Re: [Fink-devel] SL regressions relative to 2.4.0

2009-08-29 Thread Martin Costabel
Alexander Hansen wrote: Martin Costabel wrote: Alexander Hansen wrote: [] Do we have the skilled-person-hours to pull it off, though? We have a couple of more important things to do: For example, accept the texlive package and make a system-tex package, so that the tetex mess can

[Fink-devel] FAQ #5.10

2009-07-26 Thread Martin Costabel
In Fink FAQ#5.10 I'm tired of typing my password into sudo again and again. Is there a way around this? it is said to put the line username ALL = NOPASSWD: ALL into the sudoers file. This was correct up to and including Panther, but has not worked since Tiger (= MacOSX 10.4). The right syntax

Re: [Fink-devel] mirrors

2009-07-25 Thread Martin Costabel
Robert Wyatt wrote: The auto-logs are showing that no cvs changes after moose was submitted have been picked up, so changes to kdesvn-kde4 (-mac and -x11), scilab, libtelepathy and telepathy-missioncontrol are not reflected on the mirrors. Yes, the rsync mirrors don't currently sync, they

Re: [Fink-devel] Updated dpkg and gettext packages

2009-07-24 Thread Martin Costabel
Sjors Gielen wrote: Hey Finkers, I didn't know which mailing list this mail was supposed to be sent to, so please respond on the right one. Also, don't be alarmed if my next e-mail comes from instead of, I'm subscribed there but this was more

Re: [Fink-devel] cvs to pdb

2009-07-22 Thread Martin Costabel
Robert Wyatt wrote: I was looking for Jack Howarth's change to to use gcc 4.4.1 in the package database but don't find it. Here's the CVS log: Does a machine somewhere need kicking or is

Re: [Fink-devel] incrtcl-20071231cvs.tgz link broken again

2009-07-20 Thread Martin Costabel
Jack, why do you send all that html crap to the list? No wonder your message took five days to arrive. In the meantime you'll probably have got drm's newer version of, which has Source: mirror:sourceforge:fink/incrtcl-20071231cvs.tgz instead of the older Source:

Re: [Fink-devel] denyhosts-py25

2009-07-17 Thread Martin Costabel
Chupacerveza wrote: I have a best practices question: if all I'm doing is updating the name of the maintainer and some usage notes, should I bump the revision number? thanks, Yes. Anything that changes the contents of the *.deb file needs a new rev. -- Martin

Re: [Fink-devel] openmpi and case-sensitive HFS

2009-06-21 Thread Martin Costabel
Alexander Hansen wrote: [] I'm not seeing how this idea _wouldn't_ result in non-identical .deb files if we build on two otherwise identical setups: you on a case-insensitive filesystem and me on a case-sensitive file system. We _should_ be able to build the package on either, and install on

[Fink-devel] X11/lib/*.la files are back!

2009-06-20 Thread Martin Costabel
In the new Xcode-3.1.3, Apple made the *.la files in /usr/X11/lib reappear. At a first glance, it looks like they did it right: The library_names line now only contains the install_name and the version-less name, the latter being guaranteed to be present at compile time. So there should be no

Re: [Fink-devel] tetex-base won't install

2009-06-03 Thread Martin Costabel
David R. Morrison wrote: Yes, I also had an email directly from a user about this. It mystifies me. It happens to me, too, when I simply run `fink reinstall tetex-base`. My first guess is that the final error refers to the message shown below, which functionally is just a warning, but

Re: [Fink-devel] tetex-base won't install

2009-06-03 Thread Martin Costabel
David Reiser wrote: I noticed that message, but tetex-base installed fine for me on April 29 this year when I had to build a new fink on a new machine. Two dependencies that have changed since then are fontconfig2-dev and freetype219. For the moment I'm discounting 10.5.7 and xquartz as

Re: [Fink-devel] Bug in qt4-mac-4.5

2009-06-02 Thread Martin Costabel
Jean-François Mertens wrote: On 02 Jun 2009, at 03:03, Martin Costabel wrote: ... The idea is clear, but preprocessor macros don't work like that. Really thanks for making so clear msgs ! FInally I understand for sure that cpp works like tex's \def rather than \edef _ and I'll feel

Re: [Fink-devel] Bug in qt4-mac-4.5

2009-06-02 Thread Martin Costabel
Monic Polynomial wrote: On 02/06/2009, at 12:12, Martin Costabel wrote: The most difficult thing was to find out how to print the value of a macro at a given moment. From a diving expedition into the depths of the docs, I brought home some macros that give the following small example

[Fink-devel] Bug in qt4-mac-4.5

2009-06-01 Thread Martin Costabel
qt4-mac-4.5 breaks building of texmacs. I tracked this down to the file QtGui/qmacdefines_mac.h in /sw/lib/qt4-mac/include/, which did not exist in qt4-mac-4.4. That file does some preprocessor macro tricks with the DEBUG symbol (see below) that a) don't look useful and b) look wrong, like if

Re: [Fink-devel] aquaterm vs x86_64 10.5 fink

2009-05-19 Thread Martin Costabel
Jack Howarth wrote: I am puzzled that I didn't run into this problem before in x86_64 fink but under the 10.5 version, I am finding that aquaterm fails to build due to the usage of the wrong abi... We did discuss this (on the seed list). Since aquaterm has a maintainer, I am CCing him.

