Re: ColdFusion Coding Contest

2004-04-09 Thread Eric Dawson
I really like the idea about the web service competitions... you enter your webservice agent into a contest on some server somewhere and tournaments are held to determine winners.

hockey simulations...

I think it would be fun.

- Original Message - 
From: cfhelp 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 11:05 PM
Subject: RE: ColdFusion Coding Contest

What someone needs to do is set this up and a few other puzzles and form
development teams.

Team 1: CF
Team 2: ASP/.Net
Team 3: PERL
Team 4: PHP


-Original Message-
From: Tangorre, Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 9:19 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: ColdFusion Coding Contest

WOW, this contest is on fire!:-)

We are up to three.

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Re: ColdFusion Coding Contest

2004-04-09 Thread Eric Dawson
what's the contest URL again?
- Original Message - 
From: cfhelp 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 11:05 PM
Subject: RE: ColdFusion Coding Contest

What someone needs to do is set this up and a few other puzzles and form
development teams.

Team 1: CF
Team 2: ASP/.Net
Team 3: PERL
Team 4: PHP


-Original Message-
From: Tangorre, Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 9:19 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: ColdFusion Coding Contest

WOW, this contest is on fire!:-)

We are up to three.

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RE: ...just took 60+ seconds to load Hello World in Flex!

2004-04-09 Thread Samuel R. Neff
We're developing a set of commercial charting components for Flash and for
Flex--we actually demoed them last November at MAX.Hence the familiarity.

I don't know of any way to get rid of the loading message.If you look at
the AS code generated by a Flex app, the loading thing is generated by the
compiler on the _root timeline of the generated SWF.It doesn't even come
from one of the components (it is a component, but it's kicked off from the
timeline).Maybe there's an option somewhere though.

The overhead will be addressed as soon as Flex supports runtime shared
libraries.With this then the classes only have to be downloaded once.I
would say that RSL are critical to the success of Flex, but it's really
strange they weren't made a high-enough priority to be included in 1.0.I'd
expect to see them in a 1.x or at least a 2.0 release.

I also don't expect to see more than a handful of companies actually go into
production with Flex 1.0.The price will keep it to only the largest
companies (my company excluded) and the expected development timelines are
for medium to long term projects.How many people do you know would bet a
half million dollar project on a 1.0 product?That's the price point you're
looking at for ROI over the purchase price of Flex (keeping in mind that
large products typically have more CPU's and $12,000 is just the starting



 -Original Message-
 From: Dick Applebaum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2004 11:25 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: ...just took 60+ seconds to load Hello World in Flex!
 On Apr 8, 2004, at 7:41 PM, Samuel R. Neff wrote:
 The second run should be significantly faster, but still a 
 lot slower 
  than a
 Flash Hello World app since every app will have the 
 130kb of Flex 
 You seem to have a lot of Flex experience.
 Is this just a Newness of Flex thing?I hope that as Flex matures 
 that repackaging (whatever) will reduce the default overhead of using 
 btw, is there a way to get rid of the loading message that appears 
 with the rendering of each FlexFlash page?
 New to Flex but trying to learn!

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Re: ...just took 60+ seconds to load Hello World in Flex!

2004-04-09 Thread Dick Applebaum
On Apr 9, 2004, at 1:04 AM, Samuel R. Neff wrote:

I don't know of any way to get rid of the loading message.  If you 
 look at
the AS code generated by a Flex app, the loading thing is generated 
 by the
compiler on the _root timeline of the generated SWF.  It doesn't even 
from one of the components (it is a component, but it's kicked off 
 from the
timeline).  Maybe there's an option somewhere though.

How do you look at the AS code generated by a Flex app?


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App Mappings dilema

2004-04-09 Thread Brian Dominick
The last couple years of my life as a CF developer have been plagued by
painful settings on their webserver. They established app mappings to force
all .htm and .html files to be parsed by CF so they could stick CF tags into
existing, previously-static pages and not have to change filenames to add
dynamic funcionality. Aside from the excess load on the sever, it worked
fine under CF5 for the past few years.

Last night I upgraded that webserver, finally, to CFMX 6.1 -- unfortunately,
the app mappings didn't carry over. I reset them to point to
C:\CFusionMX\runtime\lib\wsconfig\1\jrun.dll -- but that didn't do the

So then I edited the XML-based servlet mapping in the web.xml file, as per
instructions I found here:

Still no luck. But the strangest thing is I get a very vague, generic error
message. It just says: Error Occurred While Processing Request and gives
me the standard error box without any details other than my browser build
and IP address.

What happens is .cfm files parse and display fine. But .htm files throw that
error every time. If I rename a .htm file that contains no CF tags, and I
just change the extension to .cfm, it renders fine.

Does anyone know what I could be missing?

Thanks in advance for any help... I'm in kind of a hurry because I don't
want to back out of this upgrade but the sun has risen...

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Re: nesting custom tags

2004-04-09 Thread Jennifer Knoblock
The first tag...

cfset dsn=caller.dsn

cfquery name=getSets datasource=#dsn#
select * from TMSSets where TMSSETID='#attributes.setid#' order by tmssetid

	cfif getsets.Router is 1
	cfset Complist=GWS,ADUA,DSA,Router
	cfset Complist=GWS,ADUA,DSA
	cfloop list=#CompList# index=i
	cf_TMSStatusColor setid=#attributes.setid# type=#i#
	cfquery datasource=#dsn#
	update ComponentStatus set FENStatus='#FENStatusBackground#' where setid='#attributes.setid#' and comptype='#i#'
	cf_TMSStatusColorIAVA setid=#attributes.setid# type=#i#
	cfquery datasource=#dsn#
	update ComponentStatus set IAVAStatus='#IAVAStatusBackground#' where setid='#attributes.setid#' and comptype='#i#'
	cfset FullList=GWS,ADUA,DSA
	cfif getsets.router is 1
	cfset FullList=ListAppend(FullList, Router)
	cfif getsets.TACLANE is 1
	cfset FullList=ListAppend(FullList, TACLANE)
	cfloop list=#FullList# index=i
	cf_TMSStatusColorAI setid=#attributes.setid# type=#i#
	cfquery datasource=#dsn#
	update ComponentStatus set AIStatus='#AIStatusBackground#' where setid='#attributes.setid#'

CFQUERY NAME=getComps datasource=#dsn#
select * from componentstatus where setid='#attributes.setid#'

cfloop query=getcomps
cfif (getcomps.fenstatus is 'red') OR (getcomps.iavastatus is 'red') OR (getcomps.aistatus is 'red')
cfset myoverallstatus='red'

cfelseif (getcomps.fenstatus is 'green' and getcomps.iavastatus is 'green' and getcomps.aistatus is 'green')
cfset myoverallstatus='green'

cfelseif (getcomps.fenstatus is 'yellow' OR getcomps.fenstatus is 'green') and (getcomps.iavastatus is 'yellow' OR getcomps.iavastatus is 'green') and (getcomps.aistatus is 'yellow' OR getcomps.aistatus is 'green')

cfset myoverallstatus='cyan'

cfquery datasource=#dsN#
update componentstatus set Overallstatus='#myoverallstatus#' where setid='#attributes.setid#' and comptype='#i#'
cfloop query=getsets
CFQUERY NAME=getComps2 datasource=#dsn#
select setid,overallstatus from componentstatus where setid='#attributes.setid#'
!---create list and loop over list looking for red, then yellow and finally greens---

cfset StatusList=valuelist(getcomps2.overallstatus)
cfloop query=getcomps2
cfif len(statuslist) is 0
cfset MySetoverallstatus='green'
	cfif ListContainsNoCase(statuslist, 'red')
	cfset MySetoverallstatus='red'
	cfelseif ListContainsNoCase(statuslist, 'yellow')
	cfset MySetoverallstatus='yellow'
	cfset MySetoverallstatus='green'
cfquery datasource=#dsn#
update TMSSets SET Overallstatus='#mysetoverallstatus#'
where tmssetid='#attributes.setid#'

TMSStatusColor - the first custom tag that the one above calls...

cfset dsn=#caller.dsn#
cfif attributes.type is not 'TACLANE'
cfquery name=getsoftware datasource=#dsn#
select * from dmssoftwarebaseline where dmscomponent='#attributes.type#'
cfset THECriteria=

cfloop query=getsoftware
cfset statusbackground=orange
cfset TheSoftware=Getsoftware.DMSComponent  getsoftware.DMSProduct
cfset thecriteria=TheSoftware  '='    'yes'    ' OR '  TheCriteria
cfset thecriteria=left(Thecriteria, len(thecriteria)-4)
cfset Thecriteria='('  TheCriteria  ')'
cfset THecriteria= thecriteria  ' and (Fens.Status = ''Closed. Applicable to TMS''
and FenFinal.finalrecommendation=''Closed. Applicable to TMS''
and Fens.Fennumber=Fentestlabreview.fennumber 
			from FEN2COmponent 
			where TMSSETID=''#attributes.setid#'' 
			AND DMSCOmponent=''#attributes.type#''))'	

cfquery name=getfens datasource=#dsn#
select FENs.fennumber, FENTestlabReview.InstallNLTDate
from Fens, FenTestLabReview, FENFinal
where #preservesinglequotes(TheCriteria)# 
cfset caller.FENstatusbackground=orange
	cfif getFENs.recordcount is 0
	cfset caller.FENStatusBackground=green
		Cfloop query=getFENs
		cfset CompareDate=DateCompare(getFENs.installnltdate, now(), 'd')
			cfif CompareDate LT 0
			cfset caller.FENStatusBackground=red
			Cfelseif comparedate gte 0
			cfset caller.FENStatusBackground=Yellow
cfset caller.FENstatusbackground=green
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JS help - checkboxes

