[LUTE] Theorbo/prop; youtube solves mystery, Thanks.

2008-02-02 Thread Michael Bocchicchio
 Thanks for the youtube links. I didn't remember that
front shot of the instrument from 1991 (?). It is
obviously an attiorbato being fake played by an actor.

 After all these years, the fingering is even more
distracting than I remember.--Especially St. Colombe
in that scene. I guess Mr. Sovall had his work cut out
for him and couldn't possibly hope to teach a bunch of
scene actors to convincingly fake it.

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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo/prop; youtube solves mystery, Thanks.

2008-02-02 Thread Tony Chalkley
I seem to remember hearing that in one scene, Jordi Savall was actually 
behind Gérard Depardieu doing the fingering, so at least that shot should be 
in sync - also that Guillaume did learn a bit of gamba in order to be more 
convincing - it's along time since I saw the film - Jean-Marie might be able 
to confirm this.

- Original Message - 
From: Michael Bocchicchio [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 9:07 AM
Subject: [LUTE] Theorbo/prop; youtube solves mystery, Thanks.

Thanks for the youtube links. I didn't remember that
front shot of the instrument from 1991 (?). It is
obviously an attiorbato being fake played by an actor.

After all these years, the fingering is even more
distracting than I remember.--Especially St. Colombe
in that scene. I guess Mr. Sovall had his work cut out
for him and couldn't possibly hope to teach a bunch of
scene actors to convincingly fake it.

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[LUTE] Re: G Theorbo or movie prop+Jean-Marie Poirier?

2008-02-02 Thread Anthony Hind
Ed, Here is my personal photo of L'Ensemble Phal=E8se Consort (The  
Little Big-Band), Pascal Gallon is directing on the left, and Jean- 
Marie Poirer, is second from the right in the front row (taken at a  
music festival in Caen, where Jacob Heringman was the guest). You  
will see that he is indeed left-handed.

Jean-Marie, as Lina Messina says has at least two very interesting  
web sites. He also uses, at least some gut on his lute, as he told me  
he still has some of the original loaded strings in use on one of his  


I hope your trip to the museum of music goes well.

Le 2 fevr. 08 =E0 08:10, Edward Martin a ecrit :

 At 10:25 PM 2/1/2008 -0800, howard posner wrote:
 All that said, the answer to the original question is that the lute
 player is really playing a real liuto attiorbato, in sync.  I don't
 think it's Lislevand, because he plays left-handed (unlike the
 theorbo player in the orchestra scenes).

 I did not think that Lislevand plays left handed, or are you  
 referring to
 the player in the movie?  It does not appear anything like  
 Lislevand.  Is
 there not a law, or rather a contract issue with non-actors (i.e.,
 musicians) acting in movies?


 Edward Martin
 2817 East 2nd Street
 Duluth, Minnesota  55812
 voice:  (218) 728-1202

 To get on or off this list see list information at


[LUTE] Re: G Theorbo or movie prop+Jean-Marie Poirier?

2008-02-02 Thread Jean-Marie Poirier
I think I had problems sending this message, sorry if it is duplicated...

Thanks Tony, Anthony and Lino for the kind words and link to my webpage. Don't
be mistaken : Lino is also a talented player, the only thing is he is
right-handed; nobody's perfect... ;-))) !

Well, Tony, if I remember well - the film was shot in 1991...- I think
there is one scene where we can see the hands of Jean-Louis
Charbonnier when JP MArielle is doing Air Viol the rest of the time
(as someone said before). JL,Charbonnier was in charge of teaching the
actors how to hold a viol and move their arms to give the impression
they could really play...You can appreciate the results. Some were
obviously more gifted than others, weren't they ?

I fake play on the song Une jeune fillette but it's true I played
along and Marielle didn't for the simple reason that I'm a lute player
and he is NOT a viol player, but an excellent actor anyway.

In the scene with the two Sainte Colombe girls, I play a lute made by
the English maker John Gorrett in 1980. It isn't a copy an Italian
model but was inspired by different models, Sellas included. It is not
a faithful copy of an extant instrument really. I still use this
instrument as an archlute and it works quite well indeed.

I think that's it for my memorabilia ;-).

Tony, hope to see you at our concert on Saturday !

Best to eveybody,

Jean-Marie Poirier


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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G? Plus some guidelines

2008-02-02 Thread Martyn Hodgson

Martyn Hodgson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2008 12:50:27 + 
From: Martyn Hodgson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G? Plus some guidelines 
To: howard posner [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Thanks for this; I now better understand your position with which, you won't 
be surprised, I don't agree and I'll carefully explain why not. But just before 
responding, to ensure we don't write at cross purposes, let me take you down 
the short by-lane of the history of this thread.
  It came about after someone wrote saying they were obtaining a theorbo and 
asked views as to wether the nominal A or G tuning was the most useful.  A 
number of people responded including David Tayler who additionally said that 
normally theorbos in the A or G tuning should have string lengths in the range 
77-82cm which seemed bizarre to say the least and contrary to what I believed 
most players understood (even if they actually played smaller instruments for 
convenience).  Indeed, he went on to make the astonishing claim that  'anything 
over 82cm is a speciality instrument for people with huge hands'.   I 
therefore asked him for early evidence of such small theorbos in the A or G 
tuning with both the first and second courses an octave down ('double 
reentrant'), since the overwhelming early evidence (see below) was for such 
theorboes to be in the high 80s to 90s.  I'm still waiting for 
it perhaps you have some?
  In subsequent messages I gave more information (you must have missed it): - 
how such small instruments were strung (just top course an octave down or at a 
much higher nominal pitch eg D), - early written evidence of theorbo sizes, - 
examples of solo music for such instruments - and gave Lynda Sayce's website 
and Bob Spencer's article as providing more information. You may say that I 
only refer to these articles because they support the position on theorbo sizes 
which I take - which it is true they do - but I'd welcome any contrary evidence 
to test the case. It is important to come to these matters with an open mind 
and a willingness to look at the actual evidence available, such as it is, 
rather than merely indulging in empty rhetoric.
  To return to your email:
  As already said, I'm still waiting for David Tayler's and your own evidence 
that small theorboes (say mid 70s to low 80s) in the A or G tuning were 
generally strung as double reentrant.  Regarding evidence to support the case 
that such stringing only generally applies to larger instruments (say mid 80s 
to high 90s), I had hoped the sources I gave were sufficiently well known to 
avoid me having to do more than refer to them, but obviously not. 
  The ones that come to mind include:
  Praetorius (1620): Lang Romanische Theorbo:Chitarron). Scaled engraving 
showing an instrument with six fingered and 8 long bass courses, fingered 
string length 90/91cm. Tuning given as the theorbo G tuning (double reentrant). 
  Talbot MS (c 1695):  English Theorboe A tuning (double reentrant), detailed 
measurement and tunings given. Fingered string length 88/89cm (you tell us that 
you have other information on the string length of this instrument - I'd be 
grateful for it)
  Talbot MS: Lesser French theorbo in D (double reentrant) string length 76cm. 
  Spencer's paper covers much of the evidence for theorbo stringing and sizes 
(all this) and he does, in fact, mention that the long string length of the 
early chitarrone obliged the first and second course to be lowered  an octave 
ie would have exceeeded the breaking stress (EM Oct 76, p. 408)
  Regarding extant iconographic representations generally, clearly the larger 
of the theorbos depicted are double reentrant but they can tell us little as to 
where the precise cut-off point for single rentrant (small) theorbos occurs. It 
is, nevertheless, interesting to note that when professional theorbo players 
are depicted (eg The Musicians of Louis XIV (1687) Francois Puget, in the 
Louvre) the instruments shown are generally large.  
  I'm really not sure if I quite follow your argument here, but you seem to 
suggest that loudness and/or projection is not (and was not) an important, if 
not crucial, feature of the theorbo. Leaving aside the practicalities of your 
suggestion (how is one heard in ensemble? - as much an issue for the 'Old Ones' 
as us today [see Lynda Sayce's website]),  it runs directly counter to our 
common experience that a longer bass string at the same tension and pitch as a 
shorter will sound more 'powerful'. This is generally taken as the reason for 
increasing the pitch of bass lutes (as Piccinni 1623 reports) which in turn 
obliged the first course and then the second course to be lowered an octave; in 
short, if there was no increase in 'power', why bother - why not just use a 
lute in A or G?

[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G? Plus some guidelines

2008-02-02 Thread howard posner
Martyn Hodgson wrote:

 In subsequent messages I gave more information (you must have  
 missed it): - how such small instruments were strung (just top  
 course an octave down or at a much higher nominal pitch eg D), -  
 early written evidence of theorbo sizes, - examples of solo music  
 for such instruments -

Again, there was no information; just your own conclusion that  
smaller theorbos were not tuned double reentrant.  You may be  
confusing these posts (I've just reread them) with your post about  
guitar stringing, which actually contained information.

 and gave Lynda Sayce's website and Bob Spencer's article as  
 providing more information. You may say that I only refer to these  
 articles because they support the position on theorbo sizes which I  
 take - which it is true they do -

But they don't.  Spencer doesn't correlate single-reentrant stringing  
with size.  Linda Sayce does, but  like you, states only her  

 As already said, I'm still waiting for David Tayler's and your own  
 evidence that small theorboes (say mid 70s to low 80s) in the A or  
 G tuning were generally strung as double reentrant.  Regarding  
 evidence to support the case that such stringing only generally  
 applies to larger instruments (say mid 80s to high 90s), I had  
 hoped the sources I gave were sufficiently well known to avoid me  
 having to do more than refer to them, but obviously not.

It's not that the sources aren't well known.  It's that your  
conclusion doesn't follow from your premises.  It boils down to big  
theorbos were strung double reentrant because they had to be; smaller  
theorbos didn't have to be, therefore they never were.  This makes  
sense only if you assume that necessity was the only reason for  
double reentrant, an assumption which is hardly justifiable (If it's  
correct, you've proved that the tiorbino never existed). Players  
obviously liked its possibilities and gleefully exploited it in solo  

 The ones that come to mind include:

 Praetorius (1620): Lang Romanische Theorbo:Chitarron). Scaled  
 engraving showing an instrument with six fingered and 8 long bass  
 courses, fingered string length 90/91cm. Tuning given as the  
 theorbo G tuning (double reentrant).

 Talbot MS (c 1695):  English Theorboe A tuning (double reentrant),  
 detailed measurement and tunings given. Fingered string length  
 88/89cm (you tell us that you have other information on the string  
 length of this instrument - I'd be grateful for it)

The Talbot MS doesn't actually give the total length, does it?
David van Edwards calculated the Talbot English Theorbo at 77 cm.   
See his explanation at
He made a Talbot theorbo for Linda Sayce.  I gather from her web  
site that its fingerboard strings are 80cm (thus scaled up or down  
from the original, depending on your point of view) and she strings  
it single reentrant in G.

  Talbot MS: Lesser French theorbo in D (double reentrant) string  
 length 76cm.

If we have one 76cm French theorbo in double reentrant D and one 77cm  
English Theorbo in double reentrant A, we scarcely have a small- 
theorbo trend, let alone overwhelming evidence.

 I'm really not sure if I quite follow your argument here,

Simply that it was not universally the only consideration in building  
or stringing a theorbo.  This is not to say that it wasn't  
important.  As I said, players and builders must have had a wide  
range of desires and motivations.  And not everyone had to be heard  
in choruses in the Paris opera or with trombones in San Rocco in Venice.

 there is no evidence to support A or G double rentrant theorbos  
 between the mid 70s and low 80s.

And no evidence against it.  There may be all sorts of practical or  
artistic reasons for drawing conclusions about smaller theorbos, but  
the appeal to history comes up empty.

This whole discussion has glossed the complicating question of pitch.

I have made the point before that we would expect an instrument  
designed to be played at AF6 to have strings about 83% the length  
of an instrument designed to be played at A=390.  If so, all other  
things being equal, you'd expect that a 76cm instrument designed for  
AF5 to be tuned the same way as a 92cm instrument designed for  
A=390.  Whether this was historically the case is a matter of  


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[LUTE] Re: G Theorbo or movie prop?

2008-02-02 Thread Are Vidar Boye Hansen
 All that said, the answer to the original question is that the lute
 player is really playing a real liuto attiorbato, in sync.  I don't
 think it's Lislevand, because he plays left-handed

Ehm... No, he doesnt... But he does play a very small right-handed 
theorbo. The reason he chose a small instrument is simply practical. A 
small instrument is easier to bring on an airplane!


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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G? Plus some guidelines

2008-02-02 Thread howard posner

 I have made the point before that we would expect an instrument
 designed to be played at AF6 to have strings about 83% the length
 of an instrument designed to be played at A=390.  If so, all other
 things being equal, you'd expect that a 76cm instrument designed for
 AF5 to be tuned the same way as a 92cm instrument designed for
 A=390.  Whether this was historically the case is a matter of

This got garbled in transmission; some server somewhere translated my  
[equals sign] 4 as an F something.  I'll try to do an immune  
version here:

we would expect an instrument
designed to be played at A equals 466 Hz to have strings about 83%  
the length
of an instrument designed to be played at A=390.  If so, all other
things being equal, you'd expect that a 76cm instrument designed for
A equals 466 to be tuned the same way as a 92cm instrument designed for
A=390.  Whether this was historically the case is a matter of


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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G? Plus some guidelines

2008-02-01 Thread howard posner
On Feb 1, 2008, at 12:44 AM, Martyn Hodgson wrote:

 Not really what I wrote, but...

No; as I said, I was giving more information than you did.

 Perhaps I made assumptions as to the general level of knowledge.
 In particular I took it as read that nobody believed that A or G  
 instruments with a string length in the high 80s/90s would not  
 require the first two courses tuned down the octave; if this is  
 accepted than the rest naturally follows.

Nothing that we've actually been discussing follows from it.  Small  
instruments strung single reentrant certainly doesn't follow from big  
instruments requiring double reentrant stringing.

You made the emphatic but uninformative statement that ALL the  
evidence on theorboes with first two courses an octave down is for  
instruments larger than the biggest you [i.e. David Tayler]  
recommend.  The obvious question was WHAT historical evidence?  
since most of us know that there is no evidence correlating any  
particular known instrument to any particular tuning or pitch.  So  
David Tayler and I both asked the question, David asking about  
evidence of stringing/tuning of specific surviving smaller theorbos.   
These were, of course, rhetorical questions to which the only  
rational response was an acknowledgment that your statement about  
ALL evidence was was unsupported.

  Bob Spencer's article in Early Music (available online) was one of  
 the first papers to explain all this and, if you don't know it, it  
 is still a good overview.

I'm not sure what you mean by all this.  Your statements on either  
side of this sentence are about  the effect of specific string  
lengths on tuning, what's needed for the most powerful sound, and  
breaking points of strings.  Spencer's article does not discuss these  

 In short, to obtain the most powerful sound from plain gut strings  
 requires the longest possible string length which is ultimately  
 governed by the breaking stress of gut of the highest pitched string.

There are two major problems with this statement, other than it's not  
bearing one way or another on the actual question.

First, it's grounded in the assumption that most powerful sound is  
the governing consideration in stringing a theorbo.  This could  
hardly have been universally true historically.  Why even build a  
double-strung theorbo if loudness is all you want?  Yet the majority  
of surviving instruments are made for double-stringing.   Indeed, why  
build the instruments under discussion at all?
An emphasis on loudness is not in keeping with what we know of French  
baroque aesthetic generally, and wasn't it Mersenne who said the  
archlutes in Italy were louder than French theorbos?  I'd guess that  
French theorbo tone was to Italian theorbo tone as French  
harpsichords were to Italian ones.

Players may have been more concerned with tone or playability, or  
with what would fit in a carriage and not get rained on.  They might,  
like David Tayler, have been concerned with an extra .3 kilos of  
weight, for what reason I don't know.  The range of motives and  
preferences of theorbists across Europe in 1635 or 1695 had to be at  
least as wide as our own, and almost certainly wider.

Second, as we all know, size isn't everything.  Bigger-is-louder is  
true only if all other things are equal.  My Hasenfuss Raillich model  
is a smallish theorbo (perhaps a toy at 81 cm) but louder than a  
lot of big ones.  It's basically the same model as Paul O'Dette's,  
which I imagine a lot of listers have seen.  I actually had mine made  
81cm instead of the standard 82cm because I wanted to be able to  
string it in single-reentrant in A, at 415 (I do know something about  
the relationship of length and tuning), which I did for a few  
months.  It worked with a nylon high string; I wouldn't have risked a  
gut one, and I wouldn't have tried it at all at 440.

So you can insist, as adamantly as you like, that a theorbo below a  
certain size (you've never said what size) had to be strung single- 
reentrant -- or that a double second course in octaves was/is  
impossible-- but it isn't helpful to claim that there's evidence to  
support those views, or to assume that anyone who disagrees with them  
simply doesn't understand and should be referred generally to  
previous discussions or the literature on the subject.

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[LUTE] G Theorbo or movie prop?

2008-02-01 Thread Michael Bocchicchio
 Does anyone remember the instrument used in the movie
All the Mornings of the World to accompany the two
girls singing Un Jeune Fillette? The liner notes on
the disc say R. Lislevand- theorbo. 
 It has been some years since I saw the movie, but I
remember marveling at this instrument having a very
short neck extension and strangely attached/placed
upper peg box. At the time, I summed it up to an
unfamiliar French variation of the English theorbo, or
a pure Hollywood style movie prop. 
 If It is a prop, it's a little puzzling as to why,
with Jordi Sovall as music director,  a fictional
instrument would be written into the screen play. Does
a historical example of such an instrument exist?
Could it be a historically plausible instrument
bridging the transition from bass lute to theorbo? Can
anyone shed some light on this subject?

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[LUTE] Re: G Theorbo or movie prop?

2008-02-01 Thread Lisa Sass
Michael, the scene is on YouTube. The fingering not synching drives me crazy
in that movie

On 2/1/08, Michael Bocchicchio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does anyone remember the instrument used in the movie
 All the Mornings of the World to accompany the two
 girls singing Un Jeune Fillette? The liner notes on
 the disc say R. Lislevand- theorbo.
 It has been some years since I saw the movie, but I
 remember marveling at this instrument having a very
 short neck extension and strangely attached/placed
 upper peg box. At the time, I summed it up to an
 unfamiliar French variation of the English theorbo, or
 a pure Hollywood style movie prop.
 If It is a prop, it's a little puzzling as to why,
 with Jordi Sovall as music director,  a fictional
 instrument would be written into the screen play. Does
 a historical example of such an instrument exist?
 Could it be a historically plausible instrument
 bridging the transition from bass lute to theorbo? Can
 anyone shed some light on this subject?

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[LUTE] Re: G Theorbo or movie prop?

2008-02-01 Thread Sean Smith

Michael, musepi,

The movie itself didn't sync up because the actors didn't play the 
instruments we heard. I confess I watched most of the movie with my 
eyes closed.


On Feb 1, 2008, at 8:25 PM, Lisa Sass wrote:

Michael, the scene is on YouTube. The fingering not synching drives me 

in that movie

On 2/1/08, Michael Bocchicchio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Does anyone remember the instrument used in the movie
All the Mornings of the World to accompany the two
girls singing Un Jeune Fillette? The liner notes on
the disc say R. Lislevand- theorbo.
It has been some years since I saw the movie, but I
remember marveling at this instrument having a very
short neck extension and strangely attached/placed
upper peg box. At the time, I summed it up to an
unfamiliar French variation of the English theorbo, or
a pure Hollywood style movie prop.
If It is a prop, it's a little puzzling as to why,
with Jordi Sovall as music director,  a fictional
instrument would be written into the screen play. Does
a historical example of such an instrument exist?
Could it be a historically plausible instrument
bridging the transition from bass lute to theorbo? Can
anyone shed some light on this subject?

