Re: [newbie-it] Informazioni su MD5SUM e l'immagine iso di mandrake 7.1

2000-07-01 Thread codutti michele

Ciao io ho scaricato la mandrake7.1 due volte in piu' riprese la prima ha
dato problemi come a te la seconda invece la stringa di checksum era ok!

On Sun, 25 Jun 2000, Matteo Merlin wrote:

 Ciao, ho appena finito di scaricare l'immagine MANDRAKE71-INST.ISO.
 Ma appena verificato il checksum con md5sum non ho ottenuto il risultato
 sperato... :(
 infatti la chiave presente sul file md5sums che ho prelevato dalla
 directory del server non corrisponde a quella da me
 ottenuta con il comando "md5sum mandrake71-inst.iso"
 Devo per forza buttar via 70.000 circa di connessioni? 
 Io ho già provato a masterizzare l'immagine in questione con Easy CD
 creator e tutto è andato bene... ho provato ad iniziare l'installazione
 e tutto procede senza nulla di problematico fino alla scelta delle
 partizioni (poi sono uscito perché non avevo intenzione di installare
 subito mandrake 7.1)...
 E' possibile che la chiave non corrispondente possa essere determinata
 dal fatto che mentre scaricavo il file ho utilizzato un po' W98 un po'
 LINUX e soprattutto shiftavo tra vari server?
 Vorrei inoltre chiedere se veramente a qualcuno la chiave ottenuta con
 md5sum corrispondeva davvero con quella sul server da cui hanno
 scaricato il file immagine...
 Grazie davvero e alla prossima!!
   Matteo Merlin

[newbie-it] Enlightenment - Netscape o Mozilla?

2000-07-01 Thread Simone Ravarotto

Buongiorno a tutti
a chi interessasse,sono riuscito a risolvere il problema che avevo con 
(scheda audio configurata correttamente ,modulo ES1371 inserito gia' al 
ma nessun suono da utente ne' da Gnome ne da Enlightenment,ma solo da root) 
cosi' facendo :

Senza modificare alcun permesso dei files eseguibili per il suono,ho 
aggiunto con Linuxconf l'utente al gruppo audio come gruppo 
"optional",utilizzando l'applicazione
user accounts.

Penso possa servire a Matteo che aveva lo stesso problema.

Grazie per i suggerimenti a Michele e a Fabio del Ferrara Linux user group.

Ne approfitto : 
mi accingo ad utilizzare frequentemente internet e posta per lavoro,
quindi vorrei chiedere se esistono font migliori da utilizzare con Netscape 
4,in quanto 
alla risoluzione con cui lavoro (1280x1024) sono praticamente illeggibili.

Ho sentito parlare molto bene di Mozilla ,che ne pensate?
Legge tutta la pagina html prima di mostrarla come fa Netscape (che noia!) o 

Ultima domanda: se Mozilla e' valido,dove posso trovarlo sul web?

Grazie - Simone


[newbie-it] x-server

2000-07-01 Thread Rosanna

Giovanni Mazzamati wrote:  lun, 26 
giu 2000, hai scritto:  Ho tentato di installare Linux RedHat6.1 e 
Mandrake7.0 sul mio computer:  mainboard dotata di chipset di 
sistema Intel Corporation 82437VX 430VX  System Controller, 
processore Intel Petium 200 MHz, 16 MByte di memoria,  scheda 
video Cirrus Logic GD-5446 rev0 con chipset Cirrus 54xx (B8); la 
 memoria della mia scheda video è di 1 MB, la massima 
risoluzione  supportata è 1280x1024 a 16 colori e si possono 
avere al più 16 milioni  di colori a 640x480. L'installazione 
del sistema viene portata a  termine, tuttavia non c'è modo di 
far funzionare il server grafico. Ho  provato tutte le 
possibili combinazioni di risoluzione, profondità di  colore, 
refresh senza ottenere risultati.  Qualcuno è a conoscenza di 
eventuali problemi di Xfree con la mia scheda  video? 
  Grazie, Rosanna -- Hai provato a 
configurarla come una SVGA generica? ciao GiovanniCome 
si fa? Io ho fatto le mie prove durante l'installazione e non hofatto caso 
al tipo di server che veniva installato...Ciao, 

Re: [newbie-it] Informazioni su MD5SUM e l'immagine iso dimandrake 7.1

2000-07-01 Thread Matteo Merlin

Fabio Coatti wrote:
 On Mon, Jun 26, 2000 at 10:48:15AM +0200, Andrea Celli wrote:
  Hai senz'altro qualche file corrotto.
  Quale/i, quanti? Impossibile dirlo.
  Se sei fortunato e` il solitario, se ti dice male e' il kernel o il
  file-system o qualche altra componente essenziale che ti puo' lasciare
  a terra quando meno te l'apetti.
  Dovresti controllare tutti gli rpm, uno a uno.
  Ma sono una quantita` allucinante :-(
  forse con uno script?
 Non è così problematico. Visto che il maggior "volume" di bytes è dato
 dai pacchetti rpm, basta andare nella directory RPMS e lanciare
 rpm --checksig --nopgp *.rpm
 e vedere se escono dei NOT OK

Mamma mia!! Che campo di battaglia!! Penso che tra tutti gli RPM l'80%
fosse corrotto. E poi mi sono anche accorto che la release 7.0 che sto
tuttora utilizzando ha anch'essa circa la stessa percentuale di RPM
corrotti? Ma allora perché funziona così "bene" ? (tra virgolette perché
grandi problemi non me ne ha dati tranne qualche problema audio in
Enlightenment, WIne che fa le bizze, insomma, problemi vari che ho
notato essere anche condivisi da altri utenti... vedi altri messaggi
della mail-list) 

O forse sono seduto su una bomba che può scoppiare da un momento
all'altro ?!!?

Per fortuna comunque ho appena contattato Giuliano Simoncelli di
Rovereto (TN) per farmi spedire i 2 CD della Mandrake 7.1. (grazie
Andrea per avermi invitato a consultare il Lugge)

Infine ringrazio anche Fabio per avermi insegnato come controllare gli
RPM!!  ;-)

Ciao a tutti!


Re: [newbie-it] Informazioni su MD5SUM e l'immagine iso dimandrake 7.1

2000-07-01 Thread Matteo Merlin

Andrea Celli wrote:
 Matteo Merlin wrote:
  E' possibile che la chiave non corrispondente possa essere determinata
  dal fatto che mentre scaricavo il file ho utilizzato un po' W98 un po'
  LINUX e soprattutto shiftavo tra vari server?
 Puo` darsi. L'unica volta che mi e` successo (ora ci sto attento) e`
 stato perche` avevo ftp settato come ascii invece che come binary.
 In questo caso, senza fare sum o md5sum, ci si accorge subito che
 il numero dei byte non coincide. Di poco, ma e` diverso.

Ma forse ho capito perché non corrisponde il checksum! Nel file Readme
nella directory da cui ho scaricato le immagini di Linux c'era scritto
di non scaricarle con un modem a 56K. Ora io ho proprio scaricato le
immagini con un modem a 56K...
Qualcuno di voi puo' confermare i miei sospetti e cioé che la velocità
di 56K, non essendo reale ma frutto di una compressione software, alteri
i checksum?

Ma se così fosse, non si perderebbe ogni possibilità di giudizio sulla
correttezza del checksum?

Intendo dire che se i dati prelevati in scaricamento vengono compressi
dal modem per poi essere decompressi e salvati sull'hard disk (per
trasformare la reale banda di 33.6K a 56K) allora il checksum dei dati
non compressi (prima di scaricarli) dovrebbe essere differente dai dati
decompressi (dopo averli scaricati). Ciò dunque ci porta ad una
conclusione: non ha più senso confrontare i checksum tra i dati non
compressi e quelli decompressi poiché i dati potrebbero non essere
corrotti e tuttavia avere un checksum diverso...

Ciò non toglie che sia meglio farsi spedire i CD :) Ma ho proprio la
curiosità di sapere se i miei sospetti sono fondati... 

In attesa di risposta vi saluto nuovamente e spero che questa sia
davvero l'ultima mail su questo problema. :P

Matteo Merlin

[newbie-it] mandrake-update non funziona

2000-07-01 Thread Federico Naddeo

Ciao a tutto il N.G.
Sarei molto felice se qualcuno di voi riuscisse a risolvere il mio problema.
(ho contattato anche
il supporto tecnico avendo diritto a 100 gg di assistenza, ma purtroppo
dicono che non
dipende da loro " I'm sorry but it is not due to Mandrake."
sono in possesso delle distribuzioni mandrake 7.0 e 7.1. Purtroppo, con
entrambe, quando lancio
mandrake-update ricevo sempre il medesimo errore. Dopo aver scelto un file
qualsiasi da un mirror
qualsiasi mi viene mostrata la finestra di recupero e installazione (non
appare però la barra di
avnzamento), ma ad un certo  punto ricevo il mesaggio "errore durante il
recupero del file xxx"
e lunica opzione possibile è "salta". Ho provato vari mirror, ma il
risultato è sempre lo stesso.
Grazie a chiunque abbia un suggerimento"
Federico Naddeo

[newbie-it] MDK7.1 e ESD

2000-07-01 Thread codutti michele

Poco tempo fa ho risposto a una persona che aveva problemi con ESD, non
riuscivo a capire per quale motivo non venisse eseguito ESD, in quel
periodo avevo installata sul mio PC la MDK7.0 ora che ho installato la 7.1
ho lo stesso problema che ho in parte risolto...
Ho rimossso l'ESD 0.2.17 in dotazione e l'ho sostituito con una precedente
versione pero' fornito da RedHat e funziona.
Non capisco ancora pero' perche' se nella MDK7.0 l'ESD 0.2.17 funziona
nella versione MDK successiva non funzioni sebbene sia lo stesso pacchetto
Altro fatto strano l'esd "impalla" (non si dovrebbero usare queste parole
parlando di linux ma purtroppo e' cosi') il sistema solo quando lo lancia
l'enlightenment, se lo lancio "a mano" da un termilale tutto funziona a
meraviglia (ma e' scomodo!)
se qualcuno ha altre informazioni che ritiene potrebbero essermi utili me
lo faccia sapere.
PS: movimentiamo un po' queste ML che e' da 2 giorni che non ci scrive

Re: [newbie] My first email sent from Pronto =)

2000-07-01 Thread Alan Carpenter

Not sure =).  It's my cox connection.  PoP3 I believe.  Haven't seen any slow
down yet, and I have about 257 messages.  Seems to run great.  No crashes =)


On Fri, 30 Jun 2000 19:58:47 -0500, Gary said:

 KOn Fri, Jun 30, 2000 at 10:28:32AM -0500 or thereabouts, Alan Carpenter
   Here's a walk through of how I got it installed.  Hopefully this will help
   someone else out.  
  Thanks for the info Alan. Did you set it up with your own POP3s directly
  within Pronto or are you using a fetchmail, procmail, sendmail type of
  Also, am curious as this is Perl driven, as to how it reacts, or perhaps
  slows down, when your message databases starts to fill up. 
  Best regards,

[newbie] this should be a easy one for somebody =)...

2000-07-01 Thread Alan Carpenter

Somehow my netscape communicator Icon has been removed from my desktop.  I also
picked up a book today called "Mastering Gnome".  Looks like a great book. 
Anyone else have it??  I also installed gnome napster.  If anyone needs help
with that, then just let me know =).

Alan Carpenter

[newbie] DrakConf not installed?

2000-07-01 Thread ElephantsGoNorth

Hello All,
I chose "high" for security during initial installation of
Mandrake 7.1, and after install went well, I can not find
DrakConf icon on the desktop. This is my second attempt at
installation. The first one was normal.

I would appreciate any help.

