Re: [newbie-it] non funziona la rete....

2000-10-10 Thread Fabio Coatti

On Mon, Oct 09, 2000 at 04:45:20PM +0200, gg wrote:
 Ho installato Linux per la prima volta usando Mandrake 7.1. Tutto bene fino alla 
gestione della rete.
 La scheda, realtek 80139, è stata riconosciuta subito, ma il ping funziona solo per 
l'IP del mio pC ( e sul loopback.
 Ifconfig su eth0 mi dice che "la risorsa è temporaneamente non disponibile" e se lo 
metto in UP non trova la scheda.

Sei sicuro che il modulo della scheda di rete sia caricato? Prova a
lanciare da da root lsmod e mandami il risultato...

Fabio Coatti

[newbie-it] NT e linux

2000-10-10 Thread Maguolo, Alessandro

Ho installato lilo sul pc con windows nt. come 
posso togliere lilo? 

Re: [newbie-it] NT e linux

2000-10-10 Thread Andrea Celli

 "Maguolo, Alessandro" wrote:
 Ho installato lilo sul pc con windows nt. come posso togliere lilo?

da linux lanci "lilo -u"
da NT/dos lanci "fdisk /mbr"

entrambi tolgono lilo da mbr

ciao, Andrea

R: [newbie-it] NT e linux

2000-10-10 Thread Maguolo, Alessandro

ho provato in entrambi i modi. risultato: da linux, niente. da nt persa la

-Messaggio originale-
Da: Andrea Celli [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Inviato: martedì 10 ottobre 2000 9.35
Oggetto: Re: [newbie-it] NT e linux

 "Maguolo, Alessandro" wrote:
 Ho installato lilo sul pc con windows nt. come posso togliere lilo?

da linux lanci "lilo -u"
da NT/dos lanci "fdisk /mbr"

entrambi tolgono lilo da mbr

ciao, Andrea

Re: R: [newbie-it] NT e linux

2000-10-10 Thread Andrea Celli

"Maguolo, Alessandro" wrote:
 ho provato in entrambi i modi. 
 risultato: da linux, niente. 

Molto strano.
Da man lilo:
-u device-name
   Disinstalla lilo, copiando il boot sector salvato al suo posto
   originale. Viene controllata la data del file

-U device-name
   Come sopra, ma senza il controllo della data.

 da nt persa la partizione.

cosa vuol dire?
che non riesci piu` a gestire la partizione ext2 che
conteneva Linux?

E` logico. I sistemi M$ sono "egocentrici".
Non possono gestire nulla che non sia targato M$.

Quindi, se vuoi rimuovere la partizione Linux, devi
farlo con Linux.

Gia` eliminato?

Male, anzi malissimo

A questo punto devi riavviare il Pc  dal CD di installazione, 
quando ti appare il propmt di lilo (molto rapidamente)
devi scrivere "rescue", avrai una console Linux da cui potrai
avviare fdisk di Linux e lavorare con quello.

ciao, andrea

Una delle tante amenita` di M$ per ridurre la compatibilita`
con altri sistemi e` di scrivere "R:" al posto di "Re:"
per i reply.
Per favore aggiusta il tuo outlook in modo che rispetti
gli standard. Altrimenti su lettori di posta e news non-M$
le tue risposte non verranno accodate ai thread originali.

[newbie-it] plugger

2000-10-10 Thread Andrea Celli

- ho una Mandrake-7.1 con Netscape e plugger
- nelle applications di Netscape a midi, wav, ... corrisponde
l'uso del plugin plugger
- quando apro alcune pagine web si sente la musica  di sottofondo
e se vado sulla homepage di plugger funzionano tutti i test

Il mio problema e` che con altre pagine (es.:,
ma non solo) quando le apro mi appare una finestra che segnala 
la mancanza del plugin adatto e mi suggerisce di installare ... 

Normalmente della cosa non mi importa granche', adesso pero`
mia cognata, che ha fatto la pagina di cui parlavo prima,
mi ha chiesto di aiutarla a renderla pienamente 
Le ho gia` fatto aggiungere un embed oltre al windozziano
bgsound, ma le mie conoscenze in materia si fermano qui.

E' un problema di non corretta installazione?
Io ho messo solo gli rpm standard di Mandrake, a parte
il file per tradurre le scritte in italiano.
Possibile che sia quello?

E` un problema di pagina html?
il codice mi sembra corretto:

embed src="musica/JingleBells01.mid" hidden="true" align="baseline"
width="0" height="0" autostart="true" volume="100" 
bgsound src="musica/JingleBells01.mid" loop="-1"

In fin dei conti riconosce che c'e` qualcosa da suonare e tra le
terminazioni dei file midi elencate su netscape sono stato
attento che ci fosse anche "mid".

grazie, Andrea

[newbie-it] supporto midi

2000-10-10 Thread Eugenio Odorifero

Pentium 233
64MB Ram
20 GB HD, con partizione di 5 GB per Linux-Mandrake
Scheda Audio pci Ensoniq 1371

Ho installato Mandrake 7.1 (per la precisione quello fornito dalla
rivista INTER.NET), e mentre il supporto per il suono funziona
normalmente, il supporto MIDI non sembra nemmeno installato. Ho provato
col player MIDI e MIDI-Karaoke che fornite nel pacchetto e mentre il
primo non si avvia nemmeno, il secondo non suona mandando il messaggio
che non accede su dev/sequencer (per la cronaca la mia dir dev e' quasi
del tutto piena di file di dimensione 0 byte).
Qualcuno mi ha suggerito Timidity, e raggirerebbe pure il probema, ma
vorrei usare i programmi midi a scopo di composizione per cui non mi
sembra la soluzione migliore.
- E' la mia Ensoniq che non riesce ad essere configurata bene?
- E' Mandrake che non implementa di base le funzioni Midi? Che fare in
questo caso?
- E' possibile emulare le funzioni Midi attraverso una soluzione simile
a Timidity, ma piu' a basso livello?

Grazie in anticipo.

Eugenio Odorifero

Re: [newbie] trojan horses

2000-10-10 Thread KRITZBERG DAVID OWEN

I went to on mistake--there was a black page with a
hand with an eye on it, and no links. Do you happen to know what that
page is?

David Owen Kritzberg (
Department of Economics, University of Colorado at Boulder
Campus Box 256, Boulder CO 80309-0256
Tel: 303-492-7709 Fax: 303-492-8960
On Sun, 8 Oct 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a message dated 08-Oct-00 19:30:16 Central Daylight Time, 
  I tried and I found 2 or 3 ports open that
  *could* be trojans.  ANy way to verify? 
 check for utilitys via the box network

RE: [newbie] Linux Format

2000-10-10 Thread

You could try their web site and click on the subscribtions bit.

Mark Hillary

 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mark Weaver
 Sent: Friday, October 06, 2000 5:58 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux Format
 I wonder...could a fella get that here in the states?
 /*I never worry about the to-jams.
  *Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
  *it's already too late...just make sure
  *you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
   Registered Linux user #182496
*   Pine 4.21   *

Re: [newbie] OT Linux Format

2000-10-10 Thread

That is a bit sad really, imature. I was just relpying to what I though 
was a wrong statment. If you want to kill me because of that, then 
you are welcome to try.


[newbie] Newbie: Windows Opera3 bookmarks to Linux Netscape

2000-10-10 Thread Alan Smith

Hi There

In windows I used the Opera3 browser. All my url's are stored there.

Does anybody know how I convert the Opera3.add win bookmark file into
Netscape 4.73 linux mandrake 7.1 I've had no success but then I hardly
know what I am doing in Linux.

Thanks for your help.

Alan Smith
South Africa

Re: [newbie] install hangs with 7.1.

2000-10-10 Thread Rod Baxter

Solved the problem.
I changed the video card to a matrox g200, which is on the supported list
and it works OK. The card Iwas using was a trio v64 (S3) and is also on the
supported list. I wonder if its the fact that I was not using the AGP slot
but a PCI card and having an empty AGP slot??

Any ideas? RH and Caldera handle it ok, I think mandrake need to have a


- Original Message -
From: "Rod Baxter" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 11:20 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] install hangs with 7.1.

 I bought the package (Linux Mandrake 7.1 complete)from the local software
 shop and the bios virus is disabled. Since posting this email I have
 elimated a few things. I had the motherboard with only the video card
 installed, and as its a PCI s3 it should not be the cause of the problem.
 The motherboard does use the Via Apollo chipset, and the hang will occurr
 anytime linux probes the PCI bus. I ran through the expert  install, and
 anytime I answer yes to probling the PCI bus it dies.
 I tried reseting my motherboard to defaults, still no different. I also
 tried a 5GB drive which is only udma33, but still the same problem. I also
 tried another motherboard, a 233MMX and it hangs as well. The only item I
 havn't changed is the video card, which I will do, but as Red Hat works
 fine, I don't expect it to be the video.

 I am fairly new to linux, however I know PC's fairly well incidentally.


 - Original Message -
 Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 6:43 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] install hangs with 7.1.

  What is the source of the Linux Mandrake CD you are using?  Newbie
  recently discussed problems with installs hanging being caused from both
  bad ISO sources on the net (literally different file lengths), and from
  images not being downloaded as "binary."  Do you have CMOS (motherboard
  based anti-virus protection enabled?  -Gary-
  In a message dated 10/9/2000 1:56:17 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
   My machine boots from the cdrom (or floppy, same result) and after
   language, then customised install I have to pick from server, normal
   When I do this I get a message flashed on the screen for about 1 second
   "Please wait, configuring IDE". This message goes and my machine locks
   no response to keyboard or mouse, even Crl-Alt Del wont work. Reset is
   only answer.
  I have looked in the archives but I seem to be the only one with install
  Anyone any suggestions??


