Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Unfinished video for perusal

2009-02-23 Thread Chris Rowson
> Hi,
> After the multiple video threads I thought I'd have a play. I'd
> actually intended getting this finished for the Ubuntu Free Culture
> Showcase competition but that wasn't to be.
> The concept was to "Show that Ubuntu can be used by a diverse range of
> people for a myriad of tasks".
> A series of screenshots to be shown one after the other, getting
> faster and faster, being on the screen for shorter durations, with a
> shorter fade between each one. Eventually we split the screen and show
> 4 shot then 9, then 12 and so on up to hundreds of screenshots. As we
> increase we turn into a photomosaic
> depicting the Ubuntu
> logo (this part of the idea came from a discussion with Dave Murphy).
> In the background is a ticking clock from the very start which
> accelerates along with the video, and when the logo is finally
> displayed we hear an alarm clock going off (or perhaps a bomb)
> symbolising the wake up call (or explosion of use) to/of ubuntu.
> I played with blender to make this little video, and have discovered
> the following whilst doing it:-
> * Photo Mosaics are patented (
> ) <- annoying
> * Virtualbox is great for creating virtual machines.
> * Blender is an awesome video editor
> * Blender can't export to avi codec in Ubuntu (option not listed)
> * Blender can't export via ffmpeg in Ubuntu (crashes) <- also annoying
> * Blender _can_ export using avi raw
> The reason I mention this is because the result is that the videos you
> get out are enormous due to them being uncompressed, leading to this
> problem:-
> * Blender can't output videos greater than 2G size on 32-Bit Ubuntu.
> However, I have managed to get a sample out and compressed it down.
> Here it is in freedom loving ogg format:-
> 640x360, 4.9MB
> 1280x720, 14MB
> The original is 1280x720 (HD 720p effectively) so that it looks good
> on big screens. It scales down fairly well.
> Comments, questions, positive or negative - I can take it :)
> Cheers,
> Al.

Looks great Al, you've certainly got the start of something there and you've
obviously put a lot of hard work into it! Ending the video with an explosion
of some kind, perhaps with the smoke clearing to reveal or
the Ubuntu logo would seem like a nice way to end the show.

On a side note - The Evolution shot about three quarters of the way through
at least shows you read my emails!

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[ubuntu-marketing] Hopeful News for a 2009 Advertising Campaign

2009-01-05 Thread Chris Rowson
Actually this competition has coincided quite nicely with a recent whim of
mine to spend more time being creative!

I see where Al is coming from with the "I am Fedora" et al vids. I can't
help but think that one of the problems with this format is the
repetitiveness of the message. I think that a video following a similar "I
am.." format; but allowing the participant more 'freestyling' might be a
little more palitable.


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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Submission for "I am Ubuntu"

2008-12-31 Thread Chris Rowson
> Hi Jacob,
> Well done for taking the lead on this project. Whilst I know people
> are discussing the pros and cons of putting up sites like this, I
> think it's admirable that someone is just getting on and doing it.
> Keep going!
> 2008/12/31 Jacob F. Roecker :
> > Here's what I need:
> >
> > Get every Ubuntu user you know to sit behind their webcam (or some other
> > digital camera) and say "Hi, I'm (name), and I am Ubuntu"  Variations of
> > this are also acceptable, but should be sent in addition to the basic
> > version.
> >
> Whilst I appreciate that webcams are one very easy way to do it, it
> might be nice to get some videos that are made "out and about". People
> on trains, buses, walking the dog, in a bar/restaurant, basically
> anywhere "normal" (whatever that means) people go. One thing you'll
> note about the Microsoft adverts is that you don't see many people sat
> _at_ a PC. Do we really want a hundred videos of pasty faced poorly
> lit low res nerds? :)  (Note I include myself in that)
> Many people have mobile phones and digital stills cameras which can do
> short video clips, some can even do decent quality video ;)
> Just a suggestion to diversify the video that you get.
> > Possible variations include this example for my daughter:  "Hi, I'm
> Eliza.
> > I'm 7 years old, and I am Ubuntu."  Those from other parts of the world
> may
> > want to use something like this:  "Hi, I'm (name) from (place), and I am
> > Ubuntu."
> >
> "other parts of the world"?
> Surely everyone is from an 'other' part of the world relative to
> everyone else? I'd say you choose one or the other phrase for
> consistency but don't make the assumption that if someone doesn't say
> where they are from, they're from where you are.
> I'll certainly submit a video or two :)
> Cheers,
> Al.

Hi there,

I agree with Al, well done for just cracking on and doing it :-)

In the MS adverts I notice that the people making the videos have included a
little bit about themselves in it too. Perhaps it'd be a nice idea if some
submissions could go along the line of.

"I am Ubuntu and I arrest criminals..." (for example showing a policeman
with his laptop)
"I am Ubuntu and I predict the weather.." (for example showing someone
at a university using Ubuntu to run a research project)

You get the general idea... I'm just a bit worried that saying I am  and I am Ubuntu might get a bit repetitive. I think that people
might be more interested in what people are/do than in what that person's
name is.

What do you think?

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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] The "I'm Linux" Video Contest (Mike Feravolo)

2008-12-22 Thread Chris Rowson
> > I am confused about how "I'm Linux" is going to sell anything to anyone,
> > maybe you should consider using the mascot "Tux the Penguin" is you are
> > going to produce a copycat commercial in the first place.
> The way I read it there is no _requirement_ for it to be "I'm Linux"...
> "While you may be inspired by the Apple or Microsoft commercials, it's
> not a requirement to parody or make reference to them."
> I certainly wouldn't make anything that makes reference to them as the
> Mac ads are old and the Microsoft ones are a poor imitation (of an old
> concept), so what would that make a second generation copy?
> Cheers,
> Al.

I dunno if I agree with you there Al,

I think that it might be a good idea to capitalise on the 'I'm a PC' adverts
that MS is currently spending millions of dollars on forcing down our necks.
I guess if MS is good at anything, they're good at
advertising/sales/promotion. I think coming back with a challenge to that ad
format helps create an association with Linux being a 'big player' operating
system along with Microsoft Windows (and of course Apple Macintosh).

Subverting the MS message delivered via this advertising method would be one
way of using the 'I'm a PC' message against them. If MS is spending a great
deal of money on building this brand image, it'd be interesting to try to
turn their brand 'equity' if you like, against them. Cue Kung Foo phrase!

Of course it's got to be clever though, as you rightly say we don't just
want a second generation poor imitation.

Just my two penneth worth!

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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Radio Advertising

2008-12-14 Thread Chris Rowson
On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 11:19 PM, Christopher Swift <> wrote:

> I've spoken to the station owner, they have two servers on which they
> broadcast the radio on. They've said as Ubuntu is a non-profit organisation
> they have no problem advertising it for free and we can have any length
> advertisement slot. I'm now in the progress of explaining Ubuntu and OSS. I
> need to contact another person to get the demographics but they have said
> that there are roughly 500 people always tuned in with of course peaks at
> certain times of the night and day.
> By the thanks for your interest Bret, I obviously won't be able to do this
> alone, I'm a student of science and not of media :P
> On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 10:35 PM, Bret Fledderjohn <
>> wrote:
>> What are we looking at, a :10 second, :30 second, or :60 second spot
>> (commercial)?   Also, it is only a one spot, one time deal?  It's going to
>> be hard to generate a large response off one ad, especially on a small
>> station like that.  I'd be interested in the listener habits (How long they
>> spend listening, and when) and demographics (age, sex, other stats,
>> employement, etc).  If this is an on-air station, they should have some
>> Arbitron numbers (ratings) which can shed some light on that info.
>> I don't know if there is any radio ads floating around (although I doubt
>> it), I'd be willing to help out.  I've worked in radio advertising for about
>> 4 years (selling), but I have written several spots as well.
>> Regardless, I'd love to hear how this turns out!
>> Bret
>> 2008/12/14 Christopher Swift 
>>> Hello, I am searching for some advice on radio advertising for
>>> Ubuntu-Marketing. I have found out that I can get a free radio slot on a
>>> community radio station so I am trying to make the most of it. The community
>>> has roughly 48,000 members and I'd hope that 10% listen to the radio daily
>>> so that gives me room for about 4800 to listen to the adverts. I am
>>> searching for a pre-composed radio advert for Ubuntu; if this is not
>>> possible or simply doesn't exist yet then I am willing to try and
>>> co-ordinate an attempt to setup a recording myself.
>>> If you are able to help out, whether it be with an existing advert or
>>> perhaps with voiceovers or help with the radio advert script or even sound
>>> editting I'd be fully greatful. Hopefully if it gets done, we can release it
>>> under the GPL 2 licence or other for other Ubuntu users to freely use on
>>> their respective sites/stations.
>>> If you have any ideas, please mail them back to me (and the rest of the
>>> list). No matter how silly it sounds ;-). I hope that we can set off and
>>> really make this work.
>>> I look forward to hearing from you,
>>> Christopher Swift 

Have you thought about approaching any Ubuntu podcasters?

