Re: [IxDA Discuss] Your favorite rating interface

2007-12-14 Thread Kim Bieler
Clearly, the Michelin guide's ratings system is superior, since they  
only have 3 stars.  Of course, 99.99% of restaurants are beneath  
their notice and receive no star, so they're only providing ratings  
from excellent to superlative. Which is actually a good way of  
controlling your ratings.

If I'm being asked to give ratings, I tend to prefer a system that's  
spelled out. For example:

1 -- I'll never shop here again, you suck
2 -- It would take a major sale to convince me to shop here again
3 -- I will probably shop here again
4 -- I'll definitely shop here again, and recommend you to friends
5 -- Please, take all my money, I love you so much

I think spelling out the ratings prevents me from having to think too  
hard about it ("hmm, is it a 6 or a 7?"). You might also shame people  
into not giving you such a lousy rating by using over-the-top humor.

Movie/book ratings are always hard because you can either rate all  
movies against each other or you can rate within genre. So, Eragon  
might get a 1/10 compared to movies overall, but a 4/10 compared to  
other fantasy movies. I've also noticed that I tend to rate movies  
higher if I had low expectations and lower if I had high  
expectations. One might get better results if you asked people to  
rate movies compared to other movies. That way you can control  
whether they're within genre, for example.

-- Kim

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Kim Bieler Graphic Design
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] 'Select Country' dropdown

2007-12-17 Thread Kim Bieler
 From a usability point of view, if 90% of your users are in the  
U.S., it makes sense to put it at the top of the list. However, some  
websites (like multinational corporations or NGOs) might not want to  
play favorites, for political reasons.

I think if I were putting multiple countries out of alphabetical  
order at the top of the list, if would be nice to have a divider to  
separate where the alphabetical list begins. That way people can more  
easily understand what's going on.

-- Kim

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] The mighty UX guru has spoken - Discuss!!

2007-12-18 Thread Kim Bieler

I think that's a really useful distinction -- good design versus not- 
bad design.

Perhaps unusually for a designer, I long ago put myself in the not- 
bad design camp. To flourish as a designer and business person, I had  
to let go of the conceit that every job has to be award-winning -- or  
even portfolio-worthy.  So much of what we do as designers is turn  
things from bad into not-bad. And it's still, as often as not,  
putting lipstick on a pig. Very seldom do we get the chance (or the  
inspiration, or the budget, or the daring clients) to do something  
great. And usually, the only people who can tell it's something great  
are other designers.

95% of what's wrong with most web sites can be cured by applying the  
not-bad prescription. And, as you point out, most of this  
prescription is an objective set of rules and standards that any  
clever, motivated person can understand. (Unfortunately,  
democratizing design will always scare the people who have a vested  
interest in exclusivity and mystique. But that's another topic...)

I have to view Nielsen's design-agnostic persona (and website) as a  
design statement in itself. I think his point is, people don't care  
about the wrapping as long as they're convinced they want the present  
inside. Or, put another way, content is king.

And yes, I do think he's thumbing his nose at all those lipstick- 
wearing pigs out there.

-- Kim

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Kim Bieler Graphic Design
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Poorly designed product detail pages

2007-12-31 Thread Kim Bieler
Good topic! I'd also add:

- Product zoom images too small (make these as big as humanly possible)
- Hard to tell what fabric/texture/detail is like
- Hard to tell what size the product is (environmental photography or  
item in use would be helpful)
- No stock information on product page (I don't want to get 3/4 of  
the way through the ordering process only to find out the item's back  
ordered for 3 months, or that they don't have black)
- No side-by-side comparison of similar offerings (e.g, cell phone  
plans, software versions, digital cameras, car models)
- Cross-sell items are similar, not complementary
- Color names are too artsy (boysenberry? frappucino? mist?)
- Technical terms in descriptions are not linked to glossary

-- Kim

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Kim Bieler Graphic Design
c. 240-476-3129
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[IxDA Discuss] PDF form v. HTML

2008-01-07 Thread Kim Bieler
I'm looking for information on the pros and cons of using a PDF form  
to enter information that will feed into a database, versus a plain  
old HTML form.

I don't have any experience with online PDF forms but my gut feeling  
is that they might be less accessible and possibly harder to use  
because of font issues and the like. Any thoughts?

-- Kim

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Kim Bieler Graphic Design
c. 240-476-3129
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Prototyping with Adobe CS3

2008-01-09 Thread Kim Bieler
I hope this isn't a dumb question, but are there any prototyping  
tools (Visio, Axure, Fireworks, etc.) that actually give you a usable  
website at the end? I'm just wondering if it's worth spending the  
time applying all this functionality to a prototype, if it's all  
going to have to be re-coded afterwards.

-- Kim

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Kim Bieler Graphic Design
c. 240-476-3129
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Complex Field Requirements

2008-01-13 Thread Kim Bieler
This is what I'm doing on a project:

Put a drop-down list next to each phone so they can indicate business/ 
home/mobile, but add a "required field" asterisk next to the first  
phone field.

-- Kim

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Kim Bieler Graphic Design
c. 240-476-3129
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Book proposals to look at

2008-01-16 Thread Kim Bieler

The best resource for help with query letters, proposals, and the  
like is the Absolute Write forums:

I don't know about non-fiction, but many fiction writers turn out two  
to three 90,000-word books a year. So, it's possible. 20k in 8 months  
is only 2500 words a month. I'll bet you've written blog postings  
longer than that.

-- Kim

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Kim Bieler Graphic Design
c. 240-476-3129
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] 37 signals outage

2008-01-18 Thread Kim Bieler
Naturally, as soon as I posted, they got the site fixed.

-- Kim

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[IxDA Discuss] 37 signals outage

2008-01-18 Thread Kim Bieler
Anyone else amused by the increasingly abject apologies on the 37  
signals site (

I can't help being reminded of this: 

-- Kim

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    Kim Bieler Graphic Design
c. 240-476-3129
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Savannah Airport

2008-01-30 Thread Kim Bieler
Actually, speaking of Savannah, I've been meaning to ask: How do you  
get from the airport to the conference? Is there a bus or something?

Also wondering if there are other graphic designers going who want to  
meet up.


-- Kim

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    Kim Bieler Graphic Design
c. 240-476-3129
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Continuous Scroll

2008-01-30 Thread Kim Bieler
It's a neat implementation. However, there's something vaguely  
Sisyphian about scrolling and scrolling and never getting to the bottom.

I kind of like the "page 1 | 2 | 3" links because they tell me how  
much content to expect. I'd prefer the Ajax pagination if it gave me  
some indicator about how long it was going to keep adding content.  
Another thought: with shorter pages, you keep the navigation and  
identity information visible at the top of the screen.

There are probably some applications for which this is an  
improvement, however I'm not seeing it as a wholesale replacement.

-- Kim

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Kim Bieler Graphic Design
c. 240-476-3129
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] [Iai-Members] navigation structures and mouseover vs click triggers

2008-01-31 Thread Kim Bieler

I'm sorry I don't have any research to support these comments, but on  
a gut instinct level, I don't think clicking in the top navigation to  
activate the drop-down menus is good usability. Especially if  
sometimes when you click, you get taken to another page.

I assume that on the pages with the drop-down, you'd have to repeat  
the parent page name if there is one, so that users can then click to  
go there. This sounds confusing. I think if you mock this up you'll  
find that it looks funny and the inconsistent function of the buttons  
is troublesome.

While I agree that the rollover drop-down can be a hassle to some, I  
think it's becoming more and more standard. The scenario you describe  
with clicking is not familiar to me at all. Is there research showing  
that some people prefer clickable navigation to rollover menus?

It sounds like you're running into the problem where some parent  
labels in the navigation are just a basket term for a collection of  
subpages with no landing page of their own? You might be able to  
solve this using a hover underscore style for menu items that link to  
a subpage. Or, as I've done in some cases, throw together a brief  
landing page that summarizes the sub content.

