Re: [expert] Java

2002-12-14 Thread nDiScReEt
Hash: SHA1

On Friday 13 December 2002 9:59 am, Felix Miata wrote:
> Tibbetts, Ric wrote:
> > From: Jack Coates [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >
> > On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 05:00, Felix Miata wrote:
> > > # rpm -qa | grep ava
> > > #
> > >
> > > OK, what's the secret code to find out what java version is installed?
> >
> > How about:
> >
> > java -version
> Minor progress only, as the result is quite unexpected and incomplete.
> Mozilla problems are causing people to recommend upgrading java from
> v1.3 to v1.4. In 9.0, 'java -version' and 'java -fullversion' both
> report version 1.1, just-in-time v3 version 1.0.7;  and neither report
> which rpm is responsible for its presence.

How about this command:

rpm -q --what-requires /usr/bin/java

- -- 
Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated
"If you don't want your dog to have bad breath, do what I do:  Pour a little
Lavoris in the toilet."
-- Jay Leno
Mandrake Linux release 9.1 (Cooker) for i586
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [expert] kernel 2.5.50 on Mandrake

2002-12-04 Thread nDiScReEt
Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 04 December 2002 6:08 am, Robert Crawford wrote:
> Is anyone using kernel 2.5.50 with Mandrake 9.0? I've tried to compile,
> both using the stock 9.0 .config file from /boot, and doing my own
> menuconfig and xconfig, but can never get past make dep without multiple
> errors. I've updated the required stuff in the 2.5.50 Documentation/changes
> file, but it didn't seem to help. Maybe I left something out, but I was
> careful to be sure and have the versions needed for installing the new
> kernel. Could it be gcc 3.2 is causing the problems?
> Thanks,
> Robert Crawford

More than likely your kernel headers don't match. Recompile the appropriate 
kernel headers for that version of kernel. HTH

- -- 
Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated
Being frustrated is disagreeable, but the real disasters in life begin
when you get what you want.
Mandrake Linux release 9.1 (Cooker) for i586
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [expert] Hack attack analysis [OT]

2002-11-30 Thread nDiScReEt
Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 30 November 2002 7:13 pm, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
> On Saturday 30 November 2002 07:17 pm, James Sparenberg wrote:
> > On Sat, 2002-11-30 at 15:48, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
> > > On Saturday 30 November 2002 03:27 pm, James Sparenberg wrote:
> > > > I'll second chrootkit.  I actually use it pro-actively on all of my
> > > > servers and re-actively on ones people suspect have been hacked and
> > > > want me to test.  It has found problems and from what one of my
> > > > friends tells me ... a hacker (They managed to find a "salesman" who
> > > > was creating his own network for file sharing by root kitting company
> > > > servers.)
> > > >
> > > > James
> > >
> > > James:
> > > C'mon -- a salesman smart enough to hack a server on purpose? I just
> > > can't believe it. They're the guys who were the inspiration for all of
> > > the cupholder jokes.
> >
> > How much intelligence does it take to download script kiddy scripts and
> > run them?  If it took intelligence 90% of the hackers would be back
> > trying to figure out how to get unlimited turns in pong.
> >
> > James
> James:
> We're talking salesmen here -- living proof that the Neanderthals did
> survive. Fast forward to some time in the future when medical science has
> perfected brain transplants.
> Doctor: "I'm afraid I have some bad news for you. You have a brain tumor,
> and the only thing that I can do for you is a brain transplant."
> Patient: "Wow, that's scary. How much is that going to cost?"
> Doctor: "It depends on what kind of brain that we transplant. The cost is
> based on the weight of the brain. For example, a brain from an ordinary
> person runs $1,000 a pound. Now, if you can afford more, you can have an
> engineer's brain for $3,000 a pound. About the same for programmers. The
> going rate for doctors' and lawyers' brains is $7,500 a pound. And then
> there are rocket scientists' brains; figure $10,000 to $12,000 a pound."
> Patient: "Gee, that sounds expensive."
> Doctor: "Not really. Salesmen's brains run $100,000 a pound."
> Patient: "Why are salemsen's brains so expensive?"
> Doctor: "Actually it's pretty cheap when you figure how many salesmen we
> have to kill to get a pound of brains."
> -- cmg

ROFLMAO! Thank you for that joke! I needed that.

- -- 
Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated
"Dump the condiments.  If we are to be eaten, we don't need to taste good."
- -- "Visionaries" cartoon
Mandrake Linux release 9.1 (Cooker) for i586
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [expert] mdk 8.2 + updates + dhcpcd + DLink 530TX+

2002-11-29 Thread nDiScReEt
Hash: SHA1

On Friday 29 November 2002 9:40 pm, Jason Snyder wrote:
> [into]
> Here is something that seems to be broken.  I took my mdk 8.2 Professional
> CDs, copied them to the RAID 5 array on my main Linux box (running mdk
> 8.2), and installed over the network (through http) to my test box earlier
> today. The install itself went without a hitch and I was able to run the
> automatic updater (over cable modem through my firewall).
> [problem]
> The problem that I noticed is that once the machine came up after the
> install the subnet it dhcpd was wrong.  (Instead of grabbing a.b.c.s it got
> a.b.0.s.)
> [hardware]
> NIC: DLink 530TX+
> [diagnostics]
> This used to work on a previous install of mdk 8.2 on the same box.
> (Different NIC do to two others recently going out on the box).  I doubt
> that the problem is the NIC this time (DLink 530TX+) because the NIC dhcped
> its info and worked flawlessly on the install and continues to work
> flawlessly under Windows XP on the same box.
> The dhcpd.leases file on the dhcpd server has an entry for test box that is
> identical except that it shows a.b.c.s for the IP while the test box itself
> has a.b.0.s (notice the 0 instead of c).  The entry has a different IP
> address than the machine did with the previous NICs, so it had to of worked
> properly at least once.  Also there are no entries with the a.b.0.s in the
> dhcpd.leases file while at the same time the machine grabs its info without
> reporting errors.
> Something else that I noticed is that Mandrake's RPM manager reports that I
> have the original dhcpcd client on the machine.  I am wondering if
> something else got updated and messed things up or if there is something
> else going on that I haven't thought about yet.
> I also thought that it is a little ironic that this very same NIC I am
> having problems with now had been dishing out IP addresses to my network
> until about 55 days ago when I decomissioned my AMD K5-75  (due to the
> motherboard flaking out).
> Over the past year and a half I have had two ports on my switch go out from
> under this card, but the card itself checked out fine.
> [footer]
> Any help would be appreciated.
> --Jason Snyder--

Up until you mentioned this I thought the problem was due to something I did. 
I get the same thing using Cooker. I think if you are referring to the 
dnshostname for the ip. Instead of, I get my old This keeps me from ever getting the proftpd server to 
start up on my computer. Many months ago when I was with my old ip address 
with the same isp, I installed proftpd server using Mandrake's MCC ftp server 
configuration. It will not even run any further than downloading and 
installing the proftpd package.

- -- 
Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated
Portable, adj.:
Survives system reboot.
Mandrake Linux release 9.1 (Cooker) for i586
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [expert] routing/DNS problems - wireless connection sharing

2002-11-28 Thread nDiScReEt
Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 28 November 2002 9:49 am, Praedor Tempus wrote:
> I am getting mixed success with my wireless connection
> sharing.  I am finally figuring out certain aspects
> that need to be handled to get it working but one
> baffles me still.
> I get a modem connection on box 1 which is ad-hoc
> wireless connected to box 2.  After the connection,
> box 1 can use the internet OK but box 2 doesn't get
> DNS - it can only use the internet if IP addresses are
> used while site names lead to unknown host messages.
> I have checked my routing tables and they are fine.  I
> also have iptables setup to NAT.  I am just not able
> to get name resolution on box 2 from box 2.  At the
> moment, to get it working I have had to manually add
> the DNS IP on box 2 assigned by the modem connection.
> How do I get name resolution to work?  I am not
> running a local DNS (and would prefer not to).  I
> SHOULD be able to use the DNS settings of box 1 to get
> name resolution on box 2.  What settings need to be
> looked at on which box to get this working?  It HAS
> worked before but I have no idea how/why - while now
> it doesn't.
> My iptables-save output is:
> # Generated by iptables-save v1.2.5 on Thu Nov 28
> 10:45:49 2002
> *filter
> :INPUT ACCEPT [2753:2158267]
> :OUTPUT ACCEPT [3352:376728]
> -A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp -m udp --sport 68 --dport 67
> -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --sport 68 --dport 67
> -A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp -m udp --sport 67 --dport 68
> -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --sport 67 --dport 68
> -A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
> -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
> -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
> -A FORWARD -i eth0 -j ACCEPT
> -A FORWARD -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j
> # Completed on Thu Nov 28 10:45:49 2002
> # Generated by iptables-save v1.2.5 on Thu Nov 28
> 10:45:49 2002
> *nat
> :PREROUTING ACCEPT [202:12816]
> :OUTPUT ACCEPT [468:37967]
> -A POSTROUTING -s -o ppp0 -j
> # Completed on Thu Nov 28 10:45:49 2002
> My box 1 routing table contains:
> Kernel IP routing table
> Destination Gateway Genmask Flags
> Metric RefUse Iface
> UH
> 0  00 ppp0
>   U
> 0  00 eth0
>   U
> 0  00 lo
> UG
> 0  00 ppp0
> Anyone have any wisdom to put forth?  On box 2, how do
> I setup DNS (with linuxconf?)  Right now, I have box
> 1's IP as its DNS (  This is also its
> gateway.
> praedor
> __
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

What is in the resolv.conf on both boxes assuming that they are both *nix 
machines? YOu should have your dns information there. I had to setup 
/etc/resolv.conf on my PDA so that it could use the dns as well.

