Re: [Soya-user] compiling soya from svn or 0.15

2011-06-14 Thread Greg Ewing

deavid wrote:

Tarballs should have a root folder named "packagename-packageversion",
where packageversion comes in X.Y.Z format.

Yes, but I don't see why it can't have a 'soya' subdirectory
under the soya-X.Y.Z root directory.


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] compiling soya from svn or 0.15

2011-06-13 Thread Greg Ewing

deavid wrote:

Soya source tarballs have a root folder named "soya-x.y.z". This makes
soya not buildable with pyrex or cython.

So why doesn't the source tarball come with the necessary
subdirectory in the first place?


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] Soya basic help

2011-03-19 Thread Greg Ewing

Jiba wrote:

I think you should (try to) use Cython instead of Pyrex ; it is the new way of
compiling Soya and usually works better (I have some weird bugs with Pyrex on
some specific functions).

Can you tell me about them? If there's something that Pyrex
is doing wrong, I'd like to fix it.


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] CoordSyst matrix

2011-02-20 Thread Greg Ewing

Fabio Varesano wrote:

does anyone knows what's inside _matrix of CoordSyst?

It's a 19 elements matrix.

It's a while since I delved into it, but as far as I
remember it's a standard 4x4 transformation matrix plus
three precomputed scale factors.


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] rotating objects from an accelerometer output: python + pyserial + soya 3D + Arduino + ADXL330

2010-08-22 Thread Greg Ewing
Fabio Varesano wrote:

> However, I'm stuck on how to rotate my cuboid according to the angles
> calculated from the accelerometer. If I use the code posted above the
> animation become really slow and sloppy till almost not working.

If I understand your code correctly, you're reading one
sample from the accelerometer for each animation round.
But if the accelerometer is producing data faster than
the frame rate of your animation, this isn't going to

For example, if your animation is running at 60fps and
the accelerometer is producing 300 readings/sec (as you
indicated in one of your posts), then your animation is
only using accelerometer data at one-fifth of the rate
needed to keep up, so it will lag further and further

What you need to do is, for each frame, take all the
accelerometer data that has come in since the last
frame, accumulate all their rotations and apply them
to the model, before rendering the frame. You may
want to use a separate thread to read the accelerometer
samples and put them in a queue for the animation
thread to process.


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] Patches to Soya3D that allow compiling with latest Pyrex

2009-12-17 Thread Greg Ewing
deavid wrote:

> ODE collisions work, when using single precision libraries of ODE.
> But it fails in the following tutorials:

I don't know whether it's related to your problem,
but I've found that trouble can arise if you're
not using the same version of ODE that the code
is expecting. Annoyingly, ODE always installs itself
under the same name by default, despite there being
important differences between versions.


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] GL_POINT_SMOOTH

2008-09-14 Thread Greg Ewing
snaipperi wrote:

> I'm trying to soya.opengl.glEnable(soya.opengl.GL_POINT_SMOOTH) to
> gain smooth points, but they still appear as squares. Is this a
> hardware problem or a feature not implemented (soya 0.13).

I discovered in a non-Soya project once that you have
to turn on blending with glEnable(GL_BLEND) in order for
round points to work. Maybe Soya isn't doing this?


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] External scene manager project, ask for opinion

2008-04-14 Thread Greg Ewing
Souvarine wrote:
> I have been told that SketchUp is the only modeler that support 
> collada natively and properly (don't know if that is true).

Even if it is, it's probably only in the version you
have to pay for, not the free version (which comes with
very few exporters).

On the other hand, Sketchup is scriptable in Ruby, so
you can probably program it to export in just about any
desired format, given enough work. I think there's
also a C++ library you can call from external code to
read Sketchup files, if you want to approach the
problem from the other end.

Being able to create scenes for this thing in Sketchup
is something I'd be very interested in!

> Since you 
> like SketchUp, can you tell me if it is possible to model a whole level 
> with it ? Including the possibility to model terrains, put light 
> sources, place locations and name them, label some parts of the geometry 
> with specific names ?

I've recently been working on a project using Sketchup
to create levels for Aleph One (an open source development
of the Marathon game engine). I managed to get it to do
very nearly everything the Marathon engine supports, all
with Ruby scripting inside Sketchup.

Ruby code can attach arbitrary attributes to any object
in the model, so there should be no trouble naming things.
Light sources and such like can be modelled using placeholder
objects that are recognised and treated specially by the
exporter. There is a set of "sandbox" tools that could
be used to edit a terrain mesh.

So yes, all those things should be doable with Sketchup,
I think.

Something to consider when deciding on an export/import
strategy is that funneling everything through a common
format can lead to loss of information. Some modellers
may support things that it would be useful to get into
the scene for the game engine to use, but if they can't
be expressed in the intermediate file format, you're
out of luck.

For example, Sketchup has a very powerful notion of
component definitions and instances, which can greatly
reduce the amount of data needed to describe a scene
with a lot of repeated elements. But if the intermediate
format didn't support component instances, the game
engine wouldn't be able to take advantage of that.


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] External scene manager project, ask for opinion

2008-04-12 Thread Greg Ewing
Souvarine wrote:
> I'm planing to start writing an 
> independent scene management library that would not be tied to any 3D 
> engine, and would be potentially be used by any existing 3D engine, 
> including soya of course.

This sounds very interesting, especially the part about
being able to use a variety of existing 3D model formats
as input. I'll be looking forward to seeing what you come
up with!


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] Fw: about Soya 3D

2008-03-16 Thread Greg Ewing
Ilja Krjuchkov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am have some truble with Soya,please help me:)
> I am tray to install Soya-0.13
> and have error :
> /Users/iljakrjuchkov/Soya-0.13/model/terrain.pyx:1464:70: Cannot  
> assign type 'float' to 'int'

This looks like the sort of problem you get when you
have a different version of Pyrex installed than the one
that was used by Jiba last time he made a Soya release.

If you're only trying to install Soya, and not trying
to compile modified Pyrex sources, the best thing to do
is modify so that it doesn't use Pyrex, and
just uses the .c files included in the distribution.

To Jiba: I strongly recommend that you don't distribute
with a that uses Pyrex by default, even if it's
installed on the user's system.


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] again on gpl v3 (tivoization)

2008-03-12 Thread Greg Ewing
Julian Oliver wrote:

> linking against GPL'd code doesn't magically force your code under the
> GPL. linking against it and then distributing that linked code does.

The point is that if you link your program with GPL code, the
GPL's restrictions concerning distribution come into effect
for the rest of your code. If you don't intend to distribute
your code, then restrictions against distributing it obviously
are of no consequence for you. But that doesn't mean that
the restrictions are not there.

> here's a good clarification on the topic:

Hmmm, I think we've been misunderstanding each other. When
I say that the GPL is "viral", I don't mean it in the mistaken
way that this article is trying to clear up. I only mean
that its restrictions spread further than just the code
originally licenced under the GPL.


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] again on gpl v3 (tivoization)

2008-03-12 Thread Greg Ewing
Jan Ciger wrote:

> Strictly speaking, you could probably just ignore the EULA and use the
> product without accepting the license, because then it would fall back
> to the copyright law that doesn't restrict use, only distribution.
> That's probably why they are made as "click-wrap" - to ensure you cannot
> do it.

