Re: [newbie-it] FTP Client

2000-12-04 Thread freefred

On Sunday 03 December 2000 23:19, you wrote:

 Downloader for X (nt): riesco a connettermi al server... ma poi, per
 scaricare un file???

e' un downloader, ovvero gli devi dire da dove e quale file scaricare.
questo puoi farlo o draggandogli un url nel cestino (un' icona a forma di x 
che appare sul desktop)
o coi primi due pulsanti della toolbar
il primo ti fa scegliere e devi scrivere o incollare
il secondo legge la clipboard (quindi dovrebbe gia' farti vedere
il file da scaricare).
Le ultime versioni hanno pure l'opzione di "catturare" la clipboard
ma ogni volta che selezioni qualcosa ti chiede se vuoi scaricarla.
e' praticamente il getright.


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ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers 


[newbie-it] Xsane e librerie grafiche

2000-12-04 Thread Daniele Morabito

Sul mio sistema Mandrake 7.2 ho provato ad installare il pacchetto
xsane-0.64-1mdk.i586.rpm. Siccome l'installazione richiedeva la
dipendenza delle librerie gimp-libgimp-1.1.29 ho provato ad installarle
attraverso il pacchetto rpm. E qui nascono i problemi: l'installazione
non risulta possibile perchè il sistema denuncia una dipendenza di
gimp-1.1.25, sane-1.0.3 e xmorph-2000.03.03 nei confronti delle
precedenti librerie,,
libgimpui-1.1.25. Insomma, non mi è possibile installare la nuova
versione gimp-libgimp-1.1.29 - usata da xsane-0.64 - perchè gimp-1.1.25
e sane-1.0.3 necessitano della vecchia versione 1.1.25; il bello è che
se provo ad installare annullando il controllo delle dipendenze il
sistema segnala errore di conflitto tra la versione 1.1.29 e la 1.1.25.
Qualcuno ci capisce qualcosa?
Ciao, Daniele.

R: [newbie-it] Sviluppo di Sistema

2000-12-04 Thread Simone Deponti

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 3:45 PM
Subject: R: [newbie-it] Sviluppo di Sistema

   Stò cercando informazioni (anche basilari) per lo sviluppo di un
  Operativo "semplice" qualcuno può sugg. qualche sito o qualche libro in
  Scusate è per la maturità
  Perchè non provi con qualcosa di più semplice?
 Sviluppare un sistema operativo non è mica come fare un word processor o
 un database

 A me servono solo informazioni diciamo teoriche da copiare e incollare :)
 non ho mica detto che voglio creare un nuovo sistema operativo(almeno non
 se  qualcunaltro può darmene lo ringrazio anticipatamente

Beh, sai com'è... Avevo capito male...
Comunque il lavoro si prospetta duro e difficile (io per la maturità sto
facendo una ricerca su Turing, funzioni computabili, teorema di Godel etc...
un casino!).
L'unico suggerimento che posso darti è il solito... vai su altavista, yahoo
o quello che preferisci e... buona fortuna!

(Se speri di trovarle in italiano, sei fregato! Infilacele in inglese così
hai una materia in più (interdisciplinare) e probabilmente nessuno si
accorgerà se dici cavolate!)

[newbie] My humble apoligies

2000-12-04 Thread John W

 I recently submitted a post "mandrake's losing it". After doing some reading 
in a number of files and on mailing lists regarding Bastille Linux I 
determined without doubt that the problem with not being able to print or to 
log into the Gnome desktop were actually caused by running the Bastille 
firewall. If you consider using this firewall and like Gmome don't do it. I 
was not able to find a bugfix for that problem. If anyone knows of a fix 
please share it with the list. Bastille asks to disable print access to users 
and I tried two times to allow users to print without success and found 
nothing about that in my reading so.. anyways sorry for ranting about 
Mandrake being unstable. Should have RTFM before going off the edge :(
John Wheat

Re: [newbie] Defrag

2000-12-04 Thread John Rye

Jeff Dickman wrote:
 This is probably me just being obsessive...
 Does Mandrake have a defrag program?

Here we go again!

NO! - Shouldn't be needed.

Search through the archives for this list - there is/are a myriad*
explanations as to why.


*(Gr, myrias,myriados,  myria, ten thousand, innumerable.)

ICQ#: 89345394  Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
(The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)

[newbie] Installed Mandrake, can't find D drive

2000-12-04 Thread Michael

Hi All,

I just upgraded form RH 6.0 to Mandrake 7.1 on my M$Win95 box and
everything went fine.  I got my sound card, modem and network card
configured without a problem. However, I just noticed when I went
install a program on 95 so I could use it via WINE, that my "D" drive is
not visable.  It is visable on my linux desktop and I can read
everything that's on it.  Did I hose some kind of regedit file or
something, and is this normal?



Re: [newbie] cannot send mail with kmail

2000-12-04 Thread Jay

root wrote:
 Hi all,
 does anybody have any idea why the kmail "send" button stopped
 i use mandrake7.0.
 thanks for any help.

First the obvious.  Are your SMTP settings correct?
~May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend~

[newbie] Help - USB Printer - Urgent

2000-12-04 Thread Ashley Moore

I've connected my Epson Stylus 740 using USB to my LM7.2 m/c
How do I go about accessing it. (what device do I use?) I used the same
printer sucessfully thru lpd (parallel port) on LM 7.1 After upgrading I
want to give the USB support a shot. I'm totally blank on the subject. Any
pointers on where to start would be appreciated.


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Thank you for your cooperation.

[newbie] strange keyboard behavior

2000-12-04 Thread Neville Cobb

Since installing 7.2 (or around that time when I also got a new
Microsoft keyboard) I had trouble with the single quote. I had to hit
the keyboard rather hard to get it on the screen. Thinking it was a bad
key I dismantled the keyboard to clean the contact pads but it was still
the same. I then bought a new normal (cheap) keyboard and strangely
enough I noticed it had the same problem. It worked fine under windows
as well. 

I then changed the keyboard settings from US International to English,
restarted X and it now works fine. Very strange, could it have been a
bad US driver install, as I've had no problem with the US setting in the


[newbie] XF4.0.1 install... crashes my KDE.

2000-12-04 Thread The Kidcat

Hi All.

I run 7.2 on a dual celleron 500 (Abit BP6), i have a GeForce 256.
And I just crashed the hole thing by installing xf4.0.1.
First I installed 4.0.1, and then i got the .tar's from nVidia's site (since 
the only had RPMs for 7.1), make'd, and tried to start... NO LUCK. X starts 
but drop me of with an exterm and NO KDE :( If i ad "startkde" to ~/.xinitrc 
it dies and locks up my machine. So i reinstalled the system.

Can someboddy give me a step-by-step on how to get this to work, since i am 
_dying_ to get my Descent3 up and running under linux to impress all my 
freinds ;)

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Re: [newbie] Installed Mandrake, can't find D drive

2000-12-04 Thread Michael

Marlon Guzman wrote:
 try to install your cd rom driver ok...

Okay, I re-installed my driver and everything is still the same.  My CD
is listed on D and my D drive is still not visable.
Michael Lewis
Exasource Inc.
Phone:  970-206-4556

Re: [newbie] Dual Boot

2000-12-04 Thread Mark Weaver



/ * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
  * in order to get the rats up from below decks
  * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!


On Mon, 4 Dec 2000 Mr Monster had this to say!

 I think ive been here before  Im running W98 and Mandrake 7.2 on my
 I had problems with Lilo beyond the 1024th cylinder on my second H/D.
 If I can remember Lilo has to be installed on the MBR of the first hard disk
 I think its meant to be installed on /dev/hda1...???
 - Original Message -
 From: "Dave DeGear" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 03 December 2000 23:35
 Subject: [newbie] Dual Boot
  I have a dual boot computer with W2K and Mandrake 7.2 on it.  The Windows
  boots from drive C: and the Mandrake is on /dev/hdb5 .  When it was
  installing I was asked which drive the Linux was booting from and I said
  /dev/hdb5.  I then made a backup boot disk for the Linux.  The problem is
  that my computer will only boot Linux from the floppy and if I try to boot
  it from the Lilo in the MBR I get an error message that /dev/hdb5 is not
  bootable.  How do I make my Linux partition bootable so that I won't need
  use the rescue diskette to boot it.  Both W2K and Linux show up as options
  in the lilo menu.  I have checked the lilo.conf to make sure that the
  is pointing to /dev/hdb5 and have rerun lilo several times.
 Thanks. ...Dave

Re: [newbie] Installed Mandrake, can't find D drive

2000-12-04 Thread Marlon Guzman

try to install your cd rom driver ok...

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[newbie] MDK72/CUPS-Paralel port problem

2000-12-04 Thread Jancs

Hi there!

i got strange problem -

i installed CUPS service ans survey showed that i do not have parallel port 
initialized - i cant add printers etc.

The strange fact is that during the install of MDK72 it is possible to 
print the test page, but, alas, it is the first and the last time when the 
printing is possible...

- KDE2 device info says, that IRQ7 is not used... (in BIOS LPT1 is set to 
IRQ7, ECP/EPP, std port nuber (378H (?)).
- etc/modules is empty
- modprobe parport_probe says that module not found... (but the file .o 

Where to start to look?!

Laps Cileecish

Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux

2000-12-04 Thread Mark Weaver

And you point is? All you've managed to do is cause a few applications a
mild headache and they refused to operate any further. You hadn't cause
the actual OS to suffer any hardship. If you're really having that much
trouble, then I would suggest one of two things is true.

1) there's something wrong with your installation. Maybe a few packages
didn't install completely, or correctly. This can sometimes be due to
hardware incompatabilities with Mandrake.

2) there's something wrong with the user and possibly some user
re-training is in order.

What I said and meant was that under most cirrcumstance, and most
including some rather severe working conditions, not ridiculous and
purposful attempts at crashing programs from improper use, (tongue in
cheek), Linux continually outperforms all other operating systems and
remains solid and trustworthy.


/ * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
  * in order to get the rats up from below decks
  * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!


On Sun, 3 Dec 2000 R. Edward McCain had this to say!

 On Sun, 03 Dec 2000, you wrote:
  You are right, of course, Linux is a paradise for coders and programmers,
  but beyond that truth is another, even bigger truth. That is that Linux is
  incredibly stable and powerful as a home PC platform as well as a
  dependable business workstation platform
 Er, I've managed to crash the entire platform twice and wreak havoc on 
 numerous apps just by playing around in my account (NOT as root)
 kde control center
 look and feel
 move the 'number of bees' slider to 0
 this causes the application to 'crash'
 Others are less reproducable, but I can cause Kmail to crash by grabbing a 
 email that I cc'ed to myself, replying to it and changing the subject line 
 and body - or something like that.  I was being silly and I crashed kmail 
 twice before I got the hint.
 True, my account didn't terminate on those occasions, but what's a stable 
 platform without stable applications?

Re: [newbie] MandrakeUpdate and

2000-12-04 Thread Paul R

I've been having the exact same problem.  Have you figured out how to 
get around this yet?

-Paul R

U2Zoo wrote:

 Oops. I spoke too soon.
 Mandrake 7.2
 I am still unable to update rpm (which is where the file that
 I need lives) using MandrakeUpdate.
 I get a dependency error, i.e. glibc =2.1.92 is required.
 I currently have glibc-2.1.3-16mdk.i586.rpm installed.
 However, when I try to update to glibc-2.2-12mdk.i586.rpm, MandrakeUpdate
 retrieves the 12MB file and then comes up with the following unhelpful
 "Error. Package can't be installed glibc-2.2-12mdk.i586.rpm"
 How can I find the cause of this error?
 Will MandrakeUpdate ever work?
 My brain hurts!

Do You Yahoo!?
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RE: [newbie] gates gets Linux

2000-12-04 Thread Mark Weaver

Av...what was so well stated about that. All that proves is that he's able
to do embarrase himself in public and mutilate his Penguin. You know what
I do with users like that at work? I sit them down and compell them to
READ the user manual(s) for the apps that they're proving unable to get
along with so that they stop causing such unnecessary trouble!


/ * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
  * in order to get the rats up from below decks
  * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!


On Mon, 4 Dec 2000 Abraham Pinzur had this to say!

