Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-10-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Okay, so here's why calling it the China virus or China plague is racist. And to be clear, it's not enormously so.It targets the country of origin for no good reason. This may be accurate, but it sets a bad precedent. The so-called Spanish flu was thus named in large part because Spain reputedly had a bad time with it. In the case of Covid-19, the virus did originate in China, but its greatest effects have actually been felt elsewhere. Would you want it to be called the America plague, or the Trump plague, or something else, because the United States bungled the shit out of its pandemic response? I thought not. That wouldn't really be fair, or helpful.And that's my next point. We have names for this virus which are not racially or geographically motivated. Covid-19, the coronavirus (though that's less descriptive) and even SARS CoV2. There is no good reason not to use one of these neutral names, and plenty of reason to avoid the China virus or China plague epithets. Ever notice how most of the people who use those particular terms, by the way, have some sort of beef with China?Yeah, that's my next point. When you call it the China virus or China plague, your average citizen is going to become wary of anything Chinese. Why else do you think Asian-American businesses suffered during the early stages of the pandemic, and Asian-Americans were unreasonably targeted? Folks have been primed to focus on where this virus came from, and who's there, and what they may or may not have done to release this virus into the world (remember, we're like seven months in and we still have no definitive proof it was man-made or released on purpose). Basically, language like this encourages snap judgments and other forms of racism. It's a catalyst.So is it horribly, awfully racist to call it the China virus? No, not really. But it's a spark, and it should be well demonstrated by now that just using neutral language helps everyone and hurts no one. We should not be emulating the nomenclature from a hundred years ago; we should be improving on it. Instead of saying "nothing was wrong with Spanish flu, so nothing is wrong with China virus", we should flip that narrative. "Spanish flu wasn't a particularly nice way to refer to it, and this can affect everyone, so let's find a term that doesn't stack the deck against a particular race, area or nationality".


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-10-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aryamansingh via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

I wish The president of US a speady recovery


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-10-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : thetechguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@1056. Yeah but this is about covid so...


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-10-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Maybe we should move this discussion to the politics topic.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-10-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Yeah I don't think that's racist either, that's like saying  spanish flu is racist. Oh and before you give me its  a different time, with that logic it should be OK to still use the N word since it was a different tim. However I agree context is everything.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-10-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : thetechguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Again, I disagree that calling it the China virus is racist. You're not saying the chinese virus, you are saying the china virus. You are not saying, all chinese people have corona. If covid19 came from the Philippines, I would be fine people calling it the Philippine virus. There's nothing racist in it because you are not saying all Filipinos have covid. BTW this is response to the previews post.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-10-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : 拓海 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@220Who told him to keep saying that it was the Chinese virus or even the Chinese plague?


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-10-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aryamansingh via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Donald trump himself has been tested Corona Positive but I condem the Chinese tweets we shouldn't celebrate when anyone is sick


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Ok, so trump just signed executive orders lowering the unemployment to 400 dollars, based on the bullshit republican  myth of people sitting at home to get unemployment instead of going to work. Also, there is a payroll tax cut. I really wonder if this will lower peoples' retirement and social security benefits should they become disabled in the future, and if so, if it can be opted out of.Additionally, for unemployment, stats are expected to pay 25% of that 400 dollars, how they will with all funds dried up is beyond me as well.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Ok, so trump just signed executive orders lowering the unemployment to 400 dollars, based on the bullshit republican  myth of people sitting at home to get unemployment instead of going to work. Also, there is a payroll tax cut. I really wonder if this will lower peoples' retirement and social security benefits should they become disabled in the future, and if so, if it can be opted out of.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SirBadger via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@1048 tongue firmly in cheek, i hear americans saying all the time that the bible says a man shall not lay with another man. it doesn't say you can't have sex standing up though. grins.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@1049I dunno.  I'd say we've actually shifted left.  It looks bleak right now but universal healthcare and even UBI are now in the overton window.  Obama shouldn't have just let torture keep happening, but it wasn't that long ago that we set that up, and not at all long before that was the cold war, tons more problems with racism, tons more problems with women's rights, tons more problems with healthcare, the list goes's easy to look at now and say actually we've been shifting right for a while, but really what we have is a political system that's broken in a couple ways that lets really vocal minorities block everything, and a backlash to moving left.  Someone like sanders wouldn't have had a chance in hell 10 years ago, and the right has lost the majority vote twice in the last 20 or so and only made it because of the electoral college.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nolan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@1048 Good points. I just worry that we got to Trump by sort of wobbling toward the precipice. Our choice has always been between some sort of conservative, and some other sort of moderate liberal. That window has shifted further and further right over the years. And for my girlfriend, even the moderate liberal choice doesn't serve her interests in a "I can't get out of bed because it's getting harder and harder to hire people" way. And arguably the conservative choice is worse in that regard, but I really do think we're setting ourselves up for a worse situation in the long-term if we're perpetually forced to pole ourselves off the rocks or smash up against them. I don't much like that alternative either, but I can't in good conscience vote for another Obama who campaigns on change while killing people with drones and compromising on other liberties.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Thing about Biden is that Biden makes a good deal of sense if your goal is to get rid of Trump.  Sanders is a scary candidate that would probably have alienated the suburban white voter as well as many independents.  You have to play that card only when the world is ready for change, but right now the world is ready for normality.I'm not super fond of the democrats right now either, but as I put it to my dad at one point (because he's 50 and just didn't get it) one side of this would rather me just go away as a person, and that arguably means my death.  I'm gay and disabled, so they've got me no matter what I do.  Republicans are in the process of trying to repeal healthcare without a plan and would love to roll back gay rights, and for anyone who doesn't know, gay sex was illegal in the U.S. as recently as 2003.  Disability rights were also on the chopping block, though having to protest against that was a long time ago given the current huge list of controversies, something like 2017, so I think many have forgotten.  But for all of us here, healthcare is a big deal because those pre-existing condition protections are a huge deal for us.So, my point being, there kind of isn't a choice.  If you let the chips fall where they may, we can end up in much worse places than ineffective democratic presidents that don't get anything done.  Right now the status quo is someone such as myself can't retire because even though the ACA exists, healthcare isn't actually affordable to anyone with truly complicated stuff.  But the status quo could very easily be no gay rights, no healthcare, no disability rights, no discrimination protections for any minorities, and being extra tough on protesting.  I try very hard to believe Republicans don't stand for these things.  But they've tried to do most of these things over and over for the last 4 years, so...well, actions speak much louder than words and I've mostly given up on "both sides have good points".  And if I find out I have friends voting for Trump this year, they probably won't stay my friends because it's really hard to stay friends with someone who votes against your direct interests and even in some sense your right to personhood.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Dammit now I want to read a story where cats and dogs are overthrowing humanity successfully.I totally blame you for this, Nolan.(Also thank you, who knows? maybe I could develop a good plot out of this.)