- -- 
Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated
61. Yes, I chowned all the files to belong to pvcs.  Is that a problem to

--Top 100 things you don't want the sysadmin to say
Mandrake Linux release 9.1 (Cooker) for i586
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [expert] ideal web cam supported by mdk9.0

2002-11-26 Thread nDiScReEt
Hash: SHA1

Are you looking to use USB1.1 or USB2.0? If the first, I recommend Logitech 
Pro 4000. Supposedly it is really a USB2.0 device but it is compatible with 

On Tuesday 26 November 2002 6:18 pm, J. Grant wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm looking for the ideal web cam supported by mdk9.0.
> I checked the mdk  hardware db
> but it does not seem to have a section for web cams.  (would not let me
> search the whole catagory too for some reason)
> Could anyone recommend a good one, I am thinking of USB VGA or half VGA
> resolution quality for around 50€ or less.
> I have found one USB Flexicam, go to and search
> for product A01AL.  Their URL's do not work for some reason.
> There is not info on supported architectures.  Is it common for USB web
> cam's to use one chipset or standard commonly?
> Advice welcome
> Regards
> JG

- -- 
Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated
... I think I'd better go back to my DESK and toy with a few common
Mandrake Linux release 9.1 (Cooker) for i586
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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[expert] TI ADSL Support

2002-11-25 Thread nDiScReEt
Anyone know if there is support for a TI ADSL NIC card? It is a Texas 
Instruments card and I have googled myself insane. Please help me find my 
insanity. It is somewhere out there.

Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated


Mandrake Linux release 9.1 (Cooker) for i586

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Re: [expert] UT2003 and linux

2002-11-24 Thread nDiScReEt
Hash: SHA1

On Friday 22 November 2002 4:05 pm, Miark wrote:
> :-) Yes, I got the splash screen. I know when the nVidia drivers
> aren't working becuase TuxRacer is simply unplayable. But it's
> a-rockin' right now.
> By the way, here's my relevant system info: 1.1GHz Athlon, 1.0 GB
> RAM, and GeForce 4MX 460.
> How close, in actuality, should the performance be between playing in
> Winsux and Linux? Is it possible that my XFree needs a tweak? Might
> UT need to be called up with special parameters? Is it possible that
> UT2003 is not using the nVidia drivers despite the fact they're
> there? I doubt this last one because the play is smooth until it's in
> the middle of really heated play.
> Miark
> On Fri, 22 Nov 2002 13:56:29 -0500

I recommend recompiling your kernel. For me (I have  a P4 1.3 GHz with 384MB 
RDRAM using Geforce4 Ti 4200 128MB DDR RAM) I noticed a considerable change 
in performance when I recompiled my kernel. I selected only nvidia drivers 
for the video, creative drivers only for my sb audigy sound card, and realtek 
8139 drivers for my  NIC card. This produced gaming on a level that has me 
almost wearing Depends! I wil post my XFree86-4 config file if that might 
help any:

Section "Module"
# This loads the DBE extension module.
Load "dbe"

# This loads the Video for Linux module.
Load "v4l"

# This loads the NV for OpenGL Linux module.
Load "glx"

# This loads the Type1 and FreeType font modules

Load "type1"
Load "freetype"

# This loads the miscellaneous extensions module, and disables
# initialisation of the XFree86-DGA extension within that module.

Subsection "extmod"
#Option "omit xfree86-dga"

- -- 
Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated
Getting into trouble is easy.
-- D. Winkel and F. Prosser
Mandrake Linux release 9.1 (Cooker) for i586
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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[expert] Mounted Partition Restriction

2002-11-14 Thread nDiScReEt
Is there a way to increase the number of partitions that can be mounted? Any 
one know as I am trying to mount alll the partitions on my second harddrive 
but with no success.

Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

If Patrick Henry thought that taxation without representation was bad,
he should see how bad it is with representation.

Mandrake Linux release 9.1 (Cooker) for i586

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Re: [expert] Backup on CDs

2002-11-11 Thread nDiScReEt
Hash: SHA1

On Monday 11 November 2002 10:59 am, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
> On Friday 08 November 2002 17:54, Manuel Soto wrote:
> > I have problems w/ burning CDs after migrating to 9.0. Drakbackup and
> > mondo are unable to write CDR or CDRW. I want to be more precise but
> > don know hat to obtain more information from my box. It works for
> > several days until it doesn't work any more. I Don't know why.
> >
> >
> >
> > # cdrecord -scanbus
> > Cdrecord 1.11a32 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2002 Jörg
> > Schilling
> > Linux sg driver version: 3.1.24
> > Using libscg version 'schily-0.6'
> > scsibus0:
> > 0,0,0 0) *
> Just to be sure, did you check these settings were right?
> Migrating from 8.2 to 9.0 my scsibus settings changed from 0,0,0 to 0,2,0!
> Don't know why though.
> Good Luck,
> Harm

Or 0,3,0 in my case (ide-scsi).
- -- 
Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated
To find a friend one must close one eye; to keep him -- two.
-- Norman Douglas
Mandrake Linux release 9.1 (Cooker) for i586
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [expert] Re: 15 X wierdness - Was: Server shuts down

2002-11-05 Thread nDiScReEt
Hash: SHA1

On Monday 04 November 2002 10:17 pm, Jim C wrote:
> Man, oh man... 15 different kinds of wierdness...
> Jim C wrote:
> >> When it "shuts down" what happens if you try to ssh into it.  If it's a
> >
> > No response.  Were talkin total lockup here.  I have to restart.
> > It is not a webserver.
> >
> >> suspect that perhaps apm or APIC (hope I got the right acronym here.) is
> >>
>  >Tried disabeling apic - no dice.  Also tried nopentium kernel
>  >parameter.  This is an older Athlon.
>  >
> >> trying to put the box to sleep.  If so turn off or even remove apm from
> >> the box and boot with an append of "noapic".
> >
> > Done this already.  It is covered in Mandrake errata.
> > I'm thinking now that it may be a network issue that is causeing the
> > problem rather than a video issue.  Cable service in this town sux and
> > is up and down frequently.  Although I may be wrong, sometimes trouble
> > on the network seems to coincide with the shutdown.
> OK, so here is the speil...
> My server has been locking up on me after an unspecified amount of time.
> Sometimes it locks up during a re-install but I think only after the
> network has been configured.  I'ld had some much trouble with it that I
> took it down and jacked a client system (WinXP) directly into the cable
> modem.  Left it running all night and in the morning, guess what... lockup!
> So... 2 different machines and 3 different OS's.  Windows XP pro and
> Linux Mandrake versions 8.2 and 9.0.  Also recently had hardware trouble
> with a 3rd system.  What could possibly be causeing this?  It is a
> fairly recent occurance, all 3 machines worked fine all summer with XP
> and Mandrake 8.2 as the server.  I'm out of ideas so I need some
> brainstorming, guys.

Maybe the cmos battery needs to be replaced. Solved my problem when I had the 
same situation that you are having now.

- -- 
Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated
Your reasoning powers are good, and you are a fairly good planner.
Mandrake Linux release 9.1 (Cooker) for i586
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [expert] MDK 9 & Sony Clié

2002-11-02 Thread nDiScReEt
Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 02 November 2002 12:44 pm, Toshiro wrote:
> Anybody know how to synchronize a Sony Clié PDA (it's Palm compatible,
> running Palm OS 4.1) in Mandrake?
> The cradle is USB, and the device is not recognized (no /dev/ttyUSBx).
> Do I have to recompile the kernel?

Better off getting a serial connection for your PDA, as the native OS on most 
PDAs use proprietary USB communication. I have a Compaq (now called HP) iPAQ 
3835 with both a serial and USB connection. I used the serial connection to 
initially setup a means to communicate with linux and my PDA. Now, I'm 
looking into installing a linux OS to my little toy. HTH

- -- 
Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated
Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall!
All the king's horses,
And all the king's men,
Had scrambled eggs for breakfast again!
Mandrake Linux release 9.1 (Cooker) for i586
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [expert] Consultation

2002-10-28 Thread nDiScReEt
Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 27 October 2002 11:23 pm, Kiran wrote:
> I'm not sure that XP/2000 meed this (they might though, I think the boot
> loader needs to be on C:), but I don't think it would hurt. Windows 9x
> needs to be on the C: drive so if windows is on the second drive(hdb or
> D: if you prefer) or up, you need to map it down to the C: drive.
> The first 2 lines map the C: to the D: and lines 3 & 4 map the D: to the
> C:.
> On Mon, 2002-10-28 at 06:06, Mcleod, Ian wrote:
> > What is this for?
> >
> > map-drive = 0x80
> >
> > >   to = 0x81
> > >   map-drive = 0x81
> > >   to = 0x80
> .Kiran

It needs it because I use XP on the other partition.

- -- 
Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated
When camping in late fall or winter, your underwear will stay at approximately 
-- Murphy's Laws of Camping n°23
Mandrake Linux release 9.1 (Cooker) for i586
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [expert] Consultation

2002-10-27 Thread nDiScReEt
Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 27 October 2002 9:53 pm, Sabesan wrote:
> Dear Sir or Madam:
> I'm a lecturer at department of Computer Science, University of Jaffna, 
> Jaffna, Sri Lanka. We are using Mandrake 8.0, 8.1 distributions of Linux
> operating system.
> I have a problem that how to boot a particular operating system from two 
> different operating systems(say Mandrake 8.0, Windows Xp) on two  different
> hard drives on the same machine. Please let me know the complete
> information about this matter. We are using IBM (Pentium IV)  machines.
> Please send it early as possible.
> Your's truely
> Sabesan
> Lecturer
> Dept of Computer Science
> University of Jaffna
> Jaffna
> Sri Lanka

That depends on where you put the windows xp. 

