Re: [newbie-it] Mailreader + gpg

2001-07-27 Thread Fabio Coatti

Il 22:47, giovedì 26 luglio 2001, scrivesti:
 On Thursday 26 July 2001 18:43, you wrote:
  On Wed, 25 Jul 2001 01:22:58 +0200
  Mr_Brain [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Il 05:58, mercoledì 25 luglio 2001, hai scritto:
Se non ti serve l'interfaccia grafica allora mutt.

 A me piacerebbe tantissimo usare Mutt.
 Ma non riesco a farlo andare.
 Premo m per mandare un messaggio.
 scrivo l'indirizzo (a proposito non c'è una rubrica?)
 scrivo l'oggetto.
 Premo Enter e mi dice aborting unmodified message.
 Che cavolo vuol dire???

Ad occhio non trova l'editor. Mutt non ha un editor interno, usa quello 
che gli dici tu, altrimenti prova ad usare vi.

Per configurare l'editor, devi mettere nel file
.muttrc che dovresti trovare nella tua home una riga del tipo
set editor=vim

( al posto di vim metti joe, pico, emacs, quello che ti pare, dopo 
esserti assicurato che sia installato)

Fabio Coatti 
Ferrara Linux Users Group
GnuPG fp:9765 A5B6 6843 17BC A646  BE8C FA56 373A 5374 C703
Old SysOps never die... they simply forget their password.

[newbie-it] Files Corel Draw

2001-07-27 Thread Alberto Zanoni

vorrei sapere se ci sia un'utiliity per poter gestire i files prodotti da 
Corel Draw (*.cdr).

Grazie anticipate,

Re: [newbie-it] informazione

2001-07-27 Thread Cristian Taraddei

Uso il VI o l'editor di MC, capisco che sono utili, ma noi sviluppiamo su
quella macchina procedure per la telecom, e scriviiamo file in
continuazione!!! :)

Grazie per l'aiuto.

- Original Message -
From: Fabio Coatti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 12:49 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] informazione

Il 12:20, venerdì 27 luglio 2001, scrivesti:
 Qualcuno gentilmente saprebbe come non far crare i file con la ~ dopo
 averli aperti con un editor?

Dipende dall'editor. Ad esempio se usi joe credo ci sia l'opzione

Che editor usi? Di solito ce ne sono almeno una decina a disposizione

Comunque tieni presente che tali files possono essere utili :-)

Fabio Coatti
Ferrara Linux Users Group
GnuPG fp:9765 A5B6 6843 17BC A646  BE8C FA56 373A 5374 C703
Old SysOps never die... they simply forget their password.

R: [newbie-it] non riesco a leggere i cd

2001-07-27 Thread kokkix

- Original Message -
  Ciao a tutti, avrei un problemino: ho installato mdk 8 senza problemi,
  sul desktop non avevo le icone dei cdrom; ho aggiunto un icona cdrom col
  tasto destro del mouse (aggiungi disp. cdrom), ma quando provo ad
  ad esso, mi comunica che impossibile accedere alla directory. Ho provato
  anche da root, ma è successo lo stesso. Ciao a tutti e grazie a chi mi

 Forse è una questione di permessi. Oppure c'è qualcosa che non va nel file
 fstab  ( /etc/fstab ). Prova a postare il contenuto del file in questione
 proviamo a darti una mano (se ci riusciamo :-))

/dev/hda5 / ext2 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/dev/hda7 /home ext2 defaults 1 2
/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
/mnt/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom2 0 0
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat
user,exec,umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda6 swap swap defaults 0 0

preciso che invece il floppy lo legge tranquillamente, e sul desktop l'icona
appare come cd già montato

ciao a tutti e grazie!!

[newbie-it] Re: [newbie-it] Secondo voi si può fare?

2001-07-27 Thread Luca Branca

Il problema rimane dove scaricare i vecchi sistemi operativi considerati

Sto cmq facendo delle prove (avendo 2 di questi notebook): su uno metterò (o
proverò a mettere appena finisco di scaricarla) RH 5.2 come suggeritomi,
provando a far partire un X molto leggero e guardando i risultati; a tutto
questo affiancherò LaTex. Sul secondo win 3.11 e dos 5 (che differenza c'e'
con il DR-DOS?) e cercherò di trovare qualche editor compatibile leggero.
Dopodichè vedrò i risultati :-)

Rimane il fatto che il problema fondamente è trovare dove scaricare i SO, se
qualcuno può aiutarmi a dirmi dove trovarli e dove trovae anche sw opportuno
mi farebbe un piacere.

Thx, Luko

- Original Message -
From: Antonio Bonifati [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 12:46 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Secondo voi si può fare?

 io ho mulinux sul mio 486DX2 con soli 8MB. In modo testo funziona bene,
 ma la X di mulinux, pure molto leggera, richiederebbe più memoria; inoltre
 non c'è un prg. di elaborazione testi grafico, perciò dovresti
compilaterlo tu
 uno leggero, magari su un'altra macchina, perché il gcc di mulinux non
 compila tutto.

 Secondo me l'unica cosa, con così poca memoria, è utilizzarlo per scrivere
 testi in ascii con vi e simili, oppure imparare *roff, tex o latex e
 rinunciare quindi alla composizione WYSIWYG. In questo caso mulinux può
 esserti utile:

 il tex addon contiene lyx che genera latex, un formato standard, però
 non credo che ti giri in modo praticabile con soli 8 MB.

 Altrimenti, installaci un DOS, come DR-DOS, e mettici qualche vecchio
 programma di word-processing grafico per DOS, che magari esporta in un
 formato leggibile anche dai nuovi programmi.


Re: R: [newbie-it] non riesco a leggere i cd

2001-07-27 Thread Sandro

Il 11:57, venerdì 27 luglio 2001, hai scritto:

 /dev/hda5 / ext2 defaults 1 1
 none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
 /dev/hda7 /home ext2 defaults 1 2
 /mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
 /mnt/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom2 0 0
 /mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0
 /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat
 user,exec,umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
 none /proc proc defaults 0 0
 /dev/hda6 swap swap defaults 0 0

 preciso che invece il floppy lo legge tranquillamente, e sul desktop
 l'icona appare come cd già montato

 ciao a tutti e grazie!!

Il file è corretto. Penso che sia una questione di permessi.
Una domanda: da root riesci ad accedere ai dispositivi?
Se la risposta è si allora devi settare i permessi per i dispositivi anche 
agli altri utenti non root.
Sia i device che sono dentro /dev  sia alle directory di montaggio che sono 
dentro /mnt.
Controlla questi permessi e cambiali se non ci sono.
Fammi sapere.

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini
Linux Mandrake 8.0
Linux User: 203143
Linux Machine: 103048

Re: [newbie-it] non riesco a leggere i cd

2001-07-27 Thread Stefano Salari

 --- kokkix [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: 
 Ciao a tutti, avrei un problemino: ho installato mdk
 8 senza problemi, ma sul desktop non avevo le icone
 dei cdrom; ho aggiunto un icona cdrom col tasto
 destro del mouse (aggiungi disp. cdrom), ma quando
 provo ad accedere ad esso, mi comunica che
 impossibile accedere alla directory. Ho provato
 anche da root, ma è successo lo stesso.
 Ciao a tutti e grazie a chi mi risponderà.
Mi viene in mente una cosa banale, ma hai fatto il
mount del cdrom prima di accedervi?

Ciao. Steo.

Do You Yahoo!?
Il tuo indirizzo gratis e per sempre su

Re: [newbie] test box took 5.75 hours to load mandrake..

2001-07-27 Thread Robert MacLean

I had the same problem with my 52x CDRom

I replaced the CDRom and it loaded in 40minutes.

The CDRom appeared to be very very very slightly off track, and that
caused the problem,

Robert MacLean

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 9:52 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] test box took 5.75 hours to load mandrake..

 Those same CD's have loaded very quickly on other box's,, so I am
 assuming its probably the cdrom that made it so slow..

 oh well..

 its loaded and running now anyways..



 -Original Message-
 Sent: Friday, 27 July 2001 3:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] test box took 5.75 hours to load mandrake..

 X-RebelTech Is Here:
 MIME-Version: 1.0
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

 where did your cd come from?
 was it downloaded and then burnt from a winblows box?
 in the past i have had things like that happen when i got a cd that
 written using packet writing (ie: direct cd). a lot of older cdroms
 like packet technology and will either barf right away or slug away
at it
 read the disc _really slow_

 just a thought anyways.

 On Thursday 26 July 2001 16:29, you wrote:
  It was Fri, 27 Jul 2001 01:12:27 +0800 when Franki wrote:
  Hi Frank.
  That amount of time is definitely NOT normal. On my old P/II-400
  took about 45 minutes. On a 200mhz it will take some longer but
never 6
  hours. Perhaps someone else can shed light on the problem though.
  I just did an install on a test box I have here,, the box details
  CPU: Pentium Pro 200,
  RAM: 64mb EDO.
  MB:  FX Chipset.
  Harddisks:  4.3 gig Maxtor, and 1.03 gig Seagate.
  CDROM: 24speed IDE Sony.
  Video: S3 Virge 2mb.
  I did a total install of Mandrake 7.2, and it just finished
  it took nearly 6 hours.
  is that normal??
  The universe is ruled by letting things take their course.
  It cannot be ruled by interfering.
  -Chinese proverb - Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.1
  ** - when you care **

Re: [newbie] newbie and hardware questions

2001-07-27 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Fri, 27 Jul 2001 05:37, George Baker wrote:
 Content-Length: 759
 Status: R
 X-Status: N

 Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
  On Wed, 25 Jul 2001 16:53, Robert MacLean wrote:
   Good Morning Bunnies ;)
   My next one is also hardware. I have a Genius Netscroll Optical mouse.
   But for some reason I can't select it, when I tried it during install
   it stuffed the mouse up. So I choose std mouse. Any way to fix this? I
   miss my mouse wheel :(
  Run mousedrake as root.
  Sridhar Dhanapalan.
  There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
  LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
  -- Jeremy S. Anderson

 I'm using LM 7 and I notice it only has Genius Netscroll on PS2. I have
 a serial
 Netscroll mouse - any ideas how I can set it up?
 George Baker
 South Africa

I'm not sure if you can. Mandrake 7.0 is _very_ old (it was released in 
January 2000), and MandrakeSoft don't even support it anymore. It may be 
better if you upgrade to 8.0.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] write permissions in gui.

2001-07-27 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Thu, 26 Jul 2001 19:40, John Rigby wrote:
 Hi Sridhar,
 This was specific to the fix from you re ONE of my problems.
 A lot of data to copy from an Email message into a black screen.
 (*x commands are not intuitive!  :-) )

You mean it isn't intuitive for a Windos user? Then you are correct. For 
people who have been using *nix for a while this can be very intuitive. 
Remember, this is _not_ Windos.

 As you know, I am trying to compose - eventually, a simplified
 startup and gotcha  list for both New Newbies and ex-Doze Newbies
 and am rapidly coming to the conclusion that there won't be much

First time computer users can generally learn an OS like GNU/Linux much 
faster than a Windos user, since they don't expect everything to be like 

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I taught myself MS-DOS when I was three 
years old. Since I had no previous conceptions on what an OS should be like, 
I learned rather easily. I then took things in steps, learning Windos 3.1, 
OS/2 Warp 3 and then Win9x with little trouble. When I tried MacOS, a very 
user-friendly OS, I couldn't understand it, simply because it wasn't anything 
like what I had tried before. The same thing initially happened with 
GNU/Linux (in 1999). However, I kept an open mind, and now I find that I 
can't understand the logic (if there is any) in Windos, my previous OS of 

 The question was really aimed at doing the job simply as per the
 expectations of a Doze user and/or the reasonable expectations of a
 New User and that always will mean GUI, I'm afraid.

When it comes to troubleshooting problems, often you will _have_ to use the 
command line. In Windos, if something goes wrong, the user has no way of 
finding out what it is. This is because things are 100% graphical. As a 
result, often the solution is to reinstall, and even this can't fix 

 So that's what I meant.  I knew cutnpaste wouldn't work.  I was
 looking for a reasonable way via GUI.

When you select text with the mouse in GNU/Linux (either in the console or in 
X), its contents are automatically placed in a clipboard. To paste, just aim 
and middle-click. The Windos ctrl-x, ctrl-c and ctrl-v will also work in many 

 So many critical jobs do require Su and I was looking for a simple
 way to do that on the front end for a situation like this.

kdesu is a graphical version of su. You can even make desktop icons ask for 
the root password in a graphical dialogue box before they run their app. Its 
syntax is simple:

  $ kdesu -c command

More information can be found in your KDE documentation (if searching doesn't 
work, install the htdig package) or by typing man kdesu in a terminal. Also 
have a look at sudo, which can give root access without a password for a 
limited amount of time.

