those ACLs to 
Linux so that, for example, SSH or FTP could use them, would be very 
interesting. Am I asking too much or is this in some way irrelevant?)

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Re: [Samba] Procedure number out of range

2010-10-17 Thread Miguel Medalha

It seems that Samba in this version is sensitive to local characters in passwd 
or tdb files (swedish in this case). In Samba 3.2.5 this wasn't an issue AFAIK.

Do you have the appropriate charset parameters for Swedish?

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Re: [Samba] Samba 3.6 directory ACLs

2010-10-17 Thread Miguel Medalha

Note, I have used a TDB for ACLs since I have extended attributes enabled on
the file system level to store timestamp information.

As Michael Wood pointed out in a reply to you, the tdb is to be used 
when your filesystem does

NOT support extended attributes.

You can use Extended Attributes to store your timestamp information 
*and* ACLs, using the ACL_XATTR vfs module.

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Re: [Samba] vfs_acl_xattr - moving files/folders

2010-09-22 Thread Miguel Medalha

We've been using samba 3.3.9 with vfs_acl_xattr for some time now, and we do
have one issue - when someone moves a file from one place to another (in
Windows), it keeps the old ACLs instead of inheriting the new ones. I understand
why this is happening (moving as opposed to copying, which actually makes a new
file, and thus attains new ACLs as well), so I would just like to know if this
has already been resolved in latest versions of samba.

btw, I see it is still marked as experimental in 3.5.x - can we get some more
info on the progress of this module? Apart from the above-mentioned issue we had
absolutely no problems with vfs_acl_xattr, and it really simplifies the handling
of ACLs on Windows clients.

This is not an issue to be resolved. This is the normal (and correct) 
behavior of Windows, which of course Samba replicates.

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Re: [Samba] Creating a PDC on a LAN with standalone boxes and PDC-enabled boxes

2010-09-22 Thread Miguel Medalha

Now, I have a few issues:
- profiles on the fileserver are created in $HOME/profile instead of what I 
expected, /var/samba/profiles/) .

From the smb.conf man page:

logon path (G)

This parameter specifies the directory where roaming profiles (Desktop, 
NTuser.dat, etc) are stored.

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Re: [Samba] Machine account reject - additional troubleshooting

2010-09-12 Thread Miguel Medalha

(My last suspision is, that win7 is doing the machine authentication 
in a different [encryption)] way as the XP machine are doing

that as XP machines do not have that problem)

Maybe this is related to your problem:

At work we have a couple of Oki C5550MFP multifunction printers that 
scan directly to CIFS network folders.
We recently found that this function no longer worked on some new 
computers with Windows 7.
We looked on Oki's Web site and found the solution there, which seems 
indeed to be related to a new way of doing authentication on Windows 7.

On each Windows 7 computer, we had to change two settings in Local 
Security Policy - Local Policies - Security Options. Those settings were:

Network Security: Do not store LAN Manager hash value on next password 
change from Enabled to Disabled
Network Security: LAN Manager authentication level change from Not 
Defined to Send LM  NTLM responses

Each Windows 7 user having a scanning share then had to change their 
passwords, after which the correct behavior was restored.

The procedure is described on this Oki page:

I hope this helps somewhat.

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[Samba] Domain admin privileges: a strange bug in Samba?

2010-08-24 Thread Miguel Medalha
 I was in the process of setting up a new Samba 3.5.4 PDC with LDAP 
backend, over CentOS 5.5, when I came across a very strange behavior.

After executing the smbladp-populate script, I was trying to grant the 
needed privileges to the group Domain Admins in order no to use root 
to manage the Windows domain. After successfully granting rights to the 
Admin user, there was no way to make this user benefit from them. Even 
the command net rpc rights list, if executed by -U Admin, always 
failed with the following result:

net rpc rights list Admin -U Admin

Enter Admin's password:
(I enter Admin's password here)
Receiving SMB: Server stopped responding
Could not connect to server
Connection failed: NT_STATUS_END_OF_FILE

This was followed by a smb core dump.

