[newbie-it] icewm

2001-11-14 Thread lori cava

Ciao a tutti.
Ho provato a caricare MDK8.0 su una fetecchia di pc
(p75) e funziona, specialmente in modalità consolle.
Come interfaccia grafica ho scelto icewm perchè mi
sembrava più leggero di kde e gnome, però a differenza
di questi ultimi icewm non ha nessuna icona
predefinita. Chiedo a voi come si può fare per creare
delle icone collegate alle applicazioni che più
interessano. Grazie in anticipo.


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Re: [newbie-it] icewm

2001-11-14 Thread Andrea Celli

lori cava wrote:
 Ciao a tutti.
 Ho provato a caricare MDK8.0 su una fetecchia di pc
 (p75) e funziona, specialmente in modalità consolle.
 Come interfaccia grafica ho scelto icewm perchè mi
 sembrava più leggero di kde e gnome, però a differenza
 di questi ultimi icewm non ha nessuna icona
 predefinita. Chiedo a voi come si può fare per creare
 delle icone collegate alle applicazioni che più
 interessano. Grazie in anticipo.

Intendi le icone sullo sfondo del desktop?
non credo si possa.
che io sappia icewm e` un window manager e non un desktop
Se vuoi funzionalita` del genere devi passare ad  xfce
che e` il desktop piu` leggero.

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] problema

2001-11-14 Thread LukenShiro

Nell'Evo medio, all'ora 12:28, mercoledì 14 novembre 2001, Voi, 
Notabile Luigi De Pascale, avete dipinto:
 non risuscendo ad installare gnome nuovo con l'installatore
 automatico ho scaricato tutti i paccherri rpm in una directory e dato
 il comando rpm -Uvv *.*
 L'installazione e' partita ma poi  e' successo cio' che segue:

Domanda stupida: invece di scaricare i sorgenti (.src.rpm) perche' non 
scarichi e installi i binari precompilati? I src.rpm non vanno 
installati (a meno che ti voglia mettere a compilarli a mano).
Prendi tutti gli src.rpm e disinstallali (il solito rpm -ev xx). 
Da quello che dici pare che tu stia scaricando da ximian, non ti 
converrebbe prendere i file dal ramo mandrake? (se te la senti anche 
dalla cooker, piu' recente, ma in sviluppo ...):
http://fr2.rpmfind.net/linux/Mandrake/8.1/i586/Mandrake/RPMS/ (mi son 
perso i retroscena, se non hai la 8.1 puoi fare riferimento a questo) 

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK mista cooker/8.1 - 2.4.13-ac7

Re: [newbie-it] Peggio che mai

2001-11-14 Thread LukenShiro

Nell'Evo medio, all'ora 12:58, mercoledì 14 novembre 2001, Voi, 
Notabile Luigi De Pascale, avete dipinto:
 .. facio seguito alla precedente mail.
 Adesso ho hda5 al 100%. quindi se spengo il computer al prossimo 
avvio non
 riuscira' piu ad avviare i varii server.

Uhmm, per disinstallare devi usare rpm -ev xxx, dove xxx e' il nome del 
pacchetto _senza_ numero di versione o suffissi di qualsiasi genere. 
Il problema grosso e' che devi aver fatto un bel casino, dato che hai 
mischiato pacchetti di gnome con pacchetti che servono a perl e rpm.
Disinstalla tutti i pacchetti che facevano riferimento a gnome, e prova 
a forzare l'installazione originale di pacchetti che sono fondamentali 
per altro (tipo popt) ... lo so che e' un rimedio estremo, ma ... 
Ovviamente consiglio di riavviare con un wm diverso da kde e gnome, 
finche' non hai risolto il problema (tipo icewm). 
Prendi nota dei pacchetti che disinstalli, dato che poi seguendo quanto 
t'ho gia' detto li andrai in buona parte a reinstallare. 
Saluti, Lk

P.S. mi permetto di farti un piccolo appunto (senza pretesa di 
saccenza), dato che in altra mailing list ho cazziato amaramente uno 
che ci prendeva gusto a farlo: quando devi illustrare gli sviluppi di 
un problema iniziale e chiedere chiarimenti conseguenti, segui lo 
stesso thread di messaggi che hai aperto, altrimenti rischi che nessuno 
legga il messaggio = probabilita' di risposta tendente allo zero ... 

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK mista cooker/8.1 - 2.4.13-ac7

Re: [newbie-it] Peggio che mai +sempre sui sorgenti

2001-11-14 Thread Luigi De Pascale

On Wed, 14 Nov 2001, LukenShiro wrote:

 Nell'Evo medio, all'ora 12:58, mercoledì 14 novembre 2001, Voi,
 Notabile Luigi De Pascale, avete dipinto:
  .. facio seguito alla precedente mail.
  Adesso ho hda5 al 100%. quindi se spengo il computer al prossimo
 avvio non
  riuscira' piu ad avviare i varii server.

 Uhmm, per disinstallare devi usare rpm -ev xxx, dove xxx e' il nome del
 pacchetto _senza_ numero di versione o suffissi di qualsiasi genere.
 Il problema grosso e' che devi aver fatto un bel casino, dato che hai
 mischiato pacchetti di gnome con pacchetti che servono a perl e rpm.
 Disinstalla tutti i pacchetti che facevano riferimento a gnome, e prova
 a forzare l'installazione originale di pacchetti che sono fondamentali
 per altro (tipo popt) ... lo so che e' un rimedio estremo, ma ...

 P.S. mi permetto di farti un piccolo appunto (senza pretesa di
 saccenza), dato che in altra mailing list ho cazziato amaramente uno
 che ci prendeva gusto a farlo: quando devi illustrare gli sviluppi di
 un problema iniziale e chiedere chiarimenti conseguenti, segui lo
 stesso thread di messaggi che hai aperto, altrimenti rischi che nessuno
 legga il messaggio = probabilita' di risposta tendente allo zero ...

In realta' non capisco bene se ho fatto un casino grosso. In fine dei
conti ho installato dei sorgenti da compilare non degli eseguibili.
In teoria rimuoverli non dovrebbe fare danni.
IL fatto e' che non so come si fa.
Se per esempio do il comando
rpm -ev GConf
disinstallo la vecchia versione del programma che funziona ma non elimino
i sorgenti della nuovaversione che ho installato per errore.
Che fare?


Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

Re: [newbie-it] Peggio che mai

2001-11-14 Thread Andrea Celli

Luigi De Pascale wrote:
 .. facio seguito alla precedente mail.
 Adesso ho hda5 al 100%. quindi se spengo il computer al prossimo avvio non
 riuscira' piu ad avviare i varii server.
 Urge restaurare la precedente situazione.

Non riesco a ritrovare il mesaggio precedente.

In casi del genere io comincerei con un bel

for i in .netscape/cache/*/* ; do rm -f $i; done
dato per ogni utente. Ogni cache puo` essere di 3/5MB
e contenere centinaia di file per cui un rm .netscape/cache/*/*
ti puo` dare argument too long

poi farei un giretto in /tmp e /usr/tmp
a vedere se ci sono sozzerie (in genere tutto quello
che risale a prima dell'ultimo boot o di proprieta` di
utenti non attivi)

poi un find /home -name core e rimuoverei i core inutili,
lo stesso in /root

poi un du -ms /*
per vedere quali sono le directory piu` ciccione da

attenzione ai file.ps, alle directory con i sorgenti dei
pacchetti installati (fanne _almeno_ un majke clean),

puoi compattare ricorsivamente una directory non essenziale
con gzip -R


ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Peggio che mai

2001-11-14 Thread Andrea Celli

LukenShiro wrote:
 Nell'Evo medio, all'ora 12:58, mercoledì 14 novembre 2001, Voi,
 Notabile Luigi De Pascale, avete dipinto:
  .. facio seguito alla precedente mail.
  Adesso ho hda5 al 100%. quindi se spengo il computer al prossimo
 avvio non
  riuscira' piu ad avviare i varii server.
 Uhmm, per disinstallare devi usare rpm -ev xxx, dove xxx e' il nome del
 pacchetto _senza_ numero di versione o suffissi di qualsiasi genere.
 Il problema grosso e' che devi aver fatto un bel casino, dato che hai
 mischiato pacchetti di gnome con pacchetti che servono a perl e rpm.
 Disinstalla tutti i pacchetti che facevano riferimento a gnome, 

adesso mi sembra di ricordare, era quello che per fare un aggiornamento
di qualcosa aveva installato tutta la directory del CD
di una rivista con rpm -Uqualcosa *.rpm. ?

In questi casi si da` rpm -Fqualcosa
l'opzione -F aggiorna solo i pacchetti gia` presenti
l'opzione -U aggiorna se c'e` e installa se non c'e`.

 Se deve ripulire quello che ha fatto quel giorno,
l'unica soluzione che mi viene in mente e` qualcosa del tipo

for i in `rpm -qa`; do echo $i; rpm -qi $i |grep -s 'Install date: Mon
26 Jun 2000'  echo $i ; done

cambiando la data.

Questo gli da` un elenco di cosa ha installato nel giorno fatidico.
Poi gli puo` dare dentro con l'accetta.

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Peggio che mai +sempre sui sorgenti

2001-11-14 Thread Andrea Celli

Luigi De Pascale wrote:

 Se per esempio do il comando
 rpm -ev GConf
 disinstallo la vecchia versione del programma che funziona ma non elimino
 i sorgenti della nuovaversione che ho installato per errore.
 Che fare?

da man rpm:
  Remove  the  sources  and spec file after the build
  (may also be used standalone, eg.  rpm  --rmsource

Comunque, i sorgenti vanno a finire da qualche parte in /usr/src/...
e puoi eliminare direttamente la directory che li contiene

Per vedere dove sono esattamente prendi uno degli srpm
incriminati e dai
 rpm -qlp pacchetto.srpm.rpm |less
e vedi dove viene messo il tutto.

ciao, Andrea

[newbie-it] Dove vanno i sorgenti:

2001-11-14 Thread Luigi De Pascale

infine ho scoperto che i sorgenti non compilati vanno a finire in
SOno andato nella directoru ed ho rimosso tutto.
Adesso ho spazio per lavorare e domani o dopodomani faro' una uova
installazione perche' vorrei eliminare windows e mettere MDK 8.1

Pensate che al prossimo reboot avro' dei guai?

Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

Re: [newbie-it] Dove vanno i sorgenti:

2001-11-14 Thread LukenShiro

Nell'Evo medio, all'ora 15:05, mercoledì 14 novembre 2001, Voi, 
Notabile Luigi De Pascale, avete dipinto:
 infine ho scoperto che i sorgenti non compilati vanno a finire in
 SOno andato nella directoru ed ho rimosso tutto.

Se hai rimosso solo il contenuto di quella directory e i programmi 
precedenti non erano stati toccati, non credo che dovresti avere 

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK mista cooker/8.1 - 2.4.13-ac7

Re: [newbie-it] Dove vanno i sorgenti:

2001-11-14 Thread Luigi De Pascale

On Wed, 14 Nov 2001, LukenShiro wrote:

 Nell'Evo medio, all'ora 15:05, mercoledì 14 novembre 2001, Voi,
 Notabile Luigi De Pascale, avete dipinto:
  infine ho scoperto che i sorgenti non compilati vanno a finire in
  SOno andato nella directoru ed ho rimosso tutto.

 Se hai rimosso solo il contenuto di quella directory e i programmi
 precedenti non erano stati toccati, non credo che dovresti avere

I programmi precedenti non dovrebbero essere stati toccati perche' ho
installato solo files del tipo .src.rpm

Comunque ero troppo curioso, ho fatto un reboot e funziona ancora tutto.

Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

[newbie-it] Avvio interattivo

2001-11-14 Thread CyberPenguin

Ciao a tutti,
secondo Voi è normale che tutte le
volte che faccio partire Linux Mandrake 8.0, durante la fase di
boot (in un brevissimo e preciso momento nel
quale il sistema mi chiede: Premi i per accedere all'avvio
interattivo) io debba inserire inserire la i per poi
ritrovarmi di fronte ad un specie di finestra che mi riporta

Linuxconf 1.25R3: operation mode
Select one of the operation below or configure the default mode.
Current system profile version is 'home'.

Start Graphic  Network
Text mode  Network
Maintenance mode
Configure The workstation
Select   Configuration version
View The boot logs

   Quit Help

Selezionando manualmente Start Graphic  Network (prima del
timeout!) e dando invio, mi posso considerare arrivato in quanto
Linux poco dopo mi presenta l'interfaccia grafica con la finestra
di login.
Diversamente se non presto la massima attenzione in queste fasi,
mi ritrovo inesorabilmente a fare login con la
console di Linux (e per ora sono quasi fregato!) :-||
Cos'è l'avvio interattivo?
E Linuxconf 1.25R3? Configurando manualmente la modalità di
default cosa mi andrà a chiedere?

Un sincero ringraziamento.

Re: [newbie-it] Avvio interattivo

2001-11-14 Thread LukenShiro

Nell'Evo medio, all'ora 17:56, mercoledì 14 novembre 2001, Voi, 
Notabile CyberPenguin, avete dipinto:
 quale il sistema mi chiede: Premi i per accedere all'avvio
 interattivo) io debba inserire inserire la i per poi
 ritrovarmi di fronte ad un specie di finestra che mi riporta

Be', non e' che sei obbligato a premere i, l'avvio interattivo e' 
utile se devi configurare diversamente la modalita' d'avvio e/o devi 
disabilitare un demone/servizio al momento del boot

 Diversamente se non presto la massima attenzione in queste fasi,
 mi ritrovo inesorabilmente a fare login con la
 console di Linux (e per ora sono quasi fregato!) :-||

Quando hai fatto l'installazione avevi precisato che volevi che si 
avviasse sempre automaticamente il server X? puoi cmq avviarlo da 
console, digitando startx
Se non ricordo male, per avere il login grafico una volta per tutte, 
basta che vai nel Mandrake Control center - Avvio - configurazione di 
avvio, e spunti la casella Launch the X-Window system [o frase 
equivalente in italiano]], in alternativa, sempre da root, modifichi 
nel file /etc/sysconfig/autologin la riga che inizia con AUTOLOGIN= 
da 'no' a 'yes'.
Ciauz, Lk

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK mista cooker/8.1 - 2.4.13-ac7

Re: [newbie-it] Avvio interattivo

2001-11-14 Thread LukenShiro

Nell'Evo medio, all'ora 18:59, mercoledì 14 novembre 2001, Voi, 
Notabile LukenShiro, avete dipinto:
 in alternativa, sempre da root, modifichi nel file
 /etc/sysconfig/autologin la riga che inizia con AUTOLOGIN= da
 'no' a 'yes'.

Azz, no, non tener conto di questa ultima parte che ho citato, 
ho scritto troppo in fretta (questo dovrebbe invece riferirsi al login 
automatico con un particolare utente, ma e' mooolto meglio non farlo)

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK mista cooker/8.1 - 2.4.13-ac7

Re: [newbie-it] icewm

2001-11-14 Thread ENx

Anch'io uso icewm, e le uniche icone che sono riuscito ad aggiungere 
sono quelle sulla barra delle applicazioni!!
Per farlo devi editare a mano un file presente nella tua home alla 
sottodirectory .icewm. Il file si chiama toolbar e le righe da 
aggiungere hanno il seguente formato:

prog nome_applicazione percorso_icona percorso_file_eseguibile

nota lo spazio tra una parte e l'altra.è fondamentale sennò icewm non 
capisce quello che deve aggiungere!!

Ciao ENx

lori cava wrote:

Ciao a tutti.
Ho provato a caricare MDK8.0 su una fetecchia di pc
(p75) e funziona, specialmente in modalità consolle.
Come interfaccia grafica ho scelto icewm perchè mi
sembrava più leggero di kde e gnome, però a differenza
di questi ultimi icewm non ha nessuna icona
predefinita. Chiedo a voi come si può fare per creare
delle icone collegate alle applicazioni che più
interessano. Grazie in anticipo.


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Per saperne di più vai alla pagina http://adsl.yahoo.it

[newbie-it] Mount/Umount e MDK 8.1

2001-11-14 Thread Daniele Micci

Ciao a tutti,
oggi ho installato la nuova Mandrake 8.1. Più che altro, per curiosità: avevo 
letto in rete tanti e tali post di utenti alle prese con i problemi più vari, 
che mi ero convinto fosse una release piena di bug; quindi l'avevo installata 
con l'idea di dargli un'occhiata e tornare poi alla 8.0. Invece, con ia 
grande sorpresa, tutto finora è andato liscio come l'olio.
Unico neo, il problema che mi spinge a scrivervi. Dopo aver configurato il 
firewall col solito comando InteractiveBastille (o, almeno, credo dipenda 
da questo), non sono più in grado di montare/smontare il CDROM senza essere 
root. Il che è un po' scomodo.
Ho dato un'occhiata al file /etc/fstab, e mi sembra sia tutto a posto. Ho 
modificato i permessi dei comandi mount e umount, ma riesco solo ad ottenere 
un messaggio che mi avverte che per montare/smontare una periferica si deve 
essere root.
Qualcuno può aiutarmi a capire cosa sia successo, e come tornare alla 
situazione di partenza?
Un grazie anticipato a chi vorrà rispondermi.


P.S.: qui sotto vi copio il mio file fstab.

/dev/hda5 / ext2 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom auto 
user,iocharset=iso8859-15,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
/dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom2 auto 
user,iocharset=iso8859-15,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto 
user,iocharset=iso8859-15,sync,exec,codepage=850,noauto 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda6 swap swap defaults 0 0

Re: [newbie-it] Mount/Umount e MDK 8.1

2001-11-14 Thread LukenShiro

Nell'Evo medio, all'ora 22:06, mercoledì 14 novembre 2001, Voi, 
Notabile Daniele Micci, avete dipinto:
 modificato i permessi dei comandi mount e umount, ma riesco solo ad 
 un messaggio che mi avverte che per montare/smontare una periferica 
si deve 
 essere root.

Svelato l'arcano, ho controllato le domande che pone Bastille, e tra le 
altre appare Would you like to disable SUID status for mount/umount?, 
sembra che tu abbia risposto si' :)
Mi pare che quindi basti SUIDarlo, con chmod a+s /bin/mount e lo 
stesso per umount.
Ciauz, Lk

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK mista cooker/8.1 - 2.4.13-ac7

Re: [newbie-it] Mount/Umount e MDK 8.1

2001-11-14 Thread Daniele Micci

Il giorno 22:39, mercoledì 14 novembre 2001 hai scritto:
 Svelato l'arcano, ho controllato le domande che pone Bastille, e tra le
 altre appare Would you like to disable SUID status for mount/umount?,
 sembra che tu abbia risposto si' :)
 Mi pare che quindi basti SUIDarlo, con chmod a+s /bin/mount e lo
 stesso per umount.
 Ciauz, Lk

grazie per la risposta. Immaginavo qualcosa del genere, anche perchè mi 
ricordavo quella domanda. E qui c'è un mistero. Ero tornato immediatamente a 
configurare Bastille per cambiare quella risposta. Ma quella domanda non me 
la fa più. Boh! Comunque, ora provo a modificare a mano...
Grazie ancora!


Re: [newbie-it] Mount/Umount e MDK 8.1

2001-11-14 Thread Daniele Micci

Il giorno 22:39, mercoledì 14 novembre 2001 hai scritto:
 Svelato l'arcano, ho controllato le domande che pone Bastille, e tra le
 altre appare Would you like to disable SUID status for mount/umount?,
 sembra che tu abbia risposto si' :)
 Mi pare che quindi basti SUIDarlo, con chmod a+s /bin/mount e lo
 stesso per umount.
 Ciauz, Lk

Risolto un guaio (ho provato, funziona. GRAZIE ANCORA) ne trovo un altro.
Non mi fa scrivere nella partizione di Windows. Ho provato a spostare un file 
dal desktop al desktop di Windows (FAT32, è Windows ME). Niente da fare, 
accesso negato. Posso leggere ma non scrivere...

Re: [newbie-it] Mount/Umount e MDK 8.1

2001-11-14 Thread LukenShiro

Nell'Evo medio, all'ora 23:07, mercoledì 14 novembre 2001, Voi, 
Notabile Daniele Micci, avete dipinto:
 Non mi fa scrivere nella partizione di Windows. Ho provato a spostare
 un file dal desktop al desktop di Windows (FAT32, è Windows ME).
 Niente da fare, accesso negato. Posso leggere ma non scrivere...

Uhmmm, se e' montata come rw (e dalla riga che avevi scritto in fstab 
parrebbe di si'), magari controlla che il device corrispondente alla 
partizione  il punto di mount della stessa abbiano i permessi di 
Cmq la mia riga di fstab ha un umask=0 dopo iocharset e prima di 
codepage: non saprei dire se incide o meno, pero' ...
L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK mista cooker/8.1 - 2.4.13-ac7

R: [newbie-it] problemi con mdk 8.1

2001-11-14 Thread Biss

 - non funziona nemmeno l'esecuzione di CD musicali. Con cdplay ad
 mi da questo messaggio: /dev/cdrom: no such file o directory. E questo
 anche da root.

cosa risponde ls -l /dev/cdrom?
dovrebbe mostrarti un link simbolico con /dev/hdX (con X opportuno)
se manca, costruisci il link con ln -s /dev/hdX /dev/cdrom

Ho guardato e mi sembra assurdo!
esiste il link cdrom ma punta a cdroms/cdrom0 che non esiste. Ho cercato di
cancellare il link per farne uno che punta a hdc ma il sistema ricrea quello
vecchio e mi impedisce il link. Ho anche provato a fare un link ponte tra
cdrom e hdc e nominandolo cdrom0 ma anche linkare hdc non mi è permesso.
E' possibile che root non possa fare quello che vuole? Tutto questo mi
ricorda un po' troppo winzozz!

Poi non riesco a fare in modo che anche gli utenti montino floppy e cdrom.
Ho aggiunto in fstab, come diceva il man di mount, la riga
user,noexec,nosuid,nodev ma comunque mi dice che devo essere root.

grazie per l'aiuto


Re: [newbie-it] Avvio interattivo

2001-11-14 Thread Andrea Celli

LukenShiro wrote:
 Nell'Evo medio, all'ora 18:59, mercoledì 14 novembre 2001, Voi,
 Notabile LukenShiro, avete dipinto:
  in alternativa, sempre da root, modifichi nel file
  /etc/sysconfig/autologin la riga che inizia con AUTOLOGIN= da
  'no' a 'yes'.
 Azz, no, non tener conto di questa ultima parte che ho citato,
 ho scritto troppo in fretta (questo dovrebbe invece riferirsi al login
 automatico con un particolare utente, ma e' mooolto meglio non farlo)

In effetti, per gestitire l'avvio di X, bisogna andare nel file 
/etc/inittab. La prima riga non commentata deve essere del tipo:

per avviare in modalita` console


per avviare in modalita` grafica (X).

ciao,  andrea

RE: [newbie] Tripwire-1.3.1-1.tar.gz

2001-11-14 Thread Franki


Have you managed to get tripwire to install?

the last time I tried, I had to modify the install script just to get it to
pass the checks and installed..

I got it installed and then got sidetracked, so I haven't tried using it
since then..


