Has anyone seen this? When I installed MacFin04 (finally) I get the following error
message every time I start up:
Extract Lyrics: Plugin icon missing: -1409
Also, I always have to go thru the Tips and MIDI Setup rigamarole, like it doesn't
know how to save my settings.
I know I should ask Mac
I use a clean system folder for Classic for a number of reasons. Classic gave me
nothing but trouble until I did this. It was excellent advice from (I believe) Darcy.
I use several extension in OS9 that either don't work in Classic (like MacPortrait) or
aren't needed (like MasterJuggler). A clea
I've been playing with Fin03 in Classic using the MidiBridge9X program for Midi, and I
must say it works really well. The only thing keeping me in OS9 (beside screen
rotation which I'm not using at the moment) is QuickKeys. Does anyone know if OS9
QuickKeys will work in Classic if I install the
If you are using Finale 2003 or higher, my Mass Copy plugin will do it, including
correct transfers of the staff lists and This Staff Only designations.
d. collins wrote:
> Is there any way to copy a group of measure attached expressions (and only
> that) from one file to another?
> Thanks,
David Bailey asked why I would use the Extend 2ndary Beams option. ("Why would you
want to do that?": a question that, in computers, can lead to heads being bitten off.)
The answer, of course, is for the many cases when one wants the behavior. The simplest
example is 16th note, 16th rest, 16th n
I routinely use the Extend Secondary Beams over Rests option, but it creates a most
vexing problem. Consider the pattern 16th note, 16th rest, 8th note. If this falls
withing a quarter beat, all three are beamed together. The problem is, the 16th beam
extends all the way over the 16th rest. I ca
I have been under the impression that TGTools will create trill playback, but now I
can't find it. (I found tremolo playback and I found trill paren notes, but no trill
playback.) Have I missed something?
Finale mailing list
> Sent: Thursday, October 9, 2003 06:13 PM
> Cc: 'Finale List'
> Subject: Re: [Finale] MM response to query about non-transposing chord symbols
> On Thursday, October 9, 2003, at 11:37 AM, Robert Patterson
> old problems. Someone please let me know if this latter problem has
> been fixed, but I haven't seen that listed anywhere.
> Tim
> On Thursday, October 9, 2003, at 11:37 AM, Robert Patterson Finale
> wrote:
> > You can do everything yo
You can do everything you need to with Key Sig transposition by combining with
independent key signatures. For example, to set up an Alto Sax part,
1. Set the transposition on the staff to Eb Key Signature transposition.
2. Set Independent Elements Key Signatures.
3. Change the key signature of t
I have a Digi 002 Rack. I'm not sure what it is you are wanting to do. Is it just to
use the Digi as a MIDI interface for Finale? If so, I would recommend waiting for
Finale 2004 (announced for the end of this month).
The problem here is that Protools 6 (which is required for the 002R) only work
I, too, have heard that many instrumentalists (specifically violinists) prefer leger
lines to 8va symbols. I can accept this up to 5-leger-line (and a half) c4. Do players
really prefer leger lines even higher? I'm currently working on a passage for violin
that hangs around e4 (6 leger lines in
First of all, check out the examples I cited before you knock it. (Bartok's 3rd
Quartet is chock full of nearly every situation you can imagine.) Just because the
lines pierce the noteheads does not mean they obscure the accis.
Secondly, I find (for myself) that my intuitive sense of what ought
This conversation begs the question of whether glisses even *should* avoid accis. In
my editions of Bartok String Quartets, the glisses always pierce the noteheads, acci
or no. I have actually added extensions to my custom lines to force them to do this,
accis be damned.
Augmentation dots are a
Andrew Stiller's instrumentation book gave the state-of-the-art c. 1979 for extensions
as about 25% each of barry saxes and b. cls. have extension keys. (The barry sax to
written low a, and the b. cl. to written low c.)
I seem to remember on a discussion on this list that these extension keys ar
In this case, common practice offers no obvious standard. I would probably extrapolate
from the rules for 6/4. In 6/4, the whole measure rest is just a single whole rest
while a half measure is half-plus-quarter or dotted half. Extrapolating for 6/1 would
measure rest: quad-whole rest (i
I sometimes have the impression that the Custom Line tool may be one of the most
underused really powerful things in Finale. In an offline conversation with a Coda
person, I complained that a major drawback of the CLT is that text (i.e., Left, Center
Full, or Right) that is visible in a score co
Never mind. I was mistaken about staff height. The lines are scaled with staff height.
