Re: [JAVA2D] Bizarre exception (Win32ShellFolder2)

2007-10-04 Thread Chet Haase

Hi Olivier,

Thanks for the problem report - this looks like an issue
with how we process COM commands (apparently incorrectly when
we're in the middle of shutting down).  We changed our COM code,
to fix other unrelated problems, in this update release.

Anyway, the issue has been identified and filed as bug #6612928
(may not be visible on the site immediately, but
in case you want to track it in the future that bug ID should help).


Olivier Lefevre wrote:

Hi Dmitri,

The Java version is:

  java version 1.6.0_02
  Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_02-b06)
  Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.6.0_02-b06, mixed mode, sharing)

running on Windows XP Pro SP2 with all the latest patches.


-- O.L.

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Re: [JAVA2D] translate method

2007-05-22 Thread Chet Haase

Re-send: the list bounced it a few days ago...


Chet Haase wrote:


translate() adds the given translation to the one that exists
in the Graphics object already. So the new x,y are relative to
the current translated origin, not the top left corner.

This doesn't affect objects you have already drawn, since it only
impacts things that you will draw after you set this new state.



Hi All,

When I use the Graphics2D.translate(int x, int y) several times in one
program, does the new x and y are relative to the old origin or to the
top left corner?

and what happens if I already have several shapes? does Java2D re
locate them according to the new origin?

Thank u in advance
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Re: [JAVA2D] Questions about image type and jpegs

2007-05-22 Thread Chet Haase

Re-send: the list server bounced it a few days ago...


Chet Haase wrote:

Hi Rick,

A good general approach is to copy any image into the image type
you'd actually like to use.  For example, if you are going to
be using an image as a source for copies to the Swing window or
to other images, create a compatible image:

gc.createCompatibleImage(w, h)
where (w,h) come from the dimensions of your loaded image and
gc is a suitable GraphicsConfiguration.

Once you have an image in the type you desire, just get the
Graphics for it and copy the original image into it:

Graphics g = newImage.getGraphics();
g.drawImage(originalImage, 0, 0, null);

Then just use newImage instead of your original image...


Rick Root wrote:

I'm trying to do some image manipulation of some jpegs using java code
running on jre 1.4.2_11

When I call the getType() method on the BufferedImage objects after
loading the jpeg images.. they will sometimes return a value of 0

I have a hard time manipulating these images.

I did a little testing with an image using Photoshop 7 and a picture
from my digital camera.  I saved 3 copies of it... all the standard
settings for a jpeg... but with different Format settings.. Baseline
Standard, Baseline Optimized, and Progressive.

The first two end up with an image type of 0, while the progress jpeg
seems to be the only one I can work with.  It returns an image type of

So, my question is... since I can't manipulate images with custom
image types.. how do I deal with this using standard java2d apis
included with Java 1.4.2?



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Re: [JAVA2D] Value to use for RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING in a library

2007-04-19 Thread Chet Haase

... which reminds me, I wrote a short blog on this, Font Hints
for Custom Components, to show how to use Desktop Properties for
this.  In case it helps:


Phil Race wrote:

AA text used to be very slow once upon a time but I think I sped it up
mostly in 1.5 not 6
There could be other reasons why its 'faster' now. ie  better detection
that rendering
involves readback from the surface (not specifically  for text) which
can be slow
on AGP buses ..
As for the best default to use, there is a public mechanism built into
JDK6 to
let you get the hints that correspond to the system default. Swing
already uses this


which directs you to the following detailed  explanation




I'm looking at how we support AA for text in the Flying Saucer
library. Before Java 6 (we support back to 1.4 for the library), we
found AA to be pretty slow, hence we had it turned off by default. I
just turned it back on and found performance, at least with JDK 6, to
be great--now my question is which of the many possible values for
RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING we should use by default when our
users ask for AA text to be enabled. We set the value before
performing text operations (drawString()). I'll probably give them the
option via our configuration file, but am wondering what we should use
as a default recommended value--in our case, we don't know what
systems the library will be used on. Any reasonable approaches you can

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Re: [JAVA2D] Java 2D Enhancements in JDK 6 and JDK 7

2007-04-11 Thread Chet Haase

  However, when I read JDK 6's document, I can't find any information with New Java 
2D features in JDK 6.0. I can't believe there are no Java 2D enhancements in JDK 
6.0 :)

When, where, and how our work gets documented can vary from
release to release. We actually wrote more about what we were
doing in SE 6 as we did it than we did in probably any other release.
But I guess a lot of that information didn't make it into the
specific document you mention.

The article Desktop Java Features in Java SE 6 has fairly
current info, even though it was written some time ago:
One caveat is that, although we did substantial work on
our hardware acceleration platform for Windows, we did not
get far enough to enable it by default. We hope that this
will change with our work in SE 7 (Dmitri's hard at work
on the D3D stuff right now).

  Because I know there are some:
  o Java 2D interoperation with OpenGL through GLJPanel
  o The OpenGL rendering pipeline with more hardware-accelerated operations

Indeed, these features are great.  I would add Single Threaded
Rendering, which helped for both performance and robustness
for GL, and will do the same for the future D3D pipeline.
The GL pipeline is doing
some very cool things. We don't talk about it too widely
in general because it's not enabled by default (typical
driver/hw issues), but for the folks that can use our
GL pipeline, it's pretty awesome.  We hope to see this
functionality shared between the GL and D3D pipelines
in the work that Dmitri is doing on D3D currently.

  And, from Chris Campbell's blog, I know some will be in JDK 7:
  o Rewrite GDI/DirectX pipeline by Direct3D for the Vista sake
  o More robust OpenGL pipeline with more hardware-accelerated operations like 
pixel shaders and vertex shaders for the more advanced GPUs.

Both of these are important parts of the performance/acceleration
story in general.  These should be huge.

  Does Java 2D has some plans for the JDK 7?

Indeed we do - we just haven't really talked about them publicly
yet (note that we have not yet nailed down the feature set
for the platform overall for SE 7).  We'll be discussing some
of them at JavaOne next month. I'd also like to get some
blogs/articles going on the things we have in mind... just
haven't had time to do it yet.

  Java 2D members' blog like Chris Campbell''s is a great learning resource, 
but it seems that other Java 2D members like Jim Graham and Dmitri Trembovetski 
don't have blogs. I wish Jim and Dmitri will do some blogs in the future.

We've been saying the same thing internally...

  And I have a question to Jim: I remember that you have demonstrated some cool 
effects which can be achieved by Java 2D in JavaOne 2003. May you interpret how 
to make these effects?

I'll let Jim field this one.  Note that some cool 2D stuff
shows up in the SwingLabs project on For example,
Jim has a very cool utility for morphing between Shape
objects there.


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Re: [JAVA2D] Problems with VolatileImage

2006-08-28 Thread Chet Haase


Since you called me out by name, I feel compelled to respond...

I'm not sure which version of the JDK you're using, but the
original 1.4 VolatileImage was opaque-only.  The original use-case
for these images was as back buffers or other inherently
opaque images.

We introduced VolatileImage with transparency in a later release
(1.5?), although these images are not typically accelerated in the
same way as opaque VolatileImages (with the exception of the OpenGL
pipeline; VolatileImages get pretty good acceleration there in

I'm assuming you're using the latter release that actually allows
creation of transparent or translucent VolatileImages.  In this
case, the trick is to erase that VolatileImage with a transparent
background color first.  Or, you can copy your transparent-background
image onto the VolatileImage with Src; the SrcOver operation will
ignore the transparent background in your source image and leave the
pixel values in the destination image.  So if you didn't erase the
VolatileImage to transparent first, then you may get stuck with
some opaque pixels there instead.

For sample code on this, check out the Intermediate Images article
(go to the code snippet that renders the transparent-background
smiley correctly, about half-way through the article).
The article not using a VolatileImage, but the approach is similar
insofar as the need for a transparent background on the destination

Note, with respect to my diatribe above on performance, that there
may not be a compelling reason to use VolatileImage here (you could
just use a managed image, as shown in the Intermediate Images article).
Any reason you're trying to use VolatileImage here instead?



I'm having some problems with my VolatileImages:

First, I load PNG files with transparent regions into BufferedImages using 
ImageIO and then draw them into VolatileImages. When these VolatileImages are 
drawn to the screen, they have white where they're supposed to be transparent. 
I've tried specifying both BITMASK and TRANSLUCENT transparencies when creating 
the VolatileImage and neither way worked. I also tried with the translaccel 
option set to true.

The other problem I have is that when I try to validate my images, they go 
completely white. The validation returns IMAGE_OK and contentsLost() returns 
false, so I'm rather confused about this.

It seems that Chet and Chris, a couple of Java2D experts, frequent this forum 
so I'm hoping that one of them finds this message and is able to help me out.

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Re: [JAVA2D] Problems with VolatileImage

2006-08-28 Thread Chet Haase

Glad that worked for you...

Yes, validation is important; if you never validate it,
it may never be in a usable state.

You basically want to do this when you first set it up:
- validate
- erase to transparent bg
- do whatever other graphics ops you want (like copying the
source image to it)
- check for contentsLost()



Ah-ha, Chet, you hit it right on the nail! I didn't realize you had to clear it 
to a transparent colour first. I knew I was right to ask you. :D

Anyway, I still have the issue of validate() making my image white for no 
apparent reason. Is validating the images all that important? As I understand 
it, the images are only lost when the display mode changes.
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Re: [JAVA2D] Problems with VolatileImage

2006-08-28 Thread Chet Haase

I was just talking about the first time.  You should validate
every time you use it (even to copy from it).  An image that
has not been lost should not be written to, so the transparent
bg that you rendered to it the first time will still be there,
and validation will not erase it to white.

Is this what you're finding?  validation should basically be a noop
if the image has not been lost, so I can't see where this
would cause an erasure to an opaque color.  On the other hand, when
an image is first created, or first restored, that first validation
will put it into some basic state, which may include erasing it (thus
the need to set your own transparent bg color after the initial



So, I don't validate it every time I copy from it?
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Re: [JAVA2D] VolatileImage of a type like those from BufferedImage

2006-08-07 Thread Chet Haase

Currently, there is no way to do this.  You may get a different
image type internally based on whether the VolatileImage
is transparent or translucent (we added a method to create
such an image in Mustang), but otherwise there is no way to
tell us what image representation you want.

One of the reasons for this is that some mechanisms for
creating and storing VolatileImages internally require that
the image be stored in the same resolution as the GraphicsConfiguration
for which the VolatileImage is being created.  Another way to
think of this is that a video card has a certain color
configuration (like 32-bit, RGB) and offscreen images in
that same video memory may be required to be in that same
format.  For example, on Windows our default acceleration
mechanism is DirectDraw, which has the requirement that all
offscreen accelerated surfaces be in the onscreen format.
There is no way to have an offscreen image of a different
color depth or configuration.  Other platforms and rendering
pipelines may vary (for example, Direct3D and OpenGL are able
to create textures of various types regardless of onscreen
color configuration).

Hope that helps...



I am curious if there is possible to create a VolatileImage with a specific 
type ? And when I say type I reffer to those types from the BufferedImage 

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Re: [JAVA2D] VolatileImage of a type like those from BufferedImage

2006-08-07 Thread Chet Haase

Managed Images are typically only accelerated for operations
that copy-from the image to an accelerated destination.  This is
because we must retain the original bits of a managed image in
memory that cannot be lost, as VRAM images on Windows may be.

For scenarios where an image is rendered to once, or infrequently,
managed images are probably a better approach because then you
don't have to worry about handling the acceleration/loss issues.

For scenarios where you are rendering to the image frequently
(as Swing does for its back buffer), a VolatileImage can be more
useful because:
   - we accelerate some operations to that image
   - the image will actually be accelerated (which may not be
   the case for a managed image rendered to frequently)

So for your example below, you're effectively eliminating the
possibility of using an accelerated back buffer.  Whether this
affects the overall performance of your application depends on
what your app is trying to do and the type and frequency of
rendering operations that you are performing.



Googling for this I have found this:
but that is in another Swing implementation.

As of JDK 1.5, all the buffered images created using the constructors of the 
BufferedImage class are managed images. Given that, using VolatileImage as a 
back buffer in RepaintManager does still offer a significant performance 
improvment ?

I am asking this because I've done a nice thing with RepaintManager:
package myjavaextension.swing;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;

import javax.swing.RepaintManager;

public class BlackAndWhiteRepaintManager extends RepaintManager {

   private BufferedImage offscreenBuffer;

   public BlackAndWhiteRepaintManager() {

   private void init() {
  Dimension maximumSize = super.getDoubleBufferMaximumSize();
  offscreenBuffer = new BufferedImage(
 maximumSize.width, maximumSize.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY );

   public Image getOffscreenBuffer( Component c, int proposedWidth, int 
proposedHeight ) {
  return offscreenBuffer.getSubimage( 0, 0, proposedWidth, proposedHeight );

   public Image getVolatileOffscreenBuffer( Component c, int proposedWidth, int 
proposedHeight ) {
  return null;
Installing this repaint manager will render a gray UI.

But I am affraid that the performance of using VolatileImage as a back buffer 
is lost.
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Re: [JAVA2D] Making a JTextArea appear in a BufferedImage O.o

2006-04-20 Thread Chet Haase

You need to override paintComponent(), not paint().  If you override
paint(), you need to draw the children of the current component
yourself (paint draws borders, children, etc.).  But if you override
paintComponent(), then your responsible only for the component's
contents, and Swing will handle the children.


[ Fenrir Northern Wolf ] wrote:

Hey ppl. I'm getting problems to show a JTextArea in an applet that I'm
working on, and I hope someone can help me.

Well, my application is like windows Paint. You can draw some shapes
in it, and can move, reshape it, cause I save every shape reference. And
to draw it I overrided the repaint() method and there I do all the
drawing needed to all the shapes appear in a Graphics2D area, but I'm
having problem to make JTextAreas appear. I don't know if I'm making
myself clear, my engilish doesn't help too much, but I want to know what
I have to do to draw the JTextAreas. They don't appear, even if I
position them in a absolute pos with setLocation method inherited from
Componet class. Someone can help me?

Ah.. it's a JPanel that I'm drawing into. If it's not to clear what I
said, plz reply explaining what you didn't understand, I will try to
explain better then. Well, thx anyway o/

What said Odin to the Gods and to the Champions who surrounded him? We
will give our lives and let our world be destroyed, but we will battle
so that these evil powers will not live after us. Out of Hel's ship
sprang Fenrir the Wolf. His mouth gaped; his lower jaw hung against the
earth, and his upper jaw scraped the sky. Against the Wolf Odin
All-Father fought...

...By Fenrir the Wolf Odin was slain.
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[JAVA2D] JavaOne 2006

2006-04-14 Thread Chet Haase

I just realized that the
Early Bird discount for JavaOne ends today.  It
seemed like I should at least send out a reminder to
the alias for folks that were interested in
possibly attending, but just hadn't gotten around
to registering.

Great desktop track sessions this year, both from
inside and outside Sun.  For 2D fanatics, we'll have
a couple of sessions on Swing+2D effects plus a 2D
performance session from Maplesoft.  For general
Desktop developers, there's lots of great sessions to go

Anyway, check out the conference site at
and be sure to register today (April 14th) to get the nifty


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Re: [JAVA2D] getting pixel color information from a rectangle inside a Panel

2006-03-27 Thread Chet Haase

Seems like you want some buffer that holds the contents
of the graph without your red node on it.  Then prior to
drawing the new location of the red node, you can simply
copy in the contents from the buffer in the area affected by
the last rendering of the red node.  This will effectively
erase the red node from its previous location.  (It may also
be faster than drawing a new oval in that location, as a
side benefit)


Thanasis (Hotmail) wrote:

Hi to everyone,

i have built a graphics application using only AWT.
Inside a Panel i illustrate a graph which has a number of nodes and arcs
(i have drawn THE GRAPH  using g.fillOval and g.drawLine methods).
What i want to achieve is to move a red node (circle) from one point P1
inside the
Panel to another Point P2.
I have done it as follows:
while (P1!=P2){
  draw the node in red color(fillOval)
  draw the node in white color(fillOval)
  move P1
The problem is that as the node is moving it ERASES any previous pixels
lying below it.
Is there any way to get the color of these pixels that lie below the
moving node
and DRAW IT ONLY if those pixels are white?

Thanks in advance

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[JAVA2D] pleaseignore and delete this: testing cross-posting functionality

2006-02-03 Thread Chet Haase

We're trying to link up the java2d-interest list with the
Java2D forum
to make sure people can cross-post.  Just checking to see
whether everything's connected up correctly.

