[FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge

2008-01-17 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "The Secret" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Rick, us peons detected horniness.  The women picked up these
> really powerful vibes from male initiators.  Men felt almost engulfed
> by the longings of female initiators.  And of course women felt
> vvveee strange in the presence of certain woman initiators and
> guys felt vvveee strange in the presence of some male
> I was blown away, relishing the obvious and non-obvious charms of a
> female initiator who told me about THE CULT OF MALE HOMOSEXUALITY AT
> MIU.  Man, I thought she was going to kick over the table we sat
> opposite to each other at, me drinking coffee and having a piece of
> pie, her thankful that I saved a bag of mint tea from that ?tofu?
> lunch and wanting to wolf down that pie in front of me, plate and all.
> I said to myself "why, me, Lord?".

Good to hear your impressions here, whoever you
are. They match mine during the time I was a TM
teacher and governor and State Coordinator and
all that stuff.

The whole scene was a Soap Opera of the Third 
Kind, a buncha people with really *ordinary* 
desires, dreams and aspirations ("I just want
to find someone to love") hiding those everyday
desires and dreams and aspirations behind the
accepted *group* desires, dreams and aspirations.

> Then came the post 6 months course mating frenzy.  I had a lady
> governor rip me another one when she announced that I had taken
> too long to propose to her and that she had to settle for HIM 
> instead.

Tell me about it. :-) Being a State Coordinator
type, I was more visible on the West coast than
some eligible (meaning non-celibate and never
likely to be celibate) TM teachers. So I got hit
on a *lot*. And no, it was NOT because I was very
good looking or rich or smart or anything like
that; it was (IMO) because I had managed to be
in the TM movement, hold some minor positions in
it, and still manage to have a sex life. So a lot
of women who hadn't managed the last element in
that triad were lookin' to hook up with some guy
who had. 

There is really nothing more frightening at the
time (and hilarious in retrospect) than being cor-
nered at a residence course by a woman who hasn't
been laid in years. Ok I guess if you find her
attractive, but if you don't...?

> OK, I might have flirted.  I wasn't a bad looking guy, she was not a
> displeasing to the eye lady.  But a couple of flirts is not the same
> as buying an option on an engagement ring.  Perhaps y'all remember
> that us guys were back home developing our professions and were at the
> highest jerk (first derivative of acceleration) of our careers while
> y'all were somewhere in the Alps.  There was a mad race for male
> sidhas (if you're not, we can fix that) by lady governors because they
> were prospering and there was an imperative at the time to marry and
> manufacture bodies for nearly enlightened souls to inhabit.  The
> thought Fourth Reich comes to mind.
> OTOH, we had some really tense times ourselves on residences courses
> at the Holiday Inn.  Yes, I liked to talk to the mother of one of my
> good friends and yes, she was nicely put together.  But should we be
> talking in her room not wanting to put a name on the tension in the
> air?  Of course it got even stranger.  Not only were many private
> liaisons in those cabins at Cobb on my flying block, there was a group
> of cabins right up front which housed married couples.  They observed
> a proper cocktail hour before time for the flying room. 

I have many fond memories of the ATR courses at Cobb
Mountain. During one six week course I wound up sleep-
ing with seven or eight different women (none of them
married, thank you). There was a LOT of foolin' around
going down at those courses. As I've said here before,
those who get all huffy and pretend that there *wasn't*
a lot of very human foolin' around goin' on are just
pissed off that they didn't get in on the action.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> > From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > On Behalf Of curtisdeltablues
> > Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 5:26 PM
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > Yes, I agree. I'm sure I came off as a complete ass to many people
> > too polite to call me on my bullshit when I was teaching TM. Makes me
> > cringe just thinking about it!
> > 
> > I can relate. I was stark raving loony at times, and speaking in
> >

[FairfieldLife] Ha ha ...Curtis gets it..

2008-01-17 Thread off_world_beings
Ha ha .Curtis gets it.

...and Judy gets it.

And THAT my friends is the beauty of the co-exisetence of opposites 
that MMY talked about in his description of Enlightenment.

Talk about 'pwned'...yes folks, that is spelled "pwned"

Only person that doesn't get it?.Turq.

Let you'all now analyze ..why Turq doesn't get it?


--- pwner of the Cosmos.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge

2008-01-17 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "The Secret" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
>  wrote:
> > <<>>
> > 
> >  You
> > are mixing up the story teachers told meditators and what we believed
> > ourselves.  
> > 
> Can you kindly understand that the meditators were adult men and women
> who detected Ervig Goffman Presentation of Self in Everyday Life
> differences between front stage and back stage in spades and didn't
> quite appreciate it?  The expansion of this theme is fathers and
> mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers still being treated as children
> once they enter Campus.  Then again, perhaps recertified Governors are
> also still treated as though they were children and some of them don't
> appreciate it.

*Everyone* in the TM movement is treated as a 
child. It's been that way since Day One, with
only one "Daddy" in sight. 

*No one* is allowed to "grow up" and have an
opinion on life, the universe, and how every-
thing works that is as valid and as "right" as
Maharishi's. No one. To pretend otherwise is
to deny the obvious reality of the situation.

And if you think I'm wrong, just try spouting
off in public about your private theory of X
that deviates from Maharishi's theory of X and
see how long you last. 

Judging from what has happened in other spiritual
movements when their leader died, the "definitions"
of what is "right" and what is "wrong" will become
even *more* concrete and *more* enforced with the
passing of Maharishi. People who consider them-
selves the "leaders" of the movement will compile
catechism-like books of Maharishi's quotes that
seem to support the "rules" they'd like to impose
on everyone the same way they impose them on them-
selves, and they'll develop "hit squads" whose job
it is to enforce them, primarily through "official"
inclusion in the group vs. exclusion. Those who
follow the "rules" are allowed to stay; those who
deviate are out, toast, no longer a part of things.

As far as I can tell, there has never been a spir-
itual movement in history that became less funda-
mentalist when its leader passed away. They've all
become *more* fundamentalist, at least for a few
decades or centuries. And I expect the same to be
true of the TM movement as well.

In other words, those who hope here for a "gentler,
kinder TMO" just haven't looked at the lessons of
history and learned from them.

IMO, of course.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 911 into the fray again I go (of the assailing on FFL)

2008-01-17 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "ruthsimplicity"
> So, you can have relatively normal people believing extraordinary
> things.  That is what fascinates me.  Of course, you get paranoid
> people with paranoid theories, that is to be expected.  But normal
> people with odd ideas is really interesting.

Another way of looking at it is that there are
no "normal" people, only really odd people who
have so far been good at projecting an air of
"normality." They suss out the common denominator
beliefs of the consensus reality they live in and
pretend to be those things. But it's just an act.

Scratch the surface and you find that every so-
called "normal" person in the environment is a
seething mass of weird beliefs just waiting for
an opportunity to come out. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge

2008-01-17 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "The Secret" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, if you're going on CCP or IA, no forms to sign.  Just fill out
> contact information.  We could be going any direction now that
> Maharishi (whom I heard acted in a paranoid fashion at times and I've
> known some of his local, volunteer attorneys and they could file a
> writ so fast) has retired and is walking into the sunset.
> Indeed they have a file on you.  I know that there are databases but
> there may still be paper files.  They can quote you dates and times
> you said or did what.  Then again the FF police have been observed to
> patrol campus in the evening with great interest and a place that's
> wide open in the town of the fruits and nuts is of special concern to
> the FF PD and of course to MUM.  Remember, murder, trips from Dome to
> Mt. Pleasant, lawsuits over lawful death and over failure to prevent
> one of killing.  This is not the Ottumwa ladies book club we're
> talking about.
> I said to the cashier, who was dressed and acted like an elder member
> of Campus if perhaps he belonged to the same group as I did.  "What
> group is that?", he asked.  "Meditator".  "No, not that".  "Well I
> don't hold it against you and expect you don't hold it against me." 
> "I don't but I don't like pedophiles."  So while Tom Traynor assures
> me that the town people are us, I can assure him that there's a steamy
> underbelly to FF which is us and a steamy underbelly to FF which is
> not us and not all townies look at us with just bemusement.

"Bemusement" is a good word, and a good 'tude
as far as I'm concerned. The more people who
laugh at us, the more likely that someday we'll
learn to laugh at ourselves.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Regular Guy Attitude.

2008-01-17 Thread off_world_beings
OOOPSwaitdid I post that already?  

A'm goin senile...erif you didn't watch it yet, then watch 

If you don't like it, then like it.it will set you free.

If you watched it already, then watch this next one  !

A follow up, and just as funny, maybe more so !



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Regular Guy Attitude
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PsnxDQvQpw&feature=related
> OffWorld

[FairfieldLife] Re: SSRS on the Ego

2008-01-17 Thread lurkernomore20002000

  In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Interesting video. Talks about Realization via the expansion of the ego
to include everything and also the contraction of the ego to the point
of nothingness.

This is strange.  This may be the first video I have seen of SSRS.  It
is eerie to me to see such a likeness of MMY.  I don't mean this
negatively.  Many people I respect are into his teaching.  But the
simiarity of speech,  mannerisms,  and appearance evoke an odd feeling
in me.  This is just hitting too damn close to home.


> Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your home page.
> http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs

[FairfieldLife] Regular Guy Attitude.

2008-01-17 Thread off_world_beings

Regular Guy Attitude



[FairfieldLife] Re: Where's the heart? (MSAE , Donating to Dharma)

2008-01-17 Thread lurkernomore20002000

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why should I respond to someone who behaves like a loud-mouthed drunk
> in a bar?

You do a lot of non responding Fes.  This is an easy excuse not to
answer IMO.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge

2008-01-17 Thread Angela Mailander
No, I'm neither.

- Original Message 
From: tertonzeno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 9:51:21 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge

So, you like aphorisms. You're probably a TMO or other 
Fundamentalist. Are you a TB?
Here's a good Ginsberg quote:
I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving 
hysterical naked, 
dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an 
angry fix; 
Angel-headed hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection 
to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night."

--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, "The Secret" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] ..> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Angela Mailander
>  wrote:
> >
> > Curtis, 
> > I really like your phrase about the move from the Age of
> Enlightenment to the Age of Embarassment. It has depth, it has irony,
> it has humor, it has truth and insight; it has what's called "poetic
> texture" in my line of work. And here's the deal: embarrassment is
> prolly closer to real enlightenment than most claims of higher states
> of consciousness I've seen. Show me a mensch who's not embarassed to
> look back on his stupid life. Have you ever read "Gimpel the Fool" by
> Isaac Bashevis Singer? 
> > 
> "Man is the only animal that blushes - or needs to." -- Mark Twain

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge

2008-01-17 Thread tertonzeno
So, you like aphorisms.  You're probably a TMO  or other 
Fundamentalist.  Are you a TB?
 Here's a good Ginsberg quote:
I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving 
hysterical naked, 
dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an 
angry fix; 
Angel-headed hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection 
to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night."

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "The Secret" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander
>  wrote:
> >
> > Curtis, 
> > I really like your phrase about the move from the Age of
> Enlightenment to the Age of Embarassment.  It has depth, it has irony,
> it has humor, it has truth and insight; it has what's called "poetic
> texture" in my line of work.  And here's the deal: embarrassment is
> prolly closer to real enlightenment than most claims of higher states
> of consciousness I've seen. Show me a mensch who's not embarassed to
> look back on his stupid life.  Have you ever read "Gimpel the Fool" by
> Isaac Bashevis Singer? 
> > 
> "Man is the only animal that blushes - or needs to."  -- Mark Twain

[FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge

2008-01-17 Thread The Secret
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander
> Curtis, 
> I really like your phrase about the move from the Age of
Enlightenment to the Age of Embarassment.  It has depth, it has irony,
it has humor, it has truth and insight; it has what's called "poetic
texture" in my line of work.  And here's the deal: embarrassment is
prolly closer to real enlightenment than most claims of higher states
of consciousness I've seen. Show me a mensch who's not embarassed to
look back on his stupid life.  Have you ever read "Gimpel the Fool" by
Isaac Bashevis Singer? 

"Man is the only animal that blushes - or needs to."  -- Mark Twain

[FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge

2008-01-17 Thread The Secret
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "coshlnx" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ---I don't see where bashing comes in. It's more like an evaluation 
> and conclusion(s) based on the available facts, when it comes to The 
> Mahareeshee.  But Bevan, Hagelin, and the Rajas are fair game for 
> bashing.  Let the games begin!.

"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the
subject." -- Winston Churchill

[FairfieldLife] Re: Let's lighten things up a bit

2008-01-17 Thread The Secret
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> I wish it were possible for a person to use a shill in demos like
> these.  You know, someone you pay to do what you want for a show. 
> Like someone who you can pay and then tell them what to say and do
> when the cameras are running.  I guess that is completely impossible.
> It makes more sense that his NLP skills are instantly effective and
> magical on strangers.  Yeah that makes much more sense.  How could
> anyone actually give money to another person for the purposes of
> making it look like they had done something magical?  No way!  That
> could never happen. Other than every working magician I know of, no
> one would use a paid actor to pretend they were innocent...
> Ok now my snarkiness is too much even for me.  I studied NLP and there
> are people who believe that it is all so simple and effective. But it
> doesn't work this well or that instantly. I've trained with some of
> the best, even one of the founders, John Grinder.  This guy is not
> demonstrating NLP or hypnosis, it just doesn't work that way.
The Dune books gave me permission to have many wonderful experiences.
The first book in particular clicked with me.  I was shocked to read
a synopsis a few weeks ago stating that this was the land of the Ved
and then when I yanked up the movie, it was deja vu all over again
when I saw that the book became a David Lynch Movie.

Is it possible that The Voice and the sayings and doings of the Bene
Gesserit were based on NLP? 

"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death
that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it
to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn
the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be
nothing. Only I will remain."
--- Frank Herbert, Dune - Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear

[FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge

2008-01-17 Thread The Secret
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"
>  wrote:
> >
> > "It is my fortune, Guru Dev, that I have been accepted 
> > to serve the Holy Tradition and spread the Light of God 
> > to all those who need it. It is my joy to undertake the 
> > responsibility of representing the Holy Tradition in all 
> > its purity as it has been given to me by Maharishi and I 
> > promise on your altar, Guru Dev, that with all my heart 
> > and mind I will always work within the framework of the 
> > Organisations founded by Maharishi. And to you, Maharishi, 
> > I promise that as a Meditation Guide I will be faithful 
> > in all ways to the trust that you have placed in me."
> > 
> > Notes for readers:
> > 
> > Here is the TMers pledge that all graduates of TM Teacher 
> > Training are required to sign before becoming TM teachers. 
> > 
> > Source:
> We weren't required to sign anything in Fuiggi; though Jerry did
> administer a *verbal* pledge which we agreed to.

And thank you for not disclosing it to us.  Court (public) records are
one thing but disclosing something you did in confidence doesn't prove
you're an honorable person.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge

2008-01-17 Thread The Secret
I felt a wonderful thing, a thing of peace and joy when you mentioned
the monastery   I viewed the site.  Very nice.  But isn't heaven on
earth where you are right now?

Actually, though away from the fruit of the vine since December 5,
I've always been kind of partial to the Christian Brothers.  They have
this fabulous place north of San Franciso, not so far from Cobb
Mountain where they make things to warm body and soul. Every time I
visited them they poured so generously and freely.   I of course
favor their products because of where the "profit" is going to.  They
fund so many schools and universities. They don't follow the 1/3 or
1/2 rule.

Because I attracted a bunch of Irishmen and Irishwomen into my life
right now I keep a medicinal substance called Guinness in my
refrigerator.  I just took a look.  No.  Not a good time to taste of it.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> > That's about all I can say right now though I haven't said much of
> > anything in a screen and a half of typing.
> > 
> Thanks, I think you said plenty to satisfy a nosy person at the end of
> the Internet!  
> Ever hang out at the New Melleray Cistercian Monastery in Dubuque? 
> http://www.newmelleray.org/ Beautiful place. I used to take retreats
> there when I was a student at MIU in the late 70's. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Let's lighten things up a bit

2008-01-17 Thread Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?
Certainly an NLP trick, done with a highly suggestible entity,
though I wouldn't be surprised that she was a shill either,
and still gullible to be a suggestible to be that shill.

On 1/17/08, curtisdeltablues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I wish it were possible for a person to use a shill in demos like
> these.  You know, someone you pay to do what you want for a show.
> Like someone who you can pay and then tell them what to say and do
> when the cameras are running.  I guess that is completely impossible.
> It makes more sense that his NLP skills are instantly effective and
> magical on strangers.  Yeah that makes much more sense.  How could
> anyone actually give money to another person for the purposes of
> making it look like they had done something magical?  No way!  That
> could never happen. Other than every working magician I know of, no
> one would use a paid actor to pretend they were innocent...
> Ok now my snarkiness is too much even for me.  I studied NLP and there
> are people who believe that it is all so simple and effective. But it
> doesn't work this well or that instantly. I've trained with some of
> the best, even one of the founders, John Grinder.  This guy is not
> demonstrating NLP or hypnosis, it just doesn't work that way.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "guyfawkes91" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> > If you have an interest in spiritual practices, group dynamics and the
> > wilder shores of suggestibility here're some YouTube clips which ought
> > to make you laugh, gawp, feel smug and generally leave you scratching
> > your head thinking "What the F...!, Um, er, eh how did he do that". It's
> > a few clips of a British magician/mentalist/entertainer called Derren
> > Brown who is famous in the UK  for mucking about with people's minds
> > while they're not looking and leaving the cameras on to display the
> > effects.
> > Very wild and way cool. He's doing a US series sometime.
> >
> > For a laugh
> >
> > So you think you know the color red when you see it
> > 
> >
> > Has something like this ever happened to you?
> >   Now come on be honest!
> >
> > The trick is explained
> > www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybmOlQRuaYM
> > 
> >
> > A bit more serious
> >
> > You do Voodoo? Are you really sure?
> >    Always question things.
> >
> > Astrology, m   We've
> > heard that one.
> >
> > Catch my dreams!    Have
> > your's been caught?
> >
> > More tricks with Crystals 
> > (without money changing hands!)
> >
> > Playing with collective consciousness
> >
> > Group coherence can be joyful
> >    But beware of Crowd
> > control   You will be
> > assimilated into the group mind!
> >
> > Wisdom of Crowds 
> >
> > Persuasion
> >
> > Cast your mind back, have you ever done something like this
> >   ? and this
> > 
> >
> > Group dynamics are not always fun. Be afraid
> >   and then Be very afraid
> > 
> >
> > If that leaves you feeling in need of upliftment then have a laugh with
> > something very nearly plain
> > vanilla magic    or
> > heartwarming, my fave 
> >
> > I like these clips and other Derren Brown stuff because it forces
> > people to ask questions about their beliefs. Way cool. Check out other
> > DB clips on YouTube and wind up your friends.
> >
> > Enjoy
> >
> > Guy Fawkes

[FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge

2008-01-17 Thread coshlnx
---I don't see where bashing comes in. It's more like an evaluation 
and conclusion(s) based on the available facts, when it comes to The 
Mahareeshee.  But Bevan, Hagelin, and the Rajas are fair game for 
bashing.  Let the games begin!.