[newbie] video card problem

2000-10-10 Thread stephen

i have no problems with my pci s3 tro v64 video 
may be you pci slot on the mother board is damaged 

as mine works fine ok 

stephen galowski 

---Outgoing mail is certified Virus 
Free.Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( 6.0.198 / 
Virus Database: 95 - Release Date: 10/4/00

Re: [newbie] jvm staroffice

2000-10-10 Thread A V Flinsch

On Tue, 10 Oct 2000, you wrote:
 Is a version of the java virtual machine included in the Mandrake 7.1 
 Complete package?  I chose the developers option during install, so I would 
 assume that it would be installed for me if it's there...I tried to install 
 StarOffice, but it could not find an environment to run in (couldn't find a 
 java env.).  I will probably want to write java applets at some point:  I 
 don't just want this for StarOffice.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

If you have the Deluxe version, you could install the Sun JDK from the
commercial applications disk.  I think that is one of the apps that is included
in the Deluxe version, but not the Complete version. If you don't have it you
can download a version that will work from  

If you have installed Java and StarOffice it did not find it during the
install. You will need to edit the ~/Office52/user/config/javarc file. Just
remove the offending version from the "ExcludeVersion" line. Then restart
StarOffice and select bookmarks - Java - Java Setup and then pick the

(Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)

Re: [newbie] Strange Behavior

2000-10-10 Thread A V Flinsch

On Tue, 10 Oct 2000, you wrote:
 Here is a weird one.
 I have LM 7.1.  Today I went to check my e-mail, and turned on
 the monitor.  Unfortunatly, the screen was blank.  No kdm.  Very
 strange.  So I hit alt-f2 and no virtual terminal.  No virtual
 terminals when I hit alt-f1, or alt-f3-f6.
 I couldn't log in via ssh either.  I didn't telnet to my sendmail
 to see if that was still responding.  But the computer was turned
 on and the damn thing was completely dead, and I had to do a
 reboot with the reset switch.  G.  This is the first time
 that Linux has ever acted like Windows 98.  
 Any ideas?  I suppose that I may have been DoSed, but kind of
 doubt it, since I've never had problems before.  Could this be
 indicitive of a hardware problem??  Just curious is all.

I have had this happen to me. Usually it was after a power blip (fairly common
out where I am). Not enough of a transient to shutdown the system, just enough
to screw up a few memory locations.  I now have a UPS and have not had a problem
since I got it.

(Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)

Re: [newbie] trojan horses

2000-10-10 Thread A V Flinsch

On Tue, 10 Oct 2000, you wrote:
 I went to on mistake--there was a black page with a
 hand with an eye on it, and no links. Do you happen to know what that
 page is?

[alex@homer alex]$ ping 
PING ( 56 data bytes 
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=235 time=1069.5 ms   

[alex@homer alex]$ ping
PING ( 56 data bytes 
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=235 time=740.2 ms

Same machine, just that thye have Apache set up to return a different page for, than is returned for 

(Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)

[newbie] GTK Libraries

2000-10-10 Thread Julio Gutierrez

It seems that my system doesn't have the gtk libraries installed because when i
try to install new software it tells me that libraries are not found, does
anyone know how i can install them from mdk 7.1 cd rom or how do i find out if
i really have them installed? 
Thanks in advance!!
Julio Gutierrez

Re: [newbie] trojan horses

2000-10-10 Thread stephen

I have the same type of attack on a different ip
here are the details

MAC: 44455354

back orifice ping

- Original Message -
From: "A V Flinsch" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 8:07 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] trojan horses

 On Tue, 10 Oct 2000, you wrote:
  I went to on mistake--there was a black page with
  hand with an eye on it, and no links. Do you happen to know what that
  page is?

 [alex@homer alex]$ ping
 PING ( 56 data bytes
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=235 time=1069.5 ms

 [alex@homer alex]$ ping
 PING ( 56 data bytes
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=235 time=740.2 ms

 Same machine, just that thye have Apache set up to return a different page
for, than is returned for

 (Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.198 / Virus Database: 95 - Release Date: 10/4/00

Re: [newbie] video card problem

2000-10-10 Thread Rod Baxter

Only problem with that theory is that RedHat and Caldera work OK, and I
tried the card in three different slots as well. Does your motherboard have
an AGP slot as well?

The video card could have a problem I guess, but its all pretty strange!

- Original Message -
From: stephen
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 7:54 PM
Subject: [newbie] video card problem

i have no problems with my pci s3 tro v64 video card
may be you pci slot on the mother board is damaged
as mine works fine ok

stephen galowski

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.198 / Virus Database: 95 - Release Date: 10/4/00

Re: [newbie] Strange Behavior

2000-10-10 Thread Rod Baxter

A cobol programmer!  I worked with mainframes for er...many years.
Wonderful things and a lot more consisent (and reliable) than


- Original Message -
From: "A V Flinsch" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 8:01 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Strange Behavior


 I have had this happen to me. Usually it was after a power blip (fairly
 out where I am). Not enough of a transient to shutdown the system, just
 to screw up a few memory locations.  I now have a UPS and have not had a
 since I got it.

 (Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)

[newbie] IDE drives

2000-10-10 Thread Kelly, Christopher

I thought that I posted this last night, but I never saw it come up on the

Does anyone know if Linux MDK 7.1 supports Ultra DMA\66 IDE drives? I just
got a new motherboard and I can't get my HDD with Linux on it to boot. Do I
need to reinstall? Help!

Chris Kelly
Registered Linux user 185775

Re: [newbie] video card problem

2000-10-10 Thread stephen

yes i have a agp port as well on the mother board

- Original Message -
From: "Rod Baxter" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 9:12 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] video card problem

 Only problem with that theory is that RedHat and Caldera work OK, and I
 tried the card in three different slots as well. Does your motherboard
 an AGP slot as well?

 The video card could have a problem I guess, but its all pretty strange!

 - Original Message -
 From: stephen
 Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 7:54 PM
 Subject: [newbie] video card problem

 i have no problems with my pci s3 tro v64 video card
 may be you pci slot on the mother board is damaged
 as mine works fine ok

 stephen galowski

 Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
 Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
 Version: 6.0.198 / Virus Database: 95 - Release Date: 10/4/00

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.198 / Virus Database: 95 - Release Date: 10/4/00

Re: [newbie] Newbie: Windows Opera3 bookmarks to Linux Netscape

2000-10-10 Thread Larry Marshall

 In windows I used the Opera3 browser. All my url's are stored there.
 Does anybody know how I convert the Opera3.add win bookmark file into
 Netscape 4.73 linux mandrake 7.1 I've had no success but then I hardly
 know what I am doing in Linux.

I don't know anything about the format of Opera files but why don't you
just use Opera for Linux?  I bet if you do those files will just copy

Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] IDE drives

2000-10-10 Thread stephen

it works on a western digital 8.4 giga byte in udma 66 on a celeron 300
machine ok
stephen galowski

- Original Message -
From: "Kelly, Christopher" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "'Newbie'" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 9:22 PM
Subject: [newbie] IDE drives

 I thought that I posted this last night, but I never saw it come up on the

 Does anyone know if Linux MDK 7.1 supports Ultra DMA\66 IDE drives? I just
 got a new motherboard and I can't get my HDD with Linux on it to boot. Do
 need to reinstall? Help!

 Chris Kelly
 Registered Linux user 185775

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.198 / Virus Database: 95 - Release Date: 10/4/00

RE: [newbie] Linux Format

2000-10-10 Thread Mark Weaver

Thanks for the links Mark. The one place I did manage to find that I could
buy a subscription from the price was inflated 3 times what it costs in
the UK. If it costs the equivilant of $23 in the UK, the same subscription
costs $75 here. I guess that's not too bad really cuz they've got to
import it and everything.


/*  I never worry about the to-jams.
 *  Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
 *  it's already too late...just make sure
 *  you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
Registered Linux user #182496
 *   Pine 4.21   *

On Tue, 10 Oct 2000 9:52am ,[EMAIL PROTECTED] spake...:

 You could try their web site and click on the subscribtions bit.
 Mark Hillary
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mark Weaver
  Sent: Friday, October 06, 2000 5:58 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux Format
  I wonder...could a fella get that here in the states?
  /*  I never worry about the to-jams.
   *  Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
   *  it's already too late...just make sure
   *  you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
  Registered Linux user #182496
   *   Pine 4.21   *

Re: [newbie] Newbie: Windows Opera3 bookmarks to Linux Netscape

2000-10-10 Thread Mark Weaver

Come to think of it...I've never seen Opera for Linux. What's it like?


/*  I never worry about the to-jams.
 *  Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
 *  it's already too late...just make sure
 *  you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
Registered Linux user #182496
 *   Pine 4.21   *

On Tue, 10 Oct 2000 7:26am ,Larry Marshall spake passionately in a message:

  In windows I used the Opera3 browser. All my url's are stored there.
  Does anybody know how I convert the Opera3.add win bookmark file into
  Netscape 4.73 linux mandrake 7.1 I've had no success but then I hardly
  know what I am doing in Linux.
 I don't know anything about the format of Opera files but why don't you
 just use Opera for Linux?  I bet if you do those files will just copy
 Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] video card problem

2000-10-10 Thread Rod Baxter

I just tried another trio card (I have three..) same problem. But the matrox
works OK. My motherboard is an Aopen ax63pro. Uses the Apollo 133 chipset.

