[newbie-it] divx

2002-07-16 Thread Brunini Alessandro

Salve a tutti
qualcuno sa dirmi quale sia un bel programmino, magari con una gui che mi 
converta i files vob (già decriptati) in divx?

Re: [newbie-it] AbiWord

2002-07-16 Thread fabrizio

Luigi ha scritto:

Salve, ho da poco installato linux mandrake per iniziare l'avvicinamento a linux.
Sull'ultimo numero di pcprofessionale, nel cd accluso, e' presente il wordprocessor 
Lo vorrei installare, ma siccome e' nel formato tar.gz, non so proprio come fare.
Chi  mi aiuta?


Se sbaglio ditemelo !!!
Apri una shell ed esegui:

su root
a questo punto inserisci la password di root
Poi copia il file tar ball nella posizione /usr/local con il comando cp 
/mnt/cdrom/posizione del pacchetto /usr/local
spostati sul ramo con cd /usr/local e lancia il comando tar xvzf 
Adesso vedrai una directory nuova con il nome Abiword- entra dentro 
tale directory con il comando cd
Lancia il comando --- ./configure  make  make install
Se tutto va bene senza errori potrai eseguire dalla voce esegui comando 
del menu grafico di Mandrake abiword.

Scrivimi se hai problemi.


Fw: [newbie-it] Installazione su pc non mio

2002-07-16 Thread Roberto

- Original Message -
From: Stefano Bigotta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 5:49 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Installazione su pc non mio

Se salvare windows è la priorità credo che la cosa migliore sia procurarsi
un partition magic o un programma simile gratuito (se ne trovano in rete)
diskdrake lo fa, ed è compreso nelle ultime mdk

l'alternativa (GPL) è fips

Si tratta di soluzioni decisamente molto più linuxiane, è vero, ma proprio
per questo motivo, secondo me, il rischio di sputtanare il vostro odiato
windows è maggiore (Infatti, se non ricordo male, si consigliano scandisk e
defrag prima di ridimensionare una partizione windows con diskdrake...)
Come credete.
Ciao Rob

Re: [newbie-it] AbiWord

2002-07-16 Thread LukenShiro

Il 16/07/02 alle 17:56, Mr fabrizio borbotto':
 Poi copia il file tar ball nella posizione /usr/local con il comando cp
 /mnt/cdrom/posizione del pacchetto /usr/local
 spostati sul ramo con cd /usr/local e lancia il comando tar xvzf

 Un piccolo appunto: forse converrebbe scompattare il .tar.gz in una
directory apposita (p.es. $HOME/src, in cui per ipotesi metterai tutti i
sorgenti che vuoi compilare), io la /usr/local la lascerei ai soli
programmi gia' compilati (quindi gli eseguibili e i dati di questi), per
non far confusione e razionalizzare lo spazio su disco.

 Adesso vedrai una directory nuova con il nome Abiword- entra dentro
 tale directory con il comando cd
 Lancia il comando --- ./configure  make  make install

 Questi comandi in linea di massima sono giustissimi, pero' e' bene
sempre avere la bella abitudine di leggere i file acclusi contenenti le
istruzioni (di soliti INSTALL e/o README), perche' per talune tipologie
di sorgenti (tutto dipende dalle scelte del programmatore) non e'
necessariamente vero.

L.U. #210970 L.M. #98222 S.U. #12583 - K 2.4.18-puro [Slackware 8.1]

[newbie-it] Aliasing e Fonts

2002-07-16 Thread Pollo

Mi è successa una cosa strana!
Premetto che uso Gnome su Mdk8.2. Un giorno quando ho avviato il sistema
ho notato che tutti i caratteri usati nei vari word-processor (Abiword,
Staroffice...), nei browser (Mozilla, Galeon...) e in altre applicazioni
vengono visualizzati molto male, dire scalettati e non ben definiti.
Avete un'idea di cosa può essere successo? E di come risolverlo? Centra
forse l'aliasing?

Inoltre come posso rendere disponibili certi fonts per le applicazioni 
(importati da win) senza usare DrakeFont?

Vi ringrazio, Pollo.

Re: [newbie-it] Poortatile monitor TFT

2002-07-16 Thread miKe

Hash: SHA1

Il 09:53, lunedì 15 luglio 2002, Stefano Sebastiani in merito a [newbie-it] Poortatile 
monitor TFT ha scritto:

 Il monitor è, come in oggetto un TFT 14.1 1024*768
 Non riesco a configurarlo con XFdrake, non sò che monitor
 scegliere, con tutti ho un fastidioso (non definizione)

che effetto?

 Non conosco neppure le specifiche per editarle nel file di

in genere i TFT hanno un refresh fisso, non puoi cambiarlo, 
valori bassi come 31.5 - 48.5 
e 50-70 dovrebbero andare bene,
vedi su http://www.linux-laptop.net/
se qualcuno ha gia' cpnfigurato un portatile simile

 Chi mi può aiutare?



Slackware 8.0 GNU/Linux 2.4.18  AMD 
R.U.#219755  R.M.#104037  S.R.U.#705
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


[newbie-it] floppy

2002-07-16 Thread arwan

Qualcuno qualche giorno fa diceva di avere problemi nel copiare i file su 
floppy. Bene, si inchida tutto anche a me. Non solo, ma non mi funziona 
neppure il cp da shell, e alla fine mi tocca riavviare il sistema. Con la 8.1 
questo non mi accadeva (se non ricordo male...)
Avete risolto? Risolviamo???


RE: [newbie-it] Mp3

2002-07-16 Thread Di Fresco Marco

 Se non ricordo male c'è anche Audiogalaxy satellite
 cmq vai su www.dowload.com selezioni come OS linux (se non
 ricordo male te lo selezziona automaticamente)

Te lo seleziona automaticamente se ti connetti a internet da Linux; qualora
dovessi farlo da Win o vai all'indirizzo www.dowload.com e cerchi il link
per la sezione Linux (perche' ovviamente ti aprira' in automatico la sezione
Win) oppure clicca qui (dovrebbe portarti direttamente alla sezione Linux):

Di Fresco Marco

[newbie] network config

2002-07-16 Thread Colin Jenkins

Hi all,
I set up a lm8.2 server at home (using range)and had it
working ok.
When I moved the box to its final location, I used netconf to change
ip's to the 10.89 .0. range.
My problem is that when I went back to netconf to alter the gateway
address, I noticed that I now have eth0 eth1  eth2, all active and
using the 192.198 .0.0 range. (btw, I only have one ethernet card
If I disable and change the settings, they always revert back to
2 questions...
a. what could cause this..?
b. what files does netconf modify?




5:20pm up 2 days, 5:00, 2 users, load average: 1.63, 1.19, 1.00
This must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
 ..registered linux user #223862 ..

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Re: [newbie] What have I done?

2002-07-16 Thread civileme

Anne Wilson wrote:

On Monday 15 Jul 2002 10:52 pm, you wrote:

Anne Wilson wrote:

During the evening my machine has got slower and slower, and now it takes
almost a minute to open any application.  I have logged out, and even
halted, but it persists.

During the bootup messages I briefly saw something to the effect that a
compressed image had been found and was being uncompressed.  Is this

How, using Process Management, can I identify the process(es) causing my
problem, so that I can hang up?


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Why does this stuff never happen to me?

It is very very hard to guide someone when You've never seen the situation.

OK, next time it happens

ps aux  myfile
tail -n 40 /var/log/messages  myfile

then CP myfile to your email.

The only daemon I am aware of that could cause this is jabberd which
seems to have a severe memory leak, so if you are using any instant
messenger based on jabberd, it  will eat so much of your memory that
swap will be used whenever you try to open a new app, which causes a
tremendous slowdown.

The solution if that is the problem is simple

urpme jabberd

which will rip out jabber and everything that uses it.


No - I don't use an instant messenger.

Myfile info coming up:

root 1  0.0  0.0  1412  504 ?SJul15   0:07 init
root 2  0.0  0.0 00 ?SW   Jul15   0:00 [keventd]
root 3  0.0  0.0 00 ?SW   Jul15   0:00 [kapmd]
root 4  0.0  0.0 00 ?SWN  Jul15   0:00 
[ksoftirqd_CPU0] root 5  0.0  0.0 00 ?SW   Jul15   
0:00 [kswapd]
root 6  0.0  0.0 00 ?SW   Jul15   0:00 [bdflush]
root 7  0.0  0.0 00 ?SW   Jul15   0:00 [kupdated]
root 8  0.0  0.0 00 ?SW  Jul15   0:00 [mdrecoveryd]
root66  0.0  0.1  1752  892 ?SJul15   0:00 devfsd /dev
root   220  0.0  0.0 00 ?SW   Jul15   0:00 [khubd]
root  1010  0.0  0.0 00 ?SW   Jul15   0:00 [eth0]
rpc   1092  0.0  0.1  1544  532 ?SJul15   0:00 portmap
root  1115  0.0  0.1  1484  592 ?SJul15   0:00 syslogd -m 0
root  1124  0.0  0.2  2012 1108 ?SJul15   0:00 klogd -2
root  1158  0.0  0.1  1724  808 ?SJul15   0:00 rpc.statd
root  1254  0.0  0.0  1396  496 ?SJul15   0:00 /usr/sbin/apmd 
-pdaemon1280  0.0  0.0  1436  496 ?SJul15   0:00 /usr/sbin/atd
named 1305  0.0  0.4 10236 2420 ?SJul15   0:00 named -u named
named 1306  0.0  0.4 10236 2420 ?SJul15   0:00 named -u named
named 1307  0.0  0.4 10236 2420 ?SJul15   0:00 named -u named
named 1311  0.0  0.4 10236 2420 ?SJul15   0:00 named -u named
named 1316  0.0  0.4 10236 2420 ?SJul15   0:00 named -u named
root  1357  0.0  0.1  2304 1016 ?SJul15   0:00 xinetd 
-stayaliveroot  1398  0.0  0.4  5356 2488 ?SJul15   0:00 cupsd
root  1422  0.0  0.2  2376 1320 ?SJul15   0:00 
/usr/sbin/dhcpd -root  1649  0.0  0.1  1452  524 ?SJul15   
0:00 gpm -t imps2 -m /root  1750  0.0  0.1  1620  664 ?SJul15 
  0:00 crond
root  1784  0.0  0.9  6904 5076 ?SJul15   0:00 /usr/bin/perl 
/usxfs   1809  0.0  0.9  6380 5088 ?SJul15   0:02 xfs -port 
-1 -daeroot  1837  0.0  0.3  4668 1768 ?SJul15   0:00 smbd -D
root  1848  0.0  0.3  3740 1728 ?SJul15   0:00 nmbd -D
root  1849  0.0  0.2  3672 1412 ?SJul15   0:00 nmbd -D
root  2078  0.0  0.0  1380  408 tty1 SJul15   0:00 /sbin/mingetty 
ttroot  2079  0.0  0.0  1380  408 tty2 SJul15   0:00 
/sbin/mingetty ttroot  2080  0.0  0.0  1380  408 tty3 SJul15   
0:00 /sbin/mingetty ttroot  2081  0.0  0.0  1380  408 tty4 SJul15 
  0:00 /sbin/mingetty ttroot  2082  0.0  0.0  1380  408 tty5 S
Jul15   0:00 /sbin/mingetty ttroot  2083  0.0  0.0  1380  408 tty6 S  
  Jul15   0:00 /sbin/mingetty ttroot  2084  0.0  0.1  2404  692 ?
SJul15   0:00 /usr/bin/kdm -nodroot  2095  0.1  2.3 54412 11820 ? 
  S   Jul15   0:35 /etc/X11/X -deferroot  2102  0.0  0.2  3328 1412 ?
SJul15   0:00 -:0
anne  2184  0.0  0.2  2432 1200 ?SJul15   0:00 /bin/sh 
/usr/bin/anne  2205  0.0  0.4  7456 2468 ?SJul15   0:00 
/usr/bin/medusa-ianne  2339  0.0  1.1 18244 6116 ?SJul15   
0:00 kdeinit: dcopservanne  2345  0.0  1.7 20440 9032 ?SJul15 
  0:00 kdeinit: kded
anne  2360  0.0  1.1 18632 5928 ?SJul15   0:00 kdeinit: 

[newbie] mailing list change address

2002-07-16 Thread Gerard G. Dangca II

where can I change my email address subscribed in this list?  this email
account of mine is not accessible at home that is why I would like to


"intelligence, acquired; wisdom, inherent."
LUN : 278414

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Re: [newbie] Test

2002-07-16 Thread Michael Adams

On Tue, 16 Jul 2002 16:02, Damian G wrote:
 On 15 Jul 2002 22:22:09 -0500

 Chuck Stuettgen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  sorry for the test

 you just wasted three seconds of my life,
 one click of my mouse's life and 1k off my dsl

 ...but I forgive you. i will not condemn you to hell yet.

 i'm a very good person.
 *insert mysterious light coming from the sky and surrounding me*


 smoked Damian

Smoked as in trout or hemp?