 Well stated, Ed. I too appreciate the stable platform, but the apps are
 sometimes a different story. I installed Linux for the express purpose of
 getting more experience on the nitty-gritty  end of things... =)
 - Av -
 Av Pinzur / Crisp Graphics
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of R. Edward McCain
  Sent: Sunday, 03 December, 2000 22:27
  Subject: Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux
  On Sun, 03 Dec 2000, you wrote:
   You are right, of course, Linux is a paradise for coders and
   but beyond that truth is another, even bigger truth. That is
  that Linux is
   incredibly stable and powerful as a home PC platform as well as a
   dependable business workstation platform
  Er, I've managed to crash the entire platform twice and wreak havoc on
  numerous apps just by playing around in my account (NOT as root)
  kde control center
  look and feel
  move the 'number of bees' slider to 0
  this causes the application to 'crash'
  Others are less reproducable, but I can cause Kmail to crash by
  grabbing a
  email that I cc'ed to myself, replying to it and changing the
  subject line
  and body - or something like that.  I was being silly and I crashed kmail
  twice before I got the hint.
  True, my account didn't terminate on those occasions, but what's a stable
  platform without stable applications?
  R. Edward McCain
  icq: 599146
  Registered Linux User #196613

Re: [newbie] Linux v Windows

2000-12-04 Thread Mark Weaver

 At present, Linux is still relatively complex to set up and use, however it is 
progressing at a rapid pace. 
 But until it reaches the point that your average Joe Bloggs (sorry Joe, just picking 
a name out of the air :) who works in the bakery down the street, can go home, turn 
on his Linux box that he picked up from his local electrical store, stick in a new 
game and be up and running in 5 minutes - it just isn't going to be popular to the 
mainstream public.

When that happens I'm going to stop using it and look for something else
because when that happens it will not longer "BE" linux, but another
stinking icr$sotf wannabe clone.

Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux

2000-12-04 Thread R. Edward McCain

On Mon, 04 Dec 2000, you wrote:
 yes...Edward...we heard what you said in the first version of this
 message. all this second message does is further convince us that you
 should be horse whipped for mistreating your Penguin. Penguin abuse is a
 very serious offense.

 The penalty for which is VERY unpleasant.

Horse whipped? 
*interest piqued*
er, care to send me your A/S/L and median income?



R. Edward McCain
icq: 599146
Registered Linux User #196613

Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux

2000-12-04 Thread R. Edward McCain

On Mon, 04 Dec 2000, you wrote:
 And you point is? All you've managed to do is cause a few applications a
 mild headache and they refused to operate any further. You hadn't cause
 the actual OS to suffer any hardship. If you're really having that much
 trouble, then I would suggest one of two things is true.

Hey, I wasn't griping (well, er, no, not really) just pointing out a fact.
I don't even have windows (unless you count X) on my machine anymore - that 
should tell you something right there.


R. Edward McCain
icq: 599146
Registered Linux User #196613

Re: [newbie] Dual Boot

2000-12-04 Thread Charles A Edwards

This is not correct.
LILO as included in 7.2 does not have the 1024 limit.
And even if it did this would not effect installing LILO to /dev/hb5.
I am running Storm from /dev/hdb5 and I am running 7.2 from /dev/hdc5 and
using SystemCommander to boot to any of 5 OSes on that system.

   Charles  (-:

- Original Message -
From: "Mark Weaver" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 6:25 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Dual Boot



 / * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
   * in order to get the rats up from below decks
   * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!


 On Mon, 4 Dec 2000 Mr Monster had this to say!

  I think ive been here before  Im running W98 and Mandrake 7.2 on my
  I had problems with Lilo beyond the 1024th cylinder on my second
  If I can remember Lilo has to be installed on the MBR of the first hard
  I think its meant to be installed on /dev/hda1...???
  - Original Message -
  From: "Dave DeGear" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: 03 December 2000 23:35
  Subject: [newbie] Dual Boot
   I have a dual boot computer with W2K and Mandrake 7.2 on it.  The
   boots from drive C: and the Mandrake is on /dev/hdb5 .  When it was
   installing I was asked which drive the Linux was booting from and I
   /dev/hdb5.  I then made a backup boot disk for the Linux.  The problem
   that my computer will only boot Linux from the floppy and if I try to
   it from the Lilo in the MBR I get an error message that /dev/hdb5 is
   bootable.  How do I make my Linux partition bootable so that I won't
   use the rescue diskette to boot it.  Both W2K and Linux show up as
   in the lilo menu.  I have checked the lilo.conf to make sure that the
   is pointing to /dev/hdb5 and have rerun lilo several times.
  Thanks. ...Dave

[newbie] Linux and digital cameras

2000-12-04 Thread Jerry Sternesky

Kodak DC240.  Inexpensive, great pictures, well supported on linux.

I use them in training presentations all the time.

Use usb and gphoto, outperforms downloads using windows on same box.

Stock Mandrake 7.2 install.

Make sure you have usb on in bios.
Turn on the usb service at boot time.
Edit modules.conf with:

alias usb-interface usb-uhci
post-install usb-uhci modprobe dc2xx

This will start them at boot time.
if you don't want to reboot, do above for next boot.
don't know if usb is running? Open terminal(console)
as root
service usb status
if not running start it.
service usb start
modprobe usb-interface
modeprobe dc2xx

chmod 666 /dev/usb/dc2*

This sets the permissions so users other than root have access to the device.

Plug the camera in fire up gphoto.
configure-select port-camera model
Choose kodak dc240 from drop down box
port other add

and go to town. 
Depending on your usb port and which jack the cable is plugged into it could 
/dev/usb/dc24xx1 and so on.  I know you didn't ask for set up instructions, 
but I wanted you to see with this camera it took 10 minutes of work to get it 
going.  Hours of research, minutes of work :)
Will give all you ever wanted to know about what usb devices work with linux

Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux

2000-12-04 Thread Mark Weaver

yes...Edward...we heard what you said in the first version of this
message. all this second message does is further convince us that you
should be horse whipped for mistreating your Penguin. Penguin abuse is a
very serious offense.

The penalty for which is VERY unpleasant.


/ * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
  * in order to get the rats up from below decks
  * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!


On Sun, 3 Dec 2000 R. Edward McCain had this to say!

 forwarded as an experiment.  This message was bounced earlier.
 --  Forwarded Message  --
 Subject: Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux
 Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 22:26:32 -0600
 From: R. Edward McCain [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Sun, 03 Dec 2000, you wrote:
  You are right, of course, Linux is a paradise for coders and programmers,
  but beyond that truth is another, even bigger truth. That is that Linux is
  incredibly stable and powerful as a home PC platform as well as a
  dependable business workstation platform
 Er, I've managed to crash the entire platform twice and wreak havoc on
 numerous apps just by playing around in my account (NOT as root)
 kde control center
 look and feel
 move the 'number of bees' slider to 0
 this causes the application to 'crash'
 Others are less reproducable, but I can cause Kmail to crash by grabbing a
 email that I cc'ed to myself, replying to it and changing the subject line
 and body - or something like that.  I was being silly and I crashed kmail
 twice before I got the hint.
 True, my account didn't terminate on those occasions, but what's a stable
 platform without stable applications?
 R. Edward McCain
 icq: 599146
 Registered Linux User #196613

Re: [newbie] Installed Mandrake, can't find D drive

2000-12-04 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Monday 04 December 2000 02:18 am, Michael wrote:
 I just noticed when I went
 install a program on 95 so I could use it via WINE, that my "D" drive
 is not visable.  It is visable on my linux desktop and I can read
 everything that's on it.  Did I hose some kind of regedit file or
 something, and is this normal?

It's prob'ly not mounted on 'D'.  What does (su to root)
'fdisk -l'  say?...and then what is the mnt point in 'fstab' for 
this drive/partition?  That will be the path to your app on W95 'D'

For example:  if fdisk shows that your 'D' partition is /hda5,
and in fstab you see that hda5 is mounted on /mnt/win_d, and that
'user' has permission to use this partition, then...

cd /mnt/win_d/dir the app is in
wine app

   'Course this all assumes you've got wine.conf properly edited to 
reflect your drive/partition locations and that wine can run the 
Windoze app you're referring to.
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

RE: [newbie] gates gets Linux

2000-12-04 Thread Mark Johnson

-Original Message-
From: Steven Kinch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2000 4:20 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux

On Sun, 03 Dec 2000, you wrote:

  In a message dated 12/1/00 4:54:26 PM Eastern Standard Time,

  if MS
  ever decided to distribute a flavor of linux I believe they would give
  Mandrake, SuSE, RedHat, and etc. a very hard run for their money.

I am sorry but I don't have the first clue what you are trying to say.  Is
MS distro going to be any better than what we have?  My guess is that it 
would introduce to Linux a new concept like AUTOCRSH EVERY FIVE MINUTES

No, my point is that a MS distro will most likely be more usable from a UI
of view, not neccessarily a sysadmin point of view (but probably that too),
any other distro out there for the average Joe user who doesn't care a
flying flip 
about what's under the hood (and why should he?). If he can run IE and MS
Office on 
a higher quality, more stable OS, it's reasonable to  believe that Joe user
probably drop his WIN32 installation and install MS Linux because on the
surface he 
couldn't tell the difference except that his "system" appeared to be running
I know a couple of Windows folk would who do that. But not only would they
do it, 
they freakin' pay for it too!  I haven't paid a single cent to Mandrake for
any of 
their hard work, I'm willing to wager that no *average* linux user has or
will probably 
pay any significant amount (if any at all) of money to the vendor of his/her
distribution.  But the average Window's knuckleheads probably would pay.
They'd pay for 
both the OS or rather the Desktop (since you can't charge for the OS) and
the support.

 But, wouldnt we all just download it off the net for free instead of
 it in a store. I go out and buy the software to support the cause, I
 wouldnt but a microsoft product if i could download it for free

Yes of course we would.  Are you some sort of idiot?

Probably the "real" linux user would scoff at the distro and refuse to
download it
anyway. But we keep forgetting that we are not the average computer user.
We care at
both a technical and philosphical level about the OS we run.  This is part
of the elitism 
that I talked about in an ealier post.  We have zero compassion for the
folks that 
have weaker aptitudes for computers and technical savy.  We'll there's a
huge market for 
those folks and MS exploited it.  We make these moral judgements on folks
with less technical
ability and refuse to contemplate or address their challenges while AOL and
MS slips in and
these poor, morally depraved users sell their souls to Baelzebub and Satan.

I know this is a bit extreme, but it's interesting that only 2 or 3
companies (of all the 
vast linux community) out there ( HelixGnome, Eazel, KDE(?) ) are
addressesing needs of 
the average user. 

Re: [newbie] Linux v Windows

2000-12-04 Thread Jeff Malka

  The Point Linux will never win its way into peoples homes until
  manufacturers decide to start porting their code to linux,  so us people
  home can use our digicams, scanners etc... just as easy as ever!
  even so much as a chmod etc)
 why should they wish to do such a thing when they're getting paid by M$
 not to do such a thing? I say screw the manufacturers that don't want to
 play ball and let  pay those in the Linux community that "can" and want to
 write the software we need to run our toys and gadgits. At least that way
 we'll be sure that the drivers are written correctly and will work.

Actually, it does not matter how it happens, - but it does matter that it
happens.  At present it is not happening "enough".

Registered Linux user  183185

Re: [newbie] X doesn't work on Trident9750 3DImage

2000-12-04 Thread civileme

On Friday 01 December 2000 19:11, you wrote:

 I have a PIII 800 Mboard SOYO 6VBA+133 videocard Trident9750 3D Image, 64MB
 Ram, the problem is when I try to start Xwindows,  It doesn't work on
 Trident9750 3D Image video card.
 I've been tryed to set the resolution and driver, but my video only show a
 dark screen.
 I've been installed the mandrake-linux 7 many times, but it does't work.

 How can I resolve this problem?

 MelfiNet S/C Ltda
 Jales - Santa Fé do Sul
 0xx17 6327122 ou 6311003  a rede sem virus
First bof all, use expert install and use the 3.3.6 driver, and se it NOT to 
boot to X on install.

Next, edit /etc/X11/XF86Config in the devices section add the line

   Options "noaccel"

Next remove the modelines you will not actually use from the assortment of 
available modelines

then close your edit, saving the file



Re: [newbie] Linux v Windows

2000-12-04 Thread Jeff Malka

You are dead on correct.  The situation is precisely as you describe even
though enthousiasts insis on deluding themselves..

Registered Linux user  183185

- Original Message -
From: David Grubb [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2000 11:23 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux v Windows

I'd just like to add my $0.02 here, at the risk of heading OT and being
inundated with flames.

I whole-heartedly agree Linux is a far-better, quality system than certain
other OSs, and I have enjoyed many months of learning and working with it,
and I look forward to many more years of learning. But (there always has to
be a 'but', doesn't there :) - I'm a computer enthusiast - I work with
computers: fixing problems, deploying systems, supporting users etc. I go
home and I play with my computer - the case is never bolted on coz I'm
forever pulling out cards and trying different hardware. I have stacks of
CDs spread across the room coz I'm forever trying new OSs, apps and games -
and when something breaks I enjoy fixing it.

