Re: [newbie-it] mdk8.1 e permessi partizioni windows

2001-11-27 Thread Stefano Salari

 --- Stefano Salari [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha
scritto:   --- LukenShiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha
 Nell'Evo medio, all'ora 14:31, domenica 25 novembre
  2001, Voi, Notabile 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED], avete dipinto:
   perchè se cerco di scrivere, da utente, su
  /mnt/win_d non ne ho i 
   o meglio, perchè, se come root, cambio i
  della cartella 
  mdk8.1 me
   li ricambia con quelli di default?
 C'e' da configurare il file /etc/fstab... Appena
 arrivo a casa ti mando una mail dettagliata: adesso
 rischio di scriverti delle fesserie...!
 Ciao! Steo.

...Ecco come fare: ti inoltro una mail che avevo
spedito qualche settimana fa. Se hai problemi facci

Ciao! Steo.

(Tutte le prove le ho fatte con il DevFS montato)

In /etc/fstab puoi usare alcuni parametri specifici
del filesystem vfat (ogni filesystem ha alcuni
parametri particolari, che trovi verso il fondo di
man mount). Alcuni in particolare servono proprio
per risolvere questo problema:

umask, uid e gid

Ho provato inutilmente a modificare i permessi dei
dispositivi, dei mount point, ad aggiungere l'opzione
rw in fstab, ma non e' cambiato nulla: ad ogni avvio
la situazione era sempre la stessa!! Ho risolto tutto
con quei parametri.

umask ti permette di impostare i flag dei permessi sul
mount point con la stessa logica di chmod. Va inserito
tra i parametri di fstab (dove puoi anche mettere
auto,rw[,...] per intenderci) ed il formato e'
umask=sequenza numerica dove sequenza numerica e'
un numero ottale che imposta i permessi con lo stesso
criterio di chmod ma all'inverso: impostando umask=0
abiliti tutti i permessi per tutti gli utenti (ottieni
drwxrwxrwx), impostando umask=7 togli tutti i permessi
a others (ottieni drwxrwx---) e cosi' via.

uid e gid sono analoghi e servono per impostare uno
user ed un group proprietari del mount point nel
momento in cui viene effettuato il mount del
filesystem . Se questi parametri non sono impostati il
sistema utilizza il gid lo uid dell'utente che
effettua il mount: al momento del boot questo utente
e' root. Per fare un esempio, se tu hai un gruppo
users il cui gid e' 500 puoi inserire in fstab
l'opzione gid=500: in questo modo puoi far si che al
boot del sistema il tuo mount point diventi proprieta'
del gruppo users (anziche' di root). La stessa cosa
vale per uid ma uid ti imposta lo user proprietario.

Ora, combinando questi parametri puoi configrarti la
tua partizione windows con opportuni permessi quasi
come fosse una directory linux.

Io ho fatto cosi':

Mi sono creato un gruppo windisk che ha come gid

Poi ho modificato /etc/fstab in questo modo:

/dev/hda1  /mnt/win_c  vfat
0 0
il parametro gid mi imposta windisk (gid=782) come
gruppo di /mnt/win_c, mentre umask=3 mi imposta i
diritti a drwxrwxr--.

All' avvio ho cosi' questa situazione:

[steos@localhost steos]$ ls -l /mnt/

drwxrwxr-x2 root root 4096 ott  9 
1998 cdrom/
drwxr-xr-x2 root root 4096 nov 12
22:07 cdrom2/
drwxr-xr-x2 root root 4096 nov 12
22:07 cdrom3/
drwxrwxr-x2 root root 4096 set 14
17:35 disk/
drwxrwxr-x2 root root 4096 feb  6 
1996 floppy/
drwxrwxr--8 root windisk  8192 nov 15
23:40 win_c/

In questo modo /mnt/win_c e' accessibile in lettura e
scrittura per gli utenti del gruppo windisk e solo
in lettura per tutti gli altri.

Spero di esserti stato d'aiuto (e di non essere stato
troppo confuso...!).

Ciao! Steo.


Iscriviti al Meglio della Settimana, la newsletter di Yahoo!
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Re: [newbie-it] installazione xine divx 4.02

2001-11-27 Thread Stefano Salari

 --- luigi pinna [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha
 quando do il make alle librerie di xine lui comincia
 compilare dopo un po' comincia a dire che non riesce
 trovare una directory e interrompe il make. ho
 compilato da root e ho provato a creare la directory
 che lui cercava ma il messaggio è comparso lo stesso
 interrompeva lo stesso il make. mi sembra di aver
 cercato di compilare xine 0.9.2 o 0.9.3 dopo provo
 la nuova (la 0.9.5) magari funziona!
La 0.9.5 l'ho scaricata ma non ho ancora provato a
compilarla. Quella che sono riuscito ad installare io
era la 0.9.4.

Puoi provare a ri-scompattare il file: magari tar non
ti ha estratto tutto quello che ti serviva...

Ciao. Steo.


Iscriviti al Meglio della Settimana, la newsletter di Yahoo!
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[newbie-it] cdrom-cdrw

2001-11-27 Thread bosva

mdk8.1 pIII 733MHz
HD primary master
CDRW secondary master
CDrom secondary slave
ho provato ad installare qualche pacchetto dai 3 cdrom di mdk 8.1, che non avevo 
installato all'inizio.
tutto bene: mi trova i pacchetti che posso installare, li scelgo, controlla le 
dipendenze e mi dice di inserire il cdrom n°1, 2 o 3 (a seconda del pacchetto) nel 
cdrom2. e mi apre il cassettino del cdrom. non appena metto il cd richesto e chiuso il 
cassettino gli do ok...dopo 3 secondi di attesa mi riapre il cassettino e mi chiede 
nuovamente di mettere il cd rom...non riesce a vederlo!
a questo punto idea geniale! lo prendo dal cd rom e lo metto nel masterizzatore, gli 
do oke mi installa il pacchetto richiesto, senza alcun problema...a parte il 
fatto che non riesco più a fargli aprire il masterizzatore se non riavviando il pc...
perchè mi chiede di mettere il cd nel cdrom2 e mi apre il cassettino del lettore ma 
non riesce a vedere il cd?
perchè se metto il cd nel masterizzatore (aprendolo a mano) mi fa l'installazione e 
non mi restituisce più il cd?
forse fa confusione tra le due periferiche?
grazie mille per le dritte
salutatemi a bilgheiz

Re: [newbie-it] cdrom-cdrw

2001-11-27 Thread Stefano Salari

 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: 
 mdk8.1 pIII 733MHz
 HD primary master
 CDRW secondary master
 CDrom secondary slave
 ho provato ad installare qualche pacchetto dai 3
 cdrom di mdk 8.1, che non avevo installato
 tutto bene: mi trova i pacchetti che posso
 installare, li scelgo, controlla le dipendenze e mi
 dice di inserire il cdrom n°1, 2 o 3 (a seconda del
 pacchetto) nel cdrom2. e mi apre il cassettino del
 cdrom. non appena metto il cd richesto e chiuso il
 cassettino gli do ok...dopo 3 secondi di attesa mi
 riapre il cassettino e mi chiede nuovamente di
 mettere il cd rom...non riesce a vederlo!
 a questo punto idea geniale! lo prendo dal cd rom e
 lo metto nel masterizzatore, gli do oke mi
 installa il pacchetto richiesto, senza alcun
 problema...a parte il fatto che non riesco più a
 fargli aprire il masterizzatore se non riavviando il
 perchè mi chiede di mettere il cd nel cdrom2 e mi
 apre il cassettino del lettore ma non riesce a
 vedere il cd?
 perchè se metto il cd nel masterizzatore (aprendolo
 a mano) mi fa l'installazione e non mi restituisce
 più il cd?
 forse fa confusione tra le due periferiche?
 grazie mille per le dritte
 salutatemi a bilgheiz

Non so dirti quale sia il motivo, ma lo fa pure a me!
(Presumo che ti capiti quando usi il gestione
pacchetti della Mandrake, vero?). Utilizzando rpm da
console non dovrebbe darti problemi. Io, con il
gestione pacchetti ho risolto facendo il mount a
mano. Mi spiego meglio:

Voglio installare un pacchetto... Mi chiede di
inserire il cd nel lettore... Se me lo risputa fuori
io insisto e lo reinserisco, ma prima di confermargli
che ho cambiato il cd con il pulsante ok, apro un
terminale e gli faccio il mount del cd... A quel punto
gli do' l'Ok e tutto funziona.

Credo che gestione pacchetti abbia dei problemi con
il mount dei dispositivi: probabilmente quando ti
espelle il cd e' perche' non riesce a montarlo, mentre
se lo trattiene e' perche' non riesce a smontarlo
(infatti finche' un cd e' montato il pulsante di eject
non ha effetto).

Ciao! Steo.


Iscriviti al Meglio della Settimana, la newsletter di Yahoo!
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[newbie-it] help...

2001-11-27 Thread Luca Landi

Ho installato la mdk 7.2, ho provato a connettermi ad
internet ma non trovo (come indicato nel manuale) il
programma Draknet e Drakconf per avviare l'accesso a
internet. Nella fase di installazione di mdk ho
settato una connessione ISDN (ho un tintoretto TA PCI
regolarmente riconosciuto), ma non riesco a trovare il
programma per la connessione. I programmi di
connessione di rete sono relativi a connessione via
modem! Come faccio per connettermi ad internet con la
linea ISDN!?
Un altra cosa...essendo un novizio, mi sono apprestato
a installare un kernel 2.4.12. Ho installato le
gcc.2.9.xx, come indicato nel manuale di mdk ho
 ./configure // make // make install
In modo tale che l'installazione venga portata a
termine solo se gli altri passi sono stati eseguiti
correttamente (ditemi se sbaglio!)...però non accade
niente ovvero mi viene risposta:
./configure done
e non fà altro!
se eseguo i comandi in modo manuale ovvero:
make install
nella fase make install nel bel mezzo di tutte le
scritte mi compare:
WARNING: Error or unknow device pointer type
...è riferito al mouse!? E' su porta USB e funziona
correttamente negli ambienti grafici!
Sapete aiutarmi!? 


Iscriviti al Meglio della Settimana, la newsletter di Yahoo!
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Re: R: [newbie-it] configurazione kernel

2001-11-27 Thread LukenShiro

Nell'Evo medio, all'ora 08:22, martedì 27 novembre 2001, Voi, Notabile 
luca laghi, avete dipinto:
 make è un programma: non è per caso che non è installato?

Quello e' uno dei motivi piu' ricorrenti; bisognerebbe 
sapere pero' qual e' il problema preciso, in particolare se attiene al 
make oppure ai pacchetti da cui dipendono menuconfig e xconfig [es. 
le ncurses, il pacchetto tk/tcl ec]
L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK cooker-8.2 - 2.4.13-9mdk
La Netiquette non e' una moquette piu' pulita:

Re: [newbie-it] Connessione a internet ma ...

2001-11-27 Thread Marco

 Ciao Marco,
 non è che hai impostato un livello di sicurezza troppo alto?

Me ne accerterò stasera (ora sono al lavoro) ma in fase di 
installazione sono certo di aver scelto il livello medio (e sono 
altrettanto certo di non aver configurato alcun firewall ...).

Per ora grazie della risposta.


Re: [newbie-it] help...

2001-11-27 Thread LukenShiro

Nell'Evo medio, all'ora 13:51, martedì 27 novembre 2001, Voi, Notabile 
Luca Landi, avete dipinto:
 Ho installato la mdk 7.2, ho provato a connettermi ad

Considera che a fine settembre e' uscita la 8.1. La 7.2 aveva diversi 
bacherozzoli e problemi di sicurezza a cui e' stato posto rimedio solo 
in un secondo tempo, in ogni caso se non vuoi passare ad una versione 
piu' recente, ti consiglio almeno di scaricare gli aggiornamenti che 
trovi qui:

 I programmi di
 connessione di rete sono relativi a connessione via
 modem! Come faccio per connettermi ad internet con la
 linea ISDN!?

Per i TA ISDN interni (a differenza di quelli esterni seriali) devi 
per forza passare da un apposito pacchetto, isdn4linux [non e' 
utilizzabile, ad es. kppp] e devono essere caricati i moduli necessari, 
fai riferimento alla documentazione allegata; cmq qui dovresti trova 
qualcosa (oltre che nel caro archivio della lista):
Poi puoi trovare una valanga di documentazione in tedesco :)

 mi sono apprestato a installare un kernel 2.4.12. Ho installato le
 gcc.2.9.xx, come indicato nel manuale di mdk ho
  ./configure // make // make install

Urgh, no no ... La compilazione dei sorgenti del kernel non segue i 
passi che contraddistinguono la compilazione di un normale programma.
Se n'era gia' parlato in lista tempo fa, cmq ti consiglio di dare un 
occhiata (oltre che all'archivio) anche al Kernel Howto (anche se 
abbastanza vecchiotto), alle LDR di G.Paolone, agli appunti di 
informatica libera di D.Giacomini
Cmq velocemente i passaggi sono: controlla di avere tutti i pacchetti 
direttamente e indirettamente necessari alla compilazione [c'e' scritto 
tutto nel file Changes della directory di documentazione del kernel] e 
i pacchetti che servono per l'interfaccia [le librerie ncurses per 
menuconfig, tk e tcl per xconfig ecc...] poi procedi come segue:
make xconfig|menuconfig|config [in ordine di facilita'/immediatezza: 
scegli il primo]  make dep  make clean  make bzImage  make 
modules  make modules_install
C'e poi anche un make install, che personalmente _non_ ti consiglio 
(io preferisco copiare a mano e il kernel). In fine 
modifichi il file di configurazione del bootloader [/boot/grub/menu.lst 
o /etc/lilo.conf, a seconda di quello che usi, dando poi, solo se hai 
lilo, il comando lilo]. Come regola generale lascia _sempre_ la 
possibilita' di riavviare con il kernel precedente nel caso sfigato in 
cui qualcosa dovesse andare storto ...

Prenditi cmq del tempo per studiarti la configurazione adeguata al tuo 
sistema e fai molta attenzione a cio' che abiliti o disabiliti, dato 
che un'opzione azzardata puo' compromettere la funzionalita' del 
sistema al successivo riavvio.
Gia' che siamo in tema, dato che mi pare di capire che il 
kernel l'hai scaricato da (o da uno dei suoi mirror) ti 
consiglio di prendere il 2.4.13 [il .12 e' uscito in fretta per 
supplire a nefasti errori intercorsi col .11]. In alternativa potresti 
scaricare la versione sorgente rpm patchata targata -mdk, scaricabile 
dai mirror mandrake. 

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK cooker-8.2 - 2.4.13-9mdk
La Netiquette non e' una moquette piu' pulita:

Rif: Re: [newbie-it] cdrom-cdrw

2001-11-27 Thread bosva

 Da: Stefano Salari [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Data: 27/11/2001 13:49
 Oggetto: Re: [newbie-it] cdrom-cdrw

 (Presumo che ti capiti quando usi il gestione
 pacchetti della Mandrake, vero?)


Io, con il
 gestione pacchetti ho risolto facendo il mount a
 mano. Mi spiego meglio:
 Voglio installare un pacchetto... Mi chiede di
 inserire il cd nel lettore... Se me lo risputa fuori
 io insisto e lo reinserisco, ma prima di confermargli
 che ho cambiato il cd con il pulsante ok, apro un
 terminale e gli faccio il mount del cd... A quel punto
 gli do' l'Ok e tutto funziona.

ho appena fatto un esperimento...ho curiosato in Control panel e ho visto che il cdrw 
era montato, quindi l'ho smontato da lì e sono riuscito ad installare i pacchetti, 
smontando da control panel ogni volta il dispositivo (credo sia l'analogo di quello 
che tu fai da console)

ma non capisco perchè si apra il cassetto del lettore cd rom e non lo vede, mentre se 
lo metto nel masterizzatore lo vede e riesce anche ad installare 
tutto...aspetta...adesso vedo se montando manualmente il lettore riesco ad installare 
da li...grazie mille!!