Best regards,

message envoye depuis
emails (pop)-sites persos (espace illimite)-agenda-favoris (bookmarks)-forums 
Ecoutez ce message par tel ! : 08 92 68 92 15 (france uniquement)

[newbie] E-Mail Client?

2000-07-01 Thread ElephantsGoNorth

Hello All,

Is there an e-mail client(POP) that allows to delete messages
from the when deleted locally?

Netscape does this, but lacks multi-account capability.


Best regards,

message envoye depuis
emails (pop)-sites persos (espace illimite)-agenda-favoris (bookmarks)-forums 
Ecoutez ce message par tel ! : 08 92 68 92 15 (france uniquement)

[expert] lesstif library

2000-07-01 Thread Martin Marier

Hi list,

I'm having a little problem.  I try to use the lib ,
but my
system can't find it even if it is there.  The is in /usr/X11R6/lib and
is a link to .

I tried to execute


and it didn't solve the problem... and the path /usr/X11R6/lib is listed
in the file /etc/

I really don't know what to do.

Please help.

Martin Marier

Re: [newbie]Printing

2000-07-01 Thread Eunice Thompson

Your printer uses the Canon BJC 600 printer driver,
I have the same one myself

Eunice Thompson

[newbie] Openmail

2000-07-01 Thread Eric MC DECLERCK

Hi all,
is there anyone whos has experience with
Openmail ?
To set-up and configure it correctly.
What are your impressions ?

RE: [newbie] E-Mail Client?

2000-07-01 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

By default, pop is a "store and forward" system.

When you retrieve your E-mail, your client software acknowledges having
received the E-Mail which should cause the POP server to delete it, unless
it is told to do otherwise.

Your E-Mail is then held locally on your own machine.

Imap and other protocols are server based.


|-Original Message-
|From: ElephantsGoNorth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Saturday, July 01, 2000 2:09 AM
|Subject: [newbie] E-Mail Client?
|Hello All,
|Is there an e-mail client(POP) that allows to delete messages
|from the when deleted locally?
|Netscape does this, but lacks multi-account capability.
|Best regards,
|message envoye depuis
|emails (pop)-sites persos (espace illimite)-agenda-favoris
|Ecoutez ce message par tel ! : 08 92 68 92 15 (france uniquement)

Re: [[newbie] Lilio.conf using append=Failsafe and append]

2000-07-01 Thread Michael Scottaline

Romanator [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi everybody,
 I noticed that MDK7.1 /etc/lilo.conf uses append="Failsafe". Can I
 replace this with append="mem=128M" or should I add another append line.
 Leave append="Failsafe" as it is, and add another line:
 By the way, why did they add Failsafe to MDK7.1 in the first place?
 Any ideas?
You can not use two "append" lines.  
append="Failsafe mem=128M"

   Attachment: bysh.vcf 
   MIME Type: text/x-vcard 

"Always remember that I have taken more out of alcohol
than alcohol has taken out of me."
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Re: [[newbie] Lilio.conf using append=Failsafe and append]

2000-07-01 Thread Romanator

Thanks for pointing that out. I'll try your suggestion.


Michael Scottaline wrote:
 Romanator [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi everybody,
  I noticed that MDK7.1 /etc/lilo.conf uses append="Failsafe". Can I
  replace this with append="mem=128M" or should I add another append line.
  Leave append="Failsafe" as it is, and add another line:
  By the way, why did they add Failsafe to MDK7.1 in the first place?
  Any ideas?
 You can not use two "append" lines.
 append="Failsafe mem=128M"
Attachment: bysh.vcf
MIME Type: text/x-vcard
 "Always remember that I have taken more out of alcohol
 than alcohol has taken out of me."
 --Winston Churchill
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title:Technical Support
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fn:Roman - Registered Linux User #179293

Re: [newbie] export PATH problems

2000-07-01 Thread Paul

On Fri, 30 Jun 2000, David Talbot wrote:

The PATH is indeed being exported. I've tried setting the Mandrake Security
level to low.

What's causing this and how can I make it take my new PATH? Any help with this
one would be a godsend, I've tried every concievable thing I can think of.

Don't know what is causing that, but a quick/dirty workaround would be to
hard-code the path in the users' .bash_profile


To be in the weakest camp
is to be in the strongest school.

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]])0( -  ICQ 147208
Registered  Linux  User   174403

Re: [newbie] supermount

2000-07-01 Thread Paul

On Thu, 29 Jun 2000, Bill Fisher wrote:

In editing the /etc/fstab I run across the term supermount.
My books don't describe this.
I want to set the zip and floppy drives so that a user as well as root can
access them and I thought that the entry user or users would do this.
Thanks for any info

This is how it works with me:

/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0 

Something similar works for the ZIP drive, but I can't tell you the exact
one on that, it is on my other machine and that's offline now. :(


To be in the weakest camp
is to be in the strongest school.

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]])0( -  ICQ 147208
Registered  Linux  User   174403

Re: [newbie]Printing

2000-07-01 Thread Paul

On 30 Jun 2000, Chmouel Boudjnah wrote:

Bill Fisher [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Mandrake 7.0, Canon bjc4400 printer
 The only output I get on the printer is the test (I think) stuff which begins:
  on the first line.
 I have an /etc/printcap file, and
  a filter file at  /var/spool/lpd/lp/filter
 These were generated by the install when I selected postscipt printer, as I saw
 no selection for my printer.
 I dont see any references to setting up the printer except at install time in
 the Mandrake-suppiled manuals.

DrakConf  printerdrake ?

Or run "printtool" as root, from a terminal prompt.


To be in the weakest camp
is to be in the strongest school.

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]])0( -  ICQ 147208
Registered  Linux  User   174403

Re: [newbie] pon/poff

2000-07-01 Thread RRPotratz

ifup and ifdown are the commands mandrake uses for pon and poff. The
labels are ppp0, ppp1, etc. instead of a label you can designate.  I am
not aware of a console configuration utility but netcfg can be used in
rpm is the package manager and can be used from the command line, or
X with kpackage or gnorpm. RRP.

Hans wrote:
 First time Mandrake user (Helium), but have been running Debian for 2 years
 already. Two questions:
 1) is there no curses-based package manager like Debian's dselect included with
 2) the package ppp is installed, but pppconfig not. Anything additional I need
 to install for pon/poff use?
 Thanks for the help. --hans

[newbie] Kernel 2.2-16.9 Version #1 Thu Jun22 17:04:01mdk

2000-07-01 Thread Romanator


I downloaded a newer and updated kernel 2.2-16.9 Version #1. 
Would there be any difference in performance for it to work or are they
more or less bug fixes?
Also, do I have to recompile to notice any performance changes, if any?


email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Technical Support
note:Penguin Powered Email
fn:Roman - Registered Linux User #179293

Re: [newbie] mounting cdrom

2000-07-01 Thread Paul

On Fri, 30 Jun 2000, KompuKit wrote:

I'd like to have my /ftp/pub  have a way to access my
cdrom people can download off the cd's...

HOW do I accomplish this...?

I think you could make a softlink to your CDROM directory from
/ftp/pub. That way it is like a subdir in /ftp/pub.

You will have to make the CD world-readable (or so I heard).


To be in the weakest camp
is to be in the strongest school.

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]])0( -  ICQ 147208
Registered  Linux  User   174403

Re: [newbie] Lilio.conf using append=Failsafe and append

2000-07-01 Thread Paul

On Fri, 30 Jun 2000, Romanator wrote:

Hi everybody,

I noticed that MDK7.1 /etc/lilo.conf uses append="Failsafe". Can I
replace this with append="mem=128M" or should I add another append line.
Leave append="Failsafe" as it is, and add another line:


It should read something like


You can only put 1 append line in lilo.conf

By the way, why did they add Failsafe to MDK7.1 in the first place?

Don't know since I don't have 7.1 yet. Even don't know when I have it,
never saw that option...


To be in the weakest camp
is to be in the strongest school.

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]])0( -  ICQ 147208
Registered  Linux  User   174403

[newbie] Grub added newer kernel version to it's list of selections

2000-07-01 Thread Romanator


After downloading a newer version of the kernel, I noticed that the
kernel version number was added to Grub. Although, the updater has
updated my kernel, is there a way of editing Grub to remove 2.2-16.9mdk?
Is there a reason for this, and is it really necessary?

Many thanks,


email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Technical Support
note:Penguin Powered Email
fn:Roman - Registered Linux User #179293

Re: [newbie] Cdrom / kfm error

2000-07-01 Thread Paul

On Sat, 1 Jul 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

i have just installed mandrake and everthing seems fine except i cannot
access cdrom. The icon is on desktop but when i load cd i get meesage cannot list 
directory contents  file/mnt/cdrom. Does this mean cdrom is
not mounted correctly ?


This probably indicates that you either have no supermount installed, or
in /etc/fstab it is not set up correctly.

In my fstab it says

/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0

And that works great. Better check your /etc/fstab and correct the
supermount directives if they're not there.

Good luck

To be in the weakest camp
is to be in the strongest school.

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]])0( -  ICQ 147208
Registered  Linux  User   174403

Re: [newbie] Supermount danger?

2000-07-01 Thread Bill Fisher

Is there a danger in using the supermount feature for zip disks or floppy disks?

I  thought from reading linux books  that when we mount a floppy and insert a
disk into that drive, then access the disk, that when finished we need to umount
the disk,  then mount again for the next disk, etc.
Perhaps this is not necessary? 

If we use supermount is there any problems changing from disk  to disk without


Re: [newbie] Removing Linux Partition

2000-07-01 Thread Ed Tharp

of course if you remove the FAT partition, you will not be removing a linux
partition since linux would be a ext2 partition in a version of FDISK that
would recognize a linux partition, which I do not believe the DOS version
does BE careful and back up everything important before you begin!

- Original Message -
From: david palmisano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000 2:35 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Removing Linux Partition

 Hi, I was at the same situation that you are having
 now. What worked for me was going to the dos prompt
 from windows and at the C:\ prompt type fdisk  then
 remove the none FAT partition. It worked for me. good
 --- Jason Angus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Same guy here that proposed the new hard drive
  question earlier.  I have linux installed on a drive
  now residing along with Win 98 (rather peacefuly I
  must say).  As I said before I am going to put Linux
  on a seperate 6 gig drive all by itself.  How do I
  remove the Linux partition on the drive that has
  Windows 98 on it too, without causing harm to 98...?
  Is this even possible?
  Many thanks,
  Thanks for all the help with the new drive question.
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 Do You Yahoo!?
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Re: [newbie] Lilio.conf using append=Failsafe and append

2000-07-01 Thread Ed Tharp

I believe the correct way would be:
append="Failsafe" "mem=128M"

- Original Message - 
From: Romanator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000 9:42 AM
Subject: [newbie] Lilio.conf using append="Failsafe" and append

 Hi everybody,
 I noticed that MDK7.1 /etc/lilo.conf uses append="Failsafe". Can I
 replace this with append="mem=128M" or should I add another append line.
 Leave append="Failsafe" as it is, and add another line:
 By the way, why did they add Failsafe to MDK7.1 in the first place?
 Any ideas?

Re: [newbie] Grub added newer kernel version to it's list of selections

2000-07-01 Thread Romanator

Thanks for pointing this out.


Chmouel Boudjnah wrote:
 Romanator [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  After downloading a newer version of the kernel, I noticed that the
  kernel version number was added to Grub. Although, the updater has
  updated my kernel, is there a way of editing Grub to remove 2.2-16.9mdk?
 edit the file:
  Is there a reason for this, and is it really necessary?
 hu, if you want to boot the kernel yes, is it
 MandrakeSoft Inc
 San-Francisco, CA USA --Chmouel

note:Penguin Powered Email
fn:Roman - Registered Linux User #179293

Re: [Re: [newbie] Lilio.conf using append=Failsafe and append]

2000-07-01 Thread Romanator

Thanks Mike. I'm still trying to figure out what the 'Failsafe' option
is used for. 


