Re: [newbie-it] installazione xine divx 4.02

2001-12-17 Thread Stefano Salari

 --- luigi pinna [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha
 è vero: le librerie son state installate
 l'unico problema quando vado a fare il configure di
 xine-ui mi dice che non trova installate le librerie
 perchè son in un'altra directory (precisamente in
 come faccio a fargli cercare le librerie in quella
 directory? qual'è il file che devo aprire e
  Ok, allora forse puoi risolvere tutto impostando due
variabili di ambiente. Purtroppo ora sono su windows e
a memoria non ricordo quali siano, ma quando arrivo a
casa ti mando una mail.

Ciao! Steo.


Iscriviti al Meglio della Settimana, la newsletter di Yahoo!
Per saperne di più vai alla pagina:

Re: [newbie-it] kernel

2001-12-17 Thread Stefano Salari

 --- Mark_AKA_VèrB@L [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 Dove trovare versioni aggiornate del kernel
 Son fermo alla 2.4.3-mdk!

Se vuoi per forza il kernel mdk puoi scaricare i
sorgenti dal sito Mandrake e ricompilarlo. C'e' il 
2.4.8 che e' quello che monta la mdk 8.1.

Altrimenti puoi scaricarti l'ultima versilne da (credo che l'ultima sia la 2.4.16 o

Ciao! Steo.

P.S.: Occhio che nel kernel 2.4.8 della mdk hanno
tolto il supporto per il supermount, quindi devi poi
modificare l'/etc/fstab.



Iscriviti al Meglio della Settimana, la newsletter di Yahoo!
Per saperne di più vai alla pagina:

[newbie-it] Modem HAMR5600

2001-12-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

anch'io ho un notebook progress e  non riesco a fare funzionare il 
modem HAMR5600.
Qualcuno potrebbe spedirmi l'RPM per farlo funzionare??
Ho visto che anche qualche altra persona ha avuto problemi con il 
monitor, anch'io ne ho avuti e ho deciso di scrivere alla progress. 
Loro mi hanno inviato dei file di testo su come configurare lilo e il 
386 config. Questa soluzione però è stata fornita da un'altro utente e 
dovrebbe funzionare con red hat 7.1, non è escluso comunque che possa 
funzionare con altre distribuzioni.

Re: [newbie-it] SAMBA

2001-12-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Allora, c'ho perso un pò di tempo... ma alla fine con piena soddisfazione ce
l'ho fatta (quasi!) :)
compilato il pacchetto Samba 3 in versione Alpha!
installato e installato il suo 'tutore' XINETD, egregio deamon!
Compilati i due file sotto /etc/xinetd.d/ per smdb e nmbd!
che dire, gira tutto alla perfezione, persino lo SWAT (stesso procedimento
sotto xinetd)
ora però una domanda?
qual'è l'utente che chiede al login di una dir condivisa?
non dovrebbero essere quelle di sistema Linux?
perchè con root non c'è verso di loggare nella dir?

Cmq ottimo lavoro questo samba!

Cu s%N!
Ciaociao  Byez ! L8r \\marco
[www] |||
[icq] 19758469

] do you have an opinion ?
] a mind of your own ?
] i thought you were special.
] i thought you should know.
] but i've run out of patience,
] i couldn't care less.

] now i lay me down to sleep,
] pray the Lord my soul to keep,
] if i die before i wake,
] pray the Lord my soul to take.

] 10 hippopotamuses to change your mind.

] Dance! Even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room.

] oh my God, it's full of stars!

- Original Message -
From: Sebastiano Cordiano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2001 11:53 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] SAMBA

 On Sat, 15 Dec 2001 19:03:03 +0100

  Ho appena downloadato la v. 2.2.2 dal sito!
  C'è modo di farla girare sotto Mandrake 8.0?
  Ho provato di tutto... la compilazione RPM non va a buon fine!
  Allora al solito sono andato in sources e configure/make/make install!
  Ma il servizio? Non me lo attiva da solo?
  Se avete qualche hint per l'installazione DEL SERVIZIO...
 Beh io non uso piu' mdk dalla 7.2 ma dovrebbe esserci ancora il tool che
 permette di scegliere i servizi da avviare, senno' puoi farlo a mano
 creando i symlink nella dir del tuo runlevel di default.
 Comunque tutto questo non ti serve perche' e' altamente consigliabile
 avviare i due demoni di samba (smbd e nmbd) tramite il superserver inetd
 cosi' da poterne controllare gli accessi tramite host.allow e host.deny
 (tcp wrapper).
 Quindi l' unico servizio che devi avviare e' inetd e configurare poi
 quest' ultimo per avviare i due demoni di cui sopra.
 Io uso ancora il vecchio inetd che si configura semplicemente editando
 il file /etc/inetd.conf, ma nella tua distro credo che ci sia xinetd che
 e' un po' diverso.
 Dovrebbe esserci una dir /etc/xinetd con all' interno un file per ogni
 servizio nei quali devi mettere enabled per attivarlo.
 Mi spiace di non essere troppo preciso ma come ti ho detto non conosco
 mdk 8.x, comunque il solito man potra' senz' altro esserti d' aiuto.



Re: [newbie-it] kernel

2001-12-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 P.S.: Occhio che nel kernel 2.4.8 della mdk hanno
 tolto il supporto per il supermount, quindi devi poi
 modificare l'/etc/fstab.

Come mai? Era tanto comodo... :(

Cu s%N!
Ciaociao  Byez ! L8r \\marco
[www] |||
[icq] 19758469

] do you have an opinion ?
] a mind of your own ?
] i thought you were special.
] i thought you should know.
] but i've run out of patience,
] i couldn't care less.

] now i lay me down to sleep,
] pray the Lord my soul to keep,
] if i die before i wake,
] pray the Lord my soul to take.

] 10 hippopotamuses to change your mind.

] Dance! Even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room.

] oh my God, it's full of stars!

- Original Message -
From: Stefano Salari [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 11:03 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] kernel

 --- Mark_AKA_VèrB@L [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
  Dove trovare versioni aggiornate del kernel
  Son fermo alla 2.4.3-mdk!

 Se vuoi per forza il kernel mdk puoi scaricare i
 sorgenti dal sito Mandrake e ricompilarlo. C'e' il
 2.4.8 che e' quello che monta la mdk 8.1.

 Altrimenti puoi scaricarti l'ultima versilne da (credo che l'ultima sia la 2.4.16 o

 Ciao! Steo.

 P.S.: Occhio che nel kernel 2.4.8 della mdk hanno
 tolto il supporto per il supermount, quindi devi poi
 modificare l'/etc/fstab.



 Iscriviti al Meglio della Settimana, la newsletter di Yahoo!
 Per saperne di più vai alla pagina:

Re: [newbie-it] Salve

2001-12-17 Thread Luigi De Pascale

On Sun, 16 Dec 2001, Claudio Pedretti wrote:

 Ciao a tutti, ho appena installato Mandrake 8.2 sul mio note acer travelmate
 Non funziona ne la scheda audio ne il modem!!Confesso che non so dadove
 cominciare,che faccio?
 Ciao grazie

per la scheda audio puoi provare entrare come root, dare il comando 
e poi continuare seguendo le istruzioni.
In linea di massima dovrai solo accettare le selezioni che troverai gia' 
scelte perche' dovrebbe essere stata riconosciuta.
Una volta fatta l'installazione ancora non sentirai niente perche' tutti i 
volumi sono settati a 0. Lancia kmix e alza i volumi di tutto tranne che 
del microfono. Ricordati poi di settare i nuovi volumi come predefiniti 
nel primo menu' di kmix, altrimenti la prossima volta che ti colleghi 
saranno di nuovo tutti a 0.

Per il modem dovresti essere tra i fortunati che hanno un lucent ltmodem
ma non si puo' sapere se non lo scopri tu.

Se mandi il risultato dei comandi 
e poi di  
lspci -nn

in un altro mail ti mando le eventuali istruzioni.
A presto

Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY  
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

[newbie-it] mount cdrom

2001-12-17 Thread lori cava

Ciao a tutti.
E' possibile montare il cdrom in modo che veda sia
il file system iso9660 che l'udf contemporaneamente?


Iscriviti al Meglio della Settimana, la newsletter di Yahoo!
Per saperne di più vai alla pagina:

[newbie-it] prova !!!!

2001-12-17 Thread mino

scusate !!!

Re: [newbie-it] kernel

2001-12-17 Thread Stefano Salari

 P.S.: Occhio che nel kernel 2.4.8 della mdk hanno
  tolto il supporto per il supermount, quindi devi
  modificare l'/etc/fstab.
 Come mai? Era tanto comodo... :(

Sembra che dopo una versione del kernel (che non so
quale sia) desse dei problemi. Probabilmente bastera'
aspettare la nuova versione del supermount.

Ciao! Steo.


Iscriviti al Meglio della Settimana, la newsletter di Yahoo!
Per saperne di più vai alla pagina:

Re: [newbie-it] SAMBA

2001-12-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hint trovato, se può servire:

Note the valid users line above. Windows has a username and password
scheme, which looks nothing at all like the Unix one. And unlike a certain
round-heeled excuse for an operating system, Unix (Linux) is not about to
let some stranger start messing around with its files without so much as a
Hi, how are you? What do we do about that?

The answer is, we set up a separate, parallel username and password system
especially for smb. Before you can allow smb connections, you need to create
this username database with the smbpasswd program, and set Windows-style
passwords for the users you add to it.

It's not that hard, actually:

  % smbpasswd -c  #  Create a new smbpasswd file -- ONE TIME ONLY!
  % smbpasswd -a hoser
  New SMB password: razzbat
  Retype new SMB password: razzbat
  Added user hoser.
  Password changed for user hoser.

Now the Windows user named HOSER can log on to your SMB share with the
password RAZZBAT -- and in true Windows fashion, it doesn't care about
uppercase vs lowercase letters. If you make this password the same as the
one you use to start Windows, the Linux shares should be visible just like
any other Windows share. If they aren't the same, Windows should prompt you
when you try to connect and also offer to save the password for reuse.

You only use the -c option to create the file -- once you have created the
file, don't ever use the -c option again, or it will blow away your existing
file and all the passwords you've added!

To add a user once you have created the smbpasswd file, you will use
smbpasswd -a username:

  % smbpasswd mamacita
  New SMB password:
  Retype new SMB password:
  Failed to find entry for user mamacita.
  Failed to change password entry for mamacita
  # D'oh!  You have to ADD mamacita with -a !
  % smbpasswd -a mamacita
  New SMB password:
  Retype new SMB password:
  Added user mamacita.
  Password changed for user mamacita.

To change the password for an existing user, just use smbpasswd username. If
you have enabled the password synchronization script in your smb.conf file,
changing the SMB password will also update that user's Linux password.

Cu s%N!
Ciaociao  Byez ! L8r \\marco
[www] |||
[icq] 19758469

] do you have an opinion ?
] a mind of your own ?
] i thought you were special.
] i thought you should know.
] but i've run out of patience,
] i couldn't care less.

] now i lay me down to sleep,
] pray the Lord my soul to keep,
] if i die before i wake,
] pray the Lord my soul to take.

] 10 hippopotamuses to change your mind.

] Dance! Even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room.

] oh my God, it's full of stars!

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 3:50 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] SAMBA

 Allora, c'ho perso un pò di tempo... ma alla fine con piena soddisfazione
 l'ho fatta (quasi!) :)
 compilato il pacchetto Samba 3 in versione Alpha!
 installato e installato il suo 'tutore' XINETD, egregio deamon!
 Compilati i due file sotto /etc/xinetd.d/ per smdb e nmbd!
 che dire, gira tutto alla perfezione, persino lo SWAT (stesso procedimento
 sotto xinetd)
 ora però una domanda?
 qual'è l'utente che chiede al login di una dir condivisa?
 non dovrebbero essere quelle di sistema Linux?
 perchè con root non c'è verso di loggare nella dir?

 Cmq ottimo lavoro questo samba!

 Cu s%N!
 Ciaociao  Byez ! L8r \\marco
 [www] |||
 [icq] 19758469

 ] do you have an opinion ?
 ] a mind of your own ?
 ] i thought you were special.
 ] i thought you should know.
 ] but i've run out of patience,
 ] i couldn't care less.

 ] now i lay me down to sleep,
 ] pray the Lord my soul to keep,
 ] if i die before i wake,
 ] pray the Lord my soul to take.

 ] 10 hippopotamuses to change your mind.

 ] Dance! Even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room.

 ] oh my God, it's full of stars!

 - Original Message -
 From: Sebastiano Cordiano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2001 11:53 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie-it] SAMBA

  On Sat, 15 Dec 2001 19:03:03 +0100
  Mark AKA VèrB@L [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Ho appena downloadato la v. 2.2.2 dal sito!
   C'è modo di farla girare sotto Mandrake 8.0?
   Ho provato di tutto... la compilazione RPM non va a buon fine!
   Allora al solito sono andato in sources e configure/make/make install!
   Ma il servizio? Non me lo attiva da solo?
   Se avete qualche hint per l'installazione DEL SERVIZIO...
  Beh io non uso piu' mdk dalla 7.2 ma dovrebbe esserci ancora il tool che
  permette di scegliere i servizi da avviare, senno' puoi farlo a mano
  creando i 

Re: [newbie-it] Salve

2001-12-17 Thread Daniele Micci

Il giorno 16:03, lunedì 17 dicembre 2001 hai scritto:
 On Sun, 16 Dec 2001, Claudio Pedretti wrote:
  Ciao a tutti, ho appena installato Mandrake 8.2 sul mio note acer
  travelmate 212tx.
  Non funziona ne la scheda audio ne il modem!!Confesso che non so dadove
  cominciare,che faccio?
  Ciao grazie

prima di lanciare il sndconfig suggerito (giustamente) da Luigi, prova a fare 
queste operazioni:
1) disabilita il devfs, inserendo una stringa devfs=nomount nel file di 
configurazione del boot loader (cerca nell'archivio della mailing list, ci 
sono stati diversi post al riguardo).
2) disabilita la voce PnP OS Installed (o qualcosa di simile) nel BIOS. 
Questo potrebbe aiutare Linux a riconoscere e/o configurare correttamente la 
tua scheda quando lancerai sndconfig.
Per il modem, prova a dare un'occhiata al sito per vedere 
se il tuo è supportato. I modem interni sono sempre una gran fregatura (anche 
se sui portatili sono l'unica soluzione).



2001-12-17 Thread Ale

Vorrei sapere il metodo previsto per la 
cancellazione dalla ml.


Re: [newbie-it]

2001-12-17 Thread Daniele Micci

Il giorno 20:08, giovedì 27 dicembre 2001 hai scritto:
 Vorrei sapere il metodo previsto per la cancellazione dalla ml.


Sempre lo stesso di tutte le ml: torna sul sito da cui ti sei iscritto e 
cerca il link per eliminare la tua iscrizione.
Oppure guarda tra gli headers di un qualunque messaggio della lista: troverai 
un indirizzo cui scrivere per disiscriverti.


[newbie] FTP help please

2001-12-17 Thread Eric Budinger

Hi All,

Im running Mandrake 8.1 and im trying to get the FTP server up and running. Any
help? Point me in the right direction? Please. Thank you!


Re: [newbie] Vmware

2001-12-17 Thread Jun Liu

Install both kernel-source and kernel-headers before compiling it.

On Mon, Dec 17, 2001 at 03:28:17AM -0500, Marcia wrote:
:Dear All,
:I have downloaded Vmware 2.0.4 plus the 2.0.4 prebuilt kernel modules however 
:I am having trouble getting it all installed in my Linux Mandrake 8.1. I 
:continue to get a message that I do not have the correct modules. How do I 
:get VMware 2.0.4 and the modules to install correctly? Any help will be 
:greatly appreciated.

:Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
:Go to

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Go to

Re: [newbie] LILO issues with 2 hard drives.

2001-12-17 Thread Kaj Haulrich

Ivan Offalich wrote:
 I looked all over the Linux Documentation Project website for this
 information. I couldn't seem to find it anywhere so I was hoping someone
 could help me with it on this list.
 I'll explain my situation.
 I have two hard drives installed on my computer.
 hda is dedicated to Windoze.
 hdc is dedicated to Linux.
 When I install Linux (I've gone through the process a few times) it has me
 choose between LILO and GRUB. I have chosen LILO since I've read more about
 it than GRUB and I have a better understand of how it works.
 After installing and booting up, I get the choice of booting Linux-Secure,
 Linux, Linux Failsafe, or Windoze. Everything works fine like it should.
 When I installed I tried both the normal boot and also the nicer looking
 boot (the equivalent of  vga=791 in the config. file), they both worked fine.
 The trouble comes afterwards.
 I edited my /etc/lilo.conf file, saved it, and then typed lilo into the
 It returned a confirmation that the file was edited properly.
 When I restarted my computer the BIOS went through its normal checks and
 when it got to the OS Loading... part the screen starts filling with 01
 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 etc.
 I understood that this meant my MBR was corrupted, so I did a fdisk /mbr
 from my DOS bootdisk. This allowed me to get into Windoze normally and I
 could of course get into Linux using my Linux bootdisk. I restored the
 /etc/lilo.conf file to its original condition and typed lilo once more.
 When I restarted my computer the next time I got the same 1s and 0s.
 Considering that I took much care into editing the /etc/lilo.conf file
 originally, this leads me to believe that it wasn't the result of a typo in
 the file.
 What it does lead me to believe is that the installation process writes to
 the MBR differently than LILO does from Linux. I'm not sure if that's the
 case though. It's also possible that I'm doing something wrong somehow that
 I don't realize. Is it possible that hda isn't being mounted properly
 before it's being written to? Does the fact that the drive is used for
 Windoze make a difference in this case? Is there something else I'm
 overlooking here?
 I'd appreciate any help that anyone can offer to fix this problem. I'd like
 to be able to boot into Linux without a floppy disk again and be able to
 use LILO properly.

