Re: [Audyssey] More on hardware keys was: Re: An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread Dallas O'Brien
hi, exactly. and to the person, i forget who now, said about security
programs and such doing so, yes, but generally its not locked down to
a particular machine, based on the hardware thats in that machine!
 and generally, such hardware registration systems can be
deregistered from one machine, and applied to a different one. the
hardware system that we seems to be using here for the most part,
appears to have a major problem. that is, if you upgrade any part of
your computer, the program will no longer be registered for your
lets say i upgrade my netbooks ram from 1 gb, to 2 gb of ram after
registering such a program. i would then have to buy the game again!

admitedly, some don't work this way. but too many of them do.
and as you say tom. it never stopped pirates. just hampered them 
for a week or two. lol.
personally, there are some better ideas for registering a program. for
example. lets say you use an internet registration mechonism.
lets say that when you registered, you register with an email address,
your name, and a password. you could then put a form in the
registration for the program, that would send your user name, and
password off to the server. it could then look that up, and then send
a confirmation code to your registered email. that way, you go get
that code from your personal email address, and nobody can hack that.
as you would have to have access to that email address.
what i'm saying is, there are far more effective ways of locking
people out of cracking, then a hardware registration. yes, it require
a server to be run. yes, it requires internet registration. so, people
are going to say, oh, but what if i don't have access to internet to
register it. well, i'm sorry to say this, but ... deal with it. there
are a lot of games out there, in the mainstream gaming world, that
require internet registration. and if you don't have access to
internet. too bad. find access, long enough to register.

as for the idea of this pack, i personally think he has given people
long enough. the only area in which he perhaps could have done a
little better, is finding a way to transmit the info out to everybody
on this list, and perhaps others, as soon as he made the pack
purchasable. but, thats his choice. and i have to admit. yes, its sad
to see his stuff going. and i will probably atempt to buy the pack,
simply so i have them, even if i don't use the games a lot. but never
the less, I think, if the audio gaming industry is worth anything,
then they should be able to come up with replacements, if not in fact
better games. simply because, well, this is now, that was then. the
games were good. yes. but with todays abilities, and the amount of
sounds and music out there, i think that it would be easy enough to
make replacements.
and agreed, tom.
the conversion rates can be a killer, in a lot of cases. i mean, there
was one time, where if i wanted a program, from england, and the dev
there was charging say, 15 pound, it would have hert for me to buy it.
it would have been nearly 50 dollars australian! ... but now, its not
too bad. so yes. i can see where conversion rates can kill a person's
ability to buy the programs.

On 24/04/2013, Thomas Ward wrote:
 Hi Dark and all,

 not only that, but studies show that the hardware ID key systems
 haven't done anything to prevent or slow down piracy. Microsoft found
 this out the hard way in 2007 when they released Windows Vista with a
 new hardware key system, and within two weeks or so there were cracks
 all over the web that simply went around Microsoft's brand spanking
 new key system. Point being the only people Microsoft punished were
 the honest paying customers like myself who paid for Windows Vista
 about a week or so after it came out. It didn't slow down or stop the
 software pirates. So what good did it do switching to a hardware key

 The reason hardware keys don't work is because it often fails to
 address the  underlying reasons for piracy in the first place. There
 are a number of reasons why people pirate software and they can be
 addressed if a developer recognizes why his/her software is being

 One, is the issue of cost. I think we all understand the fact that do
 to exchange rates and so forth that what may be reasonable to one
 customer is an absurd amount of money to another. For a  Canadian,
 American, or British customer $30 USD is probably pretty reasonable
 amount of money. However, I know that there are countries where that
 is hundreds perhaps thousands in their currency do to exchange rates.
 Therefore the only way they can hope to get the game is to steel it,
 or if the developer will offer a special deal to purchase the game at
 a lower price. Bottom line, if someone can't afford it they won't buy

 Then, there is the issue of availability. Do to trade embargos  and
 other things like that a developer can't sell software to other
 countries even 

Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSCGames

2013-04-24 Thread Dallas O'Brien
this is why i wish i could develope games. ahaha. cause in australia,
this doesn't happen. on the blind pension we have here, its totally
non means tested. yes, i'd still have to pay tax on any money i made
from game sales, but my government income would not be effected in any
way, shape, or form.

On 24/04/2013, Thomas Ward wrote:
 Hi Jim,

 Oh, I hear you there. That's definitely one of the hassles with
 developing games for the blind. Even those of us who do make and sell
 games there isn't a lot of money to make off of it. If the person
 happens to be living on public assistance such as food stamps, SSI,
 etc anything he or she makes ends up having to be reported to the
 government for tax purposes and the government turns around and slices
 off a good chunk of his/her disability benefits to make up for the
 money made on said game. I could go on and on about how many blind
 people who have tried to get part time jobs etc and slowly work their
 way off of public assistance only to end up in worse shape than
 before. So its not really worth selling games unless a person has some
 other means of supporting themselves besides audio games that's for


 On 4/23/13, Jim Kitchen wrote:
 Hi Thomas,

 You know I love writing games.  Maybe it would have been nice to be able
 make some money at it.  But even early on I heard that there was not much
 money to make.  But one major reason that I have never taken any money
 any of my games is because I can not afford to.  You know if I got any
 for my games it would then lower my food stamps, raise my rent, maybe
 me off of my medical insurance and stuff like that.  Not to mention just
 of the hassle of reporting it all the time.  And if somehow I released a
 game that really sold good and I made a whole bunch of money in one
 I might even get kicked off of disability income.  And that was not easy
 get back on to after the last time that I had a job and went off of it.

 Oh yeah, and I think that a hobby is more fun than a job.



 There is a very fine line between hobby and mental illness.
 (440) 286-6920
 Chardon Ohio USA
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[Audyssey] entitlement: was Re: Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSCGames

2013-04-24 Thread Ken The PionEar
Well, here's the simple truth. If you pay for a game, whether sighted or 
blind, you *are* entitled to complain if that game does not work the way 
it's advertised to, or if it crashes, and so on. This is not a blindness 
issue. Now if someone has the audacity to complain about a free game, that's 
If I go to a store and buy milk and bring it home, open it up, and find that 
it's spoiled, even only slightly, am I going to demand a refund? You bet 
your booty I am. If i buy a game and it doesn't work as expected, am I going 
to demand a refund? Well, I'll be more patient about the game than the milk, 
being a rookie game dev myself, but I'm definitely entitled to complaint and 
even a refund. Sometimes I get sick of hearing people harping on the 
entitlement issue, as if blind folks aren't entitled to anything at all. 
Well, I'm entitled to whatever I invest money in. The people that bought the 
BSC games are entitled to key generators for those games, because they paid 
money for those games. One key generator unlocks all games? Then the paying 
customer should get a steep discount. Again, I'm not saying this because I'm 
trying to defend my interest, but it's simply how I would handle it myself. 
That's why none of my games will ever have unlock codes tethered to one 
specific computer. Sure, it makes them a little easier to crack, but all 
higher security does is provide an extra day's entertainment and challenge 
for a dedicated pirate. Trust me, I've heard of cracks for all the BSC and 
GMA games, so this system only hurts the customer.

Check out my games at
and my music, and that of my band, at .
If you want to reach me, you can call 419-744-0517, friend me on Facebook, 
(KenWDowney,) or write me at .

Crazy Ken
- Original Message - 
From: Ryan Strunk

To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 10:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About 

I don't want to get too far afield, but a store refusing to help you shop 
in direct violation of the ADA. I'm not saying that a lawsuit is the best 

even a good option, but I can understand their anger.
As for games, the sighted public has just as much of an entitlement 
We just don't see it because we're not in the thick of it. Try logging 
any torrent site, though, and see what you find there. I guarantee you'll 

amazed--or maybe you won't.

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Bryan
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 4:13 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About

Quite frankly this entitlement view is why I don't have much respect for
many blind folks in general, and it's not ust to do with games. I get so 

when I hear people talk about ow they won't participate in an activity
unless there's a discount because of blindness. THese are often the same
people who'll threaten to sue a store employee if they refuse to help them
shop regardless of the reasons for that refusal.

But thou must!

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[Audyssey] OT: rant about jobs: was Re: Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread Ken The PionEar
This post implies that blind people are lazy and not looking. I recently put 
up my resume at every spa, beauty salon, doctor's office, and so on that was 
in the area. I even went to a few salons. One hair stylist actually had 
heard of me, and said she heard I was the best massage therapist around. I 
was flattered and figured i'd get the job for sure, but did I? No. Not even 
a callback explaining why.
So what am I going to do, take all my excess money and sue for sexual 
discrimination? After all, nobody wants a man touching their bodies. The 
guys want women, and the women want women. Or should I sue for blindness 
discrimination? I don't think I can satisfactorally prove either case beyond 
the shadow of a doubt.
My point is that there are blind folks looking for jobs and not finding. 
Yeah, it's easier to stay on SSI, but is it desirable? Is it conscionable? 
Are we getting fat and rich on the system? Absolutely not.

Check out my games at
and my music, and that of my band, at .
If you want to reach me, you can call 419-744-0517, friend me on Facebook, 
(KenWDowney,) or write me at .

Crazy Ken
- Original Message - 
From: Ryan Strunk

To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 10:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSC 

I agree with 95% of your post below. Developing games isn't a walk in the
park, financial or otherwise. But there is one comment you made that I 

to underscore.
Developing high quality games costs lots of money. Far more money than 

average blind American collects from SSI checks each month.
Absolutely true, which is a great incentive for blind people to get jobs.

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Thomas Ward
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 2:47 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSC 

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Re: [Audyssey] Hardware keys was: Re: An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread shaun everiss
well speaking from my experience as a former pirate and crack nut 
there are a few simple things devs can do to minimise this.
Firstly no one will buy your software if the price is to high or if 
it needs to be they are not getting what they would concider enough.
If people can't afford things and want them the only thing to do is 
crack it and you get it.
unless you can pay in installments say for example the blindsoftware 
package, maybe pay 10 bucks or 20 bucks a month, and you would 
eventually pay it off vary few software titles for the blind actually do this.
have promos and competitions to win free software but encourage the 
gamers to participate and interact with things we have not to many of 
these and these would improve things in the community.

its a no brainer but even if you don't have anything even if you only 
communicate twice a year or something at least people think you are 
doing something rather than have you just go quiet.

At 09:59 PM 4/23/2013, you wrote:

Hi tom.

I agree in principle, the hardware keygen system hurts the 
legitimate customers, and ultimately doesn't stop the pirates, just 
makes piracy harder.

That being said, i do usually have confidence that if a games 
company closes it's doors and packs up, they will offer something to 
posterity. This is why even though I bought tarzan junior back in 
2006, I still have the game despite it being abandonware, since 
Philip insured that the game was playable even when he was no longer 
able to generate keys.
Same goes for DanZ, self destruct and terraformers, and the last is 
really surprising given the many people involved in the project 
(check the credits).

This is one reason i am so displeased at justin's decision. the fact 
that he is abandoning his games is sad enough, but that he is 
offering nothing to gamers further down the line who miss his 
closing down sale, heck, i wouldn't have minded if he sold the 
distribution of the keygen to audeasy or as you 
suggested yourself.

it is not about the sounds and music, or ability to mod the games, 
it is simply about preserving the work that someone has done.

While I wouldn't reffuse to buy a game such as any updates from Gma 
or blind adrenaline with hardware keygens, I do hope if ever either 
of them goes out of business, they will make the right decision.
Ditto with vip gameszone, indeed since we haven't heard any news of 
further developement from them (I know they were working on a 
business and stocks simulation), this might even become current.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread shaun everiss

I also aggree, I would give justin a chance, as long as he didn't do it again.
now if he did do it then there would be a problem unless his stuff 
was good enough that I would put up with whatever badness he had 
after all we are only human.
In fact I think justin is getting treated quite well  here though 
maybe because a lot of us  were there in the beginning.
we have seen the wars the highs and the lows, and for the most part 
unless a dev really went out of line I think for the most part we are 
happy to get along.

on the audiogames forum, there has been a lets bash justin thread going on.
And I also aggree with that, justin deserves to get flamed to death!.
However he isn't at least on here which means that in spite of his 
obvious madness he is still worth something to some of us.

what can I say we try to take care of our own, we are small.

At 10:03 PM 4/23/2013, you wrote:

Hi Tom.

I do agree on that score, and were justin to come back and start 
developement i would give him the reasonable bennifit of the doubt, 
heck, I've always found bsc very good with key replacements and the 
like in the past, and if we! were to miss out on any future work he 
does, we'd! be the ones shooting ourselves in the foot to use charles' phrase.

that being said, even if you like someone's work, you can dislike 
some of their actions, which is my current feeling regarding Justin, 
and I do confess this might cause me to scrutanize any prices of 
future games and any security systems he includes very carefully if 
he were! to develope in the future.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] raul's recordings down again

2013-04-24 Thread Angela Delicata
How can i subscribe to the site?
Apparently it requires logging in.
Angela from Italy.

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Raul A.
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 11:30 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] raul's recordings down again

Hi, it's on purpose. That server is on limited bandwidth and since I put the
games back up over the weekend, it chewed through my bandwidth very quickly.
So, they are there, and available, but not for you or anyone else just now.
?When my bandwidth resets I'll make them available again.

Raul A. Gallegos
Tip to lose weight: First turn your head to the left, then to the right. 
Repeat this exercise every time you are offered something to eat. - 
Sheldon Cooper
Twitter and Facebook user ID: rau47

On 4/23/2013 2:35 PM, enes wrote:
 seems that raul's recordings are down
 I get an ftp error when trying to visit

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Re: [Audyssey] An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread shaun everiss
I think it would be good in general if devs in general followed 
aprone and included people in game development on a wider community level.
I realise this is not smooth sailing, you will be open to the flack, 
the whiners complainers and flamers.
but also the good people, that is what swamp became, to the point, 
where whenever I even go and chat on the swamp forum I can imagine 
myself in the safe zone chatting.
now if a community project can get you to imagine parts of the game 
out side of it in sertain situations you are going to success.

At 10:07 PM 4/23/2013, you wrote:

Hi Michael.

i disagree about making free games. charging for a game is not! a 
put down, since developers do need to perchice their sounds and 
music. What a company like bavisoft would need would be good 
customer service, talking to their customers, and obviously to have 
a good game to sell free or not.

ditto with justin. As I said, i wouldn't reffuse to buy any games, 
such a decision would be silly, but I will say I would likely not be 
as generous in considdering how much money I wanted to spend on a 
future recalling justin's motivation over this business, ditto with bavisoft.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] More on hardware keys was: Re: An AnnouncementRegarding BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread shaun everiss

by use do you mean play outside itunes.
you can convert some of those you get to mp3.
reguardless winamp and maybe others will play m4a and m4v / mp4 files
At 02:45 AM 4/24/2013, you wrote:


Last I checked if you downloaded a track in itunes, you couldn't use 
it without the itunes program at the least, if this has changed I 
would indeed be interested to know, since it is the chief reason I 
do not buy or use itunes since I want the freedom to listen to any 
music or books I buy in any compatible device,  indeed since 
I've painstakingly sat and created a configuration file for winamp 
which runs exactly with my desktop speakers, obviously i'd prefer to use that.

As regards the comments about the community, the issue is not one of 
copywrite or anything like that. if justin were still around and 
selling his games, even if not updated I'd be the first person to 
support him, however the issue is one of legacy. Justins games will 
not be around anymore, in any way shape or form plane and simple.

This is something which sega, nintendo and mainstream companies got 
fairly quickly, which is why game collections for more modern 
consoles not to mention services like Wii virtual console, xbox live 
etc still exist, and are the place you can still get all your old 
games, yes you have to pay for them, but that is not the issue, (as 
I said, I'm the first to agree that developers should sell their 
games). The same might be true of taped music going to cd, or video 
casettes going to dvd. Yess, you might have to pay for the new 
hardware format, but the thing is still available.

It is justin's unwillingness to make his games available and 
effectively saying anyone who doesn't buy from me in the next month 
can't have them which is the issue here, not his right to sell them 
or anything else. if another developer were selling them, that would 
also be fine, but again that is not the case.

As to the community, well there are scumbags anywhere. I have 
noticed people have a huge downer on the games playing community in 
general because of a number of pirates. yes, there are people who 
believe that they are entitled to steal a dev's work because they 
are blind, or the like, but please don't tar everyone with the same 
brush since there are also plenty of people who do! indeed wish to 
support game developement as wel.

I have I'm afraid noticed a tendenccy among some people to over 
emphasize and sterriotype the community generally, and believe the 
worst of everyone's motives because of some less pleasant individuals.

for example, as I have explained myself my issue with justin has 
nothing to do with entitlement, being blind or anything else. I 
might feel exactly the same if a developer of graphical indi games, 
or indeed an audio drama company behaved in the same way.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] More on hardware keys was: Re: An AnnouncementRegarding BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread shaun everiss

same with books.
interestingly though some libraries have books that have different 
licencing things.

ie allowing you to share put on cd, etc.

At 02:51 AM 4/24/2013, you wrote:

You haven't needed the iTunes program for a number of years now. I 
know for a fact that iTunes files can be played in Windows Media 
Player, edited in Goldwave, and I almost completely sure they'll 
play in Winamp. Keep in mind though that this is for music and 
podcasts only, movies and tv shows still have DRM attached to them 
as they would anywhere.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 23, 2013, at 10:45, dark wrote:


 Last I checked if you downloaded a track in itunes, you couldn't 
use it without the itunes program at the least, if this has changed 
I would indeed be interested to know, since it is the chief reason 
I do not buy or use itunes since I want the freedom to listen to 
any music or books I buy in any compatible device,  indeed 
since I've painstakingly sat and created a configuration file for 
winamp which runs exactly with my desktop speakers, obviously i'd 
prefer to use that.

 As regards the comments about the community, the issue is not one 
of copywrite or anything like that. if justin were still around and 
selling his games, even if not updated I'd be the first person to 
support him, however the issue is one of legacy. Justins games will 
not be around anymore, in any way shape or form plane and simple.

 This is something which sega, nintendo and mainstream companies 
got fairly quickly, which is why game collections for more modern 
consoles not to mention services like Wii virtual console, xbox 
live etc still exist, and are the place you can still get all your 
old games, yes you have to pay for them, but that is not the issue, 
(as I said, I'm the first to agree that developers should sell 
their games). The same might be true of taped music going to cd, or 
video casettes going to dvd. Yess, you might have to pay for the 
new hardware format, but the thing is still available.

 It is justin's unwillingness to make his games available and 
effectively saying anyone who doesn't buy from me in the next 
month can't have them which is the issue here, not his right to 
sell them or anything else. if another developer were selling them, 
that would also be fine, but again that is not the case.

 As to the community, well there are scumbags anywhere. I have 
noticed people have a huge downer on the games playing community in 
general because of a number of pirates. yes, there are people who 
believe that they are entitled to steal a dev's work because they 
are blind, or the like, but please don't tar everyone with the same 
brush since there are also plenty of people who do! indeed wish to 
support game developement as wel.

 I have I'm afraid noticed a tendenccy among some people to over 
emphasize and sterriotype the community generally, and believe the 
worst of everyone's motives because of some less pleasant individuals.

 for example, as I have explained myself my issue with justin has 
nothing to do with entitlement, being blind or anything else. I 
might feel exactly the same if a developer of graphical indi games, 
or indeed an audio drama company behaved in the same way.

 Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread shaun everiss

aggree with you michael.
I think this will be making some major shakeups in the industry.
hmph a few months ago I commented how boring crappy and non moving 
the industry was, its ertainly looking like something is going to move.

At 03:01 AM 4/24/2013, you wrote:

What a fascinating can of worms Justin's decision has opened for us.
Like many of you, I personally dislike when companies whose software
has run its commercial cycle remove it from the world rather than make
it freely available. It does leave a bad taste in the mouth. However,
I too have experienced how quick Justin was at replacing lost keys.
Same with GMA Games who also use keys tighed to the computer the game
is installed on. The only point at which hardware generated keys
really become a major issue is when situations like what's happening
now occur and developers no longer make replacements available. I
can't help but resent that. I don't have $75 to spare. Nor should I
need to spend that to keep playing Pipe2 and Troopanum2, the two games
that most appealed to me and that I legally purchased. I'm not about
to rule out buying games which use hardware keys to secure them.
However, this incident will definitely come to mind and make me think
twice much as what happened when James North pulled the plug gives me
pause regarding pre-ordering a game which has yet to be finished.

While it's perfectly fare to keep in mind what's happened here if
Justin ever decided to develop future games, it isn't fare to
dishonour his wishes and spread keys and such around. That's crossing
an important line of trust. We don't know what conditions are attached
to the licenses of components used in his games. For instance, there
may be conditions related to the sounds or voice acting he used which
prohibit him from giving away the games. It could be any number of
things. It's unreasonable to expect developers to support their games
forever. However, I also very much wish they didn't have this idea
that they could basically cut off one's ownership of a fairly
purchased game.

On 4/23/13, ryan wrote:
 Know one ever has to make there games free.
 It's there choice and who knows, they may resurrect them or parts of
 them some day.
 I agree with Charles
 On 4/23/2013 1:51 AM, Charles Rivard wrote:
 Good quality games for free?  I really doubt it, nor would I demand it
 or expect it.

 Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
 - Original Message - From: michael barnes
 Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 11:48 PM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

 The only way that Bavisoft and Justin could get back in our good
 graces is to make the next few games free and really good.
 Two show their apology by making their old titles freeware, and to
 get on the list so we could talk with them.