 Further example: Xemacs.
 Unknown on my machine  ( run command has no idea)

You obviously don't have every app known to humanity installed on your 
system. You will need to install Xemacs if you want to use it (it is on one 
of your Mandrake CDs). There are many other editors out there you can try -- 
some graphical, some console-based. In KDE, Kedit and Kwrite (Advanced 
Editor) are good. In GNOME, Gedit and GXedit are good as well.

 On Wed, 25 Jul 2001 21:15, you manipulated electrons to produce:
  On Wed, 25 Jul 2001 19:32, John Rigby wrote:
   Hi folks,
   With MY memory I NEED cutnpaste.
   Can't do it on Emacs.
  What are you copying from? X has a clipboard, but it cannot share
  it with apps loaded at the console (i.e. not just in a terminal
  window). Have you tried Xemacs?
   In M8 GUI how do we assign root/su permissions to a file like
   Esp. on a temp basis?
  If you mean /etc/modules.conf then it should already be owned by

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] NOW: philosophy of the Newby book

2001-07-27 Thread John Rigby

Hi Tiny,

On Thu, 26 Jul 2001 07:02, you manipulated electrons to produce:

 IMHO: you are spot-on with the intent and benevolence of your

 I have had to learn most of what I know from doccumentation,
 beginner to [self-described ;] expert... LOL

 I would love to help you in any way I can. As nearly a new
 immigrant to the Linux world, I have not yet been spoiled
 by intuitive knowlege... though I would love to get things
 done right.

Thanks Tiny,  the big need is for people who have survived the early 
days  and can tell us about the things that caught them out - 
gotchas as  I call them.  
The idea is not to produce YAM, but a guide book TO the Manuals. 
Little things like:  x program takes up to a minute to get its act 
together and gives no indication what it is doing... be patient. Do 
Or The mysterious process of being able to enable the KDE Doc Search 
I REMEMBER bits of Fortran.  What you needed was someone to give you 
a glossary of terms - THEN with those magic passwords you could go 
.. see? I forgot them.  Like cron from Unix. 

This *is* NEWBY land, so post them here and I can pick them up on the 
way through as the answers come in and add the wisdom to the pile. 
Which BTW, seems to be gravitating toward a flat database with good 
search capability.  It is going to have to be updatable every 20 
minutes it would seem. 

The key solution guide to me is GUI unless impossible as the 



Fablor is now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  
(it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

Re: [newbie] THat stuck message from Kmail - again.

2001-07-27 Thread John Rigby

Hi there and thanks for info,
1. fetchmail in all variants is command not found
2. kcron does start - comes up with multiple errors then KMail locks 
up ( loses all text, cannot be killed and requires reboot) 

I think now my Distro is seriously flawed.  



Fablor is now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  
(it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

Re: [newbie] Best browser for linux?

2001-07-27 Thread John Rigby

Hey Michael,
Gee you must be OLD.. :-)

On Thu, 26 Jul 2001 11:06, you manipulated electrons to produce:

 In fact Mozilla is one of the grandaddys of web browsers

 Nope; that was Mosaic.




Fablor is now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  
(it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

Re: [newbie] Alternatives help like Win4Lin?

2001-07-27 Thread John Rigby

Hi Miark  folks,

On Thu, 26 Jul 2001 01:54, you manipulated electrons to produce:

 I've never tried voice recognition, so I don't know. I think
 there might have been something about it on this list too,
 that was probably regarding Wine rather than Win4Lin. Good

 At any rate, it would be a problem only with _recording_
 sound. Playing back sound works flawlessly.

*** Have since been told officially: can not record via W4L. No 
plans to implement it either... !  :-(

  The only negative thing is having to trash my drives and
  reload  everything again!

 I dual boot to Mandrake 8.0 and Win200. I didn't trash my
 partitions when Installed Win4Lin. In fact, I've set it up
 to use
  my data files seamlessly between Windows and Win4Lin.

 Have been tryting to get to undersatand the W4L install,  
but small things like system trashing keep interrupting.. :-)
My  take was you had to virtually start with a clean system. 
So, you actually installed w4l into M8?
Then added Win98 via it as a new install? 
AND kept all your data?
BUT of course would lose all the installed programs?

  I've got gigabytes of programs. I thought all you had to

 do was  install win4 on top of an existing Linux system that still
 had a Windoze partition (or two).

 That would be nice, but they're not there yet. 

  Any Newby-type hints from the install process?

 One big tip, though: Win4Lin acts as an entirely different
 on your home network, so make certain to give it a different
 address than the Linux box you put it on.

  Were you on M8?


  What Doze ver?

 Dual boot to Win2000; Win4Lin ran Win98SE.

** I think I need a nice nap... It has been a 
confusing day. :-)



Fablor is now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  
(it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

Re: [newbie] Best browser for linux?

2001-07-27 Thread Paul

It was Fri, 27 Jul 2001 17:23:13 +1000 when John Rigby wrote:

Hey Michael,
Gee you must be OLD.. :-)
 In fact Mozilla is one of the grandaddys of web browsers

 Nope; that was Mosaic.

I resent that! I used Mosaic too!  :-)


Who shall decide when doctors disagree?
-Alexander Pope - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.1
** - when you care **

Re: [newbie] ug, windows cave man got head sore. (mostly x-windows related)

2001-07-27 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Fri, 27 Jul 2001 16:55, Robert MacLean wrote:
 ug ug ug bunnies ;)
 (hello bunnies ;))

 I have some questions about x-windows.
 My biggest worry is that when my machine is starting up (in aurora, I
 think it's called) It try's to load something called X Windows System
 [K and that seems to crash. I couldn't find any reference to it in
 any of the log files (maybe I looked at the wrong log files).
 Everything seems fine, XWindows starts and runs (but it seems less
 stable than before I got that error).

Where in the bootup sequence does X start? Is it right at the end, or is it 
during the bootup, just before Aurora is loaded?

 firstly I'm running something called Easel and Nautilus, and it is
 SLOW. Is there a better alternative? Or a way to make it faster?

Three versions of Nautilus have been released since Mandrake 8.0 came out 
with Nautilus 1.0.1. The current version, 1.0.4, is _much_ faster than 1.0.1. 
Go to a Cooker mirror near you and download the following packages:

(maybe nautilus-devel as well)
(maybe libeel0-devel as well)
(you may need ORBit as well)

Install these packages. You should then uninstall the ammonite and trilobite 
packages. These were part of Eazel services, which no longer exists.

If you want an alternative to Nautilus, there's Konqueror. Both Nautilus and 
Konqueror have their own pros and cons. Try both and see.

 Being the windows user I am, I got a lot of True Type Fonts and was
 wondering if I can use them under Gnome? And if so how?

Use DrakFont (available in the Mandrake Control Centre) to import your Windos 
fonts. Just remember that the more you install, the more memory your fonts 
will take up (as in Windos).

 And my only question not XWindows related is how to I get something to
 run on start-up?

Start up at the console or when you load X? To start something at the 
console, just add it to your /etc/rc.d/rc.local file. Note that the programme 
will be running as root (which can be a major security risk). Different WMs 
and environments have different ways of loading things at startup. In GNOME, 
open the Control Centre and go to Session - Startup Programmes. In KDE, add 
a .desktop link file to the Autostart directory.

 Thank you very much for any responses

 Robert MacLean

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] ATTENTION all newbies!

2001-07-27 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

It _is_ a default. If you use Konqueror, you should be able to open a PDF 
file inside it.. Otherwise, you can install the xpdf (then run xpdf to 
execute) and/or ggv (then run ggv to execute) packages.

On Fri, 27 Jul 2001 16:05, John Rigby wrote:
 Hi Sridhar,
 In its default state, my M8 won't recognise PDF format.
 Guess I'll have to install it - so many people use the silly thing
 today...  :-)
 But I would have thought it would have been a default.

 On Wed, 25 Jul 2001 21:21, you manipulated electrons to produce:
  IBM have just released a great FAQ titled Transitioning from
  Windows to Linux. I had a look at it and it appears quite

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Samba stopped working..

2001-07-27 Thread Daryl Johnson

 I have a LINUX OS computer which is used to store my back up files for
 all computers I have at home. It used to work but last week I could not
 access to this computer. I did not change anything at this computer. I
 checked everything and pretty sure that there is no problem with this
 computer except SAMBA. When I type IP of this computer from my windows
 computer browser and I saw it. Therefore I knew Apache was running.
 After I decided to re-install LM8.0, I could not get SAMBA back to work!
 Could anyone please explain for me and how to fix it? I am using Win2000

I generally start by running testparm at the command line.  If this runs then 
at least I cn see the shares that are working and what defaults are being 

Second place I look is the sambapassword set-up.  The things that seem to 
interfere with samba running are not using an encrypted passwords flag in the 
samba.conf file and then not adding the user names to the smbpasswfile

   smbpasswd -a johndoe1

then following the prompt issu the appropriate password.

Whenever you make any changes remember to stop and then re-start samba.

 I also have two more questions: How can I setup FTP and mail server? I
 know not thing at all.

Re: [newbie] ATTENTION all newbies!

2001-07-27 Thread John Rigby

Hi Sridhar,

On Fri, 27 Jul 2001 18:55, you manipulated electrons to produce:

 It _is_ a default. If you use Konqueror, you should be able to open
 a PDF file inside it.. Otherwise, you can install the xpdf (then
 run xpdf to execute) and/or ggv (then run ggv to execute)

I can *see* it in K, but there is no save option to it - even rc or 
in the Browser.



Fablor is now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  
(it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

Re: [newbie] Vacation Notice

2001-07-27 Thread steve

On Thursday 26 July 2001 23:23, civileme wrote:
 I will be absent from posts to this list for the next two months.

 It is time from a vacation from my favorite hobby to turn my
 attention fully to my work tasks.  LSB compliance testing,
 software testing, preparation of updates, and coordination of
 the crashtesters will replace helping people getting things running.

 I really enjoy this list, but I'm gone.  Catch you in October.


Have fun, fix the silly things with 8.0, have some wine and sit back in the 
sun for a while. You will have the world's best OS AND a gutful of decent 
french wine. You will be missed, but we all know that you are taking valuable 
knowlege of what needs to be addressed with you. I mean, the howling on this 
list is way better than even the most destructive beta tester.

You guys are winning, just keep it up! 
au revoir.

[newbie] Restoring Dual Boot-Up After HD Fails

2001-07-27 Thread Ivan Tefalco

Okay, this one's worrying me a bit. 

Originally had my PC setup with DualBoot through Grub. 

WinME on Master
LM8 on Primary Slave

My Master drive failed recently after four years of faithful service,
leaving me with LM8 fully functional on my slave but no way to access it. 

Simple question is ; 

How do I restore the Grub bootmanager to the master after I've replaced the
Many thanks for all your help., great list. 
-Ivan T. 

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Re: [newbie] Strange X problem I have never had before. (damn thing crashed again.)

2001-07-27 Thread James S Bear

I've had this same problem.  The only way I've found to cure it is to do a
low-level format and start all over.  This brings to my mind a question:

How efficient is the formatting of ext2?  Compared to a dos format, it takes
next to no time.  I've always been taught that haste makes waste, but I
understand that possibly it is just easier to format ext2.  Can anybody explain
to me why it takes so much less time to format ext2?

Quoting Franki [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hi guys,
 just wondering if anyone can give me any ideas on this:
 The system:
 200 Ppro
 64mb ram.
 S3Virge 2MB
 The Problem:
 System boots in vga=788 mode with Aurora perfectly.
 when starting x, (after using drakconf and trying progressively lower res
 and color) the system locks up tight..
 monitor starts flashing no sync signal and CTRL-ALT-DEL, or
 CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE or anything else works either..
 altough the number lock and caps key lights are still working, so it
 look like a total lockup..
 can't switch to another terminal either..
 Latest problem, after another crash, this time haing tried 640x480 bit,,,
 the system is reporting this no boot (unsucessful boot I might add.
 INIT: version 2.78 booting
 INIT: /etc/inittab[6]: id field too long (max 4 characters)
 INIT: /etc/inittab[7]: id missing action field
 a heap of other stuff like that,,, then :
 Enter runlevel:
 no mater what I select, it tells me INIT: no more processes left on this
 anyone know how to fix that? I have just reinstalled this thing 3 times,
 don't want to make it 4 if it can be avoided..
 The daft thing was, I had KDE running perfectly, had upgraded the kernel to
 2.2.19 and did all my usual config stuff..
 Then I tried to load aurora, got that working, then X disappeared, and now
 it appears that I have had a data coruption as well.
 This is not going well at all...
 any help, suggestions, general cursing,, anything at all is most welcome..