I think I was fooled by a rounding error.
So (those of us who care) do still need a fixed line width option. And I still don't
know what Coda added staff height.
Robert Patterson
Someone (I believe it was Andrew) was asking for fixed line widths as a way of
achieving more consistency between staves of different sizes on the same page. I
recently discovered that Finale is already partway there.
I've often wondered why Finale added the "Staff Height" option to system scali
I read a review of Versavision somewhere that claimed that the ATI panel for it is
grayed out on G5's with 9800 graphics.
Darcy James Argue wrote:
> On Monday, September 22, 2003, at 06:05 PM, Robert Patterson Finale wrote:
>> On the rotating-in-OSX front, the picture
I'm not sure I'd want to rotate these. My 24" one already requires a bit of neck
craning. Also, it's not clear from the photos if you have to have separate video cards
for each of the panels. It would be nice if you didn't.
On the rotating-in-OSX front, the picture is not as rosy as I first thou
Settings Scrapbook can transfer all the staves (including the names, position, etc.)
between documents. It can also transfer the groups.
d. collins wrote:
> Is there any way (with one of Tobias's, or Jari's or Robert's plug-ins,
> or otherwise) to transfer staff names with their font and positio
First of all, despite the subject heading, I am talking about *system* reduction and
definitely not individual staff reduction. On a single staff piece, the only way to
access system reduction is to right click or (mac) ctrl-click to the left of the staff
in page view.
I have an edition of The
On the topic of whether to convert old files from page to system, I said I don't
advocate it, and I don't. But if you really wanted to convert, my Page Mover plugin
will do it with a single button-click. (It automatically adjusts all your page text,
too.) The thing is, unless you plan to use sys
If you wanted to get the same results as page redux 80% using system redux, then you
would set your page redux to 100% and system redux to 80% (not 75%). The effect on,
e.g., lyrics would be identical. (Their effective size would be the same either way.)
Old habits die hard, I know. Indee
I, for one, have never advocated changing old files. I'm talking only about going
David H. Bailey wrote:
> So tell me again how that is easier than doing page reduction where all
> that stuff is done automatically?
Robert Patterson
The primary advantage is that scaling systems gives you precise control over system
margins. Also, if you have varying system percentages, your page text remains the same
size without the need for fixed font attributes. The problem with fixed font
attributes is that when you want to produce a va
I can't speak to your specific question. I have tried running older Finale versions
under Classic on my G4, and they seem to work. I'm not trying to do any MIDI, and I
haven't tried printing. (But I *have* printed from Classic using other programs.)
Hopefully Classic running on the newer machine
Hear, hear!
(And *not* the abombination, "here, here")
Williams, Jim wrote:
> Yes, Mark, Andrew, & Quinion.com!
> Such statements are dripping with irony!
> My pet peeves are misuse of
> it's (it is) and its...
> they're, there, and their...
> company's, companies,and companies'...
> etc.
> Coll
My Mass Copy plugin can copy articulations correctly. (And it can clear the bogus
ones.) I use it all the time.
> -Original Message-
> From: Ole Buck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 9, 2003 07:07 AM
> To: 'finale'
> Subject: [Finale] Articulations Change during "copy
Several years ago, when Randy Stokes was still a regular contributor to this list, he
floated the idea of fixed-width lines. I've wanted this for years for exactly the same
reasons Andrew does. At the time the idea was roundly derided as a waste of time by
almost all other list members.
Oh well
> -Original Message-
> From: Brad Beyenhof [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> What is the
> advantage of 4 over 5, in your opinion?
Speed, speed, and speed. Reader 4 launches in a fraction of the time of 5 and esp.
<> 6.
> And where is it available for
> download these days?
You might fi
In light of the swinish girth of Acrobat 5 and the godzilla-proportions of Acrobat 6
(including the readers), I've been eschewing these formats in favor of PDF level 4.
I'm wondering if anyone else is, and if anyone beside me is sticking with Reader 4.