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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Organizational meeting proposed

2008-05-30 Thread Chris Rowson
I think part of the problem with these meetings is that given the
international basis of the marketing team, whenever you organise one,
someone will be unable to attend.

I propose that an agenda is fixed, with a set of issues to be
addressed and that the agenda is discussed at a group of regional

The responses to the discussed issues could then be noted and fed
'back up' to the international level and a decision arrived upon based
on the common consensus of the regional findings.

Either that, or split the marketing team into regional marketing teams
with the main marketing team as an advice centre for people to discuss
and feed ideas up to. I did this over at ubuntu-uk here

Although we've not done much as of yet, it is a good way to identify
people with an interest in marketing in each locality and I'm sure
formalising the process would help get things moving along more


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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Organizational meeting proposed

2008-05-29 Thread Chris Rowson
>> PLEASE respond with your time zone ASAP so this meeting can happen and
>> we can get this team doing what it supposed to do - MARKETING!!!

British Summer Time (GMT +1)


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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] (UK) headline - 'Schools set to go open source'

2008-05-25 Thread Chris Rowson
> Matthew,
> Ubuntu has an excellent OPPORTUNIY, yes, but unless WE take some action
> to actually submit a "solution" to Becta, we've accomplished nothing. I
> would like to know, as a newbie, who is responsible for doing this sort
> of thing? the marketing team? And how do I get in touch with them,
> because I'f like to help with this.
> Getting a piece of this contract - 80M English pounds - would put a
> serious dent in Microsoft's marketing share and position Ubuntu to give
> BigBlue some serious competition in other parts of the world - including
> Australia and even the US.
> Steps like this is how we fix Bug #1
> Peace!
> John Botscharow

Hi there John,

I think Becta are tendering for a four year framework agreement. In
government terms at least, I see this as meaning that they want to
enter into an agreement with a supplier for the next four years, in
which they can buy services/software at a pre-agreed price.

I guess, this would mean Becta would be receptive to an offer by
Canonical along these type of lines

* Supply and support of Ubuntu Hardy server software on certified
hardware --- £200 per annum per server. 24/7 support for main repo.

* Supply and support of Ubuntu Hardy desktop software on certified
hardware --- £50 per annum per desktop. 24/7 support for main repo.

And so on..

However, the nature of the beast is that any business could reply to
this tender offering support for Ubuntu if they wished. I don't think
that there is much that the marketing team can do to push Ubuntu to
Becta. Quite simply, the vendor offering the best value and meeting
all of Becta's requirements will win tender.


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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] (UK) headline - 'Schools set to go open source'

2008-05-24 Thread Chris Rowson
On Sat, May 24, 2008 at 7:34 AM, alan c <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The Computing  trade newspaper (print version) has a front page banner
> headline
> 'Schools set to go open source'
> and an associated article.
> --
> alan cocks

That's great Alan :-D

Really positive.


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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Promoting Ubuntu at libraries?

2008-03-22 Thread Chris Rowson
>  So, before I meander way off topic: I can't possibly be the only one who
>  has pondered promoting Ubuntu, in some way, at a public library. Any
>  experiences, examples, related stories, screams of terror or links? Feel
>  free to share!
>  Bye,
>  -Dylan McCall

Hi Dylan,

I gave my local library the shipit details and a sympathetic librarian
ordered a few CDs and put them on the counter to give out to patrons.

As for installing Ubuntu in libraries, that's a different kettle of fish...

Most (UK) libraries are part of the local government infrastructure
and thus get IT services from a local govt. IT department. 99.9% of
local government IT (desktop at least) runs on Windows, so that's what
you're likely to find in a library.

It's generally not up to the library staff to choose what IT
infrastructure they use unfortunately.


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[ubuntu-marketing] French paramilitary police switch to Ubuntu

2008-01-31 Thread Chris Rowson
I don't know if many people caught this on Slashdot, but for those of
you who didn't...

Basically, the French paramilitary police are replacing Microsoft XP
on 70,000 desktops with Ubuntu.

Quote from Colonel Nicolas Geraud, deputy director of the
gendarmerie's IT department.

"We will introduce Linux every time we have to replace a desktop
computer," he said, "so this year we expect to change 5,000-8,000 to
Ubuntu and then 12,000-15,000 over the next four years so that every
desktop uses the Linux operating system by 2013-2014."


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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Ubuntu from a Windows user perspective

2007-12-08 Thread Chris Rowson
> John Bradbury (a windows user) has made 3 very nice screencast type videos
> showing his use of Ubuntu. He videoed with little preparation which leads us
> to hear his reaction as he discovers things like update manager, auto codec
> and plugin installation...

Thanks Al,

I just watched the first video and really enjoyed it!

An invaluable and unique insight into a new users experience.


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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] White papers/Case Studies?

2007-12-04 Thread Chris Rowson
> Dear Ubuntu:
> I am a member of the Chicago Loco (, and we
> are currently working on migrating a server as a team for a small college in
> the area. As payment, we are accepting meeting areas, new users, thanks, and
> the spread of free software.
> We are documenting the migration for other LoCos to draw upon our
> experience, etc. However, we are also interested in doing a case study
> and/or a white paper. For those unfamiliar with white papers or case
> studies, I will paste the wikipedia links below.
> In particular, I am wondering if anyone has ever done anything like this,
> and if so, if there are general guidelines I can structure around.
> Thanks for the time,
> -Eddie Martinez
> --

Hey Eddie,

I started this page a while ago

It contains a few what I'd consider white papers -ie  'governmental
analysis on open source', and a pretty in depth case study into an
enterprise deployment (saving $26 million over MS software over 5

Hope that helps.


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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Canonical Server Edition Advertising

2007-11-27 Thread Chris Rowson
> Hi all,
> I wanted to send you the YouTube links to the Canonical Server Edition
> adverts.
> It's running in the US for the next 3 weeks on some business and
> IT-related sites.
> I would be curious to see what you think and any ideas you might have
> for what else might be easier than it first appears or something else
> you might do in the office while the server hums away.
> Landing Pages
> There is a third I am still waiting on it appearing on YouTube so keep
> an eye out for it.
> Thanks
> gerry

Whilst I'm glad that Canonical have cottoned on to idea of video
marketing (I'm a bit of a proponent myself!), I can't help be but a
wee bit disappointed at the quality of the videos.  The end titles
look a little bit like they were made on Impress or Powerpoint, and
the video segments seem a little amateurish.

The problem is, if the video looks like you made it yourself it's
going to look like you haven't got the cash to pay for a proper
advertising campaign. This isn't the impression you want to give to
people. You're asking them to trust your server operating system to
run their businesses Not good.

Chuck a few quid at the problem and employ a media company. You might
even be able to encourage a University to put some media students on
task with this. If you want help from the community side of things
trying to get something like this set up, give me a shout. I'm sure
there are others here who'd help out too. There may even be media able
people reading the list. I suggested a competition a while ago in the
'Ubuntu Viral Video' thread.

Check out these Linux video ads:

Can't we create something with a little more impact?

Please don't treat this as me slating what you've done. I think its a
good beginning, I just think we can do better ;-)


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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Dell stops selling Ubuntu Laptops in the UK?

