Re: [newbie-it] Installazione e convivenza

2003-01-01 Thread Sandro Porrazzini
Il mar, 2002-12-31 alle 23:51, Corrado ha scritto:
 Il mar, 2002-12-31 alle 09:43, Sandro Porrazzini ha scritto:
  Il lun, 2002-12-30 alle 23:23, Corrado ha scritto:
  Il consiglio su come procedere:
  - ridimensionare la partizione ntfs con l'utility di xp
 Però l'altro os in questione è Windows 2000; se esiste tle funzione
 anche in questo caso, sarebbe ciò che cerchiamo :)
 Come si chiama l'utility cui ti riferisci?

La funzione descritta credo sia presente solo in xp.
E' accessibile aatraverso il Pannello di Controllo - Strumenti di
Amministrazione - Gestione Computer ... e da li, non ricordo con
esattezza la descrizione: Gestione dischi (o simile)
Chiedo, inoltre, venia poichè sono stato troppo precipitoso ed
impreciso, beh diciamo che mi sono proprio sbagliato!
Ho fatto delle prove e sembra che l'utility in questione non funzioni
con le partizioni ntfs o, per lo meno, con quelle ntfs in cui xp sia
installato. Nel mio caso specifico, con 2 hd, sul primo in cui è
installato xp con file system ntfs non mi permette di intervenire, sul
secondo hd (in cui c'è linux, lo swap ed una mini-partizione fat32 per
lo scambio) invece mi permette di intervenire.
Scusatemi, quindi, perchè sono stato troppo precipitoso.
Credo che l'unico modo per intervenire, in questo caso e se si vogliono
utilizzare strumenti in ambiente win, sia Partition Magic e dalla
versione 8 (la 6, provata da me faceva un po' di
Attualmente non conosco strumenti linux per fare la stessa cosa.
L'unico modo, secondo le mie (limitate) attuali conoscenze è,
probabilmente, pianificare il tutto in anticipo rispetto
all'installazione dei vari o.s. sulla macchina.
Quindi predisporre a priori, se si ha un solo hd, due partizioni (anche
fat 32) e installare sulla prima il 2000 o xp e passare, quindi, alla
ripartizione e installazione di linux sulla seconda.
Scusate la lunghezza e .l'abbaglio.

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Mandrake 9.0 on Pentium III - 733 Mhz
Linux User # 203143
Linux Machine # 175781

Re: [newbie-it] Installazione e convivenza

2003-01-01 Thread gianni piazza
Alle 21:41, lunedì 30 dicembre 2002, Corrado ha scritto:
 Ciao tutti,
 so che è un argomento già trattato, ma mi servirebbero suggerimenti il
 più presto possibile, poichè un mio amico si è convinto a installare
 Linux Mandrake (dietro consiglio dello Scrivente :) e addirittura
 vorrebbe liberarsi di Windows 2000 (quindi capite, si tratta di un opera
 di bene), se tutto va come gli ho prospettato; però intanto vorrebbe
 tenere i due os sullo stesso hd...

 Avrei quindi bisogno di sapere, in relazione a Mandrake 9.0, quali passi
 seguire per ottenere innanzitutto un ridimensionamento non distruttivo
 della partizione NTFS e se poi sia possibile qualche problema di
 convivenza con W2000...

Non credo avrai grossi problemiio ho mdk e win xp.
Basta fare il normale boot da cdrom e scegliere la modalità di installazione 
esperto(non preoccuparti, è semplicissimo).
Dopodichè con il programma di partizionamento (grafico molto intuitivo) 
ridimensioni l'hd dove cè windows, clikka nella nuova partizione creata e 
scegli alloca automaticamente.Per ridimensionare l'hd basta cliccare sulla 
partizione e scegliere crea.Dopodichè il programma ti chiede le dimensioni 
che deve avere la partizione, tieni presente che la dimensione che scegli è 
quella dove rimarrà windows.Poi clikki su fattoed hai.fatto!!
Ricordati però prima di iniziare il tutto, di deframmentare e pulire win.
Ciao Gianni

Re: [newbie-it] Installazione e convivenza

2003-01-01 Thread paolo brusasco
io ho provato 2 volte a ridimensionare partizioni nt con su win2000 
usando l'utility di partizionamento compresa nell'installazione di 
mand8.2 ed in entrambi i casi mi sono fumato win2000. se devi 
ridimensionare un disco fisso unico per metterci entrambi i sistemi 
forse puoi considerare seriamente di:
-1 partizione FAT32 su cui reinstallare win2000, così puoi scriverci 
anche da linux;
-le partizioni linux che vuoi.
reinstallare prima win200 e poi lin. ciao.

gianni piazza ha scritto:

[newbie-it] cancellazione da mailing

2003-01-01 Thread dimmy
Vorrei cancellarmi dalla mailing, pero' non so come fare...
Qualcuno puo' darmi una mano?


Prendi GRATIS l'email universale che... risparmia:

Mobility Conference Exhibition 2003: l'evento di Assolombarda sulla mobility.
Clicca qui:

Re: [newbie-it] compilazione del kernel

2003-01-01 Thread Emiliano La Licata
Alle 00:12, martedì 24 dicembre 2002, miKe ha scritto:

nel menù xconfig me la sono cavata diciamo alla meno peggio, le cose che ero 
sicuro di eliminare le ho eliminate, altre le ho lasciate come moduli... a 
questo punto...


 - - Se il tuo kernel e' troppo grosso per il comando make
 zImage, use il
 comando make bzImage

 - - Se hai compilato alcune parti del kernel come moduli, dovrai
 dare in
 seguito il comando make modules seguito da un make
 modules_install. Per

Ho seguito queste istruzioni e tutto a posto almeno apparentemente

 - - Per consentire ora il boot con il tuo nuovo kernel, dovrai
 l'immagine del kernel (che trovi in
 dopo la compilazione) nel posto in cui il kernel attuale si

in /usr/src/arch/boot/ non c'è bzImage che cosa può essere accaduto??


Re: [newbie-it] compilazione del kernel

2003-01-01 Thread Emiliano La Licata
Alle 18:03, mercoledì 1 gennaio 2003, Emiliano La Licata ha scritto:

 Alle 00:12, martedì 24 dicembre 2002, miKe ha scritto:

 nel menù xconfig me la sono cavata diciamo alla meno peggio, le cose che
 ero sicuro di eliminare le ho eliminate, altre le ho lasciate come
 moduli... a questo punto...

  - - Se il tuo kernel e' troppo grosso per il comando make
  zImage, use il
  comando make bzImage
  - - Se hai compilato alcune parti del kernel come moduli, dovrai
  dare in
  seguito il comando make modules seguito da un make
  modules_install. Per

 Ho seguito queste istruzioni e tutto a posto almeno apparentemente

  - - Per consentire ora il boot con il tuo nuovo kernel, dovrai
  l'immagine del kernel (che trovi in
  dopo la compilazione) nel posto in cui il kernel attuale si

 in /usr/src/arch/boot/ non c'è bzImage che cosa può essere accaduto??

Chiedo scusa sarò più preciso... in /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot non c'è 
bzImage ma le seguenti cose: bootsect.S  compressed/  Makefile 
setup.S  tools/  video.S


[newbie-it] Aggiungere un nuovo hard disk

2003-01-01 Thread francesco.melo
HO aggiunto un 10 giga usato
Secondary master.

PM hd 40 gb  /dev/hda
PS cdrom/dev/hdb
SM hd 10 Gb /dev/hdc?
SS masterizzatore   /dev/hdd

Harddrake non mi funziona...
non ho kudzu...

fdisk non riesce ad aprire un /dev/hdc
su windows funziona ...

essite un modo per far vedere da console il nuovo hard disk?

grazie e buon anno

[newbie-it] Help Grip

2003-01-01 Thread Luigi

ho installato grip (su mandrake 8.2) ed ho gia' dei problemi; in pratica non riesco a 
visualizzare le tracce del cd audio e se premo il pulsante scan disk mi visualizza no 

nell'fstab il cdrom e' impostato come segue:

/dev/hdd /mnt/cdrom auto user,noauto,exec 00

come posso risolvere?

un'altra domanda: avendo gia' un file wav su hd, come convertirlo in  
Luigi Beltramini

Re: [newbie-it] compilazione del kernel

2003-01-01 Thread Emiliano La Licata
Alle 18:14, mercoledì 1 gennaio 2003, Emiliano La Licata ha scritto:

Sto rompendo, è vero!! sto creando una serie di immondizia inutile, non me ne 
abbiate a male, è solo che il kernel crea panico... kernel panic

 Chiedo scusa sarò più preciso... in /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot non c'è
 bzImage ma le seguenti cose: bootsect.S  compressed/  Makefile
 setup.S  tools/  video.S

In realtà quando facevo make bzImage c'erano messaggi di errore e quindi il 
file non si creava. Ho rivisto il menù di configurazione (xconfig) e tolto 
roba spero inutile... 
In definitiva adesso ho un file bzImage troppo grande per il disketto, quindi 
volevo modificare /etc/lilo.conf per far affiancare bzImage a vmlinuz
Ho letto man lilo ma non è molto chiaro sul da farsi... 
potete darmi una mano per far partire il nuovo kernel e in alternativa il 
vecchio se le cose come credo andranno male?!??!!

Ringrazio per la pazienza... Buon anno a tutti...

Che anno difficile che ci aspetta, Corrado Guzzanti, Il caso Scrafoglia...

Re: [newbie-it] Aggiungere un nuovo hard disk

2003-01-01 Thread tom
Alle 17:19, mercoledì 1 gennaio 2003, francesco.melo ha scritto:
 HO aggiunto un 10 giga usato
 Secondary master.

 PM hd 40 gb  /dev/hda
 PS cdrom/dev/hdb
 SM hd 10 Gb /dev/hdc?
 SS masterizzatore   /dev/hdd

 Harddrake non mi funziona...
  non ho kudzu...

 fdisk non riesce ad aprire un /dev/hdc
  su windows funziona ...

 essite un modo per far vedere da console il nuovo hard disk?

devi inserire una righa in fstab che indici punto di mount e fs,
da shell con un editor semplice semplice:
]#mcedit /etc/fstab ( e ci scrivi una cosa del genere )

/dev/hdc /mnt/HD_nuovo vfat umask=0 0 0

okkio xrò a:
1° che hdc non sia gia assegnato a qualcosaltro 
2° che l'HD si realmente formattato in FAT ...altrimenti sostituisci 
vfat con il fs con cui è stato formattato..ti consiglio una lettura a 
man fstab
3° una lettura a man umask

fatto tutto questo..

]#cd /mnt/HD_nuovo

se non ti da errori dovresti trovarti nel HD da 10 G.
Ben puoi navigare dentro anche da X,
 dimenticavo se ti dice qalcosa riguardo mtablascialo cantareall 
avvio sucessivo nn ci saranno problemi.

 grazie e buon anno

buon anno anche a te


Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] Aggiungere un nuovo hard disk

2003-01-01 Thread Corrado
Il mer, 2003-01-01 alle 18:19, francesco.melo ha scritto:

 Harddrake non mi funziona...
  non ho kudzu...
 fdisk non riesce ad aprire un /dev/hdc
  su windows funziona ...

Non funzionano del tutto? O solo in rapporto al nuovo hd?


[newbie-it] scanner hp scanjet 3570c

2003-01-01 Thread Guido Milanese
Ho fatto una fesseria per concludere bene il 2002... Fidandomi del fatto che 
lo scanner di cui in oggetto figurasse come 'known hardware' nell'elenco 
della mandrake, me lo sono acquistato. Non è visto da sane e non risulta 
supportato in Ricerche via google non hanno 
dato risultati.

Lo scanner è connesso via USB. Prima di rassegnarmi ad usarlo solo via 
Windows, ho altre possibilità?

grazie, buon anno a tutti.

PS questione di netiquette. Una mia precedente domanda è rimasta... inevasa. 
Dopo quanto tempo, a vostro avviso, posso girare la cosa ad un'altra lista?

Guido Milanese
Vocal Ensemble Ars Antiqua, Genova, Italy

Re: [newbie-it] Installazione e convivenza

2003-01-01 Thread Corrado
Il mer, 2003-01-01 alle 16:43, paolo brusasco ha scritto:
 io ho provato 2 volte a ridimensionare partizioni nt con su win2000 
 usando l'utility di partizionamento compresa nell'installazione di 
 mand8.2 ed in entrambi i casi mi sono fumato win2000.

Si, ne sono consapevole: il quesito riguardava proprio la ricerca di un
sistema per aggirare tale limite...

 -1 partizione FAT32 su cui reinstallare win2000, così puoi scriverci 
 anche da linux;
 -le partizioni linux che vuoi.
 reinstallare prima win200 e poi lin

Il problema è che il mio amico vorrebbe installare Linux *senza* dover
reinstallare W2000

Il mer, 2003-01-01 alle 09:03, Sandro Porrazzini ha scritto:

 Credo che l'unico modo per intervenire, in questo caso e se si
 utilizzare strumenti in ambiente win, sia Partition Magic e dalla
 versione 8 (la 6, provata da me faceva un po' di
 Attualmente non conosco strumenti linux per fare la stessa cosa.

In verità non ha importanza che sia fatto da Linux, da Windows o per
intercessione papale :-D (più facile quest'ultima, che convincere MS a
non lamentarsi se qualcuno vuole gestire partizioni NTFS da Linux);
qualunque suggerimento è il benvenuto, se qualcuno ha sperimentato un
ridimensionamento tramite Partition Magic, sarebbe utile...


Re: [newbie-it] Help Grip

2003-01-01 Thread Corrado
Il mer, 2003-01-01 alle 18:59, Luigi ha scritto:
 ho installato grip (su mandrake 8.2) ed ho gia' dei problemi; in pratica non riesco 
 visualizzare le tracce del cd audio e se premo il pulsante scan disk mi visualizza 

Se ricordo bene, ho avuto anch'io questo problema con la 8.2... cercherò
di ricordarmi come lo risolsi (spero qualcuno possa aiutarti prima,
naturalmente); intanto, però: hai un solo lettore?

 un'altra domanda: avendo gia' un file wav su hd, come convertirlo in  

Prima di tutto devi avere installato un encoder (non lo trovi nella
versione download dei cd per questioni legate ai brevetti); lame, gogo,
bladeenc... alla peggio la conversione può esere effettuata da linea di
comando (l'ho fatto, mesi fa, senza saperne assolutamente nulla
semplicente leggendo l'help dei programmi in questione).


