Re: CS>Introduction-Hello

2014-09-03 Thread Sandra George
Hi There Victor, have you considered the importance of a balanced body, “ph" 
wise - I am going through this education on myself as I write this, and have 
realised just how absolutely important this is, for us all, to avoid body 
breakdown and diseases !Even to acid saliva in the mouth which causes 
decay in the teeth!!!There is so much new to learn every day about the body 
and how it operates it is an ongoing study for sure 
Attitude is everything !!!
Sandra George
Colloidal Silver Products
Eye Drops & Topical Gel

On 2 Sep 2014, at 19:07, Victor Cozzetto  wrote:

Hi Alan,

I agree with your general premise of not taking medicine every day. Indeed, it 
is my goal to perfect my diet and environment, and not take CS every day. And I 
also think it was great that you mentioned probiotics. Kefir is part of my 
daily diet.

However, I am a bit dismayed by two other things you said, and I would like to 
put my thoughts out there for discussion:

1. I do not agree with assumptions about CS indiscriminately killing all 
bacteria in our body, as research and experience contradict that. Nobody yet 
knows for sure all the exact mechanisms of CS. It seems much more likely that 
our body somehow works in conjunction with CS. If not, then excessive use of CS 
would decimate our immune system by wiping out the bacteria in our gut. But it 
does not. The exact mechanisms of CS are still beyond our understanding. Yes we 
know it kills all pathogens, we know it generates stem cells, we know it kills 
cancer cells, and we know many different mechanisms for these actions. But 
there is still a lot of mystery there, as the contradictions remain unexplained.

2. I do not agree that the Herxheimer reaction is a fallacy. It is caused by 
the toxic excretions and litter of dying pathogens. I have a lot of first hand 
experience with this from using the Beck Protocol. Dr. Robert Beck recognized 
this problem and included ozonated water to deal with it. Ozonated water is 
incredibly effective at neutralizing and eliminating waste from the body, and 
thus preventing the Herxheimer reaction. Myself and family members have 
experienced the difference many times. (The Beck Protocol is highly likely to 
cause a strong Herxheimer reaction if you don't include the ozonated water... 
and sometimes we are too lazy to make the ozonated water... and then are 
pointedly reminded how effective it is).

Again, I agree with your general idea of not taking 'medicine' every day. 
However, I no longer view CS as a medicine. It is certainly not a drug. I know 
it is not a nutrient or supplement either, but I am just not sure how to 
categorize it at this point.

We are practically invulnerable with the right diet, and Dr. Weston A. Price 
has done a great job of documenting that. Best to follow his dietary guidance 
and keep a bottle of CS in my pocket, just in case ;-)


On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 1:34 AM, Alan Faulkner  wrote:
The whole Herx thing is a bit controversial. Some say it means all the bad 
stuff is dying off, and some say it is a bad reaction to the medicine. It was 
invented to explain away why some PPL react to Penicillin .

Either way I am not in the "take medicine everyday camp" because anything that 
kills bacteria is not selective contrary to what some PPL like to believe, as 
if it kills one thing, it will inevitably kill the good guys too. Since there 
is more bacteria in your body than cells and since the bacteria are living 
symbiotically with you, then you are destroying that which keeps you healthy.

Basically symbiotically means that you each benefit each other. Bacteria is 
responsible for everything from digestion to consuming poisons, keeping the bad 
guys in check and no doubt many more things. I read once that speculation is 
that the reason us humans do so well despite having a small genome is that we 
have co-opted the genome of all the symbiotic bacteria in us.

Some PPL take a variety of things daily such as MMS, H2O2 etc. and I say that 
is nonsense. You have a defence system for a reason. Yes when it is overloaded 
because of your poor dietary habits then help it out, but find out what you are 
doing wrong and fix that. Depending on some substance everyday to survive is a 
fool's paradise AFAIAC.

That is why probiotics and yogurt and all of the other fermented foods give PPL 
such a healthy gut... bacteria are your friend.


On 2014-09-01, at 23:59 PM, Victor Cozzetto wrote:


I think dosage depends largely on your overall health. Some people need more 
than others.

A would recommend a glass a day as a starting point, and increase it as you 
feel the need. And I mean increase it within the same day. If I had a bad flu 
with a fever, I would probably drink four glasses a day, or even more. You 
cannot overdose on CS, and making it at home means that it is practically free. 
So if I don't feel some improvement within hours, I will keep drink

Re: CS>Introduction-Hello

2014-09-02 Thread Dan Nave
There are 3 teaspoons in 1 Tablespoon, 2 Tablespoons in 1 ounce, and 4
Tablespoons in 1/4 cup (2 ounces).  That means there are 12 teaspoons in
1/4 cup.

If you have food poisoning, take a much larger dose all at once, like 1 cup.

Otherwise, many have found that relatively small doses taken more often are
actually more effective.

On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 11:11 PM, Dan Nave  wrote:

> I have never heard of any adverse effects (other than argyria) from
> colloidal silver of the type we make which is about 10 to 20 ppm made with
> pure silver and distilled water.  I have never heard of seizures from this
> type of CS, or any other Colloidal silver, for that matter.
> However, I think it is incorrect to say that it is "impossible" to get
> argyria from "properly made" CS.  If you have been paying attention on this
> list there are reports of several people who have gotten mild cases of
> argyria, but all of them were taking massive quantities for very long
> periods of time.  Quarts or more a day for many months or years.  Many
> others have taken large quantities for long periods of time with no argyria
> effects.
> I did a calculation at one time and determined that if one imbibed 1/4 cup
> of 10 ppm colloidal silver daily, that would be equivalent to the amount of
> silver that the EPA would allow in drinking water for a person who drinks a
> couple of quarts of water a day.  So, presumably, one could take 1/4 cup of
> this daily for life and have absolutely no adverse effects per this EPA
> guideline.  But, just as one would take a large dose of antibiotics for a
> short period of time but would not think of taking that dose continuously,
> I think one could take considerably more CS for a limited period of time
> without causing any fear of argyria.
> My feeling would be to give an infant or child 1/2 to 1 teaspoon at a
> time, and if they have an acute condition, repeat that about 3 times in the
> day or hourly, if necessary, and reduce frequency as they improve.
> On Mon, Sep 1, 2014 at 7:13 PM, indiantadpole . 
> wrote:
>> Hi everyone. I'm not sure how to make a post, hopefully this is correct.
>> I would like to introduce myself. My name is Hollie, I am a cardiac
>> nurse, a mom and a wife. Although I am trained and employed to work in the
>> traditional medical world, I am very interested in natural cures and
>> remedies. My family and I eat very healthy, and we avoid most traditional
>> medications. A co-worker recommended that I buy colloidal silver when my 15
>> month old son got sick for the very first time a few weeks ago. (He began
>> daycare several weeks before that..) He was diagnosed with pneumonia, strep
>> throat and bilateral ear infections. I reluctantly gave him the prescribed
>> antibiotics and I didn't look into the silver. Then, a few days ago, he
>> came down with a fever again, and after another visit to the ped, he was
>> diagnosed with another set of ear infections, and prescribed to a heavier
>> antibiotic- Augmentin. Yesterday, I was beside myself, wanting to do what's
>> best for my son, but super reluctant to go through a whole new course of
>> antibiotics just 3 weeks since his Amoxicillin. I did some research online
>> about the colloidal silver, and I decided to go out and buy some. I also
>> picked up the Augmentin, since I have no experience with the silver, and I
>> gave him both. I used drops in his ears and I gave him 1 tsp by mouth. I
>> also took 1 tsp, and gave my husband several tspns, as he is also ill.
>> Today I was pretty surprised to see that there just doesn't seem to be a
>> lot of information out there about colloidal silver. I know that it is used
>> in the ointment on newborns eyes after they are born, and also read that
>> Nasa uses it to purify water. I don't doubt that it is beneficial. I am
>> curious as to how beneficial. Could it be a cure for HIV//cancer? Also
>> agraria- is this common? Should I be worried? Of course, I don't want my
>> baby's skin to turn blue! Then I read that it can cause neurological issues
>> like seizures. Does anyone have any evidence to support harmful side
>> effects? Any success stories? Sorry so long... Looking to forward to
>> hearing from you.
>> -Hollie

Re: CS>Introduction-Hello

2014-09-02 Thread Dan Nave
I have never heard of any adverse effects (other than argyria) from
colloidal silver of the type we make which is about 10 to 20 ppm made with
pure silver and distilled water.  I have never heard of seizures from this
type of CS, or any other Colloidal silver, for that matter.

However, I think it is incorrect to say that it is "impossible" to get
argyria from "properly made" CS.  If you have been paying attention on this
list there are reports of several people who have gotten mild cases of
argyria, but all of them were taking massive quantities for very long
periods of time.  Quarts or more a day for many months or years.  Many
others have taken large quantities for long periods of time with no argyria

I did a calculation at one time and determined that if one imbibed 1/4 cup
of 10 ppm colloidal silver daily, that would be equivalent to the amount of
silver that the EPA would allow in drinking water for a person who drinks a
couple of quarts of water a day.  So, presumably, one could take 1/4 cup of
this daily for life and have absolutely no adverse effects per this EPA
guideline.  But, just as one would take a large dose of antibiotics for a
short period of time but would not think of taking that dose continuously,
I think one could take considerably more CS for a limited period of time
without causing any fear of argyria.

My feeling would be to give an infant or child 1/2 to 1 teaspoon at a time,
and if they have an acute condition, repeat that about 3 times in the day
or hourly, if necessary, and reduce frequency as they improve.

On Mon, Sep 1, 2014 at 7:13 PM, indiantadpole . 

> Hi everyone. I'm not sure how to make a post, hopefully this is correct.
> I would like to introduce myself. My name is Hollie, I am a cardiac nurse,
> a mom and a wife. Although I am trained and employed to work in the
> traditional medical world, I am very interested in natural cures and
> remedies. My family and I eat very healthy, and we avoid most traditional
> medications. A co-worker recommended that I buy colloidal silver when my 15
> month old son got sick for the very first time a few weeks ago. (He began
> daycare several weeks before that..) He was diagnosed with pneumonia, strep
> throat and bilateral ear infections. I reluctantly gave him the prescribed
> antibiotics and I didn't look into the silver. Then, a few days ago, he
> came down with a fever again, and after another visit to the ped, he was
> diagnosed with another set of ear infections, and prescribed to a heavier
> antibiotic- Augmentin. Yesterday, I was beside myself, wanting to do what's
> best for my son, but super reluctant to go through a whole new course of
> antibiotics just 3 weeks since his Amoxicillin. I did some research online
> about the colloidal silver, and I decided to go out and buy some. I also
> picked up the Augmentin, since I have no experience with the silver, and I
> gave him both. I used drops in his ears and I gave him 1 tsp by mouth. I
> also took 1 tsp, and gave my husband several tspns, as he is also ill.
> Today I was pretty surprised to see that there just doesn't seem to be a
> lot of information out there about colloidal silver. I know that it is used
> in the ointment on newborns eyes after they are born, and also read that
> Nasa uses it to purify water. I don't doubt that it is beneficial. I am
> curious as to how beneficial. Could it be a cure for HIV//cancer? Also
> agraria- is this common? Should I be worried? Of course, I don't want my
> baby's skin to turn blue! Then I read that it can cause neurological issues
> like seizures. Does anyone have any evidence to support harmful side
> effects? Any success stories? Sorry so long... Looking to forward to
> hearing from you.
> -Hollie

RE: CS>Introduction-Hello

2014-09-02 Thread Neville

Subject: Re: CS>Introduction-Hello
Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2014 17:55:27 -0700

Hi Neville,
Just a thought. In some cases just drinking a lot of water by itself will clean 
out the system and in the case of some PPL might be the only water they drink. 
However having said that somePPL drink wa too much of the stuff, but that 
is another rant. ;)
## Yes, apparently drinking copious amounts of water when beginning the EIS 
journey, if one has never taken it before, is popularly recommended to flush 
the system of any 'debris?' which may be created by that EIS?
When you say small amount what do you mean?

## Between 30 and 50ml a day before breakfast when the mouth is driest - faster 
 and more immediate absorption.  A drop in the ocean in the scheme of things I 
know, but considering 99.9 recurring % of food and produce is being tampered 
with in one way or another more and more in the world, not forgetting 
vaccinations available by the dozen {of which I don't partake in or of}, I 
figure any help with my natural immune system, which is being slowly but surely 
destroyed by the aforesaid, can only be a good thing.  I'll have a better idea 
in another 10-20 years maybe, hopefully I'll still have as many to go before 
reaching my 'use by' date .
In Ayurveda they define the affect of a number of metals ie cooking with copper 
is poisonous, and yet one Ay. proscription is to put some water in a copper 
glass and leave it overnight and drink on arising. Copper has a cleansing 
effect, but cooking with it puts way too much copper in and it becomes 
poisonous. I find this recipe to be too strong for me BTW.
## Copper is also a good bactericide apparently, but I know nothing about that. 
 They say aluminium cooking pots create mental issues as well, aluminium 
accumulating in the brain, {Pineal gland or somewhere?} and yet my ancestors 
used *only* aluminium cookware back then, and seemingly there was nothing like 
the numbers of mental issues etc then as there are today.  That should pose 
some questions for someone?
Also in AY. they suggest consuming silver to encourage the conception of a 
## Seeing as you mention this, I can say that most of the males I associated 
with in my younger day, in the structural steel trade and steel producing 
environment, all had boys?  This I have always found interesting?   Why did so 
many of my male associates produce boys?  It had nothing to do with silver back 
then.  Back then one did not have the facilities to find out if the mother was 
carrying a boy or girl either, to wit it was a popular topic of 
conversation...Will it be a boy or a girl?  Predominantly boys, very 
interesting observation at the time.  Boys seemed to far outnumber girl births 
for some strange reason?  I often wondered if the work environment had 
something to do with it?  But then on the other hand, we had two girls and one 
boy?  Funny that, I said I wanted a boy, we got one, then I said I wanted a 
girl, we got one, then with the third I said I preferred a girl, and we got 
another girl.  Perhaps I 'willed' the result? .  Although it's apparently 
the female that decides what sex the baby will be?
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your 
philosophy. Hamlet
I cannot comment on whether it is advisable to consume it regularly, as there 
is no way to know how you would be faring otherwise.
## As above, I'll be in a better position to give an opinion on this in another 
10-20 years maybe, but I'm doing far better than a lot of my contemporaries I 
must say.
BTW I am not saying there is anything wrong with consuming silver but Ay. says 
it has a cooling effect so if someone had a cooler body type it might not be a 
good idea. Gold for instance is heating so I have problems with water infused 
with gold.
## That's fine Alan.  I do find this 'cooling' aspect interesting though.  I do 
feel the heat more than most.  I keep telling my wife that when my use by date 
comes around it will most definitely be in the summer time .  Very 
interesting point you made.  H.Perhaps I'd better not stop my EIS 
intake, it might just be that which is keeping the Grim Reaper away .  I 
know nothing about gold either.

On 2014-09-02, at 17:24 PM, Neville wrote:G'day Alan,
Did I mention there will be differing opinions and beliefs earlier? 
Disagree in part with some of what you say.  Yes, good bacteria are our best 
friend, and we are covered both externally and internally with 'em.  As you 
say, and as I understand it, both good and bad live in harmony with each other 
both in and on us, and providing they are kept in suitable healthy balance all 
is well.
People talk about our gut flora being destroyed by this stuff, well as I said 
earlier, I've been ingesting a small amount every single day for 10 odd years 
and have ne

Re: CS>Introduction-Hello

2014-09-02 Thread Alan Faulkner
Hi Neville,

Just a thought. In some cases just drinking a lot of water by itself will clean 
out the system and in the case of some PPL might be the only water they drink. 
However having said that somePPL drink wa too much of the stuff, but that 
is another rant. ;)

When you say small amount what do you mean?

In Ayurveda they define the affect of a number of metals ie cooking with copper 
is poisonous, and yet one Ay. proscription is to put some water in a copper 
glass and leave it overnight and drink on arising. Copper has a cleansing 
effect, but cooking with it puts way too much copper in and it becomes 
poisonous. I find this recipe to be too strong for me BTW.

Also in AY. they suggest consuming silver to encourage the conception of a 

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, 
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy. Hamlet

I cannot comment on whether it is advisable to consume it regularly, as there 
is no way to know how you would be faring otherwise.

BTW I am not saying there is anything wrong with consuming silver but Ay. says 
it has a cooling effect so if someone had a cooler body type it might not be a 
good idea. Gold for instance is heating so I have problems with water infused 
with gold.


On 2014-09-02, at 17:24 PM, Neville wrote:

G'day Alan,

Did I mention there will be differing opinions and beliefs earlier? 

Disagree in part with some of what you say.  Yes, good bacteria are our best 
friend, and we are covered both externally and internally with 'em.  As you 
say, and as I understand it, both good and bad live in harmony with each other 
both in and on us, and providing they are kept in suitable healthy balance all 
is well.

People talk about our gut flora being destroyed by this stuff, well as I said 
earlier, I've been ingesting a small amount every single day for 10 odd years 
and have never had any issues.  Coupled with my daily intake, if I suspect I am 
coming down with something I up that dose to roughly 800ml to 1 litre per day 
for several days, still nothing untoward occurring with my gut flora.

It should be remembered that what we make in our kitchen is *not* the same as 
what is purchased 'over the counter', the so called 'Colloidal Silver'.  I have 
yet to find any literature which associates undesirable effects to the 
ingestion of our product.  Literature regarding the so called 'CS' is in 
abundance ad nauseam in the public domain, but not about this stuff, well, not 
that I've found anyway.

I have never had the need to replenish my gut flora with probiotics or any 
other stuff, similarly I have never taken Selenium {or whatever it's called} as 
is recommended by some whilst imbibing in EIS {nothing wrong with my 
fingernails either}.

When literature is in short supply there is only one way to find things 
out...Self!  Bucket loads of innuendo, misinformation, disinformation and 
guilt by association, but nothing that holds up in credibility or relevance to 
what we make and take in my book.

The Herx thing:  When I first started this EIS journey I used to ingest 
considerably more per day than I have done in more recent years, and I did feel 
a little 'off' initially, even to the point whereby others would inform me that 
I appeared to look 'yellowish', I put this down to toxins being destroyed and 
not being eliminated from my system fast enough, perhaps kidneys were working 
overtime?  Was this Herx?  Don't know, but if that was anything to go by I 
deduced there *could* be something in what is said about Herx reaction and 
ingestion of too much silver?  Back then I used to use rain water which is not 
be the same as using DW.  I was also then using an uncontrolled battery 
operated unit as well, which lab results gave as excess of 40ppm total silver 
content.  Perhaps these were the reasons of my feeling a little 'off'?

Again, it should be clearly understood that what we make and take is nothing 
like what is purchased over the counter.  The only similarity is there is 
silver in both products, but that's about as far as it goes for me.  In what 
form?  What particle quantity?  What particle size?  Particle distribution?  
What is the ppm of that product?  What is added to the water as a stabiliser in 
the higher ppm stuff, or even the standard ppm stuff for all I know?  What does 
accepted published literature define as a 'colloidal' product, it's not what we 
make from the literature I've read?  Was it produced using HVAC or LVDC?  Just 
to name a few.

Now couple all this with what actually occurs when *our* product enters the 
blood stream or system?  I don't believe anyone really knows?  Chemistry books 
may state one thing, and most will have their own opinion and beliefs {just as 
I do}, but reality may state something else entirely?  It comes back to 
innuendo, misinformation, disinformation and guilt by association for me?

