Re: XML vs Perl (Re: separating C from V in MVC)

2002-06-13 Thread Matt Sergeant

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 13 June 2002 6:20 am, Rob Nagler wrote:
 Matt Sergeant writes:
   This assumes you need XML in the first place.
  No, it does not. The rest of my post spoke about XML as a
  data format and set of tools, not as a syntax. Please stop
  thinking about XML as syntax!!

 If my entire system is written in Perl, why do I need XML as a data

Need is *not* what I said. But anyway, I already said: because of the tools.

Perl has nothing that even comes close to SAX as a clean way of doing the 
unix-like thing of having small tools to do just one job when it comes to 
data munging.

 Perl's data structures are richer and have much more support
 in Perl than XML has in any language.  Perl has been around much
 longer and is full-fledged programming language.  It has better
 tools.  It's got a larger community.

We disagree on this.

  You seem to speak as someone who has never tried by the sounds of
  things. This is one of the things AxKit's XSP taglibs are designed
  to provide for.

 I've never used XSP.  I have used XSLT, tried to use XSD, and am
 currently mired in DocBook/XML.  One of my sites generates XML for its
 data export format.

 Let's take an XSP example from


 sub mytime {
   my ($time) = _;
   $time ||= time;
   return Time::Object-new($time);

 Why is the above better than below?  (I cleaned up the perl :-)

 use Time::Object;
 sub mytime {
   my ($time) = _;
   return Time::Object-new($time || time);

 Or, why can't I just call Time::Object-new where I need it?

Erk. I knew the docs on were going to bite me in the ass one day. 
This is a really *bad* example of XSP usage. It's not separating content from 
presentation. Nowadays everything I do uses taglibs, which makes pages look 

  wiki xmlns:wiki=;

(yes, I'm writing an axkit wiki in case anyone's interested)

Anyway, that's off topic, because the point was you were trying to argue 
(IIRC) why would you bother hand generating XML from your data just to get 
access to XML tools. But XSP's two taglib modules (look at the docs on, rather than on do that conversion automatically 
for you.

- -- 
:-get a SMart net/:-
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


RE: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-13 Thread Jeff AA

 -Original Message-
 From: Perrin Harkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: 13 June 2002 03:43
 To: Fran Fabrizio; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: separating C from V in MVC

  2.  Does the first part of my code above even remotely resemble a
 Sort of.  It does choose a view and it does parse some user 
 input, but a
 controller is more than just a dispatcher.  It would include 
 some of the
 code that you're currently putting into your doDoctorActivity() sub.
 The idea is that the model objects represent just the data in your
 application (the nouns) and the controller understands how to 
 user input into a series of method calls on the model objects to carry
 out the user's request.
 It's hard to give a good example that is short, but let's say you were
 building an application to sell concert tickets.  The act of 
 buying the
 ticket might involve model objects representing a concert, a user, a
 form of payment, etc.  The concert object knows how to reserve a
 specific seat (or call a seat object to do that).  The payment object
 knows how to verify and charge a credit card.  The user object has a
 mailing address.  The controller knows how to turn the user's 
 form data
 into a bunch of method calls on these objects that accomplish 
 the ticket and charging the user.  If you find yourself writing a
 BuyTicket module, that's a controller not a model object.

I disagree with this definition of a Controller. A Controller is
primarily responsible for mapping user input onto a business Model, and
should not know that buying a ticket requires creation of concert,
payment, seat, client, theatre, agent, reservation, whatever objects.

In the same way that the View keeps the output format independent of the
Model properties, the Controller keeps the User Input method independent
of business logic. This is the reason for having a Controller class.

Consider that your mod_perl website Controllers will have to understand
all about web requests, headers, error headers, cookies, sessions,
redirects, URLs and URL decoding etc etc - these are things that relate
directly to how the user is interacting with the Model.

In the concert example, the Controller would interpret the web request,
create a Ticket object, and call $Ticket-buy(
%all_the_cleaned_up_params ). It would then pass this to the View to
render. That's it.

Consider the case where you wanted to buy hundreds or even thousands of
tickets in a batch process - maybe you have agents that collect all the
details for Kylie concerts, and then send them to you in a file.

If you had made the mistake of creating a web Controller aka BuyTicket()
module that understood it had to create concert, payment, seat, client,
theatre, agent, reservation, whatever objects, you would have to
duplicate all this logic AGAIN in the batch process Controller. You now
have to maintain the business logic in two places.

Always keep the _business_ behaviour in Models. The $Ticket-buy()
processing must instantiate and create relationships to all the other
objects it needs.

Put all things that are specific to handling the User Interaction (eg
web request) into your Controller. Business logic always goes into a

 The idea is that the model objects represent just the data in your
 application (the nouns) and the controller understands how to 
 user input into a series of method calls on the model objects to carry
 out the user's request.

Models are not just collections of stateful data, they are the right
place to encapsulate complex business behaviour. At the risk of
repetition, all behaviour [e.g. $Ticket-buy()] that is not specific to
the User Interface should go into Models. 

Controller and View are closely related elements of GUI. This is like
the old 'Two Tier App' problem... when business logic and GUI become
inexorably entwined, maintenance goes out the window.

Have a look at this picture: which comes from
this article:

Maybe in the future, we will get drag-and-drop via the web -
interpreting this should go into the Controller. 

Maybe in the future you will change the business requirements for buying
Tickets - this will go in a Model, and the effect will be felt
consistently in both your web applications and your batch processing.


Re: tutorials (was: Re: rfc Apache::Dynagzip)

2002-06-13 Thread Igor Sysoev

On Wed, 12 Jun 2002, Slava Bizyayev wrote:

 Since now the draft tutorial Features of Content Compression for Different
 Web Clients (for Part IV: Client side facts and bugs) is available for
 preview and discussion at .

Here is first part of criticism.

1. You should not mix proxies and browsers.

2. As I said you MS Proxy has not mask at all. ^1\.1  is not a mask.
   ^Squid/ is incorrect mask.
   Here is example of Via header of HTTP/1.1 request that goes
   though Squid, MS Proxy and Oops:

   1.1 (Squid/2.4.STABLE2), 1.0 PROXY2, (Oops 1.5.22f1)

3. Proxy masks will not help. About 70% of all proxied request are going
   through Squid and about 15% are going through MS Proxy.
   So much safe way is to disable proxy requests at all instead of tring
   to look mask.
   Besides I suspect that most proxies handle compressed content incorrectly.
   I had checked only Squid, MS Proxy and Oops but there are many another
   proxies. So I think you should disable gzip for all proxied request
   or enable it for all proxied request if you do not care about old broswer.
   mod_deflate by default disable it.

4. You should not unset Accept-Encoding. Better way is to set

5. There are two unrelated mod_deflate. First is my mod_deflate for Apache 1.3: 
   It'd been tested for one year on loaded sites.
   Second is expiremental module for Apache2 by Apache tream.

Next part will be about browsers bugs.

Igor Sysoev

Re: tutorials (was: Re: rfc Apache::Dynagzip)

2002-06-13 Thread Igor Sysoev

On Wed, 12 Jun 2002, Slava Bizyayev wrote:

 Since now the draft tutorial Features of Content Compression for Different
 Web Clients (for Part IV: Client side facts and bugs) is available for
 preview and discussion at .

About browsers.
First we should not mention any browser that does not send 'Accept-Encoding'.
So remove Opera 3.5 from list.

Netscape 4.x
All NN 4.x does not understand chunked content. And they should not.
Chunked encoding is part of HTTP/1.1 and NN4.x support HTTP/1.0 only.
It's server bug if server sends chunked response to HTTP/1.0 request.
And your has this bug (I suspect 1.3.24 mod_proxy).
So remove this bug from list.

Netscape 4.0-4.05 understand gzip and x-gzip. They did not
send 'Accept-Encoding'.

MSIE 4.x

 $r-header_in('Range')  0
 length($r-uri)  253

is wrong.

1. Range. We should send full (and probaly gzipped) response
to MSIE 4.x if it asks byte-range and our response can be gzipped.
We should disable byte-range but not gzipping.

2. $r-uri  253. Not only $r-uri but also $r-args, server name, port
and user name and password. In short - all without 'http://' prefix.
URI can be - http://name:password@host:port/uri?args.
So in mod_deflate I simply check r-unparsed_uri  200

MSIE 6.0
I do not understand this:

A: Unfortunately, IE6 (and perhaps earlier versions?) appears
   to have a bug with gzip over SSL where the first 2048
   characters are not included in the HTML rendering of the page
   when refresh is pressed. It only seems to happen on longish
   pages, and not when the page is first loaded. In fact, sometimes
   it doesn't happen at all. The only current solution is to put
   a 2048 character comment at the start of your longish pages
   of all spaces (which compresses pretty well, fortunately).

If bug with first 2048 characters are NOT included in HTML rendering
then why to put 2048 character comment ? Comments do not included
in rendering.

FlashPlayer 4.x-5.x

Plug-in. Fails to decompress data received from the browser.

flash recieves all data from browser. But it can play gzipped swf
because all browsers (except NN 4.x for Windows) uncompressed them.
All flash players can not handle gzipped data received via loadVariables()
and XML.Load() (5.x).

You had mentioned Galeon and SkipStone but had not mentioned
Mozilla 0.9.1 and Netscape6.1b1 that have bug. Yes, this browsers
already old and rare but Galeon and Skipstone now include own version string.

It's much simply to translate from Russian my information than to try
to interpret it.

Igor Sysoev

Re: Idiot question: headers at the base of the page.

2002-06-13 Thread Issac Goldstand

umm... If you send them twice.  Aside from happening by doing
$r-send_http_header twice (it's happened), it could be something else is
automatically sending header s for you...

Just an idea...

- Original Message -
From: Rafiq Ismail (ADMIN) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 12:19 AM
Subject: Idiot question: headers at the base of the page.

 I'm doing squinty eyed coding and need someone to knock common sense into
 me.  In the right order - as far as I can see - I have my content_type
 ;send_http_headers; $r-print'ed.  With loads of poo in between.  Under
 what circumstances would my page render, dumping the HTTP headers at the
 base?  Other than their being sequentially out of order, that is.

 It's probably one of those look at it again in the morning questions.

 Someone hit me over the head with a hammer please.

Re: Idiot question: headers at the base of the page.

2002-06-13 Thread Ged Haywood

Hi all,

On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, Issac Goldstand wrote:

 - Original Message -
 From: Rafiq Ismail (ADMIN) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 12:19 AM
  Under what circumstances would my page render, dumping the HTTP
  headers at the base?  Other than their being sequentially out of
  order, that is.
 umm... If you send them twice.  Aside from happening by doing
 $r-send_http_header twice (it's happened), it could be something else is
 automatically sending header s for you...

Or there might be some funny buffering going on that you don't know about.
(Or this might be happening as well as incorrectly sending things twice:).


RE: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-13 Thread Fran Fabrizio

Ok so Collections was the missing piece in my puzzle.  Very interesting 
(and intuitive now that you present it to me).

my $Stale  = Model::WatchCollection-new( status = 'stale' );

my $WC= Model::WatchCollection-new();

Out of these two, I would think that the first one is actually 
better.  What if you have 300,000 watches and only 25 are stale, for 
example (numbers that are not all that far from the truth, in my 
case)?   That'd be a lot of data I'd be slinging around in the 2nd 
example.  Which is probably what you meant by might be better. :-)

Thanks for the example code, it was very enlightening!  I'll digest further 
at the office this morning.


mod_perl2 and ASP

2002-06-13 Thread Stefan Sabolowitsch

Hi NG,

Does someone have a HowTow for mod_perl2 with Apache2 (Win32) and ASP?
If possible ask in the detail.

Thanks for your assistance. 


header woes

2002-06-13 Thread Arnold van Kampen


 Why do I have have so much trouble doing some header parsing?
 I am doing header parsing because I wanted to check out cookie behaviour
 on relocation/redirection by browser.
 I get stuck when I cannot get with the basic stuff. Clues appreciated..
 I tried to go back to basics with a small script but that also seems to
 refuse to work as I would expect.
 package Alfass::Reloc;
 use strict;
 use Apache::Constants;
 use Apache::Reload;
 use CGI qw(:standard :html3 :netscape);
 use Apache::Table;
 sub handler {
 my $r = shift;
 my $reason = $r-subprocess_env(AuthCookieReason);
 my $cookie = $r-header_in('Cookie');
 my $table = $r-headers_in;
 my $bla =sdadsadadadasdadadadadad;
 my $type = $table-{'Content-type'};

 print   header,start_html,

Arnold van Kampen

Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-13 Thread Jon Robison

I just wanted to comment on Number 3, here. Scroll down ;-)

kyle dawkins wrote:
 Fran (et al)
 I've stayed out of the MVC chitchat for a long time (very interesting
 thread) because it's such a deep topic.  But seeing as how Fran has
 some concrete questions...
  3.  How do you prevent a Controller from just becoming another big if
  statement, or is this their purpose in life?
 See Jeff's previous mail.  Your structure is crying out for a dispatch
 table; Jeff suggests building this out of a hash that defines what
 actions to perform based on what your query values are.  That's a great

If I read this right, then it's something I am already doing and I'll
throw it in here to show:

## My idea of a dispatch table!
my %actions = (
'view' = 'FES::Control::View',
'logout'   = 'FES::Control::Logout',
'edit' = 'FES::Control::Edit',
'notes'= 'FES::Control::Notes',
'save' = 'FES::Control::Save',
'calendar' = 'FES::Util::Calendar',
sub handler {
my $r = Apache::Request-new(shift);
## BEGIN ignore (DECLINE) image requests and allow regular apache to
handle them.
return DECLINED if $r-content_type =~ /image/;
## END ignore image requests
my $act = $r-param('act') || 'view';
if (my $h = $actions{$act}) {
$r-push_handlers(PerlHandler = $h);
return DECLINED;
} else {
my $stmt = There is no such action as \' . $act . \'\n;
$r-pnotes('error', $stmt);
$r-push_handlers(PerlHandler = 'FES::Error::Error');
return DONE;
} ## end else [ if (my $h = $actions{$act...

