Re: Recommend T1 Card for 4.6

2010-01-06 Thread Andrew Fresh
On Wed, Jan 06, 2010 at 01:01:26PM -0700, Brandan Rowley wrote:
> Is there anyone using a T1 card for data on 4.6?  Perhaps a T1 to
> Ethernet converter?  I'm interested to find out how others have resolved
> this and what hardware was used.  We're using a Soekris 5501.

I am (still) using Sangoma cards.  They work "fine" but a warm boot
instead of a cold boot sometimes causes a DDB.

I have not tried any other solutions on OpenBSD.  I do know there was
another card that I believe an OpenBSD developer was helping make but I
don't know that there was ever a product you could purchase.

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - Jabber:

BOFH excuse of the day: Melting hard drives

Re: Again, OpenBSD r0x! Thank you.

2009-12-30 Thread Andrew Fresh
On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 09:13:45AM +1100, Aaron Mason wrote:
> Hang on... isn't ftp_proxy defined in rc.conf?

It is, but I had already set ftpproxy_flags="" in rc.conf.local so users
could ftp out, so I needed a second instance for inbound connections.

"Note that if you want to run ftp-proxy(8) to protect an FTP server as
well as allow clients to FTP out from behind the firewall that two
instances of ftp-proxy will be required."

If I did only need the one, I could have done a similar thing in
rc.conf.local as I did in rc.local, just setting ftpproxy_flags instead
of starting the additional instance.

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - Jabber:

BOFH excuse of the day: root rot

Again, OpenBSD r0x! Thank you.

2009-12-28 Thread Andrew Fresh
Setting up a new firewall, OpenBSD is making it easy.

in /etc/pf.macros

in /etc/pf.conf
include "/etc/pf.macros"
# NAT/Filter Rules for FTP Server (additon to above)
pass in  on egress   proto tcp to $ftp_ext port $ftp_port
pass out on internal proto tcp to $ftp_int port $ftp_port user proxy

in /etc/rc.local
. /etc/pf.macros
echo -n ' ftp-proxy (internal)';
/usr/sbin/ftp-proxy -R $ftp_int -p $ftp_port -b $ftp_ext

Thank you! (for that and much more)

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - Jabber:

A printer consists of three main parts:
the case, the jammed paper tray and the blinking red light.

Re: Open Source hardware (Re: can't get vesa @ 1280x800 or nv)

2009-12-06 Thread Andrew Dyer
On Sat, Dec 5, 2009 at 2:30 PM, Matthieu Herrb  wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 5, 2009 at 9:02 PM, rhubbell  wrote:
>> Yes, I'd like to see some pointers also.  I recall that there was
>> discussion (might've been on linux kernel) a while ago about a
>> partially-open video card.  Why doesn't the community support that?
> You mean ?
> What makes you say that? How did *you* contribute?
>> I recall that price was a factor in lack of uptake.
>> Seems to me that opensource is farsical if it runs on closesource
>> So where's the opensource hardware? Seems like the new world order isn't
>> going to allow that. The trend in hardware looks like a race to keep
>> control.  Seems like we are going to be paying for the hardware but not
>> owning; instead leasing.
>> Or am I behind the times and there's salvation from some beneficent
>> hardware maker in Taiwan?
> Making hardware is a lot more difficult than writing software. So it takes
> more resources and more skills. This is probably why there aren't so
> many of them.

A graphics card is about both, and I don't think hardware is that
'hard' (if I can do it it must be easy :-).

The real barriers to entry are economic.  A mask set for a current
generation ASIC (say 45nm) is somewhere upwards of one million US $.
(  so
unless you have terrific volumes to amortize over, custom chips are
pretty much out of play.  You could see if you can swing a deal with
someone to roll the mask costs into the piece price, but you'll have
to convince them that you'll run enough pieces to make it worth their
while.  In general the specialized design software needed to make a
design that will work costs a similar amount (digital and analog
simulators, logic synthesis, Design rule checkers, place and route,
design for test, etc).

That pretty much leaves you in the FPGA world like the opengraphics
people are.  You can use the FPGA vendor's volumes to get access to
leading edge process technology, but are stuck with their
architecture.  Usually the premium FPGAs start at around $100 ea. and
go up into the $1000 range, so you end up looking at the 'value' parts
(spartan and cyclone for brand X and brand A) to keep costs down which
limits what you can do even more.  The one nice thing about FPGA is
that the vendors usually make the parts for a long time, so
availability and control is good. nixspam mirror broken

2009-06-22 Thread Andrew Von Cid

Hi all,

I just noticed that the link to the OpenBSD Nixspam mirror is broken on  Any ideas what happened?

I'm not sure if this is the right place to report this, please let me 
know if not and who should I ping to get this fixed.



Re: Crash diagnosis

2009-06-08 Thread andrew fresh
On Mon, Jun 08, 2009 at 03:56:48PM +0100, Gaby Vanhegan wrote:
> I have a machine that is running 4.3, MySQL and one single site  
> of PHP scripts which keep crashing.  The frustrating thing is that it  
> doesn't panic the kernel so I can't get any DDB output, the machine  
> just locks up.  Looking at it over the KVM it just shows the login  
> prompt with the cursor flashing but not responding.

> Any suggestions about how I can try and figure out what's killing it?

My guess would be since you mention 4.3 and Apache, that you are running
out of amap.

$ vmstat -m | grep '^ *UVM amap'

Compare MemUse to the Limit.  Since updating to 4.5 I haven't had the

This worked for Nagios.

*   *   *   *   *   /usr/local/libexec/nagios/check_amap  > /dev/null || 
/home/andrew/apachectl stop wait start

. /usr/local/libexec/nagios/

_sizes=`vmstat -m | awk '/^ *UVM amap/ { gsub("K", " "); print $4  " " $6}'`
_free=`dc -e "5 k ${_sizes} sm sc lm lc - lm / 100 * f" | sed -e 's/\.*0*$//'`

if [ ${_free%.*} -lt 25 ]; then
echo WARNING: less than 25% amap free [${_free}%]!

if [ ${_free%.*} -lt 10 ]; then
echo CRITICAL: less than 10% amap free [${_free}%]!

echo OK: [${_free}%] free
exit $STATE_OK

and you probably need

$ diff -u /usr/sbin/apachectl apachectl
--- /usr/sbin/apachectl Tue May  5 21:44:28 2009
+++ apachectl   Wed Nov 19 09:49:28 2008
@@ -153,6 +153,19 @@
+echo -n "$0 $ARG: "
+while [ $RUNNING -eq 1 ]; do
+if kill -0 $PID 2>/dev/null ; then
+#echo -n .
+sleep 1
+STATUS="httpd (pid $PID) not running"
+echo ' httpd stopped'
$LYNX $STATUSURL | awk ' /process$/ { print; exit } { print } '

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - Jabber:

BOFH excuse of the day: Our ISP is having {switching,routing,SMDS,frame
relay} problems

Re: promiscuous mode

2009-05-19 Thread andrew fresh
On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 01:03:40PM -0700, Philip Guenther wrote:
> On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 11:51 AM, Fortunato
>  wrote:
> ...
> > Is there a way to set the flags to PROMISC for an interface?
> What problem are you trying to solve?

Although not the original poster, and this is not his problem, I had a
need to set an interface to PROMISC and I used tcpdump fxp0 host
to accomplish it which seemed a kludge.

I was testing some point to mulit-point wireless bridges.  We ended up
being able to load test 7 clients from one laptop, and could scale it
further but ran out of places to mount the client equipment.

Setup is like this:
Iperf endpoint & DHCP server
Wireless Links
Multiple Clients
Switch (with vlans)
OpenBSD Laptop to Trunk port on switch

So, I did something like this to create vlans for the number of clients I 
want to test:
local _count=3
local _start=1
for _v in `jot $_count $(( $_start + 100 ))`; do 
echo Start vlan$_v
_lladdr="lladdr 00:11:22`echo $_v | sed -e 's/\(.\)/:0\1/g'`"
ifconfig vlan$_v vlandev $_vlandev $_lladdr
dhclient vlan$_v &

The lladdr change is because the DHCP server will not hand out multiple
addresses if the vlans have the same MAC.

The switch with vlans is configured as such:

interface FastEthernet0/1
 switchport access vlan 101
interface FastEthernet0/2
 switchport access vlan 102
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
 switchport mode trunk

The laptop is plugged into the gigabit port on the switch, the different
pieces of client equipment are plugged into the different FastEthernet

Then I run iperf simultaneously, bound to each vlan with an IP.

local _host=iperf.server
for _int in `ifconfig vlan 2>/dev/null |
awk '/^vlan/ { sub(":","",$1); print $1 }' |
sort`; do

local _ip=`ifconfig $_int | awk '/inet / { print $2 }'`
local _last=`echo $_int | sed -e 's/^.*\(..\)$/\1/'`
local _port=$(( $_last + 5000 ))

if [ ! -z $_ip ]; then
   iperf -B $_ip -p $_port -c $_host $@ | {
local _line
while read _line; do
echo $_int: $_line
} &

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - Jabber:

BOFH excuse of the day: A plumber is needed, the network drain is

Re: Why so cool OS doesn't have vuln database?

2009-05-15 Thread andrew fresh
On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 10:39:06PM +0500, Yuriy Grishin wrote:
> I've installed OpenBSD 4.5 on my home gateway.
> Random pids and critical files permission are really cool.
> I just confused a little bit because I haven't found any way to check the 
> vulnerabilities of my configuration.

> Are there any?

If you changed something from the base system, then you have to manage
any vulnerabilities from those changes on your own.

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - Jabber:

BOFH excuse of the day: 50% of the manual is in .pdf readme files

Re: How start Gnome

2009-04-07 Thread Andrew Hinton
If you would like to use a display manager, such as GDM, add the 
following lines to your /etc/rc.local :

echo Starting GDM...
exec /usr/local/sbin/gdm

-Andrew Hinton

Jose P.G wrote:

I have installed OpenBSD 4.4 and i have downloaded gnome-session (and
dependences), but i don't know how can i start gnome. Somebody could help

Thank you very much

OpenOSPFd configure

2009-02-25 Thread Andrew R.
I'am configuring ospfd on FreeBSD 6.4

I want transfer, for exmple x.x.x.0/24, network to cisco routers with the
next config:

# cat /usr/local/etc/ospfd.conf
# Global Configuration
router-id yy.yy.yy.yy

redistribute zz.zz.zz.0/27 (ospfd host and cisco network)
redistribute x.x.x.0/24

area {
  auth-type crypt
  auth-md 1 "KE34rt#2d3)"
  auth-md-keyid 1
  interface vr0 { hello-interval 5
  router-dead-time 20


When i start ospfd:

]# ospfd -d
if_del: interface vr0
rde_asext_get: zz.zz.zz.0/27 is net LSA
orig_rtr_lsa: area
orig_rtr_lsa: stub net, interface vr0
if_fsm: event UP resulted in action START and changing state for interface
vr0 from DOWN to WAIT
spf_calc: area calculated
if_act_elect: interface vr0 old dr none new dr yy.yy.yy.yy, old bdr none new
bdr none
orig_rtr_lsa: area
orig_rtr_lsa: stub net, interface vr0
orig_rtr_lsa: area
orig_rtr_lsa: stub net, interface vr0
if_fsm: event WAITTIMER resulted in action ELECT and changing state for
interface vr0 from WAIT to DR
rde_asext_get: zz.zz.zz.0/27 is net LSA
rde_asext_get: zz.zz.zz.0/27is net LSA

No route on cisco from ospfd daemon.  Where I make mistakes?

Re: Release IP-adress OpenBSD 3.8

2009-01-07 Thread Andrew Daugherity
On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 3:11 PM, Stuart Henderson  wrote:
> Release is an optional part of DHCP but some servers won't reassign the
> IP address to a client with another MAC unless it happens.  In that case
> the best option is probably to try another DHCP client from ports/packages.
> At least in the current OpenBSD version you have a couple of options;
> the ISC client allows this with the -r flag, and the WIDE client allows
> it with SIGUSR2.

It's good to know that the isc-dhcp-client from ports lets you do
this; it would be nice if the dhclient in base had this functionality.
 If it's a matter of "we don't have time -- submit a patch", I'd be
happy to port that functionality (disclaimer: assuming the code isn't
extremely hairy; I haven't delved into it yet), but I don't want to
waste my time if it's not likely to be accepted.

My reason for needing this is that my ISP (actually, I know of several
like this) is like the server you describe, in that it refuses to hand
out another DHCP lease if I have an active lease for a different MAC
address.  After releasing that lease, I can then obtain a new one.
This is most likely to happen if I swap out the box acting as my
firewall/router, swap ethernet cards (or which ethernet card my DSL
modem is connected to), or switch between using an OpenBSD box and a
hardware router, etc.

Without the DHCPRELEASE functionality, the only option is to wait
until the old lease expires.  Luckily my current ISP gives leases of 1
hour (maybe 2, don't remember for sure) rather than a full day.  And
granted, I don't do this very often, as once my firewall is set up I
tend to leave it alone (aside from applying errata) but during initial
setup, and/or when trying to debug why my net connection isn't working
right, it does come in handy.


Re: Trouble ticket system suggestions

2008-12-23 Thread Andrew Konkol
since when does fortune _ _ _ _ _ have policy?

Seriously, production is a joke.

On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 9:19 PM, bofh  wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 10:04 PM, Ted Unangst 
> wrote:
> > On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 7:49 PM, Johan Beisser  wrote:
> >> I don't think any are bankrupt due to RT.
> >
> > No, but the general implication with these "X is used by Fortune 9000"
> > endorsements is that their selection process/judgment/whatnot is
> > obviously superior, so if they use something, it has to be good.
> > Really, it has no bearing on anything.  Just a pet peeve, and it
> > seemed especially discordant now.
> Conversely, if a F100 company actually uses any open source software,
> given the moronic things in place (for example, the current place
> *must have* paid support for anything in production use, no matter
> _how_ small, for example, syslog-ng), it should be seen that it was
> implemented *IN SPITE* of corporate policies.  This means that piece
> of software is that good, or the people implementing it were that good
> that they could push something like this through.
> --
> "This officer's men seem to follow him merely out of idle curiosity."
> -- Sandhurst officer cadet evaluation.
> "Securing an environment of Windows platforms from abuse - external or
> internal - is akin to trying to install sprinklers in a fireworks
> factory where smoking on the job is permitted."  -- Gene Spafford
> learn french:

Re: Trouble ticket system suggestions

2008-12-23 Thread Andrew Konkol
fortune _fill_in_the_blank has no bearing whatsoever.  I've used RT for a
few things and it's worked out.  If you aren't happy with anything that
exists... make your own.

p.s. the rt mailing list is pretty active with progressive results.

this has nothing to do with openbsd.


On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 9:04 PM, Ted Unangst  wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 7:49 PM, Johan Beisser  wrote:
> > I don't think any are bankrupt due to RT.
> No, but the general implication with these "X is used by Fortune 9000"
> endorsements is that their selection process/judgment/whatnot is
> obviously superior, so if they use something, it has to be good.
> Really, it has no bearing on anything.  Just a pet peeve, and it
> seemed especially discordant now.

Re: Trouble ticket system suggestions

2008-12-23 Thread Andrew Ruscica
On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 08:23:16PM +0100, Marc Balmer wrote:
> ...
> for otrs I have a port.  we use it since years, it is nice.

Seconds for OTRS; obsd has been running it well for me for the last
four years.

Edgeport/421 (TI version) serial is ugen

2008-12-04 Thread andrew fresh
I recently got an Edgeport/421 (4 USB, 2 RS-232 DB-9, 1 parallel) that
seemed like it would be really handy since this computer is legacy free
and doesn't have any serial ports and having serial ports would be
really handy.

Everything seems to work great.  Except the serial ports. 

Are there any suggestions on what I might need to do to make the serial
ports work?  

>From looking and then taking it apart, it appears to be the newer TI
version that is mostly just a TUSB5052 with one of the free ports hooked
to a USB Parallel port.

Is there already a USB serial driver that supports the TUSB5052 chip
that I can just add the detection to?

I am currently looking at uticom.c, but it claims:
"XXX: multiport chips are not supported yet"

More information if it helps.

Snipped from a dmesg with UGEN_DEBUG set and ugendebug set to 10:

uhub3 at uhub1 port 3 "Inside Out Networks product 0x028c" rev 1.10/1.51 addr 2
ulpt0 at uhub3 port 5 configuration 1 interface 0 "Inside Out Networks 
Edgeport/(4)21 Parallel" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 3
ulpt0: using bi-directional mode
ugen0 at uhub3 port 6 "Inside Out Networks Edgeport/421" rev 1.10/0.01 addr 4
ugen_set_config: ugen0 to configno 1, sc=0x80127000
ugen_set_config: ifaceno 0
ugen_set_config: endptno 0, endpt=0x81(1,128), sce=0x80127468
ugen_set_config: endptno 1, endpt=0x01(1,0), sce=0x80127310
ugen_set_config: endptno 2, endpt=0x82(2,128), sce=0x80127718
ugen_set_config: endptno 3, endpt=0x02(2,0), sce=0x801275c0
ugen_set_config: endptno 4, endpt=0x87(7,128), sce=0x80128488

Some of the output from usbdevs -vd:

Controller /dev/usb1:

 port 3 addr 2: full speed, self powered, config 1, product 0x028c(0x028c), 
Inside Out Networks(0x1608), rev 1.51
  port 1 powered
  port 2 powered
  port 3 powered
  port 4 powered
  port 5 addr 3: full speed, power 98 mA, config 1, Edgeport/(4)21 
Parallel(0x000b), Inside Out Networks(0x1608), rev 1.00
  port 6 addr 4: full speed, self powered, config 1, Edgeport/421(0x020c), 
Inside Out Networks(0x1608), rev 0.01, iSerialNumber V50419195-0

I did ask the Google, and, and although I did find the Linux
and Sun drivers that Digi provides, I did not find anything that was
useful to me.

