Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser 72.0.1 won't load after update.

2020-02-09 Thread commodore256

I thought it was MPL2?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser 72.0.1 won't load after update.

2020-02-09 Thread commodore256
Kinda off-topic, but what do people here think about pale moon? It's a fork  
of firefox esr, but they plan on keeping the javascript implementation up to  
date, but not support web rtc. Is there freedom concerns? If so, is there a  
GNUified version? It feels pretty fast on my T400. I didn't like the build of  
midori or abrowser bundled with the Trisquel 9 testing branch. Again, I hope  
there aren't any freedom concerns, though they do have some nice addons that  
are firefox esr compatible with the addons at least having freedom respecting  

[Trisquel-users] Problems with gaming and Trisquel 9

2020-02-09 Thread commodore256
Hey, I installed the Trisquel 9 testing build on a T400 that I just bough  
that I'm too scared to try to libreboot.

Anyway, I noticed openarena segfaults when you try to play it and I've  
noticed Fceux, nestopia and higan is in the repos (along with wine) and  
there's very few excuses to use those programs other than cheating on your  
FLOSS lifetyle, maybe one exception would be running console game from github  
and you have the source code with a freedom respecting license and one great  
reason to have these programs doesn't seem to work in our builds, and that's  
reverse-engineering, the builds of the emulators we have don't have the  
debugger for the emulated cpu. This guy has a debugger in his build of Fceux  
and it's only one release newer than the one the repos have.

I would like the emulator builds to have the built in debugger because I  
would like to get into reverse-engineering and I figure the easiest way to  
start is from one of the simplest cpus made, it's so simple, there are videos  
of people making them on multiple boards and that can be done because it has  
under 5,000 transistors, it had a clock rate under 2mhz and the NES/Famicom  
could only execute code during the V-Blank (so there shouldn't be a lot of  
code running) and since it's 8-bit, the ints only go up to 255, so they can  
be easy to guess. People say you should "learn programming by solving a  
problem". Ok, I've got two problems, A:It's a voodoo magic black box and B:  
the game sucks. So I'm thinking maybe I should reimplement the program rom  
and call it "Quester's Fest", just something that would get me started in  

Re: [Trisquel-users] My experience using Trisquel so far

2019-10-31 Thread commodore256
>Does it really have to be in your house, or are you just exaggerating to  
hammer home the point about Discord?

I suppose it's part exaggeration to make a point, but on the same token, you  
are trusting somebody else and there's no real way to see if they hold your  
values to heart like the fiasco with Nord VPN or they might get their asses  
raided like lavabit. Also how many servers run only free software and there's  
a lot of "cloud" providers that claim they're powered by solar, but it's  
either fossil fuels or nuclear. Here's what a real solar powered website  
looks like. And if the website is down, that's because the battery died ;)

As for pidgin, I can see your concerns, but the beauty of free software is  
it's fixable.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My experience using Trisquel so far

2019-10-31 Thread commodore256

I tried parabola and it wouldn't even install.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My experience using Trisquel so far

2019-10-29 Thread commodore256
Yeah if Eric Swartz can do that in 1995 with 4MB of RAM, trisquel could do  
this no problem. Hell, the best animation was all done analog and the best  
animators today have a very analog mindset even though they're using digital  

Re: [Trisquel-users] My experience using Trisquel so far

2019-10-29 Thread commodore256
That made me think if there was a cartoon short about a Trisquel User  
watching Twitch in mpv and as soon as they turn on Javascript, their PC  
bursts into flames. Oh that would be funny.

Reminds me of this short made in the 90's on an Amiga.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My experience using Trisquel so far

2019-10-29 Thread commodore256
and maybe with musl too. Alpine Linux uses musl and it's pretty fast. eglibc  
hasn't been updated in 5 years, so since then debian moved to glibc. So I  
think it would be cool if Trisquel used musl, it would use less RAM and it  
would remove temptations to install non-free software like installing a Deb  
of Skype or Discord. The only problem would be I couldn't scrape pre-compiled  
debs of free packages made for distros that half-ass freedom and I hear  
getting Rust to work is a pain in the ass. Contemporary GlibC has a 8m thread  
stack size and using my system as an example I have 140 threads open so that  
would just be 1.08gigs and musl has an 80k thread stack size, so 140 threads  
would be 11megs.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My experience using Trisquel so far

2019-10-29 Thread commodore256
>The modern web really is an hellscape of lazily engineering and often  
user-abusing Javascript.

Oh, yes, I can't stand the modern web. Funny enough you can run some modern  
websites without Javascript like or

>Given your knowledge of hardware, I assume you know about Libreboot. Is this  
what you mean by "flash" Coreboot without blobs?