Michael Scottaline wrote:
 Romanator [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thanks Paul,
  Would Linux have crashed with two append lines?
 I don't believe linux would crash.  I think you'd still be able to boot also.
 Lilo would probably simply ignore the second append line.
 "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
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note:Penguin Powered Email
fn:Roman - Registered Linux User #179293

Re: [newbie] Kernel 2.2-16.9 Version #1 Thu Jun22 17:04:01mdk

2000-07-01 Thread Romanator

Thanks for pointing out the June 24 2000 security update info.


Ralph Day wrote:
 The LM site says its a security update:
 June, 24 2000 SECURITY UPDATE: kernel
 POSIX "Capabilities" have recently been implemented in the Linux kernel.
 These "Capabilities" are an additional form of privilege control to enable
 more specific control over what privileged processes can do. Capabilities
 are implemented as three (fairly large) bitfields, which each bit
 representing a specific action a privileged process can perform. By setting
 specific bits, the actions of priviliged processes can be controlled --
 access can be granted for various functions only to the specific parts of a
 program that require them. It is a security measure. Please upgrade to:
 c5331676f063807160ff44e221cbd81d 7.1/RPMS/kernel-2.2.16-9mdk.i586.rpm
 94b6ea108fd5436c7271ef5fc117553d 7.1/RPMS/kernel-doc-2.2.16-9mdk.i586.rpm
 b4e61a18465a1d452ef7768e3eb5bdc8 7.1/RPMS/kernel-fb-2.2.16-9mdk.i586.rpm
 5c1463354cb8327d515cb0ba9453ffdc 7.1/RPMS/kernel-linus-2.2.16-2mdk.i586.rpm
 3fa45cb921549de64677fea83d0d47bc 7.1/RPMS/kernel-secure-2.2.16-9mdk.i586.rpm
 3aac015c1dd82951a3c4d5c8f694d2bb 7.1/RPMS/kernel-smp-2.2.16-9mdk.i586.rpm
 3dc16da65156c7cda785fe0a80e8e546 7.1/RPMS/kernel-source-2.2.16-9mdk.i586.rpm
 fb0aba2b890edb6a238b090760abdef2 7.1/RPMS/kernel-utils-2.2.16-9mdk.i586.rpm
 20346b180246a4695145684f07a7a979 7.1/SRPMS/kernel-2.2.16-9mdk.src.rpm
 a22bd276a9f77ac16b87494b7880b3c3 7.1/RPMS/alsa-2.2.16_0.5.7-9mdk.i586.rpm
 Important: If you use ReiserFS, please don't forget to:
 do a : mkinitrd -f --ifneeded /boot/initrd-2.2.16-9mdk 2.2.16-9mdk
 in /etc/lilo.conf add: initrd=/boot/initrd-2.2.16-9mdk
 - Ralph
 - Original Message -
 From: "Romanator" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000 4:18 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Kernel 2.2-16.9 Version #1 Thu Jun22 17:04:01mdk
  I downloaded a newer and updated kernel 2.2-16.9 Version #1.
  Would there be any difference in performance for it to work or are they
  more or less bug fixes?
  Also, do I have to recompile to notice any performance changes, if any?

note:Penguin Powered Email
fn:Roman - Registered Linux User #179293

Re: [newbie] Lilio.conf using append=Failsafe and append

2000-07-01 Thread Romanator

Thanks Ed,

I'll try the following:

append="Failsafe" "mem=128M"


Ed Tharp wrote:
 I believe the correct way would be:
 append="Failsafe" "mem=128M"
 - Original Message -
 From: Romanator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000 9:42 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Lilio.conf using append="Failsafe" and append
  Hi everybody,
  I noticed that MDK7.1 /etc/lilo.conf uses append="Failsafe". Can I
  replace this with append="mem=128M" or should I add another append line.
  Leave append="Failsafe" as it is, and add another line:
  By the way, why did they add Failsafe to MDK7.1 in the first place?
  Any ideas?

note:Penguin Powered Email
fn:Roman - Registered Linux User #179293

Re: [Re: [Re: [newbie] Lilio.conf using append=Failsafe and append]]

2000-07-01 Thread Michael Scottaline

Romanator [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks Mike. I'm still trying to figure out what the 'Failsafe' option
 is used for. 
Hey Roman,
Don't bet a lung (or any other body parts :o) ), but I think "failsafe" is
similar to windows "safe mode".  It's a "limited" boot that will allow you in
w/o full functionality, to fix what might be broken.  Anyone else chime in
w/some help here

"What contemptible scoundrel has stolen the cork to my lunch?"
--W. C. Fields

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: [newbie] Domain not bound message

2000-07-01 Thread Bill Fisher

Mandrake 7.0
When I su to root, after entering the password, console displays:
YPBINDPROC_DOMAIN: Domain not bound

  what does this mean? 

Also, while the system is coming up from Boot Magic,  there is a delay while
this message is displayed:
  Listeing for an NIS Domain Server

 what does this mean?

I'm only local, only outside connection is internet via modem.
Wodering if I've made a wrong selection, and if so how can I fix it?



Re: [newbie] Lilio.conf using append=Failsafe and append

2000-07-01 Thread Ed Tharp

roman, let us know which it was, PLEASE?
I may be wrong as hell here, but a guess would be that you have a kernel
that can not be written to used with failsafe, probably from a server
install, and if you need to upgrade the kernel you would have to start out
with the failsafe removed to write to a different kernel. just a guess
- Original Message -
From: Romanator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, July 01, 2000 12:28 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Lilio.conf using append="Failsafe" and append

 Thanks Ed,

 I'll try the following:

 append="Failsafe" "mem=128M"


 Ed Tharp wrote:
  I believe the correct way would be:
  append="Failsafe" "mem=128M"
  - Original Message -
  From: Romanator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000 9:42 AM
  Subject: [newbie] Lilio.conf using append="Failsafe" and append
   Hi everybody,
   I noticed that MDK7.1 /etc/lilo.conf uses append="Failsafe". Can I
   replace this with append="mem=128M" or should I add another append
   Leave append="Failsafe" as it is, and add another line:
   By the way, why did they add Failsafe to MDK7.1 in the first place?
   Any ideas?

Re: [Re: [Re: [newbie] Lilio.conf using append=Failsafe and append]]

2000-07-01 Thread Romanator

Hi Mike,

If I bet a body part or held my breath, I would have died a long time
I think, when all else fails, 'Failsafe' allows the user to run in basic
text mode when the GUI end dies.
And, edit the necessary files, and get the graphical end up and running.
Or, it can be for users that prefer text only. 

Any thoughts from our gurus out there?

(Hey, did I figure this out without a manual?)

Michael Scottaline wrote:
 Romanator [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thanks Mike. I'm still trying to figure out what the 'Failsafe' option
  is used for.
 Hey Roman,
 Don't bet a lung (or any other body parts :o) ), but I think "failsafe" is
 similar to windows "safe mode".  It's a "limited" boot that will allow you in
 w/o full functionality, to fix what might be broken.  Anyone else chime in
 w/some help here
 "What contemptible scoundrel has stolen the cork to my lunch?"
 --W. C. Fields
 Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: [newbie] Domain not bound message

2000-07-01 Thread Paul

On Sat, 1 Jul 2000, Bill Fisher wrote:

Mandrake 7.0
When I su to root, after entering the password, console displays:
YPBINDPROC_DOMAIN: Domain not bound

  what does this mean? 

Also, while the system is coming up from Boot Magic,  there is a delay while
this message is displayed:
  Listeing for an NIS Domain Server

Both things relate to the same problem.
When you su to root, run 'setup' and go to system services. At the bottom
you will find 

[ ] ypbind

or in your case very probably 

[*] ypbind

This means that the NIS daemon, a program that looks for certain
networking domains, is activated. Booting causes the first attempt to
access any system on a network cable (that you don't have but it tries
anyway). And when you 'su', the daemon tries it again, because often
"root" can also manage NIS domains.
To get rid of it, just unselect the ypbind daemon (press space on it), hit
OK, and OK again, and next time you boot the problem should have
disappeared magically. If it did, then, Bill, you did some real live


To be in the weakest camp
is to be in the strongest school.

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]])0( -  ICQ 147208
Registered  Linux  User   174403

Re: [newbie] Domain not bound message

2000-07-01 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 1 Jul 00, at 9:45, Bill Fisher wrote:

ng the password, console displays:
 YPBINDPROC_DOMAIN: Domain not bound
   what does this mean? 
 Also, while the system is coming up from Boot Magic,  there is a delay while
 this message is displayed:
   Listeing for an NIS Domain Server
  what does this mean?
 I'm only local, only outside connection is internet via modem.
 Wodering if I've made a wrong selection, and if so how can I fix it?

Dunno whether this is the correct prescription for what is happening, 
but methinks you are running unnecessary daemons. If you are running 
X, then fire up DrakConf and goto Startup Services. Stop all the 
unnecessary services. for example, I run only the following, the rest 
have been put to sleep.

The startup daemons:
crond - for scheduling
dhcpd - host control
gpm - coz I usually work without X
keytable - a must daemon
network - another must
numlock - optional, though helpful
random - necessary
sendmail - MTa, you might be using postfix, smail, exim, etc.
syslog - preferred
xfs - needed by X

Just do this, and remove the others. Then boot up again and see if 
the problem persists. If yes, then send a transcript of 
tail /var/log/messages. Maybe, someone will decrypt it;]


Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com

Re: [newbie] acrobat rpm

2000-07-01 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 1 Jul 00, at 8:56, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 acroread-kde-menus-4.05-2.i386.rpm   acroread-kde-menus : Adobe
 Acrobat Reader KDE System menus

Thanks to all who helped. got the tarball from Adobe, and installed. 
Works fine, AFAICT. Colour rendering is nice, the text is visible and 
most essentially, have'nt managed to crash it, So far.


Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com

Re: [newbie] Lilio.conf using append=Failsafe and append

2000-07-01 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Roman.correct syntax would be:

append="Failsafe mem=128M"


Romanator wrote:
 Thanks Ed,
 I'll try the following:
 append="Failsafe" "mem=128M"
 Ed Tharp wrote:
  I believe the correct way would be:
  append="Failsafe" "mem=128M"
  - Original Message -
  From: Romanator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000 9:42 AM
  Subject: [newbie] Lilio.conf using append="Failsafe" and append
   Hi everybody,
   I noticed that MDK7.1 /etc/lilo.conf uses append="Failsafe". Can I
   replace this with append="mem=128M" or should I add another append line.
   Leave append="Failsafe" as it is, and add another line:
   By the way, why did they add Failsafe to MDK7.1 in the first place?
   Any ideas?