 In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"
>  wrote:
> >
> > Curtis wrote:
> > > What exactly is your beef with ex-teachers?
> > >
> > That they like to bash the Marshy?
> That helps a bit, thanks.  Funny I always assumed your were goofing 
> him by calling him "Marshy".  A marsh is kind of a murky place.
> Does your concept of bashing him include treating him like a flawed
> human like you and me?  When I say that I believe he is mistaken 
> human consciousness, is that bashing?  I am trying to find out where
> you are drawing your lines. 
> I assume that any discussion about women claiming to have banged him
> would be "bashing", or at the very least "mashing".
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge

2008-01-17 Thread curtisdeltablues
> That's about all I can say right now though I haven't said much of
> anything in a screen and a half of typing.

Thanks, I think you said plenty to satisfy a nosy person at the end of
the Internet!  

Ever hang out at the New Melleray Cistercian Monastery in Dubuque? 
http://www.newmelleray.org/ Beautiful place. I used to take retreats
there when I was a student at MIU in the late 70's. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "The Secret" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, I have to be very careful here.  I am having very powerful
> experiences in a very powerful place and of course this is a time of
> reverence and we are saying rosaries together, meditating together in
> honor of the decision of a very great man to pass on.
> Rick will tell you that a couple weeks ago I was a lot more critical
> than I am now.  But when I look up at the silk flower to my left and
> it comes to life and I enter it and look back at myself and all of
> this is glorious, it's very easy to laugh off an agreement to meet at
> 1 PM at a certain place to drive us to lunch in town and no one shows
> up and I'm phoning everyone and no one answers, I encounter one of the
> men a few hours later trying to get some food with a friend who also
> has has a car.  The man made the arrangements on my vmail the night
> before but he's not quite sure he recognizes me right now.  But it's
> not only all good, it's absolutely divine and perfect.
> I would have said that TM was perhaps a dubious thing to do, with a
> little flash here and there but when infinity is you and all around
> you in all directions, it's kind of hard to come to that conclusion. 
> I do believe that people act unkind.  But then again leaving me in the
> lurch at 1 PM could be perceived as unkind.  I had some very definite
> opinions about the phoniness of the TM Movement, the lack of power of
> the techniques, the branding of everything with an appellation one
> wrote for himself when sending out for stationary as a way of puffing
> up ones self.  
> But we don't see the world as it is, we see it as we are.  And what I
> see is glory and love and infinity.
> I seek closure for certain things, call a spade a spade when I
> encounter it.  The TM Movement was a buffet I at times took too
> seriously and definitely those who hosted the buffet were capricious,
> at times vicious and very flaky.  But I've had enough to eat, thank
> you.  There are a couple of things that aren't fully digested off the
> buffet, but when you're sated you kind of lose interest in food and
> that buffet.  
> That's about all I can say right now though I haven't said much of
> anything in a screen and a half of typing.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
>  wrote:
> > 
> > Tonight I'm having some hard cider.  I'll pour you one. So if you care
> > to, tell us your perspective on the movement, TM.
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 911 into the fray again I go (of the assailing on FFL)

2008-01-17 Thread Vaj

On Jan 17, 2008, at 6:11 PM, ruthsimplicity wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It would be more interesting, for me anyways, to hear some of the
> psychological bases for these phenomenon.
> For me, it seemed more 1) a lack of common sense or sometimes people
> who are very naturally imaginative or afraid 2) people without an
> innate understanding of basic engineering tenets or physics--no
> different than say a person who might lack artistic ability or
> mechanical ability. 3) fricking paranoid people, some whom because  

> their lack of social skills cannot grok what happens at "higher"
> levels of society, so they fear it, as if there were naturally this
> cabal "out there". But "fear" of the unknown seems central.
> It would be interesting to hear Dr. Pete comment on this because I
> feel there's something I'm missing in terms of "the conspiracy
> theorist personality profile".

Do you know some people who seem to have to have an explanation for

Very few really.

That nothing can simply be a mystery, a puzzle, with no
certain resolution?

That's a sad state of affairs. But it is a part of modern life, any  
day, anywhere.

With a thousand distractions, it not unusual not to feel resolution  
because you're not grounded in something more unchanging.

For example, someone who has led a clean life,
does not smoke, gets plenty of exercise and eats well, but gets
cancer. That person wants an answer and there might not be one. But
they come up with one anyway: alar on the apples, that vaccine with
trace amounts of formaldehyde, or whatever. People like to have
answers and people like to have answers that are in proportion to the

It's just not always that simple.

So, you can have relatively normal people believing extraordinary
things. That is what fascinates me. Of course, you get paranoid
people with paranoid theories, that is to be expected. But normal
people with odd ideas is really interesting.

Normal people with odd ideas is an important part of my life. I  
couldn't imagine life without it!

Despite that, knowing some bit of psychology, there is a genre, a  
psychological profile that could bring organized appreciation of this  
conspiracy meme. Then with that organization, when needed, healing  
could be the outcome...not that that is always the need or the goal.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge

2008-01-17 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"
> Curtis wrote:
> > What exactly is your beef with ex-teachers?
> >
> That they like to bash the Marshy?

That helps a bit, thanks.  Funny I always assumed your were goofing on
him by calling him "Marshy".  A marsh is kind of a murky place.

Does your concept of bashing him include treating him like a flawed
human like you and me?  When I say that I believe he is mistaken about
human consciousness, is that bashing?  I am trying to find out where
you are drawing your lines. 

I assume that any discussion about women claiming to have banged him
would be "bashing", or at the very least "mashing".


[FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge

2008-01-17 Thread The Secret
Well, I have to be very careful here.  I am having very powerful
experiences in a very powerful place and of course this is a time of
reverence and we are saying rosaries together, meditating together in
honor of the decision of a very great man to pass on.

Rick will tell you that a couple weeks ago I was a lot more critical
than I am now.  But when I look up at the silk flower to my left and
it comes to life and I enter it and look back at myself and all of
this is glorious, it's very easy to laugh off an agreement to meet at
1 PM at a certain place to drive us to lunch in town and no one shows
up and I'm phoning everyone and no one answers, I encounter one of the
men a few hours later trying to get some food with a friend who also
has has a car.  The man made the arrangements on my vmail the night
before but he's not quite sure he recognizes me right now.  But it's
not only all good, it's absolutely divine and perfect.

I would have said that TM was perhaps a dubious thing to do, with a
little flash here and there but when infinity is you and all around
you in all directions, it's kind of hard to come to that conclusion. 
I do believe that people act unkind.  But then again leaving me in the
lurch at 1 PM could be perceived as unkind.  I had some very definite
opinions about the phoniness of the TM Movement, the lack of power of
the techniques, the branding of everything with an appellation one
wrote for himself when sending out for stationary as a way of puffing
up ones self.  

But we don't see the world as it is, we see it as we are.  And what I
see is glory and love and infinity.

I seek closure for certain things, call a spade a spade when I
encounter it.  The TM Movement was a buffet I at times took too
seriously and definitely those who hosted the buffet were capricious,
at times vicious and very flaky.  But I've had enough to eat, thank
you.  There are a couple of things that aren't fully digested off the
buffet, but when you're sated you kind of lose interest in food and
that buffet.  

That's about all I can say right now though I haven't said much of
anything in a screen and a half of typing.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"

> Tonight I'm having some hard cider.  I'll pour you one. So if you care
> to, tell us your perspective on the movement, TM.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge

2008-01-17 Thread Richard J. Williams
Curtis wrote:
> What exactly is your beef with ex-teachers?
That they like to bash the Marshy? 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 911 into the fray again I go (of the assailing on FFL)

2008-01-17 Thread Richard J. Williams
Vaj wrote: 
> I'm no expert of missiles, but I do no a jet engine when 
> I see one. And there are just too many eyewitnesses who 
> saw the frickin' plane.
The damage to the Pentagon on September 11 was caused by 
something other than a hijacked Boeing 757's being crashed 
into its side. False.


'Hunt the Boeing'
Snopes, September 23, 2004

"Published reports by the National Institute of Standards and
Technology do not support the controlled demolition hypothesis."

'9/11 conspiracy theories'

'Debunking the 9/11 Myths: Special Report'
Popular Mechanics, March 2005

[FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge

2008-01-17 Thread The Secret
Rick, us peons detected horniness.  The women picked up these
really powerful vibes from male initiators.  Men felt almost engulfed
by the longings of female initiators.  And of course women felt
vvveee strange in the presence of certain woman initiators and
guys felt vvveee strange in the presence of some male initiators.

I was blown away, relishing the obvious and non-obvious charms of a
female initiator who told me about THE CULT OF MALE HOMOSEXUALITY AT
MIU.  Man, I thought she was going to kick over the table we sat
opposite to each other at, me drinking coffee and having a piece of
pie, her thankful that I saved a bag of mint tea from that ?tofu?
lunch and wanting to wolf down that pie in front of me, plate and all.
I said to myself "why, me, Lord?".

Then came the post 6 months course mating frenzy.  I had a lady
governor rip me another one when she announced that I had taken
too long to propose to her and that she had to settle for HIM instead.
OK, I might have flirted.  I wasn't a bad looking guy, she was not a
displeasing to the eye lady.  But a couple of flirts is not the same
as buying an option on an engagement ring.  Perhaps y'all remember
that us guys were back home developing our professions and were at the
highest jerk (first derivative of acceleration) of our careers while
y'all were somewhere in the Alps.  There was a mad race for male
sidhas (if you're not, we can fix that) by lady governors because they
were prospering and there was an imperative at the time to marry and
manufacture bodies for nearly enlightened souls to inhabit.  The
thought Fourth Reich comes to mind.

OTOH, we had some really tense times ourselves on residences courses
at the Holiday Inn.  Yes, I liked to talk to the mother of one of my
good friends and yes, she was nicely put together.  But should we be
talking in her room not wanting to put a name on the tension in the
air?  Of course it got even stranger.  Not only were many private
liaisons in those cabins at Cobb on my flying block, there was a group
of cabins right up front which housed married couples.  They observed
a proper cocktail hour before time for the flying room. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> On Behalf Of curtisdeltablues
> Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 5:26 PM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge
> Yes, I agree. I'm sure I came off as a complete ass to many people
> too polite to call me on my bullshit when I was teaching TM. Makes me
> cringe just thinking about it!
> I can relate. I was stark raving loony at times, and speaking in public!

[FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge

2008-01-17 Thread curtisdeltablues
I like to sum up my exit from the movement as going from the Age of
Enlightenment into the Age of Embarrassment!  I was earnest and I
loved my participation when I was in the movement.  But I sure was
full of something like your Southern friend observed!  Still am I'm
sure, just different stuff!  The difference is that with years I know
how many times I have been wrong in the past. Youth has some natural
arrogance/confidence built in to keep kids from curling up in a ball
over what they don't know about the world.  When I see it in young
people it makes me feel old to understand what a double edged sward
that confidence without knowledge brings.

If ex TM teachers admitting to being full of themselves and BS while
in TM heals you, you are in the right place.  Rick has already weighed
in and there will be more probably.

Tonight I'm having some hard cider.  I'll pour you one. So if you care
to, tell us your perspective on the movement, TM.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "The Secret" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
>  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "The Secret"  wrote:
> > > Can you kindly understand that the meditators were adult men and
> > > who detected Ervig Goffman Presentation of Self in Everyday Life
> > > differences between front stage and back stage in spades and didn't
> > > quite appreciate it?
> > 
> > Yes, I agree.  I'm sure I came off as a complete ass to many people
> > too polite to call me on my bullshit when I was teaching TM.  Makes me
> > cringe just thinking about it!
> > 
> Curtis,
> Thank you kindly for that.  Closure.  Finally.  May I buy you a warm
> drink?
> I tend to attract doctors around me on courses and one psychiatrist I
> knew well in one of my groups said in his very southern drawl that
> y'all reminded him of young preachers, so full of something.  He was
> being very kind.
> When I keep picking up Henry, son of a neurologist seemingly at random
> as he walked the side of the road or hitchhiked, when a woman cam back
> as a yogic flyer and had a mysterous room where she did these
> mysterious things and acted like goddess of the Universe, well y'all
> definitely came across, uh, strange.  Behind your backs we debated
> whether or not this particular practice of voodoo was what we wanted
> to be involved with.
> At least some of you had a sense of humor about it.  Telling jokes
> like how do you spot a TM teacher?  He's the one with the $100 suit
> and the $100 car.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge

2008-01-17 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of curtisdeltablues
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 5:26 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge


Yes, I agree. I'm sure I came off as a complete ass to many people
too polite to call me on my bullshit when I was teaching TM. Makes me
cringe just thinking about it!

I can relate. I was stark raving loony at times, and speaking in public!

No virus found in this outgoing message.
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[FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge

2008-01-17 Thread The Secret
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "The Secret"  wrote:

> > Can you kindly understand that the meditators were adult men and women
> > who detected Ervig Goffman Presentation of Self in Everyday Life
> > differences between front stage and back stage in spades and didn't
> > quite appreciate it?
> Yes, I agree.  I'm sure I came off as a complete ass to many people
> too polite to call me on my bullshit when I was teaching TM.  Makes me
> cringe just thinking about it!


Thank you kindly for that.  Closure.  Finally.  May I buy you a warm

I tend to attract doctors around me on courses and one psychiatrist I
knew well in one of my groups said in his very southern drawl that
y'all reminded him of young preachers, so full of something.  He was
being very kind.

When I keep picking up Henry, son of a neurologist seemingly at random
as he walked the side of the road or hitchhiked, when a woman cam back
as a yogic flyer and had a mysterous room where she did these
mysterious things and acted like goddess of the Universe, well y'all
definitely came across, uh, strange.  Behind your backs we debated
whether or not this particular practice of voodoo was what we wanted
to be involved with.

At least some of you had a sense of humor about it.  Telling jokes
like how do you spot a TM teacher?  He's the one with the $100 suit
and the $100 car.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 911 into the fray again I go (of the assailing on FFL)

2008-01-17 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ruthsimplicity wrote:
> > I favor the psychological theory that people fall for conspiracy
> > theories because of a human tendency to try to link major events with
> > major causes. 
> >
> > People cannot accept that a few terrorists could cause such a disaster
> > of such proportion in the United States.
> Don't forget that the "official" version is also a "conspiracy theory" 
> and admitted to be so by its authors.

"Conspiracy theory"  means a theory about a conspiracy without
verifiable evidence.  This is the modern understanding of a
"conspiracy theory."

Re: [FairfieldLife] 911 into the fray again I go (of the assailing on FFL)

2008-01-17 Thread Angela Mailander
Add to that the publication of the Project for a New American Century which 
said explicitly that initiating the wars they wanted to start would be 
difficult to sell to the American people "absent a new Pearl Harbor."

- Original Message 
From: Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 5:27:04 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] 911 into the fray again I go (of the assailing on 

Vaj wrote:
> On Jan 17, 2008, at 3:49 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
>> Vaj wrote:
>> >
>> > On Jan 17, 2008, at 2:35 PM, Duveyoung wrote:
>> >
>> >> Judy and Vaj, are you still reading down this far into my "nonsense?"
>> >> I am sincerely hoping you two can explain these two issues. Given the
>> >> confidence you both seem to "have in spades" when debating this 
>> topic,
>> >> I'm hopeful my POV can be augmented. Why? Cuz who wants to live in
>> >> my reality where the government is so evil? So save me, please.
>> >
>> >
>> > See my last post on building 7.
>> >
>> > Re: The Pentagon.
>> >
>> > Just after the tragedy of 9/11 we were contacted by the American Red
>> > Cross Disaster team regarding the disaster. My wife and 4 others were
>> > to chosen disembark for debriefing in Philadelphia. After debriefing
>> > the teams there assembled divided into three teams: ground zero, NJ
>> > and the Pentagon.
>> >
>> > My wife got the Pentagon assignment.
>> >
>> > She toured the site and saw first hand what happened. It was a plane,
>> > not a missile. The chunk of a jet engine kinda made that very clear.
>> > One the interesting thing, was the fact at such high speeds aluminum
>> > actually "shatters" as if it was glass into tiny pieces. Thus much of
>> > the debris that was metal was in tiny little pieces.
>> And she is an expert at discerning a missile engine (like a global hawk)
>> and a commercial aircraft engine? How do you explain so many
>> experienced airline pilots saying they couldn't even perform the
>> maneuver required to fly an airliner into the Pentagon?
> Glory hoggs, looking to get onto a talk show or make a buck. I've 
> heard reports of people who saw it. Apparently once they were lined up 
> the pilot just opened up the throttle. The rest is history.
> I'm no expert of missiles, but I do no a jet engine when I see one. 
> And there are just too many eyewitnesses who saw the frickin' plane.
People "saw" a plane but couldn't say what size so it could have been a 
missile. One man who was quoted as saying he could "see passengers" in 
the windows actually got angry over the report and said that he only 
said that "it was close enough that I could have seen passengers in 
windows." Some described it as a "commuter plane" too which would be 
much smaller and missile sized.

