[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Suggestions for an up-to-date, available source for a linear PS

2006-11-01 Thread P Floding

opaqueice;151344 Wrote: 
 Hi Tom, 
 if it's not too much trouble, would you mind giving a few more details
 on your test?  
 Did you make sure the volumes were level, and if so, how? (This
 question is absolutely crucial!)
 How did you blind it - did a third person make the switch?  Could you
 see them?  Were there ten trials where you each recorded a guess, or
 did you do ten for one person and then ten more for the other?  Could
 you switch back and forth on each trial and do an ABX or ABXY,  or did
 you just listen once and guess?
 I'm asking this not because I don't trust your integrity - I do - but
 only so that I (and perhaps others) can evaluate how much significance
 to give the results.  It's very interesting that you heard a
 difference.  I see no reason that there shouldn't be one - the fact
 that there are switching PS's inside the SB clearly does NOT mean it's
 impossible for the main PS to make a difference.

On the matter of volume levels:

All sorts of junk that makes it into the digital signal will ADD to the
spectral contents (same with any distortion, BTW). Hence, getting rid of
this junk will make the signal seem quieter.

If one doesn't turn up the volume to compensate, the increased swamping
from aucoustic room noise, and ones ears' accustomisation to previous
levels -which is frequency dependent, may well, in a typical A/B, make
the more distorted signal sound subjectively better than the more
correct one!

However, after turning up the volume to comfortable levels one might
find that the duller sound with less distortion now sounds more
natural and non-straining.

P Floding

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF Optical output does not work wit DVD

2006-11-01 Thread P Floding

DCtoDaylight;151409 Wrote: 
 I seem to recall reading somewhere that 10m was the longest length
 allowed by the TOSLINK spec?  Of course now that I'm looking, I can't
 find it!  In any event, when you start pushing the lengths, you're more
 and more likely to find marginal components

It depends on the quality of the cable.

P Floding

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Using TP as DAC

2006-11-01 Thread 325xi

highdudgeon;151261 Wrote: 
 I don't quite understand the TP's jitter rejection scheme.  However, it
 is obviously so good, and the analog output so good, that it doesn't
 matter.  I definitely prefer the all-in-one-box solution...and I was
 prepared to prefer the two box solution and see the Transporter as a

I'm an engineer, so I simply can't do well having only feedbacks in
hand. Perception is important, but unreliable, and for me it should be
confirmed somehow, at least theoretically - by correct design. As long
as I don't have any clue what Transporter does with incoming jitter I
feel uncomfortable.


simaudio nova cdp  simaudio moon i-5  revel performa m20 via
acoustic zen matrix reference ii and acoustic zen satori

-planned additions: sb3  deq2496  lavry da-10  ... or will it be

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: TP changes with break in

2006-11-01 Thread Jenks

OK, here goes again.  Brain burn in does not remotely explain it to me. 
If I put a new component in place and it sounds hideous and unmusical
for a week or two, how come when I go to an audiophile mate's place and
listen to his (burned in) system it sounds great?  How come my brain
doesn't need to burn in for his system but does with mine?  And to all
you placebo lovers, do I somehow expect that the shiny new $5000 preamp
will sound like rubbish when I get it home?  That certainly wasn't what
I was thinking when I flashed out my credit card.  And do I somehow
expect my friend's system to sound good?  I know you hate to think
there isn't anything you don't know about wires and electrons, but
that's a bit of a stretch don't you think?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Effect of cleaning up power?

2006-11-01 Thread inguz

Simon;135133 Wrote: 
 I have built a couple of these
 over the years... it has proved a massive upgrade

I have something simliar (a bit chunkier) feeding my power amp.  Very
noticeably better than without.  And cheap too!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Suggestions for an up-to-date, available source for a linear PS

2006-11-01 Thread P Floding

peejay;151446 Wrote: 
 I don't wish to distract anyone from this exchange, and I certainly
 cannot offer much more than I already have to this thread on the topic,
 but I can't help noticing how discussions over power supplies seem to
 bring out the most animated opinons (if anyone remembers the fabled
 'flame wars' thread, which was dubbed so from a discussion on exactly
 the same topic which got 'out of hand' and a moderator had to step in),
 at least on the Slim Devices forum. Either this is a sublte on-line
 experiment on the human grasp of AC/DC conversion techiques and its
 effect on audio content as discussed by audiophiles, or we are seeing
 somthing else completely.:-)
 This is a light-hearted post and therefore should not be a candidate
 for a serious response.

Well, here is a serious response anyway!
A power supply is not just a AC/DC converter. It is a power reservoir
whose properties can vary a lot.

P Floding

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Using TP as DAC

2006-11-01 Thread topa

Radiohead  White Stripes sounding good ist exactly what I needed to
know. It's important that not only hi-end bing-bang jazz works with
these dacs, but also real down to earth good music. 



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Suggestions for an up-to-date, available source for a linear PS

2006-11-01 Thread P Floding

opaqueice;151461 Wrote: 
 Well, here we're mainly trying to determine if there is a difference at
 all.   Deciding which is better, as you are pointing out, is tricky and
 another question entirely.
 I was worried that one SB might simply be slightly louder than the
 other.  This could happen
 1) because one of the SBs is intrisically louder than the other due to
 some variations in the calibrations of the DAC chip outputs or
 something, or 
 2) because the two power supplies output a slightly different average
 voltage, which might change the SB output voltage slightly but have no
 other effect.
 Case 1) I think is ruled out as an explanation because (if I understood
 correctly) they switched the two half way through, but is still
 important to get straight.  2) however could explain the results, and
 while it would mean there *is* a difference, not in a very interesting
 way (for example if this was the case you could make the linear supply
 sound worse or better in the test by changing its voltage).

I think strict A/B is useful to establish if a difference exists, as
you say. But sometimes the difference is very, very obvious, in which
case A/B becomes pretty meaningless. Sometimes A/B with level matching
is used to try to appoint a winner in a test, and that is a big no-no,

Also, a negative A/B doesn't prove one iota.

The real test of a system's quality is how many hours at live level one
can listen without getting tired. (Unless one has defective hearing, in
which case all tests are meaningless.)

P Floding

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: TP changes with break in

2006-11-01 Thread P Floding

opaqueice;151460 Wrote: 
 Whether something sounds good could depend on what you ate for
 breakfast, whether the sun is shining, if the Republicans won the
 election, if there is some wax in your left ear  it's not about
 brain burn in (although there are well-known adpatation effects in
 perception), it's simply that human beings are not very consistent,
 except in one aspect - we are very very very consistent and good at
 fooling ourselves.  In particular we are extremely good at constructing
 explanations for our beliefs and perceptions even in situations where
 those explanations are demonstrably false (there's an enormous
 literature in cognitive psychology on this, which I can point you to if
 you're interested).  
 We also suffer from confirmation bias - once we have a theory in mind
 (such as components burn in and improve over time) we remember events
 which support this theory, and forget those that do not, and so given
 random data our confidence in the theory grows.  
 I suspect that's what's going on here...  but in any case the only way
 to use our ears reliably is with properly conducted blind tests,
 because that's the only way to filter out all of these other factors.