Re: [Re: [newbie] Lilio.conf using append=Failsafe and append]

2000-07-01 Thread Romanator

Looks like the entry to the following file /etc/lilo.conf is:

append="Failsafe mem=128M"

Thanks Alan

Romanator wrote:
 Thanks Mike. I'm still trying to figure out what the 'Failsafe' option
 is used for.
 Michael Scottaline wrote:
  Romanator [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Thanks Paul,
   Would Linux have crashed with two append lines?
  I don't believe linux would crash.  I think you'd still be able to boot also.
  Lilo would probably simply ignore the second append line.
  "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
  -Benjamin Frankilin
  Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

note:Penguin Powered Email
fn:Roman - Registered Linux User #179293

[newbie] Linux-Mandrake 7.0 Complete installation

2000-07-01 Thread Marcia Waller

Dear All, Thank you everyone who gave me wonderful advice. Unfortunately
I found out that my CD rom is not bootable. In the Bios setup it shows
that it is an option but a technician told me it is not anyway. My Bios
setup is C,A,SCSI. Should not that be changed to the floppy first and
how do I do that? I am a true newbie and have not done much on the Setup
screen. Also, may I install by graphical installation or text
installation through MS-DOS? I have made the floppy for graphical with
rawrite but how do I do it for text installation? I have already done
the partitions with Partition magic and I have Bootmagic installed.
Those applications seem to be OK but I cannot get the Linux boot disk or
Linux Installation CD to boot the installation screen so that I may
install Linux. In other words I have bootmagic and partitionmagic on and
the next step was to boot up so that I may install Linux through the CD
next. Linux is not installed yet. May I install Linux another way such
as text installation through DOS without uninstalling bootmagic or
partition magic? I appreciate your help with this. I have contacted
Linux-Mandrake support days ago several times but I have received no
answer. I have looking through everything that I can find in
documentation and other Linux sources but have not found the answer yet.
I appreciate anyone's input. I do have a Pentium 200 MHZ with 2 IDE hard
drives one with 2.5 gigs and the other with over 8 gigs. I have 96 megs
of memory and everything else should be compatible from my research. As
a reminder my hard drive is already partitioned through partition magic
and Linux is not installed yet. Thank you very much for your
help.Sincerely, Marcia

Re: [newbie] Grub added newer kernel version to it's list of selections

2000-07-01 Thread GAPrichard

I haven't done this yet, and I'm running 7.0 so I'm not using grub.  If I 
understand the original question you have a new additional boot listing.  
This is a fail-safe.  If there is a configuration or other problem you still 
have access to your original, working, kernel.  That way you still have easy 
access to your system.  Once the new one is demonstrated dependable you can 
remove the "original" entry and delete the file from your system.

In a message dated 7/1/2000 9:59:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 

 Romanator [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  After downloading a newer version of the kernel, I noticed that the
  kernel version number was added to Grub. Although, the updater has
  updated my kernel, is there a way of editing Grub to remove 2.2-16.9mdk?
 edit the file:
  Is there a reason for this, and is it really necessary?
 hu, if you want to boot the kernel yes, is it
 MandrakeSoft Inc
 San-Francisco, CA USA --Chmouel

Re: [newbie] Linux-Mandrake 7.0 Complete installation

2000-07-01 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 1 Jul 00, at 13:36, Marcia Waller wrote:

 setup is C,A,SCSI. Should not that be changed to the floppy first and

Is your hdd SCSI? Maybe not. Maybe its an IDE.

 how do I do that? I am a true newbie and have not done much on the Setup

At the BIOS option where you have C,a,SCSI written, scroll through 
the list with the NumKeypad + or the PageUP/DN keys. One of them 
should work. Change it, so that the order now reads A,C, 
whatever.Now, your system will boot off the floppy first, if there's 
a system disk in the fdd.

 screen. Also, may I install by graphical installation or text
 installation through MS-DOS? I have made the floppy for graphical with
 rawrite but how do I do it for text installation? I have already done

Grphical installation is flashy, and intuitive. The text install can 
reduce install times by more than half, and though not very self 
explanatory, is quite easy. To go the text install way, create a boot 
disk using rawrite.exe with txt_boot.img.

 as text installation through DOS without uninstalling bootmagic or
 partition magic? I appreciate your help with this. I have contacted

Since you've already partitioned your hdd, go ahead and install. Just 
take care that if you have some important data in the Windows 
partition, it has been backed up. The loadlin based linux install 
script from DOS will drop you into the install program anyway, so you 
had better boot from the floppy.

 I appreciate anyone's input. I do have a Pentium 200 MHZ with 2 IDE hard
 drives one with 2.5 gigs and the other with over 8 gigs. I have 96 megs

That is a great setup. The graphical setup program needs 32 MB RAM 
work, so it should be easy enough.

Go ahead. Install:]

Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com

Re: [newbie] Linux-Mandrake 7.0 Complete installation

2000-07-01 Thread Eric MC DECLERCK

Marcia Waller wrote:
 Dear All, Thank you everyone who gave me wonderful advice. Unfortunately
 I found out that my CD rom is not bootable. In the Bios setup it shows
 that it is an option but a technician told me it is not anyway. My Bios
 setup is C,A,SCSI. Should not that be changed to the floppy first and
 how do I do that? 
On the start-up press 'del' key.
A screen look-up and point to that line
where you can chose 
your start-up disk. Then press an
arrow-key to change to A,C, etc...

I am a true newbie and have not done
much on the Setup
 screen. Also, may I install by graphical installation or text
 installation through MS-DOS? I have made the floppy for graphical with
For the text install copy with rawwrite
(in dos) the text_install.image 
to a floppy. Now you can install with
the floppy in text mode.
Hummm the txt_install.img is found on
your CD /dosutils I think.
 rawrite but how do I do it for text installation? I have already done
 the partitions with Partition magic and I have Bootmagic installed.
 Those applications seem to be OK but I cannot get the Linux boot disk or
 Linux Installation CD to boot the installation screen so that I may
 install Linux. In other words I have bootmagic and partitionmagic on and
 the next step was to boot up so that I may install Linux through the CD
 next. Linux is not installed yet. May I install Linux another way such
 as text installation through DOS without uninstalling bootmagic or
 partition magic? I appreciate your help with this. I have contacted
Yes, boot etc.  is NOT necessary.
Withe the text install you can go from
FDISK is to set the partitions and
DISKDRUID to set the mount-points.
 Linux-Mandrake support days ago several times but I have received no
 answer. I have looking through everything that I can find in
 documentation and other Linux sources but have not found the answer yet.
 I appreciate anyone's input. I do have a Pentium 200 MHZ with 2 IDE hard
 drives one with 2.5 gigs and the other with over 8 gigs. I have 96 megs
 of memory and everything else should be compatible from my research. As
 a reminder my hard drive is already partitioned through partition magic
 and Linux is not installed yet. Thank you very much for your
 help.Sincerely, Marcia

Re: [newbie] Linux-Mandrake 7.0 Complete installation

2000-07-01 Thread GAPrichard

CMOS (i.e. the motherboard BIOS, what you are referring to as the setup 
screen) -- there are many brands, and they all differ.  TYPICALLY after you 
get in, via DEL or F2 or F10 (the three most common ways) or whatever, 
look at what is displayed for options (perhaps after having to clear a 
warning message).  98% of the time you will find an option to exit without 
saving  use this if you are unsure about the changes you have made.  If 
there is there will also be an option to exit saving changes.  When used, 
either choice will be confirmed with a box upon exit--it can be confusing, 
read it carefully before making a choice.  Some CMOS do not give you an 
option to exit without saving; IN THIS CASE BE VERY CAREFUL.
How to change your boot order.  You are correct that normally it is 
desirable to seek a floppy first, then the hard drive; for many things 
including installing Linux it is absolutely necessary to seek the floppy 
drive first.  Highlight the boot order field (usually by TABing down to 
it).  F1 will often give you a list of the selections possible.  Changing 
values will cycle through them.  Stop when the one you want is displayed, 
then exit that page and exit CMOS saving your changes.  Read the border 
messages on the CMOS page--It should say "info = F1" or whatever, and "to 
change values PgUp PgDn" or + - or whatever.  
Install through DOS.  No, you don't install Linux through DOS, although 
you can do a text-based install.  You can even install Linux ON the DOS 
filesystem, though that is undesirable for a number of reasons.  Once you 
have made the boot order change so that the motherboard will look at the 
floppy drive first, the disk that you have already made should work just 
fine.  That floppy disc will boot a small version of Linux and then find your 
CD ROM (be sure to have your Mandrake disk inserted when your machine is 
booting up), and it will transfer over to the CD and begin the graphical 
install directly.  Be SURE that you know what partitions are Windows and 
which are to be for Mandrake (assuming you will be dual-booting) as the 
installer may need to mark your new partitions itself [meaning it may find no 
space and want you to delete these partitions to make space, which can be 
easily done within the installation].  Normally one creates "free" or 
"unallocated" space and the installer will divide it and set it up with "auto 
The only time I have been put into text install was when I booted on the 
Mandrake floppy and the CD was not in the drive when the floppy Linux system 
found the drive.  It should go right into the graphical install on its own if 
the CD is in the drive.

In a message dated 7/1/2000 3:31:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

 Dear All, Thank you everyone who gave me wonderful advice. Unfortunately
 I found out that my CD rom is not bootable. In the Bios setup it shows
 that it is an option but a technician told me it is not anyway. My Bios
 setup is C,A,SCSI. Should not that be changed to the floppy first and
 how do I do that? I am a true newbie and have not done much on the Setup
 screen. Also, may I install by graphical installation or text
 installation through MS-DOS? I have made the floppy for graphical with
 rawrite but how do I do it for text installation? I have already done
 the partitions with Partition magic and I have Bootmagic installed.
 Those applications seem to be OK but I cannot get the Linux boot disk or
 Linux Installation CD to boot the installation screen so that I may
 install Linux. In other words I have bootmagic and partitionmagic on and
 the next step was to boot up so that I may install Linux through the CD
 next. Linux is not installed yet. May I install Linux another way such
 as text installation through DOS without uninstalling bootmagic or
 partition magic? I appreciate your help with this. I have contacted
 Linux-Mandrake support days ago several times but I have received no
 answer. I have looking through everything that I can find in
 documentation and other Linux sources but have not found the answer yet.
 I appreciate anyone's input. I do have a Pentium 200 MHZ with 2 IDE hard
 drives one with 2.5 gigs and the other with over 8 gigs. I have 96 megs
 of memory and everything else should be compatible from my research. As
 a reminder my hard drive is already partitioned through partition magic
 and Linux is not installed yet. Thank you very much for your
 help.Sincerely, Marcia

[newbie] login in kppp

2000-07-01 Thread MARIPIES

Does anyone know why cant i write the @ that has my login in the kppp?.

Re: [newbie] login in kppp

2000-07-01 Thread Mark Weaver

All it wants is your user name that you use to authenticate yourself to
your ISP when you dialup.  Your email address consists of
username  @  yourdomain . com

All it wants is your username.

that would be my guestimation.


I love my Linux Box...
REASON # 2 ...X-windows is just a suedonym.
Registered Linux user # 1299563

On Sat, 1 Jul 2000, MARIPIES wrote:

 Does anyone know why cant i write the @ that has my login in the kppp?.

Re: [newbie] YA E-Mail Client?

2000-07-01 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 1 Jul 00, at 21:28, ElephantsGoNorth wrote:

 The other approach - fetchmail/qmail + a ton of ... is working fine in my
 BSD boxen. Can I just start using Linux? Will this bird ever fly?

first,  I'll ask you to help me with this;). Have been trying to get 
a setup like that, to no avail. If you can, send a offlist detail.
 My q'n: is there any standalone e-mail client for GNU/Linux that allows to
 delete my e-mail from the server when deleted locally?

Try "poppy". But is it possible to synchronise the MUA with a pop 
account?? AFAIK, that is possible in IMAP, but is pop capable?

BTW, great to see people running BSD alongwith Lin;}

Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com

[newbie] Pronto Help:Seg Faults - new_font

2000-07-01 Thread Tymanthius Rune Speak

Got pronto instald.  Had to dwnld  install all the Perl Modules.  No problems

But when I go to run pronto I get this err msg:

new_font is not of type Gtk::Gdk::Font at /usr/local/bin/pronto line 5158.
Segmentation Fault

However, if start pronto like this:  'pronto -subject' it will bring to a
compose window fine.

What did I do or what do I need to change?



Get free email and a permanent address at

Re[2]: [newbie] YA E-Mail Client?