Ignorance is underrated

Re: [newbie] Time to Quit the Install?

2001-07-27 Thread John Rigby

Hi Sridhar,

On Fri, 27 Jul 2001 14:45, you manipulated electrons to produce:

 Actually, the price is about the same when you take into account
 the exchange rate (about $US1 = $A2 at present).

THAT is the fiction of Foreign Exchange - don't get me started on 
that ! :-)  Believe me, if you LIVE there and EARN there it is not 

  1. The machine EVEN runs W98SE with the only fault being the
  famous memory leak under heavy use. I can keep it going all day!

 Wow, that's amazing! I used to reboot several times a day! With
 GNU/Linux, I only reboot (and not out of necessity) once or twice a
 week (I keep my machine on all the time).

 Oh yes, Doze I KNOW.  There are tricks - like keeping an 
old donkey moving better to get a horse. 

 If you use the Ext2 filesystem (the default), the machine will
 execute a file system check (fsck) on bootup if you didn't shut
 down correctly. It will also issue a periodic checkup after a
 certain number of boots (I've forgotten how many). This is normal.
* Well, we certainly aren't getting to shut down 

  2. On Logout, sometimes it offers a login alternative screen,
  sometimes it simply boots back into the default user - and
  continues the problem.

 That's odd -- things should be consistent here. I'm not sure about
 this one. 
** I do have an auto login running, but it shouldn't be 
effective AFTER a logout, should it? 

  3. On Shutdown it reports numerous and seemingly increasing
  problems - particularly with both CDs and devices.

 What are the problems? Sometimes these are not problems at all
 (but then again, sometimes they are).

* Too many to list readily.  Scroll rate faster than I 
can recall. But, they are increasing.  

  4. PPP dies unexpectedly regularly.

 You mean you get disconnected from the Internet? This could be a
 problem with your ISP, or from being logged in for too long, or
 maybe from an idle connection. 

*** Can't tell for sure - it offers to run a log, then fails 
to do so.  But only having the problem under Mandrake - no probs all 
day under Doze. 

  5. Kmail will suddenly whiteout and only a logout will help.
  This costs the loss of the display details of the KPPP.  It is
  still connected, but no display of the fact is available.

 Turn off interval mail checking in KMail. Also, have you considered
 another client, like Evolution or Aethera, or maybe even Mozilla
 Mail? Wait for KDE 2.2 (due out on Aug 6). Maybe things will be
 fixed in there.
 Thought I'd wait for it - mail hassles in converting 
I don't need - only just finished cross-sending over two hundred as 
nothing translated them. 

  6. Intense Disk activity (thrashing in the Doze world) has caused
  lockup 3 times in 2 days.  Always involving Kmail.
  (VERY frustrating to duplicate 100+ emails downloaded! )
  Resolved by hitting cancel button on display saying ( each
  reboot) indexing.

 Try going to /home/username/Mail (after closing all instances of
 KMail) and delete all files with the extensions .sorted and
 .index. Now reload KMail. I find that this can often fix KMail
* Don't have any there. 

  ( On startup not relog, a display of Gnome is searching for
  Trash bins also appears and has to be cancelled. It does not go
  7.  A Gnome Desktop has appeared on Dtop 4 and is un-cancellable

 I assume you are using KDE? Have you tried logging out from GNOME?
 This should leave only KDE. When you exit from KDE, make sure that
 your session is saved (there's an option for this in the Control
 Centre). When you next log in, there should be no more GNOME.
I'm actually not logged in to Gnome. There is no 
option to log out. On the Gnome screen the Taskbar is still KDE

  8.  Hitting the Kill option has no effect on the locked-up
  programs. In the now severe cases. the final event is reminescent
  of the B.S.O.D. of Doze. Only recourse is a reboot.

 In almost all cases, a reboot is unnecessary. Some apps don't die
 with an ordinary kill (e.g. as done through xkill). If you use an
 app like gtop (there are KDE equivalents, but I don't know them),
 you should have options to issue stronger kills than what is
 standard. Sometimes I find that this is necessary (although I do
 the same thing through a command line).

** With the severe lockup I don't have access to the keyboard 
any longer.  For options beyond Kill - I haven't the knowhow yet.

 Before you reinstall, try using other environments besides KDE. I
 personally find GNOME/Sawfish (i.e. not loaded inside KDE) to be
 far more stable (in face, rock-solid) than KDE. Other users find
 that the opposite is the case for them. Try a few alternatives and
 see what works best. You may even begin to like them :-)

** Well, I would prefer not to do the whole thing again, but 
time is running out on me and it looks like a hybrid will be my only 
choice - Win4Lin - and 

[newbie] Kerenel 2.2.x

2001-07-27 Thread Adams, Jamie


Okay.. i have a problem..

I have just had my phone line reconnected so i can go on the internet
(woohoo!), not the tyink is i have a cruddy winmodem in my laptop, i
have the drivers for it, but they only work with 2.2.x kernels, whereas
My Mandrake 8.0 installation cd dosnt include any of the kernel sources
so i cant compile the driver in.

I CAN install the 2.2.x kernel though from the cd, but no sources..
question is, would i be able to use the sources for this kernel from my
Mandrake 7.1 distro?
   -- Jamie

This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet
delivered through the MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service. For further
information visit or alternatively call
Star Internet for details on the Virus Scanning Service.

Re: [newbie] ATTENTION all newbies!

2001-07-27 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Just like in any other browser (Windos browsers included), you can 
right-click the link and select Save link as... (the actual name can differ 
between browsers).

On Fri, 27 Jul 2001 20:56, John Rigby wrote:
 Hi Sridhar,

 On Fri, 27 Jul 2001 18:55, you manipulated electrons to produce:
  It _is_ a default. If you use Konqueror, you should be able to open
  a PDF file inside it.. Otherwise, you can install the xpdf (then
  run xpdf to execute) and/or ggv (then run ggv to execute)

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] ug, windows cave man got head sore. (mostly x-windows related)

2001-07-27 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

It's a winmodem. Manufacturers like to be sneaky about it, using jargon that 
makes it sound better than it is. In this case, the offending line is Host 
signal processing for both controller and DSP. A newbie may think this 
sounds great, but it isn't. The host is your computer, and it is doing the 
signal processing. A proper modem does _all_ its processing itself. Another 
giveaway is how the advertisement emphasises Supports Windows 2000 in red 
letters (to make it stand out) and Supports Windows Me/2000 in a fancy star 
picture next to the winmodem's image. A real modem is OS-independent, and 
would not need to advertise what OS it is compatible for.

People buy Winmodems because they are cheap. They are cheap because the CPU, 
not the winmodem, does all the work. This, naturally, slows down your 
computer. On some computers the CPU performance degradation can be as much as 
40%. A real modem may cost more, but it will work in any OS and it won't slow 
your computer down.

On Fri, 27 Jul 2001 21:27, Robert MacLean wrote:

 You noticed that the last modem I bought was a winmodem, I've searched
 the local shops and this seems like the best value for money modem, I
 checked and I don't see anything that could say winmodem. Could you
 please just give it a quick check and tell me if it is a winmodem or
 Thank you so much, if you don't have time I'll understand.

 Robert MacLean

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] login problem

2001-07-27 Thread root

On Friday 27 July 2001 04:43, etharp wrote:
 is this while you wait to login? have you installed mandrake security and
 what level? (paranoid?) or a firewall? what reaction are you expecting?

i was expecting no reaction, since I had never heard of that method of 
logging on before.  I hit alt-f4 at the point where otherwise I would enter 
root and my password and hit go.

The original problem when attempting to login via the normal login panel, I 
sometimes was bounced back to the login panel without getting logged in, and 
when that happened had to reboot before being successful at logging in.

When installing, I took the defaults for security and the firewall.  Before 
altering those, I'll want an explanation of why the bounce occurs only some 
of the time instead of every time.  It seems to me if it was a security or 
firewall problem, the bounce would be consistent instead of sporadic.

 On Friday 27 July 2001 00:48, root wrote:
  On Thursday 26 July 2001 16:34, etharp wrote:
   what happens if you hit ctrl+alt+f4 (or any other f-key up to f6) and
   log in?
  nothing.  no reaction at all

Gentlemen, it's in beta.  That means it's like Windows.  They're letting you
test it while they continue to screw it up until it's totally useless.
(Bigg Fredd in RCC talking about Google's temporary interface to the deja

Re: [newbie] SuSE User on Mandrake List

2001-07-27 Thread Tim Holmes

I agree completely.  I think every Linux should try the other flavors.
Kinda like Kool-Aid. :0)

Personally, I've installed most of the distros.  I don't think that I've missed
any of the major ones.  But each distro handles things different.

I currently have 3 machines at home.

JEDI  --  RedHat 7.1
R2D2  --  Mandrake 8.0
YODA  --  FreeBSD.

But I have installed:

Caldera 2.4
RedHat 6.2, 7.0, 7.1
Mandrake 7.1, 7.2, 8.0
SuSe 7.0
Slackware 8.0
Debian (Even though I could never get the install to complete!  I tried!

I liked SuSE, but I like Mandrake better.  Of all the distros, I know
Mandrake/RedHat the most, but I really like FreeBSD.  I've considered
making that my workstations, but I already have Mandrake set up for
DualHead and I like my dual monitor set up on my Mandrake box!

T. Holmes
Real Men Use Vi!

  8:56am  up 7 days,  9:24,  5 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
| On Wednesday 25 July 2001 12:18, Miark wrote:
|  Out of curiosity, how is it that a SuSE user is on a
|  Mandrake list?
| I am primarily a SuSE user. I have two systems at home running SuSE 7.0 
| and 7.2. 
| But I think it's good to be familiar with more than one distro. I run 
| Mandrake 7.2 Power Pack on my machine at work. I mostly read the list 
| at home, where I happen to be using SuSE. I belong to the SuSE list as 
| well.
| I have been enjoying my Mandrake system.
| ***
| Powered by SuSE Linux 7.2 Professional
| KDE 2.1.2 KMail 1.2
| Bryan S. Tyson
| ***

Re: [newbie] Time to Quit the Install?

2001-07-27 Thread John Rigby

Hi Erylon,
No we don't allow flames here!!
But you might have saved my sanity!!  :-)
Everyone else seems to have serious problems - like Networking 
Apples, their Grannie and their 4 totally incompatible clones of 386 
vintage to run unattended! 
I was feeling very lonely .. 

On Fri, 27 Jul 2001 15:35, you manipulated electrons to produce:
 On Thursday 26 July 2001 15:26, John Rigby wrote:
  Hi folks,
  Well, I purchased the official M8 Powerbox ( to avoid any
  problems with install) - in Oz it costs twice the price of USA -
  $140 After two weeks of at least half a day every day - asking
  for and getting great support here, it seems time to call a halt

 O.K., I'll probably get flamed for this, but I, too, had multiple
 problems with version 8.0, across multiple installs. I know there are lots of
 people out there that have had no problems with 8.0, but I'm not
 one of them.




Fablor is now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  
(it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

Re: [newbie] @ symbol in latin american keyboard

2001-07-27 Thread Olaf Marzocchi

At 00.09 27/07/01, you wrote:
El Jue 26 Jul 2001 12:20, escribiste:
  Hello everyone,
  I was wondering if any of you has a latin american keyboard layout. I have
  it, but I haven't found where the @ symbol is.

 Hola, Hugo. Probá AltGr + q o si no AtlGr + 2



And { or }? (in windows it is altGr+Shift+ è or +) I have an italian 
keyboard  but I'm not able to have those symbols: it seems MDK can't handle 
two modification keys simultaneously.

Thank you


Configuration: Celeron 333A, 128 MB, 6+3 GB HD, SoundBlaster 128 PCI, 
Realtek Ethernet, i740 video card running at 1024@16bpp, Toshiba CD and LG 
8080B CD-RW
hda1: win 98, hda5 Linux ReiserFS, hda6 swap, hda7 ReiserFS (/home); hdb1: 
FAT32 with datas

Re: [newbie] THat stuck message from Kmail - again.

