RE: CS>Making CS

2009-10-06 Thread Lisa
Ok thanks...I'll have to throw out what I have as I made 3 batches and put
them all in one glass half gallon jar. With three kids we'll go through it
on a regular basis...that's why I was making some to "stock" up.

I guess I'll try my silver puppy on a half gallon container and see how long
it takes to make that work!


-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 10:53 AM
Subject: CS>Making CS

Lisa wrote:
> I hate to admit it -- but I'm *totally* confused now.
> I made several batches of EIS and stored them in a half gallon container.
> Now being 3 days old it's definitely taken on a metallic type taste. I
> DW in most of the batches and forgot to use it one time and wound up using
> our "tap" water which is actually well water. We do have a higher level of
> iron in ours so we use a Brita filter when we drink it.
Use the one from well water for adding to your plants, or topically, I 
would not drink it.
> Should I be adding a pinch of salt to my water? 
No, never.
> And could I stick with my
> well water (after awhile DW does add up in cost -- since I'm not working)!
> And if I use Himalayan sea salt ok?
No, it produces silver salts, not collidal silver ( EIS ).

> Thx
> Lisa

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Re: CS>Making CS

2009-10-06 Thread Marshall Dudley
You can use 10 to 20% from a previous batch to seed it, and that will 
really cut the time down.


Lisa wrote:

Ok thanks...I'll have to throw out what I have as I made 3 batches and put
them all in one glass half gallon jar. With three kids we'll go through it
on a regular basis...that's why I was making some to "stock" up.

I guess I'll try my silver puppy on a half gallon container and see how long
it takes to make that work!



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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Making CS

2009-10-06 Thread Lisa
Brilliant thank you -- I'll use this idea going forward!

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 12:15 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Making CS

You can use 10 to 20% from a previous batch to seed it, and that will 
really cut the time down.


Lisa wrote:
> Ok thanks...I'll have to throw out what I have as I made 3 batches and put
> them all in one glass half gallon jar. With three kids we'll go through it
> on a regular basis...that's why I was making some to "stock" up.
> I guess I'll try my silver puppy on a half gallon container and see how
> it takes to make that work!
> L

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RE: CS>Making CS

2009-10-07 Thread Ode Coyote

 It'll take quite a while.

 But try this:

Use a half gallon container with a spigot, drain out what you need and top 
off the water.
 That way you'll only be bringing concentration up that far, not all the 
way every time and the "Ramp up to Current" time, a HUGE variable, will be 
eliminated or greatly reduced.

 The existing generator can be fairly easily modified to handle double the 
electrode area to double the rate. using 14" long electrodes vs 7 inch and 
double the current...but that won't fit in a quart jar and silver is rather 

 Just the other day I made up an electrode array using 3 sets of 7" 
electrodes and a modified PocketPuppy to run ittriple the current.. to 
make a gallon in about  6 hours.
 Three  14" electrode sets and 6x the current would be even faster. [It'll 
handle up to 20x the current and 140 inches of $$ electrode $$..but that 
won't fit into a gallon jar]

 The electrode connections is the trickiest part.
Either it's a wire and clip mess, or it's all sealed up and you can't take 
it apart to replace or clean the electrodes...take your pick.  [Workin on 
it as time permits]


At 11:05 AM 10/6/2009 -0400, you wrote:

Ok thanks...I'll have to throw out what I have as I made 3 batches and put
them all in one glass half gallon jar. With three kids we'll go through it
on a regular basis...that's why I was making some to "stock" up.

I guess I'll try my silver puppy on a half gallon container and see how long
it takes to make that work!


-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley []
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 10:53 AM
Subject: CS>Making CS

Lisa wrote:
> I hate to admit it -- but I'm *totally* confused now.
> I made several batches of EIS and stored them in a half gallon container.
> Now being 3 days old it's definitely taken on a metallic type taste. I
> DW in most of the batches and forgot to use it one time and wound up using
> our "tap" water which is actually well water. We do have a higher level of
> iron in ours so we use a Brita filter when we drink it.
Use the one from well water for adding to your plants, or topically, I
would not drink it.
> Should I be adding a pinch of salt to my water?
No, never.
> And could I stick with my
> well water (after awhile DW does add up in cost -- since I'm not working)!
> And if I use Himalayan sea salt ok?
No, it produces silver salts, not collidal silver ( EIS ).

> Thx
> Lisa

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Re: CS>Making CS

2007-11-08 Thread M. G. Devour
> _ 
> ( 

Those are vintage instructions from *way* back, including a grain-of-
wheat bulb as a crude current limiter and recommending the use of SALT 
to make things happen faster.

Do *NOT* use these instructions as written. The use of salt has been 
discouraged for years now.

Be well,

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Making CS

2004-09-07 Thread John Rigby

Hi experts & folks,
Just went here and found the following about making CS:   "30 minutes?"

We really DO need to get some consensus on uses and abuses of CS - 
especially for the newcomer/amateur like me.

It seems to me from my total reading that like many things in life - CS is 
best made slow and easy with top ingredients.

I use 6V DC  ( a stripped printer converter)
I use 2x Maple Leaf $5 coins = massive surface  and wrinkly -  
fine.50% immersion

I use vacuum distilled Hi qual Water
I use a small fishtank bubbler
I use a 1.5 Litre  Pyrex container ( Coffee pot)
I run for 8 hours.

Tyndall is a faint red indistinct-edged  line uniformly throughout the 1.5 

We started out at 5 hours with a 1 litre container and have edged it up in 
timing to the 8 hour mark and never a show of yellow to date.
The container/s were/are  only ever rinsed out with Distilled H20, the 
coins cleaned of the grey efflorescence (?) with a lint- free tissue, then 
rotated for next run.

We have no sediments, no odd colours and find it hard to believe that 
people who drink things like tapwater  and hot coffee could ever find a 
taste to the stuff!
With our super-clean palates, ( no booze, no chemicals, clean air, monk 
lifestyle) there is a fine metallic merest hint of taste - and this from 
systems that can detect one part in a BILLION of Chlorine.

Except that it has proven to work with great results, I would wonder if we 
were making the good stuff at all!

I'm going to buy a tester  just to see what our product is, but my thoughts 
are that the extremely low voltage/current, extremely clean water and 
genuine  Silver with massive area exposure comparatively and the gentle 
bubble effect are very important factors, as is the low start and finish 
temperature of the water 20C +-

Then of course, we don't mix it with toxic substances like sports drinks or 
colas and do go to a bit of trouble to hold it in the mouth for a few minutes.

AND by then we have also microsized it by adding  H202.

Dosages we have worked on are: 1/4 cup or a bit less to which we add  3 
eyedroppers of reduced 35% H202 AR Grade (finest) to 3% in CS  for 
internals. 3 x per day
Skin Cancer:  50% DMSO ( AR finest) to unmicrosized H202 ( it "appears" 
that  DMSO and H202 are not good symbiotes...  ?)   Closed two lesions 
unhealed despite all efforts for 2 years.

Salvaging a badly infected root canal:  as above.
Cut flower extender ( 200% life)  2 drops in vase of  unmodified CS
Deodorant:   fine spray bottle ( ex perfume) standard CS  after shower. ( 
We live right on Coast - high heat and humidity  She says it definitely 
works on me!)   :-)

DMSO:  50%  behind knees to switch off cramps!   A real gift.  Cramp pain 
actually approaches that of Cancer.
(The type that grabs lower legs and can propel a sound asleep person 
upright and crashing into a wall metres away! Then to fall a sobbing 
moaning mess onto the floor.  you get the idea...)

Final real anecdotal:   3 months ago had my eyes tested - even using 
Eyebright tincture was only holding my eyes in a sore state, not pain.
Then started on CS + DMSO  and 3 months later got a reminder to  go get the 
glasses. I went, got them and although no more eye problems, started to use 
the computer aligned pair and eyes went bad quickly.
Tried the driving glasses on a trip to the Airport  and was really 
unimpressed when I went to read the arrivals monitor and couldn't!

Went back to the optometrist complained bitterly and he redid the test.
No mistaking it.  Both glasses were for someone with eyes in much worse 
shape than mine!
I told him to forget it - my ten year old prescription would do 

I expect to improve even further.

No, he CERTAINLY wasn't interested in how I did it.  The rent on his new 
shop and renovations alone are problem enough...  he needs to sell 
a lot of glasses.

Shortly I hope to post more defined data and greater success on 
the  MATRIXIDE  Archive

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Making CS

2004-09-07 Thread Wayne Fugitt

Evening John,

Seems you have a plan and a strategy, and have put some thought into making CS.

I don't want to muddy the water, or the CS, but I have one small question.

At 11:12 PM 9/7/2004, you wrote:
I'm going to buy a tester  just to see what our product is, but my 
thoughts are that the extremely low voltage/current,
are very important factors, as is the low start and finish temperature of 
the water 20C +-

  My question relates to the low voltage.  It has been proven that higher 
voltages make acceptable CS.

This is not to say that the lower may not be better.

   Time could be a factor when you needed a larger volume of CS in a 
shorter time.

You also mentioned the "30 minute factor" as possibly not as desirable 
as 3 hours or 8 hours.

Here again, good and effective CS can be made in 15 minutes or less.

 If one used the approach that he must make the BEST CS, there may be 
critical times when these cards will be stacked against you.  Likely you 
could use ONE volt DC and take a week to make CS.

 I have never used 100 VDC but have used voltage from 6 to 70.  I 
finally settled on 52 VDC and seeing the effectiveness of this, quit 
worrying about making the best CS.

 Even lousy CS works miracles.

Don't change what works, and what you like.   While you are in the 
experimental mode, you could try some faster methods in case you need 
greater volume at some time in the future.

I would like to see some data on a shirt pocket sized solar charger, or 
maybe two or three of these connected in series.


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Re: CS>Making CS

2004-09-08 Thread Ode Coyote

  Using 6 volts keeps the current down and slows run away. [It'll
eventually catch up to 27 volt levels]
 Less current = more time. Less PPM per minute per minute over a given
time. [Not a typo]

 The voltage isn't important.
 Distance between the electrodes and  electrode size alters the current
draw at a given voltage.
 You can keep current constant by moving the electrodes further and further
apart..even calibrate the results on a ruler.


At 11:54 PM 9/7/2004 -0500, you wrote:
>Evening John,
>Seems you have a plan and a strategy, and have put some thought into
making CS.
>I don't want to muddy the water, or the CS, but I have one small question.
>At 11:12 PM 9/7/2004, you wrote:
>>I'm going to buy a tester  just to see what our product is, but my 
>>thoughts are that the extremely low voltage/current,
>>are very important factors, as is the low start and finish temperature of 
>>the water 20C +-
>   My question relates to the low voltage.  It has been proven that higher 
>voltages make acceptable CS.
>This is not to say that the lower may not be better.

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Re: CS>Making CS

2004-09-08 Thread sol
Could you post (or re-post if you have already told us this info) the 
recipe of CS-DMSO you use for your eyes? Do you mist it into your eyes 
or use a dropper?


John Rigby wrote:

Final real anecdotal:   3 months ago had my eyes tested - even using 
Eyebright tincture was only holding my eyes in a sore state, not pain.
Then started on CS + DMSO  and 3 months later got a reminder to  go 
get the glasses. I went, got them and although no more eye problems, 
started to use the computer aligned pair and eyes went bad quickly.
Tried the driving glasses on a trip to the Airport  and was really 
unimpressed when I went to read the arrivals monitor and couldn't!

Went back to the optometrist complained bitterly and he redid the test.
No mistaking it.  Both glasses were for someone with eyes in much 
worse shape than mine!
I told him to forget it - my ten year old prescription would do 

I expect to improve even further.

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>making cs

2009-04-27 Thread Clayton Family

sounds like the wrong kind of strainer, since it is catching the ions.

One could decant it into another container after letting it settle 
overnight, leaving the bottom stuff behind.

Or a paper filter could be used, maybe rinsing it first with some 
boiled distilled water. This works for me, with no decrease in the 


On Apr 27, 2009, at 4:08 PM, Revonda Henderson wrote:

When I make a batch of CS I always clean the silver electrodes before 
brewing. However, when the batch is complete there are usually a few 
silver particles or sluggy type substance floating in the water. So, I 
tried straining the cs through a reuseable coffee filter to get these 
particles I can see out. My ppm meter reads around 5 when the batch is 
complete but after I strained it the ppm meter reads 0. Any advice 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>making cs

2009-04-27 Thread Norton, Steve
Or one could wait a few days and add some H2O2 to the CS. The silver
oxide will probably go into solution.
 - Steve N 

-Original Message-
From: Clayton Family [] 
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 2:32 PM
Subject: Re: CS>making cs

sounds like the wrong kind of strainer, since it is catching the ions.

One could decant it into another container after letting it settle
overnight, leaving the bottom stuff behind.

Or a paper filter could be used, maybe rinsing it first with some boiled
distilled water. This works for me, with no decrease in the reading.


On Apr 27, 2009, at 4:08 PM, Revonda Henderson wrote:

> When I make a batch of CS I always clean the silver electrodes before 
> brewing. However, when the batch is complete there are usually a few 
> silver particles or sluggy type substance floating in the water. So, I

> tried straining the cs through a reuseable coffee filter to get these 
> particles I can see out. My ppm meter reads around 5 when the batch is

> complete but after I strained it the ppm meter reads 0. Any advice 
> please...Thanks

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>making cs

2009-04-27 Thread
I have 2 1923 silver dollars, do you think they're pure enough to make some CS?
--- On Mon, 4/27/09, Revonda Henderson  wrote:

From: Revonda Henderson 
Subject: CS>making cs
Date: Monday, April 27, 2009, 4:08 PM

When I make a batch of CS I always clean the silver electrodes before brewing. 
However, when the batch is complete there are usually a few silver particles or 
sluggy type substance floating in the water. So, I tried straining the cs 
through a reuseable coffee filter to get these particles I can see out. My ppm 
meter reads around 5 when the batch is complete but after I strained it the ppm 
meter reads 0. Any advice please...Thanks


Re: CS>making cs

2009-04-27 Thread ZZekelink
Steve, what ratio would you use  ??   how much H2O2   to how much silver??? 
Thanks,  Lois
**A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy 

Re: CS>making cs

2009-04-27 Thread Indi

Usually, silver of at least 99.9% purity (.999) is recommended.
According to ,
the 1923 Silver Dollar is only 90% (.900).


On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 05:31:22PM -0700, wrote:
>I have 2 1923 silver dollars, do you think they're pure enough to make
>some CS?
>--- On Mon, 4/27/09, Revonda Henderson  wrote:
>  From: Revonda Henderson 
>  Subject: CS>making cs
>  To:
>  Date: Monday, April 27, 2009, 4:08 PM
>  When I make a batch of CS I always clean the silver electrodes before
>  brewing. However, when the batch is complete there are usually a few
>  silver particles or sluggy type substance floating in the water. So, I
>  tried straining the cs through a reuseable coffee filter to get these
>  particles I can see out. My ppm meter reads around 5 when the batch is
>  complete but after I strained it the ppm meter reads 0. Any advice
>  please...Thanks


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>making cs

2009-04-27 Thread Norton, Steve
I am on a blackberry right now and don't access to all the previous posts. Is 
this relative to the CS with silver oxide and problems filtering it out? If so 
I would add 1/4 to 1/2 tsp of 3% H2O2 to a quart. 
- Steve N

Sent: Mon Apr 27 19:41:35 2009
Subject: Re: CS>making cs 

Steve, what ratio would you use ??   how much H2O2   to how much silver??? 
Thanks, Lois

A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps! 