-- Kim

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Kim Bieler Graphic Design
c. 240-476-3129
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[IxDA Discuss] Log out functionality

2008-02-04 Thread Kim Bieler
Question on standards:

When users log out of an application, is it better to:

1. Give them an exit message, like "You have successfully logged  
out"? (i.e., a positive indication that they are logged out)

or, what I would prefer:

2. Just send them back to the original log in screen? (i.e., log out  
is implied)

Option 1 seems excessively bureaucratic to me. It's not like I'm  
working with a financial database or other application with  
particularly sensitive information where people want to be absolutely  
sure they've logged out. On the other hand, if people are expecting a  
message, I don't want them to be confused when they don't get one.

Is there a standard rule of thumb?

-- Kim

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Kim Bieler Graphic Design
c. 240-476-3129
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Log out functionality

2008-02-05 Thread Kim Bieler

Thanks for the suggestions. I have decided to provide a "you've  
logged out" message on the login page; a neat and tidy solution.

-- Kim

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Kim Bieler Graphic Design
c. 240-476-3129
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Design Police stickers

2008-02-07 Thread Kim Bieler
Am I wrong, but did they make a sticker saying "Helvetica was an  
unimaginative choice" -- in Helvetica?

-- Kim

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Kim Bieler Graphic Design
c. 240-476-3129
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[IxDA Discuss] Enterprise phone systems

2008-02-07 Thread Kim Bieler
I'm going to be designing a *printed* user guide for an enterprise- 
level phone system -- actually a much more interesting job than I  
would have thought, assuming they actually want some design and not  
just a layout.

Anyway, I have a copy of of the manuscript and I see that this system  
is loaded with features and combinations of buttons to do all kinds  
of crazy stuff with your phone. So I'm wondering if anyone can point  
me in the direction of a study, or any anecdotal reports, of how  
people actually use these things? Obviously, I'll be asking my client  
if they have any such information, too.

My guess is it follows the 80/20 principle -- 20% of the features  
(accessing voice mail, recording an away greeting, etc.) are used 80%  
of the time, with most of the features going unused. So I'm wondering  
if something like scenarios would help people discover the more  
advanced features that they might not otherwise know about. Like "I'm  
going on vacation," or "I want my calls to roll over to my  
assistant," or "I want to tell everyone in my division that we're  
having birthday cake on the fifth floor."

Any suggestions? (You can probably tell I never let a completed  
manuscript stand in the way of suggesting major overhauls to the  
copy... )

-- Kim

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Kim Bieler Graphic Design
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[IxDA Discuss] Monday. Ugh!

2008-02-11 Thread Kim Bieler
Am I the only one who's finding this Monday particularly painful? Not  
to mention it was 16 degrees this morning. B!

I feel like I need to spend a week on a mountaintop meditating on all  
the things I learned over the weekend. And following up with all the  
great people I met. And reading all the books I need to read. Despite  
my extreme exhaustion on the (delayed) flight last night, I got  
inspired to redesign the interface for my crap-ass HP printer. It's a  
sickness! But at least I finally know what I want to be when I grow up.

Anyway, thanks to everyone who organized the conference so  
seamlessly. And to SCAD for putting up with us and seeming glad to do  
so. And to Bill Buxton, who missed his boarding call because of his  
"great powers of concentration," proceeded to regale the rest of us  
airport strandees with tales of his past life exploits over dinner,  
and then actually said he was glad he'd missed his flight. Go figure.

-- Kim

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Kim Bieler Graphic Design
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Sources for Design Inspiration

2008-02-13 Thread Kim Bieler
There's a strong "Web 2.0" bias at work here, but still...

-- Kim

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Kim Bieler Graphic Design
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[IxDA Discuss] Creating personas

2008-02-13 Thread Kim Bieler
I came away from Interaction '08 convinced of the value of personas  
in focusing and directing the design of a project. Or, more  
accurately, I was already convinced -- I came away DETERMINED to  
start incorporating personas into my workflow.

However, for a lot of my projects, I'm working as the subcontractor  
of the contractor (or sometimes a few more removes even than that!)  
and don't have any direct contact with the actual client, the users,  
or the original thinking that went into the project. So I'm wondering  
how to build personas when I've got no ability to do traditional user  

Here's what I've got so far:

1. Use my imagination.
2. Lurk around internet bulletin boards related to my project topics.
3. Ask my client if they've got any user research (duh).
4. All of the above and hope that half-assed personas are better than  
no personas.

Think that will work?

-- Kim

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Kim Bieler Graphic Design
Office: 301-588-8555
Mobile: 240-476-3129
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[IxDA Discuss] Starting a DC affiliate

2008-02-14 Thread Kim Bieler

I seem to have volunteered myself for kickstarting a Washington DC  
affiliate of IxDA. The first step is to gauge interest, so if you're  
in the area and would like to participate, email me off-list at:  

I'm pretty sure we've got more than a critical mass of interaction  
designers in the area who aren't being served by UPA, AIGA,  
RefreshDC, and the like. Not to mention that DC has some particular  
niches (government, biotech, nonprofit) that might benefit from a  
local IxDA group. And if we get really successful, we can hire our  
own lobbyist!

-- Kim

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Kim Bieler Graphic Design
Office: 301-588-8555
Mobile: 240-476-3129
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] friday fun: what's the coolest thing you've designed?

2008-02-18 Thread Kim Bieler
Sadly, we're no longer in business:

-- Kim

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] “The Most Frequently Used Featu res in Microsoft Office”

2008-02-19 Thread Kim Bieler
I use CopyWrite ( 
copywrite/) for fiction writing. It's got a full-screen mode that is  
very calming, as you say, and it's otherwise quite minimalist.

Oddly, at work, I often find myself using an email window to jot down  
notes or compose forum posts or whatever (FWIW, I'm on a Mac). Then I  
just save them into the drafts folder if I want to file them for  
future reference.

On Feb 19, 2008, at 9:55 AM, Bill DeRouchey wrote:

> This is why I love products like WriteRoom. It is pure writing and
> reading. It removes every distraction. You see no menu bar, no
> buttons. It's just you, a blank white screen, and words. That's it.
> When I use WriteRoom, I actually work better. I focus on the words.
> That's the feature I want from a "word processor".

-- Kim

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Kim Bieler Graphic Design
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Where are all the designers?

2008-02-21 Thread Kim Bieler
I'm wonder, too, what kind of opportunities are out there for  
consultant designers like me? There are lots of jobs out there, but  
how difficult is it to do interaction design when you're not part of  
the organization?

I know we've got plenty of consultants on this list, so I guess my  
question is for them, but also for the people who are hiring.

-- Kim

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Kim Bieler Graphic Design
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Help with navigation levels on website

2008-02-21 Thread Kim Bieler
I agree with Alexander. You should be able to take the "customer"  
category out of the navigation entirely. A few suggestions:

- Color code the banner to indicate which customer area user is in
- Or simply include the customer type as a running head at the very  
top (small, discreet)
- You'll presumably have a search feature, so users can still find  
products that aren't categorized under their customer type.
- Detail of product may not require fixed navigation. As an example,  
check out They've got two levels of navigation  
across the top, but after that, everything is handled in breadcrumbs.

-- Kim

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Kim Bieler Graphic Design
c. 240-476-3129
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[IxDA Discuss] Slightly OT: Where is the sustainable PC?

2008-02-22 Thread Kim Bieler
I've just finished installing a RAM upgrade to my three-year-old Mac  
to keep it viable for another year and I'm wondering: Why is no-one  
out there building a sustainable desktop PC?

In graphic design, we've got to buy new hardware every 3-5 years  
(sooner, if you're not a cheapskate like me) just to stay compatible  
with the rest of the world. I'll be forced to buy a new a Mac in a  
year or two because they've switched to Intel-based processors and  
pretty soon, none of my software will run properly on the old  
processor. Old computers pile up like (giant, expensive) dust bunnies  
around our house. I went to our local computer recycling station  
eighteen months ago with an entire SUV's worth of old equipment, and  
already the attic is filling up again.

It's as if the auto industry switched fuel every four years, forcing  
you to buy a new car. But even car manufacturers let you trade in  
your old vehicle when you buy a new one.

I realize this isn't an interaction design question, but there are a  
lot of bright minds here. How come no-one's stepping up to the plate  
and saying, "we've got to end the madness!" How hard could it be to  
build something modular, where you could upgrade the insides  
periodically, and ship the old parts back to manufacturer for a  
rebate (and to be recycled)?

