Re: [OSM-talk] New ITO electricity distribution map

2014-04-30 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2014-04-30 14:20, Janko Mihelić wrote:

Where do I add my suggestions?

Same for me. I don't like that the background map is so invisible, that 
the city labels that do get generated seem to be generated at all zoom 
levels (which is really bad at low zoom) and that they can't cope with 

And, are there no 300-350 kV lines or is it the color difference that is 
to small that I don't see them?


2014-04-30 13:49 GMT+02:00 François Lacombe


ITOWorld power  communication maps have been updated and are now
online, as a result of the feedback I gave to their support team.

Electricity Distribution map is now almost complete.


The main point was to deal with power substation inside stuff and
pole hosted features.



The map appearance will continuously be improved as long as
proposals get accepted.
Almost all mapped power=* features can be seen worldwide on this
map, even if it's not always the case (and doesn't have to be) on
the main slippy map.

I want to thank them for time and resources investment. Everyone
contribution get a lot of value through it.



francois dot lacombe At telecom-bretagne dot eu [4]

talk mailing list [5]


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talk mailing list

[OSM-talk-nl] Foute tileweergave bij oudere weergavemethode?

2014-04-07 Per discussione Maarten Deen
Het valt me op dat bij twee routingwebsites die ik veel gebruik, en, de weergave van de tiles 
vaak niet klopt. Er worden tiles van totaal andere gebieden weergegeven, 
vaak zelfs verschillende gebieden met een horizontale scheiding. En als 
je dan de kaart verplaatst wordt zomaar weer een ander (verkeerd) gebied 
Ik heb nu bijvoorbeeld op een route gepland van 
Zutphen naar Helden, ik zie nog net een strookje Zutphen (van Utrecht 
tot Ahaus), daaronder een strook rond Paderborn (Bielefeld, Paderborn, 
Bennecken, Schladen), en eronder een stuk rond Leipzig (Landsberg, 
Leipzig, Bernsdorf, Welzow).

Dit zijn allebei sites die nog de oude manier van projecteren gebruiken, 
met de zoombar aan de linkerkant, niet zoals de nieuwe slippy map (geen 
idee wat de technische naam is). Ik zie dit op IE9. Volgens mij ook 
thuis met firefox, maar dat weet ik even niet zeker.

Zijn er meer mensen die dit zien? Is dit een probleem van die websites 
en/of de techniek die ze gebruiken of ligt het aan mij?


Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Park Ride plekken in OpenStreetMap zijn slecht gelinkt

2014-03-06 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2014-03-06 15:22, Stefan de Konink wrote:

Vandaag kreeg ik te horen dat de P+R plekken in Nederland op in ieder
geval 161 plekken slecht gelinkt zijn aan de normale weg (en
vervolgens slecht worden gelinkt aan bushaltes uit OpenTripPlanner).

Mocht je in je eigen buurt een P+R kennen, kijk even of de nodes
netjes aansluiten.

Wat is netjes aansluiten? Moet er een weg over het P+R terrein liggen? 
Moet die weg een gemeenschappelijke node hebben waar die de area van de 
P+R kruist? Moet er een voetpad zijn?

Misschien is het handig om een voorbeeld te geven van wat geen en wat 
wel een goed gelinkte P+R is.


Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Ecoduct

2014-02-27 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2014-02-27 10:15, St Niklaas wrote:


Wat is de definitie van een Ecoduct ?
Is een onderdoorgang dus een brugvormige eco passage ook een Ecoduct ?
 Als de onder doorgang er bij hoort, mijns inziens juist, dan
ontbreken er nog een paar. Onder andere bij Elst (N225), De Bilt
(A28), Waterloo (N227) en een tweetal bij Ankeveen (N236) zo los uit
de pols maar er zijn er vast meer.

Ik zou denken dat de benutting van het bruggedeelte zorgt voor de 
naamgeving. Een aquaduct is een kanaal dat met een brug over een weg 
gaat. Dus een ecoduct is een ecopassage die met een brug over de weg 

Als een weg over een ecopassage gaat is het gewoon een brug.


Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Not attaching polygons to roads

2014-02-26 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2014-02-26 11:42, Dave F. wrote:

On 26/02/2014 01:02, Mike Thompson wrote:

Wouldn't it be nice if the editors wouldn't allow polygon to connect 
to highways.
The edges of some polygons are truly coincident with road centerlines. 
For example, many municipal boundaries.

I'm not convinced this is usually true. It maybe UK specific, but
municipal boundaries were more likely to originally be placed on
physical boundaries to farms  estates such as walls, fences etc.
before tracks/roads were developed. Roads subsequently evolved along
those boundaries afterwards.

It would be pretty silly to have a municiple boundary splitting the
centre of a road so different administrations were responsible for
maintaining the left  the right.

Like here [1]. The border is in the middle of the road, the roadlayout 
and signage is Dutch, but the sign on the building to the left is German 
(and is on German ground).
But the same is true for border rivers. Then there also has to be 
agreement in procedures.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Not attaching polygons to roads

2014-02-26 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2014-02-26 12:31, Dave F. wrote:

On 26/02/2014 11:16, Maarten Deen wrote:

On 2014-02-26 11:42, Dave F. wrote:

I'm not convinced this is usually true. It maybe UK specific, but
municipal boundaries were more likely to originally be placed on
physical boundaries to farms  estates such as walls, fences etc.
before tracks/roads were developed. Roads subsequently evolved along
those boundaries afterwards.

It would be pretty silly to have a municiple boundary splitting the
centre of a road so different administrations were responsible for
maintaining the left  the right.

Like here [1]. The border is in the middle of the road,

Actually in the /middle/ of the road? I see no evidence of that. I'm
not suggesting Google Maps are definitive, but they show it to one

Yes. In the middle of the road. See [1], In het midden van de rotonde 
stond gp230, translated: in the middle of the roundabout was gp230 
located. The roundabout on the photo is located a bit more to the south 
where there is not streetview. That part was actually physically 
separated with a stone ridge, see the next photo.

Now it is a joint road.
GP231 is located when you take my SV link, turn around and go to the 
next roundabout.



talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Sending a message to a user from the website

2014-02-08 Per discussione Maarten Deen
I'm sure I'm missing something, but how can I start a message to a user 
from the OSM website? I'm in my profile, Im in my messages, but I don't 
see an option anywhere to start a new message.

I have done it in the past, but that must have been from the old site.
What button am I missing?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Sending a message to a user from the website

2014-02-08 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2014-02-08 10:34, Frederik Ramm wrote:


On 08.02.2014 10:30, Maarten Deen wrote:

That's a rather counter-intuitive way of doing it isn't it? Why isn't
there just a button compose message like in any normal messaging or
e-mail client?

Yes, we could do it like it works with email - you get a text field
where you write the user's name and if you misspell it (e.g. you lack a
trailing space or so) then after a random delay your message comes back
to you with a note saying it is undeliverable.

Or there could be something that you check the user's name, or the 
possibility to find a user.
Now I still have to have the correct user's name in order to find him in 
the first place.

If I try to find the user Frederik Ram, I still won't find you and have 
no idea why.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Why Openstreetmap? (Slashdot and Guardian)

2014-01-29 Per discussione Maarten Deen
Two nice articles on /. and in the Guardian from/with Serge Wroclawski 
about OSM and why you would want to use it.

(just preaching to the choir)

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Why Openstreetmap? (Slashdot and Guardian)

2014-01-29 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2014-01-30 08:05, Shai Efrati wrote:

Thanks! can you please add the links?

Completely forgot. *bumps head*



On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 8:43 AM, Maarten Deen wrote:

Two nice articles on /. and in the Guardian from/with Serge
Wroclawski about OSM and why you would want to use it.

(just preaching to the choir)

talk mailing list [1]


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Is tile rendering on working fine?

2013-12-11 Per discussione Maarten Deen
I had quite some lag in seeing an area that I worked on being rendered 
on the map. It is rendered now, but while investigating I saw that the 
renderd queue lenght on yevaud [1] has shot to 1000 sometime last night 
and stayed that high. At the same time, the freshness of served tiles 
has gone from almost all fresh to 50% fresh, the dropped render requests 
have shot up and user processortime also.

Is this a normal situation or does renderd have an issue?



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Is tile rendering on working fine?

2013-12-11 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-12-11 13:46, Tom Hughes wrote:

On 11/12/13 12:38, Maarten Deen wrote:

I had quite some lag in seeing an area that I worked on being rendered
on the map. It is rendered now, but while investigating I saw that the
renderd queue lenght on yevaud [1] has shot to 1000 sometime last 

and stayed that high. At the same time, the freshness of served tiles
has gone from almost all fresh to 50% fresh, the dropped render 

have shot up and user processortime also.

Is this a normal situation or does renderd have an issue?

It's completely normal when an update to the stylesheet has been
pushed out as all tiles are effectively dirty and will try and
rerender when they are accessed.

Ok. I wasn't aware that there was an update to the stylesheet.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Google laat gebruikers eigen Street View maken

2013-12-10 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-12-10 18:22, Johan C wrote:

Vanuit de Future Group weet ik dat er nauwelijks belangstelling is om
na te denken over het punt aan de horizon waar OSM zou kunnen staan
over een aantal jaren. Gekoppeld aan een her en der conservatieve
cultuur (zelfs een aanpassing van [1] krijgt veel kritiek)
 hoef je niet te verwachten dat het huidige model van OSM gaat
veranderen in de komende jaren.

Met alle respect, maar een UI aanpassing van de kaart heeft toch 
hopelijk weinig te maken met de roadmap van OSM?
Als het gaat over de toekomst van OSM moet er meer nagedacht worden over 
wat OSM is: een aanbieder van kaartdata of een aanbieder van diensten 
die op die data is gebaseerd. De huidige gedachtengang is meer dat dat 
laatste iets is voor anderen, die kunnen bouwen op de kaartdata die OSM 


Op dinsdag 10 december 2013 schreef Hugo Hölscher

Is in 2009 in de SotM ook voorgesteld en daar was veel weerstand

tegen op grond van privacy issues. Als je dat wilt doen moet je
personen en kentekens onleesbaar maken. We weten inmiddels hoe Google
daar in staat. Ik zou het niet met OSM willen doen:-(


Op 10 dec. 2013 12:27 schreef Bas het volgende:

Zou leuk zijn als je op deze manier ook aan OpenStreetView kunt

bijdragen ...

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Talk-nl mailing list

Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Good use of time ...

2013-12-02 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-12-02 14:38, Barry Hunter wrote:

On 2 December 2013 13:17, Lester Caine wrote:

what is 'export' intended to do?

It gives option to select an area, then download a osm XML file.
Exports the map as data. If the area is big, gives direct links to
various bulk options.

There was an option to download to PDF and PNG, which was nice so you 
could make a printed map immediately. Why has that been removed?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Good use of time ...

2013-12-02 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-12-02 14:57, Lester Caine wrote:

Maarten Deen wrote:

On 2013-12-02 14:38, Barry Hunter wrote:

On 2 December 2013 13:17, Lester Caine wrote:

what is 'export' intended to do?

It gives option to select an area, then download a osm XML file.
Exports the map as data. If the area is big, gives direct links to
various bulk options.

There was an option to download to PDF and PNG, which was nice so you 
could make

a printed map immediately. Why has that been removed?

That is part of 'Share' now Maarten ...
This is the sort of help file that is missing :(

Which then prompts me to ask why this is different from export? And 
since it's very hidden (no, these pictograms are not intuitive to me), 
it's not very public.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Welcome box on the new map page

2013-11-30 Per discussione Maarten Deen

How do I close the Welcome to openstreetmap box on the new map page?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Welcome box on the new map page

2013-11-30 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-11-30 13:51, Rob Nickerson wrote:

How do I close the Welcome to openstreetmap box on the new map



On the subject of the Welcome Text, the idea of being able to close
the welcome box was discussed but ultimately not implemented. The box
does go away if you log in. I should add that the decision to not be
able to close the welcome box for non-logged in users was a design
choice by the main developer of this redesign (that is it may not
reflect the opinion of other OSM community members, system admins, or
developers). This means that you are welcome to submit a change to the
website's code if you wish and it will be considered as with all other

I appreciate that this may not be what you wanted to hear, but as with
any big change, there is likely to be a few teething issues.

