[Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-11 Thread manuel tavares

Goanet mourns the passing of Cornel da Costa in London, England - Sep 10/10

Dear Inacio,

I for one would certainly support appreciation for excellence awards to 
deserving Goans but will this change the status quo in the political  arena? 
After all, the people have to receive services for which they pay taxes, this 
is the reason they elected people who they consider would administer the 
revenues fairly and honestly and also be participants in sharing the common 
wealth meaning the fruits of the land be it mineral or other that belongs to 
all Goans and should be administered in a way which benefits every citizen of 
Goa and not only the few who are plundering it for their own enrichment. 

I also know that it will take time to change the corrupt culture that is 
inherent in our current politicians , but, we have to start somewhere and we 
have to start soon before all the goodies are stolen from us by these corrupt 
elements. To achieve this, we have to start with the politicians we elect to 
represent us in the assembly. Prior to elections, we have to scrutinize the 
manifestos of the parties and the characters of the candidates in order to 
ensure that those who we elect stick to the promises they made in their 
manifestos, taking them to court if necessary so as to make them comply with 
the promises they made in their manifestos upon which they were elected. We 
have to wherever possible enact changes to the manifestos so as to incorporate 
clauses which hold those people who are elected accountable for their actions 
and ensure compliance. 

Governance and punitive measures for non compliance is a must from the outset. 
Any person who is found flouting the law or enriching himself illegally at the 
states expense must face the consequences and be made accountable from the C.M. 
down. The Police force and the Judiciary must be independent of the politicians 
in order that no undue influence can be exerted on them in the legal 
performance of their duties. These measures if implemented will bring in 
accountability . We have to start at the top for the results to trickle 

We have to ensure that those elected are fully aware that they are elected to 
serve the people and are not the masters of the people. The public must hold 
those elected accountable. They must insist that whosoever is elected, declare 
and substantiate his assets and liabilities  and those of his immediate 
relatives on entering office, and on leaving office, just like in the U.S.A. If 
there is on provision in the current laws for this, then the first order of 
business of the new assembly should be to enact such a law  we must ensure that 
this is in every party's manifestos which will ensure accountability and 
honesty. If they do not do this, then we can be assured that they will be as 
corrupt as the incumbents and every measure must then be taken to either 
prosecute them or eject them from office.

Another thing, that comes to mind is Good old Feni. I do not say not to drink 
this intoxicating nectar, but let it not cloud our judgment when we vote. Let 
it not be said that we voted for so and so because he threw a party and had 
Feni flowing liberally and that is why we elected him/her. That feni and food 
are just for the day while those we elect will remain in power for five years. 
We therefore have to vote wisely. Drink the Feni and eat the sorpotel and pilau 
by all means, this is for your stomach for the day, but vote with your heart 
and mind that is for your future.

Here is something fresh for you to ponder.

Regards and best wishes.
Manuel (Eddie) Tavares.

[Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-10 Thread Inacio DSilva
Dear All,

As follow up to the below post, I've prepared a proposal for "Global Goan 
Awards" & Mr. Rene Barreto has been kind enough to post it in his blog.


Kindly view the above link & your valuable suggestions are appreciated.

Best Regards,

--- On Mon, 9/6/10, Inacio DSilva  wrote:

From: Inacio DSilva 
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Date: Monday, September 6, 2010, 8:36 PM

Dear All,

The discussion on this topic has been nice to read. However, we all seem to be 
focused on solving the problem through elections only. Our democracy is anyways 
flawed, candidates will promise the moon before elections & then not deliver, 
with no repercussions (worst that can happen is they will not get elected 
again, that too for the next election after 5 years). I remember how successive 
Calangute MLAs promised to remove the "River Princess" & she's still there.

Without regulatory bodies or media to expose malpractices, the corrupt have no 

What about focusing on our people? The common Goan, the problems that they 
face, the youth who will be voters tomorrow. Why does the common man feel so 
helpless that he feels the need to take favors from politicians to get his work 
done? Why cannot one have pride in standing on one's own feet without taking 
any favors? I was in conversation some time back with a friend & he was telling 
me about a neighbor of his (holding a MBA degree), who wanted someone's 
influence to get job! Why is it that our people feel so helpless that they 
believe, that only through influence things can get done? Is it that we want 
results quick without effort? Or does the common Goan believe that it's the 
only way things work.

Will bringing change in perceptions in our society contribute to better leaders 
& ultimately governance? I agree, such a change will definitely not come 

Recently, we had the "World Goa Day" celebrations, which I too feel is a good 
concept. But why don't we also have events such as "Promising Goan Leaders", 
"Best Goan Inventor", "Cleanest Goan Village", "Social Activist Awards" etc. 
Maybe, rewarding hard work, excellence & honesty could be a strong influence 
for others too. It would also encourage others. Maybe sponsor Goans with 
potential in sports / studies, sponsor research studies (environment, 
economics, technology etc) in our Universities. Our next leaders may come from 
these young people.

I don't agree with comments about "CRAB" mentality & the like. I do not think 
European / American society was perfect in their beginnings. Cribbing about 
past & not providing solutions is a waste of time. Society can change if we 
bring about the change. Providing solutions for a better future is what matters.

Best Regards,

> Date: Sat, 4 Sep 2010 11:12:56 +0400
> From: "Anthony C. L. Fernandes" 
> To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Dear Marshall,
> Ref your question "Isn't is worth introspecting what has
> stopped or
> prevented goans from
> becoming masters of their own destiny? Or is the present
> dismal state of
> affairs the destiny that the goans have voted for?"
> In my view is simply "CRAB MENTALITY OF GOANS" and let
> others take advantage
> of Goans are least bothered about.
> Regards
> Anthony

[Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans - Crab versus Tall Poppy syndrome - Special status or Presidential rule for Goa. - Time to be serious.

2010-09-06 Thread Oscar Lobo

Please publish:

Goa to be ruled by Goans – Crab versus Tall Poppy syndrome – Special 
status or Presidential rule – Time to be serious.

It appears that the dust seem to settle with the topic Goa to be ruled 
by Goans and we have seen
some good and valuable input (whatever that definition of a Goan may be) 
generally we have had a rationale exchange of e-mails
on the mini e-mail list and Goanet for wider debate. We cannot deprive 
others from taking part in an important issue such as

Goa and what it is going through.

I believe that tall poppy syndrome (coming from New Zealand) and crab 
mentality may be slightly different given the connotations of each
vis-à-vis the angle (as a journalist or a politician would say).  Tally 
poppy syndrome could be compared to serious issue of ego
wanting to climb (not pull down) on others because they are equally 
good.  This is debatable.

As regards crab mentality, how I understand it is as follow:
“A goan fisher folk entered into a packed cameao (bus – boss in Konkani; 
I am sorry I did not learn to write) with a pantlo full of crabs;
as she entered, people in the boss, started screaming and panicking 
saying - Ahgo bai teo curleo bhair veteleu; to which the fisher folk said:

“bevo nakhai, the curleo ekhkha mecakh khalah vodteleu”.

This is relevant to us not only in India but even where we have made 
another country as our adopted country.

Do we need to say more?

Oscar C. Lobo.

Message: 4
Date: Sun, 5 Sep 2010 19:13:02 -0700 (PDT)
From: Gabriel de Figueiredo 
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans
Message-ID: <188267.7618...@web52303.mail.re2.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

The "crab mentality" is not the prerogative of Goans only.? Such exist 
in the Italian community, among women's groups, in the Irish community 
here in Melbourne (observed it in real life), and perhaps many other 
communities.? It is also known as the tall poppy syndrome.

(Wikipedia: Tall poppy syndrome (TPS) is a pejorative term used in the 
UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand to describe a social phenomenon 
in which people of genuine merit are resented, attacked, cut down, or 
criticised because their talents or achievements elevate them above or 
distinguish them from their peers.).

- Original Message 
> From: Anthony C. L. Fernandes 
> To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
> Sent: Sat, 4 September, 2010 5:12:56 PM
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans ?
> In my view is simply "CRAB MENTALITY OF GOANS" and let others take
>advantage  of Goans are least bothered about.

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans. - Serious food for thought.

2010-09-06 Thread floriano

Dear Oscar,

No 'knee jerk reactions' from me.
My knees are made of 'footballer' stuff and the do not have any steel 
contents in them.  I just don't kneel, even when I occasionally visit the 
CHURCH, therefore  'the no steel in the knees business'

I maintain that every person has his/her own mind and views and opinions 
must be expressed. Otherwise we don't know the person and his/her thinking 

All I can say is
Thank you so very much for having understood GOASURAJ more than 
understanding FLORIANO, for GOASURAJ is important for GOA, floriano is 
irrelevant and dispensable.

www.goasu-raj.org  for expanded scrolling Party Presentation on the Home 
Page - 'Announcements' Section

- Original Message - 
From: "Oscar Lobo" 

Sent: Saturday, September 04, 2010 7:42 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans. - Serious food for thought.

Dear Mario bab!

I am sorry but I agree to disagree with your comments with respect to
your opinion.

I would like to ask you a question, please?

We have waited for 48 years and 8 months; can we not hang on to hear
Tony Luis’ speech even if it takes 2 hours to read? Many winners give up
at the finishing line.

Floriano bab  – Mea culpa in advance should you get a knee jerk reaction
to my response and comment. I do not want to loose another cyber
acquaintance who is very important to me.

You said:: “I sincerely believe that a lot of people holding placards
and banners would be tired with some taking off quietly and temporarily
for a peg of feni somewhere” Mogh assundhi

Oscar C. Lobo

From: Mario Andrew Rodrigues

Just one word ' WOW ' Floriano! I think TRUE Goans understands what
Floriano says.

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-06 Thread Inacio DSilva
Dear All,

The discussion on this topic has been nice to read. However, we all seem to be 
focused on solving the problem through elections only. Our democracy is anyways 
flawed, candidates will promise the moon before elections & then not deliver, 
with no repercussions (worst that can happen is they will not get elected 
again, that too for the next election after 5 years). I remember how successive 
Calangute MLAs promised to remove the "River Princess" & she's still there.

Without regulatory bodies or media to expose malpractices, the corrupt have no 

What about focusing on our people? The common Goan, the problems that they 
face, the youth who will be voters tomorrow. Why does the common man feel so 
helpless that he feels the need to take favors from politicians to get his work 
done? Why cannot one have pride in standing on one's own feet without taking 
any favors? I was in conversation some time back with a friend & he was telling 
me about a neighbor of his (holding a MBA degree), who wanted someone's 
influence to get job! Why is it that our people feel so helpless that they 
believe, that only through influence things can get done? Is it that we want 
results quick without effort? Or does the common Goan believe that it's the 
only way things work.

Will bringing change in perceptions in our society contribute to better leaders 
& ultimately governance? I agree, such a change will definitely not come 

Recently, we had the "World Goa Day" celebrations, which I too feel is a good 
concept. But why don't we also have events such as "Promising Goan Leaders", 
"Best Goan Inventor", "Cleanest Goan Village", "Social Activist Awards" etc. 
Maybe, rewarding hard work, excellence & honesty could be a strong influence 
for others too. It would also encourage others. Maybe sponsor Goans with 
potential in sports / studies, sponsor research studies (environment, 
economics, technology etc) in our Universities. Our next leaders may come from 
these young people.

I don't agree with comments about "CRAB" mentality & the like. I do not think 
European / American society was perfect in their beginnings. Cribbing about 
past & not providing solutions is a waste of time. Society can change if we 
bring about the change. Providing solutions for a better future is what matters.

Best Regards,

> Date: Sat, 4 Sep 2010 11:12:56 +0400
> From: "Anthony C. L. Fernandes" 
> To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Dear Marshall,
> Ref your question "Isn't is worth introspecting what has
> stopped or
> prevented goans from
> becoming masters of their own destiny? Or is the present
> dismal state of
> affairs the destiny that the goans have voted for?"
> In my view is simply "CRAB MENTALITY OF GOANS" and let
> others take advantage
> of Goans are least bothered about.
> Regards
> Anthony

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-06 Thread floriano

Very much WRONG there.

For one - 'There is no 'good' and 'bad' persons when it comes to POLITICS.
There are only 'good' and 'bad' intensions.'

Two: Good or bad persons elected makes no difference or has nil relevance.
The difference and relevance comes into play when one elects 'good' 

Aren't we barking up the wrong tree

www.goasu-raj.org  for expanded scrolling Party Presentation on the Home 
Page - 'Announcements' Section.

- Original Message - 
From: "Marshall Mendonza" 

To: "goanet" 
Sent: Saturday, September 04, 2010 5:15 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

Carmen Miranda:
For years now we have proved that we are not even capable of chosing a
decent number of politicians to rule in Goa. Do you really think there is
any chance at all we will get a different status for Goa?  If we get
Presidential rule , that will be enough to put things right.

Carmen, sorry if I sound like a dampener to your above suggestion.

