Re: [Talk-is] Hittingur OSM-IS samfélagsins

2023-12-16 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson

Þetta er góð hugmynd. Við erum með skráð félag sem hefur ekki haldið aðalfund í 
áratug held ég, tilvalið að gera þetta í samfloti?

Þurfum að bóka aðalfund amk bráðlega. Framboð velkomin!
16. desember 2023 kl. 15:32, skrifaði 
Hæ hæ gott fólkHvenær er næsti hittingur hjá okkur?Ættum við að kannski halda 
þorrablót núna eftir jólatörnina saman og bjóða öllu OSM samfélaginu á íslandi 
saman, við gætum jafnvel sett upp opið boð fyrir erlenda OSM gesti til að koma 
í heimsókn, t.d. frá Skandinavíu og frá öðrum stóðum.Þetta gæti orðið árlegur 
viðburður.Spurningin hvaða form við setjum á þetta, fer eftir áhuga, og svo 
hvaða þjónusta er í boði. Veggspjalda opnun gæti laðað að nokkra spennandi 
gesti. Þau sem vilja setja upp veggspjöld með einhverju áhugaverðu sem þau hafa 
verið að skoða eða gera. Þá er hægt að kalla stimpla þetta sem akademískt 
symposium* og það getur gefið akafemíska punkta fyrir prófessora og starfslið í 
háskólum að setja veggspjald upp á formlegu symposium. Það myndi þá vera í c.a. 
hálftíma fyrir mat, og svo eftir mat væru svo frjálsir umræðuhópar yfir drykk. 
Bara einsog gerist náttúrulega á svona hittingum.Þó við séum fimm (að meðtöldum 
mökum) og með eitt veggspjald sem ég get útvegað, þá er þetta success.En ég vil 
fá allavegana tvö aðra sjálboðaliða til að mynda framkvæmdastjòrn fyrir 
viðburðinn annars er þetta bara kaffihittingur, sem er í góðu lagi líka.Hvernig 
er stemmning fyrir svona viðburði? Það væri gaman að hittast.Það væri líka hægt 
að hugsa þetta með orðum hætti. En þetta er innlegg til að opna umræðu.Með 
bestu kveðjumKári Gunnarsson landfræðingur og einn af þeim sem sett hafa inn 
breytingar og lagfæringar á OSM á Íslandi.*symposium/sĭm-pō′zē-əm/Nafnorð1. A 
meeting or conference for discussion of a topic, especially one in which the 
participants form an audience and make presentations.2. A collection of 
writings on a particular topic, as in a magazine.3. A convivial meeting for 
drinking, music, and intellectual discussion among the ancient Greeks.Heimild: 
The American Heritage Dictionary
Talk-is mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Should we be mapping transformers and powerlines?

2023-01-19 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
The example from Marc_marc tells us keeping underground things hidden is bad

As for underwater, in the 1990s and early 2000s Iceland kept getting 
disconnected from the rest of the Internet by fishing ships trawling the 
CANTAT-3 branch, which for the early parts was the only connection to the 
Internet for the whole country.

19. janúar 2023 kl. 12:57, skrifaði "Niels Elgaard Larsen" :

> john whelan:
>> Apparently you can do a lot of expensive damage by firing a rifle bullet 
>> through them > as happened
>> more than once in the US and given the situation in Europe at the moment > 
>> is there a risk that
>> something similar could happen there?
>> Should we have a process that says some things should not be mapped?
>> I seem to recall that the location of the pipeline that supplies aviation 
>> fuel to > airports is
>> considered an official secret in the UK.
> Transformers and powerlines are not official secrets. And they can be spotted 
> by anyone passing by
> and be seen on aerial images.
> It does make more sense to keep objects underground or underwater secret.
> We do have
> But I do not know if it is precise enough for a submarine with a bomb.
> And there are official maps with the layout, e.g.,
> k-omraade-68552
> -- Niels Elgaard Larsen
> ___
> talk mailing list

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[Talk-is] Mörk sveitarfélaga

2022-12-15 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
Sæl verið

Fékk ábendingu um að sveitarfélagamörk væru að klístrast saman við ár og 
fleira, sem gerir viðhald á þeim og öðrum kennileitum miklu erfiðara. Dæmi til 
dæmis Bláskógabyggð sem er með 10 árhluta sem hluta af "relationinu". 

Stjórnsýslumörk ættu,samkvæmt bestu venju, að vera óháð landfræðilegum mörkum, 
mér sýnist því að best gæti verið að hreinlega eyða þeim sveitarfélögum sem 
nota önnur vensl og flytja inn mörkin sem LMÍ er með hjá sér og eru opin og 
frjálst að nota. Þau væru þá ekki vensluð við önnur mörk, vegi, ár, strandlínur 
eða annað.

--Jóhannes / Stalfur @ OSM
Talk-is mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Heresy - pure discussion

2020-07-24 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
Nothing beats PostGIS at the moment and there is a large migration of GIS 
databases going on in general where the free and free ( code and license) 
aspects of Postgre are major factors as well.
In my job I am running and coding for Postgre, MySQL and MSSQL servers and have 
previously over the past decades developed in DB2, Oracle and others. 
Administration is never fool proof - database flavor doesn't matter much 
there.Moving from Postgre would be swimming against the tide.
 Upprunalegt skeyti Frá: John Whelan  
Dagsetning: 24.7.2020  23:03  (GMT+00:00) Til: Hartmut Holzgraefe 
 Samrit: Efni: Re: [OSM-talk] Heresy - 
pure discussion Thank you Hartmut, 

my expertise is not in GIS databases so this is helpful to know.  My 
experience is much more to do with straight SQL databases doing none GIS
 work on a variety of platforms. 

Cheerio John

Hartmut Holzgraefe wrote on 2020-07-24 18:49:
On 25.07.20 
00:16, Alexandre Oliveira wrote:
  Having said that the 
main advantage of SQL is
it is a standard so you should be able to connect practically 
anything to
That's not entirely true. SQL is a language but every 
implements its own dialect, i.e., some query keywords implemented in
MSSQL might not be available in MySQL/MariaDB and vice-versa.

SQL is a "standard" only in so far as developers are somewhat
interchangeable between products.

There is nothing that prevents RDBMS implementations from adding
features on top of the standard, and most of the standard features
are optional anyway.

E.g. the actual ISO SQL standard for stored procedures is only really 
implemented by IBM/DB2, MySQL and MariaDB, while all other RDBMS 
products implement their own procedure languages (and I can't even
blame them, as the ISO SQL standard syntax feels as if it got
stuck in the old BASIC days).

The key question though would be: is MS SQL Server GIS support
on par with PostGIS?

My impression so far was that it provides just a little bit more
than what the OGC 1.1 standard requires.

That would put it in the same league as MySQL and MariaDB, maybe
slightly ahead, but very far below what PostGIS provides.

(Disclaimer: I'm working for MariaDB as a support engineer, and
have been working for MySQL before, so I may a little bit biased.
But even I would always recommend the PostgreSQL / PostGIS combo
over MariaDB for all but the most basic GIS applications)


Sent from Postbox

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Re: [OSM-talk] "helpful" remote correctional edits (or "please don't correct bank ATMs in the Sahara desert" - was: Re: Planned revert of added surface and tracktype tags without local knowledge in va

2020-07-19 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
Incredibly enough surfaces also change, no doubt many of our gravel tracks were 
correct at the time and have now been paved or bound.

19. júlí 2020 kl. 20:33, skrifaði "Martin Koppenhoefer" 

> sent from a phone
>> On 19. Jul 2020, at 14:48, Hauke Stieler  wrote:
>> Blind reverts are also pretty bad. In my case, I talked to other people
>> in our community and only reverted some of the edits, which are very
>> unplausible (like "grade4" with "surface=paved" and imagery showing a
>> paved way).
> I also just today corrected some roads which all had the highway=track tag 
> with surface=gravel and
> track type grade2 or 1, but actually some were paved narrow 
> residential/unclassified roads in the
> country side, with speed limits (30), reflectors and guard rails in parts, 
> some were signposted
> private driveways, and some houses, farmyards and b, some were actually 
> tracks. It’s hard to
> tell from the imagery (that there are houses is obviously visible, but the 
> difference between
> gravel and asphalt may be hard to tell), and it was misleading for me, until 
> I came there and
> understood that the information in the area in OpenStreetMap was unreliable 
> (looked like detailed
> tagging but then half of these details were fictional).
> Cheers Martin
> ___
> talk mailing list

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[Talk-is] Var með kynningu á OSM Iceland fyrir stjórn OSMF í dag

2020-05-21 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
Sæl verið

Var í dag með stutta kynningu á Local Chapter OSM Iceland á stjórnarfundi 
OpenStreetMap Foundation.

Glærurnar má sjá hér

Góður rómur var gerður af kynningunni.

Það var áætlað að halda aðalfund núna í vor en sökum COVID-19 frestaðist það 
eins og eiginlega allir aðalfundir félaga. Við munum láta vita af næsta 
aðalfundi sem verður líklega í haust þá.

Talk-is mailing list

Re: [Talk-is] Adjusting flow of Jökulsá á Fjöllum river

2020-05-05 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
Thank you for your work!

My previous reply was sent on the run so somewhat brief.

5. maí 2020 kl. 20:12, skrifaði "Hauke Stieler" :

> Hi,
> thanks for the quick reply. As you said, I separated them, so that the
> boundaries haven't moved.
> Hauke
> On 05.05.20 18:55, Jóhannes Birgir Jensson wrote:
>> The boundaries will have to be separated from the river flow.
>> Digital markers are now above geography in boundary marking.
>>  Upprunalegt skeyti 
>> Frá: Hauke Stieler 
>> Dagsetning: 5.5.2020 16:35 (GMT+00:00)
>> Til: OpenStreetMap in Iceland 
>> Efni: [Talk-is] Adjusting flow of Jökulsá á Fjöllum river
>> Hi all,
>> I would like to edit the flow of the Jökulsá á Fjöllum river [0] near
>> the Holuhraun lava field [1] as the lava field is quite new and the
>> river flow outdated.
>> But: The river is also within several administration boundary relations.
>> When I change the river flow, I also change the course of the boundaries.
>> Is that even a problem or is it ok to edit the river and therefore also
>> change the boundaries?
>> In case this is a problem and the boundaries should stay where they are,
>> I would create a new way for the river and tag the existing line with
>> "boundary=administrative".
>> What do you think about this, I would like to hear some feedback :)
>> Hauke
>> [0]
>> [1]
>> ___
>> Talk-is mailing list
> ___
> Talk-is mailing list

Talk-is mailing list

Re: [Talk-is] Adjusting flow of Jökulsá á Fjöllum river

2020-05-05 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
The boundaries will have to be separated from the river flow.Digital markers 
are now above geography in boundary marking.
 Upprunalegt skeyti Frá: Hauke Stieler  
Dagsetning: 5.5.2020  16:35  (GMT+00:00) Til: OpenStreetMap in Iceland 
 Efni: [Talk-is] Adjusting flow of Jökulsá á Fjöllum 
river Hi all,I would like to edit the flow of the Jökulsá á Fjöllum river [0] 
nearthe Holuhraun lava field [1] as the lava field is quite new and theriver 
flow outdated.But: The river is also within several administration boundary 
relations.When I change the river flow, I also change the course of the 
boundaries.Is that even a problem or is it ok to edit the river and therefore 
alsochange the boundaries?In case this is a problem and the boundaries should 
stay where they are,I would create a new way for the river and tag the existing 
line with"boundary=administrative".What do you think about this, I would like 
to hear some feedback :)Hauke[0][1]
Talk-is mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM is not the place for dissemination of authoritative data sets

2020-03-19 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
As someone who started as a foot mapper but who is now also in an 
"authoritative position" I'd like to answer Frederik here.

Amongst my professional responsibilities is the dissemination of the 
authoritative data set for protected areas in Iceland. Many of these are huge, 
do not have lines drawn on the ground (or water or sea) and can only partially 
be mapped on foot.

However I believe including them is beneficial for OSM and its users and so 
have been doing updates as I can. However it is not an easy process for large 
areas, having to chop the huge Vatnajökulsþjóðgarður (over 15% of Iceland) up 
due to max nodes is not an easy feat - and now I have to update it due to 
expanded boundaries and quite honestly it is a daunting task (it will be easier 
to delete it and re-import it in a very time consuming manner).

So - why are authoritative data sets an unwelcome addition? I have many data 
sets that I need to disseminate but only some are useful for OSM (in my view). 
Also keeping them in sync can get harder as the key-cleanup crew was roaming 
around recently.

Do we just want things we can see, not things that are real, have a basis in 
law, and you can get arrested for doing the wrong things in the wrong areas?

Things are not black and white, data sets are of different qualities and such a 
sweeping statement is not helpful.

Jóhannes / Stalfur

19. mars 2020 kl. 11:35, skrifaði "Frederik Ramm" :

> difficult to import "authoritative data sets"; the problem is that
> authoritative data sets are fundamentally incompatible with the way we
> operate in OpenStreetMap. To quote just an obvious example, the
> government of India certainly has an authoritative data set about where
> their boundaries are, it's just that this does not align with facts on
> the ground and hence our data is different. The past has shown that
> petrol station chains also have "authoritative" data sets about their
> stations but they are riddled with bugs, and not suitable for wholesale
> import.

talk mailing list

[Talk-is] Hámarkshraði lækkaði um áramót í vistgötum

2020-01-22 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
Ný umferðarlög tóku gildi 1. janúar, þar segir: 
9. gr. Vistgata.
 Um vistgötu ber að aka hægt og eigi hraðar en 10 km á klst. Heimilt er að 
dveljast og vera að leik á vistgötu. Ökumaður skal sýna gangandi vegfaranda 
sérstaka tillitssemi og víkja fyrir honum.

Var einhver með lista yfir löglegar vistgötur (ekki óformlegar) ?

--Jói / Stalfur
Talk-is mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Too subjective & problematic Re: no-go-areas

2020-01-12 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
So you suggest that we help routers to blacklist these areas, which means 
living there will become even worse as various services depending on our data 
stop delivering there?

These no-go areas are very much based on estimates. Personally if we are 
marking hazards then my country can pretty much be marked as a hazard - for 
example the curent weather in January is strong winds and snow, meaning if you 
are outside in normal daily clothes you are not surviving more than a few hours.

This idea is for a dataset that should be solved on a local level with apps 
using OSM data and their own hazard estimations. This does not belong on OSM.

-- Stalfur

12. janúar 2020 kl. 19:35, skrifaði "Snusmumriken" 

> On Sun, 2020-01-12 at 18:46 +0100, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:
>> I understand that it would politically sensitive, but from a data-
>> model
>> point of view it doesn't really differ from postcode areas (under
>> the
>> assumption that there's an authority that designates some areas as
>> high-risk areas)
>> There is a single authority assigning
>> postal codes.
>> With high-risk areas you may have different
>> organizations with competing opinions.
>> Also, in general people are not disputing postal codes.
>> In case of officially designed dangerous zones
>> situation is going to be different.
> Well, wasn't that the assumption I put forward in my previous e-mail?
> In Sweden, Swedish police lists 60 areas as what they call Vulnerable
> areas, subdivided into three groups based upon severity. Here's a
> wikipage about it
> And here's an official report by the Swedish police (in Swedish)
> In everyday speech these are often called no-go zones
> ___
> talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] What does WGS84 mean for openstreetmap these days?

2019-12-20 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
Well the current issue in Iceland is a error of 50 cm between 1993 and 2016 due 
to crust movements. So it's less than 2 meters but more than one cm. What is 
your accuracy limit if 2m is just unacceptable but a centimeter is?

19. desember 2019 kl. 17:58, skrifaði "Greg Troxel" :

> Interesting about the datum history. But this is the cm strawman I
> wasn't talking about, not the 2m issue.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] What does WGS84 mean for openstreetmap these days?

2019-12-19 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
Hello Greg

I don't think we can or will be providing accuracy up to cm when most of the 
stuff we map from our chairs is off by a meter or two anyways - the beauty is 
that it doesn't matter for 99,99% of users. If a centimeter matters then we are 
probably dealing with legal matters and there OSM makes it quite clear it is 
not suitable for such.

Also regarding the accuracy, as another fast moving country Iceland is actually 
splitting in the middle and so it edges west and east and south as well, 
depending on where you are in the country. We've had 3 official national datums 
now, ISN93, ISN2004 and ISN2016 (helpfully naming them after years). The fact 
is that pretty much everything is still running in ISN93, ISN2004 saw very 
little uptake and ISN2016 has started very slowly.

So for Iceland we do know that we are never going to achieve a centimeter 
accuracy, pretty much ever, and don't expect a free people sourced geographical 
database to reach it.