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BOFH excuse of the day: the butane lighter causes the pincushioning

soekris net4501 and openbsd 4.4 constant reboot problem

2008-11-17 Thread andrew stack

To all:

I've noticed that my soekris net4501 box constantly reboots with  
openbsd 4.4 patchlevel 005.  It's just a pf/nat router on a  
residential broadband cable modem.  My guess is perhaps there is  
something wrong with the
actual sis0 interface?.?.?  Anybody else having these problems?  Fwiw,  
the net4501 has three interfaces, eth0, eth1 eth2.  eth0 is the  
internet side of the box, gets a dynamic ip address from the cable  
company, and eth1 (sis1) is a static 192.168.20/24 that serves dhcp to  
all of it's 5 clients.  Eth2 is not being used yet.

Initially this box was an IPSEC endpoint - that used a gre tunnel to  
another openbsd box - it rebooted - every 4 hours, and now that I took  
down the IPSEC tunnel, the box will reboot every < 48 hours.  weird.

below is output from dmesg.  Any help would be appreciated.  I had 4.2  
running on this boxand it seemed real stable.  I'll probably go  
back to 4.2 and test or i'll try to use eth1 and eth2 instead.



Nov 16 14:52:43 uvm_fault(0xd083df80,  
0x9980, 0, 3) -> e

Nov 16 14:52:43 /bsd: kernel: page fault trap, code=0
Nov 16 14:52:43 Stopped atsis_rxeof+0xcf:  
Nov 16 /bsd: OpenBSD 4.4 (GENERIC) #1: Sun  
Nov  9 02:47:08 EST 2008

OpenBSD 4.4 (GENERIC) #1: Sun Nov  9 02:47:08 EST 2008
cpu0: AMD Am486DX4 W/B or Am5x86 W/B 150 ("AuthenticAMD" 486-class)
cpu0: FPU
real mem  = 66678784 (63MB)
avail mem = 55017472 (52MB)
mainbus0 at root
bios0 at mainbus0: AT/286+ BIOS, date 20/80/03, BIOS32 rev. 0 @  

pcibios0 at bios0: rev 2.0 @ 0xf/0x1
pcibios0: pcibios_get_intr_routing - function not supported
pcibios0: PCI IRQ Routing information unavailable.
pcibios0: PCI bus #0 is the last bus
bios0: ROM list: 0xc8000/0x9000
cpu0 at mainbus0
pci0 at mainbus0 bus 0: configuration mode 1 (bios)
elansc0 at pci0 dev 0 function 0 "AMD ElanSC520 PCI" rev 0x00:  
product 0 stepping 1.1, CPU clock 133MHz, reset 0

gpio0 at elansc0: 32 pins
sis0 at pci0 dev 18 function 0 "NS DP83815 10/100" rev 0x00,  
DP83816A: irq 10, address 00:00:24:ca:cb:68

nsphyter0 at sis0 phy 0: DP83815 10/100 PHY, rev. 1
sis1 at pci0 dev 19 function 0 "NS DP83815 10/100" rev 0x00,  
DP83816A: irq 11, address 00:00:24:ca:cb:69

nsphyter1 at sis1 phy 0: DP83815 10/100 PHY, rev. 1
sis2 at pci0 dev 20 function 0 "NS DP83815 10/100" rev 0x00,  
DP83816A: irq 5, address 00:00:24:ca:cb:6a

nsphyter2 at sis2 phy 0: DP83815 10/100 PHY, rev. 1
isa0 at mainbus0
isadma0 at isa0
com0 at isa0 port 0x3f8/8 irq 4: ns16550a, 16 byte fifo
com0: console
com1 at isa0 port 0x2f8/8 irq 3: ns16550a, 16 byte fifo
pckbc0 at isa0 port 0x60/5
pckbd0 at pckbc0 (kbd slot)
pckbc0: using irq 1 for kbd slot
wskbd0 at pckbd0: console keyboard
wdc0 at isa0 port 0x1f0/8 irq 14
wd0 at wdc0 channel 0 drive 0: 
wd0: 4-sector PIO, LBA, 1953MB, 4001760 sectors
wd0(wdc0:0:0): using BIOS timings
pcppi0 at isa0 port 0x61
midi0 at pcppi0: 
spkr0 at pcppi0
npx0 at isa0 port 0xf0/16: reported by CPUID; using exception 16
biomask f3c5 netmask ffe5 ttymask 
softraid0 at root
root on wd0a swap on wd0b dump on wd0b

Re: Missing security announcements

2008-11-13 Thread andrew fresh
On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 12:55:36PM -0500, Ted Unangst wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 12:35 PM, Aaron W. Hsu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is security-announce an open list?  If not, give me access and I'll
> > keep it reasonably up to date, give or take a day or so of release of
> > the Security Errata on the website, unless there is an even faster way
> > of checking it out, such as CVS.
> It is moderated, and really, outsiders should not be posting to it
> because then it appears that they have some position of authority.
> The only person who should be posting to the list is the person who
> made the fix, because they are the security contact.  When people
> reply, it is important they are talking to the right person.

I just wrote something quick in perl that scrapes the errata pages of
the two most recent releases and sends a nicely formatted email for any
that are have change since the last check.

It does require a couple of packages be installed (p5-libwww and
p5-HTML-Tree) but if there were enough interest from someone who could
do something with it, I could probably make it work with just what is
available in the base system.

There are lots of ways to break something that scrapes html, but it is
at least automated.

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

#!/usr/bin/perl -T
use strict;
use warnings;

%ENV = ();

#Additional modules needed
use LWP::Simple;  # pkg_add p5-libwww
use HTML::TreeBuilder;# pkg_add p5-HTML-Tree

# Core modules
use Text::Wrap;
use Fcntl ':flock';   # import LOCK_* constants

# should end with a /
my $base_url   = '';
my $start_page = 'errata.html';

my $sender= '[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
my $recipient = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]';

# should end with a /
my $base_dir = '/home/andrew/.openbsd_errata_notifier/';

my $max_versions_to_process = 2;

#*#*# Nothing to change beyond this point #*#*#

my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new();

my $content = get( $base_url . $start_page )
or die "Could't get [$start_page]: $!";

my @errata_urls;
foreach my $link ( @{ $tree->extract_links('a') } ) {
my ( $url, $element, $attr, $tag ) = @{$link};
if ( $url =~ /^errata\d+\.html\Z/xms ) {
push @errata_urls, $base_url . $url;


my $processed = 0;
URL: foreach my $url ( reverse @errata_urls ) {
last URL if $processed > $max_versions_to_process;

my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new();

my $content = get($url) or die "Couldn't get [$url]: $!";

my $title = $tree->find('title')->as_trimmed_text;
my ($version) = $title =~ /\b ( \d+ \. \d ) \b/xms;

foreach my $entry ( reverse $tree->find('ul')->find('li') ) {
my $errata = process_errata_entry($entry);
$errata->{version} = $version;
$errata->{url} = $url;

my $message = format_errata_message($errata);
my $file= make_errata_dir($errata);

if ( should_send( $message, $file ) ) {


sub process_errata_entry {
my ($errata) = @_;

my $id = $errata->find('a')->attr('name');

my ( $num, $type, $date ) = split /:\s*/xms,

my $arch = $errata->find('i')->as_trimmed_text;

my %errata = (
id => $id,
number => $num,
type   => $type,
date   => $date,
arch   => $arch,

foreach my $content ( $errata->content_list ) {
if ( ref $content eq 'HTML::Element' ) {
if ( my $href = $content->attr('href') ) {
if ( $href =~ m{ftp\.openbsd\.org.*patch\Z}ixms ) {
$errata{patch} = {
href => $href,
text => $content->as_trimmed_text,
elsif ( $href =~ m{CVE-} ) {
push @{ $errata{cve} },
href => $href,
text => $content->as_trimmed_text,

foreach my $br ( $errata->find('br') ) {

my @descr = split /\n/, $errata->as_text;
shift @descr;
pop @descr;

foreach my $m (@descr) {
$m =~ s/^\s+//xms;
$m =~ s/\.\W+\Z/\./xms;

$errata{description} = [EMAIL PROTECTED];

return \%errata;

Re: Laptop keyboard pictures

2008-11-06 Thread Andrew Konkol
Heres a pic of a portion of the eee keyboard (excuse the crappy photo):

Not sure if this is completely useful... but here is a comparison on the
size of the eee and an old fujitsu lifebook


On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 10:45 PM, Ted Unangst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 7:42 PM, Ted Unangst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Can people with these new tiny notebooks send me a nice high res (1k x 1k
> is
> > good) pic showing the keyboard layout?  Maybe with a quarter or euro to
> show
> > scale?  Off list of course. I'd like to make a gallery because the
> keyboard
> > is critical and it's hard to find decent pics of the keyboard sometimes.
> If anyone has one of the Lenovo IdeaPad U110, I'm particularly
> interested.  From the web photos, it seems they have moved the tilde.

Re: Multipath to CISCO

2008-11-05 Thread andrew fresh
On Wed, Nov 05, 2008 at 09:40:02AM +, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2008-11-05, Mikel Lindsaar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The other option I believe would be using PF to round robin the packets on
> > both destinations using route-to rules.  Would this work?
> it should, but you might need to make the rules stateless ("no state").

It works, and you do.

# san2 and san3 are in interface group att

pass in  log on att to   self
pass in  on att to   $my_net no state flags any
pass out on att from { $my _net self } no state flags any
pass out on { $att_if0 $att_if1 } route-to { \
($att_if0 $att_if0:peer) \
($att_if1 $att_if1:peer) \
} round-robin from $my_net tag ROUTED ! tagged ROUTED \
no state flags any  
pass out on att to att:network

this is on a multiple AT&T T1 link, but it should work mostly the same.
However, you probably won't have the :peer address and will have to
specify the address.

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BOFH excuse of the day: Typo in the code

Re: vendor list (was: dmesg IBM x3650 OpenBSD 4.3 )

2008-10-13 Thread andrew fresh
On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 10:28:37AM -0700, Charles Smith wrote:
> > to create a web section listing the reasonable and bastard vendors?
> > I think it would be useful in two points:
> > 
> > * helps to OpenBSD community to choose the right hardware
> > * make good or bad publicity depending on real vendor's position
> > 
> > Anyway it's only an idea.
> +1
> I very like the idea.

Check the archives, it has been tried in the past.

According to the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine, they have been
reviving it since somewhere between February and June 2007.  

Apparently too many people are like me and think that it is a good idea,
but don't have to time to maintain it.  

(definitely read the archives before even imagining that you would
consider suggesting that it be maintained by developers)

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BOFH excuse of the day: Sysadmin accidentally destroyed pager with a
large hammer.

Re: Weird pkg_info behavior?

2008-09-30 Thread andrew fresh
On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 10:47:56PM -0400, Nick Guenther wrote:
> If you are looking for package descriptions, install the ports tree
> and read the Makefiles. Also, if you are lazy/not on an OpenBSD box,
> most of the descriptions are available at

or even

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BOFH excuse of the day: internet is needed to catch the etherbunny

Re: alix help

2008-09-21 Thread Andrew Konkol
Whatever you do, do NOT attempt to update bios by sending a file over a
console session.  Screwed up my bios and had to have pc engines send me a
"rescue" bios chip and bootable cf card.  Once obtaining the latest bios I
just plugged in a cf to ide converter and continued as if it was a normal

On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 6:49 AM, Stuart Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> On 2008/09/21 12:55, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Le Sun, 21 Sep 2008 00:51:23 + (UTC)
> > Stuart Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a pris sa plume:
> >
> > > On 2008-09-20, Kendall Shaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > I got an alix2c2 which I'm hoping to install openbsd on. Is there
> > > > a way to upgrade it's bios and install openbsd on it from openbsd?
> > >
> > > someone mentioned working on it, but nothing further..
> >
> >
> > i'v got and alix 2b2 and that's work easily
> what, upgrading the bios from openbsd?
> > just install openbsd with the compact flash reader with the CF attach to
> your pc as u install openbsd normaly
> Many people find pxeboot(8) simpler.

Re: Can OpenBSD run in 24 MB of RAM?

2008-09-06 Thread Andrew Daugherity
On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 10:00 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've searched the FAQ and the Web for any guidance on what the minimum RAM
> is for OpenBSD, with and without X.
> I just acquired a Compaq Armada 1125 laptop that maxes out at 24 MB of
> RAM, and I'm wondering whether or not it's feasible to run OpenBSD on it.
My router for several years was an IBM "PS/2E", model 9533 with a
50MHz 486 SLC2 + 25MHz 387SX FPU(not a typo) and 16MB RAM.  I haven't
run anything newer than about 3.8 or 3.9 on it, but it worked fine
then, including the install.  I'm sure I've posted in more detail
about it before -- check the archives.  Heck, I even ran X on it as a
"see if it works" thing, but it wasn't good for anything more than
opening a couple xterms.

The reason I abandoned it is that when faster connections became
available, the CPU couldn't keep up.  It would only pass about 2Mbit
of traffic before the interrupts from the ethernet cards (16-bit
PCMCIA, essentially ISA) consumed 90% CPU.

OpenOSPFd fails to form adjancy if remote router-id changes

2008-09-05 Thread andrew fresh
The problem I am seeing is that if I don't specify a router-id in
ospfd.conf, then if the highest IP on a peer router changes the automatic
Router ID, the session fails to start with a "failed to form adjacency with
" error.

Is this expected behavior?  I can solve it by setting the router-id in
ospfd.conf, but that means I have to customize it for each individual host,
and can't have an ospfd.conf for the role.  

I would include a full dmesg, but I have seen this since 4.2 on different
hardware, and for this test, these are just Soekris NET4801, so there are
plenty of dmesg in the archives.  I have just finally had enough time to ask
about it.

Here is a description of how to repeat the problem as well as log messages.
If there is any more information I should gather, let me know.

Both Hosts:
Soekris 4801 running:
OpenBSD 4.4-current (GENERIC) #1038: Thu Sep  4 14:53:02 MDT 2008
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/GENERIC

Crossover cable between Host1:sis1 and Host2:sis1.  No other cables connected,
except serial console.

--- BEGIN /etc/rc.conf.local ---
---  END  /etc/rc.conf.local ---

--- BEGIN /etc/sysctl.conf ---
---  END  /etc/sysctl.conf ---

--- BEGIN /etc/ospfd.conf ---
area {
interface sis0
interface sis1
---  END  /etc/ospfd.conf ---

/etc/hostname.sis0:inet NONE
/etc/hostname.sis1:inet NONE

/etc/hostname.sis0:inet NONE
/etc/hostname.sis1:inet NONE
/etc/hostname.lo2:inet NONE


On Host1:
# ospfctl s | grep Router
Router ID:
# ospfctl s nei
ID  Pri StateDeadTime Address Iface Uptime   1   FULL/BCKUP   00:00:38   sis1  00:00:22

On Host2:
# ospfctl s | grep Router
Router ID:
# mv /etc/hostname.lo2 /etc/hostname.lo2.orig && \
  sed -e 's/' /etc/hostname.lo2.orig > /etc/hostname.lo2
# reboot
# ospfctl s | grep Router
Router ID:
# ospfctl s nei
ID  Pri StateDeadTime Address Iface Uptime   1   INIT/OTHER   00:00:38   sis1  -
# grep ospf /var/log/daemon
Sep  5 14:11:39 Host2 ospfd[497]: startup
Sep  5 14:15:22 Host2 ospfd[8572]: startup

On Host1 after a reboot of Host2:
# ospfctl s nei
ID  Pri StateDeadTime Address Iface Uptime  1   EXSTA/OTHER  00:00:35   sis1  -
# grep ospf /var/log/daemon
Aug  8 14:11:22 Host1 ospfd[13083]: startup
Aug  8 14:20:58 Host1 ospfd[26289]: nbr_adj_timer: failed to form adjacency 
Aug  8 14:21:58 Host1 ospfd[26289]: nbr_adj_timer: failed to form adjacency 

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BOFH excuse of the day: Internet shut down due to maintenance

Re: pf visualization

2008-08-28 Thread Andrew Konkol
On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 12:25 PM, Daniel Melameth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 9:52 AM, Jason Dixon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If I ever get off my lazy ass and finish/package it up, maybe this?
> >
> >
> VERY nice and simple Jason--which, unfortunately, is such a rarity.
> Here's to you getting your second wind ;) .
> This would be a great asset to me.

Re: Is it necessary to recompile just to apply a security patch?

2008-07-29 Thread Andrew Dalgleish
On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 7:25 AM, Ingo Schwarze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Quite probably, your server might be terribly out of date.
> OpenBSD servers ought to be updated at least once a year.
> Please look at the first line of the output of dmesg(8).

If  the server has been up for a while, the circular buffer may have
been over-written.

head -1 /var/run/dmesg.boot

> If the version number is lower than "OpenBSD 4.2",
> you should upgrade the base system before applying patches.