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Michael Feir
Volunteer at The Dam
Twitter: mfeir
Skype: michael-feir
Author of Personal Power:
How Accessible Computers Can Enhance Personal Life For Blind People

A Life of Word and Sound

Creator and former editor of Audyssey Magazine 1996-2004
Check out my blog at:

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Re: [Audyssey] yet another BSC message

2013-04-24 Thread shaun everiss
would you mind sharing that situation with us raul, it may or may not 
make some of us better wtith what justin has done but it may make us 
understand the situation a bit more.

As usual, this is something now for us all.

At 06:26 AM 4/24/2013, you wrote:
Hmm, can anyone guess which topic will claim the number 1 position 
when Jim sends out the Gamers report for April 2013? I won't be 
making any bets for sure.

Anyway, for whatever it's worth, I just placed my order for the BSC 
titles, ahem, code generator. I wouldn't want to give the impression 
I'm buying games I don't want. grin.

Anyway, the process was super-easy, the site was friendly as always, 
and although I'm saddened to see it go away, I totally understand 
Justin's reasons for this. I've been in a similar situation as he is in now.

Anyway, the code generator seems rather easy to use. I'll have to 
install one of the titles I don't have and test it out to make sure 
things work as advertised, but I don't have any doubts.

Take care all.

Raul A. Gallegos
Last night I had a crazy dream that I weighed less than a thousandth 
of a gram. I was like, 0mg! - Sheldon Cooper

Twitter and Facebook user ID: rau47

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Re: [Audyssey] An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread shaun everiss

hmmm now  where idd that quote come from raul sounds familiar.

At 06:34 AM 4/24/2013, you wrote:
Hi, I don't think he's in it for the profits. But one will believe 
what one thinks is right of course. No matter how much this horse is 
beat to death, no one will come to a complete agreement for that is 
the nature of man. Oh, and to be politically correct, of woman too.

Raul A. Gallegos
I'm so good at sleeping, I can do it with my eyes closed..Bazinga! 
aahaa - Sheldon Cooper

Twitter and Facebook user ID: rau47

On 4/22/2013 6:51 PM, Bryan Peterson wrote:

I suppose it's a good thing he's closing up shop then. Because it's been
my observation that a strict policy like that is a sure fire way to
encourage piracy. It does mean that I won't be able to install BSC games
on a new computer if and when I get one. Definitely disappointing. And
given the fact that most of us are on fixed incomes I didn't expect
Justin to bring in many purchases. This could hurt his profits eve more.

But thou must!
-Original Message- From: Thomas Ward
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 5:23 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: [Audyssey] An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

Hello everyone,

I just finished speaking to Justin, and I thought I owe it to you to
tell you were we stand regarding the BSC games.

First, there is the issue of licensing. I asked him if he would allow to purchase the key generator for $75 and issue new keys
to people as needed. Unfortunately, he will not allow us to issue new
keys, and he has said in effect that if people want new keys for
Troopanum, Hunter, Pipe, whatever that they should purchase the key
generator he is selling right now for $75. No exceptions are being
made for the licensing of his games.

Second, there is the issue of licensing the sounds and music for the
games. Justin will not sell those to a third-party developer, nor
allow anyone access to the *.bsc pack files containing the sounds. So
recreating the games with the original sounds and music is pretty much
not possible.

Finally, Justin wants to retain his intellectual copyrights for
Troopanum, Hunter, Pipe, Deekout, Crazy Darts, etc so redistributing
his games or rewriting them is not legal under copyright law. I just
thought you should know where we all stand in terms of these games.

In summary while I know some of you may feel angry, upset, and perhaps
disappointed at this news do remember we still have many other great
developers like Draconis, GMA, Jim Kitchen, Blind Adrenaline, to name
a few. Hopefully they will continue to write great games, and if we
want more games remember there are a number of tools like the BGT
toolkit and the Dragon Flame Engine out there to help create new and
interesting games. We could even create games as good as if not better
than those we are losing with these tools. So try and be positive
rather than look at this as a negative experience.

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Re: [Audyssey] More on hardware keys was: Re: An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread shaun everiss

exactly what I put in my messages a bit ago.

At 08:32 AM 4/24/2013, you wrote:

Hi Dark and all,

not only that, but studies show that the hardware ID key systems
haven't done anything to prevent or slow down piracy. Microsoft found
this out the hard way in 2007 when they released Windows Vista with a
new hardware key system, and within two weeks or so there were cracks
all over the web that simply went around Microsoft's brand spanking
new key system. Point being the only people Microsoft punished were
the honest paying customers like myself who paid for Windows Vista
about a week or so after it came out. It didn't slow down or stop the
software pirates. So what good did it do switching to a hardware key

The reason hardware keys don't work is because it often fails to
address the  underlying reasons for piracy in the first place. There
are a number of reasons why people pirate software and they can be
addressed if a developer recognizes why his/her software is being

One, is the issue of cost. I think we all understand the fact that do
to exchange rates and so forth that what may be reasonable to one
customer is an absurd amount of money to another. For a  Canadian,
American, or British customer $30 USD is probably pretty reasonable
amount of money. However, I know that there are countries where that
is hundreds perhaps thousands in their currency do to exchange rates.
Therefore the only way they can hope to get the game is to steel it,
or if the developer will offer a special deal to purchase the game at
a lower price. Bottom line, if someone can't afford it they won't buy

Then, there is the issue of availability. Do to trade embargos  and
other things like that a developer can't sell software to other
countries even though he or she may personally like to. There are
countries such as Iran that the United States government has placed
trade embargos on and it would be unlawful for a U.S. company to sell
products and services to an Iranian person. Plus services like Paypal
won't accept payments from countries under a trade embargo so a
customer in such a situation really has little choice but to pirate
the software weather they want to or not.

Finally, there is the person who has the money but refuses to pay for
the software but would rather pirate it instead. This is sadly more
common than we would like, but there is nothing we can do about it.
Someone who is going to steel software is going to do it no matter

The point I want to make here is that all too often software
developers look at piracy as losing money. That they count every act
of piracy as a financial loss. The reality is that in a lot of cases
it isn't a financial loss because either the person didn't have the
money, they live in a country under a trade embargo, or are a
dishonest git to begin with the developer wasn't going to be able to
sell the software to him/her anyway. Its no great loss because honest
customers and those who can pay will pay. The only thing a security
system needs to do is keep an honest customer honest and there are
proven methods to do that without resorting to draconian hardware key
systems etc.


On 4/23/13, dark wrote:
 Hi Dallas.

 such limits are not actually just on audio games. Avg antivirus and pc
 tuneup programs limit you to two machines, and supernova limits 
you to three

 (though with supernova you get an extra license each month).

 the issue however, is that as Tom said, neither AVg nor Dolphin are likely
 to go out of business soon, thus meaning replacement keys are always
 obtainable, indeed I've had so many different licenses for supernova over
 the years on five or six different machines I can't count, 
particularly with

 all the version upgrades or even be in a position where if I 
really needed a

 new key I couldn't get one.

 Most graphical indi developers I've seen use name generated key systems, or

 even just sell you a download of a straight installer, (I've not 
bought many

 graphical indi games but I do have a couple, which i've installed on a
 couple of machines).

 One thing I do find odd, is that the security for software is so different
 from the security of buying other content across the internet.

 for example, there are I imagine not a few people on hear who know the
 internet audio drama series Leviathan chronicles, (and if not, check it out

 it' is great!).

 As people will know, while the main series is free, various audio 
extras are

 available to buy, such as special edition episodes and directors cut
 versions of the main series. When however you buy these, you simply get a
 download link with an expiration on it. You download the episodes, then the

 link won't work anymore, however that is it! no passwords, no codes nada!
 just download and play.

 yes, this makes them infinitely piratable if a person chose, but 
equally the

 producers are banking on people's honesty, partiuclarly since they offer so


Re: [Audyssey] Moderator Close Topics

2013-04-24 Thread shaun everiss
I aggree with you on that tom though due to the fact I have only just 
got my mail I am behind on responces.

but yeah we have hashed this enough.

At 08:46 AM 4/24/2013, you wrote:

Hi all,

OK, over the last two or three days I think we all have said all there
is to be said about Justin closing and in some cases
I feel some of the comments were crossing the line. Weather you agree
or disagree with what Justin is doing, weather you think he is being
selfish or not for retaining his intellectual rights, etc the fact is
Justin has made his decision and we have to live with it. Since I feel
this discussion has gone on long enough I here by ask that any and all
threads pertaining to closing be closed and let's
return to discussion of games and so on. There is no more need to beat
the proverbial dead horse to death.


Thomas Ward
Owner-Moderator of the Audyssey Mailing List

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Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread shaun everiss
the dice project was not a bad idea in itself, however the fact that 
we can buy 4 sided dice locally in our countries well most of us 
should be able  to do this makes me wander why even to bother.
Sertiously though if a user wants an 8 sided dice or whatever buy the 
cube, buy some thermoform paper, braille the numbers stick it.;

At 09:27 AM 4/24/2013, you wrote:

Not to mention Aprone's games.  I know he's put in a lot of work on those.

The great amount of negativity regarding the BSC games and dice project
nearly made me unsub from the list so I appreciate your messages on the

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Thomas Ward
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 5:07 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSC

Hi Michael,

Yes, exactly. Plus I think something people often overlook is a free
game should be considered a gift not an obligation. When Philip
Bennefall created Kryngal Crash he could have charged $10 for that
game and I would have gladly paid for it,but he gave that game away
for free. I equally think the Grate Toy Robbery from L-Works is
another game worth a small fee like $10 but Liam gave that game away
for free. Some people though are under the mistaken impression just
because Jim Kitchen gives away his games for free or Liam gives away a
free handout like Great Toy Robbery that they should get games out of
some sense of obligation etc. Its this entitlement attitude that some
people have that really angers me.

I remember a case in point a few months back. I was on a list where
someone was giving away copies of some commercial audio games. When I
called the list moderators and the person on it they gave me the
excuse that well some blind people are on fixed incomes like SSI. They
do not have a lot of money so its OK if someone buys it and gives the
games away for free. So I am given to understand due to this
entitlement attitude people have if a person doesn't have much money
the developer is obligated to give their games away for free, and if
they don't they are morally in the right to just pirate it. Its no
wonder certain developers don't have much respect or trust for their
blind customers.


On 4/23/13, Michael Taboada wrote:
 Hi Thomas,
 I totally agree here. As a hobbiest game developer I know exactly what
 you're talking about. And that is one of the prime reasons I have not
 created any audio games lately, that being the money aspect. I haven't

 able to work as much as I would like during my college classes, etc, so I
 don't have the finances coming in for all the sounds and music.

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[Audyssey] another community project

2013-04-24 Thread Ken The PionEar
I'm starting another community project.
Right now, I have a very rudamentary soundscape explorer. It has no game play 
elements as of yet. What it does have is an external map file so I can create 
whole worlds, not just minigames like Heli. I don't even have proper collision 
subroutines worked out yet, because the main goal was getting a program up and 
running that actually used an external file for its map.
Here's how it works. The map generates objects in the form of cubes, having 
length, width, and height. (Think of each sound source as a speaker.) In this 
map there are two sound sources, each source having two speakers. The band, 
stationary for now, is right in front of you. Just hold down the up arrow or 
move the mouse forward and you'll crash right into it--and through it. The 
birds are toward the lower left-hand corner and up in the sky. Since they're up 
higher you can hear them from farther away. If you want to crash into them 
you'll have to find them, then ascend by pressing the i key. Press k to descend.

What would be really cool is if one of you advanced devs could convert this 
into I never have been able to learn well from manuals, but if I can 
see this code in I'll learn what I need. I understand the premises of 
classes and modules and all that. I get object oriented programming to a point. 
What I don't know is, well, where to even begin with I can't figure how 
to do 3d sound for example, but I can't even write a simple hello world starter 
program for that matter, so a version of this would be awesome.
Here's the link.
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Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement AboutBSCGames

2013-04-24 Thread shaun everiss
well we had to fight for those, but yeah, looking for work as you 
would usually do won't get you in if you go via the front.

and if you go by the official book it doesn't work either necessarily.
The only way I have found is do a lot  for free or low pay as long as 
others see your work or you have friends that can get y  ou work or 
know someone that can.

At 01:27 PM 4/24/2013, you wrote:
It's a real shame when you cannot afford to try to better yourself. 
Although the government claims to want you to get a job and work, 
you find that you are worse off if you do, thanks to the elimination 
of necessary benefits such as health care, food stamps and so on.

If guns kill people, writing implements cause grammatical and spelling errors!
- Original Message - From: Jim Kitchen
To: Thomas Ward
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 8:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement AboutBSCGames

Hi Thomas,

You know I love writing games.  Maybe it would have been nice to be 
able to make some money at it.  But even early on I heard that 
there was not much money to make.  But one major reason that I have 
never taken any money for any of my games is because I can not 
afford to.  You know if I got any money for my games it would then 
lower my food stamps, raise my rent, maybe kick me off of my 
medical insurance and stuff like that.  Not to mention just all of 
the hassle of reporting it all the time.  And if somehow I released 
a game that really sold good and I made a whole bunch of money in 
one quarter, I might even get kicked off of disability income. And 
that was not easy to get back on to after the last time that I had 
a job and went off of it.

Oh yeah, and I think that a hobby is more fun than a job.



There is a very fine line between hobby and mental illness.
(440) 286-6920
Chardon Ohio USA
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Re: [Audyssey] OT: rant about jobs: was Re: Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread shaun everiss

thats true ken, legally I need to have a job.
by law all disabled here need a job or to be looking for one else no 
benifits though these are small.
However as I mentioned before government agencies are just crappy you 
are a number and thats it.

Since the system is crappy though its easy to crack it.
in my case I went through the motions of getting a job even though I 
never managed to get one.

I even have a bonified  cv.
Right so as far as 3 agencies are concerned including the government 
I am looking for a job.
I currently have tried and  failed though I did try for 15 years to 
find one  pulling all the stops.

including mucking round with the system which did me no good.
Now it doesn't matter if I ever get a job or if I become a bum.
I don't seriously think that anyone checks whats down or gets back, 
and as long as I say I am looking and sign the right form each year 
then its fine.
the system is no help and I wish it would help a bit more but at 
least  they are not getting on my back over this.
I assume you are in the uk brian I heard about a situation with a 
friend where he was assessed with a document asking questions about 
him feeding and dressing himself basically asking him if he was a 
poor helpless blind person that couldn't look after himself or even navigate.
he answered things as truthfully as he could and found out the hard 
way that all they want is shite.

his benifits were cut.
and as far as I know he is still in court over it.
So basically if you send crap to the crap system then you are ok.
does anyone see why this is wrong.

At 06:34 PM 4/24/2013, you wrote:
This post implies that blind people are lazy and not looking. I 
recently put up my resume at every spa, beauty salon, doctor's 
office, and so on that was in the area. I even went to a few salons. 
One hair stylist actually had heard of me, and said she heard I was 
the best massage therapist around. I was flattered and figured i'd 
get the job for sure, but did I? No. Not even a callback explaining why.
So what am I going to do, take all my excess money and sue for 
sexual discrimination? After all, nobody wants a man touching their 
bodies. The guys want women, and the women want women. Or should I 
sue for blindness discrimination? I don't think I can 
satisfactorally prove either case beyond the shadow of a doubt.
My point is that there are blind folks looking for jobs and not 
finding. Yeah, it's easier to stay on SSI, but is it desirable? Is 
it conscionable? Are we getting fat and rich on the system? Absolutely not.

Check out my games at
and my music, and that of my band, at .
If you want to reach me, you can call 419-744-0517, friend me on 
Facebook, (KenWDowney,) or write me at .

Crazy Ken
- Original Message - From: Ryan Strunk
To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 10:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement 
About BSC Games

I agree with 95% of your post below. Developing games isn't a walk in the
park, financial or otherwise. But there is one comment you made that I want
to underscore.
Developing high quality games costs lots of money. Far more money than the
average blind American collects from SSI checks each month.
Absolutely true, which is a great incentive for blind people to get jobs.

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Thomas Ward
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 2:47 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSC Games

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Re: [Audyssey] another community project

2013-04-24 Thread shaun everiss

wow I will check this out sounds interesting.

At 08:39 PM 4/24/2013, you wrote:

I'm starting another community project.
Right now, I have a very rudamentary soundscape explorer. It has no 
game play elements as of yet. What it does have is an external map 
file so I can create whole worlds, not just minigames like Heli. I 
don't even have proper collision subroutines worked out yet, because 
the main goal was getting a program up and running that actually 
used an external file for its map.
Here's how it works. The map generates objects in the form of cubes, 
having length, width, and height. (Think of each sound source as a 
speaker.) In this map there are two sound sources, each source 
having two speakers. The band, stationary for now, is right in front 
of you. Just hold down the up arrow or move the mouse forward and 
you'll crash right into it--and through it. The birds are toward the 
lower left-hand corner and up in the sky. Since they're up higher 
you can hear them from farther away. If you want to crash into them 
you'll have to find them, then ascend by pressing the i key. Press k 
to descend.

What would be really cool is if one of you advanced devs could 
convert this into I never have been able to learn well from 
manuals, but if I can see this code in I'll learn what I 
need. I understand the premises of classes and modules and all that. 
I get object oriented programming to a point. What I don't know is, 
well, where to even begin with I can't figure how to do 3d 
sound for example, but I can't even write a simple hello world 
starter program for that matter, so a version of this would be awesome.

Here's the link.
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Re: [Audyssey] The Nightjar question.

2013-04-24 Thread dark

Hi Michael.

well I'm not sure if it's available internationally yet, since there seem to 
be no updates of it on the ap store this morning being the 24th. Then again, 
unexpected delays are common and i've noticed apple aren't awlays the 
fastest to respond (if I buy something it usually takes three or four days 
for them to actually charge my credit card and send me a reciet), so either 
they've already updated the new version and are waiting for clearance, or 
there has been a delay.

Either way, I wouldn't start worrying too much for at least a week, likely 
more since we all know game developement isn't somethig you can time to the 
second, even not counting apple's verrification process etc.

Beware the Grue!

- Original Message - 
From: michael barnes

Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 7:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] The Nightjar question.

Hey, Darren.
Have you gotten the game yet from the U.S. app store?

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Re: [Audyssey] super deekout setup?

2013-04-24 Thread dark

Hi Clemment.

DanZ actually setup a full page of downloads of hist stuff, so you can just 
grab them from or anywhere else.

See for details and the 
download link.

Beware the grue!

- Original Message - 
From: Clement Chou

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 8:25 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] super deekout setup?

Does anyone still have this game? I wanted to play it a while ago... but 
since my computer crashed I haven't been able to find it again, as I never 
backed up the setup file. Is it still floating around somewhere?

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Re: [Audyssey] The Nightjar question.

2013-04-24 Thread Will
it be a couple of days i think

On 24 Apr 2013, at 10:46, dark wrote:

 Hi Michael.
 well I'm not sure if it's available internationally yet, since there seem to 
 be no updates of it on the ap store this morning being the 24th. Then again, 
 unexpected delays are common and i've noticed apple aren't awlays the fastest 
 to respond (if I buy something it usually takes three or four days for them 
 to actually charge my credit card and send me a reciet), so either they've 
 already updated the new version and are waiting for clearance, or there has 
 been a delay.
 Either way, I wouldn't start worrying too much for at least a week, likely 
 more since we all know game developement isn't somethig you can time to the 
 second, even not counting apple's verrification process etc.
 Beware the Grue!
 - Original Message - From: michael barnes
 Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 7:29 PM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] The Nightjar question.
 Hey, Darren.
 Have you gotten the game yet from the U.S. app store?
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Re: [Audyssey] An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread dark

I agree Michael.

This was my problem all along, not that justin wasn't! giving his games 
away, but that he would make them unobtainable. Heck, i wouldn't mind too 
much if he continued to sell the keygenerator and other software, even on 
request, just so long as it were available to posterity.

This is not to do with anyting about wanting free games, as Tom has 
explained game developement is a costly business, but simply maintaining 
availability and not seeing classics fade into dust.

It is not just in the matter of example games though. something like 
terraformers, was a truly staggering project in it's audio landscape and 
design, and while rather short is still worth anyone's time to play. i'd 
also argue the same about pipe 2 and maybe troopanum, though pipe 2 was the 
game that really grabbed my attention and is the one I play most. For an 
arcade title it's one of the best designed I've seen and I'd urge anyone to 
take a look.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] More on hardware keys was: Re: An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread dark

Hi Tom.

this was exactly my point. if a person is going to pirate something they are 
going to pirate it anyway, where as the reverse is true. i particularly like 
your idea of developers talking to customers in countries like Iran, since 
that is something which has come up before, indeed I can think of an 
occasion jason Alan did this on the entombed list and a way around was 
worked out.

This is why I myself choose to pay for software and audio from indi 
developers because! I want to support them, even if I could get pirated 
versions elsewhere.

this also tracks into what I was saying about the community, and an attitude 
I've noticed among some people to tar everyone with the same brush and 
assume that just because some dishonest git thinks it's okay to pirate 
software from indi developers, and justifies this because they're living on 
government bennifits and can't be arsed to save money, doesn't mean everyone 
does or that that is a prevailing attitude in the vi gaming community.