--Jóhannes / Stalfur

19. desember 2019 kl. 14:37, skrifaði "Greg Troxel" :

> (This is a long and complicated subject and I am intentionally asking
> only part of the question.)
> It's been said from the beginning that coordinates in the openstreetmap
> datbase are in "WGS84". That more or less meant "what a GPS receiver
> showed", back in the days when GPS was the GNSS system of choice and
> accuracies were low compared to talking about versions of WGS84.
> In discussion on the proj list, it seems the consensus view is that
> WGS84 is now a term that refers to any one of the 6 realizations of
> WGS84 over time. This makes sense when you have data that is merely
> labeled WGS84, without a more specific label such as WGS84(G1762). This
> means that WGS84 is considered low accuracy (because the original was),
> and thus any transforms involving it are assigned high error values.
> This page has a good overview of the various WGS84 realizations and
> their relationship to ITRF realizations:
> As normal people (or at least normal nerds) get access to more accurate
> positions, this question begins to matter, as in North America positions
> in original WGS84 and modern WGS84 differ by more than a meter.
> I should note that now that WGS84 has converged to ITRF, and new ITRF
> realizations seem to be at most cm-level changes from previous ones, I
> do not expect future WGS84 revisions to be signficantly different from
> either the current one.
> So, I wonder if we want to change the definition for OSM coordinates
> from "WGS84" to "the realization of WGS84 currently in use by GPS".
> That doesn't change older coordindates (and I am not suggesting any
> automated changes!!!). But it does give a notion of what coordinates
> should be, both in using them and in producing new ones for editing. I
> expect that this will have zero practical effect for most people, but
> will allow higher accuracy for those who are into extreme accuracy.
> postscript:
> I am intentionally leaving out of this discussion two more issues (which
> could result in further changes, with much more complexity). I list
> them so that those with some background in geodesy can begin to ponder,
> and to explain that my stopping at the proposal above was intentional.
> 1) WGS84 is a US datum. BEIDOU, GALILEO, GLONASS use different datums.
> SBAS systems also use different datums -- WAAS seems to give
> coordinates in "ITRF2000 (current epoch)". It seems most are
> equivalent to some modern ITRF, with possibly differing epochs.
> (I will assume for point 2 that there OSM redefines coordinates to be a
> particular ITRF at a particular epoch, probably matching the current
> WGS84.)
> 2) ITRF is global, but objects we map are generally crust-fixed on some
> plate. The US has a (mostly, if you're not in CA) crust-fixed datum,
> NAD83, and other countries do too. This is particularly acute in
> Australia which is a notably fast-moving country :-) The modern trend is
> for stations to have velocities and not just coordinates. Over 20
> years, this starts to matter. Several countries are introducing new
> national datums that are intended to address some of these issues. I
> don't think it makes sense for OSM to deal with this issue for a few
> years.
> ___
> talk mailing list

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Re: [OSM-talk] Metropolitan France : what todo with all "supossed to be wrong" name:xx ?

2019-11-19 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
Not all languages make, or care about making, a distinction of France 
(including non-Europe) and France (only Europe).

This is an administrative detail which has no relevance for most of us, even if 
we are frequent visitors in France and love it (me!).

Thus our languages do not differentiate between the two.

Icelandic for example does not care about the distinction so far, although 
Meginlandsfrakkland (one word) or Meginlands-Frakkland could be possible 
candidates if we'd need to.

In the left sidebar on Wikipedia you can see which languages do have this 
concept covered:

Jói / Stalfur

19. nóvember 2019 kl. 15:11, skrifaði "marc marc" :

> Hello,
> once again, one contributor confused France and Metropolitan France (the 
> part of France located on the european continent as opposed to the 
> so-called "overseas" territories).
> This time, the contributor also modified the set of names that was 
> correct (name ca de fr it nl oc) causing a malfunction of the tools 
> using it.
> The incorrect modification has been reverted. but the question arises
> as to what to do with the other names:xx :
> - 19 name:xx contain 2 words and therefore seem correct.
> - ~222 name:xx have no space
> -- those using the latin script are therefore probably false since the 
> presence of a single word is probably enough to detect the error.
> is it better to delete them ? or some languages may have only one word 
> for "Metropolitan France" ?
> or delete only if if the same value for France ?
> but some translations (e. g. into Esperanto) have in the meantime been
> modified on a single object, it is impossible for me to say if the 
> difference is a typo or if it is due to "metropolitan".
> -- I'm unable to detect an error in the name:xx in Cyrillic script, 
> Arabic alphabet, Gojūon, .. can anyone ?
> the problem being that many contributors make blind translations, 
> without looking at the object, thus duplicate an error from one language 
> to another.
> Keeping names:xx that we assume are false risk so in the end
> to be worse than losing a correct name:xx
> But it is not the logic of osm to delete/do it again when there is too 
> great a risk of error
> thanks,
> Marc
> ___
> talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
I concur, this becomes long and unwieldy fast in my own language and to fully 
capture it requires a full sentence, with a comma for clarity even.

Behind OpenStreetMap the brand we have contributors amongst others.

9. ágúst 2019 kl. 14:40, skrifaði "Frederik Ramm" :

> Hi,
> I wonder if we could perhaps get rid of the "Contributors" mention
> altogether.
> The term "OpenStreetMap Contributors" is the unwieldy; it just sounds
> strange to say "this is a map made by OpenStreetMap contributors" when
> what we really want to say is "this is OpenStreetMap". When translated
> into German, you would have to say "OpenStreetMap-Beitragende" or, more
> correctly, "Beitragende zu OpenStreetMap", which to the un-initiated
> sounds a bit strange and kind of dilutes the OpenStreetMap brand by
> adding things before or after. I am pretty sure that there are languages
> where grammar in fact requires that the "contributors" be placed before
> OSM (as in my "Beitragende zu OpenStreetMap" example) and where no
> grammatically correct way exists to place OSM first.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
I think we move in different mapper communities as "mapping for the reward of 
being recognized by external data users" has never even been on my list, or of 
those mappers I know, of reasons for why we map.

Of course everyones self-image is their own, so I don't know about your claim 
of there being a fundamental one for the whole community.

Just my 2 krónur.

-- /OSM: Stalfur

9. ágúst 2019 kl. 11:15, skrifaði "Christoph Hormann" :

> And frankly it also contradicts the fundamental self-image of the mapper 
> community. As has been discussed plenty of times the way geodata is 
> generated in OSM is fundamentally different from other geodata sources. 
> While elsewhere people generating geodata are almost always rewarded 
> for their work also in other form (like salery) in OSM the only 
> recognition mappers receive from external data users is the attribution 
> required by the license. Putting OSM on the same level as other data 
> providers like you do above is totally inappropriate.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Facebook mapping highways using AI in collaboration with OpenStreetMap

2019-07-31 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
31. júlí 2019 kl. 19:01, skrifaði "stevea" :
> Just because, as you say (and I agree), that "human mappers have not been 
> able to produce high
> quality maps worldwide" doesn't mean that we can't, we simply must strive to 
> do better. And we do.
> And we should using available tools like AI, though if we do, we absolutely 
> must include a strong
> component of human-oriented quality assurance right at the forefront of doing 
> so.

For the sake of this discussion it should be pointed out that (except for 
initial Malaysia thing) the website does just that.

The AI has found possible roads and it is up to humans to confirm if it is a 
road and re-classify it if Residential (the default) is not correct.

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Re: [OSM-talk] Facebook mapping highways using AI in collaboration with OpenStreetMap

2019-07-29 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
Now you are being obtuse.

29. júlí 2019 kl. 11:53, skrifaði "Nuno Caldeira" 
> I don't see the attribution on that map, or that website has an
> exception like Facebook seems to have too?
> Oh it does attribute, but you have to scroll down to see it. must be a
> UX mistake...

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Re: [OSM-talk] Software configuration | Re: iD influencing tagging

2019-04-10 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
iD seems to have this feature via MapRules: 

10. apríl 2019 kl. 21:08, skrifaði "Rory McCann" :

> On 07.04.19 14:43, John Whelan wrote:
>> Tagging is not always easy, but I do have concerns when iD is so
>> commonly used but the recommended tags do not align with OpenStreetMap
>> I'll say normals.
>> Specifically one of my concerns is a semi-detached house is not
>> recognised in iD only the more general tag house.
> In JOSM, people, or groups, can make their own tagging presets. AFAIK iD
> unfortunately doesn't have this feature. If it did, the iD version on
> could be configured to something special, people could
> have their personal tagging presets "saved" somehow, maybe one could
> "load other presets from a remote address" via a URL parameter, allowing
> one to "load a preset with a link". Then each iD user wouldn't be able
> to complain to the iD developers. But that's not possible now.
> For now, the OSM wiki voting isn't binding, the people who make editors
> have a lot of control. I'm sure patches & feature requests would be
> welcome
> ___
> talk mailing list

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Re: [Talk-is] Highway classification question

2019-03-30 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
I'm very wary of gravel roads being designated as primary roads!

I think you are possibly reading too much into the definition from Vegagerðin.

Also do note that roads come from two source, Vegagerðin and then the 

In urban areas for example we use tertiary for Safnbrautir (linking residential 
roads) and then secondary for tengibrautir (linking safnbrautir to stoðbrautir).

30. mars 2019 kl. 15:43, skrifaði "Svavar Kjarrval" :

> Hi Andrew and the rest of the mailing list.
> I'm in favour of the stated goals of that review. I doubt that people
> have been observing that classification system over the last few years
> so I don't think you need to worry much about making corrections which
> adhere to the classifications on that page.
> With that said, one must of course note that the definitions of those
> tags are fairly broad as there are no further guidelines to identify the
> class of each highway, except the most obvious cases. This might cause
> some inconsistency in its application. One method could be to utilise
> the classification system the authorities use, for example Vegagerðin
> (e. The Icelandic Road Authority), where they've already classified the
> major highways. I think Vegagerðin might be open to data sharing in that
> regard. This is of course just an idea at this stage so don't let it
> delay further contributions to correct the road classifications.
> With regards,
> Svavar Kjarrval
> On 11.3.2019 17:05, Andrew Wiseman via Talk-is wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> We have been reviewing the Primary-Motorway classified roads for
>> consistency and adherence to the Icelandic guidelines. Our goal is to
>> make minor classification changes to bring all roads in compliance
>> with Icelandic policy and we had a few questions.
>> Some roads don't seem to match the Icelandic Map Features wiki
>> . If you agree,
>> we were thinking of changing them to match the wiki page. For example:
>> Stofnvegur Routes
>> Based on the Icelandic Map Features wiki, the highway noted below
>> should be 'highway=primary' as these routes are part of the Stofnvegur
>> network
>> (highway 355)
>> Tengivegur Routes
>> Based on the Icelandic Map Features wiki
>> , the highways
>> noted below should be 'highway=secondary' as these routes are part of
>> the Tengivegur network.
>> Additionally, these highways already have secondary highways connected
>> to the highway we noted so we want to review some adjacent secondaries
>> if the below highways are revised to ensure the classification is not
>> overused.
>> (highway 59)
>> (highway 55)
>> (highway 52)
>> (highway 48)
>> (highway 26)
>> (highway 955)
>> (highway 752)
>> Let me know what you think.
>> Thanks,
>> Andrew
>> Andrew Wiseman |  Maps | iPhone: +
>> | 
>> ___
>> Talk-is mailing list
> ___
> Talk-is mailing list

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Re: [Talk-is] Hringtorg

2019-03-30 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
Styð þetta, sérstaklega þar sem sá háttur er orðinn á í mörgum bæjarfélögum að 
gefa hringtorgum nafn, til dæmis í Kópavogi.

29. mars 2019 kl. 20:03, skrifaði "Svavar Kjarrval" :

> Góðan dag.
> Fyrr í dag gerði ég stórtæka breytingu á þeim hringtorgum á
> höfuðborgarsvæðinu sem strætóar fara um. Breytingin felst í því að þau
> hringtorg sem stóðu saman af nokkrum vegbútum voru sameinuð í einn veg,
> þannig að hvert hringtorg væri einn óbútaður vegur. Reynt var að gæta
> þess að þær breytingar hefðu ekki neikvæð áhrif á þau vensl (e.
> relations) sem innihéldu vegbútana. Við yfirferðina var ég vakandi yfir
> því hvort einhver réttmæt ástæða væri fyrir því að eitthvert tiltekið
> hringtorg ætti að vera áfram í bútum, en engin slík tilvik fundust.
> Áður en ég fór í umrædda breytingu leit ég á leiðbeiningarnar sem eiga
> við um gerð hringtorga og er í þeim miðað við að hringtorg séu einn
> hringlaga vegur. Ekki var sérstaklega minnst á að hringtorg í bútum séu
> bönnuð eða ekki ráðlögð, en þessi þögn gefur til kynna að slík hringtorg
> ættu frekar að vera undantekningin. Þá voru slík óbútuð hringtorg
> ágætlega algeng hér á landi, þó þau hafi mögulega ekki verið í
> meirihluta. Því taldi ég mér óhætt að fara út í þessa vinnu án sérstaks
> samráðs.
> Sá háttur að skipta hringtorgum í búta var á sínum tíma sökum þess að
> ýmis leiðarforrit og ritlar (JOSM o.fl.) áttu í vandræðum með að túlka
> leiðir í gegnum hringtorg, aðallega varðandi hvaða veg ætti að nýta til
> að fara út úr hringtorginu. Bútun þeirra gagnaðist því til þess að
> sannreyna að um væri að ræða heila og óslitna leið. Þessar forsendur eru
> líklega orðnar úreldar nú í dag enda líklegt að hinn sami hugbúnaður og
> var í þessum vandræðum hafi verið uppfærður.
> Aukaleg ástæða er sú að tilfærsla tenginga vega milli punkta hringtorgs
> gæti valdið ruglingi ef hringtorgið er bútað þar sem þau hafa að jafnaði
> verið bútuð þar sem tengingarnar voru. Fyrir utan umstangið sem slíkar
> breytingar myndu krefjast gætu leiðir í venslum rofnað ef notandinn veit
> ekki að slíkra ráðstafana er þörf. Þá er einnig kostur að minni hætta er
> á ósamræmi í merkingum vegbúta ef um er að ræða einn og sama veginn í
> staðinn fyrir nokkra aðskilda vegbúta.
> Ég vona að þetta mælist vel. Ef engin sérstök andmæli eru borin fram um
> áframhald á þessu átaki mun ég líklega fara síðar í breytingar á fleiri
> hringtorgum á landinu.
> Með kveðju,
> Svavar Kjarrval
> ___
> Talk-is mailing list

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Re: [Talk-is] Heimild til að nota ljósmyndir Já 360 / Permission to use Já 360 photographs

2019-02-21 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
Excellent news Matt!

A big thank you to Já for this, 360° photographs will be very useful, also for 
simple 3d mapping for buildings, allowing more areas than just my local 
neighborhood of Smárar to go 3D in color.

Can you document this on the wiki under 

Jói / Stalfur

21. febrúar 2019 kl. 14:25, skrifaði "Matt Riggott" :

> Sæl öll,
> Ég skrifa á ensku svo allir sem nota OpenStreetMap geti lesið hann.
> I'm happy to announce that Já hf has given permission for OpenStreetMap 
> contributors to reference
> Já 360 street-level photographs when editing the map.
> Just as an example, you could use the photo at the link below to survey which 
> companies are located
> in the building, the number of floors in the building, and the street names 
> shown on street signs.
> That sort of thing.
> This permission covers our street-level photographs but not the satellite 
> images nor the tiled web
> map. We would ask that if you do use the images when editing OpenStreetMap, 
> please add a "source=Já
> 360" tag to the changeset.
> Happy mapping!
> M.
> -- 
> Matt Riggott
> Programmer / Forritari
> ___
> Talk-is mailing list

Talk-is mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Renaming Macedonia

2019-02-04 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
Do we need a plan?

I noticed someone overzealous had changed the name in Icelandic to a 
translation of Northern Macedonia, however that is not the name of the country 
in Icelandic except for possibly now in official usage. We always referred to 
it as Macedonia before and FYROM equivalent only in very specific 
circumstances. We will continue to do so - also according to the Icelandic 
State Department current lists it is still Makedónía.

A name given to a country by others doesn't always reflect the locals 
preferences, indeed the Czechs deciding between Czechia and Czech Republic 
doesn't affect us as we will refer to them always as Tékkland.

This renaming will be done on a language by language basis I believe, and 
possibly the only things that need to be updated are official_name:lang tags, 
not the name:lang tags.

-- JBJ / Stalfur

4. febrúar 2019 kl. 19:31, skrifaði "Steve Doerr" :

> Is there a plan?

talk mailing list

[Talk-is] Makedónía

2019-02-04 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
Sæl verið þið.

Sá að einhver hafði endurnefnt Makedóníu sem Norður-Makedóníu, það er 
hugsanlega opinbert nafn landsins og mætti fara inn í viðeigandi tag en við 
erum ekki að fara að endurnefna landið þó að formlegt heiti þess hafi breyst. 
Ég breytti þessu því til baka.

Sjá hugtakasafn utanríkisráðuneytisins þar sem "fyrrum lýðveldi Júgóslavíu" 
(FYROM) var alltaf aukanafn, ekki aðalnafn landsins.

