Re: Looking for a list of re-playable games for PC

2021-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a list of re-playable games for PC

well voyageur, cape and 4x galaxies may be ok though they are brouser, chooseyourstory and games while brouser based are good to.Any and all interactive fiction games you can play of course.Audio wize, gma tank commander, the legacy game, shades of doom though thats getting a bit more complex to handle these days but well.Entombed I guess.The kitchensinc games.A heroes call is also good.Possibly eurofly but really not sure about that one.If you are into flight sims you can play with keyboard but not done that so not sure.Spur sim, train sim, tube sim, stuff like that can be played offline.In fact when I want to relax which I plan to do at some point today I will play tube sim.


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Re: Free dev

2021-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Free dev

Wow, I'd help test but what you need is someone that will have the resources allready or use free stuff.30 bucks, no dev is going to work for just 30 bucks.I had a few testing projects which I have turned down because the entire project was 20 or 30 bucks, the project lasted for several hours and well for 20-30 bucks well.Now if this is 20-30 bucks an hour maybe I could understand it.But you are yung.Based on this, you probably are after a small project.Now I am interested to help if you can wait till may because I will be back from a holiday then.Then I can help you with testing, sounds which I have a lot of, a lot of free and some comercial libraries I have gotten some myself some from others.You will need someone with resources.There is language, bgt, well um maybe not.Python aparently can be done but there is a lot to do with it.Go and lusia are free aparently as well as dev c++ devpascal with freepascal, and the visual studio community and visual studio code.elektron, java, etc.Most of the languages and libraries will be free.Of course you will need a computer with the power to develop something.Visual studio needs a lot of power to do things, so does python, elektron, node and java.Dev c may be ok but the rest I don't know.I don't mean to discourage you or anyone but I have been on projects where the developer went to hard and to fast.It ended up with him burning out and the project never seeing the light of day.I have had developers release or prepair to release something only to find a lot of issues later on.If you are starting out though, I'd probably aim for a single player project.If its online servers and funding and well security will be your biggest issue.While I worked with reality software the main dev spent most of his time securing the software from troublemakers.There were a lot of bugs and such to fix but that never really happened.Eventually he burned out.So it sounds like you are starting out as a baby dev.As a baby you are helpless and can't do much.Thats a real hint.Better yet you are a poor blind and helpless baby that can't do much.That means start small and don't do to much at once.If you do you will either release something that doesn't go so well or well you will run out of steam to quick.I have had developers that have done that.1 in particular I gave some start cash to get various tools, sounds, an ftp client, etc.Something happened either life or a burn out or an early failure.I invested 100 bucks startup into this guy because it looked like he may have an interesting concept.He is no longer active online and I never got my cash back or my money's worth out of it though technically I do still have the licence I got him though I have no issue to use it.This community has seen its majority of quick and dirty devs.Some are ok but most don't make it or release substandard games.Now unless you are japanese and are like 1 certain japanese I am thinking of that can pump out entire comercial games at the age of 12 or something then I wouldn't even try to go massively huge.


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Re: main inner game with bio reader, anyone interested?

2021-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: main inner game with bio reader, anyone interested?

Well I was in a show like this look at.www.midimusicadventures.comThis is no longer available as a show since the guy doing it has moved on.So what you do, is have a sightling play his game locally, streaming this over teamtalk.You reach a decision point then you need to vote on what you do with this sort of thing.I have seen him do batman, the searia games some of them and a few however thats spelt, and a few things, things like simon the saucerer and monkey island series.I suspect the modern stuff gorilla does could be thrown on and used like this.This is sort of dnd but with mainstream games.However you would want to stream this online for those to listen to, also run via teamtalk for chat, and I think in the day it was skype or twitter for votes as well as teamtalk, etc but who knows.But that was ages ago.The guy that did it played in us time, with the way china time works if I think about, 7am is like 12 or 1pm here, so for me I could probably play at night maybe but not sure.Doing this from china or at least someone in chinese timezone may not be the best way to handle this, time wize.Us time is slightly better, and europian timezones are usually our day's swapped about.I'd actually like to jump into another streaming co host type deal but haven't had a dj to run this with.I did this from 2010 to 2014 and found it a real blast.


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Re: Thoughts About Audiogames getting Nintendo Switch Ports

2021-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Thoughts About Audiogames getting Nintendo Switch Ports

To be honest, I couldn't be bothered about this and neither should the rest of you.For starters, how many of us will actually be able to afford or have space for a console, let alone a switch.Technically with my recent clearout due to redecorating the house, I may have space for a console.If I do actually get one, its not going to be a nentendo.Its either a ps5 but more likely an xbox because microsoft and windows integration.Of course, that assumes I will want a console.Right now I have no plans but never say never.I know there are people that will want or have space for multiple consoles, but I doubt a reasonable percentage will have the means or space for 1 or if they have 1 less will have the space for more than 1.Maybe some will have 2 but no more.I have a few family and friends with the cash to have more than 1.A cousin had about 10 of various types but life constraints means he sold all of those.I know of at least another friend who's dad works in the military and has the ability, space and means to have like 5 computers, all the consoles and hundreds of games.The only other guy I know of works in a computer company either hp or ibm and has the cash for a lot of tech.But those are exceptions.Now if you are blind most of us don't have or ever will have a console in our lives.Obviously this excludes everyone that does.Even if you do, I'd imagine you wouldn't have more than 1 and if you do have 2 or 3 consoles you probably won't want any more.I don't know the percentage that are active players or users of a console or if its languishing away in a cupboard but for the rest of us that don't and even those that do, I'd imagine that a switch is probably one of the last consoles they would get.The only thing I can say, is if someone wants more ports thats fine, though I think there needs to be a few more things.1.  the most used platform is the pc, either via itch or something.Valve refuses it seems to really try to make steam work and ea origin or whatever it is is almost a joke.On the other end of the screen, we have few games under the guide dog games brand though I wish they support paypal.Battlenet by blizzard seems the only company that wants to make their launcher actually accessible so maybe we need to port our games to blizzard system.Bar pc and smartphones, if we were going console, the ps5 has accessibility so that and the xbox 1s or x or whatever it is now is what I'd be targeting.Then since thats universal, we need more games inside windows universal to via the store.But I don't see nentendo shifting any time soon, and to be honest, they can stay inaccessible, we have  soni, and microsoft consoles for now, smartphones and the pc excluding steam, maybe battle net and guide dog games underutilised, and the battle net system coming along so who needs em.I would like ea origin or their new downloader to be a bit more receptive and maybe ea will come to later on.Over that, valve and steam, again, it would be nice if steam actually came to the party, but even if we cut them and ea out completely, we still have itch for direct.Itch doesn't directly advertise so content wize there may be more unutilised cotent about than stated.I have not tried it, but it seems that adventures, etc could be done via the renpy engine as thats pritty much interactive fiction.Now with all that mentioned, bar steam which is one of the major stores and ea which would be nice, I don't think we need nentendo at all.To be honest, we don't need ea or steam but it would be nice to have more players.Since I never played with a nentendo except in the older days I couldn't give a fuck about them or anyone else for that matter.It would be nice, but we have more than enough to get started.Cutting out the potentials, we have soni, microsoft, and itch.Soni consoles after ps5, microsoft xbox and windows universal potentially and then the alexa system by amazon.There are some apple and android games about and some pc stuff via itch and other sites.Sadly the only cross platform stuff we have company wize is but that may change later on.Sonnar interactive while they have 1 pc title and a few smartphone titles seem to be porting slowly their games to the amazon platform which means they can be played on multiple devices in a different location.An echo dot 3rd gen is 40 bucks and its only 90 for a 4th generation echo.Even if you got the entire huge echo its only 300 bucks.Now google is something not used but I havn't really pushed for this though who know that may come soon.There may come a point where we currently won't need everyone to come to the table.Its not perfect and eventually it would be nice but we have quite a lot on board access wize.


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Re: Draconis Entertainment. Are they gone?

2021-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Draconis Entertainment. Are they gone?

To be honest, does it matter.The state of the blind gaming industry is that most companies are either no longer active or producing right now.Draconis hasn't produced for ages.bsc is gone, usagames dev is dead as is kitchensinc.vipgameszone is gone.Blindadrenaline is somewhere but the last I heard was they were recoding some things but unknown, gma is still trading but hasn't released for ages.Lworks is effectively stopped for now though liam  is basically the only dev that is active and long may he stream!Face it guys, the core game industry is done and dusted.Even driftwood is basically no more.7128 is gone its games free.Codefactory produces speech systems now and klango is dead.There are a few student projects but bar china and japan and some europians the main industry is gone bar a few groups trying to hold the line.Lets face it, audio games was never a full time ting.Sonnar  the company I worked for for a while tried to get into the market on mobile even with subscription.Audio games do not equal stable employment.There are part but not all, and even those that tried well they just can't do funding.Put this on top of an allready slowed industry and the core is basically gone.I'm pleased I have keys for a few older versions of games.Oh well, another one bites the dust I guess.So long and thanks for the memmory.


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Re: Is crime hunter safe?

2020-12-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is crime hunter safe?

To be honest, its this bundling which can be suspect, god knows its been used.Bgt stuff is a virus because bgt bundles itself to run the game.The code is fine, the bgt itself is fine but all the inbedded functions and how they are run well that is not always known.Python, who knows but even nvda got flagged once.A lot of our virus scanners are machine learned, so ai.That ai tries its damndest to get it right, but its not perfect.Sadly the way a lot of the software we use and games handle things use vectors similar to web attacks and the like.Mozilla has tried to do away with this stuff by making people have to redo everything with a new access framework, but thats why I have an older version of waterfox which doesn't use any modified stuff and I have older but still secure addons.I have excluded a bunch of things mostly bgt.I have a duel drive system though so a lot of my portable apps and data is on that second drive.That drive is not my os drive, and I don't have it included in any scans.This aparently happens on normal stuff to but who knows.


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Re: slay the spire i need help

2020-12-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: slay the spire i need help

I'd like to find out how to do this to.After mucking about, I finally got a direct ea copy from ea origin.The origin client is a joke, and so is the ea client but I managed to get the game installed.In the mods folder of say the spire install I have.basemodcommunication modinspire modtext the fire mod win64in the main folderI have mod the spire.the mts cmd batch and mts launcher.Read the spire and some other things need steam to work and my version is not steam.A lot I pulled from the various github pages and I followed their instructions and all modules look to be in the right place, unless the mods folder shouldn't be in the game program files folder.I do not use or plan to use steam but if I need it installed who knows.I did get the say the spire mod program  to open but all I see is a bunch of comboboxes which do not read and a play button.I think I have everything loaded in the right place.


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Re: What is the best platform to play on if you cannot see?

2020-11-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is the best platform to play on if you cannot see?

Well the pc has been the best for a while.But I am not sure how long that will be for.The sighted are starting to leave the pc.Smart phones have their appeal, but with the ps5 and the massive work on xbox those may be the future.Personally as long as steam remains as it is I will still go for a keyboard and mouse pc drm free game any day.However for those on xbox who are just starting out, or anyone, black friday sales have started.A lot of apps have had prices slashed on windows store.More importantly for those just starting out or wishing to renew their gamepass subscriptions its only a dollar right now.If you want to get into playing games its 1 dollar for a shit load.True you still need to buy the consoles but with black friday a lot of reduction will be there and maybe you can get a bundle, game drive, etc could be usefull for a beginner.I don't have the space to run a console for now but who knows later.


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Re: reflections from a former developer

2020-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: reflections from a former developer

Firstly there will always be audiogames.I guess, the modern ones may be shifting to alexa, and the input will be voice.Since a lot of things from blind organisations and libraries etc are moving off cds etc to smart tech like my local one is, the amazon and google systems re becoming more and more important and will probably become a big focus in the coming decades.Computer wize, yeah eventually mainstream games will mean we won't need audiogames anymore.There will be a day when we can buy a game and it will just work on a console that will just work.There will not be any inaccessible anything.But by then all the blind and disabled will no longer be blind or disabled and the world will be a happy place to live in.That day is not today and it is my opinion that we will probably if we even see this day eventually will have to wait for it.Main reason, we are humans.Sure we could if we tried and stopped trying to beat eachother up, and throw hurdles in eachother's way, wreck our environment and not have to contend with its challenges like this virus and spend time yelling at eachother but thats never going  to stop.We have the bits for utopia but maybe not all of us have enough of a will to get there.For that reason, I think we will continue as we are at least for the next 1 or 2 centuries.This is supposing we get it right in this one.Its not over, but we have our environment, this virus being part of it, and our own ambitions to handle and ourselves.We can progress by ourselves yet it is us stopping us from getting to where we want to go.I don't think a lot of us have realised that yet.Some of us but not enough.At any rate I was there in the beginning when audyssey was a magazine on the old paulhenrichsen site when the net was yung and people played interactive fiction a lot.The games companies that shaped us existed from 1999 to 2010.Some of those have stopped.bavisoft, now dead.Pcs, and draconis, stopped or just not doing much.Bsc/blindsoftware, burned out.Gma games, stopped for now.Usagames, dead literally.Kitchensinc.Same as usa.Spoonbill.Unknown status.Esp softworks/ alchemy, probably dead now.Blind adrenaline.Unknown status but probably no longer opperational.Later on oriolgomez, paused for now.Realitysoftware, down due to burnout and hackers.Kaldobsky still semi active.We havn't had any real revolutions since usagames.This excludes soundsupport and the duch university which manages the database and the various student groups.It also excludes the chinese and japanese scenes.We had a string of companies and games from code factory to well others.These companies existed to produce games and pumped them out from 1995 through to 2008.With bgt other single bands jumpped on, some succeeding some not.The big issue, bar some of the old companies like l-works or at least its developer still active as well as a bit of gma, we havn't had any massive comercial team active for ages.And this also excludes companies like generalcoffee and others who only released a single title.We had various groups like the guy making the blind eye, last crusade and teraformas.We have had a few hybrid projects but noting huge.With the shift to mobile devices and into consoles, pc gaming maybe just a niche now as it is.The next generation may actually not use computers as we do.I have seen this on laptops where storage is little and everything is done online.However those people probably have a desktop, its still the desktops which have more storage options these days.The market continues but is running slowly.I doubted back then 5 years ago that we could keep the speed we had.Lets face it, alone we don't have the cash for sound libraries not conercial ones and no licences.We have survived because we really havn't caughted the market's attention which is good since we could get into trouble for stolen sounds, ideas and all sorts of things that could get us shut down.None of us could afford any suit.So the only thing to do would to throw all our code away, games, completely reformat and forget about it alltogether.We could still get there if there were a few teams together but its even harder now with covid.Its hard even now.I think the next chapter in game accessibility will to work of something existing rather than making our own.Now audiogames as an indi deal will always have its place.But the next push will have to be with the trends of things.And yes while where we can handle it the pc, the next will be a cross platform approach with phones and speakers as well as pcs, consoles and different os types, linux is one of those types where no one really has pushed into as such.Its not helped with the fact that most of the western world depends on windows.I do eventually want to use linux but I use so much on windows I could never shift linux to my primary system so it would have to be secondary.I manage several people on windows and well thats that.To be honest, we may stay stable like 


2020-10-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector



Well after playing this game, for me this is something I will play again but maybe not for a little.The story is top notch, all the western themes were there, and I found the fight scenes excillerating.The duels for me were a bit hit and miss.The simon sequences are actually quite of a skill and you need to complete enough sequences to be able to win or not.Sometimes I would get caught out depending which gun battle was going but still.At any rate, the game is done and for what its worth I like it.