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] What have I done?

2002-07-16 Thread Derek Jennings

On Tuesday 16 Jul 2002 6:51 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Monday 15 Jul 2002 10:52 pm, you wrote:
  Anne Wilson wrote:
  During the evening my machine has got slower and slower, and now it
   takes almost a minute to open any application.  I have logged out, and
   even halted, but it persists.
  During the bootup messages I briefly saw something to the effect that a
  compressed image had been found and was being uncompressed.  Is this
  How, using Process Management, can I identify the process(es) causing my
  problem, so that I can hang up?

Well those processes look OK
If booting takes the normal time, but everything in KDE is slow. It might be 
worth trying a different KDE account or a different Window Manager. It is 
possible I suppose that your account may be screwed in some way ?

If Linux is taking a lot longer to boot it might be something more fundamental 
such as a Hard Drive problem. I dont know if the syslog would show such 
problems, but it would not hurt to look.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Anybody running the distributed net client?

2002-07-16 Thread Michael Adams

On Tue, 16 Jul 2002 08:22, Glenn wrote:
 Please pardon what is probably a FAQ, but I've been running Mandrake 8.2
 for all of about 10 hours or so, and my *nix experience is purely as a
 command line user about 8 years ago on a dumb terminal.   Can anybody point
 me to a dummy's guide to distributed net client installation.

 I gather I'm supposed to go to a command line where I am to type dnetc
 -install (to run it as a hidden service).  I walk my way down to the dnetc
 directory, which contains my client files, in the Konsole.  An ls confirms
 that the executable is there.  However, when I type the command, I get a
 command not found error.  Anything in here sound like a
 newbie-knucklehead trick?


I'll give it a crack Glenn.

To make an executable run you need to check the user has permission to run it 
like so.
$ cd dnetc
$ ls -l
A short example from my home directory.
[michael@tirnanog michael]$ ls -l
-rwx--1 michael  michael   121 Jun  3 22:42 freeciv*
-rw-rw-r--1 michael  michael   812 Jun 19 11:49 log.txt
See the x in the permissions of the file freeciv (and not for log.txt).
$ man chmod
for details of how to set this.

The current directory (folder if you are still thinking in Windows speak) is 
not in the path statement for security reasons.
$ echo $PATH
So to run an executable use:
$ ./program
The dot (.) represents the current directory (not a nipple). The slash (/) 
specifies inside the aforementioned directory. And program is the name of the 
Thus for my freeciv example above:
$ ./freeciv would run it.

Hope that helps.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] What have I done?

2002-07-16 Thread Anne Wilson

On Tuesday 16 Jul 2002 7:02 am, you wrote:

  The Mem used is creeping up all the time.

 Normally, that's OK as well, since Linux wants to use all the available
 memory -- what's not active for programs is used for disk and for cache,
 which is a good idea, since unused RAM is wasted.


 But having the system slow down to a crawl is certainly not normal. Some
 people on the list suggest the offender may be jabberd but I'm not sure
 that's something you installed (do a ps aux | grep jabber). jabberd is
 something that is known to gradually swallow RAM -- on my machine it
 was eating about 200 megs (out of 256) after about 3 days.

anne  4391  0.0  0.1  1792  596 pts/1R10:06   0:00 grep jabber

I didn't think this was there - I don't use an instant messenger.

  Drastic it may be, but I may have to.  Could you elaborate, please?

 Well, you just click on 'logout' from KDE which will kill all KDE and
 X related processes, leaving you at a console shell prompt (if you start
 kde with 'startkde').

Logout appears to stop X briefly and then goes straight back to the KDE 
login.  There i s a long black screen delay before switching to the KDE login 
splash.  The first part seems OK but there is a long delay at the loading the 
desktop - almost a minute - and the panel and restoring session icons are 
there a very long time, too.

It does seem to be X, I think, as once a Konsole is opened it responds fast 
enough, and so does text editor.

  The KDE startup was extremely slow and everything else has been slow
  The system is almost unusable.

 Ouch. How long has it been since you restarted?

 10:10am  up 13:12,

Whatever it is, it is being saved/restarted on bootup.  Last night it was 
taking almost a minute to open a folder.  This morning it is slightly better, 
at about 20 secs.

I don't ask for the session to be re-started, but I suppose that the message  
may not be what it seems?

I think the trouble may have started when I was trying to add my SCSI film 
scanner.  Afterwards I switched the scanner off, and then told kudzu to 
remove the configuration, so there shouldn't be anything left.

Apart from that, I've run out of ideas.


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Re: [newbie] Test

2002-07-16 Thread Damian G

  smoked Damian
 Smoked as in trout or hemp?

smoked as in talking nonsense .. just like i would if i
had smoked some weird stuff. ;o)


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] What have I done?

2002-07-16 Thread Moshe Kaminsky

Did you try using a different window manager?

* Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020716 13:11]:
 On Tuesday 16 Jul 2002 7:02 am, you wrote:
   The Mem used is creeping up all the time.
  Normally, that's OK as well, since Linux wants to use all the available
  memory -- what's not active for programs is used for disk and for cache,
  which is a good idea, since unused RAM is wasted.
  But having the system slow down to a crawl is certainly not normal. Some
  people on the list suggest the offender may be jabberd but I'm not sure
  that's something you installed (do a ps aux | grep jabber). jabberd is
  something that is known to gradually swallow RAM -- on my machine it
  was eating about 200 megs (out of 256) after about 3 days.
 anne  4391  0.0  0.1  1792  596 pts/1R10:06   0:00 grep jabber
 I didn't think this was there - I don't use an instant messenger.
   Drastic it may be, but I may have to.  Could you elaborate, please?
  Well, you just click on 'logout' from KDE which will kill all KDE and
  X related processes, leaving you at a console shell prompt (if you start
  kde with 'startkde').
 Logout appears to stop X briefly and then goes straight back to the KDE 
 login.  There i s a long black screen delay before switching to the KDE login 
 splash.  The first part seems OK but there is a long delay at the loading the 
 desktop - almost a minute - and the panel and restoring session icons are 
 there a very long time, too.
 It does seem to be X, I think, as once a Konsole is opened it responds fast 
 enough, and so does text editor.
   The KDE startup was extremely slow and everything else has been slow
   The system is almost unusable.
  Ouch. How long has it been since you restarted?
  10:10am  up 13:12,
 Whatever it is, it is being saved/restarted on bootup.  Last night it was 
 taking almost a minute to open a folder.  This morning it is slightly better, 
 at about 20 secs.
 I don't ask for the session to be re-started, but I suppose that the message  
 may not be what it seems?
 I think the trouble may have started when I was trying to add my SCSI film 
 scanner.  Afterwards I switched the scanner off, and then told kudzu to 
 remove the configuration, so there shouldn't be anything left.
 Apart from that, I've run out of ideas.

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] IDE/SCSI CD

2002-07-16 Thread John Richard Smith

Linus Drouhard wrote:

Hi all,
   I really enjoy all the posts.  I have a question that has stumped me.  I 
have an old CD drive (40x) and a CD-RW (Ricoh MP7040A).  Anyway, I set up 
both drives as SCSI devices.  Mandrake install automagically set up the CD-RW 
and I added the following as to the append line in lilo.conf


not too hard so far.  I ran lilo and the drive works.  I can do direct CD to 
CD copy...in gnometoaster.  Other programs don't recognize the CD-R as a 
reader.  I cannot open either drive through the /mnt.  They're both locked.  
I can play CD's with CD player in the CD-R.  

I have the CD-R on hdb and the CD-RW on hdd.  I think that something is 
confused between scdo and scd1.  I can't seem to straighten it out.  It's not 
a killer as I can undo the append statement to remove the scsi emulation on 
the CD-R and everything is back to normal, except direct CD copying.

Any ideas?  Thanks


did you change the entries in fstab as well



John Richard Smith

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] Anybody running the distributed net client?

2002-07-16 Thread Glenn

Thanks, Michael (and Femme and everybody else).  That does help.  I'm a
recovering DOS command line junkie who was dragged, kicking and screaming,
into the Windows world, so I can relate to your explanation.

I've got the client running when I start it manually.  I'm used to it
starting up on log-in (under OS/2 and W2K), but that doesn't seem to be
possible unless  I speak some kind of incantation over an unnamed directory,
introducing a cryptic script (obtained from distributed.net's FAQ-o-mat)
into it while holding my tongue just so.  I'll just have to remember to
start it up whenever I log into Mandrake.

Thanks again all;


This email scanned by Norton Antivirus software, with latest definition
files, prior to transmission.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Michael Adams
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 04:39
Subject: Re: [newbie] Anybody running the distributed net client?

On Tue, 16 Jul 2002 08:22, Glenn wrote:
 Please pardon what is probably a FAQ, but I've been running Mandrake 8.2
 for all of about 10 hours or so, and my *nix experience is purely as a
 command line user about 8 years ago on a dumb terminal.   Can anybody
 me to a dummy's guide to distributed net client installation.

 I gather I'm supposed to go to a command line where I am to type dnetc
 -install (to run it as a hidden service).  I walk my way down to the
 directory, which contains my client files, in the Konsole.  An ls
 that the executable is there.  However, when I type the command, I get a
 command not found error.  Anything in here sound like a
 newbie-knucklehead trick?


I'll give it a crack Glenn.

To make an executable run you need to check the user has permission to run
like so.
$ cd dnetc
$ ls -l
A short example from my home directory.
[michael@tirnanog michael]$ ls -l
-rwx--1 michael  michael   121 Jun  3 22:42 freeciv*
-rw-rw-r--1 michael  michael   812 Jun 19 11:49 log.txt
See the x in the permissions of the file freeciv (and not for log.txt).
$ man chmod
for details of how to set this.

The current directory (folder if you are still thinking in Windows speak) is
not in the path statement for security reasons.
$ echo $PATH
So to run an executable use:
$ ./program
The dot (.) represents the current directory (not a nipple). The slash (/)
specifies inside the aforementioned directory. And program is the name of
Thus for my freeciv example above:
$ ./freeciv would run it.

Hope that helps.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] network config

2002-07-16 Thread Franki

look in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/

you will see files like:


edit the first one (eth0) to suit and delete the other two, then type:
service network restart (without the quotes.)

That should solve your problems.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Colin Jenkins
Sent: Tuesday, 16 July 2002 4:01 PM
To: linux-newbi group
Subject: [newbie] network config

Hi all,
I set up a lm8.2 server at home (using range)and had it
working ok.
When I moved the box to its final location, I used netconf to change
ip's to the 10.89 .0. range.
My problem is that when I went back to netconf to alter the gateway
address, I noticed that I now have eth0 eth1  eth2, all active and
using the 192.198 .0.0 range. (btw, I only have one ethernet card
If I disable and change the settings, they always revert back to
2 questions...
a. what could cause this..?
b. what files does netconf modify?