(Well, I'm using reader 5 on OSX because it
While Andrew's problem (reported by Norton) could be in the hardware, it most likely
is corruption in the volumn information. If so, OSX or OS9 will make no difference.
But Diskwarrior will definitely fix it. And in the unlikely chance that it is in the
hardware, Diskwarrior will tell you that.
I should add that while DiskWarrior has never caused me the slightest problem and
meanwhile has solved numerous quite bizarre ones, it is always a good idea to make a
full backup before doing any kind of disk repair.
This is not to say I always follow this advice--far from it. But in this case I
Hello. I hope you will pardon this poll of the list concerning availability of bass
marimbas. Andrew Stiller's Instrumentation book lists them as extremely rare and
normal ones with extensions down to A (from the normal c) as 25%.
But in the years since he wrote the book, my impression is that n
David H. Bailey wrote:
> "Automatic expression alignment" would imply
> that if we want them lined up so they are a uniform distance below/above
> the staff, the program would do it so it is uniform.
That's what "Below Staff Baseline" is for (which is available for note-attached as
well as m
I agree with Tim Thompson that it "just works". I'm not quite so sanguine about it,
however. I've never used MIDI on a Wintel box, so I can't compare the experiences, but
in OSX you must have the proper drivers for your MIDI interface, which is probably
very similar to Win. So far, I have not ha
I don't mean to be impertinent, but you did select the proper radio button at the
bottom, no? Occasionally I run into this problem myself. The way I fix it is by
noticing whether Measure-Attached or Note-Attached is selected on the radio button at
the bottom of the dialog. I find it easy to over
Craig Parmerlee wrote:
> Every time, Finale is
> using the measure-attached properties, not the note-attached properties.
Check the metatool setting in the Expression Menu. Also, turn on colors. Then you can
tell immediately if you've put in a note-attached or meas-attached exp.
David H. Bailey wrote:
> When I use a metatool to place a text expression, I can't edit that
> placement individually from any other placement
If only want to affect one expression, why wouldn't you just drag it where you want
it? Effectively, that *is* what you want, because when you drag it
Jari Williamsson wrote:
> FWIW, Forza! will soon be able to transfer Fin2004 expressions between
> files, complete with descriptions and positioning.
For you Mac mavens, my Settings Scrapbook plugin will do that now, assuming MacFin04
were out. (Darn.) Actually, Settings Scrapbook really does
David H. Bailey wrote:
> Now I find out that I will have to go
> through and manually edit EACH and EVERY expression in the new libraries
> if that is the behavior I want.
How many is that? At most a couple dozen? That you have to change one time in a
template? I've found that with any new Fin
You did not mention whether it was note-attached or measure-attached expressions. I
have not trouble w/ note-attached in any recent version of Finale, either dragging or
You want to be careful about measure-attached. When you transfer them from one file to
another, they lose their staf
I'm not sure I agree it's a bug. If your positioning option is "Below Staff Baseline
or Entry" it is working as designed. I could not reproduce your example. Perhaps I was
using a different clef or octave.
But "Below Staff Baseline or Entry" is *supposed* to push expressions out of line if
Have you visited these websites lately?
(For that matter, when it comes to Patterson Beams, have you looked in your Plug-Ins
Fin04 folder?)
> -Original Message-
> From: Richard Yates [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 04:07 AM
> To: 'Finale list'
> Subject: [Fina
I did not mean to detract from Finale by comparing it to Sib. I spent about 2 minutes
playing with Sib's step mode entry and realized it was a nice paradigm for entering
notes. I then discovered that Fin04 Simple deploys the same paradigm. This was a happy
Specific details differ, of
I second this recommendation (DiskWarrior). It is an essential tool, and the new OSX
version is better than ever.
> -Original Message-
> From: Eden - Lawrence D. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> The program for handling this situation is DiskWarrior.
Actually, I think all you need is ten digits.
> -Original Message-
> From: Aaron Sherber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Anyone with a copy of pre-2004 Finale and a valid serial number can install
> it with no problems.
Finale mailing
> -Original Message-
> From: Richard Huggins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Okay, I'm beggin' here...I still can't decipher how it works.
Like Speedy caps lock.