Well, libreboot is like a pre-compiled coreboot without binary blobs. Instead  
of using libreboot directly, I plan on compiling coreboot without blobs  
because coreboot is more up to date. I think you can compile coreboot without  
any voodoo magic black boxes.

>Pidgin. Convincing your family and friends to switch to a free code chat  
service like Wire or Signal is better for *their* software freedom and  
privacy, but we all know what a struggle that is

Yeah though if they play fallout, they might like Finch. Just run that in  
Cool Retro Term and it looks like they're using a fallout terminal. I also  
think mumble might be convincing because it performs very well with shiternet  
like people throttled down to ISDN speeds on their phones. Discord only got  
big because  open feint (Discord at that time) bribed youtubers saying it's  
immune to DDOS of which open feint's founder got in trouble with his previous  
business venture for privacy violations. But the only issue in setting up a  
mumble server today is boomers come in and say "hey, can you join my discord  
server" and I'd be like "It's not 'your' server, if it was your server, the  
server would be located in your house"

>One downside of Pidgin though, is that development hasn't been as active for  
about 5 years

What features does it really need? It has plugins and libpurple.

>Welcome to the free world!

Thanks, I feel liberated in more ways than one.

[Trisquel-users] My experience using Trisquel so far

2019-10-29 Thread commodore256
First, I want to say my hardware specs aren't optimal,  I just really wanted  
to get going and my tube of thermal paste is spent after putting the cooler  
on to test it. My CPU us a Pentium 2.7ghz with 2MB of L2 Cache and can only  
support SSE3 and I only have 2GB of RAM installed. That is because while I  
actually have the fastest  Core2 Quad this board supports at 3Ghz, 6MB of L2  
per dual core cluster (It's kinda like a precursor to Zen) and it supports  
SSE4.1 and I actually have 8GB of DDR2, the really rare and expensive kind  
that can get me 2x4GB and still be non-ecc intel compatible, but I'm kinda  
worried if something goes wrong flashing my bios chips, I might fry my RAM  
with it, so I figure if I do fry it, I might as well fry the cheap stuff and  
I'm out of thermal paste for my CPU, but I do have a graphite pad and I think  
those damned push pin coolers with the circular block might snage the  
graphite pad, so I'll save that for a bigger and better cooler that probably  
won't snag the graphite pad.

So that's why I'm not using the most optimal config, I think I'll flash  
coreboot without blobs tomorrow because it's more up to date. Speaking of  
which, a good side ramble would be I'm curious of what I could do with a  
libre bios instead of disabling IME, I just use it for something else. Maybe  
since it's intel 8088 based maybe have it be for a hyervisor for a z80  
console with libre  homebrew roms or maybe an IME architecture based fantasy  
console. "Either the user controls the hardware or the hardware controls the  
user". I just want to do it out of spite. Lemons into lemonade I suppose.

But anyway, after installing it, I tried  upgrading to 9.0 twice  following  
instructions found on this forum and I rather not mess with it and one of the  
times installing Trisquel, I was frustrated that it wouldn't install and I  
looked carefully at the error message and it said my optical drive was dirty,  
so instead of cleaning it, I threw it away because the one that came with  
that computer didn't even burn DVDs and I put in another one I had lying  
around. I also tried installing sysvinit, was a bad time, I'm lucky I knew  
how to chroot. I also tried installing other free distros, but Parabola and  
the Parabola installation on top of Manjaro didn't work for me. I'm not sure  
how people feel about this but I was able to get pidgin working with plugins  
(all GPL licensed) that hook into centralized trash "services" like discord  
and Skype. Yeah, I know the national spying agency looks at those logs, but  
if I want to talk to boomers, it's better than running their applications  
that could be doing heave knows what. I also installed the latest mumble.

But I have to say, so far, I am quite pleasantly surprised. When I was  
messing with Manjaro on this machine, it used way more ram (even on xfce) and  
it took forever to compress a compiled package. Having midori, mumble and  
pidgin up with all of the plugins and chatrooms, the whole system runs on 1GB  
of RAM and the gaming performance really surprised me. on my Sandy Bridge  
Machine, Quake3 in the latest build of IOQuake3 was dogshit slow, but I  
cranked up everything on Openarena at 1920x1440 and got 20fps and on Sandy, I  
got lower numbers on lower settings in Quake3. I can see why people donate so  
much, you can see the care the maintainers have taken in picking optimized  
experience for thees experiences. The distro is a work of craftsmanship. (I  
use that as a gender-neutral term)

My experience of installing Trisquel brought me back to the days when I first  
discovered GNU/Linux Distros. Having a couple issues, but figuring it out and  
those days when I searched the Ubuntu Repo for games and I discovered  
OpenArena. I think I'm satisfied with this level of computing and I feel free  
software is a good part of a technology diet. What makes a diet work is the  
lifestyle and it seems like most people's technology diet is just pop-tarts  
and cinnamon toast crunch. I'm going to be more analog.