5:20pm up 2 days, 5:00, 2 users, load average: 1.63, 1.19, 1.00
This must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
 ..registered linux user #223862 ..

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[newbie] OpenOffice

2002-07-16 Thread Paul Kaplan

I am trying to install Open Office 1.0 onto a ML8.2 system.

Following directions at www.openoffice.org/dev_docs/instructions.html#linux,
I unpacked the tar.gz file to /tmp, then, as root in /tmp install, ran 
./install --prefix=/opt.

This apparently in installed everything correctly to /opt/OpenOffice.org1.0/

The program apparently runs fine as root.  However as a normal user, the 
program freezes shortly after completing the launch process.

When I attempt to run either /opt/OpenOffice.org1.0/setup or 
/tmp/install/setup, either as root or as a normal user, the setup program 
returns OO is already installed, Would you like to repair?  Doing so 
doesn't change this or any subsequent behaviors, running the setup program 
again leads to the same message.

in following the OO installation directions, I see that the setup program is 
supposed to install ~1.4 Mb into my home directory.  This was not done, 
either as root or normal user.

I am able to run OO as a normal user if I change the suid bit on the program 
file, but this doesn't seem like a safe solution.

Has anybody been more successful installing OO1.0 on ML8.2?  How?


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RE: [newbie] Anybody running the distributed net client?

2002-07-16 Thread Franki

add the executable to the end of /etc/rc.d/rc.local

so that the last line looks like this:


be sure to put the  on the end, so it returns the console to you.. if you
don't, you might have problems.

rc.local is run each time the system is booted.. so if you put the command
there, it will run at boot.

if you need to run it as a certain user and not root.. you can do that too.

Here is an example:

su - USERNAME -c /path/to/execeutable /dev/null 21

if you use that, the program will start as the user you put in place of

hope that serves you well.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Glenn
Sent: Tuesday, 16 July 2002 6:57 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Anybody running the distributed net client?

Thanks, Michael (and Femme and everybody else).  That does help.  I'm a
recovering DOS command line junkie who was dragged, kicking and screaming,
into the Windows world, so I can relate to your explanation.

I've got the client running when I start it manually.  I'm used to it
starting up on log-in (under OS/2 and W2K), but that doesn't seem to be
possible unless  I speak some kind of incantation over an unnamed directory,
introducing a cryptic script (obtained from distributed.net's FAQ-o-mat)
into it while holding my tongue just so.  I'll just have to remember to
start it up whenever I log into Mandrake.

Thanks again all;


This email scanned by Norton Antivirus software, with latest definition
files, prior to transmission.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Michael Adams
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 04:39
Subject: Re: [newbie] Anybody running the distributed net client?

On Tue, 16 Jul 2002 08:22, Glenn wrote:
 Please pardon what is probably a FAQ, but I've been running Mandrake 8.2
 for all of about 10 hours or so, and my *nix experience is purely as a
 command line user about 8 years ago on a dumb terminal.   Can anybody
 me to a dummy's guide to distributed net client installation.

 I gather I'm supposed to go to a command line where I am to type dnetc
 -install (to run it as a hidden service).  I walk my way down to the
 directory, which contains my client files, in the Konsole.  An ls
 that the executable is there.  However, when I type the command, I get a
 command not found error.  Anything in here sound like a
 newbie-knucklehead trick?


I'll give it a crack Glenn.

To make an executable run you need to check the user has permission to run
like so.
$ cd dnetc
$ ls -l
A short example from my home directory.
[michael@tirnanog michael]$ ls -l
-rwx--1 michael  michael   121 Jun  3 22:42 freeciv*
-rw-rw-r--1 michael  michael   812 Jun 19 11:49 log.txt
See the x in the permissions of the file freeciv (and not for log.txt).
$ man chmod
for details of how to set this.

The current directory (folder if you are still thinking in Windows speak) is
not in the path statement for security reasons.
$ echo $PATH
So to run an executable use:
$ ./program
The dot (.) represents the current directory (not a nipple). The slash (/)
specifies inside the aforementioned directory. And program is the name of
Thus for my freeciv example above:
$ ./freeciv would run it.

Hope that helps.


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Re: [newbie] What have I done?

2002-07-16 Thread et

let me jump in and say this sounds to me like named is mis-configured and 
her DNS is looking for the file on the internet, as long as killing jabber 
did not cure it.
can you go to the K menu,  Applications,  Monitoring,  Process 
managment, highlight ( By clicking on) any process called named  then on 
the top menu, Signal,  Kill. do this until all processes called named are 
gone. and let me know. there are a few services that when not properly 
configured can search all over before looking on the hard drive of your 
computer for some thing, and named is one of them. 

On Tuesday 16 July 2002 06:08 am, you wrote:
 On Tuesday 16 Jul 2002 7:02 am, you wrote:
   The Mem used is creeping up all the time.
  Normally, that's OK as well, since Linux wants to use all the available
  memory -- what's not active for programs is used for disk and for cache,
  which is a good idea, since unused RAM is wasted.


  But having the system slow down to a crawl is certainly not normal. Some
  people on the list suggest the offender may be jabberd but I'm not sure
  that's something you installed (do a ps aux | grep jabber). jabberd is
  something that is known to gradually swallow RAM -- on my machine it
  was eating about 200 megs (out of 256) after about 3 days.

 anne  4391  0.0  0.1  1792  596 pts/1R10:06   0:00 grep jabber

 I didn't think this was there - I don't use an instant messenger.

   Drastic it may be, but I may have to.  Could you elaborate, please?
  Well, you just click on 'logout' from KDE which will kill all KDE and
  X related processes, leaving you at a console shell prompt (if you start
  kde with 'startkde').

 Logout appears to stop X briefly and then goes straight back to the KDE
 login.  There i s a long black screen delay before switching to the KDE
 login splash.  The first part seems OK but there is a long delay at the
 loading the desktop - almost a minute - and the panel and restoring session
 icons are there a very long time, too.

 It does seem to be X, I think, as once a Konsole is opened it responds fast
 enough, and so does text editor.

   The KDE startup was extremely slow and everything else has been slow
   The system is almost unusable.
  Ouch. How long has it been since you restarted?

  10:10am  up 13:12,

 Whatever it is, it is being saved/restarted on bootup.  Last night it was
 taking almost a minute to open a folder.  This morning it is slightly
 better, at about 20 secs.

 I don't ask for the session to be re-started, but I suppose that the
 message may not be what it seems?

 I think the trouble may have started when I was trying to add my SCSI film
 scanner.  Afterwards I switched the scanner off, and then told kudzu to
 remove the configuration, so there shouldn't be anything left.

 Apart from that, I've run out of ideas.


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[newbie] TV card and recording to disk suggestions please.

2002-07-16 Thread magnet

Hi all,
Can anyone suggest a good TV card so I can record a program and save it to
disk, much like a VCR?
What software would be best for this?
My system is:
Gigabyte GA-7IXE4 mobo, Athlon 1.2GHz cpu, 256Mb ram and 80Gb HDD, SiS 8mb
gfx card.
Linux Mandrake 8.2 running.
If anyone has such a setup running, I would appreciate hearing what you are
using and how easy/hard it was to set up correctly.
Many thanks


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Re: [newbie] What have I done?

2002-07-16 Thread Anne Wilson

On Tuesday 16 Jul 2002 9:47 am, you wrote:
 Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Monday 15 Jul 2002 10:52 pm, you wrote:
 Anne Wilson wrote:
 During the evening my machine has got slower and slower, and now it
  takes almost a minute to open any application.  I have logged out, and
  even halted, but it persists.
 During the bootup messages I briefly saw something to the effect that a
 compressed image had been found and was being uncompressed.  Is this
 How, using Process Management, can I identify the process(es) causing my
 problem, so that I can hang up?
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 Why does this stuff never happen to me?
 It is very very hard to guide someone when You've never seen the
 OK, next time it happens
 ps aux  myfile
 tail -n 40 /var/log/messages  myfile
 then CP myfile to your email.
 The only daemon I am aware of that could cause this is jabberd which
 seems to have a severe memory leak, so if you are using any instant
 messenger based on jabberd, it  will eat so much of your memory that
 swap will be used whenever you try to open a new app, which causes a
 tremendous slowdown.
 The solution if that is the problem is simple
 urpme jabberd
 which will rip out jabber and everything that uses it.
 No - I don't use an instant messenger.
 Myfile info coming up:

 Hmmm, looks like it might be trying to access the CD (audio) ...  Is
 there a disk in there?

No - the only thing that changed recently with regard to CD audio is an 
application link on the desktop with Execute set to xmms /dev/scd0.  This 
since about 3 days ago.  I have trashed it just in case, but it doesn't seem 
to have made any difference.

 Everything else looks very normal.  Two things to try

 1.  In superuser terminal

 supermount -i disable

This didn't seem to make any difference.

 right when you begin your session (this won't matter for audio CDs but
 it will be required to mount and umount data cds)

 2.  at boot splash screen hit esc then type

 linux devfs=nomount

This hung at the 'system server' bit, then the KDE splash screen disappeared 
completely leaving me with an empty blue screen and no way out but to power 

Manual fsck completed I'm back to almost a minute to open a directory on my 
desktop - though once open changing directories is snappy.

Hope something here gives you a clue.


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Re: [newbie] What have I done?

2002-07-16 Thread John Richard Smith

et wrote:

let me jump in and say this sounds to me like named is mis-configured and 
her DNS is looking for the file on the internet, as long as killing jabber 
did not cure it.
can you go to the K menu,  Applications,  Monitoring,  Process 
managment, highlight ( By clicking on) any process called named  then on 
the top menu, Signal,  Kill. do this until all processes called named are 
gone. and let me know. there are a few services that when not properly 
configured can search all over before looking on the hard drive of your 
computer for some thing, and named is one of them. 

On Tuesday 16 July 2002 06:08 am, you wrote:

On Tuesday 16 Jul 2002 7:02 am, you wrote:

The Mem used is creeping up all the time.

Normally, that's OK as well, since Linux wants to use all the available
memory -- what's not active for programs is used for disk and for cache,
which is a good idea, since unused RAM is wasted.


But having the system slow down to a crawl is certainly not normal. Some
people on the list suggest the offender may be jabberd but I'm not sure
that's something you installed (do a ps aux | grep jabber). jabberd is
something that is known to gradually swallow RAM -- on my machine it
was eating about 200 megs (out of 256) after about 3 days.

anne  4391  0.0  0.1  1792  596 pts/1R10:06   0:00 grep jabber

I didn't think this was there - I don't use an instant messenger.

Drastic it may be, but I may have to.  Could you elaborate, please?

Well, you just click on 'logout' from KDE which will kill all KDE and
X related processes, leaving you at a console shell prompt (if you start
kde with 'startkde').

Logout appears to stop X briefly and then goes straight back to the KDE
login.  There i s a long black screen delay before switching to the KDE
login splash.  The first part seems OK but there is a long delay at the
loading the desktop - almost a minute - and the panel and restoring session
icons are there a very long time, too.

It does seem to be X, I think, as once a Konsole is opened it responds fast
enough, and so does text editor.

The KDE startup was extremely slow and everything else has been slow

The system is almost unusable.

Ouch. How long has it been since you restarted?

 10:10am  up 13:12,

Whatever it is, it is being saved/restarted on bootup.  Last night it was
taking almost a minute to open a folder.  This morning it is slightly
better, at about 20 secs.

I don't ask for the session to be re-started, but I suppose that the
message may not be what it seems?

I think the trouble may have started when I was trying to add my SCSI film
scanner.  Afterwards I switched the scanner off, and then told kudzu to
remove the configuration, so there shouldn't be anything left.

Apart from that, I've run out of ideas.



Does Anne run any windblows OS's.