I believe Jenks is describing actual sound differences, but I'm not
sure they have much to do with burn in. I think most audiophiles are
able to disregard a certain amount of bias due to  mood etc.

P Floding

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Suggested amplifier for Transporter?

2006-11-01 Thread Darkblue

...and do not forget to take the wife along when purchasing speakers ,
given the size of japanese living rooms, she might object to moving the
sofa into the kitchen to make place for the new purchase...


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Suggested amplifier for Transporter?

2006-11-01 Thread highdudgeon

The best kind of amp, I think, is the kind of amp that will allow you to
buy the best possible speakers within your overall budget.  There are
differences in amps, to be sure, and they are especially obvious when
comparing tube and solid state amps (which says something about amp
construction, because ideally made amps should all sound alike). 
However, differences between speakers are vast.  I have had everything
from $9 McIntosh MC-501s and a used $450 Carver A-500x paired with
superlative Harbeth Monitor 40s and two Quads.  The changes in speakers
made more of a difference and the differences between amps was
shockingly nuanced.

In short, take a look at your total budget, think about what you like
in music, take your room into consideration, and then pick out some
optimal speakers.  Buy a less expensive amp.  Then, when you have more
budget flexibility, by a cooler-looking, longer-living, etc.,
amplifier.  (I have nothing against buying something because you like
the way it looks...so long as you're not totally throwing your money

Oh, and I would say this: maybe stay away from tube amps.  They don't
have the same bass response and high resolution as well-made solid
state amps.  I'm not dissing them, either -- I  own, and love, two tube
amps.  However, the Transporter is an extremely high definition
device...so you might as well let that come through.  You can always
grab a tube amp (a vintage Mc is great) for a second piece down the
road.  I like having tube gear around.


Relax.  It's about the music.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: TP changes with break in

2006-11-01 Thread tomjtx

opaqueice;151490 Wrote: 
 Suppose we put a bunch of audiophiles in a room and played two systems
 for them after explaining that one was much better than the other -
 because it had fancy cables, power conditioners, a nice amp, or
 whatever.  We might make the systems look different externally, but
 secretly the two would be absolutely identical.  To properly control
 this we would do the experiment with several different groups while
 randomizing across all variables (for example switch which system we
 explained was superior).  We might also try the same experiment but
 with no initial claim about which was better.  Afterwards, we ask the
 listeners which they preferred, and to explain why.
 What do you think would happen?  
 Not only would almost everyone claim to hear a difference, they would
 come up with elaborate descriptions of precisely how it was better -
 clarity, PRaT, detail, bass extension, etc.  If you don't believe me,
 believe the scientific literature or all of the many, many examples of
 this in the audiophile world (on this forum and other websites for
 example).  Versions of this experiment have been done, many times, and
 the results are always the same.
 The point?  In this case it would be absolutely clear that the
 perceived differences were in the mind of the listener and not in any
 intrinsic characteristic of the sound.  Given that people hear
 differences anyway, this demonstrates that we simply can't trust our
 perceptions of these things, period.

Should you qualify the above by saying subtle differences , or
somewhat subtle differences?

Might the question be: At what level of difference does the ear/mind
begin to fail us in distinguishing differences? An extreme example
would be a transistor radio (remember those? :-) ) against a 100,000

I think most people would do well on that test. :-)
It would be interesting to see a study on this.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Suggestions for an up-to-date, available source for a linear PS

2006-11-01 Thread P Floding

opaqueice;151493 Wrote: 
 I don't agree it's a no-no.  In fact I don't know how you would possibly
 decide which you like better other than by A/B - the only alternative is
 to only listen to one, which would make the decision rather
 Probably you mean rapid switching between them(?), but that's neither
 necessary nor advisable for an A/B comparison.
 I'm not going to get into this argument again, but that statement is
 precisely as true as its converse:  a positive A/B doesn't prove one
 iota.  Statements which are as true as their converse aren't very

Now you are just being silly!
If you can't tell the difference between two components, all you can
say is that you (you, in your system) can't tell the difference. Thats

As I said, A/B with level matching is useless for picking a winner. I
stated exactly why earlier.

P Floding

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: TP changes with break in

2006-11-01 Thread opaqueice

tomjtx;151496 Wrote: 
 Should you qualify the above by saying subtle differences , or somewhat
 subtle differences?
 Might the question be: At what level of difference does the ear/mind
 begin to fail us in distinguishing differences? An extreme example
 would be a transistor radio (remember those? :-) ) against a 100,000
 I think most people would do well on that test. :-)
 It would be interesting to see a study on this.

Yeah, I avoided qualifying it for purely polemical reasons :-).   Of
course I agree that some differences really are obvious, like
transistor radios or heavy distortion.  But I also think it's  not as
easy as you might think to decide when a difference you percieve is
obvious and when it isn't.  

I wonder if there's a skill there - probably psychologists would call
it metacognition - of learning to recognize when things really are
there versus when they might be your brain fooling you.  If you've ever
messed around with, say, foobar with the ABXY plugin, at least if you're
like me you'll find that many times you think there's a clear
difference, even an obvious one, and then miserably fail to identify it
on a blind test.  After a few such failures you become considerably more
skeptical about this.

So it would be quite interesting to see if people can learn to be
skeptical to the right degree, so that they can determine when to trust
their perceptions and when not.  Actually I think all of us have a lot
to learn from this - it's pretty humbling to discover how bad we are at
judging reality, and knowing that such errors are common is crucial in
just about every aspect of life.

P Floding Wrote: 
 I'm not talking about these type of situations that are bound to cloud
 most peoples judgement.

Which situations are you talking about then?  The point is we percieve
differences when none exist.  So if someone percieves a difference when
logic and science tell us it's extremely unlikely, the overwhelmingly
preferred explanation is that it's in their head.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: TP changes with break in

2006-11-01 Thread tyler_durden

Jenks;151437 Wrote: 
 OK, here goes again.  Brain burn in does not remotely explain it to me. 
 If I put a new component in place and it sounds hideous and unmusical
 for a week or two, how come when I go to an audiophile mate's place and
 listen to his (burned in) system it sounds great?  How come my brain
 doesn't need to burn in for his system but does with mine?  And to all
 you placebo lovers, do I somehow expect that the shiny new $5000 preamp
 will sound like rubbish when I get it home?  That certainly wasn't what
 I was thinking when I flashed out my credit card.  And do I somehow
 expect my friend's system to sound good?  I know you hate to think
 there isn't anything you don't know about wires and electrons, but
 that's a bit of a stretch don't you think?

In all cases mentioned you are going into the situation with specific
expectations.  You know your friend has had his system for years,
therefore it is already burned-in by your definition, therefore you
expect it to sound good.  Your system has some new $5k component
(nevermind how many times it has been demoed at the store or been in
someone else's system) that hasn't been burned-in, so you expect it
to sound like crap, then after days or weeks, your expectation is that
it will sound better, so it magically does.

