[cfaussie] Re: Eclipse Settings on Mac OS X

2010-08-20 Thread KC Kuok
Hi Gavin,

You should check your eclipse error log files, they should provide
some insight. From memory they should be in the workspaces folder 
metadata  logs


On Aug 20, 11:12 am, Gavin Baumanis beauecli...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Everyone,

 Can I please bother people who are running a Mac and the eclipse IDE
 to send me their eclipse settings please?
 My MacBook continually crashes while I am typing in the CFBuilder plug-
 I tweaked the memory settings as eclipse was running painfully slow.

 It could well be a CFBuilder issue - I don't remember having these
 issues when running CFEclipse - but thought I would double check mny
 eclipse config first before complaining about CFBuilder.

 Alternatively, it could be a physical RAM issue... But it does only
 ever happen when I am actually using eclipse - so it is a little

 Thanks - Gavin.,

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[cfaussie] Re: CFUG Melbourne August 2010: New features in Adobe ColdFusion Server 9 by Steve Onnis

2010-08-18 Thread KC Kuok
I will be there, see you folks tomorrow!

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[cfaussie] Re: Does ColdFusion support SOAP 1.2?

2010-07-29 Thread KC Kuok
Hi Hitesh,

If you have issues talking to your webservice you can consider
building the XML manually and using CFHTTP to communicate with the
webservice...Depending on whether you have Java guys to assist you,
You might also consider sending a support request to Adobe as i
suspect that your issues is more on the Java libraries CF uses rather
than a CF code or CF configuration issue, to be honest will probably
be faster just to create your own function to do it.

Good luck!

My 2 cents

On Jul 30, 10:35 am, Hitesh hiteshpatel1...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am trying to connect this .NET 
 web-servicehttp://cjservicedev.capitaljobs.com.au/DataService.svc?wsdlfrom CF 
 The person from WS support asking me this question Does ColdFusion
 support SOAP 1.2?

 I am not sure? Can you help me?

 And how to generate XML format that supports SOAP 1.2 in CF?

 Looking forward to seeing your reply.


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[cfaussie] New Railo Community Manager for AU

2010-06-10 Thread KC Kuok
AJ Mercer is the new Railo Community Manager for AU (and i believe the
first ?)


http://www.getrailo.org/index.cfm/community/team/ (at the end)

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[cfaussie] Re: JB-HI Moving to dotnet

2010-05-30 Thread KC Kuok
On May 31, 7:39 am, Kai Koenig k...@koeni.de wrote:
 I can add as much detail as necessary to this if people who could make such a 
 decision and move were interested. I don't think this mailing list is the 
 right place though to collaboratively work on a job description for a 
 platform/CF evangelism role in ANZ.


Yup I agree with Kai, I think as a group we are all in agreement the
CF vendors (esp Adobe) could do more spreading the CF and expanding
the market in ANZ, if they want to talk details i am sure any partners
or even any CF developers would be happy to give feedback. There is
not much point thinking/talking/planning about actual details (in
detail) till Adobe (or Railo) show  more interest and invite people
who are invested into CF expanding in the region to a working group.

@Steve, Mark, Barry

Regarding symptoms, it is a sign of a broken system, i.e. no Adobe
employee is accountable for CF in ANZ, hence it gets overlooked, I
mean if I was management looking for the number of sellers and
partners for CF i will assume that CF is dead in ANZ judging from
those results...

If you need us to sign some online petition/work on an open letter/
spam email and telephone calls to Adobe AU just give the word...

Also a thought, might be worth a shot setting up a directory service
of some kind of Coldfusion Freelancers/Contractors in Australia...

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[cfaussie] Re: JB-HI Moving to dotnet

2010-05-28 Thread KC Kuok
I think at the end of the day it comes down to perception...

My Perception is:
1) Adobe does not market CF hard enough in the ANZ region. (A few
examples in this thread where CF could have been sold/pitched but
2) In Australia, management seem to think web based languages revolve
around PHP and .NET ONLY
3) 99% of new IT dev focused grads probably never heard of Coldfusion
by the time they graduate, and i still constantly meet .NET and PHP
developers from newbies to veterans who have not heard coldfusion, if
i am lucky they will have heard of Coldfusion but 99% of those will
not know what IS Coldfusion.
4) If there are no new projects in CF, eventually the CF job market
will just become smaller and smaller.

Personally one thing i have found about Refresh the two times (i think
it was 07 and 08) i have been is that they spent majority of the time
talking about either Creative Suite or Flash/Flex... There is usually
no session dedicated trumpeting the latest and greatest in CF...
Besides I believe Refresh does not bring in enough fresh eyes onto CF,
which for me is the main point, especially fresh eyes from the people
who sign the cheques.

One thing I believe microsoft does really well is make good use of the
cream of its .NET partners, where they come in and do a show and tell
about the new MS tech that they have been using to create a new
product/app etc...

I believe Adobe should start out with getting some CF talent into the
Consultancy arm in ANZ so that more Flex based projects can(should)
have a CF backend, and also at the start (assuming not enough CF work
via the Consultancy) primarily evangelising to NON-CF folks (Schools,
Startup UGs),
They should also attempt to run something similar to ReMix, and keep
it cheap so as many people as possible can come (though I believe
ReMix tickets are not free so that people who register actually turn
up, well that and maybe so they can justify to HQ the free stuff they
give out during ReMix).

Well I believe the point some of us are trying to make is that CF
conferences and events maybe well backed by Adobe, in terms of
personnel they send, and sponsorship, but any product, especially with
a significantly smaller market share, if Adobe (and Railo) does not go
the extra mile in pushing CF, it will not grow in the region...

@Railo  the Adobe folks

I hope you guys are speaking to RMIT already, i believe they have a
decent investment (apps built) in CF, and would be sort of the ideal
candidate to support CF as a language to students, maybe not so much
as a module/subject but support in terms of if they pick are choosing
to attempt their projects, they would know (hopefully from the
teaching staff and the IT dept) that CF is an option, and have a list
of reliable resources, in terms of information, and who they could
possibly get in contact with.

PS: I am going to ReMix mainly for UX and to listen in on their plans
for JQuery and Azure. Not switching to .Net anytime soon... And also
spread Coldfusion to those who are (un)fortunate enough to ask me what
I do and subsequently what is Coldfusion...

my 2 cents,

On May 29, 12:27 pm, Sean Corfield seancorfi...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 7:56 PM, Andrew Myers am2...@gmail.com wrote:
  I agree with what you say about us being the ones in the trenches.  Like I
  said in an earlier post, I sometimes have to try and justify even within my
  organisation the use of CF, and it's not always easy - I would really
  benefit from some kind of support resources to help me with this.  Perhaps
  they are out there and I just haven't found them.

 Have you seen the ColdFusion Evangelism Kit that Adobe put out? That's
 a pretty good pitch to managers. Adobe have also published some more
 detailed comparisons between technologies showing the benefits of CFML
 - which is also summarized in the evangelism kit so it depends how
 much detail you want.

  A lot of the anti CF people also don't like it because it's a proprietary
  technology.  This is where I really think things like Railo can really help
  the uptake of CF.

 We are certainly seeing some people moving to Railo rather than
 abandoning CFML altogether because they have some sort of mandate for
 open source. It's obviously better to keep them in the CFML community
 than lose them to some other technology. We also see people coming in
 via jboss.org who are open source folks who wouldn't have considered
 CFML before. And, yes, realistically, there are going to be people who
 choose Railo purely on price because they don't want to spend money.
 We see folks who are running older versions of ColdFusion who didn't
 pay maintenance and now won't pay for upgrades - Railo provides them
 an option to modernize their code.

 Naturally we prefer folks who choose Railo for reasons other than
 price since our business model is about support and consulting - and
 folks who won't pay Adobe aren't likely to pay us either :)
 Sean A Corfield -- (904) 

[cfaussie] Just spotted on Railo google groups... Amazon S3 plugin for Railo now free!

2010-05-27 Thread KC Kuok

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[cfaussie] Re: Coldfusion 9 and Windows server 2008 64bit

2010-05-27 Thread KC Kuok
Hi Barry,

Might be to do with Windows itself We had this problem awhile back
where too many connections were running through, our network guy went
on to explain how windows would just cut off connections and start up
again a few seconds later in dealing when there are too many
connections... we have since swapped around where the drives are and
mounted from the SAN the drives to other parts of the network, haven't
had that issue where the app would stall momentarily when it was under
load... Though if you think about it, it is a good problem to have :)

So if you problem seem remote similar might be worth while swapping
around how ur drives are mapped to spread the load around abit...

Just My 2 cents,

On May 28, 11:38 am, BarryC barrychester...@gmail.com wrote:
 Did those references you found say anything about the specific version
 of windows server 2008, or just in general?
 There is 2008 R2 for example, but we are on the standard 2008 - not
 sure if there would be any difference there?


 On May 28, 1:11 pm, Kym Kovan dev-li...@mbcomms.net.au wrote:

  On 28/05/2010 06:59, BarryC wrote:

   Yes, that's correct Charlie.

   Kym, the NFS is a proper NFS.

  and I've been googling and it seems in a lot of contexts NFS on 2008 is
  faster than most linux versions. It used to run like a dog and MS
  brought a new stack in 2008 that goes like a train. So NFS per se should
  not be an issue.

   If you could run a simple test, it would be handy

  I'll see what I can do.



  Kym Kovan

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[cfaussie] Re: JB-HI Moving to dotnet

2010-05-26 Thread KC Kuok
I can back that, at my first job, MS used to call us to ask if
everything was ok and chit chat about upcoming stuff with our IT-
centric managers, and regularly sent invites to launch of new products
built on MS tech. AND it was at a large private school, so our
licenses were all a fraction of the RRP... Compared that to the time
(still at that job) where I got one of my directors (IT based, there
was only 2) to ask about LiveCycle (I was interested in doing
integration with exchange and AD for apps for our internal intranet,
and logic for alot of the stuff that was being done manually.), I was
told the response from adobe was something along the lines of if you
don't know how you are going to use it, its probably not worth your
time and money.

At the time the were thinking of going to other MS products because of
not having to manage AD permissions on CF and greater integration for
MS tech with each other. The end result is obvious, they went with MS,
though to date it seems the main project didn't get delivered to my
understanding and currently on hold but thats another story.

Also don't get me started on projects where companies buy software and
spend like crazy doing integration then not achieveing fully what they
wanted when it would have been a better shot at it if it was mainly
custom built.

@Kym I reckon you might want to talk to the Railo crew and see if you
can get some sort of partnership going for Australia... I reckon its
time php and .Net got some serious competition from CF in ANZ

my 2 cents

On May 26, 3:44 pm, Kym Kovan dev-li...@mbcomms.net.au wrote:
 On 26/05/2010 15:14, Mark Mandel wrote:

  What are other companies out there doing? I.e. have people had
  experience with MS knocking on their door? Or any other platform? Anyone
  know first hand?

  (I'm still waiting for the PHP evangelists to come knocking).

 I've missed all the fun as I was busy this morning, installing yet
 another SQL2008 server to handle yet more clients and a couple more VMs
 to put them on. Not showing off, just simple fact.

