RE: How to ignore multiple Received: headers

2011-11-02 Thread Kelson Vibber
 -Original Message-
 How do I tell Spamassasin to ignore the last received Header? Or are
 there other solutions to this problem? It also happens quite often with
 emails from cell phones (which always get the strangest dynamic IPs...).

A matter of perspective: You don't need to tell SA to ignore the last header, 
you need to tell it NOT to ignore the second one.  Generally speaking, SA 
checks blacklists against the first hop outside your internal network.  It 
sounds like your local SA has decided that is trusted, 
so instead of starting there, it's starting at the next one out. (And yes, that 
last Received: header should be there.)

I agree with Matus UHLAR's advice: check the trust path settings.

 you apparently need to properly configure trusted_networks and
 internal_networks, see:

RE: Why doesn't anything at all get these botnet spammers?

2011-10-17 Thread Kelson Vibber
From: Jenny Lee
 Also how ironic is it to write: users -at- on the 
 website!!! What a confidence in a
 spam-fighting tool! Write it as users@sa, show you mean business.

Ever hear of defense in depth?

RE: antiphishing

2011-10-12 Thread Kelson Vibber
 -Original Message-
 From: Bowie Bailey []

 This is an issue that comes up on this list occasionally.  It sounds like a 
 idea at first, but when you start looking into it, you find that there is WAY 
 much legitimate email that does this for the rule to be useful.

Yeah. There's an awful lot of newsletter, opt-in advertisement, and even 
transactional mail traffic that uses URL redirectors for click-tracking 
purposes, and far too often they'll put the destination URL (or a simplified 
form of it) in as the link text.

It's a horrible practice, IMO, since it essentially trains people to ignore 
what should be a major phishing indicator, but it's also very common.

--Kelson Vibber

RE: How do I stop SA checking mail from authenticated users

2011-10-04 Thread Kelson Vibber
 -Original Message-
 From: Frank Leonhardt []

 I have a single mail server (not commercial) using sendmail to accept
 incoming mail from all sources, and filtering using spamassassin. It also
 accepts mail from roaming users - encrypted mail using port 465 and
 authenticating users with SASL, and is expected to relay this. It all works 
 except that the trusted mail goes through the milter like any other, and if 
 coming from a dodgy location there's a danger that SA will block it. (This
 happens - sent from a WiFi hotspot, non-static DSL or mobile network that's
 been blacklisted everywhere).
 Is there an easy way I can treat trusted mail differently?

Short answer: You need to configure this at the milter or sendmail level and 
not send the mail to SpamAssassin to begin with.

Slightly longer answer:

It's been a while since I worked with Sendmail, but we used to do exactly this. 
 Basically, it boils down to one of two things:

1. Use a separate config for the submission port that doesn't send stuff 
through the milter. (I forget whether this is possible, so if it's not, never 
2. Configure your milter to check whether the message is authenticated (IIRC, 
you look for the auth_type macro), and not send those messages to 
spamassassin. (This is what we did.)

You don't say what milter you're using. We were using MIMEDefang, and I 
remember we had to do two things: set MD up to read the Sendmail macros, then 
add the code to our MD filter to check for the macro before sending mail to SA.

Sorry I couldn't be of more detailed help, but this should at least point you 
in the right direction.

--Kelson Vibber

RE: Bayes Apache James server

2011-07-29 Thread Kelson Vibber
 That said, I would suggest to not decouple bayes from SA, since I wouldn't 
 see any advantage
 in this approach and you would rather miss the a bayes score from the SA 
 totals. You would
 end having more FPs due to the bayesian mailer running apart and needing 
 special score
 thresholds in SA.

That was my thinking as well.  Thanks for confirming that I'm on the right 

 I would also suggest to avoid using amavisd and the like to run SA tests:
 that application supplies some message routing schemes which are really 
 useful with
 simple mail exchangers, but that may complicate things a lot with a 
 mailet-based design. I
 would suggest to use spamd instead.

Hmm, that's something I hadn't thought about. As it is, it's not a problem. 
James 3.0 includes a mailet that talks directly to spamd, and we backported it 
to the version we're running.

 Also, to complete the system, I recall there were some AV-mailets at the age. 
 If possible use  them before SA to catch message carrying viruses.

Absolutely - we've got ClamAV running first, before anything touches SA, and 
using some of the SaneSecurity signature sets to catch additional malware.


Kelson Vibber, Development

RE: Bayes Apache James server

2011-07-29 Thread Kelson Vibber
 -Original Message-
 From: David F. Skoll []

 It's probably more efficient to have the thing that would block more mail run
 first.  On our installation, for example, ClamAV stops less than 0.1% of all 
 (yes, you read that right), so running it first is useless from a performance
 standpoint since SA would be invoked almost all the time anyway.

Depends on the requirements. In our case, we're blocking viruses but tagging 
spam for later, so it's slightly more efficient to do the virus scan first. 
Even if it blocks 1%, it's still greater than zero.

 We don't use the Sane Security signatures.  If using them would make Clam
 block (say) 10% or more of all messages, I'd have to re-evaluate my opinion.

I wish I could remember the stats from my old job. We had a system that started 
with IP block lists, then ClamAV with a bunch of the Sane Security  spam 
signatures, then SpamAssassin, all tied together with MIMEDefang. (Thank you, 
BTW - that piece of software gave me so much flexibility in our scanning!) I 
had MD sort out the virus hits vs. the spam hits from Clam and decide what got 
discarded, what got blocked, and what got sent along to SA. I seem to remember 
it being worth it, but I just can't remember the numbers.

Kelson Vibber, Development

Bayes Apache James server

2011-07-28 Thread Kelson Vibber
I'm setting up the spam/virus filtering on an Apache James mail server, and 
SpamAssassin is one of the pieces we plan on using. I used to run a 
Sendmail-based server with SpamAssassin for years at a previous job, so I'm 
familiar with SA, but I'm still new to James.

James includes a plugin for Bayesian spam filtering. So far, the main advantage 
I see for it is that it includes a system to train the filter by forwarding 

Does anyone here have experience with *both* James's Bayesian filter and SA's?

If so, would you recommend:

1.   Sticking with SA's Bayesian filter?

2.   Running SpamAssassin without Bayes, then James' BayesianAnalysis 

3.   Running James's BayesianAnalysis mailet first, then SpamAssassin 
without Bayes?

In case it makes a difference, we're running James 2.3 with the SpamAssassin 
mailet backported from 3.0, and we'll be using a sitewide database (at least to 
begin with).

Thanks in advance,

Kelson Vibber, Development

Re: How not to implement SPF (

2010-07-05 Thread Kelson Vibber
On Jul 4, 2010, at 11:57 PM, Marc Perkel wrote:
 It's not even useful for white listing as spammers can set up SPF too.

That's not how whitelisting on SPF works.

You don't whitelist *solely* on the presence of SPF.

You whitelist the *combination* of a domain that you want and a positive SPF 

Let's say you want to whitelist mail from, and you don't want to 
worry about keeping track of their outgoing servers. You set up whitelisting 
using SPF such that...

1. Mail from that doesn't pass SPF = neutral, go through normal 
2. Mail from that DOES pass SPF =  whitelisted
3. Mail from random spammer's domain that passes SPF = neutral, go through 
normal filtering

Multiply steps #1 and #2 by however many domains you want to whitelist, and 
it's a lot more convenient than keeping track of all their IP addresses 
yourself, especially if they have a lot of them or change them from time to 

That's how SpamAssassin uses SPF to whitelist mail.  (See the docs for 
whitelist_from_spf and similar rules.)  Notice that it really doesn't matter 
whether spammers set up their own SPF rules.

Actually, you could make use of spammers' SPF records in some circumstances by 
adding a fourth possibility:

4. Mail from known spammer's domain that passes SPF = blacklisted

OK, that fourth possibility isn't likely to crop up very often, but it's still 
taking advantage of spammers using SPF...which, once again, doesn't interfere 
with SPF's usefulness as a component of whitelisting.

Re: How not to implement SPF (

2010-07-05 Thread Kelson Vibber

On Jul 5, 2010, at 6:46 AM, Marc Perkel wrote:
 BTW - does anyone have some big list of domain that when combined with SPF 
 make a good white list?

Well, that would depend on who you and your users want mail from, wouldn't it?

Re: How not to implement SPF (

2010-06-30 Thread Kelson

On 6/30/2010 8:37 AM, Ned Slider wrote:

My solution is to just filter ALL mail from bank or bank-like domains.
The vast majority are phishing anyway with only a few marketing emails
(often not from a bank domain) or your online statement is ready
notifications that I'm sure users can do without.

I wouldn't be so sure that users can do without* those notifications.  I 
don't know about the UK, but in the US, banks and utilities are really 
pushing paperless statements.  Users might be relying on email from 
their banks to let them know when their credit card bills are ready.