Any community is made up of individuals, and naturally some will be good, 
some bad, but one truth that studdying ethics has taught me is that all 
generalizations are wrong :d.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement AboutBSCGames

2013-04-24 Thread dark

Hi tom.

another crytical issue I find with piracy is actually who! gets the money.

if I buy a Cd for say ten pounds, only about a pound of that will go to the 
actual musicians, and that is even assuming the musicians in question earn a 
royalty on individual cd sales and weren't given a fixed amount by the 
publishers. Therefore, if you copy a Cd, the prophets you most affect are 
those of the distributors, promoters and publishers, not of the musicians, 
indeed I've heard various professional musicians say they make more sales 
through people copying cds from their friends and then wanting to buy the 
next one themselves than they do through standard adverts.
Same with books, indeed even more so, you don't pay the author, but the 

One reason I think people often pirate games, is that people do not realize 
there is! no large distribution company involved, just one or two people 
working themselves, since as you pointed out, activision, E games are huge 
coorporations with massive markup, who pay their programmers a fixed income 
while the prophit goes either into developing more prophit or into the 
pockets of the management, indeed I am told by someone who worked at one 
point for E games, that as programming jobs they are deeply unsatisfying 
since you basically get no creative leeway anymore, since all of the design 
is done long before the game is programmed, and the rpogrammers are 
basically just geach given a very menial individual task to do, (the days 
when someone like Inafune could design Mega man in his spare time are long 

Generally blind people are not treated well by coorporations (the tale of 
myself and trying to obtain accessible scifi books despite Uk copywrite law 
and the publishing industry is a long and unpleasant one), not to mention 
all those massive multinational chains that do much at all for access even 
in a small way, heck, do mcdonalds have braille menues?

I'm not condoning the actions of people who pirate games, I'm just thinking 
that perhaps one major motivating factor is that they do not realize that 
they are pirating games made by individuals, not! by massive companies.

One suggestion i have therefore would be to include in the manual of any 
game basically a short mini bbio about the developers, why they made the 
game, what they did, what they do in their spare time etc.

Yes, many people will skip this, and yes, there are likely to be some 
scumbags out there, but equally if a person reads a story of an actual real 
other person who makes games, it puts them in a much worse position morally, 
since then it shows them whome! they are actually pirating games from, and 
it is possible that people will then come back and offer the money, or 
perhaps pay for the next title.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement AboutBSCGames

2013-04-24 Thread dark

wow Dallas, that's awsome, i should move to australia.

the Uk is a little better than the us, but we still have some means tested 
bennifits. So you get your disability bennifits, what are now called pip's, 
for mobility and dayly living stuff, but then you have others such as income 
support and if you are in government housing housing bennifit that you would 
loose if you made money, and while theoretically you could reapplie for 
these if you made a big lot of cash then lost it, often they reffuse second 

this is something Ive actually considdered myself, since it seems probable 
in the future I will either publish a book, or (increasingly as it looks 
currently), a cd.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] raul's recordings down again

2013-04-24 Thread Raul A. Gallegos
Hi, you can't. I've put that in place until I have more bandwidth. Once 
I do, I'll remove the login.

Raul A. Gallegos
I must say I'm glad I know sign language, It's pretty handy. - Sheldon 

Twitter and Facebook user ID: rau47

On 4/24/2013 2:46 AM, Angela Delicata wrote:

How can i subscribe to the site?
Apparently it requires logging in.
Angela from Italy.

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Raul A.
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 11:30 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] raul's recordings down again

Hi, it's on purpose. That server is on limited bandwidth and since I put the
games back up over the weekend, it chewed through my bandwidth very quickly.
So, they are there, and available, but not for you or anyone else just now.
?When my bandwidth resets I'll make them available again.

Raul A. Gallegos
Tip to lose weight: First turn your head to the left, then to the right.
Repeat this exercise every time you are offered something to eat. -
Sheldon Cooper
Twitter and Facebook user ID: rau47

On 4/23/2013 2:35 PM, enes wrote:

seems that raul's recordings are down
I get an ftp error when trying to visit

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  Caselle da 1GB, trasmetti allegati fino a 3GB e in piu' IMAP, POP3 e SMTP 
autenticato? GRATIS solo con

  Posta Elettronica Certificata con valore legale e notifica via SMS: scopri
* Ultimi giorni per mettersi in regola secondo la normativa vigente. Attivala 
ora in offerta speciale
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Re: [Audyssey] raul's recordings down again

2013-04-24 Thread Angela Delicata

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Raul A.
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 2:12 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] raul's recordings down again

Hi, you can't. I've put that in place until I have more bandwidth. Once I
do, I'll remove the login.

Raul A. Gallegos
I must say I'm glad I know sign language, It's pretty handy. - Sheldon
Cooper Twitter and Facebook user ID: rau47

On 4/24/2013 2:46 AM, Angela Delicata wrote:
 How can i subscribe to the site?
 Apparently it requires logging in.
 Angela from Italy.

 -Original Message-
 From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Raul A.
 Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 11:30 PM
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] raul's recordings down again

 Hi, it's on purpose. That server is on limited bandwidth and since I 
 put the games back up over the weekend, it chewed through my bandwidth
very quickly.
 So, they are there, and available, but not for you or anyone else just
 ?When my bandwidth resets I'll make them available again.

 Raul A. Gallegos
 Tip to lose weight: First turn your head to the left, then to the right.
 Repeat this exercise every time you are offered something to eat. - 
 Sheldon Cooper Twitter and Facebook user ID: rau47

 On 4/23/2013 2:35 PM, enes wrote:
 seems that raul's recordings are down I get an ftp error when trying 
 to visit

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   Caselle da 1GB, trasmetti allegati fino a 3GB e in piu' IMAP, POP3 e 
 SMTP autenticato? GRATIS solo con

   Posta Elettronica Certificata con valore legale e notifica via SMS: 
 * Ultimi giorni per mettersi in regola secondo la normativa vigente.
Attivala ora in offerta speciale
   Clicca qui:

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 Caselle da 1GB, trasmetti allegati fino a 3GB e in piu' IMAP, POP3 e SMTP 
autenticato? GRATIS solo con
 PEC nel Registro delle Imprese entro il 30/6/2013, attivala ora e risparmi 
fino al 20%
 Clicca qui:

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Re: [Audyssey] OT: rant about jobs: was Re: Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread Trouble
Well the more corrupt you are with the US government. The more you 
get. Even though our forefathers did it the honest way. A corrupt 
government sees that as not needing help for anything. I see more 
people filling jobs the blind can do with ease. While the blind get 
told the job is not accessible for them to do. I had one real good 
job working in the tech field. They tried to make the software I used 
not accessible just so they could remove me and it worked. When jaws 
scripts won't work and more graphics come into play you lose every 
time. See they put those graphics there so people not knowing 
anything about computer systems can just click on the picture of the 
problem and get solution. That system cuts down on training. So most 
of those techs you call for help only know the pictures in front of 
them and not anything about computers or the system your having problems with.

At 02:34 AM 4/24/2013, you wrote:
This post implies that blind people are lazy and not looking. I 
recently put up my resume at every spa, beauty salon, doctor's 
office, and so on that was in the area. I even went to a few salons. 
One hair stylist actually had heard of me, and said she heard I was 
the best massage therapist around. I was flattered and figured i'd 
get the job for sure, but did I? No. Not even a callback explaining why.
So what am I going to do, take all my excess money and sue for 
sexual discrimination? After all, nobody wants a man touching their 
bodies. The guys want women, and the women want women. Or should I 
sue for blindness discrimination? I don't think I can 
satisfactorally prove either case beyond the shadow of a doubt.
My point is that there are blind folks looking for jobs and not 
finding. Yeah, it's easier to stay on SSI, but is it desirable? Is 
it conscionable? Are we getting fat and rich on the system? Absolutely not.

Check out my games at
and my music, and that of my band, at .
If you want to reach me, you can call 419-744-0517, friend me on 
Facebook, (KenWDowney,) or write me at .

Crazy Ken
- Original Message - From: Ryan Strunk
To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 10:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement 
About BSC Games

I agree with 95% of your post below. Developing games isn't a walk in the
park, financial or otherwise. But there is one comment you made that I want
to underscore.
Developing high quality games costs lots of money. Far more money than the
average blind American collects from SSI checks each month.
Absolutely true, which is a great incentive for blind people to get jobs.

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Thomas Ward
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 2:47 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSC Games

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Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSCGames

2013-04-24 Thread Trouble
They are not in violation, because of what is called high risk 
insurance. That is what all blind are labeled. So if that store 
determines you a high risk in moving around in there store. Then they 
don't have to tell you anything except leave. You need to read that 
ADA crap better, because it really wasn't written for those with 
disabilities but for those without.

At 10:12 PM 4/23/2013, you wrote:

I don't want to get too far afield, but a store refusing to help you shop is
in direct violation of the ADA. I'm not saying that a lawsuit is the best or
even a good option, but I can understand their anger.
As for games, the sighted public has just as much of an entitlement complex.
We just don't see it because we're not in the thick of it. Try logging onto
any torrent site, though, and see what you find there. I guarantee you'll be
amazed--or maybe you won't.

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Bryan
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 4:13 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About

Quite frankly this entitlement view is why I don't have much respect for
many blind folks in general, and it's not ust to do with games. I get so mad
when I hear people talk about ow they won't participate in an activity
unless there's a discount because of blindness. THese are often the same
people who'll threaten to sue a store employee if they refuse to help them
shop regardless of the reasons for that refusal.

But thou must!

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[Audyssey] Dice

2013-04-24 Thread Christina
But wouldn't sticking on Braille labels effect the die's balance when
rolling it?

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of shaun everiss
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 4:29 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSC

the dice project was not a bad idea in itself, however the fact that 
we can buy 4 sided dice locally in our countries well most of us 
should be able  to do this makes me wander why even to bother.
Sertiously though if a user wants an 8 sided dice or whatever buy the 
cube, buy some thermoform paper, braille the numbers stick it.;
At 09:27 AM 4/24/2013, you wrote:
Not to mention Aprone's games.  I know he's put in a lot of work on those.

The great amount of negativity regarding the BSC games and dice project
nearly made me unsub from the list so I appreciate your messages on the

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Thomas Ward
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 5:07 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSC

Hi Michael,

Yes, exactly. Plus I think something people often overlook is a free
game should be considered a gift not an obligation. When Philip
Bennefall created Kryngal Crash he could have charged $10 for that
game and I would have gladly paid for it,but he gave that game away
for free. I equally think the Grate Toy Robbery from L-Works is
another game worth a small fee like $10 but Liam gave that game away
for free. Some people though are under the mistaken impression just
because Jim Kitchen gives away his games for free or Liam gives away a
free handout like Great Toy Robbery that they should get games out of
some sense of obligation etc. Its this entitlement attitude that some
people have that really angers me.

I remember a case in point a few months back. I was on a list where
someone was giving away copies of some commercial audio games. When I
called the list moderators and the person on it they gave me the
excuse that well some blind people are on fixed incomes like SSI. They
do not have a lot of money so its OK if someone buys it and gives the
games away for free. So I am given to understand due to this
entitlement attitude people have if a person doesn't have much money
the developer is obligated to give their games away for free, and if
they don't they are morally in the right to just pirate it. Its no
wonder certain developers don't have much respect or trust for their
blind customers.


On 4/23/13, Michael Taboada wrote:
  Hi Thomas,
  I totally agree here. As a hobbiest game developer I know exactly what
  you're talking about. And that is one of the prime reasons I have not
  created any audio games lately, that being the money aspect. I haven't
  able to work as much as I would like during my college classes, etc, so
  don't have the finances coming in for all the sounds and music.

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Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement AboutBSCGames

2013-04-24 Thread Draconis
 Hi Dark,

 if I buy a Cd for say ten pounds, only about a pound of that will go to the 
 actual musicians, and that is even assuming the musicians in question earn a 
 royalty on individual cd sales and weren't given a fixed amount by the 
 publishers. Therefore, if you copy a Cd, the prophets you most affect are 
 those of the distributors, promoters and publishers, not of the musicians, 
 indeed I've heard various professional musicians say they make more sales 
 through people copying cds from their friends and then wanting to buy the 
 next one themselves than they do through standard adverts.
 Same with books, indeed even more so, you don't pay the author, but the 

That line of thinking is essentially saying, it's perfectly fine to steal small 
amounts from several people, but not  fine to steal a larger amount from an 
individual. This is highly flawed thinking. And, the music industry has and 
continues to change rapidly. More and more artists, even highly popular ones, 
are cutting ties with the record industry and selling their own music via 
iTunes, Amazon MP3, etc.

Publishing is a very expensive endeavor. While I agree that author's should get 
more for digital publishing than they do, it costs money to manufacture 
physical books, purchase materials, binding, etc. Not to mention the editors 
who proofread, the artists who create cover art, and so forth.

Ultimately, it is a naive and ignorant line of thinking. There are problems 
with many industries, and piracy exacerbates those problems.

 One reason I think people often pirate games, is that people do not realize 
 there is! no large distribution company involved, just one or two people 
 working themselves, since as you pointed out, activision, E games are huge 
 coorporations with massive markup, who pay their programmers a fixed income 
 while the prophit goes either into developing more prophit or into the 
 pockets of the management, indeed I am told by someone who worked at one 
 point for E games, that as programming jobs they are deeply unsatisfying 
 since you basically get no creative leeway anymore, since all of the design 
 is done long before the game is programmed, and the rpogrammers are basically 
 just geach given a very menial individual task to do, (the days when someone 
 like Inafune could design Mega man in his spare time are long gone).

I don't think the average person puts that much thought into it…if any at all. 
Something is available for free, they'll take it for free.

And, those days are not long gone. On the contrary, the iOS and Mac App Stores, 
and to a lesser degree the Android Marketplace, have brought that kind of 
design back with a vengeance, especially with games. Many of the hugely popular 
mobile apps are made by single individuals or very small companies. Angry 
Birds? Instapaper? Twitterific? THe list goes on and on. By giving individual 
developers and small companies a safe and simple mechanism to sell their wares 
which also helps limit casual piracy without inconveniencing honest users, 
Apple has brought this back in a big way. You should catch up with the times, 
and I think you'll like the direction that things are going.

 Generally blind people are not treated well by coorporations (the tale of 
 myself and trying to obtain accessible scifi books despite Uk copywrite law 
 and the publishing industry is a long and unpleasant one), not to mention all 
 those massive multinational chains that do much at all for access even in a 
 small way, heck, do mcdonalds have braille menues?

I have no love for giant corporations, but I think you're putting far too fine 
a point on all of this. The vast majority of people who pirate casually are not 
doing it because of grand philosophical ideals, or out of some sort of 
mis-placed sense of vengeance on faceless corporations that have done them some 
wrong. They're doing it because they want something right now and they can't 
afford it right now.

 I'm not condoning the actions of people who pirate games, I'm just thinking 
 that perhaps one major motivating factor is that they do not realize that 
 they are pirating games made by individuals, not! by massive companies.

I think the community is very much aware that audio games are made by single 
individuals and/or small companies. I think Draconis has the most number of 
folks involved in the making of our titles in various capacities and to various 
degrees, and even we have only a handful.

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Re: [Audyssey] Dice

2013-04-24 Thread dark

Hi christina.

I did think of this when labeling my own DD dice, and actually it worked 
okay so long as I rolled them on a hard surfice and so long as I made 
certain that the labels just! attached to the front of the face of the dye, 
and didn't have any trailing corners.

I tested this by rolling a few times and always got random enough results.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement AboutBSCGames

2013-04-24 Thread dark

Hi josh.

i'm afraid I disagree on distribution completely, since if you look at the 
markup that goes into prophit, even for something with little to no cost it 
is unbelieveable. i would be quite happy paying individual people, it is 
paying massive companies that I disagree with.

i do agree amazon mp3 and the like are good ways of paying individual 
musicians, but they still only cover a certain percentage of what happens, 
also I am not absolutely convinced by apple's absolute control model since 
if Apple doesn't think what you've got will sell, well tough. While paying a 
small percentage to apple for ful distribution digitally is better than 
paying a record company, it is still not ideal and still leaves far too much 
control in the hands of one organization, and just! on that organizations 

while I know you are huge fans of everything Apple, I myself am a little too 
suspect of company motivations when they have that level of control. 
Microsoft were bad enough, but at least distribution was comparatively free. 
Myself, I'm not convinced fair distribution method will ever be achieved 
until it is controled by a none prophit organization so that individuals 
can! get paid for their work directly without massive markup going to the 
middle men.

Since however this discussion is distinctly not related to games we'd better 

All the best,


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Re: [Audyssey] entitlement: was Re: Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSCGames

2013-04-24 Thread Bryan Peterson
True, but I've met a frightening number of blind people wo feel tey're 
entitledto everything on a silver platter, even things it would be more or 
less impossible for a business to provide. I've known people who'd threaten 
to sue one store employee if they were unable to help them shp, even though 
te employee would probably have been happy to help hook them p with aother 
employee wo had the time. And it's these sorts of people wo demand games at 
lightnng speed LOL.

But thou must!
-Original Message- 
From: Ken The PionEar

Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 12:26 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: [Audyssey] entitlement: was Re: Giving Away Free Games was 
Announcement About BSCGames

Well, here's the simple truth. If you pay for a game, whether sighted or
blind, you *are* entitled to complain if that game does not work the way
it's advertised to, or if it crashes, and so on. This is not a blindness
issue. Now if someone has the audacity to complain about a free game, that's
If I go to a store and buy milk and bring it home, open it up, and find that
it's spoiled, even only slightly, am I going to demand a refund? You bet
your booty I am. If i buy a game and it doesn't work as expected, am I going
to demand a refund? Well, I'll be more patient about the game than the milk,
being a rookie game dev myself, but I'm definitely entitled to complaint and
even a refund. Sometimes I get sick of hearing people harping on the
entitlement issue, as if blind folks aren't entitled to anything at all.
Well, I'm entitled to whatever I invest money in. The people that bought the
BSC games are entitled to key generators for those games, because they paid
money for those games. One key generator unlocks all games? Then the paying
customer should get a steep discount. Again, I'm not saying this because I'm
trying to defend my interest, but it's simply how I would handle it myself.
That's why none of my games will ever have unlock codes tethered to one
specific computer. Sure, it makes them a little easier to crack, but all
higher security does is provide an extra day's entertainment and challenge
for a dedicated pirate. Trust me, I've heard of cracks for all the BSC and
GMA games, so this system only hurts the customer.
Check out my games at
and my music, and that of my band, at .
If you want to reach me, you can call 419-744-0517, friend me on Facebook,
(KenWDowney,) or write me at .
Crazy Ken
- Original Message - 
From: Ryan Strunk

To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 10:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About

I don't want to get too far afield, but a store refusing to help you shop 
in direct violation of the ADA. I'm not saying that a lawsuit is the best 

even a good option, but I can understand their anger.
As for games, the sighted public has just as much of an entitlement 
We just don't see it because we're not in the thick of it. Try logging 
any torrent site, though, and see what you find there. I guarantee you'll 

amazed--or maybe you won't.

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Bryan
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 4:13 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About

Quite frankly this entitlement view is why I don't have much respect for
many blind folks in general, and it's not ust to do with games. I get so 

when I hear people talk about ow they won't participate in an activity
unless there's a discount because of blindness. THese are often the same
people who'll threaten to sue a store employee if they refuse to help them
shop regardless of the reasons for that refusal.

But thou must!

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Re: [Audyssey] OT: rant about jobs: was Re: Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread Bryan Peterson
And as I've observed in other posts Joke Rehab as I like to call it is no 
real help. That's why I'm glad that while I eventuall hope to be able to 
make and sell commercial games I haven't yet. I know they'd ct most of my 
SSI, to the point where Iwouldn't be able to support myself.

But thou must!
-Original Message- 
From: Trouble

Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 6:37 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] OT: rant about jobs: was Re: Giving Away Free Games 
was Announcement About BSC Games

Well the more corrupt you are with the US government. The more you
get. Even though our forefathers did it the honest way. A corrupt
government sees that as not needing help for anything. I see more
people filling jobs the blind can do with ease. While the blind get
told the job is not accessible for them to do. I had one real good
job working in the tech field. They tried to make the software I used
not accessible just so they could remove me and it worked. When jaws
scripts won't work and more graphics come into play you lose every
time. See they put those graphics there so people not knowing
anything about computer systems can just click on the picture of the
problem and get solution. That system cuts down on training. So most
of those techs you call for help only know the pictures in front of
them and not anything about computers or the system your having problems 

At 02:34 AM 4/24/2013, you wrote:
This post implies that blind people are lazy and not looking. I recently 
put up my resume at every spa, beauty salon, doctor's office, and so on 
that was in the area. I even went to a few salons. One hair stylist 
actually had heard of me, and said she heard I was the best massage 
therapist around. I was flattered and figured i'd get the job for sure, but 
did I? No. Not even a callback explaining why.
So what am I going to do, take all my excess money and sue for sexual 
discrimination? After all, nobody wants a man touching their bodies. The 
guys want women, and the women want women. Or should I sue for blindness 
discrimination? I don't think I can satisfactorally prove either case 
beyond the shadow of a doubt.
My point is that there are blind folks looking for jobs and not finding. 
Yeah, it's easier to stay on SSI, but is it desirable? Is it conscionable? 
Are we getting fat and rich on the system? Absolutely not.

Check out my games at
and my music, and that of my band, at .
If you want to reach me, you can call 419-744-0517, friend me on Facebook, 
(KenWDowney,) or write me at .

Crazy Ken
- Original Message - From: Ryan Strunk
To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 10:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSC 

I agree with 95% of your post below. Developing games isn't a walk in the
park, financial or otherwise. But there is one comment you made that I 

to underscore.
Developing high quality games costs lots of money. Far more money than 

average blind American collects from SSI checks each month.
Absolutely true, which is a great incentive for blind people to get jobs.

