
2002-01-31 Per discussione Stefano Salari
--- Marco [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: Il 16, 17 e 18 febbraio basta bugie: spegni la TV!!! Dai Daniele ... rispondi alla lista ... magari con OT nel subject ... sennò qui non se ne esce (tra l'altro sono curioso anch'io! ;-) ) ...E io chi sono?!? Non voglio essere

Re: [newbie-it] [ot]x Daniele

2002-01-31 Per discussione Daniele Micci
Il giorno 08:18, giovedì 31 gennaio 2002 hai scritto: Il 16, 17 e 18 febbraio basta bugie: spegni la TV!!! Dai Daniele ... rispondi alla lista ... magari con OT nel subject ... sennò qui non se ne esce (tra l'altro sono curioso anch'io! ;-) ) Ciao Marco

Re: [newbie-it] [ot]x Daniele

2002-01-31 Per discussione Stefano Sebastiani
Alle 23:26, mercoledì 30 gennaio 2002, hai scritto: vabbè a sto punto piacerebbe anche a me saperlo... :) Mi associo, Daniele siamo TUTTI curiosi.

Re: [newbie-it] programmare in C / C++

2002-01-31 Per discussione Germano
Quasi tutti gli editor di Linux hanno l'highlighting del testo per programmare in C e C++ (ed anche in molti altri linguaggi). Emacs è sicuramente lo standard e, quindi se proprio non ne hai mai utilizzato uno forse è il migliore perchè è più facile trovare la documentazione necessario. Per

Re: [newbie-it] differenza kernel

2002-01-31 Per discussione Germano
Semplicemente perchè il reiserfs è journaled ok chissà cosa pensavo... (il 'preferibile' mi aveva ingannato) in questo caso allora è preferibile usarlo sempre... ..anche perchè è decisamente più veloce di ext2 Adesso c'è l'ext3 che, mi dicono, è molto buono. Ps, puoi anche

[newbie-it] prova

2002-01-31 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

R: [newbie-it] programmare in C / C++

2002-01-31 Per discussione Enrico Piccinini
Personalmente sono orientato verso l'utilizzo di KDevelop che ti permette (senza grossi sforzi) di compilare settando le opzioni del compilatore da un interfaccia grfico, possiede un wizard per la costruzioni di applicazioni KDE che utilizzano o le KDElibs (librerie su cui si basa KDE) o le QT

Re: [newbie-it] programmare in C / C++

2002-01-31 Per discussione Simone
From: Enrico Piccinini [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Personalmente sono orientato verso l'utilizzo di KDevelop che ti permette (senza grossi sforzi) di compilare settando le opzioni del compilatore da un interfaccia grfico, possiede un wizard per la costruzioni di applicazioni KDE

Re: [newbie-it] programmare in C / C++

2002-01-31 Per discussione Simone
From: Andrea Celli [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Simone wrote: Dovrei utilizzare Linux Mandrake per programmare in C e C++, ma non so da dove cominciare... ci sono degli editor adatti alla programmazione, abienti integrati o cose del genere? Il classico e` Emacs (scritto da

[newbie-it] Da cd audio a MP3

2002-01-31 Per discussione Simone
Ho finalmente provato ad ascoltare gli MP3, funziona! xmms è stupendo! Posso caricare un intero cd di canzoni in mp3 ed ascoltarle in modalità random, ( sembra la radio :-) ) Adesso, sapete dirmi se esiste un programma per convertire le tracce audio dei cd in mp3?

Re: [newbie-it] programmare in C / C++

2002-01-31 Per discussione Germano
ti forwardo una e-mail che ho mandato in lista per una richiesta molto simile alla tua. Per quanto riguarda le funzioni da sostituire ti consiglio ti consultare un manuale di ANSI C e C++, sicuramente non ci sono funzioni strane che gcc non riconosce. Il problema non è Linux, ma

[newbie-it] Samba Webmin o cosa ?