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Re: [JAVA2D] FullScreen, BufferStrategy, Vertical Blanking

2006-01-30 Thread Chet Haase

Note that you may be able to get away with vsync'ing without
JAWT; vsync is done on a per-device basis and does not need a
handle to the window.  The main reason you'd need to know the
window would be to determine the correct device (display) to
use.  If you can determine that some other way, then you
can skip JAWT altogether and just call the appropriate
vsync operation on the correct device.

(I just tried this experiment on an unrelated project and
it seemed to work - I init a separate ddraw object at startup
time and then call into JNI to call ddraw's WaitForVerticalBlank
function in my paint method.  Works like a charm).


Dmitri Trembovetski wrote:

  Hi Michele,

  I didn't work much with JAWT, so I'm not sure what's going wrong
  with it, unfortunately.

  But some of the things you'll need to make sure:
   - the awt and 2d is initialized
   - you'll need a realized canvas in order to work with jawt

  So your library should accept a realized (that is, added to a
  realized/visible hierarchy) Canvas so that you can
  get access to the ddraw surface.

  So, in your case you'd have something like
  public class VideoUtils {
  static {
  public static native void waitForVSync(Canvas c);

  You might want to make sure that the Canvas is realized/visible in
  this method before going to native.

  Then on the native level:
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_VideoUtils_waitForVSync
(JNIEnv* env, jclass utils, jobject canvas)
JAWT awt;
awt.version = JAWT_VERSION_1_4;
if (JAWT_GetAWT(env, awt) == JNI_FALSE) {
printf(AWT Not found\n);
JAWT_DrawingSurface* ds = awt.GetDrawingSurface(env, canvas);
// wait for the vertical retrace

  I don't see why this won't work.

  You might want to check out, I believe someone
  there was doing something similar.

  Also, the good news is that we're considering adding vsync
  functionality for mustang:
6378181: 2D needs a way to synchronize onscreen rendering with vertical 
  We'll provide the necessary API in the BufferStrategy class.

  Your library will still be useful for pre-6.0 jdks, though.


On Fri, Jan 27, 2006 at 10:09:29AM +0100, Michele Puccini wrote:
  Thanks Dmitri,
  taking a look of some other jawt-dependent implementations (JOGL,LWJGL) I've
  discovered that JAWT must be pre-loaded before any other JAWT-dependent DLL
  (at least on Win32).
  Infact the pre-loding solved all the unsatisfied link error: jawt.ll not
  found... problems I had in all my jawt-dependent dlls.
  About JAWT initialization I think I'm doing quite well with a little useful
  class I've found somewhere. Find it attached. Usage is strightforward:
  * Class: it_classx_video_VideoUtils
  * Method: createDDraw
  * Signature: (Ljava/awt/Component;)I
  JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_it_classx_video_VideoUtils_createDDraw(JNIEnv *
  env , jobject obj, jobject canvas)
 __int64 ddraw = 0;
 JAWT_Info info(env, canvas);
 HWND hWnd = (HWND)info.getHWND();
 if (hWnd != NULL)
  But some problems still remain:
  - If the VideoUtils class extends Canvas
 - JAWT is not loaded. - CRASH
 - JAWT is loaded in the static{} initializer. - WORKS
 - JAWT is loaded in the class constructor. - WORKS
  - If the VideoUtils class does not extend Canvas
 - JAWT is not loaded. - CRASH
 - JAWT is loaded in the static{} initializer. - JAWT.DLL not loaded
 - JAWT is loaded in the class constructor. - WORKS
  Of course VideoUtils must not extend a Canvas as it's not a Canvas in my
  ClassX Development Italy  Via Francesca, 368/I I-56030 S.M. a Monte (PI) 
  Tel.(+39)-0587-705153  Fax.(+39)-0587-705153  WEB:  
  From: Dmitri Trembovetski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 10:17 PM
  Subject: Re: [JAVA2D] FullScreen, BufferStrategy, Vertical Blanking
   Hi Michele,
   sorry for late response.
  On Mon, Jan 23, 2006 at 01:04:47PM +0100, Michele Puccini wrote:
   I've managed to create a simple class (VideoUtils) that implements
   Blanking synchronization with multimonitor support through directdraw
   in a separate jni dll. Note: the jawt.dll is delayloaded from my jni
   Wow, nice.
   Anyway I have a strange runtime problem with JAWT:
   - if the class extends java.awt.Canvas then it can load and initialize
   and everything works.
   - if it doesn't, JAWT will not be loaded I get an error
   C:\Programmi\Java\jdk1.5.0_06\jre\bin\jawt.dll: Can't find dependent
   libraries at 

Re: [JAVA2D] FullScreen, BufferStrategy, Vertical Blanking

2006-01-30 Thread Chet Haase


My simple hack ignored multimon and assumed the code
wanted to vsync on the primary display (wouldn't life
be easier without multimon?); in your case, my simple
approach would not work.

However, if you want to avoid JAWT, I would think you could
get teh information you need somehow at the Java level and
pass it down to your native code to help determine the
correct device.  That is, given the bounds of the screen
(GraphicsDevice, GraphicsConfiguration), you should be able to
do various native calls to figure out which ddraw device
that mapped to.  On the other hand, it's probably easier to
do this through JAWT, so maybe you're better off with
your current approach...


Michele Puccini wrote:


as you guessed I need the handle to the window in order to determine the
device (monitor) I'm using. Different devices may have different refresh
rates. In my case I have the main monitor at 75Hz and the PAL second
at 50Hz.

Here I construct a ddraw object using the native window handle of the java
canvas (using jawt).

// init

DDrawPtr = DirectDrawCreateFromWindow(hWnd);
hMonitor = OneMonitorFromWindow(hWnd);
if (hMonitor != NULL)
MonitorInfo.cbSize = sizeof(MONITORINFO);

// then I call

videoutils.waitvbl() from the java side. I don't have any native paint

Working without JAWT can make life simpler. Can you post some code ?
Maybe you may want to take a look at my code. Just ask for it.


- Original Message -
From: Chet Haase [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 3:37 PM
Subject: Re: [JAVA2D] FullScreen, BufferStrategy, Vertical Blanking

Note that you may be able to get away with vsync'ing without
JAWT; vsync is done on a per-device basis and does not need a
handle to the window.  The main reason you'd need to know the
window would be to determine the correct device (display) to
use.  If you can determine that some other way, then you
can skip JAWT altogether and just call the appropriate
vsync operation on the correct device.

(I just tried this experiment on an unrelated project and
it seemed to work - I init a separate ddraw object at startup
time and then call into JNI to call ddraw's WaitForVerticalBlank
function in my paint method.  Works like a charm).


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Re: [JAVA2D] OT - Swing mailing list?

2006-01-12 Thread Chet Haase

I'm not sure of the best alias or forum (but I'm pretty sure that they listen
in on at least [EMAIL PROTECTED] and that some of the forums
end up in their email).

But if you're having a machine-specific issue, it could also be
a 2D issue, related to graphics drivers.

Can you send us the info on the problem and machine specifics?


Rosenstrauch, David wrote:

Apologies for the off topic post, but I figured someone here might be able to 
point me in the right direction.

Anyone know if there's a swing-specific mailing list?  Preferably one hosted by 
Sun and/or frequented by members of the Swing team.  Or are the forums over at generally the favored place for such questions and discussions.

We're having a really bizarre issue occurring in our app on one particular 
desktop machine, at one particular client site, and I have a feeling I'm going 
to need some expert Swing help to address this.



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Re: [JAVA2D] Layers like Photoshop.

2005-12-16 Thread Chet Haase


There's a lot of questions (implicit or explicit) here
and it'd be tough to answer all of them.  I'd suggest
that you pick up a book on Java2D to begin with; that
should help put you on the path for much of this.
In fact, Vincent Hardy's book (hopefully still in print,
but I don't know) actually implements a layers approach
(his GLF framework) that you could use to do some
of what you're talking about.

A couple of other things to keep in mind:

- you generally want to override paintComponent() for
Swing components as your rendering mechanism

- Java2D is an immediate mode API; we don't remember
drawing objects that you've already rendered, we just draw
what you tell us to and then forget about it.  However, this
does not stop you from implementing your own retained mode
approach on top of Java2D.  There are a couple of ways I can
think of off the top of my head that you could do this:
   - create objects that remember how to paint themselves.
   When you need to re-render them, just tell the object
   to paint itself and it will call the 2D commands
   to do the right thing.
   - intermediate images: you can draw complex
   renderings into an image that you cache for later
   re-rendering.  This might be helpful in both remembering
   rendering operations and saving performance for
   complex rendering.

Good luck!


[ Fenrir Northern Wolf ] wrote:

Hi there to everyone. I'm starting to learn and work with java about one
month ago and I have some questions that I wonder if someone could help
me, making a sugestions or guide me a lil'.

Someone already implemented some kind of layer thing like Photoshop? I
need something like layers that you can create news, or delete the ones
that you have and what you draw in each layer work independently from
the other layers. I'm doing an application to web that works now like a
simple paintbrush, I did it using BufferedImage and a JPanel to draw in.
I would thank a lot if someone could help me with this, I'm pretty much
lost and don't imagine how to do this layer thing (well, I imagine that
using JLayeredPane maybe O_o).

Other thing, the most important. I did this lil paintbrush like
application, but my problem is that I can not set for each shape that I
draw a style like a different stroke or color, because I use to draw
every shape a single Graphics2D, and I dont know how to recover the
shapes that I already draw if I would like to move them to another place
for example.

I'm a newbie and apologize to disturb everyone with my questions, but I
would that a lot if someone could help me.
(sorry, I don't write very well in english, but I understand everything
that you write.)

here I'm placing the part of my code that I draw the shapes :

 public void update(Graphics g){

Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
Dimension dim = getSize();
int w = dim.width;
 int h = dim.height;

bi = (BufferedImage)createImage(w, h);
big = bi.createGraphics();
big.setStroke (new
big.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING ,
area = new Rectangle(dim);
firstTime = false;

// Clear the JPanel.
big.clearRect(0, 0, area.width, area.height);


for (int i=0; i  vetorDeFiguras.size(); i++){
   /** vetorDeFiguras is a Vector that contains all the Shapes
that I draw in the JPanel and
   Figura is a class that have all the java.awt.geom Shapes and
by a flag that is sended to
  it manipulate the cordnates sended and draw the shape
according to its type */
big.draw (((Figura) vetorDeFiguras.get(i)).getShape());

   // desenha BufferedImage na tela
g2. drawImage(bi, 0, 0, this);


What said Odin to the Gods and to the Champions who surrounded him? We
will give our lives and let our world be destroyed, but we will battle
so that these evil powers will not live after us. Out of Hel's ship
sprang Fenrir the Wolf. His mouth gaped; his lower jaw hung against the
earth, and his upper jaw scraped the sky. Against the Wolf Odin
All-Father fought...

...By Fenrir the Wolf Odin was slain.
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Re: [JAVA2D] Problem with non-stopping calls to update()

2005-08-25 Thread Chet Haase


I'm not sure of where the mad update is coming from, but you
don't want to call update() from paint; that's actually backwards
from what the system expects.

From the Component javadocs:
   The update method of Component calls this component's paint
   method to redraw this component.
   Subclasses of Component that override this method should
   either call super.update(g), or call paint(g) directly
   from their update method.

Update calls paint() internally, which means that it calls
your paint, which calls update, which ...

Of course, you've overridden update(), so this changes the
behavior, but it's a bit confusing at the least.  But there could
be more wrong here: it could be that by changing the nature of
update/paint interaction, you're getting in the way of the
regular system of issuing and consuming repaint() events, which
could cause the paint calls to keep being issued.

The solution here is to simply override paint() and do your
painting there.  Or if you're using Swing, override paintComponent()
instead.  Don't override update, or at least not in the manner you
are doing currently.

To improve performance in general:
   - use a timer to schedule regular repaints so you don't get
   swamped with constant repaint events (similar to what you're
   doing, but I don't follow the complexity of using key actions
   for this.  Why not simply issue a repaint call?)
   - only draw the area that's changed.  So if only one rectangle
   of the playing area has changed, draw that updated region
   into the back buffer, and copy that region of the back buffer
   into the window.


Olof Bjarnason wrote:

Hi there!

I am new to the list, I hope I found the right list to ask this
question, otherwise i appologize and ask for directions of which list
is more appropriate.

I am developing an Applet based 2d game ( a minimalistic SimCity clone
). In an attempt to decrease flickering I skip the
erase-to-background-color default behaviour of paint() by overriding
it and putting my drawing code there instead. paint(Graphics g) simply
calls update(g), as per recommendation in Java API docs:

  public void update(Graphics g) {
  // Background: map field
  g.drawImage(backbuffer, 0, 0, this);

  // Foreground: headsup display

  public void paint(Graphics g) {

The headsup-display draws some lines ontop of the background map
image, for example the cursor.

Now the problem is that even though the window (Firefox or
AppletViewer) is left unresized and nothing obscures it, the
update-method gets called repeatedly without-end, giving
less-than-optimal performance, and a lot of flickering.

Even more strangely, when starting the Applet, it works fine (update()
gets called once a second..) for a some 5-10 seconds, then the mad
update()-calling begins. I'm under WinXP, JRE1.4.2. The continuous
update:ing really hogs the CPU (gets up to 90%) which is not good for
a game supposed to be run on a web page while the user listens to
music for example.

Technical details:

In order to drive the simulation, I have a background thread which
approximately once a second fires an ActionEvent on a phony Button
which is a member field of the Applet:

  private Button triggerStepButton;

  public void run() {
  while (running) {
  ActionEvent ae = new ActionEvent(this.triggerStepButton,
  ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED, );
  try {
  } catch (InterruptedException e) {

run() is a method of my Applet, aswell as triggerStepButton.
triggerStepButton has one listener: the Applet. In the init() method
of the Applet:

  triggerStepButton = new Button();

So, the Applet has the following signature:

   public class TerraformerApplet extends Applet implements Runnable,
ActionListener { ...

The actionPerformed method of the Applet looks like this:

  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

... where model contains the SimCity model and it's specific rules.
updateBackbuffer updates the parts of the background image (called
backbuffer) which have changed since last call. The actionPerformed
method is called once a second, even after the mad update:ing has

Why not call model.step() and updateBackbuffer() in run()? Well I want
to avoid the synchronization hassle needed to make only one thread

Re: [JAVA2D] OT: Getting started with JAI

2005-07-22 Thread Chet Haase

Hi John,

First thing I'd do would be to join the jai-interest email
group; they might have better answers to JAI-specific questions
like this.  (There is overlap between these user groups, but there are
many developers that use primarily 2D or primarily JAI...)


John Wells wrote:


As I mentioned in a past email, I'm pretty new to JAI and imaging in
general and am sort of hacking my way through currently.  If you were in
the same boat, what books or resources would you make sure to read first,
aside from the javadocs?  There doesn't seem to be any books completely
dedicated to JAI, but some mention it.  Are there any must reads, either
books or websites, that you can recommend?

Thanks, as always, for your help.


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Re: [JAVA2D] animating Swing components

2005-06-10 Thread Chet Haase

David and Ted:  You might also check out the Timing Framework project
on (; I wrote this as
an example of using timers (see the associated article as well), but
also as a utility layer on top of the existing Timer facilities.
I hope to add more functionality to it as I get time, but in
the meantime I find it a bit easier to use that the Swing timer
for the kinds of stuff I do.  (for example: it calls your
callback function with a float fraction that represents the
amount of the duration that's expired, and it lets you set
a total duration after which it automatically stops).

Rob: I'm talking about this very subject
(animating Swing components) in the Advanced 2D session
at JavaOne, so c'mon by if you're at the show.  Also, come by
the Ask the Experts forum on Monday evening (630-800) and
the 2D and Swing BOFs on Tuesday nights; other good places to
pick our brains on this and other subjects...


David Kavanagh wrote:

I agree that the swing timer seems like the better approach. I never
really looked at that before. I just had a look at the documentation and
source code and it seems like it ends up doing the same thing I was
which is submitting user code to run on the event thread at predefined
intervals. Whlie I'm not sure it will help my code run better, I'm sure
it will make my code look nicer because it handles things that I coded
explicitly. I'll give it a try when I get time to play with this again.

Thus Spoke Ted Hill:

Instead of using invokeAndWait from a background thread, I think using a
Swing Timer would be a better choice.


-Original Message-
From: Discussion list for Java 2D API
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[JAVA2D] New Ask the Sun Experts forum at JavaOne

2005-06-10 Thread Chet Haase

For anyone going to the JavaOne conference at the
end of this month, we're trying a new thing this year
that I have high hopes for:
   Ask the Sun Experts
It's on Monday evening, from 630-800 in an area
close to the Pavilion.

This is an open forum where most of the Sun engineering
teams (2D, Swing, VM, GC, etc.) have tables set up in the
same general area.  You can wander around, sit down at
any table, and chat to the folks on the teams.

