Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-28 Thread Michael Herger
 issues, and operate under the assumption that if you're using any *nix
 variant you are probably smarter than the average bear

Much nicer wording than my you're no normal user - I could learn a lot  
 from you marketing guys. :-)

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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-28 Thread matthijskoopmans

Mnyb;284256 Wrote: 
 There is an incredible simple interime fix for this, reopen the online
 store for non US people for spares/repair only until logitechs
 international retails is up to it. It will take i bit longer to mail
 things to and from the US but thats better than nothing.

That would be a temporary patch on the wounds,should things need
replacement. However, in a lot of countries, it is mandatory to have a
consumer drop in service centre (typically the store you bought the
goods). It seems to me a bit strange that logitech with a global reach,
is not able to support (technical, with testing and repairs) the
Squeezebox/Transporter units. Surely the hardware is not so complicated
that a spot and replace of the faulty prt can only be done in a single
location in the world...

For what it's worth, I have been waiting on a power supply that has
been promised to me since January... I am now at the stage that my
follow up mails are left unanswered... Now I understand that the folk
have to follow corporate procedures, and please don't take this as an
attack on any individual (so far, my experiences with both Logitech and
Slim Devices have been great - companies consists of people, not global
brands), but it does indicate to me that there is a lot to do. IMHO,
after 1.5 years with Logitech, this would be a high priority (try
getting decent sales distribution channels set up in countries, if this
is the answer to the support question... :)

As from original topic, software support... There is always opportunity
in improving support. One thing that Logitech has with this platform, is
a whole army of individuals who gladly donate some of their time helping
with the troubleshooting of the issue. I would assume that any forum
posts get escalated to support somehow (link in support log site to the
forum post?). In that case, things could be escalated sooner, if certain
steps have already been taken... And a last point on Software Support -
It is pretty uncommon to support so many platforms. Windows should be
relatively straight forward, as there are only so many flavours around
(of which less are currently in the support lifecycle from Microsoft,
which is a good standard for Logitech to monitor support for that
platform - and no, I do not agree that all Windows support techs have
to say is a fresh install. Windows did go through a massive maturity
cycle). However, how many Linux distro's are there? Do they all pack
the same dependencies? Do they all use the same packaging mechanism?
Especially if you are forced to make (forgive me, it has been 6 years
ago I last did anything with Linux) the files, then how would you know
of dependencies? IMHO simply too many variables to deal with in
support... In such case, I would be happy if a vendor like Logitech is
committed to providing this support at all.



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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-28 Thread radish

ncarver;284555 Wrote: 
 Hmm.  Never heard of DLL hell, eh?  Before you get too smug about how
 easy it is to provide software for Windows you might want to have a
 look at
The fact that you have to provide a wikipedia link is very telling.
This hasn't been a problem for years, I can say a lot of bad things
about Windows but ease of installation is not one of them - even the
article you link to points out that most of the problems discussed were
fixed in w2k (that's 8 years ago). I personally can't think of a
problematic installation of any software in the last 5 years. 

 You might also want to look at the somewhat difficult history of
 providing Perl on Windows:
SC doesn't require perl on Windows so that's irrelevant to the issue at

 Ultimately more an issue of whether it is worth training support
Agreed, it's all about getting the low hanging fruit. The problem I see
with supporting Linux is the sheer number of different ways of doing
stuff. Even if linux as a whole one day hit 50% market share on the
desktop, that would probably be split between 5 different major distros
(and many more minor ones), all with their own subtle (or not so subtle)
differences. Thankfully things seem to be stabalizing in terms of
installation managers, but IMHO it's a big shame some of the efforts a
couple of years ago to standardize stuff failed. I guess Ubuntu is
becoming the defacto standard instead now, for better or worse.


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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-28 Thread joeriz

I just want to add my data point to this discussion.  I have had to deal
with Logitech support once so far.  I was extremely pleased that I got
through to a live, english-speaking (hey, no offense, just happens to
make my life easier) human being immediately.  Moreover, the gentleman
was very friendly and helpful.  I can't say that for the vast majority
of my interactions with customer support at other companies.  Kudos!