*More generally, I don't think it's our place to decide what users can 
and can't do without among email that they've actually requested.  False 
positives are one thing.  *Deliberately* blocking something on the 
grounds that it's not necessary?  That's something else.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications -

Re: Interesting email link in spam

2010-05-18 Thread Kelson Vibber
On Tuesday 18 May 2010, fchan wrote:
 Note the Technical Contact name and his email address.

Oh, great, now I'm imagining lasagna made with SPAM.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications,

Re: SOUGHT FP on Twitter notices

2010-05-06 Thread Kelson Vibber

On 5/5/2010 5:05 PM, Karsten Bräckelmann wrote:

Please send us a ham sample. Obfuscating identifying data is ok, but
please keep it to a minimum needed, and make it obvious. Raw message
attached preferred. Feel free to send it directly to me and/or Justin,
rather than the list. Thanks!

Will do.

Quick interim fix. In your, add this to stop the FPs.
meta __SEEK_O1OO80  (0)

Thanks - Since I couldn't remember how to disable a component of a meta 
rule, I'd commented it out to start with, but of course sa-update 
clobbers that.  Filing away for future reference...

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications -

Re: FROM_STARTS_WITH_NUMS matches on text-to-email

2010-04-12 Thread Kelson

On 4/12/2010 4:26 PM, Bob O'Brien wrote:

Other media references, too: 90210, 4100, I'm sure there are
more which have been chosen by fans of one theme or another.

Back in the late 1990s, I remember hearing that some site (maybe 
Hotmail?) was restricted to US residents, but didn't check very 
thoroughly. They just made sure that the city, state and zip code 
matched. Strangely, they had a lot of users living in Beverly Hills, 90210.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: Off Topic - SPF - What a Disaster

2010-02-24 Thread Kelson

On 2/23/2010 6:33 PM, Marc Perkel wrote:

I agree. I've been in the spam filtering business for many years and
have yetto find any use for SPF at all. It's disturbing this useless
technology is getting the false positive support we are seeing.

And as people on this list have pointed out 5,000 times, including 
myself yesterday:

whitelist_from_spf  *

This applies a whitelist rule to messages from if and only 
if they also pass's SPF policy.

So there's one use case right there, unless you're going to claim that 
functionality is useless.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: Off Topic - SPF - What a Disaster

2010-02-23 Thread Kelson

On 2/23/2010 12:38 PM, Jeff Koch wrote:

In an effort to reduce spam further we tried implementing SPF
enforcement. Within three days we turned it off. What we found was that:


Our assessment is that SPF is a good idea but pretty much unworkable for
an ISP/host without a major education program which we neither have the
time or money to do. Since we like our customers and they pay the bills
it is now a dead issue.

Any other experiences? I love to hear.

SPF works great as a selective whitelist in SpamAssassin. (And I don't 
mean whitelisting all SPF passes. That would be stupid. I mean 
whitelisting mail coming from domain X, but only when it passes SPF and 
demonstrates that yes, it really came from domain X.)

I'd say that what you found is *not* that SPF itself is a disaster, but 
that enforcing SPF by rejecting failures is a disaster.

It's a data point. It all depends on how you use it.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: unsubscribe

2009-09-30 Thread Kelson

Miles Fidelman wrote:
unless, of course, someone happens to be writing a message with the word 
unsubscribe in it, and DOESN'T want to unsubscribe to the list

let you think this is picking a nit I run a list for parents of one 
of my kid's schools, the school department runs another (badly) -- it's 
very common for people to write to our list asking how to (un)subscribe 
to the official school list

for that matter, on any list discussing mail handling, or perhaps 
server-side software in general, I expect the word unsubscribe is 
quite common

Would I be correct in assuming that most or all of those messages have 
more words in the subject than just the single word unsubscribe?  Or 
at least some message content?

If the message body is empty and the subject only contains the word 
unsubscribe, it's probably a safe bet to assume it's an attempt to 
remove someone from the list and not a question or comment.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: JMF whitelist and RAZOR conflict

2009-09-11 Thread Kelson

RW wrote:

Razor looks-up fuzzy hashes of an email on a server that records the
values that have previously been reported for spam.   JMF_W  is based on
the IP address of the last hop into your trusted network (or internal
if you set it up that way). Neither is based on URLs.

Actually, Razor does check URLs as well.  It's one of the signature 
types. Type 8, I think.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: BAYES_99 score lint

2009-06-23 Thread Kelson

John Hardin wrote:

On Mon, 22 Jun 2009, MySQL Student wrote:

score  LOCAL_BAYES_RTF 1.5
describe   LOCAL_BAYES_RTF Rule by AS: Probably an Inline RTF spam

If the only thing it's complaining about during lint is the zero score, 
don't worry too much about it.

Or try defining the score like this:

score  LOCAL_BAYES_RTF 0 0 1.5 1.5

That way SA will only try to run it under the same score sets that Bayes 
is enabled.

The problem might simply be that lint is running with Bayes disabled 
(score set 0 or 1), in which case BAYES_99 will be scored at 0.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: Suggested Change For FS_TEEN_BAD

2009-06-17 Thread Kelson
Wouldn't it be more efficient to write all the single-letter matches 
like (?:s|z)? as [sz]? or does it end up not making a difference 
when the regex is actually processed?

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications


2009-03-17 Thread Kelson

LuKreme wrote:
It's very simple, I don't 
see Habeas headers in legitimate email, and haven't for years.  I see it 
in spam.  I score it up. The score of -8.0 is ridiculous for something 
that is so easily forged.

They haven't *used* the headers in years, either.  Habeas is an IP-based 
whitelist, and has been for, I don't know, 4 or 5 years.

So, seriously -- you've adjusted the score of a rule to point in the 
opposite direction without actually checking what the rule does?

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: SPF_NEUTRAL scoring?

2009-03-16 Thread Kelson

LuKreme wrote:
I don't remember what ?all means though, or how it differs from -all or 

? means the record makes no claims about that source.  ?all basically 
says, Mail might come from other places, or it might not, we aren't 
sure.  (In RFC terms, mail from us MAY be sent from other places not 

- means mail should *never* come from that source, so -all means Only 
the sources listed here will send you mail; anything from anywhere else 
is definitely forged. (In RFC terms, mail from us MUST NOT be sent from 
other places.)

~ is (IIRC) specific to all, and ~all means Other places shouldn't be 
sending you mail, but we're not 100% certain we haven't missed 
something. (In RFC terms, mail from us SHOULD NOT be sent from other 

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: html experts: empty style tags.

2009-01-29 Thread Kelson

On the subject of style vs style type=text/css

*Technically* the TYPE attribute is required in HTML 4, but in practice, 
no one really uses anything other than CSS, and most browsers will 
assume it.

The current draft of HTML 5 recognizes this, and makes TYPE explicitly 
optional for STYLE, defaulting to text/css if not present:

So in HTML 5, this is perfectly valid:

h1 {font-family: Arial}

It is only allowed within HEAD (though again in practice, most browsers 
are lenient about this), but if I'm reading the HTML 5 spec correctly, 
it will also allow style within the body, but *only* if it contains 
the SCOPED attribute, and only at the beginning of a section, like this:

style scoped
h2 {color: green}
Bunch of content

But this would not be:

Some content
style scoped
h2 {color: red}
More content

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: how to change score of spf

2009-01-13 Thread Kelson

Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:

positive SPF results mean NOTHING - any spammer
can register a domain and create SPF for it. Only the *FAILs are useful
since it means someone is (probably) spoofing. Maybe NEUTRAL can indicate
anything, but PASS has non-zero score only because zero score would cause it
not to appear.

More precisely, a positive SPF result *by itself* is not an indicator of 
non-spam.  It can be combined with other data, such as a whitelist of 
domain names, and be quite useful, as in the whitelist_spf and 
whitelist_auth rules.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: Spam slipping through

2008-12-11 Thread Kelson

LuKreme wrote:

On 10-Dec-2008, at 16:01, mouss wrote:

so 5 is a little too high.

Ah, gotcha.  I am scoring whitelist at -5 though, so a 5 still puts them 
at 0.  Without other spam tags, they should still pass, no?

whitelist_from_dkim and related rules (whitelist_from_spf, 
whitelist_from_auth, etc.) only fire if the authentication is valid. 
The idea is to whitelist messages from a domain only when you can 
confirm that they really did come from that domain.

So the whitelist and blacklist rules will never cancel each other out, 
because they'll never fire on the same message.

If you want to leave a DKIM failure for that domain as neutral, just 
remove your custom blacklist rule.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: Spam slipping through

2008-12-10 Thread Kelson

LuKreme wrote:
So it looks like the only usefulness of DKIM for spam checking is really 
for the big mailers like gmail, paypal, ebay, etc?