Re: CS>making cs

2009-04-28 Thread Dee Fitzpatrick
Can you not set your machine to reverse polarity, because that does away
with the problem altogether - you just don't get sludgy bits.  Dee 

---Original Message---
From: Revonda Henderson
Date: 27/04/2009 22:08:24
Subject: CS>making cs
When I make a batch of CS I always clean the silver electrodes before
brewing. However, when the batch is complete there are usually a few silver
particles or sluggy type substance floating in the water. So, I tried
straining the cs through a reuseable coffee filter to get these particles I
can see out. My ppm meter reads around 5 when the batch is complete but
after I strained it the ppm meter reads 0. Any advice please...Thanks

Re: CS>making cs

2009-04-28 Thread ZZekelink
Thanks Steve, that is what I was referring to.  Forgot to add it in my ?? 
I am on a blackberry right now and don't  access to all the previous posts. 
Is this relative to the CS with silver oxide  and problems filtering it 
out? If so I would add 1/4 to 1/2 tsp of 3% H2O2 to a  quart. 
- Steve N 

Steve, what ratio would you use  ??   how much H2O2   to how much silver??? 
Thanks,  Lois

**An Excellent Credit Score is 750. See Yours in Just 2 Easy 

Re: CS>making cs

2009-04-29 Thread Ode Coyote

  Don't strain it. let everything settle and decant, leaving the junk in 
the bottom to discard or save for topical use.
 The coffee filter may be neutralizing your ions and isn't a very good 
filter anyhow.


At 05:08 PM 4/27/2009 -0400, you wrote:
When I make a batch of CS I always clean the silver electrodes before 
brewing. However, when the batch is complete there are usually a few 
silver particles or sluggy type substance floating in the water. So, I 
tried straining the cs through a reuseable coffee filter to get these 
particles I can see out. My ppm meter reads around 5 when the batch is 
complete but after I strained it the ppm meter reads 0. Any advice 

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Making CS

2006-11-02 Thread Todd Paddock

Kristeen this is where I just ordered mine from got it in like 4 days and 
made my first batch last night with no problems. Very Happy.

Todd Paddock

From: "Kirsteen Wright" 
Subject: CS>Making CS
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2006 15:14:03 +

Hi I've recently become interested in CS and am totally convinced of its
benefits. However I've been buying it ready made as I have no clue how to
make it. This obviously makes it quite expensive, especially with shipping.
Is there any easy way of making it at home. I haven't a clue where to even
start. Is there a kit or something I can buy?

Any advice gratefully appreciated


Chaos, confusion, disorder - my work here is done

Use your PC to make calls at very low rates

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Making CS

2006-11-02 Thread Marshall Dudley
You can make your own unit, or purchase a ready made one.  Many here
have had success with these companies:


Kirsteen Wright wrote:

> Hi I've recently become interested in CS and am totally convinced of
> its benefits. However I've been buying it ready made as I have no clue
> how to make it. This obviously makes it quite expensive, especially
> with shipping.  Is there any easy way of making it at home. I haven't
> a clue where to even start. Is there a kit or something I can buy? Any
> advice gratefully appreciated Kirsteen
> --
> Chaos, confusion, disorder - my work here is done

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Making CS

2006-11-02 Thread Kirsteen Wright

On 11/2/06, Marshall Dudley  wrote:

You can make your own unit, or purchase a ready made one.  Many here
have had success with these companies:

I've had a look for units in the UK and this is the only one I can find. Any
comments. Does it look as if it's any good.

thanks for the help. I'm really clueless.



Chaos, confusion, disorder - my work here is done

Re: CS>Making CS

2006-11-02 Thread Deborah Gerard on this site and he sells a unit for $29.95...and it works great 
and you can pick his brain with tons of questions. Here is his site...


- Original Message 
From: Kirsteen Wright 
Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2006 10:14:03 AM
Subject: CS>Making CS

Hi I've recently become interested in CS and am totally convinced of its 
benefits. However I've been buying it ready made as I have no clue how to make 
it. This obviously makes it quite expensive, especially with shipping.  Is 
there any easy way of making it at home. I haven't a clue where to even start. 
Is there a kit or something I can buy? 
Any advice gratefully appreciated

Chaos, confusion, disorder - my work here is done

RE: CS>Making CS

2006-11-03 Thread nathan cross

this site has a link to Free D.I.Y Designs
really simple to make and use

TDS meters give a very rough but still useful measure of the strength of the 
cs you are producing


From: "Kirsteen Wright" 
Subject: CS>Making CS
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2006 15:14:03 +

Hi I've recently become interested in CS and am totally convinced of its
benefits. However I've been buying it ready made as I have no clue how to
make it. This obviously makes it quite expensive, especially with shipping.
Is there any easy way of making it at home. I haven't a clue where to even
start. Is there a kit or something I can buy?

Any advice gratefully appreciated


Chaos, confusion, disorder - my work here is done

Advertisement: Looking for a car that won't break the budget?  Go to

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Making CS

2006-11-08 Thread Geoping
went to site, could not find anything priced as you said,, please advise,,  
thanks so much, geo. 

RE: CS>Making CS

2006-11-08 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Geoping,
Please click on and you should find items &
prices--please let me know if you have difficulty. Thanks.
Richard Harris, 59 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  From: []
  Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 7:52 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Making CS

  went to site, could not find anything priced as you said,, please advise,,
thanks so much, geo.

Re: CS>Making CS/

2008-06-21 Thread seth sato

Has anyone ever used this C maker  I have been on this
group for some time now and I have never seen one person talk about this
unit.  I have found it to be one of the best on the market and have used
it for at least 6 years.  It makes a gallon or 5 gallons depending on
which unit you choose and  it works great.  I have no affiliation nor
do I benefit from anyone buying this unit, my purpose in this is to find out if
anyone has tried this C maker.

I see people recommending what I think are inferior units compared to this one
and I wish to make sure everyone knows this option exist.  I look forward
to any feedback anyone has to offer.




Re: CS>Making CS/

2008-06-21 Thread Craig Chamberlin

Hello Seth,

I believe the reason that no one else uses this device is for the
following reasons (granted I only spent about five minutes checking,
I'll leave the in depth dissection to others):

1) They have only had this web site for less than 1 year.
2) The claims made on the home page are outrageous.
3) And I don't recall ever seeing your name before.
4) You are wrong when you speak about others recommending inferior
units, if all you have ever used is this thing.

I think it is possible/very likely that you are a shill...just my



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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Making CS/

2008-06-22 Thread Faith Gagne
What did you use before you used this unit and why did you switch?  Thanks.  
Faith G.

  - Original Message - 
  From: seth sato 
  Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2008 1:07 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Making CS/

  Has anyone ever used this C maker  I have been on this group 
for some time now and I have never seen one person talk about this unit.  I 
have found it to be one of the best on the market and have used it for at least 
6 years.  It makes a gallon or 5 gallons depending on which unit you choose and 
 it works great.  I have no affiliation nor do I benefit from anyone buying 
this unit, my purpose in this is to find out if anyone has tried this C maker.

  I see people recommending what I think are inferior units compared to this 
one and I wish to make sure everyone knows this option exist.  I look forward 
to any feedback anyone has to offer.



Re: CS>Making CS/

2008-06-22 Thread cking001
Holy Cr*p!
$300 & $500???
Am I glad I was technically savy enough to put together my own
That's quite an investment, but it WILL improve your life, so that's
worth something.

He's dead, Jim. You take his phaser, I'll get his wallet.

On 6/22/2008 1:07:41 AM, seth sato ( wrote:
> Has anyone ever used this C maker http://health2us.
> com/colloidal_silver/colloid.htm? I have been on this group for some time
> now and I have never seen one person talk about this unit. I have found it
> to be one of the best on the market and have used it for at least 6 years.
> It makes a gallon or 5 gallons depending on which unit you choose and it
> works great. I have no affiliation nor do I benefit from anyone buying
> this unit, my purpose in this is to find out if anyone has tried this C
> maker.
> I see people recommending what I think are inferi
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG.
Version: 8.0.100 / Virus Database: 270.4.1/1513 - Release Date: 6/22/2008 7:52 

Re: CS>Making CS/

2008-06-22 Thread bbanever

While I'm sure this unit makes high quality ionic/colloidal silver, it is 
no better than either the SilverGen or the Silver Puppy.  ALL make equally fine 
and pure ionic/colloidal silver. 

  - Original Message - 
  From: seth sato 
  Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2008 10:07 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Making CS/

  Has anyone ever used this C maker  I have been on this group 
for some time now and I have never seen one person talk about this unit.  I 
have found it to be one of the best on the market and have used it for at least 
6 years.  It makes a gallon or 5 gallons depending on which unit you choose and 
 it works great.  I have no affiliation nor do I benefit from anyone buying 
this unit, my purpose in this is to find out if anyone has tried this C maker.

  I see people recommending what I think are inferior units compared to this 
one and I wish to make sure everyone knows this option exist.  I look forward 
to any feedback anyone has to offer.



Re: CS>Making CS/

2008-06-22 Thread M1marine
I use the batteries on my golf cart, and turn out an amber colored  CS.  Ed.

**Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for 
fuel-efficient used cars.  

Re: CS>Making CS/

2008-06-22 Thread N Cameron
Thanks to this site I purchased a Silver Gen 6 in 2005 and have not been ill 
since more colds sore throats or influenza ...and it is still solving bad 
habit issues accumulated over 67 years of life
I was paying 22 dollars for 4 ounces of 5ppm before I purchased it first 
surprise was the disappearance of a scar on my finger ...
be well

  - Original Message - 
  From: bbanever 
  Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2008 9:34 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Making CS/


  While I'm sure this unit makes high quality ionic/colloidal silver, it is 
no better than either the SilverGen or the Silver Puppy.  ALL make equally fine 
and pure ionic/colloidal silver. 

- Original Message - 
From: seth sato 
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2008 10:07 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Making CS/

Has anyone ever used this C maker  I have been on this group 
for some time now and I have never seen one person talk about this unit.  I 
have found it to be one of the best on the market and have used it for at least 
6 years.  It makes a gallon or 5 gallons depending on which unit you choose and 
 it works great.  I have no affiliation nor do I benefit from anyone buying 
this unit, my purpose in this is to find out if anyone has tried this C maker.

I see people recommending what I think are inferior units compared to this 
one and I wish to make sure everyone knows this option exist.  I look forward 
to any feedback anyone has to offer.



Re: CS>Making CS/

2008-06-22 Thread Dee
Is this good?  I always understood that clear was best, but pale yellow ok. 
I suppose it depends what you are using it for.  Dee 

---Original Message---
Date: 22/06/2008 14:45:49
Subject: Re: CS>Making CS/
I use the batteries on my golf cart, and turn out an amber colored CS.  Ed.

Re: CS>Making CS/

2008-06-22 Thread M1marine


**Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for 
fuel-efficient used cars.  

Re: CS>Making CS

2006-05-24 Thread

My homemade generator uses a quart mason jar, with #12 vertically mounted
silver wires spaced about 2 inches apart whose ends are about 3/4 of an inch
from the bottom.  I use a constant current of about 200 microamps and let it
brew for 24 hours.  The very low current produces very fine particles and
doesn't require mechanical or thermal stirring (the Brownian motion provides
sufficient "stirring").  I don't use polarity switching, but I do swap the
wires every batch so they wear out evenly.  Be sure to use only steam
distilled water.

If you are handy with electronics, I can send you a schematic of the
constant current supply I use.  The parts cost around $15.  Or, you can
simply buy a constant current diode from Mouser Electronics and put it in
series with a 24 volt DC wall transformer available from Radio Shack or
Jameco or many other sources.

--Steve Y.

- Original Message - 
From: "Joseph Fritz" 
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2006 7:52 PM
Subject: CS>Making CS

Hi everyone. It's been a while since I've made CS and have lost/misplaced
most of what I was using to make CS. I plan on building a new generator. And
was wondering what the current consensus on making CS is. I am going to get
new wire for making CS I will be making it in a mason jar Any
recommendations on what length cathode/electrode for jar size? I will be
using 12 gauge silver wire. What size batch? 16, 32, 64OZ Should I use
polarity switching? Should I also have an on/off cycle? What
voltage/current? I would look in the archives but they disappeared Any idea
if/when they will return? Also if this info is on a web page somewhere could
you please point me to it? Thank you! Sincerely Joseph Fritz

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>making cs

2003-07-09 Thread skaighn skaighn
Hi pj - I also use the Sota silver pulser with the "plug" you refer to in 
your email.  It is the "Constant Current Adapter".  They describe it as 
adapting the output to a steady 1mA which allows the silver "to come off the 
wires at a constant, gentle rate to produce a consistently small particle 
size without heating the water".  I love the unit - very easy to use.

So far I haven't turned myself blue - or even gray.  I think I will send off 
a sample for testing.


List, I am using the Sota silver pulser to make my cs.  They have a 
plug that is supposed to be good and eliminates the need for heating the 
water. ... Does anyone know what the new plug does?  tiapj

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The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>making cs

2003-07-09 Thread Ode Coyote
  Interesting that Sota would sell you an adapter rather than redesigning 
the that they know how it 'should' work.


At 10:17 AM 7/9/2003 -0700, you wrote:
Hi pj - I also use the Sota silver pulser with the "plug" you refer to in 
your email.  It is the "Constant Current Adapter".  They describe it as 
adapting the output to a steady 1mA which allows the silver "to come off 
the wires at a constant, gentle rate to produce a consistently small 
particle size without heating the water".  I love the unit - very easy to use.

So far I haven't turned myself blue - or even gray.  I think I will send 
off a sample for testing.


List, I am using the Sota silver pulser to make my cs.  They have a 
plug that is supposed to be good and eliminates the need for heating 
the water. ... Does anyone know what the new plug does?  tiapj

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The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>making cs

2003-07-10 Thread David Bearrow


Naw, that machine is pretty well designed from the look of it. It was 
designed to be a Robert Beck blood purifier. They have the adapter you can 
put on it to make colloidal silver as an added bonus.

At 09:10 PM 7/9/03, you wrote:
  Interesting that Sota would sell you an adapter rather than redesigning 
the that they know how it 'should' work.


At 10:17 AM 7/9/2003 -0700, you wrote:
Hi pj - I also use the Sota silver pulser with the "plug" you refer to in 
your email.  It is the "Constant Current Adapter".  They describe it as 
adapting the output to a steady 1mA which allows the silver "to come off 
the wires at a constant, gentle rate to produce a consistently small 
particle size without heating the water".  I love the unit - very easy to use.

So far I haven't turned myself blue - or even gray.  I think I will send 
off a sample for testing.


List, I am using the Sota silver pulser to make my cs.  They have 
a plug that is supposed to be good and eliminates the need for heating 
the water. ... Does anyone know what the new plug does?  tiapj

Do you Yahoo!?
SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!

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The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>making cs

2003-07-11 Thread Ode Coyote

  I see.