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Anke  Max
Sent: Wednesday, 14 November 2001 11:13 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Tripwire-1.3.1-1.tar.gz

Gidday G
So what would one use in addition to (instead of) tripwire and how can
things trick tripwire?

g answered  Anuerin G. Diaz  on Monday, November 12, 2001 6:32 PM

 Anuerin G. Diaz wrote:
  and what does tripwire do anyway?

 basically, it is a file security monitor data base for files to
 monitor changes.

 it is ok, but there are better ways, as files can be tricked
 to not show changes that tripwire checks.

 it is useful, but not to be used alone for security.

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[newbie] Bastille and dhcp

2001-11-14 Thread Colin Jenkins

Hello all,
I was wondering if anyone can 'walk' me though seting up Bastille in
My problem is, that if I run InteractiveBastille, my windows boxes no
longer get an ip address. I played with the bastille config file, but
then internet sharing stopped.
It seems I can have either a firewall or dhcp and internet sharing,
but not both.
I noticed after running bastille and reebooting, I got an error like
Ip virtual server could not open /proc/net/ip_masq/vs file.
I have iptables installed but Mandrake Control center  says ipchains
and iptables are stopped. is that normal?


Colin Jenkins
ICQ: 650611   registered linux user 223862
Politics. From the greek poly, meaning many, and ticks, a small, annoying bloodsucker. 

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[newbie] error emails to root (cron jobs i think)

2001-11-14 Thread Jamie Kerwick

I keep getting the following mails in my linux box's root account. I believe 
they are from cron jobs and that it is something concerning usenet servers. 
but exactly what does it mean and how do i stop them, (remove the cron job)

every hour:
touch: /var/log/news/nntpsend.log: Permission denied
chmod: /var/log/news/nntpsend.log: Permission denied
/usr/bin/nntpsend: /var/log/news/nntpsend.log: Permission denied 
/usr/bin/news.daily: /var/lib/news/.news.daily: Permission denied 



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Re: [newbie] Kmail cannot receive email but can send email

2001-11-14 Thread Stephen Liu

Hi Derek,

Thanks for your response.

At 11:34 PM 11/13/2001 +, you wrote:
I would not worry about that too much. Evolution is still not final code. It
does crash sometimes.
I would be more interested in what the output of the fetchmailconf test
showed you.

At time performing fetchmailconf test it was discovered that fetchmailconf 
has not been installed.  I RPM it and performed following test:

- Use NOVICE configuration
- Poll interval  0  (also tried   3)
- Protocol  POP3  (also tried  auto)
- Password and Login :- same as used in Win ME PC which runs fine
- Use SSL  (not selected)
- Check server SSL certificate  (not selected)
- Server   pop.xxx.net
- Processing options
   Suppress deletion of message after reading  (selected)
   Fetch old messages as well as new  (selected)

Fetchmail  Test  Result

fetchmail:  POP3  +OK 11346  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
fetchmail:  POP3  CAPA\r
fetchmail:  POP3  -ERR authorization first
fetchmail:  authorization first
fetchmail:  POP3  USER  satimis \ r
fetchmail:  POP3  +OK
fetchmail:  POP3  PASS * \ r
fetchmail:  POP3  -ERR authorization failed
fetchmail:  authorization failed
fetchmail:  authorization failed on [EMAIL PROTECTED]
fetchmail:  POP3  Quit \ r
fetchmail:  Query status = 3 (AUTHFAIL)
fetchmail:  Normal termination.  Status 0

I still can't discover the failure cause.  Netscape browser works properly.


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[newbie] Need help installing DVD

2001-11-14 Thread JDRadio

I did the ln -s /dev/hdb /dev/dvd
and now show /dev/dvd.

I can read cdroms with the drive but with vlc
It doesn't display any dvd play lists or seem to access the drive.
If I use a file manager to look at the dvd disk then it shows
audio.ts and video.ts


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Re: [newbie] Kmail cannot receive email but can send email

2001-11-14 Thread Ed Tharp

sure looks to me like a miss-spelled password... maybe caps?

On Wednesday 14 November 2001 05:55, you wrote:
 Hi Derek,

 Thanks for your response.

 At 11:34 PM 11/13/2001 +, you wrote:
 I would not worry about that too much. Evolution is still not final code.
  It does crash sometimes.
 I would be more interested in what the output of the fetchmailconf test
 showed you.

 At time performing fetchmailconf test it was discovered that fetchmailconf
 has not been installed.  I RPM it and performed following test:

 - Use NOVICE configuration
 - Poll interval  0  (also tried   3)
 - Protocol  POP3  (also tried  auto)
 - Password and Login :- same as used in Win ME PC which runs fine
 - Use SSL  (not selected)
 - Check server SSL certificate  (not selected)
 - Server   pop.xxx.net
 - Processing options
Suppress deletion of message after reading  (selected)
Fetch old messages as well as new  (selected)

 Fetchmail  Test  Result

 fetchmail:  POP3  +OK 11346  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 fetchmail:  POP3  CAPA\r
 fetchmail:  POP3  -ERR authorization first
 fetchmail:  authorization first
 fetchmail:  POP3  USER  satimis \ r
 fetchmail:  POP3  +OK
 fetchmail:  POP3  PASS * \ r
 fetchmail:  POP3  -ERR authorization failed
 fetchmail:  authorization failed
 fetchmail:  authorization failed on [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 fetchmail:  POP3  Quit \ r
 fetchmail:  Query status = 3 (AUTHFAIL)
 fetchmail:  Normal termination.  Status 0

 I still can't discover the failure cause.  Netscape browser works properly.


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Re: [newbie] Outlook Express to Linux - how can I - also Draughting package needed

2001-11-14 Thread Derek Jennings

On Wednesday 14 November 2001 02:07, Tim Holmes wrote:
 From what I've read, and what I've played with, you don't need to make
 the Outlook Express mail file anything.  You should be able to use it
 as is, and then port it to something you can use in *nix.


 I was looking for something to port Eudora Pro mail files to Linux, and
 had a bit of frustration and problems and then it didn't really do that
 well of a job.  But check out that app above.  Maybe it will work.

According to chapter 7 of the Kmail manual Euroda Pro files are already in 
the same format as Kmail. All you have to do is copy them over in the right 

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Re: [newbie] web page woe's

2001-11-14 Thread Derek Jennings

Hmm certainly looks as if a firewall could be running. To make sure type in a 
root terminal
/etc/rc.d/init.d/bastille-firewall stop
If one was running it will stop immediately

Naturally you should enable a firewall if you intend to leave this computer 
exposed to the net. Interactive-Bastille would allow you to open up just for 

On Wednesday 14 November 2001 02:09, you wrote:
 I have a little problem.  I set up a web page on my linux mandrake 8.0
 server and am unable to get to it remotely.

 I can connect to it on a small local network (3 winblows systems and a
 mandrake server) by typing in the ip of the local address (192.xxx.x.x)
 or the external ip(24.x.x.x)but as soon as I try to connect from out side
 ie work there is no trace.  no ping no telnet no ssh no nothing.

 I am not running a firewall (to my knowledge).  Any help would be great.

 Lost in Linux


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[newbie] konqueror settings

2001-11-14 Thread chris swain

Hi all. Im using KDE and I like Konqueror.
But I dont like the fact that whenever I save over a file it makes a back up.
(silly I know but im dealing with small text files and its a pain deleting 
them all)  Is there anyway to turn this feature off?

Chris Swain
Registered linux user 226399

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[newbie] cat5 cable again

2001-11-14 Thread Andrea Fabris

Hi everybody
At home i have a little lan (2 pc ;-) ) and i use a crossed cable to connect
them, the cable is a cat5 12m long but im able to run the cards only at
10baseT cause they see a disconnected cable if i run'em at 100BaseT
Any Idea?

Andrea Fabris

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Re: [newbie] problem with netscape6.2 bookmarks on mandrake/linux

2001-11-14 Thread skinky

On Wed, 14 Nov 2001 12:02, tek1 wrote:

  is there an alternative to nutscrape that u use?

Well I use Galeon for most web surfing but if a particular website doesn't 
work properly I use Mozilla or Konqueror.  I can even use Konqueror for my 
internet banking.  And just for the hell of it, sometimes I use links (in 
Konsole) or lynx (gui version of links).  I don't really like Nutscrape, 
it feels a bit spy-warish with all the links directing to 
www.netscape.whatever but thats JMO.

But what ... is it good for?
(Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968, 
commenting on the microchip)

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Re: [newbie] Kmail cannot receive email but can send email

2001-11-14 Thread Derek Jennings

Well I do not know what to suggest. I fail to see how it could be the 
operating system. If you make the right responses to the mail server, then 
the mail server will send the mails.  

 fetchmail:  POP3  +OK 11346  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OK the server responded to the original query from fetchmail. I guess you 
missed off the first line of the dialogue when fetchmail introduced itself to 
the server.
I notice the server name is smtp01.xxx.net  This is surprising since it is 
conventional for the 'sending server' to be called 'smtp.domainname', and for 
'receiving servers' to be called 'pop.domainname'. In the rare cases where 
the same server is used for send and receive they are often called 
'mail.domainname' Make absolutely sure this is the correct server.

 fetchmail:  POP3  CAPA\r
When I tried on my system fetchmail did not make this dialogue. I do not know 
what CAPA means, nor do I understand why fetchmail did it.

 fetchmail:  POP3  -ERR authorization first
The server replies that it is expecting a login sequence

 fetchmail:  authorization first
 fetchmail:  POP3  USER  satimis \ r
This is a normal fetchmail user log on. The user name is 'satimis'

 fetchmail:  POP3  +OK
Now the server asks for password

 fetchmail:  POP3  PASS * \ r
The password is given. I assume you entered it correctly with the correct 
Hmmm I wonder if character set could have something to do with it Might be 
worth trying with US-ASCII. You don't have any 'exotic' characters in here do 

 fetchmail:  POP3  -ERR authorization failed
Well it certainly looks as of your mail server does not like the 
username/password combination

 fetchmail:  authorization failed
 fetchmail:  authorization failed on [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 fetchmail:  POP3  Quit \ r
 fetchmail:  Query status = 3 (AUTHFAIL)
 fetchmail:  Normal termination.  Status 0

 I still can't discover the failure cause.  Netscape browser works properly.


How about opening a new mail account and forwarding all your old mails there 

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Re: [newbie] cat5 cable again

2001-11-14 Thread Great Dragon

I don't know the wiring schematics or what might be wrong, but I know a 
mildly cheap way to fix it and give you expandibility in the future.  5 port 
10/100 hubs are pretty cheap and two normal store bought cables would fix 
it.  If it doesn't, then there is probably something wrong with the nic or 
the drivers.  I've never made a 100BaseT crossover cable but I have made 
10BaseT Crossover and they never failed me.  when I make regular patch 
cables, 100BaseT works fine, but the hub/Switch does the corssover for me 
automatically.  Hope this helps and gives you some more Ideas.  Its also 
handy if you get a hub with an uplink port so if you ever get DSL/Cable 
modem going, both computers can access the modem if it only has 1 port.

From: Andrea Fabris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie] cat5 cable again
Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 14:34:50 +0100

Hi everybody
At home i have a little lan (2 pc ;-) ) and i use a crossed cable to connect
them, the cable is a cat5 12m long but im able to run the cards only at
10baseT cause they see a disconnected cable if i run'em at 100BaseT
Any Idea?

Andrea Fabris

Prendi GRATIS l'email universale che... risparmia: http://www.email.it/f

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Tele2: il modo più sicuro per risparmiare fino al 50% su urbane e
Diventa cliente subito e telefoni per 3ore GRATIS.
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Re: [newbie] xawtv recording

2001-11-14 Thread Valerie Cheng

Streamer gave me a segmentation fault. (1/10 programs I run gives me 
segmentation fault.)

L.V.Gandhi wrote:

On Tuesday 13 November 2001 10:53, Valerie Cheng wrote:


Has anyone tried recording with xawtv? I tried recording to avi file...
But it's always sound-less. I'm playing w/ xine and I thought it might
be a xine problem... but I tried playing in windoz and it still didn't
have sound. So I think it's the xawtv that is having trouble encoding
the sound... Does anyone know what's going on? Thank you.


