Re: [newbie-it] Partizoni FAT 32

2002-11-17 Thread Fabio Manunza
Alle 15:38, sabato 16 novembre 2002, Mavricijo Babič ha scritto:
 Salve a tuti,
 Ho un problema con dele partizoni Fat 32, le vedo da Linux ma non ne
 vedo il contenuto. Sa qualcuno dirmi perche?
 Garzie mile

Facci vedere il tuo fstab, può essere utile per capirne di più.

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

[newbie-it] kmail, protezione e pigrizia

2002-11-17 Thread Beppe
buongiorno oh gloriosa mailinglist ^___^ e soprattutto buon weekend

volevo sapere... esiste un modo in kmail per proteggere una cartella da 
guardoni indesiderati? tanto per dirla in parole povere: il mio computer lo 
uso solo io il 99% del tempo e non ci sono su cose personali quindi posso 
permettermi di usare l'auto login e di avere un solo user. Idem per la posta, 
MA quando si tratta di cuore ci terrei che la cartella dove kmail mette tutte 
le email importanti non fosse visibile da nessuno senza sapere una password. 
Il problema è che sono ESTREMAMENTE pigro, quindi non vorrei fare una cosa 
del tipo richiamare kmail da super user solo x il pop3 su cui arrivano le 
mail importanti e non vorrei che la password fosse richiesta ad ogni 
controllo di quel pop.

c'è un modo per assecondare la mia pigrizia?

Grazie in anticipo, ciao ciao!

[newbie-it] OT (ma carino) su debian e slack

2002-11-17 Thread Beppe
Buon giorno oh gloriosa mailinglist ^___^

dopo le tante risposte ricevute riguardo al domandone filosofico su slackware 
vi tedio con un'altro OT (implorando in ginocchio il perdono di quelli a cui 
questo ot non interessa).
Quando sentivo solo parlare di linux credevo che la massima aspirazione fosse 
Debian, metre ora vedo che chi ne sa molto usa Slack... anche in questa ML 
molta gente mi sembra usare slack ma di persone che usano debian non ne ho 
viste (nel caso mi stessi dimenticando di qualcuno... beh, scusate ^_^)

allora la mia domanda è: dal punto di vista di un'utilizzatore esperto, perchè 
slack e non debian? o meglio, perchè prima di entrare a far parte di questa 
mailinglist la distribuzione per esperti avevo sempre sentito dire essere 
debian ed ora mi accorgo che la realtà è diversa?

grazie in anticipo :-)

ciao ciao,

[newbie-it] Surrisclaldamento e ventola

2002-11-17 Thread Emiliano La Licata
Salve a tutti,

Sto facendo una piccola indagine diretta a coloro che hanno la mdk 9.0 su pc 
da tavolo e/o portatile
Avete riscontrato cambiamenti riguardo i processi di surriscaldamento e 
successiva  attivazione della ventola??
Nei pc dove ho installato la mdk 9.0 puntualmente dopo un po' parte la 
ventola. Lo stesso non accade sotto win, quindi escluderei gli elementi 
climatici !!

Grazie Ciao  

Re: [newbie-it] Che caldo!!

2002-11-17 Thread Emiliano La Licata
Alle 23:25, sabato 16 novembre 2002, miKe ha scritto:

 okkio a non aver impostato la scheda audio in modo strano,
 spesso sovraccarica la cpu

 in particolare controlla che non sia settata in full duplex;
  i parametri standard vanno benone

Tutto ciò è molto strano: da mandrake control ho visto la scheda audio e non 
si fa riferimento al full duplex, ho provato a settarla per Alsa è non 
cambiato molto...
La cosa assai strana è che gkrellm segnala adesso la cpu con un lavoro normale 
e tuttavia il surriscaldamento avviene e la ventola si aziona... La cosa 
ancora più strana è che ho notato che questo accade anche al pc da tavolo.. 
dopo un po' ecco la ventola partire!!
Mah! Che strano!

Provo a chiedere ad altri se hanno rilevaro questa situazione

Grazie miKe.

Re: [newbie-it] Re: update mdk9

2002-11-17 Thread gianni piazza
Alle 01:16, domenica 17 novembre 2002, carmine de pasquale ha scritto:
 - Original Message -
 From: gianni piazza [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2002 4:45 PM
 Subject: [newbie-it] Re: update mdk9

 Qualcuno mi sa spiegare come mai non riesco a scaricare gli
 mandrake update?

 questo succede anche a me, li scarico a mano come rpm e quindi li
 istallo.ovviamente mi tocca istallare anche le dipendenze
grazie per la risposta!Io alla fine sono riuscito a scaricare gli 
aggiornamenti...non so cosa è successo di nuovo..a forza di tentare 
ad un certo punto me li ha fatti scaricare.Forse dipende dal trffico nei 

Re: [newbie-it] OT (ma carino) su debian e slack

2002-11-17 Thread miKe
Alle 12:21, domenica 17 novembre 2002, Beppe ha scritto:

 dopo le tante risposte ricevute riguardo al domandone
 filosofico su slackware vi tedio con un'altro OT

ma ti diverti proprio...

 allora la mia domanda è: dal punto di vista di
 un'utilizzatore esperto, perchè slack e non debian? o
 meglio, perchè prima di entrare a far parte di questa
 mailinglist la distribuzione per esperti avevo sempre
 sentito dire essere debian ed ora mi accorgo che la
 realtà è diversa?

non è diversa..

1. sei su una lista su mandrake,
quindi se trovi delle persone che hanno usato o usano 
tuttora mdk e sono passate a slack, non significa che sia 
la norma, io,  ad esempio, sono 'nato' con slack, ho usato 
poi  prima suse, poi red hat, quindi mandrake,
continuando a usare la prima per lavoro ed a casa, e 
l'ultima per le installazioni a tanti miei amici/parenti...

2. esistono molte ML tematiche su Debian

3. ci sono  altri motivi 'filosofici' per cui molti  (non 
tutti per fortuna!!) utenti Debian non si mischiano al 
resto del popolo...
(ne sai qualcosa Gian?)

 ciao ciao,


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932

Re: [newbie-it] Che caldo!!

2002-11-17 Thread Emiliano La Licata
Alle 16:02, domenica 17 novembre 2002, miKe ha scritto:

 devi cercare dal pnnello di controllo di kde
 è artsd il responsabile a mio avviso

ho controllato ed è tutto a posto, tra l'altro avevo pure disabilitato artsd 
nei giorni scorsi...

 altro responsabile potrebbe essere slocate
 cioè l'aggiornamento periodico del db che interroghi per
 ritrovare info sull'ubicazione di librerie, eseguibili ecc..

 ricordo che mandrake era piuttosto intrusivo in questo

questo non so come controllarlo...


Re: [newbie-it] Surrisclaldamento e ventola

2002-11-17 Thread Emiliano La Licata
Alle 17:40, domenica 17 novembre 2002, sandro ha scritto:

 Mdk 9.0 installata su una workstation e su un portatile, nessun problema di
 surriscaldamenti o ventole che entrano in funzione (il portatile - ovvio).


 Ma quando parli di pc sui quali hai installato mdk9 intendi anche pc da


[newbie-it] Strano!!!!

2002-11-17 Thread Benedetto Santarella
Salve a tutti,

 ho scaricato un file zippato da internet, 
lo decompattato nella directory tmp, ad un cero punto 
ho cercato di cancellarlo, ma Linux, mi ha detto che 
l'accesso e' negato,  ho pensato Non ho i permessi giusti
faccio un semplice ls -l, e mi accorgo che ho i seguenti permessi


il propietario, sono io e il gruppo e' il mio


logandomi da root, l'ho cancellato senza problemi
  \ | /
(@ @)
Benedetto Santarella
 Home Page == 
 Email :  ( Per scrivermi togli -NOSPAM- )

Re: [newbie-it] kmail, protezione e pigrizia

2002-11-17 Thread freefred
On Sunday 17 November 2002 12:10 pm, Beppe wrote about [newbie-it] kmail, 
protezione e pigrizia:

 fare una cosa del tipo richiamare kmail da super user solo x il pop3 su cui
 arrivano le mail importanti e non vorrei che la password fosse richiesta ad
 ogni controllo di quel pop.

prima o poi pero' una password dovrai inserirla.
forse potresti far scaricare i messaggi che vuoi tenere privati
in una mailbox di proprieta' di root, poi pero' dovresti
cambiare i permessi ogni volota che vuoi leggerla,
anche se non ci vorrebbe molto.


Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

Re: [newbie-it] xine

2002-11-17 Thread sandro
Hash: SHA1

Alle 01:57, lunedì 18 novembre 2002, hai scritto:
 Ciao a tutti
 Qualcuno di voi sa come fare per velocizzare le immagini
 dei dvd con xine? visto che va a scatti in modo impressonante
 C'è il sistema?
 Cosa devo fare?
 Grazie dell'attenzione

Potrebbe essere qualcosa che riguarda la gestione della scheda grafica?
Oppure qualche settaggio della scheda madre?
A me con win la lettura dei dvd, ad esempio, mi va a scatti, con linux liscia 
come l'olio.
Hai fatto la prova con win, se l'hai installato ovviamente?

- -- 
Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - A.I.P. n° 2075 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mandrake Linux 8.2 on PIII 866 Mhz
Linux User #203143
Linux Machine #103048
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie] Changing display resolution

2002-11-17 Thread Matthias R. Fischer
Am Sam, 2002-11-16 um 19.10 schrieb Derek Jennings:
 On Sat, 16 Nov 2002 16:28:52 +
 Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Saturday 16 Nov 2002 3:53 pm, you wrote:
   On Saturday November 16 2002 08:20 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 Ctrl-Alt-plus and Ctrl-Alt-Minus...

  How odd - but it is on.
 Clt+Alt+ 'keypad +/-'   rotates among all the screen definitions defined in your 
XF86Config-4 file. If when you did your recent install you selected a monitor with 
only one resolution, then obviously you will not be able to rotate resolutions. (Oh 
and it only works in KDE)
It works fine with Gnome, too.
 Why did you reinstall anyway?
   That is Windows thinking

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Re: [newbie] Changing display resolution

2002-11-17 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2002-11-17 at 20:40, Matthias R. Fischer wrote:
   On Saturday 16 Nov 2002 3:53 pm, you wrote:
On Saturday November 16 2002 08:20 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
  Ctrl-Alt-plus and Ctrl-Alt-Minus...
   How odd - but it is on.
  Clt+Alt+ 'keypad +/-'   rotates among all the screen definitions defined in your 
XF86Config-4 file. If when you did your recent install you selected a monitor with 
only one resolution, then obviously you will not be able to rotate resolutions. (Oh 
and it only works in KDE)
 It works fine with Gnome, too.

Dang - I still can't get it to work with XP...