Yeah. This is a bad decision. That means that non-logged in users (which 
is any user that does not have an account, and that would be the 
majority of the users of the map page, if it is successful) will be 
bothered by this box all the time.
I do have an account but I am not logged in most of the time. Why? When 
I'm not working at my computer, I'm not logged in. And when I'm working 
at my computer, after x days I'm not logged in (you may be aware that 
you get logged out after a certain number of days, even when you check 
the box remember me. Apparently openstreetmap don't want to remember 

So yes: this is a bad decision and I can only ask to make something that 
you can close this box ASAP.

Just out of curiosity: what reasoning was there behind leaving something 
like this on on the map? Cleary the whole redesing is geared to 
unclutter the map page, and it does succeed in that. Then why have this 
annoying box there?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Welcome box on the new map page

2013-11-30 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-11-30 20:24, SomeoneElse wrote:

I understand the reticence on behalf of many people to criticise
suggestions from the (not being directly paid to do so) developers of
the site.  As a software developer myself, being asked how am
I supposed to use _that_? and being told that's rubbish, please
start again! aren't nice, but sometimes are necessary.  I'm also
aware of the alleged Henry Ford quote If I had asked people what they
wanted, they would have said faster horses - people are naturally
resistant to change, failing to appreciate changes that can allow
better things to happen in the future.  However in this case I think
the new design has genuinely got it wrong and needs a serious rethink
- what should be the site design that casual visitors see?  What about
regular mappers who just want to get at the boring numbers?

What comes to my mind is If it ain't broken, don't fix it.
I fail to see the rationale behind changing the looks of the osm map 
page again.

What was wrong with it that needed to be fixed with this update?
It all seems so Windows 8ish to me (and while taste is personal, I do 
want to say that it is not a look that I like, and I hate that so many 
website do seem to adopt this style, like Microsoft is some kind of 
style guru).

I hadn't even noticed that the pages for individual nodes, ways and 
relations had changed. I immediately see one big problem with the boxes 
in a small left column approach: what when there is a lot of data in 
the value? Have a look at and notice how the 
tiger:source and tiger:tlid values get obscured by the map.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] very long multiple int_name tags in Near East

2013-11-20 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-11-20 11:07, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

I recently noticed that there are very long values in int_name for
some cities in Near East, e.g. the City of Sidon: [1]
 with the int_name value:

What is your opinion on these, wouldn't that go better into different
name tags?

Yes they should. The first version has a comment bulk import of 
places, so I assume other places in the vicinity have the same problem.

Basically it is an example of how not to do imports.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] very long multiple int_name tags in Near East

2013-11-20 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-11-20 11:21, Pieren wrote:

On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 11:17 AM, Maarten Deen wrote:

Yes they should. The first version has a comment bulk import of 
places, so

I assume other places in the vicinity have the same problem.
Basically it is an example of how not to do imports.

Yes. And the changeset is for 24174 place names. Probably the easiest
is to remove the int_name tag completely.

Certainly the easiest. But maybe some logic could be applied. Are the 
names listed in the same order of country every time? Some names can 
probably be identified by the charset: greek and hebrew are easy picks.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] very long multiple int_name tags in Near East

2013-11-20 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-11-20 23:49, Florian Lohoff wrote:

On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 01:13:34PM +0100, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

2013/11/20 Peter Wendorff
I agree, but what will we do on a practical level? I checked a dozen
arbitrary nodes and apparently nobody has cleaned up any of these in 

past 4 years:
and we are talking about 24174 nodes.

What is the general opinion on putting all those int_names (ideally 

those with more than one value, but how do you check this?) into a new
temporary tag fixme:int_name like Peter suggested? Or are there 241
people interested in solving this manually, so everybody only has to
check/fix 100 items?

As the order on the int_names might have changed due to edits 

i'd be very careful to convert them automatically to the
name:languagecode version which is the right way to do it.

If one could reconstruct the order/tag from the original import and its
the same all the time i'd vote for changing them.

You'd just need to get the first version of the nodes. That's not very 
hard to do.

That nobody cared in 4 years is not an argument to delete it or change

Very true.

Probably people have been happy with the results of nominatim
which parses it?

Does Nominatim parse it? Or does it only parse the name:lang tags? I 
can't imagine it does something (certainly not something smart) with 
those concatenated int_name tags.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Mapping of multiple-lane toll areas

2013-10-22 Per discussione Maarten Deen

I came across this gem:

Is this really how we want to map toll areas? A seperate way for each 
lane? (forget the fact that half of them aren't even connected).
I can imagine having seperate lanes for seperate payment methods, but 
IMHO this is just silly.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Administrative boundaries export

2013-10-03 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-10-03 14:53, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

2013/10/3 Pieren

All the states or countries maps I've seen in my life used the
coastline. It does not mean that the sovereignty stops at the water
line. It's just a convention.

how many states or country maps have you seen in scale 1:1000?

All maps I have seen make a clear distinction between land and sea. Only 
a very small number of maps I've seen actually show borders on 
international waters.

So it all depends on what you want to show and how you visualise it. If 
you make a map of Germany or the Netherlands with one color within the 
borders in the sense of territorial waters, I think few people would 
recognise them.
For the netherlands, you would have a smooth coastline without islands 
(Zeeland and Waddeneilanden).


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Outperforming TomTom

2013-09-12 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-09-12 10:07, Lester Caine wrote:

Johan C wrote:
Unfortunately not available everywhere yet, but as a step towards 
becoming the
best map in the world: after the publication of open address data in 
Netherlands two years ago, starting this month open traffic data will 
available in The Netherlands This
will mean that OSM navigation apps will be able to outperform TomTom 
due to the
better road quality. Hopefully the rest of Europe can follow soon. This 
inevitably mean headlines in major newspapers and therefore a huge 
increase in

mappers. Let's rock!

It always amuses me that 'the cloud' was originally about using all of
the spare processing power available and sharing out problems. Since
the majority of sat nav's are now smart devices, why can't they all be
reporting back the average speed where they are so we can
automatically map the current traffic hot spots? To my mind that is
the next logical step for the routing software?
Of cause some will complain about 'privacy' but personally I'd be
happy for people to know where I am, so a permanent sat nav in the car
rather than one in my pocket makes even more sense if I want to know
where my car has gone ;)

That is already being done with cellphones: [1] (dutch).
The problem with conventional sat-nav is that they were not connected to 
the could. Only recently cellphones (smartphones) have become powerful 
and usable enough to be used for navigation. Furthermore: it requires an 
active data connection, something I don't have or want (and I'm probably 
not the only one, no I don't want everyone to know where I am).

GSM is a much better tool for this anyway.
Traffic information was always sent to satnav devices using FM.



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [josm-dev] An incredible and unexpected use of JOSM

2013-09-11 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-09-11 09:21, Florian Lohoff wrote:

But i wouldnt be worried - There will be a day where OSM will be THE
ONLY important map provider. Its economically not possible for Nokia
and TomTom to get the same map detail level as we do. So they'll
highlight the crowd nature of OSM and try to spread FUD about
reliability and accuracy of OSM for the next 10 Years.

This has all happened before in the Linux universe and in the end
there is Linux on any embedded device and server and the Desktop,
Microsoft has been dominating for 30 Years will be irrelevant by

This is so true. We only have to wait. Once OSM will be more and more 
known by the public and they see that they can get maps and updates for 
the entire world for free and that they can get updated maps 
(technically) every single day instead of having to pay € 100 euro 
(usually much more for in-car nav) for just the map or a year's worth of 
updates then the consumer will demand it.

Really the only thing car manufacturers need to install in a car is an 
Android tablet.

What we can do to accelerate that process is to make the map even 
better. So basically: carry on.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Dirt Roads in Mapnik, default render in OSM

2013-08-26 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-08-26 14:41, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

tracks are a type of road set up for agricultural
(i.e. local traffic of who works in the fields or forests or goes
fishing) traffic.

How do you know that without any signs next to the road?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Dirt Roads in Mapnik, default render in OSM

2013-08-26 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-08-26 15:50, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

2013/8/26 Maarten Deen

On 2013-08-26 14:41, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

tracks are a type of road set up for agricultural
(i.e. local traffic of who works in the fields or forests or goes
fishing) traffic.

How do you know that without any signs next to the road?

the relevant passage is § 3 Abs. 2 Nr. 4 of Straßengesetz für
Baden-Württemberg and various comments I found all point out that
despite usually there will be signs the restriction will also be
valid in absence of signs. My guess is you will have to know by
common sense. I agree that this is not completely satisfactory. 

I was more referring to other places (in Germany and beyond). I have 
retagged some highway=track+tracktype=grade1 (sometimes 
+surface=asphalt) in Germany to highway=unclassified because I saw no 
reason why a normally paved road would be called a track.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Dirt Roads in Mapnik, default render in OSM

2013-08-23 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-08-23 15:22, Darren Biggs wrote:

I have been trying to have dirt roads show up in the render for about
a year now.  I see that that the Map legend has unsurfaced road.  I
have looked around but can not find any roads that have the Map
Legends use of unsurfaced road(Road, but with dashes).   I have looked
in Europe and these roads, are listed as tracks, in America, this are
roads, they just happen to be dirt.  I am a cyclist so sometimes I am
trying to find dirt roads, and while other times I am trying to avoid
dirt roads.

I think the general idea is that track is a dirt roads fit for 
two-tracked vehicles (cars, agricultural) and path is a dirt road fit 
for one-tracked vehicles (because too narrow for two-tracked).

I would use these two for your purpose. That is as you rightly say how 
they are used in Europe.

A track with tracktype=grade1 is could even be a proper road.

Maybe you have some streetview examples of what you want to map? I could 
offer you this one [1] which I would map as a grade 3, although it 
recently had a load of gravel deposited on it, making it more a grade 2.



talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] OSM server problems?

2013-08-07 Per discussione Maarten Deen
I'm getting a lot of internal server errors reported by JOSM when I 
download (small) areas from the server. Is there a problem with the 


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] comments on new map widget on main page

2013-07-29 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-07-29 01:47, Richard Fairhurst wrote:

Greg Troxel wrote:
add the shortlink link in the lower right, so you can more easily use
it to get to a URL for the current view, so you can shift-reload to
see what yfou just edited

Click the View tab.


Until there is a manual or a change log you will have to keep this stuck 


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Upgraded map controls

2013-07-29 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-07-21 22:06, Yohan Boniface wrote:

On 07/21/2013 09:49 PM, Maarten Deen wrote:
IMHO at the moment they have become superfluous. There is no way 

to zoom in or out more than one step at a time by using on-map controls
as there was with the old slider. So I'm using the mouse now to zoom in
or out.

Maybe not everybody knows this: in Leaflet maps, if you press Shift
while clicking on +/- buttons, you zoom/unzoom with a factor 3. And so
(as we are using Leaflet) it is the case on

What would be real great if this would work for the mousecontrols too. 
So that when you use the scrollwheel on the mouse while having shift 
pressed it zooms in or out with a factor 3.
Because as I've said: using the mouse is way faster than having to go 
over to the +/- buttons.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Is there some lag in the backend data?

2013-07-25 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-07-24 15:14, colliar wrote:

On 24.07.2013 10:39, Andy Robinson wrote:
From: Maarten Deen []

Would you two please report this at the right place. [1] !

Ticket created as
Additions and observations to the ticket welcome.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Is there some lag in the backend data?

2013-07-23 Per discussione Maarten Deen
I made some changes this morning [1], most notably added some maxspeed 
tags. Now it's over 3 hours later and I download the same area again in 
JOSM and my changes are not visible.
But when I look at the history of the items (e.g. way 6701036), the 
change is there. The history says highway=residential and maxspeed=30. 
JOSM does not show that on the item.
I also can not open the changeset in my browser, it is trying to load 
now for 5 minutes.



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Is there some lag in the backend data?

2013-07-23 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-07-23 11:43, Maarten Deen wrote:

On 2013-07-23 11:36, Shaun McDonald wrote:
On 23 Jul 2013, at 10:27, Maarten Deen wrote:

I made some changes this morning [1], most notably added some maxspeed 
tags. Now it's over 3 hours later and I download the same area again in 
JOSM and my changes are not visible.
But when I look at the history of the items (e.g. way 6701036), the 
change is there. The history says highway=residential and maxspeed=30. 
JOSM does not show that on the item.
I also can not open the changeset in my browser, it is trying to load 
now for 5 minutes.


