Re: [newbie-it] Slack

2002-11-12 Thread guido
in maceratese:
me vene da piagne
ciao guido

 la slackizziamo un pò questa lista ??

 ;P gli altri non hanno problemi..


 Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
 R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: For info see


[newbie-it] simulazione scasi

2002-11-12 Thread mario
finalmente sono riuscito a modificare il mio cdrom in scsi (ho finalmente 
trovato il tempo)adesso: mi accorgo che mi nega i permessi per accedervi vi 
mando copia delle modifiche ditemi dove ho sbagliato giuropoi non vi 
rompo + (almeno con questo problema)
un grazie a tutti
/dev/hdd1 / ext3 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hdd6 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount dev=/dev/scd0,fs=iso9660,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-15 0 0
/mnt/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 supermount dev=/dev/hdc,fs=iso9660,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-15 
0 0
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount 
dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat,--,iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,sync,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda5 /mnt/win_d vfat iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
none /tmp tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hdd5 swap swap defaults 0 0

/dev/hdd1 / ext3 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hdd6 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount dev=/dev/scd0,fs=iso9660,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-15 0 0
/mnt/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 supermount dev=/dev/sdc,fs=iso9660,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-15 
0 0
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount 
dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat,--,iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,sync,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda5 /mnt/win_d vfat iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
none /tmp tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hdd5 swap swap defaults 0 0

disk=/dev/hdd bios=0x81
append=quiet devfs=mount hdb=ide-scsi
append=devfs=mount hdb=ide-scsi
append=failsafe devfs=nomount hdb=ide-scsi

disk=/dev/hdd bios=0x81
append=quiet devfs=mount hdb=ide-scsi hdc=ide-scsi
append=devfs=mount hdb=ide-scsi
append=failsafe devfs=nomount hdb=ide-scsi

[newbie-it] modem ISDN

2002-11-12 Thread Daniele Micci
Ciao a tutti,
proseguo la mia email di qualche giorno fa. Sto montando un PC, e cerco di 
assicurarmi che tutti i pezzi siano in grado di funzionare con Linux. Vorrei 
acquistare un modem ISDN interno ASUS (PCI)... dalle informazioni trovate in 
rete sembrerebbe che i modem ASUS ISDNLink 128k PC Adapter siano 
supportati; però vorrei una conferma per maggiore sicurezza: qualcuno di voi 
ha un modem ISDN di questo tipo?
Grazie in anticipo per le risposte!


[newbie-it] Colori !!!

2002-11-12 Thread Mino

Cari amici, 

come posso
cambiare i colori nella shell, esempio i file tar.gz(sono rossi), ed eventualmente attribuire un colore
ad un altro tipo di file.

Vi ringrazio

Mino Mitrugno

Re: [newbie-it] Re: simulazione scsi

2002-11-12 Thread gianni piazza

ciao andrea!
Ho visto la risposta subito dopo aver inviato la domanda!
Ho fatto le aggiunte che hai scritto effettivamente al riavvio il cdrom 
veniva riconosciuto come scsi da x-cd roast il problema è che ora non riesco 
piu' ad aprire il cd rom e quindi a leggere i cd!!Mi appare un messaggio di 
errore che dice che non ho i permessi per accedere al cd rom!Non so che 
fareti premetto che ho installato la mandrake 9 da poco.GRAZIE!!!

Re: [newbie-it] simulazione scasi

2002-11-12 Thread Andrea Celli
On Tue, 12 Nov 2002 12:19:47 +0100
mario [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 finalmente sono riuscito a modificare il mio cdrom in scsi (ho finalmente 
 trovato il tempo)adesso: mi accorgo che mi nega i permessi per accedervi vi 
 mando copia delle modifiche ditemi dove ho sbagliato giuropoi non vi 
 rompo + (almeno con questo problema)
 un grazie a tutti

senz'altro tutte le righe del tipo

append=quiet devfs=mount hdb=ide-scsi

devono essere 

append=quiet devfs=mount hdb=ide-scsi hdX=ide-scsi

con X opportuno.

Ossia devi dare l'emulazione scsi sia al cdrom che al masterizzatore

ciao, rea

Re: [newbie-it] ortografia e openoffice su mdk9.0

2002-11-12 Thread pigi

 Si', a me. Ho anche installato il corettore in italianom _seguendo le
 istruzioni di Mike_ (che raramente fallano), ma senza risultati. Poi non ho
 piu' avuto tempo di indagare oltre.

Io ho poi risolto perfettamente usando le indicazioni di emiliano, e cioe':

Devi attivare il controllo ortografico (My spell Checker),  e lo fai andando 
su strumenti, poi  opzioni, poi impostazioni lingua, poi linguistica e sotto 
Moduli linguistici disponibili vedrai selezionato Open Office MySpell 
Checker, evidenzialo e clicca su modifica e vedrai che sotto Controllo 
Ortografico c'è Open Office Myspell Spell Checker, seleziona la casella e 
così avrai il controllo ortografico funzionante...

Su questa linea ho fatto funzionare anche la sillabazione, anche se solo per 
sfizio, visto che non la uso mai..


Re: [newbie-it] modem ISDN

2002-11-12 Thread Germano
Il 12:31, martedì 12 novembre 2002, Daniele Micci hai scritto:
 Ciao a tutti,
 proseguo la mia email di qualche giorno fa. Sto montando un PC, e cerco di
 assicurarmi che tutti i pezzi siano in grado di funzionare con Linux.
 Vorrei acquistare un modem ISDN interno ASUS (PCI)... dalle informazioni
 trovate in rete sembrerebbe che i modem ASUS ISDNLink 128k PC Adapter
 siano supportati; però vorrei una conferma per maggiore sicurezza: qualcuno
 di voi ha un modem ISDN di questo tipo?
 Grazie in anticipo per le risposte!


Io ce l'ho e funziona perfettamente.

Ciao, Germano

Re: [newbie-it] Slack

2002-11-12 Thread Fabio Manunza
Alle 22:36, lunedì 11 novembre 2002, miKe ha scritto:
 Hash: SHA1

 Alle 05:49, lunedì 11 novembre 2002, Arwan ha scritto:
  Sto cercando di imparare a muovermi sulla Sackware, e ho
  tre-quattro domande abbastanza banali da porre. Qualcuno
  puo' aiutarmi? In privato o in lista, vedete voi.

 la slackizziamo un pò questa lista ??

 ;P gli altri non hanno problemi..

...non per fare la pigna in c..., ma ci sono mailinglist apposite per questo 
(specialiste e generaliste); datevi piuttosto appuntamento all'altra 
mailinglist a cui siamo iscritti o altrimenti inizio a postare su questa dei 
miei problemi con FreeBSD ;-), e vi avverto che sono sull'orlo di una crisi 
di nervi...

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] simulazione scasi

2002-11-12 Thread Fabio Manunza
Alle 12:19, martedì 12 novembre 2002, mario ha scritto:
 finalmente sono riuscito a modificare il mio cdrom in scsi (ho finalmente
 trovato il tempo)adesso: mi accorgo che mi nega i permessi per accedervi vi
 mando copia delle modifiche ditemi dove ho sbagliato giuropoi non vi
 rompo + (almeno con questo problema)
 un grazie a tutti

Controlla con 
#cdrecord -scanbus
che scd0 sia effettivamente la posizione del tuo cdrom emulato (a proposito, 
perchè l'hai fatto?), quindi verifica nelle impostazioni della tua icona sul 
desktop che il richiamo al punto di montaggio sia quello esatto.
Piuttosto, se posso darti un consiglio, modifica la riga relativa al punto di 
montaggio di win, che in questo momento permette a cani e porci di leggere e 
_scrivere_ su quella partizione.

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] MDK 9.0 ed il modem

2002-11-12 Thread Fabio Manunza
Alle 17:07, lunedì 11 novembre 2002, Emiliano La Licata ha scritto:
 Alle 11:45, lunedì 11 novembre 2002, Fabio Manunza ha scritto:
  Vai in /etc/shorewall, apri policy ed al posto di loc scrivi fw; quindi,

 fin qui tutto a posto...

  interfaces imposta, togliendo #, l'ultimo esempio riportato che abilita
  l'utilizzo di ppp0.

 Scusa l'ignoranza,  potresti per favore soffermarti di più su questo punto
 perché davvero non lo comprendo
 Grazie tante

Cosa che non ho detto nel post precedente è che nei cd trovate anche la 
documentazione di shorewall, che non viene però installata di default, credo 
perchè questo è un vero firewall a tenuta stagna ( non si entra - non si 
esce, ha-ha...vabbè); tornando a bomba, se apri il file in questione, vedrai 
che sono riportati vari esempi di collegamenti ad interfacce; l'ultimo è 
quello più comune per un computer da casa connesso ad internet attraverso un 
modem accessibile da ppp0; io ho consigliato di decommentare quella linea 
(togliere #) per rendere le cose più spedite. Per il resto _dovrebbe_ essere 
tutto a posto; non essendo infatti un esperto di firewall non vorrei che 'sto 
configuratore creasse una imprendibile casamatta con la porta aperta: 
consiglio a questo punto di analizzare direttamente l'output di iptables riga 
per riga, sottoponendolo semmai ad un esperto di sicurezza.

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] modem ISDN

2002-11-12 Thread Daniele Micci
Alle 14:44, martedì 12 novembre 2002, Germano ha scritto:
 Il 12:31, martedì 12 novembre 2002, Daniele Micci hai scritto:
  Ciao a tutti,
  proseguo la mia email di qualche giorno fa. Sto montando un PC, e cerco
  di assicurarmi che tutti i pezzi siano in grado di funzionare con Linux.
  Vorrei acquistare un modem ISDN interno ASUS (PCI)... dalle informazioni
  trovate in rete sembrerebbe che i modem ASUS ISDNLink 128k PC Adapter
  siano supportati; però vorrei una conferma per maggiore sicurezza:
  qualcuno di voi ha un modem ISDN di questo tipo?
  Grazie in anticipo per le risposte!

 Io ce l'ho e funziona perfettamente.

 Ciao, Germano

GRAZIE INFINITE!!! Era l'ultimo pezzo che mi mancava...


Re: [newbie-it] simulazione scasi

2002-11-12 Thread mario
Alle 15:19, martedì 12 novembre 2002, hai scritto:
 Alle 12:19, martedì 12 novembre 2002, mario ha scritto:
  finalmente sono riuscito a modificare il mio cdrom in scsi (ho finalmente
  trovato il tempo)adesso: mi accorgo che mi nega i permessi per accedervi
  vi mando copia delle modifiche ditemi dove ho sbagliato giuropoi non
  vi rompo + (almeno con questo problema)
  un grazie a tutti

 Controlla con
 #cdrecord -scanbus
 che scd0 sia effettivamente la posizione del tuo cdrom emulato (a
 proposito, perchè l'hai fatto?), quindi verifica nelle impostazioni della
 tua icona sul desktop che il richiamo al punto di montaggio sia quello
 Piuttosto, se posso darti un consiglio, modifica la riga relativa al punto
 di montaggio di win, che in questo momento permette a cani e porci di
 leggere e _scrivere_ su quella partizione.
si credo sia tutto a posto ti allego videata ,si hai ragione su win dovrò 
decidermi a cambiarlo ho fatto così perche il mio principale hobby è passare 
la mia raccolta da vinile ,in cd essendo proprietario di qusi 5000 dischi che 
praticamente mi occupano una stanza mi risultava tutto più facile con kreatecd
anche perchè non so per quale motivo in linux riesco a masterizzare molto più 
velocemente comunque grazie
attachment: foto1.png

Re: [newbie-it] simulazione scasi

2002-11-12 Thread mario
Alle 14:33, martedì 12 novembre 2002, hai scritto:
 On Tue, 12 Nov 2002 12:19:47 +0100

 mario [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  finalmente sono riuscito a modificare il mio cdrom in scsi (ho finalmente
  trovato il tempo)adesso: mi accorgo che mi nega i permessi per accedervi
  vi mando copia delle modifiche ditemi dove ho sbagliato giuropoi non
  vi rompo + (almeno con questo problema)
  un grazie a tutti

 senz'altro tutte le righe del tipo

   append=quiet devfs=mount hdb=ide-scsi

 devono essere

   append=quiet devfs=mount hdb=ide-scsi hdX=ide-scsi

 con X opportuno.