2000-07-01 Thread ElephantsGoNorth

Hello Sthitaprajna,

Saturday, July 01, 2000, 9:37:32 PM, (Zulu Time) you wrote:

S Try "poppy". But is it possible to synchronise the MUA with a pop 
S account?? AFAIK, that is possible in IMAP, but is pop capable?

   Thank you very much, as for the BSD q'n - the best place to ask is


Best regards,

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emails (pop)-sites persos (espace illimite)-agenda-favoris (bookmarks)-forums 
Ecoutez ce message par tel ! : 08 92 68 92 15 (france uniquement)

Re: [newbie] $6.50 for MDK 7.1 2-CD set (GPL version)

2000-07-01 Thread M Thompson


I received your check today in the mail when I returned home from work.  I 
am mailing your CD's out early tomorrow morning.

Take care,

From: Rick Murphy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] $6.50 for MDK 7.1 2-CD set (GPL version)
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 06:32:25 -0600

M Thompson wrote:

Sounds good to me.  Tell me where to send my check.  Mail the mandrakes to:
Rick Murphy
5758 Flager
El Paso, Texas

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: [newbie] Graphics Card Question

2000-07-01 Thread Claudio Henrique de Castro


I have a machine similar to yours. 

Take a look at Intel site ( There you
will find new win98 drivers and Linux drivers for you
get 1024 X 12?? (I forgot the exact resolution).

Good look,
Claudio H.

--- Jason Angus [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
 Just installed Mandrake 7 this weekend - the install
 went rather smooth (had to do it twice) - but those
 were errors on my part.  
 I have an Intel 810 video card with AGP - and cannot
 seem to get the resolution or graphics just right
 it.  I have looked on some news groups and found
 others with the same problem.  I can not seem to get
 better resolution that 640 x 800!  It works but that
 is just a little too big for me.   Any suggestions?
 If it matter - here is the run down on the rest of
 Dell Deminsion L500C
 Celeron 500 mhz
 64 mb ram
 6 gig HD - linux has a 1.5 gig/ windows 98 has the
 The video card is built into the mother board...
 Any help you could send this newbies way would much
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Send online invitations with Yahoo! Invites.

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Re: [newbie] Linux-Mandrake 7.0 Complete installation

2000-07-01 Thread Eunice Thompson

Have you looked at the documentation on your installation CD?
I'm sure you have if you've made a boot floppy.
Have you tested your BiOS and tried to change the boot order to see if
the 'Technician' really knew what he was taalking about?  You just might
be able to boot from the CD. you can try changing it to CDROM, A,C, or
A, CDROM, C orjas most machines are setup - A, C, ...
From here the installation should start up and you can specify text
install after the installation has initialized.

Eunice Thompson

[newbie] Any patch for KPanel-Edit Menus Error Message Anomaly?

2000-07-01 Thread Romanator


Has any one noticed in MDK7.1b, when you choose KPanel-Edit Menus, a
warning message appears"
" The menu editor is not installed. "

This used to work in MDK7.0. Does any one know where a patch can be

I know you can type in the command line: kdesu -c kmenuedit
By the way, thanks ( Alan ) for help on this one. 

Any ideas?


note:Penguin Powered Email
fn:Roman - Registered Linux User #179293

Re: [newbie] 7.1 Install:could not mount CD on /dev/scd0 using Adaptec 1542cf

2000-07-01 Thread Eric A. Cottrell

Ace Frehley wrote:
 Have the same problem with my setup as well, my solution was drastic,
 I used a spare Adaptec 2940UW and the problem disappeared...


An Update.

I checked the iso file I burnt the CD with and it checks out.  I also upgraded
the bios and microcode on the 1542CF.  It gave me some more options but still
the problem.

I was able to work around the problem by using an Adaptec 2940.

However there appears to be a problem or something I am not entering when
I try to install in expert mode.  I either get a hang after answering the
scsi card questions or it gives me the same could not mount CD message.
If I use regular mode or text mode it is fine.  It appears that if the
install asks what scsi card you have it does not work.

I suspect there is a bug in the install.


[newbie] VirtualHost

2000-07-01 Thread Mark

I'm looking for a sample/example for my httpd.conf file for virtual hosts.
I messed one up, and it stopped my whole website from opertating 'till I
commented it out! Oops.
I'm setting it up so my friends can have there website be at and all their files be located in /home/theirname/www
Can anyone help me out?


Re: [newbie] No Penguins on login screen.

2000-07-01 Thread Eunice Thompson

 I am using Mandrake 7.1
 Somehow I did something to my linux box and now I don't have the penguins on
 the login screen.  I am reffering to the penguins that represent each user. I
 used to have a root penguin and my username penguin on this screen.  I can
 still login just fine the only difference is that the penguins are gone.
 Can someone tell me how to get the penguins back?
 Thanks in advance;
 In X as root, navigate to kdedesktopapplications.login manager then
you can show the users and actually change the iconsfor each user.

Eunice Thompson

[newbie] W, Finger Ytalk ?'s

2000-07-01 Thread Mark

Thought I'd compound these questions:
W only works as root.  I want all users to see who is on.  They can do this
using Finger, but I'd rather have W work as I'm so used to it.  It displays
the header for W, but no username or user info.  I tried changing the
permissions on the utmp file, but to no avail.

Finger Command does not retain info once a user logs out.  So when I finger
user, it says they have never logged in.  I'm not sure on this one either.

And finally, YTalk, it runs, but will not contact the other user that I'm
trying to talk to.  How do I get this to run?  Is this a process that has to
be started?

Any help is much appreciated.


Re: [newbie] Booting from CD at install?

2000-07-01 Thread jmason

Installed Mandrake 7.0 from CD to hdb (4.3 G). Used Partition Magic 4.0 to make 
entire second hd a linux partition.  Mandrake 7 did a fine install but cannot deal
with ISA PP cards.  
I remember RedHat 6.2 statements that an original install / as opposed to an 
upgrade, will erase EVERY hard disk in your PC.  How nicely thought out!!!

6/26/00 10:03:46 AM, "Charles A Edwards" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   If the boxed set you have is Linux Mandrake Complete you have a limited
edition PartitionMagic on disc3. While in Windows insert the CD and using My
Computer navigate to the PM/PtMagic folder and run Setup.exe. Then run PM
and resize your Windows partition leaving the remainder of the drive as free
space.( the Free space is where you will install Linux)
   Insert your Mandrake installlation and boot from your CD-ROM drive. The
installation will see the free space on your drive and create your Linux
partitions there.


- Original Message -
From: "John Gist" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2000 2:40 PM
Subject: [newbie] Booting from CD at install?

 Getting ready to do my first ever Linux install.  I have the 7.0 boxed
 set.  My CD drive is bootable.  The computer has Windows on a 6.4 gig
 hard drive that is all one partition.  I want to keep Windows and set up
 dual boot with Linux.  In a book on Linux/Mandrake I purchased at the
 book store is a statement that sounds as if booting from the CD will
 erase the drive.  If this is true I will use a floppy instead.


Try the Opera web browser and e-mail at

Re: [newbie] Linux-Mandrake 7.0 Complete installation

2000-07-01 Thread Marcia Waller


 CMOS (i.e. the motherboard BIOS, what you are referring to as the setup
 screen) -- there are many brands, and they all differ.  TYPICALLY after you
 get in, via DEL or F2 or F10 (the three most common ways) or whatever,
 look at what is displayed for options (perhaps after having to clear a
 warning message).  98% of the time you will find an option to exit without
 saving  use this if you are unsure about the changes you have made.  If
 there is there will also be an option to exit saving changes.  When used,
 either choice will be confirmed with a box upon exit--it can be confusing,
 read it carefully before making a choice.  Some CMOS do not give you an
 option to exit without saving; IN THIS CASE BE VERY CAREFUL.
 How to change your boot order.  You are correct that normally it is
 desirable to seek a floppy first, then the hard drive; for many things
 including installing Linux it is absolutely necessary to seek the floppy
 drive first.  Highlight the boot order field (usually by TABing down to
 it).  F1 will often give you a list of the selections possible.  Changing
 values will cycle through them.  Stop when the one you want is displayed,
 then exit that page and exit CMOS saving your changes.  Read the border
 messages on the CMOS page--It should say "info = F1" or whatever, and "to
 change values PgUp PgDn" or + - or whatever.
 Install through DOS.  No, you don't install Linux through DOS, although
 you can do a text-based install.  You can even install Linux ON the DOS
 filesystem, though that is undesirable for a number of reasons.  Once you
 have made the boot order change so that the motherboard will look at the
 floppy drive first, the disk that you have already made should work just
 fine.  That floppy disc will boot a small version of Linux and then find your
 CD ROM (be sure to have your Mandrake disk inserted when your machine is
 booting up), and it will transfer over to the CD and begin the graphical
 install directly.  Be SURE that you know what partitions are Windows and
 which are to be for Mandrake (assuming you will be dual-booting) as the
 installer may need to mark your new partitions itself [meaning it may find no
 space and want you to delete these partitions to make space, which can be
 easily done within the installation].  Normally one creates "free" or
 "unallocated" space and the installer will divide it and set it up with "auto
 The only time I have been put into text install was when I booted on the
 Mandrake floppy and the CD was not in the drive when the floppy Linux system
 found the drive.  It should go right into the graphical install on its own if
 the CD is in the drive.

 In a message dated 7/1/2000 3:31:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

  Dear All, Thank you everyone who gave me wonderful advice. Unfortunately
  I found out that my CD rom is not bootable. In the Bios setup it shows
  that it is an option but a technician told me it is not anyway. My Bios
  setup is C,A,SCSI. Should not that be changed to the floppy first and
  how do I do that? I am a true newbie and have not done much on the Setup
  screen. Also, may I install by graphical installation or text
  installation through MS-DOS? I have made the floppy for graphical with
  rawrite but how do I do it for text installation? I have already done
  the partitions with Partition magic and I have Bootmagic installed.
  Those applications seem to be OK but I cannot get the Linux boot disk or
  Linux Installation CD to boot the installation screen so that I may
  install Linux. In other words I have bootmagic and partitionmagic on and
  the next step was to boot up so that I may install Linux through the CD
  next. Linux is not installed yet. May I install Linux another way such
  as text installation through DOS without uninstalling bootmagic or
  partition magic? I appreciate your help with this. I have contacted
  Linux-Mandrake support days ago several times but I have received no
  answer. I have looking through everything that I can find in
  documentation and other Linux sources but have not found the answer yet.
  I appreciate anyone's input. I do have a Pentium 200 MHZ with 2 IDE hard
  drives one with 2.5 gigs and the other with over 8 gigs. I have 96 megs
  of memory and everything else should be compatible from my research. As
  a reminder my hard drive is already partitioned through partition magic
  and Linux is not installed yet. Thank you very much for your
  help.Sincerely, Marcia

Thank you for your advice. I was able to get into the Bios and it had the save 
exit option or exiting without saving. The F1 does give me the list of boot
sequences but I have not been able to scroll through the list. How do you change
values to cycle through the list? I have used the arrows and nothing happens.
There is a place that shows what F1 is for and other options. The one for modify
is PUPD and it has/+/-. Would 

Re: [newbie] No Penguins on login screen.

2000-07-01 Thread Glyn Millington

On Mon, Jun 26, 2000 at 01:59:45PM -0700, thus spake [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I am using Mandrake 7.1
 Somehow I did something to my linux box and now I don't have the penguins on
 the login screen.  I am reffering to the penguins that represent each user. I
 used to have a root penguin and my username penguin on this screen.  I can
 still login just fine the only difference is that the penguins are gone.
 Can someone tell me how to get the penguins back?
 Thanks in advance;

Hey, more penguins??  I'll order 7.1 right now.  Why didn't they
tell me?