2002-01-31 Per discussione max
Ciedo a tutti come si imposta webmin o samba per far vedere la password all'utente per accedere alla sua cartella personale. mio caso è questo - ho una home - 2 cartelle all'interno pippo, lilla -da una postazione winzozz 98 entro nella certella pippo (perchè già visto da linux come pippo)

Re: [newbie-it] Da cd audio a MP3

2002-01-31 Per discussione CyberPenguin
Simone wrote: Adesso, sapete dirmi se esiste un programma per convertire le tracce audio dei cd in mp3? Ciao Simone, in ambiente Linux per ora non ne conosco di decoder audiomp3. So però che l'mp3 è un formato proprietario di una software-house tedesca. Il fatto che sia proprietario, riduce

Re: [newbie-it] Da cd audio a MP3

2002-01-31 Per discussione Marco
Sì esistono i cosiddetti ripper (ora sono in ufficio e non ricordo i nomi) ma in mandrake ne trovi sicuramente. Non vorrei dire una c... ma mi pare che la trasformazione in mp3 sia addirittura una funzionalità integrata in KDE 2.2. Stasera guardo poi ti so dire... Ciao Marco

R: [newbie-it] programmare in C / C++

2002-01-31 Per discussione Enrico Piccinini
Premetto che l'utlima release (la 2.0) non ho avuto molto tempo per utilizzarla, nella precedente un buon sistema per generare la documentazione era installare i sorgenti delle librebrie. Poichè ciò che non viene trovato sono i percorsi per la documentazione delle KDElibs (che peraltro è già

Re: [newbie-it] Da cd audio a MP3

2002-01-31 Per discussione Eugenio Odorifero
Il fatto che sia proprietario, riduce di molto il fatto di poter trovare programmi free. Anche in ambiente Win (da dove scrivi tu) di solito bisogna acquistare i programmi per effettuare la decodifica, per il semplice fatto che le case produttrici del software di decodifica devono pagare

RE: [newbie-it] Da cd audio a MP3

2002-01-31 Per discussione Taschetta, M. - MXPCP
scusate, ma non esiste GRIP, o non ho capito granche'? io ottengo mp3 da cd audio e ne sono felice :-) marco -Original Message- From: Eugenio Odorifero [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 3:25 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Da cd audio a MP3

RE: [newbie-it] Da cd audio a MP3

2002-01-31 Per discussione Marco
scusate, ma non esiste GRIP, o non ho capito granche'? io ottengo mp3 da cd audio e ne sono felice :-) marco Ecco il nome che non ricordavo: Grip! Tra l'altro su uno dei primi numeri di Linux Pratico c'è anche un articolo con le spiegazioni su come settarlo e usarlo! Ciao Marco

Re: [newbie-it] programmare in C / C++

2002-01-31 Per discussione Andrea Celli
Simone wrote: .. sotto linux, ma manca la libreria conio.h, che si trova solo in dos. Con che cosa la sostituisco? .. ti hanno gia` dato una buona risposta linux-doc Pero`, se cerchi su freshmeat, dovresti trovare anche uconio. ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] programmare in C / C++

2002-01-31 Per discussione Andrea Celli
Germano wrote: Quasi tutti gli editor di Linux hanno l'highlighting del testo per programmare in C e C++ . ... Per quanto mi riguarda uso nedit, ma ho anche usato cooledit, emacs, xemacs e chi più ne ha più ne metta. Il consiglio è : provane un pò e poi

Re: [newbie-it] programmare in C / C++

2002-01-31 Per discussione Germano
Il 16:26, giovedì 31 gennaio 2002, hai scritto: Volevo solo precisare che, avendo imparato ad usare vi da bambino, uso quello (e sed) praticamente per tutto. Anche per cose in cui non bisognerebbe usare un editor. Non capisco a che pro dai questa precisazione e comunque se ci tenevi a dirlo

[newbie-it] 2 pecore Dolly

2002-01-31 Per discussione Mino
Cari amici, chi mi puo' dare un consiglio o dritte su come duplicare una macchina con MDK8.1, cosi' in caso di guasto di una , viene sostituita dall'altra? e come posso gestirle? -- Mino Mitrugno