 Ossia devi dare l'emulazione scsi sia al cdrom che al masterizzatore

 ciao, rea
Ciao Rea credo che il masterizzatore sia già localizzato come scsi visto che 
il programma di masterizzazione lo riconosce come scsi

[newbie-it] kmail smtp

2002-11-12 Thread tom
Salve alla lista
Qualcuno saprebbe darmi dritte sul fatto che Kmail non
vuole spedirmi la posta?
sembrerebbe un errore imputabile all' indirizzo smtp
ma quest ultimo è corretto!!
magari sto sbagliando la configurazione di kmail (mi sembra strano
anche se ultimamente sto diventando parecchio tordo:)
Altra supposizione che ho fatto è che il server non abbia accettato la mia
classe ip.
Non so piu dove tirare la testa.
Grazie degli eventuali aiuti.

Ciao , Tom

R: [newbie-it] modem conexant hsf e devfs??

2002-11-12 Thread tom

  Alle 11:38, lunedì 11 novembre 2002, Fabio Manunza ha
si, al riavvio il devfs pialla il dispositivo creato
puoi risolvere in 2 modi:
   E' strano, perchè io, nonostante abbia devfs attivato, ed
   abbia un HSF, dopo l'installazione del driver non ho
   avuto nessun problema (rpm per kernel mdk-2.4.19).
  controlla se per caso il RPM ha modificato
  modules.devfs  e  devfsd.conf
  dicendo al demone di generare il dispositivo,
  potrebbe essere la soluzione pulita da applicare per chi
  usa devfs...
  (vedi la data di creazione del dispositivo, se è quella
  dell'installazione o dell'avvio..)

Strano la parte di mail qui sopra non mi è arrivata!!! strano!!!

 Effettivamente, in /devfs/conf.d (richiamato da devfsd.conf), è presente
 file di configurazione di hsf; oltretutto, con lsmod posso verificare
 l'esistenza del modulo, che immagino carichi i dispositivi necessari...
 Ripeto, il problema posto, non si è mai verificato...

cmq ora è tutto ok per quanto riguarda il modem...come sotto la 8.2 è
ripetere l'installazione dal RPM 3 volte.e ora il dispositivo tty..
rimane li!
ignoro il xke! ma lo prendo come magia!
domandina: rc.local si trova in rc.d? era lui che avrei dovuto modificare
per il devfs?

p.s. scusate se scrivo ancora da outlook ma kmail non mi vuole accettare gli

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] Il server x e' morto

2002-11-12 Thread Benedetto Santarella
Quando lancio startx, mi viene 
dato come errore
(EE) R128(0): No DFP detected 

Cosa significa???

Ho come scheda grafica una ATI R128 PRO e come
monitor uno Studioworks 775N!

Alle 23:18, domenica 10 novembre 2002, hai scritto:
 Alle 17:46, venerdì 8 novembre 2002, Benedetto Santarella

 ha scritto:
  Salve a tutti,
Dopo aver provato la Mandrake 8.2, ho pensato
  di fare un aggiornamento alla 9.0.



 devi darci qualche messaggio di log


 magari anche i log di Xfree...

 dicci come è configurato X, quale scheda e quale server

 senza è duretta fare una diagnosi..

  Grazie a tutti!


 Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19 @ hp  Xe3
 R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932

  \ | /
(@ @)
Benedetto Santarella
 Home Page == 
 Email :  ( Per scrivermi togli -NOSPAM- )

[newbie-it] Pentium 200MHz

2002-11-12 Thread Ste
Salve a tutti,

cerco consiglio dai piu'  anziani  per che release ( se fosse possibile 
mandrake meglio )optare nel resuscitare un pentium 200MHz con 32 Mb Ram e 4 
Mb di scheda video. Dovra' solo occuparsi di scaricare mail da un server e 
spedirla ( e nemmeno tanto traffico ) e dare la possibilita' di avere almeno 
una visione di massima di allegati .doc ( Argh ) e pdf. Cioe' un po' di 
grafica forse ci vuole.  Chi mi ha richiesto questo upgrade vorrebbe non 
avere i tempi di reazione Windows-like ( e gli piace pure Kmail). Siccome 
di release ce ne sono abbastanza ( pardon anche distribuzioni ) vorrei avere 
il vostro parere su quale potrei optare per valorizzare tale macchina. Se non 
ricordo male la mandrake e' forse un po'  avida  di risorse appena si parla 
di grafica... sarei disposto ( a malincuore ) a provare anche altro. Qualcuno 
mi ha sussurrato qualche vecchia debianma ovviamente non quale.
Se potete aiutarmi e non tacciarmi di OT ve ne saro' sempre grato.



Re: [newbie-it] Mozilla ... si incazzato

2002-11-12 Thread freefred
On Monday 11 November 2002 9:21 pm, Emma e Gigi wrote about [newbie-it] 
Mozilla ... si è incazzato:
 Salve, sono sempre io.
 Risolto un problema eccone un altro, sempre con Mozilla, ma stavolta
 penso più grave.
 Ecco il problema: clicco preferenze dal menù e Mozilla. si chiude.

mh, quale versione di mozilla?
fa cosi' anche da root?
prova a lanciarlo da console e vedere se ti da' qualche errore.


Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

Re: [newbie-it] kmail smtp

2002-11-12 Thread freefred
On Tuesday 12 November 2002 5:21 pm, tom wrote about [newbie-it] kmail  smtp:
 Salve alla lista
 Qualcuno saprebbe darmi dritte sul fatto che Kmail non
 vuole spedirmi la posta?
 sembrerebbe un errore imputabile all' indirizzo smtp
 ma quest ultimo è corretto!!
 magari sto sbagliando la configurazione di kmail (mi sembra strano
 anche se ultimamente sto diventando parecchio tordo:)
 Altra supposizione che ho fatto è che il server non abbia accettato la mia
 classe ip.

quale smtp?
con altri client la mandi?
quale classe di ip?

Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

Re: [newbie-it] Pentium 200MHz

2002-11-12 Thread freefred
On Tuesday 12 November 2002 8:13 pm, Ste wrote about [newbie-it] Pentium 

 macchina. Se non ricordo male la mandrake e' forse un po'  avida  di
 risorse appena si parla di grafica... 

alla fine non credo sia la mandrake quanto gli ultimi desktop environment.
Ovviamente sulle mdk nuove trovi i piu' recenti che diventano (almeno il kde,
ed e' un opinione personale) piu' pesanti o piu' leggeri a seconda delle 
Il fatto e' che ne' gnome ne' il kde odierni gireranno spediti con32 mega di 
(oltretutto, non vorrei dire assurdita', ma le ultime mandrake potrebbero non 
installarsi nemmeno)

La soluzione potrebbe essere un linux con solo quello che serve,
magari qualche distro non recentissima, e come X blackbox
o qualcosa di molto leggero.
Perche' su un p200 con 32 mega il kmail non sara' mai veloce.
Se hai poi il problema dei .doc dovrai avere openoffice, che su un pc simile
potrebbe metterci 20 minuti a salire.
I .doc sono il problema, da mail server, anche se ne so poco, lo fara' 
tranquillamente, e di client di posta grafici dovrebbero essercene anche di 
leggeri e che non necessitano di ambienti grafici particolari.

Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

Re: [newbie-it] modem ISDN

2002-11-12 Thread aragon
Il mar, 2002-11-12 alle 16:11, Daniele Micci ha scritto:
 Alle 14:44, martedì 12 novembre 2002, Germano ha scritto:
  Il 12:31, martedì 12 novembre 2002, Daniele Micci hai scritto:
   Ciao a tutti,
   proseguo la mia email di qualche giorno fa. Sto montando un PC, e cerco
   di assicurarmi che tutti i pezzi siano in grado di funzionare con Linux.
   Vorrei acquistare un modem ISDN interno ASUS (PCI)... dalle informazioni
   trovate in rete sembrerebbe che i modem ASUS ISDNLink 128k PC Adapter
   siano supportati; però vorrei una conferma per maggiore sicurezza:
   qualcuno di voi ha un modem ISDN di questo tipo?
   Grazie in anticipo per le risposte!
  Io ce l'ho e funziona perfettamente.
  Ciao, Germano
 GRAZIE INFINITE!!! Era l'ultimo pezzo che mi mancava...
ti rassicuro sull'ottima compatibilità e funzionamento del modem ASUS

|Red Hat Linux 8.0 - 2.4.18-17.8.0|
|Linux user #282182 - Linux machine #64378|

mail -s Hello, world. billm$.com
Bill, could you please write me
a programm that prints
Hello, World.?
I need it tomorrow.

Re: [newbie-it] modem conexant hsf e devfs??

2002-11-12 Thread miKe
Alle 15:05, martedì 12 novembre 2002, Fabio Manunza ha 

  controlla se per caso il RPM ha modificato
  modules.devfs  e  devfsd.conf
  dicendo al demone di generare il dispositivo,

 Effettivamente, in /devfs/conf.d (richiamato da
 devfsd.conf), è presente un file di configurazione di

non ricordo chi dicesse di perdere il modem all'avvio,
credo che dovrebbe controllare proprio questo..

 Ripeto, il problema posto, non si è mai

sarebbe bello capire perchè gli stessi RPM producano 
risultati diversi... più che altro



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932

Re: [newbie-it] simulazione scasi

2002-11-12 Thread miKe
Alle 12:19, martedì 12 novembre 2002, mario ha scritto:
 finalmente sono riuscito a modificare il mio cdrom in
 scsi (ho finalmente trovato il tempo)adesso: mi accorgo
 che mi nega i permessi per accedervi 

ls -l /dev/scd*
se non ne sei il proprietario (ovviamente)
e non hai il permesso di accedere, ti vieta il mount,
poi sarebbe opportuno mettere user (o users, se usi 
loggarti con più nomi contemporaneamente) in fstab nelle 
linee relative ai cd

poi, qui vedo una bella incongruenza...

/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount 
dev=/dev/scd0,fs=iso9660,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-15 0 0
/mnt/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 supermount 
dev=/dev/sdc,fs=iso9660,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-15 0 0


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932

Re: [newbie-it] kmail smtp

2002-11-12 Thread miKe
Alle 17:21, martedì 12 novembre 2002, tom ha scritto:
 Salve alla lista
 Qualcuno saprebbe darmi dritte sul fatto che Kmail non
 vuole spedirmi la posta?
 sembrerebbe un errore imputabile all' indirizzo smtp
 ma quest ultimo è corretto!!

è un problema di

o meglio di kmail che non si autentica  nella spedizione 
mediante smtp

se usi kmail fino alla 1.3.2 (kde 2.2.2, il mio, per 
non hai modo di autenticarti,
puoi solo usare un smtp diverso (quello del tuo provider 
non ti negherà il relay, anche se spedisci con indirizzo
oppure il sendmail della tua macchina 

se hai un kde  più recente, puoi impostare l'autenticazione 
anche per la spedizione (come in øutløøk insomma, dove 
metti username e password anche per il server smtp)
 Altra supposizione che ho fatto è che
 il server non abbia accettato la mia classe ip.

email non controlla gli ip (non potrebbe farlo, non 
fornisce connettività), ma chiede ai client di autenticarsi 

 Grazie degli eventuali aiuti.

 Ciao , Tom


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932

Re: [newbie-it] Il server x e' morto

2002-11-12 Thread miKe
Alle 00:57, martedì 12 novembre 2002, Benedetto Santarella 
ha scritto:
 Quando lancio startx, mi viene
 dato come errore
 (EE) R128(0): No DFP detected

 Cosa significa???

è un errore di X 
diceh che la tua scheda 0 (la Rage)
non trova un digital flat panel...

ma non credo possa bloccarti...

il resto dei log cosa dice?


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932

Re: [newbie-it] Slack

2002-11-12 Thread Arwan
Alle 15:11, martedì 12 novembre 2002, contorcendoti la mente su Re: 
[newbie-it] Slack, Fabio Manunza hai scritto: 

 ...non per fare la pigna in c..., ma ci sono mailinglist apposite per
 questo (specialiste e generaliste); 

Uh? Liste per la Slack non ne ho trovate (ma ammetto di non aver cercato 
molto); era per questo che avevo richiesto risposte in privato. Se me ne 
segnali una magari ci faccio una capatina. 


Re: [newbie-it] Slack

2002-11-12 Thread Beppe
scusate ma posso fare una domanda da profano? cos'ha di interessante la slack? 
mi sembra che venga considerata un punto di arrivo da molti ma a quanto ne so 
è la distro in cui ci sono meno tools grafici. Intendo, se invece di usare un 
tool grafico apro il terminale e lavoro da lì non è come usare slack? Il 
succo della mia domanda è (per dirla con parole pompose): c'è un momento 
della vita in cui si cambia filosofia e si decide che i tools grafici non li 
si vuole più perchè è tempo di sentire la macchina completamente in proprio 
potere, o ci sono vantaggi oggettivi nell'usare la slack rispetto ad altre 

Re: [newbie] OT: Rendering spreadsheet cells

2002-11-12 Thread Michael Adams
On Tue, 12 Nov 2002 13:49, Joseph Braddock wrote:
 On Mon, 11 Nov 2002 10:42:56 -0500

 Miark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is there a way in OpenOffice Calc to convert a cell from a
  formula (=A5*1.15) to a string (2.30)? To, in effect, render it?