They certainly could end the debate once and for all by showing us all 
the tapes from the Pentagon cameras as well as the ones they confiscated 
from adjacent businesses. For some reason they don't.

I don't think you, I, Judy or anyone else here has a definitive answer 
on the events of 9-11 so we will have to agree to disagree. As far as 
I'm concerned looking at the timeline of events, the behavior of the 
Bush administration and their foreign occupation exercises as well as 
their use of 9-11 related "fear" to control Americans looks far too 
convenient to me especially when we know that the invasions were planned 
in advance of 9-11.

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 911 into the fray again I go (of the assailing on FFL)

2008-01-17 Thread Bhairitu
ruthsimplicity wrote:
> I favor the psychological theory that people fall for conspiracy
> theories because of a human tendency to try to link major events with
> major causes. 
> People cannot accept that a few terrorists could cause such a disaster
> of such proportion in the United States.
Don't forget that the "official" version is also a "conspiracy theory" 
and admitted to be so by its authors.

Re: [FairfieldLife] 911 into the fray again I go (of the assailing on FFL)

2008-01-17 Thread Bhairitu
Vaj wrote:
> On Jan 17, 2008, at 3:49 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
>> Vaj wrote:
>> >
>> > On Jan 17, 2008, at 2:35 PM, Duveyoung wrote:
>> >
>> >> Judy and Vaj, are you still reading down this far into my "nonsense?"
>> >> I am sincerely hoping you two can explain these two issues. Given the
>> >> confidence you both seem to "have in spades" when debating this 
>> topic,
>> >> I'm hopeful my POV can be augmented. Why? Cuz who wants to live in
>> >> my reality where the government is so evil? So save me, please.
>> >
>> >
>> > See my last post on building 7.
>> >
>> > Re: The Pentagon.
>> >
>> > Just after the tragedy of 9/11 we were contacted by the American Red
>> > Cross Disaster team regarding the disaster. My wife and 4 others were
>> > to chosen disembark for debriefing in Philadelphia. After debriefing
>> > the teams there assembled divided into three teams: ground zero, NJ
>> > and the Pentagon.
>> >
>> > My wife got the Pentagon assignment.
>> >
>> > She toured the site and saw first hand what happened. It was a plane,
>> > not a missile. The chunk of a jet engine kinda made that very clear.
>> > One the interesting thing, was the fact at such high speeds aluminum
>> > actually "shatters" as if it was glass into tiny pieces. Thus much of
>> > the debris that was metal was in tiny little pieces.
>> And she is an expert at discerning a missile engine (like a global hawk)
>> and a commercial aircraft engine? How do you explain so many
>> experienced airline pilots saying they couldn't even perform the
>> maneuver required to fly an airliner into the Pentagon?
> Glory hoggs, looking to get onto a talk show or make a buck. I've 
> heard reports of people who saw it. Apparently once they were lined up 
> the pilot just opened up the throttle. The rest is history.
> I'm no expert of missiles, but I do no a jet engine when I see one. 
> And there are just too many eyewitnesses who saw the frickin' plane.
People "saw" a plane but couldn't say what size so it could have been a 
missile.  One man who was quoted as saying he could "see passengers" in 
the windows actually got angry over the report and said that he only 
said that "it was close enough that I could have seen passengers in 
windows."  Some described it as a "commuter plane" too which would be 
much smaller and missile sized.

They certainly could end the debate once and for all by showing us all 
the tapes from the Pentagon cameras as well as the ones they confiscated 
from adjacent businesses.  For some reason they don't.

I don't think you, I, Judy or anyone else here has a definitive answer 
on the events of 9-11 so we will have to agree to disagree.  As far as 
I'm concerned looking at the timeline of events, the behavior of the 
Bush administration and their foreign occupation exercises as well as 
their use of 9-11 related "fear" to control Americans looks far too 
convenient to me especially when we know that the invasions were planned 
in advance of 9-11.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge

2008-01-17 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "The Secret" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
>  wrote:
> > <<>>
> > 
> >  You
> > are mixing up the story teachers told meditators and what we believed
> > ourselves.  
> > 
> Can you kindly understand that the meditators were adult men and women
> who detected Ervig Goffman Presentation of Self in Everyday Life
> differences between front stage and back stage in spades and didn't
> quite appreciate it?

Yes, I agree.  I'm sure I came off as a complete ass to many people
too polite to call me on my bullshit when I was teaching TM.  Makes me
cringe just thinking about it!

  The expansion of this theme is fathers and
> mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers still being treated as children
> once they enter Campus.  Then again, perhaps recertified Governors are
> also still treated as though they were children and some of them don't
> appreciate it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Let's lighten things up a bit

2008-01-17 Thread curtisdeltablues
I wish it were possible for a person to use a shill in demos like
these.  You know, someone you pay to do what you want for a show. 
Like someone who you can pay and then tell them what to say and do
when the cameras are running.  I guess that is completely impossible.

It makes more sense that his NLP skills are instantly effective and
magical on strangers.  Yeah that makes much more sense.  How could
anyone actually give money to another person for the purposes of
making it look like they had done something magical?  No way!  That
could never happen. Other than every working magician I know of, no
one would use a paid actor to pretend they were innocent...

Ok now my snarkiness is too much even for me.  I studied NLP and there
are people who believe that it is all so simple and effective. But it
doesn't work this well or that instantly. I've trained with some of
the best, even one of the founders, John Grinder.  This guy is not
demonstrating NLP or hypnosis, it just doesn't work that way.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "guyfawkes91" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> If you have an interest in spiritual practices, group dynamics and the
> wilder shores of suggestibility here're some YouTube clips which ought
> to make you laugh, gawp, feel smug and generally leave you scratching
> your head thinking "What the F...!, Um, er, eh how did he do that". It's
> a few clips of a British magician/mentalist/entertainer called Derren
> Brown who is famous in the UK  for mucking about with people's minds
> while they're not looking and leaving the cameras on to display the
> effects.
> Very wild and way cool. He's doing a US series sometime.
> For a laugh
> So you think you know the color red when you see it
> Has something like this ever happened to you?
>   Now come on be honest!
> The trick is explained
> www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybmOlQRuaYM
> A bit more serious
> You do Voodoo? Are you really sure?
>    Always question things.
> Astrology, m   We've
> heard that one.
> Catch my dreams!    Have
> your's been caught?
> More tricks with Crystals  
> (without money changing hands!)
> Playing with collective consciousness
> Group coherence can be joyful
>    But beware of Crowd
> control   You will be
> assimilated into the group mind!
> Wisdom of Crowds 
> Persuasion
> Cast your mind back, have you ever done something like this
>   ? and this
> Group dynamics are not always fun. Be afraid
>   and then Be very afraid
> If that leaves you feeling in need of upliftment then have a laugh with
> something very nearly plain
> vanilla magic    or
> heartwarming, my fave 
> I like these clips and other Derren Brown stuff because it forces
> people to ask questions about their beliefs. Way cool. Check out other
> DB clips on YouTube and wind up your friends.
> Enjoy
> Guy Fawkes

[FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge

2008-01-17 Thread The Secret
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> <<>>
>  You
> are mixing up the story teachers told meditators and what we believed
> ourselves.  
Can you kindly understand that the meditators were adult men and women
who detected Ervig Goffman Presentation of Self in Everyday Life
differences between front stage and back stage in spades and didn't
quite appreciate it?  The expansion of this theme is fathers and
mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers still being treated as children
once they enter Campus.  Then again, perhaps recertified Governors are
also still treated as though they were children and some of them don't
appreciate it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 911 into the fray again I go (of the assailing on FFL)

2008-01-17 Thread ruthsimplicity

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'll go back to square one and do my research by looking at the
> debunking sites againhoping something clicks and I can get
> Building 7 out of my mind.

It is not a battle Edg.   One of the most difficult things for people to
do is to change their mind.  Remember when you view the evidence that
human nature has us favoring evidence that supports our position and
discounting evidence that does not.  How many times do you find yourself
saying "yes, but. . .?"  There is plenty of research on this cognitive
bias and it is helpful to know if you want to think critically.  So,
take a deep breath, step back,  and convince yourself that you have no
position on the issue, and then read.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Could someone kindly translate Joytish speak into English

2008-01-17 Thread Bhairitu
Jyotish and western astrology use the same planetary calculation engines 
so there is no difference outside of an ayanamsha applied in the case of 
Jyotish.  The transits will occur at the same time but just at different 

tertonzeno wrote:
> --Western astrology has some advantages: the main one being precise 
> transits of the planets and moon; information gained through a 
> technological advantage.  For example, Jan 17-th, 2008, I have :
> 1. Sun opp Venus at 9:24 
> 2. Venus opp Midheaven at 10:09
> 3. Venus sq. Asc at 23:15,
> 4. Mercury sq. Moon (start of transit with 1 deg. orb)
> 5. Start of Venus sq. Asc transit.
> Through many years of experience in deciphering such transits, the 
> foregoing simply represents a rather ordinary day with no surprises, 
> conflicts, or unusual events.
>   However, such Western transits don't tell us the content of events, 
> just the background trends (analogous to currents of air or water. 
> One can go with the flow or against it).
>  For example if I had a Mars sq. Pluto transit, I would be a bit more 
> careful about walking home at night. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 911 into the fray again I go (of the assailing on FFL)

2008-01-17 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It would be more interesting, for me anyways, to hear some of the  
> psychological bases for these phenomenon.
> For me, it seemed more 1) a lack of common sense or sometimes people  
> who are very naturally imaginative or afraid 2) people without an  
> innate understanding of basic engineering tenets or physics--no  
> different than say a person who might lack artistic ability or  
> mechanical ability. 3) fricking paranoid people, some whom because of  
> their lack of social skills cannot grok what happens at "higher"  
> levels of society, so they fear it, as if there were naturally this  
> cabal "out there". But "fear" of the unknown seems central.
> It would be interesting to hear Dr. Pete comment on this because I  
> feel there's something I'm missing in terms of "the conspiracy  
> theorist personality profile".

Do you know some people who seem to have to have an explanation for
everything?  That nothing can simply be a mystery, a puzzle, with no
certain resolution?  For example,  someone who has led a clean life,
does not smoke, gets plenty of exercise and eats well, but gets
cancer.  That person wants an answer and there might not be one.  But
they come up with one anyway:  alar on the apples, that vaccine with
trace amounts of formaldehyde, or whatever.  People like to have
answers and people like to have answers that are in proportion to the
So, you can have relatively normal people believing extraordinary
things.  That is what fascinates me.  Of course, you get paranoid
people with paranoid theories, that is to be expected.  But normal
people with odd ideas is really interesting.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge

2008-01-17 Thread curtisdeltablues

> nuts is that they apparently spouted the TM puja without
> even understanding what they were muttering.

Teachers memorized and were tested on the English meaning as well as
the "feelings" associated with the phrases.

> But the thing that amazes me is that they would spout these
> oaths and then turn their back on their own guru, claiming
> now that they never believed in the Hindu demi-Gods.

Who are you talking about?  I always believed in the Hindu Gods when I
was involved.  On all levels, from the supposed natural law they
represented to the being who received pujas and offered blessings.  As
far as spouting an oath and then turning my back on MMY...have you
ever changed your mind about anything you believed in your 20's as you
grew up?

> a bunch of weird individuals. They promised us enlightenment
> in 5-7 years, and it's been what, forty years?

So what did you pay, $35? $100? Send me your mantra and I'll give you
a prorated refund.  How long have you been using it so I can figure
out the depreciation.  

> Obviously, there's a lot of difference between a devotee and 
> a dilettante! So, I guess most, if not all, of the so-called
> ex-TM teachers posting here were mere pretenders. Frankly, I
> can't understand what they were thinking back then. You
> either believe in something when you 'bow down' or you're a
> crank, a fake, a fakir, or a mere poseur. Now they say they
> were lying, conned by the Marshy, hypnotized, and taken
> advantage of by the 'TMO'. 

Who are you talking about, or is this more of a generalized rant?  You
are mixing up the story teachers told meditators and what we believed

> My Gawd, Billy, they ARE the TMO.

I don't thank any poster here still represents the movement in an
official capacity do they?

You've been on kind of a theme today Richard, but I can't really
figure out what you are getting at.  I never understand where you are
coming from.  Are you pro TM?  Are you against TM teachers?  Do you
really believe that meditation just means "thinking" so we are all
meditators who transcend with or without TM?  Do you practice TM?  You
are one mysterious dude.  What exactly is your beef with ex-teachers?

> Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
> From: Idaho Spudboy
> Date: Sat, Aug 10 2002 8:58 pm
> Subject: Full TM Puja
> http://tinyurl.com/2aep8o
> "Offering a handful of flowers to the lotus 
> feet of SHRI GURU DEV, I bow down."

[FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge

2008-01-17 Thread The Secret
Well, if you're going on CCP or IA, no forms to sign.  Just fill out
contact information.  We could be going any direction now that
Maharishi (whom I heard acted in a paranoid fashion at times and I've
known some of his local, volunteer attorneys and they could file a
writ so fast) has retired and is walking into the sunset.

Indeed they have a file on you.  I know that there are databases but
there may still be paper files.  They can quote you dates and times
you said or did what.  Then again the FF police have been observed to
patrol campus in the evening with great interest and a place that's
wide open in the town of the fruits and nuts is of special concern to
the FF PD and of course to MUM.  Remember, murder, trips from Dome to
Mt. Pleasant, lawsuits over lawful death and over failure to prevent
one of killing.  This is not the Ottumwa ladies book club we're
talking about.

I said to the cashier, who was dressed and acted like an elder member
of Campus if perhaps he belonged to the same group as I did.  "What
group is that?", he asked.  "Meditator".  "No, not that".  "Well I
don't hold it against you and expect you don't hold it against me." 
"I don't but I don't like pedophiles."  So while Tom Traynor assures
me that the town people are us, I can assure him that there's a steamy
underbelly to FF which is us and a steamy underbelly to FF which is
not us and not all townies look at us with just bemusement.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "abutilon108" 
> wrote:
> <<>>
> Do
> they still have you sign legal waivers before courses? 
> They did something really odd right before we became teachers.  They
> had us hold our movement "file" which we were not allowed to look
> into.  But we had to  hold it.  It was supposed to contain every
> course we were on, all recommendation letters etc.  I wonder what 
> that was all about?  Perhaps it was a message "we have a file on you,
> so be cool MF".  But I suspect they were following the letter rather
> than the spirit of some disclosure law.  Very interesting, does anyone
> know what that was about?

[FairfieldLife] maharishis farewell words

2008-01-17 Thread michael
Jai Guru Dev. I am grateful for this warm send off of Invincibility to the 
whole world for all times. It has been my pleasure at the feet of Guru Dev, to 
take the light of Guru Dev and pass on in my environment. Now today, I am 
closing my designed duty to Guru Dev. I would only say, ‘Live long the world in 
peace, happiness, prosperity, and freedom from suffering.’   
  ‘Today this farewell marks the establishment of Invincibility for all mankind 
under the capable silent rulership of Maharaja Raja Raam and under the capable 
guidance of all the Ministers and all the glorified mind in terms of all 
dignity, delight in Invincibility for every country. And this is my 
satisfaction and I offer this to the feet of, to the lotus feet of Shri Guru 
Dev. Jai Guru Dev.
  ‘Prime Minister, offer my, offer my everything to the blessings of Guru Dev 
and continue with the world in peace, prosperity and happiness. This formation 
of Trust, of Brahmananda Saraswati Trust, is going to be a glory for all the 
future of life on earth on the individual level and on the national level. All 
Glory to Guru Dev. Jai Guru Dev. Jai Guru Dev.
  ‘Express my delight for all the millennium to come that the world is going to 
be a happy world. All Glory to Guru Dev. Brahmananda Saraswati Trust is going 
to take the, will take the lighted the lamp every morning and every night that 
is going to come. The future of the world is bright and that is my delight. Jai 
Guru Dev.’

  11 January, 2008
  MERU, Holland

Ihre erste Baustelle? Wissenswertes für Bastler und Hobby Handwerker. 

[FairfieldLife] Right Knowledge

2008-01-17 Thread Richard J. Williams
Shankara teaches that Brahman is the source of the 
Vedas, and that reading of the Vedas is a means of 
right knowledge of Brahman. The absolute unity of 
Brahman transcends any concepts of duality or 
plurality. Brahman is a universal reality which is 
absolutely indivisible. Brahman is all-powerful and 
all-knowing. Brahman is beginningless and endless. 
Brahman is the source of all being.


'Shankara's Commentary on the Brahma Sutras'

'Vedanta Sutras of Badarayana'

Read more:

Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
From: willytex 
Date: Wed, Dec 20 2000 2:43 pm
Subject: Samadhi

[FairfieldLife] Let's lighten things up a bit

2008-01-17 Thread guyfawkes91
If you have an interest in spiritual practices, group dynamics and the
wilder shores of suggestibility here're some YouTube clips which ought
to make you laugh, gawp, feel smug and generally leave you scratching
your head thinking "What the F...!, Um, er, eh how did he do that". It's
a few clips of a British magician/mentalist/entertainer called Derren
Brown who is famous in the UK  for mucking about with people's minds
while they're not looking and leaving the cameras on to display the
Very wild and way cool. He's doing a US series sometime.

For a laugh

So you think you know the color red when you see it

Has something like this ever happened to you?
  Now come on be honest!

The trick is explained

A bit more serious

You do Voodoo? Are you really sure?
   Always question things.