I also had the same problem. Use streamer that comes with xawtv in console. 
to use read man streamer.

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Re: [newbie] xawtv recording

2001-11-14 Thread Valerie Cheng

It still doesn't work.. I raised IGain and no help... And I raised 
everything in the mixer setting.. Nothing seemed to help.

Frans Ketelaars wrote:

This might just be a mixer settings problem. When recording make sure
the correct audio recording source is selected and the 'input gain level' 
(or whatever it is called) is raised enough.


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Re: [newbie] error emails to root (cron jobs i think)

2001-11-14 Thread David E. Fox

 I keep getting the following mails in my linux box's root account. I believe 
 they are from cron jobs and that it is something concerning usenet servers. 

It looks like you have inn started for some reason. That's the usenet
news server. Try issuing 'service inn stop' as root.


David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

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[newbie] linux on a Dell I 4100

2001-11-14 Thread quaylar

hiho ppl !

i am thinking of buying a new Dell Inspiron 4100 notebook and was wondering
whether anybody could give hints/advice regarding its compatibility with linux.

i already searched the linux-notebook.com website - but unfortunately its 
rather outdated (at least regarding the Dell notebooks)
this NB has a built in 3com 56k modem and 10/100 LAN chip.
According to some deja.com posts this is a hardware modem and should 
therefore work under linux.
but i am simply not sure and would be glad if anybody could post his 

additionally all recommendations for linux-compatible notebooks are welcome ;)

regards and TIA,


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Re: [newbie] It connects... but I cannot surf!!!

2001-11-14 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Nicolas gomez wrote:
 Hi Buddies!
 I have a problem I have an external modem that LM 8.1 recognized it very well 
and also configured it.
 When I run Kppp, the daemon starts and I am connected... but when I open any 
browser, I cannot surf on any site... I open LICQ and it doesnt connect online
 I do not know what else do
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Hi. If you are running a networked setup, you may have to (as some of have had
to do) a:

ifconfig eth0 down

(as root/su)

If I don't do this first, I have the same symptoms you do. Afterwards, I can
restart my network with:

ifconfig eth0 up

Hope this helps! ;-)


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Re: [newbie] postgres - can't load pgacess

2001-11-14 Thread tek1

thx andre!  :)

At 19:36 01/11/13 -0500, you wrote:

Without the export DISPLAY statement, I couldn't load the GUI Postgresql
Access, but I could access it on the commandline. I kept getting the
following error messages (since the postmaster wasn't running):

Connection to database 'postgres' failed. connectDB() failed: Is the
postmaster running and accepting connections at 'UNIX Socket' on port '5432'?


Connection to database 'postgres' failed. connectDB() failed: Isthe
postmaster running and accepting connections TCP/IP (wit -i) connections at
'localhost' on port '5432'?

Wish I had su-ed then typed the command. It would have saved me lots of
grief; but then again, I wouldn't have learned much.


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Re: [newbie] linux on a Dell I 4100

2001-11-14 Thread NDPTAL85

Linux runs fine on the Dell 4000 Notebook that I have. I bought it to 
run WinXP but it shipped with WinME on it and I couldn't stand that so I 
installed Mandrake and RH on there in the meantime just to see if they 
would work. This was Mandrake 8.1 and RH 7.2. Everything ran fine.

Also check Slashdot.com, a recent story asked the same question about 
Linux compatible laptops yesterday or two days ago.

On Wednesday, November 14, 2001, at 10:07 AM, quaylar wrote:

 hiho ppl !

 i am thinking of buying a new Dell Inspiron 4100 notebook and was 
 whether anybody could give hints/advice regarding its compatibility 
 with linux.

 i already searched the linux-notebook.com website - but unfortunately 
 its rather outdated (at least regarding the Dell notebooks)
 this NB has a built in 3com 56k modem and 10/100 LAN chip.
 According to some deja.com posts this is a hardware modem and should 
 therefore work under linux.
 but i am simply not sure and would be glad if anybody could post his 

 additionally all recommendations for linux-compatible notebooks are 
 welcome ;)

 regards and TIA,


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Re: [newbie] It connects... but I cannot surf!!!

2001-11-14 Thread Admin


Not sure this will answer your question, but I used to have the same
problem, where I would have to type ifconfig eth0 down before being able
to access the internet.  A friend of mine asked me to type the command
route and it turned out both my modem connection and eth0 were set up as
default.  Once I reconfigured my system to use the modem only as default,
I did not have to go through the ifconfig eth0 down/ifconfig eth0 up
process again.  Hope it helps.


On Wed, 14 Nov 2001, Ronald J. Hall wrote:

 Nicolas gomez wrote:
  Hi Buddies!
  I have a problem I have an external modem that LM 8.1 recognized it very well 
and also configured it.
  When I run Kppp, the daemon starts and I am connected... but when I open any 
browser, I cannot surf on any site... I open LICQ and it doesnt connect online
  I do not know what else do
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  Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

 Hi. If you are running a networked setup, you may have to (as some of have had
 to do) a:

 ifconfig eth0 down

 (as root/su)

 If I don't do this first, I have the same symptoms you do. Afterwards, I can
 restart my network with:

 ifconfig eth0 up

 Hope this helps! ;-)

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Re: [newbie] nec870 network printer

2001-11-14 Thread Bill Winegarden

Hi all,
Found it myself on a google search.the printer must be set up as a HPIII
Works like a charm. Thanks.

Bill W.

On Tuesday 13 November 2001 20:43, you wrote:
 Hi everyone,
   Now I'm just getting greedy. I already have a funtioning network printer,
 but I have moved to a different location and the closest printer is the
 NEC870. The first printer, I set up using CupsIPP protocol as a socket
 printer. It is a HP2200dnworks beautifully.
   I tried the same basic configuration for this one, but there is no driver
 specified for an NECtherefore I just set it up as a raw printer.
   When I print a test page, I get about 2 or 3 lines of data then nothing.
 Is there a driver for this guy? Or am I on the right track at all?

 Has anyone been successful setting this one up on a network?

 Bill W.

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RE: [newbie] It connects... but I cannot surf!!!

2001-11-14 Thread Carl Lafferty

 Hi. If you are running a networked setup, you may have to (as 
 some of have had
 to do) a:
 ifconfig eth0 down
 (as root/su)
 If I don't do this first, I have the same symptoms you do. 
 Afterwards, I can
 restart my network with:
 ifconfig eth0 up
Ron, I have no idea why your network is like this.
mine worked fine when I was the server AND when I am a slave
on our ICS setup at home.  Switched wife to be ICS machine 
so that I could tinker with mine and not mess her up too bad
when I do it tho :)

I suppose the system reflects the personality tho Mr. Hall :)

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[newbie] Disabling lilo

2001-11-14 Thread Rich

Where do I go to temporarily disable lilo?  I think that it's
interfering with my attempt to reinstall WinNT.  The install hangs up on
the blue install screen.

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Re: [newbie] konqueror settings

2001-11-14 Thread Derek Jennings

Well you could use cron to sweep all '~' files into the Trash can periodically
Cron is easy to set up with webmin

On Wednesday 14 November 2001 21:31, chris swain wrote:

Hi all. Im using KDE and I like Konqueror.
But I dont like the fact that whenever I save over a file it makes a back up.
(silly I know but im dealing with small text files and its a pain deleting 
them all)  Is there anyway to turn this feature off?

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[newbie] password samba

2001-11-14 Thread belcoop

When accessing the linuxcomputer from the windows computer, he says you must 
supply a password to make this connection 

Whatever password I try, he refuses. Is there somewhere a password I don 

I created the shares with swat, localizing them where the user I created is 
(/home/user). I use the same name for the share as the user. 

Somewhere I added linuxuser = sambauser

How do I crack thsi password? 


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Re: [newbie] It connects... but I cannot surf!!!

2001-11-14 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Carl Lafferty wrote:

 I suppose the system reflects the personality tho Mr. Hall :)

Hardee-har-har... ;-)

Seriously though, I've got it fixed! I followed the tip on the list from one
of the other users and changed my /etc/resolv.conf file and bingo! It was:


# search setel.com
search  setel.com
# nameserver

# ppp temp entry


and I changed it to:

# search setel.com
search  setel.com
# nameserver

# ppp temp entry

So hurrah! ;-)

PS --- WHICH --- personality do you think is being reflected in my setup? 



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Re: [newbie] Disabling lilo

2001-11-14 Thread Paul

In reply to Rich's words, written Wed, 14 Nov 2001 10:49:38 -0500

Where do I go to temporarily disable lilo?  I think that it's
interfering with my attempt to reinstall WinNT.  The install hangs up on
the blue install screen.

Make sure you have a working linux boot diskette.
Boot MessyDOS. Run fdisk /mbr
Install NT (won't ask why)
Boot from the Linux bootdisk.
Find out how to add the boot of NT to Lilo
Edit /etc/lilo.conf
run lilo -v


Choosing a goal and sticking to it changes everything.
-Scott Reed

http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.6.3 claws
Open Source, Open Minds. Linux.

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RE: [newbie] Screenshot in Gnome

2001-11-14 Thread Paul Rodríguez

Xwpick is a command line utillity.

-Paul Rodríguez

On Tue, 2001-11-13 at 16:15, Mark Johnson wrote:
 is it possible to take a screen shot using a command line utility?
  -Original Message-
  From: Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 9:02 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Screenshot in Gnome
  In reply to Søren Neigaard's words, written 13 Nov 2001 21:53:04 +0100
  How do I take a screenshot of my desktop in Gnome?
  Run Gimp, there's an option for it in there somewhere.
  What we think, we become.
  http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
  Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.6.3 claws
  Open Source, Open Minds. Linux.
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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RE: [newbie] It connects... but I cannot surf!!!

2001-11-14 Thread Carl Lafferty

 Seriously though, I've got it fixed! I followed the tip on the
 list from one
 of the other users and changed my /etc/resolv.conf file and bingo! It was:

Why didn't I have to do that??? Cause I was running the firewall/ICS server?

 So hurrah! ;-)

 PS --- WHICH --- personality do you think is being reflected in
 my setup?

Hard to tell.

Your middle name is cybil after all :)

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Re: [newbie] Software Manager problems

2001-11-14 Thread Paul Rodríguez

If the problem is that you are unable to add new sites to the list of
RPM sources, then you may need to upgrade rpmdrake to a newer version.
rpmdrake is the graphical frontend to urpmi, and it's the program that
is opened up when you click on Software Manager.

I'm assuming that you are running Mandrake 8.1 because this was a common
problem.  Installing rpmdrake-1.3-106mdk.i586.rpm from
http://www.rpmfind.net should fix this.  I haven't been able to upgrade
to any higher version of rpmdrake on my system, however, because of all
of the high level dependencies.  But 1.3-106 works great.

-Paul Rodríguez

On Mon, 2001-11-12 at 16:02, David .. wrote:
 I'm having a heck of atime getting the Software Manager to work correctly 
 and update and applications I have on my system. When selecting eith Cooker 
 or Security Mirror sites and it tries to connect and get what I assume is a 
 updated list of versions, it just gives me an error(I'm at work right now 
 and don't have the error handy) that says something to the effect of unable 
 to connect to site. I think I've tried most of the mirror sites and all of 
 them report the same error.
 Is there some funky port number this application is using?
 I'm running on cable modem and I have a firewall up running e-smith 
 (www.e-smith.org) and the desktop system is running mandrake 8.1
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Re: [newbie] cat5 cable again

2001-11-14 Thread Randy Kramer


I'd try to substitute something to see if it changes the results.  I'd
try to beg or borrow another crossover cable, or as Great Dragon,
suggests, borrow a hub and two regular cables.

You might learn something by changing out the cards, but that seems more
difficult to do with the need to open the case and so forth.  The first
substitution I'd make is of the cable.