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[LUTE] Re: G Theorbo or movie prop?

2008-02-01 Thread howard posner
On Feb 1, 2008, at 8:43 PM, Sean Smith wrote:

 The movie itself didn't sync up because the actors didn't play the  
 instruments we heard. I confess I watched most of the movie with my  
 eyes closed.

True, the on-camera playing would have looked more realistic had they  
used the Muppets, who do that sort of thing really well.

  But you may have missed the point, Sean.  Let me take this  
opportunity to remind the lute community of Steve Hendricks' web site  
for the air lute http://thehendricks.net/air_lute.htm , an invaluable  
scholarly resource.  He places Tous les Matins in proper perspective:

 In the movie Tous les matins du monde, the actor playing Ste.  
 Colombe has pioneered a new area of musical endeavor. He  
 essentially plays Air Viol, although he does so while actually  
 holding a viol and bow! His mastery of Air Viol technique is  
 apparent when his fingers and bow do not move with the music and  
 fretting occurs with truly virtuosic randomness. There could be  
 ample opportunities to apply this new and exciting concept to Air  
 Lute, perhaps in a movie about John Dowland. It could really bring  
 out the lack in Lachrimae.

All that said, the answer to the original question is that the lute  
player is really playing a real liuto attiorbato, in sync.  I don't  
think it's Lislevand, because he plays left-handed (unlike the  
theorbo player in the orchestra scenes).  I'm sure one of the  
European correspondents remembers his name.  An Italian lute is an  
interesting choice for this quintessentially French story.

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[LUTE] Re: G Theorbo or movie prop?

2008-02-01 Thread Edward Martin
At 10:25 PM 2/1/2008 -0800, howard posner wrote:
All that said, the answer to the original question is that the lute
player is really playing a real liuto attiorbato, in sync.  I don't
think it's Lislevand, because he plays left-handed (unlike the
theorbo player in the orchestra scenes).

I did not think that Lislevand plays left handed, or are you referring to 
the player in the movie?  It does not appear anything like Lislevand.  Is 
there not a law, or rather a contract issue with non-actors (i.e., 
musicians) acting in movies?


Edward Martin
2817 East 2nd Street
Duluth, Minnesota  55812
voice:  (218) 728-1202

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[LUTE] Re: G Theorbo or movie prop?

2008-02-01 Thread Lino Messina - Cie Finis Africae
Dear Lutelist,

The lute player is Mr Jean-Marie Poirier and it is a true talented left hand
French lute player!
Here is his interesting web site: http://poirierjm.free.fr/

Best regard

-Message d'origine-
De : howard posner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Envoyé : samedi 2 février 2008 07:25
À : Lute Net
Objet : [LUTE] Re: G Theorbo or movie prop?

On Feb 1, 2008, at 8:43 PM, Sean Smith wrote:

 The movie itself didn't sync up because the actors didn't play the  
 instruments we heard. I confess I watched most of the movie with my  
 eyes closed.

True, the on-camera playing would have looked more realistic had they  
used the Muppets, who do that sort of thing really well.

  But you may have missed the point, Sean.  Let me take this  
opportunity to remind the lute community of Steve Hendricks' web site  
for the air lute http://thehendricks.net/air_lute.htm , an invaluable  
scholarly resource.  He places Tous les Matins in proper perspective:

 In the movie Tous les matins du monde, the actor playing Ste.  
 Colombe has pioneered a new area of musical endeavor. He  
 essentially plays Air Viol, although he does so while actually  
 holding a viol and bow! His mastery of Air Viol technique is  
 apparent when his fingers and bow do not move with the music and  
 fretting occurs with truly virtuosic randomness. There could be  
 ample opportunities to apply this new and exciting concept to Air  
 Lute, perhaps in a movie about John Dowland. It could really bring  
 out the lack in Lachrimae.

All that said, the answer to the original question is that the lute  
player is really playing a real liuto attiorbato, in sync.  I don't  
think it's Lislevand, because he plays left-handed (unlike the  
theorbo player in the orchestra scenes).  I'm sure one of the  
European correspondents remembers his name.  An Italian lute is an  
interesting choice for this quintessentially French story.

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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G? Plus some guidelines

2008-01-31 Thread Martyn Hodgson
You can easily work it out yourself from what I've told you

David Tayler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  OK, I'm asking, how would you, 
specifically, tune the theorbos I just 

Atton, Ecco, Hoess,
Kaiser, Aman, Koch, Langenwalder, Attore, Mascotto, Stehelin, Greiff,

At 12:32 AM 1/30/2008, you wrote:
you replied to it

David Tayler wrote:
I must have missed that post, if you can tell me how the following
instruments were tuned
Atton, Ecco, Hoess,
Kaiser, Aman, Koch, Langenwalder, Attore, Mascotto, Stehelin, Greiff,
Then I can do some analysis.

At 05:03 AM 1/29/2008, you wrote:
 see earlier
 David Tayler wrote: How were they tuned?
 At 12:42 AM 1/29/2008, you wrote:
  As very carefully explained earlier, theorbos of your recommended
  size existed but not tuned as you believe.
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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G? Plus some guidelines

2008-01-31 Thread LGS-Europe
To the benefit of those not interested in a peeing contest but in theories 
on theorbo stringing, as I am, and not in the happy possesion of a list of 
historical theorbos stating string length and setup, here's what the guys 
are talking about (info taken from one of the Pohlmanns lying around here):

1x1, 5x2 = 77,5cm
6x1 = 147cm

1x1, 5x2 = 75,5cm
6x1 = 161,5cm

6x2 = 80cm
9x1 = 158cm

1x1, 6x2 = 73,1cm
6x1 = 157,6cm

1x1, 5x2 = 80,9cm
5x2 = 150,4cm

7x2 = 82,7cm
7x1 = 167,5cm

6x1 = 76,4cm
8x1 = 141,5cm

1x1, 5x2 = 73cm
3x2 = 156cm

6x2 = 65,7cm
8x1 = 152cm

1x3, 4x2 = 74,5cm (original 1x1, 5x2)
6x1 = 158cm

The point here is, as I understand it from the discussion so far, not their 
setup (6+8; 7+7; 8+6) or double versus single strung, but their relative 
short stopped strings. Granted that some/many/all instruments are modified 
over the years not all figures above are to be taken at face value. Perhaps 
some instruments can be argued not to be therobos. Fine, but I'd say there 
are instruments left we would call theorbos that have a stopped string 
length of somewhere around 75 to 80cm. And I think enough of these to assume 
there have been more around in the old days. I'm curious too, how were they 
tuned according to you, Martyn?


David van Ooijen

To get on or off this list see list information at

[LUTE] theorbo size

2008-01-31 Thread Nigel Solomon
Just out of interest, what size chitaronne do you think Piccinini was 
playing when he wrote his pieces? I used to have a 92cm chitaronne and I 
can tell you not many of those pieces are playable on a monster like 
that. The theorbo I have now measures 85 cm and even then a lot of the 
pieces are only just playable, particularly the slurred passages and 
leaps from one end of the fingerboard to another. May be the Italians, 
like the French, had two basic sizes of chitaronne: one for solo pieces 
and one for accompanying. I don't know, I'm just wondering...


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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G? Plus some guidelines

2008-01-31 Thread Martyn Hodgson
  I've already very clearly explained how small theorboes (ie up to low 80s) 
were tuned (and even given sources for tablature) and generally really can't be 
bothered to continually repeat myself. However, in case you personally missed 
it,  I'll do it one more time:
  EITHER   nominal A or G tuned but with only the first course tuned an octave 
down ie highest course is the second at e for an A theorbo or d for a G theorbo;

  OR   with first two courses an octave down but at a higher nominal pitch eg 
in D like Talbot MS French lesser theorboe for lessons; note that in this case 
the highest pitched course is the third at e'. 
  Interestingly, the fingered string length of this instrument which belonged 
to a 
  M. Crevecoeur(s) and made by 'Sellier' (Sellas?) works out at 76cm - squarely 
in the range that some modern players persist in using for a nominal A or G 
tuned theorbo with top two courses an octave down!  
  To the benefit of those not interested in a peeing contest but in theories 
on theorbo stringing, as I am, and not in the happy possesion of a list of 
historical theorbos stating string length and setup, here's what the guys 
are talking about (info taken from one of the Pohlmanns lying around here):

1x1, 5x2 = 77,5cm
6x1 = 147cm

1x1, 5x2 = 75,5cm
6x1 = 161,5cm

6x2 = 80cm
9x1 = 158cm

1x1, 6x2 = 73,1cm
6x1 = 157,6cm

1x1, 5x2 = 80,9cm
5x2 = 150,4cm

7x2 = 82,7cm
7x1 = 167,5cm

6x1 = 76,4cm
8x1 = 141,5cm

1x1, 5x2 = 73cm
3x2 = 156cm

6x2 = 65,7cm
8x1 = 152cm

1x3, 4x2 = 74,5cm (original 1x1, 5x2)
6x1 = 158cm

The point here is, as I understand it from the discussion so far, not their 
setup (6+8; 7+7; 8+6) or double versus single strung, but their relative 
short stopped strings. Granted that some/many/all instruments are modified 
over the years not all figures above are to be taken at face value. Perhaps 
some instruments can be argued not to be therobos. Fine, but I'd say there 
are instruments left we would call theorbos that have a stopped string 
length of somewhere around 75 to 80cm. And I think enough of these to assume 
there have been more around in the old days. I'm curious too, how were they 
tuned according to you, Martyn?


David van Ooijen

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 Sent from Yahoo! #45; a smarter inbox.

[LUTE] Re: theorbo size

2008-01-31 Thread chriswilke

I wonder about this too based on my own
experiences with big and small theorbos.  As I stated
on a earlier post on a related subject, its probable
that Pittoni and Melli (Melli, definately, Pittoni is
a little less definative) wrote for an instrument with
an octave second course.  This meant that they had to
have an instrument with a neck short enough for a high
(AND low) E, yet long enough to tune in A.  (In this
case, Pittoni is definately in A because of the part
in mensual notation.  Melli - presumably in A, but who
knows?)  At any rate, I've found sections of a lot of
Italian solo music to be quite technically challening
even on my small theorbo (76cm) which I currently have
inauthentically tuned in A.  And then there's always
the tiorbino tuned an octave higher than the regular

Only Castaldi published for this, but I suppose it
could have been in wider use for solo music in Italy
than we now know.  (Is that smallish instrument he's
holding in the engraving a theorbo or tiorbino?)  This
is not definative, either, I'm afraid.  Castaldi's
pieces specifying the tiorbino are all deuts with a
full-sized theorbo.  Since the part for standard
theorbo in these duets is of equal difficulty as the
part for tiorbino, the big guy has to do all the same
acrobatics as the small fry.  This doesn't help us
much in figuring out which tiorba is the more
practical solo instrument.

Maybe if David Dolata is lurking out there, he could
help us out...


--- Nigel Solomon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just out of interest, what size chitaronne do you
 think Piccinini was 
 playing when he wrote his pieces? I used to have a
 92cm chitaronne and I 
 can tell you not many of those pieces are playable
 on a monster like 
 that. The theorbo I have now measures 85 cm and even
 then a lot of the 
 pieces are only just playable, particularly the
 slurred passages and 
 leaps from one end of the fingerboard to another.
 May be the Italians, 
 like the French, had two basic sizes of chitaronne:
 one for solo pieces 
 and one for accompanying. I don't know, I'm just
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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G? Plus some guidelines

2008-01-31 Thread Joseph Mayes
Collected wisdom

I, for one, am grateful for the information on theorbo tuning and sizes.
I hope the discussion does not get too prickly to continue - Please, swallow
your rancor.

Joseph Mayes

On 1/31/08 8:36 AM, Martyn Hodgson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I've already very clearly explained how small theorboes (ie up to low 80s)
 were tuned (and even given sources for tablature) and generally really can't
 be bothered to continually repeat myself. However, in case you personally
 missed it,  I'll do it one more time:

   EITHER   nominal A or G tuned but with only the first course tuned an octave
 down ie highest course is the second at e for an A theorbo or d for a G
   OR   with first two courses an octave down but at a higher nominal pitch eg
 in D like Talbot MS French lesser theorboe for lessons; note that in this case
 the highest pitched course is the third at e'.

   Interestingly, the fingered string length of this instrument which belonged
 to a 
   M. Crevecoeur(s) and made by 'Sellier' (Sellas?) works out at 76cm -
 squarely in the range that some modern players persist in using for a nominal
 A or G tuned theorbo with top two courses an octave down!


 LGS-Europe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   To the benefit of those not interested in a peeing contest but in theories
 on theorbo stringing, as I am, and not in the happy possesion of a list of
 historical theorbos stating string length and setup, here's what the guys
 are talking about (info taken from one of the Pohlmanns lying around here):
 1x1, 5x2 = 77,5cm
 6x1 = 147cm
 1x1, 5x2 = 75,5cm
 6x1 = 161,5cm
 6x2 = 80cm
 9x1 = 158cm
 1x1, 6x2 = 73,1cm
 6x1 = 157,6cm
 1x1, 5x2 = 80,9cm
 5x2 = 150,4cm
 7x2 = 82,7cm
 7x1 = 167,5cm
 6x1 = 76,4cm
 8x1 = 141,5cm
 1x1, 5x2 = 73cm
 3x2 = 156cm
 6x2 = 65,7cm
 8x1 = 152cm
 1x3, 4x2 = 74,5cm (original 1x1, 5x2)
 6x1 = 158cm
 The point here is, as I understand it from the discussion so far, not their
 setup (6+8; 7+7; 8+6) or double versus single strung, but their relative
 short stopped strings. Granted that some/many/all instruments are modified
 over the years not all figures above are to be taken at face value. Perhaps
 some instruments can be argued not to be therobos. Fine, but I'd say there
 are instruments left we would call theorbos that have a stopped string
 length of somewhere around 75 to 80cm. And I think enough of these to assume
 there have been more around in the old days. I'm curious too, how were they
 tuned according to you, Martyn?
 David van Ooijen
 To get on or off this list see list information at

  Sent from Yahoo! #45; a smarter inbox.

[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G? Plus some guidelines

2008-01-31 Thread LGS-Europe

 I've already very clearly explained how small theorboes (ie up to low 
80s) were tuned (and even given sources for tablature) and generally 
really can't be bothered to continually repeat myself. However, in case 
you personally missed it,  I'll do it one more time:

 EITHER   nominal A or G tuned but with only the first course tuned an 
octave down ie highest course is the second at e for an A theorbo or d for 
a G theorbo;

 OR   with first two courses an octave down but at a higher nominal pitch 
eg in D like Talbot MS French lesser theorboe for lessons; note that in 
this case the highest pitched course is the third at e'.

 Interestingly, the fingered string length of this instrument which 
belonged to a
 M. Crevecoeur(s) and made by 'Sellier' (Sellas?) works out at 76cm - 
squarely in the range that some modern players persist in using for a 
nominal A or G tuned theorbo with top two courses an octave down!

Yes, I've missed it, sorry about that, so thank you for repeating yourself.
So 76cm works with first two strings down. I think so too. We agree. Both 
French and Italians would have come to the same conclusion: first two 
strings down works on 76cm. Your issue is French theorbe de piece was in d, 
and some modern players use the same string lengths with two first courses 
down at a or g.  Given a low French pitch (presumably somewhere near 392Hz) 
and a high Italian (440/466Hz at places), I see not much difference. If it 
works with the strings and your instrument, it works with your strings and 
your instrument. There will be a working range of tunings, d and a included. 
Anyway, nominal tunings are just naming conventions in a transposing world, 
with a floating pitch on top of that!



 To the benefit of those not interested in a peeing contest but in 

on theorbo stringing, as I am, and not in the happy possesion of a list of
historical theorbos stating string length and setup, here's what the guys
are talking about (info taken from one of the Pohlmanns lying around 

1x1, 5x2 = 77,5cm
6x1 = 147cm

1x1, 5x2 = 75,5cm
6x1 = 161,5cm

6x2 = 80cm
9x1 = 158cm

1x1, 6x2 = 73,1cm
6x1 = 157,6cm

1x1, 5x2 = 80,9cm
5x2 = 150,4cm

7x2 = 82,7cm
7x1 = 167,5cm

6x1 = 76,4cm
8x1 = 141,5cm

1x1, 5x2 = 73cm
3x2 = 156cm

6x2 = 65,7cm
8x1 = 152cm

1x3, 4x2 = 74,5cm (original 1x1, 5x2)
6x1 = 158cm

The point here is, as I understand it from the discussion so far, not 

setup (6+8; 7+7; 8+6) or double versus single strung, but their relative
short stopped strings. Granted that some/many/all instruments are modified
over the years not all figures above are to be taken at face value. 

some instruments can be argued not to be therobos. Fine, but I'd say there
are instruments left we would call theorbos that have a stopped string
length of somewhere around 75 to 80cm. And I think enough of these to 
there have been more around in the old days. I'm curious too, how were 

tuned according to you, Martyn?


David van Ooijen

To get on or off this list see list information at

Sent from Yahoo! #45; a smarter inbox. 

[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G? Plus some guidelines

2008-01-31 Thread Jerzy Zak
Hm..., how many of you are playing continuo on a theorbo in 'd', if  
it's so obvoius?


On 2008-01-31, at 17:25, LGS-Europe wrote:

 I've already very clearly explained how small theorboes (ie up to  
low 80s) were tuned (and even given sources for tablature) and  
generally really can't be bothered to continually repeat myself.  
However, in case you personally missed it,  I'll do it one more time:

 EITHER   nominal A or G tuned but with only the first course  
tuned an octave down ie highest course is the second at e for an A  
theorbo or d for a G theorbo;

 OR   with first two courses an octave down but at a higher  
nominal pitch eg in D like Talbot MS French lesser theorboe for  
lessons; note that in this case the highest pitched course is the  
third at e'.

 Interestingly, the fingered string length of this instrument  
which belonged to a
 M. Crevecoeur(s) and made by 'Sellier' (Sellas?) works out at  
76cm - squarely in the range that some modern players persist in  
using for a nominal A or G tuned theorbo with top two courses an  
octave down!

Yes, I've missed it, sorry about that, so thank you for repeating  
So 76cm works with first two strings down. I think so too. We  
agree. Both French and Italians would have come to the same  
conclusion: first two strings down works on 76cm. Your issue is  
French theorbe de piece was in d, and some modern players use the  
same string lengths with two first courses down at a or g.  Given a  
low French pitch (presumably somewhere near 392Hz) and a high  
Italian (440/466Hz at places), I see not much difference. If it  
works with the strings and your instrument, it works with your  
strings and your instrument. There will be a working range of  
tunings, d and a included. Anyway, nominal tunings are just naming  
conventions in a transposing world, with a floating pitch on top of  



 To the benefit of those not interested in a peeing contest but in  
on theorbo stringing, as I am, and not in the happy possesion of a  
list of
historical theorbos stating string length and setup, here's what  
the guys
are talking about (info taken from one of the Pohlmanns lying  
around here):

1x1, 5x2 = 77,5cm
6x1 = 147cm

1x1, 5x2 = 75,5cm
6x1 = 161,5cm

6x2 = 80cm
9x1 = 158cm

1x1, 6x2 = 73,1cm
6x1 = 157,6cm

1x1, 5x2 = 80,9cm
5x2 = 150,4cm

7x2 = 82,7cm
7x1 = 167,5cm

6x1 = 76,4cm
8x1 = 141,5cm

1x1, 5x2 = 73cm
3x2 = 156cm

6x2 = 65,7cm
8x1 = 152cm

1x3, 4x2 = 74,5cm (original 1x1, 5x2)
6x1 = 158cm

The point here is, as I understand it from the discussion so far,  
not their
setup (6+8; 7+7; 8+6) or double versus single strung, but their  
short stopped strings. Granted that some/many/all instruments are  
over the years not all figures above are to be taken at face  
value. Perhaps
some instruments can be argued not to be therobos. Fine, but I'd  
say there
are instruments left we would call theorbos that have a stopped  
length of somewhere around 75 to 80cm. And I think enough of these  
to assume
there have been more around in the old days. I'm curious too, how  
were they

tuned according to you, Martyn?