The stretch is in imagining that something in the equipment changes
more than your expectations. Human minds are easy to fool- ever see
slight-of-hand magic performed?  If it is so easy for someone else to
fool us, imagine how much easier it is to fool ourselves.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Wanted to Buy: Modded PS for SB3

2006-11-01 Thread ErikM

I'd like to buy a Bolder modded Elpac power supply.. If someone is
upgrading to a Transporter, or what ever pleae let me know. And yes I
know I could buy the PS and send it off but I'm lazy 


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: TP changes with break in

2006-11-01 Thread tyler_durden

opaqueice;151514 Wrote: 
 I wonder if there's a skill there - probably psychologists would call
 it metacognition - of learning to recognize when things really are
 there versus when they might be your brain fooling you.  If you've ever
 messed around with, say, foobar with the ABXY plugin, at least if you're
 like me you'll find that many times you think there's a clear
 difference, even an obvious one, and then miserably fail to identify it
 on a blind test.  After a few such failures you become considerably more
 skeptical about this.
 So it would be quite interesting to see if people can learn to be
 skeptical to the right degree, so that they can determine when to trust
 their perceptions and when not.  Actually I think all of us have a lot
 to learn from this - it's pretty humbling to discover how bad we are at
 judging reality, and knowing that such errors are common is crucial in
 just about every aspect of life.

It seems some people are inherently better at recognizing reality than
others, and those who aren't, are not very good at learning to do so. 
See http://www.apa.org/journals/features/psp7761121.pdf



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: TP changes with break in

2006-11-01 Thread CardinalFang

tyler_durden;151519 Wrote: 
 Human minds are easy to fool- ever see slight-of-hand magic performed? 
 If it is so easy for someone else to fool us, imagine how much easier
 it is to fool ourselves.

Just for my own interest - optical illusions are commonplace, is there
such a thing as an audio illusion? EDIT yes there is!

BTW, this is my faveourite optical illusion - square A *is* the same
colour as square B. You need to download it into a paint package to
verify the colour is the same no matter what your eyes are telling you!

|Filename: Optical.greysquares.arp.jpg  |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=1921|


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: TP changes with break in

2006-11-01 Thread opaqueice

CardinalFang;151522 Wrote: 
 BTW, this is my faveourite optical illusion - square A *is* the same
 colour as square B. You need to download it into a paint package to
 verify the colour is the same no matter what your eyes are telling you!

That's a very good one - thanks!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Suggestions for an up-to-date, available source for a linear PS

2006-11-01 Thread Gildahl

peejay;150623 Wrote: 
 I recently invested in a 12V lead acid battery  - completely sealed so
 'clean' for a domestic environment, purchased a DC-DC regulator and am
 VERY happy with the result. How did it affect the music - In every way
 an AC supply cannot. Take my advice and look at battery solutions. You
 only use them when you are really listening, so the longevity of the
 supply isn't important. I have a 7 Amp Hour battery which keeps going
 for about 6 hours from fully charged - I lose battery energy from the
 heat sink on my supply pack, so I don't get the rated performance from
 the battery. My solution uses the ubiquitous LM317 regulator - does a
 great job. Ask me about it anytime. Cheers

I'm very interested in learning more about this battery solution.  I've
asked about this here before, but received replies that kind of
discouraged the idea.  What do folks here think about chemical reaction
noise, non-sinusoidal waves and other battery issues?  It always seemed
to me that straight DC power would be an almost ideal power source.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Suggested amplifier for Transporter?

2006-11-01 Thread highdudgeon

That's a solid  piece and you can probably get a good deal on a used or
demo model.

gobikey;151516 Wrote: 
 I like the looks and sound of this by my silver transporter. 


Relax.  It's about the music.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: TP changes with break in

2006-11-01 Thread tomjtx

CardinalFang;151522 Wrote: 
 Just for my own interest - optical illusions are commonplace, is there
 such a thing as an audio illusion? EDIT yes there is!
 fascinating link, thanks for that


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Wanted to Buy: Modded PS for SB3

2006-11-01 Thread El Duderino

Same here.  I am also in the market for a Bolder modded Elpac.  I was
planning on buying one and sending it to Bolder for modification but
time constraints (ie work) are making this increasingly difficult.  In
addition, what time I do have, is spent trying to acquire slightly more
important components for my system --- such as new speaker stands!

El Duderino

El Duderino

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Wanted to Buy: Modded PS for SB3

2006-11-01 Thread happy

As far as time and effort goes, just order one from digikey and have it
sent directly to Wayne.  After I placed the order for mine, I just sat
back and less than a week later it was at my door.  It couldn't be any
easier. And IMO it is totally worth it.


happy's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=8253
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: TP changes with break in

2006-11-01 Thread tomjtx

CardinalFang;151561 Wrote: 
 Following the links on Wikipedia led to this short piece from the German
 Magazine AUDIO that is very revealing:
 Oh - here's the link to a page to help you determine what type of
 response to music you have:

Very interesting, thank you very much for that post. I'll run it by
some of our acustics profs to see if they are familiar with these

Peoples response to the online test are interesting. Seems their
musical predilections are not always what they should be according to
the German test.

Of course we all know the German's are pretty wierd :-) I mean, they
never jaywalk ;-)

My favorite instruments are classical guitar(let's hope so), violin and
But  I really like all instruments and many genres of music ( even my
kid's hip/hop, love idlewild and dangermouse's grey album) The
composer's or interpreters musical intentions are now more important to
me than the medium (instrument.)

Perhaps experience(either as listener and/or musician) can affect our
organic predilections?

I guess this would be a nature versus nurture debate.
Can you imagine what this could do to the high end industry, get tested
, go to designers of that kind of equipment, audio nirvana gauranteed


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Suggestions for an up-to-date, available source for a linear PS

2006-11-01 Thread adamslim

P Floding;151499 Wrote: 
 As I said, A/B with level matching is useless for picking a winner. I
 stated exactly why earlier.

I'm with Phil here.  A/B is great for showing differences, but what
does that mean?  I find I have to live for a system for quite some
before I can really decide if it's better.

Yes there are often gross differences in tonality, but these don't
really mean anything.  I can thoroughly enjoy radically different
systems; there's no single 'best', IMO.

The stuff I buy is the stuff that allows me to really enjoy the music,
and a wide range of music at that, within my value for money envelope. 
I need to have a system that I can enjoy for hours on end, not one that
sounds impressive in a five-minute A/B.



SB3 and Shanling CDT-100, Rotel RT-990BX, Esoteric Audio Research 859,
Living Voice Auditorium IIs, Nordost cables

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: TP changes with break in

2006-11-01 Thread ceejay

Some great posts and links here, thanks to all.

I'm now looking forward to going to my audio dealer and being given an
audio test before they'll recommend anything!



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Suggested amplifier for Transporter?