Re: [Fink-devel] aquaterm vs x86_64 10.5 fink

2009-05-19 Thread Martin Costabel
Kevin Horton wrote: [] built-in:0: warning: Mac OS X version 10.5 or later is needed for use of the new objc abi Better than placing MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.5 on the command line (what does this do on 10.4?) would be to simply *remove* the repeatedly occurring nonsensical

Re: [Fink-devel] xemacs-sumo-pkg-20051218-1

2009-05-10 Thread Martin Costabel
Jerker Delsing wrote: installed xemacs using fink. trying to start xemacs gives the following message: Error: Unresolved inheritance operation after which xemacs is quitting. Hard to say anything from this little information. Is there a related crash log in

Re: [Fink-devel] [RFC] test finkinfo for TeX Live

2009-05-08 Thread Martin Costabel
Tomoaki Okayama wrote: [] If there is no good way, users may have to remove tetex-base manually before installing texlive. This is what I ended up doing, too. I got the message Could not resolve inconsistent dependencies! Fink isn't sure how to install the above packages safely. You may be

Re: [Fink-devel] abcde on mac intel

2009-05-05 Thread Martin Costabel
Charles Lepple wrote: On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 5:20 AM, Mario Frasca wrote: it complains because some outputs are redirected appending a $REDIR to the line, where REDIR=2 (at line 2693) The difference between the two versions is that they are two different versions:

Re: [Fink-devel] paraview(-mpi)-3.4.0-1000 packaging

2009-05-04 Thread Martin Costabel
Jack Howarth wrote: Martin, I've updated the revised paraview(-mpi) package on... to the latest 3.4.0 release using the Fedora 11 patches for building against qt 4.5.1. The paraview-3.4.0-1000 packaging

Re: [Fink-devel] Fink build error: openmcu-2.2.1-3 on Intel OS 10.5.6

2009-04-23 Thread Martin Costabel
Alexander Hansen wrote: Monic Polynomial wrote: [] gunzip -c ../openmcu_2.2.1-1.diff.gz | sed -e '0,/@DPATCH@/d' -e '\Xdebian/controlX,$d' -e 's,^[+],,' | patch -p1 missing header for unified diff at line 3 of patch patching file debian/patches/00list patch: malformed patch at line 4:

Re: [Fink-devel] Fink build error: amiwm-0.20pl48-2 on Intel OS 10.5.6

2009-04-21 Thread Martin Costabel
Monic Polynomial wrote: (detected via Todai’s build logs) amiwm-0.20pl48-2 fails to build on Intel OS 10.5.6 $ fink -V | head -n 2 Package manager version: 0.29.2 Distribution version: selfupdate-rsync Tue Apr 21 06:40:03 2009, 10.5, i386 $ which flex /usr/bin/flex $ flex

Re: [Fink-devel] Fink build error: mtools-4.0.1-1 on Intel OS 10.5.6

2009-04-21 Thread Martin Costabel
Monic Polynomial wrote: (detected by Todai’s build logs) mtools-4.0.1-1 fails to build on Intel OS 10.5.6. [] gcc -L/sw/lib floppyd.o -o floppyd -L/usr/X11/lib -R/usr/X11/lib - lSM -lICE -lX11 Undefined symbols: _XauFileName, referenced from: _alarm_signal in floppyd.o

Re: [Fink-devel] Fink buld error: boost1.32.python-1.32.0-1012 on Intel OS 10.5.6

2009-04-21 Thread Martin Costabel
Monic Polynomial wrote: (detected via Todai’s build logs) boost1.32.python-1.32.0-1012 fails to build on Intel OS 10.5.6. $ fink -V | head -n 2 Package manager version: 0.29.2 Distribution version: selfupdate-rsync Tue Apr 21 06:40:03 2009, 10.5, i386 $ fink --build-as-nobody rebuild

Re: [Fink-devel] itk/itcl vs --build-as-nobody

2009-04-20 Thread Martin Costabel
Jack Howarth wrote: I just noticed that the build structure used by the and files don't allow building with --build-as-nobody. In that case, the build fails with errors of the form... This is one of the main reasons build-as-nobody was invented, namely to catch bugs like