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Thomas Ward
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 2:47 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSC 

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Re: [Audyssey] OT: rant about jobs: was Re: Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread Greg Steel
Hi Ken I have been applying for jobs for about a year and I had only 2 
interviews one at Target and one at the goodwill.  It seems like no one 
wants to give us a chance.
- Original Message - 
From: Ken The PionEar

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 11:34 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] OT: rant about jobs: was Re: Giving Away Free Games was 
Announcement About BSC Games

This post implies that blind people are lazy and not looking. I recently 
put up my resume at every spa, beauty salon, doctor's office, and so on 
that was in the area. I even went to a few salons. One hair stylist 
actually had heard of me, and said she heard I was the best massage 
therapist around. I was flattered and figured i'd get the job for sure, 
but did I? No. Not even a callback explaining why.
So what am I going to do, take all my excess money and sue for sexual 
discrimination? After all, nobody wants a man touching their bodies. The 
guys want women, and the women want women. Or should I sue for blindness 
discrimination? I don't think I can satisfactorally prove either case 
beyond the shadow of a doubt.
My point is that there are blind folks looking for jobs and not finding. 
Yeah, it's easier to stay on SSI, but is it desirable? Is it conscionable? 
Are we getting fat and rich on the system? Absolutely not.

Check out my games at
and my music, and that of my band, at .
If you want to reach me, you can call 419-744-0517, friend me on Facebook, 
(KenWDowney,) or write me at .

Crazy Ken
- Original Message - 
From: Ryan Strunk

To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 10:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSC 

I agree with 95% of your post below. Developing games isn't a walk in the
park, financial or otherwise. But there is one comment you made that I 

to underscore.
Developing high quality games costs lots of money. Far more money than 

average blind American collects from SSI checks each month.
Absolutely true, which is a great incentive for blind people to get jobs.

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Thomas 

Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 2:47 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSC 

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Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement AboutBSCGames

2013-04-24 Thread Draconis

It actually is very much related to games, as we were talking about the reasons 
for audio game piracy. In your eagerness to offer philosophical talking points, 
you entirely missed the point I was making. Hence why I referenced Android as 

The days of small and individual developers creating and designing games and 
apps is returning with a vengeance, not *just* on Apple platforms, but on 
others as well.

Distribution has never been free. This is simply ignorance. Before the 
Internet, one needed to produce physical discs, be that floppies or optical 
discs, to sell games. Later, the Internet came along, and one must purchase 
server space and bandwidth to host titles for download, pay for credit card 
transaction services, and so on. These things are neither free, nor cheap.

The overhead is actually more expensive for us to offer Windows titles that Mac 
or iOS ones with Apple's fee.

Plenty of non-profit organizations are just as bad or worse than corporations, 
so that does not solve the problem either.

And, not all corporations are evil. The world is not made up of black and 
white. It is rendered in infinite shades of gray.

I do think you need to, whether you agree with them or not, become more 
educated on Apple's models if you're going to try to debate the merits of them. 
Apple does not exercise a complete control model, as you put it. This is a 
common misconception usually banded about by folks in Microsoft's or 
Android/Linux camps, and is based on a number of falsehoods and/or 

Apple is a huge contributor to open source, for instance. Both webkit and the 
Darwin projects were spearheaded by Apple, and indeed, many of Apple's 
competitors freely use webkit in competing products.

The Mac is not locked down in the way that iOS is. Android is swamped with 
malware because of the open model it employs with virtually no oversight. You 
couldn't pay me enough to use an Android phone, even if I wasn't an Apple user, 
because of the numbers of malware infested apps in their official marketplace. 
Extremes are bad. All open is bad…all closed is bad. Apple has found a sweet 
spot that works well, in my opinion.

As I said above, there are infinite shades of gray, and some very good reasons 
why Apple does things the way they do that benefit the users directly. There 
are some decisions that Apple has made that I do not agree with, too, but I am 
able to weigh out these various pros and cons individually and determine if the 
pros still outweigh the cons. They do. Just as I don't hate everything 
Microsoft does, either, though I do not use their products on a day-to-day 

Ultimately, the main point is whether or not blind gamers are pirating games 
because of philosophical reasons, as you assert. I think that idea is 
ridiculous. I understand that you have some strongly held philosophical beliefs 
of your own, and that's fine…but they do not apply to this situation.

On Apr 24, 2013, at 10:06 AM, dark wrote:

 Hi josh.
 i'm afraid I disagree on distribution completely, since if you look at the 
 markup that goes into prophit, even for something with little to no cost it 
 is unbelieveable. i would be quite happy paying individual people, it is 
 paying massive companies that I disagree with.
 i do agree amazon mp3 and the like are good ways of paying individual 
 musicians, but they still only cover a certain percentage of what happens, 
 also I am not absolutely convinced by apple's absolute control model since if 
 Apple doesn't think what you've got will sell, well tough. While paying a 
 small percentage to apple for ful distribution digitally is better than 
 paying a record company, it is still not ideal and still leaves far too much 
 control in the hands of one organization, and just! on that organizations 
 while I know you are huge fans of everything Apple, I myself am a little too 
 suspect of company motivations when they have that level of control. 
 Microsoft were bad enough, but at least distribution was comparatively free. 
 Myself, I'm not convinced fair distribution method will ever be achieved 
 until it is controled by a none prophit organization so that individuals can! 
 get paid for their work directly without massive markup going to the middle 
 Since however this discussion is distinctly not related to games we'd better 
 All the best,
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Re: [Audyssey] OT: rant about jobs: was Re: Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread Sky Mundell

Hello. That is just horrible that they decided to remove you from your job

-Original Message- 
From: Trouble

Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 5:37 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] OT: rant about jobs: was Re: Giving Away Free Games 
was Announcement About BSC Games

Well the more corrupt you are with the US government. The more you
get. Even though our forefathers did it the honest way. A corrupt
government sees that as not needing help for anything. I see more
people filling jobs the blind can do with ease. While the blind get
told the job is not accessible for them to do. I had one real good
job working in the tech field. They tried to make the software I used
not accessible just so they could remove me and it worked. When jaws
scripts won't work and more graphics come into play you lose every
time. See they put those graphics there so people not knowing
anything about computer systems can just click on the picture of the
problem and get solution. That system cuts down on training. So most
of those techs you call for help only know the pictures in front of
them and not anything about computers or the system your having problems 

At 02:34 AM 4/24/2013, you wrote:
This post implies that blind people are lazy and not looking. I recently 
put up my resume at every spa, beauty salon, doctor's office, and so on 
that was in the area. I even went to a few salons. One hair stylist 
actually had heard of me, and said she heard I was the best massage 
therapist around. I was flattered and figured i'd get the job for sure, but 
did I? No. Not even a callback explaining why.
So what am I going to do, take all my excess money and sue for sexual 
discrimination? After all, nobody wants a man touching their bodies. The 
guys want women, and the women want women. Or should I sue for blindness 
discrimination? I don't think I can satisfactorally prove either case 
beyond the shadow of a doubt.
My point is that there are blind folks looking for jobs and not finding. 
Yeah, it's easier to stay on SSI, but is it desirable? Is it conscionable? 
Are we getting fat and rich on the system? Absolutely not.

Check out my games at
and my music, and that of my band, at .
If you want to reach me, you can call 419-744-0517, friend me on Facebook, 
(KenWDowney,) or write me at .

Crazy Ken
- Original Message - From: Ryan Strunk
To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 10:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSC 

I agree with 95% of your post below. Developing games isn't a walk in the
park, financial or otherwise. But there is one comment you made that I 

to underscore.
Developing high quality games costs lots of money. Far more money than 

average blind American collects from SSI checks each month.
Absolutely true, which is a great incentive for blind people to get jobs.

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Thomas Ward
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 2:47 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSC 

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Re: [Audyssey] OT: rant about jobs: was Re: Giving Away Free Gameswas Announcement About BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread Bryan Peterson
They don't. That's the fact of the matter. And to be quite frank I think Voc 
Rehab tends to do more harm than good more often than not. The give te 
employer the impression that we can't be taken seriosly.

But thou must!
-Original Message- 
From: Greg Steel

Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 8:36 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] OT: rant about jobs: was Re: Giving Away Free 
Gameswas Announcement About BSC Games

Hi Ken I have been applying for jobs for about a year and I had only 2
interviews one at Target and one at the goodwill.  It seems like no one
wants to give us a chance.
- Original Message - 
From: Ken The PionEar

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 11:34 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] OT: rant about jobs: was Re: Giving Away Free Games was
Announcement About BSC Games

This post implies that blind people are lazy and not looking. I recently 
put up my resume at every spa, beauty salon, doctor's office, and so on 
that was in the area. I even went to a few salons. One hair stylist 
actually had heard of me, and said she heard I was the best massage 
therapist around. I was flattered and figured i'd get the job for sure, 
but did I? No. Not even a callback explaining why.
So what am I going to do, take all my excess money and sue for sexual 
discrimination? After all, nobody wants a man touching their bodies. The 
guys want women, and the women want women. Or should I sue for blindness 
discrimination? I don't think I can satisfactorally prove either case 
beyond the shadow of a doubt.
My point is that there are blind folks looking for jobs and not finding. 
Yeah, it's easier to stay on SSI, but is it desirable? Is it conscionable? 
Are we getting fat and rich on the system? Absolutely not.

Check out my games at
and my music, and that of my band, at .
If you want to reach me, you can call 419-744-0517, friend me on Facebook, 
(KenWDowney,) or write me at .

Crazy Ken
- Original Message - 
From: Ryan Strunk

To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 10:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSC 

I agree with 95% of your post below. Developing games isn't a walk in the
park, financial or otherwise. But there is one comment you made that I 

to underscore.
Developing high quality games costs lots of money. Far more money than 

average blind American collects from SSI checks each month.
Absolutely true, which is a great incentive for blind people to get jobs.

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Thomas 

Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 2:47 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSC 

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Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement AboutBSCGames

2013-04-24 Thread dark

HI josh.

I freely admit my knolidge of apple's business structure is not exact, 
though even from owning an Iphone I can draw conclusions. I do not say all 
coorporations are evil, they are simply in pursuit of prophit which, as marx 
stated is a none moral system from which you cannot derive morality, and 
what concerns me as a moral objection is A, the practices, B, the denial of 
freedom, and C, the actual markup gained by distribution services. you are 
absolutely correct that the internet should! give an easy method for 
distribution, yet why is it still the case that many audio books (even when 
unabridged), are five or ten times more than print originals? even when 
bought digitally. The same goes for music, ultimately prices are jacked up 
by people because they can, and it is those people, the publishers, 
distributors and other hangers on whome I, and indeed others do not respect, 
rather than the individual creators behind books, software, music etc.

Getting this back to games and software however, my point was simply that 
people's general attitudes to coorporations is a lot worse than that towards 
individuals. This is a general moral point, look at for example the amount 
of charities who get your money by appealing not to over all economic 
figures, but to individual stories of suffering in a given situation.

People empathize with other people, it's a bsic psychological traite.

therefore, if developers, rather than appearing ass! simply a faceless 
organization show themselves to actually be individuals, there is a 
proportion of people who will pay for products on that basis.

This is doubly true for the blind community i've found, given that it has in 
the past been the main game producers, capcom, nintendo, E games etc, who 
have actively denied access, been unavailable to discuss access etc, while 
it is individual indi developers (who I will fully agree are on the rise 
thank goodness), who have been most willing to discuss access matters and 
create audio games.

As you said yourself, the world is neither black or white, therefore why not 
give the bennifit of the doubt to at least those people who do! have a sense 
of individual responsability.

In part this is also a cultural matter, since generally speaking today a 
prfessional immage, tends to mean an impersonal one, thus most people who 
create games strive for that sort of image, and so probably appear less 
individual than they actually are.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] OT: rant about jobs: was Re: Giving Away Free Gameswas Announcement About BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread Wil James
I know I'm doing a taboo by adding to this off topic thread, but I thought
this to be important.

I used to work for Freedom Scientific as front line tech support.  I first
started out by performing my duties as a contractor in 2005.  This was in
part due to voc rehab sending me down to Florida for classes offered by
Freedom Scientific to get my business off the ground.  To make a long story
short, I worked as a contractor for about a year, then actually moved to St.
Petersburg to work in-house.

In May of 2008, I was cut due to economic reasons.  Florida is a right to
work state, so FS can do any damn thing they want to justify letting someone
go, which they did without batting an eyelash.

Since May of 2008, I have been pounding the virtual and actual pavement
looking for jobs, and it is now April 2013, and I still have no job.

I have since moved back to Georgia to take care of my dad after my mom
passed away in February 2011.  Dad died in January of this year.  I didn't
stop looking for jobs.  I can't tell you how many times I have applied for
Apple since I've moved back to Augusta, and still am applying.  I have also
applied to quite a few other companies and have received canned responses
saying my resume will be filed and kept for 6 months or whatever.

Ken, don't feel bad man!  I'm not a massage therapist, but I understand
where you're coming from.

Trouble, I have been in your situation ten years ago, and I know how you
feel.  I worked for a call center, and the company contracted with Cox
communications.  We had it set up for a scripter to come in and set up JAWS
for working with the software.  Cox gave some BS reason that they didn't
want outsiders looking at their customers' data.  Ever heard of mock data?
Anyway, that went to the Justice Department, but nothing was gained from

It's rough not able to find work, work you are capable of doing!  For
whatever reason, employers seem to have blinders on when it comes to us.
Some days are good, some days are rough in dealing with the fact that all
you have is SSI and no retirement.  I just try to keep plugging along.  It
sure doesn't help that I'm 40 years old to boot!

To get this topic game related, it's like a game; Keep playing and
eventually you'll go to the next level!  At least that's what I tell

-Original Message-
From: Bryan Peterson [] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 11:01 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] OT: rant about jobs: was Re: Giving Away Free
Gameswas Announcement About BSC Games

They don't. That's the fact of the matter. And to be quite frank I think Voc
Rehab tends to do more harm than good more often than not. The give te
employer the impression that we can't be taken seriosly.

But thou must!
-Original Message-
From: Greg Steel
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 8:36 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] OT: rant about jobs: was Re: Giving Away Free
Gameswas Announcement About BSC Games

Hi Ken I have been applying for jobs for about a year and I had only 2
interviews one at Target and one at the goodwill.  It seems like no one
wants to give us a chance.
- Original Message -
From: Ken The PionEar
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 11:34 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] OT: rant about jobs: was Re: Giving Away Free Games was
Announcement About BSC Games

 This post implies that blind people are lazy and not looking. I recently 
 put up my resume at every spa, beauty salon, doctor's office, and so on 
 that was in the area. I even went to a few salons. One hair stylist 
 actually had heard of me, and said she heard I was the best massage 
 therapist around. I was flattered and figured i'd get the job for sure, 
 but did I? No. Not even a callback explaining why.
 So what am I going to do, take all my excess money and sue for sexual 
 discrimination? After all, nobody wants a man touching their bodies. The 
 guys want women, and the women want women. Or should I sue for blindness 
 discrimination? I don't think I can satisfactorally prove either case 
 beyond the shadow of a doubt.
 My point is that there are blind folks looking for jobs and not finding. 
 Yeah, it's easier to stay on SSI, but is it desirable? Is it conscionable?

 Are we getting fat and rich on the system? Absolutely not.
 Check out my games at
 and my music, and that of my band, at .
 If you want to reach me, you can call 419-744-0517, friend me on Facebook,

 (KenWDowney,) or write me at .
 Crazy Ken
 - Original Message - 
 From: Ryan Strunk
 To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
 Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 10:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSC 

 I agree with 95% of your post below. Developing games isn't a walk in the

Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement AboutBSCGames

2013-04-24 Thread Draconis
Hi Dark,

Just about done with this, as i have work to do, but just a couple quick 
responses here…

 you are absolutely correct that the internet should! give an easy method for 
 distribution, yet why is it still the case that many audio books (even when 
 unabridged), are five or ten times more than print originals? even when 
 bought digitally.

They aren't. At least, not when distributed on the Internet. On the contrary, 
most audio books bought via, at least her win the states, are 
pretty comparable to buying a print book, or only slightly more. I seldom pay 
more than $12 or so for an audio book, and I am a voracious reader who reads 
almost exclusively audio books purchased online. THere is usually a slight 
markup, because more people are involved in the production of audio books. 
While the author should be paid, so should the narrator who performs the book, 
the record engineer who does the recording, etc. You are not looking at the big 

  The same goes for music, ultimately prices are jacked up by people because 
 they can, and it is those people, the publishers, distributors and other 
 hangers on whome I, and indeed others do not respect, rather than the 
 individual creators behind books, software, music etc.

I'd argue that the narrator's performance is at least as important as the 
author's words in most audio books, particularly fiction. You seem to be 
implying that they are not entitled to be recognized for their contribution to 
the product.

 Getting this back to games and software however, my point was simply that 
 people's general attitudes to coorporations is a lot worse than that towards 
 individuals. This is a general moral point, look at for example the amount of 
 charities who get your money by appealing not to over all economic figures, 
 but to individual stories of suffering in a given situation.
 People empathize with other people, it's a bsic psychological traite.
 therefore, if developers, rather than appearing ass! simply a faceless 
 organization show themselves to actually be individuals, there is a 
 proportion of people who will pay for products on that basis.

I understand your point. My point is that I do not believe that the audio game 
community views the audio game developers in the same way that they view 
Microsoft. They know we are small companies and/or individuals. Your broader 
point is fine, it is the application to the audio game industry that is flawed.

Regardless, I have an idea that may help address the underlying issues that are 
at the heart of this problem for the audio game industry, and I have sent these 
on to Tom to see what he thinks. We'll see. For now, I have to get on with 
things. *smile*

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Re: [Audyssey] OT: rant about jobs: was Re: Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread Dennis Towne

I think most people are very, very confused about what it costs to
create games.  Tools cost nothing, unless you're buying something very
specific.  A reliable distribution website for releasing all your
stuff can be had for twenty dollars a month.  Paypal accounts are
free.  The only expensive part of the whole process is time and hard

If your game isn't pure text and you need audio clips, try recording
your own.  The AA dclient sounds were recorded almost entirely with
home gear, with a few public domain sounds thrown in.  Once you get
the hang of it, they go pretty quick.

These things take time, but they build incrementally from very simple
parts.  Alter Aeon literally started one cold alaska night in 1995
with an empty text editor, and I typed by hand the first line of code,
'void main() {' into a file named mud.c.  There was no gui.  There
were no mouse controls.  The compiler was so bad that I eventually
wrote my own memory allocator and filesystem I/O layer.  None of these
problems exist today.  You couldn't ask for an easier, cheaper time to
be alive and write games than now.

The point is that it can be done on the cheap, and those cheap to make
games can still be incredibly good - good enough to actually sell
copies, if that's your goal.  Good luck!

Dennis Towne

Alter Aeon MUD

On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 7:29 AM, Bryan Peterson wrote:
 And as I've observed in other posts Joke Rehab as I like to call it is no
 real help. That's why I'm glad that while I eventuall hope to be able to
 make and sell commercial games I haven't yet. I know they'd ct most of my
 SSI, to the point where Iwouldn't be able to support myself.

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[Audyssey] Ten Pin Alley Music?

2013-04-24 Thread Ibrahim Gucukoglu
Hi Josh.

I was wondering if you could tell me what the background music playing in Ten 
Pin Alley was or is?  It appears to be a piece of music with a vocal track, 
however its so far behind the actionary audio that its difficult for me to make 
anything out and Shazam, my mobile music recogniser cant give me a tagged 
match.  If the music is available for download anywhere or can be purchased 
then I’d like a copy.

All the best, Ibrahim.
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Re: [Audyssey] Ten Pin Alley Music?

2013-04-24 Thread Draconis

There are actually several different tracks that play on the overhead speakers 
inside Ten Pin Alley. Some written by myself, some by Eric Troup, who is one of 
our voice-actors and sound designers.

We've actually been considering offering these on iTunes and Amazon MP3, along 
with other game music to which we fully own the rights. The tracks in question 
were available on some commercial CD releases a number of years ago, but those 
CD's have since gone out of print.

Is a Draconis Sound Track collection like this something that gamers would be 
interested in?

On Apr 24, 2013, at 12:46 PM, Ibrahim Gucukoglu 

 Hi Josh.
 I was wondering if you could tell me what the background music playing in Ten 
 Pin Alley was or is?  It appears to be a piece of music with a vocal track, 
 however its so far behind the actionary audio that its difficult for me to 
 make anything out and Shazam, my mobile music recogniser cant give me a 
 tagged match.  If the music is available for download anywhere or can be 
 purchased then I’d like a copy.
 All the best, Ibrahim.
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[Audyssey] BGT Version 1.3 Released!

2013-04-24 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi all!

After several months, I feel it is high time for a new BGT release. So here 
it comes, packed with changes and improvements that I hope you will all find 
useful. In fact, there are so many changes so that I figured I should call 
it version 1.3.

Please note that due to the introduction of release and debug builds, you 
need to completely uninstall any old version of BGT from your system before 
installing this one. Otherwise you will get an old icon lingering in your 
program group.