Rule #1 have at least the /boot partition on disk 1.
Rule #2 if xp will be completely on drive two, configure your boot entry like 

map-drive = 0x80
to = 0x81
map-drive = 0x81
to = 0x80

That is my entry for my windowsxp installation on the second disk. HTH

- -- 
Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated
The kind of danger people most enjoy is the kind they can watch from
a safe place.
Mandrake Linux release 9.1 (Cooker) for i586
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [expert] Third Hard Drive

2002-10-27 Thread nDiScReEt
Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 20 August 2002 3:43 pm, et wrote:
> On Tuesday 20 August 2002 07:23 pm, you wrote:
> > I'm in the process of downloading the 9.0 beta for a look. I'd like to
> > put it on a third drive I have on this, my principle, system rather than
> > on an ancillary system I'd typically use for testing. I'd be better able
> > to keep an eye on it that way. I've hear that installation on a third
> > drive is a no-no. It that true or just an old saw?
> >
> > John Lowell
> it don't matter to linux, and as long as winders is on the first partition
> of the first drive, you can split linux over three hard drives, and it
> won't care

It is only a no-no if you put your boot partition on the third drive. It works 
best and is recommended for the first harddrive. windows can run well on any 
of your three drives. It just required added input to your lilo.conf entry 
for windows if it is installed on either the second or third harddrive. I can 
vouch for this as I have my windows partitions on the second and third discs 
with no problem.

- -- 
Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated
An antique that seems too good to be true, probably is. 
-- Kathy Lee's Dictum
Mandrake Linux release 9.1 (Cooker) for i586
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [expert] rpm --rebuild

2002-08-11 Thread nDiScReEt

Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 11 August 2002 1:44 pm, Gary Montalbine wrote:
> I am using the commercial 3 CD set of LM 8.2. I have tried to do a rpm
> --rebuild of rpmfind and a rpm --rebuild of db3...src.rpm. I keep
> getting errors in the g++, gcc and cpp0 links. Apparently there are two
> versions installed and they are intermixed. I doubt that I am the only
> one having this problem. Is there a patch or other fix for this problem?
> I cannot find anything in the archives or elsewhere.
> Thanks,
> Gary

try installing the libgcc3.2 and then try to rebuild the others. HTH
- -- 
Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated
Why is the alphabet in that order?  Is it because of that song?
-- Steven Wright
Mandrake Linux release 9.0 (Cooker) for i586
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [expert] URPMI Database

2002-08-08 Thread nDiScReEt

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 08 August 2002 4:20 pm, Todd Lyons wrote:
> Martin wrote on Thu, Aug 08, 2002 at 07:35:47AM +0100 :
> > > What worked?
> >
> > urpmi cdrom1 /mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMS ../base/
> Since it's a cdrom which is by its design not always going to be there,
> you should use instead:
> urpmi.addmedia cdrom1 removable://mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMS with
> ../base/
> Note that the "with ../base/" is not required.  It will
> generate its own hdlist if you do not give it the path to one.  This
> only works for local files and removable media, not for ftp and http.
> Blue skies... Todd

Thank you, Todd! Learning IS fundamental.

- -- 
Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated
share, n.:
To give in, endure humiliation.
Mandrake Linux release 9.0 (Cooker) for i586
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [expert] Lost Control Center

2002-07-30 Thread nDiScReEt

Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 30 July 2002 3:46 am, jarmo wrote:
> Just upgraded kde from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 and seemed to go ok...
> BUT...First what found...ControlCenter stopped working...
> Have this issue been under discussion and fixed...I have been
> 2 months now without linux because of travelling,so haven't
> read news lately...
> So please,if discussed,point me to topics...
> Jarmo

You more than likely have to update the system menu as I get that, too, every 
now and then when you updates.

- -- 
Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated
You will always forget the most important item if you don't make a list
-- Murphy's Food Laws n°10
Mandrake Linux release 9.0 (Cooker) for i586
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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[expert] Local DNS

2002-07-29 Thread nDiScReEt

Hash: SHA1

I am having a hard time with a concept. I want my internal network to have a 
domain (which I plan on registering at a later date). I have another domain 
registered with namezero. I want to have a url for each of my internal 
computers like Whether it be internal or external. I just 
don't know how to do this. I don't really know where to start. Am I to 
transfer my existing domain to my network server? What am I to do? 

"Lost in the Web"

- -- 
Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated
In war it is not men, but the man who counts.
-- Napoleon
Mandrake Linux release 9.0 (Cooker) for i586
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [expert] 9.0's kernel?

2002-07-29 Thread nDiScReEt

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 29 July 2002 1:51 pm, Bryan Whitehead wrote:
> while it was in kernel space. The preeptive kernel can.
> Example of fully premptive kernel: Solaris, among many others
> Some more stuff to read:
> <- kernel locking
> <- Sample chapter
>   on Solaris Kernel internals
> <- more links of how linux preemptive
>   kernel works

Thank you, Bryan. I will use this information and create a preemptive kernel 
on my system to experience the difference.

- -- 
Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated
The only really masterful noise a man makes in a house is the noise
of his key, when he is still on the landing, fumbling for the lock.
-- Colette
Mandrake Linux release 9.0 (Cooker) for i586
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [expert] 9.0's kernel?

2002-07-26 Thread nDiScReEt

On Friday 26 July 2002 8:10 pm, Damian G wrote:
> > You do realize that using this patch pretty much prevents the machine
> > from being used as a high capacity server.  It allow the kernel to be
> > pulled away from "unimportant" things to take care of "really important"
> > things like your desktop.  Hardly an acceptable compromise on a server.
> *drools* hmmm deeskto... *drools*
> Damian

I see what you mean, Damian. If they can create a kernel package for a server 
(kernel-secure) and a multiprocessor (kernel-smp), surely one can be created 
for desktop users, right? 

P.S. I laughted  my @z off the first time I read your reply! LoL


Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

Be careful!  UGLY strikes 9 out of 10!
Mandrake Linux release 9.0 (Cooker) for i586

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [expert] Re: [newbie] I have an opportunity...

2002-07-24 Thread nDiScReEt

On Wednesday 24 July 2002 6:06 am, g wrote:
> civileme wrote:
> > Ronald J. Hall wrote:
> >>I just got this e-mail from a friend
> >
> > There was a 7.0 version for 486,
> nice info.
> you shot some dreams, not mine. mainly, saved a lot of time.
> i >had< thoughts of 'make do' with 486 boxes. they will now
> be headless controllers. aka, buttons, lights, whistles, in
> a big metal box.
> thank you also, mviron mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> have no need for 'inteligent' terminals. <>
> will save links http://links4future.ref
> still dealing with 'subject',
> r2i has yet rolled up aoy.
> was of note,
> > Of course none of these are compliant with the Linux Standard Base.
> >  They were al;l made prior to its adoption.
> >
> > Civileme
> ru al wz?
> .
> .
> iwz z80wz
> .
> i still fire up still sds z80 designer board.
> i still like seeing 4 + 2 seven seg displays.
> can still 'touch enter' keypad.
> btw, if this hits twice, please excuse.
> i am now making 5th attempt to send...
> peace out, rocky.
> tc,hago.
> g
> .

You either can deal with making them work using Linux From Scratch (requires a 
linux distro already be installed first) or use gentoo linux (the stage 1 


Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

There is hardly a thing in the world that some man can not make a little
worse and sell a little cheaper.
Mandrake Linux release 9.0 (Cooker) for i586

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

Re: [expert] kernel header package?

2002-07-15 Thread nDiScReEt

On Sunday 14 July 2002 6:23 pm, James wrote:
> OK! this may solve my problem as well... This matches my kernel ... now
> the question comes Does this mean that Mandrake has to build a new
> glibc for every older distro when 2.6 comes out?  Or do they just never
> receive the benefit of a new kernel?  Same thing for RH ...

Sadly, that looks to exactly be the case ...all systems will have to upgrade 
their glibc with it's respective kernel-header rpm in order to use the new 
2.4.18 and up kernels. I don't have the official word so this is completely 
all conjecture based purely off of logic.

I hoped I was inspiring, James. :)

Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

"Just Say No."   - Nancy Reagan

"No."- Ronald Reagan
Mandrake Linux release 8.3 (Cooker) for i586

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Re: [expert] kde and xinerama question

2002-07-14 Thread nDiScReEt

On Sunday 14 July 2002 4:56 pm, Teemu Torma wrote:
> - Edit /etc/X11/prefdm to add /opt/kde3/bin at the beginning of the path to
> get kde3 kdm.
> - Edit /etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup_0 to have proper KDEDIR (/opt/kde3), otherwise
> it will not call kdmdesktop and will launch xconsole.  This happens if you
> remove kdebase 2.2.
> - Edit /opt/kde3/bin/startkde and remove kpersonalizer section--otherwise
> it may pop up every time you log in.
> - You may have to either manually or by as root via kontrol center to add
> KDE3 session to kdm.
> That's all that comes to my mind right now.  I hope it helps.
> Teemu

Thank you, Teemu. Your fix for the kpersonalizer saved me the trouble of 
figuring it out for one of my new linux converts. I had just picked up his 
computer to troubleshoot that annoying wizard (after everytime you get real 
annoyed real quick).


Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

Generosity and perfection are your everlasting goals.
Mandrake Linux release 8.3 (Cooker) for i586

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [expert] kernel header package?