 Highlight what you want to convert (ie. cell(s) with formula in it).  Right
 click and select copy.  Right click same cell(s) and select paste special. 
 Uncheck the all box, check the numbers box and uncheck the formulas box. 
 Click okay and you should be done.  If you change your mind, ctrl-z should
 undo your changes.  Be forwarned, though, if you save the changes, your
 formulas you rendered will be gone forever.


Or make a second cell your destination... record a macro of Joeb's copy and 
paste. Then whenever you want too, run the macro.


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[newbie] open source strikes back.

2002-11-12 Thread Franki

check this site out in IE if you can (or set your browser to detect as IE),
I just found it by accident.

its good to see the shoe on the other foot for a change.



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Re: [newbie] staaarting databases

2002-11-12 Thread Aaron
I installed it and it needs to connect to the server with a username
which i have not figured out how to set (I assume in mysql) 
Also of interest is an article on the mysql documents page
about using openoffice as the front end like ms access. I started it but
it appears that alot of deatails have changed. In fact that is a
constant problem the version changes and the documentation.

On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 09:23, Raffaele Belardi wrote:
 There is a gnome GUI front end to mysql and postgresql, it's called GDA. 
 It's in your MDK8.2 or 9.0 disks, you need to install the gda package 
 and the gda-mysql or gda-postgres packages. I installed but had not the 
 time yet to test it.
 Has anybody tried GDA?
  Also, what is the best GUI for these databases?  

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Re: [newbie] newbie

2002-11-12 Thread Frans Ketelaars
On Tue, 12 Nov 2002 01:23:20 -0500
chad ramsey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 how do i take my email off this emailing list. it is good information 
 and all, but I am getting over 100 emails a day. i still have dial-up 
 and it takes forever. I am about to change my email address. will 
 someone email me and please let me know where i need to go to  take my 
 email address out of the list. Thanks.
 chad(newbie) :)

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[newbie] I'm getting peeved!

2002-11-12 Thread Anne Wilson
at the predictable response from hardware manufacturers.  I don't usually 
snap at people like this, but...


OK - I'll buy a Hauppage card that does.


On Tuesday 12 Nov 2002 10:22 am, you wrote:

 In regards to your recent email, unfortunately none of our products will
 support the Linux operating system. Please let us know if you need further

 Melanie Sharman
 Pinnacle Systems uk

 -Original Message-
 From: Diane Raabe
 Sent: 12 November 2002 08:21
 To: Melanie Sharman
 Subject: WG: Video Capture

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Anne Wilson [mailto:CAnneWilson;]
 Gesendet: Montag, 11. November 2002 22:15
 Betreff: Video Capture

 I want to capture video from an analogue camera, using Linux.  Will the
 Pinnacle LINX USB Video Input Cable work under Linux?

 Anne Wilson



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Re: [newbie] installing contrib rpms from tex

2002-11-12 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 02:14, L.V.Gandhi wrote:
 I wanted to install contrib rpms from tex site
 I downloaded rpms and did urpmi. I get following error.
 [root@localhost lvgandhi]# urpmi fluxbox-0.1.12-3.1mdk.i586.rpm
 The following packages have bad signatures:
 Do you want to continue installation ? (y/N)
 there is no key as it exists in
 How to overcome it?

If you don't want to install RPM's without the GPG signatures, I would
suggest going to the Fluxbox homepage (
and getting the tar.gz file and compiling/installing it yourself...

Most of the time installing an RPM without the GPG sig isn't really
going to hurt you...but if you're paranoid, get the code and do the
compile yourself...that in itself is a great way to learn about how and
why programs work...!

Tue Nov 12 22:15:00 EST 2002

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|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

  If you really want to know where you stand, it'll cost you around
  $15K and that, in my opinion, is fine. If it isn't worth $15K to
  protect your code then it is worth so little to you that there really
  is no good reason not to just GPL it from the start.

- Larry McVoy on GPL licensing issues

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Re: [newbie] flash in Konqueror

2002-11-12 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 13:47, Jose wrote:
 On Monday 11 November 2002 02:29 am, Noah Hicks wrote:
  how does one install and enable the flash plugin for Konqueror?  It
  was very easy to do in Mozilla but I prefer to use Konqueror.
 Hopefully someone will answer that question. I have been using Phoenix 
 which is Mozilla Lite, but would love to go back to Konqueror.
 Registered Mandrake, Redhat and SuSE user
 Children - the most commonly transmitted sexual disease

Didn't we already cover this issue yesterday - or early this morning?

scroll down the left side to the BOTTOM where you find NETSCAPE PLUGINS,
click that icon, then in the right side, you get an option to SCAN FOR
NEW PLUGINS (and also check the little box that says to scan at start of
Konqueror) - and VOILA! You should be happening!
Tue Nov 12 22:20:00 EST 2002

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|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

How do you insult a lawyer?
You might as well not even try.  Consider: of all the highly
trained and educated professions, law is the only one in which the prime
lesson is that *winning* is more important than *truth*.
Once someone has sunk to that level, what worse can you say about them?

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Re: [newbie] lm_sensors GUI

2002-11-12 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 14:02, Gary Montalbine wrote:
 Installed lm_sensors1. It appears to be working. Installed gkrellm. It 
 is not picking up the lm sensors. There is a proc/sys/dev/sensors 
 directory. Any suggestions?

Have you checked to see if  you have the GKRELLM plugins for it - and
are they installed - or rather, if they are installed, did you put the
little check in the box so that the krell monitors showed?

Tue Nov 12 22:25:00 EST 2002

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|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

Your parity check is overdrawn and you're out of cache.

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Re: [newbie] Screensavers in 9.0 vs. 8.2?

2002-11-12 Thread Robin Ballantine
On Tuesday 12 November 2002 5:09 am, you wrote:
 Thanks for the tip.  I've been using xscreensaver since the day I
 received your response and really enjoy it. However,  I've been playing
 around with Enlightenment the last couple of days and was wondering if
 you know how I would set up xscreensaver to autostart under this WM.  I
 know there are some settings for remembering app settings in
 Enlightenment and those include autostart but they seem to be mainly
 useful  with GUI apps.


I'm not sure of the specific config files for Enlightenment as I don't use it, 
however you could setup xscreensaver to start automatically for whichever 
desktop with the file ~/.xinitrc (you may have to create it) in your home 
directory. Here is mine;

export GDK_USE_XFT=1

It is important to place the screensaver bit at the top of the file and also 
use the amphersand  after it to make it run in the background and allow, 
in this case, startkde to run (as a foreground process.nothing after this 
is read from the file).
I don't use a display manager (eg, kdm or gdm) but just use the startx 
command, so I'm not exactly sure if this .xinitrc method will work the same 
with themyou'll have to try for yourself. Also I'm not sure of the 
starting command for enlightenment, I think its just enlightenment! So your 
~/.xinitrc might look like this;


If you use this method, don't forget to remove the link from 
~/.kde/Autostart/xscreensaver if its still there, otherwise you'd be trying 
to start xscreensaver twice if you go back to kde.

Hope this works for you,

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Re: [newbie] lm_sensors GUI

2002-11-12 Thread John Richard Smith
Gary Montalbine wrote:

Installed lm_sensors1. It appears to be working. Installed gkrellm. It 
is not picking up the lm sensors. There is a proc/sys/dev/sensors 
directory. Any suggestions?



gkrellm works for me in M8.2,
just type gkrellm into a terminal and up comes this grey column devided
into four section which display cpu, proc, disk,and ppp0 whatever that is.
It's working too, I cannot say it's easy to read though, everything
is so tiny. I think it's the kind that of gui you are supposed to leave 
on desktop
semi-permanently, and to that end its fine, not sure that is really what 
I want
though , I would of normally expected a gui that is part of MCC or KDE CC.
But it works and it you have good screen resolution and can read it, 
it's OK.

I've found the configuration section now, and in there is one section 
to sensors , so I imagine it's possible to set sessors up to some extent 


John Richard Smith


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RE: [newbie] .NET under Linux ?

2002-11-12 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 16:41, Franki wrote:

 So it will just make linux look bad... (remember when M$ made it so
 would crash windows just to make IE look good?)
 Pls tell me you are kidding?
 I mean really... did that happen?  I was going ot reply offlist but said

Yes, it is true. And Microsoft didn't intend on Netscape crashing - it
was more along the lines of updating code that caused the engine that
drove Netscape to crash in the vdm. There were a few ways around that
problem, but it was there for a short while. Why do you think that
Microsoft has been so DEFENSIVE about what's on the desktop? They're
keen to have programs on the desktop that are within THEIR grip - be it
browser or otherwise.

Nowadays, people are more keen about it, and they're having to slack off
of being so proprietary, but that's what's their downfall.

Tue Nov 12 22:25:00 EST 2002

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|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

Your parity check is overdrawn and you're out of cache.

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Re: [newbie] Aspell problem

2002-11-12 Thread Dale Morris
* Joseph Braddock [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2002-11-11 21:26]:
 On Mon, 11 Nov 2002 19:08:33 -0800
 Dale Morris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I don't know why but when I try to use aspell to check my mail
  spellings, I get an error message, unable to start Aspell, check
  Path.. I have aspell installed in /usr/bin/aspell and my when I issue 
  echo $PATH I get the following:
  Anyone got any suggestions as to what's happening here?
 Can you type aspell in a terminal window and it finds it?  If so, what email program 
are you using?
Yes. I'm using kde mail (in mandrake 9.0) and mutt. Neither program can
find it. I don't use mutt as often, but it's setup with the .muttrc
command:  set ispell=/usr/bin/aspell..

KDE will use Ispell International fine it seems

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Re: [newbie] Wireless

2002-11-12 Thread Patrick Griffin
Hi All,
After a bit of playing and the purchase of a new pci-pcmcia adapter
I have a single beep when cardmanager starts followed by a low tone. I guess
the adapter is recognised but not the wireless card. Can anyone help me with
that. Running a skynet global roamabout wireless lan card.
- Original Message -
From: Patrick Griffin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 8:31 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Wireless

 - Original Message -
 From: Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, November 03, 2002 10:00 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Wireless


  Do you hear the 'beeps' when pcmcia service starts?


  Have a look in syslog (/var/log/syslog) for messages relating to pcmcia
  do they say?

 starting pcmcia succeded
 yenta_socket no such device

  Is this a laptop or a desktop with a pcmcia-pci adapter?

 Desktop with a plx pci-pcmcia adapter

  What happens if you type
  in a root terminal window?

 command not found

  On Sunday 03 Nov 2002 2:32 am, Patrick Griffin wrote:
   Thanks derek for that have all installed as far as i can tell.
   reports No pcmcia driver in Proc/devices on start. What did I do wrong
   - Original Message -
   From: Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Sunday, November 03, 2002 12:20 AM
   Subject: Re: [newbie] Wireless
BTW: I should have also said. If your pcmcia card is not detected
   look at the file /etc/sysconfig/pcmcia  It should read
On Sat, 2 Nov 2002 13:04:37 +
Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sat, 2 Nov 2002 13:06:50 +1100

 Patrick Griffin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi All,
  Running mandrake 8.2 and I'm trying to install a plx
   carrier with an Orinoco wireless card. Tried reading the how to's with
   success. Can any one step me through how to add this module. Hardware
   reports an unknown device.
  Thanks in advance
  Regards pat

 You need to install the pcmcia_cs and wireless-tools RPMS from
 Then next time you reboot yor pcmcia sockets should be detected
   become active. You will hear two beeps from your computer when the
   slots are enabled. Two beeps of different tone means your oricoco card
   detected OK. Two beeps of same tone means it was not.
 Go through the Mandrake Control Centre Networking wizard. It
   detected your card and installed the 'wvlan_cs' driver. In the wizard
   can set the wireless parameters (encryption key rate etc)  after you
   complete the wizard with OK, DO NOT exit the GUI with OK.  A bug means
   it will write your old configuration back again.  You must exit the
   with 'Cancel'
 Your card should now be working. If it is not it is most likely a
   problem with encryption key or essid  (Note ASCII encryption keys have
   be entered in the format s:key_name  )
 You can use the command 'iwconfig eth0' in a root terminal window
   up the wireless card by hand, and 'man iwconfig' will give you all the


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Re: [newbie] I'm getting peeved!

2002-11-12 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 21:45, Anne Wilson wrote:
 at the predictable response from hardware manufacturers.  I don't usually 
 snap at people like this, but...
 OK - I'll buy a Hauppage card that does.