There are no short cuts. The goans in Goa have to take responsibility to
elect persons of good character and integrity.

While it is good to be idealistic, we also need to be practical.



* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* 
by Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello

bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-06 Thread michael fernandes

We are all shut for so many years and we all know that including me, atleast 
now that we know the facts lets open our eyes and as an individual lets fight 
for our rights and make it happen.
God Bless Goa
> From: Bernado Colaco
> Democracy has not worked for 48 years. Can you give us a date when it 
> will work! Then we will shut up forever!
> BC
> Subject: Re: Fw: Goa to be ruled by Goans.
> We cannot blame DEMOCRACY.
> We must make it work.
> Which we are not doing.
> Cheers
> floriano
> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
> Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
> Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
> bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264
> http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans. - Serious food for thought.

2010-09-06 Thread Tony Luis
Hi Bosco, 

It was because of the context in which I was responding. 
Agnelo's mail was about saying that some of the Catholics and Congress  was 
responsible for the mess in Goa. 
My response was two fold: 
To say that these Catholics were Catholic but only in name 
But more importantly to demonstrate that the mess has also been caused by so 
called non-Catholics and named some to demonstrate the point. 
Thats why ! The intent was not because of a hang-up on either community.
My thread is and has always been that the mess is endemic and goes across 
communities and peoples. Faith has little or nothing to do here as people 
that behave in this despicable manner do not practice their true faith and 
really have no in anything except the Greed and the work of the Devil !!!  or 
that Power corrupts absolutely..

--- On Sat, 4/9/10, Bosco D  wrote:

From: Bosco D 
Subject: Re: Goa to be ruled by Goans. - Serious food for thought.
To: goa...@goanet.org
Cc: dalboy1...@yahoo.co.uk
Date: Saturday, 4 September, 2010, 3:48


Thank you for sharing your views on this thread over the past few days. A 
couple of queries.

-Original Message-
From: Tony Luis

> All the above are carried out by so called Catholics who happen to be
> Catholics because through no fault of their own they were led to the
> baptismal font by their parents!!

RESPONSE: Why could you not name any of the Catholics you refer to above???

> Having said that the mess is not just caused by so called Catholics..
> What about the Ranes, Pratap Singh and Vishwajeet who own large chunks
> of land and are part of the bribery and corruption bandwagon.

> What about Babu Kavlekar the MLA of Quepem and Chairman of the GIDC
> responsible for the Food Park Scam in Quitol?
> What about Ravi Naik and the Drugs Nexus?
> What about Digambar Kamat who will turn black into white or deny the
> truth and justice just to hang on to his CM chair to make his Crore a
> day in corrupt ill gotten gains 

RESPONSE: Rajan Parrikar has posted photographs on Goanet of BK on the land 
designated for the Food Park. But do only the Ranes own large chunks of land?? 
Are these the only names you can think of connected with the word 'Scam'?? Why 
this hang-up on one community?? Is the other community a Flock of Angels??

One can understand the resentment many of us feel towards what is going on in 
Goa. You are not alone. However when one starts to build a list of names for 
the Honor Roll, it is better to make a complete list or no list at all. There 
are many clammering to be on the Honor Roll.

- B

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans. - Serious food for thought.

2010-09-06 Thread floriano
I still say Manmohan Singh as the Premier of India - OK for delegation to 
meet, signature campaign etc.
Never SONIA GANDHI  since she is irrelevant as the head of the CORRUPT 
CONGRESS. I am against falling at the feet of this imported Indian.

My grand OK for the 100 or 1000 K rally from dusk to dawn Come Dec. 19 2010.
Cap, T-shirts  with PPS insignia will send shivers down the 
Congress -NCP-BJP spines.

And this is the need of the hour if any politics or politician has to 
perform for GOA and GOANS.

My offer of 10K in 'KIND'  for PPS is valid and getting stronger.

www.goasu-raj.org for expanded scrolling Party Presentation on the Home 
Page -'Announcements' Section

PS: Let us stop being CATHOLICS. Let us be CHRISTIANS, the followers of 
CHRIST  for once.

- Original Message - 
From: "pinheiro" 

Sent: Saturday, September 04, 2010 7:44 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans. - Serious food for thought.

Dear Oscar and All Goans,

This is the last time I will respond on this thread unless I see a good
reason to write anything further.  Before I go to core issue of this
debate, let me unfold few facts about me as they hold relevance to this
thread/debate.  I had been the Congress Party active primary member for
14 years. As Congress worker, voted for Congress Party except 2007. I am
a Catholic, not just by words by hard core practicing till date and
intend to stay that way till the end in spite of all that afflicting the
Catholic Church.

Now, with regard to meeting Sonia Gandhi or Manmohan Singh with
delegation is debatable.  Yes, it might work if the approach is Carrot
and Stick.  Stick to my mind will hit hard if we succeed to show our
strength on the street with International & Indian media coverage.  For
this reason I support Carmen Miranda’s suggestion of Cap & T-shirts.
But, the people who are cause of these ills have to be the part of the

My suggestion, as we Goans love to sing and dance for every occasion,
let do it that way.  Call for a non-political rally represented by all
activists who fight lone tireless battles in small groups under one
banner with the slogan ‘NO TO CORRUPTION & YES TO GOOD GOVERNANCE’ on
19th Dec 2010.  This event could be something like dawn to dask or vice
versa with participation from singers, dancers, tiatrs etc all pledging
to say NO TO CORRUPTION.  Concurrently run a signature campaign at the
venue and then submit it to Sonia Gandhi or Manmohan Singh with delegation.

Viva Goa by heart and soul.

Agnelo Pinheiro

[Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-06 Thread Vasant Baliga
JC wrote-
I noticed that you had no comments on the Andamanis. Are they Indians? On what 
basis? British Colonialism?
JC Bab,
It is a fact that the Andaman Islanders as also the residents of the Northeast 
do not feel Indian at all and are made to feel alienated by Delhi.
Nagaland,Meghalaya and Mizoram are predominantly Christian majority states(70% 
to90% are Christian) in India and do not seem to have anything at all in common 
with the Indian Union-Northeasterners are constantly harassed by the 
and the public in all the Metros as foreigners!They are probably Indians by 
accident and not choice!
Recently a Union Cabinet Minister told a Jet Airways Hostess from 
it was good that Jet Airways was hiring foreigners!She was upset and gave it 
back to him!!
Best Regards
Vasant Baliga


Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans. - Serious food for thought.

2010-09-06 Thread floriano

Catholics , Catholics and more Catholics.
Where are the CHRISTIANS gone?

www.goasu-raj.org  for expanded scrolling Party Presentation on the Home 
Page -'Announcements' Section

- Original Message - 
From: "Tony Luis" 

Sent: Saturday, September 04, 2010 7:54 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans. - Serious food for thought.

Agnelo Pinheiro,

After writing so well below, it would be a tragedy for you to think of not 
writing anymore. All views should be very welcome. And I see in Oscar's 
and your posts some movement ahead and in the right direction.
Most of what you wrote I do believe is factual and based on sound 
observation .

I agree that Congress and its band of prop-ups from NCP and independents 
with fat portfolios are and have been a disaster for Goa. Manohar Parrikar 
arguably was better than these thugs!!!
However my only question is the inclusion of Catholics. Being a Catholic 
by name but not in Practice is no Catholic and therefore to include and 
label these thugs as Catholics is giving them an accolade they do not 
deserve at all. I am reminded that these thugs are like the Scribes and 
Pharisees that Jesus himself said ''Woe to you Scribes and Pharisees for 
being hypocrites who stand on the high altar  and on street corners 
claiming to  preach the faith but do not practice the truth or the faith 

I stress that this is my observation and not a condemnation !!!
Well done Agnelo !!

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-06 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 6 September 2010 03:13, Gabriel de Figueiredo  wrote:

> The "crab mentality" is not the prerogative of Goans only.  Such exist in
> the
> Italian community, among women's groups, in the Irish community here in
> Melbourne (observed it in real life), and perhaps many other communities.
> It is
> also known as the tall poppy syndrome.
> (Wikipedia: Tall poppy syndrome (TPS) is a pejorative term used in the UK,
> Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand to describe a social phenomenon in
> which
> people of genuine merit are resented, attacked, cut down, or criticised
> because
> their talents or achievements elevate them above or distinguish them from
> their
> peers.).

COMMENT: Now that's a good one; the recent media reports re Mickky Pacheco
and his denial. This has to be taken at face value at the moment no one is
privvy to inside knowledge - just hearsay. Be patient and await the outcome
instead of jumping to conclusions as Jose Colaco would rightly say...Could
be Pacheco's opponents have it in for him.

Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-06 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo
The "crab mentality" is not the prerogative of Goans only.  Such exist in the 
Italian community, among women's groups, in the Irish community here in 
Melbourne (observed it in real life), and perhaps many other communities.  It 
also known as the tall poppy syndrome.

(Wikipedia: Tall poppy syndrome (TPS) is a pejorative term used in the UK, 
Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand to describe a social phenomenon in which 
people of genuine merit are resented, attacked, cut down, or criticised because 
their talents or achievements elevate them above or distinguish them from their 

- Original Message 
> From: Anthony C. L. Fernandes 
> To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
> Sent: Sat, 4 September, 2010 5:12:56 PM
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans
> In my view is simply "CRAB MENTALITY OF GOANS" and let others take advantage
> of Goans are least bothered about.

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans. - Serious food for thought.

2010-09-06 Thread Bosco D


Thank you for sharing your views on this thread over the past few days. 
A couple of queries.

-Original Message-
From: Tony Luis

> All the above are carried out by so called Catholics who happen to be
> Catholics because through no fault of their own they were led to the
> baptismal font by their parents!!

RESPONSE: Why could you not name any of the Catholics you refer to above???

> Having said that the mess is not just caused by so called Catholics..
> What about the Ranes, Pratap Singh and Vishwajeet who own large chunks
> of land and are part of the bribery and corruption bandwagon.

> What about Babu Kavlekar the MLA of Quepem and Chairman of the GIDC
> responsible for the Food Park Scam in Quitol?
> What about Ravi Naik and the Drugs Nexus?
> What about Digambar Kamat who will turn black into white or deny the
> truth and justice just to hang on to his CM chair to make his Crore a
> day in corrupt ill gotten gains 

RESPONSE: Rajan Parrikar has posted photographs on Goanet of BK on the 
land designated for the Food Park. But do only the Ranes own large 
chunks of land?? Are these the only names you can think of connected 
with the word 'Scam'?? Why this hang-up on one community?? Is the other 
community a Flock of Angels??

One can understand the resentment many of us feel towards what is going 
on in Goa. You are not alone. However when one starts to build a list of 
names for the Honor Roll, it is better to make a complete list or no 
list at all. There are many clammering to be on the Honor Roll.

- B

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-05 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
On 4 September 2010 06:13,  wrote

[1] Besides the civic society, Media plays a big part in keeping the
Government and Politicians on their toes.

[2] Sadly, In Goa it is the mouthpiece of the Government and rumors
has it that there is huge dedicated budget by the Govt.to wine and
dine them.


re 1: I believe that Anesimo has got it right

re 2: I believe that Anesimo has got it wrong.


[Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-05 Thread anesimo56

Dear all

Yes, Democracy is by the people , of the people and for the people. It 
works well when people know their rights and responsibilties as well 
and are engaged in all the issues which affect their day to day life. 
The problem in Many third world democracies, including India, is that 
people think and expect their elected members to think and do things on 
their Behalf.On the other hand, Politicians think that they have Devine 
right to rule over their electorate!

Besides the civic society, Media plays a big part in keeping the 
Government and Politicians on their toes. Sadly, In Goa it is the 
mouthpiece of the Government and rumors has it that there is huge 
dedicated budget by the Govt.to wine and dine them.




Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-05 Thread Anthony C. L. Fernandes
Dear Marshall,

Ref your question "Isn't is worth introspecting what has stopped or
prevented goans from
becoming masters of their own destiny? Or is the present dismal state of
affairs the destiny that the goans have voted for?"

In my view is simply "CRAB MENTALITY OF GOANS" and let others take advantage
of Goans are least bothered about.


On Sat, Sep 4, 2010 at 3:06 AM, Marshall Mendonza wrote:

> I have just returned from another trip to Sikkim. Sikkim and Goa share many
> things in common. Both joined the Indian Union under unusual circumstances.
> Both have low population, great scenic beauty, high levels of literacy, and
> gentle law abiding people. Where Sikkim scores over Goa is that the
> Sikkimese have taken control over their destiny. Education if free for all
> Sikkimese upto high school. There are no slums seen anywhere. Employment
> levels are high - mostly in government service as there is very little
> private sector employment. Sikkim like Goa earns a lot from tourism.
> Land cannot be sold to non-Sikkimese. They can only be taken on lease.Even
> Marwaris who have settled down here for generations are denied this
> right.Every Company setting up operations here has to mandatorily employ
> 80%
> locals especially in unskilled jobs and give an undertaking that they will
> train and employ locals for skilled jobs over a period of time. Sikkim has
> the highest density of cars per population in India. Crime is low or
> non-existent. Corruption is rare or absent at lower levels but does exist
> at
> higher levels.
> Sikkim has voted an IIT-IIM Member of Parliament. It was illuminating
> discussing with the gentleman his plans for the youth of Sikkim. He plans
> to
> make Sikkim an IT and education hub. Manipal University has already set up
> base.
> Isn't is worth introspecting what has stopped or prevented goans from
> becoming masters of their own destiny? Or is the present dismal state of
> affairs the destiny that the goans have voted for?
> Regards,
> Marshall
> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
> Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by
> Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
> bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264
> http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans. - Serious food for thought.

