2003-02-09 Thread Floriano Lobo


And it is said that old age makes a person senile. And to me, anyone,
specially a political leader, who talk about governance with religious
connotations,  must be  senile, that is,   in other words, totally  bankrupt
of thought processs.

The statement made by  our dear Prime Minister,  Mr. Atal Behari Vajpayee,
published in NT 7 Feb 2003  page 7,  that " Governance requires perfect
blend of religion and power", and  coming as it is,  in these times of
extreme government sponsored religious fundamentalism,  is nothing short of
the symptoms of senility. Mr. Vajpayee, knowingly or unknowingly, seems to
have taken leave of his senses.   I would  interpret his above statement  as
the indicator of his BJP's fortunes  arising out of the demolition of Babri

"Aisa nahi hai ki ham bakti ras mein doobe hai to akraman ya atankvad se dar
jayenge (It is not that we are immersed in religion so much that we can not
counter the attack on us or terrorism)"

With due respect to Mr. Vajpayee and his  intelligence, these  words do not
seem right coming from India's Prime Minister. First of all, India is  not
supposed to be immersed in religion at governance level. We are a 'secular
state'  for God's sake, with a very secular Constitution. We are  not a
theocratic state  as yet,  as much as Mr. Vajpayee and his Hindutva  camp
would like it to be.

If  what he says is true, then we would'nt have had  Kargil.  If it was
true, then our parliament  would'nt have been attacked by  terrorists. If it
was true,  India would'nt have the need for Israel to train our special
anti-terrorist  commandos in that country at the expense of the tax payers.
All this only proves that religious bigots, or, pseudo religious bigots and
pious pretenders, whatever one may want to call them,  have taken over the
reins of governance of this country and botched it up  so bad, that not only
our national security is under threat but the nation  has  lost a great deal
of self- respect as well as the respect  of the nations of the world who
looked at India  as the towering  mountain of secularism and  a stable
democracy. And the respect for India that still exists in the world is  fast
diminishing with utterances like these from our political thinkers and
political leaders.

That religions have been responsible for  endless miseries, strifes,  deaths
and devastation worldwide for centuries  is a fact that cannot be denied.
History books are replete with the gory details of these accounts. Whenever
religious sentiments have entered governance, it has never been impartial
and effective. Infact,  entry of religious sentiments in governance has
always left its indelible marks. For political and power hungry vultures of
our country (read VHP, RSS, BD, SS etc) religion , today, has become the
horse  to mount and charge from, and  to achieve the otherwise impossible
and futile dreams, by flogging it  to its  bare bones.

U.S.A. is a largely homogeneous Christian nation. And in spite of a massive
Evangelical movement within and without, the only religious sentimentality
we see in  its governance are  the words  "IN GOD WE TRUST" inscribed on
each and every of its  currency notes. The rest is dictated by the  laws of
the land.  And none , repeat, none of its  citizens, including its
President, who is considered to be the most powerful person living on earth,
can be  above Law.  If India could apply the same yardstick in governance, a
few of our Prime ministers, a load  of ministers, parliamentarians, state
political leaders, bureaucrats and civil servants would be behind bars or
breaking rocks at Kalapani, the Andaman Island jails.  And for sure, our
esteemed Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Lal Krishna Advani, who is also our
country's Home Minister, would be doing just that for ushering  in religious
fundamentalism in our country's governance for his own selfish ends, thereby
corrupting our constitutionally guaranteed secular democracy, which is the
raison d'etre of this nation.

Good Governance is ruled by laws of the land. Intrusion of religion in
governance makes the laws impotent. In the eyes of  law, it does not matter
whether one is a  Hindu , Muslim, Christian  or whatever.  You disobey the
law, you get punished. You don't like the law, change it, cancel it, dilute
it. This is the power of democracy. If the people so want, they  can
altogether throw out all laws and be done with it. In that case, you have
'anarchy' , not 'governance'. So be it. But if there is a law book in
existence, it is the responsibility of the government to go by this book and
implement the laws  in  letter and spirit.

As one  example of how the laws of the land are being diluted through
religious sentiments, I would like to

[GOANET] TidBits.007 ( Oh Sonia ma-ji ! Why have you forsaken us?)

2003-02-05 Thread Floriano Lobo

TidBits.007 ( Oh Sonia-ma-ji!  Why have you forsaken us?)

No sooner we got the wind of your passing through Goa, we had dreams. Our
ma-ji must have made up her mind at last to change the leadership of us
'Pack of Wolves'. And she must be bringing a plaque with a special name
printed on it. Its mine, its mine. No! its mine. And we could'nt sleep for
the desire to be the first in line to greet you at the far far away Dabolim
airport and stick out our necks so you could choose the one to honour. And
some of us, the front runners, were cock sure it was going to  be one of us,
that the others stayed away with grumpy faces. But then, we were left
holding the special smiles we had prepared, the bouquets and garlands of
choicest flowers that we had brought for you . Nary a passing glance we
deserved from you as you  so elegantly switched your aircrafts and vanished
from sight. With our feet heavy as if filled with lead, with the load of our
special smiles and the flowers we carried, we barely managed to limp back to
the safety of our cars and beat a hasty retreated lest the onlookers give us
the reception of Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!.

Oh! Its for us, its for us,  those of us  who remained behind with grumpy
faces knew so well, that we made it to the far far away Dabolim airport in
record time to stick our neck to claim the prize, when ma-ji returned from
Karwar. And we also noted that the shameless Raja of  Satari who has lost
his faculty of  recognizing what shame is, and who has sold his soul to the
MGP and his body to the BJP brought up the end of the line-up once again.
But we  never never even dreamt that our dear ma-ji  would literally take
the scourge of India,  Mr. Praveen Togadia,  seriously,  and bark at us like
she did, a bark full of  scorn and contempt,  before vanishing in thin air
once again.

"Why are you here?  You first unite yourselves and work for the people of

That the bark could convey such words of wisdom! Hear Ye, Hear Ye, the men
and women of Congress of Goa. The next time you stick out your necks to be
adorned with the plaques, it could be far worse than the bark. It could be
the bite.

Well done, Sonia-ji, well done. You are learning fast.

Dear Sonia-ji.

You were expected to listen to the sound advice of the people of Goa, not
during the 2002 Assembly Elections, but from the time of the 1999 Assembly
Elections. We begged of you to dump the corrupt and the scamsters. But you
not only did not  do that, but you also gave sanctuary to the corrupt, the
scamster, the traitor of Goa and its tongue, the guy who your dear husband
had humiliated so bad, the white maned lion, Ramakant Khalap. That you have
to resort to barking at the people who have ruined your party's chances in
Goa,  comes too late in time. You must realize that none, repeat, none, who
profess allegiance to Congress in Goa, and who are on the top rung of the
party are capable of uniting and working for the betterment of Goa and
Goans. And should you think of replacing this abominable stench in the party
with the ones from the party's rank and file, please think twice over. Those
that follow fit perfectly well in the contingency plans of the masters who
have groomed them to take over and who will then dance to the master's tune
for a rule  by proxy. And worst still, these new players to be are far far
more industrious and voracious than the masters themselves. Sad to say that
your party's rope in Goa has knotted so bad that nothing short of cutting it
out and throwing it away the pieces will solve the problem. And you will be
surprised to see that this rope has taken the un-imaginable twists and turns
around itself and around the MGP and the BJP that it will be difficult to
know which one is which,  for it was necessary for your party's rope to draw
nourishment from the others to survive, and still is. In doing so, your
party's stand has been compromised and your party leaders have become pawns
in the hands of the Goa BJP which can only thrive from their subjugation and

Sad to say, the situation is such that you will have to use a special torch
to cull out the  real congress-men or the  congress-women at heart. Most of
them will have the lion's tail, camouflaged and well hidden from sight, and
which comes out a whipping when the mergerist's interests are jeopardized.
If you really want to test these miseralilises, all you have to do is to
command  them  to  be faithful to your dear late husband's dreams that Goa
should remain Goa with Konkani as its sole state language. Let them, in one
voice, declare that the Goa Language Act will be modified to remove all
mention of Marathi in its text. And if they do it, which they won't, you
still need to cut their throats anyway, for they will be doing it  only to
save their

[GOANET] Re: Proud of Kalpana

2003-02-02 Thread Floriano Lobo

It was this little computer screen that alerted me of the Columbia disaster.

Since then I glued myself to the TV screen, shifting from the BBC to the
Every time it was the Israeli affair and the details of the disaster.
Patiently waited patiently  to see the flash back of our dear Kalpana
Chawla, to hear from our Indian Ambassador like we saw and heard the Israeli
Ambassador. There was not a thing. My son's angry outburst " Tell us about
Kalpana too,  man!. It is possible that we have missed it all.  I retired
for the night with a heavy heart and have'nt tuned in to the BBC or CNN

Indeed, India has lost a budding pearl. It is our national  misfortune, a
national loss. Kalpana is our second space heroine, but one. who will be
remembered for a long long time to come for her departure in space. Let us
be content in believing that God had other plans for Kalpana and all her
dear colleagues in the Columbia flight.

The sorrow of dear Kalpana's family is our sorrow.
May God bless them all and give them the courage to face and come to terms
with  this great great loss.


[GOANET] Tidbits.006 (Snakes in the Grass)

2003-02-01 Thread Floriano Lobo


Without malice or disrespect to anyone, specially the Sindhi community at
large, it is said that if confronted with a "Double S" which stands for a
Sindhi and a Snake, one should go for the Sindhi first,  for he could be far
more dangerous than the good old familiar Snake. However, nationally, this
rule of the thumb may hold good, specially for residents of New Delhi in
particular, in Goa, Goans should adopt and adapt to the Sindhis but go for
the Snake in the grass with everything they have got, especially  the one
that hides in the green grass of Goa and bites Konkani loving Goans at every
opportunity he  gets. And for that matter, there are many other smaller
snakes in the grass who derive their boldness and the courage  to show off
at the expense of the big brother who not only changes his colours but his
tongue too when it suits him.

To the endless exhortations to Konkaniwadi Goans that Rajan Narayan has made
to do something about the snuff to Konkani maim by these traitors at Karad,
I preferred to give these Marathi Snakes one more chance to hang themselves
at this Konkan Marathi Samelan at GOA. It was indeed, as predicted by Rajan
Narayan, not a literary meet at all. It was a deep rooted conspiracy to
consolidate the position of the snakes in the grass against Konkani maim.
And I was right. We have more than a prize in Manohar Parrikar for the
noose. A spectacular chameleon who can change his colours more swiftly and
efficiently than any other chameleon on earth.  He wants a few more years to
settle the Language issue , Is it? More likely, he needs a few more years to
get re-elected. And that would be easy with Konkaniwadis as well as
Marathiwadis looking up to him as  their saviour. It does'nt take IIT
bright. It takes an opportunist to cling to the chair as much as possible by
keeping both sides in suspended animation.

But the Konkaniwadis must realize that  they will ultimately lose outright.
And waiting in hope that Manohar Parrikar will do something about it would
be a total waste of time. The Snakes in  the grass have a code of honour
amongst themselves. If it was not so, then the king of the  Kala Academy
would be the king no more. Then again, the  white maned ex-Lion and the
mergerist with his tail between his legs would be cooling his heels in the
can for fleecing the bank  that he ran., and , so on and so forth.

And   the Snakes in the grass are ridiculing Konkani and Konkaniwadis by
calling  Konkani, the small sister of Marathi at one  time and  the small
brother, the other time. This  sex change is comparable to the change in
their fidelity towards Konkani.

And after the belittling that Konkani got from Karad, the belittling they
gave Konkani at its own home ground yesterday , the 31st. January, 2003
should prompt Konkani Goans to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. They should remember
Floriano Vaz and others and should not allow their sacrifices to go in vain.

And the biggest insult Manohar Parrikar has given to Goa's Official Language
is by giving away Rs. 10 lacs from the Goan tax-payers to the Konkan Marathi
Samelam, when even the payment of the  bills for the government
advertisements in the newspapers are   held back for lack of funds.

And we would like to know from these snakes in the grass to name the state
in the Union of India which  has  dual official language, that they demand
the same for Goa.

Goa is a full fledged state with a full fledged Official language which is
"Konkani" Period. The government of the day must immediately move to delete
the line in the Official Language Act which gives official recognition to
Marathi along with the state language Konkani,  for its use in government
correspondence. If the government of the day cannot, and will not deliver
the goods, then it must be brought down, for it is anti GOA and anti Goan.
The next government that will  take its place, should come into office  on
the guarantee that the official recognition to Marathi  will be deleted from
the Official Language Act to make Konkani the sole Official State Language.
If it also pussy-foots with this requirement, then it too should be brought
down until there comes a government which will fulfill the demands of the
Goan people.

Goans should forge ahead in progress and development rather than get dragged
in this Language tussle   for ever. They must remember that Konkani was
suppressed for 450 years by the Portuguese with the active connivance of the
snakes in the grass Marathiwadis. It is up to Goans to liberate Konkani once
and for all or succumb to the challenges from the snakes in the grass. Goans
have fought the snakes in the grass before , and, Goans can do it again, to
shake free the  roots of the mergerists and the traitors from the sacred

Re: [GOANET] Who will protect us

2003-01-30 Thread Floriano Lobo



- Original Message -
From: Carmo Dias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 12:14 AM
Subject: [GOANET] Who will protect us

> I left my home seven years ago and every visit back makes me realize how
> it truly is. Goa is slowly disapearing for goans. My father was killed by
> drunk driver from karnataka two years ago. The driver somehow was released
> for the colva station and can not be found. Some of the properties we own
> are now in the courts as outsiders are doing their best to steal them. The
> panchyat have even helped them to falsify documents as if somehow after
> three generations of ownership can just be erased as long as you fill
> someones pockets with money. But I am not the only Goan who faces thes
> problems. My freind Edgar Goes had his passaport stolen and instead of
> getting help from the Indian embassy he got harrassed. The clerk even had
> the nerve to say he was not a true Indian because of his hindi.He had to
> and plead for help from them as in Saudi  one must have proper paperwork
> even leave or face being put in prison. Maybe we as goans should question
> the goverments true belief of a Goan. We give more money to the centeral
> goverment than what they give. We pay for everything electricy, phone,
> In margao we have people living in government housing given everything for
> free. Why are we treated like secound class citizens even by our own

[GOANET] Tidbits .005 (Shaa'bas Khatre'chea Chakra)

2003-01-30 Thread Floriano Lobo

TidBits.005 ( Shaa' bas  Khatre'chea  Chakra)

And, they say that  memories of the schooling days are etched on our minds.
And it is true. I  always ask any friends turned teachers or new
acquaintances who are teachers if I could quietly sit down in their
classroom for once. And they laugh.

The memories of riding a bicycle to Bastora  in 1965-68 to the St. Xavier's
College, which was housed in the then recently abandoned Portuguese military
cantonment. The then mud roads full of pot-holes during the monsoons, the
two track (concretized) stretch of the road from halfway  Moira to the
junction of Mapusa/Bastora and for which,  we, the cyclists and the taxi
fellas used to fight for supremacy, we, forcing the taxi fellas  to shift
from our track even at the cost of getting splash  with liquid terra-cota.
And then, there was the very familiar sight of the grey  "STANDARD Gazelle"
driven by Fr. Nicolau Pereira, always with a pressed-lip smile on his face,
which got the right of way at all times.

And then there were the occasional appearances that Fr. Nicolau gave us in
our classroom (Science) at times, to fill in for the absent lecturer and to
talk to us on no one special subject. I remember the day when he sent for me
during the class. There were two cops looking for me with a summons to the
police station. I could see the consternation on his face. "Have you been a
bad boy, Floriano? I don't like police looking for my students"  It was a
statement with an air of finality.  He was relieved when he heard me out and
sent me packing with a sound advice " I don't want to see you involved in
police cases while you are a student of St. Xavier's College." Well, my
crime was that I had punched a freedom fighter ( the real one)  in the face
where they had to stitch him up some. He got what was coming to him for a
long time for  terrorizing the residents of our ward including my family,
while in a state of inebriation. My ward has'nt seen any more of its kind
since those good old days. The freedom fighter has since passed away without
a grudge for sporting the marks on his face. The memories, ofcourse, came
flooding back when I saw the orbituary of Fr. Nicolau Pereira in the
newspapers and  the marvelous piece on him by Radharao Gracias.  I decided
to  go,   bid him farewell"

Fr. Antonio Felipe Pais, one among the numerous fellow priests who crowded
the "Mother of God" church of Majorda, a  Moidekar, did a fine tribute to
his colleague and friend of long standing,  in his well delivered  homily.
The theme  being "SHAA'BAS KHATRE'CHEA CHAKRA" And the many others who
spoke,   brought to light the fine qualities that were the prized possession
of Fr. Nicolau as an eminent and  dedicated educationists. The Concanim
Eucharistic service celebrated by the  Arch Bishop of Goa Rev. Raul
Gonsalves  and the excellent choir put together by the Xavier's college was
indeed a fitting tribute to Fr. Nicolau Pereira. And it felt good to see and
talk to some of the old timers from the faculty like professor Triparthi and
nod greetings  to colleagues of the golden era of  Xavier's of Bastora.

And I was privileged to offer a lift back to Mapusa to the head of the
Konkni Department of the St. Xavier's College, professor Budte. "One thing I
must tell you Florian", he said.  "I did'nt know you were a Xavierite from
Bastora times"  And our talk shifted to his department of Konkni and that is
when he confessed his shortcomings in terms of real Goan Concanim. "I was
confused and puzzled" he said when I was confronted with the theme  of the
service "Shaa'bas Khatre'chea Chakra"  I know Shaa'bas. But it was the
 Khatre'cha Chakra" that  was Greek to me. I had never heard these words
before" he said. "So I had to find out the meaning of those two words from
my colleagues. I know  I shall never find the connotations such as these in
the Konkni that I teach" he said.

And my response to that was:

 "Well! Well! Professor, there you are. You have
said it all. What you teach is not  " Concanim" but Konkni. The real
"Concanim" is rich, it is elegant and it is Goan. It is the Concanim that I
was born and brought up with. It is the Concanim that I grew up with as my
mother's tongue.It is the Concanim that I speak everyday with my fellow
Goans.Maybe we shall hear more of it on our radios, our TVs and read
more of if in our newspapers and magazines to make us  comfortable and
fulfilled when the
mergerist and the pseudo Konknis leave us Goans  and our dear Concanim

 And maybe this breed  will leave us Goans and our dear Concanim  enough
alone if we learn to administer the good recipe of not only  punching the
faces of these trouble makers but also marking them for the rest of their
miserable lives. And for  target practice, there are eno

Re: [GOANET] City of Panaji Corporation Bill 2002

2003-01-27 Thread Floriano Lobo

It is apparent that the decision of the CM to bull-doz the Panjim
Corporation Bill with or without the consent/approval of the people has, I
believe just one consideration:

It is in the air and mostly Panjimites are of the  opinion that:

That the CM is increasingly nervous of his electoral stand in the Panjim
Constituency, especially after the very narrow margin that gave him the
victory in the last forced assembly elections. The missing 3000 odd voters
from the Panjim voters list has left a bad taste in the mouths of

The crucial point is that Panjim must see him re-elected in the next
assembly election. He cannot afford to change his constituency at this
moment as it would be a near political harakiri.

Therefore Panjim with the added Porvorim, Soccorro, Betim Britona etc under
the belt and which is heavily under the influence of his aid-in-arm
Velingkar of the RSS,  electoral victory in Panjim for Manohar Parrikar will
be ensured. (even at the cost of  Ribandar and Taleigao).

Therefore, the Corporation Bill is rather more important to Manohar Parrikar
than the people of Panjim.


> The People?s Movement for Civic Action (PMCA) had an Extraordinary General
> Body Meeting on Thursday, January 23, 2003 to discuss the recently passed
> City of Panaji Corporation Act, 2002.
> Recent statements emanating from Official sources, including the Chief
> Minister, Mr. Manohar Parikkar, have caused both concern and consternation
> among the general public.
> The passing of the City of Panaji Corporation Bill by the Goa Legislative
> Assembly without soliciting the opinions of the Panchayats concerned, has
> been universally and vehemently condemned by the respective Panchayats
> are sought to be included in the ambit of the proposed City of Panaji
> Municipal Corporation. Even more disturbing is the fact that the Panjim
> Municipal Council, which is sought to be upgraded to a Corporation, was
> consulted by the Government before it tabled this Bill in the Assembly and
> had it passed. Such an attitude is unprecedented and bodes ill for the
> of democracy in Goa.
> The Chief Minister is reported to have stated that he will go ahead with
> formation of the Municipal Corporation of Panaji, but that he will leave
> to the Panchayats to decide whether they want to become part of the
> Corporation. If this is true, it makes a complete mockery of the Rule of
> It has never been heard of anywhere in the world that a piece of
> is enacted which allows citizens to decide whether they want to be covered
> the Legislation or not. A Law is either applicable or not. It is not left
> the discretion of the citizens to decide whether it will apply to them or
> not. Statements such as those reported in the media about the coverage of
> this particular legislation only add to the general perception that the
> Government is either ignorant about, or is callous about the sanctity of
> legislation.
> The inherent contradictions in the legislation, reinforced by official
> pronouncements, only add to the disrespect for the Law, which is widely
> prevalent among the citizenry.   While, on the one hand, the legislation
> seeks to bring within the ambit of the Municipal Corporation far-flung
> Panchayat areas, on the other hand it seeks to exclude areas which are
> presently part of the Panjim Municipal Council.  There is no explanation
> this gross contradiction in the official position of the Government of
> If Taleigao can be allowed to opt out of the Corporation limits, why can't
> Ribandar be allowed the same option?
> The meeting, chaired by Mr. Averthanus D?Souza, Vice President of the
> People's Movement for Civic Action, was addressed by Advocate Ms. Agni,
> presented an overview of the legislation and indicated the inherent
> contradictions contained in it.

Re: [GOANET] "Tuka kittem lagta?"

2003-01-24 Thread Floriano Lobo

Dear Tony,

I appreciate very much your views on the impending Iraq  war. Different
minds think differently, perhaps on the basis of what information/facts etc
is available and/or personal view points, biases etc. But all said and done,
everyone's views are important and if taken into account, a lot of sense can
be derived from them which otherwise would be onesided.

Very true when you say  "Tuka kitten lagta?

This very attitude has kept Goans where they are today. "maca kiteak

It comes to my mind my reaction to what one police inspector said to me when
I have gone to him with a complaint of noise pollution (loudspeaker
nuisance)." Why only you Mr. Lobo? It has always been you, you and you. I
have'nt received a single complaint from anyone else from your village. It
does not sound right that we should act on only one man's say so. "

And this was what I had to say to him.

"Inspector, you know who wrote the Constitution of India? Dr. Ambedkar.
Well, for your kind information, when Dr. Ambedkar was writing that
Constitution, he had Mr. Floriano Lobo in mind. He wrote it for me. I don't
need to bring 100 others here to convince you that my rights to peaceful
living are violated. For me, the rest of 999.999 million Indians are dead.
I am alive. Therefore, you, who is getting the salary to give me my rights
will get up from that chair, right now and stop this nuisance right away".

The good inspector understood this language and promptly sent the jeep and
confiscated the offending equipment.

It is not "tuka" ani "maka' lagta. It is everyone's business, whether we
like it or not.
If only each one of us had this attitude, especially the Goans,  that the
constitutional rights are individual rights and need not be claimed
collectively, things would be different.

In the same vein, what we hear today re: Khalap and Marathi is unfortunate.
Not for Khalap, but for Luizinho and Nirmala  These are the people who have
failed to realise Khalap's compulsions ,  his fidelity and what makes him
Still they have meekly accepted this turncoat into their camp. Now, the
warnings issued by Luizinho to Khalap " not to play with fire"  sounds silly
and  hollow,  for there is no fire, no embers, no smoke in the congress camp
anymore. Luizinho, Nirmala, Sardinha, and to a sizeable extent, Dr. Wilfred
D'Souza have seen to it that only the ashes remain where this fire was
burning, and we goans must be prepared to tell our children that Congress
was a POLITICAL PARTY of substance in Goa, ONCE UPON A TIME,  long, long ago
and was reduced to ashes due to the hollowness and greed of its LEADERS.

Best regards


>  Gilbert Lawrence's objection to members discussing the Iraq crisis
> on this forum because it does not concern Goa or Goans, reflects a typical
> attitude of us Goans. Being something of a social activitist, whenever
> I try to involve my fellow-villagers in a a cause of social concern, I am
> often faced with the remark (in konkani) "tuka kittem lagta?" - meaning
> "how does it affect you?"  In other words, if your neighbour's house is
> on fire, why should you worry about it - it's not your house is it? The
> fact that the fire may soon spread to your own house and it would be both
> prudent and in one own's self-interest to assist him in putting out the
> does not appear to occur to them!
>  The world today is a global village. Industrial emissions from
> the U.S. which blow a hole in the ozone layer cause skin cancer and bush
> fires in Australia and floods in other parts of the world. There are
> lakhs of Goans in the Gulf region in the immediate vicinity of the theatre
> of the impending war. So let us not say that it is of no concern to us.
> ---Tony Correia-Afonso.

Re: [GOANET] Re: Well & Truly Said!

2003-01-23 Thread Floriano Lobo

Could Al Qaeda have gotten its training in the Iraqui dessert?
If that is proven, then 9/11 if not  Bali  could be connected.


> "Therefore, not a War but a real life  THREAT OF A WAR is very essential
> get compliance. A do  or die policy  with 100 percent determination to do
> what you will be done always works. And I am sure it will work  with Iraq.
> Otherwise, we will live to see a lot  more of September Elevens,
> Balis et al.."
> Unless I have missed something here.
> There is no evidence connecting September eleven and Bali to Iraq.
> Or are some of us brainwashed by popular propoganda.
> Tim de Mello
> Ontario, CANADA
> _
> Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*
> http://join.msn.com/?page=features/junkmail

Re: [GOANET] Re: Well & Truly Said!

2003-01-21 Thread Floriano Lobo

There are two things that must be considered here:
1. A real life 'TREATH OF A WAR"
2. A WAR

UN,  as a body of Nations  has been impotent to solve many a crucial
problems of the world. And this fact cannot be denied as it is impossible to
come to a consensus decicion with a diverse participation with varying
opinions, want, likes and dislikes.


Prez  Jimmy Carter went soft on the Soviet Union in reducing the nuclear
stock-piles by being the first to lead the way. What happened? The Soviets

Prez. Ronald Reagan put a stop to all this by insinuating "Star Wars"
Result? The powerful  Soviet Union folded.

The UN has asked Iraq to comply. As is evident from its past behaviour, it
has shown only contempt for such requests.

Therefore, not a War but a real life  THREAT OF A WAR is very essential to
get compliance. A do  or die policy  with 100 percent determination to do
what you will be done always works. And I am sure it will work  with Iraq.
Otherwise, we will live to see a lot  more of September Elevens,
Balis et al..

Pussy-footing around with serious issues never helps the geniuness of causes
but emboldens rascals to unleash attrocities on their own unsuspecting
people and the people of the world.

A home grown point in case is the RSS-VHP-BD-SS combination of India. A
united voice from the people of India must see these perverted organisations
banned for ever if this nation is hopeful to advance its ideology of a
'Secular Democracy' . But for that to happen, we require a Swadeshi Ronald
Reagan, a Tony Blair  or a George Bush. .

Just my  thoughts.


> "Tony Correia-Afonso" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >"We strongly oppose any move by any country, however mighty it is,
> >to remove any regime anywhere... It is no country's reponsibility
> >and it is beyond any country's authority to change any regime
> >anywhere."
> > ---Yashwant Sinha (India's Foreign Minister)
> >
> >The way U.S. foreign policy is presently being pursued by the Bush
> >Administration, one may soon find the U.N. Charter being amended to
> >require Heads of Government of member states to have prior approval
> >of the U.S. President before assuming office!
> > ---Tony Correia-Afonso.
> >
> I am very happy about India's courageous stance vis-a-vis the U.S.
> war with Iraq. Every nation and every individual who opposes this
> crazy war ought to make their voice heard as loudly and clearly as
> possible. There is no such thing as a just war. No justification is
> sound enough for the maiming and killing of innocent people. It is
> time for us to tell Bush to fight his war on his Sony Playstation.
> Cheers,
> Santosh

[GOANET] TidBits.004 (Tourist Visa)

2003-01-21 Thread Floriano Lobo

TidBits.004 ( Tourist Visa )

And any one wanting to visit India, especially the state of Kerala, must
ensure the type of visa one is applying for. Indian Visas of late have
become item specific and are not transferable, in that,   if  you are  a
businessman and if you are visiting India on a business visa, you must
confine  yourself to  business activities only, good or bad. You can  rest
assured that no questions will be asked and no one is going to give you a
notice to leave the country  within seven days, far less put you behind bars
even if you are peddling drugs. But if you so much as go to  a church  or a
masjid to offer prayers,   and  if you are seen mixing around  with other
devotees, far less talking or preaching to them,  be ready to be knifed,
beaten blue and black and slapped with a notice to leave the country within
seven days whether you are fit to travel or not. And even if the rouges who
have knifed you and beat you up are put behind bars,  they will be free
before you take the first step of the  ramp leading to  the  plane which is
flying you home.

And, there must be a long list of questions that go along with an
application for a visa to visit India. Like, which hotel are you going to
stay in. Who own's the hotel. What religion do the hotel owners belong to.
Are you a Christian, a Muslim.? Do you have many Christian, Muslim,  friends
in India?. Are you a businessman?  Will you be selling drugs?. Are you going
to carry any with you? Which state in India will you  be doing business in?.
(Free extension of visa if you will do business in New Delhi, specially with
the Defence Ministry). A demolition expert? Can you demolish churches and
Mosques in record time?  Will you be touring while'st on business?. Is it a
legitimate or illegitimate business? Is this business anything to do with a
Muslim or a Christian God? (If so, please note  that all businesses relating
to Gods other than the Hindu Gods  are permanently  closed down  in India by
virtue of India being a Hindu Rashtra and visas permanently denied). Are you
a University professor, a doctor, a animal lover, an IIT'an? (Please note
that while you are on a tourist visa in India, you will not be allowed to
deliver a lecture in the university or a college or address fellow IIT'ans
if you happen to be one,  or engage in any academic events while'st on a
tourist  visa, likewise,  you will  not be  allowed to attend to a serious
accident victim to save a life even  if you happen to be  the only doctor
available at the site of the accident. And if you are a animal lover, you
are not allowed to  kick a  stray dog even   if one is eyeing you in the
intent of a decent  meal.