Anne, look - for all intents and purposes, you're swimming upstream
here. Manufacturers don't care about US - they care about money. They
care about marketing. They spend more time in being Windows Compatible
and being in the Windows Market than in being real manufacturers and
engineers. When it comes down to brass tacks - most of the public would
be completely appalled at the level of simplicity in most of the
equipment they purchase. NAMES are the game. You would THINK that they
would spend the same time in developing drivers for their hardware for
OTHER operating systems - but in reality - just take a good look around
that what DOESN'T work for Macs! And they're the OTHER PART of the
desktop arena...

None of the manufacturers are going to bust a move to do anything for
linux overall until the world's public stands up and demands the
quality, service and support.

On the other hand, if a group of geeks/nerds get cluey enough, they
might develope their own driver set - as has happened with many other
pieces of equipment...and better at that!

Tue Nov 12 22:45:00 EST 2002

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|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

Fakir, n:
A psychologist whose charismatic data have inspired almost
religious devotion in his followers, even though the sources
seem to have shinnied up a rope and vanished.

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Re: [newbie] Wireless

2002-11-12 Thread Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 12 Nov 2002 11:39 am, Patrick Griffin wrote:
 Hi All,
 After a bit of playing and the purchase of a new pci-pcmcia adapter
 I have a single beep when cardmanager starts followed by a low tone. I
 guess the adapter is recognised but not the wireless card. Can anyone help
 me with that. Running a skynet global roamabout wireless lan card.
 - Original Message -
 From: Patrick Griffin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 8:31 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Wireless

Install the pcmcia-cs-x11 RPM and then type
cardinfo  in a terminal. What do you see?

If you Open Mandrake ControlCentreNetworkConnection  do you see the 
interface and driver listed in the panel near the bottom of the screen?

Also do you have the wireless-tools and  RPMs installed?

What happens if you type iwconfig in a root terminal?


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Re: [newbie] about DMA Mdk Linux

2002-11-12 Thread Technoslick

All of us like to see things snap at our beck and call. It's part of being
human. Sometimes, there's a fix, though. You don't know unless you ask. ;-)

The answer to your question was provided earlier by a couple of people, but
I like Tom Brinkman's earlier post, best. I have paraphrased and embellished
what he wrote to make it make more sense out of context. Before you follow
the steps outlined, you need to make sure that you have 'hardparm'
installed. For whatever reason, I didn't, and had to figure this out to get
my end to work. The RPM is on either CD1 or CD2, I can't remember, off hand.
Once that is loaded, it will create the file 'harddisks':

1) Change over to the /etc/sysconfig directory

2) Edit the file, 'harddisks', and remove the # in front of 'USE_DMA=1'

3) Create a separate configuration file for each drive that you wish to give
DMA access to (read-only devices, burners, etc.), with the appropriate drive
letter added to the end of the file name. This is done by copying the
original 'harddisks' to each new configuration name:

'cp harddisks harddiskhd?' (where ? is the drive letter for CD-ROM and/or
CD-RW drives)

'cp harddisks harddiskhdc'
'cp harddisks harddiskhdd'

So far, everything is working find with my MDK 9 installation. I am tempted
to do the same in my MDK 8.2 box to see what the affects of DMA is on my
Acer CD-RW. I imagine I will be making some drink coasters to give out as
gifts for Christmas! ;-D


On Monday 04 November 2002 18:53, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Monday November 4 2002 11:08 am, Miark wrote:
  MDK 9.0 turns DMA -off- for CD and DVDs by default. Go to the command
  line as root, and type hdparm -d1 /dev/hdx where x represents your
  DVD drive. (Use the hdx notation, even if you use scsi emulation).
  Your DVDs will now play as they did in 8.2.
  To make the change permanent, add it to /etc/rc.d/rc.local and you'll
  be good to go. I learned this on the expert list last night.

 That'll work, but a better way is to (as root):
 'cd /etc/sysconfig'
   (edit 'harddisks', and remove the # in front of 'USE_DMA=1')
 'cp harddisks harddiskhd?'

where ? is the drive letter for CDrom and/or CD-RW drives, EG
 'cp harddisks harddiskhdc'
 'cp harddisks harddiskhdd'
- Original Message -
From: Angus Auld [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 9:27 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] about DMA  Mdk Linux

- Original Message -
From: Technoslick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 13:14:05 -0500
Subject: Re: [newbie] about DMA  Mdk Linux

 If you had it enabled in Windows and didn't experience any hard drive data
 corruption or diffculties in read from your CD-ROM, the answer that all of
 us would agree upon isyes, it's OK to activate the use of DMA in Linux
 for hard drives and CD-ROMs. The answer is in the fact that it was already
 working for you in Windows. Concerns have only been with some
 questionanble motherboards and some older devices that do not work
 DMA. I still use an Acer 2X2X4 CD-RW drive who's instructions specifically
 forbid activiting DMA support.

 The advantage is speed, though this is no guarantee that everything you do
 on your computer will be blinding fast. I have MDK 9.0 on an AMD-K6-2/500
 with 256 MB RAM, an S3 Savage 2000 video card with 64 MBs RAM, and it
 acting like a Spring chicken for me. Neither does Brand X (read as --
 Windows XP Pro) Still, I can't complain. I like KDE 2.x and 3. If I have
 wait a little, I'm OK with this.

 Have you checked to make sure that you have your video card properly
 recognized and configured, and that your expectations are in line with the
 computer you are running MDK on? If you continue to feel that you are not
 running correctly, pass more information on to the listserv. Lots of
 and tons of experience, here. :-)


  Original Message -
 From: Angus Auld [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2002 10:01 PM
 Subject: [newbie] about DMA  Mdk Linux

 I would like to know if I should enable DMA for my hd and cdrom.

 I have a dual-boot system, Mdk 9.0  WinME. In ME I have DMA enabled for
 both cdrom drive and hd, and it seems to be working great. Does that mean
 that DMA will be a good idea under Mdk?? Will it give me an appreciable
 increase in performance? My system is working great now, but I use KDE and
 find it just a bit sluggish. Perhaps this is normal from what I am reading
 about KDE. I use Mdk about 99% of the time.

 I know there has been some discussion on the list lately about DMA, and I
 wonder just how much difference it really makes?

 TIA's for any feedback.


Thanks T for the great answer. I don't want to make it sound like I'm not
happy with my Mdk rocks! It seems a tad slower than what I am
used to 

Re: [newbie] I'm getting peeved!

2002-11-12 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 12 Nov 2002 11:57 am, you wrote:
 On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 21:45, Anne Wilson wrote:
  at the predictable response from hardware manufacturers.  I don't usually
  snap at people like this, but...
  OK - I'll buy a Hauppage card that does.

 Anne, look - for all intents and purposes, you're swimming upstream
 here. Manufacturers don't care about US - they care about money. They
 care about marketing. 

In the end, lost sales do count.  Mine alone will do nothing, but the more 
often we can tell them that we have gone to a competitor who does better and 
the sooner they will take notice.

 You would THINK that they
 would spend the same time in developing drivers for their hardware for
 OTHER operating systems - but in reality - just take a good look around
 that what DOESN'T work for Macs! And they're the OTHER PART of the
 desktop arena...

 None of the manufacturers are going to bust a move to do anything for
 linux overall until the world's public stands up and demands the
 quality, service and support.

 On the other hand, if a group of geeks/nerds get cluey enough, they
 might develope their own driver set - as has happened with many other
 pieces of equipment...and better at that!

Agreed - but for those of us that don't have those skills perhaps the most 
useful thing we can do is make them aware of the demand, and if we can also 
make them aware of the fact that a competitor has done something it will all 

I think it's time to start a 'needling' party.


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Re: [newbie] tulip driver installation help?

2002-11-12 Thread Derek Jennings
Marcia  The tulip driver supplied with Mandrake 9.0 is already version 0.9.14 
(released Feb20 2001)

You can see this if you take a look at

It may simply be that the system does not realise that your card needs the 
tulip driver. Just try typing in a root terminal

modprobe tulip

and see what happens.


On Tuesday 12 Nov 2002 4:12 am, Marcia wrote:
 Hello All,

 My ethernet card was not detected or configured in LM 9 and I am having a
 time getting it going.  This is a Compaq Presario 1700T with the compaq
 (conexant) 10/100 nic and I am using the Toshiba cable modem with the usb
 hookup. This worked without any configuration on my part in 8.2 but for
 some reason LM 9 is not figuring this out yet.  I downloaded tulip 0.9.14
 since I thought that might work better, but I have no idea how to install.
 I am a newbie with these things so I really do not understand the
 directions. This seems to require altering the Makefile which I do not know
 the first thing about. Here are the directions:

 The Linux tulip driver

 To build the driver

 cd src

 vi Makefile.  #put your kernel settings here


 To build the diagnostics program:

 cd diag

 I understand that you are supposed to open the Makefile in the vi editor
 and then   #put your kernel settings here? This part I do not understand.
 What kernel settings and where exactly in the Makefile do they go? I will
 happily send the full contents of the Makefile if someone is willing to
 show me exactly what to do with it.

 Thanks for any help with this.



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Re: [newbie] I'm getting peeved!

2002-11-12 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 23:45, Anne Wilson wrote:
 In the end, lost sales do count.  Mine alone will do nothing, but the more 
 often we can tell them that we have gone to a competitor who does better and 
 the sooner they will take notice.

This is true - and has held true for quite a number of years - but do
you really think that some executive upper-management marketing dickhead
that spends his days selling or playing golf is going to truly give a
sideways crap about US? Nah...they're in it for the money, not to make
people happy (except for themselves)'s really too bad, but this is
the type of market that has developed. For the once bitch and moan
they get, they sell a million widgets of their product - whether or not
it works - it's the sales that matter. Sad, but true.

 Agreed - but for those of us that don't have those skills perhaps the most 
 useful thing we can do is make them aware of the demand, and if we can also 
 make them aware of the fact that a competitor has done something it will all 
 I think it's time to start a 'needling' party.

Well, most of us don't really need the skills, but learning a FEW skills
is what the marketers DON'T want - they WANT to keep the public STUPID
and IGNORANT about PRODUCT. That's how they sell. Why do you think that
Norton/Symantec makes the sales they do? They DEPEND on the public being
dumb enough to purchase $150 software packages because the end-user
doesn't know enough about maintaining their own computer. They don't
like the public to be smart or savvy. That's the clincher.

And mind you, the public IS getting a bit more savvy about what they're
buying, what they're using and what's on the market...within the next
two years, you will see a major change in the way products are marketed
and manufactured...but we can only wait and see (and I've been waiting
for more than 10 years!)

Wed Nov 13 00:00:00 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

A great empire, like a great cake, is most easily diminished at the
-- B. Franklin

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[newbie] Configuring Hauppage Bt846KPF in MDK 9.0

2002-11-12 Thread Technoslick
Someone posted to this listserv that they were using a Hauppage video
capture card in Linux. I can't seem to find that posting so...I am asking
for help from anyone, especially anyone using this card to capture analog
video from a VHS-C camcorder...

I have an older version (Bt848KPF) Hauppage video capture card in MDK 9.0.
The card shows up in Hardware as a TVCard in MCC, and seems to be configured
properly. I just can't figure out how to get any use out of it. XawTV will
not even run. It hangs as it tries to load and then quits. I have tried as
root and user. I have also tried a couple of other programs, but still no
joy. I have used this card before in a Windows environment and already have
experience in video capturing from my camcorder. It originally came with my
U.S. Robotics BipPicture Webcam.  I think that my inexperience with Linux is
killing me here.  :-(

Any suggestions welcome!



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Re: [newbie] OT: Rendering spreadsheet cells

2002-11-12 Thread Jan Wilson
* Miark [EMAIL PROTECTED] [02 13:38]:
 Is there a way in OpenOffice Calc to convert a cell from a
 formula (=A5*1.15) to a string (2.30)? To, in effect, render it?

If A5 contains 2, and B5 contains =TEXT(A5*1.15;0.00)
then B5 will show the string 2.30.

If you copy this to the clipboard, and then use Paste Special to paste
only strings wherever you want it.

Is this what you meant?  If you don't really want a string but a
numeric value (instead of a formula) you can copy the formula you gave
and Paste Special as numbers.

Jan Wilson, SysAdmin _/*];  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Corozal Junior College   |  |:'
Corozal Town, Belize |  /'
Reg. Linux user #151611  |_/   Network, PHP, Perl, HTML

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Re: [newbie] I'm getting peeved!

2002-11-12 Thread Alastair Scott
Aaron wrote:

 my 2 cents
 the pro audio field is a good example of a group of people making
 drivers (ALSA) and apps that are beginning to make waves. I ended up
 giving my pro audio card away because the manufacturer wouldn't even
 help others make drivers. And this is something that only adds sales for
 their boards.
 The bottom line seems to be that we need to look before we leap and
 check that linux drivers exist before buying, sigh.
 I heard a rumor that some pro audio companies have prototypes of linux
 versions of their software ready for roll out if their competition
 releases a verion.

