[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread Michael
You're welcome - it was a real pleasure to listen to that intently.

I actually got the recording from a colleague-  you might be interested in his 
as well:

I trust you received the audio file...

Please let me know when you think a transcription can be completed; Maharishi's 
should be disseminated by us as widely as possible in print. Also, it will be 
fine for the 
audio file to be distributed as widely as Initiators feel appropriate.  It is 
important that 
Maharishi's own teaching about body-death in enlightenment is not reduced to a 
`death-dependent-heaven' concept.  Maharishi taught that that concept was based 
ignorance.  His teaching is "Heaven on Earth"- not "die-and-go-to-heaven". 

As one can see from the comments posted  on the "Maharishi Open 
Channel" website (my copy below), the hopeful successors of Maharishi, within 
mere hours 
of His body-death, already have begun to misrepresent what Maharishi taught 
body-death in enlightenment.

(From the "Maharishi Open University/Maharishi Channel" website, 5 
"Heaven is applauding and welcoming His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
A special message by
His Majesty Maharaja Nader Raam
Announcing the departure
Of our most eternally beloved
His Holiness
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi to heaven.
The special broadcast
Including the message, Guru Puja and chanting
Will continue repeatedly until further notice.
Jai Guru Dev" 

Ironically, in the recording of Maharishi's comments that I have distributed to 
you today, 
when asked specifically about death after cosmic consciousness, His opening 
about an enlightened person is, "He doesn't go..."

It is such an unfortunate misunderstanding of Maharishi's teaching that 
H.M.Tony Nader 
asserts Maharishi's "departure...to heaven...", that H.M. has 
Let us hope that H.M. recovers some memory of Maharishi's teaching during his 
broadcast', and that confusing ideas about "Maharishi departing to heaven" do 
not gain 

Their lack of understanding of where (and what) Maharishi actually is has 
thrown our 
colleagues into grief; I know they mean well.

That notwithstanding, we cannot take responsibility for ignorance, and I feel 
it incumbent 
on me today to remind the world of Maharishi's own teaching about what happened 
to Him 
today.  As Maharishi states in the recording, "...nothing new happens... no new 
no new experience.  The continuity of unbounded heaven-consciousness is 
untouched by 
body death; the omnipresent consciousness cannot go anywhere- it is already 
Help me spread the proper thinking.

Love and Jai Guru Deva

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well I see putting the tapes online did some good!
> Thanks whoever took the time to do that service.
> On Feb 7, 2008, at 5:26 PM, Rick Archer wrote:
> >
> > A recorded lecture by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
> >
> > August 1970, Humboldt State College, California
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Student:  Today in our discussion group we were discussing levels of  
> > consciousness and this rose (sic) a couple of questions.  The first  
> > one is, at what level of consciousness is it unnecessary for an  
> > individual to incarnate again.
> >
> >
> >
> > Maharishi Mahesh Yogi:  At the level of consciousness where the  
> > development of the self is full. And that is…
> >
> > (...)
> >
> >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread boyboy_8
I can recall watching that lecture as if it was yesterday.  Saw it many 
times.   Gives me the shivers now to re-read those words.



[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread BillyG.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A recorded lecture by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
> August 1970, Humboldt State College, California
> Student:  Today in our discussion group we were discussing levels of
> consciousness and this rose (sic) a couple of questions.  The first
>one is,
> at what level of consciousness is it unnecessary for an individual >to
> incarnate again.
snip for brevity...

That's nice theory and nicely put, but it hardly *fully* addresses the
issue, remember, even Christ Re-incarnated as an avatara, what the
hell do you think an avatar is anyway: 

Once again MMY doesn't answer the question regarding Kundalini and
Chakras, which the student was eager to hear, MMY was merely testy
with him in the end.

So, once again, where's the beef!! If MMY had merely said, yes he can
Re-incarnate IF it's the will of God, but since all of *his* desires
are 'roasted' there is no possibility for *him* to come back, he would
have done justice to the question, IMO.

>From Wiki below:

"In Hindu philosophy, an avatar (also spelled as avatara) (Sanskrit:
अवतार, avatāra), most commonly refers to the 
incarnation (bodily
manifestation) of a divine being (deva), or the Supreme Being (God)
onto planet Earth. The Sanskrit word avatāra- literally means
"descent" (avatarati) and usually implies a deliberate descent into
lower realms of existence for special purposes."

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread matrixmonitor
--Thanks, excellent!  These teachings differ from Buddhism. Various 
Lamas, Rinpoches, and other Buddhist Teachers state that after the 
big "E" (and then physical death); such persons are free to do as 
they please as far as "going" someplace is concerned: perhaps in a 
myriad of times and places with transformation bodies.  Or,not. 
In any event, the "entity" (body) is not locked into a nihilistic 
fate as MMY seems to suggest.  Also, I don't believe he adequately 
answered the question.
 The querant was asking about the existence of a relative body, not 
whether it "goes" anyplace.  If such a relative body or bodies exist 
after E, (as indicated by the Dalai Lama), there are many further 
opportunities in regard to helping entities on the Path.
 The existence of a relative body after E doesn't imply that 
the "person" is in a lesser state of evolution than "one" who simply 
is Cosmic and has no relative body for the purpose of helping others.
Basically, MMY is parrotting the teachings of Shankara on the subject.
Buddhism is more inclusive of "infinite possibilities".

- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A recorded lecture by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
> August 1970, Humboldt State College, California
> Student:  Today in our discussion group we were discussing levels of
> consciousness and this rose (sic) a couple of questions.  The first 
one is,
> at what level of consciousness is it unnecessary for an individual 
> incarnate again.
> Maharishi Mahesh Yogi:  At the level of consciousness where the 
> of the self is full. And that is…
> S: (interrupting) Is this Cosmic Consciousness then?
> MMY:  Right.
> S:  I see.  And at this point if the person leaves the body or dies 
if you
> want to call it that and goes on to wherever he goes, does he have 
> individuality?  And if he does can he incarnate again?
> MMY: He doesn't go.
> S: I don't understand.
> MMY:  Cosmic Consciousness is a state where the small `s' has 
become big
> `S'.  Self.  And Self - big `S' Self – means unboundedness.  
> Eternity.  When the status of the individual has expanded to 
> that is his status and that is he.  Hmm?  When the status is 
unbounded, he
> is beyond time and space.  He's all over.  Once he is all over, 
where he can
> go?  Hmm?
> S:  He's individual, but yet he's unbounded everywhere?
> MMY:  This is what the small self becoming big Self means.  In our
> meditation that unbounded awareness, that awareness, it has already 
> to eternity, to infinity.  Infinite is the boundary of the 
> consciousness, huh?  On the level of consciousness.  On the level 
of the
> body he is so many feet long and so many feet wide.  Individual.  
But his
> awareness is so much unbounded.  When the individual is so much 
> and the body ceases to function, then what will happen to that 
> awareness?  Nothing can happen to It.  Hmm?  That It is `I' 
capital.  It.
> Unboundedness.  And therefore, it doesn't leave the body and 
doesn't go
> anywhere, because being everywhere it cannot leave a place and go 
to another
> place.  It cannot leave one time, go to other time.  So the 
unboundedness is
> free from the boundaries of time and space.  And that is why a man 
> Cosmic Consciousness does not go somewhere.  His body goes from 
> state to unmanifested state.  The body goes, he doesn't go.
> S:  Thank you.  Could you speak a little bit on chakras and 
> MMY: (interrupting)  Now, now, now, now, now.  I'll speak more on 
> hmmm?  To make it little bit more clear.  What is happening…  (a 
> enters the lecture hall) Oh, come on.  The poets enter the room 
now.  Come
> on, come on.  I am having a poetic flight.  (laughter)
> Now how does CC grow?  How does one grow in CC?  We have known it 
is the
> growth of the nervous system.  Growth means transformation.  
Purification of
> the nervous system.  Modification of the nervous system.  Due to 
which that
> pure consciousness becomes permanent.  One example will clarify this
> situation.  Green water in a glass, green water in a glass.  Now 
the sun is
> shining everywhere and the glass is in the sun.  The reflection is 
> This is like the small `s' self- when the nervous system is not 
purified, it
> is green.  The water is green, it's not very clear.  Nervous system 
> clouded with all kinds of impurities.  Now that green water has 
> reflection.  The sun, sun shining evenly everywhere is not green.  
> neither green nor red or no colour.  It's colourless.  If we modify 
> green water being modified, green becoming less and less, hmm?  
That means
> the reflector of the sun is being modified, resulting in the 
modification of
> the reflection.  The water

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Maharishi's answer doesn't clearly account for, as an example,
Satyanand's stated experience of hearing Guru Dev's voice *after* Guru
Dev's body had ceased to function. Nor does it account for my own
current experiences of Guru Dev, visually and telepathically. [Unless
of course, one claims that Guru Dev hadn't attained Cosmic Consciousness.]

Interestingly, I remember that exchange at Humboldt, as I waited on
every word. And I shared the frustration I sensed in the person that
asked that question as Maharishi did not clarify it satisfactorily.

> A recorded lecture by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
> August 1970, Humboldt State College, California
> Student:  Today in our discussion group we were discussing levels of
> consciousness and this rose (sic) a couple of questions.  The first
one is,
> at what level of consciousness is it unnecessary for an individual to
> incarnate again.
> Maharishi Mahesh Yogi:  At the level of consciousness where the
> of the self is full. And that is…
> S: (interrupting) Is this Cosmic Consciousness then?
> MMY:  Right.
> S:  I see.  And at this point if the person leaves the body or dies
if you
> want to call it that and goes on to wherever he goes, does he have his
> individuality?  And if he does can he incarnate again?
> MMY: He doesn't go.
> S: I don't understand.
> MMY:  Cosmic Consciousness is a state where the small `s' has become big
> `S'.  Self.  And Self - big `S' Self – means unboundedness. 
> Eternity.  When the status of the individual has expanded to
> that is his status and that is he.  Hmm?  When the status is
unbounded, he
> is beyond time and space.  He's all over.  Once he is all over,
where he can
> go?  Hmm?
> S:  He's individual, but yet he's unbounded everywhere?
> MMY:  This is what the small self becoming big Self means.  In our
> meditation that unbounded awareness, that awareness, it has already
> to eternity, to infinity.  Infinite is the boundary of the individual
> consciousness, huh?  On the level of consciousness.  On the level of the
> body he is so many feet long and so many feet wide.  Individual. 
But his
> awareness is so much unbounded.  When the individual is so much
> and the body ceases to function, then what will happen to that unbounded
> awareness?  Nothing can happen to It.  Hmm?  That It is `I' capital.
> Unboundedness.  And therefore, it doesn't leave the body and doesn't go
> anywhere, because being everywhere it cannot leave a place and go to
> place.  It cannot leave one time, go to other time.  So the
unboundedness is
> free from the boundaries of time and space.  And that is why a man
> Cosmic Consciousness does not go somewhere.  His body goes from
> state to unmanifested state.  The body goes, he doesn't go.
> S:  Thank you.  Could you speak a little bit on chakras and kundalini?
> MMY: (interrupting)  Now, now, now, now, now.  I'll speak more on this,
> hmmm?  To make it little bit more clear.  What is happening…  (a group
> enters the lecture hall) Oh, come on.  The poets enter the room now.
> on, come on.  I am having a poetic flight.  (laughter)
> Now how does CC grow?  How does one grow in CC?  We have known it is the
> growth of the nervous system.  Growth means transformation. 
Purification of
> the nervous system.  Modification of the nervous system.  Due to
which that
> pure consciousness becomes permanent.  One example will clarify this
> situation.  Green water in a glass, green water in a glass.  Now the
sun is
> shining everywhere and the glass is in the sun.  The reflection is
> This is like the small `s' self- when the nervous system is not
purified, it
> is green.  The water is green, it's not very clear.  Nervous system is
> clouded with all kinds of impurities.  Now that green water has green
> reflection.  The sun, sun shining evenly everywhere is not green.  It's
> neither green nor red or no colour.  It's colourless.  If we modify
> green water being modified, green becoming less and less, hmm?  That
> the reflector of the sun is being modified, resulting in the
modification of
> the reflection.  The water becoming less and less green, the
reflection is
> becoming less and less green.  Less and less green means more and more
> towards the nature of the sun.  Less and less green reflection means
> and more becoming like the sun.  At a point, at one particular
moment, the
> water is no more green.  Completely pure.  
> Still, the water could continue to be modified.  This modification could
> continue `til the reflection has gained the quality of the sun
around it.
> The reflection has become the omnipresent sun.  It has gained the
quality of
> the sun aroun

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "matrixmonitor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --Thanks, excellent!  These teachings differ from Buddhism. Various 
> Lamas, Rinpoches, and other Buddhist Teachers state that after the 
> big "E" (and then physical death); such persons are free to do as 
> they please as far as "going" someplace is concerned: perhaps in a 
> myriad of times and places with transformation bodies.  Or,not. 
> In any event, the "entity" (body) is not locked into a nihilistic 
> fate as MMY seems to suggest.  Also, I don't believe he adequately 
> answered the question.

Who returns? Who pleases? and... who they?

'Nuff said.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread BillyG.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 7, 2008, at 6:29 PM, BillyG. wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> > >
> > > A recorded lecture by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
> > >
> > > August 1970, Humboldt State College, California
> >
> > > Student: Today in our discussion group we were discussing levels >of
> > > consciousness and this rose (sic) a couple of questions. The >first
> > >one is,
> > > at what level of consciousness is it unnecessary for an
> > >to
> > > incarnate again.
> > >
> > snip for brevity...
> >
> > That's nice theory and nicely put, but it hardly *fully* addresses
> > issue, remember, even Christ Re-incarnated as an avatara, what the
> > hell do you think an avatar is anyway:
> >
> > Once again MMY doesn't answer the question regarding Kundalini and
> > Chakras, which the student was eager to hear, MMY was merely testy
> > with him in the end.
> Maybe he really wasn't a yogi. Is that a possibility here?