Trouble is, not everyone out there is an enthusiast like those on this
mailing list - I've seen this analogy elsewhere many times, but I think it
is worth repeating: Most people buy a car simply so they can drive around -
they don't care what is under the hood. A lot add ornaments or extra bits
because thats what they like. Very few actually care what is under the hood,
let alone have any idea how to tinker with it.
Most computer users (note: users, not enthusiests) just want the computer to
work - it needs to be easy for them to stick their ornaments or extra bits
in - but they're not interested in "tricky" things like dependancies,
command lines etc (personnally I would prefer if everyone in the office were
forced to use a command line once in a while...)

At present, Linux is still relatively complex to set up and use, however it
is progressing at a rapid pace.

But until it reaches the point that your average Joe Bloggs (sorry Joe, just
picking a name out of the air :) who works in the bakery down the street,
can go home, turn on his Linux box that he picked up from his local
electrical store, stick in a new game and be up and running in 5 minutes -
it just isn't going to be popular to the mainstream public.

My apologies for the rant peoples, just been seeing red over this sort of
thing for a while.


David Grubb - Internet / Intranet Developer
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   +61 2 9895-7913
Department of Land  Water Conservation
Sydney,  Australia


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/04 2:53 pm 
it _has_ an "install-shield". It just doesn't happen to look like the one
thats in windows. Nor should it.  there are some things, I would agree,
that need to change, but one of them isn't becoming windows, or even
Windows-like. Since I became a Linux user two years ago I've watched first
RedHat progress forward with their presentation and the installation
methods employed by their developers and now Mandrake for the past 9
months. I'd say that they've come a long way in a short time. I for one am
glad that they spend more time on making sure that the product that
they're releasing to the public is coded and working correctly rather than
making sure its a hands-off breeze to install and get working.

Reading is fundamental. that used to be a famous little slogan that
everyone was familiar with on Saturday mornings while watching cartoons
and in the Linux world it is still very true. Linux may not jump out-a the
box and onto your harddrive ready for you to cruise the internet with
"no" effort, but then again it doesn't need rebooted 2-3 times a day and
doesn't cost between $300 and $700 per copy per machine either.

Lets remember that what you've got on your computer is one of the most
stable operating systems that many of us have ever seen and most of us
haven't paid a penny for, but "many" have spent Lng hours
coding, debugging, checking and rechecking...I could go on and on, but I
need to get down off this soap box before I get a nose bleed.

I think these few reasons are more than enough to bring Linux to a place
of world domination. All that is needed is that intelligent folks first
need to stop fearing what they aren't able to readily understand in a few
seconds, and be willing to put in a little time and effort to get
completley configured. What you end up with in the end is a machine that
is as solid as a rock provided the user did a little planning ahead of
time and made sure all their "hardware" ducks are in a row thereby
avoiding any unpleasant surprises.


/ * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
  * in order to get the rats up from below decks
  * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!


RE: [newbie] Dual Boot

2000-12-04 Thread Abraham Pinzur

You wrote:
 And attached a .vcf file. Please turn off your .vcf generator.
 It's some kind of microsoft plot to fill up my machine with
 useless attachments.

Sorry - I know those extra 762 bytes are going to add up fast...

- Av -

Abraham P. (Av) Pinzur

 -Original Message-
 From: Doug McGarrett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, 04 December, 2000 08:47
 Cc: Abraham Pinzur
 Subject: RE: [newbie] Dual Boot
 At 12:24 AM 12/04/2000 -0600, Abraham Pinzur wrote:
   If you're willing to spend $30, you can download Partition Commander
 - Av -
 Av Pinzur / Crisp Graphics

FN:Abraham P Pinzur
ORG:Crisp Graphics
TITLE:Web Interface Designer
ADR;WORK:;;860 Golden Hollow Road;Dixon Springs;Tennessee;37057;USA
LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:860 Golden Hollow Road=0D=0ADixon Springs, Tennessee 37057=0D=0AUSA
ADR;HOME:;;920 Honey Prong Road;Hartsville;Tennessee;37074-3002;USA
LABEL;HOME;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:920 Honey Prong Road=0D=0AHartsville, Tennessee 37074-3002=0D=0AUSA

RE: [newbie] Dual Boot

2000-12-04 Thread Doug McGarrett

At 12:24 AM 12/04/2000 -0600, Abraham Pinzur wrote:

  If you're willing to spend $30, you can download Partition Commander


- Av -

Av Pinzur / Crisp Graphics

And attached a .vcf file. Please turn off your .vcf generator.
It's some kind of microsoft plot to fill up my machine with
useless attachments.

Re: [newbie] Linux and TFT screens

2000-12-04 Thread civileme

On Thursday 30 November 2000 22:39, you wrote:
 Since I didn't really get a reply to my rather broad question last time,
 let me word it this way:
 Should a laptop TFT be considered a LCD display or VGA/SVGA?


Best results with a LCD, however this is chipset dependent and tinkering with 
the XF86Config or XF86Config-4 file is not an uncommon requirement to meet 
the precise timing of the particular laptop chipset.


Re: [newbie] how do i get off this mailling list

2000-12-04 Thread Adrian Smith

actually, there were some changes made over the weekend.
from now on the procedure for "getting off" this mailing list is as follows:

submit and email with the the following information
your full name
number and experation date of all your credit cards
your boyfriends / girlfriends phone number and address
and a JPG image of that person.

within 5 days you will not be concerned with mail from this list any more.
unlike other methods, this is certain to work.

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

 Jeff Dickman [EMAIL PROTECTED] 8:19:51 PM 12/3/00 
Which sounds vaguely like "how to become a registered linux user"  :-)


On Sunday 03 December 2000 10:32, you wrote:
 On Sun, 3 Dec 2000, Mark Weaver wrote:
  I liked choice number two...  ;)

 I toyed with the idea of telling him to send each member of this list a
 buck, and we'd take care of it for him ;-)

Re: [newbie] Linux v Windows

2000-12-04 Thread Jeff Malka

 I happen to agree with David 100%.  I too am a computer enthusiast and
 have a few computers at home but only one runs linux,  my wife's and
 daughter's run Win98 and I have them running trouble free and many
 times for weeks at a time without a problem.  I see nothing evil about
 M$, free enterprise works and that's big proof.  I happen to admire
 Bill Gates, hell if you can make that much money he's got my
 admiration.  I do agree their software is not the best in the world but
 when was McDonald's a good hamburger?  I love linux and I don't hate
 windows.  It's a happy home, at least here in my house with all the
 different children playing together.

Finally a person with common sense.  I agree with you and you describe my
own home situation, - except that my wife's W98 system (which she uses daily
to write her Ph.D. dissertation, internet, etc), has not crashed in months.

[newbie] How to mount a network machine (not Samba)

2000-12-04 Thread Mark Johnson

Is it possible for me to mount a network computer.  For example, I have
files on a solaris machine that I constantly need to bring over onto my
linux machine.  I'm getting tired of ftp'ing what I'd like to do is just
some how mount that solaris machine and treat it like another directory.  Is
this possible?

Re: [newbie] RE: Windows can't be written in VB

2000-12-04 Thread Eunice Thompson

why not?
start your own little list.
I really couldn't care less what Windows is written in.
I personally think you guys should find another topic (that concerns
Linux) to discuss here.
There aren't that many of you who are carrying on this discussion;
why don't you do it privately?

Mark Weaver wrote:
 / * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
   * in order to get the rats up from below decks
   * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!
 On Fri, 1 Dec 2000 Eunice Thompson had this to say!
  Couldn't you folks who want to discuss or vent about Windows
  find a Windows mailing list or better yet,
  --start one.
  Can we just do Linux here?
  Mark Weaver wrote:
   it is...but often you'll find that all this venting is good theropy.
   / * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
 * in order to get the rats up from below decks
 * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!
   On Thu, 30 Nov 2000 Abraham Pinzur had this to say!
 Technically, WinME is Win98 without any trace of DOS under the
 covers. You
 won't find autoexec.bat. config.sys, or any of those files on a
 system with
 WinME preinstalled.
*Technically*, best I can tell, WinME's relationship to DOS is no different
from Win95 or Win98. Take it from a guy who's wasted a lot more time
exploring those relationships than I want to think about...
Basically Win9x's autoexec.bat/config.sys only affected DOS programs anyway.
MS chose to leave them out in the newest iteration, assuming (fairly
reasonably, actually) that nobody buying a new WinME computer would ever
even think of running a DOS program.
However, the dirty little secret is that if you ever have to boot off of
WinME's rescue floppy, you're right back at the DOS prompt!
BTW, I subscribed to this list under the impression that it was devoted to
an alternative OS... =)
- Av -

 Eunice Thompson
Treasurer/Community Relations
Cerritos Linux User Group

[newbie] Mandrake 7.2 ISO's not right size...

2000-12-04 Thread Mark Weaver

Hi LIst,
I was wondering about something. This morning when I attempted to burn a
few CD's with the Mandrake 7.2 ISO's that I downloaded over the weekend I
got a very strange error message back from the software. It told me that
the length of the file was not a multiple of the sectors on the CDROM. I'm
not sure what this means apart from maybe the file is the right size it's
supposed to be. Could someone shed some light on this for me? 

I was using a Windows utility to do the CD's here at work. WE've done
other distros with this same utility before, so I know that it
works. RedHat 7.0, Mandrake 7.1...



/ * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
  * in order to get the rats up from below decks
  * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!


Re: [newbie] V7.2 questions!

2000-12-04 Thread civileme

On Friday 01 December 2000 22:03, you wrote:
 "Ronald J. Hall" wrote:
  A friend of mine installed the download version of 7.2 on his Pentium
  machine with 64 megs of RAM and a i810 video setup. (its a 667mhz
  machine). Anyways, he has an external modem and no matter what we do, it
  does not show up under hardware configuration, even though its working
  fine. Also, I thought hardware acceleration was automatic with certain
  card/chipsets under 7.2. (including the i810). However, any games we play
  are dead slow... ;-(
  Any ideas? Thanks!

  DarkLord \/

 Doesn't the i810 chipset have a video out port? or was that the 810e?
 Does it work under linux?

If you installed in expert mode and selected ANY resolution other than 16-bit 
color depth, not only was acceleration broken by default, BUT ALSO the 


is not included in the file /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 

As a result, you have no accelerartion.

Acceleration works only in 16-bit color.

Also 667MHz sounds like a Celeron clock rate.  Remember that Intel cripples 
all Celerons to run at a 66MHz front side bus rate, unless you are into 

Anyway, expert mode, XFree-4.01 and 16-bit color depth is best chance for the 
i810.  I have a Pentium III 733 running off the i810e with full acceleration 
here and it still drags--the i810Chipset must have other virtues than speed.


Re: [newbie] FAX software for LM7.2

2000-12-04 Thread Joseph Markham

Dear Christian,

I know about kfax which is a fax viewer, but I wanted a program which allows
me to write a letter, say and send a fax.



- Original Message -
From: Christian A Strømmen [Number1/NumeroUno] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2000 3:32 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] FAX software for LM7.2

On Thursday 30 November 2000 14:23, Joseph wrote:
 Anyone knows where I can find a program so that I can send a fax in

kfax in the kde2 package.. :)

\ Christian A Strømmen /
\ Number1/NumeroUno @ Undernet - Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /
\ Web: - Cell: +47 911 43 948 /
   Live your life by your dreams,
 not by the limits of reality...

Re: [newbie] Linux v Windows

2000-12-04 Thread Eddie Torres

Thank you Jeff,  I appreciate the kind words.

On Monday 04 December 2000 09:05, you wrote:
  I happen to agree with David 100%.  I too am a computer enthusiast
  and have a few computers at home but only one runs linux,  my
  wife's and daughter's run Win98 and I have them running trouble
  free and many times for weeks at a time without a problem.  I see
  nothing evil about M$, free enterprise works and that's big proof. 
  I happen to admire Bill Gates, hell if you can make that much money
  he's got my admiration.  I do agree their software is not the best
  in the world but when was McDonald's a good hamburger?  I love
  linux and I don't hate windows.  It's a happy home, at least here
  in my house with all the different children playing together.

 Finally a person with common sense.  I agree with you and you
 describe my own home situation, - except that my wife's W98 system
 (which she uses daily to write her Ph.D. dissertation, internet,
 etc), has not crashed in months.

Eddie Torress

Re: [newbie] Dual Boot

2000-12-04 Thread Andy Judge

take a look at /etc/lilo.conf
make sure it points to the right partitions and everything is right as far
as you can tell.  Should look like:



Then ou need to run /sbin/lilo as root to update your MBR.  The next time
you boot, you should get a prompt.