That's how I impliment at least _part_ of my controller without
resorting to huge IF statements.

Is this what was meant guys?

--Jon R.

If this is overly simplistic, or not what you meant, feel free to smack
me around.

Re: Idiot question: headers at the base of the page.

2002-06-13 Thread Jon Robison

Don't recall offhand, but I know there is an http.conf momd_perl config
command that will set 'auto-header' for you. Perhaps that is already on?

--Jon Robison

Issac Goldstand wrote:
 umm... If you send them twice.  Aside from happening by doing
 $r-send_http_header twice (it's happened), it could be something else is
 automatically sending header s for you...
 Just an idea...
 - Original Message -
 From: Rafiq Ismail (ADMIN) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 12:19 AM
 Subject: Idiot question: headers at the base of the page.
  I'm doing squinty eyed coding and need someone to knock common sense into
  me.  In the right order - as far as I can see - I have my content_type
  ;send_http_headers; $r-print'ed.  With loads of poo in between.  Under
  what circumstances would my page render, dumping the HTTP headers at the
  base?  Other than their being sequentially out of order, that is.
  It's probably one of those look at it again in the morning questions.
  Someone hit me over the head with a hammer please.

Re: header woes

2002-06-13 Thread Arnold van Kampen


forgot the error message:

Use of uninitialized value in join or string at (eval 9) line 16.
 [ =  my $type = $table-{'Content-type'}; ]

On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, Arnold van Kampen wrote:

  Why do I have have so much trouble doing some header parsing?
  I am doing header parsing because I wanted to check out cookie behaviour
  on relocation/redirection by browser.
  I get stuck when I cannot get with the basic stuff. Clues appreciated..
  I tried to go back to basics with a small script but that also seems to
  refuse to work as I would expect.
  package Alfass::Reloc;
  use strict;
  use Apache::Constants;
  use Apache::Reload;
  use CGI qw(:standard :html3 :netscape);
  use Apache::Table;
  sub handler {
  my $r = shift;
  my $reason = $r-subprocess_env(AuthCookieReason);
  my $cookie = $r-header_in('Cookie');
  my $table = $r-headers_in;
  my $bla =sdadsadadadasdadadadadad;
  my $type = $table-{'Content-type'};
  print   header,start_html,
 Arnold van Kampen

Sending Mail

2002-06-13 Thread Jon Robison

Can anyone give me recommendations on a good Mail handler that
integrates well with mod_perl?

I have a system whereby I want to give people the ability to mail the
currently viewed page to someone. Once they select a To: address, the
system will look up some data, re-construct the viewed page in a textual
format, and send the mail.

I'm just looking for recommendations on a good perl mailing module for
this kind of use.

--Jon Robison

Re: header woes

2002-06-13 Thread Per Einar Ellefsen

At 16:04 13.06.2002, Arnold van Kampen wrote:
forgot the error message:

Use of uninitialized value in join or string at (eval 9) line 16.
  [ =  my $type = $table-{'Content-type'}; ]

Maybe because there is no Content-Type sent with a request unless it's a 
POST request? Content-Type is usually in the *outgoing* headers...

Per Einar Ellefsen

RE: Sending Mail

2002-06-13 Thread Joe Breeden

We use MIME::Lite seems to work well for us.

 -Original Message-
 From: Jon Robison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 8:57 AM
 Subject: Sending Mail
 Can anyone give me recommendations on a good Mail handler that
 integrates well with mod_perl?
 I have a system whereby I want to give people the ability to 
 mail the
 currently viewed page to someone. Once they select a To: address, the
 system will look up some data, re-construct the viewed page 
 in a textual
 format, and send the mail.
 I'm just looking for recommendations on a good perl mailing module for
 this kind of use.
 --Jon Robison

Re: Mapping to location /

2002-06-13 Thread md

--- Per Einar Ellefsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 23:06 12.06.2002, md wrote:

 I'm not quite sure about this, been wondering about
 it, but in theory you 
 should be able to use
 DirectoryIndex index.phtml
 and like that you won't have to worry about / etc
 Try it out..

And so I won't work since mod_dir (as far as
I can tell) looks for a physical file, and my
index.phtml is virtual.

What I'm really trying to do is more like the PHP I'm
replacing. I should be able to go to: for a dynamic page 
and for a static page.

I'm guessing that my best solution would be to use
HTML::Mason or Apache::ASP instead of
Template-Toolkit. However, I can' really do
took me a while to get the designers to use TT, and I
doubt I can get them to change again. 

I may try using the PerlTransHandler to change the uri
to a location...say with the uri gets changed to
/modperl (or
the uri becomes /modperl/somedir) which is used in a
Location /modperl directive.

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Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup

Re: Sending Mail

2002-06-13 Thread Jon Robison

Can MIME::Lite do attachments?


Joe Breeden wrote:
 We use MIME::Lite seems to work well for us.
  -Original Message-
  From: Jon Robison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 8:57 AM
  Subject: Sending Mail
  Can anyone give me recommendations on a good Mail handler that
  integrates well with mod_perl?
  I have a system whereby I want to give people the ability to
  mail the
  currently viewed page to someone. Once they select a To: address, the
  system will look up some data, re-construct the viewed page
  in a textual
  format, and send the mail.
  I'm just looking for recommendations on a good perl mailing module for
  this kind of use.
  --Jon Robison

Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-13 Thread kyle dawkins


 Out of these two, I would think that the first one is actually
 better.  What if you have 300,000 watches and only 25 are stale, for
 example (numbers that are not all that far from the truth, in my
 case)?   That'd be a lot of data I'd be slinging around in the 2nd
 example.  Which is probably what you meant by might be better. :-)

Jeff's example was very abbreviated to make a point.  In your case, you 
should think about two things:  
1) the representation of your data
2) the fetching of your data

Since you could have a zillion watches, you could use something like

my $staleWatches = WatchManager::watchesWithStatus(stale);

This allows you to implement the watchesWithStatus method any way you 
choose, and simply returning an arrayref of matching watches.  Then you 
can pass that arrayref to your View, which, as Jeff says, should apply 
some transform to your data to produce your report.I realise this 
is essentially what Jeff is saying but the key point is that you don't 
need to have all 300,000 watches in memory... you can abstract the data 
using a Manager (or Broker, or... ) so you hide the data store.


Kyle Dawkins
Central Park Software

Re: Sending Mail

2002-06-13 Thread Geoffrey Young

Jon Robison wrote:

 Can MIME::Lite do attachments?

yes.  there is an example in the cookbook that uses MIME::Lite:



RE: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-13 Thread Jeff AA

 -Original Message-
 From: Fran Fabrizio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: 13 June 2002 13:23
 To: Jeff AA
 Subject: RE: separating C from V in MVC
 my $Stale  = Model::WatchCollection-new( status = 'stale' );
 my $WC= Model::WatchCollection-new();
 Out of these two, I would think that the first one is actually 
 better.  What if you have 300,000 watches and only 25 are stale, for 
 example (numbers that are not all that far from the truth, in my 

Don't make the mistake of fetching all the data when a Collection is
instantiated. It is usually better to make the Collection only really
fetch data when a View actually asks for it by calling $WC-fetch(
status = 'stale' ), after all, sometimes you might go down another
route and the View might never call fetch() - for example if there is an
exception and you decide not to bother showing stale Watches. 

Also, you should generally not fetch everything from the database unless
there is a very good reason to do so. Try to keep your memory usage to a
minimum, and restrict the result set to something useful. I recall a
system that used to pop up a dialog saying 'Warning: This will return
645,345 rows' and the only user option was 'Ok'!

I have seen about 4.2 million Collection designs, and my current
favourite is an abstraction of the Borland Data Engine DB/Table/Dataset
design (BDE) in conjunction with some of the Java collection concepts.
Common Collection niceties include things like 'find me Watch ABC' in
the Collection. A Collection can have the concept of a 'current' thing
so that a View can display both the list of Watches in a table, and more
detailed attributes of the 'currently selected' Watch object etc.

If you are going to support paginated collections, you should build this
into your base Collection class.

So far we have been talking about flat Collections, don't forget that
some of them are not flat, but hierarchical - e.g. tree-like, and some
are circular e.g. no beginning and no end, etc.


Re: Sending Mail

2002-06-13 Thread fliptop

Jon Robison wrote:

 Can MIME::Lite do attachments?

yes, it can.  install it, then read

perldoc MIME::Lite

for info on how.

Re: Mapping to location /

2002-06-13 Thread Per Einar Ellefsen

At 16:04 13.06.2002, md wrote:

--- Per Einar Ellefsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  At 23:06 12.06.2002, md wrote:

  I'm not quite sure about this, been wondering about
  it, but in theory you
  should be able to use
  DirectoryIndex index.phtml
  and like that you won't have to worry about / etc
  Try it out..

And so I won't work since mod_dir (as far as
I can tell) looks for a physical file, and my
index.phtml is virtual.

Ok, too bad.

What I'm really trying to do is more like the PHP I'm
replacing. I should be able to go to: for a dynamic page
and for a static page.

Does PHP do that?

I'm guessing that my best solution would be to use
HTML::Mason or Apache::ASP instead of
Template-Toolkit. However, I can' really do
took me a while to get the designers to use TT, and I
doubt I can get them to change again.

Using HTML::Mason or Apache::ASP won't solve anything special. It's still 
the same basic thing.

I may try using the PerlTransHandler to change the uri
to a location...say with the uri gets changed to
/modperl (or
the uri becomes /modperl/somedir) which is used in a
Location /modperl directive.

Let's assess your situation a litte: why can't you just put your TT 
templates into your document root, and do like with your PHP pages? That 
would solve the current problem you seem to be facing. Furthermore, have 
you looked into the Apache::Template module? I think it's pretty close to 
what you want.

Per Einar Ellefsen

RE: mod_perl/passing session information (MVC related, maybe...)

2002-06-13 Thread Vuillemot, Ward W

I am not sure if I follow completely.  How do you verify that user who the
user says he/she is?
I log into your web-site as memberA.  You kindly leave me a delicious cookie
with my username stored in it.  Maybe even my password (I hope not!).  Now,
I know that another member, memberB, has special rights to your site.  What
is stopping me from editting the cookie to memberB's username and hijacking
their account?  And if you do store the password information in the are letting each user be compromised either as the cookie is
flung through the Internet ether, or minimally on their own computer where
someone else can easily access the cookies.  

With sessionID, you have an ID and information that is checksum'd.  We keep
that sessionID in a DB once a user has successfully logged in.  Whenever I
check the sessionID I know they have already logged in -- on top of that,
there is no really useful information in the cookie that might compromise
security.  (Plus, the checksum ensures that one is tampering with the
cookie.)  But you do keep username, userlevel information within the session
information stored on your local DB -- where is reasonably safe from prying

If I wanted to delete a user and ensure they immediately lost all access, it
is rather trivial to go through all active sessions in the db, see if the
user I am deleting matches the username in the session information, and if
so delete the session record.

   :  * User logs in.
   :  * Site Admin decides to delete the user.
   :  * In our stateless servers, the user_id is invalidated 
   :  immediately.
   :  * Next request from User, he's implicitly logged out, 
   :  because the user_id
   :is verified on every request.
   :  In the case of a session-based server, you have to delete 
   :  the user and
   :  invalidate any sessions which the user owns.

mod_perl-based registration programs?

2002-06-13 Thread Bill Moseley

Before I start rewriting...

Anyone know of a mod_perl based program for registering people for events?

The existing system allows people to sign up and cancel for classes and
workshops that are offered at various locations and also for on-line
classes.  We have a collection of training workshops that are each offered
a number of times a year, and are taught by a pool of instructors.
Typically a few classes a week.

It mails reminders a few days before the classes, sends class lists to the
assigned instructor before their class, and normal database stuff for
displaying, searching and reporting. Currently, billing is by invoice, but
we would like an on-line payment option.

Anyone know of something similar?


Bill Moseley

Re: mod_perl2 and ASP

2002-06-13 Thread Randy Kobes

On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, Stefan Sabolowitsch wrote:

 Does someone have a HowTow for mod_perl2 with Apache2 (Win32) and ASP?
 If possible ask in the detail.

As modperl-2 is still in the development stage, using this may
not be straightforward - see
for docs, including some Win32 specific stuff. Installing
Apache::ASP can be done through ppm:

  C:\ ppm
  ppm set rep theoryx5
  ppm install Apache-ASP
  ppm set save

which should install Apache::ASP and its dependencies. Details on
configuration and use can be then found in the installed docs and
at See especially the asp mailing
list archives ( for
discussion on using this with modperl2.

