[SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-09-01 Thread afriend


I've uploaded my modified version of *Dynamic Playlists* to github.
Based on Erland's original plugin but not maintained by him.
If you're interested please visit the '*github page*'
(https://github.com/AF-1/lms-dynamicplaylists) for more information
(latest description, changes, installation, notes...).

If you're running DPL (v2.x) and want to give DPL (v3+) a try you have
to uninstall v2.x first and then install v3.x. Sorry for the
inconvenience but that's by design to prevent unintentional automatic

Please report bugs *only here* (including relevant server log entries
and the version number of LMS and your OS). Thank you.

afriend's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39306
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2022-10-18 Thread AF1

mamema wrote: 
> "Top Rated" playlist in DPLv3, my expectation is "play only 5 star
> ratings"
Since users have different ideas about which rating(s) should be
considered -top,- the (min.) top rating value can be adjusted in the
plugin settings. Same with -Ratings Light-. BTW if you want to
browse/list rated tracks, there's a setting (disabled by default) in the
RL settings (-menus- section) for creating browse menus. If all you want
to do is -play- songs with a specific rating, one of the built-in
dynamic playlists might do the job: -Songs - RATED (choose *minimum*
rating)- or -Songs - RATED (choose *exact* rating)-.

mamema wrote: 
> when i modify a rating from 5 star to 1 star, which is working according
> to the ratings log, those songs reappear in the standard build in "top
> rated dynamic playlist".
> why is that?
That shouldn't happen. And it doesn't on my test system. Once a track
has been given a 1 star rating, it should no longer appear in tracks
that are -subsequently- added or when you restart the dynamic playlist.
DPL3 puts a query to the LMS database to get all tracks rated x stars
and then plays the results. The SQLite statement is pretty simple so
there's little room for errors there. Maybe check if the track was
properly rated as 1 star using the track's context menu afterwards. And
then there might be database inconsistencies (2 entries for 1 track,
maybe mp3 tag related...). Anyway, I can't reproduce that here. Sorry.
If you find conclusive evidence that it's a DPL bug, please post a bug
report on Github. Thank you.

⚠️ Please post *bug reports* for my plugins *only* on
'*GitHub*' (https://github.com/AF-1/). There
you can also find the *FAQ* (if available) and more detailed information
about each plugin. Thank you.
I've updated the information and links in the *➥ first post* of
all support threads.

AF1's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39306
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2022-10-18 Thread AF1

I   h a v e   u p d a t e d   t h e   l i n k s   a n d   i n f o r m a
t i o n   i n   t h e   ' * _ f i r s t _ p o s t _ * '   ( h t t p s :
/ / f o r u m s . s l i m d e v i c e s . c o m / s h o w t h r e a d .
p h p ? 1 1 5 0 7 3 - A n n o u n c e - D y n a m i c - P l a y l i s t
s - 3 - ( m o d ) ) .

⚠️ Please post *bug reports* for my plugins *only* on
'*GitHub*' (https://github.com/AF-1/). There
you can also find the *FAQ* (if available) and more detailed information
about each plugin. Thank you.
I've updated the information and links in the *➥ first post* of
all support threads.

AF1's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39306
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2022-10-23 Thread mamema

AF1 wrote: 
> Since users have different ideas about which rating(s) should be
> considered -top,- the (min.) top rating value can be adjusted in the
> plugin settings. Same with -Ratings Light-. BTW if you want to
> browse/list rated tracks, there's a setting (disabled by default) in the
> RL settings (-menus- section) for creating browse menus. If all you want
> to do is -play- songs with a specific rating, one of the built-in
> dynamic playlists might do the job: -Songs - RATED (choose *minimum*
> rating)- or -Songs - RATED (choose *exact* rating)-.
> That shouldn't happen. And it doesn't on my test system. Once a track
> has been given a 1 star rating, it should no longer appear in tracks
> that are -subsequently- added or when you restart the dynamic playlist.
> DPL3 puts a query to the LMS database to get all tracks rated x stars
> and then plays the results. The SQLite statement is pretty simple so
> there's little room for errors there. Maybe check if the track was
> properly rated as 1 star using the track's context menu afterwards. And
> then there might be database inconsistencies (2 entries for 1 track,
> maybe mp3 tag related...). Anyway, I can't reproduce that here. Sorry.
> If you find conclusive evidence that it's a DPL bug, please post a bug
> report on Github. Thank you.

yes, no :-) your plugin is great and i've discovered your recommendation
already (choose min rating) from above. I've also modified the
rating numbers (5 max eg 100) but i've still have some odd situations,
perhaps it is caused by my "erland plugin life" since the

I'll try to explain, because honestly i'm lost

1.) sql "choose max rating list" from DPL3 is working (partly)
2.) i can rate songs with rating lights enabled via material skin
(bottom right stars) and context menu right click

so "should" work

what i get

big issues:
- even though i select a song, which comes up after 1.) but shouldn't
because != 5 Star and i decrease the rating half star or even "unrated"
via right click context menu, THIS DAMN SONG IS COMING BACK EVERY TIME
- even though i rate a song with top 5 star rating with Material skin
buttom right, or context menu, THIS DAMN SONG never appears with 1.)

small issue
- only about 15 songs are listed (with play all /add all from DPL3) even
though i have much more top rated songs.
is this by design, or a limitation, which i have to configure?

...as you are the guy providing such great plugins, to step into the gap
which has been there since erland left the party, i'm just asking for
hints here.

my (end user) assumption.
- could be because of rescan?
- i have never DELETED the db cache files (helped earlier back in
time) after switching to DPL3
- i had used erlands plugins (trackstat and dynamic playlist) and still
- custom browse
- custom scan
- database query 

but NO unsupported plugins

i have no clear picture of the issue and no clear log errors, what do
you think?

i'm just unsure if i can disable some of my plugins for testing, because
of fear to break my environment which was build over several

what would you do?
Thank you for your advice.

mamema's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=44662
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2022-10-23 Thread AF1

mamema wrote: 
> big issues:
> - even though i select a song, which comes up after 1.) but shouldn't
> because != 5 Star and i decrease the rating half star or even "unrated"
> via right click context menu, THIS DAMN SONG IS COMING BACK EVERY TIME
> - even though i rate a song with top 5 star rating with Material skin
> buttom right, or context menu, THIS DAMN SONG never appears with 1.)

We have:
- rating action
- display of ratings (in Material)
- dynamic playlist

You'll have to deal with these in that order. Unless you've confirmed
that the rating was properly committed to the LMS database and
eliminated this as a possible cause, you won't get any closer to finding
a solution.

## *RATINGS* ##


Let's first, once and for all, check if ratings are properly committed
to your LMS database:

- stop all playback

- take a track you've -never- rated before, rate it 5 stars using
Material Skin. Then go to the *default LMS skin*, *not* Material and
click through to the *song info* view for this track. You should have
*2* rating values there: one provided by Ratings Light (5 stars) and
another one (further below) displaying the raw LMS database value (100).
Does they have the new track rating (5 stars and 100 respectively)?

- Then decrease the rating for this very *same* song to *1* star using
Material. Then go to the *default LMS skin*, *not* Material and click
through to the *song info* view for this track. You should have *2*
rating values there: one by Ratings Light (1 star) and another one
(further below) displaying the raw LMS database value (20). Does you see
the *new* track rating (1 star and 20 respectively)?


If not, repeat the whole process but this time use the *LMS default
skin[B], not Material to set the track rating (use a different track).


First, it may take a short moment before the new rating is displayed in
Material or the LMS default skin because the client display caches are
emptied and updated on all clients. And the LMS default skin only
refreshes every 5(?) seconds or so.

Material uses Ratings Light only to commit rating values to the LMS
database (unless that's changed and Material uses its own logic for
setting ratings now). Material gets rating values directly from LMS. And
the UI / display of ratings (except the Ratings Light context menu item)
is handled by Material. But AFAIC no problems there.

## *DPL* ##

I'm a bit confused here. Where did you find the "choose *max.* rating
list"? I don't think there's a built-in dynamic playlist with that name.
Maybe post the *complete* name. I only see "Songs - RATED (choose
*minimum* rating)" and "Songs - RATED (choose *exact* rating)".

Or is it a *custom* dynamic playlist that you've created? 
If so, did you use -Dynamic Playlist Creator- to create it or did you
write the SQLite code yourself? In that case, you'd have to *post the
sqlite code here* so I know what we're talking about.

mamema wrote: 
> small issue
> - only about 15 songs are listed (with play all /add all from DPL3) even
> though i have much more top rated songs.
> is this by design, or a limitation, which i have to configure?

15 is the -default- max. number of *un*played tracks that DPL3 will
*add* if you start a dynamic playlist, *not* the total number of tracks
matching your parameters. You can change that in the DPL3 settings. See
description of that preference in DPL3 settings.
The idea of DPL3 is not to add *all* tracks that match your parameters
*at once* but to add them in *batches* (batch size determined by the
"number of unplayed songs" setting). See GitHub and FAQ for details.
What if you had 12000 tracks matching your parameters? With a playlist
of that size you'd run into problems sooner or later - performance on
less capable players etc.

mamema wrote: 
> - could be because of rescan?
> - i have never DELETED the db cache files (helped earlier back in
> time) after switching to DPL3
> - i had used erlands plugins (trackstat and dynamic playlist) and still
> use:
> - custom browse
> - custom scan
> - database query
> but NO unsupported plugins
> i have no clear picture of the issue and no clear log errors, what do
> you think?
> i'm just unsure if i can disable some of my plugins for testing, or
> delete db files physically because of fear to break my environment which
> was build over several years..

- A *delete*/wipe rescan usually *solves* problems. It shouldn't create
major issues. Have you done a delete/wipe rescan recently?
- The db cache files shouldn't matter. They're only used by the plugins
who created them. And if you've uninstalled them, there's no harm in
keeping them if you wanted to go back to Erland's plugin. Same for
preference files.
- Unless someone's taken over, I think CustomBrowse and CustomScan are

Just to be clear: you

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2022-10-23 Thread mamema

thank you for this extensive explanation, will go through it, great,
really appreciated

mamema's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=44662
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2022-10-23 Thread nyindieguy

I'm having an issue with DPL that has been happening intermittently
going all the way back to when I was using Erland's original version. I
set up the parameters of DPL and hit play, and the playlist just plays
the first 15 songs and then stops. If I start again with the same
parameters, it keeps playing beyond the first 15 songs and lasts pretty
much forever (big collection). This behavior doesn't happen every time,
but it happens often enough that I always have to monitor closely until
I get beyond 15 songs, and if it does, I know I can leave it alone to
keep playing. It doesn't seem to matter what playlist I use or what
parameters I use. I happens with the built-in DPL3 playlists as well as
the ones I created with SQL Playlist. Any thoughts about what might
cause such behavior? 

Much appreciated, as usual.

nyindieguy's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=62092
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2022-10-24 Thread mamema


I have the feeling, you as the dev deserves good base data, so you are
able to differentiate between "noise" of a  end user and an issue

You've mentioned "deal with rating action"

- i have (since a long time) these in the logs:

[22-10-11 20:14:55.6204] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1325) Warning:
[20:14:55.6202] SQLPlayList: Error getting current playlist from
DynamicPlayList plugin: Undefined subroutine
&Plugins::DynamicPlayList::Plugin::getCurrentPlayList called at
/config/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SQLPlayList/Plugin.pm line 377.

and these

[22-10-11 20:15:37.2508] Slim::Player::Playlist::song (56) The use of
Slim::Player::Playlist::song() is deprecated, use
Slim::Player::Playlist::track() instead

of course i use several automated tag solutions from several sources
like discogs, musicbrainz etc. and write to the tag information of the
flac file itself because of that, i also use CustomScan from erland, to
get MORE out of this tagging.
I have these

[22-10-12 01:03:55.6060] Plugins::CustomScan::Scanner::fullRescan (710)
Starting scanning with Rating Tag

what i also have is this

[22-10-18 01:09:17.7669] Plugins::CustomScan::Scanner::initTrackScan
(1338) Clearing track data for ratingtag

So honestly, i do not know, if the customscan plugin is interfering with
your plugin on the db side

.but, those ratings are done from "John Doe" or "Mr. Smith". After
discovering DPL3, i just want to rely on my own tagging with DPL3 and
Ratings Light. I'm just not there yet.

...but also i have those messages in the logs "Rating 3.5 is invalid" or
such, which is in the logs since years, which i've read about (from
Michael Herger?) he said something along the lines: don't care.
Perhaps it's discogs stuff which "I DON'T CARE"

if the above explanations are "just shut up - user stuff", ignore it

your "do this" explanations

1.) RATINGS - use never rated song, rate via material, no playpack,
check via default skin
Validation: rated in Material 5 Star - Default Skin outcome: LMS 100,
and (end user unclear) a 5 star (shown as stars), is this Ratings


another song, also flac, never rated, i've rated with 5 stars in
Material, IT EVEN DOESN'T STICK in Material, even though it shows the
"end user message" "*" at the top of material after rating.
Of course i've ckecked default skin afterwards, nothing there

Problem found?

mamema's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=44662
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2022-10-24 Thread AF1

Sorry, don't have much time today. Will be back next weekend. Until

nyindieguy wrote: 
> I'm having an issue with DPL that has been happening intermittently
> going all the way back to when I was using Erland's original version. I
> set up the parameters of DPL and hit play, and the playlist just plays
> the first 15 songs and then stops. If I start again with the same
> parameters, it keeps playing beyond the first 15 songs and lasts pretty
> much forever (big collection). This behavior doesn't happen every time,
> but it happens often enough that I always have to monitor closely until
> I get beyond 15 songs, and if it does, I know I can leave it alone to
> keep playing. It doesn't seem to matter what playlist I use or what
> parameters I use. I happens with the built-in DPL3 playlists as well as
> the ones I created with SQL Playlist. Any thoughts about what might
> cause such behavior? 