   * "The soul is greater than the hum of its parts. "  *
   * Douglas Hoftstatder*

Re: [newbie] grub and my RAM.

2000-07-01 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Mon, 26 Jun 2000, you wrote:
 Hi fellow Linuxers! I have just upgraded to 7.2. It is most excellent! When I 
upgraded I changed over to the grub boot loader...
 I have one problem with grub. I cannot set my RAM.
 I used to use Lilo and had to use the append "mem=128M" option (in lilo.conf) to 
cause the kernel to find the whole 128 meg of my ram. Without this it would only find 
64 meg :(
 What I would like to know is how to configure grub to read the full 128 meg of ram. 
Also I need to know the files I need to edit to do this. With Lilo it was lilo.conf. 
What is it for grub?  
 Cheers, Gerald S.
 title linux 
 kernel (hd1,4)/vmlinuz root=/dev/hdb6  hdc=ide-scsi
   That's the grub line that loads linux on my system.  Just put
  mem=128M  (no 'append'  no quotes as in lilo) where I have
'hdc=ide-scsi'.  You can put multiple args on the line, just
separate them with a space.

Take a look at 'info grub'.  It's one of the few man and info
pages that's not written like you already understand everything :)

Often when Linux can't see all your ram, it denotes a
substandard motherboard/bios.  Also if you have 'onboard' (built
in) items like video, you'll need to subtract the ram they use from
system ram. eg, if the video is advertised as 8mb, then you'll
prob'ly need to use a 'mem=120M'.  

~~   Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED]

[newbie] powermanagement in Mandrake?

2000-07-01 Thread Mark Weaver

HI LIst,

I was wondering if there was a setting somewhere to turn on/off power
management so my monitor wouldn't go to sleep?

I think it's already diabled in the BIOS.



Re: [newbie] 7.1 Install: could not mount CD on /dev/scd0 using Adaptec 1542cf

2000-07-01 Thread Jim P.

Hey Everyone I fixed my cd problem!  :)   I tossed mandrake 7.1 and went to
Red Hat 6.2 and the cd works wonderfully!  Guess Mandrake isn't what it's
cracked up to be after all huh?

I won't say I won't go back to Mandrake, but I will say the tech support at
mandrake sucks!  First letter to them was May we are end of June
and still no fix and no response to my plea for help from them...nothing but
an auto response...the people who tried to help in this list I say
thanksbut even the people who work for mandrake on here haven't offered
any helpand ya know what...that just ain't cool...I hate getting
products with no one willing to back them, free or purchasedbtw...I did
purchase mandrake 7.0 a month ago, and I am glad I'll be able to use the
extras in my red hat least I'll get a little back out of my
investment in a company who has NO tech support at allsorry
Mandrake...but you've really made me rethink my position on youI was
impressed when I first installed...then no help with a problemnone at
all and not even a notice that you heard my request or if it was ever even
read by a humanyour gonna have to go a long way before I'll buy anything
else from ya...


 I have been having a cdrom./burner problem for over a monthit still
 doesn't work...I have tried everything including completely reconfiguring
 system...differant cpu...differant drive configurationstried it all
 followed everyones suggestions...still doesn't work in mdk 7.1 works in
 and windoze just fineI hope you get an answer quicker than I didmy
 first post on it was the 23rd of last month and I still have no solution
 the problem...if you get it fixed please tell me how you did it...this
 and Mandrake support have been absolutely no help...thanks


  When you mount a cd u mast use "mount /mnt/cdrom"
  -Original Message-
  From: Ace Frehley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, June 26, 2000 7:37 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] 7.1 Install: "could not mount CD on /dev/scd0"
  using Adaptec 1542cf
  On Sun, 25 Jun 2000 17:45:26 -0500, you wrote:
  I am using an older Intel 440LX based motherboard with a P2-333, 64megs
  memory, ATI All-In-Wonder Pro, and Plextor 32x CDROM drive.
  I have Redhat 6.2 installed on the system without any problem.  My
  mention that Mandrake is a better distribution so I thought I would
  try it.  I downloaded the iso image of Mandrake 7.1 (Helium) and burned
  a CD without problem.
  The install program can find the Adaptec 1542cf card but I get the
  message "I could not mount a CD on device /dev/scd0".  If I hit OK the
  program displays a message about initializing the CD and it just hangs
  there.  I tried the install from win98 (also on the machine) and boot
  (as I cannot boot the CD).  When I tried text expert install I see the
  messages that the driver loaded and it displays the information from
  CD-ROM drive.
  There is no problem when mounting under RH 6.2.  I tried mounting
  manually using /dev/scd0 and it worked.
  Is there any way to manually break out or abort the install program
  so I can see why the install is failing?  It seems if the install
  fails I have no recourse to debug or correct it.
  Have the same problem with my setup as well, my solution was drastic,
  I used a spare Adaptec 2940UW and the problem disappeared...

Re: [newbie] Any comments on Ultra 66 on 7.0 or 7.1?

2000-07-01 Thread M Thompson


Install Linux Mandrake 7.1!  It will recognize your Promise Ultra66 card 

To my knowledge, Promise only provides a boot diskette for RedHat 6.0.  The 
Promise boot diskette will *NOT* work with any version of Linux other than 
RedHat 6.0.  Do *NOT* use the Promise boot disk.  The Promise company was 
absolutely worthless in helping me install Linux onto a hard drive connected 
to a Promise Ultra66 IDE controller card.

You can use any boot manager of your choice.  Be sure to install Lilo/grub 
to the first sector of the Linux partition.  I'm currently using BootMagic 
2.0, but XOSL is an even better graphical boot manager (  The 
NT boot manager will also work, but I haven't personally configured the NT 
boot manager to work with Linux.

To enable the NT boot manager to work with Linux, I suggest first reading 
the HOW-TO written specifically about it.  As a second resort, you can pose 
the question to the Mandrake mailing list.

Hope that helps,

Subject: Re: [newbie] Any comments on Ultra 66 on 7.0 or 7.1?
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 13:58:33 +0200

Hi, Matt,

At 16:55 00.06.26.´þ +, you wrote:
MDK 7.1 and the Promise Ultra66 finally got married.  Installing Mandrake
7.1 onto a hard drive connected to a Promise Ultra66 IDE controller was a
piece of cake.

Did you used boot diskette provided by Promise?

I am a stange kind of Linux user so i do not want the LILO to occupy MBR -
could it be ok? Without Ultra computer worked well enogh in multiboot mode
(hosted by NT bootmanager).

Best regrads - Janis

Laps Cileecish

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: [newbie] Graphics Card Question

2000-07-01 Thread David Talbot

The way I got my i810 boards to work was to select the intel i740 graphics
cards (supposably 4 meg of video ram), then select the monitor from the
Drak config tool. Click test, then it skips the memory back down to 2 meg
as it's supposed to be, bam, I give you 16x1024x768 without editing XF86Config.

-David Talbot

At 07:24 PM 6/26/00 -0700, you wrote:
Here's what I had to do for my I810 on LM 7.1 to get 1024x768 at 16 bits:

Edit /etc/X11/XF86Config:

   Find the "Device" section that has an ID of Intel 810
   Add the following lines to it:
  VideoRam 2048
  Chipset "i810"
  Vendor "Intel"
   Find the section "Screen" for "Driver" "svga"
   Find the subsection within it that says depth 16
   Add 1024x768 to the listed resolutions.

  Save it, logoff and restart the X server.
  Go into Drakconf and select Change X resolution.
  Select 1024x768 at 16 bits.

If you are running LM 7.0, I'm not sure this will work because I don't think
the i810 driver is available by default.  Take a look at
for the driver and instructions on how to load it.

- Ralph

- Original Message -
From: "Jason Angus" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2000 7:23 AM
Subject: [newbie] Graphics Card Question

 Just installed Mandrake 7 this weekend - the install
 went rather smooth (had to do it twice) - but those
 were errors on my part.

 I have an Intel 810 video card with AGP - and cannot
 seem to get the resolution or graphics just right with
 it.  I have looked on some news groups and found
 others with the same problem.  I can not seem to get a
 better resolution that 640 x 800!  It works but that
 is just a little too big for me.   Any suggestions?

 If it matter - here is the run down on the rest of my

 Dell Deminsion L500C
 Celeron 500 mhz
 64 mb ram
 6 gig HD - linux has a 1.5 gig/ windows 98 has the
 The video card is built into the mother board...

 Any help you could send this newbies way would much be


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Re: [newbie] Shockwave - What's Up With It?

2000-07-01 Thread laurent . duperval

On 24 Jun, Romanator wrote:
 This may be offbeat, but you can find an .rpm Flash beta version on the
 MDK7.1 installation CD. Please note that it is beta.
 Sevatio Octavio wrote:
 Where did you get it from?

I got mine from the shockwave site (


Laurent Duperval   "Montreal winters are an intelligence test,
U|Force - Java Center and we who are here have failed it."
Phone: (514) 282-8484 ext. 228   -Doug Camilli
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Penguin Power!

Re: [newbie] Epson GT-7000 SCSI Scanner

2000-07-01 Thread Paul

On Mon, 26 Jun 2000, Pedro _ wrote:

Hi Pedro,

Thanks Paul and Alan for your help.
As I am very new with Linux there is a lot of things that I do not know how 
to do. So I kindly ask you again for your help to put my scanner working.

ID of scanner: Ok

Install SANE package: The only package I found is "SANE-devel" that is 
"static libraries and header files for writing SANE modules". If it is this 
package ok, it is installed (I made the installation with rpmDrake).

Sane-DEVEL means it is the development package for sane. There inside are
the program files for it so you can change the program to make it better,
if you wish.
The package that you need, as named on my MDK7.0-2 CD, is:


In many cases it is already installed. You can check this by opening a
terminal and typing


In my case (did that on the computer WITHOUT the scanner) I see

[paul@internet paul]$ xscanimage xscanimage: no devices available.
Gtk-CRITICAL **: file gtkmain.c: line 534 (gtk_main_quit): assertion
`main_loops != NULL' failed.

I read the readme file and I saw:
"Configuration: Simply invoke configure in the top level directory"

Question 1: What is the top level directory?

This is the directory where the development package has been
installed. Often /usr/src/sane...something..

Question 2: How do I invoke configure? What is the exact words that I should 
write? Can configure be made from the console under kde?
In "Building and installing software packages for linux" I read "Note that 
if you run configure, it should be invoked as ./configure to ensure that the 
correct configure script that will accomplish this purpose". I tried write 
./configure + enter, but I received an error message No file or directory.

./configure is indeed the right one, but you need to run that in the
directory where the 'configure' file is located.
(Adding this as extra info, with the real program package you should not
need all this)

So, if you can help me with detailed and concrete instructions of how to 
finish my installation of SANE package I would appreciate very much ;)

In case you can run xscanimage (either as user or root, don't remember how
I do it), and you do not get a "command not found" error in a terminal, it
is already installed.
Is it not installed, locate the sane-1.0.1-8mdk.i586.rpm file on the CD
and install that by running

rpm -i /mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMS/sane-1.0.1-8mdk.i586.rpm

[paul@internet RPMS]$ which xscanimage

Then you run


and see what happens. You can also create a shortcut to it on your desktop
when you scan a lot, of course.