Even click-wrap doesn't prove anything. Who's to say I
didn't leave the room and let my cat walk on the keyboard
until it accidentally hit the Accept button? :-)


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] again on gpl v3 (tivoization)

2008-03-11 Thread Greg Ewing
Jan Ciger wrote:
> if it weren't GPL (or other license granting you
> the freedoms), you wouldn't have any rights to copy/distribute the
> software under the copyright law.

I mean that you can use one of the other open-source
licences that don't have any viral clauses in them.

> This is very different from e.g. Microsoft's EULAs, which *only*
> restrict even the remaining rights you would have under the copyright
> law and do not grant you any additional freedoms whatsoever.

I've never been entirely sure what gives them the
right to make such restrictions. Copyright law says
you need permission to copy something, but it doesn't
say you need permission to *use* it.

I suppose they would argue that in order to use it
you have to copy it onto your computer's disk. But
that's like saying I need a licence to read a book
because I'm copying it into my brain, or something.


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] again on gpl v3 (tivoization)

2008-03-10 Thread Greg Ewing
Jan Ciger wrote:

> Yes, but you first need to HAVE the documentation! Why do you think the
> DRM and NDAs and all this is in place to begin with??? Try to ask Sony
> for development documentation - they will either politely show you the
> door or laugh in your face directly.

My point is that all this comes under the "necessary
information" clause, IMO. If they are using modified
GPL3'ed code in it anywhere, they *have* to provide
all of that -- otherwise you're missing information
needed to install your own modified version based on
their source.

> Do you think that the reason why there is no such toolchain
 > is the DRM and proprietary disk format?

I think that if it were feasible to run the result on a
standard, unmodified Playstation, there would be a lot more
incentive for someone to come up with such a toolchain.
I'm sure there are many enterprising young hackers --
er, enthusiasts -- around who would relish the challenge.

> However, if you had only a standard
> license, the work could just disappear - e.g. you obtain the copyright,
> get the source under your control and then change license to a
> proprietary one and yank the project off the web.

If the original copyright holder doesn't want this to
happen, all he needs to do is not relinquish the copyright
to anyone. I don't see the need for a viral licence to
protect against this.

For further reassurance, a non-revokability clause could
be included in the licence. I'm not sure whether such
clauses are legally binding, but if they're not, then the
GPL itself provides no more protection in this respect.

> The second point of the virality is that you are *not allowed* to take
> my work, enhance it with proprietary extensions and start distributing
> it (selling it, for example) without making the code for those things
> available. This prevents forks and splintering of the code base into
> incompatible versions.

Well, it might help with that, but this still comes into the
category of "giving something back". If you don't care about
getting anything back, you're at liberty to ignore all the
proprietary versions, and you're no worse off than if they
didn't exist in the first place.


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] again on gpl v3 (tivoization)

2008-03-10 Thread Greg Ewing
Julian Oliver wrote:

> there is nothing intrinsically 'viral' about the GPL - a term used to
> imply that GPL licensed code aggressively infects any code-base it comes
> into contact with - converting it indefinitely.

But that's exactly what it does do. If you link any GPL
code to your program, the whole program becomes GPL. If
that's not a kind of infection, I don't know what is.

It's true that a piece of GPL code won't come crashing
in through your network connection and infect your
code without your consent -- you have to choose to use
the GPL code in the first place. But I think most
people using the term "viral" w.r.t. the GPL understand
that (with the possible exception of Microsoft).


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] again on gpl v3 (tivoization)

2008-03-10 Thread Greg Ewing
Jan Ciger wrote:

> Sorry, no. Distribution is *not* use. Distribution is fairly clearly
> defined in both the license and the copyright law.

I think we're getting sidetracked by choice of words here.
What I mean to say is that the GPL not only says what
you *can* do with the software, it also says what you
*can't* do with it (i.e. modify + distribute + don't provide

Those restrictions are mainly what distinguishes the
GPL from most other open-source licences. So, the GPL-ness
of the GPL is mainly about imposing restrictions, not
granting freedoms. If granting freedoms is *all* you
want to do, you don't need to use the GPL.


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] again on gpl v3 (tivoization)

2008-03-10 Thread Greg Ewing
Jan Ciger wrote:

> I think that this is your problem. Try to make sense of it first, before
> you advocate changes you do not understand.

I have tried to make sense of it, several times.

The conclusion I've come to is that RMS isn't really
claiming that virality is necessary to ensure that
existing versions remain free. The reasons he puts
forward for the virality have to do with encouraging
*more* open-source software to come into existence.

Which is fine if that's what your goal really is,
but it's important to be clear about it.


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] again on gpl v3 (tivoization)

2008-03-09 Thread Greg Ewing
Jan Ciger wrote:

> You are wrong here. GPL gets triggered *only* by the act of
> distribution, not by use.

But distribution is a kind of use. So it does put some
restrictions on some uses.

> It is *not* a "gift economy" - selling
> free software is perfectly OK and the whole deal is not about price

Not a monetary price, no, but there is a kind of price.
The currency is ideas and improvements to the software.

> but
> about the freedoms as defined in here:

I don't see anything in the basic freedoms defined there
that needs a *viral* licence in order to preserve it.

On the other hand, under "Copyleft: Pragmatic Idealism",
as motivation for using the GPL, several examples are
given of improvements released as open source that
wouldn't otherwise have been.

So as far as I can see, the only reason to use the GPL
rather than a more liberal licence is if you want
to encourage *future* software to be free, not just
what you're releasing at the time.


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] again on gpl v3 (tivoization)

2008-03-09 Thread Greg Ewing
Jan Ciger wrote:
> The key is "to build and run" - GPL explicitly asks only for "install
> and execute", not to build.

If you know enough about the platform to be able to "install
and execute", then I think you know enough to be able to write
your own tool to get from the source to the executable. I
can't see there being anything in the compiler itself that's
tricky -- it's things like proprietary disk formats and
built-in DRM chips that will trip you up. Given the same
information that the manufacturers themselves have about
such devices, building the necessary tools is just a matter
of programming.

> Actually, neither - it is about maintaining the freedom.

Well, that's what RMS *says* it's about, but that's never
made any sense to me. If someone takes a free program and
makes something proprietary out of it, the original version
is still just as free as it ever was -- you don't need
a viral licence agreement to ensure that.


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] again on gpl v3 (tivoization)

2008-03-09 Thread Greg Ewing
Jan Ciger wrote:
> Compared to v2 that tried to deal only with issues of distribution and
> copying, v3 tries to go into restricting certain uses

But the GPL has always been about restricting uses. If it
weren't, it wouldn't be much different from any of the
other, more liberal open source licences.

> Who gives you the right to restrict my rights to my
> hardware in such way?

If I were a GPL enthusiast, I would probably answer that
you have a right to restrict your hardware however you
want, but not necessarily to use *my* program to help
you do it.

> making my HW tamper-proof ... brings me more revenue (and perhaps
 > it is even a legal must - e.g. medical equipment!)

Tamper-proofing for reasons of safety or security is one
thing. But doing it for the reasons that Sony or TiVo do,
i.e. simply to lock out competitors, is kind of opposite
to the whole spirit of free software, and it rubs the
GPL people up the wrong way.

Personally I think the whole GPL business is more trouble
than it's worth, and I prefer to use much less restrictive
licences for what I release. But I can understand the GPL
community's point of view -- they're trying to operate a
gift economy, and they see someone who only takes gifts
and never gives any back as being parasitical.