Sun Nov 17 21:20:00 EST 2002

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|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

Someday we'll look back on this moment and plow into a parked car.
-- Evan Davis

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Re: [newbie] /dev/tts/2

2002-11-17 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2002-11-17 at 22:02, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Saturday 16 November 2002 01:59 pm, you wrote:
  What about removing the modem, rebooting, putting the modem back in,
  rebooting and seeing if the modem is found again?
 Just a thought, can't you do the same thing, but just run kudzu for detection 
 instead of having to reboot?
Yeah - yeah - that's a good point...

Sun Nov 17 21:20:00 EST 2002

|____  |
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|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

Someday we'll look back on this moment and plow into a parked car.
-- Evan Davis

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Re: [newbie] HP 4400C ScanJet

2002-11-17 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2002-11-17 at 11:05, Chris wrote:
 On Saturday 16 November 2002 04:31 am, you said, and I quote:
  On Sat, 2002-11-16 at 13:00, Chris wrote:
  Any hope though that I can get this one up and running?
  Have you been to the SANE website and have you gotten their latest back
  ends for SANE? They update the back ends quite often...and by
  upgrading your SANE, you might get more than lucky mate...
 Yep, went there, downloaded and installed the latest version 1.0.9, still no 
 luck when I run sane-find-scanner.  Guess I'm doomed to get a new one.
 Thanks for the help though.
   Registered Linux user #283774 @
   5:42pm  up 19 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.03, 0.04

Mate, I wouldn't give up just yet - that is, unless you really want to
purchase new equipment - but check through ALL the newsgroups - like on - see if anyone else is experiencing the exact same
issue (even if it's with another form of linux - but the same - I'd dig
through the newsgroups tonight, but man, I'm tired and have to get up
early to train to Sydney...else I'd be out there diggin...

Sun Nov 17 21:20:00 EST 2002

|____  |
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|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

Someday we'll look back on this moment and plow into a parked car.
-- Evan Davis

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Re: [newbie] Now VERY OT - Mandrake 9 ASUS A7N266-VM Motherboard

2002-11-17 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2002-11-17 at 18:24, Anne Wilson wrote:

  Example to make a printable file of the tar manual:
  $ man tar | col -b  tar.txt
  Then take a look at tar.txt in an editor before printing and you'll see
  that its all formatted for you.
 That sounds brilliant.  Thanks, Sharrea

Dis be a good one, m8 !! I like it even better than the script I use -
so now I have to change it...(who says ya don't learn sumtin new every


Sun Nov 17 21:25:01 EST 2002

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|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

I am two fools, I know, for loving, and for saying so.
-- John Donne

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Re: [newbie] RE: mandrake control center unreachable

2002-11-17 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2002-11-17 at 19:22, ivette brusselmans wrote:


Uh - well, the KDEDIR='/usr' should be exactly like that - you have no
/USR directory, but you DO have a /usr directory...

...meanwhile, I was trying to emulate your situation on my Mandrake box,
and I couldn't. There HAS to be something more to this picture than
meets the eye (or doesn't meet the eye).

Sun Nov 17 21:30:00 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
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|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

Whilst marching from Portugal to a position which commands the
approach to Madrid and the French forces, my officers have been
diligently complying with your requests which have been sent by H.M.
from London to Lisbon and thence by dispatch to our headquarters.
We have enumerated our saddles, bridles, tents and tent poles,
and all manner of sundry items for which His Majesty's Government holds
me accountable. I have dispatched reports on the character, wit, and
spleen of every officer. Each item and every farthing has been accounted
for, with two regrettable exceptions for which I beg your indulgence.
Unfortunately the sum of one shilling and ninepence remains
unaccounted for in one infantry battalion's petty cash and there has
a hideous confusion as the the number of jars of raspberry jam issued to
one cavalry regiment during a sandstorm in western Spain.  This
reprehensible carelessness may be related to the pressure of
since we are war with France, a fact which may come as a bit of a
to you gentlemen in Whitehall.
This brings me to my present purpose, which is to request
elucidation of my instructions from His Majesty's Government so that I
may better understand why I am dragging an army over these barren
I construe that perforce it must be one of two alternative duties, as
given below.  I shall pursue either one with the best of my ability, but
I cannot do both:
1. To train an army of uniformed British clerks in Spain for the
benefit of the accountants and copy-boys in London or perchance:
2. To see to it that the forces of Napoleon are driven out of Spain.
-- Duke of Wellington, to the British Foreign Office,
   London, 1812

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[newbie] 9.0 - import files

2002-11-17 Thread Anne Wilson
Well, the hardware install was faultless - I can't believe it.

I've still got some configuration to do, and some file copying from the old 
/home directories, users to set up, etc., but that's just time.

One thing is panicking me a little - I can't find my old korganiser file.  Nor 
do I see how to import it (I presume 3.0 won't simply use a copied file?)

I'm going on a hunt now for kaddressbook, and I assume that might have a 
similar problem.  


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Re: [newbie] /dev/tts/2

2002-11-17 Thread Peter Watson
On Sunday 17 Nov 2002 10:22, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Sun, 2002-11-17 at 22:02, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
  On Saturday 16 November 2002 01:59 pm, you wrote:
   What about removing the modem, rebooting, putting the modem back in,
   rebooting and seeing if the modem is found again?
  Just a thought, can't you do the same thing, but just run kudzu for
  detection instead of having to reboot?

 Yeah - yeah - that's a good point...

Yeah that works!!

Thanks a million guys.


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[newbie] Downloading packages.

2002-11-17 Thread Keith Powell
Sorry for such very newbie questions, but I am lost!

Is there a good tutorial on downloading and installing packages from the 
Internet? The Package Manager section of the Mandrake manual is far too 
sketchy for me: it hardly mentions it.

I have no problems installing from the disks, or doing an update from a mirror 
site. However, I can't find out how to get the Package Manager to give me a 
list of all the packages available on a particular site, or on the cooker 
site, and install any I have selected (with dependencies). The only way I 
have found, is to manually go to the appropriate folder on the site, download 
the file to my harddrive by dragging it, and then run KPackage to install it.

However, with one package I have tried, KPackage gives me a list of about 
twelve dependencies (mainly libraries) which need to be installed.

I then tried running urpmi from the command line, as I thought that program 
took care of finding and installing packages and dependencies, but it didn't. 
It failed the installation with the list of dependencies. I even tried it 
when connected to the mirror.

I have followed the Finding Dependencies thread and tried all the 
suggestions given. But none work for me.

So if anyone can point me to a good tutorial, I would be very grateful.

Many thanks


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Re: [newbie] addendum

2002-11-17 Thread Charlie
On November 16, 2002 12:10 pm, Don and Alexa Pongracz wrote:
 An addition to my previous correspondence. The computer now looks for the
 internet addy for ...I think I my have keyed in the wrong thing for
 host and now the poor computer is dreadfully confused

Hi Alexa;

Depends what Shaw node you're on; and in what city. For example for my service 
in Edmonton:

Primary Server Name: 
Primary Server IP:
 Secondary Server Name: 
Secondary Server IP:

If I'm correct in the assumption that you're in the Okanagan you'd use:

Primary Server Name: 
Primary Server IP:
 Secondary Server Name: 
Secondary Server IP: 

If I'm incorrect in my guess about the location someone (Derek I believe) 
already gave a link to the trouble shooting page at Shaw that lists all the 
DNS servers. Here it is again:

Depending on what version of Windows hubby is running you should be able to 
gather the rest of your information (LAN settings including assigned IP 
address for your machine on the local area network) you need from there. 
Actually you can get it from any version, I'm just not that familiar with all 
versions. Such as XP.

I'm a Shaw customer as well so ask away. If I don't know I'll probably know 
someone that does. But never forget that the more information you give the 
easier it will be for the fine people here to help. Hell; I may even be able 
to jump in once in a while too with help. vbg

I'm one of those people that always says the only dumb questions are the 
ones you _don't_ ask. :-)

Registered user 244963 at
You will gain money by an illegal action.

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Re: [newbie] 9.0 - import files

2002-11-17 Thread John Richard Smith
Anne Wilson wrote:

On Sunday 17 Nov 2002 2:26 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:

Anne Wilson wrote:

On Sunday 17 Nov 2002 11:11 am, Anne Wilson wrote:

One thing is panicking me a little - I can't find my old korganiser file.
Nor do I see how to import it (I presume 3.0 won't simply use a copied

I'm going on a hunt now for kaddressbook, and I assume that might have a
similar problem.

Unfortunately lilo did not pick up 8.2, and I cannot boot into it.  I had
thought that one solution to my address and calendar problems was to
export the files, but since I can't access them that's out.

I tried editing lilo.conf to look like this:

	label=Mandrake 9.0
	append=devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi
	label=Mandrake 8.2
	append=devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi
	append=devfs=nomount hdc=ide-scsi failsafe

but it didn't work - I still only got one linux option + the usual
failsafe, windows, floppy.

I don't know whether too persevere trying to fix this or not.  If I can
get my kaddressbook and korganiser files in I'm not worried about
anything else.

I think I have found the organiser, but can't open it, and the only import
option is ical.

This is desperately important to me - my whole life is in that organiser!


You need totake a bit more care of your lilo stanzas.
For a start , define the kernels and initrd files to boot from, here is

   append=devfs=mount hdd=ide-scsi hdc=ide-scsi nobiospnp
   append=quiet devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi nobiospnp


this is a share /boot partition setup, I think yours is the same.

Of course, it will be the vmlinuz version statement, won't it?  I have to go 
out for a while now, but I'll look at that when I get back, thanks.



That's right and the initrd version to suit. If you install lilo via 
M9.0 cd1 ,
I'm pretty sure it will splay the kernel and intrd version available to you
in the /boot partition.It certainly does in the mandrake installer version
of lilo install, though you will need to sellect from a drop down list 
on each
entry item.

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Fixating CD's

2002-11-17 Thread John Richard Smith
Dennis Myers wrote:

On Sunday 17 November 2002 09:09 am, John Richard Smith wrote:

We all know what the effect of fixating is, but what actually is
the physical process of fixation. For instance, what if anything,
is the lazer doing to the newly etched track.


This doesn't really answer the question of what the laser is really doing 
but...   To fixate a CD (close a writable CD by writing its permanent 
table of contents), simply remove the wa or wd directory. The directory 
removed selects whether the CD is fixated as an audio or data CD; since each 
track carries its own type information, very few readers care which fixation 
type was used.Writing the permanent TOC effectively closes the CD as I 
understand it. HTH

Yes, that's how it seems, I don't think the writer is actually doing 
anything more
than writing a TOC file, whether final or partial, depending whether you 
want the
whole disc fixed or only partially fixed. However I have never found an 
it is only a feeling based on observing the process at work.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Changing display resolution

2002-11-17 Thread John Richard Smith
Steve Jeppesen wrote:

On 17 Nov 2002 21:21:51 +1100
Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Dang - I still can't get it to work with XP...


You may have a problem getting THAT to work!

I thought XP meant Xtreme Propritary!!!