-- Kim

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Kim Bieler Graphic Design
Office: 301-588-8555
Mobile: 240-476-3129
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[IxDA Discuss] Slightly OT: Where is the sustainable PC?

2008-02-22 Thread Kim Bieler
I've just finished installing a RAM upgrade to my three-year-old Mac  
to keep it viable for another year and I'm wondering: Why is no-one  
out there building a sustainable desktop PC?

In graphic design, we've got to buy new hardware every 3-5 years  
(sooner, if you're not a cheapskate like me) just to stay compatible  
with the rest of the world. I'll be forced to buy a new a Mac in a  
year or two because they've switched to Intel-based processors and  
pretty soon, none of my software will run properly on the old  
processor. Old computers pile up like (giant, expensive) dust bunnies  
around our house. I went to our local computer recycling station  
eighteen months ago with an entire SUV's worth of old equipment, and  
already the attic is filling up again.

It's as if the auto industry switched fuel every four years, forcing  
you to buy a new car. But even car manufacturers let you trade in  
your old vehicle when you buy a new one.

I realize this isn't an interaction design question, but there are a  
lot of bright minds here. How come no-one's stepping up to the plate  
and saying, "we've got to end the madness!" How hard could it be to  
build something modular, where you could upgrade the insides  
periodically, and ship the old parts back to manufacturer for a  
rebate (and to be recycled)?

-- Kim

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Kim Bieler Graphic Design
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] iPhones on Campus

2008-02-27 Thread Kim Bieler
Oooh, geezer thread!

I remember what a pain it was to type my term papers on a manual  
typewriter with two fingers and no correction ribbon. Footnotes, anyone?

On Feb 27, 2008, at 4:15 PM, Matthew Nish-Lapidus wrote:

> i agree completely. .. i remember what a pain it was to transcribe all
> my course schedules into my old palm (yes, i was/am a nerd) ... if
> that type of information was available in a consistent way it would be
> amazing.

-- Kim

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Nokia Morph & Nanotechnology

2008-02-28 Thread Kim Bieler
I think it's interesting that the video uses "hand-drawn" animation  
and a handwriting-style font to humanize the technology. The music is  
really touchy-feely and the woman is not in a business setting, but  
at an outdoor cafe. They're trying to suggest that this will be the  
complete opposite of most people's experience with technology, which  
is often frustrating and intrusive.

I'm finding that the main problem with "portable" electronic devices  
is the proliferation of batteries chargers and power cords. Do away  
with those, and suddenly today's iPod and laptop and cell phone are a  
lot closer to this rosy vision of the future.

-- Kim

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Email Registration

2008-03-04 Thread Kim Bieler

It depends on the offer. If what you're offering is compelling  
enough, people will fill out more fields. If you're asking for  
personal information that doesn't seem (from the customer's POV) to  
be relevant, you've either got to do a good job explaining how  
collecting this data benefits THEM, or the offer has to be so  
worthwhile, it overcomes their resistance.

On Mar 4, 2008, at 3:46 PM, Jason Wei Lee wrote:

> Hi list,
> When designing sites, I often come up against the question of what  
> required fields to include for an Email Registration form.  By  
> Email Registration I mean registering for updates/promotions from  
> the site.
> I have always felt that less fields is a better approach (ie. just  
> email address if possible), but sometimes various stakeholders want  
> to capture other data like name and location so it can be used for  
> other marketing efforts.
> Any thoughts/research on this?  Like are people people deterred  
> when they see too many fields?

-- Kim

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[IxDA Discuss] NN/g IxD immersion course

2008-03-10 Thread Kim Bieler
I got a postcard advertising Nielsen Norman Group's Interaction  
Design 101 3-day immersion course and I'm wondering if anyone's been  
to it and would like to post a review.

Here's the curriculum:

I'm particularly interested in the "gathering requirements" portion,  
since I desperately need some clues about interviewing and research.


-- Kim

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Log in fields on index page

2008-03-12 Thread Kim Bieler
I've run into some cases where the client didn't want the home page  
to become a PHP or ASP page by virtue of having the login or other  
forms on it. Whether this is a valid concern or not, I don't know.

Another possibility is that the login was added after the site went  
up and there was no room for it on the home page. Or the login has  
more than one or two simple fields. Or the designer didn't like  
having to accommodate login on every page and so stuck it on a  
separate page because that seemed tidier.

My feeling is that, for a membership-based application, login should  
be available on every page of the external site in a consistent but  
out-of-the-way location.

On Mar 12, 2008, at 2:15 AM, Howie C. wrote:

> Hi,
> Anyone have any clue on the notion of why some websites have their  
> log in
> fields presented upfront while some, prefer to just provide a link  
> to a
> separate log in page?
> What considerations should one take note of in order to make a better
> decision?
> I know for sure that by presenting the log in fields upfront makes  
> it easy
> for user to log in, especially so for social websites. But that  
> might not be
> the main reason for doing so...
> Cheers,
> Howie
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-- Kim

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxD: Mac Resources

2008-03-18 Thread Kim Bieler
- Linotype Font Explorer if you have more than 25 fonts. It's free!  
And much less buggy than Suitcase.
- An FTP client like Fetch
- Stuffit compression app

-- Kim

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxD: Mac Resources

2008-03-18 Thread Kim Bieler
See, that was all part of my secret plan to find better versions of  
the old utilities I am still using out of habit...

On Mar 18, 2008, at 10:48 AM, Matthew Nish-Lapidus wrote:

> IMHO, Fetch is pretty bad.. if you need FTP frequently there are free
> apps like CyberDuck, my favorite is a paid app called Transmit.
> Do people still use Stuffit?  Now that zip is built into OSX i don't
> really see the need to continue with Stuffit.. I use an app called The
> Unarchiver that support almost every format and is better than the
> built in archive app.

-- Kim

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] what helped most in your career? : Dealing with criticism

2008-03-18 Thread Kim Bieler

I took a job once where I hoped the firm owner would become a mentor.  
I said as much in the interview. Not only did this not happen, but  
after a year of working there, I had nothing to show for it  
professionally. Everything I had worked on was the continuation of a  
previously existing project and I became suspicious that he had  
stopped assigning me new design work.

I mentioned my suspicion to him and he confirmed that yes, he didn't  
have confidence in my design ability. I was floored, but at least I  
knew the truth.

So, I was faced with a dilemma. I could either believe his assessment  
that I was a bad designer, or I could believe my clients and others  
who said I was a good designer. I had a lot at stake -- my career, my  
self worth, my dreams.  Ultimately, I decided that his opinion did  
not count and that moreover, I couldn't afford to believe him.

That realization -- that I had a CHOICE what to believe -- was enough  
to empower me. I put in my resignation the next day and embarked on a  
freelance career that I have never regretted.

-- Kim

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] virtual vs. physical social behavior

2008-03-18 Thread Kim Bieler
It doesn't matter what I consider rude behavior. What matters is what  
the person I'm talking to thinks. It's common courtesy not to presume  
that others have the same values as me.

Along those lines, if you're giving a presentation, it might be  
helpful to mention that you would or would not be offended if people  
take notes or read blogs or text each other.

-- Kim

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Organizing files and folders

2008-03-18 Thread Kim Bieler

Did I understand you correctly? You designed a custom wallpaper with  
zones for organizing your folders?

That's the cleverest thing I've heard all month!

-- Kim

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Coming Soon Pages

2008-03-19 Thread Kim Bieler
In my experience, the "coming soon" page is a license to procrastinate  
over putting up real content. It's easy for the client to forget that  
there's nothing behind that "About us" link, because they never visit  
their own site.

However, I think the main problem with "coming soon" is that it  
presumes users are so excited about your site, they'll check back  
every week to see if you've put up some content. Clearly, this is  
false. It's really the web equivalent, of "move along, nothing to see  

Honestly, if they've got the energy to put up an "About us" page,  
surely they can give you a couple of sentences and an address? Any  
content is better than none. Or better yet, just write your own copy  
to stick up there. 99 times out of 100 it'll be better than whatever  
they would have given you. Seriously, I do this all the time.

