R: [newbie-it] kmail

2002-12-03 Thread mailing - effem
per syd:
grazie, ero convinto che ci fosse il punto dove andare a dirlo!

per miKe:
grazie pure a te, sono molto alle prime armi in linux, ma non manchero di
certo di capire cosa sono i softlink! :-)



 -Messaggio originale-
 Da: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Per conto di syd
 Inviato: martedi 3 dicembre 2002 9.22
 Oggetto: Re: [newbie-it] kmail

 * miKe wrote:
  puoi meterla dove vuoi*, basta che la colleghi con un softlink
  che si chiama /tuahome/Mail

 Oppure entri nel file di configuraione di kmail
 (~/.kde/share/config/kmailrc) e nella sezione _General_ ci
 aggiungi la stringa


 Naturalmente la nuoava directory te la crei tu a manina ed al successivo
 avvio kmail si aprira' su quella directory.

 syd - LU 285930 * LM 167646

Re: [newbie-it] stampante multifunzione

2002-12-03 Thread Franco Negri
Uso la HP Officejet senza problemi.

- Original Message -
From: giamgax [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2002 10:19 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] stampante multifunzione

 saluti alla lista,

 c'è qualcuno che sta usando con soddisfazione una quasiasi stampante
 Ho guardato nel database di MDK ma sono presenti solo modelli datati.
 Sapreste suggerirmi qualche modello.
 grazie, ciao

[newbie-it] EDITOR in ambiente Shell ....cosa uso?

2002-12-03 Thread Roberto C . 2°
 Devo modificare XF86Config-4 in ambiente shell e non so che comando usare,
ho provato vi ma più che altro serve per creare un file e non


Re: [newbie-it] pranzo ML varie

2002-12-03 Thread Fabio Manunza
Alle 06:29, lunedì 2 dicembre 2002, Arwan ha scritto:
 Alle 01:39, lunedì 2 dicembre 2002, contorcendoti la mente su Re:

 pranzo ML varie, miKe hai scritto:
  grazie, se dopo l'inverno vogliamo replicare a Milano/Torino
  (o magari a Padova, visto che ci vado più spesso.. :-)

 Padova, Padova!
 Credo sia comoda anche ai Milanesi...

...Pure ai triestini...

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] OT: mi sono laureato

2002-12-03 Thread guido

- Original Message -
From: sandro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 8:25 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] OT: mi sono laureato

mi unisco ai complimenti, purtroppo data l'età ho scritto la tesi con
l'olivetti lett. 32

ciao guido

 Che ti devo dire: COMPLIMENTI!!! :-))
 Ai tempi della mia laurea l'ho dovuta scrivere con il vetusto WordStar
 dos - ovviamente) - aahhh, che tempi!

Re: [newbie-it] OT: mi sono laureato

2002-12-03 Thread Fabio Manunza
Alle 21:04, lunedì 2 dicembre 2002, Giorgio Griffon ha scritto:
 Perdonate il messaggio non pertinente, ma ci tenevo a dirvelo: mi sono
 appena laureato e naturalmente ho scritto la tesi con OpenOffice sotto
 linux, e ancora naturalmente l'ho indicato in bella evidenza nella tesi.
 Considerando che a giugno conoscevo solo win, non posso che ringraziare la
 gloriosa e generosa mailing-list.
 Ciao a tutti
 P.S. A Roma non ci sarò; se qualcuno capita a Venezia, si faccia sentire.

Complimenti vivissimi da un barone (detto di fuoricorso pluriennale...argh 
che vergogna, ma ...noblesse oblige...)

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] java e/o flash

2002-12-03 Thread Fabio Manunza
Alle 20:11, domenica 1 dicembre 2002, tom ha scritto:

 Uhmmm mi sa che è un tantinello diverso!
 ti elenco le dir che ci sono:
 bin , cloudscape , conf , config , connector , doc , help ,
 immages , lib , nativelib , public_html , repositori , xsl.
 mi sa che siamo fuori strada!

 Cioa , Tom

...Decisamente...ed i README non aiutano per niente? Per me a questo punto la 
maggior indiziata potrebbe essere la dir config; da nessuna parte trovi un 
file INSTALL? 
-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

R: [newbie-it] OT: mi sono laureato

2002-12-03 Thread mailing - effem
io la tesi non credo la farò mai...(non ho mai iniziato l'università!)...
...ma chissà che con linux non arrivi a scrivere il mio epitaffio!


 -Messaggio originale-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Per conto di Giorgio Griffon
 Inviato: lunedì 2 dicembre 2002 21.04
 Oggetto: [newbie-it] OT: mi sono laureato

 Perdonate il messaggio non pertinente, ma ci tenevo a dirvelo: mi
 sono appena
 laureato e naturalmente ho scritto la tesi con OpenOffice sotto linux, e
 ancora naturalmente l'ho indicato in bella evidenza nella tesi.
 Considerando che a giugno conoscevo solo win, non posso che
 ringraziare la
 gloriosa e generosa mailing-list.
 Ciao a tutti
 P.S. A Roma non ci sarò; se qualcuno capita a Venezia, si faccia sentire.

Re: [newbie-it] OT: mi sono laureato

2002-12-03 Thread ku68
Giorgio Griffon wrote:

Perdonate il messaggio non pertinente, ma ci tenevo a dirvelo: mi sono appena 
laureato e naturalmente ho scritto la tesi con OpenOffice sotto linux,
complimenti sinceri

Re:[newbie-it] EDITOR in ambiente Shell ....cosa uso?

2002-12-03 Thread Marco Forti
 ho provato vi ma più che altro serve per creare un file e non


Puoi usare vi anche per modificare un file (prova con un bel man vi 
o info vi) o ancora con emacs. Dovresti averle già installate di 




Re: [newbie-it] OT: mi sono laureato

2002-12-03 Thread Marco Forti
 Giorgio Griffon wrote:
 Perdonate il messaggio non pertinente, ma ci tenevo a dirvelo: mi sono
 laureato e naturalmente ho scritto la tesi con OpenOffice sotto linux,

... e naturalmente complimenti per aver usato OO sotto Linux!

Re: [newbie-it] OT: mi sono laureato

2002-12-03 Thread Fabio Cinti
Alle 09:31, martedì 3 dicembre 2002, Marco Forti ha scritto:
  Giorgio Griffon wrote:
  Perdonate il messaggio non pertinente, ma ci tenevo a dirvelo: mi sono


  laureato e naturalmente ho scritto la tesi con OpenOffice sotto linux,

mi aggiungo anch'io ai complimenti
solo per il titolo conseguito però,
perchè se tu avessi scritto la tesi in latex avresti raggiunto
un altro traguardo, anzi due: primo, risultato del prodotto finito senza 
confronto con un qualsiasi programma che utilizza fogli elettronici;
secondo, il definitivo abbandono del modo di ragionare win.

Re: [newbie-it] OT: mi sono laureato

2002-12-03 Thread tom
Alle 21:04, lunedì 2 dicembre 2002, Giorgio Griffon ha scritto:
 Perdonate il messaggio non pertinente, ma ci tenevo a dirvelo: mi sono
 appena laureato e naturalmente ho scritto la tesi con OpenOffice sotto
 linux, e ancora naturalmente l'ho indicato in bella evidenza nella tesi.
 Considerando che a giugno conoscevo solo win, non posso che ringraziare la
 gloriosa e generosa mailing-list.
 Ciao a tutti
 P.S. A Roma non ci sarò; se qualcuno capita a Venezia, si faccia sentire.

Auguroni.beato te che hai finito!!!
ho capito perché non vai al pranzo! dovresti offrire a tutti per la laurea :PP
spero di poter mandare una mail del genere anche io tra non molto :)
Auguri e complimenti ancora!

Ciao , Tom

Re: Re: [newbie-it] OT: mi sono laureato

2002-12-03 Thread asapi
   Ma cos'è questo latex?E' una specie di wordprocessor evoluto o cosa?Scusate la mia 

mi aggiungo anch'io ai complimenti
solo per il titolo conseguito però,
perchè se tu avessi scritto la tesi in latex avresti raggiunto
un altro traguardo, anzi due: primo, risultato del prodotto finito senza
confronto con un qualsiasi programma che utilizza fogli elettronici;
secondo, il definitivo abbandono del modo di ragionare win.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Best regards.   

Re: [newbie-it] OT: mi sono laureato

2002-12-03 Thread Michele De Lorenzi
Beh! Penso che usare LaTeX puro sia abbastanza da pazzi quando è possibile
utilizzare LyX!!!

- Original Message -
From: Fabio Cinti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 12:12 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] OT: mi sono laureato

Alle 09:31, martedì 3 dicembre 2002, Marco Forti ha scritto:
  Giorgio Griffon wrote:
  Perdonate il messaggio non pertinente, ma ci tenevo a dirvelo: mi sono


  laureato e naturalmente ho scritto la tesi con OpenOffice sotto linux,

mi aggiungo anch'io ai complimenti
solo per il titolo conseguito però,
perchè se tu avessi scritto la tesi in latex avresti raggiunto
un altro traguardo, anzi due: primo, risultato del prodotto finito senza
confronto con un qualsiasi programma che utilizza fogli elettronici;
secondo, il definitivo abbandono del modo di ragionare win.

Re: Re: [newbie-it] OT: mi sono laureato

2002-12-03 Thread Fabio Cinti
Alle 11:00, martedì 3 dicembre 2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
Ma cos'è questo latex?E' una specie di wordprocessor evoluto o
 cosa?Scusate la mia ignoranza. Alessandro.

non è nulla di tutto questo
è qualcosa di molto più potente:
è un insieme di macro per ottenere documenti scritti in tex
e dà come risultato un formato tipografico

prova a creare un file pippo.tex e dentro scrivi


Ciao Pippo, Pippo ciao

Poi complilalo con latex pippo.tex
e vai a leggere il pippo.dvi
oppure trasformalo in ps 
con dvips pippo.dvi -o pippo.ps

Prova! ciao

Re: [newbie-it] EDITOR in ambiente Shell ....cosa uso?

2002-12-03 Thread Guido Milanese
  Devo modificare XF86Config-4 in ambiente shell e non so che 
 comando usare,
 ho provato vi ma più che altro serve per creare un file e non

va benissimo vi. non è vero che serva solo per creare files, per quello c'è il comando 
touch. Basta lanciare vi nomefile. Per salvare, :w da linea di comando. Ma i 
tutoriali in merito abbondano.


Guido Milanese   - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Vocal Ensemble Ars Antiqua - http://www.arsantiqua.org
Salita del Passero 11, I-16126 Genova GE, Italy

Re: [newbie-it] EDITOR in ambiente Shell ....cosa uso? ...Grazie a tutti, ho risolto con VI !

2002-12-03 Thread Roberto C . 2
Grazie a tutti, ho risolto con VI
- Original Message -
From: LukenShiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 1:52 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] EDITOR in ambiente Shell cosa uso?

 Alle 10:04, martedì 3 dicembre 2002, Roberto C. 2° ha scritto:
   Devo modificare XF86Config-4 in ambiente shell e non so che comando
  usare, ho provato vi ma più che altro serve per creare un file e non

 IMHO il piu' immediato da imparare ed utilizzare resta mcedit (editor
 interno di mc).

 P.S. Ovviamente  conoscere la documentazione dei programmi non e' una
 cattiva idea (consiglio una bella e sana lettura di man, info ecc),
 tanto piu' che vi(vim) e' corredato da un ottimo tutorial (AFAIK

 GNU/Linux Slackware 9.0beta1 ** LU #210970 LM #98222 SU #12583

[newbie-it] desktop...default...

2002-12-03 Thread mailing - effem
ciao a tutta la lista! :-)
una domanda veloce veloce...esiste un punto in cui si stabilisce quale sia
il desktop di default per un utente (kde, gnome...windows maker)
all'inizio avevo impostato gnome (per un utente), ora vorrei mettere windows
maker...esiste un modo??

se esiste, questo mi permette anche di fare startx da console ed aprire il
desktop di default??

grazie per i consigli...sempre ben accetti


Re: [newbie-it] OT: mi sono laureato

2002-12-03 Thread ba-rk
solo una parolaMITICO
- Original Message -
From: Giorgio Griffon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2002 9:04 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] OT: mi sono laureato

 Perdonate il messaggio non pertinente, ma ci tenevo a dirvelo: mi sono
 laureato e naturalmente ho scritto la tesi con OpenOffice sotto linux, e
 ancora naturalmente l'ho indicato in bella evidenza nella tesi.
 Considerando che a giugno conoscevo solo win, non posso che ringraziare la
 gloriosa e generosa mailing-list.
 Ciao a tutti
 P.S. A Roma non ci sarò; se qualcuno capita a Venezia, si faccia sentire.

[newbie-it] Formattazione Latex

2002-12-03 Thread nicola
Buon giorno a tutti, faccio per prima cosa i complimenti a Giorgio per la sua 
laurea, e visto che in molti hanno ammesso di conoscere latex, forse non 
saro' ignorato se chiedo un piccolo aiuto. In questi giorni sto usando latex 
per scrivere la mia tesina di laurea (presto, spero, anche quella di laurea 
VERA) ma mi sono imbattuto in una difficolta' che neppure i manuali forniti a 
corredo hanno saputo farmi superare (non li ho letti tutti, ovviamente, ma su 
the non so short latex, ed altri non ho trovato nulla) . Quello che vorei 
fare e'  introdurre un'immagine incasellata nel testo. Quello che invece sono 
riuscito ad ottenere e' stato di dividere la pagina in due minipagine, una 
contenete lo scritto e l'altra l'immagine. Ma in questo modo mi sono giocato 
(non so perche' ) la possibilita' di definire un \caption (non sapevo come 
spiegarlo :-)). Qualcuno ha qualche suggerimento? Un mio amico non avendo la 
soluzione mi ha detto che l'unico modo e' usare una macro. Ma io non so da 
che parte iniziare a scivere una macro..