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] again on gpl v3 (tivoization)

2008-03-09 Thread Greg Ewing
Jan Ciger wrote:
> GPL v.3. does not force anyone to release the compiler and
> development kit. It requires only the *installation information*,
> defined as:
> “Installation Information” for a User Product means any methods,
> procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
> and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product
> from a modified version of its Corresponding Source.

Which, if they're using a compiler and other tools that are
so nonstandard, seems like it *would* require them to release
those tools, or at least enough information to enable someone
to build their own tools to do the same job -- since this is
"necessary information" to be able to build and run modified

> Moreover, preventing people from profiting from your code is actually
> not what GPL is about

No, it's about them making use of your code without giving
something back. I understand that it's not about money.


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] again on gpl v3 (tivoization)

2008-03-06 Thread Greg Ewing
Jan Ciger wrote:

> This is a red herring - neither PS nor Wii are able to run code unsigned
> by either Sony or Nintendo.
> Please, find a better example.

Surely this is *exactly* the kind of problem being talked about?
All the source code of the Playstation's OS and its games could
be disclosed under the GPL, yet it wouldn't do anyone any good.

Whether this matters to you depends on whether you want to
prevent a company from profiting from your code in a manner
like this.


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] setting full 3D orientation

2008-03-03 Thread Greg Ewing
Jiba wrote:
> You can read or write the coord syst matrix using the matrix attribute. 
> However, you should do it carefully...

It would be good if there were an API something like

   obj.set_orientation(xaxis, yaxis, zaxis)

which aligns and scales the object so that its local axes
transform onto the specified vectors.


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] setting full 3D orientation

2008-02-29 Thread Greg Ewing
Souvarine wrote:
> You 
> can do that by first using the set_identity method that reset your 
> coordsyst position and rotation and after that rotate or turn methods.

I think he already has a rotation matrix obtained from somewhere
else, not a set of angles.

I had the same problem when I was trying to load a model from a
file created in a 3D modelling application and build a Soya
data structure for it. There needs to be some call for directly
setting the rotation matrix.


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] Building soya from svn

2007-11-13 Thread Greg Ewing


> No one to explain me where ode_check.h is supposed to come from ?

It was supposed to be part of a patch I sent to Jiba
a while back. Seems like it either got left out of the
patch or he hasn't included it in the repository.

I've attached it below. Jiba, you may want to make sure
it gets put in the repository.


 *   Check that ODE is configured to use floats and not doubles.
 *   Otherwise chunk_add_float_endian_safe gets passed pointers
 *   of the wrong type.
 *   Greg Ewing, March 2007


#ifndef dSINGLE
#error Soya requires ODE to be configured with PRECISION=SINGLE
Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] render problem

2007-11-07 Thread Greg Ewing
marmoute wrote:
>> I've noticed on MacOSX that some of the examples give a
>> continuous spinning beachball
> on os X you have to use pythonw instead on python

I know, but it doesn't help in the case of these
particular examples. The examples which make use
of keyboard input don't exhibit this behaviour.


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] render problem

2007-11-06 Thread Greg Ewing
Ting Li wrote:
> It seems if the graphics window is waiting for some input event, e.g. using
> soya.process_event() in the
> script, this problem will not appear.

I think Soya does some odd things when an app is not doing
the full handling of input events that would normally be
done in a real application.

I've noticed on MacOSX that some of the examples give a
continuous spinning beachball when run from a Terminal, and
instead of keyboard events going to the Soya process they go
to the Terminal instead, even when it's not in the foreground.
It doesn't seem to stop any of the animation or graphics from
working, though.

Maybe the solution is just to update those examples so
that they run an event loop properly?


Soya-user mailing list

[Soya-user] Another small patch for Python 2.3

2007-10-10 Thread Greg Ewing

Here is a small patch to blendercal to enable it to
work with Python 2.3.

diff -r -u blendercal-orig/ blendercal/
--- blendercal-orig/ 2007-10-09 19:24:14.0 +1300
+++ blendercal/  2007-10-09 20:10:13.0 +1300
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@
 influence from Loic Dachary, especially in the bcdata.AnimationData().
-# A decorator to catch any exception semi-gracefully. Sometiem later
-# this will create a Blender panel to show the exception.
+## A decorator to catch any exception semi-gracefully. Sometiem later
+## this will create a Blender panel to show the exception.
 def exception(function):
return function
@@ -53,7 +53,6 @@
 # A function that will parse the passed-in sequences and set the appropriate
 # values in bcconf.
 def ParseArgs(parse):
args  = []
strip = lambda s: s.rstrip().lstrip().replace("\t", "").replace("\n", 
@@ -90,3 +89,5 @@
# Return args; since this will be False by default, we'll use this
# to determine if the user passed a --blendercal argument.
return args
+ParseArgs = exception(ParseArgs)
diff -r -u blendercal-orig/ blendercal/
--- blendercal-orig/   2007-10-09 19:26:14.0 +1300
+++ blendercal/bcdata.py2007-10-09 20:11:30.0 +1300
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
if obj.getType() == t and not obj.getName().startswith("_"):
yield obj, obj.getData()
 def SkeletonData():
# This function returns a single blendercal.bcobject.Skeleton instance
# and sets blendercal.bcobject.Skeleton.ARMATURE to the appropriate 
@@ -54,7 +53,9 @@

return skeleton
+SkeletonData = blendercal.exception(SkeletonData)
 def MeshData():
# This function returns a list of blender.bcobject.Mesh objects, one for
# each mesh in your Blender scene. The Cal3D notion of a Mesh is 
actually more
@@ -256,7 +257,7 @@
# preventing another iteration of all the vertices here.
for i, v in enumerate(vlist):
weights = data.getVertexInfluences(v.index)
-   total   = sum(w for b, w in weights)
+   total   = sum([w for b, w in weights])

for b, w in weights:

@@ -300,7 +301,8 @@
return meshes
+MeshData = blendercal.exception(MeshData)
 def AnimationData():
# This function demonstrates a new way of parsing and retrieving 
# data in Blender. With version 242 and above, users can call the the
@@ -369,7 +371,8 @@
return animations
+AnimationData = blendercal.exception(AnimationData)
 def ExportData(filename, skeldata, meshdata, animdata, prefixfiles=False):
dirname  = os.path.dirname(filename)
basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
@@ -419,3 +422,5 @@
print >> file(os.path.join(dirname, matfile), "w"), material

print >> cfg, "material=%s" % matfile
+ExportData = blendercal.exception(ExportData)
diff -r -u blendercal-orig/ blendercal/
--- blendercal-orig/ 2007-10-09 19:28:16.0 +1300
+++ blendercal/  2007-10-09 20:09:32.0 +1300
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 # hashable and unordered.
 from sets import ImmutableSet
-CONCAT = lambda s, j="": j.join(str(v) for v in s)
+CONCAT = lambda s, j="": j.join([str(v) for v in s])
 STRFLT = lambda f: "%%.%df" % bcconf.FLOATPRE % f
 class Cal3DObject(object):
@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@

# If one UV is None, the rest will also be None.
if len(uvs) and (uvs[0][0] != None):
-   self.maps.extend(Map(uv) for uv in uvs)
+   self.maps.extend([Map(uv) for uv in uvs])

@@ -710,7 +710,7 @@
self.parent and "%d" % or "-1",
-   "".join("##%s\n" % for c in 
+   "".join(["##%s\n" % for c in 
 class Animation(Cal3DObject):
Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] Can Soya handle centre of mass not at origin?