Re: This is what Linus Torvalds calls openBSD crowd

2008-07-17 Thread Andrew Klaus
Umm.. Well if the OS is properly documented, why would you need to ask the
question in the first place? It's one thing to read things for yourself
throroughly, and another to just take some answer given to you. I'm sure the
people saying RTFM would tell you to do that unless it wasn't actuall in

OpenBSD's documentation is one of, if not, the best documented OS' out
there. Believe me, I've used quite a few.

Thanks for playing!

Original Message:
> Eheh he's right :-) If you guys get your heads out of your asses and
> actually read his words with the use of some common sense you might
> get what he means. It's a balanced opinion.
> From what i've seen so far in this list, the BSD-crowd *is* "a bunch
> of masturbating monkeys" anyway, i get much more decent reasonable
> answers to my problems in any Debian list, along with constructive
> criticism. Here it's rtfm and chest-thumping.
> Flame away boys, so i can gingerly ignore you :)

Re: Azalia - Realtek/0x0885 - plays, but no sound

2008-06-10 Thread andrew fresh
On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 01:43:06AM -0700, Predrag Punosevac wrote:
> alemao wrote:
> Look the output from mixerctl and adjust things like
> outputs.master=248,248 ( I think this is by default something like 128,128)
> and  few other which  are self explanatory.
> I have the similar audio card and I had the same problem.

Ok, This is crazy.  Yesterday, I started composing an email to ask
pretty much the same question.  (no sound from azalia). 

Today I have sound, thanks to this list (This time being Peiter and

I don't know how this list does it, but it is not the first time my
questions have been answered as I was getting ready to ask them.  

Thank you all very much.

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BOFH excuse of the day: We had to turn off that service to comply with
the CDA Bill.

Re: Why Perl for pkg_* tools ?

2008-05-23 Thread Andrew Stone
Wow, this thread has turned from stupid -> abusive -> just plain old hilarious.

- Original Message 
From: Jeremy Huiskamp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 23, 2008 4:40:05 PM
Subject: Re: Why Perl for pkg_* tools ?

On 23/05/08 04:21 PM, Han Boetes wrote:
> Yes but C is written in gcc which is GNU licensed and pkg_utils
> are written in perl which is a much more libaral language. I
> really start wondering why the whole of OpenBSD is not rewritten
> in perl!
> # Han

Ah, but perl is compiled with gcc, so that doesn't really help. ;)

Re: small pc recommendation

2008-05-19 Thread Andrew Konkol
If you're looking for a single board computer using compact
flash...I've had good luck with my ALIX 2c3

Alix boards seem to be cheaper than soekris.

I'm happy with it.


On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 11:07 PM, Lord Sporkton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ironically enough, that optiplex just died. and now a pix is in
> its place until i get a new one
> 2008/5/19 Lord Sporkton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> I just figured out the slow usb speed im seeing is because
>> my router/lan server only has usb1.0(optiplex GX100)
>> so im looking for a recommendation of a small form computer
>> to use as my home router/server, im going to ebay it until i
>> can fund myself a soekris
>> requirements are simple:
>> usb 2.0
>> at least 1 pci slot free or 2 built in ethernet ports
>> OpenBSD compatible
>> cheap
>> thank you
>> --
>> -Lawrence
> --
> -Lawrence

OpenBSD 4.3 Screen Brightness on HP DV6000 laptop

2008-05-07 Thread Andrew Stone
Hi all,

I'm currently having trouble getting my f7 and 78 brightness keys to work on my 
laptop. I would appreciate any help getting these to work, or alternative 
methods for changing my screen brightness. I think it must be configurable 
because it changes vastly when I am either plugged in to AC or running on 

A dmesg is below. 


OpenBSD 4.3 (GENERIC.MP) #587: Wed Mar 12 11:21:57 MDT 2008
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/GENERIC.MP
cpu0: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU T5300 @ 1.73GHz ("GenuineIntel" 686-class) 1.73 GHz
real mem  = 2137026560 (2038MB)
avail mem = 2058293248 (1962MB)
mainbus0 at root
bios0 at mainbus0: AT/286+ BIOS, date 02/02/07, BIOS32 rev. 0 @ 0xfd610, SMBIOS 
rev. 2.4 @ 0xdf010 (22 entries)
bios0: vendor Hewlett-Packard version "F.16" date 02/02/2007
bios0: Hewlett-Packard HP Pavilion dv6000 (RV214UA#ABA)
acpi0 at bios0: rev 2
acpi0: wakeup devices RP02(S3) PXS3(S4) LANC(S4) PS2K(S3) PS2M(S3)
acpitimer0 at acpi0: 3579545 Hz, 24 bits
acpimadt0 at acpi0 addr 0xfee0: PC-AT compat
cpu0 at mainbus0: apid 0 (boot processor)
cpu0: apic clock running at 133MHz
cpu1 at mainbus0: apid 1 (application processor)
cpu1: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU T5300 @ 1.73GHz ("GenuineIntel" 686-class) 1.73 GHz
ioapic0 at mainbus0: apid 1 pa 0xfec0, version 20, 24 pins
ioapic0: duplicate apic id, remapped to apid 2
acpihpet0 at acpi0: 14318179 Hz
acpiprt0 at acpi0: bus 0 (PCI0)
acpiprt1 at acpi0: bus -1 (PEGP)
acpiprt2 at acpi0: bus 2 (RP01)
acpiprt3 at acpi0: bus 3 (RP02)
acpiprt4 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP03)
acpiprt5 at acpi0: bus 5 (PCIB)
acpiec0 at acpi0
acpicpu0 at acpi0: C3, C2
acpicpu1 at acpi0: C3, C2
acpitz0 at acpi0acpitz0: THR1: failed to read _TMP
: failed to read _TMP
acpibtn0 at acpi0: PWRB
acpibtn1 at acpi0: SLPB
acpiac0 at acpi0: AC unit offline
acpibat0 at acpi0: BAT0 model "Primary" serial   type LION oem "Hewlett-Packard"
acpibtn2 at acpi0: LID_
bios0: ROM list: 0xc/0xe600! 0xce800/0x1800 0xdf000/0x800! 0xe/0x1800!
cpu0: unknown Enhanced SpeedStep CPU, msr 0x06130d2506000d25
cpu0: using only highest and lowest power states
cpu0: Enhanced SpeedStep 1733 MHz (1292 mV): speeds: 1733, 800 MHz
pci0 at mainbus0 bus 0: configuration mode 1 (no bios)
pchb0 at pci0 dev 0 function 0 "Intel 82945GM Host" rev 0x03
agp0 at pchb0: aperture at 0xc000, size 0x1000
vga1 at pci0 dev 2 function 0 "Intel 82945GM Video" rev 0x03
wsdisplay0 at vga1 mux 1: console (80x25, vt100 emulation)
wsdisplay0: screen 1-5 added (80x25, vt100 emulation)
"Intel 82945GM Video" rev 0x03 at pci0 dev 2 function 1 not configured
azalia0 at pci0 dev 27 function 0 "Intel 82801GB HD Audio" rev 0x02: apic 2 int 
22 (irq 5)
azalia0: codec[s]: Conexant/0x5045
audio0 at azalia0
ppb0 at pci0 dev 28 function 0 "Intel 82801GB PCIE" rev 0x02: apic 2 int 17 
(irq 3)
pci1 at ppb0 bus 2
wpi0 at pci1 dev 0 function 0 "Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG" rev 0x02: apic 2 int 
16 (irq 11), MoW1, address 00:19:d2:ad:b2:b8
ppb1 at pci0 dev 28 function 1 "Intel 82801GB PCIE" rev 0x02: apic 2 int 16 
(irq 11)
pci2 at ppb1 bus 3
uhci0 at pci0 dev 29 function 0 "Intel 82801GB USB" rev 0x02: apic 2 int 23 
(irq 7)
uhci1 at pci0 dev 29 function 1 "Intel 82801GB USB" rev 0x02: apic 2 int 19 
(irq 10)
uhci2 at pci0 dev 29 function 2 "Intel 82801GB USB" rev 0x02: apic 2 int 18 
(irq 3)
uhci3 at pci0 dev 29 function 3 "Intel 82801GB USB" rev 0x02: apic 2 int 16 
(irq 11)
ehci0 at pci0 dev 29 function 7 "Intel 82801GB USB" rev 0x02: apic 2 int 23 
(irq 7)
usb0 at ehci0: USB revision 2.0
uhub0 at usb0 "Intel EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
ppb2 at pci0 dev 30 function 0 "Intel 82801BAM Hub-to-PCI" rev 0xe2
pci3 at ppb2 bus 5
"Ricoh 5C832 Firewire" rev 0x00 at pci3 dev 5 function 0 not configured
sdhc0 at pci3 dev 5 function 1 "Ricoh 5C822 SD/MMC" rev 0x19: apic 2 int 17 
(irq 3)
sdmmc0 at sdhc0
"Ricoh 5C843 MMC" rev 0x01 at pci3 dev 5 function 2 not configured
"Ricoh 5C592 Memory Stick" rev 0x0a at pci3 dev 5 function 3 not configured
"Ricoh 5C852 xD" rev 0x05 at pci3 dev 5 function 4 not configured
fxp0 at pci3 dev 8 function 0 "Intel PRO/100 VM" rev 0x02, i82562: apic 2 int 
20 (irq 10), address 00:1b:24:00:56:2a
inphy0 at fxp0 phy 1: i82562ET 10/100 PHY, rev. 0
ichpcib0 at pci0 dev 31 function 0 "Intel 82801GBM LPC" rev 0x02: PM disabled
pciide0 at pci0

Re: Window Manager

2008-05-06 Thread andrew fresh
On Tue, May 06, 2008 at 01:18:06PM +0300, Paul Irofti wrote:
> On Sun, May 04, 2008 at 09:29:42PM -0300, Gonzalo Lionel Rodriguez wrote:
> > I dont know if it is the place to ask it, but that window manager uses? And
> > why?
> I use cwm (its in base)

I have to agree with this one.  It is in base and it keeps getting
better and better (it is the reason I am running snapshots on my
desktop instead of -stable)

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BOFH excuse of the day: Incorrectly configured static routes on the

Re: spamd fake MX

2008-04-10 Thread andrew fresh
On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 02:07:43PM +1000, Rod Whitworth wrote:
> Reality check please.
> I see quite a few attempts to access port 25 on boxes that don't have
> externally listening smtpd. They show up in firewall logs.
> It is a possibility to let spamd listen (as usual, redirected from 25
> to 8025, or even on 25 itself) and feed the IP over to my real MX using
> the spamd sync capability?
> I think so but I may just need a cluebat if there is some reson not to.

I have been meaning to set this up, and then sync the IPs to my actual
mail servers so they can be blacklisted.  I just haven't had time.

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BOFH excuse of the day: high pressure system failure

Re: Installing apsfilter package fails

2008-03-20 Thread andrew fresh
On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 07:43:10AM -0700, Ed Flecko wrote:
> Thank you Preston.
> You said, "If I remember correctly, you need to have the x-base
> package installed
> for the libiconv / gettext dependencies to be met.  It's an issue with
> 4.2."
> How did you know that? Is there a "source" that I should reference
> that I'm not aware of to "keep up" on the latest idiosyncrasies, bugs,
> etc.???

There actually is a "source" for this sort of thing.  I think Nick puts
a lot of time into it too.

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BOFH excuse of the day: The Token fell out of the ring. Call us when
you find it.

Re: Belinea s.Book1 can't boot OpenBSD

2008-03-01 Thread Andrew Smith

Oh my, another Nanobook variant.

Try disabling ACPI in the kernel before you boot.

You may want to do this from another machine and copy the new kernel  
to the machine using the Install CD boot because the PS2K device  
doesn't seem to be handled on mine (Packard Bell EasyNote XS) at all  
and I get no key handling in a boot -c.



On 1 Mar 2008, at 16:52, Denis Fondras wrote:


I'm currently testing a Belinea s.Book1 microlaptop ( 
) and I can't install OpenBSD on it. At first sight it seems that  
every core components are supported (Via VX700 + Via C7-M - you can  
check the PDF Datasheet at

I tried OpenBSD/4.2 and the latest snapshot (from and mirrors) and  
everytime I get the same result. The laptop loads "bsd.rd" and just  
reboot when printing "entry point at..." (before any "blue"  
writing). I tried with an USB CD drive and with PXE.

Here is a Linux dmesg if it can help to see if a particular device  
could explain the crash :

4.1.1-21)) #1 Sun Feb 10 22:06:33 UTC 2008
BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
BIOS-e820:  - 0009dc00 (usable)
BIOS-e820: 0009dc00 - 000a (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 000dc000 - 000e (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 000e8000 - 0010 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 0010 - 3bee (usable)
BIOS-e820: 3bee - 3beea000 (ACPI data)
BIOS-e820: 3beea000 - 3bf0 (ACPI NVS)
BIOS-e820: 3bf0 - 4000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: e000 - f000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: fec0 - fec1 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: fee0 - fee01000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: fff8 - 0001 (reserved)
Warning only 896MB will be used.
Use a HIGHMEM enabled kernel.
896MB LOWMEM available.
found SMP MP-table at 000f84b0
On node 0 totalpages: 229376
 DMA zone: 4096 pages, LIFO batch:0
 Normal zone: 225280 pages, LIFO batch:31
DMI present.
ACPI: RSDP (v000 PTLTD ) @ 0x000f8470
ACPI: RSDT (v001 PTLTDRSDT   0x0604  LTP 0x) @  
ACPI: FADT (v001 CX700  PTLTW0x0604 PTL_ 0x000f4240) @  
ACPI: SSDT (v001 PPmmRe  PPm 0x0604 INTL 0x20030224) @  
ACPI: MADT (v001 PTLTD  	 APIC   0x0604  LTP 0x) @  
ACPI: MCFG (v001 PTLTDMCFG   0x0604  LTP 0x) @  
ACPI: DSDT (v001  VIA   PTL_ACPI 0x0604 MSFT 0x010e) @  

ACPI: PM-Timer IO Port: 0x4008
ACPI: Local APIC address 0xfee0
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x00] lapic_id[0x00] enabled)
Processor #0 6:13 APIC version 20
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x00] high edge lint[0x1])
ACPI: IOAPIC (id[0x01] address[0xfec0] gsi_base[0])
IOAPIC[0]: apic_id 1, version 3, address 0xfec0, GSI 0-23
ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 9 global_irq 9 high level)
ACPI: IRQ9 used by override.
ACPI: IRQ10 used by override.
Enabling APIC mode:  Flat.  Using 1 I/O APICs
Using ACPI (MADT) for SMP configuration information
Allocating PCI resources starting at 5000 (gap: 4000:a000)
Detected 600.029 MHz processor.
Built 1 zonelists.  Total pages: 229376
Kernel command line: root=/dev/hdc1 ro
mapped APIC to d000 (fee0)
mapped IOAPIC to c000 (fec0)
Enabling fast FPU save and restore... done.
Enabling unmasked SIMD FPU exception support... done.
Initializing CPU#0
PID hash table entries: 4096 (order: 12, 16384 bytes)
Console: colour VGA+ 80x25
Dentry cache hash table entries: 131072 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
Inode-cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
Memory: 901704k/917504k available (1499k kernel code, 15224k  
reserved, 599k data, 256k init, 0k highmem)
Checking if this processor honours the WP bit even in supervisor  
mode... Ok.
Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 1200.98 BogoMIPS  

Security Framework v1.0.0 initialized
SELinux:  Disabled at boot.
Capability LSM initialized
Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
CPU: After generic identify, caps: a7c9bbff 0010   

CPU: L1 I Cache: 64K (64 bytes/line), D cache 64K (64 bytes/line)
CPU: L2 Cache: 128K (64 bytes/line)
CPU: After all inits, caps: 27c9bbff 0010    
4181 ffcc 

Compat vDSO mapped to e000.
CPU: Centaur VIA C7-M Processor 1200MHz stepping 00
Checking 'hlt' instruction... OK.
ACPI: Core revision 20060707
..TIMER: vector=0x31 apic1=0 pin1=0 apic2=-1 pin2=-1
checking if image is initramfs... it is
Freeing initrd memory: 4641k freed
NET: Registered protocol family 16
EISA bus registered
ACPI: bus type pci registered
PCI: No mmconfig possible on 0:0
PCI: No mmconfig possible on 0:1
PCI: No mmconfig possible on 0:f

Re: 4.3-beta upgrade stalls on base43.tgz (Ok on clean install)

2008-02-27 Thread Andrew Ruscica
On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 02:18:12PM -0500, Andrew Ruscica wrote:
> While doing a direct upgrade of an amd64 machine from -current (approx
> end of Jan) to the Feb 26 snapshot, the installer stalls on
> base43.tgz. This happens at 99%, 46640KB.
> ... 
> Nest step will be to do a clean install.

The clean install was fine... 

4.3-beta upgrade stalls on base43.tgz

2008-02-27 Thread Andrew Ruscica
While doing a direct upgrade of an amd64 machine from -current (approx
end of Jan) to the Feb 26 snapshot, the installer stalls on
base43.tgz. This happens at 99%, 46640KB.

I've tried the following three methods with the same results:

- bsd.rd and get sets from an ftp mirror
- bsd.rd and get sets from disk
- boot and get sets from CD (install43.iso, md5 ok)

Different mirrors were used for the above trials.

I can interrupt and install the other sets. The system boots and is
apparently normal.

Nest step will be to do a clean install.