 Ciao! Steo.

salutatemi a bilgheiz
ciao, osva

Re: [newbie-it] Connessione a internet ma ...

2001-11-27 Thread LukenShiro

Nell'Evo medio, all'ora 00:00, martedì 27 novembre 2001, Voi, Notabile 
Marco, avete dipinto:
 Lanciando kppp il modem parte, fa il numero, il provider mi 
 entro il rete e ... non mi connetto a niente (neanche inserendo 
 manualmente i dns), inoltre non pingo e non riesco nemmeno a 
 connettermi ad un server pop3 per scaricare messaggi con kmail.

A scanso di equivoci, controlla che l'instradamento dell'interfaccia 
ppp0 [quando la connessione e' su] sia corretto, con 'ifconfig ppp0' 
e con route
Controlla che il file /etc/ppp/options abbia solo il minimo 
indispensabile [lock, noauth, noipdefault] poi inserisci anche la riga 
debug: controlla nel file /var/log/messages se ti dice qualcosa di 
Per sicurezza imposta in /etc/resolv.conf: 
search xxx
domain xxx
nameserver aabbcc
nameserver aabbcc
dove xxx e' il dominio del provider, e aabbcc sono i due DNS. Allo 
stesso tempo togli pero' usepeerdns da options
Se tutto e' impostato correttamente mi vien da pensare che siano 
problemi del provider [mi era gia' successo una cosa simile con Aruba 

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK cooker-8.2 - 2.4.13-9mdk
La Netiquette non e' una moquette piu' pulita:

Re: [newbie-it] Connessione a internet ma ...

2001-11-27 Thread Marco

Per LukenShiro,
grazie per le dettagliate informazioni ... stasera provo poi ti faccio 
sapere (cmq ho provato sia con Libero che con Tiscali ... quindi non 
credo sia un problema di provider)


Re: [newbie-it] sane-mustek pp

2001-11-27 Thread Andrea Celli

 Linux. Mi areno qui: To install the sane-mustek_pp backend, untar
 the source archive in the top source directory of your SANE
 distribution. Next you'll have to patch three files... Che cos'e' the
 top source directory of my SANE distribution?

La directory in cui tieni tutti isorgenti di SANE
  Se mi svelate
 questo poi credo di saper proseguire. Sto messo male, eh?

Direi di si. :-)
Quindi usa gli rpm  di SANE che hai sui CD della distro o,
se vedi che sono vecchi, cercane di piu` aggiornati tra i
contrib o i cooker di

Poi, dai un'occhiata a
o, se ti terrorizza il francese a

In questo secondo caso, dovrai semplificare qualcosa perche'
installare uno scanner parallelo (se e` possibile) e` piu`
facile che metterne uno usb.

ciao, Andrea

[newbie-it] stampante non funge

2001-11-27 Thread Colombo Rodolfo

ho appena installato la Mdk 8.1 al posto della 8.0, e la stampante non 
funziona, la stampante è una okipage 12i che si può connettere al computer 
tramite lp0 o scheda di rete incorporata.
la stampante è configurata bene, attualmente è connessa tramite la rete ed ha 
il suo indirizzo ip e la connessione funge bene ping ecc. ora, premetto che 
con la mdk 8.0 tutto funzionava bene, non riesco a stampare nè configurando 
la stampante con cups con porta socket nè configurandola con printdrake 
sempre su porta socket.
Allora ho levato la connessione alla rete e ho provato a configurare il tutto 
collegandola con un cavo parallelo, ma niente, anzi ho notato che all'avvio 
del comp. mi dice che i permesi del dev/lp0 non sono giusti e lpd non si può 
connettere. insomma sono sconsolato.
qualcuno ha qualche idea ?
Ciao Rodolfo

Re: [newbie-it] stampante non funge

2001-11-27 Thread LukenShiro

Nell'Evo medio, all'ora 17:50, martedì 27 novembre 2001, Voi, Notabile 
Colombo Rodolfo, avete dipinto:
 il tutto collegandola con un cavo parallelo, ma niente, anzi ho
 notato che all'avvio del comp. mi dice che i permesi del dev/lp0 non
 sono giusti e lpd non si può connettere.

il dispositivo /dev/lp0 e' di proprieta' di root - gruppo lp?
Se lo usi da utente l'utente in questione e' nel gruppo lp?
L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK cooker-8.2 - 2.4.13-9mdk
La Netiquette non e' una moquette piu' pulita:

Re: [newbie-it] stampante non funge

2001-11-27 Thread Sebastiano Cordiano

On Tue, 27 Nov 2001 17:50:20 +0100
Colombo Rodolfo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ho appena installato la Mdk 8.1 al posto della 8.0, e la stampante non

 funziona, la stampante è una okipage 12i che si può connettere al
 tramite lp0 o scheda di rete incorporata.
 la stampante è configurata bene, attualmente è connessa tramite la
rete ed ha 
 il suo indirizzo ip e la connessione funge bene ping ecc. ora,
premetto che 
 con la mdk 8.0 tutto funzionava bene, non riesco a stampare nè
 la stampante con cups con porta socket nè configurandola con
 sempre su porta socket.
 Allora ho levato la connessione alla rete e ho provato a configurare
il tutto 
 collegandola con un cavo parallelo, ma niente, anzi ho notato che
 del comp. mi dice che i permesi del dev/lp0 non sono giusti e lpd non
si può 
 connettere. insomma sono sconsolato.
 qualcuno ha qualche idea ?
 Ciao Rodolfo

Io ho installato una HP 4050N con scheda di rete ed ip dinamico (dhcp)
con l' utility apsfilter che pero' non credo ci sia sulla mdk.
Ti incollo pero' il contenuto del printcap nella speranza che possa
servirti per qualche tentativo manuale.

lp|Printer1 auto:\



Re: [newbie-it] non legge il floppy

2001-11-27 Thread LukenShiro

Nell'Evo medio, all'ora 21:04, martedì 27 novembre 2001, Voi, Notabile 
Paolo Schiavo, avete dipinto:
 Ho appena installato Mandrake 8.1 ed il problema immediatamente 
riscontrato è 
 relativo all'incapacità di leggere il floppy disk.

Leggere i messaggi precedenti e' sempre una buona cosa ... cmq 
Nel menu del bootloader [/boot/grub/menu.lst x grub, /etc/lilo.conf per 
lilo] metti 'devfs=nomount' e 'nobiospnp' [per il lilo entrambi 
preceduti da append=].
Dovrebbe apparire qualcosa negli Errata di Mandrake 8.1 a proposito di 
questi problemi, purtroppo pero' in questi giorni mi pare che il sito 
sia giu'

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK cooker-8.2 - 2.4.13-9mdk
La Netiquette non e' una moquette piu' pulita:

[newbie-it] Misteri dell'informatica

2001-11-27 Thread Milko Ferioli

Ciao a tutti, volevo comunicarvi che dopo l'ennesima installazione della 
8.1 ora  riesco a vedere la partizione windows.
Ma quello che non capisco è che questa volta ha fatto tutto lui.
Praticamente dopo aver installato Win 98, win2000 ho messo Mandrake, e 
con mia sorpresa si è montato automaticamente windows98, come mai?
Ora ho un piccolo problema ( mi sembra logico) perche cliccando con il 
terzo tasto- dischi non vedo la voce windows, premetto che il file Fstab 
è completo della riga di Mount /mnt/windows.
Altra domandina che vi farà ridere, come posso aggiungere un'icona sul 
Desktop di Gnome1.4.
Come funziona la gestione drivers video per una scheda Geforce2 mx 400.

Scusate le troppe domande,Ciao Milko

Re: [newbie-it] configurazione kernel

2001-11-27 Thread salvo

confermo che è installato perchè sono riuscito ad avviare make config, ma
a me interessa la configurazione in formato grafico che è più facile


- Original Message -
From: luca laghi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 8:22 AM
Subject: R: [newbie-it] configurazione kernel

  Ho appreso dagli appunti di informatica libera e dagli How to che
  l'installazione del kernel bisogna configurarlo con make config o
  menuconfig o make xconfig, ma non riesco ad avviare uno dei predetti
  come posso avviarli?

 Ti dico una cosa della quale non sono affatto sicuro e della quale chiedo
 conferma a chi legge questa mail:

 make è un programma: non è per caso che non è installato?

Re: [newbie] Installing Evolution under Mandrake 8.1

2001-11-27 Thread Traci Collins

On Mon, 2001-11-26 at 20:57, Jim Dawson wrote:
 Does anyone know of an easy way to install the latest Ximian Evolution
 under Mandrake 8.1? I keep getting dependancy errors when I try to

I wouldn't say it is an easy way, as far as I know it is the only way to
use the RPMs, that is, you download each of the dependencies and install
them. When they result in dependencies you download and install those.
You keep doing that until you stop getting dependencies and then you
work your way back up the chain installing all the rpms that failed
previously. It takes some time but all the rpms are there at the
Evolution site so it is mostly just tedium. The latest candidate is much
more stable than the version that shipped with Mandrake 8.1.


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RE: [newbie] thanks...for the fix, and now two or three more question =)

2001-11-27 Thread Franki

look for Terra Term for a windows ssh client similiar to telnet but with
more features (it does telnet too.)

for an ssh FTP program, look for iXplorer, I use it all the time, works

both should pop up numerous times in a google search.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Alan Carpenter
Sent: Tuesday, 27 November 2001 7:02 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] thanks...for the fix, and now two or three more
question =)

How can I connect to my server using SSH on the client side?  The client is
using windows.  Do they make any SSH programs for windows?  Thanks again...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of civileme
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] thanks...for the fix, and now two or three more
question =)

On Monday 26 November 2001 10:42 am, Alan Carpenter wrote:
 I wanted to say thanks to everyone who wrote me back with fixes for my usb
 problem.  Now I have two or three more questions =)

 1)inetd?  I can't seem to find it.  I thought it was normally in /etc?  I
 found a Xinetd, but I cant find inetd?  Do I need to run something?  I'm
 not sure what inetd even is?  Does it start services?

Xinetd is the modern replacement.  It starts internet services on demand

 2)Apache.  I have it up and running because I can connect to the server
 view the default index.  Where does the Apache directory reside?  Is it
 called http?  I can't see to find the default index file?  Any help
 be great.

Look in /var/www right where the Linux Standard Base and File Hierarchical
System 2.2 (FHS2.2) say it should be.

 3)Telnet.  Again back to inetd.  I read the service starts in inetd?  Is
 telnet installed by default?  Do I need to download a telnet package?  If
 do could somebody recommend one?

Really don't use telnet.  It is antiquated and insecure.  I have software on
my machine which can twist the ends of a telnet connection so that they are
desynchronized and then my machine becomes the glue that holds the
together and I have a chance to snarf all the communications and make
tasteful changes as well.  ssh is much more secure and already loaded by
default.  To connect,

ssh username@mymachine,

on the client side and everything is encrypted.  Otherwise you are on the
machine just like a telnet connection once your password is validated.

If you absolutely must have telnet, the server and client are on your
CDs, just not loaded by default.

QA Team



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RE: [newbie] win32 badtrans worm.

2001-11-27 Thread Franki
Title: RE: [newbie] win32 badtrans worm.

yeah, I 

I hate microsoft as much as the 
next guy, probably more, but I have to write perl scripts that work and 
are tested in windows and linux, so I have to have a windows box.. 

I also have a winmodem in my 
notebook that I need when out of town.

so I loaded win2000 pro, then 
loaded all patches an service packs, then turned off all the dangerous stuff in 
outlook and IE...
then loaded pccillin and 
innoculate PE (which is a free antivirus for windows), then I downloaded 
the FREE Tiny firewall package, which is regarded as being the 

best firewall package for 
windows workstations..


This thing sits behind a linux 
masq box with a very tight firewall (BASICALLY NO SERVICES OPEN. AND NO 
ICMP) and it also retrieves its mail from another linux box running postfix that 
scans all incoming and outgoing mail for
virus's, and doesn't let them 
though... (using amavis and the free Trend filescan.)

So I don't know, I am fairly 
confident that I am not presently hackable...

GRC reports me as being 
entirely invisable... so its at least fairly hard to do. which is more then 
anyone can ask nowdays.

When I have no reason to use 
winblows, then I won't,,, but right now thats not an 

even if windows does suck, and 
we all know it does,, I have secured it as much as possible and IT IS sitting 
behind a linux firewall and MASQ,,, 

I think it is pretty safe.. and 
I don't think I am fooling myself.

Tell me how my security is Lax 



  -Original Message-From: 
  Behalf Of Harrison, NeilSent: Tuesday, 27 November 2001 8:39 
  AMTo: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'Subject: RE: [newbie] 
  win32 badtrans worm.
  You are a very angry, bitter man. 
  See "y'all" later 
  -Original Message- From: Tom 
  Brinkman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
  Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 10:19 AM 
  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [newbie] win32 badtrans worm. 
  On Monday 26 November 2001 12:13 pm, Franki wrote: 
   you might want to check your system Frank... 
   You need to check your system Franki since you 
  sent with: 
  X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook IMO, Build 9.0.2416 
  (9.0.2911.0) X-Mimeole: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE 
  V5.50.4807.1700 Importance: Normal 
   WHICH is a guaranteed virus transmission 
  propagater to other Windoze users, and pretty much 
  fsck'ups the Net in general, even fellow Linux users 
  who have to put up with the damage y'all propulgate to 
  Net servers, and the stolen banwidth y'all suck up. 
   I dunno how to convince y'all NEVER 
  connect to the Net with, any M$ product. There is no 
  way to secure or defend an M$ system. (period). 
  You can only buy/beg/borrow a bunch of ineffective firewalls and virus scanners for M$ crap. Then, the only thing you've 
  accomplished is to fool yourself. 
   If you dual boot, delete anything Winblows has to 
  do with connecting to the Net, unplug the phone 
  line. Then you've got some security, at least 
  till you buy a CD or floppy with a winblows virus on 
  it. Buy a real modem and use a real OS to connect. 
   It amazes me that some people who do run Linux (part 
  time), believe that connecting with Windoze is a good, 
  or even tolerable idea. Specially on this (Linux) 
  list. Winsux virus warnings to this list are OFF 
  TOPIC, immaterial, and border on ridiculous. Post these warnings to (ignorant, computer illiterate) Winblows users lists and 
  newsgroups. You'll be very busy on a daily basis 
  ... mostly you'll be weeks, even months and years 
  Jeez, in a perfect world, Winblows users wouldn't be 
  allowed to connect. 
   ... there ought'a be a law 
  -- Tom Brinkman   
  Galveston Bay, USA 

Re: [newbie] Importing Fonts

2001-11-27 Thread Ric Tibbetts

Ah.. the new generation of Linux users... Y'all can't do anything
without a GUI.

Want to know what's going on under the covers? Then when you want to
add fonts, you can.. any time, any type. :)

Ok... Here goes:

Off in the land of daemons is one called xfs (for X Font Server). It,
as it's name suggests, serves fonts to the X server, which in turn puts
them on your dsplay. For average fonts, it's not even required, as X is
capable of rendering it's own fonts. X only falls short in the realm of
True Type fonts. That is one of the places that xfs is needed. Another
place that xfs finds use is to serve fonts out to network devices
(remote X-Terminals  such. But that is beyond where I care to go with
this discussion.