Ivan, have you told lilo.conf, that it should boot windows from drive
hda and linux from drive hdc ?


Kaj Haulrich

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Cannot get into system, how do I rescue Lilo?

2001-12-17 Thread Kaj Haulrich

 Mick wrote:
 Hi folks,
 A dual boot system. I was trying repair an earlier problem, and of
 course made it even worse. Now Lilo will not boot up. It gets to LI
 and just sits there blinking. How do I re-install Lilo so as to access
 the system again. I have tried booting into the boot cd and typing
 'rescue', I can then get to a prompt. After looking at an article
 about basic Unix commands I used 'ls' to see my directories. Whoopee,
 I can see then 'til I'm blue in the face. I swear I am going to take a
 course in basic Linux commands after I get through this!
 I did also try to reinstall the whole kit and kiboodle, but each time
 I try, it gets as far as installing packages and then just quits, with
 two minutes to go! The activity lights on the cdrom drive and HD
 just die. I've tried waiting for ages! Nothing! I tried using the
 Plextor burner as a boot device and to load the OS from but with the
 same result.
 Here are some tech details that may help.
 Any help will be gratefully appreciated, as I'm kinda' dead in the
 water here. (Posting from the wifes machine here, sshhh...)
 AMD Athlon 1Ghz
 512 ram
 Plextor CD Burner
 LM 8.1

Well Mick, as far as I can see, you are almost back at point zero ?

You have windows on the box ? - If I were in your place I'd start all
over again :

1. Boot into windows (You have a rescue-floppy for that, eh ?)
2. When windows comes up, go to a MS-DOS prompt
3. Issue the command : FDISK /MBR
4. Issue the command :exit
5. Reboot (this time windows will reappear by itself, without
assistance from lilo)
6. Again, go to a MS-DOS prompt and run FDISK
7. Be VERY careful now : delete every partition exept
Windows-partitions (FAT, FAT32, NTFS etc.)
8. Re-install linux (do not update) and remember to create a

With your up-to-date hardware, a clean install of linux should be a
matter of about 20 minutes !


Kaj Haulrich

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] FTP help please

2001-12-17 Thread Jun Liu

install proftpd-xxx, the default setting should work well with
either inetd or standalone mode.

Good luck!
On Mon, Dec 17, 2001 at 03:59:59AM -0500, Eric Budinger wrote:
:Hi All,
: Im running Mandrake 8.1 and im trying to get the FTP server up and
:running. Any help? Point me in the right direction? Please. Thank you!

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

RE: [newbie] FTP help please

2001-12-17 Thread Eric Budinger

Ok.. I installed it.. what next? 


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Jun Liu
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 4:14 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] FTP help please

install proftpd-xxx, the default setting should work well with
either inetd or standalone mode.

Good luck!
On Mon, Dec 17, 2001 at 03:59:59AM -0500, Eric Budinger wrote:
:Hi All,
: Im running Mandrake 8.1 and im trying to get the FTP server up and
:running. Any help? Point me in the right direction? Please. Thank you!

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

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RE: [newbie] FTP help please

2001-12-17 Thread Eric Budinger

Ok. I can log in as anonymous but nothing else.. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Jun Liu
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 4:14 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] FTP help please

install proftpd-xxx, the default setting should work well with
either inetd or standalone mode.

Good luck!
On Mon, Dec 17, 2001 at 03:59:59AM -0500, Eric Budinger wrote:
:Hi All,
: Im running Mandrake 8.1 and im trying to get the FTP server up and
:running. Any help? Point me in the right direction? Please. Thank you!

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

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[newbie] Problem with bastille and samba

2001-12-17 Thread Neil R Porter

Hi all

I've used the tiny firewall configuration tool within the control centre
to configure bastille and it's v v v nicely setup according to however, it stops my samba shares from working!?  How can
I use this setup but modify the conf file slightly to allow samba shares
to work on my local network.

Please I don't want to use yet another firewall piece of
software/setup... This is find apart from this one aspect.

Any info on this would be much appreciated and rewarded with lots of
liquid refreshment!!!



Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] LILO issues with 2 hard drives.

2001-12-17 Thread Onur Kucuk

IO I looked all over the Linux Documentation Project website for this 
IO information. I couldn't seem to find it anywhere so I was hoping someone 
IO could help me with it on this list.

IO I'll explain my situation.

IO I have two hard drives installed on my computer.
IO hda is dedicated to Windoze.
IO hdc is dedicated to Linux.
IO When I install Linux (I've gone through the process a few times) it has me 
IO choose between LILO and GRUB. I have chosen LILO since I've read more about 
IO it than GRUB and I have a better understand of how it works.
IO After installing and booting up, I get the choice of booting Linux-Secure, 
IO Linux, Linux Failsafe, or Windoze. Everything works fine like it should. 
IO When I installed I tried both the normal boot and also the nicer looking 
IO boot (the equivalent of  vga=791 in the config. file), they both worked fine.

IO The trouble comes afterwards.
IO I edited my /etc/lilo.conf file, saved it, and then typed lilo into the 
IO shell.
IO It returned a confirmation that the file was edited properly.
IO When I restarted my computer the BIOS went through its normal checks and 
IO when it got to the OS Loading... part the screen starts filling with 01 
IO 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 etc.

Either a geometry mismatch or a 0x80  0x81 stuff trouble.

IO I understood that this meant my MBR was corrupted, so I did a fdisk /mbr 
IO from my DOS bootdisk. This allowed me to get into Windoze normally and I 
IO could of course get into Linux using my Linux bootdisk. I restored the 
IO /etc/lilo.conf file to its original condition and typed lilo once more. 
IO When I restarted my computer the next time I got the same 1s and 0s.

Nope this does not happen when mbr is corrupted. It is an error
message of lilo actually. Until here I can say that there is a
geometry mismatch or a bios hard disk boot priority problem.

IO Considering that I took much care into editing the /etc/lilo.conf file 
IO originally, this leads me to believe that it wasn't the result of a typo in 
IO the file.

Dont think so

IO What it does lead me to believe is that the installation process writes to 
IO the MBR differently than LILO does from Linux.

No they dont. But meanwhile  something might have changed, that should
be defined in lilo.conf

IO I'm not sure if that's the 
IO case though. It's also possible that I'm doing something wrong somehow that 
IO I don't realize.

Most probably. But sometimes some stuff needs to deep info.

IO Is it possible that hda isn't being mounted properly 
IO before it's being written to?

No need to mount it. Lilo deals with physichal sectors.

IO Does the fact that the drive is used for 
IO Windoze make a difference in this case? Is there something else I'm 
IO overlooking here?

IO I'd appreciate any help that anyone can offer to fix this problem. I'd like 
IO to be able to boot into Linux without a floppy disk again and be able to 
IO use LILO properly.

IO Ivan.

I can help you, I had gone too much deep into lilo. Here we have

- Geometry mismatch.
  There may be some trouble with lilo, when it is trying to define
  your hard drives geometry. I dont know your lilo / MDK version, but
  with assumptions, there must be a lba32 line in your
  /etc/lilo.conf, so lilo will be able to access your disk that is
  larger than 8GB.

- 0x80  0x81 stuff I said. This is deep. I had written a long mail
  once for this, in this list, but could not somehow find it in the
  archives. The thing is,

  When you boot your system, bios gives names to your devices. IDE
  devices (hard disks, cdroms etc) are given names 0x80, 0x81, etc.
  80 is hda, 81 hdb (if exists). Unfortunately, MS products always
  assume they are 0x80. When a device is booted, bios assigns it a
  0x80, does not matter if it is hda or hdc, so this confuses logic,
  this confuses lilo.

  What may affect you, did you chage your boot sequence from your
  bios? Did you have a previously installed cdrom at hdb, then removed
  (or vice versa) ?

 These are what I can think of now. If you give me more info, (how is
 your boot sequence defined in your bios, what are your hd~ devices,
 and their sizes, /etc/lilo.conf) I can help you about this.

 Onur Kucuk

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Re: [newbie] PCMCIA Card Question

2001-12-17 Thread Derek Jennings

Are you sure it has not already been autodetected.

With my 3com PCMCIA card in my laptop Control Centre does not list my driver 
either, but yet the card still works.  Running the Configure wizard does the 
same as in your case. It offers me a list which does not include the driver I 
know it needs. If I try to select one of the other 3com drivers, they will 
not load.

If I look at the adapter section in netconf, once again it shows no driver 
loaded. The drop down list does not even offer the driver I know I need.
Yet the card works perfectly.

However if I look at the hardware section in Control Centre (HardDrake)
I can see my Network Card, with the correct driver listed.

Personally I find netconf a much better way if setting up my LAN connection 
than Control Centre (ConfigurationNetworkingNetconf)


On Monday 17 December 2001 00:12, you wrote:
 Hello list,

 I'm attempting to install Linux for the first time ever. I'm installing
 Mandrake 8.1 on a Dell C600 laptop.  The problem I'm currently running into
 concerns my PCMCIA Card.  I have a Linksys PCMPC100 ethernet card.  I'm
 using the Gnome desktop and when I go into Mandrake control center and
 attempt to configure my network card, it detects the card and then presents
 me with a list of drivers, asking which Net Driver to use.  I've checked
 several websites and have found that I should use axnet_cs as the driver.
 Unfortunately, that driver is not listed in the table the command center is
 presenting to me.  I'm sure there is a way to do this using the command
 line, but I'm ignorant of how.  If there is a HowTo or other online
 documentation that someone could point me toward that would be great as
 well, but I have been unable to find the right one on my own.

 Mark Pearson.

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Re: [newbie] Problem with bastille and samba

2001-12-17 Thread Derek Jennings

How about this

You can edit the firewall setup tables and configure it as you please.

BTW: Samba needs ports 138 and 139 open if I remember correctly.

On Monday 17 December 2001 11:07, Neil R Porter wrote:
 Hi all

 I've used the tiny firewall configuration tool within the control centre
 to configure bastille and it's v v v nicely setup according to however, it stops my samba shares from working!?  How can
 I use this setup but modify the conf file slightly to allow samba shares
 to work on my local network.

 Please I don't want to use yet another firewall piece of
 software/setup... This is find apart from this one aspect.

 Any info on this would be much appreciated and rewarded with lots of
 liquid refreshment!!!


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RE: [newbie] Cannot get into system, how do I rescue Lilo?

2001-12-17 Thread Franki

can't you just boot from the CD, when it comes up, type rescue

once that is done, type chroot /mnt and you have simulated your system..

then you should just be able to type lilo (or edit /etc/lilo.conf and then
type lilo) to update your lilo and write it to your mbr..

has worked for me in the past, but its not that easy if you are running
other then 8.1



-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kaj Haulrich
Sent: Monday, 17 December 2001 4:58 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Cannot get into system, how do I rescue Lilo?

 Mick wrote:

 Hi folks,

 A dual boot system. I was trying repair an earlier problem, and of
 course made it even worse. Now Lilo will not boot up. It gets to LI
 and just sits there blinking. How do I re-install Lilo so as to access
 the system again. I have tried booting into the boot cd and typing
 'rescue', I can then get to a prompt. After looking at an article
 about basic Unix commands I used 'ls' to see my directories. Whoopee,
 I can see then 'til I'm blue in the face. I swear I am going to take a
 course in basic Linux commands after I get through this!
 I did also try to reinstall the whole kit and kiboodle, but each time
 I try, it gets as far as installing packages and then just quits, with
 two minutes to go! The activity lights on the cdrom drive and HD
 just die. I've tried waiting for ages! Nothing! I tried using the
 Plextor burner as a boot device and to load the OS from but with the
 same result.
 Here are some tech details that may help.
 Any help will be gratefully appreciated, as I'm kinda' dead in the
 water here. (Posting from the wifes machine here, sshhh...)

 AMD Athlon 1Ghz
 512 ram
 Plextor CD Burner
 LM 8.1

Well Mick, as far as I can see, you are almost back at point zero ?

You have windows on the box ? - If I were in your place I'd start all
over again :

1. Boot into windows (You have a rescue-floppy for that, eh ?)
2. When windows comes up, go to a MS-DOS prompt
3. Issue the command : FDISK /MBR
4. Issue the command :exit
5. Reboot (this time windows will reappear by itself, without
assistance from lilo)
6. Again, go to a MS-DOS prompt and run FDISK
7. Be VERY careful now : delete every partition exept
Windows-partitions (FAT, FAT32, NTFS etc.)
8. Re-install linux (do not update) and remember to create a

With your up-to-date hardware, a clean install of linux should be a
matter of about 20 minutes !


Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] FTP help please

2001-12-17 Thread Jun Liu

it's up and running, configure it as you want.
On Mon, Dec 17, 2001 at 04:21:18AM -0500, Eric Budinger wrote:
:Ok. I can log in as anonymous but nothing else.. 
:-Original Message-
:[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Jun Liu
:Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 4:14 AM
:Subject: Re: [newbie] FTP help please
:install proftpd-xxx, the default setting should work well with
:either inetd or standalone mode.
:Good luck!
:On Mon, Dec 17, 2001 at 03:59:59AM -0500, Eric Budinger wrote:
::Hi All,
:: Im running Mandrake 8.1 and im trying to get the FTP server up and
::running. Any help? Point me in the right direction? Please. Thank you!
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Re: [newbie] Slow image activation

2001-12-17 Thread Ed Tharp

post the output of your dmseg file, do you have ypbind running? do you have a 
local network? is this box the dhcp server or a client? 

On Sunday 16 December 2001 23:20, you wrote:
 Thanks for the responses to this.  I don't think that there are any extra
 servers running.  One thing that may be related is that if I run linuxconf
 and quit, it complains that squid isn't running and will start it if I let
 it do so.  Could this be implicated?  I notice that during the shutdown, I
 get error messages telling me it failed to be stopped, presumably because
 it wasn't running, so it seems that something expects it to be started.

 Hosts files shouldn't be an issue as I am using DHCP and therefore don't
 have any addresses there other than that of the server.

 thanks again for the input!


 On Friday 14 December 2001 10:10 pm, you wrote:
  have you both considered turning off all the servers possible ? this
  sounds to me like a dns , routed or ypbind server running (that you don't
  need, and is not correctly configured. are you trying to run a local DNS
  server? (as oppsosed to a local cacheing name server) do you have ypbind
  running (but don't have yellow pages needed?). Are all the local network
  computers hosts file correct? what about the IP numbers for the DNS
  servers? do you have it set to need DNS all the time? are you running
  reiserFS on the dedicated server, which offers some NFS exports (not a
  good Idea) my bet is on the DNS.
  I always thought a novell server would use ipx/spx, not tcp/ip?
  On Thursday 13 December 2001 23:19, you wrote:
   On Thu, 13 Dec 2001 14:40:46 +1100
   Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED] frantically pecked out this
I have a total of 4 Linux machines (OK, some of them dual boot, but
let's not talk about that) on a home/office LAN.  One of them is a
dedicated server, which offers some NFS exports.
Everything works very nicely, except that programs take forever to
load the first time.  Just to fire up a konsole can take 10 seconds
plus - this on a machine rated at 2800 bogomips with lots of memory.
After things have been up for a while (don't know how long, but many
minutes at least), everything is quick again.
Haven't tested exhaustively, but it seems that with the LAN
unplugged, none of this applies.
   This is a network issue if I've ever heard one. There is something not
   right with the network. I have a feeling it's got something to do with
   authentication somewhere on that LAN. Or, (the last time I saw this one
   of the machines responsible was a windows box - the novell client went
   south and killed the TCP/IP stack.) In that case when the TCP stack
   became corrupt it really dirtied the TCP communications on the network
   between that machine and the servers. While it didn't affect the
   overall performance of the network itself, it affected profoundly the
   machine that was having the trouble.
   In that case the offending client was uninstalled, as well as the
   TCP/IP stack which was then reinstalled, along with a newer, upgraded
   version of the Novell client. Problem happily solved.
   I'm presently having some similar problems on my home LAN when it comes
   to FTPing from a client machine to the FTP server here on my Mandrake
   box. Outside my network FTP server response is very quick, but locally
   on the LAN from time to time connecting and resolving that connection
   in order to do any transfers can take a few minutes.
   hope this helps at least shed some light.