2007-10-09 Thread Greg Ewing
Jan Ciger wrote:
> is wrong. ODE has never supported this properly and the
> error message was added to make this point explicit.

My question was whether *soya* does anything to overcome
this restriction. Delving into the code further, it seems
that it makes no attempt to do so.

I'm working on a patch to fix this now.


Soya-user mailing list

[Soya-user] Can Soya handle centre of mass not at origin?

2007-10-09 Thread Greg Ewing
I'm trying to use Soya 0.13 with ODE 0.8, and running the tutorial, it falls over with this:

   ODE Message 2: mass must be > 0 in dMassCheck() File mass.cpp Line 44

   ODE INTERNAL ERROR 2: The centre of mass must be at the origin. in

Earlier versions of ODE ignored this, but in 0.8 it seems to
be regarded as a fatal error.

Looking at, it appears to expect a body with a
centre of mass that isn't at its origin to work. Is Soya
meant to support this, or is wrong?


Soya-user mailing list

[Soya-user] Error in _Body._reactivate_ode_body()?

2007-10-09 Thread Greg Ewing
Looking in body.pyx, I found this in _reactivate_ode_body():

 vector_by_matrix(v, self._root_matrix())
 vector_by_matrix(v, self._ode_parent._inverted_root_matrix())

It looks as though the third line is meant to come first, i.e.

 vector_by_matrix(v, self._root_matrix())
 vector_by_matrix(v, self._ode_parent._inverted_root_matrix())

Is this right?


Soya-user mailing list

[Soya-user] Patches to 0.13 for Pyrex 0.9.6

2007-10-09 Thread Greg Ewing

Here are some patches to help Soya 0.13 compile cleanly
with Pyrex, and to fix a couple of bugs.

Notes about the patches:

#U# marks code that I commented out because it was
generating unused code warnings.

I found a few places where local variables were not
initialised. It wasn't always clear what the correct
initial value should be, so I marked these with

diff -u -p -r -N -x .DS_Store -x build -x -x _ode.c -x _soya.c -x 
opengl.c -x sdlconst.c Soya-0.13/base.pyx Soya-0.13-new/base.pyx
--- Soya-0.13/base.pyx  2007-01-16 10:43:07.0 +1300
+++ Soya-0.13-new/base.pyx  2007-10-09 19:15:51.0 +1300
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ CAN_USE_TEX_BORDER = 1
 cdef Renderer renderer
 def get_max_texture_size():
@@ -113,8 +113,13 @@ cdef class _CObj:

def __getstate__(self):
-   if getattr(self, "__dict__", 0): return self.__getcstate__(), 
-   else:return self.__getcstate__(),
+   cdef object d
+   try:
+   d = getattr(self, "__dict__")
+   except:
+   return self.__getcstate__()
+   else:
+   return self.__getcstate__(), d

def __setstate__(self, state):
@@ -136,8 +141,8 @@ cdef class _CObj:
return clone
-cdef chunk_to_string(Chunk* chunk):
-   return PyString_FromStringAndSize( chunk.content, chunk.nb)
+#U#cdef chunk_to_string(Chunk* chunk):
+#U#return PyString_FromStringAndSize( chunk.content, chunk.nb)
 cdef drop_chunk_to_string(Chunk* chunk):
cdef string
diff -u -p -r -N -x .DS_Store -x build -x -x _ode.c -x _soya.c -x 
opengl.c -x sdlconst.c Soya-0.13/c.pxd Soya-0.13-new/c.pxd
--- Soya-0.13/c.pxd 2006-07-12 08:06:18.0 +1200
+++ Soya-0.13-new/c.pxd 2007-03-30 14:01:41.0 +1200
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ cdef extern from "math.h":
float sin (float x)
float tan (float x)
float exp (float x)
-   float pow (float x, int n)
+   float pow (float x, float n)
float ceil (float x)
float floor (float x)
diff -u -p -r -N -x .DS_Store -x build -x -x _ode.c -x _soya.c -x 
opengl.c -x sdlconst.c Soya-0.13/cal3d/model.pyx Soya-0.13-new/cal3d/model.pyx
--- Soya-0.13/cal3d/model.pyx   2006-11-21 12:26:39.0 +1300
+++ Soya-0.13-new/cal3d/model.pyx   2007-03-30 14:01:41.0 +1200
@@ -677,8 +677,11 @@ cdef class _AnimatedModel(_Model):
CalCoreModel_SetCoreMaterialId(self._core_model, i, 0, 
CalCoreMaterial_SetUserData(material,  i)
-   CalRenderer_GetMapUserData
+   # Greg Ewing, March 2007 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
+   # Following line commented out as it wasn't doing anything and 
was causing
+   # a compiler warning. POSSIBLE BUG.
+   #CalRenderer_GetMapUserData

 # This method is split in 3 ; this is a work-around for a bug in Pyrex
diff -u -p -r -N -x .DS_Store -x build -x -x _ode.c -x _soya.c -x 
opengl.c -x sdlconst.c Soya-0.13/cal3d_wrapper.h Soya-0.13-new/cal3d_wrapper.h
--- Soya-0.13/cal3d_wrapper.h   2006-05-21 10:43:18.0 +1200
+++ Soya-0.13-new/cal3d_wrapper.h   2007-03-30 14:01:41.0 +1200
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ extern "C"
 // CalCoreAnimation wrapper functions declaration 
-  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API struct CalCoreAnimation *CalCoreAnimation_New();
+  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API struct CalCoreAnimation *CalCoreAnimation_New(void);
   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API void CalCoreAnimation_Delete(struct CalCoreAnimation 
   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API void CalCoreAnimation_AddCoreTrack(struct CalCoreAnimation 
*self, struct CalCoreTrack *pCoreTrack);
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ extern "C"
   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API struct CalQuaternion *CalCoreKeyframe_GetRotation(struct 
CalCoreKeyframe *self);
   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API float CalCoreKeyframe_GetTime(struct CalCoreKeyframe 
   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API struct CalVector *CalCoreKeyframe_GetTranslation(struct 
CalCoreKeyframe *self);
-  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API struct CalCoreKeyframe *CalCoreKeyframe_New();
+  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API struct CalCoreKeyframe *CalCoreKeyframe_New(void);
   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API void CalCoreKeyframe_SetRotation(struct CalCoreKeyframe 
*self, struct CalQuaternion *pRotation);
   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API void CalCoreKeyframe_SetTime(struct Ca

Re: [Soya-user] Character control ODE features

2007-09-21 Thread Greg Ewing
Zoltán Döme wrote:
> This would enable game developers to use the physics subsystem for
> managing AI/user controlled "standing" characters, by disabling ODE to
> change the orientation of a body, so the programmer can manage the
> rotations of the body. (Thus we could have a body react correctly to
> collision/gravity, and also have it stand upright at all times, like
> an FPS character).

I'd be reluctant to try to force the behaviour of
ODE objects like this. There could be all sorts of
undesirable side effects.

It would be better to come up with a set of constraints
expressing the condition you want to maintain, and
let ODE work the way it naturally wants to.

Not sure offhand how you would do it exactly, but you
might be able to do something with AMotor joints to
apply a torque tending to restore the object to an
upright orientation.


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] label woes

2007-06-25 Thread Greg Ewing
marmoute wrote:

> a simple workaround is to add  
> Freesan.tff (or any other font you wanna use) to the ./data/fonts/  
> directory of your project.