Have you inspected the cable?  Severe kinks, breaks in the insulation,
routed near a source of interference (florescent ballast (traditional or
solid state), dimmer, electric motor with brushes, ...)?

hope this helps,
Randy Kramer

Great Dragon wrote:
 I don't know the wiring schematics or what might be wrong, but I know a
 mildly cheap way to fix it and give you expandibility in the future.  5 port
 10/100 hubs are pretty cheap and two normal store bought cables would fix
 it.  If it doesn't, then there is probably something wrong with the nic or
 the drivers.  I've never made a 100BaseT crossover cable but I have made
 10BaseT Crossover and they never failed me.  when I make regular patch
 cables, 100BaseT works fine, but the hub/Switch does the corssover for me
 automatically.  Hope this helps and gives you some more Ideas.  Its also
 handy if you get a hub with an uplink port so if you ever get DSL/Cable
 modem going, both computers can access the modem if it only has 1 port.
 From: Andrea Fabris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi everybody
 At home i have a little lan (2 pc ;-) ) and i use a crossed cable to connect
 them, the cable is a cat5 12m long but im able to run the cards only at
 10baseT cause they see a disconnected cable if i run'em at 100BaseT
 Any Idea?

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Re: [newbie] burning ISO CDs

2001-11-14 Thread Paul Rodríguez

If you have Gnome installed, gtoaster is a great program for burning
cds, including iso's.  Instructions are here:


-Paul Rodríguez

On Mon, 2001-11-12 at 16:51, Gronbach, Paul wrote:
 Hi all,
   I have an HP CD-Writer+ 9500. I am trying to create an install CD
 from the downloaded ISO file. All I get is one file, the ISO file, on the
 CD. I am sure this is not what is supposed to be there :-)  Either the
 software I have is not capable of this or I am doing something wrong in my
 attempt to create this CD. I would appreciate any help. TIA!
 Paul W Gronbach Jr / IS Supervisor   Light travels faster than sound,
 Iowa Mold Tooling Co., Inc.that is why some people appear bright
 500 Hwy 18 W ... Garner, Iowa 50438  until you hear them speak. anon
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Re: [newbie] Software Manager problems

2001-11-14 Thread David ..

Thanks Paul I'll try that.
The problem is that the mirros site list does loadup, the problem is that 
all of the sites I've tried keep reporting a error. I'll try and write down 
the error when I get home.

On an other note. When I do a custom install(where I select only the 
packages I want) I can't get tuxRacer to work. BUT if I install EVERYTHING 
minus the server stuff tuxracer works. Now that I installed EVERYTHING and 
tuxracer is working, it's SLOW as heck. Un-playable. I have a Riva TNT2 
videocard. I'll try and upgrade the drivers tonight.

From: Paul Rodríguez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] Software Manager problems
Date: 14 Nov 2001 11:38:50 -0500

If the problem is that you are unable to add new sites to the list of
RPM sources, then you may need to upgrade rpmdrake to a newer version.
rpmdrake is the graphical frontend to urpmi, and it's the program that
is opened up when you click on Software Manager.

I'm assuming that you are running Mandrake 8.1 because this was a common
problem.  Installing rpmdrake-1.3-106mdk.i586.rpm from
http://www.rpmfind.net should fix this.  I haven't been able to upgrade
to any higher version of rpmdrake on my system, however, because of all
of the high level dependencies.  But 1.3-106 works great.

-Paul Rodríguez

On Mon, 2001-11-12 at 16:02, David .. wrote:
  I'm having a heck of atime getting the Software Manager to work 
  and update and applications I have on my system. When selecting eith 
  or Security Mirror sites and it tries to connect and get what I assume 
is a
  updated list of versions, it just gives me an error(I'm at work right 
  and don't have the error handy) that says something to the effect of 
  to connect to site. I think I've tried most of the mirror sites and all 
  them report the same error.
  Is there some funky port number this application is using?
  I'm running on cable modem and I have a firewall up running e-smith
  (www.e-smith.org) and the desktop system is running mandrake 8.1
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Re: [newbie] password samba

2001-11-14 Thread Michael D. Viron

At 11:35 AM 11/14/2001 -0700, you wrote:

Not sure I understand completely, but let me give it a shot.  As I
understand it, you created an account in your linbox named user and you
want the two pc's networked for printer and file sharing.  If so, you have
two alternatives.  One, is to name your winbox user and provide a password
for it, which needs to be the same as the password you are using in your
user account in your linbox.  Second alternative, if your winbox has a
different name, you can still get it to work by associating the name of
the winbox with the account in linux.  You can accomplish this correlation
by adding the following line to your smb.conf file under global settings:
Nope--the network name of the windows box has absolutely nothing to do with
accessing samba network shares.

If you have a different username on your windows box than on the linux box,
you must indicate the 'mapping' in /etc/smbusers, by adding:

linux_username = windows_username

You must then, using your text editor, add a line to your /etc/smbusers
file consisting of the following information:

your linbox account name = name of your winbox
Again, the name of the winbox has absolutely nothing to do with samba,
unless you are trying to mount a windows network share on the linux box.

Again, the password for  your winbox must be the same as the password for
your user account.

It does not need to be, but it simplifies getting access to network shares.

That should read 'the password for your windows username should be the same
as the password for your linux username'.

I am not sure why you added or had to add the line linux user = samba
user but I would at least comment the line out.

Nope--you need the line, if you are using a different username on the
windows machine from the one on the linux box.  Otherwise, you will get an
'invalid username' type error, and will have no access to the linux box.
This of course, is all explained in the samba docs available from samba.org
or from your local hard drive.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Re: [newbie] Linux use as Mail Server

2001-11-14 Thread Gerbrandt Bouwer

I appriciate your trouble ,Thank You
,but I've got no idea of where even to start setting up my e-mail server,
where would I be able te get detailed help on setting up my e-mail server.
I've been trying to set up this mail server on my own for weeks now and I
cant get it right.

- Original Message -
From: Vincent A.Primavera [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Gerbrandt Bouwer
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 6:19 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux use as Mail Server

 Postfix, highly recommended...

 Thank you,
 Vincent A. Primavera.

 On Wednesday 31 October 2001 06:17 pm, Gerbrandt Bouwer wrote:
  I would like to use linux mandrake as a mail server for my company, I
  my server to dial out 3 times a day and download my new messages and
  out my unsend messages. The new messages that are downloaded should be
  displayed in my Outlook Express program running on my Windows 2000
  Professional system. Is this possiable? and if it is HOW?.

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Re: [newbie] Source vs. RPMs

2001-11-14 Thread Epicurus

 The main problems with usin vanilla source are you need to be
 savvy enough to read the Makefile, figure out ahead of time where the
 software will be installed and what it's fixin to do. Then either
 edit/patch that file/source to fix it to be 'your distro' specific,
 or use the appropriate switches.  

Well now, what exactly are you speaking about in terms of fixing it to be 
'your distro' specific? 

I'm not entirely sure that this necessarily applies to the particular fight 
that I'm having now--since neither everybuddy nor GnomeICU has worked very 
well on here, I resolved (stumbled upon) to try kxicq... I originally 
intended to install it from source, but it turned out that I didn't have the 
C++ compiler installed and my installation disks are on loan, so I turned 
around and tried to do it from RPM... and that's where the real fun started. 

But I imagine that I'm going to be wanting to do things like update the c 
libraries and so forth here, and I fear that such things may not be easy w/ 
rpms; for all I know I may've already -broken- those very libraries by trying 
to 'update' (rpms are weird to me; I'm not sure if that's what I was doing or 
not :P) them because of an unsatisfied dependency from kxicq. :P 

So what I'm really wondering is if I can use the old-fashioned methods of 
rebuilding the kernel, updating the c libraries, and installing some 
programs, while still using rpms from time to time as well. 

BTW--I'm not a complete newbie; I attempted linux once in the past but never 
quite got it (well, x, really, and I'm a sucker for GUI) working properly, so 
I know (and have forgotten) just enough to be dangerous, probably ;)--on that 
older attempt, I did upgrade the c libraries and recompile the kernel the old 
way a few times. :P

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RE: [newbie] Linux use as Mail Server

2001-11-14 Thread Franki

Is it just for you?

install postfix,

read the comments and edit /etc/postfix/main.cf
to setup your mail server..
pay particular attention to the defer_smtp as you want to turn that on.

setup your dialup account.
in the ip-up.local file in /etc/ppp
(if its not there, create it and make it executable..)
then add the command:sendmail -q
That will send all queued mail when the box is connected.

then, to retrieve mail from your ISP,, configure fetchmail (install
fetchmail and run fetchmailconf)
to connect to your ISP and login and retrieve mail (its easy from the
fetchmailconf GUI),, fetchmail will by default I believe hands retrieved
mail to postfix.

Then all you have to do is make sure that postfix delivers that mail locally
to your account,
which you can setup (via pop3, (install the imap rpm and enable pop3 in
/etc/xinitd.d by removing disable=yes)
then configure your outlook client to use your linux box as pop and smtp
server, with your local account on the linux box as username.

you can also configure fetchmail to just dump your retrieved mail into a
local user box and bypass postfix entirely for retrieval, (though its needed
for sending mail, so you might as well leave it as is.)

hope that helps, I wrote that all off the top of my head, but I think thats
how I set it up.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Gerbrandt Bouwer
Sent: Thursday, 15 November 2001 1:12 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux use as Mail Server

I appriciate your trouble ,Thank You
,but I've got no idea of where even to start setting up my e-mail server,
where would I be able te get detailed help on setting up my e-mail server.
I've been trying to set up this mail server on my own for weeks now and I
cant get it right.

- Original Message -
From: Vincent A.Primavera [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Gerbrandt Bouwer
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 6:19 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux use as Mail Server

 Postfix, highly recommended...

 Thank you,
 Vincent A. Primavera.

 On Wednesday 31 October 2001 06:17 pm, Gerbrandt Bouwer wrote:
  I would like to use linux mandrake as a mail server for my company, I
  my server to dial out 3 times a day and download my new messages and
  out my unsend messages. The new messages that are downloaded should be
  displayed in my Outlook Express program running on my Windows 2000
  Professional system. Is this possiable? and if it is HOW?.

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] CDRW problem

2001-11-14 Thread skidley

On Tue, 13 Nov 2001, Lee Roberts wrote:

 At 11:35 PM 11/12/2001 -0400, skidley wrote:
 On Mon, 12 Nov 2001, Lee Roberts wrote:
  At 08:03 AM 11/7/2001 -0500, Tom Brinkman wrote:
  On Tuesday 06 November 2001 11:22 pm, Lee Roberts wrote:
   I added append hdc=ide-scsi to lilo.conf but I still can't find
   the drive with cdrecord -scanbus and gcombust can't find it. The
   ide-scsi driver does get loaded and the drive gets mounted at boot
   time as read-only.
Try it like this (note the space right after the first )
  append= hdc=ide-scsi devfs=mount quiet
If it's still no go, try changing devfs=mount to devfs=nomount
There's also a   nobiospnp   option you can try adding, and make
sure your bios is set to 'pnp OS = no (or disabled)'
Don't forget you need to run 'lilo' as root to make any edits to
lilo.conf take affect, ie, before you reboot.
  I've tried everyone's suggestions plus copied and pasted some info from the
  CD-Writing HOW-TO. Maybe I should try recompiling the kernel or do a
  fresh install?
 You must have SCSI emulation support, SCSI generic support, SCSI CD-ROM
 support compiled in your kernel or even as modules you can load.