Yes!  I think MMY had a Messiah complex and wanted to save the world
from itself,(not a bad idea) but was only able to muster a few dozen
'cling ons' to further his 'dreams'.  Had he stayed with his original
principles like, "for the forest to be green, etc...", he may have
accomplished more

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "matrixmonitor"
> >
> > --Thanks, excellent!  These teachings differ from Buddhism. Various 
> > Lamas, Rinpoches, and other Buddhist Teachers state that after the 
> > big "E" (and then physical death); such persons are free to do as 
> > they please as far as "going" someplace is concerned: perhaps in a 
> > myriad of times and places with transformation bodies.  Or,not. 
> > In any event, the "entity" (body) is not locked into a nihilistic 
> > fate as MMY seems to suggest.  Also, I don't believe he adequately 
> > answered the question.
> Who returns? Who pleases? and... who they?
> 'Nuff said.

Lawson, how do you account for, as an example, Satyanand's stated
experience of hearing Guru Dev's voice *after* Guru Dev's body had
ceased to function?

GURU DEV'S NIRVANA - Satyanand at Guru Dev's parting

Rishikesh, India

Brahmachari 'Swami' Satyanand speaking c 1967 about Guru Dev's 'nirvana':

When in 1953 Guru Dev left this mortal frame and attained nirvana I
was at Benares, another place of pilgrimage for Hindus, and at that
moment I was staying in the ashram of Guru Dev. Everybody knew that I
am very attached to Guru Dev and devoted to Guru Dev, and then news
came to Benares that Guru Dev has attained nirvana.

I was sitting somewhere with a group of my friends and the news was
relayed there. When my friends heard that Guru Dev was no more they
were very anxious about me and when they conveyed that news, they were
rather alert to appraise whatever reaction is and what happened, I
simply, when I heard that news I became very sad, very sorry and I
just kept my head on the table before me. And all of them were very
anxious what will become of me.

But soon after, while I was very morose, sorrow, sad, entire world was
empty for me and I did not understand what to do without Guru Dev,
just a half a minute or two seconds after, a flash came and it
appeared to me that Guru Dev was scolding me;

"What a fool you are! You have been with me for all these many months
and years, and you heard my discourses too. Is it a moment of feeling
sorry? Why should you be sorry today? And you think that I am gone,
where am I gone? Till now whenever you wanted to meet me, you had,
you had to come to the place where I was, and today when I have
attained nirvana, I am everywhere, I am omnipresent. Where have I
gone? Very foolish for you to mourn on this occasion. I am with you,
here, there, everywhere. Why should you be sorry?"

And the moment this flash came, my face became very brilliant, I
became very cheerful. And when I raised my head, my friends who were
standing there, very anxious and held in suspense, they were upset to
see my brilliant and cheerful face. And then they said, "What has
happened to you?" I said, "No you can't understand, nothing has
happened to me, I am alright, now let me go back to the ashram and
make the necessary arrangements."

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:

> > Maybe he really wasn't a yogi. Is that a possibility here?
> Yes!

Be interesting to hear a definition of "yogi"
from both of you.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 7, 2008, at 6:53 PM, BillyG. wrote:
> > Yes! I think MMY had a Messiah complex and wanted to save the
> > world from itself,(not a bad idea) but was only able to muster
> > a few dozen 'cling ons' to further his 'dreams'. Had he stayed
> > with his original principles like, "for the forest to be green,
> > etc...", he may have accomplished more
> I've spoken to a number of psychologist and psychiatrist
> friends on this one.
> Most point to "Narcissistic Personality Disorder"


[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread BillyG.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG."  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > > Maybe he really wasn't a yogi. Is that a possibility here?
> > 
> > Yes!
> Be interesting to hear a definition of "yogi"
> from both of you.

Yes MMY was a Yogi, like you or I can be a Yogi or in your case a
Yogini, but the context vaj was using it in suggested to me he meant a
'Yogi' who had achieved 'Yoga', or Union, yes MMY was a Yogi, hopes
this clears it up for you...:-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 7, 2008, at 6:38 PM, do.rflex wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> > Maharishi's answer doesn't clearly account for, as an example,
> > Satyanand's stated experience of hearing Guru Dev's voice *after* Guru
> > Dev's body had ceased to function. Nor does it account for my own
> > current experiences of Guru Dev, visually and telepathically. [Unless
> > of course, one claims that Guru Dev hadn't attained Cosmic  
> > Consciousness.]
> >
> > Interestingly, I remember that exchange at Humboldt, as I waited on
> > every word. And I shared the frustration I sensed in the person that
> > asked that question as Maharishi did not clarify it satisfactorily.


> Regarding early TMO pundits and "teachers": 'they certainly weren't no  
> Acharyas'. :-)

Brahmachari Satyanand, whom I referred to, had spent many years with
Guru Dev as a disciple. After Guru Dev's 'death' he later went on to
assist Maharishi spreading Transcendental Meditation, as I understand
it, until he died himself. I attended a course he conducted at Lake
Arrowhead in the early 70s and spoke with him individually and
privately at least three times, one of which was to receive an
advanced technique. I say this mainly to indicate that Satyanand was
directly involved with Guru Dev and Maharishi both.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 7, 2008, at 7:26 PM, do.rflex wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > On Feb 7, 2008, at 6:38 PM, do.rflex wrote:
> > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Maharishi's answer doesn't clearly account for, as an example,
> > > > Satyanand's stated experience of hearing Guru Dev's voice  
> > *after* Guru
> > > > Dev's body had ceased to function. Nor does it account for my own
> > > > current experiences of Guru Dev, visually and telepathically.  
> > [Unless
> > > > of course, one claims that Guru Dev hadn't attained Cosmic
> > > > Consciousness.]
> > > >
> > > > Interestingly, I remember that exchange at Humboldt, as I waited  
> > on
> > > > every word. And I shared the frustration I sensed in the person  
> > that
> > > > asked that question as Maharishi did not clarify it  
> > satisfactorily.
> >
> > [snip]
> >
> > > Regarding early TMO pundits and "teachers": 'they certainly  
> > weren't no
> > > Acharyas'. :-)
> >
> > Brahmachari Satyanand, whom I referred to, had spent many years with
> > Guru Dev as a disciple. After Guru Dev's 'death' he later went on to
> > assist Maharishi spreading Transcendental Meditation, as I understand
> > it, until he died himself. I attended a course he conducted at Lake
> > Arrowhead in the early 70s and spoke with him individually and
> > privately at least three times, one of which was to receive an
> > advanced technique. I say this mainly to indicate that Satyanand was
> > directly involved with Guru Dev and Maharishi both.
> IME it's not a guarantee that these people are completely and  
> holistically trained in these sciences. I really, honestly, see most  
> of them as naive.

Fact is, you haven't seen Guru Dev or Brahmachari Satyanand at all.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 7, 2008, at 7:12 PM, authfriend wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:

> > > I've spoken to a number of psychologist and psychiatrist
> > > friends on this one.
> > >
> > > Most point to "Narcissistic Personality Disorder"
> >
> > ROTFL!!
> Judy, do tell!
> What was your DSM IV guess???

I don't make DSM-IV guesses. Neither do responsible
psychologists or psychiatrists make them about people
they haven't at least interacted with.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread sandiego108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 7, 2008, at 7:11 PM, authfriend wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG."  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > 
> > > > Maybe he really wasn't a yogi. Is that a possibility here?
> > >
> > > Yes!
> >
> > Be interesting to hear a definition of "yogi"
> > from both of you.
> "CC" type attainment as a minimum--the slightly dualistic  
> turiyatita--"beyond the forth" being what I'd refer to in a TM-
> context.
> But there are non-dual and other yogis as well, so it is good to  
> specify what "style" of yogi you mean when you make some sort of  
> declaration. It's not a monolithic thing. I'm always glad to 
> if people are sensitive enough to even ask.
> Most aren't.
and those that know the truth about this sort of thing aren't 
either. Go home pretender. This notion that you have of their being 
a never ending path of signs and symbols and sciences and levels of 
accomplishment is all designed to mollify the fear of complete 
dissolution, of your own death. Nothing more. 

All who talk in these terms seek to keep those listening in bondage, 
keep them seeking outward for what is each of our spontaneous and 
wholly owned birthright, that of eternal freedom. Some of the 
trappings of these rituals of Maya are beautiful, but that doesn't 
make them liberating. 

There are just two kinds of existence, 1) bound and segregated, and 
2) free and integrated. To make a fundamentalist science as you do 
of all of these gradations and other things keeps the mind busy so 
that it can believe in something other than its own naturally 
available annihilation. Just more fear and idiocy dancing with Maya.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 7, 2008, at 8:04 PM, authfriend wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > On Feb 7, 2008, at 7:12 PM, authfriend wrote:
> > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > 
> > > > > I've spoken to a number of psychologist and psychiatrist
> > > > > friends on this one.
> > > > >
> > > > > Most point to "Narcissistic Personality Disorder"
> > > >
> > > > ROTFL!!
> > >
> > > Judy, do tell!
> > >
> > > What was your DSM IV guess???
> >
> > I don't make DSM-IV guesses. Neither do responsible
> > psychologists or psychiatrists make them about people
> > they haven't at least interacted with.
> For deceased persons?
> Yes they do.

And you've spoken to all these psychologist
and psychiatrist friends to get their diagnosis
of MMY just since Tuesday afternoon, right?

> Keep in mind, death (irregardless of whether or not it's seen as  
> significant) is like a final stamp on a bank account or 
> administrators account. The "stamp" has fallen. Based on the 
> evidence between Mahesh Srivistava Varma's creation and death we 
> can (and will) look at evidence for a certain personality type
> (or pathos).

I'm sorry, but that's the most ridiculous thing
I've ever read on this forum, and that's saying

Like, MMY might undergo some massive personality
change in the last weeks of his life, so we better
wait until the day he actually croaks before we
diagnose him.


Plus which, any professional who would trust *you*
to give an accurate enough account of MMY to do a
long-distance diagnosis is incompetent anyway.

Professionals do sometimes attempt speculative
diagnoses of historical figures years after they
die when they have spent considerable time studying
the records. *Responsible* professionals don't come
up with such diagnoses on a dime the day after
a person with whom they have no familiarity has died,
on the basis of a single person's account (least of
all someone as unreliable as to facts and as highly
biased as you).

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread curtisdeltablues
Although I am sure this will be hard to relate to for some...

I got a lot of peace from the article in the Skeptical Inquirer in 89
or 90 that compared these personality traits with popular gurus.  I
know this seemed horrible to people who may view him as a "real"
messiah, but for me it gave me some insight for compassion for
Maharishi.  It helped me understand how he operated the way he did,
and even the odd feeling he would give off when I interacted with him.
 It explained how he could use and discard people as he unfolded his
"mission."  I don't see this as a putdown.  It is an alternate
explanation to the idea that he proposed that he was the most
important human in history.  Why would someone believe such a thing
about themselves?  Either he was or he was not, but it requires an
explanation.  At least it did for me.  So for me he remains a
fascinating guy with or without this disorder.  

One piece of evidence I submit that perhaps he was mislead about the
power of his teaching are the closest people to him that he left
behind, presumably his most advanced pupils.  I think we have a pretty
good idea that his optimism about his programs exceeded his results. 

Or is that just me being negative on King Tony and Bevan? 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 7, 2008, at 8:04 PM, authfriend wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > On Feb 7, 2008, at 7:12 PM, authfriend wrote:
> > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > 
> > > > > I've spoken to a number of psychologist and psychiatrist
> > > > > friends on this one.
> > > > >
> > > > > Most point to "Narcissistic Personality Disorder"
> > > >
> > > > ROTFL!!
> > >
> > > Judy, do tell!
> > >
> > > What was your DSM IV guess???
> >
> > I don't make DSM-IV guesses. Neither do responsible
> > psychologists or psychiatrists make them about people
> > they haven't at least interacted with.
> For deceased persons?
> Yes they do.
> Keep in mind, death (irregardless of whether or not it's seen as  
> significant) is like a final stamp on a bank account or administrators  
> account. The "stamp" has fallen. Based on the evidence between Mahesh  
> Srivistava Varma's creation and death we can (and will) look at  
> evidence for a certain personality type (or pathos).
> The administrators account has been stamped "final" my dear. Wake up.
> Please!

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread sandiego108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 7, 2008, at 8:25 PM, sandiego108 wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > On Feb 7, 2008, at 7:11 PM, authfriend wrote:
> > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG."  
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  
> > > > 
> > > > > > Maybe he really wasn't a yogi. Is that a possibility 
> > > > >
> > > > > Yes!
> > > >
> > > > Be interesting to hear a definition of "yogi"
> > > > from both of you.
> > >
> > > "CC" type attainment as a minimum--the slightly dualistic
> > > turiyatita--"beyond the forth" being what I'd refer to in a TM-
> > style
> > > context.
> > >
> > > But there are non-dual and other yogis as well, so it is good 
> > > specify what "style" of yogi you mean when you make some sort 
> > > declaration. It's not a monolithic thing. I'm always glad to
> > specify
> > > if people are sensitive enough to even ask.
> > >
> > > Most aren't.
> > >
> > and those that know the truth about this sort of thing aren't
> > either. Go home pretender. This notion that you have of their 
> > a never ending path of signs and symbols and sciences and levels 
> > accomplishment is all designed to mollify the fear of complete
> > dissolution, of your own death. Nothing more.
> >
> > All who talk in these terms seek to keep those listening in 
> > keep them seeking outward for what is each of our spontaneous and
> > wholly owned birthright, that of eternal freedom. Some of the
> > trappings of these rituals of Maya are beautiful, but that 
> > make them liberating.
> >
> > There are just two kinds of existence, 1) bound and segregated, 
> > 2) free and integrated. To make a fundamentalist science as you 
> > of all of these gradations and other things keeps the mind busy 
> > that it can believe in something other than its own naturally
> > available annihilation. Just more fear and idiocy dancing with 
> Uh, thanks, Jim.
> I'll make sure I tell all the sages I meet.
No, better yet, continue to lose yourself in your layers and signs 
and Ways and Views...that's the ticket. Arduously discover a 
glimpse, a painful elicited glimmer of the one true self, no wait, 
The One True Self Of Compassion--- Hilarious!!! You crack me up Vaj 

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread sandiego108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 7, 2008, at 8:04 PM, authfriend wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > On Feb 7, 2008, at 7:12 PM, authfriend wrote:
> > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  
> > 
> > > > > I've spoken to a number of psychologist and psychiatrist
> > > > > friends on this one.
> > > > >
> > > > > Most point to "Narcissistic Personality Disorder"
> > > >
> > > > ROTFL!!
> > >
> > > Judy, do tell!
> > >
> > > What was your DSM IV guess???
> >
> > I don't make DSM-IV guesses. Neither do responsible
> > psychologists or psychiatrists make them about people
> > they haven't at least interacted with.
> For deceased persons?
> Yes they do.
> Keep in mind, death (irregardless of whether or not it's seen as  
> significant) is like a final stamp on a bank account or 
> account. The "stamp" has fallen. Based on the evidence between 
> Srivistava Varma's creation and death we can (and will) look at  
> evidence for a certain personality type (or pathos).
> The administrators account has been stamped "final" my dear. Wake 
> Please!
Piss away, my little besotted monkey! psss!!