I find it's always a good idea to include my own fonts
when using either soya or pygame. It's just too random
whether a given system will have a suitable default
font or will be able to find a default font at all.


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] any optimization recommendations?

2007-06-20 Thread Greg Ewing
Souvarine wrote:
> Actually the idea is to call the advance_time method of non visible 
> objects only once with proportion =  1

Ah, okay, that makes sense.

> I've just tested this idea once, I havn't benchmarked it yet. But I 
> believe it can be a good optimisation. Am I an optimisation extremist ?

As with any optimisation, you can't be sure of anything
until you measure.

And you really ought to measure *before* attempting any
optimisation at all too see whether it's enough of a
bottleneck to be worth bothering.

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--+
University of Canterbury,  | Carpe post meridiem! |
Christchurch, New Zealand  | (I'm not a morning person.)  |

Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] any optimization recommendations?

2007-06-19 Thread Greg Ewing
Souvarine wrote:
> Bodys that are not visible are 
> not rendered and advance_time method of non visible bodys is not called.

Hey, whoah, that last bit sounds wrong. Positions etc.
of animated object still need to be updated even if you
can't see them, don't they?


Soya-user mailing list

[Soya-user] Problems with ODE in 0.13

2007-03-30 Thread Greg Ewing

Running several of the ode tutorials, I get
messages like

ODE Message 2: mass must be > 0 in dMassCheck() File mass.cpp Line 44

which is a bit worrying, although most of them
seem to work anyway. However, crashes

ODE INTERNAL ERROR 2: The centre of mass must be at the origin. in 

which is not so good. :-(

Do these work for anyone else?

I'm using ODE 0.8, if that makes a difference.


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] MacOSX, Soya, Python2.4 and input events?

2007-03-30 Thread Greg Ewing

marmoute wrote:

Run it with pythonw2.4 and not python2.4.

I tried that, but there doesn't seem to *be* a
pythonw2.4 on my system. And I was given to
understand that a pythonw wasn't supposed to
be necessary with 2.4.

I'm using 2.4.3 configured for a framework
install. Is there something else I need to do
besides giving --enable-framework to the
configure script to get me a pythonw2.4?


Soya-user mailing list

[Soya-user] MacOSX, Soya, Python2.4 and input events?

2007-03-29 Thread Greg Ewing

I'm trying to get Soya 0.13 working with Python2.4
on MacOSX 10.4.

It produces output, but doesn't seem to get any input
events. It doesn't seem to be getting run as a MacOSX
application properly. It has no icon in the dock, and
Terminal's menu bar remains active when the Soya window
is in front. The beach ball spins continuously, and any
keyboard characters go to the Terminal window that it
was started from.

With Python 2.3, I would have taken this as a sign
that I needed to run it with pythonw rather than
python, but there doesn't seem to be a pythonw
in 2.4.

What am I supposed to do?


Soya-user mailing list

[Soya-user] Soya 0.13 vs. Soya 0.13rc1

2007-03-28 Thread Greg Ewing

Have there been any important changes (bug fixes in
particular) between Soya 0.13rc1 and the final
0.13 release?

I'm asking because I downloaded 0.31rc1 earlier
and I want to know whether it's worth getting the
final release before I start working with it.


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] Python 2.5

2007-03-10 Thread Greg Ewing

Jan Ciger wrote:

--- Soya-0.13/c.pxd 2006-07-11 22:06:18.0 +0200
+++ Soya-0.13-patch/c.pxd   2007-03-10 03:14:50.0 +0100
@@ -39,4 +39,4 @@
float floor (float x)
 cdef extern from "stdint.h":

-   ctypedef long intptr_t
+   ctypedef long long intptr_t

I'm wondering whether something here should really be using
uintptr_t instead of intptr_t. Does it work if you use

  ctypedef unsigned long intptr_t



Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] new ode integration (0.13 RC1) questions

2007-01-26 Thread Greg Ewing

marmoute wrote:

As a world can only have a single Space the creation of any new Space  
for a World will replace the old one (and transvase it's content into  
the new one).

I hope it's possible for a single ode world to have more
than one collision space.

In my game I have two spaces, one for fixed objects and one
for moving objects. I test the moving objects for collision
with each other and with the fixed objects, but don't test
the fixed objects for collision with each other (which
obviously can't happen).

Since I expect to have many fixed objects and only a few
moving ones, this greatly reduces the amount of collision
detection that must be done.

each body (with collision detection) will be placed into the  
Space of it's parent World* and each Space will be placed into the  
Space of it's parent until you get the root space.

Okay, so I could have two (non-ode) sub-worlds called
fixed_objects and moving_objects, each with its own
space. All I need then is the ability to tell it not
to collide the fixed_objects space with itself. Is it
possible to do that?


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] BSP World added on repository

2006-12-02 Thread Greg Ewing

Souvarine wrote:

I don't know SketchUp.

You should try it -- it's fun!-) The reason I want to
use it is that it has an extremely nice user interface,
far ahead of any other 3d editor I've ever used.

Looks like I'll have to either write my own BSP
generator or adapt one from somewhere else...


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] BSP World added on repository

2006-11-29 Thread Greg Ewing

Souvarine wrote:
I just commited my work on BSP world for Soya on the subversion. I hope 
it will work for you :)

This sounds very interesting. I've been thinking about
trying to create a first-person indoor game engine using
Soya, and this could be just the thing it needs.

Are you planning to include anything for building the
BSP tree, or will it rely on external tools for that?
I ask because I'm interested in using SketchUp as a
level editor, so I'd need another tool to generate the
BSP tree if Soya wouldn't do it for me.


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] Client-server ODE physics

2006-09-28 Thread Greg Ewing

Philippe ENTZMANN wrote:

Then comes my porposal : During 7 seconds, all the moves are
deterministic. Why not pre-compute the ODE physics at the server-side
and spread it to the client ?

If you have enough server CPU and network bandwidth to
do that, it sounds like a good idea. It would mean there
was no chance of the clients getting out of step with
the server or with each other.


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] camera.back problem

2006-09-03 Thread Greg Ewing

Jiba wrote:

Ok, I've added this compile flag (I prefer this solution to Greg's one,

> because one may write new code and ignore that all char would need to be
> explicitely marked as signed or unsigned).

Certainly it's an easier way of fixing it in the short term,
but I still think it would be better to aim at eliminating
all such usages from the code in the long term.

Code which relies on particular compiler options to work
correctly (as opposed to just more efficiently) is fragile.
If anyone ever forgets and compiles it without the required
option, a very subtle bug comes back from the dead to bite

Also it makes the code non-portable in another way, by
tying it to the capabilities of a particular compiler.
One day someone might want to compile it with a compiler
that doesn't have an option for signed chars, and then
they're faced with having to track down all the places
that depend on signed chars and fixing them properly.

Writing code that doesn't depend on the signedness of
chars may require some discipline, but in my opinion it's
better to learn that discipline than to go on writing
non-portable code and patching over the problems.


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] camera.back problem

2006-09-02 Thread Greg Ewing

souvarine wrote:

I suggest to add -fsigned-char to soya's
compilation flags to prevent this kind of problem to happend again.

A better way would be not to write code that depends
on the signedness of chars, since it's non-portable.