And if you are a pedophile,  a bird watcher ( either  the winged variety
with two legs or the no wings variety with two legs), or any one of those
many many varieties that come on  tourist visas to do everything and
anything, including over-staying in this country and even own houses and
properties and running restaurants and bars and mini-businesses, you have
nothing to worry about so long as you do not mouth the name of Jesus Christ
even as a swear word much less dare to preach in His name cause you will  be
taken as wanting to convert them . And if you be unfortunate to do that, the
same fate that has befallen the Rev. Joseph W. Cooper will make your day if
you are lucky, but mostly expect to get roasted alive like the Staines in
the state of Orissa.

And I wonder what type of visa the US immigration department has given our
dear Chief Minister, Manohar Parrikar to  visit the U.S. of A. and to freely
speak about his political ethics to gaping mouth  ex -IIT'an audience where
back home his winning streak was mainly due to his ingenuity of
successfully deleting  almost 3000 voters names from the Panjim constituency
voter's list in the election that he boasts he won. He should be talking
about the ethics of making a minister out of a person whom he wanted to put
behind bars for sex scandal.  And the American politicians must learn more
from the IIT'an  Goan Chief Minister  how to persuade their   state
governors to disappear from the scene,  if  they are to retain their chairs
while on  foreign trips, like himself. And if that is not all, the American
politicians must be given lessons on how well to finance their foreign
jaunts,  where Goan politicians successfully do just that by allowing
crores of rupees  worth of illegal Rave Parties on the Goan beaches to go
un-hindered  at the cost of the well-being of the people of Goa and in
defiance of the Courts of law.

And if I was a foreigner and if I was wanting to  visit India, I would seek
a visitor's visa. In that case, I would be able not only  to mouth whichever
God I wanted to mouth about to whoever,   but I could al

Re: [GOANET] 1137 members- how many take active debate with Goan Issues??

2003-01-20 Thread Floriano Lobo

Boro dis,
Bori sanj,
Lui Bab,
Tuvem jhem mhulaim tem tor amim soglea khorea Goekaramnim 
mhullem ek, panch, dha vorsam adim, 
Goem aiz khoreponni Goemkaramcheam attanim astelem 
Torui  vhell assa, punn chodd noi.
Amim Goemkar tor Goemche' thaim ojeap zatelem mhunn 
sozmottaum, zalear tem ojeap (magic) amim Goemkararamnim amche ikmottin ani 
amcheach attanim goddun addunk  podtelem.
Ho'ch assa mojo xhin anim sondesh sogleam Goemkaram  
Mog assundi.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, January 19, 2003 2:59 
  Subject: [GOANET] 1137 members- how many 
  take active debate with Goan Issues??
  It's  nice to know that we have 1137 members within the 
  various Goacom members.
  How many take active part with Goa issues??
  Guess there is something wrong somewhere!!!

[GOANET] TidBits.003 (Advanism, Moditva or Hindutva?)

2003-01-19 Thread Floriano Lobo

TidBits.003 ( Advanism, Modidtva or Hindutva ? )

And  I have been perplexed, in my limited mental capacity , to digest the
philosophy of the leaders of the BJP for having taken up for 'Hindutva'
lock stock and barrel as a vehicle that will deliver them the 300 seats in
the Parliament in the next general elections.

And as if we did'nt have enough share of  black 13's already, here we have a
black Monday the 13th, of January, 2003 giving  the nation the first bad
news of the New Year.
Navhind Times , Monday, January 13, 2003
(Page 7)
"Naidu calls on party cadre to be firm on Hindutva"

to be followed by a contradiction
Navhind Times , January 14, 2003
(Page 9)
"BJP no to play Hindutva card for N-E polls"

Unmistakably , we see  double standards here.

If Hindutva is the ideology adopted by the BJP, then it should be
universally applied.
The two headlines   smacks of ad-hoc'ism.

The BJP should stand by the 'Hindutva Sword'  it has so  brazenly  adopted
and either conquer not only 300 but  500 seats or more in the Parliament in
the next general election or be prepared to perish in the dust.  Why be
selective  and  play hide and seek?

And  then again, the BJP is enticing the Hindu voters of one of the North
Eastern states with  promises of  the anti-conversion laws if voted to power
where communal consciousness is zero and all is hunky dory. Who is the fall
guy here?

And, isn't it  high time  the  Election Commission  and the Supreme Court of
India had a second look at the BJP  which is reneging on its solemn
assurances given  under the Representation of People's Act to uphold the
principles of SECULARISM   while registering itself as a political party and
initiate proceeding to de-recognize it as the mainstream national political
party?   What on earth are we waiting for? More Godhras? Looks like we  have
lost  the  respect for  the  Representation of People's Act and therefore,
exhibit  only scorn  for our  Constitution. What a shame.

Secularism to us should means that:

a) No political party must be  allowed to advance its prospects by promoting
and/or using religion as a means to achieve its electoral goals.

b) The governments at state and national level  must observe unbiased equal
tolerance for all religions under the principles of Secularism  and see to
it that  religions remain and propagate their views of faith within the
parameters of  non-interference with other religious beliefs  or non beliefs
and  stay out of governance.

c) Governments must protect the choice of any one citizen or a group of
citizens to change over to other religious  beliefs of their liking and/or
understanding  sans victimization so long as this choice is unforced and
un-coerced. If  sufficient proof of the use of force or coercion in this
regard is found to be documented, the parties involved should be very
severely punished. It goes without saying that a religious faith must be a
liberator of the mind rather than be a stifling force.

d) The governments which are put in place at the pleasure of all peoples
must not extend any government grants to  or play favorite with any
religious institutions or religious bodies so that religion remains the
private matter of   individuals and must flourish or perish as according to
the support it has from its followers.

Therefore, in view of all the above, the articulations by L.K. Advani that
his  government is  committed to 'Secularism" is a predictably hollow
statement and reeks of deception.

The last thing that this great nation  needs is the communal seeds sown in
the minds of  its people to encourage inter-religious rivalries  to
culminate into a very predictable future national catastrophe  when hundreds
of other doors are open to take this nation to great heights.

The need of the hour is for us, the thinking people of India,  to put our
state and national leaders and their political outfits under powerful
microscopes and examine their real intents, political or otherwise. They
must not be allowed to capitalize on the factors of  majorities and
minorities  of castes and creeds but look at the people of India as its
citizens capable of contributing to the greatness of this nation.


[GOANET] TidBits.002 (The Mark Of A Politician)

2003-01-12 Thread Floriano Lobo

TidBits.002 (The Mark of a Politician)

And it an established fact that Politicians are indispensable. If anyone
believes in Miracles in this modern day world, they are hardly attributed to
the Gods, or to Mother Theresas. In all fairness, it is the Politicians who
perform the Miracles for us common folks. Miracles like a drinking water
tap, a black topped road, a tube of light on the electric pole near our
house, permission to build sans a proper  licence, and , of course,  the
Dayanand  Pension Scheme et al. And,  we believe in Miracles when we see
one. And it is in our genes to worship the Miracle makers, for we believe
that only Politicians are capable of such Godly feats, that of robbing
Peter, keeping most of it,  and giving the pittance to Paul.

And it is said, many times over, that Politics is the last recourse of a
CROOK.  But, it is hard to apply this yardstick to each and every
politician, past or present.  There have been a few good politicians that we
remember of.  A home grown Lal Bahadur Shastri for one. Then we had Abraham
Lincoln, Jack Kennedy, the British bulldog, Sir Winston Churchill,  and
hello  Mr. Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore!,  I am stuck for names. Though no one
shot Sir  Winston Churchill, (and who went on to live to die at a ripe old
age, probably because of the tag of the bulldog that he totted, which kept
his would be assassins at bay),  the wicked hand reached Taskent in Russia
to poison Lal Bahadur Shastri. It may seem that nobody wants good politician
for a prolonged period of  time, and they make it to the offices by mistake
or by rare chance. But nothing happens to the bad ones , atleast some, like
our dear old Morarji Desai whom even a plane crash could not kill. But then
by virtue of being shot dead, Indira Gandhi would classify for being a good
politician, which she was'nt. She was the worst of them all. She succumbed
to the monster she herself had created. And there was Rajiv Gandhi who was
given the premiership of India for being Indira Gandhi's son and because
there was not a single congressman in the entire nation to fill in the shoes
that Indira Gandhi had vacated.. He too would classify for being a good
politician after having been a good Indian Airlines pilot,  for reason of
being  horribly blown off  by a human bomb. The Big Guns of  Bofors along
with the LTTE it was that got him, though. He really could have been a good
politician if he had remembered that getting to be India's Prime Minister
from an ordinary pilot was like the whole world being put at one's feet. But
he still chose to put Bofors in his pocket as well as save the skins of some
of his worthless friend's. What a pity. And they say Sanjay Gandhi would
have put all bad politicians to shame if he did'nt fall from the skies, or
perhaps was  not  dropped  from the skies. Maneka, of course is destined to
be the favoured politician among the four legged voters, that is,  if she
can help make the parliament give them the right to vote.

And Sonia is definitely not a good politician because Togadia and Modi
vociferously say so. That leaves us with Advani and Vajpayee. I personally
feel that Vajpayee is a good politician, for I cannot see him as a crook
taking recourse to politics, especially in the wake of his canceling the
licences to all petrol pumps given to his won BJP wallas . However,   I will
not say the same of the crafty Advani, who must be secretly saying Namaz(s)
ten times a day  to Allah for giving him the number two position, (at the
cost of "HIS" Babri Masjid, and which he is going to make the RAM TEMPLE),
which otherwise, was an impossible dream for him.   Vajpayee  has to be a
good politician. Has'nt he given us Goans a costly Sky-Bus as the New Year's
gift? Hope there are not many crafty BJP walla Chief Ministers like Manohar
Parrikar of Goa who can turn Vajpayee's heart into a ball of gold and
bankrupt  the whole nation. And we never knew there was another equally
efficient and even proven project called 'AEROBUS'  which has even conducted
the preliminary feasibility survey, and importantly,  which does not need a
lot of digging and cement concrete. Goa has  got more than the share of
these two already, thanks to the Town & Country Planning with a penchant for
shading Goa's landscape maps with crayons and  the PWD/Goa Telecom combined.
Only hope these two Sky-Buses do not collide in mid air and leave Goans
spilled on the good old earth to eat the dust.  And   I also  hope that
Vajpayee  has one more pair of eyes at the back of his head, if for nothing
else, only to watch the moves of craftfy  Advani behind him, for a likely
stab in the back.

And of course, I think Manohar Parrikar is a good politician too. Not
because he is going to be shot at in the near future.  I don't think ther

[GOANET] The Sky-Bus

2003-01-04 Thread Floriano Lobo

The Tourism Minister indeed has his head on his shoulders.

Fine  with us that the Sky-Bus should cater to boost tourism in the entire
coastal belt of Goa.

However,  I do hope  the Tourism Minister  has a parking place in mind for
it during the tourist off season in Goa.

The minister should know  the meaning of a 'METRO' in the first place,
specially when he boasts of having lived in the US etc.

The question is: "Would the Tourism Minister still want the Sky-Bus to link
the coastal belt to  boost tourism in Goa if he was the minister for weights
and measures or, for that matter,  the minister for printing and

I am given to wonder if  the human head is the only place we find the

Floriano Lobo

2nd. Jan. 2003

3rd. Jan. 2003

[GOANET] TidBits.001

2003-01-03 Thread Floriano Lobo

And here's wishing all my readers a very happy and prosperous New Year,

On New Year's Resolutions:

And as is customary, every new year comes with a new resolutions. I too have
made a resolution, which I believe is an unique one. For, this one has a
central theme "CHARITY STARTS AT HOME".   But then, as we have often seen,
new year's resolutions are made to be broken. I remember one particular
resolution of a long time ago, when we, the two chain smoking brothers
decided to quit smoking come new year's ringing in. Folks at home saw us
lighting up as many cigarettes as the ten fingers could handle at one time
and puffing away to glory even as the seconds hand on the wall clock  ticked
away to the zero hour. Come next morning it was a tough time trying to
salvage some of the cigarettes that were flung on the loft never to be lit
again. That was the shortest lived resolution in my life. To come to the
2003 resolution, it is such that it cannot be broken. A flexible one indeed,
I must say. When I say the theme is "Charity Starts at Home", I had in mind
a thought that OUR GOA is a survivor. It has survived four and a half
centuries of  military 'PORTUGUESE'   rule. It can very well survive another
couple  centuries of  'HINDUTVA's  HINDU RASHTRA rule. After all, whether it
is the PORTUGUESE rule or the HINDUTVA rule, we ordinary folks have to
scratch for our living anyway. Besides, who else  better to follow in the
footsteps than our very own Dr. Wilfred D'Souza who has shown us that  " IF
YOU CAN'T FIGHT THEM, JOIN THEM"  And in keeping with my new year's
resolution,  I shall not shed a drop of my tear or of my blood for Goa more
than what I can afford to shed knowing fully well that Goa will survive and
outlive me.  I might as well try to live a decent life, or whatever is left
of it. I would like to repeat John F. Kennedy's words to suit my thoughts in
that " I must think not what I can do for Goa but what Goa can do for  me"
Under the circumstances, most Goemkars will abundantly agree with me.

On PM's Holidaying in good old GOA.

And I had my first glimpse of a colourful chameleon pictured in the Navhind
Times on the New Year's Day, sitting in a lounge chair, watching the setting
sun over the horizon of the Arabian Sea.  With the kind of headline Quote PM
ATTACKS EXTREMIST PROJECTION OF HINDUTVA Unquote that went with the picture,
it could'nt have been anything else but a chameleon. This chameleon had a
totally different colour  a few days before when he patted the back and
installed as the Gujarat Chief Minister  the same  Hindutva extremist  that
he preferred to attack from Goa.  The only sensible drift that we Goans can
get out of the 'Hinduism is Secularism' crap that our PM  tried to dish out
to the world  in his 'Goa Musings'  is that perhaps  he has tried out our
Goan delicacy in the liquid form and found it exhilarating. "The Caju Feni".
After all, we  saw a number of clear liquid glasses on his table and any one
of which could have been the inspiration behind the great thought. And of
course, our PM could'nt have been holidaying in GOA without sampling the
Goan spirit.

On PM's New  Year's Gift to Goa.

Chameleon or not, Goans, especially the Mapxemkars, should  be more than
happy for the gift of 350 crores worth of a "Sky Bus" project for Goa,
entirely at the Centre's cost. Whow! Well done Manohar Parrikar and thank
you. Mapxemkars will never be able to forget you as a co-Mapxemkar who
helped  convince our dear PM that Goa was the place to relax and ring in the
hectic HINDUTVA New Year  and then go along and strip him of 350 huge
crores.  Only see that Nirmala Sawant does not steal the Mapxemkar's New
Year's gift and hand it over to the  Kashmiris of Calangute, Candolim, Baga
and Vagator. It is not her fault anyway . It is the breeding of the
Congressmen and Congresswomen. They never had their priorities right for the
long 20 odd years of rule they had in hand in Goa. And the Goa Congress has
always never believed that "Charity starts at Home"  It has always but
always been helping non Goans rather than Goans. Nevertheless, we trust you,
Manohar Parrikar,  to do your homework well as far as scheduling of  the
project is concerned, as it will lose the meaning of a costly " PRIME
MINISTER'S GIFT"  if  it should  take ten years or more to complete it, and,
by that time,  the Prime Minister be Prime Minister no more. Also, the
Panjimkars and Mapxemkars and all Goemkars alike will heartily thank you for
not  choosing "Saffron"  as the colour for the  "Sky Bus" as it will not go
well with  the 'Green Goa'.

And, finally,  I dedicate this very first "TidBits" of 2003  to dear Viviana
of Goanet.
Goes to show that like there are no permanent friends or permanent enemies,
there are no permanen

[GOANET] Politics & Democracy (TitBits-021)

2002-11-20 Thread Floriano Lobo

Goa's phone numbers change from Nov 10, 2002. Prefix old number with a 2. New numbers 
will be seven-digit 2XX (where XX is the old number).

TitBits-021 - Politics & Democracy.

Politics has been defined as the last resort of a crook. Likewise, Democracy
has been define as the government of the people, by the people, for the

In the Indian context, that politics has become the last resort of the
crooks cannot be denied with the umpteen number of criminals, goondas,
extortionists and what have yous' continuing to be the members of  our
august parliament and state legislative assemblies. Just yesterday we read
about a few MPs and MLAs from Bihar vanishing from police custody at the
hospital they were being treated at. Why this is happening is because the
winnability at  elections has become the criteria for candidates to get
party tickets  to contest elections.  A criminal or a crook is in a better
position to influence people rather than a clean and honest person.

So goes a story that after the hectic election campaigning, the master tells
his servant girl to bring out the best whiskey,  for he wanted to celebrate
his long and tiresome but successful election campaign. And when the whiskey
was served, he asks the girl for her opinion as to who, between him, a
righteous person, with impeccable integrity and his opponent , a crook and a
goonda, would win. The girl pondered for a moment and said  "Master,
everyone knows you are a good person, helpful, charitable and will make  the
best MLA. But you are old and not so good looking as your opponent. Besides
he has a terrific sex appeal. He will surely win.

If crooks and criminals (with terrific sex-appeal) are to be kept out of
politics of governance,  the  solution lies in  denying  them the party
tickets in  the first place. But how?  If the society   has  accepted
criminals into this vital field, there is not much one can do about it. The
parties must be made to field good and honest candidates with past track
records for being honest and accountable. That means twisting the arms of
the parties to do just that. And one simple way this may be achieved is to
incorporate the "Blank Slot"  (None of the above) on the ballot paper as
suggested by Late Vice President Shri. Krishna Kant. The people must be
given a choice to revolt positively by casting their negative vote to reject
bad candidates fielded by political parties rather than by not casting their
vote. In the latter case,  only the  criminals benefit. The "Blank Slot"
will see to it that no matter how much money, muscle  and election goodies
like cell phones, TVs, motor cycles and Dayanand Social Security schemes are
flaunted, this will fail to give them the desired results.

Today, criminal activities in high places are safeguarded by criminals  who
attain high positions in  the government. Take the instance of our  Deputy
Prime Minister, L.K. Advani. He, along with others, is  charge-sheeted in
the Babri Masjid demolition case. And there can be no bigger crime than the
crime against the constitution. The case is pending with the Liberhan
Commission, where Advani's guilt is not yet cleared. In all probabilities he
may be sent to jail for this major crime on the constitution of India. If
Italy can send its veteran ex-premier Giulio Andreotti to 24 years in jail
for his complicity in the  murder of a single journalist, I don't see why
Advani should not rot in jail for a  thousand years for his complicity in
the massacre of thousands in the Bombay riots, Godhra riots, Akshardam
Temple massacre and the massacres that are going to take place in the near
future,  just because he is vying for the seat of the Prime Minister of
India.  It suits him to attain higher and higher political offices while he
manipulates the delays in the Liberhan inquiry Commission which will
ultimately can him.  He was earlier indicted in the Hawala case. He had made
a big tamasha of stepping down until he was acquitted. Why is the same
standard not applicable in this case too? Advani's ulterior motives have
come in the open . Hats off to Mr. Arun Sinha for his cutting editorial
"Kingdom of Advani" (NT. 20 Nov, 2002). The sorry state of affairs vis a vis
VHP et al combined ,  MP Kuldip Nayar, Dr. Khrisna and the Ansal Plaza
shoot-out is an eye opener as to what extent power crazy maniacs like Advani
and Modi can go to.  There is no doubt that the line of thought of these
master manipulators  is to create problems and solve them, making fools out
of the public.  Voila! This is Politics a la BJP. Not that it was any better
a la Congress.  It will be befitting for  us to know what a 10 year old
thinks  what  politics is all about.

Seems that this 10 year old school boy tells his dad "Hey Dad. I have been
given an assignment for tomorrow to speak on  politics. I don't know wha

[GOANET] TitBits-020 (Comments on 18 Nov. Editorials)

2002-11-18 Thread Floriano Lobo

Goa's phone numbers change from Nov 10, 2002. Prefix old number with a 2. New numbers 
will be seven-digit 2XX (where XX is the old number).


And "TitBits" having crossed the 19th. mark which equals the earlier Tits &
Bits , liked by some,  and,  considered  offensive  by others. With its
20th. mark,  the  'TitBits'  is now free to take its own  Sweet & Sour

And  today's editorials of our main English dailies, are,  as usual,  very
hard hitting,   which makes the Goa's  4th. Estate what it actually has to
be, despite what our Union I&B Minister  Ms Sushma Swaraj may think, or,
perhaps prefer  clamping down the Indira Gandhi type " Emergency Censorship"
to see that all the sins of omissions and commissions of her  BJP government
don't become public. She has a point there too. The fourth estate should use
its discretion in reporting at least the name calling of the Prime Minister
by the VHP bigwigs. What do they mean by insulting him by calling him a

And whereas, the Herald editorial has given us a true insight of the meaning
of the  two legged "rats"  both political and bureaucratic who, of late, are
given to indulging in gobbling up huge amounts of grain meant for public
distribution. How can anyone blame them when there is nothing left to eat
elsewhere, specially at the Secretariat? What little is left to eat in terms
of money, this Shanna Manohar Parrikar is sitting on it like an aggressive
'roost hen' or should I say  "the  dog in the manger?"

The Navhind Times has said the right things at the right time about Mr.
Ramesh Chennithala, who is back in Goa for a possible refill of the election
time booty, which, they say,  has, up to now, kept him busy shuttling, not
between the many states of the Union but between New Delhi and the Gulf
states. The message to Sonia from Arun Sinha with love, that she must first
sack Ramesh Chennithala before looking for patching of relations  leading to
unity within the Goa Congress flock, is much appreciated. He should have
advised her to  send the entire flock to the slaughter house and start
afresh.  True what he says, that Congress men and women  should decide first
if they are fighting communalism or pulling each other down  to keep
themselves afloat. And, in the days when all our vegetables are imported
from Belgaum and elsewhere outside Goa, cabbage is the only vegetable which
can be peeled and re-peeled to come to a core which is relatively safe from
the abundance of DDT which, I hear,  is being used by farmers  there,
indiscriminately. However, Manohar Parrikar has seen to it that the basket
full of Goa Congress cabbages have been peeled to the extent that there is
nothing left of them to be called cabbages anymore,  and may even resemble
tennis balls to be dispatched for aces with grace. What a pity! indeed!

And the Gomantak Times for its share has condemned the VHP for being the
bane of the otherwise peace loving, industrious   Gujarathis. However, do I
detect a slight soft corner for Narendra Modi here?. If at all Narendra Modi
is complying with the EC directives, it is because he has been quietly
advised by his mentor Advani to take it easy and behave like how he has been
commanded to  by the iron man Lyngdoh, enough for Modi to realize  that his
bullshit has hit the ultimate high and it is now ready to come down on his
head like a ton of bricks. For her part, Sonia is again seen to be going
'on' and  'off'  like  a light bulb, as far as the seculars joining-up to go
for the BJP kill in Gujarat is concerned. Hope she does not repeat the Goa
scene in Gujarat, again,  in believing the likes of Chennithalas  that
Congress could perhaps go it alone. She must realize that at the moment her
'Congress' is a 'one winged chicken'. No matter how much it flaps its
solitary wing, it is not going to fly. And it is paramount that the BJP in
Gujarat must be soundly thrashed at the doorstep. This is only possible if
the seculars put their heads together and give a quality fight without
seeing dreams for themselves. Booting out BJP and clipping the fast growing
wings of the VHP will be the prize worth in diamonds and gold for all
seculars to share in times to come, and  at the same time sending a crystal
clear signal to the communal vipers that it is time for them to take their
religious bullshit and run.


What's On In Goa (WOIG): 
Nov 06 Children's book exhibn opens, Walkabout, Anjuna... (all weekdays)
Nov 06 ArtHouse, Calangute: Chaitali's acrylics on canvas till 19.11
Nov 07 Revision of electoral rolls (till Nov 30) See schedule.
Dec 01 Two day conference, Goa Agenda. IT For Society. (Ends 2.12) 
Every Sunday: Music therapy sessions at Moira, 5 pm. 278, N.Portugal

[GOANET] TitBits-020 (Comments on 18 Nov. Editorials)

2002-11-18 Thread Floriano Lobo

Goa's phone numbers change from Nov 10, 2002. Prefix old number with a 2. New numbers 
will be seven-digit 2XX (where XX is the old number).


And "TitBits" having crossed the 19th. mark which equals the earlier Tits &
Bits , liked by some,  and,  considered  offensive  by others. With its
20th. mark,  the  'TitBits'  is now free to take its own  Sweet & Sour

And  today's editorials of our main English dailies, are,  as usual,  very
hard hitting,   which makes the Goa's  4th. Estate what it actually has to
be, despite what our Union I&B Minister  Ms Sushma Swaraj may think, or,
perhaps prefer  clamping down the Indira Gandhi type " Emergency Censorship"
to see that all the sins of omissions and commissions of her  BJP government
don't become public. She has a point there too. The fourth estate should use
its discretion in reporting at least the name calling of the Prime Minister
by the VHP bigwigs. What do they mean by insulting him by calling him a

And whereas, the Herald editorial has given us a true insight of the meaning
of the  two legged "rats"  both political and bureaucratic who, of late, are
given to indulging in gobbling up huge amounts of grain meant for public
distribution. How can anyone blame them when there is nothing left to eat
elsewhere, specially at the Secretariat? What little is left to eat in terms
of money, this Shanna Manohar Parrikar is sitting on it like an aggressive
'roost hen' or should I say  "the  dog in the manger?"

The Navhind Times has said the right things at the right time about Mr.
Ramesh Chennithala, who is back in Goa for a possible refill of the election
time booty, which, they say,  has, up to now, kept him busy shuttling, not
between the many states of the Union but between New Delhi and the Gulf
states. The message to Sonia from Arun Sinha with love, that she must first
sack Ramesh Chennithala before looking for patching of relations  leading to
unity within the Goa Congress flock, is much appreciated. He should have
advised her to  send the entire flock to the slaughter house and start
afresh.  True what he says, that Congress men and women  should decide first
if they are fighting communalism or pulling each other down  to keep
themselves afloat. And, in the days when all our vegetables are imported
from Belgaum and elsewhere outside Goa, cabbage is the only vegetable which
can be peeled and re-peeled to come to a core which is relatively safe from
the abundance of DDT which, I hear,  is being used by farmers  there,
indiscriminately. However, Manohar Parrikar has seen to it that the basket
full of Goa Congress cabbages have been peeled to the extent that there is
nothing left of them to be called cabbages anymore,  and may even resemble
tennis balls to be dispatched for aces with grace. What a pity! indeed!

And the Gomantak Times for its share has condemned the VHP for being the
bane of the otherwise peace loving, industrious   Gujarathis. However, do I
detect a slight soft corner for Narendra Modi here?. If at all Narendra Modi
is complying with the EC directives, it is because he has been quietly
advised by his mentor Advani to take it easy and behave like how he has been
commanded to  by the iron man Lyngdoh, enough for Modi to realize  that his
bullshit has hit the ultimate high and it is now ready to come down on his
head like a ton of bricks. For her part, Sonia is again seen to be going
'on' and  'off'  like  a light bulb, as far as the seculars joining-up to go
for the BJP kill in Gujarat is concerned. Hope she does not repeat the Goa
scene in Gujarat, again,  in believing the likes of Chennithalas  that
Congress could perhaps go it alone. She must realize that at the moment her
'Congress' is a 'one winged chicken'. No matter how much it flaps its
solitary wing, it is not going to fly. And it is paramount that the BJP in
Gujarat must be soundly thrashed at the doorstep. This is only possible if
the seculars put their heads together and give a quality fight without
seeing dreams for themselves. Booting out BJP and clipping the fast growing
wings of the VHP will be the prize worth in diamonds and gold for all
seculars to share in times to come, and  at the same time sending a crystal
clear signal to the communal vipers that it is time for them to take their
religious bullshit and run.


What's On In Goa (WOIG): 
Nov 06 Children's book exhibn opens, Walkabout, Anjuna... (all weekdays)
Nov 06 ArtHouse, Calangute: Chaitali's acrylics on canvas till 19.11
Nov 07 Revision of electoral rolls (till Nov 30) See schedule.
Dec 01 Two day conference, Goa Agenda. IT For Society. (Ends 2.12) 
Every Sunday: Music therapy sessions at Moira, 5 pm. 278, N.Portugal

[GOANET] Comments on News (Titbits-019)

2002-11-16 Thread Floriano Lobo

Goa's phone numbers change from Nov 10, 2002. Prefix old number with a 2. New numbers 
will be seven-digit 2XX (where XX is the old number).

TitBits - 018

Comments on  News
(Sunday 17 Nov, 2002)

And like some one has commented, the other day,  on the addictiveness of the
morning newspaper, his own words "What would our life be without a morning
newspaper?"  I am disposed to agree with the  thought. And I would  like to
confess that on a Sunday,  my usual first reach for the Herald's Mirror and
Rajan Narayan's "Stray Thoughts" have fallen to the 2nd. preference, first
being  Weekender's  Alexys page.

And like the previous Sunday,  this Sunday's  episode of awarding awards to
our very important politicians of Goa has made my day. Thank you Alex for
this raw treat. Parrikar having hit the hat-trick  of getting 3 prestigious
awards in one sitting.

Fevicol for Parrikar  indeed, not only to glue his Ministers together but
also to glue the opposition to their own dirty spots as well as the base of
the matka pot to his head, keeping his hands free for other things.

Mapusa Municipality could do better with a flavoured cake of cow-dung worked
with human urine which is a plenty in the Market.

Dr. Willy's is the right choice as he could learn more from this prestigious
jumping toad.

A set of dentures for Mathany  would surely come in handy to chew on the
tough morsels Parrikar is diverting his way. Hope Parrikar spares some of
his well earned FEVICOL for Mathany to glue his additional set of dentures
in place.