 I added insmod ide-scsi.o to rc.local and that did load according to lsmod.
 The SCSI support is compiled into the kernel, apparently, since my SCSI
 CD-ROM works OK. For some reason, I can't get the CDRW to work and Gcombust
 can't find it and cdrecord -scanbus can't find it. The CDRW worked in 7.2
 but I had sent the CDRW in for repair prior to installing 8.1. I suppose
 that the simpler solution is  to do a fresh install of 8.1 with the CDRW
 installed this time. If that doesn't get it going then I'm going to
 reinstall 7.2. I might reinstall 7.2 anyway since I can't get my internet
 connection sharing working in 8.1 (worked great in 7.2). I'm beginning to
 believe that there are still some major bugs that need to be worked out of 8.1.

It may not help but i suggest using modprobe ide-scsi and you can add it
to /etc/modules instead of rc.local as /etc/modules is for any modules you
may want loaded at boot that kerenl doesn't already load. Otherwise I
really don't know what else to tell you.

Linux User #195191

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RE: [newbie] password samba

2001-11-14 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

On your Linux box use SMBCLIENT to check that the passwords are


smbclient -L linuxbox -U username

It should respond with a password prompt.


|-Original Message-
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of belcoop
|Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 1:00 PM
|Subject: [newbie] password samba
|When accessing the linuxcomputer from the windows computer, he 
|says you must 
|supply a password to make this connection 
|Whatever password I try, he refuses. Is there somewhere a 
|password I don 
|I created the shares with swat, localizing them where the user 
|I created is 
|(/home/user). I use the same name for the share as the user. 
|Somewhere I added linuxuser = sambauser
|How do I crack thsi password? 

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RE: [newbie] Konqueror Help Midi download

2001-11-14 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

Yes, the same holds true for the AWE64.

|-Original Message-
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Newbie
|Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 12:02 PM
|Subject: Re: [newbie] Konqueror Help Midi download
|Even if I have an old AWE64?
|Ok, I will look anyway.
|On Tuesday 13 November 2001 11:51 pm, Jose M. Sanchez wrote:
| You might want to look at the SBLive instructions I posted earlier...
| -JMS
| |

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[newbie] Urpmi help

2001-11-14 Thread NDPTAL85

Can anyone point me to a site showing me how to fully use urpmi? If not 
can anyone tell me how to get it to download stuff from the web instead 
of from the CD's? Also does anyone know of any http sites I can enter as 
sources? Thanks.

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[newbie] Randy Kramer

2001-11-14 Thread Robert

I just wanted to let you know about the CD-RW question. I tried writing at 
24x with a regular CD-R and got garbage. I have to slow down the speed to 8x 
so that it will work. By comparison the old HP external would still take an 
hour to write to a full CD-R.

I still can't get Linux to burn a CD with either eRoaster or gToaster. I 
wrote once and it seemed alright but then nothing but coasters and wind 
chimes. I am going to try another program I believe it is called Xroaster. 
Both programs seem to crash just before I click burn. No error message just 
everything closes. I uninstalled and reinstalled. I went and picked up the 
latest version but still get them to crash.

Just to keep in the know. 

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[newbie] LM 8.0 on my HP laptop N3215

2001-11-14 Thread Robert

Well, I kicked out WindowsME from my little laptop and tried installing LM 

Shockingly, the install worked the first time with proper display. I created 
my two accounts (root and user) I set up my audio properly and got the 
introduction music play smoothly. This is the first Linux distro that 
actually got pass the login window and properly displayed my desktop.

The cons...well I forgot from reading early post in regards to laptop 
installation. The touchpad didn't work even in installation mode which 
doesn't or didn't surprise me. I had a Logictech Tracker Ball which I tried 
using through the PS2 but crashed. Eventually, with trying to install a mouse 
Linux locked up. I had no keyboard control and had to do a hard reboot.

After three hours I gave up pretty much and tried using Linux through 
keyboard controls only. I don't quite know or remember all the keystroke 
commands, but I did my best. It lacks without the touch pad or mouse.

My question, yes I actually have a question, how difficult is it to get the 
touchpad to work? Last post I read in regards to that was with LM 7.2 when it 
was brand new. 

Thanks in advance.

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[newbie] RPM Trouble, pt. 2

2001-11-14 Thread Epicurus

So while trying to install some libraries (zlib-devel) so I could compile me 
somethin', I come upon this: 

These additional packages need to be installed...

And a lengthy list, including but not limited to:

A bunch of gnome and kde stuff, including gnome-core and kde-core
various libs
and so on.

Now, aside from the fact that it's a bit hard to swallow that -all of that- 
is needed for this one library to work right, a bunch of that stuff (I can 
spot gabber, gaim, mozilla, and rpmdrake to start with) is -already 
installed!- What's the deal here...? It looks like to me that zlib1 and/or 
zlib-devel would be required for those proggies to work right, but that 
doesn't make it the case that those proggies are needed for zlib1/zlib-devel. 
This isn't the first time I've encountered a situation like this, though it's 
the only one I can document (I either gave up or ignored the problem before 


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Re: [newbie] Source vs. RPMs

2001-11-14 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 14 November 2001 02:55 pm, Epicurus wrote:
  The main problems with usin vanilla source are you need to be
  savvy enough to read the Makefile, figure out ahead of time where
  the software will be installed and what it's fixin to do. Then
  either edit/patch that file/source to fix it to be 'your distro'
  specific, or use the appropriate switches.

 Well now, what exactly are you speaking about in terms of fixing it
 to be 'your distro' specific?

exactly would take a book I probly couldn't begin to write. 
Would you be content with 'where the libs, and binaries are installed 
to' ?  Didn't think so ;) To elaborate just a little more, there's 
compiler issues, the LSB (to which Mandrake is very compliant), 
dependencies, libraries, devices, ad infinitum other issues.

 So what I'm really wondering is if I can use the old-fashioned
 methods of rebuilding the kernel, updating the c libraries, and
 installing some programs, while still using rpms from time to time
 as well.

No, not really. There's issues of leaving your rpm database 
(which others in this thread brought up, I neglected) totally 
confused. AND kernels bring up another issue, which I sort'a kind'a 
alluded to before. Many, specially those recent to Linux, seem 
to get the idea that vanilla source from kernel.org is pristine 
latest and greatest kernel source. Many oldtimers still cling to this 

Vanilla kernel source from kernel.org should be considered beta, 
if not alpha quality. Even after the next -pre, -ac or -linus is 
released, the last one isn't 'fixed'. It's a continual state of 
development. Mandrake (or other distro) kernel rpms OTOH, at least 
have had the attention of many Mandrake ((or other distro) developers 
and testers. They include Mandrake specific patches, and exclude some 
that might cause conflicts. 

   YMMV, but I'd never use anything but a Mandrake kernel rpm to 
install a kernel on a Mandrake system.  It only stands to reason that 
Mandrake tested and patched kernel source stand's a better, much 
better chance of working without problems on a Mandrake system. For 
example, the 2.4.8 kernel ML 8.1 shipped with had some 2.4.9 'fixes' 
back ported to it by the Mandrake developers (lurk on cooker ML ;)

   BUT, to get back to rpms vs. source. There's been some definitely 
good and necessary reasons most major distros moved to packages long 
ago, rather than willy-nilly upgrading from vanilla source. Many 
reasons have already been brought up in this thread by myself and 
others. Plus from the distro developers's POV, how could they 
possibly begin to try'n support their distro with the endless 
permutations of thousands of users grabbin all kinds of vanilla 
source, plus tarballs with closed source included ?  It's already bad 
enough that their users are tryin to run on endless permutations of 
hardware (and install'n some third party closed source drivers to do 
it ;)

  Tom Brinkman                 Galveston Bay, USA
 chmod +x  --with -daisy_cutters /bin/Laden.al-Qaeda.Taliban

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Re: [newbie] Linux use as Mail Server

2001-11-14 Thread Derek Jennings


For reference

On Wednesday 14 November 2001 17:11, Gerbrandt Bouwer wrote:
 I appriciate your trouble ,Thank You
 ,but I've got no idea of where even to start setting up my e-mail server,
 where would I be able te get detailed help on setting up my e-mail server.
 I've been trying to set up this mail server on my own for weeks now and I
 cant get it right.

 - Original Message -
 From: Vincent A.Primavera [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Gerbrandt Bouwer
 Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 6:19 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux use as Mail Server

  Postfix, highly recommended...
  Thank you,
  Vincent A. Primavera.
  On Wednesday 31 October 2001 06:17 pm, Gerbrandt Bouwer wrote:
   I would like to use linux mandrake as a mail server for my company, I


   my server to dial out 3 times a day and download my new messages and


   out my unsend messages. The new messages that are downloaded should be
   displayed in my Outlook Express program running on my Windows 2000
   Professional system. Is this possiable? and if it is HOW?.


  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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Re: [newbie] Randy Kramer

2001-11-14 Thread Randy Kramer


Thanks for the update!

Sorry you're continuing to have trouble.  Wish I could help but I
currently do all my burning in Windows.

Randy Kramer

PS: Just today I saw a post on either the newbie or expert list
(actually two).  One recommended:

Also check here for CDRW mini-how-to...

The other recommended:

If you have Gnome installed, gtoaster is a great program for burning
cds, including iso's.  Instructions are here:


Oops, just noticed, you're already trying gtoaster.

Robert wrote:
 I just wanted to let you know about the CD-RW question. I tried writing at
 24x with a regular CD-R and got garbage. I have to slow down the speed to 8x
 so that it will work. By comparison the old HP external would still take an
 hour to write to a full CD-R.
 I still can't get Linux to burn a CD with either eRoaster or gToaster. I
 wrote once and it seemed alright but then nothing but coasters and wind
 chimes. I am going to try another program I believe it is called Xroaster.
 Both programs seem to crash just before I click burn. No error message just
 everything closes. I uninstalled and reinstalled. I went and picked up the
 latest version but still get them to crash.
 Just to keep in the know.
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Re: [newbie] RPM Trouble, pt. 2

2001-11-14 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 14 November 2001 04:07 pm, Epicurus wrote:
 So while trying to install some libraries (zlib-devel) so I could
 compile me somethin', I come upon this:
 These additional packages need to be installed...
 A bunch of gnome and kde stuff, including gnome-core and kde-core
 various libs

 Now, aside from the fact that it's a bit hard to swallow that -all
 of that- is needed for this one library to work right

   Maybe not, depending on what you're tryin to install. Sayin
some libraries (zlib-devel) is not real helpful. Somethin like
'zlib1-devel-1.1.3-16mdk.i586.rpm' is more helpful (it's on the 8.1 
CD's, doesn't require any depencies that aren't on the CD's)
 /mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMS $ rpm -Uvh --test zlib1*
### [100%]
package zlib1-1.1.3-16mdk is already installed
package zlib1-devel-1.1.3-16mdk is already installed

If you don't wanna bother with all this on the CL, you can use 
Software Manager and just type in 'zlib1' on the search line. It'll 
figure out what needs to be installed and even prompt you for CD1, 
CD2 if needed.  That is if you haven't corrupted your rpm DB. If you 
suspect you might've, running (root) 'rpm --rebuilddb' might be able 
to get it back.

 those proggies are needed for zlib1/zlib-devel. This isn't the
 first time I've encountered a situation like this, though it's the
 only one I can document (I either gave up or ignored the problem

   Maybe you could document it, but you haven't.  Often just a minor 
patch level upgrade can cause a dependency, either in the rpm you're 
tryin to install, or in the dependencies it needs.  Example might be 
the rpm you're tryin to install needs foobar-3.1mdk.i586, but you 
only have foobar-3mdk.i586 installed.  In this example, just a minor 
.1mdk patch level increase would indicate a security bug fix and rpm 
will rightly notify you that as a dependency, it needs to be upgraded.