If you can provide me with informative, in depth {and I mean 'in depth'} 
suitably researche

RE: CS>Introduction-Hello

2014-09-02 Thread Neville
G'day Alan,
Did I mention there will be differing opinions and beliefs earlier? 
Disagree in part with some of what you say.  Yes, good bacteria are our best 
friend, and we are covered both externally and internally with 'em.  As you 
say, and as I understand it, both good and bad live in harmony with each other 
both in and on us, and providing they are kept in suitable healthy balance all 
is well.
People talk about our gut flora being destroyed by this stuff, well as I said 
earlier, I've been ingesting a small amount every single day for 10 odd years 
and have never had any issues.  Coupled with my daily intake, if I suspect I am 
coming down with something I up that dose to roughly 800ml to 1 litre per day 
for several days, still nothing untoward occurring with my gut flora.
It should be remembered that what we make in our kitchen is *not* the same as 
what is purchased 'over the counter', the so called 'Colloidal Silver'.  I have 
yet to find any literature which associates undesirable effects to the 
ingestion of our product.  Literature regarding the so called 'CS' is in 
abundance ad nauseam in the public domain, but not about this stuff, well, not 
that I've found anyway.
I have never had the need to replenish my gut flora with probiotics or any 
other stuff, similarly I have never taken Selenium {or whatever it's called} as 
is recommended by some whilst imbibing in EIS {nothing wrong with my 
fingernails either}.
When literature is in short supply there is only one way to find things 
out...Self!  Bucket loads of innuendo, misinformation, disinformation and 
guilt by association, but nothing that holds up in credibility or relevance to 
what we make and take in my book.
The Herx thing:  When I first started this EIS journey I used to ingest 
considerably more per day than I have done in more recent years, and I did feel 
a little 'off' initially, even to the point whereby others would inform me that 
I appeared to look 'yellowish', I put this down to toxins being destroyed and 
not being eliminated from my system fast enough, perhaps kidneys were working 
overtime?  Was this Herx?  Don't know, but if that was anything to go by I 
deduced there *could* be something in what is said about Herx reaction and 
ingestion of too much silver?  Back then I used to use rain water which is not 
be the same as using DW.  I was also then using an uncontrolled battery 
operated unit as well, which lab results gave as excess of 40ppm total silver 
content.  Perhaps these were the reasons of my feeling a little 'off'?
Again, it should be clearly understood that what we make and take is nothing 
like what is purchased over the counter.  The only similarity is there is 
silver in both products, but that's about as far as it goes for me.  In what 
form?  What particle quantity?  What particle size?  Particle distribution?  
What is the ppm of that product?  What is added to the water as a stabiliser in 
the higher ppm stuff, or even the standard ppm stuff for all I know?  What does 
accepted published literature define as a 'colloidal' product, it's not what we 
make from the literature I've read?  Was it produced using HVAC or LVDC?  Just 
to name a few.
Now couple all this with what actually occurs when *our* product enters the 
blood stream or system?  I don't believe anyone really knows?  Chemistry books 
may state one thing, and most will have their own opinion and beliefs {just as 
I do}, but reality may state something else entirely?  It comes back to 
innuendo, misinformation, disinformation and guilt by association for me?
If you can provide me with informative, in depth {and I mean 'in depth'} 
suitably researched literature outlining exactly what occurs with our product, 
i.e. Predominantly Ionic Silver solution, when it enters the blood circulatory 
system or body, and how, if, and why it changes when it hits the circulatory 
system, I'd like to read it.  But it must be relevant to what *we* make and 
take/apply/use/sniff/snort/rub on/rub in or bath in and not the better known 
and popularly marketed 'CS' .
I do however agree with your last sentence, re, h202 and all the rest of it.  
If people are combining anything or using anything in addition to, or in 
conjunction with EIS, then all my bets are off.
In conclusion...I guess all my cells must be fairly tough, I have never felt 
anything 'undesirable', or look anything different to what I have always 
looked, apart from getting uglier as I age .

> From:
> Subject: Re: CS>Introduction-Hello
> Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2014 09:34:04 -0700
> To:
> The whole Herx thing is a bit controversial. Some say it means all the bad 
> stuff is dying off, and some say it is a bad reaction to the medicine. It was 
> invented to explain away wh

Re: CS>Introduction-Hello

2014-09-02 Thread Alan Faulkner
Hi Victor,
I guess we are very close. :)

Re: cancer, I am comfortable accepting that it is not the cells that need to be 
destroyed. Royal Rife videod (?sp) the destruction of cancer viruses many years 
ago and the vids are around on the net on Rife type device sites. Additionally 
there are Youtubes of (I believe) James Bare videoing the same thing.

Don't get me wrong about a Herx, It may very well be true however, I know in 
the Rife world PPL blame every adverse reaction on a Herxheimer reaction, so 
this is my point. Even when PPL run the machines at too high a power setting 
and the patient is very uncomfortable the operator sometimes blames it on H 
reaction. I said it was controversial and this is one of the reasons why. PPL 
call overdosing "Herxing" when really it is just an OD.


On 2014-09-02, at 16:07 PM, Victor Cozzetto wrote:

Hi Alan,

I agree with your general premise of not taking medicine every day. Indeed, it 
is my goal to perfect my diet and environment, and not take CS every day. And I 
also think it was great that you mentioned probiotics. Kefir is part of my 
daily diet.

However, I am a bit dismayed by two other things you said, and I would like to 
put my thoughts out there for discussion:

1. I do not agree with assumptions about CS indiscriminately killing all 
bacteria in our body, as research and experience contradict that. Nobody yet 
knows for sure all the exact mechanisms of CS. It seems much more likely that 
our body somehow works in conjunction with CS. If not, then excessive use of CS 
would decimate our immune system by wiping out the bacteria in our gut. But it 
does not. The exact mechanisms of CS are still beyond our understanding. Yes we 
know it kills all pathogens, we know it generates stem cells, we know it kills 
cancer cells, and we know many different mechanisms for these actions. But 
there is still a lot of mystery there, as the contradictions remain unexplained.

2. I do not agree that the Herxheimer reaction is a fallacy. It is caused by 
the toxic excretions and litter of dying pathogens. I have a lot of first hand 
experience with this from using the Beck Protocol. Dr. Robert Beck recognized 
this problem and included ozonated water to deal with it. Ozonated water is 
incredibly effective at neutralizing and eliminating waste from the body, and 
thus preventing the Herxheimer reaction. Myself and family members have 
experienced the difference many times. (The Beck Protocol is highly likely to 
cause a strong Herxheimer reaction if you don't include the ozonated water... 
and sometimes we are too lazy to make the ozonated water... and then are 
pointedly reminded how effective it is).

Again, I agree with your general idea of not taking 'medicine' every day. 
However, I no longer view CS as a medicine. It is certainly not a drug. I know 
it is not a nutrient or supplement either, but I am just not sure how to 
categorize it at this point.

We are practically invulnerable with the right diet, and Dr. Weston A. Price 
has done a great job of documenting that. Best to follow his dietary guidance 
and keep a bottle of CS in my pocket, just in case ;-)


On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 1:34 AM, Alan Faulkner  wrote:
The whole Herx thing is a bit controversial. Some say it means all the bad 
stuff is dying off, and some say it is a bad reaction to the medicine. It was 
invented to explain away why some PPL react to Penicillin .

Either way I am not in the "take medicine everyday camp" because anything that 
kills bacteria is not selective contrary to what some PPL like to believe, as 
if it kills one thing, it will inevitably kill the good guys too. Since there 
is more bacteria in your body than cells and since the bacteria are living 
symbiotically with you, then you are destroying that which keeps you healthy.

Basically symbiotically means that you each benefit each other. Bacteria is 
responsible for everything from digestion to consuming poisons, keeping the bad 
guys in check and no doubt many more things. I read once that speculation is 
that the reason us humans do so well despite having a small genome is that we 
have co-opted the genome of all the symbiotic bacteria in us.

Some PPL take a variety of things daily such as MMS, H2O2 etc. and I say that 
is nonsense. You have a defence system for a reason. Yes when it is overloaded 
because of your poor dietary habits then help it out, but find out what you are 
doing wrong and fix that. Depending on some substance everyday to survive is a 
fool's paradise AFAIAC.

That is why probiotics and yogurt and all of the other fermented foods give PPL 
such a healthy gut... bacteria are your friend.


On 2014-09-01, at 23:59 PM, Victor Cozzetto wrote:


I think dosage depends largely on your overall health. Some people need more 
than others.

A would recommend a glass a day as a starting point, and increase it as you 
feel the need. And I mean increase it within the same day. If I had a ba

Re: CS>Introduction-Hello

2014-09-02 Thread Victor Cozzetto
Hi Alan,

I agree with your general premise of not taking medicine every day. Indeed,
it is my goal to perfect my diet and environment, and not take CS every
day. And I also think it was great that you mentioned probiotics. Kefir is
part of my daily diet.

However, I am a bit dismayed by two other things you said, and I would like
to put my thoughts out there for discussion:

1. I do not agree with assumptions about CS indiscriminately killing all
bacteria in our body, as research and experience contradict that. Nobody
yet knows for sure all the exact mechanisms of CS. It seems much more
likely that our body somehow works in conjunction with CS. If not, then
excessive use of CS would decimate our immune system by wiping out the
bacteria in our gut. But it does not. The exact mechanisms of CS are still
beyond our understanding. Yes we know it kills all pathogens, we know it
generates stem cells, we know it kills cancer cells, and we know many
different mechanisms for these actions. But there is still a lot of mystery
there, as the contradictions remain unexplained.

2. I do not agree that the Herxheimer reaction is a fallacy. It is caused
by the toxic excretions and litter of dying pathogens. I have a lot of
first hand experience with this from using the Beck Protocol. Dr. Robert
Beck recognized this problem and included ozonated water to deal with it.
Ozonated water is incredibly effective at neutralizing and eliminating
waste from the body, and thus preventing the Herxheimer reaction. Myself
and family members have experienced the difference many times. (The Beck
Protocol is highly likely to cause a strong Herxheimer reaction if you
don't include the ozonated water... and sometimes we are too lazy to make
the ozonated water... and then are pointedly reminded how effective it is).

Again, I agree with your general idea of not taking 'medicine' every day.
However, I no longer view CS as a medicine. It is certainly not a drug. I
know it is not a nutrient or supplement either, but I am just not sure how
to categorize it at this point.

We are practically invulnerable with the right diet, and Dr. Weston A.
Price has done a great job of documenting that. Best to follow his dietary
guidance and keep a bottle of CS in my pocket, just in case ;-)


On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 1:34 AM, Alan Faulkner  wrote:

> The whole Herx thing is a bit controversial. Some say it means all the bad
> stuff is dying off, and some say it is a bad reaction to the medicine. It
> was invented to explain away why some PPL react to Penicillin .
> Either way I am not in the "take medicine everyday camp" because anything
> that kills bacteria is not selective contrary to what some PPL like to
> believe, as if it kills one thing, it will inevitably kill the good guys
> too. Since there is more bacteria in your body than cells and since the
> bacteria are living symbiotically with you, then you are destroying that
> which keeps you healthy.
> Basically symbiotically means that you each benefit each other. Bacteria
> is responsible for everything from digestion to consuming poisons, keeping
> the bad guys in check and no doubt many more things. I read once that
> speculation is that the reason us humans do so well despite having a small
> genome is that we have co-opted the genome of all the symbiotic bacteria in
> us.
> Some PPL take a variety of things daily such as MMS, H2O2 etc. and I say
> that is nonsense. You have a defence system for a reason. Yes when it is
> overloaded because of your poor dietary habits then help it out, but find
> out what you are doing wrong and fix that. Depending on some substance
> everyday to survive is a fool's paradise AFAIAC.
> That is why probiotics and yogurt and all of the other fermented foods
> give PPL such a healthy gut... bacteria are your friend.
> Alan
> On 2014-09-01, at 23:59 PM, Victor Cozzetto wrote:
> AJ,
> I think dosage depends largely on your overall health. Some people need
> more than others.
> A would recommend a glass a day as a starting point, and increase it as
> you feel the need. And I mean increase it within the same day. If I had a
> bad flu with a fever, I would probably drink four glasses a day, or even
> more. You cannot overdose on CS, and making it at home means that it is
> practically free. So if I don't feel some improvement within hours, I will
> keep drinking more. I keep plastic bottles filled with it so that I can
> just keep drinking all day and all night.
> Another point to consider is that symptoms - fever, stuffy nose, etc.,
> will often continue after the body has 'won' the battle, as those are our
> body's defense mechanisms, and It simply takes time for the body to shut
> them down. So you really have to judge how you 'feel' in a more holistic
> way. You can feel great with a mild fever and some congestion, or you could
> feel terrible. In either case, keep drinking the CS for some days after you
> feel great, to make sure that you 

Re: CS>Introduction-Hello

2014-09-02 Thread Alan Faulkner
I make no recommendation as it would no doubt depend on a number of factors 
such as; 
the strength of the mixture, 
size of particles, 
condition of patient 
purity of source water, 
silver purity, etc.

My concern is that these statements have not been tested in any fashion. Just 
someone's guess based on their performance. The problem is that if they had 
done it differently what condition would they be in?

My main concern is advising PPL to just drink lots of it every day. I use it if 
I need it and then I leave it.

Colloidal silver is a modality not a religion.


On 2014-09-02, at 10:43 AM, André Juthe wrote:

Ok, but what is your recommended dose in deciliter per day if you have the flue 
or a cold? 


2014-09-02 18:34 GMT+02:00 Alan Faulkner :
The whole Herx thing is a bit controversial. Some say it means all the bad 
stuff is dying off, and some say it is a bad reaction to the medicine. It was 
invented to explain away why some PPL react to Penicillin .

Either way I am not in the "take medicine everyday camp" because anything that 
kills bacteria is not selective contrary to what some PPL like to believe, as 
if it kills one thing, it will inevitably kill the good guys too. Since there 
is more bacteria in your body than cells and since the bacteria are living 
symbiotically with you, then you are destroying that which keeps you healthy.

Basically symbiotically means that you each benefit each other. Bacteria is 
responsible for everything from digestion to consuming poisons, keeping the bad 
guys in check and no doubt many more things. I read once that speculation is 
that the reason us humans do so well despite having a small genome is that we 
have co-opted the genome of all the symbiotic bacteria in us.

Some PPL take a variety of things daily such as MMS, H2O2 etc. and I say that 
is nonsense. You have a defence system for a reason. Yes when it is overloaded 
because of your poor dietary habits then help it out, but find out what you are 
doing wrong and fix that. Depending on some substance everyday to survive is a 
fool's paradise AFAIAC.

That is why probiotics and yogurt and all of the other fermented foods give PPL 
such a healthy gut... bacteria are your friend.


On 2014-09-01, at 23:59 PM, Victor Cozzetto wrote:


I think dosage depends largely on your overall health. Some people need more 
than others.

A would recommend a glass a day as a starting point, and increase it as you 
feel the need. And I mean increase it within the same day. If I had a bad flu 
with a fever, I would probably drink four glasses a day, or even more. You 
cannot overdose on CS, and making it at home means that it is practically free. 
So if I don't feel some improvement within hours, I will keep drinking more. I 
keep plastic bottles filled with it so that I can just keep drinking all day 
and all night.

Another point to consider is that symptoms - fever, stuffy nose, etc., will 
often continue after the body has 'won' the battle, as those are our body's 
defense mechanisms, and It simply takes time for the body to shut them down. So 
you really have to judge how you 'feel' in a more holistic way. You can feel 
great with a mild fever and some congestion, or you could feel terrible. In 
either case, keep drinking the CS for some days after you feel great, to make 
sure that you don't relapse.

If you have never used CS before, I would recommend starting with a glass a 
day. You could get diarrhea and Herxheimer reactions, depending on your overall 
condition. A Herxheimer reaction could feel like a flu, and is caused by rapid 
die off of pathogens that occurs to quickly for your body to handle. And so you 
could actually feel worse before you suddenly feel much better.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Introduction-Hello

2014-09-02 Thread André Juthe
Ok, but what is your recommended dose in deciliter per day if you have the
flue or a cold?


2014-09-02 18:34 GMT+02:00 Alan Faulkner :

> The whole Herx thing is a bit controversial. Some say it means all the bad
> stuff is dying off, and some say it is a bad reaction to the medicine. It
> was invented to explain away why some PPL react to Penicillin .
> Either way I am not in the "take medicine everyday camp" because anything
> that kills bacteria is not selective contrary to what some PPL like to
> believe, as if it kills one thing, it will inevitably kill the good guys
> too. Since there is more bacteria in your body than cells and since the
> bacteria are living symbiotically with you, then you are destroying that
> which keeps you healthy.
> Basically symbiotically means that you each benefit each other. Bacteria
> is responsible for everything from digestion to consuming poisons, keeping
> the bad guys in check and no doubt many more things. I read once that
> speculation is that the reason us humans do so well despite having a small
> genome is that we have co-opted the genome of all the symbiotic bacteria in
> us.
> Some PPL take a variety of things daily such as MMS, H2O2 etc. and I say
> that is nonsense. You have a defence system for a reason. Yes when it is
> overloaded because of your poor dietary habits then help it out, but find
> out what you are doing wrong and fix that. Depending on some substance
> everyday to survive is a fool's paradise AFAIAC.
> That is why probiotics and yogurt and all of the other fermented foods
> give PPL such a healthy gut... bacteria are your friend.
> Alan
> On 2014-09-01, at 23:59 PM, Victor Cozzetto wrote:
> AJ,
> I think dosage depends largely on your overall health. Some people need
> more than others.
> A would recommend a glass a day as a starting point, and increase it as
> you feel the need. And I mean increase it within the same day. If I had a
> bad flu with a fever, I would probably drink four glasses a day, or even
> more. You cannot overdose on CS, and making it at home means that it is
> practically free. So if I don't feel some improvement within hours, I will
> keep drinking more. I keep plastic bottles filled with it so that I can
> just keep drinking all day and all night.
> Another point to consider is that symptoms - fever, stuffy nose, etc.,
> will often continue after the body has 'won' the battle, as those are our
> body's defense mechanisms, and It simply takes time for the body to shut
> them down. So you really have to judge how you 'feel' in a more holistic
> way. You can feel great with a mild fever and some congestion, or you could
> feel terrible. In either case, keep drinking the CS for some days after you
> feel great, to make sure that you don't relapse.
> If you have never used CS before, I would recommend starting with a glass
> a day. You could get diarrhea and Herxheimer reactions, depending on your
> overall condition. A Herxheimer reaction could feel like a flu, and is
> caused by rapid die off of pathogens that occurs to quickly for your body
> to handle. And so you could actually feel worse before you suddenly feel
> much better.
> Victor
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>   Rules and Instructions:
> Unsubscribe:
> Archives:
> Off-Topic discussions: 
> List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Introduction-Hello

2014-09-02 Thread Alan Faulkner
The whole Herx thing is a bit controversial. Some say it means all the bad 
stuff is dying off, and some say it is a bad reaction to the medicine. It was 
invented to explain away why some PPL react to Penicillin .

Either way I am not in the "take medicine everyday camp" because anything that 
kills bacteria is not selective contrary to what some PPL like to believe, as 
if it kills one thing, it will inevitably kill the good guys too. Since there 
is more bacteria in your body than cells and since the bacteria are living 
symbiotically with you, then you are destroying that which keeps you healthy.

Basically symbiotically means that you each benefit each other. Bacteria is 
responsible for everything from digestion to consuming poisons, keeping the bad 
guys in check and no doubt many more things. I read once that speculation is 
that the reason us humans do so well despite having a small genome is that we 
have co-opted the genome of all the symbiotic bacteria in us.

Some PPL take a variety of things daily such as MMS, H2O2 etc. and I say that 
is nonsense. You have a defence system for a reason. Yes when it is overloaded 
because of your poor dietary habits then help it out, but find out what you are 
doing wrong and fix that. Depending on some substance everyday to survive is a 
fool's paradise AFAIAC.

That is why probiotics and yogurt and all of the other fermented foods give PPL 
such a healthy gut... bacteria are your friend.


On 2014-09-01, at 23:59 PM, Victor Cozzetto wrote:


I think dosage depends largely on your overall health. Some people need more 
than others.

A would recommend a glass a day as a starting point, and increase it as you 
feel the need. And I mean increase it within the same day. If I had a bad flu 
with a fever, I would probably drink four glasses a day, or even more. You 
cannot overdose on CS, and making it at home means that it is practically free. 
So if I don't feel some improvement within hours, I will keep drinking more. I 
keep plastic bottles filled with it so that I can just keep drinking all day 
and all night.

Another point to consider is that symptoms - fever, stuffy nose, etc., will 
often continue after the body has 'won' the battle, as those are our body's 
defense mechanisms, and It simply takes time for the body to shut them down. So 
you really have to judge how you 'feel' in a more holistic way. You can feel 
great with a mild fever and some congestion, or you could feel terrible. In 
either case, keep drinking the CS for some days after you feel great, to make 
sure that you don't relapse.

If you have never used CS before, I would recommend starting with a glass a 
day. You could get diarrhea and Herxheimer reactions, depending on your overall 
condition. A Herxheimer reaction could feel like a flu, and is caused by rapid 
die off of pathogens that occurs to quickly for your body to handle. And so you 
could actually feel worse before you suddenly feel much better.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Introduction-Hello

2014-09-02 Thread TJ Garland
Too bad CS doesn't help with spelling skills-

"I've always wondered what the 1920's and 1930's were like, but I never wanted 
to see it from the German perspective….."