At 07:13 AM 7/10/2003 -0500, you wrote:


Naw, that machine is pretty well designed from the look of it. It was 
designed to be a Robert Beck blood purifier. They have the adapter you can 
put on it to make colloidal silver as an added bonus.

At 09:10 PM 7/9/03, you wrote:
  Interesting that Sota would sell you an adapter rather than 
redesigning the that they know how it 'should' work.


At 10:17 AM 7/9/2003 -0700, you wrote:
Hi pj - I also use the Sota silver pulser with the "plug" you refer to 
in your email.  It is the "Constant Current Adapter".  They describe it 
as adapting the output to a steady 1mA which allows the silver "to come 
off the wires at a constant, gentle rate to produce a consistently small 
particle size without heating the water".  I love the unit - very easy to use.

So far I haven't turned myself blue - or even gray.  I think I will send 
off a sample for testing.


List, I am using the Sota silver pulser to make my cs.  They have 
a plug that is supposed to be good and eliminates the need for 
heating the water. ... Does anyone know what the new plug does?  tiapj

Do you Yahoo!?
SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!

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The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Making CS

2002-04-02 Thread John Osowiecki
Welcome to the list. I just wanted to take a moment and give you my opinion
and input about a generator.  First of all, let me say that "expensive" is a
relative term.esp. when speaking about CS generators.  They can be quite
pricey (costing hundreds of dollars).  You also spoke of the "simplest
means"..also relative. ~:-} There are many on this list who use 3
nine volt batteries (or a plug in 24 volt adapter) and some alligator
clips.certainly inexpensive by any sense of the term, but I don't
find them have to worry about the clips staying away from
the water, bending the silver just right, having the silver just the right
distance apart from each other and keeping them there securely through the
process. (A bit more effort than I have to put into it)  Then there are
those who use High voltage machines which are NOT inexpensive (by any sense
of the term) nor do I feel they are simple (as I have a distinct dislike of
electrocuting myself, and a distinct ability to be clumsy).

So.that's what I use.  I bought a
generator from .  It was $39.95"relatively"
inexpensive, in my opinion.  CERTAINLY simple. It's based on the same "3-9v
battery" system, but is encased in a little box with holes for the silver
wires. To use it, you put the silver in the holesput 16 ounces of
distilled water in a glassput the generator on top of the
glass..set a timer for 60 minutes..and when the
timer goes off you have about 8ppm CS.  I have a chronically ill child, and
we travel alot to a hospital far from home for her treatment.  I put my
generator in a ziploc sandwich bag...and can bring it with me to use
anywhereno parts to lose, no configurations to figure
thinking required (on those weeks where I haven't gotten but a winks sleep).
In my opinion it is certainly the easiest, most convenient, and relatively
inexpensive generator anyone could find.

I have used it for over 2 years.  I make about a gallon of CS per week (and
give it away to my friends).  Now my friends are so hooked on the myriad of
illnesses that it has helped in their families, that 10 of them finally
purchased the same generator in the past week.after I showed them
how easy it was to make.  Funny thing is...they all pictured me in
my basement with some huge expensive machine spending hours making this
amazing product. When I finally got "smart" enough to show them how easy it
was...they got their own.freeing me to get more people

I hope this info helps.  Feel free to email me with any

God Bless,

- Original Message -
From: "Ronen Yehiav" 
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2002 7:26 PM
Subject: CS>Making CS

> Hello.
> I'm new to this list, although I know about CS for quite a long time,
> heavily into alt. med.
> I would like to know what is the best way to home - make CS, using the
> simplest, most basic means?
> I have a distinct dislike to anything expensive.
> Are the expensive CS machines really anu better than the simplest means?
> Thank you.
> Ronen.
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Making CS

2003-03-10 Thread Robert Berger
Robert M.

I use an LM317T and one resistor to set the current limit to where I
want it.

It cost $75.00 to have a particle size TEM made and I know of no one
that has done that except me. When I reported the use of a wide anode 2
1/4" x 5 1/2" with a #14 wire cathode running with a constant current
regulator, which does not cut in until that levelof current is reached.
(check my web site to see data chart for such a run)

I had a TEM made for that and it is sub-nm to 24 nmin size.

The limited current on the referenced sample was 12.67 ma. The answer to
you question,small current small size,  is no.

"Ole Bob"

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Making CS

2003-03-10 Thread Frank Key
Bob wrote:

> It cost $75.00 to have a particle size TEM made and I know of no one
> that has done that except me. When I reported the use of a wide anode 2
> 1/4" x 5 1/2" with a #14 wire cathode running with a constant current
> regulator, which does not cut in until that levelof current is reached.
> (check my web site to see data chart for such a run)
> I had a TEM made for that and it is sub-nm to 24 nmin size.
> The limited current on the referenced sample was 12.67 ma. The answer to
> you question,small current small size,  is no.
> "Ole Bob"

TEM myth..

TEM images of ionic silver solutions do not show the size of colloid
particles present in the solution. What shows up in a TEM image is silver
oxide particles formed when the water is removed to prepare a sample for TEM

Reproduced from the FAQ on
What happens to the silver ions in solution when the water is evaporated?

Silver ions in a solution cannot exist without water, so when the water is
evaporated the silver ions (cations) must combine with an available anion to
form a compound. The predominant anions present in a silver colloid solution
are hydroxide and carbonate. The compounds thus formed are silver hydroxide
and silver carbonate. Silver hydroxide is unstable and reduces to silver
oxide and hydrogen. The silver carbonate will reduce to silver oxide and
carbon dioxide. The final compound that remains is silver oxide.

This process begins as a single silver ion is forced to combine with a
single anion forming a single molecule of the compound. The molecule has no
ionic charge and therefore no repulsive force. The lack of repulsion causes
the molecules to be attracted to each other by van der Waals' force of
attraction which causes them to aggregate and form small particles of the
compound. The size of the particle growth is limited by the reduced mobility
of the molecules as the water evaporates. What remains is particles of
silver oxide whose diameter is 1 - 3 nanometers. It is these particles which
predominate in TEM images made of silver colloid solutions which have a high
ionic content.

Reproduced from:

transmission electron microscopy (TEM) - A form of microscope that uses a
beam of electrons instead of a beam of light (as in an optical microscope)
to form a large image of a very small object. In optical microscopes the
resolution is limited by the wavelength of the light. High-energy electrons,
however, can be associated with a considerably shorter wavelength than
light; for example, electrons accelerated to an energy of 105 electronvolts
have a wavelength of 0.004 nanometers enabling a resolution of 0.2 - 0.5 nm
to be achieved. The transmission electron microscope has an electron beam,
sharply focused by electron lenses, passing through a very thin specimen
onto a fluorescent screen, where a visual image is formed. This image can be
When used to observe colloidal silver solutions, the sample must be
desiccated to remove the water. This removal of water forces the silver ions
in solution to combine with anions in solution to form silver compounds.
This dramatically changes what was in solution so that what is observed
using the TEM now has little relationship to what was in the solution before
desiccation. For this reason, the interpretation of TEM images of ionic
solutions becomes difficult in the extreme.

The TEM is sometimes used in an attempt to measure the size of particles in
solution. The U.S. National Bureau of Standards (now N.I.S.T) has determined
that it would required at least 10,000 TEM images be analyzed in order to
make a statistically valid measurement of particle size based on TEM images.
For this reason, the TEM is not considered viable for measuring particle

frank key

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Making CS

2003-03-10 Thread Robert Berger
Robert et al,

I test CS for concentration with my spectrophotometer. The cost $7.50
for the first sample and $5.00 for each additional sample in the

Why do you want something more than 16 ppm, when the in vitro testing
show that 1 ppm is better than 10 or 20 ppm

In fact in the Nethrlands a case where 20 to 40 PPB  (that is pasts per
billion ) cleaned up a greenhose of cucumber fungus. (personal

I make 2 gallons of 10 ppm in 10 hours that is sub-nm to 24 nm in size.

Wht makes you think that yopu are making 16 ppm?

"Ole Bob"

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Making CS

2003-04-05 Thread mamapug
  Does anyone have any good plans to build a CS Generator? Also from what I see 
times vary quite a bit for making CS depending on generator, volume of water 
and power source. Were can I look?

  Here`s the directions for the generator I use:

  To make CS, you`ll need:
  3 nine-volt batteries, the square ones.
(the Lithiums last 4 times longer than the alkalines)
  2  five-inch pieces of pure silver wire, 14 gauge, .999 fine, (not sterling,
as it has other metals in it.)
  2 alligator clips, (the kind with 2 clips on either end of a plastic-coated
wire, available at Radio Shack)
  2 cups of steam-distilled water in a glass measuring cup, (I always use glass 
make CS in. I have a cup used solely for making my CS.)
  A new green scrubber, just for this purpose.
  An empty water bottle to store your finished CS in. A pop top plastic bottle
  is just fine.

Rinse the cup and storage bottle with distilled water to remove any dust
  or soap residue.
   Take the batteries and snap them together, one upside down on top of the
  other two. This will leave two empty posts on the batteries.
  Connect each of the silver wires to the two empty posts with the two alligator
  Drop the wires into the water, with about 4 inches submerged, and about 1
  inch apart. (As they tend to float around, you can put a candycane bend in
  the top of the wires and hang that over the lip of the cup, with the
  connectors hooked to the bend.) Don`t let the connectors get into the water.
  It is now working. You can`t get shocked by it.
  Now you can leave it, and time for 30 minutes. You may notice some bubbles 
coming off
  one wire, and fine wisps of gold coming off the other, that is the Colloid
  forming! The bubbles are hydrogen, from the water. There will be a buildup
  of fuzz on one wire, that is silver oxide. It is harmless, but you can wipe
  it off with a paper towel. Replace the wires, and time for another 30
  This one hour activation gives a CS of about 18 PPM.  The longer it works,
  the higher the PPM, but the larger the particles are.
When finished, wipe off the wires with a paper towel, then with the green
  scrubber until the wires are shiny again, and detach the batteries. Store it
  all in a ziploc bag to keep it handy. The finished CS doesn`t need to be
  refrigerated. If you keep the bottle out where you see it, you`ll remember
  to take it.
   I take 3 big swallows a day for an active infection, sometimes even more.
  (My swallow is about 1/3 of a cup.) The silver particles are fine enough to
  be easily excreted, so taking more won`t hurt. If you hold the CS in your
  mouth for a few minutes, it will clean your mouth.
  I take one swallow a day for a preventive. I use it topically too, and even
  in the eyes. It is mild and doesn`t sting. 
  Splash some in the pits for a natural deodorant. It is bacteria that causes 
  and since CS kills the bacteria,no BO! 
  CS doesn`t taste too bad either. Some folks notice a metallic tang,
  others don`t. 
  I put some on my skin and let it dry for a sunburn, and was tan the
  next day, with no peeling. I use it for bug bites and stings too. 
  Canker sores respond quickly.
  I have used CS for my pet birds, curing a cockatiel of vet-diagnosed 
Giardiosis even.
  I always put some in the water bowl for
  my Pug dog. CS is even good for cut flowers, they will last for weeks. It
  is bacteria that actually kills fresh-cut flowers.
  It can also be sprayed on the leaves of houseplants with fungus or rust.
  A dollop in the milk jug keeps the milk fresh for a long time.
  There are lots more uses for CS in the body and around the house,
  any place bacteria live can benefit from CS.

Re: CS>Making CS

2003-04-05 Thread Jim

Hi Brian:

Go to

This link has a lot of info for making CS and a CS generator.  I make 
mine this way.  I personally don't think that it's necessary to spend a 
hundred dollars or more for a generator when you can make one yourself 
with a DC power supply that can be bought at Radio Shack.

 I have been making CS 16 oz. at a time, but this morning I put two 
holes into the top of my gallon jug that the distilled water comes in 
for the electrodes, and a larger hole in the cap for a fish tank 
aerator.  The electrodes are cut so that they go all the way to the 
bottom of the jug with about an inch out the top for the alligator 
clips.   I am working on my first batch now, hope it works out.


Brian Caouette wrote:
Does anyone have any good plans to build a CS Generator? Also from what 
I see times vary quite a bit for making CS depending on generator, 
volume of water and power source. Were can I look?

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Making CS

2003-04-05 Thread Brian Caouette
Thank you for the info.
  - Original Message - 
  From: mamapug 
  Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2003 12:14 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Making CS

Does anyone have any good plans to build a CS Generator? Also from what I 
see times vary quite a bit for making CS depending on generator, volume of 
water and power source. Were can I look?

Here`s the directions for the generator I use:

To make CS, you`ll need:
3 nine-volt batteries, the square ones.
  (the Lithiums last 4 times longer than the alkalines)
2  five-inch pieces of pure silver wire, 14 gauge, .999 fine, (not sterling,
  as it has other metals in it.)
2 alligator clips, (the kind with 2 clips on either end of a plastic-coated
  wire, available at Radio Shack)
2 cups of steam-distilled water in a glass measuring cup, (I always use 
glass to
  make CS in. I have a cup used solely for making my CS.)
A new green scrubber, just for this purpose.
An empty water bottle to store your finished CS in. A pop top plastic bottle
is just fine.

  Rinse the cup and storage bottle with distilled water to remove any dust
or soap residue.
 Take the batteries and snap them together, one upside down on top of the
other two. This will leave two empty posts on the batteries.
Connect each of the silver wires to the two empty posts with the two 
Drop the wires into the water, with about 4 inches submerged, and about 1
inch apart. (As they tend to float around, you can put a candycane bend in
the top of the wires and hang that over the lip of the cup, with the
connectors hooked to the bend.) Don`t let the connectors get into the water.
It is now working. You can`t get shocked by it.
Now you can leave it, and time for 30 minutes. You may notice some bubbles 
coming off
one wire, and fine wisps of gold coming off the other, that is the Colloid
forming! The bubbles are hydrogen, from the water. There will be a buildup
of fuzz on one wire, that is silver oxide. It is harmless, but you can wipe
it off with a paper towel. Replace the wires, and time for another 30
This one hour activation gives a CS of about 18 PPM.  The longer it works,
the higher the PPM, but the larger the particles are.
  When finished, wipe off the wires with a paper towel, then with the green
scrubber until the wires are shiny again, and detach the batteries. Store it
all in a ziploc bag to keep it handy. The finished CS doesn`t need to be
refrigerated. If you keep the bottle out where you see it, you`ll remember
to take it.
 I take 3 big swallows a day for an active infection, sometimes even more.
(My swallow is about 1/3 of a cup.) The silver particles are fine enough to
be easily excreted, so taking more won`t hurt. If you hold the CS in your
mouth for a few minutes, it will clean your mouth.
I take one swallow a day for a preventive. I use it topically too, and even
in the eyes. It is mild and doesn`t sting. 
Splash some in the pits for a natural deodorant. It is bacteria that causes 
and since CS kills the bacteria,no BO! 
CS doesn`t taste too bad either. Some folks notice a metallic tang,
others don`t. 
I put some on my skin and let it dry for a sunburn, and was tan the
next day, with no peeling. I use it for bug bites and stings too. 
Canker sores respond quickly.
I have used CS for my pet birds, curing a cockatiel of vet-diagnosed 
Giardiosis even.
I always put some in the water bowl for
my Pug dog. CS is even good for cut flowers, they will last for weeks. It
is bacteria that actually kills fresh-cut flowers.
It can also be sprayed on the leaves of houseplants with fungus or rust.
A dollop in the milk jug keeps the milk fresh for a long time.
There are lots more uses for CS in the body and around the house,
any place bacteria live can benefit from CS.