   Another thing that is helpful when asking about dependencies, is 
to paste in the exact error mesgs you get when you do a test install
 $ rpm -Uvh --test kdenetwork-2.2.1-3mdk.i586.rpm
error: failed dependencies:
libpng.so.3   is needed by kdenetwork-2.2.1-3mdk
kdenetwork = 2.2.1-1tex is needed by  
  Tom Brinkman                 Galveston Bay, USA
 chmod +x  --with -daisy_cutters /bin/Laden.al-Qaeda.Taliban

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RE: [newbie] Solid black page for printout... ;-(

2001-11-14 Thread Harrison, Neil
Title: RE: [newbie] Solid black page for printout... ;-(

Prints fine for me...are you sure your printer's photosensor isn't being exposed to sunlight. What about other printouts.

-Original Message-
From: Ronald J. Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 9:59 AM
To: Mandrake Newbie List
Subject: [newbie] Solid black page for printout... ;-(

I know that attachments are taboo but I'm puzzled by this. I selected this text from a web page (highlighted with my mouse, opened kedit, 3rd button clicked and pasted it into kedit, saved it as plain ASCI text). Dragged it to my printer, and it printed out a solid black page.

Done it twice more, still does same thing.

I even opened it in kedit again, saved it again, opened it in Konqueror, and it shows up as a plain ASCI text page. Print it out, solid black page. Never had this happen before. Anyone know why, or better yet - try to print it out and see if it does the same thing.



[newbie] unclutter your cursor

2001-11-14 Thread Tom Brinkman

   Back with Red Hat, and then beginning with Mandrake 6.0, I used 
this little (14k) utility to make the cursor disappear after about 5 
seconds of no mouse movement. IOW's, get it to heck out'a the way ;) 
The cursor will re-appear where it was as soon as you move the mouse 
again. It's been a Un*x feature forever. Well, 'bout Mandrake 7.2  I 
could never get it to work any more ... gave up on it.

   Just recently I came across this Mandrake rpm made by one of the 
cooker folks (Hans, Thanks!). 

I did a rpm --rebuild on it and installed the rpm it wrote. Then 
I used a text editor (your choice ;) to create a file I named 
'unclutter-start' (again, name is your choice) :

/usr/bin/kstart /usr/X11R6/bin/unclutter

I 'chmod +x'd it to make it executable, and put it in my user  
~/.kde/Autostart/  directory.  You can then either run (click on it) 
'unclutter-start', or the next (or any)time you start KDE, the cursor 
will disappear after about 5 secs. of no mouse movement.  IMO, this 
should've been a KDE feature (option to enable) all along. I bet ya 
other WM fans could find a similar way to start it.

   Try it, just bet you'll like it :)
  Tom Brinkman                 Galveston Bay, USA
 chmod +x  --with -daisy_cutters /bin/Laden.al-Qaeda.Taliban

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Re: [newbie] Boot floppy: no initrd.img

2001-11-14 Thread Anke Max

Gidday Hugo
I've been using part.exe which is a powerful partitioning tool and has a
boot manager that is capable of running up to 31 OSs from 31 different
partitions http://www.users.intercom.com/~ranish/part/
Could be worth a try?

- Original Message -
From: Hugo Ferreira [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 7:15 PM
Subject: [newbie] Boot floppy: no initrd.img


 First and foremost, I would like to apologise for the lengthy mail,
 but I am sure those that are willing to help me will find the info.
 important. Please note that there may be some incorrections because
 I am on another location/machine at the moment and am writing this from
 some notes I took at the time.

 I am newbie at Linux/Unix and attempted to install Mandrake Liniux 8.1 on
 AMD 200+ with 64 Mbytes of RAM and two volumes (4 and 1.5 Giba
 On volume 1 I hada (have?):
  a) Dos partition of 100 MBytes (for booting)
  b) FAT 32 w/ Win95 (+/- 2G)
  c) NTFS (a little less than  2G)
 On volume 2 was:
  a) Free for Linux (/dev/hdb)

 I proceeded with the install and made a boot floppy as per indications and
 placed the LILO on a dev/hdba1 (dos). Please note that I had attempted
 installing RedHat
 Linux on volume 2 and got it working using the loadlin boot (from Win95).
 gave up
 though, because I could not install my devices (hence the install w/
 Mandrake 8-}).

 The Linux volume is partitioned as follows:
 a) 1.3 Giga for /
 b) 78 Mega for /swap
 c) 131 Mega for /home

 The boot from dev/hdb1 worked fine. The only problem is I lost my NT boot.
 indicated 2 OSs: dos and NT. When I select dos, the NT's booting
 I then select windows 95 and this executes and boots w/ no problem. When I
 select NT
 from either Lilo's on boot.ini's menus, NT fails to boot because NTDETEC

 Before proceeding with a replacement of the MBR or a reinstalation of NT I
 tried booting
 with the floppy. I wanted to do this not to waste another 2 days
 installing Linux (2 attempts
 on a very slow machine). This failed! The Lilo session error message
 as follows:

 SysLinux 1.48 MandrakeLinux Copyright 1994-1999...
 ...boot your LinuxMandrake system from /dev/hdb1...
 Could not find ramdisk image: initrd.img

 I atempted to use Mandrake's control center and I also executed the
 Any of these attempts produced the same result: the file initrd.img was in
 the floppy
 but with size 0.

 (After some searching) I then proceeded with:
 mkinitrd --omit-scsi-modules --omit-raid-modules -v 2.4.8-26mdk
 This generated a initrd.img file which I then copied to the floppy. This
 worked fine. I
 can actually boot.

 When I execute.

mkbootdisk --verbose --mkinitrarga --omit-scsi-modules --mkinitrarga --omit-
 --mkinitrarga -v -- device /dev/fd0 --compact 2.4.8-26mdk

 I get the following result:
 formatting /dev/fd0... done
 copy /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.8-26mdk... done
 Creating initrd image... Rootfs is not ext3, there is no rootfs special
 no modules are needed-- not building initrd image.
 setting up syslinux... done.

 Question(s): what am I doing wrong? Is this an indication of more
 BTW, the machine using KDE seems very sluggish, especially on application
 and I have not been able to isntall all devices (more on that in another


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Re: [newbie] Urpmi help

2001-11-14 Thread bascule

you need to add a source to the list of sources that urpmi uses, have you 
read the man pages for urpmi, urpmi.addmedia and urpmi.update?
use the list of download sites from www.linux-mandrake.com to find a source 
that is convenient for you and do similar to the following
(do this as root, you can add yourself to the urpmi group to avoid this-i 
think, though that may just be necessary to actually install using urpmi)

#urpmi.addmedia somename for your source ftp://host/path/to/../Mandrake/ 
with ./base/hdlist.cz

this should work, the argument after 'with' is the relative path of the file 
'hdlist.cz from the ftp path specified earlier, you can also use an http url 
and you can also add user:password@ options as necessary as you would in a 
url window in a browser i.e. ftp://me:mypass@host/path/to/ etc.

you can use either current 8.1 mirrors or cooker mirrors to download from, 
you could set up a source for each but then when you run urpmi you will 
always install the latest version of any package which may not be what you 
want, the mandrake software manager front end promises to let you choose what 
sourcess to look in but i've never tried that,

this help?


On Wednesday 14 Nov 2001 8:48 pm, you wrote:
 Can anyone point me to a site showing me how to fully use urpmi? If not
 can anyone tell me how to get it to download stuff from the web instead
 of from the CD's? Also does anyone know of any http sites I can enter as
 sources? Thanks.

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Re: [newbie] Urpmi help

2001-11-14 Thread bascule

whoops. small mistake, the directory you specify is the ../RPMS directory, 
and the relative path to hdlist.cz would usually be ../base/hdlist.cz



 #urpmi.addmedia somename for your source ftp://host/path/to/../Mandrake/
 with ./base/hdlist.cz

 this should work, the argument after 'with' is the relative path of the
 file 'hdlist.cz from the ftp path specified earlier, you can also use an
 http url and you can also add user:password@ options as necessary as you
 would in a url window in a browser i.e. ftp://me:mypass@host/path/to/ etc.

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[newbie] cdrom and floppies! Again.. or yet?

2001-11-14 Thread Ricardo Castanho de O. Freitas

Hash: SHA1


I've seen on the list that mdk8.1 has some 'problems' with floppies and

Ok, I can understand that!

But I can't understand why I can not mount any one MANUALLY!

Can anyone help me out?

hardware: 1 cdrom creative and 1 cd-rw creative!
cdrom: it was originally set to /dev/hdb and /mnt/cdrom
I tried to emulate scsi, just as cd-rw!
Both are detected by 'cdrecord -scanbus'
cd-rw: I cannot mount it! Although I can 'burn' cd's!!

The error is always the same: you have to specify the file system...
But, if I do that, such as, mount -t iso9660 /mnt/cdrom2 nothing
happens but a help page for 'mount'

any idea, direction?

[]s Ricardo Castanho

- -- 
Linux user # 102240 = Machine # 96125 = Seti@home user
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Made with pgp4pine 1.75-6


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Re: [newbie] cat5 cable again

2001-11-14 Thread Lee Roberts

What kind of cards are you using? Both cards have to be able to do 100 Mb/s.

At 02:34 PM 11/14/2001 +0100, Andrea Fabris wrote:
Hi everybody
At home i have a little lan (2 pc ;-) ) and i use a crossed cable to connect
them, the cable is a cat5 12m long but im able to run the cards only at
10baseT cause they see a disconnected cable if i run'em at 100BaseT
Any Idea?

Andrea Fabris

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Re: [newbie] Abiword won't load this document

2001-11-14 Thread Michael

If you created the file in Word when you save it choose (or
export to, not
sure which) an older Word format. BTW 'Office 2000 Word'
won't load either.

Paul Rodríguez wrote:
 Abi can only officially open Microsoft Word Docs up to 98, for Me and XP
 Word Docs you may need to try OpenOffice.org.
 -Paul Rodríguez
 On Tue, 2001-11-13 at 17:24, Richard Wenninger wrote:
  Anyone else get this?  It happens when opening a .doc file.  I'm assuming
  it's a microsoft office document.  Doesn't seem to be document specific.
  Diagnostic: (escher.c:223) Eating type 0xf004
   AbiWord_d: manager_impl.cc:30: void free_lt_handle (void *): Assertion `s ==
  0' failed.
  /usr/bin/abiword: line 68:  3890 Aborted

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Re: [newbie] It connects... but I cannot surf!!!

2001-11-14 Thread Ed Tharp

On Wednesday 14 November 2001 10:32, you wrote:
OK, I'll bite...so what did you do that reconfigured my system to use the 
modem only as default,?


 Not sure this will answer your question, but I used to have the same
 problem, where I would have to type ifconfig eth0 down before being able
 to access the internet.  A friend of mine asked me to type the command
 route and it turned out both my modem connection and eth0 were set up as
 default.  Once I reconfigured my system to use the modem only as default,
 I did not have to go through the ifconfig eth0 down/ifconfig eth0 up
 process again.  Hope it helps.


 On Wed, 14 Nov 2001, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
  Nicolas gomez wrote:
   Hi Buddies!
   I have a problem I have an external modem that LM 8.1 recognized it
   very well and also configured it.
   When I run Kppp, the daemon starts and I am connected... but when I
   open any browser, I cannot surf on any site... I open LICQ and it
   doesnt connect online
   I do not know what else do

  --- Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
   Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
  Hi. If you are running a networked setup, you may have to (as some of
  have had to do) a:
  ifconfig eth0 down
  (as root/su)
  If I don't do this first, I have the same symptoms you do. Afterwards, I
  can restart my network with:
  ifconfig eth0 up
  Hope this helps! ;-)

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Re: [newbie] cat5 cable again

2001-11-14 Thread Ed Tharp

On Wednesday 14 November 2001 18:41, you wrote:
and if I recall corrrectly, they sould both be set to either full duplex or 
not (both cards same seting ,,, more important w/100... (just working from 
memory, what is left of my right brain)

 What kind of cards are you using? Both cards have to be able to do 100

 At 02:34 PM 11/14/2001 +0100, Andrea Fabris wrote:
 Hi everybody
 At home i have a little lan (2 pc ;-) ) and i use a crossed cable to
  connect them, the cable is a cat5 12m long but im able to run the cards
  only at 10baseT cause they see a disconnected cable if i run'em at
  100BaseT Any Idea?
 Andrea Fabris

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[newbie] error when using netconf to setup ppp

2001-11-14 Thread Fireman71


I opened an xTerm and su'd to root then ran netconf. It opened fine. I then
clicked on PPP/SLIP/PLIP and in the xTerm I saw:

Error message from remadmin :
Error message from remadmin :** WARNING **: Curfield: object
main-1-3.panel.R0 not found.
Error message from remadmin :

Any ideas what this error is and how to correct it?