The log then presents the following:

[2010/08/24 11:27:00.143535,  0] lib/fault.c:46(fault_report)
[2010/08/24 11:27:00.143824,  0] lib/fault.c:47(fault_report)
  INTERNAL ERROR: Signal 11 in pid 19667 (3.5.4)
  Please read the Trouble-Shooting section of the Samba3-HOWTO
[2010/08/24 11:27:00.143927,  0] lib/fault.c:49(fault_report)

[2010/08/24 11:27:00.144021,  0] lib/fault.c:50(fault_report)
[2010/08/24 11:27:00.144100,  0] lib/util.c:1465(smb_panic)
  PANIC (pid 19667): internal error
[2010/08/24 11:27:00.151658,  0] lib/util.c:1569(log_stack_trace)
  BACKTRACE: 26 stack frames:
   #0 smbd(log_stack_trace+0x1a) [0x2ae9fd7622c5]
   #1 smbd(smb_panic+0x55) [0x2ae9fd7623c9]
   #2 smbd [0x2ae9fd753101]
   #3 /lib64/ [0x2aea005cf2d0]
   #4 smbd(sid_compare+0x22) [0x2ae9fd75db54]
   #5 smbd(add_sid_to_array_unique+0x39) [0x2ae9fd75e189]
   #6 smbd(create_token_from_username+0xd37) [0x2ae9fd7b1eeb]
   #7 smbd(create_local_token+0x4e) [0x2ae9fd7b231e]
   #8 smbd [0x2ae9fd7b550d]
   #9 smbd [0x2ae9fd5b8097]
   #10 smbd(ntlmssp_update+0x270) [0x2ae9fd5b7c86]
   #11 smbd(auth_ntlmssp_update+0x17) [0x2ae9fd7b5215]
   #12 smbd [0x2ae9fd52be5e]
   #13 smbd(reply_sesssetup_and_X+0x191) [0x2ae9fd52c18f]
   #14 smbd [0x2ae9fd560eb1]
   #15 smbd [0x2ae9fd563b4e]
   #16 smbd [0x2ae9fd564341]
   #17 smbd(run_events+0x1d6) [0x2ae9fd7711f8]
   #18 smbd(smbd_process+0x97c) [0x2ae9fd56337d]
   #19 smbd [0x2ae9fda6f4ca]
   #20 smbd(run_events+0x1d6) [0x2ae9fd7711f8]
   #21 smbd [0x2ae9fd771467]
   #22 smbd(_tevent_loop_once+0x84) [0x2ae9fd7717e9]
   #23 smbd(main+0xf83) [0x2ae9fda6f1ff]
   #24 /lib64/ [0x2aea005bc994]
   #25 smbd [0x2ae9fd4ea5a9]
[2010/08/24 11:27:00.159996,  0] lib/fault.c:326(dump_core)
  dumping core in /var/log/samba/cores/smbd

Only root could obtain a successful answer, even if I gave Admin the 
same password that root has.

After many efforts I was stuck. I even downgraded to Samba 3.4.8 with 
the same result.

I then raised the log level to 2.

Suddenly, the results came:


I consulted the Samba logs and noticed the following:

[2010/08/24 11:00:23.397276,  2] auth/auth.c:304(check_ntlm_password)
  check_ntlm_password:  authentication for user [Admin] - [root] - 
[root] succeeded

[2010/08/24 11:00:23.397973,  2] passdb/pdb_ldap.c:572(init_sam_from_ldap)
  init_sam_from_ldap: Entry found for user: root

So, user Admin was being mapped to root, and this only worked if Admin 
had the same password as root, as expected.

Since username map = /etc/samba/smbusers is the Samba default, I 
commented all the lines in /etc/samba/smbusers.

Now, the correct behavior was restored.

What is most strange here is that *the success of the connection depends 
on the log level being 2 or higher*. Everything less causes the 
connection to fail with the result:

Receiving SMB: Server stopped responding
Could not connect to server
Connection failed: NT_STATUS_END_OF_FILE

With all the lines commented out in /etc/samba/smbusers, privileges work 
as expected.

Thank you.

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Re: [Samba] Domain admin privileges: a strange bug in Samba?

2010-08-24 Thread Miguel Medalha

 This raises the following question:

With the privileges system in place, isn't the use of the username map 
= /etc/samba/smbusers somewhat of a historical relic?

Perhaps the username map default should be changed to no value. It 
could then be used if needed by some users but the current default 
wouldn't upset the normal operation of other, more needed functions.

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Re: [Samba] Windows 7 connect to FreeBSD samba

2010-08-19 Thread Miguel Medalha

I'm having trouble connecting my windows 7 machine to my Samba server that i
set up on a FreeBSD VM. The FreeBSD version is 7.2 and the samba version is

You need at least version 3.3 of Samba.

There's useful information here:

hosts allow = 192.168.1 192.168.2 127.


You are aware that the hosts allow parameter lists two subnets that do 
not correspond to the address of your server, aren't you?

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Re: [Samba] samba 3.3 with LDAP - How To change passwor from WIndows

2010-07-26 Thread Miguel Medalha

I got my samba PDC / LDAP system to the point, that users can login.