Grazie a Tutti Nicola

P.s.: Divertitevi anche per me alla cena, e non parlate solo di Linux. :-)

[newbie-it] SCHEDA DI RETE

2002-12-03 Thread Simone_Colombo

Ciao a tutti, dovrei aquistare una scheda di rete da 
installare sotto la mandrake 9.0 o redhat 8.0 , qualcuno puo' consigliarmi quale 
prendere e all'incirca quanto costa  non vorrei imbattermi in qualche 
scheda non supportata.

ciao a tutti!

[newbie-it] migliore browser in Mandrake 8.1

2002-12-03 Thread Enrico Teotti
volevo sapere se c'è un browser superiore ad altri in Mandrake 8.1

Get 25MB, POP3, Spam Filtering with LYCOS MAIL PLUS for $19.95/year.

[newbie-it] Flash in Linux

2002-12-03 Thread Enrico Teotti
volevo sapere se è in Mandrake 8.1 è disponibile la plugin per visualizzare contenuti 
di pagine HTML sviluppati in Flash.

Get 25MB, POP3, Spam Filtering with LYCOS MAIL PLUS for $19.95/year.

[newbie-it] Linux Office?

2002-12-03 Thread Enrico Teotti
volevo sapere se esiste un pacchetto migliore di altri come compatibilita verso 
l'office di Microsoft in Linux Mandrake 8.1. Ricordo di avere sentito parlare di 
StarOffice... nella mia distribuzione sono inseriti vari editor di testo ed alcuni 
fogli di calcolo ma non saprei quale sia il piu adatto. Ce n'è uno? :)

Get 25MB, POP3, Spam Filtering with LYCOS MAIL PLUS for $19.95/year.

Re: [newbie-it] OT: mi sono laureato

2002-12-03 Thread Chiara Bianchi
Innanzitutto, complimenti a Giorgio che 1) si è laureato (in cosa?) 2) ha fatto la 
tesi con OO.org, mentre io, schifosa che sono, ero terrorizzata ancora dal linuccio 
all'epoca (il lontano 2001) e ho usato l'innominabile W***'97 -anche sul 486... 
incredibile ma vero: come succede quando si fa la tesi, capitano le cose più 
incredibili e terribili. Al caro 266Mhz si era staccata la RAM (bastava pettinarla un 
attimo) a due giorni dalla consegna, ho perso la testa perchè lo zozwindows non 
partiva, e il linuccio mi ha salvato la vita facendomi recuperare i file. 
Oggi la scriverei in LaTeX senza pensarci un attimo.

On Tue, 3 Dec 2002 12:0:57 +0100

Ma cos'_ questo latex?E' una specie di wordprocessor evoluto o cosa?Scusate la 
mia ignoranza.

LaTeX è semplicemente fantastico. Non sto a spiegarti cos'è perchè c'è chi lo ha già 
fatto meglio di me, che sono una capra. Ci puoi fare anche i .pdf (pdflatex 
nomefile.tex), così, per es., anzichè mandare in giro un cv fatto in word-like, fai 
una splendida figura con un bel .pdf E' molto fico, e in effetti la gente chiama 
più spesso da quando spedisco il .pdf. Anche per chiedermi per quale motivo non si 
apre con Word ;-)

Sai che Asapi è il soprannome di Asaba, personaggio de Le situazioni di lui e lei 
in onda stasera su MTV?

Di nuovo stracomplimenti, adesso è ora di farsi una bella vacanza. Io ho fatto proprio 
così: ho passato i mesi successivi col conto in rosso... ;-)



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Scarica il nuovo Yahoo! Messenger: con webcam, nuove faccine e tante altre novità.

Re: [newbie-it] Flash in Linux

2002-12-03 Thread nicola
On Tuesday 03 December 2002 04:20, you wrote:
 volevo sapere se è in Mandrake 8.1 è disponibile la plugin per visualizzare
 contenuti di pagine HTML sviluppati in Flash. Grazie!
Basta che ti colleghi al sito di macromedia, cerchi la versione per linux (ad 
oggi la 5.0) e la installi, come da loro istruzioni. Funziona su molti siti, 
non su tutti (anche se ho il sospetto che quelli in cui non funziona 
richiedano la 6.0)

Ciao Nicola

[newbie-it] XFree non vede Nvidia nv18 !?

2002-12-03 Thread Roberto C . 2
Per questione di comodità ho riportato la discussione sul forum Html.it.

Se avete voglia e tempo date un occhiata:


Grazie  :-)

Re: [newbie-it] Flash in Linux

2002-12-03 Thread nicola
On Tuesday 03 December 2002 04:46, you wrote:
 On Thursday 01 January 1970 01:00, nicola wrote:
  Basta che ti colleghi al sito di macromedia, cerchi la versione per linux
  (ad oggi la 5.0) e la installi, come da loro istruzioni. Funziona su
  molti siti, non su tutti (anche se ho il sospetto che quelli in cui non
  funziona richiedano la 6.0)

 la 6.0 e' disponibile in beta anche sotto Linux, ma credo funzioni solo con
 mozilla 1.2 (e 1.1). Io l'ho trovata facendo un po' di ricerche con google,
 anche perche' dal sito della macromedia non mi riesce arrivarci ;__;


 Aggiorna l'orologio.. le tue mail arrivano con una data del 1904 ^___^

Grazie per l'informazioine, provero' a cercarlo pure io (ne avrei proprio 
bisogno). per quanto riguarda l'orologio, mi scuso ma non dipende da me, in 
questo momento sono all'universita', e per qualche motivo che non ho capito, 
tutti i pc connessi alla rete hanno date assurde, e discordanti tutte tra 
loro. Inoltre anche l'ora e' di solito priva di senso. Mistero degli 
Se ti ricordassi il link per la 6 (beta va bene) mi risarmieresti una 

Grazie Nicola

Re: [newbie-it] Formattazione Latex

2002-12-03 Thread luigi pinna
Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 01 January 1970 01:00, you wrote:
 Buon giorno a tutti, faccio per prima cosa i complimenti a Giorgio
 per la sua laurea, e visto che in molti hanno ammesso di conoscere
 latex, forse non saro' ignorato se chiedo un piccolo aiuto. In questi
 giorni sto usando latex per scrivere la mia tesina di laurea (presto,
 spero, anche quella di laurea VERA) ma mi sono imbattuto in una
 difficolta' che neppure i manuali forniti a corredo hanno saputo
 farmi superare (non li ho letti tutti, ovviamente, ma su the non so
 short latex, ed altri non ho trovato nulla) . Quello che vorei fare
 e'  introdurre un'immagine incasellata nel testo. Quello che invece
 sono riuscito ad ottenere e' stato di dividere la pagina in due
 minipagine, una contenete lo scritto e l'altra l'immagine. Ma in
 questo modo mi sono giocato (non so perche' ) la possibilita' di
 definire un \caption (non sapevo come spiegarlo :-)). Qualcuno ha
 qualche suggerimento? Un mio amico non avendo la soluzione mi ha
 detto che l'unico modo e' usare una macro. Ma io non so da che parte
 iniziare a scivere una macro.

mmm, non ho capito bene cosa vuoi fare, vediamo un po'.
vuoi avere al lato l'immagine( per esempio a destra) e il testo l'altro?
Se e` cosi` puoi provare 2 modi:
1. usi il pacchetto subfigure e dai il caption solo all'immagine( non 
mi ricordo bene la sintassi da usare)
2. usi il comando per mettere immagini laterali e cambi l'indentazione.

Io non ho ancora provato e mi dispiace che in questo momento non ho 
sotto mano i manuali. Prova cosi` se non riesci io per domani mattina 
prometto di scrivermi i comandi esatti da provare.
Fammi sapere se funzia!

- -- 
Quando un uomo ti racconta di essere diventato ricco grazie al duro 
lavoro, chiedigli:
Di chi?. 

 Don Marquis

chiave pubblica disponibile sul keyserver
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie-it] Flash in Linux

2002-12-03 Thread francesco.melo
nicola wrote:

On Tuesday 03 December 2002 04:46, you wrote:

On Thursday 01 January 1970 01:00, nicola wrote:

Basta che ti colleghi al sito di macromedia, cerchi la versione per linux
(ad oggi la 5.0) e la installi, come da loro istruzioni. Funziona su
molti siti, non su tutti (anche se ho il sospetto che quelli in cui non
funziona richiedano la 6.0)

la 6.0 e' disponibile in beta anche sotto Linux, ma credo funzioni solo con
mozilla 1.2 (e 1.1). Io l'ho trovata facendo un po' di ricerche con google,
anche perche' dal sito della macromedia non mi riesce arrivarci ;__;


Aggiorna l'orologio.. le tue mail arrivano con una data del 1904 ^___^

Grazie per l'informazioine, provero' a cercarlo pure io (ne avrei proprio 
bisogno). per quanto riguarda l'orologio, mi scuso ma non dipende da me, in 
questo momento sono all'universita', e per qualche motivo che non ho capito, 
tutti i pc connessi alla rete hanno date assurde, e discordanti tutte tra 
loro. Inoltre anche l'ora e' di solito priva di senso. Mistero degli 
Se ti ricordassi il link per la 6 (beta va bene) mi risarmieresti una 

Grazie Nicola




Re: [newbie-it] Flash in Linux

2002-12-03 Thread LukenShiro
Alle 16:20, martedì 3 dicembre 2002, Enrico Teotti ha scritto:
 volevo sapere se è in Mandrake 8.1 è disponibile la plugin per
 visualizzare contenuti di pagine HTML sviluppati in Flash.

In questo sito (e' un indirizzo unico anche se l'ho spezzettato):
troverai cio' che devi scaricare (in versione 5) e come installarlo.
Fa riferimento solo a netscape, ma la stessa cosa funziona per konqueror 
(per via indiretta), mozilla e galeon, nonche' opera e phoenix (anzi 
dovrei dire ex phoenix, dato che sta cambiando nome per ragioni di 
copyright), che non sono compresi AFAIK nella distribuzione a vanno 
eventualmente scaricati a parte.

In aggiunta incollo una mia mail apparsa su altra lista:
Alle 22:12, domenica 24 novembre 2002, LukenShiro ha scritto:
 Se hai fatto quello che ho scritto l'unico problema (ahime' non
 risolvibile) dovrebbe essere solo quello di visualizzare le animazioni
 in flash 6 (dato che i simpatici signori Macromedia per linuzzo
 restano sempre indietro di un numero :-/)

A questo proposito ho notato che esiste la versione 6 (anche se in beta)
(unico indirizzo ovviamente)
Sembra che con questa sia stato risolto un bug che faceva crashare mozilla 
in presenza di animazioni flash sonore.
Invece di usare l'incerto installer, consiglio di copiare i file 
libflashplayer.so e flashplayer.xpt nelle solite directory di plugin

Per la cronaca la 6-beta funziona con mozilla 1.1 e successivi.

GNU/Linux Slackware 9.0beta1 ** LU #210970 LM #98222 SU #12583

Re: [newbie-it] Formattazione Latex

2002-12-03 Thread Andrea Celli
On Wed, 3 Feb 1904 04:56:52 +0100
nicola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Da quando in qua la posta elettronica è diventata più lenta delle
Poste Itailane?  
Quasi un secolo per consegnare un e-mail :-0

Tu, invece sei uno dei precursori dell'uso di TeX. :-)

Vedi, se ti può essere utile questo esempio

ciao, Andrea

Description: TeX document

Re: [newbie-it] Formattazione Latex

2002-12-03 Thread nicola
On Tuesday 03 December 2002 05:56, you wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 On Thursday 01 January 1970 01:00, you wrote:
  Buon giorno a tutti, faccio per prima cosa i complimenti a Giorgio
  per la sua laurea, e visto che in molti hanno ammesso di conoscere
  latex, forse non saro' ignorato se chiedo un piccolo aiuto. In questi
  giorni sto usando latex per scrivere la mia tesina di laurea (presto,
  spero, anche quella di laurea VERA) ma mi sono imbattuto in una
  difficolta' che neppure i manuali forniti a corredo hanno saputo
  farmi superare (non li ho letti tutti, ovviamente, ma su the non so
  short latex, ed altri non ho trovato nulla) . Quello che vorei fare
  e'  introdurre un'immagine incasellata nel testo. Quello che invece
  sono riuscito ad ottenere e' stato di dividere la pagina in due
  minipagine, una contenete lo scritto e l'altra l'immagine. Ma in
  questo modo mi sono giocato (non so perche' ) la possibilita' di
  definire un \caption (non sapevo come spiegarlo :-)). Qualcuno ha
  qualche suggerimento? Un mio amico non avendo la soluzione mi ha
  detto che l'unico modo e' usare una macro. Ma io non so da che parte
  iniziare a scivere una macro.

 mmm, non ho capito bene cosa vuoi fare, vediamo un po'.
 vuoi avere al lato l'immagine( per esempio a destra) e il testo l'altro?
 Se e` cosi` puoi provare 2 modi:
 1. usi il pacchetto subfigure e dai il caption solo all'immagine( non
 mi ricordo bene la sintassi da usare)
 2. usi il comando per mettere immagini laterali e cambi l'indentazione.

 Io non ho ancora provato e mi dispiace che in questo momento non ho
 sotto mano i manuali. Prova cosi` se non riesci io per domani mattina
 prometto di scrivermi i comandi esatti da provare.
 Fammi sapere se funzia!

 - --
 Quando un uomo ti racconta di essere diventato ricco grazie al duro
 lavoro, chiedigli:
 Di chi?.

  Don Marquis
Spero che cosi' si possa capire:
texttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttext|   |
texttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttext|   |
texttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttext|   |   
texttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttext|   immagine|
texttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttext|   |
texttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttext|   |
texttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttext|   |
texttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttext|   |

Grazie ancora nicola.