 We are a CF-only hosting company and yes, we are not cheap as hosting in
 Oz is not cheap, that's _all_ hosting not just CF hosting. Like Steve
 said it costs 2K a month to have a rack in a decent datacentre, we pay
 well into 5 figures a month for hosting costs but for that sort of money
 you get a degree of reliability that you don't get elsewhere. Its the
 old, old story, you get what you pay for. We don't have 400 sites on one
 web server or 200 databases on a DB server, that's what happens when you
 pay $5 a month for your hosting. And if the power wobbles, we keep going.

 I got two phone calls yesterday relevant to this conversation, one from
 a prospective client who was fed up with the poor service at their
 existing hosting company, its in Brisbane and owned by a Victorian
 company if you know the one I mean. They are coming to us at twice the
 price they were paying before to get something that actually works (and
 I'm talking $55pm for a CMS site not thousands for a big business site).

 The other phone call was from Microsoft! They did come knocking at our
 door, metaphorically speaking! Wanted to know if we were happy, etc. We
 are a CF shop but we are also a Windows shop, we own quite a few Win2008
 Datacentre licenses and SQL2008 ditto, we do spend serious (by small
 business standards) money with them even if we compete with their web

 And talking of evangelising we have decided to put our CMS into the
 public domain and really start promoting cfml as a language and note the
 use of cfml there not Coldfusion. I think that is important now, it
 is in the public domain at the application platform level, it is not
 just Adobe any more and we need to start making noises.

 Here in Sydney the last Coldfusion User Group meeting was a long time
 ago, we now have an Adobe Platform User Group and Chris does a grand job
 but apart from me jumping up and down and mentioning cfml at every
 opportunity in the audience there has been no CF content in ages, its
 all Flex and Flash, etc. The Adobe Way.

 I have been thinking seriously about having a cfml user group, not
 directly connected to Adobe to see if we can attract a new crew of
 developers. Is that a viable idea?



 Kym Kovan

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[cfaussie] Re: CFUG Melbourne May 2010. REMINDER, POSTPONED TO NEXT WEEK

2010-05-26 Thread KC Kuok
Hi Peter,

Could yourself or Dale give some sort of direction of which entrance/
door to use to get into the office?


On May 20, 10:13 am, Peter Robertson pe...@p-robertson.com wrote:
 If you're attending the CFUG in Melbourne this month, please don't
 roll up tonight, we've postponed to next week to accommodate
 CogState's move and so there will also be a change of venue.  Details

 This month Phil Haeusler is doing a presentation on FW/1 - Framework
 One, 'The Invisible Framework'.

 FW/1 is a new framework lead by Sean Corfield.   It leverages
 Application.cfc and some simple conventions to provide a 'full' MVC
 framework in a single file.

 Intended to require near-zero configuration, FW/1 lets you build your
 application without worrying about a framework getting in your way.

 The session will cover
 * Why bother with frameworks?
 * Yet another ColdFusion Framework
 * Getting started with FW/1
 * Understanding the FW/1 lifecycle
 * But what is MVC?
 * Building a FW/1 app, and
 * Looking towards the next release of FW/1 v1.1
 * So, should we bother with FW/1?

 Phil has been an independant ColdFusion consultant in Melbourne for
 more than 10 years delivering on a vast number of solutions to public,
 private and startup clients predominately focusing on ColdFusion, Flex
 and other Adobe technologies.

 Date: Thursday 27 May 2010
 Time: 6:30 PM
 NEW Location:
     Level 2
     255 Bourke Street
     Melbourne, VIC, 3000

 RSVP:  Please reply to this post if you are planning to attend so we
 know how many pizzas to order.

 We look forward to seeing you all there.

 Peter Robertson

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[cfaussie] Re: JB-HI Moving to dotnet

2010-05-24 Thread KC Kuok
I reckon both play a factor Kai, also it seems most companies are
unwilling to train a fresh grad in CF. Lets be honest CF is not very
different from PHP or any C based language, shouldn't be too
difficult. It would help if the pool of CFers is bigger.

On May 24, 10:25 pm, Kai Koenig k...@koeni.de wrote:
 1. Ahh, that might have played a role. Typical problem in AU and NZ, seen it 
 before (in NZ)

 New guy in power who regularly meets with his CEO and CIO networks for 
 lunch/dinner/golf and gets asked why they use that weird ColdFusion product 
 when .NET is so much better. Lobbying from MSFT is extremely good down here 
 and strategic lobbying from Adobe for ColdFusion unfortunately doesn't happen 
 in AU/NZ.

 2. It _might_ be that is has nothing to do with each other. Maybe they want 
 to strategically move towards MSFT infrastructure and run a huge $harepoint 
 or whatever infrastructure where CF doesn't make that much sense anymore.


  Hi Dale,

  They have changed CEO in February,http://bit.ly/jbhificeo

  Best regards,

  Yakhnov Studio,www.yakhnov.info
  -Original Message-
  From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaus...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
  Of Dale Fraser
  Sent: Monday, May 24, 2010 9:13 PM
  To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
  Subject: RE: [cfaussie] JB-HI Moving to dotnet


  Anyone know who the IT manager is, I'd love to email him about the factors
  that led to the decision.

  Dale Fraser


  -Original Message-
  From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaus...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
  Of Dawesi
  Sent: Monday, 24 May 2010 4:57 PM
  To: cfaussie
  Subject: [cfaussie] JB-HI Moving to dotnet

  Looks like JB-HI is moving to .net

  Another misinformed IT manager.

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 Kai Koenig - Ventego Creative Ltd
 ph: +64 4 476 6781 - mob: +64 21 928 365 /  +61 450 132 117

 Hands-on Regular Expression training @ webDU 

 Hands-on Flash Catalyst and Flex 4 training @ Webinale 

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[cfaussie] Re: CF IDE

2010-05-04 Thread KC Kuok
IMO you should download CF Builder trial and see how much of the
additional functionality you end up using before forking out cash for
it ... at my work place, we use CF Eclipse after the beta ran out, no
real complains so far...

I agree that USD$299 is abit steep if you just want CF Builder ( i
believe if you get it in aus it works out to be approx 390-440
depending on which reseller you get it from), its a good deal if you
want Flash Builder Standard though...

On May 4, 3:39 pm, Scott Thornton
scott.thorn...@hnehealth.nsw.gov.au wrote:

 A co-workers Macromedia Dreamweaver MX has recently stopped working which has 
 started me looking into getting our IDE's updated.

 Now I know CFECLIPSE on top of ECLIPSE worked okay, so I am surprised to 
 learn that the new Coldfusion Builder is priced at $299 US dollars.

 Is CFECLIPSE now no longer available? Does CF Builder have functionality that 
 does not exist in CFECLISPE ? Is CFEclipse now no longer developed\in 

 Dreamweaver CS4 is priced at $330 US I think, but as we don't do real web 
 development, and we don't use any of the fancy features of DW MX, Coldfusion 
 Builder seemed a good fit.

 What do you use?

 Scott Thornton, Acting System Administrator
 Centralised Billing Unit
 Hunter-New England Area Health Service
 ext: 53361 p: +61 02 498 53361 m: 0413 800 242

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[cfaussie] Re: CF7 (and 8) High CPU usage on production box

2010-01-26 Thread KC Kuok
Hi Andrew,

I agree with Kai on FR... FR might slow stuff down, but it should
still run, at where i work we have FR running on half our servers just
so we can get dumps anytime... also an easy check you can run your dev
box is to see if var scoper picks up any scoping issues ?

Good luck,

On Jan 26, 11:26 pm, Andrew Myers am2...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Barry,

 Yep we are on JRun.  I haven't had a look at those logs on our  
 production machine before so that's definitely something I'll check out.

 Thanks again,

 Sent from my iPod

 On 26/01/2010, at 10:22 PM, Barry Chesterman  

 barrychester...@gmail.com wrote:
  I actually meant 'JRun' logs which in my case are logs from the JVM  
  as well :) but then it depends on your configuration, do you run  
  coldfusion with JRun or something else?
  JRun logs are normally directly in the logs folder within the JRun  

  On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 11:52 PM, Andrew Myers am2...@gmail.com  
  Hi Barry,

  Just wondering about the JVM logs you refer to. I'm not sure I've  
  seen these before.  Any advice on what files I should be looking for?


  Sent from my iPod

  On 25/01/2010, at 5:54 PM, BarryC barrychester...@gmail.com wrote:

  There are many ways to go about finding what's going on in Coldfusion.
  Elaborating on what Kai was mentioning about metrics/garbage

  Have you had a look in the logs from the JVM and ColdFusion to see if
  there are any error messages that might be related?

  The first thing you could do is turn on logging of long running
  requests (somewhere in coldfusion administrator)
  That might give you some clues as to what pages could be causing more
  load / cpu usage.

  Enable logging of metrics to see if you may have too many active
  handler threads (concurrent running processes of requests), you may
  need to configure some settings to optimise these values.

  The second thing you could do is do some thread dumps (you can do this
  either with a utility - there is one called StackTrace' or you can do
  it manually from a command prompt after you manually start coldfusion)
  Do several heap dumps every 10 seconds and see if there are common
  functions or pages coming up in the thread dump (the things that need
  more processing should come up more frequently in those logs).
  Thread dumps are generally used if you find you are getting
  bottlenecks in your application and you need to find what parts of
  your app could be doing the bottlenecking. So if you aren't getting
  long running pages then you may not need to do this.

  If you think it's memory related (and if you are getting tight on
  memory for your application, that will cause more 'Major' garbage
  collection events using more CPU) then you can enable garbage
  collection logging, a free analyzer tool called GCViewer
 http://www.tagtraum.com/gcviewer.htmllets you get a graphical view of
  what's going on as a memory overview. If it looks like you have a
  memory problem, then you can generate heap dumps and use something
  like the Eclipse memory analyzer plugin (MAT) to view the heap dump
  Google will tell you how to generate heap dumps.

  An awesome profiling tool that I found very useful was Oracle's
  Jrockit Mission Control (used to be owned by BEA or something
  arather). It's free for development and you can do profiling with that
  and see pretty much everything that's going on in coldfusion.
  You do have to update your config file to point to that though, and it
  could be slightly dodgy running it in a production environment, it's
  more something you use in a development environment.

  There's a lot to learn when it comes to the under the hood performance
  and memory stuff but it's quite interesting and very good to know as a
  developer how all that stuff works.


  On Jan 25, 4:20 pm, Andrew am2...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi Folks,

  My hosting company has just informed me that the CF7 instance for a
  site I maintain is using about 65% CPU at the moment (on a Solaris
  machine).   The site uses quite a few frameworks - ModelGlue,
  ColdSpring, Transfer and Javaloader.

  We have recently attempted to move this to CF8 but aborted the attempt
  because it basically just ground the server to a halt.  So I think
  there is something more sinister going on here that I need to sort out
  before we attempt that again.

  However I'm a bit stuck with where to go from here.  The site has been
  going along quite nicely until recently.  Traffic has grown quite a
  lot in the last 1-2 years which I'm sure is not unrelated. Just to
  throw a few extra spanners into the works I *believe* this is a shared
  server but I have no information on what else is running on it and
  whether that could possibly be causing us problems.