2010-09-03 Thread Tony Luis

Agnelo Pinheiro,

After writing so well below, it would be a tragedy for you to think of 
not writing anymore. All views should be very welcome. And I see in 
Oscar's and your posts some movement ahead and in the right direction.
Most of what you wrote I do believe is factual and based on sound 
observation .

I agree that Congress and its band of prop-ups from NCP and independents 
with fat portfolios are and have been a disaster for Goa. Manohar 
Parrikar arguably was better than these thugs!!!
However my only question is the inclusion of Catholics. Being a Catholic 
by name but not in Practice is no Catholic and therefore to include and 
label these thugs as Catholics is giving them an accolade they do not 
deserve at all. I am reminded that these thugs are like the Scribes and 
Pharisees that Jesus himself said ''Woe to you Scribes and Pharisees for 
being hypocrites who stand on the high altar  and on street corners 
claiming to  preach the faith but do not practice the truth or the faith 

For nowhere in the Holy Bible or in the Catholic Catechism does it teach 
the following:

1. To serve RATOL to a loved one
2. To smuggle gold for personal wealth and riches
3. To forcibly acquire land from poor people for a handful of rupees 
under false pretences for personal gain like the Food Park Scam in 
Quitol, Quepem and the Cutbona Jetty for a fish meal plant
4. To promote and delve in bribery and corruption as a pre-cursor to all 
deeds from the vote to helping someone secure a job or to getting a 
document signed
5. To collude with mining conglomerates to rape and pillage the land 
given to us by God himself to use in a way that respects the well being 
of others
6. To build bridges and roads for no valid reason other than to secure 
huge bribes from those that dare to place a tender
7. To use mob violence to attack police stations when police go about 
executing their legitimate duties.
8. To be involved in murders and violence against innocent youngsters or 
unsuspecting tourists or the use of goondas to secure their selfish 
disgusting ways either through drugs or violence.
9. To run rough shod over people's aspirations and land and disrespect 
their existence

All the above are carried out by so called Catholics who happen to be 
Catholics because through no fault of their own they were led to the 
baptismal font by their parents!!

Anyone who does not live his faith is not worthy of his faith and cannot 
be called a Catholic as it is an affront to Almighty God himself and as 
Jesus said they will be consumed in the fires of hell for being such 

Having said that the mess is not just caused by so called Catholics..
What about the Ranes, Pratap Singh and Vishwajeet who own large chunks 
of land and are part of the bribery and corruption bandwagon. And worse 
still the latter  threatening to kill a Social Activist , Aires 
Rodrigues by mobile phone and then denying it?
What about Babu Kavlekar the MLA of Quepem and Chairman of the GIDC 
responsible for the Food Park Scam in Quitol?

What about Ravi Naik and the Drugs Nexus?
What about Digambar Kamat who will turn black into white or deny the 
truth and justice just to hang on to his CM chair to make his Crore a 
day in corrupt ill gotten gains 

What about the disgraced Attorney General Subodh Kantak who was put in 
the dock and systemetically and skillfully exposed for corruption and 
personal bias and abuse of his office by Aires Rodrigues earlier this 
year in my presence in the Panjim Courts
What about the other non - Catholic MLAs who are constantly on the 
bribery and corruption bandwagon?
None of these are people are Catholic and neither can they be called 
genuine and practising Hindus or people of any faith.
Otherwise next we will be saying that Hitler and Mussolini were 
Catholics !! and they probably were in name

Unless and until these people can practise the virtues and follow by the 
example of OUR GOENCHO SAIB, St Francis Xavier and Pde Jose Vaz and 
other holy Catholics then they can be called Catholics.

Having said all this it would be wonderful if Archbishop's Palace or 
House would join in a very active way through all the parishes to like 
Jesus did, to roundly condemn on a regular basis the evil deeds of these 
people and to warn people that people cannot serve two masters esp at 
election time and otherwise i.e. they need to choose between the 
teachings of Christ and the Greed of the Devil  Every pulpit should 
be everyday asking people '' What doth it profit a person or an MLA if 
he gains the whole of Goa and suffers the loss of his own SOUL''?

I stress that this is my observation and not a condemnation !!!
Well done Agnelo !!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

[Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-03 Thread Marshall Mendonza
Carmen Miranda:
For years now we have proved that we are not even capable of chosing a
decent number of politicians to rule in Goa. Do you really think there is
any chance at all we will get a different status for Goa?  If we get
Presidential rule , that will be enough to put things right.

Carmen, sorry if I sound like a dampener to your above suggestion. The cure
being prescribed could be infinitely worse than the disease. Goa and many of
the north-eastern states are treated nothing more than colonies by the
powers that rule Delhi. The builders lobby and mining lobby would be more
than happy. They are used to pulling strings in Delhi to get their jobs
done. They have no stakes in the well being of the local population.

There are no short cuts. The goans in Goa have to take responsibility to
elect persons of good character and integrity. The majority of the people
have to discard their laid back lifestyle and participate actively in the
democratic process of holding their elected representatives accountable for
their actions. The NRI/NRG's can form pressure groups and interact with the
Central government to push forward certain proposals like setting up an
education hub, control on mining, enacting legislation banning the sale of
land to non-goans, creating employment generation schemes so that our youth
do not have to leave Goa for employment, etc.

While it is good to be idealistic, we also need to be practical.



* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-03 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo
Right on the nail, Mr. Baliga.


"be assured that outside of first-generation emigrants who reminisce of Goa, 
second-generation might call themselves Goans but they have now so much 
integrated into the fabric of their parents' adopted lands -- be it Mumbai, 
Kolkata or Timbuktoo -- that they do not know what Goa really is (check Indian 
depiction of Goa in their travelogues and Bollywood movies); those of the 
second-generation born outside India, I doubt that they would like to return 
back to their parents' roots to settle down after their rather unsavoury visits 
to India as tourists.".  That has been my personal experience.  Other mileage 
may differ.


- Original Message 
> From: Vasant Baliga 
> To: Goanet 
> Sent: Fri, 3 September, 2010 2:39:18 PM
> Subject: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans
> You have put it very aptly.Now the enthusiasts need to define who is a 
> it by birth in Goa,ancestry or migration into or out of Goa at any time for 
> any 
> reason?
> And those who have migrated out of Goa and become Citizens of or are born in 
> USA,Australia,UK,etc-where do they stand?Are they still Goan or 
> American,Australian,British?


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans. - Serious food for thought.

2010-09-03 Thread pinheiro

Dear Oscar and All Goans,

This is the last time I will respond on this thread unless I see a good 
reason to write anything further.  Before I go to core issue of this 
debate, let me unfold few facts about me as they hold relevance to this 
thread/debate.  I had been the Congress Party active primary member for 
14 years. As Congress worker, voted for Congress Party except 2007. I am 
a Catholic, not just by words by hard core practicing till date and 
intend to stay that way till the end in spite of all that afflicting the 
Catholic Church.

Goa's biggest problems are these very C & C.  i.e Congress and Catholic. 
 Congress Party has done more damage to Goan than any other party and 
still doing it.  Congress Party and its leaders past and present worked 
for themselves and not for Goa. Corruption, Illegal Mining, Mega 
project, Drugs you name it and all these vices are prevalent in Goa. 
Sonia Gandhi has nerves to make noise and even call a opposition Chief 
Minister ‘Traders of Death’.  What Drugs and Mining is doing in Goa is 
not the same?  Why she is silent on these issues affecting Goa and 
Goans?  Our so-called Catholic MP’s and MLA’s and Ex-MP don’t apprise 
her of the ground realities? Oh! she is waiting circa 2012 to come to 
Goa to celebrate Golden Goa! What about her election promise to Goa at 
Fatorda 2007? Are we still to trust Congress who has betrayed Goa more 
than once.

Catholic, is become synonymous in Goan Politics and it ills.  The 
so-called Catholic voters vote for the same Corrupt Catholic politician. 
 The parable of The Prodigal Son narrated by Jesus is repeated every 
election. Jesus never said the same prodigal son be invited with open 
arms repeatedly betrayal after betrayal. This is what we Catholic in Goa 
had been doing with corrupt dirty politicians. The highest numbers of 
litigation are found in Catholic dominated Salcete Taluka. I blame 
squarely the Catholic for the mess in Goa as they have not lived up to 
the faith.

Honour and dignity is the birth right of every individual just as 
freedom. When one loses honour and dignity there is no meaning to 
Freedom.  I witness this at many occasions. I paid for my ticket 
(Dubai-Goa) and Rs 1000 as delegate fees to attend Global Goan 
Convention at Cidade de Goa in in Goa Jan 3-7 2007.  What happened there 
everyone knows, who was thrown out and by whom and at whose instruction 
also everyone knows.  But, did anyone dare raise it on that convention? 
 Was it not the same issue which has engulfed Goa with fire now? I took 
a silent walk out of the hall never to return back to any CGC including 
Muscat driving distance by car.

I had shunned all hypocritical Goan functions in Dubai for last 15 years 
because they fail to address Goa’s core issues.  Goan Social events to 
my mind are meaningless if they do not connect to ground realities of 
Goa. Mere celebration of village feasts, dances, watching tiatrs and 
conducting football event are all but a sham.  As recently as in June 
2010, I was thrown out of Goan Forum for writing against Corrupt Goa 
Minister.  This event I was invited and thought it was different but 
sadly nothing has changed in our perception. Honour and dignity for me 
is as important as freedom.

Now, with regard to meeting Sonia Gandhi or Manmohan Singh with 
delegation is debatable.  Yes, it might work if the approach is Carrot 
and Stick.  Stick to my mind will hit hard if we succeed to show our 
strength on the street with International & Indian media coverage.  For 
this reason I support Carmen Miranda’s suggestion of Cap & T-shirts. 
But, the people who are cause of these ills have to be the part of the 

My suggestion, as we Goans love to sing and dance for every occasion, 
let do it that way.  Call for a non-political rally represented by all 
activists who fight lone tireless battles in small groups under one 
banner with the slogan ‘NO TO CORRUPTION & YES TO GOOD GOVERNANCE’ on 
19th Dec 2010.  This event could be something like dawn to dask or vice 
versa with participation from singers, dancers, tiatrs etc all pledging 
to say NO TO CORRUPTION.  Concurrently run a signature campaign at the 
venue and then submit it to Sonia Gandhi or Manmohan Singh with delegation.

Just meeting the representatives at High Command will not command any 
good as they are really sitting very high and only 1000K plus visual 
effects supported by equal nos of signatures might work. If this does 
not work then I am sure 2012 will be history for Congress.

I mean no offence to any one, just few personal thoughts from a fellow 
Goan, a man of small means.

Viva Goa by heart and soul.

Agnelo Pinheiro

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

[Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-03 Thread Marshall Mendonza
I have just returned from another trip to Sikkim. Sikkim and Goa share many
things in common. Both joined the Indian Union under unusual circumstances.
Both have low population, great scenic beauty, high levels of literacy, and
gentle law abiding people. Where Sikkim scores over Goa is that the
Sikkimese have taken control over their destiny. Education if free for all
Sikkimese upto high school. There are no slums seen anywhere. Employment
levels are high - mostly in government service as there is very little
private sector employment. Sikkim like Goa earns a lot from tourism.

Land cannot be sold to non-Sikkimese. They can only be taken on lease.Even
Marwaris who have settled down here for generations are denied this
right.Every Company setting up operations here has to mandatorily employ 80%
locals especially in unskilled jobs and give an undertaking that they will
train and employ locals for skilled jobs over a period of time. Sikkim has
the highest density of cars per population in India. Crime is low or
non-existent. Corruption is rare or absent at lower levels but does exist at
higher levels.

Sikkim has voted an IIT-IIM Member of Parliament. It was illuminating
discussing with the gentleman his plans for the youth of Sikkim. He plans to
make Sikkim an IT and education hub. Manipal University has already set up

Isn't is worth introspecting what has stopped or prevented goans from
becoming masters of their own destiny? Or is the present dismal state of
affairs the destiny that the goans have voted for?



* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans. - Serious food for thought.

2010-09-03 Thread Oscar Lobo

Dear Mario bab!

I am sorry but I agree to disagree with your comments with respect to 
your opinion.