As someone whose Lexmark printer has just run out of ink (and it's only
about £30 more to get a decent new printer than replace the cartridges) I've
been thinking about this.

Realistically, the choice for a cheap inkjet running under Linux is between
HP and Epson; Canon drivers are poor and Lexmark terrible or nonexistent.

If Linux has 5 per cent of market share in OSs, I'd say that each of those
manufacturers has less than 1 per cent Linux customers.

Evidently HP (in particular) thinks that providing workable drivers for that
fraction of users is worthwhile, but Lexmark (in particular) doesn't. I
don't know, and will probably never know, the corporate motivations for
these stances, but that they are so different is interesting.


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Re: [newbie] typist

2002-11-12 Thread Robin Turner
Kesav Tadimeti wrote:

HI all,
I had installed an RPM called typist using package manager. Now when I run
this program from bash I get an error that typist is not a recognized
program. However, apropos typist shows that typist has been installed. 

99% of the time the name of an executable package will be the name of 
the command to run it, but you may have hit the exception.  Check that 
your RPM is installed correctly and what files are in with

rpm -ql typist

The command you want is probably in a directory like /usr/bin, 
/usr/local/bin /usr/share/bin etc.

Sir Robin

A free man ought not to learn anything under duress.
Compulsory physical exercise does no harm to the body,
but compulsory learning never sticks in the mind. - Plato

Robin Turner
Bilkent University
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] flash in Konqueror

2002-11-12 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Monday November 11 2002 08:47 pm, Jose wrote:
 On Monday 11 November 2002 02:29 am, Noah Hicks wrote:
  how does one install and enable the flash plugin for Konqueror?  It
  was very easy to do in Mozilla but I prefer to use Konqueror.

 Hopefully someone will answer that question. I have been using
 Phoenix which is Mozilla Lite, but would love to go back to

   Here's how I do it. I don't use the .netscape dir. d/l and extract 
the flash files,*   andShockwaveFlash.class   to 
/home/user/.mozilla/plugins.  You may need to create a plugins dir if 
it doesn't exist.  If you have flash in Mozilla, you've already done 
something like this.  So.

In Control Center | Web browsing | Plugins, edit the top line to 
read   $HOME/.mozilla/plugins Click on  Enable plugins globally, 
and then click on Scan for new plugins.  I leave Scan for plugins at 
KDE startup unchecked.  Done, go to Google and search 'flash test'.
You can then go to several sites to test your new flash with Konqueror.

If y'all have already installed the flash files in 
../.netscape/plugins, omit my edit above, leave the line reading   
$HOME/.netscape/plugins   on top, then do the rest.  I don't know why 
Mandrake still configures to use the .netscape dir, since NutScrape 
(thankfully) has been gone for a long time now.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] I'm getting peeved!

2002-11-12 Thread Todd Franklin

Have to agree on the printer choices.  I bought into an article i read about
3 years ago on the Lexmark 3200 being a great value for a "high quality"
ink jet printer.  So they were on sale at best buy and I bought 2 of them.
 One for us and one for my roommate's daughter.  They are total pieces of
Main issues:  
-Photo quality resolution sucks (puts horizontal lines through the image--even
when properly calibrated).
-Ink-- Cartridges are expensive (as Alistair already stated) and long-term,
if you don't use the ink, it will dry up.  I have a laser printer so I only
use a color printer for photos.  I found that in as little as a couple of
months time, the ink will dry up and the cartridges are useless.  

Earlier this year, we bought an HP Photosmart printer and it's fabulous.
 The photo quality is excellent, and the ink cartridges/pots last a long
time and don't dry up on you-- they are expensive, but I haven't had to replace
one yet.  
So as far as printers go, DON'T GET A LEXMARK!  You might spend a little
more on an HP, but the overall cost over time will be cheaper.  My lexmark
printers are collecting dust right now.  I won't even sell them because I
don't want to have to support them to whomever I sell them to.  


Alastair Scott wrote:

  Aaron wrote:

my 2 cents
the pro audio field is a good example of a group of people making
drivers (ALSA) and apps that are beginning to make waves. I ended up
giving my pro audio card away because the manufacturer wouldn't even
help others make drivers. And this is something that only adds sales for
their boards.
The bottom line seems to be that we need to look before we leap and
check that linux drivers exist before buying, sigh.
I heard a rumor that some pro audio companies have prototypes of linux
versions of their software ready for roll out if their competition
releases a verion.

As someone whose Lexmark printer has just run out of ink (and it's only
about £30 more to get a decent new printer than replace the cartridges) I've
been thinking about this.

Realistically, the choice for a cheap inkjet running under Linux is between
HP and Epson; Canon drivers are poor and Lexmark terrible or nonexistent.

If Linux has 5 per cent of market share in OSs, I'd say that each of those
manufacturers has less than 1 per cent Linux customers.

Evidently HP (in particular) thinks that providing workable drivers for that
fraction of users is worthwhile, but Lexmark (in particular) doesn't. I
don't know, and will probably never know, the corporate motivations for
these stances, but that they are so different is interesting.


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Re: [newbie] I'm getting peeved!

2002-11-12 Thread Todd Slater
On Tue, Nov 12, 2002 at 12:45:44PM +, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Tuesday 12 Nov 2002 11:57 am, you wrote:
  On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 21:45, Anne Wilson wrote:
   at the predictable response from hardware manufacturers.  I don't usually
   snap at people like this, but...
   OK - I'll buy a Hauppage card that does.
  Anne, look - for all intents and purposes, you're swimming upstream
  here. Manufacturers don't care about US - they care about money. They
  care about marketing. 
 In the end, lost sales do count.  Mine alone will do nothing, but the more 
 often we can tell them that we have gone to a competitor who does better and 
 the sooner they will take notice.

Exactly. I checked out an offer from Gateway for a $399 computer. I went
into a Gateway support chat session and asked if I could get a Gateway
computer without an operating system. The support person said that no,
Gateway can't sell a computer without an OS, they have an agreement with
MS. Thank you very much, I said. 

On exiting the chat, I was prompted to fill out a survey on the
experience. Under additional comments, I asked, I wonder how many more
computers Gateway could sell if it didn't force customers to pay the
Microsoft tax?

I'm sure Gateway has a beancounter that has figured out that they will
make more money bending over for MS than they will selling OS-less
systems. But I'm just as sure that as soon as the numbers change, so
will the policy. Or, when the demand for OS-less computers is
sufficient, Gateway will dump its agreement with MS.

It felt good to say it, though :)


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Re: [newbie] Funny Mouse in MDK 9.0

2002-11-12 Thread Technoslick
Just wanted to let you know that I JUST got your post, and wasn't ignoring
you. You must have already noticed that I resolved my problem by adding an
Option line to my XF86Config file, increasing the resolution so the mouse
wouldn't skip or stall. However, for whatever it's worth, I did try changing
my choice of driver to see if another worked better. When I did, the mouse
generally locked up or went really wild on me.

Hey! It was worth the try!

Thanks, Stephen

T :-)

- Original Message -
From: Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 6:25 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Funny Mouse in MDK 9.0

On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 03:29, Technoslick wrote:
 I just starting using an optical mouse from Labtec on my dual-boot
 It works as expected under Win XP without drivers, but under MDK 9.0, I
 notice a hesitancy for the cursor to move with the mouse as it is first
 moved into action. As a matter of fact, you can actually move the mouse
 very, very slowly for a little distance before the cursor starts to move.
 Quick movements, or moving continuously after the cursor catches up and
 works just as expected. The scroll wheel works well, too. I am using the
 Generic Scroll Wheel PS/2 Mouse driver offered in mousedrake at the
 console. Labtec makes no mention of Linux on its Web site. Other than this
 hesitancy to take off, it works fine.

 Anyone using one of these, or any other PS/2 Scroll Mouse, and
 the same? Corrections or fixes?


What about changing the mouse driver to something completely different
then changing it back to the PS/2 type? Or trying the MS mouse?

Tue Nov 12 10:20:01 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |

Someone is unenthusiastic about your work.

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[newbie] KDE KMail 1.4.3: Unknown Host Error Message---R E P L Y 0 4

2002-11-12 Thread Daniel P Wheeler

   I take it, this computer only has a dial up interface? There is
   no networking
   to other computers?
  An external MODEM only is used to access an ISP. There is just
 the one PC
  and there is not a network interface card installed.
  The system file resolv.conf was edited to
  # search localdomain
  search localdomain
  # ppp temp entry
  but the PC was not rebooted.
  In KMail, File, Send Queued, the following error message appeared:
  Sending failed:
  Could not connect to host
  In KMail, File, Check Mail, the following error message appeared:
  Could not connect to host

 Hmm seems like it is not seeing the Internet connection at all. I
 do not use
 dial up myself, so I do not have much experience with it.

 You are dialling using kppp I understand. Have you tried dialling
 with the
 'Connect' button in Mandrake Control CentreNetworkInternetConnection.

The Internet dial-up tool KPPP was used to connect (via Mandrake Control
Centre, Network  Internet, Connection) to the internet and produced the
following error message:

Timeout expired while waiting for the PPP interface to come up.


Networking, Remote access, KPP (Internet Dial-up Tool)


Login Script Debug Window




Networking, Remote access, KPPP (Internet Dial-up Tool)


KPPP PPP log produced:

pppd 2.4.1 started by danielpwheeler, uid 0
using channel 2
Using interface ppp0
Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/tts/0
sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0  magic 0xe5c792d7 pccomp
sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0  magic 0xe5c792d7 pccomp
Terminating on signal 15.
sent [LCP TermReq id-0x2 User request]
sent [LCP TermReq id-0x3 User request]
Connection terminated


 Also do you have the 'Internet' Service running in Mandrake


Mandrake Control Centre, System, Services

the status of Internet service is



 (Not sure if it is needed for dial up, but it certainly is for
 LAN connection)

 Off Topic - Have you checked out the 128kbps Broadband service
 from NTL.

No I hadn't checked the 128 kbps broadband service recently. I have now.
Unfortunately at present I can't afford the service. However, thank you for
letting me know of the cheaper price for the service.


It is
 only about £15 a month, and is masses better than their rubbishy dial up
 service. I use the 512k service at £24/month, and it is great.
 (Just so long
 as you never need to contact NTLs terrible technical support service)

I once contacted ntlworld's technical support. Three minutes were spent by a
member of staff trying to confirm my details after which time I was told
that support wasn't given for my query.



 Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
 Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
 Version: 6.0.410 / Virus Database: 231 - Release Date: 31/10/2002

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.417 / Virus Database: 233 - Release Date: 08/11/2002

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RE: [newbie] I'm getting peeved!

2002-11-12 Thread Franki
The point is that it SHOULDN'T be legal for M$ to have them sign agreements
like that...

in fact, it should be punishably illegal.

thats like telling GM that all your cars must have firestone tyres if you
ever plan on having firestone on any of them..

Its ridiculous and only in the IT industry could it happen.



-Original Message-
[mailto:newbie-owner;]On Behalf Of Todd Slater
Sent: Tuesday, 12 November 2002 11:26 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] I'm getting peeved!

On Tue, Nov 12, 2002 at 12:45:44PM +, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Tuesday 12 Nov 2002 11:57 am, you wrote:
  On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 21:45, Anne Wilson wrote:
   at the predictable response from hardware manufacturers.  I don't
   snap at people like this, but...
   OK - I'll buy a Hauppage card that does.
  Anne, look - for all intents and purposes, you're swimming upstream
  here. Manufacturers don't care about US - they care about money. They
  care about marketing.

 In the end, lost sales do count.  Mine alone will do nothing, but the more
 often we can tell them that we have gone to a competitor who does better
 the sooner they will take notice.

Exactly. I checked out an offer from Gateway for a $399 computer. I went
into a Gateway support chat session and asked if I could get a Gateway
computer without an operating system. The support person said that no,
Gateway can't sell a computer without an OS, they have an agreement with
MS. Thank you very much, I said.

On exiting the chat, I was prompted to fill out a survey on the
experience. Under additional comments, I asked, I wonder how many more
computers Gateway could sell if it didn't force customers to pay the
Microsoft tax?

I'm sure Gateway has a beancounter that has figured out that they will
make more money bending over for MS than they will selling OS-less
systems. But I'm just as sure that as soon as the numbers change, so
will the policy. Or, when the demand for OS-less computers is
sufficient, Gateway will dump its agreement with MS.

It felt good to say it, though :)


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Re: [newbie] I'm getting peeved!