[newbie-it] Diagnostica Hardware

2002-01-31 Per discussione Giorgio Carrara
Salve a tutti. Ho il Floppy che mi fa tribolare. Ad esempio non riesco a formattare ( arriva all'81% (questo valore è esatto) della formattazione e poi mi dice che si aspettava di trovare il settore -mi pare- 9642 ( cito a memoria) ed invece ha trovato il 18453 ( sempre a memoria), e nemmeno

Re: [newbie-it] Scheda di rete

2002-01-31 Per discussione syd
mike scrisse: [cut] ti connetti ad internet col modem, avere o meno eth0 non c'entra proprio ... [cut] ..ok, il caricamento della rete ti carica la rotta che hai impostato, generalmente eth0 diventa il GW per la tua rete, ma tu, a meno di avere un router, navighi con ppp0 come GW..

[newbie-it] Alcatel Speedtouch/Marco Forti

2002-01-31 Per discussione Marco Fortini
Ciao Marco, ritornando alla connessione col tuo tutorial, alla fine gli ho fatto digerire "modem_run" co l'aiuto di "./" ossia dalla directory giusta: "./modem_run -m -f /usr/share/speedtouch/mgmt" ho guardato le lucette del modem che hanno eseguito la sequenza poi "pppd call adsl" (senza

Re: [newbie-it] Da cd audio a MP3

2002-01-31 Per discussione miKe
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Il 12:32, giovedì 31 gennaio 2002, in merito a [newbie-it] Da cd audio a MP3, Simone ha scritto: Adesso, sapete dirmi se esiste un programma per convertire le tracce audio dei cd in mp3? da linea di comando hai lame ti basta un lame

Re[2]: [newbie-it] Da cd audio a MP3

2002-01-31 Per discussione Arwan
Scrive CyberPenguin: (Thursday, January 31, 2002, ore 2:20:20 PM, a proposito di [newbie-it] Da cd audio a MP3) C Anche in ambiente Win (da dove scrivi tu) di solito bisogna C acquistare i programmi per effettuare la decodifica, Ne ho uno che dovrebbe essere free. Si chiama CDex (per Win),

Re: [newbie-it] ascoltare i cd audio - SOLUZIONE

2002-01-31 Per discussione Marco
Il 23:28, giovedì 31 gennaio 2002, in merito a [newbie-it] ascoltare i cd audio, Simone ha scritto: Non riesco ad ascoltare i cd audio... altro che convertire in mp3. Qualcuno mi sa dire come si fa? Li inserisco, non vengono montati, e quando apro i programmi Come ti hanno

Re: [newbie] cd-rw

2002-01-31 Per discussione Graham Watkins
FLYNN, Steve wrote: Interesting, althought I'd be a bit wary of it myself. I've never trusted any applications (Like the Adaptec EasyCD Creator) which allow you to drag and drop onto a CDRW - they never seem to work correctly, even though you'd think it was a fairly straightforward task...

Re: [newbie] rpm src install problem ...

2002-01-31 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir
On Thursday 24 January 2002 05:11, you wrote: Ken, I don't know if anyone has responded to this yet, but anyway, here it is. The root environment by default does not have a path to ./ . This is a security thing. Therefore in order to tell rpm where it is you need to do this: rpm

[newbie] CC

2002-01-31 Per discussione Pauljames Dimitriu
hello all, I am just loaded w/ questions / problems this week. Thank you all for being patient. This is my latest dilemna: Due to a series of accidents, all old versions of GCC got deleted from my Linux box (please, don't ask how.) I downloaded GCC 3.0.3 for Linux and tried

Re: [newbie] partition woes

2002-01-31 Per discussione Brian Parish
Hey - I actually know the answer to this one! My fingers have also been burned! Being a good linux installer, you created separate partitions for /, swap and home. That's 3. Windows already had 2, so that makes 5. With windblows, that's 1 too many. Four is as many as anyone could possibly