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> *Responsible* professionals don't come
> up with such diagnoses on a dime the day after
> a person with whom they have no familiarity has died,

*Particularly* not a person from a completely 
different culture and background who is
obviously a very unusual character to begin
with. Not to mention a person about whose
early life virtually nothing is known.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 7, 2008, at 8:30 PM, authfriend wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > On Feb 7, 2008, at 8:04 PM, authfriend wrote:
> > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > On Feb 7, 2008, at 7:12 PM, authfriend wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  
> > > > 
> > > > > > > I've spoken to a number of psychologist and psychiatrist
> > > > > > > friends on this one.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Most point to "Narcissistic Personality Disorder"
> > > > > >
> > > > > > ROTFL!!
> > > > >
> > > > > Judy, do tell!
> > > > >
> > > > > What was your DSM IV guess???
> > > >
> > > > I don't make DSM-IV guesses. Neither do responsible
> > > > psychologists or psychiatrists make them about people
> > > > they haven't at least interacted with.
> > >
> > > For deceased persons?
> > >
> > > Yes they do.
> >
> > And you've spoken to all these psychologist
> > and psychiatrist friends to get their diagnosis
> > of MMY just since Tuesday afternoon, right?
> Of course not. It was over time Dear Editor.

So it *wasn't* "for a deceased person."

You're getting rattled again, Vaj, as you always
do when someone calls you on one of your more
ludicrous pronouncements.

Observe Vaj's explanation of the circumstances
under which professionals supposedly make such
a diagnosis:

> > > Keep in mind, death (irregardless of whether or not it's seen as
> > > significant) is like a final stamp on a bank account or
> > > administrators account. The "stamp" has fallen. Based on the
> > > evidence between Mahesh Srivistava Varma's creation and death we
> > > can (and will) look at evidence for a certain personality type
> > > (or pathos).

But now he informs us it *wasn't* the "falling of the
stamp" that enabled his friends to make this diagnosis.

> > Plus which, any professional who would trust *you*
> > to give an accurate enough account of MMY to do a
> > long-distance diagnosis is incompetent anyway.

Vaj's furious backpedaling notwithstanding, the
applies whatever the situation.

> > Professionals do sometimes attempt speculative
> > diagnoses of historical figures years after they
> > die when they have spent considerable time studying
> > the records. *Responsible* professionals don't come
> > up with such diagnoses on a dime the day after
> > a person with whom they have no familiarity has died,
> > on the basis of a single person's account (least of
> > all someone as unreliable as to facts and as highly
> > biased as you).
> And of course, another "Judy's Golem" --a strawman and monstrous  
> distortion with no resemblance whatsoever to my intentions.

 See above. Of course, my purported
"straw man" was based precisely on what Vaj
had said.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 7, 2008, at 8:57 PM, authfriend wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > >

> > > > > > > What was your DSM IV guess???
> > > > > >
> > > > > > I don't make DSM-IV guesses. Neither do responsible
> > > > > > psychologists or psychiatrists make them about people
> > > > > > they haven't at least interacted with.
> > > > >
> > > > > For deceased persons?
> > > > >
> > > > > Yes they do.
> > > >
> > > > And you've spoken to all these psychologist
> > > > and psychiatrist friends to get their diagnosis
> > > > of MMY just since Tuesday afternoon, right?
> > >
> > > Of course not. It was over time Dear Editor.
> >
> > So it *wasn't* "for a deceased person."
> >
> > You're getting rattled again, Vaj, as you always
> > do when someone calls you on one of your more
> > ludicrous pronouncements.
> LOL. Dead persons have had their life-examples used as
> examples of their personality types, post-vivo, it's a
> simple fact. Stop trying to distort my intention Judy.

And if contradicting himself doesn't work,
the next step is double-talk.

Let's recap: Responsible professionals do not
diagnose people they haven't interacted with on
the basis of one person's description. And any
professional who thought s/he would get an
accurate, objective account of MMY from Vaj is

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 7, 2008, at 8:38 PM, authfriend wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  
> > 
> > > *Responsible* professionals don't come
> > > up with such diagnoses on a dime the day after
> > > a person with whom they have no familiarity has died,
> >
> > *Particularly* not a person from a completely
> > different culture and background who is
> > obviously a very unusual character to begin
> > with. Not to mention a person about whose
> > early life virtually nothing is known.
> An interesting point Dear Editor. One can have many guesses on  
> someone's early life and never be sure of what transpired.
> Can you guess 'my guess' of Mahesh's early (unrecorded or 
> commented) life? What's yours?

As Shemp would say, Vaj, stop digging.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread ruthsimplicity

The DSM-IV elements of narcissistic PD are at least five of the
1. has a grandiose sense of self-importance
2. is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power,
brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
3. believes that he or she is "special" and unique
4. requires excessive admiration
5. has a sense of entitlement
6. is interpersonally exploitative
7. lacks empathy
8. is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him
or her
9. shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

Now of course, just because you believe you are special, doesn't mean
you aren't special.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in Cc - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread Napoleon Lupei
IMHO: Death does not mean the spirit left. It could mean that the 
spirit moved to another body. If there's another spirit in that body, he may 
subordinate himself to that lower spirit. Once in a different body, he can't be 
the same guy that you will recognize or perceive with cosmic consciousness 
because not one thing is the same, down to the cellular level. Everything is 
  Another thing to consider? We all have free will. The CC can choose to 
withdraw his support or can choose to spring into action whenever he thinks fit.
  Another point: a higher spirit can co-exist with you in your body. This may 
perhaps help explain why some are sickly some are not. Meaning, if you are 
sickly, you might have a lower spirit co-existing with you in your body. If you 
go for exorcism - that might work.
  Assuming MMY is a higher spirit or co-existing with a higher spirit in his 
present form - what does he do to share the graces or the benefits of 
co-existing with this higher spirit?
  In my case, I think my [EMAIL PROTECTED] is one of the best way I can share 
with you things that I think will have a positive effect in your life. Because 
the lower spirit may have been attracted to your body, if that attraction was 
removed or somehow expelled, that lower spirit may just have to find another 
body. What I got in ageless_secret can remove what can lower your self-control.
  What is the possibility that you may have another spirit co-existing with you 
in your body? Greater than 100%. So - developing your self-control is a must.
  How do you develop self-control? Meditation.
  If you guys are coming to Las Vegas, give me a call @ (702) 275-1011 and we 
should meditate together and you drink from my water. We should at least meet 
so we can at least mentally be one spirit or one church and build a greater 
  Salvador (Sonny) Santayana
   MMY: (interrupting) Anyone who will go will come back. Go has to 
be back. One doesn't go, doesn't… There's no question of coming back when he 
doesn't go. There is no question of coming back. When his going is 
arrested, he doesn't get a passport to come back. His going is arrested, it 
doesn't go. 
> S: Thank you.
> MMY: Is that point clear?
S: Uh, yeah kinda. I don't see if a man reaches Cosmic 
Consciousness, and he leaves the body, and like you say he's unbounded, then 
can he choose to come back to earth in a body to help…


Click to join ageless_secret 

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A recorded lecture by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
> August 1970, Humboldt State College, California




[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 7, 2008, at 7:11 PM, authfriend wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG."  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > 
> > > > Maybe he really wasn't a yogi. Is that a possibility here?
> > >
> > > Yes!
> >
> > Be interesting to hear a definition of "yogi"
> > from both of you.
> "CC" type attainment as a minimum--the slightly dualistic  
> turiyatita--"beyond the forth" being what I'd refer to in a TM-style  
> context.

"Slightly dualistic" turiyatita

OK... and "beyond the beyond?"

OK again...


[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But soon after, while I was very morose, sorrow, sad, entire world was
> empty for me and I did not understand what to do without Guru Dev,
> just a half a minute or two seconds after, a flash came and it
> appeared to me that Guru Dev was scolding me;
> "What a fool you are! You have been with me for all these many months
> and years, and you heard my discourses too. Is it a moment of feeling
> sorry? Why should you be sorry today? And you think that I am gone,
> where am I gone? Till now whenever you wanted to meet me, you had,
> you had to come to the place where I was, and today when I have
> attained nirvana, I am everywhere, I am omnipresent. Where have I
> gone? Very foolish for you to mourn on this occasion. I am with you,
> here, there, everywhere. Why should you be sorry?"
> And the moment this flash came, my face became very brilliant, I
> became very cheerful. And when I raised my head, my friends who were
> standing there, very anxious and held in suspense, they were upset to
> see my brilliant and cheerful face. And then they said, "What has
> happened to you?" I said, "No you can't understand, nothing has
> happened to me, I am alright, now let me go back to the ashram and
> make the necessary arrangements."

Where does it say that Guudev actually spoke to him?

"...and it appeared to me that Guru Dev was scolding me;"

Schizophrenics hear voices and think its someone talking to them. 
recall the attitude and put it into words or simply remember the sound of the 
saying the words, but don't say "Gurudev spoke these words to me after he died."

Instead, they say "and it appeared to me that Guru Dev was scolding me."

Likewise, MMY received "direct inspiration from Gurudev" to do something but 
didn't say 
"Gurudev appeared in a vision and told me to do this."


[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sandiego108" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > On Feb 7, 2008, at 7:11 PM, authfriend wrote:
> > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG."  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > > 
> > > > > Maybe he really wasn't a yogi. Is that a possibility here?
> > > >
> > > > Yes!
> > >
> > > Be interesting to hear a definition of "yogi"
> > > from both of you.
> > 
> > "CC" type attainment as a minimum--the slightly dualistic  
> > turiyatita--"beyond the forth" being what I'd refer to in a TM-
> style  
> > context.
> > 
> > But there are non-dual and other yogis as well, so it is good to  
> > specify what "style" of yogi you mean when you make some sort of  
> > declaration. It's not a monolithic thing. I'm always glad to 
> specify  
> > if people are sensitive enough to even ask.
> > 
> > Most aren't.
> and those that know the truth about this sort of thing aren't 
> either. Go home pretender. This notion that you have of their being 
> a never ending path of signs and symbols and sciences and levels of 
> accomplishment is all designed to mollify the fear of complete 
> dissolution, of your own death. Nothing more. 
> All who talk in these terms seek to keep those listening in bondage, 
> keep them seeking outward for what is each of our spontaneous and 
> wholly owned birthright, that of eternal freedom. Some of the 
> trappings of these rituals of Maya are beautiful, but that doesn't 
> make them liberating. 
> There are just two kinds of existence, 1) bound and segregated, and 
> 2) free and integrated. To make a fundamentalist science as you do 
> of all of these gradations and other things keeps the mind busy so 
> that it can believe in something other than its own naturally 
> available annihilation. Just more fear and idiocy dancing with Maya.

Everything Jim says here boils down to, "I know
the truth, and you don't." 

As far as I know, *that* is Narcissistic Personality 
Disorder, in a nutshell. With a dash of being not
terribly smart or original thrown in.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> Although I am sure this will be hard to relate to for some...
> I got a lot of peace from the article in the Skeptical Inquirer 
> in 89 or 90 that compared these personality traits [Narcissistic
> Personality Disorder] with popular gurus.  

I think it's a valid way to see many of the teachers
in today's spiritual world, and possibly in the whole
history of spirituality. It's not the most *flattering*
way to see them, and so of course the True Believers
are going to react to the non-flattering-ness of it
and not be able to see how *accurate* the description
of NPD is when applied to most spiritual teachers. But
I think it's a *very* valuable way of looking at things.

> I know this seemed horrible to people who may view him as a "real"
> messiah...

For what it's worth, Curtis, I see all "real" Messiahs
as suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder as
well. The fact that they became more famous than other
people who suffered from the same fantasies doesn't
mean that they're not fantasies.

> ...but for me it gave me some insight for compassion for
> Maharishi. It helped me understand how he operated the way he did,
> and even the odd feeling he would give off when I interacted with 
> him. It explained how he could use and discard people as he unfolded
> his "mission."  I don't see this as a putdown.  It is an alternate
> explanation to the idea that he proposed that he was the most
> important human in history.  

And a far more realistic one. :-)

The reaction of most of the world to news of the
death of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is, "Who?"

> Why would someone believe such a thing
> about themselves?  

I think we're seeing it here on this group.
There are quite a few people here whose way
of reacting to grief at the loss of their
teacher is to GET INTO ARGUMENTS. 

Why? So they can declare themselves "right"
about something, and try to assert themselves
as "more right" than someone else, and get
other people to focus on them. It's how they
have consistently reacted for years here.

What I'm suggesting is that this tendency
was learned from their teacher, Maharishi.
Everything always came down to *him* as the
ultimate authority, *him* as the person who
"knows the truth." How could a bunch of 
students, having seen this in their teacher
for over 40 years, not pick up on the trait

> Either he was or he was not, but it requires an
> explanation.  At least it did for me.  

For me as well. 

> So for me he remains a fascinating guy with 
> or without this disorder.  

As, for me, does Rama, Dr. Frederick Lenz,
another spiritual teacher whom I would class
as being a *classic* example of Narcissistic
Personality Disorder. 

The whole role of the "guru" as proposed by
many if not most spiritual traditions, IMO, 
has been a process of putting Narcissistic 
Personality Disorder up on a pedestal and
glorifying it, as if it were a good thing.

> One piece of evidence I submit that perhaps he was 
> mislead about the power of his teaching are the 
> closest people to him that he left behind, presumably 
> his most advanced pupils.  

Indeed. There is not a single person among
them who is going to be remembered by history
in five years, much less 100.