Re: CS>Making CS

2003-04-05 Thread Brian Caouette
Thank you for the information. I notice some use aerators and some don't.
How does this fit into the equation? Is its purpose to mix the water or???

- Original Message -
From: "Jim" 
Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2003 12:27 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Making CS

> Hi Brian:
> Go to
> This link has a lot of info for making CS and a CS generator.  I make
> mine this way.  I personally don't think that it's necessary to spend a
> hundred dollars or more for a generator when you can make one yourself
> with a DC power supply that can be bought at Radio Shack.
>   I have been making CS 16 oz. at a time, but this morning I put two
> holes into the top of my gallon jug that the distilled water comes in
> for the electrodes, and a larger hole in the cap for a fish tank
> aerator.  The electrodes are cut so that they go all the way to the
> bottom of the jug with about an inch out the top for the alligator
> clips.   I am working on my first batch now, hope it works out.
> Jim
> Brian Caouette wrote:
> > Does anyone have any good plans to build a CS Generator? Also from what
> > I see times vary quite a bit for making CS depending on generator,
> > volume of water and power source. Were can I look?
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Making CS

2003-04-05 Thread Jim
The way that I understand it Brian, is that the smaller the particles 
the more colloidal the batch is and the more colloidal it is the better. 
  According to the research that I've read, it should be a slow process 
and the mixture kept moving, the moving is the reason for the aerator.

Unlike others, I put a 100 K pot and an ammeter in series with one of 
the leads to monitor the amount of current going through, the lower the 
current the smaller the particles are.  As silver is deposited in the 
distilled water the resistance gets lower and more current flows, by 
using the 100 K pot. I can cut back on the current as needed, this is 
generally only necessary once or twice.

  It should take about 24 hours to make a gallon my way, but it is 
completely clear in color not golden like the ionic silver that everyone 
else is making.  I have been making it about 20 PPM using a Hanna TDS 1 
Dissolved solids meter.

If anybody wants to discuss this, I'm willing to listen and learn, as 
I've only been doing this for about 3 weeks.


Brian Caouette wrote:

Thank you for the information. I notice some use aerators and some don't.
How does this fit into the equation? Is its purpose to mix the water or???

- Original Message -
From: "Jim" 
Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2003 12:27 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Making CS

Hi Brian:

Go to

This link has a lot of info for making CS and a CS generator.  I make
mine this way.  I personally don't think that it's necessary to spend a
hundred dollars or more for a generator when you can make one yourself
with a DC power supply that can be bought at Radio Shack.

 I have been making CS 16 oz. at a time, but this morning I put two
holes into the top of my gallon jug that the distilled water comes in
for the electrodes, and a larger hole in the cap for a fish tank
aerator.  The electrodes are cut so that they go all the way to the
bottom of the jug with about an inch out the top for the alligator
clips.   I am working on my first batch now, hope it works out.


Brian Caouette wrote:

Does anyone have any good plans to build a CS Generator? Also from what
I see times vary quite a bit for making CS depending on generator,
volume of water and power source. Were can I look?

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Making CS

2003-04-05 Thread Barnbert
Excellent description of a very simple c/s generator. I applaud you. 
Iknow about cut flowers, however, I intend to plant some veggies this years 
in packaged growth boxes. My soil in in poor shape and I'm too old and 
decrepit to dig a garden anyway. I intend to add about 3 or 4 ounces c/s to 
the water supply to each box. Will this have any effect on the plants?
Thank you  UFOS

Re: CS>Making CS

2003-04-05 Thread Brian Caouette
Sure will. I've sprayed and watered my house plants that were looking droopy 
and sick. 1-2 days later and they were happy. They are growing like weeds now. 
Very noticeable in my case.
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2003 4:43 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Making CS

  Excellent description of a very simple c/s generator. I applaud you. 
  Iknow about cut flowers, however, I intend to plant some veggies this years 
in packaged growth boxes. My soil in in poor shape and I'm too old and decrepit 
to dig a garden anyway. I intend to add about 3 or 4 ounces c/s to the water 
supply to each box. Will this have any effect on the plants?Thank you  UFOS 

Re: CS>Making CS

2003-04-05 Thread Brooks Bradley
We have been unable to determine the exact
effect that CS has on the extensive soil-bacteria community..when
applied as a direct, incorporated, component into the soil body.  There
are, simply, too many different floral (and faunal) communities present
in a viable soil.for us to, easily, determine the type of effects
and the degree of the effects...upon this multitudinous population
of diverse life forms.  At least, not without major attendant costs.
We have, however, conducted quite a number of
evaluations involving the use of colloidal silver as a foliar
spray.with splendid, almost universal, success.  We found CS to
be a most effective control for Fire Blight (a major affliction of pear
trees).  It was the only protocol.excepting streptomycin and
streptomycin-like compounds.which furnished rapid, reliable control.

I would be hesitant to utilize more than "trace"
amounts of colloidal silver as a general amendment to the
soil...especially with a view toward improving the general fertility
profile-absent some "specific" affliction presentation for which CS
might offer a singular control response.
Our general response to CS as a foliar spray for
challenged plants...was a totally beneficial one.
Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley wrote:

> Excellent description of a very simple c/s generator. I applaud you.
> Iknow about cut flowers, however, I intend to plant some veggies this
> years in packaged growth boxes. My soil in in poor shape and I'm too
> old and decrepit to dig a garden anyway. I intend to add about 3 or 4
> ounces c/s to the water supply to each box. Will this have any effect
> on the plants?Thank you  UFOS

Re: CS>Making CS

2003-04-05 Thread Linda Hefferman

Here a a couple of good links for those who wish to make their own colloidal 
silver generator


Good luck on your generator ventures

Linda J Hefferman 

Post your free ad now! Yahoo! Canada Personals

Re: CS>Making CS

2003-04-06 Thread Ode Coyote
  A bit off topic here, but the easiest and best garden I ever planted was 
done by simply rolling out some old used jute backed carpet [stolen from 
curb side pickup and carpet store dumpsters]  on top of the grass in the 
yard, cutting some holes in it and transplanting containerized plants in it.
 No weeds, no tilling, no water run off, [water runs right throught the 
carpet carrying any fertilizer laid on top with it], bugs and snails don't 
like the carpet, no rust from soil borne viruses and fruits don't lie on 
the ground.
 The grass dies from lack of light and fertilizes the garden. The decaying 
grass roots soften the soil.

 One drawback.
 After about 4 years the carpet disintigrates and can be a bit hard to 
roll up and dispose of. [It would have been ..had been...disposed of anyway]


At 04:43 PM 4/5/2003 -0500, you wrote:

Excellent description of a very simple c/s generator. I applaud you.
Iknow about cut flowers, however, I intend to plant some veggies this 
years in packaged growth boxes. My soil in in poor shape and I'm too old 
and decrepit to dig a garden anyway. I intend to add about 3 or 4 ounces 
c/s to the water supply to each box. Will this have any effect on the 
plants?Thank you  UFOS

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Making CS

2003-04-06 Thread Robert Berger

Look at my web site and then contact me off line.

"Ole Bob"

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Making CS

2003-04-07 Thread Marshall Dudley
It will control fungus.  That can be a plus. It also can kill the
bacteria that product nutrients the plant may need, that would be a
minus, especially if you are trying to grow any legumes, or are
fertilizing with an organic fertilizer.

Marshall wrote:

> Excellent description of a very simple c/s generator. I applaud you.
> Iknow about cut flowers, however, I intend to plant some veggies this
> years in packaged growth boxes. My soil in in poor shape and I'm too
> old and decrepit to dig a garden anyway. I intend to add about 3 or 4
> ounces c/s to the water supply to each box. Will this have any effect
> on the plants?Thank you  UFOS

Re: CS>Making CS

2000-04-02 Thread Ron Hackley
Hi Gaston & List...

I'm sure not the one to be getting advise from, but I'm glad to share my
experiences and thoughts on CS. The following pertains to Gaston's
posting that's below.

1. I don't use a starter other than a few ounces of my previous batch,
and I sometimes forget that. For several years prior to joining this
list I was adding a drop or two of very dilute sea salt solution as some
web pages have suggested. In about twenty minutes I had a somewhat gray
solution. We drank it and it seemed to work (no colds etc.) and we
didn't turn gray. It seemed to work as well (or better?) on cuts and
scratches as the clearer solution. However, the arguments on the list
convinced me to switch over to the slower method, particularly for
silver taken internally. 

2. and 3. I don't have CS test instruments YET beyond an ammeter/VOM so
I don't know what PPM or uS it is yet. Will post when I know. CS gets
used up pretty fast here so it doesn't sit around long, but I haven't
noticed any plating out in the bottles I use. 

Concerning current flow differences and recommendations; that probably
has something to do with the surface area of the electrodes. I use a
silver round which has a lot more surface area than a silver wire, hence
more current doesn't necessarily translate into a higher current density
at any specific point on the anode. I just started a batch of CS and the
starting current using the round was about 1.1ma. Then I unplugged the
round and plugged in the 3" long #14 silver wire I used to use and the
current dropped to 120uA.  

There seem to be many ways to make good (and bad) CS. I think if one can
make ANY CS they have an important tool, and then we can work to refine
and make it better. I don't think anyone should hold off making CS
because they are afraid they won't make it right or something. (I know
this doesn't apply to you Gaston, but once I start commenting it's
sometimes hard to stop:).


"G. Boucher" wrote:
> Hi Ron
> Good to hear from you on CS.
> I am new to the CS and I would like to know from your experience:
> 1.- Do you use any starter to produce your cs other than
>  a mixture from the previous batch ?
> 2.- Do you know the strength of your CS in either PPM or microSiemens ?
> 3.- Do you notice a decrease in PPM or Microsiemens 24 hours
>  after production ?
> I normally read 0.15 MA with distilled water at the start and heated
> I read around 0.25 to 0.35 MA.
> It is interesting to hear that you see T. E. at around 6 MA. Many
> CS producers recommend to use a limiting current of 0.8MA
> to produce cs. Does that mean that T. E. is not present with that
> kind of low current ?
> >From what I read, apprarently, low current is better to produce
> small particles. It seems to take longer to prduce CS with a low
> current and this is probably why we do get yellow CS.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Making CS

2000-04-03 Thread Nina Silver, Ph.D.

- Original Message - 
From: Ron Hackley 
Sent: Sunday, April 02, 2000 8:31 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Making CS


> There seem to be many ways to make good (and bad) CS. I think if one can
> make ANY CS they have an important tool, and then we can work to refine
> and make it better. I don't think anyone should hold off making CS
> because they are afraid they won't make it right or something. (I know
> this doesn't apply to you Gaston, but once I start commenting it's
> sometimes hard to stop:).
> Ron

Thanks for your pep talk. I'm going to try it again.
--Nina, who can cook but can't (yet) make CS

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To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Making CS

2000-04-04 Thread G. Boucher
Hi Ron:

Thank you for your reply.

I believe that we are all learning and if we do not
ask questions, I presume that it would take a long
time to learn.

Yes I know a little bit about current. I was not aware
of what you were using as Silver ( size, etc) You may
have mentionned it, but if you did I missed it.
I am using Silver wire #14, approx 4 inches long
with 3 1/4 inches in water. And this is what I get
approx. 120 to 150 microamps at the start with
distilled water. If I heat the water, I double this
amount at the start.

The same applies with the distance of electrodes.
It will change the current slightly. But according
to feedback on this list the best distance is between
2 1/4 to 2 1/2 inches.

The current never went up to 6MA yet on the few
batches that I have produced so far. The maximum was approx.
4MA at the end of the batch (2 1/2 hrs) with the small
size wire that I am using.

Ron, if you are using, larger than # 14 wire, I would
appreciate to know where you obtain it. Pls send
the reply to my private e-mail if you can. Thanks again.


- Message d'origine -
De : Ron Hackley 
À : 
Envoyé : 2 avril, 2000 20:31
Objet : Re: CS>Making CS

> Hi Gaston & List...
> I'm sure not the one to be getting advise from, but I'm glad to share my
> experiences and thoughts on CS. The following pertains to Gaston's
> posting that's below.
> 1. I don't use a starter other than a few ounces of my previous batch,
> and I sometimes forget that. For several years prior to joining this
> list I was adding a drop or two of very dilute sea salt solution as some
> web pages have suggested. In about twenty minutes I had a somewhat gray
> solution. We drank it and it seemed to work (no colds etc.) and we
> didn't turn gray. It seemed to work as well (or better?) on cuts and
> scratches as the clearer solution. However, the arguments on the list
> convinced me to switch over to the slower method, particularly for
> silver taken internally.
> 2. and 3. I don't have CS test instruments YET beyond an ammeter/VOM so
> I don't know what PPM or uS it is yet. Will post when I know. CS gets
> used up pretty fast here so it doesn't sit around long, but I haven't
> noticed any plating out in the bottles I use.
> Concerning current flow differences and recommendations; that probably
> has something to do with the surface area of the electrodes. I use a
> silver round which has a lot more surface area than a silver wire, hence
> more current doesn't necessarily translate into a higher current density
> at any specific point on the anode. I just started a batch of CS and the
> starting current using the round was about 1.1ma. Then I unplugged the
> round and plugged in the 3" long #14 silver wire I used to use and the
> current dropped to 120uA.
> There seem to be many ways to make good (and bad) CS. I think if one can
> make ANY CS they have an important tool, and then we can work to refine
> and make it better. I don't think anyone should hold off making CS
> because they are afraid they won't make it right or something. (I know
> this doesn't apply to you Gaston, but once I start commenting it's
> sometimes hard to stop:).
> Ron
> "G. Boucher" wrote:
> >
> > Hi Ron
> >
> > Good to hear from you on CS.
> >
> > I am new to the CS and I would like to know from your experience:
> >
> > 1.- Do you use any starter to produce your cs other than
> >  a mixture from the previous batch ?
> >
> > 2.- Do you know the strength of your CS in either PPM or microSiemens ?
> >
> > 3.- Do you notice a decrease in PPM or Microsiemens 24 hours
> >  after production ?
> >
> > I normally read 0.15 MA with distilled water at the start and heated
> > I read around 0.25 to 0.35 MA.
> >
> > It is interesting to hear that you see T. E. at around 6 MA. Many
> > CS producers recommend to use a limiting current of 0.8MA
> > to produce cs. Does that mean that T. E. is not present with that
> > kind of low current ?
> >
> > >From what I read, apprarently, low current is better to produce
> > small particles. It seems to take longer to prduce CS with a low
> > current and this is probably why we do get yellow CS.
> >
> > 
> >
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Making CS

2000-04-05 Thread Michael Leavitt
Hi Gaston,
There's more than one way to increase your starting current. I use a ten inch
electrode, it goes down 4", 2" across, and 4" back up, it's U shaped and I get
about 9-9.5 inches immersed in the DW.  My starting current jumped from
0.23-0.35 to about 0.65-.85 with this method, and the time to cook a batch
dropped dramaticaly also.  I made it out of 14ga wire. I do have 6 feet of 12
ga wire that just arrived but I have been to busy to try it out to see how much
of a difference it makes yet. I was experimenting with the 10 inch wire and
made so much CS I can take the next few weeks off and do other things.
I purchased my 12 ga. 99.99% wire from CCSILVER.COM, I do not know if they deal
with really small orders but they took mine. I ordered 25 feet of 14ga. and 6
feet of 12ga, price is right also.  Look them up..