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nolan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@1045 I get you. The way I see it is, I'm giving them one chance to field someone better in 2024. If in 2024 the oceans are flooding over the land, dogs and cats are rising up to overthrow humanity, and the world is falling apart, they'd better have a candidate worth my vote or they won't get it. After all, at that point the line that voting makes a difference is going to fall flat with me. I see this as an absolute last-ditch effort and a last chance for the Democraps. If they can't pull off a major party coup, let them lose, and let the chips fall where they may.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Hi Camlorn,Though I didn't post all  now, this article is on multiple news outlets, which makes it more likely it was true.  Well, this just motivates me to look after myself more, in case a doctor decides my life isn't worth saving wwithout knowing me, and I die or become more disabled.As for biden, I feel I wouldn't vote for trump definately, but I feel voting for biden would just reward democrats and tell them they can nominate whoever they want as their candidate and they are garanteed support. I really don't think they should be getting this message iether. I never said trump was mentaly fit to run a country, he definately isn't.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nolan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@1043 Fair points. I'm having a pretty raw week, and I wasn't really upset, it just hit a bit close to home since we were literally just talking about her fear of having her plug pulled if she got hospitalized because of this. Broke my heart to hear, even though I'm not surprised by it.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@1039And as I said, I'm addressing the general point.  Because this whole right to care in a triage situation is really irritating.  It's a triage situation.  By definition, someone's losing the right to treatment.In so much as I have a problem with the article, it's this: it reads very much like it's by someone with an agenda, it's from a news source I've never heard of, it's in a state that I know is already having these sorts of issues, and if I wanted to make political points or something then this is exactly the story I'd write.  It may very well be true to the letter and if it is then it's bad and people deserve to get in a lot of trouble for it, but it's also hitting every single prior for exaggerated and/or fake news, and I don't have the time to do the legwork to find that out because that's effectively becoming a part-time reporter for something this small scale.But I wouldn't have commented at all except that it's trying to play the triage against the disabled is discrimination and there is no gray area point, and I'm just sick of that so much.@1041I think that 1033 was unfortunately blunt phrasing of difficult truths.  I'm in a similar position, though not geographically: a doctor given my entire medical history would probably triage against me.  I hate that, and if I weren't in Seattle I'd be very worried to say the least, but I also can't say that they were wrong to do it, because the things that would make them wrong to do it require me to be conscious and for them to be aware of a lot more than my medical history, and I'm not nor would there be the time.  Mind you, my issues sadly go beyond just blindness.But to be honest I'm not sure what it says about me, that I just got bored one afternoon, reasoned through "if I were a doctor triaging me, what would I do and is that ethically wrong", arrived at something that is roughly this stance and the conclusion that I'm screwed, and then went on about my day.  The actual stance, for those wondering, is that I consider trying to culturally shift the weights placed on the bayesian priors available to doctors in an emergency triage situation to be a net harm at the current time, which isn't what I said first because that sentence unpacks into an entire essay if you try to explain it to anyone to whom it doesn't already make sense and is thus mostly useless in discussions.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Nolan, I couldn't agree with you more on the latter point you raised, especially. I am not American, so I can't vote in an American election, but I hope that a bunch of people feel the same way you do. Give the democrats, who have the only chance at destroying what Trump has done, a chance to right the ship, and while you're doing that, eye serious reform. I was really hopeful when Sanders was involved, and sad to see him drop out. I'm also a big fan of Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez for a whole host of reasons, so maybe she'll run for president in 2024 and America will actually start getting good shit done again. You've done it before. You can come back from this. It's just going to take a crapton of work.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nolan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@1033 As someone having a girlfriend with a disability, more specifically using a wheelchair, I'm going to call you on the "clear-cut case" bit. We need to be *very* careful about those sorts of judgment calls. If I misunderstood your intent with that line, then OK. But she and I were just talking about that kind of thinking the other day, and she was panicking about it. FWIW, this is someone who at one point in her past volunteered to translate documents for immigration lawyers, which included some pretty horrific autopsy reports of documentation submitted by asylum seekers trying to prove probable threat in their countries of origin. So I'm not sure the 35-year-old, or even the 60-year-old, is as clear-cut as we might like. She is one of the sweetest, most dedicated folks I know, and our relationship not withstanding, I'd be very careful sacrificing her in favor of 1 or 2 or half a dozen 20-year-olds any day. Maybe I misread what you intended to say, in which case my bad.@1035 I'm right there with you. I actually didn't vote for Hillary in 2016, because she sucks in her own way (and I certainly didn't vote for Lord Cheto.) Biden and the Democrats get my vote in 2020, but it's a pure pity vote. My Facebook feed has been inundated with Democrats for the last 8 years basically saying "If you have any reservations about voting for our candidate, do so or else suffer the consequences!" That's straight-up abusive relationship language as far as I'm concerned. "Do what *I* want you to, or else." I think we got into this situation by perpetually supporting a lesser evil for years. Ah well, Democrats get my vote, and I view it as me manning the pole to keep us from running aground on the rocks. If they can't muster a candidate in 2024 who actually deserves my vote, then they don't deserve to survive, and we need a third party that actually represents my views.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Well, the thing to remember is this. If Biden flakes out, his VP will step in and run the country instead. That's why the VP is there. I hope no Americans use that as a reason to vote for Trump; the video I linked to raises some pretty stiff questions about Trump's own lucidity, come it to that.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Well, it is true that disabilities, especially severe ones like blindness,  do degrade someone's quality of life, but I don't think it is right to  condemn someone to death eeven when there isn't space in the intensive care ward, by withholding neutrician. Also, we can't just blindly assume that 20 year old guy's life is very good quality iether, maybe he is a drug addict, homeless out on the street without an education etc. Not to mention the fact that withholding treatment could increase someone's disabilities by allowing virus complications to damage more organs.As  for trump versus biden, trump is pure evil basicly, the cause of the problems with the pandemic, but biden isn't great iether, I really seriously doubt biden has the mental lucidity and understanding to run a country. I mean think about it, a guy who forgets what office he's running for has no business becoming president iether. I really think that presidental candidates should go through cognitive tests, as well as intelligence tests, and have to score a certain point range to be even a possibility of running for president after biden.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Wow... the shear idiocy that Trump displays, even in the first few minutes -- discussing voting by mail and how "absentee voting" is supposedly different from voting by mail (which it isn't, as Jonathon says, its synonymous with voting by mail) -- is just... horrifying. And very aptly displays why he's not qualified to run a country, let alone a business. (Side note: he did have six bankruptcies. Pretty telling.) Why he won the election in 2016, even with the help of the electoral college, is beyond me. I am curious though: since its 2020 and we have tech and all,why, oh why, haven't we switched to internet voting? Like I know that we have E-voting machines, but from what I know those aren't connected to the internet for "security purposes." Which I get, I really do. What I don't get is this: why can't we set up an internet sight where everyone can submit their votes, then transfer all of those votes (which could be stored in a database) onto a USB drive or other storage medium, then let the voting machine tabulate the votes? I might be overlooking security flaws with this idea, but if it were to be done, with the flaws taken care of (as best we can) I can see it cutting down on a lot of costs for E-voting machines. So I'm curious why that hasn't been done yet. What's the barrier to making that a reality? A computer could sort and analyze through 324-330 million votes in a few minutes to an hour, tops, and it wouldn't even require much memory or any fancy algorithms.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Turtlepower, good on you for trying to make a difference where you think it will matter.I'm not convinced Joe Biden is a great candidate, but I -am convinced that Trump is by far the greater of two evils. If I were American, I would vote purely to add my single voice to the other millions who will doubtlessly try to get him out of office. It's not so much that I support Biden; it's that I want to do everything I can to wreck Trump, short of actually doing him physical harm.That's me, though. I don't expect everyone has the same MO.Also, this whole thing about being hush-hush around the ballot box? I confess that this is something I have never understood. I don't think anyone has a right to know how you voted if you don't -want them to know, but I don't think it should be taboo to discuss your choice, either at the polling station or from the nearest available rooftop. Hell, I say share away. I know I do. I have nothing to be ashamed of. I vote with a relatively clear conscience, even if it's only to shut out someone else. I'm more than willing to own my complicitude in the process, and see no reason that I should be quiet about it. I mean no, obviously I don't want to ram my opinion down everybody's throat, particularly if they aren't open to it in the first place. That's just loud and brash and completely unnecessary. But I see no reason why two intelligent and rational human beings can't discuss either politics or religion. The reason they've been mystified into these relationship-wrecking, life-altering, family-destroying entities is not because they're dangerous in and of themselves; it's because people simply wield them this way, and are groomed to do so.Also, I can't help but think of the similar taboo, where you're told to generally not talk about your salary with your colleagues in a company. As far as I've ever seen or heard of, when a company does this, it's because they want info about wages to be as nontransparent as possible, and that's usually to their benefit. Under capitalism, when employees find out how much one another are making, it tends to expose favouritism and inequity all over the place. Now obviously, I'd not walk into a brand-new job and say "I make thirty-seven grand a year, Bill. How about you?". But I also don't think the subject should be completely off limits either.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Wow... the shear idiocy that Trump displays, even in the first few minutes -- discussing voting by mail and how "absentee voting" is supposedly different from voting by mail (which it isn't, as Jonathon says, its synonymous with voting by mail) -- is just... horrifying. And very aptly displays why he's not qualified to run a country, let alone a business. (Side note: he did have six bankruptcies. Pretty telling.) Why he won the election in 2016, even with the help of the electoral college, is beyond me.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Wow... the shear idiocy that Trump displays, even in the first few minutes -- discussing voting by mail and how "absentee voting" is supposedly different from voting by mail (which it isn't, as Johnathon says, its synonyms with mail-in votes) -- is just... horrifying. And very aptly displays why he's not qualified to run a country, let alone a business. (Side note: he did have six bankruptcies. Pretty telling.) Why he won the election in 2016, even with the help of the electoral college, is beyond me.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@1032I know I'm not supposed to say obviously screw the blind guy.  And as a blind guy I don't want that to be the case.  But the truth of the matter is that for a large number of people with disabilities, quality of life actually isn't that great.  And that does include blind people.  So, if someone has to make a subjective judgement call in the heat of the moment and the blind guy in your examples gets shafted, I understand.  Disability isn't like skin color.  If you have to ask yourself about the quality of life of two complete strangers, then "is disabled" is a good prior that it's less.  Triage isn't horrible only because someone's in the position of making this decision; it's also horrible because even the people doing it know that they're going to make wrong ones because they didn't have time to find anything out.  The name of the game here is haste, wait 5 minutes and they both die in some cases.Sometimes the world is just sad.  I don't think people are equipped to deal with that anymore.  The world hasn't been sad in a long time.  And so it manifests as things like "disabled people have a right to care, how dare you triage against them", because nowadays we can only deal with a sad world by finding someone to blame. Triage decisions aren't about the value of people, and doctors hate making them, too.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Jayde, I haven't been actively reading the forum for a few days, but I'll respond to your post about voting now, though the discussion has wandered pretty far from that. Partially, I want to explain my thoughts, and partially, I want to do anything to steer the conversation away from disabled people being considered lesser and not deserving of treatment for covid simply because they're disabled, because that legitimately upset and triggered me. And that's not something I say lightly; I think trigger warnings have become kind of a dirty term, because this is the internet and people abuse everything they can, but I digress. Also, the irony is not lost on me that I'm bringing up being triggered in the wake of a discussion on gun control, heh.Have you, general you on this thread, ever seen the South Park episode which parodied the presidential election of 2004, where your choices were either a giant douche or a turd sandwich? Well, in this particular election, I'm less motivated to vote than ever, considering that referring to either of the current running candidates as either of those two things seems far too kind. Sure, you can vote for a party that doesn't hold any clout, but what, honestly is the point of that, other than to say you don't walk the line?Let me be clear here. Donating to a cause, a legitimate cause, even something as simple as helping an up and coming independent artist by throwing a couple bucks their way on Bandcamp? That's all good, you can be reasonably assured that the money is going to a good place, and someone, somewhere is going to appreciate that. But voting by its very nature is a private affair. We're taught, here in the US at least, that the two things that destroy happy relationships are politics and religion, to say nothing of the fact that the act of filling out a ballot is supposed to be hush-hush, you're not supposed to directly reveal who you voted for to anyone. So...where's the reward in that, exactly? I mean, obviously, you wouldn't go screaming from the rooftops at a polling place who you voted for, but there's almost a veil of shame over the whole process, at least that's how I've always viewed it. And, guess what, we as a country have a lot to be ashamed of, as individuals and as a collective. But voting itself is not going to fix that. If I'm going to try to make a difference, then I want to focus my energy where it could matter, not on a hopeless wild goose chase where the goose has already been roasted and is currently being eaten by some fat executives who wouldn't know what it is to be hungry.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Just came across a video, and while it didn't tell me anything new, the stark horror of it blew my fucking mind.Seriously, get a load of this. Watch it all the way through. If you can support Donald Trump, and anything he has to say about the coronavirus, after this, there's nothing I can do for you. also? In other media clips, he's still calling it the "china virus". We rejected that nomenclature as racist five months ago, Donald.For all the people who talk about Joe Biden losing trains of thought and maybe not knowing what's going on, this...well, watch for yourself. Please, just do it.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Yeah. Clear triage, where a multitude of factors are involved, is one thing. Sixty-year-old paraplegic vs. twenty-year-old athlete is a clear-cut case. But people who are comparable save for one disability...well, let's just hope we never get to that desperate a position.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

The issue is though, what would the doctor do, if he had a 20 year old athlete, and a 20 year old blind guy?  Or a 60 year old sighted guy with conditions, and a 20 year old blind guy with none? If he still goes ahead and treats the sighted people here, that is very real bias. The issue here, is that doctors deciding that my life is not worth living, and possibly withholding treatment. Also that article mentions that they not only removed this man from intensive care, but withheld neutrician from him as well, and starved him to death.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

To be clearer, Donald Trump and his government didn't take Covid-19 seriously. They ignored pandemic prevention strategies put in place by prior governments, ostensibly because he just didn't believe the threat was that great but probably because democrats made them. Basically, if there was a step he could bungle, he bungled it. Nearly everything was done wrong.Taking Covid-19 seriously means spending money on a lot of supports. Historically, folks on the right don't like doing this unless they must. Covid-19 also meant changing the status quo. Same deal; folks on the right don't do this easily or willingly. So basically Trump pretended there was no problem until he couldn't pretend anymore, and largely, I suspect, because he had a vague idea of what would happen. Money would be spent, unemployment would rise, those numbers might make him look bad. So he spent more time inflating his ratings than taking health experts seriously, and now America is suffering badly for it.Honest to god. If he somehow makes it for another term, I don't know what to say to that. In the interest of there being a Simpsons quote for every occasion, I'm put in mind of Ray Patterson, former sanitation commissioner in the episode called Trash of the Titans who, after Homer fucks up the entire system, makes a speech which basically boils down to, "You're wallowing in the mess you made. You're screwed. Thank you."