Think of it as a one-on-one BOF, where it's just general
QA, driven by you.

Anyway, the conference site does not make this event
obvious, so I thought I'd plug it on this alias
for those interested.

Hope to see you there!


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Re: [JAVA2D] flag documentation

2005-06-08 Thread Chet Haase

Hi Ted,

Our documented flags (including the two you listed) are
described in more detail here:
(although I just noticed a typo in that doc; ddscale was
not introduced in 1.2; we didn't even have the capability
to do enable it until 1.4...)

The OpenGL flag in particular is described more in depth
in Chris' article here:

Also, the folks on the tend to use and discuss
the flags (and other performance tweaks) quite a bit.

Note: ddscale is probably one of the less quality-driven flags
on the market.  That is, it is very hard to predict the quality
of the results without some serious testing on your target
platform and app.  We implemented the functionality to use ddraw
for scaling operations and then discovered (to my continuing
frustration) that there is no way to tell the hardware what
filtering algorithm to use when scaling (nearest neighbor,
bilinear, etc.).  This means that on one video card you may get
scaling that looks jaggy, while on another you may get smoothed-out
scaling.  Even worse; if you are also running through our software
scaling algorithms for some operations in your app (for example,
suppose you are scaling inside a complex clip shape; that
probably won't be done through our ddraw pipeline), then you could
end up with scaling operations side-by-side that use different
filtering approaches; not a pretty result.
This is why ddscale is a flag that you have to enable, and not
something we turn on by default.
(Side note: Direct3D _does_ allow finer control of scaling
filters, so in Mustang with our new D3D support (also enabled by
a flag) you will actually get what you want during a hardware
scaling operation).

More information than you wanted, I guess...


Ted Hill wrote:


Where are flags like the following documented/discussed?


Thank you,

Ted Hill

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Re: [JAVA2D] JTable handling

2005-03-31 Thread Chet Haase
This is a 2D forum - you would be better off posting this to
a Swing forum or alias instead (check out the forums on for starters).
Leonid Pavlov wrote:
Hi all,
I have a jTable with columns date_from, date_to, description. I would
like to protect the editing(getting the focus) of date_to and
description when the date_from is null. Have you any idea how to provide
this? When possible with example please...
Leonid Pavlov
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[JAVA2D] Wanted: apps to be tuned....

2005-03-24 Thread Chet Haase
We're looking for entries for a couple of JavaOne talks
on tuning apps to look better and run faster.  Do you
have or know of an app that we can use for this
case study?
Check out this blog for more detail on this.  There's
an email address for submissions on the blog site.
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Re: [JAVA2D] drawString() on Graphics2D question

2005-03-22 Thread Chet Haase
Another alternative (preferable to creating a Shape, I think) is
to render the string into an Image, and then rotate the image.
Or better yet: render the rorate string into the image, and then
just copy the image (no transform involved).
This approach is not worth the hassle if you are constantly
changing the string orientation, or if you are only rendering it
once.  Butif you are constantly rendering the same string
at the same orientation, then it might be worth the hassle/
memory-footprint tradeoff to get a performance boost from
doing a simple image copy instead of a transformed text
Worth mentioning as an option, anyway.
Alexey Ushakov wrote:
I think that first approach is more preferable.
Shape of the string is just outline of the string. It does not contain all
necessary information (like hinting for example) for drawing string.
This could affect quality especially in case of strings of small sizes.
Though, such approach could be used with strings of large sizes for
performance reason.
On Tue, Mar 22, 2005 at 10:32:27AM -0500, Nidel, Mike wrote:
The answer to your first question is relatively simple:
Before you draw the string, you can do a transform() on the
Graphics2D. You pass in an AffineTransform that you create
with AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(theta).
Alternatively you can convert the string to a Shape and perform
a rotation on the Shape itself.
As for your second question, I don't think I can help you there.
This information will change depending on whether you're using
anti-aliasing or not. You may be able to convert your string
into a Shape and do some kind of operation to iterate over all of
the pixels in the shape... but I'm not sure.

-Original Message-
From: Discussion list for Java 2D API
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Sven Mielordt
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 10:21 AM
Subject: [JAVA2D] drawString() on Graphics2D question
Hi fellows,
I have a short question concerning drawString() on Graphics2D.
When using it, the string is printed horizontally.
But how can I print text vertically or at arbitrary angles???
A refining question concerns the number of pixels needed for
the string.
Is there any method to find out how many pixels in all
directions will be occupied?
Thank you,
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Re: [JAVA2D] drawString() on Graphics2D question

2005-03-22 Thread Chet Haase

  Another alternative (preferable to creating a Shape, I think) is
  to render the string into an Image, and then rotate the image.
As well as the string itself an image will carry the background
with it so this is probably not the best way to go for most people.
You can create an image with a transparent background and render
the text to it.  When you copy the image, only the text pixels
will be copied.
There's sample code for doing just this in the Intermediate Images
article on
And except for quadrant rotations I would not expect great results.
Not sure what this means - rendering the string to an image and then
copying the image to the screen (or back buffer) should give
you exactly the same results as rendering the string directly
to the screen/back-buffer.
Rotating the image may give you different results than rotating
the string, but if you take the better yet suggestion for
pre-rotating the string into the image, then the results should
be exactly the same.
But I agree that this is really only a workaround for current
lack of acceleration for this operation; we hope to handle
all of this implicitly in future releases.

Rotate the graphics and draw the text along the lines of a previous
poster is the most straightforward solution and that will get
accelerated too in the future and is fairly snappy even in software.
As for measuring the text, there are many APIs for this - too many!
But the only one that is trying to be pixel perfect is
java.awt.font.GlyphVector.getPixelBounds() which is however consequently
expensive and won't work for complex text. Try to use something like
java.awt.font.TextLayout.getBounds() for that - its not going to
be as pixel perfect but will work for complex text.
You may even be able to get away with
java.awt.font.GlyphVector.getVisualBounds() if you don't use complex
text. Did I mention there are a lot of APIS for this? In fact I
probably still missed one ..
Chet Haase wrote:
Another alternative (preferable to creating a Shape, I think) is
to render the string into an Image, and then rotate the image.
Or better yet: render the rorate string into the image, and then
just copy the image (no transform involved).
This approach is not worth the hassle if you are constantly
changing the string orientation, or if you are only rendering it
once.  Butif you are constantly rendering the same string
at the same orientation, then it might be worth the hassle/
memory-footprint tradeoff to get a performance boost from
doing a simple image copy instead of a transformed text
Worth mentioning as an option, anyway.
Alexey Ushakov wrote:
I think that first approach is more preferable.
Shape of the string is just outline of the string. It does not
contain all
necessary information (like hinting for example) for drawing string.
This could affect quality especially in case of strings of small sizes.
Though, such approach could be used with strings of large sizes for
performance reason.
On Tue, Mar 22, 2005 at 10:32:27AM -0500, Nidel, Mike wrote:
The answer to your first question is relatively simple:
Before you draw the string, you can do a transform() on the
Graphics2D. You pass in an AffineTransform that you create
with AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(theta).
Alternatively you can convert the string to a Shape and perform
a rotation on the Shape itself.
As for your second question, I don't think I can help you there.
This information will change depending on whether you're using
anti-aliasing or not. You may be able to convert your string
into a Shape and do some kind of operation to iterate over all of
the pixels in the shape... but I'm not sure.

-Original Message-
From: Discussion list for Java 2D API
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Sven Mielordt
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 10:21 AM
Subject: [JAVA2D] drawString() on Graphics2D question
Hi fellows,
I have a short question concerning drawString() on Graphics2D.
When using it, the string is printed horizontally.
But how can I print text vertically or at arbitrary angles???
A refining question concerns the number of pixels needed for
the string.
Is there any method to find out how many pixels in all
directions will be occupied?
Thank you,
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Re: [JAVA2D] Upcoming SDN chat

2005-02-07 Thread Chet Haase
Good idea; we can try to do that in the future.
We actually don't have that many chats directly related
to 2D, so I don't think anyone's missed that many.
The chat next week should be interesting, as we'll cover
both the graphics (me) and toolkit (Scott Violet) worlds.
Nidel, Mike wrote:
I discovered that there is an upcoming chat on the subject Getting high performance 
from your desktop client on February 15.
I have attended one or two of these before, and read transcripts of others. But 
I have also missed a few that I would have liked to attend. Do you think it 
would be possible and useful to send an announcement to this list when a chat 
related to Java2D is coming up?
Mike Nidel
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Re: [JAVA2D] Must all drawing be performed on the EventQueue thread?

2004-12-20 Thread Chet Haase
Hi Dan,
This should work fine.  In fact, some server apps take advantage of this
by using Java2D to render images on separate threads that take
advantage of multiple processors.
The only trick here is making sure your different threads
(rendering thread(s) and EventQueue thread) are doing the
right things at the right time.  For example, make sure your rendering
thread is finished drawing by the time you add the image to your
component on the EventQueue thread.
Dan Blanks wrote:
I know that when I draw to the graphics context of a component, it's
important to draw everything on the EventQueue.  But does that rule also
apply to an internally created image?  For example, if I code:
BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(width, height,
Graphics2D gc = (Graphics2D) image.getGraphics();
gc.drawRectangle(100, 100, 300, 400);
Since the image is not displayed yet, I would think it is kosher to call
this code from a non-EventQueue thread.  Adding the image to a component,
of course, would have to occur on the EventQueue thread.
Am I correct in this assumption, or off-base?
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Re: [JAVA2D] lot of time in blitSurfaceData

2004-10-21 Thread Chet Haase
Ah, that's better.
From this configuration, it seems like:
- Swing _would_ have an accelerated back buffer (they started
using VolatileImage in 1.4.0, and that should be (very) accelerated
on your system.
- Some other image types would also be accelerated
(VolatileImage, and managed images created through specific
APIs like Component.createImage(w, h) and
GraphicsConfiguration.createCompatibleImage(w, h)).
The only causes of huge amounts of time in Swing buffer
copying that occur to me right off are:
- Maybe the Swing buffer is getting punted: if you are
doing lots of read or read-modify-write operations to
the back buffer, then we may choose to punt it into system
memory.  Note that this will also happen if you are
simply doing translucent operations (like translucent
image copies) to the buffer, or _lots_ of anti-aliased
text ops.  For kicks, try running with -Dsun.java2d.ddforcevram=true
to see if forcing the back buffer to stay in VRAM changes
the characteristics at all.  (Note that there's a good
reason for us to punt; if you _are_ doing lots of
read-modify-write ops to that buffer, those will probably
kill your performance way before copying that buffer from
system memory to the screen will).
- Maybe the bottlenecks you are seeing are actually coming
from some other operation in your app (not the Swing back
buffer copies).  Without knowing anyting about your app, it's
pretty tough to tell...
- Maybe you're forcing repainting so often that no matter
how accelerated these copies are you're still spending most
of the time updating the screen.
Hope that helps...
Sorry for the sparse description. Here's the info:
JDK 1.4.2_03
Windows XP (SP 1)
nVidia Quadro FX 500/600
128 MB, AGP, Aug/Sep 2004 driver
dual monitor
Calls GraphicsDevice.getAvailableAcceleratedMemory() tell me there's 100MB
left when application is running.

-Original Message-
From: Chet Haase [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 7:18 PM
To: Peterson, Brian
Subject: Re: [JAVA2D] lot of time in blitSurfaceData

Hi Brian,
it's pretty impossible to tell what's going on from your
description.  What release of Java are you using?  What
platform are you running on?  if you're on Windows, what
graphics card are you using?
All of these items (and more) contribute toward our
ability to accelerate images in general and Swing's
back buffer in particular.
Brian Peterson wrote:

I have an application that is spending 25% of its time in
19% of which comes from paintImmediately calls from the

RepaintManager (call

trace at end of message).
Are the offscreen buffer images for my windows or

subcomponent JPanels not

getting accelerated?  Or is this normal behavior?


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Re: [JAVA2D] lot of time in blitSurfaceData

2004-10-21 Thread Chet Haase

The BufferedImage objects definitely won't be accelerated due to your
use of DataBuffer. You might think about using BufferedImage or 
WritableRaster API calls to set the pixel values, but depending on 
how much pixel-setting you're doing the pixel-sets may end up being
more important to accelerate than the managed image copies.

Copying the images to the back buffer won't cause the back buffer
to punt unless the images are translucent (RGBA or whatever); that
would cause us to lock the back buffer for read-modify-write, even
if the source pixels actually don't have any translucency. So use
images if you can.

You may also be hitting the bottleneck of simply copying these images
down to the back buffer. That is, maybe your bottleneck isn't in
Swing to update the screen, but in getting your unaccelerated images to
copy to the back buffer. 10 times a seonc isn't a lot for one image,
how many images are they? How large are the images? it could be a 
lot of pixels we're pushing down the bus every second...

I don't know if the lines would be causing a problem or not. I have
situations where context-switching between the different rendering
libraries we use (direct3d, ddraw, GDI) can affect performance. But
I don't know if that would be the case here (especially with the modern
video card/driver you have). You could try disabling d3d to see if that
affects things: -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false


Brian Peterson wrote:

  Good info -- thanks.

A repaint is called on these dominate subpanels about 10 times a second.

The application uses drawImage a lot.  Most of the windows are panels that
simply drawImage from an intermediate BufferedImage in its paintComponent.
I doubt that these intermediate images are accelerated because I end up
getting the DataBuffer to directly draw individual pixels.

There's another subpanel that ends up drawing about 500 lines every repaint

Would either of these trigger the punting you describe?

I don't do any anti-aliased text. Or at least I don't think I do -- I always
use the graphics hint to not anti-alias text.

I'll try the parameter and see what happens.


-Original Message-
From: Chet Haase [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 7:34 PM
To: Peterson, Brian
Subject: Re: [JAVA2D] lot of time in blitSurfaceData

Ah, that's better.

 From this configuration, it seems like:
- Swing _would_ have an accelerated back buffer (they started
using VolatileImage in 1.4.0, and that should be (very) accelerated
on your system.
- Some other image types would also be accelerated
(VolatileImage, and managed images created through specific
APIs like Component.createImage(w, h) and
GraphicsConfiguration.createCompatibleImage(w, h)).

The only causes of huge amounts of time in Swing buffer
copying that occur to me right off are:
- Maybe the Swing buffer is getting punted: if you are
doing lots of read or read-modify-write operations to
the back buffer, then we may choose to punt it into system
memory.  Note that this will also happen if you are
simply doing translucent operations (like translucent
image copies) to the buffer, or _lots_ of anti-aliased
text ops.  For kicks, try running with -Dsun.java2d.ddforcevram=true
to see if forcing the back buffer to stay in VRAM changes
the characteristics at all.  (Note that there's a good
reason for us to punt; if you _are_ doing lots of
read-modify-write ops to that buffer, those will probably
kill your performance way before copying that buffer from
system memory to the screen will).
- Maybe the bottlenecks you are seeing are actually coming
from some other operation in your app (not the Swing back
buffer copies).  Without knowing anyting about your app, it's
pretty tough to tell...
- Maybe you're forcing repainting so often that no matter
how accelerated these copies are you're still spending most
of the time updating the screen.

Hope that helps...



  Sorry for the sparse description. Here's the info:

JDK 1.4.2_03
Windows XP (SP 1)
nVidia Quadro FX 500/600
128 MB, AGP, Aug/Sep 2004 driver
dual monitor

Calls GraphicsDevice.getAvailableAcceleratedMemory() tell me

there's 100MB

  left when application is running.

-Original Message-
From: Chet Haase [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 7:18 PM
To: Peterson, Brian
Subject: Re: [JAVA2D] lot of time in blitSurfaceData

Hi Brian,

it's pretty impossible to tell what's going on from your
description.  What release of Java are you using?  What
platform are you running on?  if you're on Windows, what
graphics card are you using?

All of these items (and more) contribute toward our
ability to accelerate images in general and Swing's
back buffer in particular.


Brian Peterson wrote:

  I have

Re: [JAVA2D] Help with image!

2004-10-20 Thread Chet Haase

Seems like the most straightforward way to do this
would be to use the drawImage() variant that takes
source and dest rectangles, that is:
 public boolean drawImage(Image, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, sx1, sy1, sx2,
Using this method, you can specify the source rect as the area you want
to copy from and the dest rect as the matching area at whatever
(xy) location you want.

I confused by your desire to start from y=600 and grab an area of
height=600 from an image that's only 768 pixels high; I assume that's
a typo (or if not you must want the area clipped at that height?)


Rafael wrote:

  Hey people! =)
  I want to know how can I
draw a specificarea of an image in any 
point X, Y ofmy frame. Example: I have an image of 1024x768
pixels and 
I just want to draw thearea X=1, Y=600, Width=500 and Height=600 in
the points 0, 0 ofmy frame.
  Plz, Could someone help me?
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Re: [JAVA2D] Using a slower sun.java2d.pipe.DrawImage.renderSurfaceData() ?