On Sep 2, 2014, at 3:31 AM, Dee  wrote:

I think that should be 'argyria' dee

Sent from my iPad

> On 2 Sep 2014, at 02:01, TJ Garland  wrote:
> Hollie, i have used it with great success for 20 years for hundreds of 
> different problems. It worked better than antibiotics for all.
> It must be made properly-to not get agraria. Simple to do. 
> is one supplier.
> I could write pages on my clients when I was a practicing ND.
> Search the net awhile.
> Buy "A Miraculous health Substance" by Marvin Robey.   "The Body Electric" by 
> Becker
> Search colloidal silver+Brigham Young university
> Then ask the group questions.
> "I've always wondered what the 1920's and 1930's were like, but I never 
> wanted to see it from the German perspective….."
> On Sep 1, 2014, at 8:13 PM, "indiantadpole ."  wrote:
> Hi everyone. I'm not sure how to make a post, hopefully this is correct. 
> I would like to introduce myself. My name is Hollie, I am a cardiac nurse, a 
> mom and a wife. Although I am trained and employed to work in the traditional 
> medical world, I am very interested in natural cures and remedies. My family 
> and I eat very healthy, and we avoid most traditional medications. A 
> co-worker recommended that I buy colloidal silver when my 15 month old son 
> got sick for the very first time a few weeks ago. (He began daycare several 
> weeks before that..) He was diagnosed with pneumonia, strep throat and 
> bilateral ear infections. I reluctantly gave him the prescribed antibiotics 
> and I didn't look into the silver. Then, a few days ago, he came down with a 
> fever again, and after another visit to the ped, he was diagnosed with 
> another set of ear infections, and prescribed to a heavier antibiotic- 
> Augmentin. Yesterday, I was beside myself, wanting to do what's best for my 
> son, but super reluctant to go through a whole new course of antibiotics just 
> 3 weeks since his Amoxicillin. I did some research online about the colloidal 
> silver, and I decided to go out and buy some. I also picked up the Augmentin, 
> since I have no experience with the silver, and I gave him both. I used drops 
> in his ears and I gave him 1 tsp by mouth. I also took 1 tsp, and gave my 
> husband several tspns, as he is also ill. Today I was pretty surprised to see 
> that there just doesn't seem to be a lot of information out there about 
> colloidal silver. I know that it is used in the ointment on newborns eyes 
> after they are born, and also read that Nasa uses it to purify water. I don't 
> doubt that it is beneficial. I am curious as to how beneficial. Could it be a 
> cure for HIV//cancer? Also agraria- is this common? Should I be worried? Of 
> course, I don't want my baby's skin to turn blue! Then I read that it can 
> cause neurological issues like seizures. Does anyone have any evidence to 
> support harmful side effects? Any success stories? Sorry so long... Looking 
> to forward to hearing from you. 
> -Hollie 

Re: CS>Introduction-Hello

2014-09-02 Thread Dee
I think that should be 'argyria' dee

Sent from my iPad

> On 2 Sep 2014, at 02:01, TJ Garland  wrote:
> Hollie, i have used it with great success for 20 years for hundreds of 
> different problems. It worked better than antibiotics for all.
> It must be made properly-to not get agraria. Simple to do. 
> is one supplier.
> I could write pages on my clients when I was a practicing ND.
> Search the net awhile.
> Buy "A Miraculous health Substance" by Marvin Robey.   "The Body Electric" by 
> Becker
> Search colloidal silver+Brigham Young university
> Then ask the group questions.
> "I've always wondered what the 1920's and 1930's were like, but I never 
> wanted to see it from the German perspective….."
> On Sep 1, 2014, at 8:13 PM, "indiantadpole ."  wrote:
> Hi everyone. I'm not sure how to make a post, hopefully this is correct. 
> I would like to introduce myself. My name is Hollie, I am a cardiac nurse, a 
> mom and a wife. Although I am trained and employed to work in the traditional 
> medical world, I am very interested in natural cures and remedies. My family 
> and I eat very healthy, and we avoid most traditional medications. A 
> co-worker recommended that I buy colloidal silver when my 15 month old son 
> got sick for the very first time a few weeks ago. (He began daycare several 
> weeks before that..) He was diagnosed with pneumonia, strep throat and 
> bilateral ear infections. I reluctantly gave him the prescribed antibiotics 
> and I didn't look into the silver. Then, a few days ago, he came down with a 
> fever again, and after another visit to the ped, he was diagnosed with 
> another set of ear infections, and prescribed to a heavier antibiotic- 
> Augmentin. Yesterday, I was beside myself, wanting to do what's best for my 
> son, but super reluctant to go through a whole new course of antibiotics just 
> 3 weeks since his Amoxicillin. I did some research online about the colloidal 
> silver, and I decided to go out and buy some. I also picked up the Augmentin, 
> since I have no experience with the silver, and I gave him both. I used drops 
> in his ears and I gave him 1 tsp by mouth. I also took 1 tsp, and gave my 
> husband several tspns, as he is also ill. Today I was pretty surprised to see 
> that there just doesn't seem to be a lot of information out there about 
> colloidal silver. I know that it is used in the ointment on newborns eyes 
> after they are born, and also read that Nasa uses it to purify water. I don't 
> doubt that it is beneficial. I am curious as to how beneficial. Could it be a 
> cure for HIV//cancer? Also agraria- is this common? Should I be worried? Of 
> course, I don't want my baby's skin to turn blue! Then I read that it can 
> cause neurological issues like seizures. Does anyone have any evidence to 
> support harmful side effects? Any success stories? Sorry so long... Looking 
> to forward to hearing from you. 
> -Hollie 

Re: CS>Introduction-Hello

2014-09-02 Thread Victor Cozzetto

I think dosage depends largely on your overall health. Some people need
more than others.

A would recommend a glass a day as a starting point, and increase it as you
feel the need. And I mean increase it within the same day. If I had a bad
flu with a fever, I would probably drink four glasses a day, or even more.
You cannot overdose on CS, and making it at home means that it is
practically free. So if I don't feel some improvement within hours, I will
keep drinking more. I keep plastic bottles filled with it so that I can
just keep drinking all day and all night.

Another point to consider is that symptoms - fever, stuffy nose, etc., will
often continue after the body has 'won' the battle, as those are our body's
defense mechanisms, and It simply takes time for the body to shut them
down. So you really have to judge how you 'feel' in a more holistic way.
You can feel great with a mild fever and some congestion, or you could feel
terrible. In either case, keep drinking the CS for some days after you feel
great, to make sure that you don't relapse.

If you have never used CS before, I would recommend starting with a glass a
day. You could get diarrhea and Herxheimer reactions, depending on your
overall condition. A Herxheimer reaction could feel like a flu, and is
caused by rapid die off of pathogens that occurs to quickly for your body
to handle. And so you could actually feel worse before you suddenly feel
much better.


On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 3:39 PM, André Juthe  wrote:

> So what is the dose per day when you have the flue or a cold? (Assume that
> I use a 10ppm produkt.
> /AJ
> 2014-09-02 3:06 GMT+02:00 Victor Cozzetto :
>> Hello Hollie,
>> Glad you discovered CS (Colloidal Silver). Finding trusted information on
>> the Internet is extremely difficult. I have countless success stories of my
>> own, and there are many people on this mailing list with more knowledge and
>> experience than me. Here are my answers to your questions:
>> 1. There is nothing to worry about. Nobody turns blue if they have real
>> CS. There are no side effects or drug interactions to worry about.
>> 2. To ensure that you have good CS, I strongly recommend making your own.
>> It is by far the safest and most cost effective way to get CS. I recommend
>> but there are other good devices too.
>> 3. I have been using CS that I make at home for nearly ten years. My ten
>> year old daughter has never missed a day of school. She had ear infections,
>> colds, etc., before I started CS, but nothing more than a hint since then.
>> My wife and I are never sick from work either. We can all tell if we catch
>> something, but it is eradicated or marginalized immediately by the CS. We
>> have wiped out infections, toe fungus, and even pet issues. Over a dozen of
>> my family members now use CS, and many now have their own devices.
>> 4. Cancer, HIV, etc., yes, CS can be very effective. But it does have
>> limits. The most effective protocol that I have ever seen for such is the
>> Beck Protocol. CS is actually an important part of the Beck Protocol. More
>> information can be found at
>> My family has also had amazing experiences with the Beck Protocol. But in
>> truth, CS is so incredibly effective against all pathogens that we rarely
>> need it.
>> One other recommendation I would like to make is nutritional guidance
>> from the Weston A. Price Foundation. The work of Dr. Price is quite
>> profound, and yet almost obvious. As a medical professional I think you
>> will find his work quite interesting. I highly recommend his book. Here is
>> a link to the guidance:
>> Best of luck to you. You have come to a good place for CS information.
>> Victor
>> On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 9:13 AM, indiantadpole . 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone. I'm not sure how to make a post, hopefully this is correct.
>>> I would like to introduce myself. My name is Hollie, I am a cardiac
>>> nurse, a mom and a wife. Although I am trained and employed to work in the
>>> traditional medical world, I am very interested in natural cures and
>>> remedies. My family and I eat very healthy, and we avoid most traditional
>>> medications. A co-worker recommended that I buy colloidal silver when my 15
>>> month old son got sick for the very first time a few weeks ago. (He began
>>> daycare several weeks before that..) He was diagnosed with pneumonia, strep
>>> throat and bilateral ear infections. I reluctantly gave him the prescribed
>>> antibiotics and I didn't look into the silver. Then, a few days ago, he
>>> came down with a fever again, and after another visit to the ped, he was
>>> diagnosed with another set of ear infections, and prescribed to a heavier
>>> antibiotic- Augmentin. Yesterday, I was beside myself, wanting to do what's
>>> best for my son, but super reluctant to go through a whole

Re: CS>Introduction-Hello

2014-09-01 Thread André Juthe
So what is the dose per day when you have the flue or a cold? (Assume that
I use a 10ppm produkt.


2014-09-02 3:06 GMT+02:00 Victor Cozzetto :

> Hello Hollie,
> Glad you discovered CS (Colloidal Silver). Finding trusted information on
> the Internet is extremely difficult. I have countless success stories of my
> own, and there are many people on this mailing list with more knowledge and
> experience than me. Here are my answers to your questions:
> 1. There is nothing to worry about. Nobody turns blue if they have real
> CS. There are no side effects or drug interactions to worry about.
> 2. To ensure that you have good CS, I strongly recommend making your own.
> It is by far the safest and most cost effective way to get CS. I recommend
> but there are other good devices too.
> 3. I have been using CS that I make at home for nearly ten years. My ten
> year old daughter has never missed a day of school. She had ear infections,
> colds, etc., before I started CS, but nothing more than a hint since then.
> My wife and I are never sick from work either. We can all tell if we catch
> something, but it is eradicated or marginalized immediately by the CS. We
> have wiped out infections, toe fungus, and even pet issues. Over a dozen of
> my family members now use CS, and many now have their own devices.
> 4. Cancer, HIV, etc., yes, CS can be very effective. But it does have
> limits. The most effective protocol that I have ever seen for such is the
> Beck Protocol. CS is actually an important part of the Beck Protocol. More
> information can be found at
> My family has also had amazing experiences with the Beck Protocol. But in
> truth, CS is so incredibly effective against all pathogens that we rarely
> need it.
> One other recommendation I would like to make is nutritional guidance from
> the Weston A. Price Foundation. The work of Dr. Price is quite profound,
> and yet almost obvious. As a medical professional I think you will find his
> work quite interesting. I highly recommend his book. Here is a link to the
> guidance:
> Best of luck to you. You have come to a good place for CS information.
> Victor
> On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 9:13 AM, indiantadpole . 
> wrote:
>> Hi everyone. I'm not sure how to make a post, hopefully this is correct.
>> I would like to introduce myself. My name is Hollie, I am a cardiac
>> nurse, a mom and a wife. Although I am trained and employed to work in the
>> traditional medical world, I am very interested in natural cures and
>> remedies. My family and I eat very healthy, and we avoid most traditional
>> medications. A co-worker recommended that I buy colloidal silver when my 15
>> month old son got sick for the very first time a few weeks ago. (He began
>> daycare several weeks before that..) He was diagnosed with pneumonia, strep
>> throat and bilateral ear infections. I reluctantly gave him the prescribed
>> antibiotics and I didn't look into the silver. Then, a few days ago, he
>> came down with a fever again, and after another visit to the ped, he was
>> diagnosed with another set of ear infections, and prescribed to a heavier
>> antibiotic- Augmentin. Yesterday, I was beside myself, wanting to do what's
>> best for my son, but super reluctant to go through a whole new course of
>> antibiotics just 3 weeks since his Amoxicillin. I did some research online
>> about the colloidal silver, and I decided to go out and buy some. I also
>> picked up the Augmentin, since I have no experience with the silver, and I
>> gave him both. I used drops in his ears and I gave him 1 tsp by mouth. I
>> also took 1 tsp, and gave my husband several tspns, as he is also ill.
>> Today I was pretty surprised to see that there just doesn't seem to be a
>> lot of information out there about colloidal silver. I know that it is used
>> in the ointment on newborns eyes after they are born, and also read that
>> Nasa uses it to purify water. I don't doubt that it is beneficial. I am
>> curious as to how beneficial. Could it be a cure for HIV//cancer? Also
>> agraria- is this common? Should I be worried? Of course, I don't want my
>> baby's skin to turn blue! Then I read that it can cause neurological issues
>> like seizures. Does anyone have any evidence to support harmful side
>> effects? Any success stories? Sorry so long... Looking to forward to
>> hearing from you.
>> -Hollie

RE: CS>Introduction-Hello

2014-09-01 Thread Neville
Hi Hollie, Welcome to the Group.  There is no doubt you have joined, in my 
opinion, the best Group for no BS down to earth information, there are no 
hidden agendas, ego's or sales pitches, only openness and honesty is to be 
found here.  However, you may find there are differing opinions and viewpoints 
on some aspects, but that's to be expected with any Group, and is healthy as 
everyone has a voice and deserves to be heard.
NASA has been using it in their space programs since the 60's.  I am led to 
believe the US Military is investigating it as we speak?  The Russians back in 
the 50's engineered Movidyn as a defence against biowarfare, it destroyed every 
germ, bacteria etc and designer poison they tried it on.  Movidyn is Colloidal 
Silver.  However, I imagine they used powdered silver back then, today we use 
the LVDC electrolysis method in the home - maximum benefit, minimal risk, 
although I maintain *Nil* risk if a modicum of common sense is used.  Why do I 
mention 'common sense'?  Guess that's my disclaimer, back covering I think it's 
called .
Argyria?  On writing to our TGA some years ago, asking for documented cases or 
reports of *any* undesirable effects they had from the ingestion and/or use of 
the LVDC predominantly ionic silver solution, they were unable to provide any.  
Quoted plenty regarding the so called 'CS', but nothing relating to what we 
produce.  All they could provide was the same old regurgitated misinformation, 
disinformation, propaganda, innuendo and guilt by association ad nauseam 
rubbish which can be found anywhere in the public domain.
Neurological seizures?  Unless my opinions, determinations and beliefs can be 
considered 'Neurological seizures', I haven't had any in all the time I've been 
ingesting this stuff .   Some may suggest I have a Neurological 'Disorder' 
perhaps.  I've been ingesting a small maintenance dose every morning before 
breakfast for nigh on ten years, could be longer now.
"Success stories"?  Yep, plenty, and from many others here as well.  Ask and ye 
shall receive .
It is not a 'cure all', but dang it must come horribly close from my experience.
"Evidence of harmful side effects"?   Sorry, can't help you with this one, 
nothing to report.
"How beneficial"?  In my opinion efficacy is proportionate to amount ingested.  
It's not about the PPM, it's more about quality and quantity consumed, and I'm 
not talking about piddly teaspoons with the home made product, I'm talking 
about full glasses.
Date: Mon, 1 Sep 2014 20:13:35 -0400
Subject: CS>Introduction-Hello

Hi everyone. I'm not sure how to make a post, hopefully this is correct. I 
would like to introduce myself. My name is Hollie, I am a cardiac nurse, a mom 
and a wife. Although I am trained and employed to 

RE: CS>Introduction-Hello

2014-09-01 Thread Walter Anderson
Victor, referring to your #3 below, how do you “use” 
CS—preventative/maintenance and/or acute/treatment? In other words, do you only 
take it when beginning to feel sick? Or do you take it routinely? When you do 
take it, how much, and how?


I’ve probably been overly cautious with it so far, rarely taking any more than 
a spray or two internally, though I’ve started holding some in my mouth 
(avoiding swallowing) for 15min or so occasionally. I’m curious what dosing 
method/amount you’ve used to get the results you note of avoiding/minimizing 



From: Victor Cozzetto [] 
Sent: Mon, Sep. 1, 2014 18:06
Subject: Re: CS>Introduction-Hello


Hello Hollie,


Glad you discovered CS (Colloidal Silver). Finding trusted information on the 
Internet is extremely difficult. I have countless success stories of my own, 
and there are many people on this mailing list with more knowledge and 
experience than me. Here are my answers to your questions:


1. There is nothing to worry about. Nobody turns blue if they have real CS. 
There are no side effects or drug interactions to worry about.


2. To ensure that you have good CS, I strongly recommend making your own. It is 
by far the safest and most cost effective way to get CS. I recommend <>  but there are other good 
devices too.


3. I have been using CS that I make at home for nearly ten years. My ten year 
old daughter has never missed a day of school. She had ear infections, colds, 
etc., before I started CS, but nothing more than a hint since then. My wife and 
I are never sick from work either. We can all tell if we catch something, but 
it is eradicated or marginalized immediately by the CS. We have wiped out 
infections, toe fungus, and even pet issues. Over a dozen of my family members 
now use CS, and many now have their own devices.


4. Cancer, HIV, etc., yes, CS can be very effective. But it does have limits. 
The most effective protocol that I have ever seen for such is the Beck 
Protocol. CS is actually an important part of the Beck Protocol. More 
information can be found at


My family has also had amazing experiences with the Beck Protocol. But in 
truth, CS is so incredibly effective against all pathogens that we rarely need 


One other recommendation I would like to make is nutritional guidance from the 
Weston A. Price Foundation. The work of Dr. Price is quite profound, and yet 
almost obvious. As a medical professional I think you will find his work quite 
interesting. I highly recommend his book. Here is a link to the guidance:


Best of luck to you. You have come to a good place for CS information.



On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 9:13 AM, indiantadpole .> > wrote:

Hi everyone. I'm not sure how to make a post, hopefully this is correct. 

I would like to introduce myself. My name is Hollie, I am a cardiac nurse, a 
mom and a wife. Although I am trained and employed to work in the traditional 
medical world, I am very interested in natural cures and remedies. My family 
and I eat very healthy, and we avoid most traditional medications. A co-worker 
recommended that I buy colloidal silver when my 15 month old son got sick for 
the very first time a few weeks ago. (He began daycare several weeks before 
that..) He was diagnosed with pneumonia, strep throat and bilateral ear 
infections. I reluctantly gave him the prescribed antibiotics and I didn't look 
into the silver. Then, a few days ago, he came down with a fever again, and 
after another visit to the ped, he was diagnosed with another set of ear 
infections, and prescribed to a heavier antibiotic- Augmentin. Yesterday, I was 
beside myself, wanting to do what's best for my son, but super reluctant to go 
through a whole new course of antibiotics just 3 weeks since his Amoxicillin. I 
did some research online about the colloidal silver, and I decided to go out 
and buy some. I also picked up the Augmentin, since I have no experience with 
the silver, and I gave him both. I used drops in his ears and I gave him 1 tsp 
by mouth. I also took 1 tsp, and gave my husband several tspns, as he is also 
ill. Today I was pretty surprised to see that there just doesn't seem to be a 
lot of information out there about colloidal silver. I know that it is used in 
the ointment on newborns eyes after they are born, and also read that Nasa uses 
it to purify water. I don't doubt that it is beneficial. I am curious as to how 
beneficial. Could it be a cure for HIV//cancer? Also agraria- is this common? 
Should I be worried? Of course, I don't want my baby's skin to turn blue! Then 
I read that it can cause neurological issues like seizures. Does

RE: CS>Introduction-Hello

2014-09-01 Thread Scott Adams
Welcome to the list! I don’t have much time to respond at the moment but I am 
sure others will chime in. 5 years ago I was in a similar state myself. Now I 
have four CS generators and make it for my friends and family. We are all 
believers in its power now.


Scott Adams
I bet you know someone who has Chronic Lyme and doesn't realize it yet!




From: indiantadpole . [] 
Sent: Monday, September 01, 2014 7:14 PM
Subject: CS>Introduction-Hello


Hi everyone. I'm not sure how to make a post, hopefully this is correct. 

I would like to introduce myself. My name is Hollie, I am a cardiac nurse, a 
mom and a wife. Although I am trained and employed to work in the traditional 
medical world, I am very interested in natural cures and remedies. My family 
and I eat very healthy, and we avoid most traditional medications. A co-worker 
recommended that I buy colloidal silver when my 15 month old son got sick for 
the very first time a few weeks ago. (He began daycare several weeks before 
that..) He was diagnosed with pneumonia, strep throat and bilateral ear 
infections. I reluctantly gave him the prescribed antibiotics and I didn't look 
into the silver. Then, a few days ago, he came down with a fever again, and 
after another visit to the ped, he was diagnosed with another set of ear 
infections, and prescribed to a heavier antibiotic- Augmentin. Yesterday, I was 
beside myself, wanting to do what's best for my son, but super reluctant to go 
through a whole new course of antibiotics just 3 weeks since his Amoxicillin. I 
did some research online about the colloidal silver, and I decided to go out 
and buy some. I also picked up the Augmentin, since I have no experience with 
the silver, and I gave him both. I used drops in his ears and I gave him 1 tsp 
by mouth. I also took 1 tsp, and gave my husband several tspns, as he is also 
ill. Today I was pretty surprised to see that there just doesn't seem to be a 
lot of information out there about colloidal silver. I know that it is used in 
the ointment on newborns eyes after they are born, and also read that Nasa uses 
it to purify water. I don't doubt that it is beneficial. I am curious as to how 
beneficial. Could it be a cure for HIV//cancer? Also agraria- is this common? 
Should I be worried? Of course, I don't want my baby's skin to turn blue! Then 
I read that it can cause neurological issues like seizures. Does anyone have 
any evidence to support harmful side effects? Any success stories? Sorry so 
long... Looking to forward to hearing from you. 





Re: CS>Introduction-Hello

2014-09-01 Thread Victor Cozzetto
Hello Hollie,

Glad you discovered CS (Colloidal Silver). Finding trusted information on
the Internet is extremely difficult. I have countless success stories of my
own, and there are many people on this mailing list with more knowledge and
experience than me. Here are my answers to your questions:

1. There is nothing to worry about. Nobody turns blue if they have real CS.
There are no side effects or drug interactions to worry about.

2. To ensure that you have good CS, I strongly recommend making your own.
It is by far the safest and most cost effective way to get CS. I recommend but there are other good devices too.