Re: [newbie-it] compilazione del kernel

2003-01-01 Thread Giorgio Griffon
 Consiglio cmq un approccio restrittivo: se poi dovesse presentarsi la
 necessita' di attivare un'altro modulo, non faresti altro che attivarlo
 dopo; in questo modo restringi il campo delle ipotesi del che cosa non
 funziona adesso?. E ovviamente leggi sempre le piccole spiegazioni a
Allora adesso comincio a fare qualche prova con maggiore attenzione; spero di 
venirne a capo: ti saprò dire. Intanto grazie moltissime per le spiegazioni 
esaurienti e pazienti.
Auguri di buon 2003 a tutti

Re: [newbie-it] drakconf

2003-01-01 Thread Fabio Manunza
Alle 23:51, martedì 31 dicembre 2002, Corrado ha scritto:

 Ho provato da console: come utente normale, semplicemente non accada
 nulla (semplicemente vado a capo e la shell è pronta a ricevere altri
 comandi), così come via interfaccia grafica; come root, tutto okay,
 anche lanciando drakconf da console...


..e i permessi?
-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] Help Grip

2003-01-01 Thread Fabio Manunza
Alle 18:59, mercoledì 1 gennaio 2003, Luigi ha scritto:

 ho installato grip (su mandrake 8.2) ed ho gia' dei problemi; in pratica
 non riesco a visualizzare le tracce del cd audio e se premo il pulsante
 scan disk mi visualizza no disk

 nell'fstab il cdrom e' impostato come segue:

 /dev/hdd /mnt/cdrom auto user,noauto,exec 00

 come posso risolvere?
Non è che hai hdd emulato scsi?
 un'altra domanda: avendo gia' un file wav su hd, come convertirlo in
...beh, con grip, no?

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] drakconf

2003-01-01 Thread Corrado
Il mer, 2003-01-01 alle 22:40, Fabio Manunza ha scritto:
 Alle 23:51, martedì 31 dicembre 2002, Corrado ha scritto:
  Ho provato da console: come utente normale, semplicemente non accada
  nulla (semplicemente vado a capo e la shell è pronta a ricevere altri
  comandi), così come via interfaccia grafica; come root, tutto okay,
  anche lanciando drakconf da console...

 ..e i permessi?

Tutti paiono avere la possibilità di leggere ed eseguire drakconf... 


Re: [newbie-it] modem Lucent

2003-01-01 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 03:09, martedì 31 dicembre 2002, tom , in merito a Re:
[newbie-it] modem Lucent,  ha scritto:

  servono i log
  altrimenti è impossibile...

 da dove gleli faccio tirare fuoriil phat
 sono un po tordo,come ben sai :-)

dobbiamo conoscere il modello di modem (dmesg, lspci -v)
poi vediamo a che punto arriva l'inizializzazione del modem
(/var/log/messages /var/log/sysylog)

 Ciao , Tom



- --

Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] Compilare kernel

2003-01-01 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 21:33, lunedì 30 dicembre 2002, Pollo , in merito a
[newbie-it] Compilare kernel,  ha scritto:
 Ho una domanda!
 E' possibile compilare il chernel su una macchina diversa da
 quella su cui verrà installato? Ha senso o è una stupidata?

è il solo modo per cambiare kernel su macchine lente..
a meno di avere tanta pazienza

inoltre, su tanti server non si installano nemmeno gcc e modutils
per evitare che possano essere usate per compilare codice non

 Vi spiego i motivi dei miei dubbi: ho trovato dei vecchi 486,
 pentium75 e pentium100 e visto che gia di loro sono piuttosto
 lenti ho pensato che compilare un kernel ottimizzato per
 ogni classe di processore potesse aumentarne le prestazioni.

i kernel che trovi in giro sono in genere compilati per 386
sui 486 ottieni un vantaggio misero
su pentium poco di più

solo che le applicazioni che installerai, sono comunque per
a meno di ricompilare davvero tutto...

il kernel lo ricompili per averlo aggiornato
non ti conviene installare una distribuzione recentissima su
quelle macchine, il kernel invece si

 Ma visto che la compilazione è già lunga sul mio pentium II
 350MHz immagino con quei processori... Quindi ho pensato di
 sfruttare un computer più potente di un amico (athlon xp
 1800). E' possibile? Se si come devo fare?

compila il kernel nella versione che vuoi, quindi copialo in rete
o via floppy, sulla macchina che lo userà
idem per i moduli,
dovrai copiare la dir /lib/modules/versione
sempre via rete o dischetti

quindi chiaramente aggiornare lilo

(non serve dirti che nella macchina che compilerà dovrai avere
versioni di librerie compatibili con le macchine che ospiteranno
i kernel)

[okkio alla versione di kernel che compilerai,
non sovrascrivere i vecchi moduli!
quindi fai un backup degli originali, o gioca  con extraversion
nel makefile, dando in questo modo un nome diverso al kernel e
ai moduli]

 Inoltre per processori cosi datati conviene usare un kernel
 recente (tipo 2.4.x) ottimizzato oppure un kernel vecchio

2.4 sicuramente

 Grazie, Pollo.



- --

Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] compilazione del kernel

2003-01-01 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 16:25, martedì 31 dicembre 2002, Emiliano La Licata , in
merito a Re: [newbie-it] compilazione del kernel,  ha scritto:

 Domanda: cosa devo fare per settare correttamente il tutto?
 Ad ogni voce leggere help e sapere se il mio laptop ha bisogno
 di questo?? Ci sono scorciatoie??

devi conoscere cosa ti serve e cosa faccia ogni opzione...
purtroppo almeno la prima volta dovrai leggere...

io per il mio portatile acpi non l'ho proprio incluso,
ma sapevo che apm avrebbe fatto il suo dovere, grazie a cose
trovate in rete...

cerca in giro,
 potresti trovare un config quasi pronto..



- --

Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] compilazione del kernel

2003-01-01 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 21:15, mercoledì 1 gennaio 2003, Emiliano La Licata , in 
merito a Re: [newbie-it] compilazione del kernel,  ha scritto:

 affiancare bzImage a vmlinuz Ho letto man lilo ma non è molto
 chiaro sul da farsi... potete darmi una mano per far partire
 il nuovo kernel e in alternativa il vecchio se le cose come
 credo andranno male?!??!!

ti incollo un pezzo di lilo.conf
# Linux bootable partition config begins
image = /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.20
  root = /dev/hda6
  label = Slack_2.4.20
image = /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.19-2
  root = /dev/hda6
  label = Slack_2.4.19
image = /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.18
  root = /dev/hda6
  label = Slack_2.4.18
image = /boot/vmlinuz
  root = /dev/hda6
  label = Slack_original


come vedi devi solo duplicare le chiamate ai vari kernel che 
metti in /boot
chiaramente i nomi devono essere univoci
okkio ai moduli, 
se ricompili un kernel diverso dall'attuale, no prob
se è lo stesso, per differenziare devi usare dei nomi differenti 
per kernel e moduli
quindi devi intervenire sul Makefile andando ogni volta a 
cambiare la variabile extraversion
(se noti il kernel mandrake ha un nome che termina in -xxx.mdk) 
quel valore è dato proprio dalla variabile in questione,
tu potrai chiamarla 'pluto'
ed avere quindi un vmlinuz-2.4.20-pluto (nome che darai tu a 
e dei moduli in /lib/modules/2.4.20-pluto 
automaticamente definiti, con congruenza in modules.dep e (anche nel kernel, lo vedi con uname)



- --

Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] scanner hp scanjet 3570c

2003-01-01 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 21:22, mercoledì 1 gennaio 2003, Guido Milanese , in merito 
a [newbie-it] scanner hp scanjet 3570c,  ha scritto:
 Ho fatto una fesseria per concludere bene il 2002... Fidandomi
 del fatto che lo scanner di cui in oggetto figurasse come
 'known hardware' nell'elenco della mandrake, me lo sono
 acquistato. Non è visto da sane e non risulta supportato in Ricerche via google non hanno
 dato risultati.

 Lo scanner è connesso via USB. Prima di rassegnarmi ad usarlo
 solo via Windows, ho altre possibilità?

come viene visto?
quando lo colleghi, sulle usb lo vedi?
intanto cerchiamo di capire che componenti monta
potresti riuscire ad utilizzarlo perchè usa componenti comuni con 
modelli supportati



- --

Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] Installazione e convivenza

2003-01-01 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 16:43, mercoledì 1 gennaio 2003, paolo brusasco , in merito 
a Re: [newbie-it] Installazione e convivenza,  ha scritto:
 io ho provato 2 volte a ridimensionare partizioni nt con su
 win2000 usando l'utility di partizionamento compresa
 nell'installazione di mand8.2 ed in entrambi i casi mi sono
 fumato win2000.

per usare diskdrake, in modo da ridimensionare una partizione 
(fat32 o ntfs non cambia)
è necessario spostare tutti i dati di win$ neli primi settori 
della partizione in quanto l'utilità *non è in grado* di 
spostare i dati [come GNU/Parted o partition magic] ma solo di 
ridimensionare  la partizione
quindi :
1. nella partizione win$ è necessario fare uno scandisk
2. mettere a zero la memoria virtuale
3. riavviare
4. fare un defrag

solo a questo punto sarà possibile rimpicciolire la partizione 
*previa* controllo dello spazio realmente libero [altrimenti si 
tagliano via comunque dei dati]

 se devi ridimensionare un disco fisso unico
 per metterci entrambi i sistemi forse puoi considerare
 seriamente di:
 -1 partizione FAT32 su cui reinstallare win2000, così puoi
 scriverci anche da linux;

installare il 2000 su fat32 è troppo limitativo
conviene usare una fat32 intermedia, solo per interscambio
sarà la 'cartella documenti' per win$ e 'quellochetipare' per 



- --

Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] Aggiungere un nuovo hard disk

2003-01-01 Thread francesco.melo
tom wrote:

Alle 17:19, mercoledì 1 gennaio 2003, francesco.melo ha scritto:

HO aggiunto un 10 giga usato
Secondary master.

PM hd 40 gb  /dev/hda
PS cdrom/dev/hdb
SM hd 10 Gb /dev/hdc?
SS masterizzatore   /dev/hdd

Harddrake non mi funziona...
non ho kudzu...

fdisk non riesce ad aprire un /dev/hdc
su windows funziona ...

essite un modo per far vedere da console il nuovo hard disk?

devi inserire una righa in fstab che indici punto di mount e fs,
da shell con un editor semplice semplice:
]#mcedit /etc/fstab ( e ci scrivi una cosa del genere )

/dev/hdc /mnt/HD_nuovo vfat umask=0 0 0

okkio xrò a:
1° che hdc non sia gia assegnato a qualcosaltro 
2° che l'HD si realmente formattato in FAT ...altrimenti sostituisci 
vfat con il fs con cui è stato formattato..ti consiglio una lettura a 
man fstab
3° una lettura a man umask

fatto tutto questo..

]#cd /mnt/HD_nuovo

se non ti da errori dovresti trovarti nel HD da 10 G.
Ben puoi navigare dentro anche da X,
 dimenticavo se ti dice qalcosa riguardo mtablascialo cantareall 
avvio sucessivo nn ci saranno problemi.


grazie e buon anno

buon anno anche a te



Ciao , Tom


ho risolto!
in nessun modo mi accettava il secondo hard disk come secondary master
spostandolo come  secondary slave , invece, tutto è andato liscio...
qualcuno mi sa dare una spiegazione in proposito?
harddrake non adnava perchè nella versione cooker ha una 
incompatibilità con una libreria gtk2...

è un bug che risolveranno al più presto

grazie a tutti

Re: [newbie] Unsupported Camera

2003-01-01 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 11 Dec 2002 10:16 pm, Peter Watson wrote:
 On Wednesday 11 Dec 2002 14:11, Todd Slater wrote:
  On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 05:01:06AM -0500, Dennis  Sue wrote:
   I have an unsupported HP 315 photosmart camera, ( usb ).
   Usbview finds it, and correctly identifies it. Etc/Hotplug knows about
   it as well.
   Gphoto has no driver for it, cannot make it work.
   It seems to me that I should be able to mount it as a filesystem ? of
   some kind / type, virtua,l removeable, or scsi, and access it as such.
   Does anyone know of a way, or a site that might offer this possibility
   ? My cd burner is set up as sco ( I don't know if this matters ).
  I could never get my Fuji Finepix 4700 to work with Gphoto, but my 8.1
  and up systems always knew the camera was there.
  When I set it up in 8.1, I connected the camera and turned it on as if I
  were going to transfer files. I then ran MCC and in the
  hardware/mount points section, it recognized the camera there as well. I
  just clicked it and gave it a mount point. After that, I could mount it
  without any problem. I don't know if that will work in 9.0. The
  important thing would be to see which device it is, probably /dev/sdb1.
  The line in my fstab is:
  /dev/sdb1 /mnt/fuji vfat user 0 0
  I type mount /mnt/fuji, and I can copy all the files from there.
  I would say your chances are good since the system knows it's there. But
  then again, I wouldn't be surprised if I were totally wrong!

 My Fuji FinePix 2600 is not supported by Gphoto but it works fine under
 LM9.0 as a mass storage device. it comes up automagically as /dev/sda1.
 You need module usb-storage loaded, I added it to /etc/modules, and a mount
 point created, mine is /mnt/camera. also a line similar to above in
 /etc/fstab then just plug in, type mount /dev/sda1
 and there it is.

Going over all the posts on this subject, I came back to this one.  What 
exactly did you add to /etc/modules?

I still haven't got the camera assigned a sdx device node, so I guess I don't 
stand much of a chance.