Spero che l'output venga bene

Re: [newbie-it] SCHEDA DI RETE

2002-12-03 Thread Andrea Celli
On Tue, 3 Dec 2002 16:17:14 +0100
Simone_Colombo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ciao a tutti, dovrei aquistare una scheda di rete da installare sotto la mandrake 
9.0 o redhat 8.0 , qualcuno puo' consigliarmi quale prendere e all'incirca quanto 
costa   non vorrei imbattermi in qualche scheda non supportata.

Non ho mai sentito dire di schede ethernet non supportate.

Se vuoi spendere poco, prendine una basata su chipset RealTek: 
a partire da 9-10 euro e funzionano più che bene.

Se vuoi qualcosa di veramente buono e affidabile, allora vai su 3Com.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Formattazione Latex

2002-12-03 Thread luigi pinna
Hash: SHA1

 Spero che l'output venga bene...

output perfetto! tu intanto fai delle prove e io domani mattina vedo di 
recuperarti la sequenza giusta per la soluzione 2(che dovrebbe andare 
A domani!
- -- 
Quando un uomo ti racconta di essere diventato ricco grazie al duro 
lavoro, chiedigli:
Di chi?. 

 Don Marquis

chiave pubblica disponibile sul keyserver
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie-it] Linux Office?

2002-12-03 Thread Andrea Celli
On Tue, 03 Dec 2002 16:22:56 +0100
Enrico Teotti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 volevo sapere se esiste un pacchetto migliore di altri come compatibilita verso 
l'office di Microsoft in Linux Mandrake 8.1. Ricordo di avere sentito parlare di 
StarOffice... nella mia distribuzione sono inseriti vari editor di testo ed alcuni 
fogli di calcolo ma non saprei quale sia il piu adatto. Ce n'_ uno? :)

Se hai la 8.1 ufficiale, dovresti avere StarOffice-5.2 che era una buona
suite di Office.

Adesso, si spaccata in due:
-  OpenOffice-1.0.1  distribuibile liberamente, che trovi nei CD free di tutte le
distribuzioni o scarichi da www.openoffice.org
- StarOffice-6.0, solo a pagamento, ma che trovi nel power-pack di Mandrake-9.0

Sono essenzialmente lo stesso prodotto. StarOffice ha in più alcune
componenti non-free come Adabas.

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Formattazione Latex

2002-12-03 Thread nicola
On Tuesday 03 December 2002 06:24, you wrote:

  Spero che l'output venga bene...

 output perfetto! tu intanto fai delle prove e io domani mattina vedo di
 recuperarti la sequenza giusta per la soluzione 2(che dovrebbe andare
 A domani!


Re: [newbie-it] MDK 9 e non ha pi X!!!!!

2002-12-03 Thread Stefano Sebastiani

 file ci sono delle incongruenze:
  Section Module

  Load glx # 3D layer
 Questa riga ...

  Section Device

  Driver nv

 O installi (ricompilandoli) i driver proprietari NVidia (e sistemi il file
 come dicono le istruzioni relative) oppure lasci quelli tradizionali di
 XFree86, lasciando le righe che appaiono nell'XF86Config-4 iniziale, ma
 evitando di caricare glx (per il quale servono le librerie Mesa, in
 assenza di meglio): in ogni caso _non_ vanno mescolate le configurazioni.

 Con l'aggiornamento alla 9 i pacchetti xfree86* hanno sovrascritto anche
 il file di configurazione. La prossima volta cmq, prima di aggiornare,
 fai una copia dei file di configurazione importanti modificati.

 P.S. Il grosso problema e' che quando si sono installati i driver
 proprietari e relative estensioni GLX e' praticamente impossibile tornare
 indietro ai driver di xfree.

Pensa che io avevo formattato anche la partizione / e /usr e anche /var 
lasciando attive solo /opt e /home, non capisco come possano esserci dei 
residui del tentativo non andato in porto di installare i driver NVidia, 
tenendo conto che tra l'altro dopo quel fallimento la 8,2 funziava

Adesso è tutto una esplosione di righe veloci e multicromatiche!

Re: [newbie-it] Formattazione Latex

2002-12-03 Thread luigi pinna
Hash: SHA1

sei fortunato: dopo esser tornato a casa son dovuto ripassare in 
ufficio. Eccoti i comandi( non li ho testati abbi pazienza!)
\figcaption{il caption che vuoi...} \label{fig:label} }
questo ti permette sicuramente di mettere l'immagine al bordo.
per spostarlo a sinistra o a destra prova ad inserire nel blocco di 
\marginpar{...} il comando \leftmargin e/o \rightmargin in modo da 
cambiarli la il bordo cosi`:
\marginpar{\leftmargin{-10cm} \rightmargin{0} ...}

Il tutto lo ho trovato su Using Imported Graphics in LaTeX2e. E` 
disponibile in rete mi sembra sul sito del LaTeX( solo in inglese...)

Buon LaTeX! Prova e dimmi se funziona.
- --
Quando un uomo ti racconta di essere diventato ricco grazie al duro 
lavoro, chiedigli:
Di chi?. 

 Don Marquis

chiave pubblica disponibile sul keyserver
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie-it] java e/o flash

2002-12-03 Thread tom
Alle 09:31, martedì 3 dicembre 2002, Fabio Manunza ha scritto:

 ...Decisamente...ed i README non aiutano per niente? Per me a questo punto
 la maggior indiziata potrebbe essere la dir config; da nessuna parte trovi
 un file INSTALL?

Ruesto è il readme

 Java(TM) 2 SDK, Enterprise Edition

Version:  1.3.1 FCS
Release Date: January 2002

If you're new to the Java 2 SDK, Enterprise Edition (J2EE(TM)),
then you'll find the following documentation helpful:

The main page for the documentation is titled, Java 2
SDK, Enterprise Edition Documentation.  It's in the
doc/index.html file. 

The Release Notes list software requirements, supported platforms,
and current limitations.  The Release Notes are in the
doc/release/ReleaseNotes.html file.

For code examples and instructions on how to use the J2EE SDK, 
please see the J2EE Tutorial at:


Copyright; 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.

in CONFIG non c'è l'ombra di un file make o install neanche pagando :(
possibile che qui in lista non ci sia nessuno che ha gia installato sto pak? 
a se avessi studiato inglese alle superiori invece di farmi ferie :))

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] MDK 9 e non ha pi X!!!!!

2002-12-03 Thread LukenShiro
Alle 17:59, martedì 3 dicembre 2002, Stefano Sebastiani ha scritto:
 Pensa che io avevo formattato anche la partizione / e /usr e anche
 /var lasciando attive solo /opt e /home, non capisco come possano
 esserci dei residui del tentativo non andato in porto di installare i
 driver NVidia, tenendo conto che tra l'altro dopo quel fallimento la
 8,2 funziava

Ribadisco il concetto, re-installa i driver NVidia allora ;) Molto 
probabilmente i driver di XFree86 non riconoscono la GeForce4.
Trova una console libera e funzionante (o altrimenti aspetta che lo 
sfarfallio eventuale sia terminato) poi:
1) scarica con p.es. wget:
2) scarica il README con le istruzioni:
3) leggilo ;)
4) installa il necessario e modifica /etc/X11/XF86Config

GNU/Linux Slackware 9.0beta1 ** LU #210970 LM #98222 SU #12583

Re: [newbie-it] desktop...default...

2002-12-03 Thread Fabio Manunza
Alle 14:55, martedì 3 dicembre 2002, mailing - effem ha scritto:
 ciao a tutta la lista! :-)
 una domanda veloce veloce...esiste un punto in cui si stabilisce quale sia
 il desktop di default per un utente (kde, gnome...windows maker)
 all'inizio avevo impostato gnome (per un utente), ora vorrei mettere
 windows maker...esiste un modo??

 se esiste, questo mi permette anche di fare startx da console ed aprire il
 desktop di default??

A quanto ne sapevo, nella tua home, si doveva trovare un file nascosto 
.xinitrc, che ti permetteva di impostare il desktop environment di default; 
su mdk, a quanto vedo, questo file non c'è. Vedo però che c'è un file, sempre 
nascosto, di nome .wmrc; io andrei a sfrugugliare là, scrivendoci il nome del 
window manager che intendi utilizzare. Questo poi, immagino, indicherà a 
startx quale wm caricare.
Prova, e poi ci dici...

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] java e/o flash

2002-12-03 Thread Fabio Manunza
Alle 18:45, martedì 3 dicembre 2002, tom ha scritto:

 Ruesto è il readme

  Java(TM) 2 SDK, Enterprise Edition

 Version:  1.3.1 FCS
 Release Date: January 2002

 If you're new to the Java 2 SDK, Enterprise Edition (J2EE(TM)),
 then you'll find the following documentation helpful:

 The main page for the documentation is titled, Java 2
 SDK, Enterprise Edition Documentation.  It's in the
 doc/index.html file.
Qui ti dice che la documentazione la trovi nella dir /doc del tuo pacchetto 
(inziando ovviamente da index.html); neanche uno straccio di info?

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

[newbie-it] Setuid

2002-12-03 Thread Gaetano Del Vecchio
ho installato da pochissimi giorni Linux Mandrake 8.0 sul mio portatile
Toshiba Satellite 1800-614,
e premetto che è la prima volta che entro nel mondo di Linux,  il mio
problema è questo:
quando tento di settare le proprietà del risparmio energetico e dello
standby, mi appare un messaggio del genere:   devi rendere /usr/bin/apm
Sutuid. Cosa significa? cosa devo fare?

grazie e ciao a tutti.

[newbie-it] stampante

2002-12-03 Thread ba-rk

Salute a tutti,come al solito ho un problema,perche 
su MCC la stampante lexmark Z11 viene vista corretamente,con relativa pagina di 
prova,mentre quando tento di stampare una mail su Kmail
mi dice che non ci sono stampe in coda?e non 
stampa niente in compenso sul desktop 
mi compare una icona(croce svizzera),PDQ 
avete qulche idea?
grazie a tutti

Re: Re: [newbie-it] OT: mi sono laureato

2002-12-03 Thread carmine de pasquale
posso provare a riassumerti tutto dicendo: non è un wordprocessor, ma un
pageprocessor, crea pagine che si vedono allo stesso modo
indipendentemente da monitor, stampante, risoluzioni utilizzate, schede
video, ecc.

- Original Message -
From: Emiliano La Licata [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 1:21 PM
Subject: Re: Re: [newbie-it] OT: mi sono laureato

Alle 12:00, martedì 3 dicembre 2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:

Ma cos'è questo latex?E' una specie di wordprocessor evoluto o
 cosa?Scusate la mia ignoranza. Alessandro.

non è un word processor tradizionale, cioè di quelli che costruiscono un
sulla base di ciò che vedi nella pagina dove scrivi...
è un modo di scrivere che usa la logica del software che si utilizza per
in breve entrando nel modo latex, ti ritrovi davanti alla pagina di un
e per prima cosa devi scrivere dei comandi per formattare il testo
(carattere, margini ecc. ecc.), poi cominci ad occuparti del corpo del
ed inserisci ciò che vuoi scrivere preceduto da una istruzione sul -
modo -
in cui questo deve essere scritto (modo normale, titolo, paragrafo,
grassetto, ecc. ecc.).
Appena finito, trasformi il file al quale hai lavorato in postscript o
dvi, se
ricordo bene, e così puoi vedere il risultato finale di ciò che hai
cioè ti ritrovi davanti un testo formattato secondo le istruzioni che tu
dato in sede di sessione editor.
La spiegazione che ho dato è oscura ed orribile, mi rendo conto... è più
facile provare il latex che spiegare come esso funziona...
Sono stato approssimativo anche perché non ho mai seriamente utilizzato
modo latex perché esiste un programma che si chiama Lyx che rende le
cose più
semplici, cioè utilizza la logica dei word processor tradizionali, ciò
vedi sullo schermo è ciò che vedrai sulla pagina stampata, per
testi latex.
Tutto su latex lo trovi su internet, fai ricerca con google...  o se sei

affezionato al supporto cartaceo, ci sono dei capitoli belli in Michael
Stutz, Linux una ricetta al giorno...


Re: [newbie-it] SCHEDA DI RETE

2002-12-03 Thread carmine de pasquale

realtek 8139: universali e io le compro a nettuno a 
sono praticamente lo standard.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 4:17 
  Subject: [newbie-it] SCHEDA DI RETE
  Ciao a tutti, dovrei aquistare una scheda di rete da 
  installare sotto la mandrake 9.0 o redhat 8.0 , qualcuno puo' consigliarmi 
  quale prendere e all'incirca quanto costa  non vorrei imbattermi in 
  qualche scheda non supportata.
  ciao a tutti!

Re: [newbie-it] migliore browser in Mandrake 8.1

2002-12-03 Thread carmine de pasquale
qualunque browser.
l'unico accorgimento per rendere un browser totalmente compatibile con
gli altri è quello di impostarlo per essere riconosciuto come msie su
winzozz, in quanto molti webmaster idioti rendono le pagine invisibili a
browsers che non dichiarino di essere microzozz explorer. aggiunta la
stringa vengono visualizzati correttamente su tutti i browsers.
io preferisco mozilla

- Original Message -
From: Enrico Teotti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 4:18 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] migliore browser in Mandrake 8.1

 volevo sapere se c'è un browser superiore ad altri in Mandrake 8.1

 Get 25MB, POP3, Spam Filtering with LYCOS MAIL PLUS for $19.95/year.

Re: [newbie-it] Linux Office?

2002-12-03 Thread carmine de pasquale

- Original Message -
From: Enrico Teotti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 4:22 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] Linux Office?

 volevo sapere se esiste un pacchetto migliore di altri come
compatibilita verso l'office di Microsoft in Linux Mandrake 8.1. Ricordo
di avere sentito parlare di StarOffice... nella mia distribuzione sono
inseriti vari editor di testo ed alcuni fogli di calcolo ma non saprei
quale sia il piu adatto. Ce n'è uno? :)

c'è openoffice, ma non è incluso
 Get 25MB, POP3, Spam Filtering with LYCOS MAIL PLUS for $19.95/year.

