Re: [newbie-it] Samsung ML 1210

2002-10-25 Thread Marco Forti
ho installato la tua stessa stampante ignorando completamente il CD 
Con CUPS (provato sia con Mandrake che con RedHat) funziona benissimo 
col driver già presente nella distribuzione.




2002-10-25 Thread satellitepazzo
ti ringrazio. con README a cosa ti riferisci ? dove li posso trovare ? 
sono alle prime armi ... cerca di capirmi  grazie ancora

 Hash: SHA1
 Alle 14:44, giovedì 24 ottobre 2002, Fabio Manunza ha 
 ... solo che quando lancio hsconfig al
   termine della procedura mi dice che il modem è
   accessibile tramite /dev/ttyHSF0 ... ma purtroppo
   questa directory non esiste .. esistono solo le
   tradizionali /dev/tty , /dev/ccua etc .. cosa posso
  Non è una directory, è un dispositivo a caratteri.
 giusto, dai una letta ai README, vedrai anche altri dati 
 relativi al dispositivo,
 poi devi solo controllare che il programma di connessione, 
 (esempio kppp) possa raggiungere il modem
 quindi se puoi impostaci a manina dev/ttyHSF0 , 
 altrimenti crea un link /dev/modem che lo punti, e imposti 
 questo in kppp
 Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
 R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: For info see

[newbie-it] Web con Linux

2002-10-25 Thread sebastiano arrigoni
salve a tutta la ml,
qualcuno di voi sa dirmi se esiste per Linux un pacchetto Dreamweaver

Sebastiano Arrigoni
Dept. of Nuclear Medicine
San Raffaele Hospital
Milan - Italy
tel: 39 02 50330470
fax: 39 02 50330465

Re: [newbie-it] Nikon 2000

2002-10-25 Thread CyberPenguin
Arwan wrote:

 Alle 15:53, mercoledì 23 ottobre 2002, contorcendoti la mente su [newbie-it]
 Nikon 2000, Mavricijo Babic hai scritto:

  Salve e una machina foto grafica dela Nikon, pero non ho nesun software
  per scaricare le foto soto Linux.
  Cosa poso fare?

 Io ho una Nikon 775, e non e' supportata da Gimp. Se non hai ancora risolto,
 scrivimi in privato che ti mando due allegati ceh ti potrebbero aiutare.
 (Si', sempre i soliti...)


Dai un'occhiata sotto gphoto:
Dal menu' Configure - Select Port-Camera Model
Poi dal campo Camera Model - Browse Directory scorri il menu' ;-)
La mia Olympus e' pienamente supportata da gphoto :-))

Have fun!
Giovanni ;-)

\// Membro del FoLUG
~o)  Mdk GNU/Linux Powered
Niente attrae le donne come un paio di jet privati. - Donald Trump

Re: [newbie-it] DivX ke c' ke nn va?

2002-10-25 Thread guido
Se stai usando,  come credo MDK 8.2, ti dico la mia esperienza  in quanto ad
HW siamo allo stesso livello:

non sono riuscito a riprodurre nessun divx  con xine. Viceversa mplayer,
istallato con gli RPM,  ha sempre funzionato benissimo (addirittura anche
senza lanciare X).

Da quando ho istallato MDK 9.0 funziona tutto - sia XINE che MPLAYER - per
tutti i tipi di filamato (compresi i divx ). Anzi funziona pure la
navigazione  dei DVD (ho pure caricato ogle.

consiglio: meglio la MDK 9.0 (non ho toccato, nè configurato niente. Ha
fatto tutto da sola, salvo mplayer che da rpm è facilissima).

ciao guido

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 7:20 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] DivX ke c'è ke nn va?

 Salve amici
 ho scaricato un codec per divx,per l'esatezza il pak è
 ma qui nn riesco a vedere nulla.
 Come da readme ho dato ./ e sin qui tutto bene nessun qui nn funzia nulla
 non è che devo settare Xine o Xmovie in maniera da fargli prendere le
 librerie? o cose del genere?
 quando faccio partire un divx con Xine questo si killa
 play  pu
 questo è quello che mi dice la shell
 [ginpsi@A3nIma ginpsi]$ xine
 This is xine (X11 gui) - a free video player v0.9.8
 (c) 2000, 2001 by G. Bartsch and the xine project team.
 Built with xine library 0.9.8 [Die 22 Jan 2002 06:30:08]-[gcc version 2.96
 2731 (Mandrake Linux 8.2 2.96-0.71mdk)]-[Linux 2.4.16-6mdksmp i686].
 Found xine library version: 0.9.8 (0.9.8).
 Display is not using Xinerama.
 video_out_xv: using Xv port 55 from adaptor Matrox G-Series Backend Scaler
 for hardware colorspace conversion and scaling.
 video_out_xv: port attribute XV_COLORKEY value is 7046430
 video_out_xv: this adaptor supports the yuy2 format.
 video_out_xv: this adaptor supports the yv12 format.
 load_plugins: video output plugin Xv successfully loaded.
 main: not using any audio driver (as requested).
 xine_init entered
 xine: using MMX optimized memcpy()
 load_plugins: input plugin found : CDA
 load_plugins: input plugin found : DVD
 load_plugins: input plugin found : file
 load_plugins: input plugin found : HTTP
 load_plugins: input plugin found : TCP
 load_plugins: input plugin found : RTP
 load_plugins: input plugin found : stdin_fifo
 load_plugins: input plugin found : VCD
 load_plugins: demux plugin found : ASF
 load_plugins: demux plugin found : AVI
 load_plugins: demux plugin found : CDA
 load_plugins: demux plugin found : MPEG
 load_plugins: demux plugin found : MPGAUDIO
 load_plugins: demux plugin found : MPEG_BLOCK
 load_plugins: demux plugin found : MPEG_ELEM
 load_plugins: demux plugin found : MPEG_PES
 load_plugins: demux plugin found : MPEG_TS
 load_plugins: demux plugin found : OGG
 load_plugins: demux plugin found : QUICKTIME
 video decoder plugin found : mpeg2dec
 audio decoder plugin found : a/52dec
 audio decoder plugin found : dts
 video decoder plugin found : ffmpeg video decoder
 audio decoder plugin found : lpcm
 audio decoder plugin found : mad
 spu decoder plugin found : spucc
 spu decoder plugin found : spudec
 spu decoder plugin found : sputext
 video decoder plugin found : videofill
 audio decoder plugin found : vorbis
 xine_init returning
 lstat failed for
 xine open /mnt/cdrom/Blade runner - CD2 - [Divx - ita].avi, start pos = 0,
 start time = 0 (sec)
 xine: using input plugin file for this MRL (/mnt/cdrom/Blade runner -
CD2 -
 [Divx - ita].avi).
 demux_avi: 84823 frames
 xine: using demuxer plugin AVI for this MRL.
 demux_avi: video format = div3, audio format = 0x55
 demux_avi: audio type MPEG layer 2/3 (wFormatTag 0x55)
 metronom: video stream start...
 demux_avi: video codec Microsoft MPEG-4 format v3
 video_decoder: using decoder ffmpeg video decoder
 input_file: get optional data, type 0004, sub (nil)
 video_out : thread created
 xine-panel: PLAY
 xine: set_speed 4
 metronom: set_video_rate 3600
 video_overlay: error: object-overlay was not freed!
 video_out_xv: change frame format
 X Error of failed request:  BadAlloc (insufficient resources for
   Major opcode of failed request:  143 (XVideo)
   Minor opcode of failed request:  19 ()
   Serial number of failed request:  14024
   Current serial number in output stream:  14024

 o anche questo!!!

 xine-panel: PLAY
 xine_play: xine open /mnt/cdrom/Blade runner - CD2 - [Divx - ita].avi,
 pos = 0, start time 

[newbie-it] schede DVB

2002-10-25 Thread guido

una piccola richiesta alla lista

c'è qualcuno che ha avuto esperienza con 
l'istallazione delle schede in oggetto (non quelle per internet) ?

quali marche ?


[newbie-it] vedere i cdrom

2002-10-25 Thread mario
non riesco a masterizzare,per quanto abbia provato in tutti i modi 
possibili,e relativi programmi eroaster,gcombust etc etc mi viene il dubbio 
che non veda il cdrom e il sono come icona sul 
desktop saranno riconosciuti
seconda domanda come faccio entrare da root  e non come utente comune nel KDE
grazie come sempre

[newbie-it] VMWARE 3.2+OT Wordfast

2002-10-25 Thread Chiara Bianchi
Ciao a tutti! Visto che di recente si è parlato di abbandono di Finester,
mi chiedevo se qualcuno di voi, costretto a lavorare sotto il suddetto
finestrone, ha già provato sulla sua macchina il vmware 3.2. Potrebbe
essere la volta buona: tutto il disco per linux, e finalmente potrò vedere
quei dannati cd dei dizionari zanichelli Seconda cosa: Yves
Champollion, creatore di Wordfast per la Logos, è arrabbiato perchè la Logos vuole 
mettere Wordfast open source, mentre lui vuole metterlo a pagamento perchè ci ha 
lavorato un anno senza lavorare come traduttore. Ma da quello che ho capito lui ha 
firmato un contratto in cui cede la sua creazione alla Logos -che in-house non ha solo 
traduttori, ma anche avvocati-, e a meno che non vada per via legali non ci potrà far 
nulla (sta andando per vie legali). Che ne pensate?