> I think we have a pretty good idea that his optimism 
> about his programs exceeded his results. 
> Or is that just me being negative on King Tony and Bevan? 

I don't think so. Of course, that could just be
*me* being negative. :-)

I've been around the spiritual smorgasbord a bit,
and have looked at and interacted with a LOT of
different spiritual trips. I would have to say
that the *primary* characteristic of a TMer (as
opposed to seekers in other traditions) is that
tendency to believe and announce, "We know the 
truth and no one else does."

This is a trait you do NOT find in other trad-
itions as much as you find it in members of the
TMO. And I think it's related to Narcissistic 
Personality Disorder. *That* set of personality
traits describes very accurately how Maharishi
related to the world and to his students for
forty years. *That* set of personality traits
describes how many of the students themselves
have come to act. *That* set of traits is IMO
the "legacy" of the TMO, almost more than the
TM technique.

Just my opinion...

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "ruthsimplicity"
> The DSM-IV elements of narcissistic PD are at least five of the
> following:
> 1. has a grandiose sense of self-importance
> 2. is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power,
> brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
> 3. believes that he or she is "special" and unique
> 4. requires excessive admiration
> 5. has a sense of entitlement
> 6. is interpersonally exploitative
> 7. lacks empathy
> 8. is often envious of others or believes others are envious 
> of him or her
> 9. shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

Exactly. Thanks for posting this, Ruth.

I think that people (if you consider Judy 'people')
are reacting to the term 'Disorder.' It's a descrip-
tion of a known set of behaviors and beliefs, grouped
into a convenient category for describing a certain
type of human being.

IMO Maharishi Mahesh Yogi fits ALL of the criteria
above to a "T." IMO so does the other teacher I studied
with for a long time, Rama, Dr. Frederick Lenz and a 
host of other popular gurus and teachers in the modern

> Now of course, just because you believe you are special, 
> doesn't mean you aren't special.

Exactly again. The people who think like this *might*
be right. It's just that most of the time they aren't.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread george_deforest
> curtisdeltablues wrote:
> I got a lot of peace from the article in the Skeptical Inquirer
> in 89 or 90 that compared these personality traits with popular 
> gurus...
> It explained how he could use and discard people as he unfolded
> his "mission."  I don't see this as a putdown.
> One piece of evidence I submit that perhaps he was mislead about
> the power of his teaching are the closest people to him that he
> left behind, presumably his most advanced pupils. 
> I think we have a pretty good idea that his optimism
> about his programs exceeded his results. 
> Or is that just me being negative on King Tony and Bevan? 

King Tony always struck me as not really wanting the king job,
put playing along, just to keep M happy out of reverence.
Which means he might give up the crown soon, now that he can.

But its Bevan im more worried about.

Bevan's whole life has been as Maharishi's defender, kind of 
like a cosmic body guard. But with M gone, Bevan might just
unravel and go bonkers. i hope im wrong, hope he can hang tough!

i have had my own issues with Bevan, but i dont wish him ill.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 7, 2008, at 8:34 PM, sandiego108 wrote:
> > No, better yet, continue to lose yourself in your layers and signs
> > and Ways and Views...that's the ticket. Arduously discover a
> > glimpse, a painful elicited glimmer of the one true self, no wait,
> > The One True Self Of Compassion--- Hilarious!!! You crack me up Vaj
> > Rant...
> Every "thing" is a symbol: learn, love and live! Enjoy your own  
> mandala. No self or Self necessary!

What crap. Useless information.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > On Feb 7, 2008, at 8:30 PM, authfriend wrote:
> > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On Feb 7, 2008, at 8:04 PM, authfriend wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > On Feb 7, 2008, at 7:12 PM, authfriend wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  
> wrote:
> > > > > 
> > > > > > > > I've spoken to a number of psychologist and psychiatrist
> > > > > > > > friends on this one.
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > Most point to "Narcissistic Personality Disorder"
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > ROTFL!!
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Judy, do tell!
> > > > > >
> > > > > > What was your DSM IV guess???
> > > > >
> > > > > I don't make DSM-IV guesses. Neither do responsible
> > > > > psychologists or psychiatrists make them about people
> > > > > they haven't at least interacted with.
> > > >
> > > > For deceased persons?
> > > >
> > > > Yes they do.
> > >
> > > And you've spoken to all these psychologist
> > > and psychiatrist friends to get their diagnosis
> > > of MMY just since Tuesday afternoon, right?
> > 
> > Of course not. It was over time Dear Editor.
> So it *wasn't* "for a deceased person."
> You're getting rattled again, Vaj, as you always
> do when someone calls you on one of your more
> ludicrous pronouncements.
> Observe Vaj's explanation of the circumstances
> under which professionals supposedly make such
> a diagnosis:
> > > > Keep in mind, death (irregardless of whether or not it's seen as
> > > > significant) is like a final stamp on a bank account or
> > > > administrators account. The "stamp" has fallen. Based on the
> > > > evidence between Mahesh Srivistava Varma's creation and death we
> > > > can (and will) look at evidence for a certain personality type
> > > > (or pathos).
> But now he informs us it *wasn't* the "falling of the
> stamp" that enabled his friends to make this diagnosis.
> > > Plus which, any professional who would trust *you*
> > > to give an accurate enough account of MMY to do a
> > > long-distance diagnosis is incompetent anyway.
> Vaj's furious backpedaling notwithstanding, the
> applies whatever the situation.
> > > Professionals do sometimes attempt speculative
> > > diagnoses of historical figures years after they
> > > die when they have spent considerable time studying
> > > the records. *Responsible* professionals don't come
> > > up with such diagnoses on a dime the day after
> > > a person with whom they have no familiarity has died,
> > > on the basis of a single person's account (least of
> > > all someone as unreliable as to facts and as highly
> > > biased as you).
> > 
> > And of course, another "Judy's Golem" --a strawman and monstrous  
> > distortion with no resemblance whatsoever to my intentions.
>  See above. Of course, my purported
> "straw man" was based precisely on what Vaj
> had said.

Vaj is the classic ego nerd who read a book somewhere and thinks he
knows more than all the saints.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 7, 2008, at 7:57 PM, do.rflex wrote:
> > > > > Regarding early TMO pundits and "teachers": 'they certainly
> > > > weren't no
> > > > > Acharyas'. :-)
> > > >
> > > > Brahmachari Satyanand, whom I referred to, had spent many years  
> > with
> > > > Guru Dev as a disciple. After Guru Dev's 'death' he later went  
> > on to
> > > > assist Maharishi spreading Transcendental Meditation, as I  
> > understand
> > > > it, until he died himself. I attended a course he conducted at  
> > Lake
> > > > Arrowhead in the early 70s and spoke with him individually and
> > > > privately at least three times, one of which was to receive an
> > > > advanced technique. I say this mainly to indicate that Satyanand  
> > was
> > > > directly involved with Guru Dev and Maharishi both.
> > >
> > >
> > > IME it's not a guarantee that these people are completely and
> > > holistically trained in these sciences. I really, honestly, see most
> > > of them as naive.
> >
> > Fact is, you haven't seen Guru Dev or Brahmachari Satyanand at all.
> But I do have lineal transmission of Samaya Sri Vidya directly from  
> his line (Guru Dev's). So I base my View on his same transmission. And  
> I do know that transmission. (So can anyone).

What the hell is "same transmission"? 

> Satyanand? Only stories. Some flattering. Some less so. An acharya?
> No.

You're playing your name games there, fella. The only thing you have
is book learning and opinion, no experience.

> Brahmanand Saraswati?
> Emphatically YES. And a yogi with ram (fire) siddhi (at very least).

You wouldn't really know. Your information is only because you've
'heard' about them. I knew Satyanand and I experience Swami
Brahmananda Saraswati practically daily.

I also spent a considerable amount of time with Maharishi, including
TTC which he conducted himself.

Again, you wouldn't know.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> [...]
> > But soon after, while I was very morose, sorrow, sad, entire world was
> > empty for me and I did not understand what to do without Guru Dev,
> > just a half a minute or two seconds after, a flash came and it
> > appeared to me that Guru Dev was scolding me;
> > 
> > 
> > "What a fool you are! You have been with me for all these many months
> > and years, and you heard my discourses too. Is it a moment of feeling
> > sorry? Why should you be sorry today? And you think that I am gone,
> > where am I gone? Till now whenever you wanted to meet me, you had,
> > you had to come to the place where I was, and today when I have
> > attained nirvana, I am everywhere, I am omnipresent. Where have I
> > gone? Very foolish for you to mourn on this occasion. I am with you,
> > here, there, everywhere. Why should you be sorry?"
> > 
> > 
> > And the moment this flash came, my face became very brilliant, I
> > became very cheerful. And when I raised my head, my friends who were
> > standing there, very anxious and held in suspense, they were upset to
> > see my brilliant and cheerful face. And then they said, "What has
> > happened to you?" I said, "No you can't understand, nothing has
> > happened to me, I am alright, now let me go back to the ashram and
> > make the necessary arrangements."
> >
> Where does it say that Guudev actually spoke to him?
> "...and it appeared to me that Guru Dev was scolding me;"

Apparently you didn't read the monologue.

> Schizophrenics hear voices and think its someone talking to them.

Satyanand wasn't schizophrenic, Lawson. Did you ever meet him?

> recall the attitude and put it into words or simply remember the
sound of the person 
> saying the words, but don't say "Gurudev spoke these words to me
after he died."

Apparently you didn't read the monologue.

> Instead, they say "and it appeared to me that Guru Dev was scolding me."
> Likewise, MMY received "direct inspiration from Gurudev" to do
something but didn't say 
> "Gurudev appeared in a vision and told me to do this."

You really haven't clearly defined "direct inspiration from Gurudev"
And you didn't really answer the question, Lawson. In my view, the
reason you didn't is because you don't want to consider any
possibility beyond that the "drop becomes the ocean" the end.

I have experienced Guru Dev visually and telepathically myself. Once I
'heard' him repeating something which I'd never heard before, I
believe it was in Sanskrit - as if an initiation or such. I know other
TM teachers who have had similar experiences. I'm not schizophrenic
and neither were they. And what we experience[d] isn't merely
'inspiration' from memories.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 8, 2008, at 10:06 AM, do.rflex wrote:
> > Scientology? ...or what? What qualifies you to determine and/or to
> > be a final arbiter of the validity of the saints, especially ones
> > you've never met or 'experienced'?
> No interest in scientology or being a "final arbiter". I've trained  
> and practiced in both Hindu and Buddhist mantrayana lines, including  
> practices for death and dying.

So how does that qualify you to give any legitimate definition to
Maharishi, Brahmachari Satyanand or Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, or
for that matter, Transcendental Meditation? You have ZERO direct
experience with any of those persons or the TM. What do you have more
than second hand information in that regard?

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread boyboy_8
This post raises a critical point and I'm quite sure it's been hashed 
over many times before, so bear with me.  

I am reminded of something that my favourite remote viewer guy, Ingo 
Swann has said.  He lamented that of the many impressions and images 
that a viewer will see in their career the one thing they all come 
away with after the event is the sad knowledge that until the day 
they have CONFIRMATION from some source, they have ZERO way 
of "KNOWING" what exactly they "SAW".  He was clear about this.  The 
person cannot ascertain on their own whether their so 
called 'perception' was a product of their imagination, ego, mind, 
who knows what else?  A clear vision of something, in the end, means 
only something on one level to the perceiver.  What it is in the 
ultimate realms of "truth" is quite something else.  

This takes me to the other point.  Prophets in any religion will 
always say that they have received information from a higher source 
and that you had just better trust them on this.  There is, after 
all, no other way other than "FAITH" to figure out if the words of 
the prophet are true, except for one thing.  In the Old Testatment 
many prophets appear.  One of the strictest criteria for whether we 
are supposed to 'believe' them is that for at least some of their 
prophecies, some of them have to come 'true' in their lifetime.  Some 
words of some of them were for far off events, such as the words of 
Daniel and others.  In other words, if they said that the Lord had 
said such and such as a prophecy, then the test was in the results.  
That was one criteria.  

So, if someone says that they had the experience of contact with Guru 
Dev or any other entity/intelligence, be it human or non-human, by 
what measure should we apply to ascertain whether the claim has any 
value?  If we too do not have the same experience and can verify it 
on some level, then the claim is just taken at face value and you 
either believe it or not.  If someone, say, for example my remote 
viewers, say that they had "contact" with an alien being, then unless 
we can verify it, we should just take it with a grain of salt.  Maybe 
a lot of salt.  The same criteria applies to anyone who has an 
expererience that is out of the ordinary day to day.  How do we test 
the claims?  Belief systems, religious systems are almost all set up 
this way.  People line up to believe and if the right guy comes along 
with horns of light, well you know, people are impressed.  

The difference between the charlatans and the real mccoy is not 
always easy to measure.  When the prophet Elijah challenged the 
priests of Baal to a duel, he won the day because of a supernatural 
event that convinced everyone on the spot that he had God's phone 
number in his back pocket and the priests of Baal were phoney.  

I'll leave off for now.




[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 8, 2008, at 9:35 AM, do.rflex wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > On Feb 8, 2008, at 9:01 AM, do.rflex wrote:
> > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > On Feb 8, 2008, at 6:39 AM, do.rflex wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > > What the hell is "same transmission"?
> > > > >
> > > > > Transmission is just a translation of the Sanskrit word
> > > > > "agama" (Agama) --a transmission of the same teaching, in the  
> > same
> > > > > practice line as Guru Dev, from one of his students.
> > > >
> > > > Doesn't guarantee its legitimacy.
> > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Satyanand? Only stories. Some flattering. Some less so. An
> > > > acharya?
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > No.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > You're playing your name games there, fella. The only thing  
> > you
> > > > have
> > > > > > is book learning and opinion, no experience.
> > > > >
> > > > > Actually I have more "experience" than book reading!
> > > >
> > > > Which is?
> > >
> > > 40 years.
> >
> > 40 years of what?
> Spiritual practice and for about 25 of that, training as well.

Scientology?  ...or what?  What qualifies you to determine and/or to
be a final arbiter of the validity of the saints, especially ones
you've never met or 'experienced'?