  I know this is very very vague but I don't get a lot of info from our
  hosting provider except that we are using up too many resources.
  Perhaps we 

[cfaussie] Re: Weird Problem Element is Undefined problem

2009-11-25 Thread KC Kuok
Hi guys,

just finished reading the replies... I think the scope is probably the
best shot, I will give that a go first thing in the morning...

I am leaning towards a scope issue, probably caused by a extended cfc
having the identically named variable, i should really have checked
for that first... though it will be weird because I call another value
from the same struct a few lines before that with no dramas at all...

I will update you guys on what is the issue, once I find it.


On Nov 25, 9:33 pm, Gavin Baumanis b...@palcare.com.au wrote:
 I'm just shooting from the hip...

 Any chance this is an issue with nested loops?
 There is buggish behaviour around nested loops / queries.

 I was so stumped (with my issue) I sent an email off to ben nadel and his 
 Ask Ben column for help;
 The link 

 Just in case it turns out to be the same issue for you.


 On 25/11/2009, at 16:37 , KC Kuok wrote:

  When I try to get key value from a structure I get an error however if
  I do a dump function, I can see the struct AND the variable which is
  referred to similarly.


  I get


  However If I do a dump function, dodump(STRUCTVARIABLE) or even dodump
  (STRUCTVARIABLE.THISFOREIGNKEY ) just before that line I can see the
  entire structure or just the value respectively. I can't see what is
  wrong, could this be a cfscript related bug ? Or am I missing
  something real obvious ?

  One of the things I thought maybe wrong is the scope, but even then it
  does not seem that anything is wrong with it...

  Dodump() is just a regular cffunction which passes the args to cfdump

  Any thoughts?

  Thanks in advance!


  You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
  cfaussie group.
  To post to this group, send email to cfaus...@googlegroups.com.
  To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
  For more options, visit this group 

 As always, please contact me if I can be of any further assistance.

 Gavin Beau Baumanis
 Senior Application Developer
 PalCare P/L

 657 Nicholson Street
 Carlton North
 Victoria, Australia, 3054

 E: b...@palcare.com.au
 P: +61 -3 9380 3513
 M: +61 -438 545 586


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cfaussie group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

[cfaussie] Re: Weird Problem Element is Undefined problem

2009-11-25 Thread KC Kuok
MrBuzzy was right... Though I was not the one at the keyboard...

I had a writeouput in the for loop and was assuming it was breaking on
a one of the sub structs which had the key/value. Apparently when
something breaks in For Loop in cfscript, none of the writeoutputs
from the earlier iterations will display. So it was breaking on
another the sub struct.

That's almost 4 hours of work/life I will never get back...

Still save time rewriting the whole function

@AC noted on the duplicate :)

I think I should nominate myself for the Darwin awards. =S

On Nov 26, 9:58 am, Adam chapman a...@portplus.com wrote:
 Hey Chong,

 Also consider using the duplicate() function when copying your structure..

 From what I understand, structCopy() may not create a deep copy of your 
 But rather a pointer to the original. So if you modify the original, it can 
 sometimes cause
 some changes (desired or otherwise) in the copy.


 -Original Message-
 From: KC Kuok [mailto:kck...@gmail.com]
 Sent: Wednesday, 25 November 2009 9:44 PM
 To: cfaussie
 Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Weird Problem Element is Undefined problem

 Hi guys,

 just finished reading the replies... I think the scope is probably the
 best shot, I will give that a go first thing in the morning...

 I am leaning towards a scope issue, probably caused by a extended cfc
 having the identically named variable, i should really have checked
 for that first... though it will be weird because I call another value
 from the same struct a few lines before that with no dramas at all...

 I will update you guys on what is the issue, once I find it.


 On Nov 25, 9:33 pm, Gavin Baumanis b...@palcare.com.au wrote:
  I'm just shooting from the hip...

  Any chance this is an issue with nested loops?
  There is buggish behaviour around nested loops / queries.

  I was so stumped (with my issue) I sent an email off to ben nadel and his 
  Ask Ben column for help;
  The link 

  Just in case it turns out to be the same issue for you.


  On 25/11/2009, at 16:37 , KC Kuok wrote:

   When I try to get key value from a structure I get an error however if
   I do a dump function, I can see the struct AND the variable which is
   referred to similarly.


   I get


   However If I do a dump function, dodump(STRUCTVARIABLE) or even dodump
   (STRUCTVARIABLE.THISFOREIGNKEY ) just before that line I can see the
   entire structure or just the value respectively. I can't see what is
   wrong, could this be a cfscript related bug ? Or am I missing
   something real obvious ?

   One of the things I thought maybe wrong is the scope, but even then it
   does not seem that anything is wrong with it...

   Dodump() is just a regular cffunction which passes the args to cfdump

   Any thoughts?

   Thanks in advance!


   You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
   cfaussie group.
   To post to this group, send email to cfaus...@googlegroups.com.
   To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
   For more options, visit this group 

  As always, please contact me if I can be of any further assistance.

  Gavin Beau Baumanis
  Senior Application Developer
  PalCare P/L

  657 Nicholson Street
  Carlton North
  Victoria, Australia, 3054

  E: b...@palcare.com.au
  P: +61 -3 9380 3513
  M: +61 -438 545 586


 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 cfaussie group.
 To post to this group, send email to cfaus...@googlegroups.com.
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
 For more options, visit this group 


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
cfaussie group.
To post to this group, send email to cfaus...@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[cfaussie] Re: Weird Problem Element is Undefined problem

2009-11-25 Thread KC Kuok
Just thought I would write it out again... Was not very clear the
first time... Though I was not the one who was figured it out (i.e not
at the keyboard)...

Basically, when the code errored in the For Loop it displayed the
error while ignoring the write outputs from earlier iterations, so i
looked where I thought it errored where it was actually erroring on a
struct that didn't have that value. Serves me right for 1) not
understanding For in cfscript 2) copying and modifying code that I did
understand 100%...

Now where was that form for the darwin awards...

On Nov 26, 10:19 am, KC Kuok kck...@gmail.com wrote:
 MrBuzzy was right... Though I was not the one at the keyboard...

 I had a writeouput in the for loop and was assuming it was breaking on
 a one of the sub structs which had the key/value. Apparently when
 something breaks in For Loop in cfscript, none of the writeoutputs
 from the earlier iterations will display. So it was breaking on
 another the sub struct.

 That's almost 4 hours of work/life I will never get back...

 Still save time rewriting the whole function

 @AC noted on the duplicate :)

 I think I should nominate myself for the Darwin awards. =S

 On Nov 26, 9:58 am, Adam chapman a...@portplus.com wrote:

  Hey Chong,

  Also consider using the duplicate() function when copying your structure..

  From what I understand, structCopy() may not create a deep copy of your 
  But rather a pointer to the original. So if you modify the original, it can 
  sometimes cause
  some changes (desired or otherwise) in the copy.


  -Original Message-
  From: KC Kuok [mailto:kck...@gmail.com]
  Sent: Wednesday, 25 November 2009 9:44 PM
  To: cfaussie
  Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Weird Problem Element is Undefined problem

  Hi guys,

  just finished reading the replies... I think the scope is probably the
  best shot, I will give that a go first thing in the morning...

  I am leaning towards a scope issue, probably caused by a extended cfc
  having the identically named variable, i should really have checked
  for that first... though it will be weird because I call another value
  from the same struct a few lines before that with no dramas at all...

  I will update you guys on what is the issue, once I find it.


  On Nov 25, 9:33 pm, Gavin Baumanis b...@palcare.com.au wrote:
   I'm just shooting from the hip...

   Any chance this is an issue with nested loops?
   There is buggish behaviour around nested loops / queries.

   I was so stumped (with my issue) I sent an email off to ben nadel and his 
   Ask Ben column for help;
   The link 

   Just in case it turns out to be the same issue for you.


   On 25/11/2009, at 16:37 , KC Kuok wrote:

When I try to get key value from a structure I get an error however if
I do a dump function, I can see the struct AND the variable which is
referred to similarly.


I get


However If I do a dump function, dodump(STRUCTVARIABLE) or even dodump
(STRUCTVARIABLE.THISFOREIGNKEY ) just before that line I can see the
entire structure or just the value respectively. I can't see what is
wrong, could this be a cfscript related bug ? Or am I missing
something real obvious ?

One of the things I thought maybe wrong is the scope, but even then it
does not seem that anything is wrong with it...

Dodump() is just a regular cffunction which passes the args to cfdump

Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance!


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
Groups cfaussie group.
To post to this group, send email to cfaus...@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group 

   As always, please contact me if I can be of any further assistance.

   Gavin Beau Baumanis
   Senior Application Developer
   PalCare P/L

   657 Nicholson Street
   Carlton North
   Victoria, Australia, 3054

   E: b...@palcare.com.au
   P: +61 -3 9380 3513
   M: +61 -438 545 586


  You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
  cfaussie group.
  To post to this group, send email to cfaus...@googlegroups.com.
  To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
  For more options, visit this group 


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cfaussie group.
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[cfaussie] Weird Problem Element is Undefined problem

2009-11-24 Thread KC Kuok
When I try to get key value from a structure I get an error however if
I do a dump function, I can see the struct AND the variable which is
referred to similarly.


I get


However If I do a dump function, dodump(STRUCTVARIABLE) or even dodump
(STRUCTVARIABLE.THISFOREIGNKEY ) just before that line I can see the
entire structure or just the value respectively. I can't see what is
wrong, could this be a cfscript related bug ? Or am I missing
something real obvious ?

One of the things I thought maybe wrong is the scope, but even then it
does not seem that anything is wrong with it...

Dodump() is just a regular cffunction which passes the args to cfdump

Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance!


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
cfaussie group.
To post to this group, send email to cfaus...@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[cfaussie] Re: Weird Problem Element is Undefined problem

2009-11-24 Thread KC Kuok
The struct is copied from a struct of struct generated earlier in the
process, which parses an xml file...
Then it loops through the Struct of Structs to do the logic. I am
amazed that I can do a dump of the variable and the temp Struct on the
line right before, but yet it says it is undefined when it hits that

Is it something to do with scoping in For loops in CFSCRIPT... this is
done in CF8 btw...

for (portalExportID in Bigstruct.byExportKey)
STRUCTVARIABLE = structCopy(Bigstruct.byExportKey[ExportID])

If its nothing obvious I will probably rewrite it bit by bit and see
what makes the difference...

On Nov 25, 4:45 pm, Mark Mandel mark.man...@gmail.com wrote:
 Where did the struct come from?

 Maybe it's a Java Map object?


 On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 4:37 PM, KC Kuok kck...@gmail.com wrote:
  When I try to get key value from a structure I get an error however if
  I do a dump function, I can see the struct AND the variable which is
  referred to similarly.


  I get


  However If I do a dump function, dodump(STRUCTVARIABLE) or even dodump
  (STRUCTVARIABLE.THISFOREIGNKEY ) just before that line I can see the
  entire structure or just the value respectively. I can't see what is
  wrong, could this be a cfscript related bug ? Or am I missing
  something real obvious ?

  One of the things I thought maybe wrong is the scope, but even then it
  does not seem that anything is wrong with it...

  Dodump() is just a regular cffunction which passes the args to cfdump

  Any thoughts?