John Richard Smith

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[newbie] failed on bootup lm 8.2

2002-07-16 Thread Rick Henderson

I get a few error on boot up.  Here they are.
turning on  procerss accournting   [failed]
starting processing acounting[failed]

I can't remember the exact verbage of this one.
eth0   [failed]

I do not have anything plugged into the nic, could 
that be the problem. I am using the usb on my
cable modem.

Do I need process acounting?  Maybe I should 
just turn it off.

Any suggestions?



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Re: [newbie] failed on bootup lm 8.2

2002-07-16 Thread Roman Korcek

Hey Rick,

 I get a few error on boot up.  Here they are.
 turning on  procerss accournting   [failed]
 starting processing acounting[failed]


 Do I need process acounting?  Maybe I should 
 just turn it off.

I had a problem with that in 8.1 IIRC, I remember reading on
Mandrakeuser.org that there was some kind of fault in that version
shipped with 8.1. Thought it should be fixed in 8.2... Anyways, it's
no system-critical service (my machine works without it) and you can
remove it. I think the package name is psacct.


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Re: [newbie] What have I done?

2002-07-16 Thread Anne Wilson

On Tuesday 16 Jul 2002 12:23 pm, you wrote:
 let me jump in and say this sounds to me like named is mis-configured and
 her DNS is looking for the file on the internet, as long as killing jabber
 did not cure it.
 can you go to the K menu,  Applications,  Monitoring,  Process
 managment, highlight ( By clicking on) any process called named  then on
 the top menu, Signal,  Kill. do this until all processes called named are
 gone. and let me know. there are a few services that when not properly
 configured can search all over before looking on the hard drive of your
 computer for some thing, and named is one of them.

'You do not have permission  Short of logging in as root, is there a way?
Perhaps from the SuperUser file manager?


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[newbie] Still trying to post.

2002-07-16 Thread Chuck Stuettgen

Sorry for the test. Still trying to sort out my posting problems..

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Re[2]: [newbie] failed on bootup lm 8.2

2002-07-16 Thread Roman Korcek


  I get a few error on boot up.  Here they are.
  turning on  procerss accournting   [failed]
  starting processing acounting[failed]


  Do I need process acounting?  Maybe I should
  just turn it off.

 I had a problem with that in 8.1 IIRC, I remember reading on
 Mandrakeuser.org that there was some kind of fault in that version
 shipped with 8.1. Thought it should be fixed in 8.2... Anyways, it's
 no system-critical service (my machine works without it) and you can
 remove it. I think the package name is psacct.

 How do I remove the package?  Thanks  Rick

1. If you are in X (KDE, Gnome, WindowMaker, etc.): Run rpmdrake,
click installed and search for psacct, then select it and remove it.


2. From the console type su, provide the password for root, type urpme
psacct. Then press ctrl-d to get back to normal user.


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[newbie] Posting Saga Resolved

2002-07-16 Thread Chuck Stuettgen

I am posting this message so to let others know there is a solution
available for those who have to deal with ISP's that are run by
brain-dead morons.

First a short background.  I subscribed to both the newbie and expert
lists at the beginning of May.  On the 22nd of my ISP, a cable company
who shall remain anonymous at this time, changed their mail systems from
one outsourcing provider to another. The change over went smoothly,
except I could no longer post to the Mandrake mailing lists.

I contacted my ISP and explained the problem. It has been nearly two
months and they still can not figure it out, even after I forwarded a
e-mail from Charles Davant (Thanks Charles)  Mandrake to them
explaining that the reason I could not post was because my ISP does not
have a reverse DNS entry setup for their smtp server. 

During my last conversation with their tech support, I was told they
could not make that change because it might cause a problem for their
other customers!   I don't even want to tell you what my reaction to
that statement was. 

I was about to give up and resign myself to only being able to read the
mailing lists, when I decided to see if I could find an alternate mail
service that offers pop3 services which I could use for the Mandrake
mailing lists. A quick search on GOOGLE led me to www.myrealbox.com. It
is a FREE mail service that supports POP3,IMAP and Web based mail with
no advertising of any kind.  It took me less than 5 minutes to setup an
account and resubscribe to both lists using the myrealbox account. A
quick addition to my Evolution configuration and I can now post.  I
don't feel like a second class citizen anymore!!!

So if you can't post or have an ISP run by morons, check out them out.

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Re: [newbie] 3Com USR Modem Installation

2002-07-16 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Monday July 15 2002 02:44 pm, Joe Harkins wrote:

 In a separate issue, does anyone know how to configure Kmail, the KDE
 email client, for an Earthlink pop account? The config in Kmail
 confuses me because there is a default account  that seems partly
 installed but cannot be modified or removed. When I try to check
 email for my Earthink account I get 2 error msgs, one on top of the
 other. They are cryptic. They only say it didn't work. No clue what's
 wrong. I think one comes from that default pop account which is not
 and cannot be configured. The second seems to comes from the
 Earthlink account due to some mal-configuration that I haven't quite
 got right in that pop account. Suggestions? Maybe a sample of what is
 wanted at each of the setup dialogs?

 What's with the default pop account? Why is it there and why can't it
 be touched?.

I dunno, you should be able to hi-lite the existing account and clk 
on 'Remove'.  I vaugely remember with an older Kmail version (you 
should'a mentioned what Mandrake and Kmail versions you're using), that 
the account refused to 'remove'. So find your 'kmailrc' file, mine's
/home/tom/.kde/share/config/kmailrc, and in that file, delete the 
account (ie, everything under [Account __]), with a text editor. Leave 
the other [...] sections alone, and save the edited file.  Then 
back in Kmail, the default account will be gone, and you can add yours 
and choose pop.

There's nothing real special about setting up an Earthlink mail 
account. As with most ISP's you'll need to specify a userID and 
password. Unlike the dialup config tho, don't preface your userID with 
'ELN/' for mail (or news).  Also, EL will probly refuse your mail 
unless you fill in your name, organization, and correct email address 
in Kmail's 'Identity' section.  Tip:  edit 'On %D, you wrote:' to  
'On %D, %F wrote:'  (without the 's)   in the Composer | Phrases  
section, so when there's (several) replies to a post, we can still 
figure out who wrote what instead of wonder'n who 'you' is ;)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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[newbie] Postfix listening on port 25

2002-07-16 Thread Ross Pearson

Thanks to all for the help Re: Network Security.

I was feeling confident that I have got things buttoned up fairly securely
and so moved onto setting up postfix to forward mail to my IPS's smtp
server for delivery.

Things are working fine in respect to sending my mail but now I seem to
have port 25 open. 

As I use fetchmail to retrieve my mail from my ISP I can't really see any
need for postfix to be listening on this port. So does anyone know how I
can go about disabling it. Or maybe its not a big worry and I should just
leave it as is.


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Re: [newbie] 3Com USR Modem Installation

2002-07-16 Thread Joe Harkins

On Monday July 15 2002 02:44 pm, Joe Harkins wrote:
  In a separate issue, does anyone know how to configure Kmail, the KDE
  email client, for an Earthlink pop account?

Let me re-state the issue.

I have no problem getting the modem to connect to the Internet. I have no 
problem sending email from Kmail. The problem is that I cannot check mail. 
After I click to check for email, I am prompted for and enter the user and 
pw (definitely the correct ones).

When I click OK, I immediately get an error message. It only sayserror, 
without explanation. And the settings I am using, to the extent that Kmail 
and Eudora use the same or similar terminology, are those that work in Eudora.

I think there is significance in the fact that the error pops up without 
any sensible delay. There is no modem light activity. It seems a fairly 
dependable guess that the email setup itself is not the issue.

Suggestions are welcome.


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[newbie] screen resolution

2002-07-16 Thread Joe Harkins

Now that I have M8.2 installed and KDE running, I am frustrated by my 
inability to find a screen resolution setting. I need 600 by 800.

I am aware of the fact that this can be set during M8 installation. I have 
seen the config dialog during earlier unsuccessful installs but it did not 
come up at all during the successful installation now running. However, I'm 
loathe to do another installation just for the vague possibility I may see 
it again.

Isn't there an on-the-fly setting from within the OS itself, as well?

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Re: [newbie] What have I done?

2002-07-16 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday July 16 2002 07:25 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Tuesday 16 Jul 2002 12:23 pm, you wrote:
  let me jump in and say this sounds to me like named is
  mis-configured and her DNS is looking for the file on the internet,
  as long as killing jabber did not cure it.
  can you go to the K menu,  Applications,  Monitoring,  Process
  managment, highlight ( By clicking on) any process called named 
  then on the top menu, Signal,  Kill. do this until all processes
  called named are gone. and let me know. there are a few services
  that when not properly configured can search all over before
  looking on the hard drive of your computer for some thing, and
  named is one of them.

 'You do not have permission  Short of logging in as root, is
 there a way? Perhaps from the SuperUser file manager?


   Well if I understand the problem  su to root in a term and type 
'ps -aux |grep named'.  That'll return the pid(s) of any running 
'named' process(es), and who owns them, besides some other info.  You 
can then kill with 'kill -9 pid.  Ignore the return that looks 
something like,
root   24920  0.0  0.1  1664  588 pts/2S11:13   0:00 grep named
That's just the grep process you just ran.

Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Lilo boot loader configuration help needed

2002-07-16 Thread Drake Zero

I have XP installed on the first partition of my IDE 0 harddrive (approx 
35gig partiton) and Mandrake installed on the second partion, approx 5gig. XP 
was installed first then Mandrake with Lilo. I can boot either system from 
Lilo without problems I just want to change some of the defaults.

Drake Zero  :|)

Mandrake 8.2
KDE 2.2.2
Abit KT7A motherboard
Santa Cruz sound card by Turtle Beach
IDE 0 - 42Gig, IDE 1 - 14Gig
All In Wonder 128 AGP video with TV tuner
Lite On CDRW
UMAX scanner 1220S
Zoom Modem
3Com Eatherlink XL - DSL connection
Adaptec AIC-7850 PCI SCSI adapter

On Monday 15 July 2002 07:50 pm, you wrote:
 i boot winxp pro using ntfs via lilo so it can be done, i'm not sure what
 you mean by 'windows partition, the boot partition'
 it appears that you managed to install lilo during the install? could you
 describe your partitions and where you are installing lilo?


 On Monday 15 July 2002 9:34 pm, you wrote:
  I installed Mandrake as the second OS after installing WindowsXP. I set
  it to use the graphical Lilo loader and I'd like to make some changes in
  the Lilo configuration. Using the Mandrake Control Center and the Lilo
  configuration wizard any change I make returns the error message
  Installation of LILO failed. The following error occured: Device 0x0301:
  Partition type 0x07 does not seem suitable for a LILO boot sector. Is
  this because I'm using an XP NTFS file system on the Windows partition,
  the boot partition? How can I make changes to the Lilo configuration and
  have them stick?

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RE: [newbie] screen resolution

2002-07-16 Thread Buzek, Tom R.

Run XFdrake

-Original Message-
From: Joe Harkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 11:02 AM
Subject: [newbie] screen resolution

Now that I have M8.2 installed and KDE running, I am frustrated by my 
inability to find a screen resolution setting. I need 600 by 800.

I am aware of the fact that this can be set during M8 installation. I have 
seen the config dialog during earlier unsuccessful installs but it did not 
come up at all during the successful installation now running. However, I'm 
loathe to do another installation just for the vague possibility I may see 
it again.

Isn't there an on-the-fly setting from within the OS itself, as well?

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Re: [newbie] screen resolution

2002-07-16 Thread Dex . Patel

try Xconfigurator at the shell prompt and this will take you through.

good luck.

tks/Dex Patel


  Joe Harkins  

  joeharkins@gtcinterTo:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

  net.comcc:   (bcc: Dex Patel/RCN)   

  Sent by:Subject:  [newbie] screen resolution 





  07/16/02 12:01 PM

  Please respond to




Now that I have M8.2 installed and KDE running, I am frustrated by my
inability to find a screen resolution setting. I need 600 by 800.

