Re: [newbie-it] Installazione e convivenza

2002-12-31 Thread Sandro Porrazzini
Il lun, 2002-12-30 alle 23:23, Corrado ha scritto:
 Il lun, 2002-12-30 alle 23:07, Fabio Manunza ha scritto:
  Alle 21:41, lunedì 30 dicembre 2002, Corrado ha scritto:
  Da quanto ne so, no problem...
  Se non mi sbaglio non è possibile scrivere da lin su partizioni NTFS, ma on ci 
 Si, è così, infatti... tuttavia ho letto proprio oggi su PC
 Professionale dell'impossibiltà di un ridimensionamento non distruttivo
 di NTFS; riguardo a W2000 e Linux, sapevo di problemi di convivenza che
 cmq erano superabili, altresì mi pare di aver scorso qualche notizia
 recente secondo la quale il problema non sussisterebbe praticamente più;
 dato però che non ho W2000 ne NT o XP (invero, al momento ho solo Linux
 :-), no ho approfondito...
 bisogna tener conto che la persona che sto seguendo mi ha chiesto
 l'altro giorno se con Linux si usa il mouse ^__^

Guarda, io ho installato (sulla macchina da cui ti scrivo) sia xp che
mdk9. La situazione è leggermente differente, nel senso che ho due hd e
su uno c'è xp e sull'altro linux.
Quando decisi di installare linux provai a preparare il secondo hd
pre-formattandolo in ext2 e creando una partizione di swap sullo stesso
con Partition Magic (versione 6). La cosa mi diede un sacco di problemi,
al riavvio, rilanciando PM mi diede una marea di errori.
Quindi, utilizzando il programma della mdk rasai di nuovo il secondo
disco e creai una partizione per linux, una di swap e una fat32 (per lo
scambio dati con xp.
Fatto questo il risultato fu che xp non riconosceva la partizione fat32
che dovevo utilizzare per lo scambio.
Ho rimediato con l'utility di partizionamento che ha incorporata xp (una
cosa che non avevo mai utilizzato).
Con questa utility è possibile ridimensionare anche partizioni ntfs -
attenzione è un'affermazione puramente teorica in quanto non l'ho
Potresti, quindi, ridimensionare la partizione ntfs utilizzando l'utilty
di xp, impostare la nuova partizione come fat32 e poi procedere
all'installazione di linux nel modo canonico (cioè attraverso il boot da
cd-rom di mdk). Dovrebbe funzionare.
Per quanto riguarda la gestione delle partizioni ntfs da linux ti
ricordo che è possibile solo leggere i dati presenti e non è possibile
scriverci sopra. Per questo è consigliabile crearsi anche un
mini-partizione fat32 (o fat) dove poter operare lo scambio dei dati
tra i due sistemi (ovviamente se questo ti interessa).
Quindi la situazione dovrebbe essere:
partizione ntfs - per xp
piccola partizione fat32 - per lo scambio di dati
partizione ext2 (o ext3 ed altro) per linux
partizione di swap

Il consiglio su come procedere:
- ridimensionare la partizione ntfs con l'utility di xp
- creare (sempre con l'utility di xp) una piccola partizione fat32  
  sullo spazio rimasto
- installare linux sullo spazio rimasto facendo fare a mdk il lavoro  
  sporco di creare la partizione linux e quella di swap sullo spazio 
  rimasto inutilizzato.
Quando arrivi all'installazione di grub (o lilo) digli di installarlo


Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Mandrake 9.0 on Pentium III - 733 Mhz
Linux User # 203143
Linux Machine # 175781

Re: [newbie-it] LiLo Boot per Mandrake

2002-12-31 Thread Sandro Porrazzini
Il mar, 2002-12-31 alle 08:58, Felice Gaudente ha scritto:
 L'unica cosa che mi frena dal reinstallare il tutto è che nei precedenti 
 tentativi mi è toccato anche rifare i Win.Forse mi incasino con le 
 partizioni ed i filesystem...
 Per installazione per windows intendo l'opzione che dà (e non mi funziona) 
 il cd di bootstrap della Mandrake9.
 Per quanto riguarda la domanda sul LiLo proprio non l'ho vista...starò più 
 attento la prossima.Se faccio fdisk/mbr non rischio di eliminare anche 
 boot.ini ntldr etc.etc.?
 Grazie ancora x la risposta.

Se hai w2000 o xp c'è una procedura particolare per eliminare il
contenuto dell'mbr che va eseguita tramite l'utilizzazione del cd di
installazione di windows. Se ti interessa te la mando

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Mandrake 9.0 on Pentium III - 733 Mhz
Linux User # 203143
Linux Machine # 175781

[newbie-it] mdk 9.0 non naviga

2002-12-31 Thread Ivano Natalini
Salve a tutti, e auguri di Buon Anno.
Volevo esporvi questo problema.
Sul mio 2° pc ho installato la distribuzione in oggetto.
L'installazione è andata benissimo, però la configurazione di internet è
sballata, perchè se cerco di navigare (una volta fatta la connessione
kppp), o di pingare un sito, risponde picche.
Allorchè mi sono messo a lavorare sule tabelle di routing ed ho risolto
il problema. Ma ogni volta che riavvio il pc, devo rifare l'operazione a
Faccio un ifconfig, prendo l'indirizzo dinamico che associa a 'ppp0', e
lo do in pasto a: route add default gw xxx.x.x.x

Inutile dirsi che la procedura automatica di Control Center, non
funziona, o meglio li per li funziona, ma se spengo il pc tutto ritorna
come prima.
Grazie e arrivederci.

Re: [newbie-it] Errore in installazione

2002-12-31 Thread fabio
Alle 17:06, lunedì 30 dicembre 2002, Stefano Salari ha scritto:
 Ciao a tutti!

   Ho cercato di installare la Mdk 9 sul pc di un
 amico, che mi sembra sia un P4 con 256M di ram, una
 scheda video NVidia MX... insomma, non e' un pc cosi'
 vecchio o con componenti strani. Al boot
 dell'installazione pero' il sistema si inchioda
 caricando il kernel e dice che si becca un Signal 11
 per via di un probabile problema hardware oppure di un
 bug del kernel.

   Ho dato un'occhiata alle impostazioni del bios ma
 non ho notato niente di strano: il timing della ram e'
 automatico, il pc non e' overcloccato... Ho provato
 con versioni precedenti della Mdk: la 8.2 e la 8.1 ma
 il risultato e' lo stesso, quindi mi sembra
 improbabile anche un bug del kernel, che molto
 probabilmente sarebbe stato sistemato.

   Credo si tratti di qualche problema hardware, ma non
 so cosa andare a controllare!! Qualcuno ha dei
 suggerimenti o mi sa dire dove trovare qualche
 informazione su questo Signal 11?

   Grazie mille!
ha me è successo in due casi:
1) problemi con la mia ATI Radeon 9000, impossibile configurarla come ATI 
radeon o comunque della stessa famiglia. Soluzione: generica vesa è tutto è 
2) problemi con un computer IBM : ho disabilitato l'accellerazione grafica 
scegliendo la versione 4.2.0 semplice e tutto è andato a posto (in un ufficio 
dove era utilizzato solo per video scrittura).

Re: [newbie-it] LiLo Boot per Mandrake

2002-12-31 Thread Felice Gaudente
mi interessa eccome..vale sia per win2000 che per xp?

From: Sandro Porrazzini [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: newbie_mandrake [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] LiLo Boot per Mandrake
Date: 31 Dec 2002 09:58:43 +0100

Il mar, 2002-12-31 alle 08:58, Felice Gaudente ha scritto:
 L'unica cosa che mi frena dal reinstallare il tutto è che nei precedenti
 tentativi mi è toccato anche rifare i Win.Forse mi incasino con le
 partizioni ed i filesystem...
 Per installazione per windows intendo l'opzione che dà (e non mi 
 il cd di bootstrap della Mandrake9.
 Per quanto riguarda la domanda sul LiLo proprio non l'ho vista...starò 
 attento la prossima.Se faccio fdisk/mbr non rischio di eliminare anche
 boot.ini ntldr etc.etc.?
 Grazie ancora x la risposta.

Se hai w2000 o xp c'è una procedura particolare per eliminare il
contenuto dell'mbr che va eseguita tramite l'utilizzazione del cd di
installazione di windows. Se ti interessa te la mando

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Mandrake 9.0 on Pentium III - 733 Mhz
Linux User # 203143
Linux Machine # 175781

MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 3 months FREE*.

Re: [newbie-it] LiLo Boot per Mandrake

2002-12-31 Thread Sandro Porrazzini
Il mar, 2002-12-31 alle 10:21, Felice Gaudente ha scritto:
 mi interessa eccome..vale sia per win2000 che per xp?

Si vale sia per xp che per il 2000
Eccotelo, copiaincolato:


Se il computer supporta l'avvio da cd-rom, avviare
windows da cd-rom.
Quando si raggiunge una schermata come questa:


 Installazione di Windows 2000 Professional


 Questa fase dell'installazione del sistema operativo Microsoft (R)
 Windows 2000 prepara Windows 2000 (TM) per l'esecuzione sul computer.

 Per installare Windows 2000 premere INVIO
 Per ripristinare un'installazione di Windows 2000, premere R
 Per uscire dal programma di installazione senza installare premere

Premere quindi R per ripristinare l'installazione.
La schermata sauccessiva offre la scelta tra l'uso della consolle di
ripristino (premere C) o l'uso del processo di ripristino di emergenza
Entrambi i metodi dovrebbero funzionare.

Per usare la console di ripristino (consigliata) bisogna fornire la
password di
Al prompt digitare fixboot per ripristinare il settore di avvio,
exit per riavviareil computer.