A pass on DKIM (or any other sender verification system ) is useful for 
any mailer that you *recognize*, regardless of size.

Trivial example: If you regularly do business with SmallCorp, and you 
know they sign their mail using DKIM, you can whitelist those messages 
that claim to be them and come through with a verified DKIM signature.

Successful sender verification ALONE doesn't tell you much, because it 
doesn't distinguish between a legit sender who uses DKIM and a spammer 
who uses DKIM (or a spammer abusing a large sender).  This is why the 
default scores on DKIM_VERIFIED and DKIM_SIGNED are just enough to track 
the rule, and not enough to significantly affect the score

Combine it with a reputation system for those domains, even one as 
simple as a bunch of whitelist_from_dkim rules in your, and it 
becomes a powerful whitelisting  blacklisting tool.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: Problems with the email adress of our company

2008-11-03 Thread Kelson

Per Jessen wrote:

I guess it's a matter of opinion, but an email address is a significant
part of a corporate identity - you don't go around changing it ad-hoc,
and you certainly try to avoid having one domain in your email-address
and another on your brochures and businesscards. 

Exactly.  That sort of thing would train users to expect your company's 
email to come from multiple and/or unfamiliar domains, such that they 
will be less likely to notice phishing attempts that claim to be your 
company but come from other domains.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: Rule for encoded/bugged URLs?

2008-10-31 Thread Kelson

Kevin Windham wrote:
The other sign is the encoded img tags. I can't recall seeing a regular 
site use img tags that are encoded with no meaningful name.

I take it you've never looked at the HTML code for, say, Flickr or 
Amazon?  A *lot* of dynamic websites will use a catalog number (or 
equivalent) instead of a human-readable name for their image filenames.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: Phishing rules?

2008-10-30 Thread Kelson

Micah Anderson wrote:


DSBL has shut down, and you should remove the query from your list.  It 
won't help with the phishing, but it'll free up some network resources. 

I've got clamav pulling signatures updated once a day from sanesecurity
(phishing, spam, junk, rogue), SecuriteInfo (honeynet, vx,
securesiteinfo) and Malware Black List, MSRBL (images, spam).

Odd, ClamAV + SaneSecurty does a really good job here at blocking phish 
before they even get to SpamAssassin.  We call clamd through MIMEDefang, 
then call SpamAssassin (also through MimeDefang) if a message passes.

Have you verified that Clam is using the SaneSecurity signatures?  How 
are you calling ClamAV?

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: [OT?] rDNS tomfoolery - localhost

2008-10-09 Thread Kelson

John Hardin wrote:

While shit has happened too many times, I don't see why a browser would
do PTR lookup when given an IP.

If security settings are defined by the server's hostname or domain name 
you'd kinda have to, or else say that all numeric-IP URLs are inherently 

In that case, though, they *should* re-check the DNS of the hostname 
that's been kicked back. - localhost - = mismatch

Assuming, of course, that (a) the DNS server being used doesn't do 
something stupid like assume that the PTR result is symmetric, and (b) 
the client has the sense to do that verification step.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: SPF rules

2008-10-02 Thread Kelson

Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:

Of course, PASS tells nothing, but
there are *FAIL, NEUTRAL etc.

Actually, PASS can tell you quite a bit if you're trying to whitelist a 
specific address or domain (eg. whitelist_from_spf).

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: New free blacklist: BRBL - Barracuda Reputation Block List

2008-09-30 Thread Kelson

Rasmus Haslund wrote:

For us, the only FP we have seen are some servers in Argentina, Brazil
and 2 legit fish newsletters from Russia.
Otherwise it is looking very good here.

We've been testing it using SpamAssassin with the lastexternal option, 
and while it catches a whole lot of obvious junk, the logs also show it 
tripping on a number of messages that look like they might be legitimate 
newsletters.  A couple of stores that I recognize, a nearby church, a 
fan club for a well-known movie series, one of our state senators, and a 
political organization.

None of these ended up being marked as spam, but they did trip on the 
rule, and would have been blocked if I'd been using BRBL at the sendmail 

I still need to verify that they sources are what they appear to be, 
then do some research on their mailing practices and ask the recipients 
whether they actually signed up for the mailings, but at the moment it 
looks like the list is something I can use as a data point through 
SpamAssassin, but can't use to block mail outright.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: 1000 times easier to just do sa-update --nogpg

2008-09-05 Thread Kelson

SM wrote:
There is a reason the updates are signed.  You can either try and figure 
out the right way or you can wait for someone to compromise one of the 
endpoints to deliver illegitimate updates.

Pardon me for putting words in someone's mouth, but I got the impression 
that the original poster's point was not to advocate disabling signature 
checking, but to suggest that the error message should be more useful.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: Blacklist Mining Project - Project Tarbaby

2008-08-26 Thread Kelson

Marc Perkel wrote:

Graham Murray wrote:

Because some senders erroneously treat a tempfail as a permfail (or even
worse as a successful delivery) and do not retry.
If that were the case then they already would have failed before getting 
to tarbaby as your main server is out. If they are on tarbaby then they 
already retried to get there.

tempfail != timeout

If the main servers are down or otherwise not responding, the sender 
won't get a tempfail from those servers.  So even if the sender is 
broken enough to treat a tempfail as a permfail, it will still fall back 
to the next MX until it gets to one that *does* respond.  And if that 
happens to respond with a tempfail...

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: Yahoogroups not a COI list ?

2008-08-22 Thread Kelson

mouss wrote:
I didn't check since long, but last year, it was possible to subscribe 
addresses without confirmation. Maybe this only applied to groups that 
existed since long (and had a lot of traffic)?

I just checked, and below the text box for the invite function (which 
sends a confirmation request) is a link labeled, Add members from an 
existing email list. That brings up another form where you can paste in 
a list of addresses, and allows up to 100 addresses/day, and sends a 
welcome notice.

It's billed as an import tool, and there are dire warnings about Please 
use responsibly and how abuse of the tool can get your account deactivated.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: freemail plugin

2008-06-26 Thread Kelson

Benny Pedersen wrote:

can you change it to list reverse, so freemail domains is all other then
what is not freemail domain ?

this is imho more simple to knwo where to pay for email then to know with
domains is free :-)

So... every time someone registers a new domain name for their start-up 
company, we need to add it to the list because it isn't a free email 

I don't think that's going to save much effort.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: Opera's revolutionary e-mail client?

2008-06-24 Thread Kelson

Justin Mason wrote:

Grepping my ham corpora, I find some hits from 2005 and 2006, but nothing
in the past 2 years for this.  Does anyone use recent builds of the real
Opera mail?  does it use this footer, or is it safe to list it in the

I don't normally use Opera for email, but I use it regularly for web 
browsing.  I just set up email on my copy of Opera 9.5 (the latest 
release), and hit Compose to see what would happen.

The text you're seeing is the default signature.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: Opera's revolutionary e-mail client?

2008-06-24 Thread Kelson Vibber
To follow up, here's a message actually sent from Opera 9.5 on Windows, in  
case someone wants the info for header analysis.

And yes, I've changed the signature, partly so that it won't trip the rule  
in question.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: Replies to this list

2008-06-09 Thread Kelson

Matthias Leisi wrote:

Reply-To considered harmful:
And still considered harmful:

Yeah, well, Considered Harmful essays are also considered harmful:

Let's remember that these essays are matters of individual opinion, not 
statements of indisputable truth handed down from on high.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: List of Banks often spoofed in Phishing scams

2008-06-03 Thread Kelson

Marc Perkel wrote:

If the FCrDNS matches one of these domains it is ham.
If the sender or from address matches one of these domains and the 
domain doesn't appear in the Received headers - it's a phish.


It's worth noting that Citibank still sometimes uses other domains. 
I've seen legit mail from them that uses a address, but is 
sent from a server.

It could be worse -- a few years ago, they'd use about 5 or 6 domains on 
a regular basis, including the defunct  Take a look at the 

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: joe jobbed or hacked?

2008-05-05 Thread Kelson

Jon-Paul Kelly wrote:
I just received around 2000 bounce messages from various servers 
rejecting messages (supposedly) coming from my email address.
This has happened to me before but not on this scale. Any ideas on how 
to tell if this is just a joe job or if someone has actually used my 
server as a spam sending platform?

The first thing to do is look at the bounces to see whether your IP 
address is listed anywhere.  If none of them mention your server, either 
in the original Received headers on the rejected message or in the 
bounce notice itself, you can be confident that it was just a forged sender.

If it does list your server, you'll need to look more closely.  Is it 
the immediate sender (the one that connected to the server issuing the 
rejection)?  If so, you've got problems.  Is it further down in the 
Received chain?  In that case, it could also be forged, and you'll have 
to keep looking.