Re: [Trisquel-users] GAPCOIN Math Crypto-Currency for TRISQUEL Users

2019-10-21 Thread commodore256

Oh, you didn't know? It says it in the roadmap section.

Re: [Trisquel-users] GAPCOIN Math Crypto-Currency for TRISQUEL Users

2019-10-21 Thread commodore256

"Go Open Source (except the mining algorithm)"

Well, it defiantly doesn't respect freedom if it isn't even classified as  
"open source. Get your voodoo magic black box shit out of here.

Re: [Trisquel-users] An Open Source License That Requires Users to Do No Harm

2019-10-07 Thread commodore256
Imagine of there was something like a "you must not use this for terrorism"  
clause, how are you really going to stop them? It would also set a bad  
precedent for GPL licensed software. Not only would this be GPL incompatible  
even for linking, but it would increase the liabilities for GPL licensed  
software that don't have those clauses.

Re: [Trisquel-users] An Open Source License That Requires Users to Do No Harm

2019-10-06 Thread commodore256
It seems redundant because if they use it for harm, they can get sued anyway  
and even if they couldn't, people wouldn't blame the software, they would  
blame the user.

A lot of free software users' love for freedom goes beyond the realm software  
and have noticed no matter what the intention to, efforts to restrict freedom  
for the good of the collective has usually resulted in the restriction of  
freedom be worse than doing nothing.

You don't think RMS thought of this back in the 80's?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Adobe Flash

2019-09-21 Thread commodore256
You shouldn't really care as long as it respects the four freedoms (of which  
it does) or if you're a developer and want to link software from another  

Might I ask, what drew you to Trisquel specifically?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Adobe Flash

2019-09-20 Thread commodore256
It's like running a game in an emulator. (actually, it's exactly like that)  
The Emulator itself is libre, but the game more than likely isn't. Though I  
have messed around with compiling test ps1 programs.

If you want to support libre games, if you find them, send them some coin.

This NES game is GPL3 licensed:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Adobe Flash

2019-09-20 Thread commodore256
I suppose unless you use it for reverse-engineering and figure out how that  
Actionscript worked. But yeah, the same has been said for Javascript.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Richard Stallman Does Not and Cannot Speak for the Free Software Movement

2019-09-17 Thread commodore256
Everybody in the free software movement speaks for free software as  

Re: [Trisquel-users] I cant join the community =(

2019-09-11 Thread commodore256
I joined this site years before I bought a system that's freedom friendly.  
Even then, It's not complete yet, I'm still trying to find money to complete  

When I joined, I was mildly interested about a 100% libre system. You know  
kinda like those people that make videos about Windows 98 and ask if it's  
still useful today doing daily tasks. But, now with centralized proprietary  
stuff constantly violating my trust, I thought "I wouldn't be surprised if my  
Bios was spying on me" and than I thought "Oh wait, it probably is thanks to  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Recommended Music players?

2019-09-09 Thread commodore256
I use Rhythmbox, it's good if you have meta-data and you want to organize.  
You could also use a console based music player, but they're not really up to  
my standards the last time I used them and I forgot what that reason was. I  
think it was it lists by artist, but I want to list by album and none of the  
console based players I found had that feature.

But Rhythmbox is great for ripping CDs, CDs are a nice experience, All  
copyright could be abolished and I'd still buy first party CDs.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Azure and WSL version of Trisquel

2019-09-04 Thread commodore256

The whole point of Trisquel is to be a 100% libre Debian.

Running it in WSL defeats the point. Though I would find it amusing if  
ReactOS implemented a WSL (or would it be an RSL in this case?) Having a  
libre NT isn't a bad idea, I suppose you could in theory run 100% libre code  
on ReactOS. If there were FOSS x4500 drivers for windows server 2003, it  
could work, but it's not mature in it's development enough for production  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Best browser? Also chess

2019-09-04 Thread commodore256
I like pale moon, but there's a drama with MPL trademarks. It's really good  
though, It's like Firefox ESR in another direction.

For browsing without Javascript, I'd recommend you use Netsurf. It's only  
50MB when you launch it.

I don't know much about Chess, but for an XMPP Client called "Gajim", you can  
install a tic-tac-toe plugin. Somebody I was chatting with had really bad  
internet upstream issues in mumble where he could hear us, but he would drop  
too many packets and somebody in mumble said he was playing tic-tac-toe in  
gajim. Then I thought that could be really good for people with really bad  
shiternet, imagine if there was a plugin for texas hold up, yu-gi-oh or  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Thought on using guids for non-free stuff with trasferable skills to free stuff?