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nolan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@1029 Because, like Brazil, we have an Idiot in Chief. And, like Brazil, we have terrible case counts.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@1028, I was talking more in general terms, but of course given the corona virus and the government not taking it seriously as they should have from the start, of course shit hit the fan. But generally speaking, if it was not do to covid 19, the doctors would try. Now however given there aren't resources... of course so much can be done. I kinda wundering though, why didn't the government take covid 19 seriously from the start? Many including mine; did so.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@1027Again, in the particular instance of that article, I don't know for sure what happened.  But in general, congratulations for adding yourself to the long list of people who don't get this.They can't try.  There aren't enough doctors to try.  There are no beds to put the patients in.  There are no ventilators to put the patients on.  We've been doing things like risky procedures that try to split a ventilator between two patients already.  Even if you assume infinite equipment there's not enough doctor to go around.  If each patient takes 30 minutes a day, and they take much more than that, that means one doctor can only treat 50 people a day.  Assuming they don't sleep or eat, which is of course impractical, so cut it to maybe 20.  That assumes the doctor doesn't get the time you need specialized medical equipment right now you're screwed.  That applies to anything, not just covid.  Hope you don't have a stroke or something.  There just isn't enough.  There could have been; we could have slowed the virus, or Trump could have used the executive orders he loves to write to actually produce things like ventilators or etc etc etc.  But it was mismanaged.  In general, don't blame the doctors.  The doctors *are* trying.  But if there's no resources there's no resources.  You can't wish intensive care units into being, they cost hundreds of thousands of dollars each and we don't have the manufacturing pipeline to produce them quickly.  It takes multiple years to train a doctor.  It's a lose-lose situation.  The only way to win was for people in government to take it seriously 4 months ago.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Damn. That's fucked up that disabled people aren't getting treatement in some hospitals. While I do get the point made about having two people and statisticly, patient 1, athlete, has a greater survival chance than patient 2, blind guy, in this example, It is still fucked up. I get that hospitals are full and whatnot; but just because patient a has more of a chance than patient b; that is in no way an excuse to say, oh, fuck patient b, he's chance of dying is greater, so just let it happen; without even trying to save said patient. It is really fucked up. I mean, even if patient b statistically had less of a chance, if I where a doctor, I would still try to save both of them. If one didn't make it, I did my best but it didn't work, but I wouldn't just throw in the tower if there was a chance both could be saved.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Damn. That's fucked up that disabled people aren't getting treatement in some hospitals. While I do get the point made about having two people and statisticly, patient 1, athlete, has a greater survival chance than patient 2, blind guy, in this example, It is still fucked up. I get that hospitals are full and whatnot; but just because patient a has more of a chance than patient b; that is in no way an excuse to say, oh, fuck patient b, he's chance of dying is greater, so just let it happen; without even trying to save said patient. It is really fucked up.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@1023 @1024That's bad, but if this continues we're going to see much more of it.  That article makes it sound like that particular hospital wasn't overwhelmed, so shame on them, but it's also Texas, which is having overwhelmed hospital problems to at least some degree, and that article reads as biased to me for some reason, so idk without more time than I have to do research of my own to find out what actually happened.At some point people will be making triage decisions and in some places already have been, and much as I hate to say it "is disabled" is far from the worst methodology for such things.  So I also find myself cringing at the whole "let's make sure disabled people get care no matter what" movement.  People in the U.S. have lost the ability to deal with the world sometimes just sucks problems.  Disabled people aren't less valuable, but if I have intensive care unit bed 5 with patient a the 20-year-old athlete and patient b the blind guy and I'm a doctor who has to make a decision by 5 minutes ago, well, someone's got to get it and I don't have time to go gather a full life history, if I don't make a decision based off the superficial evidence in front of me they both die.  Neither side of that decision doesn't suck--even if you flip a coin it's a no-win situation.  either you let a disabled person die and half the world hates you for it, you let a fully able-bodied person with a higher chance of surviving die and half the world hates you for it, or you admit that you flipped a coin and half the world hates you for it.One of the reasons I get worked up about this stuff is just how few people I know don't get that that's an actual thing we actually have to do because the government fucked up, and the entire U.S. is just fundamentally incapable of understanding that this is the consequence or that lots of other countries have to make these decisions even in normal times.  I will say I've never been tolerant of Trump supporters, but we literally have a president who is almost single-handedly responsible for teaching the U.S. what medical triage means, and still we get "everyone has good points".If Seattle were worse than it is, I'd be paranoid at the moment because I am blind and this would mean maybe not getting treatment, but, well, that's life, not much I can do about it, and if there were I'm not sure I should.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

1021, this is the case in a lot of Asian countries.. Take this quick google turnup...Confirmed476Recovered443Deaths7'+' shows new cases reported yesterday · Updated less than 2 days ago·Taiwan's population in 2018 was 24 million give or take a few hundred thousand. I am proud to be of Taiwanese descent... and wish the rest of the world would pay attention. No lockdowns, just a mask dominant culture and swift contact tracing that was learned from the results of the Sars outbreak in 2003, as well as a closed border. Restaurants were never closed, nor were schools. Just new health measures enacted to enhance contact tracing and tracking.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

1021, this is the case in a lot of Asian countries.. Take this quick google turnup...Confirmed476Recovered443Deaths7'+' shows new cases reported yesterday · Updated less than 2 days ago·Taiwan's population in 2018 was 24 million give or take a few hundred thousand. I am proud to be of Taiwanese descent... and wish the rest of the world would pay attention. No lockdowns, just a mask dominant culture and swift contact tracing that was learned from the results of the Sars outbreak in 2003, as well as a closed border.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@1023, that's... messed up. And with that we've reached a kilobyte of posts. 


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Also, apparently with  hospitals deciding who gets treatment, with beds full, disabled people are refused to be treated. I think this is extremely worrieing. Here is an example I saw a few days ago. … ronavirus/


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

I really think it is because of trump's lax attitude with the virus, his refusal to wear a mask, thus  setting a bad example,  and  his push to fully open states before infections were under control.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

I just got mindfucked. In South Korea, a country with a population of 51 million, Coronavirus infection  numbers of about 14000, COVID-19 related deaths are only a little above 300. Hundred. In the United States, which has a population of 328 million and coronavirus infection numbers of about 4 million, we have over 156,000 deaths. 156,000. Are population is only a little over six times as much as South Korea. And 156,000 deaths is more like 520 times as much compared to South Korea, and if you don't Believe me do the math yourself. 300 times 520 = 156,000. I worry that some conspiracy theorist is going to take these numbers and start railing about how the US is over reporting deaths in the hundreds of thousands, but I couldn't stay Silent when I saw this


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

I just got mindfucked. In South Korea, a country with a population of 51 million, COVID-19 related deaths are only above 300. Hundred. In the United States, which has a population of 328 million, we have over 156,000 deaths. 156,000. Are population is only a little over six times as much as South Korea. And 156,000 deaths is more like 520 times as much compared to South Korea, and if you don't Believe me do the math yourself. 300 times 520 = 156,000. I worry that some conspiracy theorist is going to take these numbers and start railing about how the US is over reporting deaths in the hundreds of thousands, but I couldn't stay Silent when I saw this


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

I just got mindfucked. In South Korea, a country with a population of 51 million, COVID-19 related deaths are only a little above 300. Hundred. In the United States, which has a population of 328 million, we have over 156,000 deaths. 156,000. Are population is only a little over six times as much as South Korea. And 156,000 deaths is more like 520 times as much compared to South Korea, and if you don't Believe me do the math yourself. 300 times 520 = 156,000. I worry that some conspiracy theorist is going to take these numbers and start railing about how the US is over reporting deaths in the hundreds of thousands, but I couldn't stay Silent when I saw this