Ciao ciao!!!


Non so dei vostri buoni propositi perchè non mi riguardano.
Esiste una sconfitta
pari al venire corroso
che non ho scelto io
ma è dell'epoca in cui vivo.
La morte è insopportabile per chi non vuole vivere. - CCCP

via Piemonte 19
41037 Mirandola (MO)
Tel. +39 0535/614355
Mob. +39 338/9464840
Fax  178 226 75 49
Scarica il nuovo Yahoo! Messenger: con webcam, nuove faccine e tante altre novità.

Re: [newbie-it] DivX ke c' ke nn va?

2002-10-25 Thread tom
Alle 11:55, venerdì 25 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
 Se stai usando,  come credo MDK 8.2, ti dico la mia esperienza  in quanto
 ad HW siamo allo stesso livello:

Si sto usando la 8.2 

 non sono riuscito a riprodurre nessun divx  con xine. Viceversa mplayer,
 istallato con gli RPM,  ha sempre funzionato benissimo (addirittura anche
 senza lanciare X).

uhmmmi potresti indicare dove l' hai scaricato?
mi sa che pensiono xine :)
 Da quando ho istallato MDK 9.0 funziona tutto - sia XINE che MPLAYER - per
 tutti i tipi di filamato (compresi i divx ). Anzi funziona pure la
 navigazione  dei DVD (ho pure caricato ogle.
 consiglio: meglio la MDK 9.0 (non ho toccato, nè configurato niente. Ha
 fatto tutto da sola, salvo mplayer che da rpm è facilissima).

Cosa intendi per non ho toccato, nè configurato niente...
il codec x divx era gia nella distro?
poi ti volevo kiedere una cosa..xmms come funziona nella 9.0?
qui ogni tanto mi pianta con gli mp3..dicendomi che devo settare un plugin 
per andare avanti(o qualche errore del genere).

Ciao , Tom


2002-10-25 Thread tom
Alle 06:08, venerdì 25 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:

 Dopo aver lanciato l'rpm coi driver vai (da shell) su /dev e:
 - cancella il file modem

xke cancellare? non conviene linkarli?

 ]#ln -s /dev/sstySHSF0 /dev/modem (cosi se lo puoi lanciare da qualunque dir 
in cui ti trovi,sempre da root si intende)

 - lancia ln -s ttySHSF0 modem

Scusate la mia gnoranzama a ke lo si fa puntare se modem nn c'è 
piu??? :-) ( mi spiegate xke? )

altra cosa...mi era parso di capire che ttySHSF0 non fosse stato creato 
creato dall rpm!
ne sei sicuro? anke a me era sucesso cosi! (anche io ho un conexant)
e al riavvio sucessivo il dispositivo era li che se la rideva :-)

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] Gnome Toaster

2002-10-25 Thread tom
Alle 01:14, giovedì 24 ottobre 2002, Mavricijo Babic ha scritto:
 Savle o un picolo problema con il Gnome Toster non poso masterizare CD
 se sono logato con une user anche se ho permesi per root!!
 Con il root tuto funziona bene.

 Garzie mile

Hai controllato se il tuo user è nele gruppo cdwriter ??
Prova a lanciare G.Toaster da shell,prova a masterizzare un cd, e vedi che ti 
Magari ti da qualche info in piu!

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] vedere i cdrom

2002-10-25 Thread Fabio Manunza
Alle 12:48, venerdì 25 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
 non riesco a masterizzare,per quanto abbia provato in tutti i modi
 possibili,e relativi programmi eroaster,gcombust etc etc mi viene il dubbio
 che non veda il cdrom e il sono come icona sul
 desktop saranno riconosciuti
Per scrupolo dai un'occhiata ad /etc/fstab; se sono menzionati li, il sistema 
li vede...
 seconda domanda come faccio entrare da root  e non come utente comune nel
 KDE grazie come sempre
Basta, al momento del login inserire nome e password di root (come soluzione 
mi sembra ovvia; puoi spiegare meglio cosa intendi fare?).

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] VMWARE 3.2+OT Wordfast

2002-10-25 Thread Fabio Manunza
Alle 13:05, venerdì 25 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
 Ciao a tutti! Visto che di recente si è parlato di abbandono di Finester,
 mi chiedevo se qualcuno di voi, costretto a lavorare sotto il suddetto
 finestrone, ha già provato sulla sua macchina il vmware 3.2. Potrebbe
 essere la volta buona: tutto il disco per linux, e finalmente potrò vedere
 quei dannati cd dei dizionari zanichelli Seconda cosa: Yves
 Champollion, creatore di Wordfast per la Logos, è arrabbiato perchè la
 Logos vuole mettere Wordfast open source, mentre lui vuole metterlo a
 pagamento perchè ci ha lavorato un anno senza lavorare come traduttore. Ma
 da quello che ho capito lui ha firmato un contratto in cui cede la sua
 creazione alla Logos -che in-house non ha solo traduttori, ma anche
 avvocati-, e a meno che non vada per via legali non ci potrà far nulla (sta
 andando per vie legali). Che ne pensate?

 Ciao ciao!!!


Che l'equazione open source = aggratis è errata.
Nulla impedisce agli autori di programmi di far pagare le proprie creazioni, 
pur mantenendo liberamente accessibile il codice per miglioramenti e 
modifiche di terze parti. Il senso dell'open source è questo.

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] vedere i cdrom

2002-10-25 Thread sandro
Hash: SHA1

Alle 12:48, venerdì 25 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
 non riesco a masterizzare,per quanto abbia provato in tutti i modi
 possibili,e relativi programmi eroaster,gcombust etc etc 

Dipende da come intendi masterizzare.
Mi spiego (o almeno tento):
Se intendi copiare un cd (copia la volo) da cd-rom a masterizzatore hai 
bisogno che entrambi vengano emulati scsi (tranne un eccezione ma che adesso 
non mi viene in mente).
Se intendi masterizzare file che esistono su hd su cd hai, comunque, bisogno 
che il masterizzatore venga emulato in scsi.
Controlla in /etc/fstab come è la situazione (anzi postalo, se puoi, che gli 
diamo un'occhiata).

 mi viene il dubbio
 che non veda il cdrom e il sono come icona sul
 desktop saranno riconosciuti

Per il cd-rom: ma se metti un normale cd ne vedi il contenuto?

 seconda domanda come faccio entrare da root  e non come utente comune nel
 KDE grazie come sempre

Hai l'autologin come default?
Cioè entri automaticamente dall'avvio come utente?
Per modificare la situazione lancia il Mandrake Control Center, quindi fai 
un click su Avvio. Nella parte destra della finestra ci sono tre icone 
(opzioni) fai un click su Configurazione di Avvio. Nella finestra 
successiva metti un segno di spunta su No, non voglio il login automatico.
Al prossimo avvio del sistema ti chiederà, in una finestra grafica, di 
immettere nome utente e password, in questo modo potrai accedere come root o 
come utente a scelta.

Se non vuoi modificare l'opzione in questo modo, puoi, quando fai il logout 
dalla sessione come utente (kde, ad esempio) sconnetterti e rifare il login 
come root (non so però, se è impostato l'autologin, se quando fa il logout ti 
chiude solo la sessione oppure fa lo shutdown direttamente - sorry, non uso 

Fammi sapere,

- -- 
Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - A.I.P. n° 2075 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mandrake Linux 8.2 on PIII 866 Mhz
Linux User #203143
Linux Machine #103048
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] vedere i cdrom

2002-10-25 Thread tom
Alle 12:48, venerdì 25 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
 non riesco a masterizzare,per quanto abbia provato in tutti i modi
 possibili,e relativi programmi eroaster,gcombust etc etc mi viene il dubbio
 che non veda il cdrom e il sono come icona sul
 desktop saranno riconosciuti

Controlla nelle inpostazioni del programma,vedi se i dispositivi sono settati.
che errori ti da? che ti dice?

 seconda domanda come faccio entrare da root  e non come utente comune nel
 KDE grazie come sempre

Che intendi nel KDE??
allora...le possibilita sono 2

- all login metti root come user e relativa pass, e ti ri trovi con la 
possibilita di fare qualunque danno al S.O. :-)

-altra possibilita..sati usando un utente normale e vuoi i privilegi di 
root in ambiente grafico (era questo che intendevi con nel KDE?)...
apri una shell e digiti :

password:xx(la tua pass di root)

a questo punto ti sei loggato come root e puoi fare quello che voi!
anche lanciare un browser per navigare tra le dir come root


ed ecco fatto!

un altra alternativa è Alt+f2 scegli l'applicazione e pigi su opzioni scegli 
root e metti la pass

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] Samsung ML 1210

2002-10-25 Thread Emiliano La Licata
Alle 05:45, venerdì 25 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:

Cara Arwan, ho la tua stessa strampante e funziona che è una meraviglia

 Ordunque, il motivo della mia mail e' questo: ho acquistato una stampante
 laser, la Samsung ML 1210, con driver per Linux compresi. Nelle note di
 installazione c'e' scritto di aggiornare il ghostscript con quello fornito,
 ma la mia versione (la 6 e rotti) e' gia' piu' nuova di quella che mi hanno
 dato con la stampante. Non ho toccato nulla.