As usual, the change log follows below:

Version 1.3 (revision 1):
* Updated the script interpreter to the latest version which fixes some more 
bugs found by users, and adds the following features:
1. The infamous unexpected end of file compilation error now shows a lot 
more information.
2. It is now possible to declare several class properties of the same type 
on a single line, separated by comma.
3. It is also possible to initialize class properties in their declaration, 
rather than having to do it in the constructor.
Note: This means that some obscure scripts, where a child class calls a 
method in the parent class that in turn tries to access its members before 
its constructor has been called by the child class, will now result in a 
null pointer access script runtime error. This happens very rarely, but 
should be taken into account if you are upgrading and have scripts that may 
potentially reproduce the above scenario.
4. Large scripts will now compile significantly faster, and loading of 
precompiled byte code is faster as well.
5. The script compiler no longer implements a default constructor for 
classes that define a constructor with arguments. If you want both a default 
constructor and a constructor that takes arguments, you must define both of 
them explicitly (see the language tutorial for more information).

* Added DLL call support.
* Added the ability to compile scripts either as debug or release builds, 
and added documentation to explain the differences (see appendix h).
* Added some basic serialization functions that make it easier to save and 
load data from files or from memory.
* Made it possible to serialize and restore the exact state of the random 
number generator at any point in time.
* Added an object called combination which contains algorithms to calculate 
different types of combinations from an arbitrarily large set of items 
(sponsored by Marc Andersen).
* Added a pan property to the tone synth object which affects all 
subsequently generated notes.
* Added reverberation to the tone synth object, which is controlled by 
various properties.
* Added a new function called is_admin which checks if the program is being 
run with administrator priviliges (thanks Liam).

* Added some new functions to force/simulate keystrokes (thanks Nikola).
* Added two new functions (string_base64_encode and string_base64_decode) 
which makes it possible to convert binary data to and from a printable, 
Ascii compatible representation.
* The keyhook is now automatically uninstalled when the user leaves the game 
window, and installed again when the window is reactivated. This is to 
prevent lag in certain screen readers when the user is working with an 
application other than the game.
* Upgraded to the Visual Studio 2010 compiler, which gives a performance 
* Changed it so that initial text that is placed in an input box is selected 
automatically when the window appears (thanks Nikola).
* Added a new folder constant (DIRECTORY_MY_DOCUMENTS), see appendix e for 
more details (thanks Liam).
* Significantly optimized the way audio files are read, resulting in a great 
performance improvement when loading sounds (thanks Aaron).

* Optimized the string_contains function.
* Significantly optimized the internals of the sound_pool include class so 
that it now runs much faster.
* Made the script compilation result dialog show the amount of time that the 
compilation took.

* Added a speak_to_file method to the tts_voice object (thanks Marc).
* Added a function to hide the game window (thanks Nikola).
* Added the concept of named items to the dynamic_menu include class, making 
it easier to figure out what the chosen item is regardless of in what order 
the items were added.
* Added a new method to the audio_form class that allows a listbox cursor to 
be changed (Thanks Damien).
* Allowed the home and end keys to navigate to the top and bottom of a 
listbox in an audio form.
* Fixed a serious bug in the audio subsystem which would cause random 
* Fixed a crash which would occur when converting large floating point 
numbers to strings (thanks Corey).
* Fixed a bug which would cause the string_split function to enter an 
infinite loop if the NULL terminator was used in the delimiter (thanks 
* Fixed a crash which would sometimes occur after a runtime error (thanks 
* Improved support for the Window Eyes screen reader (thanks Aaron and 
* Fixed a problem where 

Re: [Audyssey] An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread Devin Prater
Is this the company that made troopanum? That was the first, and most
memorable audio game I played. I had the Demos of like all his games

Sent from my iPod

On Apr 22, 2013, at 8:29 PM, shaun everiss wrote:

 well he really has shot himself in the foot by doing this.
 I won't post anything publically but still it would have been nice if i could 
 have done so.

 At 11:51 AM 4/23/2013, you wrote:
 I suppose it's a good thing he's closing up shop then. Because it's been my 
 observation that a strict policy like that is a sure fire way to encourage 
 piracy. It does mean that I won't be able to install BSC games on a new 
 computer if and when I get one. Definitely disappointing. And given the fact 
 that most of us are on fixed incomes I didn't expect Justin to bring in many 
 purchases. This could hurt his profits eve more.

 But thou must!
 -Original Message- From: Thomas Ward
 Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 5:23 PM
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Subject: [Audyssey] An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

 Hello everyone,

 I just finished speaking to Justin, and I thought I owe it to you to
 tell you were we stand regarding the BSC games.

 First, there is the issue of licensing. I asked him if he would allow to purchase the key generator for $75 and issue new keys
 to people as needed. Unfortunately, he will not allow us to issue new
 keys, and he has said in effect that if people want new keys for
 Troopanum, Hunter, Pipe, whatever that they should purchase the key
 generator he is selling right now for $75. No exceptions are being
 made for the licensing of his games.

 Second, there is the issue of licensing the sounds and music for the
 games. Justin will not sell those to a third-party developer, nor
 allow anyone access to the *.bsc pack files containing the sounds. So
 recreating the games with the original sounds and music is pretty much
 not possible.

 Finally, Justin wants to retain his intellectual copyrights for
 Troopanum, Hunter, Pipe, Deekout, Crazy Darts, etc so redistributing
 his games or rewriting them is not legal under copyright law. I just
 thought you should know where we all stand in terms of these games.

 In summary while I know some of you may feel angry, upset, and perhaps
 disappointed at this news do remember we still have many other great
 developers like Draconis, GMA, Jim Kitchen, Blind Adrenaline, to name
 a few. Hopefully they will continue to write great games, and if we
 want more games remember there are a number of tools like the BGT
 toolkit and the Dragon Flame Engine out there to help create new and
 interesting games. We could even create games as good as if not better
 than those we are losing with these tools. So try and be positive
 rather than look at this as a negative experience.

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Re: [Audyssey] An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread Dennis Towne
This attitude, which I've seen repeatedly in these threads, has
convinced me as a developer to use always-on DRM for every product I

Dennis Towne

Alter Aeon MUD

 On Apr 22, 2013, at 8:29 PM, shaun everiss wrote:

 well he really has shot himself in the foot by doing this.
 I won't post anything publically but still it would have been nice if i 
 could have done so.

 At 11:51 AM 4/23/2013, you wrote:
 I suppose it's a good thing he's closing up shop then. Because it's been my 
 observation that a strict policy like that is a sure fire way to encourage 
 piracy. It does mean that I won't be able to install BSC games on a new 
 computer if and when I get one. Definitely disappointing. And given the 
 fact that most of us are on fixed incomes I didn't expect Justin to bring 
 in many purchases. This could hurt his profits eve more.

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[Audyssey] game piracy - Re: Giving Away Free Games was Announcement AboutBSCGames

2013-04-24 Thread Charles Rivard
I may be wrong, but I think that blind people pirate games because they want 
stuff for free.  Some consider it a challenge to see if they can crack a 
game's security.  In short, they pirate for the same reason that sighted 
pirates do it.  There is the added reasoning that the unemployed blind gamer 
cannot afford the game like a sighted employed gamer can, and, in part, 
because they have led a sheltered life through being given whatever they 
wanted by loving but misguided parents and relatives, they expect to get 
what they want, when they want it, no exceptions.  This last reason is also 
why I think we see the impatient gamers whine if a game was expected to be 
released today but, although it is only noon, it isn't in their hands.

If guns kill people, writing implements cause grammatical and spelling 
- Original Message - 
From: Draconis

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:37 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement 


It actually is very much related to games, as we were talking about the 
reasons for audio game piracy. In your eagerness to offer philosophical 
talking points, you entirely missed the point I was making. Hence why I 
referenced Android as well.

The days of small and individual developers creating and designing games and 
apps is returning with a vengeance, not *just* on Apple platforms, but on 
others as well.

Distribution has never been free. This is simply ignorance. Before the 
Internet, one needed to produce physical discs, be that floppies or optical 
discs, to sell games. Later, the Internet came along, and one must purchase 
server space and bandwidth to host titles for download, pay for credit card 
transaction services, and so on. These things are neither free, nor cheap.

The overhead is actually more expensive for us to offer Windows titles that 
Mac or iOS ones with Apple's fee.

Plenty of non-profit organizations are just as bad or worse than 
corporations, so that does not solve the problem either.

And, not all corporations are evil. The world is not made up of black and 
white. It is rendered in infinite shades of gray.

I do think you need to, whether you agree with them or not, become more 
educated on Apple's models if you're going to try to debate the merits of 
them. Apple does not exercise a complete control model, as you put it. 
This is a common misconception usually banded about by folks in Microsoft's 
or Android/Linux camps, and is based on a number of falsehoods and/or 

Apple is a huge contributor to open source, for instance. Both webkit and 
the Darwin projects were spearheaded by Apple, and indeed, many of Apple's 
competitors freely use webkit in competing products.

The Mac is not locked down in the way that iOS is. Android is swamped with 
malware because of the open model it employs with virtually no oversight. 
You couldn't pay me enough to use an Android phone, even if I wasn't an 
Apple user, because of the numbers of malware infested apps in their 
official marketplace. Extremes are bad. All open is bad…all closed is bad. 
Apple has found a sweet spot that works well, in my opinion.

As I said above, there are infinite shades of gray, and some very good 
reasons why Apple does things the way they do that benefit the users 
directly. There are some decisions that Apple has made that I do not agree 
with, too, but I am able to weigh out these various pros and cons 
individually and determine if the pros still outweigh the cons. They do. 
Just as I don't hate everything Microsoft does, either, though I do not use 
their products on a day-to-day basis.

Ultimately, the main point is whether or not blind gamers are pirating games 
because of philosophical reasons, as you assert. I think that idea is 
ridiculous. I understand that you have some strongly held philosophical 
beliefs of your own, and that's fine…but they do not apply to this 

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Re: [Audyssey] Ten Pin Alley Music?

2013-04-24 Thread Sky Mundell

What program did you use to record these music?

-Original Message- 
From: Draconis

Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 10:09 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Ten Pin Alley Music?

There are actually several different tracks that play on the overhead 
speakers inside Ten Pin Alley. Some written by myself, some by Eric Troup, 
who is one of our voice-actors and sound designers.

We've actually been considering offering these on iTunes and Amazon MP3, 
along with other game music to which we fully own the rights. The tracks in 
question were available on some commercial CD releases a number of years 
ago, but those CD's have since gone out of print.

Is a Draconis Sound Track collection like this something that gamers would 
be interested in?

On Apr 24, 2013, at 12:46 PM, Ibrahim Gucukoglu 

Hi Josh.

I was wondering if you could tell me what the background music playing in 
Ten Pin Alley was or is?  It appears to be a piece of music with a vocal 
track, however its so far behind the actionary audio that its difficult 
for me to make anything out and Shazam, my mobile music recogniser cant 
give me a tagged match.  If the music is available for download anywhere 
or can be purchased then I’d like a copy.

All the best, Ibrahim.
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Re: [Audyssey] Ten Pin Alley Music?

2013-04-24 Thread Bryan Peterson

Probably actual equipment would be my guess.

But thou must!
-Original Message- 
From: Sky Mundell

Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 12:48 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Ten Pin Alley Music?

What program did you use to record these music?

-Original Message- 
From: Draconis

Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 10:09 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Ten Pin Alley Music?

There are actually several different tracks that play on the overhead
speakers inside Ten Pin Alley. Some written by myself, some by Eric Troup,
who is one of our voice-actors and sound designers.

We've actually been considering offering these on iTunes and Amazon MP3,
along with other game music to which we fully own the rights. The tracks in
question were available on some commercial CD releases a number of years
ago, but those CD's have since gone out of print.

Is a Draconis Sound Track collection like this something that gamers would
be interested in?

On Apr 24, 2013, at 12:46 PM, Ibrahim Gucukoglu

Hi Josh.

I was wondering if you could tell me what the background music playing in 
Ten Pin Alley was or is?  It appears to be a piece of music with a vocal 
track, however its so far behind the actionary audio that its difficult 
for me to make anything out and Shazam, my mobile music recogniser cant 
give me a tagged match.  If the music is available for download anywhere 
or can be purchased then I’d like a copy.

All the best, Ibrahim.
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Re: [Audyssey] Ten Pin Alley Music?

2013-04-24 Thread Draconis
All of the Ten Pin Alley music tracks were recorded in a full recording studio 
in Anaheim, California. Several of them appeared on the Hearts in Action 
charity CD, which occasionally show sup on eBay.

On Apr 24, 2013, at 2:48 PM, Sky Mundell wrote:

 What program did you use to record these music?
 -Original Message- From: Draconis
 Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 10:09 AM
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Ten Pin Alley Music?
 There are actually several different tracks that play on the overhead 
 speakers inside Ten Pin Alley. Some written by myself, some by Eric Troup, 
 who is one of our voice-actors and sound designers.
 We've actually been considering offering these on iTunes and Amazon MP3, 
 along with other game music to which we fully own the rights. The tracks in 
 question were available on some commercial CD releases a number of years ago, 
 but those CD's have since gone out of print.
 Is a Draconis Sound Track collection like this something that gamers would be 
 interested in?
 On Apr 24, 2013, at 12:46 PM, Ibrahim Gucukoglu 
 Hi Josh.
 I was wondering if you could tell me what the background music playing in 
 Ten Pin Alley was or is?  It appears to be a piece of music with a vocal 
 track, however its so far behind the actionary audio that its difficult for 
 me to make anything out and Shazam, my mobile music recogniser cant give me 
 a tagged match.  If the music is available for download anywhere or can be 
 purchased then I’d like a copy.
 All the best, Ibrahim.
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[Audyssey] the nightjar is now in the app store

2013-04-24 Thread Charles Rivard
For those who have been waiting, the subject line says it all.  The cost?  Just 
under $5 US currency.

If guns kill people, writing implements cause grammatical and spelling errors!
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[Audyssey] BGT quick note

2013-04-24 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi once again,

With my usual good fortune, I discoverd just a couple of hours after release 
that I used the wrong compiler settings. This resulted in the binary size 
being much greater than it needed to be. If you download the installer 
again, you will get the proper version. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall 

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Re: [Audyssey] Ten Pin Alley Music?

2013-04-24 Thread Ibrahim Gucukoglu

Hi Josh.

Absolutely, I'd love a copy of the music used in the game.

All the best, Ibrahim.

-Original Message- 
From: Draconis

Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 6:09 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Ten Pin Alley Music?

There are actually several different tracks that play on the overhead 
speakers inside Ten Pin Alley. Some written by myself, some by Eric Troup, 
who is one of our voice-actors and sound designers.

We've actually been considering offering these on iTunes and Amazon MP3, 
along with other game music to which we fully own the rights. The tracks in 
question were available on some commercial CD releases a number of years 
ago, but those CD's have since gone out of print.

Is a Draconis Sound Track collection like this something that gamers would 
be interested in?

On Apr 24, 2013, at 12:46 PM, Ibrahim Gucukoglu 

Hi Josh.

I was wondering if you could tell me what the background music playing in 
Ten Pin Alley was or is?  It appears to be a piece of music with a vocal 
track, however its so far behind the actionary audio that its difficult 
for me to make anything out and Shazam, my mobile music recogniser cant 
give me a tagged match.  If the music is available for download anywhere 
or can be purchased then I’d like a copy.

All the best, Ibrahim.
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Re: [Audyssey] OT: rant about jobs: was Re: Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi all,

Please take this topic off list. It is off topic and has nothing to do
with games.


On 4/24/13, Ken The PionEar wrote:
 This post implies that blind people are lazy and not looking. I recently put

 up my resume at every spa, beauty salon, doctor's office, and so on that was

 in the area. I even went to a few salons. One hair stylist actually had
 heard of me, and said she heard I was the best massage therapist around. I
 was flattered and figured i'd get the job for sure, but did I? No. Not even

 a callback explaining why.
 So what am I going to do, take all my excess money and sue for sexual
 discrimination? After all, nobody wants a man touching their bodies. The
 guys want women, and the women want women. Or should I sue for blindness
 discrimination? I don't think I can satisfactorally prove either case beyond

 the shadow of a doubt.
 My point is that there are blind folks looking for jobs and not finding.
 Yeah, it's easier to stay on SSI, but is it desirable? Is it conscionable?
 Are we getting fat and rich on the system? Absolutely not.
 Check out my games at
 and my music, and that of my band, at .
 If you want to reach me, you can call 419-744-0517, friend me on Facebook,
 (KenWDowney,) or write me at .
 Crazy Ken

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Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.3 Released!

2013-04-24 Thread Ron Kolesar

Please excuse me.
But what does BGT stand for?

Ron and current Leader Dog boz who states
that a service dog beats a cane paws down any day of the week.
-Original Message- 
From: Philip Bennefall

Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 1:15 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.3 Released!

Hi all!

After several months, I feel it is high time for a new BGT release. So here
it comes, packed with changes and improvements that I hope you will all find
useful. In fact, there are so many changes so that I figured I should call
it version 1.3.

Please note that due to the introduction of release and debug builds, you
need to completely uninstall any old version of BGT from your system before
installing this one. Otherwise you will get an old icon lingering in your
program group.

As usual, the change log follows below:

Version 1.3 (revision 1):
* Updated the script interpreter to the latest version which fixes some more
bugs found by users, and adds the following features:
1. The infamous unexpected end of file compilation error now shows a lot
more information.
2. It is now possible to declare several class properties of the same type
on a single line, separated by comma.
3. It is also possible to initialize class properties in their declaration,
rather than having to do it in the constructor.
Note: This means that some obscure scripts, where a child class calls a
method in the parent class that in turn tries to access its members before
its constructor has been called by the child class, will now result in a
null pointer access script runtime error. This happens very rarely, but
should be taken into account if you are upgrading and have scripts that may
potentially reproduce the above scenario.
4. Large scripts will now compile significantly faster, and loading of
precompiled byte code is faster as well.
5. The script compiler no longer implements a default constructor for
classes that define a constructor with arguments. If you want both a default
constructor and a constructor that takes arguments, you must define both of
them explicitly (see the language tutorial for more information).
* Added DLL call support.
* Added the ability to compile scripts either as debug or release builds,
and added documentation to explain the differences (see appendix h).
* Added some basic serialization functions that make it easier to save and
load data from files or from memory.
* Made it possible to serialize and restore the exact state of the random
number generator at any point in time.
* Added an object called combination which contains algorithms to calculate
different types of combinations from an arbitrarily large set of items
(sponsored by Marc Andersen).
* Added a pan property to the tone synth object which affects all
subsequently generated notes.
* Added reverberation to the tone synth object, which is controlled by
various properties.
* Added a new function called is_admin which checks if the program is being
run with administrator priviliges (thanks Liam).
* Added some new functions to force/simulate keystrokes (thanks Nikola).
* Added two new functions (string_base64_encode and string_base64_decode)
which makes it possible to convert binary data to and from a printable,
Ascii compatible representation.
* The keyhook is now automatically uninstalled when the user leaves the game
window, and installed again when the window is reactivated. This is to
prevent lag in certain screen readers when the user is working with an
application other than the game.
* Upgraded to the Visual Studio 2010 compiler, which gives a performance
* Changed it so that initial text that is placed in an input box is selected
automatically when the window appears (thanks Nikola).
* Added a new folder constant (DIRECTORY_MY_DOCUMENTS), see appendix e for
more details (thanks Liam).
* Significantly optimized the way audio files are read, resulting in a great
performance improvement when loading sounds (thanks Aaron).
* Optimized the string_contains function.
* Significantly optimized the internals of the sound_pool include class so
that it now runs much faster.
* Made the script compilation result dialog show the amount of time that the
compilation took.
* Added a speak_to_file method to the tts_voice object (thanks Marc).
* Added a function to hide the game window (thanks Nikola).
* Added the concept of named items to the dynamic_menu include class, making
it easier to figure out what the chosen item is regardless of in what order
the items were added.
* Added a new method to the audio_form class that allows a listbox cursor to
be changed (Thanks Damien).
* Allowed the home and end keys to navigate to the top and bottom of a
listbox in an audio form.
* Fixed a serious bug in the audio subsystem which would cause random
* Fixed a crash which would occur when converting large floating point
numbers to strings (thanks Corey).
* Fixed a bug which would cause the string_split function to 

Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.3 Released!

2013-04-24 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Ron,

It stands for Blastbay Game Toolkit. Better to be descriptive, I figured. 

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: Ron Kolesar

To:; Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 10:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.3 Released!

Please excuse me.
But what does BGT stand for?

Ron and current Leader Dog boz who states
that a service dog beats a cane paws down any day of the week. 

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Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.3 Released!

2013-04-24 Thread Bryan Peterson

Blastbay Game Toolkit.

But thou must!
-Original Message- 
From: Ron Kolesar

Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 2:42 PM
To: Philip Bennefall ; Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.3 Released!

Please excuse me.
But what does BGT stand for?

Ron and current Leader Dog boz who states
that a service dog beats a cane paws down any day of the week.
-Original Message- 
From: Philip Bennefall

Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 1:15 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.3 Released!

Hi all!

After several months, I feel it is high time for a new BGT release. So here
it comes, packed with changes and improvements that I hope you will all find
useful. In fact, there are so many changes so that I figured I should call
it version 1.3.

Please note that due to the introduction of release and debug builds, you
need to completely uninstall any old version of BGT from your system before
installing this one. Otherwise you will get an old icon lingering in your
program group.