Sounds like a corner case. Assuming you're using the default preference
values for *max.* number of *un*played songs (15) and *min.* number of
*un*played songs (5), set the *log level* for DPL3 to *Info*. The next
time when it stops too soon, check the log for relevant messages. If
that doesn't give you anything conclusive, set the log level of DPL3 to
*Debug*. Then check again when it stops too soon. Without meaningful log
messages, it's impossible to tell why this is happening. But please
don't post -huge- logs here (use the CODE tags), only the messages from
immediately before it happened (see timestamps).

mamema wrote: 
> [22-10-11 20:14:55.6204] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1325) Warning:
> [20:14:55.6202] SQLPlayList: Error getting current playlist from
> DynamicPlayList plugin: Undefined subroutine
> &Plugins::DynamicPlayList::Plugin::getCurrentPlayList called at
> /config/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SQLPlayList/Plugin.pm line 377.
Ignore. That's just for displaying the currently playing dpl in
SQLPlayList. Doesn't work anymore.

mamema wrote: 
> [22-10-11 20:15:37.2508] Slim::Player::Playlist::song (56) The use of
> Slim::Player::Playlist::song() is deprecated, use
> Slim::Player::Playlist::track() instead
That command = deprecated. SQLPlayList had code for playback logic
(Dynamic Playlist Creator doesn't) and is therefore affected. Had to
happen sooner or later.

mamema wrote: 
> of course i use several automated tag solutions from several sources
> like discogs, musicbrainz etc. and write to the tag information of the
> flac file itself because of that, i also use CustomScan from erland, to
> get MORE out of this tagging.
> So honestly, i do not know, if the customscan plugin is interfering with
> your plugin on the db side
I think CustomScan had a rating tag module that pulled rating values
from user-specified tags. It then committed those rating values to its
own database table *and then to the LMS database*. So if you used
CustomScan and the CustomScan auto-refresh (after a LMS rescan/restart),
it would always replace the rating values in the LMS database with
values it had pulled from the tracks' rating tag(s). That's one possible
cause for unwanted rating changes after an LMS rescan / restart. Not
sure how relevant it is in your case.

mamema wrote: 
> Validation: rated in Material 5 Star - Default Skin outcome: LMS 100,
> and (end user unclear) a 5 star (shown as stars), is this Ratings
> Light?
> another song, also flac, never rated, i've rated with 5 stars in
> Material, IT EVEN DOESN'T STICK in Material, even though it shows the
> "end user message" "*" at the top of material after rating.
> Of course i've ckecked default skin afterwards, nothing there

So the plugins seem to work as expected. The only question remaining is
why the rating value isn't committed to the LMS database for some
tracks. Are they dead/moved tracks perhaps (= invalid file url =
database problem)? RL will not rate invalid tracks (for good reason).
Try this: open 3 browser tabs - one with LMS *player* (-default skin-),
one with LMS *settings*, one with LMS *server log*. Then in the LMS
-player- tab find a track for which the rating "doesn't stick". Rate it
with the default skin, reload the tab and confirm the rating didn't
stick. Now, in tab 2 (-settings-) set the log level for Ratings Light to
*debug*, switch to tab 1 (default skin player) and try to rate the track
again. Then go to tab 3 (server log) and check for relevant log entries.
Good luck.

For '*bug reports*' (https://github.com/AF-1/), *FAQ* (if available) and
more detailed information about my plugins, please see the
'*GitHub*' (https://github.com/AF-1/) page or
the *first post* in the support thread for a plugin. Please post *bug
reports* for my plugins *only* on '*GitHub*' (https://github.com/AF-1/).
Thank you.

AF1's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39306
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073


Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2022-10-24 Thread mamema

so two things

1.) your reply to SQLPlaylist isn't clear to me

>That command = deprecated. SQLPlayList had code for playback logic
(Dynamic Playlist Creator doesn't) and is therefore affected. Had >to
happen sooner or later.

which means? Plugin SQLPlaylist NEEDS to be disabled?

2.) i was going not exactly the same route of your very good
troubleshooting guide, because, i was just not sure if i will find
another "not stick setting" song, so i started with the above mentioned
culprit and NO not moved, just "sorted into" the library, brand new,
played and listened yesterday.

here is the debug log:

[22-10-24 16:37:08.2953]
Plugins::RatingsLight::Plugin::objectInfoHandler (1070) objectType =
trackArtist ## url =
[22-10-24 16:37:08.2975] Plugins::RatingsLight::Plugin::getRatedTracks
(965) objectType = artist ## countOnly = 1 ## trackID = 66498 ## thisID
= 40
[22-10-24 16:37:08.2999] Plugins::RatingsLight::Plugin::getRatedTracks
(1059) Pre-check found 55 rated tracks for artist with ID: 40
[22-10-24 16:37:08.3001]
Plugins::RatingsLight::Plugin::objectInfoHandler (1070) objectType =
trackAlbum ## url =
[22-10-24 16:37:08.3011] Plugins::RatingsLight::Plugin::getRatedTracks
(965) objectType = album ## countOnly = 1 ## trackID = 66498 ## thisID =
[22-10-24 16:37:08.3015] Plugins::RatingsLight::Plugin::getRatedTracks
(1059) Pre-check found 0 rated tracks for album with ID: 5231
[22-10-24 16:37:08.3150] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1325) Warning:
[16:37:08.3148] Use of uninitialized value $moduleId in hash element at
/config/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SongInfo/Plugin.pm line 334.
[22-10-24 16:37:08.3151] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1325) Warning:
[16:37:08.3150] Use of uninitialized value $moduleId in concatenation
(.) or string at
/config/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SongInfo/Plugin.pm line 335.
[22-10-24 16:37:08.3152] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1325) Warning:
[16:37:08.3152] Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or
string at /config/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SongInfo/Plugin.pm line
[22-10-24 16:37:08.3156] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1325) Warning:
[16:37:08.3155] Use of uninitialized value $moduleId in hash element at
/config/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SongInfo/Plugin.pm line 334.
[22-10-24 16:37:08.3157] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1325) Warning:
[16:37:08.3157] Use of uninitialized value $moduleId in concatenation
(.) or string at
/config/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SongInfo/Plugin.pm line 335.
[22-10-24 16:37:08.3159] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1325) Warning:
[16:37:08.3158] Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or
string at /config/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SongInfo/Plugin.pm line
[22-10-24 16:37:08.3163] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1325) Warning:
[16:37:08.3161] Use of uninitialized value $moduleId in hash element at
/config/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SongInfo/Plugin.pm line 334.
[22-10-24 16:37:08.3164] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1325) Warning:
[16:37:08.3163] Use of uninitialized value $moduleId in concatenation
(.) or string at
/config/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SongInfo/Plugin.pm line 335.
[22-10-24 16:37:08.3165] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1325) Warning:
[16:37:08.3164] Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or
string at /config/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SongInfo/Plugin.pm line
[22-10-24 16:37:08.3169] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1325) Warning:
[16:37:08.3168] Use of uninitialized value $moduleId in hash element at
/config/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SongInfo/Plugin.pm line 334.
[22-10-24 16:37:08.3170] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1325) Warning:
[16:37:08.3169] Use of uninitialized value $moduleId in concatenation
(.) or string at
/config/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SongInfo/Plugin.pm line 335.
[22-10-24 16:37:08.3171] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1325) Warning:
[16:37:08.3170] Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or
string at /config/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SongInfo/Plugin.pm line
[22-10-24 16:37:16.4742] Plugins::RatingsLight::Plugin::setRating (324)
request params = {'_incremental' => undef,'_rating' => '100','_trackid'
=> '66498'}
[22-10-24 16:37:16.4750] Plugins::RatingsLight::Plugin::ratingValidator
(2994) rating = 100 -- ratingScale = 'percent'
[22-10-24 16:37:16.4832]
Plugins::RatingsLight::Plugin::addToRecentlyRatedPlaylist (2267)
playlistid = 106928
[22-10-24 16:37:16.6569]
Plugins::RatingsLight::Plugin::refreshTitleFormats (2936) refreshing
title formats
[22-10-24 16:37:17.4498]
Plugins::RatingsLight::Plugin::refreshVirtualLibraries (2100) Refreshing
virtual libraries completed after 0.792553901672363 seconds.
[22-10-24 16:37:17.5183]
Plugins::RatingsLight::Plugin::objectInfoHandler (1070) objectType =
trackArtist ## url =

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2022-10-24 Thread mamema

Now after "not sticking" with material, i was going to default skin.


22-10-24 16:54:20.2199] Plugins::RatingsLight::Plugin::objectInfoHandler
(1070) objectType = album ## url =
[22-10-24 16:54:20.2203] Plugins::RatingsLight::Plugin::getRatedTracks
(965) objectType = album ## countOnly = 1 ## trackID = 0 ## thisID =
[22-10-24 16:54:20.2209] Plugins::RatingsLight::Plugin::getRatedTracks
(1059) Pre-check found 0 rated tracks for album with ID: 5231
[22-10-24 16:54:30.6025]
Plugins::RatingsLight::Plugin::objectInfoHandler (1070) objectType =
trackArtist ## url =
[22-10-24 16:54:30.6050] Plugins::RatingsLight::Plugin::getRatedTracks
(965) objectType = artist ## countOnly = 1 ## trackID = 66498 ## thisID
= 40
[22-10-24 16:54:30.6067] Plugins::RatingsLight::Plugin::getRatedTracks
(1059) Pre-check found 55 rated tracks for artist with ID: 40
[22-10-24 16:54:30.6069] Plugins::RatingsLight::Plugin::VFD_ratedtracks
(881) objectType = artist ## thisID = 40 ## trackID = 66498
[22-10-24 16:54:30.6071] Plugins::RatingsLight::Plugin::getRatedTracks
(965) objectType = artist ## countOnly = 0 ## trackID = 66498 ## thisID
= 40
[22-10-24 16:54:30.6659] Plugins::RatingsLight::Plugin::getRatedTracks
(1062) Fetched 55 rated tracks for artist with ID: 40
[22-10-24 16:54:30.7104]
Plugins::RatingsLight::Plugin::objectInfoHandler (1070) objectType =
trackAlbum ## url =
[22-10-24 16:54:30.7111] Plugins::RatingsLight::Plugin::getRatedTracks
(965) objectType = album ## countOnly = 1 ## trackID = 66498 ## thisID =
[22-10-24 16:54:30.7115] Plugins::RatingsLight::Plugin::getRatedTracks
(1059) Pre-check found 0 rated tracks for album with ID: 5231
[22-10-24 16:54:30.7217] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1325) Warning:
[16:54:30.7215] Use of uninitialized value $moduleId in hash element at
/config/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SongInfo/Plugin.pm line 334.
[22-10-24 16:54:30.7219] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1325) Warning:
[16:54:30.7218] Use of uninitialized value $moduleId in concatenation
(.) or string at
/config/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SongInfo/Plugin.pm line 335.
[22-10-24 16:54:30.7220] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1325) Warning:
[16:54:30.7219] Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or
string at /config/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SongInfo/Plugin.pm line
[22-10-24 16:54:30.7221] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1325) Warning:
[16:54:30.7221] Use of uninitialized value in string eq at
/config/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SongInfo/Plugin.pm line 369.
[22-10-24 16:54:30.7222] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1325) Warning:
[16:54:30.7222] Use of uninitialized value in string eq at
/config/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SongInfo/Plugin.pm line 384.
[22-10-24 16:54:30.7226] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1325) Warning:
[16:54:30.7225] Use of uninitialized value $moduleId in hash element at
/config/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SongInfo/Plugin.pm line 334.
[22-10-24 16:54:30.7227] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1325) Warning:
[16:54:30.7226] Use of uninitialized value $moduleId in concatenation
(.) or string at
/config/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SongInfo/Plugin.pm line 335.
[22-10-24 16:54:30.7228] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1325) Warning:
[16:54:30.7227] Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or
string at /config/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SongInfo/Plugin.pm line
[22-10-24 16:54:30.7229] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1325) Warning:
[16:54:30.7228] Use of uninitialized value in string eq at
/config/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SongInfo/Plugin.pm line 369.
[22-10-24 16:54:30.7230] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1325) Warning:
[16:54:30.7229] Use of uninitialized value in string eq at
/config/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SongInfo/Plugin.pm line 384.
[22-10-24 16:54:30.7233] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1325) Warning:
[16:54:30.7232] Use of uninitialized value $moduleId in hash element at
/config/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SongInfo/Plugin.pm line 334.
[22-10-24 16:54:30.7234] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1325) Warning:
[16:54:30.7233] Use of uninitialized value $moduleId in concatenation
(.) or string at
/config/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SongInfo/Plugin.pm line 335.
[22-10-24 16:54:30.7235] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1325) Warning:
[16:54:30.7234] Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or
string at /config/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SongInfo/Plugin.pm line
[22-10-24 16:54:30.7236] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1325) Warning:
[16:54:30.7235] Use of uninitialized value in string eq at
/config/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SongInfo/Plugin.pm line 369.
[22-10-24 16:54:30.7237] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1325) Warning:
[16:54:30.7236] Use of uninitialized value in string eq at

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2022-10-24 Thread AF1

Will release *Ratings Light* version 2.2.*4* soon when I've had time to
do the usual pre-release tests. 2.2.4 has more log messages that should
help troubleshooting.
About SQLPlayList: just continue using it, should be fine. Hopefully, by
the time it doesn't work anymore, -Dynamic Playlist Creator- will have
exited the beta p to take over.
I see that you still have the -SongInfo- plugin installed that throws a
lot of errors. Maybe you could post a complete list of your installed
Sorry for the short message, I don't have more time right now.

For '*bug reports*' (https://github.com/AF-1/), *FAQ* (if available) and
more detailed information about my plugins, please see the
'*GitHub*' (https://github.com/AF-1/) page or
the *first post* in the support thread for a plugin. Please post *bug
reports* for my plugins *only* on '*GitHub*' (https://github.com/AF-1/).
Thank you.

AF1's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39306
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2022-10-25 Thread mamema

AF1 wrote: 
> Will release *Ratings Light* version 2.2.*4* 
> Sorry for the short message, I don't have more time right now.

welcome to the club! You have a real life? Great! Thank you for your
support. Still great to get feedback from you (that fast)

my plugins:


Best regards

mamema's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=44662
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2022-10-25 Thread AF1

mamema wrote: 
> welcome to the club! You have a real life? Great!
Nothing like a little ill-advised sarcasm to get me to help users
troubleshoot corner cases...
Anyway, uploaded RL 2.2.4, should hit the LMS repo ~tomorrow. Good luck
with the troubleshooting.

For '*bug reports*' (https://github.com/AF-1/), *FAQ* (if available) and
more detailed information about my plugins, please see the
'*GitHub*' (https://github.com/AF-1/) page or
the *first post* in the support thread for a plugin. Please post *bug
reports* for my plugins *only* on '*GitHub*' (https://github.com/AF-1/).
Thank you.

AF1's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39306
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2022-10-25 Thread mamema

AF1 wrote: 
> Nothing like a little ill-advised sarcasm to get me to help users
> troubleshoot corner cases...
> Anyway, uploaded RL 2.2.4, should hit the LMS repo ~tomorrow. Good luck
> with the troubleshooting.

Hey! You're the dev here, just say thank you, when you get entertained
by corner cases... i'll advised end user sarcasm stop!