2007-11-06 Thread Chris Rowson
I seem to remember the occasional Dell/Ubuntu website preference
hiccups in the past, in addition to the general poor knowledge of Dell
staff about their Linux offerings, I hope it's just a mistake !


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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Ubuntu Information and Criticism of Ubuntu Marketing

2007-10-30 Thread Chris Rowson
> The question here is really if the community can do that. Or do you
> need someone like Canonical or Red Hat to take charge and come up with
> a vision to drive that kind of marketing?
> nick

Unfortunately I think the community is great at talking, talking and
erm talking!

Most ideas get talked into the ground with 10 people saying "This is a
good idea but it'll fail because.." to every one person who
actually has an idea!

My thought for the day...

Chris (just talking)

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[ubuntu-marketing] New York Times advertisement for Ubuntu

2007-10-24 Thread Chris Rowson
> > It got noticed in the foss community because it was original.
> It got noticed in a thousand local papers, and in major news outlets
> because it was original.  The actual impact of the Times ad itself,
> was probably quite small, I'd be surprised if the ad itself generated
> even a thousand new users.  The buzz created in other papers and in
> major news outlets was where the true value was.  (There is some
> marketing rule of thumb that an article is worth 100 equivalently
> sized ads.  The ad probably generated a 1000 articles - so arguably a
> hundred thousand multiplier was in effect.)  The firefox ad was maybe
> long enough ago that you might get some buzz from other media about
> it, but I doubt it will be close to the extent that firefox did.
> I'm not saying don't do the ad.  What I am saying is to not expect
> even slightly close to equivalent results in terms of value.
> LetterRip

So what you're saying is that if Ubuntu did the same thing noone would
care. The news outlets who reported on the Firefox ads would ignore an
Ubuntu ad because something similar had happened before?

I'm not sure it makes sense really.

Sure, it mightn't have quite the same impact,  but I think that to
suggest that if an ad was created, the community should "not expect
even slightly close to equivalent results in terms of value." is
rather a negative viewpoint.



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[ubuntu-marketing] Ubuntu PCs on sale with Tesco

2007-10-20 Thread Chris Rowson
An observant member of the ubuntu-uk mailing list found this item on
the Tesco website.

Looks like Dell isn't the only mainstream OEM starting to sell PCs
with Ubuntu installed :-D


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[ubuntu-marketing] Submitting articles to newspapers/local mags

2007-10-13 Thread Chris Rowson
Hi folks,

This is just a quick post to the list, asking you to consider writing
to your local newspaper or magazine to promote Ubuntu.

The article has already been written for you. You can edit it, change
it or leave it as it is, but the general idea is that it should take
the effort out of having to write your own unless you really want to.

You can find the article here:

There's a small table at the bottom of the article to track
submissions. Please, fill it out when you submit the article so that
we can track its spread, and how useful it is.



PS. I've sent this message to both the ubuntu-uk loco, and the
marketing mailing list. If you want to forward it on to other
interested parties please do :-)

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[ubuntu-marketing] Windows Home Server

2007-10-04 Thread Chris Rowson
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I noticed these preview shots of Windows Home Server.

I'm sure most of you will agree that Ubuntu is probably pretty well
placed to operate as a serious competitor to this product and wondered
if anyone has any ideas about this?



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[ubuntu-marketing] Audio UWN

2007-10-04 Thread Chris Rowson
> I don't know. We could ask the loco teams for help with recording their
> own localised versions of course.

That seems sensible. I'm sure that loco teams would go for that. Seems
to me that the level of effort required to make an audio dictation of
the UWN would be an order of magnitude less than that of transcribing
it. If anything it might actually increase loco team participation.


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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Audio UWN

2007-10-03 Thread Chris Rowson
> Ok. So should we have a "trial" of the audio version of UWN for a month
> or so and gather information about the popularity (how many downloads)?
> I don't mind sorting this.
> Cheers,
> Al.

Hi Al,

I think yes. That'd be a sensible idea.


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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Audio UWN

2007-10-02 Thread Chris Rowson
> How about piggybacking off the UWN and using that as a base. Talk about
> the news articles, the teams and people. Maybe interview new members and
> people from recently-approved LoCo teams as part of the podcast. That
> way you complement the UWN, build on the audience it already has, and
> provide a different media in which to get that content.
> Having two (or more) presenters would give it scope for discussion,
> rather than just one person talking over the news. (I personally prefer
> podcasts where there are multiple presenters (LUGRadio, TWiT etc, over
> the single person podcasts).
> Even if it was only 15-30 mins once a week it could be quite a potential
> draw.

I like the idea of that better :-D

I do wonder however if doing this weekly would be too pressing.
Perhaps a monthly summary instead? I'd even volunteer myself. It'd be
even better if you'd let me ladle on the northern accent.

"Now then Ubuntu users. 'Ow are ya doin'? Lets crack on"


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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Audio UWN

2007-10-02 Thread Chris Rowson
Hi Alan,

I'm in two minds about whether or not this would be worth doing to be
honest. From my own perspective, I don't think I'd listen to this. On
the other hand, perhaps other people would?

Why not trial it first and see what the take up is?


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[ubuntu-marketing] Map tracking news articles of governments and business switching to linux

2007-09-27 Thread Chris Rowson
Check this out, it's quite interesting ;-)


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[ubuntu-marketing] Mindbridge switches to Linux, saves "bunches of money"

2007-09-08 Thread Chris Rowson
You may have seen this on slashdot today, but just in case you didn't
- check it out anyway.

It's a great article showing how one business is saving a ton of cash
by migrating its server infrastructure away from Microsoft, and to



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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Linux: Hasta la Vista, Microsoft! - story

2007-08-29 Thread Chris Rowson
On 29/08/2007, Martin Albisetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 8/29/07, Jon Reagan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hey folks!
> >
> > I found this story on the web via Google alerts, and thought I would send it
> > on to you guys.  It has a section on ubuntu that discusses how it is coming
> > out of geek circles, as well as other Linux systems, Mac OSX, and Windows,
> > and weighs out the good and bad of each.
> >
> >
> Thanks for that! It has been added to the next UWN.
> Martin

What a great positive article about Linux - Cool!


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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] full circle #4 - marketing preview

2007-08-26 Thread Chris Rowson
On 26/08/07, Ronnie Tucker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> full circle #4
> Marketing Preview

Hi Ronnie,

Another nice job ;-)

I'm pleased to see you used the launchpad article - instant fame  lol :-P

One thing though. The example code lines could do with reformatting.
Some of them start with @@ etc and this could confused people a
little. If you look at the original here

Some of the examples are on multiple lines. They kinda need to be, in
order for them to make sense if you see what I mean.



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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] promotion email

2007-08-22 Thread Chris Rowson
Actually - I don't know how I did that, but that was full of errors :-S

This one has been proofread a little more ...


Hi folks,

I've been bashing this idea around on the marketing mailing list for a
bit, but thought I'd come and shout about it here in case I'd missed
anyone ;-)

The idea is to raise the brand awareness of Ubuntu by using the power
of viral marketing. We'd like to create something like the project, but for Ubuntu.

Contributors will be able to submit short films advertising Ubuntu
which will then be voted upon by site visitors.

Are you interested in helping?

At the moment, we're not looking for people who want to make videos
(that'll come when the project is up and running). Just now it'd be
nice to get people involved in getting something together which allows
other people submit their videos to us.

So, what can you do?

At the moment we have an offer from a couple of like video
sites who will help us to host the videos, so hosting is pretty much
covered. What we need is

1) Techies. A front end which we can use to showcase the videos on
like, and to display info to people on how they can
get involved.

2) Ambassadors. Liasing with organisations like Universities and
Colleges to invite them to create and submit videos.

3) Advocates. Are you a social networking ubermeister? As we get up
and running we'll need help spreading the word.

4) Marketing wizards. We need help creating guidance for project submissions.

5) Anything else. If you've thought of something I've missed, then
please tell me!

Get in touch!

Please add your name to the wiki page (displayed below) if you are
involved in/want to be involved in the ubuntu viral videos project.
You can also get in touch via the marketing mailing list,
#ubuntu-viral-videos on IRC ( and of course by using the

I believe that if this idea is executed properly, that it can
definately make a difference. We need you!