3. I have been using CS that I make at home for nearly ten years. My ten
year old daughter has never missed a day of school. She had ear infections,
colds, etc., before I started CS, but nothing more than a hint since then.
My wife and I are never sick from work either. We can all tell if we catch
something, but it is eradicated or marginalized immediately by the CS. We
have wiped out infections, toe fungus, and even pet issues. Over a dozen of
my family members now use CS, and many now have their own devices.

4. Cancer, HIV, etc., yes, CS can be very effective. But it does have
limits. The most effective protocol that I have ever seen for such is the
Beck Protocol. CS is actually an important part of the Beck Protocol. More
information can be found at

My family has also had amazing experiences with the Beck Protocol. But in
truth, CS is so incredibly effective against all pathogens that we rarely
need it.

One other recommendation I would like to make is nutritional guidance from
the Weston A. Price Foundation. The work of Dr. Price is quite profound,
and yet almost obvious. As a medical professional I think you will find his
work quite interesting. I highly recommend his book. Here is a link to the

Best of luck to you. You have come to a good place for CS information.


On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 9:13 AM, indiantadpole . 

> Hi everyone. I'm not sure how to make a post, hopefully this is correct.
> I would like to introduce myself. My name is Hollie, I am a cardiac nurse,
> a mom and a wife. Although I am trained and employed to work in the
> traditional medical world, I am very interested in natural cures and
> remedies. My family and I eat very healthy, and we avoid most traditional
> medications. A co-worker recommended that I buy colloidal silver when my 15
> month old son got sick for the very first time a few weeks ago. (He began
> daycare several weeks before that..) He was diagnosed with pneumonia, strep
> throat and bilateral ear infections. I reluctantly gave him the prescribed
> antibiotics and I didn't look into the silver. Then, a few days ago, he
> came down with a fever again, and after another visit to the ped, he was
> diagnosed with another set of ear infections, and prescribed to a heavier
> antibiotic- Augmentin. Yesterday, I was beside myself, wanting to do what's
> best for my son, but super reluctant to go through a whole new course of
> antibiotics just 3 weeks since his Amoxicillin. I did some research online
> about the colloidal silver, and I decided to go out and buy some. I also
> picked up the Augmentin, since I have no experience with the silver, and I
> gave him both. I used drops in his ears and I gave him 1 tsp by mouth. I
> also took 1 tsp, and gave my husband several tspns, as he is also ill.
> Today I was pretty surprised to see that there just doesn't seem to be a
> lot of information out there about colloidal silver. I know that it is used
> in the ointment on newborns eyes after they are born, and also read that
> Nasa uses it to purify water. I don't doubt that it is beneficial. I am
> curious as to how beneficial. Could it be a cure for HIV//cancer? Also
> agraria- is this common? Should I be worried? Of course, I don't want my
> baby's skin to turn blue! Then I read that it can cause neurological issues
> like seizures. Does anyone have any evidence to support harmful side
> effects? Any success stories? Sorry so long... Looking to forward to
> hearing from you.
> -Hollie

Re: CS>Introduction-Hello

2014-09-01 Thread TJ Garland
Hollie, i have used it with great success for 20 years for hundreds of 
different problems. It worked better than antibiotics for all.
It must be made properly-to not get agraria. Simple to do. 
is one supplier.
I could write pages on my clients when I was a practicing ND.
Search the net awhile.
Buy "A Miraculous health Substance" by Marvin Robey.   "The Body Electric" by 
Search colloidal silver+Brigham Young university
Then ask the group questions.

"I've always wondered what the 1920's and 1930's were like, but I never wanted 
to see it from the German perspective….."


On Sep 1, 2014, at 8:13 PM, "indiantadpole ."  wrote:

Hi everyone. I'm not sure how to make a post, hopefully this is correct. 
I would like to introduce myself. My name is Hollie, I am a cardiac nurse, a 
mom and a wife. Although I am trained and employed to work in the traditional 
medical world, I am very interested in natural cures and remedies. My family 
and I eat very healthy, and we avoid most traditional medications. A co-worker 
recommended that I buy colloidal silver when my 15 month old son got sick for 
the very first time a few weeks ago. (He began daycare several weeks before 
that..) He was diagnosed with pneumonia, strep throat and bilateral ear 
infections. I reluctantly gave him the prescribed antibiotics and I didn't look 
into the silver. Then, a few days ago, he came down with a fever again, and 
after another visit to the ped, he was diagnosed with another set of ear 
infections, and prescribed to a heavier antibiotic- Augmentin. Yesterday, I was 
beside myself, wanting to do what's best for my son, but super reluctant to go 
through a whole new course of antibiotics just 3 weeks since his Amoxicillin. I 
did some research online about the colloidal silver, and I decided to go out 
and buy some. I also picked up the Augmentin, since I have no experience with 
the silver, and I gave him both. I used drops in his ears and I gave him 1 tsp 
by mouth. I also took 1 tsp, and gave my husband several tspns, as he is also 
ill. Today I was pretty surprised to see that there just doesn't seem to be a 
lot of information out there about colloidal silver. I know that it is used in 
the ointment on newborns eyes after they are born, and also read that Nasa uses 
it to purify water. I don't doubt that it is beneficial. I am curious as to how 
beneficial. Could it be a cure for HIV//cancer? Also agraria- is this common? 
Should I be worried? Of course, I don't want my baby's skin to turn blue! Then 
I read that it can cause neurological issues like seizures. Does anyone have 
any evidence to support harmful side effects? Any success stories? Sorry so 
long... Looking to forward to hearing from you. 



2014-09-01 Thread indiantadpole .
Hi everyone. I'm not sure how to make a post, hopefully this is correct.
I would like to introduce myself. My name is Hollie, I am a cardiac nurse,
a mom and a wife. Although I am trained and employed to work in the
traditional medical world, I am very interested in natural cures and
remedies. My family and I eat very healthy, and we avoid most traditional
medications. A co-worker recommended that I buy colloidal silver when my 15
month old son got sick for the very first time a few weeks ago. (He began
daycare several weeks before that..) He was diagnosed with pneumonia, strep
throat and bilateral ear infections. I reluctantly gave him the prescribed
antibiotics and I didn't look into the silver. Then, a few days ago, he
came down with a fever again, and after another visit to the ped, he was
diagnosed with another set of ear infections, and prescribed to a heavier
antibiotic- Augmentin. Yesterday, I was beside myself, wanting to do what's
best for my son, but super reluctant to go through a whole new course of
antibiotics just 3 weeks since his Amoxicillin. I did some research online
about the colloidal silver, and I decided to go out and buy some. I also
picked up the Augmentin, since I have no experience with the silver, and I
gave him both. I used drops in his ears and I gave him 1 tsp by mouth. I
also took 1 tsp, and gave my husband several tspns, as he is also ill.
Today I was pretty surprised to see that there just doesn't seem to be a
lot of information out there about colloidal silver. I know that it is used
in the ointment on newborns eyes after they are born, and also read that
Nasa uses it to purify water. I don't doubt that it is beneficial. I am
curious as to how beneficial. Could it be a cure for HIV//cancer? Also
agraria- is this common? Should I be worried? Of course, I don't want my
baby's skin to turn blue! Then I read that it can cause neurological issues
like seizures. Does anyone have any evidence to support harmful side
effects? Any success stories? Sorry so long... Looking to forward to
hearing from you.


Re: CS>Introduction and Silver + Antibiotics

2014-04-20 Thread Deborah Gerard
Hi Chris,

There are some wonderful archives to read from too. :)

On Sunday, April 20, 2014 1:55 PM, Chris Davies  
Hi All,

I’m very interested in colloidal silver and am currently using the Silver Lungs 
maker which I quite like. 

The paper that encouraged me to pick it up:

It’s research from Boston University (a reputable US university) that seems to 
indicate that combining silver with antibiotics can improve the effectiveness 
of the antibiotic by 10x to 1000x. 

Also, it seems to make resistant bacteria susceptible again!

In any case, I’m looking forward to reading more on this list.



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

CS>Introduction and Silver + Antibiotics

2014-04-20 Thread Chris Davies
Hi All,

I’m very interested in colloidal silver and am currently using the Silver Lungs 
maker which I quite like. 

The paper that encouraged me to pick it up:

It’s research from Boston University (a reputable US university) that seems to 
indicate that combining silver with antibiotics can improve the effectiveness 
of the antibiotic by 10x to 1000x. 

Also, it seems to make resistant bacteria susceptible again!

In any case, I’m looking forward to reading more on this list.



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Introduction

2014-03-11 Thread Joe Huard
On 11/03/2014 1:09 AM, Gary Hilt wrote:

where are archives please

On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 10:50 PM, Deborah Gerard > wrote:

Welcome Ann...there is a ton of archives to learn from :)

On Monday, March 10, 2014 9:51 PM, Ann Brandenberger>> wrote:
My name is Ann and I am 76 years old. I believe in the ability of
silver to kill every sort of pathogen,; molds, funguses, viruses,
and gram negative bacteria. I want to learn more about it. Thank you,
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the 
Lord Jesus Christ.

Gary & Lennie

Re: CS>Introduction

2014-03-11 Thread MaryAnn Helland
Hi Ann.  Welcome to our group.  You'll learn a lot here, from knowledgeable and 
experienced people.  Jump in with any questions that you might have.

> From: Ann Brandenberger 
>To: ""  
>Sent: Monday, March 10, 2014 8:48 PM
>Subject: CS>Introduction
>My name is Ann and I am 76 years old. I believe in the ability of silver to 
>kill every sort of pathogen,; molds,  funguses, viruses,  and gram negative 
>bacteria.  I want to learn more about it. Thank you, 
>Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 

Re: CS>Introduction

2014-03-10 Thread Gary Hilt
where are archives please

On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 10:50 PM, Deborah Gerard wrote:

> Welcome Ann...there is a ton of archives to learn from :)
> Debbie
>   On Monday, March 10, 2014 9:51 PM, Ann Brandenberger <
>> wrote:
>  Hello,
> My name is Ann and I am 76 years old. I believe in the ability of silver
> to kill every sort of pathogen,; molds, funguses, viruses, and gram
> negative bacteria. I want to learn more about it. Thank you,
> Ann
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on 
> Android

Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord
Jesus Christ.
Gary & Lennie

Re: CS>Introduction

2014-03-10 Thread Scotty
Stay connected to this list as it is very informative!

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: The information transmitted, including attachments, is 
intended only for the person(s) or entity to which it is addressed and may 
contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, 
dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon this 
information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is 
prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and 
destroy any copies of this information.

 From: Ann Brandenberger 
To: ""  
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2014 6:48 PM
Subject: CS>Introduction

My name is Ann and I am 76 years old. I believe in the ability of silver to 
kill every sort of pathogen,; molds,  funguses, viruses,  and gram negative 
bacteria.  I want to learn more about it. Thank you, 
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 

Re: CS>Introduction

2014-03-10 Thread Deborah Gerard
Welcome Ann...there is a ton of archives to learn from :)

On Monday, March 10, 2014 9:51 PM, Ann Brandenberger  
My name is Ann and I am 76 years old. I believe in the ability of silver to 
kill every sort of pathogen,; molds,  funguses, viruses,  and gram negative 
bacteria.  I want to learn more about it. Thank you, 
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android  


2014-03-10 Thread Ann Brandenberger
My name is Ann and I am 76 years old. I believe in the ability of silver to 
kill every sort of pathogen,; molds,  funguses, viruses,  and gram negative 
bacteria.  I want to learn more about it. Thank you, 

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

RE: CS>introduction and request for help

2012-03-15 Thread devorahg99
Which is extremely nice of you to do :-)

Sent via my Samsung Replenish from Boost Mobile

Scott Adams  wrote:

> I have a free Lyme Resource Computer Cd. See my webpage below to download
>it or have it mailed to you at no charge!
>Scott Adams
>I bet you know someone who has Chronic Lyme and doesn't realize it yet!
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Edward Berwick [] 
>> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 7:02 PM
>> To:
>> Cc: 
>> Subject: Re: CS>introduction and request for help
>> The girl, age 14, has been diagnosed with Lyme. She has gone 
>> from Tom Boy to blind and crippled.
>> Any advice?
>> Sent from my iPod
>> On Mar 12, 2012, at 7:14 AM, "Jane MacRoss" 
>>  wrote:
>> > A friend cured herself of Lyme after many years - I will 
>> have to asked 
>> > her what method she used again - although homeopathy helped 
>> > considerably she worked with other disciplines too
>> > 
>> > Jane
>> > 
>> > From: "Brennan Michaels and John Beattie" 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > I am Brennan Michaels and have been struggling with Lyme 
>> disease for 3 years now. 1 and1/2 years undiagnosed so the 
>> disease became entrenched in my body. Have been on multiple 
>> courses of antibiotics with various Herx reactions. I am 
>> coming to a place of Rife machine therapy and colloidal 
>> silver. I have read scary things about colloidal silver such 
>> as one's skin turning gray forever and the fact that the 
>> medical community deems colloidal silver either dangerous or 
>> worthless.
>> > I would like help knowing dosages and safe products.
>> > thank you,
>> > brennan
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > --
>> > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing 
>> Colloidal Silver.
>> > Rules and Instructions:
>> > 
>> > Unsubscribe:
>> > <>
>> > Archives:  
>> >
>> > 
>> > Off-Topic discussions: <>
>> > List Owner: Mike Devour <>
>> > 
>> > 

Re: CS>introduction and request for help

2012-03-14 Thread Marshall

MMS and the Bob Beck protocol.


On 3/12/2012 8:01 PM, Edward Berwick wrote:

The girl, age 14, has been diagnosed with Lyme. She has gone from Tom Boy to 
blind and crippled.

Any advice?

Sent from my iPod

On Mar 12, 2012, at 7:14 AM, "Jane MacRoss"  wrote:

A friend cured herself of Lyme after many years - I will have to asked her what 
method she used again - although homeopathy helped considerably she worked with 
other disciplines too


From: "Brennan Michaels and John Beattie"

I am Brennan Michaels and have been struggling with Lyme disease for 3 years 
now. 1 and1/2 years undiagnosed so the disease became entrenched in my body. 
Have been on multiple courses of antibiotics with various Herx reactions. I am 
coming to a place of Rife machine therapy and colloidal silver. I have read 
scary things about colloidal silver such as one's skin turning gray forever and 
the fact that the medical community deems colloidal silver either dangerous or 
I would like help knowing dosages and safe products.
thank you,

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Rules and Instructions:



Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CS>introduction and request for help

2012-03-14 Thread Scott Adams
 I have a free Lyme Resource Computer Cd. See my webpage below to download
it or have it mailed to you at no charge!

Scott Adams
I bet you know someone who has Chronic Lyme and doesn't realize it yet!

> -Original Message-
> From: Edward Berwick [] 
> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 7:02 PM
> To:
> Cc: 
> Subject: Re: CS>introduction and request for help
> The girl, age 14, has been diagnosed with Lyme. She has gone 
> from Tom Boy to blind and crippled.
> Any advice?
> Sent from my iPod
> On Mar 12, 2012, at 7:14 AM, "Jane MacRoss" 
>  wrote:
> > A friend cured herself of Lyme after many years - I will 
> have to asked 
> > her what method she used again - although homeopathy helped 
> > considerably she worked with other disciplines too
> > 
> > Jane
> > 
> > From: "Brennan Michaels and John Beattie" 
> > 
> > 
> > I am Brennan Michaels and have been struggling with Lyme 
> disease for 3 years now. 1 and1/2 years undiagnosed so the 
> disease became entrenched in my body. Have been on multiple 
> courses of antibiotics with various Herx reactions. I am 
> coming to a place of Rife machine therapy and colloidal 
> silver. I have read scary things about colloidal silver such 
> as one's skin turning gray forever and the fact that the 
> medical community deems colloidal silver either dangerous or 
> worthless.
> > I would like help knowing dosages and safe products.
> > thank you,
> > brennan
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --
> > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing 
> Colloidal Silver.
> > Rules and Instructions:
> > 
> > Unsubscribe:
> > <>
> > Archives:  
> >
> > 
> > Off-Topic discussions: <>
> > List Owner: Mike Devour <>
> > 
> > 

Re: CS>introduction and request for help

2012-03-13 Thread MaryAnn Helland
You coud be right Devorahg -- I don't remember seeing that advice here, but I 
don't have the best memory in the world!!  lol

From: "" 
Sent: Tue, March 13, 2012 9:12:16 AM
Subject: Re: CS>introduction and request for help

Well if I'm not mistaken it was from this group that I got that advice.

Sent via my Samsung Replenish from Boost Mobile

MaryAnn Helland  wrote:

>Yah -- I agree with Neville -- I don't take Selenium, never have, never even 
>heard that one should.
>MA (shrugging)
>From: Neville Munn 
>Sent: Mon, March 12, 2012 10:19:28 PM
>Subject: RE: CS>introduction and request for help
>Oops, I'd better stick my hand up here and add to that in case taking Selenium 
>is considered critical and/or a prerequisite with silver intake...I don't, and 
>never have, taken Selenium in conjunction with silver, and my fingernails 
>haven't fallen off yet, neither have I, my fingernail moons, or my eyeballs 
>turned any colour of the rainbow. 
>Not having a go or anything you understand, just thought I should add that 
>little correction cos not 'all' of us here take Selenium.  I'll spare 

>though and refrain from airing my opinion on Selenium being co-joined with 
>silver intake .
>> Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2012 22:51:45 -0400
>> Subject: Re: CS>introduction and request for help
>> From:
>> To:
>> The medical community is using silver..they put it babies eyes when they are 
>>born...using it on bandages in burn unit's and many other device's to fight 
>>bacteria...if you use distilled water and take all of us here 
>>won't turn blue.
>> Sent via my Samsung Replenish from Boost Mobile
>> David AuBuchon  wrote:
>> >Learn how to make it from people on this forum. It will be clear and less
>> >than 15PPM. Drink it by the jar full, and you will almost definitely not
>> >turn blue. And even if you did, it would happen gradually, and you would
>> >just decide to stop before anything happened.
>> >
>> >On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 7:14 AM, Jane MacRoss
>> >wrote:
>> >
>> >> A friend cured herself of Lyme after many years - I will have to asked her
>> >> what method she used again - although homeopathy helped considerably she
>> >> worked with other disciplines too
>> >>
>> >> Jane
>> >>
>> >> From: "Brennan Michaels and John Beattie" 
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> I am Brennan Michaels and have been struggling with Lyme disease for 3
>> >> years now. 1 and1/2 years undiagnosed so the disease became entrenched in
>> >> my body. Have been on multiple courses of antibiotics with various Herx
>> >> reactions. I am coming to a place of Rife machine therapy and colloidal
>> >> silver. I have read scary things about colloidal silver such as one's skin
>> >> turning gray forever and the fact that the medical community deems
>> >> colloidal silver either dangerous or worthless.
>> >> I would like help knowing dosages and safe products.
>> >> thank you,
>> >> brennan
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>> >> Rules and Instructions:
>> >>
>> >> Unsubscribe:
>> >> <mailto:silver-list-request@** 
>> >> ?subject=**unsubscribe>
>> >>
>> >> Archives:****
>> >> 

>> >>
>> >> Off-Topic discussions: 
>> >> >
>> >> List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>introduction and request for help

2012-03-13 Thread devorahg99
I just googled it from my phone and the info is on other sites too

Sent via my Samsung Replenish from Boost Mobile

Jane MacRoss  wrote:

>You can easily do a message search for Selenium & check
>- Original Message - 
>Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 1:12 AM
>Subject: Re: CS>introduction and request for help
>> Well if I'm not mistaken it was from this group that I got that advice.
>> Sent via my Samsung Replenish from Boost Mobile
>> MaryAnn Helland  wrote:
>>>Yah -- I agree with Neville -- I don't take Selenium, never have, never 
>>>heard that one should.
>>>MA (shrugging)
>>>From: Neville Munn 
>>>Sent: Mon, March 12, 2012 10:19:28 PM
>>>Subject: RE: CS>introduction and request for help
>>>Oops, I'd better stick my hand up here and add to that in case taking 
>>>is considered critical and/or a prerequisite with silver intake...I don't, 
>>>never have, taken Selenium in conjunction with silver, and my fingernails
>>>haven't fallen off yet, neither have I, my fingernail moons, or my 
>>>turned any colour of the rainbow.
>>>Not having a go or anything you understand, just thought I should add that
>>>little correction cos not 'all' of us here take Selenium. I'll spare 
>>>though and refrain from airing my opinion on Selenium being co-joined with
>>>silver intake .
>>>> Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2012 22:51:45 -0400
>>>> Subject: Re: CS>introduction and request for help
>>>> From:
>>>> To:
>>>> The medical community is using silver..they put it babies eyes when they 
>>>> are
>>>>born...using it on bandages in burn unit's and many other device's to 
>>>>bacteria...if you use distilled water and take all of us 
>>>>here you
>>>>won't turn blue.
>>>> Sent via my Samsung Replenish from Boost Mobile
>>>> David AuBuchon  wrote:
>>>> >Learn how to make it from people on this forum. It will be clear and 
>>>> >less
>>>> >than 15PPM. Drink it by the jar full, and you will almost definitely 
>>>> >not
>>>> >turn blue. And even if you did, it would happen gradually, and you 
>>>> >would
>>>> >just decide to stop before anything happened.
>>>> >
>>>> >On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 7:14 AM, Jane MacRoss
>>>> >wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> >> A friend cured herself of Lyme after many years - I will have to 
>>>> >> asked her
>>>> >> what method she used again - although homeopathy helped considerably 
>>>> >> she
>>>> >> worked with other disciplines too
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Jane
>>>> >>
>>>> >> From: "Brennan Michaels and John Beattie" 
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> I am Brennan Michaels and have been struggling with Lyme disease for 
>>>> >> 3
>>>> >> years now. 1 and1/2 years undiagnosed so the disease became 
>>>> >> entrenched in
>>>> >> my body. Have been on multiple courses of antibiotics with various 
>>>> >> Herx
>>>> >> reactions. I am coming to a place of Rife machine therapy and 
>>>> >> colloidal
>>>> >> silver. I have read scary things about colloidal silver such as one's 
>>>> >> skin
>>>> >> turning gray forever and the fact that the medical community deems
>>>> >> colloidal silver either dangerous or worthless.
>>>> >> I would like help knowing dosages and safe products.
>>>> >> thank you,
>>>> >> brennan
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>>>> >> Rules and Instructions:
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Unsubscribe:
>>>> >> <mailto:silver-list-request@** 
>>>> >> 
>>>> >> ?subject=**unsubscribe>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Archives:****
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Off-Topic discussions:
>>>> >> >
>>>> >> List Owner: Mike Devour 
>>>> >> <>䢖.+-Ʀ׫jם~+v+"Z"uR[ޭzƧt춻*'m 
>>>> >> "+-˛m隊[h)ozbު笵$jk.n7칻&!i0f܆+r)ozb׬)r+-٥9Ӣv+"{&j)mȥ}h'%^H&.+-; 
>>>> >> ެȤx7j)mg^z"(
>> -
>> No virus found in this message.
>> Checked by AVG -
>> Version: 2012.0.1913 / Virus Database: 2114/4866 - Release Date: 03/12/12

Re: CS>introduction and request for help

2012-03-13 Thread Jane MacRoss

You can easily do a message search for Selenium & check

- Original Message - 

Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 1:12 AM
Subject: Re: CS>introduction and request for help

Well if I'm not mistaken it was from this group that I got that advice.