2001-07-27 Thread Michael D. Viron


Install fetchmail-* from the CDs--that should clear up #1.  I'm not sure
about kcron, since I've never used it.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 04:38 PM 07/27/2001 +1000, John Rigby wrote:

Hi there and thanks for info,
1. fetchmail in all variants is command not found
2. kcron does start - comes up with multiple errors then KMail locks 
up ( loses all text, cannot be killed and requires reboot) 

I think now my Distro is seriously flawed.  



Fablor is now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  
(it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

Re: [newbie] Kerenel 2.2.x

2001-07-27 Thread Michael D. Viron


You can download the 2.2.x kernel source for Mandrake 8.0 at


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 01:45 PM 07/27/2001 +0100, Adams, Jamie wrote:

Okay.. i have a problem..

I have just had my phone line reconnected so i can go on the internet
(woohoo!), not the tyink is i have a cruddy winmodem in my laptop, i
have the drivers for it, but they only work with 2.2.x kernels, whereas
My Mandrake 8.0 installation cd dosnt include any of the kernel sources
so i cant compile the driver in.

I CAN install the 2.2.x kernel though from the cd, but no sources..
question is, would i be able to use the sources for this kernel from my
Mandrake 7.1 distro?
   -- Jamie

This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet
delivered through the MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service. For further
information visit or alternatively call
Star Internet for details on the Virus Scanning Service.

Re: [newbie] login problem

2001-07-27 Thread etharp

well, we can look at the logs, if you want, or we could create a new user 
from the text prompt, and see how it logs in.  

On Friday 27 July 2001 09:05, root wrote:
 On Friday 27 July 2001 04:43, etharp wrote:
  is this while you wait to login? have you installed mandrake security and
  what level? (paranoid?) or a firewall? what reaction are you expecting?

 i was expecting no reaction, since I had never heard of that method of
 logging on before.  I hit alt-f4 at the point where otherwise I would enter
 root and my password and hit go.

 The original problem when attempting to login via the normal login panel, I
 sometimes was bounced back to the login panel without getting logged in,
 and when that happened had to reboot before being successful at logging in.

 When installing, I took the defaults for security and the firewall.  Before
 altering those, I'll want an explanation of why the bounce occurs only some
 of the time instead of every time.  It seems to me if it was a security or
 firewall problem, the bounce would be consistent instead of sporadic.

  On Friday 27 July 2001 00:48, root wrote:
   On Thursday 26 July 2001 16:34, etharp wrote:
what happens if you hit ctrl+alt+f4 (or any other f-key up to f6) and
log in?
   nothing.  no reaction at all

 Gentlemen, it's in beta.  That means it's like Windows.  They're letting
 you test it while they continue to screw it up until it's totally useless.
 (Bigg Fredd in RCC talking about Google's temporary interface to the deja

[newbie] webmin, portmappin

2001-07-27 Thread James S Bear

WEll, because I have been a windows person for a couple of years and old habits
are hard to break, I rebooted to see if that would help my webmin dilemma.  

When it went to reboot, on its way down, it froze at the portmapping shutdown. 
I don't know why, but got a hunch they are related.

When the machine started back up, I had the same issue.

anybody using comanche?

Ignorance is underrated

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.0 install hangs after IDE detection

2001-07-27 Thread poogle

On Thursday 26 July 2001 20:18, you wrote:
 The install locks up the system only on the Western Digital WDC AC24300
 drive.  Various utilities report that there are no errors on that drive,
 though the Disk Minder utility whines about the boot loader not being
 present even though Grub works just fine.

 If I temporarily take the WD drive out and switch the Fujitsu to be the
 master drive, the install will not lock the system up, but, that is not
 the drive I want to install on...

There have been many posts about problems with WD hard drives, search for 
Western Digital in the the archives.   

Re: [newbie] Konqueror Problem

2001-07-27 Thread Jay DeKing

I had the same problem until I upgraded to LM8.0 with KDE 2.1.2 and Konqueror 
2.1.1. Occasionally it pops up again but only rarely.

What versions of KDEand Konqueror are you using?


On Thursday 26 July 2001 h:05, Darren wrote:
 Hey everyone, another minor problem.

 Konqueror will not allow me to log into certain sites. More specifically,
 some web based email accounts. What happens is I type in the user name and
 password, then it basically goes right back to the login page after I click
 'Log In' - There are no error messages, and the email does not tell me
 there was any problems (bad password, etc). However it does all work in
 Netscape  Mozilla. But lets face it, atleast in my opinion, them two
 browsers arent worth very much.  (Java is installed in Konq and working
 properly - so I think)

 So on that note, should I just assume the mail server (Lycos) just doesnt
 like the way Konqueror does things? Or is there something I can do about

 Darren AKA Liquid Delusion

 System Setup
 Custom Built
 DualBoot - Win98SE  Linux-Mandrake 8.0 [Like Windows gets used lol]
 AMD 850MHz
 256MB RAM
 Two 40GB HardDrives
 52x CDROM
 12x10x32 CDRW
 Giga-Byte System Board
 ATI Rage Series w/ 32MB
 SoundBlaster PCI 128
 RealTek Ethernet
 ---Alot of the above doesnt have anything to do with problem. Just part of
 saved draft---

I used to think I had an appetite for destruction, but all I really wanted 
was a club sandwich.

Re: [newbie] Time to Quit the Install?

2001-07-27 Thread Tom Cada

I too have had some very strange problems with LM 8.0.

My desktop took an inordinate amount of time to load the system with the
installer pausing in the middle of program loads for 20 or 30 seconds. It took
about 3 hours to load.

With my laptop, the software update manager does not work properly, and the
network connection disappears and re-appears at random.

I have posted to this list but have not had a reply.

None of these problems existed in LM 7.2. I built my CD's using Adaptec programs
on a WinNT 4.0 system so the CD's may not be burned properly. I did the same for
my LM 7.2 and had no problems though...

I think I will re-load 7.2 on the laptop and upgrade individual systems as

Lots of luck... Tom.

erylon hines wrote:

 On Thursday 26 July 2001 15:26, John Rigby wrote:
  Hi folks,
  Well, I purchased the official M8 Powerbox ( to avoid any problems
  with install) - in Oz it costs twice the price of USA - $140
  After two weeks of at least half a day every day - asking for and
  getting great support here, it seems time to call a halt .
  The distro install is definitely deteorating - like my adrenalin
  reserves :-)
 O.K., I'll probably get flamed for this, but I, too, had multiple problems
 with version 8.0, across multiple installs.  Total lockups required hitting
 the reset button (something I've had to do maybe 3 times in 4 years with
 linux) happened at least twice a week.  DNS problems which would come and
 go--sometimes dns worked, sometimes the browser would hang resolving
 hostname, and would require the kill command to close it.  Ghost windows
 staying after I killed the proc, etc.  And processes would sometimes take an
 inordinate amount of time to complete on my P233 developmental box that I had
 it installed on.  After the third install I finally just went back to 7.2 and
 the problems have ALL GONE AWAY.  I know there are lots of people out there
 that have had no problems with 8.0, but I'm not one of them.


[newbie] boot menu

2001-07-27 Thread Kevin Fonner

Where do I configure the boot menu and and the menu item names.  I had 
windows 2000 and Mandrake on my system and then I reconfigured the 
partitions.  Now the Windows 2000 menu item boots up to the wrong partition.



[newbie] GUI doesn't load

2001-07-27 Thread Michael Mitchell

I using the lnx4win and installing into the windows partion.  All appears well, the 
video card and x86config seems well.  When it presents the multiple Penguins, it 
appears to be the end of the install.  Nothing.  On previous installs, a reboot 
results in normal operations.  On almost 100% of recent installs, never has a GUI (KDE 
or Gnome) loaded.  Before only Gnome loaded, KDE always had this effect (not 

Shall I rebox my system and take it to the store?  Or is there hope for me on this?


Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

[newbie] Delivery Receipts

2001-07-27 Thread Kevin Fonner

When I was running Windows I used Outlook 2000 and we have a MSExchange 
server.  On outlook I could choose to get a delivery receipt(I don mean 
read receipts).  I always hated those read reciepts except on sesitive 
documents.  When I would check delivery reciept I would get an email 
back stating that my mail server had succesfully delivered it into the 
mailbox on so and so on this mail server.  Is their a way to do that 
with linux?  Either with a client or a client/server combination?


[newbie] webmin

2001-07-27 Thread James S Bear

I've got my webserver running, sorta, but I am really not a command prompt type
of person.  Can anybody tell me how to run webmin?

I tried typing it from the command line, but it tells me from a browser go to

Okay, I did that.  In Konqueror, now it tells me that connection to localhost is
broken.  Okay.  So, then in type in my localhost:901 for CUPS, it works fine.  

Well, I did a bit of exploring and ran the install for webmin, but it still does
the same thing.  


I don't know.  Do you?

I did issue a start command with success.  

Mozilla tells me that transfer completed, but it stays at the previous page.

help, please.

Ignorance is underrated

RE: [newbie] webmin

2001-07-27 Thread Franki

for starters, if its a recent webmin, the link is


then you can check that it is running..

open a console:

/etc/rc.d/init.d/webmin start

then make sure its running at boot:

scroll down and make sure webmin is selected.

(you can do that last one from Drakconf as well..



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of James S Bear
Sent: Friday, 27 July 2001 1:00 PM
Subject: [newbie] webmin

I've got my webserver running, sorta, but I am really not a command prompt
of person.  Can anybody tell me how to run webmin?

I tried typing it from the command line, but it tells me from a browser go

Okay, I did that.  In Konqueror, now it tells me that connection to
localhost is
broken.  Okay.  So, then in type in my localhost:901 for CUPS, it works

Well, I did a bit of exploring and ran the install for webmin, but it still
the same thing.


I don't know.  Do you?

I did issue a start command with success.

Mozilla tells me that transfer completed, but it stays at the previous page.

help, please.

Ignorance is underrated

[newbie] pretty graphical editor

2001-07-27 Thread Kevin Fonner

I know I asked this question once and got some reponses but if it ok I 
would like to just check once more but being a little clearer.  Perhaps 
I am contaminated coming from the windows world but I like it when I am 
programming in a graphical editor and the editor colorizes on my code 
depending on whether it a comment or a function...  I have JBuilder and 
it works great for java code.  Are their any really good editors like 
this for C?  I tried emacs, and well... we just didn get along.



[newbie] X server troubles.

2001-07-27 Thread Gonzalix le Druide

Hi all !!

I can't install X after a reinstallation. It has worked fine with FBDev,
but I tried to do the same thing without results.

My specs: LM7.2 on a Pentium II 350 Mhz, hda Win 98, hdb LM 7.2 on a hdd
15 Gb. RAM 64 Mb. It starts with GRUB (I don't know why LILO wasn't

I'll appreciate any help.

G. le D.

Re: [newbie] pretty graphical editor

2001-07-27 Thread Roger Sherman

Try Kwrite (listed as Advanced Editor in the menu, under
ApplicationsEditors) might have to enable code highlighting, but it
does the job for me...

On Fri, 27 Jul 2001, Kevin Fonner wrote:

 I know I asked this question once and got some reponses but if it ok I
 would like to just check once more but being a little clearer.  Perhaps
 I am contaminated coming from the windows world but I like it when I am
 programming in a graphical editor and the editor colorizes on my code
 depending on whether it a comment or a function...  I have JBuilder and
 it works great for java code.  Are their any really good editors like
 this for C?  I tried emacs, and well... we just didn get along.




Re: [newbie] pretty graphical editor

2001-07-27 Thread bpremeaux

Have you taken a look at VIM?  Its GUI version of VI.


On Fri, 27 July 2001, Kevin Fonner wrote:

 I know I asked this question once and got some reponses but if it ok I 
 would like to just check once more but being a little clearer.  Perhaps 
 I am contaminated coming from the windows world but I like it when I am 
 programming in a graphical editor and the editor colorizes on my code 
 depending on whether it a comment or a function...  I have JBuilder and 
 it works great for java code.  Are their any really good editors like 
 this for C?  I tried emacs, and well... we just didn get along.

Re: [newbie] webmin

2001-07-27 Thread Roger Sherman

On Fri, 27 Jul 2001, James S Bear wrote:

 I've got my webserver running, sorta, but I am really not a command prompt type
 of person.  Can anybody tell me how to run webmin?

 I tried typing it from the command line, but it tells me from a browser go to

Instead of http, try https...that should do it...



Re: [newbie] webmin

2001-07-27 Thread Peter Ruskin

On Friday 27 July 2001 06:00, James S Bear wrote:
 I've got my webserver running, sorta, but I am really not a command
 prompt type of person.  Can anybody tell me how to run webmin?