This url opened straight away for me.

It does now for me too, but when I download the area in JOSM I still
get old data, with the newer data shown in the history screen.

I had a thought and looked at the close open changesets in JOSM. JOSM 
told me this changeset was not closed even though the changeset screen 
said (and still does):

Aangemaakt op: din 23 jul 2013 06:07:37 UTC
Gesloten op: din 23 jul 2013 06:07:43 UTC

I closed it and now it is ok. Glitch in JOSM.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Double-clicking on OSM map does not centre the map

2013-07-22 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-07-22 17:13, Frederik Ramm wrote:


On 07/22/2013 05:04 PM, Maarten Deen wrote:
What is wrong with having more and better features? What is the added
value of removing features?

At the time, Leaflet was considered to be the better overall
framework, with nicer looks and better usability on mobile devices,
and much smaller load times on slow connections due to its compact


Nobody's saying that Leaflet must stay forever; I have heard that with
recent improvements to OpenLayers, some people even switched back to
OpenLayers after using Leaflet for a while.

That makes me think back 20-25 years when there was the compressionwar. 
Which was better, pkzip, arj, lzh? There were people that redid all 
their archives to the new and 0,1% better-and-improved version, just to 
save those few bytes.
I am so happy people here have the time to move to a different framework 
and back again just because the next version is a little better. OSM 
would never go forward if that time was not on hand.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Double-clicking on OSM map does not centre the map

2013-07-22 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-07-22 14:31, Tom MacWright wrote:

If anyone wants to do the work, head over to the Leaflet
GitHub [5] and go for it. I'm
imagining it'll be a hard sell to the maintainers, because it would
make Leaflet's behavior different than the vast majority of maps on
the internet, not to mention all other open source map frameworks.

Is that the standard we adhere to? Do it like everyone else does? I 
think OSM would not be here if we did.
I don't know what other open source map frameworks are out there, this 
is the first I hear about leaflet (no, I am not in developing for OSM), 
but I have always disliked google maps' interface. They lack(ed) so many 
features OSM had, and now OSM is stepping down to their level by 
removing features and adhering to their standards.

What is wrong with having more and better features? What is the added 
value of removing features?


On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 8:25 AM, Pierre Béland 


This double click was an easy way to obtain the coordinates of an 
object and share the information with the others using the permalink. 
This functionnality does not exist anymore.

For example, If I search Tower of London with Nominatim,  the map is 
centered on the tower and the share link I obtain gives me the 
coordinates of the tower 

If I now center the map on an other point and add a Marker over the 
Tower, I do not obtain the coordinates of the tower.  What I can share 
is a map where a marker is over the tower. And I am loosing the 
possibility to share information about the tower coordinates. 


DE : Peter Wendorff
À :
ENVOYÉ LE : Lundi 22 juillet 2013 5h10
OBJET : Re: [OSM-talk] Double-clicking on OSM map does not centre the 

Am 22.07.2013 07:48, schrieb Maarten Deen: [3][3]

It is nice to give a link to the development map (at least I assume it
is), but how do you set that marker?


Don't use URL-Fiddling any more (if that's what you tried), but:
- open the share box
- select Include Marker (the marker is visible now in the current
center of the map view)
- drag the marker to where you want to have it, independent of dragging
the map itself.

I think - once one found out about the right Button (share) that's
really an improvement and at least as easy as fiddling around the URL 

it was before.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Upgraded map controls

2013-07-21 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-07-21 20:18, Michal Migurski wrote:

The new icons and map controls are good and I'm getting accustomed to
them, but the process by which they made it onto the site worries me.

IMHO at the moment they have become superfluous. There is no way anymore 
to zoom in or out more than one step at a time by using on-map controls 
as there was with the old slider. So I'm using the mouse now to zoom in 
or out. It's much faster than the +/- buttons.

As far as I'm concerned they can be removed.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Upgraded map controls

2013-07-21 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-07-21 22:06, Yohan Boniface wrote:

On 07/21/2013 09:49 PM, Maarten Deen wrote:
IMHO at the moment they have become superfluous. There is no way 

to zoom in or out more than one step at a time by using on-map controls
as there was with the old slider. So I'm using the mouse now to zoom in
or out.

Maybe not everybody knows this: in Leaflet maps, if you press Shift
while clicking on +/- buttons, you zoom/unzoom with a factor 3. And so
(as we are using Leaflet) it is the case on

So it's what Frederik says, but it goes further. Not only does noone get 
informed, when there are changes noone (except the developers and maybe 
the happy few that get told) know how to use the new interface.

That's the second thing I had to find out by first complaining that it 
doesn't work.
And that's not a good thing. I find it out here. How does someone who 
only uses the map find out?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Double-clicking on OSM map does not centre the map

2013-07-21 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-07-22 06:33, John Firebaugh wrote:

The rationale for making the change in Leaflet is to make it so that
you can zoom in several levels on a given point without needing to
reposition your cursor at each zoom level. For that reason, I prefer
the new behavior.

Zooming in by using the scroll-wheel did the same in the old framework. 
Basically the new framework removes functionality. I don't think that's 
a good idea.

I hadn't noticed this yet, but IMHO it's a bad thing. There are 
occasions when I am looking for a particular point to be the map center. 
Dragging the map to the center is no solution because my sight is not 
absolute and I do not know what the center of my browserscreen is.

Included in the next set of changes to the map UI is the ability to
add a marker to the permalink. It will be positionable via dragging.
No URL editing required: [3]

It is nice to give a link to the development map (at least I assume it 
is), but how do you set that marker?


On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 9:00 PM, Tom MacWright 

The relevant change in 
Leaflet: [1] - 
the new behavior matches all other map sites and frameworks I can think 
of, with the exception of Bing. You can replicate the old behavior by 
clicking the map and dragging it to change the center.

There's no easy way to 'get the old behavior back' without doing a core 
patch to Leaflet, and given that this is the expected behavior with a 
clear 'other way to do it', I personally don't think it's a high 
priority to change.

On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 11:26 PM, Clay Smalley 

I've noticed the same issue. I liked having an easy way to center the 
map. Is anyone averse to having this changed back?

On Jul 21, 2013 8:02 PM, Andrew Errington 

It used to be that if you double-clicked on the map it would re-centre
on the clicked point and zoom in by one level.  Now it doesn't.  It
zooms in, but doesn't re-centre the map.  When did this behaviour
change?  Is it desirable?

I don't like it because now I can't centre the map (by
double-clicking) and make a markerlink (by editing the permalink
lat/lon to mlat/mlon).

Best wishes,


talk mailing list [2]

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talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Upgraded map controls

2013-07-20 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-07-20 08:16, James Mast wrote:

I'm personally not liking that they now have hidden the long/short
links to the map location behind buttons. Instead of just one click to
get the map location, now it's two clicks and is really annoying and
slowing down work for me. :(

I agree to that. What's more: the map moves to the right when the 
sidebar closes after you click on the link, giving you a different map 
than you were looking at.

It is not an improvement.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Upgraded map controls

2013-07-20 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-07-20 10:25, Richard Fairhurst wrote:

James Mast wrote:
I'm personally not liking that they now have hidden the
long/short links to the map location behind buttons.
Instead of just one click to get the map location, now
it's two clicks and is really annoying and slowing down
work for me. :(

Ok, I've said this at least three times elsewhere, but for the benefit 

those reading here:

The View tab does the same as the Permalink button. Exactly the same. 

has. So you can right-click/copy the permalink from there.

It does not do here. When I open the map it says in the address bar.

I believe the real-soon-now intention is to have the URL continuously
updating as you pan around the map (which is possible with JavaScript 


Why not implemented that first then. Now we will have to wait if and 
when that happens and have an akward way of getting a permalink.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Upgraded map controls

2013-07-20 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-07-20 11:29, Paul Norman wrote:

From: Andrew Errington []
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2013 11:42 PM
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] Upgraded map controls

I also didn't see any consultation on this topic.  Just another fait

The pull request and automatic mail to the list went out 11 days ago. A 

Which list?

site on the dev server was set up. People commented, changes to the new 

were made. This was all done in the open and anyone could comment.

Before that I believe there was a posting to the talk list, and before 
many people brought it up as a feature they'd like to see out of 


I haven't seen that posting. Can you point it out for me please?
I must say, I have not heard anything about any discussion about this. I 
admit, I do not read all lists so it may be on some other list than 


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Upgraded map controls

2013-07-20 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-07-20 13:35, Peter Wendorff wrote:

Am 20.07.2013 11:53, schrieb Maarten Deen:
On 2013-07-20 10:25, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
James Mast wrote:
I'm personally not liking that they now have hidden the
long/short links to the map location behind buttons.
Instead of just one click to get the map location, now
it's two clicks and is really annoying and slowing down
work for me. :(

Ok, I've said this at least three times elsewhere, but for the benefit 

those reading here:

The View tab does the same as the Permalink button. Exactly the same.
has. So you can right-click/copy the permalink from there.

It does not do here. When I open the map it says in the address bar.

I believe the real-soon-now intention is to have the URL continuously
updating as you pan around the map (which is possible with JavaScript

Why not implemented that first then. Now we will have to wait if and
when that happens and have an akward way of getting a permalink.
I had to search for what Richard meant with View Tab, in German it's
Karte (Map), but there he's right: clicking on it is in fact the same
as the previous Permanent-Link in the bottom.
Nevertheless one has to know it is or to know what the permanent link
should look like.

Ah yes, I see that now too. I never saw that feature before. That is 
quite handy, even though, as you say, you have to know it is there.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Upgraded map controls

2013-07-20 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-07-20 12:33, Paul Norman wrote:

From: Maarten Deen []
Sent: Saturday, July 20, 2013 2:57 AM
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] Upgraded map controls

On 2013-07-20 11:29, Paul Norman wrote:
 From: Andrew Errington []
 Sent: Friday, July 19, 2013 11:42 PM
 Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] Upgraded map controls

 I also didn't see any consultation on this topic.  Just another fait

 The pull request and automatic mail to the list went out 11 days ago.
 A test

Which list?

All rails port pull requests and issues automatically goes to the 

list, which is the list for discussion of rails port (web site)

If you prefer a format other than email, I believe if you watch the 

the source is) though github you can get all the updates.

 site on the dev server was set up. People commented, changes to the
 new UI were made. This was all done in the open and anyone could

 Before that I believe there was a posting to the talk list, and before
 that many people brought it up as a feature they'd like to see out of
 samen's presentation.

I haven't seen that posting. Can you point it out for me please?
I must say, I have not heard anything about any discussion about this. 

admit, I do not read all lists so it may be on some other list than
talk. (in reply to
Andrew Errington)

Okay, so you even have to read all threads, even if you don't find them 
insteresting anymore...


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Mapnik style bug in railway=subway

2013-07-16 Per discussione Maarten Deen
I'm not sure where to report this, I hope someone here can point me in 
the correct direction.

Have a look at the subwaylines here [1]

The middle one on the right of the marker is dashed, the top and bottom 
ones are not. All are tagged with tunnel=yes, the only difference is 
that the two that are not dashed have oneway=yes on them.
It appears that oneway=yes on railway=subway does not get it rendered 
as a tunnel anymore. I think this should be corrected.



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mapnik style bug in railway=subway

2013-07-16 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-07-16 10:16, Christian Quest wrote:

railway=subway should not be on the route relation.

I'll delete that and see if it solves things.


2013/7/16 Maarten Deen
I'm not sure where to report this, I hope someone here can point me 
in the

correct direction.
Have a look at the subwaylines here [1]

The middle one on the right of the marker is dashed, the top and 
bottom ones
are not. All are tagged with tunnel=yes, the only difference is that 
the two

that are not dashed have oneway=yes on them.
It appears that oneway=yes on railway=subway does not get it rendered 
as a

tunnel anymore. I think this should be corrected.



talk mailing list

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Wiki down?