2004-04-09 Thread Tim Laureska
I have a little script that throws up an alert when more than 1 checkbox
is selected.However, is there some code I can put in this script that
will also prevent anything else in the cold fusion page from processing
until the more than one checkbox problem is corrected?Here's the

SCRIPT LANGUAGE=_javascript_
!-- Begin
function anyCheck(form) {
var total = 0;
var max = form.type_no.length;
for (var idx = 0; idx  max; idx++) {
if (eval(document.registration.type_no[ + idx + ].checked) == true)
 total += 1;
if (total 1) alert(You cannot select more than 1 registration type);

//End --

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RE: JS help - checkboxes

2004-04-09 Thread Adkins, Randy
If your calling that script from the OnSubmit function of your form tag,
simply return FALSE to the call:


Then in the script:
if (eval(document.registration.type_no[ + idx + ].checked) == true)
 total += 1;
if (total 1) alert(You cannot select more than 1 registration type);
return false
return true

This is of course you need no other validation

-Original Message-
From: Tim Laureska [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 8:52 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: JS help - checkboxes

I have a little script that throws up an alert when more than 1 checkbox
is selected.However, is there some code I can put in this script that
will also prevent anything else in the cold fusion page from processing
until the more than one checkbox problem is corrected?Here's the

SCRIPT LANGUAGE=_javascript_
!-- Begin
function anyCheck(form) {
var total = 0;
var max = form.type_no.length;
for (var idx = 0; idx  max; idx++) {
if (eval(document.registration.type_no[ + idx + ].checked) == true)
 total += 1;
if (total 1) alert(You cannot select more than 1 registration type);

//End --

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Re: App Mappings dilema

2004-04-09 Thread Cutter (CF-Talk)

I've never known CF to parse html files, in any of it's incarnations. 
I've known other servers (Apache, IIS, etc.) to parse the html files, 
while the CF on top of it parsed all the cfml files, but I've never seen 
it any other way. Someone let me know if I'm wrong here.


Brian Dominick wrote:
 The last couple years of my life as a CF developer have been plagued by
 painful settings on their webserver. They established app mappings to force
 all .htm and .html files to be parsed by CF so they could stick CF tags into
 existing, previously-static pages and not have to change filenames to add
 dynamic funcionality. Aside from the excess load on the sever, it worked
 fine under CF5 for the past few years.
 Last night I upgraded that webserver, finally, to CFMX 6.1 -- unfortunately,
 the app mappings didn't carry over. I reset them to point to
 C:\CFusionMX\runtime\lib\wsconfig\1\jrun.dll -- but that didn't do the
 So then I edited the XML-based servlet mapping in the web.xml file, as per
 instructions I found here:
 Still no luck. But the strangest thing is I get a very vague, generic error
 message. It just says: Error Occurred While Processing Request and gives
 me the standard error box without any details other than my browser build
 and IP address.
 What happens is .cfm files parse and display fine. But .htm files throw that
 error every time. If I rename a .htm file that contains no CF tags, and I
 just change the extension to .cfm, it renders fine.
 Does anyone know what I could be missing?
 Thanks in advance for any help... I'm in kind of a hurry because I don't
 want to back out of this upgrade but the sun has risen...

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RE: JS help - checkboxes

2004-04-09 Thread Lofback, Chris
Would it make more sense to use radio buttons, which only allow one selection?


-Original Message-
From: Tim Laureska [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 8:52 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: JS help - checkboxes

I have a little script that throws up an alert when more than 1 checkbox
is selected.However, is there some code I can put in this script that
will also prevent anything else in the cold fusion page from processing
until the more than one checkbox problem is corrected?Here's the

SCRIPT LANGUAGE=_javascript_
!-- Begin
function anyCheck(form) {
var total = 0;
var max = form.type_no.length;
for (var idx = 0; idx  max; idx++) {
if (eval(document.registration.type_no[ + idx + ].checked) == true)
 total += 1;
if (total 1) alert(You cannot select more than 1 registration type);

//End --

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Re: App Mappings dilema

2004-04-09 Thread Claude Schneegans
I've never known CF to parse html files, in any of it's incarnations.

CF will parse anything as CFML if the HTTP server asks it to do.
The setting is in the HTTP server.

See some cool custom tags here:
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RE: ColdFusion Coding Contest

2004-04-09 Thread Kazmierczak, Kevin

When you are done, submit your entry to me for the judging.You have
until midnight on Sunday to submit.



From: Eric Dawson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 2:50 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: ColdFusion Coding Contest

what's the contest URL again?
- Original Message - 
From: cfhelp 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 11:05 PM
Subject: RE: ColdFusion Coding Contest

What someone needs to do is set this up and a few other puzzles and
development teams.

Team 1: CF
Team 2: ASP/.Net
Team 3: PERL
Team 4: PHP


-Original Message-
From: Tangorre, Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 9:19 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: ColdFusion Coding Contest

WOW, this contest is on fire!:-)

We are up to three.

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RE: JS help - checkboxes

2004-04-09 Thread Tim Laureska
Ahh... I didn't know that... never used radio buttons before ... I'll
check out that possibility

-Original Message-
From: Lofback, Chris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 9:10 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: JS help - checkboxes

Would it make more sense to use radio buttons, which only allow one


-Original Message-
From: Tim Laureska [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 8:52 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: JS help - checkboxes

I have a little script that throws up an alert when more than 1 checkbox
is selected.However, is there some code I can put in this script that
will also prevent anything else in the cold fusion page from processing
until the more than one checkbox problem is corrected?Here's the

SCRIPT LANGUAGE=_javascript_
!-- Begin
function anyCheck(form) {
var total = 0;
var max = form.type_no.length;
for (var idx = 0; idx  max; idx++) {
if (eval(document.registration.type_no[ + idx + ].checked) == true)
 total += 1;
if (total 1) alert(You cannot select more than 1 registration type);

//End --

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RE: Breaking up table for printing (long)

2004-04-09 Thread Ian Skinner
I think you can do this with style sheets.

This is just off my head, and completely untested (I'm writing it into this email as I think of it).

What you want to do is create your panels as you want them to print them in div blocks.Then tell these div blocks to float left.What will happen is that if there is not enough room for the next div to fit to the right of the previous one, it will fall to below it in line.This works on the screen and on a printer.We did something like this for a telephone directory, we set the names into groups that would output in columns when printed.

Don't forget you can define a print style sheet with different properties then your screen.Makes it very easy to make your display look good both on screen and paper.

Some code snippets.
style media=print
 width: 8in;
 float: left;

cfset sec = 1
div id=Panel1-#sec#
cfloop over data by dates

 cfif Columns greater then 5
cfset sec = sec + 1

div ID=Panel1-#sec#

I'm sure this will take quite a bit of refinement, but hopefully it gets you started.If you need more specific help let me know.

Ian Skinner
Web Programmer
Sacramento, CA

C code. C code run. Run code run. Please!
- Cynthia Dunning
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RE: JS help - checkboxes

2004-04-09 Thread Tim Laureska
Thanks Chris... was easy and works great

Randy... thanks also for your suggestion on the checkbox approach

-Original Message-
From: Lofback, Chris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 9:10 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: JS help - checkboxes

Would it make more sense to use radio buttons, which only allow one


-Original Message-
From: Tim Laureska [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 8:52 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: JS help - checkboxes

I have a little script that throws up an alert when more than 1 checkbox
is selected.However, is there some code I can put in this script that
will also prevent anything else in the cold fusion page from processing
until the more than one checkbox problem is corrected?Here's the

SCRIPT LANGUAGE=_javascript_
!-- Begin
function anyCheck(form) {
var total = 0;
var max = form.type_no.length;
for (var idx = 0; idx  max; idx++) {
if (eval(document.registration.type_no[ + idx + ].checked) == true)
 total += 1;
if (total 1) alert(You cannot select more than 1 registration type);

//End --

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RE: Breaking up table for printing (long)

2004-04-09 Thread Ian Skinner
OK, that was a bit more complex then I thought.Luckily I enjoy a challenge.Here is a prototype of the display that you want, but this could be a challenge to integrate with a query, I think using the array notation of a query may be the best way.Anyway here is some tested code.

cfloop from=1 to=3 index=panel

cfset sec = 0

cfloop from=1 to=100 step=5 index=data
cfset sec = sec + 1
cfset start = data
cfset end = start + 4

div id=Panel#panel#-#sec# style=margin-bottom: 1em;
 span style=width: 1.25in; font-weight:bold;Panel: #panel# Sec: #sec#/span
 cfloop from=#start# to=#end# index=result
span style=width: 1in; font-weight:bold;
DATE #Result#
 cfloop from=1 to=5 index=test
div id=row#test#
span style=width: 1.25in;Test #test#/span
cfloop from=#start# to=#end# index=result
 span style=width: 1in;



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RE: JS help - checkboxes

2004-04-09 Thread Lofback, Chris
Glad to help.Here's one more tip.If you want HTML checkboxes and radio buttons to activate by clicking on the label (like other form-based apps), try this snippet of code:


I don't think it works on every browser, but it works on most modern ones and the others just ignore the LABEL tags.Note that the FOR parameter of the LABEL tag must match the ID parameter of the radio button or checkbox.