Á sama máta er okkur sama hvort Tékkar noti Republica Cska eða Czechia, það 
heitir áfram Tékkland hjá okkur. Við erum með Ísland á kortinu en ekki 
Lýðveldið Ísland sem name, það á heima í official_name.
--JBJ / Stalfur
Talk-is mailing list

Re: [Talk-is] Data improvements in Iceland

2019-01-08 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
This sounds very useful Matt.

I have previously approached about the 360 imagery on behalf of 
OpenStreetMap á Íslandi and a permission to use it as a data source. The reply 
in 2018 was "not for now - maybe later" so if this is later then it would be 

The GPS traces would be very nice too.

Regarding using LUKR as a source then be advised it is not 100% correct - it 
contains a number of ghost buildings for example (where a zone has been 
approved for a building but it hasn't been built yet). For example in my 
previous residence I had a license to build a garage (with other residents) and 
on LUKR the garage was already built while it still has not moved off the 
drawing board for 20 years.


8. janúar 2019 kl. 11:30, skrifaði "Matt Riggott" :

>> On 5 Jan 2019, at 11:14, Morten Lange  wrote:
>> It would be great if paths found on maps could be freely used on 
>> OpenStreetMap, and the other
>> way around. I guess that depends on licensing clauses.
> Hi Morten,
> I agree, it'd be really nice to have that, but you're right to think the 
> licence is too
> prohibitive. The map tiles are produced by Samsýn and they're quite strict on 
> what we can do with
> them. Besides that, the tiles are projected using ISN 93, so using them as an 
> OpenStreetMap layer
> would cause alignment problems.
> But I can think of some ways Já could help OpenStreetMap. First, I could ask 
> for Já to give
> OpenStreetMap explicit permission to use the Já 360 street view photos as a 
> data source. Second, we
> have GPS coordinates from the car that drove around the country taking the Já 
> 360 photos; I could
> ask to be able to publish the GPS data under a permissive licence.
> If any of that sounds useful, let me know.
> M.
> --
> Matt Riggott
> Programmer / Forritari
> ___
> Talk-is mailing list

Talk-is mailing list

Re: [Talk-is] Data improvements in Iceland

2018-12-22 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
Hello Andrew.

I'm Jóhannes, current chairman of Hliðskjálf, which as OpenStreetMap á Íslandi 
is the local chapter in Iceland.

We are of course happy for any corrections - just be mindful that you are not 
adding buildings that have been demolished, there is a lot of construction 
going on and many satellite images are very outdated.

Staðfangaskrá import has not been active, we have not analyzed where we are 
missing data currently.

We have a very inactive forum on the official forum list, the meager 
communication that goes on is in comments or on this list.

Happy mapping.


23. desember 2018 kl. 2:52, skrifaði "Andrew Wiseman">:
Hello everyone,
I’m Andrew with Apple’s Maps team. We’re interested in doing some a few 
improvements to the OSM data in Iceland, specifically adding some missing 
buildings, making road network fixes like adding missing roads, making sure 
intersections are correct, and the like, and some coastline fixes. It looks 
like the data is mostly complete but I wanted to see if you had any suggestions 
for places where things might be out of date or inaccurate, or other 
suggestions or feedback. I also saw that some addresses had been imported from 
a government dataset (ðfangaskrá_Import 
(, is that 
still going on? 
Here’s more information about our project: 
Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback. Also if there is a 
forum, Telegram or WhatsApp group the community uses, I’d be happy to join and 
talk there. 
Thank you, 
Andrew Wiseman |  Maps | iPhone: + | 
Talk-is mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Ground truth for non-physical objects

2018-12-12 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson

  Mail will not arrive there as mail will be stopped in post-office
because of incorrect (not existing) address.

Nope - Try it yourself. If you live in Examplestreet 10 and you start
sending yourself postcards with Examplestreet 10a they'll reach you.

Post offices often have a good time trying to decipher incorrect 
addresses. Sometimes they even decipher a map [1] - other times they get 
a name, town and country and go from there - playing detective can be 


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Re: [Talk-is] natural=fjord vs natural=bay + bay=fjord

2018-04-10 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
Reading the norwegian discussion this seems to be a straight forward 
improvement, I'm in favor of this change.

Þann 10.04.2018 13:16, Fredrik reit:

God dag islendinger,

I have thought of sending this email for some time, so here it is.

There are about 120 natural=fjords in OSM and most of them are around
Iceland. See

Would any of you object if I change these natural=fjords to
natural=bay and add bay=fjord? Or possibly if someone at Iceland can
fix this?

There was some discussion about this at the Norwegian list in 2016

The result was an agreement that fjord is a subtype of bay and instead
of fighting to get fjords rendered in the map tagging them as
suggested here would fix everything.

There is a github issue open for the default map style (carto) related
to rendering fjords



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Talk-is mailing list

[Talk-is] Innflutningur bensínstöðva

2018-04-05 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson

Sæl verið.

Fólkið á bak við er að undirbúa innflutning á bensínstöðvum um 
allan heim, ýmist að bæta við þar sem vantar eða uppfæra gildi á núverandi.

Þetta hefur áhrif á flestar stöðvar á Íslandi, mismikil þó, þið getið 
þysjað út frá þessum tengli og skoðað innflutninginn á korti og séð 
gildin sem verða sett ef þetta gengur eftir. Það er líka í okkar valdi 
að andmæla þessu, Frakkar voru rétt í þessu að segja að þeir sjái ekki 
að þeir séu bættari við breytingarnar sem yrðu gerðar þar.

Talk-is mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] weeklyOSM #382 2017-11-07-2017-11-13

2017-11-18 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson

Just stop this.

This has been a fine example of how to decrease membership of a list 
that should be productive and friendly but has been anything but so far.

On 18.11.2017 18:42, john whelan wrote:
No you need to build up trust again and it takes time.  Only then will 
your ideas start to gain acceptance.

Cheerio John

On 18 November 2017 at 13:26, Yuri Astrakhan > wrote:

John, not trusting a brand name and being unreasonable about new
project are two different things. One is a healthy caution. The
other is a baseless witch hunt, at which point it doesn't matter
what the person does, what matters are the pitch forks and torches.

On Sat, Nov 18, 2017 at 1:19 PM, john whelan
> wrote:

>There were many OSM edits I have done in the past. Some of them
might have broken the rules. How does that relate to the new
tool discussion?  The conversation was about the new tool that
does things the same way as several other tools.

How does that break "unwritten rules"?

It relates to trust and politics with a small p.  Your brand
name is untrusted.

Cheerio John

On 18 November 2017 at 13:11, Yuri Astrakhan
> wrote:

James, this is not about hurt feelings. This is about

Last week I re-wrote Sophox tool based on the community
feedback. The new tool uses the same approaches as
existing tools. Yet, somehow I violated some unwritten
rule by creating a new tool?  This is bogus.

There were many OSM edits I have done in the past. Some of
them might have broken the rules. How does that relate to
the new tool discussion?  The conversation was about the
new tool that does things the same way as several other tools.

How does that break "unwritten rules"?

On Sat, Nov 18, 2017 at 5:24 AM, James
> wrote:

Seriously this is what 2017 has become? A bunch of
snowflakes argueing whoes feelings are hurt? Seriously
grow up people, the world is not full of cupcakes and

"Yuri is perceived by many as unreasonable as before
and tries to ignore all the unwritten rules in OSM."

I was somewhat following that email thread and there
were many people sayong that yuri was unreasonable and
that he was ignoring the rules for mechanical edits.
Journalists are allowed to summarize the general tone
of a situation without being perceived as "taking sides".

On Nov 17, 2017 10:49 PM, "Clifford Snow"
> wrote:


On Fri, Nov 17, 2017 at 4:10 PM, Andy Townsend
> wrote:

On 17/11/2017 22:52, Clifford Snow wrote:

I think we are all thankful for the
newsletter. And believe they are free to
publish to their own standards. However,
because they use OSM resources by publishing
on our mailing lists they need respect our
values. I don't think asking a publication to
be respectful to individuals is asking too much.

Being "respectful" is a two-way street.  This
is a situation that's been going on for almost
exactly a year now. During that time this
individual has shown contempt for the OSM
community, including on occasion telling
outright untruths. Conversations with him were
very repectful at first (conducted in
changeset discussions rather than on mailing
lists), but it gradually became clear that any
statements such as "I have already stopped
changing any objects except" were simply
worthless.  At some point you have to call a
lie a lie, and I can't think of a way of doing
that without "being disrespectful".

Absolutely. I'm only suggesting that as a
community we strive to be respectful to everyone,
all the time. That in 

Re: [Talk-is] Eyðing gangstétta sem sérleiða

2017-09-13 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson

Ég er búinn að bakka með eftirfarandi breytingasett:


Athuga hvort við fáum ekki Tómas Inga með okkur í umræðuna. Kannski 
verður lendingin svipuð því sem hann gerði en það verður að gerast í 

On 13.9.2017 12:04, Morten Lange wrote:

Tek undir með ykkur báðum.

En er ekki viss um hvernig sé best að gera þetta. Ættum við að gera 
nokkrar tilraunir og sýna hvort öðrum?

Varðandi að notandi hafi hent út gangstéttir, þá finnst mér rétt að 
bakka með breytinguna. Jafnvel þótt við ákveðum etv seinna að 
fjarlægja þá  _og_ bæta við tagi á götunni sem segir að hér sé gangstétt.

Regards / Kveðja / Hilsen Morten Lange

On Wednesday, 13 September 2017, 02:35:56 CEST, Arni Davidsson 
<> wrote:

Mér finnst við þurfa að komast til botns í því hvort að það sé til 
bóta að hafa gangstéttir merktar inn á OSM upp á rötun.

Þegar maður skoðar erlend OSM kort þar sem maður þekkir til eru 
gangstéttir ekki merktar inná en stígar sem ekki liggja meðfram götum 
eru það. Gæti það verið svo að einn vandinn við rötun á Íslandi er 
þessi mikli fjöldi af gangstéttum sem rötunarvélarnar samþykkja ekki 
af einhverjum ástæðum? Hvort sem það er vegna þess að þær tengjast 
ekki inná götur eða eru ekki með gangbrautar merktar yfir götuna. Gæti 
verið að rötunarvélarnar virka þannig að hægt sé að ganga samsíða 
öllum götum eða hægt sé að merkja götur með tagi um gangstéttir=yes? 
Mér finnst okkur sárlega vanta leiðbeiningar um þetta efni.

Þann 12. september 2017 kl. 22:15 skrifaði Jóhannes Birgir Jensson 
< <>>:

Reyndar virðist hann hafa verið MUN stórtækari en þessar 70 þegar
maður skoðar þetta! ser/T%C3%B3mas%20Ingi/history#


On 12.9.2017 22:12, Jóhannes Birgir Jensson wrote:

Á Íslandi búum við svo vel að þar má hjóla á gangstéttum.

Rötunarvélar OSM skilja það yfirleitt ekki og forðast því
gangstéttir þegar hjólaleiðir eru búnar til. Því höfum við
kortlagt gangstéttir og sett bicycle=yes eða =permitted eða álíka.

Í dag eyddi Tómas Ingi út einum 70 slíkum í þessu changesetti hangeset/51972351#map=13/64.12


og vísar þar í umdeilt skjal á Wiki. Röksemdin er sú að þá sé
kortið fallegra...

Ég legg til að þessi breyting verði tekin aftur.

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Re: [Talk-is] Eyðing gangstétta sem sérleiða

2017-09-13 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
Við merkjum gangbrautir inn og meira að segja tengjum fláka þar sem 
gangbraut er ekki en ætlast til að umferð fari þar yfir (biðskyldur við 
mynni íbúagatna til dæmis).

Við höfum víkkað út stígakerfið einmitt til að auðvelda rötun, bætt við 
tengingum þar sem þarf.

Hættan við að nota sidewalk=left/right/both er að til dæmis left og 
right ræðst af áttinni sem gatan snýr í - ef henni er snúið við þá þarf 
að muna að snúa líka right/left.

Þetta tíðkast á mun fleiri stöðum en okkar, munurinn er kannski sá að 
ekki hafa allar gangstéttir verið merktar rétt, góður póstur um þetta er 

Þetta er aðferðin sem við ættum að beita í stað þess einfaldlega að eyða 
gögnum sem eru nytsamleg og mikil vinna liggur á bakvið.

Ég vil heyra frá Tómasi Inga, gefa því 1-2 daga en eftir það fara fram á 
að DWG afturkalli allar þessar breytingar - svo getum við farið yfir 
hvort að gangstéttir séu rétt taggaðar.


Þann 13.09.2017 00:35, Arni Davidsson reit:

Mér finnst við þurfa að komast til botns í því hvort að það
sé til bóta að hafa gangstéttir merktar inn á OSM upp á rötun.

Þegar maður skoðar erlend OSM kort þar sem maður þekkir til eru
gangstéttir ekki merktar inná en stígar sem ekki liggja meðfram
götum eru það. Gæti það verið svo að einn vandinn við rötun
á Íslandi er þessi mikli fjöldi af gangstéttum sem
rötunarvélarnar samþykkja ekki af einhverjum ástæðum? Hvort sem
það er vegna þess að þær tengjast ekki inná götur eða eru
ekki með gangbrautar merktar yfir götuna. Gæti verið að
rötunarvélarnar virka þannig að hægt sé að ganga samsíða
öllum götum eða hægt sé að merkja götur með tagi um
gangstéttir=yes? Mér finnst okkur sárlega vanta leiðbeiningar um
þetta efni.

Þann 12. september 2017 kl. 22:15 skrifaði Jóhannes Birgir Jensson

Reyndar virðist hann hafa verið MUN stórtækari en þessar 70
þegar maður skoðar þetta!


On 12.9.2017 22:12, Jóhannes Birgir Jensson wrote:

Á Íslandi búum við svo vel að þar má hjóla á

Rötunarvélar OSM skilja það yfirleitt ekki og forðast því
gangstéttir þegar hjólaleiðir eru búnar til. Því höfum
við kortlagt gangstéttir og sett bicycle=yes eða =permitted
eða álíka.

Í dag eyddi Tómas Ingi út einum 70 slíkum í þessu


og vísar þar í umdeilt skjal á Wiki. Röksemdin er sú að
þá sé kortið fallegra...

Ég legg til að þessi breyting verði tekin aftur.

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software. [2]

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Árni Davíðsson


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Re: [Talk-is] Eyðing gangstétta sem sérleiða

2017-09-12 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
Reyndar virðist hann hafa verið MUN stórtækari en þessar 70 þegar maður 
skoðar þetta!

On 12.9.2017 22:12, Jóhannes Birgir Jensson wrote:

Á Íslandi búum við svo vel að þar má hjóla á gangstéttum.

Rötunarvélar OSM skilja það yfirleitt ekki og forðast því gangstéttir 
þegar hjólaleiðir eru búnar til. Því höfum við kortlagt gangstéttir og 
sett bicycle=yes eða =permitted eða álíka.

Í dag eyddi Tómas Ingi út einum 70 slíkum í þessu changesetti

og vísar þar í umdeilt skjal á Wiki. Röksemdin er sú að þá sé kortið 

Ég legg til að þessi breyting verði tekin aftur.

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[Talk-is] Eyðing gangstétta sem sérleiða

2017-09-12 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson

Á Íslandi búum við svo vel að þar má hjóla á gangstéttum.

Rötunarvélar OSM skilja það yfirleitt ekki og forðast því gangstéttir 
þegar hjólaleiðir eru búnar til. Því höfum við kortlagt gangstéttir og 
sett bicycle=yes eða =permitted eða álíka.

Í dag eyddi Tómas Ingi út einum 70 slíkum í þessu changesetti

og vísar þar í umdeilt skjal á Wiki. Röksemdin er sú að þá sé kortið 

Ég legg til að þessi breyting verði tekin aftur.

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[Talk-is] Búinn að mála Smárana

2017-09-02 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
Hef verið að leika mér síðustu árin að prófa 3d-kortlagningu, hæð húsa, 
lögun þaks, húslitur og þaklitur.

Er núna búinn að klára Smárana. Þetta er frekar einfalt, 4-5 svæði per 
byggingu. Mætti jafnvel tvinna þetta svo inn í app þar sem hægt væri að 
viðhalda húslit eftir að búið er að mála aftur í öðrum lit - hafa árlegt 
rölt um hverfi :p

Sjá póstinn á Facebook:

Tengill á F4map sem leyfir manni að hreyfa kortið í þrívídd:

--Jói / Stalfur

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Re: [Talk-is] Röng rötun í strætó appinu

2017-09-01 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson

Flott að heyra.

Erum að skoða að halda vinnustofu með Mapillary núna í september, það 
tengist inn á þetta þó það sé ekki bara um þetta. Ætla að berja saman 
tilkynningu um það um helgina.

Þann 01.09.2017 13:54, Arni Davidsson reit:


Jón Gunnar Pálsson hefur verið mjög áhugasamur og sent mér
endurtekið pósta um rötun í Strætó appinu. Hann hefur lika sent
Svavari póst. Hann virðist hafa áhuga á að hjálpa til við að
laga þessa rötun fyrir strætó og gæti mögulega tekið þátt í
grunnvinnunni við OSM.