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2020-10-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector



Yeah as a story it is quite good.It is a drama and plays like a linia gamebook except you are in charge of the main character.I agree with the duels thing.I don't care for it.I got to a point I couldn't complete one of the battles and just quit right there.The game is really good.However, I think the stupid sequence remembering should be taken out.Maybe you get 10 seconds to do whatever, but who knows with this game as supposed to the demo there is a 1 or 2 second delay before any action you can handle plays so you can't act immediately.I'd like the ability to handle side quests and even wander round the world afterwards.I'd like to train skills outside of the stories, ie being chaced with horse and waggon battles.Do duels with gun and or if I chose to, fists.Be able to be able to play with gun or fists alone, and such.Be able to play the story or similar, be waid is fine, but what about drake, obviously thats a darker sort of character, always in it for the cash and wade quickly finds out that cash aint everything.Be some of the enemies.Like the time with the blacks the western times had their race issues, but if you read the books by wilber smith, the english were no different with the african natives.However I'd like a choice at times, ie do I take the cash and become the greedy bastard or do I do as I do.A single choice for most things is well who knows.Next, its fine to play and get money but I have no chance to spend it.There are a lot of things that could have been done.A lot of expantion.Soundtrack wize I wish audiogame store released soundtracks for all their games especially the space games because all of them were really good.


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2020-10-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector



Well its out.I brought it, but never got the email to get it or my userid.As usual waterfox/firefox refused to accept the paypal frame button opening and quitting the tab so I needed to use edge chromium which is fine.Still not gott the email with the reg information and links like I usually do.


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Re: How to download games by Code Factory

2020-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How to download games by Code Factory

Hmmm.Its a pitty cti can't sell digital coppies of this stuff globally.While it wouldn't work with some of these if someone smart could get permition converting these into skills for the amazon platform would be probably good.Speaking of old games, when 7128 games switched to mobile, they simply zeroed the price on all their stuff.Now I havn't bothered playing them but maybe I should, I have always said I would.I have both time adventures1 and alien invasion.To be honest alien invasion is and was fine for its time but its ttime is past.Time adventures is the same, but sadly was never completed.


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Re: Blind Quest 2 - The Frost Demon Now Available

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Quest 2 - The Frost Demon Now Available

Actually that was quite easy.Now having completed the game there are some trubbling things.1.  this frost demon may have not been that bad.2.  the game says I have explored 81% of the game, is the abby worth exploring again.Is the cave worth exploring again.Can the waggon be fixed.I obviously reached a cliff hanger in the story, but since the game is 81 % completed, that means there is probably another ending to be found.Which begs the question, can the western paths be taken?Obviously I have found 1 ending, but if there is 14% left to explore, there maybe another end to this.Either that or there is another sequal I will now have to get when it coems out.Sounds are good, voices are ok ish, story is simple but good.I actually like how some places are unforgivving like volcaino island.I may actually try to replay blindquest1 again and see if I can beat the mega bosses again then play this again.This was actually fun and I needed to use my brain.As for the metal doorspoilerspaceits the amiba tree you want to examine again.That was the only area that had no use up to now, but almost everything bar some traps on volcano island have no use.Then again who knows, all you would need is another rope to climb down the paths.The only thing I would really like to do now is battle the snakes and get extra loot.The game doesn't give you a chance to do that though.


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Re: Blind Quest 2 - The Frost Demon Now Available

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Quest 2 - The Frost Demon Now Available

Hmmm yeah I can't figure that either, also there is a staircase with a hole in it.I see no way to get through that part either.I have managed to get everything, the volcanoe island actually was a challenge.There were traps and red herrings about, but yeah that was good.The draggon was also interesting.Get hit once and you die.Kill it and you get a lot of exp.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Blind Quest 2 - The Frost Demon Now Available

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Quest 2 - The Frost Demon Now Available

Hmmm, I have gotten the various gems from the cave, the leaves and the flint and log.Unless I am missing something that is, I believe I have looked about everywhere, I have even cleared the abby in town.Is there a sequence to all this.I seem to be able to go freely and clear things.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Blind Quest 2 - The Frost Demon Now Available

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Quest 2 - The Frost Demon Now Available

Well, I have reached a little issue.I have gone all over the place, killed all the monsters I can see and got all the gems.But now what.There are 2 possible avenues, a mist I can't do anything with, and a old man that is cold.I have managed to get the necessaries to do something with this I am sure but as usual there is no documentation.I am not sure how to use anything in inventory, clearly though I have gotten things unless I am doing things out of order.I will restart and see what I need to do.


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Re: Blind Quest 2 - The Frost Demon Now Available

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Quest 2 - The Frost Demon Now Available

Well guys, I havn't played it but if this is like blindquest1 with the modified battle system I will actually like this simple game.The only thing I never managed to do was beat the last optional branch quest with the big mega boss guy in there.In this new game the price is just right for what it is.My only gripe is that on firefox/waterfox clicking the paypal buttons opens then closes the paypal site in a few seconds.I had to use edge chromium to do that.Using edge chromium got the site open but nvda immediately crashed and I had to restart it but then I was able to buy the game so thats probably all that matters.To be honest the way ticonblu do their stuff is questionable as is breakerbox.But you end up playing this stuff on different merritsWith breakerbox, some of the stories, and audio, the ticon blu stuff has had good audio and music but some stuff well, these remind me of the really simple games I would play in my younger days.On the other hand these don't need reel skill to play as such, so I can do these if I want to waste an hour without using brainpower and remind me of the old tv games I used to play in the early 90s with friends.Not much substance to them but not that bad either.


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Re: LimeBerry Studios looking for content creators and internal testers

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: LimeBerry Studios looking for content creators and internal testers

Well I'd also be interested, but same with others, I can do skype, zoom, and teamtalk to.However, my timezone being new zealand time means if we need to do voice things its going to be a bit hard to do constantly.Now if we can have things handled via email and or a forum or something alternitive then maybe.I'd like to betatest but I am not sure how that would work.I could be interested with item creation I guess but I don't really make much content as such.Also I don't know much about your company also is this a free position or is it worth something.Also, what sort of job would this be, this would put the dedication I would put towards it.If its a free job then its going to get slotted into my daily plan.It will get done, but there is no order to it getting done.For example, I test for dolphin computer access.I do get the software so I guess I am getting payed, I do slot it into my day, I do check what needs doing and I do do the work, however, there is no set time.Its going to get difficult if I have to do a voice meating at a spaciffic time.Now if I can make that time thats one thing.However if you expect a spaciffic time, then you may only get people in your country applying for this.Because I can't garantee I will make any spaciffic timed meetings.I am 12-13 hours ahead of gmt time.Everything is back to front, which was why well things got a bit loopy.If voice meetings are like at nights round 8 pm nz time, then yeah, thats probably a safe bet that I can make it.I however have a life, and if I get a voice meeting like 2 or 3pm chances are that I may not always be available.To be honest if it is required that a voice meeting and only a voice meeting, and nothing else, then thats going to be a bit harder to handle.I would prefer email and text communications where possible unless the voice meetings are at a certain time of the day I may not make them at all.As for the contact stuff, whats app, hmmm that aint me.I would prefer teamtalk, zoom if you need and skype if you must.And for timezone independance email communication and or maybe another forum for discussion would be fine.I am happy to work but any spaciffic online event may fall within a weird part of my timezone.Thanks.


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Re: The Vale (final?) Demo

2020-08-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Vale (final?) Demo

Well for me chapter1 was good.The bow demo I found a challenge, if you are in range to shoot you need some sort of notification.Once the wolves come within blade range I was able to hit them but yeah never ending.The magic I never got.I didn't know when I had enough to cast and while I was able to block a few attacks there were just to many going at once to be of any real use.The rest was nice.I can't wait for this thing to come out, and I will be buying it this time.This is almost like a blind legend and echoes from levia except the story is good.Its like one of those interactive audio drama disks I used to used while I was a teenager.I have a few of these someone cracked and dumped for me which is basically cutseens.Old silent steel was a simpler version with cutscenes and voice choices.Its good that there is an interactive concept at least


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Re: Blizzard working on accessibility of & looking for feedback

2020-07-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blizzard working on accessibility of & looking for feedback will need to search for downloads one of those links will go to blizzard's site.Select apps heading and hit it.Now tab about, you won't be able to active read that section of the website normally but you will be able to tab.Eventually you will find client for windows, expand that, then download, its a bit crazy interface but you will get there.Click that file and install it.use nvda capslock and r for ocr,make sure you have another window like your downloads folder open.Read what is on the screen.hit continue.alt tab back and forth a couple the same again.It will update, click install.Keep doing that till its done hit finnish.The same will happen on uninstall.Now login.1.Open, and it will appear with new account.create it like so. there will be labeled fields for email phone, your country as you usually would, if not detected which it should be by default.Now enter your birthday in mm/dd/You can't read the box, so don't try, locate the mm spinable and type it in, tab and do the same with the day.Note due to inaccessible tracking you can't read what you put in, you can't do anything with it but type but you can get it done.You can create the account.Right now just your email will work.You will have to varify your email address from a link in your email.On the website you can accessibly add a mobile phone number and connect to just about everything you can think of including installing and using an authenticator app, set security questions, etc.Accessing settings.You can't do much from the main window right now so go back to your desktop with windows and d tab to system tray and rightclick with the app key or the function and page down or whatever key is your rightclick simulation or shift f10 or whatever.Select settings, this menu beta and hit space, hit get started.wait for a few minutes and finally hit restart.To uninstall the game client rightclick the client in system tray and hit exit.uninstall as you would usually do, once you hit uninstall wait till it appears, use nvda r or whatever and get ocr up, hit yes.alt tab back and forth or enter and exit start menu or whatever then do it again.It will finnish, hit finnish and you are done.Right now the client is not much use for us blind people certainly you can't chat if you can't read and actively edit your stuff.You can tab about in the client and read stuff.The website after you login to the account though is playable and usable to a point.Is it worth trying it right now?Probably not, its not really ready pluss I have sent a bug report but others can try and see.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Blizzard working on accessibility of & looking for feedback

2020-07-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blizzard working on accessibility of & looking for feedback

Yeah I tried this.I sent a report.So basically there are not that many issues with the current client.Even the stable client.Comboboxes called spinnable controls and forms are labeled and do read.However they are not tracked, no reading back your data, no deleting your data with backspace you need to get it right first time.Forms to enter security codes are not labeled, and some checkboxes in settings are not accessible.The install and uninstall can be ocrd and thhis does work but you have to doodle about a little.I was able to submit and register an account, view the shop and games lists.I was able to tab about and read things.For a first beta, if they fix the installer and the forms and boxes right, minor elements, that would be fine.If they just used standard install and uninstallers without any custom elements at all for their clients then they would be done with the client.As a launcher without anything in it its not that bad at all.By itself this aint much but it has potential, certainly if they put a week or 2 on this, and fixed the forms and checkboxes and labeled everything and fixed the tracking issues, and the installer, then maybe a week or 2 or less and we would have a client that works its basically finnished.As it stands its accessible enough to log in and play games with.Not to chat but this is a beta after all.There isn't much needing to be done  and as a first time it works almost seemlessly.It would be nice if valve actually gave a damn about its customers to.The installer again does work and with a little jerking about the client does sort of work but not what I would call usable.I could actually get used to using and be happy with it.Thats not what I usually say for a first effort.Its rare that I get presented with an almost completed project.


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Re: AudioWizards Multiplayer goes Beta. Looking for 100 betatesters

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: AudioWizards Multiplayer goes Beta. Looking for 100 betatesters

Hi.Hmmm I am


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Re: Beatstar 10.0.2 is out

2020-05-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar 10.0.2 is out

Hi all.the key is shift nvda and s not z.And oriol, how come the why has not the repo for beatstar been updated sinve 10.0.1?


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Re: Would This Concept be Feasible? A Review

2020-04-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Would This Concept be Feasible? A Review

Hmmm.If you mean making a game exactly like this probably not.However the concept you are talking about is a complex rpg type with rts put in.Something like soundrts is or close to.Could we make it, probably, but it would be different, sort of a rpg/ monster master managment with resources and the like.Now with the ai that is the tricky bit.Anyone can make a simple rpg, it gets harder with random events etc.Take soundrts its almost like this but resources are fixed and the ai is simple.


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Re: Input needed for planned audio football project

2020-04-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Input needed for planned audio football project

Well hmmm, I do have some sound ideas libs but yeah I got them from somewhere, mainly for me to listen to and use, but hmmm I don't own those so couldn't use them.I have some prosfx libraries which I do own and the complete authentic see sound 4 cd set as well as a few other things.There is the gdc libs to.However if you have a sound designer, you don't need me for sounds.I could try to do comentary maybe but you may need several never did that before so again maybe not.I do and can do testing the game I guess.I can also do a few things with wordpress.