-Original Message-
From: Tim Laureska [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 9:46 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: JS help - checkboxes

Thanks Chris... was easy and works great

Randy... thanks also for your suggestion on the checkbox approach

-Original Message-
From: Lofback, Chris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 9:10 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: JS help - checkboxes

Would it make more sense to use radio buttons, which only allow one


-Original Message-
From: Tim Laureska [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 8:52 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: JS help - checkboxes

I have a little script that throws up an alert when more than 1 checkbox
is selected.However, is there some code I can put in this script that
will also prevent anything else in the cold fusion page from processing
until the more than one checkbox problem is corrected?Here's the

SCRIPT LANGUAGE=_javascript_
!-- Begin
function anyCheck(form) {
var total = 0;
var max = form.type_no.length;
for (var idx = 0; idx  max; idx++) {
if (eval(document.registration.type_no[ + idx + ].checked) == true)
 total += 1;
if (total 1) alert(You cannot select more than 1 registration type);

//End --

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Re: ...just took 60+ seconds to load Hello World in Flex!

2004-04-09 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Apr 8, 2004, at 11:25 PM, Dick Applebaum wrote:

btw, is there a way to get rid of the loading message that appears
with the rendering of each FlexFlash page?

You can set the usePreloader attribute of the Application tag to false 
like this:

mx:Application xmlns:mx= 

You can also customize it using the preloader attribute.

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Re: ...just took 60+ seconds to load Hello World in Flex!

2004-04-09 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Apr 8, 2004, at 10:41 PM, Samuel R. Neff wrote:

The second run should be significantly faster, but still a lot slower 
 than a
Flash Hello World app since every app will have the 130kb of Flex 

Small applications requiring little interaction can still benefit from 
the look and functionality that Flex provides, but as Sam points out, 
they are going to be significantly larger than their Flash or HTML 
equivalents.Medium to large applications, however, which are more 
interactive, start to benefit very quickly from a bandwidth perspective 
from the Flex application model.It's not unusual for pages on sites 
like Amazon or eBay to be anywhere from 60K to 90K in size, not 
counting external assets like images, style sheets, scripts, etc.It 
only takes one or two clicks before you are actually saving significant 
amounts of bandwidth with Flex.

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RE: ...just took 60+ seconds to load Hello World in Flex!

2004-04-09 Thread Samuel R. Neff
Yes, I was probably too negative in my earlier post.A Flex app will
generally save bandwidth when comparing the whole app to an equivalent HTML
app, but will be larger compared to the equivalent Flash app, and most
importantly, larger than necessary due to current lack of RSL or ability to
specify classes that will be available dynamically at run-time.

Of course Flex is not made for Hello World apps and the 130kb startup size
stays at just 130 for a while even when you load up a bunch of components as
they reuse a lot of code.In my experience a typical real-world Flex app
will be 200-400kb.


 -Original Message-
 From: Christian Cantrell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 10:30 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: ...just took 60+ seconds to load Hello World in Flex!
 On Apr 8, 2004, at 10:41 PM, Samuel R. Neff wrote:
 The second run should be significantly faster, but still a 
 lot slower 
  than a
 Flash Hello World app since every app will have the 
 130kb of Flex 
 Small applications requiring little interaction can still 
 benefit from 
 the look and functionality that Flex provides, but as Sam points out, 
 they are going to be significantly larger than their Flash or HTML 
 equivalents.Medium to large applications, however, which are more 
 interactive, start to benefit very quickly from a bandwidth 
 from the Flex application model.It's not unusual for pages on sites 
 like Amazon or eBay to be anywhere from 60K to 90K in size, not 
 counting external assets like images, style sheets, scripts, etc.It 
 only takes one or two clicks before you are actually saving 
 amounts of bandwidth with Flex.
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Regex newbie has partial success

2004-04-09 Thread Nathan C. Smith
I am trying to go through a string and replace instances of D, that may or
may not have spaces after them, with uppercase D adjacent to the following

	cfset testcase =d 307,569|d307,558|d 221,145|

	cfset testcase = ReReplace(trim(testcase),[dD][\s]?,D)

If anyone looking at this has a pointer or can nudge me towards the field of
regex study to complete my task I would appreciate it.I have Ben's new
book in front of me, but clearly I am missing something.

Thank you much.


Nathan SmithMcKee, Voorhees  Sease, P.L.C.515.288.3667
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Join 2 like queries

2004-04-09 Thread Robert Everland III
Is there a way that I can join 2 queries that have the exact same columns returned. Let me give you some background. I am trying to query an ldap server. It can only return 1000 users, so I had to filter it. So I had to make 2 different ldap queries that both return the same columns but have different information. I want to join them together without have to run 2 different loops to do some other things I'm doing. So anyone have any idea?

Bob Everland
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Re: Regex newbie has partial success

2004-04-09 Thread Charlie Griefer
disclaimer:I'm a total n00b with regex too.i've only spent 4 minutes
with Ben's 10 minute book so far... so if there may be a better way to do
this (and if there is, I'm sure somebody will speak up)...but this works:

cfset testcase =d 307,569|d307,558|d 221,145|
cfset testcase = ReReplace(trim(testcase),([Dd]\s?),D,all)

the problem that I think I see with yours is that you put both the dD and
the space within character classes, which only match a single character.By
taking the space (\s) out of the character class, you're saying, one upper
or lower 'D' optionally followed by a space (the optional flag being the


- Original Message - 
From: Nathan C. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 8:33 AM
Subject: Regex newbie has partial success

 I am trying to go through a string and replace instances of D, that may
 may not have spaces after them, with uppercase D adjacent to the

 cfset testcase =d 307,569|d307,558|d 221,145|

 cfset testcase = ReReplace(trim(testcase),[dD][\s]?,D)

 If anyone looking at this has a pointer or can nudge me towards the field
 regex study to complete my task I would appreciate it.I have Ben's new
 book in front of me, but clearly I am missing something.

 Thank you much.


 Nathan SmithMcKee, Voorhees  Sease, P.L.C.515.288.3667

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RE: Join 2 like queries

2004-04-09 Thread Barney Boisvert
UNION is your saviour, and you can even do it with a QofQ:

cfldap ... Name=ldap1 /
cfldap ... Name=ldap2 /

cfquery dbtype=query name=ldap
 FROM ldap1
 FROM ldap2


 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Everland III [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 8:52 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Join 2 like queries
 Is there a way that I can join 2 queries that have the exact 
 same columns returned. Let me give you some background. I am 
 trying to query an ldap server. It can only return 1000 
 users, so I had to filter it. So I had to make 2 different 
 ldap queries that both return the same columns but have 
 different information. I want to join them together without 
 have to run 2 different loops to do some other things I'm 
 doing. So anyone have any idea?
 Bob Everland

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RE: Regex newbie has partial success

2004-04-09 Thread Nathan C. Smith
How do you like that, I thought I was lacking regex knowledge turns out I
was lacking CF knowledge too.

The more I learn the less I know.


-Original Message-
From: Charlie Griefer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 10:54 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Regex newbie has partial success

disclaimer:I'm a total n00b with regex too.i've only spent 4 minutes
with Ben's 10 minute book so far... so if there may be a better way to do
this (and if there is, I'm sure somebody will speak up)...but this works:

cfset testcase =d 307,569|d307,558|d 221,145|
cfset testcase = ReReplace(trim(testcase),([Dd]\s?),D,all)

the problem that I think I see with yours is that you put both the dD and
the space within character classes, which only match a single character.By
taking the space (\s) out of the character class, you're saying, one upper
or lower 'D' optionally followed by a space (the optional flag being the


- Original Message - 
From: Nathan C. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 8:33 AM
Subject: Regex newbie has partial success

 I am trying to go through a string and replace instances of D, that may
 may not have spaces after them, with uppercase D adjacent to the

 cfset testcase =d 307,569|d307,558|d 221,145|

 cfset testcase = ReReplace(trim(testcase),[dD][\s]?,D)

 If anyone looking at this has a pointer or can nudge me towards the field
 regex study to complete my task I would appreciate it.I have Ben's new
 book in front of me, but clearly I am missing something.

 Thank you much.