The first time you run xscanimage, it will look for your scanner and try
to identify it. Worked great with my simple Mustek scanner so that Epson
should not be a problem. After that you're home free!
Good luck, and howl if you still have a problem. In case you can't find
the sane...rpm, let me know and I can e-mail it to you if necessary. It is


It is the mark of the cultured person that (s)he is aware
of the fact that equality is an ethical and not a
biological principle.
-Ashley Montague

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]])0( -  ICQ 147208
Registered  Linux  User   174403

After that you should be able to get a similar result as I do:

[newbie] Jim P.: cdrom/burner

2000-07-01 Thread Paul

On Mon, 26 Jun 2000, Jim P. wrote:

I have been having a cdrom./burner problem for over a monthit still
doesn't work...I have tried everything including completely reconfiguring my
system...differant cpu...differant drive configurationstried it all
followed everyones suggestions...still doesn't work in mdk 7.1 works in 7.0
and windoze just fineI hope you get an answer quicker than I didmy
first post on it was the 23rd of last month and I still have no solution to
the problem...if you get it fixed please tell me how you did it...this list
and Mandrake support have been absolutely no help...thanks


Did you have a look at ? There are lots of helpful
things to get all sort and kinds of burners working.
If you have not seen that site yet, I would recommend that you take a


It is the mark of the cultured person that (s)he is aware
of the fact that equality is an ethical and not a
biological principle.
-Ashley Montague

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]])0( -  ICQ 147208
Registered  Linux  User   174403

[newbie] problem installing Mandrake 7.1

2000-07-01 Thread Wienand Drenth

I tried to install Mandrake 7.1, but encountered a problem.
Everything went well untill the actual package installation. Error was
something like:
   Fileheader missing

This occurred after you had to specify what cd's you had.
After this the installation couldn't be continued.

Can anyone help?


[newbie] After installing Mandrake Windows don´t boot

2000-07-01 Thread Arlindo Fragoso

Yesterday I've installed Mandrake 7.0 and everything goes OK. 
But... when I tried to restart the computer, the LILO prompts appear and after 5 
secs windows don't boot! I've tried to use the boot disk and the same occurs. 
I've tried to boot with a DOS disk but after a while it stops. If I write Linux 
at the prompt everything works fine! Why that?
My LILO is like this: 

My computer as 128 RAM, HD 10Gb (win 6.5G/ Linux 3.5G) Intel 
600 Mhz, I need some help, please


Re: [newbie] Linux-Mandrake 7.0 Complete installation

2000-07-01 Thread GAPrichard

Be SURE you have the correct field highlighted, move to it as necessary, 
usually TAB.  If F1 shows you the correct set of choices, you know what 
is possible and the sequence you will see when you actually change values.  
Clear this help info, try F1 key again, then you will find that the PgUp 
 PgDn keys (or whatever) will move the sequence one step at a time [often 
PgUp moves down  PgDn increases the value].  Set the boot sequence to 
A:, (CDROM if avail), C:, and (SCSI doesn't matter if you don't have this 
type of drive, OK to leave it last if you don't have an option that doesn't 
include it).  When the value for "Boot Sequence" is the way you want it back 
out of the CMOS page, usually ESC and "Exit Saving" the new values.  The 
dialogue box will ask if you actually want to  write the new values to the 
CMOS, with a "N" entered as default.  Enter "Y" that you actually want to 
save, and the CMOS will begin the POST check from scratch again, this time 
seeking A:.  If your Mandrake floppy is in the floppy drive and the CD is in 
the CD drive it should put you directly into the install.  The white on black 
messages you will first see are a normal part of Linux booting, and will let 
you know whats going on.  Some may fly by, but the CD ROM takes a while and 
things will seem to stall for 10 seconds or so.  
Good Luck!  Keep us posted.

In a message dated 7/1/2000 7:57:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

 Thank you for your advice. I was able to get into the Bios and it had the 
 exit option or exiting without saving. The F1 does give me the list of boot
 sequences but I have not been able to scroll through the list. How do you 
 values to cycle through the list? I have used the arrows and nothing happens.
 There is a place that shows what F1 is for and other options. The one for 
 is PUPD and it has/+/-. Would there be a way to install with my setup as 
 C,A,SCSI?  I suspect that there has to be a way for me to make the changes 
of the
 boot sequence but there is something I am not doing correctly obviously. 
 you very much for your help. I will keep working on this. Thank you. Marcia

[newbie] Log On to Network

2000-07-01 Thread Imad Majdalani

I think i have seen it before but cant find it 
anymore ( The answer)
But how can i remove the " Log On to Network" in 
Mandrake 7.0, cause its timeing out the connection, and taking lotsa of 

[newbie] Xircom CreditCard Ethernet Adapter IIps setup

2000-07-01 Thread Mike Hansen

I have a compaq armada 7800 Laptop and need help installing a
Xircom CreditCard Ethernet Adapter IIps. Can anyone help. PCMCIA
Has started according to the boot messages.

RE: [newbie] No Penguins on login screen.

2000-07-01 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

1) Make sure that KDM is your preferred display manager
2) Use KDE's Control panel to re-enable the Penguins...


|-Original Message-
|Sent: Monday, June 26, 2000 5:00 PM
|Subject: [newbie] No Penguins on login screen.
|I am using Mandrake 7.1
|Somehow I did something to my linux box and now I don't have the 
|penguins on
|the login screen.  I am reffering to the penguins that represent 
|each user. I
|used to have a root penguin and my username penguin on this screen.  I can
|still login just fine the only difference is that the penguins are gone.
|Can someone tell me how to get the penguins back?
|Thanks in advance;

Re: [newbie] After installing Mandrake Win dows don´t boot

2000-07-01 Thread p . b . burton

The "unsafe" line at the end should follow the
"floppy" section.  Should be right under "label=floppy"

And add "table=/dev/hda" in the windows section.

Try this.


On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, Arlindo Fragoso wrote:

 Hello! Yesterday I've installed Mandrake 7.0 and
 everything goes OK. But... when I tried to restart the
 computer, the LILO prompts appear and after 5 secs
 windows don't boot! I've tried to use the boot disk and
 the same occurs. I've tried to boot with a DOS disk but
 after a while it stops. If I write Linux at the prompt
 everything works fine! Why that? My LILO is like this:  
 boot=/dev/hda timeout=50 prompt
  My computer as 128 RAM, HD 10Gb (win 6.5G/ Linux 3.5G)
 Intel 600 Mhz, I need some help, please TIA

Re: [newbie] Website

2000-07-01 Thread F. E. Schaper


An SQL database accessed and maintained with PHP might work for you.
You might want to take a look at that one...I used to used SQL and PHP with
am fairly confident that you could get this running on Linux. PHP is
somewhat similar to Perl so
if you have some knowledge there (which I would assume you do based on the
Linux experience)
it so should not be hard for you to pick it up.

Check the PHP site for more info:


- Original Message - 
From: Darryl Gibson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2000 8:49 PM
Subject: [newbie] Website

 Hi list,
 A club I belong to wants to create a web site to track it's membership's
 status, attendance, activity participation etc...
 The club would like the web site to have the following features:
 Accessibility to all members, but not the world. (or just the top page
 open to the world, and the sub pages "hidden."
 Officers and designated members, can maintain and update the site, but
 not the general membership.
 The web page will be on a "free" ISP providers machine.
 Our Oracle guru passed on the project, so being the clubs Linux "guru,"
 and not knowing any better, I volunteered to take on the project.
 So today I went in search of a Linux database on Freshmeat, and MUO, and
 was dismayed not to find a database application. Nor did I find any
 apps. in KDE that would seem to fit the bill.
 Any suggestions on how I might accomplish this task?
 Can Netscape Composer handle this task, or do I need something more
 Do I need an HTML compliant database? CGI?
 Can Gnumeric function as a database?
 Darryl Gibson
 Linux Neophyte (tm)
 This computer is 100% Microsoft FREE

[newbie] Checking 386/387 coupling --failed

2000-07-01 Thread Sam Hunter

 I just built a new machine, using a 
celeron 566 processor. As you probably know this uses the coppermine core, 
and new p3 instruction set (it is basically a p3 with less cache). When I 
try to boot Mandrake on this computer I get a 
Checking 386/387 coupling (3) failed trying to 
387 failed: trying to reset
over and over and over
If I remove the 566, and put in a celeron 300a the system 
boots fine, Mandrake installs without a hitch and all is good.
I've tried upgrading my kernel to 2.2.16, and then 
plugging in the celeron 566 with similar results. I've seen screen 
captures on numerous sites (while searching for an answer to this question) 
where people have booted with a p3. How do they do this??? Is there 
some special kernel switch or something I have to implement?

thanks for the help


[newbie] Problem with attaching an icon to an application.

2000-07-01 Thread Andrey Isaverdiyev

Hello guys:

I am using KDE from Linux-Mandrake 7.0 distribution.
I have created my own icon (22x22), then I have saved it in
/usr/share/icons. When I click on my application on the desktop and choose
"Properties" and look for available icons, it is not there. I could not find
any other way to attach the icon to the application.

Any Help?


Andrew Isaverdian

[newbie] 7.1 voodoo 3 xf 4

2000-07-01 Thread Steve Elliott

Hiya there,
HAve installed 7.1 on a fresh athlon 650 asus k7v 128 mem voodoo 3
3000 AGP.
I am having difficulties in getting the voodoo to run with hardware
acceleration. Runs with the generic voodoo driver fine :)
Have been following th DRI doc on However i
have found that the vanilla install of 7.1 whilst it does have xf 4,
does not seem to have the required mesa 3.3 libraries.
The x server logs are all aok - i can see the required glx and dri
drivers loading and 3dfx - also can see vgahw loading - the only problem

is that Direct Rendering is disabled in the log.
This occurs at 2 points :

setting up tile stipple and cache
tdfx (0) backing store enabled
tdfx (0) silken mouse enabled
tdfx (0) Direct Rendering Disabled

and then a few more lines down also - it boots into x fine.

If i then do a glinfo ( the dri doc says glxinfo but i guess that's cos
it refers to mesa 3.3   ) and

have all loaded.

I then pop a xdpyinfo to check that all visuals are 16 bit - yes.

So my diagnosis would be that i need mesa 3.3 ?

Suggested further steps to get hardware accel working would be muchly

Bye 4 now ..
Phone : 3356 9671

[newbie] re Pronto Mail (Not Quite)

2000-07-01 Thread mrc

Many thanks to several of you who helped me on installing Pronto Mail. The bit
about using Perl and being online were critical. Even so, in the end I was
informed that the install failed - something about "can't locate MIMI/Parser

I even tried xfmail only to learn that it required 
Whatever that is.

Am using Mandrake 6 and continue to be astounded at the complexity of
supposedly very simple programs like Pronto or xfmail.

Maybe I'm just  a very slow learner.

Thanks again. Maybe when I upgrade to Mandrake 7 I'll try again.

Michael Coady.

 On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, mrc wrote:
  When I run I get the message:
  bash: ./ Permission denied
 Off course, you need to have perl installed though!
 (and remember to be online :-)


Re: [newbie] After installing Mandrake Win dows don´t boot

2000-07-01 Thread p . b . burton

I should have also said: after editing /etc/lilo.conf be
sure to run (as root) '/sbin/lilo /etc/lilo.conf' (without


On Sat, 1 Jul 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The "unsafe" line at the end should follow the
 "floppy" section.  Should be right under "label=floppy"
 And add "table=/dev/hda" in the windows section.
 Try this.
 On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, Arlindo Fragoso wrote:
  Hello! Yesterday I've installed Mandrake 7.0 and
  everything goes OK. But... when I tried to restart the
  computer, the LILO prompts appear and after 5 secs
  windows don't boot! I've tried to use the boot disk and
  the same occurs. I've tried to boot with a DOS disk but
  after a while it stops. If I write Linux at the prompt
  everything works fine! Why that? My LILO is like this:  
  boot=/dev/hda timeout=50 prompt
   My computer as 128 RAM, HD 10Gb (win 6.5G/ Linux 3.5G)
  Intel 600 Mhz, I need some help, please TIA

[newbie] Configure X

2000-07-01 Thread Javier Techera

I can't to configure 
I try several times 
with XConfigurator. The test is ok, but when I run startx, I can see the 
background colour and the mouse for a few seconds, and then the system returns 
to text mode.