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[ubuntu-marketing] promotion email

2007-08-22 Thread Chris Rowson
I emailed this to my loco list to drum up support for the
ubuntu-viral-video project. If any of you would like to email it to
your locos, or distribute this to those who you think may be able to
help, then please do so (feel free to edit it for clarity first).

Cheers Chris

Hi folks,

I've been bashing this idea around on the mailing list for a bit, but
thought I'd come and shout about it here to in case I'd missed anyone

The idea is to raise the brand awareness of Ubuntu by using the power
of viral marketing. We'd like to create something like the project, but for Ubuntu.

Contributors will be able to submit short films advertising Ubuntu
where they will then be voted upon by site visitors.

Are you interested in helping?

At the moment, we're not looking for people who want to make videos
(that'll come when the project is up and running). Just now it'd be
nice to get people involved in getting something together which allows
other people submit their videos to us.

So, what can you do?

At the moment we have an offer from a couple of like video
sites who will help us to host the videos, so hosting is pretty much
covered. What we need is

1) Techies.  A front end which we can use to showcase the videos on
like, and to display info to people on how they can
get involved.

2) Ambassadors. Liasing with organisations like Universities and
Colleges to invite them to submit create and submit videos.

3) Advocates. Are you a social networking ubermeister? As we get up
and running we'll need help spreading the word.

4) Marketing wizards. We need help creating guidance for project submissions.

5) Anything else. If you've thought of something I've missed, then
please tell me!

Get in touch!

Please add your name to the wiki page (displayed below) if you are
involved in/want to be involved in the ubuntu viral videos project.
You can also get in touch via the marketing mailing list,
#ubuntu-viral-videos on IRC ( and of course by using the

I believe we that if this idea is executed properly, that it can
definately make a difference. We need you!



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[ubuntu-marketing] ubuntu viral videos - put your hand up!

2007-08-22 Thread Chris Rowson

I thought it might be helpful to get a list of anyone who is
interested/involved in the Ubuntu Viral Video project.

Please could you add your name to the 'Members' section of the wiki or
post your interest in this thread (if you don't use the wiki) so that
your name can be added.

You can also join the #ubuntu-viral-videos IRC channel on freenode to
ask to be added if you like.



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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Ubuntu Viral Videos

2007-08-21 Thread Chris Rowson
On 21/08/07, Chris Rowson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If the meeting is not on the weekend I would participate (nowadays I´m 
> > without internet in my home, just in the
> > work). ;)
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Dalton
For those who do use IRC, I've created a channel on that
people can drop into if they want to talk specifically about the
Ubuntu Viral Video project.

I'll probably be hanging around in there if you'd like to chat, so if
you're an IRC user + interested in the project please do the same.




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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] ISP gives away Ubuntu CDs

2007-08-21 Thread Chris Rowson
On 21/08/07, João Santiago <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I know I wouldn't pay what they are asking for a mere 256Kb... for that same
> price (~33€) I get 8Mb.

Hehehe - but do you ;-)

As I found from my ISP where I pay £24.99 a month, you don't always
get what you pay for.


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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Questionable Canonical Merchandise

2007-08-21 Thread Chris Rowson
On 21/08/07, Toby Smithe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-08-20 at 06:30 -0600, Aaron Toponce wrote:
> > Hmmm...  While I am by no means a supporter of gender separation or
> > sexism, I see no harm in that t-shirt.  It's obvious to me that the
> > t-shirt is trying to sell Linux, and computing in general, to women.
> > Not call women "some weird subset with these odd sticky out bits".  Of
> > course, people are entitled to their interpretation, but I think it's
> > fairly clear that there is no harm intended.
> But that's not the issue. That some people don't find it offencive is
> irrelevant. Some people do, and they should be able to make the choice
> to not be offended.

I wanted this to die 

Hasn't it reached its natural conclusion now :-P


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[ubuntu-marketing] ISP gives away Ubuntu CDs

2007-08-21 Thread Chris Rowson
>From the article:

How much would you pay for an Internet connection from an ISP that
guarantees a neutral network, bills itself as a "social enterprise"
instead of a traditional business, and sends free Ubuntu CDs to every
new customer?

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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Questionable Canonical Merchandise

2007-08-20 Thread Chris Rowson
And just to add another "I asked my missus what she thought" comment.

I showed her the picture and asked straight out, 'What do you think of
this T-Shirt?'

Other than the T-Shirt was horrible, and that she wouldn't wear it
'cause it's boring (not an Ubuntu advocate then!), she said she wear
it if she had to (but if I bought her one for her birthday I'd get

When I told her the reason I'd asked, she couldn't see why on Earth
any woman could be offended by it.

Why not, I suggest offer a range of T-Shirts:

Ubuntu, Linux for Ladies
Ubuntu, Linux for Men
Ubuntu, Linux for Uncle Arthurs Dog, Henry

Ad Infinitum


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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Questionable Canonical Merchandise

2007-08-20 Thread Chris Rowson
Personally, I'll have a 'Linux for Men' T-Shirt please.

It'd make me feel well, Manly -


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[ubuntu-marketing] Ubuntu Viral Video Creative Brief

2007-08-20 Thread Chris Rowson
Sorry to open lots of threads, but it seems easier to keep different
discussions about the Ubuntu Viral Video project separate so that you
can dip in and out of the sections that interest you.

As suggested by Matthew in the other thread, I've been thinking about
the creative brief for this project. The page is here:

Please review, comment, change and expand.



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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Ubuntu Video Techies Wanted !

2007-08-20 Thread Chris Rowson
> Hi Chris,
> On Mon, Aug 20, 2007 at 05:25:50PM +0100, Chris Rowson wrote:
> > I'm trying to draft some documents for the Ubuntu Viral Video project,
> > and as Matthew suggested in another thread, I'm trying to put together
> > guidance on how to use Ubuntu to create video.
> >
> Uh-Oh.
> Video under linux is somewhat :( :( :(
> ...
>I'm not being cynical, but practical here. Fact
> is the better video editing and post processing solutions currently _don't_
> reside on our platform, and that's a fact we have to live with right now.
> On the upside, I would _personally_ put money towards sponsoring a decent
> non-linear video editor on Linux. I'm sure others would too.
> Cheers,
> Al.

Ah :-| -Glad I asked now :-)

OK, perhaps we'll delete the 'video advice' bit then, wouldn't want to
bring the idea down before we started.



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[ubuntu-marketing] Ubuntu Video Techies Wanted !

2007-08-20 Thread Chris Rowson

I'm trying to draft some documents for the Ubuntu Viral Video project,
and as Matthew suggested in another thread, I'm trying to put together
guidance on how to use Ubuntu to create video.

Unfortunately I don't have a clue!

If you would like to help create some information which will help
people in the Ubuntu community create funky looking ads, please,
please head on over to:

Have a read of the project outline, follow the link, and do some work
on the ViralVideoTechHowTo page.

Cue ascii picture of Lord Kitchener saying 'We Need You!' (if you
squint a bit you'll get the idea - monospace needed :P)




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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Questionable Canonical Merchandise

2007-08-20 Thread Chris Rowson
>. Whatever
> your stance, whatever your belief, surely you believe that it's someones
> right to express that they _disagree_ with that premice?
> Cheers,
> Al.

Hey Al,

I think it's perhaps more due to the fact that Sarah originally wrote

> This is important, as it seems to be (unintentionally, i'm sure)
> offending half of the world's population, and so therefore half of the
> possible candidates who may end up using Ubuntu.

Where really it might have been more accurate to write for her to say
that the T-Shirt offended her in particular. To say it offends half of
the people in the world is speculation, and makes the issue sound much
worse than it really is.

I don't think anyone who seriously supports Ubuntu would ever try and
interfere with someone's right to express their own opinion.



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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Ubuntu Viral Videos

2007-08-20 Thread Chris Rowson
> Having said that, it's clear that this discussion shouldn't get in the
> way of the project developing; i.e. people should actually be thinking
> about making videos. Had you envisaged writing some guidelines for how
> to go about making videos; i.e. what sort of ideas are acceptable,
> what technologies can be used to make them, etc?
> Matthew

Sure, but I kind of wanted to ensure this was possible first if you
see what I mean.