2002-11-12 Thread Alastair Scott
Todd wrote:

 Have to agree on the printer choices.  I bought into an article i read
 about 3 years ago on the Lexmark 3200 being a great value for a high
 quality ink jet printer.  So they were on sale at best buy and I bought
 2 of them.  One for us and one for my roommate's daughter.  They are
 total pieces of crap.
 Main issues:
 -Photo quality resolution sucks (puts horizontal lines through the
 image--even when properly calibrated).
 -Ink-- Cartridges are expensive (as Alistair already stated) and
 long-term, if you don't use the ink, it will dry up.  I have a laser
 printer so I only use a color printer for photos.  I found that in as
 little as a couple of months time, the ink will dry up and the
 cartridges are useless.

Under Windows I could print reasonably well. Under Linux I could only ever
get 2 of the 3 colours to print. (Not that I used colour much - the thing
was mainly used for churning out letters - but it was still annoying).

 Earlier this year, we bought an HP Photosmart printer and it's fabulous.
  The photo quality is excellent, and the ink cartridges/pots last a long
 time and don't dry up on you-- they are expensive, but I haven't had to
 replace one yet.
 So as far as printers go, DON'T GET A LEXMARK!  You might spend a little
 more on an HP, but the overall cost over time will be cheaper.  My
 lexmark printers are collecting dust right now.  I won't even sell them
 because I don't want to have to support them to whomever I sell them to.

Indeed; my Lexmark went straight in the wheelie bin once the cartridges

The problem is when people switch from Windows to Linux (or MacOS, or any
other OS) and bring with them all sorts of hardware which has assumed
Windows but hadn't made that assumption clear. Then they try to use the
hardware outside Windows and it doesn't work ...


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[newbie] virtual console dropping characters

2002-11-12 Thread Marty McFly
Here's a weird bug for you.  I just installed mandrake on my computer last 
night.  I was able to log in to both xwindows and the virtual consoles.  I 
logged into a virtual console, switched to xwindows, and then later back to 
the vc.  When i switched back, every 'y' in the screen was blank--just an 
empty space.  This was the case no matter where in the filesystem I was 
viewing.  In the command prompt (Now my name is br ant ;), in any output.

Now, this wasn't causing data loss or crashes or anything.  When I opened a 
terminal window in kde it was normal.  Just wondering if anybody else has 
ever seen something like this.  Kind of weird.  I want to know y.


Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

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Re: [newbie] I'm getting peeved!

2002-11-12 Thread Charlie
On Tuesday 12 November 2002 03:45 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 at the predictable response from hardware manufacturers.  I don't usually
 snap at people like this, but...


 OK - I'll buy a Hauppage card that does.

In interactions between human beings and corporate non-entities it's always to 
be preferred that the non-entities' blood pressure is the value that exceeds 
tolerance levels. ;-)

I like your answer but I think we as a group would be better served if; when a 
member of our family receives 'answers' such as this, we each and severally 
answer their arrogance/idiocy with the same answer as the aggrieved party. 
Eg.; my discourse with AMD over their oral fixation with Microsoft's nether 
regions. They only answered once, but they did answer. Sort of. If anyone 
wants a copy of the response tell me.

To quote Heinlein: Don't let the bastards grind you down. (I'd use the Latin 
phrase he did, but my Latin sucks. : ), and; Some people just have feet 
made for stepping on; step on them until _they_ apologize.

That answer they sent you is grievously stupid and offensive Anne; and an 
obviously nice person such as you shouldn't have to deal with, or be forced 
to respond in such a manner, to such a mental midget as the drone that sent 
it. Nor should anyone else for all that. As a human being I am sometimes 
amazed and ashamed that this sort of thing occurs. Or that it's become so 
common as to be considered normal.

My condolences. Most of what's wrong with the world today seems to be due to 
the lack of politeness. Is that a word? It should be.

I'll stop babbling now, sorry. I'm also sorry that you had to be treated in 
such fashion by a corporate idiot.

Registered user 244963 at
If Microsoft built cars, you would have to press the Start button to turn
them off.

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Re: [newbie] I'm getting peeved!

2002-11-12 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 12 Nov 2002 4:28 pm, you wrote:

 The problem is when people switch from Windows to Linux (or MacOS, or any
 other OS) and bring with them all sorts of hardware which has assumed
 Windows but hadn't made that assumption clear. Then they try to use the
 hardware outside Windows and it doesn't work ...

Indeed  - my first attempt at switching to Linux failed because I had just 
bought a DeskJet 720 and couldn't afford to ditch it.  It seems that this was 
practically the only win-only printer the HP made, and it scuppered me.

This time, once I had made the decision, I checked compatibility before I 


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Re: [newbie] I'm getting peeved!

2002-11-12 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 12 Nov 2002 8:30 am, you wrote:
 Here's a number 18,000,000.  That's only the machines registered on The
 Linux Counter.
 Here's how we can make a difference.  Marketing people don't ignore
 numbers that big.  And if all of us have all our machines registered on
 The Linux Counter.  We can make that number bigger.

You know - I've often seen those 'registered user' numbers, and never twigged 
what they were about.

OK - it's +1 now.


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Re: [newbie] flash in Konqueror

2002-11-12 Thread Noah Hicks
I applied the method you described and no joy.  Going to the URL:
Gives me the message:
Unable to load Netscape plugin for'
I get this message in the Macromedia Flash Player box under the macromedia 
Since this works in Mozzila I assumed it would work in Konqueror using the 
method you gave.
Any ideas?  Could this be because I'm using 9.0 Beta 4?

On Tuesday 12 November 2002 05:24, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 13:47, Jose wrote:
  On Monday 11 November 2002 02:29 am, Noah Hicks wrote:
   how does one install and enable the flash plugin for Konqueror?  It
   was very easy to do in Mozilla but I prefer to use Konqueror.
  Hopefully someone will answer that question. I have been using Phoenix
  which is Mozilla Lite, but would love to go back to Konqueror.
  Registered Mandrake, Redhat and SuSE user
  Children - the most commonly transmitted sexual disease

 Didn't we already cover this issue yesterday - or early this morning?

 scroll down the left side to the BOTTOM where you find NETSCAPE PLUGINS,
 click that icon, then in the right side, you get an option to SCAN FOR
 NEW PLUGINS (and also check the little box that says to scan at start of
 Konqueror) - and VOILA! You should be happening!

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[newbie] Downloading Quicktime Files

2002-11-12 Thread Jordan Elver
This is a bit of a stupid question, can I download quicktime movs 
from or wherever without a plugin. All I want is the 
actual file, I don't want to stream it or anything.

I tried looking at the HTML source, getting the src path and pasting into 
wget. It goes to download, says it has finished and nothing is saved?

Am I being stupid or what?

Thanks for any help, Cheers,
Jordan Elver
Save it for my unauthorized autobiography. --- Larry Wall

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[newbie] Flash player

2002-11-12 Thread Ongkie Singgih
Dear Friends,

Where can I download the flash player for Mandrake 9.0


STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

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Re: [newbie] I'm getting peeved!

2002-11-12 Thread Carroll Grigsby
On Tuesday 12 November 2002 11:56 am, Charlie wrote:


 To quote Heinlein: Don't let the bastards grind you down. (I'd use the
 Latin phrase he did, but my Latin sucks. : )


IIRC, it goes, Illegitimae non carborundum. I doubt that it's real Latin; 
carborundum is GE's trade name for their artificial diamonds -- widely used 
for grinding wheels and cutting tools.
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] I'm getting peeved!

2002-11-12 Thread Todd Franklin

You should look into getting one of those walmart Microtel machines if you
want something cheap. What gets me is that alot of the reviewers bash them
because they're slow. HELLO!?! Look at the price! Of course they're not
going to have the speed and performance of a 2GHz + computer. But if you
want a plain old workstation for cheap... not to mention a free OS, they
can't be beat.
More importantly, Walmart has snubbed their nose at Microsoft. Why? Because
Walmart is one of the few companies that can't be bought by Microsoft. First,
they don't rely on PC sales to keep them in business. Second, they are BIGGER
than Microsoft. If Microsoft threatened to pull their licenses because Walmart
is selling PC's with alternative or no OS on them, then Walmart can afford
to give them the finger.
What I like best about it though, is if Walmart is selling PC's with Linux
on them, then you know some slack-jawed yokel in Po-dunk, Arkansas is using
Linux right now! And probably doesn't even know the difference!
That's how the war will be won in the end I think.   ;-) 

Todd F.

Todd Slater wrote:

  On Tue, Nov 12, 2002 at 12:45:44PM +, Anne Wilson wrote:
On Tuesday 12 Nov 2002 11:57 am, you wrote:

  On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 21:45, Anne Wilson wrote:
at the predictable response from hardware manufacturers.  I don't usually
snap at people like this, but...


OK - I'll buy a Hauppage card that does.


  Anne, look - for all intents and purposes, you're swimming upstream
here. Manufacturers don't care about US - they care about money. They
care about marketing. 

In the end, lost sales do count.  Mine alone will do nothing, but the more 
often we can tell them that we have gone to a competitor who does better and 
the sooner they will take notice.

Exactly. I checked out an offer from Gateway for a $399 computer. I went
into a Gateway support chat session and asked if I could get a Gateway
computer without an operating system. The support person said that no,
Gateway can't sell a computer without an OS, they have an agreement with
MS. Thank you very much, I said. 

On exiting the chat, I was prompted to fill out a survey on the
experience. Under additional comments, I asked, "I wonder how many more
computers Gateway could sell if it didn't force customers to pay the
Microsoft tax?"

I'm sure Gateway has a beancounter that has figured out that they will
make more money bending over for MS than they will selling OS-less
systems. But I'm just as sure that as soon as the numbers change, so
will the policy. Or, when the demand for OS-less computers is
sufficient, Gateway will dump its agreement with MS.

It felt good to say it, though :)



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Re: [newbie] I'm getting peeved!

2002-11-12 Thread Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 12 Nov 2002 4:58 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Tuesday 12 Nov 2002 4:28 pm, you wrote:
  The problem is when people switch from Windows to Linux (or MacOS, or any
  other OS) and bring with them all sorts of hardware which has assumed
  Windows but hadn't made that assumption clear. Then they try to use the
  hardware outside Windows and it doesn't work ...

 Indeed  - my first attempt at switching to Linux failed because I had just
 bought a DeskJet 720 and couldn't afford to ditch it.  It seems that this
 was practically the only win-only printer the HP made, and it scuppered me.

 This time, once I had made the decision, I checked compatibility before I


I have a Deskjet720, and it works sort of OK in Linux.
Text is fine, but photos are pretty bad.  But then again I booted into Windows 
for the first time in a month last week specifically to print a photo, and 
the print was terrible there too.

To be fair to HP, they have seen the error of their ways, and no longer make 
win-printers. What is more they actively fund the development of opensource 
drivers for their products. When the ink runs out in my deskjet, the next 
printer will almost certainly be an HP.


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Re: [newbie] flash in Konqueror

2002-11-12 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 12 Nov 2002 3:11 pm, you wrote:

 In Control Center | Web browsing | Plugins, edit the top line to
 read   $HOME/.mozilla/plugins Click on  Enable plugins globally,
 and then click on Scan for new plugins.  I leave Scan for plugins at
 KDE startup unchecked.  Done, go to Google and search 'flash test'.
 You can then go to several sites to test your new flash with Konqueror.

Interesting.  I tried the site, and the first one I tried said:


This site requires the Macromedia Flash 6 plug-in. This is a free
plug-in which allows you to view animated content on the web.
The download is quick and it is easy to install.

Click here to download the Flash 6 plug-in.

When I did it offered my v.5, which is installed!  The others work OK though, 
so no worries.  I'm still wondering why I can't see any of the tabs or 
buttons on Amazon's site in Mozilla but they're fine in Galleon.


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Re: [newbie] I'm getting peeved!

2002-11-12 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 12 Nov 2002 5:43 pm, you wrote:
 On Tuesday 12 Nov 2002 4:58 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Tuesday 12 Nov 2002 4:28 pm, you wrote:
   The problem is when people switch from Windows to Linux (or MacOS, or
   any other OS) and bring with them all sorts of hardware which has
   assumed Windows but hadn't made that assumption clear. Then they try
   to use the hardware outside Windows and it doesn't work ...
  Indeed  - my first attempt at switching to Linux failed because I had
  just bought a DeskJet 720 and couldn't afford to ditch it.  It seems that
  this was practically the only win-only printer the HP made, and it
  scuppered me.
  This time, once I had made the decision, I checked compatibility before I

 I have a Deskjet720, and it works sort of OK in Linux.

Things have moved on a good deal since RH 5.0!

 Text is fine, but photos are pretty bad.  But then again I booted into
 Windows for the first time in a month last week specifically to print a
 photo, and the print was terrible there too.