Astrology, m   We've
heard that one.

Catch my dreams!    Have
your's been caught?

More tricks with Crystals  
(without money changing hands!)

Playing with collective consciousness

Group coherence can be joyful
   But beware of Crowd
control   You will be
assimilated into the group mind!

Wisdom of Crowds 


Cast your mind back, have you ever done something like this
  ? and this

Group dynamics are not always fun. Be afraid
  and then Be very afraid

If that leaves you feeling in need of upliftment then have a laugh with
something very nearly plain
vanilla magic    or
heartwarming, my fave 

I like these clips and other Derren Brown stuff because it forces
people to ask questions about their beliefs. Way cool. Check out other
DB clips on YouTube and wind up your friends.


Guy Fawkes

[FairfieldLife] The phoneme 'OM'

2008-01-17 Thread Richard J. Williams
The phoneme 'OM' is a mantra by courtesy only and 
it's not found in the Gayatri or in the Rig Veda - 
it was added on by redactors. 'Om' is really just 
a quasi-morpheme, not a bija mantra at all. Bijas 
all came later with the development of the Tantras 
subsequent to the advent of sectarian Buddhism. 

Apparently the first reference to 'OM' in Indian 
literature is in the Mandukhya - but there are no 
bijas mentioned in the other Upanishads. The use 
of bija mantras is a relatively recent practice in 
India, considering that the Indus Valley Civilization 
flourished 4,000 years B.C. and taking into account 
that the Vedas were composed as recently as 1500 B.C. 

For example, the widespread use of bija mantras 
didn't gain wide acceptance until the advent of Lord 
Chaitanya in the 15th century of our era. There's no 
mention of bija mantras by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras, 
circa 200 BC.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Could someone kindly translate Joytish speak into English

2008-01-17 Thread tertonzeno
--Western astrology has some advantages: the main one being precise 
transits of the planets and moon; information gained through a 
technological advantage.  For example, Jan 17-th, 2008, I have :
1. Sun opp Venus at 9:24 
2. Venus opp Midheaven at 10:09
3. Venus sq. Asc at 23:15,
4. Mercury sq. Moon (start of transit with 1 deg. orb)
5. Start of Venus sq. Asc transit.

Through many years of experience in deciphering such transits, the 
foregoing simply represents a rather ordinary day with no surprises, 
conflicts, or unusual events.
  However, such Western transits don't tell us the content of events, 
just the background trends (analogous to currents of air or water. 
One can go with the flow or against it).
 For example if I had a Mars sq. Pluto transit, I would be a bit more 
careful about walking home at night. 

- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "The Secret" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> OK, I don't want to go into details.  Let's drop it.  Thanks.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >
> > It is probably NOT necessarily  the "most" auspicious time in 
> > but just an auspicious time.  Depending on what you are doing 
> > "auspicious times" or muhurtas can occur even frequently and less 
> > frequently (every few years) if more requirements are needed.  I
> have no 
> > idea what horoscope they're basing this on.
> > 
> > The Secret wrote:
> > > Thank you kindly.  Now I would posit that the 8 day period 
which spans
> > > this yagna is happening during one of the most auspicious times 
> > > recorded history.  Could someone kindly reveal to us just what 
> > > period is considered in terms of Jyotish?
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  
> > >   
> > >> Surya is the Sanskrit name for the Sun.  A pratyantar dasha is 
> > >> 
> > > third 
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Flow Soma!

2008-01-17 Thread Richard J. Williams
"Flow Soma, in a most sweet and exhilarating stream, 
effused for Indra to drink. The all-beholding destroyer 
of Rakshasas has stepped upon his gold-smitten birthplace, 
united with the wooden cask. Be the lavish giver of wealth, 
most bounteous, the destroyer of enemies; bestow on us the 
riches of the affluent. Come with food to the sacrifice of 
the mighty gods, and bring us strength and sustenance. To 
thee we come, O dropping Soma; for thee only is this our 
worship day by day, our prayers are to thee, none other." 
- Rig Veda 

From: Bhairitu 
Date: Sat, Jan 28 2006 12:25 pm  
Groups:  alt.meditation.transcendental 
Subject: US plans to 'fight the net' revealed

The Internet *is* the major fly in the ointment for the Bush 
rakshasas plan for global dominance.  They must be stopped 
soon or we'll have centuries of darkness on this planet. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge

2008-01-17 Thread Richard J. Williams
Richard J. Williams wrote:
> > The TMers Pledge
> >
Billy wrote: 
> We weren't required to sign anything in Fuiggi; though 
> Jerry did administer a *verbal* pledge which we agreed to.
This is nuts, Billy. You TM teachers made a pledge every
single time you recited the puja to Guru Dev. In your case
that must have been thousands of times. But I wonder if
the claims to TMO status made here by some of these back-
slider TM teachers can even understand Sanskrit. What's 
nuts is that they apparently spouted the TM puja without
even understanding what they were muttering.

But the thing that amazes me is that they would spout these
oaths and then turn their back on their own guru, claiming
now that they never believed in the Hindu demi-Gods. What
a bunch of weird individuals. They promised us enlightenment
in 5-7 years, and it's been what, forty years?

Obviously, there's a lot of difference between a devotee and 
a dilettante! So, I guess most, if not all, of the so-called
ex-TM teachers posting here were mere pretenders. Frankly, I
can't understand what they were thinking back then. You
either believe in something when you 'bow down' or you're a
crank, a fake, a fakir, or a mere poseur. Now they say they
were lying, conned by the Marshy, hypnotized, and taken
advantage of by the 'TMO'. 

My Gawd, Billy, they ARE the TMO.

Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
From: Idaho Spudboy
Date: Sat, Aug 10 2002 8:58 pm
Subject: Full TM Puja

"Offering a handful of flowers to the lotus 
feet of SHRI GURU DEV, I bow down."

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 911 into the fray again I go (of the assailing on FFL)

2008-01-17 Thread Angela Mailander
You're assuming that ALL people who think that there are possibly conspiracies 
afoot are somehow not quite normal.  Isn't it possible that some simply have 
done some pretty adequate research or have real insight into the political 
climate that would spawn something like a false flag attack?  

- Original Message 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 4:16:41 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 911 into the fray again I go (of the assailing 
on FFL)

On Jan 17, 2008, at 5:02 PM, ruthsimplicity wrote:

I favor the psychological theory that people fall for conspiracy
theories because of a human tendency to try to link major events with
major causes. 

People cannot accept that a few terrorists could cause such a disaster
of such proportion in the United States.

It would be more interesting, for me anyways, to hear some of the psychological 
bases for these phenomenon.

For me, it seemed more 1) a lack of common sense or sometimes people who are 
very naturally imaginative or afraid 2) people without an innate understanding 
of basic engineering tenets or physics--no different than say a person who 
might lack artistic ability or mechanical ability. 3) fricking paranoid people, 
some whom because of their lack of social skills cannot grok what happens at 
"higher" levels of society, so they fear it, as if there were naturally this 
cabal "out there". But "fear" of the unknown seems central.

It would be interesting to hear Dr. Pete comment on this because I feel there's 
something I'm missing in terms of "the conspiracy theorist personality profile".

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] of the assailing on FFL

2008-01-17 Thread Angela Mailander
Thanks for your kind words.  Yes, I did witness allied bombing.  I was only 
five years old when the war was over, but my memory about events is very clear. 
 Maybe because I recall witnessing while these things were going on.  Seems 
weird for a five-year old to have witnessing experiences, but I did, often, and 
especially when things got really zooey, as they did on our trek cross-country. 
 Saw some pretty unspeakable stuff, but was always witnessing and therefore 
separate from what was happening.  Some have conjectured that it was 
dissociation.  So when I was young, I thought I'd check into that, but my story 
didn't match up with that according to the folks I consulted.  

- Original Message 
From: dhamiltony2k5 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 8:47:46 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] of the assailing on FFL

Oh, proly not the blitz directly. Though seems Angela probably 
witnessed at least the effect of allied bombing of Germany in the 
1940's. Did you miss this?
http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/FairfieldL ife/message/ 161030
Angela writes:
"He was a "swing kid," a guy from Hamburg, about sixteen years old. 
Swing kids were young people in Germany who loved American music 
(primarily swing), resisted Hitler, and suffered the consequences. 
Like us, he'd walked across Germany in 45, carrying only his lute and 
his guitar, and living, as we did, like stray dogs. We gave him our 
coal cellar. Not an ideal place, but better than the street, and we 
were already housing thirteen other refugees in a three room flat. 
Anyway, the guy loved life and music, and so I had a resident music 
teacher early on. And he played blues. My grandfather and I both 
fell in love with that sound."

She seems a person who has lived a life around. Fault her for that? 
Attack her for that? Talking the third person ad hominid strawman 
thing about her reads beneath the belt when it seems she is in life 
experience and is able to draw on & reflect about it too. I like 
that she has shown up here on FFL. Hers is often a good perspective 
voice to see in to things & often with a lot of truth.

Been in post war China. Evidently grew up in nazi-Germany. Has lived 
in Utopia.
http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/FairfieldL ife/message/ 155116
Has lived and taught on campus here:
http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/FairfieldL ife/message/ 155084

Yes, always good to fact check but the ad hominem on FFL is boring.

Jai Guru Dev,
-Doug in FF

> >
> > LOL!!
> My reaction too. Would somebody tell me where Angela sees all 
> falling buildings? Did she have a front-row seat during the 
> Are they some tourist attraction or something?

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 911 into the fray again I go (of the assailing on FFL)

2008-01-17 Thread Vaj

On Jan 17, 2008, at 5:02 PM, ruthsimplicity wrote:

I favor the psychological theory that people fall for conspiracy
theories because of a human tendency to try to link major events with
major causes.

People cannot accept that a few terrorists could cause such a disaster
of such proportion in the United States.

It would be more interesting, for me anyways, to hear some of the  
psychological bases for these phenomenon.

For me, it seemed more 1) a lack of common sense or sometimes people  
who are very naturally imaginative or afraid 2) people without an  
innate understanding of basic engineering tenets or physics--no  
different than say a person who might lack artistic ability or  
mechanical ability. 3) fricking paranoid people, some whom because of  
their lack of social skills cannot grok what happens at "higher"  
levels of society, so they fear it, as if there were naturally this  
cabal "out there". But "fear" of the unknown seems central.

It would be interesting to hear Dr. Pete comment on this because I  
feel there's something I'm missing in terms of "the conspiracy  
theorist personality profile".

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 911 into the fray again I go (of the assailing on FFL)

2008-01-17 Thread Angela Mailander
Well, Edg, you're in good company at least.  Danny Sheehan was in Fairfield for 
several public talks.  I asked him about 9/11, and he pretty much agrees with 
us.  I also asked if there was any hope the truth would ever become public, and 
he said he thought so but people feared for their lives. 

- Original Message 
From: Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 4:04:45 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: 911 into the fray again I go (of the assailing on 


Yeah, I know, and it sucks to be me when I read your below questions
that seem to point to the event being far too big an operation and
involve too many folks in-the-know.

My general answer to you is that it could have taken far fewer
"actually in the know" workers guiding dozens of others to install
devices that they were told were merely electric monitors but in fact
were bombs with connections to a master-bomb- blowing-precisel y-timed
gizmo-thingamajiggy -whatchacallit- kazinski- model-666.

I used your same reasoning below to finally quell my Y2K fears several
months ahead of 2000 -- too many folks would know that their
organization was about to fold due to computer malfunctions and would
have sent the stock market into an avalanche of options, gold would
have gone through the roof, many whistle blowers coming forth, etc.

I'll go back to square one and do my research by looking at the
debunking sites againhoping something clicks and I can get
Building 7 out of my mind. 

It should have fallen differently if it was a "natural" collapse --
that's my intuition. Hunks and chunks and whole portions would have
fallen first, the structure would have leaned in the direction of the
bulge, listed and fell that way. But the thing just fell straight
down. The guy who said "we pulled it" could not have meant that he'd
sent in demolition experts -- cuz they would be at high risk while
putting the explosive charges around the building to get it to come
down in its own footprint... .therefore, it was done ahead of time by
EVIL MURDERERS IN POWER. Like this I keep the damned issue clanging
inside my head.

Stay tuned. I'm not fit to battle it out with you and Judy, but I
strongly feel you guys, though deeply sincere and scholarly, have
missed some big tells. I pledge to announce my mind changing if that


--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, "curtisdeltablues"
> This is such a zombie thread like the Terminator! You think it's dead
> and then its baaack.
> Let me get this straight...no investigative journalist has been able
> to make themselves instantly famous and worth millions by finding out
> any definitive proof of a 9-11 conspiracy? And everyone in on the
> conspiracy has had the seamless commitment to not rat out anyone else?
> And these are the same assholes who elbow me out of the way getting
> on the metro in DC? No one wanted to become instantly famous by
> ratting out the others, writing a book, becoming the darling of the
> talk show circuit and a national hero for exposing the plot? No one
> bragged to their girlfriend or boyfriend after a couple of Cosmos
> about what a big 9-11 pimp they were? No one got cold feet and figured
> they had better make a deal before it all comes out? No one got
> religion and realized what a demonic prick they had been and how they
> could get right with the Lord? No changes of heart? And every single
> person on all the groups who investigated this for months were in on
> it too? Perfect secrecy was maintained by ALL of them? No politician
> wanted to become a national hero, no member of congress or the house
> with higher aspirations, none of them were able to investigate this at
> least as well as the conspiracy guys?
> Any theory that includes a whole bunch of Washington A-holes keeping
> their mouths shut and not throwing their co-conspirators under the bus
> to save their own ass and their family's, or people not wanting to
> become an instant millionaire hero by exposing this with real
> evidence, is gett'g a big "yeah right" from me. 
> But despite the inability of highly motivated reporters who would love
> nothing more than to become the next Woodward or Bernstein with such a
> story, a guy putting up a Website has the "inside" scoop"?
> Or are ALL the reporters IN THE WORLD in on it too? 
> Die zombie die! !!! 
> --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >
> > Vaj wrote:
> > >
> > > On Jan 17, 2008, at 2:35 PM, Duveyoung wrote:
> > >
> > >> Judy and Vaj, are you still reading down this far into my
> > >> I am sincerely hoping you two can explain these two issues.
Given the
> > >> confidence you both seem to "have in spades" when debating this
> topic,
> > >> I'm hopeful my POV can be augmented. Why? Cuz who wants to live in
> > >> my reality where the government is so evil? So save me, please.
> > >
> > >
> > > See my last post on bu

[FairfieldLife] Re: Could someone kindly translate Joytish speak into English

2008-01-17 Thread The Secret
OK, I don't want to go into details.  Let's drop it.  Thanks.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It is probably NOT necessarily  the "most" auspicious time in history 
> but just an auspicious time.  Depending on what you are doing these 
> "auspicious times" or muhurtas can occur even frequently and less 
> frequently (every few years) if more requirements are needed.  I
have no 
> idea what horoscope they're basing this on.
> The Secret wrote:
> > Thank you kindly.  Now I would posit that the 8 day period which spans
> > this yagna is happening during one of the most auspicious times in
> > recorded history.  Could someone kindly reveal to us just what this
> > period is considered in terms of Jyotish?
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >   
> >> Surya is the Sanskrit name for the Sun.  A pratyantar dasha is the
> >> 
> > third 
> >
> >
> >
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 911 into the fray again I go (of the assailing on FFL)

2008-01-17 Thread Angela Mailander
I think a false flag attack would be much harder for Americans to accept.  It's 
a conspiracy theory either way.  

- Original Message 
From: ruthsimplicity <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 4:02:02 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: 911 into the fray again I go (of the assailing on 

I favor the psychological theory that people fall for conspiracy
theories because of a human tendency to try to link major events with
major causes. 

People cannot accept that a few terrorists could cause such a disaster
of such proportion in the United States.

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] 911 into the fray again I go (of the assailing on FFL)

2008-01-17 Thread Vaj

On Jan 17, 2008, at 3:49 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

Vaj wrote:
> On Jan 17, 2008, at 2:35 PM, Duveyoung wrote:
>> Judy and Vaj, are you still reading down this far into my  
>> I am sincerely hoping you two can explain these two issues. Given  
>> confidence you both seem to "have in spades" when debating this  

>> I'm hopeful my POV can be augmented. Why? Cuz who wants to live in
>> my reality where the government is so evil? So save me, please.
> See my last post on building 7.
> Re: The Pentagon.
> Just after the tragedy of 9/11 we were contacted by the American Red
> Cross Disaster team regarding the disaster. My wife and 4 others  

> to chosen disembark for debriefing in Philadelphia. After debriefing
> the teams there assembled divided into three teams: ground zero, NJ
> and the Pentagon.
> My wife got the Pentagon assignment.
> She toured the site and saw first hand what happened. It was a  

> not a missile. The chunk of a jet engine kinda made that very clear.
> One the interesting thing, was the fact at such high speeds aluminum
> actually "shatters" as if it was glass into tiny pieces. Thus much  

> the debris that was metal was in tiny little pieces.
And she is an expert at discerning a missile engine (like a global  

and a commercial aircraft engine? How do you explain so many
experienced airline pilots saying they couldn't even perform the
maneuver required to fly an airliner into the Pentagon?

Glory hoggs, looking to get onto a talk show or make a buck. I've  
heard reports of people who saw it. Apparently once they were lined up  
the pilot just opened up the throttle. The rest is history.

I'm no expert of missiles, but I do no a jet engine when I see one.  
And there are just too many eyewitnesses who saw the frickin' plane.

[FairfieldLife] Perhaps Maharishi would consider this dharmic !

2008-01-17 Thread amarnath


[FairfieldLife] Re: 911 into the fray again I go (of the assailing on FFL)

2008-01-17 Thread Duveyoung

Yeah, I know, and it sucks to be me when I read your below questions
that seem to point to the event being far too big an operation and
involve too many folks in-the-know.