You can also look at your mail logs, in case they found a hole in your 
relay config or something.  Though if the system is actually hacked, 
they could send using their own SMTP engine, bypassing your mail queue, 
and the messages probably wouldn't be logged.

Hope this helps.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: Returned mail spam

2008-04-15 Thread Kelson

Joseph Brennan wrote:

what own rules? I'm talking that forwarding without changing sender's
address is broken already and I described how and why. SPS just 

this problem and SRS is trying to solve it...

I don't see this necessity to change the sender address anywhere
in RFC 2821.  In fact it differentiates between lists where you do
change the sender and aliases where you do not.

Let's see if I've got this right:

There are practical problems with forwarding, whether you do SPF or not.

No, there are no problems with forwarding, because the RFC says it's okay.

I'm sensing a disconnect here.

I assume everyone here has heard the joke about the difference between 
theory and practice?

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: FW: Why is this spam passing my SA (counterfeit goods)

2008-04-11 Thread Kelson

Rick Macdougall wrote:
I'm an ISP and we use 5 to mark and 10 to reject at smtp time (not 
bounce, smtp reject 551).

Same here.  Dropping below 5 would cause way too many false positives.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: Returned mail spam

2008-04-10 Thread Kelson

mouss wrote:

Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:

But back on topic... the OP has been joe-jobbed.

mouss wrote:
he's not the only one... seems there's a lot of backscatter coming 
in these days.

Thanks for confirming that spf doesn't fix the problem.

SPF is designed to fix the problem,

ahuh? how would spf fix the problem if spam gets out from an authorized 
client (yahoo, google, hotmail, aol, ...). however you respond, you'll 
find out that such (ougoing) spam problem isn't fixed _by_ SPF. In 
particular, don't tell me they will fix their outgoing spam.

Who said anything about spam from an authorized source?  The problem 
*being discussed* is spam with a forged sender address, causing bounce 
notices to go to an innocent third party.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: DNS Blocklists with Spamassassin (scoring only)

2008-04-10 Thread Kelson

Michael Hutchinson wrote:

uridnsbl URIBL_DSBL   TXT
body URIBL_DSBL  eval:check_uridnsbl('URIBL_DSBL')
describe URIBL_DSBL  Contains a URL listed in the DSBL blocklist 

scoreURIBL_DSBL  0.004

Wait... does the DSBL even list URIs?  I thought it only listed IP 
addresses (which is already in the default rule, RCVD_IN_DSBL).

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: dns tests and scoring info for modification

2008-04-04 Thread Kelson

Robert - elists wrote:

Are all tests for DNS type RBL's in this default SA file?

Do I need to grep all the other files to check for where the scores are, or
is there only one default score file on this?

If you use sa-update, there should also be some in  Either 
way, I believe all the default scores are in

I want to change this to 0 (i.e. enabling dnsbl checks) and zero out any
default SA DNSBL type scoring, and then enable only one internal/external
DNSBL check source of our choice for testing...

You probably know this, but make sure you put the zeroed-out scores in 
your local config dir (i.e. /etc/mail/spamassassin or the like) so that 
they won't be overwritten the next time you upgrade and/or run sa-update.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: office rule

2008-04-02 Thread Kelson

ram wrote:

header __FROMOFFICE From  =~/office/i
header __SUBOFFICE  Subject  =~/office/i

score OFFICERULE 4.0

And don't forget to add word boundaries.  You probably don't want it 
matching on officer

header __FROMOFFICE From  =~/\boffice\b/i
header __SUBOFFICE  Subject  =~/\boffice\b/i

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: tmp file handling

2008-03-27 Thread Kelson

NFN Smith wrote:
The Debian release number of MIMEDefang I'm running is 2.57-5.  It may 
be that when Debian froze what went into etch, the current copy of MD 
was the one with that glitch in it.

I'll check the MD archives for release notes, and see what's in the 
Testing branch.

The fix went into MIMEDefang 2.63.  That's only one release back (the 
latest is 2.64), so you might want to look into the 2.64 changes while 
you're at it.

Relevant section from the 2.63 changelog: Call $mail-finish() to
prevent temporary files from accumulating.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: How to report 120,000 spams a day

2008-03-10 Thread Kelson

Sandy S wrote:
OK, I admit I haven't been following this thread closely so I may have 
missed something and maybe my suggestion won't fit your needs.  However, 
we're accomplishing something like what you describe above using 
Mimedefang.  The Mimedefang milter includes a function called 
md_check_against_smtp_server which checks the recipient address against 
the virtusertable defined on whatever MX server you give it.  If it's 
not a valid user voila!  message is rejected during the Mimedefang 
processing - aka as soon as the connecting server has provided the 
recipient address, before the whole message has been transmitted.  
Otherwise processing and mail delivery continues as normal.

You beat me to it!

I'll just add that people have discussed alternate solutions on the MD 
archives that, instead of using md_check_against_smtp_server, involve 
exporting the list tot he remote MX so that it can still query that 
information if/when the primary is unavailable.

Looking through the MIMEDefang mailing list archives is left as an 
exercise for the reader.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Blogspot (was Re: giberish)

2008-03-03 Thread Kelson

Michael Hutchinson wrote:

I don't know how the rest of you feel about blogspot links, but I've
never seen a valid/authentic one in an email that isn't spam before.

I have.  In the last two weeks, I've seen blogspot links in the Drupal 
newsletter, the newsletter, Fedora Weekly News, and a 
newsletter for the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund -- all things I've 
signed up for.

And that's just me -- that's not counting anyone else on the mail server 
I manage.  I set up a rule to match blogspot links, and tracked the 
results.  It hit things like the Slashdot daily summary, and several 
newsletters  mailing lists that I couldn't guess whether the recipient 
signed up or not, on topics ranging from chess to ASP to financial news 
to political opinions.

And then there's people sending personal mail referencing a random blog 
post, or including their blogspot-hosted site in their email signatures.

We do still score blogspot URIs --- but we only add 1 point for it. 
Scoring at 5 would block legit mail.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications


2008-02-26 Thread Kelson

Igor Chudov wrote:

If I recall correctly...

This Habeas is some sort of a braindead business idea to insert an
unauthenticated header in bodies of legitimate emails coming from
their customers, to assure spam filters that the email is legitimate. 

Not anymore.  They've long since switched to an IP-based whitelist 
because the unauthenticated header proved unreliable.

They changed their business model YEARS ago.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: DDOS, Dictionary Attack... not sure what it is...

2008-01-02 Thread Kelson

Mike Cisar wrote:

Since about the 26th of Dec I've had one particular
mailserver that has been dealing with a constant stream of crap... all
emails to unknown users, all of the email addresses seem consistent (either
3 'syllables'... an uppercased 'syllable', a lowercased 'syllable' and
another uppercased 'syllable'... or 2 uppercased 'syllables').  They don't
seem to be coming from any consistent IP address (or region).  Problem is of
course that the mailserver's connections get tied up processing rejecting
this crap (and of course it's chewing up my transfer allocation bit by tiny

There's one more piece of data needed before you decide on a course of 
action: what kind of email is being sent.  Are you getting first-order 
spam, or are you getting bounce messages?

If all the target addresses are in the same domain, it could be as 
simple as this:

1. Spammer picks a random domain name known to exist: yours.
2. Spammer generates a bunch of random addresses at that domain.
3. Spammer sends out junk to thousands of targets using these addresses.
4. Thousands of servers send you the bounces, the sender verification 
checks, etc.

This happened a couple of weeks ago with one of my domain names. 
Similar pattern of addresses:


Actually, it's still going on, but it doesn't have much of an impact 
since the server rejects unknown recipients right away.

It might be worth looking for a couple of addresses that get hit 
repeatedly and temporarily activating them, or even turning on a 
catch-all for 20 seconds or so, to capture some of the messages and see 
whether you're dealing with a botnet or backscatter.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: Adjusting SA scores in

2007-12-13 Thread Kelson

John D. Hardin wrote:

   score URIBL_SBL 5

Discussion of the advisability of a single poison-pill rule is for 
another day, though if you *do* want to spamcan everything that hits 
SBL you'd be better served doing it at the MTA layer as a regular 
DNSBL test.

Also, isn't SBL folded into Zen these days?

The rule in question is a URIBL test, so it acts on domain names that 
appear in the message body.  A standard DNSBL block at the MTA level, 
whether just using the SBL or using Zen, would act on the IP address of 
the sending server.

It's not just a matter of one method being more efficient than the 
other.  They're looking at different data.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: Score all emails and delete some of them

2007-12-13 Thread Kelson

Ken Goods wrote:

Spamassassin only scores emails. You'll need another application to do
something with them. I use MailScanner and what you need is easily done with
it. It gives you many other options as well. I think Amavis-new and
Mailwatch may do the same thing but have no experience with them. 

