Re: [newbie-it] connessione internet come utente comune

2002-10-14 Thread Andrea Celli

On Sun, 13 Oct 2002 22:27:56 +0200
Rosario [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ho installato recentemente sul mio computer Linux Mandrake 8.2, da un disco allegato 
ad una rivista, e non sono riuscito  a trovare il modo di collegarmi ad internet, 
tramite l'interfaccia grafica KDE, senza usare la password di root. 

Oltrte che abbassando la sicurezza di tutto il sistema (come ti hanno già detto),
potresti provare impostando il suid a kppp (chmod u+s /.../.../kppp).
In questo modo, kppp agirà sempre come se fosse stato lanciato da root (il 

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Re: usb e digitali -[OT]

2002-10-14 Thread Andrea Celli

On Mon, 14 Oct 2002 02:18:54 +0200
tom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ti ringrazzio...ora vedo che riesco a capire ( ho fatto 
 francese.grandissimo limite;)

Il francese informatico è difficilmente comprensibile da chi ha lo studiato 
a scuola, perché traducono assolutamente tutto: fichier per file,
octet per byte, logiciel per software,  :-((

Comunque, un ottimo sito in francese con manuali semplici e chiari su come configurare
Linux è

ciao, Andrea

[newbie-it] IP utilizzato

2002-10-14 Thread sebastiano arrigoni

salve a tutti,
qualcuno di voi sa come vedere l'IP che sto utilizzando mentre sono
collegato al mio ISP via modem?

... e cosi' me ne sto qui al sole 
  a bere birra, leggere e riflettere, 
 svolgendo cioe' i compiti doverosi
  che costituiscono il dovere per un uomo.

Re: [newbie-it]:Sat modem Netsystem

2002-10-14 Thread carmine de pasquale

- Original Message - 
From: carmine de pasquale [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, October 13, 2002 10:39 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it]:Sat modem Netsystem

Salve a tutti. Qualcuno conosce come utilizzare il Sat Modem della
Netsystem, con la Mandrake 8.2 o 9.0?(questa domanda posta al servizio
clienti ha ricevuto come risposta che non esistono driver per Linux ).Grazie
per l'aiuto. Ciao.

ciao, esistono, li ho scaricati, ma sono in beta e per kernel fino alla 2.4.17, cioè 
vanno bene per mdk8.1.
non ricordo dove li ho scaricati, ma se cerchi su driver linux netsystem 
tra le pagine in italiano, tra i risultati hai le pagine di un forum della assitech (o 
qualcosa del genere), nei quali c'è il link al sito coi drivers che sono originali, 
cioè fatti dalla b2c2, produttore della scheda dvb
ti copincollo il contenuto di readme.txt compreso nei drivers

B2C2 DVB Software for Linux

Version 1.0 Beta 22

March 22, 2002

Copyright (c) 2002 B2C2, Incorporated

Note: The b2c2/driver directory contains driver modules for kernel versions.


Automatic installation:
1) Run from the top level directory. This will copy the B2C2 files to 
/usr/local/b2c2, and create a link to automatically load the driver on startup.
2) To start and stop the driver, run /usr/local/bin/b2c2 start and 
/usr/local/bin/b2c2 stop

Manual installation
1) Change directory to b2c2/bin.

2) Run load_b2c2 script to load the B2C2 driver modules, passing in the kernel version 
   of the driver modules (see contents of b2c2/driver directory).  Example:

   ./load_b2c2 2.4.2-2

   Note: If the above script fails to load due to a kernel version mismatch problem, 
   you can try running the script with an -f option.  Example:

   ./load_b2c2 2.4.2-2 -f

   WARNING: incompatible modules can make your system unstable. Contact B2C2 
   if you need modules compiled for a different kernel version.

3) Edit shell script to modify the command line parameters used 
to tune the tuner
   and to specify the data PID.

4) Run

5) Use a network monitoring utility such as gkrellm to observe the data on the B2C2 
   receiver card.

li trovi qua
le discussioni sono su

[newbie-it] openoffice e fonts

2002-10-14 Thread pigi

Sto incontrando un po' di problemi con i fonts importati da win:
anche se openoffice 1.0 li visualizza correttamente (compreso il corsivo, 
grassetto, etc), quando stampo stampa tuuto in grassetto.
Questo mi succede con i fonts importati (es arial o times new roman) ma non 
con il font tymes di openoffice.

qualcuno mi sa aiutare?


Versione LINUX installata:  MDK 8.1   -  kernel 2.4.8-26mdk
versione KDE: 2.2.1

[newbie-it] copia e incolla da browser

2002-10-14 Thread pigi

Come si fa a copiare un testo/immagini da un browser (netscape communicator) 
e incollarli in un doc openoffice SENZA perdere la formattazione?

grazie per l'aiuto a un inesperto totale!


Versione LINUX installata:  MDK 8.1   -  kernel 2.4.8-26mdk
versione KDE: 2.2.1

Re: [newbie-it] nvidia geforce4

2002-10-14 Thread francesco.melo

gkep wrote:

ciao da pinguino Mandrake 9.0, 
ho un problema con la scheda video Geforce4 MX 420
qualcuno e' riuscito ad installarla correttamente e poi a giocare a
tuxracer o cose del genere? Sul sito ci sono oltre ai drivers
anche le istruzioni, ma ricordo che i drivers per mdk avevano qualche
riga di codice sbagliata, e cmq quando installo (con vari avvisi di
librerie mancanti e cose del genere che nelle istruzioni all'appendice C
non ho capito come e dove prenderle...) i GLX non si avvia nemmeno
l'interfaccia grafica
La versione di XFree86 e' la 4.2.1
I dati sull'hardware riportati in centro di controllo Mandrake 9.0 
sono questi: 
Vendor: nVidia Corporation 

Bus: PCI 

Identificazione bus: 10de:172 

Location on the bus: 1:0:0 

Descrizione: NV17 GeForce4 MX 420 

Modulo: Card:NVIDIA GeForce2 DDR (generic) 

Media class: DISPLAY_VGA 

Con la mdk 8.2 era la stessa cosa...
Qualche idea?


Allora , vediamo se riesco a scrivere tutto :

Vai sul sito di Nvidia e scaricati i dirvers sorgenti SRC in formato rpm


questi sono i miei :))

poi apri una shell diventi root con  su  e password e digiti :

 rpm --rebuild  .../percorso/file src.rpm
rpm --rebuild  .../percorso/file src.rpm

a questo punto dovrebbero , se tutto è andato per il verso giusto, 
essersi creati i tuoi rpm
compilati che puoi andare a pescare in

file:/usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i586/NVkernel..xx etc
file:/usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i586/ etc..

adesso  devi settare l'init della tua linux box in modo che non avvii il 
server X
io a volte semplicemente vado in mandrake control center / avvio 
/configurazione avvioe setto non avviare il server X.

a questo punto riavvii e si dovrebbe fermare al prompt di login

ti loggi come utente e poi fai un su  o direttamente come root e digiti

vim ( che è un potente editor di testo )

vim /etc/X11/XF86Config-4

ora stai editando il file e devi cercare la riga driver  che modifichi 
premendo  i ( insert) la modifichi da  nv in nvidia  ora
con le passate versioni si doveva anche modificare i moduli glx ma ho 
visto che con la mandrake 9 quella riga aveva già il  load glx  
a questo punto premi :wqche serve  per salvare ed uscire dal 
programma vim.

sei pronto per uno startx   che se tutto è andato a buon fine dovrebbe 
far partire il KDE preceduto da una bella  immagine col logo nvidia ..

sono qui

buona fortuna

Re: [newbie-it] nvidia geforce4

2002-10-14 Thread Andrea Celli

On Mon, 14 Oct 2002 13:28:55 +0200
francesco.melo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Allora , vediamo se riesco a scrivere tutto :
 Vai sul sito di Nvidia e scaricati i dirvers sorgenti SRC in formato rpm

 a questo punto dovrebbero , se tutto è andato per il verso giusto, 
 essersi creati i tuoi rpm
 compilati che puoi andare a pescare in

 adesso  devi settare l'init della tua linux box in modo che non avvii il 
 server X
 io a volte semplicemente vado in mandrake control center / avvio 
 /configurazione avvioe setto non avviare il server X.
 a questo punto riavvii e si dovrebbe fermare al prompt di login
 ti loggi come utente e poi fai un su  o direttamente come root e digiti
 vim ( che è un potente editor di testo )
 vim /etc/X11/XF86Config-4

Qui mi sembra che hai complicato la vita: :-)
Il reboot in Linux non è (quasi) mai necessario ;-)

Io faccio:
 - compilazione e installazione dei server nvidia
 - modifiche con un qualunque editor del file /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
 - control-alt-backspace per riavviare il server X (fa anche logout)
 - login
 - tuxrace :-))

Se proprio non vuoi avere X attivo mentre smanetti su XF86Config 
(cosa che potresti fare tranquillamente: X lo legge solo quando parte),
puoi dare come root init 3. Ti porta il sistema in modalità
console. Poi init 5 per tornare in modalità grafica.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] nvidia geforce4

2002-10-14 Thread francesco.melo

Andrea Celli wrote:

On Mon, 14 Oct 2002 13:28:55 +0200
francesco.melo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Allora , vediamo se riesco a scrivere tutto :