Re: [Fink-devel] Failed: phase installing: openssl-0.9.8k-1 failed

2009-04-20 Thread Martin Costabel
Alexander Hansen wrote: Dominique Dhumieres wrote: It's being worked on. It has not propagated yet to rsync:// Is it normal? Dominique Is the current version ( 0.9.8k-3 ) available for you yet? The rsync mirrors are currently sleeping, since a little

Re: [Fink-devel] itk/itcl vs --build-as-nobody

2009-04-20 Thread Martin Costabel
William Scott wrote: Also, it (the itcl package) actually builds successfully with --build- as-nobody, and unless I scroll back up on my terminal, I would miss this: Installing ./generic/itclIntDecls.h Installing man pages in /sw/share/man Installing body.n ... /bin/sh:

Re: [Fink-devel] itk/itcl vs --build-as-nobody

2009-04-20 Thread Martin Costabel
William Scott wrote: This is strange. Do you have a different make installed? Or a different fink version? Same happens with /usr/bin/make when I removed the fink one. The explanation is simpler (?): When you run first fink build itcl and then fink --build-as-nobody rebuild

Re: [Fink-devel] [cvs] dists/10.4/unstable/crypto/finkinfo, NONE, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3

2009-04-19 Thread Martin Costabel
Jean-François Mertens wrote: Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/crypto/finkinfo In directory Modified Files: Added Files: Log Message: Update of openssl. Also, hopefully correct (and

Re: [Fink-devel] [cvs] dists/10.4/unstable/crypto/finkinfo, NONE, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3

2009-04-19 Thread Martin Costabel
Jean-François Mertens wrote: [] I did try this (maybe wrongly..); didn't do what was expected. The problem is that this is a perl-based build system, meaning that you don't really see what is going on (at least I don't). In particular, it is not clear at which moment and from which files the

Re: [Fink-devel] [cvs] dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/languages, NONE, 1.1

2009-04-08 Thread Martin Costabel
Jack Howarth wrote: Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/languages In directory Added Files: Log Message: add gcc44 package since gcc 4.4 is branched [] Depends: gmp-shlibs (= 4.2.4-1000),

Re: [Fink-devel] [Fink-users] Patch not found for aquaterm

2009-03-29 Thread Martin Costabel
Mihaela Sighireanu wrote: [] Param�trage de db44-aes (4.4.20-1004) ... The following packages must be temporarily removed, but there are no .debs to restore them from: make Exiting with failure. Yes, this is a (IMHO somewhat annoying) feature where Fink tries to be overly protective. You

Re: [Fink-devel] [Fink-users] Patch not found for aquaterm

2009-03-25 Thread Martin Costabel
Mihaela Sighireanu wrote: [] Param�trage de fink-buildlock-aquaterm-1.0.1-3 (2009.03.25-21.14.27) ... gzip -dc /sw/src/aquaterm_src.1.0.1.tar.gz | /sw/bin/tar -xf - --no-same-owner --no-same-permissions [ -r /sw/fink/dists/stable/main/finkinfo/graphics/aquaterm.patch ] patch -p1

Re: [Fink-devel] Porting Jürgen Riegels C++ FreeCAD to Leopard

2009-03-05 Thread Martin Costabel
Tobias Krieger wrote: Hi to all, (for info: I've send the same message into the wrong fink mailing list) I'm new to anything related to porting but me and some others would like to port the opensource CAD programm, written in C++ to Darwin, Leopard, best with Aqua look :-)

Re: [Fink-devel] Perl error due to 'unimplemented weak references'

2009-02-27 Thread Martin Costabel
Koen van der Drift wrote: [] ~/Desktop$ 6681 log.txt Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /System/ Library/Perl/5.8.8/darwin-thread-multi-2level/Scalar/ line 30. This is strange. I don't have Scalar/ in that directory. On my system I have

Re: [Fink-devel] updating openbabel - validation error

2009-02-23 Thread Martin Costabel
Koen van der Drift wrote: [] Thanks, Dan. How can I find out if -install_name was set correctly? Is there a way to fix this with a patch or do I need to contact the upstream developers? The package did switch from using make to cmake, could that be related to it? Use, for example, the cmake

Re: [Fink-devel] runtime problem with grace-5.1.22-2

2009-02-22 Thread Martin Costabel
Alexander Hansen wrote: [] When I run xmgrace from an x term my X11 crashes and I get the message The application X11 quit unexpectedly Mac OS X and other applications are not affected The crash log will tell more. If it talks about division by zero, this would be related to the recent