Like the Sibelius demo.
(Doing it yourself is worth 1000 times being told how it works.)
My observations with respect to Sibelius step mode and Fin04 Speedy are in relation to
how they work with midi keyboard. I've never investigated with program with respect to
how to enter notes w/o a midi keyboard.
> -Original Message-
> From: Éric Dussault [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -Original Message-
> From: Richard Huggins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> My question is, is there some relationship between MIDI entry and the new
> Simple Entry?
You bet there is. This is what it took me 6 months to "get". As I said before, it
works similarly to Speedy with caps lock o
I've been looking at the new Fin04 features (without being able to *use* any of
them--don't think beta testing is any bed of roses) for nearly six months. Yet it took
me until yesterday to notice one of the best improvements in it: Simple Note Entry.
Are you a Speedy addict? Have you ever tried
My Mass Copy plugin will clear notehead mods in a selected region. If there are no
other custom notehead mods, you might try it.
Andrew Stiller wrote:
> On a percussion staff, the composer changed all the whole noteheads to
> half-noteheads, presumably to ensure proper playback. How now do I
Back in the old "chaining error" days, the only safe way to uncorrupt a file was to
extract the entire score as a single part. Specifically, copy & insert (or paste)
merely transferred the corruption. If you do not have any time invested in a page
layout, part extraction might be the first thing
> -Original Message-
> From: Craig Parmerlee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> It can't. I see that in my entire state (Indiana) there are a grand
> total of 2 members.
Look the website again. That list is "new" members, whatever that means. I am certain
Indiana has many dozens of members
; the bottom of the CRT, and the screens line up beautifully).
> Screen rotation isn't the be-all solution, as there are other ways of
> skinning the same cat.
> Tim
> On Tuesday, August 19, 2003, at 07:28 PM, Robert Patterson Finale wrote:
> > Many ha
Much of this discussion is besides the point. Many of titles at Carter's sight simply
are not available anywhere else. The indispensable Kurt Stone book, "Music Notation in
the 20th Century," languished out of print for years before Carter convinced Norton to
reprint it. I think he did so essent
> -Original Message-
> From: BlueScreen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Interesting that the new G5s ship with this option enabled in
> the OS.
Just to clarify. Not all G5s ship with this. SFAIK it is limited to those with the
most expensive top-of-the-line graphics option: ATI Radeon 98
> -Original Message-
> From: Javier Ruiz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 1) How many staves can you see at once at 85%?
34 +/-. I haven't counted exactly. (Also, you can squeeze xtras in by giving up white
space.) The photo shows what it looks like, and for someone with good eyes it mig
> -Original Message-
> From: RockyRoad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Robert, do you run out of menu space when the top of the screen
Never. You must remember that the monitor in the photo has 1920x1200 resolution. In
portrait orientation this is still 1200 pixels of width--nearly as muc
Many have answered this question quite well. It seems (in my defensive state before
discovering ATI Radeon 9800 Pro VERSAVISION mumbo jumbo) I may have misinterpreted
ignorance as skepticism in at least some cases, so sorry if so. Email is extremely bad
at nuance.
To help illustrate screen rota
Well, this is my day to be out of date. First, the G5's shipped and I didn't know it,
and they shipped with...a screen rotation option. (DOH!!)
Thanks to Darcy and encouraging me to look at ATI. The new G5's have the ATI Radeon
9800 Pro as an option, and that graphics card includes ATI's "VERSAV
> For example, I'm on Mac and have a Mitsubishi 21" monitor (not flat
> panel) capable of up to 1024 X 768 rez. Does it apply to me?
You absolutely can do a demo trial with a CRT. But you would not want to operate that
way all the time because CRT's are not designed to operate on their sides.
> -Original Message-
> From: Brad Beyenhof [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> What can you
> do (or see) with rotation that isn't possible otherwise?
With my monitor in portrait orientation, I can view an entire orchestra score in
scroll view at 85%. This is large enough to do a great many e
I think rotation was built into XP for Tablets. But I didn't know it was in the
general product. If so, it might add fire to Apple to do it for X.
I used to think there was hope for X because I thought Apple would eventually do a
tablet. But the lackluster market response to tablets (justifiable
> -Original Message-
> From: Johannes Gebauer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On Contemporary Hardware you cannot run OS 9 direct anyway.