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Oh, I thought XP means Xtra Problems.

John Richard Smith

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[newbie] Brother printer - heads up

2002-11-17 Thread Carroll Grigsby
If you have a Brother HL-1040, HL-1050, HL-1060 or MFC-P2000, be aware that 
they are the subject of a factory recall campaign. There is a problem with 
the fuser cartridges (the expensive one) that can cause a fire. Details are 
available at They'll give you the name of whoever 
handles Brother service in your area. You'll have to take the printer there 
along with a printed copy of the recall page, and they will replace the fuser 
cartridge. In my case (Raleigh NC), the local guy says that the fusers are on 
backorder, and they wouldn't/couldn't give me a date when they will have the 
replacements. Moral: Call ahead. The upside is that mine is almost 4 years 
old, and was probably due for replacement soon.

Even though this message may be OT, I'm posting it because the recall has not 
been widely publicized. I only found out about it by accident when I visited 
the Brother site for another purpose and saw this little note up in the 
corner of their home page. For some reason, Brother doesn't seem to have made 
any attempt to directly contact registered owners, although they've never 
hesitated to send me e-mails about their latest and greatest. (And yes, I 
_did_ register my printer.)

HTH someone --
-- cmg

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[newbie] Setting Default Browser for Evolution

2002-11-17 Thread Pat Koch

I am currently running Mandrake 9.0 with Evolution 1.20tex. I am trying
to set the default browser that Evolution uses to be either Mozilla XFT
or Netscape 7.0. I have changed the settings in the KDE Control Center
and in the Gnome Control Center to one of the above mentioned browsers
without success. In both I tried to set the default HTML handler to the
browser of my choice without success. Evolution continues to want to use
the Mozilla browser that came with Mandrake. This unfortunate because
when it starts, it hangs at the profile manager screen and Mozilla never
starts. This also happens if I try to start Mozilla independently
although the other browsers fire up fine(Netscape and Mozilla XFT). If I
happen to have Netscape 7.0 or Mozilla XFT already running it works

In previous versions of Gnome you could set the default URL handler in
the control center, but I am unable to find this section in Gnome 2. I
have searched the Google archives but have not been able to stumble
across a solution. 

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You

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Re: [newbie] Changing display resolution

2002-11-17 Thread Marc

 Dang - I still can't get it to work with XP...


You may have a problem getting THAT to work!

I thought XP meant Xtreme Propritary!!!

   In the case of Winblows I thought it was for Xtra Pay

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Re: [newbie] Planning ahead - next step

2002-11-17 Thread Terry Smith
Right, Derrick. Good advice.

But, if you do mix up users, or if the distro starts the UID numbering
sequence differently (as in RH vs Mandrake, 500 vs 501), you can
'handedit' the /etc/passwd file.

Terry Smith
Cape Cod USA

On Sat, 2002-11-16 at 13:01, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Sat, 16 Nov 2002 14:47:42 +
 John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Anne Wilson wrote:
  When installing v.9.0 I considered sharing the existing /home directory, 
  which I was told is possible.  However, I then realised that I would be 
  likely to cause version conflicts in the various dot file/directories unless 
  I registered as a different user.  Then I considered what I would have to do 
  about the existing other users - problems.
  The other users never log on directly, but need access from their windows 
  machines over samba, partly for filesharing and partly for backup of their 
  Possible solution - clean install with new /home, mount old home as /oldhome, 
  copy their data only onto the new setup.
  a)  Will I be able to mount the old home in this way, or will 9.0 insist that 
  I already have a /home?  They will not be on the same hdd, if that makes any 
  difference (don't see why it would).
  b)  Any other comments?  Anything I need to think more about?

  I don't think there is anything to worry about in regard to a shared 
  /home partition.
  You will of course have the same user profile for both OS's, that is all.
  I choose not to have one /home partition. I don't think it's possible to 
  share the same
  /home directory, persumeably in one or other Mandrake OS. Each OS has 
  it's own
  /home directory, and you may set them up hower you desire. Generally 
  it's not fifficult to copy setup files from one /home directory to 
  another, which aids
  the user configuration process.
  John Richard Smith
 There is no need to create new home directiries so long as you take one simple 
precaution when you install 9.0
 Simply add your users in *exactly* the same order as you did when you installed 8.2
 This will ensure that each user has the same UID number (User Identification Number) 
as in the old installation. And the ownerships of all the files in the existing home 
directories will be OK. 
 Add the users in a different order and crazy things will happen like files in 
userA's home will only be readable by userB
 There is no need to worry about the 'dotfiles' in the homes.  KDE will for example 
automatically upgrade a kde2.2 ~/kde directory to kde3 format the first time you log 
in.  You will not lose any config data. 

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[newbie] upgrade problem

2002-11-17 Thread Matthew Van Horn
Since I upgraded to 9.0, I am having problems using my old (8.1)

If I even create the file, then startx will not work. I don't know what
the cause is, can someone point me in the right direction?

The contents of my old .xinitrc are:
export LANG=en_US
export LC_CTYPE=ja_JP
export LC_MESSAGES=en_US
export XMODIFIERS=@im=kinput2
kinput2 -wnn -ccdef /home/mattv/myccdef 

Also, if there is somewhere better for me to to do this stuff, let me
know. I am just trying to get rudimentary Japanese input and display

Matthew Van Horn

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[newbie] OT: Root Password Failure

2002-11-17 Thread Technoslick
I cannot log in as root on my new installation of RH 8.0! I am sure that it
was caused by my fat fingered typing during installation. Is there a way to
recover or change an erroneous password for root? Or am I going to have to
reinstall again? From scratch, or will an update work?

Sorry for the OT, but in a sense, knowing helps with MDK, too.



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Re: [newbie] Planning ahead - next step

2002-11-17 Thread Anne Wilson
On Sunday 17 Nov 2002 5:11 pm, Terry Smith wrote:
 Right, Derrick. Good advice.

 But, if you do mix up users, or if the distro starts the UID numbering
 sequence differently (as in RH vs Mandrake, 500 vs 501), you can
 'handedit' the /etc/passwd file.



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Re: [newbie] 9.0 - import files

2002-11-17 Thread John Richard Smith
Anne Wilson wrote:

On Sunday 17 Nov 2002 4:09 pm, you wrote:

Of course, it will be the vmlinuz version statement, won't it?  I have to
go out for a while now, but I'll look at that when I get back, thanks.


That's right and the initrd version to suit. If you install lilo via
M9.0 cd1 ,
I'm pretty sure it will splay the kernel and intrd version available to you
in the /boot partition.It certainly does in the mandrake installer version
of lilo install, though you will need to sellect from a drop down list
on each
entry item.

I installed from my Powerpack CD1.  I'm not sure what you mean here - are you 
suggesting that I should run the CD1 lilo installer?



Only in as much as if you are trying to boot on those lilo stanzas I 
doubt that you
are on desktop on either OS. where you can mere use a text editor, and 
/sbin/lilo will suffice, So,

Boot   from CD1,at the first splash screen hit,F1
  At the prompt, type,rescue

  From menu select replace LILO, enter

That should allow you to remake lilo , I've only had to do this once so
I cannot quite remember how the procedure went , but if my memory
serves me well there is a dropdown list for each entry that needs 
I guess the programme merely reads what ever there is to find in /boot 
and asks you to choose.If not then it's a text editor job and it would 
be best
to write down the entries you think you want to make, because it's easy 
to forget


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] OT: Root Password Failure

2002-11-17 Thread Anthony Abby
On Sun, 2002-11-17 at 12:32, Technoslick wrote:
 I cannot log in as root on my new installation of RH 8.0! I am sure that it
 was caused by my fat fingered typing during installation. Is there a way to
 recover or change an erroneous password for root? Or am I going to have to
 reinstall again? From scratch, or will an update work?
 Sorry for the OT, but in a sense, knowing helps with MDK, too.

No of course you don't.  Just log in under 'linux single' in grub
then change the root password.


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Re: [newbie] PPPoE in Allied Modem.

2002-11-17 Thread Bruno Gunter

Oh yeah !

Works your tip !
Thank you !!

Bruno Gunter

On Saturday November 16 2002 08:40 am, Bruno Gunter wrote:
 Hi all,

 I tried to put a Allied modem to connect via ASDL in mandrake 9.0, I
 tried several times and does not work.

 I used:
  - DHCP server to take IP and DNs from the server (ISP);

 - RP-PPoE;

 - I edited the files: /etc/ppp/firewall-standalone and

 - I runned the adsl-setup;

 And always appears to me: Your connection failed!

 Anyone knows to resolve this ?

 Bruno Gunter

Try usin the GUI, it's very simple (rp-pppoe-gui-3.5-1mdk).  Also, 
choose 'none' for firewall. At least til you get the connection up.
Does your ISP provide auto DNS ? Try setting up without entering DNS, 
eg, just leave those lines blank. Make sure your NIC is recognized, eg
 tom$ lspci
00:0b.0 Ethernet controller: D-Link System Inc RTL8139 Ethernet (rev 10)

IF it's not, or if you don't see 'adsl' in the system | services 
section of MCC (drakconf, as root), it'd probly be easiest to put your 
1st Mandrake CD in and choose expert-upgrade.

I only had a very few problems in the beginning. It seemed the only 
firewall setup that wanted to play nice with my adsl was Guarddog.
(guarddog-2.0.0-2mdk).  Very easy and intuitive setup.  Installing 
portsentry interfered with the connection after a while (dynamic IP), 
so I uninstalled that. I once had to 'power cycle' the modem, ie, 
disconnect power to it for about a minute, then power it back on. I 
used the switch on the surge protector it's plugged into. Now I just 
leave it always on.  It's a very good idea to have your phone line and 
power for dsl run thru a quality surge protector.

Read the docs and faq on RP's website
The DSL-howto also has a lot of info including a trouble shooting 
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Planning ahead - next step

2002-11-17 Thread Terry Smith

Here's a snippet from my RH 8.0 /etc/passwd file:

radvd:x:75:75:radvd user:/:/bin/false
terry:x:501:501:Terry Smith:/home/terry:/bin/bash
The last line is associated with user 'terry' and includes

the user name:whether the user employs the x server:the user id
(UID):the group id:the user's full name:the user's home directory:the
user's preferred shell.

If I had problems across two distributions, for example, I would check
the other distro's /etc/passwd file. Suppose it has a user 'terry' with
UID = 500. I would open that /etc/passwd file in an editor and change
the 500 to 501.

The new distribution should now have the correct permissions (that is,
the same as the old distro in this case) set for user 'terry'. 

Terry Smith
Cape Cod USA

On Sun, 2002-11-17 at 12:33, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Sunday 17 Nov 2002 5:11 pm, Terry Smith wrote:
  Right, Derrick. Good advice.
  But, if you do mix up users, or if the distro starts the UID numbering
  sequence differently (as in RH vs Mandrake, 500 vs 501), you can
  'handedit' the /etc/passwd file.