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Re: Input needed for planned audio football project

2020-04-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Input needed for planned audio football project

Hi robjoy.Wow, this looks like something I could get into.I do have several sound libraries and such here, I could have a go at some audio, maybe.It would all depend on the audio, I mean if this is a fixed audio type deal all well and good, but if it needs to be many, many combinations then you either need a team of comentators or speech or something via sapi not sure how that would work.Naturally I'd back you on something like this, its probably going to be time rather than cash but we will see.If anything this could be the break I have been waiting for in years.I have never helped on a massive project like this in my life, up to now my contracts have been really small 1 shots.I am currently working on getting into a bit website content admin job with a few other things, but my idea was to eventually have some big and small projects under my belt.Thanks to the world of the net, no matter where I am, if I need to work, I will always have my workstation close.


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Re: simbian games questions

2020-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: simbian games questions

Well it would be nice to be able to play the games of yesteryear.Same goes with windows mobile, though, I doubt we could run a vm of it on normal pc.I'd like to get involved with this.I do have and still use a c5 as my default phone, but I'd like to play some of this stuff on a modern system.The big reason why I may have to eventually move away from symbian is simply because the old nokia installer software needs above all things windows xp, 7 or whatever and a 32 bit cpu to run it all.Yes I can get those things and vm it, however I have noticed especially with some linux distros like knopix and windows, windows 10, etc, that while yes it runs, you notice you are on a vm.The system stutters with narator speech and such.I do not have a dedicated system for this.Technically I guess I could get my old toshiba configured for 32 bit windows7 and use that, but I was really thinking about firstly upgrading it to win10, followed by a complete harddrive and bios wipe so I can put mint into it.But again that may never happen either.I had the displeasure of reserecting an old 3rd gen intel i5 for 10 and its an utter joke really.The system can run win7 32 aand better on 64 but its pushing it.Its rated for win8 but well who knows.The older system I had before that if I still have it is rated for vista and I think I still have xp disks for it, if they still work that is.


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Re: beta testing open for my new game

2020-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: beta testing open for my new game

Hi bopit master, sent you an email


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Re: I am rewriting roadsplat in 3d, and this is the result

2020-03-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am rewriting roadsplat in 3d, and this is the result

Hmmm, I am unsure how to play this version.1.  I walk towards either a bonus object or coin and just go past, turn this way turn that way.I always get splattered eventually.So to play hit numbers 1 2 3 or 4, if I hear a horn noise I hit one of the numbers or several.If I get splattered, boom, if not I hear a ding and stop moving.If this is all this game is then I don't get the concept.I liked the original roadsplat without the bomb in it where I walked past cars, and shot a few vehicles,  I do not understand the concept of this new build.As for those that are wanting to run from source, its quite easy to do.I have a few extra commands on the command line to force extras and stuff.1.  nodejs is at always get the current version.I also install optional tools, though you will need at least 10gb of space for all those to install and you probably may not need it.Commands I use.from the directory.npm install -finstalls everything including optionalsnpm installnpm audit fixnpm audit fix -fforces and fixes any security issues, note not all are fixed.npm install buildnpm install build -fnpm run buildnpm start addition I also do after any nodejs update npm install -g npm as sometimes the npm version is not the latest and it warns you about it.


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Re: My Weekly YouTube Gaming Streams

2020-03-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Weekly YouTube Gaming Streams

Well, I just listened to your streams, all of them.I liked your showline full playthrough though eventually you and criss should do the afterstory.I didn't care much for stw but I did like the undead assault stream a lot.I have not yet used dischord but how accessible is it on the pc and how do you use it.I have got myself on unigram and zoom so far but not used them extensively.As this virus continues to continue to advance, I continue to advance my skill level.


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Re: undead-assault is back!

2020-03-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: undead-assault is back!

Yeah only the us and canada servers work.I have created an account on each.You can't change the chat language and you get a non english message when you log in to the servers.Also where do I turn the power on.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: undead-assault is back!

2020-03-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: undead-assault is back!

Hmmm in the portable world addition where is the readme?It was never included.I need things like a list of the items, firstly I think the rifle is at 40 50 I think and the sord is 0 50, but I forgot where the power is.


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Re: A Baldur's Gate story, Part 2. Playthrough with Audio Description

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Baldur's Gate story, Part 2.   Playthrough with Audio Description

Hi gorilla.Wow, you actually made it on this forum.As usual a great performance.In the midst of these apocoliptic times we need stuff like this.Keep it up.


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Re: Game Licensing - Request for Feedback

2020-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game Licensing - Request for Feedback

Wow, interesting topic.Itch is good for rpgs and adventure books, thats what is mostly on it and some puzzlers.However, while you can get steam keys from them, you can just get drm free stuff which is a bonus.As for steam, I have heard rumors from them from time to time, however valve has never acknowledged its blind user base, in fact, from some video makers on the net I have talked to, valve is generally or has been generally verry difficult to deal with, from copywrite questions to general support and even how they fund some of their user projects.I have friends that while they have steam, do as much as possible to either not use it or get cracked keys for even their stuff because steam has a few really annoying habbits.The worst one of this is that if you install say a program that has a lot of updates to it, steam will not patch the program.In stead say you install version 1 of my program, and we have version 16 now.It will need to install all the updates in version 1, so 1.1 to 1.9, then so on and so on and so on till 16 not to mention the smaller updates after that and a load of extras.Steam programs take up a lot of space on a hard drive, and well there are a lot of users angry about that.For me, while its semi web enabled its still not that accessible though some say you can access it via the web.I just don't buy anything from steam because its not been that good.Plus there are better things to do then muck about with anything by valve corp.One thing that is underutilised is the guidedog games platform.You need to be logged in to it and such but yeah everything works including game updates all linked to the user.If I have only 1 gripe it is that there is no paypal useage on there so I need sightlings to help me with my credit card.The only dev that actually uses it for payed games is vallient galaxy, and while all their stuff is good, the only other active dev is the guy that handles alterian series games and then its only used for stats and such.The gdg platform is underused.I also agree with the poster that doesn't want to sling his information about for no reason.I mean we allready do this but with all the breaches about one has to wander.Its also why I will never use a microsoft account.Because microsoft got rid of their music store and only has office services and their speech services which I don't really use, I see no reason to sign in at all that would be worth my while as a home user.Now if microsoft was like google is now then yeah, they can have all my private info and sling about because they give me so much back, my privacy doesn't matter.Sadly its a thing microsoft hasn't realised just yet.In fact they plan to restrict everything to their stuff then force users to make a ms account and sign into windows for no good reason.If I were them, I'd either stop forcing people or add more services, music, non microsoft stuff, 3rd parties, actually more than windows and office which unless you are a businessman in an enterprise you don't give a damn about.Ok, maybe not totally, there is to do and onenote but even so, the fact you are supposed to be able to kill cortana next windows is welcome.On the other hand maybe they leave everything else to everyone else and thats fine to but becoming this isolated is really not that good.I can get by without their office 365 and their onedrive for example.I also agree with the user that talks about google etc.These big companies allready know your information, so it makes sence just to use that.In fact the backbone of the net is mostly amazon and google, a thing I found out when a failure in one of our datacentres in australia took down google service and most of the net in new zealand for a few hours.As for sms verification, that actually may help a lot even if the only protection was that.Its unlikely any person even if he were a pirate would give out his mobile number unless he had several phones I guess and accounts.For me, my online face is skype, and email.I don't give a damn if someone even someone malicious gets and uses my online identity or my email, but what I do care about is that spread offline.So I have a landline voip number, and a mobile phone and while a lot of companies have that, I don't give my mobile number to anyone or my phone number.The only reason I would give a phone number is if you are in my country and needed to talk.Now I have done this with some companies including address who do meetings in person and its been fine.


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Re: Paradise, a possibly accessible open world interactive fiction game.

2020-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Paradise, a possibly accessible open world interactive fiction game.

Well I brought it.Is it accessible? yes.However it looks to be a game creation environment where you make a world and not a game in and of itself it seems to be electron and web based.You can move stuff about and type in commands at whitch point you need to navigate to the start of the screen to read them.I am happy it was just a dollar though.I'm most likely not going to do anything with this but its interesting I guess.


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Re: New Crazy Party tournament in February

2020-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Crazy Party tournament in February

Well, I just calculated this at 6am on monday, today in fact.I missed it and it wouldn't have worked at all as being its monday and not sunday my time I have a lot of stuff I need to do, and am in fact just finnishing up doing.


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Re: Gaming Computers

2020-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Gaming Computers

Well as a gamer myself, I'd highly recommend a gaming keyboard.As for your laptop, you should be able to pick up one of the hp db line of units for round well whatever 1200-1500 is in your us dollars  or whatever it is.The unit I have is a slightly older model with a 2nd gen rysen 5 processer, 16gb ram, a 1tb seagate hdd  and a 256gb toshiba ssd.Its got after some tweaking and doodling with enhancements a really good soundcard and speakers and is touted as a small work station.Its quiet and it runs.I do have a cooling deskfan under it.I also when at home use a strix pro tactic asus board for bashing games on it.I wouldn't try to game directly on any laptop, you'll just bust your board.At any rate a mechanical blue, red black or brown cherry will give you the full range of movement on the keys.I have a blue cherry so it sounds like an older typewriter and is quite clicky but I have had it for years now and bar a few firmware updates it just works.However, you may be better building yourself.Again I only know in new zealand dollars, but pbtech which is what I use is australian and may work better for you who knows.At any rate, when searching for a pc for someone, a good home pc is all you need.600 bucks will give you a good duelcore amd ge series.for about 800 or so you can get an r3 like me and for round 1000 an r5 or 7.On the flipside, you can get a good intel i5 9th gen or higher for 1000 and for 400 dollars more a i7.In all cases you will be able to get the drives for data and os and internal video cards.Now unless you are seriously into video gaming, I wouldn't bother buying a videogame card, though if you get a good special I have seen an entry level amd r5 or r7 at 100 dollars.If anything you may want to spend on a soundcard because you will just get the realtech card which in my case is ok for gaming but I have a few headsets at my disposal.I also have the andriea electronics 3d phones which are good for recording and they have a has a 10 dollar card which is a nice extra to have for pc troubleshooting and such.Over that whatever you want.But if you are going to play a lot of older audio titles the creative sb play3 or equivilent is a must as it has alchahol emulation.One thing to note is those videocards will be not that accessible for their controls.My amd one isn't in fact I make sure to stop the tasks loading at startup before I restart after an update and they can also screw with some keyboards.Gaming cards like amd will update up to 4 times a month, and if you use the recommended drivers twice a year.Nvidia cards update once or twice a month.If you really can't be bothered with that, the intel stuff updates every so often.It may not update for 5 years at a stretch though it will periodically get updates.My old hd4 series on one of my custom workstations didn't get updated for 3 years, its just got one now.If you are really set on gaming, I wouldn't go for a laptop unless its got a secondary use.1.  you want to take it away with you like to another point in your house or away, or have limited room.I have limited room here and I like the quietness of a laptop because I had one at school and so on.I don't have the room for a desk tower as such though now I have upgraded my gaming speakers I actually do have room to stick a box down if I wanted or needed to.Its going to be easier to modify to.Some of those small form factor pcs will be quite powerfull and you can sort of carry them about.You can also put wireless and bluetooth in a pc.You will get more ports on a desktop.The big disadvantage with a pc is if you want to put in another board you will have to get down and dirty with its guts.With a laptop its all external but you only have a limited set of ports so a gaming hub like the tplink uh720 or 710 is a must.


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Re: Sale on VGStorm Titles!

2020-01-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sale on VGStorm Titles!

Well to be honest, I have always got the games when they came out.I never was that good in psychostrike or the gate in fact I never really clocked that though I know some have.I am trying to do manamon and manamon2 mainly because of all the streamed content by liam.I never cared for palidan of the sky myself, but its only 12 bucks, 20 new zealand bucks.It has never been 50% off and its the only title I havn't got.So I have it.Its registered, now I may not necessarily play it right away but now I have an entire set of vg storm titles.One thing that should be sold next are game soundtracks.


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Re: New Crazy Party tournament in February

2020-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Crazy Party tournament in February

Well I have registered just for a laugh.I havn't unlocked all worlds so I probably won't win but oh well its for a laugh for me.But if I did win, I'd probably choose a store like atguys for a gift card my second choice could be amazon or if its allowed mightyape or united sweets.For me timezone may be an issue.If I read my 24 hour time format correctly and me being at +12-13 gmt, I could be running at anything from 5 to 6 am in the morning for start.Thats fine as I am usually up round that time but depending on the timezone this actually is in, its either sunday or monday.I need to be somewhere on sunday after 9 in the morning.Monday well it depends but still it is in the morning and not garanteed that I would be there or not.Unfortunately If this set as I suspect for a europian timezone, you may not get everyone you want.I don't see a solution to this either.This is what got me stopping testing active online games because a lot of stuff happened when I slept.I have joined dolphin access to test their stuff, and right now due to the timezone I am managing 1 communication and task per night or day in their case.Depending how long the tourniment would go, 0800-01000 could be a better fit maybe, but I couldn't stay up all night either so if it went over midnight I'd have to bail out.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Crazy Party tournament in February

2020-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Crazy Party tournament in February

Well I have registered just for a laugh.I havn't unlocked all worlds so I probably won't win but oh well its for a laugh for me.But if I did win, I'd probably choose a store like atguys for a gift card my second choice could be amazon or if its allowed mightyape or united sweets.


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Re: AudioWizards & Soundtrack Coming to PC on Steam 22nd of January

2020-01-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: AudioWizards & Soundtrack Coming to PC on Steam 22nd of January

Hmmm steam has never been really accessible even on windows.There are a lot of games I am missing out on including this because steam sucks!Steam is inaccessible.If they are going chromium though maybe if the interface becomes accessible maybe then I get steam.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Screen Reader Support in Audio Games

2019-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Screen Reader Support in Audio Games

To be honest it depends on the game.Some stuff works better with screen reader others sapi.Sometimes a screen reader can interupt something before the end of what it is saying.Now if you need to massively interact with something like big text blocks, I agree a screen reader is good for that.However with high quality sapi being as it is on faster systems, in some cases where its just a few strings, eurofly etc its better with sapi.In beatstar, yeah you can use nvda but there are key conflicts and while you can change the keyboard layout I find it works a lot better with sapi.With the codefactory eloquence and sapi synths being reasonably priced through atguys  there is no point to use a screen reader in say a simulation.Lonewolf and interactive fiction excluded and a few other text heavy games.Now the best form of self voicing is if its voiced within the game itself with human speech, no delays, but larger filesize and more time to get voices done, etc.Now I have heard audiobooks cheaply done with a screen reader or synth voice, compair that with a human well.