2016-12-17 Thread commodore256
You mean reverse engineering? Yeah, I love reverse engineered projects like  
GNU was. Though Gimp was never trying to be a Photoshop clone. If I could  
spare the cash, I would pay the Gimp Project and Kdenlive what Adobe normally  
charges. Money gets stuff done.

[Trisquel-users] Thought on using guids for non-free stuff with trasferable skills to free stuff?

2016-12-17 Thread commodore256
Example: Say if you watch a video or read a book on how to do x in Photoshop  
or Premiere and you're like "Hey, let's see if Gimp or Kdenlive can do that".

You get the idea, you just implement the idea in something else. I know  
there's plenty of guides on free tools, but that's not what the experts use  
and there's nothing wrong with somebody using a tool not used by experts like  
using Crayola Markers instead of Copics. Yes, a pro can make good work with  
Crayola because it's mostly the skill of the pro, but most pros are going to  
use Copics and one could transfer that mentality to another tool. Not to say  
I look down at Gimp, (or Crayola because I bought some) 2.10 looks fantastic,  
bit's easier to find pros that use Photoshop and DuckDuckGo how to do that  
step in Gimp or ask on stack exchange.

Re: [Trisquel-users] PSA: Shadow Warrior is free (as in beer) today. (compatible with GPL Engine)

2016-09-12 Thread commodore256
Oh, I didn't know how important in-engine scripting was to the FOSS  
community. Had I known that I wouldn't have said anything about Quake. What  
about a re-implementation of the asset scripts?

Re: [Trisquel-users] PSA: Shadow Warrior is free (as in beer) today. (compatible with GPL Engine)

2016-09-12 Thread commodore256

I thought JFSW was GPL

[Trisquel-users] PSA: Shadow Warrior is free (as in beer) today. (compatible with GPL Engine)

2016-09-12 Thread commodore256

That's funny because just yesterday I ran a game distribution platform that  
will not be named in Wine so I could download all the games I bought that  
have free implementations of their engine either feature complete or in the  
works and I downloaded 42! (Of which you can't even buy those "for linux")  
I'm a "on the fence" free software enthusiast, but I respect the free  
software culture and wouldn't normally talk about purchases on a drm riddled  
non-free platform, but I thought I'd bring it up because it's an interesting  
coincidence and I would buy all of those again if they were on GOG. (some  

Pic of Games I bought that have free engines in attachment.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Thoughts on J-core?

2016-09-09 Thread commodore256
Too bad their website is down and the Github clone hasn't been updated in 2  
years :(

I guess nobody wants to make a GPU IPCore because the patent-free designs are  
too old to make into an ASIC that enough people would actually want. :/ I  
guess a free GPU IPCore is unfeasible at this point, (even a Free CPU is on  
the verge of being ready in the embedded market) but we'll eventually hit a  
wall where it will still be competitive enough to use expired patents on GPU  
design and hell, the free hardware community might even think of better shit  
that AMD and Nvidia haven't thought of, but that's years away.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The GIMP CMYK support

2016-09-09 Thread commodore256
I hear they're not even messing with CMYK or NDE until they port to GTK3 and  
they're not going to port to GTK3 until they finish the GEGL Port.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Thoughts on J-core?

2016-09-09 Thread commodore256
I mean old PowerVR, wouldn't the patents be expired?  Also, GPL-GPU uses 90's  
tech, so you might as well use references from 90's Voodoo and PowerVR.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Thoughts on J-core?

2016-09-09 Thread commodore256
Yeah, BSD is good, even Stallman doesn't see a problem with it because the  
copyleft people get to play with it. I think there will be more free IPCores  
that can add missing functionality. Like there could be a implementation of a  
fusion of PowerVR and Voodoo design for the GPU with more modern stuff added  
on top of it. If I know engineers, some will code for fun and they'll add in  
an implementation of Glide support for shits and giggles.

It all trickles down. If you want to use the same process as the Pentium 4,  
it will cost you almost nothing and once we go to 7nm as the new hotness,  
we're going to be on 7nm for a while and I have no idea when we'll have  
graphene, so 7nm might last us a while and by the time it will be obsolete,  
the patents on the process would have expired and ordering a custom CPU might  
be more of a free market where you can make an order from a $20M Company  
instead of a $1T Company like TSMC

Re: [Trisquel-users] Thoughts on J-core?

2016-09-09 Thread commodore256
It's BSD licensed. Sure that will make it open to ASIC designers to fork  
janky shit into it, but I can see crowd funding projects on something like  
Croudsupply to make a Raspberry Pi style computer and I'd like to see a  
UMPC-like device running it.

[Trisquel-users] Thoughts on J-core?