OpenBSD 4.3-beta (GENERIC) #1354: Tue Feb 26 05:39:34 MST 2008
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/compile/GENERIC
real mem = 2147020800 (2047MB)
avail mem = 2073526272 (1977MB)
mainbus0 at root
bios0 at mainbus0: SMBIOS rev. 2.2 @ 0xf (40 entries)
bios0: vendor Phoenix Technologies, LTD version "6.00 PG" date 01/31/2005
bios0: soyocomputer nForce
acpi0 at bios0: rev 0
acpi0: tables DSDT FACP APIC
acpi0: wakeup devices HUB0(S5) HUB1(S4) USB0(S3) USB1(S3) USB2(S3) F139(S3) 
acpitimer0 at acpi0: 3579545 Hz, 24 bits
acpiprt0 at acpi0: bus 0 (PCI0)
acpiprt1 at acpi0: bus 2 (HUB0)
acpiprt2 at acpi0: bus 1 (AGPB)
acpiprt3 at acpi0: bus -1 (HUB1)
acpicpu0 at acpi0
acpitz0 at acpi0: critical temperature 95 degC
acpibtn0 at acpi0: PWRB
cpu0 at mainbus0: (uniprocessor)
cpu0: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3000+, 2020.12 MHz
cpu0: 64KB 64b/line 2-way I-cache, 64KB 64b/line 2-way D-cache, 512KB 64b/line 
16-way L2 cache
cpu0: ITLB 32 4KB entries fully associative, 8 4MB entries fully associative
cpu0: DTLB 32 4KB entries fully associative, 8 4MB entries fully associative
cpu0: AMD errata 86, 89, 97, 104 present, BIOS upgrade may be required
pci0 at mainbus0 bus 0: configuration mode 1
pchb0 at pci0 dev 0 function 0 "NVIDIA nForce3 PCI Host" rev 0xa4
agp at pchb0 not configured
pcib0 at pci0 dev 1 function 0 "NVIDIA nForce3 ISA" rev 0xa6
nviic0 at pci0 dev 1 function 1 "NVIDIA nForce3 SMBus" rev 0xa4
iic0 at nviic0
spdmem0 at iic0 addr 0x50: 1GB DDR SDRAM non-parity PC3200CL3.0
spdmem1 at iic0 addr 0x51: 1GB DDR SDRAM non-parity PC3200CL3.0
iic1 at nviic0
iic1: addr 0x4e 00=2a 01=02 02=10 03=72 05=80 06=0e 09=c8 0a=37 0e=e0 0f=ff 
3e=37 48=37 4a=37 4e=37 fe=37 words 00=2aff 01=02ff 02=10ff 03=72ff 04=00ff 
05=80ff 06=0eff 07=00ff 08=00ff 09=c8ff 0a=37ff 0b=00ff 0c=00ff 0d=00ff 0e=e0ff 
ohci0 at pci0 dev 2 function 0 "NVIDIA nForce3 USB" rev 0xa5: irq 5, version 
1.0, legacy support
ohci1 at pci0 dev 2 function 1 "NVIDIA nForce3 USB" rev 0xa5: irq 5, version 
1.0, legacy support
ehci0 at pci0 dev 2 function 2 "NVIDIA nForce3 USB" rev 0xa2: irq 5
usb0 at ehci0: USB revision 2.0
uhub0 at usb0 "NVIDIA EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
nfe0 at pci0 dev 5 function 0 "NVIDIA nForce3 LAN" rev 0xa5: irq 11, address 
icsphy0 at nfe0 phy 1: ICS1893 10/100 PHY, rev. 1
auich0 at pci0 dev 6 function 0 "NVIDIA nForce3 AC97" rev 0xa2: irq 11, nForce3 
ac97: codec id 0x434d4961 (C-Media Electronics CMI9739)
audio0 at auich0
pciide0 at pci0 dev 8 function 0 "NVIDIA nForce3 IDE" rev 0xa5: DMA, channel 0 
configured to compatibility, channel 1 configured to compatibility
wd0 at pciide0 channel 0 drive 0: 
wd0: 16-sector PIO, LBA, 117246MB, 240119808 sectors
wd0(pciide0:0:0): using PIO mode 4, Ultra-DMA mode 6
atapiscsi0 at pciide0 channel 1 drive 0
scsibus0 at atapiscsi0: 2 targets
cd0 at scsibus0 targ 0 lun 0:  SCSI0 5/cdrom 
cd0(pciide0:1:0): using PIO mode 4, Ultra-DMA mode 2
ppb0 at pci0 dev 10 function 0 "NVIDIA nForce3 PCI-PCI" rev 0xa2
pci1 at ppb0 bus 2
vga1 at pci1 dev 7 function 0 "ATI Radeon VE QY" rev 0x00
wsdisplay0 at vga1 mux 1: console (80x25, vt100 emulation)
wsdisplay0: screen 1-5 added (80x25, vt100 emulation)
ppb1 at pci0 dev 11 function 0 "NVIDIA nForce3 PCI-PCI" rev 0xa4
pci2 at ppb1 bus 1
"ATI Radeon 9200 SE Sec" rev 0x01 at pci2 dev 0 function 0 not configured
"ATI Radeon 9200 SE" rev 0x01 at pci2 dev 0 function 1 not configured
pchb1 at pci0 dev 24 function 0 "AMD AMD64 HyperTransport" rev 0x00
pchb2 at pci0 dev 24 function 1 "AMD AMD64 Address Map" rev 0x00
pchb3 at pci0 dev 24 function 2 "AMD AMD64 DRAM Cfg" rev 0x00
pchb4 at pci0 dev 24 function 3 "AMD AMD64 Misc Cfg" rev 0x00
isa0 at pcib0
isadma0 at isa0
com0 at isa0 port 0x3f8/8 irq 4: ns16550a, 16 byte fifo
com1 at isa0 port 0x2f8/8 irq 3: ns16550a, 16 byte fifo
pckbc0 at isa0 port 0x60/5
pckbd0 at pckbc0 (kbd slot)
pckbc0: using irq 1 for kbd slot
wskbd0 at pckbd0: console keyboard, using wsdisplay0
pmsi0 at pckbc0 (aux slot)
pckbc0: using irq 12 for aux slot
wsmouse0 at pmsi0 mux 0
mpu0 at isa0 port 0x330/2: generic MPU-401 compatible
midi0 at mpu0: 
pcppi0 at isa0 port 0x61
midi1 at pcppi0: 
spkr0 at pcppi0
it0 at isa0 port 0x290/8: IT8712F rev 0x06
usb1 at ohci0: USB revision 1.0
uhub1 at usb1 "NVIDIA OHCI root

acpi and PS2K entries on i386 -current

2008-02-16 Thread Andrew Smith
I'm wondering, has anybody got a laptop with acpi enabled on -current  
that shows a PS2K device on acpidump and has it actually working?

I have spent some time trying to get my Packard Bell EasyNote XS  
working with acpi enabled and then fell back to trying several other  
distros including NetBSD.

The quirk seems to be that on OpenBSD if I boot it hangs completely.  
boot -c and the keyboard is frozen.

Interestingly enough on NetBSD the keyboard is frozen completely too.

From various information knocking about the PS2K device provides acpi  
handling for a PS2 keyboard (one may assume that this covers the  
special buttons etc.). I'm guessing there is no handler for this at  
present in OpenBSD but I haven't had enough time to look into it so I  
would be interested to know of working systems with this entry.

The only distro that I can find that supports any form of hack to  
remove this handling is FreeBSD where they have custom DSDT handling.  
I had thought of trying that and then seeing if it was feasible to  
work that custom handling back into OpenBSD but alas FreeBSD won't  
boot the install from a USB CD, the PXE boot on my device hangs when  
it loads the Kernel, and the instructions I found to convert the  
FreeBSD neboot CD into an image to boot from a pen drive simply  
results in 'Operating System Not Found' on this machine :S.

So anybody got a device working that has a PS2K entry? or is this a  
known issue at present?



Re: [OT] beefy steel cases

2008-02-09 Thread Andrew Dyer
> Well, perhaps I could make/find/whatever a steel tub with a lid (or an
> old safe) :) in which to put said computer case, but I'd like to start
> with a decent case.
> Who makes a solid, steel case that doesn't cover up large holes with
> plastic stuff?
> It seems that server cases now use hot-swap drives so the only thing
> between the drive and the world is the plastic handle on the hot-swap
> carrier (unless there's metal in there which I can't see on pictures).

(well OT for openbsd-misc...)

The slots and holes in a case and the cables coming out are going to
be your problem.  If you are radiating out the solid metal parts of
your case you have other problems.  Google 'slot antenna' for more
info.  Also the book "Noise Reduction Techniques for Electronic
Systems" by Henry Ott is very thorough.

Perhaps you should try shielding your wife instead of the computer
equipment.  Put her in one of these: :-)

Hardware, n.:
The parts of a computer system that can be kicked.

Re: OT: Can an SSH alternative to WebDav be use on OpenBSD

2008-01-24 Thread Andrew Ruscica
On Thu, Jan 24, 2008 at 05:58:57PM -0500, Daniel Ouellet wrote:
> I only allow ssh access and in very special case, I had accepted ftp from 

If you're considering a commercial product,

If the product performs as it says, you shouldn't need to change anything
on the web server.

Re: Replace sendmail with qmail?

2007-11-30 Thread Andrew Hart
Wouldn't such reasoning about a "gift" apply equally to a BSD-license on 
free-as-in-beer software?

Andrew Ruscica wrote:

"Why the Public Domain Isn't a License" (Linux Journal)

From the article:


"Unfortunately, such gifts are illusory. Under basic contract law, a gift
cannot be enforced. The donor can retract his gift at any time, for any
reason - scant security for someone intending to make long-term use of
a piece of software."

Re: Replace sendmail with qmail?

2007-11-30 Thread Andrew Ruscica
On Fri, Nov 30, 2007 at 12:27:32AM -0800, Matthew Dempsky wrote:
> Dan Bernstein has placed qmail 1.03 into the public domain (see

Might be worthwhile reading this (from a US legal perspective at least):

"Why the Public Domain Isn't a License" (Linux Journal)

>From the article:
"...there is nothing that permits the dumping of copyrighted works into
the public domain, except as happens in due course when any applicable
copyrights expire. Until those copyrights expire, no mechanism is in
the law by which an owner of software can simply elect to place it in
the public domain."


"Unfortunately, such gifts are illusory. Under basic contract law, a gift
cannot be enforced. The donor can retract his gift at any time, for any
reason - scant security for someone intending to make long-term use of
a piece of software."

Re: PCMCIA on a Toshiba A135-S4656 to use wi(4) with DWL-650 PCMCIA

2007-11-28 Thread Andrew Hart
Disabling apm and enabling acpi did the trick. The network card in the 
PCMCIA slot works fine now (on 4.2 in both i386 and amd64).


Unix Fan wrote:

On a few systems I own, enabling ACPI and disabling APM seems to work on older 
systems, I needed to go into my BIOS and disable an option like "PnP OS/Operating 
system". (By setting it to No/False..)

To try your system with ACPI, at the boot console.. Type the following.

UKC>  disable apm

UKC> enable acpi

UKC> quit

I hope this works for you..

PCMCIA on a Toshiba A135-S4656 to use wi(4) with DWL-650 PCMCIA

2007-11-22 Thread Andrew Hart
I'd like to get wireless networking working on my Toshiba A135-S4656 
laptop. The built-in AR5424 isn't working for me, but I think ath(4) 
support for it is still a work-in-progress, so I'm trying to use a 
D-Link DWL-650 in the PCMCIA slot for now. This appears to be supported 
by wi(4) "D-Link DWL-650 (rev A1-J3 only)  Prism-2.5PCMCIA". My 
card says "Rev:J3" on the back.

I can't get a wi0 to show up in my output from ifconfig on 4.2 AMD64, 
and I don't see it recognizing the pcmcia connection. I've tried 4.2 
i386, which seems to recognize the pcmcia, but still doesn't produce a 
wi0 in ifconfig and produces the following two errors:

"pcic_wait_ready: ready never happened, state = 4c"
"pccom3 at pcmcia0 function 0: can't allocate i/o space"
Inserting the card before boot or after login didn't seem to change much.

Per pcmcia(4) I tried changing the address and size parameters with 
boot_config(8) and config(8). On amd64 I was not able to find the 
relevant driver. On i386 I was unable to make things better, but I was 
able to disable the driver and see the effect.

What should I try next? Is amd64 expected to support pcmcia differently?

Below are the dmesg outputs from both amd64 and i386 (same machine) and 
the ifconfig output.

Andrew Hart

lo0: flags=8049 mtu 33168
groups: lo
inet netmask 0xff00
inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128
inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x4
ath0: flags=8822 mtu 1500
lladdr 00:1b:9e:1a:87:74
groups: wlan
media: IEEE802.11 autoselect
status: no network
ieee80211: nwid ""
re0: flags=8843 mtu 1500
lladdr 00:16:d4:fd:87:c6
groups: egress
media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX full-duplex)
status: active
inet6 fe80::216:d4ff:fefd:87c6%re0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x2
inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast
enc0: flags=0<> mtu 1536

OpenBSD 4.2 (GENERIC) #1179: Tue Aug 28 10:37:50 MDT 2007
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/compile/GENERIC
real mem = 526512128 (502MB)
avail mem = 499818496 (476MB)
mainbus0 at root
bios0 at mainbus0: SMBIOS rev. 2.4 @ 0xdc010 (22 entries)
bios0: vendor TOSHIBA version "V1.40" date 04/26/2007
bios0: TOSHIBA Satellite A135
acpi at mainbus0 not configured
cpu0 at mainbus0: (uniprocessor)
cpu0: Intel(R) Celeron(R) M CPU 520 @ 1.60GHz, 1596.25 MHz

cpu0: 1MB 64b/line 4-way L2 cache
pci0 at mainbus0 bus 0: configuration mode 1
pchb0 at pci0 dev 0 function 0 "Intel 82945GM MCH" rev 0x03
vga1 at pci0 dev 2 function 0 "Intel 82945GM Video" rev 0x03
wsdisplay0 at vga1 mux 1: console (80x25, vt100 emulation)
wsdisplay0: screen 1-5 added (80x25, vt100 emulation)
"Intel 82945GM Video" rev 0x03 at pci0 dev 2 function 1 not configured
azalia0 at pci0 dev 27 function 0 "Intel 82801GB HD Audio" rev 0x02: irq 11
azalia0: host: High Definition Audio rev. 1.0
azalia0: codec: Realtek/0x0862 (rev. 0.1), HDA version 1.0
azalia0: codec: AT&T/Lucent/0x1040 (rev. 2.0), HDA version 1.0
azalia0: codec[1]: No support for modem function groups
azalia0: codec[1]: No audio function groups
audio0 at azalia0
ppb0 at pci0 dev 28 function 0 "Intel 82801GB PCIE" rev 0x02
pci1 at ppb0 bus 2
ppb1 at pci0 dev 28 function 1 "Intel 82801GB PCIE" rev 0x02
pci2 at ppb1 bus 4
ath0 at pci2 dev 0 function 0 "Atheros AR5424" rev 0x01: irq 10
ath0: AR5424 10.0 phy 6.1 rf 10.2, WOR4W, address 00:1b:9e:1a:87:74
ppb2 at pci0 dev 28 function 2 "Intel 82801GB PCIE" rev 0x02
pci3 at ppb2 bus 5
re0 at pci3 dev 0 function 0 "Realtek 8101E" rev 0x01: RTL8101E 
(0x3400), irq 11, address 00:16:d4:fd:87:c6

rlphy0 at re0 phy 7: RTL8201L 10/100 PHY, rev. 1
uhci0 at pci0 dev 29 function 0 "Intel 82801GB USB" rev 0x02: irq 11
uhci1 at pci0 dev 29 function 1 "Intel 82801GB USB" rev 0x02: irq 11
uhci2 at pci0 dev 29 function 2 "Intel 82801GB USB" rev 0x02: irq 11
uhci3 at pci0 dev 29 function 3 "Intel 82801GB USB" rev 0x02: irq 10
ehci0 at pci0 dev 29 function 7 "Intel 82801GB USB" rev 0x02: irq 11
ehci0: timed out waiting for BIOS
usb0 at ehci0: USB revision 2.0
uhub0 at usb0: Intel EHCI root hub, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 1
ppb3 at pci0 dev 30 function 0 "Intel 82801BAM Hub-to-PCI" rev 0xe2
pci4 at ppb3 bus 6
cbb0 at pci4 dev 4 function 0 "TI PCIXX12 CardBus" rev 0x00: couldn't 
map interrupt

"TI PCIXX12 FireWire" rev 0x00 at pci4 dev 4 function 1 not configured
"TI PCIXX12 Multimedia Card Reader" rev 0x00 at pci4 dev 4 function 2 
not c

Re: Terrible messages in /var/log/messages

2007-11-21 Thread Andrew Smith

Are you actually using the I2C interface for anything?

It may be that you have a variant of the hardware that isn't quite  
supported and it should be possible to disable the driver in the  
kernel and avoid these messages.


On 21 Nov 2007, at 11:47, Evgeniy Sudyr wrote:

Hello misc,

After boot I see alot of terrible messages in /var/log/messages which
are added to it every second.