Re: [newbie-it] pranzo ML varie

2002-12-03 Thread miKe
Alle 09:25, martedì 3 dicembre 2002, Fabio Manunza ha scritto:
   (o magari a Padova, visto che ci vado più spesso.. :-)
  Padova, Padova!
  Credo sia comoda anche ai Milanesi...

 ...Pure ai triestini...

la accendiamo?




Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Re: [newbie-it] Setuid

2002-12-03 Thread miKe
Alle 21:30, martedì 3 dicembre 2002, Gaetano Del Vecchio ha 

 il mio problema è questo:
 quando tento di settare le proprietà del risparmio energetico
 e dello standby, mi appare un messaggio del genere:   devi
 rendere /usr/bin/apm Sutuid. Cosa significa? cosa devo fare?

apm può essere eseguito, per certi utilizzi, solo da root
ed è di proprietà di root

root@mdk:/home/Administrator# ls -l /usr/bin/apm
-rwsr-sr-x1 root root11364 feb 22  2002 

per permettere agli utenti 'comuni' di lanciarlo, 
occorre 'suidarlo' ..
cioè aggiungere un flag (quella s che vedi) che consenta agli 
utenti di eseguirlo, come se ne fossero i proprietari,
apm girerà quindi come se fosse stato lanciato da root 
(non è poco, infatti se ci pensi, può mandarti la macchina in 
standby... immagina a farlo su un server con 500 utenti..)

il comando da lanciare è chmod +s nomefile

nel tuo caso:
# chmod +s /usr/bin/apm

leggi la parte relativa ai permessi  sugli Appunti di 
Informatica Libera, è chiarissima

 grazie e ciao a tutti.




Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

[newbie-it] GNU e kernel

2002-12-03 Thread miKe
Alle 22:44, martedì 3 dicembre 2002, Emiliano La Licata ha 

 non conosco l'ingegner Cane acc. :(, ma quando sento parlare
 di ponti un brivido gelido, frutto di terrore, rabbia e
 rassegnazione, attraversa la mia persona...

hai capito bene pur non conoscendolo...
è una parodia (di un fatto che già sembra la parodia di se 

   Riguardo il kernel, 
  la ML a che serve altrimenti?
  mi pare che altrimenti ci allontanimo un pò da Linux e da

 Quello che tocchi è un punto che mi sta davvero a cuore..
 credo che linux e gnu siano - l'unica - dico l'unica -  forma
 di scienza/conoscenza esistente totalmente diversa dalle altre
 per il modo di produzione e diffusione del sapere: 
 ..La mailing list è un esempio fantastico di
 produzione comunitaria, pubblica e libera di sapere

non posso che darti ragione su tutta la linea

la cosa che rende unico il sistema, non è il codice,
ma la filosofia che c'è dietro..
..e poi da quella deriva la bontà del prodotto.

Se non fossimo qui a parlare dei problemi, a risolverli, e a  
tartassare gli sviluppatori con i nostri problemi (tanti) e 
consigli (pooochi..)
non ci sarebbe nessun miglioramento  non imposto dall'alto o dal 

Poi io sono dell'idea che la conoscenza, di qualsiasi tipo, 
debba per forza essere libera e aperta (come tante altre 
cosette.. ma andrei OT..)

  ti consiglio di installare i sorgenti del kernel della tua
  quindi di entrarci e lanciare make menuconfig 

 Ho trovato nel cd dei sorgenti del PP un solo rpm che
 riguardasse il kernel e l'ho installato da root con rmp -i
 ecc. ecc.

ora, a memoria, credo chei sorgenti si chiamano kernel-source o 
qualcosa del genere, non ho idea in quale dei cd della 
distribuzione li possano aver messi, li devi cercare...

se li installi con urpmi si tireranno dietro tutto il necessario 
(compilatore , librerie, librerie grafiche, qualche 
collegamento, qualche manuale...)

 poi ho dato make xconfig ma non è partito nulla...

con quele errore?

ti ho accennato che per lanciare il make manuconfig devi 
trovarti all'interno della dir 'linux' 
cioè in /usr/src/linux-2.4.18-xxx.mdk
'linux' è un link simbolico che punta alla directory reale nella 
quale si trovano i sorgenti

se fai cd /usr/src/linux
e poi dai pwd vedi che linux era solo un link...
(uniforma il percorso, nel caso in cui aggiungi dei nuovi 
sorgenti devi solo rifare il link)

 Ciao e scusami per lingua lunga





Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Re: [newbie-it] supermount si o no

2002-12-03 Thread fabio
Alle 09:28, martedì 3 dicembre 2002, hai scritto:
 Alle 18:32, domenica 1 dicembre 2002, fabio ha scritto:
  Dopo il bug in supermount, mi sono accorto di un'altra cosa:

 Continuo ad essere convinto che il bug sia di Kde, non di supermount: mi
 sembra doveroso, dopo che per settimane ne ho detto peste e corna...Ma
 ripeto, con Gnome nessun problema...
ho provato entrando direttamente nel cdrom o floppy da console (con cd mnt, cd 
cdrom) ed i files li vede tutti e si riescono a copiare tranquillamente senza 
cose strane Speriamo che Mandrake emetta una patch per KDE-mdk allora!!!

Re: [newbie-it] migliore browser in Mandrake 8.1

2002-12-03 Thread fabio
Alle 16:18, martedì 3 dicembre 2002, Enrico Teotti ha scritto:
 volevo sapere se c'è un browser superiore ad altri in Mandrake 8.1
esiteno mozilla e opera, ove peraltro possono simulare-farsi riconoscere- come 
m$ ie. A te la scelta.

Re: [newbie-it] Linux Office?

2002-12-03 Thread fabio
Alle 16:22, martedì 3 dicembre 2002, Enrico Teotti ha scritto:
 volevo sapere se esiste un pacchetto migliore di altri come compatibilita
 verso l'office di Microsoft in Linux Mandrake 8.1. Ricordo di avere sentito
 parlare di StarOffice... nella mia distribuzione sono inseriti vari editor
 di testo ed alcuni fogli di calcolo ma non saprei quale sia il piu adatto.
 Ce n'è uno? :) Grazie,
Dipende dall'uso che ne fai. Dovo lavoro, ho eliminato (a colpi di format) 
office ed ho installato OpenOffice versione 1.0.1 e funziona benissimo. La 
compatibilità (provata) tra word '97 e 2000 con OpenOffice Write è quasi del 
100% (ha problemi nella formattazione delle immagini congiuntamente a del 
testo ma facilmente risolvibili) idem per Exel '97.

Re: [newbie-it] stampante

2002-12-03 Thread fabio
Hash: SHA1

Alle 21:47, martedì 3 dicembre 2002, ba-rk ha scritto:
 Salute a tutti,come al solito ho un problema,perche su MCC la stampante
 lexmark Z11 viene vista corretamente,con relativa pagina di prova,mentre
 quando tento di stampare una mail su Kmail mi dice che non ci sono stampe
 in coda?e non stampa niente in compenso sul desktop mi compare una
 icona(croce svizzera),PDQ panic
 avete qulche idea?
 grazie a tutti
Se stampi da altri programmi (kwrite,openoffice) il problema persiste o solo 
con kmail hai questo problema ?
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] pranzo ML varie

2002-12-03 Thread Daniele Micci
Alle 21:03, martedì 3 dicembre 2002, miKe ha scritto:
 Alle 09:25, martedì 3 dicembre 2002, Fabio Manunza ha scritto:
(o magari a Padova, visto che ci vado più spesso.. :-)
   Padova, Padova!
   Credo sia comoda anche ai Milanesi...
  ...Pure ai triestini...

 la accendiamo?



Tsk, tsk... troppa televisione! ;)



«Il mondo si divide in 10 tipi di persone: quelle che conoscono la numerazione 
binaria, e quelle che non la conoscono.»

[newbie-it] Update

2002-12-03 Thread stormymonday
Il mio problema è che 
lanciando il drakconf per fare l'update dei pacchetti di 
mdk9 continua a dirmi
che c'è stato un errore nell'aggiunta del supporto degli aggiornamenti
con urpmi,quindi vado
in update_source e ho:
url = ftp://ftp.edisontel.it/pub/Mandrake_Mirror/Mandrake/updates/9.0/RPMS/ 
(e credo vada bene)
percorso relativo a syntesis/hdlist : ../base/hdlist.cz

Non so come fare 
in altrnativa qual'è il comando urpmi da console?
Grazie e ciao

Per favore non mandatemi allegati in Word o PowerPoint.
 Si veda http://www.fsf.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html

[newbie-it] ECDL semi OT

2002-12-03 Thread Lux
Ciao a tutti,
Domenica, sfogliando le inserzioni sul giornale, mi sono imbattuto in 
una offerta di lavoro da parte della Regione Liguria come addetto alla 
gestione di dati informatici. Fino a qui nulla da dire. Nei requisiti 
richiesti c'erano la solita conoscenza dei calcolatori, l'iscrizione 
al collocamento e la patente Europea di Informatica.
Secondo voi e` legale che venga richiesta la patente Europea di 
Informatica? Per prenderla non bisogna studiare i pacchetti Office di M$?

Scusate per l'argomento OT, ma se per trovare lavoro uno deve per forza 
conoscere word, excel, power point, dove andremo a finire!


Ciao, Lux

Linux User # 266688

It took the computing power of three C-64s to fly to the Moon.
It takes a 486 to run Windows 95. Something is wrong here.

Re: [newbie-it] scheda yamaha

2002-12-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Alle 16:22, venerdì 29 novembre 2002, tom ha scritto:
  Salve a tutti,
  sto facendo un indagine tra i fortunatissimi possessori di scheda au
  Yamaha opl3-
sax sound system, se non sbaglio,qui in lista ci dovrebbero
  essere almeno 4 eletti che si fregiano del possesso della suddetta!
  Con la mdk8.1 l'audio era accettabile con la 8.2 era decente,ora con
 la 9.0
  è uno schifo! a volumi un po elevati la distorsione e il fruscio fan
  sembrare Laura Pausini uguale ai Sex Pistols!
(non che questo mi dispiaccia
  :) Questo l'ho riscontrato solo io?
 Ehi!! La voglio anch'io una scheda che trasforma la Pausini nei Sex Pi
 -- Fabio Manunza -- 
## n° macchina 140545 ##
Saluti alla lista e a Fabio, ebbene si sono un fortunatissimo 
possessore di Yamaha opl3-sax sound system, che su winzozz funzionava 
egregiamente passato a MAndrake 82, oltre al fatto che ho dovuto 
rompere le scatole in lista per capire come configurarla manualmente 
perche mandrake 8.2 non la riconosceva nemmeno, una volta installata il 
suono era schifoso, sto pensando seriamente a provare ad instaalre la 
mia vecchia sound-card Sound Blaster Pro 2 per vedere se migliora.

Ciao a Tutti 
Dario Miretti

Re: [newbie] PTS?

2002-12-03 Thread Damian Gatabria

 you or watching you download porn.

Hey!! how did you know!? So YOU must be the
one wathing me!! ;o)

Now seriously, it's the first time i notice that...
maybe it's OpenOffice? 

Thanks Stephen.


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Re: [newbie] Fresh Install Advice

2002-12-03 Thread Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 03 Dec 2002 10:48 am, Dennis  Sue wrote:
 Hello folks,
 My harddrive is finally dying, and due to be replaced this weekend
  hopefully ).
 At this moment, there are only 2 good partitions left ( both Windows ).
 So anyway, with the new harddrive comes the opportunity to load whatever
 version of Linux I prefer.
 Up until yesterday, It was Mandrake 8.2. I liked this version, As did my
 wife, ( Plenty of card games, eye candy, ease of use for her, etc ). You
 get the point.
 Now, I am wondering about version 9. I am intrigued by KDE 3, and would
 probably like it.
 However, from this list it seems there are some  bugs  that I might not
 enjoy, Actually it seems like quite a few.
 I am wondering if it is worth it when the time comes to load version 9, or
 stick with 8.2, and wait for a new version say, 9.1 or something.
 Does version 9 have the card games like 8.2 ? Especially the gnome
 freecell, and Klondike ( solitaire ) ?
 Thank you for your input.

I liked 8.2 very much..

I like 9.0 even better...I cannot think of a single problem I have had with 
it. Not everyones experience is the same, but just because you read of people 
having a problem does not mean that everyone is.

(Besides which.. A lot of problems posted on this list are 'self inflicted')


Oh and it has all the games 8.2 had plus a couple of new ones like Frozen 
Bubble and Tower Toppler which my kids love.

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Re: [newbie] Getting multiple ghost shadow effects from gfx card

2002-12-03 Thread magnet
On Tuesday 03 Dec 2002 9:23 am, Richard Urwin wrote:

 big snip as thread contents getting big

 If I can stick my oar in at this point, it sounds like a hardware echo
 to me. Have you checked all the connections?

 In reply to both Peter and Richard's suggestions: I have by-passed the 
monitor switch box and tried a direct connection gfx card == monitor and 
the result is the same, so that rules out the switch box being the cause.

AFAIK this monitor lead is a good quality one with duel ferrite coils fitted 
near the connections. It is not routed near to any mains voltage power leads.

I will have a look in the local computer shop to see if they have any better 
quality leads available and try a replacement.

Thanks for your replies. Will let you know if this makes any difference.


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Re: [newbie] usb diskonkey

2002-12-03 Thread Azrael
I don't have an sda or whatever tab in diskdrake..

On Tue, 2002-12-03 at 07:25, Len Lawrence wrote:
 On 02 Dec 2002 19:49:06 +
 Azrael [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have a tiny usb diskonkey hard drive type thingy, and want to know hwo
  to get it working in mandrake9.
  usbview says this about it:
  -- snip --
 I have a 20 Gb Flip2Disk, USB 2.0 device, which gives a very similar listing
 under usbview.  If you have usb-storage loaded as a module then your device
 should be emulated as /dev/sda, /dev/sdb or whatever; /dev/sda if you have no
 other SCSI devices on your system.  My drive came preformatted as VFAT I think
 and the first step was to reformat it to ext2.  If you wish to do the same,
 go to diskdrake as root and hit the sda tab (or whatever) - PLEASE be extremely
 careful at this stage - and reformat and create partitions as required.  
 I found that ext3 would not take - ended up as ext2.
 After that it should be a simple matter to create a mount point and mount the
   mount -t ext2 /dev/sda1 /mnt/thingy
   mount -t vfat(?) /dev/sda1 /mnt/thingy
 Let us know if this helps. 