 Nathan SmithMcKee, Voorhees  Sease, P.L.C.515.288.3667

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7 days old

2004-04-09 Thread Daniel Kessler
I'm doing a query for all records that are newer than 7 days.I 
inserted the date using DateFormat(Now()).Unfortunately it gives me 
an error that dateAdded is unidentified.True, it's a column and I 
want it to search the column for anything less than 7 days old.Can 
anyone help me word this WHERE?

select * FROM whats_new
WHERE '#DateDiff(d,dateAdded,the_date)#'  7
order by dateAdded DESC


Daniel Kessler

Department of Public and Community Health
University of Maryland
Suite 2387 Valley Drive
College Park, MD20742-2611
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RE: 7 days old

2004-04-09 Thread Tony Weeg
hey dan.

here is what ya want.

select * FROM whats_new
WHERE dateAdded = dateFormat(dateAdd('d',-7,now()),'mm/dd/')
order by dateAdded DESC



r e v o l u t i o n w e b d e s i g n 

its only looks good to those who can see bad as well

-Original Message-
From: Daniel Kessler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 12:31 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: 7 days old

I'm doing a query for all records that are newer than 7 days.I 
inserted the date using DateFormat(Now()).Unfortunately it gives me 
an error that dateAdded is unidentified.True, it's a column and I 
want it to search the column for anything less than 7 days old.Can 
anyone help me word this WHERE?

select * FROM whats_new
WHERE '#DateDiff(d,dateAdded,the_date)#'  7
order by dateAdded DESC


Daniel Kessler

Department of Public and Community Health
University of Maryland
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RE: 7 days old

2004-04-09 Thread Tony Weeg
or you could do it all in sql logic like this

select * FROM whats_new
WHERE dateAdded = DATEADD('d',-7,getDate()) 
order by dateAdded DESC

that should work, although im not 100% on the 'd' part, might just need
the d plain, and not in single quotes.

try it either way to see which is right.



r e v o l u t i o n w e b d e s i g n 

its only looks good to those who can see bad as well

-Original Message-
From: Daniel Kessler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 12:31 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: 7 days old

I'm doing a query for all records that are newer than 7 days.I 
inserted the date using DateFormat(Now()).Unfortunately it gives me 
an error that dateAdded is unidentified.True, it's a column and I 
want it to search the column for anything less than 7 days old.Can 
anyone help me word this WHERE?

select * FROM whats_new
WHERE '#DateDiff(d,dateAdded,the_date)#'  7
order by dateAdded DESC


Daniel Kessler

Department of Public and Community Health
University of Maryland
Suite 2387 Valley Drive
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RE: 7 days old

2004-04-09 Thread Tony Weeg
oops in the code you will need to surround the dateFormat with the #'s

so it would really look like...

select * FROM whats_new
WHERE dateAdded =
order by dateAdded DESC


r e v o l u t i o n w e b d e s i g n 

its only looks good to those who can see bad as well

-Original Message-
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 12:35 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: 7 days old

hey dan.

here is what ya want.

select * FROM whats_new
WHERE dateAdded = dateFormat(dateAdd('d',-7,now()),'mm/dd/')
order by dateAdded DESC



r e v o l u t i o n w e b d e s i g n 

its only looks good to those who can see bad as well

-Original Message-
From: Daniel Kessler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 12:31 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: 7 days old

I'm doing a query for all records that are newer than 7 days.I 
inserted the date using DateFormat(Now()).Unfortunately it gives me 
an error that dateAdded is unidentified.True, it's a column and I 
want it to search the column for anything less than 7 days old.Can 
anyone help me word this WHERE?

select * FROM whats_new
WHERE '#DateDiff(d,dateAdded,the_date)#'  7
order by dateAdded DESC


Daniel Kessler

Department of Public and Community Health
University of Maryland
Suite 2387 Valley Drive
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Re: 7 days old

2004-04-09 Thread Jochem van Dieten
Daniel Kessler wrote:

 I'm doing a query for all records that are newer than 7 days.I 
 inserted the date using DateFormat(Now()).Unfortunately it gives me 
 an error that dateAdded is unidentified.True, it's a column and I 
 want it to search the column for anything less than 7 days old.Can 
 anyone help me word this WHERE?
 select * FROM whats_new
 WHERE '#DateDiff(d,dateAdded,the_date)#'  7
 order by dateAdded DESC

FROM whats_new
WHERE dateAdded  cfqueryparam cfsqltype=cf_sql_timestamp 


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Re: 7 days old

2004-04-09 Thread Charlie Griefer
assuming (yeah, yeah, i know) that dateAdded is a date/time datatype, why
the dateFormat() function?my understanding is that it's more for
formatting output/display (also, if it's a date/time datatype, no single

i'd think if anything, you want to throw a createODBCDate() around that.

FROM whats_new
WHERE dateAdded = #createODBCDate(dateAdd('d', -7, now())#

- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 9:39 AM
Subject: RE: 7 days old

 oops in the code you will need to surround the dateFormat with the #'s

 so it would really look like...

 select * FROM whats_new
 WHERE dateAdded =
 order by dateAdded DESC


 r e v o l u t i o n w e b d e s i g n

 its only looks good to those who can see bad as well

 -Original Message-
 From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 12:35 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: 7 days old

 hey dan.

 here is what ya want.

 select * FROM whats_new
 WHERE dateAdded = dateFormat(dateAdd('d',-7,now()),'mm/dd/')
 order by dateAdded DESC



 r e v o l u t i o n w e b d e s i g n

 its only looks good to those who can see bad as well

 -Original Message-
 From: Daniel Kessler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 12:31 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: 7 days old

 I'm doing a query for all records that are newer than 7 days.I
 inserted the date using DateFormat(Now()).Unfortunately it gives me
 an error that dateAdded is unidentified.True, it's a column and I
 want it to search the column for anything less than 7 days old.Can
 anyone help me word this WHERE?

 select * FROM whats_new
 WHERE '#DateDiff(d,dateAdded,the_date)#'  7
 order by dateAdded DESC


 Daniel Kessler

 Department of Public and Community Health
 University of Maryland
 Suite 2387 Valley Drive
 College Park, MD20742-2611
 301-405-2545 Phone

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RE: 7 days old

2004-04-09 Thread Tony Weeg
yeah, more than was needed...ur right, my bad.


r e v o l u t i o n w e b d e s i g n 

its only looks good to those who can see bad as well

-Original Message-
From: Charlie Griefer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 12:50 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: 7 days old

assuming (yeah, yeah, i know) that dateAdded is a date/time datatype,
why the dateFormat() function?my understanding is that it's more for
formatting output/display (also, if it's a date/time datatype, no single

i'd think if anything, you want to throw a createODBCDate() around that.

FROM whats_new
WHERE dateAdded = #createODBCDate(dateAdd('d', -7, now())#

- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 9:39 AM
Subject: RE: 7 days old

 oops in the code you will need to surround the dateFormat with the #'s

 so it would really look like...

 select * FROM whats_new
 WHERE dateAdded = 
 order by dateAdded DESC


 r e v o l u t i o n w e b d e s i g n [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 its only looks good to those who can see bad as well -anonymous

 -Original Message-
 From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 12:35 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: 7 days old

 hey dan.

 here is what ya want.

 select * FROM whats_new
 WHERE dateAdded =
 order by dateAdded DESC



 r e v o l u t i o n w e b d e s i g n [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 its only looks good to those who can see bad as well -anonymous

 -Original Message-
 From: Daniel Kessler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 12:31 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: 7 days old

 I'm doing a query for all records that are newer than 7 days.I 
 inserted the date using DateFormat(Now()).Unfortunately it gives me 
 an error that dateAdded is unidentified.True, it's a column and I 
 want it to search the column for anything less than 7 days old.Can 
 anyone help me word this WHERE?

 select * FROM whats_new
 WHERE '#DateDiff(d,dateAdded,the_date)#'  7
 order by dateAdded DESC


 Daniel Kessler

 Department of Public and Community Health
 University of Maryland
 Suite 2387 Valley Drive
 College Park, MD20742-2611
 301-405-2545 Phone

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CFUN-04 interviews 8 - CFMX XML with Jeff Tapper

2004-04-09 Thread Michael Smith
In this CFUN-04 interview, Michael Smith interviews Jeff Tapper about
his CFMX XML talk at CFUN-04. Jeff has been coding ColdFusion since
1995, and has co-authored several books on Internet application development.

Michael Smith: Why should developers be interested in XML, Jeff?

Jeff Tapper: The eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is incredibly powerful because
of its flexibility.While many think of XML as a revolutionary way for
businesses to exchange data, that is but one of the very important roles that
XML fills today.XML-based documents are often being used to share common data
between different technologies, such as allowing a single configuration file to
work for both a ColdFusion back end and a Flash front end of an application.

MS: What are other uses for XML?

JT: Others are using XML to create Microsoft Office Documents (such as Word,
Excel, etc.), and...

[the rest of this interview is at or at
Fusion Authority
CFUN-04 is Saturday 6/26/04 - Sunday 6/27/04 in Washington DC area. It costs
$199 until 3/31/04 then $269. For more information on CFUN see


CFMX XML tricks and traps by Jeff Tapper

ColdFusion has powerful XML support: some of its power is made available by
simple tags and functions, and some requires a little digging around. In this
session, you'll learn how to read and write XML data, how to perform searches
and apply transformations, and how to access the internal XML processing in
ColdFusion for even more power.

Jeff Tapper is the Chief Technologist for Consulting. He has worked
on a myriad of projects, for clients that include Toys R Us, IBM, Allaire, Dow
Jones, American Express, MT Bank, Verizon, and Allied Office Supplies, among
others. As a Macromedia Instructor, he is currently certified to teach all of
Macromedia's courses on ColdFusion and Flash development.