  Thanks in advance!


  You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
  cfaussie group.
  To post to this group, send email to cfaus...@googlegroups.com.
  To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
  For more options, visit this group at

 E: mark.man...@gmail.com


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cfaussie group.
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[cfaussie] Re: Weird Problem Element is Undefined problem

2009-11-24 Thread KC Kuok
Before i forget STRUCTVARIABLE = structCopy(Bigstruct.byExportKey
[ExportID]) was without the structCopy before... did not make a

On Nov 25, 5:04 pm, KC Kuok kck...@gmail.com wrote:
 The struct is copied from a struct of struct generated earlier in the
 process, which parses an xml file...
 Then it loops through the Struct of Structs to do the logic. I am
 amazed that I can do a dump of the variable and the temp Struct on the
 line right before, but yet it says it is undefined when it hits that

 Is it something to do with scoping in For loops in CFSCRIPT... this is
 done in CF8 btw...

 for (portalExportID in Bigstruct.byExportKey)
 STRUCTVARIABLE = structCopy(Bigstruct.byExportKey[ExportID])

 If its nothing obvious I will probably rewrite it bit by bit and see
 what makes the difference...

 On Nov 25, 4:45 pm, Mark Mandel mark.man...@gmail.com wrote:

  Where did the struct come from?

  Maybe it's a Java Map object?


  On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 4:37 PM, KC Kuok kck...@gmail.com wrote:
   When I try to get key value from a structure I get an error however if
   I do a dump function, I can see the struct AND the variable which is
   referred to similarly.


   I get


   However If I do a dump function, dodump(STRUCTVARIABLE) or even dodump
   (STRUCTVARIABLE.THISFOREIGNKEY ) just before that line I can see the
   entire structure or just the value respectively. I can't see what is
   wrong, could this be a cfscript related bug ? Or am I missing
   something real obvious ?

   One of the things I thought maybe wrong is the scope, but even then it
   does not seem that anything is wrong with it...

   Dodump() is just a regular cffunction which passes the args to cfdump

   Any thoughts?

   Thanks in advance!


   You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
   cfaussie group.
   To post to this group, send email to cfaus...@googlegroups.com.
   To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
   For more options, visit this group at

  E: mark.man...@gmail.com


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[cfaussie] Coldfusion Builder

2009-07-12 Thread KC Kuok

Just incase someone missed the news


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[cfaussie] Re: GO QUEENSLAND!

2008-06-10 Thread KC Kuok

Its called the calm before the storm... Anyone not going has any
burning questions to ask Adobe? We could probably field it for you
(And it might be a question we have not thought about yet so don't be

On Jun 11, 10:08 am, Barry Beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 and no, I don't mean Maroons vs the Blues tonight.

 Good to see Qld fielded two teams in the Code Wars while Sydney (and
 Melbourne) could only manage one each...

 (geez this list is dead this week ... anyone think that there's
 something happening elsewhere...)
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[cfaussie] Re: WebDU

2008-06-02 Thread KC Kuok

Novotel for me too, got it cheap when they were running the winter
promo ;)

On Jun 2, 4:08 pm, Gareth Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Novotel for me
 Mark Mandel wrote:Ibis for me
 MarkOn Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 3:26 PM, Rae Buerckner [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 wrote:Anyone going to WebDU and staying at the Goldsborough Apartments?
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[cfaussie] OT: Is MS blocking Firefox ?

2008-06-01 Thread KC Kuok

Just wondering whether anyone else can open in Firefox the MS support

I can't seem to get it open in Firefox, only in IE... Any ideas/
constructive comments?
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[cfaussie] Re: OT: Is MS blocking Firefox ?

2008-06-01 Thread KC Kuok

Do you guys happen to have installed Silverlight plugin for FF? It is
the most recent thing I have blocked... It is starting to tickle my
curiosity a fair bit as when I view source it is totally blank in

I have tried quite a few sites under support.microsoft.com, might be
best if i reinstalled firefox...

Going to reinstall FF right now...

On Jun 2, 9:44 am, KC Kuok [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just wondering whether anyone else can open in Firefox the MS support

 I can't seem to get it open in Firefox, only in IE... Any ideas/
 constructive comments?
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cfaussie group.
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[cfaussie] Re: OT: Is MS blocking Firefox ?

2008-06-01 Thread KC Kuok

The thing is at work (FF) I don't have any add-ons, I probably have 4
running at home... Thats why it is amusing me to no end now...

I reckon its something I blocked hastily (I usually block everything I
don't explicitly ask for nowadays), well it could be a dodgy registry,
but I doubt there is a registry which specifically states to block
only support.microsoft.com... I still can access the other
microsoft.com including msdn...

Going to do a proper clean install, uninstall and hopefully a clean
install of FF... I took a SS with  FF showing a totally blank view
source as well...

On a sidenote I was looking up the note on how to turn off IIS using
certain protocols...

How to disable PCT 1.0, SSL 2.0, SSL 3.0, or TLS 1.0 in Internet
Information Services

On Jun 2, 10:27 am, Rony Fayyad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am using Firefox with a few developer plug-ins and I can open the site no

 Try uninstalling the plug-in that you recently installed and see if this

 Have you ever been able to browse the site using FF?

 Try other computers in the office / home network.

 Good luck.

 -Original Message-
 From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf

 Of KC Kuok
 Sent: Monday, 2 June 2008 9:45 AM
 To: cfaussie
 Subject: [cfaussie] OT: Is MS blocking Firefox ?

 Just wondering whether anyone else can open in Firefox the MS support

 I can't seem to get it open in Firefox, only in IE... Any ideas/
 constructive comments?
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cfaussie group.
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[cfaussie] Coldfusion, FCKeditor and multilingual support for submitting forms

2008-05-14 Thread KC Kuok

Hi guys,

Just wondering whether anyone has any solution or can enlighten me why
when i enter

我是 (chinese for I am, may get corrupted on submission)

and after i submit i get

‰ä ¥

from the form variable

I have tried to look for a function to try to convert it into unicode
before hand but I can't seem to find it.

if anyone can point me in the right direction, it will be greatly

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
cfaussie group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

[cfaussie] Re: Coldfusion, FCKeditor and multilingual support for submitting forms

2008-05-14 Thread KC Kuok

Hi Dale,

On the page with the form I have this at the start (i didn't think it
was needed as by default CF does it in UTF-8)

/cfscriptcfprocessingdirective pageencoding=UTF-8

On the page that processes the page i have

cfprocessingdirective pageencoding=UTF-8

Yet when I do a CFOUTPUT#form.variable#/CFOUTPUT It gives the

I am pretty much stumped :S

On May 14, 5:29 pm, Dale Fraser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You need to set your page encoding to UTF-8

 Dale Fraserhttp://learncf.comhttp://flexcf.com

 -Original Message-
 From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of KC Kuok
 Sent: Wednesday, 14 May 2008 4:54 PM
 To: cfaussie
 Subject: [cfaussie] Coldfusion, FCKeditor and multilingual support for 
 submitting forms

 Hi guys,

 Just wondering whether anyone has any solution or can enlighten me why
 when i enter

 我是 (chinese for I am, may get corrupted on submission)

 and after i submit i get

 ‰ä ¥

 from the form variable

 I have tried to look for a function to try to convert it into unicode
 before hand but I can't seem to find it.

 if anyone can point me in the right direction, it will be greatly

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cfaussie group.
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[cfaussie] Re: queryAddRow

2008-05-14 Thread KC Kuok

Might be easiest to use QueryNew (create + 1 more than the record
count) put in what you want then add the query you were originally
adding to...

Alternatively you could use ArrayInsertAt to insert the value in each
column. I believe coldfusion treats query columns as array objects,
though it may treat the query itself as an array object (for the
purpose of the functions), but i am pretty sure Array functions treat
query columns as arrays.

Good luck :)


On May 14, 5:46 pm, Dale Fraser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I need to add a row to a query at position 1.

 queryAddRow takes the number of rows, but they go at the end.

 Anyone have any ideas how to add a row to a query at row 1.

 I want to add a


 Type option to a query that will populate a combo box


 Dale Fraser


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[cfaussie] Re: queryAddRow

2008-05-14 Thread KC Kuok

Actually the Array method might probably be the cleanest...

I thought about the easiest way to add one query to another query

after creating a New Query Object and assuming you created the first
row manually

cfset CountVar = 0
cfloop index=x from=1 to=querytoadd.recordcount step=1
cfset temp = QueryAddRow(querybeaddedto)
cfset Temp = QuerySetCell(querybeaddedto, FirstColumnName,
querytoadd[x].FirstColumnName, x)

cfset Temp = QuerySetCell(querybeaddedto, LastColumnName,
querytoadd[x].LastColumnName, x)
cfset CountVar = CountVar+1 //i can't remember in coldfusion if
the first row is index of 1 or 0, if it is 1 put it before the
QueryAddRow above

I think thats how I did it awhile back i believe, brains abit fried so
better test it out first.

Pardon my dodgy code =X


On May 14, 6:09 pm, Dale Fraser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'll try the array method,

 How do you append one query to another, because that would do the trick?

 Dale Fraserhttp://learncf.comhttp://flexcf.com

 -Original Message-
 From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf

 Of KC Kuok
 Sent: Wednesday, 14 May 2008 6:02 PM
 To: cfaussie
 Subject: [cfaussie] Re: queryAddRow

 Might be easiest to use QueryNew (create + 1 more than the record
 count) put in what you want then add the query you were originally
 adding to...

 Alternatively you could use ArrayInsertAt to insert the value in each
 column. I believe coldfusion treats query columns as array objects,
 though it may treat the query itself as an array object (for the
 purpose of the functions), but i am pretty sure Array functions treat
 query columns as arrays.

 Good luck :)


 On May 14, 5:46 pm, Dale Fraser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I need to add a row to a query at position 1.

  queryAddRow takes the number of rows, but they go at the end.

  Anyone have any ideas how to add a row to a query at row 1.

  I want to add a


  Type option to a query that will populate a combo box


  Dale Fraser


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[cfaussie] Re: Coldfusion, FCKeditor and multilingual support for submitting forms

2008-05-14 Thread KC Kuok

I started testing it, it seems if the application has a different
encoding set it will use that instead, even when I had manually set
the encoding in both pages... and GetEncoding showed the one I was
expecting... All is well now... Just had to change the one set in the
main Application scope (god knows what that kills =X)

Chong :)

On May 14, 5:48 pm, KC Kuok [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Dale,

 On the page with the form I have this at the start (i didn't think it
 was needed as by default CF does it in UTF-8)

 /cfscriptcfprocessingdirective pageencoding=UTF-8

 On the page that processes the page i have

 cfprocessingdirective pageencoding=UTF-8

 Yet when I do a CFOUTPUT#form.variable#/CFOUTPUT It gives the

 I am pretty much stumped :S

 On May 14, 5:29 pm, Dale Fraser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  You need to set your page encoding to UTF-8

  Dale Fraserhttp://learncf.comhttp://flexcf.com

  -Original Message-
  From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of KC 
  Sent: Wednesday, 14 May 2008 4:54 PM
  To: cfaussie
  Subject: [cfaussie] Coldfusion, FCKeditor and multilingual support for 
  submitting forms

  Hi guys,

  Just wondering whether anyone has any solution or can enlighten me why
  when i enter

  我是 (chinese for I am, may get corrupted on submission)

  and after i submit i get

  ‰ä ¥

  from the form variable

  I have tried to look for a function to try to convert it into unicode
  before hand but I can't seem to find it.

  if anyone can point me in the right direction, it will be greatly

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[cfaussie] Re: queryAddRow

2008-05-14 Thread KC Kuok

Just to be safe here is the cfoutput version... just remember that
this is assuming that you have added the first row

cfset CountVar = 0
CFSET x = 1
cfoutput query=querytoadd
cfset temp = QueryAddRow(querybeaddedto)
cfset Temp = QuerySetCell(querybeaddedto, FirstColumnName,
querytoadd.FirstColumnName, x)

cfset Temp = QuerySetCell(querybeaddedto, LastColumnName,
querytoadd.LastColumnName, x)
cfset CountVar = CountVar+1 //i can't remember in coldfusion if
the first row is index of 1 or 0, if it is 1 put it before the
QueryAddRow above
CFSET x = x+1 //same as above

*I believe you also can get the column names as a variable and make
the above more dynamic...