   `0_ O  )   `-.  ( ).`-.__.`) 
   (_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-'  
 _..`--'_..-_/  /--'_.' .'  
((i).-''  ((i).'  (((.-' 
Of all God's creatures there is only one that cannot be made the slave
of the lash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with a cat it
would improve man, but it would deteriorate the cat. 


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Re: [newbie] internet sharing help needed

2002-12-03 Thread magnet
Hi Franki,

It was late and I was getting tired when I tried it last. You are, of course 
correct about gShield just being a script. I was getting confused with the 
tar file configuration GUI that is an optional extra, which has to be made.

Anyway, here is a brief what I did for anyone else reading this. Got the GUI 
to compile and install AFTER placing gShield scripts in /etc/firewall and 
editing gShield.conf file to suit my IP ranges.
Fired it up and amazing... it started to work right away :)

Now... last few questions for this query... 
Can I now uninstall shorewall from this machine. it isnt running anyway and I 
don't ever plan to use it EVER again after the last few weeks of grief it has 
caused me? ;-)
How do get the gShield.rc script to be executed on booting the machine rather 
than opening up a console as su and typing /etc/firewall/gShield.rc each 



On Tuesday 03 Dec 2002 6:19 am, Franki wrote:
 There is no compilation of gShield.. its just shell scripts..

 just download the tarball from their site.. uncompress it (if you have
 midnight commander you can just press enter over the tarball to enter it
 and just copy the stuff into /etc/firewall with F5. if you don't have mc..
 you should, urpmi mc)
 , and dump the lot in /etc/firewall then have a look in

 Possibly the best config file I have seen for simplicity.. it tells you the
 options you can use, and the defaults are most often correct..

 The ICS is in that config file.. select MULTI=YES, and further down NAT=YES

 then make sure that the network address in /etc/firewall/NATS matches your
 internal network.. (ie, 10.0.0.x etc)

 thats it... when gSheild is fired up, you'll have NAT,, nothing to it.




 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of magnet
 Sent: Tuesday, 3 December 2002 9:39 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] internet sharing help needed

 On Tuesday 03 Dec 2002 1:07 am, Brian Parish wrote:
  On Tue, 2002-12-03 at 01:59, magnet wrote:
   Hi all,
   Well back from the dead once again after another fresh install
   following a lost battle trying to get a firewall installed and working,
   damn that shorewall!
   Machine is running mdk 9.0. So here is my question... How do I manually
   configure my main machine to share it's modem connection to the other 5
   machines on my LAN?
   This is my /etc/sysconfig/network file:
   The other machines are all using the 192.168.0.xxx range and all point

 to as the gateway they should be using.
   I do NOT want to use the control centre because it demands installing
   shorewall, which has been the biggest problem of all here causing no
   end of trouble with blocked ports, breaking samba and ftp. I simple
   hate it and the documentation isn't simple enough for me to understand
   how to write iptables rules yet to achieve a fully secure machine.
   Hope some of you will take the time to offer some advice on this.
  I too gave up on shorewall.  Grab gShield.  Every feature you could wish
  for. Configured with a single simple conf file.
  You be up an sharing in about 2 minutes - 5 if you read the fine print.

 Cheers Brian, but I tried the mandrake rpm files which failed, and then
 to compile gShield from source which also didn't go too well. Can you
 how you set your ICS up please.
 My current situation is shorewall is installed (by default as soon as I
 used MCC to enable internet sharing) but it set to not start up at boot in

 Did you uninstall shorewall completely and not use MCC to set-up/enable ICS
 and just depend on gShield to get the results you were after?

 If I enable it, then this system changes my static IP from the required to This then throws out the rest of the network
 for all the other stuff I am running (samba,ftp). Even though shorewall
 isn't running right now, it has killed proftpd, which cannot determine the
 IP of this machine and refuses to now start, even though ifconf confirms
 the IP to be Squid also now complains on shutdown producing
 errors,although this doesn't seem to affect the machine's ability to


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Re: [Fwd: Re: [newbie]]

2002-12-03 Thread John Richard Smith
wouter pos wrote:

Sequence of events of my installation? ok!!

Do I remember correctly , yours is a dual boot with W98 ?
If so I believe you may well have bios set for pnp detection,
as I believe w98 requires it. When W98 boot it looks back at the job
bios has done detecting pnp devices and incorporates that knowledge
into it's boot sequence, Mandrake doesn't need to do this, hence
all the nobiospnp business to /etc/lilo.conf  append= etc etc.

If you don't have w98 installed  and this is a dualboot with
slackware then this is maybe not the case, I don't know
anything about slackware, never having installed it. Possibly slackware
needs bios pnp detection, I simply don't know.

However just out of curiousity, and because I'm the kind of guy
that will experiment, maybe it is worth trying as an experiment,
disabling pnp detection in bios, and try booting mandrake just to see
what happens. If it doesn't work, no harm done just go back into
bios and reenable.

First i already had linux installed. It was the
slackware distribution with hda3 of 3.7 GB and a swap
space hda4 of 125 MB (TOO SMALL??).

Well, it's not enourmous , but believe me you can boot a linux
OS on no swap space, I've done it many times, when for one
reason or another the install went wrong and I had to restore
swap mounting from desktop.
Swap space is mobile memory, similar but not the same as
windblows virtual memory, only in windblows it's a file
with preset expandible limits, whereas in linux it's a /swap
partition , if your swap space is to small it can be the cause
of lockups when attempting to do big numbercrunching jobs
like fsck, or something similar, but I doubt whether the
size of your swap space here is anything to do with the problem,
although you don't say what size you memory stick is,
maybe a question mark here ?

Ok the installation bootup went smoothly with a boot
floppy made with rawrite.exe from the mandrake site.
I gave an enter when the first screen came up (enter
or F1) and the installation procedure-screen came up
with the separate dots indicating the installation

your Mandrake cd1 would not  autorun ?, maybe you don't have
the cdrom drive in your boot sequence in bios, I like to
have , floppydrive,cdrom,ide, in that order, doesn't have to
be but it's nice to not have to bother going back into bios to
sellect cdrom and first boot device just in order to get the
Mandrake cd1 to run.

A recommended install was done and the dutch
language was chosen and i accepted the terms and
conditions. I chose an install instead of an
upgrade or upgrade packages only. I chose for no
scsi interface. And a standard mouse and a us
keyboard. I used the existing partition hda3 as my
root partition and hda4 as my swap space I formatted
it (them both). 

All of the workstation possibilities were chosen
including both KDE and GNOME desktop. (All the server
options weren't taken into account).

The installation began and it took about 20 minuten
for 3 cd's. 

difficult to say, 20 minutes is about how long it takes me with 1800
athlon processor with 512mb of ddr ram installing 2.5 gigs of OS,
I am guessing you are not installing anthing like so much, and
with a slower processor and less memory, it doesn't seem too bad
to me.

(Have i wrongly burned the iso-files to
the cd's? I have used Nero to burn the iso-files There
were no errors during this operation, though.) 

Nothing wrong with nero, though I prefer linux's cdrecord for this job,
the nero version I have doesn't do 700mb discs , maybe yours does.

Then the root password was chosen and a user (just
one: me!!!)

The network was detected with a automatic detection
and my LAN was detected. ( We are using a LAN network
and we are running ADSL with 10 persons through a
central server running a slackware linux

Summary was excepted. (With the CUPS server runnign
for my canon bjc250 printer). And my audio card
(integrated) was detected (C-media).

The bootloader was installed: Grub boot device
/dev/hda3 and delay of 7 seconds.

Bootdisk was made.

Installation for X was only the frequency with a
screen size 1024 X 768 : at 70 HZ using a iiyama

this is screen resolution ( as against video resolution)not screen size,
otherwise good.

(not listed in iiyama list LS 902 UT). My
graphical card is integrate onto my motherboard. My
motherboard is an Asus a7n266 with sound but no LAN.
On the website my motherboard is not listed in the
hardware support list but the installation finds it
(Nvidia integrated Generic).

I have no experience with intergrated mobo screen drivers, but there is
a question mark in my mind ?  possible source of problem ?

my viewing size was 1024 x 768 at 65.000 colors 16

well the screen resolution 1024 x 768  is ok but the frequency is 65
where your screen freequency is 70 , I would like them to both be the
same value

so back in the section for screen resolution I think I would try to
find one that is the same  

Re: [newbie] RE: So many core dumps, what up !!

2002-12-03 Thread kjc
I'm new to the MDK world. I was using SuSE 8.1.
The environment is very stable. Including the XServer included.
But, the desktop is rather crude. I think SuSE is aiming primarily
at the server market. Because during it's two week test drive.
I experienced 0 core dumps. I do all my Java development work
in *nix environment. So, I need a fairly robust desktop environment.
As well as a stable kernel environment. So far that vote if still out on
MDK. I'm going to install some of the Java tools. If using these tools
causes core dumps. Then, I'll know that MDK is not for me.

Franki wrote:

I get none on some mdk7.2 boxs I still have..

as for mdk9.. most often its me playing with obscure options in KDE apps...

I'm guessing that they are just from bugs in kde...

generally though, I've had only minor probs with mandrake.. most stuff I've
either fixed or I work around.. and I don't have to do that often.. i used
redhat for ages.. then I swapped to mandrake, and I can't imagine swapping

I only load redhat on my systems so I can see what each new ver is like..

Its gotten so that I am so comfortable with mandrake that the idea of
working with other distros is not a happy prospect..

(I love default postfix install.. won't touch sendmail again) and other apps
are my preferences now also.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Stephen Kuhn
Sent: Tuesday, 3 December 2002 2:16 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] RE: So many core dumps, what up !!

On Tue, 2002-12-03 at 17:08, Franki wrote:

Strange,, i have many mdk9.0 box's, and not many core dumps. I've had a
couple, but I get that with all distros..

on mandrake 9.0 I have had practically none.. go figure...

What tools are you refering to??


I find it rather strange that on my RH 7.3, I get NO coredumps

Tue Dec  3 17:15:00 EST 2002
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Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Can anyone remember when the times were not hard, and money not scarce?


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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] RE: So many core dumps, what up !!

2002-12-03 Thread kjc

I'm not quite sure which tools at this point. Although I suspect that
they are KDE related. I just monitor my home directory for core dumps. After
a session of doing various activities. There are at least two core dumps

Franki wrote:

  Strange,, i have many mdk9.0 box's, and not many core dumps. I've had a
couple, but I get that with all distros..

on mandrake 9.0 I have had practically none.. go figure...

What tools are you refering to??



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of kjc
Sent: Tuesday, 3 December 2002 8:58 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] RE: So many core dumps, what up !!

I hear that.
But. Sometimes in my zeal.
I rush to the newest tech set.
I have to admit though. The desktop does look great.
And, there are a lot of useful tools that are easily accessable

Stephen Kuhn wrote:

On Tue, 2002-12-03 at 11:33, kjc wrote:

  I did 1,2
If I have to do 3,4 I'll be switching back to SuSE 8.1

But, thanks for the feedback anyways.

by Stephen Kuhn

1.) Reconfigured my lib paths in /etc/ld.so.conf
2.) Reconfigured my /etc/profile
3.) Recompiled my kernel
4.) ...set up a script in cron to delete them after all else failed.


RH 7.3 on my production boxes for me...but still fiddling around with
MDK until I know all it's secrets...(can't get a Fiat to run without
fiddling with it, ya reckon?)

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] RE: So many core dumps, what up !!

2002-12-03 Thread kjc

I'm running the ftp 9.0 version.

Dennis Myers wrote:

  On Monday 02 December 2002 06:09 pm, kjc wrote:
So far. Since installing MDK 9.0. I have experienced atleast ten core
dumps. While running various tools etc..
What is up with that !!!

  What set up are you running? I have had 9.0 running since beta 1 and through 3  
rc's and a final and now the store bought power pack and had no core dumps?  
I am always amazed at the variation in problems showing up on the list, 
course it isn't any dif than problems associated with that other OS as far as 
I can see, but it must have to do with the possible permutations of hardware 
running the software.  Oh, I did have a problem early on with shutdowns, but 
that was cause I put the heatsink on my Duron processor backwards and it 
wasn't even seated, hot stuff! Lucky the processor still runs. 

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[newbie] RE: Predictable Core Dumps !!

2002-12-03 Thread kjc

I found that every time that I do a log out from the task bar. My friend 
the core dump exists in my home directory.
I also, noticed that when that happens. All my lookNfeel settings are 
lost as well as my mail configuration
information. The mouse also freezes when I get returned to the login 
display. I then have to reboot
in order to have the mouse activity returned to me.

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Re: [newbie] Fresh Install Advice

2002-12-03 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 03 Dec 2002 10:48 am, Dennis  Sue wrote:
 Hello folks,
 My harddrive is finally dying, and due to be replaced this weekend
  hopefully ).
 At this moment, there are only 2 good partitions left ( both Windows ).
 So anyway, with the new harddrive comes the opportunity to load whatever
 version of Linux I prefer.
 Up until yesterday, It was Mandrake 8.2. I liked this version, As did my
 wife, ( Plenty of card games, eye candy, ease of use for her, etc ). You
 get the point.
 Now, I am wondering about version 9. I am intrigued by KDE 3, and would
 probably like it.
 However, from this list it seems there are some  bugs  that I might not
 enjoy, Actually it seems like quite a few.
 I am wondering if it is worth it when the time comes to load version 9, or
 stick with 8.2, and wait for a new version say, 9.1 or something.
 Does version 9 have the card games like 8.2 ? Especially the gnome
 freecell, and Klondike ( solitaire ) ?
 Thank you for your input.