 I tried typing it from the command line, but it tells me from a browser
 go to http://localhost:1/


It's https://localhost:1/
 Peter Ruskin, Wrexham, Wales.
Registered Linux User No. 219434 ( see ).
Linux Mandrake release 8.0 (Traktopel) for i586,
   kernel 2.4.3-20mdk-win4lin-pnr,  XFree86 4.0.3, patch level 11mdk,
  KDE: 2.1.2,  Qt: 2.3.1.   Uptime 2 hours 19 minutes

Re: [newbie] webmin

2001-07-27 Thread Randy Kramer


I haven't used Webmin, but I keep seeing messages that you have to use
https instead of http.

Hope this helps,
Randy Kramer

James S Bear wrote:

Re: [newbie] buying Domain Name from Yahoo

2001-07-27 Thread Charlie Oriez

I'm a fan of, over in France.  I registered a US org domain
with them last spring, and will be moving most if not all of my domains
to them in the future as registrations get closer to expiration.

It cost 12EU per year (EU currently trading around 86 cents US to the EU
if memory serves), Set up was easy, I can extend it out to 10 years, and
unlike Network Solutions, gandi has yet to send me my first piece of
spam.  I've used three other registrars (invite, NS, and joker) for
various domains.  I've received spam from all the others, in particular
NS (very limited from joker and invite to the point where they might
almost make the case that they didn't spam).  invite can't cope with
transferring a domain from another registrar for some weird reason. seems best set up to do that of the ones I've used.  

Before doing business with any registrar, do a google search of to make sure you aren't giving your email
address to a registrar which has a reputation for spamming its
customers.  NS got so bad that this became my primary reason for finding
another registrar, so that I could stick their IP space into my procmail

  From: Roger Sherman 
  Subject: Re: [newbie] buying Domain Name from Yahoo 
  Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2001 15:10:48 -0700 

 No! Go to, 15 clams a year...

 On Tue, 24 Jul 2001, Tuan Duc Tran wrote:

  Hi all,
  I am going to buy a Domain Name (registered Domain) for my Web
Server. I
  have a plain to buy it from Yahoo. Has anyone bought it from
Yahoo? Is
  this a good way to do? It's cost about $35.00 USD/year.
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Get your free address at

Microsoft, Windows, Windows 98, Bugs, Lacking features, IRQ conflicts, 
System crashes, Non-functional multitasking, the Y2K problem and the
Screen of Death are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp., Redmond,

Re: [newbie] Viruses.

2001-07-27 Thread Michel Clasquin

On Wednesday 25 July 2001 11:51, Adams, Jamie wrote:
 Just a small note about the SirCam virus, i had never heard of this, but
 on my windows machine at work this morning i have recieved 3 messages
 from an unknown person infected with it.

Get a life, mate. I've had over 30 of the damn things so far g. One of us
needs to get out more, I guess. 

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

Free Dimitry Sklyarov!

Re: [newbie] Delivery Receipts

2001-07-27 Thread Carroll Grigsby


Netscape provides several options for this; don't know about other mail
programs. Go Edit  Preferences  Return Receipt. I'm not sure how
effective it is, though. Several weeks ago I sent an important document
and requested a receipt. The doc went through, but I never got a
receipt. It turned out that the server at the other end stripped all
receipt requests from external mail.

However, please make sure that you don't ask for receipts when posting
to this list. It's a real pain, causes a lot of unnecessary traffic, and
may result in some nasty messages back to you.

Kevin Fonner wrote:
 When I was running Windows I used Outlook 2000 and we have a MSExchange
 server.  On outlook I could choose to get a delivery receipt(I don mean
 read receipts).  I always hated those read reciepts except on sesitive
 documents.  When I would check delivery reciept I would get an email
 back stating that my mail server had succesfully delivered it into the
 mailbox on so and so on this mail server.  Is their a way to do that
 with linux?  Either with a client or a client/server combination?

Re: [newbie] Time to Quit the Install?

2001-07-27 Thread etharp

was this done as a upgreade to 8.0 or a complete fresh (reformat HD) install?

On Friday 27 July 2001 12:15, Tom Cada wrote:
 I too have had some very strange problems with LM 8.0.

 My desktop took an inordinate amount of time to load the system with the
 installer pausing in the middle of program loads for 20 or 30 seconds. It
 took about 3 hours to load.

 With my laptop, the software update manager does not work properly, and the
 network connection disappears and re-appears at random.

 I have posted to this list but have not had a reply.

 None of these problems existed in LM 7.2. I built my CD's using Adaptec
 programs on a WinNT 4.0 system so the CD's may not be burned properly. I
 did the same for my LM 7.2 and had no problems though...

 I think I will re-load 7.2 on the laptop and upgrade individual systems as

 Lots of luck... Tom.

 erylon hines wrote:
  On Thursday 26 July 2001 15:26, John Rigby wrote:
   Hi folks,
   Well, I purchased the official M8 Powerbox ( to avoid any problems
   with install) - in Oz it costs twice the price of USA - $140
   After two weeks of at least half a day every day - asking for and
   getting great support here, it seems time to call a halt .
   The distro install is definitely deteorating - like my adrenalin
   reserves :-)
  O.K., I'll probably get flamed for this, but I, too, had multiple
  problems with version 8.0, across multiple installs.  Total lockups
  required hitting the reset button (something I've had to do maybe 3 times
  in 4 years with linux) happened at least twice a week.  DNS problems
  which would come and go--sometimes dns worked, sometimes the browser
  would hang resolving hostname, and would require the kill command to
  close it.  Ghost windows staying after I killed the proc, etc.  And
  processes would sometimes take an inordinate amount of time to complete
  on my P233 developmental box that I had it installed on.  After the third
  install I finally just went back to 7.2 and the problems have ALL GONE
  AWAY.  I know there are lots of people out there that have had no
  problems with 8.0, but I'm not one of them.

Re: [newbie] OT; the truth about Civilme's vacation

2001-07-27 Thread skinky

Good one!  GO CIVILEME!!!

- Original Message -
From: Michel Clasquin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
out of reach..

 Nice cover story, but I'm not buying any of it. According to my source,
 Elongated Esophagus, civilime has assumed a false identity and has
 a temp programming job at Microsoft HQ in Redmond. His mission, should he
 that far, is to slip some viral GPL code into Windows XP, which will
 the whole thing fall under the GPL, by Ballmer's own logic.

 On the next anniversary of Linus's email to the Minix discussion group,
 code will announce its presence to the world by flashing the text of the
 on to the screens of millions of Windows XP machines, against a backdrop
 Bill Gates' face slowly morphing into Richard Stallmann's.

 Microsoft will be forced to release the source to Windows and we can then
 finish them off once and for all by ignoring it completely. It will have
 the first time a monopolist has been forced out of business by global
 derisory laughter ...

 This e-mail will self-destruct in five seconds 4 ... 3... 2 ... 1 ...

 Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
 This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

 Free Dimitry Sklyarov!

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Re: [newbie] pretty graphical editor

2001-07-27 Thread Romanator

Check out Cooledit.


Randy Kramer wrote:
 I tried Kwrite, and it's not bad.  I switched to nedit because it has:
 -soft wrap (they call it continuous)
 However, the search and replace in kwrite is nicer than that in nedit if
 you want to accept changes one at a time -- nedit doesn't highlight the
 found selection.  Also, kwrite looks a little slicker -- nedit uses
 what I think they call the Motif style.
 (Actually, I switch between nedit and kwrite (and jstar) depending on
 exactly what I'm doing.)
 Hope this helps,
 Randy Kramer
 Roger Sherman wrote:
  Try Kwrite (listed as Advanced Editor in the menu, under
  ApplicationsEditors) might have to enable code highlighting, but it
  does the job for me...
  On Fri, 27 Jul 2001, Kevin Fonner wrote:
   I know I asked this question once and got some reponses but if it ok I
   would like to just check once more but being a little clearer.  Perhaps
   I am contaminated coming from the windows world but I like it when I am
   programming in a graphical editor and the editor colorizes on my code
   depending on whether it a comment or a function...  I have JBuilder and
   it works great for java code.  Are their any really good editors like
   this for C?  I tried emacs, and well... we just didn get along.

Re: [newbie] Time to Quit the Install?

2001-07-27 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Fri, 27 Jul 2001 22:43, John Rigby wrote:
 Hi Sridhar,

 On Fri, 27 Jul 2001 14:45, you manipulated electrons to produce:
  Actually, the price is about the same when you take into account
  the exchange rate (about $US1 = $A2 at present).

 THAT is the fiction of Foreign Exchange - don't get me started on
 that ! :-)  Believe me, if you LIVE there and EARN there it is not

   1. The machine EVEN runs W98SE with the only fault being the
   famous memory leak under heavy use. I can keep it going all day!
  Wow, that's amazing! I used to reboot several times a day! With
  GNU/Linux, I only reboot (and not out of necessity) once or twice a
  week (I keep my machine on all the time).
  Oh yes, Doze I KNOW.  There are tricks - like keeping an

 old donkey moving better to get a horse.

  If you use the Ext2 filesystem (the default), the machine will
  execute a file system check (fsck) on bootup if you didn't shut
  down correctly. It will also issue a periodic checkup after a
  certain number of boots (I've forgotten how many). This is normal.

 * Well, we certainly aren't getting to shut down

   2. On Logout, sometimes it offers a login alternative screen,
   sometimes it simply boots back into the default user - and
   continues the problem.
  That's odd -- things should be consistent here. I'm not sure about
  this one.

 ** I do have an auto login running, but it shouldn't be
 effective AFTER a logout, should it?

If you cloose to log out you should be logged out properly, without being 
logged in again.

   3. On Shutdown it reports numerous and seemingly increasing
   problems - particularly with both CDs and devices.
  What are the problems? Sometimes these are not problems at all
  (but then again, sometimes they are).

 * Too many to list readily.  Scroll rate faster than I
 can recall. But, they are increasing.

   4. PPP dies unexpectedly regularly.
  You mean you get disconnected from the Internet? This could be a
  problem with your ISP, or from being logged in for too long, or
  maybe from an idle connection.

 *** Can't tell for sure - it offers to run a log, then fails
 to do so.  But only having the problem under Mandrake - no probs all
 day under Doze.

What offers to run a log? KPPP? You can try another dialer (I can't think of 
any off-hand but I know there are some out there).

   5. Kmail will suddenly whiteout and only a logout will help.
   This costs the loss of the display details of the KPPP.  It is
   still connected, but no display of the fact is available.
  Turn off interval mail checking in KMail. Also, have you considered
  another client, like Evolution or Aethera, or maybe even Mozilla
  Mail? Wait for KDE 2.2 (due out on Aug 6). Maybe things will be
  fixed in there.

  Thought I'd wait for it - mail hassles in converting
 I don't need - only just finished cross-sending over two hundred as
 nothing translated them.

Kmail uses a pretty standard mail format (namely, UNIX's MBOX standard). It 
should be readable by other mail clients, AFAIK.

   6. Intense Disk activity (thrashing in the Doze world) has caused
   lockup 3 times in 2 days.  Always involving Kmail.
   (VERY frustrating to duplicate 100+ emails downloaded! )
   Resolved by hitting cancel button on display saying ( each
   reboot) indexing.
  Try going to /home/username/Mail (after closing all instances of
  KMail) and delete all files with the extensions .sorted and
  .index. Now reload KMail. I find that this can often fix KMail

 * Don't have any there.

   ( On startup not relog, a display of Gnome is searching for
   Trash bins also appears and has to be cancelled. It does not go
   7.  A Gnome Desktop has appeared on Dtop 4 and is un-cancellable
  I assume you are using KDE? Have you tried logging out from GNOME?
  This should leave only KDE. When you exit from KDE, make sure that
  your session is saved (there's an option for this in the Control
  Centre). When you next log in, there should be no more GNOME.

 I'm actually not logged in to Gnome. There is no
 option to log out. On the Gnome screen the Taskbar is still KDE

If there are any GNOME Panels, right-click an empty space on one (like a 
handle) and select Desktop - Log Out. Otherwise, open a terminal and type 
kill gnome-session.

   8.  Hitting the Kill option has no effect on the locked-up
   programs. In the now severe cases. the final event is reminescent
   of the B.S.O.D. of Doze. Only recourse is a reboot.
  In almost all cases, a reboot is unnecessary. Some apps don't die
  with an ordinary kill (e.g. as done through xkill). If you use an
  app like gtop (there are KDE equivalents, but I don't know them),
  you should have options to issue stronger kills than what is
  standard. Sometimes I find that this is necessary (although I do
  the same thing through a command 

Re: [newbie] Strange X problem I have never had before. (damn thing crashed again.)