Re: [newbie] 8.2 beta bug report

2002-01-31 Per discussione Derek Jennings
Don't bother. You will not be allowed to post a bug report there anyway. Only 'authorised' beta testers can post there (I tried) Instead post your bug report to Mandrake Expert making sure you have selected the Operating system as 8.2 Beta 1 in the drop down list. derek On Thursday 31

Re: [newbie] Setting mouse movement speed in Enlightenment

2002-01-31 Per discussione Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC)
Robin wrote: I know I may get a few RTFM on this one, but I have been looking left and right with no answer. As the subject explains, I am looking for the control for mouse movement speed. Helps if you look forward when RTFM :) --

Re: [newbie] CC

2002-01-31 Per discussione Anuerin G.Diaz
tell me if i get this right, did you download the source of the gcc3.0.3? if that is the case then it wont work for you because you may have been trying to compile the compiler. if i understand correctly, you are like a dog chasing its tail because you dont have the compiler (its the problem

Re: [newbie] rpm src install problem ...

2002-01-31 Per discussione Robin Turner
On Thursday 31 January 2002 11:38, Lyvim Xaphir wrote: On Thursday 24 January 2002 05:11, you wrote: Ken, I don't know if anyone has responded to this yet, but anyway, here it is. The root environment by default does not have a path to ./ . This is a security thing. Therefore in

Re: [newbie] trashing messages in Evolution

2002-01-31 Per discussione Andy Gay
Sending to trash in not really gone. To permantly delete, use the Expunge on the Actions menu. On Wed, 2002-01-30 at 11:51, Todd Slater wrote: On Wednesday 30 January 2002 12:15 pm, Andy Gay wrote: Go to Actions menu, then punch Empty Trash. Is there a way to send the message to the trash

[newbie] USR Wireless Card Not Working in 8.2 beta

2002-01-31 Per discussione nick of time
This error occurs on a sony vaio r505te running mandrake 8.2beta with a USR wireless lan card ( using wvlan_cs module ) and an intel pro 100 integrated card ( eepro 100 module ). The integrated ethernet card works, the wireless card does not(does not load at boot and does not get an ip address

[newbie] Network Resources

2002-01-31 Per discussione Paul Kraus
How do I access network resources in a windows workgroup? How do I share a folder? Paul Kraus Network Administrator PEL Supply Company (216) 267-5775 Voice (216) 267-6176 Fax

[newbie] Console Terminal / Sco Help

2002-01-31 Per discussione Paul Kraus
I finally was able to get the linux console to attach to my sco app and actually work correctly ( took some tweaking ) but now the colors are just awful and hard to look at. If anyone has ever used tiny term for windows you can set your colors then based on what is being displayed by the

Re: [newbie] Ogle GUI

2002-01-31 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
Jim Dawson wrote: Thanks, Editing .oglerc did the trick, I'm composing this message with 'Star Trek: The Motion Picture' playing in the background. I already had a symlink in place linking /dev/dvd to /dev/cdrom, but it didn't work for some reason.. Hi Jim. Glad you got it working... I

Re: [newbie] partition woes

2002-01-31 Per discussione bascule
or simply use logical partitions for linux - it doesn't care! i shuld have counted myself though:-) bascule On Thursday 31 January 2002 10:15 am, you wrote: So, as far as I know, your choices are to install Linux with just / and swap, or on another disk. Brian Want to buy your Pack or

Re: [newbie] USR Wireless Card Not Working in 8.2 beta

2002-01-31 Per discussione Derek Jennings
Wireless cards need a bit more information than an IP address before they can start working. As a minimum they need an ESSID name which defines their 'workgroup', and a wireless encrytion key so you do not broadcast all your personal data about the neighbourhood. You can set these while the

[newbie] ZIP drive under Linux-Mandrake 8.1?