Transporter  rebuilt/modified Dynaco ST-70 amplifier  JM Reynaud
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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-28 Thread ncarver

radish;284685 Wrote: 
 The fact that you have to provide a wikipedia link is very telling. This
 hasn't been a problem for years, I can say a lot of bad things about
 Windows but ease of installation is not one of them - even the article
 you link to points out that most of the problems discussed were fixed
 in w2k (that's 8 years ago). I personally can't think of a problematic
 installation of any software in the last 5 years.

Well I am a computer science professor, and I can tell you that our
sysadmins spend a significant fraction of their time dealing with
software problems on the WindowsXP machines.  Personally, as an only
occasional Windows user I can tell you that Adobe Photoshop Elements
broke other softrware on my home XP machine last year (of course what
got broken under XP is known to not run at all under Vista, so this has
become irrelevant).  Frankly, as a desktop Linux user, installing
distro-supplied software (from like 4 dvds worth online) and a few
other things like Firefox and Adobe Flash, I haven't had any software
issues in years (until SqueezeCenter).  So individual data points are
really fairly meaningless.  Windows has certainly improved a great deal
since 95 days, but Linux software isn't the horrible mess that many
Windows users seem to think it is.

Look, dependency problem are always going to be with us--if we are
going to use shared libraries.  Saying that MS fixed this 8 years ago
is simply not true (just as 30 year old UNIX hasn't fixed the
problem).  They just quit letting any application change system DLLs,
and provided approaches that *can* be used by developers to avoid
issues (isolated applications and side-by-side assemblies--i.e.,
potentially having each application provide its own version of library
components).  It used to be fairly common practice for companies to
have statically-linked versions of their Linux/UNIX software in order
to completely avoid dependency issues.  This is the only real way to
fix the dependency issue--eliminate it!  Frankly, as machines come to
have larger disks and more ram, the need to use dynamically loaded
and/or shared libraries becomes less and less critical.


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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-27 Thread snoogly

OK, so I am eating humble pie and recognise that Logitech support isn't
so different from any other kind of support. I guess it's the basic
principal that a fresh instal is always the best way to start - even
with a complex system like slimserver/squeezecenter.

If being asked to do a clean instal was accompanied by a note that all
server settings would be lost, it might make it less potentially
troublesome. Perhaps advice on how to backup settings (if that is
possible) could also be given before being requested to do a clean
instal. That's what really bugs me ~ a blanket piece of advice, without
a warning that settings will be lost, and no hint as how to back up
those settings.


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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-27 Thread Michael Herger
 I have been very pleased with the Duet that I got a couple of weeks ago,
 but I was having trouble getting the new SqueezeCenter server to scan my
 music collection (this is under Linux).
 module already installed in my system.  However, as I told the tech
 support guy, I would hardly be able to recommend this product to
 normal people as they wouldn't be capable of debugging the company's

normal people is a very loose definition. Don't get me wrong. But you're not 
normal ;-). normal people use Windows or (still normal?) OSX. SC comes with a 
nice installer for these platforms. No need to fiddle with modules on those 

Marginally normal people use something as esoteric as Ubuntu and run apt-get 
install squeezecenter. This takes care of the modules, too.

What OS/platform are you using? I'd guess it's some non-Debian Linux or a x64 

Technical support cares about normal people.


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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-27 Thread Peter
snoogly wrote:
 I was wondering if Logitech Support has helped anyone resolve a problem,
 without having to do a clean install of the software (slimerserver or

If I have a serious problem with SC, my first impulse is also to reinstall.

Common sense, really...
Must be cause I'm not a Mac user... ;)

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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-27 Thread matthijskoopmans

I have not used the software support from Logitech (I do remember the
great help at SlimDevices... at the time).

However, where the real challenge is, is not necessarily the software
support, but the hardware support. Local support for repairs and spare
parts still seems to be a utopia, which is far from desirable. Lets
hope Logitech will work out the logistics of that and leverage their
global reach...



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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-27 Thread Mnyb

matthijskoopmans;284211 Wrote: 
 I have not used the software support from Logitech (I do remember the
 great help at SlimDevices... at the time).
 However, where the real challenge is, is not necessarily the software
 support, but the hardware support. Local support for repairs and spare
 parts still seems to be a utopia, which is far from desirable. Lets
 hope Logitech will work out the logistics of that and leverage their
 global reach...