Stendur til að boða einhvern fund á næstunni í félaginu sem hann
gæti verið boðið á? Ef ekki gæti ég staðið fyrir minni fundi
t.d. á kaffihúsi til að ræða málin. Munduð þið vera tilbúnir
að hitta hann? Þið þekkið þetta eiginlega mun betur en ég.

Mér finnst lílka vanta svör við :
1) Hvaða fyrirtæki sér um appið hjá Strætó. Mér sýnist
lítið þýða að ræða við strætó beint um þessi mál.
2) Var ekki búið að færa inn stígagögn frá Garðabæ í OSM?

Árni Davíðsson

Þann 28. ágúst 2017 kl. 08:40 skrifaði Morten Lange


Áhugavert. Mín snöggviðbrögð:
Kortið er ábótavant þarna, en verra er að rötunarvélin
virðist haldin þeirri misskilningi að ekki mega ganga eftir

Hæðarbyggð 7/9 : Hér er í þokkabót um götu að ræða sem er
merkt (tögguð) residential  :-)
(Og svo er þetta nálægt enda botnlanga í ofanálag.)

Annað mál er að auðvelt er að laga einstaka staði í OSM,
gefið að einhver staðfesti "ground truth". Framlengja gangstétta
og stíga.
Eða  hreinlega bæta við óformleg tenging (slóð sem sést á
grasi etc)
highway=path, informal=yes, visibility=good eða álíka

En aðalmálið í stærri myndinni er að laga rötunarvélina.
Gera ráð fyrri að hægt sé að fara af gangstétt / footway og
út á götu, amk húsagötur og "sveitavegi"

Regards / Kveðja / Hilsen Morten Lange

FROM: Arni Davidsson <>
TO: Jóhannes Birgir Jensson <>; Svavar Kjarrval
<>; Morten Lange <>
SENT: Monday, 28 August 2017, 1:25
SUBJECT: Röng rötun í strætó appinu


Ég fékk eftirfarandi póst vegna rangrar rötunar sem strætó
appið gefur. Það virðist vera að nota Open street map.

Sæll Ég hef sent póst á fulltrúa Garðabæjar, OSM og
strætó. Engin viðbrögð hafa verið. Þú getur fengið afrit
af þeim pósti. Þar er stungið upp á að ræða hvað sé
hægt að bæta við Karlabrautina. Garðabær skipuleggur
göngustíga, OSM setur þá inn í upplýsingakerfi sem strætó
notar og strætó ber ábyrð á að tölvan skili réttum
upplýsingum. Skoðum aðeins að fara frá Hæðarbyggð 9 að
Ásgarði. Ef þú skoðar kort frá OSM, sést að enginn
göngustígur er milli Hæðarbyggðar 9 og 7. Því er farin
lengri leið. Er hægt að laga þetta með því að framlengja
stíginn milli 9 og 7? Ef Garðabær segir að þar sé
göngustígur, þarf OSM að merkja hann inn. Annars ætti kannski
að "búa til" göngustíg þar á milli? Skoðum næst ferð frá
Furulundi 9 að Ásgarði. Ekki er hægt að fara yfir merktan
göngustíg milli biðstöðvanna Heiðarlundur og Furulundur. Í
lokin er farið upp Hæðarbyggðina og er gengið annað hvort
milli Hæðarbyggðar 5 eða 9 að Hæðarbyggð 7. En íbúar
Hæðarbyggðar 5 og 9 geta ekki notað þessa gönguleið. Allir
þrír þurfa að skoða þetta. Ég vil að þú takir þá með
sem þú telur hæfasta. Ekkert skilyrði er að ég sé í
þessum hóp. Ætti þetta að vera afmarkað verkefni, eða hluti
af öllu, sem á að ræða um? Ætti hópurinn að hittast fyrir
fund með strætó? Því næst yrði boðaður fundur með
strætó. Hvað ætti fundarefnið að vera? Kveðja Jón Gunnar

Eru einhverjar skýringar á því hversvegna þetta er svona? Veit
einhver hvaða fyrirtæki það er sem býr til strætó appið?

Árni Davíðsson

Árni Davíðsson

Árni Davíðsson

Talk-is mailing list

Re: [Talk-is] Old horse stable area in Kopavogur

2017-05-05 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
Já það er sjálfsagt mál að eyða þessu ef það eru komin betri gögn. Ég 
lét þetta standa á meðan að framkvæmdir eru í gangi.

On 5.5.2017 21:10, Thorhallur Sverrisson wrote:

Hi All,

I noticed the old stables are still present in Kopavogur, where 
Hestamannafélagið Gustur was located.  Any objections to removing the 
old roads, buildings and light posts?  I was extending the pathway 
co-located with the new road and noticed all the old roads still 
there.  The current plans for the area are in no way similar to the 
old roads, so they serve no purpose anymore, and make mapping the new 
features much more difficult.


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Re: [Talk-is] road classification proposals

2017-04-23 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
I have updated the wiki with a small addition - the information there 
was from 2011 so it is VERY outdated.

Proposal 2 seems most like what we have been doing so far.

On 23.4.2017 08:55, jay lialis wrote:

trunk - Highway 1/multiple-lane urban avenues
primary - 2-digit roads/major city roads
secondary - 3-digit roads/minor city roads
tertiary - roads connecting villages, city roads with priority
unclassified - unpaved roads/roads connecting farms, factories etc

trunk - Highway 1/multiple-lane urban avenues
primary - S roads/major city roads
secondary - T roads/minor city roads
tertiary - paved H/L roads, roads connecting villages/city roads with 

unclassified - unpaved roads, roads connecting farms, factories etc

trunk - S roads
primary - T roads/major city roads
secondary - paved L-H roads/minor city roads
tertiary -  unpaved roads, roads connecting villages, city roads with 

unclassified - roads connecting farms, factories etc

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Re: [OSM-talk] StreetSound

2017-01-06 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson

That sounds very Orwellian!

Þann 06.01.2017 19:04, Milo van der Linden reit:

In Eindhoven a new initiative is launched to capture streetsound:
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Re: [Talk-is] OSM Iceland road network data analysis

2016-12-19 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson

Thank you for this Michael.

Driveways are an interesting case - they are an obligation for the 
Vegagerðin *as long* as it is a residence. However if it is no longer a 
full time residence it is stricken of their list of maintained roads. 
Thus we can have these smaller roads appearing and disappearing from the 
official data.

We will look into your observations.


On 19.12.2016 08:16, wrote:

Komið þið sæl og blessuð.

My Icelandic language skills are not good enough to write a letter so 
I’m writing my message in English.

I did in the last time a road network analysis on OSM Iceland data. 
Here I checked with the road list from vegagerdin$file/Vegaskra_2015.xlsx 
, if the roads and segments of roads are mapped correspondingly to the 

As mapping basis I took the information from the OSM Iceland Wiki. 
Unfortunately this wiki wasn’t actualised in the last years, probably 
because it’s an awful manual work. I don´t know if there exist a plug 
in to actualise the road list in the wiki with a set of 
Overpass-queries. The information there is included in OSM, but not 
extracted and processed to the wiki yet.

In the road list from vegagerdin exist a new road network type "Sx". 
The Kjalvegur for example has this network type. I understand it as 
primary highland route, but left the mapped road as it was.

I focused on the 1 to 3 digits road reference numbers, the four digit 
roads I only looked at, when I strolled over it. When I found 
information about the road, mostly in OSM I tried to fix it immediately.

A few roads I found which I couldn’t identify in OSM. The road might 
exist with a different name and without the mapped reference number. 
As I can’t state a fixme statement on elements which I didn’t find, I 
list the roads here:
378 01  Skíðaskálavegur Hringvegur (1-d8), við Skíðaskála Hringvegur 

413 03  Breiðholtsbraut Reykjanesbraut Hafnarfjarðarvegur (40)
419 01  Höfðabakki  Reykjanesbraut  Nesbraut (49)
419 02  Höfðabakki  NesbrautHallsvegur (432)
470 01  Fjarðarbraut  Hafnarfjarðarvegur  Hafnarfjörður, 

470 02  Fjarðarbraut  ÁstorgHafnarsvæði
470 02  Fjarðarbraut  Hafnarfjörður, Lækjargata Hafnarfjörður, 

628 01  Hjarðardalsvegur  Vestfjarðavegur (60-43) Hjarðardalur
713 01  Hvítserksvegur  Vatnsnesvegur (711-05)  711-05 Hvítserkur, 

757 01  Villinganesvegur  Skagafjarðarvegur (752-03) Villinganes
830 02  Svalbarðseyrarvegur Hringvegur (1-q2)   Svalbarðseyri, 

845 02  Aðaldalsvegur Staðarbraut (854-01)Norðausturvegur (85-03)
846 01  Austurhlíðarvegur Hringvegur (1-q8)   Stóru-Laugar
859 01  Hafnarvegur Húsavík Norðausturvegur (85-05) Hafnarsvæði, endi 

865 01  Gilsbakkavegur  Norðausturvegur (85-12)   Gilhagi 1
897 01  Svalbarðstunguvegur Norðausturvegur (85-24) Fjallalækjarsel
942 01  Steinsvaðsvegur Borgarfjarðarvegur (94-04) Stóra-Steinsvað
942 02  Tjarnarlandsvegur Steinsvaðsvegur (942-01)Tjarnarland
948 01  Gilsárteigsvegur  Borgarfjarðarvegur (94-03) Gilsárteigur 1
949 01  Þrándarstaðavegur Borgarfjarðarvegur (94-01)Þrep
2284  01  Sólheimahjáleiguvegur Mýrdalsjökulsvegur (222-01) 

2285  01  Ytri-Sólheimavegur  Mýrdalsjökulsvegur (222-01) Ytri-Sólheimar 3
2286  01  Ytri-Sólheimavegur 1  Mýrdalsjökulsvegur (222-02) 
Ytri-Sólheimar 1

7079  01  Núpsdalstunguvegur  Arnarvatnsvegur (578-05) Núpsdalstunga

The following roads mapped in OSM I couldn´t find in the road list 
from vegagerdin or the mapped road don’t correspond with the 
information in the vegagerdin road list:

882 01  Leyningshólavegur Villingadalsvegur (8370-01) Leyningshólar
915   Vesturárdalsvegur
2001  01

There are lots of roads in the list, where I couldn’t find the places 
from the list, especially when the road leads to a farm or house.

The list also gives the road length, where the length is measured over 
ground I guess. OSM has no elevation in the map so the measured road 
length is as the ground would be flat. The difference between these 
values should be under 10%. Unfortunately the difference on lots of 
the roads is much higher (up to 50%).
One reason for this could be that the road with certain reference 
number is much further mapped as vegagerdin states it. But on some 
roads also the mapping quality might be poor. But also on these I 
didn’t focus. I might try to improve the map in future when there is 
some time for it.

Also I realised that outside Reykjavík in the villages most of the 
schools aren’t mapped.  The schools are used in summer as guesthouse, 
so only the tourist infrastructure is mapped. Is this still correct? 
How to map this in OSM?

I hope that the Icelandic community have a look on some of the items.

Gleðileg jól og farsælt komandi ár

Michal Hofer

[Talk-is] Hjólastígar

2016-11-10 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson

Sæl verið þið.

Á aðalfundinum var talað um að byrja að taka hjólastígamál fastari tökum 
og lagfæra gögnin. Við vildum nota OSM-vettvang en það voru hnökrar á 
foruminu hjá OSM þannig að við biðum aðeins með það.

Núna er komið svæði fyrir Ísland á OSM-forums og þar er ég búinn að 
pósta fyrsta pósti þar sem ég velti upp því sem við þurfum að vera að 
pæla í varðandi stíga sem eru merktir af Reykjavíkurborg sem hjólavænir 
stígar en eru það kannski ekki.

Þarna er ég einkum að hugsa um grindur sem loka fyrir þannig að það þarf 
að krækja fyrir, nokkuð sem sum hjól geta hugsanlega ekki náð (með 
eftirvagna í dragi eða liggjandi hjól til dæmis) eða þá að tröppur á 
leiðinni krefjast hugrekkis eða þess að stöðva og leiða eða bera hjól.

Endilega pælum í þessu og tökum svo til við að pæla í bicycle=yes þar 
sem við á.

Jói / Stalfur

Talk-is mailing list

[OSM-talk] Examples of well intentioned but wrong edits?

2016-10-13 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
I'm giving a lecture in a weeks time on crowd-sourcing GIS data at a 
GIS-event in Iceland.

As we know OSM gets a bit of bad edits, some of them in good faith, a 
very minor part vandalism. I will highlight a couple of examples just to 
give people an idea of the risks but just looking at OSM itself so far 
we are well ahead in risk vs reward for an open GIS dataset!

I will mention the edit boom that came with editing feature and 
have a couple of amusing examples from Iceland but would appreciate more.

Also if anyone has any statistics about vandalism ratio and other bad 
edits I would love to see that.

OSM Iceland

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Re: [OSM-talk] Working with lat and long simply

2016-09-10 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson

Þann 10.09.2016 18:47, Oleksiy Muzalyev reit:

On 10/09/16 20:23, Colin Smale wrote:

On 2016-09-10 18:55, Oleksiy Muzalyev wrote:

Latitude and longitude are physical values, they will never change
for a house on Earth, no matter what. They do not depend on
politics, economics, linguistics of the current moment.

You sure about that? Plate tectonics means that everything is in
motion, albeit slowly. On top of that there have been a couple of
"adjustments" to WGS84 which have caused coordinates to change.

Hello and welcome to the wonderful world of plate tectonics.

Iceland has its own co-ordinate system ISN and makes an updated version 
every decade. We still use ISN93 mostly but we also have a ISN2004 and 
the difference there was between 7 cm and 23 cm from the previous 
decade. Iceland is slowly migrating not only north but the western part 
is going west and the eastern part is going more east with the southern 
part starting to lag behind in movement and a few points there starting 
to migrate more south.

Work is ongoing on ISN2016 measurements.

This is also why we are not always overly fastidious in making a 
millimeter accurate feature on OpenStreetMap because it is gonna shift 


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Re: [OSM-talk] Without an address, an Icelandic tourist drew this map of the intended location (Búðardalur) and surroundings on the envelope. The postal service delivered!

2016-08-30 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
The actual address to that farm would be much shorter even, Hólar, 

Simple phone book lookup gives us this (here Hólar has been 
changed to dative case Hólum).

Probably you'll find a small sign by the driveway to the farm at the 
main road with the farm name, thats about it for signage in rural areas.

Þann 30.08.2016 13:44, Oleksiy Muzalyev reit:

I never saw this type of addressing on an envelope. It is interesting
because the system with the street name signs and the house number
plaques is very expensive, requires a lot of service, dedicated
lightning, etc.

Here is this place on the OSM map:

It took just several seconds to find it (even without knowledge of the
Icelandic language).

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Re: [OSM-talk] Forum admin(s) wanted

2016-08-16 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson

Þann 16.08.2016 00:24, Nicolás Alvarez reit:

2016-08-15 21:13 GMT-03:00 Daniel Koć :
If we have no current backup available, I think it would be good to 
have a
script harvesting all the entries even just via plain HTML, with 
date, username and user id, so we could recreate it more or less on 
the new
server. Old backup may have some value, but most of the time fresh 

is what really matters. is already doing this HTML backup.

With access to forums you only see after login?

As for "no panic" then we've got several projects cooking in Iceland 
after a beneficial annual meeting but we've not launched them yet 
because we don't want to fragment any more than strictly needed so the 
forum issue has been plaguing us. We could set up our own forum and go 
from there but that is counter-productive in the long run.

We would like the matter to be resolved shortly, pumping up enthusiasm 
and belief in projects is hard work and harder when the organizational 
tools we wanted to adhere to are broken (in this case in a logistical 
more than technical way).


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Re: [OSM-talk] Can we utilise the popularity of Pokémon Go for OSM?

2016-07-14 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
We have avoided PokeStops and Gyms being added to OSM in Iceland by 
releasing a crowd sourced Google Map instead (not original by us but we 
now point people to it and I've been adding some there myself). The game 
hasn't been released yet officially in Iceland but that hasn't been an 
issue for the thousands playing it.

The Icelandic Pokémon map:

Þann 14.07.2016 12:10, Philip Barnes reit:

I have already reverted some poke stops and gyms, and that was before
it was released. Now its been released,,today in the UK,  we need to
watch for this type of edit.

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Re: [OSM-talk] Can we utilise the popularity of Pokémon Go for OSM?

2016-07-14 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
I've wondered about it but doubt it. The Pokémon Go app needs to be in 
the foreground to work whilst we would want them to swap over to 
(ease of use), Vespucci, OsmAnd or other app editors on occassions.

Best bet would maybe be some Field Papers thing?


Þann 14.07.2016 11:46, Svavar Kjarrval reit:


Now that Pokémon Go[1] is gaining popularity, people in general will
spend more time outside walking around with their phone in hand (and
some with mobile USB chargers). I'm wondering if there might be
opportunities for OpenStreetMap to utilise that activity to encourage
the gamers to collect (non-infringing) data for OSM while they're
playing the game anyway.