I am aware of the fact that this can be set during M8 installation. I have
seen the config dialog during earlier unsuccessful installs but it did not
come up at all during the successful installation now running. However, I'm
loathe to do another installation just for the vague possibility I may see
it again.

Isn't there an on-the-fly setting from within the OS itself, as well?

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] 3Com USR Modem Installation

2002-07-16 Thread et

On Tuesday 16 July 2002 11:54 am, you wrote:
 On Monday July 15 2002 02:44 pm, Joe Harkins wrote:
   In a separate issue, does anyone know how to configure Kmail, the KDE
   email client, for an Earthlink pop account?

 Let me re-state the issue.

 I have no problem getting the modem to connect to the Internet. I have no
 problem sending email from Kmail. The problem is that I cannot check mail.
 After I click to check for email, I am prompted for and enter the user and
 pw (definitely the correct ones).

 When I click OK, I immediately get an error message. It only sayserror,
 without explanation. And the settings I am using, to the extent that Kmail
 and Eudora use the same or similar terminology, are those that work in

 I think there is significance in the fact that the error pops up without
 any sensible delay. There is no modem light activity. It seems a fairly
 dependable guess that the email setup itself is not the issue.

 Suggestions are welcome.

when you say the correct ones are you adding the earthlink.net to the 
user name? don't. other than that you must have a password problem, where you 
are using caps and sould not be or numbers and don't have the num lock on?

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Re: [newbie] screen resolution

2002-07-16 Thread Derek Jennings

On Tuesday 16 Jul 2002 5:01 pm, Joe Harkins wrote:
 Now that I have M8.2 installed and KDE running, I am frustrated by my
 inability to find a screen resolution setting. I need 600 by 800.

 I am aware of the fact that this can be set during M8 installation. I have
 seen the config dialog during earlier unsuccessful installs but it did not
 come up at all during the successful installation now running. However, I'm
 loathe to do another installation just for the vague possibility I may see
 it again.

 Isn't there an on-the-fly setting from within the OS itself, as well?

There sure is...

First of all if you are in KDE try pressing CTl+Alt+keypad plus  (or minus)
This will rotate you through all the resolutions defined for your monitor.

Next Open Mandrake Control Centre HardwareDisplay  and you can set your 
default resolution. Expert mode alllows you to set your video card and 
monitor type.

Note : If you have edited your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file to use the Nvidia 
drivers then this procedure will erase your edits and you will have to do it 
again.   (If you do not know what I am on about then dont worry about it.)



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[newbie] How to force the use of SQUID proxy in LM8.2 ?

2002-07-16 Thread Paulo Araújo


Recently I decided to give a try to LM8.2 on the 
office internet GW. So I replaced MandrakeSNF with 8.2.

Everything is running OK, but I miss the httpd-naat 
service and the quick changes we can do with it, for example to have the proxy 
to require authentication...

Is there something similar we can install in LM 8.2 

What are the alternatives (the way to) 

1. Force the use of the proxy (Like 
2. Require authentication to SQUID.

Help me please...

Re: [newbie] recommendation needed: graphic card w open source drivers

2002-07-16 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday July 16 2002 03:40 am, Stormjumper wrote:
 RE: [newbie] sound problemsam about to go out and buy a graphic card
 to replace my very old Nvidia TNT2

 just wondering, in light of the fierce recent debate on
 open/close source drivers,
 where graphic chipsets are concerned,
 what are the available options with the following requirements

 1. 3d accelerated open source drivers
 2. decent performance

 thanks for any advice

Probly there's only two that come close, ATI and Matrox.
Matrox might not qualify for your number 2., 3d accel. Linux reports on 
ATI are varied and range from 'lot'sa problems' to 'works great'. Also 
the very latest cards, either ATI or Matrox aren't (or aren't fully) 
supported yet. An old 3DFX Voodoo3 or better meets both your 
requirements. I wish I'd never given away my old V3.  Unfortunately, 
3DFX got swallowed up by nVidia some time ago.  XFree still has 
excellent open source 2d/3d drivers for 3DFX cards tho.

 Civileme wrote in a recent newbie post:
Well, I have treasured Voodoo cards for my 3D.  I surplus old test 
machines with other cards installed and hold the 3dfx.  NVIdia drivers 
_are_ unstable and have been known to cause filesystem corruption.  Yes, 
I have tested this, extensively.  Only the XFree drivers, which do not 
provide 3D accel, seem to work all the time.  Incidentally, NVidia 
cannot make their drivers open-source because there were others involved 
in the development, notably SGI and Microsoft, and NVidia's huge success 
is due largely to their special relationship with Microsoft vis-a-vis 
the XBox.  So they are simply a fiefdom on the edge of empire, and 
probably feel at times like a flea on an elephant's back.

   Same things I say all the time but y'all don't argue with him ;
I use a GEF2, mainly 'cause it's the very best card for the one and only 
app I keep Windoze around to run, M$ Flight Sim 2000, nVidia's latest 
30.30 W9x driver.  But I use it with Linux with the XFree open source 
driver, never a problem.  So, IMO, if you can get by without 3d accel 
in Linux, get a GeForce.  You might have to anyhow, get by without 3d 
accel that is, since M$ recently bought SGI's openGL patents, and they 
could tell nVidia to quit supporting Linux with closed source drivers.  
'Course, that's always been a looming threat, even before the SGI 
accquisition (ie, Civileme's comments, special relationship with 
Microsoft ). The XFree 2d drivers will survive in any case. nVidia had 
no part in these, so you won't be completely orphaned.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] IDE/SCSI CD

2002-07-16 Thread civileme

John Richard Smith wrote:

 Linus Drouhard wrote:

 Hi all,
 I really enjoy all the posts.  I have a question that has stumped 
 me.  I have an old CD drive (40x) and a CD-RW (Ricoh MP7040A).  
 Anyway, I set up both drives as SCSI devices.  Mandrake install 
 automagically set up the CD-RW and I added the following as to the 
 append line in lilo.conf


 not too hard so far.  I ran lilo and the drive works.  I can do 
 direct CD to CD copy...in gnometoaster.  Other programs don't 
 recognize the CD-R as a reader.  I cannot open either drive through 
 the /mnt.  They're both locked.  I can play CD's with CD player in 
 the CD-R. 
 I have the CD-R on hdb and the CD-RW on hdd.  I think that something 
 is confused between scdo and scd1.  I can't seem to straighten it 
 out.  It's not a killer as I can undo the append statement to remove 
 the scsi emulation on the CD-R and everything is back to normal, 
 except direct CD copying.

 Any ideas?  Thanks


 did you change the entries in fstab as well



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Well, your other programs look at links


which is most probably hanging--attached to nothing

Your drives under ide-scsi are /dev/scd0 and /dev/scd1

And you need to set up /etc/fstab entries and also the /dev/cdrom link

/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount 
dev=/dev/scd0,fs=iso9660,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0

and a second entry for the other CD drive with say /mnt/cdrom1 and /dev/scd1

and erase the previous entry or better comment it out for the CD drive. 
the one where it says dev=/dev/hdb

Finally in a terminal as root, the ONE drive where you want to play 
audio CDs

ln -fs /dev/scd1 /dev/cdrom

Yep select one drive for audios and make sure you have the audio cable 
from that drive to the sound card, and link that one to /dev/cdrom so 
the players can find it.


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Re: [newbie] OpenOffice

2002-07-16 Thread Joseph Braddock

It sounds like you installed OpenOffice as a standalone app when you wanted to do it 
as a network app (and after the install, you would run setup as a user and it would 
copy some configuration files to your home directory).  I believe you have to add 
-network to the install command line.  Just incase, there should be a readme file in 
the directory you extracted OpenOffice into.  Check it to make sure -network is 
correct.  You want to look for something about a network install.

On Tue, 16 Jul 2002 06:54:57 -0400
Paul Kaplan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am trying to install Open Office 1.0 onto a ML8.2 system.
 Following directions at www.openoffice.org/dev_docs/instructions.html#linux,
 I unpacked the tar.gz file to /tmp, then, as root in /tmp install, ran 
 ./install --prefix=/opt.
 This apparently in installed everything correctly to /opt/OpenOffice.org1.0/
 The program apparently runs fine as root.  However as a normal user, the 
 program freezes shortly after completing the launch process.
 When I attempt to run either /opt/OpenOffice.org1.0/setup or 
 /tmp/install/setup, either as root or as a normal user, the setup program 
 returns OO is already installed, Would you like to repair?  Doing so 
 doesn't change this or any subsequent behaviors, running the setup program 
 again leads to the same message.
 in following the OO installation directions, I see that the setup program is 
 supposed to install ~1.4 Mb into my home directory.  This was not done, 
 either as root or normal user.
 I am able to run OO as a normal user if I change the suid bit on the program 
 file, but this doesn't seem like a safe solution.
 Has anybody been more successful installing OO1.0 on ML8.2?  How?

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Re: [newbie] 3Com USR Modem Installation

2002-07-16 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday July 16 2002 10:54 am, Joe Harkins wrote:
 On Monday July 15 2002 02:44 pm, Joe Harkins wrote:
   In a separate issue, does anyone know how to configure Kmail, the
   KDE email client, for an Earthlink pop account?

 Let me re-state the issue.

 I have no problem getting the modem to connect to the Internet. I
 have no problem sending email from Kmail. The problem is that I
 cannot check mail. After I click to check for email, I am prompted
 for and enter the user and pw (definitely the correct ones).

 When I click OK, I immediately get an error message. It only
 sayserror, without explanation. And the settings I am using, to the
 extent that Kmail and Eudora use the same or similar terminology, are
 those that work in Eudora.

 I think there is significance in the fact that the error pops up
 without any sensible delay. There is no modem light activity. It
 seems a fairly dependable guess that the email setup itself is not
 the issue.

 Suggestions are welcome.

 Well, FWIW, here's my EL/kmailrc for you to compare to yours

[Account 1]

Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] screen resolution

2002-07-16 Thread John Richard Smith

Joe Harkins wrote:

 Now that I have M8.2 installed and KDE running, I am frustrated by my 
 inability to find a screen resolution setting. I need 600 by 800.

 I am aware of the fact that this can be set during M8 installation. I 
 have seen the config dialog during earlier unsuccessful installs but 
 it did not come up at all during the successful installation now 
 running. However, I'm loathe to do another installation just for the 
 vague possibility I may see it again.

 Isn't there an on-the-fly setting from within the OS itself, as well?


Go to Mandrake control centre - hardware - Xdisplay and alter.

John Richard Smith

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RE: [newbie] Postfix listening on port 25

2002-07-16 Thread Franki

don't disable port 25, its not a good idea..

I think that you could take it off your external interface.. in
I think you would look at inet_interfaces
but don't do that unless you have your mail client to use your ISP's mail
server.. then you can  just turn postfix off.
service postfix stop

but if you want to use postfix, and you want it to relay mail onto your
ISP's mail server. Then go back to main.cf and look for relay_domains =

That should get you started.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ross Pearson
Sent: Tuesday, 16 July 2002 11:37 PM
Subject: [newbie] Postfix listening on port 25

Thanks to all for the help Re: Network Security.

I was feeling confident that I have got things buttoned up fairly securely
and so moved onto setting up postfix to forward mail to my IPS's smtp
server for delivery.

Things are working fine in respect to sending my mail but now I seem to
have port 25 open.

As I use fetchmail to retrieve my mail from my ISP I can't really see any
need for postfix to be listening on this port. So does anyone know how I
can go about disabling it. Or maybe its not a big worry and I should just
leave it as is.


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Re: [newbie] Anyone use Hancom Office?

2002-07-16 Thread Terry Sheltra

Nope, I still haven't gotten it to print yet.  I cannot find any way to set up 
a printer with it.  I wonder if it is one of the things conveniently left out 
of the evaluation version of it.