David van Ooijen

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Sent from Yahoo! #45; a smarter inbox.

[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G? Plus some guidelines

2008-01-31 Thread howard posner

Martyn Hodgson wrote:

I've already very clearly explained how small theorboes (ie up to  
low 80s) were tuned (and even given sources for tablature) and  
generally really can't be bothered to continually repeat myself.

Let me see if I can summarize then:

There is no historical information connecting any particular theorbo  
with any particular stringing, tuning or nominal pitch, though the  
Talbot ms does contain measurements that are subject to varying  

That's actually more information than was contained in Martyn's posts  
on the subject (which seemed to consist entirely of categorical  
statements of opinion and protestations that he had already explained  
himself), but what the hell...

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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G? Plus some guidelines

2008-01-31 Thread LGS-Europe

Hm..., how many of you are playing continuo on a theorbo in 'd', if
it's so obvoius?

I don't. I keep mine (76cm) in a, first two courses down. All gut, 415 to 
466 tested. I don't see the point why not. I haven't seen valid and or 
historical arguments against it. It would work in d too, I'm sure.


David van Ooijen


On 2008-01-31, at 17:25, LGS-Europe wrote:

 I've already very clearly explained how small theorboes (ie up to  low 
80s) were tuned (and even given sources for tablature) and  generally 
really can't be bothered to continually repeat myself.  However, in case 
you personally missed it,  I'll do it one more time:

 EITHER   nominal A or G tuned but with only the first course  tuned an 
octave down ie highest course is the second at e for an A  theorbo or d 
for a G theorbo;

 OR   with first two courses an octave down but at a higher  nominal 
pitch eg in D like Talbot MS French lesser theorboe for  lessons; note 
that in this case the highest pitched course is the  third at e'.

 Interestingly, the fingered string length of this instrument  which 
belonged to a
 M. Crevecoeur(s) and made by 'Sellier' (Sellas?) works out at  76cm - 
squarely in the range that some modern players persist in  using for a 
nominal A or G tuned theorbo with top two courses an  octave down!

Yes, I've missed it, sorry about that, so thank you for repeating 
So 76cm works with first two strings down. I think so too. We  agree. 
Both French and Italians would have come to the same  conclusion: first 
two strings down works on 76cm. Your issue is  French theorbe de piece 
was in d, and some modern players use the  same string lengths with two 
first courses down at a or g.  Given a  low French pitch (presumably 
somewhere near 392Hz) and a high  Italian (440/466Hz at places), I see 
not much difference. If it  works with the strings and your instrument, 
it works with your  strings and your instrument. There will be a working 
range of  tunings, d and a included. Anyway, nominal tunings are just 
naming  conventions in a transposing world, with a floating pitch on top 
of  that!



 To the benefit of those not interested in a peeing contest but in 
on theorbo stringing, as I am, and not in the happy possesion of a  list 
historical theorbos stating string length and setup, here's what  the 
are talking about (info taken from one of the Pohlmanns lying  around 

1x1, 5x2 = 77,5cm
6x1 = 147cm

1x1, 5x2 = 75,5cm
6x1 = 161,5cm

6x2 = 80cm
9x1 = 158cm

1x1, 6x2 = 73,1cm
6x1 = 157,6cm

1x1, 5x2 = 80,9cm
5x2 = 150,4cm

7x2 = 82,7cm
7x1 = 167,5cm

6x1 = 76,4cm
8x1 = 141,5cm

1x1, 5x2 = 73cm
3x2 = 156cm

6x2 = 65,7cm
8x1 = 152cm

1x3, 4x2 = 74,5cm (original 1x1, 5x2)
6x1 = 158cm

The point here is, as I understand it from the discussion so far,  not 
setup (6+8; 7+7; 8+6) or double versus single strung, but their 
short stopped strings. Granted that some/many/all instruments are 
over the years not all figures above are to be taken at face  value. 
some instruments can be argued not to be therobos. Fine, but I'd  say 

are instruments left we would call theorbos that have a stopped  string
length of somewhere around 75 to 80cm. And I think enough of these  to 
there have been more around in the old days. I'm curious too, how  were 

tuned according to you, Martyn?


David van Ooijen

To get on or off this list see list information at

Sent from Yahoo! #45; a smarter inbox.

[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G? Plus some guidelines

2008-01-31 Thread howard posner
On Jan 31, 2008, at 9:56 AM, Jerzy Zak wrote:

 I'm interested how one manages with the bass notes below the _d_ on  
 the 6th course of the instrument tuned in 'd'. This is more or less  
 one third of the statistical bass notes in an everage part to play  
 (depending of course on period and instrumentation).

I've never tried it, so take this for what it's worth:

Answer 1: Manage the same way a guitarist manages without the bourdon A.

Answer 2: If you have eight fingerboard strings, you're chromatic  
down to B-flat, so the only major problems are the low G#,F# and Eb.
A small price to pay for being able to play a three-note chord over  
middle C in first position?



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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G? Plus some guidelines

2008-01-31 Thread Jerzy Zak

On 2008-01-31, at 18:20, LGS-Europe wrote:

Hm..., how many of you are playing continuo on a theorbo in 'd', if
it's so obvoius?

I don't. I keep mine (76cm) in a, first two courses down. All gut,  
415 to 466 tested. I don't see the point why not. I haven't seen  
valid and or historical arguments against it. It would work in d  
too, I'm sure.


I understand you, David, very well, I've also got older living for  
years with the machine in 'a'. But who have a camparable experience  
in playing in 'd'? Musicology maybe, but music performance is not a  
theory class and I'm interested how one manages with the bass notes  
below the _d_ on the 6th course of the instrument tuned in 'd'. This  
is more or less one third of the statistical bass notes in an everage  
part to play (depending of course on period and instrumentation).


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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G? Plus some guidelines

2008-01-31 Thread howard posner
On Jan 31, 2008, at 8:56 AM, Jerzy Zak wrote:

 Hm..., how many of you are playing continuo on a theorbo in 'd', if  
 it's so obvoius?

I'm not sure what the it in your question is.

When Ensemble Chanterelle consisted of Sally Sanford, Cathy Liddell  
and Kevin Mason, their basic setup was voice, theorbo in A and  
theorbo in D.  That was a while ago.

Linda Sayce says on her web site that she plays a lot of continuo on  
a 76cm theorbo in D.

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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G? Plus some guidelines

2008-01-31 Thread Are Vidar Boye Hansen
 A small price to pay for being able to play a three-note chord over
 middle C in first position?

 That's the point and the most promising bit. However the price seems to me 
 not small, indeed, and therefore my quest for someone maybe experienced.

Play an archlute! ;-)


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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G? Plus some guidelines

2008-01-31 Thread LGS-Europe
I don't. I keep mine (76cm) in a, first two courses down. All gut,  415 
to 466 tested. I don't see the point why not. I haven't seen  valid and 
or historical arguments against it. It would work in d  too, I'm sure.


I understand you, David, very well, I've also got older living for  years 
with the machine in 'a'. But who have a camparable experience  in playing 
in 'd'? Musicology maybe, but music performance is not a  theory class and 
I'm interested how one manages with the bass notes  below the _d_ on the 
6th course of the instrument tuned in 'd'. This  is more or less one third 
of the statistical bass notes in an everage  part to play (depending of 
course on period and instrumentation).


The way I understand it, limited I'm sure, is that the theorbe de pieces in 
d was used for ... pieces, meaning solo pieces.  Once you have one, I'm sure 
you'll use it for continuo too, but that's another starting point. If you're 
after one continuo theorbo with two first strings down,  a or g seems more 


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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G? Plus some guidelines

2008-01-31 Thread Jerzy Zak

On 2008-01-31, at 20:42, Are Vidar Boye Hansen wrote:

A small price to pay for being able to play a three-note chord over
middle C in first position?

That's the point and the most promising bit. However the price  
seems to me not small, indeed, and therefore my quest for someone  
maybe experienced.

Play an archlute! ;-)

I do not have one, but I have two 'thorboes' and am thinking of a  
third one, perhaps a fourth... ;-((?


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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G? Plus some guidelines

2008-01-31 Thread Jerzy Zak

Dear Howard,

On 2008-01-31, at 18:59, howard posner wrote:

On Jan 31, 2008, at 8:56 AM, Jerzy Zak wrote:

Hm..., how many of you are playing continuo on a theorbo in 'd', if
it's so obvoius?

I'm not sure what the it in your question is.

Martyn Hodgson in his recent reply stated quite categorically there  
are two correct options (and I think he'll not repet it agan):

EITHER   nominal A or G tuned but with only the first course tuned  
an octave down ie highest course is the second at e for an A  
theorbo or d for a G theorbo;

  OR   with first two courses an octave down but at a higher  
nominal pitch eg in D like Talbot MS French lesser theorboe for  
lessons; note that in this case the highest pitched course is the  
third at e'.

I have my opinion on it, but I may be wrong as living on the province  
of the western culture, so I asked if the instrument tuned in D is in  
on a par with the one in A? Do you know it from calculations or  

When Ensemble Chanterelle consisted of Sally Sanford, Cathy Liddell
and Kevin Mason, their basic setup was voice, theorbo in A and
theorbo in D.  That was a while ago.

Linda Sayce says on her web site that she plays a lot of continuo on
a 76cm theorbo in D.

After a second lecture in fact I've found maybe less then 1% of text  
devoted to the 'French lesser theorboe' on the Linda's page:


Only here:
she says:
...I find this instrument is also surprisingly useful for continuo,  
especially for chamber works and pieces where the bass line is often  
simply too high for the A-tuned instrument.

To the best of my knowledge there is no evidence whatsoever for  
using a D theorbo for continuo, though I find it hard to believe that  
if the instrument was around, the professionals at least would not  
have used it for continuo!

I beleve her! It is extremely tempting, but what about the register  
arround and below of the 6th course of the D theorbo? You say:

Answer 2: If you have eight fingerboard strings, you're chromatic
down to B-flat, so the only major problems are the low G#,F# and Eb.

That's cleare, but these are tricks! You have to learn them like solo  
fragments and they'll hardly pass as naturally as anything above 'd'.  
Try it on, say, Corelli or Couperin (middle to high baroque).

A small price to pay for being able to play a three-note chord over
middle C in first position?

That's the point and the most promising bit. However the price seems  
to me not small, indeed, and therefore my quest for someone maybe  


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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G? Plus some guidelines

2008-01-31 Thread LGS-Europe

Lost in cybervoid. So her once more:

I don't. I keep mine (76cm) in a, first two courses down. All gut,  415 
to 466 tested. I don't see the point why not. I haven't seen  valid and 
or historical arguments against it. It would work in d  too, I'm sure.


I understand you, David, very well, I've also got older living for  years 
with the machine in 'a'. But who have a camparable experience  in playing 
in 'd'? Musicology maybe, but music performance is not a  theory class and 
I'm interested how one manages with the bass notes  below the _d_ on the 
6th course of the instrument tuned in 'd'. This  is more or less one third 
of the statistical bass notes in an everage  part to play (depending of 
course on period and instrumentation).


The way I understand it, limited I'm sure, is that the theorbe de pieces in
d was used for ... pieces, meaning solo pieces.  Once you have one, I'm sure
you'll use it for continuo too, but that's another starting point. If you're
after one continuo theorbo with two first strings down,  a or g seems more


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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G? Plus some guidelines

2008-01-30 Thread David Tayler
OK, I'm asking, how would you, specifically, tune the theorbos I just 

Atton, Ecco, Hoess,
Kaiser, Aman, Koch, Langenwalder, Attore, Mascotto, Stehelin, Greiff,

At 12:32 AM 1/30/2008, you wrote:
you replied to it

David Tayler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I must have missed that post, if you can tell me how the following
instruments were tuned
Atton, Ecco, Hoess,
Kaiser, Aman, Koch, Langenwalder, Attore, Mascotto, Stehelin, Greiff,
Then I can do some analysis.

At 05:03 AM 1/29/2008, you wrote:
 see earlier
 David Tayler wrote: How were they tuned?
 At 12:42 AM 1/29/2008, you wrote:
  As very carefully explained earlier, theorbos of your recommended
  size existed but not tuned as you believe.
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[LUTE] Theorbo stringing

2008-01-30 Thread Stewart McCoy
Dear Nigel,

My 14-course theorbo in A has eight pegs for short strings, and eight pegs for 
long strings. This means I can string it 6/8, 7/7, or 8/6. I used to have it 
7/7, but a broken string made me change to eight short and six long, and I've 
stayed that way ever since. Even though I could have both a low F and a stopped 
low F# available, I rarely take advantage of this. I tune the 8th course to F 
or F# depending on the key of the music, and just get on with it, as best I can.

In the past, if they didn't have the note available, they didn't play it. 
Obvious. One can download free from the internet Fleury's treatise on playing 
the theorbo, published in 1660. He clearly had six short strings on his 
theorbo. On page 8 he gives a chromatic scale up from low F to the D above 
middle C. Above each note of the scale he gives the appropriate chord in 
tablature. His theorbo in A doesn't have a low F# and G#, so he simply plays 
those notes an octave higher. For the first six notes of the scale he gives the 
following chords:

|___|__a__|__b___ etc.
 /a   a

Switching from one octave to another may upset those of a theoretical frame of 
mind, but in practice it can work to one's advantage. Fleury's 2nd and 4th 
chords are both 1st inversions, and may be regarded as weak chords. Their 
effect is usually less strong than a chord in root position. Having the bass 
note of these inverted chords an octave higher, emphasises their weakness.

If you play all the notes on a theorbo at written pitch, you may never use 
those long strings. If you play every note an octave lower than written, you 
will certainly use those low strings, but the theorbo will start to sound like 
a double bass, and you stop noticing at what octave the music is played. If, on 
the other hand, you keep switching from one octave to another, whether by 
choice or because you are forced by what notes are available, you become more 
aware of the lower notes, and can enjoy them more. Marin Marais' music for solo 
bass viol and continuo shows how effective such a bass line can be, as he 
switches octaves to cover the full range of a 7-string bass viol. It is worth 
noting that Marais' preferred instrument for continuo, at least for music in 
his first book, was the theorbo.

Taking my cue from Marais, when playing continuo, I sometimes drop an octave 
for a special chord, e.g. for a scrumptious 642:


especially if the music is slow. In this example, you can see that the 
voice-leading is all over the place, but it's worth it for the extra sonority 
on that low D.

Best wishes,

Stewart McCoy.

- Original Message - 
From: Nigel Solomon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: lute-cs.dartmouth.edu lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 10:18 PM
Subject: [LUTE] Theorbo stringing

 Now, while we're talking about theorbos in G or A, even though the 
 majority of theorbos seemm to have 6 strings on the fingerboard and 8 
 diapasons, how many of you cheat and stick the 7th (i.e. G if the 
 theorbo is in A) on the fingerboard too? Come on, own up!
 I am asking because even though none of the Italian music, that I've 
 seen anyway, stops strings lower than the 6th, as soon as you play 
 continuo you invariably need a bottom Gsharp.
 What is the answer? Sacrifice that wonderful 14th course and put on a 
 thin Gsharp?
 I asked my lute maker to set up my theorbo with the possibility of 7 + 7 
 (rather than 6 + 8) for continuo work.
 How do other people get round that beastly note without losing the 
 wonderful diapason string?
 I previously owned a 16-course theorbo with the bottom two courses tuned 
 to fsharp and Gsharp. May be that's the answer, I know that Kapsberger 
 used a theorbo with more strings. Most nowadays only seem to have 14 
 though. Theorbos seem complicated enough as it is though, without adding 
 an extra 2 strings!


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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo stringing

2008-01-30 Thread howard posner
On Jan 30, 2008, at 4:21 PM, Stewart McCoy wrote:

 I can string it 6/8, 7/7, or 8/6. I used to have it 7/7, but a  
 broken string made me change to eight short and six long, and I've  
 stayed that way ever since. Even though I could have both a low F  
 and a stopped low F# available, I rarely take advantage of this. I  
 tune the 8th course to F or F# depending on the key of the music,  
 and just get on with it, as best I can.

I also have 8 strings on the fingerboard, and rarely fret the 8th.

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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo stringing

2008-01-30 Thread chriswilke

--- Stewart McCoy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Even though I could have both a low F and a
 stopped low F# available, I rarely take advantage of
 this. I tune the 8th course to F or F# depending on
 the key of the music, and just get on with it, as
 best I can.
I used to have 8 strings on the board but rarely used
the low F#.  For one thing you can't play a very
full-sounding chord above this note because your hand
is so stretched out just reaching for the bass note. 
F# an octave higher sounds just as full IMO.

Now I have 7 on the board.  I can not believe how many
recits have a prominent, exposed low G#, usually
forming the bass of a very expressive diminished or
dominant sonority.  I find myself using this quite a
bit even though I know it wasn't the norm on most

 In the past, if they didn't have the note available,
 they didn't play it. Obvious. One can download free
 from the internet Fleury's treatise on playing the
 theorbo, published in 1660. He clearly had six short
 strings on his theorbo. On page 8 he gives a
 chromatic scale up from low F to the D above middle
 C. Above each note of the scale he gives the
 appropriate chord in tablature. His theorbo in A
 doesn't have a low F# and G#, so he simply plays
 those notes an octave higher. For the first six
 notes of the scale he gives the following chords:
 |___|__a__|__b___ etc.
  /a   a

Problem!  The 4th chord is actually _not_ in first
inversion if you're using a re-entrant theorbo tuning
which I assume Fleury did.  (If he used the second
course an octave higher, then none of this
applies.)The second course E will actually be a third
lower than the bass note G# on the 4th course.  This
is what David Taylor has been calling crossing the
bass and it is the sort of thing he claims hotshot
modern directors will throw you out of their groups
and blacklist you forever if you do too much.  Yet
here is evidence that theorbists did it.

Although I avoid inversions like this as much as
possible, I'll concede that the E below the bass does
not SOUND too much like its below the bass since the
thumb emphasizes the G#.  Still, it sounds a bit funny
if you're not used to hearing it.



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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo Question

2008-01-29 Thread Martyn Hodgson
Mace, Wilson

David Rastall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If the solo theorbo, being by definition an instrument of shorter 
playing length, is known to have been tuned with only the first 
course in re-entrant tuning, presumably there was some amount of solo 
repertoire for that tuning. Where can it be found? The only solo 
repertoire I know of is written for a theorbo with courses one and 
two in re-entrant tuning.

David R


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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G? Plus some guidelines

2008-01-29 Thread Martyn Hodgson
As very carefully explained earlier, theorbos of your recommended size existed 
but not tuned as you believe. 
David Tayler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thank you all for your comments. As a musicologist, I don't always 
agree with my colleagues, but of course I respect their work.
The partial list I mentioned in my original post

Atton, Ecco, Hoess,
Kaiser, Aman, Koch, Langenwalder, Attore, Mascotto, Stehelin, Greiff,
Hoffmann,Tieffenbrucker, and a big bunch of later ones. They can't 
all be fakes.

is not only a significant historical record, but reflects what the 
iconography clearly shows. They came in all sizes.
The uniformity rule is clearly in play here, and any statement that 
theorbos were all larger, mostly larger etc, has to deal with the 
uniformity rule, which is almost
always accurate in that the past is simply not uniform, but diverse, 
just like the lute list.