I'm not claiming I have any specific ideas at this point. Just wanted 

bring this point forward.


With regards,
Svavar Kjarrval

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Re: [OSM-talk] What3words

2016-07-12 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
ve in. I believe w3w whilst
being a poor choice is a workable choice. And it may be a great choice
for the country if it works for them. If the country asked me, I would
not have recommended w3w, but dont hold it against them! Just like
using closed data, or proprietary software is a poor choice, it does
actually work. Microsoft or Esri products actually work pretty well!
(and so do their better FOSS alternatives of course). I do reserve my
vitriol to protect open data and open source, as this protects this
OSM community and foundation and what I think we stand for. Mongolia,
I believe made a good choice in their eyes for their country.

I hope this helps the perplexity, if there is genuine perplexity. Many
people do not understand the issues, and that's okay, and I want to
help people understand things if they are open to learn. And i hope
this helps understand some of the issues why people disagree with the
project if there is a genuine need to learn about some of these. I
want to help people empathise with others, to put themselves in their
opponents shoes and see that they are not actually opponents after
all!. I suspect the reality in many people's cases with controversial
subjects it is a mixture :)

best regards,


On 12 July 2016 at 12:12, Heather Leson <> wrote:

Well, slightly off-topic but I am often perplexed by the vitriol in OSM. I
even shudder to post this statement because the environment has shown itself
to be hard.

Maybe we can have conversations at SOTM about how to turn this tide in a
collaborative way.


Heather Leson
Twitter/skype: HeatherLeson

On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 2:04 PM, Jóhannes Birgir Jensson <>

I don't know if they are using the English version in Mongolia but I doubt
it. You can already swap to 8 other languages on their website (top right

I did discuss Icelandic with Mapillary and they looked into available word
sets and concluded that it was more than sufficient to make Iceland itself
work in an Icelandic w3w implementation.

The circle-jerk is strong here about w3w, they have a human readable
solution for GPS-coordinates (which OPL isn't sadly), they've pledged to
offer the source code if their business goes belly-up and seem to doing a
lot of good things. I'm slightly perplexed at the extent of vitriol they
suffer here.


Þann 12.07.2016 08:11, Janko Mihelić reit:

So they are using the english version? What good does that do to the
local people? It would be easier to learn the GPS coordinates.


uto, 12. srp 2016. u 09:47 Steve Doerr <>
napisao je:

On 12/07/2016 00:23, Dave F wrote:

This system [...] doesn't work in the real world.

It's apparently used in Mongolia as of this month. So the proof of
pudding . . .


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Re: [OSM-talk] What3words

2016-07-12 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
I don't know if they are using the English version in Mongolia but I 
doubt it. You can already swap to 8 other languages on their website 
(top right option).

I did discuss Icelandic with Mapillary and they looked into available 
word sets and concluded that it was more than sufficient to make Iceland 
itself work in an Icelandic w3w implementation.

The circle-jerk is strong here about w3w, they have a human readable 
solution for GPS-coordinates (which OPL isn't sadly), they've pledged to 
offer the source code if their business goes belly-up and seem to doing 
a lot of good things. I'm slightly perplexed at the extent of vitriol 
they suffer here.


Þann 12.07.2016 08:11, Janko Mihelić reit:

So they are using the english version? What good does that do to the
local people? It would be easier to learn the GPS coordinates.


uto, 12. srp 2016. u 09:47 Steve Doerr 
napisao je:

On 12/07/2016 00:23, Dave F wrote:

This system [...] doesn't work in the real world.

It's apparently used in Mongolia as of this month. So the proof of
pudding . . .


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Re: [Talk-is] Hvernig fá betri nákvæmni með GPS (tiltölulega ódýrt)

2016-07-10 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
Ég er með Garmin Virb Elite, action cam með Garmin GPS innbyggðu 
(munurinn á Virb og Virb Elite er GPSið). Það gefur mér GPX skrá (ef ég 
er að nota video) eða GPS-taggaðar ljósmyndir (ef ekki video).

Það er hægt að tengja það við gemsann en eiginlega bara í þá átt að 
síminn stjórni myndavélinni. Mér gefst best að fara nógu hægt bara, 15 
km á hjólinu er að skila fínum punktum sýnist mér.

Það er til listi yfir sér GPS-tæki á

Þann 10.7.2016 23:12, skrifaði Morten Lange:


Hvernig er best að auka nákvæmni þegar maður fer eftir slóða og stiga sem maður 
vill bæta inn á OSM, gefið að maður ætlar ekki að gerast atvinnumaður í þessu 
og ætlar að nota hagkvæm tæki ?

Mér dettur í hug :

* Biða eftir "fix"
* Færa sér hægt eftir leiðinni og athuga hvað tækið segir um nákvæmni ef 
sérstaklega mikilvægt er að hafa punktana nákvæma, eða maður er milli húsa, í 
þröngum dal eða undir tré.

* Fá sér tæki sem maður getur fest efst á bakpoka eða álíka, og er nákvæmri en GPS í 
síma. Sér GPS tæki eða "hjálpartæki" fyrir síma/spjaldtölvu/tölvu

Hefur einhver hér reynslu af blátannatengd aukatæki / viðtæki ?

Til dæmis þessi :
Portable GPS Receiver GPS Comparison
Portable GPS Receiver GPS Comparison
Compare Leading Portable GPS Bluetooth Puck Receiver Units from Dual, Bad Elf, 
and Garmin.
View on Preview by Yahoo


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Re: [OSM-talk] MAPS.ME edits - partly sub-standard

2016-06-20 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
I've been using myself and find it easy to add shops - although 
I'm missing many presets (I change them when I come home to the right 
one but other users will not do that generally). was perfect for one activity that is usually painful - updating 
shops inside Iceland's largest mall. Several had shut down and others 
opened and updating it as I walked past each one in was very 
easy to do - for those that had shut down I modified the name to make it 
clear and then deleted node at home.

It would be nice if there was a power-user setting on it - perhaps 
unlockable elsewhere (or based on edit # in OSM or something using editors) so novice users can't wreak more havoc.

Þann 20.6.2016 21:49, skrifaði Andrew Harvey:

On 20 June 2016 at 22:48, Oleksiy Muzalyev  wrote: editor has got the principal difference from other editors, - it can be 
used without an active Internet connection.

I've been editing in JOSM for years and just started editing with, and the fact that it's very fast and easy to make the edit is
the main reason I have. If I walk past a shop, it's very easy to add
it straight through the app, vs making a note and then spending time
back home converting that note into mapping in JOSM.

The down side of course is that the data isn't updated very
frequently so I might be duplicating data which has been added after last generated the data extracts, or potentially already in
OSM but wasn't rendering it (so I thought it didn't exist). I
think this is something should address that if it finds a
similar tag nearby which was created at a time after your local
offline data and if so let you know about it before uploading.

It's also frustrating that I can't add key=value tags, as an expert
user this would be a handy option.

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Re: [OSM-talk] MAPS.ME edits - partly sub-standard

2016-06-17 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
The reply from was "We plan to add multi-lingual names in one of 
our future releases, we’ll think about your suggestion."

No timescale given. The reason for why "people are suddenly waking up" 
is because we are getting lots of edits now - that was not the case 
before - at least not in our area. Perhaps these are just very dedicated 
Chinese mappers that have suddenly arrived in Europe or the app has 
gained more traction and so more tourists are using it.

Example: (Russian?) tourist using name fields to write English descriptions.


I'm thinking of the need to make some sort of a watch bot that keeps the 
correct names of places and warns if the names are changed (translations 
added or descriptions put in) - Data Quality Assurance is becoming a 
bigger and bigger issue in OSM where before Data Entry was sorely needed 
(and still is in many places).


Þann 17.6.2016 20:44, skrifaði Simon Poole:

Am 17.06.2016 um 19:30 schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:

I hope they are acting fast,

This is a months old, non-news, story at this point in time with the 
initial burst of bad edits way back, the only interesting aspect is 
why people suddenly seem to have woken up now.

Naturally the Chinese name issue is in the 
end simply a bug, the other, conceptual, problems are more serious.


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Re: [OSM-talk] MAPS.ME edits - partly sub-standard

2016-06-17 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
I've contacted about this issue as we are cleaning up where people are 
adding English and Chinese names to the name field in Iceland.
I've suggested they have 3 name fields - name, name:en and a name:?? which is 
chosen by user in preferences (at install). They have acknowledged it but made 
no promises on how they will handle it.
This app is giving us an added editor manpower but we might need to help them 
to make the tool more useful - with more and clearer presets being one issue.

 Upphafleg skilaboð 
Frá: Martin Koppenhoefer  
Dagsetning: 17/06/2016  15:52  (GMT+00:00) 
Til: osm  
Efni: [OSM-talk] MAPS.ME edits - partly sub-standard 

Apparently, the most popular open map app for mobile, has gained some 
editing functions recently. While this is great news (millions of new mappers), 
it also bears some potential for trouble, as these new mappers often don't seem 
to be familiar with OSM tagging.

In the past weeks there have been several complaints on the Italian mailing 
list (leading to reverts), and I am sure, elsewhere you will find similar 

One example:

The mapper added chinese names right into the name tag, but as this is a place 
in Italy, these should rather be in Italian.

Also the changeset comment seems to be autogenerated, what is not the worst of 
all possibilities, but it also isn't the best (there's no gain in information 
as to WHY an edit was performed, it contains only information WHAT was done, 
something you already see by looking at the changeset itself).

See also here:

As it happens, I'm a user as well and have had a look at the new 
function. Maybe I haven't found it, but there are only very few informations 
(tags) from OSM on the actual objects (naturally, because they have to save on 
precious device space), and the level of zoom is limited (e.g. I couldn't zoom 
in to see all housenumbers, some of them have been omitted and this will 
inevitably lead to lots of newly created duplicates).

From my point of view, even as an experienced OSM mapper, it is currently 
almost impossible to make meaningful edits (in well mapped areas) with this 
app, because of the missing data. 


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[Talk-is] Duglegir útlendingar

2016-06-16 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
Útlendingar hafa verið duglegir að setja inn gögn á OSM núna nýlega með appinu sem er stórfínt.

Appið er því miður ekki með stuðning við mörg tungumál þannig að 
viðkomandi bætir bara eigin þýðingu við nafnið, tli dæmis eins og 
gerðist hér: þar sem 
einhverjir 16 eigindi fengu kínverska viðbót við nafnið sitt.

Ég lagaði þetta en næ líklega ekki öllu þannig að ef þið getið gluggað á 
ykkar áhugasvæði og tékkað á því hvort að heitin séu eitthvað að 
breytast þá væri það frábært.

Ég er búinn að hafa samband við og biðja þá um að styðja amk 3 
tungumál fyrir nöfn (name, name:en og svo name:(valið af appnotanda)) en 
á eftir að fá svör.

Þetta kallar líklega á einhvers konar eftirlitstól sem við byggjum til 
og færi yfir nöfn á Íslandi.


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Re: [OSM-talk] Duplicate house numbers

2016-05-29 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
This is an import as we can see on the history of one of the nodes:

Notice in some cases the same housenumbers are valid! Based on the 
aerial images this is not the case here as the cadaster import seems to 
be for the building footprint, the lot footprint and boundary(?) or 
maybe this was originally planned as 3 different lots. This looks like a 
manual cleanup operation.

A real world example of buildings having the same number because someone 
somewhere said it was ok: Dalvegur 18 (two different buildings with 
different businesses)


Þann 29.5.2016 23:13, skrifaði john whelan:

I came across these locally whilst looking in JOSM for something else.

Is there a tool to look for duplicate house numbers that are very close?

I suspect an import of some type but more importantly is the problem 
of cleaning up.

They have the same values for

though slightly different positions.  I suspect this might be a 
general problem within OSM not just in Ottawa which is why I thought 
to ask the question here.

Thanks John

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[Talk-is] Minni á aðalfundinn á mánudaginn

2016-05-27 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
Núna á mánudaginn eftir helgi, 30. maí 2016 - heldur Hliðskjálf - 
móðurfélag OpenStreetMap á Íslandi, aðalfund sinn í Hamraborg, Kópavogi.

Fundarsalurinn er á neðstu hæð Bókasafns Kópavogs. Fyrir utan húsið 
stoppa leiðir 1, 2, 4, 28 og 35 og ágætis hjólaleiðir eru þangað. 
Bílastæði eru í fríu bílastæðahúsi við Molann, á plani milli Bókasafns 
og Kópavogskirkju og upp að kirkjunni sjálfri.

Sjá einnig á fundarboðinu á vef okkar:

Öllum er frjálst að koma og taka þátt í fundi og starfi.


Jóhannes formaður

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[Talk-is] Uppfærðar loftmyndir

2016-04-21 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
MapBox hefur uppfært loftmyndir af Suðurnesjum og Akureyri þannig að nú 
er hægt að missa sig í að teikna þar.

Garð, Sandgerði og Grindavík vantaði algjörlega loftmyndir sem og stóran 
hluta Keflavíkur.

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Re: [OSM-talk] What3words

2015-11-22 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson

I see many merits in What3Words solution.

I don't think it should be incorporated into OSM en-masse but a place 
adding its address:what3words=pull.donkey.cart should be fine in my 
view, just like them adding phone= and even the disappearing fax=

Þann 22.11.2015 18:08, skrifaði Peter Gervai:

On Sun, Nov 22, 2015 at 2:01 PM,  wrote:

On 22/11/2015 12:51, Colin Smale wrote:
...and once again, as seems to be the norm in OSM, any minority interest
which is not supported by the oligarchy gets mercilessly shot down.
... except it's not _just_ the "oligarchy", is it?  No-one on this list
seems to have a good word for the original idea.

And even many of the the lurkers don't. Central repository is bad for

Actually I'm impressed by Google's attempt called open-location-code,
it's actually pretty
useful, completely open and doesn't require a central authority. Kind
of no-brainer including
their already provided javascript on a page, and the hierarchical
approach is really neat.


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Re: [OSM-talk] A message to our friends at HOT, Peace Corps etc. about Changeset Comments

2015-11-19 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson

HOT uses the OSM database/platform and therefore it has to adapt and
follow OSM's rules. Nobody forces you to use OSM. Why don't you do
something like OpenHistoricalMap and use your own database basrd on
OSM software?

There are no rules for changeset comments. They are an optional feature, 
the number of empty comments each day is substantial yet I don't see 
them being advocated for removal.

A mapper should be able to get an idea what has been edited at a given
changeset without decrypting the changeset comment using an external
service (HOT tasking manager in this case). Who guarantees that HOT
tasking manager will still be online in 5 or 10 years?

This feature already exists on the OSM website, looking at changesets.

I have no problem with an entry in ANY language. Wolf, French etc etc. 
I probably won't understand it directly ... but I can use a web based 

No you probably will not be able to use a web based translator for the 
majority of languages. Setswana is the primary language of around 6 
million people in South Africa and Botswana (official language) and 
secondary of maybe 8 million more. There is no online translator for it. 
Those that have gotten used to Google Translate will be shocked to find 
out the number and size of many languages missing from it, nevermind the 
quality of automatic translations.

The number of hashtags in the comment might be getting a bit too much 

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Re: [OSM-talk] A message to our friends at HOT, Peace Corps etc. about Changeset Comments

2015-11-19 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson

Þann 19.11.2015 14:14, Christoph Hormann reit:

And if on i read:

"Please draw one large area outline around groups of buildings and tag
them landuse=residential"

that is in violation of one of the core principles of OSM, namely to 

reality, what's on the ground.  It instructs mappers to map something
that does not exist in reality based on abstract geometric
considerations and to give it a tag that is meant for something

What do you mean Cristoph? This is a long held convention to mark out 
residential areas. It also makes it easier to find areas which need more 
mapping at a later date. I've personally used this before in Botswana, 
unrelated to HOT.

HOT is a subset of contributors to OSM and are producing valueable data 
in areas which usually have nothing comparable. The antagonism visible 
here is astonishing.

The comments are still optional, they are not a rule as some have 
wrongfully declared. The most notable part in the antagonist comments 
were "I me myself and I" types, where YOU did not like to X and Y.

The contents of changesets can still be discerned, looking at one of the 
changesets whose comments Mr. Ramm was aghast over, the OSM website 
tells us what it contained:

Here we see ways added included a water and lots of roads, plus two 
relations which were wood. Nothing complicated used here to ascertain 
what the changeset did.

This sort of pent up anger over nothing is self-defeating. I watch over 
changesets in 3 countries with daily activity (even if not thousands 
each day), if it is a new name mapping I will take a look at what was 
done. If it looks like a competent mapper I'll probably not bother more 
in overlooking their changesets. On occasions I do find mappers that are 
testing (a complete race track in the highlands of Iceland was a notable 
example), I fix the error introduced and friendly advice them on how to 

Depending on changeset comments as a Vital Cog In Operation Of 
OpenStreetMap is futile when we have the actual data of what was done 
already visible and prominent. They are a nice feature, can be helpful 
but I will be checking a changeset from a new user regardless of the 
comment, that racetrack had a no comment or "added a road" on it if I 

Yes please use a good changeset comment if you can. No it is not a rule. 
Stop trying to make trouble because of a comment you don't like.