Actually, this is a false statement. A couple of models still for sale at the Apple
store will boot OS9 directly. Furthermore, for a few more days yet,
RockyRoad wrote:
> Does this really matter on a 21" monitor running 1600x1200?
It is precisely on monitors of this size where screen rotation really begins to kick
in for Finale users. (FWIW, what gave me the rush was rotating a 24" LCD panel that is
1920x1200.) The reason is that you have
Johannes Gebauer wrote:
> OS 9 never had any MIDI support other than the old MIDI manager. Anything
> that went beyond this was 3rd party.
Well, third party or not, the point is that the OSX solutions are not yet here. The
fact that they were 3rd party seems completely superfluous to me, espec
Darcy James Argue wrote:
> Hey, don't blame me. Steve Jobs held a mock "funeral" for OS 9 over a
> year ago.
He lives on Reality Distortion Planet, not this one.
> no sane developer is going to continue
> to invest in OS 9
On the contrary, most sane developers, like MakeMusic, are having
Darcy James Argue wrote:
> OS 9 is long dead
I just can't let this go by. Long dead??!!! Apple went to OSX-only booting fully a
year too soon, and are at least morally guilty of negligence for doing so. OSX still
does not have proper MIDI support. (The current CoreMIDI situation is a [EMAIL
David Bailey asked why I would use the Extend 2ndary Beams option. ("Why would you
want to do that?": a question that, in computers, can lead to heads being bitten off.)
The answer, of course, is for the many cases when one wants the behavior. The simplest
example is 16th note, 16th rest, 16th n
I routinely use the Extend Secondary Beams over Rests option, but it creates a most
vexing problem. Consider the pattern 16th note, 16th rest, 8th note. If this falls
withing a quarter beat, all three are beamed together. The problem is, the 16th beam
extends all the way over the 16th rest. I ca
I have been under the impression that TGTools will create trill playback, but now I
can't find it. (I found tremolo playback and I found trill paren notes, but no trill
playback.) Have I missed something?
Finale mailing list
The two choices I know about are from Xante (www.xante.com) and GCC Technologies
(gcctech.com). Both offer printers on paper up to 13" x 35". Xante is running a rebate
program that makes their 4G printer comparable in price to a GCC Tech Elite 21+.
Either will set you back a bit more than $2k wi
This is a followup to yesterday's thread. It appears that booklet printing is only
available in OS9. (This is yet another example of OSX not-ready-for-prime-time-ness.)
In Google searches I've found many bitter complaints that booklet printing has (so
far) been orphaned in OSX on a variety of pr
It references the examples in specific editions of scores. This points up a (imho
minor) flaw in the book. Usually the reference is to a page number and/or rehearsal
mark. (Most of the referenced scores unfortunately have no printed measure numbers.)
But even though I typically have different ed
> -Original Message-
> From: d. collins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Clickbook works much better than Fineprint, in my opinion (and I've used
> both).
Clikbook (which is the software I was thinking about when I started this post) does
not work in OSX, according to the website. I
It is a system-wide problem. That is, the current OSX Postscript driver does not
include booklet printing the way that for OS9 did.
However, Finale itself has built-in booklet printing that is (presumably) still
available in Finale 2004 even when running under OSX, and it is far superior to that
Johannes Gebauer wrote:
> I very much doubt that this will make any difference to Finale
> sales, though.
This is the point that burns me up. Finale 2003 was a terrible upgrade--perhaps the
most useless we've ever seen. So it sold really badly. So some marketing genius
decided this must be beca
Is it possible to use Acrobat Reader 5 (Mac) to do 2-up printing similar to how Finale
does it? I've managed to get the layout options kinda sorta to do it, but not w/o
massive and unneccessary shrinkage. And I have no idea how to bookletize a document.
Kinkos does this routinely, and I believe
The statement is correct so long as you keep your current computer (actually
optionally 2 of em) running as long as you live. But most people upgrade computers
periodically, or have hard drive crashes, etc. When that happens, you'll have to get a
new reg code, and that means MM has to be there a
So I've figured out how to use Acrobat Reader 5 to do the booklet printing in OS9. But
now I have a problem with the fonts embedded in the PDFs. Apparently the music fonts
are embedded in the first page of music. But I have several pages of title and cover
preceding these. The problem is, when A
Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:
> After setting
> booklet properties, go to the print dialog itself and set 'shrink to fit'.