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] Ode : Physic simulation and Joint (tester needed)

2006-08-10 Thread Greg Ewing

Jacques Rebourcier wrote:

	- made some test, with correct performance, then try to integrate menu 
(diferent scenes) and widget, and  now I have perf pb (cpu consumption 
constantly high and response time becoming bad with time)

Have you tried disabling cyclic gc? I've found it
to have quite bad effects on animation smoothness.

Currently I'm keeping it turned off, and explicitly
doing a gc at certain times, such as when switching


Soya-user mailing list

[Soya-user] SDL doesn't cope well with FreeSans

2006-07-26 Thread Greg Ewing

Whenever I try to use the FreeSans font with SDL,
either through PyGame or Soya, I get disappointing
results. The characters come out slightly
higglety-pigglety -- randomly displaced up or down
a pixel or so from the baseline.

Something about the calculation of the font height
seems to be off, too.

The fonts that come with MacOSX don't have these
problems, so the fault doesn't seem to be with SDL
or FreeType.

Has anyone else noticed this? If it's a problem
with the quality of FreeSans, can anyone recommend
a free Helvetica-like font family that doesn't
have this problem?


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] ode physic engine integration

2006-07-25 Thread Greg Ewing

marmoute wrote:
coordinate of soya and ODE is not propertly converted between the


parent CoorSyst and the ode_parent CoordSyst)

I hope that's a typo and you mean it *is* properly

* The application of Force vector is a pain since there is no  automatic 
CoordSyst convertion

Just for force vectors? Or did you really mean that
"not" above?

* Join is not yet supported (Maintly because my main goal is  collision 
but it shouldn't be very hard to implement)

That will be very important for my usage. I not only
need to find collisions, but also add contact joints to
handle them. I'm using joints for other purposes as


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] ODE - Worlds and Bodies

2006-07-20 Thread Greg Ewing

marmoute wrote:

In the new implementation I currently writing ode stuff will be  
integrated to the soya core. Every Body (fka Volume) will have the  
abilities to be (or not) ODE managed and every World maybe have ODE  
world property.

That sounds very useful! The dichotomy between ODE and non-ODE
objects is another thing that has caused complications in my
current project.

Body will automagicly go  up 
the tree looking for a World with ODE support enabled

Excellent! I'll look forward to the new version very much.

You look to have good experience of soya with ODE

I've actually only been using it for a couple of weeks,
and I'm quite impressed by how easy it's been to get
things working.

I may be a good idea to have a little  conversion 
on irc or jabber ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

I'm not really in the habit of using irc and the like;
I tend to prefer mailing lists, since they don't require
time synchronisation.


Soya-user mailing list

[Soya-user] Resend: More patches

2006-07-20 Thread Greg Ewing

Sorry, forgot to attach the patches!


Here are another couple of patches for Soya-0.11.2.
(Haven't had a chance to upgrade to the latest
version, sorry -- hope you can incorporate them
if they're still useful.)

   Fixes crash on keycodes > 255, and allows Delete
   as well as Backspace for erasing characters.

  Does a better job of finding installed fonts on MacOSX
  and associating them with the standard aliases (looks
  in System fonts directory, recognises .dfont as well
  as .ttf files) .

--- Soya-0.11.2-orig/pudding/ 2006-06-09 09:33:43.0 +1200
+++ Soya-0.11.2/pudding/  2006-07-19 23:04:20.0 +1200
@@ -475,10 +475,10 @@
if key == sdl.K_RETURN:
-   elif key == sdl.K_BACKSPACE:
+   elif key == sdl.K_BACKSPACE or key == sdl.K_DELETE:
self.value = self.value[:-1]
-   elif key != 0:
+   elif 0 < key <= 255:
if chr(key) in string.printable:
self.value += chr(key)
--- Soya-0.11.2-orig/pudding/ 2006-07-20 20:41:28.0 +1200
+++ Soya-0.11.2/pudding/  2006-07-20 20:52:33.0 +1200
@@ -104,29 +104,33 @@
 def initsysfonts_darwin():
-""" read of the fonts on osx """
+   """ read of the fonts on osx """
-paths = ['/Library/Fonts',
+   paths = ['/System/Library/Fonts',
+   '/Library/Fonts',
-fonts = {}
-for p in paths:
-d = os.path.expanduser(p)
-if os.path.isdir(d):
-os.path.walk(d, _fontwalk_darwin, fonts)
-return fonts
+   fonts = {}
+   for p in paths:
+   d = os.path.expanduser(p)
+   if os.path.isdir(d):
+   os.path.walk(d, _fontwalk_darwin, fonts)
+   fonts["sans"] = fonts["Helvetica"]
+   fonts["serif"] = fonts["Times"]
+   fonts["fixed"] = fonts["Courier"]
+   fonts["wingdings"] = fonts["ZapfDingbats"]
+   return fonts
 def _fontwalk_darwin(fonts, path, files):
-""" walk the path directory trees """
-for font in files:
-if font[-4:].lower() != '.ttf':
-name = font[:-4]
-font = os.path.join( path, font )
-bold = 0
-italic = 0
-_addfont(name, bold, italic, font, fonts)
+   """ walk the path directory trees """
+   for font in files:
+   name, ext = os.path.splitext(font)
+   if ext in (".ttf", ".dfont"):
+   font = os.path.join( path, font )
+   bold = 0
+   italic = 0
+   _addfont(name, bold, italic, font, fonts)
Soya-user mailing list

[Soya-user] More patches

2006-07-20 Thread Greg Ewing

Here are another couple of patches for Soya-0.11.2.
(Haven't had a chance to upgrade to the latest
version, sorry -- hope you can incorporate them
if they're still useful.)

   Fixes crash on keycodes > 255, and allows Delete
   as well as Backspace for erasing characters.

  Does a better job of finding installed fonts on MacOSX
  and associating them with the standard aliases (looks
  in System fonts directory, recognises .dfont as well
  as .ttf files) .


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] Soya 0.12

2006-07-19 Thread Greg Ewing

Jiba wrote:

Many Soya objects were having weird names; they have been renamed to more
comprehensive names


You probably mean "comprehensible" (understandable).
"Comprehensive" means something different (complete,


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] Suggestion - Material inheritance

2006-07-16 Thread Greg Ewing

Jiba wrote:

Hum... it's a bit more complex in Soya, because the order in which

> the objects are rendered may not follow the scene tree.

You'd only have to rely on the OpenGL state in the display
list of a Shape. Then there are only two possibilities --
a given face specifies its own material (using calls compiled
into the display list), or it uses whatever material was set
before calling the display list.

In all other situations you can do whatever is necessary
to figure out what material to apply to a Face. It needn't
have anything to do with OpenGL state management.


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] Suggestion - Material inheritance

2006-07-16 Thread Greg Ewing

Jiba wrote:

However, i think the new deforming system (again :-) can be easily extended
to do that ; something like a MaterialSwitcherDeform. Instead of just
"one-material inheritance", i'm thinking rather to a dictionary mapping
old materials to the new ones, which would allow to change several materials.

That sounds like it could be very useful.

Some questions:

Will it be possible to apply these deformations at
any level in the tree, not just to Shapes?

Will it be possible to change the mappings dynamically?
If it's necessary to compile a new Shape for each
combination of mappings, it doesn't sound like something
you'd want to do frequently during a run.


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] Introducing the "Yet-in", the (yet-in)complete guide to soya 3D

2006-07-16 Thread Greg Ewing

Jiba wrote:
> Someone else wrote:
> I have to make is that the UML diagram looks extremely blocky, at  
> least on my machine.