Sent via my Samsung Replenish from Boost Mobile

MaryAnn Helland  wrote:

Yah -- I agree with Neville -- I don't take Selenium, never have, never 

heard that one should.
MA (shrugging)

From: Neville Munn 
Sent: Mon, March 12, 2012 10:19:28 PM
Subject: RE: CS>introduction and request for help

Oops, I'd better stick my hand up here and add to that in case taking 
is considered critical and/or a prerequisite with silver intake...I don't, 

never have, taken Selenium in conjunction with silver, and my fingernails
haven't fallen off yet, neither have I, my fingernail moons, or my 

turned any colour of the rainbow.

Not having a go or anything you understand, just thought I should add that
little correction cos not 'all' of us here take Selenium. I'll spare 

though and refrain from airing my opinion on Selenium being co-joined with
silver intake .


Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2012 22:51:45 -0400
Subject: Re: CS>introduction and request for help

The medical community is using silver..they put it babies eyes when they 
born...using it on bandages in burn unit's and many other device's to 
bacteria...if you use distilled water and take all of us 
here you

won't turn blue.

Sent via my Samsung Replenish from Boost Mobile

David AuBuchon  wrote:

>Learn how to make it from people on this forum. It will be clear and 
>than 15PPM. Drink it by the jar full, and you will almost definitely 
>turn blue. And even if you did, it would happen gradually, and you 

>just decide to stop before anything happened.
>On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 7:14 AM, Jane MacRoss
>> A friend cured herself of Lyme after many years - I will have to 
>> asked her
>> what method she used again - although homeopathy helped considerably 
>> she

>> worked with other disciplines too
>> Jane
>> From: "Brennan Michaels and John Beattie" 
>> I am Brennan Michaels and have been struggling with Lyme disease for 
>> 3
>> years now. 1 and1/2 years undiagnosed so the disease became 
>> entrenched in
>> my body. Have been on multiple courses of antibiotics with various 
>> Herx
>> reactions. I am coming to a place of Rife machine therapy and 
>> colloidal
>> silver. I have read scary things about colloidal silver such as one's 
>> skin

>> turning gray forever and the fact that the medical community deems
>> colloidal silver either dangerous or worthless.
>> I would like help knowing dosages and safe products.
>> thank you,
>> brennan
>> --
>> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>> Rules and Instructions:
>> Unsubscribe:
>> <mailto:silver-list-request@** 

>> ?subject=**unsubscribe>
>> Archives:****
>> Off-Topic discussions:
>> >
>> List Owner: Mike Devour 
>> <>䢖.+-Ʀ׫jם~+v+"Z"uR[ޭzƧt춻*'m 
>> "+-˛m隊[h)ozbު笵$jk.n7칻&!i0f܆+r)ozb׬)r+-٥9Ӣv+"{&j)mȥ}h'%^H&.+-; 
>> ެȤx7j)mg^z"(

No virus found in this message.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 2012.0.1913 / Virus Database: 2114/4866 - Release Date: 03/12/12

RE: CS>introduction and request for help

2012-03-13 Thread devorahg99
I didn't mean to imply "at the time you take the silver" nor did I state was, like I said discussed a long time ago for some make 
sure to have selenium as part of your supplements...whatever

Sent via my Samsung Replenish from Boost Mobile

Neville Munn  wrote:

>Oops, I'd better stick my hand up here and add to that in case taking Selenium 
>is considered critical and/or a prerequisite with silver intake...I don't, and 
>never have, taken Selenium in conjunction with silver, and my fingernails 
>haven't fallen off yet, neither have I, my fingernail moons, or my eyeballs 
>turned any colour of the rainbow.
>Not having a go or anything you understand, just thought I should add that 
>little correction cos not 'all' of us here take Selenium.  I'll spare everyone 
>though and refrain from airing my opinion on Selenium being co-joined with 
>silver intake .
>> Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2012 22:51:45 -0400
>> Subject: Re: CS>introduction and request for help
>> From:
>> To:
>> The medical community is using silver..they put it babies eyes when they are 
>> born...using it on bandages in burn unit's and many other device's to fight 
>> bacteria...if you use distilled water and take all of us here 
>> you won't turn blue.
>> Sent via my Samsung Replenish from Boost Mobile
>> David AuBuchon  wrote:
>> >Learn how to make it from people on this forum.  It will be clear and less
>> >than 15PPM.  Drink it by the jar full, and you will almost definitely not
>> >turn blue.  And even if you did, it would happen gradually, and you would
>> >just decide to stop before anything happened.
>> >
>> >On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 7:14 AM, Jane MacRoss
>> >wrote:
>> >
>> >> A friend cured herself of Lyme after many years - I will have to asked her
>> >> what method she used again - although homeopathy helped considerably she
>> >> worked with other disciplines too
>> >>
>> >> Jane
>> >>
>> >> From: "Brennan Michaels and John Beattie" 
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> I am Brennan Michaels and have been struggling with Lyme disease for 3
>> >> years now. 1 and1/2 years undiagnosed so the disease became entrenched in
>> >> my body. Have been on multiple courses of antibiotics with various Herx
>> >> reactions. I am coming to a place of Rife machine therapy and colloidal
>> >> silver. I have read scary things about colloidal silver such as one's skin
>> >> turning gray forever and the fact that the medical community deems
>> >> colloidal silver either dangerous or worthless.
>> >> I would like help knowing dosages and safe products.
>> >> thank you,
>> >> brennan
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>> >>  Rules and Instructions:
>> >>
>> >> Unsubscribe:
>> >>  <mailto:silver-list-request@** 
>> >> ?subject=**unsubscribe>
>> >>
>> >> Archives:****
>> >> maillist.html<>
>> >>
>> >> Off-Topic discussions: 
>> >> <mailto:silver-off-topic-list@**
>> >> >
>> >> List Owner: Mike Devour <>
> N��[ެ���+��^��^u�+�g��جr�,�x�Yh�֥J)oz�n����'���rب��m
> ,�[ޮXR{.n�+���j)m�ȥ�kz���׬�)�r�r

Re: CS>introduction and request for help

2012-03-13 Thread devorahg99
Well if I'm not mistaken it was from this group that I got that advice.

Sent via my Samsung Replenish from Boost Mobile

MaryAnn Helland  wrote:

>Yah -- I agree with Neville -- I don't take Selenium, never have, never even 
>heard that one should.
>MA (shrugging)
>From: Neville Munn 
>Sent: Mon, March 12, 2012 10:19:28 PM
>Subject: RE: CS>introduction and request for help
>Oops, I'd better stick my hand up here and add to that in case taking Selenium 
>is considered critical and/or a prerequisite with silver intake...I don't, and 
>never have, taken Selenium in conjunction with silver, and my fingernails 
>haven't fallen off yet, neither have I, my fingernail moons, or my eyeballs 
>turned any colour of the rainbow. 
>Not having a go or anything you understand, just thought I should add that 
>little correction cos not 'all' of us here take Selenium.  I'll spare everyone 
>though and refrain from airing my opinion on Selenium being co-joined with 
>silver intake .
>> Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2012 22:51:45 -0400
>> Subject: Re: CS>introduction and request for help
>> From:
>> To:
>> The medical community is using silver..they put it babies eyes when they are 
>>born...using it on bandages in burn unit's and many other device's to fight 
>>bacteria...if you use distilled water and take all of us here 
>>won't turn blue.
>> Sent via my Samsung Replenish from Boost Mobile
>> David AuBuchon  wrote:
>> >Learn how to make it from people on this forum. It will be clear and less
>> >than 15PPM. Drink it by the jar full, and you will almost definitely not
>> >turn blue. And even if you did, it would happen gradually, and you would
>> >just decide to stop before anything happened.
>> >
>> >On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 7:14 AM, Jane MacRoss
>> >wrote:
>> >
>> >> A friend cured herself of Lyme after many years - I will have to asked her
>> >> what method she used again - although homeopathy helped considerably she
>> >> worked with other disciplines too
>> >>
>> >> Jane
>> >>
>> >> From: "Brennan Michaels and John Beattie" 
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> I am Brennan Michaels and have been struggling with Lyme disease for 3
>> >> years now. 1 and1/2 years undiagnosed so the disease became entrenched in
>> >> my body. Have been on multiple courses of antibiotics with various Herx
>> >> reactions. I am coming to a place of Rife machine therapy and colloidal
>> >> silver. I have read scary things about colloidal silver such as one's skin
>> >> turning gray forever and the fact that the medical community deems
>> >> colloidal silver either dangerous or worthless.
>> >> I would like help knowing dosages and safe products.
>> >> thank you,
>> >> brennan
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>> >> Rules and Instructions:
>> >>
>> >> Unsubscribe:
>> >> <mailto:silver-list-request@** 
>> >> ?subject=**unsubscribe>
>> >>
>> >> Archives:****
>> >> 
>> >>
>> >> Off-Topic discussions: 
>> >> >
>> >> List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>introduction and request for help

2012-03-13 Thread MaryAnn Helland
Yah -- I agree with Neville -- I don't take Selenium, never have, never even 
heard that one should.
MA (shrugging)

From: Neville Munn 
Sent: Mon, March 12, 2012 10:19:28 PM
Subject: RE: CS>introduction and request for help

Oops, I'd better stick my hand up here and add to that in case taking Selenium 
is considered critical and/or a prerequisite with silver intake...I don't, and 
never have, taken Selenium in conjunction with silver, and my fingernails 
haven't fallen off yet, neither have I, my fingernail moons, or my eyeballs 
turned any colour of the rainbow. 

Not having a go or anything you understand, just thought I should add that 
little correction cos not 'all' of us here take Selenium.  I'll spare everyone 
though and refrain from airing my opinion on Selenium being co-joined with 
silver intake .


> Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2012 22:51:45 -0400
> Subject: Re: CS>introduction and request for help
> From:
> To:
> The medical community is using silver..they put it babies eyes when they are 
>born...using it on bandages in burn unit's and many other device's to fight 
>bacteria...if you use distilled water and take all of us here 
>won't turn blue.
> Sent via my Samsung Replenish from Boost Mobile
> David AuBuchon  wrote:
> >Learn how to make it from people on this forum. It will be clear and less
> >than 15PPM. Drink it by the jar full, and you will almost definitely not
> >turn blue. And even if you did, it would happen gradually, and you would
> >just decide to stop before anything happened.
> >
> >On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 7:14 AM, Jane MacRoss
> >wrote:
> >
> >> A friend cured herself of Lyme after many years - I will have to asked her
> >> what method she used again - although homeopathy helped considerably she
> >> worked with other disciplines too
> >>
> >> Jane
> >>
> >> From: "Brennan Michaels and John Beattie" 
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> I am Brennan Michaels and have been struggling with Lyme disease for 3
> >> years now. 1 and1/2 years undiagnosed so the disease became entrenched in
> >> my body. Have been on multiple courses of antibiotics with various Herx
> >> reactions. I am coming to a place of Rife machine therapy and colloidal
> >> silver. I have read scary things about colloidal silver such as one's skin
> >> turning gray forever and the fact that the medical community deems
> >> colloidal silver either dangerous or worthless.
> >> I would like help knowing dosages and safe products.
> >> thank you,
> >> brennan
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> >> Rules and Instructions:
> >>
> >> Unsubscribe:
> >> <mailto:silver-list-request@** 
> >> ?subject=**unsubscribe>
> >>
> >> Archives:****
> >> 
> >>
> >> Off-Topic discussions: 
> >> >
> >> List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>introduction and request for help

2012-03-13 Thread Brennan Michaels and John Beattie
This sounds like good advice. At the moment I do not have the energy to make my 
own. Isn't there some product that is trustworthy that i can buy to start off 
with it?
Then I will follow your advice, it feels right.
thanks, brennan
On Mar 12, 2012, at 6:50 PM, David AuBuchon wrote:

> Many people on this forum likethe SilverPuppy or the SilverGen to make their 
> own colloidal silver.  There are other good generators out there too.  
> Whoever you get it from could guide you in using the machine to make CS.  For 
> lyme and co, I would start with just 1 tsp a day, or even less if there is 
> too much herx from that.  Then at your own comfort, just to avoid any bad 
> herx reactions, work up the dose as you see fit up to I'd say 16 fl. oz. a 
> day spread out into 2 doses on empty stomach.  Aim to always be taking the 
> daily dose that causes just a BARELY noticeable herx reaction.  Then as you 
> no longer get such a reaction at a given dose, increase the dose again tell 
> you again start getting such a reaction.  Eventually youll get up to 16 fl oz 
> a day this way.  Then when you no longer herx or improve in health, it is 
> time to reevaluate your situation and think of the next move.
> David
> On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 2:40 PM, Brennan Michaels and John Beattie 
>  wrote:
> I would appreciate that very much.
> brennan
> On Mar 12, 2012, at 10:14 AM, Jane MacRoss wrote:
> > A friend cured herself of Lyme after many years - I will have to asked her 
> > what method she used again - although homeopathy helped considerably she 
> > worked with other disciplines too
> >
> > Jane
> >
> > From: "Brennan Michaels and John Beattie" 
> >
> >
> > I am Brennan Michaels and have been struggling with Lyme disease for 3 
> > years now. 1 and1/2 years undiagnosed so the disease became entrenched in 
> > my body. Have been on multiple courses of antibiotics with various Herx 
> > reactions. I am coming to a place of Rife machine therapy and colloidal 
> > silver. I have read scary things about colloidal silver such as one's skin 
> > turning gray forever and the fact that the medical community deems 
> > colloidal silver either dangerous or worthless.
> > I would like help knowing dosages and safe products.
> > thank you,
> > brennan
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> > Rules and Instructions:
> >
> > Unsubscribe:
> > 
> > Archives:
> >
> > Off-Topic discussions: 
> > List Owner: Mike Devour 
> >
> >

RE: CS>introduction and request for help

2012-03-12 Thread Neville Munn

That is an area that could be wide open to quite some discussion, and possibly 
argument Jane, but not from me .
In my mind it depends on how an individual interprets or defines that word 
'colloid', and what that individual believes constitutes a 'colloid'.  The term 
'colloid', and the size of 'a' colloid is interpreted or means different things 
to different people.
How big does a so called 'colloid' have to be to cause an issue?  I don't 
personally believe anyone knows, unless of course it's the size of a house 
brick.  From all literature I've found it comes down to someone just copying 
and pasting from prior opinions or published material found in the public 
domain, not unlike the misleading info one can find anywhere regarding EIS/CS. 
That isn't anywhere near close to being good enough for me to base a logical, 
intelligent, rational discussion or argument on.  Again, as with so many other 
things related to EIS/CS, it comes down to an individual being forced to decide 
for themselves, and/or what they choose to believe, based on a WIDE variety of 
literature available to that individual.
I agree with you, and in a word, No, I don't believe LVDC predominantly ionic 
silver solutions *will* cause any issue, and never have believed it.  One only 
has to read appropriate literature to form an opinion on that.  Everyone simply 
points the finger at silver ALONE when there could be a multitude of other 
things involved.  If an individual has/had an issue, then that individual 
should look at what they are/were doing, not just imply something COULD occur 
generalising with only their own experience to back it up.
I've had no issues in all the years I've been using and consuming this stuff, 
so the logical conclusion for me would be to say, "I guess I must be one who 
knows what I'm doing to prevent anything occurring".  What else could/should I 
say when I hear about others having issues and I never have? .  After all, 
I'm one of the *vast* majority who haven't had any issue/s, that surely means 
as much to anyone as individual issues means to anyone else?
In the interest of keeping the peace:  For anyone else who may be reading this 
and who may have, or had, issues with coloration to any part of their person, I 
am not having a go, just stating my opinion and what I have decided or 'chosen' 
to believe.

Subject: Re: CS>introduction and request for help
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2012 15:20:30 +1100

Surely it isn't the CS that 
causes the blueness it's when silver particles are over a certain size isn't it 
& then no longer considered "colloidal"?

  - Original Message - 

  Oops, I'd better stick my hand up here and add to that in case 
  taking Selenium is considered critical and/or a prerequisite with silver 
  intake...I don't, and never have, taken Selenium in conjunction with silver, 
  and my fingernails haven't fallen off yet, neither have I, my fingernail 
  moons, or my eyeballs turned any colour of the rainbow.

  Not having a go or anything you understand, just thought I should add 
  that little correction cos not 'all' of us here take Selenium.  I'll 
  spare everyone though and refrain from airing my opinion on Selenium being 
  co-joined with silver intake .


Re: CS>introduction and request for help

2012-03-12 Thread Jane MacRoss
Surely it isn't the CS that causes the blueness it's when silver particles are 
over a certain size isn't it & then no longer considered "colloidal"?
  - Original Message - 
  From: Neville Munn 

  Oops, I'd better stick my hand up here and add to that in case taking 
Selenium is considered critical and/or a prerequisite with silver intake...I 
don't, and never have, taken Selenium in conjunction with silver, and my 
fingernails haven't fallen off yet, neither have I, my fingernail moons, or my 
eyeballs turned any colour of the rainbow.

  Not having a go or anything you understand, just thought I should add that 
little correction cos not 'all' of us here take Selenium.  I'll spare everyone 
though and refrain from airing my opinion on Selenium being co-joined with 
silver intake .


RE: CS>introduction and request for help

2012-03-12 Thread Neville Munn

Oops, I'd better stick my hand up here and add to that in case taking Selenium 
is considered critical and/or a prerequisite with silver intake...I don't, and 
never have, taken Selenium in conjunction with silver, and my fingernails 
haven't fallen off yet, neither have I, my fingernail moons, or my eyeballs 
turned any colour of the rainbow.
Not having a go or anything you understand, just thought I should add that 
little correction cos not 'all' of us here take Selenium.  I'll spare everyone 
though and refrain from airing my opinion on Selenium being co-joined with 
silver intake .

> Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2012 22:51:45 -0400
> Subject: Re: CS>introduction and request for help
> From:
> To:
> The medical community is using silver..they put it babies eyes when they are 
> born...using it on bandages in burn unit's and many other device's to fight 
> bacteria...if you use distilled water and take all of us here 
> you won't turn blue.
> Sent via my Samsung Replenish from Boost Mobile
> David AuBuchon  wrote:
> >Learn how to make it from people on this forum.  It will be clear and less
> >than 15PPM.  Drink it by the jar full, and you will almost definitely not
> >turn blue.  And even if you did, it would happen gradually, and you would
> >just decide to stop before anything happened.
> >
> >On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 7:14 AM, Jane MacRoss
> >wrote:
> >
> >> A friend cured herself of Lyme after many years - I will have to asked her
> >> what method she used again - although homeopathy helped considerably she
> >> worked with other disciplines too
> >>
> >> Jane
> >>
> >> From: "Brennan Michaels and John Beattie" 
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> I am Brennan Michaels and have been struggling with Lyme disease for 3
> >> years now. 1 and1/2 years undiagnosed so the disease became entrenched in
> >> my body. Have been on multiple courses of antibiotics with various Herx
> >> reactions. I am coming to a place of Rife machine therapy and colloidal
> >> silver. I have read scary things about colloidal silver such as one's skin
> >> turning gray forever and the fact that the medical community deems
> >> colloidal silver either dangerous or worthless.
> >> I would like help knowing dosages and safe products.
> >> thank you,
> >> brennan
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> >>  Rules and Instructions:
> >>
> >> Unsubscribe:
> >>  <mailto:silver-list-request@** 
> >> ?subject=**unsubscribe>
> >>
> >> Archives:****
> >> maillist.html<>
> >>
> >> Off-Topic discussions: 
> >> <mailto:silver-off-topic-list@**
> >> >
> >> List Owner: Mike Devour <>


Re: CS>introduction and request for help

2012-03-12 Thread devorahg99
The medical community is using silver..they put it babies eyes when they are 
born...using it on bandages in burn unit's and many other device's to fight 
bacteria...if you use distilled water and take all of us here 
you won't turn blue.