It look like driver bug. Maybe somebody can help resolve this

content of /var/run/dmsg.boot

OpenBSD 4.2 (GENERIC) #375: Tue Aug 28 10:38:44 MDT 2007
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/GENERIC
cpu0: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.93GHz ("GenuineIntel" 686-class)  
2.94 GHz

real mem  = 527790080 (503MB)
avail mem = 502685696 (479MB)
mainbus0 at root
bios0 at mainbus0: AT/286+ BIOS, date 01/23/06, BIOS32 rev. 0 @  
0xf0010, SMBIOS rev. 2.4 @ 0xf04d0 (45 entries)
bios0: vendor American Megatrends Inc. version "3.28" date  

bios0: Compaq Presario 061 PJ534AA-ABA SR1250NX NA440
apm0 at bios0: Power Management spec V1.2
apm0: AC on, battery charge unknown
apm0: flags 30102 dobusy 0 doidle 1
pcibios0 at bios0: rev 2.1 @ 0xf/0x1
pcibios0: PCI IRQ Routing Table rev 1.0 @ 0xf8c60/304 (17 entries)
pcibios0: PCI Interrupt Router at 000:31:0 ("Intel 82801FB LPC" rev  

pcibios0: PCI bus #2 is the last bus
bios0: ROM list: 0xc/0xa400!
cpu0 at mainbus0
pci0 at mainbus0 bus 0: configuration mode 1 (no bios)
pchb0 at pci0 dev 0 function 0 "Intel 82915G/P/GV Host" rev 0x04
vga1 at pci0 dev 2 function 0 "Intel 82915G/P/GV Video" rev 0x04:  
aperture at 0xd000, size 0x1000

wsdisplay0 at vga1 mux 1: console (80x25, vt100 emulation)
wsdisplay0: screen 1-5 added (80x25, vt100 emulation)
azalia0 at pci0 dev 27 function 0 "Intel 82801FB HD Audio" rev 0x03:  
irq 10

azalia0: host: High Definition Audio rev. 1.0
azalia0: codec: Realtek ALC880 (rev. 5.0), HDA version 0.9
audio0 at azalia0
ppb0 at pci0 dev 28 function 0 "Intel 82801FB PCIE" rev 0x03
pci1 at ppb0 bus 1
uhci0 at pci0 dev 29 function 0 "Intel 82801FB USB" rev 0x03: irq 11
uhci1 at pci0 dev 29 function 1 "Intel 82801FB USB" rev 0x03: irq 3
uhci2 at pci0 dev 29 function 2 "Intel 82801FB USB" rev 0x03: irq 5
uhci3 at pci0 dev 29 function 3 "Intel 82801FB USB" rev 0x03: irq 10
ehci0 at pci0 dev 29 function 7 "Intel 82801FB USB" rev 0x03: irq 11
ehci0: timed out waiting for BIOS
usb0 at ehci0: USB revision 2.0
uhub0 at usb0: Intel EHCI root hub, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 1
ppb1 at pci0 dev 30 function 0 "Intel 82801BA AGP" rev 0xd3
pci2 at ppb1 bus 2
"VIA VT6306 FireWire" rev 0x80 at pci2 dev 1 function 0 not configured
rl0 at pci2 dev 2 function 0 "Realtek 8139" rev 0x10: irq 6, address  

rlphy0 at rl0 phy 0: RTL internal PHY
sis0 at pci2 dev 3 function 0 "NS DP83815 10/100" rev 0x00,  
DP83815C: irq 3, address 00:a0:cc:a1:60:bb

nsphyter0 at sis0 phy 0: DP83815 10/100 PHY, rev. 1
ichpcib0 at pci0 dev 31 function 0 "Intel 82801FB LPC" rev 0x03: PM  
pciide0 at pci0 dev 31 function 2 "Intel 82801FB SATA" rev 0x03:  
DMA, channel 0 wired to compatibility, channel 1  
wir ed to compatibility

wd0 at pciide0 channel 1 drive 0: 
wd0: 16-sector PIO, LBA48, 114473MB, 234441648 sectors
atapiscsi0 at pciide0 channel 1 drive 1
scsibus0 at atapiscsi0: 2 targets
cd0 at scsibus0 targ 0 lun 0:  SCSI0 5/ 
cdrom removable

wd0(pciide0:1:0): using PIO mode 4, Ultra-DMA mode 5
cd0(pciide0:1:1): using PIO mode 4, Ultra-DMA mode 2
ichiic0 at pci0 dev 31 function 3 "Intel 82801FB SMBus" rev 0x03:  
irq 10

iic0 at ichiic0
adt0 at iic0 addr 0x2e: sch5017 rev 0x89
usb1 at uhci0: USB revision 1.0
uhub1 at usb1: Intel UHCI root hub, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
usb2 at uhci1: USB revision 1.0
uhub2 at usb2: Intel UHCI root hub, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
usb3 at uhci2: USB revision 1.0
uhub3 at usb3: Intel UHCI root hub, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
usb4 at uhci3: USB revision 1.0
uhub4 at usb4: Intel UHCI root hub, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
isa0 at ichpcib0
isadma0 at isa0
pckbc0 at isa0 port 0x60/5
pckbd0 at pckbc0 (kbd slot)
pckbc0: using irq 1 for kbd slot
wskbd0 at pckbd0: console keyboard, using wsdisplay0
pcppi0 at isa0 port 0x61
midi0 at pcppi0: 
spkr0 at pcppi0
lpt0 at isa0 port 0x378/4 irq 7
npx0 at isa0 port 0xf0/16: reported by CPUID; using exception 16
biomask ff3d netmask ff7d ttymask 
pctr: user-level cycle counter enabled
mtrr: Pentium Pro MTRR support
ichiic0: exec: op 1, addr 0x2e, cmdlen 1, len 1, flags 0x00:  
timeout, status 0x40

ichiic0: abort failed, status 0x42
ichiic0: exec: op 1, addr 0x2e, cmdlen 1, len 1, flags 0x00:  
timeout, status 0x0

ichiic0: abort failed, status 0x42
umass0 at uhub4 port 1 configuration 1 interface 0

Re: First install: Grub doesn't find partitions

2007-10-29 Thread Andrew Daugherity
On 10/28/07, Bertram Scharpf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   grub> root (hd1,^I
>Possible partitions are:
>  Partition num: 0,  Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83
>  Partition num: 1,  Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0x82
>  Partition num: 4,  Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83
>  Partition num: 5,  No BSD sub-partition found, partition type 0xa6
>  Partition num: 6,  Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0x8e
>   grub> root (hd1,5,a)
>   Error 5: Partition table invalid or corrupt
>   grub> rootnoverify (hd1,5,a)
>   grub> cat /
>   Error 17: Cannot mount selected partition
> Here is a `sfdisk' (Linux) output:
>   /dev/hdb1 : start=1, size=32255, Id=83
>   /dev/hdb2 : start=32256, size=  2096640, Id=82
>   /dev/hdb3 : start=  2128896, size=117974304, Id= 5
>   /dev/hdb4 : start=0, size=0, Id= 0
>   /dev/hdb5 : start=  2128897, size=  4194287, Id=83
>   /dev/hdb6 : start=  6323185, size= 37748591, Id=a6, bootable
>   /dev/hdb7 : start= 44071777, size= 76031423, Id=8e

I think this is your problem -- the OpenBSD partition needs to be a
primary partition (hda1-hda4 in Linux terminology, or (hd0,1) -
(hd0,3) in GRUB language, and you have it as an extended partition
(hdb6).  This is not supported.  Reallocated your fdisk partitions so
the OpenBSD partition is a primary partition and reinstall (you may
have to resize your extended partition, ID=5, to make room).


Re: writing non-ascii characters via SSH

2007-10-23 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin
On Tue, Oct 23, 2007 at 09:40:08AM -0400, Juan Miscaro wrote:
> I am currently experiencing difficulty in writing text files containing
> French characters on my OpenBSD 4.0 server via SSH.
> On both the FreeBSD client system and on the OpenBSD server system I
> have the following: 
> ~/.profile:
> export LANG="C"
> export LC_CTYPE="fr_CA.ISO8859-1"
> export LC_COLLATE="fr_CA.ISO8859-1"

Could you try setting LANG to fr_CA.ISO8859-1 (on each box)?

NextG networking

2007-10-23 Thread Andrew Dalgleish
I've put up some notes about NextG networking on OpenBSD at
including a kernel patch to suit ZTE handsets which will probably work
with other Qualcomm-based handsets.

Andrew Dalgleish

Should the amd64 page be updated yet? (revisited)

2007-10-17 Thread Andrew Smith
I'm wondering if anybody knows the stepping numbers of the ia32e  
processors that implement the no execute bit properly in the page  

I think this would be useful information for the amd64 page,

I know there is an errata on the core 2 boxes around this bit  
effecting both cores when one encounters the PTE but I believe that  
doesn't effect OpenBSD right? We are fully symmetric aren't we (apart  
from boot code)?

Somebody in an earlier threat considered that the PTE shouldn't  
effect both cores if that particular PTE reference was only paged by  
one of the cores. I haven't had a look at the recent PTE structures  
for this processor but if it is legitimate that the same page can be  
referenced by two PTEs that refer to the same logical page then I  
guess the processor should really honour the bit per core - just in  
case somebody is constructing something proprietary and asymmetric  

Anyway, what do you think about including the stepping #s of Intel  
processors that work on the amd64 page?


Re: : How can i boot a bsd.rd from windows 2000 ?

2007-10-16 Thread Andrew Daugherity
On 10/15/07, Rodrigo V. Raimundo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Em Sex, 2007-10-12 C s 09:57 +0200, Raimo Niskanen escreveu:
> > Can grub actually boot a bsd kernel. I thought it was in a
> > different binary format than Linux kernels.
> Grub can boot *BSD kernel and can detect in what binary format it is.
> But in case it dont recognite the binary there is a --type=openbsd
> parameter that can be used with the "kernel" command.
> > Does grub pass kernel arguments to the bsd kernel in the
> > right way.
> It is not possible to pass kernel parameters from grub to /bsd*

I have not had success booting an OpenBSD kernel directly from GRUB.
Specifying --type=openbsd allows GRUB to load the kernel, but the
kernel then dies with "panic: /boot too old: upgrade!"  This happens
both with bsd and bsd.rd from the most recent snapshot.

NetBSD does boot successfully from GRUB, and with netbsd-4 and
-current, kernel arguments work as well.  Kernel args don't really
apply to FreeBSD since for booting FBSD  "directly" with GRUB you use
"kernel /boot/loader" and the loader takes over from there.

I'm sure OpenBSD could be made to boot from GRUB but I don't imagine
that's very high on anyone's list.


Re: route-to performance problem

2007-10-05 Thread andrew fresh
On Fri, Oct 05, 2007 at 06:49:31PM -0400, Chris Smith wrote:
> On Friday 05 October 2007, andrew fresh wrote:
> OK, I'm still tagging, but it does seem that doing the route-to on ingress is 
> a working scenario.

Oh good.  I am glad that worked.

> > You may also want some of the rules like are shown in the FAQ
> >
> >
> >   To ensure that packets with a source address belonging to $ext_if1 are
> >   always routed to $ext_gw1 (and similarly for $ext_if2 and $ext_gw2), the
> >   following two lines should be included in the ruleset:
> >
> > pass out on $ext_if1 route-to ($ext_if2 $ext_gw2) from $ext_if2 \
> >to any
> > pass out on $ext_if2 route-to ($ext_if1 $ext_gw1) from $ext_if1 \
> >to any
> >
> > I am NOT sure that I am correct, but this may give you something else to
> > try.
> I'm having trouble grokking that example, and also thinking that whatever 
> it's 
> doing may not be necessary for a non-pool setup. Any confirmation?

What this does is make sure that any packets coming from the IP of one
of the interfaces (that are the NAT IPs) go out the correct interface.

So you would add this in addition to the other rules.  It probably won't
do anything, but it might.

pass out on $ext_if   route-to ($wow_8_if $wow_8_gw) from $wow_8_if
pass out on $wow_8_if route-to ($ext_if   $ext_gw)   from $ext_gw

Adding the third interface gets slightly more confusing.  I got it
working in testing and I am going to install one (that does round-robin,
but that isn't important) on Tuesday.

Then I am going to have to work on an ifstated setup for failover and I
am not looking forward to that :-)

> > I also think tcpdump on the different external interfaces when you are
> > trying this would probably help a lot.
> That was I using to see what interface the packets were traversing.

Did you see any packets coming out the wrong interface?  For example,
packets with the $ext_if IP coming out of $wow_8_if?  That is what I
would have expected from your ruleset (mebbe).

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BOFH excuse of the day: your process is not ISO 9000 compliant

Re: route-to performance problem

2007-10-05 Thread andrew fresh
On Fri, Oct 05, 2007 at 11:40:07AM -0400, Chris Smith wrote:

> The performance issue is that normal web access is horrifically slow, yet 
> when 
> doing a download test the results show the proper bandwidth.

It takes a while for the packets to figure out how to get through the
router, once they do, the states are set up and everything works as it
should.  I can see that.

> Basic scenario is 2 internal interfaces (2 separate subnets) and three 
> external (gateway) interfaces (a T1 line - the default gateway, a 4Mb/s cable 
> line, and an 8Mb/s cable line). My current testing is just using one system 
> to route-to one of the non-default gateways.

This means that each interface has a separate subnet with separate
gateways and all that?  

What is $ext_if and what is $wow_8_if?  You seem to use them kind of
randomly in your ruleset below.  I am guessing that $ext_if is the T1
(default gateway) and that $wow_8_if is one of the cable lines.

I think your problem is that if you route-to on your outbound interface
it happens after NAT.  NAT and route-to on egress is I think a bad
combination.  That it works at all is to me more surprising than that it
is slow.

> Simplified ruleset:
> ==
> nat on $ext_if inet tag WOW_8_NAT tagged WOW_8 -> $wow_8_ad1
> nat on $ext_if inet from $s3_if:network to any -> $ext_ad
> pass in on $s3_if inet from $s3_if:network to !$alt_if flags S/SA keep state
> pass in on $s3_if inet from $orion7 to !$alt_if flags S/SA keep state tag W
> OW_8
> pass out on $s3_if from any to $s3_if:network flags S/SA keep state
> pass out on $ext_if all keep state flags S/SA
> pass out on $ext_if route-to ( $wow_8_if $wow_8_gw ) all keep state flags 
> S/SA 
> tagged WOW_8_NAT
> ==

Perhaps try this (I didn't):
(and keep state is default now so that simplifies the rules)
nat on $ext_if   inet from $s3_if:network to any -> $ext_ad
nat on $wow_8_if inet from $s3_if:network to any -> $wow_8_ad1

pass in on $s3_if inet from $s3_if:network to !$alt_if
pass in on $s3_if route-to ( $wow_8_if $wow_8_gw ) \
inet from $orion7 to !$alt_if

pass out on $s3_if from any to $s3_if:network

pass out on $ext_if
pass out on $wow_8_if

You may also want some of the rules like are shown in the FAQ

  To ensure that packets with a source address belonging to $ext_if1 are
  always routed to $ext_gw1 (and similarly for $ext_if2 and $ext_gw2), the
  following two lines should be included in the ruleset:

pass out on $ext_if1 route-to ($ext_if2 $ext_gw2) from $ext_if2 \
   to any
pass out on $ext_if2 route-to ($ext_if1 $ext_gw1) from $ext_if1 \
   to any 

I am NOT sure that I am correct, but this may give you something else to

I also think tcpdump on the different external interfaces when you are
trying this would probably help a lot.

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BOFH excuse of the day: Not enough interrupts

Re: OpenBSD on decTOP?

2007-09-24 Thread Andrew Dyer
Maurice Janssen wrote:
> Sorry, it was a bit short.  What I meant to say: "5V,GND,RX,TX" sounds a
> bit like USB, instead of a good old RS-232 serial port that can be used
> as a serial console.
typically the USB lines are called VBUS, D+, D-, and GND.  I would guess
that is a serial port.  Send me one and I'll put a 'scope on it and see :-)

Re: Changes to sysctl mibs recently?

2007-08-10 Thread Andrew Smith


But no, this isn't the case on the Zaurus.

The hw.cpuspeed sysctl is a read only value.

The machdep.maxspeed was introduced to scale up and down the hw.setperf 
parameter on this system.

The Zaurus normally operates at 416Mhz, the sysctl.conf contains the line 
machdep.maxspeed=520 on the Zaurus.

I was going to set the maxspeed at that (worked on previous kernels) and the 
setperf value at 80 and vary it to 100 when I was running a build (along 
with atactl /dev/wd0c writecacheenable - I'm using a SanDisk Ultra III which 
provides write cache, can't remember if the Microdrive did).

Any more thoughts folks?

- Original Message - 
From: "Chris Kuethe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 4:51 PM
Subject: Re: Changes to sysctl mibs recently?

i think you might belooking in the wrong place... my zaurus is at home
right now, but on every other machine i have with adjustable cpu speed
the controls are hw.cpuspeed and hw.setperf.




I'm wondering if anyone can tell me about any recent changes in the 
sysctl mibs.

I notice that the current snapshot on my Zaurus doesn't seem to handle 
machdep.maxspeed any more and just says 'value is not available'.

OpenBSD 4.2 (GENERIC) #158: Wed Aug  8 15:32:05 MDT 2007

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/arch/zaurus/compile/GENERIC...


I also built a kernel and a new copy of sysctl from CVS and this doesn't 
seem to fix it either (although I haven't built the whole distro yet)

sysctl machdep seems to report only..

midge# sysctl machdep

Any ideas?


GDB has a 'break' feature; why doesn't it have 'fix' too?

Re: sendmail SMTP auth

2007-08-09 Thread andrew fresh
On Thu, Aug 09, 2007 at 03:34:09PM -0400, Mike Erdely wrote:
> 1. Put 'WANT_SMTPAUTH=1' in your /etc/mk.conf file.
> 2. Extract src.tar.gz to /usr/src.