2002-07-14 Thread nDiScReEt

On Sunday 14 July 2002 4:40 pm, J. Craig Woods wrote:

> Okay, let's try to simplify this situation. As previously stated, I am
> attempting to upgrade my kernel on a LMDK 8.0 box. The Mandrake security
> recommendation states to upgrade to kernel- OK,
> simple enough, I wget the kernel src rpm, and build my rpm binaries. OK,
> so far? Now I realize there are is NO kernel headers rpm. My LMDK 8.0
> has the upgraded glibc rpms, i.e. glibc-2.2.2-6.1mdk (glibc, profile,
> and devel included). OK, so far? Now where do I find the version of
> kernel headers that match my glibc level? And, Charles, are you saying
> that is must be named kernel-headers with the current glibc version
> numbers in the name, i.e. kernel-headers-2.2.2-6.1mdk? Mandrake has lost
> me, please refer me to the documentation on this radical change in
> building a set of kernel rpms. I have searched high and low only to find
> nothing, not even on the mandrake kernel upgrade page. Thanks to all who
> are contributing to this thread. I fear James may be right in saying
> that mandrake has foobarred us with this new strategy. I hope I am
> wrong
> drjung

If you recompiled the kernel as you have stated. Simply type this command:

ls /boot/kern*

if you can see anything along the lines of kernel.h or kernel.h-(kernel 
version). There you will find your kernel headers alla no kernel header rpm. 
Thus, hopefully that will shed some light on the concept of the revised 
kernel-header-rpm-with-the-glibc -marriage concept.

Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

Good day for a change of scene.  Repaper the bedroom wall.
Mandrake Linux release 8.3 (Cooker) for i586

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Re: [expert] FTP Installl of 8.2 Has Issues

2002-07-14 Thread nDiScReEt

On Sunday 14 July 2002 3:02 pm, daRcmaTTeR wrote:
> I'm a little confused here. Are you root when you're attempting to run
> these programs, and are you running them from the desktop shortcut/menu
> shortcut, or from the command line?
> When I start Mandrake Control Center from the Icon either from the
> desktop or from the menu item I always have to authenticate myself as
> root user. anytime I invoke urpmi it's always on the command line in
> this manner:
>   urpmi  [enter]
> When doing this I am already logged in as root in a console.

I try "Mandrake Control Center" from both the GUI menu and from command line 
(ie /usr/X11R6/bin/drakconf). In both cases I can get the GUI password prompt 
but it will not go any further then that until earlier today. Now my only 
problem is getting urpmi to behave correctly. I get errors saying that some 
files are missing and that I need to update my database. I do that with the 
following command:

/usr/sbin/urpmi.update -a
/usr/sbin/urpmi.update -cf

This still doesn't change the error message even though it would load the 
files but not show in the directory (most of the sometimes ...very 
inconsistant but it really depends on the media even though they are all 
coming from the same directory) /var/cache/urpmi/rpms. I do all urpmi from 
command line. I am always doing urpmi and drakconf functions always as root.


Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

"I may kid around about drugs, but really, I take them seriously."
- Doctor Graper
Mandrake Linux release 8.3 (Cooker) for i586

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[expert] FTP Installl of 8.2 Has Issues

2002-07-14 Thread nDiScReEt

My Mandrake Control Center is broken and so is my urpmi. The "Mandrake 
Control Center" will not run  until just now! I don't understand. I had 
something similiar on cooker with konqueror and galeon, as well. Neither of 
those programs wouldn't work no matter how many times I reran the program or 
rebooted the computer. Just one day works! Like just now. I tried urpmi 
and that is still broke. it supposedly puts the packages into the directory 
/var/cache/urpmi/rpms but I receive the following error:

su -c "/usr/sbin/urpmi.update -c"
the entry to update is missing
(one of Installation CD (ftp1), Contrib CD (ftp2), Update_Source, plf)

...This is getting real silly. Now urpmi works! I think it has something to 
do with "fam" running. Maybe I should leave my computer on for a few hours to 
allow all scripts to finish running. (I should have something was "fishy" 
when the harddrive light was constantly blinking for like the longest time. I 
think that is the reason I couldn't do anything involving some privileged 
programs like drakconf and urpmi. Anyone else experience the same effects?

Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

To communicate is the beginning of understanding.
-- AT&T
Mandrake Linux release 8.2 (Bluebird) for i586

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Re: [expert] IDEcdrw - SCSI emulation

2002-06-11 Thread nDiScReEt

On Tuesday 11 June 2002 4:23 am, Ross Pearson wrote:
> I've checked out some other stuff and it seems the ide-scsi module is
> loading at boot ("insmod ide-scsi" reports that the module already exists).
> the problem is that when I try to mount the drive I get:
> [ross@localhost dev]$ mount /mnt/cdrom
> mount: special device /dev/scd0 does not exist
> and this is because the /dev/scd0 link is broken ie:
> /dev/scd0 -> /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/cd
> when it should point to:
> /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target2/lun0/cd
> As this is all automatically configured at boot can anyone help with
> suggestions of what could be going on.
> thanks
> Ross

At any worse case, recompile your kernel.

Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

The [Ford Foundation] is a large body of money completely surrounded by
people who want some.
-- Dwight MacDonald
Mandrake Linux release 8.3 (Cooker) for i586

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Re: [expert] IDEcdrw - SCSI emulation

2002-06-10 Thread nDiScReEt

On Monday 10 June 2002 5:05 am, Ross Pearson wrote:
> On Monday 10 June 2002 10:37, nDiScReEt wrote:
> > A simple cdrecord -scanbus should tell you your new settings. Don't try
> > to change your device as it is controlled by devfs by default on a
> > standard install.
> OK thanks, I was already being cautious about changing the device link for
> that reason.
> But it seems I may have bigger problems than I first thought, scanbus
> reports:
> [root@localhost tmp]# cdrecord -scanbus
> Cdrecord 1.11a15 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2001 Jörg
> Schilling
> cdrecord: No such file or directory. Cannot open '/dev/pg*'. Cannot open
> SCSI driver.
> cdrecord: For possible targets try 'cdrecord -scanbus'. Make sure you are
> root.
> Does this perhaps mean the SCSI kernel driver is not loaded?
> Ross

Yes, it could mean that or that you don't have permission for your regular 


Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

The meta-Turing test counts a thing as intelligent if it seeks to
devise and apply Turing tests to objects of its own creation.
-- Lew Mammel, Jr.
Mandrake Linux release 8.3 (Cooker) for i586

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Re: [expert] IDEcdrw - SCSI emulation

2002-06-10 Thread nDiScReEt

On Monday 10 June 2002 4:10 am, Ross Pearson wrote:
> After upgrading my kernel to 2.4.18-18 I've lost access to my IDE cdrw set
> up for using SCSI emulation.
> The problem seems to be that the symbolic link:
> /dev/scd0  -> /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/cd
> which was fine for the previous kernel is now broken as the drive seems to
> be located under:
> /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target2/lun0/cd
> Can anyone help please? What could be the reason for the change to "target
> 2"? Or is my solution just as straightforward as changing the link
> /dev/scd0?
> Thanks
> Ross

A simple cdrecord -scanbus should tell you your new settings. Don't try to 
change your device as it is controlled by devfs by default on a standard 


Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

Give all orders verbally.  Never write anything down that might go into a
"Pearl Harbor File".
Mandrake Linux release 8.3 (Cooker) for i586

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

Re: [expert] DVD viewing with xine - help needed, ogle

2002-06-09 Thread nDiScReEt

On Sunday 09 June 2002 9:22 am, darklord wrote:
> On Sunday 09 June 2002 09:37 am, you wrote:
> > I am having the same problem with xine it does not play dvd's.  I tried
> > installing ogle and all the required packages but keeps telling me that
> > libdvdcss is not installed..?
> Here are the RPMs that I installed for Ogle:
> a52dec-libs-0.7.2-2.i686.rpm
> libdvdcss-1.0.0-fr1.i586.rpm
> libdvdread-0.9.3-ogle1.i686.rpm
> libxml2-2.4.13-1.i686.rpm
> ogle-0.8.2-fr1.i686.rpm
> ogle_gui-0.8.2-ogle1.i386.rpm
> and in this order
> IIRC, I obtained all these from the Ogle website...
> Hope this helps! :-)

I simply make sure that I have /dev/dvd and /dev/rdvd. Without these, xine, 
ogle, or any other will not work no matter how many packages you install.


Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

Most Texans think Hanukkah is some sort of duck call.
-- Richard Lewis
Mandrake Linux release 8.3 (Cooker) for i586

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [expert] DVD viewing with xine - help needed

2002-06-06 Thread nDiScReEt

Azrael wrote:
> nDiScReEt wrote:
>> Azrael wrote:
>>> nDiScReEt wrote:
>>>> Azrael wrote:
>>>>> I have had problems viewing encrypted dvd's with xine - in that I 
>>>>> can't do it.
>>>>> I used to be able to a year or so ago.. I have taken backwards 
>>>>> steps it seems :)
>>>>> The default mdk 8.2 setup didn't work for me.. couldn't seem to 
>>>>> install plugins for it.
>>>>> So I uninstalled and went with the following packages:
>>>>> package libcss-0.1.0-5 is already installed
>>>>> package libdvdcss2-1.2.0-2plf is already installed
>>>>> package libdvdcss2-devel-1.2.0-2plf is already installed
>>>>> package libdvdnav-0.1.1-0 is already installed
>>>>> package libdvdread-0.9.3-ogle1 is already installed
>>>>> package libdvdread-devel-0.9.3-ogle1 is already installed
>>>>> package libxine0-0.9.10-1 is already installed
>>>>> package libxine0-devel-0.9.10-1 is already installed
>>>>> package w32codec-0.50-1 is already installed
>>>>> package xine-dvdnav-0.9.10-0 is already installed
>>>>> package xine-ui-0.9.10-1 is already installed
>>>>> package xvid-0.20020412-3 is already installed
>>>>> package xvid-devel-0.20020412-3 is already installed
>>>>> I would have thought these would work.. but they did not.
>>>>> So I uninstalled them and went with a suggestion from the newbie 
>>>>> list of: xine-0.4.3-fr1.decss.rpm
>>>>> that didn't do the trick for me either.
>>>>> So I am asking here. Can I not use this impressive list of packages 
>>>>> above and somehow just enable libcss support?
>>>>> Help?
>>>>> many thanks
>>>>> -- Azrael
>>>> Chances are you need to make your you have "/dev/dvd" and "/dev/rdvd"
>>>> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to 
>>> /dev/dvd and /dev/rdvd are there. I can access dvd's - I just can't 
>>> view them because they are encrypted and xine says I have no plugin 
>>> to view them.
>>> -- Azrael
>> Try this...
>> xine -pq dvdnav://
>> at the command prompt.
>> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to 
> cool.. that worked How can I change the default of xine that when I 
> press the dvd button it uses dvdnav:// rather than dvd:// ?
> many thanks :) :) :)
> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
> Go to

Open up Menudrake and go to Multimedia | Video  and then move down to 
the Xine icon (or in my case, create a new seperate entry by clicking on 
"Add entry").

once you are there, look at the line "Command". It should presently read 
this if you didn't make your own entry:


The Title you can name it xine-encrypted or whatever your heart desires, 
if you are creating a new entry.