I would say that if you can you should keep 8.2 AND install 9.0.  Experiences 
of 9.0 have been very different.  If you get a good install, as mine was, you 
will have few problems and you can then ditch 8.2

And yes, there are as many card games etc. as you could want


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Re: [newbie] Min spec

2002-12-03 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 03 Dec 2002 9:45 am, Keith Powell wrote:
 On Monday 02 December 2002 6:39 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
  Systems are generally pretty noisy, these days.

 Hello Anne

 When it's behaving, mine sounds like one of those noisy fan heaters. When
 it's not, the noise is more like a vacuum cleaner.

 A bit of information, which you may already know.

 There is a firm in the U.K. which specialises in things (special cases,
 fans, fins, etc)  to reduce the noise from a system. They are:-


 I don't know anything about them, but they look interesting from a quick
 browse through their web site. I want to try to get my system quieter, so I
 will be looking at them again.

 End of commercial!



They get good write-ups, too.  But upgrading for quietness does not come 
cheap.  Still, it's one option


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] RE: GNOME Window Manager

2002-12-03 Thread kjc

Does anyone know how to use a window manager other than Metacity with GNOME.
MDK 9.0

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Re: [newbie] RE: So many core dumps, what up !!

2002-12-03 Thread Derek Jennings
Core dumps are an entirely normal part of running Linux. Anytime an 
application 'segfaults' a diagnostic dump is produced.  If you run flaky 
applications then core dumps are the consequence.

However ordinary users are generally not interested in core dumps and wish to 
suppress them. This is easily done by inserting the command
ulimit -c 0  in the file ~/.bash_profile   for a single user, or /etc/profile 
for all users.

Looking at my own system. My laptop is producing coredumps (because I keep 
running Opera 6.1 which crashes regularly) and I can see the current setting 
by typing ulimit -a  is to allow core dumps up to 1MB in size

On the other hand ulimit -a on my desktop machine tells me that coredump size 
is set to zero, and I am not getting core dumps.

So clearly there is a difference in the way my two computers are configured. 
The only difference that comes to mind is that the /home directory on the 
desktop was from a previous 8.2 install, while the laptop was a clean 

I will take a closer look to find out where the coredump size is being set.


On Tuesday 03 Dec 2002 2:05 pm, kjc wrote:
 I'm running the ftp 9.0 version.

 Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Monday 02 December 2002 06:09 pm, kjc wrote:
 So far. Since installing MDK 9.0. I have experienced atleast ten core
 dumps. While running various tools etc..
 What is up with that !!!
 What set up are you running? I have had 9.0 running since beta 1 and
  through 3 rc's and a final and now the store bought power pack and had no
  core dumps? I am always amazed at the variation in problems showing up on
  the list, course it isn't any dif than problems associated with that
  other OS as far as I can see, but it must have to do with the possible
  permutations of hardware running the software.  Oh, I did have a problem
  early on with shutdowns, but that was cause I put the heatsink on my
  Duron processor backwards and it wasn't even seated, hot stuff! Lucky the
  processor still runs.
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Re: [newbie] RE: So many core dumps, what up !!

2002-12-03 Thread kjc

I found that the core dumps occur upon log out from both the task bar and
the pull down menu.
KDE 3.0
So I switched to GNOME 2.
Let's see if GNOME 2, gives me the same behavior.

Derek Jennings wrote:

  Core dumps are an entirely normal part of running Linux. Anytime an 
application 'segfaults' a diagnostic dump is produced.  If you run flaky 
applications then core dumps are the consequence.

However ordinary users are generally not interested in core dumps and wish to 
suppress them. This is easily done by inserting the command
ulimit -c 0  in the file ~/.bash_profile   for a single user, or /etc/profile 
for all users.

Looking at my own system. My laptop is producing coredumps (because I keep 
running Opera 6.1 which crashes regularly) and I can see the current setting 
by typing ulimit -a  is to allow core dumps up to 1MB in size

On the other hand ulimit -a on my desktop machine tells me that coredump size 
is set to zero, and I am not getting core dumps.

So clearly there is a difference in the way my two computers are configured. 
The only difference that comes to mind is that the /home directory on the 
desktop was from a previous 8.2 install, while the laptop was a clean 

I will take a closer look to find out where the coredump size is being set.


On Tuesday 03 Dec 2002 2:05 pm, kjc wrote:
I'm running the ftp 9.0 version.

Dennis Myers wrote:

  On Monday 02 December 2002 06:09 pm, kjc wrote:
So far. Since installing MDK 9.0. I have experienced atleast ten core
dumps. While running various tools etc..
What is up with that !!!

  What set up are you running? I have had 9.0 running since beta 1 and
through 3 rc's and a final and now the store bought power pack and had no
core dumps? I am always amazed at the variation in problems showing up on
the list, course it isn't any dif than problems associated with that
other OS as far as I can see, but it must have to do with the possible
permutations of hardware running the software.  Oh, I did have a problem
early on with shutdowns, but that was cause I put the heatsink on my
Duron processor backwards and it wasn't even seated, hot stuff! Lucky the
processor still runs.

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Fresh Install Advice

2002-12-03 Thread Tru64 User
Go 9.0...and learn not to blame the software always
for user errors. My first move to 9.0 was a disaster,
but then i learnt that there were a lot of things I
did wrong!!
All is smooth now..much slicker!

Richard Mollel

--- Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tuesday 03 Dec 2002 10:48 am, Dennis  Sue wrote:
  Hello folks,
  My harddrive is finally dying, and due to be
 replaced this weekend
   hopefully ).
  At this moment, there are only 2 good partitions
 left ( both Windows ).
  So anyway, with the new harddrive comes the
 opportunity to load whatever
  version of Linux I prefer.
  Up until yesterday, It was Mandrake 8.2. I liked
 this version, As did my
  wife, ( Plenty of card games, eye candy, ease of
 use for her, etc ). You
  get the point.
  Now, I am wondering about version 9. I am
 intrigued by KDE 3, and would
  probably like it.
  However, from this list it seems there are some 
 bugs  that I might not
  enjoy, Actually it seems like quite a few.
  I am wondering if it is worth it when the time
 comes to load version 9, or
  stick with 8.2, and wait for a new version say,
 9.1 or something.
  Does version 9 have the card games like 8.2 ?
 Especially the gnome
  freecell, and Klondike ( solitaire ) ?
  Thank you for your input.
 I would say that if you can you should keep 8.2 AND
 install 9.0.  Experiences 
 of 9.0 have been very different.  If you get a good
 install, as mine was, you 
 will have few problems and you can then ditch 8.2
 And yes, there are as many card games etc. as you
 could want
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com


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Re: [newbie] RE: So many core dumps, what up !!

2002-12-03 Thread kjc

The log out core dumps occur as well.
Besides that. My mouse freezes at the GDM login prompt.
I reboot to find all my settings have been lost (mail etc...)
And, this time. The GNOME task bar is missing.
I think that all of this is related to the XServer. It desperately needs
some work.

kjc wrote:

   I found that the core dumps occur upon log out from both the task
bar and the pull down menu.
 KDE 3.0
 So I switched to GNOME 2.
 Let's see if GNOME 2, gives me the same behavior.
 Derek Jennings wrote:
Core dumps are an entirely normal part of running Linux. Anytime an 
application 'segfaults' a diagnostic dump is produced.  If you run flaky 
applications then core dumps are the consequence.

However ordinary users are generally not interested in core dumps and wish to 
suppress them. This is easily done by inserting the command
ulimit -c 0  in the file ~/.bash_profile   for a single user, or /etc/profile 
for all users.

Looking at my own system. My laptop is producing coredumps (because I keep 
running Opera 6.1 which crashes regularly) and I can see the current setting 
by typing ulimit -a  is to allow core dumps up to 1MB in size

On the other hand ulimit -a on my desktop machine tells me that coredump size 
is set to zero, and I am not getting core dumps.

So clearly there is a difference in the way my two computers are configured. 
The only difference that comes to mind is that the /home directory on the 
desktop was from a previous 8.2 install, while the laptop was a clean 

I will take a closer look to find out where the coredump size is being set.


On Tuesday 03 Dec 2002 2:05 pm, kjc wrote:
  I'm running the ftp 9.0 version.

Dennis Myers wrote:

On Monday 02 December 2002 06:09 pm, kjc wrote:
  So far. Since installing MDK 9.0. I have experienced atleast ten core
dumps. While running various tools etc..
What is up with that !!!

What set up are you running? I have had 9.0 running since beta 1 and
through 3 rc's and a final and now the store bought power pack and had no
core dumps? I am always amazed at the variation in problems showing up on
the list, course it isn't any dif than problems associated with that
other OS as far as I can see, but it must have to do with the possible
permutations of hardware running the software.  Oh, I did have a problem
early on with shutdowns, but that was cause I put the heatsink on my
Duron processor backwards and it wasn't even seated, hot stuff! Lucky the
processor still runs.

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] RE: So many core dumps, what up !!

2002-12-03 Thread Derek Jennings
Looks like the core dumps are a symptom of something sick about your machine.  
Have you made any changes to central components of the software?
If you can find an application that crashes you can start in a terminal 
window, then you will often get a clue printed.


On Tuesday 03 Dec 2002 2:58 pm, kjc wrote:
 The log out core dumps occur as well.
 Besides that. My mouse freezes at the GDM login prompt.
 I reboot to find all my settings have been lost (mail etc...)
 And, this time. The GNOME task bar is missing.
 I think that all of this is related to the XServer. It desperately needs
 some work.

 kjc wrote:
  I found that the core dumps occur upon log out from both the task bar
  and the pull down menu.
  KDE 3.0
  So I switched to GNOME 2.
  Let's see if GNOME 2, gives me the same behavior.
  Derek Jennings wrote:
 Core dumps are an entirely normal part of running Linux. Anytime an
 application 'segfaults' a diagnostic dump is produced.  If you run flaky
 applications then core dumps are the consequence.
 However ordinary users are generally not interested in core dumps and
  wish to suppress them. This is easily done by inserting the command
 ulimit -c 0  in the file ~/.bash_profile   for a single user, or
  /etc/profile for all users.
 Looking at my own system. My laptop is producing coredumps (because I
  keep running Opera 6.1 which crashes regularly) and I can see the
  current setting by typing ulimit -a  is to allow core dumps up to 1MB in
 On the other hand ulimit -a on my desktop machine tells me that coredump
  size is set to zero, and I am not getting core dumps.
 So clearly there is a difference in the way my two computers are
  configured. The only difference that comes to mind is that the /home
  directory on the desktop was from a previous 8.2 install, while the
  laptop was a clean install.
 I will take a closer look to find out where the coredump size is being
 On Tuesday 03 Dec 2002 2:05 pm, kjc wrote:
 I'm running the ftp 9.0 version.
 Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Monday 02 December 2002 06:09 pm, kjc wrote:
 So far. Since installing MDK 9.0. I have experienced atleast ten core
 dumps. While running various tools etc..
 What is up with that !!!
 What set up are you running? I have had 9.0 running since beta 1 and
 through 3 rc's and a final and now the store bought power pack and had
  no core dumps? I am always amazed at the variation in problems showing
  up on the list, course it isn't any dif than problems associated with
  that other OS as far as I can see, but it must have to do with the
  possible permutations of hardware running the software.  Oh, I did
  have a problem early on with shutdowns, but that was cause I put the
  heatsink on my Duron processor backwards and it wasn't even seated,
  hot stuff! Lucky the processor still runs.
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Fresh Install Advice

2002-12-03 Thread Dennis Sue

- Original Message - 
From: Tru64 User [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 8:51 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Fresh Install Advice

 Go 9.0...and learn not to blame the software always
 for user errors. My first move to 9.0 was a disaster,
 but then i learnt that there were a lot of things I
 did wrong!!
 All is smooth now..much slicker!
 Richard Mollel
 --- Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Tuesday 03 Dec 2002 10:48 am, Dennis  Sue wrote:
   Hello folks,
   My harddrive is finally dying, and due to be
  replaced this weekend
hopefully ).
   At this moment, there are only 2 good partitions
  left ( both Windows ).
   So anyway, with the new harddrive comes the
  opportunity to load whatever
   version of Linux I prefer.
   Up until yesterday, It was Mandrake 8.2. I liked
  this version, As did my
   wife, ( Plenty of card games, eye candy, ease of
  use for her, etc ). You
   get the point.
   Now, I am wondering about version 9. I am
  intrigued by KDE 3, and would
   probably like it.
   However, from this list it seems there are some 
  bugs  that I might not
   enjoy, Actually it seems like quite a few.
   I am wondering if it is worth it when the time
  comes to load version 9, or
   stick with 8.2, and wait for a new version say,
  9.1 or something.
   Does version 9 have the card games like 8.2 ?
  Especially the gnome
   freecell, and Klondike ( solitaire ) ?
   Thank you for your input.
  I would say that if you can you should keep 8.2 AND
  install 9.0.  Experiences 
  of 9.0 have been very different.  If you get a good
  install, as mine was, you 
  will have few problems and you can then ditch 8.2
  And yes, there are as many card games etc. as you
  could want
   Want to buy your Pack or Services from

Ok It's decided then, Mandrake 9 here we come !

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Re: [newbie] RE: So many core dumps, what up !!

2002-12-03 Thread kjc

I installed the NVidia XServer driver.
And, it looks like the XServer was the culprit. The result is like night
and day.
Why this driver was not included is a mystery to me.

Derek Jennings wrote:

  Looks like the core dumps are a symptom of something sick about your machine.  
Have you made any changes to central components of the software?
If you can find an application that crashes you can start in a terminal 
window, then you will often get a clue printed.