I also asked Mandrake. It will be interesting to see what they say.


- Original Message -
From: "stephen" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 9:27 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] video card problem

 yes i have a agp port as well on the mother board

 - Original Message -
 From: "Rod Baxter" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 9:12 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] video card problem

  Only problem with that theory is that RedHat and Caldera work OK, and I
  tried the card in three different slots as well. Does your motherboard
  an AGP slot as well?
  The video card could have a problem I guess, but its all pretty strange!
  - Original Message -
  From: stephen
  Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 7:54 PM
  Subject: [newbie] video card problem
  i have no problems with my pci s3 tro v64 video card
  may be you pci slot on the mother board is damaged
  as mine works fine ok
  stephen galowski
  Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
  Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
  Version: 6.0.198 / Virus Database: 95 - Release Date: 10/4/00

 Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
 Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
 Version: 6.0.198 / Virus Database: 95 - Release Date: 10/4/00

RE: [newbie] IDE drives

2000-10-10 Thread Kelly, Christopher

That's what I was thinking, Rod. But I was hoping to not have to do that.
But, such is life.

As far as the settings go, all is the same and the motherboard is new. The
I/O address did change(I think). The only thing i noticed is that in the
boot sequence, Linux was looking for hde and it used to be hda. Go figure?

-Original Message-
From: Rod Baxter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 8:44 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] IDE drives

On mandrakes website, they advertise they support udma66 with 7.1. I dont
know which chipsets, but that what they say...

It should still boot. have you got the settings the same? LBA?  Have a look
at the cyl, hds, sectors to make sure the settings are the same on both
motherboards. And I have had the problem with some old motherboards that the
mappings were not compatible, which means a reinstall.
I dont know how far it will get into the boot, as most of your devices will
probably be at different I/O address and so on. The more I think about it I
believe you are up for a reinstall. Copy off all your config first, do the
upgrade, install and restore them.


- Original Message -
From: "Ruben Figal Calaforra" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 10:29 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] IDE drives

 I don't know about v.7.1, but mine is a v.7.0 (previous release), and my
 Seagate SV2044D (20.4 Gb, IDE UDMA/66) is working flawlessly on an "old"
 Pentium 166 MHz.
 My BIOS did not see the whole disk (just about 8 Gb), and I was resigned
 living with an "amputated" HD, but then I installed Linux and it realised
 real capacity, I don't know how. I have feared to get into the BIOS ever

 "Kelly, Christopher" wrote:

  I thought that I posted this last night, but I never saw it come up on
  Does anyone know if Linux MDK 7.1 supports Ultra DMA\66 IDE drives? I
  got a new motherboard and I can't get my HDD with Linux on it to boot.
Do I
  need to reinstall? Help!
  Chris Kelly
  Registered Linux user 185775

 This email is confidential and intended solely for the use of the
individual to whom it is addressed. Any views or opinions presented are
solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Sema
 If you are not the intended recipient, be advised that you have received
this email in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing,
or copying of this email is strictly prohibited.

Re: [newbie] (translation) problemas com minha placa de video

2000-10-10 Thread Paul R

Translation (from Portuguese):

Hello, everybody.
I am having a very serious problem with my video card I bought last
week.  It seems that Mandrake does not recognize the card.  I have a
Viper II Z 200 with an S# savage 2000 chip set.  I would very much like
to know how to configure the card.  I'm sick of seeing the Winblows blue
screen of death.  Thank you for your help.


Hun Geng Jo wrote:
 olá pessoal
 Estou tendo um problema seríssimo com minha placa de
 video q comprei há uma semana..
 Me parece que o mandrake não reconhece a placa.
 Minha placa de video eh Viper II Z 200 com chip set
 S3 savage 2000..
 Gostaria muito de saber a configuração da placa..
 pois já estou cheio de ver tela azul do Ruindows
 Me entende?
 Obrigado pela atenção
 Crie sua home page com tudo em português -

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

RE: [newbie] Release date for 7.2

2000-10-10 Thread Jesus (JD) Padro

Try this site.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jeff Malka
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 5:31 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Release date for 7.2

As a newbie to Linux and a happy user of Mandrake 7.1 I too am waiting
eagerly for the new Mandrake.  However as a newbie  am already concerned
about what I would need to do to upgrade to it.  All the horror stories
about what you need to do to upgrade a linux kernal strike fear in our
newbie hearts.

I hope there will be detailed newbie type instructions as what to do to
upgrade.  Even better news would be that all one needs to do is install the
new version over the old one.

 Why don't we just wait for a few more days and .

What is "a few days more"?  When can we expect it?


Registered Linux user  183185

 Why don't we just wait for a few more days and see both the KDE2-final and
 7.2 final: comparing what we ship with what KDE-team will ship as
 "official" will be very simple (using diff, and/or testing both on a
 running system), THEN we can talk about how good (or bad) have we made a


Re: [newbie] (translation) problemas com minha placa de video

2000-10-10 Thread Paul R

Should read : S3 savage 2000 chip set

Paul R wrote:
 Translation (from Portuguese):
 Hello, everybody.
 I am having a very serious problem with my video card I bought last
 week.  It seems that Mandrake does not recognize the card.  I have a
 Viper II Z 200 with an S# savage 2000 chip set.  I would very much like
 to know how to configure the card.  I'm sick of seeing the Winblows blue
 screen of death.  Thank you for your help.
 Hun Geng Jo wrote:
  olá pessoal
  Estou tendo um problema seríssimo com minha placa de
  video q comprei há uma semana..
  Me parece que o mandrake não reconhece a placa.
  Minha placa de video eh Viper II Z 200 com chip set
  S3 savage 2000..
  Gostaria muito de saber a configuração da placa..
  pois já estou cheio de ver tela azul do Ruindows
  Me entende?
  Obrigado pela atenção
  Crie sua home page com tudo em português -
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free address at

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

[newbie] Problem Loging in ISP

2000-10-10 Thread Greek Fellas

Hello there,

I am a newbie as well and I have a problem:

I want to connect to the internet
I have an ISP (tel number, login and password)
I have kppp and some other programs (gnome-ppp) as well as netconfig from
I have a modem which although it is a internal and not being recognised by
my system it works!!
(it even works under real DOS !!!)
Saying that it is really slow to communicate with my system, it may take
half a minute or more for the info to go to my modem
I therefore configured kppp and everything and my computer dials out
when it goes to sending the login and password:
1. either not sends it at all (if it is in pap connection mode I think)
2. or it sends the login and then by the time it sends the password the
terminal shows incorect pass try again and hence my password is being send
as a login

What can I do??? (apart from bying a new modem!)

Also: i have connected once using netconfig  from drakeconfig and everything
worked but then the modem is even slower to communicate with the system
kppp thinks it is connected (and it is propably) but in reality I am
not as I cannot access the web

Many thanx


Re: [newbie] Going back to Grub from LILO..

2000-10-10 Thread Paul

It was Oct 10, 2000, 21:18, when Gavin keyboarded:

Ladies and Gents,

Need some help, I was praticing loading linux from a floppy and now I have LILO
loading my system, the problem is I want GRUB back. how do I do this without
re-loading Linux and losing all my setting and mail?

Boot into Linux, log in as Root.
Go to /boot/grub, and run ./
That gets your Grub back.


You have triggered an idiot-alarm.
Please step away from the computer. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] Newbie: Windows Opera3 bookmarks to Linux Netscape

2000-10-10 Thread Paul

It was Oct 10, 2000, 07:26, when Larry Marshall keyboarded:

 Does anybody know how I convert the Opera3.add win bookmark file into
 Netscape 4.73 linux mandrake 7.1 I've had no success but then I hardly
 know what I am doing in Linux.

I don't know anything about the format of Opera files but why don't you
just use Opera for Linux?  I bet if you do those files will just copy

They have a Linux port? KEWL!!


You have triggered an idiot-alarm.
Please step away from the computer. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] Strange Behavior

2000-10-10 Thread Paul

It was Oct 10, 2000, 21:15, when Rod Baxter keyboarded:

I'm a Cobol programmer too. Started out with Ansi74 cobol :)


A cobol programmer!  I worked with mainframes for er...many years.
Wonderful things and a lot more consisent (and reliable) than


- Original Message -
 (Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)

You have triggered an idiot-alarm.
Please step away from the computer. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] Release date for 7.2

2000-10-10 Thread Paul

It was Oct 10, 2000, 08:30, when Jeff Malka keyboarded:

 Why don't we just wait for a few more days and .

What is "a few days more"?  When can we expect it?

I have to grin about this all... Why is everyone so eager to get to the
next generation of Mandrake? Are so many people so unsatisfied with the
current version?
I'm happily chugging along on MDK7.1. My computers have never run so well
on any other OS... :)


You have triggered an idiot-alarm.
Please step away from the computer. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

[newbie] installation

2000-10-10 Thread Jon Greisz

The 1st time I installed 7.1 I didn't get DrakConfig and some other programs so I 
thought I'd reinstall.  This time after the install it reboots to a Grub prompt?  It 
didn't do this the 1st time?  What did I do wrong?



PS. I'm installing on a PII 400, 128MB, 10.8GB, 2 nics.

Re: [newbie] Release date for 7.2

2000-10-10 Thread Austin L. Denyer

  Why don't we just wait for a few more days and .
 What is "a few days more"?  When can we expect it?

 I have to grin about this all... Why is everyone so eager to get to the
 next generation of Mandrake? Are so many people so unsatisfied with the
 current version?
 I'm happily chugging along on MDK7.1. My computers have never run so well
 on any other OS... :)

I'm running 7.0, and would be grateful for better USB support,  so I for one
am really looking forward to upgrading.