So. Knowing the above, how does one import Windows (or any other) fonts
into X?

First, take a look at the directory: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts

There you will find the font directories. You should have a sub
directrory something like the following.


There are additional fonts in /usr/share, but we'll get to those later.

Within each of these directories are the font files, and two very
important files:

fonts.dir (the fonts definition file), and
fonts.alias (an alias file, as the name would suggest).

There may additionaly be a fonts.scale file for scaleable fonts.

The first step in adding a large number of fonts is find a place to put
them. If you want to bring the windows fonts over, then I'd suggest
creating a new directory for them. I've done that on mine, and named it

Create that directory, then copy the contents of your windows fonts
directory into it.
Then cd into the directory, and issue:

ttmkfdir  fonts.dir

This will create the fonts.dir file.
NOTE: This only works for TT fonts. For conventional fonts use:

mkfontdir  fonts.dir (the non true-type version).

Now. With the fonts.dir file created, we need to tell xfs about this new

Go to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fs

There is a file there named config. Open it with your favorite editor.
Look for the section that has the font directrories in it (it's really
easy to find, it's a small file).

You'll want to add your .../Windows fonts directrory to this list. Mine
looks like:

catalogue = /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc:unscaled,
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Windows,  - This one!

NOTE: You can also add external fonts to /usr/share. And in retrospect,
this would have been a more appropriate place to add the Windows fonts.

With the .../Windows directory added to this list, comes the really
distasteful part. You'll need to reboot your PC. yeah, I know. But every
time I've tried to ge around it, I've gotten hung up.
One possible way:

After you've completed the above:
Drop out of X, and kill it (go to a console, and type init 3, to
totally shutdown X. Then run service xfs restart to stop  start xfs
so it will pick up the new fonts.
Then restart X, by running init 5, OR startx.

This MIGHT get you back up without hanging. I've generally found it best
to restart the computer.

Before everyone jumps on this, YES, I know, there are ways to add font
paths without killing xfs  X. I did not do this in this example because
it's best to be sure that xfs is still funcitoning properly after having
it's config file futz with. And this method supplies a lasting font
path, by building it in.

You should now however have your new (old) windows fonts available.

to summarize the steps:

1) Create  populate the new font directory (in either
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts, or /usr/share/fonts).
2) Create the fonts.dir file (by running ttmkfdir  fonts.dir from
within the new font directory).
3) Add the new font directory to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fs/config
4) Kill X, restart xfs, and restart X.

Broken down, it's really very simple.
Want to add more truetype fonts? Pay a visit to fontfreak
(, and get something interesting. Then add the
file to which-ever truetype fonts directory suits your fancy,and seems
appropriate. Then just re-run ttmkfdir  fonts.dir, and restart. And
you'll have your new font. NOTE: There's no need to change the xfs
config file if you've not added a new directory.

So. Now you know how to do fonts basics by hand. Knowing this, when
things go awry (as things GUI powered will form time to time), you'll
have a clue as to where to look, and how to fix it.

Give a hungry man a fish, and you've fed him for one meal.
Teach him to catch his own, and you've fed him for a lifetime.

Happy fishing!



RE: [newbie] The problem with Linux

2001-11-27 Thread Franki

you have a small flaw in your logic...

whenever any company releases a product that does something better, it gets
adopted by others because it is better.

when a company release something that sucks.. it doesn't usually get
adopted, (unless there are marketing reasons or blackmail behind it..)

Winblows knicked ideas from Mac, they knicked stuff from bsd.. they knicked
lots of stuff I think... why? because it
did the job easier and simplier then what they had at the time, (assuming
they had something.)

linux then knicked stuff from M$,, like KDE's layout and format... why?
because it was easier to understand, and
the majority of people already understand it.

nobody is suggesting that linux should knick crap like BSOD's or fat32 or
adopt its usability in reiserfs or anything..
but there is nothing wrong with copying the functionality of useful
stuff..stuff that makes things more efficient (there is that word again.)

when ABS for cars came out, wow, what a reaction, but it was patented
worldwide, once it expired, it got installed into most new mid to high end
cars,, why? because it saved lives..(you can equate that to increased
efficiency if you like, I have always found that I work better when I'm
alive.) who cares who invented it?

Don't let hate for M$ blind you, the only area where M$ has superiority over
linux is its simplicity... even most linux diehards are not blind to that...
but things are getting closer.. why? because we can take the best of their
ideas, (or ideas that they have knicked) and leave the dross with winblows..
and slowly linux is doing just that..



PS, you don't need an application to install windows apps, you find an
install.exe file, and you dbl click on it.. and then answer questions..
thats it... rpmdrake is good and a huge step up from compiling at a console,
but its still lagging behind just starting a setup.exe file...

for better or worse, I think that is one of the main reasons that even
experianced windows users don't like linux (and most of us started as
experianced windows users.)

-Original Message-
From: Richie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, 27 November 2001 10:11 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] The problem with Linux

Sorry, my message wan't pointed directly at you,,,

On November 25, 2001 10:33 am, Franki wrote:
 Firstly, I wasn't talking about me.. I was refering to people unfamiliar
 with the proceedure..

That's the point I was trying to make, it's the lack of familiarity, not a
problem inherent to Linuxes (... or Linuxi?)

 I have always managed to get things going.. but I know a shitload of
 that haven't been able to.

 ..Wow, what a lazy bunch of buggers!

 First, the 'hunting for libraries' complaint is moot: I have yet to look
 any further than my own LM install disks for libraries-- LM is probably
 better than many distros out there as they actually provide you with more
 than one install CD and all the stuff they offer has been compiled for a
 Mandrake system so it's going to work.

 like I said, not my problem, but you don't have to install them in
 windows,, (their method sux, with overwriting
 and such, but it does make it more or less dead easy.)

...I'll stand by installations on Linux being different and not difficult
when you're installing RPMs through RPMDrake, dependencies are installed in
the same go anyway so what's the big deal?

 Second, no one says you *have* to install the latest kernel and it isn't
 necessary unless you're adding brand new hardware that didn't exist six
 months ago-- how many of you out there are installing kernels just because
 has a higher number?

 What about the recommended kernel upgrades, there have always been some in
 the last few mdk versions..
 sometimes more then one,,  (ie 7.2) 8 has had a security kernel upgrade,
 and mandrake 8.1 has one now too.
 (to address the recent ptrace bug and others..)

OK, valid-- but that's two critical updates over hundreds of unwarranted
kernel version updates (unwarranted for the average user...)

 By-and-by the install process is standard-- using RPMs is easy enough and
 the odd times when I have to compile there's always an or and another silly thing that even comes with Windoze
 installations: README files-- how many of you have failed to install
 something properly because you didn't read the instructions.

 I didn't claim that windows was better, I loath windows and M$, but it is
 undeniably easier.
 5000,000 morons can't be wrong. :-)

...Still don't have me convinced Linux is just different and much of the
perceived difficulty is from having to change.  I say this with absolute
certainty because I had to change from Windows-thinking to Linux-thinking

 Bottom line:  If you want something 'Just like Windows' then use Windows.
 There is no such thing as out-and-out replacing an OS.  

RE: [newbie] Clock Synchronization

2001-11-27 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

It's on the CD's

Not installed by default.


|-Original Message-
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Anuerin G.Diaz
|Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 10:20 AM
|To: mandrake
|Subject: Re: [newbie] Clock Synchronization
|im using LM8.1 and i dont have any rdate executable, either as 
|an ordinary user or as root. ill try to find one tomorrow when 
|my net connection resumes here in the office. ;-)
|On Tue, 27 Nov 2001 00:04:11 -0700, Lee Roberts 
|   Hash: SHA1
|   I'm running Mandrake 7.2 and had problems with the clock 
|even though I had 
|   the proper timezone selected. After running rdate, my clock 
|is now showing 
|   the correct time.
|   On Tuesday 27 November 2001 07:44 am, Anuerin G.Diaz wrote:
| hi to all,
|   this is one problem that I shelved that i remembered 
|just now...
|   how do I synchonize the linux clock with the BIOS 
|clock? The timezone
|here is GMT+8. If I select 'Manila' in the timezone, the 
|BIOS clock gets
|out of whack. Setting the clock to GMT or not does not 
|help. I found a
|workaround by not selecting any timezone but Im hoping to 
|find a proper way
|wherein all my pc clocks (especially when Im changing OSes) are
|synchronized and I still am in the right timezone.
|Programming, an artform that fights back.
|Anuerin G. Diaz
|Design Engineer
|25/F Equitable-PCI Tower
|ADB Ave. cor. Poveda St.,
|Ortigas Center, Pasig City,
|Philippines 1605
|Tel no: (632) 6383070 loc 75

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Re: [newbie] DVD player?

2001-11-27 Thread ethan

When I tried to install vlc rpm package, I get failed dependencies:

[root@localhost ethan]# rpm -ivh vlc*.rpm
error: failed dependencies: is needed by vlc-0.2.91-1 is needed by vlc-0.2.91-1
[root@localhost ethan]#

any idea how to get rid of these dependencies and install a package for this
? thank you.

civileme wrote:
  On Sunday 25 November 2001 05:28 pm, DJW wrote:
Anyone know of a good DVD (Linux Native) player for Linux?TIADJW

Try going to  The DVD player works well, but the DeCSS isn't legal to use or download, thanks to the Digital Millenium Copyright Act.Unfortunately the commercial DVD players are more smoke and mirrors than anything real, and you have to break the law by downloading DeCSS to use linux to play DVDs if you really choose to use linux to play them. Or else buy the right decoder card (they differ by different regions of the world).Civileme
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Re: [newbie] galeon

2001-11-27 Thread Michel Clasquin

On Tuesday 27 November 2001 03:03, you wrote:

 1.0 was released only recently. It requires Mozilla 0.9.6.

I finally got that one working after I figured out what gnome-vfs was 
doing wrong. Just in case anyone else is struggling with recent versions 
of galeon, here's something I sent to the galeon dev team leader.

Hi marco

First of all, thanks to you and the team for writing Galeon. It has fast 
become my browser of choice. Also, congratulations on the release of V1.

I have had problems ever since version 0.12.1. I had the right Mozilla 
version, and gnome-vfs was installed. But any attempt to run a higher 
version gave repeated errors like this:

GnomeVFS-WARNING **: Cannot load module `/usr/lib/vfs/modules/http' 
(/usr/lib/vfs/modules/http: cannot open shared object file: No such file 
or directory

GnomeVFS-WARNING **: Cannot load module `/usr/lib/vfs/modules/file' 
(/usr/lib/vfs/modules/file: cannot open shared object file: No such file 
or directory

I let it slide until V1, then I had a look at /usr/lib/vfs/modules and saw 
that there were no files in there called file or http but that there 
were files called and I made symlinks in the same 
directory to those files and Galeon started up immediately.

Just thought I'd mention it in case it comes up elsewhere. More a 
workaround than a fix, I know ...

Now all I have to figure out is why Galeon v1 squashes some sites lik e
Linuxtoday into one side of the window ... a font rendering problem, I 

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

f u cn rd ths, u cn gt a gd jb n nx dmnstrtn

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Re: [newbie] The problem with Linux

2001-11-27 Thread Michel Clasquin

On Tuesday 27 November 2001 04:23, you wrote:

 In addition, we use integrated menus so that the desktop you try
 tomorrow will have a familiar menu arrangement and you don't have to be
 running KDE to use KMail or Konqueror or GNOME to use GNUCash or Galeon.
  In this structure we are consistent with Debian and Connectiva, but not
 the others.  Helix Code (Now Ximian) GNOME has difficulty with that menu
 structure, and KDE KMenuEDit can cause problems if you use it AND
 menudrake for KDE menus (if you use KMenuEdit, then never use Menudrake
 for that same user).  Similarly if you use Ximian, then select the
 option to use their menus.

And after all that, I go and use Xfce and maintain the menus by hand!

One in every crowd, huh?

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

f u cn rd ths, u cn gt a gd jb n nx dmnstrtn

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[newbie] Modem setup help required

2001-11-27 Thread Gordon Burgess-Parker

Can someone guide me step by step in simple language please how I
install a US Robotics 33.6 Sportster Modem on 8.0?

Many thanks


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Re: [newbie] AOL Browser Help!

2001-11-27 Thread Michael Scottaline

On Tue, 27 Nov 2001 16:38:27 +0800
AOL Systems [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 DNS address of my ISP? but how? Pls help me on this.Ty again and in
Your ISP should provide you with two dns#'s (call and ask).  Then edit (as
root) /etc/resolv.conf

search your ISP
nameserver dns#
nameserver dns#

That should do it!

Many loads of beer were brought.  What disorder, whoring, fighting,
killing, and dreadful idolatry took place there.
--Baltasar Rusow, mid 16th century, Estonia

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Re: [newbie] Automounting problem

2001-11-27 Thread robin

Tom Brinkman wrote:

   Update to a Mandrake 2.4.13 kernel, upgrade initscripts and 
iptables (I used the cooker src.rpms), 'supermount -i enable', 
'mount -a'

Guess I might have to do this - supermount on 8.1 is now giving me IO 
error messages.  Why did you compile iptables and initscripts from 
source rather than using the binaries?

Would the supermount problems in 8.1 affect a box with only a floppy 
drive (i.e. no CDROM, backup media etc.)?


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Re: [newbie] DVD player?

2001-11-27 Thread Darrin Ritter

Hoi Ethan

go to and do a search for the missing packages and
install them.

note once you know that you have all the packages you may have to add
--nodeps to the rpm command ie

rpm -ivh --nodeps [package]  

but only do this once you know that you have all the packages and when
rpm won't let you install any of them on account of dependencies ie each
package requires one of the others, and if this is the case choose the
lib rpm

Regards Darrin

ethan wrote:
 When I tried to install vlc rpm package, I get failed dependencies:
 [root@localhost ethan]# rpm -ivh vlc*.rpm
 error: failed dependencies:   is needed by vlc-0.2.91-1   is needed by vlc-0.2.91-1
 [root@localhost ethan]#
 any idea how to get rid of these dependencies and install a package
 for this ? thank you.
 civileme wrote:
  On Sunday 25 November 2001 05:28 pm, DJW wrote:
  Anyone know of a good DVD (Linux Native) player for Linux?
  Try going to  The DVD player works well, but
  DeCSS isn't legal to use or download, thanks to the Digital
  Copyright Act.
  Unfortunately the commercial DVD players are more smoke and mirrors
  anything real, and you have to break the law by downloading DeCSS to
  linux to play DVDs if you really choose to use linux to play them.
  Or else
  buy the right decoder card (they differ by different regions of the
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to

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Re: [newbie] Automounting problem

2001-11-27 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday 27 November 2001 06:38 am, robin wrote:
 Tom Brinkman wrote:
Update to a Mandrake 2.4.13 kernel, upgrade initscripts and
 iptables (I used the cooker src.rpms), 'supermount -i enable',
 'mount -a'

 Guess I might have to do this - supermount on 8.1 is now giving me
 IO error messages.  Why did you compile iptables and initscripts
 from source rather than using the binaries?

Just my habit when using cooker rpms. I always try the src.rpms 
first, figuring if they compile without errors, the resulting rpms 
should be problem free. 'Sides, it's more fun ;)

 Would the supermount problems in 8.1 affect a box with only a
 floppy drive (i.e. no CDROM, backup media etc.)?


   Should affect any removable media drive, so yes.