Per utilizzare, invece, il ripristino di emergenza, premere M
 manuale) e
deselezionare tutte le opzioni tranne la terza, riguardante il controllo
settore di avvio.
Seguire tutte le istruzioni mostrate sullo schermo per completare il

Questo processo copia il settore di avvio attuale nel file Bootsect.dos,
lo sostituisce con il settore di avvio di Windows 2000

 END -

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Mandrake 9.0 on Pentium III - 733 Mhz
Linux User # 203143
Linux Machine # 175781

Re: [newbie-it] mdk 9.0 non naviga

2002-12-31 Thread Daniele Micci
Alle 10:12, martedì 31 dicembre 2002, Ivano Natalini ha scritto:
 Salve a tutti, e auguri di Buon Anno.
 Volevo esporvi questo problema.
 Sul mio 2° pc ho installato la distribuzione in oggetto.
 L'installazione è andata benissimo, però la configurazione di internet è
 sballata, perchè se cerco di navigare (una volta fatta la connessione
 kppp), o di pingare un sito, risponde picche.
 Allorchè mi sono messo a lavorare sule tabelle di routing ed ho risolto
 il problema. Ma ogni volta che riavvio il pc, devo rifare l'operazione a
 Faccio un ifconfig, prendo l'indirizzo dinamico che associa a 'ppp0', e
 lo do in pasto a: route add default gw xxx.x.x.x

 Inutile dirsi che la procedura automatica di Control Center, non
 funziona, o meglio li per li funziona, ma se spengo il pc tutto ritorna
 come prima.
 Grazie e arrivederci.

Ciao, è solo un problema di configurazione di shorewall.
Devi modificare i file /etc/shorewall/policy (scrivi fw al posto di loc) e 
/etc/shorewall/interfaces (togli il commento alle linee dell'esempio che usa 
ppp0), quindi vuota le iptables (iptables -F), vuota shorewall (shorewall 
clear) e riavvialo (shorewall restart). Dovrebbe funzionare tutto, ora.
Ciao, e buon anno!



«Il mondo si divide in 10 tipi di persone: quelle che conoscono la numerazione 
binaria, e quelle che non la conoscono.»

[newbie-it] [OT] auguri!

2002-12-31 Thread Daniele Micci
Ciao a tutti i Linuxari in ascolto, e soprattutto:

(nella speranza che sia migliore del precedente)



«Il mondo si divide in 10 tipi di persone: quelle che conoscono la numerazione 
binaria, e quelle che non la conoscono.»

Re: [newbie-it] Errore in installazione

2002-12-31 Thread Stefano Salari
 --- fabio [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 ha me è successo in due casi:
 1) problemi con la mia ATI Radeon 9000, impossibile
 configurarla come ATI 
 radeon o comunque della stessa famiglia. Soluzione:
 generica vesa è tutto è 
 2) problemi con un computer IBM : ho disabilitato
 l'accellerazione grafica 
 scegliendo la versione 4.2.0 semplice e tutto è
 andato a posto (in un ufficio 
 dove era utilizzato solo per video scrittura).

Ciao Fabio!
Scusami, riposto perche' mi sono accorto tardi di
averti risposto privatamente...

...Purtroppo pero' il mio problema e' ancora prima:
non sono ancora arrivato ad installarlo il sistema...!
Questo fantomatico Signal 11 me lo becco avviando il
pc da dischetto o col cdrom per iniziare
l'installazione!!! In pratica il sistema si avvia ma
quando carica il kernel (per poi startare il pgm di
setup per l'installazione) si pianta tutto e mi fa
re-bootare la macchina.

L'unica schermata che riesco a vedere e' quella che mi
chiede se voglio avviare il setup in maniera standard
o se voglio passare dei parametri di avvio. Se il
problema e' proprio la scheda grafica, sai se c'e'
qualche parametro da indicargli al boot?

Grazie mille! Steo.

Yahoo! Cellulari: scarica i loghi e le suonerie per le tue feste!

[newbie-it] Reminder

2002-12-31 Thread luigi

nonostante lo abbia cercato, non ho ancora trovato un reminder sotto linux;
mi riesce difficile credere che non esiste.

Ne sapete qualcosa?

Re: [newbie-it] Reminder

2002-12-31 Thread fabio
Alle 12:36, martedì 31 dicembre 2002, luigi ha scritto:

 nonostante lo abbia cercato, non ho ancora trovato un reminder sotto linux;
 mi riesce difficile credere che non esiste.

 Ne sapete qualcosa?
Non saprei cos'é ! Se ti riferisci a qualcosa che ti ricordi qualcosa, c'è 

Re: [newbie-it] [OT] auguri!

2002-12-31 Thread tom
Alle 11:08, martedì 31 dicembre 2002, Daniele Micci ha scritto:
 Ciao a tutti i Linuxari in ascolto, e soprattutto:

 (nella speranza che sia migliore del precedente)


Seguo anche io.AUGURI A TUTTI

Auguri , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] drakconf

2002-12-31 Thread Fabio Manunza
Alle 23:28, lunedì 30 dicembre 2002, Corrado ha scritto:
 Da qualche giorno succede che se lancio drakconf da utente normale
 (sotto Gnome), non accade nulla; prima appariva il box con la richiesta
 password di root... che può essere successo? Non ho combinato nulla di
 strano... e comunque come si può ripristinare la funzione?


Prova a controllare i permessi di /usr/bin/drakconf, che non sia cambiato 
Prova a dare il comanda da console e vedi che eventuali errori ti dà.
A proposito, non hai specificato: il programma parte, o sta sulle sue?

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] [OT] auguri!

2002-12-31 Thread Fabio Manunza
Alle 12:08, martedì 31 dicembre 2002, Daniele Micci ha scritto:
 Ciao a tutti i Linuxari in ascolto, e soprattutto:

 (nella speranza che sia migliore del precedente)

...difficile che sia peggio...almeno per me...

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] compilazione del kernel

2002-12-31 Thread Emiliano La Licata
Alle 00:12, martedì 24 dicembre 2002, miKe ha scritto:

Chi compila il kernel l'ultimo dell'anno lo compila tutto l'anno!!! Mio Dio...


 - - Dai il comando make config per configurare il kernel. make
 config ha
 bisogno della bash per funzionare: esso cerchera' per la bash in
 /bin/bash e /bin/sh (in quest'ordine), per cui uno di questi
 deve essere

 - - In alternativa, i comandi per la configurazione del kernel
 possono essere:
   make menuconfig Menu' a colori testuali, basati su ncurses
   make xconfigTool di configurazione basato su X windows.

Bene sono arrivato al Linux Kernel Configuration... bella storia...
Ho una miriade di possibilità... a me serviva attivare solo il supporto acpi 
che ho trovato in general setup (ACPI Support) ... insieme alle possibilità 
di attivazione di ACPI Debug statements e ACPI bus manager

Domanda: cosa devo fare per settare correttamente il tutto? 
Ad ogni voce leggere help e sapere se il mio laptop ha bisogno di questo??
Ci sono scorciatoie??

Ciao Grazie

Buon Anno a Tutti 

Re: [newbie-it] drakconf

2002-12-31 Thread Corrado
Il mar, 2002-12-31 alle 15:32, Fabio Manunza ha scritto:

 Prova a controllare i permessi di /usr/bin/drakconf, che non sia cambiato 
 Prova a dare il comanda da console e vedi che eventuali errori ti dà.
 A proposito, non hai specificato: il programma parte, o sta sulle sue?

Ho provato da console: come utente normale, semplicemente non accada
nulla (semplicemente vado a capo e la shell è pronta a ricevere altri
comandi), così come via interfaccia grafica; come root, tutto okay,
anche lanciando drakconf da console...


Re: [newbie-it] Installazione e convivenza

2002-12-31 Thread Corrado
Il mar, 2002-12-31 alle 09:43, Sandro Porrazzini ha scritto:
 Il lun, 2002-12-30 alle 23:23, Corrado ha scritto:

 Il consiglio su come procedere:
 - ridimensionare la partizione ntfs con l'utility di xp

Però l'altro os in questione è Windows 2000; se esiste tle funzione
anche in questo caso, sarebbe ciò che cerchiamo :)
Come si chiama l'utility cui ti riferisci?


Re: [newbie] Openoffice fonts problem

2002-12-31 Thread Stefano Pogliani


 none of the two works for me, unfortunately.
I **STILL** have no menu labels in OO.


Anne Wilson wrote:

  On Tuesday 31 Dec 2002 4:35 am, Mohammed Sameer wrote:
Hash: SHA1

Hash: SHA1

Hi all,
I have a small problem with openoffice "mandrake 9.0 RPM"
When i run openoffice i don't see any menu labels, the menubar is empty, no
fonts are available in the whole app. the fonts preview dropdown list is
empty, there is only a Times font, and a bunch of zapf* fonts i searched
googlebut their *NIX font troubleshooting guide didn't help

  This has come up before.  Although I have no experience of the problem, I have 
seen two lots of answers to this.

1)  If you have installed Freetype2 from any version other than the install 
cds you will need to revert.

2)  Quote:
Go to /etc/openoffice. Edit with vim or whichother editor you like 
openoffice.conf and in the place UI_FONT="AUTO" replace it with "Arial" or 
whichother font you think is usable. That might help.




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Re: [newbie] Openoffice fonts problem

2002-12-31 Thread Ralph Slooten
I had this same problem with LM 8.2 with the tarball off the solution was to uninstall abiword... Abiword
installs certain fonts that seem to conflict with OpenOffice. I suggest
trying that if you have abiword installed.


On Tue, 31 Dec 2002 12:24:35 +0100
Stefano Pogliani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 none of the two works for me, unfortunately.
 I **STILL** have no menu labels in OO.
 Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Tuesday 31 Dec 2002 4:35 am, Mohammed Sameer wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 Hash: SHA1
 Hi all,
 I have a small problem with openoffice mandrake 9.0 RPM
 When i run openoffice i don't see any menu labels, the menubar is
 empty, nofonts are available in the whole app. the fonts preview
 dropdown list isempty, there is only a Times font, and a bunch of
 zapf* fonts i searchedgooglebut their *NIX font troubleshooting
 guide didn't help
 This has come up before.  Although I have no experience of the
 problem, I have seen two lots of answers to this.
 1)  If you have installed Freetype2 from any version other than the
 install cds you will need to revert.
 2)  Quote:
 Go to /etc/openoffice. Edit with vim or whichother editor you like 
 openoffice.conf and in the place UI_FONT=AUTO replace it with
 Arial or whichother font you think is usable. That might help.
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I have opinions of my own, strong opinions,
but I  don't always agree with them. -- George H. W. Bush

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Re: [newbie] getpix script with Fuji digital camera

2002-12-31 Thread Steve Jeppesen
Another thought Anne,

I have the Finepix S303 so I am assuming your camera is close to
the same.  Last night I found out the camera is supposed to be in DSC
USB mode when you plug it in. I was thinking to myself that it always is
in DSC USB mode so I never thought anything about it.  When I was
going thru the menu on the camera, I found a setting in which the USB
mode could be changed to PC Cam

is it possible your camera is set to PC Cam instead of DSC?