Mike Leavitt

"G. Boucher" wrote:

> Hi Ron:
> Thank you for your reply.
> I believe that we are all learning and if we do not
> ask questions, I presume that it would take a long
> time to learn.
> Yes I know a little bit about current. I was not aware
> of what you were using as Silver ( size, etc) You may
> have mentionned it, but if you did I missed it.
> I am using Silver wire #14, approx 4 inches long
> with 3 1/4 inches in water. And this is what I get
> approx. 120 to 150 microamps at the start with
> distilled water. If I heat the water, I double this
> amount at the start.
> The same applies with the distance of electrodes.
> It will change the current slightly. But according
> to feedback on this list the best distance is between
> 2 1/4 to 2 1/2 inches.
> The current never went up to 6MA yet on the few
> batches that I have produced so far. The maximum was approx.
> 4MA at the end of the batch (2 1/2 hrs) with the small
> size wire that I am using.
> Ron, if you are using, larger than # 14 wire, I would
> appreciate to know where you obtain it. Pls send
> the reply to my private e-mail if you can. Thanks again.
> Gaston
> ================
> - Message d'origine -
> De : Ron Hackley 
> À : 
> Envoyé : 2 avril, 2000 20:31
> Objet : Re: CS>Making CS
> > Hi Gaston & List...
> >
> > I'm sure not the one to be getting advise from, but I'm glad to share my
> > experiences and thoughts on CS. The following pertains to Gaston's
> > posting that's below.
> >
> > 1. I don't use a starter other than a few ounces of my previous batch,
> > and I sometimes forget that. For several years prior to joining this
> > list I was adding a drop or two of very dilute sea salt solution as some
> > web pages have suggested. In about twenty minutes I had a somewhat gray
> > solution. We drank it and it seemed to work (no colds etc.) and we
> > didn't turn gray. It seemed to work as well (or better?) on cuts and
> > scratches as the clearer solution. However, the arguments on the list
> > convinced me to switch over to the slower method, particularly for
> > silver taken internally.
> >
> > 2. and 3. I don't have CS test instruments YET beyond an ammeter/VOM so
> > I don't know what PPM or uS it is yet. Will post when I know. CS gets
> > used up pretty fast here so it doesn't sit around long, but I haven't
> > noticed any plating out in the bottles I use.
> >
> > Concerning current flow differences and recommendations; that probably
> > has something to do with the surface area of the electrodes. I use a
> > silver round which has a lot more surface area than a silver wire, hence
> > more current doesn't necessarily translate into a higher current density
> > at any specific point on the anode. I just started a batch of CS and the
> > starting current using the round was about 1.1ma. Then I unplugged the
> > round and plugged in the 3" long #14 silver wire I used to use and the
> > current dropped to 120uA.
> >
> > There seem to be many ways to make good (and bad) CS. I think if one can
> > make ANY CS they have an important tool, and then we can work to refine
> > and make it better. I don't think anyone should hold off making CS
> > because they are afraid they won't make it right or something. (I know
> > this doesn't apply to you Gaston, but once I start commenting it's
> > sometimes hard to stop:).
> >
> > Ron
> >
> >
> > "G. Boucher" wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi Ron
> > >
> > > Good to hear from you on CS.
> > >
> > > I am new to the CS and I would like to know from your experience:
> > >
> > >

Re: CS>Making CS

2000-07-04 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 7/4/00 11:10:16 AM EST, writes:

<< Regarding Professor Gibbs: Did he test HVDC? I am
 unaware of anyone else besides myself who is using
 HVDC to produce CS on a commercial quantity basis. I
 would very much like to see the results of testing on
 HVDC. How does it compare to HVAC? LVDC?
 Terry Wayne

Terry: It's a pretty good bet that Professor Gibbs has not tested some or 
perhaps ANY of the better quality DC CS products that have been referred to 
on this list. I don't see why ANYONE who has reason to believe that he/she 
can produce a good quality CS product shouldn't get in touch with Professor 
Gibbs and ask if he would like to use it in his next round of tests. Roger

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To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Making CS

2000-07-04 Thread Steve Young

I, and no doubt other silver-listers, would be interested in more details on
your HVDC method of generating CS.   I use what I suppose one would call
medium voltage DC (a few hundred volts) at a constant low current.  But
after a few minutes, as the conductivity of the CS goes up, most of the
generation cycle is below 50 volts, i.e. LVDC.  I have not heard of others
using HVDC.

Are you using many thousands of volts DC?  If so, please explain your
setup - is it like a Bruce Marx arrangement?  Are you using filtered HVDC,
or just rectifiers without filter caps?  Etc.  Please share how you do it
with us.


Steve Young

- Original Message -
From: Terry Wayne 
Sent: Tuesday, July 04, 2000 10:09 AM
Subject: CS>Making CS

> Listers,
> When producing CS, I haven't figured out why to use
> batteries, apart from portability. Why not use one or
> two 12-volt adapters? They never run down like
> batteries, and they don't get weaker as time goes by.
> Where I live, I can buy a new 12-volt adapter for $10.
> It costs me that much or more for 3 quality 9-volt
> batteries. (The cheap ones don't last long at all.) I
> see them repeatedly at yard sales and Goodwill-type
> stores very economically priced.
> Before I switched to HVDC I used sets of 2 or 3
> adapters (12 - 36 volts) on a daily basis. The quality
> of the CS batches frequently varied (determined by
> color and turbidity), but the efficacy of the CS
> seemed constant.
> Regarding Professor Gibbs: Did he test HVDC? I am
> unaware of anyone else besides myself who is using
> HVDC to produce CS on a commercial quantity basis. I
> would very much like to see the results of testing on
> HVDC. How does it compare to HVAC? LVDC?
> Terry Wayne
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Kick off your party with Yahoo! Invites.
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Making CS

2000-07-05 Thread Ivan Anderson
I have posted a recipe for making CS with a simple 9 or 12V dc wall

Its in the archives under 'Simple CS Generator' I think.


- Original Message -
From: "Terry Wayne" 
Sent: Wednesday, 5 July 2000 04:09
Subject: CS>Making CS

> Listers,
> When producing CS, I haven't figured out why to use
> batteries, apart from portability. Why not use one or
> two 12-volt adapters? They never run down like
> batteries, and they don't get weaker as time goes by.
> Where I live, I can buy a new 12-volt adapter for $10.
> It costs me that much or more for 3 quality 9-volt
> batteries. (The cheap ones don't last long at all.) I
> see them repeatedly at yard sales and Goodwill-type
> stores very economically priced.
> Before I switched to HVDC I used sets of 2 or 3
> adapters (12 - 36 volts) on a daily basis. The quality
> of the CS batches frequently varied (determined by
> color and turbidity), but the efficacy of the CS
> seemed constant.
> Regarding Professor Gibbs: Did he test HVDC? I am
> unaware of anyone else besides myself who is using
> HVDC to produce CS on a commercial quantity basis. I
> would very much like to see the results of testing on
> HVDC. How does it compare to HVAC? LVDC?
> Terry Wayne

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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Making CS

2000-07-05 Thread Taylor, Bill P 1275
Professor Gibbs at University of Delaware has passed away and I do
not know if any of his collogues has taken up his work.

> -Original Message-
> From: []
> Sent: Tuesday, July 04, 2000 10:46 PM
> To:
> Subject:  Re: CS>Making CS
> In a message dated 7/4/00 11:10:16 AM EST, writes:
> << Regarding Professor Gibbs: Did he test HVDC? I am
>  unaware of anyone else besides myself who is using
>  HVDC to produce CS on a commercial quantity basis. I
>  would very much like to see the results of testing on
>  HVDC. How does it compare to HVAC? LVDC?
>  Terry Wayne
>   >>
> Terry: It's a pretty good bet that Professor Gibbs has not tested some or 
> perhaps ANY of the better quality DC CS products that have been referred
> to 
> on this list. I don't see why ANYONE who has reason to believe that he/she
> can produce a good quality CS product shouldn't get in touch with
> Professor 
> Gibbs and ask if he would like to use it in his next round of tests. Roger
> --
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Re: CS>Making CS

2001-11-09 Thread boberger

Please forget Dr. Jon's method it is ancient history.

Six volts never made very much CS you need at least 18 and 27 or 36 is better.

Go into the archives and find my instructions on haow to make a one gallon unit.
It is not difficult.

Search under Robert Berger.

"Ole Bob"

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Making CS

1999-08-27 Thread Victoria Welch
G'Day Bob :-),

>Perhaps you can come up with a standard procedure for making CS in a
> simple easy to follow uncomplicated way.

Well, this is something I have seen a LOT of out there, mostly for
commercial machines.  I am sure these people have made some effort in
the matter to do just this.  The more unknowns the more random the PPM. 
Perhaps with their testing to determine these things, we can assume
(!??!?!) that is the reason that the devices that they sell are $60+
rather than $10 for the three batteries, jumper clips and silver wire
:-).  I haven't purchased any of them, I'm using the $10 approach and
bitching about having no idea of what I am producing (although it
certainly seems like good stuff(TM:) :-).  However, not all of those in
need have $60+ to spend, there have been times in my life when $60 was a
fantastic amount of .  So I do think that this line of research does
have merit...

I also know that there are people out there who have been terrified into
being afraid of what humans have done since time immemorial, namely
"making medicine".  In the USA (possibly less so elsewhere in the world)
"witches", "root women", shamans, witch doctors, midwives, crones and
the like do this all the time and with more effectiveness than the
$75/visit MDs want us to know about.  

These people are afraid and justly so, there are a great many
"medicines" that can be fatal in improper dosage.  We have a WONDERFUL
natural thing here, but the AMA is fighting it along with the drug
companies (CS is not patentable, so they can't charge $1000 for an
application), but we are only able to communicate it in the most vague
(and unacceptable (until they are so sick that they have nothing to
loose to try it)) terms.  We know it works and how easy it is to make,
but about all we can say is "take it on blind faith", people are leary
of this, they did that with the conventional medical establishment

I think that this communication problem (and AMA/FDA/drug company FUD)
makes people wait until they are ready to die before being willing to
try it and of course, by then, it is a crap shoot...  Think of what we
might be able to do if this were not so.

Sorry to be expressing my frusteration here, it is kind of out of place.

> *   Something like; A 12oz glass with an inside diameter of 3 1/2"
> [ ... ]
> ^^ This should yield a xxppm with a particle size of . to .

And this is the "rub".  Unless I just haven't found this for the
absolute base generator design (3-9V and 2 silver wires) this does not
exist other than vaguely at best.

I have not looked at the differences in "Distilled Water" yet.  I've
seen a couple pieces of data that would leave me to think that there are
"significant differences" between brands, although I must admit this
confuses me.  I had *assumed* (you know how that goes :) that Distilled
Water was just pure water with all the impurities distilled out and
would thus "all be the same".  At this point I have not investigated
this so I don't know what to say.  I purchased 4 gallons of Distilled
Water from the grocery store (all same brand and probably the same
batch) and now being into the third gallon (just), the starting current
flow has stayed VERY constant.

If, one distilled water brand has higher conductive properties than
another this will mean a difference in PPM and particle size for the
same electrodes and the same current flow, it would seem.

Making something that is useful appears to be trivial, but knowing what
that is that you made (nn PPM) is the problem which makes:

> ^^ Most people are comfortable with a maintenance dose of ___ ^^twice a day,
> Double or triple that when trying to combat a ^^health crises.

problimatical with those that are used to "hard dosage values" that are
hard to convince.  There has to be some way (other than blind faith) to
determine this so we can communicate effectively.  CS *certainly
appears* to be something with a very wide dosage spread...

I go back and forth on this :-) I feel like all this investigation and
research is wasted time since 45 minutes with 3-9V batteries and 2
silver wires seems to be "good enough", there are certainly enough
testimonials to back this up.  Dunno.

Good CS seems to be more than easy, provable content seems to get *very*
expensive *very* quickly (more so for some of us than others).  Is there
a point?  Re-inventing the wheel is something I try to avoid.

As a tinkerer, however, I am having a good time and perhaps even
learning something :-).

>Like you are looking for. Something easy to build and easy to run, but
> with fairly predictable results.
>It would work for me and probably a lot of people.
>Vikki, thank you for what you are doing. I pray God bless you with
> motivation, wisdom, decrement, knowledge and resources.

I just stand on the shoulders of giants :-).

Thanks & take c

Re: CS>Making CS

1999-08-30 Thread Ivan Anderson
Hello all,

As is to be expected, we are revisiting questions discussed in
the past, all be it with new angles and uncommon intelligence.
The essentials are the same, however.
How many volts, how many mAmps, how long, what concentration, how
much to take.
New investigators are paying their dues :-)

Because of the large number of variables one set of parameters
does not relate easily to another. It is pointless to  attempt to
define the numbers for a system that simply has two electrodes
draped over the side of a glass. To have any meaning, the
generating container and electrode configuration must be defined.
To this end, I have posted the design of probably the simplest
generator possible, complete with generating configuration. Using
this, and assuming the quality of the distilled water is similar
(can be confirmed if DMM available), then a predictable outcome
is possible.

The simplest generator, that will produce quality CS with no fall
out or build up that does not require current limiting, is a 9
volt AC adaptor, a single 9 volt or 12 volt battery, or two 9
volt batteries.

I am happy to provide times of generation for different voltages
vs ppm, but this will only relate to the electrode configuration
of my earlier post, and assumes the use of distilled water of a
similar quality to that which I use.

Regards - Ivan

- Original Message -
From: Victoria Welch 
Sent: Saturday, 28 August 1999 11:27
Subject: Re: CS>Making CS

> G'Day Bob :-),
> >Perhaps you can come up with a standard procedure for
making CS in a
> > simple easy to follow uncomplicated way.
> Well, this is something I have seen a LOT of out there, mostly
> commercial machines.  I am sure these people have made some
effort in
> the matter to do just this.  The more unknowns the more random
the PPM.
> Perhaps with their testing to determine these things, we can
> (!??!?!) that is the reason that the devices that they sell are
> rather than $10 for the three batteries, jumper clips and
silver wire
> :-).  I haven't purchased any of them, I'm using the $10
approach and
> bitching about having no idea of what I am producing (although
> certainly seems like good stuff(TM:) :-).  However, not all of
those in
> need have $60+ to spend, there have been times in my life when
$60 was a
> fantastic amount of .  So I do think that this line of
research does
> have merit...
>>big snip<<

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Re: CS>**Making CS***

1999-09-27 Thread M. G. Devour
David wrote:

>  Some people say to make your own CS and *use* salt
>  in the water (to speed up the electrolysis).
>  Others say to *never* use salt--it makes big particles,
>  makes a chloride, etc. .
>  Do you know of anyone who has **"proved"** which way is
>  correct?

Peter Lindemann's article, at: one of the main sources of the "don't use salt" school of
thought. He has had "salt enhanced" CS looked at under the electron
microscope and verified that it has bigger particles than that made
without salt. 