I would like to ask you a question, please?

We have waited for 48 years and 8 months; can we not hang on to hear 
Tony Luis’ speech even if it takes 2 hours to read? Many winners give up 
at the finishing line.

Floriano bab  – Mea culpa in advance should you get a knee jerk reaction 
to my response and comment. I do not want to loose another cyber 
acquaintance who is very important to me.

You said:: “I sincerely believe that a lot of people holding placards 
and banners would be tired with some taking off quietly and temporarily 
for a peg of feni somewhere” Do we always need to keep our spirits up by
pouring spirit down? We Goans need to give better image to the rest of 
India as we have received a lot of bad publicity in bollywood films. 
Has anyone stood up with any film directors so far? Still sussegad even 
if we are portrayed like that.  Another reason for someone from other 
states i.e. Andra Pradesh, Maharastra to get Ministers post and be our 
leaders.  I agree with you wholeheartedly that our dream has been “wet 
dream” and I would like to add a word to that “Wet poisonous dream”

Having said that, I strongly believe that Goasuraj should be given a 
chance (I reiterate again that I have already spread the word with my 
childhood friends and others through personal contact) and perhaps a few 
more new Goan parties should give birth to keep the pressure on. We 
should also have more people standing as Independent Candidates and both 
work from cradle to grave to show we are very serious this time failing 
which we will loose whatever is left. I seize this opportunity to thank 
Carmen Miranda, Matanhy Saldanha, Eduardo Faleira, Minguel Braganza, Dr. 
Oscar Rebello Bevindo Colaco, Arwin Mesquita, Benedict Lobo, Rene 
Barretto, Basilio Magno and many countless Goans in Goa and overseas who 
have done their part in various ways with whatever they can.  It is now 
the turn of the rest of us to play our part/s.  Inform our family and 
friends in Goa to vote for Goa party such as stated above.

Synergy and the lesson of the geese in a V formation is very important 
for us Goans at this critical time in every way and for. It is also time 
for 365 days unity not just one day.  We need to change direction 
together like the geese.

Thank you Mario and Floriano for your thoughts which if not expressed 
would deprive me and others from giving their thoughts albeit some on 
the people on this forum have been sitting on the fence, reading, 
laughing for reasons best known to them yet we have giving this 
opportunity to be  involved  to have a say.

Coming down from the fence or bolcao and joining in the V formation is 
important and it is not late.

She will be coming down the mountains when she comes; she’ll  be 
bringing sanna vodde when she comes will be a reality when we have Goa 
for Goans.

Mogh assundhi

Oscar C. Lobo

From: Mario Andrew Rodrigues

Just one word ' WOW ' Floriano! I think TRUE Goans understands what 
Floriano says.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-03 Thread soter
How can one expect Goa to be ruled by Goans? Goans cannot fulfill their 
basic civic responsibilities. Pavements are not provided they walk on the 
roads. Pedestrian crossings are not provided they run across and often get 
hit by speeding vehicles. Mourn and wail a little and are back to their 
routine. They ride 2-wheelers but do not take the responsibility of wearing 
helmets.  They behave well only if a police is sited around.  No water 
supply in their pipelines, they grumble but are happy with tanker supply. If 
in one lane there is a traffic block they just switch on to the next 
irrespective of  whose way they obstruct. The four wheelers will block the 
two wheelers from proceeding. They will pay the bribe first and scream 
later. They will complain that politicians are chors but will be the first 
to stand in line to collect free coconut saplings and free fertilizer from 
the politician. They will curse the miners and builders but have no shame to 
prostrate before them for sponsorship. They will howl about environment 
destruction but have no reservations in receiving awards from unscrupulous 
real estate firms. They will protest against development on hill slopes, but 
their projects will be designed and built on hill slopes.They will curse the 
migrants but have no problem going repeatedly before a Chief Town Planner 
from U.P. pleading for relief. They blame migrant labour for malaria and 
chikunguniya but will hire them to work in their houses. They will purchase 
expensive mosquito repellents but will do nothing to eradicate breeding 
sites of mosquitos.  They claim to be learned but read migrant gossip 
columns to up date their knowledge.
When we cannot govern ourselves into performing our daily responsibilities 
as citizens, how are we going to choose our leaders to govern the State? 
When we are dependent on migrants to do our every work, how can we be 
expected to rule Goa? Dream big but start small.

Good luck!


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-03 Thread Arwin Mesquita
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 2010 22:14:55 -0400
From: Carmen Miranda 
Carmen.. I like ur Tshirt suggesion.. Rgds, Arwin

To: goa...@goanet.org
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans
Message-ID: <4c805a1f.3060...@gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Dear All

While what has been discussed here is all very interesting but not new
and some of the ideas to solve this chronic problem of Goa's decay are
just pie in the sky, unrealistic and pointless, I am not clear as to
what is the point of this discussion group and how some of the postings
suddenly appear in goanet out of context?

Attempts to ridicule my  T shirt suggestion as one practical way in
which we could show popular feeling about corruption in Goa  was not
very constructive .  May I remind you that this technique has been used
around the world and was recently used in Thailand and Iran with red and
green shirts respectively, which almost brought down the governments of
those countries.  It is an old method of visually showing where you
stand when it comes to political movements, and can be very effective -
a visual and strong show of popular unity behind a cause.
Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/
2. "Rape of Goa" : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/
5. For the Love of Konkani: http://www.radiogoa.net/
6. Goa's Identity Movement website: http://www.goamag.net/gim
7. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
8. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA): http://www.globalgoans.org.in/

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans... the continuing Saga of Goans 48 years on

2010-09-03 Thread Cynthia Fernandes

Dear Niz Goankars,

We can take a Goan out of Goa; BUT we cant take out the CRAB MENTALITY 

Thanks and More Mog,

God Answers Knee-Mails

(Would appreciate if you please send all your queries to Cynthia 
Fernandes by using the below link)

Dear Readers,

To enable you to receive all the latest news and happenings at the 
Cynthia Fernandes Network, I invite you to follow me  at 

It will take less then a minute, but you have to take action to let me 
help you better.

Looking forward to give you loads of information.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans... the continuing Saga of Goans 48 years on

2010-09-03 Thread Joseph Rebello

Dear Mr Rodrigues,

I am at the fag-end of the if "Goa to be Ruled by Goans "  debate that 
is now taking place on the Internet, but being a complete "green horn" 
to the Politics of  our Goan Diaspora, I simply fail to understand for 
the life of me, why we have to have that constant Crab like Mentality of 
taking a Snipe at Each other, especially when we have had some very 
constructive and excellent suggestions made by Tony Louis and  Carmen 
Miranda, so please, try your best not  to "pull " them down with your 
sniping just like the the tarred Crabs of Goa that now abound in Goa due 
to the Great Tar balls on it's beaches, from who nows where  ?

What puzzles me as a Goan even more is why,  we Goans who consider 
ourselves more intellect than the present motley Crowd of Members of the 
Goa State Assembly who, due to the history of our fate are so 
unrepresentative of Goa are able to hood wink their way  to the Migrant 
Vote Bank and Commercial Bank with so little intellect academic 
qualifications, and  with, so much as a little tiff between themselves, 
unlike some of us who simply revel in Sniping ?

Dear Mr Rodrigues and fellow Goenkars who are following this debate in 
Earnest, please try to Refrain from SNIPING at EACH other as this only 
Exasperates the likelihood of US ever being able to want to Guide OR 
rule OURSELVES. Why cannot we take a Cue from this Year's Wold Goa Day 
in UK, where the Theme was Ami Soglim Aik Ixttaghots OR United we Stand 
& Divided in Our Thoughts or DEEDS We FALL , like the ruins of CABO de 
RAMA !!.

Therefore, my personal plea is, Be REAL and be MAN and WOMAN enough to 
realise that having a GO at each other like Spoilt Brats only makes the 
Day of our YEARNING or DAWNING to be our own Masters that much difficult 
and it might take another 48 years OR Longer. Do we really want to wait 
that LONG, because by then, most of us here on the Internet will all be 
well-fried, not fired up and 6 feet under, so who will be the flag 
bearer of our  Gold Orange Azure flag for Amchem Goem if we continue in 
this vane ?

By actin as we do, GIVES the 40MLA's a breather that we cannot even 
agree on simple things like constructive Suggestions in the usual Goan 
Crab like mentality way, with due respect  to the poor crustacean which 
is a Creation of God to be a Crab with it's own mission in life, to 
serve us on a platter !!Do we need to be like Crabs therefore to Serve 
our New Masters 48years forever on end ?

Finally, please Be Real Ladies and Gentlemen if that's what you really 
want to achieve in the very long march  yet again, after Annexation of 
not being the MASTERS of OUR own GOAN DESTINY, Are we forever to be led 
led hand & foot by the so-called High Command in Delhi? If you count to 
TEN, you can visualise what  our Liberators and the Freedom Fighters had 
it in for US and I don't make any bone about it, to be in chains in the 
guise of Liberation. Today,  we Goans represented by the 40 or So MLA's 
are  still Jumping  and Dancing like puppets to their TUNE, not our Own 
Goenkarponn Kan-tar, because  the strings are still being pulled by our 
Liberators and the long gone Freedom Fighters, who are but, only 
resting(in their grave) on their Laurels.

So we should ask ourselves this very telling question, was Annexation of 
GOA worth it's weight in Thought, Soul, Deed  OR am-chem  Goan Soil ? 
How SAD really, but perhaps we have made our Bed with the Liberators and 
we should lie in (with them) it  for Better or for Worse not for  Richer 
or Poorer as we are ouch more the Poorer for having been Liberated by 
our new Masters at the Centre ? This is my way of looking at things as 
they stand in Goa and I am Cock Sure, some of you will disagree with me 
and have your own thought on this,.but please before you do, No Sniping 
Please,We are Goans and not Crabs !!

Fag-end Joe

From: Mario Andrew Rodrigues

Just one word ' WOW ' Floriano! I think TRUE Goans understands what 
Floriano says.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

[Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-03 Thread Bernado Colaco
I wonder if there is a kind of jingoism in the statement below. When a russian 
knocked out a Goan dead in Morjim. Jingoistics had the tail between the legs!

We can make it very dry and crips.
THE PORTUGUESE, even though the Portuguese are here in Goa legitimately 
anyway with their tail between their legs.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

[Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-03 Thread Vasant Baliga
JC wrote-BTW: When you guys say: "We are all Indians", what do you mean by the  
word 'Indian'? Indian citizens, descendants of the Indian subcontinent,  Indian 
by race (there is no such thing) what? Are Pakistanis also  Indians? What 
about the Andamani folks?
Response:Dear JC Bab,
You have put it very aptly.Now the enthusiasts need to define who is a 
it by birth in Goa,ancestry or migration into or out of Goa at any time for any 
And those who have migrated out of Goa and become Citizens of or are born in 
USA,Australia,UK,etc-where do they stand?Are they still Goan or 
American,Australian,British?Many "Indians" feel that Sonia Gandhi is not 
"Indian" and could be one reason why she decided to instal a puppet and rule 
from the background!Many Goans feel that Parrikar and Digamber Kamat are not 
Goans at all.There are those who believe that the Rane Clan from Sattari are 
authentic Goans and are interlopers in Goa.It goes on and on..
It seems very complex to say Goa is to be ruled by Goans?What exactly are we 
talking about?
Best Regards
Vasant Baliga


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-02 Thread Mario Andrew Rodrigues
Just one word ' WOW ' Floriano! I think TRUE Goans understands what 
Floriano says.

From: floriano.l...@gmail.com

Dear Tony Luis,

That is a very long, emotive and touching SPEECH.

I sincerely believe that a lot of people holding placards and banners 
would be tired with some taking off  quietly and temporarily for a peg 
of feni somewhere.

But I would compress your entire fantastic SPEECH to just a sentence.
I would want the speaker to just say:

WE HAVE A DREAM, We always have
But for far to long it has become a ' WET DREAM'

We can make it very dry and crips.
THE PORTUGUESE, even though the Portuguese are here in Goa legitimately 
anyway with their tail between their legs.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-02 Thread floriano

Dear Agnelo,
Cheers to your  thought process.
I believe that 'PPS' will go well with Carmen's  great idea of t-shirts, 
caps etc.
After all if Goans want to look the change in the face, first,  they 
should be ready to accept the tag of being the 'PEOPLE FOR POLITICAL 
SANITY' in the midst of  the all round POLITICAL MADNESS.

To your (UAE's) 100K, I shall match it in ' KIND'  X  10 times  over 
for  PPS
And this is the challenge that I shall not withdraw from because 'PEOPLE 
FOR POLITICAL SANITY' is the only way to bringing the CHANGE  that we 
all want to see for ourselves and for our dear GOAs sake.

www.goasu-raj.org for expanded scrolling Party Presentation on the Home 
Page - 'Announcements' Section

http://www.goasu-raj.org/gen/articles/55.asp  FAQ w.r.t. PPS

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-02 Thread Oscar Lobo

Dear Carmen,

Greetings from Melbourne Carmen bhai!