If you're just looking at learning Apache::ASP and don't care if
it's with Apache2/modperl2 or Apache1/modperl1, then it'd
probably be easier to start with the latter.

best regards,
randy kobes

RE: mod_perl/passing session information (MVC related, maybe...)

2002-06-13 Thread Drew Taylor

At 07:32 AM 6/13/02 -0700, Vuillemot, Ward W wrote:

I log into your web-site as memberA.  You kindly leave me a delicious cookie
with my username stored in it.  Maybe even my password (I hope not!).  Now,
I know that another member, memberB, has special rights to your site.  What
is stopping me from editting the cookie to memberB's username and hijacking
their account?
(Plus, the checksum ensures that one is tampering with the

You touched this subject in the next paragraph. You should always include a 
hash or checksum as part of your cookie value. And then validate this info 
on each request. This prevents the situation you described where you just 
change the cookie. Even if the cookie value is just a session id, it is 
nice to have the hash to make sure they just don't go changing their 
cookie, but not necessary if your session IDs are random.


Drew Taylor  |  Freelance web development using   |  perl/mod_perl/MySQL/postgresql/DBI
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  Email jobs at
-- A DSL provider with a clue. Sign up today.

RE: mod_perl/passing session information (MVC related, maybe...)

2002-06-13 Thread Rob Nagler

Vuillemot, Ward W writes:
 I log into your web-site as memberA.  You kindly leave me a delicious cookie
 with my username stored in it.  Maybe even my password (I hope not!).  Now,
 I know that another member, memberB, has special rights to your site.  What
 is stopping me from editting the cookie to memberB's username and hijacking
 their account?

If you can crack Blowfish, IDEA, etc., you are in.  Then again you can
probably just sniff the network for memberB's username and everybody
else's passwords for that matter, even via SSL.

Part of bOP is multi-tiered security architecture including something
I call data gateways to help protect against programmer mistakes.

 And if you do store the password information in the are letting each user be compromised either as the cookie is
 flung through the Internet ether, or minimally on their own computer where
 someone else can easily access the cookies.

If you have access to someone's cookie file, you probably can log
their keystrokes.  Contact your local spy agency for more information
on how to do this.

 With sessionID, you have an ID and information that is checksum'd.

Sessions and user IDs are equivalent.  They are called credentials
which allow access to a system.  There's no fundamental difference
between hijacking a session or stealing a user id/password.

 If I wanted to delete a user and ensure they immediately lost all access, it
 is rather trivial to go through all active sessions in the db, see if the
 user I am deleting matches the username in the session information, and if
 so delete the session record.

Denormalization is the root of all evil.  The extra step involves more
code, more bugs, and more system resources.  Other than that, you're
right.  You can do this, but the question I ask: Do you need to?


Re: Mapping to location /

2002-06-13 Thread Perrin Harkins

md wrote:
 What I'm really trying to do is more like the PHP I'm
 replacing. I should be able to go to: for a dynamic page 
 and for a static page.
 I'm guessing that my best solution would be to use
 HTML::Mason or Apache::ASP instead of

Why?  Just because you don't have literal files for those URLs with TT 
and with Mason or ASP you would?

I don't really see the problem.  You can map all the URLs that end with 
a certain extension to one module that does some work and then calls a 
template.  You can map individual URLs or sets of URLs to separate 
modules that do different processing and call a template.  You could 
even put the actual files there and use Apache::Template to serve them. 
  Apache::Template has a hook to add your processing code before the 
template gets run, and you can have multiple handlers that do different 
processing in different locations.

 I may try using the PerlTransHandler to change the uri
 to a location...say with the uri gets changed to
 /modperl (or
 the uri becomes /modperl/somedir) which is used in a
 Location /modperl directive.

What does that get you?  I don't see why you would want to do that.

- Perrin

Re: mod_perl/passing session information (MVC related, maybe...)

2002-06-13 Thread John Siracusa

On 6/13/02 11:04 AM, Rob Nagler wrote:
 With sessionID, you have an ID and information that is checksum'd.
 Sessions and user IDs are equivalent.  They are called credentials
 which allow access to a system.  There's no fundamental difference
 between hijacking a session or stealing a user id/password.

Well, given a user/pass, you can login form anywhere.  Given a session
that's tied to information like the remote IP, user agent, date, etc. etc.,
it's a lot harder to reuse that information to login from elsewhere.


Re: Mapping to location /

2002-06-13 Thread md

--- Per Einar Ellefsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 16:04 13.06.2002, md wrote:
 What I'm really trying to do is more like the PHP
 replacing. I should be able to go to: for a dynamic page
 and for a static page.
 Does PHP do that?

Yes...since both index.html and index.php are physical

 Using HTML::Mason or Apache::ASP won't solve
 anything special. It's still 
 the same basic thing.

Except that there will by a physical file with
embedded code like PHP, so I think Mason and
Apache::ASP would be closer to what I want. However, I
don't have that option.

I'd really like to use a Location, but the request is
to keep existing directory structures (over 200
top-level directories) and the main index page needs
to be dynamic as well.
 Let's assess your situation a litte: why can't you
 just put your TT 
 templates into your document root, and do like with
 your PHP pages? That 
 would solve the current problem you seem to be

Because the templates need to be processed by a
mod_perl script and I need to map that somehow.

 Furthermore, have 
 you looked into the Apache::Template module? I think
 it's pretty close to 
 what you want.

I haven't looked at it, but I believe it's just a
wrapper to Template-Toolkit.

Thanks for the suggestions :)

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup

Re: Sending Mail

2002-06-13 Thread Doug Silver

I'm using Mail::Sender which can send attachments.  Not sure how it
compares to Mime::Lite.


On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, Jon Robison wrote:

 Can anyone give me recommendations on a good Mail handler that
 integrates well with mod_perl?
 I have a system whereby I want to give people the ability to mail the
 currently viewed page to someone. Once they select a To: address, the
 system will look up some data, re-construct the viewed page in a textual
 format, and send the mail.
 I'm just looking for recommendations on a good perl mailing module for
 this kind of use.
 --Jon Robison

Doug Silver
619 235-2665
Network Manager
Urchin Software Corp.

Re: PerlSetVar WhatEverSecure

2002-06-13 Thread Michael Schout

Brian Reichert wrote:

   Location /formscript/login
 PerlSetVar FormScriptSecure 1
 AuthType Apache::AuthTicket
 But, in each case, my login program is server in the clear.  What am I

THe authnameSecure setting only affects the cookie. If you want to 
forbid access to the login form from non-ssl, there are verious ways to 
do that.  One way would be to add SSLRequireSSL that block (assuming 
your using mod_ssl).


Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-13 Thread Perrin Harkins

Fran Fabrizio wrote:
 Now, how do you represent in the model a
 complex query that joins across 5 of the nouns?

Others have already commented on this, but I want to point out that this 
is a general OO modelling question, not an MVC one, and there are many 
resources available to help you learn this stuff.  I'd suggest getting 
to your local computer book store and browsing through some OO 
programming titles.

 In your concert example, if I wanted to define a report that showed me 
 all of the seats that were purchased by people from New Jersey with a 
 Mastercard in the last week, how would I represent that?

That's a tricky one, because it doesn't make much sense to put all that 
logic about finding users' home states and payment types into a Concert 
class.  You could manipulate the objects to accomplish this:

my wanted_seats;
my seats = Model::Concert-findSeatsReservedAfter($date);
foreach my $seat (seats) {
 if ($seat-person()-address()-state() = 'NJ') {
 push wanted_seats, $seat;

As you can see it gets messy fast, and I didn't even cover the 
Mastercard part.  It would probably have terruble performance too.  This 
is why people usually just write this kind of report as a big SQL query 
instead.  You can make a model object called ConcertSeatSearch:

seats = Model::ConcertSeatSearch-findSeats(
  reserved_after = $date,
  payment_type   = $card,
  user_state = $state,

Just be careful that you don't end up making this into something that 
mirrors the SQL exactly.  There might be 4 tables involved in finding 
out what kind of credit card the user had, but that gets hidden behind 
this API.  If you find yourself writing classes that take options like 
where = 'date  ' . $date you are reinventing SQL, and you've lost 
your abstraction.

- Perrin

Re: Sending Mail

2002-06-13 Thread Jon Robison

Geesh, it's nice having the books author(s) on the mailing list here!

--Jon R.

Geoffrey Young wrote:
 Jon Robison wrote:
  Can MIME::Lite do attachments?
 yes.  there is an example in the cookbook that uses MIME::Lite:

Re: header woes

2002-06-13 Thread darren chamberlain

* Arnold van Kampen [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2002-06-13 09:34]:
  Why do I have have so much trouble doing some header parsing?  I am
  doing header parsing because I wanted to check out cookie behaviour
  on relocation/redirection by browser.  I get stuck when I cannot get
  with the basic stuff. Clues appreciated..

Why not use Apache::Cookie, or even CGI's cookie() function, to parse

  use strict;
  use Apache::Constants;
  use Apache::Reload;
  use CGI qw(:standard :html3 :netscape);
  use Apache::Table;
  sub handler {
  my $r = shift;
  my $reason = $r-subprocess_env(AuthCookieReason);
  my $cookie = $r-header_in('Cookie');
  my $table = $r-headers_in;
  my $bla =sdadsadadadasdadadadadad;
  my $type = $table-{'Content-type'};
  print   header,start_html,

You can iterate over the keys of %$table, to see what's being set.
Change your print statement to something like:

   print   header,start_html,
   ul(map(li($_,  = , $table-{$_}), keys %{$table})),

To get a list of the keys in $r-headers_in;

Also, you forgot to return OK.


Responsible behavior is the result of a socialization process.

Re: PerlTransHandler problem

2002-06-13 Thread darren chamberlain

* Rasoul Hajikhani [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2002-06-12 19:12]:
 Hello folks,
 I am trying to implement a simple PerlTransHandler to change:
 And here is my code:

[-- snip --]

Have you seen The
first section is about URL layout, and the first example is about
canonicalizing URLs.


It has long been an axiom of mine that the little things are
infinitely the most important.
-- Arthur Conan Coyle

Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-13 Thread John Siracusa

On 6/13/02 1:29 PM, Perrin Harkins wrote:
 Just be careful that you don't end up making this into something that
 mirrors the SQL exactly.  There might be 4 tables involved in finding
 out what kind of credit card the user had, but that gets hidden behind
 this API.  If you find yourself writing classes that take options like
 where = 'date  ' . $date you are reinventing SQL, and you've lost
 your abstraction.

Stringy stuff like that is certainly a poor abstraction (or no abstraction
at all if it's stuck directly into the SQL!)  But I've done stuff like this:

Pets-get_pets(type = [ 'dog', 'cat' ],
   age  = { and = { gt = 5, lt = 10 } },
   name = { match = 'Fi.*' });

which is powerful enough to do most types of basic selects, but still
abstract enough that the user of this class never actually types SQL
fragments directly.

Of course, the case above is a rarity.  Usually, it'll be used in the simple
form like:

Pets-get_pets(type = 'dog', age = 5);

But just having that more complex form in there for the one or two times you
need it is sometimes valuable, IMO.  And the overhead is minimal if you have
a nice base class that supports all this stuff for you.


Setting Cookies

2002-06-13 Thread Rasoul Hajikhani

Hello folks,
Yesterday I posted a question about PerlTransHandler and received a lot
of responses. Thanks to all of you who replied. However, my problem
persists. I try to be more precise in explaining the problem today.
My login module sets a few cookies that expire 24 hrs after they are
set. Upon each request the validity of the cookies is checked, and in
case of an expired cookie, the user is redirected to the login page to
resubmit username/password again. A request with a fully qualified URL,
example:, has no problem
continuing. The cookies are set. However, in case the URL has the stripped, the login page is regenerated indefinitely. The
cookies never get set.
There were a few suggestions, such as using mod_rewrite, however that is
out of the question because mod_rewrite was not built with our http
server. My PerlTransHandler does not seem to be able to distinguish request with myserver/someLocation. 
I appreciate any suggestions on this.

Re: Fooey. Can't compile mod_perl.

2002-06-13 Thread Wim Kerkhoff

southernstar wrote:
 I can't compile mod_perl 1.27 on Cygwin with apache 1.3.24-5 src no matter what 
 I do. At first it complained (make complained) that it didn't know how to make 
 httpd.h etc, so I made them dummy targets with .PHONEY. OK, fine. Then it 
 couldn't find them in apache_inc.h - so I put the path in for it. Now in os.h 
 (from apache) it can't find ap_config.h, whatever that is.
 Has mod_perl EVER compiled on Cygwin? If so, how do I get it to build? (I have 
 the latest net release of cygwin, everything installed).

I tried it a couple of weeks ago, and ran into some problems too. I'm 
pretty sure it was a different issue though. At the moment I'm 
reinstalling Cygwin, since I've rebuilt my development system since then.

At the moment, I've installed ActivePerl-, 
apache_1.3.25-win32-x86-src.msi from, and mod_perl 1.x using 
the instructions at 
Works fine for me... except the apache service doesn't start. I haven't 
had a chance to look into that yet though.