Back to topic. You've said above "you're stll using
songinfoerrors are visible.is this plugin no longer needed in
2022 with LMS 8.3+ ?

mamema's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=44662
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2022-10-27 Thread mamema

i would say, my corner case is solved. Even though it is not a corner
case, because it's me. :-)
Thank you very much.

one, quite funny thing is, that with the DPL3 plugin, if i use a "bring
up 5 star" stuff sql query, then the rated song is coming up, but it is
from another album, where this song is on. on compilation albums for
example. The compilation song wasn't rated with RL.
This for me is a real non issue, but for completeness i want to mention
it here

mamema's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=44662
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2022-10-29 Thread AF1

mamema wrote: 
> You've said above "you're stll using songinfoerrors are
> visible.is this plugin no longer needed in 2022 with LMS 8.3+ ?
Don't know about "needed". I've never used -Songinfo/SongLyrics-. But
there were a lot of error messages in your previous log excerpts. Maybe
check for yourself: go to (LMS default skin) -song view- for a song
*without* embedded lyrics and see if the plugin still fetches lyrics (or
whatever else it was supposed to fetch).

mamema wrote: 
> one, quite funny thing is, that with the DPL3 plugin, if i use a "bring
> up 5 star" stuff sql query, then the rated song is coming up, but it is
> from another album, where this song is on. on compilation albums for
> example. The compilation song wasn't rated with RL.

If you start a dynamic playlist that's supposed to retrieve only 5-star
tracks from the LMS database, it doesn't matter *what* you used to rate
them in the past - RL, TrackStat, some SQLite command... All that
matters is that the LMS database has a 5-star rating (100) for this
As long as DPL3 only adds 5-star tracks that actually have a 5-star
rating in the LMS database, I'd say it's doing what it's supposed to.

In case I misunderstood your issue and you still think that DPL3/your
dynamic playlist is not working properly, then I'll need more
If it's a -built-in- dynamic playlist, please provide its *full* name
from the menu. If it's a -custom- dynamic playlist that you've created
(with or without '*Dynamic Playlist Creator*'
please post the SQLite code. And maybe log messages related to this
issue, if there are any.

For '*bug reports*' (https://github.com/AF-1/), *FAQ* (if available) and
more detailed information about my plugins, please see the
'*GitHub*' (https://github.com/AF-1/) page or
the *first post* in the support thread for a plugin. Please post *bug
reports* for my plugins *only* on '*GitHub*' (https://github.com/AF-1/).
Thank you.

AF1's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39306
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2022-10-31 Thread mamema

AF1 wrote: 
> In case I misunderstood your issue and you still think that DPL3/your
> dynamic playlist is not working properly, then I'll need more
> information:
> If it's a -built-in- dynamic playlist, please provide its *full* name
> from the menu. If it's a -custom- dynamic playlist that you've created
> (with or without '*Dynamic Playlist Creator*'
> (https://github.com/AF-1/lms-dynamicplaylistcreator#dynamic-playlist-creator---beta)),
> please post the SQLite code. And maybe log messages related to this
> issue, if there are any.

sure, you've misunderstood. It's my fault. But i have no time now to
answer, i'm away, i'm in heaven!

DPL3 - great!
Many many Thanks!

mamema's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=44662
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2022-12-21 Thread nyindieguy

nyindieguy wrote: 
> Got it. Thanks for making that change in SQL Playlist. That fixed
> everything.

Last night, I had to rebuild my entire LMS setup because of a power
outage. For the moment I am sticking with DPL 3 until I have enough time
to play with DPL 4 and learn how best to use it. In the meantime, if I
am recalling correctly from the referenced thread above, there was a
slightly updated version of SQLPlaylist that I was using that seems to
be no longer available. I can only get access to Erland's final version.
Is there any way I can get that version again? I added the link the
repository where it used to be, but it no longer shows up.

Thanks once again.

nyindieguy's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=62092
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2022-12-21 Thread w3wilkes

nyindieguy wrote: 
> Last night, I had to rebuild my entire LMS setup because of a power
> outage. For the moment I am sticking with DPL 3 until I have enough time
> to play with DPL 4 and learn how best to use it. In the meantime, if I
> am recalling correctly from the referenced thread above, there was a
> slightly updated version of SQLPlaylist that I was using that seems to
> be no longer available. I can only get access to Erland's final version.
> Is there any way I can get that version again? I added the link the
> repository where it used to be, but it no longer shows up

I was a long time Erland SQLPlaylist user too. I've been playing with
the new DPL4 and DPLC (Dynamic PlayList Creator) and it does everything
I was using SQLPlaylist for. To access DPLC you will need to add this
Github url to your Plugin repos;
DPLC should seem fairly familiar if you used SQLPlaylist templates. My
biggie is random songs of chosen genres with BPM filtering which I
manually had to add the SQL statements for BPM to the SQL generated with
Erlands SQLPlaylists. The new DPLC has added BPM filtering to the
template so I'm a very happy camper. DPLC currently works with DPL3, but
I think @AF1 plans to make DPLC a DPL4 only thing down the road.

Main system - Rock Solid with LMS 8.3.1 on WHS 2011 - 2 Duets ( both
WiFi, farthest unit gets 60% signal strength and always works since new
power supply) and Squeeseslave
Cabin system - Rock solid with LMS 8.3.1 on Win10 Pro - 1 RPi 3 Model B
(WiFi) /Hifiberry DAC+ Pro/PiCorePlayer and Squeezeslave
Squeezebox Boom - "At Large" player around both home and cabin
Headphones and car - Android phone/Bluetooth w/full library on MicroSD
card - PowerAmp music player app (similar to Material Skin)

w3wilkes's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=22973
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2022-12-21 Thread nyindieguy

w3wilkes wrote: 
> I was a long time Erland SQLPlaylist user too. I've been playing with
> the new DPL4 and DPLC (Dynamic PlayList Creator) and it does everything
> I was using SQLPlaylist for. To access DPLC you will need to add this
> Github url to your Plugin repos;
> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AF-1/lms-dynamicplaylistcreator/main/repo.xml
> DPLC should seem fairly familiar if you used SQLPlaylist templates. My
> biggie is random songs of chosen genres with BPM filtering which I
> manually had to add the SQL statements for BPM to the SQL generated with
> Erlands SQLPlaylists. The new DPLC has added BPM filtering to the
> template so I'm a very happy camper. DPLC currently works with DPL3, but
> I think @AF1 plans to make DPLC a DPL4 only thing down the road.

One question I have about the combo of DPL4 and DPC is whether I can
recreate my main playlist, which is random songs from my entire
collection, but excluding certain genres and also using Custom Skip for
songs that are in my Skip playlist. I have it functioning from my old
SQLPlaylist version, but I have to edit it every once in a while if I
add music from a new genre that I don't want to play. I hope that all
makes sense.

nyindieguy's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=62092
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2022-12-21 Thread w3wilkes

nyindieguy wrote: 
> One question I have about the combo of DPL4 and DPC is whether I can
> recreate my main playlist, which is random songs from my entire
> collection, but excluding certain genres and also using Custom Skip for
> songs that are in my Skip playlist. I have it functioning from my old
> SQLPlaylist version, but I have to edit it every once in a while if I
> add music from a new genre that I don't want to play. I hope that all
> makes sense.

Can't speak to custom skip but you can include/exclude genres in DPLC.
@AF1 does have a version of Custom Skip on GitHub though.

Main system - Rock Solid with LMS 8.3.1 on WHS 2011 - 2 Duets ( both
WiFi, farthest unit gets 60% signal strength and always works since new
power supply) and Squeeseslave
Cabin system - Rock solid with LMS 8.3.1 on Win10 Pro - 1 RPi 3 Model B
(WiFi) /Hifiberry DAC+ Pro/PiCorePlayer and Squeezeslave
Squeezebox Boom - "At Large" player around both home and cabin
Headphones and car - Android phone/Bluetooth w/full library on MicroSD
card - PowerAmp music player app (similar to Material Skin)

w3wilkes's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=22973
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2022-12-22 Thread nyindieguy

w3wilkes wrote: 
> Can't speak to custom skip but you can include/exclude genres in DPLC.
> @AF1 does have a version of Custom Skip on GitHub though.

Do you know if I can open a playlist that I created with SQLPlaylist in
DPLC for modification?

nyindieguy's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=62092
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2022-12-22 Thread w3wilkes

Don't know. I thought I'd read in the DPL4 announce thread that there is
a way to get your old SQLPlaylists into DPL4. I know in the DPLC
template page at the bottom there's a "Save as" with a drop down. If you
use the dropdown and pick the "Customized SQLite" option it brings up
the SQL that you can then modify to add whatever you couldn't specify
through the template pages. I also see that the last update to DPLC says
it's now DPL4 only.

Main system - Rock Solid with LMS 8.3.1 on WHS 2011 - 2 Duets ( both
WiFi, farthest unit gets 60% signal strength and always works since new
power supply) and Squeeseslave
Cabin system - Rock solid with LMS 8.3.1 on Win10 Pro - 1 RPi 3 Model B
(WiFi) /Hifiberry DAC+ Pro/PiCorePlayer and Squeezeslave
Squeezebox Boom - "At Large" player around both home and cabin
Headphones and car - Android phone/Bluetooth w/full library on MicroSD
card - PowerAmp music player app (similar to Material Skin)

w3wilkes's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=22973
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-09-01 Thread RobbH

I am unable to install the plugin from the repo. When the server
restarts after an attempt to install, the server log tell me this:


[21-09-02 00:42:45.8786] Slim::bootstrap::tryModuleLoad (286) Warning: 
Module [Plugins::DynamicPlayList::Plugin] failed to load:
  Can't locate Plugins/DynamicPlayList/Plugin.pm in @INC (you may need to 
install the Plugins::DynamicPlayList::Plugin module) (@INC contains: 
/usr/share/squeezeboxserver/CPAN/arch/5.28 /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/lib 
/usr/share/squeezeboxserver/CPAN /usr/share/squeezeboxserver /usr/sbin 
/etc/perl /usr/local/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/perl/5.28.1 /usr
 /local/share/perl/5.28.1 /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/perl5/5.28 
/usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/perl/5.28 /usr/share/perl/5.28 
/usr/local/lib/site_perl /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/perl-base) at (eval 900) 
line 1.
  BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 900) line 1.
  [21-09-02 00:42:45.8795] Slim::Utils::PluginManager::load (323) Error: 
Couldn't load Plugins::DynamicPlayList::Plugin

Logitech Media Server Version: 8.3.0 - 1629376548 @ Thu Aug 19 14:58:08
CEST 2021
Operating system: Debian - EN - utf8
Platform Architecture: armv7l-linux
Perl Version: 5.28.1 - arm-linux-gnueabihf-thread-multi-64int
Audio::Scan: 1.02
IO::Socket::SSL: 2.060
Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.58 (sqlite 3.22.0)

Will try a manual install tomorrow.

LMS 8 nightly running on Raspberry Pi OS. Mostly virtual players,
occasionally with SB Radio, Boom or Classic.

RobbH's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=67008
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-09-02 Thread afriend

You're right. One lower/upper case letter made all the difference.
Should work now though. Sorry.

afriend's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39306
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-09-02 Thread RobbH

afriend wrote: 
> You're right. One lower/upper case letter made all the difference.
> Should work now though. Sorry.

Thanks! Successfully installed from the repo this morning.

Thank you for doing this. I've been hoping someone would take this on.

LMS 8 nightly running on Raspberry Pi OS. Mostly virtual players,
occasionally with SB Radio, Boom or Classic.

RobbH's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=67008
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-09-03 Thread RobbH

Not sure if this qualifies as a bug, but I think it's not the expected
behavior. There does not seem to be a way to add a dynamic playlist to
LMS favorites when using the default web interface. The option to add to
favorites is in the context menu of Material skin. Is this a situation
where you would expect the user to add the context menu plugin if they
want this feature in the default interface?

LMS 3.0, Raspberry Pi OS (Debian)

Meta question: would it be better to start another thread for for
questions and comments that don't qualify as bugs? I'm not sure if the
statement, "Please report bugs only here" means that nothing but bug
reports should go in this thread, or that bugs should never reported
anywhere but in this thread. Or both.

LMS 8 nightly running on Raspberry Pi OS. Mostly virtual players,
occasionally with SB Radio, Boom or Classic.

RobbH's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=67008
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-09-03 Thread afriend

RobbH wrote: 
> Not sure if this qualifies as a bug, but I think it's not the expected
> behavior. There does not seem to be a way to add a dynamic playlist to
> LMS favorites when using the default web interface. The option to add to
> favorites is in the context menu of Material skin. Is this a situation
> where you would expect the user to add the context menu plugin if they
> want this feature in the default interface?

Probably got axed by accident and went undetected because I don't use
this. But noted, will try to readd it with some future update.
And sure, you can post stuff like that here. No worries.

afriend's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39306
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-09-03 Thread RobbH

afriend wrote: 
> I don't use favorites. But should be fixed in 3.1.2.
> BTW just in case you'd like to create your own custom dynamic playlists
> for favorites please note that one thing hasn't changed since the old
> DPL version: you can only add dynamic playlists to favorites that are
> "one-click" playlists, meaning those that don't request further
> parameter input from users. Only those dynamic playlist will show the
> save as fav. button.

That makes sense and shouldn't be an issue for me. So far, all my
dynamic playlists are entirely predefined, with no runtime input
required. Just lists of genres to include and exclude.

LMS 8 nightly running on Raspberry Pi OS. Mostly virtual players,
occasionally with SB Radio, Boom or Classic.