Even if only one instrument from one of the makers listed above 
survived, if it were a great instrument (and the lesser 
Tieffenbrucker, C47, is a great instrument),
that would be enough, because of course there would have been more: 
surviving instruments are just placeholders; but there are more anyway.

Assuming that there was no one size fits all, there must have been 
solo size, chord size, and one-line size instruments, to do just 
that. Plus smaller instruments for higher pitches and larger 
instruments for lower pitches.
Conflating the sizes does not reveal the difference; rather it 
conceals the variety of form and function.
And that is exactly what the historical record shows. The smaller and 
medium sized instruments in musea cannot be ignored, they should be enjoyed

Conflation is the biggest problem. The historical record shows 
approximately twelve types of extended lutes, in various sizes and 
dispositions. Conflating all these into one ubertheorbo, however 
large, consigns the historical record
to insignificance, rather than elevating it to illumination.

We all have different perspectives; mine is to get more people to 
play, and play better. Most theorbos are too heavy and have playing 
problems--that's important as well. Did they have overweight theorbos 
back then?
Absolutely. And after 40 years of playing, you might go for a lighter 
one. Would an older historical player have felt the same?

I think if one wants to help promote the theorbo, a website is great. 
Maybe start with a list of all the different sizes, Pohlmann could 
use an update. The list will be large, and diverse, or it will be incomplete.

Of what use is a preselected list for study?

As for whether I can handle a larger instrument, well, I await the 
Lauten Werfen in the next Olympics, or perhaps I should say
ge yo swo chang since it will be on the mainland.


At 12:39 AM 1/28/2008, you wrote:
 Would you kindly tell me the precise evidence you have for
 suggesting such small instruments (ie 77-82cm)? The overwhelming
 historical evidence (iconography, extant instruments, written
 descriptions) is that theorboes with both the first and second
 course lowered the octave had string lengths in the high 80s to low 90s.
 Clearly, with modern overwound strings, 'toy' theorboes are possible
 but that is insufficient reason for suggesting them as the first choice

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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G? Plus some guidelines

2008-01-29 Thread David Tayler
How were they tuned?

At 12:42 AM 1/29/2008, you wrote:
As very carefully explained earlier, theorbos of your recommended 
size existed but not tuned as you believe.


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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G? Plus some guidelines

2008-01-29 Thread Martyn Hodgson
see earlier

David Tayler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  How were they tuned?

At 12:42 AM 1/29/2008, you wrote:
As very carefully explained earlier, theorbos of your recommended 
size existed but not tuned as you believe.


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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G? Plus some guidelines

2008-01-29 Thread chriswilke

  Yes, I'm familiar with the previous discussion.

 Far from being modern in my approach to this
music, it needs to be approached on its own terms. 
Abrupt leaps of a major or minor seventh in an
otherwise scalar passage are fine for Stravinsky.  In
baroque music they are not - unless the composer is
aiming for a special effect.  Personally, my modern
ears don't find such a sudden jump too objectionable
but I can't imagine that baroque listeners wouldn't
find it extremely disturbing.

Suffice it to say that, without some sort of adaption
of the re-entrant theorbo tuning (i.e. an octave
second course being the most logical) many passages in
Pittoni and especially Melli make no sense in light of
standard baroque practice.  (Even in Stravinsky's use
of octave displacement, examples of only one or two
notes being in the wrong octave as is found in
Pittoni is quite unusual.)

One other argument is favor of the octave second
course: most of the questionable passages present no
aural or technical problem is the wierd notes are
played on the proper course.  So why write it in tab
the way it is written?

Anyway, the point of the octave course - to me quite
impossible to refute - is that there must have been
theorbos short enough or strings strong enough to
stand the pitch.  (From experience, I opt for the


--- Martyn Hodgson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   You'll find the earlier (longish) discussion on
 Pittoni in the archives. By inventing such a thing
 as octaves on the second course, you're in danger of
 imposing your views on the music to make it fit your

 Yes, I know many have used the term toy
 theorbo. That doesn't mean it isn't inappropriate or
 Much impressive scholarly work has been done by
 Lynda and others. Unfortunately, for the question of
 stringing and pitch, so much of what we have to go
 is conjecture of gut's capabilities based upon our
 modern reproductions of the strings. Many people
 put a lot of effort into researching how
 strings would have been made, but most will agree
 we're not quite there yet.
 (As for Lynda's website - While I'm by no means
 the theorbo specialist she is, I notice a couple of
 inconsistencies. She says, for example, that all
 existing solo theorbo music can be played with only
 six courses on the board. Bartolotti apparently
 for a fretted 7th course. Also, while arguing that
 most theorbos were double-strung, most of the
 illustrations on the site show single-strung
 instruments. I suppose its not fair to judge her
 scholarly work by the website but these are two
 obvious points.)
 And what about something like Pittoni's or Melli's
 theorbo music which obviously demands a low
 (re-entrant) AND high octave on the second course?
 far as I know there is no written evidence for this
 but the music clearly demands it from context. This
 in effect calls for a non-reentrant tuning of the
 second course and either points to a shorter neck
 more robust gut (or brass???) strings than what we
 have today. Since Pittoni includes an obligato part
 for keyboard, (organ and cembalo) comparing the tab
 with the standard notation shows that he wrote for
 instrument in A. He also presumably expected the
 theorbo part to be heard as a soloist over the
 keyboard so it seems unliky that he would have liked
 tubby-sounding and impossible-in-practice toy.
 --- Martyn Hodgson wrote:
  I'm merely pointing out that his advice to others
  is based on no evidence. I, and others, have used
  the expression 'toy' theorbos many times to
  such unhistorical instruments. Theorbos do,
  come in various sizes but those of the size he
  indicates would have only had the first course an
  octave down or be tuned much higher (as the Talbot
  MS's 'Lesser Fr. theorboe for lessons').
  May I suggest you look at Lynda Sayces website for
  more on this.
  --- Martyn Hodgson wrote:
   Clearly, with modern overwound strings, 'toy'
   theorboes are possible but that is insufficient
   reason for suggesting them as the first choice
  Is it really necessary to use such condescending
  language? The iconographical and historical record
  you sighted actually work against the point you're
  making: theorbos clearly came in all shapes and
  with varying numbers of strings and stringing
  (i.e. double, single, etc). Trying to lay down
  law and state unequivocally that we can posit
  how and to what pitch all of these different types
  theorbos were tuned is simply untenable as of now.
  There may not have even been - and probably wasn't
  such a thing as THE theorbo back in the day. We
  eventually be able to uncover the truth, but we
  also never know

[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G? Plus some guidelines

2008-01-29 Thread David Tayler
I must have missed that post, if you can tell me how the following 
instruments were tuned
Atton,  Ecco, Hoess,
Kaiser, Aman, Koch, Langenwalder, Attore, Mascotto, Stehelin, Greiff,

Then I can do some analysis.

At 05:03 AM 1/29/2008, you wrote:
see earlier

David Tayler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  How were they tuned?

At 12:42 AM 1/29/2008, you wrote:
 As very carefully explained earlier, theorbos of your recommended
 size existed but not tuned as you believe.

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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G? Plus some guidelines

2008-01-28 Thread Martyn Hodgson
Would you kindly tell me the precise evidence you have for suggesting such 
small instruments (ie 77-82cm)? The overwhelming historical evidence 
(iconography, extant instruments, written descriptions) is that theorboes with 
both the first and second course lowered the octave had string lengths in the 
high 80s to low 90s.
  Clearly, with modern overwound strings, 'toy' theorboes are possible but that 
is insufficient reason for suggesting them as the first choice

David Tayler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  You can ALWAYS change the strings on a theorbo, shortening the neck, 
etc big problem.
Make sure you have enough pegs and holes and grooves to string it and 
tune it anyway you want!

Guidelines (highly subjective, of course)
It should fall between these very general guidelines
String length 77-82 cm, 80 is very safe if you change your mind
Holes  grooves 6+8, 7+7, 8+6 ( I use 15c but 14 is enough if you 
don't play a lot of Bach  Handel)
Weight 1.3 KG (2.9 lbs) for my 82cm Holst Don't go over 1.5 kg unless 
you need the exercise.
Balance point at the seventh fret. It should balance.

You have to decide, are you going to play this thing for hours at a 
time? Caude if so, you don't want a Cricket Bat or a Louisville 
Slugger, believe me.
If it weighs more than 1.5 kg, where is the extra weight coming from? 
Perhaps the neck has a music desk inside :)
The balance point gives you a good idea of where the xtra weight is, 
if any, as well as the overall experience of crafting a design.

There are several ways to look at this, but for me it boils down to 
mileage. Remember you need to learn both tunings anyaway.
1. Ask two people who have played 5,000 pieces and 50 operas. You 
might not get the same answer, but it will give you enough to go on. 
For me, it is 65/35 g/a, but I use the G 80 percent of the time. But 
not all the time.

2. Play the 50 operas, half on one, half on the other.

NB Don't get an 84 cm instrument unless you have some smaller ones as 
well. You can't tune it in single reentrant, which is a huge 
negative. Anything over 82 is a specialty instrument, for people with 
huge hands, or for people
who only play in very high positions (which of course creates other problems).
If you have doubts, borrow a 72cm Laux Maler, play lute solos on it, 
then tape two fingers together and try it again.

Other notes:
1. it isn't the key as much as the excursions. It isn't where it 
starts; it's where it goes. It isn't the key, it's the range. If the 
bass note is F above middle C, how do you play the A and C above it?
2. If you play in A, double reentrant, you are MUCH more likely to 
make more voice leading mistakes. The two biggies are bass crossings 
and parallels. Some people will notice this; some people won't.
Most conductors will.

Caccini: you are looking at a small sample, but the thing to remember 
is that you are using a fixed pitch reference instead of a moveable 
one. Lute songs are different.
You can look at the A minor and play it in G minor on a lute a tone 
higher and it will come out the same pitch. And so on. But even in 
that small sample, I would start with a G instrument, and the picture 
is similar for other composers as well.

If you are playing a Handel opera it is a different picture--you 
might be limited in how often you can change instruments, although 
for recording purposes, people do just that.

If you are still unsure, take an piece you wan't to learn, and write 
it out in BOTH tunings. Really look at voice crossings, parallels, 
and so no. If you don't have a theorbo just restring a guitar.
Put it into tab, have a few people play it for and listen to the 
effect. Play it again and see how it feels.


At 07:29 PM 1/26/2008, you wrote:
But look at how many pieces are in the key of F for a nominal G
Renaissance lute. I would expect something close to the same
proportions transposed up a tone for a theorbo in A.

On Jan 16, 2008, at 2:07 AM, Rob wrote:

I have a theorbo being made now by Malcolm Prior for delivery by
the end of
February. Very much looking forward to it as I haven't played a
theorbo in
ten years or more. It is an 84cms Koch model, Italian tuning.

Now, I've been looking at the song repertoire by Giulio and Francesca
Caccini, a repertoire ideally suited to theorbo accompaniment.
Giulio played
it, and his daughter possibly played it - she was respected as a lute
player, although the type of lute was never specified. At least in
music one might expect 'theorbo keys' - Am, Dm, A, D. Here are the
keys from
his 1614 edition (the only one I have to hand):

G or Gm / / / / /

D or Dm 

A or Am ///

F / //

E /

And Francesca's (from 'Il primo libro delle musiche' 1618 - Indiana
University Press)

G or Gm / /

Am //

F ///

Bb /

C /

So, a very high percentage based on G. All the keys are obviously
on a theorbo in A, but I wonder if their theorbo was in G

[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G? Plus some guidelines

2008-01-28 Thread Martyn Hodgson
  You'll find the earlier (longish) discussion on Pittoni in the archives. By 
inventing such a thing as octaves on the second course, you're in danger of 
imposing your views on the music to make it fit your pre-conceptions.  


Yes, I know many have used the term toy
theorbo. That doesn't mean it isn't inappropriate or

Much impressive scholarly work has been done by
Lynda and others. Unfortunately, for the question of
stringing and pitch, so much of what we have to go on
is conjecture of gut's capabilities based upon our
modern reproductions of the strings. Many people have
put a lot of effort into researching how contemporary
strings would have been made, but most will agree that
we're not quite there yet.

(As for Lynda's website - While I'm by no means
the theorbo specialist she is, I notice a couple of
inconsistencies. She says, for example, that all
existing solo theorbo music can be played with only
six courses on the board. Bartolotti apparently calls
for a fretted 7th course. Also, while arguing that
most theorbos were double-strung, most of the
illustrations on the site show single-strung
instruments. I suppose its not fair to judge her
scholarly work by the website but these are two
obvious points.)

And what about something like Pittoni's or Melli's
theorbo music which obviously demands a low
(re-entrant) AND high octave on the second course? As
far as I know there is no written evidence for this
but the music clearly demands it from context. This
in effect calls for a non-reentrant tuning of the
second course and either points to a shorter neck and
more robust gut (or brass???) strings than what we
have today. Since Pittoni includes an obligato part
for keyboard, (organ and cembalo) comparing the tab
with the standard notation shows that he wrote for an
instrument in A. He also presumably expected the
theorbo part to be heard as a soloist over the
keyboard so it seems unliky that he would have liked a
tubby-sounding and impossible-in-practice toy.


--- Martyn Hodgson wrote:

 I'm merely pointing out that his advice to others
 is based on no evidence. I, and others, have used
 the expression 'toy' theorbos many times to describe
 such unhistorical instruments. Theorbos do, indeed,
 come in various sizes but those of the size he
 indicates would have only had the first course an
 octave down or be tuned much higher (as the Talbot
 MS's 'Lesser Fr. theorboe for lessons').
 May I suggest you look at Lynda Sayces website for
 more on this.
 --- Martyn Hodgson wrote:
  Clearly, with modern overwound strings, 'toy'
  theorboes are possible but that is insufficient
  reason for suggesting them as the first choice
 Is it really necessary to use such condescending
 language? The iconographical and historical record
 you sighted actually work against the point you're
 making: theorbos clearly came in all shapes and
 with varying numbers of strings and stringing setup
 (i.e. double, single, etc). Trying to lay down the
 law and state unequivocally that we can posit
 how and to what pitch all of these different types
 theorbos were tuned is simply untenable as of now. 
 There may not have even been - and probably wasn't -
 such a thing as THE theorbo back in the day. We may
 eventually be able to uncover the truth, but we may
 also never know. The situation is confusing enough
 without the ol' Early Music Police showing up on the
 scene. ;-)

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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G? Plus some guidelines

2008-01-28 Thread chriswilke

  Yes, I know many have used the term toy
theorbo.  That doesn't mean it isn't inappropriate or

  Much impressive scholarly work has been done by
Lynda and others.  Unfortunately, for the question of
stringing and pitch, so much of what we have to go on
is conjecture of gut's capabilities based upon our
modern reproductions of the strings.  Many people have
put a lot of effort into researching how contemporary
strings would have been made, but most will agree that
we're not quite there yet.

(As for Lynda's website - While I'm by no means
the theorbo specialist she is, I notice a couple of
inconsistencies.  She says, for example, that all
existing solo theorbo music can be played with only
six courses on the board.  Bartolotti apparently calls
for a fretted 7th course.  Also, while arguing that
most theorbos were double-strung, most of the
illustrations on the site show single-strung
instruments.  I suppose its not fair to judge her
scholarly work by the website but these are two
obvious points.)

And what about something like Pittoni's or Melli's
theorbo music which obviously demands a low
(re-entrant) AND high octave on the second course?  As
far as I know there is no written evidence for this
but the music clearly demands it from context.  This
in effect calls for a non-reentrant tuning of the
second course and either points to a shorter neck and
more robust gut (or brass???) strings than what we
have today.  Since Pittoni includes an obligato part
for keyboard, (organ and cembalo) comparing the tab
with the standard notation shows that he wrote for an
instrument in A.  He also presumably expected the
theorbo part to be heard as a soloist over the
keyboard so it seems unliky that he would have liked a
tubby-sounding and impossible-in-practice toy.


--- Martyn Hodgson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   I'm merely pointing out that his advice to others
 is based on no evidence.  I, and others, have used
 the expression 'toy' theorbos many times to describe
 such unhistorical instruments.  Theorbos do, indeed,
 come in various sizes but those of the size he
 indicates would have only had the first course an
 octave down or be tuned much higher (as the Talbot
 MS's 'Lesser Fr. theorboe for lessons').

   May I suggest you look at Lynda Sayces website for
 more on this.

 --- Martyn Hodgson wrote:
  Clearly, with modern overwound strings, 'toy'
  theorboes are possible but that is insufficient
  reason for suggesting them as the first choice
 Is it really necessary to use such condescending
 language? The iconographical and historical record
 you sighted actually work against the point you're
 making: theorbos clearly came in all shapes and
 with varying numbers of strings and stringing setup
 (i.e. double, single, etc). Trying to lay down the
 law and state unequivocally that we can posit
 how and to what pitch all of these different types
 theorbos were tuned is simply untenable as of now. 
 There may not have even been - and probably wasn't -
 such a thing as THE theorbo back in the day. We may
 eventually be able to uncover the truth, but we may
 also never know. The situation is confusing enough
 without the ol' Early Music Police showing up on the
 scene. ;-)

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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G? Plus some guidelines

2008-01-28 Thread Daniel Shoskes
You are one to talk. Do you honestly think Straube wore jeans when he  



On Jan 28, 2008, at 8:33 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  We may
 eventually be able to uncover the truth, but we may
 also never know.  The situation is confusing enough
 without the ol' Early Music Police showing up on the
 scene. ;-)


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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G? Plus some guidelines

2008-01-28 Thread Benjamin Narvey
Even better, interested parties may wish to dip their noses into Lynda's
thesis, which really does the background work for the articles mentioned.
It is by leaps and bounds the only comprehensive scholarship on the subject
to date.

It is available through the British Thesis Service.

My two eurocents.

Bon theorbe ! (;


On 28/01/2008, Martyn Hodgson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm merely pointing out that his advice to others is based on no
 evidence.  I, and others, have used the expression 'toy' theorbos many times
 to describe such unhistorical instruments.  Theorbos do, indeed, come in
 various sizes but those of the size he indicates would have only had the
 first course an octave down or be tuned much higher (as the Talbot MS's
 'Lesser Fr. theorboe for lessons').

 May I suggest you look at Lynda Sayces website for more on this.



 --- Martyn Hodgson wrote:

  Clearly, with modern overwound strings, 'toy'
  theorboes are possible but that is insufficient
  reason for suggesting them as the first choice

 Is it really necessary to use such condescending
 language? The iconographical and historical record
 you sighted actually work against the point you're
 making: theorbos clearly came in all shapes and sizes
 with varying numbers of strings and stringing setup
 (i.e. double, single, etc). Trying to lay down the
 law and state unequivocally that we can posit exactly
 how and to what pitch all of these different types of
 theorbos were tuned is simply untenable as of now.
 There may not have even been - and probably wasn't -
 such a thing as THE theorbo back in the day. We may
 eventually be able to uncover the truth, but we may
 also never know. The situation is confusing enough
 without the ol' Early Music Police showing up on the
 scene. ;-)


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Benjamin Narvey Luthiste:



[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G? Plus some guidelines

2008-01-28 Thread chriswilke

--- Martyn Hodgson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Clearly, with modern overwound strings, 'toy'
 theorboes are possible but that is insufficient
 reason for suggesting them as the first choice


Is it really necessary to use such condescending
language?  The iconographical and historical record
you sighted actually work against the point you're
making: theorbos clearly came in all shapes and sizes
with varying numbers of strings and stringing setup
(i.e. double, single, etc).  Trying to lay down the
law and state unequivocally that we can posit exactly
how and to what pitch all of these different types of
theorbos were tuned is simply untenable as of now. 
There may not have even been - and probably wasn't -
such a thing as THE theorbo back in the day.  We may
eventually be able to uncover the truth, but we may
also never know.  The situation is confusing enough
without the ol' Early Music Police showing up on the
scene. ;-)



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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G? Plus some guidelines

2008-01-28 Thread Martyn Hodgson
  I'm sorry to say it but all that you write on this is mere personal 
preference with scant regard for the historical facts.  ALL the evidence on 
theorboes with first two courses an octave down is for instruments larger than 
the biggest you recommend.  You mention the Talbot MS but say the large theorbo 
he reports is smaller than generally reckoned  - how do you conclude this? 
  Smaller theorbos did, of course, exist but with the first course an octave 
down as also commonly used throughout the 17thC.  I'd refer you to Lynda 
Sayce's website where she discusses the matter of theorbo size.
  It's difficult to escape the conclusion that because you are not able to 
manage a proper sized instrument you feel obliged to favour smaller 
unhistorical instruments. If this merely affected you it would be of no 
consequence; the problem is that you're offering spurious advice to others.
David Tayler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'll say one thing about the iconography, it is not consistent. They 
come in all sizes. I don't see any overwhelming items except they 
used double strings alot, we don't.