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Re: [newbie] Planning ahead - next step

2002-11-17 Thread Anne Wilson
Thanks, Terry.  That's worth filing for reference :-)


On Sunday 17 Nov 2002 6:34 pm, Terry Smith wrote:

 Here's a snippet from my RH 8.0 /etc/passwd file:

 radvd:x:75:75:radvd user:/:/bin/false
 terry:x:501:501:Terry Smith:/home/terry:/bin/bash
 The last line is associated with user 'terry' and includes

 the user name:whether the user employs the x server:the user id
 (UID):the group id:the user's full name:the user's home directory:the
 user's preferred shell.

 If I had problems across two distributions, for example, I would check
 the other distro's /etc/passwd file. Suppose it has a user 'terry' with
 UID = 500. I would open that /etc/passwd file in an editor and change
 the 500 to 501.

 The new distribution should now have the correct permissions (that is,
 the same as the old distro in this case) set for user 'terry'.

 Terry Smith
 Cape Cod USA

 On Sun, 2002-11-17 at 12:33, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Sunday 17 Nov 2002 5:11 pm, Terry Smith wrote:
   Right, Derrick. Good advice.
   But, if you do mix up users, or if the distro starts the UID numbering
   sequence differently (as in RH vs Mandrake, 500 vs 501), you can
   'handedit' the /etc/passwd file.
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Re: [newbie] OT: Root Password Failure

2002-11-17 Thread Technoslick
Thanks, Anthony!

I couldn't remember what I needed to do. After spending three days trying to
get some older video hardware to work with RH 8, I was getting so peeved!

This was my first attempt at uisng Grub outside of a normal boot-up. Someone
here once said that GRub was a nice boot manager, but not very intuitive.
Yep. I will agree to that statement. I had to do a search on the Web to get
the instructions. It really isn't that obvious to me. LILO is so much easier
to use. Once I was able to boot into Level 1 mode, it was a an easy task to
use 'passwd' to change my mistake.

Now, here's one for you

If booting into Level 1 is this 'easy', I would think that you would want to
eliminate this possibility in a network environment (for Grub or LILO) to
keep intruders from bypassing the need for a password and getting root
access. Would you password Grub or LILO?

Thanks again for the help. Saved me a few more hours of aggrevation.

BTW, Red Hat 8.0 may be a big improvement over 7.x, but it sucks with older
video cards! It comes with XFree86 4.2.0-17, and every Diamond and Tident
card in my place won't work right with it. I even struggled to get my ATi 3D
Rage Pro to work!

Outside of that?

Not bad...but, it ain't Mandrake!


From there, I was able to cha
- Original Message -
From: Anthony Abby [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Mandrake-Newbie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2002 12:41 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] OT: Root Password Failure

On Sun, 2002-11-17 at 12:32, Technoslick wrote:
 I cannot log in as root on my new installation of RH 8.0! I am sure that
 was caused by my fat fingered typing during installation. Is there a way
 recover or change an erroneous password for root? Or am I going to have to
 reinstall again? From scratch, or will an update work?

 Sorry for the OT, but in a sense, knowing helps with MDK, too.

No of course you don't.  Just log in under 'linux single' in grub
then change the root password.


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Re: [newbie] well, help!

2002-11-17 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2002-11-17 at 23:43, Peter Watson wrote:
 On Saturday 16 Nov 2002 23:40, Robin Turner wrote:
  Don and Alexa Pongracz wrote:
   Hi, I'm Alexa, and really new to the Linux route but sticking with it
   because I want to.
  there are cheaper alternatives -
  thrid-party distributors such as sell Mandrake very

Why are we talking about buy Mandrake when it's freely downloadable?
This is free software - you pay for packaging, support and the
likes...otherwise, it's free software. We should be promoting it as free
software - no matter what version of linux you favor...They've got ADSL
- they can download the entire set if she already doesn't have it - or
even go so far as to do a reinstall via ftp...

...but buy?

Mon Nov 18 06:25:00 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

Tell me, O Octopus, I begs,
Is those things arms, or is they legs?
I marvel at thee, Octopus;
If I were thou, I'd call me us.
-- Ogden Nash

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Re: [newbie] OT: Root Password Failure

2002-11-17 Thread Anthony Abby
 Now, here's one for you
 If booting into Level 1 is this 'easy', I would think that you would want to
 eliminate this possibility in a network environment (for Grub or LILO) to
 keep intruders from bypassing the need for a password and getting root
 access. Would you password Grub or LILO?
 Thanks again for the help. Saved me a few more hours of aggrevation.
 BTW, Red Hat 8.0 may be a big improvement over 7.x, but it sucks with older
 video cards! It comes with XFree86 4.2.0-17, and every Diamond and Tident
 card in my place won't work right with it. I even struggled to get my ATi 3D
 Rage Pro to work!
 Outside of that?
 Not bad...but, it ain't Mandrake!

Well first of all I absolutely loved Redhat... until 8.0.  Hated what
they did with KDE, since KDE is my preferred gui.  It's what caused me
to switch from Redhat to Mandrake.  And I have to say I'm pretty happy
that I did.  (.0 is really nice!

As far as security goes, yes absolutely, you should password protect
Grub, as well as place put a bios password on your system and disable
booting from floppy and cd-rom.


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Re: [newbie] 9.0 - import files

2002-11-17 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2002-11-17 at 23:46, Anne Wilson wrote:
 I don't know whether too persevere trying to fix this or not.  If I can get my 
 kaddressbook and korganiser files in I'm not worried about anything else.
 I think I have found the organiser, but can't open it, and the only import 
 option is ical.
 This is desperately important to me - my whole life is in that organiser!

I really hate to say it, but shouldn't that have been done prior to your
re-installation of MDK?
Mon Nov 18 06:30:00 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

Go not to the elves for counsel, for they will say both yes and no.
-- J.R.R. Tolkien

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Re: [newbie] well, help!

2002-11-17 Thread Dennis Myers
On Sunday 17 November 2002 01:28 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Sun, 2002-11-17 at 23:43, Peter Watson wrote:
  On Saturday 16 Nov 2002 23:40, Robin Turner wrote:
   Don and Alexa Pongracz wrote:
Hi, I'm Alexa, and really new to the Linux route but sticking with it
because I want to.
   there are cheaper alternatives -
   thrid-party distributors such as sell Mandrake very

 Why are we talking about buy Mandrake when it's freely downloadable?
 This is free software - you pay for packaging, support and the
 likes...otherwise, it's free software. We should be promoting it as free
 software - no matter what version of linux you favor...They've got ADSL
 - they can download the entire set if she already doesn't have it - or
 even go so far as to do a reinstall via ftp...

 ...but buy?

Yeah, buy, I do crashtesting and beta testing on ML since 8.0 and still buy 
the boxed set from Mandrake just to give the company support. I also need to 
join the Club but haven't yet cause I keep spending money on the wrong 
things. :  )  Anyway, if no one buys from Mandrakesoft then they go away : (
The Standard box set  for 3 CDs and the manual is only $39 US .  I realize 
that in many cases that is a considerable amount of money but for a few out 
there it is in the budget area. 
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Changing display resolution

2002-11-17 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2002-11-18 at 03:14, John Richard Smith wrote:

 I thought XP meant Xtreme Propritary!!!
 Oh, I thought XP means Xtra Problems.

eXtraneous Problems.

BTW, I can get the CTRL/ALT/+ to work in XP - but I'm running RH 7.3 in
a VMWare window when I do it! (g)

Mon Nov 18 06:45:00 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

If you are too busy to read, then you are too busy.

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Re: [newbie] OT: Root Password Failure

2002-11-17 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2002-11-18 at 04:32, Technoslick wrote:
 I cannot log in as root on my new installation of RH 8.0! I am sure that it
 was caused by my fat fingered typing during installation. Is there a way to
 recover or change an erroneous password for root? Or am I going to have to
 reinstall again? From scratch, or will an update work?
 Sorry for the OT, but in a sense, knowing helps with MDK, too.

You should be able to use the boot CD and get in via linux rescue - once
you're in and you chroot /mnt/sysimage you can change the password for
the root account...easy as pie!

Mon Nov 18 06:50:01 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497


VALGOL is enjoying a dramatic surge of popularity across the
industry.  VALGOL commands include REALLY, LIKE, WELL, and Y*KNOW.
Variables are assigned with the =LIKE and =TOTALLY operators.  Other
operators include the California booleans, AX and NOWAY.  Loops are
accomplished with the FOR SURE construct.  A simple example:


VALGOL is also characterized by its unfriendly error messages.  For
example, when the user makes a syntax error, the interpreter displays
message GAG ME WITH A SPOON!  A successful compile may be termed

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Re: [newbie] well, help!

2002-11-17 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2002-11-18 at 06:46, Dennis Myers wrote:
 Yeah, buy, I do crashtesting and beta testing on ML since 8.0 and still buy 
 the boxed set from Mandrake just to give the company support. I also need to 
 join the Club but haven't yet cause I keep spending money on the wrong 
 things. :  )  Anyway, if no one buys from Mandrakesoft then they go away : (
 The Standard box set  for 3 CDs and the manual is only $39 US .  I realize 
 that in many cases that is a considerable amount of money but for a few out 
 there it is in the budget area. 
 Dennis M. linux user #180842

From the start of this thread, mention of spending very little - if any
- was made clear - hence I make the statement about money.

And when I lived in the States, yeah, all my life $40 bux wasn't a bad
price for anything - but now I've come to realize that $40US is
literally $80AUD - so here, we try NOT to buy as much as we can - and
getting Mandrake out of a magazine was a good way of getting marketing
done for our particular population...

I fully agree that money should go to Mandrake and the other
companies...but we can't market linux - we can market PACKAGES...

Mon Nov 18 06:55:00 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

The hatred of relatives is the most violent.
-- Tacitus (c.55 - c.117)

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Re: [newbie] OT: Root Password Failure

2002-11-17 Thread Technoslick
Thanks, Stephen...

I went in another way...using my boot floppy that I created during the
install. As I mentioned in my reply to Anthony, my biggest hassle was
passing linux single to Grub. It has been years since I used Grub, and
then it was a text-based booter. Once I was able to boot to single user, I
solved my problem.

BTW, in researching how to get into Grub, I found the directions for using
'linux recovery, as well. I didn't have to mount /proc...just type 'passwd'
at the command line by going this root. Really way too simple. That's what I
asked Anthony about security around Grub and LILO. I don't need this kind of
security within my own network (Heaven help us all, but I am the only
'expert' on Linux here!), but I would consider this later on in helping
small businesses switch over to Linux. :-)

- Original Message -
From: Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2002 2:53 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] OT: Root Password Failure

On Mon, 2002-11-18 at 04:32, Technoslick wrote:
 I cannot log in as root on my new installation of RH 8.0! I am sure that
 was caused by my fat fingered typing during installation. Is there a way
 recover or change an erroneous password for root? Or am I going to have to
 reinstall again? From scratch, or will an update work?