The skull with RIP citation for Luizinho, Sardinha, Ramakant and Tai  for
the tombstone of their  dead parties.  An unique award indeed.

And Alex! Is that Narvekar  for the CGA?? He surely deserved a profile
folder of fake tickets that he could print successfully for future ODIs.

And then, there is the Herald Page 6  Headlines "My supporters will stop VHP
's Yatra: Puri Seer". And though it is going to take some space , I would
like to reproduce this piece as a justification for my rather strongly
worded  write-up (Titbits-13 : Epicentre shifting to Pak: Advani)

New Delhi, Nov 16 (UNI) - Coming down heavily on the Vishva Hindu Parishad
for using religion for political purposes, Puri Shankaracharya Swami
Adhokshjanand Dev Teerath today said thousands of his supporters would stop
the VHP's controversial "Vijay yatra' in Gujarat beginning tomorrow.

Talking to reporters here, the Seer expressed 'lack of trust ' in the
government in this regard and said Deputy Prime Minister, LK Advani had no
right to continue as home minister as he had failed to curb a 'terrorist
organisation' like the VHP.

"He was, infact,  working  hand in glove with them", the Seer added.

Although the prime minister had asked the VHP not to go ahead with the yatra
as per the Election Commission's  directive, the Shankaracharya said: "we
have no trust in the government"

He described VHP leaders Ashok Singhal and Pravin Togadia as the 'biggest
terrorists of the century' and demanded their immediate arrest.

The Shankaracharya, who will leave for Gujarat tomorrow, said the thousands
of his supporters in Gujarat would ensure that the VHP's proposed yatra
could not take place. During  the VHP's  'Shiladaan'  programme in Ayodhya
in March, he said, as many as 5000 of his supporters were present to stop
VHP activists from taking the law into their own hands.

"The  VHP is indulging in politics in the name of religion and its Gujarat
yatra is aimed at taking political mileage out of it", the  Shankaracharya

The agenda of the VHP, he alleged, consisted of terror, repression,
vandalism and communalism.

On Ayodhya, the Seer said the VHP had 'politicised' the religious issue and
was trying to mislead the Hindu community.

"To resolve the issue amicably, we are forging a parallel platform of the
right-thinking forces so that the VHP's divisive politics on the Ram Temple
issue is thwarted", he added.

The Seer, who returned from a trip to the US recently, said he had urged the
US authorities to stop the funds the VHP was getting from that country in
the name of social welfare and 'misusing for political purpose'.

And to come to the Goa scene,  NT's ' PANORAMA' features  an interview with
Goa's  Founder President of Samata Andolan, Mr. Datta Naik in a caption
 RSS-VHP  Serve Their Political Agenda"  Founder president of the Samata
Andolan and entrepreneur Datta Naik tells Umesh Mahambre in an interview
that the need of hour in Goa is a "cultural renaissance" against religious


Q: In Goa, organizations like the RSS and VHP are growing. What do you think
are the reason?

A: Don't you know the reasons? Should I spell it out? Haven't you seen
recent photographs of ministers attending  RSS parade? There is government
backing. There is a master plan to infiltrate fu

Re: [GOANET] War Clouds

2002-11-13 Thread Floriano Lobo

Dear Veronica,
My assessment of your  "War Clouds"  is 
that you are, perhaps,  more worried about the rival tiatrists who are 
competing with the tiatrists that you probably side, rather than the imminent 
Iraqi war. If the rival tiatrist behaved themselves, then this God's own 
preaching from you would'nt be heard of. Prayers, of course, have divine powers 
to avert wars. Why don't you yourself pray silently? Others are probably doing 
just that.
Veronica, you must realise that one man's food 
is the other man's poison. I should  think that you would make a 
boring preacher if you ever decided to become one. So please spare us the 
By the way, Veronica, Mathais Vaz of Maureen 
Printers, Panjim, is still waiting for you to say hello and  sends you 
his  best wishes.

  - Original Message - 
  Veronica Fernandes 
  Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 10:47 
  Subject: [GOANET] War Clouds
   When Rome was burning, Emperor Nero was still 
  fiddling with his musical instrument oblivious of what was going on 
  around.  When the present 
  situation is so jittery in Kuwait , many of us are still not bothered to think 
  of the gravity of the current situation in Kuwait. Will USA and Britain attack 
  Iraq?  And if yes, when will it 
  be?  Will it be in December or 
  later on?  The entire world is 
  worried of this situation in this region except some of our Goans who are 
  least bothered of the 

[GOANET] Su-Raj V/s Bu-Raj (TitBits -017)

2002-11-13 Thread Floriano Lobo

Goa's phone numbers change from Nov 10, 2002. Prefix old number with a 2. New numbers 
will be seven-digit 2XX (where XX is the old number).

TitBits 017  Su-Raj V/s Bu-Raj

And for the first time, leading to the May 30th. assembly elections of  Goa,
we saw umpteen attempts by  all the leading political parties to rub one
slogan to its last end. The slogan being  "Good Governance"  We saw Manohar
Parrikar's BJP voicing it. We saw Shashikala Kakodkar making maximum noise
about it as was the Congress.  We saw huge hoadings all over Goa
proclaiming "Good Governance". And  we saw, for the first time, a political
party actually named after the slogan "Goa Su-Raj Party"  simply meaning
"Goa Good Governance Party" also trying to snatch its share of proclaiming
good governance in its unique way

And, many elections have come and gone since 1961 and the  political parties
did not see the good reason to flog this "Good Governance " slogan. Maybe
this was attributed to the fact  that no one saw it fit that the people of
Goa should be  unnecessarily awakened to the fact that  there is something
called "Good Governance". Why throw a stone in the dung and get splashed all

Rajesh Singh, in his series on "Good Governance" (NT)  stirred the hornet's
nest. The cue was immediately taken by the people who are behind the
formation of the "Good Governance Party"  and it became "fait accompli". And
whereas  'Suraj' which  was hitherto  considered  as the 'Sun'  got to be
acknowledged as "Good Governance"  too.

The connection between Suraj and  Swaraj  made big  waves in Goa when  the
most enterprising Ms. Deepa Murkunde  gave it the recognition when she
boldly stated "We got Swaraj - But we want Suraj", and when she was jailed
for demanding, in her own very special and unique way, a little cleaner
facility of the luxury of the toilet in the Gandhi Market. What that meant
was that inspite of us getting the much touted Swaraj, it was still the
smelling, stinking and overflowing 'Badburaj" in the Gandhi market.

But then it is not a mere coincidence that the existence of this Badburaj
which I would prefer to call  Buraj for simplicity sake, has even hit as far
as Delhi when we see our enterprising Union Home Minister and the  second in
command Dy. Prime Minister Shri. Lal Krishna Advani  giving voice to the
same sentiments as  Ms. Deepa Murkunde. Perhaps, and it may not be an
exaggeration, the toilets in Delhi must be at their point of no return and
stinking and smelling and overflowing that even the otherwise insensitive
nose of our dear dear Lal Krishna Advani  is revolting.  He is absolutely
Nov 11 Page 5)

And it is  the universal fact that if one has to start one's day  by adoring
a  smelling, stinking and overflowing toilet, one cannot help but be sick.
And it is the universal fact that the  stink  which is directly connected to
Buraj that is flowing down from our august  Parliament House in Delhi, into
the numerous Legislative Assemblies and umpteen Municipal Corporations  and
hundreds of  Zilla Panchayats and thousands of Gram Panchayats, will
eventually  overflow into the  Parliament House by return and the stink of
which will reach the otherwise insensitive noses of the Kings who are
dishing out the Buraj in the first place.

Therefore, it is important that before the kings themselves lose their good
health, they should start cleaning up their acts  so that the people of
India may experience the Suraj leading up to giving them good and enjoyable


What's On In Goa (WOIG): 
Nov 06 Children's book exhibn opens, Walkabout, Anjuna... (all weekdays)
Nov 06 ArtHouse, Calangute: Chaitali's acrylics on canvas till 19.11
Nov 07 Revision of electoral rolls (till Nov 30) See schedule.
Nov 07 Creative science, for children, Goa Sc Centre (till 16.11)
Nov 10 Corporate summit on IT and biotechnology, Intl Centre (till 11.11)
Nov 17 Goan Engineers and Assoc meet, at Pickering, Canada.
Nov 20 Fr Agnelo's 75th death anniversary, Pilar
Dec 01 Two day conference, Goa Agenda. IT For Society. (Ends 2.12) 
Every Sunday: Music therapy sessions at Moira, 5 pm. 278, N.Portugal


[GOANET] Comments on Nov 12 Editorials - TitBits-018

2002-11-13 Thread Floriano Lobo

Goa's phone numbers change from Nov 10, 2002. Prefix old number with a 2. New numbers 
will be seven-digit 2XX (where XX is the old number).

TitBits - 018

Comments on  Editorials
12th. November, 2002

The editor of Navhind Times makes no bones to say that the affair at  Delhi'
s Ansal Plaza is a stage managed affair, all with the complicity of the
higher-ups in the security ring and the government.  It is highly indictive
of our security forces, our top government officials who seem  to be trying
to fool the people of India with games they plan and play to gain public
sympathy. That the Delhi Police should resort to satellite tracking of the
eye witness, heaping him with fabricated cases, intimidating him with
summons etc is a gimmick well know to us. Wonder how come the police does
not utilize the same intelligent tracking system to catch the successful
terrorists before they succeed? The very fact that the Delhi police were
successful in getting the two terrorists before they blew up the place was
in itself suspicious. Now we know why.  Thank you Arun Sinha for  giving us
the  strait talk.

The headlines "Ultras killed in encounter at Ansal Plaza: report
The police  today claimed that the post-mortem on the bodies of two
terrorists killed in the Ansal Plaza shoot-out has confirmed that they died
in an encounter.
There could'nt be anything more hilarious than this.

For its part, the editorial of Herald minces no words in accusing I.D.
Shukla of gross incompetence. It is also accusing I. D. Shukla   directly of
being involved with the chicanery that the steel rolling mills  play. If we
are not mistaken, I.D. Shukla must be the high ranking police officer who
was supposed to have been receiving haftas from the IOC pilferage
racketeers. And no more needs to be said as to why I.D. Shukla is able to
resist any attempts to dislodge him from Goa. I don't think that the Goa
police has ever reached this low in esteem since liberation of Goa. Somebody
should apply for the Guinness Record  Actually, the Goa police chief should
try the Goan recipe of  "KOT'TEN  NAK BUDOUN JIU DIU'NK"  Will some
enterprising Goemkar police officer please  tell our IGP and I.D. Shukla in
particular,  what that means in the Goan language? I hardly think there is
dearth of  well suited "Kot'teos"  in Goa for this unique job. And after the
top two, many more should follow until  the Goa Police is rid of these
chameleons  in uniform  And Rajan Narayan  must know that next time he
writes a beauty like this, he should  supply the facsimile of the 'Kot'ti'
for easier understanding of the persons concerned.

And Pramod Khandeparkar has done a good job on Congress' Sonia Gandhi at
Mount Abu. She has been saying a lot of things that most of the political
leaders were dying to hear. It is a wonder  that she has managed to
extricate herself from the ring of her mentors who must be sore at the
sacrilege  she is professing. But no matter how much she goes on talking of
coalition arrangements, there are a few important people who are waiting
for the right words  to come out of her  mouth. And even if she mustered
enough courage  to utter those few magic words, it is most doubtful if
dozens of hands will not  shoot up  around her,   wanting to clamp tight
over her mouth to stifle the words.  "And I am not particularly interested
to be the Prime Minister of India" Whow!  I can already hear the shrieks of
joy   EUREKA! EUREKA!  Oh! That one was from the maratha Don,  Pawar. And
oh! that  is  coming   from the distant Sagma. Did I hear one more EUREKA?
Ofcourse,  indeed. This one is at close range and loud and clear, Dr. Willy
doing the Eureka dance. I only hope they all  just do it in the bath tubs
and not in  the wells. That would be  the anticlimax otherwise,  having
waited  for nothing for such a long long time in the cold.


What's On In Goa (WOIG): 
Nov 06 Children's book exhibn opens, Walkabout, Anjuna... (all weekdays)
Nov 06 ArtHouse, Calangute: Chaitali's acrylics on canvas till 19.11
Nov 07 Revision of electoral rolls (till Nov 30) See schedule.
Nov 07 Creative science, for children, Goa Sc Centre (till 16.11)
Nov 10 Corporate summit on IT and biotechnology, Intl Centre (till 11.11)
Nov 17 Goan Engineers and Assoc meet, at Pickering, Canada.
Nov 20 Fr Agnelo's 75th death anniversary, Pilar
Dec 01 Two day conference, Goa Agenda. IT For Society. (Ends 2.12) 
Every Sunday: Music therapy sessions at Moira, 5 pm. 278, N.Portugal


[GOANET] Fw: Su-Raj V/s Bu-Raj (TitBits -017)

2002-11-13 Thread Floriano Lobo

Goa's phone numbers change from Nov 10, 2002. Prefix old number with a 2. New numbers 
will be seven-digit 2XX (where XX is the old number).

- Original Message -
From: Floriano Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 9:21 AM
Subject: Su-Raj V/s Bu-Raj (TitBits -017)

> TitBits 017  Su-Raj V/s Bu-Raj
> And for the first time, leading to the May 30th. assembly elections of
> we saw umpteen attempts by  all the leading political parties to rub one
> slogan to its last end. The slogan being  "Good Governance"  We saw
> Parrikar's BJP voicing it. We saw Shashikala Kakodkar making maximum noise
> about it as was the Congress.  We saw huge hoadings all over Goa
> proclaiming "Good Governance". And  we saw, for the first time, a
> party actually named after the slogan "Goa Su-Raj Party"  simply meaning
> "Goa Good Governance Party" also trying to snatch its share of proclaiming
> good governance in its unique way
> And, many elections have come and gone since 1961 and the  political
> did not see the good reason to flog this "Good Governance " slogan. Maybe
> this was attributed to the fact  that no one saw it fit that the people of
> Goa should be  unnecessarily awakened to the fact that  there is something
> called "Good Governance". Why throw a stone in the dung and get splashed
> over??
> Rajesh Singh, in his series on "Good Governance" (NT)  stirred the
> nest. The cue was immediately taken by the people who are behind the
> formation of the "Good Governance Party"  and it became "fait accompli".
> whereas  'Suraj' which  was hitherto  considered  as the 'Sun'  got to be
> acknowledged as "Good Governance"  too.
> The connection between Suraj and  Swaraj  made big  waves in Goa when  the
> most enterprising Ms. Deepa Murkunde  gave it the recognition when she
> boldly stated "We got Swaraj - But we want Suraj", and when she was jailed
> for demanding, in her own very special and unique way, a little cleaner
> facility of the luxury of the toilet in the Gandhi Market. What that meant
> was that inspite of us getting the much touted Swaraj, it was still the
> smelling, stinking and overflowing 'Badburaj" in the Gandhi market.
> But then it is not a mere coincidence that the existence of this Badburaj
> which I would prefer to call  Buraj for simplicity sake, has even hit as
> as Delhi when we see our enterprising Union Home Minister and the  second
> command Dy. Prime Minister Shri. Lal Krishna Advani  giving voice to the
> same sentiments as  Ms. Deepa Murkunde. Perhaps, and it may not be an
> exaggeration, the toilets in Delhi must be at their point of no return and
> stinking and smelling and overflowing that even the otherwise insensitive
> nose of our dear dear Lal Krishna Advani  is revolting.  He is absolutely
> Nov 11 Page 5)
> And it is  the universal fact that if one has to start one's day  by
> a  smelling, stinking and overflowing toilet, one cannot help but be sick.
> And it is the universal fact that the  stink  which is directly connected
> Buraj that is flowing down from our august  Parliament House in Delhi,
> the numerous Legislative Assemblies and umpteen Municipal Corporations
> hundreds of  Zilla Panchayats and thousands of Gram Panchayats, will
> eventually  overflow into the  Parliament House by return and the stink of
> which will reach the otherwise insensitive noses of the Kings who are
> dishing out the Buraj in the first place.
> Therefore, it is important that before the kings themselves lose their
> health, they should start cleaning up their acts  so that the people of
> India may experience the Suraj leading up to giving them good and
> health.
> Cheers
> Floriano

What's On In Goa (WOIG): 
Nov 06 Children's book exhibn opens, Walkabout, Anjuna... (all weekdays)
Nov 06 ArtHouse, Calangute: Chaitali's acrylics on canvas till 19.11
Nov 07 Revision of electoral rolls (till Nov 30) See schedule.
Nov 07 Creative science, for children, Goa Sc Centre (till 16.11)
Nov 10 Corporate summit on IT and biotechnology, Intl Centre (till 11.11)
Nov 17 Goan Engineers and Assoc meet, at Pickering, Canada.
Nov 20 Fr Agnelo's 75th death anniversary, Pilar
Dec 01 Two day conference, Goa Agenda. IT For Society. (Ends 2.12) 
Every Sunday: Music therapy sessions at Moira, 5 pm. 278, N.Portugal


[GOANET] Fw: Towards Good Governance:

2002-11-10 Thread Floriano Lobo

Goa's phone numbers change from Nov 10, 2002. Prefix old number with a 2. New numbers 
will be seven-digit 2XX (where XX is the old number).

- Original Message -
From: Floriano Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Navhind Times ;
Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2002 8:53 PM
Subject: Towards Good Governance:

> To,
> The editor,
> via e-mail:
> Sir,
> The other day I happened  to visit the  office of the Additional Collector
> in Panjim. And as usual, I always take the stairs up from the main
> And as usual, I was expecting to find my way up through the parked two
> wheelers in the entrance and the stair-well clogged with old furniture etc
> which has been  a permanent fixture for years on end through the
> of Shashikala, Dr.Willy D'Souza, Rane, Ravi, Luizinho Sardinha and finally
> Parrikar. And I have pointed this out many times in my writings. But this
> time a pleasant surprise was awaiting me. Not only the two wheelers were
> there, there  are many computer printed posters put up saying " PARKING OF
> TWO WHEELERS  PROHIBITED"  With a sign of relief, as I climbed the stairs,
> there was another surprise awaiting me. There are numerous beautiful
> in red put up saying " SALES PERSONS ARE PROHIBITED" And the passages and
> offices of the collectorate are sparkling clean and  new tiled . Well
> I said to myself. This is the "good governance" that I was waiting to see.
> And to think that I was particularly sore about the sales persons doing
> their brisk business in goverment departments. I do hope that all
> departments in Goa are spruced up like the Panjim Collectorate. I do
> understand that it takes time to see good things like these. And I for one
> am really really happy to know that someone somewhere is conscious of
> things.
> Thank you  Manohar Parrikar on this count.
> Hope you will look at  the Kadamba bus stand  in Mapusa that has become
> open stinking urinal cesspool, that too in close proximity of the Mapusa
> Market.
> It is said that the standard of living of the society is judged by the
> standard of its public places, especially its  market places.
> Goan have been always proud of their standards. Or were we really? Are we?
> Floriano Lobo
> Goa Su-Raj Party.

What's On In Goa (WOIG): 
Nov 06 Children's book exhibn opens, Walkabout, Anjuna... (all weekdays)
Nov 06 ArtHouse, Calangute: Chaitali's acrylics on canvas till 19.11
Nov 07 Revision of electoral rolls (till Nov 30) See schedule.
Nov 07 Creative science, for children, Goa Sc Centre (till 16.11)
Nov 10 Corporate summit on IT and biotechnology, Intl Centre (till 11.11)
Nov 17 Goan Engineers and Assoc meet, at Pickering, Canada.
Nov 20 Fr Agnelo's 75th death anniversary, Pilar
Dec 01 Two day conference, Goa Agenda. IT For Society. (Ends 2.12) 
Every Sunday: Music therapy sessions at Moira, 5 pm. 278, N.Portugal


[GOANET] A Rigid Political Commitment Required - TitBits - 016

2002-11-10 Thread Floriano Lobo

Goa's phone numbers change from Nov 10, 2002. Prefix old number with a 2. New numbers 
will be seven-digit 2XX (where XX is the old number).

TitBit 016 (A Rigid Political Commitment Required)

The BJP's bluff has been called,   that of "the party with a difference" in
numerous instances starting with the Tehelka expose and  ending with the
drubbing that it has received in quite a few states, including its base, the
UP and recently in Jammu and Kashmir.  Most importantly, it is the
bickerings in the BJP's rank and file in UP where party discipline has been
thrown to the wind and each one is for himself.  The 'coup de grace' will be
the election results in Gujarat.  All eyes are now on the Gujarat election
campaign. That Gujarat is going to be a battle field, there is no doubt when
things have already started hotting up with scuffles and mini riots.   The
Congress  and all other political dimensions in Gujarat must realize that it
is of utmost importance that they should keep their differences aside for
once and work out a formula so that all secular forces can come together on
a common programme of  defeating the Narendra Modi/Advani agenda in Gujarat.
And that has to happen sometime soon, The  entire foundation of the BJP has
been anchored in quick sand of religious bigotry and chicanery for the
ascendancy to power.  And towards this end, Congress' Sonia Gandhi 'not
being averse to  coalition politics' is the step in the right direction.
Given the priorities of fighting, defeating  and rooting out the two most
looming evils in the Indian polity, the  CORRUPT and the COMMUNALS, the
first pop shot has to be directed towards  the latter, for the poison of
corruption is the poison of the heart and slow acting,  but the poison of
the communalism is the potent poison of the mind, fast acting and
devastating,  leading to rabidness in the otherwise peaceful society.

The BJP has been blowing its horn over it's seeming victory in Goa.  But,
infact, it is  "thumbs down" for the Goa BJP,   which went into the mid-term
assembly poll by dissolving the assembly in the hope of getting a majority
mandate. Today, it is in power only because the opposition Congress was in
no position to choose its leader. Many say that this delay cost the Congress
dearly and  gave Manohar Parrikar the chance to woo the two first timers of
the UGDP, and  the two of MGP opportunists,  who were over the board with
eagerness to be in the ministry. So where is the difference that the BJP has
been talking about?

The justification given by  Manohar Parrikar for illegally resorting to the
dissolution  of the assembly and calling for fresh elections was that he
could'nt work with  the fractured mandate, and that he needed a majority
mandate  to work things out.  But having got the same old situation of a
fractured mandate, Manohar Parrikar has  been seen working at just two
angles. One, to stick to the CM chair at all cost by entertaining each and
every MLA of the ruling as well as the opposition camp, and two, to
consolidate BJP's position by using the government as the propaganda machine
in the hope of  bettering his prospects  in the next elections, which are
expected to be announced as early as 2003 if BJP tastes victory in Gujarat
or latest by 2004 to go with the parliamentary elections.  It is said that
with Manohar Parrikar at the helm today, any MLA, whether  belonging to the
ruling or the opposition camp can easily avail of sanction to visit  foreign
lands for fun and frolic at the cost of the tax-payers. Look at the way
these MLA's are buzzing around on the international air routes.

Having gone through Parrikar's  letter that seemingly bowled Dr. Wilfred D'
Souza into  accepting the cabinet rank post  of  Dy. Chairman of the
Planning Boards, it looks as if Manohar Parrikar has a very good "vision of
Goa" . I would have expected that he, being the CM, and most vocal of his
love for Goa, that he should have a "Vision for Goa" instead. The talk of
the 'vision of Goa' that Parrikar has bowled Dr. Willy over to his side is
the vision that we see every day. The vision of rampant saffronising of the
government, may it be the judiciary, the Governor himself, the police, the
works. The vision of rampant 'Matka'. The vision of the Panjim Corporation
Bill. The faded vision of the Miramar Beach Privatization, the campal rain
trees, the influencing of the Election Commission vis a vis election code of
conduct and the removal of 3000 thousand odd voter's names from Panjim
constituency. The vision of the heavy lid on the META affair and the Miramar
Sex scandal, the lid on the Tanuja murder case. And most importantly, his
vision of Goa becoming a slave to RSS under his helmanship where he has been
bold enough to take goans for granted and marched in the RSS parade donning
the colours of the RSS. The v

Re: [GOANET] A cockeyed vision in harassing missions

2002-11-08 Thread Floriano Lobo

You can post to GoaNet. Send in your views and comments to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mr. Parrikar is considered as convent educated. He has Christians from the
U.G.D.P supporting him, and he even has the secular M.G.P too propping up
ministry with a press secretary vomiting out anti Christian sentiments, the
wolf in sheeps clothes seems exposed. It is for the Congress to take the
challenge, to save Goa from the Brink of Disaster. Whether Parrikar mends
ways according to his Christian training or the Congress shows him the door.
Only time would tell  the tale in the future. Till then Goans must remain
vigilant to the wicked viles of the R.SS fundamatalists asserting themselves
in Goa  today.


The Saffron Venom that has started pouring out from the desk of the Goa CM
is understandable, justified and WELCOME.
It was inevitable.
Goans,  and the church in Goa in  particular,  deserve  much more.
Goans and specially the christians  deserve to be whipped, harrassed and
belittled by the core comunals  until they come to a stage that they should
rub their noses in the dust.

Let them indulge in running corrupt governments and make and break unholy
partnerships to loot and plunder.

Let the Archbishop of Goa give his bountiful blessings to these rascals when
they formed the government through the back door and by unholy defections.

Let the Archbishop accept more bouquets of flowers on his birthdays from the
same CM who is now spewing venom through his hired hand, Rajesh Singh.

Let the Archbiship sleep over the issue of the serpentine murthy which has
grown under the mango tree on the grounds of the Che Cathedral.

Let the church give out a call to its laity to shun communal and corrupt
forces in the election and be complacent to see it fall on deaf ears. (In
the last election,  priests have actively worked for the corrupt and there
are talks doing the rounds  that money as donations and cell phones have
been received in
certain constituencies).

And in general, let the christian legislators get bowled by nice letters
written to them by the same CM and bring this land of peace to the status of
an inferno.

Yes Sir,

Goans deserve to be kicked  and kicked hard until they leave everything and
run away to distant lands  to save their miserable skins and leave this land
of their ancestors in the hands of these ungrateful  communal lot who will
soil the
very plate they eat from.


> By  Joe D'Souza &  Agnelo Remedios.
> The Hindutva protoganists may consider it their birth right to get their
> monochromatic views published in a newspaper, owned by a Christian, and
> to a large extent, by the minorities in the state of Goa. This in itself
> clearly reveal the unlimited tolerance shown by the flock committed to the
> teachings of Jesus Christ.
> Rajesh Singh in an essay, full of contradictions, expressed suprise, as to
> why the Catholic church failed to capitalize itself into converting
> the world over, which are available in large numbers, very often in abject
> poverty, instead of  concentrating its human and other resources to
> the missionary work in India. What is it that makes Rajesh Singh believe,
> converting Muslims into Christianity is acceptable but not the Hindus.
> The harvest Muslims are available in larger numbers than the Hindus. Is
> the reason? We must excuse Rajesh for his observation as he is seeing
> a coloured glasses and that too saffron. Inadvertently, he very clearly
> supports the claim that conversion taking place by Christian missionaries
> not based on availability by numbers, poverty allurement or coercion, but
> because of the urgent need to stop the centuries old discrimination and
> exploitation  by casteists Hindus .

What's On In Goa (WOIG): 
Nov 06 Children's book exhibn opens, Walkabout, Anjuna... (all weekdays)
Nov 06 ArtHouse, Calangute: Chaitali's acrylics on canvas till 19.11
Nov 07 Revision of electoral rolls (till Nov 30) See schedule.
Nov 07 Creative science, for children, Goa Sc Centre (till 16.11)
Nov 10 Corporate summit on IT and biotechnology, Intl Centre (till 11.11)
Nov 17 Goan Engineers and Assoc meet, at Pickering, Canada.
Nov 20 Fr Agnelo's 75th death anniversary, Pilar
Dec 01 Two day conference, Goa Agenda. IT For Society. (Ends 2.12) 
Every Sunday: Music therapy sessions at Moira, 5 pm. 278, N.Portugal


[GOANET] TitBits - 015 (Saffron Legitimacy in India's Governance???)

2002-11-06 Thread Floriano Lobo

You can post to GoaNet. Send in your views and comments to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

TitBits-015 ( Saffron Legitimacy in  India's Governance??)

Atal Behari Vajpayee has been projected as a liberal RSS swayamsevak, the
mask of the RSS in the BJP government, who is responsible to have taken the
RSS agenda right up to the governance of the country. And there seems to be
no one else who will back Vajpayee in this liberalism  or to walk in his
foot steps when he ultimately calls it a day and sits back to enjoy the
fruits of office as the ex-Prime minister of India. And it gives the sorry
picture that he is not concerned about this state of affairs in the  least
bit and is happy to beat the stick of his resignation whenever the Parivar
becomes more demanding of him. In such a case, I consider that Atal Behari
Vajpayee is a Judas who is going to sell the secular soul of this country to
the devils in the Parivar and it will be too late for him to find himself  a
tree tall enough to hang from.

If Vajpayee is a true liberal and if he knows that to give in to the Parivar
's agenda is a mortal sin and will cost the country dearly, then he should
do everything in his power, while he is the Prime Minister, to defeat the
designs of the Parivar and save this nation from impending doom,
continuously looking over his shoulder and reminding himself of the shadow
of peril following immediately  behind him in the number 2 slot, ready to
pounce on his chair should it be vacated even for a precious little moment.
Vajpayee owes it to the nation even at the cost of renouncing his loyalty to
the RSS and the Parivar and waging an all out bloody war to save this
country from internal disintegration. And if Vajpayee has the gal to do such
a thing, there will never be a big enough book of the  history of this
nation to hold his name and for the posterity to remember that "This was a
true son of this great nation, even bigger and taller in stature than the
revered father of the nation  Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi"  for Gandhiji  it
was the  terminating the colonial rule  of India, while Vajpayee will have
exorcised India of the Bigoted Casteist bone crushing oppressive rule of the
Parivar for ever.

Will Vajpayee be able to even consider such a move and be ready to  go down
the Mahatma way is a zillion dollar question. If so, the show will have
ended  where it all started.


Read On:-

Journalist Raju Nayak sums it up best when he says: "Parrikar's two years in
power have seen a consolidation of all Hindu forces in Goa, and I am not
referring only to the RSS and the VHP." Given Goa's cosmopolitan character,
this development hardly augurs well for the State, he argues.