Vai sul sito di Nvidia e scaricati i dirvers sorgenti SRC in formato rpm


a questo punto dovrebbero , se tutto è andato per il verso giusto, 
essersi creati i tuoi rpm
compilati che puoi andare a pescare in


adesso  devi settare l'init della tua linux box in modo che non avvii il 
server X
io a volte semplicemente vado in mandrake control center / avvio 
/configurazione avvioe setto non avviare il server X.

a questo punto riavvii e si dovrebbe fermare al prompt di login

ti loggi come utente e poi fai un su  o direttamente come root e digiti

vim ( che è un potente editor di testo )

vim /etc/X11/XF86Config-4

Qui mi sembra che hai complicato la vita: :-)
Il reboot in Linux non è (quasi) mai necessario ;-)

Io faccio:
 - compilazione e installazione dei server nvidia
 - modifiche con un qualunque editor del file /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
 - control-alt-backspace per riavviare il server X (fa anche logout)
 - login
 - tuxrace :-))

Se proprio non vuoi avere X attivo mentre smanetti su XF86Config 
(cosa che potresti fare tranquillamente: X lo legge solo quando parte),
puoi dare come root init 3. Ti porta il sistema in modalità
console. Poi init 5 per tornare in modalità grafica.

ciao, Andrea


anche io faccio tutto   a caldo senza riavviare, ma ho pensato fosse 
meglio scrivere
 la procedura più  ortodossa senza  forzare la chiusura di X  .



Re: [newbie-it] nvidia geforce4

2002-10-14 Thread Andrea Celli

 Qui mi sembra che hai complicato la vita: :-)
 Il reboot in Linux non è (quasi) mai necessario ;-)

 anche io faccio tutto   a caldo senza riavviare, ma ho pensato fosse 
 meglio scrivere
  la procedura più  ortodossa senza  forzare la chiusura di X  .

Più che più ortodossa, mi sembra più windozziana,

Diciamo che l'importante è riavviare il server X dopo le modifiche.
Abbiamo elencato tre modi di farlo. Probabilmente ce ne sono un'altra
decina :-)

Per esempio, fai le modifiche, dai logout e dal menu per la scelta
degli utenti dai riavvia server X

Oppure, spegni, vai a dormire e domani, quando riaccendi, ti trovi
il driver Nvidia funzionante :-)

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] IP utilizzato

2002-10-14 Thread Marco Faenzi Vallés

Alle 10:11, lunedì 14 ottobre 2002, sebastiano arrigoni ha scritto:
 salve a tutti,
 qualcuno di voi sa come vedere l'IP che sto utilizzando mentre sono
 collegato al mio ISP via modem?

usa (come utente root) il comando ifconfig... esempio:

[root@univac marco]# ifconfig
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:D0:70:01:1E:16
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:17039 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:11014 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
  RX bytes:19388642 (18.4 Mb)  TX bytes:947941 (925.7 Kb)
  Interrupt:10 Base address:0xb800

loLink encap:Local Loopback
  inet addr:  Mask:
  UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
  RX packets:773 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:773 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
  RX bytes:92061 (89.9 Kb)  TX bytes:92061 (89.9 Kb)

ppp0  Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
  inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
  RX packets:16872 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:10676 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:3
  RX bytes:19007050 (18.1 Mb)  TX bytes:681120 (665.1 Kb)

il comando senza argomenti restituisce alcuni dati sulle varie interfacce di 
rete che sono configurate. Quella che ti interessa è la ppp0 (presumo). Il 
campo d'interesse è invece inet addr

Ciao e buon hacking :)

ICQ#: 92399781

Re: [newbie-it] IP utilizzato

2002-10-14 Thread Fabio Manunza

Alle 10:11, lunedì 14 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
 salve a tutti,
 qualcuno di voi sa come vedere l'IP che sto utilizzando mentre sono
 collegato al mio ISP via modem?

Da console prova il comando netstat (man netstat), se la memoria non 
m'inganna; altrimenti a colpo sicuro ( ed a colpi di mouse), tasto destro su 
iconcina del collegamento, dettagli, e dovrebbe apparire il tutto.

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] IP utilizzato

2002-10-14 Thread freefred

On Monday 14 October 2002 10:11 am, sebastiano arrigoni wrote about S%:
 salve a tutti,
 qualcuno di voi sa come vedere l'IP che sto utilizzando mentre sono
 collegato al mio ISP via modem?

come root dai
e guarda il ppp


Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

[newbie-it] Installazione Software

2002-10-14 Thread Andrea Nasso

Scusate ma sono abbastanza novizio di questo mondo... Qualcuno sarebbe
cosi gentile da aiutarmi a entrare in questa mentalità linux e mi
guiderebbe nel semplice setup di un qualsiasi applicativo. So che la
domanda è generica ma dopo aver installato il S.O. mi trovo un po
bloccato quando scarico un software da internet.

Grazie a chiunque abbia tempo di darmi una mano.

Re: [newbie-it] Installazione Software

2002-10-14 Thread Andrea Celli

On Mon, 14 Oct 2002 17:33:58 +0200
Andrea Nasso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Scusate ma sono abbastanza novizio di questo mondo... Qualcuno sarebbe
 cosi gentile da aiutarmi a entrare in questa mentalità linux e mi
 guiderebbe nel semplice setup di un qualsiasi applicativo

Cercalo in formato rpm e poi dai
  $ rpm -i nome_pacchetto.prpm
o, meglio,
  $ urpmi nome_pacchetto.prpm
per installarlo e
  $ rpm -e nome_pacchetto
per rimuoverlo.

  So che la
 domanda è generica ma dopo aver installato il S.O. mi trovo un po
 bloccato quando scarico un software da internet.

A questo livello, ti conviene scaricare dalla rete Linux Facile
di Daniele Medri e leggertelo ;-)

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] IP utilizzato

2002-10-14 Thread miKe

Hash: SHA1

Alle 10:11, lunedì 14 ottobre 2002, sebastiano arrigoni ha scritto:
 salve a tutti,
 qualcuno di voi sa come vedere l'IP che sto utilizzando mentre sono
 collegato al mio ISP via modem?

# ifconfig | grep -1 ppp0 | tail -1 | sed 's/.*r://' | sed 's/ .*$//'



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] Installazione Software

2002-10-14 Thread Fabio Manunza

Alle 17:33, lunedì 14 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
 Scusate ma sono abbastanza novizio di questo mondo... Qualcuno sarebbe
 cosi gentile da aiutarmi a entrare in questa mentalità linux e mi
 guiderebbe nel semplice setup di un qualsiasi applicativo. So che la
 domanda è generica ma dopo aver installato il S.O. mi trovo un po
 bloccato quando scarico un software da internet.

 Grazie a chiunque abbia tempo di darmi una mano.

Consiglio: vai sul sito e scarica Da Windows a Linux, 
un libro che ti sarà utilissimo per muovere i primi passi con il pinguino.

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie] mdk9 rpm problems.

2002-10-14 Thread A V Flinsch

On Sunday 13 October 2002 11:19 pm, Franki wrote:
 Hi guys,

 After proclaiming my mdk9 install to be a success, I find myself kinda

 I tried to install an app with urpmi appname and it didn't work.

 Then I tried to fire up MandrakeUpdate,,, same result.. it displays
 please wait finding available packages and that message never
 disapears. (been up for 36 hours now.)

 Then I tried rpm --rebuilddb

 no good, just sits there doing nothing.

 even a query like:

 rpm -qa | grep kde

 just sits there...

 ditto with installing:
 urpmi gkrellm

 has just sat there doing nothing for 12 hours.

 and I can't find anything interesting in syslog about it...

 anyone know whats going on???

I don't know EXACTLY what is going on, but it looks like something that 
occured to me over the weekend.

try rpm -qa as root -- does it hang about midway thru?
try rpm -qa as a user -- it completes normally.

What I ended up doing was dropping into single user mode, and trying a rpm 
--rebuilddb, but that hung also (note, I also used a - option, and it 
always hung in the same place)

rebooted to rescue disk, mounted the disks containing /var/lib/rpm and  
another disk 

mount /dev/hdg2 /mnt/disk --- for /var/lib/rpm
mkdir /var/tmp
mount /dev/hdg1 /var/tmp  -- rpm rebuild needs some space here, hdg1 is 
usually iso work space
rpm - --rebuilddb --dbpath /mnt/disk/var/lib/rpm

then rebooted, this fixed the problem, YMMV

Alex / KC2IVL 
ft100 software for Linux
Good judgment comes from experience, 
  and a lot of that comes from bad judgment

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Re: [newbie] Printer stopped working [solved!] {NOT!} {YES!}

2002-10-14 Thread John Richard Smith

Anne Wilson wrote:


My usb printer is often falling out of USB hub view, so reluctantly I
have to
reboot for mandrake to find it again which annoys me. There ought to
be a command that would tell the OS to redetect it again, to save
time and effort.


Just as a matter of interest - are these problems occurring on usb devices
joined to the motherboard, to hubs, or both?


Well, I'm not entirely sure I understand the question.
I have 8 USB ports ,  a bank of the usual 2 and a bank of 6,
2 are physically attatched to the mobo, ported to the rear,
6 are on a rack and cable plugged to the mobo, ported to
the rear.