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[newbie] Sound trouble, again, plus joystick

2001-12-17 Thread Ville V Sinkko

I've got a Soundblaster Live card, plus an integrated i810 sound chip.
I'm using the SB exclusively - I don't want to have anything to do with the
latter. The sound configuration on my system, which never worked adequately
to start with ( =midi nonfunctional), has gone from bad to worse. One
day when I started up the system, Linux decided suddenly to detect the i810
to which it had until then paid no attention. Now the situation is that
whenever I start up the system I have to run sndconfig to get _any_ sound
at all out. The configure functionality in HardDrake can't do anything at
all about it: when it tries to play an 8 bit sample with the i810,
I get 'sox: Can't open output file '/dev/dsp': Permission denied' (and no
sound), and when it tries the same thing for SBLive, I get no errors, nor

Now, I'm absolutely losing patience with this PoS. Could someone advice
me how to get things in working order? It would be absolutely wonderful
to get instructions on how to remove _everything_ related to sound and
then reinstall the drivers/whatevers _correctly_ from scratch.

Also, I can't figure out how to get my joystick detected. It's an
old-fashioned non-USB affair (a Gravis with a rudder wheel), and I have
two joy ports to spare, one in the motherboard, one in the SB card.


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Re: [newbie] Slow image activation

2001-12-17 Thread Brian Parish

Now you're just trying to make me look greener right? :-)

Where would I find a dmseg file? this on the server, the client, or 

ypbind is not running.  My network is of the variety with a 
shared ppp dialup.  The slowess occurs on the clients, although of course 
that could be a result of the server being slow to get things happening.

Right now, with the server having been up all day and squid running on it, a 
fresh boot of a client works like a charm.  So either starting squid has made 
a difference, or something on the server eventually stops getting in the way.


On Monday 17 December 2001 11:00 pm, you wrote:
 post the output of your dmseg file, do you have ypbind running? do you have
 a local network? is this box the dhcp server or a client?

 On Sunday 16 December 2001 23:20, you wrote:
  Thanks for the responses to this.  I don't think that there are any extra
  servers running.  One thing that may be related is that if I run
  linuxconf and quit, it complains that squid isn't running and will start
  it if I let it do so.  Could this be implicated?  I notice that during
  the shutdown, I get error messages telling me it failed to be stopped,
  presumably because it wasn't running, so it seems that something expects
  it to be started.
  Hosts files shouldn't be an issue as I am using DHCP and therefore don't
  have any addresses there other than that of the server.
  thanks again for the input!
  On Friday 14 December 2001 10:10 pm, you wrote:
   have you both considered turning off all the servers possible ? this
   sounds to me like a dns , routed or ypbind server running (that you
   don't need, and is not correctly configured. are you trying to run a
   local DNS server? (as oppsosed to a local cacheing name server) do you
   have ypbind running (but don't have yellow pages needed?). Are all the
   local network computers hosts file correct? what about the IP numbers
   for the DNS servers? do you have it set to need DNS all the time? are
   you running reiserFS on the dedicated server, which offers some NFS
   exports (not a good Idea) my bet is on the DNS.
   I always thought a novell server would use ipx/spx, not tcp/ip?
   On Thursday 13 December 2001 23:19, you wrote:
On Thu, 13 Dec 2001 14:40:46 +1100
Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED] frantically pecked out this
 I have a total of 4 Linux machines (OK, some of them dual boot, but
 let's not talk about that) on a home/office LAN.  One of them is a
 dedicated server, which offers some NFS exports.

 Everything works very nicely, except that programs take forever to
 load the first time.  Just to fire up a konsole can take 10 seconds
 plus - this on a machine rated at 2800 bogomips with lots of

 After things have been up for a while (don't know how long, but
 many minutes at least), everything is quick again.

 Haven't tested exhaustively, but it seems that with the LAN
 unplugged, none of this applies.
This is a network issue if I've ever heard one. There is something
not right with the network. I have a feeling it's got something to do
with authentication somewhere on that LAN. Or, (the last time I saw
this one of the machines responsible was a windows box - the novell
client went south and killed the TCP/IP stack.) In that case when the
TCP stack became corrupt it really dirtied the TCP communications on
the network between that machine and the servers. While it didn't
affect the overall performance of the network itself, it affected
profoundly the machine that was having the trouble.
In that case the offending client was uninstalled, as well as the
TCP/IP stack which was then reinstalled, along with a newer, upgraded
version of the Novell client. Problem happily solved.
I'm presently having some similar problems on my home LAN when it
comes to FTPing from a client machine to the FTP server here on my
Mandrake box. Outside my network FTP server response is very quick,
but locally on the LAN from time to time connecting and resolving
that connection in order to do any transfers can take a few minutes.
hope this helps at least shed some light.

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[newbie] Mandrake come from RedHat?

2001-12-17 Thread Wendy Nexcom

Some one say that Mandrake create from RedHat. This meant that Mandrake very
depent on original RedHat. Is this true?

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[newbie] Mandrake come from RedHat?

2001-12-17 Thread Wendy Nexcom

Someone say that Mandrake create from RedHat. This meant that Mandrake very
depent on original RedHat. Is this true?

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Re: [newbie] FTP help please

2001-12-17 Thread Mark Weaver

On Mon, 17 Dec 2001 12:57:25 +0100
Jun Liu [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:
 it's up and running, configure it as you want.
 On Mon, Dec 17, 2001 at 04:21:18AM -0500, Eric Budinger wrote:


What you do next depends upon what you want to do with it. If you're thinking of 
offering it as a private FTP server for folks you're expecting to stop by and grab 
files then the setup will be somewhat different then if you're setting it up to run 
24/7 for just anyone who either finds it or knows it's there and stops by for a look 
around at what you've got available.

One thing I will mention here is that Proftpd is somewhat more permissions sensitive 
then wu-ftpd, so be mindful of how you set it up. there is some very good 
documentation at the Proftpd site that will help you get going and get it configured 
to suit your needs as well as some good example config files both there and on your 
system from the install.

check here -- /usr/share/doc/proftpd-1.2.2  on your system for documentation that 
will shed quite a bit of light on what makes this app tick. very informative. If 
you've still got questions then let'em fly here and we'll take them one at a time.

I've got some experience with Proftpd and it's been running on my system for a few 
months now as well as on a server I setup at work. I'm very pleased with it's 

Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.1
  7:05am  up 22:46,  2 users,  load average: 0.19, 0.18, 0.15

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Re: [newbie] Problem with bastille and samba

2001-12-17 Thread Mark Weaver

On Mon, 17 Dec 2001 11:07:33 -
Neil R Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:

 Hi all
 I've used the tiny firewall configuration tool within the control centre
 to configure bastille and it's v v v nicely setup according to however, it stops my samba shares from working!?  How can
 I use this setup but modify the conf file slightly to allow samba shares
 to work on my local network.
 Please I don't want to use yet another firewall piece of
 software/setup... This is find apart from this one aspect.
 Any info on this would be much appreciated and rewarded with lots of
 liquid refreshment!!!


In your Bastille-firewall.cfg file, does your TRUSTED_IFACES line read this way?   
TRUSTED_IFACES=lo eth0 ppp0

if it doesn't, then it should for Bastille to allow traffic like Samba to operate 
correctly. If you have to make those changes and let us know how it goes.

Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.1
  7:05am  up 22:46,  2 users,  load average: 0.19, 0.18, 0.15

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake come from RedHat?

2001-12-17 Thread Mark Weaver

On Mon, 17 Dec 2001 19:44:56 +0700
Wendy Nexcom [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:

 Someone say that Mandrake create from RedHat. This meant that Mandrake very
 depent on original RedHat. Is this true?

long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away Mandrake was once loosely based on the 
RedHat is no longer the case. Mandrake is clearly Mandrake.

Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.1
  8:05am  up 23:46,  2 users,  load average: 0.38, 0.48, 0.41

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake come from RedHat?

2001-12-17 Thread Michael Scottaline

On Mon, 17 Dec 2001 08:06:00 -0500
Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away Mandrake was once loosely
 based on the RedHat is no longer the case. Mandrake is
 clearly Mandrake.-- 

I think at one time Mandrake was more than loosely based on RH.  Back in
the 5.x days, I believe it was virtually RH w/ a slicker install and KDE
1.x as a default desktop.  You are quite correct that it is now a fully
independent (with some similarities, and still rpm based) distro all it's
own. Mike

The great question... which I have not been able to answer... is, `What
does woman want?'
-- Sigmund Freud

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RE: [newbie] Problem with bastille and samba

2001-12-17 Thread Neil R Porter

Perfect!  According to grc I am now very secure (for a 'windows' machine
this is very rare, according to his site hehe).

However, in order to get it to work I had to also define the PUBLIC
services to allow 138 and 139 ports.  Strange, although as I say, grc
says it's in stealth mode (139 that is) so I guess it's fine, and it
didn't work without it so... It said in the comments within
bastille-firewall.cfg to also include it in PUBLIC so I guess it's ok.


Derek you're a gent, cheers.


 -Original Message-
 From: Derek Jennings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: 17 December 2001 11:34
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Linux Newbie List
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Problem with bastille and samba
 How about this;
 You can edit the firewall setup tables and configure it as 
 you please. Derek
 BTW: Samba needs ports 138 and 139 open if I remember correctly.
 On Monday 17 December 2001 11:07, Neil R Porter wrote:
  Hi all
  I've used the tiny firewall configuration tool within the control 
  centre to configure bastille and it's v v v nicely setup 
 according to however, it stops my samba shares from 
 working!?  How 
  can I use this setup but modify the conf file slightly to 
 allow samba 
  shares to work on my local network.
  Please I don't want to use yet another firewall piece of 
  software/setup... This is find apart from this one aspect.
  Any info on this would be much appreciated and rewarded 
 with lots of 
  liquid refreshment!!!

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[newbie] Automating backups

2001-12-17 Thread Brian Parish

There is always a danger that having access to a bunch of bright people on a 
list like this could make me lazy.  As I'm already lazy, I'm going to ignore 
that hazard and ask for advice on setting up automated backups.

I would like to set up a daily disk to disk backup and dump snapshots onto CD 
periodically.  I'm not interested in automating the CD bit, but having a 
daily incremental look after itself would be good.

Now I know I can use cron to schedule this and tar or a number of other 
utilities to create the backup files, but it would be nice to wrap this in a 
script that handled file naming and selection according to date and all that 
good stuff.

I looked at:


and that gives me all I need to do it manually, but getting automated means 
not forgetting to do it!  Any great shell scripts out there that you're 
willing to share, or other ways and means I haven't considered?


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[newbie] PPC Clones

2001-12-17 Thread David Bovill

Anyone know if I can install mandrake on an old PowerComputing PowerCentre
180 (clone)?

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[newbie] Re: [Newbie] LILO issues with 2 hard drives.

2001-12-17 Thread Ivan Offalich

Since this will be a long post I snipped everything previous.

I will post my IDE chain and my /etc/lilo.conf file and hopefully that will 
help everyone with determining what exactly I'm what I'm missing. ;)

Primary IDE Master: 6.4 GIG EIDE Harddrive (aka hda)
3 partitions C:, E:, and F: in Windoze

Primary IDE Slave: Iomega Zip 100 MB (I keep a disk in there due to the 
fact that certain times there's one expected, this alleviates confusion.)
This shows up as D: in Windoze.

Secondary IDE Master: 20.0 GIG EIDE Harddrive (aka hdc)
4 Partitions
/  (aka hdc1)
Swap (aka hdc5)
/usr (aka hdc6)
/home (aka hdc7)

Secondary IDE Slave: Plexwriter CD-RW
Drive G: in Windoze

My motherboard/BIOS does not support CD-ROM booting.
AFAIK, hda is the primary boot device. I will double check my BIOS after 
sending this, but I believe that my BIOS doesn't have a method of adding 
the second harddrive (hdc) to the boot chain, only the floppy drive or the 
Primary IDE Master.

Below is my /etc/lilo.conf file. One note about it, when I installed Linux, 
I setup a password with LILO. Now that I think about it, it never asked me 
for the password upon boot. I've added #comments below, these comments are 
not actually part of the file, I added them for this post.

# Mandrake-Security : if you remove this comment, remove the next line too.
password=**  # I'm not telling. ;)
boot=/dev/hda# If I understand correctly this should be telling LILO to 
boot off hda
map=/boot/map# If I understand correctly this is where LILO stores the 
info on where each OS is and how to boot it
install=/boot/boot.b  # I'm not sure I understand this line
vga=791  # So it looks nicer when it boots
default=linux # This is the default OS for my LILO configuration, it will 
boot the image labeled as linux
keytable=/boot/us.klt  # This loads my keyboard configuration
lba32  # This helps LILO (or is it Linux) work with my BIOS to see my hard 
drives correctly
prompt  # This allows me to choose which OS to load when I start my computer
timeout=50 # If I don't choose, LILO loads the default after 5 seconds
message=/boot/message # LILO displays the text of this file upon starting
menu-scheme=wb:bw:wb:bw # I don't understand this line either, but I 
believe this defines the look of the LILO prompt
# The last section defines the bootable OSes, defines their location, and 
gives each one a name
   append= mem=128M hdd=ide-scsi hdb=ide=floppy
   append= mem=128M hdd=ide-scsi hdb=ide-floppy
   append= mem=128M hdd=ide-scsi hdb=ide-floppy failsafe

That should do it. I appreciate everyone helping me sort this out.

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Re: [newbie] Crazy Mouse

2001-12-17 Thread Wes Gregg

 I thought this may be an issue with Intellimouse Optical Mice (Mouses?), 
 but you mentioned that it happened with your Logitech mouse also. I own an 
 Intellimouse Explorer which also uses an optical eye. I've seen it display 
 the same behaviors that you've mentioned (including the one on the 
 Linux-Mandrake installation screen.) Basically how I'd describe it is that 
 it looks like someone slides the mouse across the desk as fast as possible, 
 somehow pressing the right mouse button once for ever 5 pixels moved. 
 Sometimes the mouse works after that, sometimes the mouse doesn't work at 
 all after that, sometimes the whole system hangs.

Mine also likes to shoot to the lower left corner of the desktop a 
lot.  Ok, this was of no help to me but may help you.  Assuming you 
are using Xfree4.x, look in /etc/x11/xfreeconfig-4 under the mouse 
area.  It is either called PS/2, IMPS/2 (Intellimouse?), 
ExplorerPS/2 (Intellimouse Explorer?), or Auto.  Mine is screwy 
as IMPS/2 but doesn't work at all on the others.  Therefore, and 
since I've stripped my system to just video/mouse/keyboard and it 
still does this tells me to investigate my bios settings (or an update 
to the bios) or perhaps a motherboard driver update (are there such 

Also this didn't help me but it is specific to your mouse so it 
might be just what you need.  Unfortunately I lost the messages, but 
you can search google groups (from in the newsgroup 
alt.os.linux.mandrake for the subject MS Intellimouse Explorer 
which told of a couple of specific lines to change/add in XF86Config-4 
for this mouse.  And I _believe_ it referenced a web site dealing with 
it.  The procedure didn't work for me (not exactly the same mouse, it 
is one version older and at least one model down on the ladder) but 
hopefully it can help you.

 I have some good news and some bad news about this though. The good news 
 for us Linux fans is that it's not a Linux or X-Windows problem. I've seen 
 my mouse display this behavior far worse on Windoze 95 and Windoze 98 SE. 

Strange.  With me both mouse and keyboard perform flawlessly 
in Win98(se?).  But of course that's like getting a beautiful date for 
the prom...

...who happens to be your sister.  GRIN

 The bad news is that I haven't completely determined what causes this 
 problem. It doesn't happen very often, but it's very annoying when it does.

Is constant in Mandrake Linux for me.

 [My apologies to M$ haters for mentioning M$ and their products so much in 
 this post. It pains me to do so. I received my M$ mice as gifts and ended 
 up using them for that reason.]

Hey, I guess I am among the M$ operating system haters (well, 
dislikers), but I really like my MS Intellimouse Optical and MS 
Internet Keyboard, which I got as a package deal on sale at Sam's 
Club, and it even gets an additional $10 rebate.  Computer Shopper 
rated this mouse well when it came out ( was $54.95!).  They just 
said that the newest Intellimouse (optical, cordless, etc.) was the 
best mouse out there bar none.

BTW, I used to like their Flight Simulator about nine years ago!

 1. At first I thought it was possible that my mouse pad was confusing the 
 optical sensor. Yes I know how silly that sounds, but you have to realize 
 that this is a M$ product. ;) I changed mousepads. The mouse still acted up 
 and I determined that my mousepad was not the culprit.

I read that glass or really shiny white paper could cause 
problems.  Mine works on about anything including my palm and 
pants leg.  Also, I noticed it works about 1/4 inch off of the surface 
as well.  Neat I suppose.  Just wish I could turn off the taillight on it 
but I am becomming used to it.

 2. I then considered that my Intellimouse Explorer was the culprit. I 
 thought maybe I had received a faulty one or that a wire inside was broken. 
 Plugging my old Intellimouse (and updating the settings), I found that the 
 old Intellimouse (the kind with a ball and wheel) displayed the same 
 behavior. I returned to using the optical one. This lead me to believe that 
 my optical mouse was no more glitchy than my non-optical mouse.

I went through the same steps, only my replacement IS my 
intellimouse.  And I think I'll be keeping it if I can straighten things 
out.  It's nice to have five buttons, one wheel, and no ball.  I think the 
extra buttons on the side might be mappable.  I definately read that I 
can map other functions to the 10 extra keys on the MS Internet 
keyboard in Mandrake Linux.