2013-07-11 Per discussione Maarten Deen
Is the wiki at down? I've been trying for 
about an hour now and can't get a connection.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Using OpenStreetMap on a daily basis

2013-07-09 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-07-09 09:20, Simon Poole wrote:

Am 09.07.2013 09:13, schrieb Paul Norman:

I believe both clickable POIs and routing are on the to-do list but 
suffered from a lack of people/time although keep in mind clickable 

means different things to different people.

Yes, I pointed that out in my comment to the OPs blog post. The
expectations still need to be managed though, the way both features 

implemented in their current incarnations is clearly geared towards
contributors, not the general public.

The problem with OSM is that with Google, Google maps is the go-to site 
to get everything: map, routing, information. With OSM it is not. And 
while it is perfectly clear that OSM has limited resources and will 
probably never be able to offer all services from one portal, it is the 
biggest downside we have at the moment.

I go to to see the map and/or search for places
I go to to get car routing
I go to for bicycle routing in my 

I go to for general bicycle or walking routing
I go to to get proper restaurant information 
(unfortunately Germany only)

It just is less userfriendly than having it all on one site.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Nieuwe Aldi folder al gezien?

2013-07-08 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-07-08 11:50, Stefan de Konink wrote:

GPS Fietsnavigatie - TEASI ONE (149 euri)

Speciale fietsnavigatiesoftware: voorgeinstalleerde OSM-kaarten van
27 europese landen

Dit begint wel zeer interessante proporties aan te nemen :-)

Ik roep tegenwoordig ook al tegen iedereen die een nieuwe navigatie 
nodig heeft: koop iets (telefoon, tablet) met Android en zet er een van 
de vele (vaak gratis, anders voor bijna niets) navigatieprogramma's op.
Alhoewel die vaak ook nog hun makke hebben kan dat voor dezelfde 
totaalprijs als een TomTom, maar dan heb je wel gratis kaartupdates 
terwijl je daar bij TomTom ook al 75 euro per jaar voor betaalt.

Ik rij zelf tegenwoordig rond met een Galaxy 7 tablet en OSMAnd. OSMAnd 
is er nog niet helemaal voor lange afstanden (afgelopen weekend een rit 
van 400 km en het duurde gewoon 15 minuten voordat er een route berekend 
was), maar voor het wandelen was het gewoon geweldig. De tablet past in 
de achterzak van mijn broek en als je even moet weten of je ergens links 
of rechts moet zie je binnen 5 seconden waar je bent, waar je heen moet 
en hoe ver het is.

En daarbij gaat de batterij zeker 4x zo lang mee als mijn Garmin Nüvi.


Talk-nl mailing list

[OSM-talk-nl] BAG gegevens Re: OSM Navigatieapparatuur

2013-05-29 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-05-29 09:11, Minko wrote:

Wb adresnavigatie, zowel Lambertus' osm kaarten als mijn Openfietsmap
zijn voorzien van alle BAG adressen.

Ik was de BAG alweer helemaal vergeten, maar het lijkt me leuk om daar 
wat meer van te gaan importeren.
De wikipagina's en zijn niet erg uitgebreid, 
bij wie moet ik aankloppen?

Hierdoor is NL landelijk dekkend, al zijn er nog veel gevallen waar

De gegevens moeten wel in OSM zitten willen andere kaartgebruikers er 
voordeel van hebben.


Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] OSM Navigatieapparatuur

2013-05-29 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-05-29 09:44, Frank Fesevur wrote:

Op 29 mei 2013 07:43 heeft Maarten Deen het volgende geschreven:
De eerste keer dat ik het zie: een dedicated autonavigatieapparaat 
met OSM
kaarten: O.a. te koop bij de 

Maar waaruit blijkt dat het OSM-kaarten zijn. Ik zie in ieder geval
geen vermelding op hun website of in de Nederlandse handleiding.
Mogelijk staat het wel ergens in het apparaat...

Dat weet ik van iemand die dat ding gekocht heeft.


Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] BAG gegevens Re: OSM Navigatieapparatuur

2013-05-29 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-05-29 11:21, Gertjan Idema wrote:

Mijn werk aan de import van BAG data staat inderdaad op een wat lager
pitje. Dat komt deels door minder tijd en ook doordat ik me de laatste
tijd wat minder goed kan concentreren.

 Het gemis aan adresgegevens in OSM duikt wel steeds vaker op in 

 Misschien moeten we toch eens overwegen om eenmalig een import van
adressen uit de BAG (panden is een ander v verhaal) uit te voeren en
tijdelijk voor lief te nemen dat er soms dubbele adressen in de
database staan.
 Daarna kunnen we scripts gebruiken om dubbelen en andere
onvolkomenheden op te sporen en te corrigeren. En ook om nieuwe
adressen (en panden) toe te voegen.

Ik ben niet direkt een tegenstander van een automatische import (het 
geeft natuurlijk lekker snel resultaat) maar ik ben er wel voorstander 
van om het goed te doen. En daarmee bedoel ik dus de bestaande gebouwen 
opdelen in de afzonderlijke gebouwen en de huisnummers in de area van 
het gebouw te zetten i.p.v. afzonderlijke nodes met huisnummers neer te 

Vergelijk waar ik in mijn woonplaats mee bezig ben:

Is het mogelijk iets te maken voor mijn gemeente (OSM file of wat dan 
ook) waar ik min of meer de data van kan overtrekken? Veel anders dan 
hoe ik het nu doe (met huisnummers die ik opschrijf als ik er langs 
loop) kan het niet zijn. Het scheelt me tenminste wel de tijd die ik 
moet besteden aan alle huisnummers langslopen.


 On Wed, 2013-05-29 at 09:41 +0200, Minko wrote:

Gertjan Idema was bezig met een script om de BAG data eenvoudig te 
kunnen importeren in JOSM.
Ik weet niet hoever het daarmee staat. Op het OSM forum zijn we er 
ook mee bezig, maar het project staat een beetje op een laag pitje: [1]

De gegevens moeten wel in OSM zitten willen andere kaartgebruikers 

voordeel van hebben.

Omdat er weinig schot in de zaak zit hebben we de BAG gegevens maar 
achteraf gemixed met de OSM data tbv onze Garmin kaarten. Het is wel 
beter om het in OSM te voeren zodat de straatnamen van het BAG beter 
gematched kunnen worden met die in OSM.

Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] BAG gegevens Re: OSM Navigatieapparatuur

2013-05-29 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-05-29 14:05, Gertjan Idema wrote:

On Wed, 2013-05-29 at 11:54 +0200, Maarten Deen wrote:

 Een heel goed voorbeeld dat het niet altijd mogelijk is om adressen
aan panden te knopen zie je bij Passage de Pit in Panningen. Dit is
één gebouw met de volgende adressen:
 Raadhuisstraat 4-86 (5981BG)
 Markt 30-44 (5981AP)
 Raadhuisplein 2-4 (5981AT)
 Passage de Pit 2-7 (5981CS)

Dat soort dingen zul je inderdaad altijd hebben bij hoekhuizen en 
Ik zie wel dat de BAG een voorkomend probleem oplost: waar moet je bij 
flatgebouwen de huisnummers taggen: op de fysieke locatie of bij de 
(communale) ingang? De BAG doet het dus bij de ingang. Ik zal eens 
kijken of dat de enige ingang daar is, ik dacht dat er nog een was.

Maar die site van die bagviewer is ook een goede. Daar kun je ook veel 
mee (als in: gewoon overtrekken).

Is het mogelijk iets te maken voor mijn gemeente (OSM file of wat dan
ook) waar ik min of meer de data van kan overtrekken? Veel anders 

hoe ik het nu doe (met huisnummers die ik opschrijf als ik er langs
loop) kan het niet zijn. Het scheelt me tenminste wel de tijd die ik
moet besteden aan alle huisnummers langslopen.

 Wel minder goed voor je conditie ;-), maar ten eerste kan je de
huisnummers van de BAG viewer halen (zie link hierboven).
 Daarnaast heb ik zelf een tool waarmee ik BAG data uit een lokale
database kan omzetten naar een OSM bestand.
 Ik zal je bestanden voor Panningen en Helden opsturen.

Bedankt daarvoor.

 P.S. Staat Helden echt zo vol met hekjes?

Voorbeeld? Bedoel je misschien de erfafscheidingen die ik op sommige 
plaatsen heb ingetekend? Ik weet ook niet of dat zo'n goed idee was 
(alhoewel dat in achtertuinen wel altijd hekken of hagen zijn).


Talk-nl mailing list

[OSM-talk-nl] OSM Navigatieapparatuur

2013-05-28 Per discussione Maarten Deen
De eerste keer dat ik het zie: een dedicated autonavigatieapparaat met 
OSM kaarten: O.a. te koop bij de 

Software is van MapFactor, kaarten van OSM. Heel leuk in de FAQ:

Ik kan het huisnummer in de straat waar ik heen wil, niet selecteren.
Huisnummers zijn niet voor alle straten in de MapFactor-kaarten 
beschikbaar. Als een huisnummer nog niet beschikbaar is, kunt u naar 
een kruispunt met een andere straat navigeren of de optie overal op 
de straat selecteren.

Dat is imho nog de grootste makke om OSM in navigatie te gebruiken.


Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Google Maps being praised for removing I-5 colasped bridge quickly

2013-05-25 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-05-25 07:09, James Mast wrote:

If I remember correctly, we had it marked as access=no and the
segment removed about an hour faster than on Google. Somebody needs to
get ahold of Rosa from NBC (who did the article) and let them know
about OSM pawning Google here.

Google is known by the public.
Recently there was an important addition to the motorways around 
Amsterdam here [1] (opening of the A5, 2e Coentunnel). Google didn't 
have correct maps until 1,5 week afterwards. Of course OSM had correct 
maps almost instantly (it was only unfortunate that there was a small 
error and that osrm only updates once a week).

Maybe we need to be more vocal and send out messages to various news 
sites when a new road is opened and it is on OSM and not on Google.



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Google Maps being praised for removing I-5 colasped bridge quickly

2013-05-25 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-05-25 12:19, wrote:

For those who are still naive to think that journalists find out
these things themselves: Google has huge amount of money to waste on
PR. If last two years is evidence everyone is happy to advertise new
stuff of their maps, because it's very easy for people to relate to.

Of course, money spent in Google terms is effort in OSM terms, 
since we all contribute to OSM without getting paid (ok, some are 
fortunate enough that someone actually pays them to work on OSM, but 
most of us are not in that position).

I don't see how OSM would want to play this game. We don't see logic
in this. However, this make PR work.

Apparently there are people who think it is important. Why would we not 
want to improve on OSM by getting it know to the public? OSM starts to 
have a huge benefit for people. I can't download the maps for my 
navigation from Google, I get them from OSM. I certainly benefit from 
having a more complete Openstreetmap.


2013/5/25 Maarten Deen

On 2013-05-25 07:09, James Mast wrote: 


If I remember correctly, we had it marked as access=no and the
segment removed about an hour faster than on Google. Somebody needs 

get ahold of Rosa from NBC (who did the article) and let them know
about OSM pawning Google here.

Google is known by the public.
Recently there was an important addition to the motorways around 
Amsterdam here [1] (opening of the A5, 2e Coentunnel). Google didn't 
have correct maps until 1,5 week afterwards. Of course OSM had correct 
maps almost instantly (it was only unfortunate that there was a small 
error and that osrm only updates once a week).

Maybe we need to be more vocal and send out messages to various news 
sites when a new road is opened and it is on OSM and not on Google.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Use of terms similar to GEOCODE

2013-05-23 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-05-23 14:38, Simon Poole wrote:

As I promised in February I investigated with our North American
counsel what they would consider acceptable use of terms similar to
the GEOCODE trademark, they came back with examples that they all
considered OK. I've created a wiki page for future reference [1]

The lawyers didn't look at the use of geocode in the URLs of Google 
maps? Is that or is that not legal to use? Or better: are we or are we 
not allowed place such an URL in the wiki? Since that was what all the 
hubbub was about, the removal of all these links.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Use of terms similar to GEOCODE

2013-05-23 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-05-23 15:10, Simon Poole wrote:

Maarten, there is no need to start the discussion at square one again.
We did what our counsel recommended in February as reported then (so 

can safely assume that counsel saw a certain potential for trouble in
such usage). The list they provided is simply to illustrate usage that
is unproblematic.