Help with apache::sandwich

2002-06-13 Thread Eric Terry

I have the following 
added to my httpd.conf file:

# (Apache::Sandwich)# Add directory custom 
"header"Location /web/httpd/htdocs/elterry 
SetHandler perl-script PerlHandler 
Apache::Sandwich PerlSetVar HEADER 

Here are my "html" 

Wide/title/headbodyp /I am the 

/This is just a thought.p /But something should be above 
The header doesn't 
show up when I go to the index page. What's up?


Re: Mapping to location /

2002-06-13 Thread md

--- Perrin Harkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I don't really see the problem.  You can map all the
 URLs that end with 
 a certain extension to one module that does some
 work and then calls a 

OK...the little light bulb has just come on...

I didn't realize that I could put my templates
directly in htdocs. Now I can create a template and
call it index.phtml and set DirectoryIndex to include
index.phtml and all works like I want.


Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup

Re: mod_perl/passing session information (MVC related, maybe...)

2002-06-13 Thread Perrin Harkins

Rob Nagler wrote:
A session is useful for very limited things, like remembering if this 
user is logged in and linking him to a user_id.
 We store this information in the cookie.  I don't see how it could be
 otherwise.  It's the browser that maintains the login state.

My preferred design for this is to set one cookie that lasts forever and 
serves as a browser ID.  If that user logs in, you can associate a user 
ID with that browser ID, on the server side.  You never need to send 
another cookie after the very first time someone hits your site.  If you 
decide to attach new kinds of state information to the browser, you 
still don't need to send a new cookie.

Many sites need to keep track of state information (like what's in your 
shopping cart) for anonymous users who haven't logged in.  Having this 
unique browser ID (or session ID, if you prefer to give out a new one 
each time someone comes to the site) lets you track this for 
unregistered users.

 Consider the following scenario:
 * User logs in.
 * Site Admin decides to delete the user.
 * In our stateless servers, the user_id is invalidated immediately.
 * Next request from User, he's implicitly logged out, because the user_id
   is verified on every request.
 In the case of a session-based server, you have to delete the user and
 invalidate any sessions which the user owns.

I don't see that as a big deal.  You'd have to delete lots of other data 
associated with a user too.  Actually deleting a user is something I've 
never seen happen anywhere.

Although Oracle can be fast, some data models and application 
requirements make it hard to do live queries every time and still have 
decent performance.  This is especially true as traffic starts to
 I've tried to put numbers on some of this.  I've never worked on a
 1M/day site, so I don't know if this is the point where you need
 sessions.  What sites other than etoys needs this type of session

Well, eToys handled more than 2.5 million pages per hour, but caching 
can be important for much smaller sites in some situations.  It's not 
session caching necessarilly, although we did cache session data in a 
local write-through cache on each server.

We knew that the database would probably be the bottleneck in scaling 
our application, and it was.  We took pains to take as much work as 
possible off the database, so that it could spend its resources on 
handling things that can't be cached, like user submitted data and orders.

Here's a situation where a small site could need caching: suppose you 
have a typical hierarchical catalog site, with a tree of categories that 
contain products.  Now suppose that the requirements for the site make 
it necessary to do a pretty hairy query to get the list of products in a 
category, because you have some sort of indirect association based on 
product attributes or something and you have to account for start and 
end dates on every product and various availability statuses, etc. 
Categories should only be shown if they have products in them or if 
their child categories have products in them.  Keep piling on business 
rules.  Then the UI design calls for the front page to have a 
Yahoo-style display showing multiple levels of the category hierarchy, 
maybe 70 categories or so.

Sure, you get your DBAs to tune the SQL and to put all the indexes in 
place, and it gets the results for a single category pretty fast, in .08 
seconds, but you have 70 of them!  When you throw multiple users in the 
mix, all executing these queries every time they hit the homepage, your 
database server will burn a hole through the floor.

Or you can take advantage of your domain knowledge, that the data used 
in generating this page only changes every 6 hours or so, and just cache 
the page, or part of the page, or the data, for an hour.

Maybe I just have bad luck, but I always seem to end up at companies 
where they give me requirements like these.  And then they say to make 
it really fast and handle a billion users.  They are happy to trade 
slightly stale data for very good performance, and part of the 
requirements gathering process involves finding out how often various 
kinds of data change and how much it matters if they are out of date. 
(For example, inventory data for products changes often and needs to be 
much more current than, say, user comments on that product.)

- Perrin

- Perrin

Re: Help with apache::sandwich

2002-06-13 Thread Paul de Repentigny



Directory /web/httpd/htdocs/elterry
... snip ...

instead. Location is used for URIs, not directories.

An alternative would be:

Location /elterry
... snip ...

if DocumentRoot is set to /web/httpd/htdocs for Apache.


Eric Terry écrivit:

 I have the following added to my httpd.conf file:
 # (Apache::Sandwich)
 # Add directory custom header
 Location /web/httpd/htdocs/elterry
 PerlHandler   Apache::Sandwich
 PerlSetVar HEADER /my_header.html
 Here are my html files:
 titleSystem Wide/title
 p /I am the header.
 p /This is just a thought.
 p /But something should be above me.
 The header doesn't show up when I go to the index page. What's up?

Paul de Repentigny
Directeur Développement Logiciel /
Director Software Development
Graph Architecture Inc.
tel:  (418) 659-5611

If you're not part of the solution, start another problem!

Re: PerlSetVar WhatEverSecure

2002-06-13 Thread Brian Reichert

On Thu, Jun 13, 2002 at 10:40:18AM -0500, Michael Schout wrote:
 Brian Reichert wrote:
Location /formscript/login
  PerlSetVar FormScriptSecure 1
  AuthType Apache::AuthTicket
  But, in each case, my login program is server in the clear.  What am I
 THe authnameSecure setting only affects the cookie. If you want to 
 forbid access to the login form from non-ssl, there are verious ways to 
 do that.  One way would be to add SSLRequireSSL that block (assuming 
 your using mod_ssl).

Apache::AuthTicket says:

   Finally, by using the Secure mode of Apache::AuthCookie, the
   ticket is not passed over unencrypted connections.

Passed in what direction?

It would only go server-client if the client made a SSL request.

With the 'FormScriptSecure' as I have it above, I _can_ log in over
a non-encrypted channel, so clearly it's not enforcing the 'secure'

(Still reading up on cookies...)

I suppose my real question is:

How can I intercept a unencrypted request for a protected document,
but have the login form be submitted over an encrypted channel?

(Thanks for the feedback, by the way...)


Brian 'you Bastard' Reichert[EMAIL PROTECTED]
37 Crystal Ave. #303Daytime number: (603) 434-6842
Derry NH 03038-1713 USA Intel architecture: the left-hand path

Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-13 Thread Dave Rolsky

On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, Perrin Harkins wrote:

 As you can see it gets messy fast, and I didn't even cover the
 Mastercard part.  It would probably have terruble performance too.  This
 is why people usually just write this kind of report as a big SQL query
 instead.  You can make a model object called ConcertSeatSearch:

 seats = Model::ConcertSeatSearch-findSeats(
   reserved_after = $date,
   payment_type   = $card,
   user_state = $state,

 Just be careful that you don't end up making this into something that
 mirrors the SQL exactly.  There might be 4 tables involved in finding
 out what kind of credit card the user had, but that gets hidden behind
 this API.  If you find yourself writing classes that take options like
 where = 'date  ' . $date you are reinventing SQL, and you've lost
 your abstraction.

This approach works for some things, but I think it falls down when it
comes to doing complex database searches, particularly searches generated
ad-hoc on multiple columns in multiple tables.

This is why Alzabo is much lower-level than what you have above.  I needed
something where I could easily construct queries that might include 1+
tables, with various types of searches of individual columns in those
tables (equal to, between, less than, like, etc.) with dynamic sorting
(again, on any of the columns in any of the tables, ascending or

With what you're proposing, I think you could easily end up with either:

A) a ridiculously flexible interface that looks sort of like SQL, except
where it is SQL, except where it's only sort of like SQL, etc.

B) a ridiculous profusion of classes, methods, or both.

SQL has its place, and Alzabo merely provides a thin layer on top of it.

Trying to jam a thick layer of OO-goodness over relational data is asking
for a mess.  OO has its place, but if your application is primarily about
the database, I don't think that a heavy OO layer on top of that will do
you much good.  And OO has a huge impedance mismatch with relational data
(irregardless of SQL or not).


we await the New Sun

Re: What causes memory leaks during graceful restarts?

2002-06-13 Thread Vivek Khera

 DM == Doug MacEachern [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DM what version of perl?  what modperl Makefile.PL options?
DM if you're using modperl as a dso, you'll need at least perl 5.6.1 and 
DM modperl-1.26 to prevent this leakage on restarts.

Even with these versions, I get massive leakage on restart with
FreeBSD.  I always do a stop/start now.

Vivek Khera, Ph.D.Khera Communications, Inc.
Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Rockville, MD   +1-240-453-8497
AIM: vivekkhera Y!: vivek_khera

Re: mod_perl2.0 / TIPool

2002-06-13 Thread Doug MacEachern

On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, Stathy G. Touloumis wrote:

 Is there an idea of when the TIPool API will be available for mod_perl 2.0?

probably never now that threads::shared has been implemented in perl-5.8, 
which can be used to provide the same functionality (i think).
threads::shared came to be after writing about the Perl interface to 

Re: mod_perl2.0 / TIPool

2002-06-13 Thread Matt Sergeant

On Thursday 13 June 2002 10:46 pm, Doug MacEachern wrote:
 On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, Stathy G. Touloumis wrote:
  Is there an idea of when the TIPool API will be available for mod_perl

 probably never now that threads::shared has been implemented in perl-5.8,
 which can be used to provide the same functionality (i think).
 threads::shared came to be after writing about the Perl interface to

Also note is now running an article on threads::shared.

It's mainly aimed at module authors, but it could be of interest anyway.

Re: Setting Cookies

2002-06-13 Thread ___cliff rayman___

ok - here is something ugly - off the top of my head.
when a user submits without a cookie, or a cookie that
u do not recognize:
1) Set-Cookie for the proper domain (i.e.
2) redirect them to the requested page, but with a fully qualified host/domain

Rasoul Hajikhani wrote:

 Hello folks,
 Yesterday I posted a question about PerlTransHandler and received a lot
 of responses. Thanks to all of you who replied. However, my problem
 persists. I try to be more precise in explaining the problem today.
 My login module sets a few cookies that expire 24 hrs after they are
 set. Upon each request the validity of the cookies is checked, and in
 case of an expired cookie, the user is redirected to the login page to
 resubmit username/password again. A request with a fully qualified URL,
 example:, has no problem
 continuing. The cookies are set. However, in case the URL has the stripped, the login page is regenerated indefinitely. The
 cookies never get set.
 There were a few suggestions, such as using mod_rewrite, however that is
 out of the question because mod_rewrite was not built with our http
 server. My PerlTransHandler does not seem to be able to distinguish request with myserver/someLocation.
 I appreciate any suggestions on this.


Apache::URI::hostname is blank

2002-06-13 Thread Adam Ness

For some odd reason, Apache::URI::hostname is showing up as blank.  I've 
tried reading the various man pages and the Oriley book, but I can't find 
any explanation for why hostname would be blank..  Am I overlooking 

Thanks in advance.

Write the bad things that are done to you in sand, but write the good 
things that happen to you on a piece of marble.--Arabic proverb

Adam Ness
AIM: GreyLurk| YIM: greylurk1
LiveJournal: incarnate   | Journalscape: incarnate

MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:

RE: Perl_Tstack_sp_ptr

2002-06-13 Thread Doug MacEachern

On Tue, 11 Jun 2002, Paul G. Weiss wrote:

 OK, until I can decide whether to take a chance on FreeBSD-current 
 or to convince my employers who were so enamored of FreeBSD that
 we should rebuild the server with Linux, I'm going prefork.

worth skimming the [EMAIL PROTECTED] archives.  if the issue has 
already been fixed in the freebsd kernel, you'd need to upgrade from 4.5
 It still doesn't work precisely as it should though.  I decided
 to go with the cvs builds of apache and mod_perl.  I have to 
 confess that the installation instructions seem strange (both for
 CVS and non-CVS).  You have to build and install Apache in order
 to get the include files to build mod_perl.  Then after doing 
 a make for mod_perl you are supposed to go back to Apache and
 configure, make, make-install -- even though the mod_perl make
 touched nothing in the Apache tree!  I assume after all of this
 you do make install on both Apache and mod_perl although the
 doc doesn't say so.

the docs are broken then.  all you have to do is:
- install perl 
- install apache
- build modperl with:
perl Makefile.PL MP_AP_PREFIX=/usr/local/apache2  make test  make install

 I suppose I could have done --enable-threads in Apache 
 with --with-mpm=prefork and it might have worked.  Is
 that considered kosher?

maybe.  but if you are using prefork, no need to build perl with 

Re: threads in 5.8 (was: mod_perl2.0 / TIPool)

2002-06-13 Thread John Siracusa

On 6/13/02 5:58 PM, Matt Sergeant wrote:
 Also note is now running an article on threads::shared.
 It's mainly aimed at module authors, but it could be of interest anyway.