It seems very depending of the program you use for viewing the PDF.

It looks nice for me in Preview on MacOSX, except
that the attribute descriptions are too wide for
the boxes meant to contain them.

You might want to provide some extra room in the
boxes, to allow for font differences between


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] Mirrored shapes don't work?

2006-07-15 Thread Greg Ewing

Dunk Fordyce wrote:
i dont think you can use the same display list for a mirrored object unless 
you specifiy that the vert order for faces is also flipped when drawing a 
mirrored instance.

I think you could do that by setting the culling options
before calling the display list, instead of putting them
into the display list itself.

i also think you'll run into troubles with ode without two 
seperate shapes.

That might be so -- I don't know much about how ode
treats its triangle meshes.


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] suggestion about raypicking

2006-07-15 Thread Greg Ewing

souvarine wrote:

I suggest to make a category bitfield system as in ODE. Every object
would have a 32 bit wide bitfield

Why limit it to 32? This is Python, we have
long integers...


Soya-user mailing list

[Soya-user] ODE - Worlds and Bodies

2006-07-15 Thread Greg Ewing

While you're reworking the ODE stuff, is there any
chance of relaxing the restriction that an ode.Body
be a direct child of an ode.World?

From comments in the source, it seems that this
restriction didn't exist once, but the relevant
code is now commented out.

I'm asking because I'd like to be able to have a
collection of interconnected moving objects under
a parent object that serves as an initial coordinate
system, a node in the naming hierarchy and a place to
implement behaviour relating to the collection as a

Without this ability, I'm having to build a rather
complicated structure with two parallel hierarchies
and duplication of functionality. It would be much
simpler if I could do it all with a single hierarchy
of Soya objects.

Note that I'm not asking for the ability to put an
ode.Body inside another ode.Body -- I can understand
if that would be too hard. Just the ability to have
other non-ode Worlds in between the ode Body and its


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] Mirrored shapes don't work?

2006-07-14 Thread Greg Ewing

Michael Edwards wrote:

Not sure if it'd be worth it, but Blender has pretty excellent mirroring
support, if you don't mind importing your models into that (it's free
software, so, that's not so bad).

That's not really an option. I'm using some specific
features of SketchUp in a specific way. I'm not just
building models of objects, I'm building a whole game
level, with annotations that control the behaviour of
objects, not just their appearance. Switching to another
modeller would be a major upheaval.

Besides, it would take a *much* bigger incentive than
that to make me give up the SketchUp user interface.
If you haven't tried it, you have no idea what you're
missing. There's a free version now too, called Google
Sketchup (as in beer, but not source, unfortunately):


Soya-user mailing list

[Soya-user] Suggestion - Material inheritance

2006-07-13 Thread Greg Ewing

Here's another feature suggestion: Inheritance of
materials down the object hierarchy.

In SketchUp, you can define a component with no
material specified for some or all of its faces,
and then apply different materials to different
instances of that component. The faces which have
no material inherit the material from further up
in the tree.

It would be handy if Soya Faces and Shapes
behaved in a similar way. Currently I'm expanding
this sort of arrangement on import and creating
multiple Shapes with the same geometry but
different materials, which seems rather wasteful.
If Faces with no material were to inherit a material
from further up, I would be able to share the Shape
between instances, in the same way as the original
SketchUp model.

This would mean giving Worlds and Volumes a 'material'
property that would be used as the default material
in any sub-objects that didn't specify their own

It seems like this should be fairly straightforward
to implement, by making use of OpenGL's ability
to push and pop various parts of its state.
Whenever you encounter an object with a material,
push the current state of the relevant OpenGL
variables, set them up for the new material,
render all the sub-objects, then pop the previous
material state.


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] Mirrored shapes don't work?

2006-07-13 Thread Greg Ewing

Jiba wrote:

About model deforming, i was thinking to a "static deform"

> (not yet implemented but planned), which would have no
> performance cost at all.

Performance wasn't what I was thinking of. Rather,
it would be inconvenient when building a model
(particularly from a description generated by some
external modelling tool) if mirroring transformations
had to be handled by a different mechanism than all
other transformations.


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] Mirrored shapes don't work?

2006-07-13 Thread Greg Ewing

Dunk Fordyce wrote:


why dont you just do the mirroring yourself? you say your using a custom 
importer/exporter so there should be no problem.

The point is to be able to use the same Shape for
left-handed and right-handed versions of an object,
to save memory, display list space, etc.

Currently I'm just creating two versions of the object
manually in SketchUp. I could probably do that
automatically in the exporter if I wanted, but it
hasn't been worth the effort so far.

It's not a big problem, it's just a bit disappointing
that it *almost* works but not quite.


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] Mirrored shapes don't work?

2006-07-12 Thread Greg Ewing

Jiba wrote:

I think it is a trouble with the culling system ; i'm going to investigate it.

While you're at it, would it be possible to also arrange
for front/back faces to be swapped when rendering in a
mirrored coordinate system? That would be more efficient
than having to use double-sided faces.

BTW, in the future, the new model deforming API may be another way for 
mirroring models.

Model deforming sounds interesting, but I'd rather not
*have* to use it just to get a mirrored object.

Currently I'm building models using SketchUp and loading
them using a custom export/import script arrangement.
It would be easiest if I could just use whatever transformation
matrix was used in the SketchUp model, instead of having to
figure out whether it's mirrored and do something different.

On another topic, you can disregard what I said about Geoms
earlier, since it seems it already works the way I wanted.
Not sure why I thought otherwise -- there must have been
something else wrong with my code.

However, I've discovered another small limitation -- you
don't seem to have provided individual access to the three
collision functions (dCollide, dCollideSpace and dCollide2),
instead providing one prepackaged recursive collision
algorithm. That's handy, but it shouldn't be at the expense
of access to the underlying functions, because the user
might want to do things differently.

As an example, for one application I have in mind I'd
like to be able to test whether a particular object
intersects anything else in the model. The natural way
to do that would be to do dCollide2 between the geom
of that object and the space for the model, but I can't,
because dCollide2 is not exposed.


Soya-user mailing list

[Soya-user] Mirrored shapes don't work?

2006-07-11 Thread Greg Ewing

If I create a Volume with some Faces and then
mirror it by giving it a negative scale factor
along one axis, the front and back faces get
reversed. That's a bit annoying, but it can
be worked around by making the faces double

However, if I create a Shape out of it and
create a mirrored instance of the shape, it
doesn't appear *at all*, even with double
sided faces.

Attached is a program that demonstrates the
problem. It should display two pyramids, one
of them upside down, but the second one is
invisible. Changing the line

   pyramid2.scale(1, -1, 1)


   pyramid2.scale(-1, -1, 1)

i.e. a non-mirroring transformation, causes it
to reappear.

Anyone know what's going on?

# -*- indent-tabs-mode: t -*-

# Soya 3D tutorial
# Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Jean-Baptiste LAMY
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

# modeling-1: Faces : the pyramid
# requires the basic-* lessons.

# Models are usually designed in Blender and imported in Soya (as in lesson,
# but you can also create them from scratch, using Soya primitives. Learning 
this is
# the purpose of the modeling-* tutorial series.