My general answer to you is that it could have taken far fewer
"actually in the know" workers guiding dozens of others to install
devices that they were told were merely electric monitors but in fact
were bombs with connections to a master-bomb-blowing-precisely-timed

I used your same reasoning below to finally quell my Y2K fears several
months ahead of 2000 -- too many folks would know that their
organization was about to fold due to computer malfunctions and would
have sent the stock market into an avalanche of options, gold would
have gone through the roof, many whistle blowers coming forth, etc.

I'll go back to square one and do my research by looking at the
debunking sites againhoping something clicks and I can get
Building 7 out of my mind.  

It should have fallen differently if it was a "natural" collapse --
that's my intuition.  Hunks and chunks and whole portions would have
fallen first, the structure would have leaned in the direction of the
bulge, listed and fell that way.  But the thing just fell straight
down. The guy who said "we pulled it" could not have meant that he'd
sent in demolition experts -- cuz they would be at high risk while
putting the explosive charges around the building to get it to come
down in its own footprinttherefore, it was done ahead of time by
EVIL MURDERERS IN POWER. Like this I keep the damned issue clanging
inside my head.

Stay tuned.  I'm not fit to battle it out with you and Judy, but I
strongly feel you guys, though deeply sincere and scholarly, have
missed some big tells.  I pledge to announce my mind changing if that


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> This is such a zombie thread like the Terminator!  You think it's dead
> and then its baaack.
> Let me get this straight...no investigative journalist has been able
> to make themselves instantly famous and worth millions by finding out
> any definitive proof of a 9-11 conspiracy? And everyone in on the
> conspiracy has had the seamless commitment to not rat out anyone else?
>  And these are the same assholes who elbow me out of the way getting
> on the metro in DC?  No one wanted to become instantly famous by
> ratting out the others, writing a book, becoming the darling of the
> talk show circuit and a national hero for exposing the plot?  No one
> bragged to their girlfriend or boyfriend after a couple of Cosmos
> about what a big 9-11 pimp they were? No one got cold feet and figured
> they had better make a deal before it all comes out?  No one got
> religion and realized what a demonic prick they had been and how they
> could get right with the Lord?  No changes of heart? And every single
> person on all the groups who investigated this for months were in on
> it too?  Perfect secrecy was maintained by ALL of them? No politician
>  wanted to become a national hero, no member of congress or the house
> with higher aspirations, none of them were able to investigate this at
> least as well as the conspiracy guys?
> Any theory that includes a whole bunch of Washington A-holes keeping
> their mouths shut and not throwing their co-conspirators under the bus
> to save their own ass and their family's, or people not wanting to
> become an instant millionaire hero by exposing this with real
> evidence, is gett'g a big "yeah right" from me.  
> But despite the inability of highly motivated reporters who would love
> nothing more than to become the next Woodward or Bernstein with such a
> story, a guy putting up a Website has the "inside" scoop"?
> Or are ALL the reporters IN THE WORLD in on it too? 
> Die zombie die 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >
> > Vaj wrote:
> > >
> > > On Jan 17, 2008, at 2:35 PM, Duveyoung wrote:
> > >
> > >> Judy and Vaj, are you still reading down this far into my
> > >> I am sincerely hoping you two can explain these two issues.
Given the
> > >> confidence you both seem to "have in spades" when debating this
> topic,
> > >> I'm hopeful my POV can be augmented. Why? Cuz who wants to live in
> > >> my reality where the government is so evil? So save me, please.
> > >
> > >
> > > See my last post on building 7.
> > >
> > > Re: The Pentagon.
> > >
> > > Just after the tragedy of 9/11 we were contacted by the American
> > > Cross Disaster team regarding the disaster. My wife and 4 others
> > > to chosen disembark for debriefing in Philadelphia. After
> > > the teams there assembled divided into three teams: ground zero, NJ 
> > > and the Pentagon.
> > >
> > > My wife got the Pentagon assignment.
> > >
> > > She toured the site and saw first hand what happened. It was a

[FairfieldLife] Re: 911 into the fray again I go (of the assailing on FFL)

2008-01-17 Thread ruthsimplicity

I favor the psychological theory that people fall for conspiracy
theories because of a human tendency to try to link major events with
major causes. 

People cannot accept that a few terrorists could cause such a disaster
of such proportion in the United States.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 911 into the fray again I go (of the assailing on FFL)

2008-01-17 Thread Vaj

On Jan 17, 2008, at 3:38 PM, authfriend wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Until I get a good explanation of these facts, I won't bother
> presenting the two dozen other oddities that support the conspiracy
> theory, but some of them are almost as troubling and obvious as the
> above.

Start with the series "9/11 Debunked" on YouTube.

Good pointer J.!

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Maharishi Says: Work is Finished'

2008-01-17 Thread The Secret
Wow.  After a long hiatus from FFL it's good to see we have the same
consensus as we used to have. Except now it's all so very funny
because God has a glorious sense of humor and at times I get the joke.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "tertonzeno"  
> wrote:
> >
> > ---No - he's only accomplished 2% of what Guru Dev wanted for the 
> > world.
> > 
> Add two zeros to that 2% and you have Maharishis accomplishment.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge

2008-01-17 Thread The Secret
So your point is to underwhelm and disappoint those of us who chose
not to go this route?  This is so gentle and sweet compared to the way
the Houston TM Center under Jane Hopson operated and with the way the
Course Office used to handle applications to the Course Office. 
Lovely, you manage to get to a phone, you run up what was then a
fantastic phone bill calling at 2:15, 2:30, 2:45, 3:00, 3:15, 4:00 and
got "This is the course office.  Our office hours are 2 PM to 5 PM
Monday through Friday, ..." or the slamming of the Dome doors in your
face (which was stopped because my landlady pulled out a piece of
paper, wrote up a petition, was beckoned to the Star Chamber at DEVCO,
told that this was very disrespectful but hanceforth anyone within
slight of the door closer got in).  

What a letdown.  I had always envisioned something more like the
Schutzstaffel might have pledged in their castle.  Was the truculence,
nastiness and caprice of certain governors and the MUM administration
the result of another pledge or just an individual power trip.  OTOH,
perhaps I'm reading too much into it.  I learned last night that FF
has no requirements for what constitutes a carpenter, electrician (my
places has a floating ground, I'm sure) or even a habitable building
until very recently landlords have to have the property inspected, by
the very same people who don't know what a grounding rod is.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"
> "It is my fortune, Guru Dev, that I have been accepted 
> to serve the Holy Tradition and spread the Light of God 
> to all those who need it. It is my joy to undertake the 
> responsibility of representing the Holy Tradition in all 
> its purity as it has been given to me by Maharishi and I 
> promise on your altar, Guru Dev, that with all my heart 
> and mind I will always work within the framework of the 
> Organisations founded by Maharishi. And to you, Maharishi, 
> I promise that as a Meditation Guide I will be faithful 
> in all ways to the trust that you have placed in me."
> Notes for readers:
> Here is the TMers pledge that all graduates of TM Teacher 
> Training are required to sign before becoming TM teachers. 
> Source:
> Malnak v. Yogi 
> U.S. District Court, District of New Jersey, Civil Action 
> No. 76-341
> Kropinski v. Yogi
> U.S. District Court, District of Columbia, Consolidated 
> Civil Action Nos. 85-2848-852854

[FairfieldLife] Re: 911 into the fray again I go (of the assailing on FFL)

2008-01-17 Thread The Secret
No one wanted to be part of the follow on to the Ruby and Oswald show?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> This is such a zombie thread like the Terminator!  You think it's dead
> and then its baaack.
> Let me get this straight...no investigative journalist has been able
> to make themselves instantly famous and worth millions by finding out
> any definitive proof of a 9-11 conspiracy? And everyone in on the
> conspiracy has had the seamless commitment to not rat out anyone else?
>  And these are the same assholes who elbow me out of the way getting
> on the metro in DC?  No one wanted to become instantly famous by
> ratting out the others, writing a book, becoming the darling of the
> talk show circuit and a national hero for exposing the plot?  No one
> bragged to their girlfriend or boyfriend after a couple of Cosmos
> about what a big 9-11 pimp they were? No one got cold feet and figured
> they had better make a deal before it all comes out?  No one got
> religion and realized what a demonic prick they had been and how they
> could get right with the Lord?  No changes of heart? And every single
> person on all the groups who investigated this for months were in on
> it too?  Perfect secrecy was maintained by ALL of them? No politician
>  wanted to become a national hero, no member of congress or the house
> with higher aspirations, none of them were able to investigate this at
> least as well as the conspiracy guys?
> Any theory that includes a whole bunch of Washington A-holes keeping
> their mouths shut and not throwing their co-conspirators under the bus
> to save their own ass and their family's, or people not wanting to
> become an instant millionaire hero by exposing this with real
> evidence, is gett'g a big "yeah right" from me.  
> But despite the inability of highly motivated reporters who would love
> nothing more than to become the next Woodward or Bernstein with such a
> story, a guy putting up a Website has the "inside" scoop"?
> Or are ALL the reporters IN THE WORLD in on it too? 
> Die zombie die 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 911 into the fray again I go (of the assailing on FFL)

2008-01-17 Thread curtisdeltablues
This is such a zombie thread like the Terminator!  You think it's dead
and then its baaack.

Let me get this straight...no investigative journalist has been able
to make themselves instantly famous and worth millions by finding out
any definitive proof of a 9-11 conspiracy? And everyone in on the
conspiracy has had the seamless commitment to not rat out anyone else?
 And these are the same assholes who elbow me out of the way getting
on the metro in DC?  No one wanted to become instantly famous by
ratting out the others, writing a book, becoming the darling of the
talk show circuit and a national hero for exposing the plot?  No one
bragged to their girlfriend or boyfriend after a couple of Cosmos
about what a big 9-11 pimp they were? No one got cold feet and figured
they had better make a deal before it all comes out?  No one got
religion and realized what a demonic prick they had been and how they
could get right with the Lord?  No changes of heart? And every single
person on all the groups who investigated this for months were in on
it too?  Perfect secrecy was maintained by ALL of them? No politician
 wanted to become a national hero, no member of congress or the house
with higher aspirations, none of them were able to investigate this at
least as well as the conspiracy guys?

Any theory that includes a whole bunch of Washington A-holes keeping
their mouths shut and not throwing their co-conspirators under the bus
to save their own ass and their family's, or people not wanting to
become an instant millionaire hero by exposing this with real
evidence, is gett'g a big "yeah right" from me.  

But despite the inability of highly motivated reporters who would love
nothing more than to become the next Woodward or Bernstein with such a
story, a guy putting up a Website has the "inside" scoop"?

Or are ALL the reporters IN THE WORLD in on it too? 

Die zombie die 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Vaj wrote:
> >
> > On Jan 17, 2008, at 2:35 PM, Duveyoung wrote:
> >
> >> Judy and Vaj, are you still reading down this far into my "nonsense?"
> >> I am sincerely hoping you two can explain these two issues. Given the
> >> confidence you both seem to "have in spades" when debating this
> >> I'm hopeful my POV can be augmented. Why? Cuz who wants to live in
> >> my reality where the government is so evil? So save me, please.
> >
> >
> > See my last post on building 7.
> >
> > Re: The Pentagon.
> >
> > Just after the tragedy of 9/11 we were contacted by the American Red 
> > Cross Disaster team regarding the disaster. My wife and 4 others were 
> > to chosen disembark for debriefing in Philadelphia. After debriefing 
> > the teams there assembled divided into three teams: ground zero, NJ 
> > and the Pentagon.
> >
> > My wife got the Pentagon assignment.
> >
> > She toured the site and saw first hand what happened. It was a plane, 
> > not a missile. The chunk of a jet engine kinda made that very clear. 
> > One the interesting thing, was the fact at such high speeds aluminum 
> > actually "shatters" as if it was glass into tiny pieces. Thus much of 
> > the debris that was metal was in tiny little pieces.
> And she is an expert at discerning a missile engine (like a global
> and a commercial aircraft engine?  How do you explain so many 
> experienced airline pilots saying they couldn't even perform the 
> maneuver required to fly an airliner into the Pentagon?

[FairfieldLife] Re: 911 into the fray again I go (of the assailing on FFL)

2008-01-17 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 
> Yes, Building Seven was the clincher.

Angela, read what Vaj just posted about Building 7,
and then debunk it for us, please.

> The plane allegedly crashing in PA was another dead give-away.  
> When planes crash, you don't have debris over several square miles 

Except that all the debris was spread out
*ahead of the plane*, in an area it had not
flown over. If it had been shot down before
the crash, the debris would have fallen
behind where it crashed. The debris was
ejected when the plane hit the ground and
blown up and out in the direction the plane
was heading.

United 93 not Shot Down

> and no bodies.

Over 1,500 pieces of bodies were found.

> That's the scenario when they're shot down (and yes, incredibly, 
I've seen both).  When they crash, the debris might cover as much as 
a city block, and there would definitely be bodies and body parts.

Not when they crash flying 575 mph upside down
at an 80 degree to the ground.

> The phone call was another huge problem.

That phone call was made at 9:58 and lasted
until 9:59. The plane was at 6,000 feet at
that point. Then, before it crashed, it rose
to 10,000 feet. If what the man on the phone
had heard was a missile striking the plane,
it's just a *teensy bit* unlikely that the
plane would have been able to gain 4,000
feet in altitude *after* it had been hit.

> But the first problem I had was just seeing the initial
> footage of planes hitting buildings, and then the
> absolutely and stunningly disproportionate way the 
> buildings "reacted" to that.

But we now know it wasn't "disproportionate"
at all. I mean, you could just as well say
that Hiroshima and Nagasaki "reacted"
disproportionately to the dropping of a
couple of bombs small enough to be carried
by B-29s.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 911 into the fray again I go (of the assailing on FFL)

2008-01-17 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 9-11 was just a "shock and awe" operation performed on the American 
> people just like one that was done on the Iraqis.  It was done to 
> the shit out of the public to make them cower and give up their 
> Even it doesn't work on some of us who see right through it.  9-11 
> way too big an operation for a little rag-tag "terrorist" group to 
pull off.
> Angela Mailander wrote:
> > Yes, Building Seven was the clincher. The plane allegedly 
crashing in PA was another dead give-away.  When planes crash, you 
don't have debris over several square miles and no bodies.  That's 
the scenario when they're shot down (and yes, incredibly, I've seen 
both).  When they crash, the debris might cover as much as a city 
block, and there would definitely be bodies and body parts.  The 
phone call was another huge problem.  But the first problem I had was 
just seeing the initial footage of planes hitting buildings, and then 
the absolutely and stunningly disproportionate way the 
buildings "reacted" to that.  
> >
> >
Get back on the Programme !

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: of the assailing on FFL

2008-01-17 Thread Angela Mailander
As I recall it, the whole thing started just because I mentioned that article.  
Someone on this list posted a list of the top 25 or so most important censored 
articles of the year, and the physicist's article was among them.  That was the 
context to me of this whole discussion.  Ignore it if you want.  I makes no 
difference to me what you think. 

- Original Message 
From: authfriend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 2:33:44 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: of the assailing on FFL

--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Angela Mailander 
> My comment about falling buildings was in the context of an
> article by a reputable physicist which you conveniently forgot.

No, it wasn't in that context at all. You
conveniently made that up.

> As it happens, however, I did see lots of buildings come down--
> not just three or four, but most of the buildings in town and
> in more than one town. They came down due to bombs, fire, and
> airplanes crashing into them. I've also seen buildings come
> down due to controlled demolition. I saw two live, one in
> Cleveland and one in San Francisco. And I saw about ten
> examples on video. While comparing the two alone is by no
> means enough,

Not only isn't it enough, it's entirely
irrelevant. That was *my* point, which you've
conveniently overlooked.

> it is the common sense beginning which anyone could have observed 
> (and many did) especially in the context of dozens of witnesses
> who heard explosions prior to the impact of the planes.

It's "common sense" only among those who don't
have the good sense to realize how absurd a
controlled-demoliti on scenario is on its face,
and among those who haven't bothered to read the
NIST's highly detailed report on its three-year
investigation of the collapse, nor any of the
other debunking work that's been done.

As to the "explosions, " in the first place,
eye- and ear-witness testimony as to what
happened in the course of a disaster is
notoriously unreliable. In the second place,
the NIST found no evidence of any explosions
(including no bits and pieces of controlled-
demolition gear in the rubble).

In the third place--most obviously--if you're
going to argue controlled demolition, 
explosions heard *before the planes hit*
would be irrelevant, since the buildings didn't
collapse until much later. Explosions right
before the collapses is what you'd have heard
if it were controlled demolition, but there's
no evidence of any such explosions.

In any case, it's clear that the reports of
explosions before the planes hit were simply

For more, have a look at these videos:

http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=CRCTkSJOViY
Lobby and basement explosions explained

http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=jir7yWTroN8
"Pre-Collapse Explosions" Identified

http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=WJpsxQ3UI30
John Schroeder & Secondary Explosions 


http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=tacYjsS- g6k
Controlled Demolition Not Possible

These are part of a very good series called
"9/11 Debunked," which you should really watch
all of. But you won't.

> Bottom line is that I do not know for a fact what happened, but I 
> do know for a fact that the official story doesn't wash, and that 
> only adds to the suspicion.

No, of course you don't know that "for a fact."
What a silly thing to say.

The fact is that *everything* either you and
Bhairitu and anybody else here has proposed as
"evidence" against the official explanation
of the collapse *has been debunked* quite

But all we need to know about your approach to
finding out the truth is this:

"But I do not care what you believe, nor do I really want to argue 
with you about this. You will not change your mind, and I will not 
change mine."

Very scholarly, Angela.

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Could someone kindly translate Joytish speak into English

2008-01-17 Thread Bhairitu
It is probably NOT necessarily  the "most" auspicious time in history 
but just an auspicious time.  Depending on what you are doing these 
"auspicious times" or muhurtas can occur even frequently and less 
frequently (every few years) if more requirements are needed.  I have no 
idea what horoscope they're basing this on.