The only catch is that he has not chosen to publish any data, as far
as I know, so we have to take his word for this, or spend hundreds of
dollars on testing ourselves. I know of nobody who has repeated his 
work *and* published the micrographs.

(If anybody *has*, please let me know!! Thanks.)

As Chuck says, it's easy enough not to use salt, and we've reached a 
fairly settled consensus not to. But folks have and are using salt 
and not dropping dead or turning grey from it as far as we've been 
able to learn, so there may be no definitive answer.

You're asking the right kind of questions, David. Just be patient 
with the confliction opinions you'll run across. You'll soon figure 
out that just about any method *can* be made to work, and that 
most improvements on the basics are no more than enhancements of 
something that already is adequate.

Be well,

Mike D.
silver-list owner



[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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Re: CS>**Making CS***

1999-09-26 Thread Charles King
On Sun, 26 Sep 1999 22:28:26 -0400 (EDT), wrote:

> Some people say to make your own CS and *use* salt
> in the water (to speed up the electrolysis).
> Others say to *never* use salt--it makes big particles,
> makes a chloride, etc. .
> Do you know of anyone who has **"proved"** which way is
> correct?

No, but...
"I" wouldn't want anything in the water except high purity silver.
Look at it this only takes about 45 minutes to make a batch with
pure water. 
Time enough for a nice meditation.
Look, your whole life is improving already...
Power corrupts--isn't that what it's for?

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Re: CS>**Making CS***

1999-09-27 Thread Marsha Hallett

>> Hello!
>> I am starting to learn about colloidal silver.
>> I would like to learn how to make colloidal silver.
>> Some people say to make your own CS and *use* salt
> in the water (to speed up the electrolysis).
>> Others say to *never* use salt--it makes big particles,
> makes a chloride, etc. .
>> Do you know of anyone who has **"proved"** which way is
> correct?
>> Can you suggest any websites regarding this?
>> Thanks for your help.
>> David

Dear David, Hi!
I`m Marsha, one of the oldies on the List, and I`ve been using CS for well
over 3 years now. I was a Lyme sufferer for nearly 6 years. I first found
out about making CS with salt, and that is what cured my Lyme after all the
antibiotics couldn`t. Later I learned that salt really isn`t necessary, so
now I make it without. Both work!
I can send directions for the simple generator, if you`d like, and others on
the list have one you can buy reasonably.
Welcome to the list, and I`ll be hoping that CS will help you out as well as
it has me!
Marsha, in Vallejo, CA

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Re: CS>**Making CS***

1999-09-27 Thread d.linen
HI Marsha, David and all,

I have an anectdotal story that I can relate tonight. I have very
sensitive skin and just the pressure of something against it can cause
something called contact hives. I've usually taken a Benadryl for the
itching that occurs when this happens. Today I put some of my homemade
CS (says she proudly) on the area and the itching stopped within
moments. I still have a few of the red raised marks on my arm but the
itching is gone. I can't show proof that a scientist would want but my
own experience is good enough for me. In the past when this happens I
end up just scratching and rubbing the areas till the condition is much
worse and until the Benadryls work. This is a very happy revalation for
me. Once my brother asked me why there was this long red mark on my neck
and I couldn't think why either till I remembered that the shoulder
harness had pressed against it when I drove my car earlier that day. 


Thanks for listening and helping me to learn more about CS.


Marsha Hallett wrote:
> 9/26/1999
> >> Hello!
> >> I am starting to learn about colloidal silver.
> >> I would like to learn how to make colloidal silver.
> >> Some people say to make your own CS and *use* salt
> > in the water (to speed up the electrolysis).
> >> Others say to *never* use salt--it makes big particles,
> > makes a chloride, etc. .
> >> Do you know of anyone who has **"proved"** which way is
> > correct?
> >> Can you suggest any websites regarding this?
> >> Thanks for your help.
> >> David
> Dear David, Hi!
> I`m Marsha, one of the oldies on the List, and I`ve been using CS for well
> over 3 years now. I was a Lyme sufferer for nearly 6 years. I first found
> out about making CS with salt, and that is what cured my Lyme after all the
> antibiotics couldn`t. Later I learned that salt really isn`t necessary, so
> now I make it without. Both work!
> I can send directions for the simple generator, if you`d like, and others on
> the list have one you can buy reasonably.
> Welcome to the list, and I`ll be hoping that CS will help you out as well as
> it has me!
> Marsha, in Vallejo, CA
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> To post, address your message to:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>**Making CS***

1999-09-27 Thread M. G. Devour
Thank you, Diane,

Every little bit helps! I'm glad it gave you relief!

Be well,

Mike D.

> HI Marsha, David and all,
> I have an anectdotal story that I can relate tonight. I have very
> sensitive skin and just the pressure of something against it can
> cause something called contact hives. I've usually taken a Benadryl
> for the itching that occurs when this happens. Today I put some of
> my homemade CS (says she proudly) on the area and the itching
> stopped within moments. I still have a few of the red raised marks
> on my arm but the itching is gone. I can't show proof that a
> scientist would want but my own experience is good enough for me. In
> the past when this happens I end up just scratching and rubbing the
> areas till the condition is much worse and until the Benadryls work.
> This is a very happy revalation for me. Once my brother asked me why
> there was this long red mark on my neck and I couldn't think why
> either till I remembered that the shoulder harness had pressed
> against it when I drove my car earlier that day. 
> FWIW. 
> Thanks for listening and helping me to learn more about CS.
> Diane

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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Re: CS>**Making CS***

1999-09-27 Thread Charles King
On Mon, 27 Sep 1999 00:09:31 -0500, "d.linen"  wrote:

> I can't show proof that a scientist would want but my
>own experience is good enough for me.

Case closed!!
STANDARDS? I don't need no steeenking standards
(feeling a bit controversial tonight)

 HAMMER: Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is
  used as a kind of divining rod to locate expensive parts not far from
  the object we are trying to hit.

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Re: CS>**Making CS***

1999-09-30 Thread boberger

Why don't you remove the speedometer from your car its only there from the
purpose of standardizing ones driving speed..

Don't you get tired of all of the newbies wondering why this or that doesn't
work? If some one would only tell them the data needed to make good stuff
half of the CS talk on this list would disappear.

"OLE BOB" :(

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Re: CS>**Making CS***

1999-09-30 Thread Charles King
On Wed, 29 Sep 1999 22:19:23 -0500, wrote:

>Don't you get tired of all of the newbies wondering why this or that doesn't
>work? If some one would only tell them the data needed to make good stuff
>half of the CS talk on this list would disappear.
>"OLE BOB" :(
No, I LIKE newbies. I learn more from THEM!

Freedom of speech is wonderful--right up there with the freedom not to listen 

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Re: CS>**Making CS***

1999-09-30 Thread Scharbach
The problem is, while NOW I can understand and begin to compute much of what
you are saying, when I first came to this list, I was way too fogged over to
ANY of it.

Marsha can attest to the fact that I had to call her, even after her simple
to figure out how to hook up the leads to start making silver.   (I'm not a
stupid moron
normally, either)

Makes it overwhelming, and intimidating to see all the "techie" stuff at
that point in time.
All I cared about was getting better.   Which I am now, much!


>Don't you get tired of all of the newbies wondering why this or that
>work? If some one would only tell them the data needed to make good stuff
>half of the CS talk on this list would disappear.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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Re: CS>**Making CS***

1999-09-30 Thread Marsha Hallett
>The problem is, while NOW I can understand and begin to compute much of
>you are saying, when I first came to this list, I was way too fogged over
>ANY of it.
>>Marsha can attest to the fact that I had to call her, even after her
>to figure out how to hook up the leads to start making silver.   (I'm not a
>stupid moron
>normally, either)
>>Makes it overwhelming, and intimidating to see all the "techie" stuff at
>that point in time.
>All I cared about was getting better.   Which I am now, much!

Dear Sparrow, Hooray for you! Go Girl, get totally WELL!
PS, I delete so many of the techie posts, they are just way past me...and I
went to college!
I`m just glad the gadget the good Lord sent me works...

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Re: CS>Making CS

2000-10-21 Thread Ivan Anderson
Hey Terry,

Lets burn some books and send the techies and engineers for
're-education' ;-)

But you are serious aren't you.

Thank God you are not making something any more harmful than colloidal
silver, because you would be dangerous. And it certainly says something
about the Alternative Heath and Health Food industry in Canada, that
they don't care about the quality or concentration or shelf life of the
products they sell.

Terry, contrary to your beliefs, it is legitimate to strive for
excellence, to continually improve the object at hand. You enjoy the
fruits of these labours in every facet of life, otherwise you would
still be dragging your litter behind you, bitching about what a waste of
time, and how unnecessary are those round things with a hole in the

You may have noticed even though I am one of those silly, mumbo-jumbo
spouting, absurd quibblers, that I recently reposted the instruction for
building and using just such a generator as you describe. How can that

Most people on this list realise that the technical talk, even if they
don't read or understand it, eventually does them good. Some people are
equipped to investigate the minutiae of silver generation and some are
not, is it not better that all have access to all rather than the
techies find their own little corner and beggar the rest?

The fact that you are not able to, or are too lazy to implement some of
the techniques described on these pages means that you produce an
inferior product.
This is amply demonstrated in your missive, in which the contradictions
and obvious misinformation are too numerous to reply to, item by
item...but as an example look at your storage paragraph.

Here you state:

> Silver is sunlight sensitive. Keep in cool, dark
> place. Some people use darkly tinted glass bottles, or
> rinse out hydrogen peroxide bottles to store colloidal
> silver in. Other people use the hard, clear plastic
> bottles such as contain fruit juice, or lemon
> concentrate or Perrier water, or soda pop. Do not
> refrigerate. Shake bottle before using to be sure that
> the silver colloid is evenly distributed. Do not store
> near motors, speaker cabinets or other strong magnetic
> fields. Full potency can be retained for at least a
> month when the CS is properly stored. If you use CS as
> much and as often as I do, you don't worry about it
> "spoiling" (which it doesn't do anyway

Well made CS is not light sensitive, does not need to be stored in a
cool dark place, is not affected by magnets and does not settle out
requiring shaking to redistribute it. Properly made colloidal silver
remains stable for years, not a few months.

It would seem to me that you should lift your game and join with those
who would like a superior brew as a standard, rather than have them join

BTW, what is the size of the pin head and how small are the angels...we
can work it out with a little investigation.


- Original Message -
From: "Terry Wayne" 
Sent: Saturday, 21 October 2000 14:43

> Listers,
> I know I will probably get blasted by the "techies"
> for this, but it's my opinions and conclusions on the
> subject of making CS. Also, it has worked perfectly
> for me. But I am probably shooting at a sacred cow.
> Terry Wayne
Etc. etc.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Making CS

2000-10-21 Thread Robert L. Berger
Well Terry,

To each his own, but thinking like yours is what has given CS a bad name in
the medical industry.

But as Marsha says if it works don't knock it.

"Ole Bob:


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Making CS

2000-10-21 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
To paraphrase an old saying:

Sometimes you shoot the sacred cow; sometimes the sacred cow shoots you. 

 -Original Message-
From:   Ivan Anderson [] 
Sent:   Saturday, October 21, 2000 5:28 AM
Subject:Re: CS>Making CS

Hey Terry,

Lets burn some books and send the techies and engineers for
're-education' ;-)

But you are serious aren't you.

Thank God you are not making something any more harmful than colloidal
silver, because you would be dangerous. And it certainly says something
about the Alternative Heath and Health Food industry in Canada, that
they don't care about the quality or concentration or shelf life of the
products they sell.

Terry, contrary to your beliefs, it is legitimate to strive for
excellence, to continually improve the object at hand. You enjoy the
fruits of these labours in every facet of life, otherwise you would
still be dragging your litter behind you, bitching about what a waste of
time, and how unnecessary are those round things with a hole in the

You may have noticed even though I am one of those silly, mumbo-jumbo
spouting, absurd quibblers, that I recently reposted the instruction for
building and using just such a generator as you describe. How can that

Most people on this list realise that the technical talk, even if they
don't read or understand it, eventually does them good. Some people are
equipped to investigate the minutiae of silver generation and some are
not, is it not better that all have access to all rather than the
techies find their own little corner and beggar the rest?

The fact that you are not able to, or are too lazy to implement some of
the techniques described on these pages means that you produce an
inferior product.
This is amply demonstrated in your missive, in which the contradictions
and obvious misinformation are too numerous to reply to, item by
item...but as an example look at your storage paragraph.

Here you state:

> Silver is sunlight sensitive. Keep in cool, dark
> place. Some people use darkly tinted glass bottles, or
> rinse out hydrogen peroxide bottles to store colloidal
> silver in. Other people use the hard, clear plastic
> bottles such as contain fruit juice, or lemon
> concentrate or Perrier water, or soda pop. Do not
> refrigerate. Shake bottle before using to be sure that
> the silver colloid is evenly distributed. Do not store
> near motors, speaker cabinets or other strong magnetic
> fields. Full potency can be retained for at least a
> month when the CS is properly stored. If you use CS as
> much and as often as I do, you don't worry about it
> "spoiling" (which it doesn't do anyway

Well made CS is not light sensitive, does not need to be stored in a
cool dark place, is not affected by magnets and does not settle out
requiring shaking to redistribute it. Properly made colloidal silver
remains stable for years, not a few months.

It would seem to me that you should lift your game and join with those
who would like a superior brew as a standard, rather than have them join

BTW, what is the size of the pin head and how small are the angels...we
can work it out with a little investigation.


- Original Message -
From: "Terry Wayne" 
Sent: Saturday, 21 October 2000 14:43

> Listers,
> I know I will probably get blasted by the "techies"
> for this, but it's my opinions and conclusions on the
> subject of making CS. Also, it has worked perfectly
> for me. But I am probably shooting at a sacred cow.
> Terry Wayne
Etc. etc.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Making CS

2000-10-21 Thread russ e rosser
Terry is justified in focussing on pragmatism for laymen who need the
benefits of CS without abstruse details.  OTOH, efforts toward refining
good processes into better ones can yield unexpected discoveries.  Until
the way to *perfect heath* is attained--yea, even to immortality--we must
not abandon pure science & experimentation; esp. while there's still much
to learn about bio-interactivity between health, microbes, oxygen,
chemicals and various forms & intensties of ENERGY.