That's why I ask. I certainly do not want to start the discussion about 
the removal again, but some specific steps were taken and counsel did 
not see it fit to give that an example that usage of such links is 
unproblematic. I find that strange and almost a sign that the usage of 
GEOCODE in URLs _is_ problematic (however unlikely I find that, but 

Nevertheless, I take your answer as an there is no problem entering a 
URL with the word GEOCODE into the OSM wiki because that is what I 
would have liked to hear. Do correct me if I understand it wrong.


Am 23.05.2013 14:57, schrieb Maarten Deen:

On 2013-05-23 14:38, Simon Poole wrote:

As I promised in February I investigated with our North American
counsel what they would consider acceptable use of terms similar to
the GEOCODE trademark, they came back with examples that they all
considered OK. I've created a wiki page for future reference [1]

The lawyers didn't look at the use of geocode in the URLs of Google
maps? Is that or is that not legal to use? Or better: are we or are 
not allowed place such an URL in the wiki? Since that was what all 

hubbub was about, the removal of all these links.


talk mailing list

talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Use of terms similar to GEOCODE

2013-05-23 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-05-23 16:00, Simon Poole wrote:

Am 23.05.2013 15:35, schrieb Maarten Deen:

On 2013-05-23 15:10, Simon Poole wrote:
Maarten, there is no need to start the discussion at square one 
We did what our counsel recommended in February as reported then (so 
can safely assume that counsel saw a certain potential for trouble 
such usage). The list they provided is simply to illustrate usage 

is unproblematic.

That's why I ask. I certainly do not want to start the discussion
about the removal again, but some specific steps were taken and
counsel did not see it fit to give that an example that usage of such
links is unproblematic. I find that strange and almost a sign that 

usage of GEOCODE in URLs _is_ problematic (however unlikely I find
that, but IANAL).

Nevertheless, I take your answer as an there is no problem entering 

URL with the word GEOCODE into the OSM wiki because that is what I
would have liked to hear. Do correct me if I understand it wrong.
I obviously didn't say anything of the sort. Please simply don't do 

as requested in February.

Again, that is why I asked. Was it so hard to give this answer the 
first time I asked? I really do not want to go to this kind of 
nitpicking, but if people can not give straight answers to simple 
questions than apparently you have to start being pedantic to get them. 
Sorry for that.
But please do not be evasive about this issue. It is uncomfortable and 
tiresome as it is trying to tiptoe around actions in the past without 
blaming people, but being unclear about what is and is not possible 
makes it only worse.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Nieuwe Waalbrug A50

2013-05-22 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-05-22 09:27, Floris Looijesteijn wrote:

nee, dat kan er niet mee te maken hebben, dit is een route die van
tevoren berekend is.

misschien dat ie ter plekke inderdaad voor een 'parallelbaan' zou
kunnen kiezen als die niet helemaal lekker ligt.

Het ligt er puur en alleen aan dat OSRM heel droog naar de snelste 
route kijkt. Paar voorbeelden:

Vooral die laatste vind ik wel leuk. De N556/Stationsstraat is 50 km/h 
en de weg waarover gerouteerd wordt is vooral 80 km/h. In de berekening 
(wat heel simpel afstand/snelheid is) is die een paar seconden sneller. 
Maar goed, ik denk het voor iedereen wel duidelijk is dat je op die weg 
niet overal 80 kunt rijden.

OSRM is vrij dom wat dat betreft.


2013/5/21 St Niklaas

Kan de aanleg van nieuwe en bredere wegen, dus gps verschuivingen er 
debet aan zijn ? Het verschijnsel trad op bij Driebergen A12li en 
Vinkeveen A2re. In beide gevallen is het niet sneller om de afrit te 


Date: Tue, 21 May 2013 17:05:50 +0200
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Nieuwe Waalbrug A50

Ik heb een aantal van die vreemde routes bekeken en het komt omdat de 
routeplanner de kortste of snelste route (maakt vaak niets uit) heel 
letterlijk  neemt. Je zult zien dat de afslag vaak een binnenbocht is 
en met de zelfde maximale snelheid dus korter en sneller is. Er is dus 
meer intelligentie in de route planner nodig om dat soort hele strikte 
beslissing te omzeilen.

Lijkt me een interessante uitdaging,


FROM: Floris Looijesteijn
SENT: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 3:43 PM
TO: OpenStreetMap NL discussion list
SUBJECT: Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Nieuwe Waalbrug A50

Ik heb dat gedrag vaker gezien op navigatiesystemen.
Dat je je opeens rotschrikt en snel de afslag neemt omdat je niet 
bekend bent in de buurt.

Om vervolgens beneden weer direct de snelweg op gestuurd te worden...
Met onze data kan toch zeker een betere beslissing genomen worden.
Routers zouden kunnen kijken het aantal kruisingen.
Of gewoon een voorkeur hebben voor op dezelfde weg blijven als dat 
maar een paar procent in afstand/tijd scheelt.


2013/5/21 Maarten Deen

On 2013-05-21 12:24, Martien Scheepens wrote:


Op de A4 hebben we al zo'n geval: [1] 

Ik vraag me af wat routeplanners er mee doen.

Kortste of snelste route, al naar gelang het algoritme.

Zie ook [3] waar de routeplanner doet of zijn 
neus bloedt en de korste/snelste route berekend via de afrit en oprit 
(snelheid op de op- en afrit is hetzelfde als op de autosnelweg).

In jouw geval waarschijnlijk de binnenbocht, dus de linkse 


2013/5/21 Maarten Deen

Vandaag is de nieuwe Waalbrug in de A50 bij Ewijk geopend. Ik heb 
de nieuwe situatie zo goed mogelijk van de paar keer dat ik er de 
afgelopen tijd langs ben gekomen gemapt en de oude brug op 
construction gezet. Verbeteringen zijn uiteraard welkom.

Misschien een punt van aandacht: hoe wordt de nieuwe situatie 
gemapt met ways: de nieuwe brug heeft 1x4 rijstroken en zal dus 
eigenlijk 1 way worden, de oude brug blijft 2x2 rijstroken hebben 
en zal dus 2 ways blijven?


Talk-nl mailing list [2] [1]

[1] [2]
[2] [1]

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___ Talk-nl mailing list [2]

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Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Nieuwe Waalbrug A50

2013-05-22 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-05-22 11:45, Floris Looijesteijn wrote:

in dat laatste geval zouden de 4 keer vaker afslaan toch echt
zwaarder moeten tellen dan die paar seconden tijdswinst.

Het probleem is: wat is 4 keer vaker afslaan? Volgens de data is een 
rotonde oprijden ook een 90 graden bocht. Dus dan heb je ook al 4x 
afslaan via de normale route.

maar goed: genoeg ideeën maar geen kennis of tijd om het zelf beter te 
doen :)

Hier ook. En dan ook nog een ontwikkelaar die IMHO wel erg snel dat is 
een dataprobleem zegt zodat hij de routingengine tenminste niet hoeft 
aan te passen.
Moeten we straks niet alleen gaan taggen voor de renderer, maar ook nog 
taggen voor de router.


2013/5/22 Maarten Deen

On 2013-05-22 09:27, Floris Looijesteijn wrote:

nee, dat kan er niet mee te maken hebben, dit is een route die van
tevoren berekend is.

misschien dat ie ter plekke inderdaad voor een 'parallelbaan' zou
kunnen kiezen als die niet helemaal lekker ligt.

Het ligt er puur en alleen aan dat OSRM heel droog naar de snelste 
route kijkt. Paar voorbeelden: [4] [5] [3] [6]

Vooral die laatste vind ik wel leuk. De N556/Stationsstraat is 50 
km/h en de weg waarover gerouteerd wordt is vooral 80 km/h. In de 
berekening (wat heel simpel afstand/snelheid is) is die een paar 
seconden sneller. Maar goed, ik denk het voor iedereen wel duidelijk 
is dat je op die weg niet overal 80 kunt rijden.

OSRM is vrij dom wat dat betreft.


2013/5/21 St Niklaas

Kan de aanleg van nieuwe en bredere wegen, dus gps verschuivingen 
er debet aan zijn ? Het verschijnsel trad op bij Driebergen A12li en 
Vinkeveen A2re. In beide gevallen is het niet sneller om de afrit te 


Date: Tue, 21 May 2013 17:05:50 +0200
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Nieuwe Waalbrug A50

Ik heb een aantal van die vreemde routes bekeken en het komt omdat 
de routeplanner de kortste of snelste route (maakt vaak niets uit) 
heel letterlijk  neemt. Je zult zien dat de afslag vaak een 
binnenbocht is en met de zelfde maximale snelheid dus korter en 
sneller is. Er is dus meer intelligentie in de route planner nodig 
om dat soort hele strikte beslissing te omzeilen.

Lijkt me een interessante uitdaging,


FROM: Floris Looijesteijn
SENT: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 3:43 PM
TO: OpenStreetMap NL discussion list
SUBJECT: Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Nieuwe Waalbrug A50

Ik heb dat gedrag vaker gezien op navigatiesystemen.
Dat je je opeens rotschrikt en snel de afslag neemt omdat je niet 
bekend bent in de buurt.
Om vervolgens beneden weer direct de snelweg op gestuurd te 

Met onze data kan toch zeker een betere beslissing genomen worden.
Routers zouden kunnen kijken het aantal kruisingen.
Of gewoon een voorkeur hebben voor op dezelfde weg blijven als dat 
maar een paar procent in afstand/tijd scheelt.


2013/5/21 Maarten Deen

On 2013-05-21 12:24, Martien Scheepens wrote:


Op de A4 hebben we al zo'n geval: 
[1] [1] [2]

Ik vraag me af wat routeplanners er mee doen.

Kortste of snelste route, al naar gelang het algoritme.

Zie ook [3] [3] waar de routeplanner doet of 
zijn neus bloedt en de korste/snelste route berekend via de afrit 
en oprit (snelheid op de op- en afrit is hetzelfde als op de 

In jouw geval waarschijnlijk de binnenbocht, dus de linkse 


2013/5/21 Maarten Deen

Vandaag is de nieuwe Waalbrug in de A50 bij Ewijk geopend. Ik 
heb de nieuwe situatie zo goed mogelijk van de paar keer dat ik 
er de afgelopen tijd langs ben gekomen gemapt en de oude brug op 
construction gezet. Verbeteringen zijn uiteraard welkom.

Misschien een punt van aandacht: hoe wordt de nieuwe situatie 
gemapt met ways: de nieuwe brug heeft 1x4 rijstroken en zal dus 
eigenlijk 1 way worden, de oude brug blijft 2x2 rijstroken hebben 
en zal dus 2 ways blijven?


Talk-nl mailing list [2] [2] [1]

[1] [2] [2]
[2] [1] [1]

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Talk-nl mailing list [2] [2]

___ Talk-nl mailing 

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Nieuwe Waalbrug A50

2013-05-22 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-05-22 12:21, Martien Scheepens wrote:

Hoho. Dit is dus echt geen dataprobleem. Je algoritme kan zonder meer

Daar ben ik het ook volledig mee eens. Taggen voor de router is het 
probleem van het algoritme verplaatsen naar de data. En dat moet je niet 

een malus bevatten voor iedere actie die je als weggebruiker moet
doen. Dit maakt de resultaten ook robuster voor noise als kleine
zijstraatjes die 5 meter korter zijn. Daarnaast bevat OSM al data als
junction=roundabout, highway=traffic_signals
highway=motorway_junction, dus dit kun je zonder meer gebruiken als je
het nodig zou hebben. Dit probleem zou ook over de snelheden te sturen
moeten zijn.
 Het is ook ronduit naïef om de maximumsnelheid te gebruiken. Voor
een afslag (waar je misschien 130 mag) is iets als 50 veel logischer.

Vertel dat in Duitsland waar wegen buiten de bebouwde kom standaard 100 
km/h zijn. Dat je dat op B-wegen vrijwel nooit kunt rijden weet de 
router niet.


2013/5/22 Maarten Deen

On 2013-05-22 11:45, Floris Looijesteijn wrote:

in dat laatste geval zouden de 4 keer vaker afslaan toch echt
zwaarder moeten tellen dan die paar seconden tijdswinst.