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@1019, the point that Jayde and I are trying to make is that I wasn't explicitly calling you an idiot. Nowhere did I say or imply that you in particular were an idiot. If I meant to say that, I'd have no reason to hide behind some facade and call the people who want guns taken away idiots -- I would've flat out called you one and that would be that and this discussion would be entirely different. I generalized and called people who want to take "all the guns away" idiots because that, to me, is an idiotic idea, and I'd expect better, because taking all the guns away is holy unrealistic and is just not gonna happen in my lifetime. Better gun control yes, take all the guns away no. I've acknowledged this previously but I'll acknowledge it again: could I have not worded my statement as such? I certainly could've. But if I had, I most likely would've had still insulted you. Insulting you was purely an accident; there was no reason you had to wave your creds around as if that somehow fixed the problem or made you somehow superior. Calling me "less smarter" because I don't have a degree yet only aggravated the problem and was definitely insulting towards me and only made things worse, hence my rather harsh response in 1004.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@1019, the point that Jayde and I are trying to make is that I wasn't explicitly calling you an idiot. Nowhere did I say or imply that you in particular were an idiot. If I meant to say that, I'd have no reason to hide behind some facade and call the people who want guns taken away idiots -- I would've flat out called you one and that would be that and this discussion would be entirely different. I generalized and called people who want to take "all the guns away" idiots because that, to me, is an idiotic idea, and I'd expect better, because taking all the guns away is holy unrealistic and is just not gonna happen in my lifetime. Better gun control yes, take all the guns away no. I've acknowledged this previously but I'll acknowledge it again: could I have not worded my statement as such? I certainly could've. But if I had, I most likely would've had still insulted you. Insulting you was purely an accident; there was no reason you had to wave your creds around as if that somehow fixed the problem.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Jayde,  I simply said I would take offense to just casually being called an idiot on the forum, and one reason I brought up my credentials, though I may be wrong,  I am not an idiot, there is a very clear cut difference between the two.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Enes, I'll counter that by saying that just because you have a degree, that obviously doesn't mean you can't be wrong, or can't embarrass yourself. I think my responses out too. Generally you'd hope that most of us would do this, and that we'd respect the educational credentials we talk about not to run around yelling as loud as we can. Some folks don't do this, however.There's no cause to call you an idiot, but there's no cause for you to wave your academic success here as some sort of panacea against being an idiot. I think that's the point that's been made. Just because one has a degree does not make one immune to criticism.But this has become an exercise in sophistry. I trust we've all made our various points and can lower our tail-feathers a bit? That last is not directed at any one person or group any more than any other.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Jayde, it was crystal clear that the money comments were in reference to my degrees, and I just find that disgusting that I would be accused of paying to earn my degrees. I despise people who do that, and my family's financial  situation would not have allowed me to attend Cambridge if I hadn't gotten a scholarship. But that idiot comment pushed me  over the edge, and I decided to throw all the cards I have on the table. I certainly didn't mean to appear arrogant  or condescendinding to anyone else on this forum, as my comments were directed exclusively at the commenter. But one principle I have, if someone shoots at me, I fire back, with the same calibur ammo. I absolutely didn't  intend stuff I say to be taken as gospil as Jayde said, but based on my education, don't think I'm an idiot with my opinions, if I make a claim, it is after research, or  deep thought, and reasoning. If I am unsure of something, or don't know an answer, I will say so, or if something is an ideal world situation and probably isn't doable in the real world.Oh, and I don't think having a degree makes someone qualified in other areas, a really good example is trump's economic advisor, peter navarro, who proudly toughted his PH.D in economics, as reason that he could understand and interpret hydroxycloroquin papers, whereas, he was not actually qualified to give an opinion on the subject, as understanding medical papers truly requires a knowledge of medicine in addition to a knowledge in statistics.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@1014, point taken. I didn't see post 1005 as insinuating that though, and again, the only reason I agreed was because it was one particular way and had no intention of insinuating that Enes in particular had done that. Maybe 1005 intended that, but I certainly didn't.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SirBadger via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@989 as i pointed out, the A R 15 is sold as a semi automatic but can very easily be customised to full burst fire. that makes it an assault rifle when it's done and in fact if you look it up, makes it an m16.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end? this is where I do want to actually straight-up draw a line here.Observe the following fictional scenario.Bob says:Your degree really doesn't mean much. People can throw around a ton of money and just get a degree that way, and that doesn't make them intelligent, doesn't mean they earned their degree. So just because you have a degree doesn't mean you earned it.So fine. Shots fired.Now you don't get to then turn around and say, "Well Bob didn't actually mean to call you out". Yes, he absolutely did. You don't build a strawman like that for nothing.Either money matters to Enes's degree, or it doesn't.If it does matter, then own your attack.If it doesn't, then it should not have been cited. As Enes rightly pointed out, this is a really slimy and backhanded way to cast doubt on someone's qualifications. Because okay, sure, it does happen. But unless you have a reason to think it happened in this scenario, there's no reason to mention it.Good faith means that you:1. Accept that Enes earned his degree legitimately until proven otherwise, rather than putting him on the defensive, and2. accept that Enes possessing a degree means that he is qualified in at least one area of expertiseGood faith does -not require that you take everything Enes says as gospel truth. He's not infallible simply because he has accreditation from prestigious academic institutions. It should mean, however, that in a very general sense, he had the wherewithal to earn his accreditation honestly (again, until proven otherwise). That counts for something.On the flip side, you didn't help yourself out much, Enes. When some folks do what you just did, wave their credentials as proof that they aren't foolish, it does look a lot like posturing. I respect that you were made defensive by comments inferring that you were an idiot, but your overreaction might have made this worse than it already was.Tl.dr: don't bring shit up unless it's relevant. Don't throw mud unless you're willing to hold up your dirty hands and say, "Yeah, that was me, and here's why". Lacking that reason, just don't bother. I don't feel there's any really good defense for bringing money (as it relates to a degree) directly into this discussion.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@1012, you took that money issue out of context. Like majorly. I significantly doubt post 1005 was ever insinuating that you in particular threw around money to get your degree. That's definitely not what I got out of it, that's for sure. Post 1005 was pointing out that that is indeed one way to get a degree; whether its accepted at the top institutions is entirely irrelevant. The point was that its ultimately possible and people have done it only to prove later in life that they did not, in fact, deserve that degree, or they otherwise take advantage of the fact that they have that and use that degree as some kind of way of getting people to follow along with what they say (which sadly has been happening lately with many people with the coronavirus situation). That doesn't apply just to degrees though -- it applies to everything, or nearly everything. But never did that post insinuate that you did that. I don't think anyone on here would believe you'd stoop so low as to do that -- you seem far more intelligent than that.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@1004, that's what I thought. And to be blunt, such arrogance... disgust the heck out of me. @1003... You just pruved my point even more so. That, plus the arrogance your displaying on posts 998 and 1003... Your automatically assuming i, and others, are attacking you when that is not the case, and thus go onto the defense when... No one attacked yo* in the first place. Your posts though...  Let me be blunt. No one questioned you about your intelligence in the first place. You took the posts about people who want to ban guns as idiots... Out of context as again, that was general, and no, no one else but you got... defensive about it. And as far as 1003... Your automatically putting yourself above others. Afterall, you wrote, I don't mean to brag, but I won't take instult from a less educated, and, younger person. You are !aying that, because you went to the top 3 coleges and have degrees, and more than one; your automatically above many.  Take or leave this piece of advice. That arrogance you have, won't take you far. And as others have pointed out, derees or your college, doesn't equal smartness. At all. Enough said. Back to the topic at hand...,As far as gun control... I'm not saying it cannot be done, but it'll take decades at best to start moving this. It might be possible though.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@1004, that's what I thought. And to be blunt, such arrogance... disgust the heck out of me. @1003... You just pruved my point even more so. That, plus the arrogance your displaying on posts 998 and 1003... Your automatically assuming i, and others, are attacking you when that is not the case, and thus go onto the defense when... No one attacked yo* in the first place. Your posts though...  Let me be blunt. No one questioned you about your intelligence in the first place. You took the posts about people who want to ban guns as idiots... Out of context as again, that was general, and no, no one else but you got... defensive about it. And as far as 1003... Your automatically putting yourself above others. Afterall, you wrote, I don't mean to brag, but I won't take instult from a less educated, and, younger person. You are !aying that, because you went to the top 3 coleges and have degrees, and more than one; your automatically above many.  Take or leave this piece of advice. That arrogance you have, won't take you far. And as others have pointed out, derees or your college, doesn't equal smartness. At all. Enough said. Back to the topic at hand...,


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Jayde, I responded quite harshly because I saw that post as a clear attempt to insult me, and thus I responded in kind.  Also, for people here to casually say, well you were some rich kid who had loads of money, and earned your degrees that way pushes all my buttons, and  generally pisses me off. Itts like someone spitting in your face. It is an insult to all the hard work and dedication  I put into my studies.  Jayde, if I remember right, you were working for a degree as well? Wouldn't you feel a tiny tiny bit pissed off when people suggest you throw around money to get it done?Ethin, the subjects generally that were hard to understand,  and that I had to produce work about were  formost top down versus bottom up processing models of speech processing, and evidence supporting each of them. I looked at the interactive processing model for  top down and the parallel processing model for  bottom up.Back to gun control, when I said people should not be allowed to own guns,  I was talking about an ideal world, and I did mention given the current climate it wasn't likely feasable to implement this in a short time scale. Though I think it could be done phase by phase for the longterm.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@1004, that's what I thought. And to be blunt, such arrogance... disgust the heck out of me. @1003... You just pruved my point even more so. That, plus the arrogance your displaying on posts 998 and 1003... I'll just say this. Your focusing too much on temporary stuff in life. Enough said.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@1009, I didn't think I was taking things out of context, but maybe I am... hmmm. I probably went a bit overboard in 1004.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

I'm just gonna go ahead and point out that I think both of you, Ethin and Enes, are taking certain bits out of context.Ethin, you're trying to extract a tooth with a sledgehammer. You are overdoing this point, though I agree with the thrust of what you're getting at.Enes, I don't think anyone is really questioning your intelligence, but in the same breath, I feel like you may perhaps be a bit quick to defend yourself here. I'm more on your side when it comes to gun stuff, and don't really think Ethin or anyone else needs to be calling anyone idiots. At the same time, however, calling someone an idiot on one topic or for one opinion doesn't necessarily mean that they're an idiot about everything.I'm just going to kindly ask the both of you to try a little harder to respect one another's intelligence, and to maybe put your hackles down just a bit. I don't want this to escalate. I'm coming at this as a person right now, not as an admin, thus the lack of a moderation opener.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@1007, I'm confused on where you got the idea that I had the idea that you were an expert on everything. Because I certainly didn't claim that anywhere in 1004. Yes, earning degrees shows intelligence and hard work ethic. But that doesn't make you immune from stupidity or idiocy occasionally, which is what I was getting at. And as for you making your statement? Alright then, I acknowledge that -- you've stated your opinion quite clearly on this topic and we'll just have to agree to disagree on that one then. Finally, the opinion of 1005 was not something I stated, but something I agreed generally with in 1006 to demonstrate that degrees do not mean your above me. Your smart, and I generally respect what you have to say, and I hope you can say the same about me. But that doesn't mean your above me in some way. If you interpreted post 996 as condescending, than okay... not really sure why it came off to you like that but okay. Finally, I'm now quite curious exactly what subjects you studdied that would 'make my head explode'. Quantum physics, perhaps? Because I still get confused by that -- and I've got several books and have read the ones I have -- though they were primarily on quantum computing. But when you talk about quantum computing, you always gotta bring in quantum physics and quantum mechanics as background. But getting back to my point... okay, so you might've had to study subjects that I wouldn't understand yet. But that doesn't make me somehow less smarter than you at all. Depending on the subject matter, that could just be an indicator that our strengths are not on the same page, or even that I don't necessarily care for what you studied because I feel that what I study is more important to me. I could say the same about the subjects I tend to research sometimes and making your head explode.We've dragged this way, way off course though... can we try to make an effort to return this discussion to its original purpose after resolving any remaining disputes?