2a. pkg_add cyrus-sasl

> 3. Rebuild sendmail.

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BOFH excuse of the day: sticktion

Re: Strange crashes started this morning

2007-07-23 Thread andrew fresh
On Thu, Jun 21, 2007 at 03:02:52PM -0700, Ted Unangst wrote:
> On 6/21/07, andrew fresh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I have several routers that have been running great for many months.
> >(even better since I upgraded to 4.1 on them oround May 4th)
> >
> >OpenBSD 4.1-stable (GENERIC.MP) #0: Fri May  4 21:56:51 MST 2007
> >
> >This morning, one of them went down and nagios paged me.  Getting to
> >work, I just thought it was odd, looked at the trace and restarted it
> >and went home.  About half an hour later, it happened again.  I again
> what happens if you push c and enter?

Finally got to find out.  The router DDBd again.  It isn't all that

ddb{1}> c
kernel: page fault trap, code=0
Stopped at  db_read_bytes+0x14: movb0(%edx),%al
ddb{0}> c
kernel: page fault trap, code=0
Stopped at  db_read_bytes+0x14: movb0(%edx),%al

And that same thing for the 10 or so times I tried it.

Below is the log, the first bit is the first time is DDBd, I didn't get
the full trace that time, but within about 5 minutes it did it again and
did get the trace, ps and even a show registers.

It has been OK again for about an hour, but if there is something else
that would probide more information, please let me know and if it
happens again I can try that.

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"When the grammar checker identifies an error, it suggests a
 correction and can even makes some changes for you."
 - Microsoft Word for Windows 2.0 User's Guide.

=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2007.07.23 13:10:58 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=

ddb{0}> sh panic
the kernel did not panic
ddb{0}> trace
db_read_bytes(0,1,e7f2fd5c,2,0) at db_read_bytes+0x14
db_get_value(0,1,0,d067dbc3,0) at db_get_value+0x19
db_disasm(0,0,d033f310,0,50) at db_disasm+0x1d
db_print_loc_and_inst(0,e7f2fe14,e7f2fe2c,d0473534,0) at db_print_loc_and_inst+
db_trap(6,0,e7f2fe4c,d04642dd,1) at db_trap+0x75
kdb_trap(6,0,e7f2fe94,50) at kdb_trap+0xe8
trap() at trap+0xa1
--- trap (number 6) ---
(null)(0,d1229240,0,e7f2e000,0) at 0
softclock(e7f20058,e7f20010,10,e7f20010,e7f2e000) at softclock+0x22c
Bad frame pointer: 0xe7f2ff20
ddb{0}> boot sync
syncing disks... panic: tsleep: not SONPROC
Stopped at  Debugger+0x4:   leave
ddb{0}> boot sync
>> OpenBSD/i386 BOOT 2.10
booting hd0a:/bsd: 
entry point at 0x200120*
[ using 553324 bytes of bsd ELF symbol table ]
Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2007 OpenBSD. All rights reserved.

OpenBSD 4.1-stable (GENERIC.MP) #0: Fri May  4 21:56:51 MST 2007
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/GENERIC.MP
cpu0: Intel Pentium III ("GenuineIntel" 686-class) 732 MHz
real mem  = 536436736 (523864K)
avail mem = 481710080 (470420K)
using 4278 buffers containing 26943488 bytes (26312K) of memory
mainbus0 (root)
bios0 at mainbus0: AT/286+ BIOS, date 08/04/03, BIOS32 rev. 0 @ 0xffe90, SMBIOS 
rev. 2.3 @ 0xfafc0 (51 entries)
bios0: Dell Computer Corporation PowerEdge 2450
pcibios0 at bios0: rev 2.1 @ 0xf/0x1
pcibios0: PCI IRQ Routing Table rev 1.0 @ 0xfc2c0/144 (7 entries)
pcibios0: PCI Interrupt Router at 000:15:0 ("ServerWorks OSB4" rev 0x00)
pcibios0: PCI bus #1 is the last bus
bios0: ROM list: 0xc/0x8000 0xc8000/0x6000 0xec000/0x4000!
acpi at mainbus0 not configured
mainbus0: Intel MP Specification (Version 1.4)
cpu0 at mainbus0: apid 1 (boot processor)
cpu0: apic clock running at 132 MHz
cpu1 at mainbus0: apid 0 (application processor)
cpu1: Intel Pentium III ("GenuineIntel" 686-class) 732 MHz
mainbus0: bus 0 is type PCI   
mainbus0: bus 1 is type PCI   
mainbus0: bus 2 is type PCI   
mainbus0: bus 3 is type PCI   
mainbus0: bus 4 is type ISA   
ioapic0 at mainbus0: apid 2 pa 0xfec0, version 11, 16 pins
ioapic0: misconfigured as apic 0, remapped to apid 2
ioapic1 at mainbus0: apid 3 pa 0xfec01000, version 11, 16 pins
ioapic1: misconfigured as apic 0, remapped to apid 3
esm0 a

Re: Strange crashes started this morning

2007-06-25 Thread andrew fresh
On Fri, Jun 22, 2007 at 11:27:11PM -0400, Alex Feldman wrote:
> Hi Andrew
> You crash dump doesn't show that it crashed on san driver. I'm saying that
> this is not the problem with san driver but it doesn't show any driver
> related function in crash trace. 

I do not see that either.  However, I am not familier with the internals
of the OpenBSD kernel.  Theo is, and he seems to think it is a san
issue.  At this point I trust his judgment above yours.

My suggestion would be to provide the documentation that the OpenBSD
team is looking for so that they can prove one way or another where the
problems are and improve the code for everyone.

> For both Andrew and Richard: 
> 1. If you can send me the crash trace that includes san driver function that
> will be helpful.

I expect that it would, unfortunatly, I cannot reproduce this problem on
command.  It only happened the one day so far and I have no idea what
caused it.

How about, while waiting for more information on this problem, you see
if you can do anything about a problem I can repeat.  It causes me no
end of trouble because it makes both routers DDB any time I soft boot
them.  That means I can't upgrade the version of OpenBSD on them

This I attribute to the san stuff because it doesn't happen in any of
the other machines I am running OpenBSD on.  You may notice that the
trace for this one also doesn't reference any san driver calls. 

You can see it in bug number 5404:

In bug 4484, someone else seems to have had similar issues:

Who knows, getting the OpenBSD developers the documentation they need so
they can fix that issue will coincidently fix the one I am complaining
about now.

> 2. Can you send me the configuration for ppp/Wanpipe and details instruction
> how to get this crash; I'll try to resolve this issue.

Here is the configuration on the interfaces that seemed to cause the
issue this last time.  They are they only lines I have that are
PROTO=ppp, the rest are HDLC (PROTO=cisco).

$ sudo sanconfig san2

Hardware configuration for san2:
AFT-A102   : SLOT=8 : BUS=0 : IRQ=10 : CPU=A : PORT=PRI

Interface configuration for san2:

$ sudo sanconfig san3

Hardware configuration for san3:
AFT-A102   : SLOT=8 : BUS=0 : IRQ=10 : CPU=B : PORT=PRI

Interface configuration for san3:

For the other, I will just quote what I wrote before.

> From: andrew fresh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > There are two resons I believe it is the Sangoma driver causing the
> > problem.
> > 
> > The first is the message from Theo that you can read in the archives
> > here:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > where he said "I suggest you call [Sangoma]".
> > 
> > 
> > The second being the logs.  They are in the messages linked above, but
> > just before the router locked up there were san messages in
> > /var/log/messages and on the console there is "san2: LCP keepalive
> > timeout".

And this:
> > I am not
> > sure what triggers this problem and it has not happened again since the
> > times mentioned in that email so it is fairly difficult to debug.

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BOFH excuse of the day: Pentium FDIV bug

Re: Strange crashes started this morning

2007-06-22 Thread andrew fresh
On Fri, Jun 22, 2007 at 04:45:34PM -0400, Alex Feldman wrote:
> Hello Andrew,
> I'm sorry for the delay. I don't have always time to got through mailing
> list.
> It is not so clear that the crash related to Sangoma driver. I would like to
> see the crash dump at that moment. This will help me to resolve the issue.

I included the trace and other information in my original message to the list.
You can see it in the archives here:

I also submitted that information to [EMAIL PROTECTED] from

There are two resons I believe it is the Sangoma driver causing the

The first is the message from Theo that you can read in the archives

where he said "I suggest you call [Sangoma]".

The second being the logs.  They are in the messages linked above, but
just before the router locked up there were san messages in
/var/log/messages and on the console there is "san2: LCP keepalive

Is there some additional information that you need that I can provide?
I believe everything is in that first message linked above.  I am not
sure what triggers this problem and it has not happened again since the
times mentioned in that email so it is fairly difficult to debug.

I worry that it will happen when I am not available to restart it and so
would like to get it resolved.

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A printer consists of three main parts:
the case, the jammed paper tray and the blinking red light.

Re: Strange crashes started this morning

2007-06-21 Thread andrew fresh
On Thu, Jun 21, 2007 at 03:29:04PM -0600, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> Sangoma has made it pretty clear (by ignoring problem reports
> from our developers) that they don't care at all.
> I suggest you call them, and add your voice there.

I certainly will.  Unfortunately I think these cards showed up on the
same day that the announcement about showed up in my

Is there anyone in particular I should ask to speak with there or just
anyone who answers the phone?

> Otherwise, I suggest that everyone running Sangoma projects
> learn from this experience...

I certainly would recommend a different card.  I am trying to replace
some of these with an ethernet connection but getting anything other
than T1s has been a problem here.

When I do get this fast ethernet line, does anyone want to trade 5 dual
port san(4) cards for 3 dual port art(4)?  :-) Otherwise I will have to
try to get a budget approved to just replace them.

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

At the source of every error which is blamed on the computer, you
will find at least two human errors, including the error of blaming
it on the computer.

Strange crashes started this morning

2007-06-21 Thread andrew fresh
100200  pftm   pfpurge
 7  0  0  0  3   0x2100200  wait   wskbd_hotkey
 6  0  0  0  3   0x2100200  usbtsk usbtask
 5  0  0  0  3   0x2100200  usbevt usb0
 4  0  0  0  3   0x2100200  timeoutsensors
 3  0  0  0  3   0x2100200  slacking   scsi
 2  0  0  0  3   0x2100200  kmallockmthread
 1  0  1  0  3   0x2004080  wait   init
 0 -1  0  0  3   0x2080200  scheduler  swapper
ddb{0}> trace
db_read_bytes(0,1,e7f2fd5c,2,0) at db_read_bytes+0x14
db_get_value(0,1,0,d067dbc3,0) at db_get_value+0x19
db_disasm(0,0,d033f310,0,50) at db_disasm+0x1d
db_print_loc_and_inst(0,e7f2fe14,e7f2fe2c,d0473534,0) at db_print_loc_and_inst+
db_trap(6,0,e7f2fe4c,d04642dd,1) at db_trap+0x75
kdb_trap(6,0,e7f2fe94,50) at kdb_trap+0xe8
trap() at trap+0xa1
--- trap (number 6) ---
(null)(0,0,0,d128cc40,0) at 0
softclock(58,e7f20010,10,e7f20010,e7f2e000) at softclock+0x22c
Bad frame pointer: 0xe7f2ff20
ddb{0}> machine ddb 1
Stopped at  Debugger+0x4:   leave
ddb{1}> trace
Debugger(d122cc00,d079f480,0,e7f31ecc,d05a9007) at Debugger+0x4
i386_ipi_handler(b0,58,10,d0790010,e7f30010) at i386_ipi_handler+0x57
Xintripi() at Xintripi+0x47
--- interrupt ---
i386_softintlock(0,d0460058,e7f30010,10,10) at i386_softintlock+0x65
Xintrltimer() at Xintrltimer+0x47
--- interrupt ---
apm_cpu_idle(0,0,0,0,0) at apm_cpu_idle+0x4a
ddb{1}> boot sync

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BOFH excuse of the day: Cow-tippers tipped a cow onto the server.

Re: OT: GUI programming languages

2007-05-08 Thread Andrew Swisher
On Mon, May 07, 2007 at 11:34:55AM -0500, Jacob Yocom-Piatt wrote:
> have been coding touchscreen-driven applications using visual basic 
> lately and am sick of VB. i would much rather be using openbsd with 
> another programming language that allows me to accomplish the same sort 
> of stuff.
> i have no "formal" CS background so am at a loss for good candidates. 
> the applications in question are "click here, prints something in a text 
> box, etc" ones that are not very complex. a language that allows me to 
> generate GUIs quickly and securely would be nice.

I would recommend taking a look at tcl/tk.  Both are in the
ports/packages collection.  I'm not familiar with VB (thank goodness),
but if it's consistant with everything else that shop rolls out, even
the most simple "Hello World" is gonna generate something bloated.

Tcl/Tk will require some (very) basic scripting skills.


i386 -> amd64 after motherboard swap

2007-05-02 Thread Andrew Hamilton-Wright
I am about to install a new motherboard to recover a hardware
failure on an OpenBSD machine.  The old MB had an Intel based
CPU, however the replacement will support AMD64.

The old install was 4.0; obviously I wish to move to 4.1 at
this time as well.

I therefore want to migrate as much of the old setup as possible
to the new kernel, and I am looking for advice on pitfalls in
the two following strategies (and therefore which one seems the
most direct):

1) install the amd64 system onto the root disk as a new "install",
   (ie; from CD), moving over important config from a preserved copy
   of the current /etc and /var after the first boot.

2) move to amd64 by performing an "upgrade" _on top of_ the existing
   i386 system, performing the usual upgrade path "final steps"
   to get things going.

3) "upgrade" 4.0 i386 -> 4.1 i368, and then "upgrade"
   4.1 i386 -> 4.1 amd64

There are existing binaries on this system I would like to keep
running (in 32-bit mode) if possible, but I want to avoid having
a pot-pourri of libs of various ages and compatibilities.  Can
someone provide insight into whether the amd64 upgrade will
provide 32-bit comptible copies of all libs in the 4.0 installation?

Any advice appreciated . . .


OpenBSD 4.1 Torrents

2007-05-01 Thread andrew fresh
Probably everyone knows already, but I just wanted to get the word out
that there are OpenBSD 4.1 torrents now on the torrent site:

So far they are mostly just the files off of the CDs, but as I get
synced up, the package torrents will update.

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BOFH excuse of the day: The Borg tried to assimilate your system.
Resistance is futile.

Re: jails in openbsd

2007-03-02 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 3/2/07, Lars D. NoodC)n <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yes.  I want to run several separate instances of Debian under OpenBSD.

I've started looking at sysjail

I'm not sure about sysjail, but in FreeBSD you can
set up a chroot/jail using any popular Linux distro
through the binary compatibility layer. Should not
be a problem with systrace, I think.

and can look at qemu.  Would there be any
special reasons to choose qemu over others, besides that it's available in

What others? Bochs has slowed down a bit and there's
not many alternative solutions right now.

Re: -current sensorsd doesn't work for me

2007-01-13 Thread andrew fresh
I am CC'ing tech@ not because I like to crosspost, but because I believe
this to be the end of a conversation on misc@ and the start of a
discussion on tech@ about hopefully getting this changed.

On Sat, Jan 13, 2007 at 10:11:24AM -0500, Constantine A. Murenin wrote:
> On 12/01/07, andrew fresh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I am trying to shut down my laptop using the voltage sensors.
> >Unfortunatly I can't test this with a generic kernel because all my
> >sensors on my only -current box come from the ACPI subsystem.
> >
> >The problem is, the limits don't seems to work:
> >
> >$ sysctl hw.sensors.acpibat0.volt1
> >hw.sensors.acpibat0.volt1=7.96 VDC (current voltage), OK
> >$ tail -3 /etc/sensorsd.conf
> >hw.sensors.acpibat0.volt1:low=8V:high=9V

no matter what I set, sensorsd always says "within limits".

> sensorsd.conf(5) says [that's how it is supposed to work]
> The following patch will allow you to set high and low values for
> volt0 and volt1 on acpibat in sensorsd:

I think would prefer this patch, or something like it, just in case I
want to override the choices someone made for other sensors.

I believe this diff adds useful functionality without losing anything.
However, I am NOT a C programmer, so I may have screwed something up.