  Tom Brinkman             Galveston Bay, USA

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Re: [newbie] Clock Synchronization

2001-11-27 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday 27 November 2001 09:44 am, Anuerin G.Diaz wrote:
 hi to all,

this is one problem that I shelved that i remembered just now...

how do I synchonize the linux clock with the BIOS clock? The
 timezone here is GMT+8. If I select 'Manila' in the timezone, the
 BIOS clock gets out of whack. Setting the clock to GMT or not does
 not help. I found a workaround by not selecting any timezone but Im
 hoping to find a proper way wherein all my pc clocks (especially
 when Im changing OSes) are synchronized and I still am in the right


   hwclock --hctosys
  Set the System Time from the Hardware Clock.

   hwclock --systohc
  Set the Hardware Clock to the current System Time.

  (see  man hwclock)   I use this alias in bashrc to set both 
hardware and software clocks to a time server (U of Houston)

alias tdate=rdate -p -s  hwclock --systohc

   You'll probly need to install rdate, it's on your CD's. You'll 
also need to find a public time server in your time zone (Google).

  Tom Brinkman             Galveston Bay, USA

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Re: [newbie] Installing Evolution under Mandrake 8.1

2001-11-27 Thread Dave Sherman

On Mon, 2001-11-26 at 21:57, Jim Dawson wrote:
 Does anyone know of an easy way to install the latest Ximian Evolution
 under Mandrake 8.1? I keep getting dependancy errors when I try to

Unless you really want all of Ximian Gnome, you are better off
installing the version of Evolution that came with 8.1 (0.12, I think),
or (better yet) install the 0.99rc1 from Cooker. I've been running it
for a while now, and it is much more stable on my system than the
version that came on the CDs.

I wonder if I should put myself in ESCROW!!

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] win32 badtrans worm.

2001-11-27 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday 27 November 2001 04:23 am, Franki wrote:
 RE: [newbie] win32 badtrans worm.yeah, I agree,,,

 I hate microsoft as much as the next guy, probably more,  but I
 have to write perl scripts that work and are tested in windows and
 linux, so I have to have a windows box..
 I also have a winmodem in my notebook that I need when out of town.

 so I loaded win2000 pro, then loaded all patches an service packs,
 then turned off all the dangerous stuff in outlook and IE...
 then loaded pccillin and innoculate PE  (which is a free antivirus
 for windows), then I downloaded the FREE Tiny firewall package,
 which is regarded as being the
 best firewall package for windows workstations..,4586,5099447,00.html

   Franki, there's almost as many articles of this nature on the Net 
as there are constant reports of new security flaws in Windoze 

  Tom Brinkman             Galveston Bay, USA


 This thing sits behind a linux masq box with a very tight firewall
 (BASICALLY NO SERVICES OPEN. AND NO ICMP) and it also retrieves its
 mail from another linux box running postfix that scans all incoming
 and outgoing mail for
 virus's, and doesn't let them though... (using amavis and the free
 Trend filescan.)

 So I don't know, I am fairly confident that I am not presently

 GRC reports me as being entirely invisable... so its at least
 fairly hard to do. which is more then anyone can ask nowdays.

 When I have no reason to use winblows, then I won't,,, but right
 now thats not an option..

 even if windows does suck, and we all know it does,, I have secured
 it as much as possible and IT IS sitting behind a linux firewall
 and MASQ ,,,

 I think it is pretty safe.. and I don't think I am fooling myself.

 Tell me how my security is Lax ???


   -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Harrison, Neil
   Sent: Tuesday, 27 November 2001 8:39 AM
   Subject: RE: [newbie] win32 badtrans worm.

   You are a very angry, bitter man.

   See y'all later

   -Original Message-
   From: Tom Brinkman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 10:19 AM
   Subject: Re: [newbie] win32 badtrans worm.

   On Monday 26 November 2001 12:13 pm, Franki wrote:
you might want to check your system Frank...

  You need to check your system Franki since you sent with:

   X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook IMO, Build 9.0.2416 (9.0.2911.0)
   X-Mimeole: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.50.4807.1700
   Importance: Normal

  WHICH is a guaranteed virus transmission propagater to other
   Windoze users, and pretty much fsck'ups the Net in general, even
   fellow Linux users who have to put up with the damage y'all
   propulgate to Net servers, and the stolen banwidth y'all suck up.

  I dunno how to convince y'all   NEVER connect to the Net with,
 any M$ product. There is no way to secure or defend an M$ system.
 (period).  You can only buy/beg/borrow a bunch of ineffective
 firewalls and virus scanners for M$ crap. Then, the only thing
 you've accomplished is to fool yourself.

  If you dual boot, delete anything Winblows has to do with
   connecting to the Net, unplug the phone line.  Then you've got
 some security, at least till you buy a CD or floppy with a winblows
 virus on it.  Buy a real modem and use a real OS to connect.

 It amazes me that some people who do run Linux (part time),
 believe that connecting with Windoze is a good, or even tolerable
 idea. Specially on this (Linux) list. Winsux virus warnings to this
 list are OFF TOPIC, immaterial, and border on ridiculous. Post
 these warnings to (ignorant, computer illiterate) Winblows users
 lists and newsgroups. You'll be very busy on a daily basis  ...
 mostly you'll be weeks, even months and years behind

Jeez, in a perfect world, Winblows users wouldn't be allowed to

 ... there ought'a be a law

 Tom Brinkman Galveston Bay, USA

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Re: [newbie] thanks...for the fix, and now two or three more question =)

2001-11-27 Thread Randy Kramer

 How can I connect to my server using SSH on the client side?  The client is
 using windows.  Do they make any SSH programs for windows?  Thanks again...

I am almost certain that Putty uses (or can use) ssh -- our local LUG
set up access to his Linux server using Putty and ssh.  He likes it a

I've used it in a meeting, and it seemed easy enough to use with very
little instruction.

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Importing Fonts

2001-11-27 Thread Randy Kramer

Ric Tibbetts wrote:
 Want to know what's going on under the covers? Then when you want to
 add fonts, you can.. any time, any type. :)
 Ok... Here goes:


Thanks, nice post!

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Importing Fonts

2001-11-27 Thread Dave Sherman

On Tue, 2001-11-27 at 03:36, Ric Tibbetts wrote:
 Ah.. the new generation of Linux users... Y'all can't do anything
 without a GUI.
 Want to know what's going on under the covers? Then when you want to
 add fonts, you can.. any time, any type. :)
 Ok... Here goes:

[big snip]

Ric, thanks for reminding me why I got into Linux in the first place --
because I can get under the covers and see exactly what is going on! I
admit I use GUI tools for their convenience, but it's nice to be able to
get my hands dirty once in a while.

When I was little, I went into a pet shop and they asked how big I'd
-- Rodney Dangerfield

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] Automounting problem

2001-11-27 Thread Robin Turner

Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Tuesday 27 November 2001 06:38 am, robin wrote:
  Tom Brinkman wrote:
 Update to a Mandrake 2.4.13 kernel, upgrade initscripts and
  iptables (I used the cooker src.rpms), 'supermount -i enable',
  'mount -a'
  Guess I might have to do this - supermount on 8.1 is now giving me
  IO error messages.  Why did you compile iptables and initscripts
  from source rather than using the binaries?
 Just my habit when using cooker rpms. I always try the src.rpms
 first, figuring if they compile without errors, the resulting rpms
 should be problem free. 'Sides, it's more fun ;)

Another reason - I just tried doing it with the binaries and my
system went into a loop while attempting to start X.  After
unsuccessful rescue attempts, I'm reinstalling (quicker than
trying to repair!).  Lucky I had /home on a separate partition.

  Would the supermount problems in 8.1 affect a box with only a
  floppy drive (i.e. no CDROM, backup media etc.)?
   Should affect any removable media drive, so yes.

So what exactly is the problem?


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[newbie] InteractiveBastille error messages.

2001-11-27 Thread Charles Darcy


After answering all of the questions in InteractiveBastille (Tk
interface), and applying the changes, the Tk window closes normally, but
the terminal in which I started InteractiveBastille displays the

About to run through config file ...
/sbin/bastille-ipchains: /sbin/ipchains: No such file or directory.
/sbin/bastille-ipchains: /sbin/ipchains: No such file or directory.
/sbin/bastille-ipchains: /sbin/ipchains: No such file or directory.
(repeated 100 or so times)

Are these messages normal for LM8.1 ?

Thanks for any help,



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Re: [newbie] Importing Fonts

2001-11-27 Thread Dr.András Sólyom

Dave Sherman wrote:

 On Tue, 2001-11-27 at 03:36, Ric Tibbetts wrote:
  Ah.. the new generation of Linux users... Y'all can't do anything
  without a GUI.
  Want to know what's going on under the covers? Then when you want to
  add fonts, you can.. any time, any type. :)

This is a very fine message. What disturbs me about Mandrake that everything
is shiny when you use the GUI tools, but information about what is really
happening is scarce. E.g. I do not yet know whether it is possible to update a
Mandrake system easily on a remote machine from the comand line and that what
happens when I select a security level. Where can I find information on
'what's going on under the covers'?


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Re: [newbie] GL games crash xserver

2001-11-27 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Erylon Hines wrote:
 I posted this a week ago and got no hits (that post was specific to
 TuxRacer).  I now know that it's the open GL games that do it (GLtron, etc.)
 With some of them I get the start up music, and with all of them I get a
 black screen with my cursor white-outlined in the upper left corner, then I
 return to the kdm log-in screen.  My logs show dri and glx are loading
 successfully, and the Mesa  toys (Mesa gears, morph, reflect) work fine, and
 so do the gl screensavers.  The only error after the crash is:
 kdm[1081]: Server for display :0 terminated unexpectedly: 2816

Hi Eryl, sorry if we're late with a reply. I didn't see your first message.
Probably my lamo ISP... ;-(

Anyways, if its -fullscreen- games that are breaking, and windowed software
like gears is working, I'm betting you are using a graphical login. Don't. Use
the text logon. KDM causes 3D accelerated stuff to crash. Just use a text
login, then startx...then run your software and see if it doesn't run!

Hope this helps.


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Re: [newbie] Importing Fonts

2001-11-27 Thread ethan

I am using script found on the webfonts4linux website but I noticed
that my Netscape 6.2 fonts still suck. is there any other way of beautifying
my "netscape" ? My Kconquerer now looks much better though pls help.
thank you.

Ric Tibbetts wrote:
  Ah.. the new generation of Linux users... Y'all can't do anythingwithout a GUI.Want to know what's going on "under the covers"? Then when you want toadd fonts, you can.. any time, any type. :)Ok... Here goes:Off in the land of daemons is one called "xfs" (for X Font Server). It,as it's name suggests, serves fonts to the X server, which in turn putsthem on your dsplay. For average fonts, it's not even required, as X iscapable of rendering it's own fonts. X only falls short in the realm ofTrue Type fonts. That is "one" of the places that xfs is needed. Anotherplace that xfs finds use is to serve fonts out to network devices(remote X-Terminals  such. But that is beyond where I care to go withthis discussion.So. Knowing the above, how does one import Windows (or any other) fontsinto X?Simple.First, take a look at the directory: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fontsThere you will fin
d the font directories. You should have a subdirectrory something like the following/100dpi.../75dpi.../encodings.../mdk.../misc.../PEX.../Speedo.../Type1There are additional fonts in /usr/share, but we'll get to those later.Within each of these directories are the font files, and two veryimportant files:fonts.dir (the fonts definition file), andfonts.alias (an alias file, as the name would suggest).There may additionaly be a fonts.scale file for scaleable fonts.The first step in adding a large number of fonts is find a place to putthem. If you want to bring the windows fonts over, then I'd suggestcreating a new directory for them. I've done that on mine, and named it/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/WindowsCreate that directory, then copy the contents of your windows fontsdirectory into it.Then cd into the directory, and issue:ttmkfdir  fonts.dir
This will create the fonts.dir file.NOTE: This only works for TT fonts. For conventional fonts use:mkfontdir  fonts.dir (the non true-type version).Now. With the fonts.dir file created, we need to tell xfs about this newdirectory.Go to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fsThere is a file there named "config". Open it with your favorite editor.Look for the section that has the font directrories in it (it's reallyeasy to find, it's a small file).You'll want to add your .../Windows fonts directrory to this list. Minelooks like:catalogue = /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc:unscaled,/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi:unscaled,/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi:unscaled,/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc:unscaled,/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1,/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo,/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/mdk:unscaled,/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Windows,  - This on
e!/usr/share/fonts/default/Type1,/usr/share/fonts/ttf/decoratives,/usr/share/fonts/ttf/westernNOTE: You can also add external fonts to /usr/share. And in retrospect,this would have been a more appropriate place to add the Windows fonts.With the .../Windows directory added to this list, comes the reallydistasteful part. You'll need to reboot your PC. yeah, I know. But everytime I've tried to ge around it, I've gotten hung up.One possible way:After you've completed the above:Drop out of X, and kill it (go to a console, and type "init 3", tototally shutdown X. Then run "service xfs restart" to stop  start xfsso it will pick up the new fonts.Then restart X, by running init 5, OR startx.This MIGHT get you back up without hanging. I've generally found it bestto restart the computer.Before everyone jumps on this, YES, I know, there are ways to add fontpaths withou
t killing xfs  X. I did not do this in this example becauseit's best to be sure that xfs is still funcitoning properly after havingit's config file futz with. And this method supplies a lasting fontpath, by building it in.You should now however have your new (old) windows fonts summarize the steps:1) Create  populate the new font directory (in either/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts, or /usr/share/fonts).2) Create the fonts.dir file (by running ttmkfdir  fonts.dir fromwithin the new font directory).3) Add the new font directory to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fs/config4) Kill X, restart xfs, and restart X.Broken down, it's really very simple.Want to add more truetype fonts? Pay a visit to fontfreak(, and get something interesting. Then add thefile to which-ever truetype fonts directory suits your fanc
y,and seemsappropriate. Then just re-run ttmkfdir  fonts.dir, and restart. Andyou'll have your new font. NOTE: There's no need to change the xfsconfig file if you've not added a new directory.So. Now you know how to do fonts basics by hand. Knowing this, whenthings go awry (as things GUI powered will form time to time), you'llhave a clue as to where to look, 

[newbie] Question!

2001-11-27 Thread Roman

After installation of the Apache 1.3.20 with SSL 
(mod_ssl-2.8.4-1.3.20 + openssl-0.9.6b) under Mandrake 8.0I got some 

apachectl stsrssl

returns many warnings like:

[Warning] Loaded DSO libexec/ uses plain Apache 1.3 API, this 
module might crash under EAPI! (please recompile it with 

but finally starts successfilly.

If somebody knows what is the difference 
between EAPI and DEAPI and how to recompile all nesesary modules (or all of them 
in the process of the server's installation) with DEAPI.

Thank's in advance.

Re: [newbie] Modem setup help required

2001-11-27 Thread quaylar

At 10:48 27.11.2001 +, you wrote:
Can someone guide me step by step in simple language please how I
install a US Robotics 33.6 Sportster Modem on 8.0?

Many thanks



try out this excellent guide :



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Re: [newbie] NVIDIA Driver installation

2001-11-27 Thread Onur Kucuk

RS I installed the NVIDIA drivers on my ML 8.1 system. Everything seems
RS fine and my monitor screen looks better. (It was shifted to the right)
RS The one question I do have is now while loading into X just before KDE
RS starts, my screen flickers 3-4 times and then a screen comes on that
RS says NVIDIA. Is this normal behaviour with the screen flickering with
RS the NVIDIA drivers installed or do I need to do something else? TIA

RS --
RS Regards
RS   Ron

 It is totally normal :) Nvidia drivers scan your monitors preferences
 by changing different resolutions, to see what is available, and what
 works better.