I would sooner wait a few weeks for a STABLE release than a hurried buggy

Just my $0.02 (Florida residents add 7% Sales Tax).


Re: [newbie] Release date for 7.2

2000-10-10 Thread Alan Shoemaker

 I have to grin about this all... Why is everyone so eager to get to the
 next generation of Mandrake? Are so many people so unsatisfied with the
 current version?
 I'm happily chugging along on MDK7.1. My computers have never run so well
 on any other OS... :)

PaulI don't think the excitement that you sense here has
anything at all to do with dissatisfaction with the current
release.  I believe that it's because the folks who are
excited are ready to explore something new, interesting and
more powerful.  The next Mandrake release promises to be just
that and the anticipation of the imminent release is exciting.


[newbie] Information about software

2000-10-10 Thread Vinay Kudithipudi

Hello Newbies,
  I was wondering if there is any commercial software for Linux
which support auhthentication, file sharing, LDAP, mail, web etc. I
know that we can get most of the above services using different free
software. I have in fact done that. But when it comes to client
authentication, I am having problems with Samba since all the clients
in our office are Win2K. Any help or direction is highly appreciated.
Thanks in advamce.


Re: [newbie] Newbie: Windows Opera3 bookmarks to Linux Netscape

2000-10-10 Thread Eddie Torres

On Tue, 10 Oct 2000, you wrote:
 It was Oct 10, 2000, 07:26, when Larry Marshall keyboarded:
  Does anybody know how I convert the Opera3.add win bookmark file into
  Netscape 4.73 linux mandrake 7.1 I've had no success but then I hardly
  know what I am doing in Linux.
 I don't know anything about the format of Opera files but why don't you
 just use Opera for Linux?  I bet if you do those files will just copy
 They have a Linux port? KEWL!!
 You have triggered an idiot-alarm.
 Please step away from the computer. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
   -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Yeah, it's still early beta with some bugs but it's out there.

Eddie Torres

[newbie] X 4.0.1 and very low resolution

2000-10-10 Thread Victor Richardson

I installed X 4.0.1 on Toshiba M500 (PIII500, 64 megs) w/ a Nvidia "Riva
Vanta" video card.
Everything works, but it's default resolution is so big it doesn't
fit everything (KDE) on the screen.
Ctrl+Alt+Keypad-Plus or Minus does not work for changing
The KDE control panel defines the X-server running at:

 screen #0
 dimensions :640x480 pixels (262x203..can't fit the rest onscreen)
 resolution :62x60 dots per inch
 depths (1) :8

How can I increase the resolution so everything will fit onscreen?
I checked out my XFConfig-4 file and it doesn't show any resolutions,
which makes me
think that as a result it defaults to the lowest possible resolution.
Here is my XFConfig-4 file:

 Section "ServerLayout"
 Identifier "XFree86 Configured"
 Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0
 InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
 InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"

 Section "Files"

 Section "Module"
 Load "pex5"
 Load "dri"
 Load "GLcore"
 Load "record"
 Load "glx"
 Load "extmod"
 Load "dbe"
 Load "xie"

 Section "InputDevice"
 Identifier "Keyboard0"
 Driver "keyboard"

 Section "InputDevice"
 Identifier "Mouse0"
 Driver "mouse"
 Option "Protocol" "PS/2"
 Option "Device" "/dev/mouse"

 Section "Monitor"
 Identifier "Monitor0"
 VendorName "Monitor Vendor"
 ModelName "Monitor Model"

 Section "Device"
 ### Available Driver options are:-
 #Option "SWcursor"
 #Option "HWcursor"
 #Option "NoAccel"
 #Option "ShowCache"
 #Option "ShadowFB"
 #Option "UseFBDev"
 #Option "Rotate"
 Identifier "Card0"
 Driver "nv"
 VendorName "NVidia"
 BoardName "Riva Vanta"
 BusID "PCI:1:0:0"

 Section "Screen"
 Identifier "Screen0"
 Device "Card0"
 Monitor "Monitor0"
 SubSection "Display"
 Depth 1
 SubSection "Display"
 Depth 4
 SubSection "Display"
 Depth 8
 SubSection "Display"
 Depth 15
 SubSection "Display"
 Depth 16
 SubSection "Display"
 Depth 24

 Section "DRI"


[newbie] How do you un-subscribe to the mailing list?

2000-10-10 Thread Sharma, Anoop

-Original Message-
From: Paul R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 2:00 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] (translation) problemas com minha placa de video

Translation (from Portuguese):

Hello, everybody.
I am having a very serious problem with my video card I bought last
week.  It seems that Mandrake does not recognize the card.  I have a
Viper II Z 200 with an S# savage 2000 chip set.  I would very much like
to know how to configure the card.  I'm sick of seeing the Winblows blue
screen of death.  Thank you for your help.


Hun Geng Jo wrote:

 olá pessoal
 Estou tendo um problema seríssimo com minha placa de

 video q comprei há uma semana..

 Me parece que o mandrake não reconhece a placa.

 Minha placa de video eh Viper II Z 200 com chip set

 S3 savage 2000..

 Gostaria muito de saber a configuração da placa..

 pois já estou cheio de ver tela azul do Ruindows

 Me entende?

 Obrigado pela atenção


 Crie sua home page com tudo em português -

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at


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This email is from a unit or subsidiary of EMI Group plc, registered in
England No 229231 Registered Office: 4 Tenterden Street, London W1A 2AY..


Re: [newbie] Release date for 7.2

2000-10-10 Thread Jeff Malka

I'm happy too.  I am just looking for an easy way to get KDE 2 and both the
new browser and the new suite of apps.  I want to be "happier still".  :-))

Registered Linux user  183185

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Release date for 7.2

 It was Oct 10, 2000, 08:30, when Jeff Malka keyboarded:

  Why don't we just wait for a few more days and .
 What is "a few days more"?  When can we expect it?

 I have to grin about this all... Why is everyone so eager to get to the
 next generation of Mandrake? Are so many people so unsatisfied with the
 current version?
 I'm happily chugging along on MDK7.1. My computers have never run so well
 on any other OS... :)


 You have triggered an idiot-alarm.
 Please step away from the computer. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
   -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

RE: [newbie] Release date for 7.2

2000-10-10 Thread Mike Tracy Holt

I have to grin about this all... Why is everyone so eager to get to the
next generation of Mandrake? Are so many people so unsatisfied with the
current version?
I'm happily chugging along on MDK7.1. My computers have never run so well
on any other OS... :)


Well, I have to say that the shiny new 7.2 will have quite a few
improvements (if you're interested, check out the 7.2 beta 3 which is out
now).  That in itself is pretty exciting to me!


Re: [newbie] Release date for 7.2

2000-10-10 Thread Dennis Myers

Paul wrote:
 It was Oct 10, 2000, 08:30, when Jeff Malka keyboarded:
  Why don't we just wait for a few more days and .
 What is "a few days more"?  When can we expect it?
 I'm happily chugging along on MDK7.1. My computers have never run so
 on any other OS... :)
 You have triggered an idiot-alarm.
 Please step away from the computer. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
   -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Me too, but now you say I have to step away from the computer, just when
I was getting the hang of this. Rats!
Dennis M. a registered Linux User #180842

Re: [newbie] How do you un-subscribe to the mailing list?

2000-10-10 Thread Paul

It was Oct 10, 2000, 17:52, when Sharma, Anoop keyboarded:

Perhaps by reading the mailing list info...
or write to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put
u n s ubscr i b (e)  (as one proper word) in the body text...


You have triggered an idiot-alarm.
Please step away from the computer. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

RE: [newbie] Newbie: Windows Opera3 bookmarks to Linux Netscape

2000-10-10 Thread Larry Marshall

 There are some nice screen shots on

Thanks.  I'm probably bad at interpreting such thing but I don't find
screen shots of software interfaces to reveal much about the
program.  When I see how quickly and well Opera is capable of viewing
websites, how it handles bookmarks and stuff like that, I'll be better
able to make a judgement.  Until then, all the pictures are pretty :-)

Cheers --- Larry

[newbie] Program to check usage of mail box

2000-10-10 Thread Vinay Kudithipudi

Hello Newbies,
  I  was  wondering if there is a command in linux to see the mail
  usage of the users mail box (i.e no of messages and size of mail
  box)  or  if there is a script which I can put in my cron job to
  run at regular intervals. I am using Mandrake 7.1. Thank you.


Re: [newbie] Release date for 7.2

2000-10-10 Thread Larry Marshall

 As a newbie to Linux and a happy user of Mandrake 7.1 I too am waiting
 eagerly for the new Mandrake.  However as a newbie  am already concerned
 about what I would need to do to upgrade to it.  

Why are you in such a hurry?  Just something to think about.  Most
seasoned Unix users tend to move slowly when it comes to upgrades, not the
push and shove to the head of the line that seems to be the case in the
Linux world.  Why is that?

 All the horror stories about what you need to do to upgrade a linux
kernal strike fear in our newbie hearts.

Well, if you do an upgrade to a new distribution of Mandrake you won't
have to worry about that at all.  If you're going to do a kernal upgrade
manually then it helps to have some background in compiling programs.

 I hope there will be detailed newbie type instructions as what to do to
 upgrade.  Even better news would be that all one needs to do is install the
 new version over the old one.

Here are the instructions to go from 7.0 to 7.1.  