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Re: Blind people can't beat Samurai Shodown 2019 story mode

2019-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind people can't beat Samurai Shodown 2019 story mode

Hi all.To the first poster.I agree with the majority of users.Oh, I have posted to the other place you spouted at.You really can't just go w, this sucks I want to complain and expect results.There is a lot of drama and I know some are trying to lessen it.This thread has been posted to the games list and on there I have semi strongly warned you though I have no power to stop you.Just be happy swearing is not fully allowed on that list though the mods will let the occasional rant through here~!Please think before you post, just please do it.The next time you do this again, you may get an unhelpfull surprise.Oh and if you make another topic like this again like a lot of people seem to do after a bit or so, and keep doing it you will get a reputation for it.And if that continues people will be asking those with power to cut your virtual head off.I hope that no one wants that.Oh and in case you want to argue the point, when this stuff starts going about my temper gets quite short.I am vary close to just blowing up a nuclear reactor in your face but I won't.I won't contribute to this drama.But for the record the next time you are not carefull not only will I overload but I will report you to the mods.We are trying to reduce the drama on the forum its allready got a reputation and I'd like to think some of us will try to protect it.We are actually trying to be polite and nice to you right now but I can tell that people are on the verge of not being so.We want to help where we can but if you do what you do you are going to get the wrong attention. please please think.


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Re: Bloodbath, last minute suggestions

2019-12-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bloodbath, last minute suggestions

Hmmm charles, I emailed you at the start of this week and sent a private message, I looked through my history to previous emails and recieved them just fine so either you have changed your email address and not bothered to update it in your profile, or one of us is getting messages in spam, I check mine daily so I know your messages are not in spam.I also sent you a pm just in case, I can only assume you are not recieving my email for some reason.If you want me in your team could you please sort your email out.Just in case this doesn't work is there anyone else that can add me to the folder my email username is sm.everiss and its at even if you didn't get my email, you have got it in bits.I have got a lot of contracts over christmas and such, however I always try with small groups like this one but if you can't or won't or are not interested in communicating, its fine but its going to get to the stage where I will start to wander.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Bloodbath, last minute suggestions

2019-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bloodbath, last minute suggestions

To be honest, even though I am actually on the beta team, I havn't been able to test in like ages, because my stupid fucking bt sync will not sync the folder due to files that couldn't be downloaded, I have the key and most of the files, but I haven't been able to update things, even when I have redownloaded the folder from scratch, there has been basically 0 users connecting at all times.I do think there should be an alternit way to handle this for those that can't get the folder to work, I mean I will still stay subscribed to it but still I havn't been able to get updates in ages.I did shove email to at one point but got no responce.I may try the skype group I guess but to be honest due to the way skype is I don't use it.could someone send me a dropbox link of the folder to my email so at least I have the current folder, still have no idea why things stopped working.Also has minefield ever got released again with new versions, that was the last thing I ever did back in the day.This aint a real complaint, as I have been busy but a little gripe, wouldn't have said anything if this topic hadn't come up but still.


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Re: Audio games music remixes

2019-12-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio games music remixes

Wow.I am getting the links here.nuno and zelly, both of those are good.nuno does your friend have a bandcamp page, goes for you zelly, if both of you do, I am going to get me some more stuff.


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Re: Beatstar looking for star beta testers (wordplay anyone?

2019-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar looking for star beta testers (wordplay anyone?

I cloned the git straight from windows itself.I have actually about 3 issues.1.  I cloned the git from the windows git client, the version I have, master, is 7.10 not 7.5 or 7.6.Next issue.I can not run the source code in anything bar nvda mode, I want to switch to sapi, but I can't switch to sapi.Next issue, the game website.The stable aint on the oriolgomes site, it was there a little while like last week but that game has dissapeared from the site or at least its page has.Thanks


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Re: beta testing open for my new game

2019-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: beta testing open for my new game

Well I have sent an email just to spite you all.


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Re: What Makes a Game a Clone

2019-11-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Makes a Game a Clone

To be honest, the word clone has become quite bad.However we are using a clone right now.Every computer stemmed from the first ibm pc machine.Ibm/lenovo made the first computers back in the early 1980s maybe even earlier.People copy concepts all the time, look at all those remixes, those are sort of clones.Look at all the bopit and other games, clones of eachother using the same concepts roughly but different.Crazyparty, manamon, shades of doom, all clones.Directly coppying someone's code or sounds and calling it your own, is a rippoff, or an unauthorised clone and is quite bad.Coppying the idea unless its patented in some way though is probably ok, sometimes you need to ask first but a lot of stuff is based off of something else.In my deffinition in this case, a clone here in the sence of tk, ultrapower, etc which is what this is probably about, is the coppying of code the origional may have been stolen or gotten by extra legal means a game, same with sounds, etc, calling it your own even when the origional developer asked it to be stopped so an unauthorised clone.This is like the word hacker.In the olden days, hacker was just the word for a computer whizz of some sort.There are still hackers about, some good and some bad.But the word hacker now is almost someone bad, trying to get in to your computer for their own purposes.The word clone is bad now because others have used the word for their own means.A spin off is what a good clone is now but its basically a clone.Just about everyone spins off, look at tv series, music, and linux distributions.Its good this topic has come up though.I have never thought a clone in general is bad.I could say get shades of doom, make a game based on it, using the same concepts, using different sounds and music, give it a different name or a similar name, and call it my own.It would be a clone but it would be fine.Saying that if my name was to similar, ie if david greenwood had patented the phraze doom or shades of doom or shades of then I could be in trouble for using the same name.Microsoft doesn't like anyone using the word windows because they have protected that word name though in some cases it can be a bit silly.Ie, if you open a window or talk abut installing the windows in your house you are not expected to pay microsoft for using the word in general conversation but in some aspects that could get that way to.As a former software pirate myself I appreciate both sides of the coin.I have issues with software which is to high priced, or well has a stupid reason to register it.Its why I no longer use microsoft office legal or otherwize, winzip is another thing I no longer use.There are other examples, nero burning rom is another.Now its not like the industry hasn't tried to cater to those who want their content anywhere and everywhere though its taken 5 or so years before they even conciddered it, for example netflicks however point is, there are a lot more ways to well do what you want.Cloning as a word is not bad thing and cloning as an idea is not generally bad unless you don't do it right or do it in a bad way, ie stealing things and not asking first for those that ask.You could take the idea, use it and say its a clone or spin off of another.Manamon is a clone of pokomon, but its the idea, it uses different names, different places, etc and is different enough to pass as its own though it is a clone of a concept.Crazyparty is another clone, then again its like those console and arcade games and  a lot of those have been coppied all over the show.It would be different enough to be its own to.It also depends on who is cloning what to.


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Re: Need help finding sounds for a game in the designing stage

2019-11-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Need help finding sounds for a game in the designing stage

Hi orin.Your first stop should be sound dogs and sound ideas, I have a few free sounds from the gdc bundle and a few from other places, some of these could be usefull, but some of these I have gotten off of people that I can no longer get them from, some are from sound libraries, some from data dumps, some are unknown in licence and source.I've basically shoved a load of stuff together, due to policies on here and because I am unsure about some status of this stuff I will email you the file off forum using your forum email address just in case.Its a large file, if you want to have more sounds of various things and testers and assistance in this early stage, I'd be happy to join in the design even if it was only for the hell of it.I have no summer jobs, and I may have a few days of little to do, and at any rate I havn't been in a design project for a few years.I'd like to be part of another.Expect an email from me in short order.Tell me if you need anything else.


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Re: Help design RTT Entertainments First project.

2019-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help design RTT Entertainments First project.

Hmmm what about those that don't want to join skype groups.After skype 8 and a few other things, I would prefer not to bother with it.Skype likes if left active for long enough to crash my net connection , and to be honest, unless I need it for something remote I usually just use email.Not everyone will want skype.You could, set a descussion group on or if you want it super private do the same on yahoo though on yahoo there will be no archives or anything.Would you be interested in me helping with groups and setting one up for you?


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Re: Manamon 2: Impressions Thread

2019-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Manamon 2: Impressions Thread

Well I am still having issues with the symphonid boss in the brightemburg wilderness.I have 2 powerfull people that can do dammage and a lot of weaker ones, most of the weaker ones are level 15 but I have 2 units a rebignus at level 28 and a terrable at level 34 which should in theory be able to kill him.I have herbs a plenty, no revives though and not sure where to buy them as I can only go back as far as the shop in shaddow canion, at any rate, I can dammage the boss in this level knocking him to 50% health.However when his webs snap they deal enormous dammage.I'd like to level up to a point where I could cream his ass and still be allive but after I move the block ing log, there is no other way past him or onward where I don't need to pass him, I was able to complete his notes easily enough but to battle him is almost hopeless.I figure if my stone or flame type was strong enough I could in thory 1 or 3 shot him, but who knows.


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Re: Manamon II, how about a $5 gifting train?

2019-11-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Manamon II, how about a $5 gifting train?

I am on the tube, tube train with you.I am still on the tube, and I have just given you 10 nz dollars.You can get on the tube with me by going here. guys, couldn't resist doing that, but seriously here's 10 nz bucks.


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Re: A new game, and help wyth suggestions

2019-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A new game, and help wyth suggestions

Well I wouldn't mind if it was a wripp off of dmnb.Like all the realitysoftware stuff dmnb is dead.It died due to 2 as yet unsolved issues.1.  the server lag.We never managed to get it sorted completely, danny and the rest worked on it and it never got totally licked.Every time we got close to it, well we never managed to clear it totally.2.  troublemakers.A lot of people decided to cause trouble on the game, thats expected.However evading banns and all sorts of stuff really was a shame and a problem.There were probably a lot of bugs that never got fixed because of all the work to keep the troublemakers out.There were attempts to rewrite and rewrite the game several times, even more stories in the works but it all got to much eventually.If you can get past the lags online and server issues, and can keep the troublemakers down to a minimum, good luck to you.I am not danny and he aint here but as a tester, if you can do better then do so.Its not like anyone is going to kill you if you clone it, just do a better job is all.


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Re: dev and gamer interest survey

2019-10-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: dev and gamer interest survey

I am not interested in any engine or programming at this time.I like to design sounds, test mainly but not program at least not right now.Would I be interested, maybe, maybe some menu or object based like adrift, maybe something else simple I don't know


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Re: What in your opinion should paid games have To make it worth buying

2019-10-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What in your opinion should paid games have To make it worth buying

All the above that has been said.Story is good.Of course it doesn't have to be flashy.I have shades of doom and tank commander and lonewolf.They are classic games, but are quite aged and crappy or at least they should be because we have better games.Yet I play these games from time to time because they remind me of the past and what I used to do with my friends.So a repore value maybe?Another thing, can I buy extras with the game, soundtracks, and the like.One of these things is the jackbox games, I have the main pack and do play the pc ones, obviously I don't have the consoles so I can't play the rest, but jackboxgames still get my money, because I have all their released soundtracks and play them.So in some cases I don't need to play the game to have fun enjoying it.Approachable developers are good to.I'd personally like eventually to play a game which is so hard and takes weeks or months to solve.I have sighted friends that swear and gnash their teeth at their games because they can be so hard to solve, sometimes it takes months to play.Eurofly and a heros call do take a substantial amount of time to solve, as does tube sim and to some extent entombed 1 though its mostly walking about.One thing we don't have in the blind gaming community are openworld games, or games which comprise multiple elements and genres at once.Ie sifi, with racing, sports, battle, and exploration these seem to be the rage, the rage game is one such thing.All those rpg elements, stories, branching quests and the like.Now thats not saying people havn''t tried this and I realise we are not going to have the man hours, power or can afford all that hosting for servers and the like.The issue we have mainly is that the only openworld games any of us have experienced are muds, and unless you play mush-z platform or something, its basically telnet and text really.When reality software existed, we did have deathmatch a new beginning, but timezones and the fact we don't have that big of a base at all times is a big factor.There were times where I knew everyone would be active, yet I was not active, and people got shirty with me because I wasn't there, but I couldn't really be there though I tried a little bit.I actually think the next push will be something like a mainstream sightling game with accessibility rather than a totally emersive audiogame for the b lind.Usually there would be hardware issues to concidder but a lot of systems can handle reasonable quality games.As long as you don't need an outrageous amount of ram or a 4gb graphics card minimal or a gaming pc for everything we may be ok.For example, bar my internal graphics, using gaming grade drivers, I do have gaming sound, and board, the ram and storage to run just about anything I'd like.


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Re: Crazy party dying?

2019-10-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Crazy party dying?

Well, it won't actually matter as such at least right now.The same that could be said about bgt could be said about vb6 to.But back to bgt.There are several things against it.1.  it uses depricated libraries for directx and direct sound.Yeah, its still available and probably will be for ages yet and even if it isn't people have got round the vb stuff not working after it was completely dropped by making their own opensource installers which are completely legal a lot of that using innosetup which is itself a donationware program.Some use batch files for things, some use older software downloads.As long as there are downloads from other places we will have no issue.2.  its a virus.Due to how its coded, basically running functions within itself, it displays virus like tendancies or signatures to virus checkers.It wasn't a bad thing but yeah its scripting nature puts it into the same catigry as autoit is.3.  there is a replacement language for it right now.Its called python.And I am using it right now.Nvda is python run, running python2 and going to python 3.Its a stable language and runs fine.Does this mean the game dies?Probably not, as long as the directx redist libraries exist on ms sites, and as long as ms continues with legacy windows features for directx its going to work.And even if it dropps there are a lot of older stuff and modern stuff that uses various aspects of the code like direct sound.So there will be downloads.At any case, microsoft are not making any moves to drop directx legacy components right now, and my theory is they will only do it if there is a problem or if not many use that anymore.Just like the renpy engine, bgt's death if you like doesn't have to be.You could in theory code it for python and run that.However, the only thing I'd probably miss is the simple chip synth and to be honest there are loads of free soundfonts, vst libs and actual sample dumps allready for various things.In fact I just pulled a load of free sound fonts.The basic 8 bit chip fonts are really small 40-500kb each is all.The other thing to look at is bgt's functions, they are old and not modern.At any case, bgt isn't dead itself, we have agarchive.But bgt itself has been dead for a while technically.Due to how it behaves with antimalware programs as well as what it uses, even if it doesn't die right away, well who knows.As for games dieing.I have old compiled games created with bgt which still work right now.So, all creaters will probably be aware of it.However before we start a wo is me, I am a poor helpless blind person lark because we are losing bgt and it is so easy to learn, python is also easy to learn.I havn't studdied it myself but there are many devs and others from different countries writing nvda addon modules.Those are sub programs themselves in python for a reader mostly written in python.A lot of these people have english as their second language, it will take time to learn a new language but if we encourage python over bgt, we will be able to write more things than games.As I said, if you really want to write bgt as python, make it opensource, put it on git and ask for people to co write,  there will be a few that will probably want  to join.You could even improve bgt to use modern scripting syntax, and functions, the sky would be the  limit.The other reason which no one has yet mentioned is we have no idea what phil b is working on.Bgt is dead, but what is the next game engine to come out.No one has shoved that into their brains.For all we know there is another kit on the way.Usually if something gets officially shelved unless there is issue with the dev or company, there is probably not garanteed but probably likely to be something better coming along.And while its not known for sure, we know that phill has the alias music library and hve seen demos.We also know he is working on a few big things.Weather that means a new engine, I don't know but I am kind of thinking thats probably going to be on the cards.All his games have been in bgt, so after bgt, will mean something else.I don't think that he has pulled out of the game engine kit market just yet.We don't know when but all I do know is when it comes out, judging with quality of his stuff, its going to be epic!