As far as the usb hub is concerned they show up as 4 entries
in the kde -info-USB devices, like so,
USB  OHCI Root Hub

   | Lexmark Z53 printer

USB  OHCI Root Hub
USB  OHCI Root Hub
USB  OHCI Root Hub

every now and again the printer drops out of recognition
and so I reboot which brings it back again,

sometimes ,
modprobe usb-ohci  in a root terminal works,
sometimes it does not.
This happens in M8.2 , and was the norm from first boot on M9.0 beta2
I never got any futher than that as far as the later betas are concerned.

Basically USB detection of my usb printer is erratic.

I suppose I should mention that the 8 usb ports on my msi mobo
are both usb1 and usb2 , at least 4 of them can be usb2, I don't
believe mandrake configures any of them usb2 though.

Just trying to make sense of a situation where some people have big problems 
and others say everything's fine.  Two things spring to mind, that may give 
us some pointers.

First - the issue of ohci and uhci - it would be interesting to know, of the 
people who are having problems, which protocol they are using.

Second - I know that under windows some devices work find on the usb ports 
carried from the motherboard to the backplate, but don't work reliably on a 
hub hung from one of those ports.  I wondered if anything similar is showing 

No answers, but a few questions.



Well, yes, and as you can see mine are all ohci  (incidentally what is 
the difference between
ohci and uhci  anyway ?) and as far as I am aware uhci never appears 
anywhere in my mandrake
OS,  but maybe others find this different.

No wait a minute I've just checked up on kde-info-USB devices, and again my
usb Z53 printer has vanished BUT , to prove me wrong the setup has changed,

USB OHCI Root Hub (1)
USB OHCI Root Hub (2)


USB UHCI Root Hub (3)
USB UHCI Root Hub (4)
USB UHCI Root Hub (5)

So there is a clue, there's a battle going on for recognition between 
ohci and uhci
and something triggers a change , now lets see what  modprobe usb-ohci does,

[root@localhost root]# modprobe usb-ohci -v
[root@localhost root]#

so that does nothing this time,  so lets try modprobe usb-uhci,

[root@localhost root]# modprobe usb-uhci -v
[root@localhost root]#

so that did nothing again,

I guess this means a reboot ,


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] LM9 sound

2002-10-14 Thread Brendan

On Sunday 13 October 2002 07:10 pm, Damian wrote:
 I may be wrong, but AFAIK:

 This is because Linux uses the little cable that goes from CDROM
 to soundcard to play audio CD's. (this means no messing with drivers
 or anything. the CD is played in a standalone mode on the CDROM,
 and the sound is sent right into the sound card's internal sound input.)

 Now, for playing MP3, it is a completely different story, since the
 MP3 audio is data that has to be read, processed, and sent thru the
 system bus to be played by the soundcard. This requires a working
 configuration (drivers for the soundcard being the main issue).

This idea sounds like a winner.

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Re: [newbie] mdk9 rpm problems.

2002-10-14 Thread Miark

Franki [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:

 So I restarted, and it seems to be rebuilding the db fine now.. (lots of HD
 activity now, as opposed to none before..and also showing up in top.)
 go figure.. I don't like restarting a box for reasons I can't explain.

Ditto here. All RPM-related progs just died on me. In my case, restarting
wasn't the solution--I had to re-install. Works fine now, though. Really
wish I knew why!


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Re: [newbie] Nvidia drivers

2002-10-14 Thread Brian Parish

On Mon, 2002-10-14 at 08:55, Robin Turner wrote:
 Sorry if this question has already been answered, but a browse through 
 the archives for the past month hasn't revealed anything.
 The Nvidia website has no drivers for 9.0.  Threads in the archives only 
 refer to drivers in the Mandrake Club site.
 \begin{irrelevance} And no, I am not going to join the Mandrake Club - I 
 feel I put enough back into the OS movement by answering questions, 
 writing documentation etc., and if I ever become financially solvent, 
 I'd rather give my support by a straight donation or buying shares, 
 rather than paying for closed-source stuff which I either don't need or 
 should be freely available. \end{irrelevance}
 So, does anyone know where I can get 9.0 drivers, or whether 8.2 drivers 
 can be made to work with the 2419-16 kernel?
 Sir Robin
Sir Robin,

Making them from the source seems to work more reliably than rpms, even
though I understand that the source is really just a packaged binary.

I am using the NVIDIA_kernel-1.0-2960.tar.gz very happily with 9.0
having tried NVIDIA_kernel-1.0-3123.tar.gz and found it not to work.  

If you have the same experience and have trouble finding the 2960
version, e-mail me off-list and I'll send it on over.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] Mandrake 9 installation hangs after partition selections -- more info

2002-10-14 Thread Tony S. Sykes

I thought the video card was the killer clue.

-Original Message-
From: Michael Notforyou [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2002 12:13 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9 installation hangs after partition
selections -- more info

On Mon, 2002-10-14 at 06:32, Ed Tharp wrote:
 On Monday 14 October 2002 01:35 am, Mike Burgener wrote:
  is that a notebook??? from compaq?
 I did not know an audigy was included in a notebook.

Or that AMD has released an Athlon 2100+ for a notebook.
(Are there even any of those Athlon XP + processors for notebooks?
This one's a Duron.)

  At 08:55 13.10.2002 -0400, you wrote:
  I am not sure about all the problems, but the last one; (EE): No
  found is not from the monitor, it is from the card, (I have the
  videocard chipset) and if you are using 9.0 select the Nvidia
FBdev, and
  enjoy, and later on you can install the nvidia drivers if you
decide to.
  On Saturday 12 October 2002 11:02 pm, Robert Björn wrote:
I'd just like to add that I've now also tried the text based
mode, with the following results:
* I am unable to select packages -- the list of packages simply
* Sometimes not all text will fit on my screen, due to the
screen mode
the installation appears to have selected.
* Sometimes it fails to refresh all text on my screen, as
residue from
older menus is sometimes visible.
* After having selected a monitor, or an X server as the text
(my precise model does not exist), and testing the
configuration, I get
an error message along the lines of: (EE): No device found.
a different monitor does not appear to work. At the bottom of
screen there was some error message about localhost. My guess is
it's trying to connect to the X server which either did not run
properly, or quit immediately because of some other error.
So this time I came significantly further in the installation
but in
the end it failed anyway. Frustrating...
Best Regards,
Robert Björn
Robert Björn wrote:
 Hello all,

 I am having some installation difficulties with Mandrake 9.

 The first time, the problem occured after I had selected and
 the partitions. It was about to write the partition table to
 when the mouse pointer stopped working and the computer
hanged. I
 patiently waited for a while but after about a minute I

 I then tried once again, this time also explicitly formatting
 partitions I selected. Right when I clicked Done, it locked

 The machine is reasonably new. AMD Athlon XP 1800, 512 MB RAM,
 GeForce 4 TI4400 video card, Sound Blaster Audigy.

 Any ideas?

 Best Regards,

 Robert Björn


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RE: [newbie] Nvidia drivers

2002-10-14 Thread jamie . kerwick

How would I go about making the drivers from source ??
-- is there an on-line guide anywhere, or are there any instructions that
come with the source which actually work (I've found in the past nvidia
instructions to not be 100% accurate)??



-Original Message-
From: Brian Parish [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 14 October 2002 01:12
To: newbie
Subject: Re: [newbie] Nvidia drivers

On Mon, 2002-10-14 at 08:55, Robin Turner wrote:
 Sorry if this question has already been answered, but a browse through
 the archives for the past month hasn't revealed anything.
 The Nvidia website has no drivers for 9.0.  Threads in the archives 
 refer to drivers in the Mandrake Club site.
 \begin{irrelevance} And no, I am not going to join the Mandrake Club - 
 feel I put enough back into the OS movement by answering questions, 
 writing documentation etc., and if I ever become financially solvent, 
 I'd rather give my support by a straight donation or buying shares, 
 rather than paying for closed-source stuff which I either don't need or 
 should be freely available. \end{irrelevance}
 So, does anyone know where I can get 9.0 drivers, or whether 8.2 
 can be made to work with the 2419-16 kernel?
 Sir Robin
Sir Robin,

Making them from the source seems to work more reliably than rpms, even
though I understand that the source is really just a packaged binary.

I am using the NVIDIA_kernel-1.0-2960.tar.gz very happily with 9.0 having
tried NVIDIA_kernel-1.0-3123.tar.gz and found it not to work.  

If you have the same experience and have trouble finding the 2960 version,
e-mail me off-list and I'll send it on over.


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[newbie] Access problems to CDROM and FAT32 partitions

2002-10-14 Thread Ferris

I'm running Mandrake 9.0 and KDE.

When I first install and log in for the first time and click the
removable media icon I can access my CD-ROM to browse files.  However
when I close the file manager window and wish to log in later the CD-ROM
icon now has a padlock sign on it and when I click it I am told I do not
have permission to access it.  This also obviously effects my ability to
install software from the mandrake CD'S.

I also have read only access to my two other separate fat32 partitions.
One is a partition on the same disk Mandrake is installed on and the
other is a separate hdd.  I should be able to have write permissions as
well as read shouldn't I?

Can someone help me get back the access rights to the CD-ROM and also
gain the write access to the other partitions that I need please?