Pulling straws here!

Happy New Year!


On Mon, 30 Dec 2002 12:35:15 +
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Monday 30 Dec 2002 4:32 am, Steve Jeppesen wrote:
  my problem was that instead of /dev/sda1, it needs to be listed in
  fstab as /dev/sdb1...discovered that by accident after doing a
  cdrecord-scanbus with the camera turned on.  It now (sound of
  knocking on wood here) remembers the settings and I have a little
  icon setup on my Roxfiler panel, just plug the camera in, click the
  icon and wait for a few seconds and Gqview pops up with the pics
  ready to be viewed.
 Sorry if this is a hijack -
 cdrecord -scanbus doesn't appear to see my camera at all.  It's a
 FinePix S304 with xD memory.  Anyone any ideas?

Linux user #280097
Machine #162480

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Re: [newbie] Diamond Stealth Video Card, X and WaitForFifo

2002-12-31 Thread Charles A Edwards
On Tue, 31 Dec 2002 05:22:36 +
Ross Bleakney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a Diamond Stealth Video 2500 card. When I try to install
 Mandrake 9.0, the installer thinks it is a SiS 5597 card. It doesn't
 work (even in VGA mode) if I set Mandrake to use SiS 5597 or Stealth
 Video 2500.

The card should have the Alliance AT24 chip and in XFree-4.x uses the
apm driver.


The truth about a man lies first and foremost in what he hides.
-- Andre Malraux
Mandrake Linux 9.1
Kernel- 2.4.20-2mdk

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Re: [newbie] Web site causing Mozilla to crash

2002-12-31 Thread Chris
On Tuesday 31 December 2002 04:01 pm, AndrewD decided to hunt and peck on the 
keyboard and typed:
 I am thinking you don't have the Java plugin installed. Goto (in your
 browser) Help -  About Plugins and see if something like this comes up
 Java(TM) Plug-in 1.3.1_02-b02

 File name:
 Java(TM) Plug-in1.3.1_02
 below that should be the MIME types for Java. If not you can download it
 from (don't goto the SUN java sight)

 it is about 15-16 meg so if you are using a dial up it will take a

 Good luck

 Andrew D

Andrew, its there and lists all MIME types.

  Registered Linux user #283774 @
  6:15am  up 12:22,  2 users,  load average: 0.50, 0.22, 0.08

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Re: [newbie] Openoffice fonts problem

2002-12-31 Thread Stefano Pogliani


 abiword is not installed on my system.
Thanks anyway.

Ralph Slooten wrote:

  I had this same problem with LM 8.2 with the tarball off the solution was to uninstall abiword... Abiword
installs certain fonts that seem to conflict with OpenOffice. I suggest
trying that if you have abiword installed.


On Tue, 31 Dec 2002 12:24:35 +0100
Stefano Pogliani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


none of the two works for me, unfortunately.
I **STILL** have no menu labels in OO.


Anne Wilson wrote:

  On Tuesday 31 Dec 2002 4:35 am, Mohammed Sameer wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Hash: SHA1

Hi all,
I have a small problem with openoffice "mandrake 9.0 RPM"
When i run openoffice i don't see any menu labels, the menubar is

  empty, nofonts are available in the whole app. the fonts preview
dropdown list isempty, there is only a Times font, and a bunch of
zapf* fonts i searchedgooglebut their *NIX font troubleshooting
guide didn't help

  This has come up before.  Although I have no experience of the
problem, I have seen two lots of answers to this.

1)  If you have installed Freetype2 from any version other than the
install cds you will need to revert.

2)  Quote:
Go to /etc/openoffice. Edit with vim or whichother editor you like 
openoffice.conf and in the place UI_FONT="AUTO" replace it with
"Arial" or whichother font you think is usable. That might help.




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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [newbie] Web site causing Mozilla to crash

2002-12-31 Thread David Williams
On Tuesday 31 December 2002 05:01 pm, AndrewD wrote:
 I am thinking you don't have the Java plugin installed. Goto (in your
 browser) Help -  About Plugins and see if something like this comes up
 Java(TM) Plug-in 1.3.1_02-b02

 File name:
 Java(TM) Plug-in1.3.1_02
 below that should be the MIME types for Java. If not you can download it
 from (don't goto the SUN java sight)

 it is about 15-16 meg so if you are using a dial up it will take a

 Good luck

 Andrew D

I tried the site with Phoenix 0.5 and Mozilla 1.21 (both have Java installed) 
and it worked fine. So I would say that Java is the key.


 On Mon, 2002-12-30 at 22:08, Chris wrote:
  I went to a web site this evening, to check on the
  authors new book.  I was using mozilla v1.1, with Mandrake 9.0  While the
  site was loading I noticed on the status line, applet loading, then
  mozilla would crash and I couldn't even bring up kde system guard to kill
  the process, had to do a ctrl-alt-backspace.  Below is the error log that
  was saved to my home dir.  I have no problems with Mozilla at any other
  sites, I'll have to assume that its this one alone, but I'm curious as to
  what the below means.  And I appologize in advance for the message
  An unexpected exception has been detected in native code outside the VM.
  Unexpected Signal : 11 occurred at PC=0x409749bb
  Function name=(N/A)
  NOTE: We are unable to locate the function name symbol for the error
just occurred. Please refer to release documentation for possible
reason and solutions.
  Current Java thread:
  at sun.awt.motif.X11Graphics.disposeImpl(Native Method)
  at sun.awt.motif.X11Graphics.dispose(
  at sun.awt.RepaintArea.paint(
  at sun.awt.motif.MComponentPeer.handleEvent(
  at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(
  at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
  at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
  at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
 .java:126) at
 ava:93) at
  java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents( at
  Dynamic libraries:
  08048000-0804c000 r-xp  03:46 3752097
  0804c000-0804d000 rw-p 3000 03:46 3752097
  4000-40011000 r-xp  03:41 667938 /lib/
  40011000-40012000 rw-p 0001 03:41 667938 /lib/
  40013000-40016000 r-xp  03:46 245928
  /usr/lib/ 40016000-40017000 rw-p 2000 03:46 245928
  /usr/lib/ 40017000-4001c000 r-xp  03:46
  245920 /usr/lib/ 4001c000-4001d000 rw-p 5000
  03:46 245920 /usr/lib/ 4001d000-4001f000 r-xp
   03:41 667824 /lib/ 4001f000-4002 rw-p
  1000 03:41 667824 /lib/ 4002-40029000 r-xp
   03:46 3293256
  40029000-4002a000 rw-p 8000 03:46 3293256
  4002a000-4002b000 r--p  03:46 3604923
  4002b000-4002c000 r--p  03:46 3604922
  4002c000-4002d000 r--p  03:46 3604897
  4002d000-4002e000 r--p  03:46 3604924
  4002e000-4002f000 r--p  03:46 3604920
  4002f000-4003 r--p  03:46 3604898
  4003-40031000 r--p  03:46 3686876
  40031000-4003e000 r-xp  03:41 2182650   
  /lib/i686/ 4003e000-40045000 rw-p d000 03:41 2182650
 /lib/i686/ 40045000-4024a000 r-xp  03:46
  4024a000-4034b000 rw-p 00204000 03:46 1998918
  40362000-40383000 r-xp  03:46 1540433
  40383000-40385000 rw-p 0002 03:46 1540433
  40386000-40754000 r-xp  03:46 1540427
  40754000-40764000 rw-p 003cd000 03:46 1540427

Re: [newbie] Openoffice fonts problem

2002-12-31 Thread Michael Biddulph

I have had the same problem. The only way I could find was to:
Uninstall and libraries.
I then installed the tar.gz file from their site.

Yeah...I know it is a 70MB download, I had a copy on a pc mag cover cd, so I 
was lucky.

It now runs fine and everything seems to work ok.

Good luck with this...

Michael Biddulph
Brisbane Australia

On Tue, 31 Dec 2002 10:16 pm, Stefano Pogliani wrote:

 abiword is not installed on my system.
 Thanks anyway.

 Ralph Slooten wrote:
 I had this same problem with LM 8.2 with the tarball off the solution was to uninstall abiword... Abiword
 installs certain fonts that seem to conflict with OpenOffice. I suggest
 trying that if you have abiword installed.
 On Tue, 31 Dec 2002 12:24:35 +0100
 Stefano Pogliani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 none of the two works for me, unfortunately.
 I **STILL** have no menu labels in OO.
 Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Tuesday 31 Dec 2002 4:35 am, Mohammed Sameer wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 Hash: SHA1
 Hi all,
 I have a small problem with openoffice mandrake 9.0 RPM
 When i run openoffice i don't see any menu labels, the menubar is
 empty, nofonts are available in the whole app. the fonts preview
 dropdown list isempty, there is only a Times font, and a bunch of
 zapf* fonts i searchedgooglebut their *NIX font troubleshooting
 guide didn't help
 This has come up before.  Although I have no experience of the
 problem, I have seen two lots of answers to this.
 1)  If you have installed Freetype2 from any version other than the
 install cds you will need to revert.
 2)  Quote:
 Go to /etc/openoffice. Edit with vim or whichother editor you like
 openoffice.conf and in the place UI_FONT=AUTO replace it with
 Arial or whichother font you think is usable. That might help.
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Re: [newbie] Openoffice fonts problem

2002-12-31 Thread Stefano Pogliani


 thanks for the tip. Do you have the exact names of the RPMs to remove
I will give a try


Michael Biddulph wrote:


I have had the same problem. The only way I could find was to:
Uninstall and libraries.
I then installed the tar.gz file from their site.

Yeah...I know it is a 70MB download, I had a copy on a pc mag cover cd, so I 
was lucky.

It now runs fine and everything seems to work ok.

Good luck with this...

Michael Biddulph
Brisbane Australia

On Tue, 31 Dec 2002 10:16 pm, Stefano Pogliani wrote:

abiword is not installed on my system.
Thanks anyway.

Ralph Slooten wrote:

  I had this same problem with LM 8.2 with the tarball off the solution was to uninstall abiword... Abiword
installs certain fonts that seem to conflict with OpenOffice. I suggest
trying that if you have abiword installed.