1) Make system bootable from a CD.
2) Stick CD in and reboot.
3) Select "upgrade"
4) Read a good Linux book until the process is complete

I suspect you can hang onto these instructions Jeff; they'll work from 7.1
to 7.2 as well I'm sure :-)

  Why don't we just wait for a few more days and .
 What is "a few days more"?  When can we expect it?

If they're just starting the process of burning CDs you can bet that it'll
be a couple months before new distros are released.

Cheers --- Larry

ps - I'm as interested as you in 7.2 as I've looked at the beta and it's 
got some neat stuff in it.  Just poking fun a bit, though my comments
about constantly upgrading do have merit I think.

Re: [newbie] Release date for 7.2

2000-10-10 Thread Larry Marshall

 I'm happily chugging along on MDK7.1. My computers have never run so well
 on any other OS... :)

Shame on you Paul.  You must be doing actual work on your computer
:-)  Like you, I'm pretty happy with 7.1 myself.  My principal interest in
7.2 is to see KDE2.0 but I'll put it on a non-work machine for a while
before upgrading my work machine.

Cheers --- Larry

ps - thanks for the mention of Opera as you've moved "check out
Opera" higher on the "to do" list.  

Re: [newbie] Release date for 7.2

2000-10-10 Thread Larry Marshall

 I'm running 7.0, and would be grateful for better USB support,  so I for one
 am really looking forward to upgrading.

Wasn't 7.1 supposed to provide better USB support than 7.0?  

Cheers --- Larry

[newbie] Looking for news proxy(?) agent

2000-10-10 Thread Mark Johnson

Does anyone know if there is an application that acts as a news client
proxy.  At work we don't have access to a news server (free ones generally
suck), but I depend of having access to post development questions.  Since I
can get to my linux box at home from work I wanted to setup a proxy client,
don't know if that's the right term, to simply read/write from work to my
ISPs news server:

 [ WORK ]--- (news client) ---[ HOME ]--- (news-proxy-daemon:119)
---[ ISP ]--- (news-server:119)

I guess I could just build one if there isn't such a beast...

Re: [newbie] generic scsi device in /dev?

2000-10-10 Thread bascule

to let anyone know that might come across this dialogue in the archives,
i have discovered (through trial and error) that i had to set the
permissions for /dev/sgc in order to get grip to work as well as the
permisions for /dev/scd0 and /dev/scd1 (scsi cdrom drives), however
after a reboot i found that /dev/sgb needing permissions setting and not
/dev/sgc, what is going on here i don't know perhaps the 'generic scsi
device' is a semi-random device determined at boot-up?,whatever, someone
may find this info useful


Joan Tur wrote:
 bascule escribió:
  the following is a quote from the readme file for grip 2-94 : a cdripper
  and mp3 encoder prog which use cdparanoia,
  'Secondly, cdparanoia
  requires access to both the cd device and (for scsi drives) the generic
  device (usually /dev/sgsomething)'
 Hallo!  I'm using cdda2wav instead of cdparanoia to rip CDs; i just had to
 give execution rights for everybody for that program and grip runs fine!
 Hope that helps...  8-)
  this explains the problem that i have been having getting this prog to
  run as user, however apart from /dev/scd0 and /dev/scd1 which my two
  scsi cdrom devices, how do i find out which is the appropriate 'generic
  scsi device' for my system?
 Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
 Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

[newbie] Lilo configuration

2000-10-10 Thread Francisco Javier Rivas Martin

Hi, there!
 I´d like to know how to change the conf. of Lilo. I mean how I 
could do to set Windows 98 as the preferable O.S. if it could be 
 Now, I can´t use Linux because it doesn´t seem to like my modem 
I can´t surf internet, I have a 3com U.S. Robotics 56k Faxmodem, 
maybe is set as a winmodem, I don´t have any idea, it looks just 
if it didn´t exist.
 thank you

Re: [newbie] HP Jetdirect printing

2000-10-10 Thread bascule

could i jump in and ask a couple of questions that might help me
understand your diagram? i can't help you i'm afraid but i think i might
learn something from any future answers to your query, does dhcp mean
that the box is being given it's ip address by a dhcp server? (or is
being a server - only one needed though right?) in which case which is
the dhcp server, the firewall? (is this what is called a  router?), is
your network printer configured via the network or by physical switches
etc.(i.e. how do you assign it an ip?)
i hope you don't mind my butting in but i am interested in networking


 Now that you got the picture, the obvious reason  for this message is
 the difficulty of getting the Linux box to sent print jobs to the
 laser printer.
 The printer is configured to use gateway though I do not
 think this is correct. I have tired it with and without a gateway and
 neither works.
 One thing I am confused about is what to enter as the remote queue
 when using printtool. Which by the I can ping, telnet, run the
 printtool test pages and all works just fine.
 The only problem I am having is printing from any KDE appications
 including Netscape. When attempting to print nothing happens, that is
 to say, there are no errors that pop up and no port actvity for the
 Any idea what I am doing wrong here? This should be a simple thing to
 do and yet it has me stumped. This should probably be on the experts
 Dennis Veatch

Re: [newbie] Lilo configuration

2000-10-10 Thread stephen

you have a winmodem no good i'm sorry for linux
and you will need to fdisk /mbr for linux to reinstall other  windows
opersting system ok

- Original Message -
From: "Francisco Javier Rivas Martin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 7:21 AM
Subject: [newbie] Lilo configuration

Hi, there!
 I´d like to know how to change the conf. of Lilo. I mean how I
could do to set Windows 98 as the preferable O.S. if it could be
 Now, I can´t use Linux because it doesn´t seem to like my modem
I can´t surf internet, I have a 3com U.S. Robotics 56k Faxmodem,
maybe is set as a winmodem, I don´t have any idea, it looks just
if it didn´t exist.
 thank you

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.198 / Virus Database: 95 - Release Date: 10/4/00

Re: [newbie] kwintv

2000-10-10 Thread Ronald J. Hall

 Dear Ronald,
 ¡Yeah! I can watch tv now with kwintv, xawtv and, of course, cabletv.
 The problems was as easy as to change the card option in the bttv; it
 was not the card=6 but card=13; unfortunately the good running of
 cabletv confused me, but reading, following your advise I went again to
 the bttv mini-howto and..
 I believed that the bttv module runing on Mandrake 7.1 was the 0.6, but
 the options seems to be that of 0.7. I selected the Avermedia card type
 (car=6), but in the new module the card options is more specific and the
 mine (Avermedia Capture 98) correspond to card=13 and ¡hale ophh! now
 all the tv applications are running.
 Thank you very much for your help.
 Francisco Alcaraz
 Murcia (Spain)

AND you are so very welcome. Understand that I'm merely trying (hard!) to repay
the debt that I owe to this mailing list, for all the instances in the past,
(and for those yet to come, when I've been helped by so many...its a good
feeling, being part of the 'Nix community... ;-)


Re: [newbie] Lilo configuration

2000-10-10 Thread William Frogge

There are pleanty of winmodems that now have drivers for linux. search
google for 

winmodems in linux

stephen wrote:
 you have a winmodem no good i'm sorry for linux
 and you will need to fdisk /mbr for linux to reinstall other  windows
 opersting system ok
 - Original Message -
 From: "Francisco Javier Rivas Martin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 7:21 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Lilo configuration
 Hi, there!
  I´d like to know how to change the conf. of Lilo. I mean how I
 could do to set Windows 98 as the preferable O.S. if it could be
  Now, I can´t use Linux because it doesn´t seem to like my modem
 I can´t surf internet, I have a 3com U.S. Robotics 56k Faxmodem,
 maybe is set as a winmodem, I don´t have any idea, it looks just
 if it didn´t exist.
  thank you
 Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
 Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
 Version: 6.0.198 / Virus Database: 95 - Release Date: 10/4/00

[newbie] Question about deletion..

2000-10-10 Thread Vinay Kudithipudi

Hello Newbies,
  Is there any comand in linux like undelete? How can we recover
  stufff that was accidently deleted? Thank you.

Best regards,
 Vinay  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

[newbie] SoundCard/CrystalChipset

2000-10-10 Thread Riker


I can't seem to get a sound card recognized in Mandrake; it's not showing up at
all. The hardware support list says it should be supported, so there
must be something conflicting, I guess. 
Anyone set up a card with a Crystal chipset before in Mandrake? It's a 423x



 --  Linux - The way of the future

Re: [newbie] Lilo configuration

2000-10-10 Thread Greg Stewart

Does LILO recognise your Windows 98 installation at all? If so, you can edit
the following file:  /etc/lilo.conf

It may look something similar to:




You can change the "dos" label to anything you'd like *without spaces*. For


Then you need to change the




If your /etc/lilo.conf file does not have the "ohter" section, try adding

When you are done editing the file, save it. At the command line, type:
/sbin/lilo [enter]

you should see something like.

added linux
added Win98*

The asterisk (*) means it's the deafult OS.


- Original Message -
From: "Francisco Javier Rivas Martin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi, there!
 I´d like to know how to change the conf. of Lilo. I mean how I
could do to set Windows 98 as the preferable O.S. if it could be
 Now, I can´t use Linux because it doesn´t seem to like my modem
I can´t surf internet, I have a 3com U.S. Robotics 56k Faxmodem,
maybe is set as a winmodem, I don´t have any idea, it looks just
if it didn´t exist.
 thank you

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Re: [newbie] Release date for 7.2

2000-10-10 Thread Jon Doe

On Tue, 10 Oct 2000, you wrote:
 It was Oct 10, 2000, 08:30, when Jeff Malka keyboarded:
  Why don't we just wait for a few more days and .
 What is "a few days more"?  When can we expect it?
 I have to grin about this all... Why is everyone so eager to get to the
 next generation of Mandrake? Are so many people so unsatisfied with the
 current version?
 I'm happily chugging along on MDK7.1. My computers have never run so well
 on any other OS... :)
 You have triggered an idiot-alarm.
 Please step away from the computer. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
   -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-
I agree 100% although I have to admit I want to sneak a peak at 7.2. But until
I get my cable (sometime around the begining of 2001) I will be more than happy
with my 7.1 and how great it runs.
BTW Paul, great signature!