-- Kim

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Digital patina

2008-03-20 Thread Kim Bieler

Would you say that typing "" into the Google search  
box constitutes a "desire path"?

It's not exactly the straightest line between two points, but it's a  
preferred route for many.

-- Kim

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Add to Cart Ethics / Best Practices - Studies?

2008-03-28 Thread Kim Bieler

Yikes! This violates a basic trust principle of shopping carts. Here's  
Jakob Nielsen on the subject ("E-Commerce User Experience," pp.84-85):

> "Trust is also related to pricing. High prices, shipping costs that  
> appeared unreasonable, and hidden prices caused 5% of the sales  
> catastrophes in this study. ...
> "Our users commented negatively on hidden prices. They were  
> unpleasantly surprised by high shipping costs that were not shown  
> until after they had gone through a lot of effort to find suitable  
> products. ...
> "For these reasons and more, show the total price -- including  
> shipping charges, taxes, duty, and any other fees -- as soon as  
> possible. Don't wait until after the customer has placed an order."

-- Kim

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] REQUEST: Stats on Mac IE 5 ...

2008-03-31 Thread Kim Bieler
I'm monitoring Google Analytics on two sites. Out of 3,600 total  
visitors to both sites, one person came in on Explorer for Mac  
(version 5.23). We had more visitors using Netscape (14).

-- Kim

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Corners, edges and multiple monitors

2008-04-15 Thread Kim Bieler

Based on how I use my two monitors, I would suggest you do something  
closer to your first solution.

I'm thinking that if you create a zone all the way around the inside  
of screen 1 where the cursor activates the navigation, as soon as I  
travel over there with my cursor and see a navigation bar pop up, I'm  
going to slow down my mouse. So, it wouldn't take long before I "got"  
that the edges are where the navigation resides. You could help the  
user by making the right and left zones a bit wider, in case a second  
monitor is present.

I don't know if this is helpful, but Adobe palettes detect screen  
edges, even if there are two monitors (on the Mac -- I don't know  
about Windows). If I want to anchor my palettes to screen 2, they seem  
to be aware of where the edge is.

-- Kim

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[IxDA Discuss] OT: Peel P50 microcar

2008-04-15 Thread Kim Bieler
Not IxD-related. Just fun:

-- Kim

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[IxDA Discuss] RANT: OmniGraffle Leopard Version

2008-04-17 Thread Kim Bieler
Am I just retarded or is the canvases window in the new OmniGraffle  
really confusing? The icons next to each layer only tell you which  
ones are NOT active, not the ones that are (i.e., visible icons  
indicate a negative, not a positive). And when you mouse over, a bunch  
of icons come up that are hidden under the cursor. I'm constantly  
selecting the wrong layers to show and hide because I can't tell  
what's going on, which makes me feel very dumb indeed.

Let the voting commence:

A.[  ]  User is retarded
B. [  ]  Layer icons are poorly implemented

-- Kim

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Kim Bieler Graphic Design
Office: 301-588-8555
Mobile: 240-476-3129
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[IxDA Discuss] ISO: Research on interactive kiosks

2008-04-21 Thread Kim Bieler
Hey all,

I'm looking for any and all information on interactive kiosks I can  
dig up: trade magazines, research papers, marketing surveys, best  
practices, anecdotes, screen shots, whatever you can send my way.  
Basically, I'm not having much luck doing Google searches on this  
topic, and the only magazine devoted to kiosks seems to have folded  
several years ago.

Thanks much.

-- Kim

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Wireframe vs. Prototype

2008-04-27 Thread Kim Bieler

I'm way behind on my IxDA emails and just saw your post of several  
days ago.

Do you have any examples of statemap/lifecycle diagrams you can share?  
I'm curious as to what these look like and how they work.


On Apr 23, 2008, at 4:21 AM, Troy Gardner wrote:

> I develop RIA and games, where I find that webpage methodologies break
> down, and use several terms/tools:
> Wireframe - a single screen as output by IA's, typically representing
> one state at a time, a skeleton to serve as a container for available
> copy and for graphic design to flush out as 'Comps'
> Storyboard - sequence of wireframes + graphical interaction (mouse
> clicks, drags), typically a one way trip through a system, trying to
> get buyin from the entire team.
> Comps - a single screen as output by graphical designers based on  
> Wireframes.
> Interactive Wireframe - aka clickthroughs, wireframes stacked in time,
> selectively hiding an showing things, to help flush out the
> interactive architecture. As somethings have to be played to be
> understood.
> Mockup - a high graphic fidelity, but limited in interactivity similar
> to a theme park ride. Great fun on the ride, but get a few feet off
> the track and the whole thing breaks down.
> Statemap/Lifecycle - a heirarchical statechart of all system states
> and events between them, frequently having links/thumbnails to various
> fidelity comps.  Like a subway map it should encompass at varying
> levels of detail the entire system of states relevant. I find this
> missing in most designs. Screw this up then everything is already
> broken.  Been compiling a library of common LifeCycles (user
> registration, media players), as I find that they are constantly
> rediscovered, and getting them right..can be tricky.
> Flow - a particular usecase/workflow across the statechart.
> Prototypes - a typically technically driven 'spike' to answer a narrow
> question if something is feasible or not, or better than another
> scenario.  Often using whatever is available ducktape, wood, paper +
> glue. typically disposable.
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-- Kim

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[IxDA Discuss] Iron Man

2008-05-08 Thread Kim Bieler
As if dishy eye candy Robert Downey Jr. and Gwyneth Paltrow weren't  
enough, the new Iron Man movie is chock-a-block with cool user  
interface design. Surely interactive holographic CAD drawings are just  
around the corner, right? And a heads-up display in every window of my  

Still, there's no tech like low-tech. I think I fell in love when the  
hero sand-casts a titanium o-ring while being held captive in an  
Afghan cave.

-- Kim

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Iron Man

2008-05-08 Thread Kim Bieler
I beg to differ. The most unrealistic moment was when the heroine,  
wearing five-inch heels, ran (!) away from the giant robot across a  
gridded floor without getting stuck.

Back to UI: The holograph thing was really cool, especially since he  
used a wand to point the file off his desktop display onto the  
holograph table display. I can tell a lot of us are going to be  
watching the DVD in slow motion to see all the nuances.

On May 8, 2008, at 12:30 PM, Michael Micheletti wrote:

1. Most unrealistic moment in the film: when Jeff Bridges plugs the  
stolen power supply into the Evil Robot and it works first off,  
without needing to shim, rewire the connector, configure the IP  
address, etc. I laughed aloud. Flying robots and 3-D talking  
holograms seem much more likely somehow.

-- Kim

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Iron Man

2008-05-09 Thread Kim Bieler
I second this idea. Lots of people spend their working day doing  
intensely physical activity like picking fruit or hanging drywall.  
There's no reason that we sedentary computer jockeys couldn't get used  
to a standing/waving work environment instead. I actually like the  
idea since I hate being chair-bound all day.

For a while in 2004, I had a very bad back and had to change my  
workstation to a standing one. It was tiring, but I still got things  
done. Over time, I think I would have gotten used to it. (Although,  
obviously, I didn't love it enough to keep standing after my back was  

On May 8, 2008, at 11:13 PM, mauro pinheiro wrote:

On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 2:44 PM, Jeffrey D. Gimzek <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:

one of the things that was brought up - maybe on this list, i can't  
recall -

with the Minority Report 3D gestural interface was that it would
ridiculously exhausting to stand around all day with waving your  
hands in

the air with your arms raised up hight than your chest.

try doing it for 10 minutes.


Jeffrey, I believe that it would be better than our current "seating
and pointing + clicking a mouse all day long" situation.

A friend of mine develops a research about the harm of being seatedall
day long. One of the key issues that she points out is that the human
body was designed to work, and move, as a whole. Just think about
mundane actions, like walking. We move the whole body, not only
our legs. Every and each part of the body is connected to the whole.

When we seat and work with computers in our workstations, the only
part of our body that moves are our arms and hands. And that's why we
have several injuries on those parts. From Homo Sapiens, we became
Homo Sedens. And many "ergonomic" tools only reinforce this, making
supports for our hands, arms, even our head! But still, this only
makes us stay seated and moving just part of our body.