On Tue, 31 Dec 2002 12:24:35 +0100

Stefano Pogliani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   none of the two works for me, unfortunately.
I **STILL** have no menu labels in OO.


Anne Wilson wrote:

  On Tuesday 31 Dec 2002 4:35 am, Mohammed Sameer wrote:
Hash: SHA1

Hash: SHA1

Hi all,
I have a small problem with openoffice "mandrake 9.0 RPM"
When i run openoffice i don't see any menu labels, the menubar is

  empty, nofonts are available in the whole app. the fonts preview
dropdown list isempty, there is only a Times font, and a bunch of
zapf* fonts i searchedgooglebut their *NIX font troubleshooting
guide didn't help

This has come up before.  Although I have no experience of the
problem, I have seen two lots of answers to this.

1)  If you have installed Freetype2 from any version other than the
install cds you will need to revert.

2)  Quote:
Go to /etc/openoffice. Edit with vim or whichother editor you like
openoffice.conf and in the place UI_FONT="AUTO" replace it with
"Arial" or whichother font you think is usable. That might help.



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Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

[newbie] Network problem

2002-12-31 Thread Freddy Baert
I am having problems with configuring my network and internet connection.
My linux pc is part of a windows network where a cable modem is connected to
a broadband router for internet connection.
As configuration parameters in the network and internet option of Mandrake
control center:
Lan connection, automatic IP, the gateway ip address of the router and the
http proxy of the provider.
Maybe somebody can help me because it isn't working.


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Re: [newbie] Network problem

2002-12-31 Thread Mohamed ROUIS
check if your network devise is up
do # ifconfig
this will tell you the IP and the Gateway of your devise your Devise should 
be eth0 and all the information you fill it up before you should get it 
if there's no eth0 or eth1 that's mean your network card is down so you 
should do the commond # ifup eth0
this will bring up the devise if it give you an error that's mean your 
network card is not properly installed (reinstall the module or fresh 

and don't forget to check your DNS IP
good luck

From: Freddy Baert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie] Network problem
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2002 13:38:00 +0100

I am having problems with configuring my network and internet connection.
My linux pc is part of a windows network where a cable modem is connected 
a broadband router for internet connection.
As configuration parameters in the network and internet option of Mandrake
control center:
Lan connection, automatic IP, the gateway ip address of the router and the
http proxy of the provider.
Maybe somebody can help me because it isn't working.


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MSN Search, le moteur de recherche qui pense comme vous !

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Re: [newbie] getpix script with Fuji digital camera

2002-12-31 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 31 Dec 2002 12:00 pm, Steve Jeppesen wrote:
 Another thought Anne,

 I have the Finepix S303 so I am assuming your camera is close to
 the same.  Last night I found out the camera is supposed to be in DSC
 USB mode when you plug it in. I was thinking to myself that it always is
 in DSC USB mode so I never thought anything about it.  When I was
 going thru the menu on the camera, I found a setting in which the USB
 mode could be changed to PC Cam

 is it possible your camera is set to PC Cam instead of DSC?

 Pulling straws here!

 Happy New Year!


No - it shows DSC on the lcd when plugged in to a usb port.  Good try ;)

Is your xD memory?  I understand that a couple of people have xD cameras 
working.  I have very mixed success with usb - printer works fine, so does 
scanner, and LS120, but I can't get the CF/SM reader to work (in fact I tend 
to have total system freeze when I try) and now the ne camera won't work.  
Most disappointing.


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Re: [newbie] Openoffice fonts problem

2002-12-31 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 31 Dec 2002 12:24 pm, Michael Biddulph wrote:

 I have had the same problem. The only way I could find was to:
 Uninstall and libraries.
 I then installed the tar.gz file from their site.

 Yeah...I know it is a 70MB download, I had a copy on a pc mag cover cd, so
 I was lucky.

 It now runs fine and everything seems to work ok.

 Good luck with this...

 Michael Biddulph
 Brisbane Australia

Stefano - which Mandrake distro are you using?  Was your OO.o installed from 
the distro discs?


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Re: [newbie] Web site causing Mozilla to crash

2002-12-31 Thread Anne Wilson
I don't have Mozilla crashes, but I do have problems with some sites.  On 
those sites the navigation buttons and tabs don't display.  Also sometimes I 
see links that appear to be linked to javascript and nothing happens.  As far 
as I know I have the relevant plugins, and the oddity is that the same sites  
work fine in Galeon, so I suspect that there is a but in Mozilla that only 
shows up in some circumstances, perhaps some combinations.

Doesn't help you, I'm afraid, sorry.


On Tuesday 31 Dec 2002 12:18 pm, David Williams wrote:
 On Tuesday 31 December 2002 05:01 pm, AndrewD wrote:
  I am thinking you don't have the Java plugin installed. Goto (in your
  browser) Help -  About Plugins and see if something like this comes up
  Java(TM) Plug-in 1.3.1_02-b02
  File name:
  Java(TM) Plug-in1.3.1_02
  below that should be the MIME types for Java. If not you can download it
  from (don't goto the SUN java sight)
  it is about 15-16 meg so if you are using a dial up it will take a
  Good luck
  Andrew D

 I tried the site with Phoenix 0.5 and Mozilla 1.21 (both have Java
 installed) and it worked fine. So I would say that Java is the key.


  On Mon, 2002-12-30 at 22:08, Chris wrote:
   I went to a web site this evening, to check on the
   authors new book.  I was using mozilla v1.1, with Mandrake 9.0  While
   the site was loading I noticed on the status line, applet loading,
   then mozilla would crash and I couldn't even bring up kde system guard
   to kill the process, had to do a ctrl-alt-backspace.  Below is the
   error log that was saved to my home dir.  I have no problems with
   Mozilla at any other sites, I'll have to assume that its this one
   alone, but I'm curious as to what the below means.  And I appologize in
   advance for the message length.
   An unexpected exception has been detected in native code outside the
   VM. Unexpected Signal : 11 occurred at PC=0x409749bb
   Function name=(N/A)
   NOTE: We are unable to locate the function name symbol for the error
 just occurred. Please refer to release documentation for possible
 reason and solutions.
   Current Java thread:
 at sun.awt.motif.X11Graphics.disposeImpl(Native Method)
 at sun.awt.motif.X11Graphics.dispose(
 at sun.awt.RepaintArea.paint(
 at sun.awt.motif.MComponentPeer.handleEvent(
 at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(
 at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
 at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
 at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
  ad .java:126) at
  .j ava:93) at
   java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents( at
   Dynamic libraries:
   08048000-0804c000 r-xp  03:46 3752097
   0804c000-0804d000 rw-p 3000 03:46 3752097
   4000-40011000 r-xp  03:41 667938 /lib/
   40011000-40012000 rw-p 0001 03:41 667938 /lib/
   40013000-40016000 r-xp  03:46 245928
   /usr/lib/ 40016000-40017000 rw-p 2000 03:46
   245928 /usr/lib/ 40017000-4001c000 r-xp 
   03:46 245920 /usr/lib/ 4001c000-4001d000 rw-p
   5000 03:46 245920 /usr/lib/ 4001d000-4001f000
   r-xp  03:41 667824 /lib/ 4001f000-4002
   rw-p 1000 03:41 667824 /lib/ 4002-40029000
   r-xp  03:46 3293256
   40029000-4002a000 rw-p 8000 03:46 3293256
   4002a000-4002b000 r--p  03:46 3604923
   4002b000-4002c000 r--p  03:46 3604922
   4002c000-4002d000 r--p  03:46 3604897
   4002d000-4002e000 r--p  03:46 3604924
   4002e000-4002f000 r--p  03:46 3604920
   4002f000-4003 r--p  03:46 3604898
   4003-40031000 r--p  03:46 3686876
   40031000-4003e000 r-xp  03:41 2182650
   /lib/i686/ 4003e000-40045000 rw-p d000 03:41

Re: [newbie] Fax in Open Office

2002-12-31 Thread Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 31 Dec 2002 10:40 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 I have been looking at the instructions on Derek's page about configuring
 fax from Open Office/Star Office.  KDEprintfax is definitely configured
 correctly, as I can send from KWord.  However, I have no pseudoprinter for
 fax in OO.o.  I have created the new printer as qtcups --stdin, but it
 doesn't seem to know about a fax printer.  What's wrong?  What have I


So when you print to the qtcups printer in Open Office do you get the QTCups 
dialogue window appear? Doesn't the drop down window in qtcups include all 
the same print devices you see when you print from Kword?
I assume you are using CUPS as your print server?



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Re: [newbie] Openoffice fonts problem

2002-12-31 Thread Stefano Pogliani


 I am using 9.0. OO was installed from the distro CDs.
But I installed also the textar packages


Anne Wilson wrote:

  On Tuesday 31 Dec 2002 12:24 pm, Michael Biddulph wrote:

I have had the same problem. The only way I could find was to:
Uninstall and libraries.
I then installed the tar.gz file from their site.

Yeah...I know it is a 70MB download, I had a copy on a pc mag cover cd, so
I was lucky.

It now runs fine and everything seems to work ok.

Good luck with this...

Michael Biddulph
Brisbane Australia

Stefano - which Mandrake distro are you using?  Was your OO.o installed from 
the distro discs?



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Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [newbie] getpix script with Fuji digital camera

2002-12-31 Thread ampster40
Yes, mine has the xD memory (I am at work so I forget if it is dX or xD! LOL)
but that is what mine shows also when I plug in the usb cable.  I just assumed 
that was the way it was - did not know that it could be used as a pc camera 
also.  For now, I do not need the function of a pc (web) camera...that is 
probalby another headache.  

Remember I said before, but the documentation that came with my camera stated 
something about not being fully compatiable when using a usb hub - which is 
what you are using it sounds like.  Would be a shame if that is the only reason 
you need to boot into Windoze is to get your pics.

Is there anything I could do; ie, run some commands and post output to the list 
here from my setup at home for you to compare?  If so, state exactly what you 
need me to do (show commands I need to run) because I am still very much a 
newbie when it comes to Linux terms and commands.  I can do anything to help 
you this evening or tomorrow - will be at work today for another 8 or 9 hours 
(ouch)  My setup is at your disposal in order to try and track this down.