I'm pretty new to the open-source community, but not to working in
project teams. I'm finding it a bit of a culture shock at the minute,
as if I wanted a particular task doing in say a work project I could
assign it to a member of staff and say 'hey, this needs doing for 'x'
time so could you ensure its completed please'. In open source, where
we're all volunteers, its of course quite different. ;-)

I have a vision of how I think this will pan out, but I know that we
need people on-board to make it happen. I've found myself taking
responsibility for the technical implementation of this but I would
really like to get more involved in the actual planning. I just don't
see which comes first clearly yet, and no one is stepping up with any
'doing' yet ;-) Of course, that may well be my fault for not
communicating properly and I admit that.

> As I suggested previously I'd suggest that Chris (and if avaiable John,
> Matt and anyone else interested) attend a Marketing team meeting where
> this could be discussed and sorted nice and quickly.
> Alan

I'd love to Alan. I did check the meeting schedule for marketing, but
unfortunately these occur on a Sunday morning which isn't possible for
me. Do you think it would be possible to drag together those people
interested in the viral video project in a separate meeting mutually
acceptable to them?



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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Ubuntu Viral Videos

2007-08-20 Thread Chris Rowson
> Not sure what you mean by this bit, but given that is
> a well known Ubuntu video site in the Ubuntu namespace and that this
> project is about Ubuntu videos, I'd like to hear more from John (added
> to cc) about why it's not possible to add comments/voting facilities
> to this site, if that's what the marketing team would like to do.

I think a good part of this is due to the fact John isn't currently
hosting any videos anyway. He's linking to videos on youtube etc...
Voting and commenting facilities are available on sites like youtube. is more of a video aggregator.

What we have been offered, is the assistance of a website currently in
the top 60 visited web destinations in the world John is offering
to embed videos into his website from them.

I'm a little confused at what pull the marketing team has over John's
site, as he pays for the hosting and owns the domain name. I think
that perhaps we should be a little bit diplomatic with asking for more



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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Ubuntu Viral Videos

2007-08-20 Thread Chris Rowson
> I got a message from John of the site.
> John says he'd be able to embed video clips into the
> site if we get them hosted elsewhere. John wouldn't be able to offer
> comments or ratings however.
> At the moment it's looking more and more sensible to go with
> et al, so unless someone else peeps up, I'll embark on
> more discussion with these web 2.0 type video community chappies. The
> best videos uploaded to their channels could then be replicated to
> Cheers
> Chris

Going once, going twice :-P

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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Questionable Canonical Merchandise

2007-08-20 Thread Chris Rowson
> I genuinely didn't realise you'd sent that off list - If you ever want
> an email to remain private please,please mark it OFF LIST or PRIVATE
> at the top of the text. If I'd had realised you wanted to talk
> privately I'd have never have sent that to the list.
> Cheers
> Chris

Sorry, just to make that a bit clearer - I'm using gmail. It doesn't
display the subject in a long thread of emails thus if you put OFF
LIST in the subject I don't see it :-S

I've done this before to Popey, so please, if anyone wants to talk
privately to me, please say so in the text of the email. I would never
breach someone's privacy intentionally.


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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Questionable Canonical Merchandise

2007-08-20 Thread Chris Rowson
> < Sending the mail to the list this time, as Chris has gone and
> published part of what was a private mail, so as not to raise a flame
> war.  Needless to say, that wish is now pointless. >

I genuinely didn't realise you'd sent that off list - If you ever want
an email to remain private please,please mark it OFF LIST or PRIVATE
at the top of the text. If I'd had realised you wanted to talk
privately I'd have never have sent that to the list.



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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Questionable Canonical Merchandise

2007-08-20 Thread Chris Rowson
> When I don't get harassed repeatedly due to Ubuntu, and can use my real
> name on irc, and in launchpad, etc, and be known for who I am, and not
> for being female, then i'll agree with you.  As it is, I tend to only
> raise the stuff that I think is worth raising, precisely because of
> reactions like yours.

So you think, that a slogan reading 'Linux for Ladies' on the back of
a T-Shirt is offensive.

I'm sorry for you, but I'm not sure that your particular view reflects
that of everyone. You, have the choice not to buy or wear that T-Shirt
as you see fit.

I however, am an advocate of the right of a person to express his/her
opinion. Any women who wish to purchase that T-Shirt should be allowed
to (after all, these T-Shirts are for women aren't' they). Why I ask,
should your opinion on the matter prevent those women from doing so?

I am truly sorry that you've bad experiences in IRC, and I would be
the first to defend and support you in your fight to deal with people
who treat you badly. Please don't let your bad experiences effect
other women who want to get involved and support Ubuntu.



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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Questionable Canonical Merchandise

2007-08-20 Thread Chris Rowson
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > Hey all,
> >
> > No idea who's behind this marketing decision, but...
> >
> >
> >
> > As discussed in #debian-women earlier...does that mean that ladies are
> > no longer human beings now?
> >
> > [19:15]  i'll defer to the "ladies" on whether it is or not,
> > but i would read that line as "because normal linux is too hard for ladies"
> > [19:18]  hmm... that'd imply that ubuntu's "linux for human beings"
> > implies normal linux is too hard for humans?
> > [19:19]  That and the men's shirt says "linux for human beings"
> > implying that ladies are some weird subset with these odd sticky out bits.
> > [19:24]  yup, saw it, it really sucks
> > 
> > [19:26]  well, we're not human beings anymore. I guess :)
> > [19:26]  according to Ubuntu at least :P
> >
> >
> > This is important, as it seems to be (unintentionally, i'm sure)
> > offending half of the world's population, and so therefore half of the
> > possible candidates who may end up using Ubuntu.
> >
> > It's food for thought, at least - please CC the relevant people beyond
> > this mailing list.
> >
> > Hobbsee

 Stuff like this drives me round the twist to be honest

 Why on Earth is there this subset of people who choose to see
 disrespect, problems and offense where there is obviouslly non meant!
 It's almost like people are looking for something to gripe about!

 'Linux for Ladies'

 Take that term. How is it offensive?

 Do a google search for the phrase "for the ladies" - Observe 1,950,000
 results. Are all of these offensive?

 Come on now


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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Image generator to track bugs in forums or blogs

2007-08-20 Thread Chris Rowson
> Hello all,
> I've been wanting to see the Ubuntuforums and Launchpad a bit more
> integrated for some [1] time [2] now [3], and since I haven't been
> successful at it, I went a different direction.
> I would also like to ask everyone reading this, please don't make it
> too public yet (don't digg it, for example), as it's still in beta
> stage, and I wouldn't want any servers to go down just yet :D
> That said, I'd like to present the latest addition to
> An image generator with bug information, which auto-updates to reflect
> the latest status of a bug in Launchpad.
> This is especially useful when referring to a specific bug in a forum
> or blog post, so when someone lands there a few months later, they can
> know that the referred bug has been fixed.
> We do have a few known bugs:
> - It currently only updates Ubuntu bugs. It does generate images for
> all Launchpad bugs, but just updates Ubuntu ones. This will be fixed
> in the future, but is not our main goal at the moment.
> - Some bugs do not generate properly, #111257 for example. This will
> be fixed soon.
> - It's a bit slow. We have limited resources and are not using the
> most ideal ways of obtaining information. We hope to resolve this soon
> too.
> At this stage I would love some feedback while we work on the
> performance issues we might have when releasing into the mainstream.
> This, again, has been made possible also thanks to Felipe Lerena who
> does most of the heavy lifting code-wise, so a big thanks to him.
> Martin
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> --
> ubuntu-marketing mailing list
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Hi Martin,

This seems to be running really slow/down at the moment.



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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Ubuntu Viral Videos

2007-08-19 Thread Chris Rowson
I got a message from John of the site.

John says he'd be able to embed video clips into the
site if we get them hosted elsewhere. John wouldn't be able to offer
comments or ratings however.