Of course, standing all day can be exhausting, but it's something to
think about...I guess an user interface that allows a stand-up
position, and that allows us to make wide movements would be better.

prof. mauro pinheiro
universidade federal do espírito santo
centro de artes
depto. de desenho industrial

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-- Kim

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   Kim Bieler Graphic Design
   c. 240-476-3129
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Is a Flash-intro to a personal portfolio still good/relevant?

2008-05-21 Thread Kim Bieler


I've lately come around to the idea that designers' sites can still be  
effective in Flash. Most of us don't really need to worry about SEO  
since we're getting business though referrals, not cold visits, and it  
does give you a chance to show off a little more.

But what I disagree with is a Flash introduction that has no  
relationship to the rest of the site. Especially if all it does is  
animate your name or some goofy tagline or waste my time loading the  
navigation in a sexy way. If you have a strong concept for the site  
and your Flash intro reinforces that concept in an extremely effective  
way, that is cool. And rare.

Most people coming to my site are just idle visitors or people who got  
there by mistake. I don't care about them. The people I do care about  
are qualified referrals -- people who heard about me from a friend or  
business associate. These are folks who need a designer and are  
checking the site to vet me before making a call. All my site needs to  
do is convince them to call me. (Insert caveats about the lame-ass  
state of my current website here...)

I'm guessing a snazzy Flash intro will convince the people who want  
one for THEIR site. But everyone else is going to be wondering, "Yeah,  
but has he got any experience designing for MY type of project?"  My  
advice: skip the eye candy and cut to the chase. After all, isn't that  
what you'd advise clients to do?

On May 21, 2008, at 9:32 AM, Alan Wexelblat wrote:

Let's assume that you've done the proper work to provide a "Skip
Intro" button.  Let's further assume that you've done at least the
minimum to make your content accessible to people without the Flash

The question I ask, then, is: does having a Flash intro to a personal
site, which may include one's portfolio or resume, make sense in
today's job market and design environment?  Or does this brand the
designer as someone stuck in the last decade?

As usual, I suspect the answer is "it depends"; what I'm really
interested in is exploring issues around how we present ourselves in
online presences and the Flash-intro or Flash-site is a method I still
see from time to time, though not nearly as much as I used to.

Best regards,

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-- Kim

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[IxDA Discuss] ISO: Something do to in New York, June 5

2008-06-04 Thread Kim Bieler
I might have some down time tomorrow afternoon between meetings. Is  
there some fabulous IxD-related exhibit or anything I ought to check  
out while I'm in NY?  Looks like I just missed a glass-making demo at  
Cooper-Hewitt. :-(


-- Kim

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] ISO: Something do to in New York, June 5

2008-06-04 Thread Kim Bieler

Midtown, mostly. I'm staying on east 52nd.

On Jun 4, 2008, at 9:04 AM, Four Hewes, Caspian Design wrote:


What part of town will you be able to reach in your free time?


At 8:47 AM -0400 6/4/08, Kim Bieler wrote:
I might have some down time tomorrow afternoon between meetings. Is  
there some fabulous IxD-related exhibit or anything I ought to check  
out while I'm in NY?  Looks like I just missed a glass-making demo  
at Cooper-Hewitt. :-( Cheers, Kim

Four Hewes, Principal, Caspian Design

-- Kim

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] ISO: Something do to in New York, June 5

2008-06-04 Thread Kim Bieler
Why is everyone intent on sending me to Brooklyn?  Is Manhattan no  
longer cool enough?

On Jun 4, 2008, at 12:01 PM, Rich Rogan wrote:

For something a little out there, more ultra modern/ (post modern, who
knows), Japanese art, which incorporates old/new, commerce and art,
structure, experience, painting, video, sculpture and general  
wierdness - it
would be hard to beat the Murakami exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum,  

I saw it on Sat, and it was great, very different then a regular art


Joseph Rich Rogan
President UX/UI Inc.

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-- Kim

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[IxDA Discuss] I love the "cloud," but...

2008-07-08 Thread Kim Bieler
... when Google Docs goes down, you can almost hear the collective  
moan around the world.

-- Kim

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] [Iai-Members] Label Suggestions Needed

2008-07-18 Thread Kim Bieler
I see a lot of sites using "My" for these kinds of activities, like  
"My Account," or "My AgencyName."

That said, slotting "file a claim" and "change my address" under the  
same menu item seems dodgy since they're totally different kinds of  
tasks with different priority levels, I would have thought.

I agree with Austin -- maybe an open card sort is called for. You  
might find that customers don't want all these activities grouped  

-- Kim

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
   Kim Bieler Graphic Design
   Office: 301-588-8555
   Mobile: 240-476-3129
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] [Iai-Members] Retention of URLs in offline media

2008-07-18 Thread Kim Bieler


I don't think people bother remembering URLs at all any more.  In the  
scenario you describe, I think you'd find that most people rely on  
"Google bookmarking." That is, the use of the Google search field to  
find anything and everything, including URLs they know perfectly well,  
like "" And I mean that people will literally type  
"" into Google.

If I knew that Apple was having a big sale, I'd probably type "apple"  
into Google to get there, then expect to see something about the  
promotion on the Apple home page.

-- Kim

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
   Kim Bieler Graphic Design
   Office: 301-588-8555
   Mobile: 240-476-3129
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] turning freelance work into a sustainable design business

2008-07-28 Thread Kim Bieler


Lots of good advice here. Ron's suggestion about finding a partner is  
a good one, however a partnership is like a marriage -- not to be  
undertaken lightly.   Make sure that any prospective partner is  
someone you can live with every day and who shares your philosophy of  

I think the most important thing about freelancing in the creative  
services industry is that you have to think of yourself as a  
consultant, and charge accordingly. There is absolutely nothing to be  
gained by having low rates, no matter what the current economic  
climate is like. In my experience, women have more trouble charging  
what they are worth than men, so keep that in mind. Begin as you mean  
to go on and you'll be much happier. Running your own business  
requires a lot of overhead time -- in a 40-hour work week you might  
bill as few as 25 hours, so it's important to factor that in.

For calculating project costs, I'd refer you to Andy Rutledge's matrix:

At least 90% of your business will come from referrals. This means  
that traditional marketing -- advertising, cold calls, direct mail --  
is largely a waste of time and money. You will see the most bang for  
your buck by marketing to existing clients. Here's a quick list I put  
together for myself:

- Get to know clients personally
- Face time counts, take them out to lunch
- Keep them informed—documentation
- Keep abreast of their business & industry—Google alerts, business news
- Up-sell your services
- Tell them what you're up to lately—completed projects, new hires,  
new competencies

- Ask them for referrals

Other good sources of referrals are friends and family. The hard part  
with these folks is they often have no idea what you do for a living,  
so they can't describe it to others. So, make sure you have a snappy  
elevator pitch and that you can clearly and specifically articulate to  
others who your ideal client is.

I don't know if this needs to be said, but professionalism is the key  
to success. Keep regular business hours, return calls and emails in a  
timely manner, keep your work and private lives separate, create  
standard processes and documentation, manage expectations with clients  
through frequent and clear communications.

Good luck!

-- Kim

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
   Kim Bieler Graphic Design
   Office: 301-588-8555
   Mobile: 240-476-3129
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] I love the "cloud," but...

2008-07-28 Thread Kim Bieler
Actually, speaking of keeping backups, is there any consensus on what  
business risks are involved with cloud computing? I'm looking at  
Mingle as a project management tool and wondering what happens if they  
go under in two years. Is it comparable to the risks involved in any  
technology, where you assume you'll have to upgrade periodically, or  
abandon old technology in favor of the new hotness?

-- Kim

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   Kim Bieler Graphic Design
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Pattern Tap : Interface Design Inspiration

2008-07-28 Thread Kim Bieler

A few web design collections:

On Jul 23, 2008, at 6:00 PM, Jeremy Yuille wrote:

btw - does anyone else here have any design driven sources that I  

share with my students?

-- Kim

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[IxDA Discuss] Q: Soliciting client testimonials

2008-08-12 Thread Kim Bieler
I'm doing a website overhaul (rebranding, everything) and I would like  
to incorporate client testimonials.