Hai fatto bene a non toccare il ghostscript

 Poi dicono di copiare in una cartella un file .ppd. Fatto.
 Il sistema non aveva ancora stampanti, per cui ho lanciato aggiungi
 stampante etc etc; MDK ha riconosciuto in automatico la samsung. Solo che,
 quando lancio delle stampe, escono righe e fasce grigie o nere. Ora vorrei

Installa la strampante con CUPS e non dovresti avere problemi di sorta.
Possono sorgere problemi se usi il cavo USB, ma anche in quel caso con 
piccole correzioni tutto funziona a meraviglia.


Re: [newbie-it] VMWARE 3.2+OT Wordfast

2002-10-25 Thread Chiara Bianchi

On Fri, 25 Oct 2002 15:41:58 +0200
Fabio Manunza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Che l'equazione open source = aggratis è errata.
 Nulla impedisce agli autori di programmi di far pagare le proprie creazioni, 
 pur mantenendo liberamente accessibile il codice per miglioramenti e 
 modifiche di terze parti. Il senso dell'open source è questo.

Ok, sono d'accordo. Il problema di Champollion è che Wordfast non è suo, non lo è mai 
stato, perchè ha firmato un contratto senza leggerlo -vabbè, se l'è cercata-.
In poche parole, WF è di Logos, che può farne ciò che vuole. Cosa cambia se lo fanno 
diventare open source? Che WF potrebbe non essere più la creazione di Champollion 
solo. [Forse il problema dei traduttori è che sono stanchi di essere sempre nascosti: 
il nome del traduttore non compare quasi mai]
Comunque è vero che molti hanno capito che WF tornerà aggratis come prima: quello che 
non capisco io è che cosa gli cambia se WF è open source o no. Tanto il suo contratto 
è finito dopo un anno. (Ma forse mi sono spiegata male io - e mi rendo conto che forse 
in questa lista WF e i CAT in generale c'entrano poco, perciò chiedo venia!!! Su 
Langit, in questi casi, si è condannati a bere una guinness.)

Ciao a tutti! Vo a bere la guinness?


via Piemonte 19
41037 Mirandola (MO)
Tel. +39 0535/614355
Mob. +39 338/9464840
Fax  178 226 75 49
Scarica il nuovo Yahoo! Messenger: con webcam, nuove faccine e tante altre novità.

Re: [newbie-it] (O.T.)Problemi Anti-Virus

2002-10-25 Thread freefred
On Thursday 24 October 2002 11:41 pm, miKe wrote about S%:
 Hash: SHA1

 Alle 17:18, giovedì 24 ottobre 2002, freefred ha scritto:
  On Wednesday 23 October 2002 9:39 pm, Giorgio Griffon

  wrote about S%:

eh eh
mai configurare confusi il proprio client di posta...
non me ne ero nemmeno accorto

lo aggiusto.

Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

Re: [newbie-it] Web con Linux

2002-10-25 Thread freefred
On Friday 25 October 2002 8:58 am, sebastiano arrigoni wrote about [newbie-it] 
Web con Linux:

 salve a tutta la ml,
 qualcuno di voi sa dirmi se esiste per Linux un pacchetto Dreamweaver

No niente del genere (ma Dreamweaver e' in effetti un grande programma).
Ci sono ottimi editor testuali, al limite con preview (Quanta, credo)
e il composer di Mozilla ma l'ultma volta che l'ho lanciato
non gestiva i frames.

Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

Re: [newbie-it] DivX ke c' ke nn va?

2002-10-25 Thread Stefano Sebastiani

  Da quando ho istallato MDK 9.0 funziona tutto - sia XINE che MPLAYER -
  per tutti i tipi di filamato (compresi i divx ). Anzi funziona pure la
  navigazione  dei DVD (ho pure caricato ogle.
  consiglio: meglio la MDK 9.0 (non ho toccato, nè configurato niente. Ha
  fatto tutto da sola, salvo mplayer che da rpm è facilissima).

Invece ho il problema contrario con la 9 ho perso Xine e non riesco a installa 
re mplayer ne ogle!

Che rpm hai usato (scaricati da dove!!!)

Perchè URPMI non mantiene le sue promesse!

Re: [newbie-it] VMWARE 3.2+OT Wordfast

2002-10-25 Thread Luca
Chiara Bianchi ha scritto:

Ciao a tutti! Visto che di recente si è parlato di abbandono di Finester,
mi chiedevo se qualcuno di voi, costretto a lavorare sotto il suddetto
finestrone, ha già provato sulla sua macchina il vmware 3.2.

Io ho già provato vmware ma, ammenochè tu non abbia un processore da 
1.6GHz o superiore te lo sconsiglio perchè essendo vmware un emulatore 
di macchina (infatti avviandolo vedrai che ti farà ripartire un'altra 
macchina dentro la macchina già avviata proprio come se stessi avviando 
un altro pc dentro la finestra di emulazione) le prestazioni della 
macchina emulata sono abbastanza basse.
Io, dopo averlo provato, sono arrivato alla conclusione (del tutto 
personale) che conviene più avere un'altra partizione per windows 
rispetto all'utilizzo di vmware inquanto, oltre a rallentare parecchio 
il sistema emulato non emula anche i dispositivi che realmente hai sul 
sistema ma usa alcuni che sono standard e riconosciuti da winzozz, ad 
es.: la tua scheda video nel sistema emulato non viene vista per quella 
che è ma per una scheda video generica su bus pci.
Oltre questo c'è pure lo svantaggio che, se un dispositivo non è 
riconosciuto o compatibile in linux non lo potrai mai usare in 
emulazione con vmware!
Io adesso, visto che i programmi che uso e disponibili solo per sistemi 
M$ sono pochi, ho preferito installare wine ed usarli attraverso esso!

mettere Wordfast open source, mentre lui vuole metterlo a pagamento

Attenta che dire open source non è l'opposto de a pagamento :)

-- Ciao ciao!!!


Giannuzzi Luca  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mandrake 9.0 @ Acer TravelMate
Kernel 2.4.19 mdk
R.U. #287353 L.M. #168794
Modena (IT)

Mio Yahoo!: personalizza Yahoo! come piace a te


2002-10-25 Thread Fabio Manunza
Alle 15:28, venerdì 25 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
 Alle 06:08, venerdì 25 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
  Dopo aver lanciato l'rpm coi driver vai (da shell) su /dev e:
  - cancella il file modem

 xke cancellare? non conviene linkarli?

  ]#ln -s /dev/sstySHSF0 /dev/modem (cosi se lo puoi lanciare da qualunque
 dir in cui ti trovi,sempre da root si intende)

  - lancia ln -s ttySHSF0 modem

 Scusate la mia gnoranzama a ke lo si fa puntare se modem nn
 c'è piu??? :-) ( mi spiegate xke? )
No, è modem che punta a ttySHSF0, non il contrario. Modem è un link simbolico 
che si utilizza per praticità.
 altra cosa...mi era parso di capire che ttySHSF0 non fosse stato
 creato creato dall rpm!
Invece si, viene creato proprio dal rpm
 ne sei sicuro? anke a me era sucesso cosi! (anche io ho un conexant)
 e al riavvio sucessivo il dispositivo era li che se la rideva :-)

 Ciao , Tom

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] VMWARE 3.2+OT Wordfast

2002-10-25 Thread Fabio Manunza
Alle 17:04, venerdì 25 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
 On Fri, 25 Oct 2002 15:41:58 +0200

 Fabio Manunza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Che l'equazione open source = aggratis è errata.
  Nulla impedisce agli autori di programmi di far pagare le proprie
  creazioni, pur mantenendo liberamente accessibile il codice per
  miglioramenti e modifiche di terze parti. Il senso dell'open source è

 Ok, sono d'accordo. Il problema di Champollion è che Wordfast non è suo,
 non lo è mai stato, perchè ha firmato un contratto senza leggerlo -vabbè,
 se l'è cercata-. In poche parole, WF è di Logos, che può farne ciò che
 vuole. Cosa cambia se lo fanno diventare open source? Che WF potrebbe non
 essere più la creazione di Champollion solo. [Forse il problema dei
 traduttori è che sono stanchi di essere sempre nascosti: il nome del
 traduttore non compare quasi mai] Comunque è vero che molti hanno
 capito che WF tornerà aggratis come prima: quello che non capisco io è che
 cosa gli cambia se WF è open source o no. Tanto il suo contratto è finito
 dopo un anno. (Ma forse mi sono spiegata male io - e mi rendo conto che
 forse in questa lista WF e i CAT in generale c'entrano poco, perciò chiedo
 venia!!! Su Langit, in questi casi, si è condannati a bere una guinness.)

 Ciao a tutti! Vo a bere la guinness?


Cito (a braccio):  Free as in a speech, not as in a beer - R. Stallman
Come vedi c'è il senso della filosofiaopen-source, e pure della birra...
A te la traduzione...
Stallman, per la cronaca,è Mr. Gnu.