Does anyone know the logic behind making the threads modules all lowercase?
I'd expect it to be Threads::Shared, not threads::shared.


Re: Apache::URI::hostname is blank

2002-06-13 Thread Geoffrey Young

Adam Ness wrote:

 For some odd reason, Apache::URI::hostname is showing up as blank.  I've 
 tried reading the various man pages and the Oriley book, but I can't 
 find any explanation for why hostname would be blank..  Am I overlooking 

yes :)  see Recipe 5.3 in the cookbook for the complete lowdown, but I'm 
pretty sure it's there in the eagle as well...

for the moment, though, know that there are two ways of getting an 
Apache::URI object:

   my $uri = $r-parsed_uri;
   my $uri = Apache::URI-parse($r);

parsed_uri() will only return the scheme, port, and hostname if the 
incoming URI is an absolute URI (which is typically the case with 
proxies but atypical for most of your programing).

Apache::URI-parse($r) tries to find what it can from the request, then 
it makes decisions based on what else Apache knows about the server. 
typically this will involve populating $uri-hostname but, as someone 
brought up just recently, if you use a _default_ vhost config you'll get 
   '_default_' for the hostname.

there are other differences between the two methods, but this is what 
you're interested in now...


Re: threads in 5.8 (was: mod_perl2.0 / TIPool)

2002-06-13 Thread Matt Sergeant

On Thursday 13 June 2002 11:37 pm, John Siracusa wrote:
 On 6/13/02 5:58 PM, Matt Sergeant wrote:
  Also note is now running an article on threads::shared.
  It's mainly aimed at module authors, but it could be of interest anyway.

 Does anyone know the logic behind making the threads modules all lowercase?
 I'd expect it to be Threads::Shared, not threads::shared.

Pragmas are lowercase. And use threads; is really a pragma.


Re: threads in 5.8 (was: mod_perl2.0 / TIPool)

2002-06-13 Thread John Siracusa

On 6/13/02 6:40 PM, Matt Sergeant wrote:
 Does anyone know the logic behind making the threads modules all lowercase?
 I'd expect it to be Threads::Shared, not threads::shared.
 Pragmas are lowercase. And use threads; is really a pragma.

A pragma with class methods?  A pragma that exports functions?  Maybe I'm
confused about the distinction between a pragma and a module...


Re: threads in 5.8 (was: mod_perl2.0 / TIPool)

2002-06-13 Thread Matt Sergeant

On Thursday 13 June 2002 11:50 pm, John Siracusa wrote:
 On 6/13/02 6:40 PM, Matt Sergeant wrote:
  Does anyone know the logic behind making the threads modules all
  lowercase? I'd expect it to be Threads::Shared, not threads::shared.
  Pragmas are lowercase. And use threads; is really a pragma.

 A pragma with class methods?  A pragma that exports functions?  Maybe I'm
 confused about the distinction between a pragma and a module...

It's a really fine line ;-)

See also use fields.

which handler?

2002-06-13 Thread Gabriel C Millerd

i want to make a apacher perlhandler method for location / (i think)
that will check and see if my system state is ok (like database, jabber,
and imap connectivity), and if not will redirect to another page.

if everything is kosher i would like everything to move on like normal ...
which handler method do i use for this.


Gabriel C. Millerd |   Have you noticed the way people's intelligence
 Script Monkey | capabilities decline sharply the minute they start
   |waving guns around? -Dr. Who

Re: which handler?

2002-06-13 Thread Geoffrey Young

Gabriel C Millerd wrote:

 i want to make a apacher perlhandler method for location / (i think)
 that will check and see if my system state is ok (like database, jabber,
 and imap connectivity), and if not will redirect to another page.
 if everything is kosher i would like everything to move on like normal ...
 which handler method do i use for this.

sounds like a job for a PerlTransHandler...

   if ($not_ok) {
 return DECLINED;

keep in mind that the PerlTransHandler cannot be applied to any 
Location (or any other container like Directory) so it will 
automatically apply to an entire (virtual) server.



Re: mod_perl2.0 / TIPool

2002-06-13 Thread Stas Bekman

Doug MacEachern wrote:
 On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, Stathy G. Touloumis wrote:
Is there an idea of when the TIPool API will be available for mod_perl 2.0?
 probably never now that threads::shared has been implemented in perl-5.8, 
 which can be used to provide the same functionality (i think).
 threads::shared came to be after writing about the Perl interface to 

what about perl  5.8.0?

Stas BekmanJAm_pH -- Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide ---

Re: which handler?

2002-06-13 Thread Gabriel C Millerd

On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, Geoffrey Young wrote:

 sounds like a job for a PerlTransHandler...


 keep in mind that the PerlTransHandler cannot be applied to any
 Location (or any other container like Directory) so it will
 automatically apply to an entire (virtual) server.

  that would have been my problem all today i think

  thanks again

Gabriel C. Millerd | When sorrows come, they come not single spies, But
Sith Admin |in battalions. --William Shakespeare, Hamlet

Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-13 Thread Rob Nagler

Dave Rolsky writes:
 Trying to jam a thick layer of OO-goodness over relational data is asking
 for a mess.

Most OLTP applications share a lot in common.  The user inputs data in
forms.  The fields they edit often correspond one-to-one with database
fields, and certainly their types.  The user wants reports which are
usually closely mapped to a table/view/join, i.e. an ordered list of

A reasonable O/R mapping can solve this problem easily.  Like Perl, it
makes the easy things easy and the hard things possible.  The bOP Pet
Shop demostrates how you can build a simple application with only a
couple of custom SQL queries.  The rest are simple joins and CRUD.  If
you need more complex queries, there are escapes.  You still probably
end up with a list of tuples for your reports.  The key we have found
is avoiding indirection by naming fields and models the same in SQL
and Perl objects.  This allows you to seamlessly switch between the

We've found the O/R mapping to be an indispensable part of the
system.  Since all data is contained in objects, the views/widgets
don't need to how the data is populated.  They access all data through
a single interface.


Re: mod_perl/passing session information (MVC related, maybe...)

2002-06-13 Thread Rob Nagler

Perrin Harkins writes:
 My preferred design for this is to set one cookie that lasts forever and 
 serves as a browser ID.

I like this.  It's clean and simple.  In this sense, a browser is not
really a session.  The only thing I don't like is garbage collection.

 unique browser ID (or session ID, if you prefer to give out a new one 
 each time someone comes to the site) lets you track this for 
 unregistered users.

We call this a visitor id.  In the PetShop we have a cart id, but
we're not too happy with the abstraction.

 I don't see that as a big deal.  You'd have to delete lots of other data 
 associated with a user too.  Actually deleting a user is something I've 
 never seen happen anywhere.

We do.  Especially when we went from free to fee. :-(  The big issue I
have with session data is that it is often a BLOB which you can't

 Well, eToys handled more than 2.5 million pages per hour, but caching 
 can be important for much smaller sites in some situations.

I'd like numbers on smaller and some. :)

 Here's a situation where a small site could need caching:

We cache, too.  An interesting query is the club count on's home page.  The count of clubs is a fast query, but the
count of the members is not (about 4 seconds).  We compute a ratio
when the server starts of the members to clubs.  We then run the club
count query and use the ratio to compute the member count.  We restart
the servers nightly, so the ratio is computed once a day.

 Maybe I just have bad luck, but I always seem to end up at companies 
 where they give me requirements like these.

It's the real world.  Denormalization is necessary, but only after you
test the normal case.  One of the reasons I got involved in this
discussion is that I saw a lot of messages about solutions and very
few with numbers identifying the problem.


Re: which handler?

2002-06-13 Thread Gabriel C Millerd

On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, Geoffrey Young wrote:

 sounds like a job for a PerlTransHandler...

if ($not_ok) {
  return DECLINED;

this works great until i run into an Alias or a mod_rewite rule it seems.
what is the proper way to indicate success here? ora's writing apache
modules has this method and the method omitting '$r-filename()' line -
which i have not been able to get to work.

one step away from this .. perhaps a set of logic to act differently is
needed for different requests.

sub handler {
my $r=shift;
if(Apache::MonDiag($r) {
$r-filename($r-document_root . $r-uri);
return OK;
} else {
my $url=$r-dir_config('MonDiagRedirect');
return REDIRECT;

Gabriel C. Millerd

Re: SEGV in bleadperl@17165 under mod_perl

2002-06-13 Thread Andreas J. Koenig

 On Wed, 12 Jun 2002 23:45:41 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andreas J. Koenig) 

   Currently I have a testcase that is still 7300 lines of perl code for
   the server (after all these are in one file) but only 50 lines for the
   client. I hope to cut that down to a reasonable size tomorrow.

I fear I have to give up on this, I cannot cut the test case below
2800 lines. I cannot make it database-independent either. Whatever I
cut out, the SEGV goes away.  :-(

I have switched to blead@17207 (apache is 1.3.24, mod_perl is 1.27)
and this is the stack trace today. The line numbers are again wrong
and I have no idea why. Please take another *sharp* look. If this bug
cannot be fixed, I cannot upgrade PAUSE to 5.8.0 (unless I rename it
to PAUSEGV :-)

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x400ed761 in _IO_fflush (fp=0x877f1e0) at iofflush.c:43
43 iofflush.c: No such file or directory.
(gdb) bt
#0  0x400ed761 in _IO_fflush (fp=0x877f1e0) at iofflush.c:43
#1  0x8205fea in PerlIOStdio_flush (my_perl=0x82f4258, f=0x82fb298)
at perlio.c:2738
#2  0x8203fde in Perl_PerlIO_flush (my_perl=0x82f4258, f=0x82fb298)
at perlio.c:1459
#3  0x82040a8 in Perl_PerlIO_flush (my_perl=0x82f4258, f=0x82fb298)
at perlio.c:1487
#4  0x8173e8f in Perl_my_popen (my_perl=0x82f4258, cmd=0x88b8fc1 -, 
mode=0xb524 w) at util.c:2080
#5  0x81e3297 in Perl_do_openn (my_perl=0x82f4258, gv=0x88c5f34, 
name=0x88b8fc1 -, len=1, as_raw=0, rawmode=0, rawperm=0, 
supplied_fp=0x0, svp=0x84f7098, num_svs=0) at doio.c:282
#6  0x81cbda3 in Perl_pp_open (my_perl=0x82f4258) at pp_sys.c:542
#7  0x816eb43 in Perl_runops_debug (my_perl=0x82f4258) at dump.c:1398
#8  0x81174a3 in S_call_body (my_perl=0x82f4258, myop=0xb758, is_eval=0)
at perl.c:2044
#9  0x8117003 in Perl_call_sv (my_perl=0x82f4258, sv=0x8387470, flags=4)
at perl.c:1962
#10 0x809da38 in perl_call_handler (sv=0x8387470, r=0x87869ac, args=0x0)
at mod_perl.c:1658
#11 0x809cbc4 in perl_run_stacked_handlers (hook=0x828e399 PerlHandler, 
r=0x87869ac, handlers=0x83873ec) at mod_perl.c:1371
#12 0x809a637 in perl_handler (r=0x87869ac) at mod_perl.c:897
#13 0x80e6379 in ap_invoke_handler () at eval.c:88
#14 0x80fbbdf in process_request_internal () at eval.c:88
#15 0x80fbc4a in ap_process_request () at eval.c:88
#16 0x80f2897 in child_main () at eval.c:88
#17 0x80f2a55 in make_child () at eval.c:88
#18 0x80f2bd6 in startup_children () at eval.c:88
#19 0x80f326d in standalone_main () at eval.c:88
#20 0x80f3acc in main () at eval.c:88
#21 0x400a475d in __libc_start_main (main=0x80f3738 main, argc=4, 
ubp_av=0xbae4, init=0x807a628 _init, fini=0x8286704 _fini, 
rtld_fini=0x4000b8f4 _dl_fini, stack_end=0xbadc)
at ../sysdeps/generic/libc-start.c:129

Loaded modules of the application are quite a lot:

  Apache Apache::Connection Apache::Constants Apache::Constants::Exports
  Apache::HeavyCGI Apache::HeavyCGI::Date Apache::HeavyCGI::Exception
  Apache::HeavyCGI::ExePlan Apache::HeavyCGI::Layout Apache::Request
  Apache::Server Apache::Status Apache::Symbol Apache::Table Apache::URI
  AutoLoader B Carp Class::Singleton Compress::Zlib Config Cwd
  DBD::mysql DBI Data::Dumper Devel::Symdump DirHandle DynaLoader Encode
  Encode::Alias Encode::Config Encode::Encoding Exporter Exporter::Heavy
  ExtUtils::Manifest Fcntl File::Basename File::Copy File::Find
  File::Spec File::Spec::Unix HTML::Entities HTML::Parser HTTP::Date IO
  IO::File IO::Handle IO::Seekable List::Util Mail::Mailer
  Mail::Mailer::rfc822 Mail::Mailer::sendmail Mail::Send Scalar::Util
  SelectSaver String::Random Symbol Text::Tabs Text::Wrap Time::HiRes
  Time::Local URI URI::Escape URI::URL URI::WithBase URI::_generic
  URI::_query URI::_server URI::_userpass URI::ftp Unicode::String
  XML::Parser XML::Parser::Expat XSLoader base bytes constant fields
  integer lib mod_perl overload pause_1999::authensegv
  pause_1999::configsegv re strict utf8 vars warnings warnings::register

Most of the modules are not involved in any action, most of the
testscript is unused code. The test script only does the following:

1. Authentication via DBI (mysql)
2. Receive an uploaded file via Apache::Request
3. Send mail via Mail::Mailer (sendmail)

Action must be repeated about 6-8 times, only then the SEGV is reached.