Former Congress Chief Minister Luizinho Faleiro fears that such developments
would polarise Goa's otherwise homogenous voter base. The last election, he
says, saw the start of a "Gujarat-type polarisation of voters on communal
lines in Goa".

There has been open criticism for Mr Parrikar's overt courting of the Sangh
Parivar. Earlier this month, he donned khaki shorts and 'topi' to publicly
salute the RSS flag during its Dasara rally here.

"His participation was in very bad taste. It will send wrong signals," said
NGO Samata Andolan Convenor Datta Naik. "The RSS does not believe in
secularism, equality, fraternity and scientific temper. One cannot and
not be the Chief Minister of a State and a RSS volunteer at the same time,"
he contends.

Mr Parrikar's almost defiant display of his ideological moorings has given
the saffron forces a legitimacy it lacked in this State and brought into the
open a number of closet saffron sympathisers.

The scions of three of Goa's largest business houses shared the dais with
leaders at their last conference here, a gesture unthinkable under a


 1.  TitBits 014

And the healines scream "VHP ready for talks with PM over differences". "PM
had a meeting with top brass of the RSS to solve the differences between VHP
& BJP " (NT 2 Nov)
How come? PM is the leader of a secular coalition government of India called
the NDA. VHP and  RSS are the branded  communal organizations with
ideologies which are against the secular constitution of India.  Mr.
Vajpayee is a  Swayamsevak of the RSS. The PM is not. Should'nt the brother-
sister talks to solve their differences  be private and in no way connected
to the Prime Minister of India??  Or has the press overlooked the
relationship?? India's PM must not be seen hobnobbing with the fanatical
organizations, in the open,  even if he has professed to being  its member
(RSS) Likewise, Goa CM is  following in the footsteps of the grandfather
???. Can it get more funny?

2.  PROXY RULE BY THE RSS (NT. Between the lines by: Kuldip Nayar)


[GOANET] Fw: {ONE GOA} TitBits.014

2002-11-04 Thread Floriano Lobo

You can post to GoaNet. Send in your views and comments to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Original Message -
From: William Robert Da Silva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 10:09 PM
Subject: Re: {ONE GOA} TitBits.014

> Floriano,
> Your TitBits would read wonderful as Tits and Bits. Tits speaks for itself
> and
> Bits too. Together they summarise a world of fun, frolic and serious
> commentary
> on the political scene of Goa. So, TITS AND BITS. Floriano Lobo.
> Your analysis of PM's desire to dialogue with VHP and RSS is biassed. The
> secular
> NDA has every right and duty to dialogue with outfits of a religious
> its
> parallels will be CBCIs, Muslims, Adamsena, Catholic Sabha etc. The latter
> are
> not secular outfits, very communal and religiously so. These latter profit
> from
> Indian being secular, RSS and VHP do not. That is the crux of the problem.
> I hope you realise it. If you need more explanation on it I will send you.
> But this
> should be understood: Muslims are not secular, Christians are secular. But
> they
> can become and remain Muslim and Christian in a "secular" India. BJP
> RSS cannot, VHP and BD cannot. This is not grasped generally by the
> minorities.
> That is why we have problem. Jews had this problem in Europe. They have it
> in USA. They did not have it in pre-British India.
> With best wishes,
> William

What's On In Goa (WOIG): 
Nov 05 onwards: Wendell Rodrigues Festival. Altinho, Panjim
Nov 05 Bobbin lace-making training, Don Bosco's Panjim (till 17.11)
Nov 06 Richard Stallman, free software guru, speaks Farmagudi 4 pm
Nov 06 Bob Fitts, gospel music singer, Navelim grounds, 6 pm
Nov 06 Fr Britto's health courses, Pilar. Till 10.11. Later Chicalim.
Nov 06 ArtHouse, Calangute: Chaitali's acrylics on canvas till 19.11
Nov 07 Creative science, for children, Goa Sc Centre (till 16.11)
Nov 17 Goan Engineers and Assoc meet, at Pickering, Canada.
Nov 20 Fr Agnelo's 75th death anniversary, Pilar
Dec 01 Two day conference, Goa Agenda. IT For Society. (Ends 2.12) 
Every Sunday: Music therapy sessions at Moira, 5 pm. 278, N.Portugal


[GOANET] TitBits. 014

2002-11-04 Thread Floriano Lobo

You can post to GoaNet. Send in your views and comments to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

TitBits 014

And for me reading the daily news papers,  which incidentally are three in
numbers viz. 'NT' ' H' & 'GT' becomes an arduous task. To make it more
interesting, I have developed a system whereby it automatically converts the
day's news items into funny stories  which can be seen here as follows:

And the healines scream "VHP ready for talks with PM over differences". "PM
had a meeting with top brass of the RSS to solve the differences between VHP
& BJP " (NT 2 Nov)

How come? PM is the leader of a secular coalition government of India called
the NDA. VHP and  RSS are the branded  communal organizations with
ideologies which are against the secular constitution of India.  Mr.
Vajpayee is a  Swayamsevak of the RSS. The PM is not. Should'nt the brother-
sister talks to solve their differences  be private and in no way connected
to the Prime Minister of India??  Or has the press overlooked the
relationship?? India's PM must not be seen hobnobbing with the fanatical
organizations, in the open,  even if he has professed to being  its member
(RSS) Likewise, Goa CM is  following in the footsteps of the grandfather
???. Can it get more funny?

And it is heartening to hear that the "Ration Cards are not mandatory for
identification"  any more (NT 2 Nov.)
Thank God, now I can proudly show my  PAN card or the driving licence or the
passport instead of the beggar's card for the whole world to see that I was
drawing on govt, rations, whether I liked it or not.

And " Rane flays Politicisation of Police" (NT. 1 Nov). came as a sudden
surprise when we had heard from the grape wines that his and madame Rane's
high profile posts were at stake at the KA and Bal Bhavan respectively. Tit
calls for a Tat, never fails. Lightning always precedes the thunder. And the
worst part of it all  is that  the Parrikar government has suddenly failed
on all  counts viz. bad precedents  set by police by giving in to the new
RSS recruits, agriculture, industry, IT, tourism.(previously excellent
record when in the hands of baba Vishwajeet) all down and out  , govt
teacher an employee of ACGL, a full road for one individual at Dhavem,
Sattari, matka , bribe taking by government officials going on, unsolved
robberies and dacoities, the unsolved Tanuja murder case, denotification of
Mhadei wild life sanctuary, unresolved  Socorro mosque burning,  so on and
so forth. And that is  not all. A master plan to put Advani's  "river
linking scheme"  to shame. While Karnataka can have its dam on the Mhadei,
Goa 's Mondovi  never suffering from the lack of flow of water. Just a
matter of digging a small canal to take on the flood waters of the Mhadei
after being blocked by the dam (more contracts  to Narvekar) and voila! Fait
accompli - Brilliant! Interesting to note that when the 'hook' bites real
hard, it hauls up a mile long string of goodies when pulled out. The
necessity is that the 'hook' must be cast, and cast well.
" Kala Academy - Bal Bhavan"  ki Jai.

And our dear CM has been exhorting  Goa Police personnel to "Improve rapport
with Public" (NT 31 Oct). And believe it or not, the police promptly showed
its eagerness  by way of  demanding to know from the complainants whether
they belonged to the BJP before registering the complains. This way, the Goa
BJP's endeavours in investing into the membership drive is unnecessary as
everyone who goes to the police stations of Goa will be BJP members, I
included, if I need to register a complain. Incidentally this was also one
of the goodies that got hauled up with Mr. Rane's hook.

And Mathany says "Illegal activities still prevalent" (NT 31 Oct)  when he
makes a point to point out that most of the illegal activities of land
filling, hill cutting, deforestation,  etc)  are done on weekends, holidays
and at night.

And I would like to point out to Mathany that these things have been going
on forever and it is a wonder that he has seen them now.  These had the
blessings of the Congress before, and now these have the blessings of the
BJP. Both require votes, don't they??. Just look at the Bharat Tiles &
Marbles stall on the NH17, near Socorro junction which smacks of the CM
looking the other side. Whether these are done on holidays, weekends or by
night, come morning these can be seen and action can be taken and people
sent to prison. But for that to happen, one has to make an official
complain, and this has to graduate into a fight for a lifetime in courts of
law. Therefore, these illegalities have come to stay in Goa just like
everyone wants to stay in Goa, including Biharis and Kashmiris and
Rajasthanis and Keralites and Madrassis and the Kanadigas and    hey,
where are the Goan.

And I was pleasantly surprise to read the news headline "Court comes to the
rescue of a g


2002-11-02 Thread Floriano Lobo

You can post to GoaNet. Send in your views and comments to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Original Message -
From: Floriano Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 02, 2002 1:50 PM
Subject: Re: [The Goan Forum d-list] RE: {ONE GOA} [GOANET] DR WILLIE

> The response from Mr. Godfrey Gonsalves (President  SGPIAG) is well
> appreciated.
> This is just to go on record that my conversation with Dr. Willie was to
> our apprehensions forward to him in person directly without resorting to
> back-door criticism. Dr. Willie was given a chance to explain why he has
> done what he has done. Needless to say that we are all interested in the
> development of Goa  in an orderly, transparent manner. We do not want Goa
> develop the way some vested interests want it developed. Parrikars
> are on record. All of them may not be good for Goa. Therefore, there is a
> need for a constructive opposition.
> If Parrikar has suddenly become very conscious of harnessing his opponents
> in the mainstream of planning without a hidden agenda, then since he has
> support of  Dr. Willie now, let him come on record to publicly say if META
> STRIP is polluting or not polluting. Let him tell us if Meta Strips has
> incorporated all the recommendations of the Dhar Committee. Let him
> us if it is true or not that the Meta Strip is using PVC coated scrap
> as the raw material and whether or not the striiping and washing process
> conducted at the Meta Strip Premises. If Parrikar is not likely to do so,
> then let  Dr. Willie and  Mathany Saldanha  go on record to say what we
> We need constructive opposition to the ruling government. Because we do
> trust, in the least bit, the RSS lead government of Goa. We cannot, I
> reapeat, cannot trust the leader of the opposition Mr. Pratapsing Raoji
> to be giving the Parrikar's RSS government any constructive opposition. On
> the contrary, he is likely to curry favours to suit his personal
> He has done so, by sleeping on the disqualification petition filed by Dr.
> Willie himself. As I have said, Rane can be considered to be wearing the
> Congress boots, but his heart and soul is in the BJP. It is only a matter
> time that will decide his marathon jump into the BJP camp.
> We are justified in voicing our concerns and fears that Parrikar may
> back-stab Dr. Willie in the same manner he did once before. Back-stabbing
> an inborn malaise which cannot be wished away. We want Dr. Willie's
> assurances that his and other's expertise will not be used by Parrikar to
> promote his agenda of the Hindu Rashtra in Goa and discard Dr. Willie like
> soiled rag when he no longer needs him.
> Let us be euphoric, but very caustiously.
> Cheers
> Floriano
> goasuraj
> > Sir,
> >
> >
> >
> > The appointment of Dr Wilfred Anthony De Souza ex CM as Deputy Chairman,
> Planning Board, of State, a post with cabinet status, and his acceptance
> in order.
> >
> >
> >
> > The other members of the Planning Board are persons of proven
> each in his own field.  One should not read much into the appointment.  If
> Dr Willie can contribute to formulate policies for the State development
> given his expertise, one need not dispute his appointment, just because he
> is on the Opposition benches.  The State has suffered much because of
> instability, and persons with a limited vision there is a need to make up
> for lost time.
> >
> >
> >
> > There is also a need for public spirited citizens to change the mindset.
> Being in the Opposition does not imply opposing every thing .  The present
> election process is the cause of all political evils.  This needs to be
> remedied first.
> >
> >
> >
> > Politics is vibrant to an extent that one should develop a mindset where
> past events are given a go by. Because in a given situation existing then
> politicians may have behaved in a particular manner.
> >
> >
> >
> > This writer is of the view that first we should change the electoral
> process:
> >
> >
> >
> > Let the elected representative be elected with a minimum of 50 % of
> polled. Instead of first past the post.
> >
> >
> >
> > With this single amendment the multiplicity of candidates and political
> parties will disappear, instead of tolerating permutations and

[GOANET] Epicentre of Terorism shifting to Pak: Advani ( Titbits 013)

2002-11-01 Thread Floriano Lobo

You can post to GoaNet. Send in your views and comments to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

TitBits (013)
Epicentre of terror shifting to Pak. Advani
(Gomantak Times, 1st, November, 2002)
Hyderabad (PTI)

Deputy Prime Minister LK Advani yesterday said that the epicenter of
terrorism is now shifting to Pakistan. He added that this was resulting in
greater isolation of Islamabad.

"Irrespective of what the world says and does, we are determined to win this
proxy war being waged by Pakistan. we will see that perpetrators of proxy
war are defeated finally and firmly."  Advani said in a brief interaction
with the media at National Police Academy (NPA) near here.

Advani earlier reviewed the passing out parade of the 54th. batch of 33 IPS
officer trainees, including four women officers, and two Palestine security

Asserting that Pakistan was unable to reconcile to the decision of the
people of Jammu and Kashmir to be part of secular India and their firm
rejection of theocracy, he said, a series of debacles in its open war
strategy and was now resorting to proxy war through terrorism.

"Pakistan's strategy to internationalise the Kashmir issue could not be
taken far as senior United Nations officials have said that UN security
Council resolution ( on Kashmir) has become out-dated and is no longer
relevant," Advani, who also holds Home portfolio, said.

Advani said Islamabad had adopted three strategies -open wars,
internationalise Kashmir issue and finally proxy war - to "undo the
 decision" of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

"the open wars in 1947, 1965 and 1971 had proved disastrous for Pakistan as
it was unable to grab Kashmir but in the process lost even Bangladesh," he

Though Pakistan's designs to raise the Kashmir issue at international for a
had initially created" some illusion" among people who were not familiar
with the history of Indian states, the strategy could not be taken far, he

Now it (Pakistan) is resorting to terrorism. killing innocent people and
create terror in the country particularly in Jammu and Kashmir," Advani

However, there was a growing realization now across the world that the same
terror could be directed against any other country, he  said adding, "just
like how we had won the open wars, we are determined to win this proxy war".

Earlier, addressing IPS officer trainees after reviewing the parade, Advani
said the governments should have the capacity to take hard decisions in
matters of national unity and integrity and recalled how the "Iron Man",
Sardar Vallabh Bhai Pate, had overcome daunting challenges in the immediate
aftermath of partition and succeeded in integrating princely states into
Indian Union.

*  *  *

Analysis & Comments

Sad to say , but I have particularly developed a fine tuning system in me to
spot the  Handsome-Ugly face of our Deputy Prime Minister, LK Advani
whenever it appears in our press.

And, Handsome, because , at whatever age that he is sporting , he does  show
himself awfully well as far as health is concerned ..

(unlike our PM who cuts a sorry picture of a vibrant nation when we see him
trying to perform his duties on his feet. With due respect to him, it is not
his fault at all. There has been a president of the USA on wheelchair who
performed excellently and is remembered dearly )

...  and well groomed (specially with the lack of crop on his devious

And, Ugly because, no matter how much I try to shake the slow motion picture
of the falling masonry of the Babri Masjid, it shows itself in the
background with this  saffron clad fakir, with  a big smirk plastered all
over his  happy,  miserable face.

And I can visualise this line running  in his mind as he enjoys seeing his
pet mission being accomplished (the destruction of Babri Masjid)  "  NO ONE
is that the smart little devious Sindhi has gotten himself close to it,
thanks to the obliging gullible people of India.

 And I have also developed an equally super fine tuning of my brain to pick
up the best things that this man  says which are a total hypocrisy and most
often, blatant lies.

And, above, we see him speak to the newly graduated IPS officers. I can
imagine what each one of them must have had on their minds when he spoke of
Pakistani sponsored terrorism:

 " I do hope that my first posting is not in Gujarat with that  Gujarat
Nazi,  Narendra Milosevic Modi"  " I don't want to have the blood of my own
countrymen , women and children on my immaculate, clean hands"

And maybe some of them had this flash going in their brains:

 " I feel like wringing his bloody neck, at this very moment, and suffer the
consequences, just like the Shri Lankan jawan  when he hit Rajiv Gandhi with
his rifle butt."

And for sure,  Advani has conveniently misplaced  the


2002-10-31 Thread Floriano Lobo

You can post to GoaNet. Send in your views and comments to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

An excellent write-up indeed.

I have asked myself these three questions. as an
exercise in evaluating the motive.

1. Is Aires promoting himself and/or his career.?
2. Is Aires blocking his own chances of getting rich and affluent?
3. Is he a  visionary who can say a real, qualified  "NO".

I think, the answer to my  first question is that Aires is promoting
himself. We have seen a lot of people who think nothing else but to promote
themselves and what they do. The moto being "I MUST BE THERE"
I have a feeling that Aires desires to be "THERE"

Today, anyone trying to sell himself off or his way of thinking, is poooh
phoo'd. Mostly if it be something that will do a lot of good. But someone
trying to sell himself off for his own benefit gets a horde of takers,
because he has disguised his agenda and gives a feeling that the other is
really going to benefit and/or become rich. And today, the catch line is
"getting rich as fast as possible" example: Shanti Doot, the pyramid MLMs
with their fabulous "get
rich fast" schemes etc. etc.

And I think, a person of conviction has the right and must have the boldness
to say things irrespective of what others say or think. We call these people
'controversial'. I think Aires falls in this catagory. For him, there is the
tremendous scope to promote himself and his career to right the wrongs that
are casually taken for granted for being right. His latest challenge to the
government of Goa against  installing Rajesh Singh as the Director of
Information is commendable. Not because Rajesh Singh is an incapable person.
The question is "Is the procedure right?"  The verdict of the Judiciary will
tell us if this is right or wrong.

But in instances like these, if at the back of our minds, there is a nagging
feeling that maybe the particular judge has been bought, or is likely to be
bought or that the judge
may be suscribing to the wrong ideology etc., the confidence with which one
approaches this temple of justice is weakened. Therefore, for this
confidence to build there cannot be compromises as far as justice is
concerned, who it hurts, and how much it hurts.

To the question if Aires is blocking his blocking his own chances of getting
rich and affluent,  I think he is.
Fighting PILs to challenge the wrongs is a drain of personal resources and
prescious  time. For a successful lawyer, both are
are important. Besides, how  many people will appreciate the good that is
done in fighting the court battles and for how long?
Therefore, there are only a handful of people who are termed as
"Conscientious Objectors" who indulge in this suicidal path at the cost of
the wellbeing of the family in the long run.

To the question of saying a real 'No'
I believe that this is a very difficult word. Only a few can say it
emphatically with conviction and determination. Also, it takes a lot of will
It is possible that Aires means No when he says No.

Our country,   which is going on a tangent, a right thinking and
conscientious judiciary is our only hope. For judges are not made, they are


> There can be no words strong enough to emphasise the need to maintain the
> independence and integrity of the Judiciary. When all the avenues to seek
> justice are exhausted the common man's only hope is to knock at the doors
> the Judiciary.
> The findings of the former Chief Justice of the Punjab and Haryana High
> Court, Justice A.B. Saharya, should be a loud and clear wake up call.
> Justice Saharya in his report has indicted Justice Amar Bir Singh Gill and
> Justice M.L.Singhal for the favours they allegedly sought from the then
> Punjab Public Service Commission Chairman Sidhu for the selection of their
> daughters  and Justice Mehtab Singh Gill for his involvement in Sidhu’s
> operations.
> Justice Saharya has very bluntly and rightly told the Chief Justice of
> to, "act against the three judges ‘tainted’ in the Punjab Public Service
> Commission scam or else the credibility of the Judiciary is at stake.”
> Justice Saharya said the greatest challenge he faced while conducting his
> inquiry was "the resort to falsehood" by the three judges.
> Every citizen has a role to play in maintaining the highest standards of
> judicial institutions. Of course we lawyers have the major responsibility
> ensure that under no circumstances should we contribute by our acts and
> deeds to desecrate the temples of justice that the founding fathers of the
> Constitution had visualised would be eternally sacrosanct.
> The merits of each case should be the sole determining factor in
> judgement. Never should any other factor of cash or kind and still worse
> political or ideological bias influence the verdict of the Judge. The


2002-10-30 Thread Floriano Lobo

You can post to GoaNet. Send in your views and comments to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I felt that it was my duty to call up Dr. Wilfred D'Souza to congratulate
him on his elevation to the post of Dy. Chairman of the Planning Board.

As usual, Dr. Willy was robust in his acknowledment of my congratulatory

"Doctor", I said, "I would like to say a few things which is our evaluation
of  this particular event and I would like you to please listen without
interruption and then you may make your comments.  Manjoor hai??"

"Our evaluation means evaluation of Su-Raj??" he shot back.

"Yes, Su-Raj and maybe perhaps others who are ours and your  good friends" I

"Go ahead, I'll listen" he said.

It was a victory for me of  sorts, for Dr. Willy is a difficult man on the
listening part.

So I started. (Just to make sure that whatever I wanted to say was said, I
had written down the points.)

1. Last election, when I asked you to withdrawn your candidate from Aldona,
you told me to withdraw mine. The reason you gave was that I will be helping
the BJP to win. You asked me if I wanted the BJP to rule Goa.
I had replied to you saying that the BJP would be prefered in Aldona but not
NARVEKAR. That you will be helping this  crook to win , whom we don't want.

2. Manohar Parrikar was the guy who blackened your NE-118 with shoe polish.
Now he has inducted Balenos and Esteems.

3. You could be persuaded to take up the post because perhaps Manohar
Parrikar may have found a skeleton or two in you cupboard.

4. Your taking up this post and/or joining Parrikar, you have neutralised
the opposition.

5. Come next RSS parade at Campal, we expect you to march alongside Manohar
Parrikar doning the black Nehru topi and the khaki shorts.

6. You have ended your well groomed and respectable political career for a
few pieces of Silver. You will go down in the history of Goa as the Judas
scientist politician who missed his calculations to give Goa to RSS.

There where a few interruptions in between, but I did manage to put accross
all observations. Interruptions like Dr. Willy finished the sentence for me
after the Nehru topi for one, he justified his accepting the post in the
same manner that Rane being the Opposition leader has accepted the Kala
Academy post along with a post for his wife, and he readily agreed on the
shoe polish affair.

I shall not go into the details of the conversation that followed but let me
say that it was one long conversation which ended on a positive note.


Aires wrote:

> We will soon be celebrating Diwali, the festival of lights.  But  we seem
> be getting a step closer towards darkness, day by the day.  Now Chief
> Minister Parrikar has been able to manipulate Opposition MLA,  Dr. Wilfred
> De Souza, to accept the post of Deputy Chairman of the Planning
> The BJP has been able to isolate and silence another voice of the
> Opposition. It is not surprising that Dr. Wilfred has been silent in
> weeks. We now know why and feel uneasy.
> Dr De Souza, a vociferous opponent of the Chief Minister, was not long ago
> stabbed in the back by the same Parrikar.   He has now fallen prey to the
> temptations of a position that would give him the privileges and perks of
> Cabinet rank. Without Power,   politicians cannot keep their heads in
> and the veteran Dr De Souza has proven that he is no exception.
> Saligao the constituency from where Dr Wilfred  hails is known for its
> foxes. But this time it is cunning Parrikar who by his frequent recent
> visits to Dr Wilfred's  residence was able to diagnose the Doctor's
> weakness and aptly prescribe  the Doctor a position that would remove one
> thorn from  the BJP’s side.
> Chief Minister Parrikar did not offer Dr Wilfred the position because of
> planning skills or for the love of the veteran politician. His sole motive
> is to  ensure that Dr Willie is not a party in planning any move to
> de-stabilise the Parrikar outfit, an art Dr Wilfred has mastered over the
> years.
> In subverting the opposition,  Mr Parrikar has been playing a very crafty
> game.  To soothe Mr Rane,  the Opposition leader,  he has retained him as
> the Chairman of the Kala Academy and also allowed Madame Rane  to
> as Chairperson of Bal Bhavan.
> Only a healthy and strong opposition can ensure a good government. But
> Parrikar having systematically terrorised every opposition voice we are
> drifting  away from the democratic principles enshrined in our
> After the May 30th elections it was hoped that people like Mathany
> would make a difference. But  events are proving to the contrary. And now
> with Dr Wilfred having crossed the floor,  one feels dismayed.
> When Parrikar was in the Opposition he screamed about Ministers making
> overseas tr

Re: [GOANET] RTO to sell forms for licences from November 1.

2002-10-28 Thread Floriano Lobo

You can post to GoaNet. Send in your views and comments to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is a rip-off.
Good thing that the forms will be made available at the stationery shops
Charging a nominal Rs.1/- or Rs 2/- for the respective form is
understandable in that it costs as much to make a xerox copy.
But charging Rs. 5 upto  Rs 10/- is real something.
After paying  life-time road tax we get pot-holed road that destroy our
vehicles in half as much time it would normally take.
This is going to  be another scam where forms will be printed spuriously and
sold to the public.
What next?
People beware: You will next be paying  to breath the polluted air that is
already emptying your purses visiting doctors and clinics.

> --

> Regional Transport Office (RTO) to sell forms for licences
> --

> Motorists and general public approaching the RTO for licences,
> registration of vehicles, payment of taxes, etc will now have to pay
> a fee for the forms. The nominal rate is Rs 5 and Rs 10
> as the case may be.
> The new system comes into force from November 1, 2002.
> The public are informed that forms submitted without money value
> will be rejected and are therefore advised to purchase forms
> to avoid inconveniences.
> Forms will be available at stationery shops, book stalls
> and other outlets.
> GOMANTAK TIMES  24/10/02  Page   III
>   ---
> ===
> Documentation + Education + Solidarity
> 11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
> Tel: 252660 mailto:goadesc@;goatelecom.com
>website: www.goadesc.org
> --
> Working On Issues Of Development & Democracy
> ===
> --
> What's On In Goa:
> * Oct 26-Oct 30: Painting exhibition, Kala Academy art gallery.
> * Oct 28: Panjim Passport Office shifts to new EDC Complex premises.
> * Oct 29-31: Sale of polytechnic trainees garments, Govt Polytech, Panjim
> * Oct 29-31: Films on architect Le Corbusier, Goa Col. of Architecture
> * Nov 1-17: Swimming classes for children, others. SAG pool, Fatorda
> * Nov 1: Antonio Costa's painting exhibition, Fundacao Oriente 6.30pm
> * Nov 4: Book release, on Dr Gama Pinto, Lourdes Convent Saligao
> --

What's On In Goa:
* Oct 26-Oct 30: Painting exhibition, Kala Academy art gallery. 
* Oct 28: Panjim Passport Office shifts to new EDC Complex premises.
* Oct 29-31: Sale of polytechnic trainees garments, Govt Polytech, Panjim
* Oct 29-31: Films on architect Le Corbusier, Goa Col. of Architecture
* Nov 1-17: Swimming classes for children, others. SAG pool, Fatorda
* Nov 1: Antonio Costa's painting exhibition, Fundacao Oriente 6.30pm
* Nov 4: Book release, on Dr Gama Pinto, Lourdes Convent Saligao


Re: [Goanet] SPECIAL: Rave parties still the rage in Goa tourist belt: cops

2002-10-19 Thread Floriano Lobo
What's On In Goa:
* Oct 16-27: Vipasana meditation, Alto Porvorim
* Oct 24: Antonio Pereira Puraskar (Award) ceremony, Porvorim

It is some one by the name of Roy Fernandes from Siolim ex PA to the
Ex-Minister Ms. Fatima D'Sa.

- Original Message -
From: Tim de Mello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2002 6:52 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] SPECIAL: Rave parties still the rage in Goa tourist
belt: cops

> --
> What's On In Goa:
> * Oct 16-27: Vipasana meditation, Alto Porvorim
> * Oct 24: Antonio Pereira Puraskar (Award) ceremony, Porvorim
> --
> "The best-known among the rave organisers is the former PA to a former
> minister. Slapped with a murder charge, the man continues to operate with
> impunity, say the police."
> Fred: do you know who this person is?
> Tim de Mello
> Ontario, CANADA

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[Goanet] TitBits (010) - The Venomous Discipline

2002-10-17 Thread Floriano Lobo
What's On In Goa:
* Oct 16-27: Vipasana meditation, Alto Porvorim
* Oct 24: Antonio Pereira Puraskar (Award) ceremony, Porvorim

TitBits (010)- The Venomous Discipline

And  the Gujarat Nazi is again in the news, probably emboldened by the shot
in the arm that he got from Advani to continue with his  Gaurav Yatra. He
now wows to wipe out militants from Gujarat. I, for one cannot but help read
this as "Muslims" instead of "Militants".

And,  a long time ago, similar wows from the German Nazi  saw millions of
Jews in  gas chambers.

And, it is not surprising that the Nazi should garland  Gandji's statue. For
a statue is a statue. One can do with it what one wants. But if statues
could kick, I am sure the Nazi would have suffered a severe case of swollen
genitals before he could finish the job of  garlanding the one person who
must be detesting this worm, like never before in his entire living life.
And to think that this Nazi has been compared with personages such as Sardar
Vallabhbhai Patel and Lal Bahadur Shastri is like comparing a gutter rat to
great STATESMEN of our time,  who have done this nation proud. This gutter
rat is now being allowed by the brainless  Gujaratis to lead them on a yatra
which in fact is the renewed  "Dandi March"  , only this time to fill their
plates with salt instead of real meals.

And, the Goa  Nazi in the making has been parading in the capital city of
Goa in  half khaki pants, which hitherto were kept hidden from public view.
The surprising thing is that he has forgotten that open sandals are not a
part of the discipline he would want to talk about of the cadre RSS. It only
goes to show that discipline can be compromised if one is at the higher rung
of the RSS ladder.

