Re: CSCS plating

2007-02-09 Thread M. G. Devour
And for us who never drink soda- can we use the bottles our water comes in? Use the bottles that are the same crystal clear plastic that pop bottles are, but that are used to package spring water. The milky, translucent plastic that a lot of distilled water comes in, as well as milk,


2007-02-08 Thread M. G. Devour
Doris? What sort of liver cleanse is it? I recently went to an old chinese woman here in Toronto and bought a liver cleanse ... Mike D. [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian] [] [Speaking only for myself... ] -- The Silver List

Re: CSUsing CS

2007-02-07 Thread M. G. Devour
Fred, yes, that is generally what others have seen. If you nip a virus in the bud, it prevents the infection. Once it gets fully started you have to let it run its course, but you will usually prevent the secondary bacterial infections that frequently cause the malady to be much worse and drag

Re: CSVictim

2007-02-05 Thread M. G. Devour
This was the first one I tried, but had an uneasy feeling that the 100ppm it boasted wasn't right. I noticed then after I looked at others that they were all 3ppm, 5ppm, and 10ppm seemed the highest, I didn't even finish the Water Oz bottle but threw it away. I think a degree of common

CS[List Owner] Possible mail problem?

2007-02-05 Thread M. G. Devour
Dear Silver friends, Some minor odd symptoms have made me wonder if we are having problems reaching members with a address. Would some of you with addresses please let me know if the total number of posts you've received over the last few days agrees closely with the

Re: CSCS and T4 Cells

2007-02-05 Thread M. G. Devour
Dear Dim, You write: (..and sorry for my english, I try to do my best when I write in this language.. :) You don't need to apologize, Dim. Your english is great! Welcome to the group. Thank you for sharing your progress with us. Be well, Mike D. [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot,

Re: CSRe: CSArgVictim

2007-02-05 Thread M. G. Devour
Mary Ann writes: Well -- that surprises me too. Generally Mike gives the list a heads-up if he's unsubbed someone. And he tells us why, too. If this is true, then I expect he'll be advising us soon. MA On second thought, maybe Mike's Time Out post was just exactly that -- the

Re: CSArgVictim

2007-02-05 Thread M. G. Devour
In the same vein, Sam, (pun intended) there is one positively DANGEROUS aspect of CS/EIS: I have not used a pharmaceutical antibiotic in about 9 years, after regularly needing several prescriptions per year for at least the previous decade. I think maybe one or two antibiotics have been used

Re: CSAttn: Mike Devour RE:alt.braces

2006-12-31 Thread M. G. Devour
By clear braces I'm referring to the opague brackets which ortho distributors told me are 99% aluminum oxide. Good, thanks for the clarification. The Invisalign system I am talking about are polymer guards that are made from a mold of your jaws and modified to apply slow pressure to your


2006-12-31 Thread M. G. Devour
My friends around the world. By now some half the globe has already welcomed 2007. I pray it is a year that we survive, grow, and prosper. That we all achieve better health for ourselves and those we love. Thank you for taking part in this small community that we share. Peace to you all. Be

Re: CSAttn: Mike Devour RE:alt.braces

2006-12-28 Thread M. G. Devour
Invisilign is not an option for many kids. Uh, why? the clear braces are 99% aluminum and the metal one's are nickel. What do you mean here by clear braces and why are they 99% aluminum? Not doubting what you say, but I need more info to understand it. Be well, Mike D. [Mike Devour,

Re: CSComcast

2006-12-28 Thread M. G. Devour
Dear Dan, You're the second Comcast customer to mention that. I don't know what the difference is. Keep your fingers crossed it's permanent! Be well, Mike D. Mike, I seem to be getting the silver list e-mails on Comcast again. Since 12-11-06. Dan -- No virus found in this