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[newbie] Mounting a filesystem ...

2002-10-14 Thread Rainer


i've got mandrake set up on hdb1 and i would like to access a debian 
partition on hda8. looked at the control center and was somewhat perplexed by 
th options for mountpoint, i was under the impression it should be /mnt ... . 
tried to edit fstab by adding the info and that didn't work. obviously i'm 
missing something. tried to access debian from redhat (hda6) and got the same 
message, 'mount point does not exist' . also at boot and shutdown i got a 
message something like, 'no new endfile'. any help would be appreciated. 

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Re: [newbie] Nvidia drivers

2002-10-14 Thread Dennis Myers

On Monday 14 October 2002 11:03 am, you wrote:
 How would I go about making the drivers from source ??
 -- is there an on-line guide anywhere, or are there any instructions that
 come with the source which actually work (I've found in the past nvidia
 instructions to not be 100% accurate)??


Ok, download the 2960 source files, and save them in a folder that you can 
navigate to easily.  Say,  /home/jamie/NVIDIA.   Then open a console and type 
su then the next prompt the root password, then change directory to the 
NVIDIA directory by :  cd NVIDIA   then at the prompt type  rpm 
--rebuild *.src.rpm .   That will build .rpm files in 
/usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i586 file.  You can then change directory to that /usr 
directory and type :   urpmi *.rpm
HTH,   Dennis M. 

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RE: [newbie] Mounting a filesystem ...

2002-10-14 Thread David Stevenson

mkdir /mnt/meaningful_name
mount -t nfs or ext2 etc /dev/hda8 /mnt/meaningful_name
your data should be in /mnt/meaningful_name
from memory...

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Rainer
 Sent: 14 October 2002 15:48
 Subject: [newbie] Mounting a filesystem ...


 i've got mandrake set up on hdb1 and i would like to access a debian
 partition on hda8. looked at the control center and was somewhat
 perplexed by
 th options for mountpoint, i was under the impression it should
 be /mnt ... .
 tried to edit fstab by adding the info and that didn't work.
 obviously i'm
 missing something. tried to access debian from redhat (hda6) and
 got the same
 message, 'mount point does not exist' . also at boot and shutdown i got a
 message something like, 'no new endfile'. any help would be appreciated.

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Re: [newbie] Nvidia drivers

2002-10-14 Thread Kristjan

On Mon, 14 Oct 2002 11:14:04 -0400
Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Monday 14 October 2002 11:03 am, you wrote:
  How would I go about making the drivers from source ??
  -- is there an on-line guide anywhere, or are there any instructions that
  come with the source which actually work (I've found in the past nvidia
  instructions to not be 100% accurate)??
 Ok, download the 2960 source files, and save them in a folder that you can 
 navigate to easily.  Say,  /home/jamie/NVIDIA.   Then open a console and type 
 su then the next prompt the root password, then change directory to the 
 NVIDIA directory by :  cd NVIDIA   then at the prompt type  rpm 
 --rebuild *.src.rpm .   That will build .rpm files in 
 /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i586 file.  You can then change directory to that /usr 
 directory and type :   urpmi *.rpm
 HTH,   Dennis M. 

Just almost perfect tuttorial NVIDA.

worked perfectly to me



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[newbie] Contribs

2002-10-14 Thread Kristjan


There are 2 sources that I have found for contibuted rpms
one under the 9.0 contrib and one under Coocer

As there are apps under coocer contrib that are not in the official 9.0 contrib 
directories then I needed to ask what is the main logick between those.  Why some end 
up in the main contrib directories and some not?

Also can I be safe (on system stability) when adding the coocer source for contrib and 
installing from there. I have understood that coocer is for devel only.


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Re: [newbie] Contribs

2002-10-14 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Mon, 14 Oct 2002 20:18:29 +0300
Kristjan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 As there are apps under coocer contrib that are not in the official
 9.0 contrib directories then I needed to ask what is the main logick
 between those.  Why some end up in the main contrib directories and
 some not?

At the time that the 9.0 contrib was created both it a the cooker
contrib were the same.
Since that time new pkgs/versions/releases have been added to cooker
contribs just as pkgs/versions/releases are added to main cooker working
towards the next Mandrake release.
These new cooker contrib pkgs will not appear in 9.0 contrib.

 Also can I be safe (on system stability) when adding the coocer source
 for contrib and installing from there. I have understood that coocer
 is for devel only.

I would advise against it.
All new cooker contrib pkgs are built on and for systems running current
If there is a special pkg you want/need try dling the src.rpm and
building it on your system.


It's always darkest just before it gets pitch black.
Charles A Edwards

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Re: [newbie] Gtk/gtk.h: No such file or directory

2002-10-14 Thread Todd Flinders

I was saying to make a symbolic link in /usr/include so it could find the 
gtk.h file.  You said you did that but got like 20 errrors.  So, I wondered 
if maybe you made your sympolic link point at the gtk.h of the wrong gtk 
version.  Mandrake 9.0 has both.  I don't know which you need.

On Saturday 12 October 2002 02:30 pm, Ralph M. Los wrote:
 Linked to the wrong version of GTK?...uhh...How would I do that?  I
 followed the same steps I always did...
  ./configure  --this went fine...
  make  --bombed here
  make install

   I'm giving up on this for now, maybe someone out there has a similar
 problem, maybe not, and maybe...oh well, maybe a future release of the
 code will work with my installation.  Kind of upset though...would still
 like input as I have the files sitting here ready to compile at moments'


 +  Ralph | Internet Systems  Security   +
 +   | -Specializing in Paranoia-  +
 +ralph[at]boundariez[dot]com |  Never understimate the power +
 +AIM: SekurityWizard | stupid people +
 +ICQ: 2206039|in large groups+

 -Original Message-
 From: Todd Flinders [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2002 1:11 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Gtk/gtk.h: No such file or directory

 Is it possible when you made the link that you linked to the wrong
 version of

 On Saturday 12 October 2002 09:17 am, Ralph M. Los wrote:
  Lots more (about 12 screens full) of parse errors.  I'm not sure
  what to do with this.  Like I said, has the correct path to
  my libraries, etc..I've made sure there aren't any permissions
  problems accessing the directories, and again, gtk-config shows paths
  that are within my  How could it POSSIBLY be not seeing my
  gtk/gtk.h file?!  There are TONS of files that are necessary in this
  compile, and they all exist and live in the paths on my system.
  What's the deal?!  GEE GOLLY!
  +  Ralph | Internet Systems  Security   +
  +   | -Specializing in Paranoia-  +
  +ralph[at]boundariez[dot]com |  Never understimate the power +
  +AIM: SekurityWizard | stupid people +
  +ICQ: 2206039|in large groups+
  -Original Message-
  From: Todd Flinders [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2002 11:12 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Gtk/gtk.h: No such file or directory
  Well, you may have got more errors, but that's okay.  You will never
  compile if you can't find the gtk.h file you need.
  What were the errors you received?
  On Saturday 12 October 2002 07:34 am, Ralph M. Los wrote:
   Well, I've already tried that :( which is kinda crappy because it
   caused more errors to fly by than the original problem!  I just
   don't get there something wrong with this intallation?  Is
   gtk screwed up? Is there something wrong with the source
   Is there anything else I could send into the list to help diagnose
   solve this problem?
   +  Ralph | Internet Systems  Security   +
   +   | -Specializing in Paranoia-  +
   +ralph[at]boundariez[dot]com |  Never understimate the power +
   +AIM: SekurityWizard | stupid people +
   +ICQ: 2206039|in large groups+
   -Original Message-
   From: Todd Flinders [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2002 3:20 AM
   Subject: Re: [newbie] Gtk/gtk.h: No such file or directory
   Well, I'm not sure what it is that you're trying to compile, but it
   seems like it is expecting the gtk.h to be located at
   /usr/include/gtk/gtk.h.  That is not where your gtk.h file is
   located.  So, if possible you need to determine
   whether whatever you are compiling is hoping to use gtk 1.2 or gtk
   when you find out, you can make a temporary link in /usr/include to
   satisfy this make file.
 ln -s /usr/include/gtk-1.2/gtk /usr/include/gtk
 ln -s /usr/include/gtk-2.0/gtk /usr/include/gtk
   I'd probably 

[newbie] No logout/halt/reboot in Dolphin

2002-10-14 Thread Flux

I don't know if its just my level of security or what, but the options to logout, 
halt, and reboot don't show up 
when I logout of KDE in Mandrake Linux 9.0.  I previously had RedHat Linux 7.3 
installed, and the options were 
there.  What am I missing?  Is there a security level that will trigger those options 
to disappear?  I have the 
Higher security setting on right now.  

This isn't tearing me apart, but its rather annoying...  
Thanks for any help.

-Lawrence Winstead
Systems Admin
DuraTech Industries

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Re: [newbie] kernel configuration

2002-10-14 Thread Todd Flinders

linux is just a symbolic link that should point to the most current installed 
kernel.  This makes more sense if you imagine yourself having multiple 
kernels installed (testing? Maybe different kernels for different purposes?)