It is the same discipline  that teaches them to throw stones at innocent
people and damage private  and public property while enforcing bandhs which
are the resort of cowards and  intended to cripple the country's economy. It
is the same discipline that makes them chant that they have no use of money,
while collecting millions to feather their own nests and to win elections.
It is the same discipline that makes them terrorize their own people and cow
down before the real terrorists. It is the same discipline that makes them
slit open  pregnant women's stomachs and spear the babies on their trishuls
and burn the entire families to charcoal. It is the same discipline that
make them disrupt religious services and assault the priests and the members
of the congregations. It is the same discipline that makes them rape the
nuns and burn the churches and mosques. It is the same discipline that makes
them burn the Christian missionaries alive while they were sleeping in their
car. It is the same discipline that makes them put their arms around the
shoulders of Cigarette and gutka manufacturers  to promote their wares
during Dushera and Navratri festivals. It is the same discipline that makes
them immune to the trials and tribulations of millions of  tribals and the
poor, on whose sweat they are laying the foundation  for a religious state.

And finally, it is  the same discipline that makes them install the
murthies of their  serpentine Gods under the mango trees on the grounds of
the Che Cathedral in old Goa  with the active connivance of the  ASI,
preparing the grounds for leading another yatra just like the yatra that saw
the Babri Masjid disappear,  to claim that the Che Cathedral has been built
on a  once upon a time  Hindu temple.

And all this would have been fine in the birthplace of Gandiji, even whom,
their venomous discipline has not spared. But it is an insult, not only to
Goans but to anyone who has even been remotely connected with Goa, that
these brain washed vipers have at all been allowed to take charge of the
affairs of Goa and Goans, illuminate their churches and temples, and sweet
talk them into reposing their confidence in them only to further their
secret and sinister hidden agendas.

And, all I can say is 'WELL DONE  GOA, WELL DONE GOANS'


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Re: [Goanet] Woman sentenced for urinating in municipal inspectors office.

2002-10-17 Thread Floriano Lobo
What's On In Goa:
* Oct 16-27: Vipasana meditation, Alto Porvorim
* Oct 24: Antonio Pereira Puraskar (Award) ceremony, Porvorim

Hello Aloysius,

You are very right about the superhuman bladder retention power of the
Moidekar womenfolk
When at the time Moira Bananas were Moira Bananas, these full bladders were
doing the justice to the girth and the length of the Moira Bananas. And you
probably know that our neighbouring  Nachinolkars were poor competitors and
therefore neve stood a chance.

However times have changed and as you have rightly said, Moira Bananas from
Moira are no more. But the full bladders of our Moira women folk are still
in very high demand. You would'nt think that the numerous spurious Indian
made foreign liquor bottling plants operating in Goa would be in business
Would you??


> Hi  Lilian & Roland,
> I think we should all support this lady  --  if the Municipal toilets are
> messy and impossible to use, this is the ideal way of making the municipal
> officers fully aware of the problem and maybe they would then get down to
> doing something about the situation
> (Deepa Mukundey is obviously not from Moira  --  I was always given to
> understand that Moirakars, who visited Mapuca to seel their plantains and
> vegetables, did not urinate in Mapuca, but carried the urine home (in
> bladders) to use to fertilise the Moira bananas and vegetable gardens.
> now there are hardly any plantations!!!)
> Please let me know if I can help in this case
> Thanks and cheers for the good work you are doing
> Aloysius D'Souza

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Re: [Goanet] Cable operators gimmicks to keep subscribers hooked

2002-10-16 Thread Floriano Lobo

What's On In Goa:
* Oct 16-17: Ornithology workshop, Bondla southernbirdwing.com
* Oct 16-27: Vipasana meditation, Alto Porvorim
* Oct 24: Antonio Pereira Puraskar (Award) ceremony, Porvorim

I am given to understand that our esteemed MLA of Cortalim  Senior Mathany
Saldanha is also a Cable operator based in Panjim. The question is 'IS HE


> Cable operators gimmicks to keep subscribers hooked
> --
> Navhind Times Team
> "Give them the samples till they are hooked to it and once it is done,
> there is nothing like it." That was the master strategy adopted by
> drug-peddlers
> all over the world, for boosting sales of deadly narcotic products. Well,
> the cable operators in the neighbourhoods seem to have resorted to the
> gimmick. The monthly fee charged by them has been enhanced to Rs 250
> per month from September, from a paltry sum of Rs 75 which was charged
> when the satellite channels were first beamed into the drawing rooms,
> way back in the early 1990s.
> This unreasonable rise has irked most of the cable subscribers, however,
> they are not ready to let go their membership, now that serials like
> Kyon Ki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi and Kahani Ghar Ghar Ki have
> become their staple diet.
> A recent survey conducted by The Navhind Times brought out some
> interesting revelations. The cable subscribers across the state,
> who were recently interviewed by TNT team, presented a somewhat
> clear picture about the cable operators.
> It was not surprising that cent per cent of those interviewed thought
> that the consumers court should take up the subscribers' complaints
> against the cable operators.
> Around 49 per cent people were happy with the channels provided to them
> against the fee charged, while 48 per cent demanded more from their
> cable operators.
> As much as 89 per cent of the customers declared that they should have a
> in the choice of the channels, while 6 per cent did not mind if their view
> was not taken into consideration. The rest 5 per cent were confused.
> The lack of support for the cable operators was also visible, when 46 per
> of the consumers wanted the entertainment tax charged, to be directly
> on to the government coffers, 32 per cent said that it should be handed
> to the cable operators. Around 14 per cent of those interviewed demanded
> abolition of the tax. The rest did not know what to say.
> Sixty-five per cent of those interviewed, blamed the cable operators
> for the recent imbroglio that raged between them and the Star TV channel.
> Only 8 per cent held the TV channel responsible for the problem,
> while 15 per cent said that both the parties had their share in it.
> Around 12 per cent people were totally ignorant about the same.
> As an extension to this question, almost 80 per cent of the 66 people
> interviewed,
> opined that the consumers should not pay full fee, when some of the
> are shut off for a particular period. Seventeen per cent wanted to
> full payment of fee, even in such conditions, while 3 per cent did not
> what to say.
> An interesting aspect that surfaced from this survey was the number of
> channels
> provided to the consumers around the state. The provision of channels
> had no uniformity and were not directly proportional to the fee charged.
> In one case, they varied from 15 to 17, while two other persons stated
> that their channels ranged between 18 and 20.
> The minimum number of channels provided were 15, to the consumers
> from Valpoi village, while a maximum of 50 channels were provided
> in Salcete taluka.
> The fee charged was also disproportionate as compared to the channels
> provided.
> In 40 cases (62 per cent), the fee charged was Rs 200, followed by 25 per
> being charged Rs 150, 9 per cent charged Rs 250 and 2 per cent each were
> charged Rs 220 and Rs 175. Two of the consumers were ignorant
> about the fee charged.
> The ratio of issuing a receipt after collecting the fee was 58:42, with
> majority
> of the urban customers receiving the same. The consumers from the urban
> areas mostly enjoyed this facility.
> Regarding the complaints, 57 per cent persons were attended to, while 41
> per cent
> did not receive any service even after registering a complaint. Around 2
> per cent
> said that they received the response irregularly.
> The mode of registering complaints also differed. In this aspect, there
> a lot of disparity, with 29 per cent receiving the service for their
> complaints
> through dedicated phone number, 23 per cent through dedicated serviceman,
> while 5 per cent through both the modes. Around 8 per cent persons had to
> personally contact the cable ope

Re: [Goanet] Shift Dabolim naval base to Karwar:Matanhy Saldanha

2002-10-16 Thread Floriano Lobo

What's On In Goa:
* Oct 16-17: Ornithology workshop, Bondla southernbirdwing.com
* Oct 16-27: Vipasana meditation, Alto Porvorim
* Oct 24: Antonio Pereira Puraskar (Award) ceremony, Porvorim

The poodle has spoken at last!!!
Is this because there is going to be a shift in the base soon???
And the tape on the mouth is off???

Can we now expect some fruitful and punchy statements likewise on META???


> Shift Dabolim naval base to Karwar: Cortalim MLA
> --
> Cortalim MLA and UGDP general secretary Matanhy Saldanha has maintained
> that the Dabolim Airport which was conceived as a civilian airport be
> to the same status by shifting the Naval base to the nearby Sea-Bird
> the biggest naval base in Asia.
> Saldanha in a press release has stated that the crash of the two naval
> aircrafts
> at Dabolim is a reminder to both the Naval authorities and the State
> Government
> to stop from further exposing the Goans to risk to life due to the
> of the
> Naval Aviation Wing operating in close proximity to densely populated and
> industrialised areas.
> He stated that the Navy was stationed in Goa neither for strategic reasons
> nor for security. The Navy is in Dabolim purely by coincidence because Goa
> was liberated from the Portuguese regime through military action and in
> during the Indo-China war, it was taken over by the Defence Ministry,
> as is the convention to do so at the time of war under the Defence of
> Rules/Act.
> Therefore, the Dabolim Civilian Airport continued to be in the Navy's
> possession
> as subsequent Civilian Governments of Goa failed to protect their rights
> the said airport, he added.
> -
> HERALD  16/10/02
> -
> ===
> Documentation + Education + Solidarity
> 11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
> Tel: 252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>website: www.goadesc.org
> --
> Working On Issues Of Development & Democracy
> ===
> To view GoaNet's archives http://groups.yahoo.com/group/goa-net
> For (un)subscribing or for help, contact: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Don't want so many e-mails?  Join GoaNet-Digest instead!

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Re: [Goanet] Protecting Our Heritage - St.Andrew's Church,Vasco.

2002-10-13 Thread Floriano Lobo

What's On In Goa:
* Oct 11: Konkani translation of Satre book, Alliance Francaise
* Oct 11: Friday Balcao, Mapusa. Mental health, suicides 4pm
* Oct 12: History Reading (Farar Far by Dr Pratima Kamat, Fundacao 5pm
* Oct 12: Goa Orchestra performs at the Kala (Corelli, Bach)
* Oct 13: Goa leg of National Karting Championships, Verna
* Oct 14: Colva Fama
* Oct 15: Magic in town... Illusion India show, Panjim then Vasco
* Oct 16-17: Ornithology workshop, Bondla southernbirdwing.com
* Oct 16-27: Vipasana meditation, Alto Porvorim
* Oct 24: Antonio Pereira Puraskar (Award) ceremony, Porvorim

Hello Aloysius, and Goans everywhere,

I thank Aloysius of broaching this topic of the real "Church". As a matter
of fact, I was contemplating on saying something similar on the topic of the
'Church' until Aloysius did the job.

However, I would like to say my bit anyway, and I do hope that my views are
not taken as imposing.

First of, let me say that I am no more a Sunday morning Christian. I have
outgrown this routine a long time ago, perhaps, this is attributed to the
fact that I was a sailor boy for far too long. Also, I have had the
experience of visiting places of the world where Sunday Services are
conducted more fruitfully with more of people's interaction, unlike the
full time rituals  and stereo type sermonising that we have,  where people
come, be one
in the congregation, follow the rituals and vanish to the sanctuary of their
own households to do what they have to do,  without having said a single
to the fellow participant (read nil interaction). We take it that the
"peace" that we pass on to each other at the relevant time during the Holy
Mass will bridge the gap and take care of everything.

Each of us  have, perhaps, attended Holy Masses in hundreds and thousands.
And we have
gone through the 'Elevation' of the Host and the Chalice. And the word that
go with the Elevation of the Chalice end up in " DO THIS IN MEMORY OF ME"
The question is "DO WHAT???"

I once asked a person who was arguing with me on religious topic if he could
tell me the meaning of "DO THIS IN MEMORY OF ME" . I din't get a
satisfactory answer. Leaving aside what we were told as children about wine
becoming blood etc, I feel that Jesus was exorting his disciples in his last
toast to take his example and not to be afraid to shed blood and even die
like him for the TRUTH and to uphold MORAL VALUES, and not just wanting the
posterity to remember that he had once raised a toast on his last supper.
(read Elbow-Exercise)

If the Church that Jesus founded had remembered correctly, today, we
would'nt have been ruled by cheats, self-centered egotists and vain leaders
and  criminals. We would have had the backbone to protest the injustices and
not suffer the indignities like the sacrificial lambs, always whining and
failing to take corrective actions..

It is laudable what the Jesuits in Pune are doing. Using the House of the
Lord for people's interraction with each other.

SUNDAY, I believe, has been kept for just the thing, so that the community
can meet, interract and find some benefit of being a community,  where
community members try to solve each other's problems, help each other. Take
turn to keep company of the community's sick in hospitals and  donate blood
when necessary (a crying need today). I have seen that if a member of one
particular family is struck down with serious illness and requires prolonged
hospitalisation, the respective family is totally devastated. All the
community members( read neighbours and friends) will do is to visit the
bedside of the sick for a few minutes and vanish.(read obligation done with)
Sad to say that I don't see the
catholic community as a closely nit  community anymore  but a widely
dispersed community inspite of all our Sunday services and prayer meets. We
are there in the Church in terrific numbers for services , for weddings, for
parties but we are not there as a
community for taking up for each other in the face of adversities. What is
worse is that we are always improving on our own piety and trying to be
holier by the day and closer to God, but forgetting that our neighbour may
needing our help.

I have gone on record for saying that I will start attending the Sunday Mass
if the Church services are more of community interaction which will
strengthen the severed bonds of the catholic community  rather than be
just the fulltime routine rituals and lip service, which I consider a
hypocrisy and a total
waste of time. As Aloysius has rightly pointed out that Jesus prefered to
preach in the open from the mountains.

As I have said earlier, these are my views and mine alone and I mean no
offence to the Church or to  any one individual of the catholic community as


> Hullo Goans everywhere
> While talking about "Churches" we are all referring to the struc

[Goanet] TitBits (009) - WHO IS THE VHP TRYING TO FOOL???

2002-10-12 Thread Floriano Lobo
What's On In Goa:
* Oct 11: Konkani translation of Satre book, Alliance Francaise
* Oct 11: Friday Balcao, Mapusa. Mental health, suicides 4pm
* Oct 12: History Reading (Farar Far by Dr Pratima Kamat, Fundacao 5pm
* Oct 12: Goa Orchestra performs at the Kala (Corelli, Bach)
* Oct 13: Goa leg of National Karting Championships, Verna
* Oct 14: Colva Fama
* Oct 15: Magic in town... Illusion India show, Panjim then Vasco
* Oct 16-17: Ornithology workshop, Bondla southernbirdwing.com
* Oct 16-27: Vipasana meditation, Alto Porvorim
* Oct 24: Antonio Pereira Puraskar (Award) ceremony, Porvorim

TitBits (009)

And we have an unusual, unexpected and surprising news in today's dailies.

"BJP DISAPPOINTED US- Sangh Parivar"  (NT-11 Oct)

The Secularist in India would want to celebrate their good fortune, to see a
rift between the "Siamese Twins"  and be rid of them with their internal
bickerings and infightings. But then, just hold on. There is no such luck.
This news item is a ploy to put the watchdogs off the scent. WHO IS THE VHP

Check out the page 5 of Gomantak Times  (dtd. 9 Oct, 2002 -'In Brief'
section). The caption reads as follows:-

"Deputy Prime Minister L.K. Advani, right, and Bharatiya Janta Party
President Venkaiya Naidu, left, during a party workers meeting in Ahmedabad
yesterday. The meeting is in preparation for the coming election in Gujarat.
In the backdrop is a painting of Hindu God Krishna blowing a conch shell,
which he did, according to Hindu mythology, at the start of the war of the
Pandavs against the evil Kauravas."

Aren't these two,  the leaders of the BJP and the promoters of VHP sponsored
communalism? Aren't these two,  the integral part of the BJP-VHP Siamese
Twins? Is the Gujarat elections  a Hindu (religious) war against the
muslims, the Christians and others? Is'nt this blatantly apparent from the
backdrop of Lord Krishna giving the call for a religious war?  If India is
still a secular country with a secular constitution, the Supreme Court and
the Election Commission should take a special note of this blatant violation
of the code of conduct  and prevent these communal vipers from  spreading
their venom. This one blatant aberration must be able to get the BJP
de-recognised  as India's political party registered under the
"Representation of People's Act".of the Constitution of India

Referring to the NT's editorial page  commentary "Fighting Terrorism: Not By
Arms Alone" by Praful Bidwai (Oct. 10, 2002), what the author seems to
suggest is that the entire episode of Swaminarayan Temple massacre could
have been stage managed for creating a diversion for the ethnic cleansing
that is underway in Gujarat with the complicity of the likes of Advani who
have shown that they have zero tolerance  to the minorities. On the one
hand, the Gujarat police suddenly seemed to be very efficient as against
their miserable showing during the post Godhra riots in pacifying and
controlling the crowds. On the other hand, the NSG (National Security
Guard), a highly trained Commando unit could not capture the  two terrorists
alive. They pump 46 and 60 bullets respectively into the two men, instead of
using stun-grenades, thereby eliminating the chance of interrogating  them.
So who were these terrorists??  And, what is still worse is that the GAURAV
YATRA of the Nazi Modi goes on with added vigour with an assurance to the
nation by none other than India's second in command and the deputy Prime
Minister, L.K. Advani  that this Nazi will be the Chief Minister of Gujarat,
again, if BJP wins the elections.

Utilising God's help to win elections   will be as counter productive for
the BJP as the results  have shown in the elections of Jammu and Kashmir
where BJP has retained just one seat out of their previously held 8 seats.
This may well be a prophessy. The BJP- VHP parivar  must well know that
"WHEN MAN PROPOSES, GOD DISPOSES", for no God (which includes 'Ram' and
'Krishna') will allow the rabid fanatics to claim glory in  His name at the
cost of innocent lives, distruction of property and terror in living.

Furthermore,  the hypocrisy  of  the master minds behind the Babri Masjid
demolition viz. L.K.  Advani, Murli Manohar Joshi and Uma Bharti is exposed
in the "BETWEEN THE LINES"  commentary by Kuldip Nayar (NT-9. Oct, 2002)
captioned "DALITS: STILL SHUNNED BY SOCIETY"  where the author reasons that
the  three masterminds should not be hiding behind mere  technicalities of a
wrongly issued  notification but should be consenting to be tried and
acquitted  if they are innocent, for the satisfaction of the posterity.
Therefore, it is very essential for the nation to take note of the
intentions of these leaders and the destination they are taking the nation



[Goanet] TitBits (008) - Mother Teresa

2002-10-10 Thread Floriano Lobo

What's On In Goa:
* Oct 11: Konkani translation of Satre book, Alliance Francaise
* Oct 11: Friday Balcao, Mapusa. Mental health, suicides 4pm
* Oct 12: History Reading (Farar Far by Dr Pratima Kamat, Fundacao 5pm
* Oct 12: Goa Orchestra performs at the Kala (Corelli, Bach)
* Oct 15: Magic in town... Illusion India show, Panjim then Vasco
* Oct 16-17: Ornithology workshop, Bondla southernbirdwing.com

TitBits (008)

And the Vatican, too,  seems to be influenced by the Guinness Book of World
Records, for It wants Mother Teresa to wear the saintly Halo in a tearing
hurry. But that  would be very fine with us Indian Christians,   who have
been kept waiting for decades after decades for our very own  Indian Saints,
specially  Pdr. Jose Vaz and Pdr. Agnel , who would make Goans unfurl
thousand white umbrellas in the St. Peter's  square at the Vatican.

And the controversy that has been raging countering the miraculous cure of
Monica Besra has climaxed with the good doctor who seemed to have treated
Besra having gone to the news channel with his argument against the miracle
when he is quoted as saying: (courtesy Fredrick Noronha)

"But they (Christian missionaries) want me to say that the case of Monica
Besra was beyond the comprehension of medical science and that she was cured
by a miracle," Murshed told a Bengali news channel.

And, there is something funny about this above quote. Christian Missionaries
the good doctor to say things? Or is someone else prompting the good doctor
to say
what he is saying about the Christian Missionaries? Next, the good doctor
will say that he is being offered a million dollars by the Christian
Missionaries to agree to the Miracle. Or perhaps the good doctor is getting
offers of a million dollars from vested interests to say things about the
Christian Missionaries, not forgetting that Christian Missionaries were
burnt alive not too long ago.

And, as far as I am concerned, this  whole thing has begun to  stink.

And, if indeed, the girl was under medication for a prolonged period of time
as claimed, then this whole miracle business should be seriously reviewed. I
don't  think
Christianity needs controversial saints, specially now,  and specially from
India,  where the country's political complexion is radiating HINDUTVA to
the extent that all other religions are under a thick black cloud.

And, the good Mother Teresa should be able to give the world, and her
beloved Kolkotta   a real clean befitting Miracle, to take her to the
non-controversial pedestal of the sainthood that she deserves.  I believe
she will do just that in her own good time.


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2002-10-08 Thread Floriano Lobo

What's On In Goa:
* Oct 11: Konkani translation of Satre book, Alliance Francaise
* Oct 12: Goa Orchestra performs at the Kala (Corelli, Bach)
* Oct 15: Magic in town... Illusion India magic show, Pnj then Vasco
* Mid-Oct: 2-day ornithologists workshop, Bondla southernbirdwing.com

Very well said, Aires.

If we Goans cannot trust the CBI, and this coming from the Chief Minister,
and Goa's Home Minister, then this is the end.

Re: protecting/detecting safron in  the Judiciary, some enterprising genius
will have to come up with some technique like eye glasses, which when worn,
can detect  saffron.

After education, I believe that  Indian sports has gone saffron.  Did anyone
notice the saffron headgear worn by our Indian contingent (men) at the Asian



> Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar's revelation  that the Central Bureau of
> Investigation (CBI) can be manipulated is a matter of great concern.
> If the Chief Minister cannot rely on the independence and efficiency of
> CBI  what faith can an ordinary citizen repose on this ultimate
> investigating Authority?
> Could it be that the CBI did not succumb Parrikar's pressure
> in a particular case and that the Chief Minister is therefore  crying
> foul over the integrity of the CBI.
> After all the Chief Minister has become accustomed to everyone falling
> to his feet. Even a majority of the Press has pleased the Chief Minister
> being at his beck and call. The Chief Minister has been very organised and
> systematic in saffronising every bit that he can.
> The Judiciary will definitely be his next target and this we should
> challenge  with all our vigour.  The Saffrons should never be allowed to
> take their positions in the Judiciary and if any have  infiltrated they
> should be removed in order to preserve the only hope for the  common
> man, an Independent Judiciary.
> It is no secret that most investigating authorities succumb to the whims
> and fancies of those in Power. Today in Goa we have some very talented
> Police officials but the rate of undetected crimes is on the rise. It is
> hardly suprising that a police officer will not take pains to investigate
> a crime in anticipation that he will receive a Minister's call directing
> that his chum involved in the crime be ceremoniously let off the hook
> Today Parrikar needs the help of the Police to absolve his own Ministers.
> At least two of Mr Parrikar's cabinet colleagues have charge-sheets
> them pending in the Courts of law for very serious offences. Another
> Minister has an investigation pending against him on charges of arson and
> assault, a case he is trying to hush up with the blessings  of the Chief
> Minister who in turn needs the Minister's support to ensure the stability
> of the Chief Minister's throne.
> Murders and daylight dacoities have become a regular phenomenon in this
> otherwise tranquil state of ours. Over the years Goa has been projected as
> the tourist destination of the country. Has the time come to let the world
> also know that Goa is also the safest place to commit crimes and get away
> with them if you can befriend a Minister or an influential politician?
> Aires Rodrigues
> Ribandar

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[Goanet] TitBits (007)

2002-10-08 Thread Floriano Lobo

What's On In Goa:
* Oct 11: Konkani translation of Satre book, Alliance Francaise
* Oct 12: Goa Orchestra performs at the Kala (Corelli, Bach)
* Oct 15: Magic in town... Illusion India magic show, Pnj then Vasco
* Mid-Oct: 2-day ornithologists workshop, Bondla southernbirdwing.com

TitBits (007)

 Parrikar's  'Divide and Rule'  a la Dayanand Narvekar

Some time ago, the Vox Populi ( Herald ) carried a write up by one Aldonkar,
captioned "Divide and Rule"  accusing  Dayanand Narvekar of the famous
British tactics being played in his ward. And we are pleasantly surprised
that Dayanand Narvekar prefered  the same  caption to describe  Manohar
Parrikar in his so called in-depth interview with Pamela De Mello of Asian

And it made  a very interesting reading of some truths,  half truths and
some blatant lies.

And, let me start with the lies first. Dayanand Narvekar says that it was
the contractor who was solely behind the printing and selling of the fake
tickets in the ODI scam. And every one knows that without the go ahead from
Dayanand Narvekar, even a pin will not be lifted from the GCA office. The
contractor will even face the noose, if required,  lest he be dragged behind
the car,  just like the Colvale Sarpanch was dragged, till he got perfectly
skinned,  once upon a time, for getting too big for his own boots. If the
contractor was behind the whole scam, then how come the gates never got
opened in time and had to be broken down? How come the BCCI's VIPs  got the
fake tickets? How come the tickets checking machines were not available at
the gates? Well! Well!, there are a hundred questions for which the answers
are already well known.

And for the half truths, Dayanand Narvekar is blaming  Parrikar for the
Narkasur that he has become. But then, it is the likes of Narvekar who are
responsible to make Parrikar the Narkasur, in the first place. While the
going was good, and while the whole world was at Narvekar's feet, did'nt he
play with people by instructing the police what to do and what not to do? I
myself was arrested and finger printed because a lowly secretary of the
Panchayat, who happens to be the blue eyed boy of Dayanand Narvekar
complained against me. The case ultimately was thrown out of court. Also, I
never saw the prison bars from the inside like Parrikar made Dayanand
Narvekar see them, for his sins in the ODI scam. Among one of my prized
possessions, I have the photograph of Dayanand Narvekar behind bars. And I
have never stopped showering praises on Manohar Parrikar for giving that
photo to me.

And now for the truths. For one thing, Narvekar should remember the
statement he made while he was cooling his heels in the ICU instead of in
the 'CAN'. He said that he gives Manohar Parrikar 3 months to go under. He
also wanted us to ask Parrikar what he (Parrikar) was doing at his (Narvekar
's) residence on so and so night. Well, the 3 months have stretched into
ages and Parrikar is still going strong and getting stronger, thanks to guys
like Narvekar, Zuwarkar, Mauvin, Luizinho and Rane, who are now enjoying
their status as political cabbages. And to  those who don't know why
Parrikar was at Narvekar's place that particular night, it is because
Parrikar wanted the support of the gang of four (N-Z-M & Shirodkar) to
topple Sardinha. But this did'nt happen only because Narvekar was greedy
beyond all reasons for demanding Rs. 50 crores for the deal.  I have even
written about this, some time ago to Parrikar for confirmation and sent a
copy of the same to Narvekar himself. If this was not true, there would have
been a lot of dirt kicked up.

And it is perfectly true what Narvekar has said about Parrikar., that he has
no interest of Goa and Goans at heart, that he only  thinks of his position
and his parivar, that he has become a dictator, that he is playing the
communal card,  etc etc. But Narvekar and company, including the all knowing
political scientist Dr. Wilfred D'Souza and the Congress to the boot but BJP
from neck onwards, Rane,  are responsible for foisting Parrikar's BJP on Goa
and Goans. It is a bit too late, now,  to cry wolf. The ambitious lot like
Dayanand Narvekar  must resign to their fate of being the political
'CABBAGES' in the boiling political 'STEW' that is being effectively stirred
by Manohar Parrikar with the help of the CONGRESS sycophants.


To view GoaNet's archives http://groups.yahoo.com/group/goa-net

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Re: [Goanet] Skepticism towards Mother Teresa's 'miracle'

2002-10-06 Thread Floriano Lobo

WebSiteWatch (WSW)
* http://www.goatourism.org GOA TOURISM
* http://www.paulotravels.com Volvo buses too
What's On In Goa:
* Oct 11: ML Sardesai's translation of Satre's "Les Mots" in Konkani, 5:30pm
* Oct 12: Goa Orchestra performs at the Kala (Corelli, Bach)
* Mid-Oct: 2-day ornithologists workshop, Bondla southernbirdwing.com

I saw a movie once, a long time ago.
I would'nt be able to name the cast, director etc.
But I think the name of the movie was "They wanted a Miracle"

The movie is set in a hamlet, a family with 3 minor children, in the back
drop of Faith Healing.
The eldest boy is a diabetic of 14. He takes his own insulin injection when
Parents get influenced with faith healing. Mother takes the son to the local
pastor who puts his hand over the boys head and tells him that he has been
cured. Mother makes the father throw away the insulin from the fridge. Boy
is about his chores until he requires the insulin shot. Does not find it in
the fridge.Goes asking mummy. Mummy tells him he does not require the
insulin, that God has cured him. Boy goes into high fever. Local groups pray
over the mumbling boy in turn.They don't call for the doctor. They call it
the Devil who is mumbling in the boy and are exorcising it.In desperation,
father runs to the dust bin looking for the insulin. Mother throws it out
again. Boy dies. Father is insane with grief and guilt. Expects God to raise
the boy like Lazarus. Inevitably, local pastor disapears from the scene. Boy
is buried. Father, mother jailed for murder. Court commutes the sentence
because of other two minor children. Judgement runs like this: "GOD HAD

The movie was made on a true story.
Likewise, God has given us the best medicine in 'water'.
How many of us know its  worth?

I do not,  however say,  that MIRACLES do not happen. It is a matter of
one's faith and conviction.