But they can't change there password from the windows pc.

Can somewone tell me which settings may I check? Or can point me to a
how to?

The posix password should be changed to.

I use ldap passwd sync = yes in smb.conf. It all works. The Windows XP 
users just press Ctrl+Alt+Del and can change their password from there.

Please read the smb.conf man page.

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Re: [Samba] sambaLogonScript problem [SOLVED]

2010-07-05 Thread Miguel Medalha

Miguel tip worked for me. In my smb.conf i't specified that users 
should run %G.bat, so i removed this attribute ( smbldap-usermod -E 
 user ) and WORKED. This is something that is documented somewhere 
and i missed?

I suspected that this would be the problem because I had already banged 
my head against it when I installed my first Samba PDC a couple of years 
ago :-)

If I remember well, what gave me some hint to the solution was the 
following entry on The Official Samba 3.5.x HOWTO and

Reference Guide:

Current PDF version, paragraph LDAP Special Attributes for 

• sambaHomePath
• sambaLogonScript
• sambaProfilePath
• sambaHomeDrive

These attributes are only stored with the sambaSamAccount entry if the 
values are non-default values.


Or online here:

Hence, I removed the entry from the LDAP database and it magically 
started working.

It seems to me that it was on version 3.1x at the time and also on 
version 3.2x.
I cannot confirm it with any other version because I never had a 
specific use for that attribute and therefore I never tried it.

I am glad that you solved the problem.

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Re: [Samba] sambaLogonScript [another] problem

2010-07-05 Thread Miguel Medalha

But it happens that when i create a new user, the sambaLogonScript 
entry in the ldap database is set to %G.bat, exactly the entry i MUST 
NOT have to load the script. Since i'm expanding my network and tons 
of new users are coming, i trying to keep things very organized. I'll 
need to change this entry for every new user or there is a smarter way 
to do this?

I don't quite understand your problem here. From one of your previous 
posts, I understand that you are using smbldap-tools.
So, upon creating a new user, why don't you add the parameter -E  to 
smbldap-useradd? See man smbldap-useradd for all parameters.

Either way, there are good web front ends to LDAP available, such as:

LAM - LDAP Account Manager


And two programs:

LDAP Admin (a Windows program)

Apache Directory Studio (very complete, runs on several platforms)

All of them are worth a try. I use all of them, to different purposes 
and on different occasions.

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Re: [Samba] sambaLogonScript problem

2010-07-03 Thread Miguel Medalha

All my users are set with %G.bat in the ldap backend, but the vast 
majority of the users are not running the scripts, or running partially.

I also have my logon scripts set to %G.bat and they run perfectly.

Are your scripts in DOS format? They must be, because they are read by 
the Windows side. Use the command unix2dos to make sure that all lines 
end with CR+LF, as used by standard text files under DOS/Windows.

One thing I once noticed was that the Samba account attribute 
sambaLogonScript must ONLY be set for a user if it DIFFERS from what 
is specified in smb.conf. Otherwise, the script wouldn't run. I found 
this with the Samba 3.1x family, I don't know if that still applies.

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Re: [Samba] sambaLogonScript problem

2010-07-03 Thread Miguel Medalha
One more thing: are your permissions correct? The users must have Read 
access to the logon script files.

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Re: [Samba] smbldap-tools

2010-06-08 Thread Miguel Medalha

Maybe you should upgrade your smbldap-tools?

I am using both 0.9.5-1 and 0.9.6-pre1 and both create the entries you 
describe in your first post.

I used the -a switch only and all the attributes you quote are filled.

With the versions I use it is also possible to specify custom LDAP 
attributes on the command line.

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Re: [Samba] smbldap-tools

2010-06-08 Thread Miguel Medalha

is there a current site that is maintaining smbldap-tools?

where is 0.9.6?

At the maintainer's site:

It is currently unavailable but it happened before and it always came 
back. Maybe it will one again.

Search for a package smbldap-tools-0.9.6-pre1.noarch.rpm.
If you don't find it I can send it to you by e-mail.

If you are on RHEL/CentOS 5.x, the EPEL repository contains specific 
version packages for that distro:


As I wrote in my post, this version correctly fills the attributes you 

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Re: [Samba] smbldap-tools

2010-06-07 Thread Miguel Medalha

Which version of smbldap-tools are you using?
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Re: [Samba] smb/cifs share network speed testing

2010-05-27 Thread Miguel Medalha

Is there any piece of software that I can use to run between a client
and a linux or windows server with a smb/cifs share that will test
network speed, latency, sustained read/writes, multiple file create,
read, write, close, etc.. etc.. over X period time?

iperf is a commonly used network 
testing tool that can create TCP and UDP data streams and measure the 
throughput of a network that is carrying them.