2004-09-27 Thread Chet Haase
My quick take on this is that you've run out of VRAM eventually and this
latest window is creating a back buffer (or any other offscreen images)
in system memory.  When that's the case (as it was on jdk 1.3.1 and previous
versions), we spend a lot of time just pumping pixels down from the CPU to
the framebuffer.
Make sense?
Brian Peterson wrote:
I have a window that is taking up a lot of CPU from the EDT to draw,
whereas several other windows doing similar operations do not.  When I
profile (using OptimizeIt) showing just this problematic window, I get
that the AWT-EventQueue-0 thread spends 34% of its time in
  34.20% - 3330 ms - sun.java2d.pipe.DrawImage.renderSurfaceData()
getting there from java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent().  When I profile
showing just a non-problematic window, this thread spends only 3% if its
time in renderSurfaceData.  In fact, they have very different sets of
calls for under RepaintManager.paintDirtyRegions(). (I've attached the
two profiles -- data.html is for the problematic window.)
[I tried attaching in a previous post, but I think my mail tool had a
problem with them. I've listed the callstacks following this text. Sorry if
this ends up being a duplicate post. Having many problems with mailtool.]
I even commented out the majority of what is displayed so that the
window is pretty much blank, but is still using about half of the CPU.
What would cause one window to use a slower renderSurfaceData?
Slower window callstack from profile:
Faster window callstack from profile:
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Re: [JAVA2D] Non-heap memory usage?

2004-09-22 Thread Chet Haase
There are a lot of mysteries in memory usage, both what is using what,
and how it is reported in TaskManager.
It is possible that we are using memory in other parts of the system;
for example, we use shared OS libraries that might allocate their
memory in another process entirely (and that thus would not show up
as attached to your process' heap).  But 1G is a lot of memory...
As for VRAM, I'm not sure that would hit the radar of TaskManager.  We
use DirectX to allocate memory on your video card, but I don't think that
memory is tracked in either your process or any other; it's just an extra
lump of memory attached to an external device (the GPU).  I really
doubt that TaskManager would report that memory as attached to anything
on the system (TM only deals with the system heap, as far as I know).
It might be possible that when we try to allocate more memory than you
have VRAM that the system starts allocating memory in Non-Local Video
Memory, which is system memory accessible by the AGP bus.  It could
also be possible (just guessing here; haven't ever run tests on this)
that that memory is reported against the DirectX process, or some other
system process.
Still, 1G is a _lot_ of memory.  If you have a screen resolution of
and are allocating images of that size in 32bit color, it would take
about 200 images to suck up that kind of footprint.
Here's a couple of tests to run:
- When you create an image, note it's size (w x h x depth) and keep a
running total (maybe print it to the command line).  (Be sure to
subtract that number when an image goes out of scope...)
- When the app quits, is the current memory usage by images reflective
of the memory numbers you are seeing in TaskManager?
- Is there any other process in TaskManager that reports having that
kind of memory usage?  That is, when you see your system get
back 1G of memory after the app quits, where did it come from?
And here's a tip if you are using a lot of memory:
- don't hold onto images longer than you need to.  if the system
can GC them, you'll get back all of that memory in short order.
And look into using Image.flush() to flush any accelerated-memory
cache associated with a managed image or VolatileImage (if you aren't
using that image currently).
Brian Peterson wrote:
I have a graphics-intensive application that uses Java2D and BufferedImage
extensively on a Windows XP platform.  The Windows Task Manager tells me
that the java process is using about 300MB of memory, but when I exit out of
the application, the overall memory usage of the system drops by almost 1G.
I have no experience with non-heap memory usage.  Could Java2D be using
memory that is not accounted for in the process list of the Task Manager?
Could my graphics card be grabbing lots of memory?
Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: [JAVA2D] Why isn't there a method for drawing Point2Ds, pixels, and the like

2004-09-09 Thread Chet Haase
Right - there's no API for drawing points explicitly.  We could add
like this as a convenience in some future release, but in the meantime
it should be a pretty easy constraint to work around.
You don't need to create rects or anything else; you just need to
draw a one-pixel rect or line to do what you want.
if you have a point (x, y), drawing a pixel at that point should be as
easy as:
   Graphics.drawLine(x, y, x, y);
   Graphics.drawRect(x, y, 0, 0);
   Graphics.fillRect(x, y, 1, 1);
Gregory Pierce wrote:
While running some tests on a program that generates a dataset of
(x,y) pairs I decided that I would render them so I could see how the
data was distributed visually. Almost immediately I ran across an
interesting limitation:
Except for Point2D and Dimension2D, each of the geometry classes
(geometries) implements the Shape interface, which provides a common
set of methods for describing and inspecting two-dimensional geometric
No biggie, I thought, I guess they aren't really 'shapes' so I'll just
draw them using Graphics2D. Hmmm... wait there is no method in
Graphics2D to draw them either. Ugh, that means I have to create one
pixel sized rectangles to draw points?
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Re: [JAVA2D] Why isn't there a method for drawing Point2Ds, pixels, and the like

2004-09-09 Thread Chet Haase
An RFE never hurts.  We're aware of this issue, but filing an RFE
ensures that
it will stay on our minds (it doesn't ensure a fix; we have to weigh the
pros of utility methods against the cons of API bloat, but it will at least
keep the issue alive).
By the way, my previous suggestions on how to draw a pixel were ignoring
important performance implications (silly me):
is really the best and only way you should accomplish a simple pixel drawing
command.  drawLine() tends to have more overhead because lines can have
attributes associated with them that we need to check.  drawRect() is
four drawLine() commands (or at least extra logic to eliminate redundant
lines), so that's not the way to go either.
fillRect() is your friend.  Just think of a single point as a very small
Gregory Pierce wrote:
Do I have to fill out an RFE or similar for something like this?
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Re: [JAVA2D] java2d.opengl=true

2004-09-07 Thread Chet Haase
Hi Ted,
I'm not sure what level of acceleration you are looking for, but there
is already
hardware acceleration by default on the Windows platform on nearly any
driver/card combination.  However, this acceleration is only for the
most rudimentary
operations (rectangular fills and copies); this results in much better
performance for simple GUI apps (everything but text tends to get
but doesn't do much for apps that really drive the 2D features.
The new OpenGL pipelin in Java2D enables much more acceleration capabilities
(for things like translucency, transforms, and anti-aliased text) in
to the basics.  The catch is that our use of OpenGL requires certain
which are not enabled on some hardware (especially older hardware) or which
some drivers do not accelerate.  Also, since we tend to use the hardware and
drivers in different ways than typical GL apps (we are not Quake...), we
seen problems with both robustness and performance on some platforms.  For
example, the latest Windows ATI drivers seem to have a problem not
crashing when we
are using GL.
Thus, our decision to only enable GL acceleration with a runtime flag:
It's there for people that really want to try it out, to see if it works
on their
specific runtime platform.  It's not advisable to enable it for an app that
ships on unknown platforms due to the issues I mentioned above.
There is more info about our OpenGL support here:
(I got to this by drilling down on a few links from the 5.0 release page).
Good luck!
Ted Hill wrote:
I recently read that JDK 1.5 will get native hardware acceleration
from Java2D if they have the latest OpenGL drivers and select
graphic cards.
Where can I get more information about this. We will be running on
Windows XP.
Thank you,
Ted Hill
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Re: [JAVA2D] java2d.opengl=true

2004-09-07 Thread Chet Haase
I was thinking more in line of having a checkbox in a config that the
user could check once they wanted to check OpenGL acceleration. So I
wanted to allow the app to start unaccelerated, then have the user go
into the application preferences and click Enable OpenGL
The only way this could work is if you spawned a new Java process based
on a change to
this setting; we read the opengl parameter (whether in main() or on the
at process startup time (when AWT/2D is first initalizing).  We have no
facility for switching
gl support once we've started up.
Now one quick question comes to mind with respect to my other
application. If translucency isn't currently hardware accelerated - is
Java actually doing pixel tests for overlapping translucent objects?
If so, that would explain my performance woes. I would only want to
draw translucent stuff if I knew it was hardware accelerated.
There's a couple of answers here:
- You could also try out d3d translucency acceleration.  This is also
disabled by default (also due to
robustness issues, but driver support seems much better for this
capability and we were actually on the
verge of enabling this by default in 5.0).  You can enable this with
This forces us to use Direct3D for translucent image operations (such as
drawImage() where the
source image has alpha).  Note that this does not speed up other
translucent operations (lines
with alpha colors, etc.).  But when it works (which it should on most
modern graphics
accelerators), it give sa huge boost in translucent image performance.
Note that we also init d3d support at process startup time, so you also
cannot switch this
capability on the fly.
- By default, we're not accelerating translucent operations of any
kind.  This means that we're
doing read-modify-write on the destination pixels.  This is a hideously
expensive operation when
the destination lives in video memory; reading from VRAM is one of the
slowest operations known
to man, measurable more in geologic ages than clock cycles.  One
workaround we have internally
is that when we detect a large number of reads from VRAM compared to the
number of
accelerated copies from that surface (for example, if you read or
read-modify-write over an
eighth of the buffer on any given frame) we will punt this destination
buffer to system memory,
where reading is much faster.  This means that the translucent
operations go faster, although
it defeats acceleration for opaque operations to/from that buffer.
So yes, this could be the source of your performance woes.
Try out opengl.  Try out d3d (translaccel)).  See if they help address
your problems.
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Re: [JAVA2D] Transparent internal frames

2004-08-13 Thread Chet Haase
It's pretty difficult to know from your quick description where the
problem would lie.
There is no inherent problem with using transparent internal frames in
Swing, but
you need to make sure to set and use the opacity property of the
appropriately and to do the right thing during paintComponent().  Other than
that very high-level suggestion, it's hard to know what else to say.
There could
be a bug lurking here in how we implement scrolling (devCopyArea) on
components, but a test case would sure help...
Clifford Lyon wrote:
Hello list, I have a Java 2D application where I show an image, and
then display a transparent internal frame over the image that exposes
controls to the user for adjusting parameters.  Everything works fine,
except when moving the knob on my JSlider, the internal frame
background fills with random stuff.  Any way around that?  Custom
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Re: [JAVA2D] calling repaint()

2004-07-13 Thread Chet Haase
Hi Rob,
repaint() does the right thing - it queues up a request to call paint on the
component on the right thread at some later time.  This means, of
course, that
repaint() is an asynchronous request; it will return to the caller as
soon as the
request has been posted, and not necessarily after the paint has
actually occurred.
In any case, feel free to use repaint() from whatever thread you want;
that's what
it's there for...
Rob Ross wrote:
This is semi-swing related, but since there's not a swing-interest list and since it's 
also semi 2D related, I thought I'd try here.
I learned this past JavaOne that every swing app I have ever written has been broken, 
as I often do
public static void main(String[] args)
JFrame f = new JFrame();
when in fact I should be calling this from the event handling thread via a 
SwingUtilities.invokeLater() call.
My question is, can I call repaint() on a component from another thread, or does that 
also have to be called from within the event thread? Doesn't repaint just queue a 
request for later processing anyway? If so, why would I need to spawn a separate 
thread just to call the repaint?
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Re: [JAVA2D] Pixel collision in games with 2D api

2004-07-13 Thread Chet Haase
Keith's right on the general ideas of Volatile vs. BufferedImage
acceleration, but let me correct/clarify some of the details:
- GraphicsConfiguration.createCompatibleImage() will create a
VRAM-cached accelerated copy of the BufferedImage and you will
benefit from hardware acceleration as available on 1.4.  This was
not something new in 1.5, but has been there since 1.5.  Other
managed image APIs that create this acceleratable cached version
of the image include Component.createImage(w,h) and (I think)
Toolkit.loadImage()/(new ImageIcon()).getImage().
- New in 1.5 is the ability to get a managed image from _any_ image
creation method, including new BufferedImage(w, h, type).  Same
acceleration functionality as described above, but now you don't
have to call particular APIs to get that capability.
- The main reason for dealing with VolatileImages is if you need/want
rendering _to_ the image to be accelerated, or if you will be modifying
the image frequently but still want copies from the image to be accelerated.
A common case for this is back buffers; the Swing back buffer is a
Otherwise, managed images (as described above) are way less hassle but
have the
same benefits of fast copies (Blts).
For more nitty gritty details on BufferedImage and VolatileImage objects
and random acceleration tips, check out the BufferedImage and VolatileImage
blogs on

Keith Lea wrote:
If you're targeting JDK 1.5, you can use an accelerated BufferedImage
instantiated from a GraphicsConfiguration (with the
createCompatibleImage method), which is stored in memory but also cached
in your video card's VRAM. I'm not sure what blting is, but
BufferedImage probably provides the fastest and easiest way to copy
image data to other BufferedImages and to the screen.
If you need JDK 1.4 compatibility, you should use VolatileImage,
probably backed by a BufferedImage (which is not, in 1.4, stored in
VRAM). VolatileImages are stored in VRAM like 1.5's accelerated
(You could also use VolatileImage in 1.5, but for most applications it's
not worth the extra code required when BufferedImage is mostly just as
Lincoln Quirk wrote:
So if someone could help me out -- how do I create a region that I can
do some low-level, fast blt'ing to? Or, if you have a better idea on
how I should implement my physics that takes better advantage of Java,
some ideas about that would be good too.
Thank you,
Lincoln Quirk

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Re: [JAVA2D] transparent windows yet?

2004-05-29 Thread Chet Haase
Rob and Mark,

The solution below will work for lightweight components, but not for
toplevel windows (which is what I assume Rob asking about).

We do not yet (as of 1.5) have the capability of transparent/translucent
toplevel Windows.  Yes, the capability exists on some platforms.  One of
the tricks in making this work in the library is handling it in a
cross-platform-friendly way.

Anyway, it's one of the things we are hoping to implement
in the next release.

(There are always hack workarounds like using an undecorated frame,
capturing the background of the desktop with Robot, and then
painting the background on top of the frame, but you're probably looking
for something a bit more standard and dependable...)


- Original Message -
Date: Saturday, May 29, 2004 7:30 am
Subject: [JAVA2D] transparent windows yet?

 Call setOpaque(false); on your window.  Then, when you repaint it, do
 something like:

 public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
Composite oldComposite = g.setComposite(AlphaComposite.Clear);

   //Rendering code

 Mark McKay

 Rob Ross wrote:

  I'm in the middle of a project where being able to make a window's
   translucent/semi-transparent would be a very very cool thing
  to have.
  Is this possible yet with 1.4? If not, how about 1.5?
  Is this feature really that  hard to implement?
  I'm asking honestly, I don't know what's required in the JVM to
 make this happen. But since both OS X and WindowsXP seem to do
 this all the
  time now, I have to assume most of the hard code already has  been
  written in those platform's native libraries.
  Rob Ross
  Senior Software Engineer
  E! Networks
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Re: [JAVA2D] getting the vertical retrace

2004-05-28 Thread Chet Haase
Hi Tom,
We do not have an API to sync to the retrace or count the number
of retraces, but:
- A fullscreen/exclusive app on Windows will perform flipping
(using BufferStrategy) sync'd to the retrace interval
- The DisplayMode API can be used to query the current
refresh interval.  (Note that some OSs (NT4?) will return
a most helpful 0 for the refresh rate, but otherwise this
may give you the info you need).  Note that you can get the
current DisplayMode for a give GraphicsConfiguration, so this
should work even in the multimon case.
Tom Busey wrote:
I'm developing some applications where we need to precisely control how
long an image is on the screen. We typically do this in C by drawing an
image to the screen and then counting screen refreshes before erasing
it. Java double buffering must do something similar to avoid flicker.
Are there any routines to get access to the vertical refresh interval?
I realize that this is somewhat complicated, give than multiple
monitors might be in use and a window might span more than one monitor,
but any starting points would help us out.
Tom Busey
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Re: [JAVA2D] transparent gif

2004-04-14 Thread Chet Haase

I belief GIF only supports transparent (not translucent) images.
However, you can always set the AlphaComposite on the destination
Graphics object to be translucent before you call drawImage()
with your sprite.

Flavius Alecu wrote:

how can I use sprites in gif format and have them partially transparent?

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Re: [JAVA2D] bug-id 5008045 (OpenGL for Win ?)

2004-04-14 Thread Chet Haase

Last question: Are you (SUN) going to make an official announcement of the
upcoming new hardware accelerated Java2D technology in close time ?
Answering these questions on the interest list and posting whitepapers
on performance and features is about as official as we get.
I doubt there's going to be a speech by Scott McNealy on Java2D
acceleration anytime soon, if that's what you were interested in...
We're not making a huge deal out of the OpenGL support currently
because it is disabled by default due to the driver and hardware
issues that have already been mentioned.  With flag-enabled
acceleration, it's more important to get the message out to the
right community; developers who would like to experiment and
see how well it works for them in their situations.