On Saturday 12 October 2002 12:44 pm, Noah Hicks wrote:
 Thanks a lot.  That clears things up.  On more question if anyone cares do
 discuss.  I see that there are two similar sub dir:
 [root@localhost src]# ls
 linux  linux-2.4.19-5mdk/  RPM/
 Both /linux and /linux-2.4.19-5mdk/ seem to have the same substructure.  Is
 the linux-2.4.19-5mdk/ dir a mandrake specific kernel?
 Just wondering

 On Saturday 12 October 2002 10:14, Todd Flinders wrote:
  You're not in the correct directory.  You need to be in the directory
  that holds the Makefile.
  cd /usr/src/linux
  make menuconfig
  On Saturday 12 October 2002 07:38 am, Noah Hicks wrote:
   This must be a stupid question but I am going to ask it anyway.  Is it
   not true that to configure your kernel your supposed to run make
   menuconfig? Why isn't this working?
   [root@localhost noah]# make menuconfig
   make: *** No rule to make target `menuconfig'.  Stop.
   [root@localhost noah]#

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Re: [newbie] Ogg encoder/decoder

2002-10-14 Thread George Baker

I presume this is true for Mandrake later than MDK 7.0 but as I am still
living in the dark age is it possible to download the ogg encoder/decoder
and implement them in Xmms and Grip?

George Baker

I feel we are all islands -- in a common sea.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh, writer (1906-2001)

- Original Message -
From: Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 11:39 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Ogg encoder/decoder

 Xmms will play ogg 'out of the box' No need to install or edit anything.

 As for grip just edit the 'ConfigMP3Encoder' Tab

 Set the encoder to 'oggenc'
 and the 'MP3 executable' to /usr/bin/oggenc
 and the 'MP3 command line' to
  -o %m -a %a -l %d -c genre=%G -q %b -d %

 and the mp3 file format to

 Then in the 'MP3Options' Tab
 set Encoding bitrate to 1
 This is 'quality' not actual bit rate.
 1 for ~ 56kbps
 2 for ~ 96kbps
 3 for ~128 kbps

 Surprisingly enough Quality of 1 sounds pretty good :-)

 You could also use bit rate to define the encoding rate if you wish. In
 case the 'MP3 Command line' parameter would be different.
 See 'man oggenc' for a full breakdown.

 Alternatively another way to rip Oggs is with konqueror.
 Just open konqueror file manager. Click on the botton icon in the divider
 between left and right panes. This is for 'special' services.
 Pick 'Audio CD Browser' If you have an audio CD in the drive you can
browse it
 in wav, or ogg format, and drag and drop files from ogg format onto a
 konqueror window. They will get ripped in the process. It is slower than
 grip, but rather cool :-)

 You can configure the ogg encoding parameters with KDE



 On Friday 11 Oct 2002 11:13 am, George Baker wrote:
  Having read good reports about ogg audio files I was wondering if it was
  difficult to install the encoder and decoder for use with Grip and Xmms
  respectably. If not, where would I download the, hopefully, RPM's from?
  I am using MDK 7.0 with Grip v2.9 and Xmms v0.9.5.1
  George Baker
  I feel we are all islands -- in a common sea.
  Anne Morrow Lindbergh, writer (1906-2001)

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Re: [newbie] tar files

2002-10-14 Thread Todd Flinders

Have you told Konqueror via its settings to display hidden files?

On Sunday 13 October 2002 11:23 pm, Michael Adams wrote:
 Just curious, does this work for hidden files and directories as well. Konq
 will go into a tar but not see the . files.

 On Mon, 14 Oct 2002 17:49, Franki wrote:
  simple way to do it is to install mc (Midnight commander)
  its a console tool that has a simple GUI and can enter tar files just
  like directories..
  so you an go into a tar file, and copy its contents out to a real
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Robert Beach
  Sent: Saturday, 27 October 2001 11:26 AM
  Subject: [newbie] tar files
  Is there a program I need to use to install tar files? or am I just not
  it right.

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9 installation hangs after partition selections-- more info

2002-10-14 Thread Robert Björn

Hi Mike,

No, it isn't a notebook. Just a typical PC.


Mike Burgener wrote:

 is that a notebook??? from compaq?

 At 08:55 13.10.2002 -0400, you wrote:

 I am not sure about all the problems, but the last one; (EE): No device
 found is not from the monitor, it is from the card, (I have the same
 videocard chipset) and if you are using 9.0 select the Nvidia FBdev, and
 enjoy, and later on you can install the nvidia drivers if you decide to.
 On Saturday 12 October 2002 11:02 pm, Robert Björn wrote:
  I'd just like to add that I've now also tried the text based install
  mode, with the following results:
  * I am unable to select packages -- the list of packages simply never
  * Sometimes not all text will fit on my screen, due to the screen mode
  the installation appears to have selected.
  * Sometimes it fails to refresh all text on my screen, as residue from
  older menus is sometimes visible.
  * After having selected a monitor, or an X server as the text 
 says (my
  precise model does not exist), and testing the configuration, I get an
  error message along the lines of: (EE): No device found. Selecting a
  different monitor does not appear to work. At the bottom of the screen
  there was some error message about localhost. My guess is that it's
  trying to connect to the X server which either did not run properly, or
  quit immediately because of some other error.
  So this time I came significantly further in the installation but 
 in the
  end it failed anyway. Frustrating...
  Best Regards,
  Robert Björn
  Robert Björn wrote:
   Hello all,
   I am having some installation difficulties with Mandrake 9.
   The first time, the problem occured after I had selected and 
   the partitions. It was about to write the partition table to disk 
   the mouse pointer stopped working and the computer hanged. I 
   waited for a while but after about a minute I rebooted.
   I then tried once again, this time also explicitly formatting the
   partitions I selected. Right when I clicked Done, it locked up 
   The machine is reasonably new. AMD Athlon XP 1800, 512 MB RAM, NVidia
   GeForce 4 TI4400 video card, Sound Blaster Audigy.
   Any ideas?
   Best Regards,
   Robert Björn

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[newbie] Rebuild kernel 2.4.19-16mdk to get ACPI support!!What am I doing wrong??

2002-10-14 Thread Dimitris Ioannou

Hello Folks!

Mandrake 9.0 Dolphin
I've recently got an Compaq Pressario 705EA-notebook that is-, 256 RAM, 20GB 
hard-disk Phoenix-bloody_bios, Conexant Softmodem(I finally got it to work), 
and Via On Board Sound chip-it works out of the box. Only thing that drives 
me nuts is that system gets stuck whenever I reboot it or halt it. The screen 
just stays there and the only way to bring it down is to unplug it and take 
the battery off. I know its the ACPI support which still is experimental as I 
hear. I tried , after installing kernel-source RPM in /usr/src to rebuild the 
kernel with ACPI support included. Two observations of mine: in /usr/src 
there are two directories: linux (which has a kernel files allright and I 
suppose represents the kernel installed) and 2.4.19-16mdk directory (which 
also has kernel files in it. I tried in both directories at  no avail. 
What I did: make oldconfig (to get the configuration of my running kernel) Is 
that right or have I misunderstood it? Then, make dep, make modules( I saved 
my modules directory before that) and finally make install. I got in both 
times a kernel installed by the name 2416-16custom. In the first case I got 
the message that the Kernel was too big and as a result it could boot. I had 
to reinstall Lilo from the CD typing rescue. In the second case it told me 
that the ACPI modules were in but with modprobe it just told me it couldn't 
find the kernel for which it was compiled for. What am I doing wrong?

Please help

Greetings to all of you

Dimitris Ioannou

Dimitris Ioannou.-This is a Microsoft Free PC!
Mandrake-Linux 9.0 Dolphin 2.4.19-16mdk kernel.
Registered Linux User 271321

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Re: [newbie] Ogg encoder/decoder

2002-10-14 Thread Derek Jennings

I don't see why not. Here is the download page

You might get away with rebuilding the src RPMs


On Monday 14 Oct 2002 6:57 pm, George Baker wrote:
 I presume this is true for Mandrake later than MDK 7.0 but as I am still
 living in the dark age is it possible to download the ogg encoder/decoder
 and implement them in Xmms and Grip?

 George Baker

 I feel we are all islands -- in a common sea.
 Anne Morrow Lindbergh, writer (1906-2001)

 - Original Message -
 From: Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 11:39 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Ogg encoder/decoder

  Xmms will play ogg 'out of the box' No need to install or edit anything.
  As for grip just edit the 'ConfigMP3Encoder' Tab
  Set the encoder to 'oggenc'
  and the 'MP3 executable' to /usr/bin/oggenc
  and the 'MP3 command line' to
   -o %m -a %a -l %d -c genre=%G -q %b -d %
  and the mp3 file format to
  Then in the 'MP3Options' Tab
  set Encoding bitrate to 1
  This is 'quality' not actual bit rate.
  1 for ~ 56kbps
  2 for ~ 96kbps
  3 for ~128 kbps
  Surprisingly enough Quality of 1 sounds pretty good :-)
  You could also use bit rate to define the encoding rate if you wish. In


  case the 'MP3 Command line' parameter would be different.
  See 'man oggenc' for a full breakdown.
  Alternatively another way to rip Oggs is with konqueror.
  Just open konqueror file manager. Click on the botton icon in the divider
  between left and right panes. This is for 'special' services.
  Pick 'Audio CD Browser' If you have an audio CD in the drive you can

 browse it

  in wav, or ogg format, and drag and drop files from ogg format onto a
  konqueror window. They will get ripped in the process. It is slower than
  grip, but rather cool :-)
  You can configure the ogg encoding parameters with KDE
  On Friday 11 Oct 2002 11:13 am, George Baker wrote:
   Having read good reports about ogg audio files I was wondering if it
   was difficult to install the encoder and decoder for use with Grip and
   Xmms respectably. If not, where would I download the, hopefully, RPM's
   from? I am using MDK 7.0 with Grip v2.9 and Xmms v0.9.5.1
   George Baker
   I feel we are all islands -- in a common sea.
   Anne Morrow Lindbergh, writer (1906-2001)


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[newbie] Security alert

2002-10-14 Thread Marco Verheul


I was just surfing the internet when I got a security alert, stating
that I am broadcasting an IP address and that my PC could be getting
unwanted visitors. I was directed to the following link:

Is this a clever way to sell some product or is this for real. And if it
is, should I worry being on Linux. I use Mozilla 0.9.8 on Madrake 8.1.