Re: [Fink-devel] cdat-4.0-1012 appears to have an unsatisfiable dependency graph

2009-01-29 Thread Martin Costabel
Alexander Hansen wrote: [] In file included from Src/dssprtd.c:5: Include/dsgvars.h:15: error: initializer element is not constant error: command '/usr/bin/cc' failed with exit status 1 [] These failure didn't stop the build from proceeding to the end and generating a .deb, though. Yes, I

Re: [Fink-devel] cdat-4.0-1012 appears to have an unsatisfiable dependency graph

2009-01-28 Thread Martin Costabel
Alexander Hansen wrote: [] The following package will be installed or updated: cdat The following 2 additional packages will be installed: scientificpython-py24 scipy-core-py24 [] dpkg: considering removing f2py-py24 in favour of scipy-core-py24 ... dpkg: yes, will remove f2py-py24 in

Re: [Fink-devel] Fwd: fink mingw-gcc build error

2009-01-13 Thread Martin Costabel
Asko Kauppi wrote: [] Does anyone else have this problem; does the package work nice on Intel 10.5? No, not for me; I get the same error. $ makeinfo --version makeinfo (GNU texinfo) 4.11 The package has, in its Makefile, a test about which it says # For an installed

Re: [Fink-devel] Fwd: Fwd: fink mingw-gcc build error

2009-01-13 Thread Martin Costabel
Asko Kauppi wrote: A bit premature, that was. Mingw-gcc also needs a fix. The command 'ulimit -S -s unlimited' causes a problem here. CompileScript: #!/bin/sh -ev ulimit -S -s unlimited mkdir darwin cd darwin ../configure %c make Now, why is that since if I simply

Re: [Fink-devel] [Fink-beginners] Problem building freetype219

2009-01-09 Thread Martin Costabel
Martin Costabel wrote: Windell H. Oskay wrote: I'm having the same problem as well-- I cannot get past freetype219. I'm building on a Macbook Pro (intel), with OS 10.5.5. I have already moved /usr/local to /usr/local.moved , so it's firmly out of the way-- I have no /usr/local

Re: [Fink-devel] Mesa versioning change

2009-01-03 Thread Martin Costabel
David R. Morrison wrote: [] Most likely, in the older version the filename of the library was libGLw.1.0.dylib but the install_name was libGLw.1.dylib (with a symlink put in place to relate the two). Now in the simpler version, that intermediate step is skipped and both the filename and

Re: [Fink-devel] fontconfig-path incompatible with xquartz

2008-12-30 Thread Martin Costabel
Matthias Neeracher wrote: Hmm, I must have been asleep at the wheel on this matter. Sorry about that... On Dec 30, 2008, at 22:14 , Alexander Hansen wrote: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Martin Costabel wrote: The xquartz X11 update packages have switched from /usr

Re: [Fink-devel] [Fink-users] Problem installing Gnucash on OS 10.5.6

2008-12-26 Thread Martin Costabel
Alexander Hansen wrote: [] sed: /usr/X11/lib/ No such file or directory snip You didn't specify your Xcode version. It looks like you've got 3.1.2, from which the .la files were removed. You'll either want to downgrade to 3.1.1 or install the Xquartz update from

[Fink-devel] libtool2 and sed

2008-12-22 Thread Martin Costabel
The libtool2 package hardcodes /sw/bin/sed in /sw/bin/libtoolize:251 if Fink's sed or ssed package are installed at build time. This is bad, because if sed is absent at runtime, failure happens. See bug-tracker item 2457835 at If

Re: [Fink-devel] lzma support

2008-12-10 Thread Martin Costabel
John Ridgway wrote: Friends - I am thinking about tackling (once more) the idea of adding TeXLive to Fink (unless someone is already working on it -- I haven't been reading the posts recently); I am following the mailing lists quite closely, and I haven't seen anyone declaring a firm

Re: [Fink-devel] xmame-0.69.1-1

2008-12-09 Thread Martin Costabel
Alexander Hansen wrote: [] It appears that this package misbuilds on Intel Macs (at least on mine and the one used to build our binary distribution), and that you're the first one to report it to us. The same behavior occurs for xmame-0.71.1-1 in current/unstable as well. The one in

Re: [Fink-devel] linuxdcpp-1.0.2-4 fails configure

2008-11-30 Thread Martin Costabel
Jean-François Mertens wrote: With xorg installed, I get during configure : Package x11 was not found in the pkg-config search path. [] Looks the culprit is the line in the PatchScript : /usr/bin/perl -pi -e 's|libs libglade-2.0|$ fontconfig x11 xext xrender xinerama xrandr xcursor xfixes

Re: [Fink-devel] What replaces gtkmm2.4?