As usual, the change log follows below:

Version 1.3 (revision 1):
* Updated the script interpreter to the latest version which fixes some more
bugs found by users, and adds the following features:
1. The infamous unexpected end of file compilation error now shows a lot
more information.
2. It is now possible to declare several class properties of the same type
on a single line, separated by comma.
3. It is also possible to initialize class properties in their declaration,
rather than having to do it in the constructor.
Note: This means that some obscure scripts, where a child class calls a
method in the parent class that in turn tries to access its members before
its constructor has been called by the child class, will now result in a
null pointer access script runtime error. This happens very rarely, but
should be taken into account if you are upgrading and have scripts that may
potentially reproduce the above scenario.
4. Large scripts will now compile significantly faster, and loading of
precompiled byte code is faster as well.
5. The script compiler no longer implements a default constructor for
classes that define a constructor with arguments. If you want both a default
constructor and a constructor that takes arguments, you must define both of
them explicitly (see the language tutorial for more information).
* Added DLL call support.
* Added the ability to compile scripts either as debug or release builds,
and added documentation to explain the differences (see appendix h).
* Added some basic serialization functions that make it easier to save and
load data from files or from memory.
* Made it possible to serialize and restore the exact state of the random
number generator at any point in time.
* Added an object called combination which contains algorithms to calculate
different types of combinations from an arbitrarily large set of items
(sponsored by Marc Andersen).
* Added a pan property to the tone synth object which affects all
subsequently generated notes.
* Added reverberation to the tone synth object, which is controlled by
various properties.
* Added a new function called is_admin which checks if the program is being
run with administrator priviliges (thanks Liam).
* Added some new functions to force/simulate keystrokes (thanks Nikola).
* Added two new functions (string_base64_encode and string_base64_decode)
which makes it possible to convert binary data to and from a printable,
Ascii compatible representation.
* The keyhook is now automatically uninstalled when the user leaves the game
window, and installed again when the window is reactivated. This is to
prevent lag in certain screen readers when the user is working with an
application other than the game.
* Upgraded to the Visual Studio 2010 compiler, which gives a performance
* Changed it so that initial text that is placed in an input box is selected
automatically when the window appears (thanks Nikola).
* Added a new folder constant (DIRECTORY_MY_DOCUMENTS), see appendix e for
more details (thanks Liam).
* Significantly optimized the way audio files are read, resulting in a great
performance improvement when loading sounds (thanks Aaron).
* Optimized the string_contains function.
* Significantly optimized the internals of the sound_pool include class so
that it now runs much faster.
* Made the script compilation result dialog show the amount of time that the
compilation took.
* Added a speak_to_file method to the tts_voice object (thanks Marc).
* Added a function to hide the game window (thanks Nikola).
* Added the concept of named items to the dynamic_menu include class, making
it easier to figure out what the chosen item is regardless of in what order
the items were added.
* Added a new method to the audio_form class that allows a listbox cursor to
be changed (Thanks Damien).
* Allowed the home and end keys to navigate to the top and bottom of a
listbox in an audio form.
* Fixed a serious bug in 

[Audyssey] what's new on cyberassault

2013-04-24 Thread Johnny Tai
-Massive update on the pit fight simulation gambling function in the Ghost
Planet area- more moves, more personality, more fun.
-Massive update of the Terminator zone with larger area, more mobs and
Combo bet testing has begun, and this is from the in-game announcement:

After much anticipation, change 1 of 3 of the new fight system is in place.

With this new update, we have added in combo moves. If you type the command
combo, you will be able

to see the combo moves that you have learned (up to a maximum of 10 for now)
and while we are beta

testing this new change, you will be able to see the last 5 combo moves
you've used during combat.

After you land a successful combo, it will automatically store into your
learned combo moves, this does

not mean you can only perform the first 10 you learn, but you will only be
able to remember on hand those

particular ones. Memory saves to playerfiles, so you will never lose them.
Also after landing a combo,

you will notice combat pause for a second, and then notify you with some
text in correspondence with the

move you have just successfully completed. These combo moves, although right
now do not show the appropriate

damage, will in fact do damage far beyond the damage of normal skills and
psionics, which is also based upon

your characters level.

The other change you might notice, is that all skills now only lag for a
couple of seconds. As we continue

to improve the combat system here at cyberassault, you will see some skills
lag even less over time. But due

to the ability to perform more skills over a shorter period of time, we've
also had to reduce the damage to

balance things out. I'd appreciate your thoughts and concerns in regards to
this, but i think you'll find

overall damage to increase a fair amount.

Also, skills that you use that do not show up on your combo command are
currently not part of the combo code

that i have developed. If you think that a certain skill has been
overlooked, please inform one of the

immortals, and we will begin to brainstorm its use in this combo code. Any
crash bugs or serious bugs

that have been found due to this new code will result in rewards, and as
always, if you have any questions

problems concerns or issues, please let me know.

Thanks, and enjoy!



come see us

port 1


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Re: [Audyssey] game piracy - Re: Giving Away Free Games was Announcement AboutBSCGames

2013-04-24 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Charles,

Well, that certainly is one factor. Although, I haven't been blind my
entire life when I lost my sight I was shocked at the number of blind
people who have an entitlement complex and have a victim mentality.
Its possible it is because of this they assume that a developer should
just give them a game for free and if they don't they will simply
pirate it and claim justification because they are on a fixed income
whatever. However, that's not the whole story though.

As I indicated in another post yesterday there are a number of reasons
why people choose to pirate software. One is certainly cost. If they
don't have the money, can't afford it, for one reason or another they
obviously won't buy it. Due in part to exchange rates a game priced
reasonably at $25 in the U.S. will cost double or triple that in
places like South America. This is a problem because even if the
person would otherwise legally buy it the exchange rates between the
United States and certain countries drives the cost up beyond reason.
Another thing that causes piracy is trade embargos and restrictions
that prevents a U.S. company from selling to a person living in
certain countries. This is often a political decision on behalf of our
respective governments, and since it is illegal for a person living in
said country to purchase said software legally he resorts to piracy.
Finally, some people pirate software because of availability.
Sometimes developers don't offer demos of their software or the
software is hard to obtain legally. So piracy becomes an alternative
method for obtaining the software.

For example, lets use the Bavisoft games as an example here. Thanks to
the business model they use there is no way for an interested customer
to download and evaluate a demo of the games. They might choose to
download a pirated copy instead in order to decide if they want to
purchase a legal copy. Unfortunately, if they get the game for free
chances are they won't buy it because they have a full working copy
anyway. A case where a demo would have been worth Bavisoft's time to

The point I want to make here there are all kinds of reasons for
pirating software and while I think entitlement is certainly part of
it its not the entire story. There are many other reasons to take in
account as well.


On 4/24/13, Charles Rivard wrote:
 I may be wrong, but I think that blind people pirate games because they want

 stuff for free.  Some consider it a challenge to see if they can crack a
 game's security.  In short, they pirate for the same reason that sighted
 pirates do it.  There is the added reasoning that the unemployed blind gamer

 cannot afford the game like a sighted employed gamer can, and, in part,
 because they have led a sheltered life through being given whatever they
 wanted by loving but misguided parents and relatives, they expect to get
 what they want, when they want it, no exceptions.  This last reason is also

 why I think we see the impatient gamers whine if a game was expected to be
 released today but, although it is only noon, it isn't in their hands.

 If guns kill people, writing implements cause grammatical and spelling

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Re: [Audyssey] game piracy - Re: Giving Away Free Games was Announcement AboutBSCGames

2013-04-24 Thread Charles Rivard

good valid points.

If guns kill people, writing implements cause grammatical and spelling 
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 4:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] game piracy - Re: Giving Away Free Games was 
Announcement AboutBSCGames

Hi Charles,

Well, that certainly is one factor. Although, I haven't been blind my
entire life when I lost my sight I was shocked at the number of blind
people who have an entitlement complex and have a victim mentality.
Its possible it is because of this they assume that a developer should
just give them a game for free and if they don't they will simply
pirate it and claim justification because they are on a fixed income
whatever. However, that's not the whole story though.

As I indicated in another post yesterday there are a number of reasons
why people choose to pirate software. One is certainly cost. If they
don't have the money, can't afford it, for one reason or another they
obviously won't buy it. Due in part to exchange rates a game priced
reasonably at $25 in the U.S. will cost double or triple that in
places like South America. This is a problem because even if the
person would otherwise legally buy it the exchange rates between the
United States and certain countries drives the cost up beyond reason.
Another thing that causes piracy is trade embargos and restrictions
that prevents a U.S. company from selling to a person living in
certain countries. This is often a political decision on behalf of our
respective governments, and since it is illegal for a person living in
said country to purchase said software legally he resorts to piracy.
Finally, some people pirate software because of availability.
Sometimes developers don't offer demos of their software or the
software is hard to obtain legally. So piracy becomes an alternative
method for obtaining the software.

For example, lets use the Bavisoft games as an example here. Thanks to
the business model they use there is no way for an interested customer
to download and evaluate a demo of the games. They might choose to
download a pirated copy instead in order to decide if they want to
purchase a legal copy. Unfortunately, if they get the game for free
chances are they won't buy it because they have a full working copy
anyway. A case where a demo would have been worth Bavisoft's time to

The point I want to make here there are all kinds of reasons for
pirating software and while I think entitlement is certainly part of
it its not the entire story. There are many other reasons to take in
account as well.


On 4/24/13, Charles Rivard wrote:
I may be wrong, but I think that blind people pirate games because they 

stuff for free.  Some consider it a challenge to see if they can crack a
game's security.  In short, they pirate for the same reason that sighted
pirates do it.  There is the added reasoning that the unemployed blind 

cannot afford the game like a sighted employed gamer can, and, in part,
because they have led a sheltered life through being given whatever they
wanted by loving but misguided parents and relatives, they expect to get
what they want, when they want it, no exceptions.  This last reason is 

why I think we see the impatient gamers whine if a game was expected to 

released today but, although it is only noon, it isn't in their hands.

If guns kill people, writing implements cause grammatical and spelling

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Re: [Audyssey] More on hardware keys was: Re: An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dallas,

Agreed. I feel internet activation is really the best method for
cracking down on piracy while not being too restrictive. A MySQL
database can be set up to track how many times the software has been
registered, and if a person buys a new PC they can un register the
copy on their old PC before installing it on the new PC. Of course,
there are exceptions to this such as a serious hardware failure like a
dead motherboard, hard drive dies, etc where it might not be possible
to un register the old system unless the games security can be setup
to do that. Still, if a game is limited to say three  unlock codes and
he or she has one on their laptop or desktop they might think twice
about using their remaining unlock code on a friends PC.  Using
internet activation in this case is far less restrictive than hardware
authorizations and yet offers a high degree of security.


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Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement AboutBSCGames

2013-04-24 Thread James Bartlett

Hello Jim

   I'm in the same boat as you. that is why when I get better at programing 
I'll be sharing the games I right for free. It's always better to do 
something for fun then be persherd for time or the fact that the game that 
You wrote this time might not be as good as the last one. then you have to 
cut your losses andtry to sevive on what ever you made on this one, and hope 
that the next one is better.


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Re: [Audyssey] More on hardware keys was: Re: An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

Exactly. That's why I wanted to make it clear that there are many
reasons why people pirate software. Yes, some blind people have an
entitlement attitude, but certainly not everyone. Sometimes if the
circumstances were different it  might change some people's minds
about pirating the software.

Take for example the issue of how much a game costs. A lot of blind
people are on government benefits and may think that paying $30 for a
certain game is too high. Now, if that developer drops the price to
$20 for the Christmas season it might encourage a few people to buy a
legal copy because he game is now more affordable than it was before.
They might not be willing to pay $30 but might be willing to pay $20
on that title.

The point being once a developer finds out the reasons behind the
piracy he or she can change some of the circumstances for the piracy
and encourage some of those would be pirates into buying copies
legally. Think the software is too high here is a discount for this
month only. Can't buy the software because the exchange rates are too
high lets setup a special one time sale at a reduced price that is
affordable. Can't legally buy the software because you live in Iran or
some place like that. Let's look at our options and see if there is a
legal way to buy, sell, or trade for that software. Bottom line,
piracy has a cause and if we can remove that cause, whatever it may
be, then both parties will be satisfied.


On 4/24/13, dark wrote:
 Hi Tom.

 this was exactly my point. if a person is going to pirate something they are

 going to pirate it anyway, where as the reverse is true. i particularly like

 your idea of developers talking to customers in countries like Iran, since
 that is something which has come up before, indeed I can think of an
 occasion jason Alan did this on the entombed list and a way around was
 worked out.

 This is why I myself choose to pay for software and audio from indi
 developers because! I want to support them, even if I could get pirated
 versions elsewhere.

 this also tracks into what I was saying about the community, and an attitude

 I've noticed among some people to tar everyone with the same brush and
 assume that just because some dishonest git thinks it's okay to pirate
 software from indi developers, and justifies this because they're living on

 government bennifits and can't be arsed to save money, doesn't mean everyone

 does or that that is a prevailing attitude in the vi gaming community.

 Any community is made up of individuals, and naturally some will be good,
 some bad, but one truth that studdying ethics has taught me is that all
 generalizations are wrong :d.

 Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] More on hardware keys was: Re: An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread Stephen
I hate the 3 strikes rule.  I had several instances where my computer 
kept on giving me a delayed write failure error.  I kept replacing 
component after component, hard drives, CDrom, Ram etc, but the error 
still kept on happening.  I kept having to reactivate jaws because my 
license kept being deactivated due to all the constant hardware 
changes.  Freedom scifi got very very iffy with me when I kept having 
to ask for reset codes to stop the 40 minute demo and get my license 
back again.
Eventually we tried replacing the power supply, this time it got rid 
of the delayed write failure error, but again, my license got 
deactivated again.

At 07:28 AM 4/25/2013, you wrote:

Hi Dallas,

Agreed. I feel internet activation is really the best method for
cracking down on piracy while not being too restrictive. A MySQL
database can be set up to track how many times the software has been
registered, and if a person buys a new PC they can un register the
copy on their old PC before installing it on the new PC. Of course,
there are exceptions to this such as a serious hardware failure like a
dead motherboard, hard drive dies, etc where it might not be possible
to un register the old system unless the games security can be setup
to do that. Still, if a game is limited to say three  unlock codes and
he or she has one on their laptop or desktop they might think twice
about using their remaining unlock code on a friends PC.  Using
internet activation in this case is far less restrictive than hardware
authorizations and yet offers a high degree of security.


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Re: [Audyssey] More on hardware keys was: Re: An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread Bryan Peterson
That's one of the major reasons why I don't use the Shark anymore. Once you 
buy Window-Eyes you can install it on as many machines as you want/need to. 
True you still have to renew your SMA from time to time but GW Micro doesn't 
crank out new releases nearly as often as Greedom does, so you don't have to 
renew your SMA that often. As for internet activation I like how Jason does 
it with Entombed. You just install the game on a new machine and then log 
into your account and it'll activate the game.

But thou must!
-Original Message- 
From: Stephen

Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 3:45 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] More on hardware keys was: Re: An Announcement 
Regarding BSC Games

I hate the 3 strikes rule.  I had several instances where my computer
kept on giving me a delayed write failure error.  I kept replacing
component after component, hard drives, CDrom, Ram etc, but the error
still kept on happening.  I kept having to reactivate jaws because my
license kept being deactivated due to all the constant hardware
changes.  Freedom scifi got very very iffy with me when I kept having
to ask for reset codes to stop the 40 minute demo and get my license
back again.
Eventually we tried replacing the power supply, this time it got rid
of the delayed write failure error, but again, my license got
deactivated again.

At 07:28 AM 4/25/2013, you wrote:

Hi Dallas,

Agreed. I feel internet activation is really the best method for
cracking down on piracy while not being too restrictive. A MySQL
database can be set up to track how many times the software has been
registered, and if a person buys a new PC they can un register the
copy on their old PC before installing it on the new PC. Of course,
there are exceptions to this such as a serious hardware failure like a
dead motherboard, hard drive dies, etc where it might not be possible
to un register the old system unless the games security can be setup
to do that. Still, if a game is limited to say three  unlock codes and
he or she has one on their laptop or desktop they might think twice
about using their remaining unlock code on a friends PC.  Using
internet activation in this case is far less restrictive than hardware
authorizations and yet offers a high degree of security.


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Re: [Audyssey] More on hardware keys was: Re: An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread Desiree Oudinot
That happened to me when I installed more Ram into this machine I'm
currently running, too. Luckily, it was a one-time deal, and FS didn't
question why I needed a new license key, but you can imagine my
disappointment when I found out that you can only have a certain
amount of RAM on a 32 bit system.

On 4/24/13, Stephen wrote:
 I hate the 3 strikes rule.  I had several instances where my computer
 kept on giving me a delayed write failure error.  I kept replacing
 component after component, hard drives, CDrom, Ram etc, but the error
 still kept on happening.  I kept having to reactivate jaws because my
 license kept being deactivated due to all the constant hardware
 changes.  Freedom scifi got very very iffy with me when I kept having
 to ask for reset codes to stop the 40 minute demo and get my license
 back again.
 Eventually we tried replacing the power supply, this time it got rid
 of the delayed write failure error, but again, my license got
 deactivated again.

 At 07:28 AM 4/25/2013, you wrote:
Hi Dallas,

Agreed. I feel internet activation is really the best method for
cracking down on piracy while not being too restrictive. A MySQL
database can be set up to track how many times the software has been
registered, and if a person buys a new PC they can un register the
copy on their old PC before installing it on the new PC. Of course,
there are exceptions to this such as a serious hardware failure like a
dead motherboard, hard drive dies, etc where it might not be possible
to un register the old system unless the games security can be setup
to do that. Still, if a game is limited to say three  unlock codes and
he or she has one on their laptop or desktop they might think twice
about using their remaining unlock code on a friends PC.  Using
internet activation in this case is far less restrictive than hardware
authorizations and yet offers a high degree of security.


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Re: [Audyssey] More on hardware keys was: Re: An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread Desiree Oudinot
Another thing I was thinking is that some people might think that a
game is priced too high for what it is. For example, we now have RS
Games, the playroom, and Blind Adrenaline, not to mention all the
single-player card and board games that Jim Kitchen has developed.
When a person looks at All In Play, they might think that the price is
outrageous, even though All in Play has anagrams and that other word
game whose name I can't remember, since I haven't played their games
in a very long time. While this is the most prominent example I can
think of, and, frankly, I do think that most other commercial audio
games are fairly priced, this is just another mindset to consider.
Your suggestions for attracting new customers and keeping existing
ones are sound, in my opinion. I just wanted to point out the very
real possibility that some people might take a look at a game like
Pipe or Troopanum and think that the price is unbalanced, particularly
if we're talking about people who perhaps recently lost their site and
need to adjust to the obviously different and often simpler world of
audio games.

On 4/24/13, Thomas Ward wrote:
 Hi Dark,

 Exactly. That's why I wanted to make it clear that there are many
 reasons why people pirate software. Yes, some blind people have an
 entitlement attitude, but certainly not everyone. Sometimes if the
 circumstances were different it  might change some people's minds
 about pirating the software.

 Take for example the issue of how much a game costs. A lot of blind
 people are on government benefits and may think that paying $30 for a
 certain game is too high. Now, if that developer drops the price to
 $20 for the Christmas season it might encourage a few people to buy a
 legal copy because he game is now more affordable than it was before.
 They might not be willing to pay $30 but might be willing to pay $20
 on that title.

 The point being once a developer finds out the reasons behind the
 piracy he or she can change some of the circumstances for the piracy
 and encourage some of those would be pirates into buying copies
 legally. Think the software is too high here is a discount for this
 month only. Can't buy the software because the exchange rates are too
 high lets setup a special one time sale at a reduced price that is
 affordable. Can't legally buy the software because you live in Iran or
 some place like that. Let's look at our options and see if there is a
 legal way to buy, sell, or trade for that software. Bottom line,
 piracy has a cause and if we can remove that cause, whatever it may
 be, then both parties will be satisfied.


 On 4/24/13, dark wrote:
 Hi Tom.

 this was exactly my point. if a person is going to pirate something they

 going to pirate it anyway, where as the reverse is true. i particularly

 your idea of developers talking to customers in countries like Iran,
 that is something which has come up before, indeed I can think of an
 occasion jason Alan did this on the entombed list and a way around was
 worked out.

 This is why I myself choose to pay for software and audio from indi
 developers because! I want to support them, even if I could get pirated
 versions elsewhere.

 this also tracks into what I was saying about the community, and an

 I've noticed among some people to tar everyone with the same brush and
 assume that just because some dishonest git thinks it's okay to pirate
 software from indi developers, and justifies this because they're living

 government bennifits and can't be arsed to save money, doesn't mean

 does or that that is a prevailing attitude in the vi gaming community.

 Any community is made up of individuals, and naturally some will be good,
 some bad, but one truth that studdying ethics has taught me is that all
 generalizations are wrong :d.

 Beware the grue!


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[Audyssey] THe Draconis Scoreboards now and in the future

2013-04-24 Thread Draconis
Hello all,

The scoreboards should be fully available and operational now, as the new DNS 
settings should have propagated across the Internet. As we stated previously, 
the boards will reset on the first of every month, and we'll be watching them 
to see how much gamers are actually using the service. If you want scoreboard 
support to be part of the new Draconis game engine, and therefore part of 
future game titles, this is the way to show us.

We are also looking at other ways to expand the competition experience, by 
possible offering badges for achievements not he scoreboards, ways to challenge 
your friends, or to filter the boards to see only a top ten of your friends' 
scores. Are these features gamers would be interested in? Are there other 
things gamers would like to see.

Any future support would only apply to games developed with the new game 
engine, and is not likely to appear for quite some time, as the type of 
features we are considering would take some time to implement.