> --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Frederick Noronha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >The miracle, involving a tribal girl, Monica Besra, who was
> >reportedly cured of an ovarian tumour by praying to Mother Teresa,
> >was recognised as such by the Vatican earlier this week.
> >
> Here's a BBC report on additional skepticism regarding the above
> miracle. It is high time that such sensible opposing views receive
> the prominence that they deserve. We have to recognize that there is
> a downside to the publicity that these miracle claims typically get,
> especially in developing countries like India with high levels of
> illiteracy. This downside is well stated in the following quote from
> the BBC report:
> "The doctors say that if the story of the miracle gets what they
> describe as undue publicity, illiterate and poor villagers may stop
> taking medical treatment for their maladies and seek miracle cures."
> Cheers,
> Santosh
> *
> Mother Teresa's 'miracle' challenged
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/2299217.stm
> By Subir Bhaumik
> A miracle attributed to Mother Teresa has been challenged in the
> Indian state of West Bengal.
> A rationalist group in the state says a woman reportedly cured of
> cancer by placing a photograph of the nun on her stomach had
> subsequently received treatment in government hospitals. Doctors who
> treated the woman, Monica Besra, say she was in pain several years
> after Mother Teresa died.
> Vatican officials earlier this week approved the miracle, and said
> this would strengthen her case for sainthood.  For several years
> Prabir Ghosh, general secretary of the Indian Rationalist and
> Scientific Thinking Association, has challenged Hindu "godmen" and
> exposed their miracles as what he describes as cheap hypnotic tricks
> better performed by magicians. Now he is challenging the claim of the
> Missionaries of Charity, who say a photograph of their founder,
> Mother Teresa, when placed over the stomach of 30-year-old Monica
> Besra, cured her of a tumour.
> Undue publicity
> Mr Ghosh described the claim as bogus and typical of the process of
> cult building in all religious orders. He says Mother Teresa could be
> considered for sainthood for her services to the poor, adding that it
> was an insult to her legacy to bestow her sainthood on false claims
> of miracles. Mr Ghosh says several doctors have reported to the West
> Bengal government that Ms Besra continued to receive treatment long
> after Mother Teresa died. He said Ms Besra was admitted to hospital
> with chronic headaches and severe abdominal pain at least a year
> after Mother Teresa's death. The doctors say that if the story of the
> miracle gets what they describe as undue publicity, illiterate and
> poor villagers may stop taking medical treatment for their

Re: [Goanet] Protecting Our Heritage - St.Andrew's Church, Vasco.

2002-10-06 Thread Floriano Lobo

WebSiteWatch (WSW)
* http://www.goatourism.org GOA TOURISM
* http://www.paulotravels.com Volvo buses too
What's On In Goa:
* Oct 11: ML Sardesai's translation of Satre's "Les Mots" in Konkani, 5:30pm
* Oct 12: Goa Orchestra performs at the Kala (Corelli, Bach)
* Mid-Oct: 2-day ornithologists workshop, Bondla southernbirdwing.com

My good friend Aloysius must realise the following:-

1. That God is one thing and the Church building is another thing.
2. If the Church does not glitter (read modernised) regularly, people lose
interest in the church (read God)
3. Since Biblical times we have known that glitter and noise is associated
with good religion. ( Moses and the golden calf)
4. Whether you like it or not, whether the pews are dusty or not, and
whether it will look like a big tandoor or a roasted pigling, the will of
the few who undertake these steps will go ahead anyway.

5. Remember the Pope being ashamed to inaugurate   the most glittering
cathedral in Abijan (Ivory Coast) with a solid golden statue of the patron
saint and the entire cathedral airconditioned, requested that a hospital be
also be built for the poor so that he can inaugurate both at the same time.
(People there die of hunger at best of times)

6. I know that no God lives in the flashy churches and flashiy cathedrals,
temples and mosques. God loves wilderness and a clear distance from men so
that He may watch them with a critical eye from afar.


> Goans Everywhere,
> I personally feel that St Andrew's Church Vasco should not be
> MODERNISED"  --  by all means clean it up and maintain it  in proper
> condition  --  When I lived in Vasco (1963-65) the biggest problem that
> parishioners faced was that the pews were always dusty because of the
> proximity of the main road and, of course, no one who cleaned / dusted
> pews regularly  --  Also the outside of the church needed a fresh coat of
> plaster and painting / white-washing.  I hope the Parishioners of Vasco
> definitely put their feet down and stop this lovely old church being
> Hope we do not repeat what was done to Salvation Church, Dadar  --  which
> modern structure reminds me a  "TANDOOR"  --  very large one.
> Cheers
> Aloysius D'Souza

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[Goanet] TitBits (006)

2002-10-06 Thread Floriano Lobo

WebSiteWatch (WSW)
* http://www.goatourism.org GOA TOURISM
* http://www.paulotravels.com Volvo buses too
What's On In Goa:
* Oct 11: ML Sardesai's translation of Satre's "Les Mots" in Konkani, 5:30pm
* Oct 12: Goa Orchestra performs at the Kala (Corelli, Bach)
* Mid-Oct: 2-day ornithologists workshop, Bondla southernbirdwing.com

TitBits (006)


>It's the economy stupid"> - Marlon (goanet)

>Osama's split & Wall Street's sagging
> It's time to get that puppy wagging>  - Calvin Trillin (quoted by

And  it does not require geniuses to put two and two together to come by the
catchful 22, the reason why GB Jr. wants his Iraq. That  the US economy has
been sliding downwards is an undeniable fact. That George wants to prove
himself that he has done something about it,  is understandable. What else
is more ideal than to blow Saddam to smithereens along with his beleaguered

And one can visualize the sequence. The  bombing of Iraq will destroy roads,
bridges, buildings, airports,  Saddam's own palace - hopefully  along with
Saddam himself and his doubles,  schools, hospitals, the oil installations,
the whole works except perhaps  the targets that are sought to be bombed,
never mind the thousands of ordinary people who do not count, anyway.  If
Bush gets half the chance, he is going to get over his  hangover of Saddam
having made an attempt on his father's life and reduce Iraq to rubble. And
all this,  with a ready and obliging partner in the blaring Tony.

This in turn will translate into massive mobilization of  men and material
from the US to Iraq for rebuilding. And, are we looking  at  some 10 to 15
years here?

And this solves US of A's  un-employment problems. Businesses get a lease of
life. Voters at home become less antagonistic. And BUSH stays put for
another term. (read HERO).

And perhaps , the installation of a friendly (read puppet)  government in
Iraq goes a long way for  US in sharing the oil wealth of that nation and
the signing of long term contracts, including defense.  (Remember the era of
the great Shah of Iran?)

Britain too,  gets  bits and scraps from the fallout and Tony is at his
smiling best and confident to face his voters.

Kofi Annan gets a pat on his back from big Bush for a job well done, who
goes on with his yatra for the next term as the Secretary General of the UN
just like the pat on the back of the Gujarat Nazi "Narendra  Modi" by the
great demolisher of Masjids "Advani", encouraging him into reviving  his
obnoxious Gaurav yatra , which is nothing but  asking for more   trouble and
more  killings of innocent people.

And everyone lives happily ever after,  until the cycle comes due and
another war must  come by  in another place.

And I hope  the next demolishing field  is not  India-Pakistan to provide
good business opportunities for big George, and for Tony,  after Iraq is
done with.


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[Goanet] TitBits (005)

2002-09-29 Thread Floriano Lobo

TitBits (005)

These are the few stories from past few days that warrant some attention.
And I feel that  my readers will  feel the same.

Goan to attend workshop as panelist  in Quebec. (GT Goa SkyLine 26 Sep)

I must congratulate Patricia Pinto for having been selected to represent Goa
in the two-day workshop on "Gender Equality and  Local Governance" by the
International Centre for Municipal Development of the Federation of
Canadian Municipalities (FCM) in association with the city of Gatineau,
And, I must confess that I did not know that  Patricia had French to her
credit too,  among the many others things.
Two thing Patricia:
Hope you come back to Goa to use the knowledge you gain to salvage the
sinking Panjim Municipal Council.
Hope, by the time you come back, if you do, Panjim Municipal Council does
not surface  itself  into Panjim Municipal Corporation. In that case, you
will have to make a trip to Mumbai. After  Gatineau it would be  an

Gaon Chalo Abhiyan passes through Pernem. (GT Weekender)

"Gopinath Munde in his speech enlisted the several achievements of NDA
government headed by BJP and said  that never before in the history of free
India, villages were given so much importance as during the NDA rule."

By all means, Gopinath Munde is right. Villagers in UP had never eaten
leaves and grass for food to keep themselves alive . Nor did they ever
attain a status of sporting ration cards meant for the rich.

Pernemkars beware! This Charlie is preparing you for the green feast.

Zuari Bridge (NT 25 Sep)

"Panjim, Sept. 24: The Public Works Department , Fatorda will carry out the
inspection and recording of deck levels of the Zuari bridge from 6.30 a.m.
to 9.30 a.m. on October 27, 2002. In view of the above, the District
Magistrate, South Goa has notified closure of Zuari bridge for all vehicular
traffic during the said period."

For the benefit of the readers, the Zuari Agro-chemicals has been testing
its new brand of fertilizers that enhances the growth of concrete mass. The
Zuari Bridge being  its sister concern,  it is being tested for newer
sprouts of  deck levels similar to that of the Golden Gate in Frisco USA,
separate tiers levels for light, heavy & rail traffic.   Rail deck, because
the existing parallel Konkan Railway bridge is likely to collapse in the
near future on account of the substandard  work.

And what the reporter forgot to report is that on Oct- 27, 2002, there will
be a helicopter service operational at both ends of the Zuari bridge to
ferry the commuters for the three hours that it will remain closed for

The man behind Kiran Bedi's Success. (NT 25 Sep)

"He claims to be the 'real man behind the success' of India's first woman
police officer, Ms. Kiran Bedi. Mr. Brij Bedi, the industrialist-husband.."

Thank God it is only one man, and  her "husband"  at that, who  is behind
Ms. Kiran Bedi's success.She is one lucky girl.

Look where Shivani Batnagar has landed with so many successful woman making
men behind her.

CM favours Kannada Academy. (GT W)

"Someshekar informed that he met Parrikar, before the assembly elections and
said that he favoured the idea of setting up a Kannada Academy in Goa"

Well! Well! Now we know why the BJP in Goa increased the tally of its seats
from 10 to 17 when it was expected to lose on the original 10. Politicians
always had an eye on the growing  Kannada population in Goa.

Inconveniences at Govt. Offices to end. (GT W)

"Inorder to  avoid inconvenience caused to general public, all the heads of
departments have been asked to be available in their respective offices from
12 noon to 1 pm on three days- Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Secretaries to
Government have been also asked to remain present in their offices once very
Wednesday from 12 noon to 1 pm so as to enable general public to meet them."

And, all this while we thought that the working hours from 9 to 5 was
applicable to all government employees. No doubt, A.S. Prabhu of Moira has
always been shouting at the top of his voice that the government employees
shop for groceries and fish in the markets and deliver them to their
respective homes during office hours.

And I wonder how many members of the public will be accommodated during the
one hour (12 to 1) that has been allotted to the department heads  and
government secretaries. Perhaps, that is only for the collection of the
packets meant for the pockets.

And, atleast,  we must be  thankful to Manohar Parrikar for the one hour of
"good governance" three days a week.

Salman Khan the Law Breaker (SH)

It is no wonder that Salman has ploughed through the American Bakery at
Bandra,  and in the bargain,  has made mince meat out of some unsuspecting
sleeping fellow on the footpath. He might have thought that Aishwarya was
shopping for doughnuts. Salman, as reported, has been regularly ploughing
into the  movie sets wherever Aishwarya has been shooting. It is believed
that a new movie is in the 

[Goanet] Re: TitBits (004)

2002-09-26 Thread Floriano Lobo

Read: manupulating and pontificating masters from Delhi

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[Goanet] TitsBits (004)

2002-09-26 Thread Floriano Lobo

TitBits (004)

To the 'Navhind Times CyberVoices opinion Poll' -  "Is the bandh call the
right way to show solidarity with victims of the temple attack?" , my vote
has gone for "NO". And likewise 85% of the voters  so far have voted "NO" .
Rightly so, with this "Bharat Bandh" call, the VHP (read Sangh Parivar) has
shown to the world that it is in absolute control of the nation. And, with
this Bharat bandh call, India has  gained the most deserved title of  "A

We have seen the prestige of the US razed to the ground in the WTC twin
towers. USA did'nt go for US bandh.

The Israelis, at this very moment are shaking the very  foundation of
Arafat's head quarters along with Arafat.  They do not run with their tails
between their legs calling for Israel bandh everytime Israeli interests are
bombed. Sad to say, but for  every Israeli killed, they kill hundred

As the Navhind Times editorial today has rightly pointed out, the temple
attack is nothing but 'revenge' for the actions of Narendra Modi and his
manipulating and pontificating from  Delhi. There is no guarantee that more
of similar attacks will not occur in the near future. The reason being that
these attacks are called on  by the totally communal behaviour of  central
BJP leadership with the NDA partners in the government being mute and
impotent spectators.  This Gujarat Nazi ,  the VHP flagged on communal
wiper,  is going to bathe in a lot more innocent blood if he is not thrown
out and put behind bars soon. And every time some attack or the other that
will eventually take place, our VHP cowards will call for a bandh, crippling
India's economy further, with millions of man hours lost. We never hear of
bandhs in China, but we see them selling us better quality things for  much
lesser prices. And we call ours a democratic and secular nation,  with 99
percent of our government's energy being channelised in building temples and
cultivating religious vote-banks and destroying mosques and churches and
killing and driving away the minorities. A fine way for a nation to grow and
compete in the world.

The bravery of  the VHP/Sangh Parivar  to which both Vajpayee and Advani
belong to is limited to terrorizing and  browbeating their own countrymen at
home by flying the Hindu card. That is all these cowardly criminals are good

Goa's Manohar Parrikar will, again, tomorrow, show the "Victory" sign  for
having accomplished a complete bandh in Goa.  Serves the people of Goa right
to have given  Goa in the hands of a stooge of the VHP and Sangh Parivar.
Goans must profusely thank Luizinho Faleiro, Pratapsing Rane, Dr. Wilfred D'
Souza and to some extent Francisco Sardinha for this great accomplishment in
the tradition of 'SUSCEGAD GOANS' , for  Manohar Parrikar does not stand for
Goa nor has nothing Goan his blood veins,  and will only follow in the
footsteps of his idol, the Nazi of Gujarat Narendra Modi,  given half the
chance. Goans will know more of his hidden agendas, once they lay their
hands on "BANK OF GOA AUTOPSY SPECIAL" brought on by 'GOA SCENE'  No. 17-
the  News Letter publication which will hit the private subscriber list,
first thing tomorrow  morning.


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[Goanet] TitBits (003)

2002-09-25 Thread Floriano Lobo

TitBits (003)

Swaminarain Temple Massacre in Gandhinagar, Gujarat.

Foremost, personally as an individual, and,  as the  President of the Goa
Su-Raj Party, I strongly  condemn the above killings of innocent and
un-suspecting people for reasons of pure terrorism or religious fanaticism.
I say that this madness must 'STOP' at once.

Having said that, I would like to take my readers back to my posting on
GoaGoans, GoaNet etc. dated 23rd. February, 2002 "Musings - by Goasuraj". I
reproduce the concerned item for the reference of my readers.

"Ram Sevaks & Ayodhya.

After the criminal negligence by the Congress government  which saw the
demolition of the national monument called the Babri Masjid at Ayodhya, the
present NDA government under the BJP's Vajpayee is heading for the same .
Thousands of inflamed, incited and crazed Ram Sevaks are descending on
Ayodhya, primed by none others but our hypocrite leaders in the government
who want to see the Ram temple erected,  calling  it the wish of 800 million
hindus. The 800 million hindus that they are talking about need some decent
food on their plates and some decent clothes on the bodies even if they
cannot expect a roof over their heads.  Advani must have already prepared
the speech that he will deliver to the nation. "We tried to pacify the
Sevaks not to mix cement and lay bricks. But they would'nt listen to the
voice of reason.  We tried like hell, but we failed."'

Mr. Advani, you are the home minister of the nation. You are called upon to
declare this zone as a sensitive zone and invoke section 144 around this
area immediately, whether you like it or not,  until the courts decide on
the matter. If you don't, you will be going down in history as a double
hypocrite. That goes for our dear PM Vajpayee too.  Not a single death
should arise out of this exercise. And you two will be solely responsible if
that happens."

The above sounds like a prophesy, but anyone  could see what was coming.
First it was "Godhra". Then, followed the ungodly riots, which were
deliberately allowed to continue, by the Gujarat Nazi, abetted by Advani and
Vajpayee, directly or indirectly, whichever way you may want to put it. Then
followed the "Gaurav Yatra" and the taunting of the minorities by the 'back
patted' HERO of the Gujaratis, the Gujarat Nazi Narendra Modi,  in the
shameless reference to the muslims in relief camps,   "Hum Do, Humare
 Pachis" (We two, ours twentyfive"). (It is just as well that Mr. Maim Aktar
of Patna has filed a suit against this Nazi for using the above slogan.)
And now, the Swaminarain Temple  massacre.

I, for one, do not see any Kashmir here. I see a direct retaliation. We have
swallowed enough of  scape goats for a long time now. The two, who are now
appealing for peace  and telling the people of Gujarat not to get provoked,
never showed similar sentiments  when 1000 odd men women and children  were
mercilessly and inhumanly massacred during the post Godhra  riots. It was
the ethnic cleansing then. It is the terrorists now.  When the Gujarat
police was deliberately instructed not to react during the riots by the
chief minister himself, what does it make? A love story? Was it not the same
terrorism? Worst. Against your own people?. The police official and the
bureaucrats who listened to the Nazi and abided by his instructions should
drown themselves, or better still,  jump from the tallest buildings.

The country is being led by religious fanatics,  and,  Advani is the ring
leader of them all. He must be stopped by all means if we want the Indian
nation not to be ripped apart. He has gotten away with Babri Masjid. And
that is the saddest part. What is happening is just the tip of the iceberg.
And, with the fuel for the fire that is supplied by the Gujarat Nazi, and
the fundamentalist leadership at the top, Pakistan, our sworn enemy is only
likely to take a huge advantage. President Musharraf has already given the
world the taste of Gujarat in his speech at the UN.

It is some consolation that the NRIs of USA are getting their act together,
not to fund the religious fanatics in India. The decision of the Maharashtra
government to ban VHP and Bajrang Dal is the step in the right direction.
India is a secular country for God's sake. It must remain that way. The
response to the above suggested ban on VHP in Maharashtra  " We  are only
engaged in creating awareness among Hindus in a constitutional and
democratic way". "We are neither  violent nor anti-national"  reeks of
hypocrisy. Ripping open pregnant women's abdomen and spearing the unborn
fetuses is a fine way of engaging in creating awareness. It is nothing but
generating and marketing hate against the minorities that the VHP is engaged
in. They must realize that hate begets hate. The reports in the newspapers
about the Suva national spearing his own daughter mistaking  her for a 'pig'
, is what hate does. You want to kill your own people.  There is no such
thing as religious majority or religious mino


2002-09-24 Thread Floriano Lobo

Dear Friend,

I, Atanasio F. Lobo (Nash) cordially invite you to attend any of our
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presentations at any of the following places.

Hotel Menino, Ponda, Goa
on Saturday, September 28th, 2002 at 4 pm

Tourist Hostel, Mapusa, Goa (MINI HALL)
on Sunday, September 29th, 2002 at 10 am and at 4 pm

The Marriott Hotel [Panjim - Goa]
On Friday, October 4th 2002
Business Opportunity (BOPP) from 11 am - 1 pm
Products Demonstration from 2 pm - 4 pm
Business Opportunity (BOPP) from 5 pm - 7 pm

On Saturday October 5th 2002
Marketing Plan from 11 am - 1 pm
Business Opportunity (BOPP) from 2 pm - 4 pm
Products Demonstration from 5 pm - 7 pm

On Sunday, October 6th 2002
Room # 1
Products Demonstration from 11 am - 7 pm
Room # 2
Marketing Plan from 11 am - 1 pm
New Distributor Orientation (NDO) from 2 pm - 4 pm
Business Opportunity (BOPP) from 5 pm - 7 pm

On Monday, October 7th 2002
Marketing Plan from 11 am - 1 pm
Business Opportunity (BOPP) from 2 pm - 4 pm
New Distributor Orientation (NDO) from 5 pm - 7 pm

For any details please call on Tel Nos. (O)470397, 470285 ® 415754 or

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[Goanet] Re: [The Goan Forum d-list] Innovative solution for extraditing Abu Salem to India from Portugal/ Suggestion.001

2002-09-23 Thread Floriano Lobo

Dear Cecil,
Hail to Pandurang's plan. Perfect- excellent.
However , I would like to suggest as under:
That the plan be named "OPERATION FLUSH'
That the 2 Goans to head for this "operation flush"
One must be a Kashmiri Goan.
The other, a  a Bihari Goan.

There should not be any problems finding these two as there must a  dozens
of them waiting with portuguese passports made out from Goan ration cards
and who must be speaking more fluent portuguese than most Goans who want to
make it into Portugal.

If this suggestion is incorporated, the plan should work like a piece of

And when Abu Salem is free from all this silly accusations, he may be given
the Goan citizenship.


- Original Message -
From: Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 8:35 PM
Subject: [The Goan Forum d-list] Innovative solution for extraditing Abu
Salem to India from Portugal

>  Yahoo! Groups Sponsor -~-->
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> http://us.click.yahoo.com/pt6YBB/NXiEAA/ySSFAA/E5z3lB/TM
> -~->
> My friend Pandurang Fernandes, an international constitutional expert has
> the following plan for getting the dreaded mafia gangster Abu Salem into
> Indian custody despite the lack of an extradition treaty with Portugal.
> it works is this way...
> Two Goan Police Inspectors are made Portuguese Citizens post haste. This
> easily done if you are a Goan. Then they are immediately recruited into
> Portuguese Police Force headquarters in Lisbon because they are now
> Portuguese citizens. So they can now legitimately interrogate Abu Salem in
> custody in Lisbon and get all details of his dastardly deals. They then
> bring Abu Salem to India for further investigation. This is not an
> 'extradition' but a question of Portuguese Police (formerly Goan) now
> expanding their investigation.
> Once they are in India the Indian Government arrests the Portuguese Police
> (formerly Goan police) on the grounds that they are claiming Portuguese
> citizenship without first relinquishing their Indian citizenship. The
> Portuguese Government will have to defend their citizens (formerly Indian
> citizens) by asking for their release. The Indian government then releases
> the two Goan Policemen (currently Portuguese) in exchange for Abu Salem.
> Once the exchange is agreed upon then the Indian Government forgives the
> two Goan policemen and allows them to re-gain their Indian citizenship
> after discarding their Portuguese nationality. Which they do. Better a
> policeman's job here than to be unemployed in Portugal.
> Everyone's happy.
> Kindly find flaws, if any, in Pandurang's plan.
> And if you cannot find any flaws then kindly forward this plan to
> http://www.goa-world.net/
> Everything Goan!
> Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
> The Oldest Roman Catholic Church in Asia set for desecration by the Indian
> Read about it on The Goan Forum at http://www.thegoanforum.com
> Opposing views welcome
> REMEMBER: to also log in to
> Goa-World.net http://www.goa-world.net for the ONLY non-commercial and yet
complete View of Goa.
> Fuloi with Fulam from Beatrice Pinto's EXPRESSIONS -
> The Flower Shop   http://www.goa-world.net/expressions/
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BillsNo ChargesNO Worries]
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[Goanet] TitBits (002)

2002-09-23 Thread Floriano Lobo

TitBits  002

And, for the last few days it has been difficult for me to spot a real topic
that I could vent my frustrations on.

And, I thought I had a kite, when I saw the headline news about the Goa
Police dancing to the beat of the  orchestra that was organized within the
premises of  the Porvorim police station after 10 p.m.

Naaah! Not that again. These things are bound to happen in a state like Goa.
Lots of laws, writ petitions and High Court orders. But  they are not worth
the paper they are written on. We might not be surprised if  late night
orchestras are organized within the premises of the High Court itself come
next Ganesh or Christmas time. And why not? They even have grand poojas in
hospitals with the poojaris matching their tonsils to the blaring of the
funnel speakers. And like once they had a grand New Year's dance at the Goa
Medical College with  the then  esteemed member of the British Parliament,
Mr. Keith Vaz as the Chief Guest. And,  if at all we are saying that the Goa
Medical College's main wing  is sporting some prominent cracks, attribute
these to the 40,000 or more watts sound system that was let loose in the
entrance hall  that NITE making our then a little younger hearts wanting to
spill out of our  chests. A fine way, indeed,  of collecting hearts for
heart transplant.

And, the netting of Abu Salem in Portugal looked like an even bigger kite.
But really speaking, I have a feeling that a lot of effort, bile and money
will be spent or wasted in trying to get Abu to Mumbai. And then one fine
day one harmless and innocent looking   havaldar on duty will quietly
unlatch the door of  the can  and  Abu will have bolted again. These  things
happen at the meer sight of a note of  Rs. 500, leave alone bigger ones. But
then the poor havaldar would be the sacrificial lamb. The real  roaring
lions in the 2Ps (police & politicians) will  have filled their den with
crores and Abu will be free again to milk the newest of the bollywood's
sensations and blast some other city to kingdom come.

And,  I think I have found a blimp in this item here, courtesy Goa Desc.

"According to Dr Dessai, 'Diksha Holdings' had deposited a sum of Rs 1 crore
with the CMC ( read Canacona Municipal Council) as licence fees at the
initial stage of the ongoing construction work. He however alleged that the
CMC had hardly utilised Rs 1,000 for anti-malarial measures".

What we are reading here is the Starred Hotel coming up in Canacona, which
is being accused of  breeding mosquitoes at its construction site. And Dr.
Dessai is representing  Diksha Holding which is the Starred Hotel.

As per  the building code, the builder is supposed to pay to the government
as follows:

1)  Conversion fees @ Rs.15/m2 to the collectorate. Initially, the
conversion fees was confined to the area to be converted only. Now, the
entire plot is to be converted whether you like it or not. Why?  How else to
fill the empty pot?

2)  Licence  fees to the Municipality or Panchayat on slab basis of
building estimate by PWD.

3)  Infrastructure tax to the Municipality/Panchayat based on  'x'
amount per square meter builtup area.

4)  House tax based on 'x' Rupees per square meter builtup area.

With all this revenue going to the government, the builder is provided with
"ZERO per cent   facility and 100 per cent harassment. Diksha Holdings is
right when they say that not even Rs. 1000/- out of Rs. 1 crore has been
spent by CMC  on malaria control.

And, when I say "Zero" per cent facility, I mean  the builder has to make
arrangements for water for construction as well as for drinking purposes for
the workers from  private sources, through tankers, at exorbitant price. The
water connection is given only after obtaining the Occupancy
certificate.(after completion)   The Builder gets electricity supply at Rs.
8 or 9 per unit., called 'commercial connection'. The builder has to make
his own arrangements to get labourers from neighboring states and house them
at the site. And these poor labourers get eaten up by the local goan
malaria laden mosquitoes that breed like hell in the local septic ( and
overhead water)  tanks of houses and buildings and even our esteemed health
centres and hospitals and clinics, that sport permanent open air- vents. And
the health department, instead of apologizing to the migrant workers,
penalize them for their own sins of omission.

Never have we seen anybody spraying any chemicals in the villages or the
cities like we see done in Mumbai by the Mumbai  Municipal corporation, or
in Goa for that matter in days gone by. Never have we seen  an inspection
carried out by the health department of the thousands of septic  tanks which
have become the factories of  breeding mosquitoes and malaria. Goa used to
have mosquitoes only during the monsoons. Today, we find mosquitoes  that
reign the households 365 days of the year and have become chronically brazen
and bold, just like our politicians, that they bite you i

[Goanet] TitBits (001)

2002-09-17 Thread Floriano Lobo

TitBits (001)

And, here I am, having being eaten up by the great anaconda in the game of
"Snakes and Ladders" back to square one from a clean twenty.

And, I do not regret it in the  least titbit.  At least I am alive and well
after that long long passage down.through the gory insides of the great
snake. I  remember the story that my grandmother used to tell, and which, as
knee high grasshoppers, we would want it repeated day after day, sitting at
the side of the heating "Modki" (huge copper pot to heat up water for bath)
while stoking the fire of dried leaves. My mother opted for the copper one,
though an earthenware one was cheaper, for obvious reasons. She had four
thugs to reckon with, who could bring bankruptcy to the house faster than
the "Bank of Goa" of Ramakant Khalap.

And, the story was of a huge phython who chose to wait-up for the toddy
tapper to come down the coconut palm. Not able to wait forever on the tree,
the tapper decided to brave the great open cave of a mouth waiting for him,
with his sharp machete held firmly, slicing the great phython's stomach as
he slid down,  to come out safe and sound. Simple as that.

And, there was a real story reported the other day in the local newspapers ,
of a phython swallowing a cheetah, who managed to come out,  but both
succumbing to the efforts. It was a sad end though.

And, I vividly remember the phython that was caught by our boys near my
house in Moira, on the day of the wedding of my younger brother and how
this  phython , which was more than 2 meters long,  and which  had
swallowed a full size fox,  had become the video star for the night,
entertaining the wedding reception guests. The forest department would'nt
the bugger, so we left it back where we found him,  to eat more foxes, a
deed we regret to this day. Why? Where are the foxes which would lovingly
steal our chicken once in a while? They are all gone. Kaput!

And,  yet another eye-witness story of a great ferocious phython that was
told to us by a hunter friend of ours,  during the Portuguese times. "It was
a chanced sight that I got to witness" he said, "of a fight unto death
between a tiger and a phython, in the jungle of Castle-rock",  during one of
his hunting trips.  "The tiger could have easily walked away, but he was
stubborn" he said. "In the fight that lasted almost all of the day, the
phython eventually had his meal"  " But it  was one raw sight"

But then, this has always been my flaw.  All this phython thing just because
I thought I would use the word "Snakes & Ladders"  to tell Eugene Correia
that he was responsible for the lovely, 20 long cherished TiTs & BiTs  to be
re-incarnated  to a short delivery  "titbits" to come to square one. The
flaw, which remained behind is that given a topic, I could go on and on
until it became interestingly boring. And I had something abstract in my
mind that I wanted to dedicate to Eugene as promised. Thank God, the
 "Snakes" preceeded the "Ladder"  But if it was the other way round, like in
"Ladders & Snakes", the "ladder" would have taken this piece even higher
than the "bean-stock". I am thankful for the guy who invented the "Snakes &
Ladders"  and for putting the "Snakes" before the "Ladder"

And, I must remember, though,  to talk some about the "Ladder" someday, when
I have  difficulty in getting a politician or someone equally good in my
laser-beam  sights.