 Sorry for the OT, but in a sense, knowing helps with MDK, too.



You should be able to use the boot CD and get in via linux rescue - once
you're in and you chroot /mnt/sysimage you can change the password for
the root account...easy as pie!

Mon Nov 18 06:50:01 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497


VALGOL is enjoying a dramatic surge of popularity across the
industry.  VALGOL commands include REALLY, LIKE, WELL, and Y*KNOW.
Variables are assigned with the =LIKE and =TOTALLY operators.  Other
operators include the California booleans, AX and NOWAY.  Loops are
accomplished with the FOR SURE construct.  A simple example:


VALGOL is also characterized by its unfriendly error messages.  For
example, when the user makes a syntax error, the interpreter displays
message GAG ME WITH A SPOON!  A successful compile may be termed

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[newbie] Get me out of this - PLEASE

2002-11-17 Thread Anne Wilson
After installing 9.0 on my second hdd I was not getting a choice at lilo 
stage.  Following advice I re-wrote lilo from the CD1 of 9.0  This was a 
really bad idea.  It reinstalled my boot loaded for 8.2, and now I'm stuck in 
8.2 with a perfectly good 9.0 installation inaccessible.

I have re-written lilo to what it was originally, like this:

disk=/dev/hde bios=0x80
append=devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi nobiospnp
append=devfs=nomount hdc=ide-scsi failsafe

What is stopping this working?  Is it that map=/boot/map line - the map being 
overwritten? There must be a way out of this.

How do I get back to 9.0 without re-installing?  I'm devastated.


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[newbie] Galeon instability revisited.

2002-11-17 Thread Paul Rodriguez
Hi, all.  I mentioned earlier that I was having stability issues in
Galeon on several different machines, both upgrades and fresh installs. 
I tried deleting the .galeon folder, also running some cleanup scripts. 
I also run galeon without the soundwrapper option, but still unstable. 

I am writing now again, because I am being told by several users that
the program is becoming so inconvenient as a result of the crashes to be
almost unusable.  It seems to happen most often when selling on Amazon
and EBay, but frequently occurs on other sites as well.

- Paul Rodriguez

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Re: [newbie] well, help!

2002-11-17 Thread Robin Turner
Dennis Myers wrote:

On Sunday 17 November 2002 01:28 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:


Why are we talking about buy Mandrake when it's freely downloadable?
This is free software - you pay for packaging, support and the
likes...otherwise, it's free software. We should be promoting it as free
software - no matter what version of linux you favor...They've got ADSL
- they can download the entire set if she already doesn't have it - or
even go so far as to do a reinstall via ftp...

...but buy?

Yeah, buy, I do crashtesting and beta testing on ML since 8.0 and still buy 
the boxed set from Mandrake just to give the company support. I also need to 
join the Club but haven't yet cause I keep spending money on the wrong 
things. :  )  Anyway, if no one buys from Mandrakesoft then they go away : (
The Standard box set  for 3 CDs and the manual is only $39 US .  I realize 
that in many cases that is a considerable amount of money but for a few out 
there it is in the budget area. 

I think we've had this debate on this list before.  It's a tricky issue 
to address, because Free Software is working with a radically different 
economic model to the commodity market model of proprietary software. 
In the proprietary model, a software package is seen as a commodity just 
like a table.  The model doesn't work for software (not that it works 
wonderfully for physical property either), for reasons better explained 
elswhere (Raymond, Stallman etc.).  The new model is still being worked 
out, the main question being, put crudely, how do the coders eat? 
Paying for boxed distributions is one good way of putting food on 
programmers' tables.  The point I was trying to make is that the 
proprietary model is negative (copy this software and you're a criminal) 
whereas the Free Software model is positive (you can have it for free, 
but if you'd like to pay for it, or contribute in some other way, that's 
great!).  Dennis is to be applauded, but that doesn't make people who 
download their copies bad.

On a more practical note, I wish Mandrake would sell a plain download CD 
set as soon as each distro comes out (a la Cheapbytes).  I'd certainly 
buy that, even if it were a dollar or two more than third-party releases.

Sir Robin

Do unto others what you would like others to do unto you. And have fun 
doing it.
- Linus Torvalds

Robin Turner
Bilkent University
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] OT: Root Password Failure

2002-11-17 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2002-11-18 at 07:10, Technoslick wrote:
 Thanks, Stephen...
 I went in another way...using my boot floppy that I created during the
 install. As I mentioned in my reply to Anthony, my biggest hassle was
 passing linux single to Grub. It has been years since I used Grub, and
 then it was a text-based booter. Once I was able to boot to single user, I
 solved my problem.
 BTW, in researching how to get into Grub, I found the directions for using
 'linux recovery, as well. I didn't have to mount /proc...just type 'passwd'
 at the command line by going this root. Really way too simple. That's what I
 asked Anthony about security around Grub and LILO. I don't need this kind of
 security within my own network (Heaven help us all, but I am the only
 'expert' on Linux here!), but I would consider this later on in helping
 small businesses switch over to Linux. :-)

Generally, in situations where security is a concern, I like to
disable the single logon...and keep any boot disks in a safe.

Mon Nov 18 08:00:01 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

I want another RE-WRITE on my CEASAR SALAD!!

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Re: [newbie] OT: Root Password Failure

2002-11-17 Thread RichardA
Best. Sig. Ever.

Stephen Kuhn, Sunday 17 November 2002 19:53:

 VALGOL is enjoying a dramatic surge of popularity across the
 industry.  VALGOL commands include REALLY, LIKE, WELL, and Y*KNOW.
 Variables are assigned with the =LIKE and =TOTALLY operators.  Other
 operators include the California booleans, AX and NOWAY.  Loops are
 accomplished with the FOR SURE construct.  A simple example:


 VALGOL is also characterized by its unfriendly error messages.  For
 example, when the user makes a syntax error, the interpreter displays
 message GAG ME WITH A SPOON!  A successful compile may be termed

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Re: [newbie] Galeon instability revisited.

2002-11-17 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2002-11-18 at 07:59, Paul Rodriguez wrote:
 Hi, all.  I mentioned earlier that I was having stability issues in
 Galeon on several different machines, both upgrades and fresh installs. 
 I tried deleting the .galeon folder, also running some cleanup scripts. 
 I also run galeon without the soundwrapper option, but still unstable. 
 I am writing now again, because I am being told by several users that
 the program is becoming so inconvenient as a result of the crashes to be
 almost unusable.  It seems to happen most often when selling on Amazon
 and EBay, but frequently occurs on other sites as well.
 - Paul Rodriguez

Being that you have users that are being inconvenienced, have you
considered going the avenue of doing a quickie uninstall of Galeon
altogether - not just in the ~/home directories (the dotfiles), but also
removing the /share/galeon and everything else - then doing a
reinstallation from the original RPM's?

Personally, when faced with an issue such as this, I would revert to the
last version that worked properly - if I can't install it via the RPM's,
then to get the source and compile from the tarballs.

There is something obviously wrong with the version that is running
currently - and do keep in mind that by far, most of those types of
websites are aimed at IE and Netscape - so there is a high chance that
there are activeX, vbscripts and IE specific jscripts being used - yet
another reason why I switched to Netscape 7.

Mon Nov 18 08:05:00 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

Laugh and the world laughs with you, snore and you sleep alone.

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Re: [newbie] OT: Root Password Failure

2002-11-17 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2002-11-18 at 09:15, RichardA wrote:
 Best. Sig. Ever.
 Stephen Kuhn, Sunday 17 November 2002 19:53:
  VALGOL is enjoying a dramatic surge of popularity across the
  industry.  VALGOL commands include REALLY, LIKE, WELL, and Y*KNOW.
  Variables are assigned with the =LIKE and =TOTALLY operators.  Other
  operators include the California booleans, AX and NOWAY.  Loops are
  accomplished with the FOR SURE construct.  A simple example:
  VALGOL is also characterized by its unfriendly error messages.  For
  example, when the user makes a syntax error, the interpreter displays
  message GAG ME WITH A SPOON!  A successful compile may be termed
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to

Hehehhehee...yeah - I like using the fortune database to generate the
quips at the end of the sig...real simple script that runs every minute
via cron job. Anytime I get a chance to update the fortune's database,
I do...

Mon Nov 18 08:10:00 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497


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Re: [newbie] CUPS hangup

2002-11-17 Thread Warren Post
El jue, 14-11-2002 a las 14:34, Anne Wilson escribió:
 For some peculiar reason every time I try to print I am having problems.  The 
 printer starts OK, but hangs part way down the page.  It is as though the 
 print is not spooling, and drawing direct so that the slightest thing 
 interferes with it.  Has anyone got a fix for this?

My printer (a Brother MFC 4500ML) would also hang midpage with anything
but the most simple documents. It turns out that I didn't have enough
memory in the printer, and installing more solved the problem.
Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras

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[newbie] Evolution folder repair

2002-11-17 Thread Warren Post
Perhaps this will help someone. I had a mail folder in Evolution become
corrupt. Evolution's error message went so far as to declare the entire
folder irrecoverably lost. Not true! It's easy to fix:

I closed Evolution and went to the relevant directory
(/home/username/evolution/local/foldername/). There you will find
several files, among which are mbox (the messages themselves) and
mbox.ev-summary (a summary of the contents of mbox). This summary file
became corrupt and had to be rebuilt, so I renamed mbox.ev-summary. Then
I reopened Evolution and accessd the folder in question. Evolution
rebuild the folder's summary file and the folder worked fine. To clean
up, I then deleted the renamed mbox.ev-summary file. Easy.

Perhaps this fix will work with other mbox based email clients as well.
Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras

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Re: [newbie] Changing display resolution

2002-11-17 Thread Warren Post
El sáb, 16-11-2002 a las 07:02, Anne Wilson escribió:
 What was that keyboard combination that involved the numberpad + and -?  I 
 seem to have accidentally got a rather large display, and want to put it back 
 to moderate size.

Ctrl-Alt-plus sign and Ctrl-Alt-minus sign are what you want, I think.
Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras

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Re: [newbie] Desktop misalignment on laptop screen

2002-11-17 Thread Warren Post
El sáb, 16-11-2002 a las 16:49, Peter Spotts escribió:
 I have a slight (and only slightly annoying) problem with Mandrake 8.1
 on a new Toshiba laptop (1905-303). My desktop, be it Ximian Gnome or
 Fluxbox, appears to be raised off the bottom of the screen by about four
 to six pixels. The side-to-side alignment seems OK. I have the laptop
 set up as a dual-boot machine with Windows XP on the other side of the
 no-byte zone. The problem doesn't exist on that side of the divide. I
 also made sure I selected the appropriate driver when I installed MDK8.1
 (ATI Radeon). Any thoughts as to how I can get an exact fit of desktop
 to screen?