 On Tuesday 31 Dec 2002 12:00 pm, Steve Jeppesen wrote:
  Another thought Anne,
  I have the Finepix S303 so I am assuming your camera is close to
  the same.  Last night I found out the camera is supposed to be in DSC
  USB mode when you plug it in. I was thinking to myself that it always is
  in DSC USB mode so I never thought anything about it.  When I was
  going thru the menu on the camera, I found a setting in which the USB
  mode could be changed to PC Cam
  is it possible your camera is set to PC Cam instead of DSC?
  Pulling straws here!
  Happy New Year!
 No - it shows DSC on the lcd when plugged in to a usb port.  Good try ;)
 Is your xD memory?  I understand that a couple of people have xD cameras 
 working.  I have very mixed success with usb - printer works fine, so does 
 scanner, and LS120, but I can't get the CF/SM reader to work (in fact I tend 
 to have total system freeze when I try) and now the ne camera won't work.  
 Most disappointing.
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to

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Re: [newbie] Fax in Open Office

2002-12-31 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 31 Dec 2002 1:40 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Tuesday 31 Dec 2002 10:40 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
  I have been looking at the instructions on Derek's page about configuring
  fax from Open Office/Star Office.  KDEprintfax is definitely configured
  correctly, as I can send from KWord.  However, I have no pseudoprinter
  for fax in OO.o.  I have created the new printer as qtcups --stdin, but
  it doesn't seem to know about a fax printer.  What's wrong?  What have I

 So when you print to the qtcups printer in Open Office do you get the
 QTCups dialogue window appear? Doesn't the drop down window in qtcups
 include all the same print devices you see when you print from Kword?
 I assume you are using CUPS as your print server?


In OO.o I see my main printer setups (4 of them, all in  brackets) + the 
generic printer I have just set up and PDF  screen and PDF  press.  In Star 
Office I see the main printers both in  brackets and again in plain text.  
I also see Fax Printer and PDF printer, both as HP990C with Foomatic + hpjs.  
Is this what's causing the problem?  It's fairly academic, as I don't need to 
have it in every app, but until I learn my way around it's good to understand 
what's happening.

I thought to change from OO.o to SO6, but am finding other issues, such as the 
font problem mentioned elsewhere.  Strange, I thought the two programs were 
supposed to be almost identical.


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Re: [newbie] Openoffice fonts problem

2002-12-31 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 31 Dec 2002 1:43 pm, Stefano Pogliani wrote:

 I am using 9.0. OO was installed from the distro CDs.
 But I installed also the textar packages

Could it be that it is seeing something of both and getting confused?  I think 
it would be wise to uninstall and start again.  My OO from 9.0 distro discs 
has no problem.


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Re: [newbie] getpix script with Fuji digital camera

2002-12-31 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 31 Dec 2002 2:01 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes, mine has the xD memory (I am at work so I forget if it is dX or xD!
 LOL) but that is what mine shows also when I plug in the usb cable.  I just
 assumed that was the way it was - did not know that it could be used as a
 pc camera also.  For now, I do not need the function of a pc (web)
 camera...that is probalby another headache.

Yes I found that more or less straight away.  I haven't any need for the pc 
camera at this time, though if I every get the  recognised I might try it 
later :)

 Remember I said before, but the documentation that came with my camera
 stated something about not being fully compatiable when using a usb hub -
 which is what you are using it sounds like.  Would be a shame if that is
 the only reason you need to boot into Windoze is to get your pics.

I have tried it with and without the hub.  It makes no difference.  

 Is there anything I could do; ie, run some commands and post output to the
 list here from my setup at home for you to compare?  If so, state exactly
 what you need me to do (show commands I need to run) because I am still
 very much a newbie when it comes to Linux terms and commands.  I can do
 anything to help you this evening or tomorrow - will be at work today for
 another 8 or 9 hours (ouch)  My setup is at your disposal in order to try
 and track this down.

Hehe, we're all newbies here (at least almost all).  Perhaps others with chip 
in with ideas that you could try for me, but for the moment, could you please 

cdroast --scanbus

and post up the output?  It may help to see if your camera is recognised 
there.  I understand that others have found their cameras listed there.

Thanks for the offer


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Re: [newbie] Fax in Open Office

2002-12-31 Thread Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 31 Dec 2002 2:01 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Tuesday 31 Dec 2002 1:40 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:
  On Tuesday 31 Dec 2002 10:40 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
   I have been looking at the instructions on Derek's page about
   configuring fax from Open Office/Star Office.  KDEprintfax is
   definitely configured correctly, as I can send from KWord.  However, I
   have no pseudoprinter for fax in OO.o.  I have created the new printer
   as qtcups --stdin, but it doesn't seem to know about a fax printer. 
   What's wrong?  What have I missed?
  So when you print to the qtcups printer in Open Office do you get the
  QTCups dialogue window appear? Doesn't the drop down window in qtcups
  include all the same print devices you see when you print from Kword?
  I assume you are using CUPS as your print server?

 In OO.o I see my main printer setups (4 of them, all in  brackets) + the
 generic printer I have just set up 

So this is the qtcups printer. What happens when you print to it?

and PDF  screen and PDF  press. In
 Star Office I see the main printers both in  brackets and again in plain
 text. I also see Fax Printer and PDF printer, both as HP990C with Foomatic
 + hpjs. Is this what's causing the problem?  It's fairly academic, as I
 don't need to have it in every app, but until I learn my way around it's
 good to understand what's happening.

 I thought to change from OO.o to SO6, but am finding other issues, such as
 the font problem mentioned elsewhere.  Strange, I thought the two programs
 were supposed to be almost identical.


The OpenOffice RPM supplied by mandrake has some slight modifications to its 
start up scripts to enable it to use the imported Windows fonts in the 
Drakfont directory.  WIth OpenOffice downloaded from, and I suspect 
with StarOffice you need to use spadmin to gain access to the Drakfont fonts.



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Re: [newbie] Trouble with Wine

2002-12-31 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Monday December 30 2002 03:59 pm, Robin Turner wrote:
 Dennis  Sue wrote:
  I have been trying to install and run Wine. So far, To no avail.
  Here is the error message I get :
  The Wine launcher is unable to find the xmessage program,

 If I remember rightly it's in the XFree86Contrib package.  You can
 always try a search on

 Sir Robin

X11R6-contrib   It's on the CD's. Make sure you use one that 
matches your XFree86 version.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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[newbie] Scroll mouse, Windows XP mounts, Fonts, Geforce 3

2002-12-31 Thread -=Eric=-
Ok, I'm new to the list so please take it easy on me. :-)

I have a few questions for the list please:

1.How can I get my scroll mouse to work? I'm using KDE as my windows

2.I would like to have my Windows XP partitions mounted when starting
KDE. I would love to have a simple icon (two actually, for my 2 XP
partitions) on my desktop so I can easily get to my files.

3. I read on a website a while back how to make the fonts more like those of
(gulp) Windoze. I'm looking for something that's easy to read. I feel the
default fonts used in KDE leave something to be desired. They are hard to
read when viewing websites.

4. When installing Mandrake 9.0, it said something about my Geforce 3 but I
think it said something about generic drivers. Should they be generic
drivers or should I attempt to install something else?

Thanks for your time and any help is appreciated.

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Re: [newbie] Scroll mouse, Windows XP mounts, Fonts, Geforce 3

2002-12-31 Thread Robin Turner
-=Eric=- wrote:

Ok, I'm new to the list so please take it easy on me. :-)

I have a few questions for the list please:

1.How can I get my scroll mouse to work? I'm using KDE as my windows

Go into the Control Center, select Hardware then Mouse.  Cilck on the 
type of mouse and test if it works. Most scroll mice should work OK, 
though your brand may not be listed - try something like generic scroll 
mouse if it isn't.

2.I would like to have my Windows XP partitions mounted when starting
KDE. I would love to have a simple icon (two actually, for my 2 XP
partitions) on my desktop so I can easily get to my files.

I'm not familiar with the ins and outs of NTFS, but FAT partitions are 
detected automatically. 9.0 by default uses supermount, so you shouldn't 
need to mount them.  To create an icon, you can right click on the 
desktop and fill in the appropriate details.  Depending on how you 
partitioned your disk, they will be something like /dev/hda1 and /dev/hda2

3. I read on a website a while back how to make the fonts more like those of
(gulp) Windoze. I'm looking for something that's easy to read. I feel the
default fonts used in KDE leave something to be desired. They are hard to
read when viewing websites.

Again, from the Control Center, choose System then Fonts, then click Get 
Windows Fonts.  You can choose which fonts KDE uses from the KDE Control 
Center (not to be confused with the Mandrake one).  Enabling 
anti-aliasing in KDE may improve the look of things.

4. When installing Mandrake 9.0, it said something about my Geforce 3 but I
think it said something about generic drivers. Should they be generic
drivers or should I attempt to install something else?

The generic drivers work, but won't give you much if anything in the way 
of 3D acceleration.  You can download and install nVidia's own drivers 
from their site (they aren't included in the Mandrake distro because 
they're closed source).  If you have any problems instaling them, check 
previous posts on the subject in the archives of this list.

Thanks for your time and any help is appreciated.

You're welcome!

Sir Robin

Do unto others what you would like others to do unto you. And have fun 
doing it.
- Linus Torvalds

Robin Turner
Bilkent University
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Fax in Open Office

2002-12-31 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 31 Dec 2002 2:17 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Tuesday 31 Dec 2002 2:01 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Tuesday 31 Dec 2002 1:40 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:
   On Tuesday 31 Dec 2002 10:40 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
I have been looking at the instructions on Derek's page about
configuring fax from Open Office/Star Office.  KDEprintfax is
definitely configured correctly, as I can send from KWord.  However,
I have no pseudoprinter for fax in OO.o.  I have created the new
printer as qtcups --stdin, but it doesn't seem to know about a fax
printer. What's wrong?  What have I missed?
   So when you print to the qtcups printer in Open Office do you get the
   QTCups dialogue window appear? Doesn't the drop down window in qtcups
   include all the same print devices you see when you print from Kword?
   I assume you are using CUPS as your print server?
  In OO.o I see my main printer setups (4 of them, all in  brackets) +
  the generic printer I have just set up

 So this is the qtcups printer. What happens when you print to it?

Ah - now I see.  It didn't behave as I expected, putting, as it were, an extra 
step in.  But that step shows exactly the same choices as I had under KWord.  
Another problem solved, thanks, Derek.