Iperf is a tool to measure the bandwidth and the quality of a network link.

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Re: [Samba] non-windows behavior of samba

2010-05-07 Thread Miguel Medalha
That should really work. I have several Samba servers with Windows XP 
clients and with all of them client-made changes are immediately 
reflected in Windows Explorer.

Apparently the smb.conf setting fam change notify = yes represents the 
default value

fam change notify? From version 3.0.025 on, that parameter was removed.

The parameters I have here are the ones documented in the smb.conf man page:

//|kernel change notify|/ = |yes|
///|change notify|/ = |yes|

/Yes is the default for both of them.

Nevertheless, I vaguely remember having met that problem once upon a time...
Did you try to recreate the share?

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[Samba] What is the preferred way to inherit permission on a pdc?

2010-05-05 Thread Miguel Medalha

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Re: [Samba] error in 3.5.2 compilation

2010-04-19 Thread Miguel Medalha

 I compiled and installed samba 3.5.2 on centos 5.4. Everything installed
successfully but starting smbd shows following error
./sbin/smbd: error while loading shared libraries: cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory

Do you have some particular reason not to use one of the precompiled 
packages from Sernet?

There are specific packages for CentOS 5.x here:

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Re: [Samba] Windows 7 and samba 3.0.28

2010-04-16 Thread Miguel Medalha

  May be this question asked earlier in list but i didn't able to search
exact . I have samba+ldap domain setup on RHEL 5.1 and samba version is
3.0.28. Today i got a windows 7 system , but i am not able to join that
system in our samba+ldap domain. Do i need to do any registry tweaking. I
can't upgrade own samba version beyond 3.0.33 because this maximum version i
get if i update my system to RHEL 5.5.

With the version you have you won't make it work.

You can use a more recent Sernet package for CentOS 5:

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Re: [Samba] Windows 7 and samba 3.0.28

2010-04-16 Thread Miguel Medalha

On 2010-04-16 12:20, Miguel Medalha wrote:

  May be this question asked earlier in list but i didn't able to search
exact . I have samba+ldap domain setup on RHEL 5.1 and samba version is
3.0.28. Today i got a windows 7 system , but i am not able to join that
system in our samba+ldap domain. Do i need to do any registry 
tweaking. I
can't upgrade own samba version beyond 3.0.33 because this maximum 
version i

get if i update my system to RHEL 5.5.

With the version you have you won't make it work.

You can use a more recent Sernet package for CentOS 5:

Ooops! I wrongly assumed you were on CentOS. You will find the Red Hat 
packages at the same Sernet address.

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Re: [Samba] acl_xattr via rsync

2010-03-29 Thread Miguel Medalha

 From some time I am testing extended ACLs (acl_xattr and acl_tdb).
Could someone tell me why when I am syncing files over rsync the extended acls 
are not moved

Are you using the appropriate rsync switch to copy Extended Attributes?
From rsync man page:

-X, --xattrs
This option causes rsync to update the remote extended attributes to be 
the same as the local ones.This will work only if the remote 
machine’srsync supports this option also. This is a non-standardoption.

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Re: [Samba] acl_xattr vs acl_tdb

2010-03-28 Thread Miguel Medalha

A small test gives me total other numbers :-( .

xfs can store 21 to 26 ACEs. It depends on the size of gidnumber.
ext3 may store 503 to 513 ACEs, also depending on the size of gidnumber.

The test bed:
fresh created /home partitions with:
   mkfs.xfs -f /dev/hda6
for xfs, and
   mkfs.ext3 /dev/hda6
for ext3.

only one directory:
   rmdir /home/dir/ ;mkdir /home/dir/

and a small shell script, which add ACEs:

#!/bin/sh -ex

while :
   G=$(( $G + 1 ))

   setfacl -m g:$G:rwx /home/dir


OS is Debian Lenny:
debian:/# cat /etc/debian_version
debian:/# uname -r

getfacl  setfacl has version: 2.2.47

Other extended attributes may reduce the number of avaiable ACEs.

ext3 is a better choice then xfs, at least for Debian Lenny.

I have not tested any special tuning options for ext3 or xfs.

Thank you very much for that information!
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Re: [Samba] acl_xattr vs acl_tdb

2010-03-27 Thread Miguel Medalha

Shall I call you god now? :-)

No me.  Err, wikipedia:

Why invoke wikipedia when man attr is at hand?