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Re: inquisitor 1 2 or 3 its free now

2019-09-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: inquisitor 1 2 or 3 its free now

To be honest after playing the story of inquisitor1 on a friend's computer I didn't care for or like it.However if its free for now, maybe its worth buying chapter4 whenever its introductory price pops up and have these 3 for free.I have allready got these 3 freebees.Now its not a bad game but not my type of game at least it wasn't but maybe it will be.Its been a while since playing something this involved anyway.


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Re: How to connect an Xbox 360 wireless controller to windows 10?

2019-08-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How to connect an Xbox 360 wireless controller to windows 10?

Well usually you connect and it does.If it doesn't.1.  use windows key and i and do a check for updates, maybe there are hardware drivers that will then install.If not go to device manager in search or control panel and see if there are any strange devices that need updating, right click them and update their drivers automatically.If this doesn't work, pull everything else out controler wize and get and install the microsoft mouse and keyboard centre, plug things back in and see.Go to the place where you get the instructions to connect it may have extra software to install, once that is installed it works.For me, I had a wired ms keyboard and while it did install with generic drivers, I needed the formentioned software to get it to work.


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Re: New beatstar has been released, but please be aware of some things

2019-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New beatstar has been released, but please be aware of some things

Well also when buying safeguards with the screenreader on it well it speaks fine but with tts sapi, it will not voice, achievements hmmm I didn't realise I got them maybe its the same again they do not voice.As for my issues with what I thought was recorded speech the game didn't switch to the default tts voice on my system, just the first tts engine I had installed which was code factory eloquence which I have left for this game as it sounds quite retro for this game.Saying that, there are some parts which could be voiced with human speech.1.  menus and keyboard tutorials.2.   buying packs, not all the packs themselves that still needs tts or whatever but the bits where you have to choose a pack, download all or selected packs, costings, numbers, and all menus.Achievements could have cinimatics that could also be voiced I think they were at a time.Should be a tone when you get an achievement.I also don't see a list to play achievements back.I have noticed maybe its elektron but to have things speak properly and be in focus nvda needs to be in sleep mode, which causes things to lag a lot so tts is better.However since the game is reasonably big, if all the static stuff became self voicing that would be really good.I could even help with some of that as I have a couple months free.


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Re: New beatstar has been released, but please be aware of some things

2019-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New beatstar has been released, but please be aware of some things

Well, good game, I especially like the fact it uses prerecorded speech, no screen reader lag or anything.A few bugs.1.  when downloading all packs by selecting the all option the game just sits there.If downloading by selecting the packs, the game just does it.When playing, if you loose the game will also just sit there, sometimes once I got it to do whatever but it just sat and didn't do anything.There is a new version of the game, you are using 4.0, please get the old 3.5.1 because its new, I have the latest version so why is it showing that.I agree with the other poster, I had unlocked several packs but as long as I can get access to my store of pack data and I can, its not like its really gone is it.


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Re: dmnb 2 with custom servers?

2019-07-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: dmnb 2 with custom servers?

Hi all.Oh man, this old thing!Firstly, I was part of the test team on that one.Firstly, the game was pulled for a reason.Bugs, lag, people getting out of banns, drama, need I say more.Point is you have archive, fine.Reality software won't stop you distributing crap!The game is what it is.There were attempts to restart it so many times.Dm1 sidescroler sadly was the only finnished game.That was tried 3-4 times to get back off the ground.I'm going to see what is in this archive just to see what is in there.This game was a nice idea but well good luck trying to use it now.


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Re: is GMA games still a thing?

2019-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: is GMA games still a thing?

To be honest that could translate down to just about every game company in the games core.Pcs, draconis, basically all the main core companies, even spoonbil havn't had any new games since, ages.Vga just released another game which I still need to add to my online account on guidedog which still do not support paypal and basically everyone else does.To be honest, with the move to smartphones I wander if its not just the fact these companies are going or is it that gaming for us is changing.Put it this way, pc beta testing for games for me is basically ended.A lot of people have moved to smart and even on those platforms, droid and apple its pulling back in a slump.True a few games are released by hackers and newbys but even those are tailing off.I had a break from the comunity for a week while working on various projects and well my twitter has almost nothing new which in iitself scares me.Bar lworks which is in semi production basically everyone has stopped.As sad as it is maybe the market itself is changing.I used to play a lot of games, still do, but I am 37 now and things have changed quite a lot.Things like sitting by a device, or using a device constantly are well changing.I can't say I saw this coming but at the same time who knows.


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Re: A Note About BSC Games On Windows 10

2019-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Note About BSC Games On Windows 10

You can't.I have the coolsoft vertual midi synth and mapper and while that will work for winamp and windows, the bsc stuff was made for windows xp.The fact it worked on and up to win7 is due to the fact that windows still had a hardware midi mapper or a windows midi mapper loaded into it.Unless you have a way to install the microsoft midi mapper or call it microsoft midi mapper then we won't have anything working.A vertual midi mapper and synth wouldn't work.If it did, all my midi games would be playing with soundfonts.I could in theory play any type of game.As well as a lot of professional sound fonts, I can emulate most other devices nokia, soundblaster, etc easily.I even have the official sound font banks from the actual sb live and the and the sb live 5.1 that they use some hacked from old systems so I am not short of banks.To be honest only the older games had midis, I suspect because most of this was before mp3 ogg and other formats.You wouldn't make games even if they had chip modules now because of compatability reasons.What you would do instead would to use a chip sound bank to create the audio and have them in audio files, mp3s or oggs a lot use vorbis these days.I have seen blind people play with chip emulation on a keyboard and it has been a success so I know that can be done.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A Note About BSC Games On Windows 10

2019-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Note About BSC Games On Windows 10

One thing to note.1.  hunter and classic pipe work without the patch, so do the wordstrain games.Pipe2 I do not know but classic pipe works.The patch does fix troop2 though but thats about it.Pipe2 refuses to run.Troop classic has bits needing a midi synth which came with windows and windows midi mapper.I do have a software midi mapper and software synth font synth installed but even with it all loaded the program doesn't see it so it needs a hardware midi device to play the midis for the game.It is a pitty those midis couldn't be converted to mp3s and the game be modified to play those but thats why troop1 will not play.Now it will also run but you can't play it.The autoit scripts will be recognised as a virus by defender because they are autoit scripts and autoit has been used for viruses before.You need to turn your av software off and then well it will just do.Its good to get troop 2 back again at least.


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Re: News on Audio Game Hub?

2019-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: News on Audio Game Hub?

Hi all.Well, not sure what to tell you.I havn't had any communication with sonnar interactive for some months.This is what is known at least from last communication earlier this year, well end of last year probably now.The games and subscriptions havn't been doing as well as first thought.Sonnar is doing other projects in the accessability field from libraries and other things to well other things.Take all of that out of that as you will.This doesn't mean the death of the games.I actually have no idea what all that eventually means.Games are not the top of the list though they are still making games.What is known is that any future games and tests are for the smartphone device market that being android and apple with no plans to put them on anything else.There are thoughts about getting them eventually into pc, maybe steam or something they are shy about direct downloads for some reason.Over that I did ask about consoles, and the xbox especially since they do use unity.That and the win10 app store.Be  mindfull that when this all started it was before windows 10.I havn't contacted them about things but with the pc gamer pass maybe its time to visit the xbox and windows apps xbox pc marketplace then again thats just my view.Myself, I have had enough in my life in fact am still having enough good but also disruption with things being done to my house and a lot of other things that I havn't felt the need to contact sonnar.It does appear that my work for them is basically over for now at least.The sonnarnews wordpress blog has a post explaining the temperary ish closing of the sonnar news blog till I or they decide to contact me if they ever do.I am not looking to that at this stage.However its safe to see that if your library for your blind org has an alexa skill there is a chance we may have had part in it, not sure how many, I know the blind org in new zealand had sonnar do its alexa amazon system to some extent.So for those looking, it may not bee games, but if you see sonnari interactive somewhere in any non gaming things thats where we be.


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Re: Super Liam 2 Alpha Director's Commentary

2019-04-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Super Liam 2 Alpha Director's Commentary

Hi liam.Who actually said sl2 needed to be an audiogame anyway.I mean I know it is an april fools joke but now you started it, could sl2 be a gamebook, I mean does it really need to be a audiogame, with all the talk of twine games, like inheritance, wanten cove, and cryptshyfter, it would be good to have more.You allready said that the rest of the new audiogame is left up to the player, and well a text if style game could be the new format for this.And its not like you have not gone from the community, though you seem to stream a lot more than make games these days thats still good.Hmm wander what would happen if x1 did streams.Actually x1 playing superliam on stream.You can imagine."well, well, well, it appears I need to play with myself!"Thats if you didn't get the refference from duke nukem 3d if you look at some of the files.I think that quote only happens in adult mode but maybe others.


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Re: Mortal Kombat 11 delayed until August!

2019-04-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mortal Kombat 11 delayed until August!

Well to be honest, I am still waiting for the mk11 beta stream from liam's youtube, while its not been mentioned on twitter the mk 10 stream is up and I listened to it and it was good from the youtube archived videos but no mk11 and I missed the stream.


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Re: Accessible Sound Design Course (Free)

2019-03-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible Sound Design Course (Free)

To be honest daisy, I suspect the reason a lot havn't really thought about sound design is the sheer cost of getting started.I do have a lot of sfx, but without the gdc bundles, effects I pulled from games and effects that came from production companies I was able to get by sheer luck, as well as several effects I was able to buy, to get good effects can be expensive.Next are the costs and space.I do not have a mac or will probably be able  to afford one which is where a lot of sound and music stuff is done on.Before reeper, you needed soundforge or similar and while I doodled with  cracked coppies in years past there is no way I'd seriously be able to afford the price for professional sound editing software.If that was good well and good I guess I could try, but there is the hardware, several soundcards, mixers, a dedicated machine.Laptops really don't cut it to make sounds on really and then microphones.Finally there is space.All my stuff fits in shelves and desk in my bedroom, I don't have the space nore cash for any dedicated studio or anything like that.And sure while I have doodled about with soundrecorder and putting stuff together that fits, I don't have all the hardware to really do that much.I have a couple field recorders but they have their own issues to.Technically I do have some good andriea headsets with a mic but I don't have anything over 50 bucks us, I don't have space for all the powerfull mics and hardware I would really need to be serious.I don't have a mixer, digital board and the many soundcards I would need, a lot of the pro guys have at least 2-3 cards, I guess technically I have 2 cards if you call the raw no frill cheap card that comes with my headset and my old and quite outdated creative sb play 1 which still works but has its own issues.I am also unsure about accessibility of some stuff.If this was an ideal world, I'd have jaws as well as nvda for accessing everything but its not.There is a lot of things I am not to sure about.Now if its just reeper, and maybe a virtual audio cable maybe I can afford the cards, I can get a cheap no frill card for 10 bucks and have another like it.I have a small windows workstation, and some mics but nothing that expensive, no blue yetis or anything.While I have made some sfx I'd hardly call them comercial though some people have used them and they do work for certain things but only certain things.


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Re: Apologies for topic spam in new releases room

2019-03-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Apologies for topic spam in new releases room

Well, while your posts are spammy, opening them yealds a temperary error so anyone that did open your topic would actually not be able to read it, so this is a technical issue, go to site and feadback, and lodge a ticket though, someone should have noticed by now.In my honest view, if you and others get error with what is going on, and you post it in the right place, then someone should catch it eventually.Saying that I have had issues like this at my job or on several jobs.The user is the problem, and we know our system.If it breaks the user is the problem and needs to be got rid of for hacking the system even though the user didn't do anything of the sort.The same people cry wolf and throw a paddy when I tell them, that their little system problem needs a full reformat and new bits.I am working through one such customer right now who has asked me to assess his system, but wants it to be fixed up the configuration untouched dispite me saying that while I could try at best he will get an inacurite result, without me firstly backing it up, stripping it down, running several scanners and stress tests on the hardware including a full reformat and updating everything.I have done it in the short term where I have tidied the config, updated programs, and drivers, run spyware and antivirus scanners and done a general cleanout.Assuming there isn't any dammage to fix, and assuming things work, what I often do is run several hacking programs to make windows ignore a lot of issues and then just not care what breaks, my main focus is to keep the system running.Now I have one such system thats to old and I ahve had a system that I was able to clear off like that but what happens is its really not getting down to the issue.A serious look is a serious look.That starts with everything going back to basics, followed by me getting to know what the system is or isn't.There is no such thing as a quick look without testing things.At any rate, I have to minus my screen reader as another opened window from the program list that I am running to get the real performance rating from the system but still.


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Re: The things that go crash while gaming

2019-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The things that go crash while gaming

Hmmm.I have gone through a few laptop keyboards while button bashing.Originally I got an older board for office work which was external but I have had a gaming board for 5 years now, and I can beat it into the ground and it doesn't break.Pluss its got a really high res software package in it and I am sure my typing has increased in speed with this thing.