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@1007, I'm confused on where you got the idea that I had the idea that you were an expert on everything. Because I certainly didn't claim that anywhere in 1004. Yes, earning degrees shows intelligence and hard work ethic. But that doesn't make you immune from stupidity or idiocy occasionally, which is what I was getting at. And as for you making your statement? Alright then, I acknowledge that -- you've stated your opinion quite clearly on this topic and we'll just have to agree to disagree on that one then. Finally, the opinion of 1005 was not something I stated, but something I agreed generally with in 1006 to demonstrate that degrees do not mean your above me. Your smart, and I generally respect what you have to say, and I hope you can say the same about me. But that doesn't mean your above me in some way. If you interpreted post 996 as condescending, than okay... not really sure why it came off to you like that but okay. Finally, I'm now quite curious exactly what subjects you studdied that would 'make my head explode'. Quantum physics, perhaps? Because I still get confused by that -- and I've got several books and have read the ones I have -- though they were primarily on quantum computing. But when you talk about quantum computing, you always gotta bring in quantum physics and quantum mechanics as background. But getting back to my point... okay, so you might've had to study subjects that I wouldn't understand yet. But that doesn't make me somehow less smarter than you at all. Depending on the subject matter, that could just be an indicator that our strengths are not on the same page, or even that I don't necessarily care for what you studied because I feel that what I study is more important to me. I could say the same about the subjects I tend to research sometimes and making your head explode.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@1007, I'm confused on where you got the idea that I had the idea that you were an expert on everything. Because I certainly didn't claim that anywhere in 1004. Yes, earning degrees shows intelligence and hard work ethic. But that doesn't make you immune from stupidity or idiocy occasionally, which is what I was getting at. And as for you making your statement? Alright then, I acknowledge that -- you've stated your opinion quite clearly on this topic and we'll just have to agree to disagree on that one then. Finally, the opinion of 1005 was not something I stated, but something I agreed generally with in 1006 to demonstrate that degrees do not mean your above me. Your smart, and I generally respect what you have to say, and I hope you can say the same about me. But that doesn't mean your above me in some way. If you interpreted post 996 as condescending, than okay... not really sure why it came off to you like that but okay. Finally, I'm now quite curious exactly what subjects you studdied that would 'make my head explode'. Quantum physics, perhaps? Because I still get confused by that -- and I've got several books and have read the ones I have -- though they were primarily on quantum computing. But when you talk about quantum computing, you always gotta bring in quantum physics and quantum mechanics as background. But getting back to my point... okay, so you might've had to study subjects that I wouldn't understand yet. But that doesn't make me somehow less smarter than you at all. Depending on the subject matter, that could just be an indicator that our strengths are not on the same page, or even that I don't necessarily care for what you studied because I feel that what I study is more important to me.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

1004, ok, where did you get the idea that I claimed to be an expert on everything? Again, as I said, earning degrees, shows some level of intelligence, and hard work ethic in specific areas. Any average joe on the street can't just earn a degree or  survive in one of the top 3 colleges. Your comment, calling me an idiot, was extremely arrogant and condescending, so I responded in kind. And I will make my statement then, if you are freely throwing around the idiot label, anyone who thinks every human being should have a godgiven right to own a gun is a fucking idiot.Oh and for your information, degrees aren't bought and paid for with money, that shit doesn't fly in top institutions. Degrees are earned with lots and lots of hard work. I had to demonstrate knowledge of and master subjects that could likely make your head explode thinking about them.  and I didn't pay a penny for iether of my degrees iether, so so much for your rich kid who bought his degrees argument.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

1004, ok, where did you get the idea that I claimed to be an expert on everything? Again, as I said, earning degrees, shows some level of intelligence, and hard work ethic in specific areas. Any average joe on the street can't just earn a degree or  survive in one of the top 3 colleges. Your comment, calling me an idiot, was extremely arrogant and condescending, so I responded in kind. And I will make my statement then, if you are freely throwing around the idiot label, anyone who thinks every human being should have a godgiven right to own a gun is a fucking idiot.Oh and for your information, degrees aren't bought and paid for with degrees, that shit doesn't fly in top institutions. Degrees are earned with lots and lots of hard work. I had to demonstrate knowledge of and master subjects that could likely make your head explode thinking about them.  and I didn't pay a penny for iether of my degrees iether, so so much for your rich kid who bought his degrees argument.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

There are a lot of idiots in this world who happen to have degrees From very prestigious learning institutions. It’s just as likely however that they had $50,000 or so laying around, as it is that they got there through actual work. Any one who thinks that your Level of Education alone is an indicator of your intelligence is a fool.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@1005, yep.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@1003, I think you just proved 1000s point right there. And no, a college degree does not necessarily prove that you are hard-working or extremely intelligent. People who don't have degrees, or failed to get one because of the major failures of our education system, can be just as hardworking and intelligent as someone who got a degree. Just because you have a masters degree in, say, education doesn't mean you know what your talking about when it comes to law enforcement, for example. And, finally... just because you have a degree from college, or two, or three, doesn't mean your not an idiot. The smartest people can be idiots too sometimes. Your college degree doesn't suddenly mean your the ultimate authority on a particular matter, and the way you phrased 998 came off as quite arrogant -- "I have multiple degrees from the top three colleges in the world and therefore I'm right on this matter and everything I say should be respected and no one should call me an idiot even if what I say sounds stupid to them". And yes, that's not precisely what you said, but its the message you sent. Here's the thing: 996 is my opinion. And I have the right to my opinion, and I have the right to voice it. If I insulted you, then I'm sorry, because I didn't intend to insult you in particular, but I will not retract my statement because I believe that anyone who believes that [all] guns should be taken away, and who fails to actually think about all the logistics of such an operation, is indeed an idiot. And as for me being "less smarter than you"? Excuse me, but that's a bit presumptuous, condescending and arrogant of you, don't you think? Which makes me wonder why I should've even had to write that, because if your so much smarter than I am, I shouldn't have had to write that, now should I? After all, your the one with multiple master's degrees, and therefore I should just automatically assume that you know what your talking about, and that your an authority on the subject matter that we're discussing right?My point is that just because you might have spent a ton of money to earn a degree, and even more to earn two, doesn't mean you can't be an idiot sometimes. Your not immune to this little thing humanity calls stupidity. Now, could I have worded this post a bit nicer? Sure I could've. Could I have not generalized in 996 and called everyone who has the opinion of "take all the guns away" an idiot? Yeah, I could have. But if I'd used any other word to describe them, I imagine you'd be just as insulted as you apparently are now. Yes, you may have a few degrees under your belt, and I respect you for taking the time and dedicating yourself to that, and I respect you for proving yourself to the education system. But if you have an opinion that I think is idiotic or stupid, I'm going to tell you so. Your degrees do not make you immune to criticism, direct and blunt as it might be. I may not have a master's degree. I can tell you that I don't even have a bachelor's degree yet, but that I'm working towards it. But knowing that little tidbit of information does not make it suddenly possible for you to judge my intelligence or knowledge, and I find you calling me "less smarter" than you -- in other words, I'm "dumber" than you -- quite insulting myself, especially since you don't exactly know much about me. Me calling a minority a bunch of idiots for thinking of an idea like "take all the guns away" is not intended as an insult, and if you view it as that way then that's fine. The actual intent is to call the idea of it idiotic, and I know that that very minority could've spent the time together to actually come up with a much better one. Ultimately, your going to find people calling you idiots all over the place, and you just have to take it because there's nothing you can do about it. Did I intend to call you an idiot? Nope; if I did, I would've directed that at you and not at every single person who holds similar to identical opinions on this gun issue as you. But I definitely didn't mean for that to be an insult, and I'm surprised that you'd take it that way. If I had meant it as an insult I probably would've phrased it in a much more derogatory fashion.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