- Original Message -
From: "Dave DeGear" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2000 3:35 PM
Subject: [newbie] Dual Boot

 I have a dual boot computer with W2K and Mandrake 7.2 on it.  The Windows
 boots from drive C: and the Mandrake is on /dev/hdb5 .  When it was
 installing I was asked which drive the Linux was booting from and I said
 /dev/hdb5.  I then made a backup boot disk for the Linux.  The problem is
 that my computer will only boot Linux from the floppy and if I try to boot
 it from the Lilo in the MBR I get an error message that /dev/hdb5 is not
 bootable.  How do I make my Linux partition bootable so that I won't need
 use the rescue diskette to boot it.  Both W2K and Linux show up as options
 in the lilo menu.  I have checked the lilo.conf to make sure that the
 is pointing to /dev/hdb5 and have rerun lilo several times.

Thanks. ...Dave

Re: [newbie] Installed Mandrake, can't find D drive

2000-12-04 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Michael wrote:
 Hi All,

 I just upgraded form RH 6.0 to Mandrake 7.1 on my M$Win95
 box and everything went fine.  I got my sound card, modem
 and network card configured without a problem. However, I
 just noticed when I went install a program on 95 so I could
 use it via WINE, that my "D" drive is not visable.  It is
 visable on my linux desktop and I can read everything
 that's on it.  Did I hose some kind of regedit file or
 something, and is this normal?



Michaelit's possible that the 'partition type identifier' 
for your D: drive partition got changed to 'hidden'.  What 
this does is make windows unable to see the partition.  If 
this is the problem you can use linux's fdisk program to 
identify and repair it.

As root, type:

fdisk -l

This will list the partitions on all the hard drives listed 
in your /proc/partitions directory.  If there's a hidden 
partition it'll show that it is on the far right of the 
listing, as it does on the sample below on sdc2 (part of that 
line has wrapped around because of my width setting):
   Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
/dev/sdc1   * 1   555   4458006b  Win95 FAT32
/dev/sdc2   556  1110   4458037+  1c  Hidden 
Win95 FAT32 (LBA)

Using fdisk's 't' command the system id (the 'partition type 
identifier') can be changed from '1c' to 'b' in the above 
example thus making the partition visible to windows.  
Nothing will actually be changed till you 'w'rite the 
partition table and exit fdisk.  You can exit fdisk without 
writing the table with the 'q' command.

RE: [newbie] How to mount a network machine (not Samba)

2000-12-04 Thread Helsby, James

Use NFS (network file system).

-Original Message-
From: Mark Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 9:08 AM
To: LinuxNewbie (E-mail)
Subject: [newbie] How to "mount" a network machine (not Samba)

Is it possible for me to mount a network computer.  For example, I have
files on a solaris machine that I constantly need to bring over onto my
linux machine.  I'm getting tired of ftp'ing what I'd like to do is just
some how mount that solaris machine and treat it like another directory.  Is
this possible?

[newbie] Midi Module failure

2000-12-04 Thread mcoady

For the longest time i get the following notice on boot up of my Mandrake 7.0:

insmod  /lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdk/misc/opl3.0 failed
loading midi module opl2 failed.

It mustn't be a critical part of my system as everything I need runs ok. But I was 
wondering what I might do so that the boot up sequence doesn't look for that module.

Any suggestion appreciated.

Michael Coady

Re: [newbie] Want something better for resume

2000-12-04 Thread civileme

On Sunday 03 December 2000 01:33, you wrote:
 Klyx don't work, tex is too hard
 I would like something easier
 if you please

 Thank you
Try LyX.  KLyX was written as a demo of Qt widgets and not really maintained, 
but the REAL LyX is there too, and is almost as easy as KLyX.


RE: [newbie] gates gets Linux

2000-12-04 Thread Abraham Pinzur

Mark wrote:
 I've noticed that most linux apps do a lot less error
 checking and are a lot more rough around the corner's, but this is
 understandable since a lot of the programs are created during the
 programmer's free time.

Thanks, Mark. I'm still trying to develop my Linux paradigm, and your points
are well-taken.

  Also, you can always download the code and fix it

Hoping to move in that direction in the not-too-distant future. I've done a
little programming in the past, but MS has spoiled me to death (or BSOD,
more specifically...).

Bring it on, Linux!

- Av -

Av Pinzur / Crisp Graphics

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mark Johnson
 Sent: Monday, 04 December, 2000 08:32
 Subject: RE: [newbie] gates gets Linux

 I think a lot of times we use apps and OS interchangeably.  While the the
 Linux OS is very stable and robust, there are many Linux programs that are
 not (Netscape 6 for example).  This has nothing to do with the OS
 but rather
 with how robust the code is which is solely the programmer's
 task.  And this
 speaks to the point of view of who cares about the OS if the apps
 running on
 it aren't usable.  Linux programmers tend to be more hackers than
 "programmers".  I've noticed that most linux apps do a lot less error
 checking and are a lot more rough around the corner's, but this is
 understandable since a lot of the programs are created during the
 programmer's free time.  Also, you can always download the code and fix it

 -Original Message-
 From: Abraham Pinzur [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 7:56 AM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] gates gets Linux

 Mark -

 Admittedly, I don't know entirely what I'm doing yet. And more
 the platform itself is appreciably more robust than anything I've
 ever seen
 from MS. I'm not griping about the platform.

 Actually, I'm not griping about the applications, either. I
 salute all those
 whose efforts have made my experience thus far so effortless. My point is
 merely that there's more work to be done. A truly robust
 application will be
 able to handle any input (even 0 bees) gracefully.

 Is that not a fairly uncontroversial sentiment?

 - Av -

 Av Pinzur / Crisp Graphics

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mark Weaver
  Sent: Monday, 04 December, 2000 05:40
  To: [newbie] Linux-Mandrake
  Subject: RE: [newbie] gates gets Linux
  Av...what was so well stated about that. All that proves is
 that he's able
  to do embarrase himself in public and mutilate his Penguin. You
 know what
  I do with users like that at work? I sit them down and compell them to
  READ the user manual(s) for the apps that they're proving unable to get
  along with so that they stop causing such unnecessary trouble!
  / * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
* in order to get the rats up from below decks
* so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!
  On Mon, 4 Dec 2000 Abraham Pinzur had this to say!
   Well stated, Ed. I too appreciate the stable platform, but
 the apps are
   sometimes a different story. I installed Linux for the express
  purpose of
   getting more experience on the nitty-gritty  end of things... =)
   - Av -
   Av Pinzur / Crisp Graphics
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of R.
 Edward McCain
Sent: Sunday, 03 December, 2000 22:27
Subject: Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux
On Sun, 03 Dec 2000, you wrote:
 You are right, of course, Linux is a paradise for coders and
 but beyond that truth is another, even bigger truth. That is
that Linux is
 incredibly stable and powerful as a home PC platform as well as a
 dependable business workstation platform
Er, I've managed to crash the entire platform twice and
 wreak havoc on
numerous apps just by playing around in my account (NOT as root)
kde control center
look and feel
move the 'number of bees' slider to 0
this causes the application to 'crash'
Others are less reproducable, but I can cause Kmail to crash by
grabbing a
email that I cc'ed to myself, replying to it and changing the
subject line
and body - or something like that.  I was being silly and I
  crashed kmail
twice before I got the hint.
True, my account didn't terminate on those 

RE: [newbie] midi

2000-12-04 Thread Abraham Pinzur

I've got the same problem, though I don't consider it major.

I've got a SB PCI 128, which doesn't appear to have a traditional MIDI
interface. (Windows plays MIDIs through a software synthesizer.) Does my
Mandrake 7.2 installation come with a sw synth that I've failed to configure
properly? Can I download one somewhere? Or should I just quit trying to test
the MIDI player? =)

- Av -

Abraham P. (Av) Pinzur

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Julian Ellis
Sent: Monday, 04 December, 2000 10:44
Subject: [newbie] midi

I am running Mandrake 7.2 and I must say it is really great !! I do have one
major problem,  i am unable to play any midi files. Whenever I try to, I get
an error message saying ' unable to open /dev/sequencer probably another
device is using it' .If anyone out there can help me please reply asap,  I
have a ton of midi files.

Re: [newbie] Apache wont execute some CGI scripts, and no PHP!

2000-12-04 Thread NeoMatrix

I think the more likely problem is script configuration. 
check whether you provide the correct full server path(not relative) in
configuration of script( that is always causing no file or directory)

Neo (my Guestbook script)

On Mon, 04 Dec 2000, you wrote:
 I've been running Mandrake 7.1 now for a few months to serve as a web
 server  email server for myself and a few friends.
 However, one problem that has been with me constantly, is the inability to
 run certain CGI/Perl scripts. PHP scripts simply wont work at all.
 The installation is a basic Mandrake 7.1, with apache and mod_perl 
 mod_php selected.
 Some CGI scripts run fine (Tried 2 different calendars), but others just
 wont run at all (Tried UBB  Newspro).
 PHP scripts wont run either..
 The error message i get in the error_log file is as follows:
 [error] (2) No such file or directory: exec of
 /home/httpd/cgi-bin/newspro/newspro.cgi failed
 Premature end of script headers: /home/httpd/cgi-bin/newspro/newspro.cgi
 If i execute the cgi script at the command prompt with perl, it runs just
 fine and shows the html code, but apache just wont run it.
 Since it said "No such file or directory", i assumed it was a permissions
 problem, and changed ownership, group, permissions etceven tried to
 copy it into a directory where i had the calendar script that worked, but
 to no still gave me the same error message.
 PHP scripts give me the same error..
 Feels like i've ran my head into a concrete wall ;)
 Any tips appreciated!

[newbie] Tripwire ??

2000-12-04 Thread ed

Hi all I was wondering if anyone here uses tripwire and if so where can i
get it and how hard is it to install.
   thanks all .

Get free email and a permanent address at

RE: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 ISO's not right size...

2000-12-04 Thread Mark Weaver

Ok...thanks a ton guys...I"ll check into this.


/ * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
  * in order to get the rats up from below decks
  * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!


On Mon, 4 Dec 2000 Helsby, James had this to say!

 Try running an md5 checksum on the iso image. Compare it to the md5 that is
 listed where you downloaded the image. Most likely, you lost a few bits
 during ftp-ing. Also, you might have downloaded it with ASCI, and not with
 binary. This WILL cause the problem.
 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Weaver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 9:05 AM
 To: Mandrake Newbie List
 Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 ISO's not right size...
 Hi LIst,
 I was wondering about something. This morning when I attempted to burn a
 few CD's with the Mandrake 7.2 ISO's that I downloaded over the weekend I
 got a very strange error message back from the software. It told me that
 the length of the file was not a multiple of the sectors on the CDROM. I'm
 not sure what this means apart from maybe the file is the right size it's
 supposed to be. Could someone shed some light on this for me?
 I was using a Windows utility to do the CD's here at work. WE've done
 other distros with this same utility before, so I know that it
 works. RedHat 7.0, Mandrake 7.1...
 / * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
   * in order to get the rats up from below decks
   * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!

Re: [newbie] Linux v Windows

2000-12-04 Thread Paul R

I think the many strengths of Linux can only be added to by smoother 
installation.  Linux remains a very strong, felxible, stable, and free 
os.  Sure, it may take the fun of the chase out of installing for a few 
souls, but you can be rest assured (I hope) that any work done on 
usabillity and UI will be done "on top" and not exclude what already 
exists, only adding to to the user's options. 

Mark Weaver wrote:

 At present, Linux is still relatively complex to set up and use, however it is 
progressing at a rapid pace. 
 But until it reaches the point that your average Joe Bloggs (sorry Joe, just 
picking a name out of the air :) who works in the bakery down the street, can go 
home, turn on his Linux box that he picked up from his local electrical store, stick 
in a new game and be up and running in 5 minutes - it just isn't going to be popular 
to the mainstream public.
 When that happens I'm going to stop using it and look for something else
 because when that happens it will not longer "BE" linux, but another
 stinking icr$sotf wannabe clone.

Do You Yahoo!?
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Re: [newbie] How to mount a network machine (not Samba)

2000-12-04 Thread Paul

On Mon, 4 Dec 2000, Mark Johnson wrote:

Is it possible for me to mount a network computer.  For example, I have
files on a solaris machine that I constantly need to bring over onto my
linux machine.  I'm getting tired of ftp'ing what I'd like to do is just
some how mount that solaris machine and treat it like another directory.  Is
this possible?