RobbH's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=67008
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-09-05 Thread chourmovs

I'm trying tu run your plugin (v 3.1.3) on a docker instance of LMS


Logitech Media Server Version : 8.2.0 - 1627922070 @ Tue Aug 3 11:37:35 
CEST 2021
  Nom d'hôte : TNAS-5FB2
  Adresse IP du serveur :
  Port HTTP du serveur : 9000
  Système d'exploitation : Debian - FR - utf8
  Architecture de la plate-forme : x86_64-linux
  Version de Perl : 5.24.1 - x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi
  Audio::Scan : 1.02
  IO::Socket::SSL : 2.044
  Version de la base de données : DBD::SQLite 1.58 (sqlite 3.22.0)
  Platines identifiées : 1

when trying to add a playlist, my current playing is stopping, my
playlist is emptied but nothing else occurs

here is a brief log extract


[21-09-05 18:24:55.8054] main::init (390) Starting Logitech Media Server 
(v8.2.0, 1627922070, Tue Aug  3 11:37:35 CEST 2021) perl 5.024001 - 
  [21-09-05 18:24:57.8296] Plugins::RaopBridge::Plugin::initPlugin (69) $VAR1 = 
  'binArch' => 'i386-linux',
  'isDebian' => 1,
  'os' => 'Linux',
  'osArch' => 'x86_64-linux',
  'osName' => 'Debian',
  'uid' => 'squeezeboxserver'
  [21-09-05 18:24:58.7027] Plugins::DynamicMix::Plugin::commandCallback (371) 
DynamicMix: received command: playlist addtracks
  [21-09-05 18:24:58.7041] Plugins::DynamicMix::Plugin::commandCallback (371) 
DynamicMix: received command: playlist jump
  [21-09-05 18:24:58.7051] Plugins::DynamicMix::Plugin::commandCallback (371) 
DynamicMix: received command: playlist stop
  [21-09-05 18:24:59.4258] Plugins::DynamicMix::Plugin::commandCallback (371) 
DynamicMix: received command: playlist open
  [21-09-05 18:24:59.4290] Plugins::DynamicMix::Plugin::commandCallback (371) 
DynamicMix: received command: playlist open
  [21-09-05 18:25:00.3568] Plugins::DynamicMix::Plugin::commandCallback (371) 
DynamicMix: received command: playlist newsong
  [21-09-05 18:25:00.3579] Plugins::DynamicMix::Plugin::isDynamicPlaylistActive 
(609) DynamicPlaylist not active
  [21-09-05 18:27:01.8386] Plugins::DynamicMix::Plugin::commandCallback (371) 
DynamicMix: received command: playlist jump
  [21-09-05 18:27:01.8400] Plugins::DynamicMix::Plugin::commandCallback (371) 
DynamicMix: received command: playlist stop
  [21-09-05 18:27:02.6197] Plugins::DynamicMix::Plugin::commandCallback (371) 
DynamicMix: received command: playlist open
  [21-09-05 18:27:02.6216] Plugins::DynamicMix::Plugin::commandCallback (371) 
DynamicMix: received command: playlist open
  [21-09-05 18:27:05.3290] Plugins::DynamicMix::Plugin::commandCallback (371) 
DynamicMix: received command: playlist newsong
  [21-09-05 18:27:05.3300] Plugins::DynamicMix::Plugin::isDynamicPlaylistActive 
(609) DynamicPlaylist not active
  [21-09-05 18:27:57.3330] main::init (390) Starting Logitech Media Server 
(v8.2.0, 1627922070, Tue Aug  3 11:37:35 CEST 2021) perl 5.024001 - 
  [21-09-05 18:27:59.3596] Plugins::RaopBridge::Plugin::initPlugin (69) $VAR1 = 
  'binArch' => 'i386-linux',
  'isDebian' => 1,
  'os' => 'Linux',
  'osArch' => 'x86_64-linux',
  'osName' => 'Debian',
  'uid' => 'squeezeboxserver'
  [21-09-05 18:28:00.0787] Plugins::DynamicMix::Plugin::commandCallback (371) 
DynamicMix: received command: playlist addtracks
  [21-09-05 18:28:00.0803] Plugins::DynamicMix::Plugin::commandCallback (371) 
DynamicMix: received command: playlist jump
  [21-09-05 18:28:00.0817] Plugins::DynamicMix::Plugin::commandCallback (371) 
DynamicMix: received command: playlist stop
  [21-09-05 18:28:00.7978] Plugins::DynamicMix::Plugin::commandCallback (371) 
DynamicMix: received command: playlist open
  [21-09-05 18:28:00.7999] Plugins::DynamicMix::Plugin::commandCallback (371) 
DynamicMix: received command: playlist open
  [21-09-05 18:28:01.7352] Plugins::DynamicMix::Plugin::commandCallback (371) 
DynamicMix: received command: playlist newsong
  [21-09-05 18:28:01.7362] Plugins::DynamicMix::Plugin::isDynamicPlaylistActive 
(609) DynamicPlaylist not active
  [21-09-05 18:35:02.4681] Plugins::DynamicMix::Plugin::commandCallback (371) 
DynamicMix: received command: playlist clear
  [21-09-05 18:35:02.4707] Plugins::DynamicMix::Plugin::commandCallback (371) 
DynamicMix: received command: playlist stop
  [21-09-05 18:35:12.9989] Plugins::DynamicMix::Plugin::getDynamicPlayLists 
(632) getDynamicPlayLists
  [21-09-05 18:35:13.0020] Plugins::DynamicMix::Plugin::getDynamicPlayLists 
(635) moods=Can't connect to localhost:10002 (Connection refused),,Connection 
refused at /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/CPAN/LWP/Protocol/http.pm line 50.
  [21-09-05 18:35:15.2308] Plugins::DynamicMix::Plugin::getDynamicPlayLists 
(632) getDynamicPlayLists
  [21-09-05 18:35:15.2335] Plugins::DynamicMix::Plugin::getDynamicPlayLists 
(635) moods=Can't connect to localhost:10002 (Connection refused),,Connection 
refused at /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/CPAN/LWP/Protocol/http.pm line 50.
  [21-09-05 18:35:27.3303] Plu

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-09-06 Thread afriend

Hey Vincent:

I've never used the Dynamic*Mix* plugin nor MusicIP so I'm not sure how
much I can help you here. 
I get multiple errors even with the *old* Dynamic Playlists plugin. You
can ignore the commandCallbacks. And the -DynamicPlaylist not active-
message just means that DPL is not playing any dynamic playlist provided
by DynamicMix. The problem seems to be that DynamicMix (not DPL) is not
able to connect to the local MusicIP server (port 10002). I got this
error too (also with the old DPL version) and I don't even run Docker.

DPL basically asks all plugins if they provide dynamic playlists
(getDynamicPlayLists call) and lists them in the DPL home or context
menu. That works otherwise you wouldn't see them. Then when you start a
dynamic playlist  DPL asks the plugin that provides the dynamic playlist
to deliver tracks (getNextDynamicPlayListTracks call) and -it's up to
those plugins to send those tracks to DPL-. To maintain compatibility
with older plugins like SQLplayList I didn't change that (SQLplayList
still works).

All that makes me think that problem is somewhere on the MusicIP side. 
Since you're on -Linux- you might want to give Craig's MusicIP mixer a
try ('*LMS plugin*' (https://github.com/CDrummond/lms-mipmixer) and
linux '*server*' (https://github.com/CDrummond/musicip)).
Hope that helped at least a little.

afriend's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39306
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-09-06 Thread chourmovs

afriend wrote: 
> Hey Vincent:
> All that makes me think that problem is somewhere on the MusicIP side. 
> ...
> Hope that helped at least a little.

Thank you for your help, I'll give all this Musicip stuff a try and hope
to figure this out to get the best random mix configuration possible

chourmovs's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=72073
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-09-26 Thread MillmoorRon

I somehow update to version 3 (despite unselecting it) without removing
version 2 first.

What do I do now?

MillmoorRon's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6413
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-09-26 Thread afriend

MillmoorRon wrote: 
> I somehow update to version 3 (despite unselecting it) without removing
> version 2 first.
> What do I do now?

Well, I'd intentionally changed the plugin ID of DPL v3 to prevent
auto-updates and let the user decide if they want to update to v3. And I
tested it at the time. But I guess LMS somehow decided that if 2 plugins
have the same name they're still the same and it should auto-update. I
didn't want to change the plugin name though to maintain compatibility
with other plugins among other things.

Anyway, if you're fine with DPL v3 check the LMS home menu and your
plugin folder. If there's only one Dynamic Playlist plugin and it's v3
you should be fine.

If for some reason you don't want to update to v3 and stick to DPL v2.x
just download the old DPL and put the DynamicPlaylist folder in your
local plugin folder. You'll find the path at the bottom of the LMS
settings > information page. It's the path that does *not* have *cache*
or *server* in it. Then LMS shouldn't auto-update DPL.
Hope that helps.

afriend's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39306
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-09-26 Thread MillmoorRon

Thank you. Successfully reverted to version 2.

I had 2 available plugin updates and the Dynamic Playlist one showed the
warning about uninstalling the old one first so I unchecked it and
picked apply but when the server restarted both had been updated!

It's good that someone has taken over this plugin and it will be
maintained as I've used this for about 15 years now and it has always
worked well. I will investigate the new version at some point but
currently I just don't have as much time to tinker as I used to and my
system is working very well.

Have you taken over development of Erland's other plugins too?

MillmoorRon's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6413
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-09-26 Thread slartibartfast

MillmoorRon wrote: 
> Thank you. Successfully reverted to version 2.
> I had 2 available plugin updates and the Dynamic Playlist one showed the
> warning about uninstalling the old one first so I unchecked it and
> picked apply but when the server restarted both had been updated!
> It's good that someone has taken over this plugin and it will be
> maintained as I've used this for about 15 years now and it has always
> worked well. I will investigate the new version at some point but
> currently I just don't have as much time to tinker as I used to and my
> system is working very well.
> Have you taken over development of Erland's other plugins too?I have noticed 
> before that updates get installed even if you uncheck

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

slartibartfast's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=35609
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-09-26 Thread trmonnig

First, off, thank you for picking this up and updating it. The Dynamic
Playlists are very valuable to me, and I was happy to see a newer
version after so long.

It appears that the playlists are currently limited to a max of 50 
unplayed songs, and 100 played tracks to keep. When I try to update this
value to my default of 2500, I get a message saying the limit is 50 and
100 respectively. I believe this is as designed, but I have dynamic
playlists well into the thousands.

I tried to go into the dynamicplaylists.prefs and update this through
there (I did not bounce the service afterwards, so that might be the
trick that will solve the issue), but my updated values didn't appear to

Any chance the max values could be updated to some very large number?

trmonnig's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=72128
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-09-27 Thread afriend

MillmoorRon wrote: 
> I will investigate the new version at some point but currently I just
> don't have as much time to tinker as I used to and my system is working
> very well.
I totally understand. Unless you use MySQL or rely on deprecated plugins
(like multilibrary) I'm confident you'll find what's worked for you in
v2 should still work in v3.

MillmoorRon wrote: 
> Have you taken over development of Erland's other plugins too?

No. Apart from DPL I only use CustomSkip, that's it.

afriend's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39306
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-09-27 Thread afriend

trmonnig wrote: 
> It appears that the playlists are currently limited to a max of 50 
> unplayed songs, and 100 played tracks to keep. When I try to update this
> value to my default of 2500, I get a message saying the limit is 50 and
> 100 respectively. I believe this is as designed, but I have dynamic
> playlists well into the thousands.

Yes, that's by design. Smaller playlists are less likely to make clients
crash or feel sluggish and depending on your dynamic playlist definiton
it increases the randomness of the returned tracks.
When you say you have *dynamic* playlists with thousands of tracks, do
you actually mean *dynamic* playlists (which are basically SQL queries
that DPL uses to get tracks) or do you mean *static/saved* playlists
(from the LMS playlists home menu)? If you want to add -all- tracks of a
*static* playlist -at once- and play them in a random order that's
totally possible and probably easier without DPL. I'll keep your idea in
mind though.

afriend's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39306
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-09-27 Thread werdeil

Hi I have a strange discrepancy between Dynamic Playlists 3 and Visual
statistics and @afriend I think you are the main developer of both

According to Visual statistics I have only 30% of played artists
(visible in the "more library statistics (text"), yet when I try to play
the Dynamic playlist "Artists - never played" no tracks is added like as
if there is no track with this criteria. So who's wrong?

Dynamic playlist sql request is bigger but I can't see the issue.

werdeil's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=70638
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-09-27 Thread afriend

werdeil wrote: 
> Hi I have a strange discrepancy between Dynamic Playlists 3 and Visual
> statistics and @afriend I think you are the main developer of both
> plugins.
> According to Visual statistics I have only 30% of played artists
> (visible in the "more library statistics (text"), yet when I try to play
> the Dynamic playlist "Artists - never played" no tracks is added like as
> if there is no track with this criteria. So who's wrong?

Played artists in this context means artists with at least one track
whose playcount > 0. I've checked *played artists* with VS SQL and with
DPL SQL. Comes up with the same number/percent of played artists here.
Please note that this dynamic playlist ignores artists with fewer than 3
tracks. Actually a few of the built-in dynamic playlists have that
mimimum requirement, esp. artist and album playlists. So that may be one
reason. In my library I have only 6% played artists (because I wiped the
persistent database some time ago) and when I play -Artists - never
played- it works.
BTW DPL should give you feedback if it doesn't find any tracks. The
feedback's probably more visible and less easy to miss if you start the
dynamic playlist on a jivelite player (piCorePlayer, SqueezePlay, SB
I'm sorry I can't reproduce this here.

afriend's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39306
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-09-28 Thread werdeil

afriend wrote: 
> Please note that this dynamic playlist ignores artists with fewer than 3
> tracks. Actually a few of the built-in dynamic playlists have that
> mimimum requirement, esp. artist and album playlists. So that may be one
> reason.

I think this is the reason, it is possible that I have 70% of artists
with less than 3 tracks

afriend wrote: 
> BTW DPL should give you feedback if it doesn't find any tracks. The
> feedback's probably more visible and less easy to miss if you start the
> dynamic playlist on a jivelite player (piCorePlayer, SqueezePlay, SB
> Touch...).

I don't have this kind of feedback on the material skin view, I'll try
on SB touch and default view to see this.

werdeil's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=70638
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-09-29 Thread afriend

werdeil wrote: 
> I think this is the reason, it is possible that I have 70% of artists
> with less than 3 tracks

Could you do a quick test for me? Copy the built-in playlist -Artists -
Never Played- (= the file named -artists_13_neverplayed.sql.xml-) from
the DPL plugin folder or the github repo to DPL's *custom dynamic
playlist* folder (the one where users store their own playlist
definition files). If you haven't set a custom path for it, it's
probably in the LMS playlist folder (default). 
Then open the copied playlist file in any text editor (preferably one
that doesn't add stuff like control characters) and change this:
in line *2* (-- PlaylistGroups:Artists) delete the word -Artists-. = the
playlist will be listed in -Not classified- = easier to find.
in line *30* set the value for *totaltrackcount > 3* to 1.
Then restart LMS (just to be sure) and try this playlist.

werdeil wrote: 
> I don't have this kind of feedback on the material skin view
I could have sworn it was there at some point but you're right. I'll see
if I can add feedback for material skin in a future update.
Meanwhile if you want to do some tests you can always use

afriend's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39306
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-09-29 Thread werdeil

In fact I did this test on the "Album - never played" playlist this
morning and I got the album I was missing. So this is clearly it.

I will try to work on a PR on GitHub to allow this setting to be
customizable, from what I've seen this limit to 3 is almost all
requests, is it for performance reason?

werdeil's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=70638
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-09-29 Thread afriend

werdeil wrote: 
> I will try to work on a PR on GitHub to allow this setting to be
> customizable, from what I've seen this limit to 3 is almost all
> requests, is it for performance reason?
I had this as a prefs setting in an early version but removed it because
there were some issues. No need to PR. I'll check it out to see if there
are still issues. Otherwise it will be part of one of the next updates.

afriend's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39306
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-09-29 Thread werdeil

afriend wrote: 
> I had this as a prefs setting in an early version but removed it because
> there were some issues. No need to PR. I'll check it out to see if there
> are still issues. Otherwise it will be part of one of the next updates.

Wonderful, tell me if I can be of any help

werdeil's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=70638
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-09-30 Thread nyindieguy

Please let me know if there is a more appropriate thread to ask this,
but here's my question...