On Tuesday 16 July 2002 01:44 am, you wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 sorry i somehow missed this email.  i do indeed use it from time to time
 but have never printed from it.  did you solve the trouble?  if not i will
 try printing and let you know how it goes.

 On Monday 08 July 2002 01:40 pm, Terry Sheltra did speak unto the huddled

 masses, saying:
  Anyone use Hancom Office?  I just recently downloaded the demo version to
  try out, and I love it so far.  The only problem I am having is trying to
  print out a document.  Does the demo version allow this?  If so, how does
  one configure it to use a printer?  I try to print, but cannot select any
  kind of printer that I have setup in KDE, and also cannot seem to find
  how to tell it to use something like XPP instead.  It seems to go through
  the motions of printing, but does not.  I went to Hancom's website, but
  cannot find any contact information or any mailing lists to try
  searching.  Any suggestions would be most appreciated.

 - --
 The linux philosophy is laugh in the face of danger. Oops. Wrong one. 'Do
 it yourself.' That's it.  -L. Torvalds


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Re: [newbie] Postfix listening on port 25

2002-07-16 Thread Miark


You could add the port to /etc/hosts.deny so that the
port is still open, but inaccessible to the world.


 As I use fetchmail to retrieve my mail from my ISP I can't really see any
 need for postfix to be listening on this port. So does anyone know how I
 can go about disabling it. Or maybe its not a big worry and I should just
 leave it as is.

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[newbie] CDwriting with Gnometoaster

2002-07-16 Thread Marcia

Dear All,

I am trying to burn my first CD with my brand new system (Athlon XP 1600+) on 
LM8.2. I have the Liteon cdrw and it is detected just fine. I did the test by 
erasing the disk first just to find out if that worked. It did. Then I 
started to get ready to set things up for recording some audio onto my disc 
and when I was doing that I got an error message that said: 

Gnometoaster failed to create its symbolic link area 
/home/marcia/tmp/gtoaster_cdfs, check to see if you have permission to create 

Does anyone know what I do now to get this working correctly. Any help will 
be greatly appreciated. Thankyou.



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RE: [newbie] upgrade KDE 3.0.2

2002-07-16 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

Salamat Datang di Linux Mandrake Teddy!

-Original Message-
From: teddy wl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2002 6:25 PM
Subject: [newbie] upgrade KDE 3.0.2

I'm newbie in linux, now I new in this milist. my
computer was installed Mandrake 8.2, this use kde
2.2.2, How to upgrade to kde 3.0.2 in my mandrake 8.2?

Sorry my english, I'm from Indonesia, but I know, all
of you understand. Thank you


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RE: [newbie] upgrade KDE 3.0.2

2002-07-16 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

Oops, sorry about that, I hit the send by mistake.

Mandrake did a small instruction sheet for doing this, should you decide
that you really want to.
It's actually pretty painless. The Mandrake instructions, and download are


Have fun!


-Original Message-
From: teddy wl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2002 6:25 PM
Subject: [newbie] upgrade KDE 3.0.2

I'm newbie in linux, now I new in this milist. my
computer was installed Mandrake 8.2, this use kde
2.2.2, How to upgrade to kde 3.0.2 in my mandrake 8.2?

Sorry my english, I'm from Indonesia, but I know, all
of you understand. Thank you


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RE: [newbie] problems with /etc/fstab

2002-07-16 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

 Here's another way to hang a system:

 1. mount some nfs shares.
 2. shut down one of the machines serving the nfs share without first 
 unmounting it, and have a filemanager open to the remote filesystem
 3.  Now try to shut down the client machine.  It will hang on unmounting 
 the remote filesystem. (and now you learn to use alt-sysrq-r alt-sysrq-s 
 and alt-sysrq-b)

That's a good demonstration of one of the weaknesses of NFS. Unfortunately,
for some of us, NFS is a necessary way of life. Imagine a system with a
large central server (disk farm basically), feeding a network with 2,500
workstations, and over 5,000 registered servers. Each user must have access
to any workstation, and have their home directory, and some data directories
available. The only way to do that is that each of the clients is tied via
NIS/NFS to the server. NIS serving the user names, and NFS mounting the home
directories, and the data directories. 

NFS/NIS is a necessary evil. 

I'm not writing this looking for fixes. I've been running systems like that
for years on AIX, and I'm just used to the headaches involved. I just
brought it into the conversation because of the way civileme was
dismissing NFS as to unstable to use.

Boeing runs on NFS. As does Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, ATT
Wireless, etc...
You just have to approach it with the attitude that It can, and at times
will, wreak havoc. And it never disappoints. ;)



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RE: [newbie] launching apps from terminal

2002-07-16 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

 switching apps from terminal

 On Fri, 12 Jul 2002, Bill Davidson wrote:

 On Fri, 12 Jul 2002 18:15:50 -0400
 Todd Slater [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Is it possible to launch a gui program from a terminal, then have the
  same terminal available to do other stuff?

 Sure. Just put a '' after the command to send it to the background. You
 have to keep the terminal open though, or your app will close as well.

 Not quite true.  The application should launch as a detached process.
 Just tried ogle from gnome-terminal and it stayed put when the xterm
 closed down.  The terminal window will display messages from the
 application while it exists - don't know what happens to them after
 xterm exit though (xsession-errors?).
 Len Lawrence

Not all terms  apps are created equally.
Most terms will kill backgrounded apps when they're closed. Some of the
better mannered ones will try to warn you first. Others will just
mercilessly slay it without warning.

It's usually best to try to keep track of the background jobs you have


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Re: [newbie] recommendation needed: graphic card w open source drivers

2002-07-16 Thread Ronald J. Hall

On Tuesday 16 July 2002 01:10 pm, you wrote:


Same things I say all the time but y'all don't argue with him ;
 I use a GEF2, mainly 'cause it's the very best card for the one and only
 app I keep Windoze around to run, M$ Flight Sim 2000, nVidia's latest
 30.30 W9x driver.  But I use it with Linux with the XFree open source
 driver, never a problem.  So, IMO, if you can get by without 3d accel
 in Linux, get a GeForce.  You might have to anyhow, get by without 3d
 accel that is, since M$ recently bought SGI's openGL patents, and they
 could tell nVidia to quit supporting Linux with closed source drivers.
 'Course, that's always been a looming threat, even before the SGI
 accquisition (ie, Civileme's comments, special relationship with
 Microsoft ). The XFree 2d drivers will survive in any case. nVidia had
 no part in these, so you won't be completely orphaned.

It scares me to think that MS can dictate OpenGL termslike too many other 

I use the closed-source Nvidia drivers for my Geforce, to get 3D stuff for 
games. I understand the implications. I don't like it though, and I agree 
with you and Civileme.

I've got my fingers crossed that the ATI Radeon 8500 will get open source 
drivers with 3D support soon, since The Weather Channel is now sponsoring 
developement for this card. 

I'd switch in a heartbeat, if 3D performance is on par :-)


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Re: [newbie] 3Com USR Modem Installation

2002-07-16 Thread Joe Harkins

At 01:04 PM 7/16/2002 -0400, you wrote:
when you say the correct ones are you adding the earthlink.net to the
user name? don't. other than that you must have a password problem, where you
are using caps and sould not be or numbers and don't have the num lock on?

Those are normally good ideas but I am using the identical settings, with 
normal success, to check mail in Win XP using Eudora. Num lock and caps 
off, too. That was one of my early check-offs.

And, keep in mind that the error msg appears even though there is nothing 
to indicate modem activity and the server is not sending the message.

Further, I have tried using Netscape to check email with the same result.

I suspect it's something here in the OS. Maybe a setting that Mandrake 
wants but that Win defaults?

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Re: [newbie] 3Com USR Modem Installation

2002-07-16 Thread Joe Harkins

At 10:05 PM 7/16/2002 +0100, you wrote:
Well not every seems to get that phantom account. I did not.  To get rid 
of it
do this.

Thanks. I'm on my way out the door to a meeting but will try this when i 

Regards, joe

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Re: [newbie] Re: CENSORSHIP: 1984-reduced.......? Now OT

2002-07-16 Thread Charlie

July 16, 2002 12:51 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 My 2p worth -

 I was in China last October - well after the dates in the article.  We
 found the Chinese people talking much more freely than we expected about
 past and present difficulties.  One guide (remember, paid by the state)
 told us that the government still only allowed foreign news channels into
 the 4* hotels, for tourists, and that they could not be received by locals.
  He went on to say that he expected that too to give way in the not too
 distant future.  He confidently talked of a large proportion of the city
 dwellers having access to the internet, and said that it was expected that
 even the government would have to admit defeat on that score.

 The impression we got was that change was still painful to the government,
 who wanted it in theory but were still afraid of it, and that many of the
 people, the more educated at least, had confidence in the country to change
 at a pace that was right for them, even if they sometimes felt impatient.

opinionThe biggest problem facing any repressive government is the fact 
that the human race doesn't 'tame' worth a damn. The Chinese government (and 
a few others) is eventually going to have to awaken to that, and stop trying 
to run their countries as though they were a collective of emperors. All 
rights and privileges for party members, and the back of the hand to the 
peasants. They get only what they are given by the magnanimous all knowing 
rulers.  They seem to all be dinosaurs, with no clue yet that their 
philosophies are never going to work no matter how they're applied. /opinion

If they don't believe it perhaps they should ask the Russians.

On the same subject; I read this morning (at The Reg I believe) that Yahoo! 
caved in to the censorship demands of the Beijing government. sigh

They'll cave in to anyone, won't they?
Registered user 244963 at http://counter.li.org
Honi soit qui mal y pense.
[Evil to him who evil thinks.]
-- Motto of the Order of the Garter (est. Edward III)

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Re: [newbie] Anyone use Hancom Office?

2002-07-16 Thread shane

Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 16 July 2002 10:50, Terry Sheltra did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

 Nope, I still haven't gotten it to print yet.  I cannot find any way to
 set up a printer with it.  I wonder if it is one of the things
 conveniently left out of the evaluation version of it.


 On Tuesday 16 July 2002 01:44 am, you wrote:
  Hash: SHA1
  sorry i somehow missed this email.  i do indeed use it from time to
  time but have never printed from it.  did you solve the trouble?  if
  not i will try printing and let you know how it goes.
  On Monday 08 July 2002 01:40 pm, Terry Sheltra did speak unto the
  masses, saying:
   Anyone use Hancom Office?  I just recently downloaded the demo
   version to try out, and I love it so far.  The only problem I am
   having is trying to print out a document.  Does the demo version
   allow this?  If so, how does one configure it to use a printer?  I
   try to print, but cannot select any kind of printer that I have setup
   in KDE, and also cannot seem to find how to tell it to use something
   like XPP instead.  It seems to go through the motions of printing,
   but does not.  I went to Hancom's website, but cannot find any
   contact information or any mailing lists to try searching.  Any
   suggestions would be most appreciated.

after much screwing around i am begining to wonder if hancom works with 
cups.  my only printer is a remote cups, and it simply refuses to work.  
are you using cups?  have you tried adding another printer type?

- -- 
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[newbie] Perl Script

2002-07-16 Thread Leonard W. Miller

Can somebody tell my why this doesn't work?


for($x = 1; $x  255; $x++)
  snmpwalk 172.17.16.$x public;


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Re: [newbie] OpenOffice

2002-07-16 Thread dfox

 Am I correct in assuming it's impossible to do a network
 install with the RPM?

I haven't tried with the RPM. My guess is that it would do a 
standard install in /opt, and then the user would have to do
the network install to put the files in his home directory.


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[newbie] running terminal apps from menu

2002-07-16 Thread Bill Winegarden

This one has been bugging me for quite a while. I run LM8.2 on my laptop and 
I have installed Wordperfect on it. It's from an old Maximum Linux cd. 
Anyway, I tried to add it to the menu under Office and under 'command' I 
use      /home/bill/Wordperfect/wpbin/xwp
These are the directories and the command that I use to start from the 
command line. However, when I try to select it from the menu, I get the 
hourglass working in the taskbar, then it just disappears. top and kpm show 
no process(es) for Wordperfect.
What am I missing here? Is it possible to add a command line app to the 
start menu and get it to work?