I'm not saying they didn't have big instruments, they did. Really big 
ones. And I've played them, I would never recommend buying one, if 
you read my post, as the only theorbo. By all means, as a third instrument.
There's lot's of reasons not to as the only instrument. And it is 
great to have all the different sizes.

The thing is, it is entirely possible that the really big instruments 
had there own repertory and technique. And that's important.
Clearly, they had back then one line players, and a big instrument 
with a big sound can do that, and a lot more.

Everyone has a different perspective, for me, there is a musicianship 
gap. The faster that is closed, the better. A medium (which may seem 
on the small side, but makers often call them medium) instrument is
better at closing the muscianship gap. Historically, I don't see a 
problem there, extant instruments come in all sizes, shapes, colors, 
and setups in both surviving examples and iconography.

If those are all toys, well that may be. I notice that people are 
still recalculating Talbot--I project the Talbot instruments will fit 
in a shoebox at this rate. I think the Talbot instruments were big--why not?
But people make them smaller because they want them smaller.

But even if they did not, let's look at the situation with other 
instruments. All the baroque cellists nowadays play cut down cellos. 
An up and coming professional will be playing in an ensemble with a 
really loud cello, with heavy metal strings, and so on.
And it's a competitive marketplace. The double basses are strung with 
telephone wire.

At a lute gathering, I am always struck by the fact that the 
renaissance lutes have often been made smaller, though that is really 
changing. But there were small lutes, and I would never advise anyone 
to buy, as their only renaissance lute,
a 70 cm Laux Maler. I have one, and it's a stretch. I have a smaller 
one as well for that parlous chord in Hunsdon's Puff. On the other 
hand, one of my best theorboes is a Tieffenbrucker which has been 
made bigger (scaled up to 82)

Did they have medium theorboes?
Looking through my by-no-means complete list I see Anonymous, (not 
the 98cm anon here in Berkeley, the other one) , Atton, Ecco, Hoess, 
Kaiser, Aman, Koch, Langenwalder, Attore, Mascotto, Stehelin, Greiff, 
and a big bunch of later ones. They can't all be fakes. I think a 
Greiff would be fun, More fun than a Kaiser

I'm a big fan of historical performance, I'd like to see it make a 
comeback instead of heading towards modernism; the big anachronisms 
seems to me to be more in the area of style, articulation, 
musicianship, ornamentation; and, in continuo, doublings and voice leading.
If I had to teach a class on continuo and the student with the 
theorbosaurus could not grip all the chords--not just the basics but 
the ones with the right voicing, I would never get past square one; 
happens all the time.
In fact, I'm still at square one myself.

Historically, as a musicologist, I know that for the repertory I 
love, you need a boxy harpsichord with a short octave, As a 
performer, that does not happen much. There's a conflict there.
But I would never recommend someone buy a harpsichord with a short 
octave as their only instrument.

Also, the smaller theorbos go through revolving doors better and 
quicker, important if you spend lots of time in Hotels. Historically, 
Hotels did not have revolving doors.


At 12:39 AM 1/28/2008, you wrote:
Would you kindly tell me the precise evidence you have for 
suggesting such small instruments (ie 77-82cm)? The overwhelming 
historical evidence (iconography, extant instruments, written 
descriptions) is that theorboes with both the first and second 
course lowered the octave had string lengths in the high 80s to low 90s.


[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G? Plus some guidelines

2008-01-28 Thread David Tayler
Thank you all for your comments. As a musicologist, I don't always 
agree with my colleagues, but of course I respect their work.
The partial list I mentioned in my original post

  Atton,  Ecco, Hoess,
Kaiser, Aman, Koch, Langenwalder, Attore, Mascotto, Stehelin, Greiff,
Hoffmann,Tieffenbrucker, and a big bunch of later ones. They can't 
all be fakes.

is not only a significant historical record, but reflects what the 
iconography clearly shows. They came in all sizes.
The uniformity rule is clearly in play here, and any statement that 
theorbos were all larger, mostly larger etc, has to deal with the 
uniformity rule, which is almost
always accurate in that the past is simply not uniform, but diverse, 
just like the lute list.

Even if only one instrument from one of the makers listed above 
survived, if it were a great instrument (and the lesser 
Tieffenbrucker, C47, is a great instrument),
that would be enough, because of course there would have been more: 
surviving instruments are just placeholders; but there are more anyway.

Assuming that there was no one size fits all, there must have been 
solo size, chord size, and one-line size instruments, to do just 
that. Plus smaller instruments for higher pitches and larger 
instruments for lower pitches.
Conflating the sizes does not reveal the difference; rather it 
conceals the variety of form and function.
And that is exactly what the historical record shows. The smaller and 
medium sized instruments in musea cannot be ignored, they should be enjoyed

Conflation is the biggest problem. The historical record shows 
approximately twelve types of extended lutes, in various sizes and 
dispositions. Conflating all these into one ubertheorbo, however 
large, consigns the historical record
to insignificance, rather than elevating it to illumination.

We all have different perspectives; mine is to get more people to 
play, and play better. Most theorbos are too heavy and have playing 
problems--that's important as well. Did they have overweight theorbos 
back then?
Absolutely. And after 40 years of playing, you might go for a lighter 
one. Would an older  historical player have felt the same?

I think if one wants to help promote the theorbo, a website is great. 
Maybe start with a list of all the different sizes, Pohlmann could 
use an update. The list will be large, and diverse, or it will be incomplete.

Of what use is a preselected list for study?

As for whether I can handle a larger instrument, well, I await the 
Lauten Werfen in the next Olympics, or perhaps I should say
ge yo swo chang since it will be on the mainland.


At 12:39 AM 1/28/2008, you wrote:
 Would you kindly tell me the precise evidence you have for
 suggesting such small instruments (ie 77-82cm)? The overwhelming
 historical evidence (iconography, extant instruments, written
 descriptions) is that theorboes with both the first and second
 course lowered the octave had string lengths in the high 80s to low 90s.
 Clearly, with modern overwound strings, 'toy' theorboes are possible
 but that is insufficient reason for suggesting them as the first choice

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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G?

2008-01-28 Thread howard posner
OK, gang: inquiring minds want to know.

Is there any historical source that correlates the size of a theorbo  
with pitch, or tuning, or stringing (single/double courses, single/ 
double re-entrant)?

On Jan 28, 2008, at 5:44 AM, Martyn Hodgson wrote:

   I'm merely pointing out that his advice to others is based on no  
 evidence.  I, and others, have used the expression 'toy' theorbos  
 many times to describe such unhistorical instruments.  Theorbos do,  
 indeed, come in various sizes but those of the size he indicates  
 would have only had the first course an octave down or be tuned  
 much higher (as the Talbot MS's 'Lesser Fr. theorboe for lessons').


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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G? Plus some guidelines

2008-01-28 Thread Martyn Hodgson
  I'm merely pointing out that his advice to others is based on no evidence.  
I, and others, have used the expression 'toy' theorbos many times to describe 
such unhistorical instruments.  Theorbos do, indeed, come in various sizes but 
those of the size he indicates would have only had the first course an octave 
down or be tuned much higher (as the Talbot MS's 'Lesser Fr. theorboe for 
  May I suggest you look at Lynda Sayces website for more on this.


--- Martyn Hodgson wrote:

 Clearly, with modern overwound strings, 'toy'
 theorboes are possible but that is insufficient
 reason for suggesting them as the first choice

Is it really necessary to use such condescending
language? The iconographical and historical record
you sighted actually work against the point you're
making: theorbos clearly came in all shapes and sizes
with varying numbers of strings and stringing setup
(i.e. double, single, etc). Trying to lay down the
law and state unequivocally that we can posit exactly
how and to what pitch all of these different types of
theorbos were tuned is simply untenable as of now. 
There may not have even been - and probably wasn't -
such a thing as THE theorbo back in the day. We may
eventually be able to uncover the truth, but we may
also never know. The situation is confusing enough
without the ol' Early Music Police showing up on the
scene. ;-)


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[LUTE] Theorbo Question

2008-01-28 Thread David Rastall
If the solo theorbo, being by definition an instrument of shorter  
playing length, is known to have been tuned with only the first  
course in re-entrant tuning, presumably there was some amount of solo  
repertoire for that tuning.  Where can it be found?  The only solo  
repertoire I know of is written for a theorbo with courses one and  
two in re-entrant tuning.

David R


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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo Question

2008-01-28 Thread David Tayler
As far as reentrant goes, a notch away in size is also a notch in 
pitch, so a size smaller can be tuned in double reentrant a tone higher.

So that is really not an issue. I use double for most solo pieces, 
but some sound persuasive in single. My solo instrument at 465 in A 
is too high for single reentrant to sound good, at 77cm.
It would work at 415 or 392, however.


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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G?

2008-01-27 Thread Roland Hayes
gm not nearly as bad as it seems on an A theorbo. Peri also wrote a lot in g 
and G maj. and his pieces work well too.  Even F is okay once you figure out 
how to stay away from the Bb barr chord on the first fret.  Reentrant tuning 
helps .   R. 

From: Ed Durbrow [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sat 1/26/2008 10:29 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; LuteNet list
Subject: [LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G?

But look at how many pieces are in the key of F for a nominal G 
Renaissance lute. I would expect something close to the same 
proportions transposed up a tone for a theorbo in A.

On Jan 16, 2008, at 2:07 AM, Rob wrote:

 I have a theorbo being made now by Malcolm Prior for delivery by 
 the end of
 February. Very much looking forward to it as I haven't played a 
 theorbo in
 ten years or more. It is an 84cms Koch model, Italian tuning.

 Now, I've been looking at the song repertoire by Giulio and Francesca
 Caccini, a repertoire ideally suited to theorbo accompaniment. 
 Giulio played
 it, and his daughter possibly played it - she was respected as a lute
 player, although the type of lute was never specified. At least in 
 music one might expect 'theorbo keys' - Am, Dm, A, D. Here are the 
 keys from
 his 1614 edition (the only one I have to hand):

 G or Gm / / / / /

 D or Dm 

 A or Am ///

 F / //

 E /

 And Francesca's (from 'Il primo libro delle musiche' 1618 - Indiana
 University Press)

 G or Gm / /

 Am //

 F ///

 Bb /

 C /

 So, a very high percentage based on G. All the keys are obviously 
 on a theorbo in A, but I wonder if their theorbo was in G. I 
 imagine someone
 (or more than one) has done research into this, and it would be 
 to read their findings.

 I've also noticed that a few theorbo recordings are on a theorbo in 
 G, both
 solo and continuo. Is it common among modern players? I imagine G 
 would be
 an easier transition for Renaissance players who think in G more 
 easily than
 A. I'm planning on having it tuned in A, with A=440, but I'm 
 interested in
 what others are doing, and general thoughts pro and contra any 




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Ed Durbrow
Saitama, Japan


[LUTE] Theorbo in G? Plus some guidelines

2008-01-27 Thread David Tayler
You can ALWAYS change the strings on a theorbo, shortening the neck, 
etc big problem.
Make sure you have enough pegs and holes and grooves to string it and 
tune it anyway you want!

Guidelines (highly subjective, of course)
It should fall between these very general guidelines
String length 77-82 cm, 80 is very safe if you change your mind
Holes  grooves 6+8, 7+7, 8+6 ( I use 15c but 14 is enough if you 
don't play a lot of Bach  Handel)
Weight 1.3 KG (2.9 lbs) for my 82cm Holst Don't go over 1.5 kg unless 
you need the exercise.
Balance point at the seventh fret. It should balance.

You have to decide, are you going to play this thing for hours at a 
time? Caude if so, you don't want a Cricket Bat or a Louisville 
Slugger, believe me.
If it weighs more than 1.5 kg, where is the extra weight coming from? 
Perhaps the neck has a music desk inside :)
The balance point gives you a good idea of where the xtra weight is, 
if any, as well as the overall experience of crafting a design.

There are several ways to look at this, but for me it boils down to 
mileage. Remember you need to learn both tunings anyaway.
1. Ask two people who have played 5,000 pieces and 50 operas. You 
might not get the same answer, but it will give you enough to go on. 
For me, it is 65/35 g/a, but I use the G 80 percent of the time. But 
not all the time.

2. Play the 50 operas, half on one, half on the other.

NB Don't get an 84 cm instrument unless you have some smaller ones as 
well. You can't tune it in single reentrant, which is a huge 
negative. Anything over 82 is a specialty instrument, for people with 
huge hands, or for people
who only play in very high positions (which of course creates other problems).
If you have doubts, borrow a 72cm Laux Maler, play lute solos on it, 
then tape two fingers together and try it again.

Other notes:
1. it isn't the key as much as the excursions. It isn't where it 
starts; it's where it goes. It isn't the key, it's the range. If the 
bass note is F above middle C, how do you play the A and C above it?
2. If you play  in A, double reentrant, you are MUCH more likely to 
make more voice leading mistakes. The two biggies are bass crossings 
and parallels. Some people will notice this; some people won't.
Most conductors will.

Caccini: you are looking at a small sample, but the thing to remember 
is that you are using a fixed pitch reference instead of a moveable 
one. Lute songs are different.
You can look at the A minor and play it in G minor on a lute a tone 
higher and it will come out the same pitch. And so on. But even in 
that small sample, I would start with a G instrument, and the picture 
is similar for other composers as well.

If you are playing a Handel opera it is a different picture--you 
might be limited in how often you can change instruments, although 
for recording purposes, people do just that.

If you are still unsure, take an piece you wan't to learn, and write 
it out in BOTH tunings. Really look at voice crossings, parallels, 
and so no. If you don't have a theorbo just restring a guitar.
Put it into tab, have a few people play it for and listen to the 
effect. Play it again and see how it feels.


At 07:29 PM 1/26/2008, you wrote:
But look at how many pieces are in the key of F for a nominal G
Renaissance lute. I would expect something close to the same
proportions transposed up a tone for a theorbo in A.

On Jan 16, 2008, at 2:07 AM, Rob wrote:

I have a theorbo being made now by Malcolm Prior for delivery by
the end of
February. Very much looking forward to it as I haven't played a
theorbo in
ten years or more. It is an 84cms Koch model, Italian tuning.

Now, I've been looking at the song repertoire by Giulio and Francesca
Caccini, a repertoire ideally suited to theorbo accompaniment.
Giulio played
it, and his daughter possibly played it - she was respected as a lute
player, although the type of lute was never specified. At least in
music one might expect 'theorbo keys' - Am, Dm, A, D. Here are the
keys from
his 1614 edition (the only one I have to hand):

G or Gm / / / / /

D or Dm 

A or Am ///

F / //

E /

And Francesca's (from 'Il primo libro delle musiche' 1618 - Indiana
University Press)

G or Gm / /

Am //

F ///

Bb /

C /

So, a very high percentage based on G. All the keys are obviously
on a theorbo in A, but I wonder if their theorbo was in G. I
imagine someone
(or more than one) has done research into this, and it would be
to read their findings.

I've also noticed that a few theorbo recordings are on a theorbo in
G, both
solo and continuo. Is it common among modern players? I imagine G
would be
an easier transition for Renaissance players who think in G more
easily than
A. I'm planning on having it tuned in A, with A=440, but I'm
interested in
what others are doing, and general thoughts pro and contra any


[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G?

2008-01-26 Thread Ed Durbrow
But look at how many pieces are in the key of F for a nominal G  
Renaissance lute. I would expect something close to the same  
proportions transposed up a tone for a theorbo in A.


On Jan 16, 2008, at 2:07 AM, Rob wrote:

I have a theorbo being made now by Malcolm Prior for delivery by  
the end of
February. Very much looking forward to it as I haven't played a  
theorbo in

ten years or more. It is an 84cms Koch model, Italian tuning.

Now, I've been looking at the song repertoire by Giulio and Francesca
Caccini, a repertoire ideally suited to theorbo accompaniment.  
Giulio played

it, and his daughter possibly played it - she was respected as a lute
player, although the type of lute was never specified. At least in  
music one might expect 'theorbo keys' - Am, Dm, A, D. Here are the  
keys from

his 1614 edition (the only one I have to hand):

G or Gm / / / / /

D or Dm 

A or Am ///

F / //

E /

And Francesca's (from 'Il primo libro delle musiche' 1618 - Indiana
University Press)

G or Gm / /

Am //

F ///

Bb /

C /

So, a very high percentage based on G. All the keys are obviously  
on a theorbo in A, but I wonder if their theorbo was in G. I  
imagine someone
(or more than one) has done research into this, and it would be  

to read their findings.

I've also noticed that a few theorbo recordings are on a theorbo in  
G, both
solo and continuo. Is it common among modern players? I imagine G  
would be
an easier transition for Renaissance players who think in G more  
easily than
A. I'm planning on having it tuned in A, with A=440, but I'm  
interested in
what others are doing, and general thoughts pro and contra any  





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Ed Durbrow
Saitama, Japan

[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G?

2008-01-21 Thread David Tayler
This is a very interesting question that has several answers: 
practical, modern, professional   historical.
The griffen element is subjective, of course.

1. Professional. As a professional, you need several theorbos. For my 
work, I require at least four. Therefore, the theorbo in G at 465 
doubles of course as a theorbo in A at 415, and so on.
If you play multiple services per day, you can't tune up and down all 
day, every day, you will always be out of tune. If you play out of 
tune all the time. someone will notice; at music festivals, I often 
play at three pitches per day.
If you play in ensembles that are picky about voice leading and 
parallels, you will require at least one single reentrant tuning 
instrument, and for a greater percentage of music an instrument in G 
will be better:
better chords, fewer parallels. I would say, based on playing at 
least a few thousand pieces, that the ratio is about 65-35. YMMV. 
Maybe you only play in A major :).
There are definitely groups out there that will not rehire someone 
who plays bad bass crossings and parallels, but it is not the 
majority, it is definitely a consideration. They may also appreciate 
it on a subconcious level, that some of the chords sound strange.
If you don't play every day in different groups, this is not for you.

2. Practical. If you have only one theorbo, you must make some 
choices. If you play mainly solo music, tune your instrument where it 
sounds the best, plain and simple. A lot of people play their 
instrument at the wrong pitch. Keep marked packs of strings
for each tuning you will need, and only change the fretted strings. 
By changing the strings you maintain the tension and the stability of 
the instrument.
In a tone transposing scenario, keep the lowest long string at F, and 
read it as a G in the other tuning.
For half step scenarios, it is marginally better to leave the basses 
where they are for short term, or tune DOWN a half step.
If you mainly play continuo, G tuning is better, marginally, as per 
comments above.