At the moment it's looking more and more sensible to go with et al, so unless someone else peeps up, I'll embark on
more discussion with these web 2.0 type video community chappies. The
best videos uploaded to their channels could then be replicated to



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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Ubuntu Viral Videos

2007-08-19 Thread Chris Rowson
Oh, and just quickly.

Here is last months traffic for


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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Ubuntu Viral Videos

2007-08-19 Thread Chris Rowson
OK, folks so the way I see it is.

We've got an existing community front end at It's
currently displaying videos which are embedded in sites like for example.

So far, we have had hosting offers from two different companies:

Which may include custom Ubuntu branding/Ubuntu channel.

In my mind, embedding videos into should be possible
wherever the facility exists to share the video from the host website.
Looking at our two hosting offers, I'm not sure that this facility
exists at videoboom, but it does at dailymotion.

We could do with all the exposure we can get, so a channel on one of
these video websites would be pretty useful.

So, why don't we just accept the offer of hosting from one of these
sites so that we can then have hosted video which allows people to
upload, and vote. When we can get hold of operators,
we can then embed the videos into it.

Ideas, thoughts, rants :-P ?


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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Ubuntu Viral Videos

2007-08-19 Thread Chris Rowson
> Feel free to correct my understanding but I think you're pushing at a
> different door. doesn't host videos; it streams them
> and is a site which I think can be used to front the project: i.e. to
> promote videos, allow users to vote on them etc.

Definately. I think we need to weigh our options carefully though. I'd
like to know what kind of traffic sees versus the kind
of traffic that another alternative we've been given is likely to
offer up (like a dedicated Ubuntu channel at the video hosting site
discussed earlier).

> As for hosting, free
> hosting is available from youtube and which I believe Alan
> Pope used for, but if better offers for hosting
> videos produced by the marketing team come in, then there is no reason
> not to consider them.
> As for videos produced by others which are already hosted around the
> internet, hosting isn't needed for those, it's just the "viral" part
> of the project which then comes into play. Or have I misunderstood?

Sure, and that's a great thing too. At the end of the day, if we can
host on another website we can embed the videos into sites like

> --
> Matthew East



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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Ubuntu Viral Videos

2007-08-19 Thread Chris Rowson
> > On Fri, Aug 17, 2007 at 11:57:39AM +0100, Chris Rowson wrote:
> > > I've just had an email from the good folks over at
> > > - who have heard about our viral video project.
> > >

And the wiki has also now been edited by someone from
offering hosting for up to 5000 videos on an Ubuntu branded site,
under a domain of our choice.

I think that given the fact that we have someone offering to build the
entire site for us, without locking us into their corporate branding,
that we have to look at this seriously.

PS. I haven't had a response to my emails to either Mozilla, or

Thoughts anyone?



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[ubuntu-marketing] Fwd: Ubuntu Viral Videos

2007-08-17 Thread Chris Rowson
> Hi Chris,
> On Fri, Aug 17, 2007 at 11:57:39AM +0100, Chris Rowson wrote:
> > I've just had an email from the good folks over at
> > - who have heard about our viral video project.
> >
> You sure about that site?
> It redirects to which is a searchspam site.
> is that what you really meant?

Yeah - sorry :-P

> > It seems that they're big fans and users of Ubuntu, and would like to
> > help out with the hosting/publishing our viral videos.
> >
> This is going to sound negative, but I just don't know how else to word it.
> Whilst it's great to get distributors on board, I'm not convinced they're
> the best "partner" for the site. Why not just release the video(s) on a
> * domain or from an existing site. Then again they can be
> uploaded to any site of this ilk (youtube, heavy,, ustream, and so
> on) there's no real need to tie yourself to one of them. Hosting is (in my
> opinion) the _least_ of your worries.

True, but positioning is ;-) I thought it'd probably be a good idea to
enter into dialogue with these people to see what we can do for one
and other - don't you?

> The primary goal is to get them made in the first place I'd have thought.
> How about setting out some themes or goals for video content on the wiki? Or
> maybe come up with some scenarios that _you_ would like to see made in
> video. Coming up with those ideas always seems to be the tricky thing IMO.

I can see why you'd think that, but that isn't really the angle that I
was coming at this from the 'if we build it they will come angle :-P '

I've got some ideas about how to move forward with getting some
quality marketing vids made, but I think success may depend upon
getting people interested in making video as well as people interested
in Ubuntu. I think targeting video sharing community for their help is
probably a good idea.

> You could also schedule a meeting on irc to get people talking about it, or
> maybe add it to the agenda for an existing (Marketing?) meeting?

Good Idea :-D

> Cheers,
> Al.

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[ubuntu-marketing] Ubuntu Viral Videos

2007-08-17 Thread Chris Rowson
Hi folks,

And some good, cheerful news in your email :-D

I've just had an email from the good folks over at
- who have heard about our viral video project.

It seems that they're big fans and users of Ubuntu, and would like to
help out with the hosting/publishing our viral videos.

I don't want to put the email up on the mailing list, but if you'd
like to read it and you're a member of the marketing team and want to
be or are involved in this project, please contact me personally, and
I'll forward it to you. The same goes with discussion. If you want to
talk off list, please email me with a message clearly marked OFFLIST

Any thoughts?


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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Fwd: Ubuntu Marketing Videos

2007-08-15 Thread Chris Rowson
> On more a practical note, the person behind is John
> Little, who I haven't heard from recently. I think his email is listed
> on
> Cheers from Germany,
> Corey

Hey all,

I contacted via the online form (I assume that'll go
through to John), asking what he thought about the idea, and if he'd
like to be involved.

I'll keep the list up to date.



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[ubuntu-marketing] Fwd: Ubuntu Marketing Videos

2007-08-15 Thread Chris Rowson
> If you don't accept that drupal (which is the software used by
> has the appropriate features which this project
> needs, then it's important for you to explain why, because so far you
> haven't done so. Also, you should address our point that creating an
> entire site from scratch will be more difficult than extending the
> existing site using recognised plugins which have the relevant
> features, not to mention the fact that developing a website which
> overlaps with an existing one dilutes the effect of both.

It's not that, Drupal is fine - I'm having a bad day! I'm sure some
Drupal expert (should one wish to come forward!) can help point us in
the right direction. I just had a different idea in my head of how
this would happen. I'll get over it.

> Handing down direction is an ugly phrase: the issue in this thread
> should be discussed by the whole team and a consensus will come out of
> that discussion.
> Getting hands dirty is a separate question. Regardless of the outcome
> of the issue being discussed in this thread (i.e. software / url to
> use for this project), the project will still require people to
> contribute, especially yourself (as Alan points out). Hopefully,
> reusing an existing site will mean that the "getting hands dirty" part
> can be focused less on the creation of the host and more on the
> creation and circulation of the videos themselves.

OK, fair enough.

> Absolutely right. It would be a real shame for you to be discouraged
> by anything in this thread. Working in a free software community
> requires a good amount of patience and compromise. Since I've been
> involved in the Ubuntu community, I've been "knocked back" a number of
> times when an idea which I was *so* sure was completely watertight
> wasn't accepted by others; each time I've come to understand that in
> fact that was either because I hadn't presented it properly or because
> it wasn't as watertight as I thought: in any event it's very important
> to understand that discussion like this enriches the project rather
> than damages it.
> --
> Matthew East

I'm having a bad day Matthew. I shouldn't reply to emails on a bad
day, I wish I hadn't bothered :-P

Lets see if we can get involved (anyone know the chap
running it?) and see if we can move forward now.


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[ubuntu-marketing] Fwd: heads up - Why Is PCLinuxOS 2007 Better Than Ubuntu?

2007-08-15 Thread Chris Rowson
> Well, I'm pretty sure Mint isn't legally distributable in many
> countries, and as far as I can recollect, the only improvements it makes
> to that experience are installing by default those "illegal" packages.
> As a reputable distributor, Ubuntu cannot include these packages, and
> the current situation is a pretty good compromise until everyone uses
> patent-free, open formats.
> --

Again, this is true mostly in the US isn't it? Most countries don't
allow software patents do they?


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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] heads up - Why Is PCLinuxOS 2007 Better Than Ubuntu?