I have an enormous static playlist of all my favorite songs, and I use
Dynamic Playlists to randomize it. I would like the option of choosing a
particular genre within the static playlist. Is something like this


nyindieguy's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=62092
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-02 Thread nyindieguy

nyindieguy wrote: 
> Please let me know if there is a more appropriate thread to ask this,
> but here's my question...
> I have an enormous static playlist of all my favorite songs, and I use
> Dynamic Playlists to randomize it. I would like the option of choosing a
> particular genre within the static playlist. Is something like this
> possible?
> Thanks.
context menu 

After reading through more of the documentation, it would seem that the
way to do this would be a CONTEXT MENU dynamic playlist like the one at
but with the further parameter of selected genres. I don't do code, so
if someone is willing to walk me through this, i would greatly
appreciate it.

nyindieguy's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=62092
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-02 Thread afriend

werdeil wrote: 
> Wonderful, tell me if I can be of any help
Uploaded some changes to github. Took me a while to get through all the
built-in lists. Would appreciate some thorough testing of as many
built-in dynamic playlists as you can (incl. context menu dpls).
Feedback in Material skin is not client specific meaning that if client
*A* started a dynamic playlist and you have Material skin open in your
browser with client *B* selected you'll get the feedback message about
the started dpl anyway. But I think that's ok, better than no feedback.

afriend's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39306
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-02 Thread afriend

nyindieguy wrote: 
> context menu 
> After reading through more of the documentation, it would seem that the
> way to do this would be a CONTEXT MENU dynamic playlist like the one at
> 'https://github.com/AF-1/lms-dynamicplaylists/blob/main/DynamicPlayList/Playlists/zz_contextmenulists/for_playlists/zz_CONTEXTMENU_for_selected_playlist_a01_songs_random.sql.xml
> '
> (https://github.com/AF-1/lms-dynamicplaylists/blob/main/DynamicPlayList/Playlists/zz_contextmenulists/for_playlists/zz_CONTEXTMENU_for_selected_playlist_a01_songs_random.sql.xml),
> but with the further parameter of selected genres. I don't do code, so
> if someone is willing to walk me through this, i would greatly
> appreciate it.

Hi. I didn't get a message from the system about your post. True, that
would be a context menu playlist. Before uploading the latest changes to
github I've quickly added such a playlist so you can already test it. It
should end up in the next release once testing shows no more major bugs.

afriend's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39306
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-02 Thread cpd73

afriend wrote: 
> Uploaded some changes to github. Took me a while to get through all the
> built-in lists. Would appreciate some thorough testing of as many
> built-in dynamic playlists as you can (incl. context menu dpls).
> Feedback in Material skin is not client specific meaning that if client
> *A* started a dynamic playlist and you have Material skin open in your
> browser with client *B* selected you'll get the feedback message about
> the started dpl anyway. But I think that's ok, better than no feedback.

Just looked at your code and seen that you are using Material's
'send-notif' command. Would it help if I extended this to add
"client:" then only show these messages if Material's active player
ID matches this ID? You would still see the notifications on clients A
and B, but only if both had the client as the active player.

*Material debug:* 1. Launch via http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json
(Use http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json,cometd to also see update
messages, e.g. play queue) 2. Open browser's developer tools 3. Open
console tab in developer tools 4. REQ/RESP messages sent to/from LMS
will be logged here.

cpd73's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=66686
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-02 Thread nyindieguy

afriend wrote: 
> Hi. I didn't get a message from the system about your post. True, that
> would be a context menu playlist. Before uploading the latest changes to
> github I've quickly added such a playlist so you can already test it. It
> should end up in the next release once testing shows no more major bugs.

Huge thanks for this and for the continuing development of a plugin that
I've become dependent on!

nyindieguy's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=62092
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-02 Thread afriend

cpd73 wrote: 
> Just looked at your code and seen that you are using Material's
> 'send-notif' command. Would it help if I extended this to add
> "client:" then only show these messages if Material's active player
> ID matches this ID? You would still see the notifications on clients A
> and B, but only if both had the client as the active player.
> [Edit] Done for 2.7.0 - supply "client:id" (e.g.
> "client:01:02:03:aa:bb:cc") as an extra parameter to "info" and "error"
> messages, and these will only be shown in Material's current player
> matches this.

I think users will appreciate that. Thanks. 

BTW since -info- messages don't have -titles- can they have more than
one line? Meaning can I use some sort of linebreak to control this. I
did some testing but it would only ever show me one line. 
Ideally I'd have a first line indicating the status (sth like "found no
tracks matching your search parameter or playlist definition for dynamic
playlist:") and the playlist name on the second line.

afriend's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39306
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-02 Thread cpd73

afriend wrote: 
> I think users will appreciate that. Thanks. 
> BTW since -info- messages don't have -titles- can they have more than
> one line? Meaning can I use some sort of linebreak to control this. I
> did some testing but it would only ever show me one line. 
> Ideally I'd have a first line indicating the status (sth like "found no
> tracks matching your search parameter or playlist definition for dynamic
> playlist:") and the playlist name on the second line.

Sorry, looks like they do not. I use the 'snackbar' component of the
Vuetify framework - and appears as if this does not accept new lines.
Which makes sense, as its only meant for quick messages.

*Material debug:* 1. Launch via http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json
(Use http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json,cometd to also see update
messages, e.g. play queue) 2. Open browser's developer tools 3. Open
console tab in developer tools 4. REQ/RESP messages sent to/from LMS
will be logged here.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-04 Thread atrocity

I've been using the original Dynamic Playlists + Custom Skip for many
years now. I haven't been on the forums much because everything has just
worked forever, so I didn't realize until over the weekend that
ownership of this plugin had changed.

I'm having two major problems now: The genres I wish to skip are not
being skipped (having comedy albums play in the middle of the night
is...not optimal!) and Never Played Albums is frequently adding only
*partial* albums.


  Server information:
  Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.2 - 1578996832 @ Tue Jan 14 12:16:57 CET 
  Hostname: WeekendPi
  Server IP Address:
  Server HTTP Port Number: 9000
  Operating system: Debian - EN - utf8
  Platform Architecture: armv7l-linux
  Perl Version: 5.20.2 - arm-linux-gnueabihf-thread-multi-64int
  Audio::Scan: 0.95
  IO::Socket::SSL: 2.002
  Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.58 (sqlite 3.22.0)
  Total Players Recognized: 1

Yes, it's an older version. This is a server dedicated solely to playing
Never Played Albums throughout the night. Given that Erland is no longer
able to support the plugins and everything has worked, I have been very
reluctant to upgrade just in case it caused any trouble.

I'm not sure how much of this is relevant, but everything was working
until I:

1. Renamed a LOT of files

2. Scanned for new and changed

3. Saw the above behavior with genres not getting skipped and full
albums not being added

4. Renamed the old databases (NOT including persist) thinking that a
complete rebuild would fix the issue

I've done similar in the past without trouble, but now for the first
time in many years I'm waking up to silence.

I can see on the Plugins page that Dynamic Playlists now lists you (AF)
as the author but Erland still shows as the author of Custom Skip. Is
there potentially a conflict?

Prior to this, I've spent the last several years reliably having
complete albums added to the current playlist without the genres I don't
want. I started the player when I go to bed and stopped it when I get
up. If I woke up in the middle of the night, something would be

Is it possible that the fact that I'm running an older LMS version is
the problem or should I just revert to the old Erland version of Dynamic
Playlists? I'm tempted to just revert and cross my fingers, not to
criticize your work but simply because this particular server serves one
very specific purpose and I'm not bothered if everything about it is

I am tempted to try your plugin on a newer server, though!

Thank you for any insight you may be able to offer.

atrocity's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=16009
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-04 Thread afriend

First off, there is actually a section on how to revert to DPL v2.+ and
not auto-update to DPL v3+ in the future. Just in case. BTW if you did a
*wipe* (=clear) & rescan (not simply scan for new & changed files)
-after- you'd renamed your files your database should be ok.

And yes, DPL adds "only" a max. of 15 new tracks *by default* but *you
can change that number* on the plugin's settings page (up to 50 tracks),
it's actually the first setting.
Customskip used to be closer tied to DPL but DPL playlists can still
enable customskip filters even though the goal would be to filter out
unwanted tracks etc. in the SQL queries right away. 

The built-in DPL lists are just a starting point. The real power of DPL
is that you can create tailor-made dynamic playlists (within what SQLite
allows) that should give you exactly what you want. And since you can
filter/exclude anything unwanted from the very start you won't even need
Since DPL v3+ you can use these user-provided custom dynamic playlists
-directly- in DPL, without any other plugin like SQLPlayList or

Since this would be a very specific playlist tailored to your personal
needs I'd obviously not add it to the built-in playlists. 
But I could help you create it by posting the sql playlist definition of
such a dynamic playlist here so you can test it. But I need to know all
the parameters.

So it's 
- an *album* playlist,
- never played before: -entire- album never played before or just
-containing 1 or more tracks- never played before?
- *excluding albums from which genres?*
- no min. track duration?
- for all albums or only those with a minium number of tracks in it?
(thereby excluding "albums" like CD singles with only 2 tracks for
- in album order or randomly ordered?

If you want to give this a try please list all the parameters you can
think of incl. what CustomSkip would have skipped.
Otherwise if you prefer to revert to DPL 2.x please visit the github
page for more information on how to do that.

afriend's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39306
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-04 Thread nyindieguy

afriend wrote: 
> First off, there is actually a section on how to revert to DPL v2.+ and
> not auto-update to DPL v3+ in the future. Just in case. BTW if you did a
> *wipe* (=clear) & rescan (not simply scan for new & changed files)
> -after- you'd renamed your files your database should be ok.
> And yes, DPL adds "only" a max. of 15 new tracks *by default* but *you
> can change that number* on the plugin's settings page (up to 50 tracks),
> it's actually the first setting.
> Customskip used to be more closely integrated with DPL but DPL playlists
> can still enable customskip filters even though the goal would be to
> filter out unwanted tracks etc. in SQL queries from the very beginning. 
> The built-in DPL lists are just a starting point. The real power of DPL
> is that you can create tailor-made dynamic playlists (within the limits
> that SQLite allows) that should give you exactly what you want. And
> since you can filter/exclude anything unwanted from the very start you
> won't even need CustomSkip. You can use these user-provided custom
> dynamic playlists -directly- in DPL 3+, without any other plugin like
> SQLPlayList or TrackStat.
> This would be a very specific playlist tailored to your personal needs
> so I'd obviously not add it to the built-in playlists. 
> But I could help you create it by posting the sql playlist definition of
> such a dynamic playlist here so you can test it. But I'd need to know
> -all- the parameters.
> So it's 
> - an *album* playlist,
> - never played before: -entire- album never played before or just
> -containing 1 or more tracks- never played before?
> - *excluding albums from which genres?* (exact name of genres)
> - no min. track duration?
> - for all albums or only those with a -minium number of tracks- in it?
> (thereby excluding "albums" like CD singles with only 2 tracks for
> example)
> - in album order or randomly ordered?
> ...
> If you want to give this a try please list all the parameters you can
> think of incl. what CustomSkip would have skipped.
> Otherwise if you prefer to revert to DPL 2.x please visit the github
> page for more information on how to do that.

Regarding Custom Skip, the way I use it is to omit certain songs that I
keep in a static playlist called "Skip" which omits them from any random
playlist that I create with DPL. I'm assuming that functionality still
exists (I hope).

nyindieguy's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=62092
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-04 Thread afriend

nyindieguy wrote: 
> Regarding Custom Skip, the way I use it is to omit certain songs that I
> keep in a static playlist called "Skip" which omits them from any random
> playlist that I create with DPL. I'm assuming that functionality still
> exists (I hope).

The only thing that you could configure in CustomSkip's settings
(besides the folder path) was whether to limit skipping to DPL playlists
or not. Just set it *yes* (= global skipping = not limited to dynamic
playlists) and you should be fine. As I said I think most excluding or
filtering should probably be done in the dynamic playlists (i.e. the sql
queries). But for a static playlist with lots of different single tracks
skipping them with CustomSkip is just as good I guess. 
BTW did you have a chance to test the latest github version, esp. the
built-in playlists and the playlist I added for you?

afriend's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39306
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-04 Thread atrocity

afriend wrote: 
> First off, there is actually a section on how to revert to DPL v2.+ and
> not auto-update to DPL v3+ in the future.

Yes, I appreciate having that option and suspect that my use case is
weird enough that I'd probably just be better off going that route.

afriend wrote: 
> BTW if you did a *wipe* (=clear) & rescan (not simply scan for new &
> changed files) -after- you'd renamed your files your database should be
> ok.

That's normally what I've done in the past, but in this case since I was
seeing *two* major issues (the skips not being honored and albums added
incompletely) I thought I'd just jump to the nuclear option. :)

afriend wrote: 
> And yes, DPL adds "only" a max. of 15 new tracks *by default* but *you
> can change that number* on the plugin's settings page (up to 50 tracks),
> it's actually the first setting.

I did change that, but I'm still seeing a mix of complete and incomplete
albums being added, seemingly at random.

afriend wrote: 
> But I could help you create it by posting the sql playlist definition of
> such a dynamic playlist here so you can test it. But I'd need to know
> -all- the parameters.

I genuinely appreciate the offer, but at this point I'm first going to
try to go back to the original setup, if for no other reason than it's
done exactly what I want/need for years now.

afriend wrote: 
> So it's 
> - an *album* playlist,
> - never played before: -entire- album never played before or just
> -containing 1 or more tracks- never played before?
> - *excluding albums from which genres?* (exact name of genres)
> - no min. track duration?
> - for all albums or only those with a -minium number of tracks- in it?
> (thereby excluding "albums" like CD singles with only 2 tracks for
> example)
> - in album order or randomly ordered?

In case this is something that others would like as well (it seems like
a not-too-strange thing to want), what I had is:

1. Randomly chosen never-played albums

2. Skipping tracks where one or more of the GENRE tags are something not
suited to overnight use, e.g., "Spoken", "Comedy", etc.

3. No high or low limits on number of tracks or track duration. I'll
take it whether the "album" is a one-track single or a 200-track box.

4. One shortcoming (well, to me, but not necessarily to anyone else) of
Erland's original plugin is that (as I understand it) even playing just
one track from an album results in that album being considered "played".
I'm looking for any album that hasn't been played in its entirety.
Though that can get murky, too: For example, if an album has a mix of
music and interviews (GENRE=Interview), I'd want to play the music
tracks but not the spoken ones.

Another thing that I appreciate and am not sure if your plugin also has
is the ability to skip tracks with multiple genres if any *one* of those
genres matches one that should be skipped. That's something of a serious
shortcoming in the stock LMS random code--if I have an album with
GENRE=DTS and GENRE=Rock and tell LMS not to play DTS, that album will
still play based on the remaining genre.