Re: SEGV in bleadperl@17165 under mod_perl

2002-06-13 Thread Jarkko Hietaniemi

On Thu, Jun 13, 2002 at 06:52:13PM +0200, Andreas J. Koenig wrote:
  On Wed, 12 Jun 2002 23:45:41 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andreas J. 
Koenig) said:
Currently I have a testcase that is still 7300 lines of perl code for
the server (after all these are in one file) but only 50 lines for the
client. I hope to cut that down to a reasonable size tomorrow.
 I fear I have to give up on this, I cannot cut the test case below
 2800 lines. I cannot make it database-independent either. Whatever I
 cut out, the SEGV goes away.  :-(
 I have switched to blead@17207 (apache is 1.3.24, mod_perl is 1.27)
 and this is the stack trace today. The line numbers are again wrong
 and I have no idea why. Please take another *sharp* look. If this bug
 cannot be fixed, I cannot upgrade PAUSE to 5.8.0 (unless I rename it
 to PAUSEGV :-)
 Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
 0x400ed761 in _IO_fflush (fp=0x877f1e0) at iofflush.c:43
 43 iofflush.c: No such file or directory.
 (gdb) bt
 #0  0x400ed761 in _IO_fflush (fp=0x877f1e0) at iofflush.c:43
 #1  0x8205fea in PerlIOStdio_flush (my_perl=0x82f4258, f=0x82fb298)
 at perlio.c:2738

I'm grasping at straws, and I really don't know much about
PerlIO... but try this:

 //depot/perl/perlio.c#179 - /u/vieraat/vieraat/jhi/pp4/perl/perlio.c 
Index: perl/perlio.c
--- perl/perlio.c.~1~   Thu Jun 13 20:05:05 2002
+++ perl/perlio.c   Thu Jun 13 20:05:05 2002
@@ -2734,7 +2734,7 @@
 PerlIOStdio_flush(pTHX_ PerlIO *f)
 FILE *stdio = PerlIOSelf(f, PerlIOStdio)-stdio;
-if (PerlIOBase(f)-flags  PERLIO_F_CANWRITE) {
+if (stdio  PerlIOBase(f)-flags  PERLIO_F_CANWRITE) {
return PerlSIO_fflush(stdio);
 else {
End of Patch.

NI-S will probably find this patch very wrong :-)

 #2  0x8203fde in Perl_PerlIO_flush (my_perl=0x82f4258, f=0x82fb298)
 at perlio.c:1459
 #3  0x82040a8 in Perl_PerlIO_flush (my_perl=0x82f4258, f=0x82fb298)
 at perlio.c:1487
 #4  0x8173e8f in Perl_my_popen (my_perl=0x82f4258, cmd=0x88b8fc1 -, 
 mode=0xb524 w) at util.c:2080
 #5  0x81e3297 in Perl_do_openn (my_perl=0x82f4258, gv=0x88c5f34, 
 name=0x88b8fc1 -, len=1, as_raw=0, rawmode=0, rawperm=0, 
 supplied_fp=0x0, svp=0x84f7098, num_svs=0) at doio.c:282
 #6  0x81cbda3 in Perl_pp_open (my_perl=0x82f4258) at pp_sys.c:542
 #7  0x816eb43 in Perl_runops_debug (my_perl=0x82f4258) at dump.c:1398
 #8  0x81174a3 in S_call_body (my_perl=0x82f4258, myop=0xb758, is_eval=0)
 at perl.c:2044
 #9  0x8117003 in Perl_call_sv (my_perl=0x82f4258, sv=0x8387470, flags=4)
 at perl.c:1962
 #10 0x809da38 in perl_call_handler (sv=0x8387470, r=0x87869ac, args=0x0)
 at mod_perl.c:1658
 #11 0x809cbc4 in perl_run_stacked_handlers (hook=0x828e399 PerlHandler, 
 r=0x87869ac, handlers=0x83873ec) at mod_perl.c:1371
 #12 0x809a637 in perl_handler (r=0x87869ac) at mod_perl.c:897
 #13 0x80e6379 in ap_invoke_handler () at eval.c:88
 #14 0x80fbbdf in process_request_internal () at eval.c:88
 #15 0x80fbc4a in ap_process_request () at eval.c:88
 #16 0x80f2897 in child_main () at eval.c:88
 #17 0x80f2a55 in make_child () at eval.c:88
 #18 0x80f2bd6 in startup_children () at eval.c:88
 #19 0x80f326d in standalone_main () at eval.c:88
 #20 0x80f3acc in main () at eval.c:88
 #21 0x400a475d in __libc_start_main (main=0x80f3738 main, argc=4, 
 ubp_av=0xbae4, init=0x807a628 _init, fini=0x8286704 _fini, 
 rtld_fini=0x4000b8f4 _dl_fini, stack_end=0xbadc)
 at ../sysdeps/generic/libc-start.c:129
 Loaded modules of the application are quite a lot:
   Apache Apache::Connection Apache::Constants Apache::Constants::Exports
   Apache::HeavyCGI Apache::HeavyCGI::Date Apache::HeavyCGI::Exception
   Apache::HeavyCGI::ExePlan Apache::HeavyCGI::Layout Apache::Request
   Apache::Server Apache::Status Apache::Symbol Apache::Table Apache::URI
   AutoLoader B Carp Class::Singleton Compress::Zlib Config Cwd
   DBD::mysql DBI Data::Dumper Devel::Symdump DirHandle DynaLoader Encode
   Encode::Alias Encode::Config Encode::Encoding Exporter Exporter::Heavy
   ExtUtils::Manifest Fcntl File::Basename File::Copy File::Find
   File::Spec File::Spec::Unix HTML::Entities HTML::Parser HTTP::Date IO
   IO::File IO::Handle IO::Seekable List::Util Mail::Mailer
   Mail::Mailer::rfc822 Mail::Mailer::sendmail Mail::Send Scalar::Util
   SelectSaver String::Random Symbol Text::Tabs Text::Wrap Time::HiRes
   Time::Local URI URI::Escape URI::URL URI::WithBase URI::_generic
   URI::_query URI::_server URI::_userpass URI::ftp Unicode::String
   XML::Parser XML::Parser::Expat XSLoader base bytes constant fields
   integer lib mod_perl overload pause_1999::authensegv
   pause_1999::configsegv re strict utf8 vars warnings warnings::register
 Most of the modules are not involved in any action, most of the
 testscript is unused code. The test script only does the following:
 1. Authentication via DBI (mysql)
 2. Receive an uploaded file via Apache::Request
 3. Send mail 

Re: SEGV in bleadperl@17165 under mod_perl

2002-06-13 Thread Doug MacEachern

On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, Andreas J. Koenig wrote:

this might be worth a try.  since the segv is something stdio, must be one 
of std{out,err} getting corrupted somehow.   ap_error_log2stderr does 
API_EXPORT(void) ap_error_log2stderr(server_rec *s) {
if (   s-error_log != NULL
 fileno(s-error_log) != STDERR_FILENO)
dup2(fileno(s-error_log), STDERR_FILENO);

no other suspects at the moment.  of course, something else in your mix 
could be messing with std{out,err}.  strace might reveal some clues.

--- src/modules/perl/mod_perl.c~Wed May 22 21:23:18 2002
+++ src/modules/perl/mod_perl.c Thu Jun 13 10:24:59 2002
 -1454,7 +1454,7 
 /* hookup stderr to error_log */
-#ifndef PERL_TRACE
+#if 0

Re: SEGV in bleadperl@17165 under mod_perl

2002-06-13 Thread Doug MacEachern

On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, Andreas J. Koenig wrote:

 Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
 0x400ed761 in _IO_fflush (fp=0x877f1e0) at iofflush.c:43
 43 iofflush.c: No such file or directory.
 (gdb) bt
 #0  0x400ed761 in _IO_fflush (fp=0x877f1e0) at iofflush.c:43

also, if possible could you:
(gdb) p *fp

Re: SEGV in bleadperl@17165 under mod_perl

2002-06-13 Thread Jarkko Hietaniemi

On Thu, Jun 13, 2002 at 08:26:30PM +0200, Andreas J. Koenig wrote:
  On Thu, 13 Jun 2002 10:32:01 -0700 (PDT), Doug MacEachern [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, Andreas J. Koenig wrote:
   Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
   0x400ed761 in _IO_fflush (fp=0x877f1e0) at iofflush.c:43
   43 iofflush.c: No such file or directory.
   (gdb) bt
   #0  0x400ed761 in _IO_fflush (fp=0x877f1e0) at iofflush.c:43
also, if possible could you:
(gdb) p *fp
 (gdb) p *fp

 I'll try the other suggestions next.

Mine probably doesn't help much since the pointer seems to be non-NULL...

 $1 = {_flags = 1075460144, 
   _IO_read_ptr = 0x401a3830 
0ã\210\b0ã\210\bØñw\bØñw\b88\032@88\032@@8\032@@8\032@H8\032@H8\032@P8\032@P8\032@X8\032@X8\032@`8\032@`8\032@h8\032@h8\032@p8\032@p8\032@x8\032@x8\032@\2008\032@\2008\032@\2108\032@\2108\032@\2208\032@\2208\032@\2308\032@\2308\032@ 8\032@ 8\032@¨8\032@¨8\032@°8\032@°8\032@¸8\032@¸8\032@À8\032@À8\032@È8\032@È8\032@0ð\213\b0ð\213\bØ8\032@Ø8\032@à8\032@à8\032@è8\032@è8\032@...,

This doesn't look good...

   _IO_read_end = 0x646e4128 Address 0x646e4128 out of bounds, 
   _IO_read_base = 0x73616572 Address 0x73616572 out of bounds, 
   _IO_write_base = 0x202e4a20 Address 0x202e4a20 out of bounds, 
   _IO_write_ptr = 0x6eb6c34b Address 0x6eb6c34b out of bounds, 
   _IO_write_end = 0x20296769 Address 0x20296769 out of bounds, 
   _IO_buf_base = 0x69736976 Address 0x69736976 out of bounds, 
   _IO_buf_end = 0x20646574 Address 0x20646574 out of bounds, 
   _IO_save_base = 0x20656874 Address 0x20656874 out of bounds, 
   _IO_backup_base = 0x53554150 Address 0x53554150 out of bounds, 
   _IO_save_end = 0x20200a45 Address 0x20200a45 out of bounds, 

These look fishy...

   _markers = 0x20646e61, _chain = 0x75716572, _fileno = 1702130533, 
   _blksize = 1851859044, _old_offset = 1819309344, _cur_column = 24943, 
   _vtable_offset = 100 'd', _shortbuf =  , _lock = 0x6f746e69, 
   _offset = 8243109245980600352, _codecvt = 0x72696420, 
   _wide_data = 0x6f746365, _mode = 170817906, 
   _unused2 = The request used the following parameters\n\n  SUBMIT_}

If this is an unused field why does it contain a very readable string :-)
In my Linux stdio.h unused2 is int _unused2[16], but off-hand I don't
even think it should be part of a FILE, so I really don't know what to say.

$jhi++; #
# There is this special biologist word we use for 'stable'.
# It is 'dead'. -- Jack Cohen

Re: SEGV in bleadperl@17165 under mod_perl

2002-06-13 Thread Jarkko Hietaniemi

 _IO_read_end = 0x646e4128 Address 0x646e4128 out of bounds, 
 _IO_read_base = 0x73616572 Address 0x73616572 out of bounds, 
 _IO_write_base = 0x202e4a20 Address 0x202e4a20 out of bounds, 
 _IO_write_ptr = 0x6eb6c34b Address 0x6eb6c34b out of bounds, 
 _IO_write_end = 0x20296769 Address 0x20296769 out of bounds, 
 _IO_buf_base = 0x69736976 Address 0x69736976 out of bounds, 
 _IO_buf_end = 0x20646574 Address 0x20646574 out of bounds, 
 _IO_save_base = 0x20656874 Address 0x20656874 out of bounds, 
 _IO_backup_base = 0x53554150 Address 0x53554150 out of bounds, 
 _IO_save_end = 0x20200a45 Address 0x20200a45 out of bounds, 
  These look fishy...
 $ perl -le 'print pack i, hex $_ foreach ARGV' 0x646e4128 0x73616572 0x202e4a20 
0x6eb6c34b 0x20296769 0x69736976 0x20646574 0x20656874 0x53554150 0x20200a45 

Ouch.  How did you even start to suspect this?  Because the hexdigitsq
looked like fitting well into the ASCII range?

 (Andreas J. König) visited the PAUSE and reqested an upload into his/her 
directory.\n .
 The request used the following parameters\n\n  SUBMIT_
 I think. (that's König in utf8, isn't it?)


 I don't think we're in FILE* any longer, Toto.
 (and I didn't get the misquote quite correct, did I?)
 What's a good memory leak checker for running PAUSE under? valgrind with

Dunno about memory *leaks* but definitely looks like fandango on core...

 showleaks turned on?