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Re: [JAVA2D] TransAccel

2004-04-02 Thread Chet Haase
Hi Mik,

A simple question about a relatively complicated subject...

You have tripped upon the internal rasterStolen variable
that we use to detect when someone has accessed the
Raster/DataBuffer of a managed image.
We can accelerate managed images only when we know exactly
what is going on with the main copy of that image.  That is,
if we can detect when that main copy changes, then we know
when to update our accelerated cache of that image.  But the
API you are using to access the pixels (getDataBuffer())
defeats this approach because we can no longer detect
when the main copy has changed.  That is, when you have
array access into the pixel data, we cannot easily detect
when you change values in the array, thus we cannot know
when the original copy has changed and our cached version
nees to be updated.  So we punt.
There may be better ways for us to manage this internally
in the future, but for now we simply detect the case where
someone has gotten direct access to the pixel data and
turn off acceleration for that image.
The best ways to access the data in a managed image without
causing this punt are any methods that render to the image
without returning the data buffer.  This includes the setPixel
methods in Raster and the setRGB methods in BufferedImage; both
of these change the data without giving you arbitrary access to
the data, so we can detect that the data has changed and update
the cached/accelerated image appropriately.  Another
approach is to render to a different image (perhaps a translucent
or transparent one) and then use drawImage() to copy the data
in.  Finally, you can always use the standard rendering
primitives to tweak the data (drawLine(), fillRect, etc.).
None of these may be the fastest in the world for setting
pixel data, but at least they will allow you to set the data
without defeating acceleration.
The current state of hw accelerated images is that they
work well for static data, but are suboptimal for dynamic
data.  This is just a result of the kinds of things we
needed to accelerated first in our long road toward full-on
hw acceleration of everything.  The approach you use in your
app depends on the performance tradeoff between changing the
pixel data in the image versus copying those images to
some accelerated surface (e.g., the back buffer).  For
some applications, it might work out better to have dynamic
sprites/images in software because our read/write access to
that data is much faster than when those images are stored
in VRAM.  But if you are not changing those sprites/images
too frequently, then you will probably do better by
leaving them in VRAM so that they benefit from the
hw accelerated copy operations.  As always, benchmark if
you need to know the Right Answer for your situation.

Michele Puccini wrote:

a simple question:

I tried to access the pixels directly through Raster-DataBufferInt but as
soon as I call:
DataBufferInt dbi = (DataBufferInt)(wr.getDataBuffer());

the image becomes non accelerated and there's apparently no way to
re-accelerate it.
I also noticed that setting the raster pixels with:


works, but I suppose this solution gives very low performance.

so the question is: which is the bset way to change the pixels of an
accelerated (managed) image on the fly ?

Mik of ClassX

ClassX Development Italy  Via Francesca, 463   I-56030 Montecalvoli (PI) 
Tel.(+39)-0587-749206  Fax.(+39)-0587-749206  WEB:  

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Re: [JAVA2D] Flickering Animation

2004-03-29 Thread Chet Haase

I'm not sure about some of the issues you raise (such as the shake
effect you are seeing), but the simple Blt's of images to the
screen can trigger tearing artifacts due to not being sync'd
the the vertical retrace of the screen.
The best way to get smooth (non-tearing) animation is to use
a fullscreen flipping buffer instead of doing drawImage()
from a buffering image.  This is the way that games get
smooth animation.  Flipping is automatically sync'd to
the vertical refresh of the monitor (and is thus pegged
to the refresh rate of the monitor, or even subdivisions
of that number).  The buffering operation is faster
because it only involves a pointer switch (back - front)
instead of a copy of all the pixels.
Anyway, take a look at the BufferStrategy APIs.  You will
need to be in fullscreen mode on Windows in order to
take advantage of buffer flipping.  Take a look at the
fullscreen tutorial (a bit dated, but still essentially
correct) for more information on this:

Mark McKay wrote:

I've written a program that generates images in real time, which if
viewed in sequence would form an animation.  These images are built one
at a time in a 800x600 offscreen VolatileImage buffer (I'm doing my own
double buffereing).  I then call repaint() and blit this buffer to a
JComponent that I've subclassed to display my animation.  Painting code
is in the paintComponent() method.  I'm repainting anywhere from 10 to
30 frames per second.  This is handled in a second thread that sleeps
for the appropriate number of milliseconds, then wakes up, causes the
next image to be generated, and calls repaint() on my component's JFrame
Even though my machine is fast enough to generate and blit in the time
provided, the animation still apprears jagged.  There is occasional
horizontal shearing, presumably from the blitted image being only
partially rendered when the screen refresh occurs.  The image also
appears to shake, giving me the impression that Swing is somehow caching
previous copies of frames rendered and mixing them into the curent
frames rendered.  The whole thing reminds me of the old days when you
had to override update() to stop AWT from clearing the screen.
I've tried this both single buffered and double buffered JRootPanes
(since I'm doing my own double buffereing, I figure I don't need to use
Any ideas what's going wrong?  Is my second thread causing the trouble?
What's the recommend way to get smooth animation?
Mark McKay
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Re: [JAVA2D] JDK 1.5 and Java2D pipeline

2004-03-17 Thread Chet Haase
Hi Mark,

I'm glad to see that you're interested in Java2D and the
upcoming 1.5 release.
I'll see if I can answer most of your questions

Will the OpenGL pipeline be enabled by default in the release version of
1.5?  Will my older 1.4 programs take advantage of it right away?
The current plan is for the OpenGL pipeline to be disabled by default,
but enabled via a command-line flag.  This is due to concerns over
robustness (especially with the somewhat chaotic state of GL
driver support on both Linux and Windows) and performance for
some operations (OpenGL tends to get incredible performance for
advanced rendering features but performance for some simple
operations can be less amazing due to pbuffer support and
acceleration on many drivers/hardware.  We're working on
both of these issues, but that's why this otherwise pretty
awesome hw acceleration feature will not be enabled by default...
Will images with transparency which are initialized once and then used
intensively for bilting from be invisibly promoted to system managed
VolitileImages, the way images without transparency currently are?  Will
the JDK still handle Images and BufferedImages differently in this
respect? (Only Images are promoted; BufferedImages are not)
More (most, even) images will become managed images (our
term for the hidden acceleration feature that you're talking about).
So, for instance, when you do:
   new BufferedImage(...)
and start copying from that image to an accelerated destination
(such as the back buffer or the screen) then we will try to
create a cached, accelerated version of that image.
Note that this is mainly beneficial on Windows (opaque and
transparent images only - not translucent by default yet)
and on Unix with OpenGL enabled.
Are there any tips and tricks that will allow savvy developers gain
maximum performance from the J2D engine?
Tons.  But that's a bit beyond the scope of this email.  Check
out some of the postings/blogs at and  Also, check out JavaOne; we tend to have
a tips  tricks talk every year.
When will Java 1.5 be officially released?  I've been getting really
excited aobut this realease, but don't want to upgrade until it's official.
I don't know the official date, and one never knows with software
in any case.  We should be releasing our Beta2 sometime soon, after
which the next release should be the final one.  As to how that
equates into specific dates...

Mark McKay
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Re: [JAVA2D] fastest operation to get string size and draw string

2003-10-24 Thread Chet Haase

On the speed question, some things to consider are:

- anti-aliasing tends to slow things down quite a bit (so avoid
it if performance is key, at least in the current releases).
- if your string is static (you're going to render the same
string at the same size many times), consider creating a BITMASK image,
drawing the string into it, and doing a drawImage(...) of that
string image every time you need it.  It's a much simpler operation
internally (copying one image around versus rasterizing several

Michael Seele wrote:

what is the fastest operation to get the size of a string! also i want
to know how i can draw a string as fast as possible! have anybody some
profiling resluts? THANKS
Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Michael Seele([EMAIL PROTECTED])
G  H Softwareentwicklung GmbH Tel.: {+49|0} 7451 - 53 706 0
Robert-Bosch-Str. 23   Fax:  {+49|0} 7451 - 53 706 90
D-72160 Horb a.N.
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Re: [JAVA2D] Best Practices

2003-10-17 Thread Chet Haase

The easiest way to get double-buffering in your app is to
use Swing.  If you subclass JComponent and override the
paint(Graphics) method, then the Graphics object which
is passed in during a normal paint operation is the Graphics
for the back buffer.  When youa re done painting, that buffer
will be copied to the screen for you.
So one simple approach is:
   - create a JFrame f
   - f.getContentPane().add(new MyJComponent());
   (where MyJComponent subclasses JComponent)
   - implement MyJComponent.paint(Graphics), in which
   you will set whatever properties you want to on
   the Graphics (including the transform, if that's what
   you want) and render.
Remember, also: if you are going to be at a particular zoom
for some period of time (several frames), it may be worth
pre-scaling the image to that size and avoiding the scale
on every rendering.  This could be helpful for performance
(although you'd have to see whether it mattered in your
particular application)

Michael Seele wrote:

do you use doubleBuffering in you toolkit? how can i use doubleBuffering
AND zooming with AffineTransform?
Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Michael Seele([EMAIL PROTECTED])
G  H Softwareentwicklung GmbH Tel.: {+49|0} 7451 - 53 706 0
Robert-Bosch-Str. 23   Fax:  {+49|0} 7451 - 53 706 90
D-72160 Horb a.N.
Emmanuel Pietriga schrieb am 17.10.2003 08:28:

You should take a look at java.awt.geom.AffineTransform set on a
Graphics2D by methods transform or setTransform.
These work pretty well and are easy to use. I use them extensively in my
Java 2.5D (ZUI) toolkit [1], especially for bitmap images, and
performance is very good.


Emmanuel Pietriga ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
tel (mobile): +33 6 88 51 94 98
Knight, Jon wrote:

What's the best way to scale/zoom/pan an image or drawing?  I've tried
changing the attributes directly in the Graphics2D context, which
seems to
work pretty well.  But when I zoom in, there's the need to pan to see
big picture.  So I tried putting the whole panel in a JScrollPane and
changing the size of the JPanel to zoom.  That let's me pan with the
scrollbars, but performance isn't too good.

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Re: [JAVA2D] deleting Layers

2003-09-26 Thread Chet Haase

There is no concept of layers in Java2D; our library is an immediate
mode API.
It seems like one way to address your needs (of not redrawing all of
these costly objects when only one changes) is to draw each one into
its own BufferedImage (probably a BITMASK transparent one).  Then
composite them all in the window during drawing.  When one changes,
you only need to re-render that one object; the rest can simply
be copied from their BufferedImage objects when repainting the

kaiwen wrote:


I just started reading on java2d and glf (Graphics Layered Framework).

I am very keen on learning glf, I hope to achieve layered graphics like
those in Photoshop drawing.
What I wanted is to draw each Shape in seperate Layer, and modify a
particular Layer and redraw that modified Layer WITHOUT redrawing the
whole canvas. Can I do this with glf?
I tried a few example from, I cannot find a method
Layer.remove(Layer). Or there is another way doing this?
I used to keep all Shape drawn in a Vector and later search for the
Shape I want to modify, modify it and draw the whole Vector on Canvas
again. Yes, it is very slow.
What is a better way of doing this? Please advice.

Best ragards,
Calvin Kuan
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Re: [JAVA2D] Rendering DDS sample code

2003-09-25 Thread Chet Haase

There is no DDS (DirectDraw Surface) in Java2D (or anywhere in
core java).  We use DirectDraw as one of our (many) rendering
pipelines, but we do not propagate those platform-specific
types through the API.
I'm not sure what you're looking for, but please check
out the Java2D API pages on for more information
about how to use the library.

DeSoca wrote:

Hi folks,

I am a newbie a Java2D (not Java) and I am just looking for some sample
code on reading and rendering of DDS (DirectDraw Surface) file type to get
me started in the write direction.
Links doc or any info will be helpful.

Thanks in advance.


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Re: [JAVA2D] crash when closing the main (and last) window of an application

2003-08-03 Thread Chet Haase

This sounds like the infamous ATI bug that is described
in gory detail in bug report #4713003 (and other related bug
reports).  There is a bug in the ATI drivers that is triggered
by the way Java2D uses Direct3D, starting with release 1.4.1.
Fortunately, the problem is solved in 1.4.1_02 and 1.4.2 (and
future releases, of course).  Grab the latest 1.4.1 or 1.4.2
from the web site and it should do the trick.  Let us know
if it doesn't in case there's something else going on, but
chances are this is your problem.
(Note: some people had a problem with java web start continuing
to use an older/crashing release even after installing the
new fixed release.  make sure you completely uninstall the
previous release before installing the new one to work around
this problem).

Michel Raoux - KEAL wrote:
Has anyone heard something about such a thing ?
See the application error traces below (content of a file named
'hs_err_pid788.log'). It seems there is a bug in a java2d native
function. If yes, is it solved in java 1.4.2 ?
My plateform is windows XP version 2002 SP1, 2 GHz, All-in-Wonder Radeon
graphics card, 512 Mo RAM.
javaw.exe is used.

My application opens a window, then the user opens a sub-window. In the
sub-window he makes some scroll through the graphic presented. Then he
closes the sub-window by clicking on the cross in the upper right
corner. Then he quits the application by clicking on the cross in the
upper right corner of the main window.
Then this blocks completly the man-machine interface, the mouse can't be
moved anymore : the only way is to reboot the machine.
Thanks in advance for any help/answer.

Michel Raoux
--- content of 'hs_err_pid788.log'
An unexpected exception has been detected in native code outside the VM.
Unexpected Signal : EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION occurred at PC=0x6D00FB15
Current Java thread:
at sun.java2d.loops.Blit.Blit(Native Method)
at sun.java2d.pipe.DrawImage.blitSurfaceData(Unknown Source)
at sun.java2d.pipe.DrawImage.renderSurfaceData(Unknown Source)
at sun.java2d.pipe.DrawImage.clipAndRenderSurfaceData(Unknown
at sun.java2d.pipe.DrawImage.copyImage(Unknown Source)
at sun.java2d.pipe.DrawImage.copyImage(Unknown Source)
at sun.java2d.pipe.DrawImage.copyImage(Unknown Source)
at sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D.drawImage(Unknown Source)
at sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D.drawImage(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.JComponent.paintWithOffscreenBuffer(Unknown
at javax.swing.JComponent.paintDoubleBuffered(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.JComponent.paint(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.GraphicsCallback$ Source)
at sun.awt.SunGraphicsCallback.runOneComponent(Unknown Source)
at sun.awt.SunGraphicsCallback.runComponents(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Container.paint(Unknown Source)
at sun.awt.RepaintArea.paint(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(Unknown
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
at Source)
Dynamic libraries:
0x0040 - 0x00406000
0x77F4 - 0x77FEE000 C:\WINDOWS\System32\ntdll.dll
0x77E4 - 0x77F36000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
0x77DA - 0x77E3E000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll
0x7800 - 0x7807F000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll
0x77D1 - 0x77D96000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll
0x77C4 - 0x77C8 C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.dll
0x77BE - 0x77C33000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSVCRT.dll
0x6D33 - 0x6D45C000
0x76AE - 0x76B0E000 C:\WINDOWS\System32\WINMM.dll
0x6D1D - 0x6D1D7000
0x6D30 - 0x6D30D000
0x6D21 - 0x6D229000
0x6D32 - 0x6D32D000
0x6D00 - 0x6D0FA000
0x72F5 - 0x72F73000 C:\WINDOWS\System32\WINSPOOL.DRV
0x7632 - 0x7633C000 

Re: [JAVA2D] tiling problem with swing components

2003-07-24 Thread Chet Haase

I'm not completley sure what's going on in your app, but you
might be seeing the effect of Swing's use of a back buffer.
That is, in an AWT app, you see the graphics on the screen
at the same time that you draw them.  But in Swing, all
graphics are rendered to the back buffer and you only
see them on the screen when the back buffer is copied to
the screen.
If you want to present the data as it becomes available, only do
the rendering itself in the paintComponent() method.  You could
use a separate thread to prepare the data and then, whenever
you are ready to display new data, call repaint() on the
component, which will eventually call your paintComponent()
method, which will quickly display only the data that you
have specified is ready.
Hope that helps.