Jeff has been a member of the ColdFusion development community since 1995, and
has co-authored several books on Internet application development, including:
Allaire Spectra e-Business Construction Kit, Advanced Macromedia ColdFusion 5
Application Development, Dynamic Publishing with ColdFusion MX, Actionscript
2.0 Dictionary, and most recently Object Oriented Programming with
ActionScript 2.0. He is also a frequent speaker at Macromedia Development
Conferences and user groups.

Jeff formed Consulting to focus on developing Rich Internet
Applications and empowering clients through mentoring.

CFUN is organized by TeraTech who received four CFDJ awards.
If you need ColdFusion project help, mentoring or training
then ask the experts at

Best Consulting - TeraTech
Finalist Training - TeraTech
Finalist Community site - CFConf
Finalist Web Dev Tool - CFXGraphicsServer

This year's conference has 32 nationally known speakers including Charlie
Arehart, Steve Drucker, Raymond Camden, Hal Helms, Michael Smith, Michael Dinowitz,
Simon Horwith and Shlomy Gantz.

CFUN-04 Washington DC area 6/26 - 6/27/04:
* Learn CF MX, Flash and more!
* Network with your peers and top national speakers
* Have fun exploring what is new from Macromedia

* Advanced Topics - for gurus, XML, CFCs, SQL
* MX Integration - Flash, Java, Flex, .Net, Webservices
* Empowered Programming - OO, Fusebox, PM, Testing, Debug
* CF Bootcamp - for beginners in CF and Flash
* Accessibility - making sites that disabled people can use, section 508

Pricing schedule - register today to save!
* Just $199 Early Bird Price from 1/1/04 - 3/31/04
* Ok$269 Regular Price 4/1/04 - 6/15/04
* Opps $299 Late Registration 6/15/03 - 6/25/03
* Onsite $350

Register today

Michael Smith, TeraTech Inc - Tools for Programmers(tm)
TeraTech voted Best Consulting Service by CFDJ readers!
CF/ASP Web, VB, Math, Access programming tools and consulting
405 E Gude Dr Ste 207, Rockville MD 20850 USA
Please check out - email mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED],
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7 days old

2004-04-09 Thread Daniel Kessler
WHERE dateAdded = '#dateFormat(dateAdd('d',-7,now()),'mm/dd/')#'
I guess this works cause it's querying a date field with a date. 
Interestingly, it previously had {currentDate()-7}.Maybe it was 
currDate().I'm updating it.

So now it's doing the query, it's giving me not a valid month, but 
It seems to me that we're adding a date here (subtracting really). 
Looks like this is close.

Oh wait, I did:WHERE dateAdded  #dateAdd(d,-7,Now())#
This seems to have worked.I removed the dateFormat because as 
suggested, it seemed unnecessary.I also removed the quotes.I 
don't have alot of data to test from but it seems ok.

WHERE dateAdded = DATEADD('d',-7,getDate())
well this is ORACLE, but the function looked the same there, though I 
didn't look up getDate();
This gave me the error,  invalid column name, though I don't know 
why as dateAdded is the right column.It specifies the top line of 
the query with the error.

WHERE dateAdded = #createODBCDate(dateAdd('d', -7, now())#
Invalid CFML construct found on line 34 at column 64. (the WHERE line)
ColdFusion was looking at the following text:

assuming (yeah, yeah, i know) that dateAdded is a date/time datatype,
why the dateFormat() function?
good point.

WHERE dateAdded  cfqueryparam cfsqltype=cf_sql_timestamp 

and would this change since it's ORACLE?
sorry folks, I should have mentioned that it was ORACLE.

I'm doing a query for all records that are newer than 7 days.


Daniel Kessler

Department of Public and Community Health
University of Maryland
Suite 2387 Valley Drive
College Park, MD20742-2611
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Re: 7 days old

2004-04-09 Thread Jochem van Dieten
Daniel Kessler wrote:
 WHERE dateAdded  cfqueryparam cfsqltype=cf_sql_timestamp 
 and would this change since it's ORACLE?

Why don't you just try it and tell us?


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7 days old

2004-04-09 Thread Daniel Kessler
Why don't you just try it and tell us

Which one, the time-stamp?

As far as getting it working, I did mention that I used:
WHERE dateAdded  #dateAdd(d,-7,Now())#
which didn't have the DateFormat or the single-quotes.

Since there was several options mentioned I was trying to learn more 
about the problems that I encountered with are you saying 
that I should try out an oracle version of 

Daniel Kessler

Department of Public and Community Health
University of Maryland
Suite 2387 Valley Drive
College Park, MD20742-2611
301-405-2545 Phone
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Re: 7 days old

2004-04-09 Thread Jochem van Dieten
Daniel Kessler wrote:
 Why don't you just try it and tell us
 Which one, the time-stamp?

The one where you wanted to know if it worked.

 Since there was several options mentioned I was trying to learn more 
 about the problems that I encountered with are you saying 
 that I should try out an oracle version of 



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Re: 7 days old

2004-04-09 Thread Brook Davies
I am having some server issues with my server reporting NULL NULL and 
JavaOutofMemory Errors. This happened to me before and it was specifically 
caused by some bad regEx when parsing very large strings. Since it is 
happening again, I am looking at the regex usage in the app. Does this look 
like a greedy RegEx? Anyway to change it to make it more friendly?

rereplace(myVar,[[:space:]][[:space:]]*, ,all)

Brook Davies
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Re: 7 days old

2004-04-09 Thread Jochem van Dieten
Brook Davies wrote:

 I am having some server issues with my server reporting NULL NULL and 
 JavaOutofMemory Errors. This happened to me before and it was specifically 
 caused by some bad regEx when parsing very large strings. Since it is 
 happening again, I am looking at the regex usage in the app. Does this look 
 like a greedy RegEx?


 Anyway to change it to make it more friendly?
 rereplace(myVar,[[:space:]][[:space:]]*, ,all)

rereplace(myVar,[[:space:]]+, ,all)


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immigrants don't work
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RE: Breaking up table for printing (long)

2004-04-09 Thread Scott Brady
Original Message:
 From: Ian Skinner 

Thanks.I've actually figured out a solution.I spent an hour late yesterday developing a mathematical formula for how to display this data on my dry erase board (I felt like Good Will Hunting :) ).

I've since managed to get this working in ColdFusion, too :). 

Here's the basics:

The formula is:
recordNumber = c + (colsPerRow * (i-1)) + ((n-1) * numDates)

c 			= 	the column number in the table ( from 1 to colsPerRow )
colsPerRow		=	columns per row
i			=	number of the iteration through all of the dates (i.e., if there are 3 sets of dates, i will be from 1 to 3)
n			=	the row number in the table ( from 1 to the numTests )
numDates		=	the number of total dates (ListLen(datelist))
numIterations 		=	Ceiling(numDates / colsPerRow)
numTests		=	the number of tests [from a query]

Once you know that formula, you can do this (pseudo code):
1) Loop along the number of iterations (using i as the index)
2) Loop along the number of tests (using n as the index)
3) Loop along the colsPerRow (using c as the index)
4) If c = 1, then display the test name for that row [returned in a query] (using the above formula]
5) Then, display each result(getPanels.result[recordNumber])

This works and appears to work for all the values I've tested it with.Thank goodness. This has been a thorn in my side for a while now.

Thanks for the suggestions!

Scott Brady
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CF in a database

2004-04-09 Thread Eric Jones
I posted this on CF-Newbie as well. Sorry for the cross post.

Hey all,
 I'm wondering is it possible to store CF Code in a database and then have the CF server execute it when it's extracted? if so can you give me a working example??

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RE: CF in a database

2004-04-09 Thread Barney Boisvert
The short answer is no.

The long answer is you can do it by writing the CF from the DB to a file,
and the include that file.However, that's nasty because you have the
compilation cycle every request, and writing files and then deleting them
adds a lot of overhead.Back in the pre-MX days, I know some people used
this solution on a RAMDISK which probably worked pretty well, because there
wasn't a precompile cycle (the CFML was interpreted).


 -Original Message-
 From: Eric Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 11:45 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: CF in a database
 I posted this on CF-Newbie as well. Sorry for the cross post.
 Hey all,
I'm wondering is it possible to store CF Code in a 
 database and then have the CF server execute it when it's 
 extracted? if so can you give me a working example??

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RE: CF in a database

2004-04-09 Thread Adkins, Randy
Yes and Yes

Once it is saved into the DB such as the following into a field called:
myCode :


When you call it from the DB to be ran on the server:


-Original Message-
From: Eric Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 2:45 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CF in a database

I posted this on CF-Newbie as well. Sorry for the cross post.

Hey all,
 I'm wondering is it possible to store CF Code in a database and then
have the CF server execute it when it's extracted? if so can you give me a
working example??

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RE: CF in a database (my apologies)

2004-04-09 Thread Adkins, Randy
spoke to soon, doh nevermind, thats right, you can't cause the evaluae would
to display the code as string and not as commands..

My apologies.. lack of sleep the last few days

-Original Message-
From: Barney Boisvert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 2:53 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CF in a database

The short answer is no.