 3. I considered that my PS/2 mouse port had issues. I was using Windoze 95 
 at the time. I reformatted my hard drive and installed Windoze 98 SE (which 
 I also received as a gift). Windoze 95 did not have USB support. I plugged 
 my optical mouse into the USB port and set it up properly. After a period 
 of time, I found that the mouse displayed the same erratic behavior on 

Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie] Mandrake come from RedHat?

2001-12-17 Thread Randy Kramer


I can't help you with the boot manager problem, but I do recommend you
use exper mode if you install Mandrake again.  Initially, I worried
about whether I was expert enough to use it, but it really gives you a
lot of flexibility that is not present in the other modes.  One example
is control over your partitioning -- some of the other install modes
will overwrite your existing partitions with no warning -- in expert you
can avoid that, and it seemed fairly self explanatory *to me*.  (You can
also abort the installation before making any partition changes -- just
don't do the last step on the partitioning dialog (labeled done??), or
say no to any prompts which say anything like the partition table will
now be saved to disk, and, if you have to, reboot or shut your machine

hope this helps,
Randy Kramer

Julian Opificius wrote:
 Just to offer a contrasting and virtually worthless opinion here ...
 I'm not sure about the slicker install or souped up. I lost Windows
 installs on two of my machines (Win98 and Win2000) because Mandrake 8.1's
 installer trashed my partition tables without giving me a way out, so I
 went back to Red Hat 7.2 and had a much better install experience.
 I use System Commander 7 as a boot manager, but Mandrake's installer
 wouldn't support writing the boot code on the Linux boot partition for
 another boot manager to pick up, it absolutely insisted on writing it's
 boot block to the MBR, which is not polite, and more to the point, is not
 compatible with System Commander.

 I'll try Mandrake again this week, because many people have a very high
 opinion (I'm still subscribed to this list, obviously).
 If someone does know how to instruct Mandrake's installer to put it's boot
 block on /boot (folks seem to call this a superblock, apparently), please
 tell me - I'd really like to give Mandrake a run - but please don't tell me
 to trash System Commander: I've paid for it, I like it, and it's friendly
 to my family users, who don't want to have to learn anything else :-)
 Thanks all !
 At 09:21 AM 12/17/01 -0600, you wrote:
 --  Forwarded Message  --
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake come from RedHat?
 Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 09:20:17 -0600
 From: David McGlone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 being an X-red hat user, I think Mandrake still runs and feels like Red Hat.
 It still handles like RH, it still uses a lot of files RH does and the
 convention RH does.
 to me it's clearly a souped up RH version with a different name.
 David M.
 On Monday 17 December 2001 07:02 am, you wrote:
On Mon, 17 Dec 2001 08:06:00 -0500
   Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away Mandrake was once loosely
based on the RedHat is no longer the case. Mandrake is
clearly Mandrake.--
   I think at one time Mandrake was more than loosely based on RH.  Back in
   the 5.x days, I believe it was virtually RH w/ a slicker install and KDE
   1.x as a default desktop.  You are quite correct that it is now a fully
   independent (with some similarities, and still rpm based) distro all it's
   own. Mike
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; name=message.footer
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to
 Julian A. Opificius.
 802 Fawn Road, Elk River, MN 55330.
 Home: 763.441.1291, Cell: 763.360.5919
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie] Mandrake come from RedHat?

2001-12-17 Thread Julian Opificius

Will do Randy, thanks.
I don't remember if I was in Expert when I did the install - though I'm not 
an expert, I'm certainly gutsy enough to have done so ;-
One thing I distinctly remember is that there was no FUNCTIONAL Cancel 
button on most of the dialogs, which I saw as sloppiness, and it put me off 
trying again.

At 12:06 PM 12/17/01 -0500, you wrote:

I can't help you with the boot manager problem, but I do recommend you
use exper mode if you install Mandrake again.  Initially, I worried
about whether I was expert enough to use it, but it really gives you a
lot of flexibility that is not present in the other modes.  One example
is control over your partitioning -- some of the other install modes
will overwrite your existing partitions with no warning -- in expert you
can avoid that, and it seemed fairly self explanatory *to me*.  (You can
also abort the installation before making any partition changes -- just
don't do the last step on the partitioning dialog (labeled done??), or
say no to any prompts which say anything like the partition table will
now be saved to disk, and, if you have to, reboot or shut your machine

hope this helps,
Randy Kramer

Julian Opificius wrote:
  Just to offer a contrasting and virtually worthless opinion here ...
  I'm not sure about the slicker install or souped up. I lost Windows
  installs on two of my machines (Win98 and Win2000) because Mandrake 8.1's
  installer trashed my partition tables without giving me a way out, so I
  went back to Red Hat 7.2 and had a much better install experience.
  I use System Commander 7 as a boot manager, but Mandrake's installer
  wouldn't support writing the boot code on the Linux boot partition for
  another boot manager to pick up, it absolutely insisted on writing it's
  boot block to the MBR, which is not polite, and more to the point, is not
  compatible with System Commander.

  I'll try Mandrake again this week, because many people have a very high
  opinion (I'm still subscribed to this list, obviously).
  If someone does know how to instruct Mandrake's installer to put it's boot
  block on /boot (folks seem to call this a superblock, apparently), please
  tell me - I'd really like to give Mandrake a run - but please don't tell me
  to trash System Commander: I've paid for it, I like it, and it's friendly
  to my family users, who don't want to have to learn anything else :-)
  Thanks all !
  At 09:21 AM 12/17/01 -0600, you wrote:
  --  Forwarded Message  --
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake come from RedHat?
  Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 09:20:17 -0600
  From: David McGlone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  being an X-red hat user, I think Mandrake still runs and feels like 
 Red Hat.
  It still handles like RH, it still uses a lot of files RH does and the
  convention RH does.
  to me it's clearly a souped up RH version with a different name.
  David M.
  On Monday 17 December 2001 07:02 am, you wrote:
 On Mon, 17 Dec 2001 08:06:00 -0500
Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away Mandrake was once loosely
 based on the RedHat is no longer the case. Mandrake is
 clearly Mandrake.--

I think at one time Mandrake was more than loosely based on 
 RH.  Back in
the 5.x days, I believe it was virtually RH w/ a slicker install 
 and KDE
1.x as a default desktop.  You are quite correct that it is now a fully
independent (with some similarities, and still rpm based) distro 
 all it's
own. Mike
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; name=message.footer
  Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to
  Julian A. Opificius.
  802 Fawn Road, Elk River, MN 55330.
  Home: 763.441.1291, Cell: 763.360.5919
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ: 3268206
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
Go to

Julian A. Opificius.
802 Fawn Road, Elk River, MN 55330.
Home: 763.441.1291, Cell: 763.360.5919

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

RE: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake

2001-12-17 Thread Johnson, David

Hmm.  I did this update some time ago via the package manager without
problem.  System has not been rebooted since...I don't think that a blanket
DO NOT DO THIS is appropriate.  Of course you must be very careful when
doing something as drastic as updating your kernel.  Just make sure you have
a way out planned before-hand!

-Original Message-
From: David .. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 6:43 AM
Subject: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake

Just a warning to those who like using the Mandrakes Package Manager. When 
your run the check for new security patches and you see the option to update

your kernel. DON'T!

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

Re: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake

2001-12-17 Thread Ed Tharp

this IS appropriate, and is the directions from Mandrake, as I recall

On Monday 17 December 2001 13:11, you wrote:
 Hmm.  I did this update some time ago via the package manager without
 problem.  System has not been rebooted since...I don't think that a blanket
 DO NOT DO THIS is appropriate.  Of course you must be very careful when
 doing something as drastic as updating your kernel.  Just make sure you
 have a way out planned before-hand!

 -Original Message-
 From: David .. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 6:43 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake

 Just a warning to those who like using the Mandrakes Package Manager. When
 your run the check for new security patches and you see the option to

 your kernel. DON'T!

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

[newbie] system rescue disk/s

2001-12-17 Thread Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC)

I would like to create a rescue disk that can give me a very similar
interface, Lilo wise, to my current system as well as all the other
necessary files on a system disk.

I am thinking from a Windows background where having a rescue disk was
9.9 times out of 10 needed. Is the same needed under Linux but for less

If such a rescue disk is needed for those odd occasions it might be
needed how do I create one on a 1.44 Mb stiffy?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

[newbie] I have HAD IT!!!!!

2001-12-17 Thread Newbie

When is this damn useless compiler going to work?

I have Mdk 8.1 and the default compiler is useless,
2.96 is a piece of trash, so I took it off and put on
gcc3, again TRASH, so I try to put on 2.95 and
all it can give me is the same bullshit over and

I am very coselgjyuh
to going back to readhat.
fuc, the typos i'm pissed off

[root@kittypuss gcc295]# ls
gcc-2.95.2-12mdk.i386.rpm  gcc-everything-2.95.tar.gz
gcc-2.95.2-12mdk.i586.rpm  gcc-everything-2.95.tar.gz.part
gcc-2.96-0.62mdk.i586.rpm  glibc-2.1.3-18.1mdk.i586.rpm
gcc-cpp-2.95.2-12mdk.i586.rpm  glibc-devel-2.1.3-18.3mdk.i586.rpm
[root@kittypuss gcc295]# rpm -ivh gcc-2.95.2-12mdk.i586.rpm
error: failed dependencies:
gcc-cpp = 2.95.2 is needed by gcc-2.95.2-12mdk
gcc  2.96-0.50mdk conflicts with glibc-devel-2.2.4-6mdk
[root@kittypuss gcc295]# rpm -e gcc-cpp
error: removing these packages would break dependencies:
/lib/cpp is needed by XFree86-4.1.0-17mdk
/lib/cpp is needed by XFree86-devel-4.1.0-17mdk
/lib/cpp is needed by rpmlint-0.35-1mdk
/lib/cpp is needed by WindowMaker-0.65.1-4mdk

[root@kittypuss gcc295]# rpm -e gcc-cpp --nodeps
[root@kittypuss gcc295]# rpm -ivh gcc-cpp-2.95.2-12mdk.i586.rpm
(10### [100%]
4### [100%]
[root@kittypuss gcc295]# ls
gcc-2.95.2-12mdk.i386.rpm  gcc-everything-2.95.tar.gz
gcc-2.95.2-12mdk.i586.rpm  gcc-everything-2.95.tar.gz.part
gcc-2.96-0.62mdk.i586.rpm  glibc-2.1.3-18.1mdk.i586.rpm
gcc-cpp-2.95.2-12mdk.i586.rpm  glibc-devel-2.1.3-18.3mdk.i586.rpm
[root@kittypuss gcc295]# gcc
bash: gcc: command not found
[root@kittypuss gcc295]# rpm -ivh gcc-2.95.2-12mdk.i586.rpm
error: failed dependencies:
gcc  2.96-0.50mdk conflicts with glibc-devel-2.2.4-6mdk
[root@kittypuss gcc295]# rpm -Uvh glibc-devel-2.1.3-18.3mdk.i586.rpm 
error: failed dependencies:
glibc-devel  2.2.3 conflicts with glibc-2.2.4-6mdk
[root@kittypuss gcc295]# rpm -Uvh glibc-2.1.3-18.1mdk.i586.rpm --oldpackage
error: failed dependencies:
glibc  2.1.90 conflicts with db2-2.4.14-3mdk
glibc  2.1.90 conflicts with db1-1.85-6mdk
glibc = 2.1.92 is needed by rpm-4.0.3-0.27mdk
glibc = 2.2.4 is needed by locales-
glibc = 2.2.4 is needed by locales-
glibc = 2.2.4 is needed by glibc-devel-2.2.4-6mdk   is needed by bash-2.05-10mdk   is needed by bzip2-1.0.1-14mdk   is needed by libncurses5-5.2-16mdk   is needed by perl-base-5.601-6mdk   is needed by grep-2.4.2-9mdk   is needed by fileutils-4.1-4mdk   is needed by libslang1-1.4.4-2mdk   is needed by e2fsprogs-1.24a-2mdk is needed by mktemp-1.5-10mdk   is needed by gawk-3.1.0-1mdk is needed by sed-3.02-12mdk   is needed by shadow-utils-2902-2mdk   is needed by textutils-2.0.14-3mdk   is needed by mount-2.11h-2mdk is needed by pwdb-0.61-5mdk   is needed by pam-0.75-7mdk   is needed by SysVinit-2.78-11mdk   is needed by sh-utils-2.0.11-5mdk   is needed by rpm-4.0.3-0.27mdk   is needed by findutils-4.1.7-2mdk   is needed by gzip-1.2.4a-7mdk   is needed by tar-1.13.22-3mdk   is needed by grub-0.90-4mdk   is needed by hdparm-4.1-4mdk   is needed by losetup-2.11h-2mdk   is needed by stat-2.5-2mdk   is needed by vim-enhanced-6.0-0.40mdk   is needed by vim-minimal-6.0-0.40mdk   is needed by XFree86-libs-4.1.0-17mdk   is needed by libgtk+1.2-1.2.10-14mdk   is needed by db2-2.4.14-3mdk   is needed by libopenssl0-0.9.6b-1mdk   is needed by libdb3.2-3.2.9-2mdk   is needed by libimlib1-1.9.11-5mdk   is needed by gnome-libs-   is needed by XFree86-4.1.0-17mdk   is needed by openssl-0.9.6b-1mdk

Re: [newbie] Mozilla 0.9.4?

2001-12-17 Thread Michel Clasquin

On Monday 17 December 2001 06:04, Brian Parish wrote:

 Usually when I get to this point I give up because I knew a little about
 what I tried to do first, less about the next layer and so on until I
 figure I know so little about what I'm doing that all I'll acheive is a
 totally screwed system.  Well, maybe not a great philosophy, but it
 works for me - at least to the extent that my system still boots ;-)

 Comments? Advice?

1. install apt (apt-0.3.19cnc51-1mdk.i586.rpm)
2. as root, type apt-get update in a terminal
3. type apt-get install mozilla
4. wait a while; it will tell you exactly what needs to be installed.

I've found apt faster and more reliable than Mandrake's own *rpmi
(MandrakeUpdate); the downside is that it doesn't tell you when something 
brand new has been added to the cooker. It also seems to ignore packages 
in the RPMS2 directories, which is where some of the interesting 
client-side stuff is hidden.  Also, I've found it best to install a few 
outdated packages at a time and watch out for error messages, rather than 
risking all on a dist-upgrade. But all in all, a great little package.

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

f u cn rd ths, u cn gt a gd jb n nx dmnstrtn

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

[newbie] I can't take it anymore

2001-12-17 Thread Newbie

I am sorry for being a boogerface, but this distribution
as far as I am concerned is too hard for me to fix.

I don't know whether to downgrade to 7.2,
8.0, or leave the Mandrake distribution until
it can actualy compile something other than dust.

I have no one who can help me, and probably no
one cares either.

I guess I'm too neurologically crippled to 
figure things out myself well damn it, 
I need more help with that than other 
people. sorry did not know other way
to express it.

I don't know what other linux OS has 
sound, suse don't got it, debian don't
have it, I'm not going to bust my butt
fucking around in some stupid-ass goddamn
config file buried under 10,000 feet of shit
just to get my damn sound working!!!

Sorry scuse my french, but I am afriad
I must leave, you must be glad I'm leaveing
so I'm doing us both a favour.

I feel like I have failed the mandrake dist
because I'm too crippled to make it go I guess.


I'm sorrry

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

RE: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake

2001-12-17 Thread David ..

Ah so you haven't rebooted eh. Go ahead, and reboot then come back to the 
list with your findings. I did the package install and it was fine for a few 
hours, after i did the reboot, then it took the new kernel and thats when 
the problems started.

From: Johnson, David [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 13:11:46 -0500

Hmm.  I did this update some time ago via the package manager without
problem.  System has not been rebooted since...I don't think that a blanket
DO NOT DO THIS is appropriate.  Of course you must be very careful when
doing something as drastic as updating your kernel.  Just make sure you 
a way out planned before-hand!

-Original Message-
From: David .. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 6:43 AM
Subject: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake

Just a warning to those who like using the Mandrakes Package Manager. When
your run the check for new security patches and you see the option to 

your kernel. DON'T!

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
Go to

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake

2001-12-17 Thread David ..

?? Mandrake says it's ok to install the kernal via packagemanager?
I did some searching on the net and found alot of others who had the same 
problem as I did with the update via PM.

Subject: Re: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 13:30:45 -0500

this IS appropriate, and is the directions from Mandrake, as I recall

On Monday 17 December 2001 13:11, you wrote:
  Hmm.  I did this update some time ago via the package manager without
  problem.  System has not been rebooted since...I don't think that a 
  DO NOT DO THIS is appropriate.  Of course you must be very careful when
  doing something as drastic as updating your kernel.  Just make sure you
  have a way out planned before-hand!
  -Original Message-
  From: David .. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 6:43 AM
  Subject: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake
  Just a warning to those who like using the Mandrakes Package Manager. 
  your run the check for new security patches and you see the option to
  your kernel. DON'T!

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
Go to

Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] I have HAD IT!!!!!

2001-12-17 Thread Ed Tharp

I Strongly recomend theat you, (not anyone else, just you) go BACK TO 
REDHAT!!! typos and all. then any problems you have will not be the fault of 
MAndrake, it will be REDHAT's. not yours, not mine, but Redhat's. so you are 
right, a lot better than RTFM, go to redhat. 
and after you get there, consider caffine free coffee after the fouth cup.