The Secret wrote:
> Thank you kindly.  Now I would posit that the 8 day period which spans
> this yagna is happening during one of the most auspicious times in
> recorded history.  Could someone kindly reveal to us just what this
> period is considered in terms of Jyotish?
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Surya is the Sanskrit name for the Sun.  A pratyantar dasha is the
> third 

Re: [FairfieldLife] 911 into the fray again I go (of the assailing on FFL)

2008-01-17 Thread Bhairitu
Vaj wrote:
> On Jan 17, 2008, at 2:35 PM, Duveyoung wrote:
>> Judy and Vaj, are you still reading down this far into my "nonsense?"
>> I am sincerely hoping you two can explain these two issues. Given the
>> confidence you both seem to "have in spades" when debating this topic,
>> I'm hopeful my POV can be augmented. Why? Cuz who wants to live in
>> my reality where the government is so evil? So save me, please.
> See my last post on building 7.
> Re: The Pentagon.
> Just after the tragedy of 9/11 we were contacted by the American Red 
> Cross Disaster team regarding the disaster. My wife and 4 others were 
> to chosen disembark for debriefing in Philadelphia. After debriefing 
> the teams there assembled divided into three teams: ground zero, NJ 
> and the Pentagon.
> My wife got the Pentagon assignment.
> She toured the site and saw first hand what happened. It was a plane, 
> not a missile. The chunk of a jet engine kinda made that very clear. 
> One the interesting thing, was the fact at such high speeds aluminum 
> actually "shatters" as if it was glass into tiny pieces. Thus much of 
> the debris that was metal was in tiny little pieces.
And she is an expert at discerning a missile engine (like a global hawk) 
and a commercial aircraft engine?  How do you explain so many 
experienced airline pilots saying they couldn't even perform the 
maneuver required to fly an airliner into the Pentagon?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: of the assailing on FFL

2008-01-17 Thread Bhairitu
authfriend wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Doug, all this is just an attack by a small group who bought the 
>> official 9-11 story hook, line and sinker.   Ask THEM about 
>> building 7 and they'll probably change the subject.
> Disingenuous. We've discussed it here at some
> length, Bhairitu, and you know it.
And you still believe the same dumbass official 9-11 story.  Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] 911 into the fray again I go (of the assailing on FFL)

2008-01-17 Thread Bhairitu
9-11 was just a "shock and awe" operation performed on the American 
people just like one that was done on the Iraqis.  It was done to scare 
the shit out of the public to make them cower and give up their rights.  
Even it doesn't work on some of us who see right through it.  9-11 was 
way too big an operation for a little rag-tag "terrorist" group to pull off.

Angela Mailander wrote:
> Yes, Building Seven was the clincher. The plane allegedly crashing in PA was 
> another dead give-away.  When planes crash, you don't have debris over 
> several square miles and no bodies.  That's the scenario when they're shot 
> down (and yes, incredibly, I've seen both).  When they crash, the debris 
> might cover as much as a city block, and there would definitely be bodies and 
> body parts.  The phone call was another huge problem.  But the first problem 
> I had was just seeing the initial footage of planes hitting buildings, and 
> then the absolutely and stunningly disproportionate way the buildings 
> "reacted" to that.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: 911 into the fray again I go (of the assailing on FFL)

2008-01-17 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Until I get a good explanation of these facts, I won't bother
> presenting the two dozen other oddities that support the conspiracy
> theory, but some of them are almost as troubling and obvious as the
> above.  

Start with the series "9/11 Debunked" on YouTube.

Once you've watched all of them--there's quite a
few--get back to us, OK?

[FairfieldLife] Re: of the assailing on FFL

2008-01-17 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Doug, all this is just an attack by a small group who bought the 
> official 9-11 story hook, line and sinker.   Ask THEM about 
> building 7 and they'll probably change the subject.

Disingenuous. We've discussed it here at some
length, Bhairitu, and you know it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: of the assailing on FFL

2008-01-17 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 
> My comment about falling buildings was in the context of an
> article by a reputable physicist which you conveniently forgot.

No, it wasn't in that context at all. You
conveniently made that up.

> As it happens, however, I did see lots of buildings come down--
> not just three or four, but most of the buildings in town and
> in more than one town.  They came down due to bombs, fire, and
> airplanes crashing into them.  I've also seen buildings come
> down due to controlled demolition.  I saw two live, one in
> Cleveland and one in San Francisco.  And I saw about ten
> examples on video.  While comparing the two alone is by no
> means enough,

Not only isn't it enough, it's entirely
irrelevant. That was *my* point, which you've
conveniently overlooked.

> it is the common sense beginning which anyone could have observed 
> (and many did) especially in the context of dozens of witnesses
> who heard explosions prior to the impact of the planes.

It's "common sense" only among those who don't
have the good sense to realize how absurd a
controlled-demolition scenario is on its face,
and among those who haven't bothered to read the
NIST's highly detailed report on its three-year
investigation of the collapse, nor any of the
other debunking work that's been done.

As to the "explosions," in the first place,
eye- and ear-witness testimony as to what
happened in the course of a disaster is
notoriously unreliable. In the second place,
the NIST found no evidence of any explosions
(including no bits and pieces of controlled-
demolition gear in the rubble).

In the third place--most obviously--if you're
going to argue controlled demolition, 
explosions heard *before the planes hit*
would be irrelevant, since the buildings didn't
collapse until much later. Explosions right
before the collapses is what you'd have heard
if it were controlled demolition, but there's
no evidence of any such explosions.

In any case, it's clear that the reports of
explosions before the planes hit were simply

For more, have a look at these videos:

Lobby and basement explosions explained

"Pre-Collapse Explosions" Identified

John Schroeder & Secondary Explosions 


Controlled Demolition Not Possible

These are part of a very good series called
"9/11 Debunked," which you should really watch
all of. But you won't.

> Bottom line is that I do not know for a fact what happened, but I 
> do know for a fact that the official story doesn't wash, and that 
> only adds to the suspicion.

No, of course you don't know that "for a fact."
What a silly thing to say.

The fact is that *everything* either you and
Bhairitu and anybody else here has proposed as
"evidence" against the official explanation
of the collapse *has been debunked* quite

But all we need to know about your approach to
finding out the truth is this:

"But I do not care what you believe, nor do I really want to argue 
with you about this. You will not change your mind, and I will not 
change mine."

Very scholarly, Angela.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge

2008-01-17 Thread yifuxero
---To my great surprise, my group leader at Humboldt 70 (Tom 
Winquist, an initiate of MMY), already had a dossier on me in which 
it correctly revealed that I had been initiated into Eckankar.  
Whoops!a serious strike against me from the get-go.
 A few years later, I got fired from SIMS for talking about Guru 
Maharaji and other non-TMO teachers. I was also threatened with legal 
action by the official TMO lawyer.
 In my naivete, I wrongly assumed that people would embrace 
information in general; and then formulate some conclusion on their 
own. Nope...this would be like spreading knowledge of natural 
supplements among a group of pharmaceutical drug pushers.

 In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "abutilon108" 
> wrote:
> >
> > I signed the pledge much later on and I'm quite sure the wording 
> > different.  It seems not everyone would have signed the same 
> > although as I remember what you were agreeing to was pretty much 
> same.
> >
> The later versions, like the one I signed, had the phrase that said
> the movement could seek financial "equitable relief" if you spilled
> any of the beans.  Nice to have a little legal threat along with the
> spiritual stuff before you get your mantras!  No copies were allowed
> to be kept of any legal document I ever signed in the movement.  Do
> they still have you sign legal waivers before courses? 
> They did something really odd right before we became teachers.  They
> had us hold our movement "file" which we were not allowed to look
> into.  But we had to  hold it.  It was supposed to contain every
> course we were on, all recommendation letters etc.  I wonder what 
> that was all about?  Perhaps it was a message "we have a file on 
> so be cool MF".  But I suspect they were following the letter rather
> than the spirit of some disclosure law.  Very interesting, does 
> know what that was about?

[FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge

2008-01-17 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "abutilon108" 
> wrote:
> >
> > I signed the pledge much later on and I'm quite sure the wording 
> > was different. It seems not everyone would have signed the same 
> > pledge, although as I remember what you were agreeing to was 
> > pretty much the same.
> The later versions, like the one I signed, had the phrase that said
> the movement could seek financial "equitable relief" if you spilled
> any of the beans.  Nice to have a little legal threat along with the
> spiritual stuff before you get your mantras!  No copies were allowed
> to be kept of any legal document I ever signed in the movement.  Do
> they still have you sign legal waivers before courses? 
> They did something really odd right before we became teachers.  They
> had us hold our movement "file" which we were not allowed to look
> into.  But we had to  hold it.  It was supposed to contain every
> course we were on, all recommendation letters etc.  I wonder what 
> that was all about?  Perhaps it was a message "we have a file on you,
> so be cool MF".  But I suspect they were following the letter rather
> than the spirit of some disclosure law.  Very interesting, does anyone
> know what that was about?

No idea, but it reminds me of a funny draft story
from the late 60s. A fellow I knew got his draft
notice and went to the Induction Center and they
handed him his folder to carry with him as he 
walked through the physical and all the steps of
being inducted into the Army. He started looking
through the folder, noticing that everything in
it was an original, not a copy, and slowly it
dawned on him that not only was this his folder,
it was *his folder*. It was the original.

Taking a chance that it was not only the original
copy but the only copy, he just stepped out of
line, went back to the dressing room, put on his
clothes, and walked out, still carrying his folder.

He never heard from Selective Service again. Never.
He just fell off their radar.

Fortunately, this was before the era of personal
computers, so I guess in his area everything was
handled via paper, and no one had ever considered
the possibility that someone, handed his entire
folder, would just walk out with it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge

2008-01-17 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jan 17, 2008, at 2:06 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

The later versions, like the one I signed, had the phrase that said
the movement could seek financial "equitable relief" if you spilled
any of the beans.  Nice to have a little legal threat along with the
spiritual stuff before you get your mantras!  No copies were allowed
to be kept of any legal document I ever signed in the movement.  Do
they still have you sign legal waivers before courses?

Curtis, I was going to ask if you had split before they started doing  
that.  They had you sign these things filled with leagalese that went  
on for about 5 pages as I recall.  Very weird.  And they had you sign  
one again before each course.


Re: [FairfieldLife] of the assailing on FFL

2008-01-17 Thread Vaj

We're talking about building 7 here Angela.

On Jan 17, 2008, at 2:48 PM, Angela Mailander wrote:

The only problem is that buildings don't collapse THAT WAY due to  

Re: [FairfieldLife] 911 into the fray again I go (of the assailing on FFL)

2008-01-17 Thread Vaj

On Jan 17, 2008, at 2:35 PM, Duveyoung wrote:

Judy and Vaj, are you still reading down this far into my "nonsense?"
I am sincerely hoping you two can explain these two issues. Given the
confidence you both seem to "have in spades" when debating this topic,
I'm hopeful my POV can be augmented. Why? Cuz who wants to live in
my reality where the government is so evil? So save me, please.

See my last post on building 7.

Re: The Pentagon.

Just after the tragedy of 9/11 we were contacted by the American Red  
Cross Disaster team regarding the disaster. My wife and 4 others were  
to chosen disembark for debriefing in Philadelphia. After debriefing  
the teams there assembled divided into three teams: ground zero, NJ  
and the Pentagon.

My wife got the Pentagon assignment.

She toured the site and saw first hand what happened. It was a plane,  
not a missile. The chunk of a jet engine kinda made that very clear.  
One the interesting thing, was the fact at such high speeds aluminum  
actually "shatters" as if it was glass into tiny pieces. Thus much of  
the debris that was metal was in tiny little pieces.

Later that winter she received the Clara Barton award, the Red Cross'  
highest award, for her work there (she's an expert in the trauma  
treatment for disasters and often deals with children and family  
members who lost a loved one--or sometimes their whole family--or are  
just simply traumatized deeply).

I could talk on this for a while, but that's enough. As a Freemasonic  
scholar it was not unusual to hear the wildest, strangest, most  
baseless claims like we've heard from Angela since she started  
posting here. In practically every case, they are completely baseless  
fear reactions, fabrications or imaginings. As a trained scientist  
from a family of mechanical engineers, scientists, etc. I find the  
engineering solutions given by the authorities to be very plausible.

There is probably only one aspect of 9/11 that I agree with possibly  
with some conspiracy theorists, and that is flight 93. But that's  
another story.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge

2008-01-17 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "abutilon108" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I signed the pledge much later on and I'm quite sure the wording was
> different.  It seems not everyone would have signed the same pledge,
> although as I remember what you were agreeing to was pretty much the

The later versions, like the one I signed, had the phrase that said
the movement could seek financial "equitable relief" if you spilled
any of the beans.  Nice to have a little legal threat along with the
spiritual stuff before you get your mantras!  No copies were allowed
to be kept of any legal document I ever signed in the movement.  Do
they still have you sign legal waivers before courses? 

They did something really odd right before we became teachers.  They
had us hold our movement "file" which we were not allowed to look
into.  But we had to  hold it.  It was supposed to contain every
course we were on, all recommendation letters etc.  I wonder what 
that was all about?  Perhaps it was a message "we have a file on you,
so be cool MF".  But I suspect they were following the letter rather
than the spirit of some disclosure law.  Very interesting, does anyone
know what that was about?

Re: [FairfieldLife] of the assailing on FFL

2008-01-17 Thread Angela Mailander
The only problem is that buildings don't collapse THAT WAY due to fires.  

- Original Message 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 1:42:00 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] of the assailing on FFL

On Jan 17, 2008, at 2:25 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

Ask THEM about building 7 
and they'll probably change the subject.

I wouldn't. Unfortunately the side of the building the media had access to 
after the collapse of the north WTC was largely undamaged, but the opposite 
side was incredibly damaged. That's what probably started all the unwarranted 
conspiracy theories in the first place. Tower 7 sustained major damage, 
including loss of it's fire protection system. And by afternoon of 9/11 the 
building began to bulge on the SW side where there already was a huge gash 10 
stories tall! It also was making weird creaking noises. Eventually the 
uncontrolled fires took their toll and the already very damaged building 

7 World Trade Center on fire after the collapse of the Twin Towers on 9/11

As the North Tower collapsed on September 11, 2001, debris hit 7 World Trade 
Center, causing heavy damage to the south face of the building.[3] The bottom 
portion of the building's south face was heavily damaged from debris, 
including: damage to the southwest corner from the 8th to 18th floor, a large 
vertical gash on the center-bottom extending at least ten floors, and other 
damage as high as the 18th floor.[3] The building was equipped with a sprinkler 
system, but had many single-point vulnerabilities for failure. The sprinkler 
system required manual initiation of the electrical fire pumps, rather than 
being a fully automatic system. The sprinkler floor level controls had just a 
single connection to the sprinkler water riser, and the sprinkler system 
required some power for the fire pump to deliver water. Loss of power to the 
fire pump or other damage to the structure would have meant no functioning 
sprinklers. Also, water pressure was low, with little
 or no water to feed sprinklers.[26][27]
After the north tower collapsed, some firefighters entered 7 World Trade Center 
to search the building. They attempted to extinguish small pockets of fire, but 
low water pressure hindered their efforts.[28] A massive fire burned into the 
afternoon on the 11th and 12th floors of 7 World Trade Center, the flames 
visible on the east side of the building.[29][30] During the afternoon, fire 
was also seen on floors 6–10, 13–14, 19–22, and 29–30.[3] At approximately 2:00 
p.m., firefighters noticed a bulge in the southwest corner of 7 World Trade 
Center between the 10th and 13th floors which was a sign that the building was 
unstable and might collapse.[31] During the afternoon, firefighters also heard 
creaking sounds coming from the building.[32] Around 3:30 pm, given that 7 
World Trade Center was unstable and would possibly collapse, FDNY Chief Daniel 
Nigro decided to halt rescue operations, surface removal and searches along the 
surface of the debris
 near 7 World Trade Center and evacuate the area due to concerns for the safety 
of personnel.[33][31] At 5:20 p.m. EDT on September 11, 2001, 7 World Trade 
Center collapsed. The building had been evacuated and there were no casualties 
associated with the collapse.
In May 2002, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) issued a report on 
the collapse based on a preliminary investigation conducted jointly with the 
Structural Engineering Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers 
under leadership of Dr. W. Gene Corley, P.E. FEMA made preliminary findings 
that the collapse was not primarily caused by actual impact damage from the 
collapse of 1 WTC and 2 WTC but by fires on multiple stories ignited by debris 
from the other two towers that continued unabated due to lack of water for 
sprinklers or manual firefighting. Structural elements were exposed to high 
temperatures for a sufficient period of time to reduce their strength to the 
point of collapse.[6]

NIST has released a video and still-photo analysis of 7 World Trade Center 
before its collapse that appears to indicate a greater degree of structural 
damage from falling debris than originally assumed by FEMA. Specifically, 
NIST's interim report on 7 World Trade Center displays photographs of the 
southwest façade of the building that show it to have significant damage. The 
report also highlights a 10-story gash in the center of the south façade, 
toward the bottom, extending approximately a quarter of the way into the 
interior.[36][3] A unique aspect of the design of 7 World Trade Center was that 
each outer structural column was responsible for supporting 2,000 sq ft (186 
m²) of floor space, suggesting that the simultaneous removal of a number of 
columns severely compromised the structure's integrity.[37] Consistent with 
this theory, news footage shows cracking and bowing of the building's east wall 

Re: [FairfieldLife] 911 into the fray again I go (of the assailing on FFL)

2008-01-17 Thread Angela Mailander
Yes, Building Seven was the clincher. The plane allegedly crashing in PA was 
another dead give-away.  When planes crash, you don't have debris over several 
square miles and no bodies.  That's the scenario when they're shot down (and 
yes, incredibly, I've seen both).  When they crash, the debris might cover as 
much as a city block, and there would definitely be bodies and body parts.  The 
phone call was another huge problem.  But the first problem I had was just 
seeing the initial footage of planes hitting buildings, and then the absolutely 
and stunningly disproportionate way the buildings "reacted" to that.  