I also just installed the new Dynamic Playlists plugin on a fully up to
date server that doesn't get used much and doesn't, as far as I know,
have any non-vanilla funny stuff on it. Multiple attempts to have
Dynamic Playlists play never-played albums resulted in...nothing. The
log doesn't report any errors, but nothing gets added to the playlist.
Is it possible that 123,195 tracks is just too many? (Another way I'm an

Anyway, thank you for the response. At this point I think I'll just try
to restore the old plugin. At some point I'll presumably run out of
albums for it to play...I had assumed that when that day came I'd just
wipe out all the data and start fresh, but maybe that would be the
perfect time to transition to the new plugin.

atrocity's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=16009
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-04 Thread atrocity

atrocity wrote: 
> Anyway, thank you for the response. At this point I think I'll just try
> to restore the old plugin. At some point I'll presumably run out of
> albums for it to play...I had assumed that when that day came I'd just
> wipe out all the data and start fresh, but maybe that would be the
> perfect time to transition to the new plugin.

I've managed to download, unzip and copy the old plugin to
/usr/share/squeezeboxserver/Plugins (I'm using Max2Play). The plugins
page shows Dynamic Playlists is now at version 2.10.247 but clicking on
Dynamic Playlists from the main menu tells me "License Manager plugin
must be installed". I copied (not moved!) the LicenseManagerPlugin
directory from /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins
but I'm still getting the same message.

atrocity's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=16009
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-04 Thread atrocity

atrocity wrote: 
> I've managed to download, unzip and copy the old plugin to
> /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/Plugins (I'm using Max2Play). The plugins
> page shows Dynamic Playlists is now at version 2.10.247 but clicking on
> Dynamic Playlists from the main menu tells me "License Manager plugin
> must be installed". I copied (not moved!) the LicenseManagerPlugin
> directory from /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins
> but I'm still getting the same message.

I should make it clear that I've also restarted LMS. Twice, in fact.

atrocity's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=16009
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-04 Thread afriend

atrocity wrote: 
> I should make it clear that I've also restarted LMS. Twice, in fact.
Ok, quickly before I have to leave.

While working on DPL 3 I switched very often between 2.10.247 (the last
DPL 2 version) and DPL 3. Erland changed the code in the end so that DPL
would never ask for or require the license manager. And it never did. So
don't know what's going on there. Did you dl the old plugin from the
link on my github page and followed the steps there?

"Albums - never played" means just that. Albums with no tracks in them
that have been played before = the sum of the play counts of all tracks
in an album would be 0. Also in the latest release version 3.1.7 there's
still a minimum track requirement of 3 tracks for albums to be
considered. In the lastest (but not yet released) version on github you
can change this value. 
>From what I understand you want -partially- played albums - which is
probably the state of most albums (at least most of mine).

Anyway here's a very quick draft of a playlist that should meet your
parameters. So if you're feeling adventurous (haven't tested it at


-- PlaylistName:Albums - partially played
  -- PlaylistGroups:
  create temporary table dynamicplaylist_random_albums as
select partiallyplayed.album as album from
(select distinct tracks.album as album from tracks
join tracks_persistent on
tracks_persistent.urlmd5 = tracks.urlmd5 and 
(tracks_persistent.playCount = 0 or tracks_persistent.playCount is null)
left join dynamicplaylist_history on
dynamicplaylist_history.id=tracks.id and 
tracks.audio = 1
and dynamicplaylist_history.id is null
and not exists (select * from tracks t2, genre_track, 
t2.id = 
tracks.id and
tracks.id = 
genre_track.track and 

genre_track.genre = genres.id and
genres.name in 
group by tracks.album
order by random()
limit 10) as partiallyplayed
order by random()
limit 1;
  select distinct tracks.url from tracks
join dynamicplaylist_random_albums on
dynamicplaylist_random_albums.album = tracks.album
join tracks_persistent on
tracks_persistent.urlmd5 = tracks.urlmd5 and 
(tracks_persistent.playCount = 0 or tracks_persistent.playCount is null)
left join dynamicplaylist_history on
dynamicplaylist_history.id=tracks.id and 
tracks.audio = 1
and dynamicplaylist_history.id is null
and not exists (select * from tracks t2, genre_track, genres
t2.id = tracks.id and
tracks.id = 
genre_track.track and 
genre_track.genre = 
genres.id and
genres.name in 
group by tracks.id
order by dynamicplaylist_random_albums.album;
  drop table dynamicplaylist_random_albums;

Put this code in a (text) file and save it as
-partiallyplayedalbums*.sql.xml*- and then put the file in the DPL
custom playlist folder (if you haven't changed the path it should be in
the LMS playlist folder). It should be listed under -Not classified-.
It will only play *un*played songs of -partially- played albums and
exclude the genres 'Spoken','Interview', and 'Comedy'. You can add more
genres in the 2 lines. I'm not sure if it will add the -entire- album
(did v2 add a complete box of 500 tracks?) because after all DPL is a
lot about dynamic random mixes, very much designed to increase
randomness, in this case getting tracks in small batches and each batch
a new query and therefore possibly new album. Anyway, I really have to
go. Hope this helped a bit.

afriend's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39306
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-04 Thread nyindieguy

nyindieguy wrote: 
> Regarding Custom Skip, the way I use it is to omit certain songs that I
> keep in a static playlist called "Skip" which omits them from any random
> playlist that I create with DPL. I'm assuming that functionality still
> exists (I hope).

I'm waiting until you publish it with the latest debugged version.
Thanks again.

nyindieguy's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=62092
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-04 Thread atrocity

afriend wrote: 
> While working on DPL 3 I switched very often between 2.10.247 (the last
> DPL 2 version) and DPL 3. Erland changed the code in the end so that DPL
> would never ask for or require the license manager. And it never did. So
> don't know what's going on there. Did you dl the old plugin from the
> link on my github page and followed the steps there?

I hope I did. I tried to! I thought that the plugins still wanted
License Manager but LM was updated to just give everything to everybody.
But it's been a long time and I could be completely wrong. For what it's
worth, I never deleted LM.

afriend wrote: 
> Anyway here's a very quick draft of a playlist that should meet your
> parameters. So if you're feeling adventurous (haven't tested it at
> all):

This is a very promising start, thank you! Curiously, I was able to get
it to work on the other server where I installed your Dynamic Playlists
(no prior version had ever been installed) but could never get it to do
anything at all with the included Never Played Albums option. The web
page would just kind of sit for a while but nothing got added to the
playlist. But your new code immediately a selected a one-track album,
then added another complete multi-track album. The only issue there is
that the tracks were out of order, but that's probably easy.

It looks like more is going on, but you now have me curious if I can
simplify it. I haven't looked at the database lately, so maybe I'm
fooling myself. What I'm shooting for is "Find a single random unplayed
track that doesn't have a genre I don't want. Find the album it belongs
to, then add the entire album to the playlist with the tracks properly
ordered." It looks like you're starting in the same place but I think
I'll fool around with this and see if I can make it simpler.

afriend wrote: 
> I'm not sure if it will add the -entire- album (did v2 add a complete
> box of 500 tracks?)

It would definitely add entire boxes, though the biggest one I can think
of was Zombie Heaven, which is over 100 tracks. I remember that
specifically because I once tried to play it via a Touch's built-in
server and it refused because the playlist was too big!

But if I can figure out a way to just use that "seed" track as the key
to grab the entire album I'll be happy.

afriend wrote: 
> because after all DPL is a lot about dynamic random mixes, very much
> designed to increase randomness, in this case getting tracks in small
> batches and each batch a new query and therefore possibly new album.

It's important to me to add an entire album in order. This is partly an
old age thing (I grew up in the era when the album was king) and partly
an insomnia thing: I let it play at a low level all night, so that if I
wake up I can listen to whatever it's serving while I try to go back to
sleep. If it's playing an album I know but I realize tracks are missing,
it will definitely get my attention in a non-positive way.

I also get a kick out of checking What Was That Tune in the morning. The
fewer tracks I realize I heard, the better I probably slept.

afriend wrote: 
> Anyway, I really have to go. Hope this helped a bit.

I think it really did help and I hope to have more time to really dig
into it tomorrow.

Thank you!

atrocity's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=16009
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-06 Thread atrocity

atrocity wrote: 
> The only issue there is that the tracks were out of order, but that's
> probably easy.

Is there code outside of the actual SQL that is randomizing the tracks?
I can get a query that orders by disc and track outside of LMS (simply
changed the final order by to "order by tracks.disc,tracks.tracknum",
but when I try the same code within LMS the tracks end up in the
playlist in random order.

Also, will the setting for Max. number of unplayed songs result in an
added album being truncated if it has enough tracks to put it over that

atrocity's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=16009
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-07 Thread afriend

atrocity wrote: 
> Is there code outside of the actual SQL that is randomizing the tracks?
> I can get a query that orders by disc and track outside of LMS (simply
> changed the final order by to "order by tracks.disc,tracks.tracknum",
> but when I try the same code within LMS the tracks end up in the
> playlist in random order.
> Also, will the setting for Max. number of unplayed songs result in an
> added album being truncated if it has enough tracks to put it over that
> number?
Yes and yes. Please wait for DPL 3.2.0. It's already in the github repo
and will be released soon (after Material skin 2.7.0 has been
On the settings page: check -add complete album-, set min. album tracks
to 1 (if you want to include 1- and 2-track albums) and select the
genres to exclude at the bottom. Then play a dynamic *album* playlist
and choose if you want to listen to played, unplayed or all songs in
albums. Works here. Good luck.

afriend's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39306
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-09 Thread atrocity

afriend wrote: 
> Yes and yes. Please wait for DPL 3.2.0. It's already in the github repo
> and will be released soon (after Material skin 2.7.0 has been
> released).
> On the settings page: check -add complete album-, set min. album tracks
> to 1 (if you want to include 1 & 2-track albums) and select the genres
> to exclude at the bottom. Then play a dynamic *album* playlist like
> -Albums - random- and choose if you want to listen to played, unplayed
> or all songs in albums. Works here. Good luck.

This looks like exactly what I need, thank you so much!

Two suggestions, though: I'm sure it's my own fault, but I ran into an
issue with dynamicplaylists_random_albums already existing, so it
probably wouldn't hurt to have all the SQL begin with:


  drop table if exists [whatever_table];

Also, it looks like the results of our own custom queries are still
always randomized. It would be nice to have that become optional.

Lastly, just as an FYI: I never could restore Erland's plugin the proper
way on my old server, so I wound up putting it back into the cache
directory and then rescinding write permissions for the directory itself
and all the files therein. I'm sure that's not an optimal approach, but
it seems to be working for me so far.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-15 Thread marco.mosca

Unfortunately after you take over Dynamic Playlists Custom Skip Plugin
is not working anymore. Any plan to fix it?


marco.mosca's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=72173
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-15 Thread shinedou

Is there a way that I can have a dynamicplaylist that only queues 5
songs from a selected artist and then stops adding new songs thus
handing the playlist queue over to DSTM\LastMix to continue adding
songs. I know this may seem counterintuitive to the purpose of this
plugin but I am trying to create a scenario where I can create an artist
random seed for LastMix to build upon.

shinedou's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=72027
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-16 Thread afriend

marco.mosca wrote: 
> Unfortunately after you take over Dynamic Playlists Custom Skip Plugin
> is not working anymore. Any plan to fix it?
> Thanks
> Marco

Have you tried 'this'

afriend's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39306
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-16 Thread afriend

shinedou wrote: 
> Is there a way that I can have a dynamicplaylist that only queues 5
> songs from a selected artist and then stops adding new songs thus
> handing the playlist queue over to DSTM\LastMix to continue adding
> songs. I know this may seem counterintuitive to the purpose of this
> plugin but I am trying to create a scenario where I can create an artist
> random seed for LastMix to build upon.
Actually, there is. It's called -Add-Only- mode. In the web UI just
click on the + and it should only add a number of songs instead of
starting a dynamic playlist. You can change the number of songs added on
the settings page.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-16 Thread afriend

Good catch. Added -drop table if exists- to those a couple of playlists
where it was still missing. You'd probably only run into this problem if
the sql query errors out before the end where the temp. table is
dropped. But having it in the beginning is quicker than a LMS restart.

> Also, it looks like the results of our own custom queries are still
> always randomized. It would be nice to have that become optional.
Works already for *album* playlists (incl. custom) that include the
PlaylistParameter *-- PlaylistContentType:album* (see built-in dyn.
playlists for ref.).
Still trying to think of other use cases (besides album), dynamic
playlists that don't benefit from shuffling? Even if you choose artist,
genre, year, decade, or playlist as a starting point, what's actually
added are either tracks or albums. For albums it makes sense (that's why
I added the option) and random tracks shouldn't mind additional
shuffling I guess.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-16 Thread shinedou

afriend wrote: 
> Actually, there is. It's called -Add-Only- mode. In the web UI just
> click on the + and it should only add a number of songs instead of
> starting a dynamic playlist. You can change the number of songs added on
> the settings page.
Are you talking about the plus (+) sign in the web ui that appends the
songs of an artist to the queue? So this is not part of the dynamic
playlist plug-in that you are talking about? Correct? Where in the
settings do I control the number of songs added? I am not seeing a
setting for this.

If this is what you are talking about the one problem with this way of
doing it is that it is not random which is why I was hoping there was a
way to use dynamic playlist to do it.

shinedou's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=72027
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-16 Thread afriend

shinedou wrote: 
> Are you talking about the plus (+) sign in the web ui that appends the
> songs of an artist to the queue? So this is not part of the dynamic
> playlist plug-in that you are talking about? Correct? Where in the
> settings do I control the number of songs added? I am not seeing a
> setting for this.
> If this is what you are talking about the one problem with this way of
> doing it is that it is not random which is why I was hoping there was a
> way to use dynamic playlist to do it.

No. It's probably best to use the context menu. In the web UI click the
*M* next to the artist of your choice, then click DPL, then next to the
dynamic playlist "random songs (for selected artist)" click the *+*. 
On jivelite players (pCP, SB Touch etc.) you get the context menu with a
long touch & hold. 
For the number of added songs - it's actually the very first setting:
-Max. number of unplayed songs-. Now that should do the trick.

afriend's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39306
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-16 Thread shinedou

afriend wrote: 
> No. It's probably best to use the context menu. In the web UI click the
> *M* next to the artist of your choice, then click DPL, then next to the
> dynamic playlist "random songs (for selected artist)" click the *+*. 
> On jivelite players (pCP, SB Touch etc.) you get the context menu with a
> long touch & hold. 
> For the number of added songs - it's actually the very first setting:
> -Max. number of unplayed songs-. Now that should do the trick.
Excellent, I see it now. Using Material skin I don't get the plus (+)
for the chosen dynamic playlist so I had to use the standard LMS UI. 