2002-01-31 Per discussione Vogel, Andrew (VOGELAP)
I've got an internal ATAPI ZIP drive in my box (it's the SECOND device on the SECOND IDE channel). It used to work just fine under 8.0, but since I did a complete wipe-n-install of 8.1, it isn't recognized within Linux. The drive powers during POST, so I know the connections are still good. Can

[newbie] CAN i be reached with ip :

2002-01-31 Per discussione nagaraj.b
my ISP has assigned me ip: in our LAN, since this ip adress is not routable in the internet, IS there any client by which i can make my system a web server , and can be reached from any where in the world. _ Do You Yahoo!? Get

Re: [newbie] kernel

2002-01-31 Per discussione Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday 30 January 2002 07:54 pm, Eric McClure wrote: Well my kernel is name 2.4.17-10 using 'uname -r' to check. But when I used 'rpm -ivh kernel*' it updated the kernel no problem. I tried to update the source, headers, docs but gave me an error on the headers. so with uname -r it

Re: [newbie] Word processing on IBM Aptiva 2168.

2002-01-31 Per discussione Randy Kramer
Brian Durant wrote: Thanks for the info. I have a few questions, as I was unable to access the site from here. Things aren't working 100% as most of Jakarta is flooded these days. 1) Does AbiWord work with Evolution for spell checking or is AbiWord part of a different Office package that

Re: [newbie] rpm src install problem ...

2002-01-31 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir
On Thursday 31 January 2002 06:44, you wrote: What result is that, exactly? Is the src starting but not completing the rebuilding process or is rpm not finding it? If the latter then give rpm the exact full path to your src rpm. i.e. : rpm --rebuild

RE: [newbie] CAN i be reached with ip :

2002-01-31 Per discussione Franki
setup the gateway machine to forward port 80 requests to port 80 on your machine.. that would do what you want.. easy with iptables, or with ipmasqadm on ipchains systems. rgds Frank -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of nagaraj.b Sent:

Re: [newbie] Network Resources

2002-01-31 Per discussione Dave Sherman
On Thu, 2002-01-31 at 07:57, Paul Kraus wrote: How do I access network resources in a windows workgroup? How do I share a folder? Paul, To integrate Linux networking with Windows, you need the Samba suite of applications for Linux. These generally include 3 packages (rpm's) called

Re: [newbie] how to get services to run @ startup

2002-01-31 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir
On Wednesday 30 January 2002 03:22, you wrote: There is a neat console command called chkconfig. It tells you what all the services are configured for on all levels, at once. I found it a little better and faster than the GUI stuff. At a terminal console prompt, type chkconfig --list for an

Re: [newbie] partition woes

2002-01-31 Per discussione Randy Kramer
bascule wrote: or simply use logical partitions for linux - it doesn't care! i shuld have counted myself though:-) bascule On Thursday 31 January 2002 10:15 am, you wrote: So, as far as I know, your choices are to install Linux with just / and swap, or on another disk. And, just for the

Re: [newbie] rpm src install problem ...

2002-01-31 Per discussione Robin Turner
On Thursday 31 January 2002 17:49, Lyvim Xaphir wrote: On Thursday 31 January 2002 06:44, you wrote: What result is that, exactly? Is the src starting but not completing the rebuilding process or is rpm not finding it? If the latter then give rpm the exact full path to your src rpm. i.e.

Re: [newbie] CAN i be reached with ip :

2002-01-31 Per discussione Cyril Vassilchenko
No, you can not be reached directly unless your gateway server is hacked. - Original Message - From: nagaraj.b [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 8:26 PM Subject: [newbie] CAN i be reached with ip : my ISP has assigned me ip: in

Re: [newbie] Network Neighbourhood

2002-01-31 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Thursday 31 January 2002 01:12, you wrote: try komba 2 (on the cds) or linneighborhood which can be found at i believe On Wednesday 30 January 2002 23:03, you spoke unto me thusly: Is there any application so that i can view networked system as in windows network

Re: [newbie] ZIP drive under Linux-Mandrake 8.1?

2002-01-31 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Thursday 31 January 2002 09:44, you wrote: I've got an internal ATAPI ZIP drive in my box (it's the SECOND device on the SECOND IDE channel). It used to work just fine under 8.0, but since I did a complete wipe-n-install of 8.1, it isn't recognized within Linux. The drive powers during

[newbie] traceroute

2002-01-31 Per discussione Roy Barton
any one know the bash command for trace route? roy Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

Re: [newbie] ZIP drive under Linux-Mandrake 8.1?