Sent via my Samsung Replenish from Boost Mobile

David AuBuchon  wrote:

>Learn how to make it from people on this forum.  It will be clear and less
>than 15PPM.  Drink it by the jar full, and you will almost definitely not
>turn blue.  And even if you did, it would happen gradually, and you would
>just decide to stop before anything happened.
>On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 7:14 AM, Jane MacRoss
>> A friend cured herself of Lyme after many years - I will have to asked her
>> what method she used again - although homeopathy helped considerably she
>> worked with other disciplines too
>> Jane
>> From: "Brennan Michaels and John Beattie" 
>> I am Brennan Michaels and have been struggling with Lyme disease for 3
>> years now. 1 and1/2 years undiagnosed so the disease became entrenched in
>> my body. Have been on multiple courses of antibiotics with various Herx
>> reactions. I am coming to a place of Rife machine therapy and colloidal
>> silver. I have read scary things about colloidal silver such as one's skin
>> turning gray forever and the fact that the medical community deems
>> colloidal silver either dangerous or worthless.
>> I would like help knowing dosages and safe products.
>> thank you,
>> brennan
>> --
>> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>>  Rules and Instructions:
>> Unsubscribe:
>>  > ?subject=**unsubscribe>
>> Archives:****
>> maillist.html
>> Off-Topic discussions: 
>> > >
>> List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>introduction and request for help

2012-03-12 Thread Guyot Léna

Really could benefit from checking out
So many people have been helped by this protocol, including me, a  
Lymie of 45+ years.

Be well,
On Mar 12, 2012, at 7:01 PM, Edward Berwick wrote:

The girl, age 14, has been diagnosed with Lyme. She has gone from Tom  
Boy to blind and crippled.

Any advice?

Sent from my iPod

On Mar 12, 2012, at 7:14 AM, "Jane MacRoss"  

A friend cured herself of Lyme after many years - I will have to  
asked her what method she used again - although homeopathy helped  
considerably she worked with other disciplines too


From: "Brennan Michaels and John Beattie" 

I am Brennan Michaels and have been struggling with Lyme disease for  
3 years now. 1 and1/2 years undiagnosed so the disease became  
entrenched in my body. Have been on multiple courses of antibiotics  
with various Herx reactions. I am coming to a place of Rife machine  
therapy and colloidal silver. I have read scary things about  
colloidal silver such as one's skin turning gray forever and the  
fact that the medical community deems colloidal silver either  
dangerous or worthless.

I would like help knowing dosages and safe products.
thank you,

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Rules and Instructions:



Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>introduction and request for help

2012-03-12 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

1: electroherbalism
2: acupuncture.
3: Chinese herbal formulas.

On 3/12/2012 7:01 PM, Edward Berwick wrote:

The girl, age 14, has been diagnosed with Lyme. She has gone from Tom Boy to 
blind and crippled.

Any advice?

Sent from my iPod

On Mar 12, 2012, at 7:14 AM, "Jane MacRoss"  wrote:

A friend cured herself of Lyme after many years - I will have to asked her what 
method she used again - although homeopathy helped considerably she worked with 
other disciplines too


From: "Brennan Michaels and John Beattie"

I am Brennan Michaels and have been struggling with Lyme disease for 3 years 
now. 1 and1/2 years undiagnosed so the disease became entrenched in my body. 
Have been on multiple courses of antibiotics with various Herx reactions. I am 
coming to a place of Rife machine therapy and colloidal silver. I have read 
scary things about colloidal silver such as one's skin turning gray forever and 
the fact that the medical community deems colloidal silver either dangerous or 
I would like help knowing dosages and safe products.
thank you,

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Rules and Instructions:



Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CS>introduction and request for help

2012-03-12 Thread Edward Berwick
The girl, age 14, has been diagnosed with Lyme. She has gone from Tom Boy to 
blind and crippled.

Any advice?

Sent from my iPod

On Mar 12, 2012, at 7:14 AM, "Jane MacRoss"  wrote:

> A friend cured herself of Lyme after many years - I will have to asked her 
> what method she used again - although homeopathy helped considerably she 
> worked with other disciplines too
> Jane
> From: "Brennan Michaels and John Beattie" 
> I am Brennan Michaels and have been struggling with Lyme disease for 3 years 
> now. 1 and1/2 years undiagnosed so the disease became entrenched in my body. 
> Have been on multiple courses of antibiotics with various Herx reactions. I 
> am coming to a place of Rife machine therapy and colloidal silver. I have 
> read scary things about colloidal silver such as one's skin turning gray 
> forever and the fact that the medical community deems colloidal silver either 
> dangerous or worthless.
> I would like help knowing dosages and safe products.
> thank you,
> brennan
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Rules and Instructions:
> Unsubscribe:
> Archives:
> Off-Topic discussions: 
> List Owner: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>introduction and request for help

2012-03-12 Thread Neville Munn

The first thing you *MUST* understand and come to grips with is that what we 
produce is NOT the same product which is published as causing any issue with 
the human body!  Ignore that printed rubbish you may read which has been 
published from any establishment or authority.
EIS...Elecrolytically Isolated Silver, a term phrased from the knowledgable 
folk here I believe to distinguish good quality stuff such as we produce from 
WHATEVER they call this stuff 'Colloidal Silver' in the public domain.  LVDC 
will not produce this so called Colloidal Silver product, it will produce a 
predominantly Ionic silver solution with lesser amount of particulate content.
Not saying it won't happen, but I ain't read anywhere yet that this stuff has 
caused any issue, and praps it *may???* if consuming 20 litres a day 
continuously, or a very high ppm level solution perhaps, or to be more 
accurate, stuff marketed as 'Colloidal Silver?'.
Nobody can claim categorically that EIS produced using LVDC has/will cause any 
issue, because those who do are only 'surmising' it does and point a finger in 
silvers direction due to past negative material they have read and 'doubt' 
still lingers in the brain.  There is simply no way anyone can prove that 
beyond all reasonable doubt considering everyone has their own setup 
configurations, may consume more than is advisable, something else may have 
come into play WHILE consuming it etc etc etc.
Most are content with 5-10-15 or so ppm level, and most only consume a 
relatively small amount, or may consume more by volume each day for a short 
period of time.
S, you can forget about that blue business, it simply will not happen as a 
result of home produced stuff! {my opinion based on experience and OTHER 
published literature, and nobody will convince me otherwise}.
> From:
> Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2012 08:48:35 -0400
> To:
> Subject: CS>introduction and request for help
> I am Brennan Michaels and have been struggling with Lyme disease for 3 years 
> now. 1 and1/2 years undiagnosed so the disease became entrenched in my body. 
> Have been on multiple courses of antibiotics with various Herx reactions. I 
> am coming to a place of Rife machine therapy and colloidal silver. I have 
> read scary things about colloidal silver such as one's skin turning gray 
> forever and the fact that the medical community deems colloidal silver either 
> dangerous or worthless.
> I would like help knowing dosages and safe products.
> thank you,
> brennan
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>   Rules and Instructions:
> Unsubscribe:
>   <>
> Archives: 
> Off-Topic discussions: <>
> List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>introduction and request for help

2012-03-12 Thread David AuBuchon
Many people on this forum likethe SilverPuppy or the SilverGen to make
their own colloidal silver.  There are other good generators out there too.
 Whoever you get it from could guide you in using the machine to make CS.
 For lyme and co, I would start with just 1 tsp a day, or even less if
there is too much herx from that.  Then at your own comfort, just to avoid
any bad herx reactions, work up the dose as you see fit up to I'd say 16
fl. oz. a day spread out into 2 doses on empty stomach.  Aim to always be
taking the daily dose that causes just a BARELY noticeable herx reaction.
 Then as you no longer get such a reaction at a given dose, increase the
dose again tell you again start getting such a reaction.  Eventually youll
get up to 16 fl oz a day this way.  Then when you no longer herx or improve
in health, it is time to reevaluate your situation and think of the next


On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 2:40 PM, Brennan Michaels and John Beattie <> wrote:

> I would appreciate that very much.
> brennan
> On Mar 12, 2012, at 10:14 AM, Jane MacRoss wrote:
> > A friend cured herself of Lyme after many years - I will have to asked
> her what method she used again - although homeopathy helped considerably
> she worked with other disciplines too
> >
> > Jane
> >
> > From: "Brennan Michaels and John Beattie" 
> >
> >
> > I am Brennan Michaels and have been struggling with Lyme disease for 3
> years now. 1 and1/2 years undiagnosed so the disease became entrenched in
> my body. Have been on multiple courses of antibiotics with various Herx
> reactions. I am coming to a place of Rife machine therapy and colloidal
> silver. I have read scary things about colloidal silver such as one's skin
> turning gray forever and the fact that the medical community deems
> colloidal silver either dangerous or worthless.
> > I would like help knowing dosages and safe products.
> > thank you,
> > brennan
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> > Rules and Instructions:
> >
> > Unsubscribe:
> > 
> > Archives:
> >
> > Off-Topic discussions: 
> > List Owner: Mike Devour 
> >
> >

Re: CS>introduction and request for help

2012-03-12 Thread Brennan Michaels and John Beattie
I would appreciate that very much.
On Mar 12, 2012, at 10:14 AM, Jane MacRoss wrote:

> A friend cured herself of Lyme after many years - I will have to asked her 
> what method she used again - although homeopathy helped considerably she 
> worked with other disciplines too
> Jane
> From: "Brennan Michaels and John Beattie" 
> I am Brennan Michaels and have been struggling with Lyme disease for 3 years 
> now. 1 and1/2 years undiagnosed so the disease became entrenched in my body. 
> Have been on multiple courses of antibiotics with various Herx reactions. I 
> am coming to a place of Rife machine therapy and colloidal silver. I have 
> read scary things about colloidal silver such as one's skin turning gray 
> forever and the fact that the medical community deems colloidal silver either 
> dangerous or worthless.
> I would like help knowing dosages and safe products.
> thank you,
> brennan
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Rules and Instructions:
> Unsubscribe:
> Archives:
> Off-Topic discussions: 
> List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>introduction and request for help

2012-03-12 Thread David AuBuchon
Learn how to make it from people on this forum.  It will be clear and less
than 15PPM.  Drink it by the jar full, and you will almost definitely not
turn blue.  And even if you did, it would happen gradually, and you would
just decide to stop before anything happened.

On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 7:14 AM, Jane MacRoss

> A friend cured herself of Lyme after many years - I will have to asked her
> what method she used again - although homeopathy helped considerably she
> worked with other disciplines too
> Jane
> From: "Brennan Michaels and John Beattie" 
> I am Brennan Michaels and have been struggling with Lyme disease for 3
> years now. 1 and1/2 years undiagnosed so the disease became entrenched in
> my body. Have been on multiple courses of antibiotics with various Herx
> reactions. I am coming to a place of Rife machine therapy and colloidal
> silver. I have read scary things about colloidal silver such as one's skin
> turning gray forever and the fact that the medical community deems
> colloidal silver either dangerous or worthless.
> I would like help knowing dosages and safe products.
> thank you,
> brennan
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>  Rules and Instructions:
> Unsubscribe:
>   ?subject=**unsubscribe>
> Archives:****
> maillist.html
> Off-Topic discussions: 
>  >
> List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>introduction- dental issues and oil pulling

2010-03-18 Thread Paul Steel
I have used a ton of different brands of CS for lyme disease. The only one i 
herex on is Mesosilver. So i think its the best for Lyme anyway

I just started making my own and so far very happy
Paul Steel
h 508.520.6905
c 508.922.0519
The harder you work the luckier you get!


From: needling around 
Sent: Thu, March 18, 2010 9:37:55 AM
Subject: Re: CS>introduction- dental issues and oil pulling

Can someone recommend a good brand of CS?  I tried making my own with a Bob 
Beck Box and the result didn't seem to help anything.
I've been using wild indigo, peroxide and water and when a flare-up Livon Vit C 
and grapefruit seed extract.  In between flare-ups I have been taking homemade 
LET C but it may be irritating my stomach because of the unencapsulated Vit C.
- Original Message - From: "Dorothy Fitzpatrick" 
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2010 9:27 AM
Subject: Re: CS>introduction- dental issues and oil pulling

I got some toothpaste from Now called Xyliwhite which seems to keep teeth clean 
all day.  CS is really good if you hold it in your mouth for as long as you can 
before swallowing or spitting out.  My daughter had numerous abscesses before 
we had CS, but no more, and if I get toothache, I just hold the CS on the tooth 
and it usually goes.  Also use with DMSO if that doesn't work.  dee

On 18 Mar 2010, at 01:23, Tad Winiecki wrote:

> PT- I swish CS first thing every day for dental issues, but I also do oil 
> pulling afterward for 20 minutes, see link-
>    And I've been doing it for over 2 years, I have 
> had no dental issues in that time and have had a tooth with a slightly 
> blackened root become white and non-sensitive, and all my teeth look whiter.  
> I don't think my gum recession has gotten less but at least I don't think 
> it's worse.  Xylitol is also reputed to kill the bacteria that cause tooth 
> decay, so I chew xylitol gum when I think about it.
> Nancy
> Why do seagulls fly over the sea?
> Because if they flew over the bay they'd be bagels.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>introduction- dental issues and oil pulling

2010-03-18 Thread needling around
Can someone recommend a good brand of CS?  I tried making my own with a Bob 
Beck Box and the result didn't seem to help anything.
I've been using wild indigo, peroxide and water and when a flare-up Livon 
Vit C and grapefruit seed extract.  In between flare-ups I have been taking 
homemade LET C but it may be irritating my stomach because of the 
unencapsulated Vit C.

- Original Message - 
From: "Dorothy Fitzpatrick" 

Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2010 9:27 AM
Subject: Re: CS>introduction- dental issues and oil pulling

I got some toothpaste from Now called Xyliwhite which seems to keep teeth 
clean all day.  CS is really good if you hold it in your mouth for as long 
as you can before swallowing or spitting out.  My daughter had numerous 
abscesses before we had CS, but no more, and if I get toothache, I just hold 
the CS on the tooth and it usually goes.  Also use with DMSO if that doesn't 
work.  dee

On 18 Mar 2010, at 01:23, Tad Winiecki wrote:

PT- I swish CS first thing every day for dental issues, but I also do oil 
pulling afterward for 20 minutes, see link- I've been doing it for over 2 years, I 
have had no dental issues in that time and have had a tooth with a 
slightly blackened root become white and non-sensitive, and all my teeth 
look whiter.  I don't think my gum recession has gotten less but at least 
I don't think it's worse.   Xylitol is also reputed to kill the bacteria 
that cause tooth decay, so I chew xylitol gum when I think about it.

Why do seagulls fly over the sea?
Because if they flew over the bay they'd be bagels.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>introduction- dental issues and oil pulling

2010-03-18 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
I got some toothpaste from Now called Xyliwhite which seems to keep teeth clean 
all day.  CS is really good if you hold it in your mouth for as long as you can 
before swallowing or spitting out.  My daughter had numerous abscesses before 
we had CS, but no more, and if I get toothache, I just hold the CS on the tooth 
and it usually goes.  Also use with DMSO if that doesn't work.  dee

On 18 Mar 2010, at 01:23, Tad Winiecki wrote:

> PT- I swish CS first thing every day for dental issues, but I also do oil 
> pulling afterward for 20 minutes, see link-
> I've been doing it for over 2 years, I have 
> had no dental issues in that time and have had a tooth with a slightly 
> blackened root become white and non-sensitive, and all my teeth look whiter.  
> I don't think my gum recession has gotten less but at least I don't think 
> it's worse.   Xylitol is also reputed to kill the bacteria that cause tooth 
> decay, so I chew xylitol gum when I think about it.
> Nancy
> Why do seagulls fly over the sea?
> Because if they flew over the bay they'd be bagels.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>introduction- dental issues and oil pulling

2010-03-17 Thread Tad Winiecki
PT- I swish CS first thing every day for dental issues, but I also do 
oil pulling afterward for 20 minutes, see link- I've been doing it for over 2 years, I 
have had no dental issues in that time and have had a tooth with a 
slightly blackened root become white and non-sensitive, and all my teeth 
look whiter.  I don't think my gum recession has gotten less but at 
least I don't think it's worse.   Xylitol is also reputed to kill the 
bacteria that cause tooth decay, so I chew xylitol gum when I think 
about it.

Why do seagulls fly over the sea?
Because if they flew over the bay they'd be bagels.

needling around wrote:

I am new to the list and am here because I am interested in learning 
about CS and its uses to support good health.  I am personally 
interested in learning about its use for controlling dental issues so 
as to avoid repeated cycles of antibiotics.  I have an interest in 
alternative medicine in general and will share what little I know when 
it seems appropriate.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 


2010-03-16 Thread needling around

I am new to the list and am here because I am interested in learning about 
CS and its uses to support good health.  I am personally interested in 
learning about its use for controlling dental issues so as to avoid repeated 
cycles of antibiotics.  I have an interest in alternative medicine in 
general and will share what little I know when it seems appropriate.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

RE: [AKO Warning - Message fails DKIM verification] Re: CS>Introduction (UNCLASSIFIED)

2010-03-04 Thread Medwith, Robert J Mr CIV USA AMC
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

I do not need that much at one time, if I did I could put units together for
Than $5 each. They would be with a current control, I have dozens of cheap
power supplies
Around. All you need beside a power supply (free) is clips a current limiter
A  set of clips (1$) only expensive things are the silver.
I have 2 colloidal masters and 2 stirrers. I have one of the portable CS
makers that uses 
A single 9 volt battery. I have made several units with current controls.
I bought 10 or so silver eagle coins and have several feet of silver wire to
hang coins.
I tried to find out how I could buy the coins direct in Canada but no luck.
I go to Canada fishing usually several time a Summer if I found a place to
buy the silver coins cheaper.
The coins I bought are from E Bay.
I live across the border in suburbs of Detroit, Mi.
Thanks for the advice though.



You really make me wanna buy one of them SG7s... 


On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 4:43 PM, Bob Banever  wrote:

   Rest assured you've bought a great unit.  I have their SG7 Pro
model that makes 5 gallons at a time (in about 2 - 3 hours).  Your unit will
take longer but will make excellent crystal clear ionic/colloidal silver.
It's very easy to use and shuts off automatically when the solutiion is


- Original Message - 
From: Ed Nelson>  
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2010 3:17 PM
    Subject: CS>Introduction

My name is Ed and I'm new to this group.
I have been interested in and used as needed ionic/colloidal
silver for about six years now.
It has been very effective for me especially in early stages
of colds and flu. This has been
a tough winter so far and I have spent about $180 for 64 oz
of Earthborn Colloidal Silver. (16, 16, and 32)
In order to save money I have decided to start making my own
and just purchased a unit from SilverGen.
I haven't recieved it yet but I'll look forward to any
constructive words of wisdom. 
Best of health to all of you!  Ed

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: CS>Introduction

2010-03-04 Thread Golden Aldi
Welcome to the group, Ed!

Well I gotta say, its about time you bought yourself your own generator! You
will never regret it, I'm sure of it.  You'll also find more uses for the
CS, and find yourself making quart after quart. Wait til you start sharing
your CS!


On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 12:17 AM, Ed Nelson  wrote:

> Hi,
> My name is Ed and I'm new to this group.
> I have been interested in and used as needed ionic/colloidal silver for
> about six years now.
> It has been very effective for me especially in early stages of colds and
> flu. This has been
> a tough winter so far and I have spent about $180 for 64 oz of Earthborn
> Colloidal Silver. (16, 16, and 32)
> In order to save money I have decided to start making my own and just
> purchased a unit from SilverGen.
> I haven't recieved it yet but I'll look forward to any constructive words
> of wisdom.
> Best of health to all of you!  Ed

Re: CS>Introduction

2010-03-04 Thread Golden Aldi

You really make me wanna buy one of them SG7s...