On Fri, 20 Oct 2000 18:43:39 -0700 (PDT) Terry Wayne 
> Listers,
> I know I will probably get blasted by the "techies"
> for this, but it's my opinions and conclusions on the
> subject of making CS. Also, it has worked perfectly
> for me. But I am probably shooting at a sacred cow.
> Terry Wayne
> Colloidal Silver Brewing Instructions:
> The first question is, how much CS do you want to make
> at a time? If you are only going to use it topically,
> or occasionally put a little in a drink - say, to
> fight off an approaching cold - you would only need to
> make maybe 8 ounces. If your whole family will be
> using it, and you're putting it in the family's milk,
> juice, soup, sauce, etc., or spraying it on various
> items (shower curtains, toilet bowls, etc.) for its
> antiseptic affect, you will need to make a liter at a
> time.
> When I first started, I used a 12-volt DC adapter,
> like what powers a cordless phone, or a cassette
> player. When I saw how amazing CS worked, and I
> started selling it to my clients, and then to HF
> stores, I bought a whole box-full of adapters and
> chain-linked them to get higher voltages (24-36
> volts).
> Using a 12-volt (or whatever) DC adapter, here is what
> you do. Cut off the jack on the end. Pull the wires
> apart on the end, and attach alligator clips to each
> wire (available at Radio Shack). You now have an
> excellent CS machine (just like the $100+ gizmo, but
> without the bells and whistles). You now need two 6"
> long silver wires. You should type in "silver wires"
> in your search engine and shop for best prices. If
> you're just making it for yourself, and don't drink 1
> quart a day, the wires should last you at least a
> year. But you will probably start giving it to your
> friends, so if you have to buy 3+ sets of wires (or
> 20') to get the best price, you won't regret it (and
> still be spending far less than the expensive gizmo!).
> Put 8 oz. of steam distilled water (DW) only (not
> reverse osmosis, tap, well, mineral, filtered,
> "purified" or "spring" water) in a jar (deionised is
> also ok), hang the 99.9% pure silver wires down inside
> by bending one end of each wire over the rim of the
> jar so as to hang down on the outside of the jar about
> 3/4" to 1", the rest of the wire hanging down on the
> inside of the jar about 5". Remember, these wires are
> pure silver, not Sterling silver. Sterling silver
> contains other metals which are toxic. Put them in the
> jar so that they are about 2" apart, hanging parallel
> to each other. Don't plug in the adapter until
> everything is set up and connected. Attach the
> alligator clips to the outside ends of the two wires,
> with the wires going straight into the ends of the
> clips, like they were jaws biting off the ends, not
> where the teeth on the sides are. You'll notice that
> by twisting the alligator clips on the wires, it will
> make the wires lean to the right or left, so this is
> how you cause the wires to be straight and parallel to
> each other. Plug in the adapter and let sit for 2
> hours. 
> After a few minutes you may observe bubbles of
> hydrogen rise from one silver wire, while an ultra
> fine silver mist may begin to float off the other. If
> you alternate the alligator clips on the wires (change
> polarity) every 1/2 hour, the wires will wear evenly.
> (Eventually one or the other will become so thin it
> will disappear. Time to replace it!) The color of the
> water when you are finished, whether gray, yellow,
> gold or brown, is unimportant to the effectiveness of
> the CS. The more color, the stronger the taste. Since
> there are usually silver sludge/particles to some
> degree, you might strain them off through a coffee
> filter or paper towel. (The silver particles are not
> harmful.) You will find that if you don't change
> polarity (switch the alligator clips), one of the
> wires may grow a gray "fuzz" around it, which you will
> need to clean off the wire when you are through. This
> is normal. You can make no mistakes that make CS toxic
> or dangerous if you follow these directions and use
> pure silver wire. If you leave it too long and the
> water is loaded with silver sludge/particles, it may
> be too bitter to get past your tongue (though it
> wouldn't hurt you), but it will work just fine
> externally. Many people intentionally make it stronger
> for topical applications (though that's not
> necessary). Your jar will become stained on the sides
> and bott

Re: CS>Making CS

2020-03-13 Thread Deborah Gerard
 This is on youtube on how to assemble and use hope it helpsIntroduction to 

|  |  |


|  | 
Introduction to Silver9

A demonstration of the assembly of Silver Puppy Colloidal Silver Generator



On Friday, March 13, 2020, 12:00:48 AM EDT, Williams 

HELP!!   Is there anyone in the New York City area with a Silver Puppy that can 
help me get mine going  Had it two years and have made only made two 
batches.   Don't even know how I did it.   The problem is the level of the 
water-- too high  too low?    But still can't seem to do what everyone else 
does with ease … Make CS in the Silver Puppy.  Gladys

Re: CS>Making CS

2020-03-13 Thread Reid Harvey
Could it be that you're using poor quality distilled water?  With my
SilverPuppy the lights shut off after 2 hours, while with good quality
distilled water this would be around 7 hours, then ~10ppm.  To get 10ppm I
push the button 5 times to get up to the 10ppm.

As Ode says, "...if the light is on you're making it..." I.e., EIS -
electrically isolated silver.  You're also hearing people say not to worry
about the yellow, that it's just some minor impurity.  Maybe try different
distilled water.  Maybe don't expect perfect 10ppm EIS, made without
pushing the button.

On Fri, Mar 13, 2020, 12:00 AM Williams  wrote:

> HELP!!   Is there anyone in the New York City area with a Silver Puppy
> that can help me get mine going  Had it two years and have made only
> made two batches.   Don't even know how I did it.   The problem is the
> level of the water-- too high  too low?But still can't seem to do what
> everyone else does with ease … Make CS in the Silver Puppy.  Gladys

RE: CS>Making CS

2020-03-13 Thread fpetri
Lady I am no expert but I can not imagine not knowing how to work a Silver 
Puppy with a power supply that plugs into the wall and into the Silver Puppy. 
So I am going to assume that your problem is the water. It is not really a too 
high or too low of a water level because only the CS is made with what element 
is in the water. So I am going to use the S.W.A.G. system to answer your 
question. That stands for Scientific Wild Ass Guess. I think your problem might 
be that you forgot to use distilled water. If you use regular tap water it has 
minerals in it and will short out the process. May even damage your power 
supply. Some distilled water is not pure enough and still has minerals in it 
and won’t work. That is why your little tester should be put into the water and 
it should read “0” zero before you begin. Hope this helps.




From: Williams  
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2020 8:41 PM
Subject: CS>Making CS



HELP!!   Is there anyone in the New York City area with a Silver Puppy that can 
help me get mine going  Had it two years and have made only made two 
batches.   Don't even know how I did it.   The problem is the level of the 
water-- too high  too low?But still can't seem to do what everyone else 
does with ease … Make CS in the Silver Puppy.  Gladys

Re: CS>Making CS

2020-03-14 Thread Ode Coyote
You won't hurt the 'puppy' even with a dead is protected every
which a-way.
 WATER quality is the biggest variable.
A TDS meter can be off...especially if tweeked by a water filter maker to
read low.

Submitted by odecoyote  on Tue,
06/30/2015 - 07:48

To test for water contamination: [Using the generator ]

Fill container with fresh water to the proper level ..set everything up
Start running the batch in "manual" mode. ["Silver 9"  Press the button so
the Yellow LED lights up ]
Observe how bright the Green/Red LED is on top.
 Now sloowly pull the generator/electrode assembly out of the water while
watching the LED.

If that LED DOESN'T start getting dimmer *immediately*...that water
is no good.
If the LED starts dimming when the electrodes are nearly out of the's WAY no good.
If it doesn't dim at all before the electrodes clear the water and the LED
goes out...that water is WAY WAY no good. [20 uS or over]
[Incidentally, the reverse works to tell you how far along you are.  If the
“CS” looks like “bad water”..the batch is about done ]

Get a different jug of water.
Make sure you aren't contaminating good water with water spots, dirty jar
or even finger prints.

The best way to clean a jar is to boil distilled water in it...[fill it /
Nuke it]

 There are many ways to contaminate water and no two jugs of water are
exactly the same regardless of who distilled and bottled it.

[Most of them are fine, but everybody has a bad day now and then]

***If the water is EXTREMELY pure, you may need a pitch dark room to
see that the LED is lit at all.***

** COM-100 Meters will be set to use “As IS” in CS before shipping.

All hand held PWT/TDS/PPM meters work the same way. They actually measure
conductivity not PPM. They are simply not the same thing.

TDS (PPM) meters such as the TDS3 also measure conductivity but then
convert that measurement to an estimated PPM using water industry standard
tables for dissolved salts. [NaCl in this case] (also known as Total
Dissolved Solids or TDS)

Since Ionic/Colloidal Silver is not a mineral salt, it behaves differently
and requires a different technique for reading the TDS meter.

The reading can generally be taken ‘as is’ when checking pure distilled
water or when checking any other water source such as tap or well water.
(ie 200 on the meter = 200 PPM)
However, when checking Colloidal Silver made with pure distilled water the
reading should be doubled. [If it reads 10, it’s actually 20 PPM of
colloidal silver]

Due to range and resolution limitations,  when measuring colloidal silver
with this meter  you should also allow for an error factor of at least +/-
10% . So for example 10 on the TDS meter could be as high as 22 PPM or as
low as 18 PPM  (when doubled).

Meters such as the Hanna PWT, the HM Digital EC3 and COM-100 read out
directly in Microsiemens of Conductivity [uS].
The COM100 also reads out in 3 different scenarios for PPM depending on the
suspected dominant mineral salt content.
Silver water is NOT salt water.

To get an idea of what the PPM is in CS, use 1uS = ~1 PPM.
 Since the conductivity will start dropping as soon as power is off, Use
Meter immediately after shutdown.
Concentrations over the saturation point of Ionic Silver in water [~ 13.3
PPM ] will progressively and variably form more and more non-conductive
“particles” accounting for some of the difference between Faraday Equation
Prediction vs Conductivity Monitoring.
 Beyond around 25 PPM in silver water a meter reading will have
considerable slew towards the low side and a batch may never register more
than 30 uS the day after it’s done even though it may really be 50+ PPM

On Fri, Mar 13, 2020 at 11:31 AM  wrote:

> *Lady I am no expert but I can not imagine not knowing how to work a
> Silver Puppy with a power supply that plugs into the wall and into the
> Silver Puppy. So I am going to assume that your problem is the water. It is
> not really a too high or too low of a water level because only the CS is
> made with what element is in the water. So I am going to use the S.W.A.G.
> system to answer your question. That stands for Scientific Wild Ass Guess.
> I think your problem might be that you forgot to use distilled water. If
> you use regular tap water it has minerals in it and will short out the
> process. May even damage your power supply. Some distilled water is not
> pure enough and still has minerals in it and won’t work. That is why your
> little tester should be put into the water and it should read “0” zero
> before you begin. Hope this helps.*
> *Floyd*
> *From:* Williams 
> *Sent:* Thursday, March 12, 2020 8:41 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* CS>Making CS
> HELP!!   Is there anyone in the New York City area with a Silver Puppy
> that can help me get mine going  Had it two years and have made only
> made two batches.   Don't even know how I d

Re: CS>Making CS

2020-09-27 Thread Ode Coyote
There are a few minor errors in those videos.


On Fri, Mar 13, 2020 at 3:25 AM Deborah Gerard  wrote:

> This is on youtube on how to assemble and use hope it helpsIntroduction
> to Silver9
> Introduction to Silver9
> A demonstration of the assembly of Silver Puppy Colloidal Silver Generator
> On Friday, March 13, 2020, 12:00:48 AM EDT, Williams <
>> wrote:
> HELP!!   Is there anyone in the New York City area with a Silver Puppy
> that can help me get mine going  Had it two years and have made only
> made two batches.   Don't even know how I did it.   The problem is the
> level of the water-- too high  too low?But still can't seem to do what
> everyone else does with ease … Make CS in the Silver Puppy.  Gladys

Re: CS>Making CS: EYES

2004-09-10 Thread John Rigby

At 01:37 AM 09/09/04, you wrote:
Could you post (or re-post if you have already told us this info) the 
recipe of CS-DMSO you use for your eyes? Do you mist it into your eyes or 
use a dropper?


Sorry, that wasn't clear there:
I bathe the eyes in a soln of CS microsized with a tiny amount of 
H202.  1/3 Cup CS, an eyedropper of H202 , allow to stand for half hour. 
Add boiled (filtered)  H20 enough  to warm it.

The DMSO effects are coming from  drinking it: 3 eyedroppers of 30% into 
1/3 cup CS  and external application to excretions on body ( moles, scars, 
skin Cancers)



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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
Silver List archive:

Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Making CS: EYES

2004-09-10 Thread sol


John Rigby wrote:

Sorry, that wasn't clear there:
I bathe the eyes in a soln of CS microsized with a tiny amount of 
H202.  1/3 Cup CS, an eyedropper of H202 , allow to stand for half 
hour. Add boiled (filtered)  H20 enough  to warm it.

The DMSO effects are coming from  drinking it: 3 eyedroppers of 30% 
into 1/3 cup CS  and external application to excretions on body ( 
moles, scars, skin Cancers)




The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
Silver List archive:

Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Making CS/Parkinson

2008-06-21 Thread Clayton Family

yes, it does take quite awhile.  Which generator do you have?

On Jun 21, 2008, at 9:00 PM, Mary Ellen Murphy wrote:

I have been making CS all day and don’t have  gallon yet.  Do all 
generators take 2 hours to make 2 cups of silver.  This is not as easy 
as is sounds.  Mary Ellen


From: Day Sutton []

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Making CS/Parkinson

2008-06-21 Thread Mary Ellen Murphy
I am borrowing one from a friend called the silver pulsar.  I was also
wondering how much to take to start.  I am trying to figure out what I need
to get with the silver puppy.  I understand that you need some kind of
stirrer with it.  I don't know whether to get the #1 kit or #2.

Mary Ellen

-Original Message-
From: Clayton Family [] 
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2008 9:30 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Making CS/Parkinson

yes, it does take quite awhile.  Which generator do you have?

On Jun 21, 2008, at 9:00 PM, Mary Ellen Murphy wrote:

> I have been making CS all day and don’t have  gallon yet.  Do all 
> generators take 2 hours to make 2 cups of silver.  This is not as easy 
> as is sounds.  Mary Ellen
> From: Day Sutton []

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Making CS/Parkinson

2008-06-22 Thread Judy Knowlton
I have the #1 kit - works fine. The funnel is glass, so delicate.

-Original Message-
From: Mary Ellen Murphy []
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2008 10:34 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Making CS/Parkinson

I am borrowing one from a friend called the silver pulsar.  I was
wondering how much to take to start.  I am trying to figure out
what I need
to get with the silver puppy.  I understand that you need some
kind of
stirrer with it.  I don't know whether to get the #1 kit or #2.

Mary Ellen

-Original Message-
From: Clayton Family []
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2008 9:30 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Making CS/Parkinson

yes, it does take quite awhile.  Which generator do you have?