There is an incredible simple interime fix for this, reopen the online
store for non US people for spares/repair only until logitechs
international retails is up to it. It will take i bit longer to mail
things to and from the US but thats better than nothing.


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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-27 Thread ncarver

mherger;284173 Wrote: 
 normal people is a very loose definition. Don't get me wrong. But
 you're not normal ;-). normal people use Windows or (still normal?)
 OSX. SC comes with a nice installer for these platforms. No need to
 fiddle with modules on those systems.
 Marginally normal people use something as esoteric as Ubuntu and run
 apt-get install squeezecenter. This takes care of the modules, too.
 What OS/platform are you using? I'd guess it's some non-Debian Linux or
 a x64 platform?
 Technical support cares about normal people.

I am running Mandriva (32 bit).  I think that Red Hat and Novell/Suse
(and the vast majority of commercial users of Linux in the US) will be
quite surprised to hear that any Linux other than a Debian-based one is
now esoteric.

As for the old just use apt-get refrain, there *is* an RPM for SC,
and furthermore I am using the tar ball, which is supposedly completely
self-contained.  What could be easier than just extracting that
somewhere and starting SC in its toplevel directory?  Of course the
problem is that it doesn't like one of its *own* modules.  I was not
supposed to have to fiddle with the modules (in fact once I was able to
print out the error message where it fails, one of its suggested fixes
is to run the tar ball version!).  Unfortunately, the tar ball Perl
code is apparently self-inconsistent.  Adding a fancy installer to
avoid me having to manually extract the tar ball would have helped not
one whit here.

Anyway, the point was not that there was a code problem, the point was
that tech support didn't provide a *single* useful suggestion about how
to go about finding out what was wrong.  This is Perl after all, so
basic debugging should be similar on every platform.  Pretty bad if
they go, this is a non-Debian Linux so we just have no clue what to
do.  Remember, everything except for the scanning was running fine,
and I, after spending less than an hour reading about Perl, was able to
diagnose and fix the trouble quite quickly.  If the tech support person
knew anything at all about the SC code and/or Perl, they should have
been able to provide assistance.

I really am very impressed with the Duet, and would like to be able to
heartily recommend it to friends.  However, based on my experience,
tech support is completely useless.  You saying that was simply because
I wasn't running Windows, etc., does nothing to inspire confidence;
quite the opposite.



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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-27 Thread Michael Herger
(please note that these are my personal thoughts, not official Logitech 

 I am running Mandriva (32 bit).  I think that Red Hat and Novell/Suse
 (and the vast majority of commercial users of Linux in the US) will be
 quite surprised to hear that any Linux other than a Debian-based one is
 now esoteric.

I only wanted to point out the fact that normal user is very loose 
definition. I'm sorry you didn't get the irony I tried to put in my posting.

Sure enought all those distros by far are not esoteric. But I'd bet 99% of the 
users out there wouldn't even know what Mandriva is. Why? Because they don't 
care. They're normal users. And their computers come with Windows 

 Anyway, the point was not that there was a code problem, the point was
 that tech support didn't provide a *single* useful suggestion about how
 to go about finding out what was wrong.

And my point was to point out that support will never try to understand 100% of 
all problems. They concentrate on the vast majority (normal users). You can't 
expect a Linux/Perl/whatever guru on every phone - you wouldn't want to cover 
the cost of such a tech support.

 However, based on my experience,
 tech support is completely useless.  You saying that was simply because
 I wasn't running Windows, etc., does nothing to inspire confidence;
 quite the opposite.

If they can help 99% of the users, because they're using Windows or OSX, what's 
wrong with it?

Please don't get me wrong. I'm the last one to recommend Windows as a SC 
server. But blaming support of being ignorent, just because they don't know 
your Linux distro, is expecting too much. Stick with Windows and you'll have a 
simple installation and knowledgeable support. That's just how it is. Once 
Mandrake has the market share of Windows, I'm sure support will be up to task 
debugging your issue. Ubuntu is almost there.


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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-27 Thread Pale Blue Ego

Does anyone else find it ironic that the problem the original poster had
was not Ligitech's or Slim's fault at all, but a troublesome file in
his own music library?