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Re: [newbie] strange hardware question .. how to tell the Wattage (Watts?) of a P/S

2003-01-01 Thread Anne Wilson
On Sunday 29 Dec 2002 10:03 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
  Till then I leave you with the thought that like any hardware or compy
  junky, I tried? :)
  Thx for saving me the trouble of ripping my pink hair out.

 Well, I've just wasted another day, trying to revive a dodo :)  Some of us
 don't know when to give up.

But then I didn't give up - and the dodo lives again!


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Re: [newbie] Hardware question

2003-01-01 Thread Anne Wilson
On Sunday 29 Dec 2002 10:20 pm, you wrote:
 On Mon, 2002-12-30 at 08:59, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Sunday 29 Dec 2002 8:01 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
   On Mon, 2002-12-30 at 06:49, Anne Wilson wrote:
Does anyone know anything about 'integrated Trident Blade 2D/3D Video
   Aside from the fact that they suck horribly? Consider that they're bad
   enough under M$ Wingdows...but then again, I digress...what kinda
   machine is it in - something noteworthy?
  No - the old machine that was going to be my standby windows/linux
  machine appears to have died on me, and I'm looking for the lowest cost
  to get a working system again.  It would hardly be worth it if I didn't
  have this apparently intractable problem of being unable to mount my new
  camera.  I could buy a card reader, but neither my attempts with one, nor
  those of many other people, have been successful.  And the new camera is
  xD memory, adding one further layer of problem.
  I had windows on this system, but can no longer boot to it.  I can read
  the partition from 9.0, but lilo can't boot it.  I don't know whether
  having win4lin on the same system has any bearing on this.
  All in all, I really do want some way to access my camera without having
  to go begging to my grandson for the use of his computer.


 BTW, not being able to boot to Windows via lilo - strange - has
 something changed the /etc/lilo.conf ?

If I could solve this I could ditch the old one and save a packet.  I think 
lilo.conf may have got screwed up when I was trying to solve the 8.2/9.0 
stanzas.  Some strange lines got added - no idea where they came from - but 
I've tried booting with them in, and with them hashed out.  It seems to make 
no difference.  But since they appear to contradict each other, they are 
probably irrelevant?

When I try to boot to windows via lilo, it gets to Loading windowsOriginal, 
then hangs.  This is the stanza for windowsOriginal (win98 on a vfat 
partition, first of 5 partitions on that drive).

map-drive=0x80 to=0x81
map-drive=0x81 to=0x80

The map lines were originally split with 'to 0x8x' on a second line, but 
rightly or wrongly I though that may be my fault through having word wrap on 
at one time.  However, it doesn't make any difference to the result, 
whichever way they are, or whether they're hashed or not.

I can read the partition fine from linux, under the fstab line

/dev/hde1 /mnt/win_c vfat iocharset=iso8859-15,user,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0

so the partition is not hosed.

 OR, have you tried booting to it with a Win98 (or whatever) CD? Could be
 that the FAT boot record is hosed up - or even that there's a slight
 problem with the lilo.conf...

FAT boot record - could be.  Would that mean fdisk /mbr, then Mdk install disk 
to re-write lilo?

From a windows boot disk I can get the re-install option, which I suppose may 
work, subject to the re-writing ot lilo, or get to a dos prompt, but of 
course that has only loaded a virtual file system ready for install or 
diagnostics.  There's  no way to boot into windows from there, that I can 
see.  I have tried a fd created as a win98 recovery floppy, and a cd created 
as an install disc.  Results are the same.

I hope you can see a likely cause of my problem.  If I could mount my camera 
on windows on this machine I would be (relatively) happy, at least until the 
usb support is improved on linux.


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Re: [newbie] Bootsplash in 9.0

2003-01-01 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday December 31 2002 12:49 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 Is it safe to remove the bootsplash in v9.0 as a lot of us did in
 v8.2? So that we get a black background with text during bootup?
 (I've already inserted noquiet into /etc/lilo.conf...

  'noquiet' is wrong, just remove 'quiet' from the append line. Also 
in the lilo.conf stanza for the kernel you're usin, you'll see 
somthin like 'vga=788'. Either comment out, delete this line, or 
change it to 'vga=normal'.  That's the change that turns off the 
bootsplash. 'quiet' only prevents seeing the initial kernel load, but 
you'd still see the boot process.  'Course you need to run 'lilo' to 
make the changes take effect.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Java

2003-01-01 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 01 Jan 2003 2:09 am, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Tuesday December 31 2002 01:55 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This may be a little off topic, but it's driving me crazy.
  I recently upgraded to Mandrake 9.0 from 8.2 and had a mysterious
  crash and wasn't able to recover or salvage anything.  I decided to
  start over from scratch and just downloaded Netscape 7.0.  I also
  require Java and downloaded the latest version, 1.4.1.
  I extracted the java files and set up the KDE control
  center/Netscape plugin utility to find the new plugin, which it
  did.  The problem is that Netscape doesn't load the new java
  plugin.  Did I miss a step?

Yeah, too many steps. Nutscrape was the first mistake ;
  'rpm -Uvh j2re-1.4.1_01-5mdk'  rpm makes java available globally to
 all apps (browsers too). You do nothin, and can't screw it up ;)

  It's available from the Club, or maybe from /unsupported mirrors.

Tom - do you do this as root?


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Re: [newbie] Java

2003-01-01 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday January 1 2003 06:36 am, Anne Wilson wrote:

   'rpm -Uvh j2re-1.4.1 01-5mdk'  rpm makes java available globally
  to all apps (browsers too). You do nothin, and can't screw it up
   It's available from the Club, or maybe from /unsupported

 Tom - do you do this as root?


Anne, I suppose you're refering to 'rpm-UvhYes, do it as 
root. Just installing the j2re rpm takes care of making the needed 
links for you, eg

 tom$ ll /usr/bin/java
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root 22 Dec 31 19:57 /usr/bin/java - 

   . adds jre to your path
 tom$ echo $PATH

   ... and takes care of anything else while it's at it ;) I don't 
believe it's even neccesary to uninstall kaffe first, but I always 
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Java

2003-01-01 Thread rluchor
On Tue, 2002-12-31 at 21:09, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Tuesday December 31 2002 01:55 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This may be a little off topic, but it's driving me crazy.
  I recently upgraded to Mandrake 9.0 from 8.2 and had a mysterious
  crash and wasn't able to recover or salvage anything.  I decided to
  start over from scratch and just downloaded Netscape 7.0.  I also
  require Java and downloaded the latest version, 1.4.1.
  I extracted the java files and set up the KDE control
  center/Netscape plugin utility to find the new plugin, which it
  did.  The problem is that Netscape doesn't load the new java
  plugin.  Did I miss a step?
Yeah, too many steps. Nutscrape was the first mistake ;
  'rpm -Uvh j2re-1.4.1_01-5mdk'  rpm makes java available globally to 
 all apps (browsers too). You do nothin, and can't screw it up ;)
  It's available from the Club, or maybe from /unsupported mirrors.

Thanks, I'll look for it.  BTW, which browser do you recommend?



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Re: [newbie] Java - lost it

2003-01-01 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 01 Jan 2003 1:15 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Wednesday January 1 2003 06:36 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
'rpm -Uvh j2re-1.4.1 01-5mdk'  rpm makes java available globally
   to all apps (browsers too). You do nothin, and can't screw it up
It's available from the Club, or maybe from /unsupported
  Tom - do you do this as root?

 Anne, I suppose you're refering to 'rpm-UvhYes, do it as
 root. Just installing the j2re rpm takes care of making the needed
 links for you, eg

  tom$ ll /usr/bin/java
 lrwxrwxrwx1 root root 22 Dec 31 19:57 /usr/bin/java -

. adds jre to your path
  tom$ echo $PATH

... and takes care of anything else while it's at it ;) I don't
 believe it's even neccesary to uninstall kaffe first, but I always

Java was running correctly under Galeon but not under Mozilla.  I had hoped 
that this would fix it.  Instead, I now show no plugins for Java or 
Javascript under either.  The only good thing is that it has confirmed that 
my problems in Mozilla were caused by this, because now Galeon doesn't work 

I presume there's a link problem.  What should I do now?


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Re: [newbie] Nvidia tv out and RF Through Modulator

2003-01-01 Thread John Richard Smith
Ronald J. Hall wrote:

On Monday 30 December 2002 08:04 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:

I have now got all this working.

I can now display any programme I have on computer via any tv screen in the
property, including such matters as mplayer, xine, divx,

anyone who maybe interested only has to ask


I'd be interested in that Thanks! :-)

I have an Nvidia Geforce TI4200 with 64 megs...


First download the Nvidia screen drivers and install not forgetting
to change  ,/etc/X11/XF86Config-4,

Section Device
   Identifier device1
   VendorName nVidia Corporation
   BoardName NVIDIA GeForce3 (generic)
   Driver nvidia
   Option DPMS

from Drivernv

I dare say you already have done that .

Then using search
for nvtv and download the rpm,

or somewhere on I think it was sourceforge
the binaries nvtv-bin-0.4.2.tar.gz

either will do. and install one or the other.

if you use the tar file just unzip it and place it
on desktop for now asnvtv   and click
on it and up comes a nice little window,
please see file figure attatched.

From here play with the setting for the setup
that suits your tv and screen,
I chose 720x575 DVD 00.21x00.00 DVD
and that creates a new window that is the
desktop screen displayed and ultimately
what you will be sending out. to the tv.

You can then plug an s-video lead into the tvout
on you video card to the back of the tv ,but
as I don't do it this way I'm not sure what lead you
require, so experiment.

I do something different.

from Maplins , UK, not all that expensive
as a matter of interest, about £30 with the bits.
I chose to sight this next to my computer.
it comes with a power supply so just plug that
in and power it up.

Run a coaxial cable from the moulator to
the TV aerial booter and splitter.

run an audio cable from computer to modulator

run an svideo cable from TVout socket to modulator,
Now this is a bit tricky. The tvout is a regular

svideo socket  with four pins that matter like

this ,*  *  ---middle pin

 *   *
 |___|__ outside pin

The modulatorvideo in has a two contact jackplug
inner and outer and have to be soldered as above.

You can buy a converter that does the same thing but
they are like gold dust to abtain from and uk supplier
right now, so this way gets around the problem.It
just takes longer to fiddle with a soldering iron.

All is ready to play,

Just tune one of your spare tv channels to the
frequency of the modulator and all should work

When you actually come to watch a film or something
you have to teach the display window to resize itself
so that it come up the correct size to fill the whole of
your tv screen properly, a little trial and error gets
you there.

now, if you want close down and return to your normal
desktop anytime  just hit f2 on your keyboard.

My family can watch a movie on my computer
on ant tv in the property, they only have to choose
the correct channel and put the movie in
my computer.



John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Nvidia tv out and RF Through Modulator

2003-01-01 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 01 Jan 2003 2:17 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Monday 30 December 2002 08:04 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
 I have now got all this working.
 I can now display any programme I have on computer via any tv screen in
  the property, including such matters as mplayer, xine, divx,
 anyone who maybe interested only has to ask
 I'd be interested in that Thanks! :-)
 I have an Nvidia Geforce TI4200 with 64 megs...

 First download the Nvidia screen drivers and install not forgetting
 to change  ,/etc/X11/XF86Config-4,

 Section Device
 Identifier device1
 VendorName nVidia Corporation
 BoardName NVIDIA GeForce3 (generic)
 Driver nvidia
 Option DPMS

 from Drivernv

 I dare say you already have done that .

 Then using search
 for nvtv and download the rpm,

 or somewhere on I think it was sourceforge
 the binaries nvtv-bin-0.4.2.tar.gz

 either will do. and install one or the other.

 if you use the tar file just unzip it and place it
 on desktop for now asnvtv   and click
 on it and up comes a nice little window,
 please see file figure attatched.

  From here play with the setting for the setup
 that suits your tv and screen,
 I chose 720x575 DVD 00.21x00.00 DVD
 and that creates a new window that is the
 desktop screen displayed and ultimately
 what you will be sending out. to the tv.

 You can then plug an s-video lead into the tvout
 on you video card to the back of the tv ,but
 as I don't do it this way I'm not sure what lead you
 require, so experiment.

 I do something different.

 from Maplins , UK, not all that expensive
 as a matter of interest, about £30 with the bits.
 I chose to sight this next to my computer.
 it comes with a power supply so just plug that
 in and power it up.

 Run a coaxial cable from the moulator to
 the TV aerial booter and splitter.

 run an audio cable from computer to modulator

 run an svideo cable from TVout socket to modulator,
 Now this is a bit tricky. The tvout is a regular

 svideo socket  with four pins that matter like

 this ,*  *  ---middle pin

   *   *

   |___|__ outside pin

 The modulatorvideo in has a two contact jackplug
 inner and outer and have to be soldered as above.

 You can buy a converter that does the same thing but
 they are like gold dust to abtain from and uk supplier
 right now, so this way gets around the problem.It
 just takes longer to fiddle with a soldering iron.

 All is ready to play,

 Just tune one of your spare tv channels to the
 frequency of the modulator and all should work

 When you actually come to watch a film or something
 you have to teach the display window to resize itself
 so that it come up the correct size to fill the whole of
 your tv screen properly, a little trial and error gets
 you there.

 now, if you want close down and return to your normal
 desktop anytime  just hit f2 on your keyboard.

 My family can watch a movie on my computer
 on ant tv in the property, they only have to choose
 the correct channel and put the movie in
 my computer.

Fascinating, John, even if I don't have nVidia :)


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[newbie] screensaver(?) kills network

2003-01-01 Thread Jerry
OK got a question, hoping someone's got a fix.
I finally talked the better half into giving ME the nice computer (main) for  mandrake 
linux (had to upgrade the other one and load windows on it) and have the 2nd computer 
on windows.  Our home network runs through the main box via crossover cable and IP 
masqerading to connect to the internet on our cable modem (ATT)
I'm giving 9.0 One more try with new hardware in here that seems to be working better 
I've removed the apmd packages, xscreensaver packages, but still after a certain 
amount of time the screen goes black.  When it does, it kills the network.  We're 
using a simple firewall script with iptables for the IP masqerading.  Every time the 
main computer's (screensaver?) kicks in, ya have to get up from the 2nd box, go to the 
main box, hit the spacebar, open a terminal, login in as root, and re-run the 
rc.firewall script.  I've tried and tried to STOP the screensaver from kicking in but 
i'm at my wits end.  Can anyone give some suggestions?  I'd rather just turn the 
monitor off when i'm away from it, not have any kind of software trying to run some 
kind of power management.
Thanks in advance! 