# In this lesson, we'll build a pyramid, made of a quad base and 4 triangles.

# Imports and inits Soya (see lesson

import sys, os, os.path, soya

soya.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "data"))

# Creates the scene.

scene = soya.World()

# Creates the World that will contain the pyramid. As previously stated, the
# pyramid is composed of 5 faces; this world is used to group those 5 faces
# (exactly like a Frame can be used in Tkinter to group different widgets).
# The pyramid's parent is the scene.

pyramid = soya.World()

# Creates the first face, the quad base of the pyramid.
# The first argument of the Face constructor is the parent World (the pyramid),
# the second is the list of vertices and the third is the material.
# The number of vertices determines the Face's nature:
#  - 1: a plot
#  - 2: a line
#  - 3: a triangle
#  - 4: a quad
#  - +: a polygon

# The vertices is a list of Vertex object. A Vertex is a subclass of Point that 
can have
# some modeling attributes like colors or texture coordinates (we'll see them 
is further
# lessons) The first argument of the constructor is (again) the parent, and the 
# following one are the x, y and z coordinates.

# As 3D object, Point, Vector or Vertex have a parent too, though they are not
# considered as "children". The parent is used for automatic coordinates
# conversion, which will be detailed in a further lesson. Here, the coordinates
# are defined in the pyramid coordinate system.

# The order of the vertices in the list determines which side of the face is
# visible (for triangles, quads and polygons); you can get both side visible
# by setting the "double_sided" attribute to 1.

soya.Face(pyramid, [soya.Vertex(pyramid,  0.5, -0.5,  0.5),

soya.Vertex(pyramid, -0.5, -0.5,  0.5),

soya.Vertex(pyramid, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5),

soya.Vertex(pyramid,  0.5, -0.5, -0.5),

]).double_sided = True

# Similarly, creates the 4 triangles.
# Here, we create different vertices ; you can also use the same vertex when 2 
# have the same coordinates and attributes. Both yields the same final result 
# in performance).

soya.Face(pyramid, [soya.Vertex(pyramid, -0.5, -0.5,  0.5),

soya.Vertex(pyramid,  0.5, -0.5,  0.5),

soya.Vertex(pyramid,  0.0,  0.5,  0.0),

]).double_sided = True

soya.Face(pyramid, [soya.Vertex(pyramid,  0.5, -0.5, -0.5),

soya.Vertex(pyramid, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5),

soya.Vertex(pyramid,  0.0,  0.5,  0.0),

[Soya-user] Patch to prevent crash in ode.GeomShape

2006-07-11 Thread Greg Ewing

Here's a patch to ode/shape.pyx to prevent a crash
if you try to create a GeomShape without providing
a shape.

--- Soya-0.11.2-orig/ode/shape.pyx  2006-06-09 09:38:04.0 +1200
+++ Soya-0.11.2/ode/shape.pyx   2006-07-12 13:04:48.0 +1200
@@ -99,8 +99,11 @@
cdef int i, nb_tris
cdef dSpaceID sid
-   if shape is None:
+   if shape is None and parent is not None:
shape = parent._shape
+   if shape is None:
+   raise ValueError("No shape 
passed or found in parent of soya.ode.GeomShape")
self.shape = shape
Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] [SOLVED] Soya don't use my graphic card

2006-07-09 Thread Greg Ewing

Jiba wrote:

Is there other people here using SDL >= 1.2.10 ?

I'm using it with SDL 1.2.10 on MacOSX 10.4.4, and it *almost*
works except for a strange problem: when the Python process
*exits*, sometimes it complains about some memory being freed
more than once.

(I just tried to provoke an example, but it doesn't seem
to want to do it now... drat!)

I've no idea whether this is related to the SDl version,
though -- I haven't tried it with any other version.


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] Patch: Joints attached to only one body

2006-07-07 Thread Greg Ewing

marmoute wrote:

The Ode support is currently in complete rewrite. I'll do my best to  
integrate your work to this new intégration.

Thanks. While you're working on that, here are some other
thoughts I've had about the ode stuff:

* Methods for setting joint parameters for the 3rd
  axis of a joint seem to be missing (some joints have
  such parameters, e.g. AMotor).

* When adding geoms to a body, it seems that you have
  to add them directly to an ode.Body, not to a sub-object
  of the body. This makes it a bit awkward to construct
  bodies from a hierarchy of primitive objects. It
  would be nice if it would search up the hierarchy
  looking for a Body to attach the geom to (making
  appropriate coordinate conversions along the way).

* It would also be nice if TriMesh-TriMesh collisions
  could be made to work properly. The ODE docs seem
  to suggest that this should be possible.


Soya-user mailing list

[Soya-user] GeomShape problems

2006-07-07 Thread Greg Ewing

Has anyone successfully used a Body with a GeomShape?

I have a body sitting on a floor. The floor's geom
is a GeomBox, and the body's geom is a GeomShape.
But instead of the body resting on the floor, it
partially sinks through it and gets caught on its
upper corners.

Any idea what might be going on here?


Soya-user mailing list

[Soya-user] Patch: Joints attached to only one body

2006-07-07 Thread Greg Ewing

Here's a patch for the attach() method of joints
to allow one of the bodies to be None. This
allows you to create a joint which connects
a body to the fixed environment.

--- Soya-0.11.2-orig/ode/joints.pyx 2006-06-09 09:37:45.0 +1200
+++ Soya-0.11.2/ode/joints.pyx  2006-07-01 14:33:36.0 +1200
@@ -124,18 +124,30 @@
@type body2: Body
+   cdef dBodyID bid1, bid2
if self.body1 is not None:
if self.body2 is not None:
+   if body1 is not None:
+   # Make sure the bodies keep a 
reference to the joint so that
+   # the user doesn't have to
+   body1._add_joint(self)
+   bid1 = body1._bid
+   else:
+   bid1 = NULL
+   if body2 is not None:
+   body2._add_joint(self)
+   bid2 = body2._bid
+   else:
+   bid2 = NULL
self.body1 = body1
self.body2 = body2
-   dJointAttach(self.jid, body1._bid, body2._bid)
-   # Make sure the bodies keep a reference to the 
joint so that
-   # the user doesn't have to
-   body1._add_joint(self)
-   body2._add_joint(self)
+   dJointAttach(self.jid, bid1, bid2)
 ## getBody
 #def get_body(self, index):
Soya-user mailing list

[Soya-user] Setting position and orientation directly

2006-07-04 Thread Greg Ewing

I'm writing some code to build Soya objects from a
description read from a file. I have a vector and
3x3 matrix representing the position and orientation
of an object. As far as I can tell, the only way
of using these is to figure out where abouts to
stuff them into the 'matrix' property, which is
just a big linear array of numbers.

I think I've worked out what needs to go where,
but I was wondering if there were a higher-level
API for doing this that I'd missed somewhere.


Soya-user mailing list

Re: [Soya-user] Alpha channel messes depth buffer?

2006-07-04 Thread Greg Ewing

snaipperi wrote:

As you can see, the right side displays like it should, but on the
left side the rear grass model appears in front of the closer model..

I think this is an unavoidable consequence of the way
Soya uses OpenGL to handle partial transparency. Not sure
of the details, but probably what it's doing is making
one pass over the scene to render all the opaque parts
with full depth buffering, and then a second pass for
the translucent parts with depth buffer testing but
not updating.

What that means is that opaque objects will correctly
occlude other opaque or translucent objects, but the
ordering between different translucent objects is not
controlled by the depth buffer.

This is really about the best that can be done using
a pure depth-buffer algorithm. If it makes a difference
(as it does in your case) you'll just have to be careful
about the ordering of your alpha-textured objects.


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