The long answer is you can do it by writing the CF from the DB to a file,
and the include that file.However, that's nasty because you have the
compilation cycle every request, and writing files and then deleting them
adds a lot of overhead.Back in the pre-MX days, I know some people used
this solution on a RAMDISK which probably worked pretty well, because there
wasn't a precompile cycle (the CFML was interpreted).


 -Original Message-
 From: Eric Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 11:45 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: CF in a database
 I posted this on CF-Newbie as well. Sorry for the cross post.
 Hey all,
I'm wondering is it possible to store CF Code in a 
 database and then have the CF server execute it when it's 
 extracted? if so can you give me a working example??
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Compressing for download

2004-04-09 Thread Dave Francis
CF 5.0, IIS, NT Server 2003. Is there any way to implement a page where a user might select multiple files, then when he/she hits submit, have the files zipped together and downloaded? If it can't be done with CF alone, are there any 3rd-party solutions?

On a related topic, is there any way to force the open/save dialogue for downloads such as .doc .pdf, ignoring any helper mods the user's browser might have?


If these aren't CF problems, my apologies
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Email Not Being Sent from Local Server (CF5)

2004-04-09 Thread Chris Montgomery

Since migrating to a new computer a couple months back, now running
Win XP Pro with CF version 5, I can't get any mails generated with the
cfmail tag to leave the local server. They keep getting stuffed in the
cfusion/mail/UnDelivr folder. I've tried using and my
regular SMTP mail server for my ISP (which used to work on the old
machine). Any ideas on what I can check? It ain't critical, but it's
very annoying when developing/testing pages that need to send emails
and they won't go.


Chris Montgomery
Airtight Web Services
Web Development, Web Project Management, Software Sales
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RE: CF in a database

2004-04-09 Thread Tangorre, Michael
Lets not get into the ugliness of this!!!

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RE: CF in a database (my apologies)

2004-04-09 Thread Tangorre, Michael
23.5 hours and counting :-) 

 -Original Message-
 From: Adkins, Randy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 2:56 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: CF in a database (my apologies)
 spoke to soon, doh nevermind, thats right, you can't cause 
 the evaluae would to display the code as string and not as commands..

 My apologies.. lack of sleep the last few days
 -Original Message-
 From: Barney Boisvert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 2:53 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: CF in a database
 The short answer is no.
 The long answer is you can do it by writing the CF from the 
 DB to a file,
 and the include that file.However, that's nasty because you have the
 compilation cycle every request, and writing files and then 
 deleting them
 adds a lot of overhead.Back in the pre-MX days, I know some 
 people used
 this solution on a RAMDISK which probably worked pretty well, 
 because there
 wasn't a precompile cycle (the CFML was interpreted).
  -Original Message-
  From: Eric Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 11:45 AM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: CF in a database
  I posted this on CF-Newbie as well. Sorry for the cross post.
  Hey all,
 I'm wondering is it possible to store CF Code in a 
  database and then have the CF server execute it when it's 
  extracted? if so can you give me a working example??

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RE: CF in a database (my apologies)

2004-04-09 Thread Barney Boisvert
You're not totally off base.You could use evaluate for some things
(expressions), but certainly not for any actual CFML.Not sure if that
would be useful for anything, but it could well be.


 -Original Message-
 From: Adkins, Randy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 11:56 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: CF in a database (my apologies)
 spoke to soon, doh nevermind, thats right, you can't cause 
 the evaluae would
 to display the code as string and not as commands..

 My apologies.. lack of sleep the last few days
 -Original Message-
 From: Barney Boisvert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 2:53 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: CF in a database
 The short answer is no.
 The long answer is you can do it by writing the CF from the 
 DB to a file,
 and the include that file.However, that's nasty because you have the
 compilation cycle every request, and writing files and then 
 deleting them
 adds a lot of overhead.Back in the pre-MX days, I know some 
 people used
 this solution on a RAMDISK which probably worked pretty well, 
 because there
 wasn't a precompile cycle (the CFML was interpreted).
  -Original Message-
  From: Eric Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 11:45 AM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: CF in a database
  I posted this on CF-Newbie as well. Sorry for the cross post.
  Hey all,
 I'm wondering is it possible to store CF Code in a 
  database and then have the CF server execute it when it's 
  extracted? if so can you give me a working example??

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RE: Compressing for download

2004-04-09 Thread Adkins, Randy
CFX_Zip is a great utility, I think you can find it on
Ben Forta's page: 

-Original Message-
From: Dave Francis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 2:55 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Compressing for download

CF 5.0, IIS, NT Server 2003. Is there any way to implement a page where a
user might select multiple files, then when he/she hits submit, have the
files zipped together and downloaded? If it can't be done with CF alone, are
there any 3rd-party solutions?

On a related topic, is there any way to force the open/save dialogue for
downloads such as .doc .pdf, ignoring any helper mods the user's browser
might have?


If these aren't CF problems, my apologies 
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Re: Email Not Being Sent from Local Server (CF5)

2004-04-09 Thread Jochem van Dieten
Chris Montgomery wrote:
 Since migrating to a new computer a couple months back, now running
 Win XP Pro with CF version 5, I can't get any mails generated with the
 cfmail tag to leave the local server. They keep getting stuffed in the
 cfusion/mail/UnDelivr folder. I've tried using and my
 regular SMTP mail server for my ISP (which used to work on the old
 machine). Any ideas on what I can check?



I don't get it
immigrants don't work
and steal our jobs
- Loesje
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RE: CF in a database (my apologies)

2004-04-09 Thread Adkins, Randy
yeah I know ... just running on empty here.
pushing 35 hours of non-sleep...

soon I can go home and crash for awhile.

-Original Message-
From: Barney Boisvert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 3:03 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CF in a database (my apologies)

You're not totally off base.You could use evaluate for some things
(expressions), but certainly not for any actual CFML.Not sure if that
would be useful for anything, but it could well be.


 -Original Message-
 From: Adkins, Randy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 11:56 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: CF in a database (my apologies)
 spoke to soon, doh nevermind, thats right, you can't cause 
 the evaluae would
 to display the code as string and not as commands..

 My apologies.. lack of sleep the last few days
 -Original Message-
 From: Barney Boisvert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 2:53 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: CF in a database
 The short answer is no.
 The long answer is you can do it by writing the CF from the 
 DB to a file,
 and the include that file.However, that's nasty because you have the
 compilation cycle every request, and writing files and then 
 deleting them
 adds a lot of overhead.Back in the pre-MX days, I know some 
 people used
 this solution on a RAMDISK which probably worked pretty well, 
 because there
 wasn't a precompile cycle (the CFML was interpreted).
  -Original Message-
  From: Eric Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 11:45 AM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: CF in a database
  I posted this on CF-Newbie as well. Sorry for the cross post.
  Hey all,
 I'm wondering is it possible to store CF Code in a 
  database and then have the CF server execute it when it's 
  extracted? if so can you give me a working example??
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How many class files do YOU have?

2004-04-09 Thread Brook Davies
I repoted to this list awhile ago about really long start up times for one 
of my apps on the first run. It seems that this problem has been resolved 
by defragging the HD? The C:\CFusionMX\wwwroot\WEB-INF\cfclasses folder had 
a lot of fragmented files as well as other areas on the HD. Does that make 

Anyhow, I have 6,591 class files in my class folder taking up about 80 
megs. So, I am curious now how many class files ya'll have on your servers?

And another question related to disk usage; what are the guidelines for a 
paging file and is it needed if you have lots of physical ram? The reason I 
ask is because I wonder if a fragmented HD, and a page file on that disk 
might cause problems. I've had some JavaOutOfMemory errors, so I am looking 
for answers everywhere :)

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Determining if a value exists in a query result

2004-04-09 Thread Austin Govella
I have a list of generic features.

And I have a list of features assigned to a specific item.

I want to print out the generic features with checkboxes 
next to them.

If the item in question has been assigned one of the 
features, I would like the checkbox for that feature to be 

In the input tag for the checkbox, what function should I be 
using to compare the feature_id to the query results?

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Re: Email Not Being Sent from Local Server (CF5)

2004-04-09 Thread Chris Montgomery
Howdy Jochem,

Friday, April 9, 2004, 2:09:34 PM, Jochem van Dieten wrote:


Ok, so this is saying that authentication is required. I didn't have
this problem when I was running Win2k, but anywayif I check the
box for  Verify Mail Server Connection in CF Admin, I get the
message ColdFusion connected to your server. Verification completed
without error. I don't understand what's happening. Also, how does
one provide authentication data for the mail server...I am not seeing
a way to enter that anywhere.

Like I said, sending mail from the local dev box wasn't a prob before
I moved to Win XP Pro.


Chris Montgomery
Airtight Web Services
Web Development, Web Project Management, Software Sales
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Re: Email Not Being Sent from Local Server (CF5)

2004-04-09 Thread Jochem van Dieten
Chris Montgomery wrote:
 Friday, April 9, 2004, 2:09:34 PM, Jochem van Dieten wrote:
 Ok, so this is saying that authentication is required. I didn't have
 this problem when I was running Win2k, but anywayif I check the
 box for  Verify Mail Server Connection in CF Admin, I get the
 message ColdFusion connected to your server. Verification completed
 without error. I don't understand what's happening.