 Onur Kucuk

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[newbie] monitor card for sis735 m/b? sis sg86c201 5591/5592 agp

2001-11-27 Thread tek1

according to mandrake, my graphic card is a sis sg86c201 5591/5592 agp, but 
when i go to change the screen resolution, it asks me to select the graphic 
card.  i select sis sg86c201 and then the resolution, but when i test the 
settings, the machine goes haywire; the screen starts flipping/flickering.

anyone know what the right settings are?

thank you. 

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[newbie] y linux sucks (humor)

2001-11-27 Thread shane

i have been laughing my way through the recent problem with linux threads, 
and just had to add this somewhat off topic but i think very called for 

 Things I hate about linux.. 
lets face it, there are things you dislike about the linux OS.  here are 
mine.  what are yours? 
RAM:  i have 14 desktops and i am running 3 different browsers, seti at home, 
some office stuff, bluefish, kmail and knode.  i want to run gimp too, but i 
only have 256 megs of ram and damn it i am topping off!   i will  
have to use swap space soon!  now sure i know if i tried to run all that in 
windows i would crash all over the place, but the fact i know i can do all 
this and have multiple desktops makes me just keep running new apps without 
finishing what i was doing in the old ones.  and since it never crashes i 
never have to restart all the apps, i just leave them running.  at least with 
windows it crashed and i had to start over every few hours.  how can linux be 
good for productivity if i never close the apps when i am done? 
up time:  i have a cd drive that should be faster than the one curretly 
installed, but have i put it in?  no!  why?  i would have to restart!!!  why 
won't the damn thing just die so i can do a reboot and try this new drive?  i 
have been waiting for 15 1/2 weeks now to put this cd rom in, but no, it 
won't die.  maybe i should stop killing rouge apps... 
the other computer:  i have win 2000 on my other machine, and i feel it is 
wasted.  i mean i only use it to play halflife and it seems that has now been 
ported, so what do i do with it?  i left it on 24/7 just like the linux box 
but i don't play often so all it does is the seti@home screen saver.  luckily 
it crashes every other day just from the screen saver, so it is getting 
plenty of reboot use time.  nothing like the feeling you have to help 
maintain a machine.  sometimes i even let it run scandisk when it reboots 
cause i like to watch it work a little.  still, i could unplug the mouse and 
keyboard and it would be just as useful.  what a waste!  and why?  cause i 
run linux.  piece of shit. 
x windows:  it causes most of my RAM trouble.  why?  cause i found out i can 
run KDE in tty7 and enlightenment in tty8.  just what i need 10 desks of apps 
in KDE and 4 more in E!  who built this?  the marqee de sade?   
so how about you?  come on!  vent a little! 

If they give you ruled paper, write the other way. -Juan Jimenez

registered linux user #101606 @
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98 cause humans do it better!
Link different.
Profile at:

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Re: [newbie] Automounting problem

2001-11-27 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday 27 November 2001 09:21 am, Robin Turner wrote:
 Tom Brinkman wrote:

   Would the supermount problems in 8.1 affect a box with only a
   floppy drive (i.e. no CDROM, backup media etc.)?
Should affect any removable media drive, so yes.

 So what exactly is the problem?


   The 'old' supermount became incompatible with newer 2.4.x kernels. 
To the point (IIRC) it was completely broken by 2.4.6.  So the 
Mandrake developers completely rewrote supermount to work with the 
new kernels.  This process takes time and testing, and by 2.4.13 
they've got it working properly again.

   If you want a more indepth understanding of this Robin, search the 
last few months on  
for 'supermount'.
  Tom Brinkman             Galveston Bay, USA

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[newbie] Internet Explorer

2001-11-27 Thread E Estes

Ihave seen screenshotsof people 
running this on linux and was wondering where I could find it. 
Any and all help would be appreciated.

Re: [newbie] Latin5 charset

2001-11-27 Thread Onur Kucuk

r I have Mdk 8.0 at home and 8.1 at work.  At work, the Latin5 (Turkish) 
r charset works fine, but at home I get everything but the lowercase 
r dotless i and uppercase dotted I.  Is this to do with ...

r  - Mandrake version?
r  - KDE version?
r  - something dumb I've done?

r Is there something (like a SETENV command) I can use to fix this without 
r screwing up anything else?

r Robin

The guilt belongs to XFree. The trouble is that it works
with shift key, but it does not work with caps lock.

Unfortunately changing keymap was not enough to fix it so it was
reported to XFree and fixed in new versions.

About July 2001 I had realized this and proper reports were sent to
Xfree, so I guess a version after that will be enough to fix it.

 Onur Kucuk

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Re: [newbie] Modem setup help required

2001-11-27 Thread Gordon Burgess-Parker

quaylar wrote:

 At 10:48 27.11.2001 +, you wrote:
 Can someone guide me step by step in simple language please how I
 install a US Robotics 33.6 Sportster Modem on 8.0?
 Many thanks


 try out this excellent guide :



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 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Thanks - a very good explanation!

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Re: [newbie] y linux sucks (humor)

2001-11-27 Thread Lanman

I can Sympathize! Now that I'm running Linux at the office, my boss expects 
me to work, not to spend the day rebooting and cursing my PC. That 
Rat-Bastard! Who does he think I am? Linux Torvalds? Fortunately for me, I 
have multiple desktops, so I can run all my favorite games on Desktops 2 and 
3, and he won't even know,damn, he's logging in to my system with rsh and 
shutting down PYSOL, and LTRIS. Now he's deleting them!  Where's the Blue 
Screen of Death when you need it most? Curse you Mandrake! Maybe it's time 
for RedmondLinux? Or, maybe Corel Linux? yeah, that's it,..Corel! It works as 
well as Windows XP ! Now where's that web-site?


On Tuesday 27 November 2001 10:51 am, you wrote:
 i have been laughing my way through the recent problem with linux
 threads, and just had to add this somewhat off topic but i think very
 called for thought

  Things I hate about linux..

 lets face it, there are things you dislike about the linux OS.  here are
 mine.  what are yours?

 RAM:  i have 14 desktops and i am running 3 different browsers, seti at
 home, some office stuff, bluefish, kmail and knode.  i want to run gimp
 too, but i only have 256 megs of ram and damn it i am topping off!   i will
 have to use swap space soon!  now sure i know if i tried to run all that in
 windows i would crash all over the place, but the fact i know i can do all
 this and have multiple desktops makes me just keep running new apps without
 finishing what i was doing in the old ones.  and since it never crashes i
 never have to restart all the apps, i just leave them running.  at least
 with windows it crashed and i had to start over every few hours.  how can
 linux be good for productivity if i never close the apps when i am done?

 up time:  i have a cd drive that should be faster than the one curretly
 installed, but have i put it in?  no!  why?  i would have to restart!!! 
 why won't the damn thing just die so i can do a reboot and try this new
 drive?  i have been waiting for 15 1/2 weeks now to put this cd rom in, but
 no, it won't die.  maybe i should stop killing rouge apps...

 the other computer:  i have win 2000 on my other machine, and i feel it is
 wasted.  i mean i only use it to play halflife and it seems that has now
 been ported, so what do i do with it?  i left it on 24/7 just like the
 linux box but i don't play often so all it does is the seti@home screen
 saver.  luckily it crashes every other day just from the screen saver, so
 it is getting plenty of reboot use time.  nothing like the feeling you have
 to help maintain a machine.  sometimes i even let it run scandisk when it
 reboots cause i like to watch it work a little.  still, i could unplug the
 mouse and keyboard and it would be just as useful.  what a waste!  and why?
  cause i run linux.  piece of shit.

 x windows:  it causes most of my RAM trouble.  why?  cause i found out i
 can run KDE in tty7 and enlightenment in tty8.  just what i need 10 desks
 of apps in KDE and 4 more in E!  who built this?  the marqee de sade?

 so how about you?  come on!  vent a little!

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Re: [newbie] Internet Explorer

2001-11-27 Thread Dave Sherman

On Tue, 2001-11-27 at 13:25, E Estes wrote:
 I have seen screen shots of people running this  on linux and was  wondering where I 
could  find it. Any and all help would be appreciated.

You will need to use either Win4Lin or VMWare to run Windows under
Linux, in order to use MSIE. MS will not release a Linux-native version
of IE, because we are their greatest threat to Windows, and they refuse
to compromise their OS monopoly.

They have a Solaris-native version of IE, but AFAIK it does not run on
Linux, and since there is no source available, you can't just recompile.

Base 8 is just like base 10, if you are missing two fingers.
-- Tom Lehrer

Description: PGP signature

RE: [newbie] Internet Explorer

2001-11-27 Thread Franki

I am surprised someone hasn't written a solaris emulator.. then we could run
it and any other apps that we want..

and since solaris is alot more like linux then linux is like windows, the
performance hit wouldn't be so bad...

still, I am happy with Mozilla.. so who cares really?



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dave Sherman
Sent: Wednesday, 28 November 2001 12:40 AM
To: Mandrake-newbie
Subject: Re: [newbie] Internet Explorer

On Tue, 2001-11-27 at 13:25, E Estes wrote:
 I have seen screen shots of people running this  on linux and was
wondering where I could  find it. Any and all help would be appreciated.

You will need to use either Win4Lin or VMWare to run Windows under
Linux, in order to use MSIE. MS will not release a Linux-native version
of IE, because we are their greatest threat to Windows, and they refuse
to compromise their OS monopoly.

They have a Solaris-native version of IE, but AFAIK it does not run on
Linux, and since there is no source available, you can't just recompile.

Base 8 is just like base 10, if you are missing two fingers.
-- Tom Lehrer

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Re: [newbie] Internet Explorer

2001-11-27 Thread Matt Greer

On Tuesday 27 November 2001 01:25 pm, you wrote:
 I have seen screen shots of people running this  on linux and was 
 wondering where I could  find it. Any and all help would be appreciated.

Are you sure it wasn't the Unix version? IE was made available for some 
flavors of Unix, but not Linux. The IE for Unix is also old and out of date.

The day MS supported Linux, you'd know about it. It'd be enormous news.


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[newbie] Re:SSH For Win32 platforms.

2001-11-27 Thread Steve Weltman

There are many SSH clients in win32 platforms.   Check or  Most of the software is trial of commercial programs.  
Secure shell is the name of one.  The site cuteFTP ( is 
another.  These programs allow you to log into an SSH served environment, 
with the approprate encryption and communicate as you would had you done an 
rlogin from a Xnix host to another. 

Happy telneting to you!

Steve Weltman

On Tuesday 27 November 2001 05:48 am, you wrote:
  How can I connect to my server using SSH on the client side?  The client
  is using windows.  Do they make any SSH programs for windows?  Thanks

 I am almost certain that Putty uses (or can use) ssh -- our local LUG
 set up access to his Linux server using Putty and ssh.  He likes it a

 I've used it in a meeting, and it seemed easy enough to use with very
 little instruction.

 Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Internet Explorer

2001-11-27 Thread shane

not again...

first, you can run it by setting up wine.  that is all i know, i don't use it 
or wine, but there it is, second..

you can use konqueror, netscape, mozilla, opera, galleon, hell use lynx even, 
why use the biggest POS ever built???

or as a web page i once saw said:

Where do you want to go today?

Straight to hell, apparently.

The other day I saw another Microsoft commercial on TV: sublime choral
music drifts through the background as the unseen user surfs through the
Internet and various Microsoft content using Internet Explorer. The
commercial closes with the Microsoft slogan Where do you want to go
today? and a final, furious blast of music. It's a very cool effect. But
if you dig a little deeper...

As it turns out, the background music is the Dies Irae of Mozart's Requiem
Mass. And the words of the final blast of music which accompanies Where
do you want to go today? are actually confutatis maledictis, flammis
acribus addictis... In English: When the damned are confounded, and
consigned to sharp flames...; which describes exactly where I want to go

Unfortunately, while Explorer will take you to hell for free, the upgrade
to purgatory is pretty steep.

On Tuesday 27 November 2001 11:25, you spoke unto me thusly:

 I have seen screen shots of people running this  on linux and was 
 wondering where I could  find it. Any and all help would be appreciated.

When you say 'I wrote a program that crashed Windows', people just stare at 
you blankly and say 'Hey, I got those with the system, *for free*'. - Linus 

registered linux user #101606 @
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98 cause humans do it better!
Link different.
Profile at:

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RE: [newbie] win32 badtrans worm.

2001-11-27 Thread Franki

ok, we know that most win firewall apps can't stop windows from sucking..
they have md5 hashkeys for all major apps to stop them being replaced by

but windows can be tricked into allowing a trojan to talk though IE...

big deal,, I have two antivirus apps on the PC, it'd have to be a damn new
trojan to actually be savable to the hard disk.
(which incidently is the recommended defence (antivir) that that article

one little point,, I wasn't aware that tiny firewall (linux) or
InteractiveBastille did md5 hashkeys of executables at all...

I actually think it would be fantastic if it did,, then we wouldn't have to
worry so much about root kits...

much of a muchance I think,, if you do the work, you can secure any OS to
about 98 or so %... M$ just requires much more work..

and I keep saying this  ITS BEHIND A LINUX FIREWALL, WITH SNORT and
PORTSENTRY  what more could I possibly do to secure this thing... grc
(and my own port scanner tell me absolutly everything is blocked (and I
scanned 64000 ports.).. thats about as good as I need to be.)



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tom Brinkman
Sent: Tuesday, 27 November 2001 8:41 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] win32 badtrans worm.

On Tuesday 27 November 2001 04:23 am, Franki wrote:
 RE: [newbie] win32 badtrans worm.yeah, I agree,,,

 I hate microsoft as much as the next guy, probably more,  but I
 have to write perl scripts that work and are tested in windows and
 linux, so I have to have a windows box..
 I also have a winmodem in my notebook that I need when out of town.

 so I loaded win2000 pro, then loaded all patches an service packs,
 then turned off all the dangerous stuff in outlook and IE...
 then loaded pccillin and innoculate PE  (which is a free antivirus
 for windows), then I downloaded the FREE Tiny firewall package,
 which is regarded as being the
 best firewall package for windows workstations..,4586,5099447,00.html

   Franki, there's almost as many articles of this nature on the Net
as there are constant reports of new security flaws in Windoze

  Tom Brinkman             Galveston Bay, USA


 This thing sits behind a linux masq box with a very tight firewall
 (BASICALLY NO SERVICES OPEN. AND NO ICMP) and it also retrieves its
 mail from another linux box running postfix that scans all incoming
 and outgoing mail for
 virus's, and doesn't let them though... (using amavis and the free
 Trend filescan.)

 So I don't know, I am fairly confident that I am not presently

 GRC reports me as being entirely invisable... so its at least
 fairly hard to do. which is more then anyone can ask nowdays.

 When I have no reason to use winblows, then I won't,,, but right
 now thats not an option..

 even if windows does suck, and we all know it does,, I have secured
 it as much as possible and IT IS sitting behind a linux firewall
 and MASQ ,,,

 I think it is pretty safe.. and I don't think I am fooling myself.

 Tell me how my security is Lax ???


   -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Harrison, Neil
   Sent: Tuesday, 27 November 2001 8:39 AM
   Subject: RE: [newbie] win32 badtrans worm.

   You are a very angry, bitter man.

   See y'all later

   -Original Message-
   From: Tom Brinkman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 10:19 AM
   Subject: Re: [newbie] win32 badtrans worm.