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Brahmanand Saraswati?
> > > > 
> > > > Emphatically YES. And a yogi with ram (fire) siddhi (at very
> > > > least).
> > > 
> > > You wouldn't really know. Your information is only because you've
> > > 'heard' about them. I knew Satyanand and I experience Swami
> > > Brahmananda Saraswati practically daily.
> > 
> > Not to argue but to reinforce my point in post #163860,
> > John, aren't you assuming that your subject "experience"
> > of Brahmananda Saraswati "trumps" anything that Vaj
> > could possibly say, or that anyone else on *Earth*
> > could possibly say?
> > 
> > It's your experience; therefore it is true.
> > 
> > Thank you for providing such a perfect example of that
> > tenth criterion of Narcissistic Personality Disorder
> > that I was talking about.
> Actually, you've got the context of what they're
> arguing about wrong, because you're more interested
> in dumping on John and preaching your standard
> sermons than in understanding what they're saying.
> > ( For the record...what you experience COULD be true.
> > I don't know. My only point is that you don't either.
> > You only assume it's true because it's *your* subjective
> > experience. That is almost the classic definition of
> > narcissism. )
> Uh, no, it isn't.
> But it's kind of fun to go back and look at
> Barry's rants about how important it is to
> trust your own experience. For example:
> "There are a few people here on FFL who have
> had such subjective experiences, whether it be
> of odd phenomena or their own subjective exper-
> iences of higher states of consciousness. I like
> dealing with them *because* I can identify with
> the changes that their subjective experiences and
> learning to trust them have put them through."
> And even funnier:
> "You'll notice that most of the people who *have*
> had interesting experiences of higher states of
> consciousness or of extraordinary phenomena
> rarely, if ever, talk about them any more. Jim's
> about the only one who dares to brave the boring,
> terrified turd-throwers any more. Rory's silent,
> Tom's mainly silent, and a few people have left
> altogether.
> "The bottom line, as I see it, is that the wimps
> have WON, *especially* after the migration of a
> couple of compulsive-poster wimps from alt.m.t.
> Those two, together with anon_couscous and a
> few others who don't even have the balls to use
> their own names here, have made Fairfield Life
> a distinctly UNFRIENDLY environment in which to
> talk about one's own spiritual experiences."
> One of the "compulsive-poster wimps from alt.m.t"
> Barry was referring to just happened to be do.rflex
> (John), the guy he's now dumping on because John
> trusts his experience of Guru Dev.

Ironically, "compulsive-poster wimp from alt.m.t" describes Barry to a T.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 8, 2008, at 6:39 AM, do.rflex wrote:
> > What the hell is "same transmission"?
> Transmission is just a translation of the Sanskrit word  
> "agama" (Agama) --a transmission of the same teaching, in the same  
> practice line as Guru Dev, from one of his students.

Doesn't guarantee its legitimacy.

> >
> > >
> > > Satyanand? Only stories. Some flattering. Some less so. An acharya?
> > >
> > > No.
> >
> > You're playing your name games there, fella. The only thing you have
> > is book learning and opinion, no experience.
> Actually I have more "experience" than book reading!

Which is?

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 8, 2008, at 11:13 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
> >
> > I think that John has bought into the propaganda
> > spread by Nabby and others that you have never
> > practiced TM or been a TM teacher. His phrasing
> > above seems to imply that.
> >
> > If I'm not mistaken, neither is true. Like many
> > of us here, you both learned TM and spent some
> > time on the "front lines" as a TM teacher before
> > moving on to other studies, including some that
> > involved working with teachers in the *real*
> > Shankaracharya lineage.
> Oh, ok thanks. I'll just ignore his post then like Nabby's!
> Life's too short.

Caught with his pants down the complainer runs. LOL!

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "ruthsimplicity"
>  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > The DSM-IV elements of narcissistic PD are at least five of the
> > following:
> > 1. has a grandiose sense of self-importance
> > 2. is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power,
> > brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
> > 3. believes that he or she is "special" and unique
> > 4. requires excessive admiration
> > 5. has a sense of entitlement
> > 6. is interpersonally exploitative
> > 7. lacks empathy
> > 8. is often envious of others or believes others are envious 
> > of him or her
> > 9. shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes
> Exactly. Thanks for posting this, Ruth.
> I think that people (if you consider Judy 'people')
> are reacting to the term 'Disorder.'

Basically, that's true. It's dicey to try to
pin a "disorder" label on people who are highly

 It's a descrip-
> tion of a known set of behaviors and beliefs, grouped
> into a convenient category for describing a certain
> type of human being.

Note that the "certain type of human being" is
that of people who entered therapy because they
were having problems coping with ordinary life.

Moreover, the DSM-IV criteria for various 
disorders were determined on the basis of the
diagnoses of many therapy patients over time,
rather than the reverse. The criteria don't
exist in a vacuum; they aren't sets of rules
for diagnosing patients that have always 

With regard to narcissistic personality
disorder, for example, this is the appropriate
statement: Of those people who have entered
therapy and been diagnosed with the disorder at
the time of the publication of DSM-IV (or for
however many editions of DSM these criteria have
been listed), most have shown at least five of
the listed characteristics.

That does *not* mean that everyone who shows
at least five of the characteristics has
narcissistic personality disorder, especially
if they have never felt the need to seek
therapy, and *especially* on the basis of the
judgment of nonprofessionals.

It *does* mean that if a professional
determines that a patient in therapy has at
least five of the characteristics, a diagnosis
of narcissistic personality disorder should be

For people who have never sought therapy, and in
the judgment of nonprofessionals, it's no more
than idle speculation.

And as Ruth points out:

> > Now of course, just because you believe you are special, 
> > doesn't mean you aren't special.
> Exactly again. The people who think like this *might*
> be right. It's just that most of the time they aren't.

Aren't "right"? Barry knows The Truth about who
is special and who isn't?? When he just got done

"10. has difficulty knowing the difference between 'this
is the truth' and 'this is how I see it.'

"To me, that's probably THE most defining aspect
of narcissism -- the *assumption* that how one
sees things *equals* how things really are."


[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Feb 8, 2008, at 3:29 AM, george_deforest wrote:
> > > curtisdeltablues wrote:
> > >
> > > I got a lot of peace from the article in the Skeptical Inquirer
> > > in 89 or 90 that compared these personality traits with popular
> > > gurus...
> > >
> > > It explained how he could use and discard people as he unfolded
> > > his "mission."  I don't see this as a putdown.
> Curtis, this is the main thing that has bothered me about MMY and 
> the TMO--how could he (they) do that?  How could they take the good 
> will and good intentions of so many really nice people and treat 
> them like that? I think I may spend a long time  pondering that 
> question. I look forward to any revelations along the way.

I can only pass along one of the things that I 
found comforting and "releasing" about looking 
at such actions by spiritual teachers in terms
of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

They really aren't *concerned* with how "other
people" may feel about being treated one way or
another because in a very real sense there ARE
no "other people" in their world. The NPD per-
sonalities lack empathy; they're locked inside 
themselves (or themSelves, if you feel that they 
really are enlightened), and these other people 
around them really have no reality at all. The 
only thing that DOES have any reality is the 
stuff going on inside the head of the NPD

So it's really not as if they're "dissing"
these people and their good intentions and
their many contributions, financial-wise and
trust-wise and devotion-wise or any other kind
of -wise. The NPD personalities just don't
FEEL these other people, AT ALL. They barely 
ever *exist* for the person whose life embodies
Narcissistic Personality Disorder...these
other people are little more than gnats flit-
ting around them. Gnats come and they go; the
only thing that is important to the NPD person-
ality is their "mission," the way they see
themselves (or themSelves).

I guess what I'm saying is that I don't think
that it's PERSONAL that Maharishi or any other
NPD spiritual teacher doesn't treat their 
students with respect. My feeling is that they
barely even notice that the students are even 

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 7, 2008, at 8:25 PM, sandiego108 wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > On Feb 7, 2008, at 7:11 PM, authfriend wrote:
> > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG."  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > > > Maybe he really wasn't a yogi. Is that a possibility here?
> > > > >
> > > > > Yes!
> > > >
> > > > Be interesting to hear a definition of "yogi"
> > > > from both of you.
> > >
> > > "CC" type attainment as a minimum--the slightly dualistic
> > > turiyatita--"beyond the forth" being what I'd refer to in a TM-
> > style
> > > context.
> > >
> > > But there are non-dual and other yogis as well, so it is good to
> > > specify what "style" of yogi you mean when you make some sort of
> > > declaration. It's not a monolithic thing. I'm always glad to
> > specify
> > > if people are sensitive enough to even ask.
> > >
> > > Most aren't.
> > >
> > and those that know the truth about this sort of thing aren't
> > either. Go home pretender. This notion that you have of their being
> > a never ending path of signs and symbols and sciences and levels of
> > accomplishment is all designed to mollify the fear of complete
> > dissolution, of your own death. Nothing more.
> >
> > All who talk in these terms seek to keep those listening in bondage,
> > keep them seeking outward for what is each of our spontaneous and
> > wholly owned birthright, that of eternal freedom. Some of the
> > trappings of these rituals of Maya are beautiful, but that doesn't
> > make them liberating.
> >
> > There are just two kinds of existence, 1) bound and segregated, and
> > 2) free and integrated. To make a fundamentalist science as you do
> > of all of these gradations and other things keeps the mind busy so
> > that it can believe in something other than its own naturally
> > available annihilation. Just more fear and idiocy dancing with Maya.
> Uh, thanks, Jim.
> I'll make sure I tell all the sages I meet.

I doubt you've ever met one.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ignoring Judy's "Gotta Get Barry" episode, and
> dealing with the real issue at hand:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > One of the "compulsive-poster wimps from alt.m.t"
> > Barry was referring to just happened to be do.rflex
> > (John), the guy he's now dumping on because John
> > trusts his experience of Guru Dev.
> I have NO PROBLEM with John trusting his 
> subjective experience of Guru Dev. I have
> NO PROBLEM with him talking about it. I 
> think it's *important* to learn to trust,
> to some extent, one's subjective experiences
> in life.
> Declaring them "truth" is another thing
> entirely.

But he didn't. As I pointed out, you missed the
context completely because you were so eager to
dump on him and preach your standard sermon.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread curtisdeltablues
 Curtis, this is the main thing that has bothered me about MMY and the  
> TMO--how could he (they) do that?  How could they take the good will  
> and good intentions of so many really nice people and treat them
like> that? 

You aren't the only one!  And think of how puzzling this behavior must
be for those closest to him that got unceremoniously dumped.Keeping
Jerry Jarvis out of the history of the movement book and exiling him
was pretty far out there IMO.  But as a TB I didn't give it much
thought.  The inconsistencies become problems only once you have
revoked Maharishi's enlightened-guys-can-do-anything pass."  That is
where information about how some people process their world so
differently helps me.  It allows me to reconcile that Maharishi may
have been sincere, but was functioning from a different play book and
set of ethical standards.  It is sort of like opposite world to the
TB's view of him as a magical person. But his uniqueness stays intact. 

Speculation using this model is similar to how people speculate that
Maharishi was living in a higher state of consciousness that includes
definitive knowledge about what happens to human consciousness when we
die.   We are all just guessing from outside with the tools we have.

Remember when we read the Sociopath Next Door?  That gave me much more
compassion and understanding about exploitive people.  I think the
narcissist definition is a better match, but both give an insight that
we need to know that some people are functioning fundamentally
differently.  And within that there can be a lot of gradations of good
and bad in their life.  Just because Maharishi might have had a
narcissistic personality disorder doesn't invalidate whatever good he
did accomplish or his own sincerity in accomplishing it.  It's just
means he is not a good guy to hand your PIN number to, or... like...
your whole life!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Feb 8, 2008, at 3:29 AM, george_deforest wrote:
> >> curtisdeltablues wrote:
> >>
> >> I got a lot of peace from the article in the Skeptical Inquirer
> >> in 89 or 90 that compared these personality traits with popular
> >> gurus...
> >>
> >> It explained how he could use and discard people as he unfolded
> >> his "mission."  I don't see this as a putdown.
> Curtis, this is the main thing that has bothered me about MMY and the  
> TMO--how could he (they) do that?  How could they take the good will  
> and good intentions of so many really nice people and treat them like  
> that?  I think I may spend a long time  pondering that question.  I  
> look forward to any revelations along the way.
> Sal

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 8, 2008, at 11:52 AM, do.rflex wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > On Feb 8, 2008, at 11:13 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
> > >
> > > >
> > > > I think that John has bought into the propaganda
> > > > spread by Nabby and others that you have never
> > > > practiced TM or been a TM teacher. His phrasing
> > > > above seems to imply that.
> > > >
> > > > If I'm not mistaken, neither is true. Like many
> > > > of us here, you both learned TM and spent some
> > > > time on the "front lines" as a TM teacher before
> > > > moving on to other studies, including some that
> > > > involved working with teachers in the *real*
> > > > Shankaracharya lineage.
> > >
> > >
> > > Oh, ok thanks. I'll just ignore his post then like Nabby's!
> > >
> > > Life's too short.
> >
> > Caught with his pants down the complainer runs. LOL!
> Actually I'm still here, just not into playing games with naive  
> assholes!

Calling me a "naive asshole" is not a substitute for any relevant
credentials you need to have to justify the legitimacy of your
'opinions' about those who've been mentioned or the TM itself.

And it isn't "playing games" to expect you to give solid reasons for
anyone to believe what you say.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread Richard J. Williams
> Caught with his pants down the complainer runs. LOL!
Oh yeah!!! Caught with his pants down the complainer 
runs. LOL!

"I don't trust TM because I don't trust MMY. I feel 
that there is some weird stuff going on with him on 
the inner planes that is maybe evil.


Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
From: John Manning
Date: Wed, Nov 14 2001 6:32 pm
Subject: Re: Well John, no reply?

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 8, 2008, at 11:52 AM, do.rflex wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > On Feb 8, 2008, at 11:13 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
> > >
> > > >
> > > > I think that John has bought into the propaganda
> > > > spread by Nabby and others that you have never
> > > > practiced TM or been a TM teacher. His phrasing
> > > > above seems to imply that.
> > > >
> > > > If I'm not mistaken, neither is true. Like many
> > > > of us here, you both learned TM and spent some
> > > > time on the "front lines" as a TM teacher before
> > > > moving on to other studies, including some that
> > > > involved working with teachers in the *real*
> > > > Shankaracharya lineage.
> > >
> > >
> > > Oh, ok thanks. I'll just ignore his post then like Nabby's!
> > >
> > > Life's too short.
> >
> > Caught with his pants down the complainer runs. LOL!
> Actually I'm still here, just not into playing games with naive  
> assholes!