2007-08-15 Thread Chris Rowson
> The success of Mint should be taken into account. It's currently at 5th
> place in the distrowatch 7-day rankings.
> "Linux Mint is an Ubuntu-based distribution whose goal is to provide a
> more complete out-of-the-box experience by including browser plugins,
> media codecs, support for DVD playback, Java and other components. It is
> compatible with Ubuntu software repositories."
> The question then becomes one of how can we make K/Ubuntu more complete,
> 'out-of-the-box'.
> Regards
> John

This is something I have difficulty getting my head around. As I
understand it, software patents aren't valid in the UK or most other
European countries are they?

If that's true, all of the fuss around shipping a distro with DVD, MP3
support etc really effects the American's more than other people then

If all that stands up, (unless I'm totally wrong, which has been known
:-P ) then why not ship Ubuntu US and Ubuntu UK edition for instance.
With one edition shipping ready to rock as it where


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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] [OFFLIST] Fwd: Ubuntu Marketing Videos

2007-08-15 Thread Chris Rowson
> > If that's the way you have decided to take this forward then I
> > sincerely hope it's successful.
> >
> That sounds like you're pulling out because you disagree with one decision
> about the hosting of the project? Why's that?

Not at all - I'm a bit miffed that my concerns at it being more
awkward to bring what's needed to the project by using ubuntuvideo
seem to be being overlooked, I only wanted to explore those ideas
fully first.- I may be wrong though.

To be fair, what I don't want is for people to hand down direction,
and for me to be left running around doing the actual work. Input is
fantastic, and I love working with others, I just want everyone to get
their hands dirty :-D

> > Please make yourselves aware of the requirements for project (work
> > will be required to adapt and please keep the rest of
> > us aware of progress on the wiki.
> >
> "Make yourselves aware"? You started this project, why don't _you_ make
> people aware of what you think needs to change.

I'm trying ;-)

> > All I ask is please lets not turn this in to yet another 'all talk and
> > no action' project. We need physical input and assistance as well as
> > talk. Things don't happen just through suggesting them.
> >
> If you walk away then this is _exactly_ what will happen. :(

I know Al, I'm sulking :-P I'll get over it

> Cheers,
> Al.

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[ubuntu-marketing] Fwd: Ubuntu Marketing Videos

2007-08-15 Thread Chris Rowson
> You are completely right. I forgot about Now that i
> remember it, provided we can get John to jump on board, it would make
> an excellent home for this idea.
> Cheers from Germany,
> Corey

OK guys,

If that's the way you have decided to take this forward then I
sincerely hope it's successful.

Please make yourselves aware of the requirements for project (work
will be required to adapt and please keep the rest of
us aware of progress on the wiki.

All I ask is please lets not turn this in to yet another 'all talk and
no action' project. We need physical input and assistance as well as
talk. Things don't happen just through suggesting them.

If you need any help, you know where I am. Good luck.



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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Ubuntu Marketing Videos

2007-08-14 Thread Chris Rowson
> Back on list.

Sorry, the marketing list confuses me! I keep forgetting you have to
cc it back in when your reply to a post --- Doh.

> I don't think so: rather, I think you've missed the point of
>! Although it has a category for informational videos,
> it is also intended to host marketing videos: note that it appears
> under the MarketingTeam wiki page as a project.

I've not missed the point mate ;-) I just disagree with you!

I've spoken to a few people on and off list about this, and using has never surfaced as an idea. In fact, this email was
preceded by a conversation with Corey off list about domain
registration and hosting for a new site.

> is ideal for marketing, in my opinion. Creating
> overlapping websites is exactly the best way to dilute marketing
> initiatives, in my opinion. I've been around Ubuntu a fair time now
> and I know well the tendency to create unnecessary websites for every
> new idea. I'm just trying to guard against that: it may be that I have
> missed a point somewhere and you or someone else on the team will show
> me why I'm wrong; let's see.

I think that the important aspects of the project are to create a medium that:

a) allows people to submit videos
b) allows visitors to vote on videos
c) tracks the viral spread of videos

>From a business point of view, I'd tend to look at the success of a
medium before embarking on a project. Take a look at
- It's been pretty successful. I think that it stands as a good ideal
to aspire to.

Looking at the tech behind fff, it's using Revver. That's quite well
thought out for a viral campaign as you can track the spread of media
and stream higher quality video than youtube or google video.

Personally, I'd rather use an API to something like Revver and allow
their system to do the hard work of tracking spread, voting and
submission than code it myself.

Lets step back, take a breather and think carefully before jumping
onto the skirts of another website that mightn't meet our needs as
well (even patched up) as creating one ourselves. I for one am not
afraid of a little hard work - the easiest path doesn't always return
the best results.



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[ubuntu-marketing] Ubuntu Marketing Videos

2007-08-14 Thread Chris Rowson
Hi Folks,

Just a quick note to keep you up to date on the Ubuntu Viral Marketing project.

Things are falling into place here

I've not had much joy getting into contact with Mozilla, so we might
have to strike out on our own with the coding.

First off, I guess its time to register a domain name. A couple of
ideas I've had are:

What do you think? Once the project is up and running, I'll transfer
ownership of the name to Canonical should they wish.

Then we could do with a logo I guess. Anyone know any graphic artists

And coders. Any coders out there :-P I don't mind doing some myself,
but I'm not the best in the world so any professional programmers out
there who  are interested in getting involved, please do :-)



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[ubuntu-marketing] Ubuntu Viral Videos

2007-08-10 Thread Chris Rowson
As a follow on from the suggestion in the post at
[Ubuntu-Marketing]Internet Marketing I've started creating a page over
at the wiki to help organise the idea.

The concept is to create a firefoxflicks type of site to advertise Ubuntu.

To find out more or get involved please visit:



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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Internet Market

2007-08-10 Thread Chris Rowson
> > I think the idea of a style Ubuntu marketing
> > effort is a great idea.
> >
> > I'd like to put something together on the wiki to flesh out the idea
> > concept, and see how we can make this happen.
> >
> > Does anyone have any objections?
> Go wild. Maybe email the Moz Foundation and see if we can get the code
> behind Firefox Flicks to run our own instance?
> Corey

Great, I'll start work on in this evening.



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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Internet Market

2007-08-09 Thread Chris Rowson
I think the idea of a style Ubuntu marketing
effort is a great idea.

I'd like to put something together on the wiki to flesh out the idea
concept, and see how we can make this happen.

Does anyone have any objections?



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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Internet Market

2007-08-09 Thread Chris Rowson
> Is there an example (images) in how was done this contest by Mozilla?
> Dalton



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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Internet Market

2007-08-04 Thread Chris Rowson
> I would love to create a contest much like Mozilla ran a year or so
> ago, to get as many community people involved as possible.
> Corey

You know what Corey, I've also thought this'd be a great thing to do.

Why not lets make it happen!

Anyone else on board?


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[ubuntu-marketing] Ubuntu from a CIO's POV

2007-08-01 Thread Chris Rowson
This article has just been posted to /.

It's well worth reading as a well balanced review of Ubuntu from the
perspective of the Chief Information Officer of a large organisation.



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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Targeting locally impacting widely

2007-07-24 Thread Chris Rowson
> Yes, well that may be just because that other software has too many
> flaws to list ;)
> More seriously, I do still feel that in persuading others to switch,
> they need to know what to expect. Leaving the bitter aftertaste of
> disappointment is not what we want to do, if Ubuntu didn't do something
> they wanted. Nonetheless, I do agree that we do need to market on
> strengths, but we don't need to do that overwhelmingly. We want them to
> try the software, and be overwhelmed by how good they find it, keeping
> them using it.

That's true enough. We did think about this.

The best I can come up with (with my marketing cap on) is to offer a
sturdy support network for people willing to give Ubuntu a chance. I
think we do this quite well with launchpad and the community
involvement, but it's also why I thought it'd be important to add a
personal email to the end of the article.

In imagine that in the context of what was written for the first
article, it'd act as a motivator for people to find out more about
Ubuntu. They probably wouldn't immediately erase Windows and switch
wholesale over to Ubuntu without giving it a go first. I suppose it's
quite a complicated issue. Where do we stop and how much do we say?