I don't want to ghost write these things but I know that many people  
hate to write and wouldn't know what to say, even if they wanted to  
say something nice, so I'm thinking about giving them some questions  
to nudge them in the right direction. Such as:

- Did we finish the job on time and within budget?
- Did the project meet or exceed your expectations?
- How would you describe the working relationship?
- Would you hire us again?
- Would you recommend us to a colleague?

...that kind of thing. Any suggestions or advice?


-- Kim

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
   Kim Bieler Graphic Design
   Office: 301-588-8555
   Mobile: 240-476-3129
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Wireframes: Illustrator/Indesign question%u2026

2008-08-18 Thread Kim Bieler

I think you might be better off creating your wireframes in InDesign.
You can create a master page with common elements, then put each
wireframe on a different page. InDesign CS3 you can import other
InDesign documents as graphics and if you choose "show import
options" when you place the file, you can select which page is
shown. This will update automatically when you update your wireframes
document (I ran a quick test).

One disadvantage to your method (and this would hold true with
Illustrator) is that you'll be placing over and over a file that
might be very large, which will tend to weigh down your document. To
keep files slim, it would be better to make a different file for each
wireframe, or at least keep them down to fewer pages.

Good luck!

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] [Iai-Members] Avatars in the Marketplace

2008-08-21 Thread Kim Bieler
Am I the only one seeing similarities between avatars and Philip  
Pullman's concept of "daemons"?  Especially in the context of how they  
change as you get older...

-- Kim

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[IxDA Discuss] Siteseeing: What happens in Vegas...

2008-08-26 Thread Kim Bieler
...becomes a kiosk confessional where you can tell the world what was  
supposed to stay in Vegas.

Sadly, the concept is undermined by a distinct lack of juicy  
confessions (example: "Having the time of our lives!") and a weirdly  
clunky interface.

Here's what I'm wondering: I think this would be more fun if they  
implemented a negative ratings system, where viewers (assuming there  
are any) punish people for not being forthcoming with genuine dirt.  
I've never seen a ratings system like that -- do they exist anywhere  

-- Kim

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Re: [IxDA Discuss]

2008-09-11 Thread Kim Bieler
I didn't realize REI had a new site. What a breath of fresh air! I  
love it.

Moosejaw, not so much. I still haven't gotten past the home page due  
to its crimes against design.

- Very slow to load.
- No products on the home page
- No visual hierarchy, just a lot of type everywhere.
- False claims, like "It's the best site ever."
- Is that used toilet paper along the edge of the content area?
- Most of home page taken up with almost invisible keywords = imminent  
placement on search engine blacklists
- If you spend too long reading all the irrelevant copy in the "my  
cart" popup, the Flash covers it up
- Aforementioned popup trying to do WAY too much work. This should be  
all business, not a place to express your inner toe thief.

- Excessive word spacing in type graphics
- Unzipped hoodie spells: moos  ejaw
- Futura and Bell Gothic and Impact and Verdana, oh my!
- Ugly, convex search box
- Accidentally rolling over the "madness" link at the top has rendered  
me temporarily speechless. Thank god for the Flash that obliterates  
everything in its path.

All I can say is, I must not be the target market for this site. It  
pretty much rubs me the wrong way in every direction.

-- Kim

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   Kim Bieler Graphic Design
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] touchscreen predictive text input: Swype

2008-09-11 Thread Kim Bieler
I would like to see someone using this with their finger, not a stylus  
or pen cap.

One thing I've been wondering about the iPhone -- yeah, the keypad is  
hard to use. So why don't they just give you a bigger version in  
landscape mode (if that's the right term for it)? I've keep tilting my  
phone hoping one day the keypad will rotate...

-- Kim

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   Kim Bieler Graphic Design
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] touchscreen predictive text input: Swype

2008-09-11 Thread Kim Bieler

Cheers, Dave.

Yes, I think the iPhone keyboard is hard to use -- in part because the  
touchscreen is so sensitive. Luckily it often knows what I'm trying to  
type, even if every letter is the one to the right of the one my fat  
fingers are trying to hit. Also, I am getting better at it with  

On Sep 11, 2008, at 10:38 AM, David Malouf wrote:

If you want to see the keyboard in landscape then go to a web page w/
a form element, be in landscape and focus on that form element. It
will be in landscape.

You will see why they don't do it. There isn't enough space in that
direction to support the keyboard and give you enough context of the
screen. I used to do it, but have stopped out of frustration.

Is the keyboard REALLY that hard to use? I still resist this

Also, about the swype style keyboard being usable w/o a stylus. I've
had a lot of success with it. I would say that the accuracy of the
expereince is 100% b/c of the amazing logics behind the keyboard and
not due to any increase in physicality due to swyping per se, though
the aesthetics of the motion is intriguing. I don't like it for
composing but I do like it for one 2 two word writing.

Where it might really be interesting is in the password space.

-- dave

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-- Kim

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Advertising in desktop software

2008-09-23 Thread Kim Bieler


Maybe a good analogy is advertising on TV versus advertising at the  
movies. Broadcast TV is free (sort of), so you expect to see ads. Plus  
you can change the channel or turn off the sound if you don't like the  

But if I've just paid $10 to see a movie, I feel heartily abused when  
I'm forced to sit through advertising. Not only have I paid for the  
privilege, but I can't turn them off or change the channel -- I'm a  
captive audience.

Amazon is a retail store, so I expect them to be pushing merchandise  
at me. Similarly iTunes. But a desktop application is usually  
something I'm paying to use. Even if it's free, like Quicktime, it's a  
linear, captive experience. I'd say the worst of all is when I feel  
like the vendor is deliberately slowing down the experience so that  
they can stuff more ads in. Like when I'm on hold with my credit card  

This is all purely anecdotal, of course. But my guess is that the  
perception of choice plays a large part in how consumers feel about  
ads. That, and perceived value.

On Sep 22, 2008, at 12:31 PM, Matt Doe wrote:

For a product we are redesigning, we are beginning to add advertising
to our desktop software. This will come in the form of contextually
relevant ads because of something the user searched for and they will
also be delivered on the homepage of our application. The ads on the
homepage will not necessarily be spam. They will be things that have
the potential to be relevant to our users, but in no way help users
reach their goals of why they are using this application.

My question is, you can have a page like When I go to
their homepage without logging in, they just push items to users. The
chance of this item being related to what the user wants is pretty
slim...but for some reason, users put up with it. When I open up an
application like Quicktime, I am just spammed with content that I
could care less about. I know they are trying to this to drive revenue
to their iTunes store, but for some reason in a desktop application,
it feels more like spam than it does on the homepage of a website.

Has anyone had experience with integrating advertising in desktop
software, or know of any research of user attitudes towards ads in
desktop software vs web sites?


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[IxDA Discuss] Q: Information overload: how do you keep track?

2008-09-29 Thread Kim Bieler
There is so much great information and new concepts and exciting  
theories on this list, and links to same. My feeble brain can't keep up.

How do I keep track of the stuff I want to remember? In a format where  
I can remember WHY I wanted to remember it in the first place? I feel  
like I could spend my life tagging in and still never  
keep up.

What do the rest of you do?

-- Kim

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
   Kim Bieler Graphic Design
   Office: 301-588-8555
   Mobile: 240-476-3129
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[IxDA Discuss] Identifying PDF/Word links

2008-09-30 Thread Kim Bieler
I built a site for a client a while back with a lot of links to PDFs,  
Word docs, etc. At the time, I understood the best practice was to  
identify the link type and document size in parens after the link:

2007 Strategic Report [256kb PDF]

but I'm starting to feel like this junks up the screen a lot when  
you've got a long list of links. I've seen other sites that put icons  
next to each link, which seems useful for quickly identifying the link  
type, but a ton of little icons is just as junky as text, if not more  

I'm considering dropping the file size information, since download  
times aren't such an issue any more (although my client does have a  
certain number of visitors from developing countries) and maybe  
putting the [PDF] tag in grey, so it's less obtrusive.

Is there a better way? Maybe I'm overlooking something obvious that  
would be much more elegant.