Good Luck!


On May 14, 6:26 pm, KC Kuok [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Actually the Array method might probably be the cleanest...

 I thought about the easiest way to add one query to another query

 after creating a New Query Object and assuming you created the first
 row manually

 cfset CountVar = 0
 cfloop index=x from=1 to=querytoadd.recordcount step=1
 cfset temp = QueryAddRow(querybeaddedto)
 cfset Temp = QuerySetCell(querybeaddedto, FirstColumnName,
 querytoadd[x].FirstColumnName, x)
 cfset Temp = QuerySetCell(querybeaddedto, LastColumnName,
 querytoadd[x].LastColumnName, x)
 cfset CountVar = CountVar+1 //i can't remember in coldfusion if
 the first row is index of 1 or 0, if it is 1 put it before the
 QueryAddRow above

 I think thats how I did it awhile back i believe, brains abit fried so
 better test it out first.

 Pardon my dodgy code =X


 On May 14, 6:09 pm, Dale Fraser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'll try the array method,

  How do you append one query to another, because that would do the trick?

  Dale Fraserhttp://learncf.comhttp://flexcf.com

  -Original Message-
  From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf

  Of KC Kuok
  Sent: Wednesday, 14 May 2008 6:02 PM
  To: cfaussie
  Subject: [cfaussie] Re: queryAddRow

  Might be easiest to use QueryNew (create + 1 more than the record
  count) put in what you want then add the query you were originally
  adding to...

  Alternatively you could use ArrayInsertAt to insert the value in each
  column. I believe coldfusion treats query columns as array objects,
  though it may treat the query itself as an array object (for the
  purpose of the functions), but i am pretty sure Array functions treat
  query columns as arrays.

  Good luck :)


  On May 14, 5:46 pm, Dale Fraser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I need to add a row to a query at position 1.

   queryAddRow takes the number of rows, but they go at the end.

   Anyone have any ideas how to add a row to a query at row 1.

   I want to add a


   Type option to a query that will populate a combo box


   Dale Fraser


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[cfaussie] Re: queryAddRow

2008-05-14 Thread KC Kuok

Wow good work steve... that is one complete line of code... none of my
dodgy fly by night sort of gibberish ;)... made into a UDF too... you
submitted it anywhere yet ?

On May 14, 6:55 pm, Steve Onnis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here you go

 Got bored and always like a challenge :)

 function queryInsertRow(query, position, rowData) {
 query   : the query object
 position: the position to add the new row
 rowData : a structure containing the names of the
 columns as keys

 var columns = listToArray(query.columnList);
 var rowCount = MAX(query.recordCount + 1, position);
 var columnCount = arrayLen(columns);
 var columnStruct = structNew();
 var c = ;
 var q = queryNew();

 // loop over the query columns
 for (c=1; c LTE columnCount; c = c + 1) {
 // get the values out of the column
 columnStruct[columns[c]] =

 // arrayInserAt() fails if the inser position is
 greater then the avalable array length
 // so resize the array and set the array element at
 the position
 if (position GT query.recordCount) {

 columns[c]), rowData[columns[c]], '')

 // Use arrayInserAt() to inject the new value
 else {
 columns[c]), rowData[columns[c]], '')
 // add the column back into our new query
 return q;

 qry = queryNew();
 queryAddColumn(qry, fruit, listToArray(banana,apple,orange));
 queryAddColumn(qry, vegies,

 cfdump var=#qry#

 newRow = structNew();
 newRow[fruit] = new fruit;

 qry = queryInsertRow(

 cfdump var=#qry#
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[cfaussie] Re: cf.Objective() Australia

2008-05-08 Thread KC Kuok


I see where Kai is coming, I was thinking along the same lines too,
but after thinking abit more about it I think cf.objective in AU will
be a good thing.

it brings exposure to CF in Australia. Considering there are numerous
Java/.Net/PHP/Linux dedicated Conferences held regularly in Australia,
I believe CF deserves to be in that group (where it has at least one
dedicated conference). Though how many people will actually attend
maybe another factor, and if there is not enough initial demand, Adobe
might be motivated to do more to push CF in Aus.

Suggestion of Topics,

I need to know ideas/methods to more advanced Exchange integration
stuff (though it is more probably to do with Active Directory and
setting up some sort of 'Super' user in exchange). Looking at your own
outlook stuff is ok, but doing more advanced stuff like sharing
multiple calendars will be good. Replicating how you can see other
people's free time (similar to making appointments via Outlook) will
be a start and probably solutions can be based off that.

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[cfaussie] FMS 2008 Tour today and AIR camp next week

2008-05-06 Thread KC Kuok

HI guys,

just a quick word... I will be going for the FMS 2008 tour at crown
today, I know its abit late for anyone not planning,

However AIR Camp will be starting in australia starting in melbourne
next week (15 may) and then going round the country.


You should know all these already but if you haven't means you are not
receiving the Adobe newsletter for the pacific region. I will check
again how to sign up for the newsletter, kind of in a hurry now.

See you guys there!

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[cfaussie] Re: My Yearly WebDU Rant

2008-04-22 Thread KC Kuok

I think its good for networking, and seeing whats the buzz (though the
same could be achieved following the adobe blogs). Though there is
nothing like seeing a presentation live and being able to ask question
during QA or while mingling(?).

Personally I take it as a chance to get re-energized on new ideas/
approaches, and networking as much as possible (i.e. knowing who to
ask questions when the need arises)

I won't be attending any workshops this year though, mainly because
there was not one where I thought it justified the 495 to work. My
main objective is to gather the general consensus where my work
organisation should be heading, feeling out the new trends, finding
out what other people are involved in and networking with people.

It would be good if there were people willing to organise it in other
states, but at the end of the day it is because Daemon has been doing
a good job and they are based in sydney.

Work seems to think its good value, I was sent last year and I wasn't
expecting to go again this year, but was encouraged to go again this

I think you should attend it yourself, if you have a chance, to have a
feel whether its worth it so you can make an informed choice for
following years.

Just my 2 cents,

On Apr 23, 1:59 pm, Dale Fraser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 No flame wars please,

 I was looking at sending an Employee up to WebDU this year, originally I
 wasn't going to, but Mark Mandel bought it up at the VIC UG and it got a
 good reception, some were going and good things were said about it.

 I also like the 1 day training pre conference, this would have worked well
 for me as there was a topic there for the person I was looking to send. And
 I was all ready to get budget approval for the spend etc, but the guy I
 wanted to send is on leave.

 So I could send someone else I guess, but I don't want to send someone just
 for the sake of it.

 I would like to get the opinion from people who are going or who have been,
 if you feel it's worth the spend  time.

 The cost I worked out went something like this

 Conference  $950


 Flights $250

 Accommodation   $330

 Meal Expense$100

 Taxis   $200



 Which if you think about it for 3 days is $96 per hour. Not counting the
 salary we are paying while he is there. Now my usual rant is about how they
 should bring it to Melbourne or other States so that more people could
 attend, I could send all my people? But in reality at $950 a ticket, I
 wouldn't it's too expensive. The actual cost of not being in melbourne from
 above is still $880 but the actual ticket price is very high. I think I
 probably missed an earlybird discount might have saved a couple hundred

 At the end of the day $2k isn't insignificantit, but $2k might be a great
 investment, I consider the $495 workshop to be great value.

 So what do you think, especially the non Sydney siders, is it worth it, do
 you have trouble justifying it's cost? Do come back thinking that was money
 well spent, etc.


 Dale Fraser


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[cfaussie] Re: Salaries inb CF jobs (was: Re: [cfaussie] Re: recruters say CF on the way out? ... FFS! not FUD from them too?)

2008-04-15 Thread KC Kuok

Hi Kai/Eliseo,

I agree with you guys... it seems decent CF developers are few and far
between... yet we seem to struggle to find 1) positions with a chance
to be creative 2) positions where you will be groomed professionally
3) pay more than helpdesk support 3

Personally some of the apps I write, probably save us literally a fair
bit of money and add alot of value to my organisation as well (I doubt
any other school in AU/NZ has a blogging platform that comes close to
ours at the moment. Or how our integration stuff save us paying the
vendors their exorbant rates for customizing their Insert
expletive here databases) Yet i am paid less than helpdesk support
lvl 2 (though I am only coming up to my 2 years working full time here
and total. In the long run I might consider doing DB admin (as they
easily earn 50% more of what I am doing but alot less interesting
work), nah just kidding probably go crazy looking after DB as a FT
job... sick of looking after the few I have to babysit atm. /end rant

I have been seeing this ad on seek.com.au that wanted a 9+ year
commercial experience CF developer and only offering around 90k
package as far as I can remember, they also had a fairly hard to come
by wishlist... Its been there a few months and I expect it to be there
for another few at least...

 I once read an article written by a well-known business consultant here
 in NZ and he was saying it wasn't worth it to pay people higher than average
 salaries, it wasn't worth it to give them an annual salary increase exceeding
 CPI etc and that his recommendation would be to always get juniors in,
 train them up and then - even if they leave after one year - just get
 another junior in to replace the person. Seriously - I think it's
 absolutely the wrong approach - but that's me. Yes, a company with a certain
 size would need a certain percentage of junior developers to work more
 efficiently and to ensure there are new people coming up.

 Any opinions - really interested in hearing other people's thoughts!\

I hope this guy is well known for spewing rubbish... most business
owners/managers should know, the cost of hiring someone new and bring
them up to speed far exceeds the cost of losing someone who already
knows your system and processes and is a good employee... losing good
staff because you only want to pay peanuts is how to lose your talent
pool and your competitive edge.

Just my 2 cents.
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[cfaussie] Re: recruters say CF on the way out? ... FFS! not FUD from them too?

2008-04-14 Thread KC Kuok

Except that when i try to get people to convert from PHP or .Net, i.e.
give CF a go, the usual response is that they usually have MORE than
enough work already in either of those, and lack time to go learn
another language. I have even brought non Native CF-ers to the CF8
launch with the Vic CFUG. And they charge anywhere between 60-120 per
hour and have full time jobs as well as projects on the side.