Re: CSAttn: Mike Devour RE:alt.braces

2006-12-26 Thread M. G. Devour
We asked Huggins and his associates when we were in Colorado for my revision what our options were for braces for our daughter. They recommended the Invisalign system as the best alternative. Google. Many hits. A bit more expensive, but no heavy metals, nickel, electrolytic currents,

CSRe: C.S. Nicotene Detox

2006-12-26 Thread M. G. Devour
Dear Debb, This mail bounced to me because it was too big. The limit is 18k, which is a fair amount of text, but Incredimail included a graphic advertisement that was 20k all by itself. Please select Plain Text in the compose mail window and re-send. If you don't know how to do that, let me

Re: CSRe: C.S. Nicotene Detox

2006-12-26 Thread M. G. Devour
Okay, since I accidentally replied to the list rather then Debb, and posted her original question as a result, maybe we can get some input on it? She asks: Hi I would really appreciate some Ideas on what you all think about detoxing the body and lungs from nicotene.long time smoker . Debb

CSCAUTION!! Re: H2O2 in a nebulizer

2006-12-22 Thread M. G. Devour
Anyone know of a safe dosage to use 3% peroxide on a nebulizer? Can I use it straight, or should I add distilled water to dilute it more? -Ken Bagwell Ken, your suggestion triggered a memory for me. It is possible for peroxide (H2O2) in the lungs to be DANGEROUS. It appears that it can

Re: CSAbout floaters and Teeth.

2006-12-19 Thread M. G. Devour
Dear Peter You write: I have my dental revision 4 years ago and I could not be happier with the results. Since them I had zero problems in my mouth, and can not remember being sick or having a any pains, since. Did you go through any period of detox or other adjustment after your revision?

Re: CSFw: CS and mercury dental fillings

2006-12-18 Thread M. G. Devour
Dear Dee, We've heard from some folks that the silver in our CS can plate out on mercury fillings and seemingly helps to neutralize the surface somewhat. That said, I don't personally trust the idea enough to have left my many fillings in. They were replaced this June. Amalgams, since the

Re: CSRE: floaters in the eyes

2006-12-18 Thread M. G. Devour
Dear Chuck, Thanks for the reply! Okay, so we're looking like this: 1 oz CS 1 tsp MSM powder 15 drops Dr. Christopher's Eyebright Formula Tincture A couple dropperfulls of 99% DMSO So if I've got you right, the DMSO you are adding a couple dropperfulls of is 99%. So 2-3 milliliters of 99%

Re: CScomparing

2006-12-18 Thread M. G. Devour
Sandy writes: From what I gathered, the meso is smaller than Ionic, but even Marshall's paper explains/agrees that the color is due to larger particle size.. I don't know the verbiage they used since I haven't read either site in a while, but the particles can't *be* smaller than ionic and

CSDental revision update...

2006-12-18 Thread M. G. Devour
Dear Sol, You write: So Mike, Do you notice any health improvement from having your amalgam fillings replaced? Any negative effects? What did you do for detox? I'm believe you have written about it all before, but with no archives, would you repeat please? I'm really curious to know how

Re: CSDental revision update...

2006-12-18 Thread M. G. Devour
Mike can I ask what you are taing for the electrolytes?...thanks debbie Yes, it's one of the Huggins group's Matrix products, just like all the vitamins and minerals I'm using to adjust my blood chemistry right now. The product is Jogger Juice. It comes in 8 ounce bottles as a concentrate.

Re: CSDental revision update...

2006-12-18 Thread M. G. Devour
Hi Sol, You write: How do you determine you are getting rid of mercury? Is there a test that confirms lowered levels against a baseline test prior to the amalagam removal, or a test that confirms excretion of mercury? I'm speaking below from what I know about the detox process. I'm

Re: CSRE: floaters in the eyes

2006-12-16 Thread M. G. Devour
Dear Chuck, The Dr. Christopher tincture you're thinking of, is it his Herbal Eyebright Formula, with Bayberry Bark, Eyebright Herb, Golden Seal Root, Red Raspberry Leaves and Cayenne Pepper in a base of 36-42% pure grain alcohol? See:

Re: CSRE: floaters in the eyes

2006-12-16 Thread M. G. Devour
about my concoction, as he demonstrated nonreceptivity to alternate therapies. He never offered any solution to the floaters complaint. I had to take care of THAT on my own! Works for me! Chuck If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests? On 12/16/2006 7:23:21 AM, M. G. Devour

Re: CSRE: floaters in the eyes

2006-12-15 Thread M. G. Devour
Dear Gertrude, You wrote: ... floatersthey don' t go away..with acupuncture,impossible. I've come a *very* long way in the last decade, and one of the things I've come to accept is that there are some unlikely sounding things that turn out to be true in alternative medicine. I don't

Re: CSProgressive Spastic Paraparesis

2006-12-14 Thread M. G. Devour
Dear Hanneke, ... My immediate thought was the BE unit (blood electrifier), CS and Vit C.. I am only at the very beginning of researching this condition and the retrovirus but would appreciate all and any input from those who have knowledge and experience with a possible protocol regarding

Re: CSColon cleasne

2006-12-13 Thread M. G. Devour
Thanks Scott! I appreciate it. While I encourage potential customer to go off-list with their requests, I expect the *vendors* to deliberately move responses to such contacts to private mail. Be well, Mike D. OOPS! I forgot, no sales requests. I will email you separately, Terry. Sorry,

Re: CS[List Owner] Another list traffic question...

2006-12-11 Thread M. G. Devour
Ruth wrote: I have at least 10 messages from today and a bunch from yesterday, Yep, it looks like you can all hear each other now. whew! Thanks for waiting so patiently. Be well, Mike D. [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian] [] [Speaking only

CSList traffic report...

2006-12-10 Thread M. G. Devour
Okay, for those who are saying you haven't received anything from the list, here's my report on list traffic for you to compare with: Dec 10 ... at least 6 so far, including this Dec 9 ... 9 posts Dec 8 ... 14 posts Dec 7 ... 24 posts ... and so on. If you have not received that number (or

CS[List Owner] Another list traffic question...

2006-12-10 Thread M. G. Devour
Hi gang, In the last couple of hours I've heard from a number of people who have only been receiving *my* messages and not those of any other member, even themselves, for at least the last 2 days. Here's my question: Is there anybody who's gotten most or all of the messages that have gone out

CSOne more time...

2006-12-10 Thread M. G. Devour
Hi gang, It the evidence I have is right, then the list is fixed. As I posted in a message from another address, the information I gathered from all of you who responded to my questions let Eskimo support zero in on the flaw in the server configuration that was stopping mail from going out

Re: CSRe: testing

2006-12-09 Thread M. G. Devour
Dear Ron, Your message appeared on the list just fine. I'm sending this answer to the list *AND* to your own address. You should get two copies. The list appears to be silent and that is unusual. This is simply to test to see if my post makes it. If it does Mike- would you send a reply to

Re: CSThermotherapy

2006-12-07 Thread M. G. Devour
Thanks for the link, Sharlene. I've heard of devices for directly heating the prostate. I don't know much more about them, but I do have direct experience with effectively treating hemorrhoids! I pretty much chanced on the fact that CS with about 20 to 30 percent DMSO will cause the pain to

RE: CSslow down OT

2006-12-07 Thread M. G. Devour
Hi Heather, On a mildly-related note...I haven't seen any OT mail in there still an off-topic list and are people still contributing to it? I wonder if my mail nukes them... There've been a few posts most days lately, so if you haven't seen anything in a week you might be

Re: CSEPA and CS

2006-12-07 Thread M. G. Devour
Just creaky old software and the vagaries of a smaller ISP, Jean. If anything I feel safer with Eskimo than trusting our community to a big, impersonal operation like Yahoo, who would shut us down without a second thought if somebody told them to. Be well, Mike D. Hi, Do you reckon these

Re: CSAnother mail slow-down

2006-12-06 Thread M. G. Devour
Update: Mail is starting to flow into the mailboxes of eskimo users (like me). I've seldom been as glad to see SPAM in my inbox as I am right now! We're starting to see posts to the lists as well. If all goes well and stays well, we should be back to normal some time today. Again, you should

CSE-mail system recovering...