There are a lot of idiots in this world who happen to have degrees From very prestigious learning institutions. It’s just as likely however that they had $50,000 or so laying around, as it is that they got there through actual work.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@1003, I think you just proved 1000s point right there. And no, a college degree does not necessarily prove that you are hard-working or extremely intelligent. People who don't have degrees, or failed to get one because of the major failures of our education system, can be just as hardworking and intelligent as someone who got a degree. Just because you have a masters degree in, say, education doesn't mean you know what your talking about when it comes to law enforcement, for example. And, finally... just because you have a degree from college, or two, or three, doesn't mean your not an idiot. The smartest people can be idiots too sometimes. Your college degree doesn't suddenly mean your the ultimate authority on a particular matter, and the way you phrased 998 came off as quite arrogant -- "I have multiple degrees from the top three colleges in the world and therefore I'm right on this matter and everything I say should be respected and no one should call me an idiot even if what I say sounds stupid to them". And yes, that's not precisely what you said, but its the message you sent. Here's the thing: 996 is my opinion. And I have the right to my opinion, and I have the right to voice it. If I insulted you, then I'm sorry, because I didn't intend to insult you in particular, but I will not retract my statement because I believe that anyone who believes that [all] guns should be taken away, and who fails to actually think about all the logistics of such an operation, is indeed an idiot. And as for me being "less smarter than you"? Excuse me, but that's a bit presumptuous, condescending and arrogant of you, don't you think? Which makes me wonder why I should've even had to write that, because if your so much smarter than I am, I shouldn't have had to write that, now should I? After all, your the one with multiple master's degrees, and therefore I should just automatically assume that you know what your talking about, and that your an authority on the subject matter that we're discussing right?My point is that just because you might have spent a ton of money to earn a degree, and even more to earn two, doesn't mean you can't be an idiot sometimes. Your not immune to this little thing humanity calls stupidity. Now, could I have worded this post a bit nicer? Sure I could've. Could I have not generalized in 996 and called everyone who has the opinion of "take all the guns away" an idiot? Yeah, I could have. But if I'd used any other word to describe them, I imagine you'd be just as insulted as you apparently are now. Yes, you may have a few degrees under your belt, and I respect you for taking the time and dedicating yourself to that, and I respect you for proving yourself to the education system. But if you have an opinion that I think is idiotic or stupid, I'm going to tell you so. Your degrees do not make you immune to criticism, direct and blunt as it might be. I may not have a master's degree. I can tell you that I don't even have a bachelor's degree yet, but that I'm working towards it. But knowing that little tidbit of information does not make it suddenly possible for you to judge my intelligence or knowledge, and I find you calling me "less smarter" than you -- in other words, I'm "dumber" than you -- quite insulting myself, especially since you don't exactly know much about me. Me calling a minority a bunch of idiots for thinking of an idea like "take all the guns away" is not intended as an insult, and if you view it as that way then that's fine. The actual intent is to call the idea of it idiotic and that I know that that very minority could've spent the time together to actually come up with a much better one.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@1003, I think you just proved 1000s point right there. And no, a college degree does not necessarily prove that you are hard-working or extremely intelligent. People who don't have degrees, or failed to get one because of the major failures of our education system, can be just as hardworking and intelligent as someone who got a degree. Just because you have a masters degree in, say, education doesn't mean you know what your talking about when it comes to law enforcement, for example. And, finally... just because you have a degree from college, or two, or three, doesn't mean your not an idiot. The smartest people can be idiots too sometimes. Your college degree doesn't suddenly mean your the ultimate authority on a particular matter, and the way you phrased 998 came off as quite arrogant -- "I have multiple degrees from the top three colleges in the world and therefore I'm right on this matter and everything I say should be respected and no one should call me an idiot even if what I say sounds stupid to them". And yes, that's not precisely what you said, but its the message you sent. Here's the thing: 996 is my opinion. And I have the right to my opinion, and I have the right to voice it. If I insulted you, then I'm sorry, because I didn't intend to insult you in particular, but I will not retract my statement because I believe that anyone who believes that [all] guns should be taken away, and who fails to actually think about all the logistics of such an operation, is indeed an idiot. And as for me being "less smarter than you"? Excuse me, but that's a bit presumptuous, condescending and arrogant of you, don't you think? Which makes me wonder why I should've even had to write that, because if your so much smarter than I am, I shouldn't have had to write that, now should I? After all, your the one with multiple master's degrees, and therefore I should just automatically assume that you know what your talking about, and that your an authority on the subject matter that we're discussing right?My point is that just because you might have spent a ton of money to earn a degree, and even more to earn two, doesn't mean you can't be an idiot sometimes. Your not immune to this little thing humanity calls stupidity.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Ok so it was obvious I was being  insulted, as he refered to people who think guns should be banned as idiots. And I am sorry, I don't know what world you live in, but someone doing a masters degree does show intelligence, and hard work, the same applys for going to one of the top 3 institutions. Make no mistake, I  didn't have an intention to brag, but I won't just sit back and take insult someone much less educated and younger than myself. When you make a very strong statement, you should only expect the same in return.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@jayde, true. From what I read though, a couple of people where trying to help, not just staring. Then again, shooting said officer of the law  wouldn't have been the solution either. My guess as to why a bunch of people didn't step forward, repercussions of what would happen if they intervened, although intervention in this case by a third party was warranted as it could've saved this man's life.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@998, So? Did he call you a idiot personally? That was more of a general term. The fact you took it personally... And as far as waving your degree-as  proof that your not an idiot, you said it yourself mind you... uh,1: That is irrelevant with the topic at hand, and even if it was from the top 3 schools in the US... So what? I and many others won't care about that  fact. A degree doesn't show if someone is dumn or not. The fact you have a degree doesn't mean that, oh, i'm smart, and people who don't, are not; neither does the fact that you went to one of the top 3 colleges... indicate one is smarter or stupederthan anyone else.  Stop waving your degrees like proof of stuff. I mean, its great you went to one of the top colleges and got your degree; or degrees. But for the love of God,  quit waving them around and saying, because I graduated from so and so, and have this and that degree, i'm smart;  That's not how life works, and if you think the fact you went to  one of the top 3 colleges and have more than one degree will make us treat you differently that the rest of us, or that you somehow have a upper hand because of this... Uh, no. If i'm mistaken about this, then i'll own up to it, but this is what I gathered from your post, an attitude that do to you going to a top college and having more than one degree, your considering yourself above the rest of us, and that do to the fact that you went to so and so and have so and so degrees should automatically make us treet you differently than anyone else here. Again, if my impression was mistaken, i'll gladly own up to it.     And as far as taking the idiiot post personally... Read it again; that was general, not, personal. If the poster who posted that comment would've wanted to insubt you directly; they would've done it. Moving on though,  even if all guns where band except for law enforcement etc... there has been; and is; abuse of power in those branches, hell there is in every branch, people abusing their power. Either,1. All guns, and I mean, all guns; are band, and not even law enforcement gets to use them, or,2. Gun control becomes tighter. The thing is, giving guns to only one group, is giving them all the power, as it where. As an example, with the scenario that all guns are band safe for law enforcement etc,You see a officer abusing his position of authority. You try and stop him, or tell them to stop. They pull out a gun and tell you to fuck off, or something similar... What then? The person who was beeing abused by said authority figure... is pritty much fucked in that case, as if anyone other than another officer tried to help, chances are they would be heald at gunpoint etc. Granted this scenario is extreme at best, and unlikely, but I just made it to proove my point. And, no, i'm not saying every law enforcement officer abuses their power; no. However, there are those that do, and God knows what would happen if they had guns and everyone else didn't. For those who abuse their position as authority figures... It would suck for the ones who got abused. The thing is, banning all guns is not the right solution, unless its a complete, utter, ban, where no one except for the army, would get to have guns, and even in that case, not personal guns. Said guns could only be used in operations, then they get locked back up or put away or something. The truth is a solution to this isn't easy, ams both sides have valid points. Far as the AR15... No. Its not a assault rifle. The AR15 is, in short, the civilian version of the m16. And for what its worth, a glock can also be turned into a smg pritty easily. So its not just a problem of automatic assault rifles, handguns can be turned fully automatic as well. Not all of them, but some, the glock beeing one example.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Ignatriay, a bunch of people saw an officer abusing his authority by literally kneeling on the neck of a black man and cutting off his airway. They shouted at him, but so far as I know from watching the video, none attempted to rush the officer or threaten him. It goes back to that question of what Americans are actually doing with their guns. And the answer is: very little good.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@998, So? Did he call you a idiot personally? That was more of a general term. The fact you took it personally... And as far as waving your degree-as  proof that your not an idiot, you said it yourself mind you... uh,1: That is irrelevant with the topic at hand, and even if it was from the top 3 schools in the US... So what? I and many others won't care about that  fact. A degree doesn't show if someone is dumn or not. The fact you have a degree doesn't mean that, oh, i'm smart, and people who don't, are not; neither does the fact that you went to one of the top 3 colleges... indicate one is smarter or stupederthan anyone else.  Stop waving your degrees like proof of stuff. I mean, its great you went to one of the top colleges and got your degree; or degrees. But for the love of God,  quit waving them around and saying, because I graduated from so and so, and have this and that degree, i'm smart;  That's not how life works, and hiding behind one's degree and what college does one go to... won't work.  And as far as taking the idiiot post personally... Read it again; that was general, not, personal. If the poster who posted that comment would've wanted to insubt you directly; they would've done it. Moving on though,  even if all guns where band except for law enforcement etc... there has been; and is; abuse of power in those branches, hell there is in every branch, people abusing their power. Either,1. All guns, and I mean, all guns; are band, and not even law enforcement gets to use them, or,2. Gun control becomes tighter. The thing is, giving guns to only one group, is giving them all the power, as it where. As an example, with the scenario that all guns are band safe for law enforcement etc,You see a officer abusing his position of authority. You try and stop him, or tell them to stop. They pull out a gun and tell you to fuck off, or something similar... What then? The person who was beeing abused by said authority figure... is pritty much fucked in that case, as if anyone other than another officer tried to help, chances are they would be heald at gunpoint etc. Granted this scenario is extreme at best, and unlikely, but I just made it to proove my point. And, no, i'm not saying every law enforcement officer abuses their power; no. However, there are those that do, and God knows what would happen if they had guns and everyone else didn't. For those who abuse their position as authority figures... It would suck for the ones who got abused. The thing is, banning all guns is not the right solution, unless its a complete, utter, ban, where no one except for the army, would get to have guns, and even in that case, not personal guns. Said guns could only be used in operations, then they get locked back up or put away or something. The truth is a solution to this isn't easy, ams both sides have valid points. Far as the AR15... No. Its not a assault rifle. The AR15 is, in short, the civilian version of the m16. And for what its worth, a glock can also be turned into a smg pritty easily. So its not just a problem of automatic assault rifles, handguns can be turned fully automatic as well. Not all of them, but some, the glock beeing one example.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@998, So? Did he call you a idiot personally? That was more of a general term. The fact you took it personally... And as far as waving your degree-as  proof that your not an idiot, you said it yourself mind you... uh,1: That is irrelevant with the topic at hand, and even if it was from the top 3 schools in the US... So what? I and many others won't care about that  fact. A degree doesn't show if someone is dumn or not. The fact you have a degree doesn't mean that, oh, i'm smart, and people who don't, are not; neither does the fact that you went to one of the top 3 colleges... indicate one is smarter or stupederthan anyone else.  Stop waving your degrees like proof of stuff. I mean, its great you went to one of the top colleges and got your degree; or degrees. But for the love of God,  quit waving them around and saying, because I graduated from so and so, and have this and that degree, i'm smart;  That's not how life works, and hiding behind one's degree and what college does one go to... won't work.  And as far as taking the idiiot post personally... Read it again; that was general, not, personal. If the poster who posted that comment would've wanted to insubt you directly; they would've done it. Moving on though,  even if all guns where band except for law enforcement etc... there has been; and is; abuse of power in those branches, hell there is in every branch, people abusing their power. Either,1. All guns, and I mean, all guns; are band, and not even law enforcement gets to use them, or,2. Gun control becomes tighter. The thing is, giving guns to only one group, is giving them all the power, as it where. As an example, with the scenario that all guns are band safe for law enforcement etc,You see a officer abusing his position of authority. You try and stop him, or tell them to stop. They pull out a gun and tell you to fuck off, or something similar... What then? The person who was beeing abused by said authority figure... is pritty much fucked in that case, as if anyone other than another officer tried to help, chances are they would be heald at gunpoint etc. Granted this scenario is extreme at best, and unlikely, but I just made it to proove my point. And, no, i'm not saying every law enforcement officer abuses their power; no. However, there are those that do, and God knows what would happen if they had guns and everyone else didn't. For those who abuse their position as authority figures... It would suck for the ones who got abused. The thing is, banning all guns is not the right solution, unless its a complete, utter, ban, where no one except for the army, would get to have guns, and even in that case, not personal guns. Said guns could only be used in operations, then they get locked back up or put away or something. The truth is a solution to this isn't easy, ams both sides have valid points. Far as the AR15... No. Its not a assault rifle. The AR15 is, in short, the civilian version of the m16.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@998, So? Did he call you a idiot personally? That was more of a general term. The fact you took it personally... And as far as waving your degree-as  proof that your not an idiot, you said it yourself mind you... uh,1: That is irrelevant with the topic at hand, and even if it was from the top 3 schools in the US... So what? I and many others won't care about that  fact. A degree doesn't show if someone is dumn or not. The fact you have a degree doesn't mean that, oh, i'm smart, and people who don't, are not; neither does the fact that you went to one of the top 3 colleges... indicate one is smarter or stupederthan anyone else.  Stop waving your degrees like proof of stuff. I mean, its great you went to one of the top colleges and got your degree; or degrees. But for the love of God,  quit waving them around and saying, because I graduated from so and so, and have this and that degree, i'm smart;  That's not how life works, and hiding behind one's degree and what college does one go to... won't work.  And as far as taking the idiiot post personally... Read it again; that was general, not, personal. If the poster who posted that comment would've wanted to insubt you directly; they would've done it. Moving on though,  even if all guns where band except for law enforcement etc... there has been; and is; abuse of power in those branches, hell there is in every branch, people abusing their power. Either,1. All guns, and I mean, all guns; are band, and not even law enforcement gets to use them, or,2. Gun control becomes tighter. The thing is, giving guns to only one group, is giving them all the power, as it where. As an example, with the scenario that all guns are band safe for law enforcement etc,You see a officer abusing his position of authority. You try and stop him, or tell them to stop. They pull out a gun and tell you to fuck off, or something similar... What then? The person who was beeing abused by said authority figure... is pritty much fucked in that case, as if anyone other than another officer tried to help, chances are they would be heald at gunpoint etc. Granted this scenario is extreme at best, and unlikely, but I just made it to proove my point. Far as the AR15... No. Its not a assault rifle. The AR15 is, in short, the civilian version of the m16.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@998, So? Did he call you a idiot personally? That was more of a general term. The fact you took it personally... And as far as waving your degreeas proof that your not an idiot, you said it yourself mind you... uh,1: That is irrelevant with the topic at hand, and even if it was from the top 3 schools in the US... So what? I and many others won't care about that fact. A degree doesn't show if someone is dumn or not. The fact you have a degree doesn't mean that, oh, i'm smart, and people who don't, are not; neither does the fact that you went to one of the top 3 colleges... That's not how life works. And as far as taking the idiiot post personally... Read it again; that was general, not, personal. If the poster who posted that comment would've wanted to insubt you directly; they would've done it. Moving on though,  even if all guns where band except for law enforcement etc... there has been; and is; abuse of power in those branches, hell there is in every branch, people abusing their power. Either,1. All guns, and I mean, all guns; are band, and not even law enforcement gets to use them, or,2. Gun control becomes tighter. The thing is, giving guns to only one group, is giving them all the power, as it where. As an example, with the scenario that all guns are band safe for law enforcement etc,You see a officer abusing his position of authority. You try and stop him, or tell them to stop. They pull out a gun and tell you to fuck off, or something similar... What then? The person who was beeing abused by said authority figure... is pritty much fucked in that case, as if anyone other than another officer tried to help, chances are they would be heald at gunpoint etc. Granted this scenario is extreme at best, and unlikely, but I just made it to proove my point. Far as the AR15... No. Its not a assault rifle. The AR15 is, in short, the civilian version of the m16.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