The command should now read:

/usr/bin/xine -pq dvdnav://

This by the way is really only a problem with xine-0.9.8 that I have 
noticed. Upgrade to 0.9.9 and all you would have to click on is the 
plugin for dvdnav.

Your welcome and enjoy!

Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

If you think the system is working, ask someone who's waiting for a prompt.

Linux 2.4.18-12mdk i686

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

Re: [expert] DVD viewing with xine - help needed

2002-06-06 Thread nDiScReEt

Azrael wrote:
> nDiScReEt wrote:
>> Azrael wrote:
>>> I have had problems viewing encrypted dvd's with xine - in that I 
>>> can't do it.
>>> I used to be able to a year or so ago.. I have taken backwards steps 
>>> it seems :)
>>> The default mdk 8.2 setup didn't work for me.. couldn't seem to 
>>> install plugins for it.
>>> So I uninstalled and went with the following packages:
>>> package libcss-0.1.0-5 is already installed
>>> package libdvdcss2-1.2.0-2plf is already installed
>>> package libdvdcss2-devel-1.2.0-2plf is already installed
>>> package libdvdnav-0.1.1-0 is already installed
>>> package libdvdread-0.9.3-ogle1 is already installed
>>> package libdvdread-devel-0.9.3-ogle1 is already installed
>>> package libxine0-0.9.10-1 is already installed
>>> package libxine0-devel-0.9.10-1 is already installed
>>> package w32codec-0.50-1 is already installed
>>> package xine-dvdnav-0.9.10-0 is already installed
>>> package xine-ui-0.9.10-1 is already installed
>>> package xvid-0.20020412-3 is already installed
>>> package xvid-devel-0.20020412-3 is already installed
>>> I would have thought these would work.. but they did not.
>>> So I uninstalled them and went with a suggestion from the newbie list 
>>> of: xine-0.4.3-fr1.decss.rpm
>>> that didn't do the trick for me either.
>>> So I am asking here. Can I not use this impressive list of packages 
>>> above and somehow just enable libcss support?
>>> Help?
>>> many thanks
>>> -- Azrael
>> Chances are you need to make your you have "/dev/dvd" and "/dev/rdvd"
>> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to 
> /dev/dvd and /dev/rdvd are there. I can access dvd's - I just can't view 
> them because they are encrypted and xine says I have no plugin to view 
> them.
> -- Azrael

Try this...

xine -pq dvdnav://

at the command prompt.

Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

If you think the system is working, ask someone who's waiting for a prompt.

Linux 2.4.18-12mdk i686

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

Re: [expert] DVD viewing with xine - help needed

2002-06-06 Thread nDiScReEt

Azrael wrote:
> I have had problems viewing encrypted dvd's with xine - in that I can't 
> do it.
> I used to be able to a year or so ago.. I have taken backwards steps it 
> seems :)
> The default mdk 8.2 setup didn't work for me.. couldn't seem to install 
> plugins for it.
> So I uninstalled and went with the following packages:
> package libcss-0.1.0-5 is already installed
> package libdvdcss2-1.2.0-2plf is already installed
> package libdvdcss2-devel-1.2.0-2plf is already installed
> package libdvdnav-0.1.1-0 is already installed
> package libdvdread-0.9.3-ogle1 is already installed
> package libdvdread-devel-0.9.3-ogle1 is already installed
> package libxine0-0.9.10-1 is already installed
> package libxine0-devel-0.9.10-1 is already installed
> package w32codec-0.50-1 is already installed
> package xine-dvdnav-0.9.10-0 is already installed
> package xine-ui-0.9.10-1 is already installed
> package xvid-0.20020412-3 is already installed
> package xvid-devel-0.20020412-3 is already installed
> I would have thought these would work.. but they did not.
> So I uninstalled them and went with a suggestion from the newbie list 
> of: xine-0.4.3-fr1.decss.rpm
> that didn't do the trick for me either.
> So I am asking here. Can I not use this impressive list of packages 
> above and somehow just enable libcss support?
> Help?
> many thanks
> -- Azrael

Chances are you need to make your you have "/dev/dvd" and "/dev/rdvd"

Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

If you think the system is working, ask someone who's waiting for a prompt.

Linux 2.4.18-12mdk i686

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

Re: honeyport/shutdown [was: Re: [expert] OT, my ftp site]

2002-05-28 Thread nDiScReEt

On Saturday 25 May 2002 11:25 pm, Femme wrote:
> On Sat, 25 May 2002 20:50:16 -0700
> James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Check your commonhttpd.conf file, (/etc/httpd/conf/ ) but usually the
> > default allows you to follow symlinks (in the past) if not look for
> >
> > # Each directory to which Apache has access, can be configured with
> > respect# to which services and features are allowed and/or disabled in
> > that# directory (and its subdirectories).
> > #
> > # First, we configure the "default" to be a very restrictive set of
> > # permissions.
> > #
> > # Also, for security, we disable indexes globally
> > #
> > 
> > Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks
> > AllowOverride None
> > 
> >
> >
> > and make it look like the above.  Then go to var/www/html and type ln
> > -s/absolute/path/to/my/directory directory  This will then be the same
> > as moving them physically there.  It's a hack but it works.
> >
> > James
> *giggles* Hacks are cool.  Thx mucho James.  I'll try your idea &/or
> ndiscreets.  Not sure which yet will yield better results.
> As an aside, any chance someone can point me to a "newbie-fied" apache
> install/maintenance URL?  I'm pretty useless with HTML/web
> stuff...having never tried it, but am a fast learner *Smiles*.
> Thx for all you guys' help!  I hope to get this working soon...lord
> knows I've learned alot since I asked what I thought was a simple
> question. Heh, never underestimate the power of linux to make it complex
> fast :)
> Femme
As far as the apache maintenance, that would depend on what version you are 
currently using (ie apache 1.3 or apache 2.0). HTML/web tutorial, I would 


Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

The Great Movie Posters:

SEE the burning of a virgin!
SEE power of witch doctor over women!
SEE pygmies with fantastic Physical Endowments!!!
-- Kwaheri (1965)

The Big Comedy of Nineteen-Sexty-Sex!
-- Boeing-Boeing (1965)

The picture that comes complete with a 10-foot tall monster to
give you the wim-wams!
-- Monster a Go-Go (1965)
Mandrake Linux release 8.3 (Cooker) for i586

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [expert] Can't locate module

2002-05-28 Thread nDiScReEt

On Monday 27 May 2002 12:12 am, Jason Guidry wrote:
> On Sun, 2002-05-26 at 23:01, nDiScReEt wrote:
> > You have to run depmod before trying to load the module.
> >
> > /sbin/depmod -a
> >
> > That should be all that you need. Then you will be able to modprobe your
> > special package.
> hehepackage...
> [root@localhost Prism2-2002-05-16]# /sbin/depmod -a
> depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in
> /lib/modules/2.4.18-6mdksecure/kernel/3rdparty/hostap_pci.o.gz
> depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in
> /lib/modules/2.4.18-6mdksecure/kernel/drivers/hostap_pci.o
> depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in
> /lib/modules/2.4.18-6mdksecure/kernel/hostap_pci.o
> grrr...and I've tried this with another version of the driver with the
> same results.  i'm now finally at the point where I can issue some
> commands on the card (after changing it's PCI slot)  but harddrake and
> drakgw don't see the card as a NIC.
> my laptop also sees the desktop and connects, although it cannot get to
> the internet.

Well those errors aren't surprising but it should have still loaded right? YOu 
can check after running modprobe by issueing this command:

/sbin/lsmod | head -3

(You could substitute the number 3 for number 1 but I do that just in case I 
get additional modules loaded like with video1394) 

Ok, I take it your desktop handles connection sharing? or do you have one 
chiefly as a firewall/router? Are you using ipchains or iptables? Do you know 
how to configure your ip filter to do ip masquerading? If you can connect to 
the desktop (That is if it is the one sharing it's internet connection), then 
you need to configure your rules to allow anything connecting to your access 
point (nic) to share the desktop's internet connection.


Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

"Ubi non accusator, ibi non judex."

(Where there is no police, there is no speed limit.)
-- Roman Law, trans. Petr Beckmann (1971)
Mandrake Linux release 8.3 (Cooker) for i586

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

Re: honeyport/shutdown [was: Re: [expert] OT, my ftp site]

2002-05-26 Thread nDiScReEt

> Guess you really didn't notice they both suggested the same thing (ops,
> include me and Civ also)? James gave you a nice tip that apache should
> be configured to actually follow symlinks, but if I remember it well
> that's the default behaviour.
> Wooky

Almost, the other guys suggestion was close but scary. His method created a 
symlink directory named as the default server doc file itself! ...and at the 
root of the directory tree! Making the server useless to serve other docs 
properly. He would have to change the default from index.html to 
default.html, index.php, or something to that effect. My way is best and 
safest of us two. Wooky, you are correct that apache is configured to follow 
symlinks by default.


Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

Never go to bed mad, stay up and fight
-- Murphy's Laws on Sex n°57
Mandrake Linux release 8.3 (Cooker) for i586

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Re: [expert] Can't locate module

2002-05-26 Thread nDiScReEt

On Sunday 26 May 2002 10:52 am, Jason Guidry wrote:
> I'm still trying to get my Linksys WPC11 PCI Card to act as an access
> point on 8.2 using kernelSecure.  I finally found a driver to make the
> card use hostap mode at:
> i successfully built the driver, but when I issue
> # make install
> i get the following
> Module installation directory not valid: '/lib/modules/2.4.18-6mdksmp'
> Most probable cause for this is modified kernel headers.
> You will need to install module file (driver/modules/hostap_*.o)
> manually.
> make: *** [install_check] Error 1
> that's fine, i'm not using smp, so i do the following as per the README:
> # cp hostap_pci.o /lib/modules/2.4.18-6mdksecure
> # modprobe hostap_pci.o
> modprobe: Can't locate module hostap_pci.o
> so, I'm stuck.  Suggestions (other than give up and buy a WAP)?

You have to run depmod before trying to load the module.

/sbin/depmod -a

That should be all that you need. Then you will be able to modprobe your 
special package.


Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

Sally:  C'mon, Ted, all I'm asking you to do is share your feelings
with me.
Ted:ALL?  Do you realize what you're asking?  Men aren't trained
to share.  We're trained to protect ourselves by not
letting anyone too close.  Good grief, if I go around
sharing everything with you, you could hang me out to dry.
Sally:  It's called "trust," Ted.
Ted:"Sharing"?  "Trust"?  You're really asking me to sail into
uncharted waters here.
-- Sally Forth
Mandrake Linux release 8.3 (Cooker) for i586

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Re: honeyport/shutdown [was: Re: [expert] OT, my ftp site]

2002-05-24 Thread nDiScReEt

On Friday 24 May 2002 10:50 pm, you wrote:
> If anyone is intrested I've got a script I put together when CodeRed was
> hammmering away.  It sets up iptables or ipchains rules that block the
> offending site.
> James
I'm interested.

> On Fri, 24 May 2002 17:55:45 -0800
> civileme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Pierre Fortin wrote:
> > >On Thu, 23 May 2002 23:15:52 -0800 civileme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >
> > >wrote:
> > >>Load up the honeyport for Nimda and the shutdown script for codered
> > >>and see what happens
> > >
> > >Civileme,
> > >
> > >Where can I find the tools you're referring to...?  I have my own
> > >( -- needs updating ) and am
> > >interested in anyone else's defense mechanisms...
> > >
> > >As to reflecting/responding to an attack, here's my position:
> > > -- in a nutshell:  SELF-DEFENSE!  :^)
> > >
> > >Thanks,
> > >Pierre
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
> > >Go to
> >
> > Thanks for the link--I have it bookmarked now.  Unfortunately I hit
> > the "Send" button before I dredged it up, quite by accident.  I like
> > the spirit of yours, kinda like my old spammers mailbox crush routine
> > before they got smart and didn't try to use the same mailbox twice.
> >
> > Civileme


Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

Age, n.:
That period of life in which we compound for the vices that we
still cherish by reviling those that we no longer have the enterprise
to commit.
-- Ambrose Bierce
Mandrake Linux release 8.2 (Bluebird) for i586

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Re: [expert] KDE3 start wizard

2002-05-17 Thread nDiScReEt

> Do you really? ;)
> I think a newbie just told me to RTFM! Ah! I'll never be the same.
> daRcmaTTeR   *ponders the meaning of life*



Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

Be regular and orderly in your life, so that you may be violent
and original in your work.
-- Flaubert
Mandrake Linux release 8.2 (Bluebird) for i586

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[expert] Finding Files in MDK 8.2

2002-05-17 Thread nDiScReEt

>Hello List
>I have just installed MDK 8.2 in VMware and cannot find where 
wmware-linux-tools are located (after doing the preliminary install from 
vmware itself. In every previous linux distro that I have used I would have 
used "locate wmware-linux-tools". However, for some reason I cannot fathom, 
that wonderful tool (i.e. locate) has been left out and "find" is hardly a 
reasonable substitute. I just finished reading 3 pages of docs on "find" and 
it seems a little...complex. 
>2 Questions:
>1)  Is there a reasonable substitute for "locate" other than "find"?
>2) Does anyone know where the script for vmware-linux-tools gets 
burried on 8.2?

There are other programs like whereis, slocate(oops! that is actually 
locate), and find should be did like so:

find /dir -name 'my.slf' -print

substitute /dir for the directory you are trying to look in and it will 
recursively read every sub folder in that directory tree. Of course replace 
my.slf with the search that you are seeking (ie *.bin, mandrake-re*, and 
README) Don't forget the single " ' " quotes. Always leave -print as is if 
you want it to print it's query information to the screen.

Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

"It's in process":
So wrapped up in red tape that the situation is almost hopeless.
Mandrake Linux release 8.2 (Bluebird) for i586

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Re: [expert] access to CD-RW

2002-05-11 Thread nDiScReEt

On Saturday 11 May 2002 06:08 pm, you wrote:
> have you tried mounting by hand to see if you can, what does work?
> comment out or delete the line in fstab that you have there for the time
> being, make sure /mnt/cdrom exists and check its permissions, even root
> can't read or write a file it doesn't have permissions for if they are not
> set - the point of root is that it can always set them - which is why
> sometmes it seems that root is locked out of something, then as root try
> #mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdd /mnt/cdrom
> or
> #mount -t iso9660 /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom
> that is about as basic a mount command as you can get for a cdrom, the
> latter would be if you are using ide-scsi for the writer, if neither of
> these work then perhaps you have incorrectly configured ide-scsi (i'm
> guessing wildly here)
> bascule
Good plus he needs to have his cdrom writer drivers running first.
YOu are right about getting the drive to at least behave like a cdrom drive 
first. Because once he has it doing that, he can then install the appropriate 
drivers for cdwriting depending on his hardware. I use ide-scsi as that is 
what supports my hardware. When you make the cdrom dev (ie /dev/hdd) from 
scratch for the first time, use MAKEDEV not mkdir. But that shouldn't be 
necessary if you have devfs installed and running or if diskdrake already has 
it as /dev/hdd. You might have to recompile your kernel for that support if 
it isn't present. After getting the drive to at least behave like a cdrom 
drive, load the appropriate cd writing modules, after doing "modprobe 
ide-scsi" (in my case), run the command "cdrecord -scanbus". That should 
detect your cd writer and with that information, you should then be able to 
do as you were once able to do. Write cdr discs once again.


Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

Do you like "TENDER VITTLES"?
Mandrake Linux release 8.3 (Cooker) for i586

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Re: [expert] Strange behavior of AWK in Mandrake 8.1?

2002-05-10 Thread nDiScReEt

On Friday 10 May 2002 08:02 pm, you wrote:
> On Fri, 10 May 2002, civileme wrote:
> > Not strange at all...
> >
> > in a terminal window, run locale
> >
> > Check the value of LC_COLLATE
> >
> > If it is en_US this is quite normal, the collating sequence is AaBbCc,
> > etc.
> >
> > If you want the result you seek, make your program use upper as
> > suggested or set your LC_COLLATE to POSIX.
> >
> >
> > No, it is not a bug, it is a standard expanded feature that keeps
> > programmers on their toes to write platform independent stuff.
> I could forgive myself if I hadn't just answered an 'ls doesn't sort
> right question' about two minutes before the above. But then I did:
> export LC_LOCATE=C
> awk -f simple.awk sample.txt
> Weird, same errors... :/
> (note stupid syntax error).

Do you have dyslexia? 


Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

"How do you know she is a unicorn?" Molly demanded.  "And why were you afraid
to let her touch you?  I saw you.  You were afraid of her."
"I doubt that I will feel like talking for very long," the cat
replied without rancor.  "I would not waste time in foolishness if I were 
you.  As to your first question, no cat out of its first fur can ever be
deceived by appearances.  Unlike human beings, who enjoy them.  As for your
second question --"  Here he faltered, and suddenly became very interested
in washing; nor would he speak until he had licked himself fluffy and then
licked himself smooth again.  Even then he would not look at Molly, but 
examined his claws.
"If she had touched me," he said very softly, "I would have been
hers and not my own, not ever again."
-- Peter S. Beagle, "The Last Unicorn"
Mandrake Linux release 8.3 (Cooker) for i586

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Re: [expert] Problems mounting NTFS

2002-05-06 Thread nDiScReEt

On Tuesday 07 May 2002 01:05 am, you wrote:
> On Tue, 2002-05-07 at 12:10, nDiScReEt wrote:
> > On Monday 06 May 2002 12:40 am, you wrote:
> > > Brian Parish wrote:
> > > > I have heard that there are utilities to do this, but haven't wanted
> > > > to use them myself.  There has been some discussion here or on the
> > > > newbie list which has mentioned some possibilities.  You may like to
> > > > check the archives.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > try that, I've not tried it myself yet though so don't ask how it works
> > > or for much more help :)
> >
> > I've used this program for over two years. I can vouch that it works but
> > your filesystem will have to be ext2 on the linux partitions. When I
> > changed mine to reiserfs, XFS, and even ext3, I lost the ability to see
> > on those drives with the exception for my /boot partition that was
> > mounted with ext2 as it's filesystem.
> >
> > --
> > 
> > Altoine B
> > Maximum Time Unlimited
> > Chicago Based and Operated
> > 
> Good news!  i just installed it and all my ext3 partitions seen.  Works
> just fine.  Altoine, it must have been updated for ext3 since you last
> downloaded.
> Brian

Actually, it has. I checked out the site and sure enough it is a newer 


Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

"I went to a job interview the other day, the guy asked me if I had any
questions , I said yes, just one, if you're in a car traveling at the
speed of light and you turn your headlights on, does anything happen?