2006-12-06 Thread M. G. Devour
Well, it looks like things are starting to move again. I have not seen a test message I sent last night from an alternative address, however, so I expect things are still some hours behind real-time. I'll have to send another (to the OT list) to see if maybe some were lost. In any case,

CSAnother mail slow-down

2006-12-05 Thread M. G. Devour
Dear Silver List friends, Apparently, there was a mail-storm in some other user account at Eskimo that loaded up the incoming mail queue, causing a significant slowing of mail processing. It has been stopped and support is working to clear the queue and get things running full speed again. It

Re: CSAnother mail slow-down

2006-12-05 Thread M. G. Devour
Just a further update, so you don't think you're crazy or we've all dropped off the face of the earth: The latest I've heard is that the main inbound mail server software configuration is being rebuilt from backups so that it will work the same as before the disk crash. Apparently the switch

Re: CSSilver Puppy generator

2006-12-03 Thread M. G. Devour
Okay! I hope Ted and Tel have both vented their ire and will refrain from further sniping. Let's let things drop, gents. Mike Devour silver-list owner --- Ted Corbett wrote: He's one of the few that care and is willing to go the extra mile to help folks out.

CSCommercial? Was, re: Silver Puppy generator

2006-12-02 Thread M. G. Devour
Tel writes: Nice commercial, seems to be the only one we ever see? We all know there are dozens of CS generators on the market, and Silver Puppy is near the bottom for value and production. I sent one back ! Sorry, Tel, but I don't begrudge Ken the occasional comment on his own product,

CSThe e-mail outage, post mortem...

2006-12-02 Thread M. G. Devour
Hi all, It appears that list operation is completely back to normal, finally. As I understand the problem, a disk crashed and failed on the main server for incoming mail, and the message stream was re-routed to a backup server. Some messages in the queue at the time of the crash may have been

CSMail outage at Eskimo

2006-12-01 Thread M. G. Devour
Hi folks, Got word that there was a crash of the main incoming mail server at Eskimo causing mail not to get sent out to the lists. It sounds like the mail all queued up and it will be a while before it all gets delivered. So, if you posted something and it didn't come through, be a little

CSOutage should be over...

2006-12-01 Thread M. G. Devour
Dear Friends, Eskimo's system appears to be working normally again. It appears that no mail into the system was bounced, but some mail that was queued may have been lost. Since we haven't seen a glut of backed up mail come in, it's likely that's the case. I suggest you re-post your most

Re: CSOutage should be over...

2006-12-01 Thread M. G. Devour
Okay, this is strange. Can anybody hear me? Can you respond? If the list server's not responding, try direct to me. It being so quiet, I wonder if there's still a problem for the server receiving mail. Thank you. Mike D. [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian] [

Re: CSEarth grounding your body

2006-12-01 Thread M. G. Devour
Boy, that reminds me of the Crock device. Has anybody tried sleeping on a grounded surface? Be well, Mike D. I stumbled across this last night. Theres 2 audio interviews on this site you can listen to. Heres some of the stuff its suppose to

Re: CSRosacea

2006-11-30 Thread M. G. Devour
D. - Original Message - From: M. G. Devour To: Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2006 11:17 AM Subject: Re: CSRosacea Steve Y. writes: I had it also. I tried pads soaked in CS on my face, and it helped only a little. As a result

CSWhat is EIS? (for Barb)

2006-11-30 Thread M. G. Devour
Welcome Barb! Thank you for asking. EIS stands for Electrically Isolated Silver, a term that was originated by a member of the group some time in the last few years in an attempt to distinguish what we here *mean* when we talk about CS. The term colloidal silver is so generic at this point