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Re: [OSM-talk] Seek support for worldwide mapathon on Dec 3rd for places accessibility

2015-11-18 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson

We'll see what we can do in Iceland.

Þann 18.11.2015 12:30, Holger Dieterich reit:

Dear fellow OSM members,

I'm the cofounder of [1] and want to ask for your
advice and support for a mapathon we are planning.

The worldwide mapathon #MapMyDay will take place on December 3 and the
goal is to mark as many wheelchair accessible places as possible. The
World Health Organization (WHO) and other UN agencies, are cooperating
with Sozialhelden, the makers of Wheelmap and calling upon people
around the world to mark the accessibility of places they come to
during the day.
More at [2]

Any feedback and advice is appreciated, we want to involve a lot of
people in December. Also, it would be great if you help spread the



Holger Dieterich

c/o Immobilien Scout GmbH, Andreasstraße 10, 10243 Berlin

Chairman / Vorstand

Web: [3]

SOZIALHELDEN @ facebook [4] - twitter [5] - flickr [6] - YouTube [7] - [8]

GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG


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Re: [OSM-talk] New OSM Carto: White Roads & Road Widths

2015-11-03 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson

Þann 03.11.2015 12:46, Christoph Hormann reit:
This is a lot of material to review but it is highly recommended to 

through that before you make specific suggestions for changes because
otherwise you are very likely to frustrate those who participated in
those previous discussions by bringing ideas and arguments that have
been covered in depth previously.

As an active participant in the discussion (mostly advocating for 
tertiary to be colored) I have to say that "in depth" doesn't really 
describe how the decision was taken regarding tertiary color. The answer 
to that was basically "just because".

Some of these changes were purely arbitrary, not based on a deep 
scientific study, data crunching or otherwise scientific methods. 
Arbitrary changes really need to prove themselves, and so far this one 
at least hasn't (expanding width and decoloring tertiary).

--Jói / Stalfur

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Re: [OSM-talk] New OSM Carto: White Roads & Road Widths

2015-11-03 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson

Þann 03.11.2015 14:08, Christoph Hormann reit:

On Tuesday 03 November 2015, Jóhannes Birgir Jensson wrote:

As an active participant in the discussion (mostly advocating for
tertiary to be colored) I have to say that "in depth" doesn't really
describe how the decision was taken regarding tertiary color. The
answer to that was basically "just because".

That is not correct, Mateusz put quite some time into trying different
alternatives for tertiary roads and there was plenty of opportunity for
all interested parties to participate in discussion with suggestions
and arguments.  You might disagree with the outcome but in this
particular point you can hardly say it was not covered in depth.

Several alternatives were proposed. They were disregarded without an 
exact reason other than "doesn't work for me".


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Re: [OSM-talk] Activity statistics per city (or region)

2015-10-27 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson

Þann 27.10.2015 07:09, Paul Norman reit:

On 10/26/2015 8:24 AM, Fabian Schmidt wrote:
It is rare but there are users who renamed their account, so there are 
more user names than numeric user ids.

No. Although users have renamed their account, this doesn't increase
the number of user names, it changes one of them.

Additionally, user IDs are a PostgreSQL serial so there can be gaps,
and spam users are sometimes completely deleted.

I'm guessing he meant that there are more user names in the changelogs 
than actually exist, if you are parsing changelogs over several time 
periods. I'm guessing the user name change is reflected instantly in the 
changelog after renaming.

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Re: [OSM-talk] open question about boundaries sharing nodes with ways or nodes

2015-10-14 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
It's not that simple. I work in an government agency and the issue of 
boundaries rises often, both for public and private issues.

Iceland is an advanced nation regarding technology adaption. However 
boundaries are not all clearly defined as GIS vectors and many of them 
are disputed.

There are many natural reserve areas, some small and some large - yet we 
do not have definite and GPS accurate definitions of them available yet. 
Most of them are based upon text descriptions of areas that were defined 
previously for another purpose. Travelling the country and documenting 
place names has proven to be an interesting experience - a survey was 
done earlier this century.

A common scenario is the definition of where two estates are adjacent to 
each other. The legal document defines the boundary as lying between 
place names #1 and #2, from where a direct line through to #3 and 
followed by the middle of a river. Not a single GPS point in that. Then 
we go to find where the place names are, it should be easy right? Not 
really, the new residents are unsure of where place name #1 is, it could 
possibly be that tiny hillock amongst many, or it could be the one 3 
hillocks over, next to the flat rock. So we already are unsure of our 
starting point, and each point has similar issues. Sometimes the place 
is defined as 50 paces from another place and then the measurement 
sticks used originally have been found and found wanting or being larger 
than they should...

A flash flood from a glacier melting changes the river regularly, 
shifting it faster around than in more stable geographical areas. And 
look at that, a volcano has just created a new lava field, which changed 
the course of a river by the virtue of completely closing off its 
previous path (Wikipedia: Nornahraun and Holuhraun and the river Jökulsá 
á Fjöllum).

There have been court battles and disputes all over the country and 
municipalities also have disputes, some based on these textual 
descriptions of places no one knows where are or where the features have 
shifted several times over since the original line was drawn in the 
unknown place.

So the government will tell you that the boundary is between these place 
names, and isn't always able to tell you if these place names are at the 
same spot as they originally were. There is work ongoing of converting 
these into GPS co-ordinates but that could have to go through courts in 
some cases.

So the government doesn't always have the definite answer via GPS 

Þann 14.10.2015 11:43, Colin Smale reit:

Well, although it is definitely not unknown, I think it probably is
fair to call it rare in the grand scheme of things... The vast
majority of administrative boundaries in the world are not disputed,
and the ones that are, are more likely to be the national borders
(admin_level=2) than internal provincial or municipal boundaries, of
which there are many, many more.

On 2015-10-14 13:35, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

sent from a phone

Am 14.10.2015 um 12:27 schrieb Colin Smale

The boundary is where the government says it is...

yes, but the governments of adjoining states having different ideas
about this is also not rare.


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Re: [OSM-talk] Innovative uses of OSM data in cities?

2015-08-29 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
OpenFireMap and Sochi for example, Sochi Fire Department has used 
OpenFireMap as their reference for a number of years, even before Sochi.

Þann 29.8.2015 15:39, skrifaði Jo Walsh:

dear all,

Next week I'm giving a talk about OSM and the work of the DWG to a group
of mostly academics who are interested in Smart Cities and being fairly
critical about Urban Big Data.

I wanted to show a few examples of innovative uses of the data, or
things that can only have come about because so much of the base map is
there. and the related 3D work would be one example. Another
is some of Alasdair Rae's work visualising urban footprints:
And for something different, the OSM based clothing from

But I am interested in other examples of novel uses of OSM data, any
suggestions from the list would be welcome.


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Re: [OSM-talk] The Proposed Great Colour Shift

2015-08-20 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson

Þann 20.8.2015 18:36, skrifaði Frederik Ramm:
Your use case of easily recognizable tertiary road in sparsely 
populated regions is valid, but perhaps it is niche enough to 
accept that it need to be served by the main map style.

I'm fairly certain that the rural regions of the world are not a niche 
but where we are sorely lacking in data and where our growth in Africa 
(for example) will come. Having done data quality checks on settlements 
of the world thousands of them are still just a name on the map with no 
road connections and there tertiary roads will be needed to go.

I'm not averse to red/yellow taking over personally but the expense is 
too great for me at the moment. We need to find a way to make tertiary 
still recognizable.


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[OSM-talk] The Proposed Great Colour Shift

2015-08-19 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
For those that did not check on Mateusz Konieczny diary entries[1], 
postings to this mailing list and github discussions then the Proposed 
Great Colour Shift might come as a surprise if it is implemented.

According to the github discussion there is an overwhelming consensus 
[2] on moving from current rainbow colour scheme for roads to a 
red-yellow only scheme. I am unsure of where this overwhelming consensus 
formed because I never saw it on this mailing list nor on talk-dev nor 
on announcements, I admit to be an infrequent IRC user but I didn't see 
this overwhelming consensus there and so far no one has been able to 
tell me where it formed or where I can find it.

The design goal seems straight forward, to discontinue green and blue 
for roads and move to red and reddish. For this to happen the decision 
was made to shift current primary, secondary and tertiary colours 
upwards so primary is now the colour of secondary and secondary the 
colour of tertiary. Leaving tertiary white.

Tertiary instead gets to be wider than residential and unclassified 
roads, but to be able to spot that you need to have it next to them to 
see which is the wider one.

This one simple change of bleaching tertiary however is something I find 
to be a great hindrance to mapping efforts, particularly in rural areas 
where the roads are isolated and panning over the map, wether in iD or 
using default tiles. Currently it is easy to spot tertiary roads snaking 
through valleys and over vast desert plains, they are yellow and the non 
tertiary roads are white. Tertiary is significant there as it denotes 
the roads between the villages and towns that are often unpaved but 
still the most important, even the only, road. Lesser white colours 
imply the roads not being between larger settlements although they could 
lead to hamlets. The guidelines for mapping in Africa state thus.

Removing the colour from tertiary makes all mapping that much harder to 
verify and quality check. Currently it is easy to see if a tertiary road 
is broken with a white unclassified bridge, not so in the proposed Great 
Colour Shift.

Mateusz has been forthcoming with all changes and done sterling work in 
displaying different areas and how they will look. But he acknowledges 
that this change is not beneficial everywhere on the map and now has a 

Among potential problems are that it is now harder to recognise road 
type of given road, especially in situation where there is no 
possibility to compare it with other road types.

Such significant change will be confusing for current users of this style.
UK color coding of roads is well known for many people, for them a new 
style - even assuming that it would be intuitive for them - will be less 

The question really arises if this change is beneficial or not for the 
project. Many hours have gone into it and doing CartoCSS on all these 
zoom levels is not trivial. But this is a major shift on the front page 
of our website, a blow to those who use the default tiles through uMap 
or similarly and depend on the UK rainbow road style and makes life 
harder for mappers to visually confirm the type of road.

Should this be a new, alternative style instead?


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Re: [Talk-is] Tillaga að nýjum götulitum

2015-08-12 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson

Þann 12.08.2015 12:43, Thorir Jonsson reit:

Þetta lítur vel út. Þetta er fyrir Mapnik renderinguna á
[5] er það ekki?

Þetta er ekki að okkar undirlagi en er fyrir Mapnik (nú CartoCSS) 
renderingu á sem notar beint.

Ef þið eru að gera breytingar á því væri gaman að sjá
renderingu á aeroway=marking líka. Ég er búinn að vera að gera
smá tilrauna verkefni með að nýta OpenStreetmap í vinnunni (hjá
Tern Systems - [6]) og til prufu bætti ég inn taginu
aeroway=marking til að geta kortlagt merkingar á flug- og akbrautum
á flugvöllum. Ég notaði Reykjavíkur flugvöll til að prófa
þetta og það væri gaman að sjá hvernig þetta kæmi út í
Mapnik renderingu.

Frábært að fá þetta sjónarhorn, það liggur fyrir tillaga um að sýna 
minni flugvelli ekki jafn snemma og nú er gert (grasbalar birtast jafn 
stórir og alþjóðaflugvellir) samkvæmt þessu:

Varðandi það að sýna merkingar þá er það eitthvað sem mætti senda inn 
sem pull request, einhverjir CSS snillingar sem vilja kíkja á CartoCSS.

Ég sjálfur var að prófa að nota OSM tengt vinnunni, og því er nú hægt að 
skoða klósettlosunarstaði á landinu


Talk-is mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Marking tight corners

2015-07-29 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
Sounds like might 
be of interest to you.

Not yet seen uptake.

Þann 29.7.2015 19:45, skrifaði Subhodip Biswas:


On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 2:34 PM, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:

Geometry of road is already providing this information, there is
probably no need to duplicate this in tags.

Thanks, will it be possible provide a link to the wiki that explains 
geometry of the road. Also if not a problem is it possible to attach 
angle/decreasing/increasing nature of the corner? Sorry if I missed 

On Wed, 29 Jul 2015 14:11:50 -0500
Subhodip Biswas wrote:


 I was wondering if there is some tags or is it possible to create
 some tags that marks tight corners.

 The reason is as a motorcyclist I may want to know the danger ahead
 spoken to me through a navigation app (e.g. navmii).  Even in well
 marked area like in the US it is not always possible to see the the
 corner up ahead and the posted speed limit for it (debatable).

 Subhodip Biswas
 I contributed to OSM long time back and went into a hiatus.

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Subhodip Biswas

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Re: [OSM-talk] Tagging concert / music hall

2015-07-20 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson

Hello Peter.

I found this same issue 2 years ago, when tagging Salurinn

We achieve this by using the correct tag, in this case 
amenity=music_hall (both classical and smaller pop concerts are played 
there). There is no ultimate judge, use it and it becomes a standard.

--Jói / Stalfur

Þann 20.7.2015 17:39, skrifaði Peter vd Kamp:
I tried to tag two music halls in my hometown Haarlem, The 
Netherlands. I was surprised that I couldn't find a tag 'concert hall' 
or 'music hall'. I found this help question:
The solution suggested there is to use 'theatre' for concert hall and 
nightclub for smaller concert halls.

In the Dutch language a theatre is something completely different than 
a concert hall: theatre is used for buildings where you can look at 
plays, cabaret, comedies. Concert hall is used for buildings where you 
can listen to classical music (e.g. Concertgebouw, Amsterdam). Music 
hall is used for buildings where you can listen to e.g. rock concerts 
or new, promising bands (e.g. Heineken Music Hall (HMH), Ziggo Dome 
(ZD), both in Amsterdam). A nightclub is associated with an intimate 
atmosphere where 'easy listening' or jazz music is played, with a 
limited number of visitors. HMH and ZD absolutely do not fit into this 
definition, they are now both tagged with theatre, which I consider 
wrong. So I'm strongly in favour of having appropriate tags for the 
before mentioned buildings: concert hall and music hall. How can this 
be achieved?

Peter van der Kamp

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Re: [OSM-talk] Looking for well mapped rural area and well mapped town/city

2015-07-20 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson

Rossleben is hard to beat.

I do have two more examples though:

Húsavík, small rural town in Iceland, plenty of landuse, a river, paths

Smárar neigborhood in larger town Kópavogur in Iceland, landuse, roads, 
paths, sport fields, public and private parking and more

Bokspits, a border town in Botswana, paths and gates and fences 
(probably trumped by Rossleben) plus an airport and border control. All 
links to other towns (similarly mapped and rural) are via at least 
Tertiary roads - as is most of Botswana that has been mapped so far.

Personally I have not seen your suggestions as improvements on current 
map style so far, perhaps I'm just too used to the current Primary, 
Secondary and Tertiary colors, all of which we use as accurately as 
possible in urban Iceland.

Þann 20.7.2015 10:56, skrifaði Marcos Oliveira:

Check out Rossleben [1] in Germany.

Every tree, gate, powerline and even every road area is mapped to 

[1] -

Em 20/07/2015 11:49, Nick Whitelegg escreveu:

Hello Mateusz,

Sorry for the incomplete message, using Outlook web client at work
and it has some completely eccentric shortcuts, like Control-V
sending a message rather than doing a paste... what a stupid idea.

Anyway the area I was trying to send you was


From: Mateusz Konieczny
Sent: 20 July 2015 11:04
Subject: [OSM-talk] Looking for well mapped rural area and well
mapped  town/city

I am looking for well mapped rural area. I located some places but all
are either missing major features (like part of landuse) or quality of
mapping (especially landuses) is poor.

I am interested in places mapped better than my current test locations - Czech
republic - area
between Malmo and Ystad - Slovakia - Czech
republic - Netherlands - rural area
where highway=footway are important (UK)

Also, is anybody aware about well mapped town/city with surroundings?
I would expect mapped landuses and buildings, with
highway=residential/unclassified/track used correctly.

I am looking for town/city without highway=unclassified used for all
roads in town, without highway=residential linking villages, without
track used instead of surface=unpaved and without roads linking
settlements turning into highway=residential within villages/towns
(also, without other less typical significant mistakes in road

These test locations are used during developing of road style for
Default map style (to test various ideas in multiple varied
locations -
as changes improve situation for some places and make it worse in

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[OSM-talk] 3D help needed

2015-07-05 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson


I'm in touch with a person that added many buildings in Iceland as 3D 
models in Google Earth some years ago. You can find many of them there 
if you type in Kvosin into Google Earth - they look really good.

He is willing to add the 3d models to OSM but neither of us has any 
knowledge on how to go about doing it. He creates the models in Sketchup 
and tried exporting as VRML for OpenBuildingModels but was unsuccesful 
in uploading them, getting undefined as an error.

Is there any 3D specialist out there that can assist us? Currently no 
building in Iceland on OSM has any 3D texturing, we haven't advanced 
past building:levels and roof:shape yet.