Although you have addressed the e-mail to Tony Luis (and it is his 
prerogative to reply), I take ownership of initiating the first e-mail 
with the caption.

The purpose of the e-mail was for multifarious reasons; however the main 
ones were to see:

The opinions of our well read Goans and their experiences in Goa since 
19 December 1961 – those living and working in Goa.
The opinions of our well read Goans and their experiences in Goa since 
19 December 1961  - those living in Middle East and contributing heaps 
of deposits in banks operating in Goa.
The opinions of our well read Goans and their experiences in Goa since 
19 December 1961  - those that live overseas (other than Middle East) 
and are foreign passport holders and/or OCI & PIO.
The opinions of our well read Goans and their experiences in Goan before 
19 December 1961 covering the above three categories.
Both the Goans living in Middle East and other overseas countries that 
have wealth of experience in their respective countries and what they 
bring to Goa.

How best we could get the results we want in the next election which may 
be too late unless we get a new party or the suggestions put by our 
Bernado Colaco which is worth considering.
To see the leadership capability amongst us and what goes with it in 
terms of professionalism.
Everyone wants something; but what is good for Goa and future generation 
is something we need to seriously think.
The present state of Goa and Goan minds – Where we are and Where we want 
to be. The need to have ownership of what we do.

The gap of understanding and how to augment the gap.
Love for one another as Goan; something I am still unable to understand 
why this is lacking (Tall poppy syndrome and knee jerk reaction)

These are the main ones and we could add to the list towards a strategy.

Once a Keralite said to me when I was in the Middle East: Sir, if your 
mother does not look after you, will somebody’s mother look after you! – 
Looking back this statement may not be 100% true.

Today, we were posed a good question by our advocate Francisco Branganza 
(who happens to be from my village and we attended the same school in 
Mapusa); while the question has all its merits
and shortcomings as anything in life (Life depends on the Liver) Goa 
also needs to ensure that the exodus of highly educated people do not 
migrate overseas to fill our places this would result
getting back to where we were. We still need to think about this 
although some of us are willing to take the plunge.

Breaking away from personal habits (created since years) takes a long 
time and do we Goans have the time? .

Hopefully, by the end of the spate of e-mails that have been dropping in 
our Inbox like a dealing room activities we will learn more about 
ourselves, others and what is really good for Goa.

Most impressive were those Goans who considered their duty to put their 
thoughts and hopefully those that are sitting on ice may find a burner 
to melt the ice down.

Carmen, I hope this answers some of your concerns and of course Tony 
Luis and other friends that have taken part in this debate which is 
still alive.  We all agree that we need to join force
to save what is left of Goa. Since you have the recent experience of 
running with a project, could you please help us form a petition that 
may be acceptable to all those that took part in the debate particularly 
those that have
expressed positively with wealth of experience.  We will need to create 
a terms of reference for this project to maintain the focus.


Oscar C. Lobo.

From: Carmen Miranda

Subject: Re: Fw: Goa to be ruled by Goans.

Dear All

While what has been discussed here is all very interesting but not new 
and some of the ideas to solve this chronic problem of Goa's decay are 
just pie in the sky, unrealistic and pointless, I am not clear as to 
what is the point of this discussion group and how some of the postings 
suddenly appear in goanet out of context?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-02 Thread pinheiro
49 years and we Goans still do not know what we what and if we want how 
to get it.  49 years we had been dreaming and we still dream. How long? 
Utt Goyekara! Wake up from your slumber. Kumbakaran from Ramayan slept 
for 14 years and we Goans are sleeping for 49 years!  Wake up Goan in 
Goa and Diaspora. It is now or never!

I said this on this forum before and I repeat it again. We (Goans) are 
the cause of the problem and hence we ought to be the solution. Goans 
have misplaced priorities far too long.  We must first pledge ourselves 
to shun corruption.  Indulging, abetting and supporting of falsehood 
starts at our home.  Honestly has long lost from Goan DNA.  We have to 
restore it.  Stop calling ourselves GOAN (Greatest Of All Nation).  Stop 
glamourising the political demons. Shun the corrupt and tainted 
politician’s by boycotting them publicly.   They may be all nice in 
private but their public life and service to Goan cause is pathetic.

As Tony Luis suggested of a public rally of (100K Plus) people, it does 
make sense but we all know how easy to get people 100 people on the 
street. It a different matter we join in horde if there is a football 
match or a beat show etc.

If, we have to carry this campaign forward and build pressure for a 
change, a change we all Goans want where ever we are then we have to 
start this day. Public rally on 19 Dec 2010 at 2 district headquarters 
of Goa, ie. Margao and Panjim is most apt occasion. The core committee 
must be set-up immediately. Which should include all active volunteers 
across the spectrum of affiliations such as village group, Xettkarancho 
Ekvott etc.  It will be easy for coordination and crowd management if 
sub committees representing all villages are formed.   Just 200 people 
from each village will give enough numbers.  The ground mobilisation of 
people must be taken by core committee in coordination with 
sub-committee.  As this will involved money and so honest people (we 
have them in on this list) with joint accountability is needed.

Goans in Diaspora and NRI (specially the Gulf) must form committees to 
raise funds to support this cause.  We, Goans in Diaspora and NRI in 
Gulf having been celebrating by dancing and singing far too long.  It is 
time to act now.  Mere lip service will not work.

Lets make 19 Dec 2010 a colourful (with music and song and dance) 
gathering of peace loving Goans serving ultimate to the political class 
that 49 year of dishonest rule must end this day.  Let the message be 
loud and clear that Goans will send Goa’s corrupt and tainted politician 
will be sent into exile in 2012.
I conclude by this ‘A Thousand Words Will Not Leave So Deep An 
Impression As One Deed’ so let it be me first.  I, together with my UAE 
Goans promise to raise Rs one hundred thousand for this cause.  Anyone 
out there who dream to say NO TO CORRUPTION & YES TO GOOD GOVERNANCE on 
19th Dec 2010?.

BTW: I have faith in my brothers and sisters who work selflessly; most 
of them are there on this forum.  My appeal to the foot soldiers such as 
Carmen, Orlando, Sebastian, Et al to take this fight to its logical 

God bless us all

Agnelo Pinheiro

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-02 Thread Carmen Miranda

Dear All

While what has been discussed here is all very interesting but not new 
and some of the ideas to solve this chronic problem of Goa's decay are 
just pie in the sky, unrealistic and pointless, I am not clear as to 
what is the point of this discussion group and how some of the postings 
suddenly appear in goanet out of context?

Attempts to ridicule my  T shirt suggestion as one practical way in 
which we could show popular feeling about corruption in Goa  was not 
very constructive .  May I remind you that this technique has been used 
around the world and was recently used in Thailand and Iran with red and 
green shirts respectively, which almost brought down the governments of 
those countries.  It is an old method of visually showing where you 
stand when it comes to political movements, and can be very effective - 
a visual and strong show of popular unity behind a cause.

Further more, your tirade making fun of the fact that I asked what 
dreams or visions you all had for Goa, was
also out of order and unecessary. This complaining "culture"  needs to 
be changed into "action culture".  I wondered  what exactly do you want 
to do with that real democracy and ideal governance system you are 
after?  What is the vision for Goa besides stopping the ghantis from 
settling in Goa? And who is going to do the jobs the ghantis do today? 
Just ending up corruption and keeping Goa for the goans is not going to 
solve the decadence and development problems of Goa. This is not 
laughing matter for me.

I don't think we should waste time with disparaging remarks, because if 
this is going to be the tone of this group, I want to get out please.

Carmen Miranda

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-02 Thread blandino viegas

We need :-

PURE DEMOCRACY: A democracy in which the power to govern lies directly 
in the hands of the people rather than being exercised through their 

Goa Su-Raj Party = Pure Democracy. Vote for GSRP.

B. M. Viegas

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-02 Thread Salus Correia
Democracy has not worked simply because it is non existent in Goa!! 
Goans just think it is there!!!

From: Bernado Colaco

Democracy has not worked for 48 years. Can you give us a date when it 
will work! Then we will shut up forever!


Subject: Re: Fw: Goa to be ruled by Goans.

We cannot blame DEMOCRACY.
We must make it work.
Which we are not doing.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-02 Thread Tony Luis

Some of the tenents of true and real democracy are:
A Government OF the people, BY the people, and FOR the people
Goa and most of India for that matter fails on all three as it is
A Government OF the Rupee, By the Goondas, the Rupee and those who are 
manipulated by TVs or bicycle and other gifts and FOR THEMSELVES..
Look at the Land Grabbing in Quitol for the alleged scam of a Food Park 
and the Cutbona Jetty project that runs roughshod over the peoples 
This is no Democracy... It is more DemoCRAZY to think it is 
Look at the strenuous efforts to create an Alemao dynasty to increase 
and save the Alemao wealth rather than to Save Goa!!!
Furthermore the institutions, the pillars that uphold and support 
Democracy like the Judiciary, the Legislature, the Police and the other 
institutions are riddled with corruption and are therefore autocratic 
and dictatorial as orders come from Mr. Big  Do as I say not as I do 
...That is NOT democracy
The concept of Democracy is there in Goa but TRUE DEMOCRACY IS NOT 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-02 Thread Gasper Almeida

Rightly said, Mr. Floriano.

That’s the reason why we need to get out of the system of voting on 
party lines

And religious/caste basis.

Going by the constitution and road map of Goa Suraj Party, this is one 
and only

Way to get things done in the proper perspective.

I am migrating to gasperalme...@gmail.com
For all future correspondence, pls use this email only.   I am presently 
on a business tour.

Good luck and best regards.
Gaspar Almeida

From: floriano

We cannot blame DEMOCRACY.
We must make it work.
Which we are not doing.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-02 Thread Bernado Colaco
Democracy has not worked for 48 years. Can you give us a date when it 
will work! Then we will shut up forever!


Subject: Re: Fw: Goa to be ruled by Goans.

We cannot blame DEMOCRACY.
We must make it work.
Which we are not doing.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-02 Thread Benedict Lobo

Dear Tony Luis,

A very touching speech.I hope I live to hear this one day standing among 
these 100,000 + people in Goa.

In the meantime, let me dream on.


On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 1:43 AM, Tony Luis wrote:



* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-02 Thread floriano

Dear Tony Luis,

That is a very long, emotive and touching SPEECH.

I sincerely believe that a lot of people holding placards and banners 
would be tired with some taking off  quietly and temporarily for a peg 
of feni somewhere.

But I would compress your entire fantastic SPEECH to just a sentence.
I would want the speaker to just say:

WE HAVE A DREAM, We always have
But for far to long it has become a ' WET DREAM'

We can make it very dry and crips.
THE PORTUGUESE, even though the Portuguese are here in Goa legitimately 
anyway with their tail between their legs.


www.goasu-raj.org for expanded scrolling Party Presentation on the Home 
Page - 'Announcements' Section.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-02 Thread Tony de Sa
Will there really be a difference, if the Gulf Goans persuade their
relatives to vote for one politician or the other?
Trouble is even the so called 'honest politicos' soon get corrupted by the
Don't you think that the Goan voter votes with the underlying assumption
"better the devil you know rather than the devil you don't know"


Tony de Sa.  tonydesa at gmail dot com   M   : +91 9975 162 897  Ph. : +91
832 2470 148


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-02 Thread floriano

Clear Vision?

We will have to adapt the clear vision screen [ The rotating type which is 
fitted to the Bridge of the ship] in the minds of GOANs.

Has anyone bothered to go through the 'Road Map for GOA' through and through 
which was published on 20 August 2005 to commemorate the 'WORLD GOA 

We proudly call it a document of a lifetime. Because it is not written in a 
day, a year. It took a lifetime.

www.goasu-raj.org for expanded scrolling Party Presentation on the Home 
Page - 'Announcements' Section.

BTW: The Road Map for Goa is available for download on the Home Page above

- Original Message - 
From: "Oscar Lobo" 

Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 5:00 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

Dear Carmen,

Yes, there will be a clear vision once we engage our Goans in a proper
forum and ensure we are not all over the place.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-02 Thread floriano

We cannot blame DEMOCRACY.
We must make it work.
Which we are not doing.

www.goasu-raj.org for expanded scrolling Party Presentation on the Home 
Page - 'Announcements' Section.

- Original Message -
From: Bernado Colaco

Hi Salus,

Thanks a lot for your comments. Democracy stuffed down our throats post 
61 is a failure.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-02 Thread Bernado Colaco

Hi Salus,

Thanks a lot for your comments. Democracy stuffed down our throats post 
61 is a failure. Many here think that they can turn things around this 
rotten system. I am told by congresswallas that rave parties are used to 
extract bribes to fund their party activities. It is a huge network 
where police and politicians are involved. The reason for a mini 
constitution is that we can not control the ghanti migration into Goa, 
because the bharat rule is that everybody from their country can go 
around anywhere except for Kashmir and the NE areas.