Now can this be done through a CLI command?

shinedou's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=72027
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-19 Thread nyindieguy

afriend wrote: 
> The only thing that you could configure in CustomSkip's settings
> (besides the folder path) was whether to limit skipping to DPL playlists
> or not. Just set it *yes* (= global skipping = not limited to dynamic
> playlists) and you should be fine. As I said I think most excluding or
> filtering should probably be done in the dynamic playlists (i.e. the sql
> queries). But for a static playlist with lots of different single tracks
> skipping them with CustomSkip is just as good I guess. 
> BTW did you have a chance to test the latest github version, esp. the
> built-in playlists and the playlist I added for you?

Just updated to the latest version and yes, the playlists you created do
exactly what I was hoping for. Thanks so much for doing it and for
continuing development of the plugin. Regarding CustomSkip, the option
still appears when I create a Dynamic playlist. Are you saying that even
if I reference it, it won't work?

nyindieguy's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=62092
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-19 Thread afriend

nyindieguy wrote: 
> Regarding CustomSkip, the option still appears when I create a Dynamic
> playlist.
-How- do you create it? In SQLPlayList? DPLv3+ still supports
SQLPlayList playlists in general. But this plugin is deprecated. It
simply doesn't know and therefore can't add any of the new parameters
and so on. In the case of CustomSkip it might still work if the filter
set is enabled using the -startaction- playlist parameter. As I wrote on
github it's probably best to do as much filtering as possible in the sql
code. And if you set CustomSkip to global skipping as suggested it
should skip unwanted tracks anyway regardless of what DPL or other
plugins do. If you need help with your playlist definition export it
from SQLPlayList (as described on the  '*github*'
(https://github.com/AF-1/lms-dynamicplaylists) page) and post your sql
code here (incl. what you want to achieve, the playlist parameters you
want to use and such).

afriend's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39306
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-19 Thread nyindieguy

afriend wrote: 
> -How- do you create it? In SQLPlayList? DPLv3+ still supports
> SQLPlayList playlists in general. But this plugin is deprecated. It
> simply doesn't know and therefore can't add any of the new parameters
> and so on. In the case of CustomSkip it might still work if the filter
> set is enabled using the -startaction- playlist parameter. As I wrote on
> github it's probably best to do as much filtering as possible in the sql
> code. And if you set CustomSkip to global skipping as suggested it
> should skip unwanted tracks anyway regardless of what DPL or other
> plugins do. If you need help with your playlist definition export it
> from SQLPlayList (as described on the  '*github*'
> (https://github.com/AF-1/lms-dynamicplaylists) page) and post your sql
> code here (incl. what you want to achieve, the playlist parameters you
> want to use and such).

This is a screenshot of one of the playlists that I use. I plays
everything in my collection randomly, excluding the genres marked, and
uses the Custom Skip filter to exclude any songs that are in a playlist
called "Skip."


|Filename: Screenshot 2021-10-19 181728.jpg |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=35969|

nyindieguy's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=62092
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-20 Thread marco.mosca

afriend wrote: 
> Have you tried '*this*'
> (https://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?115073-Announce-Dynamic-Playlists-3-(mod)&p=1034901&viewfull=1#post1034901)?

Yes, but unfortunately this is still not working as should be and was
previously. Custom Skip is a great feature for running large libraries
without having the need to tag songs or albums. 

Pictures show my configuration.


|Filename: conf 2.jpg   |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=35972|

marco.mosca's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=72173
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-20 Thread afriend

nyindieguy wrote: 
> This is a screenshot of one of the playlists that I use. I plays
> everything in my collection randomly, excluding the genres marked, and
> uses the Custom Skip filter to exclude any songs that are in a playlist
> called "Skip."

With v3.2.1 you have 2 options to achieve this: 

- I've added a dynamic playlist that plays random songs but ignores all
tracks from a selected playlist. You'd have to choose the genres to
exclude on the botton of DPL's settings page. That should work. Only
downside: these excluded genres will apply to all built-in dynamic

- Or you can create a *custom* dynamic playlist to use in DPL *directly*
- _-*without*-_ SQPlayList. For that you'd have to post the sql code
here so I can take a look and post my version. To get the sql code: on
the screenshot page at the bottom choose the radio button "-Customize
SQL-", then press -Save- but *_don't_ press any button on the next page*
(save/save&play) or SQLPlaylist will always show this playlist in sql
code. Instead copy the sql query code from the box and post it here in
code tags. Then click on Home or close the window.

afriend's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39306
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-20 Thread marco.mosca

afriend wrote: 
> With v3.2.1 you have 2 options to achieve this: 
> - I've added a dynamic playlist that plays random songs but ignores all
> tracks from a selected playlist. You'd have to choose the genres to
> exclude on the botton of DPL's settings page. That should work. Only
> downside: these excluded genres will apply to all built-in dynamic
> playlists.
> - Or you can create a *custom* dynamic playlist to use in DPL *directly*
> - _-*without*-_ SQPlayList. For that you'd have to post the sql code
> here so I can take a look and post my version. To get the sql code: on
> the screenshot page at the bottom choose the radio button "-Customize
> SQL-", then press -Save- but *_don't_ press any button on the next page*
> (save/save&play) or SQLPlaylist will always show this playlist in sql
> code. Instead copy the sql query code from the box and post it here in
> code tags. Then click on Home or close the window.

I really appreciate your effort, however this is still far from the
previous features. In addition consider that I'm not using genres at all
as well as custom playlist, but instead using multi library to segregate
different kind of music based on disk/folder position.

I'm wondering why you haven't created a new plugin letting us deciding
what to do. Can you evaluate this opportunity to re-establish version
2.x as it was and having your new plugin coexisting?


marco.mosca's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=72173
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-20 Thread afriend

marco.mosca wrote: 
> I really appreciate your effort, however this is still far from the
> previous features. In addition consider that I'm not using genres at all
> as well as custom playlist, but instead using multi library to segregate
> different kind of music based on disk/folder position.
> I'm wondering why you haven't created a new plugin letting us deciding
> what to do. Can you evaluate this opportunity to re-establish version
> 2.x as it was and having your new plugin coexisting?
> Thanks
> Marco

Dude, the message you're quoting was *not* directed at *you*. Like *at
all*. Ok? If you'd taken a single look at the github page before
accusing me of negligence you'd know there's a paragraph on how to
revert to v2. Auto-updating to v3 happened for a lot of people because
LMS didn't distinguish between the old and new plugin IDs and only
looked at the plugin name. Seems to me that reverting to v2 is the way
for you to go. And it is documented on the github page. Other people
have done it.

While CustomSkip will work for literally anything else with global
skipping enabled there's a code block in CS that relies on the DPL v2
and prevents CS from filtering tracks in DPL mixes. Many of Erland's
plugins were in some ways closely 'interlocked'.
One of my objectives was to maintain as much backwards compatibility as
possible while making these ties optional and non-essential. This way
plugins that are deprecated (CustomSkip) and/or will probably stop
working properly at some point (SQLPlayList, MultiLibrary) wouldn't
break DPL in the future. I'm very sure now you understand that I cannot
guarantee that -deprecated- plugins will continue to work completely or
indefinitely with new versions of DPL. So the change has to happen in
CustomSkip because DPL has moved on.

I'll upload a version of CustomSkip to my github repo without the
mentioned code block that should work with DPLv3. But *I won't provide
-any- support for CustomSkip*. You can either install that version
manually or delete the code block in your CS plugin yourself. Or revert
to v2.
That's it from me.

afriend's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39306
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-20 Thread nyindieguy

afriend wrote: 
> With v3.2.1 you have 2 options to achieve this: 
> - I've added a dynamic playlist that plays random songs but ignores all
> tracks from a selected playlist. You'd have to choose the genres to
> exclude on the botton of DPL's settings page. That should work. Only
> downside: these excluded genres will apply to all built-in dynamic
> playlists.
> - Or you can create a *custom* dynamic playlist to use in DPL *directly*
> - _-*without*-_ SQPlayList. For that you'd have to post the sql code
> here so I can take a look and post my version. To get the sql code: on
> the screenshot page at the bottom choose the radio button "-Customize
> SQL-", then press -Save- but *_don't_ press any button on the next page*
> (save/save&play) or SQLPlaylist will always show this playlist in sql
> code. Instead copy the sql query code from the box and post it here in
> code tags. Then click on Home or close the window.

Thanks for this. I guess some of this is over my head as I really don't
understand the relationship between DPL and SQL Playlist. I believe that
you said in a prior post that if I set Custom Skip to work on all
playlists, that would solve the issue. If so, I think that would be OK
for my purposes, even though all my static playlists wouldn't really
need it. What I'm finding confusing is that if I go into your version of
DPL and create a new list by selecting the parameters and then I save it
as a favorite, it creates a new SQL file. Then I have to go into
SQLPLayist and refresh. Once I do that, the new playlist appears within
DPL and seems to work. Sorry if my questions are too basic. And thanks
for your responsiveness.

nyindieguy's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=62092
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-20 Thread marco.mosca

afriend wrote: 
> Dude, the message you're quoting was *not* directed at *you*. Like *at
> all*. Ok? If you'd taken a single look at the github page before
> accusing me of negligence you'd know there's a paragraph on how to
> revert to v2. Auto-updating to v3 happened for a lot of people because
> LMS didn't distinguish between the old and new plugin IDs and only
> looked at the plugin name. Seems to me that reverting to v2 is the way
> for you to go. And it is documented on the github page. Other people
> have done it.
> While CustomSkip will work for literally anything else with global
> skipping enabled there's a code block in CS that relies on the DPL v2
> and prevents CS from filtering tracks in DPL mixes. Many of Erland's
> plugins were in some ways closely 'interlocked'.
> One of my objectives was to maintain as much backwards compatibility as
> possible while making these ties optional and non-essential. This way
> plugins that are deprecated (CustomSkip) and/or will probably stop
> working properly at some point (SQLPlayList, MultiLibrary) wouldn't
> break DPL in the future. I'm very sure now you understand that I cannot
> guarantee that -deprecated- plugins will continue to work completely or
> indefinitely with new versions of DPL. So the change has to happen in
> CustomSkip because DPL has moved on.
> I'll upload a version of CustomSkip to my github repo without the
> mentioned code block that should work with DPLv3. But *I won't provide
> -any- support for CustomSkip*. You can either install that version
> manually or delete the code block in your CS plugin yourself. Or revert
> to v2.
> That's it from me.

I am sorry for your disappointment: probably is due to my english - I am
not accusing you of any negligence. However, again I reinforce my
appreciation to your effort to move forward in developing plugins. 

I look forward to checking the news in the next DPL version.

My best.

marco.mosca's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=72173
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-20 Thread afriend

nyindieguy wrote: 
> Thanks for this. I guess some of this is over my head as I really don't
> understand the relationship between DPL and SQL Playlist.
Just think of DPL as some kind of random play with lots of options for
fine-tuning the selection of the tracks you want to listen to.
DPL uses sql queries to fetch tracks. Before DPL v3 the -source- of
these sql queries had to be other plugins like SQLPlayList, TrackStat,
or CustomScan. DPL asks these plugins if they want to provide any sql
queries (=dynamic playlists) and if so, DPL will list them. 
With DPL v3 I've added 2 new options: -built-in- dynamic playlists and
the option to create your own -custom- dynamic playlists and use them
directly in DPLv3, without relying on other plugins.
For dynamic playlists think of SQLPlayList as a sql query generator with
a user interface. It takes your playlist parameter choices and creates a
sql query file (either sql.xml or as a xml template). It assists you in
creating sql queries.
Since DPL and SQLPlayList use the same sql query format you could easily
export most of your SQLPlayLists as customized sql query files and uses
them in DPL directly. That's probably good to bear in mind if
SQLPlayList should ever stop working properly.

So when I talk about using custom dynamic playlists I usually mean
creating custom sql query files and putting them in the DPL custom
playlist folder. It's a very powerful option because you can create
exactly the kind of dynamic playlist you want. And it probably sounds
more difficult than it actually is.

nyindieguy wrote: 
> I believe that you said in a prior post that if I set Custom Skip to
> work on all playlists, that would solve the issue. If so, I think that
> would be OK for my purposes, even though all my static playlists
> wouldn't really need it.
It seems that CustomSkip does not properly skip songs in dynamic
playlists because there's a block of code in CustomSkip that prevents
that. I've uploaded a slighly revised version of CustomSkip to
'*github*' (https://github.com/AF-1/lms-customskip) that should fix

In your case you would certainly benefit from a custom dynamic playlist
tailored to your specific needs. Below is custom dynamic playlist based
on your screenshot. Open your text editor, copy&paste the sql code below
and save it as "nameofyourchoice*.sql.xml*". The file extension
*.sql.xml* is important. Now put this file into the -DPL custom playlist
folder- (should be in your playlist folder if you haven't changed the


  -- PlaylistName:Random songs from collection - ignore songs in selected 
  -- PlaylistParameter1:playlist:Select playlist to ignore:
  select distinct tracks.url from tracks
left join dynamicplaylist_history on
dynamicplaylist_history.id=tracks.id and 
tracks.audio = 1
and tracks.secs >= 'PlaylistTrackMinDuration'
and dynamicplaylist_history.id is null
and not exists (select * from tracks t2,playlist_track
t2.url=tracks.url and
tracks.url = 
playlist_track.track and
!= 'PlaylistParameter1')
and not exists (select * from tracks t3,genre_track,genres
t3.id=tracks.id and

tracks.id=genre_track.track and

genre_track.genre=genres.id and
genres.name in 
Word','Standards','Unreleased Rarity'))
group by tracks.url
order by random()
limit 'PlaylistLimit';

This new playlist should now appear in the not-classified group. Adapt
it to your needs (name, excluded genre list).

nyindieguy wrote: 
> What I'm finding confusing is that if I go into your version of DPL and
> create a new list by selecting the parameters and then I save it as a
> favorite, it creates a new SQL file. Then I have to go into SQLPLayist
> and refresh. Once I do that, the new playlist appears within DPL and
> seems to work.
I'm not sure I understand. Same as in v2 you can't -create- new dynamic
playlists in DPL with the user interface. The only way you can add new
dynamic playlists to DPL (as explained in the beginning) is by adding
sql query files to the DPL custom playlist folder or in other plugins
like SQLPlayLists.

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-20 Thread shinedou

Would there be a way (in the current or a future version) to create a
DPL where the user is prompted for an artist to random play BUT instead
of choosing one artist the user *can select multiple artist*. This would
create a dynamic mix using all the selected artist's songs. I understand
I can build a playlist that already has the included artists as part of
the playlist but I want to be able to build this dynamically. 

Even better would be a context menu type playlist that can be used on
the artist browse page when using the select feature where the user
could checkbox multiple artists and then clicking the context menu DPL
and it plays random from all artist selected.