MIMEDefang, also.  And you can set up procmail rules to delete or 
redirect mail based on the headers that SpamAssassin adds.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: What to do with known spam connections

2007-11-12 Thread Kelson

mouss wrote:

Kelson wrote:

Rob Sterenborg wrote:

SM wrote:

The spam content shouldn't even be getting through as the recipient
address is invalid. 

Unless you don't know who your recipients are, which may be the case
when operating a mailrelay. (I'm not saying that such situation is

Or unless they send to a mix of real and bogus addresses.  It could be
worth blocking them from hitting any real addresses after they've hit
a couple of spamtraps.

while some people can afford to block a large ISP, many of us don't.

So run some heuristics before deciding to block an IP.  Factor in other 
criteria.  It doesn't have to be a snap judgment on one piece of data.

We're on the SpamAssassin list, after all.  The whole philosophy of 
SpamAssassin is to take a bunch of signs that, individually, might not 
be enough to make the call, but taken together can be reasonably 
accurate.  Surely that philosophy can be extended to tactics other than 
message analysis.

How about...
Using it to greylist instead of blocking?
Or looking at the rDNS and trying to determine whether it looks like a 
mail server?
Or only blocking it if it appears on a list of dynamic IPs (assuming 
you're not blocking those IPs outright)?

Or whitelisting those large ISPs?
Or looking at your own recent traffic from that IP, and only blocking it 
if you don't see any legit traffic?
Or adding points to the SA score the next time the IP shows up instead 
of blocking it?

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: What to do with known spam connections

2007-11-09 Thread Kelson

Rob Sterenborg wrote:

SM wrote:

The spam content shouldn't even be getting through as the recipient
address is invalid. 

Unless you don't know who your recipients are, which may be the case
when operating a mailrelay. (I'm not saying that such situation is

Or unless they send to a mix of real and bogus addresses.  It could be 
worth blocking them from hitting any real addresses after they've hit a 
couple of spamtraps.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: Pretty good, Paypal are making their own phish these days!

2007-11-07 Thread Kelson

Loren Wilton wrote:

Thank you for bringing this suspicious email to our attention. We can
confirm that the email you received was not sent to you by PayPal. The
website linked to this email is not a registered URL authorized or used
by PayPal. We are currently investigating this incident fully. Please do
not enter any personal or financial information into this website.

So apparently in some manner is NOT part of!
I wonder how they managed that.

*blink* *blink*

Great.  Now *that's* encouraging.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: Pretty good, Paypal are making their own phish these days!

2007-11-06 Thread Kelson

Loren Wilton wrote:
The disturbing thing is it seems to have come from the real Paypal 
servers, AND, it has my correct name in the body of the email.

Now, they don't actually ask me to log on to a link in the email.  
They just say click here to win with a link with a tracking id.

I have to wonder if they have been taking lessons on how to make spam 
look and feel like week-old dead phish, or if they just brilliantly came 
up with the idea all on their own.

Funny, my reaction to seeing (I assume) the same message was that they'd 
learned how *not* to look like a phish.

In particular, they used their own domain name for *everything*, 
including the sending server, the return address, matching forward  
reverse DNS on the sending server (mine came from, which 
has a PTR to, which resolves to, all 
the hyperlinks (with matching rDNS), and nearly all the images.  Not to 
mention validating DomainKeys and SPF.

The only thing I found that didn't point to were 
two references to the same one-pixel image on, used for 
spacing and possibly also for tracking.

I've seen way too many messages from, say, financial institutions, 
stores, or even security software companies (*cough*symantec*cough*) 
where they use multiple domain names, sometimes including that of their 
third-party list manager, for everything -- even the click-tracked 
links.  Back when I used to shop at what was then DeepDiscountDVD, I'd 
actually get order confirmations with a return address at their ISP, 
instead of at their domain.  The problem with these companies is that 
they're training their users to trust mail from and linking to random 
domains -- not to mention making it harder for us admins to prevent 
false positives through whitelisting.

It was nice to see a sender that had learned to not make that mistake.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: Rule for TLS verify=OK?

2007-10-29 Thread Kelson

Dan Mahoney, System Admin wrote:
In looking through my sendmail logs, I've found that some connecting 
mail servers actually are correctly configured with a signed, valid cert 
from one of the major CA's.


Is there a rule that can match this, on sendmail, based on the 
connecting ip on your network edge?

It's easy enough to create a rule that matches the phrase in the 
Received: Header.  The trick would be picking only the header for the 
relay that sent to you.  Otherwise, spammers would just add 'verify=OK' 
to their fake headers.

I don't think TLS info is included in the various X-Spam-Relays 
pseudoheaders described here, which would make it relatively easy:

If you can get access to sendmail macros (through a milter, for 
instance, like MIMEDefang or Amavisd-New), you could match against the 
verify macro being OK.  Relevant macros are listed here:

This might be a place to start: it talks about setting up MIMEDefang to 
skip filtering entirely on verify=OK, but it could probably be adapted 
to pass the info to SA.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: Milter vs. Procmail

2007-09-27 Thread Kelson

Olivier Nicole wrote:

But here is the question, with milter call, how to manage things like
per user whitelist? As SA is run only once for all the recipients, it
should go on a common set of rules.

To get a milter to process settings per-user on a message with multiple 
recipients, you'll have to resend the message locally.  (Messages with 
single recipients aren't a problem, of course.)

We use MIMEDefang, which has a function 
stream_by_recipient to do this.  What we do is check in filter_begin to 
see whether any of the recipients *have* custom configs, then call the 
function only if necessary.

The disadvantage, of course, is that since it's resent locally, you lose 
all the advantages that milter gives you in being able to act at SMTP 
time.  Fortunately this only applies to multiple-recipient messages, and 
if you're careful about it, only to messages that need to be split up.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: Mail Classification

2007-09-21 Thread Kelson

Srilatha wrote:

Some Anti Spam Engines classify mails as : Clean, Spam or Bulk

What is this Bulk classification ?

In theory, bulk could refer to anything that's sent out to large 
numbers of people, or automatically generated without human 
intervention.  That would include newsletters, mailing lists, alerts, 
auto-responses, and so on.  (Spam would also fit that definition, but 
since there's a separate spam category, it's probably safe to assume 
that it's bulk messages that aren't spam.)

Or bulk could simply mean that the software can identify the message 
as a mass-mailing, but can't decide whether it's solicited or not.

Or it could mean that it found a Precedence: bulk header in the message.

I can't say what it means in any specific program, but if I were to set 
up a clean/spam/bulk classification scheme, I'd probably define them 
this way:

Clean: not spam, person-to-person
Spam: spam
Bulk: not spam, large volume or automatically generated

In any case, SpamAssassin only makes a binary distinction: spam
or not spam.  Depending on the program you use to call it, you can take 
the detailed results (which rules fired, what the final score is, etc.) 
and make further classifications.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: OT: Spamtraps

2007-09-18 Thread Kelson

ram wrote:
How can I best create spamtrap ids. 

Some ideas:

Keep those published-on-the-web spamtraps, and have some patience. 
They'll pick them up eventually.

Use a future spamtrap on a mailing list for a week or two, making sure 
to put the address in your signature, then unsubscribe it from the list. 
 Wait. (And wait long enough that no one's likely to try to contact you 
directly regarding the list posts.)

Find some existing spam with unsubscribe links that don't appear to be 
address-specific.  Try to unsubscribe using the spamtrap address.  (If 
the unsubscribe form is legit, you won't hear back from them.  If not, 
and they start sending you spam, they have no business contacting an 
address that you used to UNsubscribe.)  Wait.

The bottom line: be patient.  It may take several weeks for them to 
bite, but once they do, they won't let go.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: [OT] Seeing increase in smtp concurrency ?

2007-09-06 Thread Kelson

Johnson, S wrote:

It's interesting you say that I don't give a response (most of the
time they're not there to receive it anyway and it clogs up my server
with undeliverable email - especially in BIG spam attacks). I have not
experienced this with my servers at all.  Last week, a friend of mine
that owns a very large spam filtering/relay company got hit hard with
this issue.  

I think Jeff was talking about a 5xx response in the SMTP transaction, 
not generating a bounce message after the fact.

When you say your friend was hit with this issue, do you mean the 
server was clogged with undeliverable bounces, or do you mean they saw 
spammers hanging onto open connections longer than reasonable in a sort 
of reverse-tarpit?

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: Outbound spam filtering for a large ISP

2007-09-04 Thread Kelson

Leon Kolchinsky wrote:

Try amavisd-new list.
There you could integrate your SA checks in a very efficient way (policy banks, 
quarantining, releasing etc.)
MySQL backend is also a good idea on high load severs.

I'd also recommend MIMEDefang for integrating SpamAssassin into 
sendmail.  It's a milter, like amavisd-new.