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] Web con Linux

2002-10-25 Thread Fabio Manunza
Alle 17:34, venerdì 25 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
 On Friday 25 October 2002 8:58 am, sebastiano arrigoni wrote about

 Web con Linux:
  salve a tutta la ml,
  qualcuno di voi sa dirmi se esiste per Linux un pacchetto Dreamweaver

 No niente del genere (ma Dreamweaver e' in effetti un grande programma).
 Ci sono ottimi editor testuali, al limite con preview (Quanta, credo)
 e il composer di Mozilla ma l'ultma volta che l'ho lanciato
 non gestiva i frames.


Aggiungo fish, nel solco di quanta, sempre che si voglia imparare almeno le 
basi dell'HTML.

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] vedere i cdrom

2002-10-25 Thread Arwan
Alle 16:06, venerdì 25 ottobre 2002, contorcendoti la mente su Re: 
[newbie-it] vedere i cdrom, sandro hai scritto: 

 Dipende da come intendi masterizzare.
 Mi spiego (o almeno tento):
 Se intendi copiare un cd (copia la volo) da cd-rom a masterizzatore hai
 bisogno che entrambi vengano emulati scsi (tranne un eccezione ma che
 adesso non mi viene in mente).

Gia' che ci siamo... come si masterizza al volo? E' possibile farlo da shell? 
Ci sono howto da leggere?
Ho l'emulazione scsi su entrambi i dispositivi, ma non ho ancora fatto 
esperimenti perche' non so da che parte iniziare...



2002-10-25 Thread Arwan
Alle 15:28, venerdì 25 ottobre 2002, contorcendoti la mente su Re: 
[newbie-it] PROBLEMA CON MODEM HSF, tom hai scritto: 

 Alle 06:08, venerdì 25 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
  Dopo aver lanciato l'rpm coi driver vai (da shell) su /dev e:
  - cancella il file modem

 xke cancellare? non conviene linkarli?

Io ho seguito (da pollastrella) le istruzioni datemi, e visto che 
funziavano... meglio non toccare!!!

  - lancia ln -s ttySHSF0 modem

 Scusate la mia gnoranzama a ke lo si fa puntare se modem nn
 c'è piu??? :-) ( mi spiegate xke? )

Gia'... se lo ricrea.

 altra cosa...mi era parso di capire che ttySHSF0 non fosse stato
 creato creato dall rpm!

Neanche nel mio caso era stato creato. Non chiedermi troppi particolari, che 
ad un certo punto, da parte mia, c'e' stato un atto di fede... con S. 


Re: [newbie-it] Samsung ML 1210

2002-10-25 Thread Arwan
Alle 08:25, venerdì 25 ottobre 2002, contorcendoti la mente su Re: 
[newbie-it] Samsung ML 1210, Marco Forti hai scritto: 

 Con CUPS (provato sia con Mandrake che con RedHat) funziona benissimo 
 col driver già presente nella distribuzione.

Allora: facciamo un passo indietro. Ho cups installato; per installare la 
stampante (con cups) e' giusto fare 
MDK Control Center - Hardware - stampante - aggiungi stampante... e poi? 
riconoscimento automatico (l'ho fatto, ma mi stampa righe e fasce con 
tonalita' diverse di grigio) o manuale (provato, stesso effetto)?
Dove sbaglio? C'e' altro da impostare?
Ho provato anche con la configurazione WWW CUPS, ma nisba; pure il test non 
funziona. Il test fatto col tastino della stampante, invece, va benissimo.
Provato anche a installare la stampante da WWW CUPS, ma ogni volta che lancio 
una stampa sembra che tutto vada a buon fine (lampeggio di caricamento dati 
compreso, anche se breve), pero' poi non si mangia il foglio, e la stampa 
resta in coda.

PERCHE' A ME NON VA E A VOI SI'? Possibile che sia sempre sfigata (leggi: che 
faccia porcherie con i PC, e poi e' ovvio che non funzioni tutto a dovere)???
Adesso provo con la Slack... ma, per carita', FATE QUALCOSA!!!


[newbie] smbmount

2002-10-25 Thread Tony S. Sykes

I have smbmounted my w2k machine to my MDK9 box. I did not unmount it,
and shut down my w2k machine. Now I can't unmount the machine even
though it is not there. I can get in to the directory I mounted but it
is empty. How do I get rid of the connection? Any help, redirection to
howto's much appreciated.



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This message, and any associated attachment is confidential. If you have
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The contents of this message may contain personal views which are not
necessarily the views of Business Computer Projects Ltd., unless
specifically stated.  

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that emails and their
attachments are virus free, it is the responsibility of the recipient(s)
to verify the integrity of such emails.

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Re: [newbie] urpmi

2002-10-25 Thread Derek Jennings
On Friday 25 Oct 2002 1:06 am, Robert Delaporte wrote:
 I have seen a couple mentions in news groups comparing urpmi to apt-get.  I
 have debian on my other box just for learning reasons, and I cant see urpmi
 being even close.  I have tried putting different sources on my list, but
 it either cant connect half the time or it cant get the required
 dependacies. Is there anyone with a sample urpmi setup that works well?



I have also been playing with Debian recently, and so far my impression has 
been that it is very similar to urpmi.  The debian servers seem to be faster 
responding, probably because they are dedicated servers rather than the 
public servers Mandrake uses. However in terms of managing packages and 
resolving dependencies they seem very similar. 

I think where Mandrake falls down is in not predefining or publishing a set of 
update sources other than the security update source so most users never 
discover what a great tool it is for keeping your system up to date. Also 
some of the public mirrors are truly awful, leading users to assume urpmi is 
not working. I think Mandrake should delete some mirrors from the list and 
perhaps introduce some dedicated servers, at least for Mandrake Club

As for recommendations. Here are the sources I use. The rediris mirror is very 
fast, (but if I keep telling people it soon will not be :)

For Applications in the 9.0 Contrib snapshot
urpmi.addmedia contrib with 

For official Mandrake updates
urpmi.addmedia --update updates with 

For the PLF archive of patented and 'illegal' applications
urpmi.addmedia plf with

For Texstars famous RPMS (see forum on www.pclinuxonline for details)
urpmi.addmedia texstar
with ./

For commercial apps on Powerpack CDs (club membership required)
urpmi.addmedia mandrake_club 
with ./

For RPMS made by Club members. (no membership required)
urpmi.addmedia club.contrib
with ./ 

You should remember to 'update' those sources which are liable to change 
before searching for applications, or else it may not find the dependencies 
it thinks are there. The command
urpmi.update -a 
will update all non-removable media. Putting it into a daily cron job will 
keep you  up to date.



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Re: [newbie] Sylpheed - how to send?

2002-10-25 Thread Len Lawrence
On Thu, 24 Oct 2002, Miark wrote:

 I applaud your choice of Sylpheed. As to your problem, why not just
 set the SMTP server to your ISP's SMTP server instead of going through
 Postfix? I never saw the point of adding a middle-man for mail.
Thanks for the suggestion but that is a bit advanced for me.  Might try it 
in the future when I get a better idea of what is going on.  I would not 
know how to specify the Demon SMTP server.  Although I have used WANs and 
the Internet for over 25 years I am still clueless about networking of any 

  Nothing but problems these days.  Hearing that pine is deprecated for 
 --- snip --
  old machine).  Sylpheed incorporates the messages OK.  The trouble comes
  when posting to the outside world.  An error occurred is reported;
  no indication what.  However, it might be related to the configuration
  for SMTP servwer (send).  What should that be?  The manual is too terse
  to be useful.  postfix did not work.  My .pinerc file lists 
  smtp-server=localhost, so I tried that.  Still no joy.  There are a lot
  of Sylpheed users out there - how did you do it?
Len Lawrence

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Re: [newbie] Sylpheed - how to send?

2002-10-25 Thread Len Lawrence
On Thu, 24 Oct 2002, Todd Slater wrote:

 On Thu, 24 Oct 2002 15:22:28 +0100 (BST)
 Len Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Nothing but problems these days.  Hearing that pine is deprecated for 
  Mandrake 9+ I thought I should try to get used to a graphical client
  and Sylpheed seemed the best bet.  It seems awkward after over 10 years
  of the simplicity of pine, but it is time to join the 21st century 
  community I guess.  Postfix is running fine and picks up incoming mail
  no bother once kppp has connected (and boy is that slow! over a minute 
  compared with the 4 or 5 seconds using a homegrown chat script on my
  old machine).  Sylpheed incorporates the messages OK.  The trouble comes
  when posting to the outside world.  An error occurred is reported;
  no indication what.  However, it might be related to the configuration
  for SMTP servwer (send).  What should that be?  The manual is too terse
  to be useful.  postfix did not work.  My .pinerc file lists 
  smtp-server=localhost, so I tried that.  Still no joy.  There are a
  lot of Sylpheed users out there - how did you do it?
  Waiting hopefully
 Just go to Configuration  Preferences for Current Account  Basic and
 under Server Information select None (local) and for SMTP server (send)
 give your domain.
Thanks Todd, I was already using None (local).  Have tried 
and in the server field and sylpheed tries to send;
sending from tarazed... but always comes back with an error.  There 
seems to be some activity on the line so maybe it is a problem at the
other end?  I have a POP3 account with Demon with the username tarazed
but in the SMTP authentication have specified the local user lcl with the 
local password.  Is that correct?  The other thing is - should an external 
program be specified for sending, and if so which?  Presumably it should 
be whichever postfix relies on.  Or on second thoughts, does sylpheed 
queue the mail for postfix to deal with whenever?  Really, I am 
floundering here.  Never had to think about these issues with pine
but on the other hand, sylpheed does look pretty.  