3. Modern practice is different from historical practice. Modern 
practice follows the guitar. Evaluate the situation depending on the 
types pf ensembles you play in. For example, if you play Opera, you 
will not be allowed to tune as often as you would need to,
choose your strings accordingly for the theorbo. You may play with 
modern instruments as well. Modern baroque ensembles use wound 
strings on the violins, violas, and cellos: you cannot realistically 
compete with that in a pure historical setup.
I have never seen an ensemble or orchestra of any size play in pure 
historical setup--strings, bows, bridges  bassbars--maybe they are 
out there, I have not seen it.

4. Historical: this goes to training. If you are trained in a 
transposing system, which the musicians of the Ren  Bar were, then 
there is effectively no difference between G, A, F and so on. They 
look the same. If you want to play more historically, you have to start with
this system. There are no shortcuts, except a modified Alphabeta, 
which I often use, and then it comes down to preference. You can be 
Even Keyed Favor A, play G Favor G play A.  I'm somewhere in 
between Favor G and Even Keyed.
As far as the historical record goes, it is clear that they had the G 
tuning and the A tuning and other tunings as well, that they were 
pretty Even Keyed, and that the A tuning gives more sound in DOUBLE 
reentrant, for obvious reasons, and so is better for solo music, or 
music in which you play often an octave lower to avoid bad crossings, 
like a Quint bass. Thinking like a Quint is important. The very early 
sources show a leaning towards G but that is deceptive: there are not 
enough sources and of course, G looks like A if you are a transposer. 
Nonetheless, G makes an early showing, and modern practice clearly 
follows the guitar.

A nice compromise is to have a larger theorbo in G, single reentrant, 
415 for continuo and a smaller theorbo in A, 415, double reentrant 
for solo. The A instrument doubles as a G instrument at the 465 
pitch. Keep a set of strings handy for 440.
This mirrors Ren practice of the lute in G and A. Coincidence?
Add a 440 instrument for Vespers and Modern Opera and an archlute and 
you have most of it covered. One more theorbo and you are therealmost.


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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G?

2008-01-21 Thread David Tayler
Paintings  Engravings exist, but the single strung thing is mainly 
modern guitar practice.
There is also a hybrid style used quite a bit nowadays that has 
guitar style theorbo  (heavy single strings, etc) plus semi 
historical technique.
Zero is an awfully big number, but it freezes well.

At 01:28 PM 1/21/2008, you wrote:

Thanks for sharing your abundant practical wisdom - the only thing 
you forgot to mention under 'historical' is that there is zero 
evidence that single-strung theorbos were ever used anywhere.


Ron Andrico


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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G?

2008-01-18 Thread Martyn Hodgson
I very much agree and I deprecate the various lute societies making editions of 
Italian music in French tablature  when they ought to be encouraging people to 
read the latter - it's really not difficult.

Are Vidar Boye Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   As you imply: I guess it's because they can't be bothered to
 learn to read on an A instrument

 A lot of people prefer to work in those areas they're most familiar
 with. We have modern editions of Italian music in French tablature,
 because French tab is the one that a lot of people feel more at home
 with. We tend to stay with the techniques we're most familiar with,
 and in some cases we tend to stay with the types of music we're most
 familiar with. Someone (a most renowned and magisterial figure in
 the lute world ;-) ;-) ;-)) said to me last year: Baroque lute is
 late-period and decadent. I don't accept it. Another equally
 renowned luter told me last year, if it's not renaissance music I
 don't play it. It's not laziness; just a reluctance to go beyond
 what's familiar.

If people are obcessive about renaissance music that is fine, but I am 
sceptic about publishing italian music in french tabulature. There is so 
much interesting music out there which is still unpublished, so to me its 
just a waste of time and effort to translate italian music to french 
tabulature. Its not difficult to learn to read italian tabulature, and I 
consider it laziness not to try it.

Are (about to learn german tabulature)

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[LUTE] Re: Kapsberger's lute (was: banchieri and the Theorbo in G)

2008-01-17 Thread G. Crona


I had a quick look through the libro primo di lauto, but could not find any 
indication of more than 10 courses. You must be mixing up the primo di 


- Original Message - 
From: Are Vidar Boye Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 12:01 AM
Subject: [LUTE] Re: Kapsberger's lute (was: banchieri and the Theorbo in G)

be that the lute in question here actually is a 10/11-corse liuto

If that means, 1st and 2nd courses normal (like on the lute), the answer
is no. All pieces of Libro prima require 1st and 2nd courses down the
octave. (Nevertheless, one might want to discuss one or another

Ops, I was thinking about the Libro primo for lute, not the Libro primo
for chitarrone. The recordings I know of the music from that book is
played on a regular french 10-course lute, but I have wondered if
Kapsberger might have had a liuto attiorbato in mind, not the least
because I have heard that the music actually requires an 11-course
instrument in a few places.


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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G?

2008-01-17 Thread Are Vidar Boye Hansen
   As you imply: I guess it's because they can't be bothered to
 learn to read on an A instrument

 A lot of people prefer to work in those areas they're most familiar
 with.  We have modern editions of Italian music in French tablature,
 because French tab is the one that a lot of people feel more at home
 with.  We tend to stay with the techniques we're most familiar with,
 and in some cases we tend to stay with the types of music we're most
 familiar with.  Someone (a most renowned and magisterial figure in
 the lute world ;-)  ;-)  ;-)) said to me last year:  Baroque lute is
 late-period and decadent.  I don't accept it.  Another equally
 renowned luter told me last year, if it's not renaissance music I
 don't play it.  It's not laziness;  just a reluctance to go beyond
 what's familiar.

If people are obcessive about renaissance music that is fine, but I am 
sceptic about publishing italian music in french tabulature. There is so 
much interesting music out there which is still unpublished, so to me its 
just a waste of time and effort to translate italian music to french 
tabulature. Its not difficult to learn to read italian tabulature, and I 
consider it laziness not to try it.

Are (about to learn german tabulature)

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[LUTE] Re: Kapsberger's lute (was: banchieri and the Theorbo in G)

2008-01-17 Thread Are Vidar Boye Hansen
 I had a quick look through the libro primo di lauto, but could not find any 
 indication of more than 10 courses. You must be mixing up the primo di 

No, the person who told me was very specific that it was the libro primo 
di lauto, and that this is the first source for 11-course lute. But I 
guess he was wrong, then. ;-)


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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G?

2008-01-17 Thread G. Crona

What do you call a tablature polyglot? A tablyglot?
- Original Message - 
From: Are Vidar Boye Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 6:45 PM
Subject: [LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G?

  As you imply: I guess it's because they can't be bothered to
learn to read on an A instrument

A lot of people prefer to work in those areas they're most familiar
with.  We have modern editions of Italian music in French tablature,
because French tab is the one that a lot of people feel more at home
with.  We tend to stay with the techniques we're most familiar with,
and in some cases we tend to stay with the types of music we're most
familiar with.  Someone (a most renowned and magisterial figure in
the lute world ;-)  ;-)  ;-)) said to me last year:  Baroque lute is
late-period and decadent.  I don't accept it.  Another equally
renowned luter told me last year, if it's not renaissance music I
don't play it.  It's not laziness;  just a reluctance to go beyond
what's familiar.

If people are obcessive about renaissance music that is fine, but I am
sceptic about publishing italian music in french tabulature. There is so
much interesting music out there which is still unpublished, so to me its
just a waste of time and effort to translate italian music to french
tabulature. Its not difficult to learn to read italian tabulature, and I
consider it laziness not to try it.

Are (about to learn german tabulature) 

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[LUTE] Re: Kapsberger's lute (was: banchieri and the Theorbo in G)

2008-01-17 Thread G. Crona
Yeah, and he was probably right! On second check, page 29 ms. 27 shows an 
11th course?


- Original Message - 
From: Are Vidar Boye Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 6:33 PM
Subject: [LUTE] Re: Kapsberger's lute (was: banchieri and the Theorbo in G)

I had a quick look through the libro primo di lauto, but could not find 

indication of more than 10 courses. You must be mixing up the primo di

No, the person who told me was very specific that it was the libro primo
di lauto, and that this is the first source for 11-course lute. But I
guess he was wrong, then. ;-)


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[LUTE] Re: Kapsberger's lute (was: banchieri and the Theorbo in G)

2008-01-17 Thread G. Crona

Corrente 7

- Original Message - 
From: Are Vidar Boye Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 8:02 PM
Subject: [LUTE] Re: Kapsberger's lute (was: banchieri and the Theorbo in G)

Yeah, and he was probably right! On second check, page 29 ms. 27 shows an
11th course?

!? Which piece?


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16.01.2008 09:01

[LUTE] Re: Kapsberger's lute (was: banchieri and the Theorbo in G)

2008-01-17 Thread Are Vidar Boye Hansen
 Yeah, and he was probably right! On second check, page 29 ms. 27 shows an 
 11th course?

!? Which piece?


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[LUTE] Re: Kapsberger's lute (was: banchieri and the Theorbo in G)

2008-01-17 Thread G. Crona
No, (just answer yourself). Its a 9 with a dotted note, hence not an 11th at 
all! This music is purely 10 c

- Original Message - 
To: lute@cs.dartmouth.edu; Are Vidar Boye Hansen 

Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 8:08 PM
Subject: Re: [LUTE] Re: Kapsberger's lute (was: banchieri and the Theorbo in 

Corrente 7

- Original Message - 
From: Are Vidar Boye Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 8:02 PM
Subject: [LUTE] Re: Kapsberger's lute (was: banchieri and the Theorbo in 

Yeah, and he was probably right! On second check, page 29 ms. 27 shows 

11th course?

!? Which piece?


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[LUTE] Re: banchieri and the Theorbo in G

2008-01-16 Thread LGS-Europe
Unfortunately my work it's in Italian only. It was written 12 years ago 
and I'm now working again on it, for a printed version.

What you read is just a draft copy.

Pretty good for a draft copy, I'd say. Thank you for sharing this with us.


David van Ooijen

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[LUTE] Re: banchieri and the Theorbo in G

2008-01-16 Thread Rob
Thank you, Diego. I hope someone translates it into other languages as it
looks very interesting. I can only understand a few words here and there,
and it is very easy for me to misunderstand, so I will wait for some kind
person to translate it into English. I'm constantly embarrassed about my
inability to learn languages - I've tried on many occasions, but never get
beyond saying 'I love you' and ordering a cappuccino!

You may have answered my next question...

Looking again at Giulio Caccini's 1614 book, the lowest note is D below the
bass clef. If we take the imaginative leap and accept for a moment that his
bass lines might actually be what he played on his theorbo, he seems to have
had a 10c theorbo, as with Kapsberger's first book, possibly a large bass
lute in A with the first two courses down an octave. 

Did Banchieri utilize more than ten courses? Is it possible he had a large
10c bass lute in G with just the first course down an octave?

I'm wondering how many of the early publications for a 'theorbo' (various
spellings) or chitarrone were actually for large 10c bass lutes with
re-entrant tunings?



-Original Message-
Sent: 15 January 2008 23:14
To: lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
Subject: [LUTE] banchieri and the Theorbo in G

Banchieri  in his Conclusioni nel suono dell'organo (Bologna 1609), p. 59,

gives a G tuning for the chitarrone, with the
reentrant tuning for the first string only.
From my homepage (under 'docs  tab') you can download a pdf copy of my 
dissertation about the chitarrone and the continuo in Italy.
At p. 64 you can find the facsimile from Banchieri.
Unfortunately my work it's in Italian only. It was written 12 years ago and 
I'm now working again on it, for a printed version.
What you read is just a draft copy.

Here's the link:



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[LUTE] Re: banchieri and the Theorbo in G

2008-01-16 Thread dc

Banchieri  in his Conclusioni nel suono dell'organo (Bologna 1609), p. 
59, gives a G tuning for the chitarrone, with the

reentrant tuning for the first string only.
From my homepage (under 'docs  tab') you can download a pdf copy of my 
dissertation about the chitarrone and the continuo in Italy.

At p. 64 you can find the facsimile from Banchieri.
Unfortunately my work it's in Italian only. It was written 12 years ago 
and I'm now working again on it, for a printed version.

What you read is just a draft copy.

Thanks for sharing this, Diego. Looks very interesting. And let us know 
when the printed version comes out.


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[LUTE] Re: banchieri and the Theorbo in G

2008-01-16 Thread Are Vidar Boye Hansen
 I'm wondering how many of the early publications for a 'theorbo' (various
 spellings) or chitarrone were actually for large 10c bass lutes with
 re-entrant tunings?

I wonder about this too! As far as I know, Kapsberger's Libro primo for 
chitarrone is for a 10-course instrument.


PS: I think it was Rob who earlier suggested that Rolf Lislevand uses
 nylgut. He doesnt. He uses all gut and thumb-in on all his
 instruments, including baroque lute and theorbo.

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[LUTE] banchieri and the Theorbo in G

2008-01-16 Thread tiorba

I'm wondering how many of the early publications for a 'theorbo' (various
spellings) or chitarrone were actually for large 10c bass lutes with
re-entrant tunings?

I wonder about this too! As far as I know, Kapsberger's Libro primo for
chitarrone is for a 10-course instrument.

You can find an answer at p. 42 and 43 of my work.
Kapsberger's Libro primo  is for a 11-course instrument.
However, it's interesting the use in the toccata VI (p.14, 7th line of the 
page, 4th bar) of a small number 14 for the 14th string.
From the music, it's clear that it's not a bass G, but a high g sharp (a 

semiton higher than the 7th).
If the use of a 14th string as an f sharp is not so uncommon in archlutes, 
is the only occurence I know in theorbo music.
Two other considerations are obviouse: no italian theorbo music (except 
Bartolotti, not really italian in his style) asks for a fretted 7th course 
(Bartolotti needs 7th and 8th) and the most of survived instruments are for 
6+8 courses.

Also if Kapsperger asks for a 14th course why doesn't he use 12th and 13th?


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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G?

2008-01-16 Thread David Rastall
On Jan 16, 2008, at 3:21 AM, Martyn Hodgson wrote:

   As you imply: I guess it's because they can't be bothered to  
 learn to read on an A instrument

A lot of people prefer to work in those areas they're most familiar  
with.  We have modern editions of Italian music in French tablature,  
because French tab is the one that a lot of people feel more at home  
with.  We tend to stay with the techniques we're most familiar with,  
and in some cases we tend to stay with the types of music we're most  
familiar with.  Someone (a most renowned and magisterial figure in  
the lute world ;-)  ;-)  ;-)) said to me last year:  Baroque lute is  
late-period and decadent.  I don't accept it.  Another equally  
renowned luter told me last year, if it's not renaissance music I  
don't play it.  It's not laziness;  just a reluctance to go beyond  
what's familiar.

 and don't appreciate that the theorbo isn't just a big lute.

The lute list's favorite riddle:  when is a lute not a lute?  If I  
see theorbos in general as continuo-lutes, and the large theorbos as  
double-bass lutes, what am I failing to appreciate?  Am I missing  

David R


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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G?

2008-01-16 Thread howard posner
On Jan 15, 2008, at 1:54 PM, Rob wrote:

 so why do people choose to tune to G?
 Is it purely because they already think 'in G', or is there another  

G tuning (with the second course at lute pitch) seems to have been  
common in England.  Mace wrote that the theorbo was just a big lute  
(our old English lute) with the first course down an octave.


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[LUTE] Kapseberger's lute (was: banchieri and the Theorbo in G)

2008-01-16 Thread Are Vidar Boye Hansen

 I'm wondering how many of the early publications for a 'theorbo' (various
 spellings) or chitarrone were actually for large 10c bass lutes with
 re-entrant tunings?
 I wonder about this too! As far as I know, Kapsberger's Libro primo for
 chitarrone is for a 10-course instrument.

 You can find an answer at p. 42 and 43 of my work.
 Kapsberger's Libro primo  is for a 11-course instrument.

Thank you! I have also been told that the Libro primo for lute also calls 
for an 11-course instrument at a few instances. Is this true? And could it 
be that the lute in question here actually is a 10/11-corse liuto 


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[LUTE] Re: Kapseberger's lute (was: banchieri and the Theorbo in G)

2008-01-16 Thread Mathias Rösel
Are Vidar Boye Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb:
 be that the lute in question here actually is a 10/11-corse liuto 

If that means, 1st and 2nd courses normal (like on the lute), the answer
is no. All pieces of Libro prima require 1st and 2nd courses down the
octave. (Nevertheless, one might want to discuss one or another
As for 11 courses, the fact that the music of Libro primo does not
require more than 11 course (with one exception, as Diego Cantalupi
remarked), does not imply that the chitarone (that's what Kapsberger
calls the instrument) in 1604 Italy did not bear more than 11 courses.

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[LUTE] Re: Kapsberger's lute (was: banchieri and the Theorbo in G)

2008-01-16 Thread Are Vidar Boye Hansen
 be that the lute in question here actually is a 10/11-corse liuto

 If that means, 1st and 2nd courses normal (like on the lute), the answer
 is no. All pieces of Libro prima require 1st and 2nd courses down the
 octave. (Nevertheless, one might want to discuss one or another

Ops, I was thinking about the Libro primo for lute, not the Libro primo 
for chitarrone. The recordings I know of the music from that book is 
played on a regular french 10-course lute, but I have wondered if 
Kapsberger might have had a liuto attiorbato in mind, not the least 
because I have heard that the music actually requires an 11-course 
instrument in a few places.


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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G?

2008-01-15 Thread Martyn Hodgson
  I play theorbo more than anything (the only instrument which seems to pay and 
you do get a lot of variety)  - mine is in A at 93cm. 
  In fact G is a very strong key (possibly with D the strongest) on the A 
theorbo - quite a few open strings and the relative keys are also strong.  
Actually all the keys you mention are good on the A instrument and have 
generally less stronger resonant shapes on the G instrument which favours flat 
keys - hence why I also have a small theorbo in G (76cm) with only the top 
course the octave down which I use mostly for the small scale English domestic 
repertoire (Lawes, Lanier et al) who frequently favour these keys.  
  Problem is also that 84cm is towards the lower end of the scale for a theorbo 
and if you tune down a tone to G you may find some of the lower fingered 
courses are not as strong as you wld wish (assuming you wont use overwound on 
the 5th even if you do on the 6th). Indeed, if I had a large Italian instrument 
in G I'd expect it to be like the biggest of the Italian instruments ie around 

  I have a theorbo being made now by Malcolm Prior for delivery by the end of
February. Very much looking forward to it as I haven't played a theorbo in
ten years or more. It is an 84cms Koch model, Italian tuning.

Now, I've been looking at the song repertoire by Giulio and Francesca
Caccini, a repertoire ideally suited to theorbo accompaniment. Giulio played
it, and his daughter possibly played it - she was respected as a lute
player, although the type of lute was never specified. At least in Giulio's
music one might expect 'theorbo keys' - Am, Dm, A, D. Here are the keys from
his 1614 edition (the only one I have to hand): 

G or Gm / / / / /

D or Dm 

A or Am ///

F / //

E /

And Francesca's (from 'Il primo libro delle musiche' 1618 - Indiana
University Press)

G or Gm / /

Am //

F ///

Bb /

C /

So, a very high percentage based on G. All the keys are obviously possible
on a theorbo in A, but I wonder if their theorbo was in G. I imagine someone
(or more than one) has done research into this, and it would be interesting
to read their findings. 