Its abit of a chicken and egg, lack of developers = lack of noticeable
presence = management not choosing to do projects in CF because of
lack of developers = no one training new CF developers, etc etc etc...
and round and round it goes...

Personally I am already seriously considering taking up PHP again, but
that is a long way off(at least 6 months before I have to seriously
consider change jobs), still struggling to find time as it is to learn
and practise Flex on my own time. And truth be told if I decided what
language to use for any Projects it will probably be CF backend and
Flex frontend, but as it stands it is more practical to be known for
doing PHP backend and Flex frontend, due to lack of jobs/presence for
CF and that is the plain truth. Just have a look at how many jobs are
listed for CF each month (and actually try to guess whether its the
same jobs you saw last week/month), there are not many if any new
jobs. And not many, if any new development studios will pick CF as one
of their primary development language.

Even 2 months back when i was exploring other job opportunities the
pickings were slim, and still are. Just did it to find out what people
were looking for, and what people thought CF was going, and what I can
reasonably ask for in terms of pay at my current job.

The above qoute should read its my career, Adobe's Technology...
anyway as a rule i think it will be beneficial for all web developers
to know other languages... even if only to read and translate open
source solutions into your own projects.

PS: I don't like both Adobe and MS equally, and I believe competition
is good. Keeps all involved honest and continuously innovating.

Just my 2 cents,

On Apr 14, 2:48 pm, barry.b [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can I just second Gary's call to get out there in
 the community - it's YOUR technology, YOUR career. 

 well, it took 100+ posts to come around to this being the best way to
 shut up the doom-sayers (inc recruters may have assumptions we all
 disagree with) 

 but we got there in the end.

 here endith the lesson.
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[cfaussie] Re: VPS recommendations?

2008-04-14 Thread KC Kuok

That is one awesome list charlie... there should be a permalink to
that on the boards i reckon...

On Apr 15, 6:57 am, charlie arehart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Michael, besides some of the other CF-oriented hosts people have mentioned,
 I'll point out as well that hosting alternatives is one the categories in my
 list of 400+ tools and resources of interest to CFers:


 I didn't mention it at first since I sensed you wanted to hear from those
 who'd actually used one they'd recommend, and you gave some specific
 requirements. I've not used these all, but since you're open to any
 suggestions I thought I'd pass it along.


 -Original Message-
 From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf

 Of michael sharman
 Sent: Monday, April 14, 2008 12:53 AM
 To: cfaussie
 Subject: [cfaussie] VPS recommendations?

 Hi guys,

 I'm in the market for a VPS provider. Can anyone recommend a mid-level
 package that they've had good experience with?

 Basic requirements

 OS: Can be either Windows (I'll be using Apache anyway) or Linux
 Location: Sydney is ideal but price *is* an issue so happy and willing
 to go overseas
 RAM: 1GB+
 Disk space: 40GB+
 Bandwidth: 100GB+

 Basically I'll be running ColdFusion (possibly multi instance), MySQL
 and a mail server, but the machine won't be sending a tonne of email.

 I've found a lot of plans which offer a whopping 256MB RAM for $100
 per month! Wow thanks, can I operate a browser with that too? Man I'm
 going into the hosting biz :)
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[cfaussie] Re: OT: Broadband in NZ for short term

2008-04-14 Thread KC Kuok

Hi Mike,

I would call Vodafone, since Kai brought up Vodafone as a 3G BB
provider, it may be built similarly and by the same group, so you
would hope they have some sort of  roaming capabilities. Vodafone is
still the best value 3G BB at the moment, can't be too far off the

Hope all works out alright.


On Apr 15, 12:14 pm, Mike Kear [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes I know that - and in Palmerston North (former home of the great
 John Clarke) there is coverage.

 But i am asking if i bought an Australian telstra wireless modem or an
 Unwired modem, would it work in NZ if i had the account and the
 coverage.   i.e. do they have any different frequencies or anything?

 (or the corollary of that - if i bought the modem in NZ, would i be
 able to bring it home and use it on a Unwired or Telstra wireless
 broadband account)

 In other words would i be up for $300 odd for a 1 week use, or would
 it have longer use back homem?

 Mike Kear
 Windsor, NSW, Australia
 Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
 AFP Webworkshttp://afpwebworks.com
 ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

 On 4/15/08, Steve Onnis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  You can check the coverage on the websites
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[cfaussie] Re: VPS recommendations?

2008-04-13 Thread KC Kuok

Do add crystaltech.com to the list. they have dedicated and semi
dedicated solutions... and the Linux dedicated ones are pretty
reasonable... the base windows dedicated one looks like it comes close
to your requirements...

Good Luck,

On Apr 14, 2:52 pm, michael sharman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi guys,

 I'm in the market for a VPS provider. Can anyone recommend a mid-level
 package that they've had good experience with?

 Basic requirements

 OS: Can be either Windows (I'll be using Apache anyway) or Linux
 Location: Sydney is ideal but price *is* an issue so happy and willing
 to go overseas
 RAM: 1GB+
 Disk space: 40GB+
 Bandwidth: 100GB+

 Basically I'll be running ColdFusion (possibly multi instance), MySQL
 and a mail server, but the machine won't be sending a tonne of email.

 I've found a lot of plans which offer a whopping 256MB RAM for $100
 per month! Wow thanks, can I operate a browser with that too? Man I'm
 going into the hosting biz :)
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[cfaussie] Re: recruters say CF on the way out? ... FFS! not FUD from them too?

2008-04-07 Thread KC Kuok

Hi Barry,

I think the general feeling is that CF in Australia is on the way out.
But for us that keep up to that on the global front know that it will
be here to stay. Unfortunately for us it seems CF is not being used as
extensively as it should Down Under. The shortage is due to a few
factors, most important of which is 1) there are not enough good CF-
ers to go around, lets be honest you can get away with spaghetti code
in CF, which is a double sided blade. 2) There are not enough
companies willing to take on new coders without any prior CF
experience and 'train' them... 3) Which leads back to business
decisions being made that it is easier (and cheaper salary-wise/
contract-wise) to carry out a project in PHP, as you have a big pool
of novice-intermediate PHP coders compared to CF coders.

I think for Australia at least, if Adobe 1) Does not enforce lower
pricing for CF hosting by their hosting partners 2) push CF to Unis 3)
review pricing strategies to gain critical mass, In the long run no
matter how great the forthcoming versions of CF is going to be, only
big MNCs will use it, and unfortunately their coding teams are usually
not based in Australia, hence CF will probably keep becoming sidelined
in Australia while others continue to grow.

Just my 2 cents :)

On Apr 7, 10:27 pm, Barry Beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  - came across another recruter today (deliberatly not saying who) who
 straight-up said that CF was on the way out.

 and yet they (recruters) are looking for CF'ers and can't easily fill
 the positions they've got on their books, converting PHP'ers to fill
 positions, and in one case, getting apps made (for their recruting
 business) in CFML.

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[cfaussie] Help with CFmail sending multiple attachments

2008-01-23 Thread KC Kuok

Hi all,

I am having a little trouble generating mail with multiple
attachments, they seem to be rejected then placed into Undeliverables
folder. I have checked the path and it looks correct, and I am out of
ideas. The server is a up-to-date CF 7 standard server.

*Note: I know i am sending only one file, but the main issue is that
cfmailparam doesn't seem to work when attaching attachments. I have
tested using mimeattach and it works. The server will spool and send
emails without attachment and emails with attachment declared in
mimeattach in the CFMAIL tag.

I have also refered to a few sites and i do not see the difference
between their code and mine below, so fresh eyes and help is much


This is what is in the Undeliverables folder...

server:  ...:25
from:  ...
to:  ...
cc:  ...
subject:  ...
type:  text/html; charset=UTF-8
X-Mailer:  ColdFusion MX Application Server
body:  ...
file:  d:\sites\mymlc\wwwroot\...\test1.txt
file-type:  text/plain; name=test1.txt
file-disposition:  attachment

This is roughly what I use to generate the mail

cfmail ...
...cfmailparam file=#attachments[1].attachedfile#
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[cfaussie] Re: Help with CFmail sending multiple attachments

2008-01-23 Thread KC Kuok

Hi guys, just solved my own problem... it seems that cfmailparam
needs to be on its own line (and i suspect with 1 blank line spacing).
In the loop i did

This would not work properly

but this did...



So it seems cfmailparam needs extremely clear linebreaks from both the
rest of the body of text, AND other cfmailparam tags.

Hope this helps someone.


On Jan 24, 2:23 pm, KC Kuok [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

 I am having a little trouble generating mail with multiple
 attachments, they seem to be rejected then placed into Undeliverables
 folder. I have checked the path and it looks correct, and I am out of
 ideas. The server is a up-to-date CF 7 standard server.

 *Note: I know i am sending only one file, but the main issue is that
 cfmailparam doesn't seem to work when attaching attachments. I have
 tested using mimeattach and it works. The server will spool and send
 emails without attachment and emails with attachment declared in
 mimeattach in the CFMAIL tag.

 I have also refered to a few sites and i do not see the difference
 between their code and mine below, so fresh eyes and help is much


 This is what is in the Undeliverables folder...

 server:  ...:25
 from:  ...
 to:  ...
 cc:  ...
 subject:  ...
 type:  text/html; charset=UTF-8
 X-Mailer:  ColdFusion MX Application Server
 body:  ...
 file:  d:\sites\mymlc\wwwroot\...\test1.txt
 file-type:  text/plain; name=test1.txt
 file-disposition:  attachment

 This is roughly what I use to generate the mail

 cfmail ...
 ...cfmailparam file=#attachments[1].attachedfile#
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[cfaussie] Re: Coldfusion 8 purchase

2007-12-16 Thread KC Kuok

Besides the fact that most of the software Australia gets is packaged
in Asia (mainly Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand at the moment), and I
believe most of the software in the US is either in Asia or in Central
and South America. Hence no matter how much the US gets it for, Aus
should get it at a similar price too...

This does not only apply to software by the way, plenty of other types
of goods have the same sort of price 'inflation' in Australia. What is
more shocking is that not enough people are asking why, and too many
are just paying the shelf prices.

On Dec 13, 9:28 pm, Andrew Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Boxed or not.

 Adobe or others have the ability to bring the product into Australia
 at cost, not to mention that it might also be chaper to package
 locally. So import and duties etc really do not play aprt in this at

 Now as I said A current Affair ran a story a short while ago about
 retailers profiting on the strong dollar, forcing our interest rate up
 because they are getting richer and making the economy stronger.

 There is no argument at all, like I said I bought a 160gig ipod, that
 retails here for $477 (AUD) by it from apple it is $390.00 or was when
 I bought it. Had it shipped by a friend at a grand total of $400.00

 So did I pay duty? Did I pay anything but postage, there is a little
 known fact that companies (Know this from the games industry) lie
 about the true value of the package to avoid all this.

 I mean I rememebr 10 x Playstation development kits in 1990 come into
 the country at a value of $25,000 (aud) go down as being worth $10 to
 avoid such duties / taxes.

 If you think that a company the size of Adobe can;t do the same you a
 wrong, they already do. And profit from our ignorance, or lack of
 ability to stand up to them.