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Re: Need help for a conference

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Need help for a conference

To be honest I went through setting up games for a blind school some years back.Firstly you don't want anything with shooting people or anything, there are some religious people that would get really narky at you about it.So.You want games which everyone can play.Firstly, all the 7128games are free for pc at least.2.  the kitchensinc games which are free, bar dungeon, coupling, tjs test and tjs, strip jack naked I think and another adult game are not playable.On the sighted front, the jackbox games are good.Due to steam I onluy have got the jackbox 20 dollar pack which is limited to 3 players and needs the same computer, however every jackbox game including the partypacks are xbox playable.Most of them are ps3 4 and x box 1 at least some older ones run on 360 to but just about everything is xbox 1 compatible.gma dice, cards and lander are other posibilities.Final conflict by usagames from audiogames archive is good, as is trek2000 by gma, lone wolf and tank commander.Not sure about shades of doom 2, packman talks is good as its arcade.Gma total conflict is quite good.The beatstar game is quite good, as well as rythm rage, vilins from beyond, in fact every game of oriol's is good.Some of the audiogames experimentals like tampocme are good.Some of the lworks games are good.Superliam, standard mod is fine, as is slide super egghunt, the abandond lockpick, and pigion panic.All the rsgames are good.And posibly the quentin games.Sadly, the playroom community has gotten strange.There are a lot of non english speakers on the playroom whenever I have tried to go on.Worse, they either don't know how to play or are really bad at doing so.Often I get kicked for no real reason and I often have to wait for people and sometimes people are not patient enough, so I don't go on that much though I do from time to time if I want something.The all2play or is it all in play stuff is good to.All the spoonbil games are good.Ear hockey from ms is good.All the freedom games are good and x wheel from x sight on agarchive is good to.I think you have more than enough to choose if you want to get started.As for web games, alterego is good for a basic game, its a bit outdated but its fine.I never got into the major community games like core exiles fully as I reached a point where after grinding and grinding and getting into a guild I ran out of things to do easily.The next thing would be muds I guess but they can take a lot of work.Alterian could be the one with the best audio and while eventually it will get a bit boring there is enough to start on for a bit anyway.For starters, the kitchensgames should be enough.


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Re: Requesting remnant recordings

2019-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Requesting remnant recordings

Hmmm, I remember reading about that but probably I didn't give it much attention.I really hope these recordings make it to, that was some good remixing, by the way, you made an audio drama with the game.Now if only aac could be improved so you could play the same drama with the voices, failiers and the like.The best parts by far was when the heroe got hit with a laser disrupter and lost everything or when he got kicked into a corrupt sector.The music and where it went when it hit a boss battle or when the guy went into rampage mode reminded me of duke nukem.I also liked how you switched through all sorts of video games, with themes, sounds, etc, switched to a superliam level, did a remix of sl, vid games, the boss, etc.


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Re: Requesting remnant recordings

2019-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Requesting remnant recordings

Hi 3 black noises.Well, that was epic.It reminded me of a super heroe style thing.Now I have listened to the recordings though I have a few questions.1.  where did you get all the sounds and in particular the music from?It goes without saying I really liked all the game music.Second, did you get a girl to record the voices or was that sapi, if the latter, what synth did you use, I want it, where do I buy it from, cause I will get it as soon as I know that voice was sexy, epic and almost human sounding, no scratch that it was exactly human sounding if it was a voice I want it on my machine.


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Re: (Xbox One) The Division 2 Private Beta Accessibility Discovery

2019-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: (Xbox One) The Division 2 Private Beta Accessibility Discovery

You do realise that this may probably be it.I wouldn't push this wow button, oh great the menus work!Who gives a fat fuck if they do.I don't.The new access laws for communications mean that people have to comply and make things as far as communication work.Well now ubisoft has complied.I doubt even if someone protested that it could come to anything, I have seen accessible installers to inaccessible crappy games.So, yeah, its nice news that someone is complying, but this may actually be it.Don't go all blindy and hit the retarded wow button like the last lot of you are doing.This aint wow, this is minimal!I am usually optimistic on this, but who gives a damn if the menus work.Its a good start, that some menus work in a beta, but who cares about that if the game doesn't.Its like all those on steam, steam sucks, I can get it working but its really not fully there.And valve doesn't care.What I would like to see is actual games being accessible not just minimally complying with some law or other.This isn't news, its another small step for 1 company, but in the grand scheme of things, it probably doesn't mean a dollar if thats all it ever is.Now I really hope I'm wrong and maybe I will be but my gut tells me that this is all its probably going to be.Of course, if ubisoft came on here and made a statement like ea sports sort of did then maybe, but I am not convinced that this is anything but a gimic.


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Re: CVAA Accessibility Rules Now In Effect

2019-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CVAA Accessibility Rules Now In Effect

Its sad to need to legislate at all.But some companies don't want to talk to users.Having been a pirate in my yunger days I can appreciate both sides.Talking solves problems, this law solves nothing.People may comply  but it would be better if everyone did this of their own free will.I guess its better than actually hacking them, making them comply do something to make them listen, but still even that is just blowing off one's anger it doesn't really solve anything but does make someone like me feel good for a little while.Point is, even if this has little effect its going to bring discussion up for our small market.Now not everyone will actually do much granted but where people can they may do so.Anyway how will this law be inforced.It remains to be seen if it matters that much especially to the big wigs.I have seen a couple countries last year of sharing services I use like who looked at the gdpr and basically thought, I'm not touching that, so I will close down.Thats not good either.It only happened to a couple places but the smaller 1 man armeys may choose to do this rather than comply thats always a possibility.The only thing that can change that is  if they started putting people in jail for this stuff not fining them or maybe both.It may not achieve much but it would put things out there.Then again, the local anticopywrite laws for digital torrents havn't garnered much attention of late, sure in the first year a few got fined a bit but nothing over maximum, and no one let the big wigs have their way either.How effective this will be will depend on the industry as a whole.If enough comply it will become a standard and most will try to up hold it because its good for business.Lets focus though as of now on the laws that have actually made a difference.1.  audio description on dvds.Not every dvd, put most dvds after 2007 need it by law.All or most mainstream dvds have the audio and disability logos and compliance standards and some of this is leaking out to theatres.Its not perfect, but its also on tv to, some netflicks, youtube to a point not everywhere but its about.Then look at apple, android and microsoft.A lot of changes, a lot of compliance and because those have gone over the top it pushed just about everyone else.There are challenges, the cash apple needs to get into its restrictive systems can put people off at times.But if you take a snapshot of life from the early 90s and compair it with today we have improved.Gaming wize, its not there as of yet tech wize not even close, but a lot of people are taking notice of things, a few more are dabbling.Thats not exactly where I would like us to bee but we are on the right track.And some developers are talking.Actually I would like to bring up how that worked with various things.Teamtalk for example and qt, that was a problem in itself but it got accessible.Then for those on the nvda list with dectalk.People pirated that all day long, no one was selling it as such, and the distributer came out publically and asked us why and we told them and a deal got nutted out.granted there was almost no market value in it but that was the first time a dev or seller company came out and simply said why are you pirating our software to the faces of the user.They were ready to talk, and that solved things.The issue with the big companies is that their developers don't get that sort of interaction, neither do their execs, managers, etc.There is someone on support or a front desk that gets just enough to do their job and no more.And their law people, same thing.I have had issues with the government over travling and some reporting things.I made a mistake in one of my benifit reports and fixed it.Its happened a couple times, and I am still convinced that there are people that know what went on, I have a fair idea of what went on.However even when I switched from front desk to level2 support there was a procedure, legal and otherwise that had to be followed, a procedure that couldn't be changed in any shape or form.My problem or rather the underlying problem was never solved, however with some help I was able to convince people to drop their problem and make it go away.The problem is still there, and  the next time I will have to double check things and just hope, however point is, thats what its like with the big guys.Its unlikely unless one of the devs actually comes out to talk we will ever get a full  willing compliance.Then again, that assumes the developers are even able to come out, some of these people are as restricted from doing anything more than asked or told by whoever is next up.And with my experience, I know the really big guys never come out or hardly ever do so.As for inforcing this to the full extent, good luck.Its doubtfull that they can and even if it is, who will give a fuck.The media don't care, its not appeared in any local news.To be honest, this will just blow over like everything 

Re: The Vale (Adventure Game) Beta Test Discussion

2018-11-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Vale (Adventure Game)  Beta Test Discussion

Well guys I have tested the game to the end.As well as the errors I found I had issues with backing out of menus.I was able to buy most things though while there were quests that were simple in themselves I was able to buy my sword, a bow and a shield not the armour sadly but oh well.The combat may be simple but it can be a challenge in its own way.Its certainly got potential to be a good game.


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Re: Accessible realities looking for alpha testers

2018-04-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible realities looking for alpha testers

Hi ian.[[wow]].So this is what you have been leading up to.I can't wait to see what this is doing.The only issue with tactical battle was the memmory leak with large units sizes but even so I do wander


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Re: status of the niels bauer games

2018-04-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: status of the niels bauer games

Dark, I noticed this to.Neils doesn't seem to be responding to his mail.And since he usually does, I am wandering if something didn't nock him offline.The site is not updated in ages and I usually got a responce in a few hours.The bmtmicro download links to things while the products show up to purchace end up saying things are not accessible anymore and that the author has removed them.It could be that something expired, but neil hasn't responded to messages for ages.And since I think july 2016.The last news letter indicated he was going strong so if he is off I can only assume he didn't leave of his own free will, who knows.He just stopped and that is sad if its true.There hasn't been any news letters last year and usually there is a couple of them.


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

Hi.Hmmm so we appear to have a couple guys that know whats going on.Yeah I have seen this exclusivity with sports teams, ever tried to buy a copy of a tenis shirt then try to buy the real thing at full price?I have family in the clothing business and brands are guarded jalously and anyone that thinks they can steal them and copy cat them is nuked so hard they go crying to their mummas so yeah I get what jace and ian/ ethin are saying here.I was once in a music group for my local blind organisation, however most of the group were from the poorer side of town.I was welcomed and was fine but it was clear I was the outsider and they had been doing things for ages, I felt odd so I quit.So yeah its hard to enter the exclusive market.However, on the other hand, I doubt that we would want to enter the pro cuicuit anyway, certainly not the online curcuit unless we want that thing.I have games that could do online but i play them mostly for myself, and when I have time to do so.Friends sometimes play with me but thats not our scene.What about consoles?Would we get better luck there or phones.Failing that, as I said what about if we never went online.I can't afford the cash nore have the space to stick a wheel.In order to get space for an old radio as well as chucking out all my junk, and extras, and due to what I allready have I can not have a screen, or a desk unit, my laptop, portable drives, phone and charger, usb gaming keyboard and mouse, usb powerboard and standard serge protection board take up everything on this desk which is not taken out by cheap to expensive mics, headphone sets, digital recorders, controlers for the stereo which takes up more of it, and extra speaker units.Its a struggle to fit it all in as it is.As for realistic gaming I'd personally wait and see but for me the keyboard is still king, I don't want or need high stakes racing or even online mainstream racing there is no way we can compete and if they don't want change I say fuck em and leave them to it.The chances we will want to do more than generally play are miniscule at best and if we do, with our selves or in some less serious communities, We can leave the pros alone for now.Ofcause if someone finally cracks that nut, all well and good and maybe one day a few blind people may crack the circuit but for now especially for me being one of the last 1980s guys with my condition, thats not for me anyway.


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Re: Upcoming Mainstream Release: Way Of The Passive Fist

2018-03-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Upcoming Mainstream Release: Way Of The Passive Fist

Well the soundtrack is out on bandcamp by ori falconer I think.At any rate, if the game becomes accessible I will buy it.I have the soundtrack for the game now it was 10 bucks so at least thats something.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Rail racer… What's going on?

2018-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Rail racer… What's going on?

Well for me rail racer had its issues.One of them was that v1 was made in dotnet 1x, when 2.0 was just in.If it had been 2x compatible even if it stayed 2x, it still could have been fact v 2 3, and 3.5 legacy frameworks are still supported, 4 and its varients up to the latest are still supported even now on old win7, which for me may soon be a thing of the past.The main reason is that for the user that uses 7, his desktop has finally died and is not worth replacing.Everyone is on win10, so I am going to change with the times to support my users.For what its worth I like 7 for its ease of use.On the other hand this will free up this box for linux use, either that, or I will put xp on here for the express reason of older games, older software, a few offline games, and well to be honest, my old nokia software packages which I may or may not need I havn't decided yet.The other issue with rail racer was its activation system it was in another language, it just happened to be online, and once you used your keys your system well was registered.Reformat or buy another system and your key was rubbish.Its probably why no one has actually released the cracked version but as I said v1 couldn't be played, its pitty the sounds of the cars etc were quite crappy sounding and the game is quite crappy.Sadly with just about every racing game known except for the tikonblu stuff either shelved or just not being updated it would be nice.It was the reason I got my first gaming mouse.With the death of swamp, my mouse is used by sightlings mostly and for myself if I need to navigate a window needing the mouse.I do play swamp compaigns from time to time still, I can't say I'd justify a subscription to that.Where is che anyway, blindadrenaline seems dead just like every other mainstream dev seems to be, everyone seems quiet.Bar l-works, no one else is seeming to well be talking.For example I havn't heard much about vipgameszone, gmagames or draconis for ages and where the hell is pcs games and phill he isn't even seeming to be online.If liam is all thats left bar the small opensource bgt groups and a lot of those seem dead, the global audiogame market is basically dead unless you are japanese.Seriously, I can't believe thata kid can write basically complex comercial grade games that rival even our beginners.I played beginner games by some and ofcause they were a bunch of crap.Maybe our beginners should get japanese standards.I mean seriously, a fully pro game at an age when most of the rest of us can barely code is impressive.I don't think any dev right now with the acception of maybe l-works or usa games could get close, certainly no one can match or beat the japanese writers.Maybe with the exception of outofsightgames and maybe pininteractive but thats about it.


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Re: a welcome surprise when playing fx pinball 3

2018-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a welcome surprise when playing fx pinball 3

Hi all.Well there is an answer sort of.Can you run jaws on your x box1.If its the movie, the dvd will play if that means can you access its menus select audio description, I am not sure probably not I am unsure.Can you run jaws the screen reader on x box.No you can't, but nvda 2018 when it comes out is a windows app.Since the x box 1 is now a windows 10 based os then you probably could run nvda on it.Weather the interface would work is another thing.Microsoft like changing their so called universal automation interfaces without notice.Nvda and its addons have the best chance of catching up with it compaired to something like jaws but even though its free and opensource they have the same issues.