On Monday 17 December 2001 13:31, you wrote:
 When is this damn useless compiler going to work?

 I have Mdk 8.1 and the default compiler is useless,
 2.96 is a piece of trash, so I took it off and put on
 gcc3, again TRASH, so I try to put on 2.95 and
 all it can give me is the same bullshit over and

 I am very coselgjyuh
 to going back to readhat.
 fuc, the typos i'm pissed off

 [root@kittypuss gcc295]# ls
 gcc-2.95.2-12mdk.i386.rpm  gcc-everything-2.95.tar.gz
 gcc-2.95.2-12mdk.i586.rpm  gcc-everything-2.95.tar.gz.part
 gcc-2.96-0.62mdk.i586.rpm  glibc-2.1.3-18.1mdk.i586.rpm
 gcc-cpp-2.95.2-12mdk.i586.rpm  glibc-devel-2.1.3-18.3mdk.i586.rpm
 [root@kittypuss gcc295]# rpm -ivh gcc-2.95.2-12mdk.i586.rpm
 error: failed dependencies:
 gcc-cpp = 2.95.2 is needed by gcc-2.95.2-12mdk
 gcc  2.96-0.50mdk conflicts with glibc-devel-2.2.4-6mdk
 [root@kittypuss gcc295]# rpm -e gcc-cpp
 error: removing these packages would break dependencies:
 /lib/cpp is needed by XFree86-4.1.0-17mdk
 /lib/cpp is needed by XFree86-devel-4.1.0-17mdk
 /lib/cpp is needed by rpmlint-0.35-1mdk
 /lib/cpp is needed by WindowMaker-0.65.1-4mdk

 [root@kittypuss gcc295]# rpm -e gcc-cpp --nodeps
 [root@kittypuss gcc295]# rpm -ivh gcc-cpp-2.95.2-12mdk.i586.rpm
 (10### [100%]
 4### [100%]
 [root@kittypuss gcc295]# ls
 gcc-2.95.2-12mdk.i386.rpm  gcc-everything-2.95.tar.gz
 gcc-2.95.2-12mdk.i586.rpm  gcc-everything-2.95.tar.gz.part
 gcc-2.96-0.62mdk.i586.rpm  glibc-2.1.3-18.1mdk.i586.rpm
 gcc-cpp-2.95.2-12mdk.i586.rpm  glibc-devel-2.1.3-18.3mdk.i586.rpm
 [root@kittypuss gcc295]# gcc
 bash: gcc: command not found
 [root@kittypuss gcc295]# rpm -ivh gcc-2.95.2-12mdk.i586.rpm
 error: failed dependencies:
 gcc  2.96-0.50mdk conflicts with glibc-devel-2.2.4-6mdk
 [root@kittypuss gcc295]# rpm -Uvh glibc-devel-2.1.3-18.3mdk.i586.rpm
 error: failed dependencies:
 glibc-devel  2.2.3 conflicts with glibc-2.2.4-6mdk
 [root@kittypuss gcc295]# rpm -Uvh glibc-2.1.3-18.1mdk.i586.rpm --oldpackage
 error: failed dependencies:
 glibc  2.1.90 conflicts with db2-2.4.14-3mdk
 glibc  2.1.90 conflicts with db1-1.85-6mdk
 glibc = 2.1.92 is needed by rpm-4.0.3-0.27mdk
 glibc = 2.2.4 is needed by locales-
 glibc = 2.2.4 is needed by locales-
 glibc = 2.2.4 is needed by glibc-devel-2.2.4-6mdk   is needed by bash-2.05-10mdk   is needed by bzip2-1.0.1-14mdk   is needed by libncurses5-5.2-16mdk   is needed by perl-base-5.601-6mdk   is needed by grep-2.4.2-9mdk   is needed by fileutils-4.1-4mdk   is needed by libslang1-1.4.4-2mdk   is needed by e2fsprogs-1.24a-2mdk is needed by mktemp-1.5-10mdk   is needed by gawk-3.1.0-1mdk is needed by sed-3.02-12mdk   is needed by shadow-utils-2902-2mdk   is needed by textutils-2.0.14-3mdk   is needed by mount-2.11h-2mdk is needed by pwdb-0.61-5mdk   is needed by pam-0.75-7mdk   is needed by SysVinit-2.78-11mdk   is needed by sh-utils-2.0.11-5mdk   is needed by rpm-4.0.3-0.27mdk   is needed by findutils-4.1.7-2mdk   is needed by gzip-1.2.4a-7mdk   is needed by tar-1.13.22-3mdk   is needed by grub-0.90-4mdk   is needed by hdparm-4.1-4mdk   is needed by losetup-2.11h-2mdk   is needed by stat-2.5-2mdk   is needed by vim-enhanced-6.0-0.40mdk   is needed by vim-minimal-6.0-0.40mdk   is needed by XFree86-libs-4.1.0-17mdk   is needed by libgtk+1.2-1.2.10-14mdk   is needed by db2-2.4.14-3mdk

Re: [newbie] I can't take it anymore

2001-12-17 Thread Ed Tharp

of course, if you had the CD's you could boot from the CD and do a developer 
install as an upgrade I do believe. might get you all the fine stuff you 

On Monday 17 December 2001 13:38, you wrote:
 I am sorry for being a boogerface, but this distribution
 as far as I am concerned is too hard for me to fix.

 I don't know whether to downgrade to 7.2,
 8.0, or leave the Mandrake distribution until
 it can actualy compile something other than dust.

 I have no one who can help me, and probably no
 one cares either.

 I guess I'm too neurologically crippled to
 figure things out myself well damn it,
 I need more help with that than other
 people. sorry did not know other way
 to express it.

 I don't know what other linux OS has
 sound, suse don't got it, debian don't
 have it, I'm not going to bust my butt
 fucking around in some stupid-ass goddamn
 config file buried under 10,000 feet of shit
 just to get my damn sound working!!!

 Sorry scuse my french, but I am afriad
 I must leave, you must be glad I'm leaveing
 so I'm doing us both a favour.

 I feel like I have failed the mandrake dist
 because I'm too crippled to make it go I guess.


 I'm sorrry

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Re: [newbie] I have HAD IT!!!!!

2001-12-17 Thread David ..

Why not boot up the ML CD's and selection the option for UPGRADe then select 
the Developer packages.

From: Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] I have HAD IT!
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 13:42:47 -0500

you this point I think I would go back and reinstall the
system and this time I would do the developer install if you didn't
happen to do that the first time. I'm really sorry you're having such a
hard time with it, but I've never experienced any of the troubles you're
having with the compiler that comes with any of the Mandrake

lets remember something here. it's the famous 80/15/5 % rule.

   80% of computer problems are user

   15% are software and...

   5% are hardware problems.

I know that that isn't something you want to hear at the moment given
the fact that you're REALLY pissed and I don't blame you for the way you
feel. However, perspective is incredibly important at moments like this.
And it Ain't Mandrake's distro that is the problem nor the compiler that
comes with the distro.

So tell me...did you do the developer (expert) install when you
installed Mandrake on your computer or what?


Newbie wrote:
  When is this damn useless compiler going to work?
  I have Mdk 8.1 and the default compiler is useless,
  2.96 is a piece of trash, so I took it off and put on
  gcc3, again TRASH, so I try to put on 2.95 and
  all it can give me is the same bullshit over and
  I am very coselgjyuh
  to going back to readhat.
  fuc, the typos i'm pissed off
  [root@kittypuss gcc295]# ls
  gcc-2.95.2-12mdk.i386.rpm  gcc-everything-2.95.tar.gz
  gcc-2.95.2-12mdk.i586.rpm  gcc-everything-2.95.tar.gz.part
  gcc-2.96-0.62mdk.i586.rpm  glibc-2.1.3-18.1mdk.i586.rpm
  gcc-cpp-2.95.2-12mdk.i586.rpm  glibc-devel-2.1.3-18.3mdk.i586.rpm
  [root@kittypuss gcc295]# rpm -ivh gcc-2.95.2-12mdk.i586.rpm
  error: failed dependencies:
  gcc-cpp = 2.95.2 is needed by gcc-2.95.2-12mdk
  gcc  2.96-0.50mdk conflicts with glibc-devel-2.2.4-6mdk
  [root@kittypuss gcc295]# rpm -e gcc-cpp
  error: removing these packages would break dependencies:
  /lib/cpp is needed by XFree86-4.1.0-17mdk
  /lib/cpp is needed by XFree86-devel-4.1.0-17mdk
  /lib/cpp is needed by rpmlint-0.35-1mdk
  /lib/cpp is needed by WindowMaker-0.65.1-4mdk
  [root@kittypuss gcc295]# rpm -e gcc-cpp --nodeps
  [root@kittypuss gcc295]# rpm -ivh gcc-cpp-2.95.2-12mdk.i586.rpm
  (10### [100%]
  4### [100%]
  [root@kittypuss gcc295]# ls
  gcc-2.95.2-12mdk.i386.rpm  gcc-everything-2.95.tar.gz
  gcc-2.95.2-12mdk.i586.rpm  gcc-everything-2.95.tar.gz.part
  gcc-2.96-0.62mdk.i586.rpm  glibc-2.1.3-18.1mdk.i586.rpm
  gcc-cpp-2.95.2-12mdk.i586.rpm  glibc-devel-2.1.3-18.3mdk.i586.rpm
  [root@kittypuss gcc295]# gcc
  bash: gcc: command not found
  [root@kittypuss gcc295]# rpm -ivh gcc-2.95.2-12mdk.i586.rpm
  error: failed dependencies:
  gcc  2.96-0.50mdk conflicts with glibc-devel-2.2.4-6mdk
  [root@kittypuss gcc295]# rpm -Uvh glibc-devel-2.1.3-18.3mdk.i586.rpm
  error: failed dependencies:
  glibc-devel  2.2.3 conflicts with glibc-2.2.4-6mdk
  [root@kittypuss gcc295]# rpm -Uvh glibc-2.1.3-18.1mdk.i586.rpm 
  error: failed dependencies:
  glibc  2.1.90 conflicts with db2-2.4.14-3mdk
  glibc  2.1.90 conflicts with db1-1.85-6mdk
  glibc = 2.1.92 is needed by rpm-4.0.3-0.27mdk
  glibc = 2.2.4 is needed by locales-
  glibc = 2.2.4 is needed by locales-
  glibc = 2.2.4 is needed by glibc-devel-2.2.4-6mdk   is needed by bash-2.05-10mdk   is needed by bzip2-1.0.1-14mdk   is needed by libncurses5-5.2-16mdk   is needed by perl-base-5.601-6mdk   is needed by grep-2.4.2-9mdk   is needed by fileutils-4.1-4mdk   is needed by libslang1-1.4.4-2mdk   is needed by e2fsprogs-1.24a-2mdk is needed by mktemp-1.5-10mdk   is needed by gawk-3.1.0-1mdk is needed by sed-3.02-12mdk   is needed by shadow-utils-2902-2mdk   is needed by textutils-2.0.14-3mdk   is needed by mount-2.11h-2mdk is needed by pwdb-0.61-5mdk   is needed by pam-0.75-7mdk   is needed 

Re: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake

2001-12-17 Thread shane

actually i believe he is saying that mandrake also recommends not doing the 
kernal by package.

i seem to recall a statement from mandrake about that, though it may have 
been reguarding only a certain kernal.

On Monday 17 December 2001 10:53, you spoke unto me thusly:

 ?? Mandrake says it's ok to install the kernal via packagemanager?
 I did some searching on the net and found alot of others who had the same
 problem as I did with the update via PM.


 Subject: Re: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake
 Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 13:30:45 -0500
 this IS appropriate, and is the directions from Mandrake, as I recall

Help Microsoft stamp out piracy.  Give Linux to a friend today.

registered linux user #101606 @
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98 cause humans do it better!
Link different.
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Re: [newbie] Slow image activation

2001-12-17 Thread Ed Tharp

to locate a file on your computer, there are a few good utilities, the one I 
use in KDE is found at K(menu bar bottom left corner, like start in M$ 
prod.)  Applications  file tools  find files. 
dmesg is the log of the boot up messages that you see if you use a text boot 
up. /var/log/dmseg is mine, you will need to be root to access it.

It appears to me that you are piggybacking on someone else's problem, as 
the original I was answering had to do with the desktop of the Mandrake 
Machine, and slow (10 to fifteen seconds) to load a locally stored file. if 
the problem you are having is with multiple computers connected to a single 
dial up Internet connection, and it seems the graphics load quicker after a 
while and you are running Squid, that is normal as the cache in Squid is 
filling with the graphics that repeat and are now stored local. are we 
referring to a local (on that machine) stored files or files over the net?

if your network is of the variety does that mena the computer 
that is connected to the dial up the dhcp server?  

On Monday 17 December 2001 07:21, you wrote:
 Now you're just trying to make me look greener right? :-)

 Where would I find a dmseg file? this on the server, the client, or

 ypbind is not running.  My network is of the variety with a
 shared ppp dialup.  The slowess occurs on the clients, although of course
 that could be a result of the server being slow to get things happening.

 Right now, with the server having been up all day and squid running on it,
 a fresh boot of a client works like a charm.  So either starting squid has
 made a difference, or something on the server eventually stops getting in
 the way.


 On Monday 17 December 2001 11:00 pm, you wrote:
  post the output of your dmseg file, do you have ypbind running? do you
  have a local network? is this box the dhcp server or a client?
  On Sunday 16 December 2001 23:20, you wrote:
   Thanks for the responses to this.  I don't think that there are any
   extra servers running.  One thing that may be related is that if I run
   linuxconf and quit, it complains that squid isn't running and will
   start it if I let it do so.  Could this be implicated?  I notice that
   during the shutdown, I get error messages telling me it failed to be
   stopped, presumably because it wasn't running, so it seems that
   something expects it to be started.
   Hosts files shouldn't be an issue as I am using DHCP and therefore
   don't have any addresses there other than that of the server.
   thanks again for the input!
   On Friday 14 December 2001 10:10 pm, you wrote:
have you both considered turning off all the servers possible ? this
sounds to me like a dns , routed or ypbind server running (that you
don't need, and is not correctly configured. are you trying to run a
local DNS server? (as oppsosed to a local cacheing name server) do
you have ypbind running (but don't have yellow pages needed?). Are
all the local network computers hosts file correct? what about the IP
numbers for the DNS servers? do you have it set to need DNS all the
time? are you running reiserFS on the dedicated server, which offers
some NFS exports (not a good Idea) my bet is on the DNS.
I always thought a novell server would use ipx/spx, not tcp/ip?
On Thursday 13 December 2001 23:19, you wrote:
 On Thu, 13 Dec 2001 14:40:46 +1100

 Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED] frantically pecked out this
  I have a total of 4 Linux machines (OK, some of them dual boot,
  but let's not talk about that) on a home/office LAN.  One of them
  is a dedicated server, which offers some NFS exports.
  Everything works very nicely, except that programs take forever
  to load the first time.  Just to fire up a konsole can take 10
  seconds plus - this on a machine rated at 2800 bogomips with lots
  of memory.
  After things have been up for a while (don't know how long, but
  many minutes at least), everything is quick again.
  Haven't tested exhaustively, but it seems that with the LAN
  unplugged, none of this applies.

 This is a network issue if I've ever heard one. There is something
 not right with the network. I have a feeling it's got something to
 do with authentication somewhere on that LAN. Or, (the last time I
 saw this one of the machines responsible was a windows box - the
 novell client went south and killed the TCP/IP stack.) In that case
 when the TCP stack became corrupt it really dirtied the TCP
 communications on the network between that machine and the servers.
 While it didn't affect the overall performance of the network
 itself, it affected profoundly the machine that was having the

 In that case the offending client was uninstalled, as well as the
 TCP/IP stack which was 

RE: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake

2001-12-17 Thread Johnson, David

That's the beauty of Linux. I shouldn't HAVE to reboot...right?   :-)

Fortunately, it's only a machine for me to learn the OS on, so I don't have
a problem wiping and re-installing...

-Original Message-
From: David .. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 10:52 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake

Ah so you haven't rebooted eh. Go ahead, and reboot then come back to the 
list with your findings. I did the package install and it was fine for a few

hours, after i did the reboot, then it took the new kernel and thats when 
the problems started.

From: Johnson, David [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 13:11:46 -0500

Hmm.  I did this update some time ago via the package manager without
problem.  System has not been rebooted since...I don't think that a blanket
DO NOT DO THIS is appropriate.  Of course you must be very careful when
doing something as drastic as updating your kernel.  Just make sure you 
a way out planned before-hand!

-Original Message-
From: David .. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 6:43 AM
Subject: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake

Just a warning to those who like using the Mandrakes Package Manager. When
your run the check for new security patches and you see the option to 

your kernel. DON'T!

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Re: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake

2001-12-17 Thread Ed Tharp

well, if you don't reboot, you are still reading the kernel you booted with, 
so you have not yet experianced the problems you will have when ever you do 

On Monday 17 December 2001 13:56, you wrote:
 That's the beauty of Linux. I shouldn't HAVE to reboot...right?   :-)

 Fortunately, it's only a machine for me to learn the OS on, so I don't have
 a problem wiping and re-installing...