Het probleem is: wat is 4 keer vaker afslaan? Volgens de data is een 
rotonde oprijden ook een 90 graden bocht. Dus dan heb je ook al 4x 
afslaan via de normale route.

maar goed: genoeg ideeën maar geen kennis of tijd om het zelf beter 
te doen :)

Hier ook. En dan ook nog een ontwikkelaar die IMHO wel erg snel dat 
is een dataprobleem zegt zodat hij de routingengine tenminste niet 
hoeft aan te passen.
Moeten we straks niet alleen gaan taggen voor de renderer, maar ook 
nog taggen voor de router.



On 2013-05-22 09:27, Floris Looijesteijn wrote:

nee, dat kan er niet mee te maken hebben, dit is een route die van
tevoren berekend is.

misschien dat ie ter plekke inderdaad voor een 'parallelbaan' zou
kunnen kiezen als die niet helemaal lekker ligt.

Het ligt er puur en alleen aan dat OSRM heel droog naar de snelste 
route kijkt. Paar voorbeelden: [4] [4] [5] [5] [3] [3] [6] [6]

Vooral die laatste vind ik wel leuk. De N556/Stationsstraat is 50 
km/h en de weg waarover gerouteerd wordt is vooral 80 km/h. In de 
berekening (wat heel simpel afstand/snelheid is) is die een paar 
seconden sneller. Maar goed, ik denk het voor iedereen wel duidelijk 
is dat je op die weg niet overal 80 kunt rijden.

OSRM is vrij dom wat dat betreft.


2013/5/21 St Niklaas

Kan de aanleg van nieuwe en bredere wegen, dus gps verschuivingen 
er debet aan zijn ? Het verschijnsel trad op bij Driebergen A12li 
en Vinkeveen A2re. In beide gevallen is het niet sneller om de 
afrit te nemen.


Date: Tue, 21 May 2013 17:05:50 +0200
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Nieuwe Waalbrug A50

Ik heb een aantal van die vreemde routes bekeken en het komt 
omdat de routeplanner de kortste of snelste route (maakt vaak 
niets uit) heel letterlijk  neemt. Je zult zien dat de afslag vaak 
een binnenbocht is en met de zelfde maximale snelheid dus korter 
en sneller is. Er is dus meer intelligentie in de route planner 
nodig om dat soort hele strikte beslissing te omzeilen.

Lijkt me een interessante uitdaging,


FROM: Floris Looijesteijn
SENT: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 3:43 PM
TO: OpenStreetMap NL discussion list
SUBJECT: Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Nieuwe Waalbrug A50

Ik heb dat gedrag vaker gezien op navigatiesystemen.
Dat je je opeens rotschrikt en snel de afslag neemt omdat je niet 
bekend bent in de buurt.
Om vervolgens beneden weer direct de snelweg op gestuurd te 

Met onze data kan toch zeker een betere beslissing genomen 

Routers zouden kunnen kijken het aantal kruisingen.
Of gewoon een voorkeur hebben voor op dezelfde weg blijven als 
dat maar een paar procent in afstand/tijd scheelt.


2013/5/21 Maarten Deen

On 2013-05-21 12:24, Martien Scheepens wrote:


Op de A4 hebben we al zo'n geval: 
[1] [1] [1] [2]

Ik vraag me af wat routeplanners er mee doen.

Kortste of snelste route, al naar gelang het algoritme.

Zie ook [3] [3] [3] waar de routeplanner doet 
of zijn neus bloedt en de korste/snelste route berekend via de 
afrit en oprit (snelheid op de op- en afrit is hetzelfde als op 
de autosnelweg).

In jouw geval waarschijnlijk de binnenbocht, dus de linkse 


2013/5/21 Maarten Deen

Vandaag is de nieuwe Waalbrug in de A50 bij Ewijk geopend. Ik 
heb de nieuwe situatie zo goed mogelijk van de paar keer dat ik 
er de afgelopen tijd langs ben gekomen gemapt en de oude brug 
op construction gezet. Verbeteringen zijn uiteraard welkom.

Misschien een punt van aandacht: hoe wordt de nieuwe situatie 
gemapt met ways: de

[OSM-talk-nl] Nieuwe Waalbrug A50

2013-05-21 Per discussione Maarten Deen
Vandaag is de nieuwe Waalbrug in de A50 bij Ewijk geopend. Ik heb de 
nieuwe situatie zo goed mogelijk van de paar keer dat ik er de afgelopen 
tijd langs ben gekomen gemapt en de oude brug op construction gezet. 
Verbeteringen zijn uiteraard welkom.

Misschien een punt van aandacht: hoe wordt de nieuwe situatie gemapt 
met ways: de nieuwe brug heeft 1x4 rijstroken en zal dus eigenlijk 1 way 
worden, de oude brug blijft 2x2 rijstroken hebben en zal dus 2 ways 


Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Nieuwe Waalbrug A50

2013-05-21 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-05-21 12:24, Martien Scheepens wrote:


Op de A4 hebben we al zo'n geval: [2]
Ik vraag me af wat routeplanners er mee doen.

Kortste of snelste route, al naar gelang het algoritme.

Zie ook waar de routeplanner doet of zijn neus 
bloedt en de korste/snelste route berekend via de afrit en oprit 
(snelheid op de op- en afrit is hetzelfde als op de autosnelweg).

In jouw geval waarschijnlijk de binnenbocht, dus de linkse rijstroken.


 2013/5/21 Maarten Deen

Vandaag is de nieuwe Waalbrug in de A50 bij Ewijk geopend. Ik heb de 
nieuwe situatie zo goed mogelijk van de paar keer dat ik er de 
afgelopen tijd langs ben gekomen gemapt en de oude brug op 
construction gezet. Verbeteringen zijn uiteraard welkom.

Misschien een punt van aandacht: hoe wordt de nieuwe situatie gemapt 
met ways: de nieuwe brug heeft 1x4 rijstroken en zal dus eigenlijk 1 
way worden, de oude brug blijft 2x2 rijstroken hebben en zal dus 2 
ways blijven?


Talk-nl mailing list [1]


Talk-nl mailing list

Talk-nl mailing list

[OSM-talk-nl] Tweede Coentunnel

2013-05-14 Per discussione Maarten Deen
Klopt het dat er momenteel geen verbinding van de tunnelbuis richting 
noorden naar de A8 is? Je wordt via de S118 en de Verlengde Stellingweg 

En de terugweg wordt ook niet via de Coentunnel gestuurd, maar ik hoop 
dat dat is omdat way 115021650 de verkeerde kant op ging. De westelijke 
nieuwe tunnelbuis is als oneway:reversible aangeduid, ik hoop dat de 
routeplanners daarmee om kunnen gaan (en klopt dit met de 


Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Tweede Coentunnel

2013-05-14 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-05-14 14:18, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:

Klopt het dat er momenteel geen verbinding van de tunnelbuis richting
noorden naar de A8 is? Je wordt via de S118 en de Verlengde 


Volgens mij klopt dat niet. Ik ben gister over de A5 van Schiphol naar 
Coenplein gereden, en aan de andere kant van de tunnel kan je gewoon 

over de A8.

Op het moment word het verkeer door de nieuwe tunnelbuizen gestuurd, 
zijn de oude voorlopig gesloten voor onderhoud. Dat moet nog 

worden in OSM.

Het meeste is al gedaan. De 2e Coentunnel ligt aan de oostkant, is open 
en op de oude Coentunnel is access:no gezet.

Het lijken alleen nog wat details te zijn die niet goed staan.

En de terugweg wordt ook niet via de Coentunnel gestuurd, maar ik 
dat dat is omdat way 115021650 de verkeerde kant op ging. De 

nieuwe tunnelbuis is als oneway:reversible aangeduid, ik hoop dat de
routeplanners daarmee om kunnen gaan (en klopt dit met de

Ik heb helaas geen beeldmateriaal van de rit bij gebrek aan een 

maar op Youtube staan wel wat fimpjes van iemand anders:

Zal ik vanavond eens gaan bekijken.


Talk-nl mailing list

[OSM-talk] Waze navigation

2013-05-07 Per discussione Maarten Deen

Anybody heard of waze?

Isn't this exactly what OSM is, only now as navigation as a 
startingpoint? Looking at the map in my area (the Netherlands), I see 
OSM some 6 years ago.

It seems all so superfluous to me, I don't see the point. Why not make 
a navigation app based on OSM? There are several already.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Waze navigation

2013-05-07 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-05-07 13:53, Simone Cortesi wrote:

On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 1:09 PM, Maarten Deen wrote:

Isn't this exactly what OSM is, only now as navigation as a 
startingpoint? Looking at the map in my area (the Netherlands), I see 
OSM some 6 years ago.

It seems all so superfluous to me, I don't see the point. Why not 
make a navigation app based on OSM? There are several already.

simply put: money.

they want to sell the data. their map data is closed data. they sell
traffic data collected by the users, to their clients.

Meanwhile, I was also pointed out that they have different region 
servers. The Netherlands map is quite complete if you get the right 
link. Looks like they actually bought mapdata because a new building 
plot is shown as completed, including streetnames, where on other places 
new road developments are missing.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] namen van gemeenten

2013-04-16 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-04-16 10:21, Marc Gemis wrote:

Wat mij vandaag opviel op de mapnik rendering van OpenStreetMap is
dat in Nederland
de namen van de gemeenten verschillende keren voorkomen op zoom niveau 

bv. Chaam staat er 3 keer op

Dit is niet het geval aan Belgische zijde.
Doen jullie de gemeenten (deelgemeenten) op een andere manier dan 
wij ? 

Er is een node 42838224 place=village, name=Chaam, een way 6332800 
landuse=residential, name=Chaam en de derde komt waarschijnlijk van 
relation 2718260 boundary=administrative, admin_level=10, name=Chaam.

Ik neem aan dat van alle drie de naam gerenderd wordt. Vrijwel alle 
plaatsen in Nederland zitten op deze manier in OSM. Daar waar het 
gehuchten betreft (Chaamdijk, Grinderdoor) heb je alleen de place node 
en de landuse way, niet de boundary relation.


Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl]

2013-04-06 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-04-06 07:05, Ronald Stroethoff wrote:

In het verleden werden gebouwen simpel getagt met building=yes.
Dit was mischien een beetje simpel maar werkte wel.
Nu blijkt dit volgens de volgende web-pagina:
  nogal uitgebreidt te zijn.
Op dit ogenblik is er nog geen verschil te zijn in de presentatie op maar ik kan wel het nut inzien van deze verdere
De vraag is wel hoe we hier mee omgaan, het betekent erg veel werk om
handmatig al die geboutje om te zetten en dorpjes en wijken waar nu niemand
bezig is kunnen dan nog een lange tijd op de oude stand blijven staan.

Jemig, wat zit daar een hoop, sorry voor het woord, bullshit bij. Hotel 
hebben we toch al als tourism? Dus tourism=hotel en building=hotel? 
Lijkt me een beetje dubbel. for the hotel grounds including. Grounds, 
is voor mij de perceel, of is mijn kennis van het engels daar een beetje 
verkeerd? Een perceel ga je niet al building taggen.

En terrace? Als ik een rij rijtjeshuizen die nu uit de shapes import als 
één building staan ga opdelen in verschillende woningen dan ga ik daar 
echt geen terrace van maken. Dat is sowieso een totaal onbekende term in 


Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl]

2013-04-06 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-04-06 22:18, Jo wrote:

Het beste voorbeeld is waarschijnlijk building=church. Sommige zijn
nog place_of_worship, andere niet meer, maar het blijft wel een

Of je nu bij een hotel building=yes of building=hotel gebruikt, dat
maakt niet zo'n groot verschil, al is het soort gebouw waar de meeste
hotels inzitten wel vrij typisch.

Dat mag voor de grote ketens misschien zo zijn, maar ga maar eens in 
een grote stad naar een hotel dat niet in een keten zit. Dat is gewoon 
een van de gebouwen in de hele rij. Daar had zomaar een paar 
appartementen in kunnen zitten.