He said he couldn't answer that, I told him sorry, but I couldn't work
for him then.
-- Steven Wright

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Re: [expert] mdk8.2 and radeon 7000 pci

2002-05-06 Thread nDiScReEt

On Monday 06 May 2002 11:17 pm, you wrote:
> Mike,
>It may be working like the integrated sound on my mobo I had to
> go into BIOS and turn off the sound TWICE (in too different
> locations that's why the caps) in order to get it working.  Even
> though Linux recognized the sound card it wouldn't let my SBLive!
> work until I did this.  Now here is the funny part.  Even though
> sound is turned off in BIOS both cards work.  Just that when it's
> turned on the pci one doesn't.  Also look to see if it's set up for
> AGP video only.  This may also be the case.
> James

I've found that another way to get your SBLive working without going into the 
BIOS, is to switch the snd-slot-# entries between the two sound cards. Or 
better yet, delete the entry for the internal snd module in /etc/modules.conf 
and change the snd-slot-# for your pci sound card one digit less. If it was a 
one, it should now be a zero. That is what I did to get my audigy card to 
work. LM 8.2 by default choose my internal sound card and didn't give me an 
option at install to choose otherwise.


Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

"You are old," said the youth, "and your jaws are too weak
For anything tougher than suet;
Yet you finished the goose, with the bones and the beak --
Pray, how did you manage to do it?"

"In my youth," said his father, "I took to the law,
And argued each case with my wife;
And the muscular strength which it gave to my jaw,
Has lasted the rest of my life."

"You are old," said the youth, "one would hardly suppose
That your eye was as steady as ever;
Yet you balanced an eel on the end of your nose --
What made you so awfully clever?"

"I have answered three questions, and that is enough,"
Said his father.  "Don't give yourself airs!
Do you think I can listen all day to such stuff?
Be off, or I'll kick you down stairs!"

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [expert] Problems mounting NTFS

2002-05-06 Thread nDiScReEt

On Monday 06 May 2002 12:40 am, you wrote:
> Brian Parish wrote:
> > I have heard that there are utilities to do this, but haven't wanted to
> > use them myself.  There has been some discussion here or on the newbie
> > list which has mentioned some possibilities.  You may like to check the
> > archives.
> try that, I've not tried it myself yet though so don't ask how it works
> or for much more help :)

I've used this program for over two years. I can vouch that it works but your 
filesystem will have to be ext2 on the linux partitions. When I changed mine 
to reiserfs, XFS, and even ext3, I lost the ability to see on those drives 
with the exception for my /boot partition that was mounted with ext2 as it's 


Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

The next person to mention spaghetti stacks to me is going to have
his head knocked off.
-- Bill Conrad

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Re: [expert] problem Mounting NTFS

2002-05-06 Thread nDiScReEt

On Sunday 05 May 2002 09:06 pm, you wrote:
> Brian,
> Why is it unsafe to write in NTSF from linux?.
> The thing is that even putting rw in the command line of mount, I cannot
> write in the disk. How would be the line with the "user" statement.

Because there are more than four different versions of NTFS. There seems to 
be a version for every OS that uses it by M$. Here is a link with a more 
extensive explanation:

On that page it shows three common NTFS partitions; NTFS4 (Windows NT4), 
NTFS5a (Windows 2000), and NTFS5b (Windows XP). I think the reason for the 
warning is more so for the latest NTFS partition (Windows XP) then anything 
else. Windows XP is supposed to have support for at least four versions of 
NTFS by default. I wish I had the link for that right now but I will more 
than likely look for it later if there is interest.


Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

There's a thrill in store for all for we're about to toast
The corporation that we represent.
We're here to cheer each pioneer and also proudly boast,
Of that man of men our sterling president
The name of T.J. Watson means
A courage none can stem
And we feel honored to be here to toast the IBM.
-- Ever Onward, from the 1940 IBM Songbook

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Re: [expert] Installing LM 8.2

2002-05-01 Thread nDiScReEt

Daniel Anderson wrote:
> Hi all,
>Got my LM 8.2 powerpack edition today,and trying to install on a AMD K6-2 
> 500 with Ali chipset. I get as far as looking for packages to install, and 
> get an error "depslistordered mismatch against hdlist files"  Any ideas what 
> is wrong?
> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
> Go to

Hit "F1" and then type in "expert nopentium" with out the quotes. That 
should hopefully fix your problem. It is reported that there might be a 
possible bug in the vm for amd k6-2 board between 400MHz and 500MHz.

Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

If you think the system is working, ask someone who's waiting for a prompt.

Linux 2.4.18-12mdk i686

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [expert] Linux for Kids

2002-04-29 Thread nDiScReEt

On Tuesday 30 April 2002 12:01 am, you wrote:
> daRcmaTTeR wrote:
> > On Mon, 29 Apr 2002, silkythreads wrote:
> >> And I'll take this bet !!!
> >>
> >> It's a "very little known fact" that the government got exactly what
> >> it wanted from Microsoft during the bru-haha  do you really think MS
> >> didn't do for the US Gov what they told them to do or else.  True, MS
> >> got some return but ... the government got it's monies worth and the
> >> "people" are paying the "real" price without even knowing it and MS gets
> >> to rule supreme.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>  - Original Message -
> >>  From: Jim Dawson
> >>  Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 12:58 PM
> >>  Subject: Re: Re: [expert] Linux for Kids
> >>
> >>
> >>  Who wants to bet that if several competing computer companies were to
> >> form a coalition to compete more effectively against Microsoft, Bill
> >> Gates and/or Steve Balmer would get the heads of the Justice Department,
> >> Department of Commerce, etc. on the phone and DEMAND that it be shut
> >> down on antitrust grounds.
> >
> > man! those guys are just plain mud-sucking evul :\
> Ya, and our government seems to be no better. Has anyone here ever did
> some IT work for our government? The .gov domain is ran entirely on
> NT/2000 servers across a Cisco backbone. Now this really makes a lot of
> sense (sarcasm). Our government puts up a feckless fight in court while
> all the time using Microsoft crap. Go figure
> Dr John,
> The Night Tripper

Let us not get on government systems! *(Spasm)*(Twitch)*


Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

It is difficult to soar with the eagles when you work with turkeys.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [expert] Gnomba Connection

2002-04-29 Thread nDiScReEt

On Monday 29 April 2002 02:36 pm, you wrote:
> Does anybody know if gnomba and Samba works in Redhat 7.2 or not?
> So far as I know, it worked in Mandrake 8.1 (really great) but it doesn't
> work at all in Mandrake 8.2.   I'm getting a lot of buggy problems in
> Mandrake 8.2 and I'm seriously thinking of switching from Mandrake 8.2 to
> Redhat 7.2 because I have a lot of work to do and I don't have time for
> this.
> The only problem I'm afraid of is I have a home folder and I don't know if
> Redhat 7.2 will delete it or not... will it just overwrite the kernel in
> the main area and leave my home area alone?
> _
> Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device:

Do an expert install and you won't have to worry much. Just choose not to 
format or resize your /home partition.

Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

By one count there are some 700 scientists with respectable academic 
(out of a total of 480,000 U.S. earth and life scientists) who give credence
to creation-science, the general theory that complex life forms did not evolve
but appeared "abruptly."
- Newsweek, June 29, 1987, pg. 23

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Re: [expert] Sound card problems.

2002-04-29 Thread nDiScReEt

On Monday 29 April 2002 02:40 pm, you wrote:
> My sound card is not working at all... it was working fine when I was using
> Mandrake 8.1
>   I have a Yamaha YMF-724F [DF-1 Audio Controller]
>   Kernel Module:  snd-card-ymfpci   Bus type:  PCI
> now I have Mandrake 8.2   and I can't get it to work at all... I tried to
> download extra sound programs thru Mandrake  (ex.  search ==> snd)   and
> installed what I could...  I still have nothing..  please advise?
> _
> Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:

Did you do a full install or an upgrade? I had the same problem with my k6-2 
amd with sblive. I reinstalled the system and then all worked fine. 
Hopefully, you have a seperate /home partition and backup your config files 
from /etc if you have something groovy life postfix with imap and ldap 
configured and etc.

Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

I call them as I see them.  If I can't see them, I make them up.
-- Biff Barf

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Go to

Re: [expert] Kernel Headers

2002-04-29 Thread nDiScReEt

On Monday 29 April 2002 02:35 am, you wrote:
> On Mon, 2002-04-29 at 07:17, nDiScReEt wrote:
> > so you do it like this:
> > make dep && make clean && make modules && make modules_install && make
> > install
> Hmm probably not too many people know this but
> "make dep clean modules modules_install install" is exactly the same
> command..
> Cheers
> Mark

Thank you, Mark! That is something new for me. That means I can now time 
builds by doing this command:

time -p 'make dep clean modules modules_install install'


Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

Children aren't happy without something to ignore,
And that's what parents were created for.
-- Ogden Nash

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Go to

[expert] libraw1394 Problems

2002-04-28 Thread nDiScReEt

I installed LM 8.2 with gcc 3.04 only. I can not rebuild
libraw1394-0.9.0-2mdk.src.rpm. I get the following error:

checking for working automake... found
checking for working autoheader... found
checking for working makeinfo... found
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) works... yes
checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) is a cross-compiler... no
checking whether we are using GNU C... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking host system type... configure: error: can not guess host type; you
must specify one
error: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.74472 (%build)

RPM build errors:
Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.74472 (%build)

Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

"If we were meant to fly, we wouldn't keep losing our luggage."

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Re: [expert] Kernel Headers

2002-04-28 Thread nDiScReEt

so you do it like this:
make dep && make clean && make modules && make modules_install && make install


Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

I demand IMPUNITY!