$jhi++; #
# There is this special biologist word we use for 'stable'.
# It is 'dead'. -- Jack Cohen

Re: SEGV in bleadperl@17165 under mod_perl

2002-06-13 Thread Doug MacEachern

seems to be an Apache::Request issue with perlio.  i can get a similar 
segv with the modperl test change below.
system() triggers a PERL_FLUSHALL_FOR_CHILD; with the Apache::Upload 
filehandles still alive.  there is some ugly code to import the FILE* from 
ApacheUpload_fh to a PerlIO, which could be the culprit.
is there any way to flag a PerlIO to not be flushed during 
PerlIO_flush(NULL) ?

--- t/net/perl/   Thu Dec 30 11:51:16 1999
+++ t/net/perl/request-upload.plThu Jun 13 14:31:37 2002
 -28,7 +28,8 
 my $name = $upload-name;
 my $type = $upload-type;
 next unless $filename;
+local $ENV{PATH} = '/bin';
+system /bin/echo $filename  /tmp/uploads;
 print $name $filename ($type);
 if ($fh and $name) {
no strict;

Re: SEGV in bleadperl@17165 under mod_perl

2002-06-13 Thread Doug MacEachern

also note that the problem goes away if PERL_FLUSHALL_FOR_CHILD happens 
after the Apache::Upload handles have gone out of scope.  the change below 
does not trigger and segvs, all tests pass.  andreas, you could try to 
make sure your Apache::Upload handles have gone out of scope (or are 
undef-ed) before calling Mail::Mailer.  also make sure you are using 
the 1.0 version of libapreq, i think older versions leaked filehandles.

--- t/net/perl/   Thu Dec 30 11:51:16 1999
+++ t/net/perl/request-upload.plThu Jun 13 14:41:51 2002
 -107,3 +107,5 
 print $filename bytes=$bytes,wanted=$wanted\n;
+local $ENV{PATH} = '/bin';
+system /bin/echo ok  /tmp/uploads;

Re: SEGV in bleadperl@17165 under mod_perl

2002-06-13 Thread Doug MacEachern

patch below also cures (when calling system() with Apache::Upload handles 
still alive).  seems PerlIO_importFILE() should have a mode argument, in 
this case we only want to allow reading on the given FILE*

--- Request/Request.xs~ Sun Jan 20 09:27:35 2002
+++ Request/Request.xs  Thu Jun 13 15:07:28 2002
 -38,6 +38,7 
 #undef __attribute__
 #include mod_perl.h
+#include perliol.h
 #ifdef WIN32
 -494,6 +495,7 
 if (  ( RETVAL = PerlIO_importFILE(ApacheUpload_fh(upload),0) ) == NULL  )
+PerlIOBase((PerlIO*)RETVAL)-flags = ~PERLIO_F_CANWRITE;

Re: SEGV in bleadperl@17165 under mod_perl

2002-06-13 Thread Nicholas Clark

On Thu, Jun 13, 2002 at 09:36:42PM +0300, Jarkko Hietaniemi wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 13, 2002 at 08:26:30PM +0200, Andreas J. Koenig wrote:
   On Thu, 13 Jun 2002 10:32:01 -0700 (PDT), Doug MacEachern 
 On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, Andreas J. Koenig wrote:
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x400ed761 in _IO_fflush (fp=0x877f1e0) at iofflush.c:43
43 iofflush.c: No such file or directory.
(gdb) bt
#0  0x400ed761 in _IO_fflush (fp=0x877f1e0) at iofflush.c:43
 also, if possible could you:
 (gdb) p *fp
  (gdb) p *fp
  I'll try the other suggestions next.
 Mine probably doesn't help much since the pointer seems to be non-NULL...
  $1 = {_flags = 1075460144, 
_IO_read_ptr = 0x401a3830 
0ã\210\b0ã\210\bØñw\bØñw\b88\032@88\032@@8\032@@8\032@H8\032@H8\032@P8\032@P8\032@X8\032@X8\032@`8\032@`8\032@h8\032@h8\032@p8\032@p8\032@x8\032@x8\032@\2008\032@\2008\032@\2108\032@\2108\032@\2208\032@\2208\032@\2308\032@\2308\032@ 8\032@ 8\032@¨8\032@¨8\032@°8\032@°8\032@¸8\032@¸8\032@À8\032@À8\032@È8\032@È8\032@0ð\213\b0ð\213\bØ8\032@Ø8\032@à8\032@à8\032@è8\032@è8\032@...,
 This doesn't look good...
_IO_read_end = 0x646e4128 Address 0x646e4128 out of bounds, 
_IO_read_base = 0x73616572 Address 0x73616572 out of bounds, 
_IO_write_base = 0x202e4a20 Address 0x202e4a20 out of bounds, 
_IO_write_ptr = 0x6eb6c34b Address 0x6eb6c34b out of bounds, 
_IO_write_end = 0x20296769 Address 0x20296769 out of bounds, 
_IO_buf_base = 0x69736976 Address 0x69736976 out of bounds, 
_IO_buf_end = 0x20646574 Address 0x20646574 out of bounds, 
_IO_save_base = 0x20656874 Address 0x20656874 out of bounds, 
_IO_backup_base = 0x53554150 Address 0x53554150 out of bounds, 
_IO_save_end = 0x20200a45 Address 0x20200a45 out of bounds, 
 These look fishy...

$ perl -le 'print pack i, hex $_ foreach @ARGV' 0x646e4128 0x73616572 0x202e4a20 
0x6eb6c34b 0x20296769 0x69736976 0x20646574 0x20656874 0x53554150 0x20200a45 

_markers = 0x20646e61, _chain = 0x75716572, _fileno = 1702130533, 
_blksize = 1851859044, _old_offset = 1819309344, _cur_column = 24943, 
_vtable_offset = 100 'd', _shortbuf =  , _lock = 0x6f746e69, 
_offset = 8243109245980600352, _codecvt = 0x72696420, 
_wide_data = 0x6f746365, _mode = 170817906, 
_unused2 = The request used the following parameters\n\n  SUBMIT_}

$ perl -le 'print pack i, hex $_ foreach @ARGV'  0x20646e61 0x75716572
$ perl -le 'print pack i, $_ foreach @ARGV' 1702130533 1851859044 1819309344
d an
$ perl -le 'print pack s, $_ foreach @ARGV' 24943 


perl -le 'print pack i, hex $_ foreach @ARGV'  0x6f746e69

perl13693-64 -le 'print pack Q, 8243109245980600352'

perl -le 'print pack i, hex $_ foreach @ARGV'  0x72696420 0x6f746365 

perl -le 'print pack i, $_ foreach @ARGV'  170817906

 If this is an unused field why does it contain a very readable string :-)
 In my Linux stdio.h unused2 is int _unused2[16], but off-hand I don't
 even think it should be part of a FILE, so I really don't know what to say.

(Andreas J. König) visited the PAUSE and reqested an upload into his/her 
directory.\n .
The request used the following parameters\n\n  SUBMIT_

I think. (that's König in utf8, isn't it?)

I don't think we're in FILE* any longer, Toto.

(and I didn't get the misquote quite correct, did I?)

What's a good memory leak checker for running PAUSE under? valgrind with
showleaks turned on?

Nicholas Clark
Even better than the real thing:

Re: SEGV in bleadperl@17165 under mod_perl

2002-06-13 Thread Andreas J. Koenig

 On Thu, 13 Jun 2002 15:11:04 -0700 (PDT), Doug MacEachern [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

   patch below also cures (when calling system() with Apache::Upload handles 
   still alive).

Thank you so much, Doug. Your diagnostics confirmed: the upload
filehandle was still in scope. The fix to Request.xs fixes the bug as
does narrowing the scope of the filehandle.



Re: SEGV in bleadperl@17165 under mod_perl

2002-06-13 Thread Nicholas Clark

On Thu, Jun 13, 2002 at 11:22:46PM +0300, Jarkko Hietaniemi wrote:
  _IO_read_end = 0x646e4128 Address 0x646e4128 out of bounds, 
  _IO_read_base = 0x73616572 Address 0x73616572 out of bounds, 
  _IO_write_base = 0x202e4a20 Address 0x202e4a20 out of bounds, 
  _IO_write_ptr = 0x6eb6c34b Address 0x6eb6c34b out of bounds, 
  _IO_write_end = 0x20296769 Address 0x20296769 out of bounds, 
  _IO_buf_base = 0x69736976 Address 0x69736976 out of bounds, 
  _IO_buf_end = 0x20646574 Address 0x20646574 out of bounds, 
  _IO_save_base = 0x20656874 Address 0x20656874 out of bounds, 
  _IO_backup_base = 0x53554150 Address 0x53554150 out of bounds, 
  _IO_save_end = 0x20200a45 Address 0x20200a45 out of bounds, 
   These look fishy...
  $ perl -le 'print pack i, hex $_ foreach ARGV' 0x646e4128 0x73616572 0x202e4a20 
0x6eb6c34b 0x20296769 0x69736976 0x20646574 0x20656874 0x53554150 0x20200a45 
 Ouch.  How did you even start to suspect this?  Because the hexdigitsq
 looked like fitting well into the ASCII range?

Yes. Basically. :-)
I didn't get where I am today ... by not being suspicious about 0x646e
It there seemed to be rather too many bytes in ASCII letter range.
Particularly that there were steady 4 bytes all in ASCII range. Most integers
and pointers don't look like that on 32 bit systems - most integers don't
need to be that big, and most pointers have more 0 bits in them.
(People (like me at work) will mess this up by trying to use all of the 32
bit memory map to store large volumes of data)

To be honest I didn't remember that 6x was lower case (ie I should actually
also be suspicious about numbers in the range 0x41-0x5A) but after finding
that I had a good start with a word:

$ perl -le 'print pack i, hex $_ foreach ARGV' 0x646e4128

I just kept on going.

  What's a good memory leak checker for running PAUSE under? valgrind with
 Dunno about memory *leaks* but definitely looks like fandango on core...

Ah. That's what valgrind is good for finding the cause of.

By the way, did I say that I like valgrind?
I like ccache too. (The two are unrelated, other than they are both GPL and
I like them both). The samba folks have a new scary thing under development -
a distributed compile demon. I'm not sure how useful that is to most of us,
except that it should allow anyone with 2+ similar machines a chance to debug
Makefiles running under -j :-)

Nicholas Clark
Even better than the real thing:

RE: PerlSetVar WhatEverSecure

2002-06-13 Thread Jim Helm

It's not the prettiest in the world, but try this (see attached file).
If anyone sees room for improvement, please, chime in.  It's working
fine on the intranet site I run at work - and I haven't tried to make it
any better since it's working as is.  You use this script instead of the
loginscreen method of AuthTicket.  It uses the http-equiv refresh when
switch schemes since going from https to http causes most browsers to
popup a warning about getting redirected to an insecure site.

Here are my relevant httpd.conf settings:

PerlSetVar realmTicketLoginHandler /LOGIN
PerlSetVar realmTicketLogoutURI /
PerlSetVar realmLoginScript /login

Alias /login /v01/data/web/auth/login
Location /login
Options ExecCGI
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::Registry

Location /LOGIN
IfDefine SSL
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::AuthTicket-login


 -Original Message-
 From: Brian Reichert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 1:13 PM
 To: Michael Schout
 Cc: Brian Reichert; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: PerlSetVar WhatEverSecure
 On Thu, Jun 13, 2002 at 10:40:18AM -0500, Michael Schout wrote:
  Brian Reichert wrote:
 Location /formscript/login
   PerlSetVar FormScriptSecure 1
   AuthType Apache::AuthTicket
   But, in each case, my login program is server in the 
 clear.  What am 
   I missing?
  THe authnameSecure setting only affects the cookie. If you want to
  forbid access to the login form from non-ssl, there are 
 verious ways to 
  do that.  One way would be to add SSLRequireSSL that 
 block (assuming 
  your using mod_ssl).
 Apache::AuthTicket says:
Finally, by using the Secure mode of Apache::AuthCookie, the
ticket is not passed over unencrypted connections.
 Passed in what direction?
 It would only go server-client if the client made a SSL request.
 With the 'FormScriptSecure' as I have it above, I _can_ log 
 in over a non-encrypted channel, so clearly it's not 
 enforcing the 'secure' criteria...
 (Still reading up on cookies...)
 I suppose my real question is:
 How can I intercept a unencrypted request for a protected 
 document, but have the login form be submitted over an 
 encrypted channel?
 (Thanks for the feedback, by the way...)
 Brian 'you Bastard' Reichert  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 37 Crystal Ave. #303  Daytime number: (603) 434-6842
 Derry NH 03038-1713 USA   Intel 
 architecture: the left-hand path

Description: Binary data

Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-13 Thread Dave Rolsky

On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, Rob Nagler wrote:

 Most OLTP applications share a lot in common.  The user inputs data in
 forms.  The fields they edit often correspond one-to-one with database
 fields, and certainly their types.  The user wants reports which are
 usually closely mapped to a table/view/join, i.e. an ordered list of

 A reasonable O/R mapping can solve this problem easily.  Like Perl, it
 makes the easy things easy and the hard things possible.  The bOP Pet
 Shop demostrates how you can build a simple application with only a
 couple of custom SQL queries.  The rest are simple joins and CRUD.  If
 you need more complex queries, there are escapes.  You still probably
 end up with a list of tuples for your reports.  The key we have found
 is avoiding indirection by naming fields and models the same in SQL
 and Perl objects.  This allows you to seamlessly switch between the

The Pet Shop has a grand total of 13 tables.