 -Original Message-
 From: David .. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 10:52 AM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake

 Ah so you haven't rebooted eh. Go ahead, and reboot then come back to the
 list with your findings. I did the package install and it was fine for a

 hours, after i did the reboot, then it took the new kernel and thats when
 the problems started.

 From: Johnson, David [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Subject: RE: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake
 Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 13:11:46 -0500
 Hmm.  I did this update some time ago via the package manager without
 problem.  System has not been rebooted since...I don't think that a
  blanket DO NOT DO THIS is appropriate.  Of course you must be very
  careful when doing something as drastic as updating your kernel.  Just
  make sure you have
 a way out planned before-hand!
 -Original Message-

 From: David .. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

 Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 6:43 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake
 Just a warning to those who like using the Mandrakes Package Manager. When
 your run the check for new security patches and you see the option to
 your kernel. DON'T!
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to

 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

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Re: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake

2001-12-17 Thread Ed Tharp

NO Mandrake says do NOT upgrade the kernal VIA packagemanger

On Monday 17 December 2001 13:53, you wrote:
 ?? Mandrake says it's ok to install the kernal via packagemanager?
 I did some searching on the net and found alot of others who had the same
 problem as I did with the update via PM.


 Subject: Re: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake
 Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 13:30:45 -0500
 this IS appropriate, and is the directions from Mandrake, as I recall
 On Monday 17 December 2001 13:11, you wrote:
   Hmm.  I did this update some time ago via the package manager without
   problem.  System has not been rebooted since...I don't think that a
   DO NOT DO THIS is appropriate.  Of course you must be very careful when
   doing something as drastic as updating your kernel.  Just make sure you
   have a way out planned before-hand!
   -Original Message-
   From: David .. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 6:43 AM
   Subject: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake
   Just a warning to those who like using the Mandrakes Package Manager.
   your run the check for new security patches and you see the option to
   your kernel. DON'T!
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to

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Re: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake

2001-12-17 Thread David ..

Oh ok. I thought thats what he was saying

Subject: Re: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 11:07:04 -0800

actually i believe he is saying that mandrake also recommends not doing the
kernal by package.

i seem to recall a statement from mandrake about that, though it may have
been reguarding only a certain kernal.

On Monday 17 December 2001 10:53, you spoke unto me thusly:

  ?? Mandrake says it's ok to install the kernal via packagemanager?
  I did some searching on the net and found alot of others who had the 
  problem as I did with the update via PM.
  From: Ed Tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake
  Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 13:30:45 -0500
  this IS appropriate, and is the directions from Mandrake, as I recall

Help Microsoft stamp out piracy.  Give Linux to a friend today.

registered linux user #101606 @
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98 cause humans do it better!
Link different.
Profile at:

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RE: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake

2001-12-17 Thread David ..

With the kernel you have to reboot for it to take effect.
Try this at the command line type in :  uname -a
You'll see the current kernel that your using.

Before you do reboot. Make sure you have a bootdisk and you have read the 
steps I had to take. Because once you reboot, your not going anywhere until 
you install the kernel the correct way.

From: Johnson, David [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 13:56:03 -0500

That's the beauty of Linux. I shouldn't HAVE to reboot...right?   :-)

Fortunately, it's only a machine for me to learn the OS on, so I don't have
a problem wiping and re-installing...

-Original Message-
From: David .. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 10:52 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake

Ah so you haven't rebooted eh. Go ahead, and reboot then come back to the
list with your findings. I did the package install and it was fine for a 

hours, after i did the reboot, then it took the new kernel and thats when
the problems started.

 From: Johnson, David [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake
 Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 13:11:46 -0500
 Hmm.  I did this update some time ago via the package manager without
 problem.  System has not been rebooted since...I don't think that a 
 DO NOT DO THIS is appropriate.  Of course you must be very careful when
 doing something as drastic as updating your kernel.  Just make sure you
 a way out planned before-hand!
 -Original Message-
 From: David .. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 6:43 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake
 Just a warning to those who like using the Mandrakes Package Manager. 
 your run the check for new security patches and you see the option to
 your kernel. DON'T!
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake

2001-12-17 Thread David ..

Ok, that makes more sense.

Subject: Re: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 14:11:09 -0500

NO Mandrake says do NOT upgrade the kernal VIA packagemanger

On Monday 17 December 2001 13:53, you wrote:
  ?? Mandrake says it's ok to install the kernal via packagemanager?
  I did some searching on the net and found alot of others who had the 
  problem as I did with the update via PM.
  From: Ed Tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake
  Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 13:30:45 -0500
  this IS appropriate, and is the directions from Mandrake, as I recall
  On Monday 17 December 2001 13:11, you wrote:
Hmm.  I did this update some time ago via the package manager 
problem.  System has not been rebooted since...I don't think that a
DO NOT DO THIS is appropriate.  Of course you must be very careful 
doing something as drastic as updating your kernel.  Just make sure 
have a way out planned before-hand!
-Original Message-
From: David .. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 6:43 AM
Subject: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake
Just a warning to those who like using the Mandrakes Package 
your run the check for new security patches and you see the option 
your kernel. DON'T!
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to
  Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
Go to

Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:

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Re: [newbie] I have HAD IT!!!!!

2001-12-17 Thread Randy

On Monday 17 December 2001 01:50 pm, Ed Tharp wrote:
 I Strongly recomend theat you, (not anyone else, just you) go BACK TO
 REDHAT!!! typos and all. then any problems you have will not be the
 fault of MAndrake, it will be REDHAT's. not yours, not mine, but
 Redhat's. so you are right, a lot better than RTFM, go to redhat.
 and after you get there, consider caffine free coffee after the fouth
This is that same troll from kittypuss that had that week-long, two 
thousand post thread going a couple months ago. Filter the sob.
Randy Donohoe

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RE: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake

2001-12-17 Thread Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake

I recall something like that and did it anyway to see what would happen. My logic being that if this was a dangerous thing to do why would it be set up to show up on the Mandrake update. Anyway, I have rebooted both machines since then and have had no problems show up. This is what fascinates me about linux and the online download process, what works for one may not work for another but there are always alternatives. Dennis M.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ed Tharp
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 1:11 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake

NO Mandrake says do NOT upgrade the kernal VIA packagemanger

On Monday 17 December 2001 13:53, you wrote:
 ?? Mandrake says it's ok to install the kernal via packagemanager?
 I did some searching on the net and found alot of others who had the same
 problem as I did with the update via PM.


 Subject: Re: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake
 Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 13:30:45 -0500
 this IS appropriate, and is the directions from Mandrake, as I recall
 On Monday 17 December 2001 13:11, you wrote:
   Hmm. I did this update some time ago via the package manager without
   problem. System has not been rebooted since...I don't think that a
   DO NOT DO THIS is appropriate. Of course you must be very careful when
   doing something as drastic as updating your kernel. Just make sure you
   have a way out planned before-hand!
   -Original Message-
   From: David .. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 6:43 AM
   Subject: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake
   Just a warning to those who like using the Mandrakes Package Manager.
   your run the check for new security patches and you see the option to
   your kernel. DON'T!
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to

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RE: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake

2001-12-17 Thread David ..

Or the lovely thing about Linux. It was all a fluke! :)
Funny, I had the problem and before I could tell one of my work buddies we 
was calling me on Sunday morning with the same problem. I was up until about 
4am just trying to get my system back up and running without having to 
reinstall the whole lot.

From: Myers, Dennis R NWO [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 11:20:05 -0800

I recall something like that and did it anyway to see what would happen. My
logic being that if this was a dangerous thing to do why would it be set up
to show up on the Mandrake update. Anyway, I have rebooted both machines
since then and have had no problems show up. This is what fascinates me
about linux and the online download process, what works for one may not 
for another but there are always alternatives.  Dennis M.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ed Tharp
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 1:11 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake

NO Mandrake says do NOT upgrade the kernal VIA packagemanger

On Monday 17 December 2001 13:53, you wrote:
  ?? Mandrake says it's ok to install the kernal via packagemanager?
  I did some searching on the net and found alot of others who had the 
  problem as I did with the update via PM.
  From: Ed Tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake
  Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 13:30:45 -0500
  this IS appropriate, and is the directions from Mandrake, as I recall
  On Monday 17 December 2001 13:11, you wrote:
Hmm.  I did this update some time ago via the package manager 
problem.  System has not been rebooted since...I don't think that a
DO NOT DO THIS is appropriate.  Of course you must be very careful
doing something as drastic as updating your kernel.  Just make sure
have a way out planned before-hand!
-Original Message-
From: David .. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 6:43 AM
Subject: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake
Just a warning to those who like using the Mandrakes Package 
your run the check for new security patches and you see the option 
your kernel. DON'T!
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to
  Join the world's largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.

Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:

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Go to

Re: [newbie] I can't take it anymore

2001-12-17 Thread Miark

 I have no one who can help me, and probably no
 one cares either.

What a totally lame attitude. 

Nobody ever claimed either that this list would solve 
every problem, or that it was the only means of help. 
And no reasonable person would expect it to be. 

Try MandrakeExpert or other lists before you throw
a tantrum based on unreasonable expectations. 

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

Re: [newbie] I have HAD IT!!!!!

2001-12-17 Thread Mark Weaver

you this point I think I would go back and reinstall the
system and this time I would do the developer install if you didn't
happen to do that the first time. I'm really sorry you're having such a
hard time with it, but I've never experienced any of the troubles you're
having with the compiler that comes with any of the Mandrake

lets remember something here. it's the famous 80/15/5 % rule.

80% of computer problems are user

15% are software and...

5% are hardware problems. 

I know that that isn't something you want to hear at the moment given
the fact that you're REALLY pissed and I don't blame you for the way you
feel. However, perspective is incredibly important at moments like this.
And it Ain't Mandrake's distro that is the problem nor the compiler that
comes with the distro.

So tell me...did you do the developer (expert) install when you
installed Mandrake on your computer or what?


Newbie wrote:
 When is this damn useless compiler going to work?
 I have Mdk 8.1 and the default compiler is useless,
 2.96 is a piece of trash, so I took it off and put on
 gcc3, again TRASH, so I try to put on 2.95 and
 all it can give me is the same bullshit over and
 I am very coselgjyuh
 to going back to readhat.
 fuc, the typos i'm pissed off
 [root@kittypuss gcc295]# ls
 gcc-2.95.2-12mdk.i386.rpm  gcc-everything-2.95.tar.gz
 gcc-2.95.2-12mdk.i586.rpm  gcc-everything-2.95.tar.gz.part
 gcc-2.96-0.62mdk.i586.rpm  glibc-2.1.3-18.1mdk.i586.rpm
 gcc-cpp-2.95.2-12mdk.i586.rpm  glibc-devel-2.1.3-18.3mdk.i586.rpm
 [root@kittypuss gcc295]# rpm -ivh gcc-2.95.2-12mdk.i586.rpm
 error: failed dependencies:
 gcc-cpp = 2.95.2 is needed by gcc-2.95.2-12mdk
 gcc  2.96-0.50mdk conflicts with glibc-devel-2.2.4-6mdk
 [root@kittypuss gcc295]# rpm -e gcc-cpp
 error: removing these packages would break dependencies:
 /lib/cpp is needed by XFree86-4.1.0-17mdk
 /lib/cpp is needed by XFree86-devel-4.1.0-17mdk
 /lib/cpp is needed by rpmlint-0.35-1mdk
 /lib/cpp is needed by WindowMaker-0.65.1-4mdk
 [root@kittypuss gcc295]# rpm -e gcc-cpp --nodeps
 [root@kittypuss gcc295]# rpm -ivh gcc-cpp-2.95.2-12mdk.i586.rpm
 (10### [100%]
 4### [100%]
 [root@kittypuss gcc295]# ls
 gcc-2.95.2-12mdk.i386.rpm  gcc-everything-2.95.tar.gz
 gcc-2.95.2-12mdk.i586.rpm  gcc-everything-2.95.tar.gz.part
 gcc-2.96-0.62mdk.i586.rpm  glibc-2.1.3-18.1mdk.i586.rpm
 gcc-cpp-2.95.2-12mdk.i586.rpm  glibc-devel-2.1.3-18.3mdk.i586.rpm
 [root@kittypuss gcc295]# gcc
 bash: gcc: command not found
 [root@kittypuss gcc295]# rpm -ivh gcc-2.95.2-12mdk.i586.rpm
 error: failed dependencies:
 gcc  2.96-0.50mdk conflicts with glibc-devel-2.2.4-6mdk
 [root@kittypuss gcc295]# rpm -Uvh glibc-devel-2.1.3-18.3mdk.i586.rpm
 error: failed dependencies:
 glibc-devel  2.2.3 conflicts with glibc-2.2.4-6mdk
 [root@kittypuss gcc295]# rpm -Uvh glibc-2.1.3-18.1mdk.i586.rpm --oldpackage
 error: failed dependencies:
 glibc  2.1.90 conflicts with db2-2.4.14-3mdk
 glibc  2.1.90 conflicts with db1-1.85-6mdk
 glibc = 2.1.92 is needed by rpm-4.0.3-0.27mdk
 glibc = 2.2.4 is needed by locales-
 glibc = 2.2.4 is needed by locales-
 glibc = 2.2.4 is needed by glibc-devel-2.2.4-6mdk   is needed by bash-2.05-10mdk   is needed by bzip2-1.0.1-14mdk   is needed by libncurses5-5.2-16mdk   is needed by perl-base-5.601-6mdk   is needed by grep-2.4.2-9mdk   is needed by fileutils-4.1-4mdk   is needed by libslang1-1.4.4-2mdk   is needed by e2fsprogs-1.24a-2mdk is needed by mktemp-1.5-10mdk   is needed by gawk-3.1.0-1mdk is needed by sed-3.02-12mdk   is needed by shadow-utils-2902-2mdk   is needed by textutils-2.0.14-3mdk   is needed by mount-2.11h-2mdk is needed by pwdb-0.61-5mdk   is needed by pam-0.75-7mdk   is needed by SysVinit-2.78-11mdk   is needed by sh-utils-2.0.11-5mdk   is needed by rpm-4.0.3-0.27mdk   is needed by findutils-4.1.7-2mdk   is needed by gzip-1.2.4a-7mdk   is needed by 

Re: [newbie] Samba question - making shares invisible

2001-12-17 Thread Michael Leone

- Normally NETBIOS name to IP resolution is done by the DNS, but you
probably don't have one.

NETBIOS name to IP resolutin is (or can be) done by a WINS server (which
SAMBA will emulate, if you tell it to), or - optionally - from an
LMHOSTS files (not LMHOSTS.SAM - that's a SAMple file).


Michael J. Leone  Registered Linux user #201348 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ: 50453890 AIM: MikeLeone

PGP Fingerprint: 0AA8 DC47 CB63 AE3F C739 6BF9 9AB4 1EF6 5AA5 BCDF
PGP public key:

Foreman, roving paving crew, Dept. of Roads, Hades.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [newbie] I have HAD IT!!!!! OT now, w/snip

2001-12-17 Thread Ed Tharp

yep, I did recognize the kittypuss address. not really a problem, heck if I 
had better stuff going on in MY life, I would not have bothered to reply, my 
delete key works GREAT!!!

On Monday 17 December 2001 14:36, you wrote:

 Don't you recognize Vic? I didn't realize at first it was him either
 until I kept reading the rant. it all sounded so familiar. His rants are
 always so terrible and deperate. He's been going by Newbie for a little
 while now, but the mail addy is still the same.


 Ed Tharp wrote:
  I Strongly recomend theat you, (not anyone else, just you) go BACK TO
  REDHAT!!! typos and all. then any problems you have will not be the fault
  of MAndrake, it will be REDHAT's. not yours, not mine, but Redhat's. so
  you are right, a lot better than RTFM, go to redhat.
  and after you get there, consider caffine free coffee after the fouth
  On Monday 17 December 2001 13:31, you wrote:
   When is this damn useless compiler going to work?
   I have Mdk 8.1 and the default compiler is useless,
   2.96 is a piece of trash, so I took it off and put on
   gcc3, again TRASH, so I try to put on 2.95 and
   all it can give me is the same bullshit over and
   I am very coselgjyuh
   to going back to readhat.
   fuc, the typos i'm pissed off
   [root@kittypuss gcc295]# ls
snipped a lot about the problem

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Re: [newbie] I can't take it anymore

2001-12-17 Thread Mark Weaver

ah come on...poor Vic is just a little pissed and frustrated, thats all.
we've all been there a time or two.


P.S. flames are ok, but please don't throw anything at me.

Miark wrote:
  I have no one who can help me, and probably no
  one cares either.
 What a totally lame attitude.
 Nobody ever claimed either that this list would solve
 every problem, or that it was the only means of help.
 And no reasonable person would expect it to be.
 Try MandrakeExpert or other lists before you throw
 a tantrum based on unreasonable expectations.
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] I can't take it anymore

2001-12-17 Thread Ed Tharp

I believe it was said previously that;
This list does not contain any answers or solutions, only opinions, some 
just happen to be either helpful or correct.

On Monday 17 December 2001 14:41, you wrote:
  I have no one who can help me, and probably no
  one cares either.

 What a totally lame attitude.

 Nobody ever claimed either that this list would solve
 every problem, or that it was the only means of help.
 And no reasonable person would expect it to be.