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 Installation Error

2003-01-01 Thread ET
On Tuesday 31 December 2002 09:29 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello everyone,

 I'm a Linux newbie, and I'm installing Mandrake 9.0 PowerPack Edition on a
 Sony Vaio FX170 Laptop.

 During the IDE/SCSI detection early in the installation, I get the
 following error message:

 insmod'ing module ohci1394 failed at /usr/bin/perl-install/ line

 My attached harware includes:
 Maxtor 160gig external firewire drive
 Linksys Wireless PCMCIA WPC11 Card
 Logitech Wireless keyboard and Mouse

 Any ideas?

do you use a firewire (ieee1394) port? if not, fugettabutit 

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Re: [newbie] Java

2003-01-01 Thread Jerry
How about if one has installed it from the binaries available at
I installed java from there (not a Club member), and linked 
/usr/lib/mozilla-1.1/plugins/ to 
(it installed the binary in my home dir)
but if galeon or mozilla comes across any java it just closes (crashes).

about:plugins gives:

Installed plug-ins
Find more information about browser plug-ins at

Java(TM) Plug-in 1.4.1_01-b01

File name:
Java(TM) Plug-in1.4.1_01
then a list of mime types (and under Enabled it says Yes)

do i need to use a different version of java?

On Tue, 31 Dec 2002 20:09:38 -0600
Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tuesday December 31 2002 01:55 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This may be a little off topic, but it's driving me crazy.
  I recently upgraded to Mandrake 9.0 from 8.2 and had a mysterious
  crash and wasn't able to recover or salvage anything.  I decided to
  start over from scratch and just downloaded Netscape 7.0.  I also
  require Java and downloaded the latest version, 1.4.1.
  I extracted the java files and set up the KDE control
  center/Netscape plugin utility to find the new plugin, which it
  did.  The problem is that Netscape doesn't load the new java
  plugin.  Did I miss a step?
Yeah, too many steps. Nutscrape was the first mistake ;
  'rpm -Uvh j2re-1.4.1_01-5mdk'  rpm makes java available globally to 
 all apps (browsers too). You do nothin, and can't screw it up ;)
  It's available from the Club, or maybe from /unsupported mirrors.
 Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Bootsplash in 9.0

2003-01-01 Thread Robin Ballantine
On Tuesday 31 December 2002 6:49 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 Is it safe to remove the bootsplash in v9.0 as a lot of us did in v8.2? So
 that we get a black background with text during bootup? (I've already
 inserted noquiet into /etc/lilo.conf...


I certainly run my machine without bootsplash as I much rather see the text 
info on bootup.
However I don't understand why Tom has suggested removing vga=788 from 
lilo.conf and using vga=normal instead. I just don't have bootsplash 
installed but still use vga=788 to give better definition text.


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Re: [newbie] getpix script with Fuji digital camera

2003-01-01 Thread Steve Jeppesen
On Tue, 31 Dec 2002 14:08:59 +
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hehe, we're all newbies here (at least almost all).  Perhaps others
 with chip in with ideas that you could try for me, but for the moment,
 could you please run
 cdroast --scanbus
 and post up the output?  It may help to see if your camera is
 recognised there.  I understand that others have found their cameras
 listed there.

I tried cdroast --scanbus and;

[steve@dads steve]$ cdroast --scanbus
bash: cdroast: command not found

Even tried to install cdroast via rpmdrake and nothing was found.  Here
is the out put though of cdrecord -scanbus;

[steve@dads steve]$ cdrecord -scanbus
Cdrecord 1.11a32 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2002 Jörg
Linux sg driver version: 3.1.24 
Using libscg version 'schily-0.6'
0,0,0 0) *
0,1,0 1) *
0,2,0 2) 'HP  ' 'CD-Writer+ 9100 ' '1.0c' Removable CD-ROM
0,3,0 3) 'IOMEGA  ' 'ZIP 250 ' '51.G' Removable Disk
0,4,0 4) *
0,5,0 5) *
0,6,0 6) *
0,7,0 7) *
1,0,0   100) 'FUJIFILM' 'USB-DRIVEUNIT   ' '1.00' Removable Disk
1,1,0   101) *
1,2,0   102) *
1,3,0   103) *
1,4,0   104) *
1,5,0   105) *
1,6,0   106) *
1,7,0   107) *

Just incase, here is my fstab;
/dev/hda1 / ext3 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/dev/hda6 /enddrive ext3 defaults 1 2
/dev/sdb1 /mnt/camera vfat user,defaults 0 0
/dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom auto
codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,noauto,nosuid,ro,umask=0,user,nodev 0
0/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto
,nodev 0 0/dev/hdb1 /mnt/windows vfat
iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0/dev/sda4 /mnt/zip auto
codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,sync,noauto,nosuid,umask=0,user,nodev 0
0 /music nfs rw,hard,intr 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0 /shared nfs rw,hard,intr 0 0 /southpark nfs rw,hard,intr 0 0
/dev/hda5 swap swap defaults 0 0

output of lsmod as root;
[root@dads steve]# lsmod
Module  Size  Used byTainted: P  
nls_cp437   4348   0  (autoclean)
sg 31276   0  (autoclean)
usb-storage51952   0 
NVdriver 1065920  10  (autoclean)
sd_mod 11788   0  (autoclean)
sr_mod 15096   0  (autoclean) (unused)
floppy 49340   0  (autoclean)
lp  6720   0 
parport_pc 21672   1 
parport23936   1  [lp parport_pc]
nfs67328   4  (autoclean)
lockd  46480   1  (autoclean) [nfs]
sunrpc 60188   1  (autoclean) [nfs lockd]
es1371 26568   0 
soundcore   3780   0  [es1371]
ac97_codec  9928   0  [es1371]
gameport1660   0  [es1371]
af_packet  13000   2  (autoclean)
ip_vs  74328   0  (autoclean)
ipchains   39656   0  (unused)
3c59x  27184   1  (autoclean)
nls_iso8859-1   2844   1  (autoclean)
nls_cp850   3580   1  (autoclean)
vfat9588   1  (autoclean)
fat31864   0  (autoclean) [vfat]
ide-cd 28712   0 
cdrom  26848   0  [sr_mod ide-cd]
ide-scsi8212   0 
scsi_mod   90372   5  [sg usb-storage sd_mod sr_mod
ide-scsi] usb-uhci   21676   0  (unused)
usbcore58304   1  [usb-storage usb-uhci]
rtc 6560   0  (autoclean)
ext3   74004   2 
jbd38452   2  [ext3]

Here is what my /etc/modules show;
# /etc/modules: kernel modules to load at boot time.
# This file should contain the names of kernel modules that are
# to be loaded at boot time, one per line.  Comments begin with
# a `#', and everything on the line after them are ignored.

Anything else I am forgetting here?
What next?

p.s., sorry it took so long to get back to you, was a rough day/night
yesterday ;)

Linux user #280097
Machine #162480

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Re: [newbie] Java

2003-01-01 Thread rluchor
On Tue, 2002-12-31 at 23:34, Jerry wrote:
 How about if one has installed it from the binaries available at
 I installed java from there (not a Club member), and linked 
/usr/lib/mozilla-1.1/plugins/ to 
 (it installed the binary in my home dir)
 but if galeon or mozilla comes across any java it just closes (crashes).

Exactly the same problem that I'm having, Galeon crashes on any page
that has java and Netscape refuses to recognize that it's there.



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Re: [newbie] getpix script with Fuji digital camera

2003-01-01 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 01 Jan 2003 5:13 pm, Steve Jeppesen wrote:
 On Tue, 31 Dec 2002 14:08:59 +

 Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hehe, we're all newbies here (at least almost all).  Perhaps others
  with chip in with ideas that you could try for me, but for the moment,
  could you please run
  cdroast --scanbus
  and post up the output?  It may help to see if your camera is
  recognised there.  I understand that others have found their cameras
  listed there.

 I tried cdroast --scanbus and;

 [steve@dads steve]$ cdroast --scanbus
 bash: cdroast: command not found

 Even tried to install cdroast via rpmdrake and nothing was found.  Here
 is the out put though of cdrecord -scanbus;

 [steve@dads steve]$ cdrecord -scanbus
 Cdrecord 1.11a32 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2002 Jörg
 Linux sg driver version: 3.1.24
 Using libscg version 'schily-0.6'
   0,0,0 0) *
   0,1,0 1) *
   0,2,0 2) 'HP  ' 'CD-Writer+ 9100 ' '1.0c' Removable CD-ROM
   0,3,0 3) 'IOMEGA  ' 'ZIP 250 ' '51.G' Removable Disk
   0,4,0 4) *
   0,5,0 5) *
   0,6,0 6) *
   0,7,0 7) *
   1,0,0   100) 'FUJIFILM' 'USB-DRIVEUNIT   ' '1.00' Removable Disk
   1,1,0   101) *
   1,2,0   102) *
   1,3,0   103) *
   1,4,0   104) *
   1,5,0   105) *
   1,6,0   106) *
   1,7,0   107) *

 Just incase, here is my fstab;
 /dev/hda1 / ext3 defaults 1 1
 none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
 /dev/hda6 /enddrive ext3 defaults 1 2
 /dev/sdb1 /mnt/camera vfat user,defaults 0 0
 /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom auto
 codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,noauto,nosuid,ro,umask=0,user,nodev 0
 0/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto
 ,nodev 0 0/dev/hdb1 /mnt/windows vfat
 iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0/dev/sda4 /mnt/zip auto
 codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,sync,noauto,nosuid,umask=0,user,nodev 0
 0 /music nfs rw,hard,intr 0 0
 none /proc proc defaults 0 0 /shared nfs rw,hard,intr 0 0 /southpark nfs rw,hard,intr 0 0
 /dev/hda5 swap swap defaults 0 0

 output of lsmod as root;
 [root@dads steve]# lsmod
 Module  Size  Used byTainted: P
 nls_cp437   4348   0  (autoclean)
 sg 31276   0  (autoclean)
 usb-storage51952   0
 NVdriver 1065920  10  (autoclean)
 sd_mod 11788   0  (autoclean)
 sr_mod 15096   0  (autoclean) (unused)
 floppy 49340   0  (autoclean)
 lp  6720   0
 parport_pc 21672   1
 parport23936   1  [lp parport_pc]
 nfs67328   4  (autoclean)
 lockd  46480   1  (autoclean) [nfs]
 sunrpc 60188   1  (autoclean) [nfs lockd]
 es1371 26568   0
 soundcore   3780   0  [es1371]
 ac97_codec  9928   0  [es1371]
 gameport1660   0  [es1371]
 af_packet  13000   2  (autoclean)
 ip_vs  74328   0  (autoclean)
 ipchains   39656   0  (unused)
 3c59x  27184   1  (autoclean)
 nls_iso8859-1   2844   1  (autoclean)
 nls_cp850   3580   1  (autoclean)
 vfat9588   1  (autoclean)
 fat31864   0  (autoclean) [vfat]
 ide-cd 28712   0
 cdrom  26848   0  [sr_mod ide-cd]
 ide-scsi8212   0
 scsi_mod   90372   5  [sg usb-storage sd_mod sr_mod
 ide-scsi] usb-uhci   21676   0  (unused)
 usbcore58304   1  [usb-storage usb-uhci]
 rtc 6560   0  (autoclean)
 ext3   74004   2
 jbd38452   2  [ext3]

 Here is what my /etc/modules show;
 # /etc/modules: kernel modules to load at boot time.
 # This file should contain the names of kernel modules that are
 # to be loaded at boot time, one per line.  Comments begin with
 # a `#', and everything on the line after them are ignored.

 Anything else I am forgetting here?
 What next?

 p.s., sorry it took so long to get back to you, was a rough day/night
 yesterday ;)

Thanks, Steve.  As I suspected, you have a relevant line in --scanbus, which I 
have not.  I'll have to have another go at trying every available port, and 
see if I can get there.  Until I get that entry nothing is going to work, I 


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Re: [newbie] screensaver(?) kills network

2003-01-01 Thread Jerry

 Did you torn of 'power saving options' in the BIOS?
 Good luck,
(Homer Simpson moment DOH!)

that did it, thanks :)


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Re: [newbie] Diamond Stealth Video Card, X and WaitForFifo

2003-01-01 Thread Ross Bleakney
I managed to work around the problem by putting in a new video card. The new 
card was recognized by the installer and everything works great. Thanks to 
everyone who helped with the problem. I don't know for sure what the problem 
is, but I have a feeling that the card may have conflicted with something 
(such as the old on-board video) on the mother board. That is just a guess 

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[newbie] Konqueror fonts

2003-01-01 Thread Carroll Grigsby
First, my wishes for a very Happy New Year to you and yours!

On to my question: I've been running Konqueror under LM 9.0 for several weeks. 
I've been pleased with its performance, so I haven't done much tweaking. 
However, I had noticed some minor problems with the appearance of some fonts 
on some sites, so I turned on anti-aliasing hoping that might help. I didn't 
see any improvement, so I then installed my Windows fonts. That turned out to 
be a Very Bad Move (TM). In particular, bold face serif fonts looked as if 
they were made with Legos. I then turned off anti-aliasing, but that didn't 
seem to make any improvement. So, where did I go wrong here? How do I fix it?

-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] Java

2003-01-01 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday January 1 2003 07:40 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, 2002-12-31 at 21:09, Tom Brinkman wrote:

 Yeah, too many steps. Nutscrape was the first mistake ;
   'rpm -Uvh j2re-1.4.1_01-5mdk'  rpm makes java available globally
  to all apps (browsers too). You do nothin, and can't screw it up
   It's available from the Club, or maybe from /unsupported

 Thanks, I'll look for it.  BTW, which browser do you recommend?