Praveen Kysetti wrote:

I am trying to render a tiled OffScreen image onto a JPanel one tile at
a time.  It works fine if I use the AWT Canvas or it even works if its a
JPanel added into a AWT ScrollPane but doesn't work if its pure swing.
In a swing component it waits for all the tiles to be loaded before it
draws it onto the JPanel. Is it possibly because the computing thread
hanging. I have attached my paint method for the JPanel below. It might
give you some idea of what I want to do. I can't figure out what's
wrong. Hope you can give some suggestions. Any help is appreciated.
public synchronized void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
   Graphics2D g2D  = (Graphics2D)g;
   Rectangle clipBounds = g.getClipBounds();
   txmin = XtoTileX(clipBounds.x);
   txmax = XtoTileX(clipBounds.x + clipBounds.width - 1);
   tymin = YtoTileY(clipBounds.y);
   tymax = YtoTileY(clipBounds.y + clipBounds.height - 1);
   AffineTransform transform = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(0 , 0 );
   offScrGraphics.drawRenderedImage(im.getSubImage(txmin, tymin,
clipBounds.width, clipBounds.height), transform);
   shape i;
   int num_annotations = list.size();
   for(int i1 = 0; i1  num_annotations; i1++) {
  i = (shape)list.get(i1);
   for (tj = tymin; tj = tymax; tj++) {
  for (ti = txmin; ti = txmax; ti++) {
 AffineTransform transform1 =
AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(0 , 0 );
 g2D.drawRenderedImage(offScrTile.getSubImage(ti*tileWidth ,
tj*tileHeight, tileWidth , tileHeight), transform1);

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Re: [JAVA2D] Swing mailing list (slightly off-topic)

2003-07-24 Thread Chet Haase

I'll forward your request along to the Swing folks, but
a better answer might be the forums on the new java client
The site is a lot like the 2d interest list; the Sun people
are listening in and occasionally commenting, but it's
also for and by the community overall.  I know the
Swing and AWT forums have had quite a bit of activity since
the site opened in June; check it out and see if it
addresses your needs.

Nidel, Michael wrote:

Sorry for continuing an off-topic thread (and for
cross-posting to JAI-INTEREST), but maybe someone
can establish a mailing list for swing topics?
The various java lists can be incredibly helpful
and it has long puzzled me that there isn't a Swing
list. I have been a bit disappointed with the
Swing Connection because of its out-of-date feel,
though this has improved a bit recently.
Ideally a swing list would be hosted by sun through
the Swing Connection - it would probably require
limited additional work for them as far as
setup given the existing listserv systems.
If no Sun staff are actually available to post
responses on the list, that would be fine, it
could be user-supported. This is not all that
different from some of the other official lists.
I know I would join such a list, and I'm sure I'd
be able to contribute some answers in addition to
asking questions.
If this idea doesn't fly with Sun but there is
interest in a swing list, I would recommend that
interested people sign up for the list mentioned
below (or some alternative). It would also be useful
if Sun advertised the existence of the list
somewhere on the site if possible, so
that people with questions know where to go.
In any case, I think there is enough user demand for
a list resource that it justifies some kind of action.

Mike Nidel
Lockheed Martin MDS
Gaithersburg, MD USA

-Original Message-
From: Andrei Kouznetsov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 3:58 AM
Subject: Re: [JAVA2D] there is Swing mailing list
this list however is not really good (and not advanced).

On Thu, 24 Jul 2003 10:00:35 +0900, Tadashi Ohmura

Advanced-swing mailing list



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Re: [JAVA2D] Is there an AWT or Swing mailing list?

2003-07-23 Thread Chet Haase

For Swing, you can send your input/questions to:
(you can find this and other info on
I don't know about AWT off-hand, but I'll forward your
Rob Ross wrote:

I couldn't find one in the archives here:

nor could I find one anywhere on the various sun sites.


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Re: [JAVA2D] Java 2D / JAI for image diffs

2003-07-18 Thread Chet Haase

Depending on how sophisticated you want to be here, it is pretty
easy to get the pixel values from a BufferedImage and just compare
those values to those you get from another image.  Then you can
create a third image with those diffs.
Check out getRGB() methods in the BufferedImage API for more

Michael Saunders wrote:

I don't have any experience processing images in Java 2D / JAI so I hope
that someone can point me in the right direction.

   1. I would like to create a simple utility program that will take two
  images and put them in a card layout and then continuously cycle
  through them so the user can perform a visual diff between the two
  images to spot any changes.
   2. I would also like to be able to create a third image that is a
  diff of the other two so the differences can be easily identified.
The displaying of the images in a card layout doesn't seem too hard but
I am not certain how to go about creating the diff image. Can I do
this with Java 2D as-is or do I need JAI or JMF? What API's should I be
looking for? Do I read the pixels myself and perform a diff or is there
some high level filter API that I can pass the images through? As you
can probably tell from the questions I really am not sure where I should
start. If you can point me in the right direction I would really
appreciate it. Any books or on-line articles would be handy also.
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Re: [JAVA2D] complex shape as one object

2003-07-15 Thread Chet Haase

You could draw it all in an image and then copy that image (drawImage())
when it is time to render that object.  But you don't have to use
an image.  The important thing is to render all of the pieces
(the title and the rectangle) at the appropriate location whenever
it is time to paint.  So when your component is painting all of the
subobjects, tell each object to paint itself and each objects
paint method could be something like:
   public void paint(Graphics g) {
   g.drawString(titleText, titleLoc.x, titleLoc.y);
   g.fillRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h);
Note that the dragging of objects is distinct from the
rendering (or it can be, depending on your implementation).
You could just track the mouse interaction manually and update
the appropriate object locations based on those events.  Then
the ensuing paint events would use the updated locations.
There are a lot of ways to go about this, but hopefully this
gives you some ideas.
Eric Delacroix wrote:


I'm fairly new in using Java draw. I'm trying to make an interface that
permits to handle some graphical objects and link them between each other,
with simple lines. The graphical object consists in a rectangle with a
at the top, a line to separate it from the rest of the rectangle, and
all. But I'd like to be able to make some drag and drop of those objects,
and so, I'd like to have this shape as one and only one object. Do I
have to
draw it in an Image object, or something else. I'm a little bit lost in
this case, any help is welcome.
Thank you
Eric Delacroix
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[JAVA2D] Your JavaOne sessions

2002-11-05 Thread Chet Haase
I should have mentioned this in my earlier mail:

Besides the presentations that WE are planning to do at
JavaOne, we (and the other Java developers) would like
to hear from YOU.

Do you have something you would like to present?
A session about your application, development tools
and processes you think are worth sharing, ways of using
our APIs that make your apps better, feature comparisons,
whatever; share them with the world!  (or at least that portion
of the world that will be at JavaOne...)

Time is running out; proposals are due by Friday.  All you
need is an abstract of your presentation right now:


 Original Message 
Subject: [JAVA2D] JavaOne session ideas?
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2002 06:41:57 -0800
From: Chet Haase [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's session proposal time for the 2003 JavaOne conference.
The client teams (2D, Swing, AWT, and Internationalization)
have various ideas of sessions that we think developers would
benefit from.  But it would be great to hear from our
developers in case there are things that we are missing.

If you have any ideas for session topics or particular
graphics-related technologies that you would like to
have us present, please send them in either to this
interest list or directly to the java2d team at:

We're wrapping up our abstracts now and the deadline is
November 8th, so send in those ideas soon...


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[JAVA2D] JavaOne session ideas?

2002-10-30 Thread Chet Haase
It's session proposal time for the 2003 JavaOne conference.
The client teams (2D, Swing, AWT, and Internationalization)
have various ideas of sessions that we think developers would
benefit from.  But it would be great to hear from our
developers in case there are things that we are missing.

If you have any ideas for session topics or particular
graphics-related technologies that you would like to
have us present, please send them in either to this
interest list or directly to the java2d team at:

We're wrapping up our abstracts now and the deadline is
November 8th, so send in those ideas soon...


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Re: [JAVA2D] alt-tab in full screen mode

2002-08-14 Thread Chet Haase


Funny you mention that - I've been spending the last few days
of my life on that exact problem.

This is a bug in 1.4 (and 1.4.1) in our multithreaded approach
to fullscreen and display mode functionality.  I am working on
a fix for it that seems to be mostly functional.  Given the
timeframe of 1.4.1 (shipping RC any day now), this is a fix
that would not be integrated until the next release (1.4.2).


Grosjean, Jesse wrote:

 I'm trying to figure out how to alt-tab (using windows) out of, and then back
 into a java application this is running in fullscreen mode. When i try to do
 this with either of the examples that come with the fullscreen mode tutorial:

 they become unresponsive when it try to tab back into them. Is their a way to
 make alt-tabing back and forth work?


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Re: [JAVA2D] How to get rid of Volatile Image in Swing components

2002-07-25 Thread Chet Haase

I'm not quite sure what problem you are having managing the
VolatileImage since Swing should be managing that for you,
but in any case you can force the back buffer to be a
BufferedImage instead by using the flag:
(Note that this flag works for jdk1.4 and jdk1.4.1 but that
it may change with future releases as our internal use of
VolatileImage changes)


Emmanuel Deviller wrote:

 Hi everybody,

 With JDK 1.4, is there a easy way without using a runtime flag, like
 swing.volatileImageBufferEnabled=false, to get an offscreen image of
 type BufferedImage (not VolatileImage) for Swing jcomponents ?

 ie. : I have a JPanel enclosed in a JScrollPane, I need a
 BufferedImage backuffer for performance reason, and I had
 rather to avoid the burden to manage by myself this offscreen


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Re: [JAVA2D] Component.createImage(int,int)

2002-07-16 Thread Chet Haase


Your approach sounds correct and should result in accelerated
images in general.  Some things that could affect this are:
- the platform you are running on (I know we support
bitmask transparent accelerated images on Windows
currently, I'd have to check on the other platforms)
- the operations you are doing with those images
(rendering to the images will go through software
routines and will be no faster than similar
operations on BufferedImages; rendering from the images
to other accelerated images like the back buffer or
screen should go at hw-accelerated speeds).  Note
that animated images will not benefit from acceleration
because we cannot use the hardware accelerated version
of the image if the primary version is being constantly
updated.  Note also that if you do any operation that gets
access to the raster or data buffer of the image that we
may give up on acceleration.
- the bit depth you are running in (I do not believe we
currently support transparent images in 8 bits per pixel mode).

This is the approach we use in our demos (such as the DukeRoids
demo if you've seen that): create a bitmask transparent image,
render to it once, and copy it to the back buffer after that.
As of the second copy, we run at hardware speeds on these
type of images.

If all of this makes sense and you think your images still should
be accelerated, perhaps you could send me a small test case
that shows the problem I can see what's going wrong.

Chet Haase.

Grosjean, Jesse wrote:

 I'm using Component.createImage(int, int) to create accelerated images, and this
 is working well for creating opaque images, but it does not work for transparent
 images. I don't believe that fully transparent images can be accelerated with
 Java yet (let me know if i'm wrong) but i have read that 1-bit transparency
 images can be accelerated. Is this the case, and if so how is it done? Right now
 I have the following createAcceleratedImage that i'm trying to use:

 public static Image createAcceleratedImage(Image image) {
 if (image instanceof AcceleratedOffScreenImage)
 return image;

 // this works but the accelerate images are always opaque, so comment it out.
 //  Image result = myComponent.createImage(image.getWidth(null),

 // This makes images will transparency, but they seem the same speed as normal
 buffered images with transparent regions.
 GraphicsConfiguration graphicsConfiguration =
 BufferedImage result =
 image.getHeight(null), Transparency.BITMASK);
 Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) result.getGraphics();
 g2.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, 0));
 g2.fillRect(0, 0, image.getWidth(null), image.getWidth(null));
 g2 = (Graphics2D) result.getGraphics();
 g2.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null);
 return result;

 But the images (when using the Transparency.BITMASK) code do not seem

 So is it possible to get accelerated images with a BITMASK?


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Re: [JAVA2D] color keying

2002-07-10 Thread Chet Haase

Since you are only after transparency for the background (vs.
translucency), you can also use a similar approach but with
bitmask transparency instead of a full alpha channel.  The
advantage to this is that these types of images might
get hardware-accelerated under the hood (as of jdk1.4).


David Kavanagh wrote:

 If you use a buffered image with alpha channel for the oval image, you
 can do it. Just use TYPE_INT_ARGB for the buffered image, fill it with a
 color that sets alpha to 0, then draw your oval in whatever color you
 like. Then, you can simply draw it into your main image.


 Matias Rodriguez wrote:

 Hello, I have an application which draws a lot of Shapes, circles being one
 of the most common. I believe that circles are expensive to draw (compared
 with rectangles). Because most of the circles have the same size, I think
 it will be fast to draw only one (draw/fillOval) and blit it in the propper
 places. So the question is:  How can I make the background transparent? Am
 I right? is this faster than draw/fillOval?
 Matías Rodriguez.
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Re: [JAVA2D] color keying

2002-07-10 Thread Chet Haase

By the way, to take advantage of any existing hw acceleration
for these types of images in 1.4.x, you want to use
GraphicsConfiguration.createCompatibleImage(w, h,
instead of creating an image of type BufferedImage directly.
This is just an implementation detail of Java2D; we currently
do nothing to accelerate images that are created as
BufferedImage objects directly.  This may change in future
releases, but for the time being it is to your advantage
to let Java2D create the image for you...


Chet Haase wrote:

 Since you are only after transparency for the background (vs.
 translucency), you can also use a similar approach but with
 bitmask transparency instead of a full alpha channel.  The
 advantage to this is that these types of images might
 get hardware-accelerated under the hood (as of jdk1.4).


 David Kavanagh wrote:
  If you use a buffered image with alpha channel for the oval image, you
  can do it. Just use TYPE_INT_ARGB for the buffered image, fill it with a
  color that sets alpha to 0, then draw your oval in whatever color you
  like. Then, you can simply draw it into your main image.
  Matias Rodriguez wrote:
  Hello, I have an application which draws a lot of Shapes, circles being one
  of the most common. I believe that circles are expensive to draw (compared
  with rectangles). Because most of the circles have the same size, I think
  it will be fast to draw only one (draw/fillOval) and blit it in the propper
  places. So the question is:  How can I make the background transparent? Am
  I right? is this faster than draw/fillOval?
  Matías Rodriguez.
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Re: [JAVA2D] Performance of translucent line drawing

2002-05-13 Thread Chet Haase


Translucent lines are somewhat slower on 1.4 (Windows version) than
previous version for the same reason that other translucency
operations are somewhat slower; we can and usually do put the
Swing back buffer in video memory to improve the speed of various
simple GUI operations (such as opaque fills and buffer copies).
While this makes most simple operations significantly faster (because
they tend to be hardware accelerated), it makes some software-only
operations slower (because those operations now operate remotely
on video memory instead of locally on system memory).  There
are always tradeoffs...

Translucencly in particular is much slower because reading from video
memory is a horribly expensive operation.

You might try a workaround in the short term to see if you
get better overall performance:
This flag tells us not to store any images in video memory.  If
your application is being so bogged down by the performance of
yoru translucent lines that it's a net loss with the stuff that
actually can be accelerated, then perhaps this flag would
help your performance.  Or it can at least provide you a tool
to test with that can help narrow down your bottlenecks.
Another similar flag which is not so universal is:
This does not disable all ddraw offscreen image, but does tell
Swing to store its buffer in system memory instead of VRAM.

Another possible workaround, depending on your app, is to
create and use a temporary buffer into which you draw your
translucent primitives.  So, for example, you could do all of
your opaque rendering into the normal back buffer.  Then you could
do a drawImage() from that buffer into a temporary buffer, do your
translucent operations, and drawImage() back into the back buffer
(or directly onto the screen).

See below for specific answers to your questions:

 We are currently working on improving performance of our nice little product that 
hopefully will give Java on the client some additional momentum.

 While testing we have noticed that drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2) in JRE 1.4 is 
significant slower with translucent colors than with opaque colors (and also slower 
than in JRE 1.3), and this is the main performance bottleneck of our product 
(although not dramatic). We understand that the main reason for this is that 
currently no hardware acceleration is used when painting translucent colors.

 Question 1: Will there be hardware acceleration for translucent colors in future? 
And is there already a rough idea when this might happen? If this won't happen or if 
it will take some more time we will try to reduce usage of translucency.

We do expect this to happen, probably in the jdk1.5 timeframe (I have no
details on when to expect this release, though).  We know how to fix the
problem (use APIs that allow translucency operations instead of
which only understands opaque and transparent operations), it's just
a matter of doing the (significant amount of) work to use those APIs.
We have started work on this already, it's just going to be a while
until it's ready...

 Question2: In many cases we are using drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2) to paint one single 
pixel. Is there a faster way to paint one single pixel or is this already as fast as 
if there was a method paintPixel(x, y)?