Re: CSRosacea

2006-11-29 Thread M. G. Devour
Steve Y. writes: I had it also. I tried pads soaked in CS on my face, and it helped only a little. As a result of a visit to a dermatologist, it went into remission as I took small doses of a prescribed, inexpensive antibiotic. I was able to taper the doses down each week, and eventually

Re: CSTongue cancer

2006-11-28 Thread M. G. Devour
Thanks Terry, Dave and Faithfrancis, I already started my friend on the tongue soaking with CS and after only 1day there is a noticeable improvement. It seems to be disappearing. That is in encouraging, Paula. ... How much should I mix with the CS, 10 or 20 percent? I'm curious what

Re: CSsiver and cancer

2006-11-25 Thread M. G. Devour
Dear Tim, I just opened the page: Try again. It may open for you now as well. If not, e-mail me privately and I can cut and paste the text and send it to you. Be well, Mike D. I got your up-date where they were talking about

Re: CSRe: Re: CSCS generator

2006-11-24 Thread M. G. Devour
In this discussion of terminology, please remember that the original poster was yet another member from the UK, where distilled water is *NOT* readily available as it is here. Rather, our previous experience is that their nearest equivalent is called by a different name and only available (at

Re: CSMink rancher

2006-11-18 Thread M. G. Devour
Dear Terry, I have to figure out how to measure the approximate ppm of silver he is brewing. The key word here is 'approximate!' Weight of silver before minus weight of silver after, divided by total gallons made. Close enough! Or use the Faraday calculator and get an ammeter in line with


2006-11-18 Thread M. G. Devour
Notes to follow in reply... Mike D. attachment: FLOWTHRUCHAMBER.gif


2006-11-18 Thread M. G. Devour
Notes to follow in reply... Mike D. attachment: FLOWTHRUCHAMBER.gif


2006-11-18 Thread M. G. Devour
Notes to follow in reply... attachment: FLOWTHRUCHAMBER.gif

Re: CS Silver injector sketch notes

2006-11-18 Thread M. G. Devour
Well, it looks like the list server is *NOT* going to allow me to have a Subject line on that e-mail... Sorry for the duplicates. For anybody reading this other than Terry, keep in mind: This design is intended for use with ANIMALS, not human beings, using just tap water, to make a low quality

Re: CS Silver injector sketch notes

2006-11-18 Thread M. G. Devour
Adding a couple of comments... To add a window, you might replace the cap with a piece of 1/4 plexiglas acrylic sheet. It will bond with PVC cement just fine, I believe. To make it more secure, use a coupling for joining two pieces of pipe and cut the window to fit in the open socket, instead

Re: CS Silver injector sketch notes

2006-11-18 Thread M. G. Devour
Adding a couple of comments... To add a window, you might replace the cap with a piece of 1/4 plexiglas acrylic sheet. It will bond with PVC cement just fine, I believe. To make it more secure, use a coupling for joining two pieces of pipe and cut the window to fit in the open socket,

Re: CS Silver injector sketch notes

2006-11-18 Thread M. G. Devour
Hi Wayne, I think I've got you slightly confused, which is understandable the way the topic has wandered among several threads. My design is for a flow-through device, but it's set up for the water the rancher uses for mixing the daily feed mash, not the distributed watering system. Terry

Re: CSMink rancher

2006-11-18 Thread M. G. Devour
Wayne writes: I would think, the higher the stream velocity, the higher your voltage needs to be. ... I think we will be amazed at the velocity of the stream. Which is why it might be a good idea to build your chamber out of a large diameter piece of pipe with reducing fittings at each end,

Re: CSMink rancher

2006-11-16 Thread M. G. Devour
LOL Have you read my post on this? It looks like we've just checked each other's math, Dan! I didn't calculate the current. Glad it's in a reasonable range. 1 gallon = 3.78 litres 10 gallons = 37.8 litres = 37800 ml 6000 milliamps = 6 amps 1 minute So, you would need 6 amps current to

CSOT posting asking for input...