   I use Konqueror for all but two banking sites that insist on either 
IExpolder, or Nutscrape ... for those I use Mozilla. Actually one of 
the sites accepts Konqueror, but due to insistin on me usin their off 
the wall selected id/psword's. I use Mozilla since it auto fills 'em 
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Konqueror fonts

2003-01-01 Thread Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 01 Jan 2003 6:19 pm, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 First, my wishes for a very Happy New Year to you and yours!

 On to my question: I've been running Konqueror under LM 9.0 for several
 weeks. I've been pleased with its performance, so I haven't done much
 tweaking. However, I had noticed some minor problems with the appearance of
 some fonts on some sites, so I turned on anti-aliasing hoping that might
 help. I didn't see any improvement, so I then installed my Windows fonts.
 That turned out to be a Very Bad Move (TM). In particular, bold face serif
 fonts looked as if they were made with Legos. I then turned off
 anti-aliasing, but that didn't seem to make any improvement. So, where did
 I go wrong here? How do I fix it?

 -- cmg

Try installing the RPM perlftlib from your CDs and import your Windows fonts 
again. It may help.

I assume the 'Lego font' is A.D. Mono. The system always seems to use that one 
when it is unable to display the requested font. Turning off anti aliasing 
usually fixes it in my experience.



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[newbie] OCR program?

2003-01-01 Thread Adrien Verlee
Mandrake says a few things about scanners and OCR on:

My scanner isn't in scannerdrake. So I should do the configuration by 
hand. But before I do this effort, I would like to know about 
experiences. Works Kooka well? Is it efficient? Does someone know an 
affordable program for OCR? I did look on WWW but I found nothing, 
besides an extreemly expensive one.


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Re: [newbie] Software wanted!!!!!!!!!

2003-01-01 Thread Fareed Sultani
hello people my system crushed and i lost all my downloaded software.
which also included mandrake 9.0 which took me a month to download
with 56k modem.  can someone please send me a copy i will pay for the

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[newbie] KVM Switch and Mouse

2003-01-01 Thread Ross Bleakney
I recently attached a KVM switch between my Linux box and Windows box. The 
monitor switches just fine. However, the mouse doesn't work. I looked on the 
XFree-Newbie archives, and is common for people to have trouble with their 
mice through a KVM switch. However, people have skittery mice. I have no 
mouse input at all. Any ideas would be helpful.
P.S. I don't see anyway of searching the Mandrake-Newbie list archives, 
short of searching the entire Mandrake site ( Does 
anyone know of a way to search the archives?

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[newbie] Lilo graphical

2003-01-01 Thread Russ
Hi All, 

can anyone tell me how to change lilo to graphical instead of text? I am
using MD9 download and I have messed with the setting in Mandrake
Control Center - Boot Config. No matter what I do in there it doesn't
seem to change anything.


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Re: [newbie] Java - lost it

2003-01-01 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday January 1 2003 07:40 am, Anne Wilson wrote:

 Java was running correctly under Galeon but not under Mozilla.  I
 had hoped that this would fix it.  Instead, I now show no plugins
 for Java or Javascript under either.  The only good thing is that
 it has confirmed that my problems in Mozilla were caused by this,
 because now Galeon doesn't work either.

 I presume there's a link problem.  What should I do now?


   Dunno (?), not quite sure I understand your problems Anne. FWIW, 
the 'Club' Mandrake Sun java rpm has been available for quite some 
time. Updated versions available as soon as Sun releases 'em. I've 
only used them with Mozilla and Konqueror, mostly 99% Konqueror.  I 
only use java to avoid, like with Flash, error or crashes when I go 
to some web pages.

   Otherwise, IMO, both would be banned from the Net (as would M$ 
users and all virus proliferating proprietary closed source crap). 
But I seldom get my way ;  Still think it's a better way for 'peace 
on earth', open source that is. At least it'd be auditable and better 
free from 'welcome to crackers' and soft/hard conflicts as it is now. 

As such it's possible that you might (ie, auditable) have some 
hardware problems with java under Linux. Closed source can't possibly 
be supported, hardware or software. I use Mandrake's Sun java version 
since I suspect they've done all they can to make sure it doesn't 
cause conflicts or security holes... even without the source. Plus 
it's a user error free install.

   Since you now 'show no plugins for Java or Javascript under 
either', I believe I'd undo/uninstall your efforts to date, then just 
install the Mandrake/Sun java rpm.  It really does do everything for 
you, which avoids user bumps in the road.  'rpm -Uvh' should reveal 
any needed deps, but you might also do it with
'urpmi j2re-1.4.1_01-5mdk'
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Java - lost it

2003-01-01 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 01 Jan 2003 7:17 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Wednesday January 1 2003 07:40 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
  Java was running correctly under Galeon but not under Mozilla.  I
  had hoped that this would fix it.  Instead, I now show no plugins
  for Java or Javascript under either.  The only good thing is that
  it has confirmed that my problems in Mozilla were caused by this,
  because now Galeon doesn't work either.
  I presume there's a link problem.  What should I do now?

Dunno (?), not quite sure I understand your problems Anne. FWIW,
 the 'Club' Mandrake Sun java rpm has been available for quite some
 time. Updated versions available as soon as Sun releases 'em. I've
 only used them with Mozilla and Konqueror, mostly 99% Konqueror.  I
 only use java to avoid, like with Flash, error or crashes when I go
 to some web pages.

Some sites - like my on-line banking - won't operate without it, so there's no 
choice really.

Konqeror continues to function correctly.  Even though I have lost the java 
plugins under Mozilla and Galeon.

Looking again at what you wrote originally, I get the same output as you for 
the command

ll /usr/bin/java

However, it looks to me as though it has not been added to the path, since 
what I get from the next command is:

[root@anne-linux anne]# echo $PATH
[root@anne-linux anne]#

When I installed jre before, according to my notes I had to put a shell script 
into etc/profile.d, which defined the Java_Home variable, export it, add 
$Java_Home/bin to the path, and export that.  Do I need to do anything like 

I'm convinced that Java must be working OK, or Konq couldn't be using it 
(unless that is still finding the old install), so my guess is that the 
problem is either links or paths.

Can you or anyone help, please?


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Re: [newbie] KVM Switch and Mouse

2003-01-01 Thread Lee
On Wednesday 01 January 2003 01:46 pm, you wrote:
 I recently attached a KVM switch between my Linux box and Windows box. The
 monitor switches just fine. However, the mouse doesn't work. I looked on
 the XFree-Newbie archives, and is common for people to have trouble with
 their mice through a KVM switch. However, people have skittery mice. I have
 no mouse input at all. Any ideas would be helpful.
 P.S. I don't see anyway of searching the Mandrake-Newbie list archives,
 short of searching the entire Mandrake site ( Does
 anyone know of a way to search the archives?

Hi Ross

All KVM'S aren't created equal.  My Belkin OmniView maintains the mouse 
'presence' when I switch from box to box, so they all think it's plugged in.  
I had to return a cheaper KVM that locked up like yours.


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Registered Linux user #223705

Give me ambiguity or give me something else.

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RE: [newbie] KVM Switch and Mouse

2003-01-01 Thread Brandon Vanderberg
I've got the same setup and haven't noticed any issues.

Did you install linux with the kvm attached? If so, could the os see the
mouse during install?

If you didn't, you might wanna go into the control center and see if you can
try different mouse types/settings.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ross Bleakney
Sent: Wednesday, January 01, 2003 10:47 AM
Subject: [newbie] KVM Switch and Mouse

I recently attached a KVM switch between my Linux box and Windows box. The
monitor switches just fine. However, the mouse doesn't work. I looked on the
XFree-Newbie archives, and is common for people to have trouble with their
mice through a KVM switch. However, people have skittery mice. I have no
mouse input at all. Any ideas would be helpful.
P.S. I don't see anyway of searching the Mandrake-Newbie list archives,
short of searching the entire Mandrake site ( Does
anyone know of a way to search the archives?

The new MSN 8 is here: Try it free* for 2 months

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Re: [newbie] Software wanted!!!!!!!!!

2003-01-01 Thread Lee
On Wednesday 01 January 2003 01:52 pm, you wrote:
 hello people my system crushed and i lost all my downloaded software.
 which also included mandrake 9.0 which took me a month to download
 with 56k modem.  can someone please send me a copy i will pay for the

 Sure.  Give me an address.  Just happened to have a spare set.

Registered Linux user #223705

Give me ambiguity or give me something else.

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[newbie] Mozilla

2003-01-01 Thread Chris
Somehow my mozilla setup apparently got fubared, ie..if I try to print a site 
it shuts down.  I think the only way to fix it is to remove it and reinstall. 
My question is what is the easiest/best way to remove it. I assume that once 
its removed I can reinstall from the Mandrake install cd.

  Registered Linux user #283774 @
  4:44pm  up 15 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.20, 0.12, 0.12

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Re: [newbie] Mozilla

2003-01-01 Thread Todd Franklin

try deleting the .mozilla folder in your profile first. then start mozilla

Chris wrote:

  Somehow my mozilla setup apparently got fubared, ie..if I try to print a site 
it shuts down.  I think the only way to fix it is to remove it and reinstall. 
My question is what is the easiest/best way to remove it. I assume that once 
its removed I can reinstall from the Mandrake install cd.


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Re: [newbie] script help

2003-01-01 Thread Mark Weaver
MG wrote:

Hi all, This question is not really Mandrake specific although I am using
Mandrake8.2 (and like it alot!)...anyways trying to learn the bash shell.
I wrote a small script (the Hello World script) and named it HW.
I did a chmod 755 to it, so all could read and execute it.
I made a /bin directoy in my home directoy and put the script there.
But my problem is I can only execute it when I am in the directoy of the
script. I have a permission problem(I think), but cant seem to find it. Any 
would be appreciated.
Here is where scipt is at:

[mike@avatar practice_script]$ ls -al
total 12
drwxr-xr-x2 mike mike 4096 Dec 28 09:51 ./
drwxr-xr-x3 mike mike 4096 Dec 28 21:24 ../
-rwxr-xr-x1 mike mike   52 Dec 28 09:51 HW*
-rw-r--r--1 mike mike0 Dec 28 09:49 HW~

If I execute the script any where but /practice_script/ I get this
[mike@avatar mike]$ ./HW
bash: ./HW: No such file or directory



When you call it from anywhere else except the directory where it's 
located how are you calling it? for instance...if yo're in /home/mike 
and you want to call the script you would call it this way:

	bin/practice_script/HW   [enter]

Is this how you're doing it?


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Re: [newbie] Linux W2000

2003-01-01 Thread mike
On Wednesday 01 January 2003 05:38 pm, you wrote:
 Hi, I know this topic isn't exactly new :)
 but I need help in order to allow a friend of
 mine to get rid of W2000 :-D

 What I need is to know how he can resize
 (avoiding reinstallation) of W2000 without
 losing any datas...

 I know diskdrake can't do that...
 So, any suggestion about Partition Magic
 or everything else?


When I used to dual boot I resized my Windows partition with the Mandrake 
installation process with no problem.So I think diskdrake will resize the 
partition.Happy Computing.

Michael Shinobi a.k.a. 'alfalfa'
Mandrake 8.2
Linux user #298896
Wed Jan 1 18:06:34 EST 2003
6:06pm up 20:15, 2 users, load average: 0.01, 0.07, 0.03
Human kind cannot bear very much reality. -- T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets: 
Burnt Norton

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[newbie] LAN/firewall setup

2003-01-01 Thread Dennis Myers
Below is the way I think my network should be wired. However, I can not get 
anything to connect  with the set up shown. What I have is both eth0 and eth1 
on the firewall going into the switch and then an uplink cable going to the 
cablemodem. If I wire the way I think it should be I can not ping the router 
or connect to the internet.  All computers can connect and function fine with 
the wrong set up. However, I don't feel comfortable that my firewall is 
really protecting me.  This has to be some simple thing I am doing wrong but 
I have tried for months to make it work and no go. Any ideas or howtos that 
might clear the mud from my mind?  Suggestions are appreciated.

|  eth1
firewall/router  eth0
network switch  

|   |   | .

Dennis M.  linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] Mozilla

2003-01-01 Thread Chris
On Wednesday 01 January 2003 04:47 pm, Todd Franklin decided to hunt and peck 
on the keyboard and typed:
 try deleting the .mozilla folder in your profile first.  then start mozilla

 Chris wrote:
 Somehow my mozilla setup apparently got fubared, ie..if I try to print a
  site it shuts down.  I think the only way to fix it is to remove it and
  reinstall. My question is what is the easiest/best way to remove it. I
  assume that once its removed I can reinstall from the Mandrake install

Thanks Todd, looks like it worked.  Good thing I saved my original .mozilla 
folder to another dir though as it was full of my bookmarks etc.  Learned 
something new again today, thanks again.

  Registered Linux user #283774 @
  5:09pm  up 40 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.20, 0.21, 0.20

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Re: [newbie] OCR program?

2003-01-01 Thread Pilagá
El Mié 01 Ene 2003 15:40, Adrien Verlee escribió:

  Does someone know an
 affordable program for OCR? I did look on WWW but I found nothing,
 besides an extreemly expensive one.


You can try gocr-0.3.6-1mdk


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Re: [newbie] OCR program?

2003-01-01 Thread Robin Turner
Adrien Verlee wrote:

Mandrake says a few things about scanners and OCR on:

My scanner isn't in scannerdrake. So I should do the configuration by 
hand. But before I do this effort, I would like to know about 
experiences. Works Kooka well? Is it efficient? Does someone know an 
affordable program for OCR? I did look on WWW but I found nothing, 
besides an extreemly expensive one.

Kooka works OK, though I found it rather slow (though that could be my 
hardware).  There's an Open Source OCR called GOCR.

Sir Robin

Do unto others what you would like others to do unto you. And have fun 
doing it.
- Linus Torvalds

Robin Turner
Bilkent University
Ankara 06533

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[newbie] Installing Java plugin for Mozilla

2003-01-01 Thread Mark Weaver
Hi there,

I wish I had a dollar, (accounting for the current rate of inflation),
for every time I've seen this need addressed in these lists. Doesn't
anyone read the archives any more? ;)

with this thought in mind I've saved this message as a template on my
system and will send it to the list probably once a week so in case
anyone misses the post it will show up again and again and again on the
list for those poor souls that missed it the previous time it was
posted. Almost as many times as the question, where can I get the Java
plugins for Mozilla/Netscape...etc...

anyway...if you're needing the java plugin for Netscape, or Mozilla go
follow the link below and you'll be able to download and install the
java plugin. And by the way...this does not require the download and
install of Sun's JDK or JRE packages. This is a seperate browser plugin.