- Original Message 
From: Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 1:35:23 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] 911 into the fray again I go (of the assailing on FFL)

Angela, Judy, Vaj,

Angela, if you HAD to choose, which "fact" do you think is the MOST
obvious sign of "something hinky" in the 911 disasters?

I'd say, first would be Building 7 coming down -- and the BBC
reporting it 30 minutes before it actually came down, and that
official saying "we pulled it." It just wasn't damaged enough, and
"the building was shook too hard" is just an absurd reason -- given
the number of bombs dropped in Iraq, you'd think every building in
that country would have crashed by now from the ground shaking.

Next I'd go with the hole in the Pentagon's inner ring being too
"rocket/missile- esque" to ignore. No way the cylinder of the supposed
plane would survive that many rings inwards -- the body/nose of any
plane would disintegrate in the first 20 feet of impact. And the
entrance hole was, well, a hole, instead of a central hole with "wing
caused holes" on either side.

Until I get a good explanation of these facts, I won't bother
presenting the two dozen other oddities that support the conspiracy
theory, but some of them are almost as troubling and obvious as the

Judy and Vaj, are you still reading down this far into my "nonsense?"
I am sincerely hoping you two can explain these two issues. Given the
confidence you both seem to "have in spades" when debating this topic,
I'm hopeful my POV can be augmented. Why? Cuz who wants to live in
my reality where the government is so evil? So save me, please. 

That said, we have a war-monger posting here, and he's presenting
himself as a priestly good guy, but he's all for killing children for
oil and thinks he's sane. And this is a religious message group. 
What kinds of minds are "out there?" Do you really think that a 911
conspiracy is "too far out" to consider at least as possible given the
kind of "minds" the government cultivates in the military, CIA, FBI,
etc.? What would be your basis for believing that this thing couldn't
be arranged and kept secret other than your faith in the goodness of
most people? The governments of the world have always found folks a
plenty to do their dirty work, right?

Here in this lovely garden of philosophy, we have such ugliness
expressed, such rage, such brokenness -- and that's just me, surely
you can conceive of men-following- orders who could set up the worst
kinds of slaughter without losing a night's sleep, yes?


--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Angela Mailander
> My comment about falling buildings was in the context of an article
by a reputable physicist which you conveniently forgot. As it
happens, however, I did see lots of buildings come down--not just
three or four, but most of the buildings in town and in more than one
town. They came down due to bombs, fire, and airplanes crashing into
them. I've also seen buildings come down due to controlled
demolition. I saw two live, one in Cleveland and one in San
Francisco. And I saw about ten examples on video. While comparing
the two alone is by no means enough, it is the common sense beginning
which anyone could have observed (and many did) especially in the
context of dozens of witnesses who heard explosions prior to the
impact of the planes. Bottom line is that I do not know for a fact
what happened, but I do know for a fact that the official story
doesn't wash, and that only adds to the suspicion. 
> - Original Message 
> From: authfriend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com
> Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 10:24:27 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: of the assailing on FFL
> --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Angela Mailander 
>  wrote:
> >
> > If that's your view of my take on the situation, then you're
> > right to object. Too simplistic.
> Angela's take on the situation:
> "I've seen lots of buildings fall as a result of war, bombs, and 
> plane crashes. Never before and never after did buildings fall as 
> the World Trade Center buildings fell. It pulverized the concrete. 
> this is not the same as the kind of rubble you get in situations in 
> which there are n

Re: [FairfieldLife] of the assailing on FFL

2008-01-17 Thread Vaj
On Jan 17, 2008, at 2:25 PM, Bhairitu wrote:Ask THEM about building 7 and they'll probably change the subject.I wouldn't. Unfortunately the side of the building the media had access to after the collapse of the north WTC was largely undamaged, but the opposite side was incredibly damaged. That's what probably started all the unwarranted conspiracy theories in the first place. Tower 7 sustained major damage, including loss of it's fire protection system. And by afternoon of 9/11 the building began to bulge on the SW side where there already was a huge gash 10 stories tall! It also was making weird creaking noises. Eventually the uncontrolled fires took their toll and the already very damaged building collapsed.7 World Trade Center on fire after the collapse of the Twin Towers on 9/11As the North Tower collapsed on September 11, 2001, debris hit 7 World Trade Center, causing heavy damage to the south face of the building.[3] The bottom portion of the building's south face was heavily damaged from debris, including: damage to the southwest corner from the 8th to 18th floor, a large vertical gash on the center-bottom extending at least ten floors, and other damage as high as the 18th floor.[3] The building was equipped with a sprinkler system, but had many single-point vulnerabilities for failure. The sprinkler system required manual initiation of the electrical fire pumps, rather than being a fully automatic system. The sprinkler floor level controls had just a single connection to the sprinkler water riser, and the sprinkler system required some power for the fire pump to deliver water. Loss of power to the fire pump or other damage to the structure would have meant no functioning sprinklers. Also, water pressure was low, with little or no water to feed sprinklers.[26][27]After the north tower collapsed, some firefighters entered 7 World Trade Center to search the building. They attempted to extinguish small pockets of fire, but low water pressure hindered their efforts.[28] A massive fire burned into the afternoon on the 11th and 12th floors of 7 World Trade Center, the flames visible on the east side of the building.[29][30] During the afternoon, fire was also seen on floors 6–10, 13–14, 19–22, and 29–30.[3] At approximately 2:00 p.m., firefighters noticed a bulge in the southwest corner of 7 World Trade Center between the 10th and 13th floors which was a sign that the building was unstable and might collapse.[31] During the afternoon, firefighters also heard creaking sounds coming from the building.[32] Around 3:30 pm, given that 7 World Trade Center was unstable and would possibly collapse, FDNY Chief Daniel Nigro decided to halt rescue operations, surface removal and searches along the surface of the debris near 7 World Trade Center and evacuate the area due to concerns for the safety of personnel.[33][31] At 5:20 p.m. EDT on September 11, 2001, 7 World Trade Center collapsed. The building had been evacuated and there were no casualties associated with the collapse.In May 2002, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) issued a report on the collapse based on a preliminary investigation conducted jointly with the Structural Engineering Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers under leadership of Dr. W. Gene Corley, P.E. FEMA made preliminary findings that the collapse was not primarily caused by actual impact damage from the collapse of 1 WTC and 2 WTC but by fires on multiple stories ignited by debris from the other two towers that continued unabated due to lack of water for sprinklers or manual firefighting. Structural elements were exposed to high temperatures for a sufficient period of time to reduce their strength to the point of collapse.[6]NIST has released a video and still-photo analysis of 7 World Trade Center before its collapse that appears to indicate a greater degree of structural damage from falling debris than originally assumed by FEMA. Specifically, NIST's interim report on 7 World Trade Center displays photographs of the southwest façade of the building that show it to have significant damage. The report also highlights a 10-story gash in the center of the south façade, toward the bottom, extending approximately a quarter of the way into the interior.[36][3] A unique aspect of the design of 7 World Trade Center was that each outer structural column was responsible for supporting 2,000 sq ft (186 m²) of floor space, suggesting that the simultaneous removal of a number of columns severely compromised the structure's integrity.[37] Consistent with this theory, news footage shows cracking and bowing of the building's east wall immediately before the collapse, which began at the penthouse floors.[3] In video of the collapse, taken from the north by CBS News and other news media, the first visible sign of collapse is movement in the east penthouse 8.2 seconds before the north wall began to collapse, which took at least another 7 seconds.[3][38]A progress report was released

[FairfieldLife] 911 into the fray again I go (of the assailing on FFL)

2008-01-17 Thread Duveyoung
Angela, Judy, Vaj,

Angela, if you HAD to choose, which "fact" do you think is the MOST
obvious sign of "something hinky" in the 911 disasters?

I'd say, first would be Building 7 coming down -- and the BBC
reporting it 30 minutes before it actually came down, and that
official saying "we pulled it." It just wasn't damaged enough, and
"the building was shook too hard" is just an absurd reason -- given
the number of bombs dropped in Iraq, you'd think every building in
that country would have crashed by now from the ground shaking.

Next I'd go with the hole in the Pentagon's inner ring being too
"rocket/missile-esque" to ignore.  No way the cylinder of the supposed
plane would survive that many rings inwards -- the body/nose of any
plane would disintegrate in the first 20 feet of impact.  And the
entrance hole was, well, a hole, instead of a central hole with "wing
caused holes" on either side.

Until I get a good explanation of these facts, I won't bother
presenting the two dozen other oddities that support the conspiracy
theory, but some of them are almost as troubling and obvious as the

Judy and Vaj, are you still reading down this far into my "nonsense?"
 I am sincerely hoping you two can explain these two issues. Given the
confidence you both seem to "have in spades" when debating this topic,
I'm hopeful my POV can be augmented.  Why?  Cuz who wants to live in
my reality where the government is so evil?  So save me, please.  

That said, we have a war-monger posting here, and he's presenting
himself as a priestly good guy, but he's all for killing children for
oil and thinks he's sane.  And this is a religious message group. 
What kinds of minds are "out there?" Do you really think that a 911
conspiracy is "too far out" to consider at least as possible given the
kind of "minds" the government cultivates in the military, CIA, FBI,
etc.?  What would be your basis for believing that this thing couldn't
be arranged and kept secret other than your faith in the goodness of
most people?  The governments of the world have always found folks a
plenty to do their dirty work, right?

Here in this lovely garden of philosophy, we have such ugliness
expressed, such rage, such brokenness -- and that's just me, surely
you can conceive of men-following-orders who could set up the worst
kinds of slaughter without losing a night's sleep, yes?


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander
> My comment about falling buildings was in the context of an article
by a reputable physicist which you conveniently forgot.  As it
happens, however, I did see lots of buildings come down--not just
three or four, but most of the buildings in town and in more than one
town.  They came down due to bombs, fire, and airplanes crashing into
them.  I've also seen buildings come down due to controlled
demolition.  I saw two live, one in Cleveland and one in San
Francisco.  And I saw about ten examples on video.  While comparing
the two alone is by no means enough, it is the common sense beginning
which anyone could have observed (and many did) especially in the
context of dozens of witnesses who heard explosions prior to the
impact of the planes.  Bottom line is that I do not know for a fact
what happened, but I do know for a fact that the official story
doesn't wash, and that only adds to the suspicion.  
> - Original Message 
> From: authfriend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 10:24:27 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: of the assailing on FFL
> --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Angela Mailander 
>  wrote:
> >
> > If that's your view of my take on the situation, then you're
> > right to object.  Too simplistic.
> Angela's take on the situation:
> "I've seen lots of buildings fall as a result of war, bombs, and 
> plane crashes.  Never before and never after did buildings fall as 
> the World Trade Center buildings fell.  It pulverized the concrete.  
> this is not the same as the kind of rubble you get in situations in 
> which there are no explosives planted for controlled demolition."
> My view of Angela's take on the situation:
> "FWIW, my 'LOL' had to do with the utter absurdity
> of Angela's extrapolating from whatever building
> collapses she may have seen to the collapse of
> the World Trade Center towers, concluding that
> because the latter didn't look like the former,
> therefore the latter must have been the result of
> controlled demolition."
> Angela is, of course, welcome to expand on what
> she wrote and explain why my view of her take is
> "too simplistic."
> But she won't.
> Nor will she check out the links I provided to the
> latest NIST findings.
> Indeed, according to her:
> "But I do not care what you

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Maharishi Says: Work is Finished'

2008-01-17 Thread The Secret
Maharishi lives for a short time only unless he does one of his all
too common turnabouts.  Don't worry about him being in pain.  The way
he chose to leave makes the endorphins really kick in.  It's a
painless way of passing as there is less attention paid to one's body. 

Just honor the man for now and the classy way he decided to leave the
stage and eventually his body.

The hierarchy is in place but out of honor and even a time of silence
for a lot of us, the new theocracy is not intruding upon us right now.

When Maharishi passes, we'll know.  Either in our being, by being
summoned to a special meeting or by visiting CNN.com, NYTimes.com,
BBC.com .  Now please let us go about our business but a bit more
slowly and silently during these final times of a great man.  Hate him
for his misdeeds or love and adore him, it matters not. He's without a
doubt a great man who is leaving a great legacy so please join us in
honoring him as he passes.

Grown. When I googled "Maharishi Mahesh Yogi news" to see if anything
not Movement oriented was posed, I came upon an advert for
http://knappfamilycounseling.com/cults.html , a guy who helps you get
over leaving a cult.  I wonder if Bobby Kennedy, who leaves right
after first round for the cafeteria to struggle with tubs of food
belongs to a cult.  I can place my attention into a cat and see and
feel and enjoy someone stroking us, but this is a place I don't want
to go.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "mainstream20016"
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Louis McKenzie  wrote:
> >
> > 
> >
> Louis,
>   The rumor of which you speak was at its height for a few
hours on Jan. 12th, when 
> MMY missed his own birthday party.  But since Jan. 12th, all agree
that although frail, MMY 
> is still alive.   You wrote to FFL twice on Jan. 13th, both times
mentioning how much MMY 
> has meant to you.  He is still alive.He is still alive.He is
still alive.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge

2008-01-17 Thread Vaj

On Jan 17, 2008, at 2:09 PM, abutilon108 wrote:

I signed the pledge much later on and I'm quite sure the wording was
different. It seems not everyone would have signed the same pledge,
although as I remember what you were agreeing to was pretty much  
the same.

Declaration of Loyalty to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

(to be signed by the teacher of TM)

It is my privilege Maharishi, to promise to teach the Principles and  
Practice of Transcendental Meditation only as a teacher-employee of  
 which accepts me as such, that I will always hold the teaching  
in trust for you, dear Maharishi, and that I will never use the  
teaching except as teacher in  or other organizations founded by  
you for the purpose of carrying on our work of spreading  
Transcendental Meditation for the good of mankind; that as a teacher  
in  I shall receive such compensation as shall be agreed between  
 and myself in writing and except as agreed in writing I expect  
to receive no monetary compensation but am fully compensated by the  
love and joy I receive from the work by the alleviation of suffering  
that I may accomplish and by the wisdom I obtain, expulsate and  
cherish. In furtherance of this pledge I acknowledge that prior to  
receiving the training I had no prior knowledge of such system of  
Teaching; that there is no other available source where the knowledge  
of such training may be obtained; that such teaching has been  
imparted to me in trust and confidence; that such training is secret  
and unique. I further recognize as a Meditation Guide and Initiator I  
am a link in the chain of organizations that you have founded, and  
that to retain the purity of the teaching and movement you have laid  
down the wise rule that, should I ever cease to teach in  or  
other organizations founded by you, for the purpose of teaching  
Transcendental Meditation, I may be restrained by appropriate process  
from using this secret teaching and Transcendental Meditation  
imparted to me.

It is my fortune Guru Dev that I am being accepted to serve the Holy  
Tradition and spread the light of God to all those who need it. It is  
my joy to undertake the responsibility of representing the Holy  
Tradition in all its purity as it has been given to me by Maharishi  
and I promise on your alter Guru Dev that with all my heart and mind  
I will always work within the framework of the Organizations founded  
by Maharishi. And to you, Maharishi, I promise that as a Meditation  
Guide I will be faithful in all ways to the trust that you have  
placed in me.


Re: [FairfieldLife] of the assailing on FFL

2008-01-17 Thread Bhairitu
Doug, all this is just an attack by a small group who bought the 
official 9-11 story hook, line and sinker.   Ask THEM about building 7 
and they'll probably change the subject.

dhamiltony2k5 wrote:
> Oh, proly not the blitz directly.  Though seems Angela probably 
> witnessed at least the effect of allied bombing of Germany in the 
> 1940's.  Did you miss this?
> Post,
>  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/161030
> Angela writes:
> "He was a "swing kid," a guy from Hamburg, about sixteen years old.  
> Swing kids were young people in Germany who loved American music 
> (primarily swing), resisted Hitler, and suffered the consequences.  
> Like us, he'd walked across Germany in 45, carrying only his lute and 
> his guitar, and living, as we did, like stray dogs.  We gave him our 
> coal cellar.  Not an ideal place, but better than the street, and we 
> were already housing thirteen other refugees in a three room flat.  
> Anyway, the guy loved life and music, and so I had a resident music 
> teacher early on.  And he played blues.  My grandfather and I both 
> fell in love with that sound."
> She seems a person who has lived a life around.  Fault her for that?  
> Attack her for that?Talking the third person ad hominid strawman 
> thing about her reads beneath the belt when it seems she is in life 
> experience and is able to draw on & reflect about it too.  I like 
> that she has shown up here on FFL.  Hers is often a good perspective 
> voice to see in to things & often with a lot of truth.
> Been in post war China. Evidently grew up in nazi-Germany.  Has lived 
> in Utopia.
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/155116
> Has lived and taught on campus here:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/155084
> Yes, always good to fact check but the ad hominem on FFL is boring.
> Jai Guru Dev,
> -Doug in FF

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge

2008-01-17 Thread Bhairitu
Peter wrote:
> --- "BillyG." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J.
>> Williams"
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> "It is my fortune, Guru Dev, that I have been
>> accepted 
>>> to serve the Holy Tradition and spread the Light
>> of God 
>>> to all those who need it. It is my joy to
>> undertake the 
>>> responsibility of representing the Holy Tradition
>> in all 
>>> its purity as it has been given to me by Maharishi
>> and I 
>>> promise on your altar, Guru Dev, that with all my
>> heart 
>>> and mind I will always work within the framework
>> of the 
>>> Organisations founded by Maharishi. And to you,
>> Maharishi, 
>>> I promise that as a Meditation Guide I will be
>> faithful 
>>> in all ways to the trust that you have placed in
>> me."
>>> Notes for readers:
>>> Here is the TMers pledge that all graduates of TM
>> Teacher 
>>> Training are required to sign before becoming TM
>> teachers. 
>>> Source:
>> We weren't required to sign anything in Fuiggi;
>> though Jerry did
>> administer a *verbal* pledge which we agreed to.
> I signed this pledge one year later in Seelisburg,
> 1973
And you received a copy of what you signed?

[FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge

2008-01-17 Thread tertonzeno
---For those of you unaware of the Pledge, I'm pasting it in 
(below).  Please read, sign, and send in your pledge to Tom.

In the United States, which was once thought to be a haven of 
religious liberty, we are the targets of unprincipled attacks in the 
court system by those who would line their pockets from our hard won 
coffers. Bigots in all branches of government, fearing the success of 
Scientology, are bent on our destruction through taxation and 
repressive legislation. 

"We have been subjected to illegal heresy trials in two countries 
before prejudiced and malinformed judges who are not qualified or 
inclined to perceive the truth. 

"In Canada and Germany, our Churches have been subjected to vicious 
raids reminiscent of the historical genocide attacks on religions 
that took place in `less informed' times and societies. 

"The news media chooses to ignore the good works and miraculous 
successes of Scientology and instead seeks to poison public opinion 
through vilification of the religion and its Founder. 

"The detractors of Scientology know full well that it is a proven, 
effective and workable system for freeing mankind from spiritual 
bondage. That is why they attack. They fear that they will somehow be 
threatened by a society which is more ethical, productive and humane 
through the influence of Scientology and Scientologists. Thus when we 
expand, to that degree we are attacked. 

"Up to this day, the responsibility for defending Scientology has 
been on the shoulders of a desperate few. And so it will continue in 
large measure. 

"Yet, in order to continue the quest for a new civilization where 
honest men have rights and freedoms abound, the assistance and 
dedication of each and every Scientologist and other men of goodwill 
is essential. The road may be difficult and may get worse due to the 
rapid decline of civilization and erosion of personal liberties at 
this time. But united in purpose and dedication, we shall prevail for 
the benefit of all mankind. 

"We, the undersigned, pledge ourselves, without reservation or any 
thought of personal comfort or safety, to achieving the aims of 
Scientology: `A civilization without insanity, without war, where the 
able can prosper and honest beings can have rights, and where Man is 
free to rise to greater heights.' 

"We invite Scientologists and other well intentioned people 
everywhere to join us in this pledge"  End quote.

 In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "abutilon108" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> I signed the pledge much later on and I'm quite sure the wording was
> different.  It seems not everyone would have signed the same pledge,
> although as I remember what you were agreeing to was pretty much 
the same.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge

2008-01-17 Thread abutilon108
I signed the pledge much later on and I'm quite sure the wording was
different.  It seems not everyone would have signed the same pledge,
although as I remember what you were agreeing to was pretty much the same.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: of the assailing on FFL

2008-01-17 Thread Angela Mailander
My comment about falling buildings was in the context of an article by a 
reputable physicist which you conveniently forgot.  As it happens, however, I 
did see lots of buildings come down--not just three or four, but most of the 
buildings in town and in more than one town.  They came down due to bombs, 
fire, and airplanes crashing into them.  I've also seen buildings come down due 
to controlled demolition.  I saw two live, one in Cleveland and one in San 
Francisco.  And I saw about ten examples on video.  While comparing the two 
alone is by no means enough, it is the common sense beginning which anyone 
could have observed (and many did) especially in the context of dozens of 
witnesses who heard explosions prior to the impact of the planes.  Bottom line 
is that I do not know for a fact what happened, but I do know for a fact that 
the official story doesn't wash, and that only adds to the suspicion.  

- Original Message 
From: authfriend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 10:24:27 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: of the assailing on FFL


--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Angela Mailander 



> If that's your view of my take on the situation, then you're

> right to object.  Too simplistic.

Angela's take on the situation:

"I've seen lots of buildings fall as a result of war, bombs, and 

plane crashes.  Never before and never after did buildings fall as 

the World Trade Center buildings fell.  It pulverized the concrete.  

this is not the same as the kind of rubble you get in situations in 

which there are no explosives planted for controlled demolition."

My view of Angela's take on the situation:

"FWIW, my 'LOL' had to do with the utter absurdity

of Angela's extrapolating from whatever building

collapses she may have seen to the collapse of

the World Trade Center towers, concluding that

because the latter didn't look like the former,

therefore the latter must have been the result of

controlled demolition."

Angela is, of course, welcome to expand on what

she wrote and explain why my view of her take is

"too simplistic."

But she won't.

Nor will she check out the links I provided to the

latest NIST findings.

Indeed, according to her:

"But I do not care what you believe, nor do I really want to argue 

with you about this.  You will not change your mind, and I will not 

change mine."

Perhaps the most blatant instance of "My mind is

made up, don't confuse me with the facts" that I've

yet seen on this forum.


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Re: [FairfieldLife] for Angela, WAS Re: Facing one's mortality

2008-01-17 Thread Angela Mailander
Yes, there is that similarity.  There is also the context in which the opening 
line of the whole play ("Who's there?") signals the dichotomy of self/Self. 
Hamlet's last words, too, fit into this: "The rest is silence."  We may argue 
that "silence" is a TMO word, and it's true, that word is given special meaning 
in the organization, but in the context of the whole play and in the context of 
Hamlet achieving Self, after killing Polonius (who stands for small self), we 
can give it a larger meaning than is usually accorded to that word in English.  
The clincher is that Hamlet knows the minute he realizes that he's killed 
Polonius that his own death is any time now.  

- Original Message 
From: feste37 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 10:06:44 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] for Angela, WAS Re: Facing one's mortality


Angela, I was struck by some echoes of Hamlet in this quotation from

Guru Dev. Hamlet is all about learning how to die (I think we agree),

and Guru Dev's "He who remains ready to go, from him there will never

be sin," reminds me of Hamlet's "the readiness is all" speech in Act

5. And also, in the next paragraph, Guru Dev's point is very close to

Claudius' advice to Hamlet about not continuing to grieve for his

father ("your father lost a father / That father lost, lost his . . . ")

--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, "do.rflex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] .> wrote:




> Every day be ready, bedding packed. 


> Nobody knows what time the "warrant" comes. Death "warrant" is the

> arrest "warrant" - for you there is no scope for "appeal", all at once

> it occurs ... you are to leave. 


> Wherever one is, at that very place you will be falling down. If you

> are ready in the first place, then there will be no suffering at the

> time of death.


> He who remains ready to go, from him there will never be sin. Really

> it is by overlooking the [existence of the] other world that one

> becomes wicked and lives sinfully. If all this is remembered every day

> that one day one is going to let go [die], then henceforth a man will

> never lie or behave badly.


> Consider this; that when father, grandfather, great grandfather is not

> living then it cannot be that we will remain. When it is settled that

> we will go, then really if we are ready beforehand, then the traveling

> will be a pleasure; but if one is not ready then afterwards you will

> be suffering. Be careful of doing any work that you regret afterwards,

> at the time of going.


> If you are not careful then you cannot escape falling down. The stream

> of worldly existence takes a downward direction. The inclination of

> the senses is opposed to a man and in opposition one again falls into

> the wheel of desires, not considering the suitability. Therefore it is

> always necessary to be careful.


> At the time of death that which was good and bad in a man's own

> lifetime all come to be remembered. That sin that has been done

> remains, the fearful effects are remembered at the time of death -

> much repenting and much sadness occurs. Therefore you should be

> careful that no sin occurs to be regretted at the time of death.


> ~~  Shri Shankaracharya UpadeshAmrita kaNa 23 of 108

> http://www.paulmaso n.info/gurudev/ UA_Hindi. htm#kaNa_ 23



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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge

2008-01-17 Thread Peter

--- "BillyG." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J.
> Williams"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > "It is my fortune, Guru Dev, that I have been
> accepted 
> > to serve the Holy Tradition and spread the Light
> of God 
> > to all those who need it. It is my joy to
> undertake the 
> > responsibility of representing the Holy Tradition
> in all 
> > its purity as it has been given to me by Maharishi
> and I 
> > promise on your altar, Guru Dev, that with all my
> heart 
> > and mind I will always work within the framework
> of the 
> > Organisations founded by Maharishi. And to you,
> Maharishi, 
> > I promise that as a Meditation Guide I will be
> faithful 
> > in all ways to the trust that you have placed in
> me."
> > 
> > Notes for readers:
> > 
> > Here is the TMers pledge that all graduates of TM
> Teacher 
> > Training are required to sign before becoming TM
> teachers. 
> > 
> > Source:
> We weren't required to sign anything in Fuiggi;
> though Jerry did
> administer a *verbal* pledge which we agreed to.

I signed this pledge one year later in Seelisburg,

> To subscribe, send a message to:
> Or go to: 
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/
> and click 'Join This Group!' 
> Yahoo! Groups Links


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Just curious: raajas?

2008-01-17 Thread Peter

--- "Richard J. Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Peter wrote: 
> > Wow! Those hook-nose Jews are in everything. So
> sneaky
> > and cunning too!
> > 
> You could at least wait until your patients were out
> of the 
> office, Doctor, before you post comments about them
> on the
> Internet!

I have a "Halt Juden!" sign outside my office door. 

> To subscribe, send a message to:
> Or go to: 
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/
> and click 'Join This Group!' 
> Yahoo! Groups Links


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[FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge

2008-01-17 Thread BillyG.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"
> "It is my fortune, Guru Dev, that I have been accepted 
> to serve the Holy Tradition and spread the Light of God 
> to all those who need it. It is my joy to undertake the 
> responsibility of representing the Holy Tradition in all 
> its purity as it has been given to me by Maharishi and I 
> promise on your altar, Guru Dev, that with all my heart 
> and mind I will always work within the framework of the 
> Organisations founded by Maharishi. And to you, Maharishi, 
> I promise that as a Meditation Guide I will be faithful 
> in all ways to the trust that you have placed in me."
> Notes for readers:
> Here is the TMers pledge that all graduates of TM Teacher 
> Training are required to sign before becoming TM teachers. 
> Source:

We weren't required to sign anything in Fuiggi; though Jerry did
administer a *verbal* pledge which we agreed to.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Michael Chertoff is a Paranoiac

2008-01-17 Thread Bhairitu
Richard J. Williams wrote:
> Bhairitu wrote:
>> With delusions of grandeur:
> http://rawstory.com/news/afp/US_security_chief_sees_Europe_as_ma_01162008.html
>> He needs to be removed from office and receive medical attention 
>> (as well as a few others in BushCo I can think of).
> Maybe you should get out and vote. But I can't see anything wrong 
> with this statement:
> "I see an Al-Qaeda that's evolving. I don't see any diminishment 
> of the threat, and my concern is that we not relax and let the 
> enemy get ahead of us."
> You and your congressional leaders like Bill Clinton and Al Gore 
> were pretty relaxed when the last successful attack came on 9-11. 
> They let the enemy get ahead of us and sneak in from Europe. Maybe 
> it's you that should get some medical attention. You're not even 
> making any sense anymore, Barry.
ROTFL!  Clinton and Gore weren't in office when 9-11 occurred.   That 
was Bush's watch and we know how they ignored advance reports of an 
"alleged" attack.  You need to get some smarts, Willy.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just curious: raajas?

2008-01-17 Thread Richard J. Williams
Peter wrote: 
> Wow! Those hook-nose Jews are in everything. So sneaky
> and cunning too!
You could at least wait until your patients were out of the 
office, Doctor, before you post comments about them on the

[FairfieldLife] Re: Michael Chertoff is a Paranoiac

2008-01-17 Thread Richard J. Williams
Bhairitu wrote:
> With delusions of grandeur:
> He needs to be removed from office and receive medical attention 
> (as well as a few others in BushCo I can think of).
Maybe you should get out and vote. But I can't see anything wrong 
with this statement:

"I see an Al-Qaeda that's evolving. I don't see any diminishment 
of the threat, and my concern is that we not relax and let the 
enemy get ahead of us."

You and your congressional leaders like Bill Clinton and Al Gore 
were pretty relaxed when the last successful attack came on 9-11. 
They let the enemy get ahead of us and sneak in from Europe. Maybe 
it's you that should get some medical attention. You're not even 
making any sense anymore, Barry.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hey Kids, USA is beginning to look a bit like China in the surveillance dept

2008-01-17 Thread Richard J. Williams
> > Hey, aren't you the guy that wants government paid
> > universal health care and Social Security?
> > 
Bhairitu wrote:  
> We paid it so we should get our Social Security.
So, you're not opposed to a big government daddy that takes
care of you. 


Why should I be forced to pay for your medical care?

> But then maybe you have some twenty-something young ladies 
> next door you'd like to make videos of.
Well, do'h.

> > Are you trying to conceal something?
> >   
> Yup, my bank account so you can't raid it for one.
Don't put any money in banks. Instead invest your money in guns 
and butter. Buy lots of canned goods, plant a garden, construct 
a rain water retrieval system. Go solar. Build a wall around 
your property with observation posts. Get some Tibetan mastiffs.
Don't let the vandals enter the gate. Stay awake and watchful. 

"A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that 
involves paying abnormally high returns ("profits") to investors 
out of the money paid in by subsequent investors, rather than 
from net revenues generated by any real business. It is named 
after Charles Ponzi.

Read more:

'The Ponzi Scheme known as Social Security'
Provacateur, December 23, 2007

All of the details are here, including photos and an introduction 
that exposes the rise and "fall" of Charles Ponzi.

'The Rise of Mr Ponzi'
by Charles Ponzi 
Inkwell, 2001

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just curious: raajas?

2008-01-17 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- mainstream20016 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister
> >  wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > I wonder, how many of the TMO raajas (and other
> > > big...er...wigs) are Jewish?
> > >
> > 
> > Rona Abramson, a woman of Jewish ancestry,  is a
> > Raja Rajeshwari. 
> > 
> > In 1980, many people of Jewish ancestry held
> > positions of leadership on  the MIU campus. 
> > Over the past decades, many seem to have left the
> > TMO.  When Larry Domash was 
> > replaced by Bevan as MIU President,  Physics teacher
> >  Bob Rabinowitz could hardly hold his 
> > disdain for Bevan. speaking loudly in a
> > 'private' conversation just before a class, within 
> > earshot of many, Bob cited as evidence of Bevan's
> > incompetence Bevan's incorrect  use of 
> > the plural form of the Latin  term 'forum' in the
> > speech Bevan made the day earlier at the 
> > transition ceremony.( Bevan  used the term 'forums',
> >  rather than 'fora' ). Bob's charge was 
> > that Bevan didn't even know his native  language,
> > and was therefore unqualified to lead 
> > MIU. Bob didn't remain much longer on faculty. 
> > 
> > MMY's choice of Tony Abul-Nader, a Labanese
> > Christian? by birth, to be MMY's designated 
> > successor might have diminished enthusiasm of Jewish
> > TMers for the TMO.
> > 
> > The Kaplan brothers certainly had the funds to
> > become Rajas, but they had distanced 
> > themselves from MMY before the Rajas were created.
> Wow! Those hook-nose Jews are in everything. 

FYI, I think that's a good thing, because Jews are
IMO the most effective (sorry, can't find a "better" adjective)
people on this planet. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Just curious: raajas?

2008-01-17 Thread Peter

--- mainstream20016 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > I wonder, how many of the TMO raajas (and other
> > big...er...wigs) are Jewish?
> >
> Rona Abramson, a woman of Jewish ancestry,  is a
> Raja Rajeshwari. 
> In 1980, many people of Jewish ancestry held
> positions of leadership on  the MIU campus. 
> Over the past decades, many seem to have left the
> TMO.  When Larry Domash was 
> replaced by Bevan as MIU President,  Physics teacher
>  Bob Rabinowitz could hardly hold his 
> disdain for Bevan. speaking loudly in a
> 'private' conversation just before a class, within 
> earshot of many, Bob cited as evidence of Bevan's
> incompetence Bevan's incorrect  use of 
> the plural form of the Latin  term 'forum' in the
> speech Bevan made the day earlier at the 
> transition ceremony.( Bevan  used the term 'forums',
>  rather than 'fora' ). Bob's charge was 
> that Bevan didn't even know his native  language,
> and was therefore unqualified to lead 
> MIU. Bob didn't remain much longer on faculty. 
> MMY's choice of Tony Abul-Nader, a Labanese
> Christian? by birth, to be MMY's designated 
> successor might have diminished enthusiasm of Jewish
> TMers for the TMO.
> The Kaplan brothers certainly had the funds to
> become Rajas, but they had distanced 
> themselves from MMY before the Rajas were created.

Wow! Those hook-nose Jews are in everything. So sneaky
and cunning too!

> To subscribe, send a message to:
> Or go to: 
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/
> and click 'Join This Group!' 
> Yahoo! Groups Links


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Where's the heart? (MSAE , Donating to Dharma)

2008-01-17 Thread ruthsimplicity

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Predictably, Fester doesn't try to answer any of the legitimate
> questions I offered about the charity.  Nor, does Fester offer any
> credentials to balance my own 20 year four-kid history with MSAEso
> I'm the expert in the dialog as far as I can tell.

I have watched this dialog and Eg's experience has had a big effect on
me.  And Angela's mention in a thread that Doug linked about the former
staffer without a home who could not stay with them in Utopia park had
the same effect.  I am very bothered by the elitism. The lack of human
kindness.   Some things are just plain wrong and should not be
justified.   There is no justification for how Eg was treated nor for
how the poor woman in the woods was treated.   Shameful.

What bothers me more than anything about the TMO is that despite all the
"sweet" talk, virtues such as kindness and  generosity  are not highly

If I had known that the pundits needed winter coats, I would have sent
winter coats.  I would never but ever have sent money.

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