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Re: free roaming stuff?

2018-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: free roaming stuff?

Hmmm.You are talking about openworlder type games.So you have 2 options something like ahc which is basically a main quest but then the rest is open, however I have played games with friends, rage is one of them, the need for speed series gta and there are a few others where as well as the story, the main and the sub quests you can travel outside the world and do things and find things.I am not sure how that would work for blind games, I mean it would work but to make an openworld game hmm.Most openworlders have no objective as such and if they do you can choose to do whatever.Scroling battles your world is sort of an openworld sim, but not really.As for gangster mafia games I agree with you psychostrike really is not my thing.


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Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

2018-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

Well what about charge for the game, but have people buy into the development of it not just the game itself.So Usually you would play the full game, but well you buy into the alpha or beta or prerelease of the game, future updates to the game you got brought will be free, once the game transitions to live you get it free.You then could include bonuses you could get along the way depend where you set your prices, say 10 bucks just gets you the game final version 15 the testing builds to or get new stuff as it unlocks, 20, the soundtrack.30, all sound traks for bk 1 2 and 3, and so on and so on.You could have a teer where you got all things as well as the games sound libs, resources on the game language, the ability to develop other things and other user things.I remember this with futureboy which sadly I have but the company is no more.You had firstly a download version for cheap, I think 10 bucks, then a simple cd version of the game in your choice of os for I think 15 bucks.Then the full game, all oses, full case, artwork, manual, the programming language which was used hugo, and 3 programming guides and I got the top teer, I never used the guides, maybe I should I still have them.


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Re: New Audiogame The Vale - Playtest Thread

2018-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Audiogame The Vale -  Playtest Thread

To be honest I agree on the main character being blind.Maybe he could be sighted and become blind but to be honest, blind people in blind games we have this with blind legend which is itself really cool.As for the rest of it, no not following you guys on facebook, facebook is just really clunky and bad, however if you guys want to put a social network out I do use twitter a lot  for reading I would encourage you to make a wordpress blog or something for those to follow as well.As for play testing the game, cool you are doing this but its not likely the global audience is going to be able to join in.If you open yourselves up for beta  and alpha testing even if its a buy in I'll go and test for you and whatever you need.Currently I have no contract work that I need to do and I havn't done a long project since reality software days.if interested, email me with my email link in my profile which is crashmaster if you are searching for it and we can sort out something.


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Re: intriguing email from breaker box games

2018-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: intriguing email from breaker box games

Hmmm.To be honest I see no point in this.But yeah I had all the games, and had to rebuy all the games again because I never got all my installers for any of the games I got then like 4 months down the road I got my files.No one should need to wait that long.And while I will continue to give breakerbox money for their games, the only reason that I still do is that their quality, and sounds is totally theirs and origional.If it was the company's reputation I doubt I'd give them anything at all.But I pay for content and I know that eventually I get the content I expect.There are also the toys etc.Now I am a patient man, I have a life so when they come, they come and as long as their quality does not dip below what I expect, then I will continue to pay for their programs.But if it was their service alone, then I doubt it would be worth my cash.Their subscription, no way.I used to be on a radio show now dead where the host would play games for a few hours.The show was called midimusic adventures.The website is www.midimusicadventures.comI am unsure if it still exists but if it does there is at least 2-3 years of content up there.So the guy is sighted and plays the games.But somehow he turned it into dnd style, reading dialog, and such.He would pole users on what the next choice in game should be, and such.He would comment on things to.The show was for game music and old music but expanded into games, he even allowed people to come on with him via teamtalk.I don't know if I would want to pay for service, it was entertaining because there were games I just couldn't play.Similar things can be gotten out of youtube videos.I don't think I would pay for it though.


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Re: Why Must People Crack Games

2018-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Must People Crack Games

Hi all.Well, what to say.I have been keeping out of the current arguments on here because they are heavy even for a small time pirate like me.This is approaching nuke war level though.As for different situations, well shit, there is that issue.If there are give aways and such cool, maybe if I get spare cash I may try with a group, it would certainly pull the community together though I never understood the numbers game on ahc.Now as to brain station I was going to buy it but now I wander if I should bother buying when I could try to play a game to buy it first, ofcause if I don't win I will buy it but playing a game to buy a game reminds me of some of the older games I played with friends.To unlock each level of one flying game you would have to play a small game or a puzzle to confirm you owned the game.And that was quite good for what it was and I enjoyed it a lot.As for people affording stuff, the reason I spend my cash like I do is that I live at home, but once I leave, I'm going to have to really save, that means, I'm not going to get everything all the time like I do right now.Thats life, a thing I will live with.I object to the fact people think wanting things free means cracking them though.As for a screen reader, would you leave your cane or guide dog at home.It is a right for us to be able to enjoy life as much as we can and at least try to be as accessible as we can for our work.I wouldn't say its an entitlement but things like canes, guide dogs, and in todays age, a screen reader, magnification, a phone or tablet of some sort, and a computer of some sort are needed.In business, that is also ms office, windows, and sadly yucky norton which a lot of my friends use.Right, Well while I wouldn't say you are entitled to get everything for free because you are blind it is your right as a blind person to get access where ever possible to have a full life and that that is protected.If you break that down that could be a screen reader.Sadly the low competitions in the industry is really low.Because traditionally governments and accessibility organisations handled a lot of this for education purposes, the industry sort of came up to expect enterprise things.Jaws for example is pritty much an enterprise product similar to say office pro pluss.Its really for a business.There are slightly cheaper products, supernova may be one of them window eyes well did both all were for enterprise companies.So what has changed, well opensource and freeware and freedom of things have started to make those question the establishment.So right now its opensource and cracking all the way but while thats a backlash from the users what really has to happen is the seperation of the business from the home user.Jaws for what it does is good in its job, screen readers and access tools that use their own drivers for various things are still good I still use vary little now supernova for a few things.However while office apps and business things are cool, things like net brousing, email, and home stuff are in my opinion secondary things.Nvda relies fully on the os and its library and while there are a few things I still use other readers for the fact that 99.9% of every program has a web component is well where nvda handles well.Even with this, and I am no expert, someone or a few more someones need to get either big enough to get competition moving or someone is going to have to make a move against vfo and its companies.They are just to big for their own good, in fact bar dolphin they are basically the only big company in the braill and access business with a few smaller on the side.Competition is non existant so you can  do what you want.I would not be an advocate to get rid of compercial access programs like screenreaders, after all those expensive things do have a place in the business world.When you are a home user like me, you may use office, for business related things, word processer, and spreadsheat.You may use something else for email and web brousing.You may game, and you most of all will play music, read books and the like.For me while My testing job does need me to read documents on jarte, I spend 50% of my time on my web brouser and mail combined, 10% of the time in games and the rest on my music players of choice or on an on demand stream.Lets face it, home users are not even conciddered here when it comes to their needs with some of this software.The average home user can't afford a top of the line box, or the best car.So we can't afford the top of the line screenreader.Sadly, its not like we have much choice.We have 3 readers.1 is free and is fine.Another dolphins one could be midrange its about 1000 dollars which while a bit steep is at least affordable if you update every 5 or so years.Then we have jaws.When I got that that was 3000 plus for jaws and a training package and an sma.And when I had to upgrade to a pro version of windows that was another 2000 for no extra features 

Re: Audio Game Survey

2018-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio Game Survey

[[wow]].Good to see a new gamer.I should stress that your question on pc or mobile should be split.It promises people on pc that games will be on pc.While I do test for sonnar, I don't as yet have a smart phone.I enjoy pc games mostly.Next, not everyone actually buys games in euros.For me, us dollars are probably a little less expensive to me than euros, a us dollar is round half an nz dollar.A euro is well slightly different, I think its like half a dollar here a euro.If I could buy games outright maybe.However, to be honest mobile and pc would be what I used.As for pc, desktop games have been where I have traditionally played but if you really want to stay with the app, a windows 10 app could be that way I am not sure how it all goes, but there are not exactly any blind games on windows app just yet and your market could go that way to.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Why Must People Crack Games

2018-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Must People Crack Games

Hmmm.Who knows what the us thinks.Maybe being one of those eastern countries they just don't care.But I am in new zealand which is a western country.Technically there is a law in place.Technically we are spied on, weather this means I am safe is unknown.But you never know, pushing it really big well thats just asking for it.But the us can't just woltz in here and demand things, our spying electronic coms agency has itself had flack after the dotcom drama, and lets be honest our supposed government secured systems are not fully secured and even our digital ids are not used to the fullest.I do use vpns, but well its mainly for books, is windscribe accessible, that may be something I decide to use if I ever get in the game.The big thing that got me out of the game was all the malware.In china my friends that do crack say they can't apply any security updates, or use any antivirus or security software, in fact they have to turn windows security off, they also can't use firewalls or anything.Oh and it goes without saying that to get the best results you use xp or lower to do all the work.You can't even have win10 secured or updated at all.As a result they get hacked and infected all the time and have to reformat all the time daily in some cases.They do it because the software they use for their business is 5000 bucks a licence per machine.Thats not how I want to live.They do have a home system they use for backups, and a few things but their business system is open to the web and to all hackers so they themselves can get what they want.Its not the way I'd like to live.I am not to concerned about getting caught, however if I am the record is no good for travel or anything.And its a huge fine or jail, its not worth jail I can't pay the fine.There isn't anything I want to really get of late.I used to have links to private ftp servers which I used a lot, but those died ages back.


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Re: Why Must People Crack Games

2018-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Must People Crack Games

Yeah I agree I have a really big issue with drm especially if you get 1 to 3 installs or 1 machine only.What is worse is stuff like a comercial screen reader does not come cheap.And paying 7 coppies for 7 systems just aint doable its also a bit stupid and greedy for the guys making the software.If vfo was mainstream they would get sued for the monopoly it has but accessibility competition in the sector is limited even when suits have been done between big companies vfo has won now vfo are buying up companies similar to what ms did with all its suing etc before it was told off that aint happened yet.I found this with office basic office is actually fairly priced and will work if you never need to use a slideshow or outlook.But if you need to use anything more than a spreadsheet or word processer it costs a bit more.And while the mid price for the second teer is a bit of a squeez the top teer is well out of reach but then home users never need access so it doesn't matter mostly.But sadly withthings like jaws its really sad.I do have a licence, but I may as well give it away for all the good it is now.Each version of the reader you need to upgrade your licence key, the same is true with other stuff I guess thats fine.But what isn't are the crazyness behind this.1.  Upgrading from home windows to a pro windows to enterprise.You would imagine that upgrading from x to y to z will give you extra features  that you would want on y and z.But no the upgrade is so you can register on those platforms.However if you spend the most now and get an upgrade for z only you can run on x and y quite happily.If you need to get say remote access the module costs.And what is worse others are encouraged to do the same, Yeah brian h I am looking at you even though you are not on here.Leasy costs as much as office home and small business yet its on top of jaws.And all I care about is q9 which  happily I have a key for but really, Modules of software shouldn't cost so much for what they are.And what if you have more than the 1-3 units you can legally get to, buy more slots, but what if the next slot up is some sort of business licence.You could email and nagotiate and see, but 3000 per unit is not cheap.Its like the games you used to get on cd that required the cd.Loose the cd no game for you.Those died when bigger drives came out but still.As for audiodescribed movies, you'd think the industry would have woke up to the fact there is a market for this.If my local whatever chanel or supplier said 10 bucks a month for a subscription to stream described movies and series or even download them to be sure I'd buy them.The easiest way to handle piracy or a large amount of it is to give the users what they need and charge competitive pricing.Its not abnormal to have subscriptions to netflicks and things now either.Instead you go after us for cracking things.Give us the market we want and we will pay for it.Sadly that aint happening. I just don't care anymore, I have better things to do than watch movies, a couple disk failiers, plus new laws and the rest will do it to you at some point you just give up.I mean fighting the system is fine, if I knew I could get away with it all the time I'd still be in the game.But you don't want to get hit.The system the big guys is fine fight do whatever, but they can hit and if they do punch back you're done for ever.Its not worth all the issues that goes with that for a movie or music, not even software.Maybe if I needed to use something really expensive but then I';d question if I could get away with something less.Ofcause this is a home user talking, once you get inside businesses, small companies and bigger your options in some cases to get stuff especially business stuff dropps right down.Office drops basically to 0 if you are in a business with the right programs, same with windows and systems themselves.The home user hmph.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Why Must People Crack Games

2018-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Must People Crack Games

Hmmm.Well a few things to put on to here.1.  Agree with drm, I did have audible but to be honest I don't care for it it restricts me to much.The same for the format dvds are in.Same thing for being stuck with clients that may or may not work like steam.Drm, I agree, its a evil and if it works for you fine but mostly it don't.For jimmy dub, why pirate.For me it was to fight against the system which I did for a while.My fight ended when I managed to find a nitche that while it didn't mean I wasn't still fighting the system, I could exist where I didn't have to basically steal just about everything.For what I was doing and the laws it wasn't worth it.The only acception to this are dvds to some extent when they play nice and thats only because I want full control of where I play and place the movie files as music and nothing more.I just want my audio described movies.I have gotten into local on demand streams for somethings and if its cheap enough I will buy it outright.Same is with audio cds and files of audio people can give me.Software, I can't say I have done that for a while.The thing jimmy, is unless you are in china where everyone basically does it and such and where you can get anything you like I know that because some friends that are from new zealand buy expensive software for cheap over there because they live there do it well it seems to be the unspoken rule of users over there nothing official though.ButThere are only 3 reasons to pirate.1.  you are fighting the system.This is fine but you need a goal, for me it was high priced software, and a few other gripes, I managed to slowly find my way to while its not the best Its something I can opperate within the bounds of.2.  money, I don't agree with this type you pirate because you get nice and rich with no tax.Thats fine if you keep it small but if you get greedy like you will get caught its a bit risky.3.  you like to gamble with your life and I guess thats your life to throw away.4.  You just do it because everyone does it and it was pirate all the way.If its number 4 jimmy, pirating all the way died out for me in 2011-2012.Back in 1995-2005 I'd understand, crack everything and pirate all the way was my moto.But that aint that time, that reason is not cool.If all you want is music you can go to youtube, get that and use a youtube converter, just don't do to much at once, not sure how legal exactly that is but I have done that several times when I couldn't get a song or something or if I wanted to get a video for listening to later.For the rest I don't really know.At any rate admitting it like a brag aint really smart.Its like I am a mass murderer and I go oh looky here guys last night I slit a lady's throat, and killed her children, ate her baby and burned down her house.Even if I did bragging is just asking for it.If your reason is you fight against the system for no reason let me remind you that to some extent even on windows you can skipp the monster corps and companies.Adobe reader I still use, ms windows abbyy software, and goldwave as well as applian tech and dolphin.Everything else I own is free or opensource or low cost.And if it costs I put it into a rainy day list and buy when able.Then again it depends what you crack and why.Music and movies, I can't say I have stopped completely, no torrents though.Software, I have pritty much stopped, there are enough little guys I can talk to without the big ones and even the bigger ones are smartening up.As for joseph, he has the right to his opinion, no dissing intended.At any rate its not the big devs that are the issues its the guy at the top of these  big companies and a few seem to be talking there are other ways to get through.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Why Must People Crack Games