If not now or ever this would definitely be something I would like to
explore accomplishing so if you have any suggestions it would be great.
Thank you for keeping this great plugin alive.

shinedou's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=72027
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-20 Thread afriend

shinedou wrote: 
> Would there be a way (in the current or a future version) to create a
> DPL where the user is prompted for an artist to random play BUT instead
> of choosing one artist the user *can select multiple artist*. This would
> create a dynamic mix using all the selected artist's songs. I understand
> I can build a playlist that already has the included artists as part of
> the playlist but I want to be able to build this dynamically. 
> Even better would be a context menu type playlist that can be used on
> the artist browse page when using the select feature where the user
> could checkbox multiple artists and then clicking the context menu DPL
> and it plays random from all artist selected.
> If not now or ever this would definitely be something I would like to
> explore accomplishing so if you have any suggestions it would be great.
> Thank you for keeping this great plugin alive.

I like the idea. I guess that would require some non-trivial code
changes. Not sure how much fun scrolling a list with >1000 artists would
be though. I think Random Play has something like this for genres.
My problem is time. Some changes in my life mean that going forward I
will have even less time to spend on LMS/plugins. I'll do my best to
keep DPL and the other plugins alive. And if I can't they'll always be
on github.
BTW since you seem to be very creative with plugins maybe take a look at
Craig's '*MusicSimiliarity*'
(https://github.com/CDrummond/music-similarity) (and the '*LMS companion
plugin*' (https://github.com/CDrummond/lms-musicsimilarity)). It
calculates how similar your tracks are to each other. Then you can "get
random tracks similar to seed tracks chosen from the current play
queue". Very cool stuff!

afriend's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39306
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-20 Thread shinedou

afriend wrote: 
> I like the idea. I guess that would require some non-trivial code
> changes. Not sure how much fun scrolling a list with >1000 artists would
> be though. I think Random Play has something like this for genres.
> My problem is time. Some changes in my life mean that going forward I
> will have even less time to spend on LMS/plugins. I'll do my best to
> keep DPL and the other plugins alive. And if I can't they'll always be
> on github.
> BTW since you seem to be very creative with plugins maybe take a look at
> Craig's '*MusicSimiliarity*'
> (https://github.com/CDrummond/music-similarity) (and the '*LMS companion
> plugin*' (https://github.com/CDrummond/lms-musicsimilarity)). It
> calculates how similar your tracks are to each other. Then you can "get
> random tracks similar to seed tracks chosen from the current play
> queue". Very cool stuff!
Yeah, I completely understand the life changes part. Creative I may be,
however I am lacking the *ability* part but I am trying to learn. I will
take a look at the music-similarity stuff. I somehow have missed that.

shinedou's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=72027
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-21 Thread haschmich

afriend wrote: 
> - Or you can create a *custom* dynamic playlist to use in DPL *directly*
> - _-*without*-_ SQPlayList. For that you'd have to post the sql code
> here so I can take a look and post my version. To get the sql code: on
> the screenshot page at the bottom choose the radio button "-Customize
> SQL-", then press -Save- but *_don't_ press any button on the next page*
> (save/save&play) or SQLPlaylist will always show this playlist in sql
> code. Instead copy the sql query code from the box and post it here in
> code tags. Then click on Home or close the window.

I also just realised that the update broke my very few SQL Playlists.
Could you help me make it work again? The main one is supposed to play
"random songs with rating 7 or above and not recently played" and looks
like this:


-- PlaylistName:Top rated songs 7 plus
  -- PlaylistGroups:
  select tracks.url from tracks
join track_statistics on
left join dynamicplaylist_history on
tracks.id=dynamicplaylist_history.id and 
and dynamicplaylist_history.id is null
and track_statistics.rating>=70
group by tracks.id
order by rand()
limit 10;

It would be perfect if the rating threshold could be chosen

Thanks a lot for your work on the plugin!

haschmich's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=41882
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-21 Thread atrocity

afriend wrote: 
> Good catch. Added -drop table if exists- to those a couple of playlists
> where it was still missing. You'd probably only run into this problem if
> the sql query errors out before the end where the temp. table is
> dropped. But having it in the beginning is quicker than a LMS restart.

Thank you! And yes, I had written bad SQL, so it errored out early on.
Completely my own fault.

v3.2.1 (already on github) has options for that. For more detailled
information: '*wiki*'
Adding parameters --- PlaylistLimitOption:unlimited- and ---
PlaylistTrackOrder: ordered- to the beginning of your custom playlist
should do the trick.

This is beautiful and exactly the flexibility I was hoping for, thank you
so much!

atrocity's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=16009
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-21 Thread atrocity

atrocity wrote: 
> This is beautiful and exactly the flexibility I was hoping for, thank
> you so much!

One thing I forgot to mention: After updating to the current version, my
two test dynamic playlists were no longer appearing on the menu (wasn't
even seeing "Not classified/"). It looks like you're now storing them in
a subdirectory under playlists called DPL-custom-lists. Once I moved my
existing .xml files there everything was working again. It was a minor
one-time inconvenience, but the voices in my head are saying that given
them their own subdirectory is probably a good idea.

atrocity's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=16009
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-21 Thread afriend

haschmich wrote: 
> I also just realised that my very few SQL Playlists no longer work.
> Could you help me make it work again with DPL 3.2.1? The main one was
> supposed to play "random songs with rating 7 or above and not recently
> played" and looks like this:
> > 

  >   > -- PlaylistName:Top rated songs 7 plus
  > -- PlaylistGroups:
  > select tracks.url from tracks
  > join track_statistics on
  > tracks.url=track_statistics.url
  > left join dynamicplaylist_history on
  > tracks.id=dynamicplaylist_history.id and 
  > where
  > audio=1
  > and dynamicplaylist_history.id is null
  > and track_statistics.rating>=70
  > group by tracks.id
  > order by rand()
  > limit 10;

> > 
> It would be perfect if the rating threshold could be chosen
> dynamically...
> Thanks a lot for your work on the plugin!

Are you using -mysql- or -sqlite?- DPLv3 is sqlite only.
While you still need plugins like TrackStat or RatingsLight for setting
ratings you don't need any plugin at all for retrieving ratings from LMS
directly. If your LMS database is standard sqlite this playlist should
probably work:


-- PlaylistName:Top rated songs 7 plus
  -- PlaylistParameter1:list:Select minimum 
  select distinct tracks.url from tracks
join tracks_persistent on
tracks_persistent.urlmd5 = tracks.urlmd5 and 
tracks_persistent.rating >= 'PlaylistParameter1'
left join dynamicplaylist_history on
dynamicplaylist_history.id=tracks.id and 
tracks.audio = 1
and dynamicplaylist_history.id is null
and tracks.secs >= 'PlaylistTrackMinDuration'
and not exists (select * from tracks t2,genre_track,genres
t2.id=tracks.id and

tracks.id=genre_track.track and 

genre_track.genre=genres.id and
genres.name in 
group by tracks.url
order by random()
limit 'PlaylistLimit';

afriend's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39306
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-21 Thread atrocity

atrocity wrote: 
> One thing I forgot to mention: After updating to the current version, my
> two test dynamic playlists were no longer appearing on the menu (wasn't
> even seeing "Not classified/"). It looks like you're now storing them in
> a subdirectory under playlists called DPL-custom-lists. Once I moved my
> existing .xml files there everything was working again. It was a minor
> one-time inconvenience, but the voices in my head are saying that given
> them their own subdirectory is probably a good idea.

I just realized that I'm again getting incomplete albums. It looks like
the checkbox to add entire albums has disappeared.

atrocity's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=16009
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-21 Thread nyindieguy

afriend wrote: 
> Just think of DPL as some kind of random play with lots of options for
> fine-tuning the selection of the tracks you want to listen to.
> DPL uses sql queries to fetch tracks. Before DPL v3 the -source- of
> these sql queries had to be other plugins like SQLPlayList, TrackStat,
> or CustomScan. DPL asks these plugins if they want to provide any sql
> queries (=dynamic playlists) and if so, DPL will list them. 
> With DPL v3 I've added 2 new options: -built-in- dynamic playlists and
> the option to create your own -custom- dynamic playlists and use them
> directly in DPLv3, without relying on other plugins.
> For dynamic playlists think of SQLPlayList as a sql query generator with
> a user interface. It takes your playlist parameter choices and creates a
> sql query file (either sql.xml or as a xml template). It assists you in
> creating sql queries.
> Since DPL and SQLPlayList use the same sql query format you could easily
> export most of your SQLPlayLists as customized sql query files and uses
> them in DPL directly. That's probably good to bear in mind if
> SQLPlayList should ever stop working properly.
> So when I talk about using custom dynamic playlists I usually mean
> creating custom sql query files and putting them in the DPL custom
> playlist folder. It's a very powerful option because you can create
> exactly the kind of dynamic playlist you want. And it probably sounds
> more difficult than it actually is.
> It seems that CustomSkip does not properly skip songs in dynamic
> playlists because there's a block of code in CustomSkip that prevents
> that. I've uploaded a slighly revised version of CustomSkip to
> '*github*' (https://github.com/AF-1/lms-customskip) that should fix
> this.
> In your case you would certainly benefit from a custom dynamic playlist
> tailored to your specific needs. Below is custom dynamic playlist based
> on your screenshot. Open your text editor, copy&paste the sql code below
> and save it as "nameofyourchoice*.sql.xml*". The file extension
> *.sql.xml* is important. Now put this file into the -DPL custom playlist
> folder- (should be in your playlist folder if you haven't changed the
> location).
> > 

  >   > 
  > -- PlaylistName:Random songs from collection - ignore songs in selected 
  > -- PlaylistParameter1:playlist:Select playlist to ignore:
  > select distinct tracks.url from tracks
  > left join dynamicplaylist_history on
  > dynamicplaylist_history.id=tracks.id and 
  > where
  > tracks.audio = 1
  > and tracks.secs >= 'PlaylistTrackMinDuration'
  > and dynamicplaylist_history.id is null
  > and not exists (select * from tracks t2,playlist_track
  > where
  > t2.url=tracks.url and
  > tracks.url = 
playlist_track.track and
  > playlist_track.playlist 
!= 'PlaylistParameter1')
  > and not exists (select * from tracks t3,genre_track,genres
  > where
  > t3.id=tracks.id and
tracks.id=genre_track.track and
genre_track.genre=genres.id and
  > genres.name in 
Word','Standards','Unreleased Rarity'))
  > group by tracks.url
  > order by random()
  > limit 'PlaylistLimit';

> > 
> This new playlist should now appear in the not-classified group. Adapt
> it to your needs (name, excluded genre list).
> I'm not sure I understand. Same as in v2 you can't -create- new
> dynamic playlists in DPL with the user interface. The only way you can
> add new dynamic playlists to DPL (as explained in the beginning) is by
> adding sql query files to the DPL custom playlist folder or in other
> plugins like SQLPlayLists.
> I don't know how "adding to favorites" plays into this. But please
> note that you can only add dynamic playlists to LMS favorites that
> don't request further user input. Same as in v2, that hasn't changed.

Thanks again for the detailed response. I'm now beginning to understand.
Since I have absolutely no capacity to write SQL, can I assume that
SQLPLaylists can still be used to create custom play lists? From what I
can see, this still works. Regarding your fix for CustomSkip, has anyone
tested it yet? I'm not sophiticated enough to replace it and then go
backwards if necessary. The use o

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-21 Thread nyindieguy

I'm trying to test out the revised (unsupported) version of CustomSkip
via these instructions:

Using repo URL
Uninstall your previous CustomSkip version
Add the repo URL below at the bottom of LMS > Settings > Plugins:
Install the new version

I get as far as seeing the new version but it won't install. Anyone have
any ideas?

nyindieguy's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=62092
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-22 Thread afriend

atrocity wrote: 
> I just realized that I'm again getting incomplete albums. It looks like
> the checkbox to add entire albums has disappeared.
I assume you're talking about your -custom- playlists because the
-built-in- albums playlist work as expected here.
Please check out the '*wiki*'
for custom playlists.
The checkbox and PlaylistContentType have been removed, too specific and
limited to albums. The new parameters --- PlaylistLimitOption:unlimited-
and --- PlaylistTrackOrder: ordered- can be applied to any kind of
playlist, not just albums.
For your custom album playlists you'll probably want to include both.

afriend's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39306
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-22 Thread afriend

nyindieguy wrote: 
> I'm trying to test out the revised (unsupported) version of CustomSkip
> via these instructions:
> Using repo URL
> Uninstall your previous CustomSkip version
> Add the repo URL below at the bottom of LMS > Settings > Plugins:
> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AF-1/lms-customskip/main/public.xml
> Install the new version
> I get as far as seeing the new version but it won't install. 
> I suspect that this is because I am running LMS 7.9.4. I have been
> hesitant to upgrade to 8.x because i don't want to break any of Erland's
> other plugins. I'm game to try and install CustomSkip manually, but for
> the life of me I can't figure out how to get access to the system
> folders on a ReadNas server. 
> Anyone want to help a complete luddite?

Please try again.

afriend's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39306
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-22 Thread afriend

I ' v e   r e m o v e d   D y n a m i c   P l a y l i s t s   v 3 +   f
r o m   t h e   L M S   m a i n   r e p o .   I f   y o u   w a n t   t
o   c o n t i n u e   u s i n g   D P L v * 3 *   p l e a s e   a d d  
t h e   r e p o   U R L   f r o m   t h e   ' * g i t h u b * '   ( h t
t p s : / / g i t h u b . c o m / A F - 1 / l m s - d y n a m i c p l a
y l i s t s )   p a g e . 
2 reasons: due to some changes in my life I will have even less time to
spend on LMS/plugins. And in the case of DynamicPlayList there's a
previous version that's still used by some, esp. for its ties with other
plugins like MultiLibrary, SQLPlayList, TrackStat or CustomScan. By
removing DPLv3 from the main LMS repo v2 and v3 can coexist and
switching between them should be easy. And if DPLv3 ever becomes
deprecated you can always remove the repo URL and switch back to v2.
The github page has all the information on v3.

afriend's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39306
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-10-22 Thread atrocity

afriend wrote: 
> I assume you're talking about your -custom- playlists because the
> -built-in- albums playlist work as expected here.
> Please check out the '*wiki*'
> (https://github.com/AF-1/lms-dynamicplaylists/wiki/DPL-playlist-format#general-parameters)
> for custom playlists.
> The checkbox and PlaylistContentType have been removed, too specific and
> limited to albums. The new parameters --- PlaylistLimitOption:unlimited-
> and --- PlaylistTrackOrder: ordered- can be applied to any kind of
> playlist, not just albums.
> For your custom album playlists you'll probably want to include both.

Thank you!

atrocity's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=16009
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115073

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