2016-09-09 Thread commodore256
For those unfamiliar, the J-Core is a free implementation of the SuperH CPU  
of which was used in the Sega Saturn, Dreamcast and some old RISC servers and  
their mindset is instead of paying for licensing from ARM to make a CPU, they  
just collectively dump resources into an architecture who's patents are  
expired and work from there and see if they can add more features that the  
original SuperH ASICS could dream of and they say they're working on a 64-bit  
implementation, (in about 4 years) but it will be a backwards compatible to  
SH32 unlike the official implementation that went the Itanium rout. We will  
be approaching the Dreamcast's 20th anniversary in a couple years (meaning  
they have a reference device that says "hey, the patents are expired") and  
before I got into free software, the gaming performance on the Dreamcast at  
200mhz killed a Pentium 4 at 1ghz. (and I suppose you could still run some  
free homebrew on it today because the Mill-CD function was used as an  
unlocked bootloader)

But, yeah, that machine was fast for it's day and I'm curious what a more  
contemporary implementation can do like if it was workstation class, had more  
clock cycles and IPC. As for the practicality, well, there are ASICs that  
will be made soon and for now, they're targeting the embedded market because  
of the patent situation and when you get ASICs made, you either pay an arm  
and a leg for the new hotness of 14nm or you could use an older manufacturing  
process like 140nm and get them made for like $0.04 per chip.

So, I think they have a very pragmatic approach of starting small to get  
their foot in the door and work their way from there.What do you guys think?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot 20160818

2016-08-20 Thread commodore256
Well, that sucks because I feel the IPC from Core2 and pre-Zen Chips are like  
the new Pentium 4, they're trash.

Though, I think the dual opterons can still be usable depending on how  
multithreaded your workload is and can afford the electricity, but there's  
stuff to look forward to like free IP Cores where you can have FPGA  
accelerated GEGL or MLT or free CPU designs like the free implementation of  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot 20160818

2016-08-20 Thread commodore256
Will Libreboot ever support a board that supports a CPU with more IPC than a  
Core 2 Duo/Pre-Zen AMD?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Another free engine of a commercial Game: Serious Sam

2016-04-15 Thread commodore256
A similar thing happened with the AGS engine, it was under an artistic  
license, but it was dependent on a MS Lib, so it took them a while for them  
to implement a replacement.

[Trisquel-users] Another free engine of a commercial Game: Serious Sam

2016-04-15 Thread commodore256

Engines almost never go free anymore mostly due to non-free middleware like  
Unreal and Unity where you can't free the engine even if you wanted to. Well,  
at least we got Serious Sam now.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Another free engine of a commercial Game: Serious Sam

2016-04-15 Thread commodore256
I think the agreement was more complicated. I think making non-free software  
free is just as hard as making free software non-free, you have to get  
everybody that contributed to agree, but it would be a hell of a lot easier  
with unreal engine 1, because that's when they had less people developing it.  
I bet MS would love to put the NT Kernel under a GPL compatible license so  
they can get BtrFS working on Windows, but the NT Kernel touched too many  
hands making it impossible to track down. That's why when you have in house  
software and you want full control of it, it would be wise to add a "It's not  
your code, it's the company's" clause to the contract.

That said, I would add money into the bounty pool to lobby every studio that  
contributed to the unreal engine up until the point of Deus Ex.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does Trisquel support MP3 now?

2015-11-27 Thread commodore256
With Nautilus, you just need to right click on it and go to "properties" and  
it tells you what codecs, frame rate, bitrate and sample rates are being  

There's also ffmpeg (or avconv) -i media_file_name.whatever

Re: [Trisquel-users] So, where do you guys get Content that's Non-free yet DRM-free? (not talking about Games unless there's a free engine)

2015-11-27 Thread commodore256
I just found this and it pleases my inner audiophile.

[Trisquel-users] Does Trisquel support MP3 now?

2015-11-26 Thread commodore256
It's been 20 years since the 1995 revision, so most the software patents  
should be expired by now though the last revision was made in 1998, so the  
latest revision is only a few years away.

I find it odd that I saw on a post that's a couple years old that you don't  
support MP3 because of patents, but you have a x264 repo. Now what's up with  
that? Is that a version of x264 that has the features that violate software  
patents removed?

On that note of x264, the expiration of the h264 baseline patents are 8 years  
away, so I'm looking forward to that. (Though the latest revision of h264  
won't be patent-free until the baseline h265 standard is patent-free)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does Trisquel support MP3 now?

2015-11-26 Thread commodore256
Well, the software has been free, I just hear the Free Software community is  
scared of Software Patents. Teisquel is based on Ubuntu LTS and I'm not sure  
if the last LTS had patent-MP3 support.

I'm not using trisquel now, but I look forward to trying it with a free bios  
once I save my pennies for another computer.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does Trisquel support MP3 now?

2015-11-26 Thread commodore256
I got it from this post:

It looks like that post was made on the year that would be the 20 year mark  
for the initial MP3 standard, so it might have became patent-free a few  
months after that post.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does Trisquel support MP3 now?