 The OpenOffice RPM supplied by mandrake has some slight modifications to
 its start up scripts to enable it to use the imported Windows fonts in the
 Drakfont directory.  WIth OpenOffice downloaded from, and I suspect
 with StarOffice you need to use spadmin to gain access to the Drakfont

Yes - I got the fonts installed OK, but they seem to behave differently.  At 
least, the one I've noticed is that helvetica italicised displays in a most 
ugly fashion, apparently 2 sizes bigger than the standard helvetica of the 
same nominal point, but squashed into the same space, so as to be virtually 

I'll have to experiment to see if this is an isolated case.  I have used it a 
lot in documents, so I could change the font, but it would arise fairly 
often.  If it's just the one font I'll probably live with it, avoiding it so 
far as possible.

I have imported both to kde and to OO all the fonts that were on windows.  
They are a huge number, and I'm going to try to uninstall many of them that I 
will probably never use, leaving just a good all-purpose selection.  Are 
there any that I should be aware of as 'system fonts' or the like that I must 
not uninstall under any circumstances?


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Re: [newbie] Scroll mouse, Windows XP mounts, Fonts, Geforce 3

2002-12-31 Thread John Richard Smith
-=Eric=- wrote:

Ok, I'm new to the list so please take it easy on me. :-)

I have a few questions for the list please:

1.How can I get my scroll mouse to work? I'm using KDE as my windows

2.I would like to have my Windows XP partitions mounted when starting
KDE. I would love to have a simple icon (two actually, for my 2 XP
partitions) on my desktop so I can easily get to my files.

Add a new line to /etc/fstab
/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows ntfs iocharset=iso8859-15,ro,umask=0 0 0
but change the /dev/hda1 to suit your partition table for windows,
in terminal,
mount -a

in terminal create,
mkdir /mnt/windows

on desktop,
rightmouseclick down to create cdrom device, alter lable to suit,
in properties point to windblows partition.


3. I read on a website a while back how to make the fonts more like those of
(gulp) Windoze. I'm looking for something that's easy to read. I feel the
default fonts used in KDE leave something to be desired. They are hard to
read when viewing websites.

4. When installing Mandrake 9.0, it said something about my Geforce 3 but I
think it said something about generic drivers. Should they be generic
drivers or should I attempt to install something else?

Thanks for your time and any help is appreciated.


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John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Diamond Stealth Video Card, X and WaitForFifo

2002-12-31 Thread Ross Bleakney
OK, sounds good. So, what is the best way to go about making the chages? How 
did you find out that information? Again, I have a book, but little of the 
information in there for changing XFree86 settings seems to match what is on 
my machine. I don't know if Mandrake does things a little differently, or if 
my book is out of date. If anyone could point me to a good source of 
information, I would greatly appreciate it.

From: Charles A Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] Diamond Stealth Video Card, X and WaitForFifo
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2002 07:08:55 -0500

On Tue, 31 Dec 2002 05:22:36 +
Ross Bleakney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a Diamond Stealth Video 2500 card. When I try to install
 Mandrake 9.0, the installer thinks it is a SiS 5597 card. It doesn't
 work (even in VGA mode) if I set Mandrake to use SiS 5597 or Stealth
 Video 2500.

The card should have the Alliance AT24 chip and in XFree-4.x uses the
apm driver.


The truth about a man lies first and foremost in what he hides.
		-- Andre Malraux
Mandrake Linux 9.1
Kernel- 2.4.20-2mdk

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Re: [newbie] Scroll mouse, Windows XP mounts, Fonts, Geforce 3

2002-12-31 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 31 Dec 2002 4:00 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
 -=Eric=- wrote:
 Ok, I'm new to the list so please take it easy on me. :-)
 I have a few questions for the list please:
 1.How can I get my scroll mouse to work? I'm using KDE as my windows
 2.I would like to have my Windows XP partitions mounted when starting
 KDE. I would love to have a simple icon (two actually, for my 2 XP
 partitions) on my desktop so I can easily get to my files.

 Add a new line to /etc/fstab
 /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows ntfs iocharset=iso8859-15,ro,umask=0 0 0
 but change the /dev/hda1 to suit your partition table for windows,
 in terminal,
 mount -a

 in terminal create,
 mkdir /mnt/windows

 on desktop,
 rightmouseclick down to create cdrom device, alter lable to suit,
 in properties point to windblows partition.


This is set to read-only, as writing to ntfs is dodgy indeed.  A fat32 
partition for data is the recommended work-around


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Re: [newbie] Scroll mouse, Windows XP mounts, Fonts, Geforce 3

2002-12-31 Thread -=Eric=-
I would rather stay away from fat32 file format. Read-only is acceptable for
me. I can just save it in Linux and when I boot back into Windoze I can grab
the files I need.

Thanks for the feedback.

- Original Message -
From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 11:11 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Scroll mouse, Windows XP mounts, Fonts,  Geforce 3

On Tuesday 31 Dec 2002 4:00 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
 -=Eric=- wrote:
 Ok, I'm new to the list so please take it easy on me. :-)
 I have a few questions for the list please:
 1.How can I get my scroll mouse to work? I'm using KDE as my windows
 2.I would like to have my Windows XP partitions mounted when starting
 KDE. I would love to have a simple icon (two actually, for my 2 XP
 partitions) on my desktop so I can easily get to my files.

 Add a new line to /etc/fstab
 /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows ntfs iocharset=iso8859-15,ro,umask=0 0 0
 but change the /dev/hda1 to suit your partition table for windows,
 in terminal,
 mount -a

 in terminal create,
 mkdir /mnt/windows

 on desktop,
 rightmouseclick down to create cdrom device, alter lable to suit,
 in properties point to windblows partition.


This is set to read-only, as writing to ntfs is dodgy indeed.  A fat32
partition for data is the recommended work-around


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Re: [newbie] Diamond Stealth Video Card, X and WaitForFifo

2002-12-31 Thread Charles A Edwards
On Tue, 31 Dec 2002 16:05:56 +
Ross Bleakney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 OK, sounds good. So, what is the best way to go about making the
 chages? How did you find out that information? Again, I have a book,
 but little of the information in there for changing XFree86 settings
 seems to match what is on my machine. I don't know if Mandrake does
 things a little differently, or if my book is out of date. If anyone
 could point me to a good source of information, I would greatly
 appreciate it.

You can run XFdrake and make the changes there.

The info on the card is from here:


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Mandrake Linux 9.1
Kernel- 2.4.20-2mdk

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Re: [newbie] Scroll mouse, Windows XP mounts, Fonts, Geforce 3

2002-12-31 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 31 Dec 2002 4:19 pm, -=Eric=- wrote:
 I would rather stay away from fat32 file format. Read-only is acceptable
 for me. I can just save it in Linux and when I boot back into Windoze I can
 grab the files I need.

 Thanks for the feedback.

Don't forget windows can't see your linux partitions


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Re: [newbie] Scroll mouse, Windows XP mounts, Fonts, Geforce 3

2002-12-31 Thread -=Eric=-
I use this:

- Original Message -
From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 11:39 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Scroll mouse, Windows XP mounts, Fonts,  Geforce 3

On Tuesday 31 Dec 2002 4:19 pm, -=Eric=- wrote:
 I would rather stay away from fat32 file format. Read-only is acceptable
 for me. I can just save it in Linux and when I boot back into Windoze I
 grab the files I need.

 Thanks for the feedback.

Don't forget windows can't see your linux partitions


 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to

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[newbie] Router/firwall

2002-12-31 Thread Tom

I am trying to setup a 
Installed the nic
set eth0 to the
set eth1 to the ISP static IP address and 

Connected the computers .
I can ping anything from the Mandrake 9.0 
I can ping both nics in the Mandrake box from the 
I can ping the mandrake box eth1 from an outside 
but I cannot get outside the from the client in the 
I cannot ping the ISP's gateway or anthing else 
outside the eth1 nic.

What have a done wrong?

Re: [newbie] Router/firwall

2002-12-31 Thread -=Eric=-

What OS is installed on the client 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 11:47 
  Subject: [newbie] Router/firwall
  I am trying to setup a 
  Installed the nic
  set eth0 to the
  set eth1 to the ISP static IP address and 
  Connected the computers .
  I can ping anything from the Mandrake 9.0 
  I can ping both nics in the Mandrake box from the 
  I can ping the mandrake box eth1 from an outside 
  but I cannot get outside the from the client in 
  the network.
  I cannot ping the ISP's gateway or anthing else 
  outside the eth1 nic.
  What have a done wrong?

Re: [newbie] Scroll mouse, Windows XP mounts, Fonts, Geforce 3

2002-12-31 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 31 Dec 2002 4:49 pm, -=Eric=- wrote:
 I use this:

OK - I never used this.  I tried a utility that made ntfs visible under win98, 
but had problems with corruptions, so I left anything like that alone after 

Good luck


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Re: [newbie] Router/firewall

2002-12-31 Thread Tom

W2K is the OS but should that make any diference 
since this should just be a router and not using the Mandrake box for anthing 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 10:52 
  Subject: Re: [newbie] 
  What OS is installed on the client 
- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 11:47 
Subject: [newbie] Router/firwall

I am trying to setup a 
Installed the nic
set eth0 to the
set eth1 to the ISP static IP address and 

Connected the computers .
I can ping anything from the Mandrake 9.0 
I can ping both nics in the Mandrake box from 
the client
I can ping the mandrake box eth1 from an 
outside computer
but I cannot get outside the from the client in 
the network.
I cannot ping the ISP's gateway or anthing else 
outside the eth1 nic.

What have a done wrong?