On Jun 21, 2008, at 9:00 PM, Mary Ellen Murphy wrote:

> I have been making CS all day and don't have  gallon yet.  Do
> generators take 2 hours to make 2 cups of silver.  This is not
as easy
> as is sounds.  Mary Ellen
> From: Day Sutton []

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG.
Version: 8.0.100 / Virus Database: 270.4.1/1512 - Release Date:
6/21/2008 9:27 AM

RE: CS>Making CS/Parkinson

2008-06-22 Thread Dee
Hi Mary Ellen, I am answering two of your mails at the same time, as I read
this one last - 
The Silver Puppy comes complete with everything you need (except the canning
jar)  I got the #2 kit because it has the little magnet stirrer which you
just pop in the jar.  It is as easy as falling off a log to be honest, and
this comes from someone who is mechanically challenged to say the least!  It
*does* take quite a time to make, (it took me 8 hours to  make one quart)
but this was probably because my water was *very* pure (double distlled.) 
if you put in the next batch about a quarter out of the first batch, however
 this will knock two hours off the time.  I don't find the time it takes a
problem at all, because if you need more - quickly, then you just start the
whole thing up again and that way, you would have quite a bit in a few days.
 As it doesn't matter how long it is stored, then it shouldn't matter how
long it takes to make.  I think it is a brilliant little unit and he is so
clever to have made it all fit into such a small space compared to others,
with so few working parts to have to bother about.  Dee 

---Original Message---
From: Mary Ellen Murphy
Date: 22/06/2008 03:34:12
Subject: RE: CS>Making CS/Parkinson
I am borrowing one from a friend called the silver pulsar.  I was also
wondering how much to take to start.  I am trying to figure out what I need
to get with the silver puppy.  I understand that you need some kind of
stirrer with it.  I don't know whether to get the #1 kit or #2.
Mary Ellen

Re: CS>Making CS/Parkinson

2008-06-22 Thread Faith Gagne
That was my objection to the silver takes so long.  The generator I 
have now takes 3 hours to make one quart.  I could have gotten a generator that 
makes a gallon but a quart is enough.  Faith G.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Dee 
  Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2008 8:36 AM
  Subject: RE: CS>Making CS/Parkinson

Hi Mary Ellen, I am answering two of your mails at the same time, as I 
read this one last - 
The Silver Puppy comes complete with everything you need (except the 
canning jar)  I got the #2 kit because it has the little magnet stirrer which 
you just pop in the jar.  It is as easy as falling off a log to be honest, and 
this comes from someone who is mechanically challenged to say the least!  It 
*does* take quite a time to make, (it took me 8 hours to  make one quart) but 
this was probably because my water was *very* pure (double distlled.)  if you 
put in the next batch about a quarter out of the first batch, however, this 
will knock two hours off the time.  I don't find the time it takes a problem at 
all, because if you need more - quickly, then you just start the whole thing up 
again and that way, you would have quite a bit in a few days.  As it doesn't 
matter how long it is stored, then it shouldn't matter how long it takes to 
make.  I think it is a brilliant little unit and he is so clever to have made 
it all fit into such a small space compared to others, with so few working 
parts to have to bother about.  Dee 

---Original Message---

From: Mary Ellen Murphy
Date: 22/06/2008 03:34:12
        Subject: RE: CS>Making CS/Parkinson

I am borrowing one from a friend called the silver pulsar.  I was also
wondering how much to take to start.  I am trying to figure out what I 
to get with the silver puppy.  I understand that you need some kind of
stirrer with it.  I don't know whether to get the #1 kit or #2.

Mary Ellen

RE: CS>Making CS/Parkinson

2008-06-22 Thread Dee
I forgot to say here, that I set mine to run on reverse polarity, which does
take a lot longer.  This prevents build up on the electrodes I understand. 
I believe it takes about four hours if left to run on direct current. Dee 

---Original Message---
From: Dee
Date: 22/06/2008 13:37:00
Subject: RE: CS>Making CS/Parkinson
Hi Mary Ellen, I am answering two of your mails at the same time, as I read
this one last - 
The Silver Puppy comes complete with everything you need (except the canning
jar)  I got the #2 kit because it has the little magnet stirrer which you
just pop in the jar.  It is as easy as falling off a log to be honest, and
this comes from someone who is mechanically challenged to say the least!  It
*does* take quite a time to make, (it took me 8 hours to  make one quart)
but this was probably because my water was *very* pure (double distlled.) 
if you put in the next batch about a quarter out of the first batch, however
 this will knock two hours off the time.  I don't find the time it takes a
problem at all, because if you need more - quickly, then you just start the
whole thing up again and that way, you would have quite a bit in a few days.
 As it doesn't matter how long it is stored, then it shouldn't matter how
long it takes to make.  I think it is a brilliant little unit and he is so
clever to have made it all fit into such a small space compared to others,
with so few working parts to have to bother about.  Dee 

Re: CS>Making CS/Parkinson

2008-06-22 Thread Hanneke

those objections are individual of course..
In all the years I have had the silver puppy, have 2 of them, it has
never taken me anywhere near  8 hours.
The temperature of water is a good starting point,  the colder the
longer it takes
and perhaps a little seeding, speeds things up too.
At 10:23 PM 22/06/2008, you wrote:

That was my objection to the silver takes so long.  The generator I have now takes 3 hours to
make one quart.  I could have gotten a generator that makes a gallon
but a quart is enough.  Faith G.

- Original Message - 

From: Dee 


Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2008 8:36 AM

Subject: RE: CS>Making CS/Parkinson

Hi Mary Ellen, I am answering two of your mails at the same time, as
I read this one last - 

The Silver Puppy comes complete with everything you need (except the
canning jar)  I got the #2 kit because it has the little magnet
stirrer which you just pop in the jar.  It is as easy as falling off
a log to be honest, and this comes from someone who is mechanically
challenged to say the least!  It *does* take quite a time to make,
(it took me 8 hours to  make one quart) but this was probably
because my water was *very* pure (double distlled.)  if you put in
the next batch about a quarter out of the first batch, however, this will
knock two hours off the time.  I don't find the time it takes a
problem at all, because if you need more - quickly, then you just start
the whole thing up again and that way, you would have quite a bit in a
few days.  As it doesn't matter how long it is stored, then it
shouldn't matter how long it takes to make.  I think it is a
brilliant little unit and he is so clever to have made it all fit into
such a small space compared to others, with so few working parts to have
to bother about.  Dee 


---Original Message---


From: Mary Ellen

Date: 22/06/2008 03:34:12


Subject: RE: CS>Making CS/Parkinson


I am borrowing one from a friend called the silver pulsar.  I
was also

wondering how much to take to start.  I am trying to figure out
what I need

to get with the silver puppy.  I understand that you need some
kind of

stirrer with it.  I don't know whether to get the #1 kit or



Mary Ellen


No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG. 
Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 270.4.1/1512 - Release Date:
21/06/2008 9:27 AM

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Making CS/Parkinson

2008-06-22 Thread Clayton Family
I googled that unit, and it looks like it says to start with 16 ounces 
of water-and that would speed it up. I usually make it in quart jars,  
I use 3 9V batteries, and it takes 5 or 6 hours with my larger 
electrodes. When I use my smaller electrodes, it takes about twice the 

As for a stirrer, you may set a light bulb next to the jar, and that 
will do just fine- the heat from the bulb will cause the water to 
slowly move in convective currents, and it does not take much to do a 
fine job. I used to do that, then I got one of the silverpuppy bases 
that has a little light bulb in it, and I set my jar on that.

On the other hand, if you heat the water up before you start, it will 
already be moving enough for some time.

When I first started taking cs, I found that I had some herx reactions 
from whatever it was killing. That is common for some kinds of 
infections. Some people prefer to grit their teeth and go whole hog, 
and others prefer to keep the reactions to a mild roar and limit the 
amount they take. It can depend on how one's body reacts, and how well 
one tolerates that.


On Jun 21, 2008, at 9:33 PM, Mary Ellen Murphy wrote:

I am borrowing one from a friend called the silver pulsar.  I was also
wondering how much to take to start.  I am trying to figure out what I 

to get with the silver puppy.  I understand that you need some kind of
stirrer with it.  I don't know whether to get the #1 kit or #2.

Mary Ellen

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Making CS/Parkinson

2008-06-22 Thread Ode Coyote

  It either takes a lot of time, or a lot of silver to do it right.
2 hours for 2 cups actually sounds a bit short unless you have 1 or 2  foot 
long electrodes.

I can be done faster with very little silver, but making "mud" becomes more 
likely at such high currents.


At 09:00 PM 6/21/2008 -0500, you wrote:

I have been making CS all day and dont have  gallon yet.  Do all 
generators take 2 hours to make 2 cups of silver.  This is not as easy as 
is sounds.  Mary Ellen

From: Day Sutton []
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2008 7:33 PM
To: Silver Post
Subject: CS>Parkinson's

I have a friend diagnosed with "pre-parkinsons", and another with the full 
blown thing.  Massave shakes and all..

I haven't been paying attention to posts about this problem because I 
didn't know anyone with it.  Now I seem to remember someone posting that 
drinking a gallon of 5 to 10 ppm EIS daily would cure MS.  Is this the 
same root cause???  Has anyone actually tried a gallon of CS daily?

Day Sutton

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Making CS/Parkinson

2008-06-22 Thread Dee
The Silver Puppy #2 Mag unit which I have, stirs itself.  Dee 

---Original Message---
From: Clayton Family
Date: 22/06/2008 15:32:02
Subject: Re: CS>Making CS/Parkinson
As for a stirrer, you may set a light bulb next to the jar, and that
Will do just fine- the heat from the bulb will cause the water to
slowly move in convective currents, and it does not take much to do a
fine job. I used to do that, then I got one of the silverpuppy bases
that has a little light bulb in it, and I set my jar on that.
On the other hand, if you heat the water up before you start, it will
already be moving enough for some time.

RE: CS>Making CS/Parkinson

2008-06-22 Thread Mary Ellen Murphy
I am sorry Dee, but what does that mean.reverse polarity

I am so depressed from all this I can hardly stand it.  

Mary Ellen



From: Dee [] 
Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2008 8:00 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Making CS/Parkinson


I forgot to say here, that I set mine to run on reverse polarity, which does
take a lot longer.  This prevents build up on the electrodes I understand.
I believe it takes about four hours if left to run on direct current. Dee 


---Original Message---


From: Dee <> 

Date: 22/06/2008 13:37:00


Subject: RE: CS>Making CS/Parkinson


Hi Mary Ellen, I am answering two of your mails at the same time, as I read
this one last - 

The Silver Puppy comes complete with everything you need (except the canning
jar)  I got the #2 kit because it has the little magnet stirrer which you
just pop in the jar.  It is as easy as falling off a log to be honest, and
this comes from someone who is mechanically challenged to say the least!  It
*does* take quite a time to make, (it took me 8 hours to  make one quart)
but this was probably because my water was *very* pure (double distlled.)
if you put in the next batch about a quarter out of the first batch,
however, this will knock two hours off the time.  I don't find the time it
takes a problem at all, because if you need more - quickly, then you just
start the whole thing up again and that way, you would have quite a bit in a
few days.  As it doesn't matter how long it is stored, then it shouldn't
matter how long it takes to make.  I think it is a brilliant little unit and
he is so clever to have made it all fit into such a small space compared to
others, with so few working parts to have to bother about.  Dee 





RE: CS>Making CS/Parkinson

2008-06-22 Thread Mary Ellen Murphy
What do you mean by a little seeding.  I have spent my entire weekend making
this stuff.  I am not familiar with all the terms you guy are using. If I
survive this weekend it will be a miracle.





From: Hanneke [] 
Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2008 8:09 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Making CS/Parkinson


those objections are individual of course..

In all the years I have had the silver puppy, have 2 of them, it has never
taken me anywhere near  8 hours.
The temperature of water is a good starting point,  the colder the longer it
and perhaps a little seeding, speeds things up too.


At 10:23 PM 22/06/2008, you wrote:

That was my objection to the silver takes so long.  The generator
I have now takes 3 hours to make one quart.  I could have gotten a generator
that makes a gallon but a quart is enough.  Faith G.

- Original Message - 

From: Dee  <> 


Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2008 8:36 AM

Subject: RE: CS>Making CS/Parkinson

Hi Mary Ellen, I am answering two of your mails at the same time, as I read
this one last - 

The Silver Puppy comes complete with everything you need (except the canning
jar)  I got the #2 kit because it has the little magnet stirrer which you
just pop in the jar.  It is as easy as falling off a log to be honest, and
this comes from someone who is mechanically challenged to say the least!  It
*does* take quite a time to make, (it took me 8 hours to  make one quart)
but this was probably because my water was *very* pure (double distlled.)
if you put in the next batch about a quarter out of the first batch,
however, this will knock two hours off the time.  I don't find the time it
takes a problem at all, because if you need more - quickly, then you just
start the whole thing up again and that way, you would have quite a bit in a
few days.  As it doesn't matter how long it is stored, then it shouldn't
matter how long it takes to make.  I think it is a brilliant little unit and
he is so clever to have made it all fit into such a small space compared to
others, with so few working parts to have to bother about.  Dee 


---Original Message---


From: Mary <>  Ellen Murphy

Date: 22/06/2008 03:34:12


Subject: RE: CS>Making CS/Parkinson


I am borrowing one from a friend called the silver pulsar.  I was also

wondering how much to take to start.  I am trying to figure out what I need

to get with the silver puppy.  I understand that you need some kind of

stirrer with it.  I don't know whether to get the #1 kit or #2.



Mary Ellen


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Checked by AVG. 
Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 270.4.1/1512 - Release Date: 21/06/2008
9:27 AM

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post,
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archives are currently down... List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Making CS/Parkinson

2008-06-22 Thread marmar845

Mary Ellen -- calm down.  You are making a mountain out of a molehill.  CS is not a fast process.  You can force it to be fast, and you will create silver sludge instead of Colloidal Silver.  It takes time for the small particles of silver to saturate the water, which is probably the definition of CS.  *Seeding* is what someone described earlier to you, whereby you take perhaps 1/2 cup of a previous batch of CS and add it to the distilled water that you use for your next batch.  Hang in there -- your CS will come (even without seeding) -- and you will survive this weekend!!  And you will become knowledgeable too!!  :-)  MA 
-- Original message from "Mary Ellen Murphy" : -- 

What do you mean by a little seeding.  I have spent my entire weekend making this stuff.  I am not familiar with all the terms you guy are using. If I survive this weekend it will be a miracle.

From: Hanneke [] Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2008 8:09 AMTo: silver-list@eskimo.comSubject: Re: CS>Making CS/Parkinson
those objections are individual of course..In all the years I have had the silver puppy, have 2 of them, it has never taken me anywhere near  8 hours.The temperature of water is a good starting point,  the colder the longer it takesand perhaps a little seeding, speeds things up too.HannekeAt 10:23 PM 22/06/2008, you wrote:
That was my objection to the silver takes so long.  The generator I have now takes 3 hours to make one quart.  I could have gotten a generator that makes a gallon but a quart is enough.  Faith G.  
- Original Message - 
From: Dee 
Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2008 8:36 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Making CS/Parkinson
Hi Mary Ellen, I am answering two of your mails at the same time, as I read this one last - 
The Silver Puppy comes complete with everything you need (except the canning jar)  I got the #2 kit because it has the little magnet stirrer which you just pop in the jar.  It is as easy as falling off a log to be honest, and this comes from someone who is mechanically challenged to say the least!  It *does* take quite a time to make, (it took me 8 hours to  make one quart) but this was probably because my water was *very* pure (double distlled.)  if you put in the next batch about a quarter out of the first batch, however, this will knock two hours off the time.  I don't find the time it takes a problem at all, because if you need more - quickly, then you just start the whole thing up again and that way, you would have quite a bit in a few days.  As it doesn't matter how long it is stored, then it shouldn't matter how long it takes to make.  I think it is a brilliant little unit and he is so clever to have made it all fit into such a small space compared to others, with so few working parts to have to bother about.  Dee 
---Original Message---
From: Mary Ellen Murphy
Date: 22/06/2008 03:34:12
Subject: RE: CS>Making CS/Parkinson
I am borrowing one from a friend called the silver pulsar.  I was also
wondering how much to take to start.  I am trying to figure out what I need
to get with the silver puppy.  I understand that you need some kind of
stirrer with it.  I don't know whether to get the #1 kit or #2.
Mary Ellen
No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG. Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 270.4.1/1512 - Release Date: 21/06/2008 9:27 AM-- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Address Off-Topic messages to: The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down... List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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