2006-11-01 Thread adamslim

highdudgeon;151495 Wrote: 
 Oh, and I would say this: maybe stay away from tube amps.  They don't
 have the same bass response and high resolution as well-made solid
 state amps.

Outrageous flamebait :D

Listen for yourself is all.  Krell stuff is highly respected, but the
last Krell I heard sounded laughably bland to my ears.  If I owned it,
I'd never play music.  But that's my ears - highdudgeon's are
undoubtedly different (although his choice in speakers is better ;) ),
and yours will be too.

It's like women.  Look around, have fun, and buy the one you fall in
love with.  Rest assured it will be more expensive than you intended



SB3 and Shanling CDT-100, Rotel RT-990BX, Esoteric Audio Research 859,
Living Voice Auditorium IIs, Nordost cables

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: TP changes with break in

2006-11-01 Thread Phil Leigh

When I said brains burn in, what I meant was that over time you can
become accustomed to almost anythingto the point where it ceases to
be as obvious or intrusive as it was when you first noticed it. The
human brain is fantastically good at adaptive filtering (especially on
sight and sound). That's why many people people do not think they need
glasses until they go for a eye test - the brain (working harder than
normal) fills in a lot of missing information. Same goes for hearing
loss. Likewise, annoying/distracting things can be selectively filtered
out. However, it takes the brain a while of pattern crunching as it
iterates towards the construction of really good filters. In that
period things do not sound right. Eventually adequate filters are
implemented and things are OK again...until something disturbs the
accuracy of the filtering process (like a new component). Then the
filters need time to adjust.

Please don't take this opinion to infer that I think everything sounds
the same (it doesn't). It's simply that we are talking about a highly
personal and subjective experience, so don't expect everyone to hear
the same things or for everyone to agree on better/worse.

Phil Leigh

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: TP changes with break in

2006-11-01 Thread Jenks

None of your explanations fit my experiences.  I don't intend to
document them here because I don't have to prove anything to you.  What
I am more interested in is your closed minds.  Primarily this is a forum
for people to express their experiences, not a forum for scientific
proof, so won't bother with that.  So far I haven't insulted your right
to express your opinions - instead mine have been subjected to your
condescending claims I must be deluded because you know more about
physics than I do.  Are you sure about that?

Are you also the sort of scientists that believe all competently
designed cables and amps sound the same?  That believe power cords
cannot affect the sound of a system, that vibration does not affect the
sound as it passes through electronics?

By the way, in answer to various questions - yes I have tried changing
cable direction, sometimes accidentally, tried taking a buring in item
to a friend's place, and if you knew my friend, you would realise
expecting my friend's sytem to always be made up of old components
would be an error.

As I say, you don't have to accept my reports of my experiences, and
nor do I have to provide double blind test documentation to prove
anything to you.  You express your opinion - I express mine.  That's as
much as I am going to do here.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: TP changes with break in

2006-11-01 Thread CardinalFang

tomjtx;151570 Wrote: 
 I guess this would be a nature versus nurture debate.I would have to agree - 
 I like a lot of what I grew up listening to -
Motown, 60's pop and glam as well as a lot of acoustic and rock. In
fact I have a bit of everything in my collection, but I do like things
that my wife hates :-)

tomjtx;151570 Wrote: 
 Can you imagine what this could do to the high end industry, get tested
 , go to designers of that kind of equipment, audio nirvana gauranteed
 :-)Well doesn't this explain what happens already - companies have a house
sound that some people love and others hate. Why do some think valve
amps with lower power at the low end are the bees knees and others love
heavyweight transistor amps with thumping bass? Is it because the valve
freaks can create the low end that isn't there in their brains?

The most interesting part to me is that part of the audio industry
already understand this effect - small speaker manufacturers who tune
speakers so that it's easier for the brain to create the missing low
frequency fundemental.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Suggested amplifier for Transporter?

2006-11-01 Thread JackOfAll

adamslim;151574 Wrote: 
 Listen for yourself is all.  Krell stuff is highly respected, but the
 last Krell I heard sounded laughably bland to my ears.  

Give me a tube amp any day of the week! ;-)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Suggestions for an up-to-date, available source for a linear PS

2006-11-01 Thread reeve_mike

adamslim;151571 Wrote: 
 I can thoroughly enjoy radically different systems; there's no single
 'best', IMO.

Absolutely agree!

I'm lucky enough to have the space for two independent systems,
one with cone speakers  high-power transistor amps (BW + Krell),
the other with electrostatic speakers  low-power valves amps (QUAD).

I don't find one better than the other, they are simply (very
enjoyably) different ...

[There is, of course, a Squeezebox amongst the sources in both systems 



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: TP changes with break in

2006-11-01 Thread P Floding

CardinalFang;151561 Wrote: 
 Following the links on Wikipedia led to this short piece from the German
 Magazine AUDIO that is very revealing:
 Oh - here's the link to a page to help you determine what type of
 response to music you have:

Most interesting!
In my first test I got 8 wrong which means I lean towards being an
overtone hearer. However I think environmental noise may interfer with
the test as I managed to hear the same test case differently while my
wife did the test (she too seemed to be an overtone hearer).

Enivironmental noise in this case was mainly my young son making lots
of noise..

This could explain one or two things about why people hear things so
differently. Especially since there seems to be a sliding scale between
those that add a fundamental and those who don't.

P Floding

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Suggestions for an up-to-date, available source for a linear PS

2006-11-01 Thread P Floding

adamslim;151571 Wrote: 
 I'm with Phil here.  A/B is great for showing differences, but what does
 that mean?  I find I have to live for a system for quite some before I
 can really decide if it's better.
 Yes there are often gross differences in tonality, but these don't
 really mean anything.  I can thoroughly enjoy radically different
 systems; there's no single 'best', IMO.
 The stuff I buy is the stuff that allows me to really enjoy the music,
 and a wide range of music at that, within my value for money envelope. 
 I need to have a system that I can enjoy for hours on end, not one that
 sounds impressive in a five-minute A/B.

When it comes to comparing systems an impressive, but flawed,
reproduction can win. I read an interesting article about this on a
site of a loudspeaker manufacturer.

(A multipage document, the second page illustrates what tonal balance
does to the stereo image!)

Also discussed is the effect of the hearing adapting to the sound,
making A/B for quality tests pretty meningless.

Luckily I can get whatever tonal balance I like with my TacT..

P Floding

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Suggestions for an up-to-date, available source for a linear PS

2006-11-01 Thread P Floding

Gildahl;151538 Wrote: 
 I'm very interested in learning more about this battery solution.  I've
 asked about this here before, but received replies that kind of
 discouraged the idea.  What do folks here think about chemical reaction
 noise, non-sinusoidal waves and other battery issues?  It always seemed
 to me that straight DC power would be an almost ideal power source.

I haven't tested using a battery, but I have a gut feeling that
galvanic isolation is more important than minute thermal/chemical
reaction noise. (Meaning that a battery would be a good thing.)
However, a battery must still have bypass caps so the internal
frequency dependent resistance doesn't affect transient power suppply.