We've been using it for several years on our servers.  It's very 
customizable -- basically if you can write something in Perl, you can do 
it in MD.

The authors also have a commercial product based on MIMEDefang, Can-It, 
which might be worth looking into.

MIMEDefang -
CanIt -

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: SPF-Compliant Spam

2007-08-27 Thread Kelson

Jason Bertoch wrote:

I think it's safe to say I'm not in the minority when I receive SPF-Compliant
spam.  I'm looking for opinions on what we can honestly derive from such
messages regarding the sending server's IP and the sending address' domain name.
Is it wise to blacklist both, or is this yet another case where SPF has failed
to meet projections?

It's a case where the spammer has just handed you useful information: 
You know for sure that the domain name is, indeed, the spammer's domain 
name, and not an innocent third-party's.  Blacklist it without hesitation!

As for the IP, treat it the same way you'd treat the IP in 
non-SPF-compliant spam.  They can authorize any IP they want, whether 
it's (legitimately) under their control or not.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: R:

2007-08-27 Thread Kelson

Giampaolo Tomassoni wrote:


Record expires on 21-Sep-2007.

Expiration Date:21-Sep-2007 02:09:06 UTC

Isn't that they forgot to renew their domains?

Not likely -- that expiration date is still 4 weeks in the future, so it 
shouldn't be an issue.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: SPF-Compliant Spam

2007-08-27 Thread Kelson

Marc Perkel wrote:

SPF is useless.

Oh, of course.  No matter how many times people point out uses they've 
found for it, no matter whether those uses are actually impacted by 
email forwarding or not, you're right, obviously we're all living in a 
fantasy world because the only *possible* thing one could do with an SPF 
result is to reject all failures and blindly whitelist all passes.

No one could *possibly* do something like, say...

Take known spam that passes SPF and use it to generate a domain 
blacklist, or...

Take a friendly domain and whitelist only mail *from that domain* that 
passes SPF, like SpamAssassin's whitelist_from_spf function does...


(Notice how neither of those break with email forwarding?  A forwarded 
message just goes through normal channels instead of getting special 

But no, there's absolutely *no way* anyone could do things like that.


Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: Using SpamAssassin to filter port 110

2007-08-20 Thread Kelson

Patman wrote:

Question, what I would like to do, is filter incoming traffic on port 110,
with a spamassassin server.  Our organization is provided email by an
outside provider, as a service for doing our web page.  What I would like to
know is if SpamAssassin can be configured to go between my Cisco Pix box and
say the network to filter port 110 for spam?  Or does SpamAassassin have to
be the IP that port 110 is routed to?  I have used SpamAssassin on a in
house email server but never as I am attempting.  Can it be done and how?

Not sure about a dedicated server, but I know some email clients (KMail, 
for instance) have the ability to filter mail through SpamAssassin as 
they download it via POP.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: Now its zip attachments ^^

2007-07-24 Thread Kelson

John Rudd wrote:

Chr. v. Stuckrad wrote:

I have a 'political problem' with that.  We 'drop' knowv viruses into
a quarantine directory without further notice, and only once in years
somebody complained and wanted his virus back :-)

You could even do it as 5 different instances (1 for base clamav sigs, 1 
for each of the signature files from sanesecurity, 1 for each of the 
signature files from msrbl), and mark them accordingly.

Over here we use MIMEDefang as the glue to tie SpamAssassin, Clamd, etc. 
together.  MD filters are very customizable (if you can write it in 
Perl, you can put it in a MD filter). After our filter calls clamd, we 
check the name of the matching signature against a regexp.  We only 
actually drop messages that trip on known mass-mailer signatures (most 
of them have worm or @mm in the name, depending on who first named 
it), and the rest are rejected.

For those who only want to run one instance of clamd, it's easy enough 
to do the same thing to separate real viruses from spam signatures by 
looking for sanesecurity or msrbl.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: not everyone is happy with SA

2007-07-20 Thread Kelson

Gene Heskett wrote:

I've been toying with DANGER - DIHYDROGEN-MONOXIDE IN USE signs
recommending use of appropriate protective gear. But in today's terrorism
atmosphere some idiot might not get it and


Only if they failed introductory chemistry 101, but it should be good for a 
chuckle even if you did have to explain it to the high school graduate, I 
know everything crowd.  Its when they _still_ don't get it that could be a 
problem.  By then they wouldn't touch a glass of it even with some of it in 
frozen form on a steaming hot day.  Doesn't Darwin have an award for those?

Sadly, this isn't as implausible as one might hope.  A few years ago, a 
nearby city council (Aliso Viejo, California) came close to banning 
styrofoam cups based on the fact that they contained a dangerous 
chemical: dihydrogen monoxide.

They blamed it on a paralegal who did bad research, but somehow 
managed not to catch the joke until after it had been scheduled for a vote.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: Catching .pdf Spam

2007-07-18 Thread Kelson

nws.charlie wrote:

I am catching most of the spam with this. Does
anyone see anything negative about a rule like this?

header  __LOCAL_HEADER_THUNDERBIRD User-Agent =~ /\bthunderbird\b/i
full__LOCAL_HAS_PDF  /\b\S*\.pdf\b/i

Well, this message will probably go into your spam folder, since I'm 
using Thunderbird and the phrase .pdf appears in the message.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: How to disable Bayes for PDF emails

2007-07-18 Thread Kelson

Igor Chudov wrote:

Bayes, applied to pdf spams, always classifies the message as ham and
increases the score. It is not reliable for PDF messages where the
content is in PDF. 

Sounds like you need to train Bayes on those messages.  Over here, Bayes 
is misclassifying less than 15% of PDF spams, and only a handful of 
those are getting through.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: Re Thoughts on Isolating Viruses - Port 587 Submission

2007-07-17 Thread Kelson

John Rudd wrote:
1) Some viruses already know they can put their outbound messages into 
the Outlook outbound folder.

2) Viruses can/will adapt by figuring out how to leverage stored 
SMTP-AUTH configurations.  They can probably pick 3 or 4 implementations 
to target (Outlook, Thunderbird, Mail, and Eudora) and still be 
incredibly effective.

Agreed on these two points, but...

3) This doesn't stop a virus on a laptop from still hitting port 25 on 
your server, or on other people's servers, when they are roaming away 
from your controlled networks.

This is the equivalent of saying it won't help to close your own open 
relay because a spammer/virus can always just use someone else's.

4) And then there's all of those mail servers that run on port 2525 to 
get around these kinds of restrictions.  And if you block 2525, they'll 
find a new one to use.

Um... so?  If someone tries to send out spam or a virus on port 2525, 
who are they going to reach?  How many potential victims are *listening* 
on port 2525?  Somewhere along the line they're going to have to get to 
a friendly/pwned relay that will send out on port 25.  Anything up to 
that point is just shuffling things around inside the botnet.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: Rulesemporium

2007-07-12 Thread Kelson

Phil Barnett wrote:
How about releasing the ruleset via torrent or something similar. Anything 
that you could do to distribute the load and location would make a ddos 
attack less effective. While there might not be a lot of people on this list 
who can use their server to take on the entire DDOS for you, there are a LOT 
of servers here that could participate in a pool.

I don't think the typical SA ruleset is big enough to take advantage of 
BitTorrent.  Too much overhead.  For comparison, Firefox updates are 
typically several hundred kilobytes (on Windows  Linux, anyway), and 
they've looked into torrents and concluded they wouldn't gain anything 
by using them.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: MD5 Hash of URL's

2007-07-05 Thread Kelson

John D. Hardin wrote:

On Tue, 3 Jul 2007, Matt wrote:

Why can't Spamassassin do like a MD5 hash of any URL's in a
message and check them against a database?  I just think it would
help catch things like: or and etc.

Too easy to defeat using a URI with random parameters pointing to a
PHP et. al. page that ignores parameters (assuming you include
parameters in the hash) or via wildcard DNS using random third- or
fourth-level hostnames.

Even the path could be made random if they use mod_rewrite or 
equivalent.  If always 
serves up the contents of salespitch.html, they can generate as many 
URLs as they want.

The concept might still be useful for specific known grey hosts with a 
mix of legit sites and spam sites -- geocities, tripod, blogspot, etc. 
--where the URL patterns are known.  If you know the pattern is, or, then throw away the rest of 
the URL and list/lookup the base pattern.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: file in 3.2.x branch

2007-07-05 Thread Kelson

Robert - eLists wrote:

I came across this file in the docs and I am wondering how important it is
to the big picture on some of our ISP type installs

U I guess I spaced and just didn't see it if it was in the 3.1.x

I am investigating yet, it *appears* to override what I have in my

Other way around.  These are the defaults, and anything you put in will override the corresponding setting in this file.