 Try MandrakeExpert or other lists before you throw
 a tantrum based on unreasonable expectations.


hey, I also heard that if you _REALLY_ need a solution, you can pay for the 
correct answer, I believe you can find the page to connect to at;

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Re: [newbie] I have HAD IT!!!!! OT now, w/snip

2001-12-17 Thread Ivan Offalich

Isn't kittypuss the name of Bill Gates machine? ;) Maybe he's just trolling 
cause he knows people are losing interest in Windoze. hehe

At 02:51 PM 12/17/01 -0500, you wrote:
yep, I did recognize the kittypuss address. not really a problem, heck if I
had better stuff going on in MY life, I would not have bothered to reply, my
delete key works GREAT!!!

On Monday 17 December 2001 14:36, you wrote:
  Don't you recognize Vic? I didn't realize at first it was him either
  until I kept reading the rant. it all sounded so familiar. His rants are
  always so terrible and deperate. He's been going by Newbie for a little
  while now, but the mail addy is still the same.

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Re: [newbie] LILO issues with 2 hard drives.

2001-12-17 Thread Ivan Offalich

Actually I did post my /etc/lilo.conf file earlier today. If you didn't 
receive it through this list let me know and I'll repost it.


At 03:15 PM 12/17/01 +, you wrote:
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed
X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by id fBHFHJtC011754

Post your LILO file

But I had something somewhat like your error when setting up two HD with 
two different ditros.

HDA is my e-smith(firewall) and I have Mandrake on HDB. When installing 
mandrake on hdb it wrote the to mbr of hda. I would get those 01010101000 
messages at boot time. What I needed to do was boot using a bootfloppy, 
into HDA, run lilo and that fix the problem. But what I had to do to boot 
from both HD's was to copy the /BOOT from hdb to a tmp directory on hda 
and fix the lilo.conf file hda to read the correct files for mandrake, but 
did indicate that harddrive for mandrake was hdb instead of hda. Run lilo 
again and all is well. I can boot into hda or hdb.

I think the problem is that in the install of mandrake it ASSUMES that 
it's been installed HDA and not HDB, so when it created the lilo boot it 
didn't so any error checking that the image files and kernals are not 
found in hda.

If you can swap drives, so that Linux will become hda and windowz hdb.

From: Ivan Offalich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] LILO issues with 2 hard drives.
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 08:56:55 -0600

In addition to my previous post...
Here are my boot options from my BIOS.
First Boot Device: Floppy
Second Boot Device: Hard Disk
Third Boot Device: Disabled
Fourth Boot Device: Disabled

The only possible choices to set these to are:
Hard Disk

As I had mentioned in my previous post there isn't a way to set any of
these to the second hard drive. Setting it to Hard Disk assumes that the
Primary Master is the boot drive. This is the newest version available for
my BIOS.

If any additional information can be of help, please let me know,

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Re: [newbie] I have HAD IT!!!!! OT now, w/snip

2001-12-17 Thread Ed Tharp


On Monday 17 December 2001 14:58, you wrote:
 Isn't kittypuss the name of Bill Gates machine? ;) Maybe he's just trolling
 cause he knows people are losing interest in Windoze. hehe

 At 02:51 PM 12/17/01 -0500, you wrote:
 yep, I did recognize the kittypuss address. not really a problem, heck
  if I had better stuff going on in MY life, I would not have bothered to
  reply, my delete key works GREAT!!!
 On Monday 17 December 2001 14:36, you wrote:
   Don't you recognize Vic? I didn't realize at first it was him either
   until I kept reading the rant. it all sounded so familiar. His rants
   are always so terrible and deperate. He's been going by Newbie for a
   little while now, but the mail addy is still the same.

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Re: [newbie] LILO issues with 2 hard drives.

2001-12-17 Thread David ..

I did go to thearchive of the mailing list and didn't see it. Repost it 

From: Ivan Offalich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] LILO issues with 2 hard drives.
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 14:01:05 -0600

Actually I did post my /etc/lilo.conf file earlier today. If you didn't
receive it through this list let me know and I'll repost it.


At 03:15 PM 12/17/01 +, you wrote:
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed
X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by id fBHFHJtC011754

Post your LILO file

But I had something somewhat like your error when setting up two HD with
two different ditros.

HDA is my e-smith(firewall) and I have Mandrake on HDB. When installing
mandrake on hdb it wrote the to mbr of hda. I would get those 01010101000
messages at boot time. What I needed to do was boot using a bootfloppy,
into HDA, run lilo and that fix the problem. But what I had to do to boot
from both HD's was to copy the /BOOT from hdb to a tmp directory on hda
and fix the lilo.conf file hda to read the correct files for mandrake, but
did indicate that harddrive for mandrake was hdb instead of hda. Run lilo
again and all is well. I can boot into hda or hdb.

I think the problem is that in the install of mandrake it ASSUMES that
it's been installed HDA and not HDB, so when it created the lilo boot it
didn't so any error checking that the image files and kernals are not
found in hda.

If you can swap drives, so that Linux will become hda and windowz hdb.

From: Ivan Offalich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] LILO issues with 2 hard drives.
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 08:56:55 -0600

In addition to my previous post...
Here are my boot options from my BIOS.
First Boot Device: Floppy
Second Boot Device: Hard Disk
Third Boot Device: Disabled
Fourth Boot Device: Disabled

The only possible choices to set these to are:
Hard Disk

As I had mentioned in my previous post there isn't a way to set any of
these to the second hard drive. Setting it to Hard Disk assumes that 
Primary Master is the boot drive. This is the newest version available 
my BIOS.

If any additional information can be of help, please let me know,

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Re: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake

2001-12-17 Thread Andrew George

On Tue, 18 Dec 2001 05:11, you wrote:
 Hmm.  I did this update some time ago via the package manager without
 problem.  System has not been rebooted since...I don't think that a blanket
 DO NOT DO THIS is appropriate.  Of course you must be very careful when
 doing something as drastic as updating your kernel.  Just make sure you
 have a way out planned before-hand!

Umm...if you select the Kernel in Mandrake Update and read the 
actually says Don't use Mandrake Update to do this (or words to that effect)

in short
Updating kernel automatically bad
Installing Kernel side-by-side with existing kernel, then checking lilo  
initrd before rebooting good

Andrew George

It's a brave man who, when things are at their darkest, can kick back and 
-- Dennis Quaid, Inner Space

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[newbie] Re: [Newbie] LILO issues with 2 hard drives.

2001-12-17 Thread Ivan Offalich

At 08:10 AM 12/17/01 -0600, I wrote:
Since this will be a long post I snipped everything previous.

I will post my IDE chain and my /etc/lilo.conf file and hopefully that 
will help everyone with determining what exactly I'm what I'm missing. ;)

Primary IDE Master: 6.4 GIG EIDE Harddrive (aka hda)
3 partitions C:, E:, and F: in Windoze

Primary IDE Slave: Iomega Zip 100 MB (I keep a disk in there due to the 
fact that certain times there's one expected, this alleviates confusion.)
This shows up as D: in Windoze.

Secondary IDE Master: 20.0 GIG EIDE Harddrive (aka hdc)
4 Partitions
/  (aka hdc1)
Swap (aka hdc5)
/usr (aka hdc6)
/home (aka hdc7)

Secondary IDE Slave: Plexwriter CD-RW
Drive G: in Windoze

My motherboard/BIOS does not support CD-ROM booting.
AFAIK, hda is the primary boot device. I will double check my BIOS after 
sending this, but I believe that my BIOS doesn't have a method of adding 
the second harddrive (hdc) to the boot chain, only the floppy drive or the 
Primary IDE Master.

Below is my /etc/lilo.conf file. One note about it, when I installed 
Linux, I setup a password with LILO. Now that I think about it, it never 
asked me for the password upon boot. I've added #comments below, these 
comments are not actually part of the file, I added them for this post.

# Mandrake-Security : if you remove this comment, remove the next line too.
password=**  # I'm not telling. ;)
boot=/dev/hda# If I understand correctly this should be telling LILO 
to boot off hda
map=/boot/map# If I understand correctly this is where LILO stores the 
info on where each OS is and how to boot it
install=/boot/boot.b  # I'm not sure I understand this line
vga=791  # So it looks nicer when it boots
default=linux # This is the default OS for my LILO configuration, it will 
boot the image labeled as linux
keytable=/boot/us.klt  # This loads my keyboard configuration
lba32  # This helps LILO (or is it Linux) work with my BIOS to see my hard 
drives correctly
prompt  # This allows me to choose which OS to load when I start my computer
timeout=50 # If I don't choose, LILO loads the default after 5 seconds
message=/boot/message # LILO displays the text of this file upon starting
menu-scheme=wb:bw:wb:bw # I don't understand this line either, but I 
believe this defines the look of the LILO prompt
# The last section defines the bootable OSes, defines their location, and 
gives each one a name
   append= mem=128M hdd=ide-scsi hdb=ide=floppy
   append= mem=128M hdd=ide-scsi hdb=ide-floppy
   append= mem=128M hdd=ide-scsi hdb=ide-floppy failsafe

That should do it. I appreciate everyone helping me sort this out.

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Re: [newbie] LILO issues with 2 hard drives.

2001-12-17 Thread Ed Tharp

answer... you NEED the cd and dvd on the same IDE channel, and you NEED to 
use the slowest common speed (ie dma33) on each channel, and you NEED the ata 
100 (special) ide cable 
On Monday 17 December 2001 15:26, you wrote:
 I did go to thearchive of the mailing list and didn't see it. Repost it

 From: Ivan Offalich [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Subject: Re: [newbie] LILO issues with 2 hard drives.
 Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 14:01:05 -0600
 Actually I did post my /etc/lilo.conf file earlier today. If you didn't
 receive it through this list let me know and I'll repost it.
 At 03:15 PM 12/17/01 +, you wrote:
 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed
 X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by id fBHFHJtC011754
 Post your LILO file
 But I had something somewhat like your error when setting up two HD with
 two different ditros.
 HDA is my e-smith(firewall) and I have Mandrake on HDB. When installing
 mandrake on hdb it wrote the to mbr of hda. I would get those 01010101000
 messages at boot time. What I needed to do was boot using a bootfloppy,
 into HDA, run lilo and that fix the problem. But what I had to do to boot
 from both HD's was to copy the /BOOT from hdb to a tmp directory on hda
 and fix the lilo.conf file hda to read the correct files for mandrake,
  but did indicate that harddrive for mandrake was hdb instead of hda. Run
  lilo again and all is well. I can boot into hda or hdb.
 I think the problem is that in the install of mandrake it ASSUMES that
 it's been installed HDA and not HDB, so when it created the lilo boot it
 didn't so any error checking that the image files and kernals are not
 found in hda.
 If you can swap drives, so that Linux will become hda and windowz hdb.
 From: Ivan Offalich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [newbie] LILO issues with 2 hard drives.
 Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 08:56:55 -0600
 In addition to my previous post...
 Here are my boot options from my BIOS.
 First Boot Device: Floppy
 Second Boot Device: Hard Disk
 Third Boot Device: Disabled
 Fourth Boot Device: Disabled
 The only possible choices to set these to are:
 Hard Disk
 As I had mentioned in my previous post there isn't a way to set any of
 these to the second hard drive. Setting it to Hard Disk assumes that
 Primary Master is the boot drive. This is the newest version available
 my BIOS.
 If any additional information can be of help, please let me know,
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Re: [newbie] I have HAD IT!!!!! OT now, w/snip

2001-12-17 Thread Mark Weaver

nah, its poor Vic and I think he's really got his pickle in a tight spot
this time.

ooops...pardon the pun.


Ivan Offalich wrote:
 Isn't kittypuss the name of Bill Gates machine? ;) Maybe he's just trolling
 cause he knows people are losing interest in Windoze. hehe
 At 02:51 PM 12/17/01 -0500, you wrote:
 yep, I did recognize the kittypuss address. not really a problem, heck if I
 had better stuff going on in MY life, I would not have bothered to reply, my
 delete key works GREAT!!!
 On Monday 17 December 2001 14:36, you wrote:
   Don't you recognize Vic? I didn't realize at first it was him either
   until I kept reading the rant. it all sounded so familiar. His rants are
   always so terrible and deperate. He's been going by Newbie for a little
   while now, but the mail addy is still the same.
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to

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Re: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake

2001-12-17 Thread NDPTAL85

For future reference, urpmi is a safe way to update your kernel. su to 
root and enter urpmi kernel. Its the CLI end to the Software Manager 
so if you want newer kernels put the cooker ftp's in your sources.

Fate protects fools, little children, and ships named Enterprise.

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Re: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake

2001-12-17 Thread shane

On Monday 17 December 2001 11:16, you spoke unto me thusly:

 well, if you don't reboot, you are still reading the kernel you booted
 with, so you have not yet experianced the problems you will have when ever
 you do reboot

...and still have a chance to fix the problem before it _is_ a problem.  :)

'Windows for Dummies' is much more than a book title, it's a Microsoft way 
of life!

registered linux user #101606 @
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98 cause humans do it better!
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Re: [newbie] I can't take it anymore

2001-12-17 Thread Lee Roberts

At 12:38 PM 12/17/2001 -0600, Newbie wrote:
I guess I'm too neurologically crippled to 
figure things out myself well damn it, 
I need more help with that than other 
people. sorry did not know other way
to express it.

Don't be too down on yourself. No one person knows everything. Have you
asked your questions in [EMAIL PROTECTED]? Someone somewhere has an
answer. Unfortuneatly, it make take a month or so to find that person. I'd
suggest paying for tech support but you might end up waiting a long time
for an answer from paid tech support also.

I don't know what other linux OS has 
sound, suse don't got it, debian don't
have it, I'm not going to bust my butt
fucking around in some stupid-ass goddamn
config file buried under 10,000 feet of shit
just to get my damn sound working!!!

Have you checked the hardware compatibility list? If it's not supported,
throw it away  get one that is. I had to do that with a video card.

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Re: [newbie] I have HAD IT!!!!! OT now, w/snip

2001-12-17 Thread David McGlone

On Monday 17 December 2001 02:04 pm, you wrote:
 nah, its poor Vic and I think he's really got his pickle in a tight spot
 this time.

 ooops...pardon the pun.

I have to agree, Linux is very fustrating at times and people need a way to 
vent, I think Vic is only asking for an ear to listen.

Thank God I can take off my hearing aid.   : - )

Just kidding

David M.
AIM: dmcglone27
ICQ: 96210352


 Ivan Offalich wrote:
  Isn't kittypuss the name of Bill Gates machine? ;) Maybe he's just
  trolling cause he knows people are losing interest in Windoze. hehe
  At 02:51 PM 12/17/01 -0500, you wrote:
  yep, I did recognize the kittypuss address. not really a problem, heck
   if I had better stuff going on in MY life, I would not have bothered to
   reply, my delete key works GREAT!!!
  On Monday 17 December 2001 14:36, you wrote:
Don't you recognize Vic? I didn't realize at first it was him either
until I kept reading the rant. it all sounded so familiar. His rants
are always so terrible and deperate. He's been going by Newbie for a
little while now, but the mail addy is still the same.
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Re: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake

2001-12-17 Thread David ..

True, very true

Subject: Re: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 13:15:30 -0800

On Monday 17 December 2001 11:16, you spoke unto me thusly:

  well, if you don't reboot, you are still reading the kernel you booted
  with, so you have not yet experianced the problems you will have when 
  you do reboot

...and still have a chance to fix the problem before it _is_ a problem.  :)

'Windows for Dummies' is much more than a book title, it's a Microsoft way
of life!

registered linux user #101606 @
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98 cause humans do it better!
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Re: [newbie] Sound trouble, again, plus joystick

2001-12-17 Thread Richard Wenninger

did your integrated i810 sound card get turned on in the bios?  I would first 
disable this card in the bios, then try to reconfigure via Mandrake Control 

On Monday 17 December 2001 06:14 am, you wrote:
 I've got a Soundblaster Live card, plus an integrated i810 sound chip.
 I'm using the SB exclusively - I don't want to have anything to do with the
 latter. The sound configuration on my system, which never worked adequately
 to start with ( =midi nonfunctional), has gone from bad to worse. One
 day when I started up the system, Linux decided suddenly to detect the i810
 to which it had until then paid no attention. Now the situation is that
 whenever I start up the system I have to run sndconfig to get _any_ sound
 at all out. The configure functionality in HardDrake can't do anything at
 all about it: when it tries to play an 8 bit sample with the i810,
 I get 'sox: Can't open output file '/dev/dsp': Permission denied' (and no
 sound), and when it tries the same thing for SBLive, I get no errors, nor

 Now, I'm absolutely losing patience with this PoS. Could someone advice
 me how to get things in working order? It would be absolutely wonderful
 to get instructions on how to remove _everything_ related to sound and
 then reinstall the drivers/whatevers _correctly_ from scratch.

 Also, I can't figure out how to get my joystick detected. It's an
 old-fashioned non-USB affair (a Gravis with a rudder wheel), and I have
 two joy ports to spare, one in the motherboard, one in the SB card.


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Re[2]: [newbie] LILO issues with 2 hard drives.