I had a similar problem: the X display was off center. Outside of X the
display was centered correctly. I solved it by running xvidtune, which
among other things lets you align the X display horizontally and
vertically. Try it and let us know if the problem persists.
Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras

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Re: [newbie] Get me out of this - PLEASE

2002-11-17 Thread Terry Smith
This should be fixable with some additional information. Looks like you
need a new 'stanza' for the 9.0 install.

What is the name of the drive 9.0 is installed on (e.g. hdb)?
What are the partitions for /boot and / on that drive (e.g. /dev/hdb1 =
/boot, etc.)?
What is the name of the boot image on the 9.0 boot partition? (e.g.

With that info a number of us should be able to help you edit the
lilo.conf file so that you can access your 9.0 installation.

Terry Smith

On Sun, 2002-11-17 at 15:10, Anne Wilson wrote:
 After installing 9.0 on my second hdd I was not getting a choice at lilo 
 stage.  Following advice I re-wrote lilo from the CD1 of 9.0  This was a 
 really bad idea.  It reinstalled my boot loaded for 8.2, and now I'm stuck in 
 8.2 with a perfectly good 9.0 installation inaccessible.
 I have re-written lilo to what it was originally, like this:
 disk=/dev/hde bios=0x80
   append=devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi nobiospnp
   append=devfs=nomount hdc=ide-scsi failsafe
 What is stopping this working?  Is it that map=/boot/map line - the map being 
 overwritten? There must be a way out of this.
 How do I get back to 9.0 without re-installing?  I'm devastated.

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Re: [newbie] Get me out of this - PLEASE

2002-11-17 Thread cannewilson

-- Original Message --
Subject: Re: [newbie] Get me out of this - PLEASE
From: Terry Smith microsmith
To: newbie newbie
Date: 17 Nov 2002 16:28:28 -0500

This should be fixable with some additional information. Looks like you
need a new 'stanza' for the 9.0 install.

What is the name of the drive 9.0 is installed on (e.g. hdb)?

hdf - root partition is hdf1.  Everything except home is mounted there.

What are the partitions for /boot and / on that drive (e.g. /dev/hdb1 =
/boot, etc.)?
What is the name of the boot image on the 9.0 boot partition? (e.g.

I'm pretty positive that was what was in the original lilo.conf.

With that info a number of us should be able to help you edit the
lilo.conf file so that you can access your 9.0 installation.

Terry Smith

Much appreciated


On Sun, 2002-11-17 at 15:10, Anne Wilson wrote:
 After installing 9.0 on my second hdd I was not getting a choice at lilo

 stage.  Following advice I re-wrote lilo from the CD1 of 9.0  This was
 really bad idea.  It reinstalled my boot loaded for 8.2, and now I'm
 8.2 with a perfectly good 9.0 installation inaccessible.

 I have re-written lilo to what it was originally, like this:

 disk=/dev/hde bios=0x80
  append=devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi nobiospnp
  append=devfs=nomount hdc=ide-scsi failsafe

 What is stopping this working?  Is it that map=/boot/map line - the map
 overwritten? There must be a way out of this.

 How do I get back to 9.0 without re-installing?  I'm devastated.



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Attachment: message.footer

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Re: [newbie] Desktop misalignment on laptop screen

2002-11-17 Thread Robin Turner
Warren Post wrote:

El sáb, 16-11-2002 a las 16:49, Peter Spotts escribió:


I have a slight (and only slightly annoying) problem with Mandrake 8.1
on a new Toshiba laptop (1905-303). My desktop, be it Ximian Gnome or
Fluxbox, appears to be raised off the bottom of the screen by about four
to six pixels. The side-to-side alignment seems OK. I have the laptop
set up as a dual-boot machine with Windows XP on the other side of the
no-byte zone. The problem doesn't exist on that side of the divide. I
also made sure I selected the appropriate driver when I installed MDK8.1
(ATI Radeon). Any thoughts as to how I can get an exact fit of desktop
to screen?

I had a similar problem: the X display was off center. Outside of X the
display was centered correctly. I solved it by running xvidtune, which
among other things lets you align the X display horizontally and
vertically. Try it and let us know if the problem persists.

I've always had this problem. Being the Linux bigot that I am, I assumed 
it was Windows that was off-centre.

Sir Robin

Do unto others what you would like others to do unto you. And have fun 
doing it.
- Linus Torvalds

Robin Turner
Bilkent University
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] is this list appropriate for setting up amailserveron9.0?

2002-11-17 Thread Jordan Thompson
Hi all,
OK, now that I think that everything is working (I'l find out for sure
tomorrow when I try to access my mail server from outside my ISP) I want to
control who sends mail through my smpt server.  What is the best way to do
this?  I guess I have two thougts:
1) change the port number
2) implement passwords for sending mail

What is anyone's thoughts on either of these and how hard are they to


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2002-11-17 Thread John Richard Smith
I just wanted to say that now that I have had time to really use both 
gkrellm and lm_sensors
and mastered how to get the gui display up large enough to display the 
results to perfection
I for one am impressed, and I for one, would like to see both 
intergrated into MCC.


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] setting an eviromment variable in bash

2002-11-17 Thread Jordan Thompson
now you'd think this was easy and I'm sure it is once you know how

I want to do a setenv (which does not exist in bash.)  I am using ant which
expects JAVA_HOME to be set to wherever your jre is.  I tried:
set JAVA_HOME=yadayada
when I do this, and then do a set | grep HOME, I get:

I'd like to put this into my .bash_profile when I am done.

I had to change my shell to tcsh, do a setenv JAVA_HOME yadayada and use ant
from tcsh - there must be an easier way!


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Re: [newbie] GKRELLM and LM_SENSORS

2002-11-17 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2002-11-18 at 08:58, John Richard Smith wrote:
 I just wanted to say that now that I have had time to really use both 
 gkrellm and lm_sensors
 and mastered how to get the gui display up large enough to display the 
 results to perfection
 I for one am impressed, and I for one, would like to see both 
 intergrated into MCC.

Much nicer as a panel-applet (for either KDE or Gnome/Gnome2 or IceWM)

I don't mind gKrellm, but it's yet another floaty in the desktop area
- which I don't mind in Enlightenment, but for KDE or Gnome, it sucks
for my purposes. Panel-apps are nice cuz they're out of the way and
integrated - when you're wanting to have as much desktop property as I
like to have (even running at 1600x1200), ANYTHING that floats bloats,
as it were...

BTW, I saw (somewhere and I can't remember where) a really cool proggie
that showed your temps/fan speeds/voltages in an OSD - but can't quite
remember where the hec it was - but going to try to find it this
week...THAT would definately turn a few heads...

Mon Nov 18 09:00:00 EST 2002

|____  |
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|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

God gave man two ears and one tongue so that we listen twice as much as
we speak.
-- Arab proverb

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Re: [newbie] setting an eviromment variable in bash

2002-11-17 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2002-11-18 at 09:02, Jordan Thompson wrote:
 now you'd think this was easy and I'm sure it is once you know how
 I want to do a setenv (which does not exist in bash.)  I am using ant which
 expects JAVA_HOME to be set to wherever your jre is.  I tried:
 set JAVA_HOME=yadayada
 when I do this, and then do a set | grep HOME, I get:
 I'd like to put this into my .bash_profile when I am done.
 I had to change my shell to tcsh, do a setenv JAVA_HOME yadayada and use ant
 from tcsh - there must be an easier way!

You can edit the /etc/profile file - this affects all users, all shells.
Add in there the following:

export JAVA_HOME

Das ist alles!

Mon Nov 18 09:10:00 EST 2002

|____  |
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|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think
little of robbing; and from robbing he next comes to drinking and
Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination.
-- Thomas De Quincey (1785 - 1859)

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[newbie] Server option in mandrake contol center is missing

2002-11-17 Thread mazer
Hi all,

I have a problem, I am trying to configure postfix BUT there is no
server option in the mandrake control center for server optionswhat
I have is the following:

Mount points
Network and internet
software management

I also tried logging in as root first and then engaging the mandrake
control center but not dice.  I also looked in the package manager to
see if there was anything that looked close but I could not find
anything.  Has anyone seen this problem before?  Any ideas?  Thanks in


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Re: [newbie] Server option in mandrake contol center is missing

2002-11-17 Thread Dennis Myers
On Sunday 17 November 2002 11:18 am, mazer wrote:
 Hi all,

 I have a problem, I am trying to configure postfix BUT there is no
 server option in the mandrake control center for server optionswhat
 I have is the following:

 Mount points
 Network and internet
 software management

 I also tried logging in as root first and then engaging the mandrake
 control center but not dice.  I also looked in the package manager to
 see if there was anything that looked close but I could not find
 anything.  Has anyone seen this problem before?  Any ideas?  Thanks in

During installation did you select any of the server functions, like apache or 
mysql or something. If not that may be why no server option in MCC. Just 
guessing cause I have not run into this before. HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Server option in mandrake contol center is missing

2002-11-17 Thread Derek Jennings
On Sunday 17 Nov 2002 5:18 pm, mazer wrote:
 Hi all,

 I have a problem, I am trying to configure postfix BUT there is no
 server option in the mandrake control center for server optionswhat
 I have is the following:

 Mount points
 Network and internet
 software management

 I also tried logging in as root first and then engaging the mandrake
 control center but not dice.  I also looked in the package manager to
 see if there was anything that looked close but I could not find
 anything.  Has anyone seen this problem before?  Any ideas?  Thanks in


You do not see the server config options because you did not select 'server' 
when you did your original install.

But do not worry.  All you have to do is install the 'drakwizard' RPM and they 
will appear.


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Re: [newbie] Server option in mandrake contol center is missing

2002-11-17 Thread shane
On Sunday 17 November 2002 9:18 am, mazer did speak unto the huddled masses, 

 I have a problem, I am trying to configure postfix BUT there is no
 server option in the mandrake control center for server optionswhat
 I have is the following:

 Mount points
 Network and internet
 software management

services should be within system

Microsoft, Windows, Windows 98, Bugs, Lacking Features, IRQ Conflicts, 
System Crashes, Non-Functional Multitasking, The Y2K Problem and The Blue 
Screen of Death (BSOD) are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp., 
Redmond, Washington, USA.

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
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Re: [newbie] is this list appropriate for setting up amailserveron9.0?

2002-11-17 Thread Derek Jennings
On Sunday 17 Nov 2002 9:52 pm, Jordan Thompson wrote:
 Hi all,
 OK, now that I think that everything is working (I'l find out for sure
 tomorrow when I try to access my mail server from outside my ISP) I want to
 control who sends mail through my smpt server.  What is the best way to do
 this?  I guess I have two thougts:
 1) change the port number
 2) implement passwords for sending mail

 What is anyone's thoughts on either of these and how hard are they to


By default Postfix will only relay mail for users on the local network (to 
avoid spammers taking over your mail server). So without having to do 
*anything* you are pretty secure.
(By relay, I mean accept a mail and forward it on to another mail server)

It is also possible to configure Postfix to allow connections only from named 

But if you want the most secure method of allowing selective users to access 
your mail server from outside your local net. the safest way IMO is to only 
allow SMTP over SASL.