And, for any good reason, if Eugene does not approve of my dedication of
this " titbits",  I can always opt for "t i d b i t s" .  That would be more
easier for me because, everytime I type the British  'titbits" ,  this
American Bill Gate's MS WORD, with its inbuilt spellcheck,  makes it the
American  'tidbits'. But I shall persevere as long as I can to keep it the
British  "titbits",  cause I don't want to lose my dear British 'tit' for
the American 'tid',  if I can help it. As it is,  Vajpayee and Advani are
over indulging themselves in everything American, now a days,  after having
forgotten that they used to purchase SWADESHI not long ago. Beside, as far
as Vajpayee is concerned, he is sporting an all  American "KNEE CAP"  in one
of his Indian Swadeshi leg. God only knows what American thing that Advani
fellow is going to go for. It could be anybody's guess.

And, they say that a dog's tail will never become strait. I started with a
good old "Snake" and see where I ultimately landed,  talking about,  the
slippery as oil, political snakes, who are going to take our good old Bharat
in the mouths of thousand Gujarat tigers.


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[Goanet] Fw: Response to: KEEP SPORTS AWAY FROM POLITICS - Narvekar urges government - Herald 9 Sep 2002- Pg. 13

2002-09-09 Thread Floriano Lobo

- Original Message -
From: Floriano Lobo
Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 7:59 PM
Subject: Response to: KEEP SPORTS AWAY FROM POLITICS - Narvekar urges
government - Herald 9 Sep 2002- Pg. 13

Narvekar urges government.
Herald- September 9, 2002 - Page 13


It is always the case that  perpetrators try to put dust in the eyes of the
people. Here is a classic case of a master  perpetrator who is giving
advices to  others when he himself badly needs to take his own advice. This
is the man who is singularly responsible for taking the  cricket game to the
dust-bins, making Goa a laughing-stock of the entire Cricket World. Who has
not heard of Narvekar and the fake ODI tickets?

He cannot succeed in trying to brush away the after effects of ODI scam for
which, he, along with his  stooges has been  charge-sheeted. Inspite of the
disgrace he has brought on the good cricket game, he prefers to pontificate
about mixing politics with sports. Any self respecting man would have
resigned from the managing committee of the GCA and covered his face with
dung. But no, he has cultivated an army of sycophants around himself who can
do no better than to say "Yes Sir"  The cricket in Goa will flourish if
some determined, self respecting goan, cricket-lover will throw this
politician dog out of the GCA and out of goan cricket altogether, once and
for all. He hasmessed it up enough to bring it  down to its knees. And
Mr. Dalmiya must realize that he is duty bound to guard the self respect of
even the  "Bangladeshi Cricket Team" if it has anything to do with GCA,
with Narvekar at its helm. He must also not fall for the political gimmicks
of his suggestion of free tickets to the public with the eventual game with
Bangladesh.. Let him first assuage the pain of the police lathis on the
backs of the very same public he is trying to win over by now giving free

Narvekar,  take your own advise and just get lost. Will you?  We pay good
money for the newpapers,  and we do not want to see your sorry mug
associated with goan cricket any more or  to listen to your crap.

Floriano Lobo

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[Goanet] TiTs & BiTs (018)

2002-09-08 Thread Floriano Lobo

TiTs & BiTs (018)

And, the programme  on Occupational Safety, Health & Environment, Goa  which
Goasuraj jointly helped to  organize in association with  the "Institute of
Safety & Risk Management", Panjim,   at Hotel La Paz , Vasco,  last evening
(Sat. 7th sept) was a resounding success, in that all of 50 persons did make
it ,  when we were under the impression  that,  Vasco,  being a time bomb,
which could blow up anytime, given the attitude of the government and the
industry, on safety related matters, there would be no chairs to accommodate
the wild rush.

And sorry to say that out of 20 odd municipal councilors, who were
especially invited, (thanks to the efforts of Mr. Simon D'Souza , ex-
Speaker of GLA),  none turned up except for Mr. Simon D'Souza himself, who
sat in for his councilor wife. And, it was also heartening  to have  the
presence  of  2 Sarpanches,  Mr. Vaz of Velsao and Mr. Gawda of Sancoale,
through the efforts of the dynamic  Cansaulim Sarpanch,  Ms. Martha
Saldanha, who could'nt make it herself,  due to her tight schedule.

It was again heartening to  see that the  upcoming HYAT REGENCY at Cansaulim
saw it fit to depute its Chief Engineer Mr. S.K. Varma to check-out the
programme, and,  in Mr. Varma's own words "excellent presentation" was
sufficiently heart-warming.

And we were pleasantly surprised to have with us Mr. Bandodkar, the Vasco
Municipal Engineer,  who has voiced  quite some concerns for the Vasco city'
s pollution, lack of safety and its  garbage treatment process.

If it was a rabble-rousing political meeting, the entire Vasco would have
been crowding to get to see and hear the rabble rousers. But to know a thing
or two about saving their own skin, it is too much  trouble for the  people.
As usual, learning through mistakes, is what I feel,  people are waiting
for. But then the gross mistakes of Bhopal even fails to be the eye-openers.
Cdr.(retd) Narayanan, editor of Vasco Watch was one disappointed man with
respect to the turn-out. "I came early at 3.30 p.m." he said "thinking that
I might get no place to sit".

Vasco Watch did give the programme the  front page treat with its 6000 odd
copies distributed throughout the length and breadth  of Vasco.   Our press
release w.r.t. the programme had been personally delivered to all the major
news papers in Goa with acknowledgements. "Gomantak Times" did put out its
own  sweet version, where,  the entire effect was lost. "Herald" saw it fit
to include it in the day's events on  7 Sept. as a one liner. So much for
the concern that our esteemed 4th. Estate has for "Safety" of the general
public, which is their own readership.

 To get back to the programme itself, after the short introductory, welcome
and thank you  delivery by this writer as one of  the programme initiators,
on behalf of Goa Environmental Action Group and Goa Su-Raj party, the entire
slide presentation was delivered by Mr. C.V. Dhume,  Director, Institute of
Safety & Risk Management and ex-Chief Inspector,  Factories & Boilers,
(retd) govt. of Goa. The presentation  covered the past major disasters of
France, U.K., Bhopal  etc. with graphic details of plant failures  and man
made mistakes, leading to the disasters, their effects and casualties. The
slide presentation, as commented by practically all present, was flawless,
professional and vastly  informative. This was followed by a 10-minute video
clip on do's and don'ts  on various aspects on industrial  safety,  prepared
by the Manali Fertilizer, Tamil Nadu,  for the general awareness of safety
procedures for the public in case of accidents. It complimented the slide
presentation and was well appreciated.

At the interactive session which followed, the one aspect of this
presentation, when it came to our God's own Goa was the finger pointed at
the  outdated "Horton's Sphere" ammonia storage tank at Vasco. God forbid,
if this goes up, Mr. Dhume explained,   it will affect a radius of 10
kilometers around Vasco within  8.6 minutes flat. That covers far away
places like Betalbatim to Bambolim, including the good Goa Medical College.
And the quality of the On-site, Off-site safety plans, if there are any, and
which,  in all probability,  must be locked-up in the District Collector's
cupboards, coupled with the state of  preparedness and awareness that the
Vascoites, Betalbatim-ites , Bambolim-ites, and in general, Goan-ites are
in, in case this Horton's Sphere decides to take to the air one fine
unsuspecting day,  there would be no trenches enough to bury the dead. You
must forgive me for being the Goa's NOSTRADAMUS, but this eventuality cannot
be overlooked, like the "Ostrich". And when it hits us, we shall be caught
with out pants down and cursing the very God that we are presently reposing
our faith in,  saying "God is Great" One must remember that God helps those
who help themselves.

Many persons attending the programme reasoned out that the low turn-out was
due to Vasco being a floating city with very sm

[Goanet] Fw: G.O.A (U.K.) Ltd last published accounts

2002-09-06 Thread Floriano Lobo

Dear Netters,
- Original Message -
From: gabriel
Sent: Friday, September 06, 2002 3:01 AM
Subject: G.O.A (U.K.) Ltd last published accounts

Nice stuff your report on the teachers parade. Next time I come to Goa must
try and meet you and Aires Rod. I have sent this to goanet but it isn't
being posted any chance you could do it for me . I have written my name .
Cheers Gabe.

Dear Netters,

In deference to the Month of August being attributed to Goa, by the wishes
of Rene Barreto, I have withheld this publication.

I ask for assistance from any netter with the knowledge to help with

In the goanet-uk newsletter issue 2002-31 Aug 02, 2002 it was boldly
announced that the premier event of the Uk Goan calendar was taking place on
Sun Aug 4.. Attendance has averaged over 3000 in recent years.

The last published accounts for the year 2001 show an income of £904.  This
just can't be right, with each entrant paying £1  making a total of at least
£3,000. Cars being charged £2, let us say 500 cars being equal to £1000 not
to mention the stall holders paying for the privilege.  The beer stall
actually ran out of beer that year I am reliably informed. It was also
announced by the President that the Association paid a nominal sum for the
hire of the grounds.

Now the crux of the matter is that these accounts were passed  - proposed
and seconded by some friendly persons. They have a responsibility to the
members.  I would have queried the numbers but since I hadn't attended the
function was in no position to do so. Further more these accounts were
ostensibly audited by another friendly person although there was no
statement written or stated to give comfort to the members. The present
Board has not refuted the newsletter that was published giving it added
credence, as to the attendance figures.

The only avenue left to me would be to query the difference, if indeed there
is a difference between the last figures published and the ones to come for
the current year.

Is there any one out there who can make any other suggestion to tackle this
matter or indeed I welcome the Board of the G.O.A to comment directly on the

Thanks in advance,


Gabriel V Menezes.

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[Goanet] TiTs & BiTs (017)

2002-09-05 Thread Floriano Lobo

TiTs & BiTs (017)

Today,  the 5th. September, 2002, has been a memorable Teacher's Day for me,
for I have never had the good occasion of  being part of any Teacher's Day
celebration in my entire life. As such, I shall dedicate TiTs & BiTs  No. 17
to the man of the day, the good bad teacher Mr. Dnyneshwar Pundalik
Pednekar, principal of Smt. Chandrabaga Tukobha Naik Higher Secondary
School, Curchorem, who has been awarded the NATIONAL AWARD for the Goa's
best teacher of the year 2002 at the hands of Dr. Abdul Kalam, the President
of India, at New Delhi.

And I would'nt call what I attended at the Menezes Braganza Hall in Panjim
today as a teacher's day celebration. It was rather a MANOHAR BASHING DAY,
at the mouths, rather than hands of  very prominent citizen teachers,
lawyers, doctors, dramatists , social workers and others.

I missed the beginning, specially the felicitation of the good MADUSUDAN
TARI , the  benchmark ideal teacher,  who should have been receiving the
National Award  in New Delhi at the hands of the President of India,
instead of a plain bouquet of flowers at the hands of Adv. Uday Bhembre at
the Menezes Braganza Hall, Panjim.

And I also missed the good bashing dished out by writer Borkar and Adv.
Satish Sonak. But then, it more than made my day listening to the excellent
delivery by Dramatist Premanand Lotlikar. He summed it up with a little
story of a rat who tasted a little brandy from the bottle left by his drunk
master of the house, enough to  make it flex its little muscles to take on
the mighty cat while the intoxication lasted. A clear slant at Manohar
Parrikar for getting intoxicated with power.

And, the president of all Goa Secondary teacher's Association, Mr.
Ravindranath Narvekar gave a lot of insight to the man called Dnyneshwar
Pundalik Pednekar, how his tail had started curving at the very young stage
of being a teacher. His open declaration that the association knew nothing
about Pednekar  being recommended for the award, which in fact should have
been its prerogative.

And, Averthanus D'Souza talked about the  disastrous consequences that would
be unfolded as a chain reaction to this bad government decision. He talked
about a little Dutch school boy  who , on his way back home from school, saw
a small hole in the water dyke and who, realizing that the dyke would
eventually collapse, went on to plug that small hole with his thumb. What
Averthanus has not realized that Parrikar has no intentions of plugging any
holes. He would rather make new and bigger holes  so that all the dykes and
dams collapses to carry away and drown his opposition in the RSS tidal wave.

And, it was more of a bashing for Goans  than  for Pednekar at the excellent
delivery by Dr. Minakshi  Martins. If Pednekar changed the birth date of his
daughter , I too had the opportunity , she said , of changing the birth date
of my  son joining 1st standard at Don Bosco's Bombay,  to come within the
cut-off birth date of just 2 miserable days by filing simple affidavits to
save one full year of schooling. I did'nt do it because I did'nt want my
child to live a life based on lies, she said. Her religious quotes in chaste
hindi  was something that I had not expected from a Christian lady  doctor.
She has asked a very important question,  whether Goans are going to take
this insult to the teachers, the  very foundation of the education,   lying

And,  talking at length about the "BANGODDI"  that Pednekar has created in
his teaching life was Vaman Vaidya , the social worker and the
administrative staff member of the school board. Do not under estimate
Pednekar he said. He has the capability of managing the government. He said
that the RSS pays its loyal members with awards etc. just like governments
pays back its lesser bureaucrats for their loyalty with priority cards to
avail of public services etc without waiting in queues. He sited an incident
of one such bureaucrat who decided to use his seldom used priority card at
the railway booking counter by going directly to the booking window with his
card, brushing off the chorus of protests from the line,  by brandishing his
card. He had to back off when he realized that it was the line of card
holders like himself.  Meaning? RSS everywhere!

And, the delivery by the Chairman of the meeting Adv. Uday Bhembre  was like
a hot knife slicing through butter. It would take me pages to put it all
down but importantly he asked pertinent questions on government's morality
in this action of recommending a tainted person for the award of the best
teacher. He said that in a competition such as Olympics, morality or
integrity of  the participating athlete does not matter. What matters is
his/her performance to get the gold. Whereas, he said, award is something
different where every aspect of the life of the person is in focus. He
summed up by asking if Pednekar could effectively catch a student copying in
the examination hall. If  Pednekar could  reprimand or penalize a

[Goanet] TiTs & BiTs (016)

2002-09-04 Thread Floriano Lobo

TiTs & BiTs (016)

AND, after a bit of a gap in the TiTs & BiTs show,

Here's to BRUNO COUTINHO for making Goa and Goan Football called Soccer,
proud. Well done Bruno. May your dedication and will to excel instill
determination in our Goan footballers of which Goa has no dearth.
Once, a Bengali shipmate colleague of mine was arguing with me insisting
that India will never produce Olympic athletes, because, he said, our Indian
diet is inferior to sustain the requirement of world standard performance.
To that I had replied saying "Have you ever heard of  Dara, Milka Singhs or
Neville D'Souza? You think they ate channa -massala and mirchi pao?

And,  the inevitable has happened. The BANK OF GOA, which graduated from the
Mapusa Urban Co-operative Bank, has fallen  in dire straits no sooner  its
blue-eyed boy, who has been deserting political parties in the past,
actually deserted his baby. What they say must be very true,  "that rats
never stay long  on a sinking ship".  The vast experience that Ramakant
Khalap has gained during his political life  must have come  handy to walk
away, just  in the nick of time.

And, if I am not mistaken, there is the  High Court Order against illegal
ENCROACHMENTS on the  Goa's National Highways by Cement Product
manufacturers, wholesale marble/granite vendors, horticulturists etc. As
usual, nothing will happen and  the corporate grabs are on,  unimpeded.
After  the USA's   IT firms making a beeline for Bangalore's plush Real
Estate, it is believed that SEARS hardware  and SAFEWAY food chain stores
are competing with Rajasthani Marble Companies for the stake in Goa's
National highway Real Estate. One mini  SAFEWAY store is already up near
the Guirim/Soccoro junction, if someone wants to sample its stuff.

And, it is a real pity that PANJIMITES never get to look forward without
glancing over their shoulders for hidden surprises. After Miramar Beach
privatization, it was Campal Rain trees. Then came the Old GMC  followed by
Massano de Amorim heritage buildings. And now PANJIM MUNICIPAL CORPORATION.
It is a wonder that Panjimites are not suffering from acute spondilitis.
All said and done, I feel that this Corporation business is money wasting
sham. As I have said before, Manohar Parrikar creates problems and solves
them to the satisfaction of his detractors. Only this time, he does not have
detractors but 'A DETRACTOR' , who happens to be BABUSH MONSERRATE.  Manohar
Parrikar wants to deny him his election time promis of giving him his
Taleigao Panchayat back, in a round about way, just because he could'nt say
a straight forward "NO" . They say that the most creamy, easiest word is
"YES" which gets a lot of people in a lot of hot  soup. A clear 'NO' would
have saved a lot  of people a lot of ulcers and hungry bellies. But then,
'NO' is the most difficult word of them all, especially for POLITICIANS.

And, I would'nt be doing justice if I did'nt mention "BONDERAM"  of MALAR.
These are different BONDERAM from the ones from  DIWAR.  "NON  COMMERCIAL",
they want to keep them. And it is very difficult to  maintain anything
non-commercial these days. But there are five  MALAR  TIGERS  who I know of,
who swear that it can, and will  be done. MARIO  FERNANDES ( ex London) ,
MENEZES (ex. Germany) and ANTHONY GOMES (shuttler from Bandra  and Malar)
are hype about the whole thing. They assure me that the next year's Malar
Bonderam will be a totally different concept. With a dedicated team like
that, MALAR BONDERAM -2003  could'nt miss the mark. And incase anyone of you
wants to sample 'MALAR BONDERAM'-2002 , just click on www.goasu-raj.org


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[Goanet] TiTs & BiTs (013)

2002-08-20 Thread Floriano Lobo

TiTs & BiTs (013)

On unlucky for some, Number 13.

And, I must assure the readers that they are absolutely safe reading TiTs &
BiTs No. 13. It has always been my lucky number. The only time I was unlucky
was when, after having used my resourcefulness in convincing the good Padre
in Houston, Texas, where I had landed , on my very first ship, that someone
should take me to "NASA" instead of for the Sunday Mass. It was  Harry
Bretting and Gloria Houard, his young wife who volunteered to drive me down
to NASA , a good 80 kilometers from downtown Houston. Harry was one of the
mission controllers for the Apollo 13 . The unfortunate part was  that the
Mission Control was sealed for the impending flight of the failed  Apollo 13
Mission. I had to be content in only watching the "eagle" landing craft
from the outside and enjoy the mesmerizing sight of radio controlled planes
and helicopters being flown by kids on the NASA grounds. Back home in 1971,
we did'nt even have  the TV.

On Presidential visit to Gujarat:

And Fr. Cedric Prakash, who has been complaining about the police
intimidation that has kept him away from meeting with the President, at the
cosmetic sites the President  was allowed to visit, must realize that he is
dealing with the Gujarati NAZIS. Very shortly  we should be witnessing the
Indian SWASTIK which, I am told, stands for PEACE , is  worn  by the
GUJARATI/ INDIAN   NAZIS as the sign of ETHNIC CLEANSING.  And a lot is
expected from our dear President Abdul Kalam. Sorry to say, but I only hope
that he does not become the intended sacrificial BAKRI to grace the occasion
of the next Bakri Idd.

Back home, the way the last "NAZI VHP GOA BAND"  that was termed as a "Total
Success" by our RSS Chief Minister, Mr. Manohar Parrikar with a comment
 What if a few stones were thrown?"  only goes to show that it is  his "BAB
KA RAJ"  I was,  at the least,  expecting some stern questions to be asked
about this particular "GOA BAND" by our enterprising  OPPOSITION in the
current session of the Goa Legislative Assembly,  forget about introducing a
BILL to BAN all future GOA BANDs in GOA.

On COMUNIDADES and Revision of  its Sacred "CODE.".

It was heartening to see a few more heads than usual turning-up for the
meeting of the Components of the Comunidades  at the TB Cunha Hall on
Sunday, August  18th. And the final resolution that was passed goes against
what the Revenue Minister, Mr. Pandurang Madkaikar has been saying in
Yesterday's papers (H), that "the House committee constituted under his
chairmanship will go into the issue of revising the Code of Comunidades"
supposedly to  remove the inconsistencies regarding encroachments on
Comunidade lands.

And who is this House committee?, the Revenue Minister,  the Chief Minister
or the Governor or the Government itself,  to suggest this revision ?
Revising the SPURIOUS and ILLEGAL  translation of the CODE is like flogging
the dead body of some unknown person. The government must realize that it
cannot play with a serious institution like the Comunidades with half baked
knowledge and malafide intentions. The upcoming writ petition in the High
Court will put to rest this illegal flogging of the illegal translation of
the CODE  of Comunidades.

For those who would like to  know, under the management of the Comunidades,
the vast cultivable land holdings of the Comunidades were never allowed to
lie fallow and at the discretion of the cultivators / temporary tenants.
These lands, which mostly lie fallow today or which have been already
converted into concrete jungles,  were the  revenue earners for the
Comuminades,  affording them to look after their respective villages, river
bunds, sleush-gates (Manoses), roads, gutters, cutting of the roadside
brambles and even the up-keep of the churches and temples. A slice of this
revenue was paid to the King (now the Governor, representing the government)
as "DERAMA" for acting the arbitrator in the disputes between the
Comunidades and its tenants.  The unspent moneys were distributed to the
share-holders as "ZONN" as an incentive to take part in the Management of
the Comunidades.

Today, the revenue of the Comunidades is limited to the interest earned on
the bank balances (if at all, for most Comunidades are turned to paupers)
which are solely the proceeds of the transfer/sale  of its properties. And
the Government is utilizing this revenue to pay fat salaries and kingly
perks to its own appointees to the offices of the  Comunidades,  such as the
administrators, escrivaos and office staff for "NIL" work done. It is
believed that the administrators draw-up the budgets arbitrarily and some
are even charging the  up and down  taxi-fares to the airport for their
private visits to Delhi etc., to the Comunidades account.

The present Tenancy and Mundkar Acts is the  destructive work of the
government that needs to be REVISED and, of which,  the Revenue Minister and
the government itself must take serious note. Foremost, The Revenue

[Goanet] TiTs & BiTs (012)

2002-08-17 Thread Floriano Lobo

On Gujarat elections:

And I watched the heated debate on the TV, yestrday,  between the political
and media personalities on the merits and demerits of the decision of the
Election Commission to differ Gujarat elections until next December. Of all,
I enjoyed the bit by our ex-union minister of Law & Judiciary, Mr. Arun
Jaitley.  In all this, the constitutional provisions that makes it mandatory
for Gujarat to have its elections in October as planned by the architect of
Gujarat's  devastation Mr. Modi have been  given too much importance. But no
one is talking about the constitutional provisions that makes it mandatory
of the governments to safe-guard the welfare and the well being of its
citizens. Those who talk in favour of Gujarat elections should be arrested
and sent to jail forthwith, including the slick Mr. Arun Jaitley. This is a
gross condoning of the murder and maiming of  thousands.   The decision of
the Election Commission is to be commended a thousand times. Gujarat has
shown that it does not deserve democracy and freedom and as such should be
put under President's rule permanently. Why the hell not??

On Fr. Agnel Polytechnic student's hunger strike/Dharna:

And a lot has been said of the striking students of Agnel  Polytechnic. And
as expected, Manohar Parrikar is expected to take a decision soon and end
the stalemate. And of-course, the day will be Manohar Parrikar's, just like
the other  times when he created the problems and solved them with much ado
and a lot of expense to the exchequer. If anyone has forgotten, these are
the  Miramar Beach privatization , Campal trees,  Masano de Amorim Heritage
building, etc. etc. If one wants to hog the limelight, one must create
problems and solve them, showing deep concern and understanding,  to the
satisfaction of all. This is the surest way of keeping oneself in the chair.
And I am very sure we are not going to hear any more about the letters sent
to the two ministers from the Chief Minister's office on the Chief Minister'
s letter-heads. This sure is a creation of a one way problem which does not
warrant  a solution.

On Independence Day Celebrations:

And it is ironic that  the celebration at the Secretariat, Panjim, of the
day of the freedom of the nation was not free for the people to witness. Who
was being protected from whom with this sorry police bandobost ?? And to
imagine that people are crazy enough to waste their precious time to go to
watch a bunch of hypocrites and self seekers bowing to the sacred flag, who
would otherwise sell the same along with the flag post if it fetched a
decent sum.

On Alabhya Housing Co-Operative Society of Tivim Scam:

And  it is a stupendously surprising  revelation that l.43 crore  rupees
were released as loans to this  housing co-operative society in the recent
scam without the slightest of caution or preoccupation by the sanctioning
authority. Why not? The commission on that 1.43 crore rupess  must have been
very lucrative. Come to think of it, that this Housing Co-operative is based
in Tivim  which has been the stronghold of the now enterprising MLA of
Aldona  and who has been making much of the noise in the assembly only shows
that the commission has'nt reached the right pockets. Wonder if this is not
another reverse case of creating a solution and pointing to the problem.


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[Goanet] TiTs&BiTs (011)

2002-08-14 Thread Floriano Lobo


We are all talking about soon to come "GOA DAY" and  " WORLD  GOAN  HERITAGE
DAY " And praise the Lord that we goans have embarked on such a serious
mission. Goa can only benefit from this extravaganza.

And we have talked about wining and dining, its merits and de-merits. We
have talked about "sannas & sorpotel" We have talked about fund raising for
supporting needy Goans in Goa.

We have talked about preserving our heritage temples and churches and forts
and monuments. We have talked about cussing and being  cussed. We have
talked about the MCs of crab mentalities, where,  as far as Goa is
concerned,  "Kul'leamchem xhek-xhek" (crab dish) will never run short in our
goan Kundlins (pots).

We have talked about the rip-offs that has been taking place in Goa by our
very own goans. We have talked about the millions of rupees of NRI funds
repatriated to Goa by NRI goans, goan merchant mariners/sailors, gulf goans
et al. We have talked about preserving goan Tiatrs, Mandos and Dulpods. We
have talked about preserving and saving Goa's environment and ecology. We
have talked about how Goa's agriculture has been destroyed to be replaced by
concrete jungles. We have talked about how every new Official Gazette
notification eats up on our agricultural lands.

We have talked about Alibabas and the 40 thieves, of open pockets which
never fill,   and secret (Swiss) bank accounts that will never be emptied.
We have talked about the massively polluting plants like META STRIPS, ZACL
and numerous others. We have talked about River Princess,  and its affinity
for the Candolim beach. We have talked about the saffronisation in Goa. We
have talked about the harassment of minority educational institutions by the
Education Department.

We have talked about panchayats and municipalities being the training
grounds for crooks and Alibabas of the future, a breed,  thousand times
worse than their patrons. We have talked about deforestation and its direct
effects on rains in Goa. We have talked about future drying up of our age
old Mandovi river due to diverting of Madei waters by Karnataka for their
own selfish use.

We have talked about goan elections which are a shame to democracy.  We have
talked about how our government administration is thriving on graft and
favours. We have talked about  how our government departments, with the only
exception being our Adilshah Palace in Panjim  and the new Assembly Complex
at Porvorim, have become hawker's paradise. We have talked about our
stinking and un-hygienic  goan markets, its half rotten, unfit for human
consumption,  so called fresh meats. We have talked about our Food & Drug
administration which perpetually slumbers while people fall ill  and crowd
the hospitals and  clinics and help swell the doctors' bank accounts as well
as  help bring more and more pharmacies in our towns and cities.

We have talked about goan roads that are moonscapes, perpetually in dug out
condition with gutters being the burial places for water pipes and telephone
cables. We have talked about the dadagiri of the fishing trawler lobby and
its  direct nexus with the government and their combined scorn for the

 We have talked about non-planning of our towns and cities. We have talked
about mining rejects silting whatever is left of our rivers when it is not
used to cover and claim government lands. And we have talked about the
preoccupation of our MLAs about winning the next election no sooner they
have won the present one. Their entire work is concentrated in  pampering
the voters to achieve  that goal.  We have talked about how jobs, however
lowly, are brokered from the secretariat, for that is the only job  our
elected representatives are good for.

We have talked about how a single brain of a single CM is expected to
convert Goa into the  paradise which all goans dream about.  We have talked
about government policies that are dependent on the whims and fancies of
temporary people occupying temporary posts.  We have talked about how the
police is lining its pockets through its golden nexus with the crooks and
criminals. We have talked about worst crooks getting bail due to doctored
chargesheets by the police and eventually going scot free.

We have talked about our government  corporations being gifted to favour
brokers, to do with them what they like. We have talked about goan
government canteen contracts going to Biharis. We have talked about
industries preferring out of state labour to goan labour.. We have talked
about our health services and health institutions going backwards instead of
forward. And we have talked about goans selling their properties to the
highest bidders and running away to foreign lands.

And we have talked about this, that and everything and we can talk about
zillion things that have happened to Goa and Goans from the time of Dayanand
Bandodkar to the present time of  Manohar Parrikar. And we shall be able t

[Goanet] TiTs & BiTs (010)

2002-08-13 Thread Floriano Lobo

And  as if the election commission ,  Lyngdoh & company has no other work
than to interfere in the affairs of the ruling masters from  Dilli  &
Gujarat. They must behave like the dogs who must sit and get up when the
masters say so. And they must lap their master's feet when the masters shred
the electoral rolls of the muslim voters who would  never vote for the
masters. And this Modi Xerox has successfully copied a page from the magic
book of his Goan counterpart to learn how to successfully shred the names of
unlikely voters  and win elections.

And  those who have been persecuting the Chief Minister of Goa bab Manohar
Parrikar for his  lack of administrative sense and who were perpetually
blaming the administration to be lax , where its staff was freely allowed to
roam the market places and deliver groceries and fish home during their
working hours should be happy that this market trips by the government
department staff has been stopped all together. Commendation and
congratulations are in order for Manohar Parrikar bab, for,  now the  staff
does the shopping sitting at their desks and without having to go to the
market. One can buy anything from papads, laddoos, chokrios, bangles, wrist
watches sarees, towels and even fresh fish including Moira bananas without
having a bother in the world and while scrutinizing office files. And those
people who will still be cribbing should be happy that the department staff
is atleast in their respective chairs instead of being in the market.