IMPORTANT NOTE: you Must be root user when you do this or the plugin
will NOT install.


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[newbie] Writing on NTFS partitions

2003-01-01 Thread Aurélio Diniz

I don't if anyone posted this question 
Is there anyway that i can put my linux box to 
write on my win2k (NTFS)partitions?
Till now, i'm using a small fat 
partitiontoput my linux files that i want to open in windows but the 
process is quite boring..


Filipe Dinis

Re: [newbie] script help

2003-01-01 Thread MG
Hey Mark,
I was just using ./HW
as in:
[mike@avatar mike]$ ./HW
What I gathered was if the script was in a directory, that was in my PATH, I 
could just use the name of the script instead of the whole path.
I looked in my /home/mike/.bash_profile file and it said:

[mike@avatar mike]$ cat .bash_profile
# .bash_profile

# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc

# User specific environment and startup programs


Perhaps /home/mike/bin is not in the path of PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin ?


On Wednesday 01 January 2003 03:36 pm, you wrote:
 MG wrote:
  Hi all, This question is not really Mandrake specific although I am using
  Mandrake8.2 (and like it alot!)...anyways trying to learn the bash shell.
  I wrote a small script (the Hello World script) and named it HW.
  I did a chmod 755 to it, so all could read and execute it.
  I made a /bin directoy in my home directoy and put the script there.
  But my problem is I can only execute it when I am in the directoy of the
  script. I have a permission problem(I think), but cant seem to find it.
  Any help
  would be appreciated.
  Here is where scipt is at:
  [mike@avatar practice_script]$ ls -al
  total 12
  drwxr-xr-x2 mike mike 4096 Dec 28 09:51 ./
  drwxr-xr-x3 mike mike 4096 Dec 28 21:24 ../
  -rwxr-xr-x1 mike mike   52 Dec 28 09:51 HW*
  -rw-r--r--1 mike mike0 Dec 28 09:49 HW~
  If I execute the script any where but /practice_script/ I get this
  [mike@avatar mike]$ ./HW
  bash: ./HW: No such file or directory


 When you call it from anywhere else except the directory where it's
 located how are you calling it? for instance...if yo're in /home/mike
 and you want to call the script you would call it this way:

   bin/practice_script/HW   [enter]

 Is this how you're doing it?


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Re: [newbie] Linux W2000

2003-01-01 Thread Aurélio Diniz
Don't even think about resizing your win2k partition with diskdrake. It can
mess up your win2k.
I used partition magic 7 and all worked fine.

good luck
filipe dinis

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, January 01, 2003 10:38 PM
Subject: [newbie] Linux  W2000

 Hi, I know this topic isn't exactly new :)
 but I need help in order to allow a friend of
 mine to get rid of W2000 :-D

 What I need is to know how he can resize
 (avoiding reinstallation) of W2000 without
 losing any datas...

 I know diskdrake can't do that...
 So, any suggestion about Partition Magic
 or everything else?


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[newbie] VMWare issues AND 8.2 and 9.0 install issues

2003-01-01 Thread A. Contreras
I have a win2k machine that triple-boots (win2k, win98 and Linux 9.0). Since
most of my work so far has been devoted to getting all my work done in win2k
(I know, let's not go there), I have been quite happy with the booting

I know want to be able to call the Windows OSs on demand, and stay in Linux
primarily (in part because my backend database is Oracle and I don't have
all my ducks in a row to migrate the data, and also because I'm a glutton
for punishment).

The question is, has anyone had any luck in getting VMware to work on the
9.0 platfor, and been able to configure the raw diskspace right? I can't
seem to get the bloody thing to work; shouldn't be surprised, using VMware
on a new OS and ask for it to handle a preexisting NTFS diskspace right.

I'm also having issues problems installing either 9.0 or 8.2 on an older
system (AMD k6 200, DFI motherboard), I get (mainly):

an err=1, invalid compression format (IIRC) with 9.0.

And with 8.2 the installer actually gets started but I get an error
recognizing the disk partitions (IBM DTTA 351010) at the time of creating
the partitions. I've just low level formatted the drive, formated it agains
with fdisk and installed dos 6.22 (imagine that).

Ah, fresh news even as I type, now I get a different error installing 8.2...
Error in Exec of stage 2 FATAL ERROR IN STAGE1: not a directory. Starting to
question the CDROM drive...

Help and ideas most welcome!

A. Contreras
My CR website:

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tom Brinkman
Sent: Wednesday, January 01, 2003 1:18 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Java - lost it

On Wednesday January 1 2003 07:40 am, Anne Wilson wrote:

 Java was running correctly under Galeon but not under Mozilla.  I
 had hoped that this would fix it.  Instead, I now show no plugins
 for Java or Javascript under either.  The only good thing is that
 it has confirmed that my problems in Mozilla were caused by this,
 because now Galeon doesn't work either.

 I presume there's a link problem.  What should I do now?


   Dunno (?), not quite sure I understand your problems Anne. FWIW,
the 'Club' Mandrake Sun java rpm has been available for quite some
time. Updated versions available as soon as Sun releases 'em. I've
only used them with Mozilla and Konqueror, mostly 99% Konqueror.  I
only use java to avoid, like with Flash, error or crashes when I go
to some web pages.

   Otherwise, IMO, both would be banned from the Net (as would M$
users and all virus proliferating proprietary closed source crap).
But I seldom get my way ;  Still think it's a better way for 'peace
on earth', open source that is. At least it'd be auditable and better
free from 'welcome to crackers' and soft/hard conflicts as it is now.

As such it's possible that you might (ie, auditable) have some
hardware problems with java under Linux. Closed source can't possibly
be supported, hardware or software. I use Mandrake's Sun java version
since I suspect they've done all they can to make sure it doesn't
cause conflicts or security holes... even without the source. Plus
it's a user error free install.

   Since you now 'show no plugins for Java or Javascript under
either', I believe I'd undo/uninstall your efforts to date, then just
install the Mandrake/Sun java rpm.  It really does do everything for
you, which avoids user bumps in the road.  'rpm -Uvh' should reveal
any needed deps, but you might also do it with
'urpmi j2re-1.4.1_01-5mdk'
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Installing Java plugin for Mozilla

2003-01-01 Thread rluchor
On Wed, 2003-01-01 at 17:42, Mark Weaver wrote:
 Hi there,
 I wish I had a dollar, (accounting for the current rate of inflation),
 for every time I've seen this need addressed in these lists. Doesn't
 anyone read the archives any more? ;)
 with this thought in mind I've saved this message as a template on my
 system and will send it to the list probably once a week so in case
 anyone misses the post it will show up again and again and again on the
 list for those poor souls that missed it the previous time it was
 posted. Almost as many times as the question, where can I get the Java
 plugins for Mozilla/Netscape...etc...
 anyway...if you're needing the java plugin for Netscape, or Mozilla go
 follow the link below and you'll be able to download and install the
 java plugin. And by the way...this does not require the download and
 install of Sun's JDK or JRE packages. This is a seperate browser plugin.
 IMPORTANT NOTE: you Must be root user when you do this or the plugin
 will NOT install.

Still no joy, Netscape also refuses to recognize this version of java
and, although Mozilla an Galeon recognize the updated version, they
still crash instantly when encountering a page with an applet.



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Re: [newbie] script help

2003-01-01 Thread Chuck Burns
Here's the rub, by type ./HW you are telling bash to run it in the
current directory.  Also, path's are NOT recursive, so when you put it
inside a second folder inside the ~/bin directory, it will not see it. 
Put the HW script directly into your ~/bin directory, then then type
just HW (NOT ./HW)


On Wed, 2003-01-01 at 17:10, MG wrote:
Hey Mark,
I was just using ./HW
as in:
[mike@avatar mike]$ ./HW
What I gathered was if the script was in a directory, that was in my PATH, I 
could just use the name of the script instead of the whole path.
I looked in my /home/mike/.bash_profile file and it said:

[mike@avatar mike]$ cat .bash_profile
# .bash_profile

# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc

# User specific environment and startup programs


Perhaps /home/mike/bin is not in the path of PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin ?


On Wednesday 01 January 2003 03:36 pm, you wrote:
 MG wrote:
  Hi all, This question is not really Mandrake specific although I am using
  Mandrake8.2 (and like it alot!)...anyways trying to learn the bash shell.
  I wrote a small script (the Hello World script) and named it HW.
  I did a chmod 755 to it, so all could read and execute it.
  I made a /bin directoy in my home directoy and put the script there.
  But my problem is I can only execute it when I am in the directoy of the
  script. I have a permission problem(I think), but cant seem to find it.
  Any help
  would be appreciated.
  Here is where scipt is at:
  [mike@avatar practice_script]$ ls -al
  total 12
  drwxr-xr-x2 mike mike 4096 Dec 28 09:51 ./
  drwxr-xr-x3 mike mike 4096 Dec 28 21:24 ../
  -rwxr-xr-x1 mike mike   52 Dec 28 09:51 HW*
  -rw-r--r--1 mike mike0 Dec 28 09:49 HW~
  If I execute the script any where but /practice_script/ I get this
  [mike@avatar mike]$ ./HW
  bash: ./HW: No such file or directory


 When you call it from anywhere else except the directory where it's
 located how are you calling it? for instance...if yo're in /home/mike
 and you want to call the script you would call it this way:

   bin/practice_script/HW   [enter]

 Is this how you're doing it?


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Re: [newbie] Linux W2000

2003-01-01 Thread Smiley
On Wed, 1 Jan 2003 23:30:02 -
Aurélio Diniz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Don't even think about resizing your win2k partition with diskdrake. It can
 mess up your win2k.

I didn't :) 

 I used partition magic 7 and all worked fine.

I was reported PM 6 could mess all things up;
if 7 is okay, good :-)

Now I.m going to ask my friend if that's okay,
so any other hint is welcome!


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Re: [newbie] Writing on NTFS partitions

2003-01-01 Thread Smiley
On Wed, 1 Jan 2003 23:18:50 -
Aurélio Diniz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I don't if anyone posted this question before:
 Is there anyway that i can put my linux box to write on my win2k (NTFS) partitions?
 Till now, i'm using a small fat partition to put my linux files that i want to open 
in windows but the process is quite boring..

Since I have a problem related to your, the reply is: last time I heard, the feature 
was  in development, it seems $MS$
is not so happy 'bout that and tried to stop the work...


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Re: [newbie] Installing pico/PINE with problems

2003-01-01 Thread ThinKer
Part answer part 'nother question.

Pico is the text editor that comes with pine. I recently downloaded pine

When I installed pine, everything seemed to go as planned and I got no
errors. But when I try open a file, the editor opens but displays an
error message I do not understand.

pico: relocation error: pico: undefined symbol: stat

and then displays a shell prompt.

Any idea why? Ami I doing something wrong?



On Thu, 2003-01-02 at 05:15, Alvaro Gil wrote:
 I have only had experience with FreeBSD and I would really like to use the 
 edit and pico text editors.
 On FreeBSD I would just go to /usr/ports/ediors/pico and type make install.  
 Is there a simple way of installing sofware on Mandrake linux other than the 
 GUI that it comes with?  The selection of software is fairly limited and does 
 not incluled pico or edit.
 Thanks, and sorry for the simple question.
 BTW, I can't belive how good Mandrake Linux 9.0 is.  Amazing.  It is the 
 easiest operating system I have ever installed (Just as easy or maybe even 
 easier to install as Mac OS). 
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RE: [newbie] Linux W2000

2003-01-01 Thread walt
Just back up any data you need and just start over again..I've had
nothing but trouble with partition magic and resizing partitions without
loosing data.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Smiley
Sent: Wednesday, January 01, 2003 7:05 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux  W2000

On Wed, 1 Jan 2003 23:30:02 -
Aurélio Diniz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Don't even think about resizing your win2k partition with diskdrake.
It can
 mess up your win2k.

I didn't :) 

 I used partition magic 7 and all worked fine.

I was reported PM 6 could mess all things up;
if 7 is okay, good :-)

Now I.m going to ask my friend if that's okay,
so any other hint is welcome!


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Re: [newbie] Installing Java plugin for Mozilla

2003-01-01 Thread mike
On Wednesday 01 January 2003 06:51 pm, you wrote:
 On Wed, 2003-01-01 at 17:42, Mark Weaver wrote:
  Hi there,
  I wish I had a dollar, (accounting for the current rate of inflation),
  for every time I've seen this need addressed in these lists. Doesn't
  anyone read the archives any more? ;)
  with this thought in mind I've saved this message as a template on my
  system and will send it to the list probably once a week so in case
  anyone misses the post it will show up again and again and again on the
  list for those poor souls that missed it the previous time it was
  posted. Almost as many times as the question, where can I get the Java
  plugins for Mozilla/Netscape...etc...
  anyway...if you're needing the java plugin for Netscape, or Mozilla go
  follow the link below and you'll be able to download and install the
  java plugin. And by the way...this does not require the download and
  install of Sun's JDK or JRE packages. This is a seperate browser
  IMPORTANT NOTE: you Must be root user when you do this or the plugin
  will NOT install.

 Still no joy, Netscape also refuses to recognize this version of java
 and, although Mozilla an Galeon recognize the updated version, they
 still crash instantly when encountering a page with an applet.


I just installed the Java plugin and it was a lot easier than messing around 
with j2re.They install automatically.I had to run my browser as root to have 
permission to install.Then restart as user and voila you got java.

Michael Shinobi a.k.a. 'alfalfa'
Mandrake 8.2
Linux user #298896
Wed Jan 1 19:19:41 EST 2003
7:19pm up 21:28, 2 users, load average: 0.02, 0.04, 0.10
Fools rush in where fools have been before -- Sad Truths of Life n°22

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[newbie] automatic logout

2003-01-01 Thread ThinKer

I asked this question a while back and got a clear answer as to what was
happening, but no clear answer on how to disable it.