 I'm using Sylpheed-Claws 0.8.2, but I think that config doesn't change
 much from version to version.

Len Lawrence

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Re: [newbie] urpmi

2002-10-25 Thread Technoslick
After seeing it mentioned here not long ago, I tried urpmi for the first 
time. (I needed to update a part of KDE making it impossible to do so 
within the GUI) I was really surprised at how effective and efficient it 
was. However, I am still having problems getting dependencies and 
updates completed in some cases. Apparently, part of the problem is 
finding the right servers. Your reply to Rob was a godsend for me. Not 
only do I have some sites that work well, are relatively complete and 
'Derek approved' (a little plug for the guy...), but I better understand 
what I am doing with urpmi! Thanks, Derek, for explaining to a newbie 
the 'how', and more importantly, the 'why'. For some reason, 
documentation on any platform fails to explain why you do something or 
why you would want to do it, just how to do it. That's when personal 
help really shines.



Derek Jennings wrote:
I have also been playing with Debian recently, and so far my impression has 
been that it is very similar to urpmi.  The debian servers seem to be faster 
responding, probably because they are dedicated servers rather than the 
public servers Mandrake uses. However in terms of managing packages and 
resolving dependencies they seem very similar. 

I think where Mandrake falls down is in not predefining or publishing a set of 
update sources other than the security update source so most users never 
discover what a great tool it is for keeping your system up to date. Also 
some of the public mirrors are truly awful, leading users to assume urpmi is 
not working. I think Mandrake should delete some mirrors from the list and 
perhaps introduce some dedicated servers, at least for Mandrake Club

As for recommendations. Here are the sources I use. The rediris mirror is very 
fast, (but if I keep telling people it soon will not be :)

For Applications in the 9.0 Contrib snapshot
urpmi.addmedia contrib with 

For official Mandrake updates
urpmi.addmedia --update updates with 

For the PLF archive of patented and 'illegal' applications
urpmi.addmedia plf with

For Texstars famous RPMS (see forum on www.pclinuxonline for details)
urpmi.addmedia texstar 
with ./

For commercial apps on Powerpack CDs (club membership required)
urpmi.addmedia mandrake_club 
with ./

For RPMS made by Club members. (no membership required)
urpmi.addmedia club.contrib 
with ./ 

You should remember to 'update' those sources which are liable to change 
before searching for applications, or else it may not find the dependencies 
it thinks are there. The command
urpmi.update -a 
will update all non-removable media. Putting it into a daily cron job will 
keep you  up to date.



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Re: [newbie] urpmi

2002-10-25 Thread Derek Jennings
On Friday 25 Oct 2002 11:45 am, Technoslick wrote:
 After seeing it mentioned here not long ago, I tried urpmi for the first
 time. (I needed to update a part of KDE making it impossible to do so
 within the GUI) I was really surprised at how effective and efficient it
 was. However, I am still having problems getting dependencies and
 updates completed in some cases. Apparently, part of the problem is
 finding the right servers. Your reply to Rob was a godsend for me. Not
 only do I have some sites that work well, are relatively complete and
 'Derek approved' (a little plug for the guy...), but I better understand
 what I am doing with urpmi! Thanks, Derek, for explaining to a newbie
 the 'how', and more importantly, the 'why'. For some reason,
 documentation on any platform fails to explain why you do something or
 why you would want to do it, just how to do it. That's when personal
 help really shines.


Thanks for the plug Technoslick (my opinion is not any better than other 
newbs), a couple of things I should have mentioned in my last post are :-

Having put in the sources with urpmi.update, the most convenient way to find 
out what are in the sources is the Software Manager in Mandrake Control 
Centre. You can group by 'source' so you can see who has what. You also then 
see a description of each package. Although doing the actual installation 
from the command line gives you more feedback as to what is happening instead 
of the 'sliding bar' software manager displays.

Be aware that any application installed from a non official source may have 
bugs, and could possibly break something. For example Texstar sometimes 
'experiments' with quite advanced features that are more appropriate to 
Cooker than a 'production' system. Read about the package on his site before 
blindly installing anything. (His libqt3 package with Xft2 font support broke 
my system this week  Grrr )


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[newbie] Linux on a Win CE Device

2002-10-25 Thread Technoslick
Has anyone in this group found, installed and actually got any use out 
of any linux running on a Windows CE device? I have a Sharp Mobilon 
Tripad (same as the Clio) which runs on Win CE 2.11. It has 16 MBs of 
RAM (expandable to 32 MBs), a 640 X 480 screen, PCMCIA Type 2 slot, 
internal 33.6 modem and IR port for sending/receiving. I have done some 
research on Linux for such devices, but most are trying to run the O/S 
on a Pocket PC (PPC!) The Tripad and its sister machine are HPC's or 
Handheld PC's. Because it is almost like a full-capacity notebook 
computer, it would be a real joy to find some way to get Linux on it.

Does anyone out there have any real experience any of this? Was it worth 
the effort in converting? And finally...were you able to do anything in 
the O/S once you did?



P.S. I have to laugh at myself when I say that when I first saw the term 
'PPC' used on the Mandrake site, I thought that they had a version of 
Linux for the Pocket PC! let's have a round of deserved laughter from 
all the Mac users :-D

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Re: [newbie] urpmi

2002-10-25 Thread Technoslick
Derek Jennings wrote:

Having put in the sources with urpmi.update, the most convenient way to find 
out what are in the sources is the Software Manager in Mandrake Control 
Centre. You can group by 'source' so you can see who has what. You also then 
see a description of each package. 

Most definitely! I 'really' need those descriptions since the name of 
the apps and files mean so little to me! More than likely I will use MCC 
as a starting point, relying on urpmi when I am sure of what I need and 
where I am going for it.

Be aware that any application installed from a non official source may have 
bugs, and could possibly break something. For example Texstar sometimes 
'experiments' with quite advanced features that are more appropriate to 
Cooker than a 'production' system. Read about the package on his site before 
blindly installing anything. (His libqt3 package with Xft2 font support broke 
my system this week  Grrr )

I think I have already experienced this and not realized it. I have been 
like many other newbie's mimicking what my more informed comrades do, 
thinking that I have improved my situation. In my case, I am looking to 
maintain a production machine and have very little interest right now in 
trying out beta or experimental stuff. Should I then not point to any 
folders that are subdirectories off anything saying 'Cooker'? I will 
make a note to not include your link to Texstar, for that reason (at 
least, not for now...)

And, if I may stretch this posted reply a bit further

What links do you feel are reasonably fast and reliable for
'Contribs' for MDK 8.2? I have that running on a couple of boxes and 
really don't want to abandon it as yet. I have already noticed an 
inabililty to completely update KDE libs due to conflicts between the 
downloadable libs and those on the system. Does that mean that I should 
be looking to change the site for one that is more appropriate? Here's 
what I am using now for 'Contribs':

And for 'Updates':

This can be very confusing for someone still learning the ropes and the 

Thanks for the help and explanations,


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[newbie] Install Package fails, true newbie here

2002-10-25 Thread Jamie Hornstein
I'm having trouble (obviously) installing Mandrake Linux 9.0.

My computer at home, which I don't have all the specifics on here at
work, so I will try to remember them as best I can:
It used to have redhat 6.2 on it, which a friend helped me install, but
I just formatted the hard drive, so it has nothing.

I downloaded an iso of the 3 CDs from a mirror, and burnt them using

The computer is a p1-90 mhz, with 96 mb of ram.  An ISA SB16 sound card,
and ISA Nic, an older s3 virge 4MB video card, 2 gig IDE hard drive, a 5
gig IDE hard drive, and a older 20X cd-rom (that I found out doesn't
read CD-RWs).

So, anyway, I get to select all of my packages just fine, and it
installs for about 2-3 minutes or so, and an message come up that it
fails to install the (please don't shoot me, I left the message at home)
ip-tools.something.something package or the
ip-config.something.something (it was ip something).

I hit yes to continue anyway, and it continues on until it gets to the
installing the linux kernel, and it goes for about 30 seconds and the
machine locks up (no mouse,  I let it sit for hours with no repsonse).

I've tried it three times and it has failed on the same package every

I'm wondering if it's an issue reading the package(s) from my cd-rom, or
possibly something else.  I did burn it on 10x, maybe I should try
burning it on a slower speed?  Maybe my cd-rom doesn't read the larger
CD-R discs well?

Help me.

FWIW, I'm not really using this as a desktop machine, it's more of a
server that I can run SSH and FTP on so I can access from outside my
broadband connection.

Please let me know if more info is needed.

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[newbie] Apache questions - hopefully simple

2002-10-25 Thread Sekurity Wizard
2 hopefully simple Apache (2.0.43) questions.  
1. How do I change the default document from index.html to something

2. How do I get Apache to present my .swf content?  (ShockWave)???  Is
there a separate module I need to add or something?  Did some quick
searches but came up with lots of garbage

Thans in advance!