Op 6 april 2013 21:51 schreef Maarten Deen het 

On 2013-04-06 07:05, Ronald Stroethoff wrote:

In het verleden werden gebouwen simpel getagt met building=yes.
Dit was mischien een beetje simpel maar werkte wel.
Nu blijkt dit volgens de volgende web-pagina: [1]
  nogal uitgebreidt te zijn.
Op dit ogenblik is er nog geen verschil te zijn in de presentatie op [2] maar ik kan wel het nut inzien van deze 

De vraag is wel hoe we hier mee omgaan, het betekent erg veel werk 
handmatig al die geboutje om te zetten en dorpjes en wijken waar nu 
bezig is kunnen dan nog een lange tijd op de oude stand blijven 
Jemig, wat zit daar een hoop, sorry voor het woord, bullshit bij. 
Hotel hebben we toch al als tourism? Dus tourism=hotel en 
building=hotel? Lijkt me een beetje dubbel. for the hotel grounds 
including. Grounds, is voor mij de perceel, of is mijn kennis van het 
engels daar een beetje verkeerd? Een perceel ga je niet al building 

En terrace? Als ik een rij rijtjeshuizen die nu uit de shapes import 
als één building staan ga opdelen in verschillende woningen dan ga ik 
daar echt geen terrace van maken. Dat is sowieso een totaal onbekende 
term in Nederland.


Talk-nl mailing list [3]


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Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Imagery Boundary?

2013-03-31 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-03-31 17:57, Clay Smalley wrote:

This seems silly and useless. The imagery is subject to change and
the way will become obsolete. I don't see a point in mapping this, and
I'm okay with deleting these ways. But I'd rather hear from someone
with more experience before anything happens.

It is a common and often-used method to indicate regions that have 
high-resolution Bing imagery in an area where the rest is only 
I would not delete them. They serve a purpose. If you have a better 
working suggestion (i.e. a low-hi-res overlay to use in the editors) 
then you might have a point.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Imagery Boundary?

2013-03-31 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-03-31 19:22, Florian Lohoff wrote:

On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 07:01:19PM +0200, Maarten Deen wrote:

It is a common and often-used method to indicate regions that have
high-resolution Bing imagery in an area where the rest is only
I would not delete them. They serve a purpose. If you have a better
working suggestion (i.e. a low-hi-res overlay to use in the editors)
then you might have a point.

They are put into the database at a certain point where they might
really show the area of HiRes Sat imagery. Nobody cares about them
afterwards and bing regularly updates their imagary. So after a year
you would need to correct them which in my cases nobody did over a 

of more then 2 months.

As they were wrong and nobody cared i deleted them.

Obviously, when somtheing is wrong you either correct or delete it. But 
that is stating the obvious. I think there is no debate about that.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk-nl] Vertaling van nominatim termen

2013-03-15 Per discussione Maarten Deen
Het valt me op dat als je bij de kaart zoekt naar een weg dat alle 
residential wegen als Woonerf worden aangegeven. Dat klopt natuurlijk 
niet, want een residential weg is gewoon een weg. Een living_street is 
een woonerf.
In de Nederlandse map_features wordt residential vertaald als straat. 
Zo ver ik kan zien worden andere wegen wel goed vertaald, bijvoorbeeld 
in Secundaire weg of Tertiare weg.

Waar kan de vertaling van Nominatim aangepast worden? Wordt dat gedekt 
door de trac tickets, of is dat alleen voor generieke Nominatim zaken 
(niet specifiek voor de search bij de kaart)?


Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Bussen van De Lijn in Maastricht/Tilburg

2013-03-13 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-03-13 20:30, Jo wrote:
Op 13 maart 2013 19:39 schreef Maarten Deen het 

On 2013-03-13 19:25, Rob wrote:

Ho Jo

De laatste keer dat ik contact met hem had, over verwijderde items
van me, was z'n moto less is more
Hij gaat schijnbaar voor een mooie rustige kaart.

Hmm. Ik heb ook eens met iemand een discussie gehad die nodes voor 
haltes aan twee zijden van een weg aan het weghalen was.

Ik vind zelf dat als het een en dezelfde halte is (dus op dezelfde 
plek De Lijn als Veolia) kan het beter een node zijn. verschillende 
zones kun je oplossen met zone:NL en zone:BE of zo iets.

Dat zou dan al beter zone:Veolia en zone:De_Lijn zijn, vermoed ik.
Geloof me, die piste had ik al uitgeprobeerd maar dan met zone:De_Lijn
en zone:TEC en dan natuurlijk operator=De Lijn;TEC;STIB/MIVB.
 Het begin er al mee dat tagnames gewoonlijk geen hoofdletters of
spaties bevatten. Verder zou dat dan betekenen dat alle haltes in
Nederland en België hertagd moeten worden om dit consistent te

Alleen dat in Nederland de zone landelijk is, dus daar zou zone:Veolia 
weer niet helemaal kloppen. Alle haltes hertaggen hoeft ook niet want 
daar waar geen extra tag staat is het de waarde die in dat land 
gebruikelijk is. Je hoeft dus alleen haltes die door meerdere operators 
gebruikt worden te hertaggen.

Maar goed, het is maar een gedachte.

Vandaar dat ik dus was begonnen met een node per operator die dan
samen met de andere attributen van de halte gegroepeerd worden in een
public_transport=stop_area relatie.

Het voordeel is dat elk zo'n halte aan de bijbehorende routerelaties
kunnen worden toegevoegd.

Het komt in Nederland ook wel voor dat een halte door verschillende 
operators wordt aangedaan, maar ik zou het niet mooi vinden als er dan 
twee bushaltes neergezet worden. Dat kan IMHO alleen als er ook twee 
verschillende haltepalen staan.


Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Antarctica coastline/shelf-ice import

2013-03-05 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-03-05 16:22, Jochen Topf wrote:

On Tue, Mar 05, 2013 at 09:57:31AM -0500, Serge Wroclawski wrote:

I worked on an Ozone monitoring instrument briefly in my career, and
my understanding is that the polar ice caps change often.

No, they don't change all that much. Of course they change a little 
bit all the
time, the ice cap moves about 10m a year at the South Pole for 
instance, and
sometimes large icebergs break off from the shelf-ice, but for the 
we are talking about here, the resolution interesting for OSM, they 

basically static.

Are you proposing that we change them every N months?


If so, I think we have better solutions at our disposal than trying 

delete/reimport huge areas like this.

This is a misunderstanding. The reason the old data is bad is not that
Antarctica changed so much between then and now. I don't know why the 
data is so bad, maybe it is because satellite images etc. have 

since then so better data could be derived.

In the beginning the coastline was very coarse. So much that the then 
current algorithm of generating tiles (especially for T@H) sometimes 
didn't find data to work with (because nodes were so far apart) so it 
rendered an empty tile.
I did a lot of work making it more precise according to the aerials 
available. I haven't checked in recent years how it correlates to 
current aerials.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Openstreetmap server down?

2013-02-19 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-02-20 07:56, Toby Murray wrote:

Yes. The database server is offline. I don't know why or when it will
be back. London should be waking up here shortly. I'm sure there will
be a better response then.

Apparently they're doing something now because the map at was fine 10 minutes ago and is not responding 
either at the moment.


On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 12:44 AM, Jo wrote:


Is the server down? I can't up or download anymore since last night.


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talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Display names of crossroads

2013-02-14 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-02-14 11:59, Andrew Errington wrote:

In Korea we also have named junctions at overpasses, so the junction 
name is
where the two roads cross (or meet) but they physically don't join 
one road is on a bridge over the other, and there are sliproads to 

between them.

In the third case we could tag the four nodes at the beginning of each 
road.  Or put the nodes in a relation.  Or draw a big area covering 

entire junction.

Junction names on exits or junctions of motorways is common practise:
(Knooppunt Zaarderheiken is the name tag, e.g.

I could post this question on the talk-ko list and ask what Korean 
users would

expect to see.

And talk-jp for Japan. I see little use in discussing how we would like 
to do it. has a map, but it looks to be the standard 
slippy map. Has noone there seen this as a big enough problem to make 
their own rendering and start mapping the junctions?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] POI display on

2013-01-22 Per discussione Maarten Deen
Do you exclude certain POIs from the selection? post_box, telephone and 
recycling do not show any details.
There is an example for recycling and telephone here


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] New History tab for (beta)

2013-01-04 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-01-04 00:25, Michal Migurski wrote:


I found what I think is spam on my first try:
Look no further than Apple Blossom Florist, the premier Oakland
florist, for beautifully arranged flowers and gift baskets for any

Links to changeset #14155469, but that comes up blank here:

Subsequently reverted but still in the index?

In general, links to changesets do not seem to work. If you look up the 
changeset in the usual place 
( you'll see it's 


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] noexit=yes

2013-01-02 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2013-01-03 08:20, Jo wrote:

Ik begrijp de verwarring, aangezien (alleszins in JOSM) een
verkeersbordje verschijnt als je het op de laatste node zet en je geen
visuele feedback krijgt, als je de tag op de way zet. Het is echter de
way die noexit=yes moet krijgen, aangezien het de straat is die
doodloopt. Voor een router is het nodig om die informatie te hebben,
voordat het einde van die way bereikt is, zodat die ways enkel
gebruikt worden als dat de bestemming is.

Nee, het is niet voor routers. Routers hebben snel genoeg door dat een 
weg doodloopt.
Het is voor QC dat andere mappers niet denken (misschien aan de hand 
van luchtfoto's) dat een weg toch verbonden moet zijn. Misschien dat 
zelfs de JOSM validator dergelijke wegen negeert bij de controle van 
unconnected nodes die dichtbij andere wegen liggen.


Talk-nl mailing list

[OSM-talk] Cool uses of OSM

2012-12-31 Per discussione Maarten Deen
I was using a train from the Erzgebirgsbahn in Germany yesterday 
(Annaberg-Buchholz - Chemnitz) when I noticed the information display. 
This was an OSM background on which the trains from the Erzgebirgsbahn 
were overlayed. I took a few photos but I now also see that they have an 
internet version of it on The 
version in the train had as default view the train you were sitting in 
and that trains timetable was shown on the left (just as a train that 
you click on wil show its timetable on the right).
And as a bonus: it's Openstreetmap so it also allows you to see a map 
of the surroundings before you disembark the train.
The only thing missing from the trainversion (which I now see on the 
internetversion) is the possibility to see a departuretable when you 
click on a station.

I don't see it on the internetversion, but the trainversion had a logo 
from Funkwerk on it. I assume 
they developed it.

Really really cool feature. I spent a lot of time playing with it.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] permament access restrictions and routing

2012-12-23 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2012-12-23 23:53, Chris Hill wrote:

On 23/12/12 15:41, Stan Berka wrote:
Yesterday, I did navigation to my work place here in Warsaw using 
Osmand o my G2.  The route I was given led through Warsaw Old Town.  
The problem with this is, the Old Town is closed to most vehicles, 
year long, except for special vehicles (shop supply, city services 
etc).  Thus, the route was completely useless since I'm not a 
firetruck driver.  How can this problem be resolved, so OSM routers 
can generate more useful?

that sounds like a highway=pedestrian to me.

You could add a access=destination to it. Then routing should be done 
only to addresses on those roads and the roads should not be used to go 
from A to B.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] ebook maps

2012-12-12 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2012-12-12 10:25, Hendrik Siedelmann wrote:


all possibilities to render maps as ebooks (or for print) that I
found were relatively limited (only raster images and/or limited
number of pages).
So I tried something new:
What do you think?

The idea is great. But before I download a 245MB PDF file: will Adobe 
Acrobat or Foxit PDFreader load and display something like that without 
problems? The most difficult PDF I have is a 4MB file of the french 
railroad network (official RRF file), and a redraw after zooming or 
panning takes a looong time. The inital draw is 20 seconds alone.

And does 3.4MB for only the coastline and the one major road not seem a 
bit excessive? I think the data should be a bit simplified before you 
make a PDF out of it.

But again: the idea as such is good.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Bot-wars

2012-12-10 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2012-12-10 22:26, Ronald Stroethoff wrote:

Ik wordt een beetje moe van al deze edit-bots.
De berichten van echte edits verdwijnen ertussen.
Ik zie nu zelfs al edit-wars tussen de diverse bots optreden.
Ik weet niet of hier nog wel zin in heb.

Voorbeelden? Heb je de makers van die bots er ook op gewezen?


Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] maping bus routes, was Re: junction= roundabaout

2012-11-23 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2012-11-22 21:14, Wolfgang Wienke wrote:

Am 22.11.2012 20:20, schrieb Maarten Deen:

On 2012-11-22 12:23, Robert Elsenaar wrote:

At the other way, as we do it in Holland every roundabout should be
tags in a forward and backward way in relations when the roundabout 

split up. One of the reasons relation get polluted.

But your drawing argument is a illegal one. We do not map for the
renderers. And all relations are two sided so always the whole
roundabout is used.

Not all relations are two sided. A lot of bus relations are from A 
to B

with a second relation from B to A.

Is this standard for newer mappings in Netherlands?

There is no standard. I even observed someone merging bus stops for 
different directions into one because it looks better on the map.

In this case we (operator AVV in Aachen and other citys) include this
to a collecting relation for the line. In Germany a bus more ofter
drives different ways. Because of this there are often 5-6 such
relations in the collecting relation. This collecting relation is
included in a relation with all lines of an operator.

Do you accept OXOMOA scheme?

This is the first that I ever hear from that scheme. But after reading 
it: how do split roundabouts and different relations for forward and 
backward not fit in this model?

I had made a start documenting Dutch busroutes [1], but I also see that 
I'm more or less the only one using it.
I don't know how it is done outside Limburg, but in Limburg the 
relations are IIRC not grouped. I'm also not entirely sure how we should 
group them. In Germany there is a strong grouping in the 
Verkehrsverbünde. We don't have that. We do have concessionareas, but 
these can be large (Limburg is one concession, run by Veolia) and can 
overlap (in Amsterdam, you'll find busses from different concessions).
Currently the logical division in Limburg is North/Middle, South, 
Parkstad, citylines Venlo, citylines Roermond, citylines Maastricht. 
This is a historical division based on buscompanies starting 60 years 



Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] maping bus routes, was Re: junction= roundabaout

2012-11-23 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2012-11-23 14:29, Cartinus wrote:

On 11/23/2012 12:44 PM, Maarten Deen wrote:

On 2012-11-22 21:14, Wolfgang Wienke wrote:

Do you accept OXOMOA scheme?

This is the first that I ever hear from that scheme.

Please ignore the original oxomoa scheme when tagging bus routes. 

is a reason the scheme sits in someones private wiki-space: It was the
first step in a long process that ended here [1].

Significant parts of the oxomoa scheme ended up in the final proposal,
but parts of it didn't (like the incredibly insane type=line in stead 


On 11/23/2012 12:44 PM, Maarten Deen wrote:

I don't know how it is done outside Limburg, but in Limburg the
relations are IIRC not grouped. I'm also not entirely sure how we
group them. In Germany there is a strong grouping in the
Verkehrsverbünde. We don't have that. We do have concessionareas, but
these can be large (Limburg is one concession, run by Veolia) and can
overlap (in Amsterdam, you'll find busses from different 

In the central part of The Netherlands the name of the concession used
to be put in the network tag of the relation. I just noticed someone
didn't understand relations are not categories and created a
type=public_transport + public_transport=network relation to group the
lines of the concession BRU stad.

I read from Wolgang's comments that this is also done for the AVV 
buslines. And it is common practice for walking and cycling networks.

Or is this a different kind of grouping relation?


Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] junction= roundabaout

2012-11-22 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2012-11-22 12:23, Robert Elsenaar wrote:

At the other way, as we do it in Holland every roundabout should be
tags in a forward and backward way in relations when the roundabout 

split up. One of the reasons relation get polluted.

But your drawing argument is a illegal one. We do not map for the
renderers. And all relations are two sided so always the whole
roundabout is used.

Not all relations are two sided. A lot of bus relations are from A to B 
with a second relation from B to A.


Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] there are lots of falkland islands

2012-11-21 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2012-11-21 11:23, Robin Paulson wrote:

tens, possibly hundreds in fact.

perhaps an import gone wrong?

I think it is because all the Falkand Islands are grouped in a 
multipolygon relation. A different method of grouping boundaries is the 
boundary relation. I believe there are two camps about.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] History of relation 20773

2012-11-16 Per discussione Maarten Deen
Relation 20773 is currently at v1159. I can get the XML back to v1155 
(, but versions 
before that don't not show anything.
When a relation is deleted, I should still get the base info with at 
least relation id=20773 visible=false, should I not?

Interestingly, when I go even further back, from 973 downwards it works 
again. I haven't tried everything betwee 973 and 1154.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] History of relation 20773

2012-11-16 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2012-11-16 11:03, Tom Hughes wrote:

On 16/11/12 08:30, Maarten Deen wrote:

Relation 20773 is currently at v1159. I can get the XML back to 
(, but 

before that don't not show anything.
When a relation is deleted, I should still get the base info with at
least relation id=20773 visible=false, should I not?

Interestingly, when I go even further back, from 973 downwards it 

again. I haven't tried everything betwee 973 and 1154.

I expect the missing versions were redacted as part of the license 

Can't the API give out some kind of information in such cases? An XML 
message of some sort? Now you get nothing. For a user it might well be 
that the api is malfunctioning. JOSM handles it with an error message 
Authorisation at the OSM server failed. The server reported the 
following error: ' '.

Not really helpful.
I was led to understand that the info is still available, but with a 
state redacted (similar to deleted).


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] History of relation 20773

2012-11-16 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2012-11-16 11:26, Tom Hughes wrote:

On 16/11/12 09:16, Maarten Deen wrote:

Can't the API give out some kind of information in such cases? An 

message of some sort? Now you get nothing.

No you don't, you should be getting 403 Forbidden meaning that you
are not allowed to access it.

Hmm, I see now, IE does display that. Firefox (16.0.2) displays an 
empty page. Still, a bit more information would be helpful. A user still 
has to know there was a redaction process and then has to determine if 
this might be the cause.

For a user it might well be
that the api is malfunctioning. JOSM handles it with an error 

Authorisation at the OSM server failed. The server reported the
following error: ' '.
Not really helpful.

It's not my fault if JOSM handles it badly...

Really? ;)


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Tool to detect incorrect oneways?

2012-11-12 Per discussione Maarten Deen
Recently I came across a strech of motorway that oneway=yes set on all 
sections, but parts were inverted. In ASCII art, you had a road like 

Is there a tool to detect this? Keepright I think only checks deadend 


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Tool to detect incorrect oneways?

2012-11-12 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2012-11-12 12:36, Ed Loach wrote:

I think this would show on the small components routing layer at

I'm not sure what that actually shows (is there a description of it?) 
but it seems to highlight ways that are connected only on one side and 
have no name.
Moreover: the osrm website does not give a URL that you can use to 
download an area in JOSM and is therefor not really useful for this.


-Original Message-
From: Maarten Deen []
Sent: 12 November 2012 10:28
Subject: [OSM-talk] Tool to detect incorrect oneways?

Recently I came across a strech of motorway that oneway=yes set
on all
sections, but parts were inverted. In ASCII art, you had a road



Is there a tool to detect this? Keepright I think only checks




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talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] websites bij POI

2012-10-26 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2012-10-26 13:56, Floris Looijesteijn wrote:

 Een paar voorbeelden:

Stadhuis van Haarlem: [3] [4]

VD in Haarlem: [5] [6]

Voorbeeldje van restaurant met een eigen (slechte :) website: [7]

Vooral van de eerste twee vraag ik me af of die nuttig zijn.

Waarom zouden die niet nuttig zijn? Lijkt me net zo handig als je 
mobiel aan het navigeren bent met je smartphone, je komt een POI tegen 
en die geeft je direkt een link naar wat het precies is.


Talk-nl mailing list

[OSM-talk] Wiki login redirect

2012-10-18 Per discussione Maarten Deen
I haven't noticed this before a few weeks ago, but when you visit a 
page in the wiki and then login, you are redirected to the main page. 
This is not very convenient, because logging in after navigating to a 
page is usually for one purpose only: to edit the page. And certainly 
users that have an account don't need to get redirected to the main 
It is also not the standard behaviour of wikis. Normally when you login 
there is a returnto= field in the URL.

Can this be changed please?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Who is a good mapper? Who isn't?

2012-10-10 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2012-10-10 22:22, Richard Weait wrote:

What are the results?

Some respondents mentioned that close-but-not-touching ways made for 

bad mapper but were generally very understanding on this point.  It
was seen more as an indication of inexperience.

The Big Pet Peeve that identified bad mappers was poor or missing 

I've taken a go at graphing comment quality.  This is not science of
course.  Try it yourself; how would you measure comment quality?

The question is: how do _you_ measure comment quality? These numbers 
say nothing to me. You must have some formula to convert a comment to a 

The most common comment quality is 18.
Half of all accounts have comment quality from 13 to 36.
Bots usually have comment quality under one.

Many of the named bad mappers have comment quality under 6.  Given 

number of mappers who specifically mentioned comment quality, should
not be a surprise.

So high = good quality? Even that was not clear.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Data verdwenen in Leeuwarden? Of verkeerssituatie gewijzigd?

2012-10-05 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2012-10-05 08:24, Theun wrote:
Er wordt daar nog druk gewerkt. Is het niet verstandiger om te 

tot dit is getracked en toegevoegd? Dit soort automatische
toevoegingen/aannames is één van de redenen dat ik de laatste tijd
niet veel fut heb om me met osm/fietsroutes bezig te houden.
 Zet er dan gewoon een fixme op. En laat ook de fietsroute door een
lokale map per doen.

Ik vind ook het changesetcomment niet echt handig. Midden-Friesland 
checked and corrected. Ik zou eerder zetten kruispunt aan nieuwe 
situatie aangepast. Dan heb je wat meer idee wat er is gebeurd.


Op 4 okt. 2012 23:37 schreef Jo [9] het

Ik had daar een fietspad nodig om een fietsrouterelatie weer continu
te krijgen. Ik heb die ingetekend, maar er zal iemand met een GPS
langs moeten gaan, om de exacte ligging te bepalen.


Op 4 oktober 2012 20:21 schreef Martien Scheepens [6] het volgende:

Beste Jo,

Het tweede is het geval: [4] .
De oude rotonde/ het verkeersplein kon minder verkeer verwerken
dan een ordinair kruispunt met verkeerslichten.
Ik weet niet of je al contact met Frevo gehad hebt over de nieuwe
situatie, maar gezien de schetsen op de website vermoed ik dat de
fiets-/voetpaden nog ingetekend moeten worden.



2012/10/4 Jo [5]

Hier is blijkbaar heel wat data verloren gegaan:

Ofwel klopt Bing niet.

Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Wiki Translation

2012-10-01 Per discussione Maarten Deen
If I read the Template:Languages correctly, there is a list of 7 
languages with a dedicated namespace, a list of not more than 50 major 
languages without dedicated namespace and the rest.

Indonesian (id) is currently in the rest.

Is it possible to make a list of wiki pages that have been translated 
and take the 50 most used languages to use in the template as major 
languages without dedicated namespace? A major language is not really 
interesting for us if there are no translations in it.


On 2012-10-01 11:51, Alex Rollin wrote:
Bahasa Indonesia and Malay variants are the 6th most spoken in the 


On Oct 1, 2012, at 3:34 PM, Kate Chapman wrote:

Hi All,

An effort has begun to translate parts of the OpenStreetMap wiki 

Bahasa Indonesia.

My question is how does a link to the translation end up in the
Available Languages section at the top of each page of the wiki?
it states Note: due to technical reasons (limitations in the parser
functions defined in the MediaWiki software showing this wiki), not
all pages with existing translations will show by default in the 
of available languages, but only languages for major languages of 

world. Is this why Bahasa Indonesia doesn't show at the top when a
page is translated? I think it is a pretty major language.



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Hosting of rackspace gezocht voor

2012-09-29 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2012-09-29 23:18, Stefan de Konink wrote:

On 09/28/12 20:07, Frank Heinen wrote:
Kosten zijn vrij simpel te berekenen. Als je een cheap-ass hoster 
als OVH, die bieden hosting aan voor een leuke server voor een ~ € 

euro per jaar of

Dat draait goed, ik spreek uit ervaring.

En als je de el cheapo ovh neemt: heb je die
specs maar dan voor 600 euro per jaar. Geen redundante harddisken, 

veel geheugen.

Je krijgt tegenwoordig steeds meer plaatsen waar je thuis een 
aansluiting op glasvezel hebt. Zou dat ook werken?

(nog geen glas)

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