This _should_ be pretty fast.  You could also try fillRect() to see if
provides any speedup (although I doubt that it would).  If you are doing
lots of individual pixels, and if the pixels are translucent, you could
try the temporary buffer solution outlined above and do your
drawLine() or fillRect() calls on that buffer.  Another approach is to
get the DataBuffer for the temporary buffer (assuming you have a
as your temp buffer) and set the pixels directly.  Note that this tends
cause problems for the acceleratability of images; we try hard to
things under the hood, but it's far easier for us to do that when you
use the API instead of grabbing/setting pixels directly.  But it's an
approach to consider, depending on your particular situation.

Hopefully there are some things here that you can play around
with to get better performance overall, or at least to know
where the problems are how to work around them for now.

Chet Haase.


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Re: [JAVA2D] Java2D and system color profile

2002-03-15 Thread Chet Haase


I'm not sure if I'm completely answering your question, but
here's how we deal with color palettes:

On windows (all flavors) in 256-color mode, we create a palette
which resembles palettes in popular browsers: a 6x6x6 color cube
with additional grays and some other colors thrown in for fun.
We do not attempt to change the system defaults (palette entries
0-7 and 248-255).  Our color operations to the screen would
use any and all colors installed in the palette to achieve the
closest match.  If that means that your profile changed colors
in the system palette (entires 8, 9, 246, 247, I believe), then
we would use those colors if they were the closest match.

Hope that helps.


Igor B wrote:

 Dear list members!

 Can anyone clarify the following question:
 does Java2D make use of the system default color profile in screen painting 
 And if yes, on which platforms?



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Re: [JAVA2D] sun.java2d.ddscale

2001-11-10 Thread Chet Haase

TnT2 should handle hardware scaling fine, so there must
be something else going on here.  Perhaps there is a problem
scaling 1-bit transparent images...


Damon Maria wrote:

 Hi all,

   an application I'm working on plans to make heavy use of drawing
 BufferedImages scaled. The DirectDraw acceleration of JDK 1.4b3 makes
 BufferedImages blindingly fast but on my system scaling them (even with
 sun.java2d.ddscale=true) is really slow.

 I presume from this that my video card (an Nivdia Riva TNT2) doesn't support
 hardware accelerated scaling (strange, I thought it was a good - if slightly old
 - card). Is this presumption correct? Can someone suggest video cards that do
 work with JDK 1.4b3 and the sun.java2d.ddscale flag?

 As you can see from these sun.java2d.trace=count outputs, scaled uses java2d to
 blit while unscaled uses DirectDraw...

 1 call to sun.java2d.loops.Blit::Blit(IntRgb, SrcNoEa, IntRgb)
 101 calls to sun.java2d.loops.Blit::Blit(IntArgbBm, SrcOverNoEa, IntRgb)
 1 call to$DelegateBlitBgLoop::BlitBg(Any,
 SrcNoEa, Integer RGB DirectDraw with 1 bit transp)
 11 calls to DXFillRect
 1 call to sun.java2d.loops.FillSpans::FillSpans(OpaqueColor, SrcNoEa, AnyInt)
 1 call to sun.java2d.loops.SetFillRectANY::FillRect(AnyColor, SrcNoEa, Any)
 116 total calls to 6 different primitives

 1 call to sun.java2d.loops.Blit::Blit(IntRgb, SrcNoEa, IntRgb)
 1 call to sun.java2d.loops.SetFillRectANY::FillRect(AnyColor, SrcNoEa, Any)
 11 calls to DXFillRect
 98 calls to RGB DirectDraw with 1
 bit transp, SrcOverNoEa, Integer RGB DirectDraw)
 1 call to sun.java2d.loops.FillSpans::FillSpans(OpaqueColor, SrcNoEa, AnyInt)
 1 call to$DelegateBlitBgLoop::BlitBg(Any,
 SrcNoEa, Integer RGB DirectDraw with 1 bit transp)
 3 calls to sun.java2d.loops.Blit::Blit(IntArgbBm, SrcOverNoEa, IntRgb)
 116 total calls to 7 different primitives

 thanks in advance,
 Strobe lights and blown speakers
 Fireworks and hurricanes

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Re: [JAVA2D] High performance graphics on

2001-11-01 Thread Chet Haase


 One reason I'd prefer VolatileImages over BufferedImages is that it allows the
 application to manage the video card memory as a cache.

 As one example: Keep track of all the VI's we've created and when last used. If
 we try to create a new one and getCapabilities().isAccelerated() == false then
 we can flsuh() some old ones, and re-create the new one accelerated. If a
 flushed one is asked for again, re-create it.

 This control is not possible with BufferedImages. I know this is implementation
 detail but could someone describe how BufferedImages being loaded into and
 out of VRAM currently works? Is it something similar to what I described above.

Unfortunately it is not that sophisticated.  VRAM is currently managed
as a pool for both Volatile and non-Volatile images and is allocated
on a first-come, first-served basis.  Volatile images can control their
use of this resource (via the flush() call), but hidden-acceleration
images (those that we try to cache and accelerate under-the-hood) will
sipmly grab the memory if it's there and if it looks like acceleration
is worthwhile.  For example, a non-Vol buffer that is being modified
every frame will probably never allocate VRAM because we never see the
advantage from copying down the changes to the cached version.  A static
sprite, on the other hand, will grab some VRAM almost immediately
  and will continue to use it until the image is GC'd.

 What are the conditions that cause a BufferedImage to go into VRAM. Is there
 anyway to hint to a BufferedImages to be put into VRAM. Like graphics.dispose()
 or seomthing?

See above explanation...

 The reason I'm asking is because the application I'm developing will rely
 heavily on caching of accelerated images.

The best recommendation I have for you now is to pre-allocate the stuff
that you really want in VRAM, keeping in mind the first-come, first-
served principal.  Also, you should be able to manage vram for your
own Volatile images even if there are also non-Volatile images taking
up the same resource.  As an example, let's say someone just resized
your window and you need to create a new back buffer.  You obviously
don't need the old back buffer any more and you want to use that VRAM
for your new back buffer.  The best thing to do (and this is what's
done inside of Swing) is to first flush the old back buffer and then
allocate the new one.  Assuming there are no other threads in your app
allocating image memory at the same time, this should guarantee that
the VRAM from the old buffer is available for reuse immediately by the
new buffer.

In the next release, when we will hopefully
be able to support even more functionality in hardware (such as
alpha compositing and more advanced drawing primitives), we will
hopefully have more ways to create different kinds of accelerated
images (both explicitly and implicitly).

 Sounds like what I want. By next release are you talking 1.4 (release), 1.4.1 or

Certainly not 1.4 (we're freezing that in the next few days).  Anything
requiring API changes would have to be 1.5.  Anything that could be done
under-the-hood (such as VRAM management or acceleration for certain
existing image types) could be done between 1.4 and 1.5, depending
on the work required.

 Thanks for the help and detailed response,

Sure thing.  Thanks for the input.  It's great to see people actually
starting to use the stuff we've been working on for a while; input from
actual users is key to getting the API and the implementation


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[JAVA2D] Feature requests for jdk1.5...

2001-10-17 Thread Chet Haase

Now that development on jdk1.4 is winding down, the Java2D
team is starting the plan for the jdk1.5 release.  We thought
that people on this interest list might have things in
mind that you would like to see in our product.  These
can range from API requests to performance issues to
quality issues; anything is fair game to propose at
this point.

Feel free respond to this list or to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(which only goes to the Java2D team) if you prefer.
We may not respond directly if there are no questions about
your Email.  But all requests will be reviewed by the
group to help determine our priorities for the next release.

Chet Haase.

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Re: [JAVA2D] What determines screen resolution given double buffering off?

2001-09-24 Thread Chet Haase [TEMP]


You can always set the screen resolution using the Display control panel
in win32, but there is no way to set the screen resolution from inside
of Java in jdk 1.3.1.  This is a capability that we have introduced in
jdk1.4, however; check out the GraphicsDevice in the latest Beta release
for more information.


 Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
 X-Priority: 3
 From: Jason T. S. Chow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [JAVA2D] What determines screen resolution given double 
buffering off?
 Hi all,
   After I have set double buffering of a swing component off by 
 I found that the screen resolution is 96, from 
 Why is 96? And is there any way to set screen resolution?I am using 
800 x 600 screen
 size, using Window 98 and JDK 1.3.1.
   Thanks in advnace.
  Thank you for using Email system

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Re: [JAVA2D] Problem using page flipping

2001-09-06 Thread Chet Haase [TEMP]


2 megs isn't a lot, so I wouldn't be totally surprised if
you're bumping up against a VRAM limit, even though your
front and back buffers alone should fit with almost 800K
to spare..  Ideally, the only
things in VRAM should be your front and back buffers.  But
there might be other things there as well, depending on
your app, Windows98, the graphics card, and the graphics
driver.  Thee things include other images from your app
(even if you don't create VolatileImage objects, we might
try to create a hardware-cached version of some of your
images), the primary display used by Windows, and resources
used by the GDI and graphics drivers of your card.

In any case, there is a new call in GraphicsDevice
It should be available in the jdk1.4 Beta2 release.  This function
should query the video hardware as to what resources
are actually available.  This would give us more information
about why your app might be failing to get the flippable

There are various things that could contribute to this problem,
such as hardware/drivers that don't support page flipping,
the time of buffer creation (if you're running in high-res mode
at the time you try to create this stuff, there's not enough room to
create everything given the size that the display takes up
in VRAM).  But finding out the answer to the above might help.


 Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 From: Blouin, Jerome [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [JAVA2D] Problem using page flipping


 I'm developing a 2D demo that scrolls a wide image in a resolution of
640 x
 480 of 16 bits.  To do this I use a rendering loop that uses a
 BufferStrategy (JDK 1.4).

 My problem is that I would like to have a page flipping strategy to
have the
 best results, but it seems that the program isn't able to use that
 It uses a blitting strategy instead witch causes tearing effects in
 demo.  To discover that the program doen't do page flipping, I request
 BufferCapabilities class.  The call to isPageFlipping() always returns
 and the call to getFlipContents() always returns null because
 isPageFlipping() returns false, according to the API doc.

 I don't understand why page flipping can't be used because my video
card has
 2 megs of VRAM so this should be big enough to perform page flipping
 pages of 640 x 480 x 16).  Also I run the demo in Windows 98.

 Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Re: [JAVA2D] Fullscreen API

2001-06-26 Thread Chet Haase


Assuming you're running on win32 (where fullscreen is fully
implemented through ddraw, and not emulated by awt)

You might try calling sync() on the Toolkit:

This ensures that ddraw and gdi have flushed their commands
prior to returning.

Also, current jdk1.4 builds tend to go through contortions when
going into and out of fullscreen mode (you may notice the
display mode changing a couple of times during the process).
This has been simplified in our internal builds (which
should be available soon, or by Beta2 at the latest).  That
might be the source of your problem/solution...


Blouin, Jerome wrote:


 When changing the display mode in fullscreen exclusive mode, is there a way
 to know when this operation has completed? I ask it because when I change
 the display mode it takes a few seconds or less to execute.

 This is important for me because I should wait that the display is in the
 expected mode before starting to perform animations otherwise many frames
 will not be shown.

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Re: [JAVA2D] VolatileImage pixel access?

2001-06-19 Thread Chet Haase


There isn't really a good way for you to get at the
pixels of a VolatileImage.  This is (somewhat) by design.
First of all, getting at the pixel values of a ddraw surface
(on win32) tends to slow down the graphics pipeline (it flushes
all pending operations, thus serializing access to the graphics
chip and losing the benefits of parallelism).  But more
importantly, the methods provided by Java2D for accessing pixels
(getRaster(), etc.) simply hand over a pointer to the data
to you somewhat permanently (meaning that you can continue to
use that pointer for as long as you want).  This is a serious
drawback for us in implementing VolatileImage objects because
it is impossible to have an outstanding pointer to ddraw (on win32)
pixels while that surface is not locked.  The only way to work
around this mismatch between our API and ddraw is to punt on
acceleration whenever anyone requests access to the pixels.

However, there should be a way to do what you intend.  Your approach
of using a staging buffer is the recommended way to deal with
this problem.  But make sure to copy the data from the staging
buffer in a way that does not get a pixel pointer (e.g., getRaster())
from the VolatileImage.

So, for example, if vImg is your VolatileImage and stage
is your staging buffer:
Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D)vImg.getGraphics();
g.drawImage(stage, 0, 0, null); // this assumes you want
// to copy the entire buffer; you could copy
// a subrectangle instead
This approach would allow us to copy the pixels in the staging buffer
without violating the policy of pixel access.

In general, the approach to getting the maximum acceleration
out of VolatileImage is do it through the API.  That is,
anything you can do to avoid getting at the pixels will let
things run as fast as possible.

I hope this helps.


John Owen wrote:

 What is the correct way to manipulate image data using the new VolatileImage class 
and backbuffering?

 I have a rendering loop where I am compositing multiple static images to a single 
back buffer image. I then want to make one or more passes manipulating the back 
buffer pixel data.

 What is the correct way to do this to maintain hardware acceleration? There does not 
seem to be any way for me to get a hold of the image data if the backbuffer is a 
VolatileImage. Should there be a way to do this using the new jni ByteBuffer class?

 I have tried to do this using createImage() to create a staging buffer, modify the 
staging buffers pixel, and then blitting this buffer to the backbuffer. However as 
soon as I call getRaster() on the staging buffer my frame rate plummets. I also 
really don't want to manipulate the data on the Java heap, but on the C heap intead.

 Any information would be appreciated.

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Re: [JAVA2D] VolatileImage pixel access?

2001-06-19 Thread Chet Haase


I think the drop in frame rate when you call getRaster() is
because your staging buffer is also being hw accelerated
(either because you've created it as a VolatileImage or
because we're trying to do acceleration on a createImage()
object for you).  Before you call getRaster() on that buffer,
we are able to do copies from that buffer to the VolatileImage
at hardware speeds.  As soon as you call getRaster(), we punt
the staging buffer into software (due to the reasons I
described before) and the copies to and from that buffer
will now happen through software rendering instead (much slower
in general).

I don't have any particular suggestions for you other than:
- try to use API calls to draw your pixels instead
(can you use line commands to draw single pixels?  Or
create sprites and copy those around instead?)

- make the area you are copying from your staging
buffer as small as possible to minimize the overhead
of the software copy into the VolatileImage.

- it is possible that there is something inefficient
about the way that we are handling the actual setPixels,
but I would have to know more about your application.
If you sent me a simple app that demonstrated your
problem, I could take a look at it to see where the
bottelnecks were.

As far as locking and unlocking the VolatileImage from the
application, this is a good suggestion and one that I could
see proposing for the API (but not, unfortunately, in the
1.4 timeframe).

Note that there is, in general, a trend away from direct pixel
access. For example, DirectX 8 does not (at least to my knowledge)
allow you to lock any of the surfaces cached in hardware.  Instead,
you are expected to make changes to software surfaces and then copy
them down to hardware (much as you are doing with your staging
buffer).  This is to account for the increasing cost in performance
of locking the framebuffer; as video cards get more capable and
complex the cost of flushing the graphics pipe and getting the
vram pixels in a modifiable state is more and more


John Owen wrote:

  This is a serious
  drawback for us in implementing VolatileImage objects because
  it is impossible to have an outstanding pointer to ddraw (on win32)
  pixels while that surface is not locked.  The only way to work
  around this mismatch between our API and ddraw is to punt on
  acceleration whenever anyone requests access to the pixels.

 If I was working with Direct Draw and C, I would lock my staging buffer, modify the 
pixels, unlock it, and then blit it to the back buffer. How come I can't do this with 
a VolatileImage? Can't you expose lock/unlock and a method to get the native data as 
a jni ByteBuffer?

  But make sure to copy the data from the staging
  buffer in a way that does not get a pixel pointer (e.g., getRaster())
  from the VolatileImage.
  So, for example, if vImg is your VolatileImage and stage
  is your staging buffer:
  Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D)vImg.getGraphics();
  g.drawImage(stage, 0, 0, null); // this assumes you want
  // to copy the entire buffer; you could copy
  // a subrectangle instead
  This approach would allow us to copy the pixels in the staging buffer
  without violating the policy of pixel access.

 This is exactly what I am doing right now. It works great, I get 100+ frames a 
second. However as soon as I call stage.getRaster() so that I can modify the staging 
buffer's pixels, my frame rate drops to 15 frames a second. I haven't even added the 
code to actually modify the pixels yet, the call to getRaster() itself is causing the 
dramatic drop in frame rate. So this doesn't seem like a viable solution, at least 
with the current implementation.

 Even if it does work in the future I would still much prefer the 
lock/unlock/ByteBuffer solution because I want to modify the data on the C heap, not 
the Java heap, because it is likely to be much faster.

 - John

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Re: [JAVA2D] How to avoid cursor flashing?