P Floding

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Suggested amplifier for Transporter?

2006-11-01 Thread P Floding

teq;151218 Wrote: 
 What kind of speakers - to be honest, I don't know. What different types
 are there? (ok, I can tell that I am going to embarrass every one
 now...) Some years ago, I had horn-type (folded horn - I have no idea
 what the correct term in English is) speakers which have an incredible
 bass-range, but are very large. The last speakers I had were rather
 small ones combined with a subwoofer.
 My wife would prefer something elegant (she has seen some cool BO
 boxes in a store) and not to large... 
 On the size of the room, it would be about 40 square meters (about 120
 square feet? I am never sure about American measurements...)

More like 400 square feet! (3x3 = 9)
A fairly large room.

Good looking speakers include semi-transparent ones, such as Martin
Logan electrostats. Should be good in a large room as well, provided
that they are allowed to stand clear of the wall -about a meter into
the room.)

P Floding

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Suggested amplifier for Transporter?

2006-11-01 Thread tomjtx

adamslim;151574 Wrote: 
 Outrageous flamebait :D
 Listen for yourself is all.  Krell stuff is highly respected, but the
 last Krell I heard sounded laughably bland to my ears.  If I owned it,
 I'd never play music.  But that's my ears - highdudgeon's are
 undoubtedly different (although his choice in speakers is better ;) ),
 and yours will be too.
 It's like women.  Look around, have fun, and buy the one you fall in
 love with.  Rest assured it will be more expensive than you intended

More expensive than women? Have you ever been married :-)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 into TacT - how good can it get?

2006-11-01 Thread jhm731

P Floding;150870 Wrote: 
 My current setup sounds absolutely NOTHING LIKE just hooking up the SB3
 to the TacT! So any comparisons like the one you mentioned is not
 Lets put it this way, if I had compared the SB3 straight with the
 Transporter and the Transporter sounded like my current SB3 setup, I
 would call the $2000 Transporter an absolute bargain.

You must have a remarkable system, if you think it compares to
Sleestack's gear.

Other than the Aberdeen PSU, what upgrades have you done to your RCS
and SB, and what's the rest of your system?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Suggested amplifier for Transporter?

2006-11-01 Thread highdudgeon

Me too, really.  I have McIntosh solid state, which is superb, and
Bryston is in the same category.  I'd take either over Krell.  On the
other side of the spectrum, I've had Nuforce 9.02s in regular use
lately and think they are great.

However, I keep an audiomat arpege reference and McIntosh 275s on call.
They are very different from each other and from the more linear and
transparent solid state stuff.  But, man, can they sing -- gorgeous
midrange.  When I want precision, and frankly for most of my listening,
I stick to solid state.  But, dim the lights, female jazz vocals,
perhaps, and tubes can breathe life into the system.

Also, as the other poster said, it really depends on your speaker.  One
thing to keep in mind -- and Krell is notorious here -- you need a lot
less power than you think you do.  It's instrutive to watch the needles
on a Mc stay below 10w.

Plinius is another great choice -- I'd go Plinius over Krell.  The 9200
is a helluva piece.  Pricey, though. 

JackOfAll;151597 Wrote: 
 Give me a tube amp any day of the week! ;-)


Relax.  It's about the music.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Suggested amplifier for Transporter?

2006-11-01 Thread P Floding

adamslim;151574 Wrote: 
 Outrageous flamebait :D
 Listen for yourself is all.  Krell stuff is highly respected, but the
 last Krell I heard sounded laughably bland to my ears.  If I owned it,
 I'd never play music.  But that's my ears - highdudgeon's are
 undoubtedly different (although his choice in speakers is better ;) ),
 and yours will be too.
 It's like women.  Look around, have fun, and buy the one you fall in
 love with.  Rest assured it will be more expensive than you intended :)

I wouldn't compare Krell's KAV line with the FPBs or their other class
A (operating mode, not rating) amps.

BTW, my FPB200 sounded a bit dull until I lifted the lid and did a
little internal housekeeping. After that it blew away my Bryston 7B ST,
which I sold on.

P Floding

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Suggested amplifier for Transporter?

2006-11-01 Thread tomjtx

Check out the latest Absolute Sound. They do a comparison of class D
amps. Nu-Force, Rowland and a # of others. Very interesting. If you
like the class D sound ,you might want to audition some of these.
Some people do think class D amps sound different just as tubes sound
but I don't know, haven't tried comparing. 
I really did like the Rowland integrated, though.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 into TacT - how good can it get?

2006-11-01 Thread P Floding

jhm731;151630 Wrote: 
 You must have a remarkable system, if you think it compares to
 Sleestack's gear.
 Other than the Aberdeen PSU, what upgrades have you done to your RCS
 and SB, and what's the rest of your system?

I don't think I have compared anything with anyone's system?

I have used a pair of Audiophysics Caldera speakers (retailed at $20k)
in my house (I have them in storage at the moment), but currently use
Yamaha NS-2000 instead. Money doesn't have to equate audio superiority,
if that is what you think.

I have a lightly tweaked Krell FPB200. The TacT has been internally
tweaked by myself, and currently sounds as good as one could ask.
(Sounds nothing like when I first got it.)

I don't see the relevance however? I'm talking about source quality
here, and if the difference in sound quality between sources is
blindingly obvious downstream from the source, then the exact system
doesn't matter.

P Floding

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Bose Vs Burr Brown

2006-11-01 Thread oliver_guy

When I connected my Squeezebox to my Bose Lifestyle system using the
analogue connections and the lead that came with the Squeezebox I was
very disappointed with the quality of sound.  

Switching to the digital output into the the D/A converter on my
Lifestyle it was much better - as I would have expected.

Initially I put this down to the D/A converter inside the Squeezebox
not being as good quality as the Bose one, however having read more
about the Burr Brown D/A converter I may have been to quick to make
that conclusion.

I would like to move back to using the analogue outputs and am thinking
about buying a high quality phono cable to make the connection.

Before I do, I am interested to see if anyone else has had any
experience in comparing the Squeezebox D/A converter with an external
one.  In short, was my sound disappointment purely cable related


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Bose Vs Burr Brown

2006-11-01 Thread P Floding

oliver_guy;151643 Wrote: 
 When I connected my Squeezebox to my Bose Lifestyle system using the
 analogue connections and the lead that came with the Squeezebox I was
 very disappointed with the quality of sound.  
 Switching to the digital output into the the D/A converter on my
 Lifestyle it was much better - as I would have expected.
 Initially I put this down to the D/A converter inside the Squeezebox
 not being as good quality as the Bose one, however having read more
 about the Burr Brown D/A converter I may have been to quick to make
 that conclusion.
 I would like to move back to using the analogue outputs and am thinking
 about buying a high quality phono cable to make the connection.
 Before I do, I am interested to see if anyone else has had any
 experience in comparing the Squeezebox D/A converter with an external
 one.  In short, was my sound disappointment purely cable related

Try cleaning the connectors of the analogue leads. Make sure they are a
tight fit.