2008-11-28 Thread Martin Costabel
Kevin Horton wrote: I am trying to update the cadabra package, but a build attempt in maintainer mode complains: WARNING: The package cadabra has a preferred BuildDepends on gtkmm2.4- dev, but gtkmm2.4-dev is an obsolete package. But, neither the output of fink info

Re: [Fink-devel] atlas-3.8.2-2

2008-11-08 Thread Martin Costabel
Alexander Hansen wrote: [] I'm still building on my G4, by the way--I accidentally stopped the build 24 hours in yesterday, so I had to restart that. ..and all this in order to gain - perhaps - a couple of microseconds of cputime later on. I am surprised that anyone is still bothering with

Re: [Fink-devel] trouble with opengl-py25

2008-10-26 Thread Martin Costabel
Alexander Hansen wrote: On Oct 25, 2008, at 6:28 PM, Caleb Mattoon wrote: opengl-py25 does not compile on OS X 10.5. I've included the output from fink, I think the important line is near the end: gcc -L/sw/lib -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup -L/sw/lib -I/sw/ include

Re: [Fink-devel] HTML-Tree shown as provided in Leopard, but cannot be found

2008-10-20 Thread Martin Costabel
David Reiser wrote: [] I've looked at this some more, and I think it's simpler. html-parser looks to me to be provided by both 5.8.6 and 5.8.8, but html-tree is provided by neither. Consequently, I think the fix is to delete line 339 of so that html-tree does not appear in

Re: [Fink-devel] HTML-Tree shown as provided in Leopard, but cannot be found

2008-10-19 Thread Martin Costabel
David Reiser wrote: On Oct 18, 2008, at 8:15 AM, Martin Costabel wrote: [] There is, however, also a real html-tree-pm588 package. Run fink install html-tree-pm588 and see if this helps. That at least solves the building problem. Is there a workaround to force users to install

Re: [Fink-devel] Build issues with sbcl-1.0.19-1 on 10.5.5/G4

2008-10-19 Thread Martin Costabel
Alexander Hansen wrote: I'm sending this to -devel because it's potentially a packaging issue, too. The problem is as it says: this version bombs on my G4 when it's running OS 10.5.5 . This problem does _not_ occur on the same machine when booted into OS 10.4.11. The failure occurs

Re: [Fink-devel] HTML-Tree shown as provided in Leopard, but cannot be found

2008-10-18 Thread Martin Costabel
David Reiser wrote: How does fink 'know' what packages are provided? fink list html-tree gives (10.5.5 ppc): Information about 7253 packages read in 2 seconds. html-tree-pm586 3.23-1 Handling information from HTML syntax trees p html-tree-pm588

Re: [Fink-devel] New gtk+2; gail* obsoleted

2008-10-15 Thread Martin Costabel
Michal Suchanek wrote: [] When I install gqview gtk+2-shlibs is installed but I have to install gtk+2 for gqview to work. Shouldn't the shlibs package provide enough configuration for the shlibs to work? (gqview:15788): GdkPixbuf-WARNING **: Cannot open pixbuf loader module file

Re: [Fink-devel] Fwd: Multi-line embedding does not work!?!

2008-09-29 Thread Martin Costabel
Asko Kauppi wrote: Sorry for the noise. Got this solved by adding #!/bin/sh -ex to the PatchScript and preceding any $ with backslash. You could also quote the EOF: cat Makefile.fink EOF This prevents this and similar undesirable side effects. From `man bash` (for word read EOF) If

Re: [Fink-devel] Build error with freetype219-2.3.7-6

2008-09-26 Thread Martin Costabel
Alexander Hansen wrote: An attempt was made to fix a problem with a prior revision, but now the current one fails with /bin/mv /sw/src/ lib/libfreetype.6*dylib /sw/src/

[Fink-devel] libtiff

2008-09-25 Thread Martin Costabel
(Originally sent on 2008/09/20, bounced back permanently by the fink-devel list because of current sourceforge mailing list troubles) The libtiff{,-bin,-shlibs} packages are dependencies of very many Fink packages. It would therefore be nice if they could be fixed. Currently they build

[Fink-devel] fontconfig-path incompatible with xquartz

2008-09-25 Thread Martin Costabel
The xquartz X11 update packages have switched from /usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/fonts.conf for the fontconfig conf file to /usr/X11/lib/X11/fontconfig/fonts.conf Don't ask me why, probably because of a general backward comaptibility is so boring attitude. See the thread from

Re: [Fink-devel] libxml (fixed)

2008-09-18 Thread Martin Costabel
William G. Scott wrote: [] On Sep 18, 2008, at 7:48 AM, Alexander Hansen wrote: I did, though. In consultation with Dan Macks we found the following: $ type -a xml2-config xml2-config is /sw/share/xtal/ccp4-6.0.99e/bin/xml2-config xml2-config is /sw/bin/xml2-config xml2-config is