2015-11-26 Thread commodore256

Oh, OK, I see.

Yeah, in 2018, the last patent on MP3 should expire. Even though that codec  
is so shitty, the best implementation is "LAME" and even that is lame. Flac  
is where it's at with ogg being the king of lossy audio.

Re: [Trisquel-users] So, where do you guys get Content that's Non-free yet DRM-free? (not talking about Games unless there's a free engine)

2015-11-16 Thread commodore256
The only reason why Boycotts fail is because it's not mainstream. My take is  
to make it mainstream. Make it as mainstream as #PerformanceMatters.

Re: [Trisquel-users] So, where do you guys get Content that's Non-free yet DRM-free? (not talking about Games unless there's a free engine)

2015-11-16 Thread commodore256
They don't see political ideologies and hatred of publishers for having a 95  
year monopoly on content or ogolipolizing all mainstream media. All they see  
is "people are consuming our content without paying because they're cheap".

It's more productive to get a lot of people to exploit that greed with  
trending social media topics about DRM and getting people together and saying  
"hey, we enjoined your stuff in the past, but we won't be customers anymore  
as long as you have DRM".

But anyway, this topic is suppose to be for methods of paying for non-free  
content that's DRM-free and compatible with a 100% free software stack. I'm  
still open to suggestions.

Re: [Trisquel-users] So, where do you guys get Content that's Non-free yet DRM-free? (not talking about Games unless there's a free engine)

2015-11-16 Thread commodore256
Well, if you file share, you tell them you don't pay for things. If more  
people played by their rules and sent the MPAA letters saying you'll never  
buy a movie as long as it has DRM and while they have DRM, you'll refuse to  
add mindshare by talking about DRM Movies and not even pirate it.

If enough people committed to it over a 6 month period, that would all go  

Re: [Trisquel-users] External Graphics card for Laptop

2015-11-15 Thread commodore256

It may not be doable and even if it is, it's probably not worth doing.

Why it may not be doable: Few new Laptops have an Express Card to rig an  
Adaptor and hackery with the Mini Pcie Slot that the Wifi Card uses is  
whitelisted thanks to the infinite wisdom of the FCC.

Why it may not be worth doing: Older laptops that don't have the Whitelist or  
are Core/Libre Boot compatible have older CPUs that bottleneck the GPU, The  
GPU is bottlenecked by PCIe x1 anyway, even if you still want to do it and  
have a non-free Bios, you'll have to go through the trouble of ripping your  
Bios and then looking for a whitelist flag in that binary blob and turn it  
off and then flash it. You're also making your system less portable though it  
would be nice for laptops that have M.2 where you could rig that into a GPU  
Dock for gaming at home. (Preferably games with free engines :D)

Re: [Trisquel-users] So, where do you guys get Content that's Non-free yet DRM-free? (not talking about Games unless there's a free engine)

2015-11-15 Thread commodore256
We're talking about paying for non-free content that's DRM-free and  
compatible with a 100% free software stack. (minus wine for extracting asset  
files that works in free engines) We're not talking about piracy.

Re: [Trisquel-users] So, where do you guys get Content that's Non-free yet DRM-free? (not talking about Games unless there's a free engine)

2015-11-15 Thread commodore256
You can only record unencrypted programming though. So most cable channels  
are a no-no. (unless you're recording analogue cable)

Re: [Trisquel-users] So, where do you guys get Content that's Non-free yet DRM-free? (not talking about Games unless there's a free engine)

2015-11-15 Thread commodore256
I don't obey the law because the law is right nor because I'm scared of Jail,  
I do it to play their game. If they don't want to sell DRM-free, fine, I  
don't have to buy from them.

I wish there was a campaign from many very mainstream sources that used  
twitter and facebook hashtags where they got a lot of people to pledge to  
purge DRM. People like the surviving Star Trek Cast (George Takei has lots of  
followers) and other celebrities, but I don't think we should go to them, we  
might piss them off. The free software community already pissed off Wil  
Wheaton. I think we need to start small with accepting online video  
personalities with an emphasis on Free Software and DRM-free living or  
something stupid where the FSF gets PewDiePie to play games with free engines  
like Doom, Quake or Morrowind. I can see him doing his usual WTF reactions by  
swearing in Swedish when an Imp or Ogre scares the hell out of him or when a  
Dark Brotherhood Assassin kicks his butt.

The free software community needs more likeable/charming people to spread  
their influence.

[Trisquel-users] So, where do you guys get Content that's Non-free yet DRM-free? (not talking about Games unless there's a free engine)

2015-11-15 Thread commodore256

All I know of is...

Gog: They have games that are compatible with free engines and  
reimplementations of free engines. They also have DRM-free documentaries.