Index: sensorsd.c
RCS file: /cvs/src/usr.sbin/sensorsd/sensorsd.c,v
retrieving revision 1.27
diff -u -r1.27 sensorsd.c
--- sensorsd.c  6 Jan 2007 18:17:06 -   1.27
+++ sensorsd.c  13 Jan 2007 18:15:12 -
@@ -218,7 +218,9 @@
 * status had failed so warn about it */
if (newstatus == SENSOR_S_UNKNOWN)
newstatus = SENSOR_S_WARN;
-   else if (newstatus == SENSOR_S_UNSPEC) {
+   else if (newstatus == SENSOR_S_UNSPEC ||
+   limit->upper != LLONG_MAX  ||
+   limit->lower != LLONG_MIN) {
if (sensor.value > limit->upper ||
sensor.value < limit->lower)
newstatus = SENSOR_S_CRIT;
Index: sensorsd.conf.5
RCS file: /cvs/src/usr.sbin/sensorsd/sensorsd.conf.5,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -r1.10 sensorsd.conf.5
--- sensorsd.conf.5 28 Dec 2006 10:04:27 -  1.10
+++ sensorsd.conf.5 13 Jan 2007 18:15:12 -
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@
 .Xr esm 4 ,
 .Xr ipmi 4 )
-do not require boundary values specified (that otherwise will be
-ignored) and simply trigger on status transitions.
+do not require boundary values specified and simply trigger on status
+transitions unless you specify either boundry.
 The command is executed on transitions out of, and back into, given limits.
 Tokens in the command are substituted as follows:

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - JID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BOFH excuse of the day: (l)user error

-current sensorsd doesn't work for me

2007-01-12 Thread andrew fresh
 irq 10
usb1 at uhci1: USB revision 1.0
uhub1 at usb1
uhub1: Intel UHCI root hub, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub1: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
uhci2 at pci0 dev 29 function 2 "Intel 82801FB USB" rev 0x03: irq 3
usb2 at uhci2: USB revision 1.0
uhub2 at usb2
uhub2: Intel UHCI root hub, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub2: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
uhci3 at pci0 dev 29 function 3 "Intel 82801FB USB" rev 0x03: irq 10
usb3 at uhci3: USB revision 1.0
uhub3 at usb3
uhub3: Intel UHCI root hub, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub3: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
ehci0 at pci0 dev 29 function 7 "Intel 82801FB USB" rev 0x03: irq 10
usb4 at ehci0: USB revision 2.0
uhub4 at usb4
uhub4: Intel EHCI root hub, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub4: 8 ports with 8 removable, self powered
ppb0 at pci0 dev 30 function 0 "Intel 82801BAM Hub-to-PCI" rev 0xd3
pci1 at ppb0 bus 6
cbb0 at pci1 dev 5 function 0 "TI PCI7XX1 CardBus" rev 0x00: irq 3
"TI PCI7XX1 FireWire" rev 0x00 at pci1 dev 5 function 2 not configured
"TI PCI7XX1 Flash" rev 0x00 at pci1 dev 5 function 3 not configured
sdhc0 at pci1 dev 5 function 4 "TI PCI7XX1 Secure Data" rev 0x00: irq 3
sdmmc0 at sdhc0
sdmmc1 at sdhc0
sdmmc2 at sdhc0
fxp0 at pci1 dev 8 function 0 "Intel 82801GB LAN" rev 0x03, i82562: irq 10, 
address 00:01:4a:f6:95:7d
inphy0 at fxp0 phy 1: i82562EM 10/100 PHY, rev. 0
iwi0 at pci1 dev 11 function 0 "Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG" rev 0x05: irq 10, 
address 00:16:6f:64:a8:38
cbb0: bad Vcc request. sock_ctrl 0xff88, sock_status 0x
cardslot0 at cbb0 slot 0 flags 0
cardbus0 at cardslot0: bus 7 device 0 cacheline 0x10, lattimer 0x40
pcmcia0 at cardslot0
ichpcib0 at pci0 dev 31 function 0 "Intel 82801FBM LPC" rev 0x03: PM disabled
pciide0 at pci0 dev 31 function 1 "Intel 82801FB IDE" rev 0x03: DMA, channel 0 
configured to compatibility, channel 1 configured to compatibility
wd0 at pciide0 channel 0 drive 0: 
wd0: 16-sector PIO, LBA48, 76319MB, 156301488 sectors
atapiscsi0 at pciide0 channel 0 drive 1
scsibus0 at atapiscsi0: 2 targets
cd0 at scsibus0 targ 0 lun 0:  SCSI0 5/cdrom removable
wd0(pciide0:0:0): using PIO mode 4, Ultra-DMA mode 5
cd0(pciide0:0:1): using PIO mode 4, Ultra-DMA mode 2
pciide0: channel 1 ignored (disabled)
ichiic0 at pci0 dev 31 function 3 "Intel 82801FB SMBus" rev 0x03: polling
iic0 at ichiic0
isa0 at ichpcib0
isadma0 at isa0
pckbc0 at isa0 port 0x60/5
pckbd0 at pckbc0 (kbd slot)
pckbc0: using irq 1 for kbd slot
wskbd0 at pckbd0: console keyboard, using wsdisplay0
pms0 at pckbc0 (aux slot)
pckbc0: using irq 12 for aux slot
wsmouse0 at pms0 mux 0
pcppi0 at isa0 port 0x61
midi0 at pcppi0: 
spkr0 at pcppi0
npx0 at isa0 port 0xf0/16: reported by CPUID; using exception 16
biomask edfd netmask edfd ttymask 
pctr: 686-class user-level performance counters enabled
mtrr: Pentium Pro MTRR support
ugen0 at uhub2 port 1
ugen0: ALPS UGX, rev 2.00/19.15, addr 2
dkcsum: wd0 matches BIOS drive 0x80
root on wd0a
rootdev=0x0 rrootdev=0x300 rawdev=0x302

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - JID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BOFH excuse of the day: Software uses US measurements, but the OS is in

Nagios check_hw_sensors for the new two level sensors

2007-01-05 Thread andrew fresh
I am doing better this time, I saw that the sensors output changed, and
I am running -current on my laptop :-)  

However, that doesn't give me a lot of sensors to try, so if you are
using Nagios and -current or just want to try it, grab version 1.22 of
check_hw_sensors and let me know about anything that is broken.  

If you do have problems, if you could include the output from sysctl
hw.sensors with any reports, I can see what I can do.

The latest version is available here:

and should still work on older versions of OpenBSD.

A direct download link for 1.22 is here:

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - JID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BOFH excuse of the day: The hardware bus needs a new token.

Re: .forward for procmail

2007-01-03 Thread Andrew Dalgleish
On Wed, Jan 03, 2007 at 07:47:12PM -0500, Exal de jesus Garcia Carrillo wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi list, does anyone knows which is the apropiate way for a 
> .forward on openbsd?, I have tryed with "|IFS=' ' && exec /usr/bin/procmail 
> -f- || exit 75 #exal" but doesn't work.

I use "|exec /usr/local/bin/procmail".
Are you sure your procmail is in /usr/bin?

Andrew Dalgleish

Re: What it this mean?

2006-12-13 Thread andrew fresh
On Mon, Dec 11, 2006 at 09:16:50AM -0700, Carlos A. Garcia G wrote:
> i have recived a mail from the server with this information
> Checking setuid/setgid files and devices:
> Setuid/device find errors:
> find: /tmp/PerlIO_W32319: No such file or directory
> what is it? and what can i do to fix the problem?

Since amazingly no one else has written in with the "correct" answer:

This output comes from the "daily insecurity output" email.

It is caused by the find for new/updated set[ug]id files in
/etc/security.  It is generated when find attempts to enter a directory
that was there when listing the contents parent directory but was
removed before find had a chance to traverse it.

I get these errors regularly on my servers running mimedefang as there
are generally quite a few directories in /var/spool/mimedefang that get
created and deleted quickly.

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - JID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BOFH excuse of the day: Communications satellite used by the military
for star wars.

Re: One new Soekris net4801-50 available in Moscow

2006-12-08 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

Sold. Sorry for the noise.

One new Soekris net4801-50 available in Moscow

2006-12-07 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin


Wim Vandeputte QQP?P5QP=P> P?QP>P1QP0P;QQ P: P=P0P< P2
Soekris net4801-50 (10480151).

net4801-50: 266 Mhz CPU, 128 Mbyte SDRAM,
3 Ethernet, 2 serial, USB connector, CF socket,
44 pins IDE connector, 1 Mini-PCI socket, 3.3V
PCI connector.


P2P>QP:QP5QP5P=QQ, 10 P4P5P:P0P1QQ 2006 P3P>P4P0.


New version of check_hw_sensors to support the sysctl hw.sensors output changes

2006-12-05 Thread andrew fresh
Ahh the joys of not enough time to follow -current.  

I am finally working on upgrading my machines to 4.0 and have found that
in sysctl.c v1.135[1], Otto changed the output to be simpler[2].
However, I was using some of the output that is now gone for my Nagios
check[3] so the old version is broken.  

That means there is now a new version[4] available that works on OpenBSD
4.0.  I have not done extensive testing, but it seems to work so far.


andrew - ICQ# 253198 - JID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BOFH excuse of the day: Atilla the Hub

Re: httpd segmentation fault in 3.9

2006-11-27 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 11/26/06, Marcos Laufer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi there, i'm noticing crashes in httpd.
I installed phpMyAdmin-2.7.0p0 from packages, configured it with http auth ,
and when i access it with a browser sometimes the httpd gets crashed:

[Sun Nov 26 13:48:03 2006] [notice] child pid 6618 exit signal Segmentation
fault (11)
[Sun Nov 26 13:48:04 2006] [notice] child pid 20635 exit signal Segmentation
fault (11)

The OS is OpenBSD 3.9 stable, GENERIC kernel . httpd is chrooted.

I downloaded an newer version of phpMyAdmin from their site (
and an older one (2.6.0pl2) and that crash doesn't happen.

We have the very same crash with Apache+PHP on FreeBSD
and it's clearly php related. There are similar bug reports [1]
everywhere. Consider it an average programming error, although
it might be directly related to php.ini settings.


Re: router wont stop sending icmp redirects

2006-11-16 Thread Andrew Smith
net.inet.ip.redirect = 0 

Means that the machine will not "honour" redirects.

The value is used to ignore redirects sent by routers not to disable sending
of redirects if you happen to be running as a router.


-Original Message-
tobias Freitag
Sent: 16 November 2006 02:01
Subject: router wont stop sending icmp redirects

Hi list,

I am trying to implement a transparent proxy using the pf rdr action but my 
clients ignore the icmp redirects that are send out by the openbsd box. I 
tried to get it to use adress translation instead, but no avail.

The box is set to router mode (net.inet.ip.forwarding=1) and sending of 
redirects is switched off (net.inet.ip.redirect=0) but shamelessly ignored.

Any ideas?

Tobias Freitag
Der GMX SmartSurfer hilft bis zu 70% Ihrer Onlinekosten zu sparen! 
Ideal f|r Modem und ISDN:

Re: multiple openbsd installs on the same disk

2006-11-14 Thread Andrew Dalgleish
On Tue, Nov 14, 2006 at 09:43:44PM +0100, frantisek holop wrote:
> hi there,
> 4.0 is here so time for my second annual reinstall on my notebook.
> i have come to the conclusion that it would be nice to have a
> "production" system and a "development" system.  i need a stable
> system to work with (stable packages i don't have to manually
> compile, etc, etc.)  on the dev system i'd like to track current.
> but.  because i have only one notebook, these system should be on
> the same physical harddisk.
> the only recent thread i have seen is about dual booting with netbsd:
> i am not an mbr/disklabel guru, but it seems to me that it all comes
> down to disklabel becasue i can have 4 primary partitions, but if i
> interpret it correctly, i can't have seperate 'a' and 'b' (and so on)
> for all of these primary partitions, now can i?
> would it make sense to make every primary partition into an isolated
> seperate disklabel entity?  i know this wouldn't be a trivial change
> of course, but is it possible at all?

It isn't needed.

I have multiple versions on my laptop.

In the MBR, create a *single* partition for OpenBSD.

In that partition, disklabel to create your slices as needed for
your 'stable' system, plus one for the 'dev' system (mine is hd0h).
(As Nick says in the FAQ, don't allocate all of the space, you
never know when you might need it for another partition.)

Boot from the install CD, cross your fingers and be *very* careful
to specify hd0h as the root when setting up the 'dev' system.

When you want to boot into the 'dev' system, enter "hd0h:/bsd" at
the boot prompt. (I use a boot manager which can stuff keystrokes
into the BIOS).

If you are brave, you can mount partitions (eg /home) from your
'stable' system into your 'dev' system, but that is probably not
a good idea.

> or should i just go with virtualization?
> is it in that state already that i can?

I use qemu for quick-and-dirty tests.  It works, but is a bit slow.

Andrew Dalgleish

Re: Moscow 6-10 December

2006-11-05 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 11/5/06, Wim Vandeputte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I will be in Moscow in December from the 6th to the 9th and would like
to meet up with some OpenBSD users, please contact me if you have
local knowledge, especially if you know of a place called B1 in

How about some FreeBSD devs? I'll probably be available
on one of the days. Ordzhonikidze is a long way from
where I live in Moscow, but don't hesitate to give me
a call at +79165834370 if you need any help.

OpenBSD 4.0 torrents available

2006-11-01 Thread andrew fresh
Torrents for OpenBSD 4.0 are now available from:

Not everything is synced yet, but the mirror is running and new torrents
will be posted as they are generated.  The only things that should
really change are the package torrents and additional architectures.

As the torrents are unofficial, I would recommend that you grab a CKSUM
or MD5 file from an official mirror and check it against the files that
you downloaded.

Please, be sure to donate to the project.

The paypal subscriptions are very convenient.

Latest version torrents are generally available here:

and of course, all available torrents are listed on the main page:

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - JID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BOFH excuse of the day: permission denied

Re: trouble setting up a freebsd program

2006-10-26 Thread Andrew Daugherity

First, read through the compat_freebsd (8) man page.

Some points to note:
-The 'ldd' command being run in your excerpts is most likely the
OpenBSD /usr/bin/ldd, which is not going to work properly with
binaries compiled for other OSes.  You need a FreeBSD 'ldd' binary;
preferably as  /emul/freebsd/usr/bin/ldd.  (Note that the ldd examples
in the compat_freebsd(8) man page refer to running ldd on a FreeBSD
system.)  Symlinking that to something like
/usr/local/bin/ldd-freebsd, so you can then invoke it as
'ldd-freebsd', avoiding any confusion, is also a good idea.

-I assume you have the emulators/freebsd_lib port/pkg already
installed.  I don't see usr/bin/ldd in the PLIST, so you may want to
grab that from a FreeBSD 4.11 machine or FTP archive (since that is
the version of libraries in the freebsd_lib pkg).

-FreeBSD programs and files don't have to live under /emul/freebsd,
but it's a good idea.  If they include files also in the OpenBSD
system, they must go there so they don't clobber the OpenBSD files.

Most of the same concepts also apply to Linux emulation.


Re: What would you do with field defect rate predictions?

2006-10-24 Thread Andrew Dalgleish
On Wed, Oct 25, 2006 at 12:01:47AM -0400, Paul Luo Li wrote:
> Thank you very much for the response.
> By "field defect" I mean a PR in the Bug Tracking system of the Class
> sw-bug.
> I was wondering if you think predictions at the time of release of the
> number of field defects in each month after release can help:
> -allocate resources, such as having enough people available to fix problems
> -adjust the deployment date, like pushing back the release, or
> -identify possible ways of improving the process, assuming that the
> predictions are made using software metrics, such as the number of changes
> to the code  

You might want to check out Michael Lyu's "Handbook of Software
Reliability Engineering"
(You can now download all 800+ pages in pdf.)

Andrew Dalgleish

Thank you OpenBSD, the sensors framework ROX!

2006-10-24 Thread andrew fresh
I just want to say thank you to the OpenBSD team.

Over the weekend, one of our OpenBSD servers[1] had a fan die.  Thanks to
the sensors framework, and the Nagios[2] plugin I wrote[3], I found out
it was broken, and I could also tell that the rest of the fans in the
server were doing a fine job keeping it cool.  That means I was able to
replace the fan at my convienience.  Without the sensors framework, I
would probably not have noticed the fan being out until more fans died
and the server overheated.

[1] It one of our Internet routers, running OpenBGPd[4]
[3] I swear this isn't an advertisement, but here's the link[5]
[4] Thanks for OpenBGPd too!

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - JID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BOFH excuse of the day: Stale file handle (next time use

Re: Oldest Server you run

2006-10-12 Thread Andrew Swisher
On Thu, Oct 12, 2006 at 08:54:35PM +0200, Falk Husemann wrote:
> Hello List!
> We're trying to put an old server to good use again and would like to  
> know what's exactly the oldest machine running OpenBSD?

At my place of work, I have an old "cakebox" Sparc IPX 25 (40??)MHz with
16 MB RAM, 2GB HHDcirca 1992-3.  It runs dns, ssh, and nothing else.

It's been sitting on a "special" network that's completely isolated from
the internet since approx 1998.  I haven't had the heart to bury that
thing yet :-)


Re: gcc and variable length arrays

2006-10-09 Thread Andrew Pinski
On Mon, 2006-10-09 at 22:07 -0700, Joe wrote:
> I'm trying to find a compiler that supports variable length arrays.
> I'm currently taking a computer science class and noticed that gcc's 
> support for variable lenght arrays is "broken" [0].

The reason why it is broken is not the reason why you think.  But it
just accepts too much invalid code.

Well there are some other bugs but most you will not hit unless you use

-- Pinski

Re: Looking for HowTo instructions ...

2006-10-02 Thread Andrew Reilly
On Mon, Oct 02, 2006 at 08:21:30PM +0200, Manuel Bouyer wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 02, 2006 at 12:02:34AM -0300, Marc G. Fournier wrote:
> > 
> > The point of using periodic, at least under FreeBSD, is that there is a 
> > 'report' that is issued at the end of the monthly periodic run letting the 
> > admin know the status of various things on their servers ...
> > 
> > So, for instance, it would give them a monthly reminder that the script 
> > *is* running on their machine ...
> The standard output and errors of cron jobs is mailed to the owner of the
> cron tab. I'm not sure what periodic can do more in this area.

It just saves you from getting multiple messages.  Putting a
script in /etc/periodic/monthly is exactly the same as adding
that script onto/into /etc/monthly.local.  In fact, FreeBSD still
has /etc/monthly.local, which is run by /etc/monthly/999.local.