2006-11-16 Thread M. G. Devour
Hi folks, I just posted to the OT list asking some questions about heat lamps for sauna use and aluminum metal for reflectors in the IR range. If you're subscribed over there, please read and respond as you see fit. If you're not on the OT list and you think you may be able to help, send me a

RE: CSMink rancher

2006-11-16 Thread M. G. Devour
Dear Dan, You write: I noticed you added a factor for electrode waste. I don't think that is really necessary since with that kind of water flow all silver should go into the water, and since it is to be mixed with food who knows what sort of chemistry it will have - ions or particles, who

Re: CSsinusitis

2006-11-16 Thread M. G. Devour
The web site doesn't give a lot of details about it, but it's not exhorbitantly expensive compared to some things out there. Some sort of sonic transducer swept from low to ultrasonic frequencies. Also might be some pulsed IR LED features on some of their models.

Re: CSMink rancher

2006-11-15 Thread M. G. Devour
Hi Terry, I suppose if the water tested at 15 ppm before the unit was turned on, then read 20 ppm after going through my setup, that would mean the extra 5 ppm was added silver. ?? It's a lot likelier to start at something like 347ppm and come out at 362ppm, Terry! Unless the dude is using

Re: CSMink ranch CS

2006-11-14 Thread M. G. Devour
Hi Terry, One obvious economy is to use 1 oz coins or ingots rather than wire. They're available all over the place. You'd have to work out some kind of connector or holder that would only allow silver to get into the water. For animal consumption, I'd imagine that doing it in tap water or

RE: CSSilver electrodes

2006-11-07 Thread M. G. Devour
Carlos writes: I got a Swiss Certified 99.9 Fine Silver 250 gram ingot, and I want to have it melted and laminated into 8, 10 and 12 gauge (3.264, 2.588 and 2.053 mm ø) but I have to make I find a jeweler that can do this without contaminating the silver with other metals (mostly gold alloys)

RE: CSSilver electrodes

2006-11-07 Thread M. G. Devour
Oh Lordy! I realize now why that's so funny... 250 g... that's something like 8 ounces, 1/2 pound... You're quite right. That is *MUCH* bigger than I was visualizing. LOL Okay, you *may* want to have it re-cast, or maybe just rolled into a slab or sheet? A rolling mill might be easier to

RE: CSSilver electrodes

2006-11-07 Thread M. G. Devour
I wrote: What are the approximate dimensions of this large ingot? Oops! Never mind. I see you answered this already! Mike D. [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian] [] [Speaking only for myself... ] -- The Silver List is a moderated

Re: CSLow current generator.

2006-11-01 Thread M. G. Devour
I believe I did this last time for you, Steve! grin I've re-attached the smaller version of the file I created to allow it to go through the list size limit filter. It's the same resolution as the jpeg you sent (at 50k), but, because it's only a black and white graphic, it's just as detailed in

CS[List Owner] Second notice!

2006-10-31 Thread M. G. Devour
Are you all about settled on the Urine Therapy subject? I hope so, 'cause I'd like to see it tapering off now, please. And, again, the Off Topic List is highly available if you're interested in further discussing the subject. UT on OT? grin Thank you, all. Mike Devour silver-list owner [Mike

CS[List Owner]Urine thereapy and related topics...