I've also noticed that a few theorbo recordings are on a theorbo in G, both
solo and continuo. Is it common among modern players? I imagine G would be
an easier transition for Renaissance players who think in G more easily than
A. I'm planning on having it tuned in A, with A=440, but I'm interested in
what others are doing, and general thoughts pro and contra any particular




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[LUTE] banchieri and the Theorbo in G

2008-01-15 Thread tiorba
Banchieri  in his Conclusioni nel suono dell'organo (Bologna 1609), p. 59, 
gives a G tuning for the chitarrone, with the

reentrant tuning for the first string only.
From my homepage (under 'docs  tab') you can download a pdf copy of my 

dissertation about the chitarrone and the continuo in Italy.
At p. 64 you can find the facsimile from Banchieri.
Unfortunately my work it's in Italian only. It was written 12 years ago and 
I'm now working again on it, for a printed version.

What you read is just a draft copy.

Here's the link:



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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo in G?

2008-01-15 Thread David Rastall
On Jan 15, 2008, at 4:54 PM, Rob wrote:

 ...so why do people choose to tune to G?
 Is it purely because they already think 'in G', or is there another  

That's the reason I would do it.  I spent so long playing renaissance  
lute that I think in G.  Also the first methods I found for  
instruction in BC were designed for G tuning.

David R


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[LUTE] Re: banchieri and the Theorbo in G

2008-01-15 Thread wikla

Diego wrote:
 From my homepage (under 'docs  tab') you can download a pdf copy of my 
dissertation about the chitarrone and the continuo in Italy.


Here's the link:

Mille grazie Diego! Molto interessante!



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[LUTE] Re: Small French theorbo in D - evidence?

2008-01-08 Thread Martyn Hodgson
  James Talbot Ms (c1695) - Christchurch Library Music MS 1187  (part 
transcribed in Galpin Soc Journal Vol14 -March 1961) is the only source which 
clearly and unequivocally describes the instruments where it is called the 
'Lesser French Theorboe' (string length works out around 75cm). Talbot also 
says ' The lesser Theorbo (fitt for lessons [solos?]) carryes the same number 
of ranks (courses) and Strings with F. Theorbo and is 4 notes higher all the 
way. Plus other helpful observations. He also confirms the tuning as in d. 
There is some evidence from M Crevecoeur quoted by Talbot of its use for 
continuo (and pitch standard. A French source calls for a 'theorbe de pieces' 
(or similar wording - can't lay my hands on it at the moment).
  Interestingly, the Saizeny Ms gives the keys of the de Visee theorbe pieces 
etc as for a theorbo in the usual A tuning, altho' this might have just been a 
convention and the smaller instrument cld have been intended I suppose. However 
I find I can play virtually all the  pieces on my ordinary theorbo (90cm) - 
undoubtedly tho' a smaller instrument would make things easier. 
  On similar instruments: I find a particularly useful instrument is a small 
theorbo with just the first course down the octave, either in A or G (most 
frequent in England) with a similar string length to the French lesser ie 75cm. 
The advantage of using the instrument in A is that if you already play the 
common proper large Italian theorbo in A (ie two two courses down) there's no 
  Further, I've also speculated some time ago (FoMRHI Quarterly) that the 
frequent historical references to archlute (esp in England) may, in fact, have 
been just as likelt to mean small theorbos. Certainly the highest pitched 
course of one on A would be e' which is only a minor third below the top course 
of what we now generally think of as an archlute in G.
  This also allows us to make sense of one of Talbot MS other comments by M 
Crev. referring to the lesser Fr theorbo: 'This fitter for Thorough Bass than 
Arch Lute its Trebles being neither below the voice nor Instrs in Consort as 
Arch Lute' : here I don't think Talbot (or Crev) is saying that the nominal 
highest pitched note of the Lesser Fr theorbo (e') was higher than that of an 
archlute (g') [which is clearly absurd] but that it was easier for it to be 
tuned to reach common consort pitch (ie highest course e' at 75cm) compared to 
the archlute (say g' at 68cm) since at  the consort pitch its treble would be 
closer to the breaking stress (about one and a half semitone stress steps 
higher).  Of course, this doesn't confirm widespread use of the lesser Fr 
theorbo for continuo: it may have been M Crev. was puttong in a chaunanistic 
case for a French instrument since, interestingly, Talbot doesn't list a large 
French Theorbo but he does and 'English' theorbo tuned in A (NB
 NOT G) with a string length  around 90cm.
  How many references do we have for the small French theorbo in D? And how
many of them actually state the pitch and approximate string length? I
haven't studied this area, and can only recall one quotation, so I hope the
collective wisdom here will bring me up to speed. 

Robert de Visee is interesting in this regard. Did he write his solos for
the smaller instrument? If we take just one piece (hardly a scientific
survey, but it is as far as I have gone so far), La Montfermeil, which
appears in three versions, lute, theorbo and in 'partition'. Both the lute
and Partition versions are in Am. The theorbo version would be in the same
key on the theorbo in D, not A. Now, I know that arrangements might just as
easily appear in different keys, so this proves nothing. What other evidence
do we have that Visee, Hurel and any others specifically used the theorbo in
D for solos?

I guess at the back of my mind I think we might be assuming more popularity
for the instrument than was the case, but I'll admit I don't know all the

So, chapter and verse please on the evidence.





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[LUTE] Re: Small French theorbo in D - evidence?

2008-01-08 Thread Rob
Many thanks, Martyn. Nothing there to convince me either that it was
commonplace for French theorbo music or for de Visee.




-Original Message-
From: Martyn Hodgson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 08 January 2008 08:09
Subject: [LUTE] Re: Small French theorbo in D - evidence?

  James Talbot Ms (c1695) - Christchurch Library Music MS 1187  (part
transcribed in Galpin Soc Journal Vol14 -March 1961) is the only source
which clearly and unequivocally describes the instruments where it is called
the 'Lesser French Theorboe' (string length works out around 75cm). Talbot
also says ' The lesser Theorbo (fitt for lessons [solos?]) carryes the same
number of ranks (courses) and Strings with F. Theorbo and is 4 notes higher
all the way. Plus other helpful observations. He also confirms the tuning as
in d. There is some evidence from M Crevecoeur quoted by Talbot of its use
for continuo (and pitch standard. A French source calls for a 'theorbe de
pieces' (or similar wording - can't lay my hands on it at the moment).
  Interestingly, the Saizeny Ms gives the keys of the de Visee theorbe
pieces etc as for a theorbo in the usual A tuning, altho' this might have
just been a convention and the smaller instrument cld have been intended I
suppose. However I find I can play virtually all the  pieces on my ordinary
theorbo (90cm) - undoubtedly tho' a smaller instrument would make things
  On similar instruments: I find a particularly useful instrument is a small
theorbo with just the first course down the octave, either in A or G (most
frequent in England) with a similar string length to the French lesser ie
75cm. The advantage of using the instrument in A is that if you already play
the common proper large Italian theorbo in A (ie two two courses down)
there's no confusion.
  Further, I've also speculated some time ago (FoMRHI Quarterly) that the
frequent historical references to archlute (esp in England) may, in fact,
have been just as likelt to mean small theorbos. Certainly the highest
pitched course of one on A would be e' which is only a minor third below the
top course of what we now generally think of as an archlute in G.
  This also allows us to make sense of one of Talbot MS other comments by M
Crev. referring to the lesser Fr theorbo: 'This fitter for Thorough Bass
than Arch Lute its Trebles being neither below the voice nor Instrs in
Consort as Arch Lute' : here I don't think Talbot (or Crev) is saying that
the nominal highest pitched note of the Lesser Fr theorbo (e') was higher
than that of an archlute (g') [which is clearly absurd] but that it was
easier for it to be tuned to reach common consort pitch (ie highest course
e' at 75cm) compared to the archlute (say g' at 68cm) since at  the consort
pitch its treble would be closer to the breaking stress (about one and a
half semitone stress steps higher).  Of course, this doesn't confirm
widespread use of the lesser Fr theorbo for continuo: it may have been M
Crev. was puttong in a chaunanistic case for a French instrument since,
interestingly, Talbot doesn't list a large French Theorbo but he does and
'English' theorbo tuned in A (NB
 NOT G) with a string length  around 90cm.
  How many references do we have for the small French theorbo in D? And how
many of them actually state the pitch and approximate string length? I
haven't studied this area, and can only recall one quotation, so I hope the
collective wisdom here will bring me up to speed. 

Robert de Visee is interesting in this regard. Did he write his solos for
the smaller instrument? If we take just one piece (hardly a scientific
survey, but it is as far as I have gone so far), La Montfermeil, which
appears in three versions, lute, theorbo and in 'partition'. Both the lute
and Partition versions are in Am. The theorbo version would be in the same
key on the theorbo in D, not A. Now, I know that arrangements might just as
easily appear in different keys, so this proves nothing. What other evidence
do we have that Visee, Hurel and any others specifically used the theorbo in
D for solos?

I guess at the back of my mind I think we might be assuming more popularity
for the instrument than was the case, but I'll admit I don't know all the

So, chapter and verse please on the evidence.





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 Sent from Yahoo! #45; a smarter inbox.

[BAROQUE-LUTE] Re: theorbo music sources

2007-12-12 Thread Rob

You should ask Lynda Sayce: www.theorbo.com 



-Original Message-
From: Jerzy Zak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 12 December 2007 19:28
To: Barocklautenliste Lutelist'
Subject: [BAROQUE-LUTE] theorbo music sources

Dear List,

I know, the Christian MEYER catalogue of sources, both on paper and on 
the net is a splendid tool for searching through music in tablature, 
.but it doesn't mention (the www part) what is for lute and what is 
for a theorbo. In case of Italian chitarrone music there is Kevin Mason 
book, too, very usefull. My question, therefore, is -- do you know of 
any listing, possibly complete, of all other, not Italian, that is 
French!, German?, English??, etc., theorbo music sources, with their 
contents, of course?

Thanks in advance,

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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo nails

2007-12-12 Thread Martyn Hodgson
  From what Weiss writes (and thanks for the quote Mathias - is it complete?), 
I infer that he's saying he is obliged to use nails on the theorbo to produce 
the volume/edge required but, because he doesn't mention doing so on the lute, 
he didn't on the lute.  Incidentally.  I suspect (again pure speculation of 
course) that he's not saying his theorbo nails were like those found with, say, 
 modern flameco players (or Dalla Casa's), but that there was sufficient to 
provide solid support to the very tip of the finger.  In practice if I'm doing 
a concert with large band and/or many voices, I find a week's growth can give 
sufficient slight extra length to provide such support - but I also find I need 
a few days to adjust and thus try and avoid theorbo and lute in such concerts 
(but the guitar's OK).  

  Whether Stephen Stubbs or anyone else gets a good sound with nails on a
baroque lute is neither here nor there. The question is whether Weiss used
nails, and I maintain that the comments he made are inconclusive.



-Original Message-
From: Mathias Rösel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 12 December 2007 11:57
To: 'lute list'
Subject: [LUTE] Re: Swanneck + loaded strings

Rob schrieb:
 Mathias, I don't think we can definitely conclude from his statement

no, of course, not def. 

 Weiss himself used nails. He might have implied it was common practice,
 he doesn't say for sure that he used nails. 

As for the theorbo that is probable, though, IMHO. He says it's
ordinairement played that way, but doesn't remark but I refrain from
that horrible abuse or the like. 

 Certainly he was employed as a
 continuo player,

And he was known so as a marvelous accompagnist

 but clearly was also regarded as a special case,

Regarding the theorbo, I'm not aware of another specialty besides his
being fabulous. No mentioning of no-nails.

 one whose
 solo playing was highly valued as well. If he describes nail playing as

He doesn't. The quote bears on the sound of the theorbo as resulting
from ordinarily using nails. He says if you come close the sound is
coarse and rude because it's ordinairement played with nails. That is
easily imaginable, I should add. Theorbo players in an orchestra who
aren't heard will soon loose their posts.

 I doubt if he would have enjoyed playing the lute so much.

You can use nails even on a baroque lute. To name just one player who
keeps long nails because his main business is continuo playing in
ensembles and orchestras but who nevertheless made very good solo
recordings (Kellner, Saint Luc, Golden Age etc) is Stephen Stubbs.

 -Original Message-
 From: Mathias Rösel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: 12 December 2007 11:09
 To: Martyn Hodgson
 Cc: LGS-Europe; lute list
 Subject: [LUTE] Re: Swanneck + loaded strings
 Martyn Hodgson schrieb:
  Weiss does mention that playing with nails is acceptable on the theorbo
 but not on the lute (I don't have the exact quote to hand)
 In his letter to Mattheson he said that the theorbo yielded a somewhat
 rude sound as it was ordinairement (usually, ordinarily) played with
 nails. From which we may conclude that Weiss had nails long enough to
 play the theorbo since that was one of his duties at court. Which makes
 me wonder as for his playing the lute...
  LGS-Europe wrote:
   Perhaps OT on the lute-list either way, but I mentioned Sor and
   not baroque guitar music. Neither did I write one cannot play one
   music with or without nails, just that you may notice the
   Well it's simply because of your pre-conditioned approach to their
   You know (or you believe you know) that Sor wasn't using nails (i.e.
   he or somebody else wrote about this or whatever).
   Did Piccinini, Castaldi, Robert de Visee, Weiss etc etc use nails or
   nails? Can you spot that through their music? I very much doubt you
  I'm sure I cannot. I mentioned Sor and Giuliani, not theorbo music.

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2007-12-12 Thread Anthony Hind
Might just be a good idea to make the tittle a little closer to the  
Don't forget people later search for such topics, before opening a  
new thread.

When, I alter the orientation of a topic, I just add a word to  
indicate that;

but here the topic has clearly moved on.
This last message sounds about right to my non specialist ears,  
having never played the


Le 12 déc. 07 à 14:56, Joseph Mayes a écrit :

I think this might be a case of front-end loading. That is:  
looking at

data from an established point of view - to whit:

Weiss hints that he used nails - that's inconclusive. If Weiss  
hinted that

he didn't use nails - that would be evidence.

Joseph Mayes

On 12/12/07 8:43 AM, Mathias Rösel [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Rob [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb:
Whether Stephen Stubbs or anyone else gets a good sound with  
nails on a

baroque lute is neither here nor there.

His was intended to serve as an example of an accomplished continuo
player, using nails, who also is an accomplished soloist.
Weiss was an accomplished continuo player who said the theorbo was
generally played with nails, who also was an accomplished soloist.
It goes without saying, I hope, that I'm not comparing Weiss's and
Stephen's skills here B)

The question is whether Weiss used nails,

I assume you will agree that we'll never know.

and I maintain that the comments he made are inconclusive.

Yes, agreed.


-Original Message-
From: Mathias Rösel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 12 December 2007 11:57
To: 'lute list'
Subject: [LUTE] Re: Swanneck + loaded strings

Rob [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb:
Mathias, I don't think we can definitely conclude from his  

no, of course, not def.

Weiss himself used nails. He might have implied it was common  


he doesn't say for sure that he used nails.

As for the theorbo that is probable, though, IMHO. He says it's
ordinairement played that way, but doesn't remark but I refrain  

that horrible abuse or the like.

Certainly he was employed as a
continuo player,

And he was known so as a marvelous accompagnist

but clearly was also regarded as a special case,

Regarding the theorbo, I'm not aware of another specialty besides  

being fabulous. No mentioning of no-nails.

one whose
solo playing was highly valued as well. If he describes nail  
playing as


He doesn't. The quote bears on the sound of the theorbo as resulting
from ordinarily using nails. He says if you come close the sound is
coarse and rude because it's ordinairement played with nails.  
That is

easily imaginable, I should add. Theorbo players in an orchestra who
aren't heard will soon loose their posts.

I doubt if he would have enjoyed playing the lute so much.

You can use nails even on a baroque lute. To name just one player  

keeps long nails because his main business is continuo playing in
ensembles and orchestras but who nevertheless made very good solo
recordings (Kellner, Saint Luc, Golden Age etc) is Stephen Stubbs.

-Original Message-
From: Mathias Rösel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 12 December 2007 11:09
To: Martyn Hodgson
Cc: LGS-Europe; lute list
Subject: [LUTE] Re: Swanneck + loaded strings

Martyn Hodgson [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb:
Weiss does mention that playing with nails is acceptable on the  

but not on the lute (I don't have the exact quote to hand)

In his letter to Mattheson he said that the theorbo yielded a  
rude sound as it was ordinairement (usually, ordinarily) played  
nails. From which we may conclude that Weiss had nails long  
enough to
play the theorbo since that was one of his duties at court.  
Which makes

me wonder as for his playing the lute...



Perhaps OT on the lute-list either way, but I mentioned Sor and

not baroque guitar music. Neither did I write one cannot play  



music with or without nails, just that you may notice the


Well it's simply because of your pre-conditioned approach to  

You know (or you believe you know) that Sor wasn't using nails  

he or somebody else wrote about this or whatever).

Did Piccinini, Castaldi, Robert de Visee, Weiss etc etc use  
nails or

nails? Can you spot that through their music? I very much  
doubt you


I'm sure I cannot. I mentioned Sor and Giuliani, not theorbo  


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[BAROQUE-LUTE] Re: Theorbo

2007-12-08 Thread T. Diehl-Peshkur
Hi Rob, 
Interesting. This is all new info for me.
You will be getting an instrument at 86 cm- so quite full sized.
Can you describe any problems of dealing with that length and playing
more soloist pieces? Isn't that quite difficult?
Thanks, Theo

Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2007 16:58:53 -
To: baroque-lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
Subject: [BAROQUE-LUTE] Re: Theorbo

Hi Theo,

Some confusion here. Assuming de Visee used the small theorbo, it would be
strung in the old tuning but with both the first and second courses down an
octave AND the whole thing moved up in pitch so that the first course is a
D. This is what I meant when I said you could tune it in D, not D minor
tuning. I apologise for not being explicit enough. But it is not certain
that he used a small theorbo for his solo pieces, but probable.

However, should you want to play Piccinini and Kapsberger as well - they
would have been unlikely to play their music on a theorbo in D. But let's
get things in perspective, if you want to play both Italian and French
theorbo music to yourself, I wouldn't get too worked up about pitch. You say
you are mainly concerned with late repertoire, so de Visee in old tuning,
with the first two courses down an octave, based on D would be perfect, in
my opinion.

I have a theorbo arriving in January/February, but at 86 cms I will be
tuning it in A, but definitely playing de Visee alongside Piccinini and




-Original Message-
From: T. Diehl-Peshkur [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 08 December 2007 16:48
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; baroque-lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
Subject: [BAROQUE-LUTE] Re: Theorbo

Hello Rob, 
Name's Theo :-) Thanks for the info.
I assumed that the old renaissance lute tuning with a re-entrant chanterelle
was still used by Visee et al,
and only know Visee from recordings. Do you mean that a D minor tuning can
be used on such a 14 course

Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2007 16:33:44 -
To: baroque-lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
Subject: [BAROQUE-LUTE] Re: Theorbo

Hi (what's your first name?)

All the surviving solo repertoire (and I'm sure someone will correct me if
am wrong) is for 6 courses on the fingerboard. Some players prefer seven for
continuo reasons. At the string length you are thinking about, you could
tune it in D, as in the small French theorbe de pieces.


-Original Message-
From: T. Diehl-Peshkur [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 08 December 2007 15:24
To: baroque-lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
Subject: [BAROQUE-LUTE] Theorbo

I had a request to all the performers/teachers among you here. Any
help would be appreciated.

I am on a waiting list for a theorbo to used only for solo music, almost
exclusively late
(like de Visee) although it might occasionally be used to play with very
small ensembles 
at home, or a few early pieces at some time in the far future.

The only points for me is to have it strung only in gut (which should not be
difficult, I assume),
and also on the small side (74/76 cm stoppable string length, probably 8+6.)
My hands are not small, but used to 68/70 length, and I am concerned that
anything too big will be a problem for me. The model will be Sellas, a
version. Final pitch to play at is not an issue, since I am on my own for

If there are any issues I should think about, or watch out for regarding
string length or string grouping (like 7+7?), please do let me know, as I
have the time now to
discuss change details, and I only know baroque lute- so I am a total
theorbo newbie.
Thanks all!