Mine was great in windows, so I was sorry to see it go.

 To be fair to HP, they have seen the error of their ways, and no longer
 make win-printers. What is more they actively fund the development of
 opensource drivers for their products. When the ink runs out in my deskjet,
 the next printer will almost certainly be an HP.

I got a DJ990Cxi and love it.  Under Mdk 8.1 it wouldn't duplex, but it does 
under 8.2.  Fingers crossed that it's OK when I install 9 (tomorrow all being 


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Re: [newbie] Compiling KDE apps

2002-11-12 Thread Jordan Elver
I'll try that. How do I upgrade autoconf and automake with urpmi?
It says already installed, which it is I know :) But, how do I upgrade?


On Saturday 09 Nov 2002 10:07 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:

 mailto:newbie-owner; wrote:
  Sorry for the newbie question but I can't find the answer to this. I
  have been trying to compile new kde apps which all fail at the
  ./configure saying qt can't be found. I upgraded to libqt3 from
  texstar and have both packages installed. So why can't the includes
  be found?

 I had to edit my /etc/ file to include /usr/lib and
 /usr/local/lib, then run ldconfig to rebuild the cache - as well, I had
 to edit the system profile (/etc/profile) to have KDEDIR=/usr and in the
 export section export KDEDIR before applications started to compile
 properly...I also had to upgrade my automake to automake-1.5 and
 autoconf to autoconf-2.54. I'm still trying to work through some
 compilation issues as well, but mostly, that works...

 11 10 2002
 /  \ /| |'-.
.\__/ || |   |
 _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'

| /  \__.`=._) (_
|/ ._/  ||
|'.  `\ | |

;/ / | |
smk  ) /_/| |.---.|
'  `-`'  
 !  kuhn media australia - !
 !   If it was easy, the hardware people  !
 ! would take care of it. !

Jordan Elver
My software never has bugs. It just develops random features.

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Powerpack

2002-11-12 Thread Miark
On Mon, 11 Nov 2002 21:06:55 -0800
Ralph F. De Witt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Got my DVD  today.

Me too.

Oh wait, no, I'm thinking about Attack of the Clones :-)


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Re: [newbie] flash in Konqueror

2002-11-12 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday November 12 2002 11:45 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Tuesday 12 Nov 2002 3:11 pm, you wrote:
  In Control Center | Web browsing | Plugins, edit the top line
  to read   $HOME/.mozilla/plugins Click on  Enable plugins
  globally, and then click on Scan for new plugins.  I leave Scan
  for plugins at KDE startup unchecked.  Done, go to Google and
  search 'flash test'. You can then go to several sites to test your
  new flash with Konqueror.

 Interesting.  I tried the site, and the first one I tried said:


 This site requires the Macromedia Flash 6 plug-in. This is a free
 plug-in which allows you to view animated content on the web.
 The download is quick and it is easy to install.

 Click here to download the Flash 6 plug-in.

 When I did it offered my v.5, which is installed!  The others work OK
 though, so no worries.  I'm still wondering why I can't see any of
 the tabs or buttons on Amazon's site in Mozilla but they're fine in


Well, I always forget somethin ;)  I also am usin Flash 5.0r51, but 
have yet to come across a site where it didn't work. For flash6 try 
here for some info (I haven't bothered with 6 yet).

   How 'bout a URL for the flash page that didn't work ?

Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] I'm getting peeved!

2002-11-12 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday November 12 2002 11:43 am, Derek Jennings wrote:

 To be fair to HP, they have seen the error of their ways, and no
 longer make win-printers. What is more they actively fund the
 development of opensource drivers for their products. When the ink
 runs out in my deskjet, the next printer will almost certainly be an


OTOH, for HP to be fair to users, even Windoze ones, they should be 
forthcomming and make it clear to purchasers that win-hardware is 
substandard, corner-cutting, fake junk.  Not just printers any 
win-fake-hardware, any vendor.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] flash in Konqueror

2002-11-12 Thread Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 12 Nov 2002 5:45 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Tuesday 12 Nov 2002 3:11 pm, you wrote:
  In Control Center | Web browsing | Plugins, edit the top line to
  read   $HOME/.mozilla/plugins Click on  Enable plugins globally,
  and then click on Scan for new plugins.  I leave Scan for plugins at
  KDE startup unchecked.  Done, go to Google and search 'flash test'.
  You can then go to several sites to test your new flash with Konqueror.

 Interesting.  I tried the site, and the first one I tried said:


 This site requires the Macromedia Flash 6 plug-in. This is a free
 plug-in which allows you to view animated content on the web.
 The download is quick and it is easy to install.

 Click here to download the Flash 6 plug-in.

 When I did it offered my v.5, which is installed!  The others work OK
 though, so no worries.  I'm still wondering why I can't see any of the tabs
 or buttons on Amazon's site in Mozilla but they're fine in Galleon.


Flash 6 is available for Linux as a beta see here

Alternatively Flash6 for Windows works just great with Codeweavers Crossover 


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Re: [newbie] Downloading Quicktime Files

2002-11-12 Thread Todd Slater
On Tue, Nov 12, 2002 at 05:32:37PM +, Jordan Elver wrote:
 This is a bit of a stupid question, can I download quicktime movs 
 from or wherever without a plugin. All I want is the 
 actual file, I don't want to stream it or anything.
 I tried looking at the HTML source, getting the src path and pasting into 
 wget. It goes to download, says it has finished and nothing is saved?
 Am I being stupid or what?
 Thanks for any help, Cheers,

The movies are probably referenced in such a way that you cannot
download and save them to your HD. They may use a poster movie, which
is just one frame of the movie (or any other graphic), then use href
tracks and other techniques to prevent people from saving the content.
What did the HTML source say?


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Re: [newbie] Flash player

2002-11-12 Thread Todd Slater
On Tue, Nov 12, 2002 at 05:33:28PM +, Ongkie Singgih wrote:
 Dear Friends,
 Where can I download the flash player for Mandrake 9.0


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Re: [newbie] Downloading Quicktime Files

2002-11-12 Thread Jordan Elver
This is an example. How else could I download these files? I know of the 
crossover plugin, but I really would like a pay free laternative. Also, I 
want to watch the movs offline.


OBJECT CLASSID=clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B WIDTH=400 
PARAM name=pluginspage 
PARAM name=target VALUE=myself
PARAM name=type VALUE=video/quicktime
embed width=400 height=236 

On Tuesday 12 Nov 2002 7:03 pm, Todd Slater wrote:
 On Tue, Nov 12, 2002 at 05:32:37PM +, Jordan Elver wrote:
  This is a bit of a stupid question, can I download quicktime
  movs from or wherever without a plugin. All I want is
  the actual file, I don't want to stream it or anything.
  I tried looking at the HTML source, getting the src path and pasting into
  wget. It goes to download, says it has finished and nothing is saved?
  Am I being stupid or what?
  Thanks for any help, Cheers,

 The movies are probably referenced in such a way that you cannot
 download and save them to your HD. They may use a poster movie, which
 is just one frame of the movie (or any other graphic), then use href
 tracks and other techniques to prevent people from saving the content.
 What did the HTML source say?


Jordan Elver
The memory management on the PowerPC can be used to frighten small children. 
--- Linus Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] flash in Konqueror

2002-11-12 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 12 Nov 2002 6:24 pm, you wrote:
 search 'flash test'. You can then go to several sites to test your
   new flash with Konqueror.
  Interesting.  I tried the site, and the first one I tried said:
  This site requires the Macromedia Flash 6 plug-in. This is a free
  plug-in which allows you to view animated content on the web.
  The download is quick and it is easy to install.
  Click here to download the Flash 6 plug-in.
  When I did it offered my v.5, which is installed!  The others work OK
  though, so no worries.  I'm still wondering why I can't see any of
  the tabs or buttons on Amazon's site in Mozilla but they're fine in

 Well, I always forget somethin ;)  I also am usin Flash 5.0r51, but
 have yet to come across a site where it didn't work. For flash6 try
 here for some info (I haven't bothered with 6 yet).

How 'bout a URL for the flash page that didn't work ?


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[newbie] Sylpheed-Claws spell checking

2002-11-12 Thread Miark
Someone told me Sylpheed Claws wouldn't perform spell checking
without aspell 0.5. Well, I've got that now, but I still don't
see any option for spell checking in Claws. What should I do?


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Re: [newbie] I'm getting peeved!

2002-11-12 Thread Todd Slater
On Wed, Nov 13, 2002 at 12:00:30AM +0800, Franki wrote:
 The point is that it SHOULDN'T be legal for M$ to have them sign agreements
 like that...

True, but that's a battle I'm unable to fight. The only possible way I
can fight that is by voting for a President that won't appoint a bunch
of whores to the U.S. Department of Justice--unlikely in the current
climate. (I *did* vote in the last presidential election.)

That's why I think it's important to let businesses know that they are
losing sales due to their agreement with MS, that's the only language
they understand: the almighty dollar.


 in fact, it should be punishably illegal.
 thats like telling GM that all your cars must have firestone tyres if you
 ever plan on having firestone on any of them..
 Its ridiculous and only in the IT industry could it happen.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:newbie-owner;]On Behalf Of Todd Slater
 Sent: Tuesday, 12 November 2002 11:26 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] I'm getting peeved!
 On Tue, Nov 12, 2002 at 12:45:44PM +, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Tuesday 12 Nov 2002 11:57 am, you wrote:
   On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 21:45, Anne Wilson wrote:
at the predictable response from hardware manufacturers.  I don't
snap at people like this, but...
OK - I'll buy a Hauppage card that does.
   Anne, look - for all intents and purposes, you're swimming upstream
   here. Manufacturers don't care about US - they care about money. They
   care about marketing.
  In the end, lost sales do count.  Mine alone will do nothing, but the more
  often we can tell them that we have gone to a competitor who does better
  the sooner they will take notice.
 Exactly. I checked out an offer from Gateway for a $399 computer. I went
 into a Gateway support chat session and asked if I could get a Gateway
 computer without an operating system. The support person said that no,
 Gateway can't sell a computer without an OS, they have an agreement with
 MS. Thank you very much, I said.
 On exiting the chat, I was prompted to fill out a survey on the
 experience. Under additional comments, I asked, I wonder how many more
 computers Gateway could sell if it didn't force customers to pay the
 Microsoft tax?

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Re: [newbie] flash in Konqueror

2002-11-12 Thread Noah Hicks
Well I'm not having a problem with the flash version.  The problem for me 
seems to be that Konqueror is not using the plugin.  I am pretty sure I did 
what I was supposed to: untared the files, put them in ~/.mozilla/plugins, 
put that dir in the Konq settings, scanned for new pugins, and still no joy.  
What's up?  Does it matter where I put the files?  As long as I tell 
Konqueror where to scan it should pick up the and 
ShockwaveFlash.class file shouldn't it work?  As far as I can tell Konqueror 
can't read any part of a website that has a *.swf.
Thanks for pointers 

On Tuesday 12 November 2002 11:55, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Tuesday 12 Nov 2002 5:45 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Tuesday 12 Nov 2002 3:11 pm, you wrote:
   In Control Center | Web browsing | Plugins, edit the top line to
   read   $HOME/.mozilla/plugins Click on  Enable plugins globally,
   and then click on Scan for new plugins.  I leave Scan for plugins at
   KDE startup unchecked.  Done, go to Google and search 'flash test'.
   You can then go to several sites to test your new flash with Konqueror.
  Interesting.  I tried the site, and the first one I tried said:
  This site requires the Macromedia Flash 6 plug-in. This is a free
  plug-in which allows you to view animated content on the web.
  The download is quick and it is easy to install.
  Click here to download the Flash 6 plug-in.
  When I did it offered my v.5, which is installed!  The others work OK
  though, so no worries.  I'm still wondering why I can't see any of the
  tabs or buttons on Amazon's site in Mozilla but they're fine in Galleon.

 Flash 6 is available for Linux as a beta see here

 Alternatively Flash6 for Windows works just great with Codeweavers
 Crossover plugin


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[newbie] Planning ahead

2002-11-12 Thread Anne Wilson
Lanman -

When discussing my cleanup and redistribution of installs and data on my 3 
hdds, you advised me to 'change the Mount Point' (of the 4 Gb drive) 'to 
something like /temp'.  Just to put my mind at rest - I presume this is 
done during the install?  I seem to remember that I was invited to name the 
partitions found during the install - am I right?

I've backed up all the fat32 data (it hasn't had a thorough clean down for 
years so much is duplicated) and first thing in the morning I'll back up my 
Mdk 8.2 install, then it's crossed fingers and toes and go for it.  I'll 
follow your advice, I think, putting Win98 and 8.2 on the first drive and Mdk 
9.0 on the second.