2001-12-17 Thread Onur Kucuk

 May you add the following


or if it does not work


to the /etc/lilo.conf right under the line boot=/dev/hda ? and of
course run lilo, check if lilo gives an error output and check if it
works ?

Most probably, adding only




will fix it, just try which one solves and plz inform us :)
And whitin your tests, please keep whatever is in hdb, in its place.

 Good Luck
 Onur Kucuk

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[newbie] strange behaviors?

2001-12-17 Thread Curt Tresenriter

Hi all,
I'm new to mdk8.1 and, right now, am reading help files.
I notice some of the help files (not all of them)- presently Linuxconf's 
add-ons - open the  full length of the screen but I can't see all that's 
there - info continues off the bottom of the screen. Resizing the window to 
the 'restore' setting, I tried to adjust the size of the box smaller by 
dragging- the cursor changes, but dragging does nothing but move the double 
arrow cursor downward.

Has anyone had any luck with expanding the capabilities of the ATI all in 
wonder pro video card? ATI says their products will only act as a graphics 
adapter under other OS's, but before I shell out the bucks for a card with 
similar capabilities, eg. tv -  tv recording, video capture, etc., maybe 
someone here knows a resource I could investigate.
Failing that, what card(s) would fill the bill? 

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[newbie] Strange behaviors

2001-12-17 Thread Curt Tresenriter

Hi all,
I'm new to mdk8.1 and, right now, am reading help files.
I notice some of the help files (not all of them)- presently Linuxconf's 
add-ons - open the  full length of the screen but I can't see all that's 
there - info continues off the bottom of the screen. Resizing the window to 
the 'restore' setting, I tried to adjust the size of the box smaller by 
dragging- the cursor changes, but dragging does nothing but move the double 
arrow cursor downward.

Has anyone had any luck with expanding the capabilities of the ATI all in 
wonder pro video card? ATI says their products will only act as a graphics 
adapter under other OS's, but before I shell out the bucks for a card with 
similar capabilities, eg. tv -  tv recording, video capture, etc., maybe 
someone here knows a resource I could investigate.
Failing that, what card(s) would fill the bill? 

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RE: [newbie] Sound trouble, again, plus joystick

2001-12-17 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

I've posted extensive messages and a mini-howto on getting the SBLive
working, on this list...

Since I do not feel like retyping the long posts again, please search
the Archives.

I detail how to get EVERYTHING (except the Live drive, although you'll
even find this in the search) working... Joystick, Midi, SoundFonts,

One note, DISABLE your motherboard's sound and joystick port first...


-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 7:14 AM
Subject: [newbie] Sound trouble, again, plus joystick

I've got a Soundblaster Live card, plus an integrated i810 sound chip.
I'm using the SB exclusively - I don't want to have anything to do with
the latter. The sound configuration on my system, which never worked
adequately to start with ( =midi nonfunctional), has gone from bad to
worse. One day when I started up the system, Linux decided suddenly to
detect the i810 to which it had until then paid no attention. Now the
situation is that whenever I start up the system I have to run sndconfig
to get _any_ sound at all out. The configure functionality in
HardDrake can't do anything at all about it: when it tries to play an 8
bit sample with the i810, I get 'sox: Can't open output file '/dev/dsp':
Permission denied' (and no sound), and when it tries the same thing for
SBLive, I get no errors, nor sound.

Now, I'm absolutely losing patience with this PoS. Could someone advice
me how to get things in working order? It would be absolutely wonderful
to get instructions on how to remove _everything_ related to sound and
then reinstall the drivers/whatevers _correctly_ from scratch.

Also, I can't figure out how to get my joystick detected. It's an
old-fashioned non-USB affair (a Gravis with a rudder wheel), and I have
two joy ports to spare, one in the motherboard, one in the SB card.


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Re: [newbie] HSE sympatico DSL

2001-12-17 Thread civileme

On Friday 14 December 2001 09:47 pm, Vicious Diablo wrote:
 I just wanna know, before I install Linux, can i connect to teh internet
 with my HSE DSL modem from Bell Canada (Quebec)?

 Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:

Yes, you can for almost all external modems.  Some internal modems are 
windows-only, and the Alcatel Speed-Touch USB modem requires proprietary 
software which is available in the commercial Mandrake boxed sets.


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Re: [newbie] LILO issues with 2 hard drives.

2001-12-17 Thread Randy Kramer

Ivan Offalich wrote:
 At 12:00 AM 12/18/01 +0200, Onur Kucuk wrote:
   May you add the following
 You were right about adding the Octal addresses. (That is Octal, isn't it?)

(I love it when I (think) I know something:)  No, that's not octal, it's
hex.  Octal would not have an 8 in it -- only 0 thru 7.)

Randy Kramer

 The first one you had me try (the one above setting all 4 devices) was
 apparently the correct one as it worked right away with no errors. I did a
 lilo -t to test it out and got no errors, so I then committed it and
 restarted the system, and my LILO menu was back where it belonged.
 Thank you very much for your help and your explanation into how LILO works
 and thank you to the other people that helped me to sort this out.
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Re: [newbie] I have HAD IT!!!!!

2001-12-17 Thread Darwin Gottfried

On Monday 17 December 2001 11:31, you wrote:
 When is this damn useless compiler going to work?

 I have Mdk 8.1 and the default compiler is useless,
 2.96 is a piece of trash, so I took it off and put on
 gcc3, again TRASH, so I try to put on 2.95 and
 all it can give me is the same bullshit over and

 I am very coselgjyuh
 to going back to readhat.
 fuc, the typos i'm pissed off

--- don't feed da Trolls!! - ;)
No man is useless who has a friend, and if we are loved we are indispensable.
-- Robert Louis Stevenson
  6:15pm  up  1:31,  2 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.04, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] I can't take it anymore

2001-12-17 Thread Ed Tharp

and promise that you have (as root, in a text console, without X running, and 
without the quotes) typed sndconfig

On Monday 17 December 2001 16:19, you wrote:
 At 12:38 PM 12/17/2001 -0600, Newbie wrote:
 I guess I'm too neurologically crippled to
 figure things out myself well damn it,
 I need more help with that than other
 people. sorry did not know other way
 to express it.

 Don't be too down on yourself. No one person knows everything. Have you
 asked your questions in [EMAIL PROTECTED]? Someone somewhere has an
 answer. Unfortuneatly, it make take a month or so to find that person. I'd
 suggest paying for tech support but you might end up waiting a long time
 for an answer from paid tech support also.

 I don't know what other linux OS has
 sound, suse don't got it, debian don't
 have it, I'm not going to bust my butt
 fucking around in some stupid-ass goddamn
 config file buried under 10,000 feet of shit
 just to get my damn sound working!!!

 Have you checked the hardware compatibility list? If it's not supported,
 throw it away  get one that is. I had to do that with a video card.

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[newbie] mount Nautilus

2001-12-17 Thread Smiley

When I mount a cdrom device in Gnome, Nautilus starts... I can I disable
this feature?



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Re: [newbie] for Java?

2001-12-17 Thread Anuerin G. Diaz


  i think i remember that used to hold all the sun classes but was 
replaced by tools.jar in jdk1.2.x and up. try installing jdk/jre 1.1.x or maybe the 
bundled kaffe java interpreter will suffice.


On Fri, 14 Dec 2001 17:22:02 +0100

 Hi all,
 I am trying to get the Java ICQ client to work. It keeps dying on that it
 can't find a file called
 I got several SDK's and JRE's from but none of them contain that
 Does anyone have a clue what I should do/install to get that going?


Programming, an artform that fights back.


Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
25/F Equitable-PCI Tower
ADB Ave. cor. Poveda St.,
Ortigas Center, Pasig City,
Philippines 1605

Tel no: (632) 6383070 loc 75

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Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie] Mandrake come from RedHat?

2001-12-17 Thread L.V.Gandhi

I have installed Mandrake 8.1 in a few machines. I am using extended 
operating system loader(XOSL) which is free and also comes with ranish 
partition manager t partition your HDDs. I have installed lilo(linux boot 
loader) in the corresponding linux partition. I have winme, RH7.1, Caldera 
Openlinux and Mandrake 8.1.
Out of all Mandrake is the best. I don't say this just I belong to this list. 
I am in many other linux lists too.
Install Mandrake 8.1 in expert mode. You will get option what to install lilo 
or grub and where to install MBR or its own partition.

On Monday 17 December 2001 20:46, Julian Opificius wrote:
 Just to offer a contrasting and virtually worthless opinion here ...
 I'm not sure about the slicker install or souped up. I lost Windows
 installs on two of my machines (Win98 and Win2000) because Mandrake 8.1's
 installer trashed my partition tables without giving me a way out, so I
 went back to Red Hat 7.2 and had a much better install experience.
 I use System Commander 7 as a boot manager, but Mandrake's installer
 wouldn't support writing the boot code on the Linux boot partition for
 another boot manager to pick up, it absolutely insisted on writing it's
 boot block to the MBR, which is not polite, and more to the point, is not
 compatible with System Commander.

 I'll try Mandrake again this week, because many people have a very high
 opinion (I'm still subscribed to this list, obviously).

 If someone does know how to instruct Mandrake's installer to put it's boot
 block on /boot (folks seem to call this a superblock, apparently), please
 tell me - I'd really like to give Mandrake a run - but please don't tell me
 to trash System Commander: I've paid for it, I like it, and it's friendly
 to my family users, who don't want to have to learn anything else :-)

 Thanks all !


 At 09:21 AM 12/17/01 -0600, you wrote:
 --  Forwarded Message  --
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake come from RedHat?
 Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 09:20:17 -0600

 From: David McGlone [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 being an X-red hat user, I think Mandrake still runs and feels like Red
  Hat. It still handles like RH, it still uses a lot of files RH does and
  the convention RH does.
 to me it's clearly a souped up RH version with a different name.
 David M.
 On Monday 17 December 2001 07:02 am, you wrote:
On Mon, 17 Dec 2001 08:06:00 -0500
   Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away Mandrake was once loosely
based on the RedHat is no longer the case. Mandrake is
clearly Mandrake.--
   I think at one time Mandrake was more than loosely based on RH.  Back
   in the 5.x days, I believe it was virtually RH w/ a slicker install and
   KDE 1.x as a default desktop.  You are quite correct that it is now a
   fully independent (with some similarities, and still rpm based) distro
   all it's own. Mike
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 Julian A. Opificius.
 802 Fawn Road, Elk River, MN 55330.
 Home: 763.441.1291, Cell: 763.360.5919

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203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA
[EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux user No.205042

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Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie] Mandrake come from RedHat?

2001-12-17 Thread L.V.Gandhi

Whether it is SUSE or RH or Mandrake, When you remove an RPM, dependencies 
checking is a must. Otherwise some other programs may not work. It is not 
specific to a distro. 
Some rpms may not have dependencies. Remove the same rpm in any distro and 
On Monday 17 December 2001 22:13, David McGlone wrote:
 well same thing happened to me, I lost all my backed up data that was on 3
 seperate ext2 partitions and 3 seperate partitions that I had windows
 installs on (mostly games) and I never told mandrakes partition tool to
 even touch them partitions. when I booted after my first install which I
 installed over a SuSE install I got a kernel panic, I wondered why such a
 thing happened, so I put the mandrake disk back in and when I got to the
 partitioning tool, it showed no partitions at all, they were all gone, it
 wiped out virtually everything except hda1.

 Well I proceeded to partition and finally install mandrake, I started to
 use it and it seemed to be a nice OS until the time came that I wanted to
 remove some rpm's and install different ones, and all I got was dependency
 problems left and right. I tried and tried every way I know, but it seems
 that when I wanted to remove 1 RPM from Mandrake, it wanted to remove the
 whole Operating System.

 At this point, I totally gave up, stuck my SuSE install Disk in and went
 back to SuSE.

 The way I see all this is, with Mandrake, you don't have much freedom. If I
 cannot remove an rpm and install the .tar file instead, then I think
 Mandrake is heading to Redmond.

 just my $.02

 David M.
 AIM: dmclgone27
 ICQ: 96210352

 On Monday 17 December 2001 09:16 am, you wrote:
  Just to offer a contrasting and virtually worthless opinion here ...
  I'm not sure about the slicker install or souped up. I lost Windows
  installs on two of my machines (Win98 and Win2000) because Mandrake 8.1's
  installer trashed my partition tables without giving me a way out, so I
  went back to Red Hat 7.2 and had a much better install experience.
  I use System Commander 7 as a boot manager, but Mandrake's installer
  wouldn't support writing the boot code on the Linux boot partition for
  another boot manager to pick up, it absolutely insisted on writing it's
  boot block to the MBR, which is not polite, and more to the point, is not
  compatible with System Commander.
  I'll try Mandrake again this week, because many people have a very high
  opinion (I'm still subscribed to this list, obviously).
  If someone does know how to instruct Mandrake's installer to put it's
  boot block on /boot (folks seem to call this a superblock, apparently),
  please tell me - I'd really like to give Mandrake a run - but please
  don't tell me to trash System Commander: I've paid for it, I like it, and
  it's friendly to my family users, who don't want to have to learn
  anything else :-)

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203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA
[EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux user No.205042

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Re: [newbie] Video Capture Suggestions Sought

2001-12-17 Thread L.V.Gandhi

You need a video capture card. Normally all TV tune cards are having capture 
facilities. You should capture in .avi format and convert them to .mpg format 
using encoders and then convert them to VCD format. I have captured using my 
Pixel view Play TVPro tvtuner card using streamer that came with xawtv. 
However foe encoding I used tmpegenc in windows and used VCDimager to convert 
and write to CDR. Though I have done this in windows it can be done in LINUX 
with linux version.

On Tuesday 18 December 2001 05:29, Bryan Tyson wrote:
 I have quite a bit of analog video footage (i.e. standard VHS
 videocassettes) that I am interested in capturing and outputting into
 some kind of vcd format. From what I read, it is possible to put video
 onto a standard (non-DVD) CD-R in a format that can be played by most
 DVD players.

 If anyone has successfully done something like this in Linux, I would
 be grateful to hear of what hardware/software you used and what steps
 you followed.


 Powered by SuSE Linux 7.2 Professional
 KDE 2.1.2 KMail 1.2

 Bryan S. Tyson

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203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA
[EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux user No.205042

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Re: [newbie] I have HAD IT!!!!!

2001-12-17 Thread skidley

On Mon, 17 Dec 2001, Newbie wrote:

 When is this damn useless compiler going to work?

 I have Mdk 8.1 and the default compiler is useless,
 2.96 is a piece of trash, so I took it off and put on
 gcc3, again TRASH, so I try to put on 2.95 and
 all it can give me is the same bullshit over and

 I am very coselgjyuh
 to going back to readhat.
 fuc, the typos i'm pissed off

I don't know wtf you are talking about I use 2.96 and have compiled many
kernels, many applications from source (including the infamous mplayer
that says 2.96 is crap, which is funny because mplayer compiled w/o a
hitch and works fine) and have never had a problem
whatsoever. So wtf gives you the right to blame mandrake. That's bullshit.
Go back to RedHat, at least we won't have to hear your petty rantings
and blaming mandrake. Then you can blame RedHat for your problems and
since RH 7.x there has been many problems. Never jump to conclusions or
blame the distribution. Just say a few curse words and move on. And by the
way I have upgraded all of the stuff you listed with an rpm -Uvh of all
the rpms needed at once. Maybe you need glasses or need to be tought how
to use the man command.

  . ---
  |o_o |
  |:_/ |   Give Micro$oft the Bird
 //   \ \  Use Linux
(| | )
/'\_   _/`\
Chad Young
Registered Linux User #195191
Linux localhost 2.4.17-rc1 #5 Thu Dec 13 18:25:16 AST 2001 i686 unknown
  6:45pm  up  3:38,  5 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.03, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] I have HAD IT!!!!!

2001-12-17 Thread Skippipix

In a message dated 12/17/01 11:45:00 AM Mountain Standard Time, 

 lets remember something here. it's the famous 80/15/5 % rule.
   80% of computer problems are user
   15% are software and...
   5% are hardware problems. 
  I know that that isn't something you want to hear at the moment given
  the fact that you're REALLY pissed and I don't blame you for the way you
  feel. However, perspective is incredibly important at moments like this.
  And it Ain't Mandrake's distro that is the problem nor the compiler that
  comes with the distro.

i totally agree.  there is just one problem with this however.  what is that 
you ask?  it's the 15% and 5%.  as a tech myself i always blame the user.  
every time someone ask a question on this list, the people on the list blame 
the user.  the problem with the issue being the user 80% of the time is that 
20% of the time its something else.

i'd like everyone to try thinking about that.

i tried for the 7th time in install 8.1 on my second  computer.  i used the 
same CDs which installed perfectly on my first computer the first time.  7th 
attempt -- and still locked up halfway thru the install and i had to reboot.

thank god for 7.2

everyone repeat after me

20% of the time it's NOT the user
20% of the time it's NOT the user
20% of the time it's NOT the user
20% of the time it's NOT the user
20% of the time it's NOT the user

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Re: [newbie] mount Nautilus

2001-12-17 Thread Michael Scottaline

On Tue, 18 Dec 2001 02:59:54 +0100
Smiley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When I mount a cdrom device in Gnome, Nautilus starts... I can I disable
 this feature?
Are you mounting from a command line??  How are you giving the mount
command? Mike

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