Pale Blue Ego

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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-27 Thread ncarver

mherger;284312 Wrote: 
 I only wanted to point out the fact that normal user is very loose
 definition. I'm sorry you didn't get the irony I tried to put in my
 And my point was to point out that support will never try to understand
 100% of all problems. They concentrate on the vast majority (normal
 users). You can't expect a Linux/Perl/whatever guru on every phone -
 you wouldn't want to cover the cost of such a tech support.
 If they can help 99% of the users, because they're using Windows or
 OSX, what's wrong with it?
 Please don't get me wrong. I'm the last one to recommend Windows as a
 SC server. But blaming support of being ignorent, just because they
 don't know your Linux distro, is expecting too much.

Oh, I got your irony...I know I am not a normal user.

But again, you cite the distro as being critical to tech support
failing to help, while this was an issue within the supposedly
self-contained Perl tar ball.  I just fail to see how this can be
blamed on Mandriva--unless the attitude in tech support is, its a
Linux we don't care about so don't bother.

The support was being done via email, and while I wouldn't expect to
get a live expert in SC/Perl/Linux on the phone, I don't think it
unreasonable to expect that somebody with that experience might be
available to spend a few minutes over a period of two weeks to come up
with a single suggestion about how to even diagnose the problem.  The
fact that I, a computer science professional but one who doesn't know
anything about Perl, could spend half an hour reading about Perl, and
then diagnose and fix the problem in 15min, says to me that this was
not too tough to expect tech support to deal with over two weeks.

You apparently differ in what you expect from tech support, and that is
fine.  I cannot honestly say that I was that surprised given my
experiences with tech support from other companies, but I don't
recommend those companies' products to my non-technical friends either.


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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-27 Thread Michael Herger
 But again, you cite the distro as being critical to tech support
 failing to help, while this was an issue within the supposedly
 self-contained Perl tar ball.

Who says the tar ball was complete? There are dependencies which have to be 
fulfilled. This can't be managed using a tar ball.


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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-27 Thread maggior

Support in general for any high tech equipment has gone down hill.  Ever
call Linksys for help?  It's difficult to get a problem solved when your
setup isn't typical and/or your problem isn't common.  Logitech is not
unique in this reguard.  I used to do tech support.  To cut costs, the
type of support I used to provide is now part of their premium
support, which has a fee associated with it.  To compensate, they
created an elaborate web site and a forum much like this one.  This is
the norm today.

So far, I haven't had the need to call support.  This forum has been
tremendously helpful to me and has answered every single question I
have ever had.  I'm greatful that Logitech makes this forum available. 
I'm also greatful for the effort that the members here put forth to help
their fellow SB users.


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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-27 Thread seanadams

Pale Blue Ego;284332 Wrote: 
 Does anyone else find it ironic that the problem the original poster had
 was not Ligitech's or Slim's fault at all, but a troublesome file in
 his own music library?

The scanner should fail gracefully rather than lock up on encountering
a corrupted file, but that's easier said than done with the myriad of
container formats and tag formats that we try to support, and all the
possible ways that a file could be corrupted.  Ideally the way this
should have gone is that support would have realized this as a probable
cause for the scanner not completing, and been able to help the user
find the bad file. Then escalate to engineering to have the code
improved so that it doesn't crash on such a file in the future... has
this been done? we'd sure appreciate if you'd file a bug, attaching a
sample file and your fix.

This is one of the more challenging kind of problems we could
encounter. I think we're OK at handling the vast majority of support
calls about things like firewall settings and misbehaving plugins, but
clearly we need to get better at identifying the corner cases when they
come up.


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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-27 Thread erland

mherger;284173 Wrote: 
 normal people use Windows or (still normal?) OSX.
I guess I belong to special people then, that actually feels pretty
nice... :-)


Erland Isaksson
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(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-27 Thread ncarver

mherger;284344 Wrote: 
 Who says the tar ball was complete? There are dependencies which have
 to be fulfilled. This can't be managed using a tar ball.