What digital connector did you use for the digital hookup?

P Floding

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Bose Vs Burr Brown

2006-11-01 Thread oliver_guy

P Floding;151646 Wrote: 
 Try cleaning the connectors of the analogue leads. Make sure they are a
 tight fit.
 What digital connector did you use for the digital hookup?

I used the cable that came with the Squeezebox for the analogue output,
then again (one side only, clearly) for the digital (ie non-optical)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Bose Vs Burr Brown

2006-11-01 Thread P Floding

oliver_guy;151648 Wrote: 
 I used the cable that came with the Squeezebox for the analogue output,
 then again (one side only, clearly) for the digital (ie non-optical)

ok, that cable is not meant for digital transmission. (As far as I

I have found that using the wrong type of cable for digital
transmission can result in brighter sound, which could be percieved as
better -especially on a Bose system.

P Floding

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Aaargh! InfrantNas / Transporter disaster!

2006-11-01 Thread wreford

I just took receipt of my lovely new Transporter and tried to hook it up
- only to find it need slimserver 6.5 and the version required for
InfrantNas is 'coming soon' - so I can't listen to the damn thing! 
Does anyone know the eta for the Infrant-compatible v. 6.6?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Bose Vs Burr Brown

2006-11-01 Thread Deaf Cat

I prefer the dac in my Arcam reciever to the dac in my SB2, however I
believe someone else did the same test and prefered the SB2 dac.

I was using a £30 analogue cable and a £180 digi coax though - maybe
not a fair test a!

Have been meaning to have a play with my new IC's for a while now but
have not quite got round to it - The manufacturer sells a pair of rca
to rca's as an IC set (which I am using them as)and a single rca to rca
as the digi coax - same cable (which I need to have a shift around of
gear to try one as a digi cable).
However the Chord cables are sold as IC's and different cables as

Deaf Cat

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Suggested amplifier for Transporter?

2006-11-01 Thread highdudgeon

That article is pretty odd -- I think most of the reviewers are being
overly biased.  Chris Maartins really likes the Nuforce...and TAS did
give it a Golden Ear award.  I think it is a solid performer and pretty
much indistinguishable from other good solid state amps.  Bass is
extremely good, highs are perfectly linear (I know; I measure this
stuff), music has lots of life and sounds accurate.  Besides, they're
small, they run cool, and they're cute.  The TP with a pair of Nuforces
looks great and sounds great.  YMMV.  Some people can't abide the

tomjtx;151636 Wrote: 
 Check out the latest Absolute Sound. They do a comparison of class D
 amps. Nu-Force, Rowland and a # of others. Very interesting. If you
 like the class D sound ,you might want to audition some of these.
 Some people do think class D amps sound different just as tubes sound
 but I don't know, haven't tried comparing. 
 I really did like the Rowland integrated, though.


Relax.  It's about the music.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Aaargh! InfrantNas / Transporter disaster!

2006-11-01 Thread ron thigpen

wreford wrote:

I just took receipt of my lovely new Transporter and tried to hook it up
- only to find it need slimserver 6.5 and the version required for
InfrantNas is 'coming soon' - so I can't listen to the damn thing! 
Does anyone know the eta for the Infrant-compatible v. 6.6?



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Suggested amplifier for Transporter?

2006-11-01 Thread tomjtx

highdudgeon;151662 Wrote: 
 That article is pretty odd -- I think most of the reviewers are being
 overly biased.  Chris Maartins really likes the Nuforce...and TAS did
 give it a Golden Ear award.  I think it is a solid performer and pretty
 much indistinguishable from other good solid state amps.  Bass is
 extremely good, highs are perfectly linear (I know; I measure this
 stuff), music has lots of life and sounds accurate.  Besides, they're
 small, they run cool, and they're cute.  The TP with a pair of Nuforces
 looks great and sounds great.  YMMV.  Some people can't abide the

I agree their discussions sound vey biased at at times contradict their
For my ears, the Rowland was very musical and I heard things more
clearly than before, rythmic articulation was especially impressive. 

I  would love to hear the nuforce..hey, HD,
xmas is coming up.
are ya feeling like Santa? :-)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: TP changes with break in

2006-11-01 Thread Jenks

Totally agree that people hear things differently.  The brain is
designed to decode sound to make sense of it - part of both our hunter
and survivor skills - and a lot of that work is done in the time or
phase domian.  I do a lot of my experimentation (nearly 100 documented
experiments on interconnect cable designs this year, and many not
documented) with myself as the listener.  But when I do the same
experiments on other listeners it is clear that others are more or less
sensitive to certain types phase distortions.  This is one of the
reasons why I think burn in is related to insulators and their
different dielectric properties, and the fact/belief that their
perfomance changes over a very long period when subjected to an
electrical field.  I recall my friend Ernie telling me of work he did
in the military many years ago on how to quickly burn in (not a phrase
he would choose, but in this context it is what he means) teflon
insulation.  Then again the military could have been suffering from
placebo effect or faulty intelligence at the time - it wouldn't be a


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: TP changes with break in

2006-11-01 Thread Phil Leigh

Well yes that's cool...
dielectrics do degrade over time...through oxidation etc

Phil Leigh

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Effect of cleaning up power?

2006-11-01 Thread Jenks

In my experience, dedicated lines, (use ceramic fuses by the way, all
else sounds markedly worse), and good power cords does the trick, and
no conditioner I have tried has done anything than make the sound worse
in that context.  Also, in that context replacing any single cord with a
stock cord is a big step backwards.  However this is in a 230V 50Hz
quarter acre block suburban neighbourhood.  Fiddling with a few ideas
on earths made no meaningful difference for me either.  I have heard
power conditioners improve things at a mate's appartment.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Effect of cleaning up power?

2006-11-01 Thread P Floding

regalma1;136221 Wrote: 
 I once was a tech in lab that unknown to me had voltage difference
 between the grounds of two circuits. One guy plugged a tape recorder
 into one outlet and the source into another. It blew the inputs to the
 recorder. I found a voltage between the grounds on the two outlets.
 Tying them together solved the problem. This also why I am skeptical
 about separate circuits to separate pieces of equipment. I would think
 that having the entire system plugged into one circuit would be cleaner
 and safer. In my own system I can't plug my subwoofer into the outlet
 near where it is located and the rest of my system into a separate
 circuit. It creates a terrible 60 Hz hum.

Yes, I have arranged my power as a star pattern from a single outlet.
Seems to work very well.

P Floding

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Bose Vs Burr Brown

2006-11-01 Thread azinck3

Don't know about your Bose specifically, but I suspect it's like most
mid-to-low-level consumer audio equipment in that it converts all
analog inputs into digital, then back to analog again before going to
the amps.  That adds 2 extra conversions in the pipeline.  This is done
because it's easier to use IC's for various preamp and processing duties
(and you can add a lot more capabilities) than to attempt to do
everything in the analog domain.  Some receivers or preamps have a
straight, or bypass setting which bypasses this conversion.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 into TacT - how good can it get?