+   s.Wizard  ---]Security Specialist +
+---+  +---+
+   + S.Wizardboundariez[spamSUX].com +   +
+   +  +   +
+---+ SekurityWizard (on AIM)  +---+

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[newbie] Fire Wire

2002-10-25 Thread Gil Katz
I got Mandrake 8.0 and I just install Adaptec AFW 4300 FireWire.
Does anyone know how to configure it bcz I don't got the driver for it.
And does anyone know about video edit software for linux? 

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RE: [newbie] Fire Wire

2002-10-25 Thread Tony S. Sykes

Not sure how to configure, I am lucking into that at the moment but kino
is a good start for the software.


-Original Message-
From: Gil Katz [mailto:snake;]
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 2:07 PM
Subject: [newbie] Fire Wire

I got Mandrake 8.0 and I just install Adaptec AFW 4300 FireWire.
Does anyone know how to configure it bcz I don't got the driver for it.
And does anyone know about video edit software for linux? 

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This message, and any associated attachment is confidential. If you have
received it in error, please delete it from your system, do not use or
disclose the information in any way, and notify either Tony S. Sykes
or the postmaster mailto:David.Hamnett-Taylor;

The contents of this message may contain personal views which are not
necessarily the views of Business Computer Projects Ltd., unless
specifically stated.  

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that emails and their
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[newbie] Cooledit STDOUT

2002-10-25 Thread Dscapuano
I am using Mandrake v8.2 - Gnome - perl 
I have created a script in Cooledit for Perl.  The script uses stdout and stderr as 
output (checked boxes in new script setup screen).  To test, I typed in a simple print 
hello world; and it does not come out on stdout.  I purposely typed in an incorrect 
statement and stderr works.

Any ideas?

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Re: [newbie] urpmi

2002-10-25 Thread Derek Jennings


  Be aware that any application installed from a non official source may
  have bugs, and could possibly break something. For example Texstar
  sometimes 'experiments' with quite advanced features that are more
  appropriate to Cooker than a 'production' system. Read about the package
  on his site before blindly installing anything. (His libqt3 package with
  Xft2 font support broke my system this week  Grrr )

 I think I have already experienced this and not realized it. I have been
 like many other newbie's mimicking what my more informed comrades do,
 thinking that I have improved my situation. In my case, I am looking to
 maintain a production machine and have very little interest right now in
 trying out beta or experimental stuff. Should I then not point to any
 folders that are subdirectories off anything saying 'Cooker'? I will
 make a note to not include your link to Texstar, for that reason (at
 least, not for now...)

Tex's RPMS are 9.0 only now, so you do not have the choice. Remember all the 
links I gave were for 9.0. You should find equivalent links for 8.2 or other 

Paths on different mirrors can vary, but it is essentially like this :-

 blah...blah/mandrake-devel/unsupported/8.2 contains packages built by 
volunteers for the 8.2 release and should be quite usable (It contains things 
like OpenOffice 1.0) (Similarly for 9.0)

blah..blah/mandrake/9.0/contrib is a *snapshot* of what contribs looked like 
when 9.0 was frozen.  It will not change. The applications should be stable.  
You are using 8.2. There is a copy of 8.2/contrib on CD3 which will already 
be in your urpmi sources. (It is called RPMS4)

blah..blah/mandrake-devel/cooker/i586 is the actual 'cooker' distribution. It 
changes daily. If you want to be on the 'bleeding edge' you can update a 9.0 
system to cooker, but do not be surprised if one day it is broken. Also do 
not install individual cooker packages unless you know what you are doing.
(I learned the hard way :)

blah..blah/mandrake-devel/contrib contains contributions to the *current* 
cooker. At the moment these will be close to 9.0, but as time passes they 
will diverge and may become incompatible.

 And, if I may stretch this posted reply a bit further

 What links do you feel are reasonably fast and reliable for
 'Contribs' for MDK 8.2? I have that running on a couple of boxes and
 really don't want to abandon it as yet. I have already noticed an
 inabililty to completely update KDE libs due to conflicts between the
 downloadable libs and those on the system. Does that mean that I should
 be looking to change the site for one that is more appropriate? Here's
 what I am using now for 'Contribs':

If you have CD3 you already have Contrib. Check your sources.
9.0 does not have Contrib on CD3, so an online source is needed.

KDE is awkward, because despite David Faure of KDE being employed by Mandrake, 
the KDE releases are not urpmi enabled. So you have to download the entire 
folder into a directory, cd to it and enter urpmi *  If there are additional 
libraries needed, they will not be installed unless they exist in one of your 
urpmi sources.

 And for 'Updates':

I have no experience of that mirror, but this one is pretty fast at the 

You can get an idea just by entering the ftp address in a konqueror browser. 
If it is fast and responsive changing directories, then it is probably a good 


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Re: [newbie] urpmi

2002-10-25 Thread Technoslick
It's now more obvious to me what I have been doing right or wrong. It 
makes so much sense the way you have explained things. I now understand 
why I see duplicates in Software Manager for some files, since I am 
linking to a 'contrib' folder on the Web and also looking at one on my 
CD#3. I have noticed that some of the files are of a higher version on 
the Web site than on my CD#3. Does that mean that the newer version is a 
better choice? Could I run into dependency problems? This happened to me 
once already, and I couldn't complete the installation because of libs 

I will try out the link you gave me and see how it works for me. Even 
though I asked about 8.2, I still have a system running 9.0 and that is 
my main focus.

Thanks, Derek,


Derek Jennings wrote:

Tex's RPMS are 9.0 only now, so you do not have the choice. Remember all the 
links I gave were for 9.0. You should find equivalent links for 8.2 or other 

Paths on different mirrors can vary, but it is essentially like this :-

 blah...blah/mandrake-devel/unsupported/8.2 contains packages built by 
volunteers for the 8.2 release and should be quite usable (It contains things 
like OpenOffice 1.0) (Similarly for 9.0)

blah..blah/mandrake/9.0/contrib is a *snapshot* of what contribs looked like 
when 9.0 was frozen.  It will not change. The applications should be stable.  
You are using 8.2. There is a copy of 8.2/contrib on CD3 which will already 
be in your urpmi sources. (It is called RPMS4)

blah..blah/mandrake-devel/cooker/i586 is the actual 'cooker' distribution. It 
changes daily. If you want to be on the 'bleeding edge' you can update a 9.0 
system to cooker, but do not be surprised if one day it is broken. Also do 
not install individual cooker packages unless you know what you are doing.
(I learned the hard way :)

blah..blah/mandrake-devel/contrib contains contributions to the *current* 
cooker. At the moment these will be close to 9.0, but as time passes they 
will diverge and may become incompatible.

If you have CD3 you already have Contrib. Check your sources.
9.0 does not have Contrib on CD3, so an online source is needed.

KDE is awkward, because despite David Faure of KDE being employed by Mandrake, 
the KDE releases are not urpmi enabled. So you have to download the entire 
folder into a directory, cd to it and enter urpmi *  If there are additional 
libraries needed, they will not be installed unless they exist in one of your 
urpmi sources.

I have no experience of that mirror, but this one is pretty fast at the 

You can get an idea just by entering the ftp address in a konqueror browser. 
If it is fast and responsive changing directories, then it is probably a good 


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[newbie] CD-Writing.

2002-10-25 Thread Malcolm Candlish


I have a Mitsumi CR-4804TE with which I had hoped to Burn Linux CD's.

It's an ide-scsi type. Set it up via the HOWTO and not only does it not work, my scsi scanner no longer operates either.

Mandrake Control Center seems of little value unless it finds dev via its own scan.

Anyone else had this problem? 

Malcolm Candlish. 

[newbie] logrotate error ??

2002-10-25 Thread Kenn Murrah
when running

 logrotate logrotate.conf

i'm getting an error:

  error:  logrotate.conf:1 unexpected text

the entire  contents of my logrotate.conf file is:

 /var/log/squid/access.log {
 rotate 8

can anyone tell me what i've done wrong?  i've
followed the man pages as closely as possible, but
something ain't right with this ...

thanks in advance,


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Re: [newbie] CD-Writing.

2002-10-25 Thread Dennis Myers
On Friday 25 October 2002 01:09 pm, Malcolm Candlish wrote:

 I have a Mitsumi CR-4804TE with which I had hoped to Burn Linux CD's.

 It's an ide-scsi type. Set it up via the HOWTO and not only does it not
 work, my scsi scanner no longer operates either.

 Mandrake Control Center seems of little value unless it finds dev via
 its own scan.

 Anyone else had this problem?

 Malcolm Candlish.
Which OS are you using? MandrakeLinux 8.2, 9.0? I have the same burner and it 
works very well.  It was autodetected and set up during install.  Give us 
some details and/or error messages to go by,  a solution is on the list. :  )
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] CD-Writing.

2002-10-25 Thread Spencer
On October 25, 2002 11:09 am, Malcolm Candlish wrote:

 I have a Mitsumi CR-4804TE with which I had hoped to Burn Linux CD's.

 It's an ide-scsi type. Set it up via the HOWTO and not only does it not
 work, my scsi scanner no longer operates either.

 Mandrake Control Center seems of little value unless it finds dev via
 its own scan.

 Anyone else had this problem?

 Malcolm Candlish.
As root, what does ' cdrecord --scanbus' say?

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Re: [newbie] how to mount zip drive

2002-10-25 Thread Technoslick
Here's what I found, trying what you suggested..