Apart from resorting to insults, why do you find it beyond yourself to
state clearly and specifically what your 'experience' really is with
Transcendental Meditation and/or Maharishi? 

If you're going to continue to criticize TM, you should at least go
further than mere personal opinion or stating second hand information
from other detractors. Otherwise what you say is just about as
valuable to others as my aunt Betsy's opinion on her favorite color of

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> >
> > Brahmanand Saraswati?
> > 
> > Emphatically YES. And a yogi with ram (fire) siddhi (at very least).
> You wouldn't really know. Your information is only because you've
> 'heard' about them. I knew Satyanand and I experience Swami
> Brahmananda Saraswati practically daily.

Not to argue but to reinforce my point in post #163860,
John, aren't you assuming that your subject "experience"
of Brahmananda Saraswati "trumps" anything that Vaj
could possibly say, or that anyone else on *Earth*
could possibly say?

It's your experience; therefore it is true.

Thank you for providing such a perfect example of that
tenth criterion of Narcissistic Personality Disorder
that I was talking about.

( For the record...what you experience COULD be true.
I don't know. My only point is that you don't either.
You only assume it's true because it's *your* subjective
experience. That is almost the classic definition of
narcissism. )

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread BillyG.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "george_deforest"
> > curtisdeltablues wrote:
> >
> > I got a lot of peace from the article in the Skeptical Inquirer
> > in 89 or 90 that compared these personality traits with popular 
> > gurus...
> > 
> > It explained how he could use and discard people as he unfolded
> > his "mission."  I don't see this as a putdown.
> > 
> > One piece of evidence I submit that perhaps he was mislead about
> > the power of his teaching are the closest people to him that he
> > left behind, presumably his most advanced pupils. 
> > 
> > I think we have a pretty good idea that his optimism
> > about his programs exceeded his results. 
> > Or is that just me being negative on King Tony and Bevan? 
> King Tony always struck me as not really wanting the king job,
> put playing along, just to keep M happy out of reverence.
> Which means he might give up the crown soon, now that he can.
> But its Bevan im more worried about.
> Bevan's whole life has been as Maharishi's defender, kind of 
> like a cosmic body guard. But with M gone, Bevan might just
> unravel and go bonkers. i hope im wrong, hope he can hang tough!
> i have had my own issues with Bevan, but i dont wish him ill.

I think Hagelin looks likes he's going to snap at any moment, that
'lecture' he gives by rote is getting thinner and thinner.  I think he
needs some new material! :-)  

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > >
> > > Brahmanand Saraswati?
> > > 
> > > Emphatically YES. And a yogi with ram (fire) siddhi (at very least).
> > 
> > 
> > You wouldn't really know. Your information is only because you've
> > 'heard' about them. I knew Satyanand and I experience Swami
> > Brahmananda Saraswati practically daily.
> Not to argue but to reinforce my point in post #163860,
> John, aren't you assuming that your subject "experience"
> of Brahmananda Saraswati "trumps" anything that Vaj
> could possibly say, or that anyone else on *Earth*
> could possibly say?
> It's your experience; therefore it is true.
> Thank you for providing such a perfect example of that
> tenth criterion of Narcissistic Personality Disorder
> that I was talking about.
> ( For the record...what you experience COULD be true.
> I don't know. My only point is that you don't either.
> You only assume it's true because it's *your* subjective
> experience. That is almost the classic definition of
> narcissism. )

There are at least seven other people I know [have known] directly who
have had similar experiences of Guru Dev. None of them possess[ed] the
qualities of your label.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread lurkernomore20002000

  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

i have had my own issues with Bevan,

Boys, or girls

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 8, 2008, at 10:52 AM, do.rflex wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > >
> > > On Feb 8, 2008, at 10:06 AM, do.rflex wrote:
> > >
> > > > Scientology? ...or what? What qualifies you to determine 
> > > > and/or to be a final arbiter of the validity of the saints, 
> > > > especially ones you've never met or 'experienced'?
> > >
> > >
> > > No interest in scientology or being a "final arbiter". I've 
> > > trained and practiced in both Hindu and Buddhist mantrayana 
> > > lines, including practices for death and dying.
> >
> > So how does that qualify you to give any legitimate definition to
> > Maharishi, Brahmachari Satyanand or Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, 
> > or for that matter, Transcendental Meditation? You have ZERO 
> > direct experience with any of those persons or the TM. What do 
> > you have more than second hand information in that regard?
> Not sure what you mean by this "legitimate definition" of Mahesh,  
> etc.  is that I'm supposed to be giving or have given. I'm a trained  
> yogi and therefore I can and do express my opinion from that POV and  
> the direct first-hand experience of many different forms of  
> meditation, not just TM.


I think that John has bought into the propaganda
spread by Nabby and others that you have never
practiced TM or been a TM teacher. His phrasing
above seems to imply that.

If I'm not mistaken, neither is true. Like many
of us here, you both learned TM and spent some
time on the "front lines" as a TM teacher before
moving on to other studies, including some that
involved working with teachers in the *real*
Shankaracharya lineage.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 8, 2008, at 10:52 AM, do.rflex wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > On Feb 8, 2008, at 10:06 AM, do.rflex wrote:
> > >
> > > > Scientology? ...or what? What qualifies you to determine and/or to
> > > > be a final arbiter of the validity of the saints, especially ones
> > > > you've never met or 'experienced'?
> > >
> > >
> > > No interest in scientology or being a "final arbiter". I've trained
> > > and practiced in both Hindu and Buddhist mantrayana lines, including
> > > practices for death and dying.
> >
> > So how does that qualify you to give any legitimate definition to
> > Maharishi, Brahmachari Satyanand or Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, or
> > for that matter, Transcendental Meditation? You have ZERO direct
> > experience with any of those persons or the TM. What do you have more
> > than second hand information in that regard?
> Not sure what you mean by this "legitimate definition" of Mahesh,  
> etc.  is that I'm supposed to be giving or have given. I'm a trained  
> yogi and therefore I can and do express my opinion from that POV >

So we can state plainly that your comments about Maharishi,
Brahmachari Satyanand and Swami Brahmananda Saraswati are just your
opinions. You belong to a huge crowd of perhaps tens of millions who
may have heard of one or two of them and who have, I'm quite sure,
almost as many 'opinions' - the much larger remaining numbers of
humanity likely never having ever heard of them at all.

> the direct first-hand experience of many different forms of  
> meditation, not just TM.

Just exactly what IS your experience with TM?

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 8, 2008, at 9:01 AM, do.rflex wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > On Feb 8, 2008, at 6:39 AM, do.rflex wrote:
> > >
> > > > What the hell is "same transmission"?
> > >
> > > Transmission is just a translation of the Sanskrit word
> > > "agama" (Agama) --a transmission of the same teaching, in the same
> > > practice line as Guru Dev, from one of his students.
> >
> > Doesn't guarantee its legitimacy.
> >
> > >
> > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Satyanand? Only stories. Some flattering. Some less so. An  
> > acharya?
> > > > >
> > > > > No.
> > > >
> > > > You're playing your name games there, fella. The only thing you  
> > have
> > > > is book learning and opinion, no experience.
> > >
> > > Actually I have more "experience" than book reading!
> >
> > Which is?
> 40 years.

40 years of what?  

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread TurquoiseB
Ignoring Judy's "Gotta Get Barry" episode, and
dealing with the real issue at hand:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One of the "compulsive-poster wimps from alt.m.t"
> Barry was referring to just happened to be do.rflex
> (John), the guy he's now dumping on because John
> trusts his experience of Guru Dev.

I have NO PROBLEM with John trusting his 
subjective experience of Guru Dev. I have
NO PROBLEM with him talking about it. I 
think it's *important* to learn to trust,
to some extent, one's subjective experiences
in life.

Declaring them "truth" is another thing

I trust my subjective experiences completely.
But I would never declare them valid for any-
one EXCEPT myself, and I would never call them
"truth." They're ONLY my subjective experiences.

I honestly don't get the feeling that's the way
John regards his subjective experience of Guru
Dev. I *know* that it's not how Jim and Rory
regard their subjective experiences. 

One can fully trust one's subjective experiences
without regarding them as some kind of cosmic
truth, let alone something that "trumps" any-
one else's notion of truth.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > >
> > > Brahmanand Saraswati?
> > > 
> > > Emphatically YES. And a yogi with ram (fire) siddhi (at very
> > > least).
> > 
> > You wouldn't really know. Your information is only because you've
> > 'heard' about them. I knew Satyanand and I experience Swami
> > Brahmananda Saraswati practically daily.
> Not to argue but to reinforce my point in post #163860,
> John, aren't you assuming that your subject "experience"
> of Brahmananda Saraswati "trumps" anything that Vaj
> could possibly say, or that anyone else on *Earth*
> could possibly say?
> It's your experience; therefore it is true.
> Thank you for providing such a perfect example of that
> tenth criterion of Narcissistic Personality Disorder
> that I was talking about.

Actually, you've got the context of what they're
arguing about wrong, because you're more interested
in dumping on John and preaching your standard
sermons than in understanding what they're saying.

> ( For the record...what you experience COULD be true.
> I don't know. My only point is that you don't either.
> You only assume it's true because it's *your* subjective
> experience. That is almost the classic definition of
> narcissism. )

Uh, no, it isn't.

But it's kind of fun to go back and look at
Barry's rants about how important it is to
trust your own experience. For example:

"There are a few people here on FFL who have
had such subjective experiences, whether it be
of odd phenomena or their own subjective exper-
iences of higher states of consciousness. I like
dealing with them *because* I can identify with
the changes that their subjective experiences and
learning to trust them have put them through."

And even funnier:

"You'll notice that most of the people who *have*
had interesting experiences of higher states of
consciousness or of extraordinary phenomena
rarely, if ever, talk about them any more. Jim's
about the only one who dares to brave the boring,
terrified turd-throwers any more. Rory's silent,
Tom's mainly silent, and a few people have left

"The bottom line, as I see it, is that the wimps
have WON, *especially* after the migration of a
couple of compulsive-poster wimps from alt.m.t.
Those two, together with anon_couscous and a
few others who don't even have the balls to use
their own names here, have made Fairfield Life
a distinctly UNFRIENDLY environment in which to
talk about one's own spiritual experiences."

One of the "compulsive-poster wimps from alt.m.t"
Barry was referring to just happened to be do.rflex
(John), the guy he's now dumping on because John
trusts his experience of Guru Dev.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
>  wrote:

> > I got a lot of peace from the article in the Skeptical Inquirer 
> > in 89 or 90 that compared these personality traits [Narcissistic
> > Personality Disorder] with popular gurus.  
> I think it's a valid way to see many of the teachers
> in today's spiritual world, and possibly in the whole
> history of spirituality. It's not the most *flattering*
> way to see them, and so of course the True Believers
> are going to react to the non-flattering-ness of it
> and not be able to see how *accurate* the description
> of NPD is when applied to most spiritual teachers.

To reiterate: the *characteristics* may apply
(in the layperson's view), but this by no means
is sufficient to conclude that the teacher has
narcissistic personality disorder. It means only
that he or she may share some characteristics
with those who have been in therapy and have
been diagnosed by professionals as having
narcissistic personality disorder.

And again, it's a "disorder" because the people
who have been diagnosed with it *were having
trouble coping with ordinary life*, to the point
that they felt they needed professional assistance.

> I think we're seeing it here on this group.
> There are quite a few people here whose way
> of reacting to grief at the loss of their
> teacher is to GET INTO ARGUMENTS.

Gee, Barry, I thought you said you weren't
experiencing any grief.
> Why? So they can declare themselves "right"
> about something, and try to assert themselves
> as "more right" than someone else, and get
> other people to focus on them. It's how they
> have consistently reacted for years here.

Well, I guess one is free to diagnose *oneself*
as having narcissistic personality disorder. It
seems a little strange to do so in third person,

> What I'm suggesting is that this tendency
> was learned from their teacher, Maharishi.
> Everything always came down to *him* as the
> ultimate authority, *him* as the person who
> "knows the truth." How could a bunch of 
> students, having seen this in their teacher
> for over 40 years, not pick up on the trait
> themselves?

It's *amazing* how many people in the population
at large must be suffering from narcissistic
personality disorder when you look at it this way.

> The whole role of the "guru" as proposed by
> many if not most spiritual traditions, IMO, 
> has been a process of putting Narcissistic 
> Personality Disorder up on a pedestal and
> glorifying it, as if it were a good thing.

Or, Another Way of Seeing Things: To *be* a
leader, spiritual or otherwise, requires one
to have at least some of the personality 
characteristics that are also found in people
with narcissistic personality disorder. If
they didn't have these characteristics, they
wouldn't be leaders in the first place.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> And think of how puzzling this behavior must
> be for those closest to him that got unceremoniously dumped.Keeping
> Jerry Jarvis out of the history of the movement book and exiling him
> was pretty far out there IMO.

Somehow, I don't imagine Jerry being very puzzled. Jerry had a cool
ride. Nothing lasts forever.

Anyone can "make every shot a power shot". It doesn't always have to
be on center court.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-09 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Michael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> You're welcome - it was a real pleasure to listen to that intently.
> I actually got the recording from a colleague-  you might be 
interested in his commentary 
> as well:
> I trust you received the audio file...
> Please let me know when you think a transcription can be completed; 
Maharishi's words 
> should be disseminated by us as widely as possible in print. Also, 
it will be fine for the 
> audio file to be distributed as widely as Initiators feel 
appropriate.  It is important that 
> Maharishi's own teaching about body-death in enlightenment is not 
reduced to a mere 
> `death-dependent-heaven' concept.  Maharishi taught that that 
concept was based in 
> ignorance.  His teaching is "Heaven on Earth"- not "die-and-go-to-

> As one can see from the comments posted  on the "Maharishi Open 
> Channel" website (my copy below), the hopeful successors of 
Maharishi, within mere hours 
> of His body-death, already have begun to misrepresent what 
Maharishi taught about 
> body-death in enlightenment.