If you are knowledgable about the 3D aspects of OSM and willing to help 
us out please contact me.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Some thoughts against remote mapping

2015-06-15 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson

Þann 15.6.2015 10:07, skrifaði Marc Gemis:

On Sat, Jun 13, 2015 at 4:37 PM, Frederik Ramm wrote:

   I'm known for being critical of armchair mapping by people with no
personal connection tho the area being mapped. Whether done for
fun, for
money, or to help, I think that in most cases it is a bad idea
that runs
against the spirit of OSM.

I wonder what you think of holiday-mapping. Does not have this the 
same problems as remote mapping ?
I'm thinking here of e.g. Overlanders that will map campsites and 
other tourist information on a otherwise possibly empty map in Africa 
or Asia.
But I also thought that there are other popular holiday destination in 
e.g. Europe that were mapped by tourists instead a locals.

Do you see this as a problem as well ?
I'm assuming no. I watch changesets in Iceland and we get a fair number 
of tourist changesets, which we welcome (and fix if needed - spelling 

In 2009 Frederik gave an interview to Steve Coast where he said his 
biggest fear was that OSM would go towards elitism - that only certain 
people would be allowed to map. I'm hoping he hasn't changed his mind 
(although that is of course everyones prerogative).

Defining areas to be local and to only be touched by locals and, worse, 
forming their own unique cultural mapping style (buildings are now 
lines, roads are areas etc) that would be incompatible with the rest of 
the map, these things would be a form of elitism, no outsiders allowed.

There is no remote mapper that I know of that believes they can produce 
a better map than a local can, as I've categorized it in my tool then 
mapping is at least a two phase action, one that can be done remotely 
and the other locally. Sharing the remote burden all over the world 
instead of a small local populace, probably with limited internet 
connectivity, hardware and leisure time - to me that can only be a good 

No village left behind.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Some thoughts against remote mapping

2015-06-14 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
I find this point of view to be astounding in its arrogance and indeed 
blatant colonialistic spirit. The noble savages should not be influenced 
by us, the decadent Westerners. A sickening insular attitude that I have 
not found in similar projects like Project Gutenberg and Wikipedia.

When do I stop being a local, when I cross my street, when I cross into 
the next neighborhood, when I cross into the next settlement, next 
region, next country? Where is the limit of local?

There is nothing taken away by remote mapping, indeed what is given is 
very valuable, time and commitment to building a base map upon which it 
is easier for locals to add their own flavour.

I've written some thoughts on this myself, and indeed find this to be an 
opportune time to point at my project Askja, on how to make mapping 
remotely even easier and more focused.

My thoughts are found here:

The TL;DR is, we are building a map of the world and we need more people 
to do more work on more places, remotely or not.

Remote mapping - lets do more

Þann 13.6.2015 14:37, skrifaði Frederik Ramm:


I'm known for being critical of armchair mapping by people with no
personal connection tho the area being mapped. Whether done for fun, for
money, or to help, I think that in most cases it is a bad idea that runs
against the spirit of OSM.

(I'm willing to concede that there are exceptions, and that sometimes
doing something that's against the spirit may still be useful. But these
are individual cases, to be carefully justified, and remote mapping
should never become anyone's standard mode of contribution.)

Until now I thought that the main exception, one that even I would have
to accept, is mapping for humanitarian purposes.

I was all the more surprised - positively surprised - to read this
thoughtful essay by Erica Hagen, who founded Map Kibera:

I'd encourage everyone to read that. It questions some rarely questioned
assumptions; it even says that mapping by locals doesn't really count
if those locals are just doing it for the money (a sentiment that I've
always felt but rarely dared to express, because who can expect locals
in the poorest parts of the world to map for fun like privileged
westerners do?).

It also says that local isn't local if the locals from the wealthy
city map the slum in their midst. I've tended to routinely associate the
call for more diversity in OSM as mainly being one for levelling the
gender playing field but this article goes much further.

In some parts the article echoes a rather more acerbic posting written
last month by Gwilym Eades, a university lecturer in London:

which essentially accused humanitarian mapping (and as I would add, any
remote mapping really) of homogenising, westernising, and colonising
the map.

I don't agree with everything written in these postings but they
certainly deserve some wider audience, and that's why I am writing this
here - since neither author is on these lists and I haven't seen their
messages mentioned or quoted anywhere.

I think the tl;dr of both these postings could be: Whenever you give
someone a map by remote mapping, you also take something away from them.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Some thoughts against remote mapping

2015-06-14 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson

Þann 14.6.2015 12:57, skrifaði Frederik Ramm:


On 06/14/2015 02:12 PM, Jóhannes Birgir Jensson wrote:

I find this point of view to be astounding in its arrogance and indeed
blatant colonialistic spirit.

Harsh words.

In the final paragraph of your blog post, you write:

In addition the locals are not the only people who will need to use a
map. Tourists, passers-by, people moving their goods or offering their
services also need maps of places where they go. Everyone needs a map
even if not everyone wants to make it or use it.

But this is exactly the criticism we're facing - bluntly put:
Westerners need maps of places so they can conquer them by selling
their products and services.
Who said anything about Westerners? Projects like mapping entire 
Botswana and Lesotho is not for HOT issues, acute distress. It is for 
making it easier for the local economies to grow, to use maps like the 
Western world does to great effect.

My words were harsh because the original premise was harsh, that by 
mapping remote places we are colonising them. We are not and to think I 
was referring to Westerners when I referred to who could use the map 
just show that the viewpoint is still misguided.

I'm thinking of the people that take their produce to market, using SMS 
they get prices from places and using offline OSM maps they can plot a 
route to the destination, even if it is in a nearby town they haven't 
been before - it allows them to calculate the travel time so they can 
see if it is cost effective to go a longer route for a small gain in 
sale price. They are using bicycles, scooters or they can band together 
and several of them buy a bigger vehicle that makes it more cost 
effective for several farmers to find a better market.

I've never been to Botswana and I'll probably never go to Botswana and 
I'm not starting a business in Botswana nor am I involved with a company 
doing business there. Once we get enough locals interested and 
contributing I'll gladly stop contributing there and find another area 
that needs a helping hand.

--Remote mapping from 10.000 km away

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Some thoughts against remote mapping

2015-06-14 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
An app developer in Botswana I've been in contact with has made the 
first app made in Botswana that uses OSM, Kabby Cab for the 
entrepreneurial Kabby system (independent mini buses) in Gaborone and 
he's working on expanding it into an app for ordering taxis and more. As 
anyone knows getting something like this off the ground requires willing 
participation from everyone else, but now they have the tools to start 
working towards it.

The app is at

I'll let your insight work on finding out the beneficiaries of such 
locally made apps for local services.

Astounding to have to argue for better maps, simply astonishing. As for 
the blank slate is the only way to get dedicated mapping community 
then we are doing great aren't we? 10 years old and we have millions of 
small active mapping communities... or do we.

Building infrastructure happens in many places, not just for map data 
but also in all the meta data around that data, workflows, feedback and 
more. All things that are being worked on in various ways and many of 
which are designed to give people better feedback and encourage them to 
contribute more. The blank slate has had a decade and its done well in 
many areas, but I for one don't see it as feasible to give it another 
two decades to see if the theory, based on gut feeling, works in the 
rest of the map.


Þann 14.6.2015 18:36, skrifaði Bryce Nesbitt:
On Sun, Jun 14, 2015 at 6:12 AM, Jóhannes Birgir Jensson wrote:

Who said anything about Westerners? Projects like mapping entire
Botswana and Lesotho is not for HOT issues, acute distress. It is
for making it easier for the local economies to grow, to use maps
like the Western world does to great effect.

Do you -- or anyone -- have any evidence at all as to who /reads/ and 
/uses/ the OSM maps in these areas?
Is there any evidence at all it's local people.  Or is it all 
western aid agencies?

Are the OSM maps even in a format that local people or local 
businesspeople find useful?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Can wikidata links help fight name inflation?

2015-05-30 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
I find it odd that inaction, incapability or incompetence of local sign 
installers is a worry for a database of geographical facts, which OSM is.

Some roads are hundreds of miles long, at what interval does it need to 
be signed for it to be considered signed. Beginning and end? Every 100 km?

Some streets have signs that are now obscured by trees and bushes.

On the ground rule is a rule of thumb, not the entirety of factual 
truth. People similarly being lax in making sure their homes conform to 
local rules about address visibility (huge pet peeve of mine since being 
a paper boy in the 1980s) should not hinder us in giving their homes the 
proper address in our database of facts.

If you wish to use on the ground as the only rule then we can just 
forget about the whole thing - defeated by inaction of people that 
should be putting up signs and maintaining them.

As for the name inflation, there is no such thing. Illegal imports maybe 
but name inflation as a problem does not exist. Any talk of too much 
data by adding an extra name field to a node is defeated soundly by any 
3d mapping entity. I've looked at some of the 3D stuff done and it blows 
my mind how detailed and cool it is, then when I peek at the code behind 
it I admit defeat in trying to understand it at a glance as it is an 
intricate series of relations upon relations. A simpler example is Stade 
de France, fantastic stadium - was there myself at 1998 World Cup.

Data bloat can happen, Wikidata is too fragile, we need our own store of 
data (POI extra details, names, translations etc) that can exchange 
material with Wikidata but is under full OSMF control - and not 
controlled by notability deletionists. In 5 years time would we be 
arguing about bloat in OSMData as someone suddenly purges some section 
from it?


--Jói / Stalfur

Þann 30.5.2015 12:22, skrifaði Martin Koppenhoefer:

Am 29.05.2015 um 13:58 schrieb moltonel 3x Combo

That's really neat. How do you know wether a street is signposted or
not ? I don't know of any tag that gives that info.

there are ~600 visible_name
37000 unsigned_ref
518 unsigned
400 signed
161 name:signed
124 name:sign
86 ref:signed
48 unsigned_name
47 ref:unsigned
16 name:signposted

I haven't checked on which kind of objects or which do not refer to highways or 
Very likely I also missed some variants

It seems that for names nobody cares to say whether they are signposted or not 
(or maybe only when the sign is different from the actual name), while for ref 
it seems common practice(?) to use unsigned_ref

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Can wikidata links help fight name inflation?

2015-05-29 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
Single handedly deleting hundreds of name:ru on nodes without an alternative in 
place instantly made map less useful.

 Upphafleg skilaboð 
Frá: SomeoneElse 
Dagsetning: 29/05/2015  07:53  (GMT+00:00) 
Efni: Re: [OSM-talk] Can wikidata links help fight name inflation? 

On 29/05/2015 07:07, Andrew Hain wrote:
 Thank you Dave. As a British mapper I am ashamed that some people want 
 to make the map of my country less useful, and not only to Russian 
 speakers a long way away.

Hang on, where is _anybody_ saying that?  The whole point of the thread 
is about whether it would be possible to use wikidata to make the map 
_more_ useful to people who don't speak a particular language, not 
less.  As I said yesterday:

  It's a perfectly reasonable request for someone to ask can I have a 
map that shows place names displayed in
  my language / alphabet.



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Re: [OSM-talk] Can wikidata links help fight name inflation?

2015-05-28 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson

Þann 28.5.2015 19:43, skrifaði Frederik Ramm:


On 05/28/2015 09:19 PM, Frederik Ramm wrote:

What I would not support in OSM, and like to outsource to Wikidata or
other, is if speakers of these 20 languages were to start assigning name
tags in their language to thousands of places in, say, the UK.

*Especially* if their reasoning was that this makes it nicer for them to
run a tank through these places in their own-language war simulation
with their buddies.
Disclaimer, I own some of the tanks that might run through some of the 
places. As any consumer I've been critical of their work and loved and 
hated it with equal passion, depending on what they did in the last 
patch release.

Having said that the one nice thing about open projects is the added 
value people put into them and get out of them for a myriad of reasons. 
A gaming company adding information (yes it is information) to the map 
can be beneficial to another consumer, for example a Russian style 
TripAdvisor or something completely different.

Is a gaming company not worthy of adding information? Again a matter of 
where do you draw the line. They are not inventing new towns or places, 
they are not creating battlefields. Do we now require each contributor 
to disclose the reason for why they are adding information to the map?

This revert and discussions about it should not become too specific to 
the contributor whose work was reverted. These edits and reverts point 
at a vital issue as we try to grow the map in areas where hundreds of 
languages suddenly eye the ability to get maps in their own languages 
using the OSM data and tools that exist for it. I propose the OSMF 
tackle these two questions, who should be able to add information to the 
map and what do we do about languages and where are the limits.

--Jói / Stalfur

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Can wikidata links help fight name inflation?

2015-05-28 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson

Þann 28.5.2015 19:19, skrifaði Frederik Ramm:
What I would not support in OSM, and like to outsource to Wikidata or 
other, is if speakers of these 20 languages were to start assigning 
name tags in their language to thousands of places in, say, the UK. 
Bye Frederik 

Where do you draw the limit? name:en is on thousands of nodes but in 
many of these places it is not an official or even a minority language 
but an extra language. Should languages with over 1 billion (native and 
non-native) speakers be allowed to put name:xx all over the world. 500m? 
10m? 10 thousand?

--Jói / Stalfur

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Can wikidata links help fight name inflation?

2015-05-28 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson

Þann 28.5.2015 15:38, skrifaði Andrew Guertin:
While your exact words here aren't wrong, I think you're severely 
underestimating what objects have names in what languages. Russia and 
the UK are major world powers that have had a lot of interaction as 
both allies and enemies, economically, militarily, and culturally, and 
there are tens to hundreds of thousands of people who were born in 
Russia living in the UK[2]. It would be pretty absurd to for place 
names NOT to exist, and as shown above the evidence shows that they do 
exist and are in use.

For that reason I think the revert was wrong, and the edit should be 
allowed to be re-performed.

I agree that the revert was maybe somewhat overzealous. While we do not 
have a viable and published method and procedures in place on how to 
handle multi-lingual names in a different manner, e.g. with an outside 
source, then reverting any name translations is hard to argue for.

The multi-lingual aspect of OSM is one of its absolutely strongest 
advantages. Being able to create maps of regions in the languages of the 
local population is quite simply fantastical and maybe under-appreciated 
by those who speak dominant languages, worldwide or regional.

As an example Botswana has English as an official language and Setswana 
as the overwhelming majority language. However it also has 20 smaller 
languages, some of them shared with neighboring nations and some very 
small local ones. Those languages already fight for their existence as 
the English names are given to their villages on official maps, with 
maybe the local in a footnote. Using OSM we can present them with maps 
of their own homes in their own languages.

So the question is also, do we outsource this strength of OSM? Wikidata 
has notability problems and so I'm wary of it, no matter the guidelines 
there is no shortage of people who deem their judgement in what human 
knowledge is worth retaining to be superior to everything else.

Is name inflation bad? Doubtful in my mind, even the opposite.

--Jói / Stalfur

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Can wikidata links help fight name inflation?

2015-05-27 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
I hope the notability hotheads aren't around in Wikidata... had enough hard 
time with them in English Wikipedia.
I like the concept and if easy solutions are available for tilemakers to join 
then I'm all for it... as long as Deletionists don't run amok.

 Upphafleg skilaboð 
Frá: Rob Nickerson 
Dagsetning: 27/05/2015  21:51  (GMT+00:00) 
Efni: Re: [OSM-talk] Can wikidata links help fight name inflation? 

Hi Fred,

Great question.

I feel that we should link to wikidata and this is a good example of why. There 
are lots of things that are in wikidata that are not suitable for OpenStreetMap 
tags but could be used by creative folk in a data  maps mashup. Looking at the 
entry for London [1] I see population over time, previous mayors, sister cities 
and even a list of notable people who were born there. It also has all the 
language names via it's links to wikipedia articles in each language.

For the name:ru example do we know how these were added? Was it by just a few 
people? If so we could ask them if they'd be happy for their contribution to be 
added to wikidata under it's CC0 license. This could be a nice little way of 
promoting ties between wikidata and OSM and hopefully we'd both benefit from a 
few more contributors.

Concerns include whether wikidata pages get removed if they are not deemed to 
be noteworthy enough. One solution would be work with wikidata to create a tool 
that queries OSM for use of a wikdata Q value before removing suspected 
non-noteworthy pages. My other concern is around licenses. We should not 
dictate that this data is not for OpenStreetMap, please use wikidata if the 
contributor prefers OSM's share alike and attribution license.
Best regards,


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[OSM-talk] Continent Oceania or Australia

2015-04-29 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
I was doing an overpass query for place=continent and noticed that we do 
not have Oceania but Australia with this note:

Note that Oceania, which is a more common designation in some 
countries, is actually based on a different continental classification 
system to the one OSM uses. So please translate Australia as Australia, 
not as Oceania

However looking at what is within is_in:continent=Australia then I 
only get regions and cities and no countries. is_in:continent=Oceania 
gives me the normal countries we think of as Oceania (including 
Australia the country).

Thus it seems place=continent;name=Australia is now outdated and not 
used. According to usage it seems clear that we are now using the 
regular Oceania classification.