2001-07-27 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Don't use Aurora -- it's more trouble than it's worth. Do a fresh reinstall 
(just in case), making sure to format (but _don't_ low-level format as James 
suggested below!) the partition before installing. When you get to choose the 
boot loader, choose either LILO or GRUB, but _without_ graphics (i.e. 
text-only). Your bootup may not look as pretty but at least it should work.

On Fri, 27 Jul 2001 12:13, James S Bear wrote:
 I've had this same problem.  The only way I've found to cure it is to do a
 low-level format and start all over.  This brings to my mind a question:

 How efficient is the formatting of ext2?  Compared to a dos format, it
 takes next to no time.  I've always been taught that haste makes waste, but
 I understand that possibly it is just easier to format ext2.  Can anybody
 explain to me why it takes so much less time to format ext2?


 Quoting Franki [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Hi guys,
  just wondering if anyone can give me any ideas on this:
  The system:
  200 Ppro
  64mb ram.
  S3Virge 2MB
  The Problem:
  System boots in vga=788 mode with Aurora perfectly.
  when starting x, (after using drakconf and trying progressively lower res
  and color) the system locks up tight..
  monitor starts flashing no sync signal and CTRL-ALT-DEL, or
  CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE or anything else works either..
  altough the number lock and caps key lights are still working, so it
  look like a total lockup..
  can't switch to another terminal either..
  Latest problem, after another crash, this time haing tried 640x480 bit,,,
  the system is reporting this no boot (unsucessful boot I might add.
  INIT: version 2.78 booting
  INIT: /etc/inittab[6]: id field too long (max 4 characters)
  INIT: /etc/inittab[7]: id missing action field
  a heap of other stuff like that,,, then :
  Enter runlevel:
  no mater what I select, it tells me INIT: no more processes left on this
  anyone know how to fix that? I have just reinstalled this thing 3 times,
  don't want to make it 4 if it can be avoided..
  The daft thing was, I had KDE running perfectly, had upgraded the kernel
  to 2.2.19 and did all my usual config stuff..
  Then I tried to load aurora, got that working, then X disappeared, and
  now it appears that I have had a data coruption as well.
  This is not going well at all...
  any help, suggestions, general cursing,, anything at all is most

 Ignorance is underrated

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie]

2001-07-27 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Fri, 27 Jul 2001 22:48, Dave Sherman wrote:
 On Friday 27 July 2001 02:19, thus spake Sridhar Dhanapalan:
  Mandrake 7.2 has GLIBC 2.1. For this binary to work, you need GLIBC 2.2.
  You have three solutions:
  * Compile from source (get an srpm).
  * Find another binary that will work.
  * Upgrade to a distro that uses GLIBC 2.2. Mandrake 8.0 is an example.

 How do srpm's work? I've always just used tarballs...


Assuming all dependencies are met (just like with tarballs):

  # rpm --rebuild package.src.rpm

The sources will be built in the directories under /usr/src/RPM. The final 
package will be placed in a directory under /usr/src/RPM/RPMS, depending on 
your architecture. You may want to delete the extracted sources from the 
/usr/src/RPM tree afterwards.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

[newbie] Completely empty software update...

2001-07-27 Thread Franki

Hi all,

I have a 7.2 box, and I wanted to keep it up to date, so I ran software
update in drakconf (incidently is there a console version of that?)

anyway, no matter which mirror I choose, no matter if I choose development
updates or just normal ones, I get nothing in my update list, and I know for
a fact that I should be getting a heap of stuff as this is an almost clean
box, almost nothing has been updates yet except the kernal and some other
minor stuff..

I have double and triple checked the proxy settings, the box can ping and
browse anywhere..

and I tried around 25 different mirrors and got nothing from any of them...

Has anyone had this problem and if so, how did you get around it?



Re: [newbie] webmin

2001-07-27 Thread Romanator


This works for me:
Press the [enter] key. 


James S Bear wrote:
 I've got my webserver running, sorta, but I am really not a command prompt type
 of person.  Can anybody tell me how to run webmin?
 I tried typing it from the command line, but it tells me from a browser go to
 Okay, I did that.  In Konqueror, now it tells me that connection to localhost is
 broken.  Okay.  So, then in type in my localhost:901 for CUPS, it works fine.
 Well, I did a bit of exploring and ran the install for webmin, but it still does
 the same thing.
 I don't know.  Do you?
 I did issue a start command with success.
 Mozilla tells me that transfer completed, but it stays at the previous page.
 help, please.
 Ignorance is underrated

[newbie] Modem Configuration

2001-07-27 Thread Tom Malone

I am having a lot of trouble configuring my modem. One problem is that I
have never used Linux before - today is my first day. I just got Mandrake
8.0 installed, and I don't know where to go to configure the modem. During
install I told the configuration program that the modem was on COM2 (which i
thought was correct, but i could be wrong) - other than that, I don't know
what info I can provide to help anyone determine what I did wrong. I would
be really grateful for any advice!


Tom Malone

Re: [newbie]

2001-07-27 Thread Romanator

Everette wrote:
 I am trying to install some software and keep getting
 It say's
 Dependency Problem is needed by my software.
 I looked at the list archives and found several people with the same
 problem, but never seen an answer. Could someone please tell me how to
 fix this problem.


You'll find them there.

Registered Linux User #179293
su is not the root of your problem
but the start of a new journey

Re: [newbie] Delivery Receipts

2001-07-27 Thread Kevin Fonner

No...  You didnt read my email carefully.  What you described was a read 
receipt.  These are common to most mail clients, and your right!  They 
are a real pain when used for anything except important emails.  I am 
talking about a DELIVERY receipts.  They are not returned by the user 
but by the mail server.  I know Microsoft Outlook has them when you use 
Exchange server.  I find them very valuable.  I was wondering if any 
clients or client/servers have this feature?

Carroll Grigsby wrote:


Netscape provides several options for this; don't know about other mail
programs. Go Edit  Preferences  Return Receipt. I'm not sure how
effective it is, though. Several weeks ago I sent an important document
and requested a receipt. The doc went through, but I never got a
receipt. It turned out that the server at the other end stripped all
receipt requests from external mail.

However, please make sure that you don't ask for receipts when posting
to this list. It's a real pain, causes a lot of unnecessary traffic, and
may result in some nasty messages back to you.

Kevin Fonner wrote:

When I was running Windows I used Outlook 2000 and we have a MSExchange
server.  On outlook I could choose to get a delivery receipt(I don mean
read receipts).  I always hated those read reciepts except on sesitive
documents.  When I would check delivery reciept I would get an email
back stating that my mail server had succesfully delivered it into the
mailbox on so and so on this mail server.  Is their a way to do that
with linux?  Either with a client or a client/server combination?


[newbie] Apparently small challenge

2001-07-27 Thread Marcos Nobre

Hi all.

Imagine a sub-network with 10 windows-boxes.  These machines does not 
have DD and it does not contain CDROM drive.  Simply they are connected 
in the same network.  Its HDs measures 10gb and contains windows-ME 
installed as primary operational system.

In these conditions, how can I would install Linux OS (MDK8) on these 
boxes ?

Remember that winme does not allow F8 to get a MS-Dos for partitioning 
or things like this.

Can any one help me with this ?

Thanks in advance.

Marcos Nobre

Re: [newbie] Modem Configuration

2001-07-27 Thread Dennis Myers

On Friday 27 July 2001 23:09, you wrote:

 It is a winModem, and I am using KPPP in the KDE desktop. The KPPP
 configuration dialogue says the modem is on /dev/modem, if that help.. 
 I am completely new to this linux stuff - I don't know how to change the
 port the modem is on, and I am really confused (and not just a little
 afraid :) ) by the prospect of having to compile some linmodem driver


 -Original Message-
 From: Dennis Myers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 7:45 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Modem Configuration

 On Friday 27 July 2001 19:18, you wrote:
  I am having a lot of trouble configuring my modem. One problem is that
  I have never used Linux before - today is my first day. I just got
  Mandrake 8.0 installed, and I don't know where to go to configure the
  modem. During install I told the configuration program that the modem
  was on COM2 (which i thought was correct, but i could be wrong) -
  other than that, I don't know what info I can provide to help anyone
  determine what I did wrong. I would be really grateful for any advice!
  Tom Malone

 What brand name is the modem? If it is on com2 in windows then you
 should set it up as ttyS1 on linux. ports start as ttyS0(com1),
 ttyS1(com2)etc. If it is a so called controllerless internal modem then
 it is a winmodem and you may have a problem unless you find the linmodem
 drivers. If it is an external modem no USB you should be ok. Are you
 using KPPP in the KDE desktop?  A little more info would help if the
 above does not correct the problem. We'll be waiting :  )
 Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842
That makes the problem a bit more difficult, I have never used a winmodem 
and my advice would be to get a real modem external, and serial connection 
to your computer. However, don't panic, relax, you are looking straight on 
at the learning curve. I was there one year ago or so. 
Now, the url for the linmodems support I do not know, so someone please 
repost it for Tom. Then the compilation help needed is also here on the 
list cause there are several people who have done it or know how. I call 
for there support also.  You will learn so much in the next few weeks and 
months, and sometimes the frustration may get to you, but hang in there it 
is worth the ride. 
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

Fwd: RE: [newbie] Modem Configuration

2001-07-27 Thread Dennis Myers

Ok folks, here's another that is over my head for now. Please jump in here 
and advise Tom on his need for help.

--  Forwarded Message  --
Subject: RE: [newbie] Modem Configuration
Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2001 23:09:39 -0400
From: Tom Malone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Ok - I found a binary version for Mandrake 8.0 - 2.4.3 kernel, and
 verified that that is the version i have by typing uname -r in the
 terminal. I know this is a stupid question, but I don't know how - i have
 the rpm now on my windows pc and am going to transfer it to my laptop
 (with mandrake) via floppy - can you please tell me how to install it?


-Original Message-
From: Dennis Myers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 7:45 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Modem Configuration

On Friday 27 July 2001 19:18, you wrote:
 I am having a lot of trouble configuring my modem. One problem is that I
 have never used Linux before - today is my first day. I just got
 Mandrake 8.0 installed, and I don't know where to go to configure the
 modem. During install I told the configuration program that the modem
 was on COM2 (which i thought was correct, but i could be wrong) - other
 than that, I don't know what info I can provide to help anyone determine
 what I did wrong. I would be really grateful for any advice!


 Tom Malone

What brand name is the modem? If it is on com2 in windows then you should
set it up as ttyS1 on linux. ports start as ttyS0(com1), ttyS1(com2)etc.
If it is a so called controllerless internal modem then it is a winmodem
and you may have a problem unless you find the linmodem drivers. If it is
an external modem no USB you should be ok. Are you using KPPP in the KDE
desktop?  A little more info would help if the above does not correct the
problem. We'll be waiting :  )
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842


Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

Re: RE: [newbie] Modem Configuration

2001-07-27 Thread pepe torrres

u can run as root kpackage n open the file
rpm -i rpmthing.rpm

- Original Message -
From: Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Newbie Linux-Mandrake [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 9:20 PM
Subject: Fwd: RE: [newbie] Modem Configuration

 Ok folks, here's another that is over my head for now. Please jump in here
 and advise Tom on his need for help.

 --  Forwarded Message  --
 Subject: RE: [newbie] Modem Configuration
 Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2001 23:09:39 -0400
 From: Tom Malone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Ok - I found a binary version for Mandrake 8.0 - 2.4.3 kernel, and
  verified that that is the version i have by typing uname -r in the
  terminal. I know this is a stupid question, but I don't know how - i have
  the rpm now on my windows pc and am going to transfer it to my laptop
  (with mandrake) via floppy - can you please tell me how to install it?


 -Original Message-
 From: Dennis Myers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 7:45 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Modem Configuration

 On Friday 27 July 2001 19:18, you wrote:
  I am having a lot of trouble configuring my modem. One problem is that I
  have never used Linux before - today is my first day. I just got
  Mandrake 8.0 installed, and I don't know where to go to configure the
  modem. During install I told the configuration program that the modem
  was on COM2 (which i thought was correct, but i could be wrong) - other
  than that, I don't know what info I can provide to help anyone determine
  what I did wrong. I would be really grateful for any advice!
  Tom Malone

 What brand name is the modem? If it is on com2 in windows then you should
 set it up as ttyS1 on linux. ports start as ttyS0(com1), ttyS1(com2)etc.
 If it is a so called controllerless internal modem then it is a winmodem
 and you may have a problem unless you find the linmodem drivers. If it is
 an external modem no USB you should be ok. Are you using KPPP in the KDE
 desktop?  A little more info would help if the above does not correct the
 problem. We'll be waiting :  )
 Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842


 Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

Re: [newbie] Modem Configuration

2001-07-27 Thread John Rye

On Fri, 27 Jul 2001 19:18:22 -0400
Tom Malone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


First off - Welcome to Linux

OK then, a couple of points to start with..