-- Kim

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   Kim Bieler Graphic Design
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Identifying PDF/Word links

2008-09-30 Thread Kim Bieler
These are good points. I always like to know whether I'm about to  
download something before it happens, which is why I wanted to  
distinguish between links that go to another site versus links that  
have a file behind them. Since I don't know whether users have PDF  
plug-ins to their browsers, I didn't want to treat PDFs as a site link.

I do like the mouseover solution, so thanks for that tip!

-- Kim

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   Kim Bieler Graphic Design
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Iron Man

2008-10-02 Thread Kim Bieler
I assume this thread is coming back to life thanks to the DVD release  
this week? If you check out the DVD main menu, it's obvious the  
movie's UI design made a big impact all over.

-- Kim

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[IxDA Discuss] Mobile phone - environment interactions?

2008-10-02 Thread Kim Bieler
I'm looking for clever example of mobile phones interacting with the  
environment, like in a museum or a retail space. I'm thinking of  
interactions like pushing information to phones while the person is on- 
site, or having them use their phone to make queries or send text  
messages to an on-site system. I feel like this has come up on the  
list before, but I didn't find anything in the archives.

I'm not sure if this technology would just be a gimmick, or something  
that could be made useful and/or fun. Obviously, I'd prefer useful AND  


-- Kim

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Design Books

2008-10-03 Thread Kim Bieler
Ah, The Cheese Monkeys. No designer should be without it. Don't buy  
the paperback, though. Troll your used book stores for the original  

I'd also recommend: A History of Graphic Design, by Phil Meggs

-- Kim

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
   Kim Bieler Graphic Design
   SOON TO BE -->  Apt Media
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] [Iai-Members] Your Thoughts on MyFemBot?

2008-10-14 Thread Kim Bieler
Will, et al. -- I think you'll find that "fembot" dates waaay back to  
the Six Million Dollar Man, not Blade Runner. And I won't say how old  
that makes me.

As for the website, I'm not buying it. I associated "fem" with  
empowerment, not  fashion. If the site is supposed to be geared toward  
women in technology why does it have a chick-lit style illustration of  
a girl with shopping bags and a cell phone? My immediate take is:  
patronizing & off-target. Also, calling oneself a "goddess" or "diva"  
does not make that so.

But then, I am s old.

On Oct 14, 2008, at 9:42 AM, William Evans wrote:

Ever since blade runner I have been a fembot fan

-- Kim

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[IxDA Discuss] KUDOS: IxDA NYC!

2008-10-17 Thread Kim Bieler
Kudos to the IxDA New York group for putting on such a fun and  
instructive workshop last night. Definitely time well spent. Maybe you  
guys could give us some tips on how to replicate this in DC (and  

-- Kim

P.S. I want my magic paper!

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[IxDA Discuss] ISO: Films about interaction design

2008-10-21 Thread Kim Bieler
Are there films (shorts or features) that you would consider good  
viewing for an interaction designer?

Any and all suggestions appreciated!

-- Kim

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Fwd: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

2008-10-22 Thread Kim Bieler


I haven't explored this idea rigorously, but something I'm always  
thinking about is funneling. Or maybe a better way of putting it is,  
setting & fulfilling expectations. Is this the same thing as  
progressive disclosure? It's certainly related to the paradox of choice.

I'm talking about building pages so there are clear indicators for  
what to do next and what I should expect when I get there. An obvious  
example is a shopping cart or well-designed signup funnel. But even in  
information sites, you can lead users through the content in a way  
that builds commitment or engagement. Slideshows accompanying  
newspaper articles, for example. Suggestions for further reading based  
on what the user has already viewed. Feedback, ratings, and comments.

Like I said, not very well thought out. But I would suggest "What  
next?" as a design principle, if not an IA principle.

-- Kim

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[IxDA Discuss] [ISO] Survey data on schools

2008-12-16 Thread Kim Bieler
Can anyone on the list help me find survey data for technology in U.S.  
grade & middle schools? I need to find out what percentage have  
internet access and access to computers that can play a CD and DVD.


-- Kim

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Dashboard for non-trending data?

2008-12-18 Thread Kim Bieler


Stephen Few defines a dashboard as: "a visual display of the most  
important information needed to achieve one or more objectives;  
consolidated and arranged on a single screen so the information can be  
monitored at a glance." ("Information Dashboard Design," O'Reilly:  

The key idea here is "objectives." If you can identify what your users  
would like to do with dashboard data, then you'll know how to design  
it. Is there snapshot or overview that users will find helpful? Key  
performance indicators that need to be monitored? What I find sexy in  
an application is when it behaves the way I expect it to and surprises  
me by anticipating my needs.

Hmm. Actually, I find that attractive in people, too. :-)

On Dec 16, 2008, at 10:09 AM, Adem Hamidovic wrote:

I've been tasked with designing an interface for an application that  
reports on SQL and Sharepoint data. I'd like the default home page  
of the application to present some sort of summary information, and  
I thought a dashboard would not only jazz things up a bit (I've also  
been asked to try to make reporting 'sexy' - not an easy feat!), but  
also provide an entry point for newer users.

However, dashboards tend to lend themselves to trend-type data, or  
reports that generate simple numerical results such as 'number of  
databases: 24'.  The main focus of our reports is on permissions,  
and so doesn't quite lend itself to these types of results. I'm  
wondering if any of you can suggest relevant home page content for  
these types of reports?  I thought about listing some of the most  
recently used reports, but I'm trying to present this information in  
an engaging and even 'sexy' way :)

-- Kim

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Interaction Designers: What is your elevator pitch?

2008-12-19 Thread Kim Bieler

I'm stealing this one:

On Dec 18, 2008, at 11:35 AM, Michael Micheletti wrote:

I've been known to say, "I design software and websites that people  


-- Kim

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] What's your favorite memory of Interaction 08?

2008-12-23 Thread Kim Bieler
Being stuck at the Savannah airport on the way home along with Bill  
Buxton and about 15 other people for 5 hours. Bill missed his flight  
because he was so caught up in a story he was telling.

It was like a weird after-party -- that existential limbo when you're  
not quite drunk anymore but not yet hung over. I don't think anyone  
wanted it to end.

-- Kim

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[IxDA Discuss] ISO: Web designers who also wireframe

2009-01-15 Thread Kim Bieler
Are there any solo web designers on this list who also produce wireframes
for clients? If so, I'd like to ask you a few questions for an article I'm
writing. If you're willing to share a before-and-after wireframe/home page
design, that would be even better.
Please contact me off-list:


Kim Bieler
Apt Media
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Looking for examples of Gui\'s for persons who never seen/used a computer. For example the GUI of the one laptop per child project

2009-02-27 Thread Kim Bieler
I can't find it but I remember reading an article about a touchscreen
UI that was used for intake at a pediatrician's office. Kids were
MUCH more likely to respond honestly to mental health questions
(e.g., do you ever think about suicide?) on a computer than they were
if a doctor or nurse asked them the same question or gave them a paper
questionnaire. So I suspect you are correct that the computer feels
more like a neutral or non-judgmental intermediary.

If your audience is illiterate, you'll need to provide spoken
instructions on the kiosk itself. The start screen might have a
picture of a hand or something that indicates it can be touched. Or
maybe one of the staff can help the user get started by selecting the
right language for him.

You'll probably have some persistent navigation like "help,"
"repeat," "go back" and the like. Explain in the beginning what
these buttons do and highlight them when the narrator talks about
their function. Color cues may be a problem if your users are color
blind, so combine this with common symbols and/or shapes.

Not sure how you will do the intake portion without a keyboard.  I
imagine you'll have to present a short multiple choice list (with
photographs?), read the choices to the user, and allow him to touch
his choice. Does it make sense to have them speak their answers to
the kiosk? Privacy, dialect, and enunciation may be problems with

My experience is that people really like touchscreens. If done
correctly, they are empowering to the user and give him a feeling of
control, and in your case, hopefully, dignity.

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[IxDA Discuss] Need help with a directory style menu

2009-05-20 Thread Kim Bieler
Okay, I've managed to design myself into a corner and need help
getting out. I'm working with a maps database that allows the user
to create nested folders for organization. I'm limiting them to two
nested folders, but even so, this creates a situation where some
folders merely contain other folders. 