 This document describes the attr command, which  is  mostly  compatible
   with  the IRIX command of the same name.  It is thus aimed 
   at users of the XFS filesystem - for  filesystem  independent  
   attribute  manipulation,  consult the getfattr(1) and 
setfattr(1) docu-


   In the XFS filesystem, the names can be up to 256 bytes in 
length, ter-
   minated  by  the  first  0  byte.  The intent is that they be 
   ASCII (or other character set) names for the attribute.  The 
values can

   be up to 64KB of arbitrary binary data.

   Attributes  can  be attached to all types of XFS inodes: regular 

   directories, symbolic links, device nodes, etc.

   XFS uses  2  disjoint  attribute  name  spaces  associated  
with  every
   filesystem  object.   They  are  the root and user address 
spaces.  The
   root address space is accessable only to the superuser, and  
then  only
   by  specifying  a flag argument to the function call.  Other 
users will
   not see or be able to modify attributes in the root address 
space.  The
   user  address  space is protected by the normal file permissions 
   nism, so the owner of the file can decide who is  able  to  see  

   modify the value of attributes on any particular file.

The question still stands in what concerns ext3/ext4.
About a year ago I posted the following to this Samba list:

I am now experimenting with samba 3.3.0 and acl_xattr. I can see that
there is another method of storing Windows ACLs: acl_tdb.

Can someone here tell me something about the relative merits and
demerits of those two methods?

I am using CentOS with an ext3 filesystem.

The (only) answer I got was the following:

xattrs have size limitations on most file systems, so you
won't be able to store truly large ACLs. Don't know the
numbers for ext3.

The tdb one is there for file systems without xattrs or with
too severe limitations for them, but it has issues with
native unix backup/restore (acls are indexed by inode).

And that was all. Hence my comment about the secrets of the gods.
Samba comes with several methods of storing ACLs. Is it too much to ask for
just a little information about them so that the users can make a decision, even
if those users are not experts on the inwards of filesystem development?

Than you to all who posted answers my question.

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Re: [Samba] acl_xattr vs acl_tdb

2010-03-26 Thread Miguel Medalha

Does anyone know how many ACLs can be stored on file system (xfs) using 
acl_xattr module and in file file_ntacls.tdb?

There's something I would really like to know! But somehow it seems to 
be a secret of the gods that us mere mortals are not allowed to penetrate...

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Re: [Samba] acl_xattr vs acl_tdb

2010-03-26 Thread Miguel Medalha

If I remember correctly XFS used to have a size limit of 64KiB per

What about ext3  ext4?
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Re: [Samba] LDAP Account Manager 3.0.0 released

2010-03-24 Thread Miguel Medalha

LDAP Account Manager (LAM) 3.0.0 - March 24th, 2010

LAM is a web frontend for managing accounts stored in an LDAP directory.

I just installed this new version on a CentOS machine and I immediately 
got the following error:

Your PCRE library has no complete Unicode support. Please upgrade 
libpcre or compile with --enable-unicode-properties.

I suppose it comes from the use of Unicode for multilingual support.

Under Red Hat/CentOS, PCRE needs to be recompiled with Unicode support 
for this to work.

Instructions on how to recompile are here:

Compiled versions are here:

64bit -
32bit -

Thank you to all!

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Re: [Samba] Samba 3.4 Windows 95/98 logon problem

2010-03-21 Thread Miguel Medalha

we have just upgraded one of our very old Linux/Samba servers to version
3.4.2. After the upgrade, the Windows 95/98 clients cannot login to the
server anymore. In the log I see 'NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED' messages for
these clients.

The key word here is very old. Meanwhile, some Samba defaults changed.
The default for client lanman auth is now No.

If you have Windows 9x clients, you should have the following in your 
smb.conf file:

client lanman auth = Yes

From the smb.conf (5) man page:

client lanman auth (G)

This parameter determines whether or not smbclient(8) and other samba 
client tools will attempt to authenticate itself to servers using the 
weaker LANMAN password hash. If disabled, only server which support NT 
password hashes (e.g. Windows NT/2000, Samba, etc... but not Windows 
95/98) will be able to be connected from the Samba client.

The LANMAN encrypted response is easily broken, due to its 
case-insensitive nature, and the choice of algorithm. Clients without 
Windows 95/98 servers are advised to disable this option.

Disabling this option will also disable the client plaintext auth option.

Likewise, if the client ntlmv2 auth parameter is enabled, then only 
NTLMv2 logins will be attempted.

Default: client lanman auth = no
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