2006-11-01 Thread Phil Leigh

Cost - quality = NOT!

Phil Leigh

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Suggested amplifier for Transporter?

2006-11-01 Thread Phil Leigh

JackOfAll;151597 Wrote: 
 Give me a tube amp any day of the week! ;-)

It's purely a subjective (i.e. personal) choice - nothing to do with
ANY kind of science thank goodness. If you like bananas eat bananas. If
you don't ..don't.
Tube amps can sound great as can SS ones. Life just ain't that simple.

Phil Leigh

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 into TacT - how good can it get?

2006-11-01 Thread jhm731

P Floding;151641 Wrote: 
 I don't think I have compared anything with anyone's system?
 I have used a pair of Audiophysics Caldera speakers (retailed at $20k)
 in my house (I have them in storage at the moment), but currently use
 Yamaha NS-2000 instead. Money doesn't have to equate audio superiority,
 if that is what you think.
 I have a lightly tweaked Krell FPB200. The TacT has been internally
 tweaked by myself, and currently sounds as good as one could ask.
 (Sounds nothing like when I first got it.)
 I don't see the relevance however? I'm talking about source quality
 here, and if the difference in sound quality between sources is
 blindingly obvious downstream from the source, then the exact system
 doesn't matter.

I agree, Money doesn't have to equate audio superiority. 

Sleestack found the Aberdeen NorthStar Transport also outperformed his
more expensive Esoteric gear.

Sleestack and other TacT users that have heard both the SB and Aberdeen
NorthStar Transport, prefer the NS.

What does internally tweaked by myself, mean? 

Have you upgraded the DAC/ADC cards, cabling, pulse transformers, caps,
clocks, clock power supplies, etc, or have you just treated the contacts
with silver paste?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 into TacT - how good can it get?

2006-11-01 Thread P Floding

jhm731;151693 Wrote: 
 I agree, Money doesn't have to equate audio superiority. 
 Sleestack found the Aberdeen NorthStar Transport also outperformed his
 more expensive Esoteric gear.
 Sleestack and other TacT users that have heard both the SB and Aberdeen
 NorthStar Transport, prefer the NS.
 What does internally tweaked by myself, mean? 
 Have you upgraded the DAC/ADC cards, cabling, pulse transformers, caps,
 clocks, clock power supplies, etc, or have you just treated the contacts
 with silver paste?

I have only replaced the power supply, and treated all contacs.
It may be only in terms of work, but it is massive in terms of
performance improvement.

P Floding

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: TP changes with break in

2006-11-01 Thread adamslim

CardinalFang;151561 Wrote: 
 Following the links on Wikipedia led to this short piece from the German
 Magazine AUDIO that is very revealing:
 Oh - here's the link to a page to help you determine what type of
 response to music you have:

Hey cool links.  I got 11/12 'wrong', so am an overtone hearer.  Fits
with my preferred instrument choice of violin and voice.  Be
interesting to see how 'hearing' varies with equipment choice too.


SB3 and Shanling CDT-100, Rotel RT-990BX, Esoteric Audio Research 859,
Living Voice Auditorium IIs, Nordost cables

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Bose Vs Burr Brown

2006-11-01 Thread funkstar

From what i've read about Bose systems, i think there is a lot of
tweaking of the audio to make it sound 'good' in the right environment
throught their basic paper speaker cones.

here is a good right up: http://www.intellexual.net/bose.html


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 into TacT - how good can it get?

2006-11-01 Thread jhm731

P Floding;151696 Wrote: 
 I have only replaced the power supply, and treated all contacs.
 It may be only in terms of work, but it is massive in terms of
 performance improvement.

I've tried the contact enhancements, IMO, the improvement is
nowhere near the other upgrades I listed.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Bose Vs Burr Brown

2006-11-01 Thread Mark Lanctot

azinck3;151684 Wrote: 
 Don't know about your Bose specifically, but I suspect it's like most
 mid-to-low-level consumer audio equipment in that it converts all
 analog inputs into digital, then back to analog again before going to
 the amps.  That adds 2 extra conversions in the pipeline.  This is done
 because it's easier to use IC's for various preamp and processing duties
 (and you can add a lot more capabilities) than to attempt to do
 everything in the analog domain.  Some receivers or preamps have a
 straight, or bypass setting which bypasses this conversion.
 In other words, no matter what you do you'll be using the bose's DAC. 
 It's just a question of whether or not the signal will go straight
 there via a digital connection, or a roundabout way through the
 squeezebox's DAC-analog cable-Bose's ADC.  You're almost certainly
 better off with the digital connection.  Your ears didn't lie!

...exactly.  When I first got my SB2 (then SB3) and connected it to my
receiver via analog, the sound was so warm as to be muddy.  In
comparison, the digital sound was crisp, almost bright.  This was
puzzling - surely the SB3 DAC was better than the Cirrus Logic DAC in
my receiver?  I attributed it to different handling of the analogue
versus the digital inputs, principally due to sending it through the
receiver's ADC.  But I used the digital for a long time.

Funny, around the time I installed 6.5 I tried again and it sounded
much better?  I have no idea what changed and there was a thread
someone else started that noted this as well.  Anyway, I've been using
analog ever since.  It's still warmer, but not as muffled as before.

Mark Lanctot

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter, Inside Out

2006-11-01 Thread Jenks

Whether designing, building, modifying or just buying, we all need
models that help us decide what to do.  You can say 'just listen', but
how do you listen to everything, or worse still as a designer, build
everything.  I can see in Sean's posts what some of his models are, and
they are different from some other designers.  If as a buyer your model
is 'I only listen to digital sources that have discrete outputs' then
you won't bother listening to the Transporter.  We all need to sift

What we should be careful about however is getting stuck in our
prevailing models.  If enough people I trust say the Transporter sounds
good, then I will happily discard my prejudices against AKM and NE5534s
and have a listen.  (That's just a hypothetical example by the way). 
Real scientists get excited when an opportunity to disprove their
models arises, don't they?

Sean has a model that believes clock sync cables don't matter - it
doesn't make him right, but it has plenty of validity and support.  But
equally if enough credible people say they hear a difference, then
perhaps its worth giving it a try.

We can't advance human knowledge without having those models (no group
of monkeys has ever actually typed even a paragraph of War  Peace),
but we can't advance human knowledge insisting our models are inviolate
either (eg. must have Black Gates, no coupling caps or ICs).

So I am still a bit of a sceptic myself about whether to buy a
Transporter, but saying it can't sound good because it uses cheap ICs
doesn't help me any. Hearing credible reports on its sound quality does
- keep em coming.  If you can indicate what you compared it to that
would be even better.  I hear the phrases - can get into the music more
- and say to myself 'now you are talking'.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: TP changes with break in

2006-11-01 Thread EFP

so what does it mean when you get 6 of 12 like I just did?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: TP changes with break in

2006-11-01 Thread Jenks

Well yes that's cool...
dielectrics do degrade over time...through oxidation etc

Is that intended to be a put down or did you just misread my post?  The
military wanted to degrade the dielectric before use?