Re: [Fink-devel] MakeListCache:4: no such file or directory: /sw/bin/fink

2008-09-12 Thread Martin Costabel
William G. Scott wrote: I just bootstrap-installed fink in a non-/sw directory (and moved /sw out of the way for safety) MakeListCache called by fink index does this: % fink index Scanning package description files.. MakeListCache:4: no such file or directory: /sw/bin/fink

Re: [Fink-devel] blt-2.4z-15l

2008-09-03 Thread Martin Costabel
Peter Dyballa wrote: [] Is $exec_prefix set correctly when using the original Fink package? Yes. Fink sets --prefix=/sw automatically, and exec_prefix is set from $prefix by configure, if you don't set it explicitly. That is, unless you fiddle with the tcl stuff. The configure script has the

Re: [Fink-devel] guile-18 question

2008-09-03 Thread Martin Costabel
William G. Scott wrote: Apparently gmp compiled on my G5 ppc is not compatible with a G4 Yes, this is an old problem. Often it gives bus errors or illegal instruction errors. The G5 build apparently uses ppc machine instructions that don't exist on G4. In principle, gmp has some code to

Re: [Fink-devel] blt-2.4z-15l

2008-09-02 Thread Martin Costabel
Peter Dyballa wrote: Am 02.09.2008 um 19:37 schrieb Alexander Hansen: Also: you didn't quote the whole compiler command. It's not available in the moment – the *compilation* buffer is used for other work. There is one difference: I am using Apple's TclTk. So its -L/sw/lib switch

Re: [Fink-devel] xcode should not be BuildDepend

2008-08-17 Thread Martin Costabel
Jack Howarth wrote: In preparing the packaging for an upcoming gcc43-4.3.2-1000 release, I decided to switch the dependencies for cctools to xcode (= 2.5). However 'fink -m' reports that... WARNING: The package gcc43 Depends on xcode, but xcode only allows things to BuildDepend on

Re: [Fink-devel] trouble building wxgtk2.8-2.8.7-18 on 10.5.4 macbook pro

2008-08-15 Thread Martin Costabel
Sven de Vries wrote: Hi, yes, I had a problem with it a while ago and suggested a patch which worked for me fine. Given Martin's questions, I tried again a rebuild with the unpatched file and surprisingly the unpatched version worked fine. There exists already a PatchScript line

Re: [Fink-devel] fink, gcc-4.2 and ppl 0.9

2008-08-11 Thread Martin Costabel
Benjamin Reed wrote: [] As I'm not a compiler guru, I must be missing something. Is PPL something that is part of the GCC build? Googling PPL gives me a million false positives. And fink apropos ppl shows nothing called ppl. What *is* ppl? -- Martin

Re: [Fink-devel] grace and libpng

2008-08-07 Thread Martin Costabel
Alexander Hansen wrote: [] configure:16037: checking for libpng = 0.9.6 configure:16088: gcc -o conftest -O2 -fno-common -Wall -Wpointer- arith -Wnested-externs -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/sw/include -framework Carbon -L/sw/lib conftest.c -lpng -lz -lm 5 With this combination of -I and -L it

Re: [Fink-devel] grace and libpng

2008-08-07 Thread Martin Costabel
Alexander Hansen wrote: [] It built for me, anyway (10.5.4), and links to the proper libpng library. Do we want a revision bump, since it _built_ without libpng support (if you have xmkmf) before the fix? Good remark. I'm bumping it. -- Martin

Re: [Fink-devel] xquartz-2.3.0 breaks tcltk

2008-07-28 Thread Martin Costabel
Daniel Macks wrote: Please apply the fix in whatever way is easiest. OK, checked into CVS, version tcltk-8.4.16-5. This patch should work with all tcltk versions and all X11 versions, until the tcltk developers themselves start doing something about it. -- Martin

Re: [Fink-devel] PDB giving incorrect results?

2008-07-28 Thread Martin Costabel
Max Horn wrote: Hi there, I was wondering about something odd I noticed in the PDB today. Go look at, it says that 1.0.2 of wireshark is the latest version in the powerpc stable trees, but 0.99.5-1011 is the latest in the i386

Re: [Fink-devel] xquartz-2.3.0 breaks tcltk

2008-07-27 Thread Martin Costabel
Daniel Macks wrote: [] Does incorporating this patch mean that a libtk build against an older libX11 will not work properly if libX11 is upgraded to one that has these renumbered events? That is, are the constants *different* on an older x11 with vs without the patch (either the one here or

Re: [Fink-devel] Package submission-to-release cycle

2008-07-27 Thread Martin Costabel
Dinker Charak wrote: Hi, Is there a doc that describes the package life cycle? I submitted a package 'kloc' and now the statis in the Tracker shows it to be closed. I see that the info file has been moved to dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/devel/ What happens next? Is there