2002-01-31 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
Vogel, Andrew (VOGELAP) wrote: I've got an internal ATAPI ZIP drive in my box (it's the SECOND device on the SECOND IDE channel). It used to work just fine under 8.0, but since I did a complete wipe-n-install of 8.1, it isn't recognized within Linux. The drive powers during POST, so I know

Re: [newbie] traceroute

2002-01-31 Per discussione Randy Kramer
Roy Barton wrote: any one know the bash command for trace route? Do you mean traceroute? Randy Kramer Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

RE: [newbie] ZIP drive under Linux-Mandrake 8.1?

2002-01-31 Per discussione Vogel, Andrew (VOGELAP)
Here is my entire FSTAB: /dev/hda1 / ext2 defaults 1 1 none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0 none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0 /dev/hda6 /home ext2 defaults 1 2 /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom auto iocharset=iso8859-1,ro,nosuid,noauto,user,exec,codepage=850,nodev 0 0 /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto

Re: [newbie] name of 8.1 install file

2002-01-31 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir
On Monday 28 January 2002 19:16, you wrote: Actually I've done local network installs and they are really not slow at all, unless you are splitting hairs with a stopwatch or something like that. The difference is not that great. The network boot disk image is included with the Mandrake 8.1

[newbie] C-compiler

2002-01-31 Per discussione ege7
Hi! What is the best c-compiler? Regards! Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

Re: [newbie] traceroute

2002-01-31 Per discussione Paul
On Thursday 31 January 2002 4:18 pm, you wrote: any one know the bash command for trace route? roy I found that on my machine it works when you run tracepath as root. Paul -- Time's fun when you're having flies. -Kermit the Frog - Registered Linux User 174403 Linux

Re: [newbie] traceroute

2002-01-31 Per discussione bascule
have you discovered as i have, that 'traceroute' as a user doesn't work and that 'su -c traceroute' doesn't either? but if i su to root first, and then issue 'traceroute whatever' - no probs - of course yu haev to have it installed bascule On Thursday 31 January 2002 4:18 pm, you wrote: any

Re: [newbie] Mail clients

2002-01-31 Per discussione Bryan B Whitehead
Try using the evolution mail client (if your looking for a GUI mail client). Ctrl-T toggles threaded view On Wed, 2002-01-30 at 10:48, Paul Kraus wrote: Are there any mail clients that will sort the messages like threads in a news group? That would organization and post reference so nice.

RE: [newbie] ZIP drive under Linux-Mandrake 8.1?

2002-01-31 Per discussione Vogel, Andrew (VOGELAP)
I've added the following line to fstab: /dev/hdd4 /mnt/zip auto user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,exec,codepage=850,noauto 0 0 (I don't have to reboot after adding that, or execute any special commands to get Linux to re-read fstab, do I? I DIDN'T!) When I type mount /mnt/zip, I get: mount:

Re: [newbie] CAN i be reached with ip :

2002-01-31 Per discussione Jim Dawson
Short awnser: No. Long answer: NAT can be configured to map a real IP address to a NAT address, or to map a specific port on the Public side of the NAT device to a specific port on a specific NAT IP address, but the chances of getting your ISP to do so are slim to none. There is nothing you

Re: Re: [newbie] Ogle GUI

2002-01-31 Per discussione Jim Dawson
Yes, I linked /dev/cdrom to /dev/dvd. I never can remember which order to place the arguments in... I *Did* see the Animated version of Lord of the Rings on DVD recently, but I assume you were refering to the live action version. My guess is that they will release it next fall in order to (1)

Re: [newbie] Small problem with Agp card

2002-01-31 Per discussione FemmeFatale
I only possess the 8.0 boxed set :\ Not the 8.1 ... i d/led that to see what the differences were...and so far it *Seems* more stable. I hope i am correct in that presumption. Femme tester wrote: FemmeFatale wrote: I have not looked in the mail archives *I'm sure i should...* but this

Re: [newbie] CAN i be reached with ip :