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Re: [newbie] Flash player

2002-11-12 Thread John Richard Smith
Todd Slater wrote:

On Tue, Nov 12, 2002 at 05:33:28PM +, Ongkie Singgih wrote:

Dear Friends,

Where can I download the flash player for Mandrake 9.0





Please pardon my ignorance, but what does flashplayer do for you ?


John Richard Smith

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2002-11-12 Thread lynch00
I just installed Mandrake 9 over the weekend on my laptop. The installation went fine 
and had no problems. I was able to log into Mandrake and run programs. Now, I have an 
existing Windows XP Professional installation on the HD I wanted to keep, so I wanted 
to dual boot between them. I found an article on the Mandrake sitedescribing how to 
install Mandrake with an existing XP installation and dual boot. I followed the 
directions, created the 512Byte boot sector dump to a BIN file, and added the entry 
for this file in the BOOT.INI file. I was able to boot into Mandrake with the new 
BOOT.INI entry with no problem. I then wanted to make sure that I could also load into 
XP, since I that is where I have all of my data. All is working well.

Well, this morning I wanted to boot into Mandrake by selecting the OS name in the 
list, and I get the following message:

LILO - Keytable read/checksum error

What does this mean? Does the effectively mean that I'm screwed? If so, then how 
should I have done the installation for dual boot? BTW, I did create a boot partition 
(7MB) for Linux. Also, I can boot off of my floppy disk I created during setup, and 
get access to my Linux install.


Chris Lynch
Registered Linux Newbie (well, maybe not...)

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Re: [newbie] I'm getting peeved!

2002-11-12 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 12 Nov 2002 7:26 pm, you wrote:

 That's why I think it's important to let businesses know that they are
 losing sales due to their agreement with MS, that's the only language
 they understand: the almighty dollar.

Perhaps we should also point them at the Linux counter, to see just how many 
sales they could be losing?  The 'estimate' page has some interesting and 
thought-provoking statistics.


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[newbie] Lilo problems on Dual boot system

2002-11-12 Thread lynch00
Sorry for the dual post, but I didn't include the subject line.

I just installed Mandrake 9 over the weekend on my laptop. The installation went fine 
and had no problems. I was able to log into Mandrake and run programs. Now, I have an 
existing Windows XP Professional installation on the HD I wanted to keep, so I wanted 
to dual boot between them. I found an article on the Mandrake sitedescribing how to 
install Mandrake with an existing XP installation and dual boot. I followed the 
directions, created the 512Byte boot sector dump to a BIN file, and added the entry 
for this file in the BOOT.INI file. I was able to boot into Mandrake with the new 
BOOT.INI entry with no problem. I then wanted to make sure that I could also load into 
XP, since I that is where I have all of my data. All is working well.

Well, this morning I wanted to boot into Mandrake by selecting the OS name in the 
list, and I get the following message:

LILO - Keytable read/checksum error

What does this mean? Does the effectively mean that I'm screwed? If so, then how 
should I have done the installation for dual boot? BTW, I did create a boot partition 
(7MB) for Linux. Also, I can boot off of my floppy disk I created during setup, and 
get access to my Linux install.


Chris Lynch
Registered Linux Newbie (well, maybe not...)

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Re: [newbie] flash in Konqueror

2002-11-12 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 12 Nov 2002 7:26 pm, you wrote:
 Well I'm not having a problem with the flash version.  The problem for me
 seems to be that Konqueror is not using the plugin.  

Sorry for hijacking your thread.

You could be right - Mozilla and Galleon perform fine, but Konq freezes every 
time I try to load any of the test sites.


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[newbie] CUPS Help

2002-11-12 Thread Tom

I have searched the web, read CUPS documents, and 
still cannnot find the answer. Or maybe I am over looking it somewhere. 

I have a XEROX document centre machine that I am 
trying to print to. In RH7.3 I set it up as a unix printer 
with que name lp and it worked just fine as an lpr printer. (NOT 

Tried this in CUPS and it will not work on the 
Mandrake 9.0 machine. Am I just ingnorant or do I need to be doing 
something else in CUPS?

Re: [newbie] flash in Konqueror

2002-11-12 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday November 12 2002 01:21 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:

  Well, I always forget somethin ;)  I also am usin Flash 5.0r51,
  but have yet to come across a site where it didn't work. For flash6
  try here for some info (I haven't bothered with 6 yet).
 How 'bout a URL for the flash page that didn't work ?


   Yep, doesn't work.  I've resisted Flash6 since I can't get my head 
around where it wants to install, and I have some contempt for tainting 
my system with their binary junk anyhow. Fortunately I only place their 
crap on my system to avoid gettin endless pop-up pages askin me if I 
want to d/l Flash. Same with Sun's java. (j2re-1.4.0_01-1mdk)

 FWIW, Flash can cause nasty crashes with KDE 3.1rc2 and still in rc3. I 
doubt it'll be solved with 3.1 final.  As Civileme said, 'the more 
closed source proprietary secret stuff you inject into your first class 
Linux OS, the less you own it' (paraprhrase)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] flash in Konqueror

2002-11-12 Thread Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 12 Nov 2002 7:21 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Tuesday 12 Nov 2002 6:24 pm, you wrote:
  search 'flash test'. You can then go to several sites to test your
new flash with Konqueror.
   Interesting.  I tried the site, and the first one I tried said:
   This site requires the Macromedia Flash 6 plug-in. This is a free
   plug-in which allows you to view animated content on the web.
   The download is quick and it is easy to install.
   Click here to download the Flash 6 plug-in.
   When I did it offered my v.5, which is installed!  The others work OK
   though, so no worries.  I'm still wondering why I can't see any of
   the tabs or buttons on Amazon's site in Mozilla but they're fine in
  Well, I always forget somethin ;)  I also am usin Flash 5.0r51, but
  have yet to come across a site where it didn't work. For flash6 try
  here for some info (I haven't bothered with 6 yet).
 How 'bout a URL for the flash page that didn't work ?


Some sites just are not bothering to visit.  That site is covered in microsoft 
javascript.  Even with Flash 6 (Codeweavers crossover ) it does not work.

Opera (Identified as IE5) - Fails to detect Flash  6 is loaded. If I press the 
button to 'Enter Anyway' a blank window pops up.

Mozilla - Same, no detection of Flash6,  blank window if I try to enter.

Konqueror - Does not detect Flash6, but the javascript to enter the site does 
work and a window pops up saying 'URL not found'

Internet Explorer 5 (Under Crossover Office) - Demands to download javascript 
updates. There ain't no way I am letting Microsoft put stuff on my computer 
so I gave up.


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[newbie] Sylpheed vs Sylpheed Claws

2002-11-12 Thread Anders Lind

Excuse a noninformed question, but as a Sylpheed user I am interested,
what is the difference between Sylpheed and Sylpheed-Claws (I know
I could look it up myself but I am to lazy right now LOL), is it that the Claws
version is like a beta or a developer version?


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Re: [newbie] Downloading Quicktime Files

2002-11-12 Thread Todd Slater
On Tue, Nov 12, 2002 at 07:20:28PM +, Jordan Elver wrote:
 This is an example. How else could I download these files? I know of the 
 crossover plugin, but I really would like a pay free laternative. Also, I 
 want to watch the movs offline.

You want the second link (the href= part of the embed). The problem is I
can't download it directly, either. I can open it as a url in QuickTime
(Windows) and even save it using QT Pro, but can do neither with the
free player. It has cache set to false, so I don't think your browser's
going to keep it in cache, either.

I'd be interested in your solution, if you find one.

 OBJECT CLASSID=clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B WIDTH=400 
   PARAM name=pluginspage 
   PARAM name=target VALUE=myself
   PARAM name=type VALUE=video/quicktime
   PARAM name=SRC 
   PARAM name=HREF 
 embed width=400 height=236 

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Re: [newbie] Sylpheed vs Sylpheed Claws

2002-11-12 Thread Miark
Yes, the latter. But's it's exceptionally stable.


On Tue, 12 Nov 2002 21:18:30 +0100
Anders Lind [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Excuse a noninformed question, but as a Sylpheed user I am interested,
 what is the difference between Sylpheed and Sylpheed-Claws (I know
 I could look it up myself but I am to lazy right now LOL), is it that the Claws
 version is like a beta or a developer version?

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Re: [newbie] Downloading Quicktime Files

2002-11-12 Thread Miark
You can copy it out of your cache while it's still open in QuickTime.


On Tue, 12 Nov 2002 15:17:59 -0500
Todd Slater [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You want the second link (the href= part of the embed). The problem is I
 can't download it directly, either. I can open it as a url in QuickTime
 (Windows) and even save it using QT Pro, but can do neither with the
 free player. It has cache set to false, so I don't think your browser's
 going to keep it in cache, either.
 I'd be interested in your solution, if you find one.

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Re: [newbie] Flash player

2002-11-12 Thread Todd Slater
On Tue, Nov 12, 2002 at 07:34:37PM +, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Please pardon my ignorance, but what does flashplayer do for you ?

It lets you see 90% more ads than the Internet surfer without the

Oh, there is some good flash out there that does animation and some
interactive stuff, but for the most part I could do without the
obnoxious flash ads and splash pages (a really cool animation you
might have to watch while trying to access a web page--hopefully you get
a skip intro button).

News sites like the NY Times usually have excellent use of flash to help
demonstrate some point--a process, or a map etc. It's a new type of
information graphic!


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Re: [newbie] Downloading Quicktime Files

2002-11-12 Thread Todd Slater
On Tue, Nov 12, 2002 at 03:25:03PM -0500, Miark wrote:
 You can copy it out of your cache while it's still open in QuickTime.

I've seen temporary Internet files in Winblows, but where do you find
the cache on Linux (never had a reason to check it). Like for instance,
Mozilla or Phoenix?


 On Tue, 12 Nov 2002 15:17:59 -0500
 Todd Slater [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  You want the second link (the href= part of the embed). The problem is I
  can't download it directly, either. I can open it as a url in QuickTime
  (Windows) and even save it using QT Pro, but can do neither with the
  free player. It has cache set to false, so I don't think your browser's
  going to keep it in cache, either.
  I'd be interested in your solution, if you find one.

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SV: [newbie] Sylpheed vs Sylpheed Claws

2002-11-12 Thread Anders Lind

 Yes, the latter. But's it's exceptionally stable.

Thanks, then one should go and look for it :o)


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Re: [newbie] I'm getting peeved!

2002-11-12 Thread Charlie
On Tuesday 12 November 2002 10:47 am, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 On Tuesday 12 November 2002 11:56 am, Charlie wrote:
  To quote Heinlein: Don't let the bastards grind you down. (I'd use the
  Latin phrase he did, but my Latin sucks. : )

 IIRC, it goes, Illegitimae non carborundum. I doubt that it's real Latin;
 carborundum is GE's trade name for their artificial diamonds -- widely used
 for grinding wheels and cutting tools.
 -- cmg

Thanks Carroll.

You are correct I'm sure. If I wasn't being lazy I could grab Number of The 
Beast or one of the other books off the shelf and look, but I am, so I 
haven't. :-) Heinlein had a lot of aphorisms in his books; that one was a 
classic IMHO.

The highest compliment ever paid me was; 
You're a diamond in the rough...
Damned rough!


Registered user 244963 at
Well I looked at my watch and it said a quarter to five,
The headline screamed that I was still alive,
I couldn't understand it, I thought I died last night.
I dreamed I'd been in a border town,
In a little cantina that the boys had found,
I was desperate to dance, just to dig the local sounds.
When along came a senorita,
She looked so good that I had to meet her,
I was ready to approach her with my English charm,
When her brass knuckled boyfriend grabbed me by the arm,
And he said, grow some funk of your own, amigo,
Grow some funk of your own.
We no like to with the gringo fight,
But there might be a death in Mexico tonite.
Take my advice, take the next flight,
And grow some funk, grow your funk at home.
-- Elton John, Grow Some Funk of Your Own

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Re: [newbie] Flash player

2002-11-12 Thread John Richard Smith
Todd Slater wrote:

On Tue, Nov 12, 2002 at 07:34:37PM +, John Richard Smith wrote:

Please pardon my ignorance, but what does flashplayer do for you ?


It lets you see 90% more ads than the Internet surfer without the

Oh, there is some good flash out there that does animation and some
interactive stuff, but for the most part I could do without the
obnoxious flash ads and splash pages (a really cool animation you
might have to watch while trying to access a web page--hopefully you get
a skip intro button).

News sites like the NY Times usually have excellent use of flash to help
demonstrate some point--a process, or a map etc. It's a new type of
information graphic!



Thanks todd , does this work with mozilla to.

Also is there a connection between this and USB flash media card readers 
I have been noticing recently as I'm looking for a USB smart ccard reader.

John Richard Smith

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