2001-06-19 Thread Chet Haase


Unfortunately, there's probably not a lot you can do at the
application level about the flashing cursor.  There are a couple
of things that can make the cursor flash while using
- Buffer flipping: the new buffer flipping
capability in jdk1.4 sometimes makes the cursor flash
as we flip between the back buffer and the onscren buffer.

- DirectX cursor hiding: Microsoft's DirectX runtime
sometimes hides the cursor during certain operations
(e.g., Blits) to avoid cursor garbage.

- Windows 2000 cursor bugs: There are problems with
alpha-blended (shadowed) cursors on Windows 2000 on
some video cards (especially those that lack hardware
color cursor support).  This requires a workaround in
Java2D to hide the cursor before performing some operations
(screen-screen Blits).

- Video card/driver cursor support: in general, software
cursors are going to flash more as various software
components (Java2D, DirectX, Windows) hide the cursor
to avoid cursor garbage during onscreen graphics

I don't know if this helps you any, but perhaps understanding
the limitations will help you find a solution in your application.
In the meantime, if you could send me a sample app with your
marching ants stuff in it, I could try it out here and see if
there's anything that we could do (although it probably won't
happen by jdk1.4 final release, but I could at least put it on
the TODO list for future patches/releases).  Also, tell me
the details of the system you are running on (Windows version,
video card, etc.).


Bruce Hodge wrote:

 Does anyone know how to avoid having the cursor flash or blink when the screen
 is updated under Windows?  I have an implementation of marching ants for
 an active marquee, but it causes the cursor to blink at every refresh.


 Bruce Hodge

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Re: [JAVA2D] VolatileImage and Transparency?

2001-06-18 Thread Chet Haase

This is definitely possible in jdk 1.4... but not yet.  We just
put back the code to do this into our source tree last
Friday, which means it will be in official builds in the
next week or so and will be in the official beta refresh
(aka Beta2) build whenever that ships.

Note that not all images with transparency are accelerated
(for now).  The best way to guarantee acceleration is to create
a compatible image with bitmask transparency using the
GraphicsConfiguration.createCompatibleImage() method.  There
is an example of how to do this in the internal DukeRoids
demo; let me figure out the best way to externalize that
code (maybe posting to this list or to the java2d or


 Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 From: John Owen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [JAVA2D] VolatileImage and Transparency?


 I am very impressed with the performance of the new VolatileImage and
BufferStrategy classes. However I can not seem to get transparent
blitting to work.

 I am trying to copy a volatile image to another volatile image using
Graphics.drawImage(...) I want to specify a single transparency color
and I do not want to use an alpha band. My desktop is in 32 bit true
color and my images both have a DirectColorModel with 3 bands, rgb.

 The problem I am having is that there does not seem to be a way for me
to specify a transparency color. The only public setTransparentColor()
method i see is on IndexedColorModel, but I have a DirectColorModel.

 Is there any way to do this using the current JDK1.4 public APIs?

 I have been able to get it to work by casting my source VolatileImage
to a and calling
setTransparentColor(Color). This obviously isn't portable though.

 I have also had limited success by making my source image a
BufferedImage and using an alpha band and a transparency mode of
Transparency.BITMASK. However my frame rate drops to like 5 fps from
350fps, which makes sense to me since all the available
GraphicsConfigurations under windows seem to only have 3 bands (no alpha

 Any ideas how I can do this while maintaining hardware accelerated


 - John

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Re: [JAVA2D] JDK 1.4 - Full-screen support.

2001-05-25 Thread Chet Haase

Fullscreen mode on win2k has been somewhat disfunctional.  Most of these
problems have been fixed just recently; expect the Beta 2 release
of the jdk to include these fixes...


 Mail-Followup-To: Onimusha [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 User-Agent: Mutt/0.96.1i
 From: Dmitri Trembovetski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [JAVA2D] JDK 1.4 - Full-screen support.
 Comments: To: Onimusha [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Hi Onimusha,

   Thanks for the comments.

 On Thu, May 24, 2001 at 11:59:0p -0400, Onimusha wrote:
   I know full-screen support is more of an AWT topic, but it is
related to
   Java2D (graphics).

   Well, from the log you've attached it seems that it crashes in 2D
   code.. Crashes on my Win2K+DX8+Voodoo3 as well with the same stack
   trace. Works fine on NT. Probably some OS-specific issue. We'll look
   into it.

   Thank you,

   So I tried to implement the full-screen examples on the Java
   Here's what I got ...
   Example 1: Runs, but I can't change any settings (grayed out).
   Example 2: Goes into a fullscreen mode at my current
   color/depth/resolution setting. But whenever I try to set the mode
   to the same thing it's running at) the VM crashes.
   The cool thing at least, is that it creates a log file, (log file
at end
   of this post)
   Example 3: Screen actually seems to change display mode (like when
   play a game) but then just stays black and doesn't do anything.
   Any ideas, maybe it's Win2K, Direct X 8.0, or even my video card
   logfile ...
   An unexpected exception has been detected in native code outside
the VM.
   Unexpected Signal : EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION occurred at
   Current Java thread:
   at sun.java2d.loops.Blit.Blit(Native Method)
   at sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D.drawImage(
   at sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D.drawImage(
   at javax.swing.JComponent.paintDoubleBuffered(
   at javax.swing.JComponent._paintImmediately(
   at javax.swing.JComponent.paintImmediately(
   at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
   Dynamic libraries:
   0x0040 - 0x00405000 D:\jdk1.4\bin\java.exe
   0x77F8 - 0x77FFA000 C:\WINNT.0\System32\ntdll.dll
   0x77DB - 0x77E0A000 C:\WINNT.0\system32\ADVAPI32.dll
   0x77E8 - 0x77F35000 C:\WINNT.0\system32\KERNEL32.DLL
   0x77D4 - 0x77DB C:\WINNT.0\system32\RPCRT4.DLL
   0x7800 - 0x78046000 C:\WINNT.0\system32\MSVCRT.dll
   0x6D40 - 0x6D503000 D:\jdk1.4\jre\bin\hotspot\jvm.dll
   0x77E1 - 0x77E74000 C:\WINNT.0\system32\USER32.dll
   0x77F4 - 0x77F7C000 C:\WINNT.0\system32\GDI32.DLL
   0x7757 - 0x775A C:\WINNT.0\System32\WINMM.dll
   0x1000 - 0x10019000 C:\WINNT.0\System32\NVDESK32.DLL
   0x6D20 - 0x6D207000 D:\jdk1.4\jre\bin\hpi.dll
   0x6D3D - 0x6D3DD000 D:\jdk1.4\jre\bin\verify.dll
   0x6D24 - 0x6D255000 D:\jdk1.4\jre\bin\java.dll
   0x6D3F - 0x6D3FD000 D:\jdk1.4\jre\bin\zip.dll
   0x6D01 - 0x6D0FB000 D:\jdk1.4\jre\bin\awt.dll
   0x7780 - 0x7781D000 C:\WINNT.0\System32\WINSPOOL.DRV
   0x75E6 - 0x75E7A000 C:\WINNT.0\System32\IMM32.dll
   0x77A5 - 0x77B45000 C:\WINNT.0\system32\ole32.dll
   0x6D1B - 0x6D1FF000 D:\jdk1.4\jre\bin\fontmanager.dll
   0x6D35 - 0x6D357000 D:\jdk1.4\jre\bin\nio.dll
   0x7503 - 0x75044000 C:\WINNT.0\System32\WS2_32.dll
   0x7502 - 0x75028000 C:\WINNT.0\System32\WS2HELP.DLL
   0x6D34 - 0x6D34E000 D:\jdk1.4\jre\bin\net.dll
   0x7505 - 0x75058000 C:\WINNT.0\System32\WSOCK32.dll
   0x7828 - 0x7828C000 C:\WINNT.0\System32\rnr20.dll
   0x7798 - 0x779A4000 C:\WINNT.0\System32\DNSAPI.DLL
   0x777E - 0x777E8000 C:\WINNT.0\System32\winrnr.dll
   0x7795 - 0x77979000 C:\WINNT.0\system32\WLDAP32.DLL
   0x728A - 0x728A6000 

Re: [JAVA2D] ImageProducers

2000-12-13 Thread Chet Haase


The BufferedImage object in Java2D was created for easier access to the
pixels of an image, so I think you might find it easier to use that
API for what you are doing rather than the ImageProducer approach.
To get the array of pixel data from a BufferedImage, you could do
something like:
// createImage(w,h) doesn't guarantee a BufferedImage
// but it works that way for now.  There are other
// ways to create a BufferedImage directly, but this
// will do for this example
BufferedImage bImg = (BufferedImage)createImage(w, h);
Raster raster = bImg.getRaster();
DataBuffer dBuff = raster.getDataBuffer();
(I'm glossing over some of the details here, but these are the
main objects that you would play with to set pixel data).

Having said this, if your interest is in gaming and fast graphics,
you might try to find a way to avoid playing with the pixels directly;
if you could use higher-level API to set your pixel data that would
be easier for the API to accelerate.  For example, if you need
to draw a line, it would be better to call bImg.getGraphics().drawLine()
than to draw that line yourself (no matter how fast your line-drawing
algorithm is).  This is somewhat true for the current jdk release,
but will be even more the case going forward.
As of the next release (jdk1.4), we are enabling the use of hardware
acceleration for offscreen images.  But if you request access to the
pixel data directly, we have to punt and disable acceleration for
that image.

I hope this helps.


 X-Accept-Language: en
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
 From: Edvard Fagerholm [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [JAVA2D] ImageProducers

 As I haven't got any reponse, in the forums, I'm going to
 paste my question here.

 This is maybe a stupid question, but I don't feel like using my whole
 day digging the Java2D API refernce. So what's the fastest and simplest
 way to turn an Image into an ImageProducer, so that I could manipulate

 The problem is that some of the images are changing, and I have to turn
 Images into inta rrays or something very quickly. Is there any way to
 simply make your array point directly to the image object so that I
 could quickly write pixels into it, or do I have to make a copy of an
 Image pixel by pixel into an array. Doing this would produce extra I/O,
 and that would hurt performance seriously.

 I haven't really been doing any extensive graphics programming in java,
 I've been doing everything relating to graphics in C  asm, so if
 someone could help me I'd appreciate it.

 Thanks in advance
 Edvard Fagerholm

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Re: [JAVA2D] Java2D flickering

2000-12-05 Thread Chet Haase


  When I run Swing and Java2D applications on my Windows 95 machine I
  see a lot of ugly dithering and repaint problems. How do I fix it?
  A: In most cases, this problem can be fixed by obtaining the latest
  DirectDraw drivers and the latest video driver for your video
  card. If you don't need to use DirectDraw, you might consider
  turning it off to see if that helps:
java -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true

 Can anyone clarify how this problem is the fault of the DirectDraw

I think this QA was directed at more problematic rendering artifacts
than screen flickering; sometimes DirectDraw problems (either in
Java2D or DirectDraw drivers) result in garbage on the
screen that make using an application difficult.

What I think you are seeing is something that I've seen when running
stress tests that involve a lot of animations.  The process by which
we use DirectDraw to copy the bits onto the screen (and the way
that DirectDraw locks the screen to allow that copy to happen)
sometimes causes this flickering.  I've seen this on other versions
of Windows and DirectX and with various video cards.  By turning
off DirectDraw, you force the copy to go through a slower (and
less flicker-prone) path.

Our method of painting to the screen from offscreen buffers
improves in our next release (we are now able to use the copying
capabilities of the underlying hardware and thus avoid the screen
lock and flicker).

In the meantime, if you could provide me with more information
on the jdk release and application that you're working with, I
can look into the problem...

Chet Haase.

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Re: [JAVA2D] [Q] Best configuration for Java2D?

2000-11-01 Thread Chet Haase

DoHyug Kim,

Prior to the release currently under development (jdk 1.4), the
only Java2D operations that are affected by the
type of video card in the system are those going directly to the
screen that could be accelerated by current PC hardware
(opaque lines, fills, etc.).   Otherwise, the video card has little
impact on the overall performance of Java2D.  This is because any
operations going to offscreen images (such as back buffers)
are using software rendering techniques.

As of jdk 1.4, there will be support for hardware acceleration
for offscreen images.  In particular, simple opaque operations
(fills and copies) will be offloaded to the video card
if appropriate.  At that time, the type of video card in
the system will have some impact on the overall performance
you see.  However, since the range of operations supported
through hardware is not that extensive (yet), it would not take
a top-of-the-line video card to see good performance numbers;
most video cards on the market for the past 3-5 years support
the kind of operations that we will be accelerating.  Some cards
do these operations faster than others, of course, but the
biggest improvement will be in using the hardware offscreen
images instead of software images.


 As far as I know, the performance of Java2D is quite
 dependent on the specific configuration of PC (Especially
 what videocard is in use). And it seems that there were
 some emails from Java2D team in this mailing list
 explaining the results of their testing of Java2D on various

 What I wish to know is what's the best configuration
 for maximizing the performance of Java2D.
 Could anybody share his/her experience?


 DoHyug Kim

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Re: [JAVA2D] Questions on jdk1.4

2000-05-16 Thread Chet Haase


The current releases all have hardware acceleration on Win32 for
onscreen operations.  We are currently working on hardware acceleration
for offscreen surfaces for our Merlin release (jdk1.4).


 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
 X-Priority: 3
 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2919.6700
 From: Sergei Rodionov [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [JAVA2D] Questions on jdk1.4
 Comments: To: Jim Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi Jim,

   version java2d, which would have native core?
  What do you mean by a "native core" to 2D?  The reference implementation
  of the 2D API has always been a blend of both native and Java code, each
  being used where it seems to work best...

 i mean 2D that will use some hardware functionality, like for example i'm
 really looking forward
 to have fast BitBlt for Windows32 platforms :)


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Re: [JAVA2D] Performance: Windows Image -vs- BufferedImage

2000-05-15 Thread Chet Haase


There is no inherent native performance advantage of loaded images
versus BufferedImages - they both currently run through the same native software
loops when copying data back and forth.  The only advantage you might
see would be due to the type of BufferedImage you are creating.  That is,
if you create the same type of BufferedImage as the loaded image is
using, the performanced should be the same.  But if you create a
BufferedImage that is less optimal than the image type
created internally when loading an image, then performance will
suffer in the BufferedImage case.

One thing to keep in mind when creating images is the type of image that
you will be copying data to and from.  For example, if you are creating
an image whose data will be copied to the screen (such as a back
buffer or a sprite), then creating an image of the same depth/type as
the screen will give you the best performance (i.e., our copy loops
won't have to translate between your image representation and the
screen's; they can just copy the data as is).

The easiest way to achieve this similarity between your offscreen image
and the screen representation is to simply use the createImage(w, h)
method.  This method is guranteed to return you an image that has the
same depth as the screen.

As a side note, we are currently working on enabling hardware acceleration
for offscreen images.  These acceleratable images would also be created
through the createImage(w, h) API (or through similar methods) and
not necessarily through manually-created BufferedImage objects.  The more
control you hand over to Java2D in creating and manipulating the images
(e.g., letting us create the most appropriate image for you instead
of creating your own), the more possibility there is for Java2D to
accelerate operations on that image (because we can make more assumptions
about the data and representation of that image).

I hope this helps.

Chet Haase.

 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
 From: Ted Eiles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [JAVA2D] Performance: Windows Image -vs- BufferedImage


 When I load an image from a file I'm getting a platform/native optimized
 implementation.  When I create a BufferedImage I get an all-Java


 What are the speed and  memory tradeoffs between the two implementations?

 Would saving dynamically create images (using BufferedImage ) to disk and
 then reading them back as native images give me better memory/speed
 performance in the long run?

 Thanks --- Ted

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Re: [JAVA2D] Windows palette, X11 visuals, etc

2000-04-26 Thread Chet Haase

Currently, the awt library sets the palette (when running in 8-bit mode,
of course).   We are thinking about changing this, though, and just
using the default color map that is in place when the app
is launched.  This would work better, for instance, in the case
you mention (having another app set up the system palette) and in the
case of an applet running inside a browser (which should really be
using the brower's colormap instead of trying to set its own).


 X-Priority: 3
 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.3612.1700
 From: Fred Stevens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [JAVA2D] Windows palette, X11 visuals, etc

 This isn't really a Java2D question, but since the Java community at large is
not too interested in issues of color accuracy, I thought I'd post here.

 The question is, is the Windows palette (and the similar X11 stuff about which
I'm rather vague - it's been a long time) set by the VM or by application which
invokes the VM?  If I create a "launcher" app and set up a palette, will the VM
change the palette or will drawing code dither to the palette I set?

 I suppose the answer is "the VM sets the palette" since looking at the
"launcher" apps provided in "src.jar" shows nothing platform specific like this


 J F Stevens
 610/407-4476 (voice)
 425/871-0808 (FAX)

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