Re: [newbie] install hangs with 7.1.

2000-10-10 Thread GAPrichard

A couple of thoughts.  First, do I assume correctly that PnP aware O/S is 
disabled in CMOS?  
About the time I joined newbie (about 6 months ago) there was a 
discussion of Linux incompatible VIA motherboard chipsets causing problems.  
I have VIA, but these incompatibilities didn't apply to me, and I only caught 
the end of the discussion anyway.  Might be worth looking it up in the newbie 
archives.  Since you say that Red Hat runs OK I know that this is reaching, 
but  the idea of motherboard chipsets does seem to link with your locking 
up on PCI probe.  I assume install completes with no probing.  
I agree that the S3 is probably not the cause of this locking; S3 is 
reputed to be well supported.  An install with generic server and 16 colors 
should be safe for an install trial.  Have you tried the text based install?  
Have you done any overclocking or related optimizations?  I was 
overclocking 15% for over a year and a half with no problems, but began to 
have Windon't lockups on scandisk.  I thought the HDD was getting ready to 
quit, but the problem was traced to the overclocking.  Memory timing 
optimizations remained stable.  -Gary-

In a message dated 10/9/2000 9:24:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

 I bought the package (Linux Mandrake 7.1 complete)from the local software
 shop and the bios virus is disabled. Since posting this email I have
 elimated a few things. I had the motherboard with only the video card
 installed, and as its a PCI s3 it should not be the cause of the problem.
 The motherboard does use the Via Apollo chipset, and the hang will occurr
 anytime linux probes the PCI bus. I ran through the expert  install, and
 anytime I answer yes to probling the PCI bus it dies.
 I tried reseting my motherboard to defaults, still no different. I also
 tried a 5GB drive which is only udma33, but still the same problem. I also
 tried another motherboard, a 233MMX and it hangs as well. The only item I
 havn't changed is the video card, which I will do, but as Red Hat works
 fine, I don't expect it to be the video.
 I am fairly new to linux, however I know PC's fairly well incidentally.
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 6:43 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] install hangs with 7.1.
  What is the source of the Linux Mandrake CD you are using?  Newbie
  recently discussed problems with installs hanging being caused from both
  bad ISO sources on the net (literally different file lengths), and from
  images not being downloaded as "binary."  Do you have CMOS (motherboard
  based anti-virus protection enabled?  -Gary-
  In a message dated 10/9/2000 1:56:17 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
   My machine boots from the cdrom (or floppy, same result) and after
   language, then customised install I have to pick from server, normal etc.
   When I do this I get a message flashed on the screen for about 1 second
   "Please wait, configuring IDE". This message goes and my machine locks
   no response to keyboard or mouse, even Crl-Alt Del wont work. Reset is
   only answer.
  I have looked in the archives but I seem to be the only one with install
  Anyone any suggestions??


Re: [newbie] Problem Loging in ISP

2000-10-10 Thread GAPrichard

You do not need a modem.  Since I have yet to configure my own, I'll let 
others tell you about which delay it is that you need to increase.  -Gary-

In a message dated 10/10/2000 2:07:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

 I have a modem which although it is a internal and not being recognised by
 my system it works!!
 (it even works under real DOS !!!)
 Saying that it is really slow to communicate with my system, it may take
 half a minute or more for the info to go to my modem
 I therefore configured kppp and everything and my computer dials out
 when it goes to sending the login and password:
 1. either not sends it at all (if it is in pap connection mode I think)
 2. or it sends the login and then by the time it sends the password the
 terminal shows incorect pass try again and hence my password is being send
 as a login
 What can I do??? (apart from bying a new modem!)
 Also: i have connected once using netconfig  from drakeconfig and everything
 worked but then the modem is even slower to communicate with the system
 kppp thinks it is connected (and it is propably) but in reality I am
 not as I cannot access the web

Re: [newbie] IDE drives

2000-10-10 Thread GAPrichard

Sometimes there is a problem with older versions installing on dma66 
drives (I recall reading about Promise controller card issues).  7.1 
installed and runs on my WesternDigital dma66 drive just fine.  WD drives 
have the ability to switch to dma33 if one should run into problems; I 
presume other drives do also.  Linux hdparm optimizations [see newbie 
archives for discussion] worked better at the dma33 settings, so even having 
to stay at the lower drive setting isn't any sacrifice to Linux performance.  
(Your mileage may vary, of course.)

In a message dated 10/10/2000 7:33:17 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 

 Does anyone know if Linux MDK 7.1 supports Ultra DMA\66 IDE drives? I just
 got a new motherboard and I can't get my HDD with Linux on it to boot. Do I
 need to reinstall? Help!
 Chris Kelly
 Registered Linux user 185775

Re: [newbie] HP Jetdirect printing

2000-10-10 Thread Greg Stewart


In his diagram, Dennis indicates that the two workstations are DHCP clients.
Since he is on a private network, behind a firewall, and does not include a
separate server for the DHCP provider service, the firewall itself could
very well be the DHCP server--although he may have another server on his
network doing the job.

A firewall, can be simply that, a firewall, and nothing else. Or, it can be
several things at the same time... in this case, possibly a DHCP server. It
can also be a router...but not necessarily so.

As a firewall that "masquerades" an internal, private network, it is doing
some routing tasks, but not all. So, it is "sort of" a router, but not
really. A true router will separate segments of a network by the subnet
mask, and isolate network traffic that does not belong on the other
segments, keeping the different segments nice and "quiet".

A router can also act as a DHCP server if it is set up to do so. And, to
complicate things even further, a router can also be a firewall. And, in
fact, a router can be a DHCP serving, firewalling, packet-forwarding, DNS
serer if you really, really, r-e-a-l-l-y, wanted it to be. But that's giving
the poor machine a bit of work to do all at the same time, and if you're on
a large internal network, it's not considered "good practice".

Does that clear things up a bit? Or, have I successfully confused the issue
beyond repair?  :-)


- Original Message -
From: "bascule" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 could i jump in and ask a couple of questions that might help me
 understand your diagram? i can't help you i'm afraid but i think i might
 learn something from any future answers to your query, does dhcp mean
 that the box is being given it's ip address by a dhcp server? (or is
 being a server - only one needed though right?) in which case which is
 the dhcp server, the firewall? (is this what is called a  router?), is
 your network printer configured via the network or by physical switches
 etc.(i.e. how do you assign it an ip?)
 i hope you don't mind my butting in but i am interested in networking


Vous avez un site perso ?
2 millions de francs à gagner sur i(france) !
Webmasters : ZE CONCOURS !

Re: [newbie] HP Jetdirect printing

2000-10-10 Thread bascule

no confusion, all was well put



Greg Stewart wrote:
 In his diagram, Dennis indicates that the two workstations are DHCP clients.
 Since he is on a private network, behind a firewall, and does not include a
 separate server for the DHCP provider service, the firewall itself could
 very well be the DHCP server--although he may have another server on his
 network doing the job.
 A firewall, can be simply that, a firewall, and nothing else. Or, it can be
 several things at the same time... in this case, possibly a DHCP server. It
 can also be a router...but not necessarily so.
 As a firewall that "masquerades" an internal, private network, it is doing
 some routing tasks, but not all. So, it is "sort of" a router, but not
 really. A true router will separate segments of a network by the subnet
 mask, and isolate network traffic that does not belong on the other
 segments, keeping the different segments nice and "quiet".
 A router can also act as a DHCP server if it is set up to do so. And, to
 complicate things even further, a router can also be a firewall. And, in
 fact, a router can be a DHCP serving, firewalling, packet-forwarding, DNS
 serer if you really, really, r-e-a-l-l-y, wanted it to be. But that's giving
 the poor machine a bit of work to do all at the same time, and if you're on
 a large internal network, it's not considered "good practice".
 Does that clear things up a bit? Or, have I successfully confused the issue
 beyond repair?  :-)
 - Original Message -
 From: "bascule" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  could i jump in and ask a couple of questions that might help me
  understand your diagram? i can't help you i'm afraid but i think i might

Re: [newbie] Newbie: Windows Opera3 bookmarks to Linux Netscape

2000-10-10 Thread Carroll Grigsby

Here's a thought: I found an old (1998) copy of my Netscape bookmarks on
my windows d: drive that I'd forgotten about. I made a bookmark to that
file from Linux' Netscape, and I'm able to use them just like I did back
then. If Netscape will read Opera bookmarks, that might work for you.
Or, if you decide to install the Linux Opera as suggested elsewhere in
this thread, you should be able to copy the windows version to Linux.
-- cmg

Alan Smith wrote:
 Hi There
 In windows I used the Opera3 browser. All my url's are stored there.
 Does anybody know how I convert the Opera3.add win bookmark file into
 Netscape 4.73 linux mandrake 7.1 I've had no success but then I hardly
 know what I am doing in Linux.
 Thanks for your help.
 Alan Smith
 South Africa

Re: [newbie] NO INPUT durring installation!