I have a SuperSocket 
7 M598LMR Motherboard.
AMD K6 450 
64 MB 

Onboard videocard 
64-bit 3D AGP Graphics Accelerator, support high resolutions up to 1600 x 1200 

Generic Monitor 15" Max.Resolution (Non-Interlaced 
Mode) 1024 x 768
FH 30-54KHz
FV 50-100Hz

May somebody help 
me, please


[newbie] How do you format a zip disk?

2000-07-01 Thread Mike Tracy Holt

Hello all,
The subject just about covers it, I would like to know the command line
(and also if there's a gui version) for formatting my zip disks to
either ext2 or vfat.  As a bonus, could I also get the same info for
hard drives?  I'm spoiled by Windows - point, right click, select
'format' - any thoughts?

Thanks, Mike

Mike  Tracy Holt
Kirkland, WA

[newbie] US Keyboard with west Europe character not working in KDE

2000-07-01 Thread diego-listas

I have been using my US keyboard with acents without problems in Mandrake 7.0,
but now with 7.1 those accented characters don't appear.

I checked out and found "Input Devices/International Keybord" on kcontrol, by
default the instalation put en.kimap as the default character table.
Well, I put weu.kimap as the default one and then KDE complaints that it can't
find the apostrophe simbol if I use the default X codes, so then I selected
codes for PC101 keybord but the keyboard still doesn't produce the accented
characters I want.

What is going on here?

How can I configure my US-layout keyboard for accented characters on KDE?

PD: On Gnome and the text console the keyboard works allrigth.

  Ing. Diego A. Puertas F.

[newbie] Upgrade

2000-07-01 Thread Dave Naylor

Hello Folks,

I've ordered 7.1 on CDs and I'm waiting for it to arrive.  From what I
can tell the best way to install it is to do a complete new
installation.  That's OK but what exactly can I back up to make the
transition from 7.0 to 7.1 as painless as possible.  What's more, how

   ODave Naylor

[newbie] Running XFree on Intel i810

2000-07-01 Thread Turski Miroslaw

A am running Mandrake 7.1 and try to run XFree86 4.0 on i810 graphic card.
The XServer returns the fallowing error:

(II) I810(0): AGPIOC_AQUIRE failed
Fatal server error: AddScreen/ScreenInit failed for driver 0

Did somebody make it running? I am realy desperated and need help.


[newbie] adding menu items and taskbar buttons

2000-07-01 Thread Mark Weaver

Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction? I would
like to know how to add menu items to the menus and buttons on the task
bar. Specifically in ICEwm running in Mandrake 7.1. I know how to take
care of this in Gnome and KDE, but I'm absolutely at a loss for ICEwm.

thanks in advance,

I love my Linux Box...
REASON # 2 ...X-windows is just a suedonym.
Registered Linux user # 1299563

[newbie] screen savers for ICEwm ???

2000-07-01 Thread Mark Weaver

...where are they? I really like this desktop, but I can't find anything
like where to edit the start menu or how to embed a button on the task
bar, or even how to turn on the screen saver for this particular desktop.

Is it that hard or am I just being thick-headed. Please..don't answer too
quickly!  :)


I love my Linux Box...
REASON # 2 ...X-windows is just a suedonym.
Registered Linux user # 1299563

Re: [newbie] Help:After installing Mandrake Windows don´t boot

2000-07-01 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 28 Jun 00, at 10:52, Arlindo Fragoso wrote:

My /etc/lilo.conf looks like this, default is DOZE.



Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com

[newbie] VMWARE with Mandrake 7 problem... =(

2000-07-01 Thread JVMC

Hi! I am using Mandrake 7.01 with VMware 
2.0.1, with a guest OS of Win98. Anyway, I tried to install the OS but I 
cant access my cd-rom What gives? This is the error message I 
get. I installeda fresh Mandrake 7 and I still got the same 
problem. Anyoneever get this problem with 
CDROM: '/dev/cdrom' exists, but does not appear to be a CDROM device. 
Error connecting the CDROM device.What does this mean? Please 
help? I hope I didnt waste my $99 dollars,just because I cant access 
my cdrom drive. =(I also changed the configuration to /mnt/cdrom just in 
case but I stillget the same problem. =( Please 

[newbie] Voodoo rush 4MB 3DFX video card

2000-07-01 Thread Jaguar

I have an Alliance AT25 (MDK 7.02 ID's the card as AT3D) Voodoo rush 4MB 3DFX
video card, and I have trouble setting it up with anything more than 640x480
(can get 1024x768 with virtual desktop active but I hate mouse scrolling to
get places).  Has anyone gotten this card to work correctly in MDK 7.02 ie:
full 1024x768 with NO virtual desktop?
rest of the hardware
3.2 GB Fuji HD
32x Panasonic CDRom
NE2000 NIC
3Com 509B NIC -- for cable sharing but can't get the NIC to broadcast it's
IP's correctly.

The Dogma chased the Stigma, and was hit by the Karma.

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

[newbie] voodo card (fwd)

2000-07-01 Thread Christopher Molnar

Somebody in one of these lists sent me a rather long message on a video
card question. I am sorry but becuase of a stupid error I made while
copying mail from an old machine to a new one the message bounced.

Can whoever sent it please resend it to me? I did not mean to be rude and
bounce the mail back at you.

Lesson learned: do not use fetchmail to move mail from machine 1 to
machine 2 when machine 1 already used fetchmail. It doesn't work! 

Lesson 2 learned: do not keep mail in your /var/spool/mail folders. move
it after you read it.


Re: [newbie] Re: Fw: Linux

2000-07-01 Thread F. E. Schaper


Nice response.

Being that I have done stand up comedy for many years (and yes, Star Trek
fans have been a constant target of said comedy over the years) I would
normally respond to you with some type of sarcastic response. However, in
this case I feel that would be unjustified as you have made a strong
argument against what I have said and I feel you deserve more respect than
that type of response might give back to you.

But no matter what is said to me, or whatever type of justification is
provided for it, I'll never understand why anyone would ever translate
Hamlet into Klingon. And you have to at least agree with me that Captain
Janeway is pretty annoying (what's the deal with the hair?)

To me the funniest part of the subculture that the show has created over the
years (which is somewhat understandable based on the fact that the show
first showed up during the "Space Race" era) is the fact that even the
actors themselves have constantly poked fun at the very same fans (and
themselves and their Star Trek roles) on a regular basis.

Another example of this would be the 3rd Rock From The Sun episode in which
George Takei appeared.

All in all I do not think the show itself was all that bad (for a weekly
sci-fi show from the 1960's) however I think that the underground movement
it has created has opened itself up to the torment of others. I do not
belittle the individuals personally who watch the show (including my very
own father who is in fact a very very loyal fan), they are people and as
such are welcomed to their own views on what they like and do not. Further I
do not feel their choices of entertainment are basis for making a personal
judgment. This is not to say that I do not enjoy making light of the
underground following that the show has spawned, because quite the opposite
is true. I just find it very funny (and somewhat frightening in respects)
when a science fiction/fantasy television show creates such emotions and
loyalties in people that they will be willing to sacrifice
large amounts of their lives to following it and to learning it's
idiosyncrasies. Perhaps society would be better served if people would use
their time to advance and learn of their own culture, rather than to
completely immerse themselves into a world of fantasy.

I recommend (if you have done so already) that you read the book "We" by
Yvengy Zamyatin. It provides a much more specific and detailed commentary on
the loss of culture and of the assimilation of the individual into the
general consciousness than I could ever provide in an e-mail.

In some ways it has an interesting parallel with the same subculture of
which have been speaking.


- Original Message -
From: Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2000 6:22 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Re: Fw: Linux


 I liked your commentary. You speak well, but I think you're all wet. For
 reasons known only to yourself and maybe a few close friends you've pigeon
 holed literally hundreds of thousands of people whom you don't even know
 into a group of very small minded bunch of misfits that clearly don't have
 a life of their own and are forced to live vicariously through the
 fantacies of TV writers. Nothing could be further from the truth.

 While I'm not offended by your words, for I find your well spoken prose
 amusing, I know many would be. I have no doubt that what you've said about
 Shatner is nothing but the truth, saying that the fans are mindless morons
 was not very nice. It is your opinion, however misguided and tainted it
 may be and you're entitled to it. I just wanted you to know that myself
 and many others that I know have been Star Trek fans since I can
 remember. Although I've never gone to the place of wearing the ears or
 anything so drastically strange, I do still enjoy the original series and
 the new programs that it spawned in the decades since.

 And IMHO I'm NOT a dribbling moron who doesn't have the education of a
 rat, nor am I a blithering idiot with the IQ of a peice of lunch meat! My
 words...not yours. I'm merely paraphrasing your sentiments. I happen to be
 an educated professional in a field that requires an IQ much higher than
 that of anything Oscar Myer could produce.

 Sadly, for whatever reasons, you've managed to mean-spiritedly stereotype
 a vast segmant of american society into a place where YOU are comfortable
 that they are not a threat to you.

 THAT, my friend is the hallmark of a small mind. Predjudice is a symptom
 of fear and ignorance and eventually leaves a person alone and
 hopeless. America is a great place dispite her troubles.


 I love my Linux Box...
 REASON # 2 ...X-windows is just a suedonym.
 Registered Linux user # 1299563

 On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, F. E. Schaper wrote:

  Yes that was an older skit on SNL in which William "Ego" Shatner was
  speaking to a 

[newbie] Preparing Machine to Load Linux

2000-07-01 Thread Bill . Gardner

loaded 7.1 up at home, went totally fine and KDE was working nicely for a couple of 
days. PII, 350MHZ. 20GB and 4GB internal IDE drives. 

Now however when I try to boot into linux, all i get is, "Preparing Machine to Load 
Linux" and nothing else happens? 

Should I just re-install?


Re: [newbie] powermanagement in Mandrake?

2000-07-01 Thread Dennis Myers

Mark Weaver wrote:

 HI LIst,

 I was wondering if there was a setting somewhere to turn on/off power
 management so my monitor wouldn't go to sleep?

 I think it's already diabled in the BIOS.



If you use KDE desktop then go into control center and you will see a
"DPMS" on the tree. Click on that and you can set your Power Management
and \ or turn it on or off with a check box.

[newbie] how to mount IOMEGA zip after emulating scsi

2000-07-01 Thread Wienand Drenth

I've got the following problem.
SInce I've got a CD rewriter, in /etc/lilo.conf there has been added :
append "hdd=ide-scsi"
in order to emulate scsi. This all works great: I can burn and mount the
cd-rw on /dev/scd0. No problem at all.

However, this also makes my zip-drive to behave scsi (?). This means
that the mount command I normally used doesn't work anymore.
That command was  "mount -t msdos /dev/hdb4 /mnt/iomega"
When I try "mount -t msdos /dev/scd1 /mnt/iomega" it complains that "fs
msdos" is not supported by kernel.

Any bit of advice is welcome!

Wienand Drenth

[newbie] Unpacking tar gz files

2000-07-01 Thread Neil Rowley


As a recent convert to Mandrake 7 I find myself in a tiz over those so 
called" tarball" and "gzipped" packages. Having recently downloaded 
Realplayer G2 and an upgraded version of the Netscape Browser  it's 
pretty obvious that they are not RPM programs.  On seeking help  about 
this there is plenty of guidance out there on the use of commands such 
as "tar xzf" etc. but to  where and how do you move the file package 
from the "home" directory"  and what do I do the editing with ?

Probably a simple matter really but for me a demo would be much 
appreciated !


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