A mini constitution will also save Goa from being gobbled up by the 
money laundering banyias from the north.


Best wishes

Subject: RE: Fw: Goa to be ruled by Goans.

Well said Senhor!!  It is the local pollies who are the main cause 0f 
the rut that Goa had been sliding into.  People now elect those who they 
think will do some little illegal favour for them!


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-02 Thread Tony Luis

CARMEN  et al

ON A SIGNIFICANT DAY LIKE 26 JANUARY . Could be carnival come early!!!

Placards T-shirts  palm leaves etc with full coverage by Press, local 
and national and international TV ...

Guests of Honour... Diggu Kamat and his 40 thieves
This is not an original as you can tellhastily adapted by ME
Lets go for it 



We are all happy to join with each other today in what will go down in 
history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our 

Five decades ago, the decency, truth and justice was cruelly taken away 
from us under the false pretext of a new freedom which paved the way for 
the mess that we are now in this once beautiful pristine stateThe 
PEARL of the Orient. This momentous march and coming together of 
decent Goans should serve as a great beacon light of hope to millions of 
Goans here and the world over who had been seared in the flames of 
withering injustice. It comes as a joyous daybreak to end the long days 
and nights of their captivity.

But fifty years later the Goan still is not free. Fifty years later, the 
life of the Goan is still sadly crippled by the manacles of corruption, 
crime, murders, drugs, environmental damage, land grabbing, personal 
attacks and the chains of discrimination on lines of caste and creed. 
Fifty years later, the Goan lives on a lonely island of poverty in the 
midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. Fifty years later, the 
Goan is still languished in the corners of Indian society and finds 
himself an exile in his own land. And so we've come here today to 
dramatize a shameful condition.

In a sense we've come to our state's capital to cash a check. When the 
architects of our state wrote the illusory words of the freedom from 
decent Portuguese rule and the Declaration of Statehood, they were 
signing a promissory note to which every Goan was to fall heir. This 
note was a promise that all people, yes, Catholics, Hindus and Muslims, 
MLAs, and regardless of occupation, caste or background  would be 
guaranteed the "unalienable Rights" of "Life, Liberty, Justice, and the 
pursuit of Happiness." It is obvious today that Goa has defaulted on 
this promissory note, insofar as her citizens of are concerned. Instead 
of honoring this sacred obligation, Goan politicians in recent years 
have  given the Goan people a bad check, a check which has come back 
marked "insufficient funds."

But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse 
to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of 
opportunity of this state. And so, we've come to cash this check, a 
check that will give us upon demand the riches of true freedom and the 
security of justice.

We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind Goa and India of the 
fierce urgency of Now. This is no time to engage in the luxury of 
cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of susegadism. Now is the 
time to make real the promises of real and true democracy. Now is the 
time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of corruption and greed 
and murder and drugs to the sunlit path of equality, justice, fair play 
for jobs respect for other peoples properties and the wishes of the 
people of this great state . Now is the time to lift our state from the 
quicksands of corruption and injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. 
Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's children in 
Goa and the diaspora.

It would be fatal for the state and the country to overlook the urgency 
of the moment. This sweltering summer of the Goan's legitimate 
discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of 
freedom and equality. Two thousand and Eleven is not an end, but a fresh 
new beginning unlike 1961. And those who hope that the Goan needed to 
blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the 
state and the nation returns to business as usual. And there will be 
neither rest nor tranquility in Goa until the Goan is granted his 
citizenship rights. The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the 
foundations of our state and nation until the bright day of justice emerges.

But there is something that I must say to our people, who stand on the 
warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice: In the process of 
gaining our rightful place, we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds like 
the MLAs, Police and Courts that we seek to rectify . Let us not seek to 
satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness 
and hatred. We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of 
dignity and discipline and integrity and decency. We must not allow our 
creative protest to degenerate into physical violence like the Goondas 
do. Again and again, we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting 
physical forc

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-01 Thread Gasper Almeida

Oscar, mind your language.  You need not tell Dr. Jose Colaco what to write!


From: Oscar Lobo


In order to ensure a method to the madness of this debate, may I suggest 
that we have just 2 ground rules in responding to Mr. J. Colaco’s 
appended e-mail, please:

Comment only on the item that you are well aware of and with a decorum 
of respect for one another.  A point of view can be expressed in many ways.
If one is responding then one does not need to repeat what others are 
saying.  However, if there is anything new to the item than by all means 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-01 Thread Oscar Lobo

Dear Carmen,

Yes, there will be a clear vision once we engage our Goans in a proper 
forum and ensure we are not all over the place.

We have learnt a lot on what discipline can achieve, I for one being of 
Jesuit educational background from St. Britto’s school and a little 
observation of how Goa was ruled prior to 19 December 2010

helped me to grow.

I respect Soter even though he may be thinking he is always right.

In the words of Steven R. Covey – 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, 
we need to see the end in the beginning.  We need to get rid of the book 
in our personal libraries – How to win and influence people by Dale 
Carnegie; this book has thought methods that many not necessarily 
achieve results and people go out giving “Impressao” rather than 
seriously contributing to the actual issues confronting particularly Goans.

All the ideas, dream, vision and mission will only come if we have the 
right ideas with right people.

The search should be on before we find the solution and while the music 
for quick steps is being played.

It would be good to select a committee, please give a thought, then 
prepare our Vision, Mission and a Business plan after removing the shaft 
from the wheat in this debate and present it to whoever the committee 

For a start we should contemplate who amongst will see the vision in a 
combined basis and help with the mission. The committee should be of a 
reasonable number as too large a committee has detrimental effect of a 
group dynamism amongst us Goans.

You are spot on with your questions and let us see what comes out of 
this brain storming e-mail exercise and not what Sorter thinks.

Recad tucam!

Oscar C. Lobo

From: Carmen Miranda

Dear Goenkars
I was wondering if you have a clear idea, a dream, a vision for an ideal 
GOA you would like to see in the near future?

If we have a clear idea, we can start planning strategically on how to 
achieve that dream !

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-01 Thread Oscar Lobo


In order to ensure a method to the madness of this debate, may I suggest 
that we have just 2 ground rules in responding to Mr. J. Colaco’s 
appended e-mail, please:

Comment only on the item that you are well aware of and with a decorum 
of respect for one another.  A point of view can be expressed in many ways.
If one is responding then one does not need to repeat what others are 
saying.  However, if there is anything new to the item than by all means 

We need to learn to overcome our knee jerk reactions (something I 
believe as Goans we have in our DNA composition) and hold on to answers 
for a day or two before responding for a great result.

Let us breathe during that time for inspirations in our responses.

It is only by such interaction between us that we will learn to manage 
people if we as Goans come to fruition in ruling Goa. – Paradigm change 
starts right from today if we are to succeed.

Let’s relax and make our point in a rationale and professional way with 
little bit of humour and politically correct answers.

This time I have just hit the reply hit button and removed just one 
person who requested me to delete his e-mail address and I have complied.

To survive is to change; to survive often is to change often – Hopefully 
the changes starts from the start of this e-mail debate.


Oscar C. Lobo.

From: J. Colaco

My dear Oscar,

I will enter this discussion once more and then return to my corner.

Perhaps, Goans will determine for themselves the following.

a: Why did the electorate in Goa vote the Congress - the last time 
around? Were Goans not aware of corruption?

b: Do anyone among us know of ANY post-1961 govt that has not been corrupt?

c: Do anyone among us know of ANY post-2010 party that will not be corrupt?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-01 Thread Salus Correia
Well said Senhor!!  It is the local pollies who are the main cause 0f 
the rut that Goa had been sliding into.  People now elect those who they 
think will do some little illegal favour for them!


From: Bernado Colaco

I should have said an interim government without any political 
affiliations. Democracy in Goa is sectarian. To educate the electorate 
it will take an other 50 years. By than Goans will be selling ice fruit 
in lungis and setting illegal companies like the arrivals from the south 
post 61.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-01 Thread J. Colaco < jc>

My dear Oscar,

I will enter this discussion once more and then return to my corner.

Perhaps, Goans will determine for themselves the following.

a: Why did the electorate in Goa vote the Congress - the last time 
around? Were Goans not aware of corruption?

b: Do anyone among us know of ANY post-1961 govt that has not been corrupt?

c: Do anyone among us know of ANY post-2010 party that will not be corrupt?

d: Who would have benefited if Goans (from the Gulf) had accepted 
Anesimo et al's recommendation the last time around - "to Support 
Mathany so as to Give Jolt to the Corrupt Congress"?

e: Do you guys remember what happened in the "House" to the Velim MLA 
who was physically bundled out? May I ask Mathany IF he protested that 
and HOW?

f: Who was generating energy for this 'Swadeshi Catholic' nonsense - 
whatever it meant?

g: Who organised the funding for that disastrous and communally-laden 
Video CD?

h: Was it to be distributed to the schools in Goa? Did Mathany have a 
reaction to it and if so What and When?

I will say this again - so bear with me:

[1] I do not trust politicians. Thus far the Goa politicians have 
demonstrated ( almost invariably since 1976 at least) that by way of 
omission or commission, they are members of the Alibaba gang. [ You may 
wish to note that 'honrado' politicians of the genre of Jack de 
Sequeira, Eduardo Faleiro, Gopal Appa Kamat, Vasu Sarmalkar are not 
running for office these days]

[2] Closely watch folks who criticise (rightly no doubt) only one set of 

[3] Let ALL who advise us - also please declare that they are not 
receiving overseas funds to 'stage-manage' events in Goa. This 
specifically includes the 'busing in of folks for events'.

[4] It is quite nonsensical to give the Italian-Australian example with 
the hope that it will apply to Goa. Italy may allow dual-nationality 
like many European countries, Australia too may allow it. India does not 
allow 'full' dual nationality. Furthermore, according to the Indian 
Constitution, ANY Indian citizen has the freedom to enter, work and 
reside in Goa (post 1961). That citizen WILL with time have the right to 
vote in Goa. If you think Goans are in a minority now do wait for 
the next election cycle.

[5] Goans should just accept the facts of life and move on - instead of 
getting caught up with politicians and their agents.

[6] If I was resident in Goa, I would also accept the fact that 
politicians are corrupt to one degree or another. Hence, I would 
determine which outfit has the tendency of additionally being communal 
...and stay away from it.

ps: If one really feels like making a small contribution to Goa 
Support Goa Sudharop and Carmen Miranda's effort for the 
environment. It might not stop the eventual arrival of the juggernaut - 
but at least one will feel that one did one's best.

just my view


On 1 September 2010 06:52, Benedict Lobo wrote:
Hi Anesimo,

I presume you meant to send your appended e-mail of date to me for 
information or to Benedict and wrongly addressed to me.

In any way, you are right in the strategy you have outlined.

Benedict - you guys in the Middle East are in a position to play a 
pivotal role in Anesimo's strategy.

We can do it and can we please do something about it; a change from our 
regular cultural events.



* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-01 Thread Joseph Rebello

Dear Mr Bernado Colaco,

May please take issue with you  re.your presumption with respect in 
that, it would take Our Goan Electorate in Goa another 50 odd years or 
so to get REAL AND Be Re-Educated in the Finer ART of HOW to Elect A 
Viable, Firm, Honest Govt of the People,  with and for the Goenkar people.
It has not taken the gullible  Electorate  long to BITE the Hands that 
FEED them come Election time, so why should it take so many EARS, yes 
not YEARs, to learn a new more important trade of basic Re-Education on 
a slate or if you prefer a plate ?
That is what the Question ought to Be and not the Sarcasm about selling 
Ice Fruit in Lung-is ?
What's  in a dress anyway, or do we have a belief that Dress does truly 
maketh the Man or Woman ?
Did we, in our Birth even have a stitch on US , we will all go out of 
this World with nothing but our Name or whatever Fame we had on Maichi 
Earth, so dress does not really make a Man or Woman a far as I can tell.
In the next 48 year that we have left, Lets get REAL and not simple 
CASTE STONES to what ever someone may have suggested , i.e. RE-EDUCATE 
the already half-witted EDUCATED so as to Speak people of Goa, cause as 
things stand, a little Learning has not done them or Goa or our so 
-called MLA's Any FAVOURS, has it ??

Joe Rebello,To Love Goa IS to Love OURSELVES, that should be Our 1st 
Commandment. I am no Preacher, even they sadly, have abandoned US Goans 
to th FATE of the Vultures (human) no dis- respect to the feathered 
kind, who are what they are, by an accident of Nature and God's creation 
to do a specific job, unlike our Monsters who are a creation of a people 
or of vested interests !!

- Forwarded Message 
From: Bernado Colaco
Sent: Wed, 1 September, 2010 12:57:52
Subject: Re: Fw: Goa to be ruled by Goans.