First off, you were 100% correct if I am using MDK 9.0. I disabled 
automount as root, logged in as 'user', brought up KDE, loaded a CD, 
clicked on the CD icon on my Desktop, brought up Konqueror and then I 
picked the appropriate CD and there it was! I found that I could even 
eject the CD while Konqueror was still showing the contents of the CD. I 
placed a new CD in, did a refresh in Kongueror, and it showed me the 
revised contents of the new CD. I like this! Supermount is history!

On MDK 8.2, it is not quite so easy, but still enough so that I can see 
your point. When I disabled supermount there, I found that I was denied 
access to the drive until I opened a terminal and mounted the drive. 
From there, I could then access it through the icon as user, or through 
a terminal, as you would expect. I could even switch CDs on the fly, 
with one exception. If I have Kongueror browsing the contents of the CD 
I wish to replace, I must click on another folder outside of /mnt/cdrom 
folder or the drive is locked, just as it would be with any other 
program accessing the CD-ROM drive. However, in a terminal, I can change 
CDs and do as I wish without locking the drive.

The same was true for my external zip drive. I had to mount it once, but 
then could eject and insert as many zip disks as I liked without a 
concern. Interesting enough, Konqueror does not have any hold on the zip 
drive while browsing it (in MDK 8.2.) As long as it is not scanning or 
working with the drive, I can eject and refresh the window instead of 
changing the focus elsewhere to unlock the drive, as with a CD-ROM.

So, the big change in MDK 9.0 over MDK 8.2 (regarding the mounting of 
removable media drives) is that mounting is automatic anyway, so there's 
no need for supermount!

Did I finally get this right? :-)



Ugh. Its why I disabled supermount. Now I can just click on my Zip icon
on my KDE desktop, and boom! up blows a window with the contents...

Nope, it will do it in one quick 'n easy operation. Kinda negates the need 
for supermount, with all its problems, don't it? ;-)

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Re: [newbie] Bluecurve to mandrake

2002-10-25 Thread Sharrea
On Saturday 26 Oct 2002 3:59 am, L.V.Gandhi wrote:
 I just copied from rh to mandrake /usr/share/icons/Bluecurve to mandrake.
 But control center is not recognising it. Where as kde_xp theme icons are
 recognised. why?

I downloaded bluecurve-artwork-0.39-4tex.i586.rpm from Texstar's ftp site.   
I see it is no longer listed there, however there is 
freecurve-artwork-0.47-1tex.i586.rpm which could be the same theme renamed.  
I just downloaded it to see but it conflicts with the bluecurve files.

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Re: [newbie] X, nVidia drivers ...

2002-10-25 Thread Sharrea
On Saturday 26 Oct 2002 4:41 am, Dale Huckeby wrote:

   Bummer.  So it's not an X problem per se.  Afraid I'm out of my depth,
 but I did do a quick Google search on dcopserver, and found a
 conversation about inability to start kde.  Are you able to use a
 browser?  If so:
 should take you to that page, if I haven't flubbed the copying.  The
 most useful comment I found (since it's on a Solaris I don't know how
 useful it'll be) is that you should do chmod 01777 on three files:
 Haven't investigated further, and don't know how Solaris' file structure
 might differ from Mandrake's, but maybe this is a lead that might turn
 out to be useful.

Thanks Dale, I'll reinstall the nvidia drivers again and try that.

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Re: [newbie] X, nVidia drivers ...

2002-10-25 Thread Sharrea
On Saturday 26 Oct 2002 6:19 am, Robin Turner wrote:
 Dale Huckeby wrote:
Bummer.  So it's not an X problem per se.  Afraid I'm out of my
  depth, but I did do a quick Google search on dcopserver, and found a
  conversation about inability to start kde.  Are you able to use a
  browser?  If so:
  should take you to that page, if I haven't flubbed the copying.  The
  most useful comment I found (since it's on a Solaris I don't know how
  useful it'll be) is that you should do chmod 01777 on three files:
  Haven't investigated further, and don't know how Solaris' file
  structure might differ from Mandrake's, but maybe this is a lead that
  might turn out to be useful.

 Check permissions in pam.conf as well.
 Sir Robin

Thanks Robin, I'll look in PAM.  Just did a quick check and I don't have a 
pam.conf file but according to man pam.conf the files in /etc/pam.d/ do 
the same thing so I will look through those.

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Re: [newbie] CD-Writing.

2002-10-25 Thread Charlie
On Friday 25 October 2002 12:29 pm, Spencer wrote:
 On October 25, 2002 11:09 am, Malcolm Candlish wrote:
  I have a Mitsumi CR-4804TE with which I had hoped to Burn Linux CD's.
  It's an ide-scsi type. Set it up via the HOWTO and not only does it not
  work, my scsi scanner no longer operates either.
  Mandrake Control Center seems of little value unless it finds dev via
  its own scan.
  Anyone else had this problem?
  Malcolm Candlish.

 As root, what does ' cdrecord --scanbus' say?

I have the same drive and it's worked no trouble since Mandrake 7.2. Auto 
detected, set up at first boot, using the k3b front end I can even DAO direct 
copy from CD (LiteOn 40X CD-ROM is the other drive) to blank media which 
makes life easier when copying Mandrake download disks for friends that want 
to try the distribution.

There's a firmware update, two actually, for it at the Mitsumi website:
supposedly for Windows only to allow you to use media larger than 650 MB. I 
updated mine back when I still ran Windows 98 SE (Feb. 2000) and it's able to 
use up to 90 minute blanks, so far without trouble. Also 700 MB CD-RWs. Seems 
the update really did work?

You said you'd already tried to set it up via the HOWTO; which how to? Also 
worthwhile information would be what version of Mandrake (?) are you working 

Just a guess, in /etc/lilo.conf is your kernel being passed hdx=ide-scsi in 
the append line? If not you may want to make it so using the relevant hd? for 
the drive on your system.

Last thoughts for the moment; have you added your user to the cdrom and 
cdwriter groups, and is the drive on the motherboard IDE channel or are you 
using a controller card?

Good luck and pass along a bit more information please.
Registered user 244963 at
Any two philosophers can tell each other all they know in two hours.
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

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Re: [newbie] Dedicated firewall machine

2002-10-25 Thread RichardA
H.J.Bathoorn, Friday 25 October 2002 18:29:
 I've got a P133 running Smoothwall very nicely.
 Smoothwall has a GPL download and even if you decide not to install it:
 their docs and faq's are well written and clear.

When a GPL project is forked, it's usually for technical reasons. IP-Cop was 
forked from Smoothwall because of the anti-social attitude of the Smoothwall 
founder, Richard Morrell. Search Google groups for his name and settle down 
for an entertaining, if expletive-laden, read.
Many of us use Linux for moral, as well as technical, reasons. I chose not to 
use Smoothwall.
That sounds really uptight and moral. Ah well.


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Re: [newbie] MLdonkey

2002-10-25 Thread Miark
Identical concept; different network, software, etc.


BCSoft@TowerTraining [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:

 So how is this related to the gnutella network?
  John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:
   Please  can you explain , this is not for ordinary
   dialup modem connection then ?
  You can use it on a dial-up connection.
   What is edonkey ?
  Peer-to-peer filesharing. Check out

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Re: [newbie] Bluecurve to mandrake

2002-10-25 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan
On Sat, 26 Oct 2002 09:07:50 +1300, Sharrea [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Saturday 26 Oct 2002 3:59 am, L.V.Gandhi wrote:
  I just copied from rh to mandrake /usr/share/icons/Bluecurve to mandrake.
  But control center is not recognising it. Where as kde_xp theme icons are
  recognised. why?
 I downloaded bluecurve-artwork-0.39-4tex.i586.rpm from Texstar's ftp site.   
 I see it is no longer listed there, however there is 
 freecurve-artwork-0.47-1tex.i586.rpm which could be the same theme renamed.  
 I just downloaded it to see but it conflicts with the bluecurve files.

Red Hat have copyrighted the name Bluecurve, so Tex had to rename it to
something else. This became Freecurve. There is no difference but naming.

Also take a look at the LightHouseBlue theme:

Sridhar Dhanapalan [Yama]

50,000 monkeys at 50,000 typewriters can't be wrong. -- Wil Wheaton

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[newbie] themes and styles

2002-10-25 Thread Angus Auld
I was wondering if the themes in Mdk 9.0 are all OK to use. I remember in 8.2 there 
were issues with some of the available themes...or was it styles? 

Has anyone had any difficulties w/any themes or styles? I'd like to check them out, 
but don't really want to mess up anything in the process. My 9.0 is working sooo 
sweetly 8-). I like my Mdk 



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Re: [newbie] how to mount zip drive

2002-10-25 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Friday 25 October 2002 03:20 pm, you wrote:
 Here's what I found, trying what you suggested..

 First off, you were 100% correct if I am using MDK 9.0. I disabled
 automount as root, logged in as 'user', brought up KDE, loaded a CD,
 clicked on the CD icon on my Desktop, brought up Konqueror and then I
 picked the appropriate CD and there it was! I found that I could even
 eject the CD while Konqueror was still showing the contents of the CD. I
 placed a new CD in, did a refresh in Kongueror, and it showed me the
 revised contents of the new CD. I like this! Supermount is history!