I designed the main maps page as a directory so that you're always
one click away from a list of maps, e.g.,:

Topographic maps (5) - link

Political maps - not a link
- County maps (7) - link
- City maps (4) - link

However, when I get into these pages, I'm stuck on how to deal with
the navigation. I started with a left-hand scrolling menu containing
the full directory, but I'm afraid there's not enough horizontal
space to make this readable -- some of the folder names are long and
I'm obliged to use indents for the nested folders. 

The client currently uses dropdown menus in the breadcrumbs, which is
weird and not entirely satisfactory. But I'm not sure my solution is

I think my basic premise might be wrong but I'm having trouble
digging myself out. Or maybe there's some nifty way of treating my
menu that I haven't thought of. 

Any clues will be much appreciated.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Getting Started

2009-05-29 Thread Kim Bieler

I'm a graphic designer and I found Cooper's "Inmates" book
tremendously helpful. It's also a good read. About Face is extremely
comprehensive but a little overwhelming if you're just getting
started. Bill Buxton's book is a lot of fun for graphic designers
because he takes a "Big D" approach to design which I found very
liberating and inspirational.

As with most things, the best way to learn is by doing. If you
aren't able to get any paying IxD work yet, a good way to get your
hands dirty is to start redesigning the interfaces around you: your
microwave, your TV remote, your favorite web site, the checkout kiosk
at the supermarket. Combine this with reading and you'll start to get
a feel for the issues very quickly.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] infographics

2009-06-26 Thread Kim Bieler
I love doing this kind of thing and I would also recommend my friend
in London, Peter Grundy:

-- Kim

  Apt Media Inc.
  twitter: @feadog

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[IxDA Discuss] ARTICLE: Designers who wireframe

2009-06-26 Thread Kim Bieler
I wrote an article recently exploring the potential pitfalls of
designers who also do IA (in this case, wireframes) and I'd love
some feedback. I'm also interested in adding more before-and-after
examples if anyone is willing to share.


-- Kim

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
  Apt Media Inc.
  twitter: @feadog
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PS. Wireframes are not dead! 

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] ARTICLE: Designers who wireframe

2009-06-27 Thread Kim Bieler
Thanks for your feedback, Ambrose.

I suspect the conflict I'm having comes from the design side. As a
designer, I'm always worried I'm not being creative or conceptual
enough. Blaming design hackery on wireframes is probably just another
manifestation of my insecurity. ;-)

For whatever reason I'm more confident in my IA decisions than my
visual design decisions. I'm tempted to say it's because the latter
are more subjective, but I wonder if that's really the case.


  Apt Media Inc.
  twitter: @feadog

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[IxDA Discuss] Q: Persistent header bar from FB and LinkedIn

2009-07-30 Thread Kim Bieler
I've noticed that if you click on an external link in Facebook or LinkedIn
(and other sites) it sometimes loads the new site in a frame below a header
bar that's branded for the originating site.

What I'm wondering is:

1. Is there a name for this technique?
2. How are they usually coded?
3. How do people feel about these headers? Are they helpful or intrusive?

Thanks (and apologies for my ignorance),


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
  Apt Media Inc.
  twitter: @feadog
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] date pickers starting on Sunday

2009-08-06 Thread Kim Bieler
Interesting topic. Since I've been able to choose (thanks to
software-based calendars) I've always preferred to start my week on
a Monday. I'm a visual thinker, so in my mind, the week is a 5-day
chunk followed by a 2-day chunk. 

I don't know how universal this is but I find it far easier to grasp
immediately what my month looks like if the calendar has Saturday &
Sunday next to each other. 

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[IxDA Discuss] Why isn\'t the OS a browser?

2009-09-10 Thread Kim Bieler
I hope this isn't a dumb question, but I've been thinking about how
much duplication there is between the OS and the browser -- each has
its own navigation, its own file structure, its own applications and
plug-ins, and all that real-estate-hogging chrome!

Sure, some businesses are never going to be comfortable with cloud
computing, but the rest of us don't really care whether an
application is launching from a remote server or a local hard drive.
Why should I have to remember whether a file is in Google docs, or
saved in Delicious, or nested somewhere on my hard drive? 

I assume there will be convergence between the OS and the browser at
some point -- or are there good reasons to keep them distinct?

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Why isn't the OS a browser?

2009-09-11 Thread Kim Bieler
I'd like to get back into this thread, but I'm only able to see the
first response. Not sure if it's me, or the server...

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Why isn't the OS a browser?

2009-09-12 Thread Kim Bieler
Ah, I'm finally able to see all the responses! Thanks to the clever
gnomes who make this discussion list work.

My original question was "why isn't the OS a browser," not, "why
can't my browser be the operating system." I think there's a
difference. Several people pointed out that you will always need the
OS to run keyboards, RAM, and other background functions. And at
least for the foreseeable future, memory-intensive programs are
better off running natively. 

But it seems to me there's no reason the whole OS couldn't become a
background application doing those things behind the scenes. Kind of
like the way Windows runs in DOS. 

Hardly anyone remembers that DOS used to be the operating
environment. Now it's completely invisible. Kids growing up with
technology in the coming years aren't going to concern themselves
with memory management, screen redraw speed, devices -- probably not
even physical keyboards. And many of the OS controls Dave mentioned
-- power, security, wireless, user management -- are the sort of
thing you worry about once, when you're walking through the setup
wizard, and then never think of again.

So I do think it's valid to ask whether the average user cares about
the distinction between the OS and the browser and -- if not -- what
can we do to make the experience more transparent. 

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Product ratings

2009-10-06 Thread Kim Bieler
See also:

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[IxDA Discuss] DISCUSS: Electronic medical records: bad, ugly, and dangerous?

2009-10-25 Thread Kim Bieler
There's a fascinating article in the Washington Post this morning
about the failure of electronic medical records in U.S. hospitals and
clinical settings:

There are obviously a lot of culprits in this story -- design isn't
the only issue. But I'd be interested in hearing back from any of
you who've worked on medical records or devices. Do the issues and
problems presented here sound familiar? If so, how did you overcome

You may need an account to read the article, so I'll summarize the
main points:

- There's a strong incentive to adopt EHRs: Under Obama's stimulus
program, hospitals and physicians can claim millions of dollars for
IT purchases, and will be penalized if they do not go digital by
- While some studies show that electronic records reduce mistakes and
benefit outcomes, anecdotal evidence suggests major problems.
- Complaints about existing systems include: Faulty software that
miscalculated intracranial pressures and mixed up kilograms and
pounds and a computer system that systematically gave adult doses of
medications to children.
- Small, often unwilling, user base: Barely 8 percent of U.S.
hospitals have even a basic electronic medical system. Only 17
percent of physicians use electronic records, and many of those are
uninstalling them.
- Data entry takes too long: Physicians spent nearly five of every 10
hours on a computer. "I sit down and log on to a computer 60 times
every shift. Physician productivity and satisfaction have fallen off
a cliff."
- Poor design and usability: "I can't tell from the medical display
whether a patient is receiving 4mg or 8mg of a certain drug. It took
us two years to get a back-button on our [EHR] browser."
- IT-related mishaps are hard to quantify: Electronic medical records
are not classified as medical devices, so hospitals are not required
to report problems. Many health IT contracts do not allow hospitals
to discuss computer flaws.
- EHR systems are mission-critical: "The system crashed soon after
it went online. I walked in to find no records on any patients. It
was like being on the moon without oxygen."

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] DISCUSS: Electronic medical records: bad, ugly, and dangerous?

2009-10-26 Thread Kim Bieler
Thanks for the responses. I'm hoping not to turn this into a
political discussion about the lamentable health care system in the
U.S., but that may be inescapable.

I don't work in this space and (luckily) don't interact with the
health care system very often. But I'm amazed at how technologically
backward the industry seems to be. On one occasion, my own GP's
office had to call me to confirm an appointment because they had no
way to look it up by my name. I asked and they informed me they had
no patient database, not even an electronic calendar! Admittedly,
they're a tiny operation, but this seems terribly basic.

I'm all for electronic records if for no other reason than I think
patients should be able to have their own portable copy at all times,
especially those who have to see doctors and specialists frequently. 

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