2006-10-30 Thread M. G. Devour
Hi gang! Thank you for handling the present discussion so well, folks. It seems to be a recurring topic anywhere we of the fringe gather. grin It *is* a well established and proven modality regardless of *our* conditioning. Some of the points made in the articles that were posted make for an

Re: CSCodex Alimentarius

2006-10-24 Thread M. G. Devour
Dear Mark, Please calm down. Some of what you've said seems to contradict the thrust of the various quotes you've posted, so I'm not sure I know what you're trying to say. I think answering Craig Chamberlain's questions would help us all understand what you mean. Hello, virtually

CSCystic fibrosis

2006-10-19 Thread M. G. Devour
Mining my archive for some tips for you... Mike D. --- Forwarded message follows --- Date forwarded: Fri, 9 Oct 1998 13:22:24 -0700 Date sent: Fri, 09 Oct 1998 13:23:20 -0700 From: Ni Orsi Send reply to:


2006-10-19 Thread M. G. Devour
More on CF, from a past member and dear friend of the group, Dameon Likowski. We knew him for less than a year, but he taught us a lot. Mike D. --- Forwarded message follows --- Date forwarded: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 03:48:11 -0700 (PDT) From:


2006-10-19 Thread M. G. Devour
Lengthy post, but gives most of the things Dameon had figured out by the time we knew him. Someone needs to post something about the composition of WaterOZ. There have been problems with argyria in users of that product, so finding an alternative would be worthwhile, especially if the patient

CSA caution as well, re: CF and silver

2006-10-19 Thread M. G. Devour
To: Copies to: M. G. Devour Forwarded by: Subject:CSDAMEON UPDATE -- 10/9/98 Hello Silverados - Well, it's been yet another near-death roller coaster ride! This time was THE worst ever

Re: CSPower Source for LED Strings

2006-10-18 Thread M. G. Devour
Hi Wayne, You series as many LED's as required to drop the voltage from the supply. If you need more LED's than in one string, parallel more strings... The regulator keeps brightness constant anywhere above 8 or 9 volts (low battery condition) and protects the LED's from overvoltage during

CSTopical use...

2006-10-18 Thread M. G. Devour
Dear George, c/s , generating faster than i can use,, having fun, with a serious product,,, Glad you're having fun! smile can c/s be used externally,, for fifty -ish, ailments,, sore shoulders, maybe some slight arthritic pain.. normal aches and pains... thanks to all from the newbie,

Re: CSDiodes with 3 leads ( Question and Use )

2006-10-17 Thread M. G. Devour
Thanks Dan, Marshall, I want to build a couple of LED navigation lights for my sailboat, each of which may require more than one series string of LED's to cover the arc uniformly, thus my need for 20, 40, or 80 ma, depending... Depending on the voltage drop of the LED's used, 3 or 4 per string

Re: CSRe: CS OT lists - 16 Oct

2006-10-17 Thread M. G. Devour
You should be on both lists, ma'am. There've been about a dozen postings just in the last day or so. If you haven't gotten them you might want to check out your junk mail folder and your spam filters, if juno has such facilities. Let me know if you need any additional help. I'm always

RE: CSDiodes with 3 leads ( Question and Use )

2006-10-16 Thread M. G. Devour
So, to drag the discussion a little OT, is there an easy tutorial or design article about this FET current regulator somewhere? How do you set the current level? I need to prototype a 20/40/80 etc ma regulator to drive some LED's for another project. :) Mike D. Didn't you guys read my

Re: CSDiodes with 3 leads ( Question and Use )

2006-10-15 Thread M. G. Devour
Guys, it's not that complicated! Max ordered surface mount componenets by mistake when he was trying to buy the familiar 2 terminal current regulating diodes in the standard package that we've talked about here many times over the last several years... For some stupid reason these surface

Re: CSsoldering, esp small parts

2006-10-14 Thread M. G. Devour
Hi Max, I think you've set yourself at a bit of a disadvantage without realizing it. The easier way to go would have been to buy diodes with leads rather than surface mount. You may want to return them (if the vendor allows that) or write them off and order some with leads. I've never done

Re: CSX-RAY....radiation ... and CS

2006-10-14 Thread M. G. Devour
Dear Gertrude, You write: I think people get so much radiation and scans more than the bom on many can one person get and stay alive? I believe the MRI is relatively safe. Magnetic pulses have been found to be helpful for some things. The CT scan, however, uses a LOT of

Re: CSFreedom to Fascism movie online

2006-10-12 Thread M. G. Devour
Yo, TJ, wrong list!! OT please... Mike D. Go to-- See the entire movie free Enjoy -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

Re: CSHow to make the best CS?