I propose we change this to reflect to current usage.

--Jóhannes / Stalfur

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Continent Oceania or Australia

2015-04-29 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
Iceland belongs to Europe in the same manner as Oceania exists of 
Australia and the islands. Thus we are using the cultural constructs of 
Continents and not the geographical landmass (or Eurasia would be 
instead of Europe and Asia).
As a cultural construct, the concept of a continent may go beyond the 
continental shelf to includeoceanic islands continental fragments. 
In this way, Iceland is considered part of Europe andMadagascar of Africa. Extrapolating 
the concept to its extreme, some geographers group theAustralasian plate with other 
islands in the Pacific into one continent calledOceania This divides the entire land 
surface of the Earth into continents or quasi-continents.^[10]

Þann 29.4.2015 13:18, skrifaði Michael Krämer:
This is in fact a pretty interesting question and I was surprised once 
I started looking into things a bit.

2015-04-29 14:13 GMT+02:00 Jóhannes Birgir Jensson

However looking at what is within is_in:continent=Australia then
I only get regions and cities and no countries.
is_in:continent=Oceania gives me the normal countries we think
of as Oceania (including Australia the country).

This was the first suprise to me since to me Australia is not part of 
Oceania. After reading through some articles on Wikipedia I found that 
this seems to be a German point of view.

On a side note: I looked into the history of Austraila's country node 
and found that the value of is_in:continent was changed from Australia 
to Oceania by the OSMF redaction account.

Thus it seems place=continent;name=Australia is now outdated and
not used. According to usage it seems clear that we are now using
the regular Oceania classification.

Wikipedia's list of continents 
( does not include Oceania but 
Australia. Oceania itself is classified as a region rather than a 

I propose we change this to reflect to current usage.

I think that we probably should not adjust the classifications based 
on usage. Especially since there seems to be a different point of view 
in different cultures. I would rather define the classification system 
and only then update the is_in tags if necessary.

Michael (user Ohr)

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[Talk-is] Lögbýli uppfærð

2015-04-22 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson

Sæl verið þið.

Við erum aðeins búin að vera að laga til yfirlitið yfir lögbýli. Staðan 
núna er sú að af um rúmlega 5000 lögbýlum eru 1100 merkt á kortið að því 
að við vitum. Hugsanlega eru fleiri merkt á kortið en ekki er búið að 
staðfesta það á þessum yfirlitsvef okkar.


Það er frekar einfalt að nota þetta, maður skráir sig inn sem 
OpenStreetMap-notandann sinn, velur landsvæði, getur svo valið póstnúmer 
og farið svo yfir þar sem er merkt með gráu. Það eru beinir tenglar yfir 
á OSM-editor (sjálfgefinn editor er notaður, fer eftir þinni stillingu á 
OpenStreetMap) fyrir viðkomandi bæ og oftast er líka einfalt að teikna 
upp húsin og smella nafninu inn sér sem place=farm.

Við erum að vinna í svipuðu kerfi fyrir þéttbýlisstaði, við höfum haldið 
utan um ástand þeirra á Trello en ætlum að færa okkur yfir núna með 
sumrinu. Íslenskustuðningur verður þá virkjaður líka.

Spurningar, ábendingar, allt vel þegið.

Dæmi um póstnúmer sem er búið að yfirfara:
Dæmi um póstnúmer sem er í vinnslu:


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[OSM-talk] Fwd: Re: [talk] Wiki links to Mapillary pictures

2015-04-14 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
I reached out to Mapillary and this is what they said about Wikimedia 
Commons and Mapillary images.

 Áframsendur póstur 
Efni:   Re: [OSM-talk] [talk] Wiki links to Mapillary pictures
Dagsetning: Tue, 14 Apr 2015 23:17:13 +0200
Frá:André Costa
Til:Peter Neubauer
CC: 	Jóhannes Birgir Jensson, Mapillary Hello

Hi Volker and Peter.

The Template on Wikimedia Commons to use is Template:Mapillary The usage 
instructions are given on the page. This requires you to manually enter 
latitude, longitude etc. though.

There is however some code here 
(or maybe this 
is more recent) for extracting this data given the key of a mapillary 
image. It wouldn't be to hard (if someone finds the time) to make that 
stand-alone so that you could simply enter the id and upload the image 
without having to fill in anything else.


André Costa | GLAM-tekniker, Wikimedia Sverige | |+46 (0)733-964574

Stöd fri kunskap, bli medlem i Wikimedia Sverige.
Läs mer på

On 10 April 2015 at 20:02, Peter Neubauer wrote:

   you can upload pictures to Wikimedia like,_Malm%C3%B6_-_Mapillary_(YdYN_BnTD_trPQzBqZTCWg).jpg,_Malm%C3%B6_-_Mapillary_%28YdYN_BnTD_trPQzBqZTCWg%29.jpg
   using a tempate. Not sure how to do it exactly, but André from
   Wikimedia Sweden can guide you!


   G:  neubauer.peter
   S:  peter.neubauer
   P:  +46 704 106975
   T:   @peterneubauer

   Mapillary - Join the greatest expedition
   of our time.

   On Fri, Apr 10, 2015 at 5:50 PM, Jóhannes Birgir Jensson wrote:

   Forwarding a question from OSM mailing list

    Áframsendur póstur 
   Efni:[OSM-talk] [talk] Wiki links to Mapillary pictures
   Dagsetning:  Fri, 10 Apr 2015 17:05:41 +0200
   Frá: Volker Schmidt

   In the OSM Wiki, can I put a direct link to a Mapillary picture
   (from the license point of view)?
   Assuming I can do it, can I do it directly and what is the
   correct link format?

   If I cannot do it directly, I remember to have read somewhere
   that I can put a link to a Mapillary picture in Wikimedia
   Commons. How do I do this?

   Thanks in advance


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Re: [OSM-talk] New features in iD - looking for feedback and beta testers..

2015-03-28 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson

Thank you for that Bryan.

I found the C/V mechanism on live by accident recently and was ever so 
happy to see it introduced. I have not tried it on an Apple.

The mini-map feature is fantastic, although on my keyboard it is the + 
button, the same location on keyboard as / in your case. The lower 
button next to Return key is how I sometimes describe it.

I will see if I can test the other features advertised. One feature I am 
missing from JOSM is the ability to select several adjacent buildings 
and Square them all, currently squaring each one in iD deforms another 
and I end up with strange wedges using iD.

Thanks for a fantastic editor!


Þann 27.3.2015 18:39, skrifaði Bryan Housel:
Hi Everyone… It’s been a busy few months for the iD team, and we have 
a handful of new features that will be launching soon.  We’d love to 
get some mappers to beta test and provide feedback!

These features are available now by using the latest development 
branch of iD hosted at
Please try them out and report any issues or questions on our Github 
issue tracker:

- Copy and Paste selected features with ⌘-C and ⌘-V

- Conflict Resolution
iD will now check if any of your modifications conflict with edits 
made by other users, and will present you with a UI to see the 
difference and choose how to resolve the conflict.

- Smarter Way Movement
When moving a connected way, iD will now slide the moving way along 
the non-moving way, rather than “zorroing” the connection point.

- Don’t delete ways that are part of a route/boundary Relation
This will prevent a bunch of breaking edits to relations - Thanks 

- Map-In-Map
You can now bring up a locator mini-map with the ‘/‘ key.  By default 
it displays the current area but zoomed out by -6.  Zoom and pan the 
mini-map to quickly find and move to different locations.


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Re: [OSM-talk] Tagging Warnings Posted on Beaches

2015-03-21 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
Excellent question. We have several dangerous beaches here where just 
standing at the waters edge can get you pulled into the sea, there is a 
vertical drop a few meters from the shore and the current will sweep you 

Example of tourists that barely escaped:

Hazard seems the obvious choice:

Þann 21.3.2015 01:17, skrifaði Clifford Snow:
I came across a beach with a sign warning swimmers of rip tides. How 
can I tag the beach with the warning?

OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch

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Re: [OSM-talk] Problem with usage of other values than yes for key building

2015-03-10 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
Well I for one see hardly any usage of building=yes in my town 
Kópavogur, in fact it has a usage of only 7,25% !

No imports were made so that could explain the low value of building=yes 


Þann 10.3.2015 20:48, skrifaði Simon Poole:

Am 10.03.2015 um 21:35 schrieb Stefan Keller:


I have a problem with the usage values other yes in key building.
It seems to me that this any other usage of building=yes (for area
type) is almost purely redundant.

When looking at taginfo [1], building has following three top most key usages:
yes  119260798 85%
house 11592812 8%
residential 3145218 2%

I suspect the numbers are strongly biased due to building outline imports.

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Re: [OSM-talk] Routing on

2015-02-16 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
Adding surface tags sounds more like an upgrade than an outbreak. 
Tagging for the router surely means that you are tagging roads based on 
their finer properties, single-lane or dual-lane, asphalt or gravel etc.

Also if the road is less traveled it sounds like a no-brainer to tag it 
as unclassified instead of tertiary?

The bicycle router seems to give same result as car router in my area?

Þann 17.2.2015 00:14, skrifaði Jo Walsh:

On Mon, Feb 16, 2015, at 08:19 PM, Colin Smale wrote:

+1 to that! Hope it doesn't lead to an outbreak of tagging for the 
router though... You know, down/upgrading roads to improve the 

Anecdatally, I would say that outbreak is well in hand already :/

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Re: [OSM-talk] New building colour

2015-01-04 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
The new color looks even worse in non-garden areas where the new 
building color vanishes into the residential area background.

Old and new colors in Kópavogur, Iceland:
Old color in Maun, Botswana:
New color in Maun Botswana:

This lack of contrast for the new color makes it harder to see 
buildings, the only thing it does is make the address stand out in the 
cases there is one at the highest zoom. For people with worse eyesight 
this makes the map much less accessible than before.

Þann 4.1.2015 10:33, skrifaði Mateusz Konieczny:

Note that there was Request for feedback: new building colours
in openstreetmap-carto thread before this change was made.

IMHO it is much better - on low zoom levels maps is now less cluttered
and on high zoom levels POIs are now more visible.

2015-01-04 9:22 GMT+01:00 Andreas Labres


The old building colour looks much better than the new one, IMHO:

Especially in garden districts.


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Re: [OSM-talk] New building colour

2015-01-04 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
Also none of the demos linked had Landuse=residential as background - 
the lack of contrast there as buildings merge into the landuse is my 
biggest issue with this change.

However this seems to be a nice way of telling us to stop using that tag 
- you are not supposed to map for the renderer but if the default 
renderer makes the buildings nearly impossible to see if they are on top 
of Landuse=Residential then Landuse=Residential will no longer be used, 
at least not by me.

Þann 4.1.2015 12:15, skrifaði Maarten Deen:

On 2015-01-04 11:33, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:

Note that there was Request for feedback: new building colours
in openstreetmap-carto thread before this change was made.

I missed that, but it was only a two day discussion where I see people 
for and against. But no decision?


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Re: [OSM-talk] New building colour

2015-01-04 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson

Þann 4.1.2015 12:15, skrifaði Maarten Deen:

On 2015-01-04 11:33, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:

Note that there was Request for feedback: new building colours
in openstreetmap-carto thread before this change was made.

I missed that, but it was only a two day discussion where I see people 
for and against. But no decision?

In fact there are at least a couple of posts there highlighting the 
issue with the building color being too light and particulary against 
the residential and industrial landuses.

No answer was received on this matter and no comment made to detail why 
the lighter color was better and the new color clash was not addressed.

Request for feedback with feedback ignored?


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[Talk-is] Landupplýsingadagurinn

2014-11-18 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
Alþjóðlegi landupplýsingadagurinn er í dag miðvikudaginn 19. nóvember. 
Í fyrsta sinn er dagskrá tileinkuð honum á Íslandi,  í Öskju við HÍ á 3. hæð 
milli 15 og 17.

Þar verða ýmsar örkynningar, þar á meðal verð ég með eina um OpenStreetMap. 

Nánari upplýsingar á www.landupplysingar.is___
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Re: [OSM-talk] discussion: inclusion and alcohol

2014-11-01 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
As someone who does not drink coffee or beer it is a minor obstacle 
sometimes in social situations.

The free beer draw has usually a negative effect on the odds of me 
attending some session. So far in Iceland we haven't been active in 
planning events but if I have a say in it we will make any alcoholic 
beverages an afterthought, I'm not sure how effective people are at 
drawing buildings on their 5th beer!


Þann 1.11.2014 22:05, skrifaði Richard Weait:

I read this article recently and It got me thinking.  Do we devalue
community members, or potential community members who don't drink?

A quote from the article, When alcohol is currency, non-alcoholic
drinks are considered valueless, and the interests and needs of people
who don’t drink alcohol are easily forgotten.

Give it a read and let's talk.  Can we do better in the ways that the
article suggests?

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Re: [OSM-talk] The world’s best addressable map

2014-10-23 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
I like addresses but they don't behave like you would think. For example 
we have a part of a street that has each individual flat as its own 
address number. We first used the number;number;number; approach but I'm 
now in favor of naming the house what it says on the front (the range 
37-51) and then put address nodes on the building so it appears in 
search, with roughly the position accounting for where in the house the 
apartment is. In this case the numbers closest to the street are at the 
bottom floor (the stadium approach I favor). I'm in favor of moving this 
same method over to the other houses.

As for being able to search within a specific town or area then I think 
we should look again at relations and super-relations. You could group 
streets relations into a neighborhood relation and then into a town or 
municipality relation etc. This of course works very differently based 
on country but for Iceland I can't see us hitting any limits.

Regards on behalf of the Icelandic Local Chapter applicant,

Þann 22.10.2014 18:28, skrifaði Clifford Snow:
On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 5:04 AM, Oleksiy Muzalyev wrote:

It is not necessary to put down a number on each building. It is
possible to use /addr:interpolation/ (/odd, even/, or /all/).

We put down a number on the first building, then on the last,
connect them in JOSM, and add /addr:interpolation: all /. For
example here: . It is also very
useful on a street with many small houses. And it is searchable.
For example if there is number 15 and number 27 on the map for a
street, and they are connected with /addr:interpolation: odd,
/and//if one searches number 21, the map will show the number 21
all right.

Then, there is another approach. We first map addressable large
building, where a lot of people live or work. Kind of of going
after the low-hanging fruit.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Applications to the Local Chapter Agreement

2014-10-23 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
On behalf of the Icelandic applicants we are fairly sure that we are the 
only ones representing our area and we will strive hard to include 
others who will be or are interested in the area.

We have a small blurb in English about us on our webpage, the OSM 
affiliation would be presented under OpenStreetMap á Íslandi (in 
Iceland) where applicable.

Jói, current chairman

Þann 22.10.2014 23:10, skrifaði Simon Poole:

Hi Rob

  I had the feeling that I had announced something outside of the board,
but that may simply be a figment of my imagination. Applications have
been received from Iceland, Italy and Japan.  All three have the honor
and the pain of having to beta test the procedure, mainly providing us
with some additional documentation. I'm sure translating the respective
articles is the main issue, but I can't see how minimal due diligence
can be avoided without creating a liability nightmare.

There are further organisations that have indicated their willingness to
join us and I would expect a few more applications in the next couple of


Am 22.10.2014 23:41, schrieb Rob Nickerson:


I note in [1] that there are now three applications to the Local
Chapter Agreement [2] and these are being processed now.

In light of the current discussions on transparency and holding the
board to account, can I ask whether it possible to disclose these just
in case there are any other local groups that feel they represent the
geographic regions included in the first three applications.

Also I'm curious :-)



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Re: [OSM-talk] GoPro video traces?

2014-10-23 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson

I think you are looking for Mapillary!

Mapillary images are now built into the iD editor, if you go into 
Background settings you can check the Photo Overlay (Mapillary) option 
and see images from there.

Example area:

Þann 23.10.2014 10:20, skrifaði David Cuenca:
There are many people who record both a gps trace and a video of their 
Do you think it would be viable to use these videos as a sort of 
street view by associating the frames to a location? When there is no 
gps trace, it could be done by interpolation, defining synchronization 
points between map and video.

It is not 360°, but at least there would be some images of remote areas.


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Re: [OSM-talk] GoPro video traces?

2014-10-23 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson

Well all the images are under CC-BY-SA license

I don't see anyone at the moment making another non-profit solution that 
gives an instant benefit to OSM (via iD editor). Storage space and 
bandwidth are never free while volunteer time is, wether it is 
programming or contributing material, so until then anyone offering a 
similar service will require income to pay for it.

Mapillary is the best answer to your question at this point in time. 
That is all I can say.

Þann 23.10.2014 11:33, skrifaði David Cuenca:
The business activity of the for-profit company Mapillary is not new. 
Before it was acquired by Google, Panoramio did the same:

I don't see any point in working for free for a private company so 
they can sell their services to third parties. I was asking here to 
see if there is a not-for profit way of reaching the same goal.

Thanks for your support,

On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 1:03 PM, Janko Mihelić wrote:

There is a blog entry about uploading GoPro photos to Mapillary:


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