 Remember been down this road before when Vista was released, the ACCC
 is looking into this practice by business / companies.

 On 12/13/07, Dale Fraser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I agree the downloaded product is what we are discussing here, a boxed
  product is a different story.

  Its not like anyone is trying to rip off Adobe or do an injustice to the
  Australian market, but there are heaps of products now that you can only buy
  online, and heaps of others that allow you to buy online regardless of your

  I know I purchase a lot of software this way in downloadable format, a lot
  of which I wouldn't even be able to find in a box anywhere. So I think its a
  change in thinking, I'm going to buy it online and look for the best deal I

  Dale Fraser


 Senior Coldfusion Developer
 Aegeon Pty. Ltd.www.aegeon.com.au
 Phone: +613  8676 4223
 Mobile: 0404 998 273
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[cfaussie] Re: CFCAMP Melbourne Wrapup

2007-11-22 Thread KC Kuok

Hi Matthew,

I was refering to the Max Refresh on October 31 which was free as
well, though it was one big wrapup of Max by the local Adobe staff. It
was held after the Masterclass Photoshop session. It was held at one
of the event rooms at telstra dome.


On Nov 23, 11:45 am, Matthew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi KC Kuok,

 I have disagree that the 2 conference should become one. I know for me
 personally that the cost of attending MAX and being to busy was why I
 didn't go. The fact that CFCAMP was free and just around the corner
 meant that I could pop in and out for the session I wanted. If I had
 to pay for it I wouldn't have been able to justify only attending half
 of the day.

 Anyway, that's just my 2 cents worth. I hope that CFCAMP will run
 every year!

 BTW: perhaps Adobe could take a leaf out of MS book and market CF
 differently to grow the community (easy to say, hard to do). But this
 could be a double edged sword; because if there were more CF
 developers out there than we'd be worth less $$$... we just need to
 keep it balanced between a mature decent sized community VS every man
 and his dog claiming that he can program in CF and diluting the

 I'm off to have a look at TransferORM now.


 On Nov 23, 11:25 am, KC Kuok [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  All the speakers were much appreciated, but especially those from
  overseas... can't wait for the slides from the talks to be put up, I
  will probably most need the one where CF is a platform that can sit
  and speak to the other technologies (like .Net, MS Exchange, etc)
  and adobes own Flash/Flex, Acrobat generation stuff. To show my
  management that CF has more depth and advantages then what .Net will
  offer. (TBH i never thought of CF that way, as a platform rather than
  a web language, abit of marketing there but it is true)

  I think many businesses will move to an all windows platform because
  most of management are not involved in the day to day development
  processes, and because of the marketing dollars MS puts in this part
  of the world, comparatively people will start believing MS is the best
  option (and sometimes the only option). CF is too good to be our
  dirty little secret. Such events will help to grow the community in
  this part of the world, and also the visibility to the decision

  Though I do reckon the events should be planned a little more in
  advanced and have a bigger profile. E.g. the MAX refresh(?) and CFCAMP
  this year were fairly good this year, but would have been better if
  both were held together across 2 days? I understand that it was abit
  of a rush this year, but it could be a mainstay annual event for the
  major cities. WebDU is good, but not everyone can make it every year,
  due to monetary and scheduling reasons, it may scavenger WebDU in the
  short run, but in the long run, a bigger CF community can't hurt.

  In the years to come, CF and Flex developers will be the one, Adobe
  RIA developer ? (any such combination title yet?, via adobe
  certification of course) It seems there are certifications for being
  an instructor only for Flex and CF, that the only way to go now? Does
  anyone know when the CF8 certification is out? And is there any for
  Flex in aus yet?

  On Nov 23, 10:28 am, Barry Beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   George, the best bit is the breath and depth of Adobe technology.

   as the guys at the camp said (esp at the start with Adam) is how
   ColdFusion is part of a whole lot of Adobe stuff... Flex integration,
   LiveCycle Data Services is only the start.

   Don't just look at ColdFusion, look at the Adobe Technology stack,
   of which ColdFusion is right in the middle of.

   On Nov 23, 2007 9:23 AM, George Lu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thank you everyone who organised this great event. I was very enjoy it 

My management wants to move our IT environment to Microsoft platform. 
convince my manager ColdFusion is still a decent and edge technology.

PS. I'm still waiting for CF8 (we have subscribed)

On 23/11/2007, Matthew [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

 Thanks to all those involved in organising CFCAMP in Melbourne
 yesterday. I could only spare time to come to 3 of the sessions and
 found them all very informative! I'm sure a lot of work goes into
 organising an event like this, as well as speakers sacrificing their
 own time to prepare and give and talk. I'm inspired to talk my boss
 into getting CF8 ASAP!

 On Nov 23, 8:45 am, silverbeetle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This was the first Melbourne CF event that I've attended and i must
  say i really enjoyed the day.

  Can't talk long right now but i just wanted to say a big thanks to 
  those involved for making this day happen and of course the 
  presenters. And thanks to the people i did get to speak to for being

[cfaussie] Re: Role call: CFCAMP Melbourne

2007-11-20 Thread KC Kuok

Me and my colleague so thats 7 and 8... I believe we have enough to
fill up the front row now!

On Nov 21, 3:27 pm, Mark Mandel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Registrations for the event look really good, so there should be a bit
 more of a turn out than 4.  I mean Geoff, and Robin will be there too!
 That's at least 6! :oD


 On Nov 21, 2007 3:25 PM, Toby Tremayne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Excellent, so - four and maybe Dale.  Should rock! ;)

  On 11/21/07, silverbeetle [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

   I'll be there - my first coldfusion related event since moving to
   melbourne, looking forward to it.


   Chris Silwedel

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[cfaussie] Re: SOT: Contracting Hourly Rates

2007-11-15 Thread KC Kuok


I have a few friends doing contracting work... depending on the
customer it is either 90-120 per hour... and these guys are run of the
mill non specialist/rockstar type coders. AFAIK some are moving to a
per project type of work where everything is signed off with proper
methodology in calculating cost from the specs. 90-120 hour may seem
quite alot, but contractors do not usually include the money and time
taken to meet clients, support and discussions about the project, and
they would have to also cover business/operating cost, that may not be
directly billable. Also hourly rate does not include things like super
and benefits.

I am close to your stated general requirement and I would say I would
not expect anything less than 70-80 per hour (depending on
methodology). Also we do pay some external contractors up to 180 here
at work, IMHO they are not worth it but work pays it so /shrug...
Although currently i am underpaid monetary wise, but I get good
working conditions and get to take more than what I feel is my fair
share on going for low cost/free seminars/conferences/gatherings (and
i got to go for WebDU this year too!).

Also the broader the skillset expected the higher the rate should be
of course... numerical number of years is not really the best judge of

As for the vague rule of thumb, the higher you go it should scale down
from 3 to 2.5. Cost of business should not differ much whether you are
a relative rookie or an old timer.

On Nov 16, 2:45 pm, Dale Fraser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So a $60k per year full time person would be on $86 per hour?

 I'm not sure how realistic this is.

 That would have a $90k employee earning $129 per hour.

 How many people here are earning that kind of money. Most contractors I know
 earn a lot less than that.

 Dale Fraser


 -Original Message-
 From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf

 Of Andrew Scott
 Sent: Friday, 16 November 2007 2:14 PM
 To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [cfaussie] Re: SOT: Contracting Hourly Rates

 Or Experience. Certifications don't mean everything these days.

 Andrew Scott
 Senior Coldfusion Developer
 Aegeon Pty. Ltd.www.aegeon.com.au
 Phone: +613  8676 4223
 Mobile: 0404 998 273

 -Original Message-
 From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
 Of Chris Ellem
 Sent: Friday, 16 November 2007 2:12 PM
 To: cfaussie
 Subject: [cfaussie] Re: SOT: Contracting Hourly Rates

 Typically Contractor Rates are about 3 time the normal hourly rate one
 would expect for the same person in a permanent role with the said

 Thats a fairly vague rule that is probably more applicaple to senior
 developers with industry certifications.

 On Nov 15, 12:53 pm, Dale Fraser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  What kind of rates should a contract developer get these days.

  Graduate with around 2 years experience. I'd specifically be interested in
  hearing both CF and NON CF rates.


  Dale Fraser
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[cfaussie] Re: Adobe Refresh

2007-11-01 Thread KC Kuok

Yes Barry, It was on one of their last slides, and they specifically
said CF-ers should go to CFCamp as they left the CF stuff out, not in
those words but something along those lines, I would assume that it
would have been mentioned at all the Refresh Aus events.

I suppose I would have to ask my boss to let me got to CFcamp too.

On Nov 1, 10:22 pm, Barry Beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 was CFCAMP mentioned?

 not every CF coder subscribes to this list, no goes to CFUG's (eh,
 their loss I suppose)

 On 11/1/07, George Lu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I was there :)

  On 01/11/2007, MrBuzzy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   So... who went? I was there, saw some cool stuff.

   Nothing about CF but that was expected. CFCAMP just around the corner.

   On 10/16/07, Dale Fraser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In Melbourne  Sydney in case you haven't seen this.



Dale Fraser

   http://learncf.com- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

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[cfaussie] Re: Adobe Refresh 07 - Melbourne and Sydney

2007-10-03 Thread KC Kuok

Just read this in my mail...

The morning session will be a photoshop session... Most of you who
have signed up to adobe newsletters you should receive this in your
mail, just for this who did not get it...


On Oct 2, 4:11 pm, KC Kuok [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just got this off geekglue.blogspot.com (I met Bill at one of the MUG


 in his comical words Adobe Refresh is kind of like a MAX debrief for
 us poor suckers who couldn't go.

 :) doesn't seem to be a monetary cost involved... so better register
 asap folks!

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[cfaussie] Adobe Refresh 07 - Melbourne and Sydney

2007-10-02 Thread KC Kuok

Just got this off geekglue.blogspot.com (I met Bill at one of the MUG


in his comical words Adobe Refresh is kind of like a MAX debrief for
us poor suckers who couldn't go.

:) doesn't seem to be a monetary cost involved... so better register
asap folks!

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[cfaussie] CF 8 webhosting and CF 8 Exchange event information structure

2007-08-23 Thread KC Kuok

Hi guys,

Can anyone recommend any CF8 web host based in aus? I want one where I
can run CF based web apps like CFWiki, CFBlog.

Also, can anyone point me to a full description of the CF8 to
Exchange, event information structure of the entities (calendar,
mail and contact i believe).


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[cfaussie] Re: ColdFusion 8 Seems to be out!

2007-07-30 Thread KC Kuok

Me neither, and people have to remember that Coldfusion is still one
of the more easily scalable server software (?), and last i heard the
license is per CPU, so considering the number of JVM instances you can
run off one high spec server with lots of ram... well i trust you guys
can work it out yourselves!

On Jul 30, 2:46 pm, Mark Mandel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Standard is the same, although with far more functionality than it has before.

 Enterprise has gone up but you now have server monitoring, more db
 drivers, user/role management for the admin, sandboxing, and multi
 server capabilities... so I'm not shocked at the price hike.


 On 7/30/07, Dale Fraser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Did they just hike the prices upwards, I can't believe it. What moron is
  running this show.