Re: [Fink-devel] xquartz-2.3.0 breaks tcltk

2008-07-27 Thread Martin Costabel
Here is a message from the maintainer of the xquartz updates to the x11-users list. The message means that the breakage of tcltk will be over as soon as xquartz-2.3.1 comes out. OTOH, the patch for tcltk I proposed will change *strictly nothing* when tcltk is compiled with any X11 different

Re: [Fink-devel] skencil-0.6.17-1003

2008-07-22 Thread Martin Costabel
Alexander Hansen wrote: [] We had a similar problem with pymol in the past, and that involved a bit of additional hacking on the package to get it to work properly. I may have some time to muck around with it this evening, if nobody else beats me to it. Too late :-) I got a patch files

Re: [Fink-devel] Error while compiling doxygen

2008-07-21 Thread Martin Costabel
Pierre-Henri Lavigne wrote: Gnu day all, Did anyone get an issue like this please : [] (/sw/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/psnfss/pifont.sty (/sw/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/psnfss/upzd.fd)kpathsea: Running mktextfm pzdr mktextfm: Running mf-nowin

Re: [Fink-devel] 64 bit

2008-07-20 Thread Martin Costabel
David van der Spoel wrote: [] Can't one just set some compiler flags -m64 for C, C++ and linking? Why I didn't say it was difficult, did I? Making Fink packages is often not difficult. In particular if you start from an existing package, then all the bureaucratic parts of the package

Re: [Fink-devel] Pretty beefy list of dependencies...

2008-07-18 Thread Martin Costabel
Chunky Kibbles wrote: [] A little further investigation reveals that it's actually graphviz that has the truly fearsome dependency list, from which all others derive. And of course, graphviz is listed as a dependency in doxygen. Even worse than graphviz is swig, but fortunately it is only a

Re: [Fink-devel] Pangocairo and XCode 3.1: do they tango?

2008-07-18 Thread Martin Costabel
Juan Courcoul wrote: A few days ago I asked on Fink Users if it was safe to update to XCode 3.1 and at the moment there was no serious impediment and important benefits. Then pangocairo landed Since this seems to be where most of the bloody carnage ( :D ) seems to be happening,

Re: [Fink-devel] [gnome-core] Octave won't build - circular dependency

2008-07-18 Thread Martin Costabel
Michal Suchanek wrote: [] It was fixed by debfoster so it looks like build files from the installed packages laeking into the build. Yes, this seems to be caused by a libtool bug. Simply removing the old gtk+2-dev first (which is what debfoster probably did) avoids it. -- Martin

Re: [Fink-devel] Pangocairo and XCode 3.1: do they tango?

2008-07-18 Thread Martin Costabel
Juan Courcoul wrote: [] Unfortunately, the Xcode 3.1 installer does not allow that degree of granularity and will install the SDK regardless. I'll have to play around with a clone to see if the older 3.0 SDK package will allow itself to be installed overwriting the newer 3.1 version.

Re: [Fink-devel] aqua term fails to build

2008-07-17 Thread Martin Costabel
Rodney Myers wrote: [] Failed: phase installing: aquaterm-1.0.1-2 failed Before reporting any errors, please run fink selfupdate and try again. I concur. Try aquaterm-1.0.1-3. -- Martin - This SF.Net email is

Re: [Fink-devel] Octave won't build - circular dependency

2008-07-17 Thread Martin Costabel
Michael G. Ross wrote: Installing from scratch, with unstable active, I installed unison-nox, then tetex successfully. When I tried to install octave, it compiled and installed many packages and then stopped reporting a circular dependency. Here is the vicious cycle of dependencies:

Re: [Fink-devel] Pretty beefy list of dependencies...

2008-07-17 Thread Martin Costabel
Chunky Kibbles wrote: Hola, I've just reinstalled fink from scratch. The first package I attempted to install was libcaca [actually, second, after aalib which had almost no dependencies]: lefty:etc chunky$ fink install libcaca-dev Information about 6992 packages read in 0 seconds.