For those who are going to recommend me to upgrade, don't worry. I'm
going to get back to you soon for a full upgrade, questions about
re-partitioning etc...

Regards, Marco

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Re: [newbie] Security alert

2002-10-14 Thread Jim Fazio

I'm not positive what you saw, but it sounds like you got a pop-up
message from some web site trying to sell you something.  An
advertisement or something.  1) I would not worry about it. 2) I would
turn off pop-up windows.

In mozilla go to Edit - Preferences, then under Advanced - Scipts 
Plugins uncheck the Open unrequested windows option.  This will stop
most of the unwanted pop-up windows.  

Jim F

On Mon, 2002-10-14 at 15:46, Marco Verheul wrote:
 I was just surfing the internet when I got a security alert, stating
 that I am broadcasting an IP address and that my PC could be getting
 unwanted visitors. I was directed to the following link:
 Is this a clever way to sell some product or is this for real. And if it
 is, should I worry being on Linux. I use Mozilla 0.9.8 on Madrake 8.1.
 For those who are going to recommend me to upgrade, don't worry. I'm
 going to get back to you soon for a full upgrade, questions about
 re-partitioning etc...
 Regards, Marco

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Re: [newbie] Security alert

2002-10-14 Thread Eric S. Dye

Hello Marco,

Your message came from the site. They sell a program called 
Internet Alert which is a great firewall program, however i don't know if 
it would work with Linux. I have the Bonzi program myself, but i use it on 
XP. if you want a free firewall program, you can go to 
they have both a free one and a paid version. another good firewall program 
that i use is the black ice program and of course norton sells a good one 
as well. i wouldn't worry about broadcasting your I P address, but if you 
do a lot of surfing, you should consider a firewall. i think Linux has a 
built in firwall, doesn't it.


At 10:46 PM 10/14/2002 +0200, you wrote:

I was just surfing the internet when I got a security alert, stating
that I am broadcasting an IP address and that my PC could be getting
unwanted visitors. I was directed to the following link:

Is this a clever way to sell some product or is this for real. And if it
is, should I worry being on Linux. I use Mozilla 0.9.8 on Madrake 8.1.

For those who are going to recommend me to upgrade, don't worry. I'm
going to get back to you soon for a full upgrade, questions about
re-partitioning etc...

Regards, Marco

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Re: [newbie] Security alert

2002-10-14 Thread Charles A Edwards

On 14 Oct 2002 22:46:04 +0200
Marco Verheul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is this a clever way to sell some product or is this for real.

If you buy this let me know, I've got a pile of stuff that I've been
trying to get rid of.

It just like the bogus security sites that say they can see the contents
of your drive and wanting to sell you unneeded prevention software.


The poetry of heroism appeals irresitably to those who don't go to a
and even more so to those whom the war is making enormously wealthy.
-- Celine
Charles A Edwards

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Re: [newbie] Security alert

2002-10-14 Thread Eric S. Dye

the site is not bogus. they do have a good firewall called Internet Alert 
which does in fact work. however, i doubt that it would work with Linux. 
not sure though. there are places where you can test your security online. 
if anyone wants to know the address, let me know.

Eric S. Dye

At 05:01 PM 10/14/2002 -0400, you wrote:
On 14 Oct 2002 22:46:04 +0200
Marco Verheul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Is this a clever way to sell some product or is this for real.

If you buy this let me know, I've got a pile of stuff that I've been
trying to get rid of.

It just like the bogus security sites that say they can see the contents
of your drive and wanting to sell you unneeded prevention software.


The poetry of heroism appeals irresitably to those who don't go to a
and even more so to those whom the war is making enormously wealthy.
 -- Celine
Charles A Edwards

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RE: [newbie] Security alert

2002-10-14 Thread Franki

last time I checked, bonzi and fastclick stuff are winders only software..

its likely that you caught some javascript in html pages to popup a
nothing to worry about if you are running linux..

setup a firewall.. (In linux all firewall apps are just interfaces for the
built in
iptables/ipchains. and generally they are all free.)

other then that, don't worry about it, head over to and run shields
up to see
if you have anything open.. (its not a great scanner, but better then



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Marco Verheul
Sent: Tuesday, 15 October 2002 4:46 AM
Subject: [newbie] Security alert


I was just surfing the internet when I got a security alert, stating
that I am broadcasting an IP address and that my PC could be getting
unwanted visitors. I was directed to the following link:

Is this a clever way to sell some product or is this for real. And if it
is, should I worry being on Linux. I use Mozilla 0.9.8 on Madrake 8.1.

For those who are going to recommend me to upgrade, don't worry. I'm
going to get back to you soon for a full upgrade, questions about
re-partitioning etc...

Regards, Marco

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Re: [newbie] Security alert [thanks everybody]

2002-10-14 Thread Marco Verheul

Thanks all, I got the picture. I'll stick with Jim's suggestion to
uncheck that option in Mozilla for unwanted popups and let the matter

Regards, Marco

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Re: [newbie] No logout/halt/reboot in Dolphin

2002-10-14 Thread shane

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 14 October 2002 11:55 am, Flux did speak unto the huddled masses, 

 I don't know if its just my level of security or what, but the options to

that is indeed the reason if i recall correctly.

- -- 
The box said 'Requires Windows 95 or better.' So I installed Linux.

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Security alert

2002-10-14 Thread shane

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 14 October 2002 1:46 pm, Marco Verheul did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

 I was just surfing the internet when I got a security alert, stating
 that I am broadcasting an IP address and that my PC could be getting
 unwanted visitors. I was directed to the following link:

it is a pop-up ad for a useless product, i connect through a pretty damn 
good firewall and do _not_ broadcast anything, but i get it all the time.

- -- 
The sum of the intelligence of the world is constant. The population is, of 
course, growing.

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Security alert

2002-10-14 Thread Barry Premeaux

On Monday 14 October 2002 01:46 pm, you wrote:

 I was just surfing the internet when I got a security alert, stating
 that I am broadcasting an IP address and that my PC could be getting
 unwanted visitors. I was directed to the following link:

 Is this a clever way to sell some product or is this for real. And if it
 is, should I worry being on Linux. I use Mozilla 0.9.8 on Madrake 8.1.

 For those who are going to recommend me to upgrade, don't worry. I'm
 going to get back to you soon for a full upgrade, questions about
 re-partitioning etc...

 Regards, Marco

I would be more concerned about what ports you have open.  If ran the set up 
for your personal firewall, you have some basic protection already.  You can 
go to and do a basic check of what ports you may have 
open.  Its not as complete a check as some other sites (i.e., but it is quick and gives you the some idea as 
to how you stand on internet security.

You can followup by going into MCC and turning off any start up services you 
don't need.


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Re: [newbie] Security alert

2002-10-14 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Mon, 14 Oct 2002 14:23:44 -0700
Eric S. Dye [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 the site is not bogus. they do have a good firewall called Internet

I do not care what the product is or how good it is.
Anyone who markets their product in this manner, which is at the very
least is deceptive and close to being unethical but I am afraid still
legal, Is BOGUS.
If you wish to use or purchase their product that is purely your choice.
I never will nor from anyone else who markets in this manner.


Wouldn't it be wonderful if real life supported control-Z?
Charles A Edwards


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[newbie] Extra Hard Drive

2002-10-14 Thread Travis Crook

Hi all,
I have an extra 10GB hard drive and wondered what 
would be the best use for it.  Would it make file access faster 
if it was used as a file drive (i.e. I install games, mp3s, etc. on 
it instead of the system drive)?  What else could I do with it?


Travis Crook
Visions Beyond

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Re: [newbie] Security alert [thanks everybody]

2002-10-14 Thread Chris Spackman

Marco Verheul [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Thanks all, I got the picture. I'll stick with Jim's suggestion to
 uncheck that option in Mozilla for unwanted popups and let the matter

If you are curious, try running nmapfe. nmap is a scanning tool - it
will tell you what ports on your machine are open. nmapfe is a
graphical frontend to nmap. You do not have to be root to run them,
but some options are only available to root.

If you have lots of suspicious ports open, you might want to look into
locking down your box a bit. If nothing suspicious shows up, you can
continue to connect with a bit less worry.

Chris Spackman
Tue Oct 15 07:38:15 JST 2002

 random quote 
Being ugly isn't illegal.  Yet.