2000-10-10 Thread Carroll Grigsby

My suspect would be the Promise card. My memory ain't all that it could
be, but I have a recollection that they require special measures. You
might want to explore the hardware compatibility stuff at Mandrake and
Redhat. While you're at it, you might want to verify that the 3com modem
isn't a winmodem. If it is, more special measures. Of course, I could be
way off base on both comments...

Ambler Dee wrote:
 I'm really getting fed up with this problem, the text based install works but...
 (During installation as the GUI stage of Mandrake 7.1 starts, prompting you to 
choose a language... my keyboard numlock key light goes out and the whole keyboard 
stops responding. Plus there is no response from the mouse.
 I have:
 P2400,160MB,Promise Ultra ATA/66 pci controller, WinTV-GO card, netgear 10/100 card, 
soundblaster64, 3COM PCI Modem, STB Velocity TNT AGP, PheonixBIOS 4.0 R6.0
 Dualbooting win98\win2k
 ** I tried making sure all my RAM is comparable, that doesn't seem to be the 
problem.(thx Paul)
 Also the same happens wether I boot from CD or run install from win98
 Any hints tips or fixes would be greatly appreciated

Re: [newbie] install hangs with 7.1.

2000-10-10 Thread Rod Baxter

It didn't seem to matter if I tried a text based install or not, and by
doing an expert install and not allowing the PCI to be probed mandrake will
install. As you know it often asks to probe or not, at any of these times it
will lock up if allowed to probe.
I tried another s3 card which failed the same way so whatever it is its not
bad hardware. I also tried a p233 MMX gigabyte tx3 motherboard and it locks
up too with the s3 video. Perhaps the only usual thing about my s3 is that
it is fully populated with memory (4MB) which at the time of buying these
cards was fairly unusual.
I don't bother to overclock. Its an interesting challenge but the gains are
not worth it in my opinion. My main PC (not yet linux) is a dual PIII 733,
udma66 and about 60GB of drives and 256MB of memory. Its pretty slick
anyhow. Running w2k every application starts up in about 1 second or less.
Once a PC has a reasonably fast CPU the main bottleneck is always disk
access, but most people seem to go for faster CPU's all the time. Now if I
could overclock the disks!!
And the PnP was disabled in the bios too.

I'll go back and check the archives again, and look for the VIA discussion.


- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 8:46 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] install hangs with 7.1.

 A couple of thoughts.  First, do I assume correctly that PnP aware O/S
 disabled in CMOS?
 About the time I joined newbie (about 6 months ago) there was a
 discussion of Linux incompatible VIA motherboard chipsets causing
 I have VIA, but these incompatibilities didn't apply to me, and I only
 the end of the discussion anyway.  Might be worth looking it up in the
 archives.  Since you say that Red Hat runs OK I know that this is
 but  the idea of motherboard chipsets does seem to link with your
 up on PCI probe.  I assume install completes with no probing.
 I agree that the S3 is probably not the cause of this locking; S3 is
 reputed to be well supported.  An install with generic server and 16
 should be safe for an install trial.  Have you tried the text based
 Have you done any overclocking or related optimizations?  I was
 overclocking 15% for over a year and a half with no problems, but began to
 have Windon't lockups on scandisk.  I thought the HDD was getting ready to
 quit, but the problem was traced to the overclocking.  Memory timing
 optimizations remained stable.  -Gary-

 In a message dated 10/9/2000 9:24:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

  I bought the package (Linux Mandrake 7.1 complete)from the local software
  shop and the bios virus is disabled. Since posting this email I have
  elimated a few things. I had the motherboard with only the video card
  installed, and as its a PCI s3 it should not be the cause of the problem.
  The motherboard does use the Via Apollo chipset, and the hang will occurr
  anytime linux probes the PCI bus. I ran through the expert  install, and
  anytime I answer yes to probling the PCI bus it dies.
  I tried reseting my motherboard to defaults, still no different. I also
  tried a 5GB drive which is only udma33, but still the same problem. I
  tried another motherboard, a 233MMX and it hangs as well. The only item I
  havn't changed is the video card, which I will do, but as Red Hat works
  fine, I don't expect it to be the video.

  I am fairly new to linux, however I know PC's fairly well incidentally.


  - Original Message -
  Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 6:43 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] install hangs with 7.1.

   What is the source of the Linux Mandrake CD you are using?  Newbie
   recently discussed problems with installs hanging being caused from
   bad ISO sources on the net (literally different file lengths), and from
   images not being downloaded as "binary."  Do you have CMOS (motherboard
   based anti-virus protection enabled?  -Gary-
   In a message dated 10/9/2000 1:56:17 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
My machine boots from the cdrom (or floppy, same result) and after
language, then customised install I have to pick from server, normal
When I do this I get a message flashed on the screen for about 1
"Please wait, configuring IDE". This message goes and my machine locks
no response to keyboard or mouse, even Crl-Alt Del wont work. Reset is
only answer.
   I have looked in the archives but I seem to be the only one with
   Anyone any suggestions??

[newbie]error message

2000-10-10 Thread Marcia L Waller

Dear Anyone, I have been doing alot with trying to get my ethernet SMC EZ
card ISA 1660T to work. A very helpful person has been helping me along,
however I think I made a goof somewhere. I edited the /etc/conf.module
files to work with my nic card and I think I goofed in there. After that
my zip drive no longer works and I did a modprobe -a today and got the
error message: conf:1 unknown keyword "Alias". 

When I try to mount my zip I get the error message that /dev/hdc4 has
wrong major or minor number. Does anyone have any ideas about this? Your
help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Marcia

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Re: [newbie] Going back to Grub from LILO..

2000-10-10 Thread Dennis Myers

Paul wrote:
 It was Oct 10, 2000, 21:18, when Gavin keyboarded:
 Ladies and Gents,
 Need some help, I was praticing loading linux from a floppy and now I have LILO
 loading my system, the problem is I want GRUB back. how do I do this without
 re-loading Linux and losing all my setting and mail?
 Boot into Linux, log in as Root.
 Go to /boot/grub, and run ./
 That gets your Grub back.
 You have triggered an idiot-alarm.
 Please step away from the computer. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
   -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-
What do you do if after typing in ./ the command line returns
permission denied? Why would one not have permission as root? Excuse me
for jumping in here, but I had the same problem, and the sys won't let
me change back. Dennis
Dennis M. a registered Linux User #180842

[newbie] Microsoft IntelliMouse

2000-10-10 Thread Michael R. Batchelor

Does anyone know if a Microsoft IntelliMouse Trackball's 
wheel switch acts as a middle button?


Re: [newbie] Lilo configuration

2000-10-10 Thread Larry Marshall

  I´d like to know how to change the conf. of Lilo. I mean how I 
 could do to set Windows 98 as the preferable O.S. if it could be 

Load lilo.conf into your favorite editor and change the line that says
default=linux to use the label (probably windows) used for your windows
boot.  You can change these labels to be whatever you want but the default
must match one of them.
  Now, I can´t use Linux because it doesn´t seem to like my modem 
 I can´t surf internet, I have a 3com U.S. Robotics 56k Faxmodem, 
 maybe is set as a winmodem, I don´t have any idea, it looks just 
 if it didn´t exist.

Typically a winmodem reports busy rather than being "nonexistent."
Maybe you need to check the port you think it's using.

Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] Newbie: Windows Opera3 bookmarks to Linux Netscape

2000-10-10 Thread Larry Marshall

 Here's a thought: I found an old (1998) copy of my Netscape bookmarks on
 my windows d: drive that I'd forgotten about. I made a bookmark to that

Carol, why do you do that rather than just importing them into
Netscape?  An interesting workaround in any case.

Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] Going back to Grub from LILO..

2000-10-10 Thread Larry Marshall

 What do you do if after typing in ./ the command line returns
 permission denied? Why would one not have permission as root? Excuse me
 for jumping in here, but I had the same problem, and the sys won't let
 me change back. Dennis

Dennis, you're trying to execute a text file that doesn't have execute
permission for anyone.  Go there again and, as root, type:

chmod +x

Then, try again to run the file.

Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] HP Jetdirect printing

2000-10-10 Thread Dennis Veatch

- Original Message -
From: "bascule" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 5:37 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] HP Jetdirect printing

 could i jump in and ask a couple of questions that might help me
 understand your diagram? i can't help you i'm afraid but i think i might
 learn something from any future answers to your query, does dhcp mean
 that the box is being given it's ip address by a dhcp server?

Yes. The dhcp server is actually a 486 box I'm using as a firewall.

(or is
 being a server - only one needed though right?) in which case which is
 the dhcp server, the firewall? (is this what is called a  router?),

Not sure what you mean by that first part. If I understand you right, yes,
only one dhcp
server is needed. The primary function of the box IS to be a firewall. I
could have as
easily used static IPs instead of dynamic. Since RoadRunner uses dhcp for my
address, I figured I would just carry on with dhcp.

is your network printer configured via the network or by physical switches
 etc.(i.e. how do you assign it an ip?)

With the Jetdirect, the printers IP can be done via HPs webjet software,
JetAdmin software or telnet from a workstation.

 i hope you don't mind my butting in but i am interested in networking

Not a problem.