Thanks and regards,
Bill W.

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Re: [newbie] OpenOffice

2002-07-16 Thread Miark

Am I correct in assuming it's impossible to do a network
install with the RPM?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] (dfox) saith:

  I am trying to install Open Office 1.0 onto a ML8.2 system.
 I just did that yesterday (8.1 though). Seems to work fine, didn't
 have any problems.
  When I attempt to run either /opt/OpenOffice.org1.0/setup or=20
  /tmp/install/setup, either as root or as a normal user, the setup program=
 It's a two step process. /tmp/install/setup is run (as root) with the
 /net option to do a network install in /opt, or wherever else you
 want the bulk of OO to reside. 
 The second install is done by an ordinary user as a Network installation
 into their home directory -- and the prog to run is *not* /tmp/install/
 setup, because that was for the initial install. Rather, you need to 
 run the setup program in /opt/OpenOffice.org1.0 (or wherever you put
 it) and choose Network install.

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[newbie] How to get CD Player to work?

2002-07-16 Thread Josef Lowder

How can I get CD Player to work? 

Got the following error message: 
 CDROM read or access error (or no audio disc in drive). 
 Please make sure you have access permissions to 

There is a music CD in the CD drive 
There is no file /dev/cdrom file on my system, 
but I do have a Sony CD-RW and I can mount and umount, 
read and write to it. 

Also tried XMMS but can't play a music CD on it either, 
and cannot find any help-button on the control window 
that XMMS starts.  The XMMS control window image 
is way too tiny to read, anyway. 

Also, how does one access this list's archives? 
I've saved about a thousand messages in my Kmail Linux folder, 
but can't find any on CD Player. 


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Re: [newbie] What have I done?

2002-07-16 Thread et

On Tuesday 16 July 2002 02:38 pm, you wrote:
BIGSNIP  root   24920  0.0  0.1  1664  588 pts/2S11:13   0:00 
grep named
  That's just the grep process you just ran.

 OK - done that.  Doesn't seem to have made much difference.

 Seems to me that I should kill anything and everything that I safely can
 then re-start so that only the stuff that's really needed gets loaded. 
 Problem is, what can safely go?

no if you kill it, it will come back when you reboot, and in fact you may 
have to turn it off in the boot up menu, 

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Re: [newbie] Re: CENSORSHIP: 1984-reduced.......? Now OT

2002-07-16 Thread Anne Wilson

On Saturday 13 Jul 2002 2:26 pm, you wrote:
 Hello folks,
 Another one of his rants. :-)
 THIS is important.
 THIS might be about the last chance for us all - NOT just the Chinese, but
 Americans and Australians and everybody else!
 Please - get into it..

My 2p worth -

I was in China last October - well after the dates in the article.  We found 
the Chinese people talking much more freely than we expected about past and 
present difficulties.  One guide (remember, paid by the state) told us that 
the government still only allowed foreign news channels into the 4* hotels, 
for tourists, and that they could not be received by locals.  He went on to 
say that he expected that too to give way in the not too distant future.  He 
confidently talked of a large proportion of the city dwellers having access 
to the internet, and said that it was expected that even the government would 
have to admit defeat on that score.

The impression we got was that change was still painful to the government, 
who wanted it in theory but were still afraid of it, and that many of the 
people, the more educated at least, had confidence in the country to change 
at a pace that was right for them, even if they sometimes felt impatient.


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Re: [newbie] CDwriting with Gnometoaster

2002-07-16 Thread Dennis Myers

On Tuesday 16 July 2002 08:48 am, you wrote:
 Dear All,

 I am trying to burn my first CD with my brand new system (Athlon XP 1600+)
 on LM8.2. I have the Liteon cdrw and it is detected just fine. I did the
 test by erasing the disk first just to find out if that worked. It did.
 Then I started to get ready to set things up for recording some audio onto
 my disc and when I was doing that I got an error message that said:

 Gnometoaster failed to create its symbolic link area
 /home/marcia/tmp/gtoaster_cdfs, check to see if you have permission to
 create files.

 Does anyone know what I do now to get this working correctly. Any help will
 be greatly appreciated. Thankyou.



Marcia, this is maybe a two part  problem, first: check your permissions in 
userdrake and make sure you have cdwriter as one of the groups. If not add by 
highlighting your user and then click edit (just in case you didn't know). 
Then if that doesn't fix it or if you haven't done this, go into gtoaster and 
click on preferences. On the tab called common which may be the first one up 
you will see a line called Temp Files ,  change what is in there to  
/home/marcia/tmp without the quotes and whith marcia replaced by whatever 
your user name is. Then at the ISO9660 tab at the bottom it shows ISO 
Temporary files, change that to /home/marcia/Burn again without the quotes 
and with your user name.  Now that file Burn must be created in your home 
directory since it is not automagically made. ( I would do that first  if you 
don't have one already). 
The last thing is, if you do not have the latest version (beta5) on the Gnome 
Toaster I would get it first as the mandrake rpm at 
install the beta5 as it works better and is faster. Once installed the above 
has to be done or redone as I recall. HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] OpenOffice

2002-07-16 Thread bascule

to butt in, i used urpmi to install the latest mandrake rpm for 
openoffice.org and it seems to have done a network install, obviously i was 
root to installl but as a user the menu items are all there and they work


On Tuesday 16 July 2002 11:11 pm, you wrote:
  Am I correct in assuming it's impossible to do a network
  install with the RPM?

 I haven't tried with the RPM. My guess is that it would do a
 standard install in /opt, and then the user would have to do
 the network install to put the files in his home directory.


'Today Is A Good Day For Someone Else To Die!'
(Feet of Clay)

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[newbie] fstab (long post)

2002-07-16 Thread Frank McKenna

Hi All,

In two previous posts I submitted the following.  I only saw the first
appear so I am resending both messages as one.  Sorry for the long post

I decided to put an old Creative DVD 2 X in a Mandrake 8.1 box along with a
32 X CD-ROM.  Unfortunately, only the DVD (I think) is mounted although both
the DVD and CD-ROM show up in Hardrake

When I run kdc the DVD shows up as the block D device but it Hardrake it is
a block C device.  (  I hope that this is correct because I was using a
friend's DSL connection to do massive updates)  Anyway, if it isn't I hope
at least this conveys the idea.

I installed autofs to see if this would resolve the proble but to no avail.

Civileme suggested that I forward my fstab and get rid of autofs

Here is my fstab:

/dev/hda1 / ext1 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hdd /mnt/cd rom auto auto
oauto 0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto
0,noauto 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda5 swap swap defaults 0 0

How would I lose autofs?


Frank McKenna

True strength les through gentleness

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[newbie] How to append files to a CD-R?

2002-07-16 Thread Josef Lowder

How can I add or append additional files to a CD-R onto which I have already 
recorded or burned just a few files? 

After reading volumes of messages on this list, plus the recommend HOWTO on 
this subject, I finally figured out how to burn a CD under Mandrake 8.1.  
It's regrettable that there seem to be so many extra hoops that Linux users 
have to jump through to get some of these very basic tasks to work. 

I still do not have either xcdroast or Gcombust working because they each 
require nuisance configuration steps.  But I prefer command line operations, 
anyway . . . once I can finally get the correct syntax worked out. 
In this case, the most concise and helpful explanation came from Tom 
Brinkman, although even his required some interpretation and adjustment. 
Tom described his approach this way: 

'bdcd' cd_image 
'bacd' (in the dir where the wav's are) 
or 'biso' filename.iso 
alias bdcd=cdrecord -v -eject speed=8 dev=0,0 -data
(need to make cd_image first, eg, 'mkisofs -r -o cd_image dir')
alias biso=cdrecord -v -eject speed=8 dev=0,0
alias bacd=cdrecord -v -eject speed=8 dev=0,0 -pad -audio *.wav

From Tom's examples, I derived the following two key lines 
which I put in a shell script that I named burncd 

mkisofs -r -o cdimage /home/joe/data 
cdrecord -v speed=2 dev=0,0 cdimage 

But I had to omit the word eject because I got this error message: 

cdrecord: No such file or directory. No read access for 'eject'. 

Can anyone explain why this error message and how to get eject to work? 

Also, would someone please explain why dev=0,0 works but dev=0,0,0 (which 
other examples use) does not work? 

In my shell script burncd I have actually built in some additional 
functions including variable input options and a log to automatically keep a 
record of all of the CD's I burn, etc.  But it is really neat that those two 
simple lines are all that anyone really needs to burn a CD. 

Thanks, Tom. 

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[newbie] Server Side Includes

2002-07-16 Thread Ross Slade

Server Side Includes work only if the file is 'index.shtml'

i.e. I have 'index.shtml' which includes 'footer.shtml' at the bottom and
this works fine.

However, if the file has any other name is fails:


'test.shtml' is a straight copy of 'index.shtml' - same owner/group, same
permissions but the include does not work any more.

etc/httpd/conf/commonhttpd.conf contains:
AddType text/html .shtml
AddHandler server-parsed .shtml

The above file is very close to default, and overall only a couple of
added virtualhost's have been added.

Any clues please?


Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around in awareness.

 {My web page died..RIP} ICQ: 9391313

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Re: [newbie] Posting Saga Resolved

2002-07-16 Thread Dale Huckeby

On 16 Jul 2002, Chuck Stuettgen wrote:

 I am posting this message so to let others know there is a solution
 available for those who have to deal with ISP's that are run by
 brain-dead morons.

  I had a similar experience.  The cable company I'm using for broadband
(for reasons I won't go into here) apparently has their mail server
misconfigured in a way that makes it impossible for Linux-based machines
to download email.  I tried fetchmail and every mail client I could think 
of.  Calls to tech support were met by, We don't support Linux.  So I
continued to use my old provider (evansville.net) for email, and use the 
cable company for the connection.

Dale Huckeby

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Re: [newbie] screen resolution

2002-07-16 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Tue, 16 Jul 2002 12:01:59 -0400, Joe Harkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Now that I have M8.2 installed and KDE running, I am frustrated by my 
 inability to find a screen resolution setting. I need 600 by 800.
 I am aware of the fact that this can be set during M8 installation. I have 
 seen the config dialog during earlier unsuccessful installs but it did not 
 come up at all during the successful installation now running. However, I'm 
 loathe to do another installation just for the vague possibility I may see 
 it again.
 Isn't there an on-the-fly setting from within the OS itself, as well?

Yep, there is. You can find it in the Mandrake Control Centre.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Don't underestimate the power of survival of the fittest. -- Linus Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] Perl Script

2002-07-16 Thread Bill Davidson

On Tue, 16 Jul 2002 17:33:38 -0400
Leonard W. Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can somebody tell my why this doesn't work?
 for($x = 1; $x  255; $x++)
   snmpwalk 172.17.16.$x public;

I'm just learning perl myself, but, in order to make a system call in
perl, you need to either do: 1. system(snmpwalk 172.17.16.$x public); 
or 2. $result = `snmpwalk 172.17.16.$x public`;
Those are back ticks, not quotes by the way. $result is just the exit
value of the program.


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Re: [newbie] Server Side Includes

2002-07-16 Thread Todd Slater

On Wed, 17 Jul 2002 11:01:17 +1000
Ross Slade [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Server Side Includes work only if the file is 'index.shtml'
 i.e. I have 'index.shtml' which includes 'footer.shtml' at the bottom
 and this works fine.
 However, if the file has any other name is fails:
 'test.shtml' is a straight copy of 'index.shtml' - same owner/group,
 same permissions but the include does not work any more.
 etc/httpd/conf/commonhttpd.conf contains:
 AddType text/html .shtml
 AddHandler server-parsed .shtml
 The above file is very close to default, and overall only a couple of
 added virtualhost's have been added.
 Any clues please?