We welcome your feedback.

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Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement AboutBSCGames

2013-04-24 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

I've got a few comments here I think need to be voiced as it seems you
and I have some serious intellectual differences in the way we view
economics and business in general, and I don't think it is possible to
have an intelligent discussion until those differences are voiced.

I know that you have a deep interest in philosophy and have a
doctorate in philosophical studies. As a result a lot of your comments
are theoretical discussions of ethics of what people should and should
not do, but shows a complete unawareness of the practical side of
business and economics in a capitalist society.

For example, you asked why audio books cost five to ten times the
print original even when purchased digitally. Well, in many cases
audio books, at least in the United States, aren't nearly that high. A
service like /Audible sells digital versions of audio books for only a
few dollars more than the print paperback or hardback book it is based
on. I don't think paying $5 extra for an accessible audio book is
anything serious to  complain about. If you are really paying five to
10 times for an audio book then perhaps you are getting them from the
wrong place. However, the basic reason audio books cost more than
print books is the company producing it has to pay the narrator
reading the book, they have to pay the sound engineers recording the
book, and they have to pay someone to do the post production of the
digital copy such as editing, mixing, etc.  If it is available on a
site like Audible they have to charge a bit for hard drive space to
store all their audio books as well as pay for bandwidth because every
internet download isn't free. Someone has to pay for the bandwidth and
transfer fees. Point being there are all kinds of costs involved in
converting that print book into a digital audio book which you have
not taken into consideration.

The point I want to make here is simply that all too often you voice
some very strong opinions towards companies essentially accusing them
for being greedy and immoral when not taking into consideration the
practical and very rational reasons for charging what they do for
their products and services. Often times in order for a company to
turn a profit they have to be able to pay all of their employees
salaries, health care benefits, as well as any other operating costs
which may effect the cost of the final product. That's just how it
works in business. You have to spend money to make money.

Anyway, as far as developers who want to be semi-professional or
professional appearing impersonal I disagree. I believe a person can
be quite professional while not being too impersonal if they want to
have that sort of image. After all, what exactly is considered
professional here?

To me being professional is developing stable software to the best of
my abilities and not selling my customers sloppily written and poorly
designed software. To me being professional is offering prompt email
or phone service for a product I sold them within reason of course.
Being professional might be kindly turning down a suggestion someone
gives without being mean or nasty about it. In other words to me being
professional is simply having good business ethics and has nothing to
do with being impersonal or aloof.

Of course, there is a big difference between the way a small business
like USA Games runs our business and the way someone like Nintendo,
Sony, or Capcom run their businesses. Major corporations like Sony,
Capcom, Nintendo, Microsoft, etc have millions of customers all over
the world. No one person can deal with the sheer number of customers
complaints, suggestions, questions, etc so they hire people to fulfill
those duties. Unfortunately, that does often result in the personnel
being impersonal, and unable to do anything about certain policies
like accessibility because you aren't speaking to the management
directly. With a company like USA Games most of the messages go
directly to myself or in the case of sales my wife might take over and
process the orders. However, since it is a company of two its not
difficult to reach the owner, yours truly, which makes a big
difference. Then again, I only expect to have maybe a thousand
customers tops instead of the millions that Nintendo, Sony, etc have
to deal with. Major difference there, and since I have less customers
to deal with I can afford to be on this list and chat with customers


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Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement AboutBSCGames

2013-04-24 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Josh,

Well said. I don't think I could have stated that any better than you
already have.

As you pointed out the world is made up of infinite shades of gray,
and extremes of any kind are always bad for the end user. I've
experienced this often enough in my own life to know this to be true.
The problem is that people who see things in shades of black and white
can not see the errors in their own thinking.

Anyway, when it comes to the issue of piracy I definitely don't think
people pirate software simply out of some philosophical reason. There
are more often as not some circumstantial reasons for the piracy that
may even seem justified once they are known. Those reasons may not be
justifiable from an ethics point of view, but certainly are
justifiable from the pirates viewpoint. It would be in our best
interests as developers to discover those reasons and see what if
anything we can do about addressing them..


On 4/24/13, Draconis wrote:

 It actually is very much related to games, as we were talking about the
 reasons for audio game piracy. In your eagerness to offer philosophical
 talking points, you entirely missed the point I was making. Hence why I
 referenced Android as well.

 The days of small and individual developers creating and designing games and
 apps is returning with a vengeance, not *just* on Apple platforms, but on
 others as well.

 Distribution has never been free. This is simply ignorance. Before the
 Internet, one needed to produce physical discs, be that floppies or optical
 discs, to sell games. Later, the Internet came along, and one must purchase
 server space and bandwidth to host titles for download, pay for credit card
 transaction services, and so on. These things are neither free, nor cheap.

 The overhead is actually more expensive for us to offer Windows titles that
 Mac or iOS ones with Apple's fee.

 Plenty of non-profit organizations are just as bad or worse than
 corporations, so that does not solve the problem either.

 And, not all corporations are evil. The world is not made up of black and
 white. It is rendered in infinite shades of gray.

 I do think you need to, whether you agree with them or not, become more
 educated on Apple's models if you're going to try to debate the merits of
 them. Apple does not exercise a complete control model, as you put it.
 This is a common misconception usually banded about by folks in Microsoft's
 or Android/Linux camps, and is based on a number of falsehoods and/or

 Apple is a huge contributor to open source, for instance. Both webkit and
 the Darwin projects were spearheaded by Apple, and indeed, many of Apple's
 competitors freely use webkit in competing products.

 The Mac is not locked down in the way that iOS is. Android is swamped with
 malware because of the open model it employs with virtually no oversight.
 You couldn't pay me enough to use an Android phone, even if I wasn't an
 Apple user, because of the numbers of malware infested apps in their
 official marketplace. Extremes are bad. All open is bad…all closed is bad.
 Apple has found a sweet spot that works well, in my opinion.

 As I said above, there are infinite shades of gray, and some very good
 reasons why Apple does things the way they do that benefit the users
 directly. There are some decisions that Apple has made that I do not agree
 with, too, but I am able to weigh out these various pros and cons
 individually and determine if the pros still outweigh the cons. They do.
 Just as I don't hate everything Microsoft does, either, though I do not use
 their products on a day-to-day basis.

 Ultimately, the main point is whether or not blind gamers are pirating games
 because of philosophical reasons, as you assert. I think that idea is
 ridiculous. I understand that you have some strongly held philosophical
 beliefs of your own, and that's fine…but they do not apply to this

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Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement AboutBSCGames

2013-04-24 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

Actually, this does very much relate to games since the issue is
distribution of products weather it be games, audio books, music, or
anything else. The problem here is that you have an incorrect
perception of Apple's model and charged ahead with your philosophical
talking points without considering the reasons for that model.

First, I think it needs to be said Apple doesn't have an absolute
control model as you stated below. I'll admit the distribution model
they use  for their iOS devices is more restrictive than for Android
or Windows, but all and all it is a good thing for developers and end
users. Apple insures that their software on the App Store is free of
viruses, is reasonably stable, and meets certain standards and
requirements. The end result is you get a good solid product and don't
have to worry about your iPhone or iPad being loaded with malware.

The same can't be said for Windows or Android devices. Android takes
the other extreme of being completely open and what Josh said is all
too true. A person has to be very careful what they buy, download, and
install on their Android device because viruses and other malware is
running rampant. Plus apps can range from very good to being very bad
because there is vary little oversight of what is being released for
the device. While Windows isn't as open as Android its track record
with viruses, Trojans, worms, and other nasty pieces of malware is

The point being here is that Apple's oversight of what software is
sold for their iOS devices is generally a good thing, and still
doesn't give them absolute control. People can, if they wish,
jailbreak the device and install anything they want on it. If they
want to run that risk they can, but obviously Apple can't be held
accountable for anything that happens if someone is running a
jailbroke device.

It might also be important to remind you that Apple doesn't have the
same policy for Mac OS X as they have for iOS. Its much easier and
less restrictive for a third-party developer to write software for Mac
OS than iOS if they want to. They don't have to use the App Store for
Mac OS, but there will be many benefits for the developer if they did
use the Apple App
Store rather than trying to distribute the software on their own.

Second, I am not convinced non-profit organizations is the answer
either for two reasons. In order to exist the people running the
non-profit organization must get money through donations or by some
other means in order to continue running the organization in the first
place. Non-profit organizations must make money just like commercial
businesses so they can pay their employees unless you suggest that
people work for free. Besides that some non-profit organizations can
be as crooked and dirty as any corporation, and I'm just not convinced
they can be as  neutral as you suggest.


On 4/24/13, dark wrote:
 Hi josh.

 i'm afraid I disagree on distribution completely, since if you look at the
 markup that goes into prophit, even for something with little to no cost it

 is unbelieveable. i would be quite happy paying individual people, it is
 paying massive companies that I disagree with.

 i do agree amazon mp3 and the like are good ways of paying individual
 musicians, but they still only cover a certain percentage of what happens,
 also I am not absolutely convinced by apple's absolute control model since
 if Apple doesn't think what you've got will sell, well tough. While paying a

 small percentage to apple for ful distribution digitally is better than
 paying a record company, it is still not ideal and still leaves far too much

 control in the hands of one organization, and just! on that organizations

 while I know you are huge fans of everything Apple, I myself am a little too

 suspect of company motivations when they have that level of control.
 Microsoft were bad enough, but at least distribution was comparatively free.

 Myself, I'm not convinced fair distribution method will ever be achieved
 until it is controled by a none prophit organization so that individuals
 can! get paid for their work directly without massive markup going to the
 middle men.

 Since however this discussion is distinctly not related to games we'd better


 All the best,


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Re: [Audyssey] More on hardware keys was: Re: An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread shaun everiss

yeah cloud based activation is the way to go anyway.

At 09:53 AM 4/25/2013, you wrote:
That's one of the major reasons why I don't use the Shark anymore. 
Once you buy Window-Eyes you can install it on as many machines as 
you want/need to. True you still have to renew your SMA from time to 
time but GW Micro doesn't crank out new releases nearly as often as 
Greedom does, so you don't have to renew your SMA that often. As for 
internet activation I like how Jason does it with Entombed. You just 
install the game on a new machine and then log into your account and 
it'll activate the game.

But thou must!
-Original Message- From: Stephen
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 3:45 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] More on hardware keys was: Re: An 
Announcement Regarding BSC Games

I hate the 3 strikes rule.  I had several instances where my computer
kept on giving me a delayed write failure error.  I kept replacing
component after component, hard drives, CDrom, Ram etc, but the error
still kept on happening.  I kept having to reactivate jaws because my
license kept being deactivated due to all the constant hardware
changes.  Freedom scifi got very very iffy with me when I kept having
to ask for reset codes to stop the 40 minute demo and get my license
back again.
Eventually we tried replacing the power supply, this time it got rid
of the delayed write failure error, but again, my license got
deactivated again.

At 07:28 AM 4/25/2013, you wrote:

Hi Dallas,

Agreed. I feel internet activation is really the best method for
cracking down on piracy while not being too restrictive. A MySQL
database can be set up to track how many times the software has been
registered, and if a person buys a new PC they can un register the
copy on their old PC before installing it on the new PC. Of course,
there are exceptions to this such as a serious hardware failure like a
dead motherboard, hard drive dies, etc where it might not be possible
to un register the old system unless the games security can be setup
to do that. Still, if a game is limited to say three  unlock codes and
he or she has one on their laptop or desktop they might think twice
about using their remaining unlock code on a friends PC.  Using
internet activation in this case is far less restrictive than hardware
authorizations and yet offers a high degree of security.


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Re: [Audyssey] More on hardware keys was: Re: An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shaun,

I think you are comparing apples to oranges here. Jaws Internet
activation is still based on hardware authorization and if you change
memory, CD ROM, etc it will cause Jaws to deactivate. What I was
talking about is merely keeping track of three installations of the
software which can be on three different machines you own with no
hardware authorization required.


On 4/24/13, Stephen wrote:
 I hate the 3 strikes rule.  I had several instances where my computer
 kept on giving me a delayed write failure error.  I kept replacing
 component after component, hard drives, CDrom, Ram etc, but the error
 still kept on happening.  I kept having to reactivate jaws because my
 license kept being deactivated due to all the constant hardware
 changes.  Freedom scifi got very very iffy with me when I kept having
 to ask for reset codes to stop the 40 minute demo and get my license
 back again.
 Eventually we tried replacing the power supply, this time it got rid
 of the delayed write failure error, but again, my license got
 deactivated again.

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Re: [Audyssey] More on hardware keys was: Re: An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Desiree,

To be specific 32-bit operating systems like XP can only support up to
4 GB of ram. A 64-bit OS like Windows 7 supports up to 128 GB of ram.
Big difference. :D


On 4/24/13, Desiree Oudinot wrote:
 That happened to me when I installed more Ram into this machine I'm
 currently running, too. Luckily, it was a one-time deal, and FS didn't
 question why I needed a new license key, but you can imagine my
 disappointment when I found out that you can only have a certain
 amount of RAM on a 32 bit system.

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Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement AboutBSCGames

2013-04-24 Thread Cara Quinn
Hi dark,

I won't go into all of the points I'd been planning on addressing below, 
because Josh and Thomas have pretty much already covered that ground quite 

However, I will comment / question a few points below.


Cara :)
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On Apr 24, 2013, at 8:03 AM, dark wrote:

HI josh.

I freely admit my knolidge of apple's business structure is not exact,

CQ Regarding your comments on Apple pretty much saying definitively what you 
can and cannot sell through iTunes and the App Store, this is not true.

While Apple does have a set of guidelines for the App Store, in regard to 
music, this is simply not the case. It's very easy to get tracks posted to the 
iTunes store.

In regard to apps, Apple's Human Interface Guidelines are freely readable and 
give any developer / potential developer really good ideas of where to go in 
the process of creating / developing their apps for the public to be released 
on the App Store. Go by these guidelines and you can pretty much guarantee 
approval for your app…

though even from owning an Iphone I can draw conclusions. I do not say all 
coorporations are evil, they are simply in pursuit of prophit which, as marx 
stated is a none moral system from which you cannot derive morality, 

CQ Are you saying here that because someone (or many someones) may be rewarded 
for adding to the lives of people either by creating / producing / distributing 
a product or service that this is immoral? Do the processes of distribution 
which allow you to receive food, clothing and services contribute nothing good 
or positive to your existence or that of others? -Because some people may try 
to use the system to get more than they might, that surely does not make the 
system as a whole an immoral endeavor. Please tell me I'm misunderstanding you 
here?… :)

and what concerns me as a moral objection is A, the practices, B, the denial of 
freedom, and C, the actual markup gained by distribution services. you are 
absolutely correct that the internet should! give an easy method for 
distribution, yet why is it still the case that many audio books (even when 
unabridged), are five or ten times more than print originals? even when bought 
digitally. The same goes for music, 

CQ I think Josh and Thomas have really said this best already so I won't 
continue that… :)

ultimately prices are jacked up by people because they can, and it is those 
people, the publishers, distributors and other hangers on whome I, and indeed 
others do not respect, 

CQ Again with the superlatives… Do you honestly feel that everyone and every 
company involved in the supply chain for products and services in western 
society is in it to cheat the consumer?

Let's assume for a minute that I'm correct in my assumptions here, (though I 
hope I'm not) :) What if we apply this logic to the audio game so-called 
industry; Are you saying that someone whom is perhaps a one-person shop should 
not charge anything above the mere costs they incur so that they can be at all 
rewarded for the time and effort they put in to develop games for you? 
Everything in a supply chain, even if it is accomplished all by one person, 
takes time, energy and effort to make it work. All this requires money or 
barter or some sort of reward. Would you agree?…

What I'm wondering is why or how, this somehow evolves into a 'corporations are 
bad' type of attitude?

rather than the individual creators behind books, software, music etc.

CQ There are many people who put time and effort into creating these products. 
Just because there are more people involved in a process does not automatically 
make that process bad and one where only only one person is involved, a good 
and moral process. YOu've said, yourself, that drawing generalizations really 
doesn't work…

Getting this back to games and software however, my point was simply that 
people's general attitudes to coorporations is a lot worse than that towards 
individuals. This is a general moral point, 

CQ generalizations…

look at for example the amount of charities who get your money by appealing not 
to over all economic figures, but to individual stories of suffering in a given 
People empathize with other people, it's a bsic psychological traite.

therefore, if developers, rather than appearing ass! simply a faceless 
organization show themselves to actually be individuals, there is a proportion 
of people who will pay for products on that basis.

CQ This has not played out even in recent history here on this list. Everybody 
knows Justin Daubinmire is a single individual with a small development 
business. This hasn't stopped everyone and their brother running him down, 
publicly humiliating and challenging his credibility just because he made a 
decision they didn't like. What this looks more like to me, is that many people 

[Audyssey] Super Deek out

2013-04-24 Thread Curt Taubert
Hi, I was told I have 8 days of the demo.  However when I went to 
register and, hit on copy product id, and hit yes, it took me to some 
sight that said, related searches.

Curt Taubert
skype: curt_taubert
twitter: curt78Curt Taubert

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Re: [Audyssey] Dice

2013-04-24 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Christina,

No, not really. As I've stated before I have a standard set of six
sided dice with braille labels on them and it doesn't effect rolling
them. The braille labels doesn't really add much weight to each side
of the dice in question. Certainly not enough to counter act the force
of a decent roll onto a game board  or table.


On 4/24/13, Christina wrote:
 But wouldn't sticking on Braille labels effect the die's balance when
 rolling it?

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Re: [Audyssey] Super Deek out

2013-04-24 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Curt,

Just download and install the patch for the game. That will get rid of
the need to register the game.


On 4/24/13, Curt Taubert wrote:
 Hi, I was told I have 8 days of the demo.  However when I went to
 register and, hit on copy product id, and hit yes, it took me to some
 sight that said, related searches.

 Curt Taubert
 skype: curt_taubert
 twitter: curt78Curt Taubert

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Re: [Audyssey] More on hardware keys was: Re: An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread Desiree Oudinot
Yeah, I found that out the hard way, unfortunately. now i've got 8gb
of useless Ram sitting in my computer.

On 4/24/13, Thomas Ward wrote:
 Hi Desiree,

 To be specific 32-bit operating systems like XP can only support up to
 4 GB of ram. A 64-bit OS like Windows 7 supports up to 128 GB of ram.
 Big difference. :D


 On 4/24/13, Desiree Oudinot wrote:
 That happened to me when I installed more Ram into this machine I'm
 currently running, too. Luckily, it was a one-time deal, and FS didn't
 question why I needed a new license key, but you can imagine my
 disappointment when I found out that you can only have a certain
 amount of RAM on a 32 bit system.

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Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement AboutBSCGames

2013-04-24 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Cara,

You raised a very good point in your last post. Sometimes a game
developer needs to stop answering calls, responding to email, or cut
down on list activity to work on games. If a developer does that he or
she could be accused of being impersonal just because they are trying
to make time to work on other things.

For example, over the last two/three days I've answered and responded
to a good dozen messages from this list as well as a few others. Now,
just imagine if I put that hour or two of email into working on MOTA
or something else. I can get a lot more done when I am not spending so
much time on Audyssey or the forum, and some developers
like Josh are fairly quiet unless there is some news worth discussing.
So just because a developer is quiet doesn't mean they are impersonal
or not doing anything productive. :D


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Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement AboutBSCGames

2013-04-24 Thread shaun everiss

maybe devs could get others to handle their list mail.
its just a thought, ofcause said person would need to eventually  get payed.
I'd do it for  anyone that wants it.
free at first but if I expanded obviously I'd need to be payed, 
something like 10 bucks an hour or whatever or well games, testing, 
etc I am not fussy.

or in any other way not cash related.
I have the time, and it would make my life a bit bussier.

At 02:22 PM 4/25/2013, you wrote:

Hi Cara,

You raised a very good point in your last post. Sometimes a game
developer needs to stop answering calls, responding to email, or cut
down on list activity to work on games. If a developer does that he or
she could be accused of being impersonal just because they are trying
to make time to work on other things.

For example, over the last two/three days I've answered and responded
to a good dozen messages from this list as well as a few others. Now,
just imagine if I put that hour or two of email into working on MOTA
or something else. I can get a lot more done when I am not spending so
much time on Audyssey or the forum, and some developers
like Josh are fairly quiet unless there is some news worth discussing.
So just because a developer is quiet doesn't mean they are impersonal
or not doing anything productive. :D


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Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.3 Released!

2013-04-24 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Philip,

Wow! Sounds like a bang  up release. BGT gets better and better all the time.


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[Audyssey] vb6 question

2013-04-24 Thread Ken The PionEar
I'm having a weird issue in vb6 when I try adding a number to the end of a 
sound file. If I tell dx8 that the file is called walk.wav, it does fine. If i 
say it's called walk3.wav though, i get an invalid procedure call. Anybody know 
how to handle this? I'm trying to randomize the footstep sounds.
Check out my games at
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Crazy Ken
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[Audyssey] last bsc games question from me I hope

2013-04-24 Thread Liz Wade
Hi all:  I hope someone can help.  I also sent this message to the support
thing but I get a message back saying domaine full or something.  Anyhow my
question is do you need to install every software and programme in order for
the key generator to work they are all downloaded but I wasn't going to
install all of them at present.  Thanks in advance.
regards, Liz Wade
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Re: [Audyssey] last bsc games question from me I hope

2013-04-24 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Liz,

No, you don't have to install all of the software. Basically, the way
the generator works is you run it select the product you want to
register and paste in your hardware ID, and tell it to generate a new
key. You can paste the key it generates into the registration program
for the game or software and bingo.