I should have said an interim government without any political 
affiliations. Democracy in Goa is sectarian. To educate the electorate 
it will take an other 50 years. By than Goans will be selling ice fruit 
in lungis and setting illegal companies like the arrivals from the south 
post 61.

Dona Carmen,
Corruption in Goa is now gone 13feet deep!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-01 Thread Bernado Colaco
I should have said an interim government without any political 
affiliations. Democracy in Goa is sectarian. To educate the electorate 
it will take an other 50 years. By than Goans will be selling ice fruit 
in lungis and setting illegal companies like the arrivals from the south 
post 61.

Dona Carmen,
Corruption in Goa is now gone 13feet deep!


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-01 Thread Benedict Lobo

Hi Anesimo,

I presume you meant to send your appended e-mail of date to me for
information or to Benedict and wrongly addressed to me.

In any way, you are right in the strategy you have outlined.

Benedict - you guys in the Middle East are in a position to play a 
pivotal role in Anesimo's strategy.

We can do it and can we please do something about it; a change from our
regular cultural events.



-Original Message-
From: anesim...@aim.com
Sent: Wednesday, 1 September 2010 8:02 PM
To: oscarlo...@optusnet.com.au
Subject: RE: Fw: Goa to be ruled by Goans.


I always said that Gulf Goans can make a real change in goa. They will
ultimatley settle in goa and have all their families and friends there.
Last time we tried hard to convince them to Support Mathany so as to
Give Jolt o the Corruprt Congress.That would have been a start
somewhere.All they need is to phone all their relatives and friends to
kick out all these goons. It will make a huge difference , spcially in
salcette where the Catholics doninate politics. They can do it next
time. All we need is short list Candidates from each Constituency and
this coiuld be done at all parish councill meetings where church yields
quite a bit of influence.

Next election would be our last chance.If Catholics want to have some
hold in Goa, we better elect our own guys so that we can have a
bargaining power, including counter communalism. There are pleny of
catholic guys around who given our support will get elected.

rest of NRIS/NRGS can contribute in many ways, specially in the form of



* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-01 Thread Tony Luis
Every Government since 1961 has been an interim Government in Goa but 
without any Governance !!

Governments in Goa fall at a drop of a hat depending on who is plotting 
against whom and who gets what portfolio that can make the most amount 
of money.

Even as we speak the so called gang of 7 or 9 MLAs maybe plotting 
against  Digambar Ali Baba Kamat who spends all his time looking over 
his shoulder or removing the knives from his back.

It is like a Merry Go Round in a fair or a bunch of clowns in a Circus 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-01 Thread Salus Correia

Hi Benedict,

Only NRI’s?  Only if the Government is open about granting proper dual 
citizenship will it have much meaning.  Of all the Goans listed by you 
as living in various countries overseas, can you say how many of these 
Goans are NRI’s?  I would say very few indeed, if you stop counting 
those in the Gulf region.

Here in Australia we have a great example of how the Italians have their 
own representatives elected to the Italian Parliament from among 
Italians in Australia!  Any one of Italian descent can get registered as 
a dual Italian citizen with the right to vote.

Only when this happens to Indians who hold other citizenships, will 
something really change.

I love Bernard’s idea about an interim Government.  After all, Goa was 
invaded against the wishes of blue blooded Goans.


Salus Correia

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-01 Thread Carmen Miranda

Mr Bernardo Colaco

I was born in Goa, I lived in Goa, I studied in Goa, I am frequent 
visitor to Goa , but my visits are mostly to just work on trying to 
improve things in Goa. I don't have any interests or any thing in Goa at 
all except my heart.  It is my homeland, the land of my forefathers and 
that alone is enough for me to be serious about what I am trying to do, 
including the campaign on mining in Goa, which is going fine thank you 
very much;  it is a longterm struggle which I am trying to tackle 
strategically and with lots of groundwork. This is a campaign that 
concerns all goans and I hope you all will support us when we call for help!

As for corruption - give me one example of a country where there is no 
corruption. We must fight it day and night, and try everything to 
eradicate it from Goa.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-01 Thread Oscar Lobo

Dear Benedict,

Thank you for your e-mail of date.

Good to hear the composition of our Goans and their spread throughout 
the length and breathe of the universe.  We surely are voyagers like 
Vasco De Gama.

By way of my contribution to the number of people of Goan origin living 
overseas, in Australia we reckon there are about circa 60,000 people in 
cities states like Victoria, Western Australia, Brisbane and South 



From: Benedict Lobo

More than 30% of educated Goans (Mostly Christians) are living in 43 
other countries.Out of which,  fifty six percent are in the Middle East. 
Another 13 percent are in Europe, 11 percent  in South and South East 
Asia, and 10 percent are in North America.Besides seven percent of the 
state’s emigrants are working aboard ships.So what do you expect ???

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-01 Thread Bernado Colaco

Dona Carmen,

Your theory will not work because we are colonized by one of the most 
corrupt countries in the world. We are like POW's (Dr. Falcao) in Goa 
after 61. We have no control over our destiny. Presidential rule is mere 
garbage. I am not to sure if you have ever lived in Goa! What happened 
to your mining campaign?


And Bernardo,
We must be realistic. I sincerely don't believe that any other 
"umbrella" for Goa will solve the problem of the type of people who are 
rulling Goa.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-01 Thread Benedict Lobo
More than 30% of educated Goans (Mostly Christians) are living in 43 
other countries.Out of which,  fifty six percent are in the Middle East. 
Another 13 percent are in Europe, 11 percent  in South and South East 
Asia, and 10 percent are in North America.Besides seven percent of the 
state’s emigrants are working aboard ships.So what do you expect ???

But here's some welcome news for all of us NRIs.

If this becomes reality -Perhaps we can bring a change this time around.

All this time we were just writing and shouting from the rooftops ...

Today Herald- 

NRIs get right to vote

Keeping the Konkani Culture Alive ! Worldwide
Global Goans UAE

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-01 Thread Cynthia Fernandes

Dear Carmen,

More Power to you.

From another one just like you.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-01 Thread Carmen Miranda

The Ghantis who are clearing the tar balls in the beaches of Goa should 
be instructed to take and dump them in the front garden of Joaquim 
Alemao - that is the only way he may get the message that he needs to be 
serious about this issue.

And Bernardo,
We must be realistic. I sincerely don't believe that any other 
"umbrella" for Goa will solve the problem of the type of people who are 
rulling Goa.

If we had honest, strong people with vision and above all educated and 
with some ideals , we could resolve the problem of Goa within India.

For years now we have proved that we are not even capable of chosing a 
decent number of politicians to rule in Goa. Do you really think there 
is any chance at all we will get a different status for Goa?  If we get 
Presidential rule , that will be enough to put things right.

If anyone is ready for action, let us start with fundamentals - start a 
campaign agaisnt corruption.


to clear it up by collecting the tar balls and burying them

On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 1:50 AM, Bernado Colaco wrote:
There is no governance in Goa since 1961. Goa has been looted by the neo 
colonial rulers, the elected reps in Goa are mere puppets to the current 
rule. Billions have been taken from for development of other areas, our 
civilian airport and other areas have been occupied by outsiders. In 
short Goa has been stripped! Why do we need democracy to govern.? Can we 
not have an interim government under the auspices of the UN (the one who 
encouraged the invasion of Goa) to rule Goa. Or can we not live under 
one country two system like that of HK and Macau? In other words have 
our on mini constitution (only an excerpt) as below

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-01 Thread Tony Luis

Carmen ,

The Tar Balls on Goa's beaches in the last few days typifies what is 
wrong with GoaThis is not the first time it has happened and yet 
Digambar Ali Baba Kamat and his 40 thieves have no answer, no strategy 
and no clue on how to deal with this pollution and damage to the 
environment ...!!! Why? Simple because there is no MONEY FOR 
THEM IN doing so. They have sent some Ghantis to clear it up by 
collecting the tar balls and burying them on the beach itself where they 
could re-surface. Despite this lack of knowledge commitment and 
leadership on such a simple perennial issue one of Diggu's corrupt thugs 
namely JOKING ALEMAO is busy trying to rob the land at Cutbona Jetty, 
Velim from the decent and hard working villagers of Velim against their 
will to build a fish meal plant of which he knows even less of. His only 
interest is because of the huge kickback he will make on the plant and 
on the forced acquisition of the land for peanuts.. These monkeys in 
the Government should deal with Tar Balls before delving into other 
unnecessary projects to fill their deep corrupt immoral pockets. The 
people of Velim, Assolna and Cuncolim will  and their supporters 
throughout the world will fight this corrupt Fisheries Minister tooth 
and nail to ensure that he deals with the Tar Balls on the Beach and NOT 
smuggling of Gold that shot him into prominence even if it means tarring 
his own Balls ! Pray for the success of the Velim Peoples Fight 

On the 1st September 2010 there is another Gram Sabha in Velim that the 
FISHY JOKING ALEMAO will keep away, from for fear of answering an honest 
question and having his parts tarred. He should realise that the Tar 
Balls are a greater threat to Fish and requires greater urgency than a 
Fish Meal Plant !!! He has enough space in his bedroom to put the 
plant in 

The Theft of the land in Quitol by the corrupt peasant MLA and GIDC 
chairman Babu Chor Kavlekar aided and abetted by other MLA thugs under 
the pretext of building a foodpark is another such crime that is being 
and will continue to be fought until the bitter end !!

Long may the fights continue for justice honesty and decency and a 
vindication for the good decent people of Goa and in the diaspora 
!!! !

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans.

2010-08-31 Thread soter
The slogan "Goa to be ruled by Goans' may sound very attractive and exciting. 
It is a perfect subject for mental masturbation. Besides this, it offers 
excellent campaign material for aspiring politicians to entice the voters 
during election. 
We had the Goa Election 2007 fought on the 'Save Goa' slogan. Now for the  next 
Assembly election it could be 'Rule Goa' as the slogan. And you may suddenly 
have a Rule Goa Party which will be merged back into Congress after the 
assembly polls. Forget that the miseries of goans have not diminished a bit 
from 2007 till 2010. The Regional Plan 2021 will be out any moment. The last 
time it was Babush who was the culprit for a monstrous plan. Who will it be 
this time? Will we have the guts to hold the architects and engineers of Save 
Goa fame who have been responsible for crafting this new plan. Do you exopect 
it to be any different with the likes of Dattas and Deans on the panel. 
Shortly, we will all humbly submit before the government to yet another 
entertainment. The celebration of our Golden Jubilee of liberation. We will 
have some jokers from margao who will come to town with their circus. You will 
be told how as goans you have not assimilated yourself into the Indian 
mainstream. There will be programs to help you goans to inculcate a spirit of 
nationalism. All this will be swallowed without a whimper of protest. 
As long as goans cannot think beyond Sonia Gandhi, Manohar Parrikar and Oscar 
Rebello, the day they will  rule their own land will never come. Like the 
Israelites in captivity it will be the Gawade or Ramani or Gupta or Parekh that 
will rule.
Self-rule is not about wearing a T-shirt and TV appearances. It is about 
sacrifice, deprivation of self, spirituality, pain, ... How 
many goans are ready to give up their comforts for this? If there are, it is 
worth talking otherwise it will be only adding to item numbers in the movie.


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Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-08-31 Thread Carmen Miranda

Dear Mr Rebello
I am a bit puzzled by  the e-mails you sent me, linked to this call for 
Goans to rule Goa. Who has been rulling Goa for the past 48 years? 
Aren't all our politicians, MPs, MLAs and the lot all pure local goans? 
 Do you really believe Sonia Gandhi and the centre are that concerned 
and have nothing else to do but spend time trying to manipulated the 
everyday governance or rather the lack of it, in Goa? I don't think so.

The destruction of Goa, the disastrous policies , bad administration and 
corruption are all done by goans.  We goans are the only ones to be 
blamed for the state of affairs in Goa. We are the ones who sell the 
land to developers, we are the ones who don't cultivate our agricultural 
lands, we are the ones who are so greedy that are trying to build 
horrific concrete jungles in every little corner of agricultural land 
and rice field, we are the ones who sell more and more land to the 
miners so that they can continue to expand and ruin our land, 
environment, water resources , pollute the rivers and so on, and finally 
we the goans are the ones who vote for the same gang of politicians, 
incompetent and corrupt as they are, over and over and over again.

 In fact the only time there was some semblance of discipline and good 
governance was around 1999 I think for a few months when Goa was under 
President's rule (control of Central Govt.).  That was the only time 
when Goa had a General in charge, and that General Raphael Jacob 
actually saved what ever is left of nature in Goa in the Western Ghats 
and national parks and so on, and there was no corruption as no one 
dared to even dream of corruption under the General's rule.  If it 
wasn't for him, we would just have a desert instead of forests and rich 
biodiversity in the National Parks. There would not be any national 
parks, to start with. The miners are still furious with him to this day!