  Now that you got the picture, the obvious reason  for this message is
  the difficulty of getting the Linux box to sent print jobs to the
  laser printer.
  The printer is configured to use gateway though I do not
  think this is correct. I have tired it with and without a gateway and
  neither works.
  One thing I am confused about is what to enter as the remote queue
  when using printtool. Which by the I can ping, telnet, run the
  printtool test pages and all works just fine.
  The only problem I am having is printing from any KDE appications
  including Netscape. When attempting to print nothing happens, that is
  to say, there are no errors that pop up and no port actvity for the
  Any idea what I am doing wrong here? This should be a simple thing to
  do and yet it has me stumped. This should probably be on the experts
  Dennis Veatch

Re: [newbie] HP Jetdirect printing

2000-10-10 Thread Dennis Veatch

I should have read your reply before sending mine off to Bascule. That was
better than my point-point reply.

The firewall as I have it set up does most all you mentioned. I opted for
easy way out and used the Linux Router Project, notably Charles Steinkulers

As for the bad form of running most all those things on one box. I agree,
however, as you saw its just a couple of workstations and a printer. Besides
ipchains, there is a dnscache, dhcp, ssh, dhclient and portsentry (for

- Original Message -
From: "Greg Stewart" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 7:04 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] HP Jetdirect printing


 In his diagram, Dennis indicates that the two workstations are DHCP
 Since he is on a private network, behind a firewall, and does not include
 separate server for the DHCP provider service, the firewall itself could
 very well be the DHCP server--although he may have another server on his
 network doing the job.

 A firewall, can be simply that, a firewall, and nothing else. Or, it can
 several things at the same time... in this case, possibly a DHCP server.
 can also be a router...but not necessarily so.

 As a firewall that "masquerades" an internal, private network, it is doing
 some routing tasks, but not all. So, it is "sort of" a router, but not
 really. A true router will separate segments of a network by the subnet
 mask, and isolate network traffic that does not belong on the other
 segments, keeping the different segments nice and "quiet".

 A router can also act as a DHCP server if it is set up to do so. And, to
 complicate things even further, a router can also be a firewall. And, in
 fact, a router can be a DHCP serving, firewalling, packet-forwarding, DNS
 serer if you really, really, r-e-a-l-l-y, wanted it to be. But that's
 the poor machine a bit of work to do all at the same time, and if you're
 a large internal network, it's not considered "good practice".

 Does that clear things up a bit? Or, have I successfully confused the
 beyond repair?  :-)


 - Original Message -
 From: "bascule" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  could i jump in and ask a couple of questions that might help me
  understand your diagram? i can't help you i'm afraid but i think i might
  learn something from any future answers to your query, does dhcp mean
  that the box is being given it's ip address by a dhcp server? (or is
  being a server - only one needed though right?) in which case which is
  the dhcp server, the firewall? (is this what is called a  router?), is
  your network printer configured via the network or by physical switches
  etc.(i.e. how do you assign it an ip?)
  i hope you don't mind my butting in but i am interested in networking

 Vous avez un site perso ?
 2 millions de francs à gagner sur i(france) !
 Webmasters : ZE CONCOURS !

Re: [newbie] Going back to Grub from LILO..

2000-10-10 Thread Dennis Myers

Larry Marshall wrote:
  What do you do if after typing in ./ the command line returns
  permission denied? Why would one not have permission as root? Excuse me
  for jumping in here, but I had the same problem, and the sys won't let
  me change back. Dennis
 Dennis, you're trying to execute a text file that doesn't have execute
 permission for anyone.  Go there again and, as root, type:
 chmod +x
 Then, try again to run the file.
 Cheers --- Larry
Hot stuff, that did it, thanks Larry, next boot hopefully without disk.
Thanks again, Dennis M.
Dennis M. a registered Linux User #180842

Re: [newbie] HP Jetdirect printing

2000-10-10 Thread Greg Stewart

 Besides the ipchains, there is a dnscache, dhcp, ssh, dhclient and
portsentry (for

Aw, c'mon... you can fit an Apache Web Server, MySQL Database, and a hefty
load of php scripts in there too!!!  :-)

 I opted for the easy way out and used the Linux Router Project, notably
Charles Steinkulers

Actually, a friend of mine at work has just re-done his firewall, and built
a disk-less linux router to handle firewalling and port-forwarding. He's
booting from floppy on a modified kernel. I'm thinking of trying the same
thing...the noise from the power supply fan on my P166 firewall/ftp server
is just pissing me off.  :-)


- Original Message -
From: "Dennis Veatch" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I should have read your reply before sending mine off to Bascule. That was
 better than my point-point reply.

 The firewall as I have it set up does most all you mentioned. I opted for
 easy way out and used the Linux Router Project, notably Charles

 As for the bad form of running most all those things on one box. I agree,
 however, as you saw its just a couple of workstations and a printer.
 ipchains, there is a dnscache, dhcp, ssh, dhclient and portsentry (for

 - Original Message -
 From: "Greg Stewart" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 7:04 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] HP Jetdirect printing

  In his diagram, Dennis indicates that the two workstations are DHCP
  Since he is on a private network, behind a firewall, and does not
  separate server for the DHCP provider service, the firewall itself could
  very well be the DHCP server--although he may have another server on his
  network doing the job.
  A firewall, can be simply that, a firewall, and nothing else. Or, it can
  several things at the same time... in this case, possibly a DHCP server.
  can also be a router...but not necessarily so.
  As a firewall that "masquerades" an internal, private network, it is
  some routing tasks, but not all. So, it is "sort of" a router, but not
  really. A true router will separate segments of a network by the subnet
  mask, and isolate network traffic that does not belong on the other
  segments, keeping the different segments nice and "quiet".
  A router can also act as a DHCP server if it is set up to do so. And, to
  complicate things even further, a router can also be a firewall. And, in
  fact, a router can be a DHCP serving, firewalling, packet-forwarding,
  serer if you really, really, r-e-a-l-l-y, wanted it to be. But that's
  the poor machine a bit of work to do all at the same time, and if you're
  a large internal network, it's not considered "good practice".
  Does that clear things up a bit? Or, have I successfully confused the
  beyond repair?  :-)
  - Original Message -
  From: "bascule" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   could i jump in and ask a couple of questions that might help me
   understand your diagram? i can't help you i'm afraid but i think i
   learn something from any future answers to your query, does dhcp mean
   that the box is being given it's ip address by a dhcp server? (or is
   being a server - only one needed though right?) in which case which is
   the dhcp server, the firewall? (is this what is called a  router?), is
   your network printer configured via the network or by physical
   etc.(i.e. how do you assign it an ip?)
   i hope you don't mind my butting in but i am interested in networking

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Vous avez un site perso ?
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Webmasters : ZE CONCOURS !

Re: [newbie]Disk formatting

2000-10-10 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Marcia L Waller wrote:
 Dear Anyone, Because of all of the problems I am having I am considering
 installing the Linux Mandrake 7 again. I have my display working just
 fine now but I want to find out how it is setup exactly so that I can set
 it up correctly during my next install. What file would I check to find
 out exactly how it is set up?  Thank you for your help. Sincerely, Marcia
 Juno now offers FREE Internet Access!
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Marciaone of the following:


they're both set up for your system.


[newbie] error msg will not load into linux Desktop

2000-10-10 Thread Bobby

what I receive is it says in the last 
this-( kernel Panic : VFS: unable to mount root FS 
on 07:07)
please help me get to the linux desktop, Iam using win 98 and 
I loaded linux using
the easy load linux4win CD'S I just Loaded the first Two 
CD'S untill the operading System told me it was loaded succesfully.
Thanks for any help you can give me to reach the linux desktop 
, win 98 loads fine no Problems with it.

Re: [newbie] Release date for 7.2

2000-10-10 Thread Paul

It was Oct 10, 2000, 16:41, when Larry Marshall keyboarded:

 I'm happily chugging along on MDK7.1. My computers have never run so well
 on any other OS... :)

Shame on you Paul.  You must be doing actual work on your computer
:-)  Like you, I'm pretty happy with 7.1 myself.  My principal interest in
7.2 is to see KDE2.0 but I'll put it on a non-work machine for a while
before upgrading my work machine.

Yup, I do real things with my computer. I manage websites for people,
program things and stuff like that. I am not waiting for KDE2 though. I
use XFCE and happy with it :)

ps - thanks for the mention of Opera as you've moved "check out
Opera" higher on the "to do" list.  



I came, I saw, I partied. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] Going back to Grub from LILO..

2000-10-10 Thread Paul

It was Oct 10, 2000, 20:40, when Dennis Myers keyboarded:

 Boot into Linux, log in as Root.
 Go to /boot/grub, and run ./
 That gets your Grub back.
What do you do if after typing in ./ the command line returns
permission denied? Why would one not have permission as root? Excuse me
for jumping in here, but I had the same problem, and the sys won't let
me change back. Dennis

Hmmm???  That is strange.. Never heard of that one!

I came, I saw, I partied. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] Going back to Grub from LILO..

2000-10-10 Thread Mike Tracy Holt

When you see an install file with the '.sh' on the end, do 'sh' from the command line instead of './'  Does that
make sense?


Paul wrote:
 It was Oct 10, 2000, 20:40, when Dennis Myers keyboarded:
  Boot into Linux, log in as Root.
  Go to /boot/grub, and run ./
  That gets your Grub back.
 What do you do if after typing in ./ the command line returns
 permission denied? Why would one not have permission as root? Excuse me
 for jumping in here, but I had the same problem, and the sys won't let
 me change back. Dennis
 Hmmm???  That is strange.. Never heard of that one!
 I came, I saw, I partied. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
   -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

[newbie] ip_chains

2000-10-10 Thread David Boles

I am attempting to setup a firewall to protest a box connected to the
Internet by a modem. I am going to/maybe already have used/try using
ip_chains and pmfirewall-1.1.4. 

Question. How can I tell if the firewall works?


David Boles