How well does this approach work with 90 tables?  How does it handle
arbitrary queries that may join 1-6 tables, with conditionals and sorting
of arbitrary complexity?

 We've found the O/R mapping to be an indispensable part of the
 system.  Since all data is contained in objects, the views/widgets
 don't need to how the data is populated.  They access all data through
 a single interface.

I'm not a big fan of O/R.  I prefer R/O.  But to each their own.


we await the New Sun

Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-13 Thread Gunther Birznieks

At 12:58 PM 6/14/2002, Dave Rolsky wrote:
On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, Rob Nagler wrote:

I'm not a big fan of O/R.  I prefer R/O.  But to each their own.

Would one of you mind providing a 1 paragraph definition of each? I am 
afraid that I am starting to get lost in the semantic differences of 
controllers and actions and O/R, R/O?

Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-13 Thread Dave Rolsky

On Fri, 14 Jun 2002, Gunther Birznieks wrote:

 Would one of you mind providing a 1 paragraph definition of each? I am
 afraid that I am starting to get lost in the semantic differences of
 controllers and actions and O/R, R/O?

Well, here's my take on it.

An Object-Relational mapper takes objects and stores them in a relational
database, as transparently as possible.  I think the most pure example of
this I've seen in the Perl world is Tangram (
SPOPS is also an O-R mapper (actually, its a generic Object persistence
mechanism but it seems to most feature-rich when used with an RDBMS).

A Relational-Object takes a relational database, and provides access to it
(select, insert, update, delete) via objects.  Class::DBI, Alzabo, and
DBIx::RecordSet are examples of such a beast.

I think what it comes down to is how do you start thinking your project?

If the first thing you think about is classes, objects, hierarchies,
delegation, etc., then an O-R mapper may be for you.  Most applications
need some sort of persistent data storage, and if you think of your app
solely as a collection of objects, then an O-R mapper is a natural fit.

However, if you're like me, and given an app, the first thing you think
about is _data_ and relationships, then a R-O mapper may be better.  I for
one start a project by designing a relational schema for the data.  Then I
want some nice programmatic way to get at it so Alzabo is key for me.

Of course, all this assumes some large amount of persistent data, as is
the case with many (but not all) web apps.

OTOH, if you don't have much (or any) persistent data, this is all
meaningless.  For example, when I work on Mason I think objects.

But when I work on my Hong Kong movie DB project, I think about tables.  I
have 90-some tables and I don't really want to create 90-some individual
classes, plus some ungodly number of query classes (as proposed by
Perrin) to deal with it.  Thanks, but no thanks.  OTOH, I hate writing raw
SQL and I hate generating SQL dynamically even more.  Alzabo provides a
nice layer over SQL, provides a multitude of convenience methods, has
hook/trigger support, supports caching, transactions, and facilitates
writing additional canned query methods as needed, and much much more ;)


we await the New Sun

Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-13 Thread Fran Fabrizio

  Shop demostrates how you can build a simple application with only a
  couple of custom SQL queries.  The rest are simple joins and CRUD.  If
  you need more complex queries, there are escapes.  You still probably
  end up with a list of tuples for your reports.  The key we have found
  is avoiding indirection by naming fields and models the same in SQL
  and Perl objects.  This allows you to seamlessly switch between the

How well does this approach work with 90 tables?  How does it handle
arbitrary queries that may join 1-6 tables, with conditionals and sorting
of arbitrary complexity?

I'd have to agree, most of the real-world scenarios I have run across do 
not consist of these neat 1-to-1 field to attribute type of mappings where 
the majority of the queries are simple inserts or selects from a single 
table or simple joins.  Most of the apps I work on quickly evolve to the 
point of many (in my current case, 120+) tables and where most of the 
queries are gathering data for reports/views that bring data together from 
several tables.  Joins of 5+ tables, unions, excepts, subselects, 
self-joins, complex sorting/grouping rules, etc are all commonplace and 
this is where I think overzealous attempts to abstract the queries away 
fall apart.  I guess I'm more of the Perrin school of thought, where I 
prefer crafting all the SQL directly.

I don't typically find apps that just mirror some subset of one of the db 
tables to be all that interesting.  After all, it's the relationships 
between the data that make the data interesting, and by necessity this 
means your queries will be complex.  And looking over the stuff outlined at, there's not too many models/frameworks out there that 
can accurately abstract ALL of SQL, and if it only does a subset, I feel 
like that's shooting myself in the foot.


Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-13 Thread Rob Nagler

Dave Rolsky writes:
 The Pet Shop has a grand total of 13 tables.
 How well does this approach work with 90 tables?

Works fine with, which has 50 tables.

 How does it handle arbitrary queries that may join 1-6 tables,
 with conditionals and sorting of arbitrary complexity?

The ListModel can override or augment its query.  You can load a
ListModel from an arbitrary data source as a result.  After the load,
it can fix up rows, e.g. computing percent portfolio is not done in
SQL but in Perl in internal_post_load_row().

The automatic sorting is handy for simple joins.  For complex
queries, there's no fully automatic solution for sorting.

Here's a simple query:
The ListModel declares which columns are sortable:

order_by = [

The view doesn't need to say anything, because the Table widget
queries the ListModel meta-data.  The SQL query is dynamically
constructed by the o HTTP query value.

For complex queries, you may be able to take advantage of the sort
infrastructure. There are no guarantees, but you have the rope.

The software is designed for the 80% solution.  As we see patterns
develop in our code, we add general cases to the infrastructure.

 I'm not a big fan of O/R.  I prefer R/O.  But to each their own.

I guess we do R/O in the sense that we design the database
relationally and then map PropertyModels one-to-one with the tables.
Is that what you mean by R/O?


Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-13 Thread Dave Rolsky

On Fri, 14 Jun 2002, Fran Fabrizio wrote:

 How well does this approach work with 90 tables?  How does it handle
 arbitrary queries that may join 1-6 tables, with conditionals and sorting
 of arbitrary complexity?

 I'd have to agree, most of the real-world scenarios I have run across do
 not consist of these neat 1-to-1 field to attribute type of mappings where
 the majority of the queries are simple inserts or selects from a single
 table or simple joins.  Most of the apps I work on quickly evolve to the
 point of many (in my current case, 120+) tables and where most of the
 queries are gathering data for reports/views that bring data together from
 several tables.  Joins of 5+ tables, unions, excepts, subselects,
 self-joins, complex sorting/grouping rules, etc are all commonplace and
 this is where I think overzealous attempts to abstract the queries away
 fall apart.  I guess I'm more of the Perrin school of thought, where I
 prefer crafting all the SQL directly.

I never said I like to actually write SQL directly.  See below ...

 I don't typically find apps that just mirror some subset of one of the db
 tables to be all that interesting.  After all, it's the relationships
 between the data that make the data interesting, and by necessity this
 means your queries will be complex.  And looking over the stuff outlined at, there's not too many models/frameworks out there that
 can accurately abstract ALL of SQL, and if it only does a subset, I feel
 like that's shooting myself in the foot.

Well, I'm the author of both that doc _and_ Alzabo, which of the R-O tools
described in that document supports the most of SQL except for
DBIx::RecordSet, which is quite a bit lower-level, but basically can be
used for _any_ SQL (I think).

Alzabo supports enough for me and my 90-table database.  So far I haven't
needed unions, excepts, or difference, nor have I needed subselects
(Alzabo actually has some support for subselects, though not the first

I do need complex joins, self-joins, joins with aliases, complex sorting 
grouping (though it doesn't support HAVING yet), outer joins, and all
conditionals.  Alzabo does support all of this, and frankly I find it
easier to do this, particularly when it needs to be done on the fly, then
I could by just generating SQL in the app itself.

I'm all for _some_ abstraction.  The eternal question is how much?


we await the New Sun

Re: Fooey. Can't compile mod_perl. / cygwin / success

2002-06-13 Thread Wim Kerkhoff


If I just install Apache using the MSI installer, it automatically sets 
up the service, and it works dandy. After I install the mod_perl 1.x PPM 
package from the site, the service no longer starts apache. 
Even if I use apache -k to remove, then re-add the service. I think it 
may have something to do with the path to Perl not being in the 
environment, and I don't know where that should get set.

For now, I've been just opening up a new cmd.exe window and running it 
from the command line, but obviously that isn't the preferred solution.

Here's what I've done to get Apache and mod_perl to work under Cygwin:

cd /lib/perl5/5.6.1/cygwin-multi/CORE
ln -s libperl5_6_1.a libperl.a
tar xvfz mod_perl-1.27.tar.gz
cd mod_perl-1.27
vi apaci/
# insert #!/bin/bash as the very first line
make install
cd ../apache_1.3.24
make install
cd /usr/local/apache
vi conf/httpd.conf conf/
bin/apachectl start

For some reason, the wasn't getting executed because 
it was missing the hash bang line. This caused some Makefiles to get 
messed up, most notably apache_1.3.24/src/modules/perl/Makefile. Things 
like CC and AR were not getting defined correctly, so nothing worked. 
Hopefully your httpd.h problem was caused by that too.

Because that link to libperl.a in Cygwin wasn't there, dllwrap couldn't 
resolve symbols. Eventually found the fix for that (create a link) in 
the mod_perl archives.

An important thing to do is ensure that the whole Makefile.PL/configure 
stage proceeds without any warnings or errors. If there are any 
warnings, they probably will cause problems during the compile. If my 
steps above don't work for you, maybe quickly check that Apache compiles 
on its own (./configure  make), you never know.

By the way, how well does PostgreSQL = 7.2 work on Win32? I'm been 
wanting to port an app that's currently using SQL Server 2000 (eek, 
, ODBC) to PostgreSQL. Since there are next to no benchmarks 
comparing the too on the net (darn MS EULA's), I'll probably end up 
doing some of my own benchmarks to prove to my client that performance 
will be similiar.

southernstar wrote:
 Hi Wim,
 Is that the Win32 service, that you can get to in the control panel administrative 
tools - services? So apache starts manually okay but not as a service? Maybe it 
needs TCP/IP to start first so it should have dependencies which need to start before 
it does. I did this when trying to start postgresql using the win32 control panel. 
Had to start ipc-daemon first. (That still doesn't work either - only works with a 
manual startup at the cygwin bash shell.)
 I think I will get rid of cygwin's perl and install activeperl, then install a 
source code kit from apache like you did (my apache has cygwin patches which may have 
buggered things up.) Then I'll try for mod_perl 1.27 and see if that works. If it 
does I'll send you mail and let you know what I've done (any changes etc.) In the 
mean time if you get yours working be sure to give me a yell.
 Best of luck,
I tried it a couple of weeks ago, and ran into some problems too. I'm 
pretty sure it was a different issue though. At the moment I'm 
reinstalling Cygwin, since I've rebuilt my development system since then.

At the moment, I've installed ActivePerl-, 
apache_1.3.25-win32-x86-src.msi from, and mod_perl 1.x using 
the instructions at 
Works fine for me... except the apache service doesn't start. I haven't 
had a chance to look into that yet though.



Re: Fooey. Can't compile mod_perl. / cygwin / success

2002-06-13 Thread Wim Kerkhoff

Wim Kerkhoff wrote:
 perl Makefile.PL USE_APACI=1 EVERYTHING=1 DO_HTTPD=1 \ 

Bleah, here I go replying to my own message...

That last part isn't needed. The only reason I had it there was as the 
remnants of a shot in the dark, based of a post in the archives. I've 
tested it with just a plain:


which works fine.


Re: threads in 5.8 (was: mod_perl2.0 / TIPool)

2002-06-13 Thread Medi Montaseri

We are really having fun here of courseand personally I'm more interested
the features than the writing Thread or thread...but perhaps one place
to draw the
line would be
If a directive or hint changes the behavior of the compiler or interpreter
in a
non-reversable fashion then it deserve to be called a pragma. ie the
'no mod'
is not supported, similar to 'use diagnostics'.
Anything else that can be turned on and off at run time, could be called
a module.
So 'use integer' falls in that category.
This approach allows the interpreter designer to fully take advantages
of the
optimization opportunities or plan of actions.
Having said that I was drawn to this language, because I (as a perl
can be schizophrenic and the language accommodates me, Ican change
at run timethanks Perl
Matt Sergeant wrote:
On Thursday 13 June 2002 11:50 pm, John Siracusa
> On 6/13/02 6:40 PM, Matt Sergeant wrote:
> >> Does anyone know the logic behind making the threads modules all
> >> lowercase? I'd expect it to be Threads::Shared, not threads::shared.
> >
> > Pragmas are lowercase. And use threads; is really a pragma.
> A pragma with class methods? A pragma that exports functions?
Maybe I'm
> confused about the distinction between a pragma and a module...
It's a really fine line ;-)
See also use fields.

Medi Montaseri [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Unix Distributed Systems Engineer HTTP://
CyberShell Engineering