On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 4:43 PM, Bob Banever  wrote:

>  Ed,
>Rest assured you've bought a great unit.  I have their SG7 Pro model
> that makes 5 gallons at a time (in about 2 - 3 hours).  Your unit will take
> longer but will make excellent crystal clear ionic/colloidal silver.  It's
> very easy to use and shuts off automatically when the solutiion is made.
> - Original Message -
>  *From:* Ed Nelson 
> *To:*
>  *Sent:* Tuesday, March 02, 2010 3:17 PM
> *Subject:* CS>Introduction
>  Hi,
> My name is Ed and I'm new to this group.
> I have been interested in and used as needed ionic/colloidal silver for
> about six years now.
> It has been very effective for me especially in early stages of colds and
> flu. This has been
> a tough winter so far and I have spent about $180 for 64 oz of Earthborn
> Colloidal Silver. (16, 16, and 32)
> In order to save money I have decided to start making my own and just
> purchased a unit from SilverGen.
> I haven't recieved it yet but I'll look forward to any constructive words
> of wisdom.
> Best of health to all of you!  Ed

Re: CS>Introduction

2010-03-04 Thread Bob Banever

   Rest assured you've bought a great unit.  I have their SG7 Pro model that 
makes 5 gallons at a time (in about 2 - 3 hours).  Your unit will take longer 
but will make excellent crystal clear ionic/colloidal silver.  It's very easy 
to use and shuts off automatically when the solutiion is made.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Ed Nelson 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2010 3:17 PM
  Subject: CS>Introduction


  My name is Ed and I'm new to this group.
  I have been interested in and used as needed ionic/colloidal silver for about 
six years now.
  It has been very effective for me especially in early stages of colds and 
flu. This has been
  a tough winter so far and I have spent about $180 for 64 oz of Earthborn 
Colloidal Silver. (16, 16, and 32)
  In order to save money I have decided to start making my own and just 
purchased a unit from SilverGen.
  I haven't recieved it yet but I'll look forward to any constructive words of 
  Best of health to all of you!  Ed

Re: CS>Introduction

2010-03-03 Thread Ode Coyote

  Looks like you've applied some already.
Tain't nuthin like DYI to construct some wisdom.


At 03:17 PM 3/2/2010 -0800, you wrote:


My name is Ed and I'm new to this group.
I have been interested in and used as needed ionic/colloidal silver for 
about six years now.
It has been very effective for me especially in early stages of colds and 
flu. This has been
a tough winter so far and I have spent about $180 for 64 oz of Earthborn 
Colloidal Silver. (16, 16, and 32)
In order to save money I have decided to start making my own and just 
purchased a unit from SilverGen.
I haven't recieved it yet but I'll look forward to any constructive words 
of wisdom.

Best of health to all of you!  Ed

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Introduction

2010-03-02 Thread MaryAnn Helland
Hi Ed.  Welcome to the list.  You'll never be sorry that you bought your own 
generator -- CS is wonderful, but very expensive to buy.  If you have any 
questions, ask away -- you've joined a very knowledgeable group!!

From: Ed Nelson
My name is Ed and I'm new to this group.
I have been interested in and used as needed ionic/colloidal silver for about 
six years now.
It has been very effective for me especially in early stages of colds and flu. 
This has been
a tough winter so far and I have spent about $180 for 64 oz of Earthborn 
Colloidal Silver. (16, 16, and 32)
In order to save money I have decided to start making my own and just purchased 
a unit from SilverGen.
I haven't recieved it yet but I'll look forward to any constructive words of 
Best of health to all of you!  Ed


2010-03-02 Thread Ed Nelson

My name is Ed and I'm new to this group.
I have been interested in and used as needed ionic/colloidal silver for about 
six years now.
It has been very effective for me especially in early stages of colds and flu. 
This has been
a tough winter so far and I have spent about $180 for 64 oz of Earthborn 
Colloidal Silver. (16, 16, and 32)
In order to save money I have decided to start making my own and just purchased 
a unit from SilverGen.
I haven't recieved it yet but I'll look forward to any constructive words of 
Best of health to all of you!  Ed


Re: CS>introduction

2009-10-20 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick

Welcome to the list Janet.  dee

On 20 Oct 2009, at 14:11, lostrin wrote:

Hello everyone,

I am Janet, mother of two homeschooled girls and wife to a wonderful
man, Lloyd.  We live in Orillia, a mid-sized town about 90 minutes
north of Toronto so it's really all about the snow for half the year.

I find this list to be quite informative and I'm learning some things
already.  We follow quite an alternative and holistic lifestyle.  I've
found that CS has worked dramatically in a couple of cases, once when
my younger dd had a staph infection and in another case when my older
dd had strep.

Just last week, little dd stabbed dh in the eye with a screwdriver
accidentally and a drop or two of CS cleared up the eyeball gash
surprisingly quickly.

Thank you for having me,

Kind regards,



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>introduction

2009-10-20 Thread lostrin
Hello everyone,

I am Janet, mother of two homeschooled girls and wife to a wonderful
man, Lloyd.  We live in Orillia, a mid-sized town about 90 minutes
north of Toronto so it's really all about the snow for half the year.

I find this list to be quite informative and I'm learning some things
already.  We follow quite an alternative and holistic lifestyle.  I've
found that CS has worked dramatically in a couple of cases, once when
my younger dd had a staph infection and in another case when my older
dd had strep.

Just last week, little dd stabbed dh in the eye with a screwdriver
accidentally and a drop or two of CS cleared up the eyeball gash
surprisingly quickly.

Thank you for having me,

Kind regards,


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2008-01-09 Thread Gene Wolfe

I just joined the list at the suggestion of Zoe Whitefeather. I am on her list and the subject of CS came up. We are 
into alternate health methods and have used CS occasionally. We are 
very interested in more information.

I also want to purchase a CS generator and would like some 
suggestions. Zoe suggested the SilverPuppy, so at least I have heard 
of that one.

Gene Wolfe
Dallas, TX

Re: CS>introduction

2006-05-30 Thread Ode Coyote

 It came up OK for me.

"Looks like" a volatile additive to thin vegetable oil to keep it from 
solidifying and keep rings and injectors from gumming up when the burn 
byproducts cool off.
 methyl chloride  maybe aka paint stripper[That would go 'boom' in 
an enclosed space just fine]

 perhaps something like this: Soygel stripper.
* Made from food-grade soy oil and N-Methyl-2-Pyrolidone
* Contains NO methylene chloride
* Safe, nontoxic, noncaustic, biodegradable  [I'd be reading the fine 
print. "Pyro..[keep the] lid on" ??  Sounds pretty flammable.]
Do I have to convert my vehicle?

No. The DSE system requires No Conversion whatsoever !!

There are several manufacturers of conversion kits and thousands of 
individuals building their own.  The conversions essentially break down 
into 2 types.  They both use heaters to thin the oil to a consistency 
similar to petroleum diesel.

Our system "thins the oil" through our simple mixture of easy to find 
ingredients ( no hazardous material licenses required ) and our special 
additive ( included ) which makes the fuel completely pure and stable.


At 10:37 AM 5/29/2006 -0400, you wrote:

ann gautier wrote:

> I had heard about colloidal silver for quite some time and on 4/23
> a bottle from a friend.  The next evening I was mixing up my first
batch of
> and had filled up my truck.  I didn't realize
> there was still 5-8 gallons ofthe mix in the container and when I
> the dark shed I lit a lighter and kaboom, I was blown out of the shed
> badly burnt on my arm and face.

What the heck is  I get a "Error 400 - Bad Request"
when I
try to browse there.  My son in law makes his own biodisel, and the
stuff is
about as flammable as cooking oil or kerosene.  No way it would blow
up.  It
appears you are making something closer to gasoline, or you have a large
of methanol in the mix.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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Re: CS>introduction

2006-05-29 Thread Rowena DSE has developed a revolutionary method for 
producing an inexpensive, high performance fuel that can power ANY DIESEL 
ENGINE and the cost to you is only 46¢ per gallon!
You have NOT heard of this before. This is an entirely new way in America to 
make your own fuel from vegetable oil that takes only minutes.  You'll be 
e-mailed our overview video showing you the basic steps of the system.

 You'll receive a hard copy of our easy to follow manual with all the 
details you need to build your system in one afternoon and be fuel 
independent by the next day. Our manual even includes a section on how to 
MAKE money with your new knowledge. (NOTE: Manual will ship via UPS with 

 We'll even include a complimentary bottle of our specially formulated 
Alternative Diesel Fuel Additive ($12.99 value) at no additional charge. 
It's an essential catalyst for our fuel to perform as intended. If you need 
more, simply add another bottle to the order.


Re: CS>introduction

2006-05-29 Thread Marshall Dudley
ann gautier wrote:

> I had heard about colloidal silver for quite some time and on 4/23
> a bottle from a friend.  The next evening I was mixing up my first
batch of
> and had filled up my truck.  I didn't realize
> there was still 5-8 gallons ofthe mix in the container and when I
> the dark shed I lit a lighter and kaboom, I was blown out of the shed
> badly burnt on my arm and face.

What the heck is  I get a "Error 400 - Bad Request"
when I
try to browse there.  My son in law makes his own biodisel, and the
stuff is
about as flammable as cooking oil or kerosene.  No way it would blow
up.  It
appears you are making something closer to gasoline, or you have a large
of methanol in the mix.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2006-05-28 Thread ann gautier
I had heard about colloidal silver for quite some time and on 4/23 received 
a bottle from a friend.  The next evening I was mixing up my first batch of and had filled up my truck.  I didn't realize that 
there was still 5-8 gallons ofthe mix in the container and when I reentered 
the dark shed I lit a lighter and kaboom, I was blown out of the shed and 
badly burnt on my arm and face.  My eyebrows and eyelashes were burnt off.  
That evening I used ice and neosporin.  The next day I called my daughter, 
who had our copy of Natural Prescriptives for Health and she informed me 
that the #1 remedy was c silver.  I left for Jamaica the next day with my 
bottle of c silver and used it 3- 4 times per day.  Within a week the burns 
were healing and within 2 weeks I was like new.

I had read that it fights fungus,viruses and bacteria.  I had had a fungus 
under one toe for over 20years and hadtried teatree oil, vinegar and 
Listerine.  Having such success with the silver on my burns I started using 
it on my toe.  I'm thrilled to report that it is much improved.

I look forward to being a part of this group, namaste, Annie

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Introduction

2003-08-18 Thread Jack Dayton   8/16/03 9:46 AM  Wrote:

> Does anyone know if there is a
> publication or site that can kind of take me by the hand and educate me on how
> CS works and how to make my own, from a totally elementary standpoint?

Hi Shizua,
One of the first sites that I found so very
solidly informative - helpful - believable
will be found at :

This is an excellent place to start. There are
others, and by the time you have assimilated what is
available there, you will understand Chuck's
suggestion to read and learn -- been there, done that,
and not that long ago.

Jack Dayton

P.S.  there are few shortcuts.  

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Introduction

2003-08-16 Thread mamapug

  Dear Shizua, 
  Hi, I`m Marshalee, an oldie around here. Welcome to the list!!
  Do you make your own CS yet? 
  I have an FAQ I can email you, if you want it, as well as directions for a 
simple generator that works quite well. JLMK
  I used CS to cure Lyme Disease; 6 years worth of antibiotics couldn`t knock 
   but CS did in short order.
  Good riddance!
  CS is great stuff.

  Hello all!  My name is Shizua Oliver purposes for joining this list was 
to learn more about CS and its uses.

  I feel a little out of my league here.  Everyone is talking about things I 
cannot comprehend.  H202, DM, DMSO, etc.  It is like joining a calculus class 
in the middle of the school year. Ha!  But seriously, I am a total virgin with 
anything regarding CS I do want to know more.  Does anyone know if there is a 
publication or site that can kind of take me by the hand and educate me on how 
CS works and how to make my own, from a totally elementary standpoint?

  All your help will be appreciated.

  Thank You.

  Shizua Oliver

  Doggies: Dru, Cookie, Spike
  Kitties: Megalito & Tequila

  "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" 

Re: CS>Introduction

2003-08-16 Thread CKing001
On Sat, 16 Aug 2003 12:46:49 -0400 (EDT), wrote:

>I feel a little out of my league here.  Everyone is talking about things I 
>cannot comprehend.  H202, DM, DMSO, etc.  It is like joining a calculus class 
>the middle of the school year. Ha!  But seriously, I am a total virgin with 
>anything regarding CS I do want to know more. 

We got techies, we got newbies.
Mostly nice...
('cept for...)

Browse the archives will bring you up to speed, or just hang out and hang in
Don't allow yourself to get overwhelmed, it'll sort itself out with time.


Why is it called tourist season if we can't shoot at them?

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2003-08-16 Thread Oliver4indc
Hello all!  My name is Shizua Oliver purposes for joining this list was 
to learn more about CS and its uses.

I feel a little out of my league here.  Everyone is talking about things I 
cannot comprehend.  H202, DM, DMSO, etc.  It is like joining a calculus class 
the middle of the school year. Ha!  But seriously, I am a total virgin with 
anything regarding CS I do want to know more.  Does anyone know if there is a 
publication or site that can kind of take me by the hand and educate me on how 
CS works and how to make my own, from a totally elementary standpoint?

All your help will be appreciated.

Thank You.

Shizua Oliver

Doggies: Dru, Cookie, Spike
Kitties: Megalito & Tequila

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"

CS>Introduction to Effective Microorganisms, aka EM, EM1, EM-1 EXTENSION

2003-06-16 Thread Brooks Bradley
		Try this urlfor Vinny Pinto.  He summarizes the procedurejust 
scroll down to the bottom.  Brooks Bradley.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Introduction

2002-11-09 Thread Jack Dayton
11/7/02 12:25 PM Helen asked:

> I would like to know if CS is suitable for bathing the eyes etc in a dog who
> is suffering chronic eye infections???
> Helen Brennan
> Presciosa Maremma Livestock Guardians
> Willaura Wiltshire Horn Sheep Stud

I am troubled with eye dryness caused by
advancing age (73), and although my eye
doctor gave some samples to try, I discovered
that my homemade CS works at least as well,
and feels better.  I really doubt that your
sheep rustler (dog that is) will be harmed
if you use CS on him/her.
As Ken said - be sure about the CS that you
can buy, it must only be distilled water and
silver particles on ions.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Introduction

2002-11-08 Thread Ode Coyote
 CS made with only distilled water and silver can be sprayed or dropped
directly into the eyes with no harm...only a very slight stinging as with
pure distilled water.  An atomizer works quite well to mist the open eye
without it seeing danger.
 Some storebought CS can be painful or cause harm to the eyes.  If it
doesn't say how it was made or exactly what is in it, be careful.

At 06:25 AM 11/8/02 +1000, you wrote:
>Hi All,
>'I have joined this list to learn more about the uses of Colloidal Silver.
>My introduction to Colloidal Silver occurred when my vet used it as a
>treatment of last resort for a Stud Ram who was suffering from a severe
>upper respiratory tract infection which was unresponsive to other
>treatments. Since then he has used CS as part of the treatment for my
>Maremma Livestock Guardian, Lucinda who has Mast Cell Tumour...
>I would like to know if CS is suitable for bathing the eyes etc in a dog who
>is suffering chronic eye infections???
>Helen Brennan
>Presciosa Maremma Livestock Guardians
>Willaura Wiltshire Horn Sheep Stud
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
>To post, address your message to:
>Silver-list archive:
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Betr.: CS>Introduction

2002-11-08 Thread Jef Ackermans
Hello Helen
My experience with with CS drops in the eyes of pets is excellent.
>>> 07-11-02 21:25 >>>
Hi All,
'I have joined this list to learn more about the uses of Colloidal Silver.
My introduction to Colloidal Silver occurred when my vet used it as a
treatment of last resort for a Stud Ram who was suffering from a severe
upper respiratory tract infection which was unresponsive to other
treatments. Since then he has used CS as part of the treatment for my
Maremma Livestock Guardian, Lucinda who has Mast Cell Tumour...

I would like to know if CS is suitable for bathing the eyes etc in a dog who
is suffering chronic eye infections???

Helen Brennan
Presciosa Maremma Livestock Guardians
Willaura Wiltshire Horn Sheep Stud

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: 

To post, address your message to: 

Silver-list archive: 

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Introduction

2002-11-07 Thread CKing001
On Fri, 08 Nov 2002 06:25:01 +1000, Helen  wrote:

>I would like to know if CS is suitable for bathing the eyes etc in a dog who
>is suffering chronic eye infections???

I use cs in my personal eye prep. Have done so for a couple of years now.


I hate sex in the movies. Tried it once, the seat folded up, the
 drink spilled and that ice, well it really chilled the mood. 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Introduction

2002-11-07 Thread patrice-p
We have used CS in a slightly diluted solution to kill eye infections in
both our 3 dogs as well as our 2 cats.  It works.

- Original Message -
From: "Helen" 
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 3:25 PM
Subject: CS>Introduction

> Hi All,
> 'I have joined this list to learn more about the uses of Colloidal Silver.
> My introduction to Colloidal Silver occurred when my vet used it as a
> treatment of last resort for a Stud Ram who was suffering from a severe
> upper respiratory tract infection which was unresponsive to other
> treatments. Since then he has used CS as part of the treatment for my
> Maremma Livestock Guardian, Lucinda who has Mast Cell Tumour...
> I would like to know if CS is suitable for bathing the eyes etc in a dog
> is suffering chronic eye infections???
> Helen Brennan
> Presciosa Maremma Livestock Guardians
> Willaura Wiltshire Horn Sheep Stud
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2002-11-07 Thread Helen
Hi All,
'I have joined this list to learn more about the uses of Colloidal Silver.
My introduction to Colloidal Silver occurred when my vet used it as a
treatment of last resort for a Stud Ram who was suffering from a severe
upper respiratory tract infection which was unresponsive to other
treatments. Since then he has used CS as part of the treatment for my
Maremma Livestock Guardian, Lucinda who has Mast Cell Tumour...

I would like to know if CS is suitable for bathing the eyes etc in a dog who
is suffering chronic eye infections???

Helen Brennan
Presciosa Maremma Livestock Guardians
Willaura Wiltshire Horn Sheep Stud

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Introduction

2002-08-23 Thread Stepbystepltd
Hi Jack!
Yes, I did smoke at that time not as much as I normally do.I could hardly 
breath and smoke was making it even worth.I quit for some time after I used 
CS/DMSO with nebulizer for my flu infection.But recently I started again .

Re: CS>Introduction

2002-08-23 Thread Jack Dayton

Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 12:01:02 EDT
Subject: CS>Introduction
Resent-Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 09:01:44 -0700

Hi Vitale, you wrote in part:

At my school they started me on 4oz CS 3td and nebuliser w/CS 2td. They gave
me some crazy mix based on a fresh squeeze lemon, honey and a lots of
cayenne. I'm surprise it was no flame coming out of my mouth when I opened
it. But I liked it after all. Anyway, my cough subside by the next day,
temperature drop and it was normal since. I was completely cured by the
third day. When I took X-ray a week after my lungs where clear. I was not
taking any other medication and I'm convinced that the only thing that help
was a CS. 

I am glad that you related your experience
with CS administered with a nebulizer.
Your experience with that combination
is somewhat encouraging.  I want to know
if you were, or had been a smoker then.

I recently got a nebulizer, but haven't
tried it yet because of some really scary
results I have read about the combination
boyh at the  silver site and on line.



RE: CS>Introduction

2002-08-23 Thread Dennis Harwood

The stuff works great.  I use it all the time and have done a
fast for as many as 15 days at a stretch.  Try it, it works!


-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Friday, August 23, 2002 4:54 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Introduction

 Vitale writes:

> ...They gave me some crazy mix based on a fresh squeeze lemon,
> honey and a lots of cayenne...
This recipe (added to hot water) is the "tea" Willie Nelson and Waylon
Jennings swear by for their 3-4 day creative fasts.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Introduction

2002-08-23 Thread jrowland
 Vitale writes:

> ...They gave me some crazy mix based on a fresh squeeze lemon,
> honey and a lots of cayenne...
This recipe (added to hot water) is the "tea" Willie Nelson and Waylon
Jennings swear by for their 3-4 day creative fasts.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Introduction

2002-08-23 Thread CKing001
On Fri, 23 Aug 2002 12:01:02 EDT, wrote:

> When I took X-ray a week after my lungs where clear. I was not taking 
>any other medication and I'm convinced that the only thing that help was a CS.
>I would like to learn more about CS and it's applications and truly hope 
>that the CS List is going to help me do that.

Hi Vitale,
Glad to hear of your success outside of mainstream medicine!
Recommend that you browse the archives, although it's not necessary.
You'll see that a lot of "how to make your own" along with technical theory that
gets pretty intense at times. 
It would just get you up to speed pretty fast.
Key words for making CS are:
Pure distilled water
Pure silver (999 or better)
A battery pack or a battery eliminator (20 to 30 volts at 1or two milliamp
Pretty simple, huh?

When you are not looking at it, this sentence is in Spanish .

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2002-08-23 Thread Stepbystepltd
  Hi list! My name is Vitale.I live in NYC for last 10 years.Originally from 
Russia.I have some medical background (forensic PA working for Medical 
Examiner's Office, former team leader for the organ/tissue transplant team). 
First treated with CS couple years ago, I was suffering from drug resistant 
pneumonia (caught it during an autopsy) for nearly 2-3 months. Numerous 
doctors visits, antibiotics; seems like nothing work. Low grade fever, 
constant cough and a night sweat. I lost so much weight so I looked like a 
shadow. I thought I'm going to become one of my own cases very soon.
   Luckily, I started a clinic in Naturopathic School, where I learn about 
CS. First introduction was in Russian military. Although, it was called a 
different name and it was in a pill form I'm sure that's what it was.
At my school they started me on 4oz CS 3td and nebuliser w/CS 2td. They 
gave me some crazy mix based on a fresh squeeze lemon, honey and a lots of 
cayenne. I'm surprise it was no flame coming out of my mouth when I opened 
it. But I liked it after all. Anyway, my cough subside by the next day, 
temperature drop and it was normal since. I was completely cured by the third 
day. When I took X-ray a week after my lungs where clear. I was not taking 
any other medication and I'm convinced that the only thing that help was a CS.
I would like to learn more about CS and it's applications and truly hope 
that the CS List is going to help me do that.
PS If anybody have any question please free to contact me

CS>Fw: CS>Introduction and request for information

2002-05-10 Thread AVRA / Jason
 Hi Neil...