   On Monday 26 November 2001 12:13 pm, Franki wrote:
you might want to check your system Frank...

  You need to check your system Franki since you sent with:

   X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook IMO, Build 9.0.2416 (9.0.2911.0)
   X-Mimeole: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.50.4807.1700
   Importance: Normal

  WHICH is a guaranteed virus transmission propagater to other
   Windoze users, and pretty much fsck'ups the Net in general, even
   fellow Linux users who have to put up with the damage y'all
   propulgate to Net servers, and the stolen banwidth y'all suck up.

  I dunno how to convince y'all   NEVER connect to the Net with,
 any M$ product. There is no way to secure or defend an M$ system.
 (period).  You can only buy/beg/borrow a bunch of ineffective
 firewalls and virus scanners for M$ crap. Then, the only thing
 you've accomplished is to fool yourself.

  If you dual boot, delete anything Winblows has to do with
   connecting to the Net, unplug the phone line.  Then you've got
 some security, at least till you buy a CD or floppy with a winblows
 virus on it.  Buy a real modem and use a real OS to connect.

 It amazes me that some people who do run Linux (part time),
 believe that connecting with Windoze is a good, or even tolerable
 idea. Specially on this (Linux) list. Winsux virus 

Re: [newbie] mplayer error

2001-11-27 Thread skidley

On Mon, 26 Nov 2001, Tom Brinkman wrote:

 On Monday 26 November 2001 09:28 pm, skidley wrote:

 Otherwise, entering any of these deps in rpmfinds search engine
   will give you BIG clues ;
  Ok thanks I already had done what you said by the time I got your
  reply. I don't know why I even asked. All were on the cds except
  libpng3 I installed libpng3 and it seems fine. Its not an upgrade
  from libpng2 both are installed.

'seems fine' ...I don't think so you just haven't discovered
 all that you just broke ... yet ;

Ok but everything works fine. X and all the apps i use in X work. No
errors in the logs regarding it. But I got rid of it anyway and the
mplayer rpm. Will the mplayer rpm work without libpng3 it says it's needed
but I could force it with --nodeps. I guess thats what you did right?
Chad Young Registered Linux User #195191 @

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Re: [newbie] mplayer error

2001-11-27 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday 27 November 2001 11:50 am, skidley wrote:
 On Mon, 26 Nov 2001, Tom Brinkman wrote:

 'seems fine' ...I don't think so you just haven't
  discovered all that you just broke ... yet ;

 Ok but everything works fine. X and all the apps i use in X work.
 No errors in the logs regarding it. But I got rid of it anyway and
 the mplayer rpm. Will the mplayer rpm work without libpng3 it says
 it's needed but I could force it with --nodeps. I guess thats what
 you did right? --
 Chad Young Registered Linux User #195191 @

   To be honest, I don't remember. I believe I got the mplayer rpm 
before GC recompiled it (?) for libpng3.  Cooker has been in the 
process of recompiling eveything that uses libpng2 - libpng3.  
I just did an
~ $ rpm -qpil /stor/dl81/mplayer-0.50-2mdk.src.rpm and it doesn't say 
anything for 'requires'

   I use mplayer from the CL, so libpng probly isn't too much of an 
issue. Since it's a stand alone app, if you install with --nodeps and 
it breaks, you can always rpm -e it.  Try --rebuild 'n the scr.rpm
  Tom Brinkman             Galveston Bay, USA

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[newbie] No printing in 8.1 now

2001-11-27 Thread Marcia

Dear All,

I have recently installed Linux-mandrake 8.1. I have an Epson Stylus Color 
printer which worked fine with cups in 7.2 and after a fix from Till worked 
eventually in 8. I thought it was going to work great in 8.1. It worked at 
first and then decided to not work on its own. It first started to spit out 
paper with colorful code, then blank pages, and now it just does not print at 
all. It just queues up jobs that never go anywhere. I went to Mandrake Forum 
and found out that this is a problem for many and there have been no answers 
provided there. Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this? Should I forget 
cups and try a different printing system? I even purchased turboprint which 
does not work either. Any help here will be greatly appreciated.



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Re: [newbie] y linux sucks (humor)

2001-11-27 Thread H.J.Bathoorn

On Tuesday 27 November 2001 16:51, you wrote:
 i have been laughing my way through the recent problem with linux
 threads, and just had to add this somewhat off topic but i think very
 called for thought

  Things I hate about linux..

 lets face it, there are things you dislike about the linux OS.  here are
 mine.  what are yours?

Yeah, my big problem is I can't decide! Linux should come with just one 
browser! That way I don't have the choice problem.
At the moment I just open a different browser on different desktops 
(including Lynx) for the hell of it.
Deffinitly UN-productive:) Al least let there be a bad one among them so I 
can kick one out:( Now  there's an Itch! Will somebody please write a bad 

 x windows:  it causes most of my RAM trouble.  why?  cause i found out i
 can run KDE in tty7 and enlightenment in tty8.

Now that's new for me.So explain please,please, please(drool,drool!)!

 just what i need 10 desks

You're saying it
And on each one a bunch of browsers:)

Did I hear someone wanting IE on Linux
Definitly De Sade

Good Hunting,
Harm Bathoorn. 

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Re: [newbie] sparc install: where is the network???

2001-11-27 Thread Steve Weltman

You need to find out what kind of network chipset your Ultra 2 station came 
with, or buy another network interface card that can be seen by mandrake's 
hard drake.

Your Sun documentation SHOULD tell you what came with your computer, and it 
will be specific enough that you can find the correct adaptor.  I cannot give 
you the exact answer because I have worked on mainly the Solaris versions of 
xnix  (on E250s or bigger), so they aren't the same.  I can tell you that 
Sun's documentation is pretty thurough and you can start there.

Sorry so little guidance.

Steve Weltman

On Monday 26 November 2001 05:48 pm, you wrote:
 I installed mandrake from the iso image onto a sun
 ultra2.  i got everything up and running but no
 network can be seen.  ifconfig -a only shows the
 loopback.  Now the question: do i need to install
 another ethernet card???  from KDE, what is the device
 and the kernel module that I am to load???

 Thanks in advance

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Re: [newbie] Internet Explorer

2001-11-27 Thread Mark D'voo

i agree, galeon is better than any browser to date, the only reason i have 
wine on my computer right now is for return to castle wolfenstein, but when 
the linux binaries come out in a week, bye bye wine

On Tuesday 27 November 2001 23:40, you wrote:
 I see no reason to run IE on Linux. Attempting to do so only continues
 to vindicate M$.
 There are many excelent browsers that run great on linux. There's no
 need to run M$ crapware on a good operating system.


  E Estes wrote:
  I have seen screen shots of people running this  on linux and was
  wondering where I could  find it. Any and all help would be

  5:49pm  up 14:44,  3 users,  load average: 2.03, 1.66, 1.24

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Re: [newbie] No printing in 8.1 now

2001-11-27 Thread H.J.Bathoorn

On Tuesday 27 November 2001 17:34, you wrote:
 Dear All,

 I have recently installed Linux-mandrake 8.1. I have an Epson Stylus Color
 printer which worked fine with cups in 7.2 and after a fix from Till worked
 eventually in 8. I thought it was going to work great in 8.1. It worked at
 first and then decided to not work on its own. It first started to spit out
 paper with colorful code, then blank pages, and now it just does not print
 at all. It just queues up jobs that never go anywhere. I went to Mandrake
 Forum and found out that this is a problem for many and there have been no
 answers provided there. Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this? Should
 I forget cups and try a different printing system? I even purchased
 turboprint which does not work either. Any help here will be greatly



Take careful note of the print commands in the pop-up windows!
Apparently Mandrake still hobbles along on two horses -- every now and then 
when using a new apps (or printing from there the first time) I see the 'lpr' 
command again. On replacing it with 'qtcups' usually gives me the right 
printer or at least

Check your spool with the lpq' command on a console.

Good luck,
Harm Bathoorn

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Re: [newbie] y linux sucks (humor)

2001-11-27 Thread Ronald J. Hall

shane wrote:
 i have been laughing my way through the recent problem with linux threads,
 and just had to add this somewhat off topic but i think very called for
  Things I hate about linux..
 lets face it, there are things you dislike about the linux OS.  here are
 mine.  what are yours?

snip Hehehehe, thats funny Shane! Okay, in the same vein, I'll join in:

Whats up with all this open code? Geez, if I really wanted to see the source
to everything I would've grown up to be an X-ray technician! Man O man, just
takes all the surprise out of everything!

...and how about free software? I mean I'm an American, dang-it! I expect to
pay 10 times too much for something that doesn't work right to begin with! And
so what if I'm paying for Bill Gates ascension to the throne of Supreme
OverLord of the Known Universe? He's just misunderstood really, and it keeps
him off the streets at night!

all in good fun, folks!



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Re: [newbie] Configuring a LAN card

2001-11-27 Thread bascule

maybe i missed this earlier but are specifying io (and mayber irq) when rying 
to load the module for the nic?


On Tuesday 27 Nov 2001 5:45 pm, you wrote:
 Okay, I've tried it all:

 Set IRQ 10 for legacy ISA support in BIOS.
 Disabled PNP in BIOS and on the LAN card.
 I already ran the Intel utilites. That's what I meant when I wrote:
 I've checked the card with DOS test utilities and it seems to be fine.
 The IRQ is set at 10 and the I/O address is 210.

 Still the same. Can't seem to get the card recognized, and the driver load
 fails when I try to set it up in the Control Center. Any other ideas? As
 far into left field as you want to go

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Re: [newbie] Clock Synchronization

2001-11-27 Thread Lee Roberts

It should be on the CD-ROM (if you have a copy of the install CD's).

At 03:20 PM 11/27/2001 +, Anuerin G.Diaz wrote:

im using LM8.1 and i dont have any rdate executable, either as an ordinary 
user or as root. ill try to find one tomorrow when my net connection resumes 
here in the office. ;-)


On Tue, 27 Nov 2001 00:04:11 -0700, Lee Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hash: SHA1
   I'm running Mandrake 7.2 and had problems with the clock even though I had 
   the proper timezone selected. After running rdate, my clock is now showing 
   the correct time.
   On Tuesday 27 November 2001 07:44 am, Anuerin G.Diaz wrote:
 hi to all,
   this is one problem that I shelved that i remembered just now...
   how do I synchonize the linux clock with the BIOS clock? The timezone
here is GMT+8. If I select 'Manila' in the timezone, the BIOS clock gets
out of whack. Setting the clock to GMT or not does not help. I found a
workaround by not selecting any timezone but Im hoping to find a proper 
wherein all my pc clocks (especially when Im changing OSes) are
synchronized and I still am in the right timezone.

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[newbie] Searching for Image Browser

2001-11-27 Thread Jim Dawson

I am looking for an image browser, i.e. a program to display a thumbnail image of 
every .jpg/.gif/.bmp/.png/etc file in a directory.

Konqeror has a image preview mode, but it leaves a little to be desired.

Ximian Gnome included one that was pretty good, but I don't remember what it is called.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Re: [newbie] Internet Explorer

2001-11-27 Thread Dave Sherman

On Tue, 2001-11-27 at 05:50, Mark D'voo wrote:
 i agree, galeon is better than any browser to date, the only reason i have 
 wine on my computer right now is for return to castle wolfenstein, but when 
 the linux binaries come out in a week, bye bye wine
 On Tuesday 27 November 2001 23:40, you wrote:
  I see no reason to run IE on Linux. Attempting to do so only continues
  to vindicate M$.
  There are many excelent browsers that run great on linux. There's no
  need to run M$ crapware on a good operating system.

Try to keep in mind that some of us are web designers, and we try to
test our websites on all browsers on all platforms, not just Linux

An optimist is a man who looks forward to marriage.
A pessimist is a married optimist.

Description: PGP signature

[newbie] Multimedia woes: KMixer, KDE's Media player + Xmms

2001-11-27 Thread Hugo Ferreira


This is a long one 8-}...

I have a Cyrix P200+, 64 MBytes RAM  and I use a 2 disk set-up.

First disk has DOS, FAT32 (Win95) and NTFS (NT 4.0) partitions each
with the respective OS.

Second disk I have the native Linux fs and a swap of 200 Megabyte on a
1.5 Giga disk. I boot into this disk using NT's boot loader.

Installed LM 8.1 (several times). On the last attempt I got it working.
Three accounts (including root), sound card (MB319 using sndconfig) and the
CD-ROM. I could play music CD's without a problem, I could also mount and
view the CD, no problem. The only things that seemed odd were:
1. DMA time-outs, which the kernel sooner or later switches off.
2. The initrd.img file of the boot floppies have 0 kbytes, so to boot
successfully, I have to remove lilo's append.

Ok, I then attempted to play video (MPEG I, video sampling at 192Kbs and
sound at 44 KHz). My first attempt was with KDE's media player. Got the
following errors:
Connecting start aRts soundserver failed. Make sure that artsd is

The video output starts off, sound begins but immediately terminates. Xmms
started successfully, but the sound stuttered and there were so many skipped
video frames that I tried to solve this.

I checked and the daemon was running (ps -A). Used KControl-Sound-Sound
server to check set-up and status and set-up is as follows:
1. Log errors : artsmessage
2. General
a. Start aRts soundserver on KDE start-up
b. Run sound server w/ real-time priority
c. Autosuspend if idle for: 60 seconds
d. Display message using artsmessage
e. message display : errors
3. Sound I/O
a. Sound I/O method: autodetect
b. Sound quality: autodetect.

In an attempt to better the sound, I initially changed aRts settings to use
the largest buffer possible but this did not help.
aRts status also shows that the daemon is up. When KDE's media player
executes (and then breaks with an error message) Second attempt to play the
CD results in the above message (this time the app croaks). Status indicates
the aRts daemon is no longer in real time now. Xmms did not have this effect
the sound server.

H, what's up?

Ok, I the got fed up with this and logged in as another user after a reboot.
Now I cannot listen to any Audio CD's. I figured KMixer's settings went
back to default and so no sound. I launched this app and boom, error
Invalid mixer MAD16 WSS (82C930) .

This message only appears on the account that originally played the CD. The
other accounts (including root), just show an empty mixer panel and no f..
message (sorry, had to vent a little here, it been weeks and I can't this
working, ;-)).

Ok, any pointers?

Hugo Ferreira

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Re: RE: [newbie] Internet Explorer

2001-11-27 Thread Jim Dawson


If you emulate Solaris for Intel, what's the point. There isn't much software for 
Solaris on Intel that isn't available for Linux already. If you emulate Solaris for 
SPARC you have soo much overhead translating the CPU instructions that it would be too 
slow to be really useful.

On the other hand, Solaris has (or will have in the next version, I can't remember) a 
Linux compatibility layer built in.

-Original Message-
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 00:42:11 +0800
Subject: RE: [newbie] Internet Explorer

I am surprised someone hasn't written a solaris emulator.. then we could run
it and any other apps that we want..

and since solaris is alot more like linux then linux is like windows, the
performance hit wouldn't be so bad...

still, I am happy with Mozilla.. so who cares really?



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dave Sherman
Sent: Wednesday, 28 November 2001 12:40 AM
To: Mandrake-newbie
Subject: Re: [newbie] Internet Explorer

On Tue, 2001-11-27 at 13:25, E Estes wrote:
 I have seen screen shots of people running this  on linux and was
wondering where I could  find it. Any and all help would be appreciated.

You will need to use either Win4Lin or VMWare to run Windows under
Linux, in order to use MSIE. MS will not release a Linux-native version
of IE, because we are their greatest threat to Windows, and they refuse
to compromise their OS monopoly.