[newbie] USB compactflash reader problems

2002-12-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# cat /proc/bus/usb/devices
T:  Bus=01 Lev=00 Prnt=00 Port=00 Cnt=00 Dev#=  1 Spd=12  MxCh= 2
B:  Alloc=  0/900 us ( 0%), #Int=  0, #Iso=  0
D:  Ver= 1.00 Cls=09(hub  ) Sub=00 Prot=00 MxPS= 8 #Cfgs=  1
P:  Vendor= ProdID= Rev= 0.00
S:  Product=USB UHCI Root Hub
S:  SerialNumber=bce0
C:* #Ifs= 1 Cfg#= 1 Atr=40 MxPwr=  0mA
I:  If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 1 Cls=09(hub  ) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=hub
E:  Ad=81(I) Atr=03(Int.) MxPS=   8 Ivl=255ms
T:  Bus=01 Lev=01 Prnt=01 Port=00 Cnt=01 Dev#=  7 Spd=12  MxCh= 0
D:  Ver= 1.10 Cls=00(ifc ) Sub=00 Prot=00 MxPS= 8 #Cfgs=  1
P:  Vendor=05dc ProdID=b002 Rev= 1.13
S:  Manufacturer=USB
S:  Product=Mass Storage
C:* #Ifs= 1 Cfg#= 1 Atr=80 MxPwr= 70mA
I:  If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 2 Cls=08(stor.) Sub=06 Prot=50 Driver=usb-storage
E:  Ad=81(I) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS=  64 Ivl=0ms
E:  Ad=02(O) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS=  64 Ivl=0ms

usbview shows this:

Mass Storage
Manufacturer: USB
Speed: 12Mb/s (full)
USB Version:  1.10
Device Class: 00(ifc )
Device Subclass: 00
Device Protocol: 00
Maximum Default Endpoint Size: 8
Number of Configurations: 1
Vendor Id: 05dc
Product Id: b002
Revision Number:  1.13

Config Number: 1
Number of Interfaces: 1
Attributes: 80
MaxPower Needed:  70mA

Interface Number: 0
Name: usb-storage
Alternate Number: 0
Class: 08(stor.) 
Sub Class: 06
Protocol: 50
Number of Endpoints: 2

Endpoint Address: 81
Direction: in
Attribute: 2
Type: Bulk
Max Packet Size: 64
Interval: 0ms

Endpoint Address: 02
Direction: out
Attribute: 2
Type: Bulk
Max Packet Size: 64
Interval: 0ms

# mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/card
mount: special device /dev/sda1 does not exist

Can anyone help here?  

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Re: [newbie] Diamond Stealth Video Card, X and WaitForFifo

2002-12-31 Thread Ross Bleakney
I'm afraid that XFdrake didn't work. I didn't see where I could pick the 
chip set. In the list for video card, there was my card again (Diamond 
Stealth Video 2500) and the card that XFdrake thinks I should pick, (Sis 
5597). However, neither of these settings worked. The closest thing to what 
you recommended was a generic XFree 4.0|apm selection. This didn't work 
either. I like the XFdrake interface, the only problem is, it doesn't seem 
to work for me. I'm thinking I need to change the XF86Config file by hand, 
but I'm not exactly sure how to do this. I've got a rought idea based on the 
book I have, but it doesn't seem to work. Is there a source of information 
for configuring the file that you recommend? If not, I can hunt around some 
more on the
P.S. This whole thing is getting rather frustrating. I am thinking of 
spending the money on either a different video card or different Linux 
vendor. I assumed that the vendor differences where minor, so I chose 
Mandrake because it was cheap and easy to install. I'm thinking of 
shelling out the $40 for RedHat instead.

From: Charles A Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] Diamond Stealth Video Card, X and WaitForFifo
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2002 11:25:43 -0500

On Tue, 31 Dec 2002 16:05:56 +
Ross Bleakney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 OK, sounds good. So, what is the best way to go about making the
 chages? How did you find out that information? Again, I have a book,
 but little of the information in there for changing XFree86 settings
 seems to match what is on my machine. I don't know if Mandrake does
 things a little differently, or if my book is out of date. If anyone
 could point me to a good source of information, I would greatly
 appreciate it.

You can run XFdrake and make the changes there.

The info on the card is from here:


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Mandrake Linux 9.1
Kernel- 2.4.20-2mdk

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Re: [newbie] Router/firewall

2002-12-31 Thread -=Eric=-

What's the IP address, subnet mask,  default 
gateway on the W2K machine?

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 12:13 
  Subject: Re: [newbie] 
  W2K is the OS but should that make any diference 
  since this should just be a router and not using the Mandrake box for anthing 
- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 10:52 
Subject: Re: [newbie] 

What OS is installed on the client 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 
  11:47 AM
  Subject: [newbie] 
  I am trying to setup a 
  Installed the nic
  set eth0 to the
  set eth1 to the ISP static IP address and 
  Connected the computers .
  I can ping anything from the Mandrake 9.0 
  I can ping both nics in the Mandrake box from 
  the client
  I can ping the mandrake box eth1 from an 
  outside computer
  but I cannot get outside the from the client 
  in the network.
  I cannot ping the ISP's gateway or anthing 
  else outside the eth1 nic.
  What have a done wrong?

RE: [newbie] Router/firwall

2002-12-31 Thread Jim Hubbard
Can you do a little ascii sketch of how things are connected?  When
you say I can ping both nics in the Mandrake box from the client
that makes me wonder if you have both router nics plugged into the
same hub.  A simple firewall/router setup *should* look something like


Once everything is connected right, you'll need to configure the
firewall to masquerade your internet connection to the systems on your
local network.

Jim Hubbard
 |o_o |
 |:_/ |
//   \ \
   (| | )
  /'\_   _/`\

Rockingham County Linux Users Group

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tom
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 11:48 AM
Subject: [newbie] Router/firwall

I am trying to setup a router/firewall.
Installed the nic
set eth0 to the
set eth1 to the ISP static IP address and mask.

Connected the computers .
I can ping anything from the Mandrake 9.0 box.
I can ping both nics in the Mandrake box from the client
I can ping the mandrake box eth1 from an outside computer
but I cannot get outside the from the client in the network.
I cannot ping the ISP's gateway or anthing else outside the eth1 nic.

What have a done wrong?

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Re: [newbie] Router/firewall

2002-12-31 Thread Tom

But if these were set wrong, then I should not be 
able to ping either nic on the Mandrake router, and I can ping both of them, 
just cannot ping the outside world, ie. the dns server, etc. So I'm 
thinking is is something in the Mandrake box that is not allowing the internel 
network out.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 11:17 
  Subject: Re: [newbie] 
  What's the IP address, subnet mask,  default 
  gateway on the W2K machine?
- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 12:13 
Subject: Re: [newbie] 

W2K is the OS but should that make any 
diference since this should just be a router and not using the Mandrake box 
for anthing else.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 
  10:52 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] 
  What OS is installed on the client 
- Original Message - 

Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 
11:47 AM
Subject: [newbie] 

I am trying to setup a 
Installed the nic
set eth0 to the
set eth1 to the ISP static IP address and 

Connected the computers .
I can ping anything from the Mandrake 9.0 
I can ping both nics in the Mandrake box 
from the client
I can ping the mandrake box eth1 from an 
outside computer
but I cannot get outside the from the 
client in the network.
I cannot ping the ISP's gateway or anthing 
else outside the eth1 nic.

What have a done wrong?

Re: [newbie] Fax in Open Office

2002-12-31 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 31 Dec 2002 2:17 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:

 The OpenOffice RPM supplied by mandrake has some slight modifications to
 its start up scripts to enable it to use the imported Windows fonts in the
 Drakfont directory.  WIth OpenOffice downloaded from, and I suspect
 with StarOffice you need to use spadmin to gain access to the Drakfont

A related problem, Derek.  I have one printer setup called Draft_Duplex, which 
I use to print out 2-up double sided documents, mainly for proofreading.  
Although the printer is visible in SO it doesn't print 2-up, and there 
doesn't seem to be any way of making it do so.  I get the impression that 
it's a PS printer, not the hp setup I have elsewhere.  Is there any way of 
persuading it to print 2-up?


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RE: [newbie] Router/firwall

2002-12-31 Thread Myers, Dennis R NWO

Do you 
have the client computer set for internet connection as a static IP address? I 
have not been able to get my firewall/router to work properly without setting 
the client machines to dhcp. Look in MCC and internet connection, if it is set 
as static change to dhcp and see if you can get out. HTH Dennis 

  -Original Message-From: 
  Behalf Of TomSent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 10:48 
  AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [newbie] 
  I am trying to setup a 
  Installed the nic
  set eth0 to the
  set eth1 to the ISP static IP address and 
  Connected the computers .
  I can ping anything from the Mandrake 9.0 
  I can ping both nics in the Mandrake box from the 
  I can ping the mandrake box eth1 from an outside 
  but I cannot get outside the from the client in 
  the network.
  I cannot ping the ISP's gateway or anthing else 
  outside the eth1 nic.
  What have a done wrong?

Re: [newbie] Router/firwall

2002-12-31 Thread Tom

Dennis, that almost was it. But not 
quite.I have a static IP on the client
I tried to reconfigure the Internet Connection 
sharing and it would not let me change any of the settings. It defaulted 
to as the dns server and prveiously I had the ISP dns server 
there. When I restarted using as the dns server, all works 
fine. So from my thinking, it appears that this ICS automatically 
installs named as a cacheing dns server and the only way it will work is using 
the internal nic ip as the dns server.
I still don't understand why that prevented ping 
from going outside. But at least it is now working.

Thanks all for you input on this problem. 

  - Original Message - 
  Myers, Dennis R NWO 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 11:52 
  Subject: RE: [newbie] 
  you have the client computer set for internet connection as a static IP 
  address? I have not been able to get my firewall/router to work properly 
  without setting the client machines to dhcp. Look in MCC and internet 
  connection, if it is set as static change to dhcp and see if you can get out. 
  HTH Dennis M.
-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of 
TomSent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 10:48 AMTo: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [newbie] 
I am trying to setup a 
Installed the nic
set eth0 to the
set eth1 to the ISP static IP address and 

Connected the computers .
I can ping anything from the Mandrake 9.0 
I can ping both nics in the Mandrake box from 
the client
I can ping the mandrake box eth1 from an 
outside computer
but I cannot get outside the from the client in 
the network.
I cannot ping the ISP's gateway or anthing else 
outside the eth1 nic.

What have a done wrong?

Re: [newbie] Router/firewall

2002-12-31 Thread ET
set eth0 to be the outside and eth1 to be the inside?

On Tuesday 31 December 2002 12:41 pm, Tom wrote:

 But if these were set wrong, then I should not be able to ping either nic
 on the Mandrake router, and I can ping both of them, just cannot ping the
 outside world, ie. the dns server, etc.  So I'm thinking is is something in
 the Mandrake box that is not allowing the internel network out. -
 Original Message -
   From: -=Eric=-
   Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 11:17 AM
   Subject: Re: [newbie] Router/firewall

   What's the IP address, subnet mask,  default gateway on the W2K machine?
 - Original Message -
 From: Tom
 Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 12:13 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Router/firewall

 W2K is the OS but should that make any diference since this should just
 be a router and not using the Mandrake box for anthing else. - Original
 Message -
   From: -=Eric=-
   Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 10:52 AM
   Subject: Re: [newbie] Router/firwall

   What OS is installed on the client computer?