When I walk away from my machine for what seems like more than 20
minutes(xlock and all) and then return to it, I have somehow been logged
off the system and have to log in again. I was told that this is a
security feature in Mandrake. Thats great. Now how do I disable it.


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Re: [newbie] Installing pico and edit

2003-01-01 Thread Derek Jennings
On Thursday 02 Jan 2003 10:15 am, Alvaro Gil wrote:

 I have only had experience with FreeBSD and I would really like to use the
 edit and pico text editors.

 On FreeBSD I would just go to /usr/ports/ediors/pico and type make install.
 Is there a simple way of installing sofware on Mandrake linux other than
 the GUI that it comes with?  The selection of software is fairly limited
 and does not incluled pico or edit.

 Thanks, and sorry for the simple question.

 BTW, I can't belive how good Mandrake Linux 9.0 is.  Amazing.  It is the
 easiest operating system I have ever installed (Just as easy or maybe even
 easier to install as Mac OS).

This is the first time I have heard anyone describe the software provided in 
Mandrake as limited !  :)

Pico is in the pine RPM which has been dropped from Mandrake because it no 
longer has a 'free' license (the license is ambiguous) Packages with dubious 
licences are available from the Pengiun Liberation Front ( )  Follow the instructions on the Front page and you can 
get PLF packages as a 'urpmi' source meaning you can just type ' urpmi pine'  
to download and install the latest version as well as any dependencies.  (You 
will also see them in the Mandrake GUI)

While you are about it, there are a lot of other packages not on the download 
CD set, but available in the online 'Contrib' mirrors.
This post describes the wonders of urpmi which does everything you are hoping 




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Re: [newbie] LAN/firewall setup

2003-01-01 Thread bascule
hi dennis,
your description doesn't match your diagram, your diagram has the cable modem 
attached to eth1 of your firewall and the switch to eth0 of your firewall, 
which is exactly what i have, plugging the cable modem straight into your 
switch won't work unless it's actually not a switch but a router that can 
take dhcp assignments, (i'm assumimg that you use dhcp, if you have a  static 
this still applies since whatever the cable modem plugs into must be set up 
correctly), all my cables into my switch are patch cables and not crossover, 
i have to admit that i've never looked at the cable that came with the modem 
so whether that's crossover or not i don't know but using the one that came 
with the modem means it doesn't matter! - though if someone could enlighten 
me without my having to take the network down (and get down on hands and 
knees behind my desk!)
so perhaps you could clarify your setup, also when you say that your computers 
work fine i assume you mean with each other but not with the internet? 
otherwise there's something i'm missing here!


On Wednesday 01 Jan 2003 11:11 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
 Below is the way I think my network should be wired. However, I can not get
 anything to connect  with the set up shown. What I have is both eth0 and
 eth1 on the firewall going into the switch and then an uplink cable going
 to the cablemodem. If I wire the way I think it should be I can not ping
 the router or connect to the internet.  All computers can connect and
 function fine with the wrong set up. However, I don't feel comfortable that
 my firewall is really protecting me.  This has to be some simple thing I am
 doing wrong but I have tried for months to make it work and no go. Any
 ideas or howtos that might clear the mud from my mind?  Suggestions are

   cablemodem  eth1
   firewall/router  eth0

   network switch .

'Oh, them as makes the endings don't get them,' said Granny.

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Re: [newbie] automatic logout

2003-01-01 Thread Derek Jennings
On Thursday 02 Jan 2003 12:15 am, ThinKer wrote:

 I asked this question a while back and got a clear answer as to what was
 happening, but no clear answer on how to disable it.

 When I walk away from my machine for what seems like more than 20
 minutes(xlock and all) and then return to it, I have somehow been logged
 off the system and have to log in again. I was told that this is a
 security feature in Mandrake. Thats great. Now how do I disable it.


At a guess I would say you are using one of the higher security levels?
Each security level has a different set of defaults for the security tests of 
msec (Mandrake Secure) However you can change the default for individual 
tests simply by going to Mandrake Control CentreSecuritySecurity 
LevelSystem Options

Near the botttom is a 'set shell timeout' parameter

Alternatively just set the security level to 'Standard' 




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Re: [newbie] script help

2003-01-01 Thread MG
Thanks Chuck!
It works, I believe I understand now, thats why I got a 
No such file or directory
it could not see it in the folder I made.
again appreciate the guidance.


On Wednesday 01 January 2003 04:54 pm, you wrote:
 Here's the rub, by type ./HW you are telling bash to run it in the
 current directory.  Also, path's are NOT recursive, so when you put it
 inside a second folder inside the ~/bin directory, it will not see it.
 Put the HW script directly into your ~/bin directory, then then type
 just HW (NOT ./HW)


 On Wed, 2003-01-01 at 17:10, MG wrote:
 Hey Mark,
 I was just using ./HW
 as in:
 [mike@avatar mike]$ ./HW
 What I gathered was if the script was in a directory, that was in my
 PATH, I could just use the name of the script instead of the whole path. I
 looked in my /home/mike/.bash_profile file and it said:

 [mike@avatar mike]$ cat .bash_profile
 # .bash_profile

 # Get the aliases and functions
 if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
 . ~/.bashrc

 # User specific environment and startup programs


 Perhaps /home/mike/bin is not in the path of PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin ?


 On Wednesday 01 January 2003 03:36 pm, you wrote:
  MG wrote:
   Hi all, This question is not really Mandrake specific although I am
   using Mandrake8.2 (and like it alot!)...anyways trying to learn the
   bash shell. I wrote a small script (the Hello World script) and
   named it HW. I did a chmod 755 to it, so all could read and
   execute it. I made a /bin directoy in my home directoy and put the
   script there. But my problem is I can only execute it when I am in
   the directoy of the script. I have a permission problem(I think),
   but cant seem to find it. Any help
   would be appreciated.
   Here is where scipt is at:
   [mike@avatar practice_script]$ ls -al
   total 12
   drwxr-xr-x2 mike mike 4096 Dec 28 09:51 ./
   drwxr-xr-x3 mike mike 4096 Dec 28 21:24 ../
   -rwxr-xr-x1 mike mike   52 Dec 28 09:51 HW*
   -rw-r--r--1 mike mike0 Dec 28 09:49 HW~
   If I execute the script any where but /practice_script/ I get this
   [mike@avatar mike]$ ./HW
   bash: ./HW: No such file or directory
  When you call it from anywhere else except the directory where it's
  located how are you calling it? for instance...if yo're in /home/mike
  and you want to call the script you would call it this way:
  bin/practice_script/HW   [enter]
  Is this how you're doing it?


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Re: [newbie] LAN/firewall setup

2003-01-01 Thread Dan LaBine
Dennis; Your setup is almost correct. First of all, is your firewall/router a PC or an 
appliance? Either way, I suggest you modify your set up as follows;

1) Cablemodem to switch - eth0 (using DHCP-client) - Your ISP will probably want to 
assign an IP address for you. Use the Cat5 cable they provided for this connection - 
cable is probably 5 or 6 feet long and it came with the cablemodem.

2) Assuming you have the ability to re-configure your firewall/router, change the IP 
address related to eth1 to, and make sure that all PC's use this IP as 
their Gateway IP. Connect a straight-through Cat5 cable from eth1 to the switch's 
input or to a standard input on the switch if it doesn't have a port labelled 
Uplink. Please note that some switches will have 2 ports connected together by a 
small line (graphic line, not an electronic line). This usually means that you can use 
one port or the other BUT NOT BOTH. One will usually be labelled UpLink and the 
other will be a standard port.

3) Connect all other PC's to the switch making sure that none of them use 
as their IP address - it's already been used by your firewall/router, and can be seen 
by the other computers. Again, I stress,...Make sure that you set all other machines 
to use as their Gateway IP, and make sure that NONE of them use as their own IP.

4) Make sure that your firewall/router allows for I.C.S. (Internet Connection 
Sharing), or N.A.T. (Network Address Translation). While you're at it, make sure that 
you set your DNS IP adresses on each computer for the DNS servers of your ISP.

If you're running a PC as your firewall/router, check the configuration so that it 
allows for I.C.S. or N.A.T., and restart it. Check your Firewall/Router for an 
Internet connection, and if that works, you know that all other machines should now be 
connected. If they can't connect, it's because the firewall/router is not allowing 
them to, and you'll need to either read your owner's manual, or send back aonther 
email with a detailed breakdown of how the Firewall/Router PC is configured.

More info regarding the Firewall/Router would be an asset, here. Is it an appliance? 
If so, what brand and model. Is it a PC? If so, which firewall product and O/S is 
running on it?

Hope this helps!



On 1/1/2003 at 5:11 PM Dennis Myers wrote:

Below is the way I think my network should be wired. However, I can not
anything to connect  with the set up shown. What I have is both eth0 and
on the firewall going into the switch and then an uplink cable going to
cablemodem. If I wire the way I think it should be I can not ping the
or connect to the internet.  All computers can connect and function fine
the wrong set up. However, I don't feel comfortable that my firewall is
really protecting me.  This has to be some simple thing I am doing wrong
I have tried for months to make it work and no go. Any ideas or howtos
might clear the mud from my mind?  Suggestions are appreciated.

   |  eth1
   firewall/router  eth0
   network switch
   |   |   | .

Dennis M.  linux user # 180842

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Dan LaBine
Maximum Lans
(514) 489-7825
6915 Fielding Ave.
Suite # 228
Montreal, Quebec,
H4V 1P4

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RE: [newbie] Linux W2000

2003-01-01 Thread A. Contreras
The installation partition utility has worked for me in the past. Back up
your data and give it a try. If it fails, well, rebuilding a box is half the
fun anyway (that's how I rationalize it)

A. Contreras
My CR website:

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of walt
Sent: Wednesday, January 01, 2003 6:11 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Linux  W2000

Just back up any data you need and just start over again..I've had
nothing but trouble with partition magic and resizing partitions without
loosing data.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Smiley
Sent: Wednesday, January 01, 2003 7:05 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux  W2000

On Wed, 1 Jan 2003 23:30:02 -
Aurélio Diniz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Don't even think about resizing your win2k partition with diskdrake.
It can
 mess up your win2k.

I didn't :)

 I used partition magic 7 and all worked fine.

I was reported PM 6 could mess all things up;
if 7 is okay, good :-)

Now I.m going to ask my friend if that's okay,
so any other hint is welcome!


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Re: [newbie] Linux W2000

2003-01-01 Thread FemmeFatale
At 11:38 PM 1/1/2003 +0100, you wrote:

Hi, I know this topic isn't exactly new :)
but I need help in order to allow a friend of
mine to get rid of W2000 :-D

What I need is to know how he can resize
(avoiding reinstallation) of W2000 without
losing any datas...

I know diskdrake can't do that...
So, any suggestion about Partition Magic
or everything else?


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PM Is the only way.  Least that I found.  I'm not willing to fuck wiht the 
Ranish partitioner.

It sucks...but what can you do.


Good Decisions You boss Made:
We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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[newbie] VMWare issues AND 8.2 and 9.0 install issues

2003-01-01 Thread A. Contreras
 Ah, fresh news even as I type, now I get a different error installing
8.2... Error in Exec of stage 2 FATAL ERROR IN STAGE1: not a  directory.
Starting to question the CDROM drive...

It was the @#$$$ CD drive. Folks, that's what happens when you take in
orphan PCs.

The plan is to move the web serving portion of my site below from the WIN2k
server to this new-to-me box, and either leave the database where it is or
move that too, not sure yet.

A. Contreras
My CR website:

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Re: [newbie] Linux W2000

2003-01-01 Thread erylon hines
On Wednesday 01 January 2003 03:30 pm, you wrote:
 Don't even think about resizing your win2k partition with diskdrake. It can
 mess up your win2k.
 I used partition magic 7 and all worked fine.

It is o.k. to use diskdrake IF the W2k partition is FAT.  If it is NTFS you 
shouldn't try it.  Partition Magic will work, but it will only do ext2, and 
be careful--it can mess up your partition table (for sure--it has happened to 
me).  Never use Partition Magic and then allow DiskDrake to change any 
partiton sizing, do any formatting, etc.  If you use Part Magic, do 
everything with it, including assigning the /, swap and /home.  Then just 
point DiskDrake at the pre-made partitions during the install.


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Re: [newbie] Writing on NTFS partitions

2003-01-01 Thread Robin Turner
Smiley wrote:

On Wed, 1 Jan 2003 23:18:50 -
Aurélio Diniz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I don't if anyone posted this question before:
Is there anyway that i can put my linux box to write on my win2k (NTFS) partitions?
Till now, i'm using a small fat partition to put my linux files that i want to open in windows but the process is quite boring..

Since I have a problem related to your, the reply is: last time I heard, the feature was  in development, it seems $MS$
is not so happy 'bout that and tried to stop the work...

Sounds juicy - tell more!

I'm happy because I just squelched a proposal to get
XP on our department's computers.

Sir Robin

Do unto others what you would like others to do unto you. And have fun 
doing it.
- Linus Torvalds

Robin Turner
Bilkent University
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Linux W2000

2003-01-01 Thread Smiley
On Wed, 1 Jan 2003 17:05:05 -0800
erylon hines [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It is o.k. to use diskdrake IF the W2k partition is FAT.  If it is NTFS you 
 shouldn't try it. 

Uhm... I was just told diskdrake can resize ntfs partition, but can't move datas; 
so defragging on W2000 and being sure how much space does the os really
takes on the partition could do the trick... do you know if that way could do
the trick...?


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Re: [newbie] Linux W2000

2003-01-01 Thread Chuck Burns
On Wed, 2003-01-01 at 19:05, erylon hines wrote:
snip previous-reply
It is o.k. to use diskdrake IF the W2k partition is FAT.  If it is NTFS you 
shouldn't try it.  Partition Magic will work, but it will only do ext2, and 
be careful--it can mess up your partition table (for sure--it has happened to 
me).  Never use Partition Magic and then allow DiskDrake to change any 
partiton sizing, do any formatting, etc.  If you use Part Magic, do 
everything with it, including assigning the /, swap and /home.  Then just 
point DiskDrake at the pre-made partitions during the install.