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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Targeting locally impacting widely

2007-07-24 Thread Chris Rowson
> I think that this is quite a good draft. However, I think it is
> important (as Debian does in their "why you should switch" page) to note
> some disadvantages as well. Ubuntu doesn't work wonders, and is better
> at some tasks than others. One task which is popular is DirectX-based
> gaming, which is rather unsupported by the free software platform.

True enough Toby, but I don't quite agree.

When is the last time you read a press release from Microsoft that went:

Welcome to Windows Server 2003. It's a great server operating system,
but please ensure that you have a third party virus checker installed
as it's pretty insecure out of the box. Server 2003 with IIS and ASP
is great for hosting websites, but you might be better using Apache as
IIS is pretty slow and doesn't scale very well. Server 2003 comes with
many great features, but if you want to run multiple cores or lots of
RAM (and you'll need them, it's a bit of a resource hog!) you'll have
to pay us extra cash just for the functionality you should have had in
the first place.

Server 2003 - The server OS of the future.

;-) I know I'm jesting a bit there, but I just wanted to prove a
point. We're marketing Ubuntu here! Marketing is about defining the
strong points of a product, not exposing it's weaknesses. I think this
is probably one of the fundamental weaknesses of FLOSS and linux in



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[ubuntu-marketing] Targeting locally impacting widely

2007-07-24 Thread Chris Rowson
Hi folks,

My fellow loco's and I over at Ubuntu UK have been trying to establish
whether or not it's worth trying to market Ubuntu via local
magazines/publications etc which take contributions from the

I'd just like to share the first article that we've knocked together
with you all:

We're encouraging people to either use a stock article or write their
own and submit it to their local village, student or work magazine.

If any of you would like to use any of this copy, have any ideas about
furthering this or would like to submit copy, it's all welcome ;-)



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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] full circle #3 - preview

2007-07-23 Thread Chris Rowson
Oh, and this might just be me being daft - the front cover mentions
Learn Launchpad, but I can't seem to find an article about launchpad


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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] full circle #3 - preview

2007-07-23 Thread Chris Rowson
> full circle #3
> Marketing Preview

Just keeps getting better Ronnie, well done!

One niggle:

Page 6 ->

"If you find your PC s till runs slowly, there is still hope . There
is a Linux distribution called Damn Small Linux (DSL)"

Is this necessary? If we're promoting Ubuntu aren't we wasting our
time suggesting other distros?



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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Ubuntu in the wild - down to earth review (article)

2007-07-16 Thread Chris Rowson
> On 16/07/07, Matthew Nuzum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Check this with the devs, I put a comment similar to this on the
> website and they asked me to take it down because it wasn't accurate
> anymore. The text based installer (or the desktop overall, not sure
> which) needs 256MB of RAM, just like the livecd.

I'm not sure about that Matt. I've installed Ubuntu onto laptops with
shared gfx memory and less than 256MB of RAM using the alternate CD
after they've failed using the lived CD.


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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Ubuntu in the wild - down to earth review (article)

2007-07-16 Thread Chris Rowson
I added blueprint suggesting that the live cd warns users with 256MB >
memory that they should use the alternate CD for installation.


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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Ubuntu in the wild - down to earth review (article)

2007-07-16 Thread Chris Rowson
> This article is well worth reading if you love Ubuntu.
> It is not particularly favourable, but I think it is typical of what
> will be many others in future now that Ubuntu has got a visible place
> on many peoples radar. It offers how others see us. Gold dust for
> Marketing I suggest.

It's hard -

This chap decided to try and run the live CD in 256MB of RAM (and I
reckon his laptop graphics would be borrowing a portion of that
anyway). So if - (as has been the case in my experience with
integrated graphics) his laptop was running on say 196MB of RAM, he is
never going to be able to run the Feisty live CD properly.

This is something that really needs to be addressed in the
installation documents. When installing on a machine with 256MB or
less of RAM the user should be recommended to use the alternate

The cpu overheating message is unfortunate and I imagine if it's such
a common fault someone should have a support ticket in about it in any

I think there is always going to be some scenario where a user
attempts to use hardware that isn't yet fully compatible with Ubuntu
and this is always going to result in a bad review. Hopefully as
Ubuntu becomes more mature hardware compatibility issues will be
ironed out.

One thing I did find interesting was that the reviewer proffered the
comment that he likes Vista. Ironically Vista has major hardware and
software compatibilities across the spectrum (especially with older
hardware).  Realistically I simply think the guy had a bad experience.
The article title ... tough to install on laptops should really be
. tough to install on my ageing HP laptop.


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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Please, Make the Ubuntu Leaflets as easy to get as the Live CD's

2007-07-04 Thread Chris Rowson
> Taking this into consideration; I would like to ask the good people at
> Canonical to make the leaflets available to business people like myself
> in the same manner as they make the Live-CD's available to everyone for
> free.
That certainly sounds like a pretty good idea.

I wouldn't have though it'd be too difficult for Canonical to set
something like this up using the ship it service. I work in an IT
department that supports areas like libraries and adult education.

I'm sure if I could just order leaflets it'd be easy to get them
placed in areas like that.


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[ubuntu-marketing] Microsoft distributes Ubuntu!

2007-06-23 Thread Chris Rowson
Looks like MS has been distributing Ubuntu via Windows Marketplace... What!


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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Going to Cuba, can deliver CDs

2007-06-20 Thread Chris Rowson
Hey Rouben, Cuba team listing is here: (cool logo).

Bring us back some cigars :-P


On 20/06/07, Rouben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm going to Holguin, Cuba for a vacation between July 6 and 20. Does
> anyone from Cuba on this list need anything? Ubuntu CDs, for example?
> I can imagine downloading huge ISO images in Cuba must be very tricky
> and expensive, so if I can help by bringing a few CDs with me, please
> let me know. I'll also get in touch with the Cuban LoCo team (I assume
> there is one) to see if they have anything else to add.
> Cheers,
> Rouben
> --
> ubuntu-marketing mailing list
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[ubuntu-marketing] Marketing efforts and leaflets

2007-06-20 Thread Chris Rowson
Hi Folks,

This message has been posted to Ubuntu-UK & Ubuntu Marketing because
I'm hoping that there are people subscribed to both lists with
thoughts on this subject.

With Software Freedom Day around the corner (September 15th) I've been
pondering upon the subject of how to reel in the punters.  I'm
guessing that SFD 2007 will be accompanied by many a cheerful free
software advocate out on the streets punting the benefits of using
Ubuntu to the average Joe and Jane, and I'm thinking that a concerted
marketing effort to underpin this can only help make these advocates
more successful.

We've talked about leaflets at Ubuntu-UK, and between us have come up
with a couple of things that are not half bad. I think that the most
important thing that I've learnt so far though is that there are a lot
things we take for granted that Joe and Jane mightn't think about.

Why is this important?

I think we need to understand Joe and Jane a little better to be able
to flog Ubuntu to them. Take a look at the 'selling interview' for

The most important steps which underpin the entire process are
understanding the customer, asking questions, clarifying, I think that
the author mentions elsewhere 'falling in love with the customer a
little bit!'. Sometimes it feels to me a little bit like we're jumping
straight in a the deep end, without doing this preparation work.

If we can develop a good profile of Joe and Jane and deliver marketing
aimed entirely at them, and not what we think they want (or what we'd
like to deliver ourselves) I reckon we might be able to sell Ubuntu a
little better.

Comments, opinions or ways to take this forward anyone?


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[ubuntu-marketing] Hi List

2007-06-19 Thread Chris Rowson
Hi List,

Just a quick email to say hello and quickly introduce myself.

My name is Chris, I'm a member of the Ubuntu-UK loco team and I
thought I'd take a leap and see if there where any skills that I could
offer to the marketing team too.

I've had a lot of fun recently working on an Ubuntu promotion leaflet,
and have been positively inspired by the level of cross working and
integration that's taken place whilst building it.

If you'd like to take a look - that work in progress is here:

Anyway - don't want to be too scatty in my first post, so that's about
it for now!



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