On Tuesday 03 Dec 2002 2:58 pm, kjc wrote:
The log out core dumps occur as well.
Besides that. My mouse freezes at the GDM login prompt.
I reboot to find all my settings have been lost (mail etc...)
And, this time. The GNOME task bar is missing.
I think that all of this is related to the XServer. It desperately needs
some work.

kjc wrote:

  I found that the core dumps occur upon log out from both the task bar
and the pull down menu.
KDE 3.0
So I switched to GNOME 2.
Let's see if GNOME 2, gives me the same behavior.

Derek Jennings wrote:
Core dumps are an entirely normal part of running Linux. Anytime an
application 'segfaults' a diagnostic dump is produced.  If you run flaky
applications then core dumps are the consequence.

However ordinary users are generally not interested in core dumps and
wish to suppress them. This is easily done by inserting the command
ulimit -c 0  in the file ~/.bash_profile   for a single user, or
/etc/profile for all users.

Looking at my own system. My laptop is producing coredumps (because I
keep running Opera 6.1 which crashes regularly) and I can see the
current setting by typing ulimit -a  is to allow core dumps up to 1MB in

On the other hand ulimit -a on my desktop machine tells me that coredump
size is set to zero, and I am not getting core dumps.

So clearly there is a difference in the way my two computers are
configured. The only difference that comes to mind is that the /home
directory on the desktop was from a previous 8.2 install, while the
laptop was a clean install.

I will take a closer look to find out where the coredump size is being


On Tuesday 03 Dec 2002 2:05 pm, kjc wrote:

  I'm running the ftp 9.0 version.

Dennis Myers wrote:
On Monday 02 December 2002 06:09 pm, kjc wrote:

  So far. Since installing MDK 9.0. I have experienced atleast ten core
dumps. While running various tools etc..
What is up with that !!!

What set up are you running? I have had 9.0 running since beta 1 and
through 3 rc's and a final and now the store bought power pack and had
no core dumps? I am always amazed at the variation in problems showing
up on the list, course it isn't any dif than problems associated with
that other OS as far as I can see, but it must have to do with the
possible permutations of hardware running the software.  Oh, I did
have a problem early on with shutdowns, but that was cause I put the
heatsink on my Duron processor backwards and it wasn't even seated,
hot stuff! Lucky the processor still runs.


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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Dynamic IP

2002-12-03 Thread Mark Annandale
Hi Guys

I'm using Mandrake 9 and enjoy using it, so far with no major headaches. I 
would now like to set up a mail server with web access for my own use whilst 
travelling (I'm going to South Africa on holioday tomorrow).

I have a cable connection with a dynamically assigned IP and using a Linksys 
DSL/Cable router with my Linux PC connected via one of the available 4 LAN 

Having set up an account with no-ip.com I have installed the client on my pc 
and think it updates my IP automatically, however I am a bit confused with 
where the router fits into all this. If my Dynamic IP changes the router will 
automatically remain connected. I have set up Mandrake using a static IP, and 
enabled a route to the PC using the routers DMZ function.

Can I safely assume that this would give me access to my PC, just by entering 
the blahblah.no-ip.com address ?

Does anyone have any suggestions for a webmail server ? I know the easiest way 
is just to forward all my mail to my ISP's facility - but thats not why I 
changed over to Linux a few years ago.

I trust someone has a similar setup and can chuck me a few pointers.


Mark A

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RE: [linux] [newbie] Tar - Is there a 2Gb limit file size on NT4

2002-12-03 Thread Ken Walker
well for max file sizes, i found out for win95/win98 its 4Gb-1Kb, and for
ntfs its 4Gb-1byte, on ntfs5.1 its t big to cause anyone any problems,
in the trillion bytes range. So the 2Gb limit i'm having is not the target
max file size limits.

NTFS r/w problems only occur when the drive is in the Linux machine, not
remotely connected across networks.

Am i right in thinking it doesn't effect tape devices because there not
block devices ?

-Original Message-
From: Joseph Braddock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 03 December 2002 5:43 AM
Subject: RE: [linux] [newbie] Tar - Is there a 2Gb limit file size on

I'm just picking up on the tail end of this thread, so someone might
have already answered this.  I'm assuming your NT partition is setup
with FAT.  If so, FAT (Win9x, WinNT) has a 2GB limit.  That's why when
drives larger than 2GB first appeared, they were set up with multiple
2GB partitions.  I believe that FAT32 and NTFS gets around this. 
Problem is that NTFS is currently read-only in Linux (AFAIK). 


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Re: [newbie] Dynamic IP

2002-12-03 Thread Nikunj Bansal
Well, I have a somewhat similar situation and I have
an account for Dynamic DNS with tzo.com. I do not have
a black box router though. My router is a Linux box
running ssh.  So I just ssh to this box first and then
I can ssh to my internal machines from there. Does
your router have any such telnet/ssh facility? Port
forwarding to your internal machine can also work if
your router privides that. i.e you can set it up such
that any connections to port 22 (ssh) get redirected
to port 22 on the internal machine. Just some


--- Mark Annandale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Guys
 I'm using Mandrake 9 and enjoy using it, so far with
 no major headaches. I 
 would now like to set up a mail server with web
 access for my own use whilst 
 travelling (I'm going to South Africa on holioday
 I have a cable connection with a dynamically
 assigned IP and using a Linksys 
 DSL/Cable router with my Linux PC connected via one
 of the available 4 LAN 
 Having set up an account with no-ip.com I have
 installed the client on my pc 
 and think it updates my IP automatically, however I
 am a bit confused with 
 where the router fits into all this. If my Dynamic
 IP changes the router will 
 automatically remain connected. I have set up
 Mandrake using a static IP, and 
 enabled a route to the PC using the routers DMZ
 Can I safely assume that this would give me access
 to my PC, just by entering 
 the blahblah.no-ip.com address ?
 Does anyone have any suggestions for a webmail
 server ? I know the easiest way 
 is just to forward all my mail to my ISP's facility
 - but thats not why I 
 changed over to Linux a few years ago.
 I trust someone has a similar setup and can chuck me
 a few pointers.
 Mark A
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RE: [newbie] internet sharing help needed

2002-12-03 Thread Franki
What is your connection???

When I had dialup.. I created files in /etc/ppp


Those files are automatically run when the connection goes up or down..

in ip-up.local I put this line:

That brings the firewall up when the connection goes up.

if you have cable or dsl..
you can put it at the end of the file /etc/rc.d/rc.local

which will bring it up at the end of the boot process.

I have it in both because I use pppoe for my ADSL...

can't hurt any for you to do the same.. been running it this way for years
now with no problems..

Doesn't gSheild just rule???  :-)

I've never seen the GUI config.. whats it like



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of magnet
Sent: Tuesday, 3 December 2002 8:54 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] internet sharing help needed

Hi Franki,

It was late and I was getting tired when I tried it last. You are, of course
correct about gShield just being a script. I was getting confused with the
tar file configuration GUI that is an optional extra, which has to be made.

Anyway, here is a brief what I did for anyone else reading this. Got the
to compile and install AFTER placing gShield scripts in /etc/firewall and
editing gShield.conf file to suit my IP ranges.
Fired it up and amazing... it started to work right away :)

Now... last few questions for this query...
Can I now uninstall shorewall from this machine. it isnt running anyway and
don't ever plan to use it EVER again after the last few weeks of grief it
caused me? ;-)
How do get the gShield.rc script to be executed on booting the machine
than opening up a console as su and typing /etc/firewall/gShield.rc each



On Tuesday 03 Dec 2002 6:19 am, Franki wrote:
 There is no compilation of gShield.. its just shell scripts..

 just download the tarball from their site.. uncompress it (if you have
 midnight commander you can just press enter over the tarball to enter it
 and just copy the stuff into /etc/firewall with F5. if you don't have mc..
 you should, urpmi mc)
 , and dump the lot in /etc/firewall then have a look in

 Possibly the best config file I have seen for simplicity.. it tells you
 options you can use, and the defaults are most often correct..

 The ICS is in that config file.. select MULTI=YES, and further down

 then make sure that the network address in /etc/firewall/NATS matches your
 internal network.. (ie, 10.0.0.x etc)

 thats it... when gSheild is fired up, you'll have NAT,, nothing to it.




 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of magnet
 Sent: Tuesday, 3 December 2002 9:39 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] internet sharing help needed

 On Tuesday 03 Dec 2002 1:07 am, Brian Parish wrote:
  On Tue, 2002-12-03 at 01:59, magnet wrote:
   Hi all,
   Well back from the dead once again after another fresh install
   following a lost battle trying to get a firewall installed and
   damn that shorewall!
   Machine is running mdk 9.0. So here is my question... How do I
   configure my main machine to share it's modem connection to the other
   machines on my LAN?
   This is my /etc/sysconfig/network file:
   The other machines are all using the 192.168.0.xxx range and all point

 to as the gateway they should be using.
   I do NOT want to use the control centre because it demands installing
   shorewall, which has been the biggest problem of all here causing no
   end of trouble with blocked ports, breaking samba and ftp. I simple
   hate it and the documentation isn't simple enough for me to understand
   how to write iptables rules yet to achieve a fully secure machine.
   Hope some of you will take the time to offer some advice on this.
  I too gave up on shorewall.  Grab gShield.  Every feature you could wish
  for. Configured with a single simple conf file.
  You be up an sharing in about 2 minutes - 5 if you read the fine print.

 Cheers Brian, but I tried the mandrake rpm files which failed, and then
 to compile gShield from source which also didn't go too well. Can you
 how you set your ICS up please.
 My current situation is shorewall is installed (by default as soon as I
 used MCC to enable internet sharing) but it set to not start up at boot in

 Did you uninstall shorewall completely and not use MCC to set-up/enable
 and just depend on gShield to get the results you were after?

 If I enable it, then this system changes my static IP 

Re: [newbie] Dynamic IP

2002-12-03 Thread Mark Annandale
On Tuesday 03 Dec 2002 4:23 pm, Nikunj Bansal wrote:
 Well, I have a somewhat similar situation and I have
 an account for Dynamic DNS with tzo.com. I do not have
 a black box router though. My router is a Linux box
 running ssh.  So I just ssh to this box first and then
 I can ssh to my internal machines from there. Does
 your router have any such telnet/ssh facility? Port
 forwarding to your internal machine can also work if
 your router privides that. i.e you can set it up such
 that any connections to port 22 (ssh) get redirected
 to port 22 on the internal machine. Just some

Thanks for your advice. I can do port forwarding with my router, just wasn't 
sure about what ports to use - or how to use SSH - any pointers :-)  ?


Mark A

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Re: [newbie] RE: So many core dumps, what up !!

2002-12-03 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday December 3 2002 08:43 am, Derek Jennings wrote:
 Core dumps are an entirely normal part of running Linux. Anytime an
 application 'segfaults' a diagnostic dump is produced.  If you run
 flaky applications then core dumps are the consequence.

http://www.bitwizard.nl/sig11/   Y'all can form your own opinion.
Mine is occaisonal segfaults are software, frequent and/or random ones 
are hardware caused. Linux crashes, it just doesn't take the whole OS 
down with it ;)

 However ordinary users are generally not interested in core dumps and
 wish to suppress them. This is easily done by inserting the command
 ulimit -c 0  in the file ~/.bash_profile   for a single user, or
 /etc/profile for all users.

   These lines should be in /etc/profile just by doin recommended or 
expert Mandrake install. IIRC, this has been the case for quite some 

# Users generally won't see annoyng core files
[ $UID = 0 ]  ulimit -S -c 100  /dev/null 21

I get occasional segfaults, always associated with certain apps,
but no core files.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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[newbie] Samba authentication. It won't let me in :(

2002-12-03 Thread Paul
Hi everyone,

I have tried finding a solution in the archives of newbie and expert, but
this won't get me anywhere. Also mandrakeuser.org has nothing for me...

I am doing something very wrong with samba authentication.

I have user paul on my linux box.
I also have user paul on a winblows pc. (Call that 'log in'? ;)
I have added user paul for samba, as root: smbuser -a paul
With smbpasswd -U paul I set the samba password to the loginpassword I use
on linux and also on the winblows machine.
Workgroup name in smb.conf and winblows is identical.
Running testparm shows no problems in smb.conf.
Problem occurs with and without user.map file.

And what does /var/log/samba/log.p400 tell me:

[2002/12/03 17:20:27, 0] passdb/pampass.c:smb_pam_passcheck(827)
  smb_pam_passcheck: PAM: smb_pam_auth failed - Rejecting User paul !
[2002/12/03 17:20:30, 0] passdb/pampass.c:smb_pam_passcheck(827)
  smb_pam_passcheck: PAM: smb_pam_auth failed - Rejecting User paul !
[2002/12/03 17:20:34, 0] passdb/pampass.c:smb_pam_passcheck(827)
  smb_pam_passcheck: PAM: smb_pam_auth failed - Rejecting User paul !

As there is info in the logfile, there is a connection to the linux machine.
(I know the network setup is okay, since FTP works just fine.)

The windows (98) end of things state:
Error 86: The specified network password is not correct. Type the correct
password, or contact your network administrator.

So it is just the samba authentication that blows up. Does anyone have a
pointer for me?


On a Bucharest elevator:
The lift is being fixed for the next days.
During that time we regret that you will be unbearable.

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[newbie] unreadable files? :-/

2002-12-03 Thread Angus Auld
Greetings, I am having a strange thing happen
I am quite certain that just a couple days ago I was able to read, and even edit, a 
file/s. Now I am not even able to read them. Not as plain text anyway. They are now 
being identified as unknown type. When I open them, they are just so much code. :-/

Now, unless I have completely gone off my rocker, something strange is happening 
here.and I don't know what it is.

Could somebody who is running Mdk 9.0 out there have a look in /boot, and check the 
files; message-text or message-graphic, and verify for me whether they are plain text 
files that can be read?

I have read permission on them, and even as root I get the same thing.

I'm experiencing a glitch with lilo, and am curious about this happening.

TIA for any help.



Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.--James 

*Reg. Linux User #278931*
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Re: [newbie] Dynamic IP

2002-12-03 Thread Nikunj Bansal
Sure. Your distro CDs should have the OpenSSH
software. The RPMs are named like openssh-common,
openssh-server, openssh-client. Install them on ur
Linux box. 