 - Original Message -
 From: Tom
 Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 11:47 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Router/firwall

 I am trying to setup a router/firewall.
 Installed the nic
 set eth0 to the
 set eth1 to the ISP static IP address and mask.

 Connected the computers .
 I can ping anything from the Mandrake 9.0 box.
 I can ping both nics in the Mandrake box from the client
 I can ping the mandrake box eth1 from an outside computer
 but I cannot get outside the from the client in the network.
 I cannot ping the ISP's gateway or anthing else outside the eth1

 What have a done wrong?

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Re: [newbie] OO printing - was Fax in Open Office

2002-12-31 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 31 Dec 2002 5:46 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Tuesday 31 Dec 2002 2:17 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:
  The OpenOffice RPM supplied by mandrake has some slight modifications to
  its start up scripts to enable it to use the imported Windows fonts in
  the Drakfont directory.  WIth OpenOffice downloaded from, and I
  suspect with StarOffice you need to use spadmin to gain access to the
  Drakfont fonts.

 A related problem, Derek.  I have one printer setup called Draft_Duplex,
 which I use to print out 2-up double sided documents, mainly for
 proofreading. Although the printer is visible in SO it doesn't print 2-up,
 and there doesn't seem to be any way of making it do so.  I get the
 impression that it's a PS printer, not the hp setup I have elsewhere.  Is
 there any way of persuading it to print 2-up?

The obvious answer is 'the same as fax - use the generic printer.  Well, I've 
done that, and got 2-up, but the output is abominable.  Lines of text are 
squashed up, and in some cases overwrite each other.  Comparing that output 
with the same  pages printed in KWord is like comparing camembert and sh**.  
The only problem there is that duplexing is not working properly - but I 
think I've had it working before, so I'll play with that one.

I do think KWord and OOWriter or StarWriter have different strengths, so I'd 
like to get this sorted.


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Re: [newbie] new mb advise

2002-12-31 Thread K. Spress


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[newbie] Prism2 USB Wireless adapters

2002-12-31 Thread Derek Jennings
If anyone has been struggling to get a USB wireless adapter working using the 
Prism2 chipset and the wlan-ng driver, you might be interested to read the 
crib sheet on my home page about getting the Actiontec adapter working.

If anyone is considering getting a wireless USB adapter my advice is Don't 
bother unless you are prepared to spend days getting the darned things 

I also have a Belkin USB adapter based on the Atmel chip set.  So far that is 
still not working :(

And for those for whom this is New Years day , Happy New Year.


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Re: [newbie] Java

2002-12-31 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday December 31 2002 01:55 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This may be a little off topic, but it's driving me crazy.

 I recently upgraded to Mandrake 9.0 from 8.2 and had a mysterious
 crash and wasn't able to recover or salvage anything.  I decided to
 start over from scratch and just downloaded Netscape 7.0.  I also
 require Java and downloaded the latest version, 1.4.1.

 I extracted the java files and set up the KDE control
 center/Netscape plugin utility to find the new plugin, which it
 did.  The problem is that Netscape doesn't load the new java
 plugin.  Did I miss a step?

   Yeah, too many steps. Nutscrape was the first mistake ;
 'rpm -Uvh j2re-1.4.1_01-5mdk'  rpm makes java available globally to 
all apps (browsers too). You do nothin, and can't screw it up ;)

 It's available from the Club, or maybe from /unsupported mirrors.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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[newbie] Mandrake 9.0 Installation Error

2002-12-31 Thread mcanada

Hello everyone,

I'm a Linux newbie, and I'm installing Mandrake 9.0 
PowerPack Edition on a Sony Vaio FX170 Laptop.

During the IDE/SCSI detection early in the 
installation, I get the following error message:

[newbie] Mandrake 9.0 Installation Error

2002-12-31 Thread mcanada

Hello everyone,

I'm a Linux newbie, and I'm installing Mandrake 9.0 
PowerPack Edition on a Sony Vaio FX170 Laptop.

During the IDE/SCSI detection early in the 
installation, I get the following error message:

insmod'ing module ohci1394 failed at 
/usr/bin/perl-install/ line 389.

My attached harware includes:
Maxtor 160gig external firewire drive
Linksys Wireless PCMCIA WPC11 Card
Logitech Wireless keyboard and Mouse

Any ideas?


Re: [newbie] Informal poll

2002-12-31 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Friday 27 December 2002 03:23 pm, erylon hines wrote:

 O.K., this is the step-by-step that I used (I know it actually works
 sometimes, because users have done this successfully).

 1.  Boot with the install disk and hit F1 at the splash screen

 2.  type:expert

 3.  Skip the modules screen and select:AIC7xxx_old
 for your scsi driver.

 Good Luck--I hope it works for you!


Well, since I posted this, my ever-so-lovely wife bought me a Soyo Dragon Plus 
MB for Christmas (I'm still bowing at her feet!) and 9.0 installed on it with 
all my SCSI stuff just fine. Go figure - guess it just didn't like SCSI with 
my Shuttle motherboard.

Thanks for the reply though - I've saved your reply in case I ever add some 
SCSI stuff back to that Shuttle MB with 9.0...

See ya!

PS Wish I had gotten your message before I switched - out of curiosity I'd 
kinda like to know if that would have fixed the problem. :-)


Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] new mb advise

2002-12-31 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Tuesday 31 December 2002 03:24 pm, Charles A Edwards wrote:

 Since I can not comment on the item I will comment on tigerdirect.
 If you can find the same or similar item elsewhere, even if you you have
 to pay a little more, then get it elsewhere.

 Even though TigerDirect is located in my home state I would not
 recommend that anyone purchase from them as they receive an
 unsatisfactory rating from the BBB.


I've had not trouble buying brand name items from Tigerdirect, (although you 
can usually find the same item for less on Pricewatch) but 3 out of 4 generic 
vanilla CD-ROMs bought from them in the last 2 years have died. I'm just 
waiting for the 4th to go... So no more for me.


Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] Nvidia tv out and RF Through Modulator

2002-12-31 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Monday 30 December 2002 08:04 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
 I have now got all this working.

 I can now display any programme I have on computer via any tv screen in the
 property, including such matters as mplayer, xine, divx,

 anyone who maybe interested only has to ask


I'd be interested in that Thanks! :-)

I have an Nvidia Geforce TI4200 with 64 megs...


Dark Lord

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[newbie] I think I did it

2002-12-31 Thread Russ

Hi All,

I am just checking to see if this actually works. I think I got
everything up and running. I did, however, reinstall everything 3 times
before I figured out that I had to type linux at the boot promt.
Speaking of which, I chose graphical lilo but it is only text, anyone
know why?

Also, I have a Canon S750. Mandrake recognizes it as such but it is not
listed in the list. Anyone know which one I should choose??

I bought another HD today so I could install Win98 and Linux as a dual
boot on it. Disregarding the 2 extra times I installed Mandrake 9
(misunderstanding on boot up, I thought it had failed) It was easier to
install Mandrake9 than Win98. Mandrake recognized almost everything and
set it up. Windows is installed but I still have the nightmare of
getting all the drives installed.


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[newbie] a poem for the new year :-)

2002-12-31 Thread Angus Auld
Greetings everyone. This isn't one of my dumb questions for a change. I wanted to 
share this poem with you all. I hope that's OK, and that you find it an inspiration, 
as I have.

Innermost Sense of Purpose

The sacred flow within us
That draws us into life
Teaches us to be grateful,
For the blessings and the strife.
The path of human experience
Is based on our desire to be,
Using the bitter, and the sweet,
To form a balanced reality.
The innermost sense of purpose
Is in grasping the eternal flow,
Stepping on the path with praise,
Respecting how we learn to grow.
Feeling the pull of Creation,
As it beckons, calling our names,
Setting aside all separation,
Praising the Oneness we reclaim.
Is our secret, innermost purpose
To mend the polarity within?
Can we find human wholeness
And allow separation to end?
Each individual holds the answer,
And each spirit must decide,
To praise the truth of Oneness,
Allowing ultimate unity to abide.
--Jamie Sams (from Earth Medicine)

Best regards to you all in a new year of possibilities!


Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.--James 

*Reg. Linux User #278931*
*Power by Mandrake Linux 9.0*

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[newbie] Bootsplash in 9.0

2002-12-31 Thread Ronald J. Hall
Is it safe to remove the bootsplash in v9.0 as a lot of us did in v8.2? So 
that we get a black background with text during bootup? (I've already 
inserted noquiet into /etc/lilo.conf...



Dark Lord

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[newbie] Mouse questions

2002-12-31 Thread Russ
Hi all,

I had a question about the mouse. Is there a way to speed it up?

Also, I have a tracball with 5 buttons (Microsoft explorer Tracball). Is
there some software out there that will allow me to use the extra 2


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Re: [newbie] Mouse questions

2002-12-31 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Wednesday 01 January 2003 02:13 am, Russ wrote:
 Hi all,

 I had a question about the mouse. Is there a way to speed it up?

 Also, I have a tracball with 5 buttons (Microsoft explorer Tracball). Is
 there some software out there that will allow me to use the extra 2


Hi Russ. Goto - KDE Control Center - Peripherals - Mouse - Advanced - 
Pointer acceleration. Take your pick (I use 6x) Apply and quit.

Hope this helps. :-)

Dark Lord 

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Re: [newbie] Mouse questions

2002-12-31 Thread Russ
Hi Ronald,

Yes, that was exactly what I wanted. I had been looking in Mandrake
Config for it. Now I have more things to explore.


On Tue, 2002-12-31 at 11:21, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Wednesday 01 January 2003 02:13 am, Russ wrote:
  Hi all,
  I had a question about the mouse. Is there a way to speed it up?
  Also, I have a tracball with 5 buttons (Microsoft explorer Tracball). Is
  there some software out there that will allow me to use the extra 2
 Hi Russ. Goto - KDE Control Center - Peripherals - Mouse - Advanced - 
 Pointer acceleration. Take your pick (I use 6x) Apply and quit.
 Hope this helps. :-)
 Dark Lord 

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