2018-01-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Must People Crack Games

Well so this is open again.First the tamer side of the post.I am unsure but I'd like to think that if you say had a program that was shared by family that one would be able to buy a family licence or at least pay for a pack, if you had to buy well ahc is 20 bucks.Once you got over 50 bucks though it starts getting a bit expensive to have 1 1 1 1 1.Sadly microsoft and others do this and its just another thing we have to get round to the point we just have to be on our guard though its something they change with office, I'd like that to be with windows as well.Now to the first part, I have never listened to the podcast but here is the thing.You are welcome to your rant thats fine, but you won't get any nagotiation.Now before I do respond to that, let me state clearly that as a former pirate I abhor anyone that makes cash from piracy, who does it for a job or does it just because they can even if they have the cash, it makes me sick to my core!.With that out the way, the responce you would get from pirates me is screw you, we could care less.We may just take your server down and ransomware attack all your friends if we are mad enough.This aint the way, sadly its what most of the system to a point has done, if we are talked to nicely you may get insites but the big corperations never talk at all.Sue, sue, sue, lets put him in jail, lets not talk.WHat do they expect, us survivers to not buy their overpriced but required programs, now and suddenly it becomes an attack, well we can do this to.And now look at the net, all those breaches, all those hackings, all the malware no one is a saint but.If I was angry enough I may concideer taking you personally down, your server, your isp, maybe yourcountry.Ranting like this solves nothing, it makes it worse.Sadly it seems only the small companies talk.If companies respect users, and that includes book publishers which that seems to be happening now to some extent and music,/movie music is happening to a point, movie who knows to be honest, but point is software isn't moving forward competiton is tough I get that but talking can help.It may depend on situation, ie the sellers of dectalk only have to send a small amount back to phonix and din't care, but still they were man enough to pop up on a list I was on and state a lot of people are pirating our stuff, why.Now we said why, their responce was to talk and flesh something out.And the reason they talked to us is why we honor forcefully if needed the deal they gave us because we see it as important to keep the peace.Now I do realise there are those dammaged by the net wars and they may never talk, I also know there are those that make cash from it and I don't care for it.The reason I even stopped was the needs mainly, and the fact that it wasn't worth continuing now if my stakes were higher it may be worth it to a point.Saying that once you are caught, you are basically done, time to do something else if you can.The trick is to know when to pull out, because getting caught means the end of basically everything being barred from all sorts of things is not cool.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: audio life

2018-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: audio life

To be honest, bgt is outdated and quite old now.Sadly its always being detected as a virus due to the fact your running a game inside an interpreter basically.So we should be trying to head away from that if we can.Saying that, the antivirus people are targeting the blind spaciffically but bgt is a known quantity at least.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Is it time for a new paint job?

2018-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it time for a new paint job?

Well manamon is the clone of pokemon, but there is digimon, the japanese have cloned their own thing so it hardly seems to matter.Unlike some of us they seem to not have any issues cloning things with slightly different names.I do aggree manamon's idea is not new it is a clone but the fact there is a name change is probably enough to say that it is origional enough.Becides, if you are emulating a console you are basically making a clone of a console and no one seems to mind that much unless you don't own your cart and not everyone does.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Why Must People Crack Games

2018-01-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Must People Crack Games

Well.2 points here.First a historic one.Back when I was a teen ager till I was at least 20-25 years before opensource came up, pirating and cracking were the norm.You are pushed to use certain software, in my day that was windows and office and a few other things.Those things cost quite a lot.If you can get them funded or part of work fine, but there were not the student options there are now.And so you cracked everything from games, to well pritty much everything.From mp3s to well whatever.It was the fighting the system and the big corperate bastards, I think that was my justification for doing it.It meant I could use software I would usually not work, most of my cracks were off ftp servers, things like adobe acrobat full, winzip, nero burning rom, , etc, etc, etc.I never went into it like friend did when I was in student flatting, dvds, movies and tv series never interested me like that.So why did I mostly bail out?1. opensource came along.And a lot more freeware.I didn't need k1000 when I upgraded to win7 I had to concidder what I would get.And I had a bit of cash, abbyy fine reader was what I ended up buying for scanners, malware in things like dvdvideosoft stuff got me into my applian software though to be honest I use it not as much as I thought I would some of it is still quite visual, a thing they don't seem to fully acknowledge.winzip became 7zip.Nero, well I didn't care for 7 or 8 it was cheap enough to buy but cdbxp for writing and goldwave for extracting.Vlc and winamp which by now I had a list of plugins for including chip music things like that.The other thing was the antipiracy law.Ok so it was fun being a pirate, and fighting the system, but to be honest while even reveering those hackers I knew that got in and did stuff for a laugh but in 2002-03 that changed.A few of what were my friends some hackers started getting serious, causing dammage that didn't sit with me that well.Being a pirate is fine and all, but I only did it to survive, or to help my friends, it was never take the bastards down so I become the chief bastard nothing like that.It was true in the past I had grabbed more than I wanted or needed because it was around just doing all of it.K1000 was really nice, braille, ocr, scanning nice till my scanner broke.If I ever got the funds and cash though I'd still buy it.Things like getright actually stopped you getting it same with flashfxp, which I ended up buying except I hardly need a download manager these days and ftp servers I used to use are long gone.Fact is unlike a few people I knew I was not really a serious pirate by any means I was a standard user trying to survive any way he could.Bar my screen reader I have about 4 or 5 comercial programs not counting the os to my name.They don't include games.To the games, bar a few titles like bavisoft and sadly the abandoned code factory titles, 10-35 bucks is reasonable for a game heck in mainstream games especially consoles while a few are that price, most mainstreams are double that at least and maybe over 100 bucks in some cases.So our games for what they are are not that bad to be honest.On the asking front it can be the most difficult thing, asking or accepting it, I was once told by someone well that he could buy a game, but I felt embarrased accepting the offer.So it probably works both ways.But back to the past, what I was doing is not worth fines or jail, and to be honest while I did it to survive I wouldn't sell it to make cash for my own proffit I condem those that do though a few of my friends and those I knew from flatting actually did.The idea of being a pirate is to fight the system, and take them down.But unless you really want revenge you have a life to.If you are noticed you have 2 issues.1.  what is the point fighting the system if you are noticed, 1 punch and you are wasted.2.  if you get hit, its unlikely you can go back to your normal ish life if you wanted to.Unless ofcause you are that skilled at it then maybe you become part of the system or get a nitche somewhere in a new life but usually you get a mark against your actual life, and that means your life is basically over, you are known.I know people that did it to get noticed but you don't have a life no job prospects, nothing you may as well die, its not worth it especially if you were small.I stopped naturally.I still dabble here and there from time to time but nothing really big, certainly nothing to take em down.Maybe if a demo of a program is to short, or I have a reason to review something I may just do that but will intend to buy it.Sadly even this has stopped.The main reason that it has though is because there are a lot more that seem to have a chip on their sholdour.Keygens and cracking software is full of malware, I only ever went for serials for the last 3 years up to 2006-7 and am completely stopped now.Even joke lists I was on I have pulled out of.There is to much ransomware around, from time to time I 

Re: Is it time for a new paint job?

2018-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it time for a new paint job?

well ian reed is part of outofsight.Ahc is not exactly a clone but its the final release of the rpg engine beta.Before there was tactical battle which is still good but if it creates enough units it will simply run out of memmory buffer space and crash.So its a clone of itself I guess thats what ahc is I guess.As for the rest.Ms forcing on us, to be honest that doesn't happen anymore ms even admitted they stuffed up.But that does bring up an interesting twist.Win10 and xbox use the new universal app design.Here is the issue universal implies use for and by everyone.Not every app is accessible.It would be nice if they were, you can play your xbox on win10 and vice versa, thats pritty close to an accessible program.Sadly with ms moving their music store to spotify, and a few other things like killing windows phones as no one wanted to write apps for them, the only reason you would use an ms account is if you have a console, want to read news and weather and use the calendar.You do not need to sign in with a ms account or use their sucky outlook service for your sucky email.You can add google and yahoo services to win10 to use their features etc.What I like is the idea of running your apps on consoles, including emulated desktop apps, and console games on the pc assuming you have a console.So in theory nvda could run on the xbox as can goldwave, as can probably a lot of extra things.Thats pritty close to accessibility in the os, the games are another matter.But we have a platform now and ms seems to be thinking about us at least enough that they seem to be releasing things and a few of them to boot.Bar skype which I won't go into I think they are doing well.A sightling that used windows 10 didn't notice the ribbons and other things in windows so visually ms seem to be doing something different.At least you can seeminglessly switch.One thing that would be nice is if windows cleared all the recovery partitions unused after or during upgrade or had a tool to clear previous recoveries easily without all the issues of trying to see what is what.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: audio game market and audio game status around the world

2018-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: audio game market and audio game status around the world

Well for myself subscriptions require cash.Not all of us have steady employment so that doesn't work.I always try to get things for free, or low cost, if I buy something that costs I need to save, a subscription, depending what it was no, its not for me.Especially for those outside the country the subscription was was meant for.And then if I subscribed, I'd have to commit to playing and using that sub.And while there are those adicted to games and such games are not my life.Its like if I had to pay for office, to get the most out of it I'd have to use it, I'd even have to use outlook to make it worth while.Our market is designed for those that have little or no cash we can't afford that flash honda or even drive it.Maybe that will change, maybe it will not.Maybe the price of antiblind devices will drop to a point where we can afford them and stop being blind.With conditions to being blind slowly being phased out, I can see a day maybe in the next 100 or so years or so where we will reach the state where there will not be anyone or at least any child born or going blind.For the rest, who knows.We all go to second life soon enough.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Is it time for a new paint job?

2018-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it time for a new paint job?

I actually object to the blindy interface thing.Point is more than ever we need our own interface or at least a way to navigate the interface of anything such that the sighted won't notice.They have their interface, we have our interface, maybe its a more inclusive interface.To be honest with the way in some respects mozilla and microsoft have gone, I am getting actually sick of mainstreaming and I was all for it a couple years ago.The reason we as users have in a lot of cases been even able to get along with the sighted interface is to struggle on the edge, who knows if it will be ok tomorrow.In the early days we had our interface, they had their interface and both parties worked out ok.I don't care to be closed minded but I do feel that the requirements for abled and disabled are starting to have major differences in them.In gaming, they want loads of graphics, loads of power, loads of well everything.With a large team of 400 or more people, large companies, licencing to boot and if things go wrong they can battle it out in a lot of cases.Now us, audio, right now, though give it time, maybe we will eventually see, maybe braille and audiogames will be old tech.Virtual reality maybe who knows.At the moment though I am happy we have our interface and they have theirs.NNow I am not sure about the situations of some of the posters here but even with family help I can't nore wish to be available to afford the state of the art gaming machine.In most cases, to buy a new bit of hardware is a big ask for the general user.1.  unless he has a job and a lot of us do not, well at least the ones I know do not, we have to save for it.I am targeting 2-3k for a system locally, maybe there are cheaper who knows.The point, though is this, to upgrade a machine to the sighted for the most part simply is.If the graphics card screws up get another.If you want the latest bit of kit, buy it.Guess what, we are blind so we can't or at least will find it difficult to do so, not all of us have all that cash I am with family so I have cash to burn but thats not going to last for ever.To buy a new machine is a huge thing.At first we had school and maybe like me university of some sort, later, maybe had enough cash for 1-2 units for jobs etc.The only reasons I have replaced anything is if it broke or became so insecure I had no choice.Most of our stuff is 32 bit, we could be still ok for the most part on win98 or even xp, thats the level of most of our gear.We don't even need win7.I do feel that over the years we have let the sighted some leeway, well I for 1 am sick of doing that.Fact is we have struggled with their stuff, well now its payback time.For those that complain about this, maybe we should put it in some prospective.We do not need graphics.We have in some cases a lot of trouble with sound enhancements.Look at some of the software today which is still inaccessible, things like newer versions of skype, control panels for displays, sound, a lot of other things.I am not sure if its the pc only but even so.Even if you were able to upgrade your pc, that software we use especially if its a comercial screen reader and some of us still use those from time to time me included means we need to get that upgraded.And not all of us are fully tech savi.It took me a while but one thing that I have been doing over the last 3 or so years is chucking out and upgrading as much of the old hardware we all use.That meant I had to let go of some stuff that was accessible to get their inaccessible replacements all for the reasons of compatability with the sighted world.With the way toshiba is going I am going to have to give up even more accessibility with stuff I like to get that.I don't care for what is going on, I think its an insult mozilla even suggests that our screen readers are insecure, so the way that we use them maybe insecure but who's fault is that.They give us nothing and do it to late and complain.So what do we do, sit in our corner?And if that were not bad enough everything accessible seems an afterthought unless you have a smartphone and who knows with that.The so called things will be better movement is going down real fast, the promises I thought we would get we havn't fully got as such.As for gaming, I think for now we have got as far as we will ever get.Look, at it this way.We don't always use the right licenced sounds, we may from time to time have issues.We have smaller teams.If we get sued, the only way is to give the sightlings what they want because we can never win.I do wander if its worth the big fight anymore.20 years ago in my pirating days, I'd have thought it was worth it, but not now.So the fact the sighted may have to use our interfaces well its time for payback.We are never going to get big, so lets add graphics on to our stuff and see what they think about it.In a other world it would be good if company x added maybe not an interface per say but a way for all to access 

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