Humble Book Bundle: They have two book bundles right now, Peanuts and Make.

Comixology: They have a selection of DRM-free Comics, but they make it really  
inconvenient to filter out DRM's comics and even the URL I have that says it  
DRM-free is still missing DRM-free Comics. Most (if not all) Archie Comics  
along with the Walking Dead are DRM-free and you can which one is DRM-free by  
the download icon in the store page of the Comic.

Anybody that sells MP3s: The late Steve Jobs did at least one thing we all  
can admire, he used his Conman powers for good instead of evil. He made all  
of the big music publisher agree to a change in the terms of the contract  
making the EULA more restrictive making it allowed to run on fewer devices of  
which the money hoarders in the suits loves, but they didn't read the the  
part that says "all music will be DRM-free" so the EULA didn't matter. Too  
bad his trick didn't work a second time with Movies :(

Re: [Trisquel-users] Personal Digital Assistant

2015-11-10 Thread commodore256

oh, the prototype was $1,500. $540 sounds good :D

Re: [Trisquel-users] ThinkPenguin Looking for Web Developer Expereinced with Drupal & Ubercart

2015-11-10 Thread commodore256
I don't know much about CMSs, but have you considered Typo3? I hear it's  
Enterprise Grade stuff.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Make Mupen64 work faster

2015-11-09 Thread commodore256
I'm not talking about a MMORPG, I'm talking about "Bill's PC"==Cloud Storage  
for Pokemon and if you have your own private server, you use your own cloud  
to store your Pokemon. But, yeah, they could make an engine that "just so  
happens to be compatible with Pokemon Roms". Be it with a rom scan or an  
importer that converts the blob assets in the rom to something that's  
compatible with the Free Engine or whatever and I guess you could use that  
engine to make a non-pokemon clone. It could be like a DnD clone. There's  
already a pokemon clone, but it's not free.

Another good idea would be replacement sprites or midi mod for the original  
non-free content.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Make Mupen64 work faster

2015-11-09 Thread commodore256
That's pretty awesome! I hope nintendo doesn't descend from them like locust  
and they probably would especially since the assets are in the repo. A better  
free implementation would be if it was ported to C++/SDL2 and it was  
free/contrib where it would point to address points in a rom (ideally ripped  
from a retrode) or a homebrew "Lebrémon" game where you "Gotta free 'em  
all". Instead of "Bill's PC", you could put it on "Red's Private Server"  
because there is no cloud, only somebody else' Computer.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Personal Digital Assistant

2015-11-09 Thread commodore256
I wish the Pyra would take off. I hate smartphones and I would rather have a  
class of mobile computing that's dead in the consumer market, a UMPC, but I  
don't think they can enough people willing to spend $1,500 for a dual core  
machine just because it's a fully open modular platform with a physical  
keyboard that's the size of a gameboy. It's $1,500 for the prototypes because  
they can't find enough people willing to spend $1,000 on it because it's such  
a niche product. (and the designer isn't planning on making much money on it,  
only a 5% margin.

I think it's niche not because people don't want it, but because people want  
a powerful phone and don't want to pay for it so they have a contract  
subsidize it. Also, the market doesn't know there's a viable interest for  
slider phones, they haven't been selling well because the ones left had crap  
specs or have the narrow keyboard. But $1,500 sounds like a lot for a Pyra,  
(and it is) but the way it's designed, it would last me 5 years and $1,500/60  
months==$25 per month. I think the creator needs to do something like a  
patreon and use each individual's contributions as their personal credit  
towards a Pyra.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What DE do you prefer for Trisquel 8?

2015-11-09 Thread commodore256
It's based on Gnome. I'd have to say, the Manjaro implementation looks  
amazing! It looks like what Windows 10 should have been.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Make Mupen64 work faster

2015-11-09 Thread commodore256
Yeah, but there are legal issues with sharing copyright & trademarked content  
content like the music notes, wave tables, images, dialogue, in-game  
scripting, etc. I've looked at the github page and except for the wave  
tables, (of which I couldn't find) it's all in there.

Like I said, a more legal way to do it would to be to design a rom importer  
where it scans the rom for the asset files in that binary blob and converts  
it to something else like a bitmap spritesheet, midi files, wave pcm files  
and lua scripting.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquelize linux mint?

2015-11-08 Thread commodore256

Mint==Ubuntu with even more non-free software

Re: [Trisquel-users] Do DRM free games matter even if the game is non-free?

2015-09-07 Thread commodore256
I don't know why there aren't any nonprofit game developers that develop  
games with libre engines. By "non-profit" I mean they make money, but the  
primary goal is their mission and it could be lobbying to make cracking DRM  
legal and reverse engineering game engines.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Do DRM free games matter even if the game is non-free?