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Re: [newbie] Extra Hard Drive

2002-10-14 Thread E T

On Monday 14 October 2002 06:23 pm, Travis Crook wrote:
 Hi all,
 I have an extra 10GB hard drive and wondered what
 would be the best use for it.  
start smart ass redneck with two teeth remarks
send it to me, by far the best use for it.
/ smart ass redneck with two teeth remarks end

Would it make file access faster
 if it was used as a file drive (i.e. I install games, mp3s, etc. on
 it instead of the system drive)?  What else could I do with it?


 Travis Crook
 Visions Beyond
depends on it's speed

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Re: [newbie] Security alert

2002-10-14 Thread E T

ever seen the bonzi buddie as parrot like the paperclip in m$oriface, that 
was free, but better spyware than doubleclick could buy. same folks, I would 
wonder about the firewall and weither it was spyware too.

On Monday 14 October 2002 05:30 am, shane wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 On Monday 14 October 2002 1:46 pm, Marco Verheul did speak unto the huddled

 masses, saying:
  I was just surfing the internet when I got a security alert, stating
  that I am broadcasting an IP address and that my PC could be getting
  unwanted visitors. I was directed to the following link:

 it is a pop-up ad for a useless product, i connect through a pretty damn
 good firewall and do _not_ broadcast anything, but i get it all the time.

 - --
 The sum of the intelligence of the world is constant. The population is, of
 course, growing.

 Profile at:
 Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
 Mandrake Users Club Member
 Registered linux user #101606
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Rebuild kernel 2.4.19-16mdk to get ACPI support!!Whatam I doing wrong??

2002-10-14 Thread Michael Notforyou

Mandrake Linux on a Presario 700 series:

I have a 730US. Don't bother reconfiguring the Mandrake kernel. Get a
vanilla kernel (if you can live without supermount) and patch it. Once
again, the Website will guide you. 

If you have any questions on how, feel free to e-mail me personally (or
the list). 

On Mon, 2002-10-14 at 15:42, Dimitris Ioannou wrote: 
 Hello Folks!
 Mandrake 9.0 Dolphin
 I've recently got an Compaq Pressario 705EA-notebook that is-, 256 RAM, 20GB 
 hard-disk Phoenix-bloody_bios, Conexant Softmodem(I finally got it to work), 
 and Via On Board Sound chip-it works out of the box. Only thing that drives 
 me nuts is that system gets stuck whenever I reboot it or halt it. The screen 
 just stays there and the only way to bring it down is to unplug it and take 
 the battery off. I know its the ACPI support which still is experimental as I 
 hear. I tried , after installing kernel-source RPM in /usr/src to rebuild the 
 kernel with ACPI support included. Two observations of mine: in /usr/src 
 there are two directories: linux (which has a kernel files allright and I 
 suppose represents the kernel installed) and 2.4.19-16mdk directory (which 
 also has kernel files in it. I tried in both directories at  no avail. 
 What I did: make oldconfig (to get the configuration of my running kernel) Is 
 that right or have I misunderstood it? Then, make dep, make modules( I saved 
 my modules directory before that) and finally make install. I got in both 
 times a kernel installed by the name 2416-16custom. In the first case I got 
 the message that the Kernel was too big and as a result it could boot. I had 
 to reinstall Lilo from the CD typing rescue. In the second case it told me 
 that the ACPI modules were in but with modprobe it just told me it couldn't 
 find the kernel for which it was compiled for. What am I doing wrong?
 Please help
 Greetings to all of you
 Dimitris Ioannou
 Dimitris Ioannou.-This is a Microsoft Free PC!
 Mandrake-Linux 9.0 Dolphin 2.4.19-16mdk kernel.
 Registered Linux User 271321

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*Michael Notforyou*
Registered Linux User #197888
Registered Linux Machine #166780

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Re: [newbie] Downloading and installing mandrake

2002-10-14 Thread alex

First things you have high speed internet like DSL?  If 
not, don't even think of of downloading
Mandrake.  It takes many many hours at ordinary modem speeds.

Mike Eastaugh wrote:


Am completly new to this, so could someone help me here. I'm just looking to
download a copy of mandrake from the FTP site and install it by booting from
CD. Can someone please tell me what I need to download.

Any help much appreciated


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Re: [newbie] NOT NICE OF ALL OF U!!!

2002-10-14 Thread alex

Didn't you wonder why your first mail didn't appear on this list right 
after you sent it?
If you didn't see it on the list, then how could anyone else see it?  Is 
it still in your 'Sent' file?
If yes, then send it again.

Markus Klocker wrote:

 Nobody answerd a mail from me!
 Thats sad!

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Re: [newbie] Printer stopped working [solved!] {NOT!} {YES!}

2002-10-14 Thread Marcia

Brian Parish wrote:

On Mon, 2002-10-14 at 10:22, Marcia wrote:

By the way, during reinstall of LM9 I accidently lost my choice of win95 
which I had already installed. I forgot how to get it back without 
erasing LM. What did one do again to get lilo to boot windows again?




You need a stanza for win$ in your /etc/lilo.conf

Here's an excerpt from mine:


After adding that, type the command lilo (as root without the quotes).
Done!  You'll need to edit lilo.conf as root too, or it won't let you
save the new version.



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Dear Brian,

Thank you very much.  This worked!

Thanks again.



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Re: [newbie] Extra Hard Drive

2002-10-14 Thread Derek Jennings

If you want to speed up your system you could mount your extra HD as a 
software RAID drive.

RAID0  will stripe data between two hard drives, so some blocks are read from 
one drive, and some from the other effectively halving the seek time.

 Software RAID is real easy to set up using diskdrake. You just need two hard 
drives (on different IDE controllers)
The drives do not have to be the same size or same make (unlike hardware RAID 
on Wintel MBs) You just identify partitions on each drive as RAID partitions 
in diskdrake and then mount them as a single partition. The partitions do not 
even need to be the same size. Other partitions on the drives may be 
configured as non RAID

The downside of software RAID is

If your system is already installed it is complicated moving partitions about 
to create the RAID partitions.

The seek time will be limited by the seek time of the slowest drive. So if 
your 10GB drive is an old piece of rubbish it is counterproductive.

If either drive has a data corruption it will trash the data on the other as 
well (unless you use RAID3? (mirror+stripe) which uses twice the disc space)

Just an idea


On Monday 14 Oct 2002 11:23 pm, Travis Crook wrote:
 Hi all,
 I have an extra 10GB hard drive and wondered what
 would be the best use for it.  Would it make file access faster
 if it was used as a file drive (i.e. I install games, mp3s, etc. on
 it instead of the system drive)?  What else could I do with it?


 Travis Crook
 Visions Beyond

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Re: [newbie] MDK 9.0 crashes at boot

2002-10-14 Thread E T

what does your lilo.conf say? have you tried passing nopentium noAPIC to the 
kernel at boot with the append statement in lilo?

On Sunday 13 October 2002 03:05 pm, Bogdan Stancescu wrote:
 Hello everybody!

 I have an AMD Athlon XP 2000+ CPU on a K7S5A motherboard with AMIBIOS,
 if that makes any difference.

 I install Mandrake 9.0 ok, but when I reboot and try to boot in Linux I

 Running DevFs daemon: [OK]
 Unmounting initrd: [OK]
 Configuting kernel parameters: [OK]

 And that's it - it freezes there. I get exactly the same when I try
 booting linux-nonfb, and when I try failsafe I get:

 modprobe: modprobe: Can't find module fb0
 Unmounting initrd: [OK]
 Configuting kernel parameters: [OK]

 And it freezes again. I thought there may have been a glitch in the
 installation, so I tried it again - same results. I even get the X test
 working in the installation, so that shouldn't be it...

 I'm absolutely lost at what I should try next, so I'm open to any kind
 of suggestions!

 I tried looking through the mailing list archives on, but
 they're only available up to September, so if this has already been
 answered in October, please direct me to a more recent archive or
 copy/paste the reply in an e-mail. :)

 Thank you!


 Mail scanat cu RAV Antivirus!

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Re: [newbie] NOT NICE OF ALL OF U!!!

2002-10-14 Thread E T

On Monday 14 October 2002 07:47 pm, alex wrote:
 Didn't you wonder why your first mail didn't appear on this list right
 after you sent it?
 If you didn't see it on the list, then how could anyone else see it?  Is
 it still in your 'Sent' file?
 If yes, then send it again.

 Markus Klocker wrote:
  Nobody answerd a mail from me!
  Thats sad!
is this mail still kicking around? Alex, when did the mail from Marcus get 
sent to you? 

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Re: [newbie] Extra Hard Drive

2002-10-14 Thread John Drouhard

hi, I have a ten GB partition devoted to miscellaneous things. I use it for:

1) saving downloaded rpm's and tarballs
2) a place to rip dvd's and music
3) a place to download music to
4) backing up my computer whenever I need to

The only reason it would make it faster is if the games and mp3's on you 
system drive were fragmented in with the rest of your files. Linux does not 
do this so you will not notice much of a difference in access speed.

John Drouhard

On Monday 14 October 2002 05:23 pm, Travis Crook wrote:
 Hi all,
 I have an extra 10GB hard drive and wondered what
 would be the best use for it.  Would it make file access faster
 if it was used as a file drive (i.e. I install games, mp3s, etc. on
 it instead of the system drive)?  What else could I do with it?