I agree that our electorate needs to be educated much before elections 
and it should not be difficult, as Goa is so small and only has about 
350 villages out of which many are no longer populated. If dedicated 
goans really wanted to do something about it yes, that is one crucial 
thing to do but we need to be very clear about what do we mean by 
"educating the electorate". The second one is to have some decent and 
educated and dedicated people to stand for elections, people with some 
principles, ideology and clear policies and people who are articulate 
and with some knowledge. Otherwise, what is the point of educating the 
Also it is not very difficult to start some anti-corruption campaign in 
Goa. We can start in a small way and grow into a movement. All we need 
to start with is to have some Tshirts printed with anti-corruption 
slogans and than get people to wear those T shirts on a certain day and 
start the ball rolling. That will show the popular feeling about the 
corruption in Goa.

I personally think that what we need in Goa is President's rule again to 
clean up the mess and corruption, and bring some discipline, law and 
order to Goa, so that we have the time to educate the masses and search 
and prepare some decent politicians to fight future elections and have a 
moratorium on all constructions and new mining activity until some 
proper studies are done on the environmental and other impacts of those 
activities and give some incentives to people to start taking an 
interest in agriculture again.

And also, I hear many "let's act now" from many goans, but what does 
that mean in concrete terms - act how?  act where? what is the concrete 
action plan to save Goa?

With best wishes
Carmen Miranda

On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 12:33 PM, Joseph Rebello wrote:

Dear Sirs /Madam,
With reference to the Emails as below, I would like to summarise what We 
Goans really need to do in order not to be extinct like the Mauritian 
Dodo, God forbid.!.
First, we should Re-Educate the Goans both in Goa and the Goans in the 
wider World into BELIEVING that we, really were Annexed and not the 
notion of to the Freedom Fighters that we were LIBERATED from the 
erstwhile Portuguese only to fall prey to the Rampant Greed of  Rape of 
Virgin Land and Woman folk alike, Plunder of hillsides and Beast alike 
by our so called  MLA's, but to put in mildly, none other than Money 
Laundering Agents at that.

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Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-08-31 Thread Joseph Rebello

Dear Sirs /Madam,
With reference to the Emails as below, I would like to summarise what We 
Goans really need to do in order not to be extinct like the Mauritian 
Dodo, God forbid.!.
First, we should Re-Educate the Goans both in Goa and the Goans in the 
wider World into BELIEVING that we, really were Annexed and not the 
notion of to the Freedom Fighters that we were LIBERATED from the 
erstwhile Portuguese only to fall prey to the Rampant Greed of  Rape of 
Virgin Land and Woman folk alike, Plunder of hillsides and Beast alike 
by our so called  MLA's, but to put in mildly, none other than Money 
Laundering Agents at that.
Every other Goa State Govt , elected after 1961 has  been acting and 
governing as though there was no tomorrow, so why you may ask to hive of 
For a reality CHECK, is not in the  Interests of a Govt, to BE for The 
People, By the People and With the Wishes of the People ? So why is it 
then, we have in our Goa,  types of Govt MLA's who think it is expedient 
to BUY the People, Far of OFF the People and at Best, to Without the 
Consent of the Vast majority of Goans of the Soil People ?
Over the 48 yeras or so, every Goa State Assembly Govt (MLA's) that has 
come into being, has been Running to Mummy like spoiled Brat-es whenever 
something relating to Goa needs  to be SORTED/Tackled Is this not a sign 
that we cannot take Control of Our Own destiny and we have to seek 
mother's Aid or Comfort to sort out party or other squabbles?
Are we Really up to the JOB of Governing Ourselves when we have to start 
RUNNING to Mummy every time we have a cold or a sneeze or oil slick ?
It is not too late to reverse this Trend, To Rule Or not To be Ruled by 
Goans, but we have to START today and not Tomorrow, because we have 
already  wasted too much of our Yesterday's.away for  the land sharks 
and others of that ilk.
Let US therefore, put our Hands on Amchem Goenkarponnachem Caliz and 
Re-Educate the so called emancipated Masses, who though enlightened 
after 48 years, still need to be Evangelised more by OUR LOVE for Goa 
into Believing in OURelves not merely, to place OUR Lives solely in the 
hands of the MLA's, who are but the instruments of the Money Laundering 
Agents, but themselves, this then, is the Downturn of Freedom ?
But, we must Strive to Re-educate the educated not to fall  " prey "  to 
false gods who will go around dishing out dirty (black money) Rs 5000/- 
apiece to get elected and this is where the Educated should Act,  not 
like the UN-Educated or gullible of past times of men/women, but be more 
of an uprightness kinda of people? All is not lost yet, what Goa needs 
is truly God fearing , upright and decent of a people to lead Amchem 
Goem to Greener Pastures(not so with all that mining) and  this then, 
it's the only way we can Redeem ourselves in the HOPE of being born 
Again in our Goenkarponn Hearts in order to Guide our Own DESTINY, not 
just being Annexed and resting on out past Laurels for all to See us as 
 just as another Tourist destination on th eWorld map for Sun, Sand, 
Sea and for many now, the flesh trade of SEX, drugs and immorality. 
HowSAD really, OUR forefather/mothers would now turn in their Graves  to 
see GOA going, Not to the Dogs, YES, so many stray dogs now 
out-numbering Humans,  but it's own Graveyard of Despair ! Be REAL and 
LETS ACT  Now to Save, not only our FAINT Goan Souls but the Biggest 
Prize  of all, AMCHEM GOA, VIVA GOA, VIVA!!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-08-31 Thread Oscar Lobo

Dear Floriano and Gasper

I waited to see various responses to answer your one solitary question.

My answer is that Sonia Gandhi is Congress women and the one who is 
talking to people will be contesting the elections pretty soon.
In case Goa-Suraj or independent party is mushrooms than great. If not, 
our visit to Sonia may bear fruits.

What is lost if we make a contact with Sonia – she has best of both 
worlds in her brains and the magic moments she shared with
her husband late Rajiv and his soft corner for Goa and Remo and take a 
leverage of this and place before us the important issues

that she can influence on her part.

Floriano I did not mean to undermine your Goa-Suraj party instead I 
professed that people have a golden opportunity to give your
party a chance. I do this with e-mails to my close friends and families 
in Goa propagating about your party.

Feed back from Agnelo Pinheiro of date refers, as well as Joseph 
Rebello’s food for thought – Once upon a Time is attached. Please have a 

Matanhy Saldanha whose views I also appreciate felt that there was a 
merit to see Sonia Gandhi.

I have deleted most of those e-mails addresses that came along with 
Matanhy Saldanha’s e-mail of 28 August and left a few whom I know.

I appreciate your point that some of our Goans like to go light; however 
I thought all of us are passionate about Goa of our Dreams to retain 
with us.

Thank you for  your feed back.



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Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-08-31 Thread pinheiro


We can have it 2 ways.

One – As Oscar suggested send the petition demanding Special Status 
(online will be more convenient) to Mrs Sonia Gandhi since she is The 
Chairman of UPA and President of Congress. And wait for the result 
within a set deadline of 2-3 months.  The Demand  must include the 
introduction and passage of the Bill in Parliament to grant Special 
Status to Goa within next 6 months. Besides, Mr Saldanha, we have our 
very own NRI Commissioner Mr Eduardo Faleiro who enjoys good rapport 
with Congress High Command and NRG's. Mr Eduardo Faleiro could take this 
forward with his congress men/women.  He is indeed copy holder of this 
message.  Most of the listed items by Mr Saldanha are local issues which 
our elected MLA has to work on and does not require Union Government 

Two – Give support to Goa-Su-Raj Party or any like minded people who are 
ready to fight election in 2012 to save Goa for Goans.  We have seen the 
all parties ruling Goa but no one worked for Goa but for its individual 
interest.  Many so-called Congress man/women have put self interest 
ahead of the party and Goa. If Goans had been so generous with all the 
LOOT-MAR parties for 49 years Goa-Su-Raj Party deserves at least one 
opportunity to prove its mantle.

Lastly, charity begins at home! Shun the politician’s politics (not 
individuals) by boycotting them publicly.   As individual, they are all 
nice in private but their public life and service to Goan cause is pathetic.

Warm regards,

Agnelo Pinheiro

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Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-08-31 Thread cynthia . fernandes

Hi, I second this Q. Why, Who, Sonia.

Here we go again, emails flowing from North/South/East/West. While our 
MotherLand Goa remains unchanged.

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Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-08-31 Thread Goa World
It's the job and look-out of Goa state Congress president [Subhash 
Shirodkar] and the MPs who are sitting in the LS and RS in Delhi to 
sincerely update the Congress President/High Command, etc. on what's 
going on in the State of Goa!

The GSCP should be bombarded with all such requests, and as we have 
often done, via email/post/fax.

Cheers and thanks for highlighting Goasuraj Party.  Let's see how you 
can support the party and its cherished ideals!

Almeida Gaspar

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Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-08-31 Thread Gasper Almeida

Good question, indeed, Mr. Floriano.

Regards/Gaspar Almeida

From: floriano

Dear Oscar,

Let me ask you just one solitary question.

That is w.r.t. GOA OF OUR DREAMS

http://www.goasu-raj.org/gen/articles/70.asp  must happen if Goa is to 
be ruled by GOANs

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Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-08-31 Thread floriano

Dear Oscar,

Let me ask you just one solitary question.

That is w.r.t. GOA OF OUR DREAMS

http://www.goasu-raj.org/gen/articles/70.asp  must happen if Goa is to 
be ruled by GOANs

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

[Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans.

2010-08-31 Thread Oscar Lobo

Dear Gasper, Cajetan, Floriano & Matanhy

Thank you for your respective thoughts. Gasper I am glad that Cajetan 
made your day.

I share your “I believe’ mantra as well as educating the public.  What 
time span do you reckon this “mantra” can be achieved vis-à-vis the 
corruption prevalent particularly after 19 December 1961?
Is Goa only full of Catholic, Muslim and Hindu Goan brothers and sisters 
to generalise “Maka kiteak podlam”. What about the new Goans after the 
invasion/liberation/separation whatever other

nomenclature that is used.

It has been exactly 48 years and 8 months for the education process. 
Are votes being able to be purchased either directly or indirectly for 
whatever social status?

In the modern day politics how many educated people can see through and 
through the party lines and choose to stand as independent candidates or 
join a new party such as “Goa Suraj” who has some
good philosophies and backbone. People belonging to the old party lines 
have allegiance to the party on a “blind fold basis” even though they 
know that their party is wrong on certain issue

and this has been the case for centuries throughout the world.

History of India reveals that India did not attempt to change the “I 
believe” mantra, so why this belief would be extended to Goa being part 
of India?

What we need to eradicate is not only “ Maka kiteack podlam” but perhaps 
“Maka poishe zaem” – corruption – can we do something about corruption 
as I believe both these issues are interconnected.

For the sake of new addressed added to this mini list, in addition to 
the exchange of e-mail below, I am attaching a copy of an e-mail 
received today from our Floriano Lobo (addressed to you and
a copy endorsed to me) and an e-mail from Mr. Matanhy Saldanha dated 28 
August 2010 for the benefit of all.

I reiterate my statement in my appended e-mail of 28 August 2010 “Goans 
should run Goa, like East Timores, Falkland Island et al”  If this 
happens (albeit Gasper says “as if Sonia Gandhi is not aware of
what is going on”) – does Sonia Gandhi know how Goans feel and are 
capable of managing Goa and has any Goan delegation met with her in 
person? Her late husband late Rajiv Gandhi as I said before
had a soft corner for Goa unlike his grand father Pandit Jawaharlal 
Nehru is on record saying “Goa kha lokh ajeem hai” and somewhere he 
mentioned that Goans were known to be Cooks.  The Keralites when
they have to refer a Goan in their Malaylam language they refer Goans as 
ABC (Ayah, Butler and Cood) and this is a fact told to me by a Keralite 
when I worked in Q8 some two decades ago.

I believe our Goans have excelled in Middle East, Goa and elsewhere.

Goans in Middle East are the most vital people outside of Goa to 
contribute (and have always been contributing) and as Mr. Matanhy 
Saldanha says: “But unless the NR Goans get seriously committed,
we cannot really move ahead on that front”. Here is a clear call from a 
great Goan who has done lots for the Goan common man i.e. Raponkars etc.

We need to show the Delhi authorities that Goans are not those that are 
projected in bolly-wood films. Great letters have gone from our 
energetic and talented Arwin Mesquita, Matanhy Saldanha and other 
prominent Goans

in Goa and other parts of the world.

I believe a personal presentation to Sonia Gandhi would add benefit to 
the “I believe” Mantra which could be extended to Delhi as well.

We have spent lot of time celebrating our culture (which is good), 
however, we need to step aside and get out of our comfort zone include 
our respected Freedom Fighters who role in “I believe” mantra is

more important than many of us.

It would be great to receive views from all.  I am happy to learn and be 
corrected and I will respect all views without a scorn.

The Power of a Paradigm change is vital in our generation.


Oscar C. Lobo

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Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264