Sorry about not being precise enough.  Obviously you are correct that
there are still some dependencies when using this tar ball--like an
appropriate version of Perl!  The tar ball does supply its own modules,
its own MySQL, etc., so not that many distro-specific issues it appears
to me.  I presume that is the point of having this installation

I was referring to the CPAN modules, as my understanding from reading
documentation and code was that all required modules are in the tar
ball.  The code (via loadModules() in rejects
the tar ball supplied Compress::Zlib module.  If you can tell me how
this is caused by running Mandriva I would appreciate it, because as I
said, I am very new to Perl (and modules look like yet another fine
library version mess).  I mean this sincerely, as similar issues seem
likely to arise with each update, so whatever I can learn from this so
much the better.  I probably should also file a bug report?  The reason
this problem was not obvious is that nothing gets logged from the error.
I haven't looked too deeply at this, but I think the scanner runs in a
subprocess and the print statements (stdout) must be redirected (to
like /dev/null).  Not very useful when scanner dies and writes nothing
to its log file (and yes, logging was set to debug level).  The only
message would be from plain old print statements (followed by exit).



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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-27 Thread Fletch

ncarver;284376 Wrote: 
 I was referring to the CPAN modules, as my understanding from reading
 documentation and code was that all required modules are in the tar
 ball.  The code (via loadModules() in rejects
 the tar ball supplied Compress::Zlib module.  If you can tell me how
 this is caused by running Mandriva I would appreciate it, because as I
 said, I am very new to Perl (and modules look like yet another fine
 library version mess).

I'm not really sure what error message you're seeing and I don't use
Mandriva but I recall that Mandriva uses a non-threaded perl.  This
means that the binary perl modules included with SC will not work.  In
theory, though, you should be able to run to
build them for your perl.

What error(s) are you seeing?
Have you looked at the output with --d_startup?


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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-27 Thread Michael Herger
 I was referring to the CPAN modules, as my understanding from reading
 documentation and code was that all required modules are in the tar
 ball.  The code (via loadModules() in rejects
 the tar ball supplied Compress::Zlib module.  If you can tell me how
 this is caused by running Mandriva I would appreciate it, because as I
 said, I am very new to Perl (and modules look like yet another fine
 library version mess).

I'm not sure what causes this problem. I guess that module is linked against a 
system library which does or does not exist on your system, or which is in a 
different version than expected.

 like /dev/null).  Not very useful when scanner dies and writes nothing
 to its log file (and yes, logging was set to debug level).  The only
 message would be from plain old print statements (followed by exit).

I wonder why SC would start, but the scanner would die if the library wasn't 
any good. But then I vaguely remember talk about something similar. Please do 
search bugzilla whether there's already a related report.


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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-27 Thread ncarver

OK--so bugzilla search led to a filed bug and thread in developer

Wish I had known about bugzilla earlier.  Finally saw it mentioned in
forums, but only after had already fixed this.  Did not come across it
looking at various web pages.  Obviously tech support person didn't
bother looking here either though!

Will investigate further as there are obviously multiple
issues/possibilities.  It is clear from this that the particular system
(e.g., Mandriva) could play a role here.  Wow--the Perl module system
and its dependencies looks even worse than I thought it was.  Want to
try to figure out why the the tar ball supplied Compress::Zlib module
doesn't work here, so I fully understand this.  Certainly what I read
about the .tar.gz version of SqueezeCenter which includes all required
CPAN modules is not true--at least not in the sense that the modules
will actually function.

Thanks for helping with understanding.  Forum is really *much* more
useful than tech support obviously.


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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-27 Thread Zaragon

As someone who has worked on computing helpdesks I kind of feel sorry
for those people as they can't really win. They get shouted at by
people that don't know what they are talking about and want it fixed
but don't want to help them fix it. They get shouted at by experts who
may know as much about the system as the helpdesk because they think
the helpdesk don't take them serious.

I can recount many stories of users ringing in complaining of computers
or terminals where they can't log in. You ask them what they see on
screen and they say they can't see where to put in the password. After
much prompting you get the idea that the screen is black. You ask them
if they have switched it on and they swear blind that they have. You
ask them if they see the little red light which of course they can't.
You ask them if it is plugged in and the plug is switch on. The insist
it is, they checked. You go around to them, switch the plug on and
amazingly there is the login prompt.

The first rule of faulting always used to be understand the problem.
Then understand the current state. With complex systems (and SC is one)
get it into as close to a known state as you can and fault from there.
One step at a time. 

The OP found it unacceptable that they wanted to do that because he
didn't want to lose settings but the helpdesk have no idea if it was
precisely those settings and plugins that were causing the issue. Log
files, where he found his answer, don't always tell the truth or rather
can sometimes be misleading and you are faulting from an unknown state.
Disaster debugging, which starts with an unknown state, is very very
hard work.