SA processes all the files in the general SA directory -- 
/usr/(local)/share/spamassassin, or 
/var/lib/spamassassin/path/to/updated/rules -- then processes the files 
in your local folder (usually /etc/mail/spamassassin)

As long as you leave in its normal location, you 
shouldn't have any problems.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications


2007-05-31 Thread Kelson

Per Jessen wrote:

Theo Van Dinter wrote:

On Thu, May 31, 2007 at 09:46:56AM +0200, Per Jessen wrote:

I've been looking at what a rot13'ed email-address looks like, and it
doesn't come close to matching the pattern above.

rot13 is a common/well-defined version of a single substitution
cipher.  This rule tries to match those, not the rot13 a-m - n-z
mapping specifically.

Then why is the pattern very specific wrt '^' and '(' ?

Because it's very common (or at least was at one time) for spammers to 
rot13 the target addresses and then do those specific substitutions.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: Question about reporting

2007-05-18 Thread Kelson

Giampaolo Tomassoni wrote:

what's wrong with automatically SA-report messages scoring above a given
threshold (say, 10-12)?

Would it be regarded as *BAD* by DCC, Pyzor, Razor, and/or SC?

Razor discourages automatic reporting because they're concerned about 
false positives.  They prefer verified reports.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: Bayes Auto Learn

2007-05-16 Thread Kelson

Daniel Aquino wrote:

Is spam assassin smart enough to not auto-learn (bayesian) spam if the
default tests allready detect it as spam... ?  What I'm wondering is
if the other tests have allready deamed it to be spam, then why would
you want to increase the size of your bayesian db...  Bayesian I
believe would be better applied to messages that appear to be slipping
past the other tests...

Because you might get a similar message that doesn't trip the same SA 
tests, and doesn't score 5 points.  Maybe the exact wording SA looked 
for only hits one variation of the message, but other parts are 
substantially similar from one run to the next.  Maybe the first message 
came from a source that triggers a whole mess of RBLs, but the second 
one comes from a clean source.  Maybe the spammer rotates in a new URL 
with the same sales pitch, and the new URL hasn't made it into any 
SURBLs yet.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: perl version

2007-05-14 Thread Kelson

Abba Communications wrote:

Is there a standard perl version that the SA team aspires to and uses as a
baseline or some sort?

From the README file:

Perl 5.6.1 or a later version is required.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: Spoofed from address but matched my whitelist -- please clarify

2007-05-02 Thread Kelson

How did you whitelist  Did you use...


If you just used whitelist_from, it doesn't do any verification.  It's a 
last-ditch option for cases where more reliable methods aren't possible. 
 So that would just subtract 100 points from anything claiming to be 

As for the DomainKeys header, it looks like your SA installation didn't 
even check it, since I don't see any DKIM or DomainKeys rules in the 
list of rules that fired.  Do you have either the DKIM or DomainKeys 
plugin enabled?

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: Spamassassin: Best Practices

2007-04-23 Thread Kelson

Mike Jackson wrote:

1) How can we train the spamassassin using bayesian to FILTER ALL
OUTGOING AS WELL AS INCOMING messages from my server.

That depends on your MTA. Some make it easy (Postfix), some make it 
difficult (Sendmail), some you just shouldn't be using (Qmail). (That 
last one was a joke, people.)

Actually, depending on how you call Sendmail, it's sometimes harder to 
*avoid* filtering outgoing mail along with incoming.

If you use a milter interface like MIMEDefang or Amavisd-new to call 
SpamAssassin, and if you use the same server for incoming and outgoing 
mail, the default behavior will be to scan all mail, regardless of which 
way it's going.  (If you're using SMTP-AUTH, or if all outgoing mail 
comes from a specific IP range, then it's pretty easy to separate them.)

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: Dealing w/ poor network citizens like Yahoo! - Solution?

2007-04-19 Thread Kelson
Aggh.  I think Thunderbird 2 changed the menu layout a bit.  I hit 
Reply to Sender instead of Reply to All.

Marc Perkel wrote:
For what it's worth, what would be nice is if yahoo had some kind of 
automated complaint mailbox so that if complaints about a particular 
account were coming in at a high rate it would disable the account. Same 
for Hotmail, Gmail, and other free mailers.

If automated complaint features were standard we could fix a lot of spam.

Sure... until spammer-pwned botnets start sending hundreds of complaints
about the addresses of spamfighters, getting their ISPs to disable their
accounts automatically.

Sorry, that one's just too easy to abuse.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: whitelist_from ip_range

2007-04-16 Thread Kelson

Benny Pedersen wrote:

On Sat, April 14, 2007 10:31, Wael Shahin wrote:



whitelist_from is for email not for ip :-)

That won't do what you think.  trusted_networks is for IPs that you 
trust to provide honest header information, not IPs that you trust not 
to send spam.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: Help with rule

2007-04-10 Thread Kelson

Steven Stern wrote:

I suspect a rule that looks for www*pill*org would work. How do I turn
that into a regex?

Basic:  /www.*pill.*org/
Slightly optimized: /www.{1,30}pill.{1,30}org/

.matches any character.
*means anywhere 0 or more of the preceding item, so
.*   matches 0 or more of any character.
{X,Y} means anywhere from X to Y of the preceding item.

You don't want to use .* in a SA rule, though, because if it matches 
www it'll keep looking for a long time until it finds pill or runs 
out of text to look at.  .{1,30} will match 1 to 30 of any character in 
a row, so if it finds www it will only look through 30 characters for 

You can also make it more specific, matching things only at word 
boundaries, etc.

There's a good tutorial and reference at -- 
one of the few legit .info names I've seen.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: Question about Spam Assassin and Google Analytics

2007-04-09 Thread Kelson

Dean Shaw wrote:
We recently installed Google Analytics on our site and would like to 
incorporate the tracking on our HTML-based email campaigns.  On our 
first attempt Spam Assassin flagged our email as ‘porn’.  The only 
different factor was the inclusion of GA code in the HTML of the email.  

Are you sure it was SpamAssassin that flagged it with such a blanket 
category?  SA usually provides either more finely-grained details -- 
namely, which rules are being triggered -- or just a simple yes/no and 
total score.

The default SA setup has rules to detect porn, but they only contribute 
to classification as spam.  There isn't a porn classification.

What rules is it hitting?

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: veryfing the score of a message

2007-02-27 Thread Kelson

maillist wrote:
I believe that sendmail doesn't have the headers assembled at that 
point.  So, if you do what you mentioned above, then you will not get 
the correct score.

Sort of.  The df file contains the message body, and the qf file 
contains the headers... but they're not in the normal message format. 
Each header is prefixed with an H and some possibly-blank status info 
surrounded by two question marks:

H?x?Full-Name: Somebody or Other

The qf file also includes other envelope and queue data, such as how 
many times Sendmail has tried to deliver the message, and what responses 
it's received.

It should be possible to extract the headers from the queue file, but 
simply concatenating the files wouldn't do it.

Off the top of my head, maybe something like this?

grep '^H' | cut -f3- -d'?'

Untested, YMMV.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: veryfing the score of a message

2007-02-27 Thread Kelson

maillist wrote:
Well what puzzles me is, is the message in queue, waiting to be sent to 
someone within your domain, or is it outbound?  Why are you wanting to 
manually scan it?

I think you're confusing me with the person who originally posted the 
question.  Putting this thread back on the list...

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: New stock spam (2/14/07)

2007-02-14 Thread Kelson

Jonathan Nichols wrote:
Any rulesets to deal with them? They're scoring lower and lower all the 
time. The one I linked to scored -2 :-(

It looks like it tripped BAYES_00.  Have you been running these through 
sa-learn as spam?  That should help, to start.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: MTA Search: Non contiguous ranges?

2007-02-13 Thread Kelson

Dan wrote:
I would like a Mail Transfer Agent recommendation.  What's the best MTA, 
running on any platform, that will accept two or more thresholds 
(non-contiguous weight values) for treating messages as spam?  Something 

Where 4 paths are possible, instead of the normal 2 (below 10 allow, 
above 10 tag) such that the treat-as-ham values are literally in between 
the spam values.  This can be native or via a plugin.

Sendmail with MIMEDefang can do that.  MIMEDefang 
can talk to SpamAssassin and several virus scanners, and you can control 
its behavior using Perl.  This means you can set up any behavior you want.

As an example, we currently have a three-tiered setup where mail below 
the SpamAssassin threshold is allowed through, mail above a higher 
threshold is rejected, and mail in the middle is let through but flagged 
as spam.  It would have no problem defining behavior for additional 
score ranges.