Hi Mark,
I have once known how to do it, told by friends in the Linux world. Lost
the exact info, but it's basically:

create /etc/exports on the machine you want to make available.
In there you set up what directorie(s) you want to share (don't recall the
exact syntax, sorry, still looking for it myself)

Then on the 'receiving' machine make a directory, e.g. /mnt/solaris and
there you then can mount:

mount solaris:dir that's shared /mnt/solaris

It is something along these lines, hope this helps you further


We are Microsoft of Borg.
You will be assimilated.
Resistance is -

   Fatal exception error in MSBORG32.DLL - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.30

RE: [newbie] gates gets Linux

2000-12-04 Thread Steven Kinch

Dear Newbie (whoever you might be),

My sincere apologies.  The e-mail under reply is well reasoned and
infinitely more comprehensible than the one in which I was so rude.  Please
forgive me.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mark Johnson
Sent: 04 December 2000 14:23
Subject: RE: [newbie] gates gets Linux

-Original Message-
From: Steven Kinch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2000 4:20 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux

On Sun, 03 Dec 2000, you wrote:

  In a message dated 12/1/00 4:54:26 PM Eastern Standard Time,

  if MS
  ever decided to distribute a flavor of linux I believe they would give
  Mandrake, SuSE, RedHat, and etc. a very hard run for their money.

I am sorry but I don't have the first clue what you are trying to say.  Is
MS distro going to be any better than what we have?  My guess is that it
would introduce to Linux a new concept like AUTOCRSH EVERY FIVE MINUTES

No, my point is that a MS distro will most likely be more usable from a UI
of view, not neccessarily a sysadmin point of view (but probably that too),
any other distro out there for the average Joe user who doesn't care a
flying flip
about what's under the hood (and why should he?). If he can run IE and MS
Office on
a higher quality, more stable OS, it's reasonable to  believe that Joe user
probably drop his WIN32 installation and install MS Linux because on the
surface he
couldn't tell the difference except that his "system" appeared to be running
I know a couple of Windows folk would who do that. But not only would they
do it,
they freakin' pay for it too!  I haven't paid a single cent to Mandrake for
any of
their hard work, I'm willing to wager that no *average* linux user has or
will probably
pay any significant amount (if any at all) of money to the vendor of his/her
distribution.  But the average Window's knuckleheads probably would pay.
They'd pay for
both the OS or rather the Desktop (since you can't charge for the OS) and
the support.

 But, wouldnt we all just download it off the net for free instead of
 it in a store. I go out and buy the software to support the cause, I
 wouldnt but a microsoft product if i could download it for free

Yes of course we would.  Are you some sort of idiot?

Probably the "real" linux user would scoff at the distro and refuse to
download it
anyway. But we keep forgetting that we are not the average computer user.
We care at
both a technical and philosphical level about the OS we run.  This is part
of the elitism
that I talked about in an ealier post.  We have zero compassion for the
folks that
have weaker aptitudes for computers and technical savy.  We'll there's a
huge market for
those folks and MS exploited it.  We make these moral judgements on folks
with less technical
ability and refuse to contemplate or address their challenges while AOL and
MS slips in and
these poor, morally depraved users sell their souls to Baelzebub and Satan.

I know this is a bit extreme, but it's interesting that only 2 or 3
companies (of all the
vast linux community) out there ( HelixGnome, Eazel, KDE(?) ) are
addressesing needs of
the average user.

Re: [newbie] Old wp5 files

2000-12-04 Thread Vic

cool thanks

On Sun, 03 Dec 2000, Doug McGarrett wrote:
 Any modern version of WordPerfect will read them.
 Probably MS Word will read them.  (You obviously must
 run Windows to do that, or maybe Wine works?)  Try
 StarOffice.  I don't know if that works or not, but 
 it's free. --doug 
 At 01:51 12/03/2000 -0600, you wrote:
 Hello list
 Anyone know where I can find
 something to convert or read old
 wordperfect 5 files?
 thankya thankyaverrimuch

Re: [newbie] midi

2000-12-04 Thread S. Anderson

On Mon, Dec 04, 2000 at 08:43:43AM -0800, Julian Ellis wrote:
 I am running Mandrake 7.2 and I must say it is really great !! I do have
 one major problem,  i am unable to play any midi files. Whenever I try
 to, I get an error message saying ' unable to open /dev/sequencer
 probably another device is using it' .If anyone out there can help me
 please reply asap,  I have a ton of midi files.

have you tried sndconfig?


Re: [newbie] Installed Mandrake, can't find D drive

2000-12-04 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Michael wrote:

 fdisk -l gives me:

 Device Boot Start End Blocks ID System
 /dev/hda1*  1 261 2096451 6 FAT 16
 /dev/hda2 2621027 615289585 Linux extended
 /dev/hda5 262 522 2096451 6 FAT 16
 /dev/hda6 523 840 2554303+   83 Linux
 /dev/hda7 841 980 1124518+   83 Linux
 /dev/hda8 9811027  37749682 Linux swap

Michaelthe above shows that Charles was correct in his 
earlier message and that there is a fix available at the URL 
listed below.  Your D: drive partition has been encorperated
in a 'Type 85' linux extended partition and windowws is 
unable to see it inside there.  There is a script to 
download from the below web page that you can run and it
will repair the problem.

Re: [newbie] SoundBlaster AWB64 on MandrakeLinux 7.1

2000-12-04 Thread Paul

On Mon, 4 Dec 2000, Marcos Vinicius Amorim Ferreira Guimaraes wrote:


yesterday I installed Mandrake 7.1 on 64Mb K6-II 500 Mhz machine.
But my SoundBlaster card don't work.

What i need to do? Is necessary recompile linux kernel how some HOW-TOs
docs about sound and soundblaster said? I'm really newbie and scared when
i hear some kernel things!

When you are in X, press Ctrl-Alt-F2, log into the textmode console as
root, and then run "sndconfig". This should help you detect the card and
get things going. Works for me and so many others :)

Then log out, and press Ctrl-Alt-F7 again to get back to X

We are Microsoft of Borg.
You will be assimilated.
Resistance is -

   Fatal exception error in MSBORG32.DLL - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.30

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 ISO's not right size...

2000-12-04 Thread Dave DeGear

   I've downloaded and burned quite a few ISO files.  I always like to check 
the md5sum for the file and make sure that it is correct.  Normally I do this 
under Linux but I also found an md5sum utility for Windows.  Just type "md5sum 
mandrake7-2.iso" and see what you get.  I don't remember where I got the md5sum 
for Windows but it was included with a utility package that I had downloaded.  
Let me know if you can't find it and I'll do a quick search.


Quoting Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hi LIst,
 I was wondering about something. This morning when I attempted to burn a
 few CD's with the Mandrake 7.2 ISO's that I downloaded over the weekend
 I got a very strange error message back from the software. It told me that
 the length of the file was not a multiple of the sectors on the CDROM.
 I'm not sure what this means apart from maybe the file is the right size
 it's supposed to be. Could someone shed some light on this for me? 
 I was using a Windows utility to do the CD's here at work. WE've done
 other distros with this same utility before, so I know that it
 works. RedHat 7.0, Mandrake 7.1...

Re: [newbie] Installed Mandrake, can't find D drive

2000-12-04 Thread Paul R

That URL can be found here:
Second error scenario at the bottom.

-Paul R

Charles A Edwards wrote:

 If you are saying that you had 2 Win partitions, C and D, and that your D
 partition no longer shows up in Windows this is caused by a bug in the 7.1
 installation program which occurs when you run it in automatic mode.
 Your D partition has been included in the extended Linux partition created
 by the installation and is no longer visible in Windows.
 There is a fix listed on the Mandrake web site.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Michael" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 3:18 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Installed Mandrake, can't find "D" drive
 Hi All,
 I just upgraded form RH 6.0 to Mandrake 7.1 on my M$Win95 box and
 everything went fine.  I got my sound card, modem and network card
 configured without a problem. However, I just noticed when I went
 install a program on 95 so I could use it via WINE, that my "D" drive is
 not visable.  It is visable on my linux desktop and I can read
 everything that's on it.  Did I hose some kind of regedit file or
 something, and is this normal?

Do You Yahoo!?
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[newbie] Adding Desktop themes

2000-12-04 Thread Marcia

Dear All, When I had Linux Mandrake 7.0 I loved to download the desktop
themes from Tucows or and then I would add them to the
thememanager in the control center so easily. Now I have Linux Mandrake
7.2 and I cannot figure out how to put these themes I downloaded into
the theme choices menu of KDE control center. Could someone tell me how?
Thank you very much. Marcia

Re: [newbie] Kmail - can receive, not send messages

2000-12-04 Thread Bill Fisher

Let me say at the start of this that the install was very very easy and I was up and
running right away and connected to internet and sending messages.

My only disappointment is with the failure of kmail, an apparently integral part of 

On Tue, 28 Nov 2000, you wrote:
 Bill Fisher wrote:
  Mandrake 7.0
  When I try to send mail using SMTP I get a message that it
  has been sent, yet it remains in the outbox on kmail, and
  I've verified the message has not been received. I think I
  had sent a few messages successfully.

Received  these replies from support:
- Kmail is corrupted (remove and reinstall it through rpmdrake in Drakconf as root)

I can't find kmail on rpmdrake/Drakconf (as root)

- Your mail entries are not correct.

Reviewed and reviewed:
  Set to SMTP
  correct setting for ISP
  port 25
  set to send now

Next was:
 "Configuration of Kmail is not included in our list of free support."

hmmm -  coul reinstall and try again. Hope I wrote down all those settings.

  I can receive messages in kmail.
  I have same server settings as in other operating systems.
  Any ideas? thanks, Bill
 Billin kmail under the 'Settings' drop-down-menu there is 
 a selection called 'Configuration'.  In the 'Network' section 
 under the 'Properties' tab in the 'Default send method' are 
 you set to 'Send Now' or to 'Send Later'?

Re: [newbie] Midi Module failure

2000-12-04 Thread Paul

On Mon, 4 Dec 2000, mcoady wrote:

DO you boot into graphics mode or into text mode?
For graphics, read 5 where it says 3 (textmode):

go (as root) to /etc/rc.d/rc3.d and do

grep midi *

There should be a file that is referencing the midi loading. You need to
set that file to not being loaded. There's a tool for that, but I don't
recall it's name...


For the longest time i get the following notice on boot up of my Mandrake 7.0:

insmod  /lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdk/misc/opl3.0 failed
loading midi module opl2 failed.

It mustn't be a critical part of my system as everything I need runs ok. But I was 
wondering what I might do so that the boot up sequence doesn't look for that module.

Any suggestion appreciated.

Michael Coady

We are Microsoft of Borg.
You will be assimilated.
Resistance is -

   Fatal exception error in MSBORG32.DLL - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.30

[newbie] Mandrake 7.2 on a Dell Laptop...

2000-12-04 Thread Peak Mail

I'm having several problems with Mandrake on my laptop.
I have a Xircom Cardbus Ethernet 100 + Modem card and since I've installed Mandrake 
7.2 I can't get an ip address when booting into Linux. I had Red Hat 6.2 and it worked 
fine then... Any thoughts?
Also, when shutting down Linux it's not unmounting my harddrive. Any thoughts on this 

Thanks in advance,

RE: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 ISO's not right size...

2000-12-04 Thread Helsby, James

Try running an md5 checksum on the iso image. Compare it to the md5 that is
listed where you downloaded the image. Most likely, you lost a few bits
during ftp-ing. Also, you might have downloaded it with ASCI, and not with
binary. This WILL cause the problem.


-Original Message-
From: Mark Weaver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 9:05 AM
To: Mandrake Newbie List
Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 ISO's not right size...

Hi LIst,
I was wondering about something. This morning when I attempted to burn a
few CD's with the Mandrake 7.2 ISO's that I downloaded over the weekend I
got a very strange error message back from the software. It told me that
the length of the file was not a multiple of the sectors on the CDROM. I'm
not sure what this means apart from maybe the file is the right size it's
supposed to be. Could someone shed some light on this for me?

I was using a Windows utility to do the CD's here at work. WE've done
other distros with this same utility before, so I know that it
works. RedHat 7.0, Mandrake 7.1...



/ * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
  * in order to get the rats up from below decks
  * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!


Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux

2000-12-04 Thread Goldenpi

If you thought that was fun just have a look at the folling files:


c:\io.sys(hexedit)-mess with error messages
c:\msdos.sys(asciiedit)-try adding logo=0 or bootgui=0
c:\windows\folder.htt(asciiedit)-the annoying message.

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, December 02, 2000 6:59 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux

 yeah I remember doing that, I edited the
 file that says "it is now safe to turn off your
 computer, so PUT ME BACK IN LINUX!"

 It was an image file so I just used an
 image editor and put in extra text hehe.

 I thought since the apps can tell the machine
 what to do, they can also be told to tell a
 decompiler or dis-assembler what to do,
 therefore producing the logical commands
 to be interpreted by the software into
 human-readable lines of code or at least into
 cpu instructions that can then be interpreted
 by some other software.