So I just want to say to anyone give the helpdesks a chance. Yes they
sometimes ask you to do things you know have no effect but they are
working the problem eliminating things one by one. You'd be surprised
how many times those things actually work, it is very easy to overlook
the obvious. And don't forget many users don't have the knowledge of
the people around here and need that level of support.


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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-27 Thread Pat Farrell
Zaragon wrote:
 As someone who has worked on computing helpdesks I kind of feel sorry
 for those people as they can't really win. 

Being is support is not a lot of fun.

I think this thread meets the criteria to be closed.
Specifically for the subject

Pat Farrell

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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-27 Thread Robin Bowes
One (important) point that no-one has yet pointed out is that I don't 
believe that Mandriva is an officially supported platform. Although, on 
looking this up in the FAQ, it only says:

Squeezebox, Transporter and SlimServer are officially supported under:

 * Windows NT/2000/XP,
 * Linux
 * Mac OS X 10.3 and above

Can this be clarified? Is Squeezecenter really supported on *all* linux 


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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-27 Thread ModelCitizen

Just to stick my finger in the air an wave it about before Pat gets the
thread closed.

I've had a great experience with Logitech's hardware support. My
Transporter backlit remote got dropped and the battery cover broke off.
Via Logitech support the device was replaced quickly... and in



Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.

It's the music, stupid.

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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-27 Thread ModelCitizen

Robin Bowes;284486 Wrote: 
 * Linux
 Can this be clarified? Is Squeezecenter really supported on *all* linux

Judging by the above statements about tarballs, dependencies, threaded
perl versions etc etc supporting Linux looks like a right nightmare. If
I was Logitech I'd stick to Windows (but not Vista of course).

What is a platofmrn anyway? Some sort of dinosaur?



Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.

It's the music, stupid.

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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-27 Thread JimC

Robin Bowes;284486 Wrote: 
 One (important) point that no-one has yet pointed out is that I don't 
 believe that Mandriva is an officially supported platform. Although, on
 looking this up in the FAQ, it only says:
 Squeezebox, Transporter and SlimServer are officially supported
 * Windows NT/2000/XP,
 * Linux
 * Mac OS X 10.3 and above
 Can this be clarified? Is Squeezecenter really supported on *all* linux

Not really.  Okay, we could but the cost would be so high (from a
QA/testing perspective alone) that I would end up requesting that Linux
support be dropped.  What we try to do is handle the most common Linux
issues, and operate under the assumption that if you're using any *nix
variant you are probably smarter than the average bear (see 'this for
the reference' (
and that you can take care of some of these issues on your own.

Maybe that's not a fair assumption, but the budgetary implications of
bringing our Linux support up to the level of Windows/Mac (in terms of
testing, tech support, installers, etc.) are pretty steep.  We do get
better at it as we go forward, but it will be a while--and probably a
fairly long while--before we are excellent at it.

-= Jim


well, she wasn't all of that, but she sure was some of that.  --
BKlaas' college buddy

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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-27 Thread ncarver

ModelCitizen;284489 Wrote: 
 Judging by the above statements about tarballs, dependencies, threaded
 perl versions etc etc supporting Linux looks like a right nightmare. If
 I was Logitech I'd stick to Windows (but not Vista of course).

Hmm.  Never heard of DLL hell, eh?  Before you get too smug about how
easy it is to provide software for Windows you might want to have a
look at
If you've never installed software on Windows only to have other
software break as a result, then you cannot have done much with
Windows.  There are library dependencies there too, just less variation
in installs (but Linux/UNIX has always handled multiple library versions

You might also want to look at the somewhat difficult history of
providing Perl on Windows:

Finally, a tar ball is just an archive--i.e., a zip file.  Never
downloaded a zip file that you had to extract a program from?  Again,
nothing really different here, except names and formats.  Ultimately
more an issue of whether it is worth training support personnel.


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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-27 Thread pablolie

i am very glad about logitech's commitment to enable linux users to help
themselves, and that is no irony. many companies do not even provide a
basic option. i love the fact i have the choice to run squeezecenter
7.0 on a platform that -according to microsoft standards- is not worth
running Vista and barely good enough for XP.

i do run an Ubuntu 7.10 server for some core stuff, and i am NOT a
linux poweruser. and yet i have never had issues running SQC on my
server, unlike with many other applications. try running Itunes or many

i LOVE this platform, and the user community that helps out so much.

written from ubuntu server running SQC!