You need to give us rather more information..

What kind of system do you have??

What kind of modem? 

(You are dual booting with Windows - I see that from your headers :-)

Go to Control Panel -- Modems -- Properties (I think) and run the utility
which looks at the modem's internal registers. From there make a note as to
which Address and Port windows has the modem assigned to. Make a note of
what the modems Identification string is.

If that Id string or the modem labels in Control Panel -- Systems -- has
the characters 'DSF' or 'HCL' in it - then you may have a software modem
and it _MAY NOT_ (not _will_not_) be supported by Linux. This will mean
maybe a different approach.

OK Com Ports.

In Linux the serial ports are labeled /dev/ttyS0, /dev/ttyS1 and so on,
/dev/ttyS0 is the equivilent of Windows/MsDos Com1: and so on. So you need
to tell your dialer software where it it in the /dev/ttySx form. A side
note to that, I suggest that you do not assign your modem to Com1
(/dev/ttyS0) as the is a chance that your mouse regardless of type may also
be assigned there resulting in device conflicts.

Nuf to start with??

Write direct if you wish - I shall echo to the list.



 I am having a lot of trouble configuring my modem. One problem is that I
 have never used Linux before - today is my first day. I just got Mandrake
 8.0 installed, and I don't know where to go to configure the modem.
 install I told the configuration program that the modem was on COM2
(which i
 thought was correct, but i could be wrong) - other than that, I don't
 what info I can provide to help anyone determine what I did wrong. I
 be really grateful for any advice!
 Tom Malone

The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected
   (The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)
 Registered Linux User: 102826

RE: [newbie] Modem Configuration

2001-07-27 Thread Tom Malone

Ok everyone,

Sorry to drag you through another newbie-from-windows-convert-transition -
I'm sure it was painful enough for you all the first time you went through
it ;)

Anyway, I found a binary rpm driver that matched my distribution and kernel,
installed it, and had some success. However, it dropped the connection (some
PPP problem it says). Here is what happened, step-by-step, after i clicked
OK in the KPPP dialogue box:

Jul 27 23:55:37 localhost pppd[1098]: pppd 2.4.0 started by tom, uid 501
Jul 27 23:55:37 localhost pppd[1098]: Using interface ppp0
Jul 27 23:55:37 localhost pppd[1098]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyLT0
Jul 27 23:55:55 localhost pppd[1098]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
Jul 27 23:55:55 localhost pppd[1098]: Modem hangup
Jul 27 23:55:55 localhost pppd[1098]: Connection terminated.
Jul 27 23:55:55 localhost pppd[1098]: Exit.

Again - i'm sorry if this turns out to be something simple, but I REALLY
appreciate your help!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dennis Myers
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 10:19 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Newbie Linux-Mandrake
Subject: Re: [newbie] Modem Configuration

On Friday 27 July 2001 23:09, you wrote:

 It is a winModem, and I am using KPPP in the KDE desktop. The KPPP
 configuration dialogue says the modem is on /dev/modem, if that help..
 I am completely new to this linux stuff - I don't know how to change the
 port the modem is on, and I am really confused (and not just a little
 afraid :) ) by the prospect of having to compile some linmodem driver


 -Original Message-
 From: Dennis Myers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 7:45 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Modem Configuration

 On Friday 27 July 2001 19:18, you wrote:
  I am having a lot of trouble configuring my modem. One problem is that
  I have never used Linux before - today is my first day. I just got
  Mandrake 8.0 installed, and I don't know where to go to configure the
  modem. During install I told the configuration program that the modem
  was on COM2 (which i thought was correct, but i could be wrong) -
  other than that, I don't know what info I can provide to help anyone
  determine what I did wrong. I would be really grateful for any advice!
  Tom Malone

 What brand name is the modem? If it is on com2 in windows then you
 should set it up as ttyS1 on linux. ports start as ttyS0(com1),
 ttyS1(com2)etc. If it is a so called controllerless internal modem then
 it is a winmodem and you may have a problem unless you find the linmodem
 drivers. If it is an external modem no USB you should be ok. Are you
 using KPPP in the KDE desktop?  A little more info would help if the
 above does not correct the problem. We'll be waiting :  )
 Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842
That makes the problem a bit more difficult, I have never used a winmodem
and my advice would be to get a real modem external, and serial connection
to your computer. However, don't panic, relax, you are looking straight on
at the learning curve. I was there one year ago or so.
Now, the url for the linmodems support I do not know, so someone please
repost it for Tom. Then the compilation help needed is also here on the
list cause there are several people who have done it or know how. I call
for there support also.  You will learn so much in the next few weeks and
months, and sometimes the frustration may get to you, but hang in there it
is worth the ride.
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

[newbie] I've gone and done it now!

2001-07-27 Thread John

Hey gang,

  sigh...I think I've really screwed up this time. I thought I'd go into
Drakfont, and remove a mess of fonts I never use. It was going real easy, but
apparently it went too easy. I figured I'd reboot just for the heck of it and
now, I can't get xwindows to start. Why? font for it.
  I tried to fix things with 'upgrade', but that doesn't work, so now all I have
is the cli staring me in the face, but can't get into xwindows.
  Does anyone out there feel like holding my hand and walking me through a fix or
am I best off just reinstalling? (I hope I don't have to reinstall...I've got a
few e-mails saved and I really need to have them, and I haven't figured out how
to do backups with Linux yet...yes, I've read man dump, man tar, man etc,
etc...too technical(?) to understand, for me at least)
  Thanks for any help, y'all be good,


[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 28/07/2001

**Please report spammers to SpamCop.
Use PocoMail for virus-free email and PGP to keep it all safe from prying eyes.
Use Linux for freedom!**

Re: [newbie] I've gone and done it now!

2001-07-27 Thread erylon hines

If you do re-install, you should have all your mail, etc. saved, as long as 
you don't mess with your /home partition (you did make a separate /home, 
didn't you?).  Note to all newbies--always make a separate /home partition, 
so if you do have to re-install, you can save your settings, backups, etc. 
there.  If you don't reformat /home, you will still have that stuff.


On Friday 27 July 2001 22:29, John wrote:
 Hey gang,

   sigh...I think I've really screwed up this time. I thought I'd go into
 Drakfont, and remove a mess of fonts I never use. It was going real easy,
 but apparently it went too easy. I figured I'd reboot just for the heck of
 it and now, I can't get xwindows to start. Why? font for it.
   I tried to fix things with 'upgrade', but that doesn't work, so now all I
 have is the cli staring me in the face, but can't get into xwindows.
   Does anyone out there feel like holding my hand and walking me through a
 fix or am I best off just reinstalling? (I hope I don't have to
 reinstall...I've got a few e-mails saved and I really need to have them,
 and I haven't figured out how to do backups with Linux yet...yes, I've read
 man dump, man tar, man etc, etc...too technical(?) to understand, for me at
   Thanks for any help, y'all be good,


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 28/07/2001

 **Please report spammers to SpamCop.
 Use PocoMail for virus-free email and PGP to keep it all safe from prying
 eyes. Use Linux for freedom!**

Re: [newbie] pine in an xterm and copy/paste

2001-07-27 Thread Paul

It was Fri, 27 Jul 2001 10:46:11 -0700 when Justin Kao wrote:

Did you enable mouse support in Pine? If yes, that might be the reason.

I have Mandrake 8. When I run pine in an xterm (or any other terminal in X),
I am unable to select text in pine, and unable to paste with the middle
mouse button... can anyone tell me how to fix this? Copy/paste works
everywhere else. I have the default configuration in pine, except that I
changed /etc/pine.conf to turn off colors.

Thanks for any help,

Who shall decide when doctors disagree?
-Alexander Pope - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.1
** - when you care **

Re: [newbie] pretty graphical editor

2001-07-27 Thread Randy Kramer

I tried Kwrite, and it's not bad.  I switched to nedit because it has:

-soft wrap (they call it continuous)

However, the search and replace in kwrite is nicer than that in nedit if
you want to accept changes one at a time -- nedit doesn't highlight the
found selection.  Also, kwrite looks a little slicker -- nedit uses
what I think they call the Motif style.

(Actually, I switch between nedit and kwrite (and jstar) depending on
exactly what I'm doing.)

Hope this helps,
Randy Kramer

Roger Sherman wrote:
 Try Kwrite (listed as Advanced Editor in the menu, under
 ApplicationsEditors) might have to enable code highlighting, but it
 does the job for me...
 On Fri, 27 Jul 2001, Kevin Fonner wrote:
  I know I asked this question once and got some reponses but if it ok I
  would like to just check once more but being a little clearer.  Perhaps
  I am contaminated coming from the windows world but I like it when I am
  programming in a graphical editor and the editor colorizes on my code
  depending on whether it a comment or a function...  I have JBuilder and
  it works great for java code.  Are their any really good editors like
  this for C?  I tried emacs, and well... we just didn get along.

[newbie] About to take the plunge

2001-07-27 Thread Kaldren

Well, I'm about to install LM 8.0 and end a life shackled to M$. 
Any suggestions or helpful sanity-saving proceedures?

Re: [newbie] Dual booting win 2000 with NTFS file system with aurora and lilo

2001-07-27 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

This is a boot loader (the graphical menu that allows you to choose what OS 
you want to load at bootup) issue, not a distro one. Mandrake used LILO up to 
7.1, when it replaced it for GRUB. LILO at that time was not able to boot 
from a partition that was past the 1024th cylinder. This is a BIOS 
limitation, and GRUB was designed with a workaround for this. By the time of 
Mandrake 7.2, LILO had been improved do that it could also boot from past the 
1024th cylinder. In Mandrake 8.0, LILO is once again the default boot loader.

On Fri, 27 Jul 2001 12:09, James S Bear wrote:
 This is why I use Mandrake.  I used to play with redhat, but I learned from
 doing that that you need to put the boot sector towards the front of the
 disk. If you have a machine with Winders already installed and then want to
 put redhat overtop, it is almost impossible to get that boot sector towards
 the front of the disk so you are using the Windows mbr.  I am assuming that
 Mandake solves this problem by...?  I don't know.

 Quoting tazmun [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Hi all
  I've been actually dual booting one of my systems with win 2000 NTFS file
  system for some time now with MD 8.0 with no problems.  All seemed to
  work flawlessly and was set up on original install no muss no fuss. 
  However at this point I'm also trying on another system to get Red Hat
  7.1 going. This
  box also has win 2000 on it with NTFS file system.  So far I've not
  figured out how to get the RedHat booted with out using the boot up disk
  I made. The way the Red Hat is installed is similiar to the mandrake with
  the Root filesystem being on hdb5hdb1 is win NTFS as well as hda is
  all NTFS. Is
  the lilo used in mandrake totally different or is it the Aurora giving me
  the dual boot screen at start up.  I get a dark bluish screen(I'm
  somewhat color blind so don't quote me on this could be purple too)
  offering me NT, Linux, Floppy.  I can edit the properties of this screen
  in the GUI config offered in Mandrake as well.  The Mandrake distro
  claims that this particular version of Aurora is made especially for them
  in RPM information but that downloads for other distros are available as
  well on their site. Any idea where that site would be.  In searchs thus
  far no luck. seems to be a company of some sort not
  related to the aurora I speak of here.  Even if I find this site is it
  likely it will solve my problem?
  I realize this is a bit off topic being it is redhat oriented, but this
  seems more informative then the redhat install list.  Ya gotta give
  a high 5 on this issue since they seem to have left redhat in the dust on
  dual booting.  Any suggestions here other then just run mandrake would be
  greatly appreciated... :-)

 Ignorance is underrated

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Restoring Dual Boot-Up After HD Fails

2001-07-27 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

I've forgotten the command (I use LILO), but I know you can write to the boot 
sector through the Mandrake Control Centre.

On Fri, 27 Jul 2001 21:36, Ivan Tefalco wrote:
 Okay, this one's worrying me a bit.

 Originally had my PC setup with DualBoot through Grub.

 WinME on Master
 LM8 on Primary Slave

 My Master drive failed recently after four years of faithful service,
 leaving me with LM8 fully functional on my slave but no way to access it.