Part of the "adding and removing scripts from directories is
easier for the package management system than sed scripts"
theory, I suspect.



Re: OT: Adaptec SATA Raid controllers

2006-09-16 Thread Andrew Smith
Yeah, sorry Theo, I did post it as OT, I value this groups input greatly but
point taken.


-Original Message-
Theo de Raadt
Sent: 16 September 2006 20:59
To: Andrew Smith
Cc: 'OpenBSD-misc list'
Subject: Re: OT: Adaptec SATA Raid controllers 

You really have come to the wrong mailing list.  This is a mailing
list about OpenBSD.

It is not a mailing list about SATA or SATA reliability.  Nor is not a
mailing list setup to assist you in fulfilling your contracts.

It is about OpenBSD (which you do not mention), and which does not
support those controllers you mention.

Please stay on topic.

> I have just taken a contract at a company for to help with driving some
> procedure into their IT services to meet their growth demands. As an aside
> have picked up on discussions about number of failures of SATA RAID
> subsystems using Adaptec 2610SA controllers provided by HP (running under
> various OS).
> They actually seem to be getting drives failing at an alarming rate and
> actually getting occasional file system corruptions when this happens
> (typically on RAID 5 configurations).
> I have never encountered hot swap on SATA before and am wondering if
> knows SATA well and can provide some info about SATA reliability in hot
> environments.
> -Andy

OT: Adaptec SATA Raid controllers

2006-09-16 Thread Andrew Smith


I have just taken a contract at a company for to help with driving some
procedure into their IT services to meet their growth demands. As an aside I
have picked up on discussions about number of failures of SATA RAID
subsystems using Adaptec 2610SA controllers provided by HP (running under
various OS).


They actually seem to be getting drives failing at an alarming rate and are
actually getting occasional file system corruptions when this happens
(typically on RAID 5 configurations).


I have never encountered hot swap on SATA before and am wondering if anybody
knows SATA well and can provide some info about SATA reliability in hot plug



Re: Rotate many Apache logfiles

2006-09-15 Thread Andrew Dalgleish
On Fri, Sep 15, 2006 at 02:57:57PM +0200, Mackan wrote:
> Hi!
> What is the preferred way of rotating Apache's logfiles?
> I have many virtual domains, each with its own access and error logfile.
> I'm using CustomLog, not TransferLog.  Apache is chrooted.
> Adding every logfile to /etc/newsyslog.conf is one way, but hard to
> maintain.  Is Apache's own rotatelogs program the way to go?

I use newsyslog.

With make and m4, nothing is hard to maintain.

Andrew Dalgleish

Re: Low priority or real coders

2006-09-13 Thread Andrew Dalgleish
On Wed, Sep 13, 2006 at 11:49:29PM -0400, steve szmidt wrote:
> I don't get very emotional about either one and try to keep things simple. 
> I'm 
> curious to see how many not equally hard core users prefer vi over vim when 
> having a choice.

These days I mostly use vi, because it is already there.

I used to prefer vim, but it is heading down the emacs path.
Nice OS, but it needs a good editor.

anyone have a recipe for shaping torrent traffic with pf + snort ?

2006-09-08 Thread Andrew Atrens
Hash: SHA1

Hey Folks,

Looking for a simple way to tag bittorent connections based on packet content 
so that I can shape
them with pf/altq...

Heard it can be done with a combination of pf and snort .. googled some old 
references to a
now-defunct freshmeat project called 'snortpf'.

Anyone have a recipe or outline for how this might be done ?


Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


securelevel(7) and machdep.allowaperture

2006-08-18 Thread Andrew Smith
Just a question about the man page securelevel(7) really.


It doesn't mention that for architectures where the aperture is enabled that
the aperture value can only be lowered once in securelevel 1 or higher.


Is this intentionally omitted because some architectures may not have it?
and if so, is there not some incongruity in having it mentioned in the
sysctl pages.



Re: mfs for /var and dhclient

2006-08-10 Thread Andrew Dalgleish
On Thu, Aug 10, 2006 at 09:38:20AM -0700, Riley McIntire wrote:
> Hmmm, so line 201, ``mount -a -t nonfs'' gets all non nfs mounts. Line
> 259 & 260 get nfs mounts of /usr and /var, after starting the network.
> But there would still be a problem with an nfs mount'd /var if
> dhclient was used, no? And with  an mfs ``mount /var'' succeeds twice.

There'd be a problem with nfs mounted anything before dhclient is run.
The N stands for network...

Andrew Dalgleish

Re: cd subdir; cd .. doesn't preserve working directory

2006-08-09 Thread Andrew Pinski
> Bug in OpenBSD 3.9?
> PROTECTED]:/usr/local/lib/qt3/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib$
>  cd lib; cd ..
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/lib$
> Shouldn't the correct answer be
> PROTECTED]:/usr/local/lib/qt3/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib/lib$
> ?
> If you do cd subdir; cd .. I guess you should end up in the same working 
> directory as before.

Actually no that is not the correct answer with symbolic links.  What is 
currently done
is correct as .. is /usr/local/lib.

-- Pinski

Re: Run script on cd insertion

2006-08-04 Thread andrew fresh
On Fri, Aug 04, 2006 at 04:13:26PM -0700, Michael Coulter wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 01, 2006 at 02:28:25PM -0700, andrew fresh wrote:
> > I am in need the ability to run a script when a cd is inserted.  I am
> > not finding any way of getting notified when that happens, so I am
> > asking here.  If not, I can just loop cdio info and check for a disk.  
> > 
> > Is there something that will run a script when I insert a CD?
> If you grab a copy of INF-8090.pdf, have a look at Appendix E.
> It would probably require a little bit of programming, but
> if you want to do this nicely, it appears to be the right way.

That doc says that:

Current ATAPI implementations do not support queuing nor
overlap, so the immediate mode must be used.

and that: 

The Immediate mode allows the host to periodically poll the
device to find events and examine status. 

So it sounds like no matter what you have to poll for the disk being
inserted.  It MAY be less work for the system if that feature were added
somewhere and then hotplug (or something) were notified, but for my
purpose, when not burning disks there is plenty of CPU so for now
while [ true ]; do burn_disc; sleep 3; done
is a good enough solution.

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - JID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BOFH excuse of the day: Someone was smoking in the computer room and
set off the halon systems.

Re: Run script on cd insertion

2006-08-04 Thread andrew fresh
On Wed, Aug 02, 2006 at 07:29:42PM -0500, L. V. Lammert wrote:
> At 12:16 PM 8/2/2006 -0700, andrew fresh wrote:
> >> I never checked for CD's, but hotplugd might say something when it is
> >> inserted, I know it works for USB disks.
> >
> >AFAIK hotplug only works for drives not disks.  My testing just now
> >shows that hotplugd does not see an event when I put in a CD
> You're on the wrong track:

that assumes you have something like this installed on your linux box.

And, although in the sourceforge category it claims
"Operating System: All POSIX (Linux/BSD/UNIX-like OSes), Linux", it
appears that they really mean linux.

It also appears, from what little C++ I can guess the meaning of, that it
just loops, checking the cd devices to see if they are ready and mounts
them if they are.

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - JID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BOFH excuse of the day: Traceroute says that there is a routing problem
in the backbone.  It's not our problem.

Re: Multi-tabbed Terminal

2006-08-04 Thread Andrew Smith
The last time I looked at this there seemed to be only gnome-terminal and
Konsole in the ports tree that fulfilled this. Neither of these could really
be considered light weight though.

I will watch this thread with interest if anyone has a port of something
decent that is small enough to run effectively on my Zaurus :P


-Original Message-
Clint Pachl
Sent: 04 August 2006 18:03
To: OpenBSD-misc list
Subject: Multi-tabbed Terminal

Can anyone recommend a light-weight multi-tabbed terminal for OBSD 3.9? 
I looked through the i386 packages, but didn't notice any. I'm using FVWM2.

I have used mrxvt,, on FreeBSD in the past and 
really liked it; minimal dependencies and small memory foot print. I 
just tried to compile mrxvt-0.4.2 on OBSD, but it failed.


Re: Run script on cd insertion

2006-08-02 Thread andrew fresh
On Tue, Aug 01, 2006 at 08:53:15PM -0400, Jeff Quast wrote:
> On 8/1/06, andrew fresh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I am in need the ability to run a script when a cd is inserted.  I am
> >not finding any way of getting notified when that happens, so I am
> >asking here.  If not, I can just loop cdio info and check for a disk.
> >
> >Is there something that will run a script when I insert a CD?
> >
> I never checked for CD's, but hotplugd might say something when it is
> inserted, I know it works for USB disks.

AFAIK hotplug only works for drives not disks.  My testing just now
shows that hotplugd does not see an event when I put in a CD

> If it doesn't, and you write a patch to make it say something, it
> might be appreciated.

ya, that takes more C than I know at the moment, or that I have time to

> Of course, I would never do anything with it. But for headless
> systems, it might be nice 'feature' for very certain situations.
> Never mentioned what you need it for..

What I am using it for is a CD burning machine.  We are an ISP and have
a CD that we give to our customers.  It has a wizard that sets up their
windows box to dial up and configures their email client.  It also has
some other software on it that we find handy if they don't have to
download.  Firefox, Thunderbird, AVG Antivirus, Windows service packs,
stuff that is faster to drive and get a CD than it is to download over a

Most people don't need this, so it has not been cost effective to have
them professionally pressed.  Plus, doing it ourselves allows us to put
new versions of the software on the disk more frequently.

I have a script that uses the new cd burning capabilities of cdio to
burn an iso onto a CD.  For now I just have to have a loop that checks
for a disk and burns it if one is inserted, what I would prefer is to
just have the script run when a CD is put in.

--- BEGIN burn_disk ---


# You can run this like:
# while [ true ]; do burn_disk ; sleep 3 ; done

export DISC=cd0
export ISO=rraz.iso

TRACK=`cdio -s info 2> /dev/null | cut -d " " -f 1`

if [ X"$TRACK" = X"" ]; then
echo No CD inserted, abort!
exit 255

if [ "$TRACK" -gt 0 ]; then
echo disk is not blank, abort!
echo "o2EC" > /dev/speaker 
cdio eject
exit 255

if [ "$TRACK" -eq 0 ]; then
echo Disk is blank, we are go for burn!
cdio tao $ISO
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then 
echo "" > /dev/speaker 
cdio eject
echo Error with burn!
echo "o2EC" > /dev/speaker 
cdio eject
exit 255


--- END burn_disk ---

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - JID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BOFH excuse of the day: Robotic tape changer mistook operator's tie for
a backup tape.

Run script on cd insertion

2006-08-01 Thread andrew fresh
I am in need the ability to run a script when a cd is inserted.  I am
not finding any way of getting notified when that happens, so I am
asking here.  If not, I can just loop cdio info and check for a disk.  

Is there something that will run a script when I insert a CD?

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - JID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BOFH excuse of the day: Sand fleas eating the Internet cables

Re: OpenBSD's own compiler

2006-07-31 Thread Andrew Pinski
> I'm becoming slightly more cynical about testing any piece of C code with 
> optimization turned on in GCC.

And you think this will be different with anyother compiler, you have to
be joking.

-- Pinski
a GCC developer that actually tries to take pride in the recent development of 

Re: Nagios check_bioctl available

2006-07-31 Thread andrew fresh
On Sun, Jul 30, 2006 at 03:03:26AM +0200, Wijnand Wiersma wrote:
> 2006/7/29, andrew fresh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >One thing I ran into is that bioctl needs to run as root to get access
> >to /dev/bio, even for read only access.  Is there a way to query bioctl
> >without needing root?
> Well, I think you only need the status of the drives and that is
> availlable using sysctl hw.sensors in current (you already mentioned
> sysctl). A monitoring system should not use the capabilities of
> bioctl, it just needs to know the status and report that.

If that is the case, then this check will become obsolete.  That would
be nice!  I will have to go put -current on my test box and try it out.  

As it is, on my 3.9-stable box, the output from sysctl if it is
available does not seem very reliable:

hw.sensors.29=esm0, Drive 0, drive, online
hw.sensors.30=esm0, Drive 1, drive, online
hw.sensors.31=esm0, Drive 2, drive, unknown
hw.sensors.32=esm0, Drive 3, drive, unknown
hw.sensors.33=esm0, Drive 4, drive, online
hw.sensors.34=esm0, Drive 5, drive, online
hw.sensors.35=esm0, Drive 6, drive, unknown
hw.sensors.36=esm0, Drive 7, drive, unknown

$ sudo bioctl ami0
Volume  Status Size   Device
 ami0 0 Online 8984199168 sd0 RAID1
  0 Online 8984199168 0:0.0   safte0 
  1 Online 8984199168 0:1.0   safte0 
 ami0 1 Online36234592256 sd1 RAID10
  0 Online18117296128 0:3.0   safte0 
  1 Online18117296128 0:4.0   safte0 
  2 Online18117296128 0:5.0   safte0 
  3 Online18117296128 0:8.0   safte0 
 ami0 2 Hot spare  8984199168 0:2.0   safte0 
 ami0 3 Hot spare 18117296128 0:9.0   safte0 

The rest of the sensors seem mostly correct though, and there are sure
enough of them!

$ sysctl hw.sensors | tail -1
hw.sensors.99=safte0, temp1, OK, temp, 27.78 degC / 82.00 degF

Also, on another box that has external disk box connected with ses, I
don't get any status for those disks in sysctl.  The disks that are
actually in the server are using safte and those show up in sysctl.  I
don't know why, so now I have this check :-)

> Now that I think of it, I should add support to the upwatch monitoring
> system too, but I am not that lucky to have hardware to actually test
> it :-)

If the information is available in sysctl in 4.0, that would be the
check to integrate.

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - JID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BOFH excuse of the day: dynamic software linking table corrupted

Re: Nagios check_bioctl available

2006-07-31 Thread andrew fresh
On Fri, Jul 28, 2006 at 09:17:28PM -0500, Marco Peereboom wrote:
> andrew fresh wrote:
> >I have written a perl script that parses the output from bioctl and
> >returns it in a format that Nagios can use.  
> Sweet :-)


> >One thing I ran into is that bioctl needs to run as root to get access
> >to /dev/bio, even for read only access.  Is there a way to query bioctl
> >without needing root?
> No!

dang! oh well, sudo is a good enough solution then.  

> >Also, in biovar.h, both a raid volume and a disk can be "Offline".
> >However, I am not sure what that means.  Currently it is a WARNING, but
> >I don't know what status it should be set to.
> If 2 or more physical disks of a RAID 5 are offline a volume will be 
> marked offline as well.  An offline RAID 5 is obviously a critical 
> event.  Hope this makes sense since I am not exactly sure what you are 
> asking.

I will change Offline to be a CRITICAL error.  

and here is the new version:

However, I guess my question is what would cause a disk to be Offline?

There is a separate status for Failed, and I could see the RAID being
Offline if too many disks had Failed.

Are there any other status that should be different?  They seemed to be
fairly straight forward, but there may be good arguments for them to be

my %Status_Map = (
Online  => 'OK',
Offline => 'CRITICAL',
Degraded=> 'CRITICAL',
Failed  => 'CRITICAL',
Building=> 'WARNING',
Rebuild     => 'WARNING',
'Hot spare' => 'OK',
Unused  => 'OK',
Scrubbing   => 'WARNING',
Invalid => 'CRITICAL',

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - JID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BOFH excuse of the day: Windows 95 undocumented "feature"

Nagios check_bioctl available

2006-07-28 Thread andrew fresh
I have written a perl script that parses the output from bioctl and
returns it in a format that Nagios can use.  

check_bioctl is avaliable here:

It is useful to me, and so I thought it might be useful to someone else.  

I wrote this on OpenBSD 3.9 and tested on Dell PERC 3/DC controllers
using the ami driver. It should work just fine on other versions of
OpenBSD as well as with other cards and drivers. If you do run into
trouble, send me the output from bioctl on the system you are having
trouble with and I can try to help. Patches to fix problems would be
even better.

One thing I ran into is that bioctl needs to run as root to get access
to /dev/bio, even for read only access.  Is there a way to query bioctl
without needing root?

Also, in biovar.h, both a raid volume and a disk can be "Offline".
However, I am not sure what that means.  Currently it is a WARNING, but
I don't know what status it should be set to.

If anyone knows what the "Offline" status means, I would sure like to

An additional useful feature is that you can specify multiple devices to
check in a single check

/usr/local/libexec/nagios/check_bioctl -d ami0 -d ami1

Output is similar to below, except with NAGIOS_OUTPUT set to 1 in the
source (as it usually is) all output is on a single line separated with
 and it hides any devices that are OK because Nagios has a limit on
the length of a response.

   ami0 sd1 Degraded
   ami0 0:8.0 Rebuild 
OK (7):
   ami0 sd0 Online
   ami0 0:0.0 Online 
   ami0 0:1.0 Online 
   ami0 0:3.0 Online 
   ami0 0:4.0 Online 
   ami0 0:5.0 Online 
   ami0 0:2.0 Hot spare 

I currently configure it something like this:

$ grep check_bioctl /etc/sudoers /etc/nrpe.cfg
/etc/sudoers:_nrpe   ALL = NOPASSWD:/usr/local/libexec/nagios/check_bioctl -d 
/usr/local/libexec/nagios/check_bioctl -d ami0

Also available is check_hw_sensors for checking of sysctl hw.sensors
from Nagios.

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - JID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BOFH excuse of the day: YOU HAVE AN I/O ERROR -> Incompetent Operator

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