On 4/24/13, Liz Wade wrote:
 Hi all:  I hope someone can help.  I also sent this message to the support
 thing but I get a message back saying domaine full or something.  Anyhow my
 question is do you need to install every software and programme in order
 the key generator to work they are all downloaded but I wasn't going to
 install all of them at present.  Thanks in advance.
 regards, Liz Wade
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Re: [Audyssey] OT: rant about jobs: was Re: Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread Ken The PionEar
Well, if I get help in this comminity project it'll go far enough where 
people can start using it to make salable games. That's the beauty about 
this project--it's totally open all the way. Once it's built up, new coders 
will be able to see exactly how it all goes together and get ideas for their 
own games. That's how I did it. thank you Justin from BSC for that chopper 
patrol code! I would have never gotten started if it weren't for that, which 
is why I'm still hoping a simple game in comes along.

Check out my games at
and my music, and that of my band, at .
If you want to reach me, you can call 419-744-0517, friend me on Facebook, 
(KenWDowney,) or write me at .

Crazy Ken
- Original Message - 
From: Bryan Peterson

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 10:29 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] OT: rant about jobs: was Re: Giving Away Free Games 
was Announcement About BSC Games

And as I've observed in other posts Joke Rehab as I like to call it is no 
real help. That's why I'm glad that while I eventuall hope to be able to 
make and sell commercial games I haven't yet. I know they'd ct most of my 
SSI, to the point where Iwouldn't be able to support myself.

But thou must!
-Original Message- 
From: Trouble

Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 6:37 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] OT: rant about jobs: was Re: Giving Away Free 
Games was Announcement About BSC Games

Well the more corrupt you are with the US government. The more you
get. Even though our forefathers did it the honest way. A corrupt
government sees that as not needing help for anything. I see more
people filling jobs the blind can do with ease. While the blind get
told the job is not accessible for them to do. I had one real good
job working in the tech field. They tried to make the software I used
not accessible just so they could remove me and it worked. When jaws
scripts won't work and more graphics come into play you lose every
time. See they put those graphics there so people not knowing
anything about computer systems can just click on the picture of the
problem and get solution. That system cuts down on training. So most
of those techs you call for help only know the pictures in front of
them and not anything about computers or the system your having problems 

At 02:34 AM 4/24/2013, you wrote:
This post implies that blind people are lazy and not looking. I recently 
put up my resume at every spa, beauty salon, doctor's office, and so on 
that was in the area. I even went to a few salons. One hair stylist 
actually had heard of me, and said she heard I was the best massage 
therapist around. I was flattered and figured i'd get the job for sure, 
but did I? No. Not even a callback explaining why.
So what am I going to do, take all my excess money and sue for sexual 
discrimination? After all, nobody wants a man touching their bodies. The 
guys want women, and the women want women. Or should I sue for blindness 
discrimination? I don't think I can satisfactorally prove either case 
beyond the shadow of a doubt.
My point is that there are blind folks looking for jobs and not finding. 
Yeah, it's easier to stay on SSI, but is it desirable? Is it conscionable? 
Are we getting fat and rich on the system? Absolutely not.

Check out my games at
and my music, and that of my band, at .
If you want to reach me, you can call 419-744-0517, friend me on Facebook, 
(KenWDowney,) or write me at .

Crazy Ken
- Original Message - From: Ryan Strunk
To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 10:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSC 

I agree with 95% of your post below. Developing games isn't a walk in the
park, financial or otherwise. But there is one comment you made that I 

to underscore.
Developing high quality games costs lots of money. Far more money than 

average blind American collects from SSI checks each month.
Absolutely true, which is a great incentive for blind people to get jobs.

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Thomas 

Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 2:47 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSC 

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[Audyssey] genesis 3d?

2013-04-24 Thread Ken The PionEar
Hey Tom, are you still working on Genesis? I haven't heard about it in a long 
Check out my games at
and my music, and that of my band, at .
If you want to reach me, you can call 419-744-0517, friend me on Facebook, 
(KenWDowney,) or write me at . 
Crazy Ken
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Re: [Audyssey] vb6 question

2013-04-24 Thread Ken The PionEar
Never mind. It's not the number. that didn't make sense. Of course, neither 
does the error as it still stands. I'll figure it out though--hopefully.

Check out my games at
and my music, and that of my band, at .
If you want to reach me, you can call 419-744-0517, friend me on Facebook, 
(KenWDowney,) or write me at .

Crazy Ken
- Original Message - 
From: Ken The PionEar

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 11:10 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] vb6 question

I'm having a weird issue in vb6 when I try adding a number to the end of a 
sound file. If I tell dx8 that the file is called walk.wav, it does fine. 
If i say it's called walk3.wav though, i get an invalid procedure call. 
Anybody know how to handle this? I'm trying to randomize the footstep 

Check out my games at
and my music, and that of my band, at .
If you want to reach me, you can call 419-744-0517, friend me on Facebook, 
(KenWDowney,) or write me at .

Crazy Ken
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Re: [Audyssey] More on hardware keys was: Re: An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread Dallas O'Brien
ouch  lol
well, you should be able to install a 64 bit OS on that machine then,
and then the 8 gb will be used. so much better, running 64 bit. 32 bit
is sooo old and slow.
let alone the speed at which you can zip files up, in 64 bit mode,
using all the ram you have. my god, does it go fast. lol

and yeah tom. or as was mentioned, use an account user name and
password to log in to the game. so that way, you wouldn't be limited
to a number of machines, just open the game up, and log in to activate
full mode. when a log in hasn't been provided, it would just run as a
demo. or something along those lines.
also, make it so that the account can only be logged in to by one
person at a time, to stop people giving out account details for people
to use. cause that way, if you are logged in, they can't be. lol.

On 25/04/2013, Desiree Oudinot wrote:
 Yeah, I found that out the hard way, unfortunately. now i've got 8gb
 of useless Ram sitting in my computer.

 On 4/24/13, Thomas Ward wrote:
 Hi Desiree,

 To be specific 32-bit operating systems like XP can only support up to
 4 GB of ram. A 64-bit OS like Windows 7 supports up to 128 GB of ram.
 Big difference. :D


 On 4/24/13, Desiree Oudinot wrote:
 That happened to me when I installed more Ram into this machine I'm
 currently running, too. Luckily, it was a one-time deal, and FS didn't
 question why I needed a new license key, but you can imagine my
 disappointment when I found out that you can only have a certain
 amount of RAM on a 32 bit system.

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Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement AboutBSCGames

2013-04-24 Thread Cara Quinn
But Shaun, then we'd become corporations and then Dark would hate us! lol!

*smile* Dark, just kidding! *hug*

Just couldn't resist! :)

Shaun, in all seriousness would you actually do that? if so that's way cool of 
you to offer!

This is the sort of community involvement I'm talking about. That offer in 
itself can totally free-up someone's time  So kudos to you for offering!


Cara :)
View my Online Portfolio at:

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On Apr 24, 2013, at 7:38 PM, shaun everiss wrote:

maybe devs could get others to handle their list mail.
its just a thought, ofcause said person would need to eventually  get payed.
I'd do it for  anyone that wants it.
free at first but if I expanded obviously I'd need to be payed, something like 
10 bucks an hour or whatever or well games, testing, etc I am not fussy.
or in any other way not cash related.
I have the time, and it would make my life a bit bussier.

At 02:22 PM 4/25/2013, you wrote:
 Hi Cara,
 You raised a very good point in your last post. Sometimes a game
 developer needs to stop answering calls, responding to email, or cut
 down on list activity to work on games. If a developer does that he or
 she could be accused of being impersonal just because they are trying
 to make time to work on other things.
 For example, over the last two/three days I've answered and responded
 to a good dozen messages from this list as well as a few others. Now,
 just imagine if I put that hour or two of email into working on MOTA
 or something else. I can get a lot more done when I am not spending so
 much time on Audyssey or the forum, and some developers
 like Josh are fairly quiet unless there is some news worth discussing.
 So just because a developer is quiet doesn't mean they are impersonal
 or not doing anything productive. :D
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Re: [Audyssey] vb6 question

2013-04-24 Thread Cara Quinn
Ken, does VB6 provide arrays? If so, you could create an array of strings which 
hold your file names and then call an element of your array at random using a 
standard numerical random command. This way you wouldn't need to place numbers 
at the end of your file names.


Cara :)
View my Online Portfolio at:

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On Apr 24, 2013, at 8:10 PM, Ken The PionEar wrote:

I'm having a weird issue in vb6 when I try adding a number to the end of a 
sound file. If I tell dx8 that the file is called walk.wav, it does fine. If i 
say it's called walk3.wav though, i get an invalid procedure call. Anybody know 
how to handle this? I'm trying to randomize the footstep sounds.
Check out my games at
and my music, and that of my band, at .
If you want to reach me, you can call 419-744-0517, friend me on Facebook, 
(KenWDowney,) or write me at . 
Crazy Ken
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Re: [Audyssey] genesis 3d?

2013-04-24 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Ken,

Yes, I'm still working on the engine although it has had a name
change. I found out that another company had a Genesis engine called
Genesis 3D so I decided to call my engine Evolution 3D to avoid any
copyright issues. :D.

On 4/24/13, Ken The PionEar wrote:
 Hey Tom, are you still working on Genesis? I haven't heard about it in a
 long time.
 Check out my games at
 and my music, and that of my band, at .
 If you want to reach me, you can call 419-744-0517, friend me on Facebook,
 (KenWDowney,) or write me at .
 Crazy Ken
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Re: [Audyssey] another community project

2013-04-24 Thread Cara Quinn
Hi Ken, a while back I posted some notes on collision detection and vectors to 
the Audyssey list and Thomas's Developers list. I'll re-post a couple of these 
here now.

This first one is concerning axis-aligned bounding boxes. All this means is 
that you represent a box which stays lined up with the x y and z axes in a 
virtual world.

My below note represents a way of detecting collisions between two boxes.


Cara :)
  Hey All, this is just a quickie before my workout!  lol!  I just  
wanted to post a bit on Bounding boxes as we've been chatting about  
them / collision detection.  I'll go ahead and post the code first,  
and then give a little quick snippet about it.  Just as an FYI, this  
is my own code so there are other ways to do this.  this is pretty  
quick / easy though, so I like it much.  smile

Anyway, here it is.

// just setting variables here for the sake of the example

float box1MinX, box1MinY, box1MinZ = 1.0F;
float box1MaxX, box1MaxY, box1MaxZ = 11.0F;
float box2MinX, box2MinY, box2MinZ = 20.0F;
float box2MaxX,box2MaxY,box2MaxZ = 26.0F;

// the above variables would really be dynamically set based on the  
// of the objects in question as their values would be passed to this  

// All of the conditions in the below statement must be true for a  
collision to happen
// if they're not then the statement will short circuit and the else  
clause will be called

if(((box1MaxX = box2MinX)  (box1MaxY = box2MinY)  (box1MaxZ =  
box2MinZ))  ((box1MinX = box2MaxX)  (box1MinY = box2MaxY)   
(box1MinZ = box2MaxZ)))
{// code for collision goes here}
{// no collision happened}

  So in this example, no collision will have happened.

So what's going on up there?…

It's actually extremely simple, and you can think of it by simply  
starting with only a one dimensional number line like in grade school.

I.E.  think of a number line which goes from 0 upward.  Say you have a  
point on that line, and another point some distance away further along  
the line.

For the sake of the example, let's say the first point is at zero. The  
second point is at 20.  Checking for a collision using an axis aligned  
bounding box as I've done above, is really no more than seeing if a  
number is greater or less than another number, so in this example, our  
first number on the number line is obviously less than our second  

  So now say that each of those numbers represented an edge of a box,  
or shape.  I.E.  our first point on the number line at zero represents  
the right edge of some mystery shape, and the second point at 20  
represents the left edge of a second mystery shape.  Are they  
touching, no not by any means.  to be touching, they'd need to be  
equal, I.E. they'd need to be occupying the same space on our number  
line.  Or, as we've decided that they'll represent a right edge and  
left edge respectively, of two shapes, they'd actually need to be  
either equal or the first point, which represents the right edge of  
our first shape could also be greater than the second point, which  
represents the left edge of our second shape.  In that case, these two  
mystery shapes might be touching.

Does this make sense so far?…

I.E. If we said that point 1 was now at 3 on our number line, and  
point 2 was now at 3 as well, then the right edge and left edge of our  
two unknown shapes would be touching, as the numbers which represent  
them are equal.

  This really is all that's happening in the above code.  It's just  
being expressed in more than one dimension and with a range of  
numbers, rather than just one for each shape or edge of a shape.

I.E.  let's say that our first shape takes up the range of numbers  
from 0 to 5 on our one dimensional number line, and the second shape  
takes up the range from 4 to 10.  Now, it should be obvious that these  
two areas of numbers overlap.  They obviously share the numbers 4 and  
5.  So they'd have collided in our one dimensional world.

We can show how we test this by the following pseudo code:

FirstMinimumValue = 0;
FirstMaximumValue = 5;
SecondMinimumValue = 4;
SecondMaximumValue = 10;

//  here's the test to see if they overlap

if((FirstMaximumValue = SecondMinimumValue)  (FirstMinimumValue =  

If this statement is true, then it shows that these two ranges of  
numbers would be overlapping. if not, then they aren't .  lol!

NOw, the above code at the beginning of this note just does this same  
operation in three dimensions to check for a collision or overlap of  
two boxes.  It's just a statement to check three different ranges of  
numbers to see if they all overlap somewhere.  this is really all  
there is to bounding boxes.

  Of course, once you know there is a collision, you can do / check  
for, all kinds of things, but the basic routine is simple.

I hope this helps and please don't hesitate to send along any questions.

Am on my way to forget all this math stuff for a while and 

Re: [Audyssey] More on hardware keys was: Re: An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread Desiree Oudinot
Oh yeah, I can imagine. This is only a dual core processor, though.
Wouldn't I need a quad core to take full advantage of a 64 bit system?
Either way, I can imagine how much faster it would be. Not only that,
but it would take much longer for Firefox to eat up all my ram, and i
wouldn't have to end the process in task manager every 20 minutes.

On 4/25/13, Dallas O'Brien wrote:
 ouch  lol
 well, you should be able to install a 64 bit OS on that machine then,
 and then the 8 gb will be used. so much better, running 64 bit. 32 bit
 is sooo old and slow.
 let alone the speed at which you can zip files up, in 64 bit mode,
 using all the ram you have. my god, does it go fast. lol

 and yeah tom. or as was mentioned, use an account user name and
 password to log in to the game. so that way, you wouldn't be limited
 to a number of machines, just open the game up, and log in to activate
 full mode. when a log in hasn't been provided, it would just run as a
 demo. or something along those lines.
 also, make it so that the account can only be logged in to by one
 person at a time, to stop people giving out account details for people
 to use. cause that way, if you are logged in, they can't be. lol.

 On 25/04/2013, Desiree Oudinot wrote:
 Yeah, I found that out the hard way, unfortunately. now i've got 8gb
 of useless Ram sitting in my computer.

 On 4/24/13, Thomas Ward wrote:
 Hi Desiree,

 To be specific 32-bit operating systems like XP can only support up to
 4 GB of ram. A 64-bit OS like Windows 7 supports up to 128 GB of ram.
 Big difference. :D


 On 4/24/13, Desiree Oudinot wrote:
 That happened to me when I installed more Ram into this machine I'm
 currently running, too. Luckily, it was a one-time deal, and FS didn't
 question why I needed a new license key, but you can imagine my
 disappointment when I found out that you can only have a certain
 amount of RAM on a 32 bit system.

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Re: [Audyssey] Hardware keys was: Re: An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shaun,

Well, regarding a payment plan most developers are not equipped to
take payments on a monthly basis whatever. Sure someone could send me
$5.00 per month via Paypal but then I have to keep accurate records of
how much each person paid and send out monthly statements which could
get to be a hassle. Especially, considering the fact that most games
are around %$25 and I figure most people can pay that off in one lump
some anyway.

As far as communication goes I think some people have a very
pessimistic view of game developers and their motives to begin with so
I'm not surprised if a developer goes silent for six months people
begin assuming they have gone out of business. We saw this with
Draconis when they took time to develop their new cross-platform
engine, and there were all kinds of speculation that Draconis was
going out of business, they have no new games coming, that the aren't
updating their games, whatever just because Josh isn't very vocal
about what he is doing from month to month. Then, when he did come
back with that dragon awakens message there were reactions like, I'll
believe it when I see it. While I can understand their skepticism and
cynicism to a point that still doesn't give them the right to say so
and so is dead so I'll pirate it.

The thing that some of these people fail to miss is that some  of us
have been very vocal on Audyssey,, whatever and have to
put up with a lot of bologna from people too. If a game developer
announces he is working on super game x he will be bombarded by emails
with questions like, when will the game be released, which are just
going to waste the developer's time answering questions like that. If
the developer speculates at a release date like it will be released on
April 25, 2013 then come hell or high water it better be released on
April 25, 2013 or there will be a hundred angry game developers
calling him names and flaming him to hell and back when there may be
perfectly good reasons why the release was delayed. We don't need that
kind of crap either, and that is why some developers choose to just
lie low.


On 4/24/13, shaun everiss wrote:
 well speaking from my experience as a former pirate and crack nut
 there are a few simple things devs can do to minimise this.
 Firstly no one will buy your software if the price is to high or if
 it needs to be they are not getting what they would concider enough.
 If people can't afford things and want them the only thing to do is
 crack it and you get it.
 unless you can pay in installments say for example the blindsoftware
 package, maybe pay 10 bucks or 20 bucks a month, and you would
 eventually pay it off vary few software titles for the blind actually do
 have promos and competitions to win free software but encourage the
 gamers to participate and interact with things we have not to many of
 these and these would improve things in the community.
 its a no brainer but even if you don't have anything even if you only
 communicate twice a year or something at least people think you are
 doing something rather than have you just go quiet.

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Re: [Audyssey] Hardware keys was: Re: An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-24 Thread Dallas O'Brien
yeah. exactly. also, another thing to note. in the mainstream gaming
world, they don't usualy tell people something is coming out, till its
coming out. lol. or they advertise it, but only when its actually
complete, and ready for shipping, and they are just completing the
process of supplying the stock to all the shops, ready to start
selling on the day of the opening.
personally, this kind of thing is what devs in the audio games
community should do also. that way, it stops the problem of people
getting all wound up, then disappointed, when its not out when the dev
said it would be. also, that way, your more likely to sell larger
amounts apone sale, rather then people being a bit sdisappointed, and
the excitement has warn off. if a dev comes out and says, we have this
new game coming out today! buy it now for 20 dollars! people are far
more likely to jump and buy it. because if its what they want, as in,
if its the kind of thing they are looking for, they will likely spend
the money on a whim, at that moment. where as if they knew, 3 months
before, that its coming out, the excitement has had time to ware off,
and although they do still want it probably, they will question
spending that money, far more.
simple sales methods like that, is what makes the money, really.

On 25/04/2013, Thomas Ward wrote:
 Hi Shaun,

 Well, regarding a payment plan most developers are not equipped to
 take payments on a monthly basis whatever. Sure someone could send me
 $5.00 per month via Paypal but then I have to keep accurate records of
 how much each person paid and send out monthly statements which could
 get to be a hassle. Especially, considering the fact that most games
 are around %$25 and I figure most people can pay that off in one lump
 some anyway.

 As far as communication goes I think some people have a very
 pessimistic view of game developers and their motives to begin with so
 I'm not surprised if a developer goes silent for six months people
 begin assuming they have gone out of business. We saw this with
 Draconis when they took time to develop their new cross-platform
 engine, and there were all kinds of speculation that Draconis was
 going out of business, they have no new games coming, that the aren't
 updating their games, whatever just because Josh isn't very vocal
 about what he is doing from month to month. Then, when he did come
 back with that dragon awakens message there were reactions like, I'll
 believe it when I see it. While I can understand their skepticism and
 cynicism to a point that still doesn't give them the right to say so
 and so is dead so I'll pirate it.

 The thing that some of these people fail to miss is that some  of us
 have been very vocal on Audyssey,, whatever and have to
 put up with a lot of bologna from people too. If a game developer
 announces he is working on super game x he will be bombarded by emails
 with questions like, when will the game be released, which are just
 going to waste the developer's time answering questions like that. If
 the developer speculates at a release date like it will be released on
 April 25, 2013 then come hell or high water it better be released on
 April 25, 2013 or there will be a hundred angry game developers
 calling him names and flaming him to hell and back when there may be
 perfectly good reasons why the release was delayed. We don't need that
 kind of crap either, and that is why some developers choose to just
 lie low.


 On 4/24/13, shaun everiss wrote:
 well speaking from my experience as a former pirate and crack nut
 there are a few simple things devs can do to minimise this.
 Firstly no one will buy your software if the price is to high or if
 it needs to be they are not getting what they would concider enough.
 If people can't afford things and want them the only thing to do is
 crack it and you get it.
 unless you can pay in installments say for example the blindsoftware
 package, maybe pay 10 bucks or 20 bucks a month, and you would
 eventually pay it off vary few software titles for the blind actually do
 have promos and competitions to win free software but encourage the
 gamers to participate and interact with things we have not to many of
 these and these would improve things in the community.
 its a no brainer but even if you don't have anything even if you only
 communicate twice a year or something at least people think you are
 doing something rather than have you just go quiet.

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