 Simple question is ;

 How do I restore the Grub bootmanager to the master after I've replaced the
 Many thanks for all your help., great list.
 -Ivan T.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] How to execute a specified command string with codeweavers-WINE

2001-07-27 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

You need to install the X11R6-contrib package. To run a command with 
switches, etc. encase it in quotes, e.g.

  $ wine /mnt/windos/windows/command/format.exe c:

That should work :-)

On Sat, 28 Jul 2001 00:03, Olaf Marzocchi wrote:
 I need to execute a specified string in order to use Eudora for win.

 At the moment, if I start wine from a terminal I receive the message:
 Xmessage not found or similar. If I click on an exe in konqueror every
 app starts without problem.
 I simply need to pass to WINE a specific command line.

 Thank you

 Configuration: Celeron 333A, 128 MB, 6+3 GB HD, SoundBlaster 128 PCI,
 Realtek Ethernet, i740 video card running at 1024@16bpp, Toshiba CD and LG
 8080B CD-RW
 hda1: win 98, hda5 Linux ReiserFS, hda6 swap, hda7 ReiserFS (/home); hdb1:
 FAT32 with datas

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie]

2001-07-27 Thread Romanator

Everette wrote:
 I am trying to install some software and keep getting
 It say's
 Dependency Problem is needed by my software.
 I looked at the list archives and found several people with the same
 problem, but never seen an answer. Could someone please tell me how to
 fix this problem.

Here's a better one:
Registered Linux User #179293
su is not the root of your problem
but the start of a new journey

FW: [newbie] Modem Configuration

2001-07-27 Thread Franki

if you loaded linuxconf, run it, go to misc options, and select modem

that windows has a detect option, if you select that, it will query your
ports and look for a modem, if it finds one, it will make a symlink between
your port and /dev/modem

from then on, you just select /dev/modem in everything..



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tom Malone
Sent: Saturday, 28 July 2001 7:18 AM
To: Mandrake Newbies
Subject: [newbie] Modem Configuration

I am having a lot of trouble configuring my modem. One problem is that I
have never used Linux before - today is my first day. I just got Mandrake
8.0 installed, and I don't know where to go to configure the modem. During
install I told the configuration program that the modem was on COM2 (which i
thought was correct, but i could be wrong) - other than that, I don't know
what info I can provide to help anyone determine what I did wrong. I would
be really grateful for any advice!


Tom Malone

Re: [newbie] ATTENTION all newbies!

2001-07-27 Thread Romanator


You will need the following:

acroread 4.0.5-6mdk
acroread-nppdf 4.0.5-6mdk
(for Netscape plugin)

Registered Linux User #179293
su is not the root of your problem
but the start of a new journey

John Rigby wrote:
 Hi Sridhar,
 In its default state, my M8 won't recognise PDF format.
 Guess I'll have to install it - so many people use the silly thing
 today...  :-)
 But I would have thought it would have been a default.
 On Wed, 25 Jul 2001 21:21, you manipulated electrons to produce:
  IBM have just released a great FAQ titled Transitioning from
  Windows to Linux. I had a look at it and it appears quite
 Fablor is now Webhosting?? What on earth for??
 (it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

Re: [newbie] About to take the plunge

2001-07-27 Thread etharp

Just my opinions, and I bees a newbie too.
first. if you are going to dual boot (I recomend it since that way you can 
still use winders to connect to this list and get help after you botch 
something else up) first is to run scandisk in winders or from a dos prompt. 
then defrag. This assumes you are not installing a new hard drive just for 
mandrake, and already have winders since you sent this from outlook. figure 
you want 5 gigs harddrive space if you have the powerpack and are going to 
try all the bells and whistles. (well,,, install them anyway I don't think 
you will get around to playing with them all.) 
if you have a non-ide cdrom, write back and find out about alternate 
boot.img set your bios to NON-PLUG and PRAY aware OS (this will only cause 
the bios to scan and initialize the PCI and PLUG AND PRAY devices in your 
Don't bother with the lin4win that will autostart if you try to read the CD 
from winders, give linux it's own space and filesystem. boot from the cd and 
read the directions. I like the expert (as opposed to recomended) and 
developer instead of server or desktop.  I also like to chose every 
damn thing on the disks, and let it all fill the hard drive UP. (everyone 
here that really knows will prolby flame me for that, since some programs can 
conflict, but for the most part, the installer program will not install 
conflicting programs. I also turn off as many services as I think I possibly 
can as soon as I reboot. what a good question tho...


On Friday 27 July 2001 18:39, Kaldren wrote:
 Well, I'm about to install LM 8.0 and end a life shackled to M$.
 Any suggestions or helpful sanity-saving proceedures?

RE: [newbie] About to take the plunge

2001-07-27 Thread Kaldren

Nope, no Windose at all. I am installing it on a clean hard drive, Linux
Chugging right along.

Re: [newbie] Modem Configuration

2001-07-27 Thread Carroll Grigsby

They are called WinModems because they only intended to work under
windows. However, SOME of them can be made to work under other operating
systems. Go here:
and here:

Tom Malone wrote:
 When I go into the KDE Control center, and expand the System Menu, and then
 click on KDE System Control, and the check the properties of the 56k
 WinModem in the device manager, it says the modem is operational. But if I
 try to connect to my ISP, it says the modem is busy. Anu idea what could
 cause it?
 Tom Malone
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Franki
 Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 7:29 PM
 To: NEWBIE Mandrake List
 Subject: FW: [newbie] Modem Configuration
 if you loaded linuxconf, run it, go to misc options, and select modem
 that windows has a detect option, if you select that, it will query your
 ports and look for a modem, if it finds one, it will make a symlink between
 your port and /dev/modem
 from then on, you just select /dev/modem in everything..
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tom Malone
 Sent: Saturday, 28 July 2001 7:18 AM
 To: Mandrake Newbies
 Subject: [newbie] Modem Configuration
 I am having a lot of trouble configuring my modem. One problem is that I
 have never used Linux before - today is my first day. I just got Mandrake
 8.0 installed, and I don't know where to go to configure the modem. During
 install I told the configuration program that the modem was on COM2 (which i
 thought was correct, but i could be wrong) - other than that, I don't know
 what info I can provide to help anyone determine what I did wrong. I would
 be really grateful for any advice!
 Tom Malone

RE: [newbie] webmin

2001-07-27 Thread Tuan Duc Tran

Please read the email attach below. I fixed it by doing this on my LM8.0

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Tim Holmes
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 4:32 PM
To: David Travis
Subject: Re: [newbie] Remote access to Webmin

There's something else you're going to want to look for, or your
webadmin will NOT allow you access to
the interface.

As ROOT, edit the file /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf

I believe it's line 11, that by default reads:


Unless you have ssl configured and the cert created, you will not be
able to gain access to the webmin.
If you change that line to read:


You will be able to get by using http://hostname:1.

Once you've gotten that far, keep in mind that webmin will ONLY recogize
the root user, and the root
passwd specified at install.  If you have since changed the root passwd,
the new passwd will not work.
So I hope you either remember the original root passwd, or haven't
changed it.

As far as ssh goes.  Stick with it!  It's more secure then telnet unless
you're using another kind of
telnet.  I know FreeBSD comes with a secure telnet that uses SRA secure

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 4:18 PM
To: James S Bear
Subject: Re: [newbie] webmin


This works for me:
Press the [enter] key. 


James S Bear wrote:
 I've got my webserver running, sorta, but I am really not a command
prompt type
 of person.  Can anybody tell me how to run webmin?
 I tried typing it from the command line, but it tells me from a
browser go to
 Okay, I did that.  In Konqueror, now it tells me that connection to
localhost is
 broken.  Okay.  So, then in type in my localhost:901 for CUPS, it
works fine.
 Well, I did a bit of exploring and ran the install for webmin, but it
still does
 the same thing.
 I don't know.  Do you?
 I did issue a start command with success.
 Mozilla tells me that transfer completed, but it stays at the previous
 help, please.
 Ignorance is underrated

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Re: [newbie] Monitor Switch?

2001-07-27 Thread Jon Doe

thanks for the quick responses! I dual boot both linux and winME with an 
older 17 IBM monitor that I got for $99 and it works just fine. My dad is 
kinda weird about these things and I have him really interested in linux, but 
when he had the monitor problem of course he blamed it on linux and deleted 
it. He just happens to have two brand new montiors and got the idea about 
some kind of switch, I won't argue with him if he gives linux another shot.
He runs 800x600 I believe, so it sounds like he shouldn't have a problem.
Again thanks for the fast responses.

Re: [newbie] Modem Configuration

2001-07-27 Thread Dennis Myers

On Saturday 28 July 2001 00:01, you wrote:
 Ok everyone,

 Sorry to drag you through another newbie-from-windows-convert-transition
 - I'm sure it was painful enough for you all the first time you went
 through it ;)

 Anyway, I found a binary rpm driver that matched my distribution and
 kernel, installed it, and had some success. However, it dropped the
 connection (some PPP problem it says). Here is what happened,
 step-by-step, after i clicked OK in the KPPP dialogue box:

 Jul 27 23:55:37 localhost pppd[1098]: pppd 2.4.0 started by tom, uid 501
 Jul 27 23:55:37 localhost pppd[1098]: Using interface ppp0
 Jul 27 23:55:37 localhost pppd[1098]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyLT0
 Jul 27 23:55:55 localhost pppd[1098]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
 Jul 27 23:55:55 localhost pppd[1098]: Modem hangup
 Jul 27 23:55:55 localhost pppd[1098]: Connection terminated.
 Jul 27 23:55:55 localhost pppd[1098]: Exit.

 Again - i'm sorry if this turns out to be something simple, but I REALLY
 appreciate your help!


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dennis Myers
 Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 10:19 PM
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Newbie Linux-Mandrake
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Modem Configuration

No appologies needed. We are here to help as best we can, some are more 
versed in linux than others, I'm on the low end of the knowhow scale. 
hehe..  but,
Ok, this one I have seen and it might be as simple as setting the modem 
timeout to a higher value. On the desktop click on the internet connection 
icon and then setupmodem and look for the timeout setting down near the 
bottom of the dialog box ,  set it for 90 secs or more. This can be done 
in an editor also, but I'm am sadly lacking in console knowledge. Working 
on that though. See if the timeout setting will get you connected.
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

Re: [newbie] Alternatives help like Win4Lin?

2001-07-27 Thread Miark

 *** Have since been told officially: can not record
via W4L. No
 plans to implement it either... !  :-(

Hmm. Too bad.

  Have been tryting to get to undersatand the W4L
 but small things like system trashing keep interrupting..
 My  take was you had to virtually start with a clean
 So, you actually installed w4l into M8?
 Then added Win98 via it as a new install?
 AND kept all your data?
 BUT of course would lose all the installed programs?

I started with a dual-boot Win98 and Linux. When I got
Win4Lin, I installed it on MDK 8.0. I _did_ have to install
my basic tools in Win4Lin, namely FrontPage and Photoshop.
But I setup Win4Lin to use the existing FAT32 partions on
which I store all my data. So while I have two copies of
Photoshop on my box (one in Windows, one in Win4Lin) they
both use the same FAT32 partition to which I keep all my

So no, I didn't start with a clean system, and I didn't lose
any installed programs. I just had to add another copy of my
basic apps in Win4Lin.

Winblows Win4Lin
C: WinsuxC: = Win4Lin's install on Win98 in my
  Linux /home directory
D: Apps  D: = My real D: partition from Winsux,
  Although I install apps to a dirctory
  ear-marked for Win4Lin apps.
E: Docs  E: = My real E: partition from Winsux.

I didn't need to put Win4Lin apps on my real D:. I just
did that because my /home partition (where Win4Lin
normally puts the Win4Lin D: drive) is almost full :-(


[newbie] ug, windows cave man got head sore. (mostly x-windows related)

2001-07-27 Thread Robert MacLean

ug ug ug bunnies ;)
(hello bunnies ;))

I have some questions about x-windows.
My biggest worry is that when my machine is starting up (in aurora, I
think it's called) It try's to load something called X Windows System
[K and that seems to crash. I couldn't find any reference to it in
any of the log files (maybe I looked at the wrong log files).
Everything seems fine, XWindows starts and runs (but it seems less
stable than before I got that error).
firstly I'm running something called Easel and Nautilus, and it is
SLOW. Is there a better alternative? Or a way to make it faster?
Being the windows user I am, I got a lot of True Type Fonts and was
wondering if I can use them under Gnome? And if so how?
And my only question not XWindows related is how to I get something to
run on start-up?

Thank you very much for any responses

Robert MacLean