Aha. That's the option I don't want. Armed with this info I got it to work in OS9, and
hopefully in OSX soon. (That is, I turned "shrink to fit" OFF!)
Thanks very much.
John Howell wrote:
> once again, the marketing department seems determined
> to ignore the educational market that should be so important to them.
> The Mac version isn't shipping until October 20, much too late for
> any college I know of.
I think I can state with fair certainty that the Oct.
I typically do the score doubling up parts on staves as needed. If there are solos or
unisons, I use note-attached exps to denote them. I used to use meas-attached, but
since Tobias introduced Smart Part Extraction I use note-attached because SPE works so
well with them.
To extract the parts, I
If the copy protection scheme were merely a challenge/response where I had to supply a
registration number every time I installed, I would be completely comfortable with it.
Legitimate users *are*, however, penalized by the scheme that Finale 2004 employs,
because it makes our continued use of F
If I didn't already have a copy of the Thesaurus, I would be happy to pay the asking
price of $100, ridiculous though it is. I have found the Thesaurus to be one of the
most useful books on my shelf. For those who haven't seen it, it is basically an index
of all the special orchestration techniq
> -Original Message-
> From: Éric Dussault [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> http://www.dynagram.com/html/en_solu_ds.htm
At $12000, I think I'll pass.
Finale mailing list
My experience has been that the rotated characters are rotated. What Andrew described
also happens on my machine, but only while I'm dragging the smart shape into position.
If I re-display the page after dragging, the characters show in the new orientation.
It has been awhile since I printed a f
I do this kind of thing now with lyrics. Assuming the hyphenation of lyrics worked the
way we all wish it would when jumping to a new system, wouldn't that be sufficient?
Noel Stoutenburg wrote:
> To whom it may concern:
> If not implemented in FIN 2k4, one thing I would like to see in 2k5 is
Mahler occasionally called for the harp to be played with a plectrum ("mediator"). In
all the passages I've seen, these were single notes or smallish rolled chords in a
single hand.
Does anyone know a reason why this effect could not be produced two-fisted? That is,
with a plectrum in each hand
Depending on how far apart the bars are, you can either drag the selection from the
source to the target (aligning first bars) or you can use a keystroke combo and click
in the first bar of the target. I've done the latter so often I can't remember the
exact keystroke. (It's in muscle memory.) I
I think David Bailey's comments on this are very to the point. About a year ago, Coda
definitively announced that Finale 2004 will be OSX native, and they have not
retracted it. I don't know how much more reassurance you can expect to get. (You might
visit the download page on my website, if you
I'm a bit puzzled by the question. For me, both TGTools and Patterson Plug-Ins windows
stay where I put them. That is, they always open at the last place I closed them
(assuming I hit OK). I know a little more about Patterson plugins than TGTools. Do any
of your other PPI settings fail to save?
You don't mention which version of Finale you are using. For Fin02 and higher you
could look at the font annotations for Maestro font. The units used are scalable
units, but you might be able to interpolate between them and evpus with a little help
from someone who knows better what those units
Basically, you use copy/insert to insert the 2nd movement at the end of the 1st. You
then have to twiddle some bits on the last measure of mvmt 1 to suppress unwanted
cautionary key sigs/time sigs, etc. And set the next bar to start a new system.
You will then have the following problems.
1. Me
> -Original Message-
> From: John Croft [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> There's a rather in-depth article at
> http://www.wiebetech.com/pressreleases/FireWirePortFailures.htm --
> worth reading if you use FireWire.
It seems like this article provides as good an answer as you are likel
One can easily create octave doublings by using the Mass Edit transpose function and
checking the keep original notes option. Is there a counterpart technique to remove
octave doubling easily?
Robert Patterson
was she doing?)
> --Richard
> > From: "Robert Patterson Finale" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > For the curious among you, Jari Williamsson, Tobias Giesen, and I did a joint
> > seminar at a composers school in Sweden last month. The event was d
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