Verification only does a HELO, it doesn't actually try to send a 

 Also, how does
 one provide authentication data for the mail server...I am not seeing
 a way to enter that anywhere.

With the username and password attributes of cfmail.


I don't get it
immigrants don't work
and steal our jobs
- Loesje
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RE: How many class files do YOU have?

2004-04-09 Thread Dave Watts
 And another question related to disk usage; what are the 
 guidelines for a paging file and is it needed if you have 
 lots of physical ram? The reason I ask is because I wonder if 
 a fragmented HD, and a page file on that disk might cause 

Ideally, on a Windows machine, you'd place the pagefile on a separate
partition, and you'd set it with a fixed size equal to the recommended size,
so that it's always exactly the same size. If you do this during your
initial machine configuration, you won't have to worry about pagefile

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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RE: CF in a database (my apologies)

2004-04-09 Thread Brook Davies
If the data does not change that often, you should be okay writing it to a 
cfml file and then including it. On future uses of the data you can check 
to see if the file already exists and if not re-generate it, and if it 
does, just include it. Whenever the data in the DB record is updated, also 
delete the generated cfml file which will force the script it to 
re-generate it the next time it is requested. I do this with one of my apps 
and it works good.
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Re: How many class files do YOU have?

2004-04-09 Thread Dain Anderson
Here's something pretty scary: I've got 4,105 on my localhost, and 
there's 4,107 on our server. Dangit, better go find the two different ones!



Brook Davies wrote:
 Anyhow, I have 6,591 class files in my class folder taking up about 80
 megs. So, I am curious now how many class files ya'll have on your servers?
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RE: How many class files do YOU have?

2004-04-09 Thread Nathan C. Smith
There is a slick utility offered by Sysinternals
'' called
pagedefrag that does a great job defragmenting your pagefile (if you don't
have the luxury of putting it on another disk.I've been using it for a
year now on all our windows NT+ class systems, at the worst it doesn't seem
to create problems, at the best I think it helps machines start and stop

Dave's recommendation of setting the minimum size to the same as the maximum
size is mandatory on our systems (one of the first performance setting we

Also, if you have a lot of memory you can disable paging
'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory
Management' 'DisablePagingExecutive' to stop the OS from putting peices of
itself in swap.

Even if you do have a lot of memory many programs will not work unless you
have a paging file, I guess even computer programs like to have a place to


-Original Message-
From: Brook Davies [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 2:25 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: How many class files do YOU have?

I repoted to this list awhile ago about really long start up times for one 
of my apps on the first run. It seems that this problem has been resolved 
by defragging the HD? The C:\CFusionMX\wwwroot\WEB-INF\cfclasses folder had 
a lot of fragmented files as well as other areas on the HD. Does that make 

Anyhow, I have 6,591 class files in my class folder taking up about 80 
megs. So, I am curious now how many class files ya'll have on your servers?

And another question related to disk usage; what are the guidelines for a 
paging file and is it needed if you have lots of physical ram? The reason I 
ask is because I wonder if a fragmented HD, and a page file on that disk 
might cause problems. I've had some JavaOutOfMemory errors, so I am looking 
for answers everywhere :)

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Java bootcamp for CF Developers?

2004-04-09 Thread Lofback, Chris
I'm looking for a training class that can turn an experienced CF developer (me) into a competent Java developer.Ideally, I'd like something that will include the web development side of Java, like JSP, J2EE, servlets, beans, etc.Can anyone recommend something in the Tampa Bay, FL area?Or within a long drive (or cheap flight) of Tampa?

I know there's someone on the list from a company who has a great reputation for their CF training.If you see this, do you also offer Java?

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Re: Java bootcamp for CF Developers?

2004-04-09 Thread Bryan F. Hogan
Hal Helms has a java class that I've been trying to get into. He's based 
in Sarasota. He is way too expensive for me, but he's local to you and 
I, if and when he does another class here in Tampa Bay.

Lofback, Chris wrote:

 I'm looking for a training class that can turn an experienced CF 
 developer (me) into a competent Java developer.Ideally, I'd like 
 something that will include the web development side of Java, like JSP, 
 J2EE, servlets, beans, etc.Can anyone recommend something in the Tampa 
 Bay, FL area?Or within a long drive (or cheap flight) of Tampa?
 I know there's someone on the list from a company who has a great 
 reputation for their CF training.If you see this, do you also offer Java?
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RE: Java bootcamp for CF Developers?

2004-04-09 Thread Cameron Childress
I think what you are looking for is Hal Helms' Java For ColdFusion


Cameron Childress
Sumo Consulting Inc
-Original Message-
From: Lofback, Chris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 12:58 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Java bootcamp for CF Developers?

I'm looking for a training class that can turn an experienced CF developer
(me) into a competent Java developer.Ideally, I'd like something that will
include the web development side of Java, like JSP, J2EE, servlets, beans,
etc.Can anyone recommend something in the Tampa Bay, FL area?Or within a
long drive (or cheap flight) of Tampa?

I know there's someone on the list from a company who has a great reputation
for their CF training.If you see this, do you also offer Java?

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RE: Java bootcamp for CF Developers?

2004-04-09 Thread Douglas.Knudsen
how about this class?


import java.thrashing.*;

public class cfhead2javahead
 public javahead train(cfhead inStudent) throws IOException//student might skip class!
JavaHead javahead = thrash(inStudent);
return javahead;

LOL...couldn't resit...hey, its friday already!


-Original Message-
From: Lofback, Chris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 3:58 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Java bootcamp for CF Developers?

I'm looking for a training class that can turn an experienced CF developer (me) into a competent Java developer.Ideally, I'd like something that will include the web development side of Java, like JSP, J2EE, servlets, beans, etc.Can anyone recommend something in the Tampa Bay, FL area?Or within a long drive (or cheap flight) of Tampa?

I know there's someone on the list from a company who has a great reputation for their CF training.If you see this, do you also offer Java?

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Re: Determining if a value exists in a query result

2004-04-09 Thread Austin Govella
Austin Govella wrote:

 I have a list of generic features.
 And I have a list of features assigned to a specific item.
 I want to print out the generic features with checkboxes
 next to them.
 If the item in question has been assigned one of the
 features, I would like the checkbox for that feature to be
 In the input tag for the checkbox, what function should I be
 using to compare the feature_id to the query results?

This has taken me all day, but I think the break at lunch 
helped clear things up for me.

After querying the selected features, create an empty 
variable (it will eventually hold the list of features):

cfset variables.selected_features = 

Using cfoutput, add each of the selected features to the list:

cfoutput query=q_selected_features
	cfset variables.selected_features = 

If you output variables.selected_features, you'll see a 
comma delimited list of feature id's.

While ouputting the complete list of possible features, you 
add a cfif statement to the checkboxes:

	cfif listfind(variables.selected_features, #feature_id#) 

variables.selected_features is our list of currently 
selected features. feature_id comes from the full list of 
possible features.

This *is* the easy way to solve this, right?

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Re: How many class files do YOU have?

2004-04-09 Thread Brandon Purcell
If you have that many CFM's then the reason you are getting OutOfMemory errors is due to the fact that you are running out of space in the permanent generation of the Java Heap. I won't get into specifics with JVM tuning. I have some info on my blog but to fix this bump up the -XX:MaxPermSize value in your jvm.config to 192 or 256 it should get rid of the problem. Also load testing has found that you can uncheck the value save class files in the admin and still get the same performance without storing the class files to disk. They will be compiled on first hit and loaded into memory. With the slick new compiler in 6.1 it is very efficient, in fact more efficient than having to sort through 6000 class files to load the appropriate file.

Hope that helps
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RE: Determining if a value exists in a query result

2004-04-09 Thread Mark W. Breneman
That is very similar to the way I do it. 

I think you can skip the query loop by using valuelist():

cfset variables.selected_features = valuelist(q_selected_features.

Note you can simplify that cfif statement in the checkbox down to:

cfif listfind(variables.selected_features, feature_id) 

The above code *should* work the same as your code just a little simpler.

Mark W. Breneman
-Cold Fusion Developer
-Network Administrator
Vivid Media

-Original Message-
From: Austin Govella [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 3:26 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Determining if a value exists in a query result

Austin Govella wrote:

 I have a list of generic features.
 And I have a list of features assigned to a specific item.
 I want to print out the generic features with checkboxes
 next to them.
 If the item in question has been assigned one of the
 features, I would like the checkbox for that feature to be
 In the input tag for the checkbox, what function should I be
 using to compare the feature_id to the query results?

This has taken me all day, but I think the break at lunch 
helped clear things up for me.

After querying the selected features, create an empty 
variable (it will eventually hold the list of features):

cfset variables.selected_features = 

Using cfoutput, add each of the selected features to the list:

cfoutput query=q_selected_features
cfset variables.selected_features = 

If you output variables.selected_features, you'll see a 
comma delimited list of feature id's.

While ouputting the complete list of possible features, you 
add a cfif statement to the checkboxes:

cfif listfind(variables.selected_features, #feature_id#) 

variables.selected_features is our list of currently 
selected features. feature_id comes from the full list of 
possible features.

This *is* the easy way to solve this, right?


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7 days old

2004-04-09 Thread Daniel Kessler
Why don't you just try it and tell us?