There is a good tutorial on sasl at

and a good ssh tutorial


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Re: [newbie] well, help!

2002-11-17 Thread Dennis Myers
On Sunday 17 November 2002 03:09 pm, Robin Turner wrote:
 Dennis Myers wrote:
  On Sunday 17 November 2002 01:28 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:


 Why are we talking about buy Mandrake when it's freely downloadable?
 This is free software - you pay for packaging, support and the
 likes...otherwise, it's free software. We should be promoting it as free
 software - no matter what version of linux you favor...They've got ADSL
 - they can download the entire set if she already doesn't have it - or
 even go so far as to do a reinstall via ftp...
 ...but buy?
  Yeah, buy, I do crashtesting and beta testing on ML since 8.0 and still
  buy the boxed set from Mandrake just to give the company support. I also
  need to join the Club but haven't yet cause I keep spending money on the
  wrong things. :  )  Anyway, if no one buys from Mandrakesoft then they go
  away : ( The Standard box set  for 3 CDs and the manual is only $39 US . 
  I realize that in many cases that is a considerable amount of money but
  for a few out there it is in the budget area.

 I think we've had this debate on this list before.  It's a tricky issue
 to address, because Free Software is working with a radically different
 economic model to the commodity market model of proprietary software.
 In the proprietary model, a software package is seen as a commodity just
 like a table.  The model doesn't work for software (not that it works
 wonderfully for physical property either), for reasons better explained
 elswhere (Raymond, Stallman etc.).  The new model is still being worked
 out, the main question being, put crudely, how do the coders eat?
 Paying for boxed distributions is one good way of putting food on
 programmers' tables.  The point I was trying to make is that the
 proprietary model is negative (copy this software and you're a criminal)
 whereas the Free Software model is positive (you can have it for free,
 but if you'd like to pay for it, or contribute in some other way, that's
 great!).  Dennis is to be applauded, but that doesn't make people who
 download their copies bad.

 On a more practical note, I wish Mandrake would sell a plain download CD
 set as soon as each distro comes out (a la Cheapbytes).  I'd certainly
 buy that, even if it were a dollar or two more than third-party releases.

 Sir Robin
Didn't want to get this started up again, and meant no disrespect to anyone on 
the list. Just felt that with the daily death of one corporation after 
another here in the US, the issue of how people get paid should be mentioned. 
So let us do what we can but enjoy the freedom any way we can. :  )
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] is this list appropriate for setting up amailserveron9.0?

2002-11-17 Thread Jordan Thompson

By default Postfix will only relay mail for users on the local network (to 
avoid spammers taking over your mail server). So without having to do 
*anything* you are pretty secure.
(By relay, I mean accept a mail and forward it on to another mail server)

Well, the reason I set this up was so that I could use my server from 

It is also possible to configure Postfix to allow connections only from named 

This won't work, 'cause I don't know where I'm going to be at.

But if you want the most secure method of allowing selective users to access 
your mail server from outside your local net. the safest way IMO is to only 
allow SMTP over SASL.

This is the best way.  I really only want known users accessing my smtp 

There is a good tutorial on sasl at

and a good ssh tutorial

Which one is better?  I really don't need anything too complicated - I 
only have 4-5 users.



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/*Jordan R. Thompson*/
Tel:(321) 777-8377
Fax:(509) 267-5577

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Re: [newbie] GKRELLM and LM_SENSORS

2002-11-17 Thread Pilagá
El Dom 17 Nov 2002 18:58, John Richard Smith escribió:
 I just wanted to say that now that I have had time to really use both
 gkrellm and lm_sensors
 and mastered how to get the gui display up large enough to display the
 results to perfection
 I for one am impressed, and I for one, would like to see both
 intergrated into MCC.


Hola, John. I have changed gkrellm by ksensors. With ksensors you can dock in 
KDE panel the sensors that you really need, and you don't need a magnifier to 
see what is going there.


GNU/Linux Mandrake 9.0
7:35pm up 3:41, 3 users, load average: 0.01, 0.07, 0.09

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Re: [newbie] Server option in mandrake contol center is missing

2002-11-17 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2002-11-18 at 04:18, mazer wrote:
 Hi all,
 I have a problem, I am trying to configure postfix BUT there is no
 server option in the mandrake control center for server optionswhat
 I have is the following:
 Mount points
 Network and internet
 software management
 I also tried logging in as root first and then engaging the mandrake
 control center but not dice.  I also looked in the package manager to
 see if there was anything that looked close but I could not find
 anything.  Has anyone seen this problem before?  Any ideas?  Thanks in

You can use Webmin to handle that stuff for ya mate:

Login as root w/ your root password - then go to SERVERS.

EZ as pie.

Mon Nov 18 09:55:00 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

A handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains.

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RE: [newbie] is this list appropriate for setting up amailserveron9.0?

2002-11-17 Thread Marlo Montanaro

 -Original Message-
 *anything* you are pretty secure.
 (By relay, I mean accept a mail and forward it on to another mail server)


Let's just be clear on a relay so we don't confuse the new guys...

A relay is sending mail from one **domain** to another **domain** using the
services of the mail server in a **third domain**


from [EMAIL PROTECTED] to [EMAIL PROTECTED] via server in is a

from [EMAIL PROTECTED] to mail server in to mail server in to [EMAIL PROTECTED] is not a relay (in fact, this is normal

The most secure method, in general, to secure a mail server against relaying
is to NOT allow users from other domains to connect to your mail server.
You can use several methods including:

screen users via IP address
force some other sort of authentication and/or encryption

There may be other methods depending on the mail server software in use.

As a practical example, if you have a mail server behind a firewall/router
on your home network, you would only accept mail from the valid IP addresses
within your network (192.168.1.x, as an example).  If you wanted to allow
relays from your office computer when you are there, assuming you have a
firewall or something on your office network, you would allow relaying from
the single IP of your office firewall or office mail server.  Anything else
attempting to send via your home mail server would get blocked.

Various mail servers have different methods for configuring anti-relaying.
I'm not up on postfix, but in SendMail you have things like the
/etc/mail/relay-hosts and /etc/mail/access files that can be configured.  In
those files you can put IP addresses and valid host names, and valid domain

If you don't know where you're going to be coming from, you have to find a
method of authentication to use, and I believe one of those previously
mentioned by Derek will work.  I'm not up on them because I use the IP
method at work- you don't know your IP address go away!  (We have a real
problem with AOL users who want to relay mail from their home computers-
sorry- to insecure to allow them access.)

Good luck!


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Re: [newbie] is this list appropriate for setting upamailserveron9.0?

2002-11-17 Thread John McQuillen
On Mon, 2002-11-18 at 09:45, Jordan Thompson wrote:
 By default Postfix will only relay mail for users on the local network (to 
 avoid spammers taking over your mail server). So without having to do 
 *anything* you are pretty secure.
 (By relay, I mean accept a mail and forward it on to another mail server)
 Well, the reason I set this up was so that I could use my server from 

I use pop-before-smtp for this. Mandrake RPMs can be found using The home page ( doesn't appear to
be available right now.

Anyway, pop-before-smtp allows your server to relay for users who
successfully authenticate via POP. I use this successfully to host mail
for my family.

You will need to set the mail client to log in before sending mail for
this to work.

Kind regards,


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Re: [newbie] slow boot

2002-11-17 Thread Joseph Braddock
On Sun, 2002-11-17 at 07:41, Jim Snyder wrote:
 I recently loaded mandrake 9.0 and am thrilled with it overall. I have had 
 some problems with a HP CD-writer that I finally unplugged as I have another 
 USB HP CD-RW that works fine. I am suspecting a problem from doing this.
 When Linux boots, it pauses for a few minutes finding module dependencies and 
 then proceeds to boot up quickly after that. Is there any particular reason 
 for this? I have a network card installed but have no other computers 
 connected currently. Could that be causing this also?
 Many thanks in advance

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It sounds like it is waiting for something to time out before it can
proceed.  Is there still a reference to the old CD-writer in you
/etc/fstab?  What about, after disconnecting the drive (both power AND
data cable, right?), did you remove it from the CMOS settings if it was
originally manually set (versus auto-detect)?  I had a problem with a
failed floppy disk (actually, the cable was loose).  The boot process
would hang while trying to access the device.  I replaced the cable and
all was well.

It could also be your network card.  Unless you told Mandrake otherwise,
during the install, I believe it tries to look for a dhcp and dns
server.  If you aren't using the network card at this time, you can
always tell it to not load at startup and see if that improves the boot


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Re: [newbie] OT: Root Password Failure

2002-11-17 Thread Michael Viron
As far as security goes, yes absolutely, you should password protect
Grub, as well as place put a bios password on your system and disable
booting from floppy and cd-rom.


Not to mention that if you're using the machine as a server, it would be a
wise idea to get a case that you can lock the case and the front.  This
way, someone can't get into the case, pull out the bios battery (resetting
the bios to the default settings.) or press the power button to shutdown
the machine.

Of course, it isn't very likely that someone will go to all that trouble
unless you've got some seriously confidential stuff on there.

Of course, servers should also preferably be kept in a room that only
required personnel have access to.

Michael Viron
Project Manager / Primary Developer / Manager of Online Operations
General Education Online

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[newbie] Print Sharing-HP Laserjet 3100

2002-11-17 Thread Technoslick
Has anyone successfully shared an HP LaserJet 3100 off of a Linux PC, where
the clients PCs are running Windows? If so, through Samba, print server?



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Re: [newbie] slow boot

2002-11-17 Thread Jim Snyder
Yes, I did the cmos thing, etc. It must be the network card. How do I stop the 
network from loading at startup?
Thank you

On Sunday 17 November 2002 06:46 pm, Joseph Braddock wrote:
 On Sun, 2002-11-17 at 07:41, Jim Snyder wrote:
  I recently loaded mandrake 9.0 and am thrilled with it overall. I have
  had some problems with a HP CD-writer that I finally unplugged as I have
  another USB HP CD-RW that works fine. I am suspecting a problem from
  doing this.
  When Linux boots, it pauses for a few minutes finding module dependencies
  and then proceeds to boot up quickly after that. Is there any particular
  reason for this? I have a network card installed but have no other
  computers connected currently. Could that be causing this also?
  Many thanks in advance
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to

 It sounds like it is waiting for something to time out before it can
 proceed.  Is there still a reference to the old CD-writer in you
 /etc/fstab?  What about, after disconnecting the drive (both power AND
 data cable, right?), did you remove it from the CMOS settings if it was
 originally manually set (versus auto-detect)?  I had a problem with a
 failed floppy disk (actually, the cable was loose).  The boot process
 would hang while trying to access the device.  I replaced the cable and
 all was well.