And talking of  Moira bananas these very special bananas  are in news after
a long period of hybernation.We Moidekars were worried  of our impending
loss of Banana identity. But thanks to the consulting editor  of  "Mapusa
Plus" Miguel Braganza , our Moira bananas are back in the Mapusa market. And
as for Moidekars going bananas, it is a foregone conclusion. No matter what,
no one else in Goa can displace Moidekars from this distinguished place.
But then, the bulk of the exposure to Moira Bananas has been  Mapusa,
specially the Braganza residence at Altinho. His parents  were over -
exposed to the viles of Moira and its bananas as the teachers of the same
school that his sisters are presently the Headmistress and a teacher
respectively. His mother being my very  dear &  loved  class teacher, a
visit to whom I have to execute ( and which I have been postponing) , before
she calls it a day. It would seem that Mapusa plus is being subsidized
wholesale within the family. However, a  few clarifications are necessary in
order to set some records straight, like, did the students were forced to
sign the ready prepared petition and if some senior student refused to sign
the same. Like, why no mention is made  of the sudden transfer of another
teacher who happens to be the sister-in-law of the trouble maker Moidekar
parent (victimization?). Like, if the parent's meeting was really called by
the parents. Like, how come the Zilla politician who is not a parent chaired
this parent's meet. Like,  Y were the bad  parent duo not invited for this
meet. Like, why did the HM address this meet and why was it adjourned when
one dissenting parent asked bold questions. Like, Y the little daughter of
the transferred teacher who happens to be the neice of trouble maker
Moidekar who  fractured her arm at 0930 hrs was kept on pain killer tablets
until 1400 hours until her father shifted her to the GMC.  And like, Y did
this whole tamasha not controlled within the school to the satisfaction of
all. Do we see some high profile one-up-manship here? The HM, the Principal,
the Diocesan Society (Fr. Tony Salema) and the Director of Education must
answer these questions of which there could be many many more like why do
bright students always accuse the best teachers.  But then these things are
best left alone. However, it is pertinent say here that irrespective of
where they are grown, Moira bananas will always remain Moira bananas.


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[Goanet] Tits & Bits (005)

2002-08-02 Thread Floriano Lobo

And, I  have succumbed to the demands of my good friends and indispensable
critiques on maintaining the Tits & Bits style of putting things down rather
than the mild TitBits style. So friends, you get undiluted 'Tits & Bits'
from here on.

It is one thing to be a perpetual critique, the one that gets under the hair
most of the time. But it is another thing to  pat a back or two sometimes.
This is one such case where I thankfully congratulate the Justices of the
Bombay High Court, Goa bench for the hard hitting, no-nonsense attitude they
have adopted with the brazen lawlessness by the trawler owners and the
Director of Fisheries. We still find a lot of lethargy on the part of the
government and the Director of Fisheries. Understandably, it is the give and
take, you scratch my back, I scratch yours  attitude which ensures plentiful
fish for the trawlers as well as for  the fisheries officials.

And it is commendable that even CHORS respect each other, in that one chor
cannot publicly undo another chor. They have to take prior permission from
the respective  ALIBABA to do that. And  all this time we were wondering why
this very very expensive Alibaba's cave at Alto Porvorim  always remained
"open sesame"  on the contract of which, the present  Alibaba of the
opposition  has made clear 20, percent ( cost overrun of  21 crores
included, when the actual cost was 12 crores, and which was originally 6
crores only)  I wonder if the blue blooded goan architect who won the 1st
prize for the design of this Alibaba's cave, and by all means, who  should
have got the contract, is yet paid  all of the  prize money. A  simple 'yes
sir' for the 'Bis  taka'  and the contract would have remained in Goa
instead of in Delhi.

And for those Mapxemkars who have been up in arms against the "NCERT"
(National Certificate of Education, Research & Training) should warm-up for
a new fight. This time it is the Oxford Dictionary that is being sought to
be changed. The trial pass in made at the Mapusa Taxi Stand,  main road
crossing which is now-a-days blockaded with beautifully painted sign boards
with powerful messages to the life conscious citizens of Mapusa. One of them
reads " BETTER  LATE  THENE  MR. LATE"  Actually what our estimeed Mapusa
traffic cell means to say is " BETTER LATE THEN LATE  MR...)

And the Mapusa Municipality has become active from its long hibernation. The
wrath is directed towards the two legged  hawkers in the market. Wonder when
this wrath  is likely to  shift towards the four legged hawkers who deem it
fit to make  the  Mapusa town roads to be  their stables.

As a child I had always enjoyed the trips to "Vodlem Goem" (Old Goa), not so
much for Goemcho  Saib, not for the "FERI"  (fair)  but to experience the
fascinating thrills of trees haystacks and every things in sight from
outside the window of the "CAMIAO" (Bus) moving past as the camiao moved
forward. Those were the India Portuguesa days. My recent trip to Vodlem Goem
and to the grounds of Se Cathedral in particular was very enlightening. At
Vodlem Goem, and during the goan monsoon season, it is not the mushrooms
that crop up under the mango trees but some weird looking ,reptile headed
murthies that stare you in the face. The NIO scientist at Dona Paula or the
religious scientist at the Bishop's palace, Altinho should check on the type
of rain that falls over the Se Cathedral grounds which  help sprout funny
looking mushrooms. Maybe the ASI offices next door will help.

And  if you are lucky enough to have to attend the Civil courts  at Mapusa,
you better sport Mapusa Municipal market manners. The aura in the courtroom
is such that it will make you feel at ease. The bailiff seems to be
permanently sporting a rash in his groins, fidgety,  and thinks he is on a
dramatic stage. The havaldar is a guest of honour who warms  the seat and
daydreams. The courtroom is itself a railway 'thesen' where people walk in
and out at leisure. The advocates come in colourful flowery dresses,
unpertubed. The typist types away at her own free will , most often outside
the margins and sometimes onto the typewriter roll,  often inventing the
English language dictionary. And the poor judge,  a helpless adaptable
creature in the wilderness moving a pile of case files from left-hand-side
to the  right-hand- side endlessly calling out names and waiting for the
respective advocates to make their appearances,  who are attending to two or
more cases at the same time in different courts in the same building.


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[Goanet] TitBits.004

2002-07-31 Thread Floriano Lobo

For not having to answer too many pointed questions on my choice of the
handle "Tits & Bits" from my good friend and my loving critique Cecil Pinto,
and to avoid being shouted down as a male chauvinist by the fair sex, I have
voluntarily re-christened it as "TitBits". Hope this passes  the critical
good sense of my good friend,  as it will be difficult for me to come by
another alternative.

And after the years of growing ulcers in  the pit of my stomach, to see the
ulcerated sides with bulging tar of the new Mandovi bridge, each time I
crossed it, it was  like eating icecream and  pacifying the burning ulcers
to see, today,  that the ulcerated sides are being burnt off and scrapped
clean. As usual, this must be another full fledged contract to  a contractor
friend of the new PWD Minister Mr. Davlikar, who in all probability will not
last as the PWD Minister for long, given the cry for his head by the regular
BJP army. Hope Manohar Parrikar does not catch the cross fire.

And there is another parallel road contract going-on at alto Porvorim, that
of installing the divider line on a perfectly smooth, never seen 6 inch hot
mixed road. I had always thought  that they taught  "PLANNING"  in IIT. If
it was so, then there would'nt have been the  criminal waste of such a lot
of good hot mix,   seeing which,  makes the good eyes water. Perhaps, this
is another good opportunity for the new PWD minister to pacify another of
his road contractor friend.

And like the removal of the monumental gas cylinder which was gracing the
Mandovi bridge some time ago, after  a lot of nagging that I had to recourse
to, I do hope that the bottle neck  narrow opening of the very wide sloping
road leading to the entrance of the bridge from the Porvorim end , and where
I,  including my car would have been a monument yesterday, is removed. It
will also save the tax payers some money  which is spent in repairing the
most aesthetic fencing which the drunken truckers fall in love with and want
to take  home with them every now and then.

And I do hope that the new MOPA airport allows free photography unlike the
Dabolim airport where photography is striclly  "P R O H O B I T E D"

And we were under the impression all along that there was  one and only one
sugarcane lobby,  the one  that is supporting the Maratha strongman   Mr.
Pawar.for as long as we can remember, and on whose strength Mr. Pawar has
never  lost a single  election. Little did we know  that there is the
Karnataka sugarcane lobby which has been filling the pockets of our very own
goan MLAs and the goan governments to look the other side of MADEI until it
was too late.

And what is surprising  is that  Manohar Parrikar has successfully taped
Mathany's mouth. He must be  frightened that if he  left it  FREE, it would
be like listening to the pin stuck in the groove  old record singing  META
META all the time. To imagine that people who sacrificed a lot of appetizing
food  and toiled at the foot of the tree for days together and sweated it
out in the police can,   would be so un-resisting .  Do we see a CARROT or
do we smell the rat??  I did'nt know that one had  to be in the opposition
to ask questions in the Goa Legislative Assembly. And I thought I was a
politician in the making!


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[Goanet] Tits Bits .003

2002-07-30 Thread Floriano Lobo

The world, as we see today, is become very complex and vicious. If one has
to have ones own way to defy the prevailing laws, rules and regulations, one
needs to cultivate a "godfather" which goes by another name of "immunity",
also called "protection". It goes without saying that if one does not want
to get wet in the rains, one has to have an open umbrella over one's head.
Take the case of Laloo Prasad Yadav. He got raided by the IT  when he got
his first daughter married in extravaganza. He opened his umbrella against
IT raids by getting his second daughter married into the IT family.
Likewise, our dada trawler owners had their umbrella in the Goa legislative
assembly.  Our enterprising builders and business houses  in Goa like the
Navelcar builders and  Nova Goakars of Panjim have their respective
umbrellas in the BJP. Whereas, the last year's school computerization tender
for 700 computers went in exchange for a beautiful office for the BJP,
courtesy Nova Goakars., the Navelcars, on the other hand,  are probably
benefiting hugely through the Nelson's Eye of the authorities, specially the
PMC, as far as the terrace floor  extension of the Navelcar Trade Centre,
opposite the Azad Maidan is concerned. It is very tricky. The work is
sheltered from direct view. One has to be specially looking for it to notice
it. We shall be extremely happy if this is legit and the PMC treasury is
benefiting from this activity.

Hello!  K..   K  Hello! ...  Patricia Pinto?   Oh! these Goa
telephones.! Never there when you want them bad.

And it was a shock to us that our Police Chief Gulcharand Singh Sandu was
struck down by a second stroke in as many days and is now recuperating in
the ICU. We wish him a speedy recovery.  The mention of the ICU brings back
sweet memories. The ICUs had become the hiding hole, an  alternative to the
police lock-ups for our most enterprising goan people's representatives like
Dayanand Narvekar, Mauvin Godinho and Somnath Zuwarkar when Manohar Parrikar
went riding the high horse like "Zorro" (Never mind that Parrikar has given
up  the 'Zorro' style now).  Ofcourse, I am not slanting here, but the
recent Indian Oil pilferage must have sent a few heartbeats haywire,
specially in the wake of the reported payoff to the high ranking police
officials that I have mentioned earlier. In the Hindu mythology, the
pantheon of Gods consists of zillion deities, I am told,  of whom Lord
"INDRA"  is the chief. May the  Indra Dev pacify some of the hearts and
heartbeats that are going haywire in the highly placed chests,  on the IOC
pilferage account .


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[Goanet] Fw: Micky Pacheco V/s KTC Driver

2002-07-29 Thread Floriano Lobo

- Original Message -
From: Floriano Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 3:17 PM
Subject: Micky Pacheco V/s KTC Driver

> This is further to my personal handshake with the Editor of Gomantak
> Mr. Pramod Khandeparker, in his office at St. Inez, Panjim, this morning,
> commending him for his excellent editorial (GT 29 Jul) on the ruckus
> by the Kadamba employees over the rough handling of the KTC driver by
> Pacheco. When I wrote my little piece in " Tits & Bits.002",   yesterday,
> was wondering if I was going to be the only one heavily on Micky's side.
> Thanks to the editor, justice has been done in the way that people should
> think of traffic related offences, specially as far as the private and KTC
> bus drivers' driving is concerned. I have just kept my phone down after
> recording my complaint with the traffic cell, Panjim , recorded  at Tel.
> 223266 by Mr. Vani & Ms. Fatima, that private bus reg. No. GA-01-Z-5167,
> traveling from Mapusa to Panjim, who was trying to overtake my maruti 800
> from the catering college Porvorim,  inspite of  heavy traffic, and
> considering that I was also travelling , at times,  over 60 Kmph succeeded
> in overtaking me from the left hand side at the mouth of the Mandovi
> where the road is the narrowest. My car would have crashed into the
> at the RHS  to avoid being hit by the rear end of the bus if I had not to
> brake violently. The incident happened at 10:20 this morning. Well, do we
> still feel that Micky should be arrested?  Please read on:
> Excerpts from Tits & Bits .002 dt. 28/Jul/02
> The story of Micky blowing his top on the Kadamba driver took the papers
> storm. I personally give 100 points to Micky. I further suggest Micky
> with a skinning knife to skin  Kadamba as well as private bus drivers who
> take the Goa's roads and highways as their 'Formula One' racing tracks.
> at the way  they compete in overtaking on climbing slopes with blind
> Micky should keep another extra- sharp skinning knife for the RTO. And,
> worst of all, the transport minister is reported to have made a dash to
> Panjim police station to check on the health of the driver. By all counts,
> the driver  should be cooling his heels in the can with his driving
> suspended for 6 months without a single naya paisa of pay, which
> incidentally, is coming from the pockets of the public.

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[Goanet] Tits & Bits .002

2002-07-27 Thread Floriano Lobo
in going to be in the news by tomorrow. This
time for the brain child of the Head Mistress for calling a 'Parents Meeting
' to ask for the re-instating of the teacher who has been transferred to
another school due to the reported harassment of bright students. Under the
circumstances, this should have a proper PTA meeting, as I am told. Further,
it is reported that the  microphone was snatched from a sole  dissenting
parent when a few irregularities and omissions where being highlighted. Our
only fear is that the HM, in her anxiety to do right does not do more wrong
unto the school and unto herself in particular.

And,  if you have been walking in the sub-registrar's office in Mapusa,
often, you will have found efficient people working there shifting their
chairs within the office and sometimes shifting out from the offices as
well, but  with the same lable. Hence my natural outburst to a friendly face
in this office, the other day. "A-re baba! When am I going to see U in the
chair of the sub-registrar?" " U seem to be warming these outside chairs for
far too long" . A demurred face, looking down blankly on the open file on
the desk, said  "Tum bitor vetoch, (sub-registrar's office) t eh  codelicher
lable marla toh vach" ( when you go inside, read the lable on the
sub-registrar's chair). "Tell me" I said. "There is very little to tell" he
said.  "the chair is kept for mostly scheduled castes, the kind who are at
liberty to walk in at anytime after 11 am, after completing the house work,
walk out bindas at 4 pm, the kind , it seems, that Manohar Parrikar
personally  calls them at their residences, the kind that boast of  high
profile connections with only contempt for colleagues and work., and worst,
the kind that persons like me are expected to listen to this tall talk and
at the same time help them out in their routine work." "Seniority and
performance record be damned"  "Oh"   I said. " this much, is it?"   "you
come and join Goa Su-Raj and I will make you the President"  "by all means,
it should be some promotion, at least".

And finally, talking about making presidents of political parties,
yesterday, when I stopped at Dalal's at Mapusa, I saw the familiar mug on
"THE WEEK" . "Give me that" I said. "I just love to read about this Advani
guy". Dalal, as usual put a smile on his face.
"The Hawk flies High" was what got me engrossed as soon as I had time to
look into it. And, after I was finished, I had a peculiar feeling of being
let down by the Election Commission of India, when I had to slog over the
compilation of the set of documents to be sent to New Delhi for Goa Su-Raj
Party's registration. Our constitution was found wanting in the details to
be furnished about "INNER PARTY DEMOCRACY"  It seems, that we had not been
very democratic and transparent in the inner party elections to party posts.
So, we  had to put our heads together again  and come out with a
master-piece of inner party democracy, which, ofcourse, sailed through. But
if the Election Commission applies the same yard-stick to the ruling BJP,
the BJP gets de-recognised immediately. Why? It is all there for every one
to see, as to who put Bangaru Laxman as the president of the BJP. Who axed
Jana Krishnamurthi  and brought in M. Venkaiah Naidu. It even says that
Venkaiah had preconditions for taking the job. He wanted Arun Jailey as his
bum chum, or no can do. Where are the elecions? Therefore, the Election
Commission has two edged axe to cut down the BJP, if it can and if it wants
to. The one side, for BJP having the brazenness to adopt the HINDUTWA
openly, which is against the oath taken by the BJP during the registration
of the Party under the 'Representation of People's Act'. which demands
SECULARITY among other things. And HINDUTWA  is a rabid Communal ideology
which will disintegrate  India if allowed to go uncheck at the political
level.  The other side for totally disregarding the internal inner party
elections to the party posts. If the BJP is run by two clowns, who are seen
in this issue of "The Week"  hugging each other in the 'public eye'  with
their perverted smiles, whereas, they would be stabbing each other ' behind
closed doors' ( ofcourse, if Vajpayee is capable of hold a stabbing knife in
his weak hands, that is), India has some serious thinking to do, before it
becomes too late.

Floriano Lobo

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[Goanet] Comments Re: Goa Gutka - ZIOL

2002-07-22 Thread Floriano Lobo

Herald, 22 July, 2002 (Front Page)

Manufacturers pensive as more States ban pan masala.
New Delhi, July 21 (UNI)
Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andra Pradesh, Gujarat and Goa have already banned the
substance and Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh are the latest converts.
However, it  is said the ban in Tamil Nadu is the most effective. In Andhra
Pradesh, the product is smuggled from neighbouring States where a ban is not
in place and the product is sold at a premium. In Goa, too, the legislation
is merely cosmetic, people feel.

It is certainly true what has been said about Goa's cosmetic legislation.
Just yesterday as I was walking in one of the Mapusa city restaurants for a
cup of tea when  I happen to notice, for the first time,  a panwalla parked
at the entrance of the restaurant, displaying the chain packets of 'Goa
Gutka', Surprised to see Goa Gutka so freely and daringly displayed  under
my very nose as it were, in my town of  Mapusa, I automatically took out a
rupee coin and purchased one packet. (Some months ago, when this Goa Gutka
topic was a raging fire on the NT cybervoices, I had tried to get hold of a
packet here in Goa. It was a vain exercise, having even tried  Margao and
Vasco. Ultimately, I had managed to get a string of 10 from Bombay thro' my
brother).  To the surprised comments from my friends  who were with me, I
told them it was for luck. After leaving the restaurant, I called Mapusa PI,
Mr. Govekar over my mobile to confirm from him if Gutka was not banned in
Goa. He was not sure and promised to check it out. I told him that as far as
I am concerned Gutka was banned in Goa, and here, I have just purchased one
packet freely available on the footpath . He said, "if that is the case, we
will have to do something about it".  Voila! Here we are, I said to my
friends. Our law enforcement officers themselves do not know about the laws
that lawmakers make. To that, one of my friend testitly said, "look here
man!, This is Alankar fast food area here. Manohar Parrikar patronises this
place. This pan fellow here knows that he loves his gutka. So who will stop
him? Well! It seemed I had wasted my rupee on the gutka packet and much more
on the mobile call.

Gomantak Times, 22 July, 2002.
ZIOL  to set up storage facility for petro products.
By: Pramod Khandeparker.
Panaji: Away from the scene of IOC oil pilferage racket, which nearly
plunged the port town of Vasco into an inferno on 12 July, the Zuari Indian
Oiltanking Ltd are setting up a massive storage facility for petroleum
products at Sancoale at a cost of Rs. 45 crore minus the cost of the


This is revelation to Goa and Goans. Where was all this new all the while?
Never heard of it being mentioned before. It is as if the Zuari Indian
Oiltanking Ltd. knew that the pilferage action was to come to a tragic
close. Or was it  "enough is enough"?  What has happened to the public
hearing that is supposed to be held prior to setting up  something big like
this? They got away with Meta Strips. Are they getting away with this one
too? It is mentioned in the report that the "Communidade" and local
Panchayat are putting hurdles. Why ever not? We all know what 'high-tech'
means in Goa. Half of the budget for the 'hightech' is lost in the pockets
of ministers and bureaucrats. And what is left  is only the propaganda worth
sweet nothing. And the gullible Goans are left holding the baby. This ZIOL
thing must be thoroughly checked out if all clearances are in order ( unlike
those of Meta Strips  Ltd). The people of Vasco will be heaving a sigh of
relief no doubt. We  only hope that the  people of Sancoale get a chance to
do the same, after holding their breath for so long over Meta Strips.

Floriano Lobo

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Re: [Goanet] Newspaper by Expatriate Goans.

2002-07-21 Thread Floriano Lobo

A genuine scream in the wilderness??
Thank you, A Veronica.


- Original Message -
From: A. Veronica Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, July 21, 2002 9:25 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Newspaper by Expatriate Goans.

> Recently rumours appeared in Goa saying that Herald daily newspaper was
> sold.  Immediately on July 16th issue of Herald in its front page the
> management of Herald clarified their stand saying Herald was not sold and
> was only a false rumour spread by interested parties.  I do not know what
> true and what is false. But I know only one thing and that is as it is in
> Konkani saying "Uzo Nastana Dunvor Zaina". It is an established fact that

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Re: [Goanet] Re: [CGN] Anjadiva Church

2002-07-18 Thread Floriano Lobo

I thank the good "Commodore",  for acknowledging the Navy's mantra. I
sincerely apologize for not having limited my reference to the 'enemy' only.
There was absolutely no slant meant as I have only the highest regard for
our fighting forces. We take it then that  the Navy will certainly give due
consideration to the Anjediva Church and preserve  it as a monument of
priceless heritage. Let us all save our bile and ease out of the Anjediva

As far as the naval expansion is concerned, by virtue of being a tiny state,
Goa will not be able to sustain the naval
growth that is naturally expected to grow in leaps and bounds. Therefore,
the navy, the government of Goa  and the central government must see to it
that this aspect is taken into consideration before making concrete defence
plans in Goa
for the future. Goa too, is expected to grow,  but not at the cost of its
forested and agricultural lands. If it were, Goa would'nt be Goa at all. Goa
is already witnessing the unplanned and unbalanced growth and it is not a
matter of pride to anyone, less still for Goans. But this is reversible
given the will to do so.

The Sea Bird Base at Karwar has been the right choice. Besides it is just a
stone's throw away from Dabolim. It would'nt make any difference if the
naval or airforce
aircrafts landed at the Sea Bird or at Dabolim. It is my layman's views
and I could be totally wrong. As I see it,  developing Sea Bird at Karwar
would  ease the pressure on tiny Goa.

I would rather refrain from talking about cost effectiveness where India is
concerned. The crores that are meant for legit development are seen stashed
in cupboards, refrigerators and attics, and which serve no purpose. If we
could control the greed in high offices of this country, we would be the
super power already.

As far as MOPA is concerned, I am happy to note that I am not the only one
who sees red.


- Original Message -
From: gilmen30 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 8:14 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Re: [CGN] Anjadiva Church

> Folks,
> Having served in the Indian Navy for 30 years ( and enjoyed every bit
> of it), I take strong exception to wild allegations that the Navys
> working mantra is to destroy everything in its path.  This mantra
> only applies to enemy warships and not to heritage buildings!. If
> anything, the Navy, which takes many of its traditions from the Royal
> Navy,  has taken great pains to preserve old buildings like the
> Castle barracks at Bombay, and the 100 year old buildings of the
> Naval Dockyard at Bombay. At Naval bases all over the country,
> churches, temples, etc are always given their due respect.
> Regarding the Dabolim airport, many people are probably not aware
> that quite a few civilian airports in the country are controlled by
> the Navy and Air Force, especially when they contain strategic
> assets.  Dabolim is one such airport which has dual uses.  Over the
> years the Ministry of Defence has built up very large infrastructure
> to support Navy fighter, reconnaissance, and helicopter facilities.
> I, personally, would like to see this airport solely utilised for
> civil aircraft, but knowing the extent of defence infrastructure
> located here, I do not think that it would be cost effective for the
> Navy to move out easily.
> The Mopa project, however, is completely politically motivated by
> vote banks and money.
> Regards--Commodore Gilbert Menezes IN Retd.

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Re: [Goanet] Re: [CGN] Anjadiva Church

2002-07-16 Thread Floriano Lobo

Dear Salus,
It is also said that "It is in giving that one receives"

Well, about giving till it hurts, is something that I have always found
difficult to absorb.

 Now a days one is expected to give not until it hurts, but until it makes
you naked and raving mad. And all you get for it is a big kick on your
backside. How about our governments' taxation policy?? An ordinary citizen
bleeds paying taxes all his working life, that too if he/she is lucky to
have one. And what does he get in return? Dayanand Pension scheme???
Giving comes easy. Especially if it was earned by someone else and not the
giver. I chanllenge anyone who has worked hard for what he has, to give it
freely away until it hurts.

Re: Anjediva Church, just because the Navy wants to establish its secret
facility does not mean that they have to destroy the heritage structure. Let
the Navy, for once, show that it can preserve/ maintain something, as
against its work mantra of destroying everything in its path. Besides, the
Sea Bird facility at Karwar mainland is lying pristine upto now as against
the crores of tax payers' money that have been spent on acquiring the land.
Let the Navy start by developing the Sea Bird base and make arrangements to
shift from Dabolim, lock stock and barrel. And if that be done, then
Anjediva church will be a very small price to pay. As I have said earlier,
giving something away that one has not what worked for, for something in
return  is prudent and will maintain a balance on give and take. The navy
occupied Dabolim on temporary basis. It is a civilian airport and must
remain that way. Goa's successive governments have slept on this issue and
the navy has become bolder and bolder until  it has begun to see Dabolim as
its legitimate domain. The people who want to give away Dabolim to the navy
and shift the civilian airport to MOPA are fools indeed. The monstrosity
that is MOPA must be stopped at all costs.

Floriano Lobo
Goa Su-Raj

- Original Message -
From: Venantius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Salus Correia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2002 8:10 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Re: [CGN] Anjadiva Church

> Hello Salus,
> I agree with you. However, a nation that professes seculiarism (at least
> for the eyes of the world) has to understand the merits and advantages of

These are a few thoughts.
> Venantius
> __
> On Sat, 13 Jul 2002 03:25:27 +1000, Salus Correa wrote:
> >The subject of the Indian Navy's plans with regard  to Goa's Anjadiva
> >Island, is very soon going to become a very hot  controversy. As a Goan,
I know a lot of you will
>disagree with me, but in  an era of confrontation in the name of relegion,
>we catholics must show the way  and lead by example.  Then only can there
>be a little more peace in the  hearts that matter!  Give till it hurts,
>and the rewards I know will be  legion! God bless us all. Salus

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[Goanet] ODP (Outline Development Plan) & Town and Country Planning

2002-07-16 Thread Floriano Lobo
C1 an
   Ch No. 1/100(part) & 360
Area of 360 m2

   2. Sandeep Kenkre,  -do-   Settlement
Commercial675 Approved for
   DE/5836, Plot No. 4,  S2
C2Commercial C2 an
   Ch. No. 9 & 11   675
Area of 675 m2
   PT Sheet No. 96
(Ground floor

Commercial, First

Floor & Upper flrs

 For hospital purpose

   3  Haider Ali Damani & Abdul   -do-Settlement  Commercial
500  Approved for
   Hassan Damani, DE/5798.  S2
C2Commercial C2
   PTS No. 120, Plot NO. D-9500
an area of 500 m2

   4. Hotel Sea View  Commercial
Commercial   617 Approved for 150
   DE/5730, CH, No. 4 of  -do-   C2
C2  F.A.R. as per  the
   PTS NO. 187   617

 Panaji, 18th. June, 2002 -
The Chief Town Planner, B.K. Sutaria

Now, from the above, one would assume that all is well specially when it is
published in the Official Gazette. But then, consider the scope for
corruption here. When the ODP never gets finalized, new additions can be
accommodated as minor changes. If I am the interested party and want to
change the status of my property from settlement to commercial, I look for
the agent in the Town & Country Planning, perhaps approach the  Minister
directly or one of the Board members. I get my work done for an agreed
price. Even if there are objections, these are published as overruled by the
board in its meeting and the change affected anyway. Everyone is happy and
life goes on.

But it is not the change itself that has been made and the money that has
gone in the wrong pockets. It is the development itself. Where is the
parking space? Where is the open space? Where is the provision for road
widening?  Is this planned for too??  No way. This change is done purely on
graft basis and rest be dammed.

Now you will get the real picture how commercial blocks are coming up in
residential areas. Why open spaces disappear, why petrol pumps are coming up
in places marked for children's park., why traditional gutters are blocked,
so on and so forth.

And now you know why the Town and Country Planning portfolio is so much
sought after. It is the power of the crayon to do the necessary painting on
the city maps and the boldness with which it is held.

The famous case of Altinho slope in Panjim (Shah) which is being developed
inspite of heavy objections. The PDA has officially stated that the  status
of the land cannot be changed., being  a hill slope with a gradient more
than 1.5 meters. Despite this, the plan is on and the Altinho slope will be
eaten up soon.

Look at Mapusa, Margao, Ponda, Vasco and you get the picture.
Could there have been any type of ODP operating at Vasco?? Recent fire there
would have wiped out the entire port city. Is the Zuari's Ammonia storage
tanks  safe? advisable to be where they are located? There is a PIL against
this already in the High Court. How this facility has been set up is for
anyone to see if one goes through the PIL (abstracts of the same are
available on our website www.goasu-raj.org. Today, the deadly fire that put
Vasco on the shock wave was luckily brought under control. Tomorrow it may
not be the case.

Let us work to put the stipulated moratorium of 10 years on the ODP's and we
can then expect our Town and Country Planners to do their jobs instead of
making money at the cost of the real planning of our towns and cities.

The Series-I is just an  eye opener for the public. There will be more
detailed Series to follow with deep research of the past happenings and
goings on in this particular department.

Goa Su-Raj Party, at its Open Convention to be held on SUNDAY, 4th. August,
2002 at T.B. Cunha Hall, Panjim (3 pm) will be electing its 5 member 'Shadow
Cabinet'  from among the party's ex-candidates for the last assembly
elections. The Town and Country portfolio and other important portfolios
which have been the milching cows  will be taken under investigative wing of
this Shadow Cabinet, and,  the present as well as the past wrong doings will
be exposed. This is the work for the concerned citizens who would want the
posterity to enjoy the fruits of their diligent work. As such, any helping
hand will be highly appreciated.

Floriano Lobo.
Goa Su-Raj.

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