I had tried it and received an error, though now hours later I don't 
remember the error.Since I'm a bit new at this, I don't know if the 
error was due to me or the fact that I was trying several things at 
once and one after the other, or that it didn't apply to Oracle.
I did a search before I wrote back and didn't find any references to 
'cfqueryparam' and oracle.I had barely any hits and saw a mention 
that it was for SQL, which I assumed meant NOT Oracle, so that's why 
I asked.
I don't know whether it's not for Oracle or that it 'just worked' as 
is for Oracle and no one mentions it specifically.So

Anyhoo, I have it working and I learned a bit.

Thanks for all the replies.

Daniel Kessler

Department of Public and Community Health
University of Maryland
Suite 2387 Valley Drive
College Park, MD20742-2611
301-405-2545 Phone
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Backing Up Studio FTP/RDS

2004-04-09 Thread Greg Luce
Is there a way to backup/export your Studio FTP/RDS connections? I saved
my UserData folder and I figure I can just replace those items in
another Studio installation.

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RE: Java bootcamp for CF Developers?

2004-04-09 Thread Michael T. Tangorre
WOW, what a diss. 

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 4:22 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Java bootcamp for CF Developers?
 how about this class?
 import java.thrashing.*;
 public class cfhead2javahead
public javahead train(cfhead inStudent) throws 
 IOException//student might skip class!
JavaHead javahead = thrash(inStudent);
return javahead;
 LOL...couldn't resit...hey, its friday already!

 -Original Message-
 From: Lofback, Chris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 3:58 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Java bootcamp for CF Developers?
 I'm looking for a training class that can turn an experienced 
 CF developer (me) into a competent Java developer.Ideally, 
 I'd like something that will include the web development side 
 of Java, like JSP, J2EE, servlets, beans, etc.Can anyone 
 recommend something in the Tampa Bay, FL area?Or within a 
 long drive (or cheap flight) of Tampa?
 I know there's someone on the list from a company who has a 
 great reputation for their CF training.If you see this, do 
 you also offer Java?

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RE: CF in a database

2004-04-09 Thread Jim Davis
I've not tried this in MX (have they actually improved it that much?) but in
previous version EVALAUTE() would NOT evaluate tags, only expressions.

So you could do EVALUATE(#myName#) or EVALUATE(#Len(myName)#) or even
EVALUATE(#Iif(Len(myName), DE(Hi), DE(Bye))#)

But NOT EVALUATE(cfoutput#myName#/cfoutput)

Of course since 5.0 you could also abstract much of the Tag work you might
need into UDFs allowing you to perform much more complex evaluations.But
in the end also remember that Evaluate() is one of the most expensive and
slowest of the CF functions so that that into account.

Jim Davis


From: Adkins, Randy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 2:55 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CF in a database

Yes and Yes

Once it is saved into the DB such as the following into a field called:
myCode :


When you call it from the DB to be ran on the server:


-Original Message-
From: Eric Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 2:45 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CF in a database

I posted this on CF-Newbie as well. Sorry for the cross post.

Hey all,
 I'm wondering is it possible to store CF Code in a database and then
have the CF server execute it when it's extracted? if so can you give me a
working example??

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Re: Determining if a value exists in a query result

2004-04-09 Thread Austin Govella
Mark W. Breneman wrote:
 I think you can skip the query loop by using valuelist():
 cfset variables.selected_features = valuelist(q_selected_features.
 Note you can simplify that cfif statement in the checkbox down to:
 cfif listfind(variables.selected_features, feature_id) 
 The above code *should* work the same as your code just a little simpler.

Thanks a ton. I'm going to try the simplified version now.

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RE: CF in a database (my apologies)

2004-04-09 Thread Brook Davies
If the data does not change that often, you should be okay writing it to a 
cfml file and then including it. On future uses of the data you can check 
to see if the file already exists and if not re-generate it, and if it 
does, just include it. Whenever the data in the DB record is updated, also 
delete the generated cfml file which will force the script it to 
re-generate it the next time it is requested. I do this with one of my apps 
and it works good.

cfset requestedpage = 5.cfm

!--- include CFML from Record ID 5 ---
cfif not fileExists(#request.fileroot#generatedCFML/#requestedpage#)
 cfquery name=myCFML
select *
from tbl_CFMLRespository
where ID=5

 ! write the cfml to a file ---
 cfilfe action="" 
file=#request.fileroot#generatedCFML/#requestedpage# output=#myCFML.cfml#

!--- include the generated cfml file ---
cfinclude template=generatedCFML/#requestedpage#

On your page where the CFML in the Database gets updated, you would simply 
delete the file after it was updated:

cfquery name=myCFML
update tbl_CFMLRespository
set cfml='cfif x is 7 or z is 9cfset myFlag=true/cfif'
where ID=5

 ! delete the cfml file if it exists ---
cfif fileExists(#request.fileroot#generatedCFML/5.cfm)
cfilfe action="" file=#request.fileroot#generatedCFML/5.cfm


P.S This is Pseudo Code!

At 12:11 PM 4/9/2004, you wrote:

yeah I know ... just running on empty here.
pushing 35 hours of non-sleep...

soon I can go home and crash for awhile.

-Original Message-
From: Barney Boisvert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 3:03 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CF in a database (my apologies)

You're not totally off base.You could use evaluate for some things
(expressions), but certainly not for any actual CFML.Not sure if that
would be useful for anything, but it could well be.


  -Original Message-
  From: Adkins, Randy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 11:56 AM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: RE: CF in a database (my apologies)
  spoke to soon, doh nevermind, thats right, you can't cause
  the evaluae would
  to display the code as string and not as commands..
  My apologies.. lack of sleep the last few days
  -Original Message-
  From: Barney Boisvert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 2:53 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: RE: CF in a database
  The short answer is no.
  The long answer is you can do it by writing the CF from the
  DB to a file,
  and the include that file.However, that's nasty because you have the
  compilation cycle every request, and writing files and then
  deleting them
  adds a lot of overhead.Back in the pre-MX days, I know some
  people used
  this solution on a RAMDISK which probably worked pretty well,
  because there
  wasn't a precompile cycle (the CFML was interpreted).
   -Original Message-
   From: Eric Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 11:45 AM
   To: CF-Talk
   Subject: CF in a database
   I posted this on CF-Newbie as well. Sorry for the cross post.
   Hey all,
  I'm wondering is it possible to store CF Code in a
   database and then have the CF server execute it when it's
   extracted? if so can you give me a working example??

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Re: How many class files do YOU have?

2004-04-09 Thread Brook Davies

OKay, I set the server to NOT write cache files to disk and deleted all the 
cache files. I also increased the maxPermSize as suggested. Any reason I 
should not increase it to 512? I have the 3 gigs of ram on the server.

Also,my app writes lots of cfm files to disk, that why I have 6000 class 
files. Will this still be okay using the on-the-fly-compiler? Should I set 
the template cache higher than 1024?


At 01:52 PM 4/9/2004, you wrote:

If you have that many CFM's then the reason you are getting OutOfMemory 
errors is due to the fact that you are running out of space in the 
permanent generation of the Java Heap. I won't get into specifics with JVM 
tuning. I have some info on my blog but to fix this 
bump up the -XX:MaxPermSize value in your jvm.config to 192 or 256 it 
should get rid of the problem. Also load testing has found that you can 
uncheck the value save class files in the admin and still get the same 
performance without storing the class files to disk. They will be compiled 
on first hit and loaded into memory. With the slick new compiler in 6.1 it 
is very efficient, in fact more efficient than having to sort through 6000 
class files to load the appropriate file.

Hope that helps

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RE: How many class files do YOU have?

2004-04-09 Thread Dave Watts
Should I set the template cache higher than 1024?

Yes, I think you should set it to the number of CFM files you have (or
expect to have).

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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2004-04-09 Thread Paul Vernon
Sorry for the inconvenience, mail server troubles...

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Re: Date list using SQL IN operator

2004-04-09 Thread Keith Levenson
Ok, I figured out I should use ListQualify on the list to add the single quotes and preservesinglequotes within the query to preserve the quotes for revised code of:

cfoutput query=checkForEmp21Overlap
cfset overlapRecordCount=
cfif DateFormat(myStart,mm/dd/) gte DateFormat(finalDay,mm/dd/)
cfset overlapRecordCount = ListQualify(overlapRecordCount,',,,CHAR) 

cfquery name=megaquery_output_recordspecific_dateRestricted dbtype=query
		FROM megaquery_output_recordspecific
		cfqueryparam cfsqltype=CF_SQL_TIMESTAMP value=#formattedBeginDay# and
		cfqueryparam cfsqltype=CF_SQL_TIMESTAMP value=#formattedEndDay#)
		cfif listlen(overlapRecordCount) gt 0
		AND (myStart NOT IN (#preserveSingleQuotes(overlapRecordCount)#))
		ORDER BY myStart;

Now the problem is I get a Query Of Queries runtime error.
Unsupported type comparison.

I tried using cfqueryparam to set the type to date, but it doesn't seem to be compatible with lists.

Any new suggestions?

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IGNORE final test

2004-04-09 Thread Paul Vernon
Sorry for the inconvenience.

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