 It could also be your network card.  Unless you told Mandrake otherwise,
 during the install, I believe it tries to look for a dhcp and dns
 server.  If you aren't using the network card at this time, you can
 always tell it to not load at startup and see if that improves the boot


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Re: [newbie] Server option in mandrake contol center is missing

2002-11-17 Thread mazer
Steven Kun and Derek Jennings You guys rock!!!  Thanks for the help.

On Sun, 2002-11-17 at 17:25, Derek Jennings wrote:

 On Sunday 17 Nov 2002 5:18 pm, mazer wrote:
  Hi all,
  I have a problem, I am trying to configure postfix BUT there is no
  server option in the mandrake control center for server optionswhat
  I have is the following:
  Mount points
  Network and internet
  software management
  I also tried logging in as root first and then engaging the mandrake
  control center but not dice.  I also looked in the package manager to
  see if there was anything that looked close but I could not find
  anything.  Has anyone seen this problem before?  Any ideas?  Thanks in
 You do not see the server config options because you did not select 'server' 
 when you did your original install.
 But do not worry.  All you have to do is install the 'drakwizard' RPM and they 
 will appear.

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[newbie] Non-Destructive Resizing of NTFS Partitions

2002-11-17 Thread Technoslick
I was doing a little reading and found the name of a Linux app that safely
resizes NTFS partitions. (Win NT 4.0, Win 2K, Win XP...supposedly) This
has been discussed here before, but I thought I would post it again for
anyone needing it now, or searching the listserv for it later:

File Name: parted
Boot Image:
Documentation: (also on boot image)



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[newbie] localhost file rendering with apache server

2002-11-17 Thread L.V.Gandhi
I have apache running. I have a perl script in cgi-bin to concatenate various 
text files for header body and tail and display it when requested using a 
module from tripod It works OK for pure text files. But when 
the created html file contains reference to a .jpg pic, it is not shown. I 
have checked size and space allocation for picture etc. Any help will be 
203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA

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Re: [newbie] Server option in mandrake contol center is missing

2002-11-17 Thread Spencer
On November 17, 2002 09:18 am, mazer wrote:
 Hi all,

 I have a problem, I am trying to configure postfix BUT there is no
 server option in the mandrake control center for server optionswhat
 I have is the following:

 Mount points
 Network and internet
 software management

 I also tried logging in as root first and then engaging the mandrake
 control center but not dice.  I also looked in the package manager to
 see if there was anything that looked close but I could not find
 anything.  Has anyone seen this problem before?  Any ideas?  Thanks in

MCC System  Services
Thats if you have what you want installed


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Re: [newbie] Looking for an app that ...

2002-11-17 Thread Gary Armstrong
On Saturday 16 November 2002 02:33 am, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Sun, 2002-11-17 at 00:14, Gary Armstrong wrote:
  I'm having trouble putting a name to what I want, so not suprisingly I'm
  having trouble finding anything.
  I want describe the network of a small company. So I'm hoping to find
  some graphing tool that does that or maybe a general purpose tool with
  pre-existing symbols for computing/communication hardware.
  Just in case I'm thinking to small, if there is some app that would do
  more than draw it, I'd be very interested.
  As always money counts. Can anyone make a recomendation?

 There are network diagramming and diagnostic programs - there is a
 version of OpenView for linux (HP OpenView) - there are other network
 utils that will quite literally draw a flowchart of your network. 

Are any open source/free? I am interested.

 for Gnome has stencils that come with it to do hand baked diagrams of
 networks - if you want to do it manually (yech).

I probably stated my problem poorly. I'm really defining what it will be. So 
dia is probably ok. It would be nice, if there was a tool that would find my 
mistakes before I implement(and learn the hard way).

I'm trying to help a start-up get started. They have about 20 Solaris sparc 
boxes and maybe 15 Wintel boxes. They are currently part of another company, 
but in about a month they need to look like their own domain/company. Costs 
are to be avoided, so I'm thinking linux for anything new. That most notably 
will be there interent capabilities.

Does anyone know a good newbie list for connectivity/net design? I wouldn't 
want to get to off topic here.


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Re: [newbie] is this list appropriate for setting up amailserveron9.0?

2002-11-17 Thread Jordan Thompson

I use pop-before-smtp for this. Mandrake RPMs can be found using The home page ( doesn't appear to
be available right now.

I think I have this on my machine already, but I can't remember how to 
get to it.

Anyway, pop-before-smtp allows your server to relay for users who
successfully authenticate via POP. I use this successfully to host mail
for my family.

I remember seeing this option somewhere, but for the life of me I can't 
find it.  I am pretty sure this is the option I want to go with.  If you 
get a chance, could you send me the appropriate settings in the 
appropriate file?


You will need to set the mail client to log in before sending mail for
this to work.

Is this where you set log on using secure password authentication in 
Microshlock's Outlook Express?

Kind regards,


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[newbie] How to open .exe files

2002-11-17 Thread Marcia
Dear All,

Is there a program in linux that will open .exe files or programs?



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Re: [newbie] How to open .exe files

2002-11-17 Thread Spencer
On November 17, 2002 07:24 pm, Marcia wrote:
 Dear All,

 Is there a program in linux that will open .exe files or programs?



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Re: [newbie] How to open .exe files

2002-11-17 Thread Lyndon Lininger
Try wine or vmware.
- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2002 9:24 PM
Subject: [newbie] How to open .exe files

Dear All,

Is there a program in linux that will open .exe files or programs?



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[newbie] ML 9.0 and fonts

2002-11-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Anyone else have trouble with crappy (technical term) looking fonts in ML
9.0 on a laptop? The last time I had fonts this crappy I was playing games
on my Atari.
Richard L. Babcock, Owner
Tower Training
At Tower Training, We Bring the Classroom to You!

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RE: [newbie] How to open .exe files

2002-11-17 Thread Franki
.exe files are dos/windows executables... they are not natively supported on

but with wine, you can create a windows compatability layer that can allow
you to run them..(sometimes)

bascially, wine creates a fake windows enviroment, and tries to fool windows
programs into thinking they are running on windows...

sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.. depends on the program in

look up codeweavers in and it will lead you to a database of
tested proggies.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Marcia
Sent: Monday, 18 November 2002 11:24 AM
Subject: [newbie] How to open .exe files

Dear All,

Is there a program in linux that will open .exe files or programs?



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RE: [newbie] slow boot

2002-11-17 Thread Aguet, Pierre
Alternatively, instead of disabling the NIC you may want to assign a fixed
IP address '''' with a mask '''' for instance. This
will make your system is not waiting for DHCP reply anymore.

For this setup and for disablib the NIC, use the MCC, Mandrake Control
Center. Have your root password handy.



-Original Message-
From: Jim Snyder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2002 1:31 AM
Cc: Joseph Braddock
Subject: Re: [newbie] slow boot

Yes, I did the cmos thing, etc. It must be the network card. How do I stop
network from loading at startup?
Thank you

On Sunday 17 November 2002 06:46 pm, Joseph Braddock wrote:
 On Sun, 2002-11-17 at 07:41, Jim Snyder wrote:
  I recently loaded mandrake 9.0 and am thrilled with it overall. I 
  have had some problems with a HP CD-writer that I finally unplugged 
  as I have another USB HP CD-RW that works fine. I am suspecting a 
  problem from doing this.
  When Linux boots, it pauses for a few minutes finding module 
  dependencies and then proceeds to boot up quickly after that. Is 
  there any particular reason for this? I have a network card 
  installed but have no other computers connected currently. Could 
  that be causing this also?
  Many thanks in advance
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to

 It sounds like it is waiting for something to time out before it can 
 proceed.  Is there still a reference to the old CD-writer in you 
 /etc/fstab?  What about, after disconnecting the drive (both power AND 
 data cable, right?), did you remove it from the CMOS settings if it 
 was originally manually set (versus auto-detect)?  I had a problem 
 with a failed floppy disk (actually, the cable was loose).  The boot 
 process would hang while trying to access the device.  I replaced the 
 cable and all was well.

 It could also be your network card.  Unless you told Mandrake 
 otherwise, during the install, I believe it tries to look for a dhcp 
 and dns server.  If you aren't using the network card at this time, 
 you can always tell it to not load at startup and see if that improves 
 the boot time.


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Re: [newbie] Get me out of this - PLEASE

2002-11-17 Thread John Richard Smith
Anne Wilson wrote:

After installing 9.0 on my second hdd I was not getting a choice at lilo 
stage.  Following advice I re-wrote lilo from the CD1 of 9.0  This was a 
really bad idea.  It reinstalled my boot loaded for 8.2, and now I'm stuck in 
8.2 with a perfectly good 9.0 installation inaccessible.

I have re-written lilo to what it was originally, like this:

disk=/dev/hde bios=0x80
	append=devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi nobiospnp
	append=devfs=nomount hdc=ide-scsi failsafe

What is stopping this working?  Is it that map=/boot/map line - the map being 
overwritten? There must be a way out of this.

How do I get back to 9.0 without re-installing?  I'm devastated.




Don't you have a windblows partition ?

If so, then first entry should be ,

boot=/dev/hda ,   ( says to boot from your mbr lilo, hense no hda number)


map=/boot/map  etc etc,

also it may be correct, but I don't understand it,
what is disk=/dev/hde bios=0x80, I don't have any
such entry in mine.

You don't have to reinstall, it's a question of getting your
lilo entries right. And if you want to ensure you use the correct
/etc/lilo.conf script , remember you have the choice to use, either
M8.2, or M9.0 's lilo.conf depending on which CD1 you repair with.

So, M9.0's CD1 repair will set up reading from M9.0's /etc/lilo.conf
whereas M8.2's CD1 will read from M8.2's /etc/lilo.conf.

When setting up these lilo enties it is best to begin the exercise
by printing off one set of /etc/lilo.conf enties, then make
the necessary alterations for the new stanza's  , this way you mind is
prepared in advance as to what the new stanzas will look like.It is
all to easy to leave something out, or make a typo. Keep this by
you in some file, and refer to it when making changes.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] GKRELLM and LM_SENSORS

2002-11-17 Thread John Richard Smith
Pilagá wrote:

El Dom 17 Nov 2002 18:58, John Richard Smith escribió:

I just wanted to say that now that I have had time to really use both
gkrellm and lm_sensors
and mastered how to get the gui display up large enough to display the
results to perfection
I for one am impressed, and I for one, would like to see both
intergrated into MCC.


	Hola, John. I have changed gkrellm by ksensors. With ksensors you can dock in 
KDE panel the sensors that you really need, and you don't need a magnifier to 
see what is going there.



Yes the initial gkreallm gui is so tiny it's unreadable, but in fact it 
is fully reconfigurable
to any size and shape you desire . Yes it takes more horsepower to 
display gui, but
the ease with which it is possible to cover the changes in resource 
usage as different
things happen is very helpful in understanding resource use, and in 
adition there is
additional info in the gkreallm gui display than lm_sensors displays on 
it's own.


John Richard Smith

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