Re: [Fink-devel] The Pangocairo Has Landed

2008-07-15 Thread Martin Costabel
Daniel Macks wrote: [] All of unstable is coherently using the pango1-xft2-ft219 library instead of pango1-xft2; only -ft219 should be used for anything in unstable. My experience in update-all'ing from pre-pc to post-pc was not very pleasant. I think now (after 7 hours of repeated

Re: [Fink-devel] The Pangocairo Has Landed

2008-07-15 Thread Martin Costabel
Martin Costabel wrote: [] Another problem is that there are still quite a few packages, among them the central pango1-xft2-ft219 itself, that do not build on an xmkmf-less system. At least (this is where I am hanging right

Re: [Fink-devel] pine: pangocairo fails

2008-07-15 Thread Martin Costabel
William Scott wrote: Here is what I get when trying to update pine: cc -L/sw/lib -g -O2 -DDEBUG -I/sw/include -DENABLE_LDAP -Dconst= - DSYSTYPE=\OSX\ -o pine addrbook.o adrbkcmd.o adrbklib.o args.o bldaddr.o context.o filter.o folder.o help.o helptext.o imap.o init.o mailcap.o

Re: [Fink-devel] mtr unable to use resolver for destination hosts

2008-07-09 Thread Martin Costabel
Matthew Pounsett wrote: On 08-Jul-2008, at 16:56 , Martin Costabel wrote: Must be something on your machine or network. On 2 10.5.4 systems I get the output you say is correct, namely more or less the same as this one: Okay, thanks to the people that responded. It looks like the two

Re: [Fink-devel] mtr unable to use resolver for destination hosts

2008-07-09 Thread Martin Costabel
Matthew Pounsett wrote: On 09-Jul-2008, at 02:17 , Martin Costabel wrote: Matthew Pounsett wrote: On 08-Jul-2008, at 16:56 , Martin Costabel wrote: Must be something on your machine or network. On 2 10.5.4 systems I get the output you say is correct, namely more or less the same

Re: [Fink-devel] mtr unable to use resolver for destination hosts

2008-07-09 Thread Martin Costabel
Matthew Pounsett wrote: [] I actually never noticed the problem on 10.5.3 .. it started for me a few weeks ago after a patch to 10.5.4. It seems unlikely that it was a Looking at the date of your first message in this thread, I conclude that you used some beta version of 10.5.4, not the

Re: [Fink-devel] mtr unable to use resolver for destination hosts

2008-07-08 Thread Martin Costabel
Matthew Pounsett wrote: Possibly related... on my systems where mtr cannot do forward lookups, the +trace option to the default install of 'dig' also appears broken. Can anyone else confirm that this is broken on their 10.5.4 machines and/or working on 10.4? If anyone can confirm this

Re: [Fink-devel] New 0.9.0 installer: How to selfupdate?

2008-07-06 Thread Martin Costabel
Charles Lepple wrote: I think someone just ran into a similar problem on #fink. Are we sure that there is a way to upgrade the package lists from 0.9.0 to see the new 0.27.15 that was added to current/? The following sequence works for me (apart from the previously found selfupdate-cvs

Re: [Fink-devel] PyObjC 2.1 package in the tracker

2008-07-03 Thread Martin Costabel
Alexander Hansen wrote: On Thursday 03 July 2008 09:36:20 Vincent Beffara wrote: (i) ship a base tarball that is close to the SVN trunk, and make a patch script that calls SVN to catch up to a prescribed revision number. The base tarball might be empty but it's not nice to the server ... An

Re: [Fink-devel] Unable to build freetype2-dev

2008-07-03 Thread Martin Costabel
Asko Kauppi wrote: Just reporting a problem building freetype2-dev 2.1.4-12 on my machine (PowerPC G4, 10.5.4, gcc 4.0.1 build 5465). Can anyone repeat this (I'll try freetype219 in the mean time)... Seems I'm not the first:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg15268.html

Re: [Fink-devel] wine package

2008-07-02 Thread Martin Costabel
Kevin Horton wrote: It isn't at all obvious how I would commit this package to the unstable tree. Do I not have commit privileges from the tracker, or do I simply need to puzzle out how it works? My SF ID is rv8. There is no direct way to commit from the tracker, if this was your

Re: [Fink-devel] PyObjC 2.1 package in the tracker

2008-07-02 Thread Martin Costabel
Vincent Beffara wrote: Hi, [] I am interested in something similar myself, and thought essentially of two solutions : (i) ship a base tarball that is close to the SVN trunk, and make a patch script that calls SVN to catch up to a prescribed revision number. The base tarball might be empty

Re: [Fink-devel] wine package

2008-07-01 Thread Martin Costabel
Kevin Horton wrote: [] It builds OK for me on 10.5.3 in maintainer mode with --build-as- nobody. It runs as well as any previous versions I have tried. This appears to be ready to be committed, but I'm no expert. The latter has never stopped me from committing in the past :-) (Not

Re: [Fink-devel] shared file between packages and octave-forge

2008-06-30 Thread Martin Costabel
Jonathan Stickel wrote: What is the best way to work with a Fink installed file that is shared and modified by a set of different fink packages? I ran into this problem when I attempted to write separate .info files for each of the of the octave-forge packages (currently a monolithic

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