The installation will also create a default setup good
to go as a server on port 22. You can tweak all that
in /etc/ssh/sshd.conf. Test it out by issuing the ssh
localhost command. It should connect, ask you for ur
login password and  drop you into a shell. 

No need to use the insecure telnet afterwards. SSH
sessions are secured using encryption. Lots of
enhancements can be done using SSH. Stuff like
tunneling other insecure protocols like IMAP or X over
the SSH channel, doing client authentication using
client keys or single sign on to the entire network
can be achieved easily using SSH.  There is even a
secure file copy (scp) along with it. Rest is RTFM :-)


--- Mark Annandale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tuesday 03 Dec 2002 4:23 pm, Nikunj Bansal wrote:
  Well, I have a somewhat similar situation and I
  an account for Dynamic DNS with tzo.com. I do not
  a black box router though. My router is a Linux
  running ssh.  So I just ssh to this box first and
  I can ssh to my internal machines from there. Does
  your router have any such telnet/ssh facility?
  forwarding to your internal machine can also work
  your router privides that. i.e you can set it up
  that any connections to port 22 (ssh) get
  to port 22 on the internal machine. Just some
 Thanks for your advice. I can do port forwarding
 with my router, just wasn't 
 sure about what ports to use - or how to use SSH -
 any pointers :-)  ?
 Mark A
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Re: [newbie] Dynamic IP

2002-12-03 Thread Nikunj Bansal
Oh, I shud have mentioned. There are other RPMs named
openssh-*. You might need or want to install some or
all of those also.

Good luck.

--- Nikunj Bansal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sure. Your distro CDs should have the OpenSSH
 software. The RPMs are named like openssh-common,
 openssh-server, openssh-client. Install them on ur
 Linux box. 
 The installation will also create a default setup
 to go as a server on port 22. You can tweak all that
 in /etc/ssh/sshd.conf. Test it out by issuing the
 localhost command. It should connect, ask you for ur
 login password and  drop you into a shell. 
 No need to use the insecure telnet afterwards. SSH
 sessions are secured using encryption. Lots of
 enhancements can be done using SSH. Stuff like
 tunneling other insecure protocols like IMAP or X
 the SSH channel, doing client authentication using
 client keys or single sign on to the entire network
 can be achieved easily using SSH.  There is even a
 secure file copy (scp) along with it. Rest is RTFM
 --- Mark Annandale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Tuesday 03 Dec 2002 4:23 pm, Nikunj Bansal
   Well, I have a somewhat similar situation and I
   an account for Dynamic DNS with tzo.com. I do
   a black box router though. My router is a Linux
   running ssh.  So I just ssh to this box first
   I can ssh to my internal machines from there.
   your router have any such telnet/ssh facility?
   forwarding to your internal machine can also
   your router privides that. i.e you can set it up
   that any connections to port 22 (ssh) get
   to port 22 on the internal machine. Just some
  Thanks for your advice. I can do port forwarding
  with my router, just wasn't 
  sure about what ports to use - or how to use SSH -
  any pointers :-)  ?
  Mark A
   Want to buy your Pack or Services from
  Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
 Do you Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

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Re: [newbie] Dynamic IP

2002-12-03 Thread Stormjumper
hi Mark,

ssh runs on port 22, so if you want to ssh into your machine,
open port 22 on your router and forward it to the internal ip
of your Mandrake box.

to give my take on your original question,
you can use the following combination for your webmail.
Mail Transport Agent - postfix
Imap - courier
Web server - apache
Webmail - squirrelmail
as always there are alternatives, but this combination was suggested
for simplicity of installation and availability of rpms for Mandrake.

remember you may also have to perform the forwarding on your router
for port 80 (for webmail) and port 25 (for postfix)
- Original Message -
From: Mark Annandale [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 12:30 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Dynamic IP

On Tuesday 03 Dec 2002 4:23 pm, Nikunj Bansal wrote:
 Well, I have a somewhat similar situation and I have
 an account for Dynamic DNS with tzo.com. I do not have
 a black box router though. My router is a Linux box
 running ssh.  So I just ssh to this box first and then
 I can ssh to my internal machines from there. Does
 your router have any such telnet/ssh facility? Port
 forwarding to your internal machine can also work if
 your router privides that. i.e you can set it up such
 that any connections to port 22 (ssh) get redirected
 to port 22 on the internal machine. Just some

Thanks for your advice. I can do port forwarding with my router, just wasn't
sure about what ports to use - or how to use SSH - any pointers :-)  ?


Mark A

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Samba authentication. It won't let me in :(

2002-12-03 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 03 Dec 2002 4:29 pm, Paul wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 I have tried finding a solution in the archives of newbie and expert, but
 this won't get me anywhere. Also mandrakeuser.org has nothing for me...

 I am doing something very wrong with samba authentication.

 I have user paul on my linux box.
 I also have user paul on a winblows pc. (Call that 'log in'? ;)
 I have added user paul for samba, as root: smbuser -a paul
 With smbpasswd -U paul I set the samba password to the loginpassword I
 use on linux and also on the winblows machine.
 Workgroup name in smb.conf and winblows is identical.
 Running testparm shows no problems in smb.conf.
 Problem occurs with and without user.map file.

 And what does /var/log/samba/log.p400 tell me:

 [2002/12/03 17:20:27, 0] passdb/pampass.c:smb_pam_passcheck(827)
   smb_pam_passcheck: PAM: smb_pam_auth failed - Rejecting User paul !
 [2002/12/03 17:20:30, 0] passdb/pampass.c:smb_pam_passcheck(827)
   smb_pam_passcheck: PAM: smb_pam_auth failed - Rejecting User paul !
 [2002/12/03 17:20:34, 0] passdb/pampass.c:smb_pam_passcheck(827)
   smb_pam_passcheck: PAM: smb_pam_auth failed - Rejecting User paul !

 As there is info in the logfile, there is a connection to the linux
 machine. (I know the network setup is okay, since FTP works just fine.)

 The windows (98) end of things state:
 Error 86: The specified network password is not correct. Type the correct
 password, or contact your network administrator.

 So it is just the samba authentication that blows up. Does anyone have a
 pointer for me?


The most common reasons for this are case incompatibility (and don't forget 
that windows can easily confuse the issue by accepting both Paul and paul for 
the same person) or encrypted passwords.  Does your smb.conf file have a line

encrypt passwords = yes

If you are certain that neither of these are the cause, you could always post 
your entire smb.conf file here and we'll look at it.

Have you looked at your setup using Webmin?  Although manually editing files 
gives a cleaner setup, it is often instructive to look at the situation 
through the eyes of the gui - it sometimes points out something that you have 



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Re: [newbie] unreadable files? :-/

2002-12-03 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 03 Dec 2002 4:33 pm, Angus Auld wrote:
 Greetings, I am having a strange thing happen
 I am quite certain that just a couple days ago I was able to read, and even
 edit, a file/s. Now I am not even able to read them. Not as plain text
 anyway. They are now being identified as unknown type. When I open them,
 they are just so much code. :-/

 Now, unless I have completely gone off my rocker, something strange is
 happening here.and I don't know what it is.

 Could somebody who is running Mdk 9.0 out there have a look in /boot, and
 check the files; message-text or message-graphic, and verify for me whether
 they are plain text files that can be read?

No they are not.  If opened with KWrite they show characters arranged down the 
left-hand side - all of them.

Why is this a concern to you?  Is it just because you have had a problem, and 
in trying to trace it you came across these and panicked?  If so, tell us 
more about the problem and we'll try to help.

Sorry if you have started a thread about your problem elsewhere - if so, I've 
missed it.


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Re: [newbie] Samba authentication. It won't let me in :(

2002-12-03 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 03 Dec 2002 4:29 pm, Paul wrote:
 I have user paul on my linux box.
 I also have user paul on a winblows pc. (Call that 'log in'? ;)
 I have added user paul for samba, as root: smbuser -a paul
 With smbpasswd -U paul I set the samba password to the loginpassword I
 use on linux and also on the winblows machine.

Paul, check man smbpasswd.  I think your command was wrong.  -U seems to be 
for changing passwords on a remote machine.  Is that really what you were 
trying to do?


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Re: [newbie] Samba authentication. It won't let me in :(

2002-12-03 Thread Lanman
I've had this problem many times, to the point where fixing it is a
normal part of setting up Samba now. Theeasiest fix i found was to log
into Webmin, and browse to ServersSamba Windows File Sharing, and
clicking on the Edit Samba Users and passwords link.

Once in there, I would click on each users link, and when the Edit
Samba User page opened I would re-typw the password which is already
setup for that user, and UNcheck the No Password Required box. After
that, a quick Samba restart would alsways do the trick.

If that still didn't work, a quick reboot of the Windows PC or
workstation would usually do the trick.

Hope that helps!


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Re: [newbie] Samba authentication. It won't let me in :(

2002-12-03 Thread Stormjumper
as a quick and simple fix, if you haven't done so,
try enabling encrypted passwords in smb.conf.

the syntax is to add in smb.conf in the [global] section
encrypted passwords = yes

in the default smb.conf shipped in Mdk ,
this line exists around line 100.

if this doesn't help, install the samba documentation package,
open this file and work your way thru it.


tell the list which item the tests fails at,
and i'm sure someone more capable than me
would be able to use the info to help you.

it probably wouldn't hurt to include your smb.conf.
if you feel there are confidential stuff in it,
just scramble it (in an obvious manner)

hope it helps.
- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 12:29 AM
Subject: [newbie] Samba authentication. It won't let me in :(

 Hi everyone,

 I have tried finding a solution in the archives of newbie and expert, but
 this won't get me anywhere. Also mandrakeuser.org has nothing for me...

 I am doing something very wrong with samba authentication.

 I have user paul on my linux box.
 I also have user paul on a winblows pc. (Call that 'log in'? ;)
 I have added user paul for samba, as root: smbuser -a paul
 With smbpasswd -U paul I set the samba password to the loginpassword I
 on linux and also on the winblows machine.
 Workgroup name in smb.conf and winblows is identical.
 Running testparm shows no problems in smb.conf.
 Problem occurs with and without user.map file.

 And what does /var/log/samba/log.p400 tell me:

 [2002/12/03 17:20:27, 0] passdb/pampass.c:smb_pam_passcheck(827)
   smb_pam_passcheck: PAM: smb_pam_auth failed - Rejecting User paul !
 [2002/12/03 17:20:30, 0] passdb/pampass.c:smb_pam_passcheck(827)
   smb_pam_passcheck: PAM: smb_pam_auth failed - Rejecting User paul !
 [2002/12/03 17:20:34, 0] passdb/pampass.c:smb_pam_passcheck(827)
   smb_pam_passcheck: PAM: smb_pam_auth failed - Rejecting User paul !

 As there is info in the logfile, there is a connection to the linux
 (I know the network setup is okay, since FTP works just fine.)

 The windows (98) end of things state:
 Error 86: The specified network password is not correct. Type the correct
 password, or contact your network administrator.

 So it is just the samba authentication that blows up. Does anyone have a
 pointer for me?


 On a Bucharest elevator:
 The lift is being fixed for the next days.
 During that time we regret that you will be unbearable.

 http://nlpagan.net-Linux Mandrake 8.2 -   Sylpheed 0.8.6
 Help Microsoft combat software piracy: give Linux to a friend today!

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] unreadable files? :-/

2002-12-03 Thread Stormjumper
running Mkd9.0.
message-text is Ascii text file.
message-graphic is a binary file.
- Original Message -
From: Angus Auld [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 12:33 AM
Subject: [newbie] unreadable files? :-/

 Greetings, I am having a strange thing happen
 I am quite certain that just a couple days ago I was able to read, and
even edit, a file/s. Now I am not even able to read them. Not as plain text
anyway. They are now being identified as unknown type. When I open them,
they are just so much code. :-/

 Now, unless I have completely gone off my rocker, something strange is
happening here.and I don't know what it is.

 Could somebody who is running Mdk 9.0 out there have a look in /boot, and
check the files; message-text or message-graphic, and verify for me whether
they are plain text files that can be read?

 I have read permission on them, and even as root I get the same thing.

 I'm experiencing a glitch with lilo, and am curious about this

 TIA for any help.


 Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in
awareness.--James Thurber

 *Reg. Linux User #278931*
 *Power by Mandrake Linux 9.0*

 Get your free email from http://mymail.operamail.com

 Powered by Outblaze

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] unreadable files? :-/

2002-12-03 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 03 Dec 2002 5:20 pm, Stormjumper wrote:
 running Mkd9.0.

So am I

 message-text is Ascii text file.

Strangest text file I've seen


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Re: [newbie] unreadable files? :-/

2002-12-03 Thread ET
did you happen to open and save them in a M$windows application?

On Tuesday 03 December 2002 12:20 pm, Stormjumper wrote:
 running Mkd9.0.
 message-text is Ascii text file.
 message-graphic is a binary file.
 - Original Message -
 From: Angus Auld [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 12:33 AM
 Subject: [newbie] unreadable files? :-/

  Greetings, I am having a strange thing happen
  I am quite certain that just a couple days ago I was able to read, and

 even edit, a file/s. Now I am not even able to read them. Not as plain text
 anyway. They are now being identified as unknown type. When I open them,
 they are just so much code. :-/

  Now, unless I have completely gone off my rocker, something strange is

 happening here.and I don't know what it is.

  Could somebody who is running Mdk 9.0 out there have a look in /boot, and

 check the files; message-text or message-graphic, and verify for me whether
 they are plain text files that can be read?

  I have read permission on them, and even as root I get the same thing.
  I'm experiencing a glitch with lilo, and am curious about this


  TIA for any help.
  Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in

 awareness.--James Thurber

  *Reg. Linux User #278931*
  *Power by Mandrake Linux 9.0*
  Get your free email from http://mymail.operamail.com
  Powered by Outblaze


  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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