My issue with the AR15 is a simple one, and it's not nomenclature, it's function. Why does a civilian need it?I guess the point I've been trying to get across is that regardless of the intention of the founding fathers or whatnot, Americans have proven that this much gun freedom just results in a lot of people using guns to do exactly what they want, to the final degree. Lots of blood. Lots of death. I think the gun violence numbers speak for themselves.I want to bring this back to Covid-19 for a sec, too, since we've definitely wandered afield.From what I can remember when I was reading about this, back in early to mid-May, when there were "open up!" protests largely consisting of right-wing whites showing up at barbershops and town halls and whatnot, many of those people were wearing guns. Very few shots were fired, and I don't believe anybody was killed, but a lot of people -were carrying guns. Most were apparently -not wearing masks, either. Now, I don't know about you, but a mob carrying guns might possibly be enough to make a police force start getting antsy...yet there was no strong reaction, and definitely no overreaction.Now, flip this on its ear. A bunch of mostly peaceful protestors go out in support of BLM. Some get too rowdy and start destroying property, which isn't great, but the majority by far are peaceful. They're loud, they chant a lot, they sometimes block traffic, and there are quite a lot of them in some places. Most are not armed. The fair majority (though by no means all) are masked. And what do the police do? They attack.Some might want to use the presence of guns amid protestors as a reason why the police didn't attack, but I don't think it's that simple. What I want to focus on is the things Americans decided to bear arms for. They took up arms because they wanted haircuts, and were left alone. They mostly left guns at home when protesting the inequity in the prison and justice system, and were beaten, shot, arrested and otherwise brutalized by police.Now, tell me that's a reasoned, rational response.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

996, be careful with your inflamatory language, and who you call an idiot. I have graduated from  one of the top 3 schools in the world, with a graduate degree, and have two degrees so UI hardly fit the description. My opinion results from observing the world. I really think though it wouldn't be feasable, guns should have been banned. And the ar 15. It shoots 5.56, which can punch through bullet proof vests without seramic  plating. Why the fuck would anyone need a weapon so powerful?


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

996:I am pretty sure  AR = ArmaLite Rifle, so  the name doesn't even contain the word assault . The AR-15 has just been used in a few high profile mass shootings over the years, so anyone anti gun gloms onto it.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Yeah, you might be right, 993. Or they might've stopped and added in restrictions to the right. So, ultimately, what I think is this. We need tighter gun control. We need current gun control laws to actually be enforced strictly, not just at gun stores but in online gun shows and gun trades (supposedly in some states you can get a gun illegally through those). We need health checks with gun purchases and such, and restrictions on what guns you can get (e.g.: no one should be allowed to obtain a sniper rifle without a good reason for example). What we don't need are idiots screaming "Take all the guns away! No guns for eternity!" As for 3D printing guns... I'm not really sure what stance to take on that. I could say that we should make that illegal, but then some people might take that as license to ban all forms of gunmaking without some sort of license. And no, the AR-15 is [not] an assault rifle, I seriously don't get why people keep wanting it banned just because it has "assault" in its name. If your going to ban a gun, do your damn research guys about the gun first, get all the stats and information about it and then consider all that information and ask yourself if it should be banned.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@994If guns are illegal, then the only privileged people who can have them are law enforcement.  Given that law enforcement in the U.S. literally has tanks in some cases just because there was some extra money laying around, it's not like them having guns and you not having guns makes more than the slightest difference.The thing about arguing for guns in any way is that as soon as you look around at all the countries who are doing better than us and even the police don't routinely carry guns, well, it makes these arguments look really silly.  Especially since you can 3D print guns now, you don't even need to go to the store.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

I'm seeing both points here. I agree, gun control on the US, should be much tighter than what it is. However, to those who say guns should be a privilege... think of this. Those few, privileged, people who owned guns... could very, very easily, abuse said privilege, and if that where to happen... what then for those who cannot defend themselves? Wait for the army to come and save their ass? While they get there, lots of people would've been killed already. While I do believe that one does have a right to own a gun, for self-defense or hunting, I believe that if, say said use of the gun was abused, for instance, you kill someone and it was not in self defence; your guns should be taken away, and you wouldn't be allowed to own a gun for abusing the right. Now. For self defense, at least for me, self defense means that you don't have any option. That its either kill or be killed, or something just a drastic, rape, etc. Anything less than that is... not self defense, in my opinion.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Guns only protect people from people with guns, and also you will find that if you wanted to be a well-funded militia you should be allowed an ICBM in your back yard.I agree that it's not so simple as just getting rid of all the guns but we could stop entertaining people who get angry at things like "maybe you should have a background check first" which are more than reasonable.  I don't think that the U.S. should allow guns.  I just concede that it's too late for us to wave the magic wand of the law and vanish them away.But I would like to think that the founding fathers would be horrified by what we've done with this, in terms of twisting it way out of proportion to what it should have been and what it was for.  Obviously they had weird ethics by our standards and did a lot of stuff we'd rightly disagree with.  But if I was founding a country and I was giving everyone the right to have guns and a time traveler came back in time and told me what exactly that meant and explained to me that allowing guns didn't mean muskets but instead these things that can spew hundreds of bullets like nothing, I'd like to think that I'd stop, and I'd like to think that they would have too.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

For all dem scurry terrists who might invade 'Murica, right?