They have a Solaris-native version of IE, but AFAIK it does not run on
Linux, and since there is no source available, you can't just recompile.

Base 8 is just like base 10, if you are missing two fingers.
-- Tom Lehrer

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Re: Re: [newbie] Modem setup help required

2001-11-27 Thread Allen Joseph M Hernandez

Does if have jumpers on board?

It'll be alot easier to configure if you set it to a specific com port
like COM3, and maybe IRQ4, if it won't conflict with your serial devices.

I've had problems with plug and play so I disabled it.
If you're running a dual-boot machine look at its COM, IRQ and PORT 
settings on windows so you can set it up with

setserial /dev/ttyS3 irq 4 port yabadayabada.

on /etc/rc.d/rc.serial, then do

ln -s /dev/ttyS3 /dev/modem

or better yet use modemconf, it'll do it for you.


quaylar wrote:

 At 10:48 27.11.2001 +, you wrote:
 Can someone guide me step by step in simple language please how I
 install a US Robotics 33.6 Sportster Modem on 8.0?
 Many thanks


 try out this excellent guide :



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 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Thanks - a very good explanation!


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RE: [newbie] win32 badtrans worm.

2001-11-27 Thread Franki


nope, I am not a network admin at a uni, I am a net admin for an online
payment gateway,,
among other things... so when I am at home, (and I do all my talking to this
list from home..
I don't really have more resouces then the average schmoo  :-)

I got hacked once long ago, (redhat 6.2 wu-ftp) and it made me ultra

and since then I have not had any box under my protection hacked (that I
have been able to verify anyway),
caught a virus, or anything else detrimental, since I get about 1000 emails
a day, I get alot of virus's,
so I had to learn quick how to deal with it.. especially since I have alot
of windows users on our network
that I can't do anything about, I just protect them as I can. (and before
you say anything Tom, they all run
apps that can't be swapped over to linux... otherwise I would have already.)



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Frank McKenna
Sent: Wednesday, 28 November 2001 3:18 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] win32 badtrans worm.

Hi All,

I am virus free but it took awhile.   My apologies to all.  It appears that
I caught the virus from a Samba list.

Just my two cents about comments from this list

  you might want to check your system Frank...

Franki, you've been a big help and I have apreciated your advice but, if I
remember correctly, you are Network Admin at a Uni so you definitely have
more recourses at your disposal than the humble newbie such as myself.

Tom, you have been a good resource to people as well and I have read with
great interest some of the helpful replies that you have posted.

Maybe you'd like to come up here and get one of the five modems that I have
(three of which are definitely supposed to work on Linux) WORKING.  I have
followed directions, installed drivers, etc.   I have had all modems
detected in the BIOS but no of them worked and one even caused my system to
crash to the point that it was unrecoverable

I can't ignore your arrogance and pomposity with comments such as this  to
(ignorant, computer illiterate) Winblows users lists and
 newsgroups. You'll be very busy on a daily basis  ... mostly taken from
your rant below.  Where do you get off saying crap like this.  We all have
to start somewhere and connecting to this list by any means possible is a
godsend to newbies

Just my two cents

- Original Message -
From: Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 11:19 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] win32 badtrans worm.

 On Monday 26 November 2001 12:13 pm, Franki wrote:

  you might want to check your system Frank...

You need to check your system Franki since you sent with:

 X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook IMO, Build 9.0.2416 (9.0.2911.0)
 X-Mimeole: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.50.4807.1700
 Importance: Normal

WHICH is a guaranteed virus transmission propagater to other
 Windoze users, and pretty much fsck'ups the Net in general, even
 fellow Linux users who have to put up with the damage y'all
 propulgate to Net servers, and the stolen banwidth y'all suck up.

I dunno how to convince y'all   NEVER connect to the Net with, any
 M$ product. There is no way to secure or defend an M$ system.
 (period).  You can only buy/beg/borrow a bunch of ineffective
 firewalls and virus scanners for M$ crap. Then, the only thing you've
 accomplished is to fool yourself.

If you dual boot, delete anything Winblows has to do with
 connecting to the Net, unplug the phone line.  Then you've got some
 security, at least till you buy a CD or floppy with a winblows virus
 on it.  Buy a real modem and use a real OS to connect.

   It amazes me that some people who do run Linux (part time), believe
 that connecting with Windoze is a good, or even tolerable idea.
 Specially on this (Linux) list. Winsux virus warnings to this list
 are OFF TOPIC, immaterial, and border on ridiculous. Post these
 warnings to (ignorant, computer illiterate) Winblows users lists and
 newsgroups. You'll be very busy on a daily basis  ... mostly you'll
 be weeks, even months and years behind

  Jeez, in a perfect world, Winblows users wouldn't be allowed to

   ... there ought'a be a law

 Tom Brinkman   Galveston Bay, USA

 Frank McKenna

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Re: [newbie] Configuring a LAN card

2001-11-27 Thread bascule

you will need to specify io as hex i..e 0x210


On Tuesday 27 Nov 2001 6:45 pm, you wrote:
 I have tried both the autoprobe option and manually entering the IRQ and IO
 settings. I'm entering IRQ as 10 and IO as 210, which is what they are.
 Is that format correct, or do I need to do something like 0x210 or


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[newbie] gShield and mdk8.1

2001-11-27 Thread Franki

Hi all,

I have mdk8.1 with kernel 2.4.18-9 and iptables 1.2.4

and I downloaded gShield (2.7.1), which is probably the best firewall app I
have seen for iptables

(I was a big fan of the rule layout in pmfirewall, great for hacking your
own rules)

so anyway, gShield seems like a fantastic piece of work,, very comprehensive
and does port forwaring, nat,
mac address filtering, the whole bit, and very simply as well..

so all was going well, I configured it, and when I ran it, I got this:

iptables v1.2.4: no command specified

now thats annoying,, I had a look though the script, but I couldn't find the

has anyone else used this firewall with 8.1? did it work?

gShield get an excellent review in a comparison I saw recently, but the
layout is great, and it does alot of
cool stuff, so I really want to get it sussed.



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Re: [newbie] Searching for Image Browser

2001-11-27 Thread Bryan S.Tyson

On Tuesday 27 November 2001 13:21, Jim wrote:

  I am looking for an image browser, i.e. a program to display a
 thumbnail image of every .jpg/.gif/.bmp/.png/etc file in a directory.

I recommend Compupic

Powered by Mandrake Linux 7.2
KDE 2.0 KMail 1.1.99

Bryan S. Tyson

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RE: [newbie] sound does work but xmms dont - mandrake 8.1

2001-11-27 Thread Len Lawrence

On Tue, 27 Nov 2001, Jose M. Sanchez wrote:

 I don't want to retype what I wrote before... So refer to my prior

 But some notes are in order.

 After I wrote this someone else found that devfs must be set to
 automount for things to work.
Don't know how to do that.  Edit fstab and put auto somewhere in the devfs

 You must remove ALL sound and sound related modules from
 /etc/modules.conf and reboot.
Did that, twice.

 All ALSA related RPM's must be installed.

 Let the Mandrake Control center set things up for you, NOT sndconfig.

 Don't worry about not hearing anything initially, DISREGUARD that you

 Set KDE to 48kHz and turn ON alsa support.
Incomprehensible.  Don't have KDE.  As I said earlier, alsa is checked to
start at boot but never does.  (But, root can run xmms!)

 Set AUXMIX levels then in KDE's control center SAVE the mixer volumes.
 This sets up ALSA-ctrl's configurations to reset the volumes as system
Set up aumix under Gnome.  That has a direct effect on volume levels.

 Here is what a typical lsmod will look like. If you don't see all of
 this start over...

 Module  Size  Used by
 agpgart26752   3  (autoclean)
 NVdriver  715200  20  (autoclean)
 joydev  6176   0  (unused)
 emu10k1-gp  1456   0  (unused)
 analog  7488   0  (unused)
 gameport1856   0  [emu10k1-gp analog]
 input   3648   0  [joydev analog]
 snd-synth-emu10k1   4432   0  (autoclean)
 snd-synth-emux 26784   0  (autoclean) [snd-synth-emu10k1]
 snd-seq-midi-emul   4944   0  (autoclean) [snd-synth-emux]
 snd-seq-virmidi 8304   0  (autoclean) [snd-synth-emux]
 snd-seq-midi3552   0  (autoclean) (unused)
 snd-seq-oss28944   0
 snd-seq-midi-event  3216   0  [snd-seq-virmidi snd-seq-midi
 snd-seq41856   0  [snd-synth-emux snd-seq-virmidi
 snd-seq-midi snd-seq-oss snd-seq-midi-event]
 snd-pcm-oss18624   0
 snd-pcm-plugin 15792   0  [snd-pcm-oss]
 snd-mixer-oss   4800   0  [snd-pcm-oss]
 snd-card-emu10k12368   0
 snd-emu10k122320   0  [snd-synth-emu10k1 snd-card-emu10k1]
 snd-pcm31616   0  [snd-pcm-oss snd-pcm-plugin
 snd-timer   8528   0  [snd-seq snd-pcm]
 snd-rawmidi10048   0  [snd-seq-midi snd-emu10k1]
 snd-emux-mem1776   0  [snd-synth-emux snd-emu10k1]
 snd-ac97-codec 25056   0  [snd-emu10k1]
 snd-mixer  24544   0  [snd-mixer-oss snd-emu10k1
 snd-seq-device  3984   0  [snd-synth-emu10k1 snd-synth-emux
 snd-seq-midi snd-seq-oss snd-seq snd-card-emu10k1 snd-rawmidi]
 snd35248   1  [snd-synth-emux snd-seq-virmidi
 snd-seq-midi snd-seq-oss snd-seq-midi-event snd-seq snd-pcm-oss
 snd-pcm-plugin snd-mixer-oss snd-card-emu10k1 snd-emu10k1 snd-pcm
 snd-timer snd-rawmidi snd-emux-mem snd-ac97-codec snd-mixer
 soundcore   4208   9  [snd]
--- snip ---
Mine is similar.  However, I note that agpgart (same size as yours)
is Used by 0 (unused).  Is _this_ something to do with aRts?

 Here is my /etc/modules.conf for point of reference, as set up by
 Mandrake Control Center

 alias net-pf-4 ipx
 alias autofs autofs4
 pre-install pcmcia_core CARDMGR_OPTS=-f /etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia start
 alias usb-interface usb-uhci
 probeall scsi_hostadapter ide-scsi
 alias eth0 3c59x
 alias char-major-81 bttv
 alias char-major-195 NVdriver
 alias char-major-67 coda
 alias char-major-15 joydev
 alias char-major-116 snd
 alias char-major-14 soundcore
 alias snd-card-0 snd-card-emu10k1
 alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-0
 alias sound-service-0-0 snd-mixer-oss
 alias sound-service-0-1 snd-seq-oss
 alias sound-service-0-3 snd-pcm-oss
 alias sound-service-0-8 snd-seq-oss
 alias sound-service-0-12 snd-pcm-oss
 alias char-major-13 input
 above input joydev emu10k1-gp analog gameport
-- snip --

And here is mine

pre-install pcmcia_core CARDMGR_OPTS=-f /etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia start
alias usb-interface usb-uhci
probeall scsi_hostadapter aic7xxx
alias scsi_hostadapter aic7xxx
alias char-major-116 snd
alias char-major-14 soundcore
alias snd-card-0 snd-card-emu10k1
alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-0
alias sound-service-0-0 snd-mixer-oss
alias sound-service-0-1 snd-seq-oss
alias sound-service-0-3 snd-pcm-oss
alias sound-service-0-8 snd-seq-oss
alias sound-service-0-12 snd-pcm-oss

But, I still get connection error to aRts sound server under lcl.
root, again has no problem.  There must be some sort of access
problem here (low security install).  Where does this server come
from and how do you tell if it is installed?  I guess it must be installed
or root would not be able to run xmms.  Down to access again.  What to

Sorry to harp on about this but it is beginning to really annoy me.
I have a full time job 

[newbie] xine and raw dvd device

2001-11-27 Thread Len Lawrence

Hi folks

This is getting worse and worse.  8.1 is a giant step backwards from
7.2.  Wherever I turn there are problems, which simply did not exist
in 7.2.  After the sound saga - still not resolved for xmms - I find
that xine will not play DVDs because it cannot find the raw device
/dev/rdvd.  Does Mandrake expect one to construct the whole system by
hand?  How to install one of these special devices?  Presumably the
command involves mknod, but what are the parameters for /dev/rdvd?

Just about at the end of my tether.  Should I go back to 7.2?

Len Lawrence @ The Thistle Foundation

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Re: [newbie] K7S5A sound [was: problems with sis900 network card / changing screen resolution]

2001-11-27 Thread Frans Ketelaars

On Tue, 27 Nov 2001 00:11:01 +
Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Monday 26 November 2001 21:59, you wrote:
  On Monday 26 November 2001 01:58 am, Derek Jennings wrote:
Interesting, I have a K7s5A and the SiS900 set up out of the box.
   Off subject Civileme-  I guess you have tried the 2.4.13 kernel.  Does it
   support the onboard sound on your k7s5a ?
   If so I'll have a go at upgrading.
  Forget it.  The sound driver has been around since kernel 2.3.40 but the
  arrangement and the BIOS of that K7S5A manage to hide it from detection.
  It is the SiS 7018.
 The SiS735 sound systen is the SiS7012.
 I have seen a change note saying it was supposedly supported in 2.4.10 and 
 Oss (not free) claims to support it, so I was hoping the support was present 
 in 2.4.13.


From: Vassilis Papadimos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Alsa-user] SiS 7012 soundchip
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2001 21:04:55 -0800
User-Agent: Mutt/1.3.23i

 I've an Elitegroup K7S5A mainboard with the SiS 735 chipset and
 on-board-sound using the SiS 7012 chip. 

Me too; Not a bad motherboard for its price.

 I found a patch for the 0.5.11 or the 0.9beta alsa driver at .
 Can you recommend this patch?

I believe this patch is included in the current CVS (incorporated in
the snd-card-intel8x0 module). I installed a recent CVS snapshot,
and it works great (it took me some time to figure out that I had
to disable ADC/DAC loopback in amixer though!)

Many thanks to Mike Pieper for that patch!


V. Papadimos.

Alsa-user mailing list



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Re: [newbie] No printing in 8.1 now

2001-11-27 Thread Marcia

Dear Harm,

Thank you for your suggestions. The lpq command tells me that xpp is ready 
and printing with an active job listed that belongs to me. Unfortunately the 
job is not printing. That is the problem. The strange thing is the printing 
worked for a couple of days although it needed tweaking for quality. Then out 
of the blue it stopped working. Has anyone had a similar situation that they 
were able to fix? Thanks for any help.



On Tuesday 27 November 2001 12:52 pm, you wrote:
 On Tuesday 27 November 2001 17:34, you wrote:
  Dear All,
  I have recently installed Linux-mandrake 8.1. I have an Epson Stylus
  Color printer which worked fine with cups in 7.2 and after a fix from
  Till worked eventually in 8. I thought it was going to work great in 8.1.
  It worked at first and then decided to not work on its own. It first
  started to spit out paper with colorful code, then blank pages, and now
  it just does not print at all. It just queues up jobs that never go
  anywhere. I went to Mandrake Forum and found out that this is a problem
  for many and there have been no answers provided there. Does anyone have
  any ideas how to fix this? Should I forget cups and try a different
  printing system? I even purchased turboprint which does not work either.
  Any help here will be greatly appreciated.