Since you are so dogmatic about it Phil, how many controlled
experiments on burn in have you performed?  I am interested in others
observations - not the closed minded application or your models to my
reality.  Dismissing my observations with your derisive closed mind is
not appreciated.

Perhaps you come here to debate with people to continually reinforce
your comfort that you already know everything.  I don't.  I come here
to share experiences and views.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Suggested amplifier for Transporter?

2006-11-01 Thread PhilNYC

highdudgeon;151495 Wrote: 
 The best kind of amp, I think, is the kind of amp that will allow you to
 buy the best possible speakers within your overall budget.  There are
 differences in amps, to be sure, and they are especially obvious when
 comparing tube and solid state amps (which says something about amp
 construction, because ideally made amps should all sound alike). 
 However, differences between speakers are vast.  I have had everything
 from $9 McIntosh MC-501s and a used $450 Carver A-500x paired with
 superlative Harbeth Monitor 40s and two Quads.  The changes in speakers
 made more of a difference and the differences between amps was
 shockingly nuanced.
 In short, take a look at your total budget, think about what you like
 in music, take your room into consideration, and then pick out some
 optimal speakers.  Buy a less expensive amp.  Then, when you have more
 budget flexibility, by a cooler-looking, longer-living, etc.,
 amplifier.  (I have nothing against buying something because you like
 the way it looks...so long as you're not totally throwing your money
 Oh, and I would say this: maybe stay away from tube amps.  They don't
 have the same bass response and high resolution as well-made solid
 state amps.  I'm not dissing them, either -- I  own, and love, two tube
 amps.  However, the Transporter is an extremely high definition
 device...so you might as well let that come through.  You can always
 grab a tube amp (a vintage Mc is great) for a second piece down the
 road.  I like having tube gear around.

If you end up with high-efficiency speakers (eg. horns, like he owned
before), then tubes might be the ideal amplifier choice for him...I
know I certainly wouldn't run a pair of 100+db sensitive speakers with
a high-powered solid state or Class D amp!


Sonic Spirits Inc.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: TP changes with break in

2006-11-01 Thread Jenks

Like it!!  Did you need to vomit on the Transporter to get it to sound
better?  Sounds more like a soak test than burn in, but certainly novel
and something I have not tried.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: TP changes with break in

2006-11-01 Thread tomjtx

There will be a double blind test of the stomach flu/TP sound on the
next SouthPark episode


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Suggested amplifier for Transporter?

2006-11-01 Thread Jenks

On one level I don't totally agree with you Highdudgeon.  Yes the
differences between speakers is vast, in terms of tonal flavour,
extension, dynamics, etc.  But I have heard very few speakers that
cannot be made to sound musical.  I cannot so easily say that of amps. 
In blind tests different speakers will be obvious and different amps
will be hard to pick, yes.  But over a period of a week, what can sound
like a small initial change between two amps can amount to a lot in
terms of whether I am enjoying the music.  So my point is I think
getting the right speaker for your room is really hard and really
important, but it doesn't necessarily require a lot of money.  Sadly
getting a musically fine amp can cost a lot of money.  My sense is I
must be able to adjust to the sound of speakers more easily than to the
sound of amps, even though the latter appear to be more accurate by any
conventional measurements.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter, Inside Out

2006-11-01 Thread P Floding

Jenks;151728 Wrote: 
 Whether designing, building, modifying or just buying, we all need
 models that help us decide what to do.  You can say 'just listen', but
 how do you listen to everything, or worse still as a designer, build
 everything.  I can see in Sean's posts what some of his models are, and
 they are different from some other designers.  If as a buyer your model
 is 'I only listen to digital sources that have discrete outputs' then
 you won't bother listening to the Transporter.  We all need to sift
 What we should be careful about however is getting stuck in our
 prevailing models.  If enough people I trust say the Transporter sounds
 good, then I will happily discard my prejudices against AKM and NE5534s
 and have a listen.  (That's just a hypothetical example by the way). 
 Real scientists get excited when an opportunity to disprove their
 models arises, don't they?
 Sean has a model that believes clock sync cables don't matter - it
 doesn't make him right, but it has plenty of validity and support.  But
 equally if enough credible people say they hear a difference, then
 perhaps its worth giving it a try.
 We can't advance human knowledge without having those models (no group
 of monkeys has ever actually typed even a paragraph of War  Peace),
 but we can't advance human knowledge insisting our models are inviolate
 either (eg. must have Black Gates, no coupling caps or ICs).
 So I am still a bit of a sceptic myself about whether to buy a
 Transporter, but saying it can't sound good because it uses cheap ICs
 doesn't help me any. Hearing credible reports on its sound quality does
 - keep em coming.  If you can indicate what you compared it to that
 would be even better.  I hear the phrases - can get into the music more
 - and say to myself 'now you are talking'.

Ehh, the clock sync cable doesn't matter since it is engineered not to
matter. It's not an opinion.

For its purpose any cable that passes the clock signal correctly is
equally good.

However, there just MIGHT be secondary effects that are not part of the
clock sync functionality as such that could affect sound quality. Things
such as ground noise being transmitted via the sync cable. (Therefore an
optical clock sync cable would be a good thing.)

P Floding

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Suggested amplifier for Transporter?

2006-11-01 Thread tomjtx

Jenks;151741 Wrote: 
 On one level I don't totally agree with you Highdudgeon.  Yes the
 differences between speakers is vast, in terms of tonal flavour,
 extension, dynamics, etc.  But I have heard very few speakers that
 cannot be made to sound musical.  I cannot so easily say that of amps. 
 In blind tests different speakers will be obvious and different amps
 will be hard to pick, yes.  But over a period of a week, what can sound
 like a small initial change between two amps can amount to a lot in
 terms of whether I am enjoying the music.  So my point is I think
 getting the right speaker for your room is really hard and really
 important, but it doesn't necessarily require a lot of money.  Sadly
 getting a musically fine amp can cost a lot of money.  My sense is I
 must be able to adjust to the sound of speakers more easily than to the
 sound of amps, even though the latter appear to be more accurate by any
 conventional measurements.

Jenks, my impression is that you would be in the minority with that
view(not that that means anything) so I am curious if you know anyone
who shares your opinion?

Or. is it because your British and drive on the wrong side of the road


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Suggested amplifier for Transporter?

2006-11-01 Thread Jenks

A kiwi and drive on the wrong side of the world.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Suggested amplifier for Transporter?

2006-11-01 Thread tomjtx

Jenks;151747 Wrote: 
 A kiwi and drive on the wrong side of the world.

I'm sorry, I don't get  that, where are you from. Sorry to be so dense
(I'll blame it on the flu.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Suggested amplifier for Transporter?

2006-11-01 Thread Jenks

Yes, I live in New Zealand (or middle earth to some), sorry about being
so cryptic when you are ridden with the flu.


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