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[expert] Kernel Headers

2002-04-26 Thread nDiScReEt

Anybody know how to generate and create kernel headers from a vanilla 
kernel source? I use lilo with GUI to boot into my system and I would 
like to have kernel headers for a 2.5.10 kernel that I had configured 
and installed. I did the usual:

cd to /usr/src
remove linux symlink (rm -f linux)
unpack kernel source package (tar -xjvf linux-2.5.10.tar.bz2)
recreate symlink (ln -s linux-2.5.10 linux)
cd to /usr/src/linux
make mrproper
make menuconfig
make dep && make clean && make bzImage && make modules && make 
cp /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-2.5.10
my Makefile is set to version linux-2.5.10
mkinitrd /boot/initrd-2.5.10.img 2.5.10
cp /usr/src/linux/ /boot/
then I use drakboot and plug in the new kernel.

After this, I don't know what to do? I need to do the kernel header 
because I have to have one that matches the kernel that I am configuring 
for in order to configure emu10k1-audigy from cvs. I haven't rebooted my 
system yet to take advantage of the new kernel yet. TIA
Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

If you think the system is working, ask someone who's waiting for a prompt.

Linux 2.4.18-12mdk i686

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Re: [expert] cannot recompile kernel on 82 (rpm --rebuild)

2002-04-17 Thread nDiScReEt

David Relson wrote:
> At 04:02 AM 4/17/02, you wrote:
>> Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
>> Dude.Yes.
>> I have reconfigured, and recompiles kernels literally hundreds of 
>> times. I am intimately
>> familiar with all the options.
>> I am interested in rpm --rebuild kernel, because I am interested in 
>> rebuilding the default
>> mandrake 8.2 kernel, with one new patch applied.  I intended, after 
>> checking that --rebuild
>> worked (which it didn't, and which it should have), to add the 
>> h323-newnat13 patch to the
>> kernel.spec file in the rpm, and generate an mdk82-default kernel + 
>> h323 nat patch.
>> I realize that this is a rather advanced concept, as I am in the 
>> process of generating a custom
>> distribution derivative of mandrake (just as mandrake is derivative of 
>> redhat).  Normally I
>> read the cooker mailinglist, but since this was a problem with the 8.2 
>> kernel, and not the
>> cooker kernel, I assumed this was the place to ask.
>> All I want is to generate the mdk82 kernel rpm, in the same way it was 
>> generated by
>> mandrake.  I definately assume that they generated it with rpm 
>> --rebuild, and not by hand
>> as you suggested.
> I just recompiled the secure kernel because I want to put it on my 
> Pentium 133 firewall.  Look in linux/arch/i386 for the various Mandrake 
> configurations for intel and compatible architectures.  Then it's the 
> old "make mrproper", "make (x|menu|old)config", "make deps", etc.  It 
> took some time, but wasn't hard.
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Can your compiled kernel fit on a floppy?

Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

It has long been an article of our folklore that too much knowledge or 
or especially consummate expertise, is a bad thing.  It dehumanizes 
those who
achieve it, and makes difficult their commerce with just plain folks, in 
good old common sense has not been obliterated by mere book learning or 
notions.  This popular delusion flourishes now more than ever, for we 
are all
infected with it in the schools, where educationists have elevated it from
folklore to Article of Belief.  It enhances their self-esteem and lightens
their labors by providing theoretical justification for deciding that
appreciation, or even simple awareness, is more to be prized than knowledge,
and relating (to self and others), more than skill, in which minimum
competence will be quite enough.
-- The Underground Grammarian

Linux 2.4.18-6mdk i686

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Re: [expert] 8.2 P166 and P200.....

2002-04-16 Thread nDiScReEt

Ralph Crongeyer wrote:
> It fails after Lilo is loaded. After the boot loader screen is loaded (and
> you have the chance to select Linux-Secure, Linux, Failsafe) when
> Linux-Secure is selected it gets about this far:
> Loading Linux-Secure...
> and then the system reboots.
> Ralph
> __
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I get that also on my Pentium IV 1.3 Ghz Desktop, as well!

Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

Bunker's Admonition:
You cannot buy beer; you can only rent it.

Linux 2.4.18-6mdk i686

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Re: [expert] [OT] Xine problem with 8.2

2002-04-16 Thread nDiScReEt

> On 7 Apr 2002, Ric Tibbetts wrote:
>>Ok, not exactly on topic, but I'm hoping that someone here will know
>>this one.
>>I'm trying to play DVD's with xine. It plays mpegs ok, but I get the
>>following error on DVDs:
>>There is no available plugin to handle
>>  dvd://video_ts.vob
>>I've checked the home page for xine looking for answers, an found
>>nothing. Can someone point me to an answer for this?
> Since you posted this I'm assuming that you found the other pages to the
> different demuxers. I'm curious as to what sort of performance you're
> getting and what are your hardware specs. My laptop has a P/400 but
> video is too jerky to be watchable. It runs fine on an Athlon 900
> though.
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try this command:

dvd -pq dvdnav://

of course, you will need xine-dvdnav installed.

Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

Bunker's Admonition:
You cannot buy beer; you can only rent it.

Linux 2.4.18-6mdk i686

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[expert] Mobile Postfix Accounts

2002-04-09 Thread nDiScReEt

Anyone know how to configure postfix or provide a link on how to setup 
postfix so that my users can check their mail from within the internal 
network and abroad on the road?

Altoine B
Maximum Time Unlimited
Chicago Based and Operated

Genius is the talent of a person who is dead.

Linux 2.4.18-6mdk i686

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Re: [expert] 8.2 how to make supermount work?

2002-03-26 Thread nDiScReEt

Eduardo M. A. M. Mendes wrote:

> Hello
> I was crasy enough to try to upgrade from rc1 to 8.2 (I said crasy because 
> all other attempts ended up in a full install).  Fortunately everything 
> worked except for supermount.  It is not working anymore.  How can I fix that 
> manually?
> Many thanks
> Ed
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/usr/sbin/supermount enable



echo Altoine B
echo Maximum Time Unlimited
echo Chicago Based and Operated
uptime ; echo

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Re: [expert] procmail & qmail config

2002-02-23 Thread nDiScReEt

Randy Kramer wrote:

> nDiScReEt wrote:
>>I know I should try to do some work initially with this before asking
>>the list for any inputs, but I ask that the list forgive me, I have a
>>small network with one computer handling the routing and firewall. I
>>would like to add another feature to my linux server. I would like it to
>>have a mail server to collect all of my mail outside of my network and
>>store it internally on it's media. My problem: I have one computer setup
>>with all of my email being pop authenticated to mozilla's messenger.
>>When I hop to another computer, I can get new mail on that system, but I
>>can not access my old email because it is physically on the other
>>computer. Then it came to me... why not have all my mail on one
>>computer? Can it be done? Will it only produce the same effect as before
>>or is there really a solution already out there that would allow me to
>>read saved (old) and new email from any of my networked computers? That
>>is why I didn't try yet first and choose to rather ask the linux
>>mandrake community if there was such a program and if there is, how to
>>configure it to work the way that I want? tia
> altoine,
> There are at least two ways to do this:
> Assuming you only want to share mail among computer on your home LAN,
> and they are all Linux, I think the simplest way is via a shared
> directory.  Simply pick one of your computers to be the "main" computer
> for the purposes of mail, then share your ~/home/mail directory (or
> Mail, or whatever) on the network.  On the other computers, simply point
> your mail client to that shared directory.  One disadvantage -- the
> computer you designated as main should always be up when you are using
> any other computer to look at mail, so all the mail gets to and stays in
> that shared directory.  (I do this in Windows, and I even (for a short
> period) read the mail on the Windows main computer using Netscape 3.0x
> on Linux.)
> The next way is somewhat similar, except set up an imap server on that
> "main" computer, then read your mail from the other computers using an
> imap client.
> Randy Kramer
> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
> Go to

Thank you for replying and providing me with such vital information!
The computer that I want to grab and share all my email from will and 
always is up (it is my router/server). Isn't there an inherent flaw or 
security issue with imap? I will go with either if and only if I can 
read my email on either computer with any email client. From mutt and 
sendmail to mozilla messenger and mircosoft outlook.


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[expert] procmail & qmail config

2002-02-23 Thread nDiScReEt

I know I should try to do some work initially with this before asking 
the list for any inputs, but I ask that the list forgive me, I have a 
small network with one computer handling the routing and firewall. I 
would like to add another feature to my linux server. I would like it to 
have a mail server to collect all of my mail outside of my network and 
store it internally on it's media. My problem: I have one computer setup 
with all of my email being pop authenticated to mozilla's messenger. 
When I hop to another computer, I can get new mail on that system, but I 
can not access my old email because it is physically on the other 
computer. Then it came to me... why not have all my mail on one 
computer? Can it be done? Will it only produce the same effect as before 
or is there really a solution already out there that would allow me to 
read saved (old) and new email from any of my networked computers? That 
is why I didn't try yet first and choose to rather ask the linux 
mandrake community if there was such a program and if there is, how to 
configure it to work the way that I want? tia


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Re: [expert] Re: rsync problem (was beta2 to beta3)

2002-02-23 Thread nDiScReEt

Randy Kramer wrote:

> Part of the issue is that the directory must be specified relative to
> something.  I think it is relative to something like the rsync working
> directory, which may be different than the ftp working directory.  Thus
> the path you specify in an rsync command may need to be different than
> the path specified in an ftp command.  (And I may be all wrong about
> this -- I was very confused at the time, and, clearly, still am.)
> If I had to take a flying leap at this point in time, I'd try deleting
> "/pub" from the path in your command -- that seems to be what I had to
> do at the site.
> If anybody can clarify this, it would be greatly appreciated, and I
> would be happy to revise the appropriate paragraphs on the WikiLearn
> page.  (Or, since it is a wiki, you can register and revise them
> yourself.)
> regards,
> Randy Kramer

I had to do the same thing. I removed "pub" from the directory in order 
to get it to read from "carroll" as well. Why this is the case is beyond 
my understanding at this time. I will check into eventually after I 
update this computer to LM8.2beta3 Cooker. It works great on my other 
computer with some caveates.HTH


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