 Travis Crook
 Visions Beyond

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[newbie] Sound in LM9

2002-10-14 Thread Marcia

Dear All,

Does anyone know how the /etc/modules.conf should read if one has LM9? 
When mine worked in 8.2 it had a different looking /etc/modules.conf 
than in LM9. I have the viachipset  onboard sound. Does anyone have LM9 
with the viachipset onboard sound and has it working with alsa? If so, 
would you please let me know how you got it to work?



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Re: [newbie] Is lnx4win a FAKE?

2002-10-14 Thread alex

Markus Klocker wrote:

 I find no way to install mandrake into a windows folder!!

Mandrake is not installed into a windows folder.  It is installed
in a hard drive partition of its own.Windows has nothing to
do with Mandrake.   They are two completely separate systems.

|   How could this be?
 That's just the way it is.

 The install.htm describes the exact way to install mandrake und windows!

Does the install.htm  tell you how to install windows?

 But i allways get de failure message: Kernel image NOT found
 What's wrong with it???

First, tell us exactly what you did when you installed Mandrake.  Then
perhaps your question can be answered.

Question:   Your subject saysIs lnx4win a FAKE..what
does this have to do with your problem?

 Gr33tz Max

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Re: [newbie] Is lnx4win a FAKE?

2002-10-14 Thread Damian

El Mar 15 Oct 2002 00:03, alex escribió:
 Markus Klocker wrote:
  I find no way to install mandrake into a windows folder!!

 Mandrake is not installed into a windows folder.  It is installed
 in a hard drive partition of its own.Windows has nothing to
 do with Mandrake.   They are two completely separate systems.

uhm. actually, i think his problem is his lnx4win is not booting
correctly.. (ya know, Lnx4win is the way to install linux inside
of a disk image file, in a windows partition)

only i read this message a lot of time ago, it's very old and he probably
gave up already.


Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality.(The Dalai Lama)

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Re: [newbie] Sound in LM9

2002-10-14 Thread Brendan

On Monday 14 October 2002 08:08 pm, Marcia wrote:
 Dear All,

 Does anyone know how the /etc/modules.conf should read if one has LM9?
 When mine worked in 8.2 it had a different looking /etc/modules.conf
 than in LM9. I have the viachipset  onboard sound. Does anyone have LM9
 with the viachipset onboard sound and has it working with alsa? If so,
 would you please let me know how you got it to work?


Mine catted out is:

probeall scsi_hostadapter dc395x_trm
alias eth0 3c59x
alias sound-slot-0 via82cxxx_audio
probeall usb-interface usb-uhci

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Re: [newbie] Is lnx4win a FAKE?

2002-10-14 Thread Carroll Grigsby

On Monday 14 October 2002 05:43 pm, Damian wrote:
 El Mar 15 Oct 2002 00:03, alex escribió:
  Markus Klocker wrote:
   I find no way to install mandrake into a windows folder!!
  Mandrake is not installed into a windows folder.  It is installed
  in a hard drive partition of its own.Windows has nothing to
  do with Mandrake.   They are two completely separate systems.

 uhm. actually, i think his problem is his lnx4win is not booting
 correctly.. (ya know, Lnx4win is the way to install linux inside
 of a disk image file, in a windows partition)

 only i read this message a lot of time ago, it's very old and he probably
 gave up already.


Having absolutely no experience with Lin4Win, I skipped responding to the 
original post. However, spurred on by your comment, I did some research at, google and my old LM manuals, and found:
1. lnx4win was offered with the 7.x distributions, but it seems to have 
disappeared from sight since then.
2. IIRC, there was very little traffic about it on this list.
3. lnx4win was slower than many glaciers.
4. Lots of installation and configuration problems were noted on google. 
(It is possible that these were not the fault of lnx4win, but typical 
windows-newbie-migrant stuff.)
Conclusion: lnx4win was either (a) the answer to a question that no one 
asked, or (b) didn't work very well.

My advice to the original poster is to bite the bullet, repartition your HD 
to make some space for a real Mandrake install, and give it a try. It's not 
that hard, and the rewards are great. If there really is some compelling 
reason for installing lnx4win, you might find some clues in the 7.x user 
manuals -- see:
-- cmg

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[newbie] mail format

2002-10-14 Thread Paul Kaplan

I receive e-mails from at least three sources that I think (emphasize think) 
are in html format and are not displayed correctly in KMail.  One of those 
sources also delivers attachments in a non-attached format.

What I see is a text message.  For simple e-mails, the messages start with the 
which is why I think the messages are html formatted.

For the messages with attachments, the e-mail seems to contain the text 
contents of the attachment.  (However other sources of e-mail are able to 
send attachments correctly.)

When I forward these messages to another machine, they remain in text format.

The problem is not my ISP since a windows client at home reads the same 
messages correctly.

Am I correct that this is a configuration problem in KMail?  What do I need to 
do to change this.

All help greatly appreciated,

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Re: [newbie] Is lnx4win a FAKE?

2002-10-14 Thread E T

Alex, these are pretty old mails you are responding to, I do believe.

On Monday 14 October 2002 08:03 pm, alex wrote:
 Markus Klocker wrote:
  I find no way to install mandrake into a windows folder!!

 Mandrake is not installed into a windows folder.  It is installed
 in a hard drive partition of its own.Windows has nothing to
 do with Mandrake.   They are two completely separate systems.
Not really, if you put the first CD (at least in some versions) in on a 
windows machine that hs autostart enabled, lin4win will start and give you a 
chance to install mandrake in a windows folder, emulating linux but running 
on top of a fat filesystem. In my opinion, it is like seeing what pushing a 
ship at sea feels like by swiming in the same direction in the ship's 
swimming pool. not that good of a comparision, but they are both wet, and 
they are both moving to the east.   

 |   How could this be?

  That's just the way it is.

  The install.htm describes the exact way to install mandrake und windows!

 Does the install.htm  tell you how to install windows?

  But i allways get de failure message: Kernel image NOT found
  What's wrong with it???

 First, tell us exactly what you did when you installed Mandrake.  Then
 perhaps your question can be answered.

 Question:   Your subject saysIs lnx4win a FAKE..what
 does this have to do with your problem?

  Gr33tz Max

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Re: [newbie] mail format

2002-10-14 Thread J. Adam Latham

On Monday 14 October 2002 11:45 am, Paul Kaplan wrote:
 I receive e-mails from at least three sources that I think (emphasize
 think) are in html format and are not displayed correctly in KMail.  One of
 those sources also delivers attachments in a non-attached format.

 What I see is a text message.  For simple e-mails, the messages start with
 the line:
 which is why I think the messages are html formatted.

 For the messages with attachments, the e-mail seems to contain the text
 contents of the attachment.  (However other sources of e-mail are able to
 send attachments correctly.)

 When I forward these messages to another machine, they remain in text

 The problem is not my ISP since a windows client at home reads the same
 messages correctly.

 Am I correct that this is a configuration problem in KMail?  What do I need
 to do to change this.

 All help greatly appreciated,

In KMail go to 
Configure KMail

There is a box that reads something like Prefer HTML to text - You can 
check that if you'd like to receive HTML emails - but take strong notice of 
the security warning.

Hope that helps,


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Re: [newbie] Security alert

2002-10-14 Thread FemmeFatale

At 02:08 PM 10/14/2002 -0700, you wrote:
Hello Marco,

Your message came from the site. They sell a program called 
Internet Alert which is a great firewall program, however i don't know if 
it would work with Linux. I have the Bonzi program myself, but i use it on 
XP. if you want a free firewall program, you can go to 
they have both a free one and a paid version. another good firewall 
program that i use is the black ice program and of course norton sells a 
good one as well. i wouldn't worry about broadcasting your I P address, 
but if you do a lot of surfing, you should consider a firewall. i think 
Linux has a built in firwall, doesn't it.


For windows both norton  blackice bite the bikey.  Plain  simple.  If you 
want proof I Can direct you off or on list to a website.

Zonealarm is the only software firewall for Winblows i personally trust.

*Dons her tinfoil hat* :)


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[newbie] an unexpected icon and a forgotten password

2002-10-14 Thread Joe Harkins

I'm running Mandrake8.2 and using KDE.

At the bottom of my screen I noticed an icon has apeared in the form of a 
small lock. When I clicked on it the screen went black and a prompt appeared 
that wanted my user password. Since I don't recall what the user pw is (and 
don't get to see it on boot) the only way out was to cut the power.

After going through a few failed reboots to restore the system, I see the 
lock is still there.

So, I have three related questions.

1) what is that lock and what would I have done to cause it to appear

2) whay is the prompt wanting to acomplish?

3) how to I determine or change my user password? 

I live alone so it doesn't much matterI have the root password pasted right 
to the front of the machine where I can see it. .B.but I went through so much 
crap and so many reinstalls before getting a functioning system, I haven't 
any idea what the user pw is.  

Can I assume that having the root pw should allow me to install a new user 
name and user password?

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Re: [newbie] Security alert

2002-10-14 Thread Damian

 For windows both norton  blackice bite the bikey.  Plain  simple.  If you
 want proof I Can direct you off or on list to a website.

Ooops! please do, Femme! i'm interested!

thanks IA.


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