2002-01-31 Per discussione Jim Dawson
Short awnser: No. Long answer: NAT can be configured to map a real IP address to a NAT address, or to map a specific port on the Public side of the NAT device to a specific port on a specific NAT IP address, but the chances of getting your ISP to do so are slim to none. There is nothing you

Re: [newbie] Small problem with Agp card

2002-01-31 Per discussione FemmeFatale
Thank you Much Charles for your prompt reply. I am used to Winblows. So forgive my ignorance ;) Femme Charles A Edwards wrote: On Wed, 30 Jan 2002 01:20:35 -0700 FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I have not looked in the mail archives *I'm sure i should...* but this seems to be a

Re: [newbie] ZIP drive under Linux-Mandrake 8.1?

2002-01-31 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Thursday 31 January 2002 12:07, you wrote: Here is my entire FSTAB: /dev/hda1 / ext2 defaults 1 1 none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0 none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0 /dev/hda6 /home ext2 defaults 1 2 /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom auto

Re: [newbie] Network Neighbourhood

2002-01-31 Per discussione shane
On Thursday 31 January 2002 08:47, you spoke unto me thusly: linneighborhood is also on the CDs. I have tried both and prefer komba2. so i looked on the cds, missed it, and downloaded it to try it and decide i prefered komba2 all for naught?!? :-D -- ... and if you drown, die knowing you

RE: [newbie] CAN i be reached with ip :

2002-01-31 Per discussione Mithrilhall2000
That sounds like an internal IP. If someone wants to reach you on that IP they'll need to be on the network as far as I know. If you going through a router see if you can find out what the public IP is. -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of

Fwd: Re: [newbie] VMware newsgroup

2002-01-31 Per discussione Marcia
-- Forwarded Message -- Subject: Re: [newbie] VMware newsgroup Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 23:13:32 -0500 From: Marcia [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Wednesday 30 January 2002 01:23 pm, you wrote: X-RebelTech Is Here: MIME-Version: 1.0

Re: [newbie] VMware newsgroup

2002-01-31 Per discussione Marcia
On Wednesday 30 January 2002 03:11 pm, Oliver L.Plaine Jr wrote: On Wednesday 30 January 2002 13:43, Marcia typed: Dear All, I have been trying to set up my Knode with the vmware email newsgroup and I must be doing something wrong. Whenever I try to send or receive mail it says there

Re: [newbie] CAN i be reached with ip :

2002-01-31 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir
On Thursday 31 January 2002 21:55, you wrote: how would that work? surely for me to access that privately addressed machine i would have to have a public ip address or a domain name to put in my browser which has to be resolved to the isp's network and then they have to route/forward it to

Re: [newbie] KDE problems

2002-01-31 Per discussione skinky
On Thursday 31 January 2002 01:35, Alex Fite-Wassilak wrote: I tried renaming my .kde/ to .kdebak/ then the .kderc file to .kdercbak, but when I start KDE it still crashes. I created a .xinitrc file, but since I don't know much about it, it's kind of a hack job. I can start the gnome panel,

Re: [newbie] CAN i be reached with ip :

2002-01-31 Per discussione nagaraj.b gave me - traceroute to goes through -- and my gateway -- dhcp server -- dns server -- my ip address is assigned by dhcp server according to my ethernet mac

Re: [newbie] CAN i be reached with ip :

2002-01-31 Per discussione Chris Ashmore
msg88280/bin0.bin Description: filename="text1.sdw"

Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie] VMware newsgroup

2002-01-31 Per discussione mooseman
X-RebelTech Is Here: MIME-Version: 1.0 Message-Id: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit i downloaded the files, rpm -Uvh vmware-blah.rpm then i ran the answered the questions and from there i just started vmware in X, installed guest OS.

Re: [newbie] hda5 critically full

2002-01-31 Per discussione Brendan
Thanks for the info received on what to do. I immediatly found that i had been keeping copies of the CDs I'd been burning, and fixed that, which took care of the immediate problem. Remember, you can always cd to / and issue the command 'du -H' for an exhaustive listing of every