This ignores how ignorant the world is. The problem is, when you see 
a nation of utter fools like the U.S. for instance, which re-elected 
a brain-damaged bellicose clown as national leader, you have to ask, 
what could fools possibly understand about the death of an 
enlightened one? And the answer is that they couldn't, of course, so 
TMO leaders, in saluting MMY, use the word "heaven" because of the 
impossibility of saying anything usefully meaningful in a press 
release to the world about the true nature of enlightenment. 
Maharishi always said "We teach knowledge of the infinite [TM], not 
infinite knowledge." It would be cruel to ignorant people to try to 
tell them anything more than what they need to begin to break away 
from their ignorant unhappiness. 

When I had a job that required a Dept of Defense security clearance, 
the concept of "need to know" was impressed on me, and the ignorant 
only need to know a little at first in order to improve their lives. 
TMers who have stuck with the practice for years and attended 
residence courses, etc., are going to be familiar with the idea that 
Cosmic Consciousness does not involve going to heaven, but even if 
they didn't, what difference would it make? Expansion of awareness 
through TM and some little study of Vedic knowledge eventually clears 
away everything that needs to be cleared away, without trying to 
smash the movement on the hard rocks of ignorance that dominate the 
world today.

Bob Brigante

> (From the "Maharishi Open University/Maharishi Channel" website, 5 
> "Heaven is applauding and welcoming His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh 
> A special message by
> His Majesty Maharaja Nader Raam
> Announcing the departure
> Of our most eternally beloved
> His Holiness
> Maharishi Mahesh Yogi to heaven.
> The special broadcast
> Including the message, Guru Puja and chanting
> Will continue repeatedly until further notice.
> Jai Guru Dev" 
> Ironically, in the recording of Maharishi's comments that I have 
distributed to you today, 
> when asked specifically about death after cosmic consciousness, His 
opening statement 
> about an enlightened person is, "He doesn't go..."
> It is such an unfortunate misunderstanding of Maharishi's teaching 
that H.M.Tony Nader 
> asserts Maharishi's "departure...to heaven...", that H.M. 
has "Heaven...welcoming..." 
> Maharishi.  
> Let us hope that H.M. recovers some memory of Maharishi's teaching 
during his `special 
> broadcast', and that confusing ideas about "Maharishi departing to 
heaven" do not gain 
> currency.  
> Their lack of understanding of where (and what) Maharishi actually 
is has thrown our 
> colleagues into grief; I know they mean well.
> That notwithstanding, we cannot take responsibility for ignorance, 
and I feel it incumbent 
> on me today to remind the world of Maharishi's own teaching about 
what happened to Him 
> today.  As Maharishi states in the recording, "...nothing new 
happens... no new merger"; 
> no new experience.  The continuity of unbounded heaven-
consciousness is untouched by 
> body death; the omnipresent consciousness cannot go anywhere- it is 
already everywhere.  
> Help me spread the proper thinking.
> Love and Jai Guru Deva
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> >
> > Well I see putting the tapes online did some good!
> > 
> > Thanks whoever took the time to do that service.
> > 
> > On Feb 7, 2008, at 5:26 PM, Rick Archer wrote:
> > 
> > >
> > > A recorded lecture by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
> > >
> > > August 1970, Humboldt State College, California
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Student:  Today in our discussion group we were discussing 
levels of  
> > > consciousness and this rose (sic) a couple of questions.  Th

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread Vaj

On Feb 7, 2008, at 5:46 PM, Michael wrote:

You're welcome - it was a real pleasure to listen to that intently.

I actually got the recording from a colleague- you might be  
interested in his commentary

as well:

Thank you so much (I am very interested) and I'm glad people have the  
courage to share these old teachings and keep the record straight. An  
honest love for maintaining real purity.

I do hope those who have any such relevant tapes for the sharing will  
again contact me as I'd be honored to host them at high-speed download  
for several months.

Thanks again. What a wonderful gesture and kindness.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread Vaj

On Feb 7, 2008, at 6:29 PM, BillyG. wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A recorded lecture by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
> August 1970, Humboldt State College, California

> Student: Today in our discussion group we were discussing levels of
> consciousness and this rose (sic) a couple of questions. The first
>one is,
> at what level of consciousness is it unnecessary for an individual  

> incarnate again.
snip for brevity...

That's nice theory and nicely put, but it hardly *fully* addresses the
issue, remember, even Christ Re-incarnated as an avatara, what the
hell do you think an avatar is anyway:

Once again MMY doesn't answer the question regarding Kundalini and
Chakras, which the student was eager to hear, MMY was merely testy
with him in the end.

Maybe he really wasn't a yogi. Is that a possibility here?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread Vaj

On Feb 7, 2008, at 6:38 PM, do.rflex wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Maharishi's answer doesn't clearly account for, as an example,
Satyanand's stated experience of hearing Guru Dev's voice *after* Guru
Dev's body had ceased to function. Nor does it account for my own
current experiences of Guru Dev, visually and telepathically. [Unless
of course, one claims that Guru Dev hadn't attained Cosmic  

Interestingly, I remember that exchange at Humboldt, as I waited on
every word. And I shared the frustration I sensed in the person that
asked that question as Maharishi did not clarify it satisfactorily.

At the time of "Humboldt" there was one widely disseminated  
translation of the Sat-Chakra-Nirupana (and other kundalini texts)  
translated by the incredible "Arthur Avalon" (pseud.) as "The Serpent  
Power". In a slightly earlier era it would have been (probably) banned  
as pornography -- but in the early sixties and even fifties -- people  
were innovating. It became a classic. And so a lot of people had a lot  
of questions certain others weren't expecting--and likely did not know.

People immediately got "stuck" on this "idea" of seven chakras. Lucky  
seven. It largely was imprinted from the collective dissemination of  
this book. The Samaya Sri Chakrins said "nine" but really there is no  
such limitation. All numbers are sacred. Different transmissions  
describe different illusory formulations. As one of my teachers said  
(paraphrasing) 'if you try to reconcile all the different chakra and  
elements systems you'll ultimately gain no benefit but you may go  

Regarding early TMO pundits and "teachers": 'they certainly weren't no  
Acharyas'. :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread Vaj

On Feb 7, 2008, at 6:53 PM, BillyG. wrote:

Yes! I think MMY had a Messiah complex and wanted to save the world
from itself,(not a bad idea) but was only able to muster a few dozen
'cling ons' to further his 'dreams'. Had he stayed with his original
principles like, "for the forest to be green, etc...", he may have
accomplished more

I've spoken to a number of psychologist and psychiatrist friends on  
this one.

Most point to "Narcissistic Personality Disorder" but I guess the new  
name should be Vedic Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

I won't go so far as to suggest Maharishi Vedic Narcissistic  
Personality Disorder. :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread Vaj

On Feb 7, 2008, at 7:11 PM, authfriend wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:

> > Maybe he really wasn't a yogi. Is that a possibility here?
> Yes!

Be interesting to hear a definition of "yogi"
from both of you.

"CC" type attainment as a minimum--the slightly dualistic  
turiyatita--"beyond the forth" being what I'd refer to in a TM-style  

But there are non-dual and other yogis as well, so it is good to  
specify what "style" of yogi you mean when you make some sort of  
declaration. It's not a monolithic thing. I'm always glad to specify  
if people are sensitive enough to even ask.

Most aren't.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread Vaj

On Feb 7, 2008, at 7:26 PM, do.rflex wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 7, 2008, at 6:38 PM, do.rflex wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> > Maharishi's answer doesn't clearly account for, as an example,
> > Satyanand's stated experience of hearing Guru Dev's voice  
*after* Guru

> > Dev's body had ceased to function. Nor does it account for my own
> > current experiences of Guru Dev, visually and telepathically.  

> > of course, one claims that Guru Dev hadn't attained Cosmic
> > Consciousness.]
> >
> > Interestingly, I remember that exchange at Humboldt, as I waited  
> > every word. And I shared the frustration I sensed in the person  
> > asked that question as Maharishi did not clarify it  


> Regarding early TMO pundits and "teachers": 'they certainly  
weren't no

> Acharyas'. :-)

Brahmachari Satyanand, whom I referred to, had spent many years with
Guru Dev as a disciple. After Guru Dev's 'death' he later went on to
assist Maharishi spreading Transcendental Meditation, as I understand
it, until he died himself. I attended a course he conducted at Lake
Arrowhead in the early 70s and spoke with him individually and
privately at least three times, one of which was to receive an
advanced technique. I say this mainly to indicate that Satyanand was
directly involved with Guru Dev and Maharishi both.

IME it's not a guarantee that these people are completely and  
holistically trained in these sciences. I really, honestly, see most  
of them as naive.

Some are able to replace education with direct (inner) experience, but  
this is exceedingly rare in this era.

You can also hang or pay to hang with those who do know directly the  
inner and outer worlds. It seems to me that Mahesh Yogi was someone  
who hung or paid to hang with some really very cool folks. From there  
he built his web.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread Angela Mailander
Here's another, more important, thing we agree on.

- Original Message 
From: authfriend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, February 7, 2008 6:12:38 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt


--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Vaj  wrote:


> On Feb 7, 2008, at 6:53 PM, BillyG. wrote:


> > Yes! I think MMY had a Messiah complex and wanted to save the

> > world from itself,(not a bad idea) but was only able to muster

> > a few dozen 'cling ons' to further his 'dreams'. Had he stayed

> > with his original principles like, "for the forest to be green,

> > etc...", he may have accomplished more


> I've spoken to a number of psychologist and psychiatrist

> friends on this one.


> Most point to "Narcissistic Personality Disorder"



Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread Vaj

On Feb 7, 2008, at 7:12 PM, authfriend wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 7, 2008, at 6:53 PM, BillyG. wrote:
> > Yes! I think MMY had a Messiah complex and wanted to save the
> > world from itself,(not a bad idea) but was only able to muster
> > a few dozen 'cling ons' to further his 'dreams'. Had he stayed
> > with his original principles like, "for the forest to be green,
> > etc...", he may have accomplished more
> I've spoken to a number of psychologist and psychiatrist
> friends on this one.
> Most point to "Narcissistic Personality Disorder"


Judy, do tell!

What was your DSM IV guess???

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread Vaj

On Feb 7, 2008, at 7:57 PM, do.rflex wrote:

> > > Regarding early TMO pundits and "teachers": 'they certainly
> > weren't no
> > > Acharyas'. :-)
> >
> > Brahmachari Satyanand, whom I referred to, had spent many years  
> > Guru Dev as a disciple. After Guru Dev's 'death' he later went  
on to
> > assist Maharishi spreading Transcendental Meditation, as I  
> > it, until he died himself. I attended a course he conducted at  

> > Arrowhead in the early 70s and spoke with him individually and
> > privately at least three times, one of which was to receive an
> > advanced technique. I say this mainly to indicate that Satyanand  

> > directly involved with Guru Dev and Maharishi both.
> IME it's not a guarantee that these people are completely and
> holistically trained in these sciences. I really, honestly, see most
> of them as naive.

Fact is, you haven't seen Guru Dev or Brahmachari Satyanand at all.

But I do have lineal transmission of Samaya Sri Vidya directly from  
his line (Guru Dev's). So I base my View on his same transmission. And  
I do know that transmission. (So can anyone).

Satyanand? Only stories. Some flattering. Some less so. An acharya?


Brahmanand Saraswati?

Emphatically YES. And a yogi with ram (fire) siddhi (at very least).

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread Vaj

On Feb 7, 2008, at 8:04 PM, authfriend wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 7, 2008, at 7:12 PM, authfriend wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:

> > > I've spoken to a number of psychologist and psychiatrist
> > > friends on this one.
> > >
> > > Most point to "Narcissistic Personality Disorder"
> >
> > ROTFL!!
> Judy, do tell!
> What was your DSM IV guess???

I don't make DSM-IV guesses. Neither do responsible
psychologists or psychiatrists make them about people
they haven't at least interacted with.

For deceased persons?

Yes they do.

Keep in mind, death (irregardless of whether or not it's seen as  
significant) is like a final stamp on a bank account or administrators  
account. The "stamp" has fallen. Based on the evidence between Mahesh  
Srivistava Varma's creation and death we can (and will) look at  
evidence for a certain personality type (or pathos).

The administrators account has been stamped "final" my dear. Wake up.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread Vaj

On Feb 7, 2008, at 8:25 PM, sandiego108 wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 7, 2008, at 7:11 PM, authfriend wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG."  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > 
> > > > Maybe he really wasn't a yogi. Is that a possibility here?
> > >
> > > Yes!
> >
> > Be interesting to hear a definition of "yogi"
> > from both of you.
> "CC" type attainment as a minimum--the slightly dualistic
> turiyatita--"beyond the forth" being what I'd refer to in a TM-
> context.
> But there are non-dual and other yogis as well, so it is good to
> specify what "style" of yogi you mean when you make some sort of
> declaration. It's not a monolithic thing. I'm always glad to
> if people are sensitive enough to even ask.
> Most aren't.
and those that know the truth about this sort of thing aren't
either. Go home pretender. This notion that you have of their being
a never ending path of signs and symbols and sciences and levels of
accomplishment is all designed to mollify the fear of complete
dissolution, of your own death. Nothing more.

All who talk in these terms seek to keep those listening in bondage,
keep them seeking outward for what is each of our spontaneous and
wholly owned birthright, that of eternal freedom. Some of the
trappings of these rituals of Maya are beautiful, but that doesn't
make them liberating.

There are just two kinds of existence, 1) bound and segregated, and
2) free and integrated. To make a fundamentalist science as you do
of all of these gradations and other things keeps the mind busy so
that it can believe in something other than its own naturally
available annihilation. Just more fear and idiocy dancing with Maya.

Uh, thanks, Jim.

I'll make sure I tell all the sages I meet.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread Vaj

On Feb 7, 2008, at 8:33 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

Although I am sure this will be hard to relate to for some...

I got a lot of peace from the article in the Skeptical Inquirer in 89
or 90 that compared these personality traits with popular gurus. I
know this seemed horrible to people who may view him as a "real"
messiah, but for me it gave me some insight for compassion for
Maharishi. It helped me understand how he operated the way he did,
and even the odd feeling he would give off when I interacted with him.
It explained how he could use and discard people as he unfolded his
"mission." I don't see this as a putdown. It is an alternate
explanation to the idea that he proposed that he was the most
important human in history. Why would someone believe such a thing
about themselves? Either he was or he was not, but it requires an
explanation. At least it did for me. So for me he remains a
fascinating guy with or without this disorder.