To get on or off this list see list information at



[BAROQUE-LUTE] Re: Theorbo

2007-12-08 Thread Rob
I think there are more theorbo players on the main lute list, Theo, so you
might get more feedback there. Everyone is different, of course, and what
works for me might not work for you. I found the larger one easier in every
respect - musically and physically. 








From: T. Diehl-Peshkur [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 08 December 2007 17:37
Subject: Re: [BAROQUE-LUTE] Re: Theorbo


Thanks for that.
Musically, that extra sound you mention is a very clear example, and I can
follow that.
But also fingering wise? In other words, did your fingers feel OK with that
length in solo work
as well? 76cm I can cope with the first frets; but 86 mentally seems a whole
other ball game in those


Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2007 17:12:59 -
To: 'T. Diehl-Peshkur' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [BAROQUE-LUTE] Re: Theorbo

Everything is difficult. Getting out of bed is very difficult. Is a large
theorbo more difficult than a small one? Well, I used to have both a large
86cms theorbo and a small French one at 76cms at the same time. I actually
found the larger one easier. Why, you might well ask? I'm not sure. Maybe
the extra resonance helped the music breathe more, and gave me seemingly
more time to move around. The small one felt more like a lute or a classical
guitar (although with more strings). I sold the small one eventually. The
large one was on loan to me from an institution I was teaching at. I no
longer teach there, and am looking forward to a new theorbo arriving in a
couple of months. I think the French repertoire sounds great on large
theorbos, but don't think the Italian repertoire sounds as good on small



-Original Message-
From: T. Diehl-Peshkur [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 08 December 2007 17:04
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; baroque-lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
Subject: [BAROQUE-LUTE] Re: Theorbo

Hi Rob, 
Interesting. This is all new info for me.
You will be getting an instrument at 86 cm- so quite full sized.
Can you describe any problems of dealing with that length and playing
more soloist pieces? Isn't that quite difficult?
Thanks, Theo

Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2007 16:58:53 -
To: baroque-lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
Subject: [BAROQUE-LUTE] Re: Theorbo

Hi Theo,

Some confusion here. Assuming de Visee used the small theorbo, it would be
strung in the old tuning but with both the first and second courses down an
octave AND the whole thing moved up in pitch so that the first course is a
D. This is what I meant when I said you could tune it in D, not D minor
tuning. I apologise for not being explicit enough. But it is not certain
that he used a small theorbo for his solo pieces, but probable.

However, should you want to play Piccinini and Kapsberger as well - they
would have been unlikely to play their music on a theorbo in D. But let's
get things in perspective, if you want to play both Italian and French
theorbo music to yourself, I wouldn't get too worked up about pitch. You say
you are mainly concerned with late repertoire, so de Visee in old tuning,
with the first two courses down an octave, based on D would be perfect, in
my opinion.

I have a theorbo arriving in January/February, but at 86 cms I will be
tuning it in A, but definitely playing de Visee alongside Piccinini and




-Original Message-
From: T. Diehl-Peshkur [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 08 December 2007 16:48
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; baroque-lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
Subject: [BAROQUE-LUTE] Re: Theorbo

Hello Rob, 
Name's Theo :-) Thanks for the info.
I assumed that the old renaissance lute tuning with a re-entrant chanterelle
was still used by Visee et al,
and only know Visee from recordings. Do you mean that a D minor tuning can
be used on such a 14 course

Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2007 16:33:44 -
To: baroque-lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
Subject: [BAROQUE-LUTE] Re: Theorbo

Hi (what's your first name?)

All the surviving solo repertoire (and I'm sure someone will correct me if
am wrong) is for 6 courses on the fingerboard. Some players prefer seven for
continuo reasons. At the string length you are thinking about, you could
tune it in D, as in the small French theorbe de pieces.


-Original Message-
From: T. Diehl-Peshkur [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 08 December 2007 15:24
To: baroque-lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
Subject: [BAROQUE-LUTE] Theorbo

I had a request to all the performers/teachers among you here. Any
help would be appreciated.

I am on a waiting list for a theorbo to used only for solo music, almost
exclusively late
(like de Visee) although it might occasionally be used to play

[BAROQUE-LUTE] Re: Theorbo

2007-12-08 Thread howard posner
Music written for a big instrument tends to take the size into  
account.  There aren't a lot of big left-hand stretches in the  
Italian theorbo music I've played.  I don't know much about the  
French repertoire.

On Dec 8, 2007, at 9:04 AM, T. Diehl-Peshkur wrote:

 Interesting. This is all new info for me.
 You will be getting an instrument at 86 cm- so quite full sized.
 Can you describe any problems of dealing with that length and playing
 more soloist pieces? Isn't that quite difficult?


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[BAROQUE-LUTE] Re: Theorbo

2007-12-08 Thread Rob
Hi (what's your first name?)

All the surviving solo repertoire (and I'm sure someone will correct me if
am wrong) is for 6 courses on the fingerboard. Some players prefer seven for
continuo reasons. At the string length you are thinking about, you could
tune it in D, as in the small French theorbe de pieces. 


-Original Message-
From: T. Diehl-Peshkur [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 08 December 2007 15:24
Subject: [BAROQUE-LUTE] Theorbo

I had a request to all the performers/teachers among you here. Any
help would be appreciated.

I am on a waiting list for a theorbo to used only for solo music, almost
exclusively late
(like de Visee) although it might occasionally be used to play with very
small ensembles 
at home, or a few early pieces at some time in the far future.

The only points for me is to have it strung only in gut (which should not be
difficult, I assume),
and also on the small side (74/76 cm stoppable string length, probably 8+6.)
My hands are not small, but used to 68/70 length, and I am concerned that
anything too big will be a problem for me. The model will be Sellas, a
version. Final pitch to play at is not an issue, since I am on my own for

If there are any issues I should think about, or watch out for regarding
string length or string grouping (like 7+7?), please do let me know, as I
have the time now to
discuss change details, and I only know baroque lute- so I am a total
theorbo newbie.
Thanks all!


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2007-12-08 Thread T. Diehl-Peshkur
I had a request to all the performers/teachers among you here. Any
help would be appreciated.

I am on a waiting list for a theorbo to used only for solo music, almost
exclusively late
(like de Visee) although it might occasionally be used to play with very
small ensembles 
at home, or a few early pieces at some time in the far future.

The only points for me is to have it strung only in gut (which should not be
difficult, I assume),
and also on the small side (74/76 cm stoppable string length, probably 8+6.)
My hands are not small, but used to 68/70 length, and I am concerned that
anything too big will be a problem for me. The model will be Sellas, a
version. Final pitch to play at is not an issue, since I am on my own for

If there are any issues I should think about, or watch out for regarding
string length or string grouping (like 7+7?), please do let me know, as I
have the time now to
discuss change details, and I only know baroque lute- so I am a total
theorbo newbie.
Thanks all!


To get on or off this list see list information at

[BAROQUE-LUTE] Re: Theorbo

2007-12-08 Thread T. Diehl-Peshkur
Hello Rob, 
Name's Theo :-) Thanks for the info.
I assumed that the old renaissance lute tuning with a re-entrant chanterelle
was still used by Visee et al,
and only know Visee from recordings. Do you mean that a D minor tuning can
be used on such a 14 course

Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2007 16:33:44 -
Subject: [BAROQUE-LUTE] Re: Theorbo

Hi (what's your first name?)

All the surviving solo repertoire (and I'm sure someone will correct me if
am wrong) is for 6 courses on the fingerboard. Some players prefer seven for
continuo reasons. At the string length you are thinking about, you could
tune it in D, as in the small French theorbe de pieces.


-Original Message-
From: T. Diehl-Peshkur [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 08 December 2007 15:24
Subject: [BAROQUE-LUTE] Theorbo

I had a request to all the performers/teachers among you here. Any
help would be appreciated.

I am on a waiting list for a theorbo to used only for solo music, almost
exclusively late
(like de Visee) although it might occasionally be used to play with very
small ensembles 
at home, or a few early pieces at some time in the far future.

The only points for me is to have it strung only in gut (which should not be
difficult, I assume),
and also on the small side (74/76 cm stoppable string length, probably 8+6.)
My hands are not small, but used to 68/70 length, and I am concerned that
anything too big will be a problem for me. The model will be Sellas, a
version. Final pitch to play at is not an issue, since I am on my own for

If there are any issues I should think about, or watch out for regarding
string length or string grouping (like 7+7?), please do let me know, as I
have the time now to
discuss change details, and I only know baroque lute- so I am a total
theorbo newbie.
Thanks all!


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[LUTE] Re: Theorbo

2007-12-08 Thread Rob


-Original Message-
From: Rob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 08 December 2007 17:13
To: 'T. Diehl-Peshkur'
Subject: RE: [BAROQUE-LUTE] Re: Theorbo

Everything is difficult. Getting out of bed is very difficult. Is a large
theorbo more difficult than a small one? Well, I used to have both a large
86cms theorbo and a small French one at 76cms at the same time. I actually
found the larger one easier. Why, you might well ask? I'm not sure. Maybe
the extra resonance helped the music breathe more, and gave me seemingly
more time to move around. The small one felt more like a lute or a classical
guitar (although with more strings). I sold the small one eventually. The
large one was on loan to me from an institution I was teaching at. I no
longer teach there, and am looking forward to a new theorbo arriving in a
couple of months. I think the French repertoire sounds great on large
theorbos, but don't think the Italian repertoire sounds as good on small



-Original Message-
From: T. Diehl-Peshkur [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 08 December 2007 17:04
Subject: [BAROQUE-LUTE] Re: Theorbo

Hi Rob, 
Interesting. This is all new info for me.
You will be getting an instrument at 86 cm- so quite full sized.
Can you describe any problems of dealing with that length and playing
more soloist pieces? Isn't that quite difficult?
Thanks, Theo

Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2007 16:58:53 -
Subject: [BAROQUE-LUTE] Re: Theorbo

Hi Theo,

Some confusion here. Assuming de Visee used the small theorbo, it would be
strung in the old tuning but with both the first and second courses down an
octave AND the whole thing moved up in pitch so that the first course is a
D. This is what I meant when I said you could tune it in D, not D minor
tuning. I apologise for not being explicit enough. But it is not certain
that he used a small theorbo for his solo pieces, but probable.

However, should you want to play Piccinini and Kapsberger as well - they
would have been unlikely to play their music on a theorbo in D. But let's
get things in perspective, if you want to play both Italian and French
theorbo music to yourself, I wouldn't get too worked up about pitch. You say
you are mainly concerned with late repertoire, so de Visee in old tuning,
with the first two courses down an octave, based on D would be perfect, in
my opinion.

I have a theorbo arriving in January/February, but at 86 cms I will be
tuning it in A, but definitely playing de Visee alongside Piccinini and




-Original Message-
From: T. Diehl-Peshkur [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 08 December 2007 16:48
Subject: [BAROQUE-LUTE] Re: Theorbo

Hello Rob, 
Name's Theo :-) Thanks for the info.
I assumed that the old renaissance lute tuning with a re-entrant chanterelle
was still used by Visee et al,
and only know Visee from recordings. Do you mean that a D minor tuning can
be used on such a 14 course

Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2007 16:33:44 -
Subject: [BAROQUE-LUTE] Re: Theorbo

Hi (what's your first name?)

All the surviving solo repertoire (and I'm sure someone will correct me if
am wrong) is for 6 courses on the fingerboard. Some players prefer seven for
continuo reasons. At the string length you are thinking about, you could
tune it in D, as in the small French theorbe de pieces.


-Original Message-
From: T. Diehl-Peshkur [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 08 December 2007 15:24
Subject: [BAROQUE-LUTE] Theorbo

I had a request to all the performers/teachers among you here. Any
help would be appreciated.

I am on a waiting list for a theorbo to used only for solo music, almost
exclusively late
(like de Visee) although it might occasionally be used to play with very
small ensembles 
at home, or a few early pieces at some time in the far future.

The only points for me is to have it strung only in gut (which should not be
difficult, I assume),
and also on the small side (74/76 cm stoppable string length, probably 8+6.)
My hands are not small, but used to 68/70 length, and I am concerned that
anything too big will be a problem for me. The model will be Sellas, a
version. Final pitch to play at is not an issue, since I am on my own for

If there are any issues I should think about, or watch out for regarding
string length or string grouping (like 7+7?), please do let me know, as I
have the time now to
discuss change details, and I only know baroque lute- so I am a total
theorbo newbie.
Thanks all!


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[LUTE] Re: Double Meantone Theorbo and Guitar variants

2007-11-06 Thread Kevin Kishimoto
Interesting idea... trying to imagine the chords in my head.  So are all the 
bass courses of your theorbo a 4th lower?  Down to a very low D?  And what kind 
of string is on the 14th course to make that note?

- Original Message 
From: David Tayler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: lute-cs.dartmouth.edu lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
Sent: Tuesday, November 6, 2007 6:46:46 PM
Subject: [LUTE] Double Meantone Theorbo and Guitar variants

7 fretted course theorbo in G single reentrant

Double reentrant

Guitar in D
G or g

other variants possible including an open F-Shap string.

A theorbo a Tone higher--though for this temperament I prefer 
slightly the G version.
6 Fretted coursed have the option to tune the upper strings like the
 bass viol.
8 Fretted can have a D and a C which is good for later baroque music

Other variants are possible--A fretted low C is excellent  gives a 
fuller C Major chord as well a a true low D Flat.

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[LUTE] Re: Double Meantone Theorbo and Guitar variants

2007-11-06 Thread David Tayler
On the archlute the 4th and 5th course are down a half step, F goes 
to E and C goes to B
If you have seven fretted, the seventh is better at D or C, I use mainly D

On the Theorbo in G--IMHO better for 17th c. music--the same is true, 
fourth and fifth courses down a half step.
That places all the best thirds on a good fret, except the G sharp 
which is played higher.
I have 8 on the finger board, and I tune the 6th and seventh D and C,
but if you have 7 fretted, D is good, if you have six fretted the 
lowest fretted note is G and of course you may tune your open 
diapasons according to key.

Both single reentrant and double reentrant have their advantages, but 
G tuning is a bit better than A tuning.
Double reentrant has a terrific melow sound, single reentrant gives 
fuller chords except for C major and F major where the third of the 
chord is in unison

The similarity with the gamba gives you very fine chords and scales. 
It is like one instrument.
Also, the tuning is great for the Vivaldi Concerto in D--which I have 
played on the mandolin in that tuning, so I tried it on the archlute, 
then started in on the temperament.
Have to play the G sharps up in the concerto though, or set the first 
fret to all sharps.


At 05:50 PM 11/6/2007, you wrote:
Interesting idea... trying to imagine the chords in my head.  So are 
all the bass courses of your theorbo a 4th lower?  Down to a very 
low D?  And what kind of string is on the 14th course to make that note?

- Original Message 
From: David Tayler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: lute-cs.dartmouth.edu lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
Sent: Tuesday, November 6, 2007 6:46:46 PM
Subject: [LUTE] Double Meantone Theorbo and Guitar variants

7 fretted course theorbo in G single reentrant

Double reentrant

Guitar in D
G or g

other variants possible including an open F-Shap string.

A theorbo a Tone higher--though for this temperament I prefer
slightly the G version.
6 Fretted coursed have the option to tune the upper strings like the
  bass viol.
8 Fretted can have a D and a C which is good for later baroque music

Other variants are possible--A fretted low C is excellent  gives a
fuller C Major chord as well a a true low D Flat.

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[LUTE] Re: Double Meantone Theorbo and Guitar variants

2007-11-06 Thread David Tayler
7 and 8 to D and C

I have 8 on the finger board, and I tune the 6th and seventh D and C,
but if you have 7 fretted, D is good, if you have six fretted the
lowest fretted note is G and of course you may tune your open
diapasons according to key.

Both single reentrant and double reentrant have their advantages, but
G tuning is a bit better than A tuning.
Double reentrant has a terrific melow sound, single reentrant gives
fuller chords except for C major and F major where the third of the
chord is in unison

The similarity with the gamba gives you very fine chords and scales.
It is like one instrument.
Also, the tuning is great for the Vivaldi Concerto in D--which I have
played on the mandolin in that tuning, so I tried it on the archlute,
then started in on the temperament.
Have to play the G sharps up in the concerto though, or set the first
fret to all sharps.


At 05:50 PM 11/6/2007, you wrote:
 Interesting idea... trying to imagine the chords in my head.  So are
 all the bass courses of your theorbo a 4th lower?  Down to a very
 low D?  And what kind of string is on the 14th course to make that note?
 - Original Message 
 From: David Tayler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: lute-cs.dartmouth.edu lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
 Sent: Tuesday, November 6, 2007 6:46:46 PM
 Subject: [LUTE] Double Meantone Theorbo and Guitar variants
 7 fretted course theorbo in G single reentrant
 Double reentrant
 Guitar in D
 G or g
 other variants possible including an open F-Shap string.
 A theorbo a Tone higher--though for this temperament I prefer
 slightly the G version.
 6 Fretted coursed have the option to tune the upper strings like the
   bass viol.
 8 Fretted can have a D and a C which is good for later baroque music
 Other variants are possible--A fretted low C is excellent  gives a
 fuller C Major chord as well a a true low D Flat.
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 Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

[LUTE] Theorbo

2007-10-29 Thread Joshua E. Horn
Hi guys,

I did something interesting today, I took the first six string tunings
of a Theorbo and tuned my Guitar to it. I recorded a little 59 second
intro. Ya'll can check it out here:
  Joshua E. Horn

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[LUTE] Re: theorbo strings

2007-10-24 Thread Anthony Hind

  I agree with Ed, it takes a few months for Pistoy an Venice to  
come up/down to their final thickness. The more supple a string, the  
more it will finally stretch and end up slightly thinner.
The surface texture will also change slightly over that period, so  
that such a string may improve even over a year or so.

Ed was speaking about the advantage of low tension-thinner strings,  
just a few weeks ago. Perhaps that is another area to investigate,  
but I think it means playing closer to the bridge.
I have not tried that myself, so I really just throw that out as a  

Just a few weeks ago, I heard a young player with a lute strung in  
gut; and to me it sounded excellent. The player was completely new to  
gut and could not stand the touch or the sound of it.
I think it is like many things, you come to expect a particular feel  
and sound, and anythig which is slightly different seems abnormal  
(just think of people's habits with tea and coffee).


Le 24 oct. 07 à 00:08, Edward Martin a écrit :


That is interesting,  that a 1.24 and 1.12 string seem too thick,  
as on my
much shorter baroque lute, 13 course with a bass rider, I use a 2.0  
for the

13th course!  Perhaps you are unaccustomed with the use of gut, and it
sounds tubby to your ear.  Give it 10 days to 2 weeks.  After the  

settles in, it does tend to sound clearer, after stretching.  After 2
weeks, if you are still dissatisfied, you could try metal, such as  
a gimped


When I switched to gut, about 12 years ago, my baroque lutes  
sounded tubby,
but after one gets used to it, and also knows how to play it, it  

better.  With a major change in string material,  a change in your
perception of clarity of sound will come.

My 2 cents worth.


At 11:24 PM 10/23/2007 +0200, Nigel Solomon wrote:
I have just put gut strings on the long basses on my theorbo (170  
they all sound great except the 13th and 14th courses which sound  
a bit tubby
The diameter is 1.24 (14th) and 1.12 (13th) (4 kg per string) .  
they are a bit thick, should I use some sort of loaded gut for the  
bottom 2?


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Edward Martin
2817 East 2nd Street
Duluth, Minnesota  55812
voice:  (218) 728-1202

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