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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-27 Thread jeffmeh

ncarver;284555 Wrote: 
 Hmm.  Never heard of DLL hell, eh?  Before you get too smug about how
 easy it is to provide software for Windows you might want to have a
 look at
 If you've never installed software on Windows only to have other
 software break as a result, then you cannot have done much with
 Windows.  There are library dependencies there too, just less variation
 in installs (but Linux/UNIX has always handled multiple library versions
 You might also want to look at the somewhat difficult history of
 providing Perl on Windows:
 Finally, a tar ball is just an archive--i.e., a zip file.  Never
 downloaded a zip file that you had to extract a program from?  Again,
 nothing really different here, except names and formats.  Ultimately
 more an issue of whether it is worth training support personnel.

With all due respect, I think you are missing the point.  Regardless of
the relative technical merits of Windows vs. various Linux variants, to
best serve its market Logitech must best support the platforms with the
largest market shares.  Additionally, scale economies make it more
efficient to support the more prevalent platform than the less
prevalent one.  Given this, Logitech's approach to this makes good
financial sense.


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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-27 Thread ncarver

jeffmeh;284562 Wrote: 
 With all due respect, I think you are missing the point.  Regardless of
 the relative technical merits of Windows vs. various Linux variants, to
 best serve its market Logitech must best support the platforms with the
 largest market shares.  Additionally, scale economies make it more
 efficient to support the more prevalent platform than the less
 prevalent one.  Given this, Logitech's approach to this makes good
 financial sense.

Funny, it seems like that was *precisely* what I was saying with this
final line:  Ultimately more an issue of whether it is worth training
support personnel.  I.e., It isn't that Windows is easier to support,
it just isn't worth it to support less common platforms.  Perhaps you
didn't bother to read to the end of my post?


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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-27 Thread JimC

ModelCitizen;284489 Wrote: 
 Judging by the above statements about tarballs, dependencies, threaded
 perl versions etc etc supporting Linux looks like a right nightmare. If
 I was Logitech I'd stick to Windows (but not Vista of course).
 What is a platofmrn anyway? Some sort of dinosaur?

Actually, I use Ubuntu Linux, and it's pretty good overall.  The
automatic updater works really well, even with the nightly builds; it
has a Windows-like GUI that makes it easier for a novice (like me!) to
deal with; and it is faster than Windows, and very stable.

The SqueezeCenter installation on Ubuntu was as simple as Windows or
the Mac.

-= Jim


well, she wasn't all of that, but she sure was some of that.  --
BKlaas' college buddy

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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-26 Thread snarlydwarf

Every time I call Sprint or ATT to report a line down, their first
question is, have you reset your equipment?

If for some large percentage of problems the triage of try a
reinstall, see if that fixes it fixes things, then it is a fine


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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-26 Thread Ben Sandee
On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 5:33 PM, snoogly 

 I contacted them earlier this year with an issue, and they had only one
 answer: deletes all traces of the software and do a clean install. As
 this would mean losing all the various settings I have done to the
 server, and plugins, I really didn't want to do it. So I ignored them,
 and managed to find an answer elsewhere. Once someone told me what to
 look for in the log files, I tracked down a troublesome file in a music
 folder, deleted it, and everything worked fine again.

First of all, your subject is just a bit melodramatic.  To have grave doubts
about something like this is taking things a bit too seriously.

Second, you have to realize what perspective the support people are coming
from.  Most people haven't invested a great deal of time in their player
settings and are most interested in getting their music playing ASAP.
Digging around in log files is the LAST thing most people calling support
want to do.  They want it fixed, and they want it fixed an hour ago.  For
most people, doing a clean install is the FASTEST way to resolve a problem
and get their music playing again.  For those that have other priorities
there are certainly other options available to them and you have done well
for yourself -- congratulations.

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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-26 Thread radish

Their job is to get you up and running as quickly as possible, so that
they can move onto helping the next customer. In _many_ cases a problem
is due to a corrupted installation, bad cached data, custom settings,
third party plugins, etc and so doing a clean install will either fix
the problem right away or make the subsequent troubleshooting much
easier. I've never called them myself but I've heard a lot of praise
for SD support in the past, certainly more than most other helpdesks. 