BTW, I have never been able to setup a PPP script with netconf and have it
work. They always exit with one error or another and if i try to modify the
ppp script i setup during installation with netconf it starts exiting with a
variety of errors. The only way to correct this is to copy a backup of my
/etc directory. Specifically my /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts directory.
Could this error, which i had never noticed until tonight, be the cause of

Thanks in advance,

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[newbie] Gerome Help

2001-11-14 Thread Harry Ablejoy

 I use gerome with mdk 8.1 and after a while my mouse pointer turns into 
a watch how do i get rid it ? Very distracting
   Thanks Harry

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Re: [newbie] Urpmi help

2001-11-14 Thread NDPTAL85

Alright I know how to add media to it but how do I tell it where to get 
the stuff from? It always goes for the CD and never the net. Do I have 
to remove the CD sources for it to go to the net?

On Wednesday, November 14, 2001, at 06:52 PM, bascule wrote:

 you need to add a source to the list of sources that urpmi uses, have 
 read the man pages for urpmi, urpmi.addmedia and urpmi.update?
 use the list of download sites from www.linux-mandrake.com to find a 
 that is convenient for you and do similar to the following
 (do this as root, you can add yourself to the urpmi group to avoid 
 think, though that may just be necessary to actually install using 

 #urpmi.addmedia somename for your source 
 with ./base/hdlist.cz

 this should work, the argument after 'with' is the relative path of the 
 'hdlist.cz from the ftp path specified earlier, you can also use an 
 http url
 and you can also add user:password@ options as necessary as you would 
 in a
 url window in a browser i.e. ftp://me:mypass@host/path/to/ etc.

 you can use either current 8.1 mirrors or cooker mirrors to download 
 you could set up a source for each but then when you run urpmi you will
 always install the latest version of any package which may not be what 
 want, the mandrake software manager front end promises to let you 
 choose what
 sourcess to look in but i've never tried that,

 this help?


 On Wednesday 14 Nov 2001 8:48 pm, you wrote:
 Can anyone point me to a site showing me how to fully use urpmi? If not
 can anyone tell me how to get it to download stuff from the web instead
 of from the CD's? Also does anyone know of any http sites I can enter 
 sources? Thanks.

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[newbie] Make Modules error(s) in 8.1

2001-11-14 Thread Dale Seaburg

I just finished an installation on a computer which has a Tyan S1834D
Tiger 133 dual slot1 Pentium III motherboard.  I changed the cpu
configuration (in make xconfig) to Pentium III and SMP support.

The make dep; make bzImage went well.  But, I almost immediately got
errors when I did a make modules.  Below is a snippet of the log file
from the make modules run:


make -C atm modules
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.8/drivers/atm'
gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux-2.4.8/include  -Wall
-Wstrict-prototypes -Wno-trigraphs -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common
-fomit-frame-pointer -pipe -mpreferred-stack-boundary=2 -march=i586
-fno-merge-constants  -DMODULE -DMODVERSIONS -include
/usr/src/linux-2.4.8/include/linux/modversions.h -g  -c -o eni.o eni.c
In file included from /usr/src/linux-2.4.8/include/asm/spinlock.h:6,
 from /usr/src/linux-2.4.8/include/linux/spinlock.h:35,
 from /usr/src/linux-2.4.8/include/linux/module.h:11,
 from eni.c:6:
/usr/src/linux-2.4.8/include/asm/page.h:91: nondigits in number and not
/usr/src/linux-2.4.8/include/asm/page.h:91: nondigits in number and not
/usr/src/linux-2.4.8/include/asm/page.h:91: nondigits in number and not
/usr/src/linux-2.4.8/include/asm/page.h:91: nondigits in number and not
/usr/src/linux-2.4.8/include/asm/page.h:91: parse error before
/usr/src/linux-2.4.8/include/asm/page.h:91: `do_BUG_R_ver_str' declared
as function returning a function
/usr/src/linux-2.4.8/include/asm/page.h:91: warning: function
declaration isn't a prototype
In file included from /usr/src/linux-2.4.8/include/linux/spinlock.h:35,
 from /usr/src/linux-2.4.8/include/linux/module.h:11,
 from eni.c:6:
/usr/src/linux-2.4.8/include/asm/spinlock.h:9: nondigits in number and
not hexadecimal
/usr/src/linux-2.4.8/include/asm/spinlock.h:9: nondigits in number and
not hexadecimal
/usr/src/linux-2.4.8/include/asm/spinlock.h:9: parse error before
/usr/src/linux-2.4.8/include/asm/spinlock.h:10: `printk_R_ver_str'
declared as function returning a function
/usr/src/linux-2.4.8/include/asm/spinlock.h:10: warning: function
declaration isn't a prototype


I can attach the complete log file, if someone wants to see it.  It's
not that big.  if there is additional information that I can supply,
I'll be glad to provide what I can.

Does this problem ring a bell for anyone?  Did I get a bad load from
CD?  Or, am I doing something wrong?

Thanks for your help.


Dale Seaburg

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Re: [newbie] Urpmi help

2001-11-14 Thread bascule

i'm assuming that you have set up a source for the same version as is on the 
cd i.e. the original distro 8.1. in that case i think that urpmi must be 
going for hte 'easiest' route to files, i don't recall this being explicitly 
mentioned but it makes sense, assuming that you have correctly set up your 
other source then you can remove the cd sources and urpmi should use the net, 
is it that you don't trust the files on the cds?


On Thursday 15 Nov 2001 3:43 am, you wrote:
 Alright I know how to add media to it but how do I tell it where to get
 the stuff from? It always goes for the CD and never the net. Do I have
 to remove the CD sources for it to go to the net?

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RE: [newbie] uninstalling compiled porgrams

2001-11-14 Thread Paul Rodríguez

Thanks, guys!  This is a great little app!  Wow, it simplifies things so

BTW, David, the latest version of checkinstall (1.5 b2-1) doesn't have
the problem you listed below.

-Paul Rodríguez

On Fri, 2001-11-09 at 13:12, Johnson, David wrote:
 There is a change that needs to be made to the script once you install the
 checkinstall program before it can be run:
 Edit /usr/local/sbin/checkinstall and change the line:
  rpm -bb --target=$ARCHITECTURE  ...
  rpm -bb --target $ARCHITECTURE ...
  i.e. just remove the = sign there.

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[newbie] Administrador de Sofware

2001-11-14 Thread Eduardo

Tengo un pc con un Pentium 200mmx 48mb en ram la partición de linux
es de 1.2gb y la swap 200mb corriendo Mandrake 8.1, el administrador de
software en la pestaña instalable y vista de árbol solo me muestra
el contenido del 1 cd a pesar de que en las fuentes figuran los 3, y
cuando en las fuentes selecciono otro (solo ese) me muestra el
directorio vacío, agradecería a cualquiera que me pudiera explicar el
porque de esto

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[newbie] Mandrake 8.1 y Grass 5.0

2001-11-14 Thread Eduardo

Tengo un Pc Pentium 200mmx, con 48 mb en ram y Mandrake 8,1
instalado, al echar a correr el programa de instalación del Grass me
dice que los binarios del Grass deben estar en tar.gz lo raro es que lo
están y aun así genera el error, en el Mandrake 8.0 me pasaba lo mismo
pero en ninguna de las versiones anteriores que he tenido (7.2 y 7.1) me
Agradezco a cualquiera que pueda echar una mano

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Re: [newbie] What have Mandrake done to cdrom/floppy devices?

2001-11-14 Thread Michael Leone

From:   Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you want it that much there is a kernel on Mandrake Cooker version 
2.4.13-2mdk in which supermount works. However I do not recommend it
since when I tried it my computer would hang on unloading usb drivers.

Compile USB core support directly into the kernel; do not load it as a
module. Then it will work.

You can have all other USB options as modules; it's just the core
support (the usb-uhci, etc) modules that hang when unloading. 


Michael J. Leone  Registered Linux user #201348 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ: 50453890 AIM: MikeLeone

PGP Fingerprint: 0AA8 DC47 CB63 AE3F C739 6BF9 9AB4 1EF6 5AA5 BCDF
PGP public key:

Foreman, roving paving crew, Dept. of Roads, Hades.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] Administrador de Sofware

2001-11-14 Thread Damian G

el arbol fuente te muestra las cosas que podés instalar, pero no 
necesariamente tenés instaladas. esto quiere decir, si tenes la
version download de Mandrake, entonces lo que tenes disponible
son esos 3 CD's.  ahora bien, si sólo instalaste, de todos esos
paquetes, una porción determinada, entonces en la vista de arbol
solo vas a ver los que hayas elegido durante el proceso de instalacion.
( y tambien los que hayas instalado posteriormente. )
ese es el significado de los arboles.

Subject: [newbie] Administrador de Sofware
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 02:01:05 -0400

 Tengo un pc con un Pentium 200mmx 48mb en ram la partición de linux
es de 1.2gb y la swap 200mb corriendo Mandrake 8.1, el administrador de
software en la pestaña instalable y vista de árbol solo me muestra
el contenido del 1 cd a pesar de que en las fuentes figuran los 3, y
cuando en las fuentes selecciono otro (solo ese) me muestra el
directorio vacío, agradecería a cualquiera que me pudiera explicar el
porque de esto

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[newbie] change X monitor type from console (M8.1, X4)

2001-11-14 Thread Robert MacLean


does anyone know how to change the monitor type from the console?
i know you can change it from in x, but that doesn't help if x hasn't
got the right monitor to begin with.

Robert MacLean

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Re: [newbie] Source vs. RPMs

2001-11-14 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Wed, 14 Nov 2001 12:25:07 -0500 Epicurus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there some... uh, danger to using both of these methods? I typically like 
 to just go with source when I want a program--it's usually what a program's 
 website has available, so it spares me the trouble of hunting around to find 
 an .rpm for it--but from time to time, particularly when I realize that 
 there's something on my installation CDs that I'd like to put on here (or 
 need to put on so that I can install something from source :P), it serves my 
 purposes to use an .rpm. 
 Just the other night, though, someone basically told me that if I did a fair 
 amount of installing from source that it might eventually become impossible 
 to install from .rpms.  That's a fairly noxious possibility for me, since 
 .rpms can be convenient sometimes--they're sorta like the fast food of 
 Any ideas on this? 

When you compile, you can use the --prefix variable to change the base of the
install path. That way, you can install to a place where it won't harm your
other software. Removal is a simple case of deleting the directory where you
placed the programme (assuming you gave it its own dir).

The best (and easiest) way is to use CheckInstall
(http://asic-linux.com.mx/~izto/checkinstall-en.html). It can will install a
tarball as an RPM, and then give you a binary RPM to keep after the install.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Ok, the guy who made the netfilter Makefile was probably on some really
interesting and probably highly illegal drugs when he wrote it.
-- Linus Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] change X monitor type from console (M8.1, X4)

2001-11-14 Thread bascule

if it's configuring X you're after then have you tried 'xconfigurator' from 
the cl? (or is that Xconfigurator - i never remember)


On Thursday 15 Nov 2001 6:14 am, you wrote:

 does anyone know how to change the monitor type from the console?
 i know you can change it from in x, but that doesn't help if x hasn't
 got the right monitor to begin with.

 Robert MacLean

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