One piece of evidence I submit that perhaps he was mislead about the
power of his teaching are the closest people to him that he left
behind, presumably his most advanced pupils. I think we have a pretty
good idea that his optimism about his programs exceeded his results.

Or is that just me being negative on King Tony and Bevan?

Well they are separate people entirely, interpreting a teachers  
teachings. I get a really sattvic vibe off of king Tony and Bevan  
always was a kind of archetypal Jupiterian to me--and of course there  
are good and bad connotations of Jupiter.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread Vaj

On Feb 7, 2008, at 8:30 PM, authfriend wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 7, 2008, at 8:04 PM, authfriend wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > On Feb 7, 2008, at 7:12 PM, authfriend wrote:
> > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > 
> > > > > I've spoken to a number of psychologist and psychiatrist
> > > > > friends on this one.
> > > > >
> > > > > Most point to "Narcissistic Personality Disorder"
> > > >
> > > > ROTFL!!
> > >
> > > Judy, do tell!
> > >
> > > What was your DSM IV guess???
> >
> > I don't make DSM-IV guesses. Neither do responsible
> > psychologists or psychiatrists make them about people
> > they haven't at least interacted with.
> For deceased persons?
> Yes they do.

And you've spoken to all these psychologist
and psychiatrist friends to get their diagnosis
of MMY just since Tuesday afternoon, right?

Of course not. It was over time Dear Editor.

> Keep in mind, death (irregardless of whether or not it's seen as
> significant) is like a final stamp on a bank account or
> administrators account. The "stamp" has fallen. Based on the
> evidence between Mahesh Srivistava Varma's creation and death we
> can (and will) look at evidence for a certain personality type
> (or pathos).

I'm sorry, but that's the most ridiculous thing
I've ever read on this forum, and that's saying

Like, MMY might undergo some massive personality
change in the last weeks of his life, so we better
wait until the day he actually croaks before we
diagnose him.


Plus which, any professional who would trust *you*
to give an accurate enough account of MMY to do a
long-distance diagnosis is incompetent anyway.

Professionals do sometimes attempt speculative
diagnoses of historical figures years after they
die when they have spent considerable time studying
the records. *Responsible* professionals don't come
up with such diagnoses on a dime the day after
a person with whom they have no familiarity has died,
on the basis of a single person's account (least of
all someone as unreliable as to facts and as highly
biased as you).

And of course, another "Judy's Golem" --a strawman and monstrous  
distortion with no resemblance whatsoever to my intentions. Burn  
strawman burn!

Get a new schtick already!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread Vaj

On Feb 7, 2008, at 8:34 PM, sandiego108 wrote:

No, better yet, continue to lose yourself in your layers and signs
and Ways and Views...that's the ticket. Arduously discover a
glimpse, a painful elicited glimmer of the one true self, no wait,
The One True Self Of Compassion--- Hilarious!!! You crack me up Vaj

Every "thing" is a symbol: learn, love and live! Enjoy your own  
mandala. No self or Self necessary!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread Vaj

On Feb 7, 2008, at 8:38 PM, authfriend wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> *Responsible* professionals don't come
> up with such diagnoses on a dime the day after
> a person with whom they have no familiarity has died,

*Particularly* not a person from a completely
different culture and background who is
obviously a very unusual character to begin
with. Not to mention a person about whose
early life virtually nothing is known.

An interesting point Dear Editor. One can have many guesses on  
someone's early life and never be sure of what transpired.

Can you guess 'my guess' of Mahesh's early (unrecorded or commented)  
life? What's yours?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread Vaj

On Feb 7, 2008, at 8:58 PM, authfriend wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 7, 2008, at 8:38 PM, authfriend wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" 
> > 
> > > *Responsible* professionals don't come
> > > up with such diagnoses on a dime the day after
> > > a person with whom they have no familiarity has died,
> >
> > *Particularly* not a person from a completely
> > different culture and background who is
> > obviously a very unusual character to begin
> > with. Not to mention a person about whose
> > early life virtually nothing is known.
> An interesting point Dear Editor. One can have many guesses on
> someone's early life and never be sure of what transpired.
> Can you guess 'my guess' of Mahesh's early (unrecorded or
> commented) life? What's yours?

As Shemp would say, Vaj, stop digging.

As Shemp might say to you:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-07 Thread Vaj

On Feb 7, 2008, at 8:57 PM, authfriend wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 7, 2008, at 8:30 PM, authfriend wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > On Feb 7, 2008, at 8:04 PM, authfriend wrote:
> > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > On Feb 7, 2008, at 7:12 PM, authfriend wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj 
> > > > 
> > > > > > > I've spoken to a number of psychologist and psychiatrist
> > > > > > > friends on this one.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Most point to "Narcissistic Personality Disorder"
> > > > > >
> > > > > > ROTFL!!
> > > > >
> > > > > Judy, do tell!
> > > > >
> > > > > What was your DSM IV guess???
> > > >
> > > > I don't make DSM-IV guesses. Neither do responsible
> > > > psychologists or psychiatrists make them about people
> > > > they haven't at least interacted with.
> > >
> > > For deceased persons?
> > >
> > > Yes they do.
> >
> > And you've spoken to all these psychologist
> > and psychiatrist friends to get their diagnosis
> > of MMY just since Tuesday afternoon, right?
> Of course not. It was over time Dear Editor.

So it *wasn't* "for a deceased person."

You're getting rattled again, Vaj, as you always
do when someone calls you on one of your more
ludicrous pronouncements.

LOL. Dead persons have had their life-examples used as examples of  
their personality types, post-vivo, it's a simple fact. Stop trying to  
distort my intention Judy.

Observe Vaj's explanation of the circumstances
under which professionals supposedly make such
a diagnosis:

> > > Keep in mind, death (irregardless of whether or not it's seen as
> > > significant) is like a final stamp on a bank account or
> > > administrators account. The "stamp" has fallen. Based on the
> > > evidence between Mahesh Srivistava Varma's creation and death we
> > > can (and will) look at evidence for a certain personality type
> > > (or pathos).

But now he informs us it *wasn't* the "falling of the
stamp" that enabled his friends to make this diagnosis.

Not at all. The data sample has a beginning and an end.

That data sample has ended.

> > Plus which, any professional who would trust *you*
> > to give an accurate enough account of MMY to do a
> > long-distance diagnosis is incompetent anyway.

Vaj's furious backpedaling notwithstanding, the
applies whatever the situation.

> > Professionals do sometimes attempt speculative
> > diagnoses of historical figures years after they
> > die when they have spent considerable time studying
> > the records. *Responsible* professionals don't come
> > up with such diagnoses on a dime the day after
> > a person with whom they have no familiarity has died,
> > on the basis of a single person's account (least of
> > all someone as unreliable as to facts and as highly
> > biased as you).
> And of course, another "Judy's Golem" --a strawman and monstrous
> distortion with no resemblance whatsoever to my intentions.

 See above. Of course, my purported
"straw man" was based precisely on what Vaj
had said.

Yeah...uh huh...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread Vaj

On Feb 8, 2008, at 7:33 AM, do.rflex wrote:

I have experienced Guru Dev visually and telepathically myself. Once I
'heard' him repeating something which I'd never heard before, I
believe it was in Sanskrit - as if an initiation or such. I know other
TM teachers who have had similar experiences. I'm not schizophrenic
and neither were they. And what we experience[d] isn't merely
'inspiration' from memories.


Return to the mantra.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread Vaj

On Feb 8, 2008, at 11:52 AM, do.rflex wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 8, 2008, at 11:13 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
> >
> > I think that John has bought into the propaganda
> > spread by Nabby and others that you have never
> > practiced TM or been a TM teacher. His phrasing
> > above seems to imply that.
> >
> > If I'm not mistaken, neither is true. Like many
> > of us here, you both learned TM and spent some
> > time on the "front lines" as a TM teacher before
> > moving on to other studies, including some that
> > involved working with teachers in the *real*
> > Shankaracharya lineage.
> Oh, ok thanks. I'll just ignore his post then like Nabby's!
> Life's too short.

Caught with his pants down the complainer runs. LOL!

Actually I'm still here, just not into playing games with naive  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Feb 8, 2008, at 8:37 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

I guess what I'm saying is that I don't think
that it's PERSONAL that Maharishi or any other
NPD spiritual teacher doesn't treat their
students with respect. My feeling is that they
barely even notice that the students are even

Very perceptive, Barry.  While I never did take it personally, I  
didn't give up nor devote nearly as much (timewise or any other way)  
as many others.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread Vaj

On Feb 8, 2008, at 9:35 AM, do.rflex wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 8, 2008, at 9:01 AM, do.rflex wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > On Feb 8, 2008, at 6:39 AM, do.rflex wrote:
> > >
> > > > What the hell is "same transmission"?
> > >
> > > Transmission is just a translation of the Sanskrit word
> > > "agama" (Agama) --a transmission of the same teaching, in the  

> > > practice line as Guru Dev, from one of his students.
> >
> > Doesn't guarantee its legitimacy.
> >
> > >
> > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Satyanand? Only stories. Some flattering. Some less so. An
> > acharya?
> > > > >
> > > > > No.
> > > >
> > > > You're playing your name games there, fella. The only thing  

> > have
> > > > is book learning and opinion, no experience.
> > >
> > > Actually I have more "experience" than book reading!
> >
> > Which is?
> 40 years.

40 years of what?

Spiritual practice and for about 25 of that, training as well.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread Vaj

On Feb 8, 2008, at 9:01 AM, do.rflex wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 8, 2008, at 6:39 AM, do.rflex wrote:
> > What the hell is "same transmission"?
> Transmission is just a translation of the Sanskrit word
> "agama" (Agama) --a transmission of the same teaching, in the same
> practice line as Guru Dev, from one of his students.

Doesn't guarantee its legitimacy.

> >
> > >
> > > Satyanand? Only stories. Some flattering. Some less so. An  

> > >
> > > No.
> >
> > You're playing your name games there, fella. The only thing you  

> > is book learning and opinion, no experience.
> Actually I have more "experience" than book reading!

Which is?

40 years.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread Vaj

On Feb 8, 2008, at 11:13 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

I think that John has bought into the propaganda
spread by Nabby and others that you have never
practiced TM or been a TM teacher. His phrasing
above seems to imply that.

If I'm not mistaken, neither is true. Like many
of us here, you both learned TM and spent some
time on the "front lines" as a TM teacher before
moving on to other studies, including some that
involved working with teachers in the *real*
Shankaracharya lineage.

Oh, ok thanks. I'll just ignore his post then like Nabby's!

Life's too short.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread Vaj

On Feb 8, 2008, at 10:06 AM, do.rflex wrote:

Scientology? ...or what? What qualifies you to determine and/or to
be a final arbiter of the validity of the saints, especially ones
you've never met or 'experienced'?

No interest in scientology or being a "final arbiter". I've trained  
and practiced in both Hindu and Buddhist mantrayana lines, including  
practices for death and dying.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread Vaj

On Feb 8, 2008, at 10:52 AM, do.rflex wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 8, 2008, at 10:06 AM, do.rflex wrote:
> > Scientology? ...or what? What qualifies you to determine and/or to
> > be a final arbiter of the validity of the saints, especially ones
> > you've never met or 'experienced'?
> No interest in scientology or being a "final arbiter". I've trained
> and practiced in both Hindu and Buddhist mantrayana lines, including
> practices for death and dying.

So how does that qualify you to give any legitimate definition to
Maharishi, Brahmachari Satyanand or Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, or
for that matter, Transcendental Meditation? You have ZERO direct
experience with any of those persons or the TM. What do you have more
than second hand information in that regard?

Not sure what you mean by this "legitimate definition" of Mahesh,  
etc.  is that I'm supposed to be giving or have given. I'm a trained  
yogi and therefore I can and do express my opinion from that POV and  
the direct first-hand experience of many different forms of  
meditation, not just TM.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Feb 8, 2008, at 12:18 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

Remember when we read the Sociopath Next Door?  That gave me much more
compassion and understanding about exploitive people.  I think the
narcissist definition is a better match, but both give an insight that
we need to know that some people are functioning fundamentally
differently.  And within that there can be a lot of gradations of good
and bad in their life.  Just because Maharishi might have had a
narcissistic personality disorder doesn't invalidate whatever good he
did accomplish or his own sincerity in accomplishing it.  It's just
means he is not a good guy to hand your PIN number to, or... like...
your whole life!

Agreed, Curtis!  That was quite a book.  Gives insights not only  
about MMY but others also.  Just about the whole nature of  
exploitation.   IMO it's a must-read.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread Vaj

On Feb 8, 2008, at 6:39 AM, do.rflex wrote:

What the hell is "same transmission"?

Transmission is just a translation of the Sanskrit word  
"agama" (Agama) --a transmission of the same teaching, in the same  
practice line as Guru Dev, from one of his students.

> Satyanand? Only stories. Some flattering. Some less so. An acharya?
> No.

You're playing your name games there, fella. The only thing you have
is book learning and opinion, no experience.

Actually I have more "experience" than book reading! 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread Vaj

On Feb 7, 2008, at 9:32 PM, authfriend wrote:

Let's recap: Responsible professionals do not
diagnose people they haven't interacted with on
the basis of one person's description. And any
professional who thought s/he would get an
accurate, objective account of MMY from Vaj is

--It wasn't on the basis of one persons description.

--It wasn't a "diagnosis", it was merely an opinion.

--the persons giving the opinions are responsible professionals.

But nice try! 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY lecture on death in CC - Humboldt

2008-02-08 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Feb 8, 2008, at 3:29 AM, george_deforest wrote:

curtisdeltablues wrote:

I got a lot of peace from the article in the Skeptical Inquirer
in 89 or 90 that compared these personality traits with popular

It explained how he could use and discard people as he unfolded
his "mission."  I don't see this as a putdown.

Curtis, this is the main thing that has bothered me about MMY and the  
TMO--how could he (they) do that?  How could they take the good will  
and good intentions of so many really nice people and treat them like  
that?  I think I may spend a long time  pondering that question.  I  
look forward to any revelations along the way.