I've never much cared for it. I mean, its dead-handy sometimes - like for my 
11 and 9 year olds - I leave supermount enabled on both their v8.2 boxes.

 On MDK 8.2, it is not quite so easy, but still enough so that I can see
 your point. When I disabled supermount there, I found that I was denied
 access to the drive until I opened a terminal and mounted the drive.
  From there, I could then access it through the icon as user, or through
 a terminal, as you would expect. I could even switch CDs on the fly,
 with one exception. If I have Kongueror browsing the contents of the CD
 I wish to replace, I must click on another folder outside of /mnt/cdrom
 folder or the drive is locked, just as it would be with any other
 program accessing the CD-ROM drive. However, in a terminal, I can change
 CDs and do as I wish without locking the drive.

Hmm. I don't have to open a term to access my drives with 8.2 here. I did 
delete the old drive icon, right-click on the desktop, and create a new icon 
using floppy device for the format (I'm told that CDROM device will work 
just as good), making sure that it pointed to my device(s).  Here is what my 
/etc/fstab line looks like (honestly - I can't remember if I changed it or 
not - or I let the supermount -i disable command handle it):

/dev/hdc4   /mnt/zipvfat nosuid,user,noauto,nodev   0 0

 The same was true for my external zip drive. I had to mount it once, but
 then could eject and insert as many zip disks as I liked without a
 concern. Interesting enough, Konqueror does not have any hold on the zip
 drive while browsing it (in MDK 8.2.) As long as it is not scanning or
 working with the drive, I can eject and refresh the window instead of
 changing the focus elsewhere to unlock the drive, as with a CD-ROM.

 So, the big change in MDK 9.0 over MDK 8.2 (regarding the mounting of
 removable media drives) is that mounting is automatic anyway, so there's
 no need for supermount!

 Did I finally get this right? :-)


Well, I think so. Note that I don't pop my CD's/Zip carts in or out unless 
I've unmounted the drives first. If I have a window or term open to that 
device here, they are locked. 

Oh...I should mention that I have devfs disabled as well.

Hope all this was of some assistance to ya! :-)

  Dark Lord

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RE: [newbie] CD-Writing.

2002-10-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

would suggest that you turn off html format in your posts and stop posting with 
24 point type. If there are special circumstances (poor eyesight or something) 
please accept my apologies for the rant.
-Richard L. Babcock, OwnerTower TrainingAt 
Tower Training, We Bring the Classroom to You! 

  -Original Message-From: 
  Behalf Of Malcolm CandlishSent: Friday, October 25, 2002 1:10 
  PMTo: Mandrake ListSubject: [newbie] 
  Sirs, I have a Mitsumi CR-4804TE with which I had hoped to Burn Linux 
  CD's. It's an ide-scsi type. Set it up via the HOWTO and not only does it 
  not work, my scsi scanner no longer operates either. Mandrake Control 
  Center seems of little value unless it finds dev via its own scan. Anyone 
  else had this problem? Malcolm Candlish. 

Re: [newbie] how to mount zip drive, post install, Dell laptop

2002-10-25 Thread FemmeFatale
At 05:03 PM 10/24/2002 -0400, you wrote:

On Thursday 24 October 2002 12:50 pm, you wrote:
 If supermount were disabled, why would the Desktop icon open an
 unmounted drive? Wouldn't you 'have' to mount the drive, first?



  Ugh. Its why I disabled supermount. Now I can just click on my Zip icon
  on my KDE desktop, and boom! up blows a window with the contents...

Nope, it will do it in one quick 'n easy operation. Kinda negates the need
for supermount, with all its problems, don't it? ;-)

  Dark Lord

What would I not install if i don't want supermount installed by 
default?  Rather, what package do I need to make sure isn't installed in 
the firstplace, to avoid having supermount on a clean system?


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Re: [newbie] linux documentation!?

2002-10-25 Thread FemmeFatale
At 07:36 AM 10/25/2002 +1300, you wrote:

On Friday 25 Oct 2002 11:42 am, Dimitris Adamopoulos wrote:
 Anybody knows where i could find
 linux documentation (pdf or anything else)
 I am trying to make a library of books
 that i can't afford to buy from the stores! has some good stuff.  There's also the Linux
Cookbook which a google search should find.

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I have teh cookbook as well as a Linux SysAdmins guide to Linux.

all online PDF Or Html docs

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Re: [newbie] MLdonkey

2002-10-25 Thread FemmeFatale
At 12:21 AM 10/24/2002 +0300, you wrote:

I find in general FTP transfers on fast connections are faster under 
Linux.  Could be that I haven't got my modem set up optimally under 
Windows, though (I've seen a lot of adverts for software to increase modem 
speeds for windows, so maybe the default configuration is less than optimal).

Sir Robin

In its wisdom, all windows iterations (Cept XP I can't speak for that 
beast) are by default setup to act as a connection somewhere between 56k  
ISDN speeds.  Usually closer to 33.6 speeds (esp. prevalent on win98  
ME).  Win2k has a higher configuration for speed.  That one came out  
around a highend ISDN line.  The logic?  You can't go that fast on a 56k so 
no network flooding the client and if your connection is faster, you won't 
notice the speed drop.  Heh WRONG!

Score another for sloppy/lazy coders who understand tech but underestimate 
people in general.

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Re: [newbie] Dedicated firewall machine

2002-10-25 Thread shane
On Thursday 24 October 2002 8:01 pm, Nikolai Razouvayev did speak unto the 
huddled masses, saying:

 Hi everyone
 I've got a spare Pentium 200 collecting dust at the moment so I decided
 to turn it into my gateway box for my home machine.It's got I think

you might look into mandrakes SNF.  it should be onm the site as a download.

We have forgotten who we are.  We have alienated ourselves from the 
unfolding of the cosmos, become estranged from the movements of the Earth, 
turned our backs on the cycles of life. -UN Environmental Sabbath Program

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[newbie] sylpheed test

2002-10-25 Thread Len Lawrence

Please ignore
Len Lawrence

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Re: [newbie] Sylpheed - how to send?

2002-10-25 Thread Len Lawrence
On Fri, 25 Oct 2002, Todd Slater wrote:

 I'm not sure I understand your setup. Do you have a domain (like a static
 ip or an account with I'm trying to get at if your mail
 account is really local or a POP3 provided by your ISP. Comments below.
Yes, a static IP address (
  On Thu, 24 Oct 2002, Todd Slater wrote:
   Just go to Configuration  Preferences for Current Account  Basic and
   under Server Information select None (local) and for SMTP server
   (send) give your domain.
  Thanks Todd, I was already using None (local).  Have tried 
  and in the server field and sylpheed tries to send;
  sending from tarazed... but always comes back with an error.
 If I understand you correctly, you are using an
 If you try to send using that, it seems like you'd want that to be your
 SMTP server. How do you receive mail from 
I simply connect to the Demon gateway using kppp and POP3 authentication
and the mail comes down the line automatically, then postfix picks it up.
I have been using pine to view and send email, now trying sylpheed for the
same task.
  seems to be some activity on the line so maybe it is a problem at the
  other end?  I have a POP3 account with Demon with the username tarazed
  but in the SMTP authentication have specified the local user lcl with
  the local password.  Is that correct?  
 No, I think that for account type you want to specify POP3 and give the
 server, and the same for send; you should be able to find that out from
 your ISP--probably something like
Fixed it!  All I had to do was switch off SMTP authentication.

 The other thing is - should an
  external program be specified for sending, and if so which?  Presumably
  it should be whichever postfix relies on.  
 No, don't specify external program for sending.
Thanks for your help, and everybody else who responded.
Now to find out why kppp takes nearly a minute to start dialling.
Len Lawrence

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RE: [newbie] Apache questions - hopefully simple

2002-10-25 Thread Ralph M. Los
That's the weird thing, the mime type is there!.and, I don't have a
/conf/commonhttpd.conf file?

I'm more concerned about the file that shows how to play my flash
buttons :(  Check out  Notice right above the
horizontal line that there is room where, if you move your mouse over
and right-click, you'll notice place-holders for shockwave flash
buttonsbut where are they!?

Thanks - sorry to sound like a novice, but I've never played with apache


+   s.Wizard  ---]Security Specialist +
+---+  +---+
+   + S.Wizard@boundariez[spamSUX].com +   +
+   +  +   +
+---+ SekurityWizard (on AIM)  +---+

-Original Message-
From: Todd Slater [mailto:todd;] 
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 10:14 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Apache questions - hopefully simple

On Fri, 25 Oct 2002 01:28:32 -0400
Sekurity Wizard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   2 hopefully simple Apache (2.0.43) questions.
 1. How do I change the default document from index.html to something

In /etc/httpd/conf/commonhttpd.conf, look for the line that starts with
DirectoryIndex any you can list your preferred default index page.

 2. How do I get Apache to present my .swf content?  (ShockWave)???  Is

 there a separate module I need to add or something?  Did some quick 
 searches but came up with lots of garbage

Just add the appropriate line to 

Todd Slater
Not currently listening to tunes
Education, which was at first made universal in order that all might be
able to read and write, has been found capable of serving quite other
purposes. By instilling nonsense it unifies populations and generates
collective enthusiasm. (Bertrand Russell)

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