Why is that? I've used PM for years with my Linux installs, and all I do
is resize the FAT32/NTFS partition(s), and then create the *nix
partitions with the DiskDrake, cfdisk, et al.  Never had a problem with
it.  The *onl* PM problems I've ever encountered was when I was running
XP, and ran the program from inside XP, and it rebooted to do the actual
resizing.. but if I use the rescue disks to do the resizing, I never
have a problem.


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Re: [newbie] Mozilla

2003-01-01 Thread Todd Franklin

no problem. glad to help

Chris wrote:

  On Wednesday 01 January 2003 04:47 pm, Todd Franklin decided to hunt and peck 
on the keyboard and typed:
try deleting the .mozilla folder in your profile first.  then start mozilla

Chris wrote:

  Somehow my mozilla setup apparently got fubared, ie..if I try to print a
site it shuts down.  I think the only way to fix it is to remove it and
reinstall. My question is what is the easiest/best way to remove it. I
assume that once its removed I can reinstall from the Mandrake install

Thanks Todd, looks like it worked.  Good thing I saved my original .mozilla 
folder to another dir though as it was full of my bookmarks etc.  Learned 
something new again today, thanks again.


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Re: [newbie] LAN/firewall setup

2003-01-01 Thread Dennis Myers
On Wednesday 01 January 2003 06:47 pm, Dan LaBine wrote:
 Dennis; Your setup is almost correct. First of all, is your firewall/router
 a PC or an appliance? Either way, I suggest you modify your set up as

 1) Cablemodem to switch - eth0 (using DHCP-client) - Your ISP will probably
 want to assign an IP address for you. Use the Cat5 cable they provided for
 this connection - cable is probably 5 or 6 feet long and it came with the

 2) Assuming you have the ability to re-configure your firewall/router,
 change the IP address related to eth1 to, and make sure that
 all PC's use this IP as their Gateway IP. Connect a straight-through Cat5
 cable from eth1 to the switch's input or to a standard input on the switch
 if it doesn't have a port labelled Uplink. Please note that some switches
 will have 2 ports connected together by a small line (graphic line, not an
 electronic line). This usually means that you can use one port or the other
 BUT NOT BOTH. One will usually be labelled UpLink and the other will be a
 standard port.

 3) Connect all other PC's to the switch making sure that none of them use as their IP address - it's already been used by your
 firewall/router, and can be seen by the other computers. Again, I
 stress,...Make sure that you set all other machines to use as
 their Gateway IP, and make sure that NONE of them use as their
 own IP.

 4) Make sure that your firewall/router allows for I.C.S. (Internet
 Connection Sharing), or N.A.T. (Network Address Translation). While you're
 at it, make sure that you set your DNS IP adresses on each computer for the
 DNS servers of your ISP.

 If you're running a PC as your firewall/router, check the configuration so
 that it allows for I.C.S. or N.A.T., and restart it. Check your
 Firewall/Router for an Internet connection, and if that works, you know
 that all other machines should now be connected. If they can't connect,
 it's because the firewall/router is not allowing them to, and you'll need
 to either read your owner's manual, or send back aonther email with a
 detailed breakdown of how the Firewall/Router PC is configured.

 More info regarding the Firewall/Router would be an asset, here. Is it an
 appliance? If so, what brand and model. Is it a PC? If so, which firewall
 product and O/S is running on it?

 Hope this helps!



 On 1/1/2003 at 5:11 PM Dennis Myers wrote:
 Below is the way I think my network should be wired. However, I can not
 anything to connect  with the set up shown. What I have is both eth0 and
 on the firewall going into the switch and then an uplink cable going to
 cablemodem. If I wire the way I think it should be I can not ping the
 or connect to the internet.  All computers can connect and function fine
 the wrong set up. However, I don't feel comfortable that my firewall is
 really protecting me.  This has to be some simple thing I am doing wrong
 I have tried for months to make it work and no go. Any ideas or howtos
 might clear the mud from my mind?  Suggestions are appreciated.
  cablemodem  eth1
  firewall/router  eth0
  network switch .
 Dennis M.  linux user # 180842
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to

 Dan LaBine
 Maximum Lans
 (514) 489-7825
 6915 Fielding Ave.
 Suite # 228
 Montreal, Quebec,
 H4V 1P4
Short on info, sorry.  The firewall/router is homebuilt pc running MNF, I have 
had SNF and IPCOP running on it also.  The computer is a older SOYO mb with a 
K6II 266 processor running with 128mb sdram. Has two NICs in it and I was 
thinking of running another as one of the computers attached is  my web 
server and I will put that in a DMZ once I figure out what is going haywire 
on me. So for now I am trying to run MNF which has smoothwall as its base.  
Thanks for any feed back and help. I will reexam what I have and see if that 
will get it going. 
Dennis M.  linux user # 180842

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[newbie] uninstalling Mandrake

2003-01-01 Thread Steve Mendizabal
Anyone know where I can find the docs to uninstall Mandrake as well as lilo?



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Re: [newbie] uninstalling Mandrake

2003-01-01 Thread Pilagá
El Jue 02 Ene 2003 00:17, Steve Mendizabal escribió:
 Anyone know where I can find the docs to uninstall Mandrake as well as



1. Make a bootable floppy (You will need 'fdisk' in there.)
2. Boot from that floppy, and at prompt, type: 'fdisk /mbr' (without quottes) 
This will remove lilo.
3. Then, run 'fdisk' and just delete linux partitions.


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[newbie] System Integrity

2003-01-01 Thread Matt Harrison
This may be a big newbie question, but when I have to,  on the rare 
occasion (like with Tux Racer), shut down my system due to lockup.  I 
always have it run the system integrity check, but my question is, when 
it tells me that my system is (Insert % here) noncontiguous, how do I 
make it contiguous again?


Matt Harrison

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Re: [newbie] LAN/firewall setup

2003-01-01 Thread Dennis Myers
On Wednesday 01 January 2003 06:47 pm, Dan LaBine wrote:
 Dennis; Your setup is almost correct. First of all, is your firewall/router
 a PC or an appliance? Either way, I suggest you modify your set up as

 1) Cablemodem to switch - eth0 (using DHCP-client) - Your ISP will probably
 want to assign an IP address for you. Use the Cat5 cable they provided for
 this connection - cable is probably 5 or 6 feet long and it came with the

 2) Assuming you have the ability to re-configure your firewall/router,
 change the IP address related to eth1 to, and make sure that
 all PC's use this IP as their Gateway IP. Connect a straight-through Cat5
 cable from eth1 to the switch's input or to a standard input on the switch
 if it doesn't have a port labelled Uplink. Please note that some switches
 will have 2 ports connected together by a small line (graphic line, not an
 electronic line). This usually means that you can use one port or the other
 BUT NOT BOTH. One will usually be labelled UpLink and the other will be a
 standard port.

 3) Connect all other PC's to the switch making sure that none of them use as their IP address - it's already been used by your
 firewall/router, and can be seen by the other computers. Again, I
 stress,...Make sure that you set all other machines to use as
 their Gateway IP, and make sure that NONE of them use as their
 own IP.

 4) Make sure that your firewall/router allows for I.C.S. (Internet
 Connection Sharing), or N.A.T. (Network Address Translation). While you're
 at it, make sure that you set your DNS IP adresses on each computer for the
 DNS servers of your ISP.

 If you're running a PC as your firewall/router, check the configuration so
 that it allows for I.C.S. or N.A.T., and restart it. Check your
 Firewall/Router for an Internet connection, and if that works, you know
 that all other machines should now be connected. If they can't connect,
 it's because the firewall/router is not allowing them to, and you'll need
 to either read your owner's manual, or send back aonther email with a
 detailed breakdown of how the Firewall/Router PC is configured.

 More info regarding the Firewall/Router would be an asset, here. Is it an
 appliance? If so, what brand and model. Is it a PC? If so, which firewall
 product and O/S is running on it?

 Hope this helps!



 On 1/1/2003 at 5:11 PM Dennis Myers wrote:
 Below is the way I think my network should be wired. However, I can not
 anything to connect  with the set up shown. What I have is both eth0 and
 on the firewall going into the switch and then an uplink cable going to
 cablemodem. If I wire the way I think it should be I can not ping the
 or connect to the internet.  All computers can connect and function fine
 the wrong set up. However, I don't feel comfortable that my firewall is
 really protecting me.  This has to be some simple thing I am doing wrong
 I have tried for months to make it work and no go. Any ideas or howtos
 might clear the mud from my mind?  Suggestions are appreciated.
  cablemodem  eth1
  firewall/router  eth0
  network switch .

Still not right, what is meant by 1. above? Cable modem to switch- eth0, I 
don't understand that, the modem has no ethernet card, but it connects with 
the switch in the uplink position?  Sorry, I must be dense when trying to 
make this connection.  Or it's late and I must go to bed now. Happy New year 
all, 2003 will be interesting.  :  )
Dennis M.  linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] LAN/firewall setup

2003-01-01 Thread Lanman
Dennis; Start by Losing MNF. Dump it completely. It's way too complex a firewall 
solution for your network.
Do a fresh install of Smoothwall, and apply all the updates, then configure Smoothwall 
for your requirements
following the suggestions I sent in my last email.

For your requirments, you can also look at running Mandrake 8.0 and installing 
Firestarter, Shorewall, Bastille,
etc, and run your web-site directly on the firewall system using Apache. Add a larger 
chunk of Ram, and a
decent sized hard drive (10 to 40 Gigs), and you could also run Samba (Windows  File 
Sharing), and ProFTPD
(FTP Server) on it without too much hassle. Your life will be much simpler, and you'll 
have a lot more Free time
for important things like BEER or Women!

MNF is based on Mandrake 8.2, and customized to work as a firewall/router PLUS a 
Front-End Server for larger
networks, and is therefore overly complex for a home network. It also requires a fair 
amount of maintenance on a
regular basis. Kinda like using Thor's hammer to fix your watch!

By the sound of your reply, you have more than one Firewall package running on this 
box. You should consider
losing the others, and reverting to an older Mandrake version, or give E-Smith a 
try. Here's the link;

It comes with a web-server, email server, DNS, etc included. EZ to install too. Who 
needs a DMZ when the one box
can do it all? A friend of mine has been running E-Smith for about 2 years on a 
P233MMX with 20 web-sites, 3 FTP
servers, 6 email servers with NO downtime. Comes with a web-based interface as well. 
Might be worth looking at
for your system, but MNF is way too heavy for your setup.

Just my 2 cents.


Short on info, sorry.  The firewall/router is homebuilt pc running MNF, I
had SNF and IPCOP running on it also.  The computer is a older SOYO mb
with a
K6II 266 processor running with 128mb sdram. Has two NICs in it and I was
thinking of running another as one of the computers attached is  my web
server and I will put that in a DMZ once I figure out what is going
on me. So for now I am trying to run MNF which has smoothwall as its base.

Thanks for any feed back and help. I will reexam what I have and see if
will get it going.
Dennis M.  linux user # 180842

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Dan LaBine
Maximum Lans
(514) 489-7825
6915 Fielding Ave.
Suite # 228
Montreal, Quebec,
H4V 1P4

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Re: [newbie] LAN/firewall setup

2003-01-01 Thread Lanman
Dennis; How does your cable modem connect to your switch? Doesn't it have a connection 
for a
standard network cable? Or does it use a USB connector? You should have received a 
cable with 2 network connectors on it (obviously there would be one at each end!). If 
not, it's probably
a USB connector cable. See if you can send me the brand and model of your cable modem. 
I'll see
what I can do to help.

What I meant by #1 is that you should be connecting your cable modem to the 
firewall/router! My Bad!
The cable modem should have a normal network port on it, or it should have a special 
cable to connect
from the cable modem to your firewall/router PC, either using a standard network port 
or a USB port on
the firewall/router box.

In other words, cable modem to firewall/router, firewall/router to switch, switch to 
PC's in your network.
That's the way your wiring should be connected.

I apologize for the confusion.



On 1/1/2003 at 10:18 PM Dennis Myers wrote:
Still not right, what is meant by 1. above? Cable modem to switch- eth0, I
don't understand that, the modem has no ethernet card, but it connects
the switch in the uplink position?  Sorry, I must be dense when trying to
make this connection.  Or it's late and I must go to bed now. Happy New
all, 2003 will be interesting.  :  )
Dennis M.  linux user # 180842

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Dan LaBine
Maximum Lans
(514) 489-7825
6915 Fielding Ave.
Suite # 228
Montreal, Quebec,
H4V 1P4

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[newbie] msec customization

2003-01-01 Thread mike
I made a change to my /var/lib/msec/security/security.conf file. 
CHECK_PROMISC=yes and I was wondering how to apply this change?
My msec is set to level 3 but I want to enable this security check.Thanx.
Michael Shinobi a.k.a. 'alfalfa'
Mandrake 8.2
Linux user #298896
Thu Jan 2 01:02:40 EST 2003
1:02am up 1 day, 3:11, 2 users, load average: 0.07, 0.06, 0.03
Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love. -- 
Albert Einstein

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[newbie] Which file records info about previous sessions?

2003-01-01 Thread Rob Lindsay
Hello all. Happy New Year.

Am running LM8.1 and have tried to get KwikDisk to run.

All that happens is that it tries to launch and appears to fail.

However when I logout and restart X I appear to have 9? instances of KwikDisk 
trying to start. I'd like to purge this activity from the startup process.

I have KDiskFree working OK.



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[newbie] Unable to surf and do e-mail

2003-01-01 Thread Matthew Dunaway
I have Mandrake 9.0 Power Pack (boxed set) It installed without a hitch. 
I was able to connect to my ISP and surf and do e-mail. When I was done, 
I disconnected from my ISP. When I went back on-line, nothing. Mandrake 
would connect to my ISP, but that's all. I can't surf or do e-mail. I 
did not change any settings or anything. Now I am using SuSE to write 
this message. I would really like to go back to Mandrake, but not if I 
can't use the web or e-mail. Anybody have a solution??

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