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Boo15mario via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@990 first of all their is no way in hell we are going to remove the second ammandment and as I said before I think it is a a great idea for everyone to have a gun to defend their house


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Ethin, again, there  is no evidence that any other amendments would be changed. Though I do think limits should be placed on free speech to include death threats. But the lax gun laws are just asking for trouble as I said earlier, in a revolution, mass histeria, or famine or shortage of anything, some idiots might pull out their automatic. And  will say this, it is pure fucking idiocy for a blind person to own and be allowed to use a gun. I'm sorry guys, but the ability to visualize and target your target is a visual thing, and we don't live in swamp, so your actions have real consiquences. It is moronic to allow this. Hearing isn't nearly a precise a sense as vision is.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

980 The ar-15 is not an assault rifle. It's black and scary looking, but it is not an assault rifle.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SirBadger via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

here's a fun fact: in Michigan it is perfectly legal for a blind person to own and use a hunting rifle and to go in to the woods to hunt deer during hunting season. crazy much? just throwing that out there.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SirBadger via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

here's a fun fact: in Michigan it is perfectly legal for a blind person to own and use a hunting rifle and to go in to the toods to hunt deer during hunting season. crazy much? just throwing that out there.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@986, I really hope it doesn't result in millions dead by bullets either, but I also hope it doesn't result in millions dead by the various other ways we can kill one another -- tanks, nuclear weapons, etc. And I don't think that way that you pointed out, myself -- I'd never do any of that, but I also understand where your coming from. But the revolution is, indeed coming, and we're literally asking for it to come. The pandemic has just aggravated the wounds, so to speak. Soon something else is going to come along that's going to start the revolution. What it will be, I have no idea, but I really, really hope we don't pull out the really big guns when that happens. As for the argument of black people, you do have another good point.@985, you really don't think the gov would try taking away other amendments if they managed to get the 2A repealed, all for more power? Because if you think so I think your caught in a delusion. In many ways the fourth amendment is already gone. The government violates it regularly all the time under the Patriot Act. And now, with the protests and such, you could argue that the first is being violated too. Granted, the protests are usually violent, but that's not always the case. Either way, that's two amendments right there, one of which is being violated and the other of which is probably a 'maybe'. If you take into account what the Patriot Act does, then you could say the gov already violates the first amendment. So it wouldn't surprise me if particular politicians started lobbying for the revocation of other amendments if they managed with the 2A. Perhaps the slippery slope argument is, indeed, a fallacy, but do you honestly believe that the gov wouldn't go for others if they succeeded with one of them? They may not even go for the repealing of them -- but they might just go for the more stealthy approach that they've been doing and passing laws that are unconstitutional but are passed all the same. To me, such things like power grabs like that are utterly disgusting, and the only real way to stop it is to get your hands dirty. Maybe the revolution that's coming will get us headed down the right path. Or it might make things worse. Who knows?


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@986, I really hope it doesn't result in millions dead by bullets either, but I also hope it doesn't result in millions dead by the various other ways we can kill one another -- tanks, nuclear weapons, etc. And I don't think that way that you pointed out, myself -- I'd never do any of that, but I also understand where your coming from.@985, you really don't think the gov would try taking away other amendments if they managed to get the 2A appealed, all for more power? Because if you think so I think your caught in a delusion. In many ways the fourth amendment is already gone. The government violates it regularly all the time under the Patriot Act. And now, with the protests and such, you could argue that the first is being violated too. Granted, the protests are usually violent, but that's not always the case. Either way, that's two amendments right there, one of which is being violated and the other of which is probably a 'maybe'. If you take into account what the Patriot Act does, then you could say the gov already violates the first amendment. So it wouldn't surprise me if particular politicians started lobbying for the revocation of other amendments if they managed with the 2A. Perhaps the slippery slope argument is, indeed, a fallacy, but do you honestly believe that the gov wouldn't go for others if they succeeded with one of them?


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

I think the bar for gun ownership should be reasonably high. Yes, this includes things like sport hunting. Ahem, do we really need to be hunting anymore anyway, given that we already rule the roost and can get whatever we need without resorting to that? I'm not saying ban every gun, everywhere, for everyone, ever, eternally, but it definitely needs to be much, much, much tighter than it is right now. I don't see why anyone needs to be wandering around with a gun.In the Wheel of Time series, there's a sect of people called the Aiel. The Aiel, for reasons I won't go into, are totally okay with things like spears, knives and bows, because those can be used for hunting and for other things as well. Knives can be used to skin a kill, spears can be used to spit it while cooking, etc. Swords, on the other hand, are taboo in Aiel culture because their only purpose is to kill. You don't go out and kill a deer with a sword. I mention this because the car analogy brought up in an earlier post makes me think of this. Cars kill plenty of people, sure, but cars aren't designed with that in mind. Guns do absolutely nothing except kill. There is no other reason to have a gun than to kill something with it, or at the very, very least, to convince someone else that you are -prepared to kill with it. Personally, I could argue that a lot of problems in America come right down to just that. Folks are willing to go all the way to that extreme point for what they believe in. And okay, you might call that courageous, gutsy, whatever, but the inside-out version is that folks in America also seem very willing to inflict their beliefs on others...with force, if necessary. I want your stuff, so I'll point a gun at you and tell you to hand it over. I want your body, so I'll hold you at gunpoint while I have my way with you. I want what's in the cash drawer, so everybody get your hands up while you pass over the money nice and slow. I want you to hear what I say, so I'm going to go shoot up this night club full of gays. I want to go on practising oppression, so I'm going to use this gun of mine to shoot another person of colour. I want you off my property, so I'm going to threaten to take your life before you can take what I own.It's "I want" taken to the very last degree, and it's fucking disgusting to me that this has been so deeply woven into supposedly American cultural values. I'm well aware that the grand majority of Americans do not, in fact, think this way, but when you defend your constitution, you are in essence defending ideas like this.Also, doesn't it strike you funny that these amendments are actually called amendments? To amend something means you are updating, revising or otherwise changing it. Clearly, the constitution is not an inviolate piece of law; if it were, then black people still would not be treated as people under the law, just as one example. I don't see the slippery slope you speak of, Ethin, as a valid defense here. I respect what you're saying to a large degree, and I am glad that you're in favour of tighter gun control. We agree on those fundamentals, so I'm not fully opposed to what you're saying. At worst, I feel like you're trotting out some tired rhetoric that I've heard one too many times. There are simply too many countries which have tighter gun control where the problems you're worried about don't exist, or aren't spreading like wildfire, for me to take some of your objections seriously. The constitution can be tweaked. Guns kill people, and make people feel entitled to kill others with the twitch of a finger. In an increasingly polarized culture where Americans are essentially being taught to hate one another, I feel that your talk of revolution may be more prescient than you realize. I just hope it doesn't result in millions upon millions dead by bullets.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

eOk, firstly, the slippery slope argument is a logical falicy. There is no evidence that repeeling one amendment would lead to the others. Second, as I said, there isn't any disadvantage of gun control at all. That is bullcrap fed by the NRA. Many countries tried gun control, and ... surprise surprise, it works to reduce crime, and reduce gun violence in general. The comparason with vehicles and guns is honestly a silly one. A gun is designed to kill people, that is it's design purpose. When you commit mass murder with a rifle, you are using it to do what it was designed to do. In other words, you aren't abusing it at all, but using the weapon as it was made to be used. A car was not meant to kill people, and makes a much less effective weapon. Any weapon like qualities of a car aren't intentional by design, but coincidental.  Again with government, noone stands a chance in hell of doing anything, and I think the danger of guns in the hands of the public is far greater than any perceived benefit. Maybe an outright ban might not be the best course initially, but it should not be a right to own a weapon, it should absolutely be a privilidge granted to few, which can be taken away at any time for any reason.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Ok, firstly, the slippery slope argument is a logical falicy. There is no evidence that repeeling one amendment would lead to the others. Second, as I said, there isn't any disadvantage of gun control at all. That is bullcrap fed by the NRA. Many countries tried gun control, and ... surprise surprise, it works to reduce crime, and reduce gun violence in general. The comparason with vehicles and guns is honestly a silly one. A gun is designed to kill people, that is it's design purpose. When you commit mass murder with a rifle, you are using it to do what it was designed to do. In other words, you aren't abusing it at all, but using the weapon as it was made to be used. A car was not meant to kill people, and makes a much less effective weapon. Any weapon like qualities of a car aren't intentional by design, but coincidental.  Again with government, noone stands a chance in hell of doing anything, and I think the danger of guns in the hands of the public is far greater than any perceived benefit. Maybe an outright ban might not be the best course initially, but it should not be a right to own a weapon.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-08-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@982 and 983, answers:1. Practically speaking, pretty important. Not just for self-defense but for other sports like hunting. People use guns for self-defense more often than you realize; we just don't hear about it because its not usually reported.2. Rarely, and that's been "rarely" since the last American civil war. Given the tension that's arose this year, however, that may change.3. Against the government? Answer to 2 was purely a guess -- I have no statistical numbers.4. Whether they succeed would entirely depend on the size of the force and how well-trained and coordinated it was. The force wouldn't need to be a full frontal assault; there are many kinds of warfair, and the sneakiest of kinds can cripple any authority in power given the right circumstances.However, the above four questions focused on governmental usage of guns. What about non-governmental usage of self-defense with guns? I did briefly touch on that, and a quick search indicates that this happens far more often than we think. Its hard to come to any justifiable answer because both sides claim different things.Do I think that we need more gun control? Yes, I do. Do I think that we should do what 981 said? Hell no. To address the other points in 982: I don't feel that getting rid of guns will make America less American at all. I feel that getting rid of guns completely -- or making it somehow a privilege -- will endanger far more people than it would if we didn't get rid of guns or make it some kind of special privilege. Its difficult, I think, for anyone to be completely objective on a matter like this, and no matter who does the research your going to find contradictory information all over the place. I am in favor of better background checks, and better regulation and legislation. What I am not in favor of is tampering with the bill of rights, particular because I can see repealing one amendment leading to the repealing of the first amendment and so on. I just feel that tampering with the constitution like that will lead us down a very dangerous path, and you know what they all say -- the road to hell is paved with good intentions. And though making gun ownership a privilege might be a 'good intention', you just know all the politicians are going to abuse the hell out of it.I've found some sources in favor and some not, though this just goes to prove the division and the fact that its unlikely we'll reach any kind of satisfactory answer. Some sources in favor include: … lf-defense … t-skeptics … accidents/https://americangunfacts.comAnd some sources not in favor include: … s/10033021 … e-gun-use/There are others, too; I read an analogy of sorts that asked why we weren't taking away all the vehicles in the nation because they cause a lot of deaths just like guns do, but I don't remember where that was. Also, according to this, this, and this we're already on the brink of a revolution, or heading towards it. Most likely a combination of the pandemic, BLM, and various other factors. It honestly wouldn't surprise me at this point; this entire country is so twisted and messed up we're practically asking for it. I'm proud to be an American, I really am... but some things still piss me off about it, though I suppose you'd find that with any country.


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