I'd like to know a definative answer to this question as well!

I've seen several accounts, taken from various sources; none of them were
scientific in nature however.

It is likely that 1.5 PPM colloidal silver would result in sufficient
control of microbes in a swimming pool.

One individual used 6 - 8 gallons of assumed 17 PPM colloidal silver (
produced via electrolysis ) to 6500 gallons of water to achieve favorable
results, no chlorine or bromide added...  That's about 1 gallon of CS for
every 1090 gallons of water.  This example, however, only included visual
observations that no algae and fungus existed in the water.

I've seen studies that indicate that .1 PPM, produced in the swimming pool
via electrolysis ( silver and copper electrodes ) has been quite successful.

If I were to undertake a study, I would first bring the total pool water
concentration up to .1 PPM colloidal silver, especially if I had access to a
lab that could analyze the water for microbes.

For some ideas, take a look at this silver ionization system:

and their "how to use" link which employs a unique treatment modality:

I thought that their system for chlorine reduction as the silver
concentration slowly increased in the pool was interesting.

If you are able to conclusively demonstrate a minimum concentration level,
I'm sure many of us would greatly appreciate the data!

Chlorine is not one of my favorite substances.


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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

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Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Introduction and request for information

2002-05-09 Thread Neil George
Hi !

My name is Neil George.
I am a technician at the School of Physical Education at the  
University of Otago in New Zealand.

I am investigating the use of colloidal silver as a means of  control 
of bacterial / finga / mould control in the water  of a swimming pool 
that is one of our research facilities.

Any information or suggestions for where to find information 
regarding colloidal silver for this purpose will be greatfully and 
enthusiastically received.


Neil George

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>introduction

2002-01-16 Thread boberger
Hi Rob-bac,

Glad to have you on board!!! Good work in getting people started on CS.

As for colloidal gold I have made some neat electrode assemblies that
work very well. On the web there is a system of floating electrodes
which I did not consider satisfactory, as they arc was about 1/4" under
water. So I made mine fixed with the arc about 1" below the surface. The
electrodes had to be shielded with pyrex or quartz tubing (regular glass
wont last) so as to reduce leakage along the electrodes. Also the
electrodes were 1" to 2" 24k gold and the connecting end was brass rod.

You will find that as the DW heats the arc decreases so a method of
cooling is desired.

I will send you a drawing as a separate email as it is too big for the
list to handle.

If you have any other questions let me know.

"Ole Bob"

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>introduction

2002-01-16 Thread Chip Hoyle
Hi listers,

To make CG you submerge both electrodes and let them arc under the surface
of the water (about 1/4 inch).  Takes me about 4-5 hours to make one
gallon.  I have found that constant stirring is beneficial.


Marshall Dudley wrote:

> You are way ahead of most newcomers to this list.  My experience with
> trying to make CG with HVAC is unsuccessful.  I am not sure if I get
> absolutely not CG with submerged electrode HVAC, or it is so slow that
> the water begins boiling before sufficient quantity is made to give any
> tyndall.  It is my understanding that it can be made using an arc
> method, but that of course requires a CO2 or helium blanket to prevent
> making any nitric acid.
> I wish you success.  If you figure out a good way to make CG with HVAC
> let me know.
> Marshall
> rob-bac wrote:
> > Dear list members, Yesterday was my first day that I received emails
> > of this group, so as a new member let me introduce myself. I'am Robert
> > 63yrs retired for about 8years. Educated as a chemist I worked more
> > than 30 years in nuclear energy en pharmaceutical industry.About 4-5
> > years ago I saw the publications on CS by Dr.Robert Beck and Metcalf
> > and knowing the bactericidal effect of silver I became interested
> > immediately. One of my hobbies was working with silver  and
> > construction of Beck's CS generator was a piece of cake. In the
> > Netherlands where I live you can get .9995 silver but there is a
> > charge of about 120$ for making this purity regardless the quantity.
> > So I decided to buy a 1 kilogram of 2,0mm wire, sufficient for about
> > 120 generators. I made several hundreds of the battery type and
> > seventy with a.o. a transformer 220V AC->40V DVI supplied friends and
> > family with both the generator and information about the use and
> > application of CS. Over 400 people started with my help with CS and
> > many have phoned me with enthousiast reactions. Although I ask them to
> > phone me only when their results are not already mentioned in the
> > literature, these calls became a burden costing me about 2-3 days per
> > week. Than I trained someone else in the construction of the battery
> > CS-generator which relieved me of many calls. So I became a source of
> > CS information (in dutch) as well and that is one of the reasons for
> > my participation in this group. Another reason is that I recently
> > learned about the differences in particle size dependent on the water
> > and CS making procedure, of which I would like to learn more.But it
> > was my search for information on the construction of a colloidal gold
> > generator in another group that someone forwarded me a few of your
> > emails, and made me aware of this list. I know that I have to use a HV
> > trafo for neontubes (220V input) but what is the required output
> > voltage? And do we use AC or DC output?  I can buy here 220V-> 8kV but
> > I have read 8 + 15kV in a commercial advertisement. My questions are
> > about the same as Satchid's, can someone help me with the details for
> > construction, and are their different possibilities and consequently
> > different results?GreetingsRB
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>introduction

2002-01-16 Thread Marshall Dudley
You are way ahead of most newcomers to this list.  My experience with
trying to make CG with HVAC is unsuccessful.  I am not sure if I get
absolutely not CG with submerged electrode HVAC, or it is so slow that
the water begins boiling before sufficient quantity is made to give any
tyndall.  It is my understanding that it can be made using an arc
method, but that of course requires a CO2 or helium blanket to prevent
making any nitric acid.

I wish you success.  If you figure out a good way to make CG with HVAC
let me know.


rob-bac wrote:

> Dear list members, Yesterday was my first day that I received emails
> of this group, so as a new member let me introduce myself. I'am Robert
> 63yrs retired for about 8years. Educated as a chemist I worked more
> than 30 years in nuclear energy en pharmaceutical industry.About 4-5
> years ago I saw the publications on CS by Dr.Robert Beck and Metcalf
> and knowing the bactericidal effect of silver I became interested
> immediately. One of my hobbies was working with silver  and
> construction of Beck's CS generator was a piece of cake. In the
> Netherlands where I live you can get .9995 silver but there is a
> charge of about 120$ for making this purity regardless the quantity.
> So I decided to buy a 1 kilogram of 2,0mm wire, sufficient for about
> 120 generators. I made several hundreds of the battery type and
> seventy with a.o. a transformer 220V AC->40V DVI supplied friends and
> family with both the generator and information about the use and
> application of CS. Over 400 people started with my help with CS and
> many have phoned me with enthousiast reactions. Although I ask them to
> phone me only when their results are not already mentioned in the
> literature, these calls became a burden costing me about 2-3 days per
> week. Than I trained someone else in the construction of the battery
> CS-generator which relieved me of many calls. So I became a source of
> CS information (in dutch) as well and that is one of the reasons for
> my participation in this group. Another reason is that I recently
> learned about the differences in particle size dependent on the water
> and CS making procedure, of which I would like to learn more.But it
> was my search for information on the construction of a colloidal gold
> generator in another group that someone forwarded me a few of your
> emails, and made me aware of this list. I know that I have to use a HV
> trafo for neontubes (220V input) but what is the required output
> voltage? And do we use AC or DC output?  I can buy here 220V-> 8kV but
> I have read 8 + 15kV in a commercial advertisement. My questions are
> about the same as Satchid's, can someone help me with the details for
> construction, and are their different possibilities and consequently
> different results?GreetingsRB

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2002-01-16 Thread rob-bac
Dear list members,

Yesterday was my first day that I received emails of this group, so as a new 
member let me introduce myself. I'am Robert 63yrs retired for about 8years. 
Educated as a chemist I worked more than 30 years in nuclear energy en 
pharmaceutical industry.
About 4-5 years ago I saw the publications on CS by Dr.Robert Beck and Metcalf 
and knowing the bactericidal effect of silver I became interested immediately. 
One of my hobbies was working with silver  and construction of Beck's CS 
generator was a piece of cake. In the Netherlands where I live you can get 
.9995 silver but there is a charge of about 120$ for making this purity 
regardless the quantity. So I decided to buy a 1 kilogram of 2,0mm wire, 
sufficient for about 120 generators. I made several hundreds of the battery 
type and seventy with a.o. a  transformer 220V AC->40V DV
I supplied friends and family with both the generator and information about the 
use and application of CS. Over 400 people started with my help with CS and 
many have phoned me with enthousiast reactions. Although I ask them to phone me 
only when their results are not already mentioned in the literature, these 
calls became a burden costing me about 2-3 days per week. Than I trained 
someone else in the construction of the battery CS-generator which relieved me 
of many calls. So I became a source of CS information (in dutch) as well and 
that is one of the reasons for my participation in this group.

Another reason is that I recently learned about the differences in particle 
size dependent on the water and CS making procedure, of which I would like to 
learn more. 
But it was my search for information on the construction of a colloidal gold 
generator in another group that someone forwarded me a few of your emails, and 
made me aware of this list. I know that I have to use a HV trafo for neontubes 
(220V input) but what is the required output voltage? And do we use AC or DC 
output?  I can buy here 220V-> 8kV but I have read 8 + 15kV in a commercial 
advertisement. My questions are about the same as Satchid's, can someone help 
me with the details for construction, and are their different possibilities and 
consequently different results?

Re: CS>Introduction / limiting use

2001-12-22 Thread Jason / AVRA


Thank you for the kind words.

From: Wayne Fugitt 

You message indicated you have done some thinking and that you are a
logical thinking person,
and a great writer.

I read it twice.Not all messages deserves that !

Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-

with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Introduction / limiting use

2001-12-22 Thread Marilyn Bickell
Sorry I did not make that clear.   If and when, a bug gets a head start, I 
often down 16 oz in the am and 16 oz in the pm.

** Well, when I see a glowing blue light in the horizon, I will know it is not 
the K-Mart "Blue Light Special.

Re: CS>Introduction / limiting use

2001-12-22 Thread Ode Coyote
 Seems it's just too easy to take as much CS as you feel like when you
think about it and it's 'there' and allow forgetfulness to regulate the
"off" periods?

At 06:30 PM 12/21/01 -0800, you wrote: 

I work in some places that are so dirty and filled with disease, as soon 
as I come out, I drink 8 oz right then.
** Wayne,
Shooting down 8 oz. in one day ~~ you MUST be making your own CS. Is anyone
on the list NOT making their own? Am I the only mutineer, scaredy cat? 
You don't seem to be concerned about the amount you take in. I guess my 2
years of on/off research hasn't taught me much. All I learned was, "take it
Sigh! so much to learn, so little time.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Introduction / limiting use

2001-12-21 Thread Wayne Fugitt

Evening Marilyn,

Shooting down 8 oz. in one day ~~ you MUST be making your own CS. Is 
anyone on the list NOT making their own? Am I the only mutineer, scaredy cat?

  Sorry I did not make that clear.   If and when, a bug gets a head 
start, I often down 16 oz in the am and 16 oz in the pm.

  I have never had any problem at all or any ill feeling that I could 
contribute to the CS.   My sister is now using CS and she uses a teaspoon 
full one or twice per day.   She takes a few drugs that are likely 1 
million times more damaging than 1 quart of CS would be.

  Hopefully, in time, I can convince her to use a table spoon.

  As we all know, when we 'self prescribe", we not nothing to fear.. 
except  fear itself.

You don't seem to be concerned about the amount you take in. I guess my 2 
years of on/off research hasn't taught me much. All I learned was, "take 
it periodically."

Sigh! so much to learn, so little time.

  In one sense, I agree with you. However, I don't do anything in life 
very regimentally.  Heck, I don't know what I am going to do tomorrow or 
Sunday.  I have tentative plans.  When I get up tomorrow, none of these 
plans may be executed.

 This may be because of the work I have done over the years.  Having a 
number of institutional and industrial customers, the phone can ring, and 
all my carefully laid plans are out the window.   Being on call, 24-7 is a 
tough life to live. ( maybe that is why I need so much CS )

 I get calls at 11 pm, 2 am, 7 am, new years day, sat, sun and 
holidays. at anytime imaginable.

  However, I would be interested in any and all of the information you 
have.  Any links would be appreciated.  Especially these links that helped 
you to form you ideas.  Likely I missed many of them.   I could be "dead 
wrong" in my thinking.  I do not have my mind made up and am subject to 
change it with new information.


Re: CS>Introduction / limiting use

2001-12-21 Thread Marilyn Bickell
I work in some places that are so dirty and filled with disease, as soon 
as I come out, I drink 8 oz right then.

** Wayne,
Shooting down 8 oz. in one day ~~ you MUST be making your own CS. Is anyone on 
the list NOT making their own? Am I the only mutineer, scaredy cat? 
You don't seem to be concerned about the amount you take in. I guess my 2 years 
of on/off research hasn't taught me much. All I learned was, "take it 
Sigh! so much to learn, so little time.

Re: CS>Introduction / limiting use

2001-12-21 Thread Wayne Fugitt

Evening Jason,

You message indicated you have done some thinking and that you are a 
logical thinking person,

and a great writer.

I read it twice.Not all messages deserves that !

>>I know that some writers suggest a limited use simply because they have 
no certainty about whether long term use is truly safe, and they are simply 
attempting to be socially responsible.

   I suspect that these writer know nothing about CS and have used it very 

The "three weeks" cycle must be a derative of this.  Keep in mind that in 
natural medicine, practitioners often try to work with the following body 

   CS violates all the rules that exist in any rule book.   Please don't 
try to apply them to this super-natural


4 times daily:  The "insulin" cycle, regulating protein/fat/sugar balance. 
( three times daily if concentrations of substances ingested are 
particulary potent, like drugs )
2 times daily:  The metabolic cycle - The daily active and passive state ( 
ie vitamins in the morning, minerals at night ).
72 hour cycle:  Many substances take about 72 hours to build up in the 
body...  Many substances take about 72 hours to be eliminated as well.

21 day cycle:  Often considered the "monthly" cycle
In most cases, CS does its work without re guard to race, color, 
creed, national origin,or religious beliefs.  While the cycles are 
interesting, I don't think CS will wait that long before it does all it is 
going to do.

>>  I think often times, these things show up primarily due to 
uncertainty, and that fact that sellers must put >> SOME type of 
instructions for use!

   Many items in the world do not come with instruction books.  One is 
expected to know how to use them before he makes the move.  Heck the 
whole world is filled with uncertainty.  However, the effect of CS is not 
nearly as uncertain as most other things.

>>However, the real tough infections can take one month of continuous use 
to start to see any benefit ( taken from several private well-documented 
experiences on tough viral conditions ).

 Fortunately, I have never had one of these in my whole life.  As long 
as I take CS regularly, along with all the other boosters,  I don't think I 
will.  Unless heaven forbid, some biological agent comes along and gets 
me.   When that happens, I will turn blue for sure because I will be 
drinking a gallon or two per day.

The wisest cycle to use that I have found, if one is simply trying to 
improve general health, is:  3 days on, four days off, four days on, three 
days off.

  I do that too at times, when I get so busy working I forget to take the 
daily dose. Now I have started keeping a bottle or two in my truck.  That 
way, when I forget, I can get a swig or two as I am driving.
Plus, for the cuts, scratches, and minor things that happen, I have it 
there when I need it.

  I work in some places that are so dirty and filled with disease, as soon 
as I come out, I drink 8 oz right then.

  Welcome to the list !

  We have some relatively ornery and plain spoken people on here.

  Keep us posted of your success and experiments with CS.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-

with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Introduction / limiting use

2001-12-20 Thread Kevin Nolan
Jason - thanks for your interesting comments. It's always good when there is
a DETAILED and thoughtful response to an important issue like this.

regards, Kevin Nolan

- Original Message -
From: "Jason / AVRA" 
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2001 4:37 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Introduction / limiting use

> Greetings, all...
> There are only a few known reasons for limiting colloidal silver intake.
> Some believe that the body "learns" to eliminate colloidal silver more
> quickly from the body with heavy use.  Therefore, if one does use it
> regularly, higher doses would be necessary to treat illness.
> I know that some writers suggest a limited use simply because they have no
> certainty about whether long term use is truly safe, and they are simply
> attempting to be socially responsible.
> The "on again off again" usage philosophy is taken directly from natural
> medicine practices.  The "ten days on" is a blend between modern medicine
> and natural medicine.  The idea is that ten days of usage should be
> to eliminate an infection, then the ten days off allows the body to go
> through a cleaning cycle.
> The "three weeks" cycle must be a derative of this.  Keep in mind that in
> natural medicine, practitioners often try to work with the following body
> cycles:
> 4 times daily:  The "insulin" cycle, regulating protein/fat/sugar balance.
> three times daily if concentrations of substances ingested are particulary
> potent, like drugs )
> 2 times daily:  The metabolic cycle - The daily active and passive state (
> ie vitamins in the morning, minerals at night ).
> 72 hour cycle:  Many substances take about 72 hours to build up in the
> body...  Many substances take about 72 hours to be eliminated as well.
> 21 day cycle:  Often considered the "monthly" cycle
> Unfortunately, regimes sometimes designed with these ideas in mind are
> "patch-work" than anything else, and the methods I've seen dealing with
> colloidal silver don't really fully make sense.  I think often times,
> things show up primarily due to uncertainty, and that fact that sellers
> put SOME type of instructions for use!
> The three week cycle "sounds" good on the outside.  The idea that with
> weeks of use, most infections should be eliminated, since this is
> the first-stage prescription for standard antibiotics.  Sadly, though, it
> doesn't look that this accurate at all.  It has been my experience that
> "common" infections that respond well to colloidal silver use are brought
> under control in about 72 hours.  Ones that don't, for whatever reason,
> respond well tend to support immune system function, making endurance of a
> condition much easier. In this case, the duration is a direct function of
> the immune system response.
> However, the real tough infections can take one month of continuous use to
> start to see any benefit ( taken from several private well-documented
> experiences on tough viral conditions ).
> The wisest cycle to use that I have found, if one is simply trying to
> improve general health, is:  3 days on, four days off, four days on, three
> days off.  This cycle is designed to ease changes that occur in digestion
> through heavy detoxification of the body in some natural medicine
> - but is certainly not used if one is trying to specifically beat an
> infection.
> Even so, countless people take small maintenance doses daily with
> results, and have been doing so for years, with excellent results.
> Using colloidal silver provides an excellent opportunity to start to learn
> how to listen to the body and respond intelligently.  Modern medicine
> REACTS to an illness.  This is a great sadness.  If X happens, it
> this Y response, every time.  This has caused the ENTIRE general medical
> establishment ( medical practice )to stop thinking.
> I wouldn't worry too much over the variances in advice on usage.  With
> colloidal silver, we have a wide margin that allows plenty of room for
> adjustment as the need is presented.
> >Since then, I've been researching CS and using it on a when-needed basis,
> >as opposed to a preventative, because during my research, I have read
> >it is important not to use it for extended periods; one article said 10
> >days on, 10 off. Another said 3 weeks on, 3 off. Unfortunately neither
> >article said "why." :-(
> >I have also read it is alright to use it regularly without breaks.
> >But what's the concept behind the intermittent use?
> >Whelp,

Re: CS>Introduction / limiting use

2001-12-20 Thread Marilyn Bickell
** Jason,
Thanks so much for the usage information!! WOW ~~ I really appreciate it, and 
what's ever better, it was written in a manner that I, the pee-brain, could 
You've cleared up a lot of questions that I was pondering for a long time :o)
I am still on the hunt for the websites where I found the 10 days on, 10 off,  
and 3 weeks on/off cycles!!! Kevin has me on a mission, and I hope to complete 
it ;-)
You might find me screaming hanging from the chandelier in a day or two if I've 
had no success.


... The "on again off again" usage philosophy is taken directly from natural 
medicine practices.  The "ten days on" is a blend between modern medicine 
and natural medicine.  The idea is that ten days of usage should be adequate 
to eliminate an infection, then the ten days off allows the body to go 
through a cleaning cycle.
The "three weeks" cycle must be a derative of this.  Keep in mind that in 
natural medicine, practitioners often try to work with the following body 
The three week cycle "sounds" good on the outside.  The idea that with three 
weeks of use, most infections should be eliminated, since this is sometimes 
the first-stage prescription for standard antibiotics.  Sadly, though, it 
doesn't look that this accurate at all.  It has been my experience that many 
"common" infections that respond well to colloidal silver use are brought 
under control in about 72 hours.  Ones that don't, for whatever reason, 
respond well tend to support immune system function, making endurance of a 
condition much easier. In this case, the duration is a direct function of 
the immune system response.
The wisest cycle to use that I have found, if one is simply trying to 
improve general health, is:  3 days on, four days off, four days on, three 
days off.  This cycle is designed to ease changes that occur in digestion 
through heavy detoxification of the body in some natural medicine practices - 
but is certainly not used if one is trying to specifically beat an infection.
Even so, countless people take small maintenance doses daily with excellent 
results, and have been doing so for years, with excellent results.
I wouldn't worry too much over the variances in advice on usage.  With 
colloidal silver, we have a wide margin that allows plenty of room for 
adjustment as the need is presented.

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