I find your Mac comment quite entertaining given Apple's recommended
solution for pretty much any iPod problem - restart and reinstall!
( Same goes for
Aperture, Final Cut, etc. First update to latest version, then delete
user prefs, then reinstall.


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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-26 Thread Phil Leigh

snoogly;284052 Wrote: 
 I was wondering if Logitech Support has helped anyone resolve a problem,
 without having to do a clean install of the software (slimerserver or
 I contacted them earlier this year with an issue, and they had only one
 answer: deletes all traces of the software and do a clean install. As
 this would mean losing all the various settings I have done to the
 server, and plugins, I really didn't want to do it. So I ignored them,
 and managed to find an answer elsewhere. Once someone told me what to
 look for in the log files, I tracked down a troublesome file in a music
 folder, deleted it, and everything worked fine again.
 I got the feeling that Logitech Support either didn't know how to
 really troubleshoot a problem (on a Mac anyway), or that they do - but
 telling people to wipe everything and start again is easier. I fear the
 latter is true, as this time the 'first tier' of support told me to do
 just that, without any attempt to track down the problem. I have now
 been promoted to the 2nd tier, and low and behold they are saying the
 exact same thing - before they have even attempted to find out what the
 problem really is.
 This kind of 'Support' might be normal in a Windows environment, but as
 a Mac user (and very long term slim devices customer) I find it shoddy
 and lazy.
 Has anyone managed to get real support from them? If so, could you let
 me have the name of the support staff who helped you? I am beginning to
 wonder if anyone there really understands the nuts and bolts of the
 Sorry if I sound riled - but I am. I do not consider this to be
 'support' at all.

This kind of support is the norm for any kind of equipment as it solves
90% of problems.
My understanding - having monitored these forums for many years now -
is that SD support is way way above what you get from most manufacturer
support forums. YMMV.
Touch wood I have NEVER had to contact SD support. But I've seen many
happy customers who have. The same cannot be said for lots of

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber  Chord cables

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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-26 Thread Fletch

I don't work in any kind of tech support (anymore), but I try to spend
some time supporting users on these forums.  I generally avoid
suggesting the start over and reinstall solution, but it's always in
the front of my mind.  IMO, by the time someone has contacted support
or posted on the forums, he has probably tried 5 or 10 things on his
own that didn't work.  The chances that these unsuccessful fixes have
broken things that are unrelated to the original problem are
significant.  I'd rather start debugging a problem with a clean


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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-26 Thread ncarver

I have been very pleased with the Duet that I got a couple of weeks ago,
but I was having trouble getting the new SqueezeCenter server to scan my
music collection (this is under Linux).  After several days I contacted
tech support and provided quite a bit of info (including, as it turns
out, precisely the reason for the problem).  Two weeks later, the tech
support person had frankly been of absolutely no help at all, and had
seemingly ignored all my observations that the scanner program wasn't
even running.  Having a couple spare hours finally, and having given up
on tech support being of any help, I learned enough Perl to be able to
read the scanner code and instrument it to see what was happening. 
Sure enough, there were problems with module loading that caused the
scanner to exit without doing any scanning (and without doing *any*
logging).  Luckily I was able to get SC to use the version of the
module already installed in my system.  However, as I told the tech
support guy, I would hardly be able to recommend this product to
normal people as they wouldn't be capable of debugging the company's
code, and that is apparently necessary if you actually want to get
something fixed.  Certainly not a good experience.  So I would have
give the tech support an F!  Too bad, as I am very impressed with most
other aspects of the SqueezeBox.  However, very reluctant now to
recommend it to people that aren't, say, programmers.


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Re: [slim] Grave doubts about Logitech 'support

2008-03-26 Thread Mnyb

They took there time with me a while back.
The solution was not exactly stellar so from me they get:

(2/5) for tech support*
(5/5) for friendly attitude, and willingness to help :-)

*not easy to support such a buggy thing as 6.5.x

Now theres probably a barrage of newcomers flooding the service line,
so who nows.

/flame suit on
/stating the obvious on

The long term solution would be a less buggy product that didn't needed
so much fiddling, to get to work :)

/stating the obvious off
/flame suit off


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