 Take careful note of the print commands in the pop-up windows!
 Apparently Mandrake still hobbles along on two horses -- every now and then
 when using a new apps (or printing from there the first time) I see the
 'lpr' command again. On replacing it with 'qtcups' usually gives me the
 right printer or at least

 Check your spool with the lpq' command on a console.

 Good luck,
 Harm Bathoorn

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Re: [newbie] sound does work but xmms dont - mandrake 8.1

2001-11-27 Thread bascule

len, if arst is your problem but you don't have kd then perhaps you have the 
wrong plugin selected in xmms?

optionspreferncesoutputplugin select oss

i wouldn't have thought you'd have the arts plugin if you didn't have kde but 
if you are trying to configure arts but don't have kde then i guess you must,

sorry if i am completely missing the point of previous posts in this thread, 
it just looks to me like people are trying to help you solve the wrong 
problem! :-)
 sorry if tis has been mentioned before


On Tuesday 27 Nov 2001 8:06 pm, you wrote:
 On Tue, 27 Nov 2001, Jose M. Sanchez wrote:
  I don't want to retype what I wrote before... So refer to my prior

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Re: [newbie] Automounting problem

2001-11-27 Thread Stewart Taylor

Tom Brinkman wrote:
The 'old' supermount became incompatible with newer 2.4.x kernels.
 To the point (IIRC) it was completely broken by 2.4.6.  So the
 Mandrake developers completely rewrote supermount to work with the
 new kernels.  This process takes time and testing, and by 2.4.13
 they've got it working properly again.
If you want a more indepth understanding of this Robin, search the
 last few months on
 for 'supermount'.

Where can I get this update, so far I've not been able to find it.


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Re: [newbie] Searching for Image Browser

2001-11-27 Thread Dave

You might try--
Nautilus -- A Gnome file manager
It works pretty good for me.
Dave Crouse
Registered Linux User 204085
OS: Linux-Mandrake 8.1
Desktop: KDE
Email: KMail
Browser: Opera
Computer: IBM300PL
Speed: 400mghz
Ram: 384

On Tuesday 27 November 2001 12:21 pm, you wrote:
 I am looking for an image browser, i.e. a program to display a thumbnail
 image of every .jpg/.gif/.bmp/.png/etc file in a directory.

 Konqeror has a image preview mode, but it leaves a little to be desired.

 Ximian Gnome included one that was pretty good, but I don't remember what
 it is called.

 Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Re: [newbie] Automounting problem

2001-11-27 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday 27 November 2001 03:12 pm, Stewart Taylor wrote:
 Tom Brinkman wrote:
 The 'old' supermount became incompatible with newer 2.4.x
  kernels. To the point (IIRC) it was completely broken by 2.4.6. 
  So the Mandrake developers completely rewrote supermount to work
  with the new kernels.  This process takes time and testing, and
  by 2.4.13 they've got it working properly again.
 If you want a more indepth understanding of this Robin, search
  the last few months on for 'supermount'.

 Where can I get this update, so far I've not been able to find it.


  The 'update' is to install a 2.4.13 Mandrake kernel. This will most 
likely require an initscripts and iptables upgrade also. Newest 
2.4.13's might require an lm_sensors upgrade also

   All these files can be d/l'd from cooker mirrors. I use the ready 
made kernel, but src.rpms for the others

  Tom Brinkman             Galveston Bay, USA

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Re: [newbie] y linux sucks (humor)

2001-11-27 Thread Matt Greer

On Tuesday 27 November 2001 11:40 am, you wrote:

 Yeah, my big problem is I can't decide! Linux should come with just one
 browser! That way I don't have the choice problem.

I'm always curious about different distros. I've only (briefly) tried RedHat 
and Caldera. I want to get another computer to mess with other linux/BSD 

 At the moment I just open a different browser on different desktops
 (including Lynx) for the hell of it.
 Deffinitly UN-productive:) Al least let there be a bad one among them so I
 can kick one out:( 

Oh there is, Netscape still comes with Mandrake.

 Did I hear someone wanting IE on Linux
 Definitly De Sade

Porting the Mac IE to Linux would be awesome. Everyone forgets, there really 
does exist an excellent version of IE.


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Re: [newbie] y linux sucks (humor)

2001-11-27 Thread A V Flinsch

On Tuesday 27 November 2001 12:40, you wrote:

 Yeah, my big problem is I can't decide! Linux should come with just one
 browser! That way I don't have the choice problem.

Tell me about it, but it is not the choice of browsers that I have a 
problem with, it is the 30 different window managers I have installed. 
One for each day of the month!

Linux 2.4.15 #1 Sat Nov 24 16:55:01 EST 2001 i686
  4:40pm  up 2 days, 22:57,  2 users,  load average: 1.00, 1.03, 1.07

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Re: [newbie] Internet Explorer

2001-11-27 Thread shane

so complain to the DOJ they let ms give away a crap browser despite being 
guilty of abusing their monopoly

On Tuesday 27 November 2001 10:20, you spoke unto me thusly:

 Try to keep in mind that some of us are web designers, and we try to
 test our websites on all browsers on all platforms, not just Linux


We are Linux. Resistance is measured in Ohms.

registered linux user #101606 @
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98 cause humans do it better!
Link different.
Profile at:

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[newbie] install newbie

2001-11-27 Thread caspar kennerdale

I just installed 8.1 on a linux partition (my computer also has win 2k on

I have two questions-

fistly lilo has set a defualt of 5 seconds to choose the desired os./ Can
this be changedto 30 secs or whatever I want? where do I change it- i've
looked in the boot folder and have found a message documsnt but it cant be

Also how do I start xwindows or navigate through the installed software.

When mandrake opens i give my user and p word on the cpomand line.

I can navigate through the folder but most of ot seems to be system files.

Thanks in advance

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Re: [newbie] sparc install: where is the network???

2001-11-27 Thread Jason Kary


Sun's use either the 'le' driver or the 'hme' driver.  This is 
configured by the kernel and may be a loadable module.  In order to have 
your eth0 seen properly you need to do the following (assuming you have 
the kernel module):

1) cd /lib/modules/version/net  ( to get too the list of modules. )
2) insmod hme.o  (assuming it's there )
3) ifconfig eth0  (should bring up the interface)
4) dhcpcd -i eth0  ( ask for an IP addr ).

Take Care

Steve Weltman wrote:

You need to find out what kind of network chipset your Ultra 2 station came 
with, or buy another network interface card that can be seen by mandrake's 
hard drake.

Your Sun documentation SHOULD tell you what came with your computer, and it 
will be specific enough that you can find the correct adaptor.  I cannot give 
you the exact answer because I have worked on mainly the Solaris versions of 
xnix  (on E250s or bigger), so they aren't the same.  I can tell you that 
Sun's documentation is pretty thurough and you can start there.

Sorry so little guidance.

Steve Weltman

On Monday 26 November 2001 05:48 pm, you wrote:

I installed mandrake from the iso image onto a sun
ultra2.  i got everything up and running but no
network can be seen.  ifconfig -a only shows the
loopback.  Now the question: do i need to install
another ethernet card???  from KDE, what is the device
and the kernel module that I am to load???

Thanks in advance

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[newbie] To Mandrake Development Team

2001-11-27 Thread Alex K


 I have few suggestions to make regarding the install
procedure, more precisley about the Upgrade feature in

Last week I upgraded from LM80 to LM81. Previously my
system was loaded from LM80 Power Pack.
The upgrade was made using the Download Edition of

Now comes my questions and also my suggestions:

I booted from cdrom drive and I choused to upgrade.
The install program told me that I must wait until
builds the list of programs to be upgraded.

That step went fine.

But now comes a step which confused me a little bit:

After the list was built, the usual dialog which
displays which programs I should Install (Internet
Workstation, Office Workstation, etc.) was on my

At the bottom of my screen shortly was explained my
choices in the following way:

If I chouse not to select any of the choices from the
 above dialog already described the program will just
Upgrade according with the list he build, but:

I can select any of the configurations presented on
the dialog (already described).

That confused me:

I think this dialog should not be displayed as long I
am Upgrading my system. It supposed that the upgrade
procedure already knows what to upgrade and don't make
any sense to let this window be displayed.

Personally I choused to click on all configurations
described by this dialog, supposing that the so called
Upgrade procedure will not only upgrade but also
will install those rpms according with my choices made
on this dialog.

It is exaclty what happened. I ended up not only
upgrading but also installing another 2 Gygabyte of
software. That made me nervous.

In my opinion you should change the upgrade procedure.
You have two choices:
1. You build the list with the applications to be
upgraded and automatically upgrade.
2. Build a list with basic things which are mandatory
to be upgraded and let the user to chouse what he
wants to upgrade from that point on.

Another question will be:

Can I un-upgrade (if I can say so), meaning to go
back to LM80 ?

If this option is possible I think you should include
it in your install procedure.

Another issue is related to Lilo entries after

The lilo now displays the old links which were under
LM80 with the prefix old. If those links in lilo
don't point to the old LM80 imho these links should be
deleted after upgrading operation is finished.

Best regards,

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Yahoo! GeoCities - quick and easy web site hosting, just $8.95/month.

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Re: [newbie] install newbie

2001-11-27 Thread Matt Greer

On Thursday 29 November 2001 04:01 pm, you wrote:

 fistly lilo has set a defualt of 5 seconds to choose the desired os./ Can
 this be changedto 30 secs or whatever I want? 

the file you want is /etc/lilo.conf

in there is a setting for timeout. You can change that to adjust how long it 
waits before booting.

After making the change, you need to run lilo to make it take effect. Just 
type lilo at the prompt.

All of what I just said about lilo needs to be done as root (type su then 
enter your root's password).

 Also how do I start xwindows or navigate through the installed software.

startx at the prompt should start x. You can also set it up so X start at 

 When mandrake opens i give my user and p word on the cpomand line.

 I can navigate through the folder but most of ot seems to be system files.

Make sure you are not root when you use your machine. Root is for 
administrating and if you use it as a regular account it wont be long before 
you screw something up :) Linux gives root full rule of the roost. But it 
makes sure regular accounts don't harm things. If you are using a regular 
account, you can pretty safely explore. Although I wouldn't recommend 
randomly trying things.

The book Running Linux from OReilly will get you comfortable with Linux 
very quickly, at least it did for me. it's $35, but well worth it IMO.

Be careful, you may not want to use Win2K much after you get the feel for 
linux :)


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Re: [newbie] Internet Explorer

2001-11-27 Thread Ed Tharp

On Tuesday 27 November 2001 16:52, you wrote:

 so complain to the DOJ they let ms give away a crap browser despite being
 guilty of abusing their monopoly

don't you just know the settlement will allow the to offer discount pricing 
to poor schools, so a dis-advantaged school can get a OS worth about 12 
dollars, at a discounted price of only 40 dollars, instead of 110.00 since MS 
was bad.   

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[newbie] Book recommendations

2001-11-27 Thread Warren Post

Santa just asked me what I want for Christmas. A Linux reference book,
of course. But which book? Dennis Myers has already recommended
O'Reilly's Linux in a Nutshell. Any other recommendations?

Ho, ho, ho...

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Re: [newbie] Book recommendations

2001-11-27 Thread Matt Greer

On Tuesday 27 November 2001 05:07 pm, you wrote:
 Santa just asked me what I want for Christmas. A Linux reference book,
 of course. But which book? Dennis Myers has already recommended
 O'Reilly's Linux in a Nutshell. Any other recommendations?

Stuff along the lines of Linux in a Nutshell or references to other aspects 
of Linux? 

Running Linux, also from O'Reilly, is also a good general reference for 
Linux. If you plan to do any networking the Linux Network Administrators 
Guide pretty much covers it all. Also from O'Reilly (also available for free 
at if you don't mind an electronic version).

I've found, generally speaking, you can't go wrong with O'Reilly.


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[newbie] htdig

2001-11-27 Thread Robin Ballantine

Hi all,   I have htdig setup on my machine just to search my local files. It 
works fine, but the only way I could get it to work was by having to setup 
and run the apache web-server.  Can anyone please tell me if its possible to 
use the htdig search engine without having to run apache.  
Thanks, Robin

8.1 kde2.2.2  kernel2.4.8  athlon 1gig

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Re: [newbie] install newbie

2001-11-27 Thread skidley

On Thu, 29 Nov 2001, caspar kennerdale wrote:

 I just installed 8.1 on a linux partition (my computer also has win 2k on

 I have two questions-

 fistly lilo has set a defualt of 5 seconds to choose the desired os./ Can
 this be changedto 30 secs or whatever I want? where do I change it- i've
 looked in the boot folder and have found a message documsnt but it cant be

 Also how do I start xwindows or navigate through the installed software.

 When mandrake opens i give my user and p word on the cpomand line.

 I can navigate through the folder but most of ot seems to be system files.

 Thanks in advance

For your lilo question, open /etc/lilo.conf with an editor like pico or
joe thats easy as you seem to be real new. eg, pico /etc/lilo.conf (as
root) Within the first few lines you'll see an option: timeout=50, this is in
milliseconds, You can change it to 300 for 30 secs or whatever you want.
Save the edited file andthen at command line type lilo and enter to rerun
lilo and update it. To start X at the command line type startx. You can
use other commands for different desktops but for a start just type
Chad Young
Registered Linux User #195191 @

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Re: [newbie] Clock Synchronization

2001-11-27 Thread Anuerin G.Diaz

thanks a lot guys... i just heard that I will be issued a new machine today so I will 
have to reinstall everything. i guess i have to do some praying now. ;-)


On Tue, 27 Nov 2001 04:56:11 -0500, Jose M. Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   It's on the CD's
   Not installed by default.
   |-Original Message-
   |[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Anuerin G.Diaz
   |Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 10:20 AM
   |To: mandrake
   |Subject: Re: [newbie] Clock Synchronization
   |im using LM8.1 and i dont have any rdate executable, either as 
   |an ordinary user or as root. ill try to find one tomorrow when 
   |my net connection resumes here in the office. ;-)


Programming, an artform that fights back.


Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
25/F Equitable-PCI Tower
ADB Ave. cor. Poveda St.,
Ortigas Center, Pasig City,
Philippines 1605

Tel no: (632) 6383070 loc 75

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Re: [newbie] Clock Synchronization

2001-11-27 Thread Anuerin G. Diaz
thanks big and bitter tom. ;-) ill get around it when i do my reinstall today (or 
tomorrow, depending on the schedule)


On Tue, 27 Nov 2001 07:23:20 -0500, Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   On Tuesday 27 November 2001 09:44 am, Anuerin G.Diaz wrote:
hi to all,
   this is one problem that I shelved that i remembered just now...
   how do I synchonize the linux clock with the BIOS clock? The
timezone here is GMT+8. If I select 'Manila' in the timezone, the
BIOS clock gets out of whack. Setting the clock to GMT or not does
not help. I found a workaround by not selecting any timezone but Im
hoping to find a proper way wherein all my pc clocks (especially
when Im changing OSes) are synchronized and I still am in the right
  hwclock --hctosys
 Set the System Time from the Hardware Clock.
  hwclock --systohc
 Set the Hardware Clock to the current System Time.
 (see  man hwclock)   I use this alias in bashrc to set both 
   hardware and software clocks to a time server (U of Houston)
   alias tdate="rdate -p -s  hwclock --systohc"
  You'll probly need to install rdate, it's on your CD's. You'll 
   also need to find a public time server in your time zone (Google).
     Tom Brinkman         Galveston Bay, USA


"Programming, an artform that fights back."


Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
25/F Equitable-PCI Tower
ADB Ave. cor. Poveda St.,
Ortigas Center, Pasig City,
Philippines 1605

Tel no: (632) 6383070 loc 75

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