Are you running 8.2? I had all sorts of trouble getting Apache to play
nice when I upgraded. Luckily, I saved my httpd conf files from 8.1. In a
moment of frustration, I just copied them over to /etc/httpd/conf, and


Todd Slater
There is no human reason why a child should not admire and emulate his
teacher's ability to do sums, rather than the village bum's ability to
whittle sticks and smoke cigarettes. The reason why the child does not is
plain enough - the bum has put himself on an equality with him and the
teacher has not. (Floyd Dell)

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Re: [newbie] How to append files to a CD-R?

2002-07-16 Thread Todd Slater

On Tue, 16 Jul 2002 17:55:30 -0700
Josef Lowder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How can I add or append additional files to a CD-R onto which I have
 already recorded or burned just a few files? 

I don't think you can write more than once to a CD-R. A CD-RW you can, but
I have yet to try this in Linux.

 After reading volumes of messages on this list, plus the recommend HOWTO
 on this subject, I finally figured out how to burn a CD under Mandrake
 8.1.  It's regrettable that there seem to be so many extra hoops that
 Linux users have to jump through to get some of these very basic tasks
 to work. 
 I still do not have either xcdroast or Gcombust working because they
 each require nuisance configuration steps.  But I prefer command line
 operations, anyway . . . once I can finally get the correct syntax
 worked out. 


 Thanks, Tom. 

I prefer the command line for burning, too. The biggest help to me was:


See also the man pages for cdrecord and mkisofs


Todd Slater
The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who
can't read them. (Mark Twain)

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Re: [newbie] Server Side Includes

2002-07-16 Thread Todd Slater

On Tue, 16 Jul 2002 21:55:45 -0400
Todd Slater [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, 17 Jul 2002 11:01:17 +1000
 Ross Slade [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Server Side Includes work only if the file is 'index.shtml'
  i.e. I have 'index.shtml' which includes 'footer.shtml' at the bottom
  and this works fine.
  However, if the file has any other name is fails:
  'test.shtml' is a straight copy of 'index.shtml' - same owner/group,
  same permissions but the include does not work any more.
  etc/httpd/conf/commonhttpd.conf contains:
  AddType text/html .shtml
  AddHandler server-parsed .shtml
  The above file is very close to default, and overall only a couple of
  added virtualhost's have been added.
  Any clues please?
 Are you running 8.2? I had all sorts of trouble getting Apache to play
 nice when I upgraded. Luckily, I saved my httpd conf files from 8.1. In
 a moment of frustration, I just copied them over to /etc/httpd/conf, and

Oops--I spoke too soon. I have the same situation here :(. Looks like I'll
have to investigate. .


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Re: [newbie] How to append files to a CD-R?

2002-07-16 Thread FemmeFatale

Todd Slater wrote:
 On Tue, 16 Jul 2002 17:55:30 -0700
 Josef Lowder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  How can I add or append additional files to a CD-R onto which I have
  already recorded or burned just a few files?
 I don't think you can write more than once to a CD-R. A CD-RW you can, but
 I have yet to try this in Linux.

i don't know about linux but i would think leaving a cd in open mode
of a multisession type would work.  no?  


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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[newbie] debugging, compiling, building, and executing c files

2002-07-16 Thread Aru Sahni

After much trial and 
error on my md box, I gave up on emacs, and decided to use the 'gcc' and 'make' 
commands in the terminal window. I have successfully managed to use gcc to 
debug, but am not able to use 'make'.

When I 
$ make 

The program 
make: nothing to 
be done for '/home/aru/prog/weekone/2-17.c'

I gained nothing 
from typing:
$ make 

Also, after the file 
is made, how do I run it?
This is kinda 
important for my class, so If you can help, please do so!

Re: [newbie] debugging, compiling, building, and executing c files

2002-07-16 Thread Michael Viron

To start, please try not to send html text, as most people will tend to
ignore it.  Also, you don't need to have the font at 16 or 18 pt, as most
people can see either 10 or 12 pt.

Anyways, to use make you must create a makefile.  If you don't have one,
it will return make: nothing to be done for whatever.c.

Do a google search on makefiles, and you should be able to find a tutorial
or howto on makefiles.


Michael Viron
Project Manager / Primary Developer / Manager of Online Operations
General Education Online

At 11:07 PM 7/16/2002 -0400, Aru Sahni wrote: 

After much trial and  error on my md box, I gave up on emacs, and decided
to use the 'gcc' and 'make'  commands in the terminal window.  I have
successfully managed to use gcc to  debug, but am not able to use 'make'.
size=4  When I  type: $ make  /home/aru/prog/weekone/2-17.c size=4  The
program  returns: make: nothing to  be done for
'/home/aru/prog/weekone/2-17.c' size=4  I gained nothing  from typing: $
make  --help size=4  Also, after the file  is made, how do I run it? This
is kinda  important for my class, so If you can help, please do so! -Aru

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Re: [newbie] How to append files to a CD-R?

2002-07-16 Thread Dennis Myers

On Tuesday 16 July 2002 09:53 pm, you wrote:
 Todd Slater wrote:
  On Tue, 16 Jul 2002 17:55:30 -0700
  Josef Lowder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   How can I add or append additional files to a CD-R onto which I have
   already recorded or burned just a few files?
  I don't think you can write more than once to a CD-R. A CD-RW you can,
  but I have yet to try this in Linux.

 i don't know about linux but i would think leaving a cd in open mode
 of a multisession type would work.  no?
You should be able to do it with a multisession and fixate tag.  Then the 
disk will be readable but you can still append new files. I say should HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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[newbie] ipchains question

2002-07-16 Thread freeman

I need to make a port enables on ipchains.  but I cannot find how
to do it. any ideas please let me know the port is 6901

Thanx in advance 


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Re: [newbie] debugging, compiling, building, and executing c files

2002-07-16 Thread Damian G

 to use the 'gcc' and 'make' commands in the terminal window.  I have
 successfully managed to use gcc to debug, but am not able to use 'make'.

based on the way you are trying to compile a single  .c file, i' m not
sure you really need make.

to compile a .c file and get an executable just do a

[user@localhost user]$ gcc -o outputfile source.c

that will create the outputfile executable which you can then
run simply by calling it:

[user@localhost user]$ ./outputfile

that should be enough to compile and run .c sources.



Who is General Failure, and why is he reading my disk?

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Re: [newbie] New Hobby

2002-07-16 Thread Carroll Grigsby

On Monday 15 July 2002 11:26 am, Alastair Scott wrote:
 On Sunday 14 July 2002 2:08 am, magnet wrote:
  If you are ever in West Thurrock, Essex somewhere near the PCWorld
  store [M$World] please take the time to pop in to chat with their
  upgrade assistant and confirm that no... you cant play Linux on an
  X-Box or PS2, altho you can get a high-score on uptime. Trust me,
  she will ask if the game Uptime can run on an X-box or PS2! *sigh*
  All I went in for was to ask if a particular gfx card had linux
  support (I had nothing better to do), and yes, you guessed, no-one in
  the whole store could answer. ;-)

 One for the non-British list members :P

 Out of interest (as some slashdot and kuro5hin items are difficult to
 understand otherwise) ... which US computer stores are equivalent to PC

 At PCW employees only know, at maximum, about what's physically there on
 the shelves, extended warranties are pushed, you pay the full
 manufacturer's price unless someone's feeling generous, attempts at
 haggling are met with the Stare of Death and (as noted) PCW is a
 Microsoft fiefdom. The only good thing is that they usually have an
 excellent stock of Belkin cables, including obscure ones.


Large bodies of water don't seem to make any difference -- most of them here 
are idiots, too. Say Linux and they get the panicked look of a deer 
standing in the middle of the road, or else they edge towards a phone so that 
they can dial 911 to report an evil terrorist hacker on the premises. I did 
get lucky once at a local store when I was buying the guts of this system -- 
the clerk was doing graduate work at NCSU in Computer Science, and was a 
long-time Debian guy. He gave me some good advice, and even sent me a couple 
of followup e-mails. Sadly, he has soon afterwards completed his degree 
and moved on to much bigger and better things, so it's back to the blank 
stare/panic response.

As for the original post: Could we cut out this emphasis on uptime? It's a 
sensitive subject for us older guys.

-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] How to get CD Player to work?

2002-07-16 Thread civileme

Josef Lowder wrote:

How can I get CD Player to work? 

Got the following error message: 
 CDROM read or access error (or no audio disc in drive). 
 Please make sure you have access permissions to 

There is a music CD in the CD drive 
There is no file /dev/cdrom file on my system, 
but I do have a Sony CD-RW and I can mount and umount, 
read and write to it. 

Also tried XMMS but can't play a music CD on it either, 
and cannot find any help-button on the control window 
that XMMS starts.  The XMMS control window image 
is way too tiny to read, anyway. 

Also, how does one access this list's archives? 
I've saved about a thousand messages in my Kmail Linux folder, 
but can't find any on CD Player. 


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devfs doesn't quite do all it was advertised to do yet...  you need a 
manual link

In a terminal window use su to become root then

ln -fs /dev/(whatever the CD drive is) /dev//cdrom

Make sure the cable (audio cable is attached from the CD drive toi the 
sound input (either a sound card or 4 pins on the motherboard.)


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Re: [newbie] How to get CD Player to work?

2002-07-16 Thread Len Lawrence

On Tue, 16 Jul 2002, Josef Lowder wrote:

 How can I get CD Player to work?

 Got the following error message:
  CDROM read or access error (or no audio disc in drive).
  Please make sure you have access permissions to

 There is a music CD in the CD drive
 There is no file /dev/cdrom file on my system,
On my system /dev/cdrom is a symbolic link to a link in the /dev/cdroms
directory.  You could try, as root:
  ln -s /dev/cdroms/cdrom0 /dev/cdrom
and make sure the permissions are 777 (r-xr-xr-x).  Your CD drive might
not be cdrom0 though.
 but I do have a Sony CD-RW and I can mount and umount,
 read and write to it.

 Also tried XMMS but can't play a music CD on it either,
 and cannot find any help-button on the control window
 that XMMS starts.  The XMMS control window image
 is way too tiny to read, anyway.
Yes, that does seem to be a problem - with the Ultrafina skin on a
1280x1024 screen the text is legible but the buttons are not.
There is a doublesize option on the OAIDV menu on screen, or in the
dropdown menu, or Ctrl-D.  That simply magnifies everything, giving a
rather blurred image.

 Also, how does one access this list's archives?
 I've saved about a thousand messages in my Kmail Linux folder,
 but can't find any on CD Player.


Len Lawrence

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Re: [newbie] Server Side Includes

2002-07-16 Thread Ross Slade

 On Tue, 16 Jul 2002 21:55:45 -0400
 Todd Slater [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Wed, 17 Jul 2002 11:01:17 +1000
  Ross Slade [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Server Side Includes work only if the file is 'index.shtml'
   i.e. I have 'index.shtml' which includes 'footer.shtml' at the bottom and
   this works fine.
   However, if the file has any other name is fails:
   'test.shtml' is a straight copy of 'index.shtml' - same owner/group,
   same permissions but the include does not work any more.
   etc/httpd/conf/commonhttpd.conf contains:
   AddType text/html .shtml
   AddHandler server-parsed .shtml
   The above file is very close to default, and overall only a couple of
   added virtualhost's have been added.
   Any clues please?
  Are you running 8.2? I had all sorts of trouble getting Apache to play
  nice when I upgraded. Luckily, I saved my httpd conf files from 8.1. In a
  moment of frustration, I just copied them over to /etc/httpd/conf, and
 Oops--I spoke too soon. I have the same situation here :(. Looks like I'll
 have to investigate. .

Sorry, forgot to mention that...no, I'm running 8.1


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