MIMEDefang is free and open-source (GPL).  The authors also have a 
commercial product, Can-It, with additional capabilities and simpler 

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

HTML mail (was Re: A New Approach: Find the Ham)

2007-02-12 Thread Kelson

Tom Allison wrote:

Personally, I think HTML email should be outright discarded from the start.
If you look at this arguement presented by the OP then it reinforces the 
idea that most ascii is ham and most html is spam.  Therefore, reject 
delivery of all html based email.  Or to be more succinct -- reject any 
MIME type of alternative content or html only content.  That would 
remove probably 90% of the spam in one shot.

Speaking from an ISP perspective:

I hate to break it to you, but most end users want some sort of 
formatted mail.  The days of all email being ASCII-only are over, just 
as the days of all websites being text-only are over.

Now, if you can come up with another markup language for formatting email...

* That satisfies end users' wants without being vulnerable to the
  filter-evasion that HTML makes possible
* And you can get all the major email clients to render it
* And you can get all the major email clients to use it for formatted
  composition instead of HTML (so end users can still make their text
  blue and embed the latest cute image of kittens)
* And you can get commercial email campaign software to use it instead
  of HTML (so organizations can include a company logo, or pictures of
  the items that they're promoting in this week's newsletter)

...*then* it'll be viable to discard HTML.

Obviously, individuals and businesses handling their own mail can apply 
stricter rules.  But it's not something that can be done (yet) on a 
large scale without disappointing a lot of people -- and not just the 

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: HTML mail (was Re: A New Approach: Find the Ham)

2007-02-12 Thread Kelson

Gene Heskett wrote:
With all due respect, that's 100% BS.  MIME was invented to handle the 
non-ascii stuff, and does it very well except for M$, who couldn't follow 
a std rule with a loaded 44 magnum stuck in Bills ear.

100% BS?  So end-users don't like formatting in their messages?  Email 
is still all-ASCII?  Websites are still all-text?  Or are you responding 
to something else?

There is, its the proper use of mimetypes.

I'm not talking about the MIME structure, I'm talking about the 
formatted version of the message.  Last I looked, MIME *by itself* 
didn't allow you to change fonts or colors, add bold or italics, create 
bulleted lists that flow properly, allow images to appear within a 
document instead of as a separate segment, etc.

In other words, what can adequately replace text/html in the 
non-plaintext multipart/alternative section such that HTML becomes 
irrelevant for legitimate uses?  Microsoft Word?  PDF?  RTF?  Any of 
those would be worse, IMO.  text/richtext might do the job, except 
Eudora is the only client I can think of that composes in it.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: SA-gen'd message report headers appear differently (with/without linebreaks) in different mail clients

2007-02-06 Thread Kelson

snowcrash+spamassassin wrote:

whatever.  currently, it's unformatted in tbird, unlike in other
clients.  intended, or not; bug, or not -- that's a fact.

pedanticTechnically, it's left unformatted in those other clients, and 
has been reformatted according to specs by Thunderbird./pedantic

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: Newsletter Help

2007-02-06 Thread Kelson

Ryan Barrett Hastings wrote:
My company uses Kintera to generate our e-mail newsletters. We have 
recently redesigned the newsletter and our spam score has increased. I 
am looking for help with reducing our score, specifically within the 
area of  HTML_IMAGE_RATIO_08 and MIME_HTML_ONLY. Can you review the 
newsletter I have included below to offer any suggestions.


Your spam score is: 2.2 points

2.2 points is less than half the standard threshold (5 points).  Unless 
people have tweaked their systems, 2.2 points means it's *not* spam.

That said, MIME_HTML_ONLY is an indication of a wider problem than 
simply spam score.  In general, you should *always* include a plain-text 
equivalent of any email message, for the following reasons:

* Some people still use text-only mail readers.
* Some systems will filter out HTML mail for safety reasons.
* Some people consider formatted messages to be distracting and prefer
  to read the plain-text version.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: SA-gen'd message report headers appear differently (with/without linebreaks) in different mail clients

2007-02-05 Thread Kelson

snowcrash+spamassassin wrote:

BUT, if i open the message in Thunderbird2, the line-breaks in the
header are apparently stripped off; here's what it looks like.


  As per RfC (2)822, header _values_ are always just *one* line.
  To get around the (server) restriction of 998 usable characters per
  line, it is allowed to split the value into multiple lines. But these
  line breaks are *not* part of the actual value and recipients have to
  remove the line breaks when decoding the message to get back the real

From your screen shot, I'm guessing you're looking at it via 
View-Headers-All.  You can see the original formatting (even in 
Thunderbird 2) using the Message Source function instead.

Menu: View-Message Source
Keyboard: Ctrl+U on Windows  Linux, probably Cmd+U on Mac

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: To create a cf file: notepad and enough?

2007-02-02 Thread Kelson

Nigel Frankcom wrote:

Depending on the level of access you have to your Linux box I'd
suggest writing them in joe or vi from the command line. linux can get
very picky about line breaks in files created in windows.

If you tell your FTP client to treat .cf files as ASCII, it will convert 
the line endings when you transfer them.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: How do I whitelist this?

2007-01-31 Thread Kelson

Daryl C. W. O'Shea wrote:

Matt Kettler wrote:

But this assumes that your SA is called after the Return-Path header is
added, and not before. If you're using a milter, this won't work, but if
you're calling from procmail, it will.

Ideally a milter will fake a return-path header when it fakes the 
required received header.

For the record, current versions of MIMEDefang do this.  I believe 
someone mentioned that current versions of Amavisd-new also do this. 
YMMV with older releases and other milters.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: How do I manaually check SPF validity?

2007-01-30 Thread Kelson Vibber

SPF online tester:

Scroll down to Test an SPF record and just fill in the IP address  
and Mail From address (the envelope sender)

On Jan 30, 2007, at 6:04 PM, Loren Wilton wrote:

Received: from LISTSERV-1A.INT.AIP.ORG ([])
by (EarthLink SMTP Server) with  
SMTP id 1hbVSH2oa3Nl3494

for ; Tue, 30 Jan 2007 11:30:51 -0500 (EST)
Received: from LISTSERV-1A ( by  
LISTSERV-1A.INT.AIP.ORG (LSMTP for Windows NT v1.1b) with SMTP id  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tue, 30 Jan 2007 11:23:53 -0500

There's one critical piece of information missing: the envelope  
sender (or at least the RHS of the address).

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: How to deal with mailing list spam?

2007-01-24 Thread Kelson

Chris Purves wrote:
I was wondering what is the best way to deal with spam that comes 
through on mailing lists?  For mailing lists like spamassassin I 
whitelist all mail because I expect to see examples of spam, but for 
other lists, is it a good idea to run 'sa-learn --spam'?

As long as you also run 'sa-learn --ham' on the legit list traffic, it 
should be fine, since Bayes will conclude that the list headers  
administrivia are neutral.

What about 
reporting those spam to razor/pyzor or spamcop?

That might warrant some caution.  Headers won't be an issue with Razor 
or Pyzor, but any standard blocks of text could end up in their hash 
databases.  Razor also keeps track of URLs that appear in the message 
body, so it could theoretically pick up list management URLs or inserted 
advertising links (a la Yahoo Groups) as spam signs until enough people 
issue a razor-revoke.

You might want to ask on the Razor mailing list to see what they 
recommend doing in this case.  I just checked my local archives and 
while the issue has come up before -- in fact, at one point the CentOS 
list management URL ended up listed in Razor -- there was no consensus 
on what to do with this sort of spam.  It's probably worth bringing it 
up again.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications


2007-01-23 Thread Kelson

Sherman Lilly wrote:
I was looking on the net and I came across a plugin on spamassassin I don't 
think i have loaded. Will the SPF plugin help with this problem?

Yes... *if* you replace whitelist_from with whitelist_from_spf

Alternatively you can try something like this:

whitelist_from_rcvd[EMAIL PROTECTED]

whitelist_from should always be a last resort because it's so easy for 
spammers to forge the From: and Return-Path: headers.  If at all 
possible, you should use one of the more specific whitelist functions 
that will double-check against the received headers, SPF, DKIM, etc.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

Re: comprehensive perl module site like cpan or other for SA needs ???

2007-01-15 Thread Kelson

R Lists06 wrote:

It is my experience that CPAN installs can or will tend to do things I do
not want it to do (or cannot control) in a RPM environment among other

I use the following methods, in this order, for installing Perl modules:

1. Distro's native repository
2. Well-maintained third-party repository ( has a number of 
RHEL4 packages through DAG's repository, including Perl modules)

3. cpan2rpm
4a. CPAN command-line
4b. Download the source and build an RPM
5. Download the source and install

If at any point the module is unavailable, too old, or cannot be 
installed, I move to the next option.  The idea is to have as much as 
possible managed through RPM repositories (which will make installing 
bugfix/security upgrades trivial), then as much as possible through RPM, 
then get what's necessary.

I haven't quite settled on what order to do 4a and 4b in.  4b is better 
from a management perspective, but 4a is a lot simpler to do.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications

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