  Dale Fraser


  -Original Message-
  From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
  Of Mark Mandel
  Sent: Monday, 30 July 2007 2:30 PM
  To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
  Subject: [cfaussie] ColdFusion 8 Seems to be out!






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[cfaussie] Re: Coldfusion 8 Pricing - Is it a joke?

2007-07-30 Thread KC Kuok

Spot on about Flex 3 integration Scott. Also you have to remember that
CF is now part of the Adobe stable I expect more of the good stuff
coming from what is already there in CF8 in future iterations, in
relations to out of the box image and PDF manipulation. Not to forget
CF7 alone was probably the most scalable and one of the  fastest
server web app platform around, its only a was because now we have CF

Oh and the remark about  about how millions of .Net developers
compared to the relatively less amount of CF developers... well you
know once people used to denounce the minority who said the earth was
not flat and instead spherical... Sorry couldn't resist :)

Anyway on a serious note, each organisation will choose depending on
their needs and budget, no one solution will cover everything, at
least I have not seen one yet.

On Jul 30, 7:34 pm, Scott Barnes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Nope just my pay cheque.. anywho...

 Back to the original conversation...

 Have you all weighed up the new features vs old and considered why you'd
 upgrade from today to tommorow? I'm re-looking at the features and to be
 honest I wouldn't of wagered price tag would of been a hesitation? If you're
 serious about RIA and going down the Flex 3 path, then it makes natural
 sense to consider CF8 as not only your workflow language but the connection
 points between client-serverside.

 I dunno, i look at the overall perspective and if i have the level of skill
 investment that most of you have made already, it doesn't seem all dark and
 gloomy per say.

 What are the realistic pro's and con's in upgrading, weigh that up and
 associate price to this and determine whether or not your product(s) /
 project(s) will get significant gains by the upgrade. If you're only
 upgrading for the sake of it, then your ROI will come out trumps anyway? 20,
 10 or 5% either way..

 On 7/30/07, M@ Bourke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Sorry had billions on the brain, it's millions.
  looking at the sales sheets for windows server licensing again hey :P

 Scott Barneshttp://www.mossyblog.com

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[cfaussie] Re: httpparam encoded value

2007-04-30 Thread KC Kuok

cfhttpparam name=my+term type=FORMFIELD value=* encoded=false/

shouldnt it be

cfhttpparam name=my+term type=FORMFIELD value=* encoded=no/

According to the docs it is suppose to be :)

Just my 2 cents

On May 1, 1:50 pm, Angus Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Wondering if someone has a workaround for the following:

 I'm using a cfhttp - get with a bunch of cfhttpparams to post to an asp form
 page that also uses method=get. Sounds easy enough but the asp page which
 processes the form errors with an invalid formfield value.

 I've tracked it down it to the value attribute which is encoded when I don't
 want it to be:

 cfhttpparam name=my+name type=FORMFIELD value=my+value
 cfhttpparam name=my+term type=FORMFIELD value=* encoded=false/

 In Wireshark i see:


 The encoding setting of false only affects the name of the field not the
 value. I need:


 As I understand it a get wants to url encode so CF is handling it properly
 but how can I get the value across to myResults.asp without encoding.

 Thanks in advance

 He who thinks that he has missed something obvious :)

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[cfaussie] Re: Request VS Application Scope

2007-04-26 Thread KC Kuok

Hi Andrew,

Could you point you which part of the code hits the DB everytime? I
currently have my login 'scripts' (more of files stored in its old
folders) called via template when needed at work. I thought this is a
pretty efficient and simple way of authentication, just wondering
where this part of the code that hits the DB unnecessarily.

Thanks in advance,
KC Kuok

On Apr 26, 3:53 pm, Andrew Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well I will say it is a very well written article, but it hits the database
 each and every request now although minimal impact it can create a
 networking bottleneck on heavy sites.

 The most common and preferred method would be to once it is authenticated to
 stick the info into a session variable, and check against that before having
 to re hit the database for a valid login.

 As far as request goes that only lives for the current request, so by
 placing the data into that scope you are running that code each and every
 page request and again, this is an overhead that can be cut with a change in
 the way it is coded.

 Don't get me wrong, each to their own. Personally that method of hitting the
 DB, and then storing in the request scope is an overhead that really should
 be avoided if possible.

 Andrew Scott
 Senior Coldfusion Developer
 Aegeon Pty. Ltd.www.aegeon.com.au
 Phone: +613  8676 4223
 Mobile: 0404 998 273

 -Original Message-
 From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf

 Of KC Kuok
 Sent: Thursday, 26 April 2007 3:14 PM
 To: cfaussie
 Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Request VS Application Scope

 I thought it was a fairly good tutorial link... care to enlighten me
 which part was running code unnecessarily?

 KC Kuok

 On Apr 26, 2:13 pm, Andrew Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  That is a typical example of running code unnecessarily..

  Andrew Scott
  Senior Coldfusion Developer
  Aegeon Pty. Ltd.www.aegeon.com.au
  Phone: +613  8676 4223
  Mobile: 0404 998 273

  -Original Message-
  From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On

  Of elAdi
  Sent: Thursday, 26 April 2007 1:50 PM
  To: cfaussie
  Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Request VS Application Scope

  Here's a tutorial that implements user authentication through
  application.cfc and uses request variables. Might shed some light into
  it - not theoretically, but practically.

 Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

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[cfaussie] Re: What's it all mean for CF developers? [Flex now Open Source'd]

2007-04-26 Thread KC Kuok

I agree with you Barry. As with the community aspect, I expect there
will be Adobe staff assigned to help manage and push the project
along, but there will need to be people who are not employed by Adobe
to get fully involved. (and they have to be capable and impartial)
Adobe will look after their own interest, and once you open source
something, you can't un-opensource it, so i believe they would have a
detailed plan which they would execute. Ted Patrick's Blog already put
down a timeline for the immediate future, I hope for Flex and Adobe's
sake they get it right.

It is always good for the market to have 2 or more competiting
technologies, as it keeps each other honest (in terms of pricing), and
both have to constantly innovate. Means cheaper and better stuff
faster :)

On Apr 27, 11:34 am, Barry Beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 this thread didn't really go where I hoped... Angus Johnson and Andrew
 Muller got closest (thanx guys)

 (and it looks like it's degraded into the typical off-topic slanging
 match that [many people] are well and truly over)

 so before it collapses into a steaming pile of poo... Getting back to
 Flex and CF (especially since Flex is for front-end UI's and CF is a
 server technology)

  - HTML is as good as dead! well, not really but if you're working on
 a webapp using far too much DHTML (if it's got tabs and child windows)
 it'll be as good as redundant and old fashioned in 12 months time. If
 the company you're working for has no strategy for Flex and will
 persevere with the same tired old HTML, beat the rush and get out now

  - AJAX is dead (as above). Except in particular situations why bother
 when Flex will do it all? (http://developerdispatch.com/?p=253Why
 ActionScript 3.0 Changes Everything)

 - Accessibility enhancements (especially with screenreaders like JAWS)
 has just taken a back-seat. MACR were making good in-roads in this
 area but still had a way to go. If it's left to the community to
 drive, it won't get any further. it's just not sexy enough or bring in
 the revenue to justify continued development. It's like rural
 pay-phones: needs subsidy from other profitable areas. (Lets face it,
 AJAX is NOT accessible anyway)

 - The best IDE we can ever hope for will be no better than
 FlexBuilder. I was heaps more productive with VB6 than I will ever be
 with an Eclipse-based IDE. I'd rather have one tool that did it all
 100% well than have to juggle a bunch of plug-ins, each working 80%
 well and each having their own quirks (mark this down to personal
 preference, I suppose).

 two more points:

 I've mentioned this at CFUG's but it's worth repeating:
  - it's now time for CF'ers to step up to the mark on application
 design (and this means upskilling from their HTML-based
 request/response mindset). Who understands more about  application
 development, networking, security, robustness and load, et al: a CF
 programmer or a Flash designer?

  - one aspect of the community involvement that worries me is the
 dividing line on who does what - buck passing. An example - CFEclipse:
 you'd think that the CF dictionary definitions for it would come from
 Adobe, but no, it's expected that that the community will provide.
 Why? And CF is a cash cow for Adobe?

 eh, my 2c only. your mileage may vary.

 Mike Chambers a cfaussie member? that's news to me.
 I'm not knocking this, just surprised he's at all interested in a
 bunch of CF'ers on the other side of the world...

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[cfaussie] Re: Request VS Application Scope

2007-04-25 Thread KC Kuok

I thought it was a fairly good tutorial link... care to enlighten me
which part was running code unnecessarily?

KC Kuok

On Apr 26, 2:13 pm, Andrew Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That is a typical example of running code unnecessarily..

 Andrew Scott
 Senior Coldfusion Developer
 Aegeon Pty. Ltd.www.aegeon.com.au
 Phone: +613  8676 4223
 Mobile: 0404 998 273

 -Original Message-
 From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf

 Of elAdi
 Sent: Thursday, 26 April 2007 1:50 PM
 To: cfaussie
 Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Request VS Application Scope

 Here's a tutorial that implements user authentication through
 application.cfc and uses request variables. Might shed some light into
 it - not theoretically, but practically.

 Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

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[cfaussie] Re: CF scheduled tasks

2007-04-24 Thread KC Kuok

I am not really that experienced in using windows authentication via
the server. Have you checked to ensure you are trying to log on to the
right domain (i.e. the login maybe log on to local instead to the
domain your username is on)? I would check that first, also might want
to check that you set up the IIS properly to accept Windows auth.,
refer to support.microsoft.com.

Good luck!

On Apr 24, 4:16 pm, Taco Fleur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

 I have some tasks that are a directory that require windows authentication,
 I've put the correct username and password in the task fields, but it gives
 me the following error, anyone any ideas? Thanks in advance;

 HTMLHEADTITLEYou are not authorized to view this page/TITLE
 META HTTP-EQUIV=Content-Type Content=text/html; charset=Windows-1252
 STYLE type=text/css
   BODY { font: 8pt/12pt verdana }
   H1 { font: 13pt/15pt verdana }
   H2 { font: 8pt/12pt verdana }
   A:link { color: red }
   A:visited { color: maroon }
 /HEADBODYTABLE width=500 border=0 cellspacing=10TRTD

 h1You are not authorized to view this page/h1
 You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the
 credentials that you supplied because your Web browser is sending a
 WWW-Authenticate header field that the Web server is not configured to
 pPlease try the following:/p
 liContact the Web site administrator if you believe you should be able to
 view this directory or page./li
 liClick the a href=javascript:location.reload()Refresh/a button to
 try again with different credentials./li
 h2HTTP Error 401.2 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to server
 configuration.brInternet Information Services (IIS)/h2
 pTechnical Information (for support personnel)/p
 liGo to a 
 Support Services/a and perform a title search for the words
 bHTTP/b and b401/b./li
 liOpen bIIS Help/b, which is accessible in IIS Manager (inetmgr),
  and search for topics titled bAbout Security/b, bAuthentication/b,
 and bAbout Custom Error Messages/b./li


 Taco Fleur -http://www.pacificfox.com.au
 Web Design, Web development, Graphic Design and Complete Internet Solutions
 an industry leader with commercial IT experience since 1994 ...

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