2006-10-11 Thread M. G. Devour
Dear George, There are several processes that go on at once here. The technically adept are always probing and questioning what we know. When they figure out something new, they and others translate it into terms the rest of us can understand so we can test it and report the results for


2006-10-07 Thread M. G. Devour
Steve, since you sent this to silver-list-request, I assume it was your intention to send it along to the entire list. I converted the attached JPEG to a black and white .gif, which is small enough to sneak under the message size limit. Thanks! Mike D. --- Forwarded message follows

Re: CSSilver and a goat

2006-10-04 Thread M. G. Devour
The first question is: Are goats ruminants? If therepeutic doses of CS would disrupt their gut function, it could be traumatic and make matters worse. Is there the equivalent to probiotics for goats? Also, there is the Silver Pets list over at Yahoo. They are likelier to have someone with

CSFor our Comcast sufferers... and anybody else!

2006-09-29 Thread M. G. Devour
Hi everybody! I thought that our members who are saddled with service, which is still blocking mail from Eskimo's mailing list server, might want to know that Eskimo is having a sale right now. If you've got net access via cable or DSL through another provider, then the minimum

Re: CSDegaussing my head help Galvanic Mouth??

2006-09-27 Thread M. G. Devour
Dear Al, The only thing I can think to suggest is to contact the Huggins clinic people in colorado springs and describe your situation, explain your finances and ask them what they suggest. Maybe your case will be bizarre enough in its own right to engage their curiosity. At least you'll know

CSRE: CSRE: CSIonic Silver âEThe Powerful Defense Against Viruses And Other Microbes

2006-09-26 Thread M. G. Devour
You shouldn't suppress your emotions like that, Nathan! It's bad for your heart! You gotta let us know how you *really* feel! GRIN Thank you, sir! Peace, Mike D. yeah but dont get me wrong i am very happy in general its just (oh no im getting started again) the hypocrisy that oozes from

Re: CSIonic Silver XEThe Powerful Defense Against Viruses And Other Microbes

2006-09-26 Thread M. G. Devour
Thank you, Rowena. That's a comforting message for us as a community, and a fine example of strategy as well. Be well, Mike D. Indeed, this is the place to speak up. Thanks to the people on this group who have reported and exposed the salesmen who rubbish CS in order to sell their product

Re: CSIonic Silver XEThe Powerful Defense Against Viruses And Other Microbes

2006-09-26 Thread M. G. Devour
Well said, Carlos. Thank you. Mike D. You wrote: We are only victims of our own ignorance. The moment we start using our intelligence and capacity to investigate and come to our own conclusions, instead of blindly obeying what we are ordered to do, things start to drastically change. We have

CSRe: CSIonic Silver – The Powerful Defense Against Viruses And Other Microbes

2006-09-25 Thread M. G. Devour
Appears that the invision people managed to get a sympathetic article published on a metals investment site. gave us: They have a section in their forums on health applications of silver. If it plants the idea in a few more

Re: CSRe: macular degeneration ??s

2006-09-23 Thread M. G. Devour
Dear George, I bet you sent this back to the list by mistake! grin I understand your feelings, really. Lots of BS out there. Everything from mystical to lunatic... to incredibly powerful and useful. And nobody but ourselves to figure out which is which. sigh Some of it works, and it's our job

CSSorry, testing

2006-09-21 Thread M. G. Devour
Testing... [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian] [] [Speaking only for myself... ] -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To

Re: CSSilverfacts

2006-09-21 Thread M. G. Devour
There's a marketing spin to some of it, but a decent presentation of many points. Obviously offers Invision's product as an archtype and discourages home-made preparations, just for two examples of bias. Their dosing recommendation is very conservative. Using their rule of thumb, I'd want to

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