2015-09-07 Thread commodore256
I get what you mean, I see free software supporters as a spectrum thing  
instead of a binary false dichotomy. There are are people that are dependent  
on non-free software and can't afford the switching costs of spending  
downtime to learn something like Blender, but appreciate the free software  
philosophy and then there's people that install Coreboot and everywhere in  

While I don't have all non-free software purged from my computer, I have my  
fullest respects to people like you and moxalt and the people at FSF that  
really stick to their guns. Especially with the FSF video on User Liberation,  
I watched it and the first thought that came to my mind was "Phh, I bet they  
payed a guy to make this and he used the Adobe flash animator" and I was  
pleasantly surprised to find the sources for that video and that's something  
worth admiring.

That said, I do plan on experimenting with Trisquel and I would even build a  
KFSN4-DRE Workstation and install Coreboot on it and document my experiment.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Miaow - The first Free/Open graphics processor.

2015-09-07 Thread commodore256
The license sounds free.

Also, it is software, Verrlog code is software.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Do DRM free games matter even if the game is non-free?

2015-09-06 Thread commodore256
Most Developers go for the convenience like the "I have to use Adobe" world  
of Content Creators. When it comes to Games, they use middleware that have  
re-licensing restrictions and in a lot of cases, making non-free software  
free is just as hard as legally making a non-free fork of GPL Code, you need  
the consent of everybody that ever contributed to your source code because  
you didn't add a "it's not your code, it's mine and I just pay you to improve  
it" clause in the contract. There's no middleware for developers that's  
convenient, exports to evil Consoles and can be re-licensed however the  
license wants to. I like what Id Software used to do, they made their engines  
libre but if a developer wanted to make it non-free, said developer would  
have to pay Id Software for their branch that can be re-licensed however the  
licensee pleases.

I think said middleware that's like unity would be a great idea for a  
non-profit lobbying organization. Even RMS has likes the idea of libre  
software with paid exceptions better than BSD licensed software.

All that said, I am looking forward to OpenMW and I'm glad Morrowind is on . You can play one of the best games ever made using a completely  
free software stack. That's no more unethical than buying a non-free Flac  
song on Bandcamp. "Nonfree game programs (like other nonfree programs) are  
unethical because they deny freedom to their users. (Game art is a different  
issue, because it isn't software.) If you want freedom, one requisite for it  
is not having or running nonfree programs on your computer. That much is  

Now, I don't have a complete free software stack, but I would like to try it  
as an experiment. I want to buy that dual AMD Quad Core Opteron Motherboard,  
install Coreboot and get the GPU that performs the best on a free software  
stack and see what I can do with it. Though I do wish a newer Xeon  
Motherboard was Coreboot compatible, AMD CPUs aren't very good and it uses a  
lot of juice for the performance it has :/

Re: [Trisquel-users] Do DRM free games matter even if the game is non-free?

2015-09-06 Thread commodore256
How about a Free Philosophy page? You can have Games be a subpage on that and  
have sticky topics on "Evil Consoles", "Windows DRM Games is a lesser evil of  
Consoles", "DRM-Free/non-free Windows Games is a lesser evil of DRM Windows  
Games", "DRM-Free/non-free games on a free OS is a lesser evil of  
DRM-free/non-free Games on Windows" and "DRM-Free/non-free Games with a free  
engine is the lesser evil of DRM-free/non-free Games on a free OS" and just  
be done with it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Miaow - The first Free/Open graphics processor.

2015-09-06 Thread commodore256
That's pretty cool, I just looked it up not even 2 hours before I saw this  

Re: [Trisquel-users] What games do you play on your computers

2015-09-06 Thread commodore256
Deus Ex... One of the best games ever made. A lot of people are really pissed  
off about the "augment your pre-order" mess with mankind divided. I really  
wish somebody would reverse-engineer Deus Ex, I would make monthly donations  
to said project.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where can I buy a liberated wifi card?

2013-01-09 Thread commodore256
Actually, It's FCC regulations that forced IBM to Whitelist their Wireless  

I have a possible solution, but it involves using non-free utility once and  
then you can remove it once the job is done. (well, I only know of non-free  
utils for this, there might be free ones that I'm not aware of)

Anyway, it involves hacking your Bios, my friend bought a Thinkpad T420s for  
his networking class and his networking card and it didn't work with certain  
protocols with GNU/Linux. so he bought the best wireless card he could find  
and it didn't work because of the whitelist, so he hacked his bios and now he  
uses whatever he wants. However flashing a modified bios could brick your  
laptop and the method  I know of involves using non-free software, but if I  
was sure it would work, I would recommend it because your bios isn't free  
anyway and I would like to know if anybody here actually uses coreboot.

Out of convenience and and paranoia that the process could eff up your laptop  
because something went wrong, I recommend the USB adapter.