 On Sat, 02 Dec 2000, Goldenpi wrote:
  I haven't tried to decompile them but I have gone a long way with a hex
  Have a look at c:\io.sys with a hex editor. The windows core is in
  You can edit a lot of error messages or prompts. I made mine say
  windows 98" when it starts.
  - Original Message -
  Sent: Saturday, December 02, 2000 3:14 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux
   So you already tested it ??
   On Fri, 01 Dec 2000, goldenpi wrote:
m$ do not want you decompiling their apps. They have made sure you
not decompile their apps useing every anti-decompile trick they can.
They will not decompile.
Vic wrote:

 Sorry to butt in
 Is there a good reverse compiler to
 get some source code out of ms apps so I can
 make them run in Linux?
 I mean make a linux binary.

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 Locks up when installing.

2000-12-04 Thread Denis HAVLIK

Probably your WD drive. Compile a kernel for your machine using 7.0
install, dump it on floppy made with "blank.img", and you'll be fine.


On Mon, 4 Dec 2000, Bill wrote:

:~I've tried installing Linux Mandrake 7.2 twice now, and it seems to lock up 
:~everytime right after it detects my hard drives and cd-rom's.  It just sits 
:~there at a flashing prompt after detecting them.  I've even waited for 15 
:~minutes to see if it will continue.  7.0 will install fine.  I have an AMD 
:~Athlon 500 Mhz on an FIC SD-11 board.  2 western digital HD's 17Gb and 
:~30Gb, a 4x4x24 R/RW and a 10x DVD-Rom.  It does the same thing if I choose 
:~the lnx4win install.  Anyone know what might be happening and what I can 
:~try to get around it?

Dr. Denis Havlik
Mandrakesoft||| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Quality Assurance  (@ @)(private: [EMAIL PROTECTED])
The mailserver is on strike. It wants better working conditions,
paid days off and a female connector. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

RE: [newbie] Crystal 4235

2000-12-04 Thread Spoonman

If I'm not mistaken, CS423x is already supported. I have a Crystal 4232 and
it works fine.

--Original Message--
From: Jeff Dickman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Mandrake Newbie User List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: December 4, 2000 3:29:27 AM GMT
Subject: [newbie] Crystal 4235

Does anyone know when the subject sound card will be supported?  It's built
onto my motherboard.  I'd rather not have to install a second card for


+Ferris Saves+

Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux

2000-12-04 Thread Jozef Glonek

Dear WinHaters,

I cann't help it, but I feel the urge to adres me like that to you all (my
apologies for the few ones who are a bit more normal). I have followed this
'discussion' for a while, and I'm a bit dissapointed.
I always have been thinking of Linux-users as some pioneers. But as it
sounds here, at least in this discussion, that most of you are using Linux
because they hate to use M$.
I started with Linux since 2 months, trying to make it work on a simple
machine. For me it was a challenge make it working on a 'simple' old-fashion
486. My winbox (at which this mail has been made, cause my linbox isn't yet
on my network) is running now since more than 1 year without a single (yep
not ONE) crash. Although the box is very heavily charged, with both hardware
and programs (at least 10 are constantly turning).
Now I have a qeustion for you, which car are you driving? A new one or
almost new? Or do you have a car at which you have to do constantly some
tuning or repairs on it to make it drive. Do you keep using a car or start
using it when you knows it'll gona give you a hard head at least once in a
week? Do you fix it or will you go to a garage? Cause you don't have the
ability, does this make you knuckleheads or average Joe users who PAY for
making theirs cars run smootly most of the time.
Yes, all this has nothing to do in this mailing list, as none of the mails
regarding this subject. Keep the good thing up, making linux the best and
easy to use OS, and don't forget : up until now you are NOT the average
computer user.

With my best regards.

PS : I'll wait a few day's, hoping this useless discussion is gonna stop.
I'ts messing up my mail, so afterwards I'm gonna block this subject.


RE: [newbie] Crystal 4235

2000-12-04 Thread Dickman, Jeff

Is that in an emachine?  I have a 400i.

Any help would be appreciated...



-Original Message-
From: Spoonman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 12:58 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Crystal 4235

If I'm not mistaken, CS423x is already supported. I have a Crystal 4232 and
it works fine.

--Original Message--
From: Jeff Dickman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Mandrake Newbie User List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: December 4, 2000 3:29:27 AM GMT
Subject: [newbie] Crystal 4235

Does anyone know when the subject sound card will be supported?  It's built
onto my motherboard.  I'd rather not have to install a second card for


+Ferris Saves+

Fwd: Re: [newbie] Kmail - can receive, not send messages

2000-12-04 Thread Avi Nehori

--  Forwarded Message  --
Subject: Re: [newbie] Kmail - can receive, not send messages
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 21:08:16 -0800
From: Bill Fisher [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Let me say at the start of this that the install was very very easy and I was up and
running right away and connected to internet and sending messages.

My only disappointment is with the failure of kmail, an apparently integral part of 

On Tue, 28 Nov 2000, you wrote:
 Bill Fisher wrote:
  Mandrake 7.0
  When I try to send mail using SMTP I get a message that it
  has been sent, yet it remains in the outbox on kmail, and
  I've verified the message has not been received. I think I
  had sent a few messages successfully.

Received  these replies from support:
- Kmail is corrupted (remove and reinstall it through rpmdrake in Drakconf as root)

I can't find kmail on rpmdrake/Drakconf (as root)

- Your mail entries are not correct.

Reviewed and reviewed:
  Set to SMTP
  correct setting for ISP
  port 25
  set to send now

Next was:
 "Configuration of Kmail is not included in our list of free support."

hmmm -  coul reinstall and try again. Hope I wrote down all those settings.

  I can receive messages in kmail.
  I have same server settings as in other operating systems.
  Any ideas? thanks, Bill
 Billin kmail under the 'Settings' drop-down-menu there is 
 a selection called 'Configuration'.  In the 'Network' section 
 under the 'Properties' tab in the 'Default send method' are 
 you set to 'Send Now' or to 'Send Later'?
try rpmdrake and search package kdenetwork.

Avi Nehori

This cultural mystique surrounding the biological function -- you
realize humans are overly preoccupied with the subject.
-- Kelinda the Kelvan, "By Any Other Name", stardate 4658.9

RE:[newbie] Mandrake 7.2 on a Dell Laptop...

2000-12-04 Thread Dave Peat

Is it hanging on the floppy drive? I installed Mandrake 
on a DELL Laptop also and even though I never had the floppy drive in the 
machine it automagically mounted it during startup. Then it would hang 
trying to unmount it. If this is the case, edit the /etc/fstab and comment 
out the line that starts with /mnt/floppy...
Good luck!
Registered Linux User #184784 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/04/00 02:37PM I'm having several 
problems with Mandrake on my laptop.I have a Xircom Cardbus Ethernet 100 + 
Modem card and since I've installed Mandrake 7.2 I can't get an ip address when 
booting into Linux. I had Red Hat 6.2 and it worked fine then... Any 
thoughts?Also, when shutting down Linux it's not unmounting my harddrive. 
Any thoughts on this one?Thanks in 

[newbie] Mandrake 7.2 Locks up when installing.

2000-12-04 Thread Bill

I've tried installing Linux Mandrake 7.2 twice now, and it seems to lock up 
everytime right after it detects my hard drives and cd-rom's.  It just sits 
there at a flashing prompt after detecting them.  I've even waited for 15 
minutes to see if it will continue.  7.0 will install fine.  I have an AMD 
Athlon 500 Mhz on an FIC SD-11 board.  2 western digital HD's 17Gb and 
30Gb, a 4x4x24 R/RW and a 10x DVD-Rom.  It does the same thing if I choose 
the lnx4win install.  Anyone know what might be happening and what I can 
try to get around it?


Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux

2000-12-04 Thread Romanator

Strike that -it's a PC.

Romanator wrote:
 Mark Weaver wrote:
  what "is" a Pavilion? I've never heard of one of
  those. Laptop? desktop? what kind of sound card is in it? Mandrake 7.1 has
  a lot of support for a lot of hardware, and I'm told that 7.2 has even
  more. far as sound cards go RedHat has even better sound card
  support then does Mandrake. I came from RedHat to Mandrake. I cut my Linux
  teeth on RedHat, but then I saw Mandrake for the first time, (Mandrake
  7.02) I fell in love all over again.
  I had better printer support in RedHat till I got my Canon Bubblejet. And
  that was a little dicey but I'm stuborn and refused to let the
  "features" get the best of me. I tricked it into thinking the printer was
  something else other then a BJC6000. For a while anyway. The only programs
  I can't print from now are Pine and a few of the more generic text editors
  that I use. Printing from them though isn't really a necessity and if I
  need to print an email I just export it to Netscape Messenger which prints
  it just fine.
  / * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
* in order to get the rats up from below decks
* so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!
  On Sun, 3 Dec 2000 Rick Commo had this to say!
   And behind Mark's statement is an even more powerful truth, "if... you can
   install it and get it going".  Because a stable operating system that you
   can't easily install won't be accepted.  And I am in that league for example
   with my Pavilion 3625 - no sound.  Since I don't use it anyway, I've let it
   slide, but it is a case in point as are the many questions thrown into
   [newbie] and even [expert].
   -Original Message-
   From: . Mark Weaver
   Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2000 2:34 PM
   Cc: Mandrake Newbie List
   Subject: Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux
   You are right, of course, Linux is a paradise for coders and programmers,
   but beyond that truth is another, even bigger truth. That is that Linux is
   incredibly stable and powerful as a home PC platform as well as a
   dependable business workstation platform.
 Registered Linux User #179293

Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux

2000-12-04 Thread Romanator

Hello Jozef,

That is untrue. Man of the users still use some sort of application that
runs on Windows OS. It's just we hate to admit it or rather talk about
Linux OS or Linux related topics. Don't be discouraged. Yes, there have
been some very goofy going ons on the newsgroup. But, as on many
newsgroups, we have to break up the monotony with some joking. There are
many good people that spend many hours for the love it.
The great thing about Linux is that it makes you work harder on
isolating problems. It teaches you skills that you never thought you had
and it's fun. Personally, this is something that Windows lacks by
providing most things on a silver platter. 

Cheer up. All is not lost. We all help each other.

Registered Linux User #179293

Jozef Glonek wrote:
 Dear WinHaters,
 I cann't help it, but I feel the urge to adres me like that to you all (my
 apologies for the few ones who are a bit more normal). I have followed this
 'discussion' for a while, and I'm a bit dissapointed.
 I always have been thinking of Linux-users as some pioneers. But as it
 sounds here, at least in this discussion, that most of you are using Linux
 because they hate to use M$.
 I started with Linux since 2 months, trying to make it work on a simple
 machine. For me it was a challenge make it working on a 'simple' old-fashion
 486. My winbox (at which this mail has been made, cause my linbox isn't yet
 on my network) is running now since more than 1 year without a single (yep
 not ONE) crash. Although the box is very heavily charged, with both hardware
 and programs (at least 10 are constantly turning).
 Now I have a qeustion for you, which car are you driving? A new one or
 almost new? Or do you have a car at which you have to do constantly some
 tuning or repairs on it to make it drive. Do you keep using a car or start
 using it when you knows it'll gona give you a hard head at least once in a
 week? Do you fix it or will you go to a garage? Cause you don't have the
 ability, does this make you knuckleheads or average Joe users who PAY for
 making theirs cars run smootly most of the time.
 Yes, all this has nothing to do in this mailing list, as none of the mails
 regarding this subject. Keep the good thing up, making linux the best and
 easy to use OS, and don't forget : up until now you are NOT the average
 computer user.
 With my best regards.
 PS : I'll wait a few day's, hoping this useless discussion is gonna stop.
 I'ts messing up my mail, so afterwards I'm gonna block this subject.

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 Locks up when installing.

2000-12-04 Thread Carroll Grigsby

Could you expand on how you arrived at your conclusion? Is there a problem
with some or all WD drives and LM7.2? Does it extend to other hard drives? I
thought that they were all pretty much the same. While I don't have a WD
disk, I have been having problems getting a stable installation of LM7.2 on
my Fujitsu 15.3 drive -- gonna make another try tonight -- and I wonder if
I've missed something.

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 6:28 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 Locks up when installing.

 Probably your WD drive. Compile a kernel for your machine using 7.0
 install, dump it on floppy made with "blank.img", and you'll be fine.


 On Mon, 4 Dec 2000, Bill wrote:

 :~I've tried installing Linux Mandrake 7.2 twice now, and it seems to
lock up
 :~everytime right after it detects my hard drives and cd-rom's.  It just
 :~there at a flashing prompt after detecting them.  I've even waited for
 :~minutes to see if it will continue.  7.0 will install fine.  I have an
 :~Athlon 500 Mhz on an FIC SD-11 board.  2 western digital HD's 17Gb and
 :~30Gb, a 4x4x24 R/RW and a 10x DVD-Rom.  It does the same thing if I
 :~the lnx4win install.  Anyone know what might be happening and what I
 :~try to get around it?

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 on a Dell Laptop...

2000-12-04 Thread Romanator

Whoah Dave,

Can you increase your font size, we can't read your questions?


[newbie] Code Crusader Icon too large to add to kpanel

2000-12-04 Thread Romanator

Hi everybody,

I downloaded Code Crusader. However, I would like to reduce the icon.
It's too large.
Does any one know the correct proportions and how to edit it so that it
can be added to kpanel.
Which graphical program is best suited for this?

Oh yeah. Any positive comments about Code Crusader?


[newbie] RPM dependency

2000-12-04 Thread Don Mayhew

I purchased ver 7.2 from the Mandrake site along with the Extension
disk.  Install locks up on attempt to add files from the Extension
disk so I did not get the doc manual for Mandrake which shows up as
one  of the RPM files on it.

When I try to install that file via an  rpm -install  command, I get
an error saying I need file  "locales-de" .

The same error results if I try to rpm one of the "howto" files.

Where can I get  "locales-de"  ??


Don Mayhew

Re: [newbie] Tripwire ??

2000-12-04 Thread David Grubb

a google search returned

might be a good starting point

 Hi all I was wondering if anyone here uses tripwire and if so where can i
 get it and how hard is it to install.
thanks all .
 Get free email and a permanent address at 

Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux

2000-12-04 Thread Mark Weaver

abso-friggin-lutely!  ;)  I was just giving you a hard time for giving
your poor Penguin a headache! As I do myself when I'm being unkind to the
little guy. He treats me so good and sometimes I do
some,um...rather...shall we say...things that if I'd have thought about
then a little longer I probably wouldn't have done to begin with.


/ * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
  * in order to get the rats up from below decks
  * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!


On Mon, 4 Dec 2000 R. Edward McCain had this to say!

 On Mon, 04 Dec 2000, you wrote:
  And you point is? All you've managed to do is cause a few applications a
  mild headache and they refused to operate any further. You hadn't cause
  the actual OS to suffer any hardship. If you're really having that much
  trouble, then I would suggest one of two things is true.
 Hey, I wasn't griping (well, er, no, not really) just pointing out a fact.
 I don't even have windows (unless you count X) on my machine anymore - that 
 should tell you something right there.

RE: [newbie] gates gets Linux

2000-12-04 Thread Mark Weaver


I hear what you're saying, and to a small degree I ...well, sort of agree,
but only to a small point. Actually, my supervisor and I have this very
converstation at times. He's said, and still continues to say, a lot of
the same things that you're saying. I am of the feeling that if Linux, no
matter what flavor, were to become "more" new user friendly, or to put it
a better way, extreme novice user friendly, then it would no longer
"be" linux. It would be Microsoft...or very much like it and not much at
all like Linux.

I don't say that to portray an attitude of an elitest. Quite the contrary
as a matter of fact. I've watched over the years as windows has evolved
and changed and become more novice friendly, and when I use that term I'm
refering to folks that barely know what a mouse is let alone what it can
do. Anyway, I've watched as the Windows platform has changed over the
years and has grown more and more accomodating to anyone and everyone in
general and to some degree that "is" necessary, but in so doing I really
believe that they've sacrficed much of Windows strengths and stability for
ease of use for both user and third party vendor.

Linux does indeed take a fair amount of work to get started with the
system and even a little more to get to a point to where you, as the user
feel very confortable with the system. I remember when I first started. I
thought I was going to pull my hair out trying to figure out what to do
next. But I quickly saw something in Linux that I didn't find in windows
and that was a great deal of stability, power and flexibility as long as I
was willing to dance to the tune "it" was playing. I'm glad I stuck it out
cause it's been a great and wild ride. And it's STILL not over. Every time
I turn around I'm learning something new, or finding another program thats
on the system that I didn't know was there that does something real cool.


/ * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
  * in order to get the rats up from below decks
  * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!


On Mon, 4 Dec 2000 Abraham Pinzur had this to say!

 Mark -
 Admittedly, I don't know entirely what I'm doing yet. And more importantly,
 the platform itself is appreciably more robust than anything I've ever seen
 from MS. I'm not griping about the platform.
 Actually, I'm not griping about the applications, either. I salute all those
 whose efforts have made my experience thus far so effortless. My point is
 merely that there's more work to be done. A truly robust application will be
 able to handle any input (even 0 bees) gracefully.
 Is that not a fairly uncontroversial sentiment?
 - Av -
 Av Pinzur / Crisp Graphics
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mark Weaver
  Sent: Monday, 04 December, 2000 05:40
  To: [newbie] Linux-Mandrake
  Subject: RE: [newbie] gates gets Linux
  Av...what was so well stated about that. All that proves is that he's able
  to do embarrase himself in public and mutilate his Penguin. You know what
  I do with users like that at work? I sit them down and compell them to
  READ the user manual(s) for the apps that they're proving unable to get
  along with so that they stop causing such unnecessary trouble!
  / * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
* in order to get the rats up from below decks
* so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!
  On Mon, 4 Dec 2000 Abraham Pinzur had this to say!
   Well stated, Ed. I too appreciate the stable platform, but the apps are
   sometimes a different story. I installed Linux for the express
  purpose of
   getting more experience on the nitty-gritty  end of things... =)
   - Av -
   Av Pinzur / Crisp Graphics
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of R. Edward McCain
Sent: Sunday, 03 December, 2000 22:27
Subject: Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux
On Sun, 03 Dec 2000, you wrote:
 You are right, of course, Linux is a paradise for coders and
 but beyond that truth is another, even bigger truth. That is
that Linux is
 incredibly stable and powerful as a home PC platform as well as a
 dependable business workstation platform
Er, I've managed to crash the entire platform twice and wreak havoc on
numerous apps just by playing around in my account (NOT as root)
kde control center
look and feel
move the 'number of bees' slider to 0
this causes the application to 'crash'
Others are less 

[newbie] Thank you, Rog.

2000-12-04 Thread R Edward McCain

Rog, thank you ever so much.
I finally managed to get both my cd burner and cd-r to work with this tip.
You have my eternal gratitude.


 Before you try that, do what they say to do here:

 I don't know if it works (it should for both cdroms), but if you're going
 to reinstall anyways, what could it hurt?


 Registered Linux user #190719



R. Edward McCain
icq: 599146
Registered Linux User #196613

Re: [newbie] Thank you, Rog.

2000-12-04 Thread Roger Sherman

On Mon, 4 Dec 2000, R Edward McCain wrote:

 Rog, thank you ever so much.
 I finally managed to get both my cd burner and cd-r to work with this tip.
 You have my eternal gratitude.

No problem, man! See Mark, and you thought it was gonna torch the guy,
just cause I trashed my system by typing in the commands wrong! LOL...

  Before you try that, do what they say to do here:
  I don't know if it works (it should for both cdroms), but if you're going
  to reinstall anyways, what could it hurt?
  Registered Linux user #190719



Registered Linux user #190719

RE: [newbie] gates gets Linux

2000-12-04 Thread Mark Weaver

Ummm...Netscape 6 sucks because AOL can't program to save their lives, and
a hacker IS a programmer. If you're refering to the "script kiddies" that
have way too much time on their hands and no proper motivation to properly
direct and use their God given talents for something other than to
jerk around making a mess and headache for others never amounting to
nothing more than crimanals...well, there ya went and got me

Let me properly define a few things for you.

Hacker = programmer - someone who writes, developes, or otherwise
engineers software for computers either for money or just for the plain
love of creating something from nothing and allowing others to enjoy and
benifit from his/her efforts.

Cracker = script-kiddie - general, all arouind pain in the ass that should
have their heads handed to them in a bucket cause it's painfully apparent
that they have no intention of doing anything constructive or useful with
their talents in the near future except to get on everyone elses nerves
and generally cause a lot of fuss and trouble!

Frankly, Netscape 6 is a terrible embarrassment for me as I've been a
devoted Netscape user since 1995 when I got my first computer. Since AOL
has taken over that ship it has been steadily sinking and fully expect
that company to go belly-up before too long. they're ruining the program
with their garbage and junk that they've been pedaling to the masses in
their AOL software.



/ * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
  * in order to get the rats up from below decks
  * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!


On Mon, 4 Dec 2000 Mark Johnson had this to say!

 I think a lot of times we use apps and OS interchangeably.  While the the
 Linux OS is very stable and robust, there are many Linux programs that are
 not (Netscape 6 for example).  This has nothing to do with the OS but rather
 with how robust the code is which is solely the programmer's task.  And this
 speaks to the point of view of who cares about the OS if the apps running on
 it aren't usable.  Linux programmers tend to be more hackers than
 "programmers".  I've noticed that most linux apps do a lot less error
 checking and are a lot more rough around the corner's, but this is
 understandable since a lot of the programs are created during the
 programmer's free time.  Also, you can always download the code and fix it
 -Original Message-
 From: Abraham Pinzur [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 7:56 AM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] gates gets Linux
 Mark -
 Admittedly, I don't know entirely what I'm doing yet. And more importantly,
 the platform itself is appreciably more robust than anything I've ever seen
 from MS. I'm not griping about the platform.
 Actually, I'm not griping about the applications, either. I salute all those
 whose efforts have made my experience thus far so effortless. My point is
 merely that there's more work to be done. A truly robust application will be
 able to handle any input (even 0 bees) gracefully.
 Is that not a fairly uncontroversial sentiment?
 - Av -
 Av Pinzur / Crisp Graphics
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mark Weaver
  Sent: Monday, 04 December, 2000 05:40
  To: [newbie] Linux-Mandrake
  Subject: RE: [newbie] gates gets Linux
  Av...what was so well stated about that. All that proves is that he's able
  to do embarrase himself in public and mutilate his Penguin. You know what
  I do with users like that at work? I sit them down and compell them to
  READ the user manual(s) for the apps that they're proving unable to get
  along with so that they stop causing such unnecessary trouble!
  / * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
* in order to get the rats up from below decks
* so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!
  On Mon, 4 Dec 2000 Abraham Pinzur had this to say!
   Well stated, Ed. I too appreciate the stable platform, but the apps are
   sometimes a different story. I installed Linux for the express
  purpose of
   getting more experience on the nitty-gritty  end of things... =)
   - Av -
   Av Pinzur / Crisp Graphics
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of R. Edward McCain
Sent: Sunday, 03 December, 2000 22:27
Subject: Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux
On Sun, 03 Dec 2000, you wrote:
 You are right, of course, Linux is a paradise for coders and
 but beyond that truth is another, even 

[newbie] goldwave equivalents

2000-12-04 Thread phuqwit

Does anyone know of a Linux equivalent sound processing/recording program to 
Goldwave (for windoze)?  I would greatly appreciate any input, seeing as how 
it is te only app i have yet to find a comparable alternative for.
Sometimes, I just don't know anymore.

Re: [newbie] how do i get off this mailling list

2000-12-04 Thread Roger Sherman

On Mon, 4 Dec 2000, Jay wrote:

 Roger Sherman wrote:
  On Sun, 3 Dec 2000, Jeff Dickman wrote:
   Which sounds vaguely like "how to become a registered linux user"  :-)
  Good composers borrow; great composers steal! ;-)

 Without sounding too harsh...What the hell is a registered Linux User

A linux user who is registered.

 And does anybody really care about that?

If one had taste and class, perhaps... 



Registered Linux user #190719

Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux

2000-12-04 Thread Mark Weaver

A/S/L ???

Um...Can you interpret that for me?


/ * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
  * in order to get the rats up from below decks
  * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!


On Mon, 4 Dec 2000 R. Edward McCain had this to say!

 On Mon, 04 Dec 2000, you wrote:
  yes...Edward...we heard what you said in the first version of this
  message. all this second message does is further convince us that you
  should be horse whipped for mistreating your Penguin. Penguin abuse is a
  very serious offense.
  The penalty for which is VERY unpleasant.
 Horse whipped? 
 *interest piqued*
 er, care to send me your A/S/L and median income?

Re: [newbie] RPM dependency

2000-12-04 Thread Roger Sherman

On Mon, 4 Dec 2000, Don Mayhew wrote:

 I purchased ver 7.2 from the Mandrake site along with the Extension
 disk.  Install locks up on attempt to add files from the Extension
 disk so I did not get the doc manual for Mandrake which shows up as
 one  of the RPM files on it.
 When I try to install that file via an  rpm -install  command, I get
 an error saying I need file  "locales-de" .
 The same error results if I try to rpm one of the "howto" files.
 Where can I get  "locales-de"  ??

Try ... just type in locales-de into the search engine, it
should hook you up...




Registered Linux user #190719

[newbie] Creative SB16 PCI

2000-12-04 Thread Sevatio Octavio

How is the PCI version of Creative's SB16?  Is it quick to setup with the 
bundled drivers?


RE: [newbie] gates gets Linux

2000-12-04 Thread Roger Sherman

On Mon, 4 Dec 2000, Mark Weaver wrote:

 Cracker = script-kiddie - general, all arouind pain in the ass that should
 have their heads handed to them in a bucket cause it's painfully apparent
 that they have no intention of doing anything constructive or useful with
 their talents in the near future except to get on everyone elses nerves
 and generally cause a lot of fuss and trouble!

But Mark, how would they hold the bucket? ;-)



Registered Linux user #190719

Re: [newbie] Tripwire ??

2000-12-04 Thread John Rye

ed wrote:
 Hi all I was wondering if anyone here uses tripwire and if so where can i
 get it and how hard is it to install.
thanks all .

ICQ#: 89345394  Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
(The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)

Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux

2000-12-04 Thread R Edward McCain

On Mon, 04 Dec 2000, you wrote:
 A/S/L ???

 Um...Can you interpret that for me?

heh, sorry, old AOL term that you see on IRC all the time. Stands for Age 
/Sex /Location.  Thought you might be familiar witht he term and thus enjoy 
the joke a bit more.


R. Edward McCain
icq: 599146
Registered Linux User #196613

Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux

2000-12-04 Thread Mark Weaver

Well said Jozef! Well said!

Actually, I don't hate Windows, I just HATE the bad habits that have
become part and parcel of the entire windows experience.


/ * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
  * in order to get the rats up from below decks
  * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!


On Mon, 4 Dec 2000 Jozef Glonek had this to say!

 Dear WinHaters,
 I cann't help it, but I feel the urge to adres me like that to you all (my
 apologies for the few ones who are a bit more normal). I have followed this
 'discussion' for a while, and I'm a bit dissapointed.
 I always have been thinking of Linux-users as some pioneers. But as it
 sounds here, at least in this discussion, that most of you are using Linux
 because they hate to use M$.
 I started with Linux since 2 months, trying to make it work on a simple
 machine. For me it was a challenge make it working on a 'simple' old-fashion
 486. My winbox (at which this mail has been made, cause my linbox isn't yet
 on my network) is running now since more than 1 year without a single (yep
 not ONE) crash. Although the box is very heavily charged, with both hardware
 and programs (at least 10 are constantly turning).
 Now I have a qeustion for you, which car are you driving? A new one or
 almost new? Or do you have a car at which you have to do constantly some
 tuning or repairs on it to make it drive. Do you keep using a car or start
 using it when you knows it'll gona give you a hard head at least once in a
 week? Do you fix it or will you go to a garage? Cause you don't have the
 ability, does this make you knuckleheads or average Joe users who PAY for
 making theirs cars run smootly most of the time.
 Yes, all this has nothing to do in this mailing list, as none of the mails
 regarding this subject. Keep the good thing up, making linux the best and
 easy to use OS, and don't forget : up until now you are NOT the average
 computer user.
 With my best regards.
 PS : I'll wait a few day's, hoping this useless discussion is gonna stop.
 I'ts messing up my mail, so afterwards I'm gonna block this subject.

Re: [newbie] Tripwire ??

2000-12-04 Thread Daniel J. Ferris

Tripwire is a program that uses cryptographic checksums (like md5,
crc32, and SHA1) to perform accounting on the filesystem.  

Tripwire is generally used to make sure that a program like login, or
ps, or netstat isn't substituted for a version that is trojaned,
because the MD5 sums on the trojaned version will be different than
the MD5 sums on the original program.  Coincidently, this is why Linux
distributors like Red Hat and Mandrake ALWAYS print MD5 sums for their
ISO images avaliable to download.

There is also a GPLed replacement for Tripwire, but I don't remember
the name of it off hand.  Somebody else may know.

Tripwire was semi-difficult for me to install the first time.  It has
a very strange looking configuration file.  There is a manual that
comes with it.  I suggest downloading it and printing it out.  It is
in PDF format.  

If you check out Tripwire and decide that it is to hard for you, you
can do a poor mans version with find and md5sum...

find / -name -print | md5sum  md5sums.

this will print out md5sums for every file on your disk.  Tweak to
your hearts content. :-)  I would exclude log files, spool
directories, and configuration files that you change frequently. 

The Mandrake security scripts attempt to do some of this by
calculating the MD5 sums for SUID and SGID files on your system every


Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 what is tripwire? I've heard that name before somewhere.
 / * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
   * in order to get the rats up from below decks
   * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!
 On 4 Dec 2000 ed had this to say!
  Hi all I was wondering if anyone here uses tripwire and if so
where can i
  get it and how hard is it to install.
 thanks all .

  Get free email and a permanent address at

We are Microsoft of Borg
You will be assimilated
resistance is-
 Invalid Page Fault in module msborg32.dll

Re: RE: [newbie] gates gets Linux

2000-12-04 Thread David Grubb

I am of the feeling that if Linux, no
matter what flavor, were to become "more" new user friendly, or to put it
a better way, extreme novice user friendly, then it would no longer
"be" linux. It would be Microsoft...or very much like it and not much at
all like Linux.

I can understand what you are saying here, that the face of Linux will change and it 
will no longer be recognised as the free OS it is now. I disagree as I don't 
understand how simplifying the installation and use of Linux for basic home users will 
dramatically alter the foundations of the Linux OS. 

As mentioned previously by others on the list, Windows is a very easy to use OS - 
partly the reason why it is so popular with the masses (that and most computer 
retailers won't provide a system with anything but) - but instability issues are 
rooted in poor development processes - not useability features.

MS's goal is to make sh*tloads more money than anyone, and rush out platforms with the 
"ehhh, that's good enough, we'll come back later and do some patches" attitude.

I don't see Linux being as susceptible to such practices, nothing has to be rushed to 
meet a deadline, and plenty of damn fine software has come out of it.

There's no justifiable reason why Linux can't be more novice-friendly. There's also no 
reason it should be either, but it cannot be treated as a serious contender in the 
home PC market if it isn't easily accessible by the general public.

Just another 2c worth (have I got enough to buy the car yet?)

PS - I know many people may disagree with my comments, and discussion is expected, but 
hey, Linux isn't about conformity, it's about freedom...

Re: [newbie] goldwave equivalents

2000-12-04 Thread bob

phuqwit wrote:
 Does anyone know of a Linux equivalent sound processing/recording program to
 Goldwave (for windoze)?  I would greatly appreciate any input, seeing as how
 it is te only app i have yet to find a comparable alternative for.
 Sometimes, I just don't know anymore.

Studio works well in combo with kwave on my Mandrake 7.1

[newbie] Help - USB Printer - Urgent

2000-12-04 Thread Ashley Moore

I've connected my Epson Stylus 740 using USB to my LM7.2 m/c
How do I go about accessing it. (what device do I use?) I used the same
printer sucessfully thru lpd (parallel port) on LM 7.1 After upgrading I
want to give the USB support a shot. I'm totally blank on the subject. Any
pointers on where to start would be appreciated.


Please note the following points:

* This message and any attachments thereto may contain
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  for the sole use of the addressee(s).  Total or partial
  reproduction, communication, distribution or use of this
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* If you have received this message in error, please notify
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* This message and any attachments have been scanned by
  Batelco for malicious code on best efforts basis for your

Thank you for your cooperation.

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 Locks up when installing.

2000-12-04 Thread Mr S Ganesan

I also tried to load MKL7.2 on a Fujitsu HDD of 4.3 GB using a boot
floppy made for that purpose. After initially searching for my CDROM
drive it said that no hard disk is found on the system. 
I tried with many utilities to detect the hard disk and none of them
could detect it. A similar problem with Seagate Drive was solved
easily. I think there are problems with the Fujitsu Drives afterall. I
have lost that 4.3 drive and am intending to buy  a sea gate hdd of 18
GB capacity.On Mon, 4 Dec 2000, Carroll Grigsby wrote:

 Could you expand on how you arrived at your conclusion? Is there a problem
 with some or all WD drives and LM7.2? Does it extend to other hard drives? I
 thought that they were all pretty much the same. While I don't have a WD
 disk, I have been having problems getting a stable installation of LM7.2 on
 my Fujitsu 15.3 drive -- gonna make another try tonight -- and I wonder if
 I've missed something.
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 6:28 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 Locks up when installing.
  Probably your WD drive. Compile a kernel for your machine using 7.0
  install, dump it on floppy made with "blank.img", and you'll be fine.
  On Mon, 4 Dec 2000, Bill wrote:
  :~I've tried installing Linux Mandrake 7.2 twice now, and it seems to
 lock up
  :~everytime right after it detects my hard drives and cd-rom's.  It just
  :~there at a flashing prompt after detecting them.  I've even waited for
  :~minutes to see if it will continue.  7.0 will install fine.  I have an
  :~Athlon 500 Mhz on an FIC SD-11 board.  2 western digital HD's 17Gb and
  :~30Gb, a 4x4x24 R/RW and a 10x DVD-Rom.  It does the same thing if I
  :~the lnx4win install.  Anyone know what might be happening and what I
  :~try to get around it?

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Re: [newbie] how do i get off this mailling list

2000-12-04 Thread R Edward McCain

On Mon, 04 Dec 2000, you wrote:

 your boyfriends / girlfriends phone number and address
 and a JPG image of that person.

Not too picky, are ya? *grin*


R. Edward McCain
icq: 599146
Registered Linux User #196613

[newbie] At last my Pavilion sound is working!

2000-12-04 Thread rick

Special thanks to Mark Weaver and sSpoonman ([EMAIL PROTECTED])!

Some history first.  I have never gotten the sound to work on my son's HP
Pavilion 3265.   Both the installation procecure and sounddrake failed to
detect the on-board audio.  A few months ago I put my son's original Win98 HD
back in ran the control panel system applet.  Scribbled a few notes about the
sound "card" and yanked it back out.  Never did much after that - just got busy
and then lost the paper with the info.  

Mark and I had a brief e-mail exchange relative to the "gates gets Linux"
thread and sound on the Pavilion came up. He felt it might have been an
interrupt conflict.  I figured I would check it out, maybe after Christmas.

But after coming home tonight and checking my mail there was entry in
[newbie] from Spoonman with subject = "RE: [newbie] Crystal 4235."  Bingo!  The
nickel dropped as I was pretty sure that had been the name of the sound chip in
the Pavilion.

So *made* the time to tear the system apart and put the WIn98 HD back in.  Sure
enough the sound system was "Crystal PnP Audio".  H  not "4235" or some
other number.  But I took a flashlight and magnifying glass and checked out the
chips.  One was labeled "Cyrstal CX4237-X03".  Close enough for me.

This time I took down *all* the information in the WIn98 Control System applet
through.  Then yanked the WIn98 drive and put back the Mandrake 7.1 HD. 

Logged on as root and ran soundrake.  It couldn't see anything bit I hit the OK
button and it came up and gave me a list.  Under Crystal there was 4232 and
4236.  Hmmm, what the heck, 4236 is close enough to 4237.  Selected that and
got a dialog box.  made changes to the DMA channel.

Hit the test button - nada.  Doh!! No speakers.  Yanked an old pair of LabTec
MCS-600s from the junk box and plugged them in.  Hit the test button again -
this time something muffled that sounded like speech.  Cranked up the volume
and tried again - it *was* speech albeit pretty muffled.  

Said "close enough" and hit the OK button.  Put in a CD and am listening to the
Bach Brandenbergs on a Synthesizer!  Ahhh... life is good.

This has been a long post but maybe it will help someone else since my
technique certainly wasn't "deep."

Cheers and thanks again Mark and Spoonman!

RE: RE: [newbie] gates gets Linux

2000-12-04 Thread Rick Commo

-Original Message-
From: David Grubb
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 8:02 PM
Subject: Re: RE: [newbie] gates gets Linux

I can understand what you are saying here, that the face of Linux will
change and it will no longer be recognised as the free OS it is now. I
disagree as I don't understand how simplifying the installation and use of
Linux for basic home users will dramatically alter the foundations of the
Linux OS.


I agree with you completely.  The proper attitude is that making Linux
extremely easy will not (should not!!) SUBTRACT from what is here today!  If
you enjoy config files and mucking around with parameters - that will all
still be there.  If you enjoyed CLI work with the shell of your choice -
that will still be there.  But for the majority of people who are not
interested in the "guts" the ease-of-use would be there.  Add the "layman
apps" that the non-enthusiast might be interested in and suddenly Linux
could start to be a real alternative in the consumer market.  That would
help the consumer and Linux.

And... that may be happening with companies like Dell/Compaq/IBM shipping
Linux pre-installed.  Yes, it's probably mostly servers but that's a start
and more than has been there.  Think of what would happen if these hardware
suppliers start offering consumer packages.  My crystal ball is no clearer
than anyone else's in this department, but it shouldn't take much
imagination to consider the possibilities.


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